#particles of reality
shadowcutie · 1 year
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The "How I stopped worrying and learned to love the red flags" Color Wheel
Starting from red clockwise: Damon (Broken Colors, in dev), Tei (Namless), Toma (Amnesia), Sebastian (Particles of Reality, in dev), Esmius (Demonheart The Ice Demon), Toma (Starstruck Love, R.I.P), Kuroyuki (Nightshade), Ren (14 Days With You, in dev)
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tigermousse · 5 months
Particles of reality: Obsession
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genre: dark, yandere, otome, crime, supernatural, NSFW
Not all stories have happy endings…especially this one.
I have a feeling this visual novel has done some permanent damage to my mental health, but I'm not regretting reading it.
!Please note: This game is for mature audience only!
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Particles of reality: obsession is dealing with very dark themes including gore, extreme violence, torture, sexual and mental abuse. It has graphic depiction of consensual and un-consensual sex (including sex between minors and sex between siblings). List of triggers for each path is enormous and it was pretty hard to read through some paths. There are options to hide some content, but even with "lower violence" filter it was gruesome enough. Like Monika, I hate the violence, but I was too interested in characters to skip everything.
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Monica is studying medicine in college and working at the cafe Luna to pay her bills. She has two close friends and a bunch of phobias, since she is a traumatized young woman with a troubled past. Monika hoped to separate from her family by enrolling to a college. But now she's stuck on a dead-end job, feeling claustrophobic in a small crappy apartment, also failing her studies and doubting her choice to be a doctor.
This is the time when in her life appears a tall handsome man, who has a strange interest in her. But the story unraveled…
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Particles of Reality is a macabre satire on dark romance, where relationship with violent people are romanticized, - and otome games, in which every character falls in love with a MC no matter how plain, or dull she is.
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It is a splendid idea to show in visual novel that relationship with obsessive people can only cause you pain, but still overall it was a depressing experience for me. I can not recommend this game, but it has a highest rating from me, because it is unique and memorable. All the characters are either traumatized or just pleasurably insane.
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You are warned from the beginning that there are no happy endings in this novel. In those few where main characters at least don't die, Monica is still can not be happy because she's feeling trapped.
It makes sense, because it shows that with the characters like these, who are obsessed (and sometimes possessed), there can be no happy ending. They're traumatized, violent and mentally unstable. It is said that in Obsession the characters are the worst possible versions of themselves.
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After a while it is getting too frustrating that no matter what you do the game finds its way to punish you. The characters are making very stupid mistakes and decisions - and you can do nothing about it but watch. Also sometimes the game is forcing you to read a lot of information that you already learn from other routes. I can see why it was hard to avoid, but still it was too much unnecessary reading.
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The structure of visual novel is unique - it has additional unlockable content for each character that helps to look further in their past or shows their point of view on the story. At some points the story is breaking the forth wall.
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Nice touch that choices that doesn't affect the ending, are clearly marked.
Still after reading everything including the secret character routes, the story still has more questions then answers - and feels incomplete. The secret route was more confusing then revealing.
MC Monika Viotto (name changeable, but I don't see why someone would like to relate to this MC more, so I left it as it is)
My diagnosis: Post-traumatic stress disorder + Dependent personality disorder
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For me, Monika is a bit annoying. She's is your our typical otome MC - she is kind, shy, not very smart with average looks (though I think that she looks pretty cute). Because she was abused and neglected at home since childhood, Monika developed some phobias like nyctophobia and claustrophobia.
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She says that she hates violence, but in each route she's attracted to violent people - probably that is the route of all the problems. In some paths she even shows a violent streak that she probably has (probably that is why she resents violence - because she knows she can have it in her too). Her family is mafia and though she wants to get away from them so bad, the violence in her household probably couldn't left her intact. However usually Monika is absolutely oblivious to everything happening around her. Sometimes she can stand for herself, but these moments of clarity happen usually too late.
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Who she is now is a result of her traumatized past, but also we can see that she's really passive and co-dependent since young age. She can't decide for herself (and when she is, she's deciding badly), she's not trying to learn something new, she doesn't understand her feelings and is not good with people. She's not good with anything really. Though she doesn't lack empathy and sincerely grieving loss of those who are close to her.
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Sometimes she can be funny and snappy, but not often. She is more self-assured and interesting in some "what if" scenarios and in some branches in Brandon's route.
Love interests (SPOILER ALERT)
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Which one do you have in mind?
None of the characters are mentally healthy. Some are aware of this fact, the others aren't. There is almost no romance, except maybe for the Sebastian route (which is my least favorite). There are some sex scenes though.
Each route starts differently and has slight time difference, but except for the Brandon's route, the circumstances in these are very similar.
Sebastian Dallarosa
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My diagnosis: Narcissistic personality disorder (?) Also typical yandere
Sebastian is tall, rich and handsome. Probably smart too. He's meeting MC on the street, saving her life from a car accident, and then taking care for her when she is getting sick. But something is not right about him. Or is it?
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He's in love with MC since they were children. It was love at first sight, and now he believes that Monika is his soulmate - and he wants her no matter what.
Dallarosa is a mafia family too, like Viotto, but several years ago Sebastian and his twin brother refused to take over the family business - and it seems that Sebastian put all his effort to get Monika Viotto, because it is the only thing that he wanted - ever.
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Sebastian is probably the favorite character of the developer, because his route is longest, plus he's appearing in every other route and in most branches. He has the most CG's. And I really hate him. Either because he's triggering something from my past, or because he is so sure of himself. He is the only one with almost no regrets or remorse. He thinks that his "love" justifies everything he's doing. I hate how he doesn't give Monika a chance to decide for herself, how much he's suffocating her, how he manipulates her. He doesn't care at all what she thinks, for he has her image in his head for a long time, and he doesn't care what Monika is like for real. He shows in all the routes, and in each one he's madly in love with Monika.
When you start the game, Sebastian's route is the first you have to finish at least once, and for some time his route is pretty romantic. He says nice things to MC, dotting around her, telling her what she would like to hear. But when things unravel, he shows his true violent and/or manipulative self.
The best part of Sebastian's route was Alexander. He seems much more sane (Maybe that is because he doesn't has his own route yet)
Julian Andrei
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My diagnosis: Dissociative identity disorder
Julian is working with Monika in a Cafe Luna. He seems rude at first, but otherwise he is funny and always ready to help a damsel in distress. Except he has a strange habit of vanishing for several days once a month. What does he hides?
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In Julian's route Monika has a crush on him when they first meet, and in other routes it is other way around. Julian in his route is the most different from himself in other routes, except Brandon's DLC. Because in most routes he is just a friend and co-worker of Monika, and doesn't show his violent streak, also he's pretty weak and can't stand himself against other characters. However we know from his route that he should be experienced in killing people, so it is strange that he's always trying to rescue MC unprepared. (I guess it is one of frustrating features which lead MC to unavoidable bad ends).
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Julian is in constant conflict with himself - because he has a split personality, which seems to have a mind of its own.
As for the core personality, and not the worst version of himself, I like Julian very much. He is funny, honest and noble in his own way - and trying to do his best. I don't mind his complaining and self-consciousness.
Quinn Deidre
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My diagnosis: Borderline personality disorder
Quinn is gender-fluid non-binary person. And also they are the most normal character. They are a ball of sunshine. Funny, active, kind, caring, creative. But they're trying too hard to get attention that they are forgetting what is good for themselves. Quinn definitely have BPD, and it is pretty accurate portrait of this disorder. Given their traumatic past, it is not strange that Quinn has it. Their family is fundamentally religious and they always felt that they don't belong at home. So they're looking hard for the place where they belong.
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Meeting Monika as a roommate, Quinn is falling in love with her non-judgemental attitude. But of course, they can't stand to her other suitors. (Brandon strangely accepts Quinn)
Quinn is really sweet. His bad ends are pretty sad, because they mostly end with him hurting himself.
Brandon Viotto (free DLC)
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My diagnosis: Antisocial personality disorder (Psychopath)
Due to the themes of incest and underage sex (also extreme violence, but Steam is OK with it), Brandon's route is not accessible in the base game and can be downloaded as a free DLC (optionaly, because for some people this route can be too fucked up.)
Brandon's route is a history route: it begins when Monika was five, and all events in all branches are happening earlier than the beginning of Sebastian's, Julian's or Quinn's routes. You don't need to read through this route to finish the game and open secret character, but it is giving better view of Monika's personality in other routes, also after reading it, I hated Sebastian a tiny bit less.
Brandon is Monika's older brother. He's just a year older than she, but since the early childhood they were raised differently. Brandon was the favorite child, Mama's golden boy, he was given best teachers and was combat training to become the head of the family (Don). And Monika was neglected, harshly punished for all tiny mistakes, given little to no education. Most of the time their parents didn't pay any attention to her at all. Luciana Viotto is a powerful, cunning and cruel woman, and Antonio Viotto seems totally indifferent to everything that is happening in his family, until it becomes too late.
Things doesn't add up here - while Monika as a mafia princess was prepared to arranged marriage if nothing else, she probably had at least attend different social events to meet important people, but she didn't. Otherwise she would be just a disgrace of a mafia family (which she obviously become, when she went to a college, living in a worst district of a town and working for a minimal wedge)
Since tender age Brandon was trained to be a merciless killer. And while his first kills brought him tears and nightmares, later he started to enjoy killing and torturing people. Now he is hungry for power and control. And the only one he cares about is his sister. Monika.
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Since they were children, Brandon always tried to defend Monika from their abusive mother. They grew very close, because they always had to depend onto each other and didn't have anyone else. Monika needed Brandon because he always came to her rescue and Brandon need his sister, because she appeals to what left of human in him. She is still his moral compass after years of killings.
When he was about 15 year of age, Brandon felt that he his feeling for Monika is not completely brotherly.
After some time of his doubts and regrets, they've became lovers, when Monika was still 14 y.o. They both knew that incest is wrong, depending on the branch, they're having more or less doubts about it.
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In most scenarios revealed that when Monika was 16, she attended school, where she has met a boy and started dating him. But Brandon was furious and beat the guy so bad that he couldn't recover. Monica hasn't talked to Brandon since then, until she decided to go to college where she begins all other routes.
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Brandon is the one who sees the best in Monika
I do not justify the incest, I've never understood it either. But given all the circumstances in this novel I think in Particles of Reality, Brandon is still the best choice for Monika. Maybe I'm prejudiced, because despite of everything , I liked him too much since demo. He's the only one who will never hurt her willingly, she can trust him completely and he's the one who accepts and understands her as she is.
The thing I like about Brandon the most is that he is the only one whose personality doesn't change a bit in all the routes and branches. I'm afraid that is because he's the least favorite boy for the developer, but still he doesn't pretend. Also he's the only one who is changing through his route - for worse, but still.
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He is extremely violent, and doesn't hide that he is enjoying killing people, but it seems that he can have his doubts and regrets about everything that concerning Monika. (Nevertheless he still thought and done disgusting things)
He is also very smart, with a dark sense of humor, but I always felt that Monika can depend on him. With him she is safe, but he can go too far to secure her.
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I can't rate any of the characters, since they're shown as the worst versions of themselves. As for their "core personality", I like Sebastian the least, because I can't find any of his personality outside of his obsession. As for secret character, his purpose in this novel seems only for breaking forth wall, so it is hard to say something about him for now.
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Visual: 4/5
Story: 4/5
Characters: 5/5
Romance: 2/5
Originality: 5/5
My Rating: 5/5
(I can't recommend it to anyone, since it is very dark and not for everyone, but also couldn't give it less than 5 stars, because I'm sure that this game has a powerful impact on every person who has read it)
You can get this visual novel by Arewar on Steam or on itch.io
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maleyanderecafe · 2 years
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Particles of Reality (Visual Novel)
Created by: Arewar
Genre: Horror/Romance
I didn't really know what to expect from this game, but geez did it get dark really fast. Currently, it's just a demo for the first character, Sebastian, but in the future there will be a route for every character in a different world, so it sort of reminds me of how Solopolism Reigns was made. The creator, @arewar actually did contact me about the game after I left a survey so that was pretty nice, ahaha. That being said, this does contain r18 content in it (though you can toggle some of this content off in the game) though my review will be including that briefly because that's what I've been playing with.
There is actually a bit of a prologue before the actual events of Obsession (the world that's available in the demo) which introduces two deities (or gods? They're inhuman is basically the point), which are trying to figure out an anomaly that's caused by Monika, the player character. They decide to investigate deeper by watching the events that play out in different worlds, starting with the Obsession route. They commentate on the story as it unfolds. The story sort of unfolds into a lot of different endings so I'll try to at least summarize the basics of the story before it branches out.
The story starts with Monika waking up to start her day working at the coffee shop. She talks to her roommate Quinn for a bit before he flirts with her and she heads off to work. At work, she and her friend/regular, Julian have a bit of banter until she finishes work. After work, while walking in the rain, she almost gets hit by a car and gets saved by a guy named Sebastian. She ends up passing out and has vague memories of Sebastian taking care of her (...amongst other things) until after about four days, she finally wakes up. Apparently she was sick and didn't want to go to the hospital so Sebastian has been taking care of her. Sebastian accompanies Monika back to her place where Quinn flirts with him and Sebastian ends up kissing Monika briefly causing her to be flustered (also gives her a huge wad of cash). The next day at work, Julian voices his suspicions about Sebastian pointing out strange things (like nursing her back to health despite the fact that they just met) until Sebastian asks her to lunch. Monika and Sebastian talk about their home lives, with Monika having a very abusive (and controlling) mother and a messed up brother, along with the fact that she's working so she doesn't have to have her mother pay her tuition. We learn that Sebastian is a triplet (well more of twins plus his sister) and that he and his brother work very high paying jobs. She returns to work with Julian voicing his concerns and having a bit of banter with Sebastian when he comes over and Sebastian walks her home after work. Monika gets a call from her very unhappy brother, Brandon, about how their mother is not pleased with her and then tries to manipulate her into following their mother's wishes.
Monika wakes up the next day to some of Sebastian's texts, which she finds both charming and disturbing. She ends up talking to Quinn about him, and Quinn tells her that he's a catch and should try dating him despite the red flags. Monika talks to Sebastian about her family and how they caused problems with her and Sebastian offers to help her. The two have a date together, but Monika rejects Sebastian's advances into further dating due to her lack of time and her worry about her mother. Sebastian instead turns it around asking to be her friend and they plan a friendly gathering with her, Julian and Quinn. At the gathering, Quinn flirts with Sebastian and vise versa causing Monika to get jealous. This leads to Sebastian asking if Monika feels jealous (since he's doing it to make her jealous in the first place). Regardless of if she confesses to being jealous or not, the next day, Brandon comes into town. He manipulates her even more (basically stating that the only way that she can can make money is by prostituting herself) to which Sebastian defends her. This is around where the paths diverge, but it generally ends in Brandon's death and Monika being trapped in a basement by...someone, usually Sebastian but sometimes other characters.
There are quite a lot of endings for the demo, all of which are essentially bad endings. The best endings for Moinka are when Sebastian is sent to jail, though due to his money and power he will eventually be bailed out (and Monika has no friends because both Julian and Quinn have essentially moved out) and the ending where Brandon and Sebastian kill each other, leaving only Quinn and Moinka alive (though I'm sure the implications are her mother not being really jazzed that her brother is dead). And most of the other endings end up with Monika being locked in a basement or some dark space (again, usually by Sebastian) though in some endings, Sebastian's twin brother Alexander makes an appearance and it's not fun being around him. Some endings also involve other characters dying, usually either Quinn, Julian or both, though all ends lead to the two entities, contemplating what could Monika have done to cause such an anomaly.
Julian's route starts out Quinn dragging Monika to a party, where he immediately starts flirt quarreling with another friend. We see Julian there too and he seems to have a fight with his girlfriend. Monika goes out to get away from the crowd where he talks to a drunk Julian. The two talk about their horrible mothers before Julian kisses Monika, before being worried and telling Monika to stay away from him because he's dangerous. Quinn talks to Monika about Julian after the party about how while he seems very rude, he actually has a good heart. When Monika goes to work at the cafe, he learns that Julian works there as well. We see Sebastian briefly order Monika's favorite order before, before we cut to Monika going home. She gets lost and in a sketchy part of town, almost getting mugged by someone before Julian comes in and beats him up. Julian tells Monika to go home while he beats up the mugger. The next day, Julian seems irritated towards everyone, and Monika ends up eavesdropping on him and a girl. The girl attempts to give him a love letter before Julian brutally shuts him down, ripping the love letter apart. Monika decides to follow him, but gets interrupted by her brother Brandon, who has been following her through her phone. The two end up going into an empty building for a bit before returning. The next day, Julian is absent from work, and Monika goes back to the same location only to find a basement and the mugger half dead on the floor. Monika seems more or less unfazed as her family is in the mafia, and has a realization that she's in love with Julian. Monika can either confess or tell him to stop, but if Monika does confess, Julian remains suspicious. To test the extent of her love for him, he ends up smashing her ankle in and chaining her to the basement wall. There's a POV switch with Julian thinking about his decisions and an brief encounter with Sebastian. Meanwhile, Monika wakes up and hears Brandon calling outside. She ends up calling for help and while the two escape, Julian catches them. Julian is enraged that Monika would do this (though also, seems pretty much expecting this outcome) and the two have a fight. Brandon is able to kill Julian and Monika succumbs to her fate.
All of the characters so far (besides the two entities and Monika) are not great people, which means that while they are well written characters, they aren't really people you'd really want to hang out with in real life. Quinn is extremely promiscuous and based on how he interacts in the game, probably doesn't make a lot of good choices and ignores red flags. This along with his design makes me think that he's the kind of person who really wants attention. Sebastian is a yandere: pushy, manipulative and will do whatever he needs to get Monika by his side. His brother, Alexander is much more harsh, kind of like a traditional gang member. Brandon is extremely manipulative and screwed up because of his upbringing. Julian is violent, though also brooding, having a very set idea of what love is like, as well as being really harsh towards people around him.
That being said for the characters we do know more about (which is mostly Brandon, Monika and the twins), we get a better sense of why they act this way. For Brandon and Monika, they don't have a good childhood, primarily because of their mother, who seems to be some sort of mafia/gang member (it would cool to see what she looks like in game in the future) and thus inflicted a lot of trauma on her two children, with Brandon being the "golden child" and being forced to learn how to kill at a young age (amongst other ordeals, I'm sure) and Monika being the "princess" where she was basically told and made to be useless and overly dependent, and when she rebelled, was locked in small and dark spaces. These both contribute to their relationship with each other with Brandon having an incestuous interest in his sister as well as Monika's own fears and rebellious attitude in trying to break free from her mother. I actually do think that Monika is a pretty good character and for the most part her actions reflect her actions (being naive towards Sebastian's advances despite the warning signs, her intense fear of dark places, the fact that she's so afraid of her mother and is basically forced to be a doctor even though she doesn't want to), so it's pretty sad to see her fail in pretty much every ending so far. I do think she's a bit passive in the demo, but it's not to the degree of annoyance that I often have with MCs. In terms of the twins, Alexander and Sebastian, they are the standard rich families with incredible influence, though that of course comes with the double edge sword of everyone out to use them for their own means. Sebastian talks about how this affects him in his lunch date with Monika, but with Alexander, since he's not really in the story, I can only guess that he has such a harsh exterior to push away everyone so that no one can mooch off of him, but that's just a theory. For Quinn, there is a bit of a conversation between him and Sebastian about why they both want attention and why they act the way they act. Julian's acts of "justice" seems to come from his mother's abuse, and though he knows that what he's doing is wrong, he also can't help but do it as well. He has a very set idea that love must be proven and that there can only be one person, which is what leads to Julian destroying Monika's ankles.
Sebastian as a yandere is generally written in a pretty antagonistic view, at least in my opinion. This isn't anything new when it comes to yanderes, but in this version, he comes off as the lesser of two greater evils that Monika has to choose from. In the beginning he is seemingly very charming, doting on Monika, caring for her and giving her things she likes, etc, and while he does try to make a communicative and equal relationship in the beginning, his control and persistence gradually grows, though depending on Monika's actions, it grows in different ways. In some cases, if Monika is unaware, he becomes more emotionally manipulative, attempting to keep her from knowing the truth, where as if she is aware, Sebastian tends to use more pressure, either through his influence and power or through more physical feats like tying her up. While it seems that Sebastian is the type of yandere that doesn't want to hurt their loved one, he will use force or make her experience her trauma (dark rooms and confined spaces)if he believes that it will benefit her in the future. He does quite a lot of yandere actions like the aforementioned basement kidnapping, as well as manipulation in terms of making her jealous or trying to get her to side with him instead of her brother, there's also stalking and stealing clothes, murder of rivals (which can range from the entire rest of the cast or just Brandon) and having a lot of information on Monika. Monika is placed in a bad situation since the only thing she can really do is to go back to her old life with her abusive family or to rely on Sebastian, who is a yandere. The other characters can't really do much for her, and when they do, they get taken down by the former two. What I am curious about is how he will play in other worlds, and if he will still be a yandere in them. If yes, then it's safe to assume that he will be a strong rival that causes some of the bad endings, except in maybe Alexander's route, since the two have a kinship. It's very unlikely he'd let anyone else take Monika, unless he was killed or somehow incapacitated. He could also just retain his personality without the yandere aspect, so being more of a flirty gentleman character.
Julian on the other hand is very violent, though he also has that heart of gold aspect that makes him different from Alexander. It's obvious that his idea of love is very set on a specific thing, making someone prove that they love him, and having that person only rely on him. Despite the fact that he seems to go through girlfriends really quickly, we can tell that he really just wants one person. It's kind of interesting as a yandere that he'd want to have Monika prove that she loves him and even goes so far as to physically hurt her. He's pretty different from Sebastian because while Sebastian is much more charming and manipulative, Julian is a lot more curt and violent. Technically speaking, we haven't really seen him go completely yandere yet since while he does lock Monika in the basement and slam her with a baseball bat (as well as kill the mugger that was after Monika), we get the sense that while he does have a crush on her, he's really worried that Monika will betray him (which is what ends up happening, at least on this route). I can imagine that there will be a point where Monika does get Julian to trust her, however, Julian is depicted as pretty paranoid, so I imagine that Monika will have to be really careful to make sure that he doesn't snap suddenly. I also wonder if any of the other characters will turn out to be yanderes too. I would bet pretty much all of them could be in their own or other's worlds. I guess we'll just have to see.
Speaking of interesting, I'm not sure how I feel about the two entities, Lux and Quispe. They're not bad per say, they just feel very strange for the story being told at hand. So far, I didn't see any clues to why Monika was causing the disruption, and to be honest, I sort of forgot about them for a bit even though they're literally commentating on the story. Perhaps if there were more hints on why Monika was causing these problems or more about the two characters, I would be more invested. I imagine though that having a game with different worlds will be difficult to get through as well, since Soloplism Reigns had a similar problem. Granted, it's a bit different since all of the main characters exist in each world, not like in Soloplism Reigns where the MC and Kuro always exist, but the side characters are interchangeable, but generally having such a huge scope will be difficult to manage, especially if each world is in a very different setting, though I'm not sure how different each world will be. That's not to say that it can't be done, just that it won't be very easy.
In terms of artwork and UI... it's honestly not the best. Understandably, this is a demo and the artwork and additional CGs are being created, but if I'm just judging based on the demo as it is, it's not very good. While each character stands apart from each other, the characters look very stocky, kinda like if you had a basic picrew or a character creator and created off of them. As such, the sprites are also very static and stiff. I won't go too much into the artwork and ui though since I know that not everyone is an artist and that's not the point of the game, but considering there will be an update on the demo, I hope that the artwork and UI will be better in the full game.
Anyways, sorry for the really long post. The demo itself is surprisingly pretty long, so there's quite a lot to talk about. When the full release comes, I will probably write another post about it, but until then, I hope you enjoy this dark but complex game!
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nanawaltz · 2 years
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My current obsession 😍 💕
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
I like to think that Leo one day decides to really play around with his portaling and teleportation abilities and see the full extent of them.
Like - continuously throwing one sword and teleporting to it while throwing the next one immediately and repeating this as long as he can to see how far he can keep it up without stopping.
Making little portals in the air that lead right up against the ground so he could potentially just stand on the portal in the middle of the sky.
Ultimate storage system - anything anywhere at any time is available if he knows where to get it (personally my headcanon for why he goes from two satchels to one in the movie.)
Phasing to avoid attacks - like, he could lightly toss a sword a single centimeter and teleport to it, and in that short amount of time he can completely avoid hits.
If they ever do go to space and end up on different planets, with enough training he can just…go there, whenever. Not only would this be great for being well traveled and having more places to go in general, but this also opens up more room for connections and allies that could assist them the next time they need help against a grand foe.
Leo can easily remove injured team members from a fight and get them help without having to account for transportation times.
On that note - Leo’s teleportation in particular acts on a particle level. It’s quite literally breaking him down into particles and remaking him every time he uses it. Both for him and for anyone he uses it on. Who’s to say it can’t be used for healing? At least for basic wounds.
None of this even touches upon the offensive potential of both portals and teleportation. Leo’s abilities flourish more as a support main, but that doesn’t mean those abilities can’t easily be used as weapons - and I don’t think I need to get into how exactly they can be. Portal chopping alone can take on a very different meaning…
Furthermore, I gotta wonder if he’ll always need the swords for this, or if he could one day be able to achieve the same results without them.
My point being - teleportation and portals are super OP. Even with the abilities Leo has in present they are so unbelievably adaptable and so fun to think about in terms of basic mechanics.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#I LOVE teleportation and portals and it’s one of the things that instantly latched me onto Leo#man I didn’t even touch upon how cool the potential for combining the bros abilities would be#that would be another post entirely#but yeah portals and teleportation#ESPECIALLY teleportation are so crazily adaptive and can be used for an insane amount of things if applied correctly#all the boys’ abilities laugh in the face of physics and reality#now I’m wondering if teleporting with someone else and THEN going through a portal WHILE TELEPORTING would mess with both of them#like…the Krang right?#Leo teleported them both through an open portal#wonder how that could mess with them on a particle level hmmmm especially considering the place the Prison Dimension is HMMMM#EDIT: YEAH SOMEONE ELSE MENTIONED IT#but yeah them being hesitant to rely too much on these abilities in battle after the Krang makes sense#BUT#out of battle…now we’re talking#ngl out of battle mystics can be even more fun because they’re just pushing themselves and not being life and death about it#okay I’m gonna go further but consider the potential for transporting massive objects like VEHICLES too#like he could teleport the whole turtle tank or more in that case#and just think of the potential for space travel that could have#okay I’m stopping now#ACTUALLY NO IM NOT#consider Leo being able to stay in the in between of a portal#making it a little space he can access and stay in if he needs a moment alone#the dangers that could amount from it too tho like#godddd the possibilities#I don’t have enough tags to ramble as much as I want to :(
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aurosoulart · 1 month
made one of my old VR artworks into an AR painting 🖌🎨✨
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vintage-tigre · 7 months
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One of the most famous experiments in quantum physics is the double slit experiment. It demonstrates, with unparalleled strangeness, that little particles of matter at the subatomic level only exist as a wave until they are observed.
This suggests that the very act of observing a particle has a dramatic effect on its behavior and could imply that consciousness has a symbiotic relation to the formulation of our physical reality of atomic particles.
This scientific mystery causes some people to believe humans have a dualistic relationship with reality creation - as if we have a psychic entanglement with subatomic particles and we are all creating physical reality with our collective consciousness, or that it proves a God exists and is somehow playing a curious game of peek-a-boo with all of us.
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noosphe-re · 1 year
It has been said since ancient times that the nature of reality is much closer to music than to a machine, and this is confirmed by many discoveries in modern science. The essence of a melody does not lie in its notes; it lies in the relationships between the notes, in the intervals, frequencies, and rhythms. When a string is set vibrating we hear not only a single tone but also its overtones—an entire scale is sounded. Thus each note involves all the others, just as each subatomic particle involves all the others, according to current ideas in particle physics.
Fritjof Capra, foreword to The World Is Sound: Nada Brahma: Music and the Landscape of Consciousness by Joachim-Ernst Berendt
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Meet the Creators and their Games!
As we wait for the votes to begin, here's a list of the creators of these yanderes and a link to download their games in case you haven't played them, but they interest you! :D
(Edited to include more Tumblrs thanks to @maleyanderecafe!
Z (Favor)
Tumblr: @favorvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Tenebris (Duality)
Tumblr: @dualityvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Dorian (10:16)
Creator's Tumblr: @artwithoutblood
Itchio: Download Here!
Nial (Parasite in Love)
Creator's Tumblr: @nightasobu
Itchio: Download Here!
Friend (See Thru Friend)
Tumblr: @stnaf-vn
Itchio: Download Here!
Stalker/Dameon (Broken Colors)
Creator's Tumblr: @inkly-heart
Itchio: Download Here!
Simon (Colored Gaze)
Tumblr: @clrdgaze
Itchio: Download Here!
Ashton (Picture Perfect Boyfriend)
Creator's Tumblr: @espoirduvide
Itchio: Download REBOOT Here!
Eros (Seven Bloody Nights)
Tumblr: @sevenbloodynightsvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Cassanova (Cannibal Sweetheart)
Tumblr: @cannibalsweetheart
Itchio: Download Here!
Fone (Honey Hotline)
Tumblr: @ringringringbananafone
Itchio: Download Here!
Itchio: Download Here!
Adam (You and Him)
Griffin (Duplicity)
Tumblr: @duplicity-vn
Itchio: Download Here!
Devyn (Invite Me In)
Itchio: Download Here!
Liu (Glass Mind)
Itchio: Download Here!
Rook (A Cry for Help)
Tumblr: @stnaf-vn
Itchio: Download Here!
Sebastian (Particles of Reality)
Creator's Tumblr: @arewar
Itchio: Download Here!
Castor (Darling Duality)
Creator's Tumblr: @melancholy-marionette
Itchio: Download Here!
Markus (Yandere Island)
Tumblr: @yandere-islandvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Sasha (Hopeless Romantic)
Creator's Tumblr: @xbonecandyx
Itchio: Download Here!
Liev Latane (Pulsatio Cordis)
Itchio: Download Here!
Gold (Ai-yo, Kogane-San!)
Creator's Tumblr: @crystalcrynight
Itchio: Download Here!
Ezra (Restart Heart)
Tumblr: @restartheartvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Klaus (Please Don't Hate Christmas)
Itchio: Download Here!
Bo (Dachabo)
Itchio: Download Here!
John Doe (John Doe)
Creator's Tumblr: @purple-verse
Itchio: Download Here!
Sunny Day Jack (SWWSDY)
Tumblr: @sunny-day-jack-official
Itchio: Download Here!
Kylar (Degrees of Lewdity)
Creator's Blog: Download Here!
Ren (14DWY)
Tumblr: @14dayswithyou
Itchio: Download Here!
Alan (My Dear Hatchetman)
Tumblr: @hatchetmanofficial
Itchio: Download Here!
Ren (BTD2)
Creator's Tumblr: @gatobob
Website: Download Here!
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tigermousse · 1 year
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Particles of Reality (demo)
Visual Novel: the content of this game is suitable for no one, here is a list of trigger warnings including rape, incest and gore
Me: Is it for me? Is it my new favorite poison visual novel?
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thishumanexperience · 2 years
Alright strap yourselves in. Quantum mechanics is here is blow your mind and it will not be denied. Now you might think you’re not interested in quantum mechanics, but this isn’t really about quantum mechanics it’s about what to do with our flicker of consciousness and stuff. So an object is considered to be “real” if it exists with definite properties independent of observation. It is “local” according to the principle that objects can only be influenced by their surroundings. One property many particles have is spin, which is measured as “up” or “down”. If you know the spin of a particle and break it into two particles, you know their spins will always complement each other because their sum is known — the particles are entangled. SO GET THIS: You entangle a pair of particles. You separate them. When you measure them, one particle’s spin will ALWAYS be up and the other down, 100% of the time, even when they’re lightyears apart !! You might think that’s just because they inherited these properties when they separated, but their quantum states are random not consistent: you do not know the particle’s spin until you measure it. in fact they do not HAVE a definite state until measured, and are considered to exist in multiple states because of quantum superposition. So as soon as you measure an entangled particle, the other one INSTANTANEOUSLY collapses into the opposite spin. as if telepathically, like it KNOWS. And we know no information could have travelled between the particles because nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. It’s wÈïṞḏ™️
And this observer effect isn’t just some anomalous glitch exclusive to this experiment. When you pass photons one by one through a plate containing two slits onto an observed screen, an interference pattern is created on the screen due to the wave nature of light — the light wave passes through both slits simultaneously and interferes with itself. BUT, if you monitor the photons passing through the slits, they are always found to be passing through either one or the other, and the interference pattern disappears. because it’s only absorbed at the screen at those two discrete points, exhibiting particle, not wave, behaviour. it changes its behaviour based on whether there is detection! So a particle can be described as either a wave or particle before measurement. Wave-particle duality! Where the particles are detected is probabilistic; you can never predict their behaviour for certain. again, quantum superposition.
So anyway by measuring an entangled particle you can somehow influence the quantum state of the other entangled particle, both by collapsing its state and doing so instantaneously. This is bewilderingly uncomfortable right, because it throws everything we know about classical physics out the window. Well it was also uncomfortable to Einstein, who couldn’t accept that quantum mechanics was the full story of reality, and proposed there must be hidden variables that we haven’t yet discovered. But no one could test this theory, UNTIL decades later when John Bell devised an experiment to test for hidden variables. In the years since, this eponymous Bell test — the separated entangled particles experiment with extra detector settings — has been conducted many times and increasingly rigorously. ruling out loopholes. enlarging the distance between entangled particles. And every single time, quantum mechanics proved triumphant. even when a cosmic Bell test was done based on stars hundreds of light years apart! This is what won the Nobel in physics. There are no hidden variables. Particles can be connected, entangled, no matter how far apart they are !¡!
THEREFORE. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? two things: Objects are NOT only influenced by their surroundings AND objects do NOT have definite properties/states unless measured. Are you hearing this? OBJECTS ARE NOT LOCALLY REAL.
So deeply contrary to our everyday experiences that we didn’t really probe into this realm until like a hundred years ago. It doesn’t affect our everyday lives; we don’t need to know about quantum entanglement to survive or live happy lives, but we still WANT TO KNOW. We still wonder. How fucking phenomenal is that. In love with this relentless pursuit of truth and desire for knowledge unique to our species. Floored by the dedication of these physicists who kept digging at this despite the pessimism and dismissal of hordes of people, despite the it’s-too-hard-so-just-leave-it pressure. We too are just particles that lumped together and evolved into consciousness, but every day we use that consciousness to search for meaning, even when that quest may reinforce our own fragility and futility.
And I wouldn’t trade that for anything in this unreal world.
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will80sbyers · 1 month
Something similar to the shadow theory is so real and "Vecna knows the future" because his conscience will be sent back during the last battle in s5 when he "dies" and he will become part of the shadow in the Dimension X (but the shadow was initially just a neutral alien with powers imo) that later on will possess himself and make him become Vecna guiding him to that without him knowing, so he split his conscience and Henry was fighting against a part of himself... Until he became "ONE" again.
It makes so much sense and it's like a time loop, it probably will get started by Will that's using his own powers after he gained them when Vecna put that vine in his throat in S1 changing his whole DNA + he's gonna use the light to do it because if it's true that the light works as a gate maybe this gate connects past and present easily... maybe that's why it allows people to talk through the dimensions 🤔
It would be a simple time loop & obviously inspired by Arrival too, perfect conclusion without all the mess of sorting out real time travel or many timelines stuff in one season
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If I had a nickel for every time my favorite character in a dark yandere visual novel was a genderfluid person who's really nice and supportive of the MC who later gets killed by the yandere who was stalking MC, I'd have two. But it's strange it happened twice
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mentioned this in my last post under the cut but you have no idea how much it irked me as a physicist to read about how gege consulted a FUCKING ENGINEER about limitless. an engineer. an ENGINGEERRRRRR. i just. not even a mathematician? engineers don't work with theoretical physics. engineers hardly even work with nonreal math! you're out here designing a guy whose powers involve imaginary mass and divergent series and you DON'T even go to like the two fields that actually work with those things on a semi regular basis...an engineer.......what's he telling you....how to build a bridge?????????????
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nanawaltz · 2 years
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This is a dark, corrupted, and adult otome visual novel that contains sexual content.
In this game you play as the main character of multiple versions of reality.
In the first world called Obsession, you're a college student trying to live her own life with two of your only friends, however you meet a stranger who's trying to force his way into your life.
This game is still in development and is created by @arewar
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