#oh right. katsu sauce.
mod2amaryllis · 3 months
What's cosmic depression?
when you're depressed but in the cosmos
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olichat-reads · 11 months
Imagine | ProHero!Bakugou x Villain!Reader #2
a/n: I felt like writing some insight to what i meant when i say you and bakugou working together is somehow worse than you two going against each other. Because, yes, its that bad haha.
she/her reader
Imagine being tangled in wires and each other like cats in yarn, with you strapped to katsu's leg, trying to wiggle yourself free like a dying fish while reading the manual upside down for katsu who is frantically defusing a bomb with only his left hand because his right is stuck to your face.
"Why do we always end up like this?"
"20 years of friendship and i still have no fucking clue."
"Red wire or white?"
*sigh of god's most tortured soul*
"Y/n. I only have one hand free."
"Well good for you. I have none. Now. Flip- OW. OW KATSU MY HAIR. MY HAIRRR"
*3 minutes left on timer*
*incoherent screeching*
Its usually why you rarely have anyone else on comms- because no one can stand you guys' stupid 😭.
"Red, are you hearing this psychopath??"
"Shitty hair, if you take her side I'm going to blast your ass into next thursday-"
"Don't threaten him into admitting you were right! You KNOW you're fucking NOT."
*red has left the call*
*pinky has come online*
"...HI GUYS PINKY HERE. Red had to um-"
"Pinky please tell this psycho that hot sauce in coffee is fUCKING-"
"Ohhhh its you two...... Yea, nope :D." *call disconnected*
But weirdly no one is ever too worried about you two fucking up on missions. You're both the best in the field. Feral, reckless and a little insane? Sure. But you get the job done.
A cross between lawful evil and chaotic evil.
"Can we just kill him?"
"...can i just kill him?"
"You've read the file! I'll be doing the world a favour by offing trash like him."
"This world has laws that you are binded to. And the law said fucking no."
"How am I supposed to live, laugh, love in this conditions?"
*big sigh*
"Fine. Mess him up. No killing. Death's too good for him."
":D!! I feel like I should be worried about the number one hero's morals but FUCK YEAH! VIOLENCE! >:D"
You're also not against smacking the stupid out of your bestfriend, especially when he gets a little too reckless on the job. Injured or not. It never works but it makes you feel better at least.
"Please stop getting shot. It stresses me out."
"Oh well if you don't fucking like it- PUT THOSE HANDS AWAY I'M INJURED YOU HEARTLESS WENCH-"
Its not just him tho. You're BOTH stupid. It goes both ways. ✨️ b a l a n c e ✨️
"Why are you like this."
"Idk, man. I think its the anxiety."
"'I haVe aNxiETy' she says, yeeting herself out the window because the elevator is 'sUS'."
"Small spaces makes me twitchy-"
"( ; ω ; )"
"Fuck you."
"I deserve that."
I feel like as much as it seems like a bad idea for both parties involved, neither you can help that your work life bleeds into your regular life as well. And you both surprisingly manage it well around each other.
"Have you heard about that new hero??"
"You talking about that air brained newbie?"
"Oh my god, so he WAS dumb! I literally thought you guys were using him as bait!"
"We weren't. He's just fucking stupid."
"I almost felt bad knocking him out :("
"Nah, you're fine. In fact, you should've hit him harder. Maybe give him a concussion or hell a scar as a souvenir. Make sure the lesson fucking sticks."
"You are worryingly condoning of violence for the number one hero, Katsu."
"Bitch, have you met me?"
Another thing that i thing could go awfully wrong is literally planning out your work plans together but you two are just??? So trusting of the other to never double cross you.
"Wait, what? Why the fuck would you do that?"
"Because thats the nearest and fastest exit to the train station. I can cut down on 10 whole minutes and i need that time to catch the train."
"But its the riskiest, you fucking dumbass. Look, you have four other exits WHY would you pick the one you KNOW the heroes would target?"
"Because MATHS SAID-"
"You know what just let me do it-"
"Katsu no-"
You give each gray hairs but you both of you were ready to risk your neck for the other.
"Having you as my bestfriend is like having an emotionally unstable daughter that never listens."
"There's no buts. You give me migraines."
Yeah. You love each other.
a/n: hehe
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dr3mvaalmar · 8 months
Renewal | Kinktober Day 5
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Pairing: Simeon x Gn! Reader (Obey Me!)
Prompt: Embracing (sfw)
Summary: The reader has doubts over their relationship with Simeon. However, Simeon shows the reader just how much he loves them.
Warnings/Tags: tears, a bit of angst
Inspirational Song: With You - Unplugged by Kalandra
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I tapped my fingers along the table. One. Two. Three. Four. My phone rested beside my hand as a growing ache formed inside me. I desperately wanted to snatch the phone and call Simeon, yet guilt shrouded every thought. Simeon was my lifeline. He was always there to support and encourage me when I didn’t know who to turn to. Now that he distanced himself from me more and more, I felt hesitant to talk with him.
Lately, Simeon has been acting… off. It started a few months ago with him abruptly visiting the celestial realm on Michael’s whim. Then, Simeon would refrain from hugging or kissing me on his days back. It made me feel like an acquaintance, and the aching desire to be with him slowly turned into resentment. All I wanted was my beloved by my side. However, the sparkle in his eye seemed to die out a while ago. What were we lacking that I didn’t understand? Did he not truly love me?
I sighed, my head dipping low until my forehead made contact with the cold surface below. It was all too stressful. My eyes looked perpetually tired. The others, whether it's the demon brothers, Solomon, Luke, or even Diavolo, had mentioned my deterioration in some way or another. I tried my best to care for myself, but the anxiety was too much.
I need to do something. Now.
Various methods and solutions came to mind, but none seemed to fit what I needed. I considered talking to Simeon directly, but he was off on another excursion. Unfortunately, he didn’t tell me the details or where he was going, so I had no idea when he’d be back.
If I wanted answers, I would have to do something I would never dare do under normal circumstances. I weighed the morality of my actions in my head for some time but decided it was a risk worth taking. I would sneak into Simeon’s room. I didn’t care if anyone caught me at this point. I needed to know what was going on.
I texted Luke to see if he was available. Unfortunately, I didn’t receive a reply from him. Then, I tried Solomon. The familiar chime of my phone going off alerted me. I snatched the device, seeing the bold name of Solomon on the screen.
‘Can I stop by Purgatory Hall?’ I texted Solomon. ‘I left my book in Simeon’s room’
‘Of course, you’re always welcome here,’ Solomon replied quickly. His text made me smile, but the corner of my lips felt heavy from what I was about to do. I’ve done worse, right? But it felt so wrong imposing on Simeon’s private dorm…
I entered Purgatory Hall shortly after I received Solomon’s text. I felt on edge, my eyes flittering with every movement around me. What would happen if someone saw me and knew what I was doing? However, I felt more comfortable with Solomon being my accomplice than Luke or any of the brothers.
“Welcome, (Y/n),” Solomon greeted as I entered. I flashed him a warm smile and a greeting of my own. He seemed dressed up, which was a bit unusual.
“Are you going anywhere?” I asked, referring to the outfit. Solomon looked away for a moment and then nodded.
“Ah, yes. I have important business in the human world to attend to,” Solomon admitted, a slight frown on his lips. “I would love to stay, but I can’t. No worries, though. I did make some chicken katsu with homemade tonkatsu sauce. You’re free to have as much as you’d like.”
My skin shivered inadvertently, and I hoped he didn’t notice my aversion. He just looked at me patiently, face ignorantly in bliss. I shook my head.
“No, thank you,” I said, holding my hand up. “I already ate before I got here. We can save some for leftovers.”
Hopefully, that will make him feel better. Solomon didn’t seem so dejected.
“Oh well, maybe next time,” he replied, side-stepping past me towards the door. “I’ll be off now. I wish you luck on finding your book, (Y/n).”
“Thank you,” I replied. Then something hit me. “Wait! Solomon.”
Solomon turned his head curiously. I faltered.
“If you see Simeon, could you text me?” I asked, clutching my hands together. He nodded before saying his goodbyes. The house seemed so empty now.
“I guess I’ll get this over with,” I muttered to myself.
I walked to Simeon’s room. When I turned the doorknob, a fresh aroma hit me. The room still held the scent of sandalwood with undertones of gardenia from when he was last residing here. Everything looked perfectly in place. The gilded wallpaper gleamed in the early morning light. Fresh sheets tucked into his bed with a faint smell of fresh linen. His desk was clean, lacking excessive pens or papers. Everything was right where it should be.
I sat down on his bed, a rush of emotions coming over me. I remembered when Simeon would lie on this bed with me, his arms curling tightly around me. His breath would tickle my neck as I felt the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. His sleepy voice would ring like a melody, praising me with every whisper. Where was that sweet angel now? Where did I fit into the picture if I can’t so much as see him?
My face plummeted as my thoughts became more and more pessimistic. Maybe Simeon was too good for me. I was a human, and he was the embodiment of perfection. If we stayed together, it would undoubtedly upset his status as an angel in the celestial realm. What was I thinking about agreeing to be together? Would it be better if… we weren’t?
My eyes burned, and I felt a familiar sense of hopelessness. There was no happy ending for us, was there? The strength of our relationship was wasting away. The burning fire inside me was just a smoldering flame.
“Come on, (Y/n),” I whispered to myself. “Get it together.”
Yes, I was supposed to rummage through his belongings. Simeon’s personal belongings. They always seemed forbidden to touch. I would always wait until Simeon would show me on his own accord. He would often read to me some of his writings or tell me about something that piqued his interest. I never barraged him for answers. But there was no Simeon to talk to at the moment.
I started with his desk, gently scanning and moving anything that may be of interest. I found some inkwells and spare quills. There was a manila folder, but as I peered inside, it was nothing but unfinished writings. Next to these was a wax stamp and red wax beads. Simeon’s letters were always so professional to the most minute details. In the larger compartments of the desk, I discovered a personal journal. Upon flipping through it, it just seemed like ramblings and thoughts—nothing related. There were quite a few envelopes, some even hand-crafted. My heart pounded in my chest as I found a picture between the papers. It was a glossy photograph of Simeon and I. We were at the carnival enjoying celestial-realm-flavored popcorn and a beautiful background of the festivities and rides. Our faces were full of joy. It felt so uncanny under these new circumstances.
I placed the picture back before closing the drawer. I turned my head, looking around his room. It was very sparse. There were some chairs and hanging paintings, and the curtains on the windows were slightly ajar to allow just enough light inside. I was running out of options.
There was Simeon’s bookshelf. It wasn’t much and didn’t compare to the library, but it held special meaning to him. Simeon would keep some of his journals, personal writings, and books he enjoyed on those shelves. There wasn’t much room left, so he stored the others safely in the celestial realm. I wondered if anything was important here or if he left them elsewhere.
Gingerly, I started pulling off books one by one. I replaced them in their respective spot, ensuring Simeon didn’t notice my presence. Each book seemed different from the next. Some were in various scripts I couldn’t read, others were old English literature, and some were more modern. I couldn’t help but read a few excerpts. I could see why he liked these works in particular.
As I reached the middle shelf, I pulled out an especially thick book. It felt lighter than the others, which surprised me. I almost knocked the book into me as I pulled it out. My curiosity grew as I noticed the cover was all but blank. The edges were carefully etched with filigree and formed with precision. The leather was worn, but the old book smell was pleasant. I opened up, only to hear the familiar sound of papers spilling around me. 
Looking below, I gasped as I saw countless papers spread across the floor. I was scared to move, or else I’d step on them. Each sheet was folded perfectly inside the hollow book. I wondered why Simeon would keep so many hidden.
I bent down and grabbed a few of the papers. I should probably put them back because it’ll be too difficult to replicate the order they were in. However, I might as well read them since I was already here.
None of them were encased in an envelope or entrapped in red wax. I took the first one of my pile, and my eyes widened with each word. At first, I expected them to be addressed to Michael or one of the angels Simeon assists with. However, each letter was written to me.
Each paper I sporadically picked up held the same heading, “Dear (Y/n)...” I fervently checked each one, realizing the intensity of what I discovered. I was scared to read them. Though, there was no mistake that it was intended for me.
I took one of the papers, my eyes scanned each line:
As time elapses and celestial bodies trace their ordained path, my heart remains eternally tethered to your beautiful visage. Your laughter is more mellifluous than a chanting seraphim. To savor your fleeting mirth is beyond any pleasure mankind could fathom. Every fleeting moment, I covet to the very depths of my being. The thought of you is a beacon as I traverse the vast expanse of the heavens. Even though we are distances apart, you are always a heartbeat away in my thoughts.
“(Y/n)? Is that you?” a voice called out as I finished reading. My eyes darted up, and my breathing constricted. There, in the doorway, was Simeon.
His eyes slowly trailed down to the mess on the floor. I dropped the letter in shock, unsure of how to explain myself. Simeon didn’t dare move. It was obvious of my schemes. Of all people, I didn’t expect him to be here.
“I’m so sorry, Simeon,” I said, letting the tears spill over my cheeks. “I… I didn’t mean to. I mean, I did, but—”
Without another word, I felt the familiar warmth of Simeon’s body as he enveloped me in his arms. I cast a furtive glance to the side. To my horror, I felt tears that weren’t my own spill onto my skin. It was as if he could read every thought on my mind.
“I can’t keep up this charade anymore,” Simeon whispered, his voice low and quivering. “I should be the one apologizing.”
“No, Simeon,” I retorted, my arms reluctantly embracing his shaking form. “I’m happy to see you, but something has been bothering me. Just tell me the truth. Please.”
Simeon seemed reluctant, but it didn’t take long for him to confess. He told me everything. He was tasked with a risky mission to dismiss an ancient curse in the celestial realm. However, it was draining him, and he wanted nothing more than to protect me. Simeon distancing himself was a way of not getting me involved. The other angels swore an oath of secrecy, hence his distance.
“(Y/n), I need you,” Simeon said, his fingers digging into my hair. “If I didn’t have to follow orders—if I could only reject the expectations on me, I would do so without another moment to spare. I felt so lonely without you. I escaped from the other angels the moment Solomon notified me of your distress.”
Distress? What did Solomon tell him? That sly devil…
I parted from Simeon, looking into his gleaming eyes. He seemed so different than I imagined angels to be. So vulnerable, so frail. I lifted my hand to cup his cheek.
“I thought I lost you,” I began, rubbing my thumb in circles. “Yet you never forgot about me for a moment. Simeon, I… I love you so much.”
For a brief moment, the sorrow on Simeon’s face diminished. He seemed overjoyed by my words, but then the weight of our circumstance befell us both. We knew we needed to stay together, but how could we avoid the unavoidable? Angels couldn’t defy their sworn duty, not without repercussion.
“(Y/n),” Simeon whispered, kissing my forehead. “Come with me. Let’s go to the celestial realm together. There are so many wonders I want to show you. So much I want to experience together.”
My brows furrowed, but my body relaxed at his words, “What about the other angels? What will they think? I don’t want to get you in trouble, Simeon.”
“My love, don’t forget I’m your guardian angel,” Simeon affirmed, smiling radiantly despite his tear-stained face. “What angel would I be if I didn’t stay by your side? Don’t heed their senseless judgment.”
With that, I felt at ease again. My face twitched as I resisted the urge to cry some more. Not out of sadness, no. I felt like Simeon delved into the very depths of my heart. He said everything I needed to hear, and now there was no doubt in my mind. I would journey him across the vast expanse of the universe. No longer will I be alone.
I gripped his hand, clutching as if he would fade any moment from now. Together. We would defy the very strings that restricted us.
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ladykissingfish · 1 year
What would be funny as a sequel to the tomato smoothie thing would be the akatsuki trying to set up a nice peaceful dinner for konan and Nagato but they just make it chaotic and catastrophic because they just can't behave
*Nagato and Konan walk into the dining room and pause in surprise; the table is set for two and there’s a fancy tablecloth and candles*
Konan: What is this?
Hidan: *pulling out her chair for her* We were thinking, you cook for us every fuckin’ night. But we don’t do shit for you. So me, red-eyes, mask-boy and blondie made dinner for you and bony-arms!
Nagato: While I don’t appreciate that name, I do appreciate this gesture. *sits across from Konan*
Konan: Oh, this is so lovely. And you made chicken Alfredo, my favorite!
Konan: *swirls fettuccine noodles on her fork and takes a bite; face turns red and she starts coughing*
Nagato: *jumps up and frantically claps her on the back* What’s in this?!
Deidara: Chili powder, cayenne pepper, paprika, Cajun seasoning …
Nagato: In an Alfredo sauce??
Hidan: Blonde-bitch wanted it to be spicy. Even though we ALL told him it was a fuckin’  stupid idea …
Deidara: Fuck you, you demonic asshole. Just because YOU can’t make anything but bland garbage doesn’t mean that —
Konan, after guzzling water: I’m sure you meant well. Er, there’s something about the sauce I can’t quite figure out. 
Hidan: Ohhh, that. Well ideally you’re supposed to use heavy cream and shit, right? But we were out of that so -
Itachi: I improvised and used a mix of plain yogurt and milk instead. The milk was a teeny bit expired but only by five or so days.
Konan: I —
Tobi: Tobi made garlic bread, Konan and Leader!
Tobi: *brings out a loaf of white bread with a big clump of garlic cloves stuck in the middle*
Nagato: It’s … it’s lovely …
Deidara: Save room for dessert, hm! *brings out a 3-layer chocolate cake and sets it in middle of table* We worked extra hard on this!
Konan, surprised: Goodness, that looks absolutely amazing! It looks like it was made in a professional bakery! I can’t wait to —
Deidara: *raises two fingers* KATSU!!
*the cake explodes, covering everyone in a shower of chocolate*
Hidan: You stupid dick! We agreed no fucking explosives!!
Deidara: That cake wasn’t artistic without them!! Especially since Uchiha’s blind ass couldn’t read the recipe and put in 20 cups of sugar instead of 2! 
Tobi: But the sugar made it tasty, Senpai! *switches to Obito voice* And I’ve already warned you not to talk about Itachi like that …
Hidan: What the hell are you gonna do, weirdo? Shove a dango stick in his eye?
*the four of them start yelling and throwing punches at each other*
Konan: … pizza?
Nagato: Mm.
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argumentl · 2 years
The Freedom of Expression Vol:9 - Looking back at the Phalaris tour
Part 2 (To part 1)
J: Well, you toured nationwide, so im sure there are many stories to be told of your travels. So Leader, what have you brought for us...some photos from your trip? You've brought some photos to show, especially for Niconama.
T: Oh, exciting!
J: Ok, lets have a look at the photos that Leader took for us. Here they are! These look interesting. Shall we go through them one by one? Here is the first one. 
*photo shows some old gacha mahines*
T: Whats this? "Jyan jyan no anaba"?
K: This was in Shinsekai, in Osaka...near Tsūtenkaku and stuff. 
T: Its old fashioned. 
K: Yeah, this type of stuff is still around there. 
J: Its has a very Shōwa feel. 
K: The next photo is of the shopping arcade where this is...is arcade the right word? *next photo appears* There, look, you can see the machines at the side. 
J: Oh yeh! A lot of the shops are shut, aren't they?
K: Well, this was about 10:00 or 10:30 at night. 
J: I see. This has character, doesn't it?!
T: Yeah, it does.
K: The thing was, our manager said he wanted to eat kushi katsu, so we came down here to get some. He nearly ate himself to death. 
J, T: haha 
J: Ate himself to death? haha. This street looks kinda scary to walk down, was it ok?
J: Isn't Shinsekai a bit scary?
K: Well, some of the outer areas might be a bit dubious, but its mainly a tourist area, so its totally fine. 
T: Everyone, do you know the guy eating loads...its Fujieda, right? Fuji fuji. 
J: Does he really eat that much?
K: He eats a tonne. 
J: Its like what is he doing there, eating that much??
K: Well, he said he wanted to eat, so its ok, haha. 
J: Ok, next photo please. *photo shows a buffet table* Oh, more food. 
K: This was in the venue in Osaka. At long last, we had a buffet put out. Its usually only been bentos during covid. We couldn't just walk over and get something to eat. 
T: What is that?
J: It looks like rice crackers pilled up.
K: Its katayakisoba, noodles. 
T: noodles?? 
J: Interesting!
K: And you put sauce and stuff on them. 
J: Did the members request those?
K: No...
J: But how did they taste?
K: They were good. 
J: Thats the first time Ive seen katayakisoba in a buffet. 
K: Yeah, same. 
J: When I worked for Rolling Stone, where was it that I came to see you?
K: Osaka, this venue. 
J: Ahh, I remember the buffet. It was so nice!
K: Uh, this was the 20th anniversary for this venue, Namba Hatch. And you know, recently, we played our last live at Shinkiba Studio Coast, that was our 74th live at that venue. Well, on this day at Namba Hatch, it was our 75th time to play there. This is our most played venue. 
J: Oh, amazing! Ok, lets see the next photo. 
*photo of lots of whisky bottles*
J: Oh, again, all of a sudden...
K: This was Kyoto. 
J: Kyoto??
K: I went to the Yamazaki Whisky distillery. You know our manager Fujieda, he loves whisky, well..I drink it too. So, we had a free day in Kyoto, so he said, 'Lets get tickets to tour the facility'. 
T: Haha, he loves it that much. How was it?
K: Well, it was the type of thing you can't usually do, you know, seeing inside the distillery. 
T: Did you see the barrels and stuff?
K: Yeah. 
J: Can you do tastings too?
K: Yeah, you can. 
J: Someone commentd "I wanna drink Hakushu!!" haha. But taking a break during the tour is really important. 
T: Did you get drunk? 
K: Well, I posted this on my blog, I did a little video, well not of the inside. No filming inside. *photo changes to a 25yr old bottle of Macallan* Yeah, they have Macallan in there too. 
T: 25 years old. 
J: I bet thats expensive. 
K: This wasn't for sale. Im not quite sure what it was doing there. 
J: Someone asked, did you buy any whisky for yourself?
K: I bought a bottle of non-aged. You can but that there. 
J: You havn't drunk it yet, have you?
K: No, not yet. Its the type that you wont be able to buy there for much longer.  People keep reselling it. They sell it for three times the price. 
J: Really?? Well, maybe if Hanshin win, we should open it. 
K: No, we need something better than that if Hanshin win. 
J: Ok, lets go for Champagne!
K: Nah, I don't really like Champagne, haha. 
J: Ah, thats a shame...Ok, next photo. 
*photo shows a red carpet leading up the wing to the stage*
K:This is the stage wing. 
T: Ehh? Where? 
K: Well, in the tour venues. Our stage director came up with this idea for our 25th anniversary. He put a red carpet leading up to the stage for us, for when we enter. 
T: Cool!
K: This was for all the venues. 
J: Ah, such a happy thing. The audience can't see this though. Its a gesture of love towards the members. 
K: Yeah, I think so. 
J: So great, a red carpet. Ok, next photo. Oh, its him! You know who this is straight away, right?
K: Who?
J: Haha, its Shinya.
K: This was probably when he was taking the photo to upload to his Instagram. He's needs the light to make it Insta worthy. 
T: You took a photo of that moment?
J: From behind! His most embarrassing moment. You've been caught, Shinya!
K: Hahaha. 
J: Shinya wears white a lot, doesn't he?
K: Yeah, he does. 
J: Have you got any recent stories about Shinya?
K: Stories?
J: There's usually something about the members doing something to him right?
K: Yeh, its only stuff I can't say. 
J: Hahaha 
T: Stuff you can't say?
J: Haha, I feel like I need to hear this now. 
T: Uh, we have some mesages from viewers here, can I just read some of them? 
J: Oh, thank you! Die did this part last time, didn't he?
T: Yeah. Uh, From Yuko san, "How do you feel when you see Shinya playing the drums like crazy during The Perfume of Sins?
K: During lives? I don't have time to look at him. 
T: Haha. There you go!
J: Any more messages? We've been asking for communications from you all. Im not sure about using the word 'communications' these days though. 
T: Ok, this one is about Hotarubi, which we mentioned earlier...from Imo san? "Good evening, Kaoru, Joe, and Tasai. Kaoru, well done on the tour. When I heard Hotarubi on the first date of the tour, I got goosebumps, it was so cool. My question is, is there any reason why you chose Hotarubi for the first day? I love this song, so I was so happy to hear  it. Im looking foward to the next tour!"
K: Well, yeh, it was because it was a fanclub live, we did Hotarubi for that. We usually do this, like, do one irregular song for the fanclub live. 
J: Ahh. Ok, one more please. 
T: Ok, this is from Nanatsu san. "Hi Kaoru. Ive been excited to hear the new songs on tour, but which is the most difficult song to play live on Phalaris? Also, please tell us what to look out for in the 25th anniversary tour. Im also looking forward to Phalaris Vol:2". Please tell Nanatsu san which is the most difficult song to play, or any other difficult parts, if there are any.
K: Well, im always nervous at the start. But on the otherhand, this time, no one knew the songs at first, so they wouldnt know if we messed them up. 
J: Ah, before the release?
K: Like, even if it was awful, they dont know, so...haha. 
J: Well, yeah, but thats part of the enjoyment of watching the first song. 
K: Hm, yeh, I think so. But yeh, the hardest song was probably Schadenfreude. 
J: And being the first song too...You must have been nervous. The audience would enjoy it though. 
K: You know that song starts with Die's acoustic guitar. Its a fade in effect. So with the fade in, you have to start playing first, and then fade in, right? When we first played it, it seemed like some people thought his guitar wasnt working, haha. 
J: Really?? You had that kind of trouble?
K: No, it wasnt trouble. The sound doesnt come out at first, it fades in. So, he's playing with no sound to start. But the audience dont know the song, so some people apparently though the sound was broken, haha. 
J: Ahhh, I see, because of the fade in, f couse. Do you have any other stories, or mishaps to tell us about from this tour?
K: Mishaps?
J: Or like, interesting stories involving the members backstage?.....Oh, we'll save that for the second half. Our producer knows how this is done! Ok, so after this we are gonna dive into the second, but like I just said, we'll have more stories from the tour then. And like we said at the start, we have various ways to pamper, and reward Kaoru, which you can look forward to. Now, how to watch this. The second part of this show is for members only, so you need to subscribe in order to watch to the end. If you subscribe, you can watch this broadcast in the archived for one year, and there will be member only videos to be released later. We have a lot of plans in store for them, so please sign up to watch them. Ok, how to subscribe. Can you all see the blue link at the top of the screen? Leader is pointing to it. If you click this, you will be asked to choose your preferred payment method. Choose your method, and click proceed. Then you can input your details. If you havnt already joined, please do so to enjoy the rest of the show. Ok, we'll leave you for a breif monent while we change over into the second half. A changeover screen will appear, so if you are a member, please wait a moment. If you are not a member, please subscribe to enjoy more tour stories, and our pamperIng of Kaoru.
K: The members only video that we filmed recently was fun, wasn't it?
J: Very fun. 
K: It was wild, haha *snorts while laughing*
J: You just snorted! It was so much fun, Leader snorted! You need to watch this everyone!
K: No, they'll wonder what the hell we are doing. 
J: No, its artistic...artistic! I think the viewers will enjoy it. So, everyone, please look forward to this members only video too! Ok, Leader, a final word from you. 
K: Yep, See you in a min. 
*Info which I gathered from the comments during the paid contents, which are publicly viewable. 
They mention the towel incident at Namba Hatch. 
They talk about underpants preference, with reference to boxer style or otherwise, ck, tiger pattern, fuji patern (Kaoru got given Fuji Q underpants froma fan???).
Talk about tour goods from the last tour.
Kaoru was eating potato salad, but he wanted beer with it.
Then he was talking about all the different veggies he likes to add to it.
They were then trying out a few massage devices. Joe had one of those vibrating massage wands, and was using it in dubuios ways, causing the viewers to scream in the comments. Kaoru had a try with a face massage roller, apprently resembling a cat.
They talk about the upcoming tour, and mention some of the venues. 
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fatexbound · 1 year
@fantomevoleur said: With little time left for preparations, Akira spent the rest of his morning rushing through the crowded Shibuya streets. The plan had been set for Makoto's arrival come lunchtime, meaning everything had to be put together as soon as he arrived back home. The week left him ragged, tired, and exhausted juggling two part-time jobs on top of checking off Mementos targets. He barely slept well the past two days even with Morgana's constant nagging.
Thankfully, it didn't take long to find something of the brunette's interests. And cute too. Once purchased, he caught the next subway train back to Leblanc giving him enough time to cook katsu curry, with a side of sticky rice and plenty of curry sauce.
The jingle from the front door stopped him abruptly, just as he finished decorating Makoto's plate. "Oh...sorry, I should have grabbed the door for you." He sheepishly grinned, but motioned Makoto towards the bar counter. "Grab a seat, birthday girl. I've got a hearty, warm lunch prepared for you, aaaand-" He disappeared behind the counter only to pop right back up, holding a wrapped gift in his hands. "-presents! Go on, open it up." Underneath silver and red paper, there'd be a stationary set pack. Panda-themed. Sticky notes, a new notebook, pencils and pens shaped like bamboo, pencil panda-toppers, even a panda-pencil holder.
"Don't worry about paying for the curry. It's on me today~."
Makoto's birthday | Still accepting
Her day was a rather busy one. She wasn't exempt from her Student Council President duties just because today was her birthday. She had to admit that she didn't expect her peers to pay any special attention to her, and yet, they all wished her a happy birthday and even handed her some cards.
Unexpected but not unpleasant in the slightest.
Come lunch, she recalled that Akira was waiting for her at Leblanc, supposedly, for a surprise. She could already guess what it would entail. Curry cooked to perfection by him alone and perhaps something else as well.
He was such a good cook and barista, she wasted no time catching the first train to Yongen-Jaya. She had twenty minutes left before the last class. She only hoped she'd make it in time. She sprinted all the way there and took a second to catch her breath before opening the door. The bell chimed above her head, announcing her arrival into the warm café.
There he was, decorating her plate so meticulously. It made her smile instantly. "Hello to you as well." She took a seat as she was told, and raised a brow at his amusing antics. "Why, thank you. Let's see here..." Ever so curious, Makoto opened it up carefully and her mouth was left open soon afterwards.
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"B-Buchimaru-kun?!" Beyond shocked by this revelation, Makoto took out every present with care. If Sae could see her, she'd say she was acting like a kid at a toy store. "Akira-kun, this is too much! How much did you spend on this?! I..." She was at a loss for words and one could see her cheeks turning pink.
He did this because he thought about her. This was too much for her brain and heart to handle.
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"Thank you... thank you so much." That's all she muttered sheepishly after finding her voice. "I don't know how to repay you. But for the moment, I shall enjoy this curry. Thanks for the food!" It took her only a single bite to reach her verdict: a masterpiece.
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itshuu · 3 years
3. making it up to his angry s/o
pairing bakugou katsuki x gn!reader
word count 902 words
it all started with a petty argument that occurred after you returned from homework study with a majority of classmates from 1A
which included midoriya and todoroki
rather than a study though it was you who was tutoring the others that were confused after being begged by mina
however bakugou was not impressed in the slightest
when you returned to his dorm room with a snack and a warm but tired smile just for him to scowl and glare back at you harshly you were rather shocked
he shrugged off your displays of affection and remained silent when trying to start conversation
fed up, you sighed and left him alone for the night
the next morning right before the start of class you quickly slipped into your seat without sparing him a glance or a “good morning”
he was absolutely seething
after class he approached you, took your bag to carry and asked if you were ready to eat lunch to which you deadpanned at him in return
“oh, now you can speak?”
standing up, you snatched your bag from him and walked straight out of the classroom
stunned, he froze for a second before grabbing his belongings and following right after you
during trainings he would peek at you every now and then to check up on you and refill your water bottle when you distracted
after training you left immediately to which bakugou followed 3ft behind
occasionally he would call your name to test the waters but each time he was greeted with silence
when you got back to the dorms you went straight to your room to which bakugou scoffed
he grumbled under his breath in frustration heading into the kitchen
as soon as you got back to your room you dropped your bag on the floor and laid down
you felt disgustingly sweaty from training, strangely itchy from bakugou’s heated stares and frustration from this entire situation
sighing you got up, grabbed some fresh clothes and headed to the dorm showers
after a nice cooling shower to clear the mind you waltzed back into your room to find bakugou sitting at your floor table with a plate of your favorite dish
clicking your tongue you went straight to your bed and planted face first
“get out” you said muffled
after a few seconds of silence you heard the door quietly open then close
…did he really leave?
you slowly peeked your head up to check
the dish still there, bakugou not
you can’t help but feel your heart sink as you drop your head back into your bed and let out a frustrated sigh
slowly you maneuvered yourself to sit in front of the steaming plate of food
you begin to eat as an overwhelming weight sits in your chest
how could he possibly leave before resolving the very issue he caused?
you couldn’t help the tears that slipped out your eyes as you munched on your meal
completely blinded by disbelief by bakugou’s actions you didn’t catch the sound of the door being opened and closed revealing the very man that wounded your heart
when he heard a sniffle he froze in his steps along with your favorite bouquet of flowers in his hand
he approached slowly to see you tear-streaked cheeks
“hey” he muttered quietly
you slowly directed your attention to the sound of his voice, locking eyes with red orbs filled with guilt
“I thought you left me” you whimpered
then you noticed the beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hand, your favorite
bakugou sighed as he set the flowers on the floor, picking you up, placing you on the bed and laying on top of you
hugging you tightly and burying his face in your chest
“m’ sorry” he mumbled
“you studying with fuckin’ deku and that icy-hot bastard pissed me off and I took it out on you”
squeezing your waist even tighter he repeated again this time with a shaky breath and quieter voice
“m’ so sorry”
just like that the heavy weight that has been occupying the space in your chest for what has felt like hours has faded
carefully you threaded your hands through his spiky blonde hair and felt him relax slowly
“don’t you ever disrespect me like that again” you huffed
he nodded in your chest and you grinned like an idiot
“seriously y/n if I make you cry you need to beat some fuckin’ sense into me”
you giggled quietly shaking your head
“you just added too much hot sauce to the rice katsu”
his head shot up as he gave you a confused look
“the fuckin’ food made you cry?”
you nodded and made a sound of agreement to which he released a breath of relief
“oh please, you think I’d ever cry over your ridiculous behavior?” you asked giving him a teasing look to which he just grunted
laughing at him you gently grabbed his face and pressed a sweet, delicate kiss on his forehead
thank god, he thought
he’d never want to hurt you
© 2021 itshuu, all rights reserved. Do NOT repost, translate or claim my work as yours.
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storymaker-14 · 3 years
Our secret love
Word count: 907
Pov: you
Hey guys! This is part 4 of “Our secret love.” again this is a Bakugou x FEM! y/n. I already posted a bit about your quirk here. But back to the story!
Part 1 is here.
Part 2&3 here.
Into: You have no Idea why Bakugou is acting like this toads you. But it leaves you wondering. “Did I do something wrong?”
Nic-names you call Bakugou: Katsu/Baku
I was just standing there wondering what to do now. Is he mad at me for something? I didn’t have much time to think before Denki came up behind me. “Hey there y/n~, What are you doing just standing here?” I turned around to face him. “Oh, ya let's go I guess.” Denki then grabbed my hand and dragged me over to our lunch table, just like I would have done to Bakugou. “Hey, guys!” Bakugou, Kiri, and Mina were already there. “Took you long enough, now we're just waiting on soy sauce face(sero).” I saw Denki laugh as we both sat down. I looked over at Bakugou who was being taunted by Denki and Kiri. I guess Mina saw me staring cuz right after she leaned over to me “oh~ does y/n have a crush on someone here~?” my face went bright red. Did I like him? But the boys stopped taunting Bakugou and all three of them turned to me. Denki put on a smug smile “y/n I’m flattered but you should tell me on your own~” the thing is, Denki isn’t the one I like. Or the one I think I like. I try to tell them I don’t like Denki but they don’t believe me, I can tell that right at this moment Bakugou was looking at me but when I turned around to face him he just said “tch” and left the table. “You good Bakubro?” Kiri tried talking to him but just ended up following Bakugou instead, and I just sat there with Mina and Denki. I let out a small sigh and thought it would be best to go to my room. “Ay y/n you ok?” I turned to look at Mina and Denki who looked concerned. “I’m fine guys, just not really hungry anymore.” I tried smiling but I think they saw through me. Thankfully they didn’t say anything more, so I just walked away. I can’t go to my room because we have more to do after lunch before the day is over, so I went to the garden. No one is usually there so I thought it would be a nice place to sit and think. When I got there the smell of the flowers and plants flew over me. “Wow. . . I forgot how nice this place is. .” I attempted to release all my tension as I went to sit down. The guardian was in a big glass dome behind the dorms. I look up at the sun as it shines through the glass ceiling. My phone went off so I picked it up and answered. “Hello?” it was silent for a couple seconds then I heard a familiar voice “Hey y/n, sorry I haven't been able to talk to you. Work has been hard over here.” My sister is a well-known singer, not famous or not yet anyway. Since I moved to UA with My brother we haven’t talked much. “Hey Mika, is something wrong?” She would often text me before she calls me to make sure I was in a place ok to call, but when she just calls me out of nowhere that means something is wrong or what she has to tell me is important. “Oh right ya. So I tried getting to Loka but he didn’t answer his phone.” I was confused, What exactly was going on? “So What did you need to tell me? I look at my phone clock, I have about 5 more minutes till lunch is over. I have to go back to class soon.” It went silent for a while before she spoke again, “Oh sorry, I wanted to let you guys know that mom and dad are back from their trip. Well, that and mom says she has something she wants to give you.” I was shocked, what did mom want to give me? My family lived on a small island away from big cities but I and Loka moved in with my mom's best friend when I was halfway done with middle school. “Is she coming here to visit or do I have to go to her? Because if I have to go there it must be important enough for me to miss school for it.” I heard her sigh a bit. “She's going to you, she says she can visit her best friend and talk to you at the same time. Well that's about it I have to go but I’ll call you later.” she hung up on me before I could even when my mom was gonna be here. I sigh a bit before getting up, I have a lot to think about now. Is Bakugou still mad at me? Why is Bakugou mad at me? What does my mom have to come all the way to tell me? I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head before heading back to the main building.
Hope you enjoyed sorry if it's short <3
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kyotakumrau · 3 years
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2020.12.21 The World You Live In at Zepp Tokyo, 2nd event report
Fujieda again started with greetings, introduced himself and Takabayashi and then asked for applause for the band members.
And we got quite a surprise!
Kaoru and Toshiya came on stage!
Thus making Tokyo the only place where band members changed for each slot/session. As much as I'd love to see Kyo again I was happy as my friend only went to Tokyo and she's Toshiya's fan😊
F: please introduce yourself.
Kaoru: you already did lol. I'm Kaoru.
T: I'm Toshiya.
F: the last video you just watched was different from other sessions. The trailer for the concert film screenings that will start from February. It's something only you know right now. As you can imagine from the title it will be something similar to this, with the band members coming for the talk after.
K talked a bit about the situation as well.
T: it's still difficult to hold concerts, but this is something we can do. So I hope you will look forward to it.
Next F started the 'merch items introduction corner', he passed the items to the members.
K: I was watching the 1st slot and we talked about them in Osaka, too. (he talked more about the items and what members said)
F: yes, everything can fit in the pouch so it's a very useful item. You can buy all merch items and put then in the pouch and take home like that. Let's look at Toshiya's big pick key chains (he pronunced that very carefully😂)
They talked about members signs and company logos when suddenly K requested to have to lights in the venue set brighter so he could see everyone.
After that F announced they wil start with questions from the fans, passed the part of papers to others, but K gave his to F saying it's better if he chooses.
T: ok, I have a good one! 'It was Die's birthday yesterday, did you send him a birthday message? And are there any memorable presents you've received in the past?'
T: I got a bicycle. I was really happy at first, but then it was stolen from the parking area.
F: when was it?
T (I didn't catch it but from the context it must have been quite early on in their career)
F: during the tour?
T: yeah, we were always giving each other something for our birthdays, every year, but as years passed it got more difficult to choose something good and we then just stopped.
F: how about you, K?
K: I got a Mickey Mouse, about this size (he showed us with his hand, about 1m tall).
F: 'how do you deal with feeling tired?'
K: I go for a massage.
F: only during the tour?
K: anytime.
F: when the most? When writing songs?
K (laughing): but we're always writing songs
T: for me it's sauna.
F: do you often go when just staying at home?
T: for example after the gym
Ta: 'what did you eat most often during the stay at home period?'
K: ...what did I eat, what about you, Tooru?
Ta: sausages.
The whole venue kinda rotfled 🤣🤣🤣
F: that's cute😆
Ta: it's something I can usually only eat at home.
K: ...something I was really into...(still thinking)....(thinking)
F: for me it was Jiro-ken ramen.
T: at home?! So you weren't really staying at home?
F: I gained some weight after the overseas tour. I started to diet then, and one day a week, a cheat day, I could eat whatever I wanted. My cheat choice was Jiro, either at the restaurants or to take away.
K: ...what was it for me...
F: maybe nabe you talked about before? (in Osaka)
K wasn't impressed 😆
T: canned mackerel for me.
F: for when you drink etc? No, just like that?
They all laughed here a bit.
Suddenly K jumped in with a new topic.
K: in Osaka you talked about the theme behind Kyo's outfit, you said it was pink but he pointed his green hair as the main point.
F: that was difficult.
K: tbh I also thought the main idea was pink (he also talked about Kyo's use of Kansai dialect)
T: 'what were you able to do after becoming an adult?'
F: there's a lot of food people start eating when they grow up.
T: food topic again? 😆
F: for example for me it was raisins.
T: as I get older I can drink more. When we just debuted I couldn't drink at all.
F: drinking wine?
T: おっさんだから・'cause I'm an old guy.
K started talking about the food he couldn't handle when he was small but the next question kinda made me forget it 😅
' 'wet cat food is actually quite good, have you ever tried?'
F: I have a cat and sometimes when I give my cat wet food some will get on my fingers. I'd just lick it. You know some of it, the mackerel or tuna, it looks so good.
T: please send me a video when you eat cat food next time.
(but to be fair most of canned cat food in Japan is 100% fish🤷‍♀️)
K: 'when you can tour again what local specialities do you want to eat?'
F: motsunabe in Fukuoka
T: miso type?
F: of course (if not Shinya would kill him)
K: what did you eat in Sendai?
F: bento
K: in Nagoya?
F: nothing special
T: we had normal bento, but it was miso katsu (Nagoya's style cutlet)
F: but if it's not in a restaurant it's not the same. Anything you want to eat, T?
T: Beki soba from Niigata.
F: have you tried it before?
T: when we went there on a tour, I really like soba.
They talked but more about food, tare katsu, okonomiyaki from Hiro and Jiro again.
T: is Jiro really that good?
F: 😍
K: I've tried it before, but it's (just) okay.
F: it's all about how the noodles taste (type of flour etc)
(more food talk, choosing between salt and tare options)
K: 'what's your favorite onigiri (rice ball)?'
F: how about you, K?
K: I don't eat onigiri.
T: Me also, but if I have to choose it's sujiko/salted salmon roe.
K (about not eating onigiri much): right, you only eat soba.
T then told us the story how much he loved salmon roe even as a child. When he was quite small he went shopping to the local supermarket with his grandmother. When he saw salmon roe in the shop he just started eating it directly from the shelf/container. Of course when his grandmother and supermarket staff found out it got very noisy, but because he was so young it was forgiven.
(back to onigiri topic)
Ta: salmon for me.
F: oh that is nice, I love the most tamago-kake-gohan rice ball (TKG is a very simple, traditional Japanese breakfast dish - just rice with a raw egg eaten with soy sauce, sometimes other toppings), the Newdays chain is selling them
K: the chain operates only in this area, no?
F explained that there are Newdays in other places too, fe Sendai. He also really got into explaining all pros incl the tasty gooey filling inside of the rice ball.
K (imitating F) oh that's nice 😂
F: 'it got so cold recently, what's your favourite season?'
T: spring or fall, I don't hate winter but I definitely don't like summer.
K: fall. (he said as this year wasn't too cold he could go out a bit during breaks)
F: so 2~3 weeks ago was your fav time.
K: here in Tokyo at least.
F: 'as we're staying home much more now do you have a recommended tv series or a channel?' (not just a movie)
K: Cobra kai.
F: ah, you tweeted about it.
K: it will be on Netflix next month, the 3rd season.
K talked about The Karate Kid (Japanese title 'Best Kid').
F: I don't know it.
Ta: me too.
K (shocked): you're serious???
T: I know, of course.
F: 'Best Kid'? 'Best Fit?'
T: just stop it🙃
F: how about your recommendation, T?
T: The BOYS on Prime.
K: I haven't seen it, but it seems interesting.
T: it is! I also like BOSCH. I'm just watching like after work and so on.
After that K talked about how cinema with the capacity reduced by half was nice because you could put your bag on the seat next to you etc, but recently came back to the full house (Demon Slayer did that...)
F: 'how do you feel being in front of people first time in a while?'
T: I'm sorry it has to be done this way
F: don't say that😆
(missed K's reply)
T: it's tiring to be in front of people.
F: but we do it in an interesting way.
T: yeah.
T: 'what's your favourite game? Even including older ones like famicon?'
K: games?
T: Spelunker on Amicon😆
T/K in agreement: where you die so quickly
K: PS5 is so popular, I didn't win.
F: it seems Kyo won once but the information he submitted had a mistake.
K: I applied for Sony's lottery and Big Camera's.
F: you don't want PS5, T?
T: recently I don't play.
K: what about the... what was it Tsushima?
They all reacted with 'ah'
F: what kind of game is it?
K: don't ask me😅 but it looks interesting.
T: it seems to be very popular abroad.
F: 'what's your favourite way to eat ozoni?'
(A new year soup with rice cakes)
Ta: the soy sauce based soup, with grilled mochi.
F: but what ingredients do you add?
K: isn't that way too detailed??
Ta (tries): spring onion etc
K listed grilled mochi, spinach, carrot etc. Then he told us about his family tradition to properly make rice cakes for New year, pounding was so loud even if you wanted to watch tv, you couldn't. But then they had enough for a month.
T: soy sauce style.
F: with miso or?
T: I said soy sauce.
F: what ingredients?
T: rice cakes, spinach, and what is that... (he started to make circles with his hand) ...?
F: naruto?
T (yeah that/nods)
F: in my family we do soy sauce, rice cakes, carrot, fish cakes etc.
K (ignoring F comment that they should finish now, in a teasing way): what about osechi, which dishes do you like?
F: konbu maki or kurikinton.
K: how about you, T?
T: that egg dish that is kinda like this (he gestured the shape again)?
Ta: tatemaki?
F: datemaki!
T: I think it's datemaki.
K: I like that beef roll with carrot and green beans inside (its 牛肉の八幡巻き)
F (making very dreamy face): Aaaaaaah that😍 green beans are so good.
F: ok, thank you all.
K: what about Tooru (Ta)?
F: it's time, sorry.
Last comments.
Toshiya: thank you all for gathering here despite the COVID situation. It's difficult to do concerts now so we tried doing film screenings. In difficult times like this it's not only about the band members, there's our staff and also the venues. I'd love to play concerts again, please wait for us.
Kaoru: it is a difficult situation to share my personal opinion... if we can't do the concerts in a way everyone can enjoy... enjoy, it will affect our relationship of mutual trust. I think this (COVID) situation will continue for some time still, so I think it's better to go with the film screening events. But we will keep checking the situation. Please stay healthy and I hope all of you will come to watch it.
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Fictober Day 8
Prompt number: #8
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Rating: F for fluffy goodness.
Warnings/Tags: Erasermic Family setting. Shinso being a big brother. ADORABLE ERI.
just Shinso getting some much needed Eri time.
“This is it, isn’t it?”
“She’s not going to be happy.”
“He’s stopping after work to get more. I sent him a photo of the exact brand. Zashi knows better than to mess it up.”
“Got that right.” Shinso grabbed the last bottle of Apple juice then and sighed.
“I’m just glad she takes so long to drink these.”
“Same here. But it’s only gonna take a few more hours.”
“Why can’t you go and get them?”
“I left my wallet at work.”
“Right…” Shinso got it opened then Before heading into the living room. Eri was sitting at the coffee table with her little teddy bear next to her humming. All of her crayons were spread out on the table while she worked on a drawing. Shinso sat across from her and smiled.
“Whatcha doing kiddo?”
“Hm? Oh Drawing!” Eri smiled gently then before showing him. Hizashi on her left. Aizawa on her right. But he could see a spot of purple behind her.
“What’s that behind you?”
“You!” She giggled then.
“Since you’re practically my big brother!” Shinso’s heart honestly melted then.
“Yeah… Yeah I am.” He reached across to ruffle her hair earning a giggle.
“We’ve got a bit more juice for you by the way kiddo.”
“Really!?” Her eyes lit up then as he slid the bottle over. Eri got it happily before taking a drink. She closed it back before leaving it next to her teddy bear.
“When is papa gonna be home?”
“Zawa says a few more hours. He’s making Katsu for dinner.”
“Um Chicken. Pounded flat. Breaded and fried.”
“Oh!!! Mister Deku likes that!”
“I don’t know a kid our age that doesn’t. It’s damn good. Plus the sauce goes with a lot. Pork, Chicken. Shrimp.” Eri listened with that perfect little smile. Shinso couldn’t help but honestly love this kid. He gets a blank piece of paper then and a few crayons.
“You wanna draw too?”
“If you don’t mind.”
“Nope! Whatcha gonna draw?”
“Not sure yet. Maybe my own little family picture too.”
“That would be cute! Then Mister Zawa can put them on the fridge together!”
“Yeah he can. There are a couple of spots left. He’s still got that math test up there.”
“I saw! We worked really hard on that.”
“I remember. Do you still know them?”
“So 2 times 2 is?”
“2 times 3?”
In the kitchen watching through the door, Aizawa couldn’t help but smile. Taking these two kids in may have seemed insane at first but moments like this? Made it all make sense.
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This is for the lovely @spicynaruto​ who gave me a theme and I ran with it. I hope you like it! (Also, be sure to check out their blog for some nice Naruto fiction as well!)
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Stay Warm Sasuke x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): fluff and cuteness
Word Count: 1,416
Everything was set. The candles were lit, the food was plated and prepared, and you were dressed in a teal green kimono with small and delicate flowers covering it paired with a peach obi. Not to mention your (H/T) (H/C) hair was styled just right and had a white peony pinned into it. Clapping your hands together, you smiled to yourself. “It’s perfect, I can’t wait for him to be home!” You giggled and quickly headed to the entryway.
The last you had heard, Sasuke was coming back from his mission today and would be there shortly. It had been a good month since you had last seen him, and you wanted him to come home to a clean house, a nice and ready meal, and his gorgeous wife.
Kneeling down onto your shins, you folded your (S/C) hands onto your knees and waited for him to open the door.
And waited.
And waited some more.
Eventually, your eyelids started to get heavy as the fading light from the sun started to turn the world dark. Paired with the long day of cooking and cleaning and dolling yourself up, it was a little taxing. You soon found yourself fast asleep, having done so upright with your head having fallen forward a little.
It was closer to midnight by the time Sasuke made it back to the village. He had passed a small stand selling glass windchimes, making him a bit late. There were so many to choose from and he wanted to get one for the special light in his life. He had eventually decided on one that was clear, with purple, blue, pink, and green glass flowers laid on the outside. He had made sure to get it wrapped as well. He would have done it himself, but...it was a little difficult to wrap gifts one handed.
By the time he got to his home, he noticed the lights were still on. Surely she was not still waiting up for him? A small smirk graced his features. Well, it certainly wouldn’t be surprising if she was.
Unlocking the door and stepping inside, he was about to announce his arrival only to see an absolutely breathtaking moment before him.
There she was. His light. Waiting there patiently for him.
Quietly setting the gift down on the entryway table they had, he leaned down in front of her, cocking his head to the side. The gentle snore that came from her only confirmed his suspicions that she fell asleep. His heart warmed at the thought that she fell asleep waiting for him, but could not help but feel a little bad at causing her to.
Taking off his shoes, he carefully picked her up, intending to take her to their bedroom. But passing by the common area made his nose twitch. Backtracking a little, he saw the plates of food and immediately felt at peace. “What did I do to deserve you, (F/N).” He muttered, turning his head to place a gentle kiss to your forehead. You barely stirred, only to snuggle more into him.
Wrestling with the thought of whether to take you to the bedroom or to set you on the couch and cover you up, Sasuke decided with the latter, only in hopes that you would wake up so that you could eat.
Gently laying you down on the couch, he quickly fetched a pillow and a blanket to let you be more comfortable. Once he did, he went back out to fetch the present and set it on the coffee table, so that if and when you did eventually wake up, it’d be a welcome sight.
Seeing as that was all settled, he lit the candles that had snuffed themselves out and warmed up both of their meals. After all, even if he was being quiet, there was no telling when you’d wake up.
Sitting back down at the table, he began to eat the meal you had prepared for them, chicken katsu with curry sauce. It was a staple of yours, and had quickly become a favorite of his. It was always warm, filling, and reminded him of home with you.
He made sure to savor it, as he did not want to rush the perfect meal. And on his way to his third piece of chicken, his ears perked up at hearing you let out a mewl of a yawn.
You slowly blinked your (E/C) open, rubbing them a little before realizing you were sideways. “Wha?” You muttered only to fixate on the small box in front of you. A grin spread across your face and you reached out for it, slowly picking it up. Rolling onto your back, you stared at it with curiosity. Sasuke must have been home, an intruder wouldn’t leave a gift, much less make sure you’re as comfortable as you are right now.
Undoing the ribbon and taking off the lid, your eyes lit up as to what was inside. Picking it up by the string, you marveled at how beautiful the windchime was. This was certainly done by an artisan, not just from some trinket shop. Taking the wooden panel under it, you gently tapped it so that the glass cylinder that was in the middle hit the outer glass piece, bringing a delicate chime. “Beautiful.” You whispered, sitting up a little.
“I’m glad you like it.” Came a deep voice, but it didn’t surprise you.
“Why didn’t you wake me up right when you came home, Sasuke?” You asked, your head turning to look over the couch and leaned against it so you could look at him.
He shrugged a little, setting his chopsticks down and coming over to you. “You looked too peaceful.” He admitted, picking up your legs to lay across his as he sat down next to you.
That only made you grin and shake your head. “I’m your wife, you know you can wake me for anything, right?” You asked, finding his hand and rubbing your thumb across the back of it as you looked into his uncovered eye.
Again, he shrugged but a smile tugged at his lips. “I know I can, it’s just a matter of if I will. Which I won’t.” Sasuke replied back, his head now leaning against the couch. “Plus, it seemed like you had a busy day, you needed the rest.” His hand reached out to gently touch the peony in your hair. “I’m just sorry you went to all this hard work, only for me to show up late.”
You grinned and turned your head to the side, placing a soft kiss against the palm of his hand. “It’s fine, because you know why?”
“Why?” He asked, his eyes shining a bit at the small display of affection.
“Because you still came home.” You whispered, leaning forward to place a chaste kiss against his lips. Before you could pull back, his hand found its way to your cheek.
“You know you can’t leave me with a kiss like that and not expect more, (F/N).” Sasuke muttered, leaning back in for a more prolonged kiss, this time lasting considerably longer.
Pulling back to catch your breath a little, Sasuke chuckled a little. “You’re so easy to fluster.”
It made your face flush and purse your lips together. Two can play it that game. Taking off the blanket, you lifted up your kimono a bit so that you could straddle his lap, your (C/T) chest pressed up against his muscular one, your (E/C) staring down at him. You heard a small gulp and saw some color appearing on his cheeks. “So are you, my love.” You giggled and leaned down to kiss him once more. “Now, let’s finish eating, shall we? It’d be a shame to let it go to waste.” You said, getting off his lap and taking the wind chime in your hands. “Thank you for this as well, it’s lovely.”
Sasuke ran a hand over his hair once you were off his lap. Oh, how you loved to tease him. But that’s what made you fun. “You’re very welcome.” He answered back before standing up. “But yes, let’s eat.” He pulled out the chair for you to sit before sitting himself.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” You said, your eyes wide.
“What is it?” He asked, a clump of rice halfway to his mouth.
You grinned, your heart full of love. “Welcome home, Sasuke.”
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rairaidango · 4 years
SEEDS THAT GROW - Tobisaku, Madasaku, Ita(masaku)
First chapter garnered more attention than I had expected it to ngl! But it felt nice to know ppl like wtv im trying out here. Here is chapter 2! Just a reminder I’m not a creative writer (nor do I write well at all lol). This is just fun for me and allows me to focus on something new during quarantine :) It’s pr slowburn but focuses on a lot of Sakura’s thoughts and feelings. (and her amazing friendship with Ino) 
TW : mentions of depression, anxiety, self-loathing, etc
“Yeah I’ve definitely seen you at the club before!” Itama pointed at her, mouth wide open in a boyish smile.
There was no way this Itama boy was that boy. Was there? 
Sakura’s eyes were eagle wide but she quickly shook it off with an awkward laugh. She really couldn’t be sure if it was him, but maybe it was? There really was a possibility. 
“Ah, you know maybe! I can’t recall if I have seen you on a night out though.” she tried to calm her nerves down with even more awkward laughter, but she caught Itachi’s eyes. He could see she was a little uncomfortable.
“Maybe you were like really drunk or something but I’ve definitely seen you-”
“Itama, you’ve seen everyone at the club.” Itachi rescued her. She gave Itachi a silent look of thanks. He only nodded in reply. “And you know, you talk too much man.” He slapped the Itama boy on the back.
“Was just trying to be friendly!”
“More like annoying. Why are we friends again?” Shisui tapped his finger on his chin comedically before laughing and receiving punches. 
The boys were strangers to her, with maybe the exception of Itachi, but she barely ever spoke to anyone outside of her girl group. She never allowed herself to talk to guys casually, and there was a reason for that as stupid as some people felt about it- but it made sense to her at the time and she feared getting close to people.
So this, this, this was nice. And this was a good thing, a casual conversation with friendly guys. She smiled at the thought, because she missed the times when she had close male friends. 
“Alright, everyone’s here according to the attendance list.” Madara announced whilst shuffling the papers in his hand. He pointed to the board making sure to point out the layout of the plans for tomorrow. “The introductory session is tomorrow and we’ve all assigned you to specific roles. We have a large group of eager college students who want to learn more about the wondrous world of medicine and medical practices. If you look at the board you’ll see about 5 groups, each group having 10 students. And two of you will essentially be leading each group and bring them around our campus, then the facilities in our building. This tour will all happen after the presentation that I and Izuna will prepare. Lecture hall 2 alright. You should ALL be there before students arrive. Is that clear?” 
The many student volunteers nodded. 
“Do we have to do anything before the talk?” Itama raised his hand and spoke. 
“Usher in and organise the students coming into the hall. Just make sure everything’s done in an orderly fashion. Knowing you Itama...please do this and work with Itachi.” 
Madara knew Itama? Sakura quirked her brow glancing ever so slightly at the boy with the badly done highlights. She wondered what relationship they had for Madara to speak so casually of him. 
“Will this be sent to us through email?”
“Of course, you’ll receive the plans, groups, layout and even the presentation when you leave the union. We professors aren’t stupid enough to think any of you, or one of you, could remember this stuff.” A playful smirk plastered on Madara’s face was all it took for Sakura to understand that he was probably only referring to Itama. “Alright 3.30pm tomorrow. Go home and get some rest.”
Who were they to each other?
“You know, I get why nii-san finds your uncle annoying and doesn’t like him very much.” Itama grumbled. 
“Eh well to be honest, I get your brother.” Shisui shrugged in response. “Madara likes Itachi though, because he’s a ‘prodigy’.” Itachi only smiled at the mention of his name.“He’s your professor right uh-sorry what’s your name?” 
“Ah yeah he is.” a pause. “Uh my name is Sakura. And he’s really a good teacher though.” She got up from her seat and caught sight of the mentioned professor turning off the projector. 
And then she realised he was looking right back at her with a piercing red gaze. Embarrassment rose in her and her cheeks felt hot; she looked away as quickly as she noticed his gaze and covered her face from him. 
What was that reaction?
“Sakura? I bet you hear how fitting that is.” Shisui snorted. She noticed Itachi was giving her some sort of look, but she couldn’t really figure it out. 
Ah shit, he knows. 
“Yeah, but you don’t have him constantly picking on you in class and after class and outside of university.” 
“Outside of university?” Sakura questioned. 
“Yeah, he’s just close to my family. Don’t really understand how or why.” Itama says hands stretched up in the air. 
“Don’t know why we’re close to you.” Itachi teased coolly, earning him an annoyed look from Itama. 
“Yo, anyone wants some bubble tea. Kokoro Kafe?” Shisui and Itachi grabbed their bags and headed towards the door. “I could do with some milk tea.”
“My sweet tooth and I agree. Sakura?” Sakura looked at the boys in front her. Were they really inviting her to go out and eat? Her? 
It was a good thing, they were nice people, and where was the harm in getting to know them?
But Sakura couldn't accept this.
“It’s alright, thank you though. I really do appreciate the invite. I’m just going to go back home and eat.” She smiled, eyes closed. “It was really nice meeting you three though.” She waved, and the boys all waved back and left the union. 
She sighed.
Outside, it was getting dark. The blue paint of the sky was darkening to a violet tone dashed with white specks of clouds. The yellow street lights only added to the magical transition of day to evening. It was quiet - but not eerily so, soft fading chatter of students echoed around the campus and the sounds of distant birds were sung in the air. 
Sakura breathed in, taking in the moment. She was sitting down on the cold stone steps in front of the union. She rarely ever looked at the scenery around her, but when she did, it helped her feel a little bit more at peace. It helped her feel a little bit more alive.
“Sir, you haven’t left?” a sudden bubble of anxiety exploding in her.
“I am now. Are you alright?” He asked. She wasn’t sure if he was asking just to be nice or if he genuinely was concerned. 
He probably didn’t care, he just had to ask as her teacher. Realistically speaking, why would anyone really care anyways. She was pretty burdensome and didn’t deserve to be worried about by even her closest friends. 
“Yeah, I’m fine!” She smiled, her smile feigning genuine happiness.
“Alright then.” He passed her a...cookie? “Just making sure. Get home safe, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He pointed at her, his expression asking her for confirmation. She just nodded in reply with the same smile.
His figure grew smaller as he walked away and into the parking area, and her stomach felt even more uncomfortable now that she was alone. But she wanted to be alone, so she really couldn’t complain about the discomfort. 
Also, what the fuck? A cookie?
“I kind of wanted to ask for her number…” 
“Then you should have before we left.” Shisui sipped his Chatime drink. “But then again, maybe you scared her off with all that eagerness.” 
“I don’t think I came off too forward.” Itama stated questioningly, and looked to Itachi for an answer.
“I mean...when you mentioned the club..she did look a bit uncomfortable.” Itachi pointed out. Itama pouted slightly. “Maybe next time. You need to be able to read people better if you wanna find someone.” Shisui only laughed. All of the boys, including Itama himself, knew that it was hard for the boy to date. “Not your fault though, cheer up.”
“I was a bit nervous.” Itama said, taking a sip of his green tea latte with a nervous smile.”I’m sure I’ve seen her at Kyo, but only in passing maybe, once or twice. Pretty sure we never talked before.” he sunk into the chair. Itachi just stared at his friend’s disappointed features. “I would’ve remembered.”
“You’re so upset, awh!” Shisui teased.
“She was just really pretty, you know?”
In their house it was always quite lively; everyone was cooking and getting dinner ready before communing in the living room area to gossip and talk about their day. Hinata and Ino were undoubtedly the best cooks of the house, while Sakura and TenTen were often the ones buying readymade food. 
Tonight however, Sakura’s fridge was almost empty and all she could really make was some good old penne pasta with ready done tomato sauce. She wasn’t upset about the option, but it was about the fourth time in a row now that she’s had to eat pasta for dinner. 
Ino came into the living room - bouncing happily as her usually gleeful self- with an amazing katsu curry dish she had whipped up. The curry flavours lit up the whole room in salivating awe. 
“Yes, all of you can have some too. I made a lot.” She grinned with a certain kind of confidence only the Yamanakas had. Taking a seat on the floor between Sakura and Tenten, Ino dug into her delicious dish.
“Honestly I’d marry you just for your food.” Sakura hummed after taking a spoon of her curry. 
“JUST for my food?”
“Let me correct myself.” Sakura rubbed her chin in a joking manner. “Because I love you.” Sakura hugged her best friend, and everyone erupted with laughter. 
“Ino would be an annoying wife though, think about it.” Temari piped in. “All that nagging and having to do everything her way blah blah.” 
“Well, Shikamaru seems to be completely fine with Ino.” Tenten winked and gave a sly look to her long haired blonde friend. 
“Oh shut up, we aren’t a thing. We’re just hooking up here and there and we enjoy each other’s company.” 
“Well I bet 50 that they’ll end up together!” Ino shot a look at Tenten.
“Honestly I’d be happy if you guys date Pig, you’ve known each other for a while and he is actually a nice person.” Sakura thought of them dating, and she had always rooted for them to eventually end up together. Ino furrowed he brows. 
“Maybe Ino just wants to just leave it as it is?” Hinata, usually just an observer, added. “I’m happy you’re having fun though!”
“Okay enough about me guys. My love life is always a hot topic but it gets tiresome when-” Ino flipped her hair back dramatically, “-its always about me” she grinned and sat prettily. 
“Yeah oh my god Hinata how are you and Naruto!” Tenten squealed like a little 15 year old girl. Hinata blushed at the question, she was usually more reserved when talking about her personal life.
But Sakura could feel a tightness in her chest at hearing that name. 
Hinata noticed this, and smiled softly. 
“We’re doing really good. It’s been about 2 months and he’s already met my family.” Hinata made sure to keep it short for her pink haired friend. She knew there was a lot to unpack there and hadn’t expected Tenten to carelessly bring that name about. 
“Awh, you guys are honestly so cute. It makes me happy knowing that 2 of us here are having good and fun love lives.” Tenten sighed as she slid next to Temari. 
“Let’s not talk about me though!” Hinata waves her hands off nervously. “My relationship isn’t very interesting, we all know about it!” She glanced at Sakura, who was fumbling with her fork and pasta. Ino noticed it too and caught on to redirect the conversation. 
“Sakura! So, found that mystery hot makeout session boy in Kyo yet?” Ino grinned nudging her best friend.
“Ah?” Sakura woke up from a trance. 
Fuck. She didn’t like falling in and out of conversation and her thoughts like this. It was really tiring and disorienting. 
“Kyo guy!” Tenten giggled back.
“Oh you know what, maybe? I met this guy today and he said he recognised me-”
“What?! You’re only saying this now?? Bitch the fuck!!” Ino’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped to the floor. 
“What’s his name?” Temari asked amidst all the shocked faces.
“Well uh..I met 3 guys. The guy who I think could be the one I met at Kyo is Itama. Then I met Sasuke’s brother and another Uchiha. Shisui if I remember right.” Sakura remembered. They were all really friendly guys.
“Was it at that meeting today?” Ino asked.
“Yeah, Madara knows like all three of them personally. Madara’s Itachi’s uncle. And I think Madara also knows Itama’s family? Or something? Honestly I’m not sure.” It was confusing to be fair. 
“Even I’ve never met the famous Itachi…” Ino muttered. “So, Itama was it?”
“Yeah. He’s got like brown hair with silver highlights and it’s not done well I can tell you that.” Sakura scoffed. “He said he recognised me because he’s seen me in the club.”
“Ah but everyone here goes to all the clubs. Your pink hair sticks out so he probably just remembered that.” Temari waved her hand and looked at Sakura before smirking. “Was he cute though?” 
“I mean..he was actually pretty cute...in a boyish charming kinda way.” All the girls had wide smiles on their faces.
“Will Sakura finally find the one?!” Ino shrieked.
“Is this Kyo club makeout boy?!” Tenten added.
“Will Sakura go on dates again?!” Temari furthered the questioning.
“Stay tuned to find out!” Hinata closed the statements clapping her hands together. It was followed by her kind smile and all the girls laughing- the atmosphere was light and warm between them. The girls, all 5 of them, shared a strong bond. 
Sakura smiled at their jokes, but she also knew they genuinely wanted her to be happy. All of them understood how hard it was for Sakura to engage in meaningful conversations with boys; her anxiety and defenses would instantly go up if a boy approached her on campus. Which was why they were all so interested in ‘Kyo club makeout boy’ who Sakura -though very drunk and out of it -chose to instigate a hot kissing battle with. 
However happy they were for her -and she was appreciative of this, don’t mistake that - it was hard to see herself dating again. It was a scary thing to think about, even though deep down she wanted to fall in love, again. She missed being in love, and the last time she was - she was unlucky. 
There was a knock at Sakura’s door. 
“Just come in!” Sakura yelled from her desk spilling with notes from lectures. The door opened revealing Ino in her flowery satin nightdress. 
“Almost done?” The blonde sat on Sakura’s double bed that was messily covered in her grey covers detailed with white and pink sakura trees. Looking at Sakura - who was dressed in her oversized Neck deep tee - Ino could see she was stressed; but this was often how Sakura looked. It worried Ino.
“Yeah - I’ll get to bed soon.” Sakura muttered, completely focused on her assignment. Scribbling away, her desk lamp was bright and boring into her papers and laptop screen; her jade eyes were tired and her eyelids weighed heavy. She sighed. She wasn’t taking care of herself with all of these late nights. 
She was tired of feeling this way.
“Do you need me to stay? Ino asked. “I can’t really sleep either... I’m just feeling a little off as well.” Sakura turned to look at her, not sure what she was saying.
“Yeah..of course. What’s..wrong?” Sakura asked, turning around from her work. Ino shuffled uncomfortably and crossed her legs on the bed. Had Sakura been so caught up in her own head that she completely ignored her best friend? Was Ino hiding it well or was Sakura that selfish?
“The whole talk earlier about Shikamaru...it just made me uncomfortable.” Ino paused. Sakura had completely forgotten and internally facepalmed herself. “I don’t like him that way. And you know how I feel about relationships.” The issue here was that Ino didn’t want to settle down, and Sakura would often bring up relationships to Ino - about how Ino should get in a relationship. Sakura knew that her friend was a strong and confident person, but had taken that for advantage and pressed on Ino’s insecurities.
“Fuck I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have projected my own wants of being in a relationship onto you..” Sakura muttered, guilt strung in her words. Her head was swirling and she felt horrible. Why was she such a bad friend? People always had to support her, people always had to help her, and she couldn’t even keep her own mouth shut. Why was Sakura such a fucking shit friend- and to Ino who had been there for her every step of the way. 
“No it’s okay, I just felt weird talking about it and I know I won’t date him. I just don’t want to get into a relationship.” Sakura’s eyes were heavy with exhaustion, but her head was heavy with guilt. “Hey, honestly don’t feel too bad about it at all. I came to also just sit with you. I knew you were uncomfortable too.”
Ino could pick up on Sakura’s discomfort, and Sakura couldn’t even do the same for her friend. She didn’t deserve Ino. 
“Yeah. The whole Naruto thing kinda just made me space out.” Sakura ducked her head as she moved to sit next to her best friend. “It’s just...it hurts to think about it sometimes.”
“You know, I think if you tried to talk to him now he would be all for it. You know how much he cares about you. Heck he loves you as much as I do.” Ino’s head fell into Sakura’s neck to remind her that she wasn’t alone. 
“Maybe one day I can. When I’m better.” Sakura muttered, wanting to believe it could happen. She wanted it to, but somewhere inside, she didn’t want it to. 
“Well, when you’re feeling good, or bad, and on your best and worst days I’m here for you okay?” Ino smiled reassuringly. 
“I know.” Sakura smiled in response. “I...I also emailed welfare for a session…its in 2 days” Ino jumped up and looked at her friend. 
“You did?” Sakura nodded smiling. “I’m so proud of you! That’s a really big step! I can’t wait” Sakura was met with a loving hug and giggled in response. “I am so proud of you. I’m coming with you okay?”
“You don’t have to-”
“I am.” 
Sakura thanked Ino. That night, Ino slept on Sakura’s bed to make sure Sakura slept alright and that she would feel at ease falling asleep. Ino missed being at peace with her best friend, and she just wanted the best for Sakura. 
There were no other two best friends like those two. 
She doesn’t even know why she’s here at this point. Why did she volunteer to do this? 
Sakura groaned internally, her back against the wall. She was standing in the hall filled with college students, and she was lined up on the sides of the hall with other volunteers. She slept pretty late last night, but she was glad she managed to get sleep anyway. The anxiety and self-deprecating thoughts always snuck their way into her head when she wanted to find peace in slumber; but she felt like she deserved it anyways.
It was just exhausting. 
“Oh I think he’s finally about to end his speech.” Shisui spoke. 
“Finally.” Itama yawned. “We gotta gather the students and call the groups after this.” Itama looked at Sakura, expecting an answer from his group partner. She was looking at Izuna presenting, but her mind seemed elsewhere. 
“Honestly, Madara talks a lot, but Izuna can go on forever. At least Madara is able to get straight to the bush rather than beat around it.” Shisui huffed. “Don’t know how Sasuke and you dealt with uncle Izuna over summer.”
Sakura woke up. Sasuke?
Itachi noticed.
“We were fine. It wasn’t hard.” Itachi shrugged his shoulders.
“And now your tour shall start. The volunteers will bring you around campus and the facilities - they’ll call you by name so when they do please stand up and come on stage.” Izuna closed signalling a thumbs up. 
“Aight, that's our cue Sakura.” Itama nudged her with a grin. 
He had such a boyish grin, Sakura thought. 
“Lets round up the kids.” She joked, a more confident part of her showing. Itama looked at her, amused.
Gathering their group, Sakura felt a little out of place. She had to remind herself to be confident, to just go with it, and that she would be fine. A little speaking wouldn’t hurt her and she chose to do this, so she had to live up to it. 
“So here we have our main cafeteria. Conveniently close to the Student Union, so it’ll be easy to grab lunch.” Sakura walked the students through the food hall. It was large and circular shaped, and it smelled like damn good food. 
“It’ll be easy unless you’re studying art.” Itama joked. “Which none of y’all are, so it’ll be an easy quick lunch!” he winked, earning him a laugh from the younger people. Sakura smiled. This Itama boy had charm, that much she knew. “Alright so that concludes the main campus. We’ve just got the facilities left in our building.” he led the way. 
Itama was so confident, and so happy. He carried himself so well and just by the way he walked, you knew he was someone whose company people enjoyed. 
“Oh yeah we’re passing the main Law building, if any of you were interested in what’s that big old rusty building. It’s the Law building. Just one of their buildings.” Itama pointed to a very wide and stretched out red brick build. 
Laughs, and a lot of them. 
“They like you.” Sakura noted, walking by Itama’s side. She peered to see his reaction which wasn’t any less than what she expected from the boy. A toothy grin. He may be older, but sometimes she swore he was 15. 
“I’m just a likable guy haha! They like you too, you know. You speak very well.” he replied pointing backwards to their walking group of students.
“Oh no, I really don’t.” He looked at her with a really-bitch-? Face. “Alright, I guess..yeah I can speak quite well. But I’m not as confident as you.”
“What? Really? You seem really confident to me.” That earned him a sweet laugh. He suddenly felt a jump in his stomach.
“I’m not. I can be, but I doubt myself a lot.” They were close to the building entrance. “You also don’t really know me.” She pointed out, opening the doors to their building.
“Okay everyone, we’ll take you to labs first.” Itama announced to the buzzing group, before turning to Sakura. “Well then, can I get to know you?” he swung his phone out. 
“Did you get her number?” Shisui asked, slinging an arm around his two friends. 
Itama looked at the pink haired girl across the lecture hall.
“No, I didn’t.”
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monst · 5 years
Spicy Appreciation
All characters 18+ (lol almost put 19+)
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Warnings: 🤣  , Nsfw, ‘Sexy time?’, You know I love ya right? Right?!
               Your lips were drawn into a tightlipped line as you concentrated. The dish you were preparing wasn’t difficult in the slightest. Especially since you had made Mantaiko pasta before. When? When you wanted to test if the recipe was good enough for your gourmet boyfriends’ tastes. Based on the feedback you got from Yaoyorozu and, Uraraka it seemed as though it would be up to standards. Now if you knew it was good why were you so concentrated? Well to your dismay your mans had went to eat some Mantaiko with his friends and, Kaminari confessed to you that he complained about how it wasn’t spicy enough.
               So, what was a bitch to do? Well amp up the spice of course. You were currently focused on slicing the thin ‘chile de arbols’ open and, removing the seeds. You figured that you could either grate them or blend them to make a sauce. You were so concentrated that you didn’t notice the front door being unlocked.
               Bakugou was annoyed and, when he opened the door, he let out a sigh glad to be away from his obnoxious fans. His sour mood was alleviated by the smell of something delicious. And, as soon as he removed his boots, he walked towards the kitchen a slow smirk crawling on his face at the sight. Since you weren’t expecting him until late you were wearing a baggy t-shirt over a pair of red laced panties.
               Bakugou felt his heart swell in pride as he took in your form from behind. Not only had he gotten lucky with scoring the most amazing woman but, he was also lucky enough to have her take time out of her bust life to spoil him. Without warning his hand came down on your ass making you let out a sharp yelp.
               “Katsuki!” You shrieked. He responded by wrapping his strong arms around your waist and, placing a hot kiss on your neck.
               “This for me?” You could hear the grin in his voice. You rolled your eyes and, leaned back into him.
               “It was supposed to be a surprise.” You pouted.
               “Really now?” He teased “What’s the occasion?”
               “There’s no occasion I just….. Wanted to do something nice for you. Your always working so hard and, I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you.” You smiled.
               Bakugou’s face felt hot at the sentiment. His arms tightening around your waist as he hid his flush face in your hair.
               “You’re a dumbass sometimes, doing unnecessary shit like that for me.” He mumbled.
               You snorted laughing at his sudden bashfulness. He frowned at your light teasing and, constricted you with his arms making you gasp. But that didn’t deter your grin.
               “Yeah, yeah laugh it up.” He relented unhooking an arm from you to reach for the spicy pepper on the counter. He snagged an uncut Chile and, bit into the fruit. You strained your neck and, look up at him jaw dropping as he ate the pepper crunching the seeds under his teeth. His red eyes catch your gaze and he scoffs.
               “I know you weren’t going to use these useless shits to show your fucking appreciation.” He taunted.
               “Shut up you monster, they were the only ones I could find at the store…. They were out of your favorites.” You sulked.  
               Bakugou stayed silent for a moment as he watched you slice open pepper after pepper his fingers occasionally stealing pieces to snack on. You were really too good for him. Thoughts like this had always filled his mind and, although it was hard for him to express himself, he always felt appreciated. There was not a day that went by in which you weren’t loving. Your face always seemed to brighten his day. And, here he was embracing you lovingly thinking stupid mushy stuff. He scoffed suddenly making you jump back into him. Your ass brushing up against his crotch.
Now Bakugou wasn’t well versed in charming you with words. But, then again he was a firm believer in ‘actions speak louder than words’. He’ll be damned before you ever said he never satisfied you. Besides he could vividly recall all the times you’ve left scratched down his back screaming your love for him. Your eyes misty, face flush drool running down the corner of your lips from the intense pleasure. Looking down he was once again reminded of your attire. If doing sweet things for him was your way of showing appreciation, then maybe he should show you how much he appreciates you. In the most self-indulgent way.
The arm that was wrapped around your waist loosened and, went to grip the counter in front of you. You now found yourself pinned to the spot. The hero known as ‘Ground Zero’ pressed his crotch flush to your panty clad ass. You jolted in shock not knowing what you could have possibly done to turn the blonde hero on. Your own hands gripped the counter as his hardness grinded onto you. You pushed your hips out in order to rub against him only for his hands to grip your hips tightly.
“No Princess.” He groaned into your neck his tongue running up the expanse of flesh. “I’m going to show you how much I fucking appreciate you.” He growled against your ear. You felt your pussy clench at his words. He turned you around and brought his lips to yours in a surprisingly gentle kiss. He let his hands wander as he grinded against you. One of his hands tangled into your hair while the other ran under your shirt. When he reached your breast, he snickered.
“No bra? What a fucking slut.” He mumbled against your lips. “Is this what you expected to happen?” His hand grasped your breast his other hand contemplating it’s twin. In an uncharacteristic way he softly kneaded the plump flesh his finger rolling and, tugging at your peaked nipples. Your own hands had wandered into his shirt fingers grazing over the defined muscles on his stomach. Bakugou felt his cock twitch at the soft sighs you gifted him. He wanted more. He wanted to take you right there on the counter, but he kept reminding himself that this was about you.
               That didn’t stop him from pulling away once your fingers reached his pecks to pinch his nipples. “Just relax you dumbass.” He commanded. The whine that left your throat made him smirk.
“Katsu I want to touch you too.” You pleaded.
He didn’t answer instead his hand went under your thigh to bring it up to his hip. This allowed better friction and, you mewled at the slow grind of his hard cock against your clothed clit. But you were used to his rough fast pace and, you whimpered at the soft slow ‘torture’.
You moaned grinding your heat against him. Your hands that were tangled in his hair tugged at the strands.  “Please Katsu stop teasing~”
Your core was already dripping if the stain on your panties was anything to go by. Your slick walls throbbed with need. You let out a sharp moan when he pressed himself to you harder his pace advancing.
“I bet you I could make you fucking cum like this.” He hissed leaving opened mouth kissed down your neck. “You’d like that wouldn’t you? Cumming all over the kitchen floor like the little slut you are.”
His words left your body wanting more the liquid sin running into your ears straight to your sopping pussy. “Ah yes! Yes, I’d like that please Katsu.”
“Tell me then, what do you want.” He groaned his hand grasping your breast tightly as you arched into him.
“Ah Fuck! Hah Katsuki please! Please fuck me~ I need you inside me!” You begged.
“If your little friends could see you right now, begging me to fuck you after I’ve barley touched you. Bet you’d like that too Right? Having those fucking extras watch as I pound that tight pussy of yours.” You felt as if you were over-heating. Your clothes though few felt very uncomfortable and, you desperately wanted him to give you more attention where you needed it. Bakugou was everywhere around you he filled your senses and, your lungs but you wanted him to fill you in the way only he could. You wanted his girth to stretch your walls and, fill you completely. To feel his thick length throbbing within you and, feel that one vein on his cock rub against you deliciously. But he was being a damn tease! Wasn’t this about you?
Noticing your frustrated face, he chuckled bringing down his hands between your bodies. His fingers played with the lace trim of your panties before finally going under the garment. While his grinding had been rough, he let up to touch you.
“Fuck your so damn wet for me princess.” He groaned. He didn’t even have to touch your core to gather your slick. The lewd wet squelching sounds made you toss your head back as Bakugou’s fingers skimmed over your clit. Before you could voice out your complaints, he pressed down on the bundle of nerves making you gasp. His red eyes greedily took in your expressions as he rubbed languid circles around your clit.
“Ah~ Please don’t stop!” You mewled as his pace quickened.
“Fuck you look so hot.” He groaned as your hips came to buck into his touch. Your body was hot and, you could feel yourself coming close. You could also feel your clit growing warmer.
“Mmm.” You moaned your hands griping his shirt tightly. The heat on your pussy only grew and, you cried out. “W-wait!”
“What You don’t want to cum just yet-
“No Katsuki stop it’s to freaking hot!” He didn’t need to be told again and, he quickly pulled away to see what was causing you discomfort.
“Babe? Are you okay?” He asked his brows furrowed. His eyes widened in shock as tears pricked at the corner of your eyes. Your hand came down to your cunt to fan at the area in an attempt to cool it down. “Shit what happened?”
“It’s burns.” You hissed. That’s when it hit you. “Fuck the peppers.”
“Peppers!? What the hell are you- Oh shit.”
               Bakugou Katsuki wasn’t one for panicking but this was one of those rare times in which he partook in panicking. He honestly didn’t know what to do as you fanned your flaming cooch. So, what was he to do as you both freaked? The man quickly unlocked his phone and with incredible speed searched up the first thing he could think of ‘Peppers on vagina’ was rapidly typed into the search engine.
“Katsuki!” You yelled as you watched the man run off tears now streaming down your face at the thought of him leaving. But the thought was quickly abolished when he came back with a ice bag and, filled it with cold water and, a couple of ice cubes.
He had you laying on the couch in record time the bag over your vagina. You immediately felt a slight relief and, let out a sigh.
“Wouldn’t it be faster to just run some cold water on it.” You asked.
“you want it to fucking spread all over?” He barked.
“So much for appreciation day.” You muttered trying to lighten the mood.
Bakugou only scoffed not looking up from his phone. His eyes were focused intently on the screen until he walked back into the kitchen and came back with a cup.
“It says the burning will be gone in about an hour. You didn’t get any seeds in you, so we don’t need a doctor. But if it gets too much, we could always use this.” He said holding up the cup.
“And, what is that?” You asked your pussy feeling much better than before.
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izukuwus · 4 years
Your 'katsudon' looks delicious,.. How did you make it,, 😍
*breaks fingers* alright recipe time bitches, gonna throw this shit under a readmore for ur dash’s sakes
1-2 chicken breasts (I used one cus I got a different brand from usual and these chicken breasts were THICC, u wanna make sure they’re kinda thin otherwise cut em in half or they won’t cook through properly)
rice (1 cup white uncooked is what I used)
onion (half a large yellow onion, I used two small yellow onions cus I’m an onion whore)
panko, which is japanese bread crumbs! (like 1 cup)
1 large egg, beaten
2 more large eggs, beaten, SEPARATE from the first egg
about 1/4 cup flour
salt n pepper baybeeee
grated lemon peel (if it doesn’t have lemon peel, soy sauce, or just so much sugar I didn’t cook it, but you can leave this out if you want :( )
2/3 cup dashi stock 
1 1/2 tbsp mirin (rice wine, it’s a cooking wine so you should be able to buy it even if ur not legal drinking age)
1 1/2 tbsp sake (NOT a cooking alcohol, u will need someone to buy it for u if ur underaged)
1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
1 1/2 TEASPOONS, not tablespoons, sugar
if ur life rocks and u can find it, mitsuba which is japanese parsley. if ur life doesn’t rock and u can’t get it (Aka ur me), regular parsley works fine
oil! a flavor neutral cooking oil like canola oil or veg oil. don’t use olive oil. the amount will depend on the size of ur frying pan but we’re gonna b shallow frying this shit
set everything out, cook ur rice ahead of time
start by slicing up your onions. what I do is cut the onion in half and then do wedges, then separate the layers and toss that into a bowl. set aside for later
I like to set up ur breading station first so u don’t gotta do it with chicken hands or wash your hands 50000 times, so set out either shallow bowls or plates with ur flour, ONE beaten egg, panko, and then one clean plate for once ur chicken’s all bready
then u wanna prep ur chicken, if ur chicken breasts are thin slicing in half once longways is fine (like chicken tenders) but if u got thicc bois first slice em in half so they’re not so thicc. u want this shit to b able to cook all the way thru because in this house we do NOT stan salmonella poisoning or any matter of food-born illnesses. I find 4 chicken tender-sized slices to b the perfect amount to fit in my pan
if u didn’t prep ur breading station ahead of time, wash ur hands and do it now. ur order is flour -> egg -> panko -> finish plate
if u prepped ur breading station first, then sprinkle salt + pepper over both sides of each chicken not-tender, maybe a lil bit of lemon peel. then, one at a time, cover each piece with flour, then dredge it in egg, and then the panko. b careful to completely cover ur chicken during each step! when it’s bready, place the chicken+seasoning+floureggpanko on the plate, rinse ur fingertips bc they’re probs gettin breaded too, and repeat until all ur chicken’s covered and breaded
get a plate and line it with 2 or 3 paper towels, have some extra on the side too, you’ll need em
now for the fun part and the reason i smell like burn ointment right now: frying!
you wanna get a shallow frying pan and pour enough oil so it’s half an inch deep in. heat it over medium heat 5-10 minutes, you want the oil to be around 350 degrees fahrenheit (176.66 celcius according to google?) but I don’t own a thermometer lmao. take a tiny piece of panko and drop it in the oil, it might sink a lil and if bubbles carry it back to the top kinda slow-ish you’ll know you’re ready to fry. u wanna make sure it’s not too cold or too hot cus too cold won’t get crispy and too hot will over-cook ur breading while ur chicken doesn’t cook all the way thru
drop one of your katsu tenders in the oil s l o w l y. if u did it right the oil probably doesn’t cover the tender all the way--that’s ok, using either tongs or something scoopy or like, long chopsticks, carefully flip it every now and then until the whole thing’s nice and golden brown. remove and set on ur paper towel plate, repeat for the rest of ur katsu tenders. I recommend one at a time so you don’t overcook any of them! it also makes em easier to flip in the oil without being a dumbass like me and having oil pop all over ur goddamn s k i n and burn u cus god knows I do that shit every time or grab fresh hot meat with my bare hands when it’s barely out of the oil
once you’re all done frying, remove ur oil from the heat and let it cool before you even THINK about cleaning that shit. get another frying pan (probs deeper than the one u fried in), toss in ur sake, mirin, dashi, sugar, soy sauce, and onions, and stir it up. heat it until it starts boiling, drop ur heat to medium, and cook it up until ur onions are all wilty. 
at this point, put ur fried up chicken in and turn the heat up to medium high. take ur other two beaten eggs and pour em over the chicken so it’s about as evenly ditributed as u can get. nice egg bath for our nice bready chicken. 
when the egg’s around half cooked (I’d give advice on what that looks like but it’s kinda somethin u gotta feel with ur heart of hearts), turn off the heat and add ur mitsuba or boring old dried parsley I GUESS and more lemon peel. probably less than i would add. I’m known for eating more lemon than is healthy.
remember your rice? I sure hope so! get some of that shit in a bowl and scoop out some chicken tendie, make sure u get onions and some of the liquid and stuff, and lay that shit on top of the rice.
take a bite and fucking ascend. holy shit. izuku was right. katsudon is so fucking good. the first time I made this shit and tried it I got some rice, meat, and onion and egg all in one bite and yelled “oh FUCK” so loud in my kitchen my roommate came out of her room and I had to let her try some. but don’t be fooled. this recipe could probably maybe serve two, potentially three if ur all small eaters. don’t share. eat all of it urself. c o n s u m e it. I highly recommend gettin a bite with everything in it, cus you’ll fucking d i e. 
izuku was so right. this shit slaps. even if it’s not technically katsudon. (I think it makes it oyakodon? but shhhh it’s katsudon if I SAY it’s katsudon) it’s just. so good. i’m a lil drunk cus the sake isn’t resealable so I’ve been drinking it but f u c k this shit’s so good. call me a kinnie but katsudon’s one of my favorite foods now too i’m lowkey crying a little it’s so fucking g o o d
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This is for the lovely @spicynaruto​ who gave me a theme and I ran with it. I hope you like it! (Also, be sure to check out their blog for some nice Naruto fiction as well!)
Stay Warm Sasuke x Fem!Reader Warning(s): fluff and cuteness Word Count: 1,416
Everything was set. The candles were lit, the food was plated and prepared, and you were dressed in a teal green kimono with small and delicate flowers covering it paired with a peach obi. Not to mention your (H/T) (H/C) hair was styled just right and had a white peony pinned into it. Clapping your hands together, you smiled to yourself. “It’s perfect, I can’t wait for him to be home!” You giggled and quickly headed to the entryway. 
The last you had heard, Sasuke was coming back from his mission today and would be there shortly. It had been a good month since you had last seen him, and you wanted him to come home to a clean house, a nice and ready meal, and his gorgeous wife. 
Kneeling down onto your shins, you folded your (S/C) hands onto your knees and waited for him to open the door.
And waited.
And waited some more.
Eventually, your eyelids started to get heavy as the fading light from the sun started to turn the world dark. Paired with the long day of cooking and cleaning and dolling yourself up, it was a little taxing. You soon found yourself fast asleep, having done so upright with your head having fallen forward a little. 
It was closer to midnight by the time Sasuke made it back to the village. He had passed a small stand selling glass windchimes, making him a bit late. There were so many to choose from and he wanted to get one for the special light in his life. He had eventually decided on one that was clear, with purple, blue, pink, and green glass flowers laid on the outside. He had made sure to get it wrapped as well. He would have done it himself, but...it was a little difficult to wrap gifts one handed.
By the time he got to his home, he noticed the lights were still on. Surely she was not still waiting up for him? A small smirk graced his features. Well, it certainly wouldn’t be surprising if she was. 
Unlocking the door and stepping inside, he was about to announce his arrival only to see an absolutely breathtaking moment before him.
There she was. His light. Waiting there patiently for him. 
Quietly setting the gift down on the entryway table they had, he leaned down in front of her, cocking his head to the side. The gentle snore that came from her only confirmed his suspicions that she fell asleep. His heart warmed at the thought that she fell asleep waiting for him, but could not help but feel a little bad at causing her to. 
Taking off his shoes, he carefully picked her up, intending to take her to their bedroom. But passing by the common area made his nose twitch. Backtracking a little, he saw the plates of food and immediately felt at peace. “What did I do to deserve you, (F/N).” He muttered, turning his head to place a gentle kiss to your forehead. You barely stirred, only to snuggle more into him. 
Wrestling with the thought of whether to take you to the bedroom or to set you on the couch and cover you up, Sasuke decided with the latter, only in hopes that you would wake up so that you could eat. 
Gently laying you down on the couch, he quickly fetched a pillow and a blanket to let you be more comfortable. Once he did, he went back out to fetch the present and set it on the coffee table, so that if and when you did eventually wake up, it’d be a welcome sight.
Seeing as that was all settled, he lit the candles that had snuffed themselves out and warmed up both of their meals. After all, even if he was being quiet, there was no telling when you’d wake up. 
Sitting back down at the table, he began to eat the meal you had prepared for them, chicken katsu with curry sauce. It was a staple of yours, and had quickly become a favorite of his. It was always warm, filling, and reminded him of home with you. 
He made sure to savor it, as he did not want to rush the perfect meal. And on his way to his third piece of chicken, his ears perked up at hearing you let out a mewl of a yawn. 
You slowly blinked your (E/C) open, rubbing them a little before realizing you were sideways. “Wha?” You muttered only to fixate on the small box in front of you. A grin spread across your face and you reached out for it, slowly picking it up. Rolling onto your back, you stared at it with curiosity. Sasuke must have been home, an intruder wouldn’t leave a gift, much less make sure you’re as comfortable as you are right now. 
Undoing the ribbon and taking off the lid, your eyes lit up as to what was inside. Picking it up by the string, you marveled at how beautiful the windchime was. This was certainly done by an artisan, not just from some trinket shop. Taking the wooden panel under it, you gently tapped it so that the glass cylinder that was in the middle hit the outer glass piece, bringing a delicate chime. “Beautiful.” You whispered, sitting up a little. 
“I’m glad you like it.” Came a deep voice, but it didn’t surprise you. 
“Why didn’t you wake me up right when you came home, Sasuke?” You asked, your head turning to look over the couch and leaned against it so you could look at him.
He shrugged a little, setting his chopsticks down and coming over to you. “You looked too peaceful.” He admitted, picking up your legs to lay across his as he sat down next to you.
That only made you grin and shake your head. “I’m your wife, you know you can wake me for anything, right?” You asked, finding his hand and rubbing your thumb across the back of it as you looked into his uncovered eye. 
Again, he shrugged but a smile tugged at his lips. “I know I can, it’s just a matter of if I will. Which I won’t.” Sasuke replied back, his head now leaning against the couch. “Plus, it seemed like you had a busy day, you needed the rest.” His hand reached out to gently touch the peony in your hair. “I’m just sorry you went to all this hard work, only for me to show up late.” 
You grinned and turned your head to the side, placing a soft kiss against the palm of his hand. “It’s fine, because you know why?”
“Why?” He asked, his eyes shining a bit at the small display of affection.
“Because you still came home.” You whispered, leaning forward to place a chaste kiss against his lips. Before you could pull back, his hand found its way to your cheek.
“You know you can’t leave me with a kiss like that and not expect more, (F/N).” Sasuke muttered, leaning back in for a more prolonged kiss, this time lasting considerably longer. 
Pulling back to catch your breath a little, Sasuke chuckled a little. “You’re so easy to fluster.” 
It made your face flush and purse your lips together. Two can play it that game. Taking off the blanket, you lifted up your kimono a bit so that you could straddle his lap, your (C/T) chest pressed up against his muscular one, your (E/C) staring down at him. You heard a small gulp and saw some color appearing on his cheeks. “So are you, my love.” You giggled and leaned down to kiss him once more. “Now, let’s finish eating, shall we? It’d be a shame to let it go to waste.” You said, getting off his lap and taking the wind chime in your hands. “Thank you for this as well, it’s lovely.” 
Sasuke ran a hand over his hair once you were off his lap. Oh, how you loved to tease him. But that’s what made you fun. “You’re very welcome.” He answered back before standing up. “But yes, let’s eat.” He pulled out the chair for you to sit before sitting himself.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” You said, your eyes wide.
“What is it?” He asked, a clump of rice halfway to his mouth. 
You grinned, your heart full of love. “Welcome home, Sasuke.”
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mha-fanfic-writer · 4 years
Voice of an angel
                                                 Bakugou x (fem)reader
word count: 9,049 or 9k
Bakugou, Midoriya, and you were best friends since you guys were pretty much babies. Mostly you and Bakugou. Back then you always had such a beautiful sparkle in your eyes. At least you did. By the time middle school came around you, Bakugou, and Midoriya didn’t go to the same school. You left them without warning. At that time your parents had died and you had to move with your aunt and uncle who lived in America. With them, you suffered a lot of physical abuse, mental abuse, and emotional abuse. You had become what people wanted to be when you were in your school. Because of your parent’s death, leaving your best friends behind, the abuse, and the bullying at school that once beautiful sparkle had completely faded. You were empty and hid your emotions unless you were alone. About 3 and a half years later your aunt said that you guys were going back to Japan so you could enroll in UA. You Didn’t know Bakugou and Midoriya were there because you never were allowed to see the news so you didn’t see anything that happened to the school. When you heard your aunt say moving back to japan you were happy for the first time in years. You gave her a hug which she returned with a small not caring pat on your head. When you moved back and got a house you asked when you were gonna go to U.A. She told you you needed to take an exam first and then you would see if you got in or not. She also told you not to unpack your things in case you did get in because they had dorms. After taking the exam a couple of days later you got a letter saying that you had passed. You were excited,  they had sent you the uniform and said you were in the hero course in class 1-A. This brought a small smile to your face. You started the next day so you set an alarm to wake you up at 6:00 am.
   The next morning when it when off you got up took a shower brushed your teeth and put on the uniform. Your aunt and uncle were passed out on the couches with bottles of beer on the coffee table. You looked at them and shook your head. Then you just walked out of the house. On your way, you planned that after school you would try to find your two friends. When you were at the school gate all you could do was stare. Before you could take a step in someone called out to you. “Hey, you’re the new student right. the one with the vocal quirk.” He asked. You turned around to face him, It was the pro hero eraser head. “Yes I am,” you said in a monotone voice. “Alright, I’m your teacher fallow me your already late,” he said starting to walk again. “So are you,” you said walking beside him. “ hm I like you kid,” he said with a small smirk on his face. When you two were in front of the door he told you to wait outside until he called you in. You nodded. “Ok class, today we have a new student today I expect you to treat her equally.Understood.” He said looking at the class then looking at Bakugou. He scoffed. “Alright come in,” he said calling you in. You stepped inside with your head down. You were holding your school bag in front of your skirt with both hands, your long snow-white that had some black strands in it bangs covering your eyes. Bakugou didn’t need to see your eyes, he knew it was you. He stood up from his desk. You then looked up at the ash blond and your eyes widened when you saw him. You stopped dead in your tracks. “K-Katsu”  you mumbled his nickname you gave him when you were kids. You dropped your bag letting it hit the floor with a thud. He nodded. You could feel the tears rolling down your cheeks. You ran up to him and buried your face in his shirt holding on to it as if your life depended on it. He was holding you in his arms. When you let go and looked up at him he had tears in his eyes. “I’m not the only one here dumbass,” He said pointing at Midoriya with his thumb. You looked over behind him. Your eyes widened again when you saw your other friends crying looking at you. You let go of Bakugou and walked to Midoriya and gave him a big hug the same you gave Bakugou. You could hear him crying as he wrapped his arms around you. When you let go Aizawa spoke up. “You guys know each other?” he asked. You nodded and said “We were childhood friends before I moved to America.” you said wiping the tears off your face. “ AMERICA” Katsuki and Midoriya yelled at the same time. “Oh yeah, that day I left my aunt just sorta threw me in the care and we just left so I didn’t get to tell you guys sorry about that.” You said rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly. “Oh Wait I know you, your that girl Bakugou was telling us about awhile ago,” he said in an excited tone. You looked at the spiky red-haired boy who looked like he had shark teeth. “Oh yeah, and he showed us a picture of you when you were in grade school.” Another student with yellow-blond hair spoke up. Bakugou glared at them. Then two other students spoke up
“Oh yeah, I remember that.” A girl that was completely pink said. “Wow Bakugou you were right she is beautiful Bakubro.” A guy with black hair said. You blushed at that last one. “ Oh shut it soy sauce face you two pinky same for you dunce face and shitty hair.” You laughed at the nicknames he had called them. The red-haired boy stood up and walked to you. He examined you. Then he looked you in the eyes. “Hmm, I’m Kirishima that’s kaminari, mina, and sero.” He said giving you a toothy grin. You smiled. “Alright, class I’m gonna take a nap, get to know her I don’t care,” Aizawa said zipping himself into a yellow sleeping bag. “Hey(Y/N) I wanna introduce you to some people,” Izuku said pulling your arm. You nodded. You ended up in front of a boy who had half of his hair red and the other half white.   He looked up at you and introduced himself and then a girl with short brown hair came up with a blue-haired boy behind her. They introduced themselves and you started talking to them. After talking to them for a little while it was time for lunch. You said goodbye to them and walked to Bakugou and asked if you could eat lunch with him and his friends. When you sat down with the same food that Katsuki had his friends were shocked. “Ok I’m gonna point it out now, That stuff is spicy are you really gonna eat that,” mina said staring at you and Katsuki. You nodded. “Wait, remember the spice challenge that we did in grade school,” Katsuki asked. “OHH yeah I remember,” you said exited “You wanna do it,” he asked with a grin on his face. “Hell yeah,” you said with the same grin on your face. Bakugou called Izuku over to tell him what was gonna happen. Izuku was happy because he hadn’t seen this challenge since grade school. After eating just two bowls and some cheering for you others for Katsuki, you guys had managed to catch the attention of the whole cafeteria they were cheering for you two. You guys had eating more than 9 bowls. Bakugou was trying not to quit but he had forgotten how fast you ate, how much you could eat, and how much spice you could handle. He hated doing this but he gave up. As soon as he said that you swallowed the last bit of the 11th bowl you two were on. “Ohh thank god,” you said throwing the bowl on the stack you two had made. People were handing each other money and cheering. When you looked at the ones sitting in front of you they looked amazed. Then Kirishima handed kaminari and mina both 20 yen each. Bakugou was panting sticking out his tongue. Your face was stained with orange from the chilly. You gave him a big smile. He smiled back and threw his head back still panting. Mr.Aizawa was in the crowd the whole time recording you two. He put his phone away and tapped you on the shoulder. “Your stuff is in your dorm, Bakugou shows you where the dorms are and mina tell her which one is hers got it.” He said looking at the two. Bakugou just gave him a thumbs up and mina smiled and nodded her head. When you and Katsuki were walking to the dorms you guys were holding on to each other. After sitting for so long and eating spicy food it made you guys dizzy. In all honesty, it made you guys look drunk. When you guys got to the dorms mina walked you to your dorm room. “Thanks, mina,” you said opening the door.
After fixing the dorm the way you wanted you went to your closet to look for some clothes. You wanted a hoodie but a big one all the ones you had fit good. You ran out of your dorm and to Katsukis dorm. You knocked on the door. After hearing the knocking he opened the door. “What do you want shitty hai-oh it’s you what’s up. He asked changing his tone from anger to calmer. “Can I borrow a hoodie Katsu?” you asked him. He had to look down when he was talking to you he was 5’7 as where you were 5’0. Extremely short for A 15-year-old. “Sure shortie,” He said with a grin on his face and moving to let you in. “Thank yo- WAIT, IM NOT SHORT,” you said making your way into his room. “You haven’t grown at all since the 6th grade,” he said opening his closet and stepping back to let you see. “Yes I have, I’ve frown 2 inches thank you very much,” you said going threw the cloths. You saw a bright orange hoodie and took it off its hanger. “ Thanks,” you said as you walked out of his dorm. When you got back to your dorm you pulled out some shorts and set them with the hoodie on your bed. You got into the shower and felt the warm water hit your back. After the shower, you got out, dried your hair, and put the shorts and hoodie on. You had forgotten about the bracelet that you had on. You had made Katsuki and Izuku one in the 2nd grade. You figured you would ask them if they still had them. The whole day you were distracted and you never saw that they did still have them. Before they fit you guys to big that you had to wrap it around twice so it would fit you guys. You looked at yourself in the mirror. The hoodie was so big that it covered your shorts. Your hair was dry and a little puffy from the blow dryer. “Nice,” you said looking at yourself.
   After you left Katsukis room With his hoodie he couldn’t help but wonder was that beautiful sparkle in your gray eyes had gone. He made up his mind that the next time he saw you he would ask you. He left his room and went to the common room. He sat down on the couch scrolling thew social media. “Hey, kacchan” kaminari said walking towards the blond. “The hell do you want dunce face,” he asked annoyance in his voice. “Calm down bakubro we just need to ask you something,” Kirishima said putting his hands up in defense. “What do you want,” Katsuki asked still some irritation in his voice. “Well, Jiro wants to know if you asked her what she wanted to do for the festival,” Kirishima asked. Katsuki’s eyes widened. “Oh shit, no I forgot to ask,” he said putting down his phone. The rest of the class came into the common room. “Well, you need to ask soon its almost time it’s only 3 days away,” Mina said sitting across the couch from Katsuki. “What festival are you talking about,” you asked walking towards them. “Oh, We were just talking about the school festival that the class decided to play a concert for.” Mina chirped. Your eyes lit up “She’s gonna want to sing, she’s probably better than purple hair.” Katsuki was looking at his phone again just because he was trying to hide the blush that was on his face when he saw how his hoodie fit you and that expression made it better. You just giggled. “Yeah maybe,” you said with a shit-eating grin on your face. Katsuki had the same one on his face. “She gets cocky when it comes to singing or playing the guitar,” Katsuki said putting his phone down. “I have an idea, why don’t you and Jiro Have a singing battle” mina said jumping up from the couch. This caught the girl’s attention. “O-oh I don’t thin-” “Sure,” you said cutting Jiro off. You glared at the girl. Katsuki smirked “What I tell you,” he said walking up behind you. “Oh this is gonna be so good” Midoriya added. People were siding with Jiro and you. People were siding with you because Katsuki never complimented someone like that not really that that was a compliment. Mina brought the mike. “Jiro goes first” She gave the mike to her and ran behind you were the rest fo the Baku squad was including midoriya. After Jiro finished her song mina gave you the mike. You, Katsuki, and Midoriya’s smile widened. You lifted the mike up to your lips and started to sing.
“Hush my loves now don’t you lie, Karmas gotta way of making things write. Hush my loves now don’t you lie. I might look sweet but I don’t play nice. I can hear ‘em talking in my sleep~, Got one eye open while I’m listenin’~. They think that they know me got me figured out but they don’t know anything that I’m about~, and when I get the chance I say so swee~tly. Hush my love now don’t you lie, karmas gotta way of making things right.”
The whole class was amazed at how good you were at this. The new you singing had to do something with your quirk but they didn’t know you were this good.
“If you think your words are nice, better close your mouth, shut your lips real tight.
Secrets aren’t safe-keep ‘em to your self to yourself and nobody else. So hush my loves now don’t you lie~I might look sweet but I don’t play nice. I can hear ‘em talking in my sleep. Hush. Even through all there whispering. Yeah, yeah~. They think that they know me got me figured out but they don’t know anything that I’m about~. I should warn them now to stay away.”
   The way you sang was almost seductive and sweet in away. You stopped and smiled at them they were in disbelief Katsuki and midoriya were just smiling behind you. After talking you guys agreed that you and Jiro would both be lead singers. But that the very last song you guys were gonna play would be a solo for you. When you guys decided it was late so you decided to go to sleep.
   The next day when you woke up, you were still in Katsukis hoodie you didn’t want to give it back yet so you took it off and took a shower. When you got back out you dried your hair and put on your uniform then immediately put the hoodie back on. You slipped on your shoes and walked out of the dorm. You could barely see the skirt under it but it was still noticeable. “Oh~ you’re still wearing his hoodie huh (Y/N)” Mina said giving you a smug look. “Y-Yes s-so what” you pouted crossing your arms over your chest. You felt someone grab the hood of it and put it over your head as it fell over your eyes you heard a familiar voice. “Keep it, it looks good on you,” he said bending to the side in front of you to look at your face. You lifted up the hood over your eyes, even the sleeves were way too big. When you saw Katsukis face up close you couldn’t help but blush. He stood straight up pulling the hood off and ruffling up your hair. You were so much shorter than him. “Can someone tell me, Howes, it like up there guys,” you said looking up at Mina, Katsuki, Kirishima, Kaminari, and sero They just laughed as they saw the way you were looking at them. You pulled on Katsuki’s sleeve. You then made grabby hands wanting him to lift you up. He knew what you wanted so that what he did. He bent down as you climbed on his back and on then his shoulders. He got back up slowly not wanting you to lose your grip and fall off. Your eyes lit up when you saw farther than you always did. When he tilted his head up to look at you he couldn’t help the blush that lightly dusted his cheeks. You looked down at him and gave him a big smile. He smiled back, it was a rare genuine smile. Mina was fangirling at how cute the site was. The bys just took pictures with dopey grins on there faces. As soon as they saw Katsuki was turning back they shoved their phones into there pockets. You were having a childish day today, in other words, you were acting like a baby. Bakugou was caring for you half the day but when you noticed that his neck was hearting you started riding on Izuku shoulders, just to give Katsuki a break. When it was lunch you wanted to sit with both boys, not just one so you dragged Todoroki Uraraka Iida and Izuku to the Baku squads table. They welcomed them to sit except Katsuki. He just sat there eating. You sat in the middle of Izuku and Katsuki. “Katsu are you feeling better,” you asked looking up at the ash blond. He nodded “Yay,” you said with the cutest and childish look on your face. He smiled at you. He then looked down at his pocket sticking his hand in there and pulling something out. “H-Here” he stuttered as he pulled out a big cookie wrapped in plastic. The look on your face when you were eating the cookie made Katsuki’s blush, He might as well have been challenging Kirishima’s hair. Of course, the Baku squad caught on including Izuku. Katsuki covered his face and turned away. Mr. Aizawa came into the cafeteria and tapped you on the shoulder causing you to jump a little. “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, anyways your aunt and uncle need to talk to you.” He said holding up his phone that was still on a call. The cute look on your face had completely turned into complete horror. You set down the cookie and slowly took the phone. “H-Hello-” you were cut off by your aunts screaming at you you were holding the phone away from your ear. She was yelling at you and asking where you were. You could tell she was drunk. The table that you were sitting at was all shocked including Aizawa. You put the phone to your ear. “A-aunt your d-drunk again” you mumbled. But the table and Aizawa heard you. Your mom was yelling at you again saying she wasn’t and that she was gonna get in the cage when you got home. You had been holding the phone out to avoid your ears getting hurt but the table still heard it. You snapped. “Shut up your drunk you bitch just leave me alone” you yelled into the phone. This caught the attention of people in the cafeteria. Your mom said that your uncle was gonna punish you and he was coming to pick you up. “W-wait no no no I’m sorry please no-no.” You were crying now. Then your uncle’s voice came into the call. “ U-Uncle I-I’m sorry  I won’t yell again I promise, please don’t come to the school.” Your dad was drunk too. He yelled at you saying he wasn’t going to but not tell your aunt to shut up or call her a bitch. You Apologized repetitively. Then he just hung up. The whole table was looking at you worried and some around the table were too.You looked around pulled the hood over your head. And lied on Katsukis lap crying. He just rubbed small circles on your back. You were shaking. “What’s going on at home (Y/N)” Aizawa asked looking worried and a bit mad at the same time. You just shook your head. The rest of the class was surrounding your table, you put your legs on Izukus lap. He didn’t stop you he just put his hand on your leg and rubbed it gently. “Bakugou I want you to take of her for today ok, but I want her back tomorrow we have training then the festival.” Aizawa said looking at Katsuki putting his phone back in his pocket. “Yeah yeah whatever,” he said shrugging Aizawa off focusing on you.He tapped you and said. “Piggyback, alright?” you just nodded in response he got up and so did you he bent down and you climbed on him and raped your arms and legs around him. He stood up straight and started walking as you buried your face in the crook of his neck. He took you to his dorm. He set up a bath for you to relax in.When he undressed you and put you in he was trying to hide the blush on his face.When you were in you asked him not to go.You said you wanted him to come in with you. He knew it meant nothing like that so he agreed and undressed, you had moved so he could get in.As soon as he did you made your way and sat in-between his legs resting your head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around your small body. After a while, he told you to wet your hair. You did as he said when you put your head back on his chest he got the shampoo bottle and put some in his hand and gently started scrubbing your head. He made sure it was gentle but he also made sure it was done right. He then did the same to head. He did everything for you for the rest of the day. He scrubbed your body for you he changed you. Brush your hair. Wich was the hardest because of how long it was.He put you in a black hoodie that his mom bought him that fit even him to big. He asked I you wanted pants, he asked because when you were little and over his house, if you wore something this big you didn’t wear them. That started around the age of 11.You shook your head no.When he was done himself he took you to the common room where he put in one of your favorite movies. Halfway through you fell asleep on his lap.When he was just combing his fingers through your hair until he fell asleep himself. The rest of the class rushed back to the dorms to check on you. When they entered the building they were all relieved and happy. When they saw you and Katsuki on the couch sleeping they all took at least a couple of pictures. Katsuki was the first one to wake up to a bunch of worried faces some watching a different movie some just talking about what happened. Kirishima was the first to notice he was awake. Kirishima gave him a worried and nervous smile. You woke up shortly after that. Katsuki and Kirishima were talking when Kirishima pointed at you. Katsuki looked at you. You blinked a couple of times so your eyes could adjust to the light. When you sat up the hoodie had fallen off your left shoulder. He instantly pulled it back up noticing that Mineta was looking at you. “Katsu what time is it,” you asked rubbing your eyes. “4 pm,” he said looking at his phone.  “Hey she’s awake girls,” mina said calling all the girls over. “You wanna play truth or dare with us and the boys,” she asked you excitement written all over her face. Your eyes lit up at the sound of truth or dare. “Yeah, yeah let’s do it,” you said getting off of the couch. “Can you get Bakugou to say yes too, please.” you nodded and looked at him. “Katsu can you play truth or dare with us please,” you said in your cutest voice looking him dead in the eyes with your puppy-dog eyes. “Gahh fine,” he said leaning his head back not wanting to look at you. When you were all sitting on the couches and on the floor.You were sitting in between Katsukis legs on the floor. His back was against the couch while his legs were stretched out and he had his arms wrapped around you, He buried his face in your neck You were sitting the same way but your legs were crossed and you had your neck to the side giving him more room. Yes, your classmates knew you had basically turned Katsuki into a big softie, at least when he’s around you.But to them for two best friends you two were awfully touchy. Some of them thought you two were already dating. “(Y/N) truth or dare” mina asked. “Hm, dare” you mumbled still pretty tired. “I dare you to put on a sexy maid outfit.” your and Katsuki’s eyes shot open. “I don’t have one though you said visibly nervous. “ don’t worry Yayorozu made one,” she said pointing at Yayorozu who had started making it. You blushed. “F-fine,” you said getting up.Mina and Uraraka got up too to help you. You took the outfit from Yayorozu and walked to your dorm room mina and Uraraka ran out and ran back in with two other ones. “Are you guys doing it with me?” you asked a bit of relief in your voice. They both said yes.When you guys had put them on they told you an Idea they had.As much as you wanted to say no, you knew that they were still gonna make you do it.So you just agreed. When you guys looked at yourselves in the mirror you guys actually looked really good. Uraraka was more of the cute one Mina was more of the hot one, as were you were a mix of both. You took a deep breath in and let it out.When you heard the music start you 3 walked out of the hallway you in front and the others behind you.You had on a “confident” face.You started singing first.
       “Hold up no you didn’t bow, bow. I ain’t the chick to walk behind you around town. Just because you packin’, pacin’, whoop down south, That don’t  mean I’m ever gonna take it lying down, baby “
                                                                                 Mina sang the first verse
       “Oh, I’m a machine when I do it, I’ll be catching fire, gasoline when I do it.
Just ‘cause your packin’, packin’, whoop, down south That doesn’t mean I’m ever gonna take it lying
                                                                  Uraraka sang the second verse
   You sat in-between Katsukis legs. You were sitting on yours and holding down the end of the dress on the floor.
   “Baby your the man~ but I got the. I got the power. You make rain but il make it, I’ll make it, I’ll make it shower. You should know I’m the one who’s in control. I’ll let you take the weel.long as you don’t forget~ who got the power.”
                                                                All 3 of you were singing the 3rd verse
                                    You started the last verse you guys were gonna sing.
“My turn, I make this look easy Tick tick boom like gasoline-y Yeah they call me Lamborghini Cause I know just what I'm worth Z-z-zero to hundred B-b-body make' em stutter Start my engine, push the button Cause I'm gon' be coming first Yeah, I'm a machine when I do it I'll be catching fire, gasoline when I do it just ‘cause you're packin', packin', whoop, down south That don't mean I'm ever gonna take it laying down Baby, you're the man But I got the, I got the, I got the power You make rain But I'll make it, I'll make it, I'll make it shower You should know, I'm the one who's in control I'll let you come take the wheel, long as you don't forget Who got the power.”
   You had gone from sweet to seductive really quick. You were doing so many things to him, he didn’t know what to do with his hand’s sp he just had them behind him supporting himself when you had got on top of him sitting on his stomach and had your hands on his chest. When you were in these positions he couldn’t help but look everywhere. The top part of the maid outfit was tight around your chest squishing your boobs up and the shortness of your dress it was barely covering you. He knew his face was really red but he was so distracted by you he didn’t care. Mina and Uraraka weren’t doing this to anybody.o why him. Bye, the time he finished his thought you got off of him. He watched you walk away looking down in embarrassment. When you 3 were completely gone everybody was looking at him. Some like Kaminar sero and Kirishima and some others had nose bleeds that included Izuku. “Bro you are so lucky, you got the hottest one to do all that to you and you didn’t even hold her waist,” Kaminari said wiping the blood from his nose. “S-shut it d-duce” Katsuki stuttered. When you three got back you guys had taken them off and changed back to your previous cloths. You didn't say anything you just jumped on top of  Katsuki, you were clenching his shirt in your fists were hiding your face in his chest. “Sorry katsu” was all you said. He lifted your chin and told you it was ok. Damn, he was hot. After about 3 hours of playing, Yayrozu said she finished dinner. You all got up and walked to the dinner table. You were on Katsuki’s back though. “Oh yeah (Y/N) Aizawa-sense wanted me to tell you that you’ll be fighting the top 3 students in class tomorrow for training,” Izuku said excitedly. “O-Oh, and who are they exactly,” you asked tilting your head. “Kacchan, Todoroki, and Tokoyami didn’t you see the sports festival,” Izuku asked a little confused. You shook your head and told them you weren’t allowed to watch the news or anything for that matter. They were surprised and some looked worried. “So does that mean you don’t know what happened to Bakugou at the training camp,” Kirishima said with a worried look on his face. “Training camp? What’s that,” you asked quirking an eyebrow. The whole room went silent. “What happened?” you asked starting to panic. Iida sighed. “Bakugou was kidnapped by the league of villains and they tried to convince him to join them,” Iida said pushing up his glasses. They didn’t expect you to react the way you did. “Well he made it back not with the villains not hurt and still the same katsu I know, so I’m fine as long as he is. I mean he's the strongest person I know, so I think he would be fine,” you said shrugging your solders and climbing off Katsuki. They gave you some confused looks and some surprised. “Wow I guess you believe in him as much as he believes in himself,” Kirishima said rubbing the back of his neck. You nodded your head vigorously with a bright smile on your face. Katsuki couldn't help the small smile on his face. You pulled the end of his sleeve and when he looked down at you, you turned your head and started walking to the two empty seats next to izuku. He knew you were strong but you basically dragging him now he could barely keep up. You both sat down with the rest of the class. Kaminari and Kirishima were trying out the challenge that you and Katsuki did but not with spicy food. They didn't make it past 3 bowls. You laughed at there attempt. “How can you guys eat so much,” Kaminari said with a hand on his stomach. You and katsuki shrugged. After talking for a while Katsuki said he was going to bed. You all said your goodnights to him and let him go. After 2 hours you all went to your dorms. When your head hit the pillow you completely fell asleep forgetting what had happened with your aunt and uncle.
The next morning you woke up excited that you might beat the top three students in UA. After putting on your uniform and leaving your dorm you saw the rest of the class in the common room. “Hey guys what's up,” you asked walking towards them. “Oh hey, we were waiting for you, Were going to walk to class as, well a class,” mina said excitement all over her face. “Oh ok then” you answered with a warm smile. When you guys walked into the class you were surprised to see Mr. Aizawa there. He was usually the last one there. As soon as you guys were going to walk in Mr. Aizawa told you guys to get out and change into your hero costumes. You all went to the locker rooms and changed into your costumes. Your hero costume had white boots that went up to your caffs, black thigh high stockings with white music notes on the right one, white short shorts with some rips on them, a top that looked like a waistcoat with short sleeves and the top faded from black to white, with a white tie that wasn't fixed properly and was hanging with the not down to your chest, On your right arm you had A glove that went all the way up to your shoulder and cut off on your knuckles and had black music notes on the side of it. You were the last one out on the training grounds because you had to get the bracelets from mei hatsume that she was working on. They helped you a lot because they could see the strongest emotion that one person was feeling so you could pick the right song to sing. When you came out of the doors your eyes lit up at the site of building and ally ways it all looked so real. The class was looking at you some with confusion on why your costume looked more like an outfit for a music festival. The girls looked so happy and excited when they saw you. As for Katsuki, his eyes went to your top. or more importantly, the fact that the waistcoat like tops buttons was down to your chest revealing a lot of cleavage. then he noticed that you didn't have anything under it so when he looked down the waistcoat like the top wasn't covering your sides or a bit of your stomach. HE couldn't help but blush at the sight of you. The shorts fit your curves so well and the top was really snug around you. Your hair matched your outfit so perfectly. He could feel the pink rising to his cheeks when he saw you. Then he saw Mineta walking up to your hands out ready to do something. But before he could Katsuki sent a blast his way warning him. Mineta ran away into a corner. All the girls were complimenting you on your outfit. Then you had noticed that all of there costumes had to something with there quirk, so did yours but you knew a lot about there quirks but they new really nothing about yours. Then you saw Katsuki in his costume. Oh gosh, he was so freaking hot in that. His mussels were so defined and his chest, you couldn't help but notice that the top was so tight you could see his abs through it. Your face was pretty much challenging Kirishima's hair. “Ehem,” Mr. Aizawa said catching all of your attention. “Bakugou, Todoroki, and tokoyami please step forward along with (Y/N)” was all Mr. Aizawa said before telling the rest of the class to follow him. “Mr. Aizawa, don't you think putting the top three students in the school up against such a fragile girl is a little much” Kirishima said walking on the side of Aizawa's sense. They were in the room with all the TV's before he could respond. “Trust me(Y/N) is probably one of the strongest people you’ll ever meet, hell she might be stronger than all might.” He said the last one with his huge smile on his face. “All right before you 4 start, I gave all of you except (Y/N) a tracking device, she has the tracker on her she doesn't knows so don't worry you 3.” Mr.aizawa had muted your earpiece and was only talking to the boys. When you saw them making faces and then saw tokoyami take something out of his pocket and then put it back in. You knew Aizawa was talking to them and not you but you figured there was something you couldn't know but because of what tokoyami did you had an idea. “Alright start you 4″ Aizawa said to all of you.
“Alright guys I'm gonna go over here see ya soon,” you said giving them a smile then skipping away to one of the ally ways. They were shocked at what you just said and did. They all scattered to different areas of the taring ground. You had remembered mina talking to Aizawa before coming up to you and complementing your outfit and shaking you, then you remembered tokoyami pulling some device out if his pocket. You connected the dots and figured you would use it your advantage. you grabbed your solder and felt a weird bump on it.You pulled it off. “So it is a tracker” you muttered under your breath. then you smiled that one cocky smile. You saw one of the security cameras that you were sure they were watching on. You had your head down with a smirk as you help up the tracker. It was small but you could still do something. You opened the tracker with a peace of class you found on the ground, after opening it you changed some wires and did some tinkering on it. Everybody was surprised and confused at what you were doing. You had learned how to do this at your old school in the lab. It was really advanced for a middle school in America but you weren't complaining. Your head turned the tracker into a bomb and a tracker. you could make it go off any time you wanted with the button that turned off the tracker. “She turned the tracker into a bomb but it still works as a tracker,” Aizawa said his smile widening. “Who really she didi that” Kaminary and Kirishima added. Katsuki, tokoyami, and todoroki found each other and were waiting for you to do something. “Where is she” Katsuki said impatiently. “Be patient?” tokoyami said looking around from the roof they were on with dark shadow. They didn't notice you were with them on the roof.How they didn't know was beyond you. You set down the tracker and pushed the button it was gonna go off in 5 seconds. Todoroki looked down at the tracker but before he could say or do anything the tracker went off with a loud boom. you used the bracelet to see how they were felling and when you got the read of powerful you started singing victorious by panic at the disco. A soon as the bomb went off bakugou covered his ears and let himself fall. Todoroki and tokoyami didn't cover their ears instead they were focused on catching themselves. as soon as they got back on the roof ready to fight you were singing and they could fell themselves losing control of there bodies. Then you stopped and you let out a little giggle. “Come here guys,” you said in your nice calming tone. They did as they were told and came closer to you. You took the capture tape and tied it around there ankles and wrists. As soon as you were done you stopped your quirk and they were completely dumbfounded on how you caught them so easily. “Tokoyami and todoroki are out it's just bakugou and (Y/N) left,” Mr.Aizawa said on the mike so everybody on the training ground could hear. “Shit, those dumb asses” Katsuki muttered under his breath. “Hmm now what to do with you two” you questioned tapping your finger to your lip “Oh I know.” you said tapping some buttons on your bracelet. “Why are you guys feeling scared, I'm not gonna do anything THAT bad,” you said rolling your eyes. The reading didn't change. Oh well, theirs no changing what your feeling. You then began to sing tag your it by meline Martinez. After just 1 verse of it, they were under your control. you undid the tape and they just stood there. “Alright you two are going to help me get katsu understood?” you asked.they simply nodded. After about 10 minutes of looking for the blond, he came out of nowhere and jumped on you. “Todoroki Use your Ice” you demanded and he did just that. He froze Katsuki in a block of ice. You noticed he had something in his ears. Then the ice broke and he fell face down on the ground. you laughed. “Oh my gosh, katsu are you ok,” you said in between breaths. He couldn't help but blush at your laugh it was ONE of the cutest things about you along with your hair your body but most of all your eyes. His thoughts were cut off by todoroki and tokoyami picking you up on their solders. “Come on katsu this is no fun if your gonna stay on the ground all day.” you said crossing your legs with that evil smile on your face. Katsuki got up and gave you his own evil smile. “your right, It wouldn't be fun” he said getting ready to fight. The class was interested in how you were getting todoroki and takoyaki to do anything you wanted. When they heard a boom from the TV screen everybody stayed quiet and paid attention. Bakugou was throwing blast after blast but you avoided them all. Unlike before when the class couldn't hear what was going on, now they could after upgrading the camera room. He was throwing blast after blast at you but with every order, you gave the 2 other boys you were able to dodge or fight back. You told tokoyami to use dark shadow and attack Katsuki. After about 20 minutes of fighting, he stopped. “What's wrong katsu,” you said getting off the boy's shoulders. As soon as you did you used the capture tame and tied tokoyami and todoroki up again then you stopped your quirk. The boys came back to reality and as soon as they did they looked like they had seen a ghost. You were felling weak all over but you refused to let that show, not wanting Katsuki to take advantage of that. Katsuki had a grin plastered on his face the whole time you two were fighting, but then again so did you. Then bakugou lifted up his hand to face you. You didn't know what he was doing. Then you saw a small mettle lever thing, and before you could connect the dots you saw his pull it. You saw a huge blast coming toward you. You jumped to the side pulling tokoyami and todoroki with you since you didn't want them to get hurt and because they couldn't move. Bakugou took the time and ran up to you and tied your hands behind your back with the capture tape. You didn't even notice it until after he pulled you up. “L-looks like B-bakugou wins,” Mr. Aizawa said through the mike. After fixing your selves you 3 went to the front part of the training ground where everybody was waiting. Katsuki had you on his back because of how drained you felt. when he put you down you were holding on to him for support. “Ok now you have to tell us all about your quirk ok” mina chirped “Yeah and how you turned the tracker into a bomb.” midoriya added. “Well, my quirk allows me to control somebody's mind and body if I sing a song related to how they feel. So it can be easier and faster I asked mei to make something for me that could help scene it. I'm really surprised it didn't explode because this was the first time I used it, Although depending on how long I use it for the more tired and drained I get.” you said rubbing the bracelet and adjusting it around your wrist. “And as for the bomb I could tell the trackers was a simple one if I could open it with a piece of glass, so after just changing and cutting some wires it was really easy. you can turn anything into a bomb if you know how” you said shrugging your shoulders. “The only reason he beat me is because of that big explosion and because he and Izuku know everything about my quirk.”  you said looking up the blond then looking at Izuku. “I'm not gonna lie that was actually a pretty tough fight you put up.” Katsuki said looking at you still with that grin on his face. You gave him a cheeky smile. “Ok because of the festival you guys have the rest of the day off. They all cheered with big smile smiles on there faces.
Before you guys went on stage you were a bit nervous. “Hey calm down you'll do fine out there.” Katsuki patted your shoulder reassuring you. you nodded then jiro called the both of you to the stage. When you guys were ready you and jiro had the mikes in front of you you took a deep breath. “Do this shit. Were gonna murder all UA students with music!” Katsuki yelled into the mike before setting off an explotion. They all started playing “Thanks for coming out today!” you and jiro both yelled into the mike. You and jiro started singing. You couldn't help but but notice that people were looking at you and you knew it was you,but why. After the performance and your solo you went back stage and hung out there for a wile. You and Katsuki talked about everything you wanted to. Then the night ended and you all went back to the dorms talking and laughing. At dinner it was the same. Then you all went to bed.
One year later you guys weren't known as class 1-A anymore, it was class 2-A now. It was your second year.and the sports festival  was coming up. This was your first one due to the fact that you came mid way through the 1st year. Some had noticed this but after winter break you seemed more quit and distant. Of course this didn't go unnoticed by Katsuki. He never said anything though. The reason you were like this was because when you went home for break you dealt with a lot more abuse that you did before. After the whole thing in the cafeteria last year nobody ever brought it up again. But when you went back home there were 3 men at the house, you didn't know any of them. two of them looked to be in there 50s or 40s and the third looked to be in his 20s maybe. But before you could ask what was going on the men forced you to do THAT with them. you struggled with them, trying to use your quirk but for some reason it wasn't working.It was probably one of their quirks. That went on the whole winter break. you always tried to stop it but after so many attempts you just gave up. So once school was back you were both happy and scared. What if it didn't stop and someone at the school did that to you or what if someone found out and rumors spread. When you went back you were covered in bruises and scars from everything. You looked like a robot that was just there. when people asked if you were ok you just told them you were fine. Then one day after getting a threatening message from someone saying they knew about what was going on and if you didn't do something for them they were going to tell the school. You froze, and then you had an idea.
“Ill just end it”
was what you said to yourself tears rolling down your cheeks.
The next day you didn't pay attention to any of your classes because in a couple of hours that wouldn't matter. After school you didn't go back to the dorms witch made your class mates ask questions wile they were walking. Katsuki was especially worried because you seemed off this year but especially today. When they walked in the common room they saw a note on the coffee table. it read
“Im sorry” 
it was in your hand writing. It took Katsuki a little to figure it out but when he did
He yelled running out of the dorms, he could feel the tears rolling down his face but he didn't care he didn't want to lose you. It took kirishima and the class to put it together but when they did kirishima called Aizawa and they all ran as fast as they could to the roof they were all crying. When they got up there they saw bakugou holding on to your wrist dangling from the room they ran up and helped him pull you up. As soon as they did Katsuki gave you hug and then didn’t something he would remember for the rest of his life. He cuffed your face in his hands and just kissed you tears on his face. As soon as he did you saw everything. All the good moments you had spent with him and everybody. you felt the tears roll down your face too. Then you kissed him back. It was a tender gentle kiss. You both parted gasping for air. you raped you arms around his torso crying into his shirt. when he lifted your chin to look at. He saw that beautiful sparkle in your eyes once more. “You have such beautiful eyes (Y/N)” he said looking at you with one of his rare genuine smiles. You gave his a warm smile ad stood on your tippy toes to kiss give him a quick peck on the lips. Then you both heard cheers coming from your class mates. You giggles with a small smile on your face. Then the roof doors slammed open all might and aizawa running through the doors. both with worried looks on there faces. When they saw you were still there they let out a sigh. “You guys would have been, by the time bakugou got here he was barley holding on to her by her wrist!” mina said pouting and walking up to the two heroes and scolded them. After that they told you you had to tell them why you did it in the first place. you all sat down on the ground and you told them everything that had been happening to you the past years but especially winter break. They couldn't believe what they were hearing the whole class was stunned. You noticed that some of them were crying and couldn't help but feel bad. When you were done with your story you were crying. Katsuki picked you up and sat you in between his legs,you were facing him as you cried into his shirt. After that Aizawa called the police and your aunt and uncle were arrested along with the men that that had done that to you.  Then he called Katsukis mom asking if she would be willing to take of you. She agreed immediately after hearing what had happen. Mr.aizawa said you and katsuki could have the rest of the week off witch was 4 day left. After that 2 weeks went by and it was the sports festival. you got second place as bakugou still took 1st and midoriya 3rd. A couple of ears later you and bakugou got married and were both in the top 10. Bakugou was the number 2 hero and you were number 4. Number one hero was Izuku and the number 3 hero was todoroki. Katsuki and midoriya didn't fight as much but sometimes they did. you and todoroki had to calm them down all the time sense you were Katsukis wife and todoroki was midoriyas husband. 
“The end kiddo its time for bed”
“Aw come on mom theirs gotta be more than that”
“nope now go to bed your 12 acting like your 5 plus you have school tomorrow.”
“Aw fine”
“night son” 
“night mom”
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