#original: 3rd rock from the sun
itsagentromanoff · 7 months
Tony: Barnes, are you naked or am I seeing things?
Bucky: Actually it's a little of both.
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Emma Frost: I'm glad Logan is standing up for good old-fashioned family values.
Emma Frost: You could learn from this lesson, Jean. Never date a guy if he's not good to his wife and kids.
80 notes · View notes
sequinsmile-x · 11 months
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Allegiance - Chapter 3
It was nice to finally have someone who was on her side, someone who would always put her first.
A Young Hotchniss story with a twist.
Chapter 3 of 3
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Hi friends,
3rd and final part of this fic for @sapphoe-sun <3
Thank you so so much for all the love for this version of them. It was originally only supposed to be one part and now it's over 13k words overall!!
I really hope you enjoy this final part and I can't wait to know what you all think!
Warnings: Pregnancy, mommy issues, complicated mother/daughter relationship
Words: 5.1k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
September 1995
He finds her in the nursery. 
It wasn’t decorated yet, but they’d started to put furniture, a crib that needed building, a set of drawers and a large comfortable chair, in the room. There were piles of clothes everywhere since Emily seemed unable to walk past the baby section in a store without buying something. Tiny little outfits that neither of them could quite believe their baby would wear, so small that it seemed almost impossible. 
She’s sitting in the chair, staring at nothing as she rocks the chair back and forth a little, her hand on her bump, absentmindedly rubbing circles up and down on it. She was six months along now, close to the point where she was often uncomfortable. The baby moved a lot, a feeling both Aaron and Emily never tired of, and he can tell from the way she smiles that the baby was currently shifting around inside of her, 
“Hi, sweetheart.”
She turns to look at him, a soft smile spreading over her face as their eyes meet, “Hi, honey,” she says, reaching her hand out towards him, “I missed you.” 
He walks over and kisses the top of her head before he settles on the arm of the chair, “I missed you too,” he says, placing his hand over hers on her belly, “And this little one.”
He’d recently joined the BAU, and the time he now spent away had been an adjustment for both of them. Emily was so proud of him, something she told him as often as she could but she missed him, so used to spending most of their time together. 
She chuckles, leaning against him, her head in the crook of his arm, “She doesn’t feel so little when it’s your bladder she’s sitting on.” 
A little girl. 
They’d found out just before he’d gone away for the last few days on a case. They’d barely had time to discuss it, to celebrate, before he got called away. 
She was happy about it, just as she would have been if they were having a boy, but he’d seen her delighted smile slowly slip away as they drove home from her doctor's appointment, her hand firmly pressed to the top of her bump as she looked out the window. It seemed typical that he immediately got called away on a case, pulling him from her side so she had to process this latest development alone.
They hadn’t heard from Elizabeth since the day after the party that changed everything, the final threads holding the mother and daughter relationship together snapping, the frayed edges giving way after one disappointment too many. It upset Emily more than she’d admit even to herself. She’d never had a conventional relationship with her mother, but the closer she got to having her own child, her own little girl, it made her ache for the relationship she’d always wanted.
The one she’d strive to make sure she had with her daughter. 
“Are you ok, Em?” He asks, running his hand up and down her arm.
She sighs, curling into his embrace even further as she finally says what she’s been thinking ever since the nurse told them the baby was a girl. “What if I can’t be what she needs me to be?” 
He hears what she hasn’t said. The thoughts he knows she’s been having ever since they found out they were having a daughter, no matter how much she claimed she was fine whenever he asked. It was inevitable that she would make the comparisons, that knowing they were having a daughter would make her think of her mother, of the relationship that had never been what she wanted it to be. 
What she needed it to be. 
He watches for a moment as she looks down at her bump, her eyes fixed on it as she tries to picture their little girl. It was something they discussed a lot - what their baby would look like. Whose nose she would have, both of them joking she was screwed either way, whose eyes. What she’d be like, wilful and loud like her, or more thoughtful and reserved like him. They’d laugh as they agreed she’d be stubborn as hell regardless. 
She loved their daughter so much already, she’d sacrificed so much already, and she wasn’t even born yet. Aaron just wished she’d believe him, but he’d assure her for as long as she needed him to. 
For as long as he lives. 
“Sweetheart,” he says, kissing her temple, pulling her even closer, “you’re going to be so good at being her mom,” he assures her, his lips back against her skin, “you already are.” 
She smiles sadly at him, her lower lip trembling, “I love her so much already,” she says, linking their hands on her stomach. 
“I know you do,” he replies, kissing her forehead, “I love her too. Both of you.” 
It was moments like this he itched to pull out the ring he’d bought her, the one he already had before they found out she was pregnant. He’d had to hide it again when they moved, even though he knows she knows about it. He was waiting for the right moment, and as much as he wanted to call her his fiance, and then his wife, he knew this wasn’t it. 
“Do you want me to get started on dinner?” He asks, moving to pull away, but she holds his hand tighter and shakes her head. 
“Not yet,” she says, looking up at him, “Can we stay here just a few more minutes?”
He nods and kisses her forehead, “Of course, sweetheart.” 
She’d never liked this house.
When she was young, it symbolised everything she wanted. A home, a permanent place to belong, but she was only ever there for weeks at a time once several months. Her room always seemed to have a fine layer of dust over everything despite the fact her mother carried on paying for staff when they were gone. It was as if the house knew it was empty, abandoned, and rejected any attempt to make it feel liveable. 
As she got older, a teenager and then an adult, she resented it even more. It didn’t feel like home, it didn’t feel familiar, and she couldn’t relate to college friends who’d talk excitedly about visiting home. 
The only redeeming factor this place had was that it was where she’d met Aaron. A strange of fate from the universe, a dose of irony that she would gratefully accept, that the place that had never quite felt like home had brought her the man that would. 
“Right back where it all started.” 
She turns to look at her husband and smiles, grabbing his hand as he reaches her side, both of them standing next to their car in her mother’s driveway, “Who would have guessed we’d end up with everything we have now.”
Aaron winks at her, “I would have.” 
She narrows her eyes at him, fighting a smile as she looks at him, “Really? You would have guessed that a summer of secret, mind-blowing sex would have turned into us getting married and having three kids?”
He nods, “Yes.” 
She chuckles and squeezes his hand, leaning in to stamp a kiss against his lips, “Liar,” she says, kissing him once more and smiling at him, silently thanking him for making her smile today of all days, of briefly making her nerves disappear, feeling nothing other than this love. 
He presses a kiss to her cheek and then stands back, gently tugging her towards the front door, “Come on sweetheart.” 
The house looks the same on the inside and it makes Emily feel like she’s stepped back in time. It makes her feel unsteady, as if she was in her early 20s again, or even a teenager, wondering what she had to do to have her mother’s attention. They barely have time to settle onto the couch. They sit so close to each other that Emily is almost in his lap and her mother walks into the room. It makes them both stand up, and Aaron puts his arm around his wife, giving her the support she needs but would never ask for. 
“Emily,” Elizabeth says, her face tight, unreadable, “I’m glad you came,” She looks at Aaron, “Aaron, it’s been a while.” 
He nods at his mother-in-law, “Ambassador Prentiss.” 
Elizabeth sits in the armchair near the couch and Emily and Aaron sit down too, their thighs pressed together. Emily reaches for Aaron’s hand, linking their fingers together and squeezing tightly. Elizabeth smiles as she looks at their linked hands, the two rings on Emily’s shining in the light in the room. 
“You should probably call me Elizabeth, Aaron,” she says, “Seeing as you are seemingly married to my daughter,” she clears her throat, the awkward, stilted nature of their conversation making her words catch there, “How long have you been married?”
Aaron briefly looks at Emily to see if she’s going to answer, but she’s simply sat next to him, her hand tight around him as she stares at her mother. He looks back at Elizabeth and places his spare hand on his wife’s knee, squeezing it to remind her that he is there, that he wouldn’t leave her side. 
“Coming up on 10 years now,” he answers, “Our anniversary is in May.” 
“Oh,” Elizabeth replies, “That’s-”
“What do you want, Mother?” Emily asks, finally finding her voice, her eyes meeting Elizabeth’s.
She sighs, “Emily-”
“It’s been over 12 years,” she says, cutting her mother off again, “I haven’t seen or heard from you in 12 years and four days ago you just…showed up in my office. What do you want?” 
Elizabeth swallows thickly and leans back in her chair, her hands tight in her lap, “If I remember correctly, you asked me to give you space. And you never called either.” 
Emily scoffs, “I’m your kid, I would never…” She drifts off and shakes her head, “Just tell me what you want.” 
They fall into silence, and Emily sees an expression cross her mother’s face that she doesn’t recognise, something she can’t quite place with an edge of shame that chases it. 
“I…” Elizabeth clears her throat, sitting up so straight Emily thinks her back might snap, “I need to apologise.” 
Whatever Emily had been expecting, it hadn’t been that. She feels the fight drain out of her, causing her to sag into Aaron’s side slightly. “What?”
“I need to apologise, about what happened the last time we saw each other,” Elizabeth says, looking down at her hands, “About our conversation regarding Robert Collins.” 
It takes a moment for the pieces to fall into place, and a humourless laugh escapes Emily and she shakes her head, “Oh my god…something’s happened hasn’t it.” 
Elizabeth clenches her jaw and nods, “There is a…scandal that is about to break, it will be in the press in the next few days. It has come to light that he has a habit of…hitting on young interns in his office. A series of young women who have worked from him over the last few years have come forward with allegations,” she shakes her head, “It is quite the DC scandal.” 
The room falls into silence, thick and heavy and cloying as it lays over them all, and Emily is the first to break it as a strangled noise escapes her.
“This is damage control,” she says, shaking her head, “You knew I’d see it and you wanted to get ahead of it.” 
“Emily, I really do want to apologise.”
“For what?” She asks incredulously, her voice loud, sharp and full of pain, “For not believing me then, or for walking away and never looking back?” She asks, carrying on before Elizabeth can have a chance to respond, “You even said ‘Robert is a tactile man,’ you knew even then that there was something. You made a choice that day,” she says, swallowing thickly, “You chose to believe him over me, to pick your career and your prospects over me. I would never do that to my…”
She drifts off, stopping herself a second too late, and she watches as Elizabeth picks up on it. 
“Your what?” 
Emily looks at Aaron who nods at her, a silent confirmation he was happy with whatever she wanted, “My kids, Mom. I’d never do that to my kids.” 
“You have…children?” Elizabeth asks, her eyes wide, sadness reflecting in the dark pool of them. 
“Yes,” Emily replies, “We have three. Two girls and a boy.” 
“How old are they?” 
Emily squeezes Aaron’s hand, and he squeezes back before he answers, well aware it was what his wife wanted him to do, “Oliver is 2, he’s our youngest. Then we have Rosie who is 6, and Ivy who just turned 12.”
They both watch as Elizabeth’s eyebrows raise, a look of understanding washing over her face, “You have a 12-year-old? You were pregnant the last time I saw you” 
Emily scoffs, closing her eyes as she shakes her head, the lack of surprise in her mother’s tone like a slap in the face, “Yes I was,” she says, and she looks back up at her, “You knew, didn’t you?” 
“Not for certain,” she admits, “You were sick, you didn’t have wine, and we both know you’ve always needed it to get through an evening with me. I suspected you might be but…I was never a good mother to you Emily, I recognise that. If I went back I’d do some things differently, and I am sorry that you didn’t feel as if you could tell me you were having a baby.” 
Emily stares at her, and she knows she couldn’t describe how she felt if she wanted to. Emotions raging a war in her belly, making it turn in a way she hadn’t felt in years, feelings only her mother could bring out in her making a vicious return. 
“I…I don’t know if I can forgive you for that,” she says, her voice shaking, “If any of my children came to me and told me what I told you about Robert Collins I’d be in jail,” she shakes her head, “I love them so much that I’d tear the world apart if someone hurt them. Fuck, Aaron once had to talk me down from going down to the school when Ivy was being bullied in the 3rd grade.” 
“I need time, and there might not be enough of it,” Emily says, quickly wiping a tear from her cheek, “But I am willing to try.” 
Her words shock her just as much as they shock Aaron and her mother, but it feels like a weight has lifted off of her shoulders, something she hadn’t realised she’d been carrying around for years. 
“Yes,” Emily replies, squeezing Aaron’s hand again, “I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try.”
Elizabeth nods, pressing her lips together to suppress a relieved smile, “Can I meet your children?” 
“No,” Emily says quickly, the word escaping her so fast she almost trips over it, “No. I’m not going to be comfortable with that for a long time. If ever.” 
Elizabeth looks like she wants to argue with that, but she stops herself, “Ok,” she says, I can live with that.” 
It’s not a resolution, it’s not an answer. If anything, Emily feels like she has more questions than she did when she arrived here.
It’s not a resolution, but it’s something. And for now, that would have to do. 
When they get home it’s chaos. The kids running around and driving their sitter a little crazy, something Aaron slips her another $20 for as he shows her out. 
He finds his wife on the couch, curled up in the corner with a cushion pressed into her chest, her eyes fixed on the wall of photos they had. A gallery of their life together, of their family. A museum of memories they were forever adding to. 
He checks on the kids. He’s grateful that they are all distracted. Oliver and Rosie were in the den, Rosie keeping an eye on her little brother as they played together, and Ivy was upstairs doing some homework. He takes the opportunity to sit next to his wife, his hand on her knee as they sit in silence, his patience for her unending, just like his love.
“She didn’t know we were married. Or that we definitely had kids. She never even looked me up, Aaron,” she says eventually, shrugging sadly, “We both know if she wanted to she has the resources too,” she sighs, a steady breath escaping her as she looks at her husband, “It’s almost as if I gave her the out she’d been looking for when I asked her to give me some space that day.”
“She does love you, Em.”
“I know, I know she does,” she says, resting her head on the back of the couch, “And that’s the worst part. It would almost be easier if she didn’t,” she sighs, “If…i this whole thing with Robert hadn’t come out she would never have got in touch.” 
They fall into silence and he wraps his arm around her, pulling her into his side, “You don’t have to make a decision about anything now, you know that right?” 
She nods against him, “I know. Part of me thinks I should try and fix it, the other part thinks it’s not my place to,” she tilts her head to look up at him, “I…I’m not even that sure I really missed her,” she says, and she shakes her head, “And I know that’s awful-”
“It isn’t awful, baby,” he says, running his fingers through her hair, “it’s understandable. She was never to you what you are for our kids.” 
She smiles at him, the compliment on her parenting making her feel warm from the inside out, “I just…don’t think I need anything other than our family.” 
He opens his mouth to say something, to assure her if that’s what she wanted, that’s what she would have, but he’s cut off. 
“Daddy! Ollie took my toy.” 
They both chuckle at the sound of Rosie yelling and Aaron leans in to press a kiss to Emily’s lips, “Duty calls.” 
She nods and watches him go, content to be alone for a little while, knowing he’d get dragged into whatever game they were playing. Her solitude doesn’t last for long, it hadn’t ever since she’d Ivy, who as a baby had always been all about Emily. 
She looks up and sees Ivy standing in the entryway to the living room, her arms crossed over her chest, her teeth sinking into her lower lip. 
“Hi honey, are you okay?” 
Ivy nods, “Can I join you?” 
“Of course,” Emily says, patting the couch next to her, “You can always join me.” 
Ivy smiles and joins her on the couch, her eyes fixed on her mother, “Is everything ok?” 
Emily sighs, “Ivy-”
“What are you and Dad being so secretive about?” Ivy asks, not giving her the chance to deny it, “He just gave me the ‘be nice to your mother’ speech and the last time I got that you were pregnant. Oh god you’re not pregnant are you?” 
She chuckles and shakes her head, “No, honey. I’m not pregnant.” 
“Then what’s wrong? I get hiding it from Rosie and Ollie,” Ivy says, leaning back on the couch as she looks at Emily, “But I’m not a little kid. You can tell me.” 
Emily smiles, and she thinks about it, looking her daughter up and down and she nods, knowing she could give her the truth. Or at least, a watered-down version of it. 
“You know you’ve never met my mom?”
It was something that had first come up only a couple of years ago. Ivy had innocently asked why she had never met any of her grandparents as she put together a family tree for a school project. Emily knew it would come up eventually. That, whilst there was no absence of love in her children’s lives, there were gaps in their family when it was compared to a more traditional one. In a macabre way, it had been easier to explain that both of Aaron’s parents had passed away, and that her father was gone too. Elizabeth had been the difficult one, the tricky missing piece of the puzzle that Emily had struggled to reveal to her daughter. 
“You said that your mom hurt your feelings a lot, and that you needed to protect yourself, and us, from her.” 
Emily nods. Hearing her own, simplified, explanation of the situation repeated back at her makes her heart skip a beat, the mixture of innocence and confusion in Ivy’s tone making it seem impossibly sadder. 
“That’s right,” Emily says, “Well, she came to my office a few days ago. It was the first time I saw her since before I had you, and your dad and I went to see her today.” 
“Oh,” Ivy says, tilting her head, “Was it…weird?” 
Emily laughs, Ivy’s simple choice of words making something ease in her chest, and she nods, “Yeah, honey. It was…really weird.” 
There’s a moment of silence and Ivy slides slightly closer to her, leaning her head on Emily’s shoulder, craining her neck so she’s looking up at her. “Will ever I meet her?” 
Emily sighs, the mere thought of it making her chest tight, “Well, you aren’t a little kid anymore,” she says, tucking some of Ivy’s dark hair behind her ear, “But you are my kid, and it’s not something I’m comfortable with for now, it’s something I might never be comfortable with. But if I decide I’m happy for her to meet you and your brother and sister, I’ll leave it up to you.” 
Ivy nods, her eyebrows knitting together, “If you decide I can…do I have to?”
“Of course not, sweet girl.” 
“She made you sad,” Ivy says, “I don’t think I want to meet someone who makes you sad.” Emily pulls her daughter into a hug, wrapping her arms tightly around her, hiding her face in her hair in a vain attempt to stop her from seeing she’s crying. “I’m glad I have you as a Mom.” 
Emily sniffs and pulls back a little to look at Ivy, no longer caring about the tears shining in her eyes, “Yeah? Why is that baby?” 
Ivy smiles at her and wipes a tear from Emily’s cheek, “Because I know no matter what, I’d never not want to speak to you.” 
Emily chokes on a sob and pulls Ivy in, grateful when her little girl hugs her just as tightly as she hugs her, “I love you, sweet girl.” 
“I love you too, Momma.” 
January 1996 
Emily hears crying from the bassinet next to her bed, and she instinctively shifts in the bed to pick up her daughter. She winces as the movement makes pain flash through her, and she makes a mental note to ask the nurse to bring her fresh ice packs when she next comes along to check on them. 
“You a did a real number on me, sweet girl,” she says as she settles back down comfortably in her hospital bed, Ivy secure in her arms, “You’re worth it though,” she looks over at Aaron and smiles at the sight of him fast asleep on the couch in the corner of the room and she looks back at Ivy, “Daddy was so worried about us, he loves us both so much.” 
She watches as her daughter nurses, staring at her face, memorising everything about her, and she can’t help but think about those early hours of her own life. Unable to stop herself from wondering what her mother said and did, what promises she made that she ultimately didn’t keep.
“I’ll always be on your side, Ivy” Emily says quietly, well aware it was something she would stand by, a promise she would keep for the rest of her life. “No matter what happens, you’ll always have me on your side.” 
She hears movement on the couch and she looks up to see Aaron sitting up, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the last remnants of sleep. He’d been her rock all day, nothing short of perfect as he supported her in any way she needed, holding her hand and letting her squeeze his so hard she was surprised it didn’t break. Despite his strength, and his unrelenting love for her and their daughter, she could tell he struggled to see her in pain, a slight desperation in his eyes that he couldn’t hide from her. 
“How are my girls doing?” He asks as he stands up and sits on the edge of her bed and kisses the top of her head before he looks down at Ivy. 
“We’re trying to get the hang of nursing again,” she says, grimacing at the sensation, “It hurts, but I think she’s actually getting something this time.” 
Ivy pulls away, already full, and Emily smiles as she rests her against her shoulder, gently patting her back. 
“I can’t get over how much she looks like you,” Aaron says, tilting his head to look at Ivy’s face, transfixed by her. He’d known the very first second he saw her that she’d hold the same power over him that her mother did, that he was already wrapped around her tiny little finger. 
Emily smiles as Ivy burps and looks at Aaron, “We made a damn cute baby, huh?” 
“No cursing in front of her,” Aaron jokingly chastises, and Emily rolls her eyes at him.
“She’s two hours old, honey. I think it’s going to take a while for her to pick up on what we’re saying,” she sniffs and turns her nose up, looking at Ivy, “I think we have our first dirty diaper.” 
“Come over here, princess,” Aaron says, lifting Ivy into his arms, the baby impossibly small in comparison to him, and he kisses the top of her head before he walks over towards the set-up the nurses had left them to change her, “Daddy will change your diaper.” 
“I might need Daddy’s help to change mine later,” Emily says sarcastically as she shifts in the bed, her entire lower half burning as she moves, “I don’t think I can bend down.” 
Aaron briefly looks over his shoulder at her and smiles before he has all of his focus back on Ivy, “Mommy can have help with whatever she wants forever,” he says, his voice low and quiet, the same tone he only ever used on Emily previously, but she doesn’t mind sharing with her little girl, “She can have whatever she wants forever because she gave me you.” 
He half pays attention to Emily’s response, as he changes Ivy’s diaper and takes the chance to put the tiny onesie, which was somehow still slightly too big, that he’d bought and hidden from Emily weeks ago onto her. He smiles down at her, his heart in his throat as nerves take over. 
“What’s taking so long?” Emily asks, “I want my baby.” 
“Coming sweetheart,” he says, straightening up as he holds Ivy delicately, as if she was made of glass, “Let’s get you back to Mommy.” 
Emily gratefully takes her daughter back into her arms, unable to understand how she’d missed her when it had only been a couple of minutes and she’d never left her sight. She frowns in confusion as she realises Aaron has changed her out of the lion-covered onesie she’d been in before to a white one with printed, flowing script on the front.
‘Mommy will you marry Daddy?’
She chokes on a sound somewhere between a laugh and a sob as she reads it again before she looks up at Aaron, who was now sitting on the edge of her bed, an open ring box in his hand, a gorgeous ring shining at her. 
“This is the moment you’ve been waiting for? Your perfect moment?” She asks, her voice thick with the same emotion that had been lingering in the air all day. 
He chuckles, the sound catching in his chest as he shrugs, “Can you think of a better one?” 
There’s a beat of silence as she looks back and forth between him and Ivy, who is now fast asleep in her arms, and the answer is obvious. “Yes.” 
“Yes you can think of a better moment-”
“No, you idiot,” she says, cutting him off as tears slip past her lash line, “Yes, I’ll marry you.” 
Aaron leans in and kisses her, his lips firm yet gentle against hers as the hand not holding the ring box tangles in her hair. She’s sure she should care that her hair is greasy, that it was messy and unclean from the hours she’d been in labour, thrown up in a loose bun on top of her head, but she doesn’t. All she can think about is him. Their daughter. The life they were going to have together. 
He pulls back and looks at her, and he smiles, “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” she replies, kissing him again before he sits back just far enough to slip the ring onto her left hand as she offers it out to him. Ivy makes a noise, as if she was grumbling that she was no longer the centre of their attention even though she was mostly asleep, “Did you hear that, sweet girl, Mommy and Daddy are getting married.” 
Aaron wraps his arms around them both and helps Emily shift over just enough for him to properly get onto the bed next to her, “And, you’ll get to be there,” Aaron says, trailing his knuckle down the baby’s soft cheek, “Something you can hold over your younger siblings one day.” 
Emily scoffs and tilts her head to look at him, “Can you at least wait for me to regain the ability to walk properly before you think about getting me pregnant again?” 
He laughs and nods, kissing her, “Of course, sweetheart. Are you ok?” 
“Yeah,” She says, as she relaxes against him, content to stare down at her daughter, “I’m really happy,” she says, her voice shaking a little, “I’ve never been this happy.” 
She didn’t know it would be possible to be this happy, to feel so content. She knew there would be hard days ahead, that life would never be simple, but if she had her family, the one she’d built herself, she’d be okay. 
She had everything she needed. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusre, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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lovergirl65 · 1 month
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You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you.
Dabi x F!reader | Warning! : None. | Information on your quirk, abilities, age in this universe and such as! But I won’t ofc spoil it all>:)
You have the same and equal ability’s to a seraphim.
You’re able to heal most injuries, wounds, broken bones and sickness.
If you’re in the light of either the sun or the moon you are able to charge up a beam, you are ONLY able to do this if you’re in sunlight or moonlight you cannot use this otherwise.
You’re extremely strong physically and you’re able to gain strength quicker than others.
You have telepathic ability’s and you’re able to send messages through mental speech.
You have wings you can retrieve into two smaller version of the original size.
If you over use you’re healing abilities the injury’s you heal will be transferred to you.
You can not heal every injury you take onto yourself. There is a limit to how much self heal you can do.
You can only use you’re beam up to 3 Times if you go over this limits you will have Severe burns on you’re hands and possibly you’re whole arm.
If abuse/Use you’re telepathic abilities to much, you get server headaches and sometimes you end up with 2-3 weeks with a migraine.
Only limit to your wings is your stamina.
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[Pick which ever fits you’re taste^^]
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1st Form ^
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Second From ^
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3rd Form ^ [you now have the classic seraphim appearance.]
You are able to switch through first and second limitless but you’re 3rd from takes a toll on you’re body. You only use this form when needed. [3rd form increases you quirk’s ability to it’s max.]
This is just a small introduction and information for what your quirk is and how it works so it isn’t confusing to the story!<3
Age and family.
Your Age is 19
He’ll be 20 [Dont know his cannon age so we rocking with this]
You’re Name is Y/n Lucia
[fun fact Lucia stands for daylight in latin^^]
[side note this is you’re quirk at its best, I won’t set you at this stage at the start of the story. Just to have some juice development in there >:)]
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inakialistelizarralde · 5 months
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"3rd ROCK FROM THE SUN" premiered today 28 years ago.
This is a hand drawn floorplan, made in scale, coloured with colour pencils and with full details of furniture, fabric, timbers and complements...
My New book, "BEHIND THE SCREENS" (ISBN code: 179721943X) is already in bookstores.
If you are interested in a handmade original or other prints visit my store on ETSY or iCanvas: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TVFLOORPLANSandMORE https://www.icanvas.com/canvas.../artist/tv-floorplans-more Or write me to [email protected]
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ladyandherbooks · 4 months
So while I have very mixed feelings about the live action show I want to talk about the 1 story line that I absolutely loved.
To me, the new addition of Zuko's crew being the division of soldiers that he defended in his first war council is a really great change from the original show, especially now that the 41st division know that Zuko saved their lives.
It gives them more of a role in the story and also ties their fate and future to Zuko's, which will be very interesting if we get a 3rd season (I'd be very surprised if we didn't get at least the 2nd season) to see Zuko return to the Fire Nation.
E.g. will we see them try to save Zuko and Iroh from Azula at the beginning of season 2, thus allowing them to get away.
Will we see them reunite with Zuko when he returns home and perhaps becoming his official retinue/body guards.
Could they help him escape on the Day of the Black Sun?
Could Zuko find Lieutenant Jee and possibly others at the Burning Rock prison and help them escape along with Hakoda and Suki?
Could they be there to help him to become Fire Lord e.g. take control of the palace while he fights Azula?
Another good thing about this change as it could work really well in comparing Zuko and Azula, especially as the show progresses. Zuko was kind and compassionate and because of this he earnt the undying loyalty of the 41st division, while Azula, who uses fear to control others loses the loyalty of those closest to her.
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lunamoon-101 · 6 months
Grian: Sun (Grian = sun in Irish, plus the desert is sunny)
Scott: Stars (Starborne origin in Origins SMP, just generally fits the theme, the things around his head look kinda like stars)
Pearl: Moon (PearlecentMoon. It's in the name)
Martyn: Mars (Martyn means 'Dedicated to Mars'. Mars is the Roman god of war and Martyn won by fighting a lot)
Scar: Comet (Came second in 3rd life and has come back and won secret life, like how comits orbit(?))
Gem: Jupiter (Astrologically, Jupiter is the planet of luck (among other things), and Gem had very good beginners luck. The colour scheme also fits)
Jimmy: Pluto (hard to make aliances when you are always out first, and pluto is distant from the other planets. Not seen as the same as the rest, like Jimmy because he's always out first. Pluto is the Roman god of the underworld and Jimmy always(ish) dies first. Pluto is small and Jimmy is a toy (which are small). Small is also associated with weak and Jimmy is always out first which is associated with weakness)
Mumbo: Earth (Has a sort of grounding personality, 3rd out in SL, and earth is the 3rd planet from the sun. Also, mounders)
Cleo: Black hole (Black holes are scary and Cleo is scary. Black holes are also dead stars and Cleo is 'ZombieCleo')
Etho: Ether (Scientists in the 19th century believed the Ether to be a universal substance that made up the universe (or ssomething along those lines) tying into the fact that Etho had a big impact on Minecraft from the early game which is still prominant to this day. The theory was also made a long time ago tying into the fact that Etho started YT and his channel blew up earlier than most, and the fact that he is the OG Minecrafter.
Lizzie: Saturn (Married to Joel, and Joel is Saturn's asteroid belt/rings)
Joel: Saturn's asteroid belt (Married to Lizzie and Lizzie is Saturn)
Bdubs: Blanet (Stays around Cleo, who is the black hole. Blanets are also small and Bdubs is short)
Tango: Venus (Venus is the hottest planet. Tango's skin is fiery themed and most fans imagine his hair as being on fire)
Impulse: Pulsar (a pulsar is a small, dense ball of neutrons that sometimes happens when a big star dies. Beams that come from this pulse at regular intervals, like a drumbeat, and Impulse plays the drums. Also, Im-pulse, and Pulsar are similar, and Pulsar means pulse in Spanish (and some other languages) which is the last part of Impulse's name)
BigB: Event horizon (An event horizon is the point of no return from a black hole, and cleo and bigb's alliance was at a point of no return after Bigb's boogie kill. Event horizons are also round-ish like cookies)
Skizz: Meteor (Rushed in and got himself killed in 3rd life + last life, and meteors are rocks that get into the earth's atmosphere and sometimes crash into it)
Ren: Dark matter (Shadow alliance. He was also missing for two consecuitive seasons (LimL and SL) and dark matter is kinda mysterious)
This was worked on by me and various other members of the r/hermitcraft discord, and is also being posted here and in other social media platforms by several of us
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robinette-green · 1 year
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I never got around to writing the story but I do have an honest to god fnaf animatronic self insert.
This is Fey. She runs the Star Dome at the top of the Pizza Plex.
Glows under black light
Has up to date knowledge of the solar system so she can provide fun facts during the shows.
Has fruity, star shaped hard candies that have pop rocks on the inside for a fizzy burst. (Think Zotz)
The Star Dome is an enormous, round room that is made entirely of screens. (Looks like one big screen but it’s many)
Rides in a UFO shaped control panel above the patrons heads
Some times the screens short circuit and electrocute guests (that’s covered in the waver) 
The star dome has one or two video games programmed into it;’s system because it was originally going to be like VR gaming without the head sets but FazBear scrapped that idea in favor of a planetarium style attraction.
Fey is really good at the shooter game on the Dome’s system. (Uses it to get out frustration) ((this means she’s also killer at Fazer blast))
I had this whole plot line sketched out where Moon and Fey start off on the wrong foot and a prank war ensues. Eventually Fey steals Moon’s head and they end up entangled in the ball pit. Feelings are realized and they start avoiding each other until Sun’s decided enough is enough and locks them in a closet together. ((Sun and Fey have had a little romance going on through this whole thing))
The pranks:
Fey tweaks the fly motor so it goes just slightly to fast (Runs Moon into a play structure)
Moon scare Fey in the dark
Call me mr. Chuckles on a note taped to Moon’s back
Moon paints a face on Fey’s helmet
Fey swaps the Sundrops and Moondrops so the kids are hyperactive through nap time (she regrets this)
Moon restates the volume for the star dome too loud and sticks it there (just a bit too uncomfortable) ((he regrets this))
Stolen hat (chase ensues)
And below the cut is the small snippet that I did write out. I don’t know if I’ll ever actually pick this back up.
The star dome opened around a month ago in The Faz bear pizza plex. They situated it up on the 3rd floor by mazersize. Going through the doors, you enter a new world. The curved walls are all screens, and holograms are projected from several small devices hidden around the room. Everything working together to transport you into the depths of space, with stars and planets at your fingertips.
I was created to run the attraction from a little control deck that hangs from the ceiling disguised as a spaceship. I was humanoid in shape but only stood just over five feet tall. They had given me large, round eyes, short hair that was neon blue, and antennae with a cute little ball at the end of each stock. I was dressed in a purple jumpsuit, bright pink space boots, a neon green, fuzzy half coat, and a bubble space helmet. The helmet I only ever wore for guests, taking it off as soon as the closing announcement sounded.
Once parts and services had finished putting me together and powdered me on, they ran a few tests to ensure all of the data I needed had been properly uploaded and set me to work. The only reason that I had met the main four was because they came to greet me after hours on my first day.
Freddy had wanted to know if I was settling in alright and made me promise to come to him if I needed help with anything at all. Chica brought me some vibrantly colored cupcakes, even though I can't eat, and asked if I wanted to have a sleepover with her and Roxie sometime soon. Roxie brought me a signed photo and informed me that she would soon be my favorite. I met Monty last because he was standing at the back of the pack, and he just gave me a head nod when he was introduced, saying nothing.
Every night from that point forward, one or more of the four would come up to the dome once we were closed and ask if I wanted to hang out. I enjoyed chica's maze and racing on the raceway. I could get a few holes-in-one on the mini golf course, but my favorite thing was fazerblast. In every game we played, I was always the winner. No contest. I could even defeat Freddy himself. Being small was a definite advantage, and I was faster than everyone except Roxy. Luckily the others didn't get upset that I always won. They would either team up against me or try to take the number two spot, knowing they couldn't beat me.
I had been active for about a month when I finally asked about the Sun and Moon-themed characters on the walls in the prize hall. Out of sight, out of mind. I had meant to ask when I first saw them, space kinda being my forte, but we were just running through to get to the East arcade at the time, and I quickly forgot.
Chica and I were going through some new prizes that Faz had released. There were some new mermaid Chica plushies and some space toys that we wanted to get our hands on.
"I keep forgetting to ask. Who are these two clowns? I've never seen them around, but their pictures are scattered around the plex." Chica was elbows deep in a box of stuffed toys, sorting through the new merch.
"That's Sun and Moon. They run the daycare. Sun's a sweetie, but he hates leaving the daycare, and Moon's a bit of a grouch. He's around but would rather hang out in dark corners and spy on the goings-on than hang out."
I leaned against the counter, arms folded, and looked at the Yellow character on the far wall. That must be Sun. I scoffed
"Very creative names. We have a daycare?"
"Yeah! It's huge! It's connected to kid's cove, but the main entrance is in the lobby across from Faz pad."
"Ahh. Never been to the lobby… never had a reason to go down there."
"Well, that's why you've never seen them! You should go visit! They love getting visitors! Well, Sun does."
"Yeah… I think I will."
I made my way down to the daycare the next night. Getting to meet two other animatronics that were also space themed? Yes, please!
The sign for the daycare on the lobby landing was small, but I was able to spot it easily. Pushing through the doors, I found myself in a dark hallway with a minor water feature and a much larger advertisement for the daycare painted on the brick wall.
"This is nice." Maybe I would come back here to think. It was quiet, and the water feature cooled the air nicely. Very relaxing atmosphere.
Once the daycare security gate lifted, I was bombarded with a happy preppy song playing over the overhead speaker. Everything was bright and colorful in this upper lobby. Walking further in, I noticed the slide in the far wall. A sign over the top read 'slid into fun!'
"Oh, cute!" The slide went straight into a ball pit in the daycare below. As fun as that looked, I didn't want my first impression to be fumbling around in a ball pit.
Vaulting over the partition, I made my way down the upper hallway, peering into the party rooms as I went. The murals painted on the walls were cute, but the rooms felt small and claustrophobic. Past the palm tree lights and down the stairs, I walked up to the set of massive wooden doors.
"Well… here we go." I pushed open the doors. It was enormous! Three play structures towered in the middle of the room, and colored mats covered the floors.
If my eyes could sparkle with amazement, they would be… maybe they were. I hadn't looked at my own schematics, and no one had bothered to tell me all of my functions. Only the ones that were important to my job had been explained to me, and even then, I still needed to figure out how everything worked on my own.
"Hooo! Hoo! Hoo!" Someone was on the balcony in the far wall. They jumped.
"NO-!" There was a splash of balls as the individual dove into the ball pit below. I sprinted across the playmats to look down into the ball pit for any sign of the animatronic. Were they okay? They have to be damaged from a fall from that height!
"Heeeellooo!" I fell backward as balls exploded from the pit, a yellow animatronic bursting from the brightly colored balls.
"New friend! You're sure up late!" Coming over the bridge from the ball pit, he towered over me, yellow rays spinning. This guy had to be at least 7 feet tall, definitely taller than the main four.
"…Sun?" I asked timidity from where I was now sitting on the floor.
"Hoo! Ho! You have me at a disadvantage, friend!" Sun grabbed my hand and pulled me upright. There was a second where I was hanging in the air, tiptoes barely brushing the ground before I was set down. He held my hand momentarily to ensure I was steady before letting me go.
"I'm Fey. It's nice to meet you!" This large gangly individual still towered over me even while I was standing. I was used to the band's height, so it wasn't unnerving, but I hadn't expected him to be this tall. Taking a second to look him over, I thought it looked like that fall hadn't hurt him in any visible way.
"Fey. Are you new to the plex?"
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drstonetrivia · 11 months
Chapter 2 Trivia
Let’s get that fluid!
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The ultimate forager made sure to rinse the dirt off his hands before eating. Perfect stone world table manners! 
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Senku trusts Taiju's stamina, but obviously doesn't trust his identification skills. Senku had prepared a comparatively larger basket for the inedible plants before he'd even started sorting.
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Senku uses the word "primeval" here, meaning "earliest time in history", which going by the previous chapter meant ~2M years ago.
In fact, proof of salt production only appeared ~6000BCE during the Neolithic period (=beginnings of agriculture rather than hunting and gathering) which makes sense, because you'd want to preserve the harvest you worked so hard on!
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Despite 2/3rds of Taiju's previous haul coming back poisonous, he doesn't hesitate to try the grapes.
Why sour? It's October, the end of the grape harvest. Either the seasons are later, or, more likely, the grapes haven't gotten enough sun to ripen because of the forest canopy.
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The only things Taiju and Senku have in common here are the fact they were both conscious and near a source of nitric acid.
I wonder if anyone else happened to have these extremely unlikely odds work in their favour...
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Nitric acid made from bat guano doesn't drip from the ceiling. It's actually formed on the cave floor where the droppings can decompose into nitric acid, if it's kept moist. Normally it would seep directly into the rock layer, causing erosion.
This truly is the Cave of Miracles.
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All the birds shown here are either in flight, or taking off. Could they have seen the beam coming, but no humans could? They all seem to be adults despite getting petrified during nesting season, where are the babies?
Do the eggs/embryos also get petrified?
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The kanji on the bottle say "daiginjo," which is the highest-quality, premium grade of sake. To call your product daiginjo, 50% of the original rice grain has to be polished away (lesser grades require less polishing).
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You can make wine like this but it's not recommended. I won't go into details, but 70% of fermentation is done in the first few days, and after those few days an airlock is recommended to not contaminate it. 3 weeks seems a little long for their method, but I've never tried!
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Taiju has a cup, but Senku gets a clay wine glass? Why didn't Senku make a set for them? It's not like Senku can take advantage of any of the benefits of a wine glass in this situation.
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It's been speculated that the Mesopotamians were using distillation for perfumes and aromatics rather than for drinking alcohol. Either way, distilling alcohol to drink only came about in the Middle Ages (~13th century) where, unsurprisingly, it was lauded as beneficial medicine.
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Either the distilling setup broke a second time, or they decided to upgrade sometime during the winter.
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Another early technique: ice fishing using a spear.
Evidence has been found showing this method being used over 2000 years ago by natives in North America. Improvements have been made over the years, but Taiju is shown using the most basic form of it (no bait or shelter).
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Taiju seems to think Yuzuriha hates beards, I wonder if that's true...
I also wonder if Taiju will grow a beard again in the future or not.
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If the whole bird species was petrified, that means this bird is the only one of its kind alive right now. Is Sparrow Ishigami ready to bring back all of sparrowkind?
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Senku's comment here includes the 6 months he spent surviving alone, as it's only spring.
(Senku breaks out spring 5738, Taiju breaks out 6 months later on Oct 5th 5738. This scene is during spring 5739.)
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Senku says Taiju can pick who they revive next, but there was really never any doubt. Yuzuriha is their mutual friend, and Senku doesn't seem to have anyone other than Taiju that he'd want to revive.
They also can't revive their parents...
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I really love these early chapters where everything they do requires a lot of effort and it's all being shown.
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buglass · 2 years
Ch. 1: Are You Hopeful Tonight?
Pairings: Austin Butler!Elvis Presley x OFC
Chapter(s): 1/?
Warnings: slow burn, angst, mentions of racism, partially implied sexual situations
Rating: M (Mature)
Word Count: 2.5K
Song Inspo: Are You Lonesome Tonight? - Elvis Presley & Fever - Elvis Presley
Summary: Hope Haynes has done much in her life leading up to this revolutionary tell-all, but nothing quite like this. No one greater had ever swept her off her feet until she formally met Elvis Presley during the rise of his career and height of new fame. Haynes tells her story for the first time to give insight into the beloved late King of Rock n' Roll. Despite decades of rumors he was prejudiced, Are You Hopeful Tonight? goes into great detail to set the record straight and remember Presley in a different light when love and hate knew color. Or so it was thought. 
© 1991 Chapter 2 Here
A/N: Hi, hello! A little nervous since I haven’t written fics in some time and this will be quite the introduction back into it. Excited to see what you think! I prefer to typically write 1st or 3rd person if that bothers anyone. I proofread this myself but if you spot any mistakes please let me know! Feel free to picture Elvis as himself or Austin. Some bits and pieces are historically accurate but may not add up chronologically or coincide with the film. This would have been “published” 2 years after the song Fight the Power would’ve been released. It won’t entirely be a memoir, but a retelling of events, memories, and Hope’s writing. Here are some references that I feel will ease not only my mind but others as well.
♡ ♡ ♡
I never liked spoilers or skipping to the end of a book. It is worse when not given a choice because you lived the ending. It is the one time I think I will forgive myself for knowing what happens. - Hope
Chapter 1
That was the thing about fame and celebrity. Not only was it choosy but sporadic. Either someone had it or not. Maybe they knew the right people in the right place or time. That something in that particular someone was in Elvis Presley. He had Soul that knew no bounds.
It did not matter who you were or where. You heard the hit That’s All Right playing on a forty-five record or the radio. There were plenty of black artists with the same blinding celebrity (additionally, original lyrics) and not enough room for them in the mainstream. Sam Phillips at Sun Records had tried, but bills need to be paid. Even black radio stations diversified their range. Who could blame anyone? Despite the racial barriers and tension, it was not peculiar to be familiar with white culture. Elvis bridged the gap to some degree. The majority of folks who didn't care for it were older and privy to keeping things the same. 
I could feel the change coming. Just not when. 
Doctor King had been making headway around the same time at just twenty-five, but word traveled slow, and others were afraid. Either way, the younger generation wanted things to be different. I never felt any different from anyone else outside of being told I was. There is an invisible line constantly present yet flamboyant signs of being unwelcome. As a little girl, I understood that despite feeling the same as another little girl of pale complexion, I was not. I never felt that way on Beale Street. Most of us found solace in the surrounding area. A different world all on its own. Looking back, I imagined Elvis felt similarly. Not that I always was around to catch him on Beale Street. Everyone has at least one story. Once, my good friend Aletha came back to me years before about how she spotted a "white boy" walking about and staring in a suit shop window or perusing the area like he owned the place.
“Ain’t it just the most absurd thing you ever heard, Hope?” She had said.
“It’s somethin’, alright,” I replied in amusement, not thinking much of it. “But I don’t think him buyin’ a three-dollar shirt is ownin’ the place.”
  Only when I saw him for myself did I believe it. By then, it was commonplace. I stood across the street leaning against the cool brick in the shade, nursing a hand-rolled cigarillo. Too many vehicles and passersby blocking my view. Slicked jet black hair, its ducktail staring back, and only a reflection I could barely see in that same shop window he was ogling. My eyes wandered to the sign Lansky Bros. and back to him again. That time he went inside seemed to be for more than a measly shirt by the state of his dress. I never fully caught a glimpse of his face, but something about him had been familiar. I didn’t take to staring at white men much anyhow. My mama always said I had to be careful around those folks. Move off the sidewalk, keep your eyes down, and don’t do this or that. 
By 1956, I was twenty and Elvis was twenty-one. He had become one of the biggest names out of Memphis for Hound Dog. There was not a soul who was not aware of him. I had so much as became a passive fan. His take on music struck a chord in me that I was embarrassed to admit. My daddy detested the idea of listening to anything but black artists among generally supporting all things black. It left a deep-seated pit in my stomach. It was unavoidable once in the throes of Club Handy. The summer heat had simmered down to autumn and made for lax evenings. Gaining access to the club before the peak influx was the most ideal. The odds of a mass of commotion outside had been less expected when he showed up and hurried inside. I watched alongside Aletha from a nearby window while people tried to clamber or beg their way. Only then, as if the wailing guitar filling the air had stopped, did I turn to see him striding along with B.B. King. B.B. had spoken of Elvis in passing at church long ago, but nothing like seeing them conversing excitedly while rounding the bar. 
“You might wanna close your mouth before ya catch flies.” Aletha leaned in to tease.
“I’ll do you one better,” I murmured before finishing my glass and giving myself an excuse. “Catch more with honey.” I breathed out after a burning gulp.
“Hope…” Aletha said skeptically. She looked ready to wrangle me into my seat. It might have been the booze burning in my belly loosening me up. I figured there was no harm in approaching. One second I was smoothing down my skirt and hair, then standing beside B.B. the next. He took notice when my arm brushed his. His face lit up quickly in recognition.
“Just when I didn’t think the night could get better. There’s always Hope.” B.B. grinned, too proud of himself for his tired-out pun. 
I suddenly felt my heart in my throat when Elvis’s head turned from the bartender towards me. I had never seen such bright and open eyes on me before. Neither such an ostentatious lace shirt paired with a suit jacket did nothing to hide the skin beneath. My eyes raised again to somewhere more appropriate—the healing cut on his cheek and its unusual hue shiny with a salve. I had heard about what happened at whichever gas station he had been at in the papers. No one ever took him for a legitimate ruffian before then.
“I finally had a moment to catch up with you. You’re hardly around in Memphis anymore. Thought I’d catch you before you get lost in the events of the evening and the road callin’ your name,” I smiled and placed my empty glass on the bar. “Don’t be rude. Introduce me.” 
“If you gave me a moment, girl.” B.B. chuckled and took the slightest step back so Elvis and I could see one another. “EP, this is essentially my little sister and shadow Hope. Hope, Elvis.” B.B. gestured between them. Elvis was the first to outstretch his hand and I followed suit. His touch was gentle and appropriate for greeting a lady. No different from any other woman he might be meeting.
“It’s very nice to meet you. Hope, is it? A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” Elvis grinned while trying to catch my eyes. I was shaking his hand much too long while the shock rippled through me and the alcohol failed to uphold its purpose. The most downright sinful electricity filled me when he spoke. I swore the Creator himself was ready to strike me down for it. I was nodding despite myself.
“Yes. I mean, thank you, Mr. Presley--” I started.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. That would be my father. Just Elvis is fine.” He offered a lop-sided smile. I would have blushed if I could have. The rosy blush on my cheeks did enough on its own. The budding sweat, on the contrary, could be blamed on the close-knit environment. Elvis, too, if I was truthful. I finally let go of his hand and looked at B.B. as if just remembering he was standing there. There was an amused, silent exchange the blues singer gave me that was gone as quickly as it had shown.
“What are you havin’?” B.B. asked and signaled the barback again. The opening was closed again as B.B. leaned against the bar while I took the stool.
“Whisky, neat.” I raised a brow and felt the smirk creeping on my lips. If B.B. was paying, I was drinking. Elvis placed a hand on his chest and held the other upward in defeat.
“Now, that is not a girl you want to mess with. Huh, B.B.?” Elvis smiled at me again. With all their drinks handed out, I felt that much lighter. Our glasses and bottles clinked in a chorus of ‘cheers’.  After a few minutes of chatting, pretending everything was normal, Aletha joined my side. I loved her like a sister, but it could not have been more poorly timed. Someone had come by to let B.B. know his set was next. 
“Break a leg,” I told him from behind the rim of my glass.
“I hope it’s both.” Elvis quipped before letting out a hearty laugh. The sound was unlike any other without the static of a poor radio signal or television screen in the way.
“Let’s hope.” B.B. clapped his free hand on Elvis’s shoulder and spun on his heel towards the stage. 
The unoccupied stool left room for Elvis to scoot over, and he did. I would have paid for that sort of sober confidence at twenty. What are the chances I would get to speak to Elvis Presley alone ever again? Let alone see him where women would not be trying to tear his clothes off. Aletha was more than favorable. She passed the (forsaken) brown paper bag test and was narrow-nosed. Curvaceous in places that would take months' worth of meals for me to compete. My insecurities blinded me once I introduced them. Their casual banter carried on with inquisitive, casual plights. Aletha never appeared to have the same shyness or awkwardness I carried with me everywhere. 
“You’re awfully quiet,” Elvis said. His eyes scanned the crowd, lingering there. 
“Sorry?” I looked up from the amber liquid swirling around in the glass. Taking to people watching and B.B. setting up had been a lazy escape.
“You’re awfully quiet,” He repeated and cocked his head to the side, dipping to meet my eye level. Stray strands of hair fell into his face. I hated how much I liked it. The teenage girl in me wanted to save it to memory for when I would have to reminisce about his lost presence. I shrugged and shook my head dismissively. “Let’s dance.” He reached back to place his nearly empty bottle atop the bar.
The panic returned, my heart hammering in my chest. I spared a glance at Aletha observing. She shrugged and reached to take my glass from my hand. The look she gave me said I would be crazy not to dance with Elvis Presley. My mouth fell open ready to utter an alibi without a chance. He pulled me out to the floor. Wistful bodies moved to the guitar, and B.B.’s voice crooned a lovelorn tale that sent my mind elsewhere. Elvis drew me into his arms, one hand on my lower back and the other clasped in mine. Time seemed to slow down. The worry of being near a man different from me felt pointless under his touch.
“This alright, darlin’?” Elvis leaned in with his lips near my ear. All I could do was nod. When he withdrew, he was watching me, reading my face. It warmed my chill exterior Elvis was willing to ask. All I could do was focus on him lest I catch anyone staring. There was a flash and another in our specific direction. Someone took a picture of us, that worry festering again. 
“Doesn’t that bother you?” I asked and dropped my chin down towards my chest. Maybe if I shrunk, I would magically become the size of a pea. We swayed from side to side as the bystanders' cheering became louder. Elvis stepped in closer with his knee nudged between my own. He dropped his head so I could hear him better and held my hand against his chest. Lord, what was happening?
“Why should it, Hope?” He rumbled and brought their hips closer. “It don’t matter to me.” Elvis affirmed. Every movement shared was guided by those devilish hips. 
“I think you know why,” I answered a bit too breathlessly for my liking. How tempting to close my eyes and let Elvis sweep me away. 
“I’ve never been one to care about those sorta things. It’s how I was raised by my mama and daddy. Sometimes folks don’t know what they’re missin’.” He explained warmly and drew back enough to smile at me. I was unaware, at the time, of his childhood in Tupelo or the friends he kept. Elvis’s smile was shit-eating though not cocky. Playful at best. 
“First I’m hearing about it…” I trailed off. 
A weary sigh left me. I gave in to the closeness, lying my head on his chest. He was firm and steady. Parts of myself stirred that I didn’t often face. The warm ache in my lower stomach, familiar and unwelcome, was assuaged by him and the density of the room. I swore it felt akin for him as well. I wanted to snap out of it. Instead, I wondered what it would be like to have him on my bed. Whatever spell Elvis Presley had cast on me was reeling me in. I had never gone that far with a man. I was not planning to start there. When the song faded away, I separated from Elvis. The distance helped to clear my head of the cobwebs. That picture was going to be in the papers tomorrow. The world could not find a more avid reader than my father. He would be the least of my worries once every consumer of the paper got a look at me. I tucked my hair behind my ear before joining in on the applause. Pretending was not something I was ever capable of doing. I excused myself, moving out of reach from Elvis. There was a tug at my arm to slow me down and I tugged right back.
“Hope, wait a minute, would you?” Elvis asked. “I can’t understand what’s wrong if ya don’t talk to me.” His long legs carried him around to face me quicker than I could manage.
“That’s it, Elvis, I don’t have to. I’m not some trollop you can carry off into the night. Alright?” I answered heatedly. A poor attempt to put my foot down and create space. Beelining towards where Aletha remained at the bar, I pointed towards the exit that would lead us downstairs. She gave me a look of disbelief once more. I thought Aletha of everyone would be understanding of how ludicrous it had become. Had she been watching us at all? When her eyes skipped past me, I turned again to find Elvis waiting patiently. I was so sure he was a man who had become accustomed to getting what he wanted. The three of us could be stubborn together.
“I would like to see you home, at least. Aletha too, if she’s comin’.” Elvis offered, waiting. He pursed his lips at me when I didn’t answer immediately. In the lull, his eyes lit up again. I would be added to the list of people who struggled to tell him no.
“You are trouble.” I looked at him meekly from under my lashes.
“I’m evil, sugar.” He said, pearly teeth shining bright. ♡ ♡ ♡ A/N: I wouldn't have written this or posted it without the encouragement from the people who left comments and asked to be tagged. Thanks for reading! This chapter was mainly just to set the foundation as much as possible. It gets better (I think...). Taglist: @wonderprince @4niah
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itsagentromanoff · 7 months
Tony: I am so hungover!
Clint: Oh! Well, Tones, that's just nature's way of telling you what a tramp you are.
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bookofjin · 3 months
Early history of Linyi (LS54)
Up to c. 413 AD.
The state of 林邑, Middle Chinese *Lim-'ip, Vietnamese Lâm Ấp, Standard Chinese Línyì, was located in what is now central Vietnam.
The Liangshu account is quite close to the one in Jinshu but each have elements not found in the other.
The various states South of the Sea for the most part are located on islands in the great sea south and south-west of Jiao Province, the distance for those close is three to five thousand li, those distant twenty or thirty thousand li. The western ones are adjacent to the various states of the Western Region. Middle of Han's Yuanding era [116 – 111 BC], they dispatched the General who Humbles the Waves, Lu Bode, laid open the Hundred Yue, and set up Rinan commandery. The various states that were outside its borders from the reign of Emperor Wu and onwards all sent tribute to court. In the period of Emperor Huan of Later Han [r. 146 – 167 AD], Daqin and Tianzhu both made use of this route to dispatch envoys envoys with tribute to present. Reaching the time of Sun Quan of Wu [r. 222 – 252], he dispatched the Assistant Officer for Promulgating Reform Zhu Ying and the Central Gentleman Kang Tai to communicate with them. Those they passed through and those they heard accounts of amounted to a hundred and several tens states, and following that there was established records and accounts. During the Jin era communications with the Central States were perhaps rare, and for that reason were not conveyed to the history officials. Reaching Song an Qi, there were arrivals from more than ten states, and they started to make accounts about them. Since Liang's change in fortune, they who served the correct calendar, redress tributary responsibilities, and sail the seas to arrive annually, exceed those of previous eras. Now [I] gather their manners, customs as roughly put forth, and patch them together as an Account of South of the Sea as follows:
The state of Linyi [MC: Lim-'ip] was originally Han's Xianglin county in Rinan commandery, at the boundary of ancient Yuechang. The General who Humbles the Waves, Ma Yuan, opened up Han's southern border, and set up this county. Their land's length and breadth could be 600 li, the distance from their city to the sea 120 li, and the distance to Rinan's southern border more than 400 li. To the north it borders Jiude commandery. From their southern border on a route by water and by foot for more than 200 li there is a western state of barbarians who likewise claim to be kings. [There] Ma Yuan erected a pair of copper pillars to show the location of Han's border.
Their state have golden mountains where the rocks hall wave a reddish colour, and from their midst gold is produced. The gold flies out at night, in shape it is like the lights from fireflies. They also produce hawksbill turtle, shell teeth, jibei, and sinking wood incense. Jibei is the name of a tree. At time their flowers are complete, they are like goose down. They draw out their threads and spin them to make cloth. Pure white it does not differ from ramie cloth. They also dye it completely with five colours and weave it to make mottled cloth. Sinking wood, local people cut and chop it up, and store it for years. It rots and decays until the heartwood alone remains. If put into water, it sinks, and for that reason it is called sinking incense. Next is that which does not sink and does not float, it is called zhan棧 incense.
[This is the process of making agarwood incense which nowadays you apparently can buy on Amazon.]
At the end of Han there was great chaos. The Board of Merit officer Ou Da killed the county Prefect and installed himself as King. It was transmitted for several generations, but after that the King had no heir and he installed his sister-son Fan Xiong. Xiong died and his son Yi inherited. Emperor Cheng of Jin's 3rd Year of Xiankang [337 AD], Yi died, and the slave Wen usurped and was installed.
Wen was originally the family slave of barbarian leader from Xijuan county in Rinan, Fan Zhi. He often herded the cattle at the mountain brooks where he found a snakehead fish with two heads. It changed and turned into iron, and following that he used it to forge a sword.
When the forging was complete, Wen turned toward a rock and made a prayer, saying:
If when cut the rock breaks, Wen will be King in this state.
Following that, he raised his sword and cut the rock, it was like cutting hay or dry wood. Wen in his heart was singularly amazed with it. Fan Zhi often sent him to trade with merchants that reached Linyi. Following that he taught the King of Linyi to build palace houses and military chariots, implements and weapons. The King favoured and relied on him. Later he then slandered the King's various sons, and each fled to other states. When the King died without an heir, Wen pretended to the neighbouring to go and receive the King's sons. He put poison within their liquid to kill them. Thereupon he compelled the people of the state and installed himself. He raised troops to attack the nearby small states, all were swallowed up and extinguished by him. He had a multitude of forty or fifty thousand people.
At the time the Inspector of Jiao province, Jiang Zhuang, sent his intimates Han Ji and Xie Zhi to oversee Rinan commandery from beginning to end. Both were covetous and ruthless, and the various states were troubled by them. Emperor Mu's 3rd Year of Yonghe [347 AD], the palace dispatched Xiahou Lan as Grand Warden, his intrusions and cruelties were particularly extreme. Linyi previously had no farm land, and he coveted Rinan's land for being rich and well-watered. He had often wanted to seize and take possession of it. Arriving at this point, he took the opportunity of the people's anger, and thereupon raised troops to assault Rinan. He killed Lan and used his corpse as a sacrifice to Heaven. He remained in Rinan for three years, and then turned back to Linyi.
The Inspector of Jiao province, Zhu Fan, after that dispatched the Controller-Protector Liu Xiong to defend Rinan. Wen again slaughtered and wiped him out. He advanced to rob Jiude commandery, and injured and murdered the personnel and common people. He dispatched envoys to report it to Fan, and desired to use Heng Mountain on the northern border of Rinan as the boundary. Fan did not allow it, and again dispatched Controller-Protectors Tao Huan and Li Qu to chastise him. Wen returned to Linyi, but soon after again took station in Rinan.
5th Year [349 AD], Wen died and his son Fo was installed, he was still stationed in Rinan. The General who Conquers the West, Huan Wen, dispatched the Controller-Protector Teng Jun, and the Grand Warden of Jiuzhen, Guan Sui to lead the troops of Jiao and Guang provinces to chastise him. Fo fortified the city and firmly defended. Sui ordered Jun to with ample troops to the front while Sui led 700 sturdy soldiers to cross over the ramparts from the rear. Fu's multitudes scattered in surprise, and he ran and fled. Sui pursued until Linyi, and Fo then requested to submit. Beginning of Emperor Ai's Shengping era [357 – 361], he again began with robbing and violence. The Inspector, Wen Fangzhi, chastised and routed him.
Emperor An's 3rd Year of Long'an [399 AD], Fo's grandson Xuda again robbed Rinan and took the Grand Warden, Gui Yuan. He also advanced to rob Jiude and took the Grand Warden, Cao Bing. The Grand Warden of Jiaozhi, Du Yuan, dispatched Controller-Protector Deng Yi and others to strike and route him, and forthwith [the court] used Yuan as Inspector. 3rd Year of Yixi [407 AD], Xuda again robbed Rinan and killed the Senior Clerk. Yuan dispatched the Controller-Protector for Sea Patrols, Ruan Fei, to chastise and rout him. He behead and took prisoner a considerable multitude. 9th Year [413 AD], Xuda again robbed Jiuzhen. The Acting on Commandery Affairs Du Huiqi fought with him, and beheaded his King of Xijiaolong [?], Zhenzhi, his general Fan Jian, and others, captured alive Xuda's Xineng [?], and took prisoner more than a hundred people. After Yuan's passing, no year passing in which Linyi did not rob Rinan and Jiude commanderies. They killed and laid waste to extreme extent, and Jiao province thereupon became empty and weak.
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isolvtes · 5 months
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(   AVAN JOGIA.  CISMAN.  HE/THEY  )   ⸺   Ꮺ  ⋆   greetings, buffalos !  walking around campus, sporting his DARK UNDER-EYE CIRCLES. we’ve spotted JACE DESAI,  a thirty year old who contributes to our thriving community as a BARTENDER. according to our intel, they’ve been around the sanctuary for SIX YEARS and what we know about him, aside from the fact that they DON’T agree with the decision to close the gates, is that he’s accidentally become something of an unofficial handyman around boulder simply because he doesn’t know how to say no to anybody ; he’s a huge metalhead and rock lover, if he’s not singing aloud to himself, he’s tapping his foot or humming along to something in his head ; one of jace’s many passions is art and they had a slight graffiti habit before the outbreak and loved painting murals around their city. now he’s a bit more limited in what he can play with, but he tries to get creative with different things when he can. doesn’t that make them fantastic ?  we think it does, and that’s why we appreciate them so much, grateful for what they give to our community.
name: jace desai
dob: may 3rd 1993
age: 30
height: 5'9
hometown: regina, saskatchewan
role: bartender
sexuality: pansexual
star chart: taurus sun, libra moon, cancer rising, aries venus
personality stats: aang (avatar the last airbender), will turner (priates of the caribbean), jack dawson (titanic), debora (baby driver), nick miller (new girl)
types: enfp, sanguine
family: henry desai (father, deceased), annie desai (mother, deceased), mark desai (brother, deceased), lily desai (sister, deceased), lia desai (sister)
tw death, injuries, blood, guns
jace has been at boulder for six years, ever since he arrived with his younger sister. they were in canada when the outbreak began, originally a family of five: him, his mom and his three siblings. they lost their mom first, shot by some asshole looting the store. it felt worse that way, that she was taken by a human, not some monster or rabid disease. the four siblings mostly hid out for the start of it, unsure what to do or where to go and it was safer that way. but soon their stomachs were screaming, they were cold and fatigued, and they needed a plan. slowly making their way south, to anywhere that was safe or anywhere with food and warmth, they did quite well at staying out of conflict or danger for the most of it. the brothers sacrificed most of their meals for their sisters, waited up all night while they slept to ensure their protection, but they couldn't do it forever. they were getting weaker by the day, unsure just how far any help was, and verging on hopeless. until they started finding markings painted on walls for lost souls like them to stumble upon and direct to safety, hearing tales about a campus in colorado that's secure and alive. of course they had to go.
it didn't take long before a dozen or so of the infected had swarmed them. with a sister flung on both boy’s back, the siblings tried to rush to safety, only for jace to slip on some rubble and tumble down when a canid tried to swipe at him. his leg takes most of the damage, torn up by shattered glass in the dirt. a stupid mistake, one that would surely have cost both his and his sister's life had his brother not shoved in front of the infected trying to latch on to jace. they promised they'd never leave each other, but mark was demanding it, already scratched up by the monster,  bite marks sunk into his skin as he fights with the rest of his life to keep the beast back, but others are coming quick. jace doesn't remember exactly what his brother said, he just sees his face, mouth opening and closing with words that he doesn't register, then suddenly they echo.  ‘ take them and run ! ’
jace was struggling to move quickly, his leg throbbing in pain with his sisters either side, trying to help drag his weight. eventually they found a small hole in a wall, covered with wooden planks and stained sheets, for them to hide in while jace recovered. the recovery was slow, the wounds were open and unclean, eventually becoming infected in a matter of days and jace catching a fever. the sisters were adamant they needed to leave him to find supplies.  they were smaller and could fit through spaces he couldn't, but jace didn't want to send them out to their deaths for him, he'd be content to die if it meant they didn't risk it, especially with what happened to their brother. despite this, the girls secretly decided to sneak out one day while jace was knocked out, in too much pain to fight his fatigue. the girls got back, but barely. lily had been grabbed, scratched up and bitten by a canid in her attempt to get out. it didn't take long for his sister's cries to wake him, confused how the girl he had last seen peacefully sleeping was now screaming in fear for what the next few days meant for her and what she'd become. they were going to figure it out, cross that bridge when it came to it— but the next morning she was gone. jace and lia waited it out there for a few more days, he was still recovering and they didn't want to leave in case lily came back. they never saw her again.
two final two desai siblings eventually made it to boulder, almost giving up more times than they could count. it took them a while to settle on being settled, so used to needing to move and stay on the go to survive, but soon they realised they had found a new family.
jace dabbled in a number of different roles around campus before settling in as a bartender. he still does dabble a bit, helping out where he can and unable to say no, but the bar is practically his home.
jace has lost almost everyone in his life, but he does still have his sister and she's honestly his last piece of hope in this big mess. so he does tend to stay strong for her and keep a bright light somewhere within him. he's as active as he can be in the community, always offering his help and lacking the ability to say no when people ask. if he had nothing, he'd still find a way to help someone else.
that being said, he can be a sarcastic little pain in the ass when he wants to be, and is forever annoyed he never got to go to college and party it up.
carves little wood sculptures, sketches with ash and dirt, makes wreaths and bouquets from any spare sticks with plants and flowers - gifts them for ppls bdays !
tries to see the beauty in things and if he can't, he'll try to make it 
very convinced he can communicate with birds
the type to be overly self critical and pessimistic but as soon as someone else says anything negative about themselves, he's suddenly a self help coach. same with dumb decisions, he will make a thousand but try to prevent anyone else doing anything stupid ever
has only ever killed out of necessity but it still feels too much, thinks his soul is stained
your personal 3am advice giver (don't take it)
his favourite drink is an espresso martini but he'll always lie about it
ngl.. no idea. everything.
regulars at the rainstorm who have confided in him, maybe too much, maybe he got just as personal... maybe they disagreed, maybe they kissed, who kNoWS!
he's been here six years so i feel like he should definitely have a best friend, someone who's possibly been there just as long or longer ?? if longer, maybe they were a big part of him settling in at boulder or like a first friend !
failed relationships / ex hook ups 🤭 listen.. anything messy, angsty, toxic, wrong timings... i will take everything !!
people he does not get along with... for whatever reason... idk... i think jace is very much against the gates closing bc he feels like no one would obviously be here if they were shut, so it feels hypocritical even though he gets the precaution and concerns. so maybe someone he clashes with on that, or something else... big or small, im so open !!
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name: Vlad Tepes the 3rd - Dracula - Alucard
eye color: Amber / Orange-ish red
hair style/color: Black, shoulder-length shaggy look but frequently changes his hair length
height: 6'7"
clothing style: Red coat, red sun hat and a Victorian-esque suit. It's unknown why, but he does prefer Victorian fashion over contemporary styles. Even if he has to, Alucard is never seen without wearing red red aside from releasing one his control restrictions.
best physical feature: His eyes.
your fears: He's already lived his greatest fears, but it's losing control and watching his loved ones die an agonizing death.
your guilty pleasure: He really loves modern rock music, given his story takes place in 1999, he specifically loves grunge.
your ambitions for the future: It was originally just to die at the hands of an ordinary human, but considering some circumstances, I think his ambition now is just whatever Integra's ambitions are.
your first thoughts waking up: "What a perfect moonlit night."
what you think about most: "I wonder...What would they think of a world like this?"
what you think about before bed: "Being out in the middle of the day is too troublesome..."
what you think your best quality is: "Me? My skills with a gun obviously."
single or group dates: Prefers single, he's kind of an introvert so crowds and groups just kinda irk him.
to be loved or respected: Both
beauty or brains: Brains, he loves a smart mind to debate with lol
dogs or cats: Dogs, specifically he loves larger dog breeds like Great danes and Newfoundlands.
lie:  "When don't I lie?"
believe in yourself: "Who doesn't?"
believe in love: "...I did. When you're as old as I am, an answer like that isn't so easy to come up with."
want someone: "I have everything I could ever need."
been on stage: "No. I prefer to watch a stage."
done drugs: "Attempted out of curiosity, but they have no effect on me so it was ultimately a waste of time."
changed who you were to fit in: "What kind of pathetic person does that? Never, to change myself to the ridiculous idea of 'fitting in' is truly something only a mortal child could do."
favorite color: Red and wine-red.
favorite animal: Black dogs.
favorite movie: "Ah, Twilight, my favorite comedic film. Truly, human film hasn't made me laugh that much in a long time."
favorite game: "Chess."
day your next birthday will be: "If my birth date is lost to time, it should stay that way."
how old will you be: "Does it matter? Simply another year older."
age you lost your virginity: "...I'm not going to disclose that."
does age matter: "Of course. I may be a monster, but I am not that kind of monster."
best personality: "Anyone with a sharp tongue. It's boring if I can't have a battle of wits."
best eye color: "I don't think something so trivial matters."
best hair color: "The appearance of a woman doesn't matter to me, simply personality, so any outward appearance doesn't matter."
best thing to do with a partner: "Just to talk, about anything."
i love: "Bloody revenge."
i feel: "Bored of these questions."
i hide: "My innermost feelings."
i miss: "..." His son but he could never answer that-
i wish: "I hadn't given up my humanity so foolishly. Truly, I was a coward of a human man."
tagged by: @jade-snow
tagging: @devildukem @ofhardknoxxx @neverwavers @ofsgiathan @tricksheart and anyone else reading!!! c:
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illwilledomen · 2 years
Finally after procrastinating for way too long I’m going to share my headcanons about the ancient Humans in the minecraft world - Aka The Ancient Builders!
Ok let’s get this out the way first - from now on, when I say ‘humans’, I mean the folk who are typically referred to as ‘the ancient builders’ by theorists. The elusive ancient people who built all the majority of the strange abandoned structures in the Overworld and Nether, can live and die once and that’s it, and are just normal Homo sapiens - and most importantly, are, excluding Players, extinct. I’ll also refer to them as ‘ABs’. When I say ‘players’ I mean the genetically altered humans that have more than one life, heightened strength durability and adaptability and are what you play as in Minecraft.
First off, in this post I will talk about Humans (ABs) - and in a second follow up post, I’ll talk about Players (Steve and Alex as my examples).
Originally, 2 major hominids ruled the similarly earth-sized temperate high oxygen planet which is known as The Overworld. There was Homo Testificate, whom what we now know as Villagers and Illagers, but during those times were one group and kind of did their own thing and Homo sapiens which are humans. Humans were by far the most technologically advanced civilization at the time, and had conquered all corners of the globe. They had harnessed the fantastical power of magic, and had a plethora of rich cultures and languages - the most common language being the ancestral language for CEL (Common Enchanting Language). A golden era of innovation and exploration had begun as the humans had discovered other alien dimensions existed - potentially thousands - hosting a plethora of bizarre environments, beings (potentially sapient ones) and most importantly, riches and resources.
The first dimension the humans discovered was The Nether. This fiery chasm had similar laws of physics and a vaguely similar physical makeup to the Overworld, however it was extremely humid and hot as an oven, it’s oceans not of water but molten rock and it’s lakes not of liquid but of gaseous water vapour which only became liquid in the coldest regions of the endless chasm or boiling in pockets underneath geysers.
The Nether was a natural sister dimension to The Overworld. Imagine the Overworld as a tree and the Nether a branch.
Millions of years prior to humans, natural portals formed in extremely rare circumstances where a hard, igneous rock meets a sudden and extreme heat - a common instance of these portals were wildfires occurring in geologically active areas. Due to these natural portals, Overworld life seeped into the Nether, however Nether beings rarely lasted long in the Overworld due to the lack of heat. The most adaptable Overworld beings survived within the alien realm - Fungi and hardy omnivorous creatures such as small pigs and insects. However, the animals were far trumped by the more formidable native beings of the realm (Ghasts, striders, various other Nether alien animals). Fungi passed with flying colours due to the humid and dark environment, feeding off of the foracious cycle of life and death within the Nether and fitting into it’s ecosystem with relative ease.
Originally, a few of these portals natural portals were discovered, documented and explored by humans. Very few of these humans brave enough to enter came back alive (understandably) but those who did return (and soon died of permanent lung problems and 3rd degree burns) told tales of a land of no sun, crimson porous rock, warped beasts and unbearable heat. A land of blood, sweat and tears. Not exactly someone’s #1 holiday destination. However, there was also great amounts of gold and other resources, which enticed the extradimensional pioneers. Souls were already a pre established ecological basis in the Overworld - and a key feature in magic, if not the entire fuel for it - but the Nether was ample with souls, it’s entire web of ecosystems based entirely off of them so much there were literal entire valleys that functioned as soul sinks where souls would condense and infuse with the soil.
And so, slowly but surely, humans dipped their toes into the alien inferno, and reaped the benefits. If they weren’t already powerful, they certainly were now. Potion brewing, extradimensional travel (and as a result, teleportation) and various other branches of magic were extensively studied due to the new knowledge given by the Nether, and many colonies within the dimension were established.
Anyway, this sounds all well and good except it absolutely wasn’t. For one, the nether was preoccupied. There was an entire species of sentient being - the Piglin - who had previously been relatively content and undisturbed until a bunch of freaky monkey aliens came and took all their shit and started obsessing over a bunch of wailing sand. Secondly, countless amounts of humans died or otherwise suffered permanent health problems because of the lack of knowledge of what the Nether and condensed souls do to their bodies, especially in those first few years of exploration. Crimson and warped spores will ruin your lungs, radiation poisoning isn’t particularly good for you and the alien life - particularly ghasts - weren’t quite so docile and meek like the cows, chickens and sheep of the Overworld.
Things were understandably tense between Piglin and Humankind. The Piglin weren’t just going to let the humans mine up all the gold and (then far more common and purer) netherite and tear apart their land willy nilly and the humans wanted some of that Sweet Sweet Soul Stuff and also nearly indestructible material such as Netherite would be a bonus. Threats of a war between the two groups were on the horizon and so the humans forged fearsome golems known as Blaze who guarded their colonies. The Piglin fortified their then intact bastions for war, designing them in a way knowing the humans were weak and inexperienced with the dangers of the nether compared to them.
However, in the end, it was too late for a war.
MEANWHILE - Another dimension had been discovered by researchers - The End. This place was far more elusive and bizarre. It was a land of eternal darkness and void - timeless, sunless and it’s floating landmasses seperated not by waters but by empty, infinite void. This land was inhabited by the strange Endermen. These Enderfolk were a hive mind, connected in a web of consciousness known as the Chorus which I have talked about before (just look it up on my acc it’s one of my most popular posts). The humans were intimidated by these creatures hyperintelligence (despite the Endermen not being outwardly aggressive) and while already being paranoid about their other extradimensional neighbours, they constructed a gigantic mechanical entity to oppress the Endermen’s Chorus, figuratively cutting out their tongues and stopping them from further evolution or progression. This entity is known as The Dragon. However, the end had no resources. It was an empty expanse of nothingness, and eventually was abandoned by the humans. The Dragon also went rogue, it’s programming malfunctioning and sending it into an infinite loop - No one comes in, no one comes out. It was the eternal guardian and not even its creators could stop it. Endermen who had travelled outside of their realm out of curiosity were now permanently shut out and partially severed from their sacred hive mind. This traumatic and abrupt schism of the dimensions sent ripples through generations of Endermen.
However, all things must come to an End (get it) and the humans soon stumbled upon their final comeuppance.
in the Overworld, a strange disease was emerging - not in the living, but among the dead. Humans who had died and had intact bodies had been suddenly reanimated, and were beginning to wreak havoc among the people as the disease spread. This bizarre pathogen was the Zombie virus, and was spread through saliva, blood, or other bodily fluids. Soon the disease overwhelmed the Overworld’s human inhabitants, and they fled to the Nether. However, due to the soul experiments, another disease had emerged - this time, artificial. Withering. People were withering - their bodies quite literally falling apart at the seams. The end was off bounds by their own doing - The Dragon was performing it’s purpose too well - No one comes in and no one comes out - And so, the survivors soon realized there was no other choice but to descend to the depths of the Overworld beneath the deepslate.
And that brings us to the Ancient cities, where the sculk super-organism resides. The tiny amount of survivors, in an act of desperation, descended to the caverns to create an environment devoid of the viruses that plundered them. There, they discovered a strange being - not plant, not animal and not fungi. It fed on souls - a trait thought unique to Nether beings - and reacted to sound. This being’s relationship with souls was a subject of study, however, the sculk had a strange psychological reaction with the humans. The humans began to study it to the point of worshipping it. Over generations they developed a religion around the organism, sacrificing mobs and humans to the sculk’s jaws - of which were The Warden. They lived in silence, speaking in a language of hand gestures and expressions, and walking barefoot on carpeted floors. It was basically kind of like the film A Quiet Place. However, disaster struck one again. Some kind of fatal error - or perhaps willing mass suicide - caused the entirety of the ancient city to be killed and consumed by the sculk, causing it to spread and eat away at the structure over time as it fed on the plethora of corpses strewn about by Wardens.
And that was the downfall of the Ancient Builders. However, seeing that the fate of their people had been sealed, a small sect of soul researchers stored some human souls to be reanimated years and years after they inevitably perished, modifying the soul to be able to die and come back once again through the power of experience, like a living totem of undying. Two of these human souls were constructed, originally taken from two deceased individuals called Alex and Steve, and would eventually grow into 2 completely new human beings with the same names. They would spawn fully grown, with no memories other than concepts of what certain things are (such as what a tree is) and their own names. They will not know what they are, they will not know where they are and they will not know where others of their kind are.
Those recycled souls were the New Spawn - Players.
I will go into players in a part 2!
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japanesepenguin · 9 months
Quick, Akina's in the office today. Current state of the garden?
Current state of the garden!
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First row (left): wind- and typhoon-rain-destroyed beets; second row: wind-, typhoon-rain-, and caterpillar-destroyed carrots; third row: somehow surviving beets; fourth row: newly planted radishes (just sprouted)!
I've learned a lot from the above and I'd do things completely different with a second chance.
Since... well, probably for as long as I can remember, I have never intentionally killed another living creature (except mosquitoes, which I have always made it a point to intentionally kill), but in the past week I've killed a dozen aphids and a handful of caterpillars. I think trying to grow food brings out some primitive nature life-and-death passions.
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Anyways, here's the latest addition: A $0.67 plum tree, just purchased yesterday. It was out in the direct sun in a tiny pot for at least a week slowly decreasing in clearance price (from an original $9.00) and I finally bought it last night. I've repotted it into my biggest pot with my best dirt in hopes it'll bounce back and establish itself before winter. The plums are technically "Japanese apricots."
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Kale seedlings just absolutely taking their time to grow in the 90°F+ weather we've had the past two months. Hoping they'll take off soon and I can transplant them here:
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The new side land! The owner visited a couple weeks ago and thanks to Akina I've learned this is our space, it's okay to plant things directly into the ground, and it has much better soil (since confirmed). He also will donate some edamame for us to plant here in the spring. In the meantime:
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I've transplanted most of the broccoli sprouts I had. On the left and right are radishes (just sowed the seeds today). The photo distorts the perspective, but this is only using about 1/3rd of the row space. There's lots more room, which will be for:
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Left: beets (I'm trying to sow them in the seed trays rather than direct sow since the Internet made it seem like it was possible, though I'm not convinced), ice plants, and two trays worth of salad greens.
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The ice plants were Akina's request. They're... very hard to grow and have particular requirements. I got about 20% of them to germinate and now I'm just trying to not kill them.
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Anyways, here's the shiso/ooba, going crazy. It's starting to bolt, which was the intention, since you can get hundreds of seeds off a single plant and two $0.07 plants is way cheaper than a packet of seeds (while also coming with leaves you can eat).
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Got the basil to recover, looking good.
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Pentas is just about on its last flowers. I hope I can get these to survive the winter; I really like this flower.
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These flowers just keep making flowers. I dunno what they're called.
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A fairly recent addition.
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Rosemary clipped from... a public space and transplanted here. There might be a fungal infection on the bottom, giving it another day or two to see.
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This is a male kiwi plant. It was $0.07 (like everything else). Only the female plant produces the fruit (and a male is needed for that to happen), but they both produce flowers. It was really close to death when I got it, but after dropping all its leaves it's now starting to recover.
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The mums are just... existing. Flowers come in small and brown and then die.
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The king 'n queen, blueberry bushes. Samson has a bunch of new branches and SukSuk just started sprouted her first two:
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Rock collection. Very important.
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And, out of everything, the two things not doing great are the mint plants...
This concludes your garden update.
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