shulmansays · 2 years
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When I began DJing in 1988, one of the first records I bought was PAID IN FULL by @TheRealDJEricB & @TheGodRakim (for my money the greatest of DJ/MC duos), which blazed the trail for the use of sampling on hip hop records, and featured not only the title track but what is still one of my go-to songs from the Golden Age of Hip Hop, “I Know You Got Soul.” Then, in 1989, the duo teamed up with the incomparable @JodyWatley to record “Friends,” the paradigm-shifting New Jack Swing single that was the first to pair a rap duo with a pop/dance/r&b vocalist, and remains a favorite of mine, to this day. Needless to say, I completely fanboy-ed out when I was introduced to the great Eric B, onstage at @WestgateVegas’ International Theater, following Sunday’s performance of @BoomboxVegas. Bonus: The master turntablist was every bit as charming as he is iconic. Make sure to check out BOOMBOX! VEGAS—featuring CeeLo Green, Tone Loc, Kid n’ Play, J.J. Fad, Snap!, and Eric B—when it returns to Westgate Las Vegas: September 28-October 02, October 26-30, and November 02-06. [Photo: @SethYudof] #GetIntoIt #DJEricB #EricBAndRakim #RapRoyalty #HipHopLegend #DJ #Trailblazer #ParadigmShifter #PaidInFull #IKnowYouGotSoul #Friends #JodyWatley #BoomboxVegas #WestgateVegas #ResidencyShow #FanRebellion #Vegas (at Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiNuJ8fphyM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"Those who matter wont mind & those who mind wont matter. " was the wisdom that stopped me in my tracks when encouraged to bring ALL OF JUICY SELF to every room, unapologetically! If your truth threathens another, so be it. If it empowers another, so be it. Those who do not accept you have the right to ignore you or sidestep what you´re putting out into the world. Let them make those choices for themselves. Either way, pretend to be asleep so you don't disturb theirs! You are entitled to be here, we all are. Simply respect the right of another to leave your space, if they do not wish to engage with mutual respect. This is not the season to WAKE THEM UP but it is the season to honor your own AWAKENING in the company of kindred souls. You knew that already, right? ☆ DM me to learn more about my Paradigm Shifter Membership to maintain sacred success & merge hustlefree business momentum! #ParadigmShifter #SacredSisterhood #privatemember #mentorshipprogram #purposefullife #WomeninLeadership #strategicplanning #SpiritualGifts #freespirits https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf41S8Jrhtd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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notyouraveragebozo · 2 months
Joe Biden is SMOKIN'! VOTE BLUE The SOTU Speech was AMAZING in breadth and consideration. Meat was on those bones! Please GOOD People,... VOTE BLUE in 2024! Help boost - us all - into the Future! I am voting for Joe. I am going to fight for Joe, and I ask each of you, to stand with Joe, and his vision of a better world. This life is worth the living. There is beauty, wonder, and hope, wherever you set your eye. Why, in our short spans, must we focus such time and energy - on making bombs, bullets, and tears? We should be focusing on dancing shoes, guitars, and making - meals - to share - with friends and neighbors, knitting closer - more supportive - communities. Only the living - can work to make this world a better place. While We live and breathe,... let's focus on making smiles, gardens, and dreams, blossom and grow. NYAB says,... VOTE for Women's Choice 'to bear and to carry'. VOTE for Voting Rights security! VOTE for Safety in the schools and on the streets. VOTE for Environmental protections! VOTE for those to come after. VOTE for Working to find answers to problems. VOTE for a guy willing to work - more than - to cheat at golf. The answer is simple,... We need Joe - and Joe needs U.S! Semper fi!
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elcitigre2021 · 5 months
O Campo Primordial é a força primeira e estruturante do espaço, dentro da qual se criam as formas, do átomo à galáxia, dos planetas aos nossos corpos. Este campo engendra o toróide, o ovo eletromagnético primordial da vida, dentro do qual o fluxo e refluxo vital se nutre do núcleo para fora, produzindo a matriz e o padrão, nos quais todas as coisas estão inscritas.
Entre as diferentes formas criadas, existe um campo de ressonância, uma identidade essencial que as liga e vivifica, uma unidade fundamental, que é a sua razão de ser e a sua vitalidade. Este campo primordial é a expressão do Amor cósmico, da Vida Universal, da Consciência Divina, da beleza transcendental, criando espontaneamente o jogo sagrado.
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violetmadder · 10 months
"Ad-driven social media platforms are willing to tolerate monumental volumes of abusive users. They’ve discovered the same thing the Mainstream Media did: negative emotions grip people’s attention harder than positive ones. Hate and fear drives engagement, and engagement drives ad impressions.
Mastodon is not an ad-driven platform. There is absolutely zero incentive to let awful people run amok in the name of engagement."
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bleepy82 · 7 months
Listening to love related songs before vs. after you experience it in real life is one huge doozy, I’ll tell ya that much.
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arjunasearth · 1 year
Ancient Maya terms:
Ahau : The Sun.
Hunab Ku: Source, the galactic center, heart of the galaxy
Kin: Day
In Lak'Ech: I am another you ( It is said that this term has been mainly used as a gesture to welcome sb/ see sb off).
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jawtrillionaire · 11 months
Great day to everyone. Today is Juneteenth and yesterday was Father’s Day! I pray we are all celebrating these wonderful and powerful days.
Also, I believe it’s important that we remember all that has lost a father figure. So people we joyful and others were mournful. Let us remember to have grace for people who are mourning the lost of theirs loved ones on “ on “ holidays.
Finally, I challenge us to commit to an action to celebrate Juneteenth. Maybe you will learn about our history more, maybe you’ll support a black business consistently, maybe you’ll work to empower the community to stay moving forward. Whatever that action is, commit and follow through.
Together is how we make a paradigm shift in the culture and realign the narrative to better serve us collectively and the diaspora abroad. Love peace and light! Have an amazing rest of your day!
#HappyFathersDay #HappyJuneteenth #Actions #DoSomething #fyp #fy #ParadigmShift #RealignTheNarrative
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FYI: Day 876 since 'pulling the curtain back', and Our sharing with ALL the World!
In only the fifth month of 2023, - on May 24th - (Day 874, to be exact) We surpassed the 2022 year-end total of Unique visitors to Our website 'uniquedestinations.org.' We are currently working to provide a remarkable, color-changing coffee mug for the masses, and a home, for Our art image. Once We resolve these issues, We shall be recommencing, the Deep-Dive-Delve and GPS Coordinates Auction construct. We thank you for your interest, and continued patience. We may look like We are standing still, but this is not accurate. As a small business, which has been hugely, negatively-impacted, by the 'self-labeled' FREE-SPEECH absolutist, Elon Musk, (with Our 'Company face' being UNEXPLAINEDLY SUSPENDED on the Twitter platform), We continue to strive to present Our materials with others on TikTok, Plurk and here - on tumblr, the validity, and veracity, of Our Business construct. (We are continuing Our dialogue with Twitter, in attempt to be Reinstated.) We can only strive to persevere, against those that would deny, dismiss, or diminish Our NOVEL information, from being disseminated. We shall not be dissuaded, discouraged, nor deterred, from Our task. Please stay tuned!
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cant-find-my-name · 1 year
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Transition means Change
We’re ‘in the middle’ of transitory times. The old puzzle-pieces are worn out and  new pieces have to be made to fit together to overcome a paradigm-shift, producing a sustainable System lasting for decades - more likely, centuries! - to come. The Anthropocene is done!! 
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paradigmbysg · 2 years
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aeronlazar · 2 years
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We are on a sinking ship.
As we purge the old 3D templates, gridwork and paradigms, we are stood on the deck of the Titanic, which has already fatally struck the iceberg. The ship is sinking and we know it. We see it all around us, we see people panicking, running around losing their minds.
Yet somehow we embody a sense of calmness amidst the chaos, we stand and listen as the man plays the violin on deck, the swansong for this current chapter for Humanity which is closing. We know the ship is sinking and there is no way to stop what is going to unfold, so we have 2 choices, sink or swim.
Friends, I’d ask you to calmly place your lifejackets over your head and make your way to the lifeboats. For those that do this there is the ‘New Earth’ to look forward to, a new dawn of the ages and a utopia by comparison. For those that insist on remaining firmly plugged in to the 3D gridwork and templates as it’s familiar and has served them well to this point, it’s only going to end one way.
We live in a world of free will, lessons and evolution. What’s your choice?
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notyouraveragebozo · 24 days
1200 days ago, today, on December 31st, 2020, on the very last day of possible - '2020' - envisioning.... I pushed a button, flipped a switch, and pulled back a curtain,... to present to - ALL humanity - a unique situation and remarkable opportunity, the likes of which - the world - had never seen! 'Something' - (possibly) - for the 'Ages'! (imo) - (and - more!) And 775 days later,... on Valentine's Day - 2023 - my company's Premier auction/adventure opportunity for the super-rich - came to a close, without anyone taking steps - to secure for themselves - 'knowledge' - of the rarest sort. - (maybe). With the IP being retained,... I was tasked with changing gears, regarding the method by which the material is relayed.
On, I move - to - 'Plan B'. ('Plan B' involves 'impartation' of the material to a 'select' audience - of global VIPs.) (Steps have been already been taken, government representatives are in the loop.) However- as of 'Groundhog Day - 2024 - due to software components: disagreeing/aging-out/ updating/ retiring/ upgrading/code creating/recreating,   and a variety of human errors,...   the website has been down a  Lewis Carroll-ian  - 'hole'. (I think at last, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but this has yet to be proved not a pipe dream.) What I have learned in the last 1200 days -since taking UniqueDestinations.org LIVE? I have learned that 'understanding' something - new, takes time,... and time - requires - patience. If I could, I would turn the site on again - this minute,... but it is not repaired and 'prepared' yet - new words - must be set down, and things inspected. I want the presentation to display a 'solidity' - first. But please keep in mind - the website being down - does not/should not:  tarnish; diminish; or dismiss in one's mind - the materials - (and messages) - that it seeks to impart. We shall be back online soon. That is the plan. Till then, Stay tuned. Stay lit. Stay kind .
@arimelber and @neildegrassetysonofficial, Gentlemen, I am including you here for continuity and any interest you may have.
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