#orc meme
gandalf-the-fool · 2 years
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shamanofthewilds · 2 years
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Shaman vs Warlock
Good vs Unpaid Parking Ticket
Voting Matters. Who will YOU support to be the voice of the orcish people? Who will YOU trust to speak with leadership at the next Orcish Baking and Beadwork Meeting? Think wisely....
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variantofnick · 2 years
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I had this joke in my head for a while and had to create it. If anyone is not aware, those are Lord of the Rings orcs (and an Uruk-hai) on the left, and the Dimitrescu family from Resident Evil Village on the right. They all enjoy “the man flesh”.
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mrsandman42069 · 2 months
the funniest part of senshi teaching what sex is to chilchuck is not that chilchuck has 3 children, it's that senshi has been stuck in the dungeon since he was a kid and he specifically left the orc tribes so he wouldn't have to marry one of them, conclusion, senshi has never seen a naked woman irl and was probably just repeating to chilchuck an explanation given to him by one of the other dwarves
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val-thomas · 2 years
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was researching anatomy for purposes and i am inexplicably angered by this discovery. what the fuck.
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Mine is Human and Half-Elf...hmmmmmmm...kinda tracks.
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cheesomancer · 22 days
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Finally, second art for monsterfucker meme! Version without braided cheese on twitter.
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thecommunalfoolboy · 1 year
Just found out about the humans are space orcs thing you all got going on here and I wanna know how many of u guys finally realized u think humans are so strange bc ur autistic
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sillystringedrat · 6 months
Recently deep dived into all the Goncharov lore and man. I just love how this entire site set their minds (or mind seeming as it’s been buzzing like a hive) on this one, silly, stupid, and seemingly meaningless subject and expanded it to high heaven. The thing is though, despite all the speculation and discussion and the fact that it is unreal, it is not meaningless!!! The collaborative effort of so many people who have not met or spoken to each other, all to just bullshit a beautiful movie into (un)existence, it’s heartwarming in such a fever dreamish way.
Anyways rant about good of humanity is over, someone from the Humans Are Weird community make a post about tumblrinas explaining this movie to aliens please and thanksies <3
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malcolmschmitz · 1 month
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Now that I've got your attention...
Howdy, Tumblr! I'm a queer disabled writer with Some Stupid Problems! Namely: the government decided that, because I made A Small Amount from my writing for two months in 2023, they need to cut my benefits by A Large Amount for an undisclosed amount of time!!
So yeah, I'm suphering from a tiny amount of suksess. Obviously, I'm trying to get off benefits. I have been for years. But to do that, I need your help!
Please buy my books. If you've bought them, please leave a review at your favourite digital storefront. If you've bought them and reviewed them, please tell your friends- word of mouth is the only way tiny queer indie artists can survive these days.
Thank you so much, and I hope you guys have a wonderful day!
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daakureisaiko · 4 months
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gandalf-the-fool · 2 years
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overlord-of-fantasy · 5 months
Melkor strikes again
Mairon: Watcha doin? Melkor: Stealing Erus elves for science. Mairon: Scandalous. Mairon: Can I help?
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thefunkyspoon · 5 months
Humans are Weird
Ok, so everyone's talking about humans being super freaky to aliens, but what about neuro-divergent humans? Like, an ADHD-er is sitting in their room, completely still, while they have a task to do. Not a hard one, and certainly one they could easily do, but their brain just *won't let them.* Because executive-dysfunction sucks.
And like, an alien (let's call him Quĺ) walks in, and is super confused.
"Human Emma? Why have you not cleaned your pod, are you sick?" Quĺ asks, his one eye furrowed as he peers at the human lying on the ground.
"Are you sleeping? I'm aware that is a thing humans do, though I didn't know they did it with their eyes open." His confusion increases, as Human Emma sits up, and lifts her lips up, which is apparently a form of greeting to humans, though it was a bit horrifying to the aliens.
"Hm? Oh, hi. Er...yeah, that." Human Emma says, her cheeks tinged with a slight pink. "Sorry. I haven't been able to do it today." She mumbles, and looks around her messy pod.
"What do you mean, 'haven't been able to do it'? You're not injured, yes?" Quĺ inquires, examining Emma with a concerned look. To his surprise, the human laughs, a distraught sound to Quĺs.
"Oh, no. It's just... a thing some humans deal with, I guess? It's odd." She explains.
This confuses Quĺ even more; he wasn't aware humans just...couldn't do things sometimes, even if they *could.*
"I'm not sure I understand. Are you feeling well?" He looks really confused, as this wasn't a thing he was aware of. For aliens, this was an unheard of concept. If they had a task, and had all means to complete it, they did. And he had seen humans do the same thing, so why was this different?
"Yeah, I'm fine." Emma reassures him.
Quĺ decides to ask another human what's the issue. He calls out to Human Greg, an older human. Maybe he could explain?
Human Greg walks to her pod upon request, and asks what's needed of him.
"Well, Human Emma was given her weekly task of maintaining her pod, as we all are. Though, it's been all day, and it hasn't been completed. Is there a reason humans do this?" Quĺ asks, still unsure what was wrong.
"Well, is Emma feeling well? Emma, are you sad?" Human Greg asks Emma, and sits on the floor beside her, giving her a reassuring smile. This only made Quĺ more curious. What did that have to do with anything? It's a feeling, but she could still complete it, right?
Emma shakes her head, a movement that means "no" to humans. Quĺ had learned it was best to not question humans odd behaviors, but sometimes he couldn't help but ask.
"No, my ADHD is just acting up. Sorry, I could've explained this to Quĺ." Human Emma says, and Gred smiles and nods understandingly. But this made no sense to Quĺ, and he was concerned by now. What was ADHD? Was it an illness? Could he catch it? Was she sick?
"ADHD??What does that mean? Do all humans have it? Are you okay??" Quĺ was increasingly dumbfounded, and required an explanation ASAP.
"Oh, do you aliens not have a similar thing? Here, let me explain..." Emma explains what it is, and how it affected life, and how not all humans had it. Apparently, it was a 'neuro-divergent thing', which was something that also needed to be explained to him. He was reassured (again) that everything was fine, and she would try to do it soon.
Quĺ eventually understood, or got enough info to not worry, though it was still a confusing concept. He was not aware Human Emma had this "ADHD", and wondered on who else had it. He asked Greg, who denied it.
It was also quite odd for him, because some other humans, such as Human Sophie and Human Nick acted just as confused and even uncomfortable with her, even though it was nothing new to them. Why was that? Quĺ eventually left, feeling a bit better now that he had an explanation. Everytime one of the humans acted rude to Human Emma because of her "ADHD", they would get glares from most aliens, who were notified of the situation. They also made accommodations to Human Emma, as she could get overestimulated easily. They did this by acquiring soundproof headphones for her, and a sensory room where she could calm down. Human Emma was confused as to why they did this, as she was not used to people simply normalizing it, and treating her normal when discussing it.
This angered Quĺ, as it seemed like common sense to him and most other Quĺs.
Human Greg helped Emma clean her pod after an hour, assuring her it was no big deal. This made Quĺ happy, and returned to his station as a mechanic.
The End! <3 hope you enjoyed it
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seahagart · 5 months
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I draw Drífa as cool and intimidating but irl she has no idea what’s happening + secretly goofy. She fell off the mountain she lives on. She’d swim in tank. She talks/jokes to herself in orc. Learned common 3 days ago.
More memes to come
Original, submitted to me on Twitter 😂:
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greennightingale · 5 months
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I have seven storage houses full of furniture!
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