#only serves to uphold power structures
sapphixxx · 3 months
Signalis, Authority, and History
There's a level of nuance to how Signalis presents the violence of the authority of the nation that doesn't call attention to itself but which I really appreciate. Which is basically just, all the officers and cops and spies who make life hell for people like the Gestalt mine workers, Ariane, and the Itou family--we get little glimpses into who they are in Adler and Kolibri's diaries and despite the propaganda and the authoritative tone they take in official communications, for the most part they don't seem to actually be particularly invested in the hard line of national ideology. They uphold it though, viciously, both because things were worse under imperial rule (we don't get hard details on what it was like but it's mentioned in passing enough that I believe it) and because they're scared that if they don't they will be decommissioned and easily replaced. They are literally stamped out of a production line after all. There's a subtext of well, if I don't do it my replacement will anyway and I'm not trying to die so what's the point of rocking the boat?
I think Kolibri stands out to me most clearly on this because in communications from the block warden regarding Ariane there is emphasis put on how it is unacceptable and suspicious that she should be so interested and invested in art and literature that does not serve the purpose of furthering the goals of the nation. But we know that Kolibris themselves are bookworms, Adlers are fiends for stimulating experiences, and both get miserable FAST when deprived of art and puzzles and entertainment and hobbies. Y'know, just like anyone. Far be it from being a paragon of The Nation only interested in productive labor, we are reminded that the block warden, too, hates this shitty town and wants to transfer but is denied. They're hypocrites, but not monsters, nor brainwashed puppets of the state.
The monstrousness at play is not contained within any particular subset of evil individuals, or even an inherent universal force of evil contained in the broad notion of The Nation. There is no cosmic evil force that makes them all do these things to each other. The monstrousness is within the social systems, the mechanisms of how authority perpetuates on a structural procedural level, held in place by fear and tangible threats of violence, each link in the chain restraining the next through those threats out of fear that if they don't, then they'll be next. Regardless how many, if any, of those people in this chain are true dogmatic hardliners, they must act as such because failing to do so opens them up to danger.
Here then I think of the quote that is so prominent, "Great holes secretly are digged where earth’s pores ought to suffice, and things have learnt to walk that ought to crawl", from Lovecraft's The Festival. This is not just a chilling abstract visual that conveniently evokes a mineshaft-- in Lovecraft's story, this line refers to worms which ate the decomposing bodies of wizards whose wretched souls had remained after death, complete with the terrible powers they gained through contracts with demons. Those worms inherited both their power, and also the evil. The Nation, despite having overthrown the Empire, is built on imperial technology, in particular Replikas and bioresonance. So too, then, we can imply that The Nation inherited with those things some of the monstrousness of The Empire as well. There is no end of history, nor clean break with the past, no matter how violently it may seem to be rejected. That which remains from the past--and something inevitably always does--creates the present.
This is a game that is not shy about evoking East Germany. And I think all of this provides a sophisticated picture of repressive authority that we rarely see in fiction of the English speaking world, especially in games. The year the S23 incident takes place is notably 84, but, frankly, I find this to be more compelling and illustrative than 1984 (and I'm a librarian and have taught English classes so I get to say that). Orwell, let's be honest, presents a fairly one dimensional picture of authority, where people seize power and wield it against others out of seeming mustache twirling evil or malice.
Here though we get a more humanistic view. Authority did not come from nowhere and is not wielded arbitrarily out of gleeful cruelty or mindless brainwashed allegiance. People aren't "just following orders". Individuals have rich inner lives. They make decisions, and those decisions are based in the context they're in. Even the decision to carry repressive tools of the past into the present is a decision that was made strategically with the big picture in mind. Nobody woke up and decided to be evil that day. Everyone operates on self interest, and, we must assume, an earnest desire for things to get better. Even the [spoiler] program which served as an inspirational demonstration of The Nation's power, you can imagine the chain of officers and bureaucrats who genuinely wanted the people of the nation to believe in the future, to confidently trust that everyone was working together towards something great and beautiful. And, through a long chain of those people who couldn't say "No" without being decommissioned, we ended up with something unbelievably cruel.
We get to know Adler and Kolibri and the other officers not to say well they're human too, maybe it wasn't so bad that they condemned all those people to agonizing suffering, but to remember that if we keep looking for true monsters we will not find them. There are no monsters and there are no demons. There are only people making decisions. A better world is possible. A better world, where Adler is just a paper pusher who does puzzles after work instead of signing papers to authorize torture, where Kolibris are librarians instead of spies and cops, where EULEs can gossip and play piano and ARARs can do maintenance on facilities that don't contain torture rooms, is one that would not have led to the Ariane and Elster's tragic cycle and ultimate end.
Authority and its attendant cruelty is not contained, radiating forth from The Great Revolutionary and Her Daughter, it is within the social systems of control. When those two women die, that cruelty will continue so long as those social systems continue. Like Lovecraft's worms, no matter how long dead the evil of the past is, so long as it continues to be fed upon, that evil will not only remain, but evolve into something new in the present. A better world can't be achieved through the death of the old world alone, even if violent overthrow is warranted. There is no end of history. There is no clean break from the past.
"Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living."
Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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The High Priest of Ra 𓅓 Talon Abraxas
Ra’s Place In The Egyptian Pantheon
Ra held a preeminent position in the Egyptian pantheon, revered not just as a powerful god but as the king of gods and men. His influence was unparalleled, his authority absolute, manifesting in every aspect of existence. The sun, an ever-present force in Egyptian life, was Ra’s domain, providing light, warmth, and nurturing to the earth. This vital role established Ra not only as a deity of the physical world but as a symbol of life itself.
In the complex web of Egyptian religion, Ra’s identity merged with other deities, most notably Amun, leading to the worship of Amun-Ra. This synthesis illustrated the fluid nature of Egyptian theology, where gods could combine aspects to represent more complex ideas. Even as Ra’s worship evolved, his status as the epitome of the life-giving sun remained constant, influencing Egypt and its people in profound and lasting ways.
The Pharaoh: Earthly Embodiment of Ra
The connection between Ra and the pharaoh was fundamental to the structure of Egyptian society and religion. The pharaoh, considered the son of Ra, represented the god’s authority and benevolence on Earth, acting as a mediator between humans and the divine. This sacred linkage legitimized the pharaoh’s rule, emphasizing his role as a protector, lawgiver, and chief priest of the sun god’s cult.
The assumption of titular names associated with Ra, such as “Beloved of Ra” or incorporating Ra’s name into their own, pharaohs constantly reaffirmed their divine heritage and responsibility to uphold Ma’at (cosmic order). Their monumental building projects, from temples dedicated to Ra to pyramids that served as solar symbols, were earthly testaments to their enduring relationship with the sun god and their commitment to ensuring his worship for generations.
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hummussexual · 11 months
Pinkwashing’s relationship with homonationalism and Orientalism
The pinkwashing carried out by Israeli authorities is based on an Orientalist view that Palestinians remain “backwards” in their stance on homosexuality because apparently, we refuse to emulate the progressiveness of the west. 
To be “gay friendly,” as gender studies academic Jasbir Puar explains, is to be modern, cosmopolitan, developed, first-world, Global North, and, most significantly, democratic – something that Palestinians supposedly do not have the capability of ever achieving.
This erases the agency of Palestinians, especially the progressive forces inside Palestine – including the achievements of queer Palestinian movements. The Orientalist tropes found in pinkwashing also completely disregards the history and legacies of colonialism and modern-day imperialism in the region. It is an example of euro-centric, western exceptionalism – and a pillar of anti-Arab racism.
Pinkwashing and homonationalism also go hand in hand. First coined by Puar in 2007, the concept of homonationalism argues that western LGBTQI+ movements are often bound up with upholding the racist sovereignty of the nation state. Puar argued that neoliberal and capitalist power structures line up with the queer liberation movement by using sexual diversity and LGBTQI+ rights to peddle or maintain nationalist stances – such as anti-immigration policies which are based on prejudices that the “other” are homophobic and that western society is egalitarian.
For Israel, homonationalism is deployed to justify its own exceptionalism and violent oppression of the “other” – in this case, Palestinians. 
Israel flaunts its liberal openness to homosexuality while contrasting it to the sexual oppression among Palestinian society and neighbouring Arab countries. It therefore serves as an excuse for Israel to rationalise its occupation of Palestinians, and to “liberate” oppressed Palestinian queers. The latter is seen through Israel’s myths about “saving” Palestinian queers by “regularly” approving their asylum seeker applications to escape their homophobic and oppressive families or communities in the West Bank or Gaza.
While it’s hard to verify how often these asylum seeker approvals occur, waxing lyrical about their supposed humanitarian work plays into the homonationalist narrative. Since when are immigration authorities – not just in Israel, but any immigration (or border) authority globally – benevolent, progressive entities full of empathy and care? Let alone towards Arabs?
As Queers Against Israeli Apartheid once pointed out, “there is no pink door in the apartheid wall.” This means that like every other Palestinian, LGBTQI+ Palestinians are also at the mercy of Israel’s violent, racist settler-colonial project. This is because queer Palestinians simply do not fit into Israel’s homonationalist quest to uphold the racist sovereignty of its nation state – one where a legally-enforced apartheid system puts only Jewish people at the top of the pyramid.
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justintaco · 10 months
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Arknights during every other event: Nationalism and divisions are a sham. Nations and their power structures exist only to uphold themselves. The powerful will gladly sacrifice millions of lives for their own comfort.
Arknights any time the story involves Arknights China: Serving your country is very noble and there's many ways to do it :)
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How do you explain Neon and Flynt being the way they are all the while coming from Atlas Academy?
I think I touched upon it a bit in the Weiss short I wrote years ago, but to put it bluntly, my take on Atlas Academy is a lot more Starship Troopers in structure.
There's still a class divide in Atlas - in more than one way.
While my version of Atlas isn't a flying city, it still towers upon Mantle - a city fortress etched into Mt. Atlas - the tallest mountain on Remnant.
Mantle, by now, houses the working class running its factories, immigrants, and the less wealthy people who weren't involved in the foundation of Atlas as a city. Mantle simmers in pollution and neglect as the people in Atlas view it as a reminder of the Kingdom's less-than-savory past during the Great War.
Within Atlas itself, life is more luxurious and pretty similar to, let's say, in Vale where one's wealth and power determine one's status. Arts, music, dancing - the cultural expression is treated as primary right of a citizen (let alone the rich and powerful). Kingdom of Atlas prides itself in how advanced, culturally and technologically, the place is - as seen by Weiss being a singer (and in my version her grandfather's hobby was painting).
One way to get access to live in Atlas is military service - especially becoming a Huntsman - the lucky ones who get into the Atlas Academy, no matter whether they are from Mantle or Atlas, get to move to the academy's dormitories within Atlas and, as they finish training, get to live within Atlas as soldiers and huntsmen, gaining full rights of a citizen. Some use this as a chance to change their names to escape their pasts.
While not every soldier in Atlas is a Huntsman, every Huntsman is considered a soldier, which results in a kind of contradictory situation there - the Huntsmen are expected to be more uniform when they serve as soldiers but are also allowed the freedom to do whatever they want as Huntsmen, as long as it's within the laws of the Kingdom.
Neon and Flynt worked their way up this way, having had quite a hard time achieving it for different reasons.
They belong to the kind of student group that sees the hypocrisy within the Kingdom and would like to change the status quo, being uncomfortable with class divide and the militarism, but don't want to lose the privilege being a Huntsman provides. They see only one way to challenge the more rigid structure and the power people like SDC hold over the Kingdom - being as expressive and individualistic as the rules allow them, essentially challenging the more rigid military structure without breaking the rules.
Especially since the current head of SDC is notably known for his dislike of arts and music - Jacques views art as pointless and only sees use in Weiss popularity as a singer because it works as a tool to expand Schnee influence. Weiss going all-in on being a singer was also the only way to oppose her father's influence over her - in a way unintentionally representing on the micro level what art means to the current generation of citizens on the macro level.
Now, mind you, while the division is there and Kingdom of Atlas veers deeply into pretty problematic militarism, it isn't an autocracy - for the majority of the population, including the soldiers and the government, the rules are still rules - the governing structures shackled by the rules they have defined.
The Kingdom of Atlas follows the law to a fault, no matter what. The kinds of policies the Kingdom of Mantle enacted before and during the Great War are considered an antithesis to the modern world. The governing body is obsessed with never allowing history to repeat itself, so nobody has the unchecked power to break the rules.
It's reflected in the way Ironwood holds himself during the first three Volumes, for example (the way he handles Ozpin or the way he understands that Yang might have been framed but still follows through with upholding the rules).
So Neon or Flynt embracing a more artistic and free identity works as a challenge for what is "expected" of the Kingdom and its soldiers. It's actually a pretty popular idea within the Academy itself.
Not to mention someone like Flynt defeating a Schnee in the tournament would send a message and likely reverberate through society in Atlas. He doesn't really hold any ill will towards Weiss though, due shared interests in art.
I think it's interesting to use aspects like this in order to add an element of gray morality to the setting, portraying the Kingdom as something fluid rather than stagnant - because of the people like that, Atlas is not guaranteed to stay the way it is forever. The question, of course, is whether such approach is feasible and if those in power would just let it all slip from their grasp.
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bracketsoffear · 11 months
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Lord Havelock Vetinari (Discworld) "Lord Vetinari is the patrician of the largest city on the Disc, Ankh Morpork which he, quoting another character "plays like a fiddle". He came into the role and totally changed how the city works, pulling apart some old structures and repurposing others for himself. He is aware of virtually everything happening in his city and uses them to his advantage. He is never straightforward with people, constantly manipulating people so that they best serve Ankh Morpork. He is always in control, even when locked up in his own dungeons he controls the lock to the door, even when ousted from his position for a military commander to take emergency power his plans hold steady and he managed to avert the war through trickery. He is a puppetmaster who will hand the puppet their strings because he knows they'll do what he wants them to do anyway."
Director Lee Harvey Oswald (The Department of Truth) "In The Department of Truth, the protagonist’s boss (and the director of the titular department) is a much older Lee Harvey Oswald, though it’s not explicitly known which version of him he is. As in, what story of the assassination is true? Is he the CIA stooge? The innocent patsy? The lone gunman? Our protagonist muses this question in the second issue and can only conclude: “He’s probably not the one killed by Jack Ruby.” And looking at the picture the comic paints of who he is now, he seems much more the type to spend his time in Howard Hunt’s circles than Kerry Thornley’s, if you know what I mean. He has become the image of the perfect Cold War-era fed with his browline glasses, dark suit, quips about a new generation gone soft, and an ever-present cigarette. And that’s because he always has been that. He joined the Department as an agent when he was 19, working to counter the Soviets and gain information on their country’s equivalent of the D.o.T. And we, the reader, do not know what happened on November day in Dallas, but neither does he, it seems. Kennedy stood against the Department and it was his job to take him out, but in that book depository, he saw the Scarlet Woman (see the Extinction poll) holding a sniper rifle, ready to tear apart the country’s sense of truth with a bullet. (Well, three.) But as the story of the assassination spread, so did the idea of Lee Harvey Oswald, the concept of the shadowy assassin that was seen on the front pages, the conflicting theories and paranoias made manifest. To quote Hawk Harrison (another character), “the living embodiment of every horrible thing people think the government is capable of, filled up into a man-shaped thing.” No matter how human he may or may not be, he might as well be American paranoia personified in function. He’s a man desperate to do whatever it takes to uphold the ideal of what America is supposed to be, that Shining City on a Hill; a man fighting in a war of propaganda and information and disinformation, a war of stories and ideas. To quote Indrid Cold, he’s simply a “dream this country is having.” 
History is, of course, written by the victors, and facts can be rewritten by them as well. After Lee’s “death”, the previous Director (Frank Capra) put him in the Department’s archives to try and figure out who the Scarlet Woman was, only for him to use the research to find a new way of doing things, a way to shift reality through manipulating what people believe to be true on a large scale through media, and symbolic imagery, and simple lies that serve to reinforce what the public wants to believe about this country, and for that, Richard Nixon appointed him to the job we know him in, Director of the D.o.T. Director Capra was a naïve idealist who truly believed that the American Dream was not only real but could be achieved through hard work. Lee knows that the American Dream is a lie, but my god, he will do what it takes to make it real, no matter how underhanded the tactics. If you can control the narrative, you can control the Truth. 
For most of his tenure, it was the height of the Cold War, there was a distinct enemy to push against. It was a conflict of countries, of ideologies, of two superpowers trying to keep their way of life at the expense of the other, and it was the U.S. that won out. There is another version of the 20th century, the one that was once real, where the founding ideals of the USSR were much closer to being realized within its border, it was something better than what it became, but the U.S. won the propaganda war and what was once simply a fact had become a hazy fiction that never happened. And so the victor rewrites history. 
And how does one become the victor? Through whatever means necessary, from fabricating events that later became real, to assassinations, to media manipulation, to the creation of the Satanic Panic itself, playing off paranoia and Christian nationalism to strengthen the idea that America is something that exists, that the American Dream is worth fighting for. (And of course, in the case of the latter, to deflect media attention from the whole Iran-Contra Deal.)
Finally, I leave you with this monologue: “I know you don’t trust me. I don’t care. I’ve done enough bad shit, and spent the last sixty years of my life lying through my teeth every goddamn day. I don’t need you to trust me. But I need to trust you to know that the ends justify the means. You’re sour over your star-faced man. Hawk told you that he stoked the fire there, tried to make it seem realer than it was. That we had a vested interest in people believing that Satan was lurking behind every corner. I was younger then. I was stepping boldly. I was trying to defend the dream of what America was supposed to be. Not let those Russian fucks dictate our future. I’ve done many things that haunt me, more than you can imagine.”
This description has been abridged. Click link for Director Oswald's full description.
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acceptccnow · 9 months
How to Have an Effective Online Payment Gateway
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-credit-cards-now.com
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In the fast-paced digital era, establishing a robust online presence stands as a crucial pillar for businesses aiming to thrive. A pivotal element in achieving this is the creation of an efficient online payment gateway. Whether you're operating an e-commerce emporium, offering high-risk services, or delving into industries like credit repair and CBD, the backbone of your online endeavors often lies in a well-structured payment processing system. In this all-encompassing guide, we will embark on a journey into the complexities of online payment gateways, spanning from credit card acceptance to high-risk merchant processing, equipping you with the knowledge to propel your online success.
Unpacking the Significance of an Online Payment Gateway An online payment gateway assumes the role of a vital conduit between your customers' financial transactions and your business. It orchestrates the smooth and secure processing of credit and debit card payments, furnishing customers with a convenient channel for their purchases. For e-commerce enterprises, a robust payment gateway is the bedrock of their operations, ensuring seamless transactions, nurturing customer confidence, and ultimately elevating sales.
Harnessing the Power of Credit Card Acceptance The phrase "Accept Credit Cards" may appear simplistic, yet its impact on your business is profound. Research consistently reveals that businesses that embrace credit card payments experience elevated conversion rates and augmented average transaction values. Customers display a greater propensity to complete a purchase when they have the flexibility to select their preferred payment method. By integrating a credit card payment gateway, you unlock access to a broader customer base and usher in more avenues for sales.
Navigating the Terrain of High-Risk Payment Processing For businesses ensnared within the high-risk category, such as those nestled in adult entertainment, travel, or subscription domains, securing apt payment processing solutions can be a formidable challenge. Nevertheless, with the assistance of adept high-risk merchant processing services, you can surmount these challenges and construct a dependable payment gateway. High-risk payment processing involves the deployment of bespoke solutions designed to cater to the distinctive needs and risks associated with your industry. This assures that your business can accept credit cards even in high-risk scenarios, all while upholding compliance and security standards.
Unleashing E-commerce Potential E-commerce entities thrive on the foundation of efficient payment processing systems. An e-commerce payment processing solution encompasses the entire spectrum, from setting up an e-commerce gateway to procuring an e-commerce merchant account. By embracing credit card payments in the realm of e-commerce, you deliver a seamless shopping experience to your patrons, starting from product selection and culminating in the final checkout. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also bolsters your brand's credibility in the fiercely competitive online arena.
Traversing the Landscape of the Credit Repair Industry Venturing into the credit repair industry signifies your involvement in a mission to assist individuals in regaining financial stability. To optimally serve your clientele, you necessitate a credit repair merchant account and payment processing system, intricately tailored to cater to the unique requisites of your sector. Embracing credit card payments for credit repair services fosters accessibility for your clients, empowering them to conveniently settle payments for your invaluable expertise.
Embracing CBD Business Ventures with Assurance The CBD industry has experienced a meteoric rise; however, its association with complex legal and regulatory nuances categorizes it as a high-risk territory. Acquiring a CBD merchant account and payment processing may appear labyrinthine. Nonetheless, by affiliating with a seasoned provider well-versed in CBD merchant processing, you can confidently accept credit card payments for CBD products. This not only simplifies transactions for your customers but also confers upon them the assurance of safety and legitimacy in their purchases.
Cultivating Trust Through Secure Payment Gateways Online transactions mandate the deployment of robust security measures to safeguard sensitive customer data. A dependable payment gateway incorporates encryption and authentication protocols, ensuring the secure preservation of credit card details and personal information. This engenders peace of mind within customers, emboldening them to complete transactions, secure in the knowledge that their information is shielded from harm.
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nw-of-dark · 10 months
Vampire Clan: Ventrue
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The Clan of Kings, Blue Bloods, Patricians, Warlords, Ambitiones, Power Mongers, Monarchs
The Ventrue, a distinguished lineage of vampires, have always taken great pride in their heritage. Members of this clan devote themselves to upholding a reputation for honor, refined conduct, and leadership. They embrace a profound sense of noblesse oblige, sincerely believing that they possess the knowledge of what is best for all. Not only do they consider themselves the oldest vampire clan, but they also perceive their role as guardians of tradition and the rightful rulers of Kindred society.
Throughout their history, the Ventrue have predominantly embraced individuals from the ranks of nobility and privilege. Whether they were kings, merchant princes, knights, or warlords, these individuals strived to live by the principles of chivalry and duty. The Ventrue clan remains staunch supporters of the Camarilla and the Masquerade, viewing both institutions as the most reliable safeguards against the encroaching mortal masses and as a means to protect their own power.
Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence
Bane - Rarified Tastes: When a Ventrue drinks blood from any mortal outside their preference, a profound exertion of will is required or the blood taken surges back up as scarlet vomit. Preferences can range greatly on individuals. Ventrue can sense if a mortal possesses the blood they need.
Organization Within a City
Within urban areas, the Ventrue establish a structured institution known as the Board. This council serves as an effective body for addressing Ventrue matters within the city, overseeing the clan's business ventures and political interests within a given domain. The Board is officially led by the Praetor, who presents issues to the rest of the council and presides over their meetings. Below the Praetors are the Aediles, who provide assistance to the council and the Praetor, much like supervisors support managers in a business setting. Serving their purpose, the Questors act as aides to more experienced or elder Ventrue members. Finally, at the bottom of the hierarchy, there are the common Ventrue, lacking a formal title or substantial experience within the clan. They are referred to as Eiren.
Ventrue culture places a strong emphasis on dignitas, which can be understood as "dignity" or "face" in modern terms. Ventrue leaders are well aware of the negative aspects of power. While they may engage in unsavory activities such as organized crime or corporate dealings, they are expected to maintain their dignity, grace, and honor, especially in public. Attacks on their reputation are taken seriously, including spreading rumors, claiming credit for others' work, or insulting a Ventrue without justification. Such actions can diminish their dignitas and result in severe punishment or discipline.
One defining tradition that sets the Ventrue apart from other clans is their Ethic Succor. Unlike other clans that provide support within their own ranks, the Ventrue adhere to a strict policy of aiding one another without exceptions or excuses when in need. This practice is seen as a key factor in the clan's enduring strength. Respecting other Ventrue involves refraining from encroaching on their territory, avoiding competition in their established holdings, and, most importantly, safeguarding their dignitas. It also means providing assistance to a fellow Ventrue, regardless of the inconvenience it may pose.
Having been shaped by millennia of noble upbringing, class, and culture, the Ventrue highly value gentility. Ventrue etiquette can be quite intricate, especially in Europe where ancient standards persist. Although things may be less formal in the New World, the comparison is still significant. Even in the most casual Old World cities, the atmosphere often appears rigid and excessively polite by modern standards. For the Ventrue, politeness serves important functions beyond traditional customs. It helps mitigate personal conflicts and ensures respect for the social structure. Kindred, by their nature, are prone to emotional outbursts and grudges. Considering the Ventrue's regard for their dignitas, maintaining a sophisticated, polite, and somewhat distant demeanor becomes not just a matter of manners but a matter of survival. The Ventrue, devoted to tradition and meticulous detail, have developed an extensive code of conduct covering various aspects of life, from appropriate attire for Board meetings to gift-giving during death-night celebrations, although they have never officially collected these guidelines in written form.
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Testing, Testing, Testing…
In the realm of BDSM relationships, the dynamic between a dominant and submissive is one of trust, communication, and mutual understanding. Within this intricate framework, the submissive, particularly in the initial stages of the partnership, may engage in subtle tests to ascertain and solidify the consensual structure of the relationship. These tests serve not only to clarify structure but also to ensure that the dominant is fully committed to upholding the agreed-upon accountability.
BDSM encompasses a spectrum of consensual power dynamics and erotic practices. At its core, the lifestyle is founded upon consent, trust, respect, and communication between partners. The dominant assumes control and authority, while the submissive consents to surrendering power within negotiated limits. This negotiated consent is the cornerstone of a healthy BDSM relationship, providing a framework within which both partners can explore their desires and boundaries safely.
In the early stages of a BDSM partnership, as the dynamics are still being established, it is not uncommon for the submissive to engage in testing behaviors. These tests can take various forms, ranging from subtle challenges to more overt acts of defiance. While on the surface, these tests may appear to be acts of rebellion, they are often motivated by a deeper need for clarity and reassurance within the relationship.
The submissive may test the dominant's consistency and reliability in enforcing rules and providing structure within the relationship. This testing may involve intentionally breaking established rules or protocols to observe how the dominant responds. By doing so, the submissive seeks reassurance that the dominant is fully committed to upholding their end of the power exchange dynamic and maintaining accountability.
Furthermore, testing can also serve as a means of reaffirming trust and strengthening the bond between partners. Through these tests, the submissive communicates their vulnerability and reliance on the dominant for guidance and protection. The dominant, in turn, demonstrates their commitment to the submissive's well-being by responding with patience, understanding, and firm but fair discipline.
It is essential to note that while testing is a natural part of the early stages of a BDSM relationship, it should always occur within the boundaries of negotiated consent and respect. Both partners must communicate openly and honestly about their intentions, desires, and boundaries to ensure that testing behaviors do not inadvertently cause harm or undermine trust within the relationship.
Testing within a BDSM relationship, particularly from the submissive partner, serves as a means of clarifying boundaries, reaffirming trust, and solidifying the consensual structure of the dynamic. By engaging in testing behaviors, the submissive seeks reassurance of the dominant's commitment to accountability and respect. Through open communication, negotiation, and mutual understanding, BDSM partners can navigate these early tests to build a strong foundation of trust and intimacy within their dynamic.
If you enjoyed this, I invite you to give my podcast a listen 'Chatting With The Lightkeeper,' a top 25% most-followed podcasts on Spotify but available on all the major podcasting apps and follow my socials for more exclusive content: Instagram, Facebook, Bluesky, and X (formerly Twitter) for a deeper dive into the wonderful world of D/S.
As with all of my thoughts, please see this disclaimer.
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thequietmanno1 · 7 months
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 92, Replies Part 2
1) “Now, I’m sorry AfO, but you are probably the reason of the title. If there is one person who has been around long enough to see it from the start, you are definitely the reason of such a “emotionally charged” title.”- The irony of AFO going on about the interplay between a person’s will and their Quirk to Kurogiri, a person he zombified and re-wrote his will in order to forcibly create a Quirk bound to his will even without him possessing it, cuts hard. Kurogiri clearly disagrees with some of AFO’s actions here, but he’s been hard-wired into unconditional loyalty to the man, so he can’t debate back to him about it. AFO may as well be talking to a brick wall here, but that’s the point, He doesn’t want to be proven wrong or have others argue against him- we saw how he reacted to that when Yoichi pointed out how Villains always bite the dust in the end.
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Instead, AFO is just making a surface-level appearance of making an interesting and theological debate with Kurogiri, allowing him the satisfaction of hearing himself talk and being the smartest person in the room without the chance of anybody speaking up to prove him wrong. 2) “Well, that speech is a bit hilarious in hindsight considering that the strongest wills in the whole series are from Stain and Shigaraki, two villains, but also because that’s completely overlooking the whole stealing and destroying and murdering aspect that gives the general villains the title of villains
Yeah they don’t call Muscle a villain because his resolve isn’t firm, it is because he murder people”- The underlying, but unspoken cavat to the argument here is that said will must be one that falls in line with what society expects of them, must serve a specially-carved out niche in the world to uphold the semblance of normality that everybody puts as tantamount over individual suffering. Both Jin and Toga are examples of what happens when a will doesn’t align with that conformity and how their Quirks either isolated them from others or went unstable due to their isolation and inability to be helped.  Spinner is likewise isolated because of the way his Quirk makes him look, which in turn lead to his good will being twisted into aiding Tomura in his current destructive path of carnage throughout society.
Tenko is another example with his Quirk literally tearing down the foundations of everything around him, fuelled in the present by his unstoppable willpower to spread that destruction everywhere and take engage against the faceless masses who upheld the system that punished him for simply being who he is. If there was somebody who recognised the problem and tried to change the system to be more accepting towards them, they might all have had a chance, but it seems only AFO, with his long years of watching Quirk society develop, has really noticed this structural flaw in the system… and he’s not interested in fixing the problem, merely seeing how long it takes before the building comes down and chaos overflows, even helping it along directly by the present day.
3) “That people don’t deserve quirks that might hurt them or others around them and thus you are merely doing a public service taking those dangerous elements away from society? That you are just a hero trying to help the world? Do tell me AfO, I’m intrigued by your sudden shift into an interesting shadowy figure of evil in the shadows.”- The argument is set up such that he could claim this, but as he notes by the end, what interests him isn’t the good his Quirk allows him to do, but the evil – the ability to interfere with Quirks could allow him to correct these imbalances but instead he goes for the opposite approach, and deliberately sets them unstable just to watch what happens, and get his evening entertainment that way. As All Might’s counterpart, he too has great powers, but he will always, always choose to use them for evil, because that’s who he is on a fundamental level, as he outlined to him.
(Vigilantes ch 86)
4) “I feel like we`re end up as another AfO weird and unexplained scheme”- That was a good feeling, although, this venture does actually give us some interesting insight into AFO’s viewpoint and goals that the main series hasn’t yet, because he’s deliberately keeping those goals obscured from the heroes to maximise his chances of victory.
(Vigilantes ch 86)
5) “But for real, why bring a flashback right here? I`m curious, because this sorta kills the pacing we were building up to. This fight might take another chapter, and then only in the next one we`ll finally get to Koichi, and considering this is all relating to Knuckles and his cop pal, I doubt whatever info we learn here will even get back to our main character.”- Not Vigilantes’ main character, but from what we see of AFO’s personality and viewpoint here, at the time it came out (which was before/during the PLF war I believe) it was actually quite informative as to what kind of person he actually is underneath the mystique, and what he personally means to achieve through all these experiments and attempts to push the boundaries of what can be achieved through one’s natural Quirks.
(Vigilantes ch 91) 6) “ Vigilantes? Vigilantes. Oh we’re approaching the fabled 100 chapter, we’re so close now, and also really close to the end, which is weird, because we’re focusing on a flashback which doesn’t add anything to the current conflict of the plot, it is almost like they were padding things because otherwise we wouldn’t get to 100 chapters… I wonder… “-  I generally get the feeling overall that this flashback’s purpose was to give more insight into what AFO’s goals with the VF and plans were meant to be, since it’s pretty clear that Koichi has no hope whatsoever of surviving a direct confrontation with him, hence why he stays in the far background of these events – as a result, since Koichi’s main opposition comes from the personal animosity of his main henchman, we needed something like this to let us understand his motivations – which in turn allows us to get a better grasp as to what he’s currently plotting in MHA, since that’s the culmination of his end-goal whilst this was just a side-project feeding into that.
7) “Huh- Wait, AfO, did you gave them quirks? Because it didn’t looked like you gave them trigger, it wouldn’t make sense considering there’s a lot of it in the air, but even so, they seem to be affected by the post-potato brand of trigger, the one we saw being deployed didn’t got them to rage this much- why am I even bothering after seeing thin might let us just continue”- I think it’s as much to illustrate AFO’s point- that Quirks going out of control and unstable makes the ‘hosts’ for the various powers likewise unstable and violent, even without a normal inclination towards attacking others, trigger likewise enhances the powers and makes them stronger at the cost of becoming unstable, leading to rampages, so AFO sticking a bunch of different powers into people makes them lash out in a frenzy from the rapid and sudden changes. As to why nobody questioned why people suddenly had an entirely different set of abilities in this situation…I dunno, maybe AFO didn’t give them Quirks and just directly meddled with their original ones to boost them stronger? It’s a plot hole, but at this point the road is fuller of holes than swiss cheese, we’ve just gotta stick the bumpy ride out to the end. 8) “Did they fucking got through the police?! I know I was joking about them doing jack shit but what the fuck they didn’t even put up any fight”- I guess complacency in All Might’s era was really pronounced, huh? You might not even think the police existed at all. “…
Like, ten seconds? fifteen at most. Honestly AfO, I’m worried about your sanity, it’s almost like you don’t know him after all those years.“- But that’s 10-15 seconds he can spend going, “ok, time’s up” and warp Hood out of the building. Not much of a delay, but arguably just enough. After All, All Might will need to converse with the officers on the scene after subduing the villains to know where to go next, so that’s a little extra time on top of what he’s buying. 9) “haaaaa….
Ah Kurogiri, that was so funny, I didn’t knew you had such a advanced sense of humor”- Actually….to be honest, I was kinda expecting this from the flashback on a first-time reading. All Might and AFO clearly haven’t had their disfiguring encounter yet, and given AFO is in hiding right now whislt he sets the pieces up for his eventual endgame, there had to be something that lead All Might to track him down for their brutal clash. I was expecting Knuckles, with his deductive abilities, would be involved somehow in identifying the clues All Might missed to point the number one in the right direction to find AFO when he’s not quite prepared for him and thus force him into an early confrontation, that leads to his near-death, thus allowing Knuckles to play a minor but important role in their fated clash. AFO having a very direct hand in this chaotic event also works for clueing in All Might that he’s on the trail of his arch-foe but I am expecting Knuckles to play an important part in that clash – which further contributes to AFO’s viciousness towards him when they meet again years later.
10) “You know, this whole “AfO was after O'Clock’ quirk” isn’t exactly that much of a big dramatic twist as this manga is trying to make it look like to be honest. Not only because we know he will get it, I mean.”- I don’t think it’s intended as a twist, but rather clarification as to why AFO stole Knuckles’ Quirk in the first place if he failed to do so here – him sticking it out despite the risks of All Might’s interference shows that he really doesn’t like cutting and running from a situation if it implies he’s suffered an actual loss from it – or at least, not one he can recover from with a back-up plan, which he doesn’t have in place for a minor operation like this. Therefore, successfully stealing Knuckles’ Quirk would be an appropriate means of him being able to retreat with a ‘victory’ he can be satisfied with. Doesn’t explain why he left him alive after eventually stealing the Quirk though, but I guess he just really wanted to rub his eventual success in Knuckles’ face at the time. (Vigilantes ch ???)
11) “Oh boy, we’re getting more info about the operation, and it pretty much points towards what we already discussed. Not that it proves anything, but it shows that someone like AfO could’ve been behind all this, even if only tangentially.
If this was one of his operations from the begging then it could’ve been something minor that he saw the potential later on.”-Yeah,  I was fully expecting the actual overseer of the trigger ring to be  somebody within AFO’s organisation, a lieutenant on par in ranking with Ujiko and Kurogiri, if perhaps lesser-ranked than them, who was likely taken out and abandoned by AFO after Koichi and the rest dismantled his operations, but not before the fruits of his research were passed along to Ujiko to better improve his Nomu, project, which AFO has a high level of interest in seeing completed for his own reasons, besides keeping the mad scientist happy with expanding the scope of his research. Didn’t quite pan out that way, but part of me really wishes it had. (Vigilantes ch 28)
RIGHT? (: ”
Well, technically speaking, Knuckle’s not even done that yet. In the lead-up to this, the parallels between Knuckle, Koichi, Izuku and All Might indicated that whoever’s behind the trigger ring was somebody with a personal grudge against Knuckle not inferior to AFO’s own one with All Might- we can see that in how he used his daughter, targeted his wife, and butchered his own legacy through passing his quirk onto a psychotic maniac like No6. These are all events that damage Knuckle emotionally, beyond even the life-threatening painful injuries he accumulates, and it seemed clear that the leader was somebody with a bone to pick with O’clock, to the point they’ve turned the former hero in a veritable shell of his old self, even if he’s put himself back together well enough. The thing is, now we know it’s AFO, he just doesn’t quite fit the profile, because Knuckle is that far beneath him in terms of threat or the damage he could do to his operations, no matter how hard he tries to, especially now he’s Quirkless. AFO is certainly Knuckle’s arch-foe, but it’s clearly just a one-sided thing, and it seems bizarre that AFO would go out of his way to torment an already-beaten foe he stole the Quirk from – like, all the resources and such he’s putting at Quin and Nomura’s feet to enact the experiments, which has the side-effect of tormenting Knuckles in different ways as a bonus, it clearly seems like AFO is losing more than he gains by doing this, so I though he couldn’t be the overseer, because it’s just so un-pragmatic in contrast to his intricately-laid plans we’re seeing unfold in the present – and yet, now we know he is, I just can’t fathom his motivation for going this far to spite Knuckles
13) “And that’s then end of the chapter, and… 
Well, that was an interesting speech from AfO, I’ll give you that. The rest of it…”- The difference between Furuhashi writing and Horikoshi writing?
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gobboguy · 6 months
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Chapter 35: The Serpent's Corrupted
The once-grand temple of Miranda, a testament to divine grace and justice, now stood tainted and twisted under the dark influence of High Priestess Isolde. The air within was heavy with an unsettling aura, the sacred space now corrupted by the merging of snake-like architecture and the Old Dominion's traditional motifs. Walls adorned with intricate carvings depicted serpents entwined around symbols of justice, while statues of Miranda were grotesquely altered, now featuring serpent heads instead of the serene visage of the goddess.
Ionia, once a devout follower of the Old Dominion, entered the temple with a mixture of sorrow and disgust etched across her face. She gazed upon the warped beauty of the structure, its sacredness desecrated by the twisted machinations of those in power. The echoes of curses whispered by discontented worshippers lingered in the air, as the people, once devoted, now strayed away from the corrupted teachings.
The grand altar, where prayers were once offered for justice and divine guidance, now served as a focal point for political manipulation. Isolde, draped in priestly robes that seemed to mimic the slithering of snakes, preached doctrines that had strayed far from the Old Dominion's true essence. Ionia, witnessing the perversion of her faith, felt a deep-seated frustration at the political repression veiled behind religious sanctity.
The once-peaceful halls echoed with sibilant whispers as the snake-like changes permeated every corner. Ionia's gaze swept across the transformed temple, and she couldn't help but mourn the loss of the sacred sanctuary she had once revered. The intertwining of serpentine imagery with the symbols of justice left a bitter taste in her mouth, symbolizing a dark chapter in the kingdom's history, where faith and power converged in unholy union.
Ionia's gaze swept across the grand temple, and her eyes narrowed with disdain as she spotted the only worshippers within its corrupted halls. Instead of genuine seekers of divine guidance, there stood political gamers, representatives from the Estate-General, seeking to ingratiate themselves with the corrupted prince and queen. A sneer of disgust curled her lips at the sacrilegious exploitation of faith for personal gain. Faith, once a source of solace and guidance, now reduced to a tool in the hands of those hungry for power. Shaking her head in dismay, Ionia turned away from the twisted spectacle, determined to distance herself from the perverse mingling of religion and politics. With a resolute stride, she left the temple behind, returning to the castle to attend to her duties with a heavy heart burdened by the perversion of her once-sacred beliefs.
As Ionia ascended the hill towards the imposing castle of Farfield, the sprawling city unfolded below her like a tapestry woven with both beauty and restraint. The colorful rooftops glistened in the sunlight, while the winding streets bustled with the lives of the kingdom's subjects. Yet, as she approached the looming edifice of the castle, her thoughts were a tumultuous blend of defiance and duty.
Craving independence and respect, Ionia's spirit yearned to break free from the shackles of tradition and gender norms that sought to confine her. The weight of expectations pressed upon her, demanding a demure and obedient facade, a mask she loathed wearing. With each step, the castle loomed larger, a symbol of both power and constraint.
Despite her disdain for Prince Rode, she couldn't escape the binding promise to her mother – an obligation to feign eagerness in marrying him for the supposed good of the kingdom. The very idea grated against her aspirations, a cruel twist of fate that tethered her to a destiny she never desired. As the castle gates drew near, her internal struggle intensified, torn between the obligation to uphold tradition and the burning desire for autonomy.
In the shadow of the imposing structure, she belatedly lamented the predetermined path her life had taken. Her heart whispered for more – a life unrestrained by societal expectations, a journey defined by her own choices. The castle, once a symbol of grandeur, now stood as a looming reminder of the sacrifices she must make, compelling her to wear the mask of obsequiousness while yearning for the freedom to chart her own destiny.
The acrimonious split between Seraphina and Ionia left scars that lingered in the halls of their hearts. Seraphina, grieving the loss of her unborn child, inaccurately attributed the tragedy to the stress of raising a headstrong daughter like Ionia. The bitter misunderstanding severed the mother-daughter bond, thrusting Ionia into a realm of determined conformity. Fueled by a desire to please her mother and alleviate the guilt she felt, Ionia, despite her detestation for the confines of noble propriety, donned the mask of a proper lady. The relentless pursuit of this unattainable ideal became her daily struggle, an ardent commitment to be the noblewoman her mother yearned for, even as the internal conflict raged within her.
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cosmicanger · 1 year
❍ It’s still white supremacy if the c*ps were Black
❍ “Black people: don’t kill us
America: but the snuff film ratings are incredible”
❍ “The fact that the officers in Memphis were Black is further evidence of systemic racism not counter evidence to it. If you don't understand this statement please take a sociology class.”
❍ “Why do we have to keep fucking dying for people to listen , if only temporarily”
❍ “I don't understand how you can, almost 11 years after Trayvon Martin, still be the sort of person calling for more p*lice-reform efforts like body-cameras. These guys did this to Tyre Nichols with all the cameras rolling.”
❍ “Why are people even watching the the video... it's literally snuff”
❍ “If you think the Memphis p*lice officers had to be white in order to exhibit anti-Blackness, you need to take that AP African American Studies course Ron DeSantis just banned.”
❍ “Seems like the real solution to all this is: more training for p*lice; more body cameras; more community policing programs; more black officers who are blacker than the black officers who preceded them; more thoughts and prayers; more "peaceful" protest; and more consent decrees.” We should also consider: More black p*lice chiefs; more black prosecutors; more black city council members; more black mayors; more white allies; more op-ed pieces about "The Talk"; ... and a few more black people dying on camera for people to really get the scale of the problem”
❍ “I can’t believe folks are still talking about modifying p*lice weaponry as a solution when cops murdered George Floyd & Tyre Nichols with their bare hands.”
❍ “In an interview, I was asked about the #TyreNichols situation. I said it was a result of white supremacy. The host's response was "But the c*ps are Black". I replied, "guardians of the white power structure come in all shades". No complexion is required for oppression.”
❍ “Any Black person who has ever encountered Black c*ps could have told you that the representation angle was nonsense to begin with”
❍ “Can irl otg organisers just get off Twitter then like why are you here if you’re so busy off doing the important things than us chronically online people, does punching down just give you stress relief from working with those poor people all day or”
❍ “You don’t have to be white to uphold systems of white supremacism. You don’t have to be white to be be anti-Black. You don’t have to be a white male to practice p*lice terrorism in the United States.”
❍ “not watching no more black death rolled out like a new album drop. not watching 1619 project. not watching no more black panther films. all serve the same function. there is no wakanda, there’s only africa. it’s hostage state is why we keep getting casted in this same role”
❍ “N*gga could work at the post office, sanitation department, water department, desk job downtown, etc. But choose to be c*ps.”
❍ In response to this (“I remember the Rodney King assault. I remember how many of us thought the footage would change everything, Finally there was “proof”. Now there’s footage everyday of p*lice brutalizing us. This footage is in HD & often comes from the p*lice. Nothing changes.“) — “Things change. They’ve changed for the worse. We watched that grainy footage of Rodney King being beaten. We’re watching c*ps beat, taser, choke, shoot, and take a knee on folks throats until they are DEAD. We are seeing police with bigger budgets, and bigger military grade guns.”
❍ “I don’t have to see “it” to feel it. That’s one of the results of being terrorized by the p*lice. The reins of terror are tattooed into our memories. We can simply say names and rewind time and re-live lynchings at the hands, feet, knees, fist, guns, and tasers of the p*lic*.”
❍ “"The city of Birmingham has been under siege from OUTSIDE AGITATORS led by Martin Luther King.”–Bull Connor (1963)
“We have never had a problem in the South except in a few very isolated instances and these have been the result of OUTSIDE AGITATORS.”–George Wallace (1964)
2023: “@NYCMayor warns against "outside agitators" coming into the city to disrupt protests, citing intel from across the country and sensitive "classified" information he declined to go into further detail on.”
❍ “all of the reforms failed at the same damn time - black c*ps, body cameras, multiple c*ps on the scene, tasers instead of guns- so how is more reform the answer? #Blacker c*ps? Even non-deadlier non deadly weapons? ten c*ps instead of five? HD body cameras? harder convictions?”
❍ “P*lic* will really brutalize and kill people. Then get mad when others are upset at what they did. So they attack the people who are upset and then politicians give them even more money and weaponry to keep doing it. What a world.”
❍ “body cameras might be the biggest scam c*ps ever pulled off”
❍ “i don't know who needs to hear this but c*ps were brutalizing and killing black people before they had qualified immunity. why do you think King said, ""We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality" in 1963?”
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mariacallous · 1 year
The strategy behind this Republican battle is to fight off the federal state until they have re-established federal power themselves
Florida governor Ron DeSantis has been grabbing national headlines with his relentless attacks on so-called “woke”. In addition to his Stop-Woke (Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees) Act, which prohibits educational institutions and businesses from teaching students and employees anything that would cause anyone to “feel guilt, anguish or any form of psychological distress” due to their race, color, sex or national origin, he has barred University of Florida professors from giving evidence against the state’s voting law, claimed that professors at public colleges have no right to freedom of speech, and organizing a “hostile takeover” of the New College of Florida, one of the best liberal arts colleges in the country. But he is far from the only Republican politicians to attack the education system.
UCLA Law School’s CRT Forward Tracking Project has tracked 567 anti-critical race theory (CRT) efforts introduced at the local, state, and federal levels. According to the World Population Review, there are currently seven states that have banned CRT, while another 16 states are in the process of banning it. That constitutes almost all states with a Republican governor. While CRT is a highly specific academic theory that is almost exclusively taught at some law schools, the anti-CRT laws are incredibly broad and vague and target all levels of education. In my state, Georgia, House bill 1084 bans the use of so-called “divisive concepts” (eg race and gender) from teaching and, although it includes several exceptions and stipulations, these are so broad and vague that many teachers will simply stay away from these “divisive concepts”.
Although all bills explicitly ban the teaching of classic racism, ie that “one race is superior to another race”, they also ban the teaching of institutional or structural racism, ie the idea racial discrimination is not just the consequence of a few racist individuals (“bad apples”) but that it is structural, engrained in the country’s key institutions – from election laws to law enforcement. The idea is simple: if kids are not taught about institutional racism, and the white supremacy it upholds, they won’t question it later when they are voters. As Orwell knew, historical revisionism is always a project for the future.
Both legal professionals and laypersons have noted that “the bills are so vaguely written that it’s unclear what they will affirmatively cover”. This is not because of incompetence or oversight but by design. The vagueness serves, at least, two goals. First, and foremost, it makes the laws hard to interpret, which leads those targeted (from teachers to principals) to be extra cautious. Second, the vagueness provides deniability, both to the courts and to more moderate supporters. In fact, the prime goal is not for the state to censor teachers and schools but for them to self-censor. That is why it was only a minor setback when a Florida judge struck down the “Stop Woke” law, calling it “positively dystopian”. Across the state, teachers and universities had already started to self-censor. For instance, the University of Central Florida (UCF), the state’s largest university, removed all anti-racist statements from departmental websites, while several of its professors decided to cancel scheduled courses on race out of fear of breaching the “Stop-Woke” law.
Although most of the current laws are targeting public institutions in Republican-controlled states, they are part of a national agenda. In his first speech as re-elected House speaker, Kevin McCarthy pledged to fix “woke education indoctrination in our schools”, while former President Donald Trump has made the “issue” a priority for his 2024 campaign. Building upon the misguided ideas of his 1776 Commission, whose work was cut short by Trump’s lost re-election bid, the former president not only wants to stimulate “patriotic education” but also cut federal funding for any school or program that includes “critical race theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on to our children”. And, make no mistake, university administrators will not risk losing millions of federal funding for a “gender” or “race” class, not even at the private Ivy Leagues in solidly blue states.
The recent Dobbs ruling has shown once again that “states’ rights” are not a Republican principle but a defensive, and temporal, strategy to fight off the federal state until they have re-established federal power themselves. We cannot expect individual schools and teachers to fight this battle alone. We also shouldn’t expect the educational establishment to stand up for academic freedom, as was made clear by the recent decision of the College Board, which stripped down its AP curriculum for African American Studies to appease DeSantis.
To counter the highly organized conservative attack, we need a concerted and integrated campaign from all individuals and organizations that support academic freedom and liberal democracy, from the AAUP to the ACLU, and we need it sooner rather than later, as the damage is already being done – one in four of all teachers across the country have already altered their lesson plans due to anti-CRT laws. After all, as Orwell has taught us, how we see the past determines our future!
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tumblingxelian · 2 years
Roy Mustang is an inherently, tragically hilarious characters because like-
This is a man who joins his countries military under the impression his powers of “Make things explode” will be used for good. 
He’s sent to Ishval/Ishbal and participates in a genocide, slaughtering thousands, upon thousands of people. 
As the war winds down and he looks across the fields of human death he helped create, & is staggered by the mountains of corpses he built. 
He thinks, “I can promote my way out of this.” 
Indicating he has learned nothing from this entire experience.
He’s still 100% the same nationalist who signed up for this army in the first place. 
Ideas like just giving up and going home, or fighting alongside the Ishvalan’s never occur to him. 
He sees nothing structurally wrong with the military government, the dictatorship, the way armies work, he just thinks a few bad apples at the top need replacing. 
So he commits himself to rise through the ranks to depose the bad apples and theoretically punish himself but no versions ever gone through with that. 
At no point does he reflect on the fact that in continuing to serve his fascist state he will continue doing evil just by upholding it. Nor does he realize that he is liable to be sent out to do this exact same thing again. 
It takes his best friend being killed by said government for him to consider just full on breaking the law and openly defying the state. 
But even then, only one incarnation, 03, shows any self awareness about the path he was on previously. The rest are just guided by pure emotion, followed by an apocalypse ticking clock that gives him no choice but defiance or death. 
And then in the manga & Brotherhood he eventually becomes dictator and nothing structurally changes about the systems, government or military. Meaning its 100% possible and likely, that another genocide will be ordered down the line.
Because amazingly, military dictatorships aren’t good governments for ensuring everyone’s human rights are respected no matter who’s in charge. 
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goldenheartgirl1 · 11 months
Ch.7-It’s a Little Bland TWST Mafia AU
The streets of Golden Sands were bustling in the late noon, not that Ortho minded, the sun was starting to hide behind the tall structures and the rays created a glimmer off his cobalt hair that faded into a sky blue on the tips. No one paid much mind to the eleven year old boy, despite his unparalleled appearance, but it worked perfectly for Ortho to explore different parts of the city. While the Shroud family was famous outside of Nirvana’s Steel, they were not as well known here which gave a great lift to his brothers business. Ortho happily adjusted his headphones and turned on their glow setting, the black headset shined with gold that complimented with his untamed flame-like hair, his bright yellow eyes shut as the beat of the music thrummed against his ears. He wore a white hoodie that paired with arctic blue sleeves and hood, his mouth was covered with an air respirator mask colored in black and two electronic filters on the sides, and his black jeans covered his porcelain skin. Without much care but astonishing dexterity he skated down the sidewalk in his white roller blades, swerving between people as he was heading home from another successful errand run. 
Even though Ortho had been practically raised by his brother in Golden Sands district, he was never able to leave home that much for two reasons. One, he was constantly helping his brother with his work, and two, his brother was such a worry wart that everytime he left it took an extra 15 minutes to convince his brother that he would be safe. Logically, the turf wars and petty fights could get violent but his brother and a few of their friends were always careful to uphold the peace in the Lamenting streets and Golden Sands. Once he arrived at the small cement building sandwiched between two office buildings, he rolled up the side ramp and slid to a stop before opening the doors, greeted to the dimly lit room with several workers at their desks. During the day this place is a simple technician’s repair office where anyone with corrupt files, busted electronics, or wanted spare parts, can be taken care of. The employees happily greeted Ortho as he skated across the engineered-wood flooring, he happily waved to them and greeted them with a smile behind his mask. Ortho moved his headphones around his neck upon reaching a secure metal door in the manager's office, moving his left wrist over the electronic panel, the door opened with a short but loud ‘clang’ from the magnetic locks detaching and the bright eyed boy coasted inside.
Dark cement tunnels were only lit up with single strips of fluorescent tubes and the flooring slightly sloped at an angle, a line of stair rails lined both walls in case someone slipped on the ground. Ortho hummed softly as he glided down the slope, looking at the walls with boredom and thinking to himself before coming to a stop at another door, another wave of his wrist over another panel unlocked it and the ice blue light saturated the entrance of the doorframe. Inside the large room of medical and technological equipment, Idia Shroud stood at his desk and wrote quietly into his notes, Ortho smiled as he closed the door behind him and skated closer to his brother. 
“I’m back brother!”
Idia jolted out of his thoughts and looked over at his younger brother with a gentle smile. “Ah! Ortho, did you deliver the package safely?”
“Yep! The package number 40087 has been delivered to Jamil on schedule!” Ortho replied proudly, sitting on one of the recently cleaned medical tables.
The Shroud brothers hosted a very special service to The Pride and The Coin, along with the neutral parties between the two great powers. While they did help with electronics, their other business entailed serving as a medical ward for those that had no insurance and those that could not let officials know of their injuries, i.e. the individuals that had reputations to uphold. Idia had learned about electronics since he was five, but grew just as fascinated with anatomy once he turned ten and their parents signed the older Shroud brother up for advanced online classes. When his 18th birthday came along, Idia insisted on moving out to better other places and to bring his brother with him when Ortho was six years old, the younger brother followed in Idia’s steps ever since. 
Idia was an introvert through and through, completely lacked social skills and had anxiety whenever he went outside, unless it was in the dead of night when the city was dark and barely anyone walked around. The man was 23 years old and sported the same messy hair and bright eyes as Ortho’s, only that his hair ran down his back and was held out of his face by a loose hair scrunchie, and he developed dark eyebags over the years. His skin was far paler than Ortho’s but most of his skin was covered by his clothes, to which he wore an indigo trench coat, black sweatpants, white high-ankle boots, and a pair of black gloves for his work. Despite Ortho’s frustrations of not going to many places with his brother, they still found ways to have fun like playing games and watching movies back at their headquarters, the second floor renovated for their TV room and bedrooms.
“I knew I could count on you, but did you have any fits? Get hurt? Have any strangers try to-”
“No brother,” Ortho replied while rolling his eyes at Idia’s growing volume of concern. “I didn’t get hurt and no one even spoke to me other than Jamil.”
The older brother sighed with relief as he turned back to his notebook, his frizzy hair swaying a bit as he continued writing in his book. “Good, have you also looked into any employee complaints?”
“I did, but most say the same thing. Brother, I think we need to look into more..color? Or something to make the office brighter and not just the scheme of blue and gray. Maybe we could add posters or office plants?”
“I can look into it, but I don’t want this place becoming so jutter after some upgrades, we may have to put it to a vote so we can zone the lobby.”
Ortho shrugged, his brother's video game lingo may not make sense to everyone but he understood it quite well. “I’ll offer a vote in a couple days, I highly doubt anyone will be upset by ideas. What should we do for tonight?”
“We have been pretty slow today for business, so how about we close up early, order some food, and watch that new sci-fi movie you’ve been telling me about?”
While Ortho loved his brother their “hangout” times would always be the same, he slid off the table and skated closer to his brother before stopping at the desk and leaning his elbows on the table top. “Actually, I was wondering if we could go to the new techno-club in the Coral Center district, its neon themed and I heard it’s really fun!”
“Since when have you liked night clubs?” Idia asked with surprise as he looked down at Ortho, closing his notebook for a moment.
“Well, I don’t know, I have never really been to one, but I love techno music! So can we go and try?”
A frown crossed Ortho and Idia’s face, the young boy could see the dread in Idia’s eyes and knew what his response would be. “W-we could just set up our own techno party h-here. I-I mean clubs will be dangerous and I’m not sure you’d be able to enter one anyways-”
“I checked age restrictions, they’re ok with minors so long as I don’t go near the bar and I have an adult. Plus, I can pay for our tickets and we don’t have to be gone long.”
“B-but still I’m no good at dancing-”
“There’s a sitting area.”
“The food is going to be greasy and-”
“They have a selection or we can order our take out and bring it with us.” Ortho replied stubbornly and crossed his arms. “Brother, I want to go. But I want to go with you.”
He could see his brother flinch at his words, the taller man looked away and shook his head, expressing his apprehension. “I still don’t like the idea, what if you get sick while we’re out? I’m sorry Ortho but it’s not safe-”
“You always say that! Idia it’s not dangerous if we’re careful.” Ortho pleaded with his brother, trying to skate around him to catch his gaze. “Please? I promise we can leave after a few songs.”
“Ortho I said no.” 
Letting out a groan of frustration, Ortho felt his cheeks flare pink with anger and replied in a sharp tone. “Fine, you stay here, and I’ll go have fun!”
Idia’s gaze softened as he watched his brother skate to the east entrance to the lab. “Ortho, I just don’t want to risk it.”
“You don’t like taking risks at all, I’m not surprised.” Ortho snapped back, trying to collect himself as he quickly left the room and skated up the tunnel ramp with great speed. There were three main tunnels, one to the east that leads to Coral Central, and the west one travels to the Afterglow district, then the main tunnel that brings others underground from the office building. Ortho focused on his breathing, the tunnel stretched for quite aways which is why he grew so attached to having roller skates, it made it easier and more fun to travel around at great distances. While Idia ran the repair shop, Ortho’s primary job was receiving the distress calls and quickly receiving those that are wounded and bringing them to his brother, hence why only a couple people had access to the labs. 
Because of how close all the districts lineup it does not take long to reach a new district unless you’re going diagonally from the farthest reaches. In the north rests Thorn Valley, the south holds Ernte Farmland, those two being in opposite directions take about two hours to get to each other. The Golden Sand’s district is like the heart of Nirvana’s Steel, it runs vertically from the border of Thorns Valley to Ernte’s border like a vein, and the four other districts surround the east and west of this central district. Northwest the Afterglow district connects to Thorns Valley and the Rose district, while the Rose district connects to Ernte on the southwest side. On the northeast, Pyroxene’s district connects to Thorns Valley and Coral Central, then the Coral Central connects to the ocean and a sliver of Ernte district on the southwest. It does not take as long for most to cross certain borders, especially if they have a vehicle or take the public bus system, but the development of the city did not plan for a monorail or train system so walking or driving were main modes of transportation. 
Idia had once told Ortho that the tunnels they claimed as the Lamenting Streets, were going to be designed for a subway system, but the project fell through because of dangerous conditions while digging so the whole idea was scrapped. His brother found this place by accident when looking to set up shop, but it worked out to their advantage. Or, more to his brothers need to hide, Ortho thought bitterly. Arrival at the exit of the tunnel had connected to a small cement bunker, a single room with a locked metal gate that required the Shroud brothers code to get in or out. The small building was tucked between buildings of the neon mafia city, the light from the buildings nearly blinded the boy as he wandered out and excitedly took in the sights around him. Taking out his phone, Ortho quickly looked up some popular attractions in the area and began skating around while putting his headphones back on, successfully blocking out the sounds of cars and people around him.
While touring the city, Ortho couldn’t help but slow down with the amount of people walking around, it was far busier here after sundown than it was at the Golden Sand’s district. He let out a yelp as someone shoved into him, knocking him on the ground as the person only cursed at him and kept walking. Ortho narrowed his eyes but carefully got up and continued to skate down the sidewalk, taking a moment to look at the street for a place to cross but the street was just as busy as the sidewalk. Eventually, Ortho gave up trying to cross and continued down the path he was already on, that was until he noticed two taller men leading a man forcefully into an alleyway. It was bizarre that no one else stopped but Ortho recognized their sharp outfits as part of the mafia, he slowly followed them and listened as they threatened the frightened man.
“You’re late on payment, did you really think skipping out on us was a good idea?”
“P-please I wasn’t skipping, I was on my way to Azul-”
“Oh sure, after all Azul’s lounge is just right before the docks. Don’t make this any harder than it has to be.” One goon grabbed the man’s arm and a sickening scream rattled from the man as it was twisted at an odd angle. 
Ortho slowed to a stop and called out to them. “Is that really necessary? Can’t you just take him to your boss?”
All three men looked at Ortho with surprise, the goon that was not holding the man scowled and walked towards Ortho. “Great idea brat, how about you come with us as well?”
Ortho immediately took off, the goon chasing him through the crowded sidewalk as confusion filled his mind. Didn’t the man realize who Ortho was? Maybe not, but if he allowed the guy to catch him then his arm might get twisted as well. With that thought in mind, Ortho sped up as best as he could but the sidewalks were still overly crowded, he had to remove his headphones to listen for the goon’s proximity. Escaping was his only recourse, Ortho skated off the sidewalk and sped onto the street, several cars screeching to a stop and honking loudly at the boy and the sound of metal slamming into metal rang out. The blue haired boy jumped onto the next sidewalk, the crash seemed to catch most bystanders' attention so it was easier for him to skate through the spaces between people. His heart pounded in his chest and his throat suddenly felt swollen, making Ortho cough violently into his mask respirator as he slowed down and sat on a passing bench. 
Ortho curled up on the bench as he tried to catch his breath and took out his inhaler from his pocket, quickly moving his mask down and taking a breath with it before putting his mask back on and doing his best to relax. His heart rate began to slow as he sat there and focused on the sky above him, yet his gaze soon turned to a black sports car that pulled up to the sidewalk. Ortho stood ready to speed off, however, much to his relief it was only Jade and Floyd that stepped out of the vehicle. Floyd grinned as he walked to the young boy and asked in a gleeful tone. “Hey there Sea Angel! What are you doing out alone?”
“I was trying to take in the sights, but I think some of Azul’s men thought I was going to tattle on them.”
“Eh? Why would they think that?”
“They were hustling a guy and probably thought I was just a kid that witnessed their assault. One of them chased me.” 
Floyd’s eyes darkened as his grin grew, moving his left hand to his right shoulder and massaging it a bit, a common reflex Ortho noted that Floyd was ready to start a fight. “Is that so? Well, I’ll make sure to teach him a lesson, he’s probably one of the new guys.”
“Come now Ortho, Azul wants to see you.” Jade said politely, opening a door to the back seat where Azul sat inside.
Ortho gladly skated over before climbing into the car, greeting Azul with a wave as he buckled up. “Hello Azul!”
“Hello younger Shroud. Care to tell me why you’re out alone?” Azul questioned with a smile and  leaned back in his seat.
Jade and Floyd got into their seats as Ortho explained the evening's events, the car driving aimlessly for sometime before slowing down into the VIP lot of the Monstro Lounge. Even after they pulled up however, Azul insisted he and Ortho would go to the office and they were not to be disturbed, the mafia leader led the young boy to his office and locked the door. “Ortho, I should be honest here, I went looking for you after your brother called me.”
“Oh..so he’s angry isn’t he?” Ortho questioned quietly, sitting on the linen amethyst couch in the room.
“On the contrary, he was extremely scared, he feared you were trying to run away.”
“What? I would never do that to him! I just..I got a little upset.”
Azul replied, sitting next to Ortho and chuckling softly. “You’re a smart boy Ortho, I know you can handle yourself, but considering your condition you cannot be surprised that he would freak out.”
Only Idia and Azul knew of Ortho’s condition, being diagnosed with emphysema as a baby was something that always gave Idia great anxiety. His brother made his inhaler himself to maximize the medicinal and oxygen intake, the mask Idia created and updated for Ortho to cancel out bacteria yet provide plenty of oxygen passage. It really showed how much Idia cared for his little brother, providing all physical therapies as well to help strengthen his lungs. Ortho gave a melancholy look to Azul, his hands fiddling at his hoodie as he said. “I worried him a lot, I just wanted a chance to hang out with him outside of our home..”
Azul’s calculating eyes watched Ortho’s form and smiled a bit as he stood up. “Come with me Ortho, I have a reasonable compromise.”
Ortho tilted his head curiously but followed Azul out of the office, as they entered into the main lounge however the place was packed and the younger Shroud noticed a familiar figure at the bar. “Brother?”
Idia, who was talking with Jade for the moment, turned and sped to Ortho to wrap his arms around the small boy. “Ortho! I was so worried about you! I-I didn’t know what to think when you-”
“It’s ok big brother, Azul found me and I only used my inhaler once.” Ortho soothed with a smile, hugging his brother in return. “Azul said he had a compromise though!”
“Compromise?” Idia looked at Azul with suspicion and the mafia man just let out a cordial chuckle, moving his right hand over his heart.
“Seeing you both so worried and considerate to each other I think I have a good way for you two to safely enjoy Coral Central. Perhaps once a month I can offer you both VIP seats in whatever club, restaurant, or other amusement facility of your choosing. In return, you would just need to help cover expenses and I am not providing a free ride. That way Idia would not be overstimulated and Ortho will have his chance to try new things.”
Ortho’s eyes lit up with delight as he tugged at Idia’s coat. “That sounds good, right brother? Can we take him on his offer?”
Idia bit his lip a little before looking at his brother and pursed his lips. “I..I suppose that would be a good offer. If that’s what you want Ortho.”
“I just want to make new memories with my brother.” Ortho replied softly, nuzzling Idia’s stomach. A gentle smile crossed Idia’s lips and his attention turned back to Azul for a second to speak with him, Ortho didn’t listen though, just simply enjoyed his brother's embrace until a soft patting on his shoulder gained his attention again to Idia. 
“Ortho, why don’t we sit here and have dinner? Azul said we could sit in his booth.”
“Really?! Thank you Azul!”
“Think of it just as a small token of my benevolence~” Azul replied, giving a smile towards the brothers before leading them to the booth. “Oh and Ortho, Floyd found the new guy that gave you a scare. He wanted to know if you had a punishment in mind?”
“Let him know cornering someone in the alleyway is just dumb, of course someone is going to notice them!”
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tabby-shieldmaiden · 1 year
Status: these are just a bunch of messy rambly thoughts. I don’t think I elaborated on my points as well as I could have, but I may pick apart individual points later on and make them their own posts.
The gendering of toys and media made to sell toys has been on my mind lately because of writing reasons. And while I am glad that a lot of fans of these franchises do recognise that a lot of the failures many of these franchises have regarding: poor writing around say, female characters comes from the structures in which these stories come from (‘female characters aren’t written very well here because this franchise was made to sell toys to young boys etc etc’) I feel like it’s also important to point out that the very act of gendering toys is a part of the problem.
There isn’t a meaningful distinction between an action figure and a fashion doll when it comes down to it. A fantasy adventure marketed ‘for girls’ may involve more rainbows and sparkles, but other than set dressing there logically shouldn’t be much of a meaningful distinction between it and a fantasy adventure ostensibly targeted at boys. The fact that the toy industry is gendered is why these categories exist in the first place (a middle class household with boy children and girl children will have different ‘appropriate’ toys for different children divided by gender, meaning the company will earn more money as opposed to having the children share the same toys for play). And the categories themselves very much help to fuel the ongoing sexism within the industry. In part because they present a very rigid idea of what sort of stories can exist simultaneously.
While yes, hyperfemininity can be fun (I’m a magical girl enjoyer myself lol, and while I’m not into ‘Barbiecore’ stuff, I am glad that it speaks to other people), I feel like attempts to silo the pink and lace away from the action heroes and robots as separate things is a part of the problem? It still pushes this idea that there are ‘boy stories’ and ‘girl stories’, which is kind of a ridiculous idea to begin with. But it especially jumps out now, in a time where I can see that many toy companies are attempting in incrementally ‘do better’ in their stories and their portrayals of female characters and female-led IP. Which, while I have enjoyed the individual characters and stories, I feel like the current means of ‘improving’ are not going to be sustainable in the long run.
A lot of attempts of bettering are very individual when one gets down to it. Gets certain writers and directors, write specific female characters ‘well’ (whatever ‘well’ means). But a lot of it still hinges on consumption (you need to buy the diverse Barbies and the female action figures to show that you ‘want’ them, which is like... something about the fact that we need to ‘vote with our wallet’ about this puts a sour taste in my mouth). A lot of it also fails to address the bigger systemic issues at play* (falling into gender stereotypes in a way which serves to uphold the status quo more than question it, the fact that if the toyline fails attempts at diversifying will be written off as a failed project). Or even the fact that... what constitutes a ‘well written’ character is ultimately very subjective, isn’t it?
Is Barbie ‘better’ as a relatable girl next door, or a hypercompetent power woman? She’s been a fun character in both contexts, and both give people one thing that the other cannot. Yet, because Barbie is Barbie, and therefore the face of fashion dolls, that does mean that if she is only one thing at a time that would drown out other narratives of what a woman could be. (And truthfully, smaller competition doesn’t have as much cultural power that she does, unfortunately.) Male character archetypes over the years in boy franchises have very broadly been the same (it’s all tried and true formula all the way down!), and female characters in male targeted media, while they have changed, still tend to be in the minority**. And they still lean in very heavily into the trends of the time. (Sweet maternal friend to determinator girlboss to plucky genki girl.) I feel like... the rigidity of gendering of the toy industry, along with the fact that these things are so hegemonous, so everywhere, does in part lead to a dearth of alternative narratives. The strict ideas of what girls want and what boys want means that at any given time, there can only really be one thing. The hegemony, the fact that this is mass media, means there’s a lot less space for differing viewpoints from different people.
And like, I think this is partially linked to the gendering of the toys! There are girl stories for girls and boy stories for boys. And that’s it. The charts have been drafted and the market research has been done. And they can replicate this over and over again with minor adjustments when they need to do it, without having fears of blurring the lines and risking anything which could speak to specific audiences at the expense of alienating a ‘general’ one. And I feel like, conversations about how femininity and feminine things aren’t taken seriously will miss something if we don’t also talk about how femininity is constructed, and what that construction of femininity and masculinity actually does to storytelling.
*That’s not even getting to the big picture re: the labour which goes into making the toys themselves. Much of which is outsourced to the Global South, to mostly women working low wage jobs. I feel like this deserves its own post though, so as to not convolute this one + give the topic the attention it deserves. Hopefully I’ll get around to writing it.
**There’s also thing uh... interesting thing where on paper many women are very proactive, very self-driven characters in a narrative wherein a lot of their choices aren’t given the same weight and narrative importance as their male counterparts. He struggles through decisions for a story arc, she proves herself again and again for her one focal episode of the season.
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