#pls tumblr just let me post things i make in peace
stellangiios · 2 years
hiiii! i don’t know if you still take header requests but i was wondering if you could make some of obi wan and anakin from kenobi show of the flashback scene with the fight?
Of course! here you go 💜 there's versions with white borders under the cut and black borders here (and other headers from the show too...self promotion since the actual post isnt showing up in the tags 🤡)
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borderlinebelle · 8 months
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@borderline.belle on TikTok
& streaming here on tumblr all weekend long!
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If this is not your jam, please just scroll on by. I know it’s annoying to see a blazed post but i too am just an artist and creator on this platform. I’ve been here for 13 years quietly, minding my business and reblogging other amazing artists, helping their platforms grow and rooting for everyone on here to succeed. I’m just trying to do something I love and maybe one day make a career from that love.
Pls miss me with the unkindness and visceral hate for tumblr live, or streamers, or black people, or women, or 🏳️‍🌈. Like pls.. just let folks do things that make them happy… maybe even go help this totally normal human woman live her dreams by slapping the follow button on TikTok @borderline.belle … idk that’d be cool and decent of you. 🙂
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horanghxnni · 11 months
coffee shop meet-cute. - j.w.w.
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PAIRING: Jeon Wonwoo x Reader
TAGS: meet cute, strangers to lovers one-shot, barista!reader, non-idol!wonwoo; pure fluff, oblivious pining
WARNINGS: mentions of food/eating; i tried my best to write as gender neutral as possible, but i haven't proofread this more than once so pls let me know if it's not; other than that none (please let me know if i've missed anything)
NOTES: this is my first post here on tumblr omg. hi! i've been a big fan of work here and i've been writing for a while (i shall not discuss my cursed wattpad days when i was younger) and thought i'd start posting here for fun. i hope you enjoy! <3
You had started working at this local coffee shop when you were 16, at first as a way to earn cash on the weekends to fund your high school escapades, and now, 7 years later, you grew to love the feeling of crafting drinks and managing the shop you now felt was like a second home. You worked every day, and opening the quaint little shop meant that the first hour or so was a quiet peace to yourself, filled with the smell of brewing espresso and baking croissants. 
The morning rush came like clockwork, beginning at 7:15 am and finally reaching a calmer pace around 8 am. Just when the busy atmosphere began to subside and the day reached its first slump, a clearly anxious man made his way to the front counter, hurriedly ordering an iced americano and holding out his card before you could even tell him how much it would cost. You rang him up, and he left the counter to stand in a corner with a polite nod to wait for his coffee, glancing at the clock. You make his simple order as quickly as possible and set it on the pickup counter, calling his name. “Wonwoo, iced americano?” 
He grabs his cup and thanks you quietly, before hurriedly leaving the shop, not even bothering to grab a straw. You don’t think too much of it and get back to filling the pastry case as the curious stranger becomes a distant memory by the end of the day. 
That is, until you notice he comes in every day, always at the same time, just before 9 am. He enters with the same kind of energy, always as if he’s perpetually running late, and orders the same thing: iced americano, and if he was feeling peckish, a blueberry muffin. He never talked much, and the only thing you knew about him other than his coffee order was that his name was Wonwoo, he seemed to have a horrible concept of time, and he must work in some office to be dressed in business casual every day. This Groundhog Day feeling encounter with him remained as a growing routine for you, until 3 weeks later when you began to anticipate his arrival, and you had his order ready and waiting for him by the time he reached the counter. Your interaction grew more efficient as time passed, with a single swap of his debit card for his coffee, and his transaction down to 30 seconds, handing him back his card in record timing. You figured it was helping him, right? He was late to work, or something time-sensitive at least, and you made his caffeine pit-stop easier. It was a win-win: you gained another regular, and he got his coffee without hindering his morning. 
He ruined your flow one Wednesday afternoon. Once again, he arrived just before 9 am, but he walked in much slower this time, and he was wearing much more casual clothes, a faded gray t-shirt and jeans, a brown messenger bag slung on his shoulder. As usual, his coffee was already done, and you almost dropped a tray of apple tarts as he entered almost as an entirely different person. You set them in the pastry case with renewed care, and met him at the register. 
“Not in a rush this morning?” You asked, clearly confused but friendly, as you pushed his cup towards him. 
He chuckled, shaking his head as his eyes roved over the rows of pastries and sandwiches you had displayed. “Nope, we started a hybrid schedule so I’m working from home on Wednesdays.” He met your eyes for a moment before shifting back to the sweets, thinking. “I’m thinking about trying something new, what do you recommend?” 
It took you a moment before you adapted to the fact that you’d heard more than two words from him. His voice was smooth and deeper than you expected, and it seemed to sink into your bones. “Um, well the apple tarts are new, and we make pop tarts in house.” 
He nodded and took one more glance before meeting your eyes. “I’ll take one of each, for here.” He gave you a small smile and slid over his debit card, once again catching you off guard. For here? He was staying? You nodded silently and began to warm his sweets as you rang him up. He thanked you and took back his card, settling in a seat a few feet down the counter, pulling out his laptop and beginning to type quietly. You couldn’t help but steal glances at him as you made his little pastry plate, not used to his presence. You were so used to his rush of energy that seeing him so still and calm was confusing. You decided just before you gave him his plate that you’d slip a cake pop next to the tart, you had made extras today anyway. With a nod, you place it beside his laptop and don’t even wait for an acknowledgement, leaving the pretty stranger to his work and busying yourself with cleaning some dirty cups from earlier this morning and wiping down the counters. 
“The poptart is good. Do you make them yourself?” His voice cut through the quiet lo-fi music playing over the speakers as you paused from your cleaning. You turned to see him already looking at you, the half-eaten poptart in his hand. 
You nodded and put down the rag in your hand. “Yeah, every morning. The flavor changes depending on what fruit I can get my hands on.” You see him nod in approval, and he sets it down on his plate as he turns his full attention to you. 
“Thank you for the cake pop. And for making my coffee so quickly every day, it really helps me out.” He appears more bashful now, almost bordering embarrassed, as his cheeks flush an almost imperceptible pink. “I know I seem pretty pressed for time most mornings.” 
You laugh at his comment, thinking back to the quiet whirlwind of his stressed aura that appears in the shop every day. “Of course, I don’t want to make you any later than you already seem to be.” You pause for a moment before speaking again, wondering if you should ask the innocent question in your mind. He seems open to conversation, and it’s not like anyone else was demanding your attention at the moment. “Where do you work anyway?” 
“Oh, I work at the Pledis building, I’m a writer there for content creation. I’m not technically late ever, but I like to get there at a certain time and I definitely overestimate the time I need to commute.” He answers sheepishly, and you smile. A writer for such a big company? Impressive. 
You spoke for a little bit longer before another rush began, learning he’d been working at Pledis for a few years now, and his friend Joshua had recommended this coffee shop to him a few months ago, but he hadn’t had the chance to come until a few weeks ago. Of course your favorite regular would have pushed him here, and little details seemed to fit into place as your small chats throughout the few hours he remained at the bar revealed more and more about each other. Around 4 pm, he left with a wave, trying his best not to distract you too much. You waved back, and with an offhanded, “See you tomorrow!”, he left the cafe, the door jingling behind him. 
The next morning, Wonwoo surprised you again. He came in at 8:30, standing at the register while you finished the last of the morning rush orders, you hadn’t even seen him walk in. You turned to take the order only to see a face that wasn’t supposed to be here for another 20 minutes. 
“Oh, you’re here early! I’m sorry, I haven't made your coffee yet.” Of course you hadn’t. You had timed your routine almost down to the second, and he had thrown off your entire groove. He simply smiled and shook his head. 
“It’s okay, I have some time this morning. I’ll get my usual and another poptart, it doesn't matter the flavor.” He points to the plate and pulls out some cash. “You can keep the change.” Wonwoo, without another word, moves to where he sat the day before, settling in and pulling out his phone. 
You make his coffee and warm his poptart, placing it in a to-go sleeve, placing both in front of him. “So, I finally get my routine down with you and you all of a sudden decide you want to switch it up?” You raise an eyebrow at him. 
He looks up from his phone, a small smile growing on his lips. “Figured if I got here a little earlier, I’d relieve you of the time constraint.” His smile shifts into a frown after a moment. “I’m sorry if it threw you off that bad, I didn’t-”
You wave a hand at him, shaking your head. “Don’t worry about it, I was just messing with you.” 
His body visibly relaxes as he reaches for his coffee. “Thanks, Y/N.” You couldn’t help but grin as you hear your name in his voice, and you nod and turn before he can see just how wide your smile could get. You make small talk as he finishes his coffee and pastry, asking about his work and new recipes brewing in your head for the next 20 or so minutes before he declares he is leaving to head to work. 
“This was nice, actually sitting down before work. Maybe I’ll do this more often.” He hands you his plate as you agree, placing it in the sink to deal with later. 
���Thanks for hanging out with me this morning. You’re welcome anytime, obviously.” You say your goodbyes, and with another small smile, he leaves, and you’re left thinking of the way his smile lights up his face for the rest of the day. 
For the next few weeks, Wonwoo arrives around 20-30 minutes early. Your new routine involves pleasant conversation as you work, and him becoming a taste tester for new recipes before they hit the pastry case. You become used to each other’s presence, and with every new interaction, he grows more and more talkative. He tells you about frustrations from work from the day before, or a movie he had just watched over the weekend. You tell him about your roommate endeavors and outings you’d gone on recently. You consider yourselves friends at this point, and it was nice to have someone like him around when the morning felt like too much to handle. 
You had offhandedly mentioned taking a few days off one day and Wonwoo encouraged rest, but through all the chaos of pushed forward deadlines at work, he had completely forgotten until he arrived at the cafe one morning to see someone completely different behind the counter. He was confused to see his usual coffee was still sitting waiting for him in its normal place with his name on it, set aside on the counter, yet he did not recognize the barista currently finishing up a latte. As he slowly stepped up to the pickup counter and grabbed his drink, the employee looked up and met his gaze. 
“Oh, you must be Wonwoo. There’s your iced americano, there’s a muffin in the bag beside it.” His demeanor was nonchalant, as he placed the other drink on the counter and called out the order. 
“Is Y/N not in today?” It was the first thing he could think of, despite the answer being obvious. 
The younger boy looked up from his work. “No, they're off all week. They left me a note saying a guy named Wonwoo would come in at 8:30 and that was your usual.” He shrugged and looked down again at his brewing espresso shots. “I guess that’s you. I’m Chan, I usually work afternoons but I’m covering for Y/N this week.” 
Wonwoo nods, still processing what he had just heard. Y/N’s gone all week? Why hadn’t they said anything? He suddenly felt stupid as he remembered a conversation from two weeks ago, where Y/N finally decided the week they would take a solo trip to Jeju to visit their grandmother: this week. “Right. Thanks, Chan.” 
Chan nods back at him and Wonwoo leaves the cafe still in a semi-daze after setting down some cash, suddenly feeling as if he was thrown off balance, an unfamiliar budding feeling of disappointment settling deep in his chest. He makes his way to work, suddenly feeling like his predictable coffee didn’t taste the same. 
The rest of his work day was surprisingly only getting worse: he had printed the wrong files, was late to a meeting he was supposed to lead, and currently Joshua was trying (and failing) to speak to him about a conference they were attending the following month as Wonwoo unintentionally tuned him out. Suddenly, he felt a light shove of his shoulder pull him out of his trance.
“Dude, what is wrong with you? Have you heard anything I said?” Joshua raised an accusatory eyebrow at his friend and coworker. Wonwoo’s eyes suddenly gained focus as he looked up to see Joshua leaning against his desk. 
“I-” he attempted to think of an excuse, “I’m sorry. I guess I’m a little distracted, my whole day feels thrown off.” He frowned and turned his chair toward the other man. “What were you saying?” 
Joshua’s mouth crept into an almost dangerous smirk as he took a glance at Wonwoo’s still full coffee cup, an unfamiliar handwriting scrawling his name on the top. “You didn’t see Y/N this morning.” 
Wonwoo almost choked on his own spit. “What? How- how do you know that?” 
The older boy rolled his eyes and pointed to the cup. “That’s not Y/N’s handwriting. I see them before you do most mornings, and they're not in town. They told me last week. I thought you knew.” 
“I did know, I just forgot, with everything going on at work.” Wonwoo couldn’t help but frown. Had not seeing them really thrown him off that much? “What does not seeing them have to do with anything though?” 
Joshua scoffed. “Dude, every time you come from that cafe, you walk in like you just won the lottery, and you see them every day. You like them, don’t you?” 
It was the last part that struck Wonwoo to his very core. He’d never even considered that to be an option before. Sure, Y/N was stunning, and kind, and he’d found great company in the barista, but like them? Romantically? Maybe it was more possible than he imagined. His face seemed to drop, as Joshua laughed at his rapid change in expression. 
“It’s okay if you do. They seem to make you happy. I think you should go for it.” With a grin that would rival the Cheshire cat, Joshua claps his friend on the shoulder before leaving his desk to return to his own, as Wonwoo’s brain settles on entertaining this thought that seems to bloom an unfamiliar feeling in his chest, replacing the heavy stone of disappointment from earlier. 
You were back after a relaxing few days with your grandmother, spending time in the sun and looking out on the ocean. Although the time off was needed, you couldn’t help but think about not only your cafe, but a specific regular you hadn’t seen since last week. You hoped Chan had made his usual for him as she said on the note, and you were excited to catch up with Wonwoo about the last week, and honestly, just to see him again. Spending the last few days without seeing each other triggered the realization that he was more special to you than you had initially thought, and though he may not feel the same, you were content with the friendship you had formed already. 
You opened the cafe without issue, and a sense of calm washed over you as you fell back into your routine. The morning rush felt like a breeze as you fell into a groove and before you knew it, 8:30 rolled around and the man you’d been thinking of walked through the door. He was early, as he now often was, but his anxious energy was back. He stepped up to the counter as you handed him his coffee, a fresh pop tart on a plate sliding his way as well. 
“It’s on the house today. I’m sure you missed my magic touch last week.” You joked, your smile widening. His mouth opened before it shut once more, mirroring your grin as he said a quiet thank you as he took his seat. You caught up on missed stories, with mostly you telling stories of your vacation as he sat quietly and listened as you multitasked. It wasn’t until you asked him a question and received no answer that you looked up at him from the espresso machine to see him simply staring at you. “Wonwoo?” 
You saw his eyes clear as his face rapidly turned a deep shade of red. “I’m sorry, I was listening. I just-” He paused, and your brows furrowed. 
“Are you alright?” You asked, putting down the espresso shot and giving him your full focus. 
“Do you want to, maybe, go to dinner sometime?” His eyes couldn’t meet yours at first, until suddenly the dark brown of his irises met yours and you melted at the adoration you felt behind his gaze. 
“Wonwoo, are you asking me on a date?” You couldn’t believe this was happening. You watched his cheeks redden further as he nodded and you couldn’t help the way you seemed to beam at him. “I’d like that very much. Maybe this Saturday, if you’re free?” 
You watched the anxiety leave his body in an instant as he agreed. He handed you his phone as he stood up, coffee cup and plate now empty. “Put your number in and I’ll call you?” 
You punched your contact information in and handed him the phone in exchange for his dishes, and watched as he clumsily pushed in his seat and grabbed his things. “Have a good day at work, Wonwoo. It was nice to see you.” 
“It was good to see you. I’ll call you later tonight, if that’s okay.” You nodded and if he smiled any wider, he thought his lips might start to crack. With one last goodbye, he left out the door, and his eyes didn’t leave your beautiful face through the window until he lost line of sight.
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inferencesarchives · 10 months
HEY WASSUP ITS 👾 ANON!! YOU BEEN DOIN ALRIGHT? sorry for my disappearance i have been doing alot of different things that weren’t on tumblr— BUT I HOPE YOUVE BEEN DOIN OK!!!
I WAS READING SOME OF YOUR POSTS IVE MISSED and YOUR DOING AN EVENT?? i wanna submit a request if thats alr ofc!!
im thinking about two because 1 with dark cacao SEEMS LIKE IT WOULD BE SO WHOLESOME TO DO,,, the dude with all the anxiety finally gets some peace. but,, 10,, with capsaicin,, IMAGINE HIM GETTING FLOUR EVERYWHERE AHSHEHABSH that scratches my brain,,, YOU CAN DO WHICHEVER ONE YOU WANT I JUST HAD THOSE TWO IDEAS
Comfort in You
dark cacao x gn reader
prompt: your presence makes all my worries disappear.
warnbings: physical touch, bro is on the verge of tears please comfort him
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i have so many thoughts abt this omg where do i start
as we all know, he probably doesn't get very much time to himself considering he literally runs a whole ass kingdom
and since he has very little time to rest, his stress tends to build up a lot :((
when he does FINALLY get some time away from working, he goes straight to you.
when he finds you, he literally melts in your arms. he feels like he can finally let out all the emotions he was holding back before
please just keep hugging him and holding onto him,,, your touch is sososo comforting to him
sometimes he'll rant to you about whatever matters are annoying him at the moment to get it all off his mind
pls listen to everything he has to say and hold him and comfort him and everything,,,, he appreciates it so much :,))
your very existence soothes all his worries and anger, and for that he is thankful :]
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a/n: OMG 👾 ANON HIIIIIIIIIIII!!! both these prompts scratched my brain so good but i ended up going with cacao since i already wrote the other one with another cookie :,)) i might make another post with that one & capsaicin tho :] lmk if u want it cuz that idea makes me so happy :,)))) also sorry this was shorter than i wanted it to be but i tried,, doing my best to defeat writers block in super smash bros ultimate
thanks for stopping by!
wanna submit a request? see my requesting rules uhhh where was it um oh here it is!
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bonkhrnyjail · 5 months
sweet plum | chapter two
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masterlist | pinterest board
pairing: pedro pascal x fem!reader (plus size)
rating: g (will become explicit in later chapters, minors dni)
summary: this is a flashback! just a little backstory on how you got your nickname :P
a/n: hi :) i'm planning to make a masterlist after i've uploaded all of the chapters i've completed so far but i'm also rusty as fuck on how to use tumblr (haven't posted since like... 2017 except for to read fics). anyways, pls enjoy. <3 p.s. i said it in the last one, but i wrote this almost 10 months ago before starbucks started publically supporting a genocide, fuck starbucks and free palestine.
It was hot as the fiery depths of hell outside. The team had ordered sub sandwiches for lunch, but the thought of hot deli meat and thick slabs of cheese made your stomach turn, tiny beads of sweat forming at your hairline. No thank you.
It was barely a week into the job, and you were still getting acclimated to the social environment. You just really wanted to make the right impression; professional but personable, dedicated but effortless, confident but humble. You couldn’t let yourself relax too much, or chances were your sense of humor would likely bite you in the ass.
You sat with your back flush against a massive, sizzling hot tire attached to a big ol' trailer, you weren’t sure whose. You sat alone, your legs extended, long blades of grass dancing along the curve of your calves, tickling and irritating your delicate skin.
It’s not that you were a complete introvert, you loved company. You chose this career because you loved to work with people, building relationships with your clients was one of the greatest joys of your life, but truthfully, you'd always lived in the balance. Alone time was essential to your wellbeing. Being able to sneak off for ten to fifteen minutes and breathe in the peace and quiet was like a reset to you, allowing you to settle into exactly who you wanted to be when you returned to the world of the living.
You heard the sound of crunching gravel from behind you, heavy boots making an awkward clunking sound as they eased their way toward you. You lifted your crooked head to find a backlit head of wavy brown hair and a quizzical brow staring down at you.
“What are you doing back here all by your lonesome?” Pedro questioned, juttering in and out of his Joel Miller coded Texas twang. 
“Just enjoying the peace and quiet. You were pretty damn chatty this morning,” you teased, but immediately regretted it coming out of your mouth. “Just kidding.” you added, clunky and awkward and clearly trying to cover your ass.
“There’s no such thing as peace and quiet when you work with me!” he jabbed, letting out a deep belly laugh, one that invoked an involuntary giggle from your throat.
Something about him made you let your guard down, whether you wanted to or not. Conversation flowed with barely any effort at all. Your senses of humor fit together so beautifully that the majority of your time together was spent laughing until your cheeks were sore. You’d been able to stifle your embarrassing laugh with a demure giggle up until now, but you knew it wasn’t much longer until your cackle would make its presence known.
“May I sit?” he gazed down at the patch of grass next to you, a perfect amount of space for him to slide down and sit, just close enough that your thighs would touch his. You patted the empty spot and scooted yourself a bit to the left, enough to create a sliver of space between your bodies. He plopped down, a bit harder than you were expecting, and started unwrapping the aggressively large sub from its crinkly brown paper.
“Did you eat? These sandwiches are really fuckin’ delicious,” he garbled as he took a massive bite out of the oozing bread, filled with more meats than you could count on your right hand. The sight made you queasy.
“I don’t know why, but the thought of deli meat in this heat… I would rather die. I don’t doubt it though, they look like an... experience, for sure.” you let out a huff of air, almost a laugh but not quite, and he giggled through the remainders of his last bite.
“Aw come on, you’re not gonna let me eat alone, are you?” he teased, pushing more sandwich out from the bottom of the wrapper like it was a Gogurt. “I look like an idiot trying to fit this thing in my mouth.”
You rustled through your mess of a tote bag, trying to locate the fruit that you hastily grabbed as you were bolting out the door that morning. You really needed to organize that shit.
“Here,” you held it up for him to see, him looking up with his sandwich lodged in his mouth, lips stretched and straining around hard shell of the bread crust. You laugh, hard, and he nearly spits out the hearty chunk he'd violently torn off.
“I won’t let you eat alone," you smiled, wrapping your lips and biting deep into the soft, delicate skin.
“What is that?” Pedro managed, struggling to swallow the remainder amalgamation of meat and cheese filling his cheeks, mayonnaise coating the wiry mustache hairs above his upper lip.
“It’s a sweet plum.”
You turned the fruit to show him the sticker, the words printed boldly with a smiling fruit dancing under them.
“They're my favorite, I buy them by the case because I go through them fast. I could bring you one tomorrow if you want.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a sweet plum,” he remarked, matter-of-factly. “I’m more of a berry guy. But I’d definitely like to try one.”
“Totally. I’ll bring you one tomorrow morning,” you affirmed with a smile.
He smiled back, dimples appearing as a soft ray of sun illuminated his skin. Your eyes got lost for a moment, unable to resist studying him in this light.
He was gorgeous. His eyes were deep and sparkling like an amber geode, nose curved and structured like that of a roman god. The apples of his cheeks were prominent and bouncy, fading into the skin around his eyes, crinkled and folded to perfection, like origami. His facial hair, soft and shaggy, was hugging a strong, structured jaw. For a moment you were completely transfixed, unable to avert your gaze from the human art piece staring back at you, still smiling but with a softened gaze. You were still smiling too, a heat flushing your cheeks and prickling your chest.
You were finally able to break away from the moment, returning your attention to the plum dripping a reddish-purple down your thumb. With nothing to break the silence, you took another bite, this one sending streaks of the juice down your hand and arm.
“Jesus,” you muttered through a laugh, grabbing a napkin from your bag with your free hand to clean up the juicy mess.
Pedro hadn't stopped staring at you, his head cocked slightly to the side and his eyes deep in thought.
“What?” you asked nervously.
“I like that… as a name. Plum.” He said, watching as you attempt to catch all of the trickling drips before they land on your skirt. He grabbed a napkin of his own and dabbed at a drip that nearly made it down to your elbow.
“Like, for a person?” You questioned. 
“No, no, a nickname. It has a good ring to it. Kinda... rolls off the tongue nicely.” He went for another bite of the sandwich, this one smaller and more manageable. “Can I call you that?"
Your heart thumped in your chest as your mouth fell open in surprise. The nickname, it sounded so personal, like something you’d call a partner or a child. Would it be appropriate for him to call you that? In front of other people? You knew he didn’t mean it that way, as if, but you've learned from observation that things can be misconstrued very easily in an environment like this. A part of you wanted to say no, to avoid any possibility of conflict, but the other part knew that he wouldn't let you get into any trouble for something that was his idea. You could sense it, he was a truly good guy, far better than the majority you’d known thus far. It was just a bit of fun, an inside joke between the two of you. No harm, no foul.
“Sure,” you swallowed the last bit of your bite, savoring the rich, sweet flavor on the back of your tongue. “But only if you let me figure out a nickname for you too.”
“Deal," He pulled the wrapping back over his sandwich and folded the excess paper under to the bottom. "You think on that, bring me ideas tomorrow, along with that plum. We should figure one out for Bella too.”
“Certainly,” You nodded, wrapping the remaining half of your plum in the napkin you had folded between your fingers.
Excitement stirred in your tummy. You used your free hand to push yourself up, stabilizing your feet underneath you and coming to a standing position. You reached a hand down to grab Pedro’s and help him up off the plush grass.
"Wanna head back?"
He extended his hand and you yanked hard, a bit harder than you meant to. He stumbled forward into you, but you caught him by the shoulders, the only thing separating your chests was a half of a sub sandwich. You both let out a hearty laugh as you shuffled away from each other, a thick and palpable tension filling the space between you.
“Thanks, plum.”
The words rolled off of his tongue like they were made for his mouth. You bit down on a grin as you followed him back to the crowd, buzzing and floaty and your head mostly empty, save the echo of his voice in your ear.
. . . . . .
The next morning you woke up with a plastered grin, springing out of bed, probably for the first time in your life. It was much earlier than you usually made it out of bed, but your excitement kept you snoozing your alarm like usual. You'd stayed up late that night, creating a small list of nickname ideas for both Bella and Pedro, tucked away in your notes app for later.
You managed to shower, dry and style your hair, do your makeup, and eat breakfast all before nine. Call was at eleven, and you can't remember the last time you had this much morning. You sat on the couch with your shoes on, three plums wrapped up in napkins, peeking out of your bag. A yawn sprawled itself across your face.
You needed caffeine.
“Hey Siri, call Pedro Pascal.” you said without overthinking it.
You hoped that Pedro wouldn’t mind you calling him with the promise of caffeine on the other end. You’d seen how much coffee he consumed on set… probably enough to kill a pilgrim. 
“... H-Hello?” a deep, groggy voice rumbled through the little speaker next to your ear.
“Oh god, are you sleeping? Jesus I’m sorry, it’s not that important…”
“It’s alright, I mean, I was sleeping, but I probably shouldn’t be. How are you?” his voice still a low and raspy whisper that gave you goosebumps.
“I’m… I’m good! Good," you tumbled on your words, not expecting his thoughtfulness after a such a rude awakening. "Yeah, the cosmos must have shifted because I woke up… early?”
He let out a soft chuckle. You felt a tiny pang in your chest. Making him laugh always made you feel a bit giddy.
“Anyways, I was going to get some coffee before work. I was just wondering if you might want anything? I was gonna get some from the Starbucks down the street from my place. Do you like Starbucks? I know you’re probably used to something a bit more upscale, I can go somewhere else too-”
“I like Starbucks.” he blurts, cutting off your rambling. You can hear the smile in his voice.
Why were you rambling? You never acted like this around any of your other clients. Maybe it was the pressure of the job, or the fact that you just accidentally woke up the biggest celebrity you’ve ever worked with to ask him if he wanted Starbucks.
You felt careless, a little dumb. A text would have sufficed. But something you couldn’t quite explain, something beyond your consciousness, urged you to call. It felt like possession, only gaining back control of yourself when you heard his low baritone on the other line.
“Oh! Awesome. Cool, cool… what would you want?” you ask, your voice strangely higher in pitch than usual. You cringed after the words left your mouth, still flabbergasted at your unnatural behavior. 
“Iced espresso, 6 shots please.” he croaked, the sound of rustling sheets muffling his voice on the other line.
You paused for a moment, in shock.
“Ha ha ha,” you let out a clearly fake and forced laugh.
He couldn’t be serious?
“What?” you heard on the other line, the sink gently running in the background. “That’s my usual.”
“… you’re joking…” you uttered, genuine concern taking over. 
He didn’t respond. 
“Hey, buddy? I can not be responsible for you going into cardiac arrest. I’m not CPR certified and I can’t have a client’s death on my CV.”
He let out that hearty, booming belly laugh he so often did, the one that echoed off the walls of any room and filled the space with its warmth.
“It’ll be fine,” He cooed, doing his best to ease your concern. “I gotta have my go-go juice.”
You laughed hard, barely able to hold in a snort.
“Fine, ok, 6 shots of espresso over ice. Do you know what Bella likes?”
“Uh... It has vanilla in it…” he trailed off, his words replaced by a symphony of ums and ers, ”I uh…. I don't remember. I’ll call them and call you back.”
“You can just text me you know, it’s no problem,” you offered.
“I hate texting. Talk to you in a bit.”
The call drops. 
You sat in the same spot you were, staring at your phone, waiting for the call to appear. You didn’t check Instagram or TikTok, didn’t pull out a book or put on headphones to listen to music… nothing. You simply sat there, staring at your lock screen as the minutes passed, just waiting.
A jolt shot down your body when the call finally appeared, your ringtone set to the highest volume.
“Hello?” you answered, your voice a bit shaky from the jumpscare.
“Hi— You ok?”
He's so thoughtful.
“Yeah! Yeah, I just wasn’t expecting my phone to ring.” you lied, the idiocy of the statement completely oblivious to you in the moment.
“I told you I’d call you back!” he exclaimed, teasingly. “Forgetting about me that fast, huh?”
You let out a schoolgirl giggle, and nearly smacked yourself in the face when you heard the involuntary sound leave your mouth.
“Ok, Bella wants a… hold on, I wrote it down.” he drawled as you heard him searching for the paper. “Medium…. Vanilla Sweet Cream… Cold Brew. Phew. Such complicated names.”
“Remind me to never have you order my drink for me then. You’d probably pass out trying.”
“Go on, lemme try.”
“Grande Iced Blonde Honey Oat Milk Shaken Espresso, light ice, cinnamon on top.” you recited, speeding up your words purposefully, making it sound even more ridiculous.
You heard a soft chuckle, the speaker barely picking up on its volume.
“Damn. Nevermind.”
You laugh alongside him, your stomach balling up into a knot.
“Ok, well, I'm gonna go get your go-go juice, I’ll see you soon.”
“What, you don’t want to chat?” he questioned in a disappointed tone. 
He wants to chat?
“I... well, I suppose I just assumed that you’d have something more… pressing to do.” you spoke in somewhat of a mumble.
“I can do both.” he said, a smile thick and coating his tone.
You put on your headphones and booked it towards the door.
.   .   .   .   .   .
You talked to Pedro throughout your entire commute to work. You both laughed as you ordered his usual, and he tried over and over again to get the name of your drink right while you waited at the counter. You probably looked insane to the people around you, laughing essentially non-stop with your headphones in, the buds unintentionally hidden under your hair.
When you arrived to work, Pedro greeted you from across the lot, the call still going and his phone up to his ear. 
“Should we hang up?” he asked, whispering into the phone so you couldn’t hear his real voice from where you were standing.
You hit the end button without saying anything and started walking towards him with the drink carrier, keys and phone in one hand and your bag in the other. 
“Uh, RUDE,” he shouted toward your direction, hand on one hip and knee popped out to the side. “Do you need some help?”
You let him take your bag as you headed up to the trailer to get started with hair for the day. Pedro plopped himself in the chair as you turned on the brilliant, somewhat blinding lights on the vanity mirror.
“I have a present for you! Other than the coffee,” you said in a lilting, sing-songy voice.
You held the plum in your two hands and presented it to him like something precious and rare.
“I washed it already, but I can wash it again if you want. Do you want it right now?”
He grabbed it out of your hands and took a massive bite. Juice spilled all down the sides of his mouth and into his salt and pepper facial hair. You started cackling at the sight, quickly holding the napkin beneath his chin to keep the little red rivers from dripping onto his clothes.
“Mmmm, I see what you mean,” he managed, his mouth still full of the fruit. “It’s so sweet, but just the tiniest bit tangy, and so juicy."
He went in for another bite, this one somehow bigger than the last.
"It’s really, really good.” he garbled.
“I’m glad you like it,” you replied sweetly. You placed the napkin in his free hand and started to set up the products on the nearby counter.
“Helloooo?” you heard from the other end of the trailer, an english accent lilting off the confined walls of the trailer's interior.
“Heeeey guuuurl,” Pedro sang across the space, responding to Bella. “You gotta try this fruit, it's amazing. Here, have a bite-”
“No no, I brought Bella one too!” you cut Pedro off, quickly grabbing the items from the counter and extending your hands toward them; one with the fruit wrapped in a napkin, cold brew in the other. “Be careful, it’s really juicy.”
“Oh my gosh you are so sweet, thank you!” Bella said as they opened their arms for a hug.
You wrapped your arms around them, squeezing them tight with a little shake. So far you felt the most comfortable around Bella out of the whole cast. Something about their energy was so welcoming, and despite their age you felt like you could probably be friends. Real friends.
They pulled away and took a small bite of the plum; napkin wrapped around it, catching any of the escaping drips. 
“Oh my god, this fruit is incredible. What is this?”
“It’s a sweet plum.” Pedro chimed in, enthused. “Which is also my new nickname for my lovely hairstylist.”
“I brought ideas for nicknames for both of you too,” you beamed through a wide smile.
“That's so cute. I love it,” Bella sat in the chair to the left of Pedro’s, legs folded criss-cross and continuing to munch on the fruit.
The three of you went over your list as you started working on Pedro’s hair for the day. You gave Bella your phone to make any adjustments or additions as you considered the options carefully. After a near half hour of contemplation, interlaced stupid jokes and explosive bouts of laughter, you landed on just “P” for Pedro. 
“I like how punchy it sounds,” he explained. “Like, imagine I walk into a room and just say, 'The name’s P.' That’s powerful man. P for the powerful Pedro Pascal.”
You and Bella cackled at the ridiculous sentiment, but agreed that P was fitting. It was punchy, and utterly ridiculous, just like him.
You were halfway down the list of ideas for Bella when Pedro jumped up straight.
“I HAVE IT! I HAVE IT!” He swiveled around in his chair to face Bella, damn near knocking you off of your feet with him. “Bella and Ellie. Bellie.”
You gasped.
“Oh, yes, yep. That’s the one.” You reached a hand down low, palm up, inviting Pedro to high five it.
Bella loved it too.
As you finished up Pedro’s hair, the three of you talked, joked and laughed, roaring until your stomachs burned. You couldn’t remember the last time that you had been so utterly content. 
Over time, the names settled in effortlessly, like missing puzzle pieces in your speech. They belonged there, special, as your friendship bloomed in the months that followed.
. . . . .
chapter three
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the-moon-files · 10 days
Who do you think you could beat in a fight? like no weapons, not power gloves/bracelets, just bare hands and a dream.
who let u be this funny kota lmao
Tbh, me v. anything stronger than a chicken or a chuchu, they winning.
Ive only Just started going to the gym, i have very little muscle that isnt from carrying groceries, so hands down, not many things i would realistically fight in botw/loz games in general
If ur talking abt the Links tho?? Uh, none. 💀
Im not that delusional (yet), i mean i guess if u wanna get creative with it, I think, personally,
I could beat some of them in a drinking game lol
Like maybe Sky, Hyrule, Four, Wild, and (to his lightweight dismay) Legend, just bc im not a lightweight so thatd be funny
But general strength? Nah probably none of them
But u wanna hear my delusional takes on this, like if i would just swing regardless of actual strength discrepancy,
Weirdly enough, Hylia? LMAO
(Warning, Hylia bashing, if u like her a lot for whatever reason and are going to feel the need to comment in her defense, pls find another post to do that on, this rlly isnt that serious)
Alright, let me explain, let me explainnn
So i saw LU blogs defend this better than me, but basically Hylia (not Zeldas) is like lowkey another root cause for problems in Hyrule, she kind of encourages this endless cycle of abuse of "heroes" or mortals, to enlist in this eternal battle against Demise/Ganon, when he's technically immortal, and she should be fighting him herself.
Or at least not making mortals (who can Die) fight for her, especially with the setup being a SINGULAR MORTAL. like not even an army of mortals
(Like i get it, its for stupid-plot-not-rlly-thought-out-reasons so the games get to exist, but suspend ur disbelief pls, assuming this is now a real universe that ive got dropped into)
There are other reasons, like how she possesses every Zelda lowkey against her will, or without her permission to be in her body at least, and that she sort of? I thought, like? Wants to to be with Link every time? Feels kinda creepy?
Idk that one may not be true, but there are way cooler blogs out there that have a nicer receipt list of beef with Hylia, pls find them
But most importantly, if u take nothing else away from this, its that, someone out there, in the depths of LU tumblr, gave reasonable, logical, justifications about how Legend could take down Hylia on his own.
She's basically all magic, so if she suddenly had no more magic in this scenario, im betting that i could at least tackle her and turn it into a bar fight lol
Revenge for all the Links u could say,
I actually thought abt making a fic that had smth like this premise, but eh, ive got so much to write abt rn i havent taken it on
Plus, hey, who doesn't wanna fight God a little?
Hope that answered ur question! Or at least was entertaining!
Sorry if u rlly like Hylia for whatever reason and i just shat on her for like a small paragraph, idk, just unread it or smth
(Im still watching a playthru of SS, but i think i also could specifically take Ghirahim in a arm wrestling contest, ok thank you, good night)
Peace out,
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niphredil-14 · 6 months
pls write some fluff for raph <3333
its 2 am rn so i just want something comforting to read lmao. maybe some headcannond about trying to get a peaceful nights sleep while ur crime fighting boyf sneaks back into ur room after patrolling/a mission?🥷🥷🥷
ty bby
METRONOME OF AFFECTION (2012 Raphael Hamato/Reader) Warnings: some pining, some light insecurity, lots of fluff, friends to lovers word count:1794 notes: tumblr wouldnt let me post this all at once so i was forced to break it up.
Protecting a city as massive and crime filled as New York was far from an easy task, no matter how many people were on the team, and in some cases, the team could add more to his plate than they took anything off of it. From small annoyances, and petty arguments to full on battles, it didn't take long to wear Raphael down, he could feel his patience falling away from him like loose scutes. Every little inconvenience and setback sticking to him like algae on his shell. By the time that the bright moon, clouded by the fog and smoke rising from the city, had begun to set over the skyline, Raph's feet were dragging with every step, his very bones ached, and what risked becoming a permanent scowl had carved itself onto his face, his mouth curving downward, pulling awkward lines down his jaw from his beak. The group had all been heading towards their go-to sewer cap, located in a small, cramped alley in the Italian district, right next to a small Mom-and-Pop pizzeria that they had April and Casey frequenting on their behalf. The closer they got to their equivalent of a doorstep, the more Raph's appetite lessened and a strong sense of dread set into his chest. He did not want to end his less-than-ideal night with going back to the lair, with people who has spent the past six hours doing nothing but getting on his nerves, only to brood and stew in his misery, holed up in his room or the dojo until the stars rose yet again as the next evening dawned, where they would all rinse and repeat their ass-kicking and name-taking routine, he needed an escape, and he knew exactly where to go. He had stopped walking, letting his brothers and friends build a gap between them as he slowly melded with the shadows, turning and heading east. After five minutes or so, he would send them a text, just before he arrived at his destination, letting his family know that he was okay, and that it was just a bit early for him to crawl back to the sewers to hide from the world again. Pausing after sending the text, letting the dim blue-light from the screen minimally illuminate his face, he hesitated on their fire escape. The window led into their living room, and he could tell that there was not a single light on in their apartment, save for a small night light kept plugged into the hallway outlet, so that they didn't trip if they had to get up in the middle of the night, as they so often did. The last thing he wanted to do was disturb their sleep, he knew that with everything they had going on in their life, that they weren't getting nearly enough, and yet he couldn't stop himself from at least slipping in to use the first aid kit they kept underneath their bathroom sink, and making sure that they were okay. He placed his fingers underneath the window, and let out an exasperated sigh when it lifted open without resistance. The number of times he had warned them to keep all their windows locked was as impossible to count as the stars with the naked eye. He faced the evil of the city every night, he knew what hid in the shadows, he knew the monsters that would give anything to hide in their closet or under their bed, he could be counted among them, though for contrasting reasons to the other freaks and low lives. Silently crawling through their window, with some struggle due to his sheer size, he made his way to the kitchen first, grabbing a glass of water, and some of the snacks they had begun buying once Raphael's visits became more frequent. He smiled to himself in the dark of the kitchen, his heart touched at seeing that they had restocked his favorite snacks. After having a quick bite, he snuck into the bathroom, taking out the first aid kit an patching himself up where needed, which fortunately for him, was not much, he hadn't gotten more than a few cuts, and only had to remove two bullets. He slid the kit back into the cupboard and shut the door behind him, walking as quickly as he quietly could towards the end of the hall, where their bedroom was.
The door was closed, but he could hear their soft breathing behind the door. Their breaths were slow and even, and he was sure that they were in a deep sleep. He felt as though he shouldn’t intrude, but they had always told him that he was always welcome, no matter the time or the day, and maybe, he thought, he should just do a quick check to make sure a necklace they forgot to take off wasn’t choking them and that there weren’t any intruders or creepy-crawlies hiding in the room, waiting for the perfect moment. And so, he slowly opened their bedroom door, cringing at the low squeak that resulted. He froze, waiting for any sign that he had disturbed them, but their breathing did not change, and they only slightly shifted. It wasn’t the first time that he had shown up in the middle of the night, and though he always felt so guilty about it, he knew how it usually ended, with them tucked close to his plastron, as the two cuddled close underneath the comforter, drifting off to sleep, with only a small stream of light creeping in through a small crack in the blinds. And yet, though this was far from his first time entering without prior notice, he was afraid. Afraid that it would be the last straw, that they would turn him away, tired of his company, tired of his existence. Despite his fear, the turtle took a step into their room, and then another. He walked around the perimeter of the room, checking the closet, the blinds, and any other potential hiding spots, before making his way over to the side of the bed. He did not lift the covers, just stood there, blocking the small bit of window light, and casting a shadow over their form. They looked so peaceful that he couldn’t help but just stop and stare, unable to fathom how someone as gruff and rough around the edges as him, someone with a shell even harder than their head, could end up with someone who made them feel so soft. Looking down at his friend, the one he had loved for what felt like several lifetimes before his own, he felt a sense of hopelessness. He loved being close to them, and yet he was so sure that they could never feel anything more than platonic, if even that, for him. Sometimes his brain turned its rudeness towards him, yelling at him that they only ever kept him around out of the kindness of their heart, out of pity, that he was a charity case, that they would never willingly want to be with a mutant such as him. In a moment where he wanted to be close enough to crawl inside their skin, but was to fearful of the rejection, he could only grant himself any sort of reprieve from the tightening of his heart, by lightly brushing his finger along their face, tracing swirls on their cheek. Being with them was as torturous as it was heavenly, they gave him a safe haven when he needed an escape, but with their gift of hospitality, their bright smile and caring eyes had planted a seed of sickly sweetness deep within him. He didn’t know how they had managed to reach through his plastron to tug directly at his heart strings, puppeteering him like a string marionette, but they had and there was no one else he would rather have such control over him. And just as he was about to let his hopelessness consume him and leave, their eyes slowly blinked open, their head lolling to face him as their gaze followed his arm up to his shoulder, jaw, then face. A sleepy, almost drunk-like smile graced their features, and his heart swelled. In a moment of vulnerability, they had smiled at him, so genuinely he was convinced that it couldn’t have been an act of pity.
“Hey, Big Guy.” The exhaustion seeped into their words, slurring them. His voice caught in his throat, and he coughed, clearing his throat.
“Hey.” He replied, trying to pull his hand away from their face, unsuccessfully, as they grabbed his wrist and tugged them towards them, lifting up the covers for him to crawl under. He sat down on the side of the bed, undoing the wraps on his feet and hands, and taking of his belt an harnesses, finally taking off the bandana as well, before finally climbing into bed with them. It was a small bed, twin size at best, which did not leave much personal space between them. He hovered his hands on his side, until they shifted forward, hugging him as they buried their face in his shoulder. “Sorry for waking ya,’ Doll.” They shook their head, nuzzling into him some more in the process.
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry for, Raph. You know I’m always happy to have you. It’s been too long.” He gave a light chuckle, caving to the cuddles they both craved, and pulling them even closer to him.
“It’s been three days.”
“Exactly, that’s far too long to be without my love.” Raphael sputtered, and he was sure that if reptiles could blush, that he would be red as the first roses, dyed with the blood of Aphrodite herself.
“You love me? Like, love me, as in, a more-than-friends kinda way?” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“’Course I love you, Raphael, you think I’d let anyone else break into my apartment at five in the morning to wake me up for a cuddle sesh? You’re my everything.” As embarrassing as it was, he could feel his tail thump against the mattress behind him.
“You’re my everything too.” Raphael replied. He wanted to tell them that he loved them too, but the words were too heavy in his throat, and too scary for him to let escape just yet, so he settled for mimicking their last sentence, and lowering his beak to gently press against their forehead, to mimic a kiss as closely as he was capable of with his beak. Giving them a tight squeeze, he shuffled even closer to them, nuzzling the top of their head, and drifting off to sleep, with their hearts synching to beat together as a metronome of their affection.
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the-kipsabian · 9 months
Ayo! Greetings! I hope you are doing pretty well! I’m really sorry for asking this as I’m truly in dire need of help. My cat needs some immediate help for her surgery so I’m trying to raise some funds for her. If you have some spare time, please check it out the post that I have pinned for her, and if you feel it in your heart to help, please do us the favor by boosting the post or share it! Even if you cannot donate, spreading the word is definitely more than enough. Thank you for your kindness, and so sorry again for being this direct! <33
//update they blocked me instantly so hey anyone peeping this post or in their url tag just know this is a scam :) stay safe out there kids
you know what i feel in my heart
fuck no 🙏❤
hey kids, lets play a game of spot a scam again!! (im copying the message ive replied with before here and the original is at the bottom if you wish to reblog that one :) just editing this a bit here to show the new stuff they are putting out there in this very message yay!!)
okay this is literally the same story ive seen before at least three times. its word to word the same. youre not even trying
reblogging ONLY FROM ORIGINAL SOURCES posts in the past two days so :)
also they try to act more human with a decent description and likes and follows turned off. dont try hun
their only original post as far as i scrolled (which admittedly wasnt very far as its obvious this is a scam lol) is the donation post. unsurprisingly
ive said it before and i’ll say it again - they seem to target people in similar positions that they are supposedly in, trying to pluck that sympathy cord with “your pet is sick so you are sensitive and know how this feels”. this isnt my case rn but i obviously have posted cat photos and i have a donation ko-fi link in my pinned post sssoooo
“pls consider answering this ask privately” lmao so what people dont know youre a scammer? NEXT (this isnt in this ask surprisingly, but im leaving it in here cause they do this occasionally still)
a simple search even within tumblr tells you people already know about this. the account, the story and the cat. you aint fooling anymore
if unsure kids, ask a friend and google things 👍 reverse image search, for example, is your best friend!! also googling the latter half of the given paypal name reveals immediately that this is a scam. plastered all over the first search page lmao
also kids, in case youre asking “well what bad could a one little me reblogging a post even if its a scam do if i dont donate :/” 1. im sorry what and 2. it makes them look legitimate which they are not. the more notes the more trusted the source cause tumblr is full of idiots (sorry not sorry ive been here for over 11 years i know what people are like) plus you put your friends, mutuals and followers in a risk of participating in a scam. and have your name associated with it as well. do i need to go on?
anyways hi go report this blog and always be hesitant if someone you dont know asks you for donations like this. unless its a beloved mutual on your dash, reconsider. stay safe, thanks 💜
looking forward to being blocked immediately after posting this, but i’ll be sure to report you for a scam. :) also fuck you for using someone elses poor cat and their situation to literally scam good natured people out of money, what the fuck is wrong with you
peace and love, fuck you ✌💜
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leolithe · 7 months
Currently waiting for my first necramech to be built........ There are so so so many good things about this game's story i Don't even know where to start
For context, Warframe is my first MMORPG I'm actually playing seriously. I am 230 hours in and i may be dramatic but I'm just blown away honestly, so I'll write some of my thoughts before i start The New War.
- That Chains Of Harrow Quest. I was not expecting it AT ALL and thinking about it even now is just. Man I'm so glad i decided to pick up this game. The horror segment actually made me feel dread and it's a very fun example of changing up gameplay genres to serve the narrative. Letting you play as Rell and picking out those expression cards was such a good narrative-gameplay choice...... This quest made me cry
- Lotus ;-;;;;; mission mom...... The writers nailed everything about this plot point, especially the feeling of confused betrayal. I could really feel the hurt and fear and confusion, and god damn do the writers know what they're doing. The segment with the Lotus doing those fun poses to taunt us? I wanted to laugh at them so bad, but I couldn't, the situation was too heartbreaking.
- The Sacrifice was devastating. It was incredible. Excalibur Umbra's story was presented so well, and seeing my Operator bring him peace was such a memorable moment. Beautiful quest.
- I have so many feelings about my Operator.... Insert that old old pic that goes "i want to care for it i want to see it grow up strong and healthy etc etc". When I made the choice to consume the Kuva in The War Within, i thought the black eyeballs thing was a one-time choice-specific thing that'll never happen again. BOY! I WAS WRONG ABOUT THAT!
- The next day, after completing The Sacrifice, I logged in. I saw my Operator sitting on the codex table... Her eyes were black again. She was talking to a fake Lotus. She was reliving Excalibur Umbra's memories. She didn't move when I approached her, so I cautiously moved towards the foundry... And when I turned back, she was gone.
The fact that i feel the need to explain it convincingly and insist that THIS IS REALLY A THING THAT HAPPENED IN GAME I PROMISE, even though this story has been out for years and the playerbase has also experienced it, is a testament to the brilliant decision of incorporating the story into the perceived "non-story" parts of the game... All to establish the point that the Operator is hallucinating.
LIKE, FUCK!!!!! AHHGHHH my fucking heart dudeeeeeee. After being so noble and heroic and selfless, helping out Excalibur Umbra through that Incredibly Traumatic experience, of course she'd be scarred! She shared a mind with him, of course there'd be mental repercussions! It makes sense! It makes sense! It all makes sense!!!!!
And to make the PLAYER feel like THEY'RE hallucinating too?????? FUCKING GENIUS. I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW BIG MY GRIN IS RIGHT NOW. Of course you're hallucinating! You're the Operator!!!! THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhhh I fucking love videogames, man. You can't get this stuff in film. I can't wait to start The New War. I'll post pics of my Operator and loadout sometime... Thanks for reading my 4am tumblr post 💖
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Hi. Destiny! I came with peace 😊 so pls don't be mad at me. I have a little favor to ask. You know, we often say here "c'mon people, stop taking twitter haters/film bros seriously 'cause they are very very loud and toxic minority of the internet". Well, twitter and tumblr Tom stans are NOT the majority of the fandom either (same with Z stans and TZ shippers). Like at all. And those who actively post are an even smaller slice. And those of them who constantly write nasty things? It's like 1% of that slice🤏. So when you and your anons discuss how many of Tom fans did this or that pls🙏 do not exaggerate and be a little bit more specific. Cuz "many of Tom fans did something" and it's pretty much always like 2 blogs and 10 asks here and 4 same noisy accs on twitter (who call themselves his fans but shit on him every week. we all already know their names). And that's it. Looks not so "many" for me😏. The rest of boycotting TCR tweets and making fun of his look tweets or asks (i agree there were plenty of those) were not really from TOM fans but more like from GP, locals and not so friendly Z stans. As always.
That's fair enough Anon. I agree that it's not ALL of Tom's fans who are bashing his choices, or are behaving a certain way. I really shouldn't generalize.
Okay, I'm going to go with some #REALTALK here...so sorry if I offend anyone or step on toes, but I'm always 100% HONEST here on my blog.
***WARNING: Unpopular Opinion Coming Through***
I just find that with Tom's fandom in particular, it just seems like his fans don't trust him for some reason. 🥴 I feel like a lot of his fans infantilize him to a massive degree in fact. He's a 26 year old MAN...he's not some little boy. But I get the overwhelming feeling sometimes that his fans think they know better than he does about what he wants to do, or what he should do. Idk...it's just weird to me. 🥴 Why not just trust him and his decisions? Even if you didn't particularly like a project of his, maybe HE liked it and wanted to work with a particular director/actor or just simply liked the script?? 🤷🏾‍♀️
I'm pretty sure the same thing probably goes on in other actor's fandoms as well, but I can only speak to Tom's fandom since I've been part of his fandom heavily for almost 6 years now. I even compare it to the other male fandoms that I've been apart of in the past, and even currently, and to me it just seems like Tom gets way more pressure from his fans/fandom than some other fandoms out here. That's all. While other fandoms seem to just let their faves just "be" and are CHILL about whatever new project or thing they have going on in their life, I find that Tom (and Zendaya's fandom tbh) freak out over the smallest little things. 😔 Take the LV (possibility) for example. So many fans ready to hate on Z possibly switching from Valentino to LV. Like, we don't even know any details yet, but some already are crying, complaining, or getting "anxious". That is just SO much pressure on these two individuals. Can't y'll just let them BE?? 👀 
Sorry for the vent session, but that's just how I personally feel about the fandom. And maybe you're right, maybe it's just a very SELECT small FEW (a minority) who behave this way. Unfortunately, this "minority" is a very vocal one.....
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pashminalamb · 2 years
If you make an another account will you be posting it? You know so I can immediately follow and all 😁. And same I’ve always been a loner too. There have been a few exceptions though. But the past year taught me a lot about friendships so I’m just working on myself this year. It’s kind of lonely but at the same time really peaceful? I think I’m happier now than I’ve been in a long time. Yeah the lack of friends and companions makes things lonely but it’s not something that I’ll let break me anymore. I know I’m stronger than that now. Someone’s I think online people are easier to interact with because there’s no attachments?? Like if they left me I can assume something happened or they decided to go offline but I know for sure (mostly) it’s not my fault you know? And people online are just so much kinder in general. Not that I interact a bunch of people online, just a few, but that’s just my experience so far. Didn’t mean to go off on a rant there my bad 😅.
And don’t apologize for closing the chat box!! It’s completely understandable. As kind as people can be online there are still a bunch of creeps out here 🤢. So pls stay safe!!
YOUR SCREENSAVER?!??! ASDGKKGFFGG MY BABY HE LOOKS SO PRETTY. Also I’ve only recently gotten a Haitani brothers brainrot so like that’s a big factor atm 💀💀. OH there’s this one artist that posts her drawings in insta and tiktok abt TR and they look amazing and are so freaking funny I end up clutching my stomach every time 💀😭😂.
Here’s one of them
I’ve posted a few things on my blog but only drabbles really. I’ve been wanting to start doing analysis’s for a long time but I never got around to it. Just like character analysis’s and relationship analysis’s and story arcs and all that jazz. I love all of it. And in my opinion the best stories are the ones where the characters are what drive the plot of the story. TR did an amazing job of doing this and it’s one of the reasons I fell in love with the story in the first place almost immediately.
That one illuminati ask was…. something 💀.
Comfort fics are my favorite and the ones that explore real experiences and feelings and aren’t just a colt bf paste of the same words really do it for me.
Thank youuuu ☺️!!! Yeah my blogs a mess but I have so much fun with it. I haven’t posted anything in a while tho and I’m thinking about starting character analysis’s posts first. I’ll probably brainstorm over winter break. Which cant come soon enough btw. I have so many ideas for stories (besides fics I mean) and I wanna warm up and practice with tumblr.
Emperor! Izana ehhhh 👀👀?? Don’t worry I can wait. I can be patient when I want to be 😌. And the 30+ WIPS?? I felt that 😭😭. I don’t even wanna look at all the almost blank documents where I speed typed like 30 words at 3 am and when back to sleep 💀💀.
REOOOOOO!!! See like Nagi is also very adorable. And Barou has been growing on me lately 👀. See what I’m doing with blue lock now is just being spoiled left and right. I gave up trying to avoid spoilers (my lack of patience really shined through here) so now I see a post abt a match point or a duo breaking up in the manga and I’m like WAIT WHAT and then just don’t read the manga 💀💀. I WILL (eventually) soon but after the first season ends.
I love love love analyzing people and hearing their stories and learning things through experience. Which is really rich cause Im not good with talking to people and I never leave the house 💀💀. You can see my problem 😭😭.
How’s reading TR going? 👀👀
Ohhh I’ll check out those recs.
What did you think of the new episode of Chainsaw Man? Shit really hit the fan after the first 5 minutes 💀💀.
You should’ve told the guy where you found the picture so that he could save it as his wallpaper if he liked it so much 😌🙄.
Also can I mention how much I love the headers you put at the end of each ask? Like they’re so adorable and cute and thoughtful. I just wanted to say I really appreciate them!!! You’re so sweet ❤️❤️.
As for me, I’m currently in the library waiting for my next class to start. I took a tumblr break after eating lunch. My professor just made a big essay optional and extra credit because he wants us to review for our last unit test and midterm throughly. SO LIKE HECK YEAH!!! But also I already have an outline for it so I’m debating if the 10 point extra credit on our midterm is worth the extra work or not.
How’s your day going? Papers are rough but you got this 😤😤!!! Don’t forget to take breaks and eat something and drink water today okay??? *sends many virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
Kinda want to announce it so that I don’t seem sus - but I also wanna be discreet abt it so that I can interact with people who wanna message me (in priv) and not people who want a part 2 of something from me ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა (please I get that you guys don’t wanna be left on a cliffhanger - but. I have a life outside tumblr and left with less hours to write. And if you want quality, you’re gonna have to wait. Pushing me isn’t gonna work cause you’re gonna be disappointed with the end result and so will I) you’ll be able to tell it’s me cause I will say this - it’s a TR username - I have two of them in mind and I can’t figure which one I want more cause the one I got represents me in whole and the other is a guy who’s high (ikyk)
Yeah, it gets lonely here- but at least it’s peaceful; I follow a few blogs - mostly art + JJBA updates (and I’m super excited to check out the new eps of stone ocean) interaction wise... i have tried it out before, but none of them lasted long. what hurt me the most was when i was trying to be genuine abt something and writers here (not all but some) are really closed off yk? like they're fine interacting with friends but are really selective with new people? cause of that i just gave up interacting with them altogether and after my ideas got taken and neither was anything being reciprocated back on my blog by them despite us following each other- cause it goes both ways and if its just me, i wont do it anymore. my experience online hasn't been that great except with the upload of fics... and the only interaction i would get was comments or going through tags that was included by the person who reblogged it- but with recent developments, a lot of that has changed and i'm comfortable talking to people now ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Oh yea definitely. Safety is super important to me - that's why i never reveal too much about myself just small things cause you can't be completely safe on the internet- like when i was still a small time writer i got followed by a spanking account (istg the way my eyes widened when i saw it; and it wasn't even the kinky variety- it was traditional method of disciplining someone) - won't go much into detail about it but yeah i ended up blocking him. And now that i think abt it he must've read my hanma fic - but still (T.T)
Rindou is so pretty- i. he looked at me on the train (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
Unfortunately, I don't use tiktok. I used to be there - but i realized that i wasted a lot of time with endless scrolling, some of the content had received a lot of likes despite there not being enough effort? not to mention my ex's friends came to troll me through that app. I deleted my account and as i got older, i decided to never go back - so now i just stick to pinterest, twitter and instagram with the latter two being purely for uni reasons. so yeah i'm not much of a social media kinda person - and yeah i live under a rock and i'm ancient (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
Oh yeah when characters take the drive and the plot goes ahead is a different thing altogether - and i agree. like even in tr, i was really surprised to see the turn of events and character development - especially Kazutora and yeah i saw the drabbles (didn't get to read them cause i haven't watched one piece but maybe i should soon) - glad to know that you're a woman of culture for liking ace cause i like him as well - despite not watching the anime (is a zoro fan as well) and now i wanna change the theme of my blog as well- thinking if i should go with beige, sage green or blue- gonna see how this pans out
that illuminati ask had me dead- and i was just laughing from confusion and saying that idk who was a part of project and conspiracies- it's gonna be an inside joke on the blog 😂
Oh yeah emperor Izana - very fitting for his image tbh; and literally- when its time to write, it is time to write and lately i've been feeling the word "cold" a lot which added to True north Aiku's part (yes i will talk abt my husband- and apparently he's set a standard for me in men too shaggy hair with a mullet minus the side shave + scruff/ 5 o clock shadow) I haven't watched the latest of bllk - i read the new chapter though - not much action but Isagi's development; and you found out abt a duo breaking up- ૮₍•᷄ ࡇ •᷅₎ა dw tho - there are more pairings that come in and you'll get to see Barou with his hair down- p hot ngl .What i really really pray for is aiku getting animated (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) i wanna see him touch him feel him (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
TR reading - might start uploading manga panels soon and i still like Senju/ Senjuu - she's like me (๑>ᴗ<๑) (although i know some ppl would disagree- i'm curious to see what character would you relate me to tho)
And i forgot to add that i read philosophy as well - i'm all over the place tbh - one of my favs is tuesdays with morrie. Its a sad book but totally worth the read.
I haven't watched chainsaw man just read the manga- but i think i should start watching that cause mappa did a good job with it and honestly- the animation looks very different than their usual (i was roped into re-watching aot - likes reiner and porco )
Ty fur liking the headers- (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) i'm gonna put them for every ask - might start putting webtoon ones too
Oof good luck on the review!
So, i wrote the review and the prof liked it a lot- i got summoned to the archival section of the library - the books there are so old and dusty and i'm working on a research paper with my prof (had to wash my hand three times to get the dust off and i'm thinking of carrying surgical gloves for this-)
I hope your say is going well too, starry!
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I do not regret sending cursed images I found on Pinterest
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diorsbrando · 2 years
hey ^-^
4, 8, 12 and 13 for the ask game
i am. awful. pls pls plsss forgive me for being so late with replying to this!! :((( ask game can be found here! i hope i linked the right one LDSKDSFDSKF
4) tell me abt ur day
weeellll, my day today was pretty chill, i cant complain honestly bc i didnt have any classes plus thanksgiving breaks starts today (well technically tomorrow but yea). grateful to God for waking me up this morning, Amen. i just lazed around in bed this morning, took my time to get up at like....noon, went to get boba, ate food, watched anime all afternoon, listened to music, had dinner and now im here on tumblr clearing out my inbox and maybeee work on a jjk piece for choso <3
8) ask me personal things
hmmmm let me see... what ur color is ur shirt rn? what about your room? i didnt wanna get too invasive LMAOOOO
12) unpopular opinions
enji todoroki ( endeavor ) is a sexy ass dilf. we need to discuss this more.
hot dogs are disgusting
tom holland was the most enjoyable spiderman. although i did like andrew garfield and tobey maguire, so no hate to them (spiderman 3 from sam raimi in 2007 was the best one imo)
alcohol isn't alllll that; it's bitter fr (ignore the fact that i'd rather drink than smoke tho)
marriage and social norms are very much made up to suppress unique/different/minority groups (got inspo from @sirenh4ll bc i agree)
being a homebody and being in ur own space / peace >>>>> going out black people!! (esp black women) >>>>>>
13) vent 2 me
ummmmm lets see 🥲DDJSFKJRF where do i even begin fr. i might link my response from another post here bc another moot did ask me the same question, but basicalllyyy school is hard, makes me hate myself and my own brain; navigating friends is still so hard and i hate that im such a people pleaser; anddd i hate how i physically look
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helieosphere · 5 months
Kei’s yearly 2023 retrospective
cw: long, mostly positive vibes, gender stuff
Since twitlonger is dead I have to move my yearly thought wrap up to tumblr! Which tbh is better for these kinds of posts anyways.
HIIIII welcome to a post I’ve stared making since I had my first cosplay instagram (which doesn’t exist anymore-) in which I just kinda reflect on the year and look forward into the future. Basic stuff! Overall, this exercise has been a welcomed gratitude lesson and has maintained it ever since over three platforms now.
So, 2023…what was up?
I have nothing but positive things to say about the year overall for my own personal self. This was the most personal growth I’ve had in any given year for the better. I took risks, I stuck my neck out there and was rewarded. I’ve met a number of amazing people who all inspire me in some shape or form and I’ve gotten much closer to the people who’ve remained in my life. I’ve become my own person and I couldn’t of said that represents me accurately for any other year prior to this even if I tried. That being said, before going into my gratitudes, I wanna acknowledge that overall 2023 was a crappy year. Like Jesus the world is on FIRE and I’m exhausted of rehashing the same arguments OVER AND OVER again but I’ve remain steadfast and I’m glad I have the privilege to find peace in chaos rn despite what life threw at me which is probably why my takeaway is relatively good things and wanting to look forward.
Anyways…the good stuff and my thank yous!
this year was the year I fully realized my gender identity. I didn’t really feel confident in who I was as kei, this little guy who was just fucking around for so many years, aimlessly, without a goal in mind. But as I got accepted to do my own research, took some gender studies courses, I kinda realized where my heart lies and how honest I had to be with myself in order to feel at peace with my own body. Sure, I still have dysphoria and damn, I dealt with a lot of misgendering and transphobia this year. It will never be eradicated and never will be until the day I die. But this year was the best case of me willing to live my life authentically and letting myself be free despite these challenges. I’ve always had issues of people pleasing and wanting to always put my best foot forward but that led to major empathy burnout. And, although I’m not completely free of my bad habits, I’ve learned to exhaust my energy more sustainably and have loosened up. I’ve become sillier, more outgoing, more assertive, more creative—you name it. This all was possible through the support systems I’ve maintained and developed in 2023.
Firstly, my partner. What to say? Idk, I say a lot to him already and so I’ll just briefly gush. He is the shining beacon of my life. He is the most stable part that I’ve always been able to lean on for support and care. He has helped me through so much, and knowing he’s there lighting up a pathway to the safest point forward has been something that has helped me tremendously. I’m not sure words can accurately describe how much he does for me, especially considering our distance, but I’ve never met someone more patient and passionate about what he loves. He has so much care put into the things he’s willing to make the effort for and has been an all too willing victim to my crazy ideas. He is my biggest cheerleader, and I could not have become the person I am today with his unwavering love and support. He has LITERALLY dealt with the worst of me (high school) so honestly pls just give him props for that alone.
Secondly, my roommates turned NEW CONVENTION GROUP! They’ve become so very into cons and cosplaying with me it’s cute. In turn. I’ve become a K-pop Stan so idk equal trade off? They’ve taught me to be unapologetically myself and to never settle for second best. I was very nervous moving to California alone with no existing support system but they’ve taught me to love it. Besides that, we’ve just experienced a lot of new things together and throughout it, have found each other waiting at the other side wanting to do more and push each other to be the best and worst people we can possibly be. They inspire me to no end and I’m glad I’ve got this other layer of safety I feel comfortable being myself in. Thanks, y’all are the best and I can’t wait for more cons with you in the future.
Third, everyone who I had the pleasure of meeting at a con AKA new mutuals. Hi! I get really nervous to reach out to new people but I wanted to speak on how much these positive interactions with people have really carried my confidence forward. Although I just gassed myself up for being more outgoing, I still struggle to feel comfortable enough to reach out to ANYONE because of insecurities I have about reading social cues and assumptions of good will being taken advantage of. It’s something I’m working on! But geez, thanks to the cosplay community—more specifically the ffxiv community—for reigniting my love for crafting and cons in general. Im for one super happy I even made the decision to start yotsuyu and finish her for fanfest because she’s a labor of love that got me to be bold enough to GET ON A STAGE and perform a fun little skit despite my stage fright. I now know so many COOL CRAFTERS and AWESOME PEOPLE who are absolutely incredible at what they do and have been nothing but nice to me :( seriously, can’t thank y’all enough. This game has given me so many wonderful interactions that Im just full of it. I don’t really like my yotsuyu as there is SO MUCH WRONG about it’s construction that I can’t really get over also because I absolutely got in over my head but I’m grateful people seemed to love it anyways and I’ve come to both ground myself as a crafter but also know I can always improve with time and that I have gotten so much better. EXCITED TO SEE YALL NEXT FANFEST, ANOTHER CON, WHATEVER! I do hope we all can cross paths again! Special shout-out to my fanfest roommate who was willing to travel to Vegas with someone whom he’s never met before irl and have the best time with me. We really bonded and he’s the reason why i was able to unpack a lot of my insecurities and basically be the best version of myself. Seeing eorzea symphony live was life changing and it’ll be an unforgettable night in my memory for the foreseeable future. Cons were the highlight bar none and I am already painstakingly working on another cosplay rn because I wanna push myself and I’m full of inspiration beans. Cons have been a really huge beacon of light during my roughest moments (especially this year) so I do hope this good track continues to surprises me more and inspire me to do better and better with my cosplays for the foreseeable future.
Lastly, a short note for my static. Idk if I need to keep talking about then from year to year but they’re like my second family and although we’ve had a rough time this year, I still am glad I was able to meet them and stick through it. Seriously, they make me happy even if my love for savage raiding got killed because of abyssos…I might not make it another year just cause my life is dramatically changing in 2024 and time is SO SPARSE but I hope I can still make time :) weirdly the second most stable part of my life but hey, it’s cool I’m able to still say that.
Other things that touched me this year was finishing my thesis, my internship that taught me I can age beautifully as a trans person, concerts, my MOTION GRAPHICS JOB??
I honestly have a lot more to say but my hand is getting tired of typing so I’m ending it here. I hope shit is able to get so much better from here for all of us cause goddamnit we really need it. But I’m glad I could reflect on the things that kept me sane because sometimes that’s all I really need to keep on chugging along in life.
Happy 2024 y’all!
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adhdvane · 2 years
also i would not worry abt getting banned over nsft text posts my friend! it explicitly states in the TOS that text posts r a lawless land. there is a THRIVING nsft text community on tumblr still. ofc if for whatever reasons ur still nervous abt it that is totally valid but ya i hope this gives u some peace of mind!!
i know text is supposed to be fair game. however when the p.urge first happened a lot of words were getting... posts like unable to be seen in certain places? mostly in searches and tags, but also like there are still words that will make a post not show up on the dash blog view, but you can still see them if you go to like desktop view of the blog (i have seen this firsthand on blogs i follow). and yes i have safe mode OFF. my larger on concern is i think repeatedly doing that can get your blog marked explicit? and that is something i do kinda want to avoid. on top of that like as much as that one post going around saying shadowbanning is fake, understand there is a way to get marked to never show up as having interacted with something. you know when you get phantom notes and shit. bc that can prevent you from being able to send asks/replies. i believe that’s different from being marked as explicit bc those blog usually still show up in notes and stuff. i’ve heard of this happen to quite a few people esp after the p.orn ban. i’d love to not censor my words, bc it can mess with people trying to blacklist and i feel bad. but it’s an unfortunate thing that has happened to blogs. tbh if you don’t mind me just censoring words like that and putting everything under the cut. i can do that. the other thing is like sometimes i get sdkfsl about talking to random anon’s about n.sfw stuff bc idk what your comfort level is and I don’t wanna go to far on accident, it’s harder to set boundaries over tumblr asks. pls let me know if i ever go to far O: oh also if you wanna like start using an emoji just so I KNOW FOR SURE YOU ARE SAME ANON, that might be helpful to keep track, that way i can also put the emoji as a tag so i can keep the asks together
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mrsblackruby · 3 years
Truly my blog is screaming all day about stuff I’m interested in but sometimes I promise y’all I make edits, art, and write shit. Ik It’s hard to believe that tho 💀
Me reading to much into the politics of Billy Hargrove/ Harringrove
(This 1st part is a STAND ALONE POST 4 people who don’t care or don’t have the time for the rest of my case but want an overview of my argument. You can also still read it with the rest of my series if interested and the post is still kinda long tho… keep that in mind if you choose to read;)
“The 5 part series”
The Harassment of Billy Hargrove fans #1
The Harassment of Billy Hargrove fans #2
The Harassment of Billy Hargrove fans #3
The Harassment of Billy Hargrove fans #4
The Harassment of Billy Hargrove fans #5
The Final Part😭
Podcast response to an ask because I am chaotic: Will The Billy Hargrove/ Harringrove Fandom Ever Know Peace 😭
(Hopefully this is the only podcast response I ever have to do. But, Hey! let me know if you found it helpful tho… cuz if I ever do another I will up the quality.)
A little Bonus: Billy Hargrove Meta Just a tragedy
The stranger things fandom in general needs more critical thinking skills
Lol feelings mutual u alone aren’t the problem
Harringrove meta warning ur gonna get the🥾
Sticks and stones I hate it here fandom meta more fandom meta
It’s my drug drives me crazy my hottest take
Capitalist fuckery from Netflix what I am💀
Take a CLEAR stand.
This is a Nancy wheeler hate blog
Take a shot every time you see this emoji
I don’t know why I did this to myself no one asked me to do it, I mostly made this for Billy fans so we can all scream together collectively in the chaos
My intent I think kinda
Case Closed
Verdict: Billy is my ratson who deserves better!!!
If you are sensitive to topics of online harassment but want to interact with my fan content pls filter out tw fandom discourse tag
I’m gonna make an attempt to have tags from now on for #fandom and #non fandom filter as needed if you wanna see both don’t filter
Hopefully coming soon don’t expect it tho I’m unreliable…
An actual depiction of racism I connect to personally.
Patrick meta
Character guides for my fanfic Townie
YouTube link
Navigation 4 tags lol
No saying Hobie is 23 ain’t harmful go somewhere else with your made up problems <- funny Hobie Brown age discourse meta
Don’t try to completely turn the idea of an indefinite strike down
My case might be closed but I’m still willing to defend/ support any Billy fans who find themselves dealing with online harassment. Only if they want my help of course. (And as long as I’m on tumblr or until I find it overwhelming)
Love to the Billy fandom🥰! Thank you 4 uplifting my perspective! I call this series a success because of all the support I got 💕 there’s no problem taking joy in weirdly specific interests that give you comfort… this fandom has done nothing inherently worse than other fandoms except distracting me from my college assignments. Y’all really do make my day a special one. This is a love letter to prove that! If anyone ever gives you heat 4 liking Billy(there an ass and) I want y’all to know I have found it very soothing to reread these blog posts just reassuring myself I’m not a bad person for liking a fictional character.
Also I don’t mind people sharing this on any platform…I’m made this as a resources for those who care about the issue and don’t want to participate in the behavior I put into question so if you choose to share my case on any other platforms on the internet I do not mind. Just please remember to be kind.
I found this conversation very thought provoking… now my blog will probably just be Harringrove shit posting, Billy theories, other hyper-fixations of mine, politics, might do a fanfic here or there, might do some edits if I have the time, and I might get in some Billy discourse now and then but not nearly as much as I use 2.
You know one ☝️ thing I might consider doing is sharing my dumbass opinion on media/medium relationships with the audience and how it interacts/overlaps/ manifest in abuse culture. The only reason I’m hesitant to do that is because that’s a much deeper larger discussion that deserves way more care/ research than my Billy Hargrove defense case. I’m also not an expert and I don’t want to misinform just share my opinions on the internet. idk tho 🤷🏿‍♀️I might not do it. If I do might not put it in tags just have it available for my followers. Bruh don’t even get me started cuz I could get into the politics of any media I watch on my free time. I could write a book about it lol 😆
I’m very new to tumblr so I hope I didn’t do anything that goes against etiquette and if I did pls let me know.
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daegall · 3 years
End of a day
pairing: Na Jaemin x reader
Genre: fluff, angst (?)
🎶: End of a day by Kim Jonghyun
Word count: 2.3k words (more than i planned jgsjjf)
Warnings: umm lots of fluff?? And sad jaemin :((
Network/s: @neoturtles
A/n: JFNSJFBJWBF UGHHHHH TUMBLR 😩😩😩😩 STOP BEING A BITCH PLS 😭😭😭😭😭 THIS IS HE SECOND TIME IM POSTING THIS 😃 enjoy it tho :)) it’s better than all my other works tbh so dint be too disappointed if you check the others :’)
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Thousands of people work every day, tired and upset, and yet they get up the next day to do the exact same thing. That’s how life is. It seems like nobody has a problem with that, maybe it’s because they’ve become so accustomed to it, or maybe they don’t want to come out pathetic and weaker to others, but they just keep going. It’s amazing, really, the way the mind works. Some people want to come off as strong and hard to read, and others just want to make friends and have fun.
Perhaps you were both, but today, you were none. All you felt was tiredness and stress. All you wanted to do was rip off these painfully uncomfortable clothes and curl into bed next to Jaemin.
At last, you reach your home you share with Jaemin, opening the door as he texted you he would leave it unlocked for you. Sluggishly and with no care in the world, you fling your shoes somewhere around the shoe rack, launching your bag to the couch, “I’m home!” no reply. With a huff, you make a beeline towards your shared room, emotions getting worse with every step you take. You twist the knob to your room, pushing it open, “Jaemin, you in he-”
Reach out and cover my neck
Please massage my shoulder a little further down
All your moodiness fades away when you spot your tired boyfriend quietly sniffling into his palms, seating looking too uncomfortable, even the sight of it throws your clothes into despair. “Jaemin...” you slowly inch towards him, heart shattering when he lets out a sob. He’s still in his work suit, something you loved on him, but now it just looked like it was suffering him. “Jaemin, baby,” you gently place your hand on his messy hair, cooing and running your fingers through his delicate strands when he leans into your touch.
“Come on, let’s go change. You feel uncomfortable, don’t you?” You beckon him softly, picking his face up and swiping a thumb over his wet cheek. He gives you a tight nod, squeezing the last few tears out before standing up, enveloping your hand around his. This is what he came home for. Your comfort and reassurance.
Even if the sun has already risen at the end of a tiring day
Now that I close my eyes
Just when you unbutton the last button of his jacket and throw it somewhere behind you, Jaemin can’t help but lean down to place his lips softly onto yours with care. His lips are salty from his tears, but you really don’t mind when his kisses are so soft, unlike all the other teasing and a bit rough ones he gives in the day. You pull away slowly, grinning up at him. He finally feels what he’s been longing the whole day, relaxation and tranquility. It feels so perfect and so… you.
Within 5 minutes, all uncomfortable work clothes are long forgotten, only soft big tees that envelop you and lul you slowly to sleep. That’s what you plan to do, right after Jaemin’s done in the bathroom and is next to you.
By the time your eyes are drooping close, the bathroom door is open, and you spot Jaemin shaking his hands dry and wiping them on his shirt. He instantly climbs in next to you, rushing into burying his face into your neck snugly.
On my day when I close the door later than others
Playfully tickling the earlobe
Even if we've been in a different world all day
Because we are always together at the end of the day
“Hard day?” You mumble into his forehead, chuckling lightly when he nods his head aggressively. “Do you want to talk about it?” Jaemin sighs, “Not really. It’s just the usual, given more work than the others. It’s just frustrating me,” You let out a thoughtful hum, nodding and threading your fingers into his messy hair, “So it all finally got to you?” He nods once again, this time a bit softer as he pulls you closer to his body.
“That’s good to hear, that you didn’t suppress your feelings, I mean. It’s been so long since you’ve actually relaxed.” Jaemin grins, you can read him so well, it’s amazing how you can determine how he’s feeling just by how he eats his breakfast or how affectionate he’s been.
Your little shoulders, your two little hands
At the end of my tiring day, it becomes a cozy blanket
Good job, you worked really hard
It makes him guilty, how you know every single part of him, and yet he doesn’t even try to know your small habits and actions you do. But then, he knows about your slow steps in the evening when you come back home, and the way your frown turns up quickly, almost too quickly, too fake. ‘Oh my god, you haven’t been good either,’ he thinks, as he squeezes you to him, as if trying to get rid of all the guilt he felt.
“Have you been okay?”
You are alarmed at the sudden question, tilting your head down to give him a confused look, “What?” Jaemin places his hand on your face, this time it’s him who’s stroking your tear away. You didn’t even realize you were crying until you felt the moisture spreading on your cheek.
“You’re not having such a good day either, huh?” Quickly, you try to scoot away from your boyfriend and wipe harshly at your tears, but the second you wipe one aggressively, Jaemin stops you, instead sitting up and wiping them himself, “You’re suppressing it too much.”
A scoff falls from your lips, before you playfully shove him away, “Don’t copy me!” There is a moment of laughter, before the atmosphere falls quiet. Not even a few seconds later, Jaemin is scooping you up to his side, enveloping you into his chest, “I’m sorry I didn’t notice sooner.” Instead of replying, you soften to his embrace, letting the last few tears finally release.
To you, my two hands with my blunt shoulders
I hope it will be a warm comfort at the end of your tiring day
I want to breathe with you naturally
Now you feel it, what Jaemin was yearning for when he came home, serene and pure ease. One of Jaemin’s hands tangles into your hair, fingers prodding soothingly on your scalp, his other hand venturing underneath your shirt to caress your bare skin with care. He was wrong. He did know every part of you, he knew perfectly what you wanted and when to give it. You inch closer to Jaemin, craving more of his warmth and touch.
He only coos at your eagerness, happily letting you cling onto him and bury your form into his hold. He places a tender kiss on your forehead, as if a silent reminder that he loves you. You shift in his hold, “Thank you,” your whisper felt soft, almost soothing against Jaemin’s skin, and he continues pressing quick, loving pecks all over your face, just as much until you giggle out at the lingering sensation when he finally stops.
You finally have the strength to look back up into Jaemin’s eyes, and you find nothing but clarified love and affection, no doubt you have those as well in your own.
Like the water in the bathtub that tightly embraces you
Warmly and completely
At the end of my embarrassing day full of clumsy mistakes
Are you waiting for me to be proud of you
The ambiance is everything soft, it feels comforting and like home, it feels like Christmas night, the ones where you just finally calm down from the buzzing day from before. For a second there, you almost forget about the hectic day you had previously, but honestly, all you want to do is thank it, without it you wouldn’t be here, you would most likely be still working.
Work is a bitch, you conclude, because even when you’re done with it for the day and want to take a break from it, you can’t, you can’t help but worry and think about the next time you encounter it, you want to finish it, but where is the end of it? Work will always be there to bring you back to the reality that you can’t slack off, you’ll get off track.
Now your thoughts were just getting out of hand, and you really hate work now.
“Baby, you’re overthinking, I can tell.” you shake your head, getting rid of the thoughts, “Sorry,” Jaemin chuckles lightly, caressing your cheek dearly, “No, I kind of am too.”
The conversation ends there, it’s like you don’t want to ruin the peaceful little aura you’ve created, opting to keep it as long as you can. Jaemin decides to revive the conversation, sliding down to relax and lay down on the bed, bringing you with him, “Tell me,” His eyes catch yours, almost pleading you to tell him, “Tell me what you were thinking about,”
“Well,” You start, “Work is just so inevitable, and honestly? It’s full of shit.” Jaemin chortles slightly at your choice of words, “Tell me about it.” You give him a mischievous look, “Like, no matter how much you hate it and don’t want it, you’re still gonna have to do it anyway, you basically can’t live without work.”
The small sigh doesn’t go unnoticed by Jaemin, as he pats your back comfortingly. “And whenever you want to just get over with it, you can’t. It’s still gonna be there again the next day or two. I don’t like it at all. Not one bit.”
Your boyfriend almost agrees, but stops. He should encourage you instead, he thinks.
“But hey, a the end if you work hard there will be a present waiting at home for you.” You roll your eyes, thinking it one of his corny jokes, but he continues, “At least that’s what I tell myself to get throughout the day, I get to see you again, that’s practically magical. Coming back home and tumbling into your hugs and kisses are literally soo perfect, it’s surreal, almost.”
Your little shoulders, your two little hands
At the end of my tiring day, it becomes a cozy blanket
Good job, you worked really hard
A big smile spreads across your lips, and you turn your head to look at Jaemin. He smiles at you, affirming his words, softly running his hands through your hair, “I know it’s really cheesy, but it works for me.”
Your perspective might change completely because of that, imagine just a hard ass day of work kicking your ass, tiring, and most likely emotional and full of breakdowns, and in return for dealing with all the shit, you get to relax and spend some time with Jaemin without any work interrupting you two, you might just want that every day.
You give him a bigger, more satisfied smile, “Okay, I’ll do that.”
To you, my two hands with my blunt shoulders
I hope it will be a warm comfort at the end of your tiring day
I want to breathe with you naturally
Jaemin is another breed, because who on earth would come up with that idea? Na Jaemin did. While others, and most likely you, think of all the bad things that happened throughout the day, Jaemin thought of the future, what’s happened has happened, if it was shit then so be it. But time with you could never be shit for him, he can’t find a single bit of it boring.
Despite being with him for so long, you can’t help but always be so mesmerized by him, he’s absolutely fascinating. The way he sees life is honestly on another level, a level that you want to reach and a level he will happily help you reach.
From now on, you decide, you will find the goods at the end of the day, you will work hard, maybe even extra hard, just to be happy at the end of the day when you meet Jaemin once again.
I can't cry as much as I want and I can't laugh as much as I want
At the end of a tiring day, if it’s next to you
You scream like a child and laugh like you pass your breath
I meet myself, who has become awkward too
So when the next day arrives, you work super duper hard, staying an extra hour to help Mark with his own work he struggles with (he’s not that good with technology) and even doing extra small tasks your coworkers ask you to do, which they found funny because usually, you reply with an excuse or simply turning it down, this was definitely a good thing.
And when you go back home, this time you’re about 3 times more exhausted, and 10 times more excited to finally meet Jaemin after a long day.
You bust the door open harshly, throwing your shoes messily at the shoe rack with a bright smile on your face.
“I’m home!”
Jaemin’s soft mop of hair peeks out from the kitchen, “Oh? Baby? How was-”
Suddenly, the air in his lungs gets knocked out from force, the force of you rushing into his arms. You feel it. The happiness. Jaemin was right, this feels victorious. You feel like you’ve won in life, you feel so accomplished.
Jaemin sighs, wrapping his arms around you and leaning his forehead on the top of your head, “I’m so proud of you.”
Good job, you worked really ahrd
You are my pride
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