#or else I wouldn't be able to afford that either
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navybrat817 · 4 months
Any chance we can see Winter and Kisa? 🥺
I owe them a proper one-shot, nonnie, but I may have a little something to hold you over.
Almost Like Home
Pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Agent!Female Reader
Summary: Bucky told you his place would be your home one day. You see it firsthand with his closet.
Word Count: Over 1.6k
Warnings: Tension, longing, pet names, possessive behavior, slight obsessive behavior, conflicted reader, threat of violence (not against reader), very minor injury, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: More Winter and Kisa. That okay, lovelies? ❤️ Edit by the talented @nixakimbo . Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Arguing with Bucky to let you go back to your place was pointless today and you were too exhausted to try. Being sleepy was how you justified following him to his bedroom, your footsteps gently echoing in the hall. You took in your surroundings and tried to reason that it was out of curiosity and to stay alert, not because this would be your home one day. Even if he said it would be.
You’d take a quick nap and be on your way, right?
“You sure I can't carry you in?” Bucky offered as he stopped in front of the door at the end of the hall, sneaking a glance at you over your shoulder.
He trusted you enough to have his back to you.
“Don’t you dare,” you said without a hint of malice, biting your lip when he smiled and opened the door to let you go in.
“Worth a shot.”
The rays from the sunset seeped in through the window curtain before Bucky turned the light on. The bedroom was beautiful, as expected, with a king-sized bed, a chair near the balcony, and a fireplace. You imagined him sitting and reading after a long day. But the vanity didn't appear to be his style at all.
It looked like something that belonged in your room.
Bucky didn't attempt to move toward you as you met his all-consuming gaze, which somehow made the tension grow. It would’ve been easy to drag him to his bed or let him shove you down and make you his the way he claimed you were. But one taste wouldn't be enough for either of you.
“As much as I'd love to see you in my clothes,” he said to break the silence, gesturing to a door along the wall. “You might find something more to your liking in there on the right side.”
“I can't sleep in this?”
He dragged his lip along his teeth and shook his head. “The bastard who hit you may not have touched your clothes, but I’d sooner burn them before they touch my bed.”
“Possessive bastard,” you muttered, part of you liking it.
His watchful eyes followed as you crossed the room and opened the door, your mouth falling open as you looked around. The closet was larger than your apartment living room. To the left were suits, shoes, watches, and more that clearly belonged to the mobster. But to the right…
Your heart raced as you walked over and pushed through the clothes, something heavy settling in your stomach when you realized they were all your size. Not only that, they were designs and styles you wore and liked. Many of which you'd never be able to afford, let alone have the pleasure of feeling the fabric under your fingertips. You had long accepted that working for a living would never give you a life of luxury.
There weren't many times in life where you had the rug pulled out from under you, but this was something else entirely.
“What is this?” You whispered, turning toward Bucky as he strode through the door.
“Your closet. Well, our closet. You like it?” He answered, pride in his eyes as he glanced at your side. “I figured you could look at some of the shoes and jewelry after you get some rest. And you’ll love the lingerie almost as much as I will.”
You took a deep breath. And another. It did little to calm you down. “Bucky. I am not your girlfriend and I sure as hell don't live here, so why do you have half of your closet set aside for me?” You demanded.
Bucky lifted a shoulder, unbothered by the fury and touch of sadness that simmered in your eyes. “Girlfriend isn't really a title I want you to have. Wife and my queen, yes. Those will do. And you will live here, so I had to make sure you have clothes,” he said as his eyes bore into yours. “Though I don't mind if you'd rather walk around without wearing anything.”
Your face heated up as he stepped toward you and you wished you could ignore the throbbing between your legs. “You're delusional,” you stated.
He chuckled low, the sound sending more heat through your traitorous body. “No, Kisa. Not delusional. Prepared and excited, but not delusional.”
You scoffed, trying to cover up your arousal. Why did he put more into obtaining you than any other guy who crossed your path before? “Whatever you need to tell yourself to get to sleep at night, Winter.”
“I'll sleep much better when you're beside me.”
The softness in his voice surprised you, like you sleeping beside him would bring him some sort of comfort as well as satisfaction. “You say that like it's a sure thing.”
Your stomach twisted in knots as he smirked, all confidence and swagger. “Oh, you and I both know I always end up getting what I want.”
But what if he stopped wanting you one day?
Your back was against the wall, nowhere to go as he took another step forward. “You can't have me.”
The words sounded empty and you both knew it. “And why is that?” He asked.
“Because I can't let you have me,” you answered, pausing as your gaze shifted away from him. You almost regretted the next words that slipped out of your mouth. “You cloud my judgment.”
The admission didn't lift the weight from your chest because it didn't change anything. At the end of the day, Bucky would continue to do terrible things and you wouldn't bring him to justice. You couldn't bring yourself to do so. Yet you brought others in.
How many times could you justify letting Bucky roam free because he had a heart beneath the surface?
You willed your knees to keep you upright when he rolled his sleeves up more and smugly smiled. “Is that so? Hmm, I like the idea that you can't think straight around me.”
You held up a hand when he moved closer, as if it would stop him. “Don't let it go to your head. My job comes first. You know that.”
He grasped your wrist and brought it to his mouth, his lips barely grazing your skin. The spark between you continued to ignite when his tongue darted out. “Well, if I had it my way you'd come first every single time.”
The breath left your lungs in a rush. “Bucky, please,” you whispered, hating how weak you sounded when his scruff touched your skin.
He hummed as he pressed his lips against your pulse. “That's one of the things I imagine you saying before you come.”
You didn't rip your hand away, enjoying the attention far more than you should have. “You're being ridiculous. You know we can't do this.”
“No, I don't know that. Though you keep saying we shouldn't,” he said, taking your hand and placing it over your head against the wall. His grip didn't hurt. You almost wished it did so you'd have more of a reason to fight. “Maybe you're the delusional one.”
“Maybe I am a little,” you said, tears pricking your eyes. “Because I've crossed the line enough by not bringing you in.”
Maybe your hands weren't as dirty as his, but they sure as hell weren't clean.
A sympathetic smile tugged at his lips. “Because you want me and want to be with me.”
His eyes traced along your face as your breathing got heavier. You didn't object or deny him. Doing so would be a lie and wasn't life clouded enough with too many of those? But to speak the truth would be to lose a part of yourself.
“It doesn't matter. When the chase ends, you’ll stop wanting me,” you said, his brows furrowing when your voice cracked.
Because the game would be over and why would he want to play again? How much of you would he take with him? What would be left in the wake of his victory?
His fingertips ran along your sore cheek and brushed away a tear that fell. “The chase will end because you’ll be by my side, but it doesn't stop there. I’m still going to court you and show you every day why I’m nothing without you.”
Tilting your head, he placed a tender kiss on your cheek. The same way he had in his den. Would it be so wrong to let him seduce you further? “But you have the world,” you whispered.
“You are my world,” he whispered back before he pulled away and released your hand, your body suddenly cold. Your breaths felt shallow as he ran a hand through his hair and he still hadn’t kissed your lips. He looked like he was restraining himself as well. “Those aren't just pretty words. I’ll do whatever it takes to show you, Kisa. Starting with the man who hurt you.”
The resolve in his eyes before he turned and walked away tugged at your heartstrings. “Don’t kill him. Please.”
He stopped in the doorway with a sigh, but didn't face you. “I told you I can't let it go,” he said, grunting as he flexed his fingers. “But I'll try not to kill him.”
You couldn't ask for more than that. “Thank you, Bucky,” you said sincerely, pushing yourself away from the wall. “But you really don't have to do anything to him in order to prove something to me.”
His blue eyes lit up with purpose when he looked back at you. “No one hurts someone I love and gets away with it,” he said, leaving you all alone with your thoughts.
Because what were you really afraid of?
That Bucky Barnes loved you or that you maybe loved him, too?
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UGH. I love them. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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yandere-daydreams · 3 months
id gojo the suicide threat type? i feel like he would be
tw - mentions of self harm, emotional abuse, unhealthy relationships.
i'm actually a little divided bc i would not put it above him, but i think it would feel a little too,,, unrealistic? coming from him? if that makes sense?
like, you both know he can't actually afford to be that self-destructive. he's holding the sorcerer world together with paperclips and packing tape, and even if he's never given much thought to his own safety, he's not going to let his students (especially the several he's keeping off of death row) down like that. the threat comes more from him hinting that he "wouldn't be able to control himself" if you ever do literally anything that puts strain on his very tenuous hold on morality, whether that means attempting to break up with him (because he'll never let you actually go through with it) or cancelling your dinner plans because a friend you haven't seen in more than a decade is visiting your city, and you're putting them above the man you see no less than twice a day. you know how dangerous he is, seen him level city blocks with a snap of his fingers, and even if you know satoru wouldn't deliberately hurt an innocent civilian, it's hard to justify testing his limits just because you're a little annoyed with your clingy, over-dramatic boyfriend. he doesn't even have to say what he'd do, just that he'd do something. when you're talking about someone as volatile, someone as important as satoru, it doesn't matter whether he's going to hurt himself or someone else. it's going to be your responsibility to stop him with your bottomless affection and endless love, either way <3
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kurooo-is-here · 6 months
Head cannons for Drayton and Kieran (separate) taking care of a sick reader? Thanks!
Just finished watching an Undertale Yellow playthrough when I got this ask, I'm in shambles 😭😭😭
Anyways, these were super fun to write! Enjoy :D
Warnings: The boys are very protective.
Notes: I actually got pretty sick recently myself, so I resonate with this lol. I'm doing better now :)
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Drayton caring for sick reader
Depends how sick you are. If it's mild, he still worries about you, but he's mostly chill. Tries to crack a few lighthearted jokes to cheer you up, but doesn't let you push yourself until you recover fully.
He understands if you need space too, being sick makes you feel crummy.
If you're REALLY sick, he's SO worried. Doesn't let anyone else come in to check on you unless he trusts them, he just can't risk your health getting worse. If someone he didn't trust insisted on seeing you, they can expect to deal with a protective, hostile dragon boy. He will guard you with his life.
He brings you medicine, blankets, water... whatever you need. Just.. please be okay. You're his treasure, he could never bear to lose you.
If your health gets any worse, he pulls all the stops. Calls his family or anyone he knows, begs them to treat you. Anything to make you feel better.
He's basically back to normal once you recover, but he's a liiittle more on the protective side for a few weeks. Very clingy and cuddly too. You won't be able to leave your bed without him for awhile-- he's not letting you go.
The rest of the BB Elite Four says they've never seen him so worried and ... hardworking. He just chuckles and says, "If the most important person in your life was that sick, wouldn't you worry too?"
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Kieran caring for sick reader
Even if you're mildly sick, he's super worried!! He panics and does his best to give you what you need. If he has to, he will reluctantly call Carmine for assistance. She may tease him later about relying on her, but she's equally worried about you, and you'll make a speedy recovery with them taking care of you!
If you're REALLY sick, Kieran doesn't mess around. He calls the ER, gets you to the hospital ASAP. Even if you insist it's not that serious to warrant a hospital visit, he's sending you to emergency care. He cannot afford to mess around or make mistakes or bad judgement calls right now, you're sick and he can't lose you.
Kieran is by your side whenever possible during your hospital stay. He's constantly checking in with the doctors and nurses, asking questions and making sure you're okay. He comforts you. He cries a bit too. Poor boy is so, SO worried about you.
If anyone dares to mention your absence, he's immediately defensive. He's already worried sick about you, so having to deal with other people asking where you've been is gonna press all of his buttons. He just wants you to be okay. If anyone even peeps a bad word about you, they can expect his Hydrapple to take care of the body. (Joking... hopefully.)
He cries when he hears you've recovered fully. He's all over you-- showering you with hugs and kisses (while making sure he doesn't hurt you himself), getting you home safely, and taking care of medical bills. He doesn't want you to have to worry about money right now, what matters is that you're safe and sound.
Carmine comments that she's never seen him worry like that, and that you'd better not get that sick again! She can't bear to see either of you in such bad shape.
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llondonfog · 6 months
No pls 😭 i hate the idea that raising Silver was a fun experiment out of curiosity to see if he could love a human or not, and that the answer still isnt clear. I hate the idea of Silver, the son of their enemy, being raised to be nothing but a soldier to serve Malleus in some poetic irony. I feel there’s love there but I’ve almost been transported into Silver’s mind where everything is melancholy and unclear. Does he matter as much as I believe he does 😭😭😭 or is it just a cruel tale of some foundling human always meant to be put somewhere else when the fairies are done with them
The thing is, is Silver capable of accepting the fact that Lilia's happiest moment is Malleus' hatching? Yeah, of course, who wouldn't. The man suffered for years, absolutely driven mad with guilt over Meleanor's death and the fear that he wouldn't be able to keep his promise and hatch the one thing that remained of her, the proof of her existence and love. He had to hatch Malleus, because Meleanor believed that he could, that he somehow carried enough love in those tired, aching, and emptied bones, a love that she saw in him when he couldn't even believe it of himself. If he couldn't, it would be one more insult to her name, a failure yet again, a last betrayal of her trust that he couldn't afford and wouldn't survive.
So that weeping? He's so damn dizzy with relief and love and affection for this silly creature inside that's a symbol of the love of the most important people in his life, how could one react in any other way? How fragile and vulnerable, to know that the happiest moment in Lilia's life is to realize after hundreds of years, he was capable of that love all along.
And Silver sees this— he sees the lengths that Lilia went to in order to hatch Malleus, the horrible abuse he stoically suffered from the Senate, the massive disrespect for all that he had lost and sacrificed. Of course he'd accept that this is Lilia's pivotal moment, the bittersweet reward for centuries of despair.
But on the other hand, Silver; a boy who has lost equally, if not more. He's been cast out of his own time, four hundred years into the future, where everyone and anyone who might have known him or his family (save for Lilia) has been long since dead, the kingdom he might have ruled long crumbled to dust. Is it even a footnote in the history textbook he reads? Is there any mention of the Knight of Dawn, of Princess Leia? Anything at all besides the ring in his hand and Lilia's memories to prove that they existed, that they were real, that they loved and wanted him as much as Meleanor had loved Malleus?
All he has, all he's known, is Lilia. Lilia, who found him, who woke him from the spell as the one fated to truly love him. Lilia who thought of killing him upon learning who had sired him, Lilia who raised him to be a guard, to serve those his father once stood against. Lilia who wondered if he could ever love a human, a question that I agree hasn't fully been answered (or acknowledged by Lilia himself) if we are to associate the fact Silver still bears the effects of the sleeping curse with the belief that either Lilia hasn't called him his son and confessed his love, or if Silver still struggles with self-love himself (and we can get into a whole debate over his self-worth and his view as a sacrificial tool, that's an endless discussion).
Lilia . . . whose happiest moment has nothing to do with the boy who calls himself Lilia's one and only son.
And regardless of how I fully understand why Malleus' hatching is that moment, it's still so fucking sad to me.
Your whole life is centered around this one person whom you love more than anyone else— your short, human life— and in reality, you didn't even feature in that person's dream. We only saw Silver's past due to the blot, memories that were completely out of order and not in sync with Lilia's true dream at all.
And Silver will never harbor resentment over this, he will always place his family and loved ones first, but damn it, I can be a little miserable about it. All that trauma we went through with the last update, and now we learn that finding Silver and learning to love the son of his greatest enemy (the son of the person that killed Meleanor!) wasn't Lilia's happiest moment?
Was it just for the poetic irony? I really hope not. I really hope that TWST gives the conversation that Lilia and Silver need to have the due gravity it deserves, because Lilia needs, whether Silver realizes it or not, to look that boy in the eye and tell him that he loves him, he's always been his son, and no matter what their pasts may show, he's been Silver Vanrouge all along.
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Hi! Can I request how Floyd, Jade, Idia and Malleus would react if they already had a S/O but, they meet their soulmate What decision would they make?
Thank you for the request!! It was interesting to make tbh.
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How the Twst boys would react to meeting their soulmate while already having the Reader as their S/O
Notes: Angst, gn reader,soulmate Au
*** Even in a world where destiny is traced, love finds it's way in the most cruel manner.
Malleus Draconia
🐉He doesn't get it. He always thought you were his soulmate.
🐉So why? Why would you befriend him,make him fall for you, if you weren't the one?
🐉For someone of his status, sharing the throne with someone who isn't their soulmate is considered downright blasphemous.
🐉Even if it seems like he has no choice, he won't give up.
🐉He loves you, and if he has to rewrite the stars to be with you, he'll do it.
Floyd Leech
🦈Does he give a crap? No, absolutely not.
🦈His soulmate could be the sea witch herself and he couldn't care less.
🦈Because they wouldn't be his Shrimpy.
🦈If someone tries to convince him otherwise, I hope they can afford painkillers.
🦈Because they're going to need it.
Idia Shroud
🎮He has been cursed his whole life, of course there wouldn't be a chance for him to be fully happy.
🎮That hadn't stopped him from hoping.
🎮If only he was the main character, then he'd be able to go against all odds just to stay with you.
🎮But he was a real person, with real responsibilities.
🎮After you get your memories erased by the S.T.Y.X. under his parent's orders, he still continues to watch over you from afar.
🎮Maybe you'll meet in another life, free of curses and restrictions.
Jade Leech
🍄He knew from the start this day would come, but despite his preventive nature he chose to ignore the warnings.
🍄The person who claimed to be his soulmate could never compete with you.
🍄Until he realised no one could stop him from being with you.
🍄Like his brother, he turns his back on the traditions.
🍄His “soulmate” can either find someone else or disappear for good. It's their choice.
I hope you liked it!
Have a good day/night!
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mypoisonedvine · 9 months
Have you seen Peacock yet? In love with the idea of Yandere!John and Yandere!Emma keeping you as their pet. They both love you so much. Emma’s a softer yan but she still doesn’t want to let you go. 🥰🥰🥰
warnings: dark, implied/described noncon, kidnapping/captivity, yandere, housewife kink
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You shivered slightly as Emma ran her hands over your hair, humming to herself. "Is the water too cold, sweetie?" she asked.
You didn't answer. It was a little tepid, but that wasn't why you shivered. She sighed a little as she ran her hand down your back, fingers ghosting over a bruise by your shoulder.
"He can be a little... rough, can't he?" she noticed, lowering her voice, and you still didn't respond, looking away from her even more as if the tile wall by the bathtub was suddenly fascinating to you. "Lean back, sweetie, so I can wash your hair."
You did as you were told, laying back to submerge the back of your head in the water; you kept your eyes open at first, but when she looked right at you with those dark brown eyes, you quickly shut your own.
Her hand scooped water over your hairline, carefully avoiding getting any in your eyes. You sighed as you felt her be so delicate with you... you only wish those hands had been so kind before. John didn't say anything when he fucked you; he just held you down, and left you in the bed alone when he was done. Emma came in after, seeming surprised and uncomfortable at the sight of you like that, before softly suggesting 'lets get you cleaned up, dear.'
She sat you back up carefully; at first, you were so unwillingly lost in your memories that you didn't notice her trying to prompt you to lift yourself again.
There was silence, spare the gentle sloshing of water around the tub, and Emma's quiet humming.
"Will you ever let me go?" you blurted out suddenly.
She stopped humming. She sighed a little. "He thinks you're safer here."
"But what do you think?"
She bit her lip, looking away demurely. "Well... I don't think that makes any difference, does it?"
You felt anxiousness stir in your gut as you thought of what you could say then, but feared it would get you in trouble. You couldn't really afford to keep any cards in your hand now, could you? "You could... you could tell him to let me go," you suggested hesitantly.
"Oh-- no, that's not an option," she insisted quickly. "It would be easier to help you adjust to living here now."
Your shoulders sank; realizing this route of conversation was useless, you mostly stopped listening and tried to just think of anything else.
"He's just trying to court you," she explained, "but he doesn't know how."
Not getting a response, she still went on, but moreso talking to herself.
"Maybe he just needs a little help..."
Don't be so nervous. She might like you if you give her a chance! -Emma
John looked at the note with a frown. He wasn't sure what to think of it. He really would've preferred that Emma stayed out of his romantic life, but he also couldn't deny that she probably had some advice he could use... a woman's perspective, that is. John really didn't know anything about women. Hence, keeping you here.
Stepping into the room, he winced a little when he saw you jump, obviously trying to hide how afraid you were of him. He couldn't blame you. But he couldn't help it, either.
For a long moment, you just looked at him; he suddenly realized it was bizarre that he hadn't said anything.
"You look pretty."
He found himself absent-mindedly rubbing his palms on his slacks. "Um... she picked out the dress for me..." you informed him.
"It's pretty. You look pretty," he said again.
You jolted slightly, again, when he stepped in, but he ignored it and walked to the record player. He turned it down-- way down-- and started a slow song quietly. He wasn't sure what he expected; he certainly imagined what might happen, that he might be able to dance with you, but he didn't expect it. You wouldn't want to--
"Do you want to dance?" you offered suddenly, making him whip his head around in surprise. You'd stepped closer to him but seemed to shy away when he looked at you-- he tried to soften his face.
"...do you?" he returned incredulously.
"I... I might," you shrugged, acting a little shy suddenly-- he thought it was rather adorable.
"Why?" he wondered bluntly.
"It sounds fun," you answered with a little smile, but then you glanced away and gave a second answer-- the more honest one, it seemed. "I... I want things to be different, with us."
He nodded. He did, too. He didn't like hurting you... he just didn't think he had any other choice.
"So, I thought... maybe we could dance!" you finished.
"Y-yes, um, sure," he agreed. "I haven't... danced in a long time..."
"That's alright," you assured sweetly, "I'll teach you."
He didn't completely trust your kindness, even if it made his cheeks burn a bit. You'd been so scared of him before, so empty behind the eyes when he forced you onto the bed--
"Can you waltz?" you asked.
"We can do something easier," you decided quickly instead, motioning for him to come a little closer. Nervously, but obediently, he did.
He carefully took your waist, sighing harder through his nose than he meant to-- he didn't want you to know how nervous he was.
But he probably gave it away when you reached up and held his shoulders, and he looked at you with wide eyes.
Then, you started to sway together-- slowly, in time with the music. He couldn't look away from you, even when he realized that you were looking away out of awkward discomfort. You just looked so beautiful like this, and holding you in his arms just felt so right. He held his breath when you leaned in and laid your head on his chest, as if one wrong move would scare you off.
He thought about asking you why you were doing this. He thought about telling you that he knew all along you were made for him-- that you would be happy here, if you let yourself accept it. He thought about just grabbing you and pulling you closer, desperate to feel your body against his own. But he was too scared: he didn't do anything, not until you told him to.
You looked up at him suddenly, with wide and pleading eyes. "You can kiss me, John," you whispered.
What could he possibly say to that? Thankfully, he got the sense that he didn't really need to say anything... he could just kiss you, apparently, so he did. He wasn't really sure if he was doing it right-- but it felt right, pressing his lips to yours softly. You were so sweet and delicate... he melted a little, right then, knowing more than ever that he made the right choice bringing you here. His heart was pounding and his mind was swarming with the overwhelming obsession with you that he could hardly believe he'd once tried to fight.
You started to pull away, but his desperation took over-- he grabbed your face and kissed you harder, following you when you stepped back until you stumbled into the dresser and he had to catch you. "John, wait--" you mumbled.
"Don't wanna wait," he groaned in reply. "I waited so long for you already--"
Still, you pushed him back at the shoulders, and he quickly wiped his mouth as he broke away from you. "I'm sorry," you said right away, "it's not-- it's not that I don't want you to... I just wanted to talk to you first."
"Oh... okay," he mumbled, feeling more confused than ever. What was there to talk about?
"I... I think you're very sweet," you told him, "and I always thought that-- it's why I came to the bank so much, you know. To see you."
He smiled a little. He'd always suspected that, but never let himself truly believe it. A girl like you would never go for a guy like him... or he wouldn't have had to do this.
"But it's just... it's not practical, is it?" you said. "The way you went about it--"
"I-I just need you too much," he tried to defend.
"No, I understand," you promised with a sigh, "and I'm not angry. But... I think maybe... it might be better if you let me--"
You whined a little. "You didn't even hear what I wanted--"
"I don't need to. You want to leave," he accused. "And I won't let you."
"John, you can't do this. You can't keep me here forever!" you yelped.
"You say you want things to be different with us, then you say that," he sneered. "You want to make me angry, don't you?"
"No, John," you denied quickly, but he was already stepping closer, backing you into a corner. "John, please--"
"You want me to be like this!" he continued regardless. "You're trying to make me angry!"
You shook your head, eyes welling as he pushed you back.
"You know you can't leave. You know I can't let you leave," he growled, grabbing you hard as you whined and tried weakly to fight him. His chest swelled with an addictive sort of rage... no, he didn't want to hurt you, but something made him feel sickly proud when he did, because he could. "You belong to me now. Nothing's ever gonna change that."
"Please," you sobbed weakly, hiding your face in your hands-- but he pulled them away and pinned them back, pressing himself to you until you looked up at him fearfully.
"I'm never letting you leave this house," he assured, "you'll be lucky if I let you leave that bed again."
You had barely even opened your mouth to protest when he wrapped his hand around your neck, choking your cries into silence.
"Not another word, Mrs. Skillpa," he whispered sharply. "This is my house-- and I own everything in it. I'm in charge here, understand?"
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
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warm-ups | sfw + rin + meeting
✭ tags ; established relationship, rin is a lovesick tsundere fool, fluff | ✭ wc ; 1.3k
✭ a/n ; im like two seconds away from taking rin off of my prompt wheels give someone else a chance im begging.
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Ever since Itoshi Rin started dating you, nothing has gone his way.
Admittedly, he knows this is because he's had no control over the situation. It's a lesson he's been forced to learn so many times over it's starting to make him sick. He can't control his feelings no matter how tightly and how forcefully he holds onto them and that knowledge is something he resents everyday.
Even after aging out of his worst angsty teenage years, no amount of time has been able to soften his dislike for the idea of vulnerability. He was a sensitive, gentle sort of kid. After the incident with Sae (and the period of isolation from self-loathing that followed it), he wasn't really able to bounce back to that place. Sometimes it feels like a strange and vague dream that he only recalls when his mother reminisces about it.
The idea was in and of itself baffling. It wasn't like he was some patron saint back then either. He's always been single-minded in his own interest and involved more with his own shit than he was with other peoples.
The thing about feelings that Rin has always hated the most is how much they interact with other people. His feelings are his sure, but when things make him feel some kind of way, there's only so much he can do to snub them out. He can't get a grasp of them reasonably. They're so slippery and frustrating and agitating.
And he's tried for longer than he cares to admit to let go of them completely. But Rin, no matter how much he tries, can't be like Sae. That blasé attitude that makes everything seem like it rolls of Sae's shoulders isn't one Rin can afford. Even after some growing up and some growth and the begrudging friends he's made in the process - he never quite recovers from that truth.
At the very least, Rin figures it'd be easier if he could let himself be unaffected.
It doesn't work out that way, because when do things ever. And it becomes especially prominent in the process of falling in love.
How he's gotten into a relationship is a mystery he's yet to to solve. Rin can't think of any good reason you're dating him. Of course, if prompted he'll roll his eyes. But more candidly, he has no idea how that's worked out.
There's plenty about you that is objectively likable, though. You're nurturing and friendly and coaxing sometimes to the point of being pushy. In the process of getting to know you, he's been struck with how much you make him feel safe. Betrayal is a sore spot, he figures.
Rin trusts you with himself. He knows that even if everything burned to the ground tomorrow - you wouldn't ever air it out to the world. Not for a check or even if you hated him.
He has enough self-awareness to know that he's subpar in the emotions department. What you see in Rin is so often a mystery. Though when he works up the nerve to hint at reassurance, you kiss his cheek and sigh all lovey-dovey
("Dunno," You whisper, all warm hands and sweet touches. He hopes you don't ever figure it out "I can tell how much you love me though."
Rin scoffs. Of course he does. "You wish.")
He didn't fall in love with you on the path of least resistance. In fact, there are multiple instances where he outright sabotaged himself in the process. By being too cruel or too cold or callous.
But, because Rin never has things go his way, trying to leave it alone failed too. In fact every time you came back to him, he felt a feeling struck so deep in his heart that he couldn't look it in the face. Every time you came back and loved him so gently, he spoke a tiny and silent prayer.
Don't leave me too.
Not that Rin would ever admit that. To himself. To anyone for the record. But some part of him always hoped that he could keep you.
You've stayed, somehow. Long enough for your lives to become intertwined. He'd rather die before telling you he has to look at pictures of you before falling asleep on away games.
For better or for worse, it's all spiraled out of control. Now you're a year in and you live together. You even have a black cat (with blue eyes, which he has mixed feelings about.)
And right now, you're humming happily in his front seat and waiting to meet his friends. Something Rin would never in his entire life set-up on purpose.
But like he's said so many times before, things never work out how he wants them. And Isagi (like the backstabbing snake he is) has gone out of his way to invite you to lunch with his other teammates. Those guys are hardly his friends.
"I'm excited to meet your friends," You say, buzzing. He scoffs as he pulls into the parking lot, glancing over at you.
"They're not my friends."
"Rinnie. Baby, give it a rest. You spend more time with them than you do me, okay? Don't be silly."
Rin frowns, watching as you fix your appearance up in the mirror. He turns the ignition off and leans back with his arms crossed.
"Either way, I don't see why you're so excited."
"So I can get the autographs of a lot of handsome men who play soccer," You quip, knowing it's going to agitate him "Obviously because they're important to you. I want them to like me."
He thinks you're the last person that should ever worry about that.
"It doesn't matter to me what they think." He says, this time a little softer. You grin, pausing in your actions. You lean over the glovebox to nudge him and he turns himself to be close to you.
You're so close to him, smiling with all your teeth. He sighs.
"Aw, geez. You saying you don't care as long as you like me, right? How sweet of you."
Rin has to suppress a smile. He is disgusted with himself momentarily.
"I just think they're idiots." He lies, quite blatantly. You giggle, leaning forward. Your hand reaches up to the nape of his neck gently, sliding to his cheek. Your noses bump and Rin wants to turn the car back home and keep you all to himself. He wants to go home and sleep with you in his bed, with your cat rumbling around.
He wants to be all alone with you for an entire lifetime and he thinks it's gonna ruin him if he can't. He examines you closely. You look too nice for the general public to lay eyes on you.
"Don't be so mean, 'kay? Thanks, anyways, though."
You kiss Rin like you love him. Gingerly and playfully and whole-heartedly. Rin kisses back in the only way he knows how - clumsily and intensely and with the weight of a million unspoken desires. There's enough warmth in you for his cold, dead heart it seems.
And he is just not selfless enough to let go of it for any reason.
"You look pretty today," He says in a stupor, with just enough adoration in his system left to make him not wince. You grin big.
"You're so sweet to me."
Rin can be sweeter. Later, when you're home, he'll see if he can please you a little more.
He goes to kiss you one more time, but it gets cut short by a familiar screech.
"Everyone look! Rin is being all lovey-dovey."
The sound of Bachiras' voice makes a pang of irritation run through his entire body. He pulls away and glares through the window as his so-called friends crowd around his vehicle ooo-ing and aah-ing. He's going to fucking kill them.
He hears you from beside break out into a laugh then relents, just a little.
Nothing seems to go his way with you around, sure. But it's not like Rin particularly minds.
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decolonize-the-left · 3 months
I just think you're weird for suggesting ai should be an alternative to anything when y'all can't even treat Humans correctly. Like did y'all forget?
The only reason ai exists is so they don't have to pay a fucking human for the same job.
"yeah but I'm embarrassed when I rp"
You should be! It's fucking embarrassing! So what???!
"I can't make art tho"
Then don't!!!
I'm 10000000% convinced that it's privilege that makes people believe that just because you Want something then you should be able to do it or have access to it even when you have No meaningful way of accessing it yourself.
Like when people get pets when they literally aren't even home enough to take care of it so they use those dystopian ass software to train their dogs when they aren't even home. You know the ones that even spit a treat out at them?
Like???? That dog deserves a real fucking person to take care of it and to Spend the Time training it. What the fuck is the point of having a dog if your TV is the one doing bonding activities with it?
It's just for you. The dog's needs are secondary to what you wanted because those needs were inconvenient for you.
AI is no different and the arguments y'all have for it are largely fucking gross.
"I'm too anxious to interact with real people and I'd inconvenience them or something so I'll just use this ai"
Cool so now we're opening up a gate to push care for disabled and mentally ill people off on AI? Cuz you know who Else is seen as too inconvenient to be worth someone else's time?
What the fuck?
And y'all are enabling that "well it's true they would be a bad rp partner."
Maybe learn some fucking patience? The fuck you mean you'd rather someone talked to fucking AI???
We as a society have FUCKED UP when people are suggesting and enabling AI should deal with people nobody else wants to.
Why doesn't anyone else want to?
Can AI tell you that? Can AI fix that??
The worst part is that AI should be cool. It should be an amazing fucking step forward and instead it's racist and half of y'all act like it's a crutch for having no fucking interpersonal relationships/skills and it's NOT.
I say this as someone who is in fact physically disabled and mentally ill as fuck, okay? I'm not super young either. Like I am, and will continue, to lose my ability to do things and never in a fucking million years will AI be a stand in for a Real Person's talent or skill or help.
Society can't handle taking 30 seconds to put on a mask before they walk out the door and you DONT want me to be upset about all the "helpful" things AI can do?
We wouldn't even need AI if people could afford to go to school or had time to learn to paint or could afford the supplies or had the healthcare to go to therapy or had more people In school to Be therapists or had access to a writing class or-
Hayao Miyazaki was fucking right and more people should be saying it.
“I would never wish to incorporate this technology into my work at all. I strongly feel that this is an insult to life itself.”
AI exists because capitalism's very nature is to exploit humans to our fullest extent. Now capitalism doesn't even fucking need humans to create products. We are the product they use to train our replacements.
And this is.....okay with y'all?
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gatitties · 1 month
Haihaiii! Ive been reading ur op stuff for a while now and i really love the way u write the strawhats and the wbp, i wanted to ask if i can i rq the WBP and/or the strawhats with a young (like around 14/15) isekai'ed reader whos like a really bad procastinator? Like theyll be telling the crew how they have this project they have to do till *random date*, and the crew (specifically marco & thatch/robin nd sanji if u can 😓😓) will ask them from time to time if they alrd started doing it and theyll be like "yeah dw imma do it tmr" then theyll just draw or do smt else rather than do the thing they have to do, eventually when its 1 day till they gotta send it they'll panic but eventually get it done?
Thank yew ^^ !!
─Strawhats & Whitebeard Pirates x young!reader (platonic)
─Sumary: There is no need to stress yourself unnecessarily, you just enjoy until you have no options left but to move forward with your task.
─Warnings: none
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─ The moment you were sent to this world full of pirates and adventures you knew that your procrastination would only get worse, but who wouldn't prefer exploring another world full of fantasy things to doing class work?
─ This crew doesn't know what it's like to leave everything to the last minute until they meet you, you will simply block all kinds of activities if you find one much more entertaining or better.
─ Many of them don't understand it because you seem so calm and then so stressed about being able to finish your projects, stress that you would not have been exposed to if you had kept up with your tasks.
─ Sanji refuses to give you any type of drink or food that could stimulate or vary your sleeping hours just because you didn't start doing your homework sooner, he probably reminds you all the time that you have pending homework.
─ Robin will offer to help you with anything, but knowing that someone as smart as her would help you only made you think that the job would be done quickly and that's why you delayed it further.
─ Even though they scold you for your poor time management, they will help you complete anything pending if they see that you are going to tear your hair out if you keep pulling it, Chopper and Jinbe are usually quite reliable.
─ Luffy will only be one more cause of your procrastination, he gives you the opportunity to do what you want when you want, although your world cannot always be governed by that rule, you can afford to do it in this one.
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─ Temporary vacation in another world? It sounds a lot better than that assignment you have to turn in in two days.
─ You will leave even the simplest task alone to see how this crew does the most trivial things like cleaning or cooking.
─ Whitebeard never thought that he would find someone lazier than Ace, although you are not lazy, you just enjoy things until the last moment.
─ Marco scolds you a lot because he says that it is not healthy to go through so much stress in a short period of time for something that you could have done before calmly, the excuse that you work better under pressure is not valid for him.
─ Ace tries to get you not to stop doing what you're doing for something else more entertaining, but you also find his narcolepsy much more entertaining than some of your pending works, he tries to help but it's also a distraction.
─ Thatch will also try to help you with your homework when he has free time, but one, either he doesn't know how to help you because he doesn't understand what you're learning, or two, he'll start blabbing about any gossip with you.
─ If you really want to do your tasks on time and calmly, Izou is probably the one who will let you have the least distractions, but for now you still prefer to be a chaos of anxiety because you don't know if you will complete the work on the deadline.
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You mentioned in another post about Dumbledore's "protection" being seriously lacking (for people like James & Lily). Can you expand on this?
I suppose it's time.
What the Fidelius Charm Does
The Fidelius Charm involves three parties: a location to be protected, a secret keeper, and the caster of the charm. Upon completion, a location is perfectly hidden. It can't be accessed physically even if someone knows it must be there (e.g. Grimmauld Place disappearing between numbers 12 and 14 with no explanation of the missing building in between), cannot be plotted by wizards, and can't be accessed magically either.
To enter the location and even be able to access it properly, a person needs access to 'the secret' which is granted by only the secret keeper. Through this person, they then have access to the location on a full-time basis (it is not a one-time ticket and seemingly cannot be revoked).
Those who are not granted 'the secret' cannot enter the location no matter what they might try. This makes it, on the surface, a highly dependable security measure.
Alright, What's the Problem
There's a few problems right away with the spell.
The first is the known one from canon, it relies on a 'secret keeper'. A party has to be trusted to grant access to the location. If this is a third party, they have to be able to reliably white list those seeking entrance and cannot afford to make a mistake. If this party is compromised or is nefarious then the charm is rendered completely void with no warning to those being protected or the caster.
The second is that, upon the secret keeper's death, there's no next in line but the secret instead defaults to being kept by everyone on the whitelist. In canon we see this with the death of Dumbledore (secret keeper for Grimmauld Place). Upon his death, everyone now has the ability to give access to Grimmauld Place. This includes Severus Snape who is a presumed Death Eater, meaning that Grimmauld Place is now completely compromised. This is very very bad.
The third is part of the above, once you're on the whitelist it seems you can't be removed. They discover Severus Snape is a Death Eater, Dumbledore dies and everyone's now secret keeper, they can't seem to revoke both secret keeper status as well as his presence on the whitelist from him. The best they can do is set up a hilariously terrible jinx to protect the building if he tries to enter (it is uh very ineffective).
The fourth is that your status on the whitelist never expires. Once you're in, you're in forever. You don't get just a one-time pass or a session with an expiration date where you have to reapply for access. Now, perhaps this is convenient as it means you don't have to seek out the secret keeper again (and in that sense secures the secret keeper's identity) however it means those who might have flipped sides later have access forever or else people now always have access to the location even in unwanted hours/if they were there for just a meeting.
These are just the weaknesses baked into the spell by nature, it gets worse when we consider how it's implemented for Godric's Hollow.
Alright, What's Wrong with the Godric's Hollow Implementation
This is where things start to look nefarious.
The above, I wouldn't expect wizards to necessarily be thinking about. While at this point asymmetric key encryption is taking off in the Muggle world and has been for decades, it's a recent Muggle invention and not one that even ordinary Muggles pay attention to let alone wizards (who would then have to consider how to implement this in a magical form and what use cases it'd have for them). What the wizards employ, while bad, is not out of line with how ciphers and things worked for much of Muggle history. You have a key you have to protect, if you lose it you're fucked, no way around that. Which means that passing the key to those who need it, making sure you can trust them, is the largest weakness of the system. The Fidelius is very strong in that it seems you have to have the key to break it, which is the case with all encryption, and the issue then is trying to keep the key as safe as possible (which is always a hard task).
Basically, looking at that, I don't think they could have done much better than the fidelius in terms of security in and of itself (there's other options they could have taken but we'll get into that below).
But then we look at Godric's Hollow.
The issue is who do they make secret keeper. They suspect Lupin of being a spy, someone has been leaking information to Voldemort including the Potter's location (which is why they had to go under Fidelius in the first place). At this point, they're already fucked.
They try to get around this by announcing the secret keeper is Sirius but in secret making it Peter, so that everyone will go after Sirius instead. The trouble is that James only has three friends. One he thinks is a spy, that leaves two.
Even had Peter not been a Death Eater, Peter knew who the secret keeper was. If you know who the secret keeper is, that's effectively knowing the secret itself. All Voldemort has to do is find the first person among the Order who will either talk, or slowly pick his way through Potter's associates and friends until he gets the secret or else kills the one who turned out to be the secret keeper.
Not to mention that all Voldemort has to do is imperio those who have access to the secret and send them to murder the Potters in his stead.
Sirius, Peter, and Remus would be the first on Voldemort's list, and everyone knew that.
It would have been a matter of weeks, had Voldemort actively pursued this, before Voldemort gained access to the house.
And here's the thing. We see that Dumbledore can be both the caster and the secret keeper from Grimmauld Place. Dumbledore, reportedly, is the only person Voldemort is scared of and is the strongest wizard by far in the Order. Why didn't Dumbledore offer to be secret keeper? Why didn't he insist on it? Why didn't James and Lily ask him to do it, especially when they suspect Remus of being a spy?
While James might have picked Peter out of a show of loyalty, Dumbledore could have insisted for their protection. Instead, it seems like Dumbledore purposefully let them take this option and never gave an explanation as to why.
Maybe, Godric's Hollow Was a House of Cards
We also have James. James, canonically, snuck out of Godric's Hollow while it was under protection to hang out with Sirius and the gang. Dumbledore confiscated his invisibility cloak for this reason, something Lily notes in her letter to Sirius.
The thing is, while Dumbledore takes the cloak, that's the only thing he does to stop James from sneaking out. Perhaps it's not his place to do more, but on the other hand, this does nothing to stop James from sneaking out and James (having access to the secret) could easily be imperioed and sent back to murder his family.
Instead, he makes it look as if he's doing something, but is taking an item he greatly wanted as it is.
With that prophecy, where Harry or Neville are the only ones capable of defeating Voldemort, it's starting to look like Dumbledore wants James and Lily to be found. He wants to set up just enough protection that, at a glance, it looks very secure and as if they're putting their all into hiding them: except that he doesn't want it to hold.
Godric's Hollow is a trap intended for Tom, to lure him into a confrontation with the child, when he's the only one who knows the full prophecy and the last few lines that Tom doesn't (as it is, I'm not sure even we the readers know exactly what the prophecy says or that Snape learning the prophecy wasn't a set up).
My theory is this: Dumbledore purposefully chose this method of protection (versus sending Lily and James out of the country with Harry), purposefully chose not to be secret keeper, and set up Godric's Hollow as a means to lure Voldemort into a trap and vanquish him with James, Lily, and Harry as unfortunate collateral damage.
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wibta if I told my best friend they can no longer move in with my family next year?
Me (17f) and my friend (17) have been friends for about 5 years. Around 6 months ago we were discussing university and they mentioned they wanted to study at the university that is in my city. We discussed them potentially moving into my house while they study here. They would still be paying rent, it would just be a bit cheaper for them and we would get to live together. I discussed this with my parents and after a while they said yes. 
The problem is recently I haven't actually been feeling very supported or understood by my friend. This feeling kinda started when I expressed doubt about being able to succeed in the career I have been working towards because my mental health is shit and idk if I can deal with the pressure involved, and they said that they were glad I reached this conclusion myself because they didn't think I could do it either. Which kinda hurt yk like they were correct and I have switched plans as of now, but I feel they couldve been nicer. Other than that I feel like neither of have done anything wrong I just think this is an aging thing, we're no longer 13 and have changed in similar ways, but I've begun to realise the way we see the world is vastly different. Also we recently keep getting into petty arguments, which is kinda my fault bc im autistic and have very strong opinions and never know when to shut up, but they're also like that we're both just very stubborn and opinionated people. Basically I feel the friendship isn't as strong as it once was and I don't like the idea of having to live with them during uni (also dont really like the idea of living with anyone tbh I fucking hate socialising and want to live alone). 
I feel like it's important to mention that although them living with me is cheaper, their family is financially very stable so they could comfortably afford to live in the uni halls or some apartment. Telling them they can't live with me wouldn't be financially that bad, its more so that I said they could and I feel that going back on my word might be quite cruel? 
Also recentlyish we've been making plans of living together and buying a house etc and yeah basically a lot of commitments have been made at a young age and I feel quite trapped. Also feels relevant to add that this feeling is definitely not mutual and they have no idea I feel this way, I'm 99% sure they are still very eager to go through with all this. I'm generally quite a communicative person, it's just these are all pretty new feelings and I'm not sure exactly what I feel.
Also sorry another thing that's probably relevant, they're aroace and our relationship idk what it is but I think it kinda goes deeper than the average friendship its kinda like a qpr but not lol.
So yeah wibta if I told them they couldn't live in my house for uni and should find somewhere else?
What are these acronyms?
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mirroredmemoriez · 6 months
Amanda Young style and fem whatnot thoughts
Once again here to speak my thoughts that nobody asked for because I love documenting my brain which I have to boot up like a chainsaw. I've spoken about Amanda's appearance before! Going over her outfits throughout the franchise and such and how I believe it kinda symbolises the stages she's at- I am in the firm belief her cutting her hair was almost like a rebirth for example.
However, right now I'm looking at the ''gender representation'' and stylisation side I guess? Which, I want to state- These are my opinions and thoughts and are by no way to say I'm like the only CORRECT view and anyone else's interpretation of Amanda that's different to mine is wrong, because I like seeing everyone's various takes on her character. With that said! I see Amanda as somebody who tries to be feminine, but can't express it truly how she wants? Down to factors such as she can't afford certain things like makeup accessories, and that she needs to have more of a practical wardrobe whilst being an apprentice. Oh! Also having to hide her identity at times. (I also want to slide in the fact that I don't think she's hyper feminine or masculine, honestly? She's just Amanda really, I wouldn't personally put a label on it when it comes to that.)
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The first look we get of Amanda, she's in a way more revealing outfit than her future ones whilst working under John. This could just be her style, which to a certain degree I agree on... However there also could be an aspect of performative femininity, seeing as she's not ''reformed'' at this point and it's suggested in the Saw wiki that she has prostituted herself to be able to fund her drug addiction before. Basically, catering to the male gaze to get what she wants. She's wearing a cut off shirt which exposes her shoulders and collar area a lot, something we don't see again until Saw 3- And even then it's still not as cut off as the purple one. Amanda also has fishnets, a skirt and boots on. If I had to say how I view Amanda' style myself, I'd go with Hot Topic thief and or something alternative like ''grungy.'' We've also got the fact she has black nail polish on, eyeliner and more curled out hair- Even when she grows it back, it's not as wavy as it's seen here, so it's possible she's either just heavily dishevelled or she purposely has maybe curled it out a little. Once again, this could possibly be her trying to look more appealing to others by ''grooming'' herself better. However, I also think she wants to just for herself really.
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Now, we've got her Saw X look, which to me is the most heavily influenced by John. Amanda has cut off her hair to I guess kinda a pixie-bob cut? A big leap from her previous haircut which had it falling at least over her shoulders if not longer. She's also very bare faced, with no heavily noticeable touches of makeup anywhere to be seen. Her clothes are drastically more practical than her previous outfit. A form fitting shirt, cargo pants and combat boots. The only influence I feel she has on this outfit is the choker and little earring. You can't really blame her for the change though- Amanda just wouldn't be putting time into something like beauty cosmetics or making any fashion statement when she's got shit to do... Y'know like make death traps and kidnap people, activities where the way you look doesn't matter and you wouldn't want your clothes to get caught on something especially.
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Before I fully move on to her Saw 2 look, two honourable mentions! These both showcase the fact that nowadays, when Amanda is out and about, she's trying to hide her identity. She can't really draw any attention to herself and that is reflected in what she wears. The Scott Tibbs Documentary look has to be one of my favourites, I love the skull trousers so much and they are definitely something she wears because she likes the LOOK, not just because of ''simplicity.''
(Amanda has them on again in the deleted nightmare scene as well, so it's a recurring piece of her wardrobe.)
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(I also think this is her dressing for herself- Compared to her outfits when it comes to the games and abductions)
The pig outfit, though I believe can be slightly stupid at times, due to the fact that it's probably less convenient than whipping on something like a balaclava with a hoodie and a bit more out there visually too- It still does it's main intended job, which is to conceal the identity of the Jigsaw apprentices. With the one I've selected above, this is when Amanda is going to abduct Adam, so obviously this is still pretty early in the timeline? We can see a re-appearance of smudged eye makeup like in her introduction.
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TRYING TO GET BACK ON TRACK! Here we have her ''blue'' outfits as I dub them. I'm aware there is a time jump between them, however generally what I have to say for them is the exact same? We can see that Amanda is growing her hair out more and I would say these are very relaxed fits. Saw 2 Amanda has to be one of her most basic outfits I'd say, a plain blue shirt and blue sweatpants to go along with it.... The wiki feet people are going insane too.
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WOOOOO! ON TO ANOTHER OF MY FAVOURITE OUTFITS. YOU JUST KNOW SHE STOLE THAT BELT FROM HOT TOPIC I AM SO SORRY! Saw 3 Amanda to me is a mix between something like her look in Saw X and then her look in Saw (2004)- I also love the contrast between it and the Saw 2 look, a blue vs red type feel almost? You're definitely more inclined to see Amanda as intimidating here than in blue. Comparisons aside, let's look at the actual fit this woman has on! Once again, she sports cargo pants with a belt to accompany and combat boots too. The shirt isn't as cut off as the purple one as I stated before, but it leaves a lot of her collar and back area exposed. It's her influence alongside John's- And her almost I wouldn't say rebelling? But defining herself outside of him. If I once again want to go full English teacher analysis... We could make the reach and say that her physically exposing herself is paired with how she emotionally is exposed as well. Her lowest points if you will. BUT! We'll move on from that so I can ramble about some other accessories. Amanda is wearing a gold ring and a watch, nothing too out there but I wanted to point them out seeing as I am covering the WHOLE outfit. Her hair is now at it's original length, once again reinforcing the fact she is almost reverting back to her old style but at the same time redefining it? Hair growth to show personal growth. (Some more honourable mentions.)
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Here we have her dress, leather jacket and DBD concept art! First we'll look at the dress. It's honestly really cute to me- The ribbon around her neck just really makes it AMANDA, otherwise there isn't too much to say on the design outside of that and it's colour. Then moving on to the leather jacket, it's something I can definitely see her wearing a lot on top of her other outfits. OK! This is getting super fucking long now, I'll try and finish off soon- I have to say I love the DBD concept art and the in game designs too, I can 100% see where they've taken inspiration from with the outfits. I'm in firm belief Amanda deserves to have her arm sleeves so where they've combined that and the Saw 3 look is URHG YES. I also enjoy their take on her leather look, fleshed out the design more in my opinion. Anyway... If you've somehow gotten all the way down here? Jesus Christ, thanks I guess? I am someone who loves over analysing things and discussing characters/movies like this, so I just couldn't help myself anymore. Oh, and feel free to add on to any of this, whether you agree or disagree! MAL OUT
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crusty-chronicles · 8 months
The Moon and Sun (Gon/Killua x Big Sib Reader)
Decisions: Alternate Ending
An: The alternative choice to the cannon path in our story. The only reason I didn't have Y/n stay behind is because there would be a lot less story and character bonding moments between them and the boys. Like most of the Chimera Ant arc would've been skipped over and what I have in store for the Chairman Arc wouldn't fit with this path. Buuuut- I do love my angst so here you go 🫴
Your eyes widened at the angry spike of Aura from Gon. The power radiating off was a shock to your system. Immediately snapping you out of your shock. Yet you could only watch in horror as that thing turned around with a grin.
Not again.
In an instant you were up and out of Kite's arms. Staggering harshly from the wound on your side. You quickly clasped your hands together, forcing every ounce of nen you had into them.
A mass of nen strings wrapped tightly around the ant. It's malicious aura lashing out. Trying desperately to overpower yours.
And it was working.
"RUN! HURRY! I CAN'T HOLD THEM FOR MUCH LONGER!" Your voice nothing more than a rasp. Straining painfully with the damage done to it.
His own furious aura not helping you focus. Your strength was fading by the second. If you slipped up now, you were all dead.
It also didn't help to feel the hesitance from all three of them. As if trying to come up with a way no one would be left behind. But that simply wasn't possible.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the ant releasing even more of its aura. Turning around with a bit of effort against your hold. It met your eyes with a childlike glee.
"I can already tell...This is going to be fun."
You could feel your heart pounding against your ribcage in fear.
Those eyes, they had nothing but bloodlust behind them. So empty and cruel.
Kite looked over to the boys then back to you. You would not be able to beat this thing. Maybe if you hadn't been injured you would've stood a chance. If he had been able to see its first attack coming. You were no match for it now.
He prepared to summon Crazy Slots, but a burning sensation consumed his wrist. Your promise. He was supposed to get the boys out of here if you fought. Or else he'd lose his nen.
But he couldn't just leave you when he knew you'd die. Not after everything. Those kids were strong enough to make it out of here if he stayed.
He would just be dead weight without his nen. Nothing but a burden to you in this fight. No matter how badly he wanted to believe the opposite.
You were making a sacrifice, and he had to honor it. He just hoped you would be able to find a way to escape.
With that, he darted forward and tossed the boys over his shoulders. Setting a fast pace just as the ant broke free.
"HEY! LET US GO! WE HAVE TO GO BACK!" Killua shouted, trying to wriggle his way out of Kite's grasp.
"TURN AROUND! WE CAN'T LEAVE THEM WITH THAT THING!" Gon screamed, pounding on his back this time.
But he didn't listen to either of their cries. He couldn't afford to. If he did, then none of you were going to make it out of here. And as the Ant's aura spiked to an overwhelming peak, he pushed himself to run faster.
Kite wasn't nearly as fast as you, but it would have to do for now. At the rate he was going, they'd reach the border by daylight.
He could feel your nen at last vanish from his wrist. The conditions had been met. It was you who had stayed behind after all.
When you'd first summoned your nen, Pitou was intrigued. So far, they hadn't met anybody else who possessed the ability to do so. You were a Rare. Maybe the humans with you were Rares too? The possibility made it all the more exciting.
When you broke a tree in half and used it to swing at them, they were thrilled. They didn't know humans had the strength to do that. And when it actually hit them, Pitou found themselves temporarily winded. Another first with you.
But when daylight broke and you collapsed mid attack, they were disappointed. Sure you'd been getting weaker the more you fought, but they assumed your stamina was running out.
This wasn't stamina.
It had to do with the gashes on your side.
How sad. You'd bled out before they got a chance to beat you.
"Hmmm. Seems my new toy is broken. What a shame, I was really having fun." They mumbled to themselves.
Pitou approached your limp body and pulled you up by the scalp. Staring into your now dull eyes with a frown.
"I wanna do it again. I wanna experience that dream like moment again. Where you were my equal, and you made me question if I was gonna win. I want that again."
They let go and watched as your skull slammed against the ground.
"But you're already dying. No, you might already be dead. It's no fair." They whined.
They continued to stare down at you, wondering what to do with your limp body. The last of your red blood leaving your corpse. Then an idea struck Pitou.
"Yes, I think I'll do just that." They mumbled before dragging your body away by the arm.
Gon had to hold Killua back from lunging at the silver haired hunter. The anger was something Kite had been expecting. These two loved you dearly, so to leave you behind wounded...He didn't blame Killua for being upset.
And although he wanted to provide the boys with a bit of comfort, he wasn't you. He wasn't a nurturing person. Never had been. The same words coming from you would be blunt and cold coming from him.
But he had to try.
He promised you.
Whereas Killua was furious, Gon was frustrated. He didn't care if this was for their own good. You were injured, and that thing was still there with you. You all should've fought together or die trying to take that ant down.
He said he wouldn't leave anyone behind, and he had failed. He said he wouldn't leave you behind. A feeling of guilt starting to weigh on his shoulders.
"We have to go back for them. You don't leave your friends behind to die. We have to go back." Although you weren't a friend. You were the protector. Family.
Kite couldn't help but notice the way Gon spoke just like you. 'You don't leave your friends to die if you know you can save them.' It was bittersweet in a way.
If Kite hadn't given you pushback that day, maybe things would have turned out different. Maybe he would've been able to stay behind and help you defeat that ant.
But it was too late to change the past.
He could only move forward. He didn't need the boys to like him, but he needed them to understand.
"When you make a promise to your friend, you keep it. We agreed that if you two were in danger, someone would stay behind to make sure you got out okay. And I'm sorry, I really am, that it was Y/n who chose to bear that responsibility."
You'd chosen to fight.
But it seems his explanation wasn't enough for them.
"Liar! They would never just leave us! If you're a coward, then fine! But me and Gon are going back!" Killua pushed past him, anger radiating in waves.
Kite had tried talking to them like kids, like you. Now it was time to talk to them like adults.
"If you go back there right now, you'd be making a selfish decision. They gave up their life for yours, and you wanna waste their sacrifice for your own piece of mind. You'd only end up getting yourselves killed for nothing."
And once again, his words had gone in one ear and out the other.
"They're not dead. Y/n wouldn't die that easily. So don't you ever say that again." Gon warned.
It was like talking to brick walls. But he couldn't really blame them for being in denial. A part of him believed you'd be fine, too. A hope that somehow you'd stumble your way out of the NGL.
For now, he needed contact his team as well as the association. If he was lucky, an extermination team was already on the way.
The amateur hunters were beyond believed to see Kite standing before them. He was okay. And as the seven of them reunited, they couldn't help but feel eyes on them.
The boys.
And their expressions looked almost sad.
It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why. You weren't there. You hadn't come back from inside the NGL. They weren't as fortunate to have their mentor standing before them.
But before any of them could offer words of comfort, one of the three hunters with them decided to speak.
"What the hell is this? Family outing gone wrong?" The one with sunglasses taunted.
The two boys glared him down, silently daring him to say it again. Kite could only offer a drained sigh. Already dreading the conversation to come.
"We were ambushed by one of the queen's royal guards. It had already learned how to use nen. Judging by the power it demonstrated, I'd say it's about as strong as a zodiac." He explained.
The hunter with sunglasses only scowled. But before he could throw in another sarcastic remark, the one in the suit took over.
"People overrate things that they can't understand. And that is a perfectly natural response."
These men were irksome. Already full of themselves despite not even seeing the ant face to face. But if they were the best the association had at the moment, Kite would just have to put up with them.
However, he was surprised when Killua of all people defended him.
"Overrate? You wanna tell that to our big sibling who could hardly hold them back!!!! You wouldn't even last five seconds with that ant, so shut up!" He snapped.
"So you left them behind to fend for themselves like cowards? Just ran away with your tail between your legs? And you call yourselves nen users." The one with sunglasses chastised.
This wasn't good. They were getting nowhere by arguing amongst themselves.
"It wasn't my choice to run away, and the reason why is none of your concern. Our friend is still back there. Their life is more important than petty squabbling. Destroying the nest is more important than standing around yelling about who's right and wrong." Kite scolded.
Today had already been enough without everyone at each other's throats. A level head was needed. It'd be so much easier if Netero stepped in and kept the two hunters in line.
Luckily, they finally seemed to get a grasp of the situation without their ego.
"Fine. Anything we should know about your friend when we find them?" Morel grumbled.
It was a start.
"They were wounded badly before the fight even began, so if they're alive give them immediate medical treatment."
"And if they're dead?"
However horrible it was, all possibilities needed to be considered. There was a high likelihood you didn't make it. It was wise to be realistic instead of hopeful.
".... Bring back the remains for a proper burial.."
But the mention of you being dead had quickly caught Gon's attention.
"They're not dead." His tone was final.
Like he truly believed you'd be okay. And if the opposite happened to be true, then he'd surely break.
"Now that kid's got spirit." Morel praised.
"Their name is Y/n and they've been injured really badly. They've got three gashes on their side, so please find them and bring them back safe."
There was nothing else he or Killua could do. Out of respect for your wishes. Even if it looked like they weren't listening before.
They had.
But they were still hurt.
Netero's explanation was simple: in order to enter the NGL, the boys would need to get the other halves of their game pieces. They had exactly one month to do so.
The air became tense once the extermination team left. With Gon and Killua standing away from Kite's team. He knew he wasn't on the best of terms with them anymore, but you left their care in his hands. He owed it to you.
So he had no other choice but to stay with them for that month. Maybe longer depending on if you were found. Well, he did have a choice, but it didn't feel right to leave them by themselves.
To navigate this grief alone.
"We'll see you in a month for sure?" Spin questioned.
"Preferably, but it just depends. I'll need you all to keep researching the Chimera Ants in the meantime. Find out everything you can about them. Especially how long it takes the king to hatch after a royal guard has been born. Can you handle that?"
"You can count on us. Be safe, Kite." Banana assured.
"I will."
Now the hard part would truly begin.
He could already feel the hostility radiate from Killua as he approached. And just when he was starting to warm up to him. But it was a valid response.
They were still just kids, after all.
"What do you want? Shouldn't you be leaving with your team, or do you just wanna rub it in our faces more?"
He had your temper, that's for sure.
And he knew the best way to get around it was to have patience. It would be the only way they were going to survive the month.
"I promised Y/n I would take care of you in their place. So that's exactly what I'm going to do. You can be upset, but that doesn't change the fact you need training." It came out harsher than Kite intended it to.
"We don't need your help. I sure as hell don't want it." Killua spat out.
Yet as he realized his choice of words, he froze.
It was like he could hear you. Your scolding. Damnit. He knew you wouldn't have wanted him to be mad at Kite. No, you liked him too much for that. You probably would have said something about focusing on the future, instead of what was in the past.
But he was just too mad to care.
He took a few steps before he was pulled back. He turned around with a scowl. But it was Gon who stopped him.
"Killua, we're not strong enough to do this by ourselves. We can't afford to be stubborn right now. And Y/n chose Kite. They trust him, so you gotta too. Do you think they'd be happy with you being mean to someone they cared about?"
No, no you would not be happy.
It was frustrating.
Killua wanted to hate Kite for leaving you behind, but he just couldn't. He was mad at himself for freezing up. For being too weak in the first place to help.
He knew it wasn't the silver haired hunter's fault, not entirely. For you. He was gonna give him a chance for you.
"Fine, but mess up one time, and you're out." He warned, making sure to point at Kite.
And that was enough. He didn't need the boys to love him the way they did you. Their trust would be enough to get through this.
It was a proper start.
The first few days had been awkward. Trying to settle in as well as cope with your absence. The small home they occupied was quiet. Kite not wanting to press any boundaries yet.
He'd give the boys time to recover mentally before moving forward.
They seemed to be feeling better on the fourth day. Opting to search for clues on Morel's pupils instead of sitting in silence. 
They'd run into a woman named Palm that day. Turns out she was the other hunter's pupil: Knov. Her objective was the same as theirs. And even though she was on their side, there was something off putting about her. 
Especially as she absentmindedly continued adding sugar to her coffee while talking.
All three of them silently agreed you would've disliked her. Something foreboding radiating off.
"And I thought Y/n liked sweet things." Gon noted once she left.
"Yeah, she was just eating wet sugar at that point." Killua agreed with a shiver.
The mood had significantly lightened. Conversation flowing easier now that they had something to distract them.
"You know it's not nice to judge a book by its cover." Kite lightly scolded. 
A quirk of the brow from Killua let him know it didn't come out as blunt this time.
"Yeah? Well I am, and the cover's screaming 'Weird Lady Who'll Probably Kill Us In Our Sleep!'"
He had to disguise his laugh with a cough. Gon other hand, was cackling along with the other one. It was the first time they smiled in days. Things wouldn't be as tense now.
They made their way back 'home' after paying for their meals. Well, Kite had payed for them after much protest from the duo. 
"You can't buy my affection, I'm already rich." Killua pouted.
"Yeah, we can afford it so don't worry," Gon agreed.
"Then you'll get the next one. Think of it as a way of making amends."
It was a plausible explanation, but not the full truth. It was just a habit to take care of those around him. It'd become one after looking after the amateur hunters for so long. He didn't mind it.
It wasn't expected of him, but he preferred to either way.
He stopped abruptly in front of the door. Sensing a dark presence inside. Perhaps an ambush from Morel's pupils.
"Something wrong?" Gon asked.
"There's someone inside." Kite warned. 
"What do you mean there's someone inside? Are we being robbed or do you think it's…" Killua started.
"I can't say for certain, but keep your guard up."
But before any of them could move, the door quickly swung open.
"AHHH! WHY ARE YOU IN OUR HOUSE!" Gon screamed, now hiding behind the taller male.
"I thought it would be better if we stayed together. We'd have a better chance of killing Morel's pupils this way." Palm explained.
"So you just broke in!?!" Killua accused.
"You weren't here, so I decided to let myself in."
Alarm bells were ringing. She really thought what she did was justified. 
"Hey, substitute sibling, do something about the scary lady." Killua whispered, tugging on the sleeve of Kite's shirt.
Now the Y/n response would have been to tell her off and send her away. You always did have a knack for getting people to listen to you when you were mad.
However, Kite wasn't confrontational by nature. He wasn't a fan of the effort it took to argue. And at this point, it might've been a good idea to take all the help they could get. Still, it was wise to be cautious around Palm.
"You'll be staying with us for the month?" He asked.
"But of course, we are teammates after all. Though I have to warn you, I might not be so pleasant by the end of the month. You are positive they'll be able to kill Morel's pupils, right?" 
He didn't like the way her aura darkened. This woman was unstable. No wonder her mentor left her behind.
"Just don't get in the way and they'll be fine."
The boys spared him nervous glances, not exactly thrilled to be sharing a space with Palm. The more on edge they were, the harder it'd be to get them to focus on training. 
The objective just became even more difficult.
The first week of training had gone about as well as Kite thought it would. The boys had potential, they just needed the experience to go with it. Challenging them to a fight only further proved it.
Gon was too reckless, relying too much on his Jan-Ken instead of focusing on his surroundings. The amount of time it took to charge up left him wide open for attacks. It also used a lot of nen to start up. Energy he could've been using for other attacks.
Killua, on the other hand, was too cautious. Hesitating everytime he made a move to strike. Staying purely on the offense to try and read Kite's movements. But it wouldn't make a difference if he kept to the sidelines. Waiting for an opening instead of making one. 
There was a lot of work to be done if they even had a hope of beating Morel's pupils. But it wasn't just their strength they needed to work on. It was also their minds. They were too distracted. Auras weighed down by grief.
They missed you, but they wouldn't get anywhere by worrying about 'what if's.'
The second week had been a bit easier, with both boys making corrections to the way they fought. However, there was still something a bit off with the small assassin. 
While he was getting faster, he was still incredibly hesitant. Going in for a hit and backing away last second. It was during one of 'these attacks' that Kite noticed something.
There was a malicious aura near his forehead. Something dark with a feeling of bloodlust. Was there something planted inside of his head? Who would do something so cruel to a kid?
"Time out!" He called, making sure to unsummon his Crazy Slots.
"What? Did you hurt your hip or something, old man?" Killua teased. 
It was one of the many remarks Kite chose to ignore. Though this one was in more good faith than the previous ones. He gestured to the center of Killua's forehead.
"There's something there. Did your family put a tracker on you by any chance?" Because that was the only plausible explanation for what it could be. It was the only thing Kite could fathom being the reason.
But as Killua's face dropped and he started frantically scratching at his head, he realized it was much more than that. 
Fingers digging into flesh as a needle was slowly pulled out. His first instinct was to try and patch up the new wound. His second was to ask just what the hell that was. What did it do?
"Damn, he really got me," Killua mumbled.
"Don't tell me that's Illumi's?" Gon asked, eyeing the bloodied needle.
"It is. That's why I haven't been able to fight properly. I kept hearing his voice telling me to run away." 
So he knew the person that did this. Kite didn't know if that made it better or worse.
"If you don't mind me asking, who is Illumi?" He questioned.
"My big brother. Y/n would have hated him."
Definitely worse. What kind of monster would implant a needle into their little sibling's head? And why was Killua acting like it was normal? What other cruel things had he gone through to be this desensitized?
Maybe he understood your protectiveness a bit more.
"Hey, don't tell them about this when they get back, okay? I don't wanna stress them out." Killua added.
It was always a matter of 'when' with you. Not 'if.' Because for whatever reason, they refused to consider the possibility of you dying. And maybe Kite started to believe it too. It made things a little easier to pretend you were still okay.
It made moving forward easier.
And unbeknownst to him, that was the moment Killua gave him his full trust. No longer bitter towards him for leaving you. He was finally able to accept that it was your decision to stay. That Kite would be a good match for you.
He already put up with all of his tantrums, after all. Giving nothing but patience. And Killua appreciated it.
He already knew Gon forgave him long ago. How even though he was upset, was still grateful Kite stuck around.
He may not have been you, but he was doing a great job so far.
Kite had called it a day, telling the boys to get cleaned up before dinner. Although he wasn't too fond of Palm's presence, he was thankful she offered to make them food after training. His thoughts couldn't help but drift to you now that he was alone.
Did you ever cook?
It was embarrassing to think about you that way. Your affection for each other was mutual, but it didn't have a chance to go any further than that. So why? Why was he starting to wonder what it would be like to have you as a partner? To be able to explore these feelings.
It was best to push those thoughts down for now. Not to get his hopes up.
He hardly noticed when Plam approached him, her voice slightly startling the silver haired hunter.
"I do hope I'm not rude for saying this, but I'll let you decide how to train them." She started.
"However, if after a month we determine it would be impossible for them to defeat Morel's pupils, I sincerely doubt that I would be able to restrain myself."
At that Kite tensed up. Sensing her aura get darker by the second.
"What do you mean by that?" He was a bit worried about her answer. Especially since she'd given the same warning at the start of the boys' training.
"I must go to the NGL. I want to go right now in fact. If I'm forced to wait and wait and wait and then I don't get to go...Then I may end up killing you all." 
He quickly unleashed a protective aura.
"You won't lay a hand on those boys." Up until this point, he thought Killua's joke was just that. An exaggeration. He didn't really think Palm would act out on violent intentions.
But that was proven to be wrong. If she tried anything, he wouldn't hesitate to put a stop to it. Their safety was priority number one. 
No matter what, nothing would happen to those boys.
"I don't want to hurt them, which is why they should give up sooner rather than later. My rage won't be as bad as it would be then." Palm explained.
"They'll win, and even if they don't, you won't do a thing to them. Not on my watch." He sent her a small glare, singling the end of the conversation.
Palm didn't push any further.
Dinner was an experience that night. It started off with an innocent request from Gon that soon turned into chaos.
"Hey Kite. When we get Y/n back, is it okay with you if we spend the first day with them?" He looked a little embarrassed to be asking.
It made sense. The boys missed you like crazy. Who was he to deny them of catching up with you? Still it was odd Gon was asking for his permission.
"I don't see why not…Why do you ask?"
Nothing could have prepared him for his next choice of words.
"Well, I know you two really care about each other. And Y/n really likes being around you. So I wanted to make sure we'd get to spend a little time with them, too."
Kite sputtered over a response, not expecting the boys to have been so observant of your actions.
"Look, we're not even-" But Killua cut him off with mischief littering his aura.
"That reminds me! We gotta set some ground rules if you're gonna be dating our big sibling."
Kite's face went even redder. The last thing he wanted was to discuss your relationship with a bunch of kids. And you weren't even dating! 
"Please don't."
But did they listen to his plea? No. 
"No kissing or hand holding. None. I'll bite you if I see it."
"And no flirting with other women or men! If you make them sad I'll bite you." Gon added.
There had to be a way out of this conversation.
"I think my team's calling me." He tried to get up and leave, but was once again stopped by the sound of Killua's voice.
"Hey! We're not done talking to you! No stealing them away from us when we wanna spend time with them! You'll have to go somewhere else!"
Yeah maybe he understood why you called them demons so much. They were a bit more lively than he was used to handling. More persistent too.
But he couldn't deny enjoying their company.
He could see why you cherished your little family so much. 
"Dad! Don't leave!" Gon whined before slapping a hand to his mouth. 
Oops. He hadn't meant to say that. It was an honest accident. But Kite really was the closest thing he ever had to a father. He felt it more than ever this past month with the way Kite was taking care of them. 
Stern, yet caring.
Very different from the way you treated them, yet very similar. So while he hadn't meant to call him that, a small part of him felt that way.
Yet Killua's immediate teasing didn't help ease his embarrassment.
"You gonna stop looking for Ging now?"
He'd just barley missed the way Kite's eyes softened at the word.
They'd won.
They'd actually won and defeated Knuckle and Shoot. Both boys being completely exhausted from the ordeal. But they'd be damned if they weren't the ones to go into the NGL and get you back.
Seems even Netero was surprised by outcome.
Nevertheless, a deal was a deal.
By morning, Kite and the boys, along with Palm, were on their way back to the entrance. Meeting up with the rest of the extermination team before heading towards the nest.
The floors were empty, the ants having already evacuated. The King must've already hatched. They were too late to stop his birth. 
The various 'rooms' in the nest were vacant. Except one, which caught the attention of the boy in green.
"Guys!" He called out. 
The others entered the room, disgust quickly overtaking their expressions.
In that room must've been hundreds of giant meatballs. To the side of them were mountains of clothing and various accessories. Meaning those things…They were made of humans.
Killua picked one of the balls of meat up, inspecting it with a frown on his face. These poor people.
Gon approached the pile of clothes and froze. He picked up one singular article of clothing, catching Kite and Killua's attention.
This was your shirt. The one you'd been wearing throughout the expedition into the NGL. Soaked through with blood. And was that-
Your shoe.
Just one. Because you had thrown off the other one when you crushed that ant's skull. 
But surely it was just a coincidence. And they would've believed that had Kite not picked up what looked like his hat.
The one he gave you when you'd gotten upset with him that night. 
You'd been here.
"Y/n??" Gon cried in disbelief.
"Oh god, no please! Y/n!" Killua shouted, grasping desperately at Gon for support.
Was one of these balls of human flesh you?
Just like that you'd been killed and fed to the queen? Leaving not even your body for them to find. Just the remains of your clothes. 
And what about if you were still in this room? What could they do if they didn't even know which one was you?
All this time fighting.
All this time spent getting stronger.
And what was it all for if you were already dead?
"I'm so sorry boys." It was the only thing Kite could think of to say. Too shocked to properly give them any comfort. Because he'd believed you were alive too.
He figured if you died, there would at least be remains to bring back. Or maybe it would have been better if they found nothing at all. Because this...
Seeing what the ants did to humans to prepare them for the queen's consumption.... Horrific was the only way to describe it. 
This was your fate.
He should have stayed.
He should have gotten you out of there.
He should have tried to fight with you.
You didn't deserve this.
And the ant that did this to you would pay.
They spent another two months training. The boys inconsolable after finding out what happened to you. The only thing keeping them going was the thought of defeating the ant that killed you. 
And once again Kite had stayed. Sharing their ambition, but not wanting them to be consumed by it. Killing that thing wouldn't bring you back.
It might help them feel better, but you wouldn't have wanted them to dirty their hands with revenge.
Yet their resolve grew along with their strength. Preparing to enter East Gorteu and finish off the Chimera ants once and for all.
Knuckle and Meleoron were fighting with Youpi. Morel was distracting Pouf. And Netero just left with the king. Meaning Pitou was by themselves. The cat ant responsible for your death.
"Keep your guards up, and don't let your emotions get the best of you. The ant will use that as an opening to end your life. Got it?" Kite instructed.
Both boys nodded before starting to approach the turret's entrance.
But something was off. It was eerily quiet. The night still…until a being jumped down from the top of the tower.
All three of them immediately jumping back as the debris cleared. It was another ant. This one dressed head to toe in armor. It produced a strong Ren, yet it wasn't malicious. 
"Go any further than that and I'll stop you. I would prefer not to end children's lives, so run on home." It spoke.
And although the voice was muffled, something about it was familiar.
"We're not going anywhere, so get out of our way!" Gon shouted before lunging forward with a punch.
The ant easily dodged it, jumping to the side from another attack by Killua. 
"You two should've waited," Kite scolded before summoning Crazy Slots.
Kite glared as his scythe appeared.
"Damn, not a good spin." 
But before he could use Silent Waltz, the ant jumped on top of the gigantic blade and kicked him square in the jaw.
They were fast.
He skidded a few feet before charging forward. The boys following suit, yet this thing was very skilled.
Ducking away from a slash and skittering back from one of Killua's lightning-based attacks. Grabbing both of Gon's hands and throwing him across the bridge.
"We'll never get past this thing!" Killua shouted, glaring the armored ant down.
Kite couldn't help but notice something about this enemy.
It didn't make a move to attack them from a distance. It stood guarded, yet still as Gon approached once again. And when he passed a certain point, then and only then did the ant strike.
But not with the intent to injure him. 
Just keep him back.
It was protecting something. Pitou perhaps? If they could just distract it long enough…
"Boys, you know when to jump, correct?" 
"You have an idea?" Gon asked after getting tossed back for the fifth time.
"Yeah, just be ready." 
With that, Kite brought his scythe back, preparing to swing it. And just like last time, a heavy fog rolled in. But the ant didn't seem fazed. 
Almost like it could see through it.
Kite took a few steps forward before letting his scythe slash through the air. A cyclone of wind encompassed him. 
But it dispersed before it could do any damage. The ant making one swipe with their arm. The power from it canceling out his attack.
"That won't work on me!" It shouted.
"But this will! Jan-Ken-Rock!" 
A fist coated in a fiery nen made contact with its helmet, knocking it off. The ant tumbled to the side, not expecting Gon's punch. However, that wasn't enough to keep it down.
It got up with a scowl, and as they got a good look at its face, their hearts dropped.
"No…It can't be." Kite whispered.
"You-You-Why are you here!?!? We thought-!" Killua had to stop himself. Unbelieving of what he was seeing.
"Y/n!?! You're okay!?!?" Gon exclaimed. His being lighting up with relief, but before he could approach you, Kite stopped him.
"That's not Y/n."
Because even though it had your eyes, your tired eyes with familiar circles under them…Even though it had your face…. Even though it had your voice…. Even though it had your speed…
This thing was not you.
It couldn't have been.
You would never fight the boys. You never would've attacked them. You would've rather died than hurt them.
The fox-like ears on the side of your head were a telltale sign that even if it was you, you were a chimera ant now. Your purpose was to serve the king.
So for the sake of keeping his sanity, this thing was not you.
"Y/n, c'mon! Why are you fighting us!?! Why didn't you try to get away!?!" It was Killua who was pleading with you now.
But you didn't react. 
You didn't move an inch until the boys tried getting closer to you.
"I already told you not to come any closer. If you do, I'll have no choice but to kill you."
Your words felt like daggers.
You never would have threatened them.
"Don't you remember us!?!? You're supposed to be the big sibling and we're your little brothers! Stop pretending, Y/n!" Gon pleaded.
You gave an uninterested stare. Blank and emotionless.
"Why do you keep saying that name? Was that perhaps related to my human life? I'm sorry to tell you the person you speak of no longer exists. I am simply known as The Knight." 
It was your voice, but it didn't sound like you. 
"What did they do to you!?!? The Y/n I know never would have allowed these things to brainwash them, so what happened!?! Be mad at us! Something! Just stop acting like you don't know us!" By this point Killua was sobbing. Gon crying with him.
And the more you just stood there, the more they broke. They expected everything except this. Except seeing you face to face.
"Boys, stand down." Kite ordered.
He told them not to let their emotions get the better of them. He warned them to be prepared for anything. And if they couldn't fight something that looked like you, then bringing them here was a bad idea.
They just couldn't handle it. 
The both of them backed away from you hesitantly. Wishing for a way to get you to remember. 
"I'll distract them. You two need to be able to get past them. Pitou is definitely inside. If you can manage that, you'll be fine. If you can't, go home while you still have a chance."
The duo nodded begrudgingly. Wiping away their tears before preparing to run.
Kite lifted up his Scythe once more, eyes piercing through your own. He watched you prepare to attack, no longer defending.
Your familiar aura radiating off. 
But it wasn't you.
This wasn't you.
And even if it was, he had to do this. He couldn't afford to hesitate. He couldn't-
"I think I like you…Is that bad?"
He froze mid swing, giving you the opportunity to swipe his legs. Your hand poised to pierce his throat. Of all times to hesitate, it had to be the one where you intended to kill.
Time seemed to slow.
Seconds feeling like hours as the boys ran past before stopping. Turning around and watching as your hand inched closer and closer to Kite's throat.
He prepared himself for the pain, yet nothing came. He glanced up at you confused. And to his surprise, your expression matched his.
"Huh. That's strange. My body won't let me kill you." Your hand shook, fighting with yourself to move. Yet for some reason it didn't.
"Tell me, what kind of trickery did you use to stop me?"
And it was at that moment Kite realized even if you didn't remember, your body did. Your body knew him. It was why you never really hurt the boys when they were fighting you. He wanted to fight off the hope it gave him.
To kill you while you were distracted, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.
"Because somewhere inside, you do remember. No matter what the ants did to you." 
The ears on your head flickered for a second. Your expression thoughtful. The hand ready to kill him being set down for the time being.
"What was I to you then?" 
Not what were you. Not who did you used to be. But what were you to them. To the boys, you'd been their big sibling. Family. To Kite, you'd almost been a lover. But undoubtedly, you'd been important to all three of them.
"Our friend...We were almost more than that."
You backed away completely. 
"Then I'll give you one more chance to turn back. I won't stop next time." 
All the hope gone in one full swing.
You were gone.
"Hahaha! Aww, did we break apart your family!" A voice laughed out. One that you tensed up at. Immediately kneeling on the floor.
"Lord Pouf." You addressed. 
The butterfly ant was much smaller than he'd been previously. Using his ability to split off into clones. He fluttered from above, cackling at the events that just transpired.
Kite glared at him while Gon and Killua prepared to kill him. Their current objective on hold. 
How dare this thing.
"Did I strike a nerve? Don't you three get it? No matter what you say or do, they'll never remember! We altered their brain to get rid of any memories they might've retained in their past life! It truly is a fool's game at this point!" Pouf explained with a wide smile.
But he really should have kept his mouth shut.
"You altered their brain?" Gon asked slowly. The darkness hidden away in his aura rising to the surface.
"It's your fault they're like this?" Killua added. His own anger leaking out.
This.....this was you.
And the ants had done something to your brain. The faint line of stitching across your forehead clued them in enough on what they had done.
All at once, three furious nens spiked. Consuming the entire top of the palace.
"Can you two promise me something?" Kite started. His voice eerily calm.
"If I'm able to restrain Y/n, promise me you'll take care of the royal guards. All of them."
"I'll take the cat," Gon said, crackling his knuckles as he stepped forward.
"And I'll take the butterfly. The real him." Killua wasted no time powering up to God Speed.
These ants really shouldn't have messed with you.
Tags: @fandomhoe101 @justxiao @bekataylorgriggs
An: Nothing but fluff for the halloween special. Y'all deserve it after this one 💀💀💀
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stinkysam · 1 year
Reiner Braun - To see you again
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Warning : canon typical violence, end manga spoilers
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : The gang are fighting on Eren back and Reiner tries his best to protect MR while also trying to protect himself.
Reader : male (you/he)
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You're in his mind.
The rumbling is happening and you're still in his mind.
He wants to grab you and let you down somewhere safe. But nowhere is safe right now.
The best would be to have you directly by his side on his shoulder. That way he'd know that you're okay all the time.
Each time you reappear in his field of vision he lets out a sigh he didn't know he was holding. So he decided to be selfish, again. To grab you and put you on his shoulder.
It was hard to fight, a lot was going on at the same time but your safety mattered the most.
"Reiner, I can't stay here forever ! I have to fight !"
He knows. He wishes you didn't have to fight. He wishes you've done like Annie and refused to fight, going with her, Gabi and Falco.
So he lets you go, hoping he wouldn't have to regret it.
He lets you go on the right time as the titan of Bertholdt catches him and throws him away, not before biting his head off. Jean pulling him out of his titan right on time and catching him before falling.
"Sorry, I think my maneuvering equipment is broken."
"Mine too. I can't pull us up."
"Jean ! Let go ! I can transform at least once more !"
"Then what ? You get crushed by the rumbling, armor and all ? For a titan with your name you really get mangled a lot !"
"So you think we can still win ?"
"No… but at least… we ought to die trying, right ? The survey corps doesn't know when to give up, that's who we are…"
Then, right when they thought it was over for them, a flying titan arrived, Falco, with Gabi and Annie on his back, saving them. Then you, Mikasa, Levi and Connie jumped on his back as well.
Although he knew it was only for a brief moment, Reiner was glad for the break and glad to see you still with them.
You exchanged with them the status of Armin, trapped, and Pieck, impaled.
After making out a plan, remained to have the determination to go through it.
"We… no longer have the luxury to worry about Eren… No. We never did to begin with." Admitted Levi.
Mikasa was distraught. "But…"
"But ?! But what ?! If Falco hadn't miraculously been able to fly, we would've died back there !" Connie added. "Look Mikasa, I don't want to give up on Eren either ! Plus we're up against the founding titan here ! Do you really think we can afford to go easy on it ?!"
"Mikasa…" intervened Jean, "we have… to kill Eren."
Annie grabbed her "You focus on saving Armin. You don't need to think about anything else."
Then Gabi remembered something and shared it with the rest of the group. When she shot Eren and his head went flying, something came out of his body to connect with his head.
The break was over and they were above the giant titan once again.
"Let's go !" And just like that Reiner and Jean jumped out of Falco's back. Exchanging one last glance with Reiner.
"Jean, Reiner, make it out alive !" You screamed with Mikasa and Connie.
Jean and Reiner thought the same thing : "same to you."
He wishes you could stay on Falco's titan forever, safe above in the sky with Gabi, Annie, Mikasa, Connie and Levi. But you had to jump with Annie, Connie and Mikasa to get Armin back.
Even when he found himself cornered, his head about to get cut off, he still thought of you.
You and your smile and your laugh and your tears.
And when he thought it was finally the end, he was once again saved by the titans of Porco, Marcel and Ymir.
And finally, finally, the rumbling stopped when Levi cut Sieg's head. All that was needed now was to cut Eren's head.
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
I hope I'm not too late for some more Avian Venti brainrot!
If you'll humor me, here's a brief discussion of bird anatomy: when bird feathers are still developing, they're called pin feathers! They're covered with a protective keratin sheath, which needs to be removed when the feather is fully developed. Birds usually remove the sheath when they "preen", but they need help (either from humans, or from other birds) to remove the sheaths from hard-to-reach places.
Now that we've established some base knowledge, consider: Venti needing help after molting and growing new feathers. He can reach some of them, thanks to having, y'know, hands, but the feathers near the very base of his wings are a problem. It's also a little more difficult to remove them, since birds' beaks are shaped better for the task than our hands.
So if you help him with the process of removing those pin feathers, once they've grown in and are starting to feel uncomfortable-- he'd be over the MOON with gratitude. It's super relaxing, too-- you can have him in your lap, with his back toward you, gently caressing his wings and slowly easing out the itchy little sheaths of keratin. As if he didn't already enjoy having you touch his wings, Venti would be totally blissed out as you take care of him, the tension relieving him with each new feather you help him unfurl.
Never too late, you could come to me 50 years down the line, long after this blog's inevitable end, and I'll rise from the depths like some unholy lovecraftian creature true story
So, really thinking about it, the entire backside of his wings would count as a hard to reach place since they're so big and hands only reach so far, kinda cute to imagine him trying to do it himself though, just reaching as far as humanly possible with a concentrated expression only to lose his balance and have to pull himself back up with a huff
I did look into it a bit more and it seems to be either a yearly or bi-yearly experience depending on the bird, so I imagine he just intensely looks forward to the collection of days you'll indulge him, I wouldn't even put it past him to mark it on a personal calendar (that he mainly dedicates to events relating to you) just to be able to cross off the days till
Just imagining him completely blissed out, only half conscious enough to protest if you even think about moving your hands away, 👌
It'd probably take multiple hours, knowing how big his wings are, so by the end of it he'd be completely and wholly out of it
And I'm 100% sure that you'd be the only one he'd let do it, maybe in the past when he only had some closer friends to help out he'd be more open with who he asked to partake, it's not entirely an 'intimate' act by nature, and attempting to do it all himself would just lead to frustration and possible injury, so he couldn't really afford to be picky
But now that you're here, his incredibly benevolent savior, you're the only living being he'd ever want for any act involving his wings, especially if you've taken any interest in them at all
And of course he's so incredibly grateful, unbelievably greatful that you indulge him so, but all it really does is make him that much more possessive of you
He can't help it that he needs you, both mentally and physically, you provide so much for everyone whose lives you touch so it's difficult to get you all to himself, but he needs you so much more than anyone else, he couldn't imagine living day to day without you and this is just another reminder of that
But now, imagine that exact same scenario with the addictive touch au, I think it might actually kill him, but that's probably the way he'd want to die anyway so—
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