PAC: Single as a Pringle looking 4 love
You asked for it, you got it. Can’t guarantee how helpful this will be, but let me give it a go. I like pringles, but wow the price for those things have gone through the roof over my way.
Today, I need you to get in a quiet space for a second, take a breather. I want you to focus and concentrate. Think about anything in your past romance wise. Whether there has been something, or nothing. How does it make you feel? What does it make you want?
Now, 3 choices. From left to right: 1 - The magician. 2 - 8 of wands. 3 - Ace of cups.
Choose however you see fit.
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Note before we begin. The energy in general has me thinking there’s a need to be a little more focused on what the single pringles here want. 
First impressions: Embarrassment. Hiding under a shell. Feeling the need to stop before even starting. Sadness. Needing comfort.
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So first we have Let your friends help you. Ask for and accept support from others.
There’s a few ways this card can play out in my opinion.
Firstly, the obvious. If you want to get out in the dating game, or at least see if you think anyone is your cup of tea, see if there’s some social outings that you can hop on. To get involved with anything or anyone, you need to be seen. So if you’re not the type who’s comfortable going out on their own, existing connections could help. It happens fairly often that a couple meets for the first time through mutual friends. It would also help to know that as a result, they may already share similar taste, likes, dislikes or values. Ps. It doesn’t have to be a bestie that you socialize with, it can be a co worker you get along with, or family, or a club.
Secondly, this actually has me thinking that you might feel a bit stuck as friend material. If that is the case for anyone, I really want to remind you that friendship is so crucial. It can be the strong foundation that makes a relationship last.
Thirdly, get talking about your desire for a partner. I initially felt a sense of embarrassment, so this makes me wonder about worrying about looking or sounding a certain way just because you want what everyone wants: love.
Reconciliation. Someone from your past is returning to your life.
There are sooooo many ways this can play out in my head. So many scenarios.
I wonder, if you connected with anyone very soon, would that just be a rebound? Is there someone that you miss, or feel didn’t connect with you the way you wanted. 
Seek solace in friends (online or otherwise) or loved ones. Get the comfort you need, from the ones here and now that care. Tell them. Tell them what is weighing on your chest. 
Rest and reconsider. Some quotes: “You’re tired, and sometimes, you just want to give up. You may have been disappointed and hurt in the past. Know that those past sorrows have made you stronger. This is a good time to briefly step away from any conflict or issues about love. Rest and reconsider your methods.”
The figure on the card looks like a very adventurous person. I feel that you’re a very strong person, and you’re the kind that stands up for others. I wonder if some here tends to put their all in relationships, and sometimes receives a whole lotta nothin’. If this is the case, now is the time to put the bookmark at this page, take a stretching break (ie. do something fun, yourself, or with platonic connections) and come back to it with a fresh mind. Especially if there’s someone you’ve been missing.
If there is an ex who wants to show their face, it might be best to not get right into things again with them. Have a think to yourself first, and watch for getting involved in an argument quickly. It might help to also write or type down a letter that explains all your issues or complaints about a person or situation, and burn it/bin it/delete it straight away.
For those with no previous interest such as that, I feel that you need to relax and consider what you’re looking for exactly, and communicate a little of that with people you can talk to. Ask yourself, what do you expect from another person as well. What kind of effort do they put in? What values would they need. 
Choose your battles. I really feel especially now that you guys put so much effort in for others, or stand up for people, and the things you believe in sometimes to your own detriment. If you get with someone, it needs to be a ride or die. No half ways.
If anyone disappointed you in the past, I want you to know they didn’t have the METAL to be that person for you. I’m talking about this whether this was someone you were just chatting to and maybe they ghosted or whatever, or the person that left you high and dry after a year.
You have so much to give, and it just reminds me of the big question: How much is that person or relationship worth of yourself? Or is it not worth an ounce of your energy.
I get the idea that people have judged you or looked down on you. Maybe even love interests themselves. I’m not having it. You’re cool. I mean that sincerely. Those people are too busy trying to look a certain way. Never be ashamed of wanting love, real connection. Always stand as yourself and say this is me, take it or leave it.
If they still want to place themselves as higher than you, it’s honestly their loss. I mean that.
First impressions: Very decisive. Find it hard to talk? Something about the voice. Maybe not so open as others.
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So this whole layout gives me the scenario of past romantic connections that may have potentially been a little obsessive, intense. Past life relationship might mean that some of you could have gone through a very karmic, very memorable connection that traced a lesson for you to go over again. This is very spiritually connected. I want to inform you that just because a relationship may be karmic or spiritual in some way, it doesn’t mean it’s the one, or the best. A lot of these connections can be really tough, even hurtful.
There’s a connection also between seeing dynamics of relationships in the family such, as how your parents treated each other and how you expect to treat or be treated.
I see self esteem issues here that may have been taken advantage of.
Oh, there are so many aspects to it. It is a web that you must trail. But it is so worth it for you. You must look at yourself, really, look. Look at your childhood. Look at what you saw of love growing up. I see a disparity. There is this genuine, true connection of the heart that you desire so much. So deeply, yet, anything that has come your way I would describe it as a mockery to your heart.
But it is only a reflection.
If you are spiritually inclined, may I ask that you not focus on finding whether someone has a past life, spiritual connection. It can mean anything, and it could be useful, or useless to you.
You are the most joyous thing of all. It might be helpful for you to do a past life reading, recall, guided meditation or journaling of some kind. To get a gauge of your specific situation or patterns. In this regard, it might be that there could have been a lifetime with control issues in love, lack of integrity, or lack of heart to heart connection. It seems to achieve the wonderful and true relationship that you want here and now, the most genuine connection. There is some inner work to do. And that’s actually a great thing! Because you will know the difference between fake and real.
There is a need to feel desired or wanted, so you might want to look at why you focus so much on that. Have you ever accepted someone's affections without a thought, just because it was affection/interest? 
The cards advise today instead of looking outwards on why you are single right now, look inwards on matters of self esteem, control and how they connect for you.
What does a harmonious, balanced relationship look like to you? What does that mean on values and behaviors of a person? How do their actions align?
…How do yours?
Are you being honorable, just the way you might want another to be? This isn’t to judge. 
If you look at what you might be mirroring out, you might get a bit of a laugh. Things reflect in some interesting ways.
You’re more powerful than you think, as well. There is no meek one and strong one in a relationship of any kind. There is no higher or lower. There are no real separate goals. Only shared or supported.
I also see the need to protect your heart but at a cost. How can truly connect with a closed heart? What is there for anyone to see when it’s guarded so strongly? There seems to be themes of control and vulnerability inwardly and outwardly. This could come out in ways such as not wanting to be rejected, so you reject first.
I want you to know that however hard some of this might seem, this is a journey that is very worthy. You will reap rewards of your inner love and work.
First impressions: Some progress here. Stuttering. Nervousness. A little surprise is coming. Anticipation. Distraction. Pausing and returning. (Perhaps a few here might have one of those on/off situations with someone). A situation could be tiring right now.
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Are you already talking to someone in particular? If not, I wonder if you’ll be connecting soon.
Getting to know eachother - As you reveal your innermost selves to each other, your bond deepens.
If there is someone now, or soon, there’s a connection to childhood.  Either they have had an interesting childhood, a troubled/poor one, or you could have met even just once during it. I Feel like it’s a sign as well, when you connect more deeply with this person who’s due for you, talk of childhood will be brought up because they may feel more open or vulnerable with you which is a positive sign. This new information may confirm something for you, or it may help you understand why they say or do a certain thing. This might even literally be “Hey, I don’t tell people straight away but I’m a single parent, I have a child”
There is a lovely connection available here now or on it’s way I believe. Someone’s friends have a lot to say which amuses me. I feel like this is one of those where the person has a friend or 2 reading messages over their shoulder.
This looks like it is or will be the seeing each other kind of stage, where options are still open. I feel strongly I need to say to be clear about intentions. So if you are playing the field so to speak, let it be known. If you’re looking for fun or they are, let it be known. Make sure you know the same for them. It doesn’t have to be serious like it might sound here lol. If you wonder if you should see each other exclusively, let it be known in a timing that you believe is best. Be clear on expectations so that waters don’t get muddied. (Like a ross and rachel thing, were they on a break? I don’t know.)
If you’ve found things have fallen through after a bit of talking with people, this might be advice to communicate a bit more clearly instead of trying to guess what they want or hoping that they get the message subtly about what you want. We all know, no one is THAT psychic, so let’s make it a bit easier for ourselves. Plus, we love an honest and upfront person.
If you need to put your foot down after some game playing, as well, do that if you feel it’s time, and you’re bored now.
I really feel like something will be putting you in a chipper mood soon. Weirdly, to attract more romance, joy and fun, I see to connect to your inner child. If you have a child, play more with them too. It would amuse me if you met someone who also had a kid at the playground locally.
There is going to be someone who you don’t even have to speak with to connect. You will be able to look in their eyes and that will be more than enough for you.
I’m excited for you. Let yourself have fun here. Get in the vibe, play the romantic music. Get really savvy on what you expect from a partner, or suitor. Get really clear and ready to go.
Well that turned out differently than I thought.
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inknopewetrust · 2 years
Vote for Next Fic!
Hello all interested in my work! I am curious to know which fic you’d like to see published next (I have three-ish in positions to be completed by next week) and thought you could decide the ultimate fate.
Below are the choices with little blurbs about them:
The Story (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader): 4 times questions of intimacy build the relationship and the 1 time it changes it forever.
Based on intimacy questions to get to know your partner better.
The Breakfast Club (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader; featuring Robin, Steve, and Nancy): Saturday detention has never been this eventful.
Based on the premise of the breakfast club but entirely original scenarios.
Hoping I’ll Find [A Glimpse of Us] (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader): Summary: Ten years after Hawkins was saved, Nancy and Steve’s wedding draws everyone back together and with it, you are reminded of the love you lost at the price of fame.
Exes to lovers and depending on the reaction to it, a multi-part fic (2 or 3). And like all of my future fics, Eddie totally made it big and has a great life—but it’s missing one major thing.
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chantalvdreijden · 1 year
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whattogetme · 2 years
Hi there! Welcome to my WhatToGetMe Shopaholic channel.
Today I’ll be making a flowers #compilation video. Gorgeous beautiful flowers. Don’t you just love it
Comment which one will you get for yourself and make sure you share ideas about what you want to see.
Here’s what you need to know – I use this channel to explore around #fashion, #women’s clothing, #daily’s #trends/#videos, #shorts, #art and basically anything I want to get me or myself. From time to time it’s #pets, #cars, #food, #jewelry and more.
You can find topics related to #pets, #cars, #food, #jewelry, #nails and more on my video section. Hope you enjoy.
If you have any suggestions or comments please feel free to drop us a comment. As always please like and follow.
Whattogetme Shopaholic
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khloewindsor · 2 years
Front cover designs:
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Pick your favourite!!!
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camilladerricoart · 11 months
Which SDCC print is your fav? 1-10? 🔥Swing by my booth #4723 at SDCC and discover these limited-edition prints that will blow your mind! Secure yours before they vanish into thin air!⏳💨
Share in the comments below and let me know what makes it special to you. 💬❤ See you at booth #4723, SDCC! 🎊✨
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technictix-fan · 2 years
i'm rain, pick your poison. tell me in the tags.
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mermanthommy · 3 years
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arashkaur · 3 years
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PICK A CARD: Stargazing with the angels
Star gazing is love, star gazing is life.
Firstly, apologies for the late instalment. This is what was supposed to be last weeks reading, however I was too unwell to create it. So here we are early the next week (Don't worry - this weeks instalment is still due later.)
Today I would like to share with you an angel guidance message. Just - wait a second - imagine it with me!
You're in a safe space at evening time outside, you are warm and cosy in a blanket and you have an amazing view of the sky, nothing in the way. Your guardian angel sits next to you on soft grass, and in the darkness points out all the beautiful and bright stars, and constellations. It is so calm and peaceful, and all that matters to you right now is what shines through the dark.
That is the topic! Time to focus on the light, Bay-beeee.
Two groups! The angels really want to keep it crisp and simple.
Left (the peacock) is 1 - Right (the plant) is 2.
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Random, but I feel like many here chose this because of the peacock image, not necessarily number or other techniques.
Shufflemancy song in case you want to listen: Fruit roll ups - Waterparks (warning - explicit language)
Firstly we have grief work here, and my first instinct is to want to say sorry so badly for what you have lost. I can feel the soft flowers, and I feel like that is what your angel would like to talk about. Through loss and hardship, you have been so graceful. I get the feeling of neatly stacking and organising ones emotions.
I am reminded of nostaligia and childhood. Your angel wants to so gently and kindly reach out to you. There seems to be a soft landing available for you here. As well as that, I get the feeling of appreciating the past and all its beauty. You will always have those memories, you will always have those gentle moments.
I'm so, so, sorry. The emotion is so intense here, I can feel the sadness so desperately. You are truly not alone, and you are handling this much more beautifully than you think.
Whatever it is you have lost, your angel is pointing out the star of your resilience and your willingness to seek joy wherever you can in the moment, however tiny.
You might see signs such as ladybugs, butterflies, moths. You might get your memories triggered by little things day to day.
You are still healing, as much as you can. Grief is a special process for each person. It can create blocks or slow down other areas of life so we want to be patient with ourselves in all ways, as we are processing something immense here and a lot of energy is in there.
The angels would like to point out that the grief is a sign of love. For the person, for the project/situation, for ourselves, whatever it might have been. You are learning and growing more as yourself, and even if the future you is not born from the most perfect circumstances, that you - is just as loveable and perfect to your angel as any other possible you.
There might not seem like there is much out there, but your angel is pointing the stars out to you - those moments that you can take a bit of joy out. To suck out what you can. It's the time that child smiles at you and says something funny. It's the time when the breeze brushes past you and you see the mountains so clear. It's the moment you find yourself enjoying food for the first time in ages.
The guidebook for the grief card says:
"Unhealed grief is compounded by each subsequent loss. Although it's uncomfortable to mourn and cry, sometimes this is the only path to healing. That's why it's best to heal with an experienced grief counsellor, grief support group, or trauma trained therapist. Loss is one of the more painful processes of change, yet it can help us develop compassion and more appreciation for life."
This can also mean changes that feel like a loss to us.
There is a reversal that makes me think perhaps there have been one or 2 unhealthy habits (maybe even addictions, with respect) that may have been produced to cope, or have been produced as a result of trauma or loss. The star your angel is likely pointing out when it comes to this, is that there is hope to become better, to get well, to get help. Your angel would like to kindly encourage you to look at what behaviour you might fall back on, such as when you get reminders or experience stress. This may be something to seek professional help about, or to join a group or forum of understanding individuals. Perhaps those that have also been through similar trials.
There is 0% shame about any of this - this is a reminder - your star - that you do indeed have the power to overcome anything you're struggling with. If you have been out of balance, stuck in a habit, or having a difficult time connecting with your emotions (such as numbness), with the right support you are very capable of experiencing improvement.
Your angel is pointing out the star of your inner power and verve. They want to stoke that flame of your inner freedom. The inner you who knows who you are, who knows what counts.
I get tenacity here. I get the idea of no matter what your past is, you have traits that can serve you and prove that you can be better - do better - and you have changed. Maybe they are the same traits that held an unsafe extreme in the past (such as being adventurous - great at a certain level, could potentially be taken to recklessness/going too far). However now, it could be a maturation where you express traits in a balanced way that aid you in life.
Your angel wants to point out the star of how you might not be the same person, for whatever reason, but you will always become better and better as a human being. It's ok to mourn the loss of the way you might have been, but there is a time and season for a certain version of you. There is a new you needed, and it is the one that will serve you at this time.
Same goes with unhealthy habits. If you have been thinking of releasing something, it is for sure time, as you are shifting and changing for a new lifestyle.
Your angel points out now, your ability to have more confidence and be more in charge of yourself and life. Maybe you have had to become more independent or responsible for yourself, or even others.
It might be really tough right now, but you are growing so much as a mature, strong minded individual. Your angel is pointing out a constellation of who you are becoming, and how it is so worth it.
There is also a star the angel points out when it comes to being creative and expressing it in a solid way. Maybe it would benefit you to get creating physically, take some action on some creative ideas. Get organised, get a routine going because I see it give a sense of inner power. It's more about the power that you hand to yourself instead of outer situations.
Your angel is pointing out the star of protection. They watch your back, and they want you to put your effort into improving your life - not necessarily defending yourself (against people, or against potential loss - there might be the fear hanging around of more happening). If in doubt, ask your guardian angel for protection, to shield you, to let only that which is best for you in your life.
There is another star (they love you so much, oh my) and it talks about your passion and the direction of it. It is so powerful that it really matters that you direct it in a helpful way, because it can really overwhelm you if it's put to unhealthy or unhelpful means. Take is as a strange compliment. You are so powerful that you can hold yourself to ransom sometimes, or conversely, free yourself to levels of extreme joy.
You are really, really, realllyyyy not as powerless as you might have felt at any point.
Lastly, your angel is pointing out the star of comfort and humour to you. They try and bring amusement to you, through communicating with you but also through synchronicities and other people. That next funny post you see could be because of them. They are always trying to help you feel a little better emotionally, however tiny. This can even be from games, such as the sims. I see that game particularly, strange.
That's pretty much it, I hope this resonated, and I hope you enjoyed stargazing!
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Shufflemancy song if you want to listen: Brand new - Vistas
Group 2, guys, you're just funny. You basically had me trying to feel perfect and sorted, doing my hair and everything! to type on my laptop! You had me laughing because I noticed all of a sudden: procrastination and preparation.
My question is, for what? And why do you not feel good enough as you stand?
You guys.
YES, they are with you. YES, they have given you signs, YES.
Ok? What you thought were angel numbers, or a sign from your angel, or your guide, yes - that was it. It's almost like hearing "are you sure, are you sure though?".
You're tiring yourself out with this. I get the hand gesture of "stop". Your angel wants you to chill out a minute. Ok? It's fine. You might be the type to have your mind run a mile a minute.
I get also that the angels have been really encouraging you and backing you up to do something or go for a goal, and you have been hesitant? You might have been wondering almost as if you need permission, or wondering if the angels think it's a good idea. They have already given you signs and the green light on what they agree is healthy (that's more the focus, not on results) for you.
Spoiler: if it makes you feel happy in the long term and it hasn't hurt you/others physically or mentally, it's ok.
The card is also showing your view of yourself might be fragmented, it's kind of like the angels asking you to see yourself the way they do. They want clarity of mind for you, and for your mental freedom.
I see so many wishes, and perhaps even the enjoyment of blowing those dandelions that people make wishes on. I also see when an umbrella gets annoying, like inside out from the wind and it takes a minute to put it right but it's annoying to put it right and my mind is like lalalalalalalalala right now, seriously. I see that group 2 here has an agile mind, but it might have moments where it can be it's own worst enemy.
Anyway, umbrellas. This might be symbolism for things not quite going to plan, or things messing up in life in general right now. Maybe it feels like nothing has been going right for a while. The angels say that's ok, the breeze of life blows a certain way and like the weather, shifts. Whatever the weather, go with it. There might be a very good reason you've been shifted to where you're at right now.
You are free to do more than you think, or might be aware of right now. The angels are communicating that for the most part, you are out of "the thick of it". There might be the fear of getting blown back into it by life circumstances.
An excerpt from the guidebook:
"Heaven frequently dispatches butterflies to signal that a passed on loved one is happy and sending you encouragement. Additional signs may include birds, feathers and rainbows, or something else in nature. Or your signs might involve coins, music, or other human made items."
It also mentions perhaps a significant birthday or anniversary is coming up. (this can mean a loved one in heaven/guardian angel wishes happy returns).
The first star your guardian angel points out, is your ability to overcome the inner trappings of the mind. It is likely you know all too well, how the mind can trick us into thinking or feeling certain ways. Think 8 of swords - the kind of energy where we perceive ourselves as trapped. The king of swords shows the ability to see through that illusion.
You might even think your choices or opportunities are limited, but by empowering yourself and seeking outside of yourself for a short time, your eyes might be opened to the point you no longer allow your mind to tell you there is no point because of no options.
With the 3 of wands combined, the star your angel points out is the abundance of choices and opportunities out there for you. Your power to make decisions for yourself is stronger than you might think it is. If you are afraid of making an incorrect move, your angel points out that it is more freeing to make a decision than remain paralysed by indecision. Move - and make magic.
Your guardian angel points out the star of "never again" - you will not be back in the old circumstances that you managed to escape. The line has been drawn, and your angel is watching your back. It is only forward that you need to look, now. It is safe for you to make plans and look ahead.
Darling, you might have trouble moving forward or making decisions because you are not used to that much control or freedom. This might be akin to now having adult responsibility for example. This can look different for different people.
You wouldn't want the ocean to stay stagnant, so why you? Your world deserves to move.
Even when it didn't feel like it, your guardian angel was there with you. If you have seen butterflies, it is them, and their encouragement to get moving. You might benefit from inner child work, as you might struggle with feeling small/vulnerable in the face of the impact of life.
Without a shadow of a doubt, these are pretty much all decision/logic cards.
Okayyyyy, now while my brain logically thinks to read one way, it's not that way at all intuitively.
I see ghosts, of past decisions. Are there old regrets or decisions that you made that you feel were bad ones? are you afraid of repetition? Your guardian angel wants to bring this to light because it is holding you back, without you quite realising this. The decision factor of this is just a massive siren to me. I got a song about deciding to feel better.
This lies on you, and not in a scary way, I promise. Life has good and bad. Not everything is going to turn out well, no matter how well intentioned. You can't pretend there is nothing you can do. Your life is yours to take, yours to navigate. Your angel is aware you might not be used to that - and that is so, so ok.
They are pointing out the star to you that the future you want, the next step, is always with you. You are now only as stagnant as you let yourself be. You can feel better, today. Now. That is so empowering.
You are able to make great decisions! You are capable of making big steps towards a life that looks better to you. You are definitely able to reach out for opportunities. Ask people if there is anything!
There might be a couple here that have had a break up or left an old friend behind. It's no easy feat to come to a point like that, and your angel is reminding you that everything will work out for your highest good. Maybe there is regret of how things happened.
Whatever there is regret about, your guardian angel points out the star of your ability to logically see what works for you and what doesn't. Even if a decision didn't end up in your favour, you are a fast learner and are able to understand where you or anyone else involved might have slipped up and need to improve.
A star your angel is pointing out as well, is that you have freedom to go after what you want, genuinely. And that means you have the capability and resources to do it.
Your power lies in your decision. Let yourself have that, accept the power that's been given to you. You no longer have to go with the flow, you no longer have to just go with what your ex or your family or your teachers said you should do.
I just laughed, I had a vision of that meme, "I'm you, but stronger" and it tickled me. But this is it - I think you see yourself too much from a long time ago, but you have grown much more mature, much more strong, much more wise.
I hope that resonated and you enjoyed your stargazing!
Thank you for reading, and I really hope this made sense for you. If not (I know, there's only 2 groups), there's always the next one.
If you enjoyed this reading and/or others, please consider tipping.
Power TarotChariot via cups of tea (reading is thirsty work, what can I say):
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gsnakes · 6 years
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justanimememes · 2 years
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bookishpromotions · 2 years
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Spring is in the air! Pick your favorite color scheme!
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elegantbhl1999 · 2 years
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chocolate mousse cake - recipe from Pick N Pay online
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aussie-brat · 2 years
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Shopping for my 30th can't decide which dress to get blue, green or holo getting excited and nervous about turning 30 lol tell me whish one i shpuld get #feelingold #blue #green #shiny #holo #allsopretty #cantpickjustone #chooseforme #pickforme #pickyourfavorite #90sbaby #almost30 #bratt (at Cairns, Queensland, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca10HOavsmb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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highnessofpop · 2 years
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11.02.2022 · LINK IN BIO · I am pleased to share that my newest album after two years is here, titled "ELEVEN". This album has been one of my most proudest work yet, and I've been working on this for the past two years! It is filled with love songs that will make you fall in love again! May love be always in your heart. Pick your favourite(s) from the album! · Musically, it is inspired by different genres throughout the decades, mostly Synthpop, New Wave, Bubblegum Pop, with elements of 1980s Ballads, Electronic Pop and Electro-R&B. · Tracklist 1. Irresistible 2. Hey Boy 3. Vanilla and Games 4. A Bright Day 5. See You Around 6. Bubble Breeze 7. Imagine 8. Epicene Shades 9. I Knew It Was Love 10. Archetype 11. Eleven 12. Always My Love · 🥰❤💕🎙🎹🥁🎶🎼🎵😍👑 #Eleven #LenarMitchell #highnessofpop #artist #spotify #applemusic #youtubemusic #popartist #lovesongs #newalbum #pickyourfavorite #spotifyhk #spotifyasia #pop #synthpop #newwave #ballad #1980smusic #nostalgia #retro #bubblegumpop https://www.instagram.com/p/CYjmU5mvqD_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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