#or continue to enable and perpetuate it themselves
gch1995 · 2 years
I’ve contemplated a lot about why Luke was the sort of person that Anakin felt inspired enough to turn his back on Sidious and the dark side for, while Padme, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka weren’t.
While Anakin does become a hypocrite who no one was obligated to forgive after he turned dark, regardless of his tragic circumstances and compromised agency, I think Luke was the one who finally inspired him to turn back because, in spite of as “above it all” as Obi-Wan, Padme, and even Ahsoka wanted to believe they were, they still had many of the same issues Anakin developed of feeling pressured to be people pleasers to corrupt authority figures, expectations, and rules that they knew were wrong out of fear of the unknown under compromised agency, moral hypocrisy, pride, manipulative tactics, selfishness, and/or an exceedingly vengeful side in their anger that they were not willing to pull back on when they dueled him or other enemies that piss him off.
Padme, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka loved Anakin, but they were also prideful, self-centered, and terrified people who were too afraid to admit that their methods flawed, too afraid to take a stand against the standards of these broken systems they were born into, too afraid to admit they were wrong, too afraid to take risks to do better, and too afraid to admit that they weren’t as “above it all” as they pretended to be.
Luke Skywalker being Anakin’s son is definitely one of the influencing factors that inspires him to turn back to the light. However, it’s also because Luke is self-accepting of his bad decisions, flaws, and mistakes. He’s aware that the old Jedi Order was deeply flawed, hypocritical, and misguided, in spite of their good intentions. He’s unwilling to stoop to the same level as his enemies. He won’t let himself get carried away with baiting his father into a fight when he gets angry, and start making justifications of how he’s “right” just because he has good intentions, just because he was fucked with first, just because he’s not a Sith, or just because it’s “too dangerous” to take a risk to be honest, kind, and offer one of his enemies (his father) a better opportunity when he sees that he really is also a victim of Sidious who is still struggling against his darker instincts and searching for freedom and love from family. He refuses to enable Anakin’s slave mentality and ultimately refuses to let his father believe that “Anakin Skywalker is dead.”
This isn’t saying that Anakin is an innocent, that Luke was obligated to forgive him, or that his victims didn’t have valid reasons to fear him and resent him. Of course, they did. The point is that in those little moments where he tries to reach out to Ahsoka, Padme, and Obi-Wan about being unhappy with the Jedi and keeping secrets of his marriage before going dark, backs off, says “Don’t make me destroy you,” or lets them go, they all had an opportunity to refuse to further perpetuate the cycle of abuse by acting in anger and vengeance. They could have refused to encourage his sense of compromised agency. They could have broken the cycle of system sting abuse, crime, and oppression with Anakin in those instances by being the bigger person.
Instead Padme and Obi-Wan encouraged him to continue to stay with the Jedi and/or keep his marriage secret when they knew their systems were corrupt, and knew he was becoming increasingly emotionally/mentally unstable and unhappy in ways that made him a danger to himself and those around him out of fear of the unknown by pretending that he would just get better if they told him he would when he tried to say otherwise.
Instead, Ahsoka ended up declaring that she’d “avenge her master” when he refused to join her right away and told her “Anakin Skywalker is dead because he destroyed him.”
Instead, Obi-Wan egged him on into a duel on Mustafar by using Padme as bait, and refused to back off after getting him to let go of Padme from his reckless blind rage/paranoia force choke before killing her when he thought she brought Obi-Wan to kill him and even got him to a point where he could tell Obi-Wan “Don’t make me kill you.” When Anakin cornered him again 10 years later for revenge that he clearly didn’t want as much as he had convinced himself he did because he still cared about Obi-Wan deep down, tells Obi-Wan “I destroyed Anakin Skywalker, not you,” and even gives Obi-Wan a chance to run away, Obi-Wan allows Anakin to continue to believe that Anakin is dead, convinces himself that he is, and he runs away to compartmentalize his own guilt over how he mistreated Anakin.
Instead, another ten years later, Obi-Wan more or less encourages Anakin/Vader to kill him by just standing there after confronting him in A New Hope, and saying “I’ll become more powerful than you can ever imagine.”
So the reason as to why Anakin can’t be inspired to atone or do better by Ahsoka, Padme, or Obi-Wan isn’t just because he’s a deeply flawed person. It’s because they are too, they live in denial of it, and let him live in denial of it, too.
#Padme Amidala was deeply flawed#Anakin was deeply flawed#Ahsoka was deeply flawed#obi wan was deeply flawed#and they all lived in denial of just how deeply broken and flawed they all were and kept encouraging Anakin to pretend like he was okay#sacrificing his better instincts and happiness to try to conform to these broken systems that they all knew were messed up out of fear#until he finally stopped trying to fight back and became a serious problem for their well-being out of fear of these corrupt authorities too#when he couldn’t get anyone to listen when he DID try to reach out for emotional support and escape to fight back#like in spite of telling them that ‘Anakin Skywalker is dead’ are obi-wan Ahsoka and Luke willing to let him believe that or not?#when he tells obi-wan and Luke ‘don’t make me destroy you’ hesitated to kill them or gives them a chance to reason with him or walk away#are they going to run away act defensively or stoop to his level and try to kill him when he’s hesitating and being vulnerable?#when he gives obi wan ahsoka and Luke a chance to back off in their duels as vader are they going to fight run away or try to reason?#when he tells Ahsoka revenge is not the Jedi way is she going to agree that vengeance is bad or stoop to his level?#it’s because Anakin is desperately looking for someone who is good and self-aware enough to realize that both sides are messed up#and he can feel safe just being the best version of himself rather than throwing away his moral integrity and sense of self to conform#it’s like he’s testing people he cares about to see if they will encourage him to break the cycle of toxicity in the galaxy#to realize that both the old Jedi/Republic and Sith/Empire were deeply fucked up governments and institutions#or continue to enable and perpetuate it themselves#to not stoop to his level and enable or perpetuate terrible behaviors choices or crimes ‘for good’ fear of the unknown or revenge#to these broken systems that enable and perpetuate systematic abuse of power crime and vengeance ‘for the greater good’ out of fear#pt jedi critical#anti jedi apologists#anakin skywalker#darth vader#luke skywalker#Luke was the only one who could inspire Anakin to redeem himself because he was the only one who didn’t get caught up in the cycle himself#and the only one who refused to let his father believe that ‘Anakin was dead’
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iridessence · 9 months
I would like to take a moment to acknowledge myself and say that I am elated and proud to have manifested some of my major goals since 2018-2019. Basically before then, 2014-16 I struggled with depression and suicidal ideation quite frequently due to not having steady income, as jobs in retail seemed the only available and “safe” options, but long shifts standing at a registers or posts were damagingly hard on my body. In 2017 I got a desk job that set me on the path of financial stability and reduced physical load, which did absolute wonders for my mental health but it was an absolute blight to my existence over time due to terrible management and the usual corporate garbage. I knew that staying there was fine for a time but not sustainable in the long run, so change must come eventually.
also around then, I continued to explore self portraiture and personal style but I really wanted to perform/create Burlesque acts and book them, and invest in and actually have choreography/technique and beautiful costume pieces that looked like the visions refining themselves in my head through research. I was also perpetually struggling in the dating sphere with the deficit of romantic fulfillment that I deeply wanted. and while they weren’t hostile, things were definitely weird with my family (dysfunctional, literal small town energy, upset that I didn’t want to be around them more in the suburbs but lots of interpersonal toxicity and lack of emotional growth).
I knew that in the coming years I wanted to…
quit my soul sucking job and set out to be a full-time or at least professional level burlesque performer, creating the qualitative and classic show girl acts I dream to see on stage
work on the floor at a boutique or mom-and-pop type shop that sells goods or services that are interesting to me, especially aesthetically, such as an antique shop or a jewelry boutique etc., but a place where I could sit intermittently as needed for my physical disability. Also, ideally it would be a position where I could express myself through style at my choosing and it would be received well, and also my hours would not be very early or very late.
find a loving and supporting partner who I could lavish equal amounts of love and support on to, live with and hopefully marry
Achieve/maintain financial stability enough that I have a reduced risk for homelessness and sometimes treat myself to things that I enjoy.
Figure out why the relationship with my family was such a struggle and do things within my power and desire to fix it.
In a world that isn’t a corporate machine devoid of empathy, none of that seems like a tall order to ask… but I live in America so… It took some time, but I’m starting to see the fruits and returns. Honestly sometimes things feel like a blur and I’m not exactly sure I could say there was a huge system to what I did overtime to make it work, but I know the work was there.
As of today, September 9, 2023:
I am a respected professional burlesque performer with costumes I figuratively gag over and acts that come closer and closer to hitting the aesthetic nail on the head for what I want to embody. (I quit that shitty desk job at the beginning of 2019 and haven’t looked back since. Sent a whole ass company wide message with a long and detailed “fuck you” too.😂🙈)
i’ve managed through burlesque, social media work, donations and savings, and —since the global pandemic—,odd jobs and grants/minimal loans, to continuously pay rent and ward off homelessness 
I live with the love of my life, to whom I am engaged and actively planning our wedding (we looked at a venue yesterday!)
I’ve helped my mom on the growth of her emotional intelligence and commitment to learning more about values under the race, gender, and sexuality umbrella, as well pushed her to examine the enabling and entitlement dynamics with her adult children that take advantage of her. While my relationship with my brother and sister is not great, my relationship with my mom has been steadily getting better since the pandemic. we had a breakthrough at the beginning of this year where she acknowledged and apologized for guilt tripping me for not being around the family more, when I was (she quoted) “actually protecting myself like she should have been.”
and litcherally within the past week I was offered the job at a local boutique I interviewed with a year ago and didn’t get, and I signed an offer letter to begin work within the month. 
To say I’m happy with the way things look right now is an understatement. The world still terrifies me, but I have no choice but to carve out a sliver of its beautiful experiences for myself, and I am doing just that. It may not be perfection, but it’s pretty damn good and I’m going to do everything in my power to keep it that way and make it even better. I am living my ancestors' wildest dreams!!
for anyone reading who might be struggling right now to make things work, I hope you hold on to hope that it can get better. A beautiful life is possible even on this hell scape, even for the marginalized.
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opencommunion · 20 days
“'We chose to file this case on May 1, in solidarity with workers around the world, because ending forced prison labor in ADOC isn’t just about stopping the State’s extractive profiteering from the labor of Black people – both inside and outside of prisons. It’s also about eliminating the control that forced prison labor enables the State to exercise over Black people – an extension of the control exerted by the State through slavery, the Black Codes, convict leasing, and Jim Crow,' said CJ Sandley, Staff Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, which represents the workers through its Southern Regional Office.
The six plaintiffs – Trayveka Stanley, Reginald Burrell, Dexter Avery, Charlie Gray, Melvin Pringle, and Ranquel Smith – have all been punished or threatened with punishment for resisting forced work. ... 'I am motivated by my passion to fight for an end to all injustice. That passion burns brighter than my fears. We must stand for something or we will fall for anything. This lawsuit is about the unpaid, overbearing state jobs that I, as well as my fellow inmates, are being forced to work against our will. According to Article I, Section 32, this is against the law,' says Plaintiff Trayveka Stanley, currently incarcerated at Montgomery Women’s Facility in Montgomery, Alabama.
According to Plaintiff Reginald Burrell, who is incarcerated at Decatur Work Release in Decatur, Alabama: 'The most influential public officials in the State of Alabama today remain loyal to and act in unity with their racist slave legacy from the Confederacy and the Jim Crow era, continuing to deliberately make, enforce, and defend bad policy decisions and practices, knowing it results in the demise, disadvantages, and disenfranchisement of poor whites and African-Americans, perpetuating hopelessness, despair, and excessive suffering in our lives today, and knowing it induces, in many circumstances, desperate choices under duress, to give themselves reason to enslave us through incarceration by the Alabama Department of Corrections for the sole purpose of continuing forced labor, slavery, and involuntary servitude in this state.'”
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cy-cyborg · 8 months
I'm seeing a lot of people here and on other platforms getting angry at people who have come from Tik Tok (and youtube to a lesser extent) who refuse to say words like death, racism and anything relating to heavy topics. Sometimes they won't even say the names of minorities either.
Any I get why this is frustrating and just not a good practice. The people criticising these folks are absolutely right, we need to get comfortable saying these words and discussing these topics. Not to mention the fact that self-censorship can cause issues for people who are legitimatly triggered by those topics (e.g. due to trauma), But as someone who spent a lot of time on Tik Tok and youtube before coming here, I think there's some vital context missing here.
I'd say a good 75% of the people on tik tok, and by extention, people who have moved elsewhere from Tik Tok, using words like "unalive," "r#pe," "sewerslide" or whatever else aren't using it because they're uncomfortable with the topic. In fact, it's quite the opposite. They want to talk about it, but Tik Tok's content moderation is so wildly strict that they can't. Even saying the words would get you flagged by the algorithm, ESPECIALLY if you had captions enabled or the actual word written in text from the in-app editor. This was especially true for people from minorities trying to talk about issues affecting their community or even just themselves (hence the hesitation to even say the minorities name sometimes).
This isn't just some conspiracy theory either. Tik Tok staff admitted to doing this intentionally on several occasions as a way to "keep the peace". I remeber when I first joined, it came out that they intentionally limited views on videos of visibly disabled people, both to prevent bullying but also because "some users find that content disturbung." I couldn't even show my stumps in videos without my videos getting stuck on 0 views at best or account warnings for "inappropriate content" at worst. I got DMs from several people after my video about disability pride month in July asking why their comments wishing me a happy disability pride month got removed, when I went into check the filtered comments, they'd all been hidden for "bullying". The same thing was happening with people commenting and saying the word "autism." And that's just the disabled community. I know similar stuff was happening in other communities too.
Most of the time, you had to speak in coded language to get your point out there. It's not that they're uncomfortable with it, it's because the videos would be dead in the water if they didn't. Getting the message out using these "toned down" replacements was better than not getting it out at all.
"OK, but this isnt tik tok, they shouldn't do that here" yeah, I agree, but for a lot of kids, Tik Tok was their first real experiance with social media, it makes sense that they're going to assume other platforms will be the same. YouTube is just as bad, if not worse, in some respects. Tumblr even has its fair share of censorship issues, too (e.g. queer people's posts being flagged as mature for seemingly no reason). It's not a stretch to make the assumption they'd need to continue the practice of self-censorship here, too.
This isn't to say that NO ONE is using the censored words to avoid hard topics/because it makes them uncomfy, but in my experiance, those people assume this is the best thing to do because everyone else was using it. They don't stop to ask why. They just repeat it, which in turn contributes to making them umcomfey with the real word.
I'm not saying don't pick people up on this stuff. We NEED those words, and we need to be more comfortable with them so stuff like the above situation doesn't happen and become a self-perpetuating cycle. But it started from a real, genuine need to censor ourselves to even get the message out, and I think it's important to keep that in mind. It's not just kids being "too sensitive."
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generation1point5 · 10 months
No. This is somewhere to be. This is all you have, but it's still something. Streets and sodium lights. The sky, the world. You're still alive.
Arches is the companion, the foil, the refutation, the answer to Echo. As such it is Echo's compliment, but it is also a standalone story complete with its own themes and sentiments. If Echo was about the establishment of a perpetual, vicious cycle, then Arches is what bisects that circle to create its own thesis. Its ending is, appropriately, a momentous occasion of great violence, followed in an epilogue by residual trauma where the protagonists learn to move on from what has been permanently lost, and learn to live with what is no longer there. This is a running theme that defines much of Howly's writing; where Arches becomes distinguished from his prior work is in the final word (the fact that there even IS a final word), a definite ending and a nail in the coffin. Entropy brings the cycles of Echo to an end. Spoilers for the game's events below.
The thing that immediately struck me about Arches' tone was its use of third person, a unique choice for visual novels that usually rely on first person to immerse the reader in the player character. Even when Echo Project's games have shifted perspective and have demonstrably illustrated even the player characters to have a distinct voice and identity independent of the player making their choices, it continues to utilize the first person. It enables the reader to understand the world as the characters themselves perceive it, in all of their insight and blind spots, and implicitly adopt the character's view as their own. The use of third person, by contrast, establishes a stark objective reality; you see just what the author wants you to see, unfiltered by the biases of the author's character(s). When events happen, they occur and unfold just as what's being described, with extremely little room for interpretation. From the beginning, the finality of Arches' tone carries its series of events to a solid conclusion. It also creates a barrier that establishes a clear distinction between the player's own perspective and that of the characters.
Narratively, Arches' tone is closely aligned with the traditional western mode of storytelling; there is a beginning, a rising action, a climax, a falling action and conclusion. There are clear delineations within the storyline from which there are points of no return, moments where definitive changes that do not resemble past patterns are established. The fractures created by the trauma are neither recursive nor fractal in nature. Instead, they are clear differentiations from what has come before that establishes something new, and not simply because it occurs last at the end of a sequence. It is newness in a truly semantic sense; it is the emergence of something alien, unknown, and unlike anything that has happened before.
Devon's initial impulse to bring Cameron along to Echo is in pursuit of this unknown, his questions about the afterlife as a result of familial tragedies driving him to know what cannot be understood. To this end, he thinks his boyfriend Cameron might be able to use his latent psychic ability as a means of connecting with and grasping this reality. Cameron agrees to this proposition out of a desire to help provide some sense of closure with his counterpart, despite his own traumas surrounding his latent talent.
The tables soon flip, however, when things go sideways shortly after Cameron and Devon enter Echo. Demons from both Cameron's past and Echo's interact in strange and terrifying ways that immediately spell greater trouble looming on the horizon. Devon immediately regrets his decision to go to Echo, but Cameron by contrast is drawn into the dark amplificative powers of Echo to harness his unique ability. He experiences terror, but also curiosity as his powers manifest more powerfully; Cameron glimpses the lives of many who have died in Echo, and when their attempt to escape Echo runs into hardship, he becomes prone to wandering off in pursuit of being able to master his newfound ability.
Part of Cameron's drive to master this ability is tied to his sense of identity, purpose and value. Having come from impoverished conditions in the pacific northwest, suffering from drug addiction that took his life of his mother (the sole parent in his life), and having failed in his attempts at a music career, Cameron finds himself working at a call-center and tries to make ends meet with his boyfriend. Devon, by contrast, excelled academically at Pueblo, and pursues a much more promising career in the sciences. Cameron's gnawing sense of inferiority and inability to succeed in his field of passion drives him to pursue meaning and self-worth in his only remaining distinguishing characteristic, his psychic powers. By the end of the visual novel, Cameron accomplishes his goal. It is not for the better.
Caught in the crossfire of these game's events is a mutual friend of Cameron and Devon, Arturo. His initial role as a happy-go-lucky sort ready to help the couple out of their bind initially sees him bonding closely with Cameron's desire to explore the unknown, but being caught in the consequences of this decision forever shatters the amicable dynamic they once had. His character arc is framed more in the context of casualties, helpless to affect the greater consequences of the decisions made by the pair of protagonists.
In many ways, Cameron and Devon's one-time "success" story (a term I'm admittedly using VERY loosely) is in stark contrast to the inevitable cycles of failure in Echo. It begins with a loving couple entering into a horrific unknown, and emerges from that time with their relationship and their lives changed but intact. It is the exact opposite of Echo, where Chase comes back to reunite an old friend group that has largely gone their own way after having already begun to fray, and having it more or less fall apart by the end.
Part of me had wished to see the Arches cast interact with the Echo gang beyond the cameos featured in TJ and Flynn's endings, but I understand why the meetup isn't suitable for both narrative and thematic reasons. Cameron and Devon, being external to Echo, represent an outside party who barrel headfirst into Echo's cycle and come out of it changed. They are fundamentally different people than those born in Echo, who are trapped in Echo, who die in Echo. The two visual novels, despite being closely tied to each other, are like oil and water. Those who are in Echo's cycle are bound to it; those who are witness to it are affected but not trapped by it. To involve the main Echo cast in this arrangement would create a thematic dissonance, whereupon the characters of one story are used to tell another, fundamentally different from the one they had illustrated before. It is, in fact, for the best that none of the main characters of Echo make an appearance save for whatever remains of a particular manifestation of Flynn. If any of them had remained in Echo by the time of Devon and Cameron's arrival, it would only portend a grim and tragic fate.
The characters that DO recur from Echo exist to tell a very specific story. They are the last, dying breaths of the cycle, the last embers, the cinders that burn themselves out and expire. The inevitability of Echo's slow death was already something known even by the start of the events in its own game, but at that time the cycle was still quite alive and well. The last surviving residents of Echo shown in Arches choose to remain there of their own volition, fully accepting the pain and suffering that comes from doing so.
Of the two Echo characters that comprise the cycle, one is primarily witness to it (Duke) and the other actively perpetuates it (Brian). Much in contrast to his assertions to some sort of alternate leadership in Echo, Duke by this time is largely isolated and worn down by the forces of the town, having experienced the mass hysteria of Echo and yet being one of two that decided to remain in spite of the horrors of that week. Highly reactionary and prone to violence, Duke uses threats and acts of force to try and keep people away from Echo while trying to contain the evil within. Despite his unilateral and brutal approach to the problem, Duke's heart is shown to have at least some semblance of compassion, after turning around to save Arturo's life after he sustained a life-threatening shot to the head by Brian. His self-destructive tendencies are kept at a strictly personal level, and his last observed act was to save Arturo's life even if it seems to come at the cost of his own.
Brian, meanwhile, continues his predatory, psychotic behavior that extends his own self-destructive habits to the livelihoods of everyone around him. Where Duke had begun to avoid Brian, Cameron, Devon and Arturo all stumbled into the picture, inadvertently threatening to renew the cycle of tragedy in Echo. After Arturo's brush with death, Devon is imprisoned and Cameron is forced into a very bad drug trip as Brian attempts to use Cameron's abilities for his own ends. When this fails, he finally settles on a few last acts of sadomasochistic violence culminating in double-murder. No one in the cast of characters at this moment is able to stop Brian, despite Devon's heroic acts to try and defy the fate they're seemingly destined for.
At this moment, one of the key features of the Echo Project's flagship trilogy manifests; Cameron glimpses a future where he is shot to death before Devon kills Brian, and in witnessing this future, alters it by pushing Brian's gun just before the trigger is pulled. A single act of defiance, in combination with a eucatastrophe, splits the timeline.
It is important to note the second part to the dynamic, the eucatastrophe. The term, first coined by Tolkien, is more than just a moment of deus ex machina that results in a favorable outcome: in his words, "we see in a brief vision that the answer may be greater–it may be a far-off gleam of echo of evangelium in the real world." For it was by a confluence of tragedy, indeed the accumulation thereof, that finally caused the cycle to collapse on itself. The cycle of entropy, the snake that devoured its own tail, died as a result. Put in literal terms, Brian's drug abuse and wanton violence had caught up to him in a moment of karma, and he dies not with a bang, but with the whimper of a heart attack. Cameron and Devon did not prompt this series of events, they were merely witness to it, and that becomes the mercy by which they survive: bruised and bloodied, but alive. Whether by stroke of sheer dumb luck or providence, Devon and Cameron are spared the consequences of the cycles of Echo.
The arches that Cam uses to guide Devon, who carries him out of the mine, lead not to heaven (as Cameron's mother believed) but to something more akin to Elysium, at least if you were use ZA/UM's depiction of the word. The salvation that comes to the pair is not a deliverance into a better reality; it is a return to what they had once known and lived in all their lives. In an odd twist, it was not the world that had changed for Cameron and Devon when they had experienced the horrors of Echo, but themselves. The two must learn to adapt to the world all over again.
Cameron and Devon struggle to hold onto whatever remains of their lives. Cameron, though now in much greater command of his psychic powers, is put on a literal mind-numbing number of medications for a plethora of mental disorders that arose as a result of his ordeal. His physical injuries sustained from that time also have forever robbed him of his ability to pursue his passion even as a hobby; he completely loses his ability to play the guitar. Cameron struggles to make things work at his call center, unable to deal with the high stress environment and interpersonal obligations inherent with the role. The price for Cameron's actualization of his one unique trait came at the cost of almost everything else; the passions that offered some shred of happiness, and even his ability to function as an adult in a capitalist economy.
Devon was also not spared his share of scars, both physical and mental, but the greatest change in his life comes in the form of having to accommodate Cameron's exacerbated mental health struggles, though in some key tragic points Devon is also able to empathize with Cameron's struggles, having begun to encounter a number of them himself. Their support for each other is much more closely tied together as a result. It is mutual by both necessity and desire to see the other well, and this steels their resolve through the new troubles they encounter throughout their relationship.
Cameron's relationship with Arturo, however, never recovers. Following his brush with death in Echo, Arturo suffers several motor and speech issues that he, with the support of his girlfriend, slowly begins to adjust to, but with the knowledge of Cameron's psychic powers he is never able to look at his former friend the same way again.
The visual novel ends, as with many of Howly's works, on a bittersweet note. But Arches' bittersweet ending is a resolute one; in it, we see Devon accept the world and the consequences of the choices Cameron and he had made for themselves for what they are: a past set in stone that has irrevocably affected their future. But that future is as of yet uncertain, neither bright nor bleak. For all of the ending's ambiguity regarding the afterlife, the certainty of the ending comes from the lesson's learned and the response of the characters to this uncertainty. They resolve to walk into that uncertain future together as it unfolds for them, to live presently, and to persist through what they have witnessed and suffered through.
The positivity of this ending, as gut-wrenching as it is, becomes even more reinforced as a result of what Cameron glimpses; the alternate timelines he sees with his psychic powers imply a great deal of the possibility of Devon being the carrier for Echo's cycles beyond its former borders of the town. With Cameron dead, Devon's life changes dramatically, becoming defined by his loss and an eerily similar echo of his former boyfriend urging him to seek out other Echos found throughout the world in an effort to prevent their awakening. If there is anything that Echo has taught me, it's that this very act would result in the tragedy it sets out to avoid. It would be a resumption of the cycle, a new circle, perhaps on an even greater scale than before.
Cameron's act of defiance to delay the inevitable, while not the sole act that saved his or Devon's life, yet resulted in an ideal outcome given the alternatives glimpsed at in the epilogue. Again, we see a highly existential sentiment conveyed in the Echo Project's works, but the argument on this theme is the opposite side of the coin from Echo. Persistence in the face of futility is not seen as a horror in Arches, but as markedly human. To be human in Arches is not a horror.
Like a coin, I find it difficult at times to balance, or otherwise reconcile these somewhat contradictory theses that Arches and Echo set out to establish; both make valid points as to the flawed nature of human beings, but the conclusion of that instability falls one way for Echo and another for Arches. There is nothing inherent to Cameron or Devon that would make them any more deserving or equipped to survive through the horrors of Echo intact, save for sheer moments of luck, and successfully managing to climb the rickety ladder of socioeconomic and material conditions that allowed them to retain their grasp on a life spent together. Romance is not the point of either Arches or Echo, but being integral to the human experience it carries significance that has to be factored into any analysis. Again, the line about true love from Disco Elysium surfaces in my mind.
Ultimately, this is what I appreciate most about Howly's writing. It captures the human experience through inhuman characters, through inhuman means. Chronologically, Arches falls at the opposite end of the Echo trilogy, but as final words go it offers a foundation for encouragement and hope, even as it recognizes that foundation to be socioeconomic in nature, and not simply from the will to persist in the face of overwhelming odds. It is a measured hope. It is dialectical materialism made into gutwrenching poetry.
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acceptccnow · 9 months
Maximize E-Commerce Growth with Efficient Payment Processing
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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In the rapidly evolving world of business, E-Commerce Payment Processing stands as an undeniable linchpin. With the perpetual surge in online shopping and digital transactions, businesses must prioritize delivering a seamless and secure payment experience for their diverse customer base. This article zeroes in on strategies that empower businesses to unlock their full e-commerce potential by implementing effective payment processing methods. From embracing credit card acceptance to skillfully navigating the complexities of high-risk sectors like CBD and credit repair, we'll delve into key insights that enable businesses to make well-informed decisions and turbocharge their profitability.
The Cornerstone of E-Commerce Triumph At the core of every flourishing e-commerce enterprise lies a robust payment processing infrastructure. A frictionless payment solution can have a direct impact on conversion rates and customer satisfaction. Payment processing for high-risk industries, such as CBD and credit repair, demands specialized services owing to their unique challenges. These sectors require reliable payment gateways that cater precisely to their distinct needs while steadfastly upholding stringent compliance with industry regulations.
Crafting a Seamless Customer Journey The acceptance of credit cards stands as a fundamental pillar of e-commerce success. The ease and familiarity associated with credit cards empower customers to make swift purchasing decisions. By seamlessly integrating credit card payment processing systems, businesses can streamline the checkout process, reduce instances of cart abandonment, and cultivate trust among their patrons. A user-centric payment gateway guarantees that transactions happen rapidly, securely, and without complications, thereby enhancing the overall shopping experience.
Navigating Uncharted Waters Industries like CBD and credit repair often find themselves classified as high-risk, primarily due to intricate regulatory frameworks and potential chargeback risks. Securing a high-risk merchant account and harnessing specialized high-risk payment processing solutions become imperative. These tailored services provide the indispensable infrastructure for tackling the unique challenges of high-risk industries while simultaneously mitigating potential setbacks.
Paving the Path to Progress Merchant processing forms the crux of e-commerce expansion. By acquiring a merchant account, businesses unlock access to a broader spectrum of payment options and enhance their market credibility. A well-structured merchant processing system serves as a competitive advantage, allowing businesses to accept credit cards, expedite transaction processing, and offer a diverse array of payment alternatives to their clientele.
The Future of E-Commerce Payment Processing As technology continues its inexorable advancement, payment processing solutions evolve in tandem. Online payment gateways now encompass more than just transactional capabilities. Contemporary payment gateway solutions extend offerings to encompass comprehensive analytics, real-time reporting, and customization features, empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimize their overall payment ecosystem.
E-commerce payment processing resides at the heart of e-commerce expansion. By embracing the intricacies of payment processing within high-risk sectors, embracing credit card acceptance, and optimizing merchant processing systems, businesses can chart a course toward success. The voyage to maximizing e-commerce growth is initiated by acknowledging the pivotal role of payment processing and making judicious choices that align with industry trends and cater to customer preferences.
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joyisoverparty · 7 months
what gets me so much about the way big western journalists are handling the genocide is the dichotomy between them and palestinian journalists. palestinian journalists are documenting their own genocide because they absolutely have to. they are experiencing every atrocity committed to their families, their people, themselves — and yet they continue to report, to record, to retell everything that’s happening to them in the hope that they’ll get through to us. they stay where the bombs are being dropped because they refuse to leave the people there without a voice.
western journalists, what are they doing? they’re bending over backwards to write in a passive language that removes all blame from israel, they’re lifting up the voices of the enablers of a genocide, they’re reporting blatantly false information they get from biased sources — without fact checking — to feed fuel to a dangerous fire. it’s completely despicable that so many journalists in the west can blatantly see what’s happening to their palestinian counterparts and not only ignore it, but continue to perpetuate lies that question palestinian journalists’ integrity and negate the hard work they do for everyone.
being an aspiring journalist who lives in the west, it’s disgusting. when we learn about journalists in future classes, i want to learn about the bravery, compassion, and courage of palestinian journalists. i want to learn of their experiences and the lives they live. i don’t want to hear another word about these rotten, spineless journalists that plague our media right now.
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opinated-user · 1 year
How much responsibility, if any, do you think that people like Mikaila and Ginger have for enabling Lily/being active participants in the extremely abuse tantrums and harassment that she throws at other people? I say this because earlier today (as of the sending of this ask) I was scrolling through her most recent posts and saw that Ginger just absolutely lost her fucking SHIT at another person for defending the Gravity Falls show’s finale. In a VERY abusive and DEEPLY toxic fucking rant that is extremely similar to the types of rants that LO would CONSTANTLY go on, whenever she received asks or came across people who disagreed with her own cartoon opinions.
Its just very worrying to me that, rather than let go of and fight AGAINST the type of constant verbal abuse that Lily frequently subjected them to, both her fans and (in this case) friends are starting to become a LOT more active in the PERPETUATING of the exact same type of toxic about that LO has subjected them to over the years. I don’t want to jump the shark here or anything so don’t hesitate to say that I’m being too hyperbolic here. But I think that with both Lily’s fans and friends, we are starting to see the cycle of abuse play out in real time right before our fucking eyes. And it is as horrific/sad to watch as I ever could’ve IMAGINED it to be!
i think you could be understimating how much of an unpleasant person LO is completely on her own, without any need for enabling from anyone. she was a horrible and short tempered person before meeting Ginger or MO, and she'll continue to be after she divorces MO or Ginger moves on.
the people around LO do tend to absorb her worst traits in a misguided attempt to try to advocate for themselves, even in situations where it wasn't really called for, i have noticed. even fans who didn't really have a personal relationship with her tend to speak about how they became noticeably less toxic when they stopped watching her content.
unfortunately Ginger has been a follower of LO since they were underaged and they're still pretty young even now, so it's no wonder at all that they could have been influenced by LO that much.
it's still rather uncomfortable. i remember hearing their podcast discussing season two of TOH and i was frankly shocked at how much almost everything Ginger said was word by word something i could see coming from LO's mouth, down to denigrating teenage girls for liking a fictional teenage boy.
i had some hope that Ginger would leave LO behind after the break up and the numerous attempts at baiting that LO did, but i guess they still want to stick around for whatever reason.
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critical-skeptic · 28 days
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An Inexorable Descent: The Culpability of Systemic Enablers and the Erosion of Rational Discourse
In a societal theater where sensationalism often supplants substance, the Trump era, persisting with alarming resilience through his trials and investigations, stands as a testament to the profound dysfunction gripping American political and social discourse. The confluence of cult-like fanaticism, systemic leniency, capitalistic opportunism, and an increasingly polarized media landscape has not only fueled but also normalized the chaotic spectacle we witness daily.
The Cult of Personality and Its Blind Adherents
At the core of this turmoil is a cult-like allegiance to Trump, characterized by a fervent dismissal of facts and an unwavering defense against any criticism or legal scrutiny. This demographic, often engulfed in conspiracy theories and anti-intellectual rhetoric, remains not merely supportive of Trump but aggressively antagonistic toward any who oppose him. This group's blind loyalty is not a benign political anomaly but a potent force capable of influencing political processes and obstructing justice.
Systemic Leniency: A Breach of Justice
The systemic leniency shown towards Trump and his associates by various facets of the American legal and political system is perhaps as troubling as the transgressions themselves. This leniency, whether stemming from a fear of backlash from Trump’s base or a deeper institutional malfunction, highlights a disturbing reluctance to apply the law uniformly. The ongoing hesitation to decisively prosecute Trump, despite the laundry list of allegations and charges against him—including obstruction of justice, financial fraud, and more—emboldens his rhetoric about a "two-tier legal system," ironically a system from which he benefits.
Media Complicity and the Profit Motive
The media, a once-esteemed pillar of democracy tasked with holding the powerful to account, has often succumbed to the allure of sensationalism over substance. The incessant coverage of Trump's antics, devoid of sufficient critical analysis or context, not only misinforms the public but also desensitizes it to the gravity of his actions. This relentless media frenzy, driven by ratings and clicks, perpetuates a cycle where crucial issues are overshadowed by the latest scandal, thereby diminishing public discourse to mere entertainment.
International Actors and Domestic Traitors
Adding complexity to this already volatile mix are foreign adversaries like Russia and North Korea, whose leaders have exploited Trump’s presidency to weaken American influence and sow division. Domestically, wealthy individuals and corrupt actors who align with Trump’s agenda continue to thrive under his chaos, often at a significant cost to the socio-economic fabric of the nation. These actors, both foreign and domestic, leverage the instability Trump creates to further their agendas, undermining American democracy in the process.
The Anti-Science Stance and Its Deadly Consequences
Trump's anti-science and anti-intellectual stance, particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, has not just been a policy failure; it has been a deadly one. His blatant disregard for scientific expertise and pandemic management protocols contributed to over a million American deaths. His rhetoric not only exacerbated the public health crisis but also entrenched a dangerous precedent for handling future crises.
Conclusion: The Imperative of Accountability
The saga of Donald Trump is not merely a story of one man’s hubris and criminality but a revealing exposé on the weaknesses within American systems—political, legal, and media—that have allowed such a figure to ascend and, more concerningly, to endure. As a nation, the path forward requires a resolute commitment to uphold the principles of justice equitably and without fear. Failure to rigorously prosecute and scrutinize Trump would not only embolden him and his followers but would also affirm his misguided assertions about American justice, further eroding trust in our institutions.
This moment in history demands more than passive observation; it calls for a concerted effort to reinforce the foundations of our democracy. That starts with the unyielding application of the law, a recommitment to factual discourse, and a collective stand against the forces that would see our societal norms upended for personal gain or political victory. In the end, dealing with Trump and his legacy is not about partisan politics but about safeguarding the integrity of our democratic institutions for the future.
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nividawebsolutions · 8 months
Top 7 Challenges Faced By IT Industry In 2023
Within the rapidly growing universe of technology, the IT companies in India assume a crucial role, persistently adjusting themselves to cater to the needs of a perpetually shifting environment. Nevertheless, the advancement of society brings forth a set of obstacles that necessitate a deliberate approach to resolution. As the year 2023 commences, the IT industry faces a multitude of challenges that necessitate careful consideration and effective measures. This blog aims to explore the primary issues encountered by the IT industry in the current year, providing insights into their consequences and possible remedies.
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1.  Cybersecurity Threats:
The escalation of cyber risks has been observed as a consequence of the widespread adoption of digital technology and interconnected systems. The level of sophistication exhibited by cybercriminals is on the rise, as they deploy advanced strategies to bypass security systems. All the IT companies in Gujarat, India, in the year 2023 are confronted with the formidable challenge of maintaining a competitive edge in the face of cyber attacks, while simultaneously prioritising data protection and securing essential infrastructure. The implementation of effective cybersecurity safeguards, regular conduct of security audits, and provision of cybersecurity education to staff are essential elements in addressing and minimising this risk.
2.  Data Privacy and Compliance:
The increasingly stringent legislative framework surrounding data privacy poses a substantial obstacle for the information technology sector. Stringent regulations pertaining to data privacy, such as the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), necessitate rigorous adherence. In the year 2023, the IT companies in Vadodara, Gujarat have the challenge of striking a delicate equilibrium between adhering to regulatory requirements and efficiently using data for commercial objectives. IT organisations are required to allocate resources towards the implementation of compliance frameworks, provide training to their employees, and guarantee that data-handling procedures are in accordance with the prescribed norms.
3.  Talent Acquisition and Retention:
The acquisition and retention of talent pose an ongoing problem for the IT industry, as it continues to seek and keep qualified workers. The scarcity of highly specialised skills frequently results in a disparity between demand and supply, hence engendering intense rivalry for those with such talents. Moreover, the current trends in remote work and the increasing globalisation of the talent market serve to exacerbate this challenge. In order to tackle this issue, a reliable IT company in India like Nivida Web Solutions prioritises the enhancement of the skills of their current workforce, provides enticing remuneration packages, cultivates a favourable work environment, and creates avenues for professional advancement and personal improvement.
4.  Technological Advancements and Adaptability:
The expeditious rate at which technological developments are occurring has both advantages and disadvantages for the IT business. Although these developments present promising prospects, they also present a difficulty in terms of adaptation. Keeping abreast of developing technology and enabling a smooth transition to new platforms and tools may be a demanding task. In order to effectively adapt to emerging technology, IT organisations must allocate resources towards the implementation of continual training and development programmes, which aim to equip their personnel with the requisite skills.
5.  Resource Optimization and Scalability:
The optimisation of resources and the effective scalability of operations have emerged as significant challenges in recent times. The management of resources and the scaling of operations in response to varying market needs and the imperative of cost-effectiveness can provide intricate challenges. Cloud computing and intelligent resource allocation are essential solutions that can be employed to effectively address this dilemma. The utilisation of cloud solutions by Nivida Web Solutions - a recognised IT company in Gujarat, India, allows for enhanced flexibility and cost-efficiency, hence assuring the appropriate allocation of resources.
6.  Integration and Interoperability:
The IT environment is distinguished by a diverse array of systems and applications that necessitate harmonious integration. The task of achieving integration and interoperability across diverse platforms, legacy systems, and emerging technologies poses a significant challenge. The establishment of interconnectedness is crucial in facilitating an effective and productive IT ecosystem. It is imperative for the industry to prioritise the development of standardised interfaces, utilise APIs effectively, and implement integration platforms in order to improve interoperability.
7.  Environmental Sustainability:
Environmental sustainability has emerged as a pressing issue in various sectors, encompassing the field of IT. The IT industry possesses a substantial carbon footprint as a result of its energy consumption, generation of electronic waste, and operations of data centres. In the year 2023, the sector is faced with the task of identifying environmentally sustainable solutions and adopting practices that effectively mitigate their ecological footprint. The use of green technology, the optimisation of data centre efficiency, and the incorporation of circular economy concepts are positive measures in the pursuit of sustainability objectives.
Final Thoughts:
The IT sector encounters a diverse range of issues in the year 2023, necessitating the implementation of proactive and strategic methodologies. Addressing a range of difficulties, including cybersecurity risks, talent acquisition, technological adaptation, and sustainability, is necessary in order to establish and maintain a flourishing and sustainable information technology ecosystem. By adopting a proactive approach towards innovation, allocating resources towards skill enhancement, and placing emphasis on adherence to regulations and sustainability, Nivida Web Solutions - the most distinguished IT company in Vadodara, may effectively navigate the obstacles it faces and emerge with increased resilience. This will facilitate the ongoing growth and progression of the industry in the era of digitalization.
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basicsofislam · 13 days
Suhayb ibn Sinan, may Allah be well pleased with him, reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
“How wonderful is the situation of the believer, for all his affairs are good, and such a condition is only for a believer. If something good happens to him he gives thanks, and that is good for him; if something bad happens to him he bears it with patience, and that is also good for him.” (Sahih Muslim, Zuhd, 64).
Suhayb ibn Sinan
Suahyb ibn Sinan is a Companion famous with the name Suhayb al- Rumi.
Learning Islam from Ammar ibn Yasir, he became Muslim at once.
Giving everything that he had to the Meccan polytheists, he emigrated to Medina suffering a thousand and one difficulties.
Highly proficient at shooting with a bow and arrow, Suhayb participated in all battles alongside Allah’s Messenger.
At the time Umar was assassinated, he acted as an interim caliph for a period of three days upon the caliph’s request.
He passed away at the age of seventy-three, in the thirty-eighth year after the Emigration, and was buried in Medina’s Al-Baqi Cemetery.
May Allah be well pleased with him.
1. In this hadith, the Messenger of Allah draws attention to the favorable situation of the believer, in which all their affairs are good and felicitous and thus invites believers to patience and thankfulness. Life continues with its highs and its lows. Becoming spoilt when one experiences joy and unmeasured grief in the face of sorrow can adversely affect a believer and lead them to great error. The believer is delivered from this hazardous situation through thankfulness for bounties and patience in the face of hardship.
2. Allah the Almighty declares:
“We will certainly test you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and fruits (earnings); but give glad tidings to the persevering and patient” (al- Baqarah 2:155).
It is declared in another verse:
Those whose hearts tremble with awe whenever Allah is mentioned, who are always patient with whatever ill befalls them, who always establish the Prayer in conformity with its conditions, and who spend (in Allah’s cause and for the needy) out of whatever we provide for them. (al-Hajj 22:35)
3. Types of Patience:
Patience in the face of misfortune;
Patience in avoiding sins;
Patience in observing regular acts of worship; and
Patience in relation to time.
Patience in the face of misfortune: Misfortune encompasses the various difficulties and hardships that a person can meet throughout their lives, such as illness, death and the like. Strictly speaking, a person must accept the misfortunes befalling them as being from themselves and consider where and how they went wrong that this evil befell them. They must call themselves to account and perpetually keep themselves in check. In other words, if a person seeks to correct their errors, they must act as a prosecutor to their own carnal self and a defense attorney to others. A believer knows that whatever evil befalls them, it is from themselves and whatever good happens to them is from Allah; they are thus patient when misfortune strikes and thankful and humble when they receive goodness. Consequently, the standard of a believer must always be Divine approval and they must do whatever is right and leave the outcome to Allah, in perfect reliance upon him. Allah the Almighty declares:
…It may well be that you dislike a thing but it is good for you, and it may well be that you like a thing but it is bad for you. Allah knows, and you do not know. (al-Baqarah 2:216)
Human beings have no right to complaint in tribulation and illness.
1) Life is cleansed and strengthened, bears fruit and achieves completion with tribulations and illness.
2) This world is an arena of trial and examination and is the site of service. It is not the site of pleasure, merit, and reward. One hour of patience during times of illness enables a person to earn the reward of one day’s worship.
Patience in avoiding sins: A person must respond with the same patience to those things that Allah has prohibited. Patience to be shown upon the first emergence of sin averts the evil to come from it and the person thus staves off its blow. It is for this reason that the Messenger of Allah said to Ali, “O Ali, the first glance is in your favor, but the second is against you.” In other words, one’s gaze can fall upon the forbidden, but if they immediately avert their gaze, this is not recorded as a sin in their name.
Patience in observing regular acts of worship: Patience is vital in constant and regular worship of Allah. For a person who is only just beginning to observe the Prescribed Prayer, this act of worship can seem quite onerous at the first instance; however, if they are patient and if their spirit becomes one with the Prayer, any Prayer missed thereafter becomes a source of the greatest sorrow for them. The same can be said of such acts of worship as fasting, offering the prescribed annual alms, and the Pilgrimage. Consider the fact that those who undertake an act of worship as arduous as the Pilgrimage wish to return each year. At times, even the quotas placed on the number of people attending disturb them immensely. This love of worship in a sense implies their overcoming their initial exertion. This is the same for virtually all forms of worship.
Patience in relation to time: This is the type of patience that a person needs to show towards affluence and poverty. One must not question why they are poor while another is wealthy, but must be patient and work. They must not show haste in realizing hopes or plans that require a certain length of time to achieve.
Belief is not a barrier to affliction and hardship.
Hardship can be transformed into bounty through patience.
Just as thankfulness for a bounty is a means for its increase, patience in the face of affliction can be a means for its transformation into goodness.
Thankfulness and patience provide the opportunity to spend one’s entire life upon goodness.
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dgtanisha · 3 months
Empowering Women: Unleashing the Force of Change
In a world where progress is measured by the empowerment of its people, the role of women stands as a critical cornerstone of societal advancement. Empowering women isn't merely about providing them with opportunities; it's about recognizing and unleashing the transformative potential that lies within each woman. From breaking barriers and challenging stereotypes to driving innovation and fostering inclusive societies, women empowerment is a catalyst for positive change across the globe.
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Historically, women have faced systemic barriers that hindered their full participation in social, economic, and political spheres. Discriminatory practices, unequal access to education and employment, and gender-based violence have long impeded the progress of women in societies worldwide. However, despite these challenges, women have continually demonstrated resilience, courage, and determination in their pursuit of equality and empowerment.
Education serves as a cornerstone of women empowerment, providing them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to pursue their aspirations and contribute meaningfully to society. By ensuring equal access to quality education for girls and women, we not only unlock their potential but also lay the groundwork for sustainable development and social progress. Education empowers women to challenge societal norms, pursue their passions, and become agents of change in their communities.
Moreover, economic empowerment is essential for women to achieve financial independence and break free from the cycle of poverty. Access to economic resources, including credit, land ownership, and entrepreneurial opportunities, enables women to support themselves and their families, invest in their futures, and contribute to economic growth and prosperity. By promoting women's entrepreneurship and leadership in business and industry, we can harness their talents and expertise to drive innovation, create jobs, and foster inclusive economic development.
Political empowerment is another crucial aspect of women empowerment, as it enables women to participate fully in decision-making processes and shape the policies that affect their lives. Through representation in political institutions, women can advocate for their rights, influence legislative agendas, and champion issues of gender equality and social justice. By promoting women's political participation and leadership at all levels of governance, we can create more inclusive and responsive democracies that reflect the diversity and voices of all citizens.
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Beyond education, economics, and politics, women empowerment also encompasses the elimination of gender-based violence and discrimination. Violence against women remains a pervasive global issue, depriving women of their dignity, safety, and fundamental human rights. By challenging harmful gender norms, promoting gender equality, and implementing laws and policies that protect women from violence and discrimination, we can create safer and more equitable societies where women can thrive and fulfill their potential.
Cultural and social norms often perpetuate gender stereotypes and restrict women's freedom and agency. Empowering women requires challenging these norms and fostering environments where women are valued, respected, and treated as equals. By promoting gender-sensitive attitudes and behaviors, celebrating women's achievements, and amplifying their voices and stories, we can inspire future generations of women to dream big, defy expectations, and pursue their aspirations without fear or limitation.
In today's interconnected world, the empowerment of women is not only a matter of justice and human rights but also a prerequisite for sustainable development and global peace. When women are empowered, societies prosper, economies thrive, and communities flourish. By investing in women's education, economic opportunities, political participation, and safety, we invest in a brighter and more equitable future for all.
As individuals, communities, and nations, we must commit ourselves to the cause of women empowerment and work tirelessly to dismantle the barriers that stand in the way of women's progress. Let us celebrate the achievements of women past and present, amplify their voices, and champion their rights and aspirations. Together, let us build a world where every woman and girl can live with dignity, equality, and the freedom to pursue her dreams. For in empowering women, we empower humanity to reach its fullest potential and create a better world for generations to come.
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vizthedatum · 2 months
CW: a reflection on neurodivergence and childhood trauma
I’m having an okay day, but I am always so perpetually upset by knowing that neurodivergence runs through families.
I have been trying to figure out the truth about my family since I was very young. I have asked multiple people, and I was searching blind for a long time.
It’s weird that I came about the truth by figuring out who I was - maybe it’s not so weird.
I guess the truth was a mix of undiagnosed neurodivergence, shame, guilt, torture, and abuse. These themes run through my family, and it is only in that lens that all the behaviors make sense.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that my parents were arranged to be together (arranged marriage). I think many of my family members have sensed that something was off.
And knowing that my mother herself was constantly abused growing up, a lot of her behavior makes sense too. Doesn’t excuse the stuff she’s done to me, but still.
I am finding more confidence to be myself, but you know how people know you’re different even if they don’t know why you’re different? I’ve faced that my entire life.
My parents have faced it too - the more I grew up and heard the stories of how they were treated, it became undeniable that they were both undiagnosed with something(s), came from dysfunctional families themselves, and thought that ignoring issues would solve things.
That’s how generational trauma and people like me (and my brother) are born. It gets to us and we have a choice: die, burnout, or radically change. Or worse: propagate the trauma.
And we will get labeled crazy for speaking up and changing things, after our families have smeared our name or destroyed our lives.
I used to find any excuse to cover up for my parents and love them with everything I had. I did the same with my ex-partners.
I enabled toxic behaviors while minimizing myself.
I know I’m lucky to have gotten this far with everything that has happened (I am incredibly privileged to have the education and job I have). Unfortunately I am still extremely burnt out from masking to high degrees for most of my life, and the way I have accepted dysfunction into my life is primarily due to my childhood trauma (and people taking advantage of me due to some of my autistic traits).
Things are getting better, but I don’t want to continue keeping information hidden like so much of my family does. It doesn’t make things better, and I want the cycle of generational trauma to end with me.
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Can you explain how standardised tests are racist? Is this just more of the woke trying to render academia irrelevant?
As with everything, it's extremely simplistic: black students, on average, tend to score lower. Since we live in a world of the Single Cause Fallacy (Causal Reductionism), then the God of the Gaps says the reason is racism. And you better not question that conclusion or you're a racist. As Robin DiAngelo says, "the question is not 'did racism take place'? but rather 'how did racism manifest in that situation?'"
And yet, they never provide specifics. It shouldn't be that hard to fix and rewrite the tests to remove the problem, and yet the demand is always to scrap them entirely.
It doesn't matter that East Asian, South Asian, West African and Jewish students regularly outperform white students. No, we have to ignore the fact this "explanation" doesn't explain anything - any more than "god did it" explains anything about the universe - and enable a world of Don Quixotes.
Never mind that its color-blind nature allows talented black kids to compete on a level playing field with everyone else. Because within that "on average" there will be both the extreme underperformers, and the academic stars. We can't test to find those stars in case we find those underperformers too, so black students actually suffer due to this mentality. Standardized tests for selection are what levelled the playing field.
Perhaps an even more insidious issue is that if there's no standard measurement, schools can't be shown to be failing their students. If you remove the only test on which schools can be compared across the nation, then underperforming schools, and states that are prone to produce underperforming schools, can hide this fact.
Because the reality is that people who study this kind of thing empirically, using evidence and statistics rather than religious presupposition, such as Roland Fryer and Jeffrey Litt, know why it's the case, know how to change things, and one of the factors is not too-high standards, but too-low standards.
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The problem is that the way to actually fix things isn't politically fashionable nor conducive to hashtag campaigns or virtuous signaling. The solutions are extremely practical. it's far easier to simplistically decry the test itself as "racist" - and signal your "antiracist" bona fides in the process - than to admit that the results stem from multiple failures over many years, many of them the fault of the school, the curriculum and the teaching staff.
It also needs to be said that it's more politically and financially advantageous to be able to continue to wield the same cudgel, to be funded and staffed to "fix," through fashionable posturing and useless buzzword-laden programs, the same problems the people who created them in the first place have perpetuated - and will continue to do so. Sort of like educational homeopathy: "like cures like."
Keep in mind though that certain standardized tests such as the SAT, MCAT and LSAT are intended for entrance into college, medical school and law school respectively, particularly name-brand ones. That assumes that everyone should go to college, or even wants to. As if nobody can succeed without 30 years of debt from an ideologically compromised institution where the bureaucrats outnumber the teaching staff, and the students call the shots. It's well known that an average-performing student pushed up into an elite college will find themselves struggling and probably dropping out, and that they may be better suited to a less elite school more suited to their capability. Or may be better off training to be a cabinetmaker, chef, electrician or brewing craft beer.
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annajade456 · 7 months
From Code to Collaboration: How DevOps Transforms Developer Success
In the ever-evolving realm of technology and software development, one thing is abundantly clear: the integration of DevOps principles has emerged as a driving force for transformative change. For developers, this isn't just a trend; it's a seismic shift in the way software is conceptualized, created, and delivered to end-users. The fusion of "Development" and "Operations" has given birth to DevOps, a revolutionary approach that prioritizes collaboration, automation, and the seamless flow of work throughout the software development and deployment process. 
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This introduction sets the stage for an exploration of the myriad advantages that developers stand to gain by immersing themselves in the world of DevOps. It underscores the pivotal role DevOps plays in breaking down traditional barriers, accelerating software delivery, elevating quality, enhancing efficiency, enabling seamless scalability, and fostering a culture of continuous learning. The adoption of DevOps principles by developers isn't merely a choice; it's a strategic move that can significantly augment their effectiveness, efficiency, and career prospects in this dynamic and ever-evolving landscape.
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and software development, DevOps has emerged as a driving force for change, emphasizing the necessity for developers to embrace and adapt to this transformative approach.
Here, we explore some of the key advantages that developers can expect to reap by delving into the world of DevOps:
1. Improved Collaboration: One of the foundational pillars of DevOps is the obliteration of the traditional barriers and silos that may exist between development and operations teams. Developers who acquire a firm grasp of DevOps principles find themselves well-equipped to work harmoniously with their counterparts in the operations realm. This alignment fosters a significant boost in cross-functional collaboration, resulting in quicker issue resolution, swifter deployment cycles, and a more efficient workflow.
2. Accelerated Delivery: The adoption of DevOps practices, particularly the implementation of continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, serves to streamline the software development process. Developers are poised to experience a remarkable acceleration in the pace at which they can usher code changes through the development pipeline. The consequence? A notably swifter delivery of software to end-users, enabling businesses to respond more rapidly to market demands.
3. Elevated Quality: DevOps has instilled a culture of automated testing and continuous monitoring into the software development process. These practices ensure that issues and glitches are identified and rectified at an early stage of the development cycle. For developers, in particular, this rigorous testing regime results in a substantial improvement in software quality and a noticeable reduction in post-release defects.
4. Heightened Efficiency: Automation stands as one of the hallmarks of DevOps. By automating various manual and time-consuming tasks within the development and deployment process, developers can significantly boost their own efficiency. The time and effort saved by automating routine tasks empowers developers to focus their energies on what they do best—writing code and creating software.
5. Seamless Scalability: DevOps principles, when complemented with containerization technologies like Docker and orchestration tools such as Kubernetes, enable applications to scale efficiently. For developers, this translates to the capacity to build and maintain applications that are not only nimble but also capable of dynamically scaling to handle increased workloads.
6. A Culture of Continuous Learning: The DevOps landscape is in a perpetual state of evolution, with new tools, best practices, and technologies emerging regularly. Developers who embrace DevOps as part of their skill set are effectively committing to a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. They are well-positioned to stay at the forefront of industry trends, remaining adept at harnessing the latest technology to drive innovation and growth.
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To truly realize these benefits, developers can consider enrolling in DevOps courses. ACTE Technologies stands out as a provider of comprehensive DevOps training programs that offer not only theoretical knowledge but also the practical skills necessary for developers to excel in the field. With the guidance of experienced instructors, developers can gain a deeper understanding of DevOps practices and apply them effectively. ACTE Technologies thus emerges as a valuable resource for developers looking to enhance their skills and advance their careers in the dynamic world of DevOps.
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gch1995 · 2 years
How do you feel about Anakin blaming only himself for his fall tot he dark-side? Personally I think self hatred is his own worst enemy….
It is absolutely true that all of Anakin’s arrogance and denial is entirely a “mask” to cover up for his own guilt, insecurities, and self-loathing as Darth Vader. It’s not just his fault he ended up where he did, but he also can’t keep letting his past define him either. There is hope to do better, and deep down he knows it. He’s just too afraid and too hopeless to try.
Yes, his agency is compromised under Sidious, even more than it was under Obi-Wan and the Jedi Order, so, yeah, objectively speaking, it’s not just Anakin’s fault alone he’s in this position with no real safe escape opportunities. In and of itself, it’s not even morally wrong to want to connect with his son to escape his abuser. The means he was using to try to reach out to him were abusive, manipulative, selfish, and unfair in regards to Luke until the end of ROTJ, though, and that’s why he gets framed as wrong for it it. He’s not being cowardly or selfish in his desire to seek a healthier connection than Sidious in his son. That’s relatable. The fact that he was endangering, hurting, and threatening Luke to try to pressure his son to become someone he did not want to be for his own ends out of a desire to gain freedom, while simultaneously continuing to live in denial of his own guilt and fear of the unknown, was fucked up.
Anakin’s arrogance, denial, and attempts to manipulate Luke for Sidious and his own personal “greater good” out of fear of the unknown and self-hatred as Darth Vader is actually a lot like Yoda’s and especially Obi-Wan’s attempts to use Luke for their own “greater good.” Yeah, I’m not denying that the Empire was worse than the old Republic and needed to be taken down. I’m not arguing that there aren’t valid reasons for many people to hate Darth Vader and want him dead for personal safety, justice, and protection reasons in A New Hope. I have a lot of sympathy for Anakin. He’s my favorite character along with, but, regardless of the living hell of constant victimization he endured under a series very abusive, arrogant, corrupt, oppressive, and manipulative bastards of authority figures from whom there was no reasonably safe escape, I’m not going to pretend like he didn’t also enable and perpetuate horrendous systematic abuse, crime, oppression, and tyranny for a little over two decades himself.
I think diminished responsibility is a more accurate way to judge Anakin for his crimes, considering the constant living hell of abuse, manipulation, and exploitation his entire life was under these corrupt authority figures in these screwed up state sanctioned military cults that recruited children as soldiers under incredibly dubious and ill-informed consent. However, while Anakin definitely was capable of being an amazingly kind, loyal, empathetic, and self-sacrificing person at his best, he definitely did become a horrifying lawful evil at his worst, and not all of his crimes were ones he committed just because Sidious, Obi-Wan, and the Jedi Council coerced him to. He did develop a personally angry, selfish, and vengeful side, too.
So yeah, I can understand the logic of thinking that the galaxy might be safer without Vader. I can understand why a lot of his victims would feel that way. However, never once do Obi-Wan and Yoda tell Luke to kill the Emperor, too, and they know he’s the “big bad” in charge, not Darth Vader/Anakin, Yet, it’s just Vader, their former student, who they helped fuck up, left to burn when he turned on them, and then continued to hide and run away from after finding out he survived, who they are focused on using Luke to kill, which heavily implies that their motives aren’t nearly as selfless as they keep trying to convince either Luke or themselves. They’re being self-centered and manipulative cowards who are trying to find an easy way to redeem themselves without having to take personal responsibility and living in denial because facing the truth the right way hurts and is risky. It’s quite similar to what Vader was doing to Luke.
It’s easier for Yoda and Obi-Wan to continue to avoid facing the reality of their bad decisions and mistakes, instead of acknowledging how deeply abusive, damaging, self-centered, and toxic they had become in their fear of facing the unknown through their support of a corrupt Republic government, their hypocritical, their problematic methods and lifestyle in regards to Anakin and their other recruits, and the Republic as a whole, That is why they end up going in to hiding after Order 66 and attempt to use Luke to kill off the monster they inadvertently helped influence his father to become in the first place by deceiving him, endangering him, and manipulating him to try to escape their guilt and absolve themselves in regards to their mistakes with Anakin and the Empire without actually having to do the work of admitting they had been wrong and taking full personal ownership. The fact that they want to redeem themselves is a good instinct. The fact that they’re using an innocent Luke to try to do it for them is where it becomes cowardly, manipulative, and selfish.
I get that they’ve been in these messed up space soldier cults and systems for most of their lives with limited options, so their agency to be able to reasonably feel safe doing any better is compromised,l. It’s not entirely their faults they ended up in these positions that allowed them to grow up to be such deeply damaged and dysfunctional adults. They were victims who deserved better. However, they also had consciences that they buried by living in denial and fear of the unknown, which became a seriously fucked up issue of selfishness and toxicity when people who had nothing to do with their issues became “worthy” collateral damage and scapegoats for them to continue to not take personal accountability and risks to self-improve instead.
Still, in the end, Anakin’s the only one of his predecessors left from the old Jedi in the movies who learns to do the right thing.
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