#plus i do like drawing these two boneing
justhereforeskel · 2 years
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My totally creative fill for the @witchertrickortreat NSFW prompt Bone 😅💜
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dr4kenlvr · 4 months
jjk men + types of kisses
feat. yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, ino takuma, choso, noritoshi kamo - fluff
nana's note. thinking about ino and noritoshi a lot ... :( just wanna hold them and kiss them pls gege help a girl out
yuji love love loves cheek kisses. when he walks past you—but doesn't have the chance to stop and talk—he'll place a warm palm on one cheek and smooch a quick pouty kiss to your other. "catch you later, babe!" he calls out as he runs after fushiguro. it always leave you flushed, especially if you're with your friends AHH. yuji expects requited kisses in return as well, and glady accepts them whenever you're willing. he's so cute; leaning on his elbows on the desk, palms propped beneath his chin as he patiently blinks up at you. or rather, expectently. and when you finally kiss him, his eyes sparkle. "my day is going so much better already!"
megumi goes for the modest temple kiss. the kind that he can plant on you anytime without drawing too much attention. approaches this super meticulously so he doesn't fuck up and have nobara or yuji start hollering at you two. he'll grab you with an arm either by your waist or your shoulders and pull you into him before kissing your temple softly and letting go. does this alll the time—for comfort, when he's missed you, when he knows you've missed him. megumi'll smile down at you gently before he moves on with his day, you tagging along behind him.
ino HAS to kiss you on the lips, or it's not a kiss to him (jk he loves kissing every part of you but lips top it all). he's lowkey so sensual with it too like WHATTTT ino???? (im giggling). nimble fingers fleeting up your neck while he pulls you in with his other palm, flat against the small of your back. LOVES it when you lift just the bottom of his mask up cause feels like a superhero BAHAHA. specifically, spider-man for obvious reasons—and you bet he has attempted to do the spider-man kiss with you multiple times (many ending with him landing flat on his face or ass).
choso, dare i give myself the mental image—is a knuckles kisser. hear me OUT, this man is so over his heels in love with you. literally worshipping the ground you step on. but you told him he can’t kiss your feet so he opts to kiss your hands, specifically each of your knuckles. his lips brush over the bone so fleetingly, it’s like he never did it. but his thumb rubs soothing circles on the back of your hand and your face flushes every time you look down at him. his eyes are closed and his bangs sweep over his face perfectly. god, you love your handsome man.
noritoshi (i’m giggling as i type this next part) likes to kiss your shoulders. (someone HELP me i am going INSANE.) only ever does it in the privacy of your guy’s rooms. you will NOT catch him kissing you anywhere else. but it’s kinda hot—private, not secret you know? plus, he makes up for the lack of public affection because the private affection goes so hard. i’m talking noritoshi slowly removing your top, revealing in the way your skin glows when you’re with him. his lips pepper light kisses down your shoulder, making sure to pay extra attention to that spot near the juncture of your neck.
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luffysscraps · 5 months
Thinking about dog! Hybrid Luffy🔞
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Cw; Fem reader. Pet play. Non-con/Dub-con. Breeding kink. Established relationship.
-He leaves holes everywhere in your yard. Literally the moment you step out into your back yard you almost create a sinkhole due to his digging habits. And he’ll just stare at you with a smile and lick you all over.
-He’s very energetic, running up and down through the house, dashing around every chance he gets and begging you to play with him. “Y/N! Play with me! Throw ball! Throw the ball! Please! Play! Play! Play!” Luffy begs his black tail wagging as he runs in a circle around you.
-He can speak a little, but nothing complex. He says stuff like “let’s go outside!” “I’m hungry!” “Can I sleep on the bed?” “Pets please!” “Walk! Walk!” Despite his simple way of speaking he understands everything you say, but takes a while for it all to process. But he doesn’t get the concept of math at all, numbers don’t make sense to him so don’t even try to teach him it.
-“Luffy!” “ Hi Hi! Y/n!! Good morning! Wanna play? Wanna eat?! I’m hungry! Let’s play! No let’s eat! Can we do both?! Hi hi!” He appears the second you call him babbling on and once you call his attention. You mutter the syllable ‘L’ And all you hear is the jingling of his collar. He’s just so happy you called him! He thought he’d just be squeezing his chew toy all day without you. (Which he squeaks on all day regardless)
-Eats all the meat in the house. You literally can’t stock pile meat and have to buy meat literally two portions at a time. The butchers stare at you funny when you only buy three chicken legs at a time. Or one small tiny portion of beef to feed three. And you come here like every day? Little do they know you have a menace in your home who will eat every scrap of meat you have with no shame. You usually only eat one serving while Luffy eats two plus snacks and extra meals when he begs. And he’s in healthy shape due to his energetic nature.
-"LUFFY NO!" is one of your most used phrases whenever you bring him outside with you. He’s very protective of you and any other male hybrid in around you. He’s quick to jump into fights without any warning signs. He’s happy and docile one minute and then he just pounces on whatever male hybrids come close to you. A crocodile, a bear, a flamingo, he was even crazy enough to fight a dragon?!?
- As aggressive as he is, he’s also super friendly?! Like once hybrids clarify they’re not after you he’s trying to play with them after just giving them a black eye??? And somehow it always ends up working???
-He loves to explore and adventure. He’ll just get up, give you a kiss goodbye and run off for days at a time. He has so many friends with other people and hybrids that you’ve never met or heard before. Like you’re sure half of the people he’s mentioned don’t even live in this area. Where the hell did he go? Well he always returns home safe so there’s nothing to worry about. Plus he’s always so excited to see you when he gets back. “Y/N!! I missed you! I had so much fun! But I missed you a lot! “
-Call him a good boy and he’ll melt. His ears stand up and his tail starts wagging. “Really?! I’m your good boy!” He really likes that nickname.
-Oh and if you don’t like being active I’m sorry but Luffy is not the hybrid for you. He’ll literally drag you out with him, and force you to play with him. Trying to do homework? Mf eats it. Trying to play a video game or watch tv? He unplugs it. Trying to simply rest? No you’re not because he wants to play and he’s a selfish bastard. “Let’s play now Y/N!” He says with those puppy dog eyes as he unplugged the TV for the one hundredth time.
-Brings and makes you gifts all the time! They’re not the usual expensive gifts you expect from a partner. He gifts you, your sock he stole from you like a month ago, Old bones from meat he already ate and gnawed on, Dead rats he killed. And then he also likes to draw and write, he draws pictures of you and him with hearts everywhere. Your fridge is filled with them. And he writes you love letters, they’re simple and short but very sweet.
‘Y/N I love you. You pet me on my head. You play with me. You’re pretty and kind. My heart goes fast when I’m with you. -Love Luffy’
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-Now when he’s in heat he turns into a horny demon. “Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex!” He chants bouncing around ripping his clothes to shreds and tackling you to the ground, dry humping your body as you just got home from your nine hour shift.
-You’ll know he’s in heat because now he’s walking around the house butt ass naked, balls out with a sweet and devious smile on his face. Don’t try to make him wear his clothes because he’s not going to AT ALL. He’ll rip them to pieces right in front of you and simply say. “Too hot!”
-Steals ALL of your panties. Literally keeps a heap of them in his bed. And has no shame in it, licking them while you’re watching him. His bed sheets have to be washed daily when he ruts because he cums gallons and will jerk off all day long.
-He just stared at you with lidded eyes. “Please Y/N… sex…” He whines out licking your earlobe. He tries his best to hold back, he really does but his urges take over after holding out for so long. He needs to be inside of you and now.
- And when you bend over it’s practically over. That’s you basically inviting him to mount you and stick his hard on inside! One minute you’re bending down to pick up a book you dropped, the next you’re on the ground, face first with Luffy’s large meaty hard cock inside of your cunt.
-He never really asks but he can smell your hormones. You want it too. Plus your moans are enough to tell him you do! Or are those his moans? He can’t tell at this point, he’s so horny and he needs to release.
-You honestly don’t mind his heat, he’s surprisingly gentle and will stop if you ask him too. But the only thing you have to do is always be on the pill- Luffy has no idea what condoms are and when you tried to put one on him he ripped it off in seconds. “Feels weird. No way!” He says with a smile before pounding into your pussy raw. And because he’s in heat, his number one goal is to get you pregnant.
-So every time you guys fuck and the next day your stomach isn’t big and round with his kids he gets mad. Just staring at you and your stomach. “What’s wrong?! Get pregnant already!” He whines with frustration. Oh well if you didn’t get pregnant the last time, he’ll make sure you do now, every last bit of his cum is going in your pussy. He doesn’t let a drop escape it when he finally releases into you.
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-Yeah your hybrid boyfriend is pretty hard to handle, but would you settle for anyone else? Not a chance. <3
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mochatune · 3 months
Solivan brugmansia x reader who’s obsessed with him back hcs
- he first spotted you in the library, something about you brought a sense of deja vu.
- you had spotted him too of course but for different reasons. He was in your spot.
- he knew it was. He had sat there on purpose. After multiple days seeing you, goading himself to speak to you, he found the courage to throw himself as a roadblock so you too would notice him.
- he certainly caught your attention. Cheeks puffed and stomping towards him.
- he wasn’t going to be a suck up and give you back “your spot” as far as he was concerned no ones name was plastered on that seat plus this was his chance to have a proper conversation with you.
- you had briefly considered your options to hopefully persuade him out of the seat, something like coffee crosses your mind. After all there was a cafe right there, but since he wants to be so difficult he doesn’t deserve your money or any more of your time.
- having a moment of courage you stomped up to him and plopped yourself on his lap. You swear the energy in the room became rigged, frozen even.
- it’d been about a minute since he’s moved, he’s been dead still since you sat down; You can’t read your book like this.
- “hey can you relax? You’re making me uncomfortable, I don’t bite.” You added the last part with a subtle smile
- now that he’s actually breathing, you ease yourself into his lap. He doesn’t have much meat on his bones but you’re comfortable regardless.
- feeling his arms rest where your elbows lie on the curvatures of the chair, he’s slightly looking over your shoulder. Looks like he forgot about his own book trailing the pages with you.
- despite your blazing moment of boldness you had felt an anxiety creep in, the way his breath reverberated off the back of your neck made you sweat with pressure. You wished you had gotten a better look at him, only seeing his dark tinted nails and pale hands as you glance down from your book onto the arm rests.
- with the boldness wearing off you decide to focus your attention onto the time. To your luck it’s about time to travel to your next class.
- you get off his lap slowly while giving an apologetic smile for your past behaviour towards his personal space. In the process scanning his features, despite the quick glance he was actually very good looking.
- He had hoped that moment would last forever.
- on your way to class you just couldn’t stop thinking about him, two parts of your brain arguing about wether you wanted to see him again. A new hallway crush at the very least. You too were stuck on his mind.
- lo and behold he’s in your art class, fuck.
- your heart was going to implode as you snuck glances at him accidentally hooking gazes with him. His ears tinted red as the gaze was averted mutually while you probably looked like a strawberry.
- you zoned out the teachers instructions with your own overbearing thoughts, he kept sneaking his way into your consciousness. Him and his dumb cute face.
- he had insisted on drawing you, probably for the better considering anytime you look his way you get jittery. Patiently leaned forward in a 3/4th view.
- you try to act casual, you really do but you just cant maintain eye contact. Looking at him for just a second before you shift your gaze to the wall behind him. Seems to be the same case for him as he occasionally hides his red face behind his sketch pad, must be spring allergies.
- by the end of class he claims he’s only halfway done despite it looking beautiful. You exchange pleasantries before speed walking out. Sol.. Sol you liked that name testing it out a few more times as you walked away.
- tailing behind you he grabs you by the wrist, you feel like a schoolgirl the way he’s approaching you and the worst part is you’re enjoying it. You had just hoped he didn’t hear you.
- upon request you gave him your number for “school related activities” yeah right. At least you’re in the clear. Maybe this means you have a chance with him, fake it till you make it right?
- he stays stuck on your mind all the way home as you hunker on your bed looking at the piles of laundry you’ve been putting off. No matter what else you focus on it comes back to the thought of him.
- you practically pray for another moment of confidence as you hover over his newly added contact. Sighing as you throw your phone next to you.
- ding!
- you practically jump to your phone hoping for sol instead it’s just the group chat you’re in. Despite it not being him at least someone bothered contacting you.
- a Halloween party? ‘Sounds fun’ you text the group chat as you copy the photo and send it to sol. Maybe he’ll go if you invite him.
“A Halloween party? Hosted by the school?”
“I'm not quite into parties…”
- You knew it wasn’t appropriate to grow this attached but you still felt your heart drop.
“Oh! Well, that's alright! Just asking, that's all :)”
- Promptly putting your phone face down next to you saddened.
- ding!
“if you're coming, then I'm coming as well”
- feeling your heart suddenly come burst out
“Do you plan on dressing up?”
“Idk… do you?”
“I mean, it's a costume party, so why not?”
“I'll try to think of something then.”
(The text convo was copy pasted from EchikoHoshisuki on Ao3)
- this excited you more then you could ever know, jumping out of bed to go and find a costume and perfect your makeup so it looks bomb for the party.
- you stood awake until 2am thinking about that guy, just what the hell was wrong with you. You wished he’d text you back.
- he couldn’t stop thinking about you, his soulmate as he pleasured himself. He’d hope to have a day like that with you a million more times.
- you finally fall asleep with him still plaguing your mind.
- Saturday is quick to pass as you spend it inside practically rotting in bed, you do have to do laundry before it gets too dark though.
- it’s about 5pm when you head out with your dirty clothing in a janky old cart, the local laundromat is placed conveniently across the street. You roll the dirty wheels over the unpaved side walk, each bump making the cart and the clothing wobble slightly.
- you hang around with a book as you wait for the wash cycle to finish, seemingly unaware of your surroundings.
- after flirting with the idea of reading, two pages later you look up and give the room a swipe. The wash cycle on your machine still has 15 minutes left on it.
- maybe it’d just be better to daydream about the person you’re trying to distract yourself from, seems like it’s a good time waster. You decide to do just that for the remainder of your wash cycle.
- you swear you just saw a lock of green hair
- you must be going crazy, you’re thinking about him so much that it’s like he’s really there.
- you feel a tap on your shoulder.
- Oh he really is there. You make eye contact with his orange hues, feeling a warmth creep up your neck and onto your cheeks.
- fuck
- why does simple eye contact turn you into a mess with this guy.
- deciding to not be a square you perk up and ask him dumb ass small talk questions. You know the; “the weathers nice, huh?”, “how are you?”, “excited for tomorrow?”.
- You knew you were excited for tomorrow. School events didn’t typically get you excited but knowing he would be there made it worth it.
- despite the obvious lack of originality in these conversations starters it was still pleasant speaking with him. Hell, even just staring at him was enough for you. Maybe just thinking about him was good enough to hold you over. For now anyway.
- you wanted to talk more, you really did. Glancing over to your machine you see the wash cycle had just ended. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and kiss him as you bid your goodbyes. He did too. But instead you opted for a wave and a smile, as did he.
- upon coming home and hanging your laundry out on a rack you still thought about him, you were going back to that laundromat the exact same time next week just to talk to him outside of school.
- he lived half an hour away from that laundromat. He had caught a glimpse of you one day while out in your area. No particular reason why he was there.
- he couldn’t stop thinking about you either, deciding to go with his own dirty laundry on the day he saw you. He was so lucky you were there.
- I love him
- I love her
- you force yourself to go to sleep that night. The excitement of tomorrow seeping in.
- you have about an hour before you need to head out, deciding on a simple mummy look. You were told very short notice, this was really all you could pull together. You figure if the makeup looks bomb then no one will pay attention to the lack of originality.
- throwing the look together with white eye contacts to really get that corpse look, you twirl in the mirror and head out. Toilet paper already tearing at your feet.
- upon arrival you see your friend group crowded at the entrance all sporting their unique styles. Brittney was dressed in a gyaru style, typical but it was cute. Jess sporting a simple cat ear headband and a tail, looks like it was short notice for her as well. Lastly, Crowe who seems to have put the most effort in was dressed as a knight in shining armor. Literally.
- you talked to them for a respectable amount of time. They were nice and they looked great your mind was just elsewhere.
- you had to find him, he’s like 80% of the reason you didn’t bail out of the plan. Sure, you went for your friends too but him coming was what really sold the deal. Otherwise you would have found an absurd excuse to stay home and scroll Instagram for hours.
- you inched your way out of the conversation, it seemed Crowe wanted you to stay and chat more as he immediately asked where you were going as you slowly but surely walked away.
- you caught a glimpse of sol just then, he was covered head to toe in toilet paper?
- god you guys accidentally matched, you could only hope he wouldn’t think you’re some crazy stalker.
- despite enjoying the chat you had to go talk to him, you just had to. You reassured Crowe you’d all talk later as you ran off into Sol’s direction.
- slowing your pace as you see the love of your life
- ahem
- Sol. As you see Sol wrapped in toilet paper just as you were. Awkward.
- he looks your way, himself blushing at the realisation you both were matching. Another reason for him to believe you both were destined to be together.
- he had to have you. Tonight.
- he could not and would not wait any long he decided as he looked at you. Thank god for the toilet paper covering over half his face, he’s redder than a tomato.
- as you finally approach him you both talk as he whisks you away somewhere more private.
- he lures you away from the crowds, to tell the truth you were grateful. You didn’t even want to come to this stupid party.
- it was weird when he had you follow him into a dark creepy alleyway but it wasn’t creepy as long as he was there by your side.
- you both stood there, awkwardly, as he stood at a distance ahead of you. He was acting strange but the red flags didn’t bother you so long as it was him.
- though it was even weirder when he lunged at you and stuck a wet cloth in your face. It made you woozy as your vision went black.
- you awake tied to a chair, you can barely piece together what happened last night. Only bits and pieces coming to you, you have a killer headache too. Maybe you could chalk it up to drinking too much if you weren’t strapped down to a cheap ass chair.
- it was actually pretty sturdy as you tried breaking your way out of it. You can only let out a defeated sigh hoping someone will come and save you, you scream but it seems that no one can hear you.
- except him.
- Upon hearing footsteps you’re pretty nervous, opting to stay as quite as possible.
- it’s him, thank god. You feel yourself immediately sink into the wood of the chair and your breath flow becomes less forced.
- he enters the basement with what looks like a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of water. He looks cute in his inside clothes.
- he doesn’t seem to be in a rush to untie you, which is weird. If he wanted you to come home with him you would have.
- he’s still, just staring at you. You can’t maintain eye contact for too long before you blush and avert gazes again. curse your nerves.
- you’re not sure what to say, honestly you’re just happy it’s him and not some creep.
- it’s a relief when he walks up to you with that tray of food, you’re honestly kind of hungry. Maybe he’ll untie you if you comply.
- “you know, you don’t have to tie me up to make me stay by your side.. heh” you offer a nervous chuckle hoping to lighten up the mood. Biting your lip to quell your anxiety.
- he perks up at this, stopping his movements with the silverware as it sloppily clangs onto the edge of the porcelain bowl.
- his face is covered, not even just covered. Drenched in a red hue, sweat runs down his forehead as he hurriedly wipes it away with his sleeve.
- that reaction gave you knots of your own, even after holding you captive you still somehow can’t get enough of him.
- he fidgets with the silverware, opting for the silence as he feeds you. It shouldn’t have made you hot and bothered but it did.
- the way he’d dab at the food that clung to the corners of your lips with his fingers gave you a visceral reaction. You briefly considered licking him honestly.
- must resist the urges. God you really were desperate.
- somewhere down the line he unties you, it doesn’t even take a fully day to get his trust. It didn’t even take you a full day to warm up to him.
- if he wants you here so be it.
- maybe you weren’t as crazy about him as he was to you but you must have had a screw or two loose to enjoy the attention he was giving you.
- you’d miss him when he ran off to school wishing he just wouldn’t bother at all. Days he’d leave you alone in the house were torture.
- you missed him all the time.
- sometimes you’d think about tying him down so he couldn’t leave you.
- you two really are just two peas in a pod
Look i know these barely count as head canons considering they’re supposed to be vague but I honest to god just really hate writing one shots.
This one really took the wind out of me, I do not usually dedicate this much time to an hc but there is NOTHING for this guy online. Possibly due to the game only being a demo right now.
Anyways, I hope the longevity of this isn’t bothersome, I’ve only seen a small handful of readable fics for this guy and wanted to separate myself from the masses. I heavily utilized EchikoHoshisuki’s fic on Ao3 as inspiration for my own, I’m hoping by mentioning their name they’ll add another chapter soon 😅 Maybe expect something for broken colors or yours game next.
And yesss, I know there are still unanswered asks in my inbox. I just have commitment issues but I love y’all and I promise at some point in my life they will be answered.
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b00kdiary · 6 months
Euphoria | Ithan Holstrom
Ithan Holstrom x Plus Size Reader
Where Y/N finds herself needing to be reminded just how desirable she is, and Ithan Holstrom is more than willing to show her. Here's to all my thick, fat, plus-size girlies who want some SJM men love too xo
Warnings: mature themes (18 +) swearing, body-image issues, eventual smut and the Ithan being utterly infatuated with his thick, beautiful lady.
I stared, unblinking, as Ruhn Danaan, Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae, kissed his way down the neck of a gorgeous and dark-skinned Faun. I trailed my gaze along as he sucked and bit gently against her soft skin and perfect bone structure, the Faun's eyes closed, her face a mirror of lust and bliss.
The grip I had on my glass tightened and I willed myself not the shatter it, to not draw attention to myself, to how jealous and seething I was.
The fluorescent lights inside the White Raven danced over the two of them, highlighting their ungodly beauty as they danced and rocked against each other to the beat of music. My chest tightened at the way Ruhn's arms wrapped so effortlessly around her slim waist, resting against the perfectly flat length of her stomach, revealed by her cropped bralette.
She was lovely by most standards and typical of the kind of females Ruhn was seen with- tall with small breasts and a small, yet nice ass and petite enough that there wasn't a single place that sat out or rubbed or curved too much.
Unlike me.
I swallowed down the lump in my throat, taking a long indulgent sip of my drink to drive away the dryness and the sorrow. It was hard not to trail my mind into those uncharted, dark waters, the kind of scary, hollow place of insecurity where I could pick myself apart and rip any sense of security I had to pieces.
Because unlike that Faun, who had turned now, her toned back facing me as Ruhn kissed her, kissed her with so much passion and need that it made me feel sick. Unlike her, I was not petite or skinny and I did not look like the kind of girl that Ruhn Danaan desired.
"You're glaring, Y/N." A deep voice interrupted my pity party and snapped me back into this room, away from all the meanest, cruellest thoughts I had of myself.
I turned, levelling out my eyes and surprise-filled me when I met with honey-brown eyes and a smile that could melt a girl's heart and drop her panties.
My lip kicked up as I took in the golden-brown soft waves of hair and tan sun-kissed skin, my gaze moved down, over the acres of strong, corded muscle that was further accentuated by the form-fitting t-shirt he wore.
"Ithan Holstrom," I mused, cocking my head at him, and seeing his lip tilt into a lazy smile "You're the last person I expected to see here, I didn't think this was your kind of scene."
"It's not, not really but," He shrugged, glancing over his broad shoulder to where a few wolves sat gathered around a table "But the pack forced me."
"You don't strike me as the type of guy who can be forced to do anything," I raised a brow, tossing a long strand of hair over my shoulder and felt Ithan's eyes track each movement. "Don't try and hide it, you came here for a good time, a good fuck maybe?"
He chuckled at my playful words, the sound rough and heady, running over me and prickling my skin. I forced myself to breathe as he stepped closer, close enough that his hard chest brushed against my breasts, and I felt the warmth and scent of him.
"Is that what you came for?" He asked, though his words weren't a question, not as he looked over my head, his stare pointed, straight to where Ruhn and that Faun stood "Or were you planning to glare at Ruhn Danaan all night, hoping he'd notice you?"
"Don't be a prick," I scowled, my lip curling and I pushed at his chest, hearing a rough bark of laughter escape him as he saw the fire burning in my eyes " I might be pining after Ruhn, but it's no different to how you trailed after Bryce like a lost puppy all these years, Holstrom."
His eyes darkened at that- those honeyed pupils shadowing into a starless night sky. Bryce was a sore topic still, even after two years and I felt guilt gnaw at me, hating myself for mentioning her, for the way that smile tilted down now.
"Bryce didn't want me, I knew she didn't," Ithan gritted back, his jaw locked and his eyes hard "Ruhn might want you, he could want you as badly as you want him, you're just too scared to find out."
"I'm not scared," I said defensively, crossing my arms over my chest, and yet again, I didn't miss how his steely gaze fell, something sparking in them as my top lowered and revealed my ample cleavage. I clear my throat, ignoring the twist in my gut "I'm just realistic, I know Ruhn's type, I've seen his type and I know I'm not it."
"His type?" Ithan mused, raising a dark, thick brow at me "What? Gorgeous? Desirable? No, you're definitely not his type." It was sarcastically drawled, accompanied by a sassy eye roll and it was the least serious I had seen Ithan in years- since Connor died.
"Try petite, skinny and perfect," I snort, but my voice isn't as joking as I would like, it's heavier, weighed down by the reality of the words.
"Bullshit, Y/N," Ithan scowls, and the way his eyes glared out in protest, in defence, it was as if he was furious at me for even saying what I did. "If Ruhn fucking Danaan thinks you're not perfect then he's a bigger asshole than I already thought he was."
I felt my face heat, my body turning hot and needy at his words, at the honesty and conviction behind them. He stepped closer, close enough that I smelt the mint and alcohol on his warm breath, and a fire sparked in my core- and I didn't step back.
"You think I'm perfect?" I whispered, my voice hoarse and shaking slightly. I couldn't stop staring into his eyes, couldn't stop watching the lust roil in them, darkening them by each second, we inched closer, drawn together like magnets. "Don't fuck with me Ithan, I mean it."
"Y/N, while you were busy glaring down Danaan and the Faun," Ithan said, his voice slipping into a low timbre, the gruffness clawing over my nerves and making me breathless "I was staring at you."
"You were?" My voice was softer than I wanted it to be, but my defences were wearing down. I had always found Ithan attractive, always wondered what he would be like as more than a friend. And as his hand snaked around my waist, large, veined, and ringed, and slowly dragged me to him, I knew that those feelings hadn't faded with time.
"You might not believe me, but I was staring at you, alongside damn near every other male in this room, Y/N," Ithan muttered, his face inches from mine and when his nose brushed against my cheek, my eyes fluttered. "If you had just looked around you, you would have seen how many wanted you- and how could they not?"
I felt his hand trail down my back and sides, over the rolls and curves of flesh, and I felt nauseous, hating that he could feel it. But he growled, a purely animal sound, his fingers digging into my flesh as if he was holding himself back as if touching me brought him to the edge of his control.
"Ithan," I swallowed, steeling my spine, and forcing back the fierceness and power I was used to wielding with men, "I'm not Bryce Quinlan."
"And I'm not Ruhn Danaan," He shot back immediately, his lip quirking "But that doesn't change the fact that I fucking want you, and I know you want me too."
I inhaled a shaky, long breath, my throat drying out at his words and at all the sinful, dirty images that flashed through my mind, filthy enough that I had to clench my thighs shut.
"Let's walk to yours, no cab," I say hoarsely, ignoring the way he grinned as I grabbed his hand and began dragging him to the exit. He followed dutifully, his fingers interlocking with mine, his thumb brushing soothing, soft strokes against my palm.
"Why?" He laughed, his brow raising at me as I glanced over my shoulder and I didn't miss the way my body ignited, striking, and burning as his gaze trailed over my skin.
"Because I can't promise I won't ride you in the back seat," I said honestly, gnawing on my lip as my eyes met his over my shoulder "And I don't want the night to end before it's even begun."
"Fuck," Ithan swore, low and dirty, and I could smell his arousal.
Just like I knew he could smell mine.
We walked through The Wolves Den with ease, silent and quick-paced as we waded through each corridor and climbed floor after floor.
Ithan had wanted to take the lift straight to his floor and had been so on edge that he looked as if he might have taken me against the wall in the goddamn lobby if I had given him the say-so. But I wanted him at breaking point, wanted that wolf inside him to come out clawing, biting and roaring.
So instead, we walked, each second that passed and the silence that stretched drawing the tension tauter and tauter, and I could feel my blood thrum in anticipation. Ithan looked over at me as we walked down the final corridor- and the smirk he wore, the knowing gleam in his eyes, told me everything he wanted to do.
"You have got to be kidding me, Ithan," A voice declared, female and high-pitched, loud enough that it grated against my senses and had both of us coming to a reluctant halt. I eyed the fifth door, which happened to be Ithan's room, with need. "Bringing the trash home?"
"Watch it, Amelie," Ithan growled, his eyes tapering in warning as he turned to glare at the dark-haired, golden-eyed female before him. His pack member- and a total hateful bitch.
"Why? Scared I'll scare away your whore for the night?" She snorted, her arms folding over her chest as she looked at me, amusement and cruelty gleaming in her eyes. I saw her stare trail between us, taking in our interlocked hands, the way our arousals wafted in the air, and she scowled.
Jealous, that much was obvious.
"Hey, Ithan?" I mused, glancing sideways at him, and smiling sweetly. He rose a brow at me, confused and half-amused. "Are the walls here thin?" I stared pointedly, past Amelie, to the open door at her side, number four- right next to Ithan's.
Ithan seemed to catch onto my thought trail and chuckled lowly, nodding his head "Very thin."
"Amelie," I smirked, my hand trailing up Ithan's muscled chest as he punched in the code and pushed open his room door, "When you touch yourself tonight, imagining that Ithan's fucking you and not me, don't be too loud- Ithan might hear it and go limp."
"You fucking-" Her eyes burned, and so did her cheeks, outrage and embarrassment filling her as she stepped toward me.
"Have a good night, I know I will." I winked and Ithan's laughter flittered over to me, caressing my skin like a phantom touch. The door clicked shut behind me, and suddenly, Amelie was gone, and it was just me and him, in his room, together, and alone.
"I don't think I've ever seen Amelie that red before, she's not used to being put in her place like that," Ithan noted, his eyes dancing with amusement as he leaned against the back of his sofa "She's not going to let that go, you know?"
"Amelie's a neurotic, insecure bitch," I scowl, walking a few tentative steps further into his room, "She can get fucked, I couldn't care less."
Ithan doesn't say anything else, remaining silent as my gaze lifts and washes over his room. I take in the four bare walls and the simple brown sofa, glass table and TV, a large double bed at the furthest wall and a chest of drawers and a matching wardrobe at its side.
"Not what you were expecting?" Ithan asked, cocking his head to the side as he observed my expression. I pursed my lips, looking over his folded arms, the way the muscles bulged, and I swallowed.
"I'm not sure what I expected," I say honestly, my voice quiet and when I slowly began to walk over to Ithan, I felt the tension in the air go taut. I paused, standing just before where he sat on the sofa's back, looking at me with a wry smile. "Were you being honest when you said that the walls are thin?"
"I was," He chuckled, revealing two sharp canines on either side of his upper teeth and I shivered at the sight of them. I imagined them against my skin, teasing, scrapping, and biting and I clenched my hands. "Were you being honest when you said you would be having a good night?"
I smiled at the heat in his eyes, at the way we were so close, yet we didn't touch not in one single place, and I knew he was holding out, restraining himself from grabbing on to me, just as I was.
"I plan to have a good night," I say, cocking my head in challenge "But really, it's up to you how good of a night for me it is."
One second, I'm standing before Ithan, smirking, cocky as I watch the lust burning in his eyes, and then the next, his fingers are wrapping around my throat, his ring digging into my jugular as he pulls me to him.
I groan as his mouth collides with mine and my body shakes at the heady, desperate way his lips move against me, tasting me, devouring me, taking me like it's his last night on Midgard. I melted into the strength and solidity of him, his hand at my throat, the firm pressure there, making my body turn weak.
Ithan's lips move against me, deep, languished strokes that fan the embers sparking in my stomach and I dig my nails into his chest, curling my fingers around the fabric of his t-shirt, needing to tether myself to him, to keep myself upright.
I whimper at the feeling of his left hand descending my body, his fingers gripping against every bit of flesh and curve with need, all the way from the top of my spine to the curve of my ass, and he groans as he cups me, the flesh spilling out and soft against his palm.
“Bed, now,” I pull back, my faces only inches from his and we’re both panting wildly, lust and need dancing in our gazes, like a mirror.
“Hm, not sure I’m a fan of being told what to do in my own place, sweetheart,” Ithan smirks, and my eyes flutter as he draws me closer, biting and suckling against my neck, the feeling of his canines against my skin driving me crazy. “Why don’t you try again?”
“Stop trying to be an alpha male, Ithan,” I manage to grit out, desperately trying to force down the moans that threaten to slip past my lips, but his mouth and tongue against my hot skin make it so hard. “We both know you’re really just a puppy- ah-“
A squeal escapes me as both of Ithan’s arms wrap around me, hooking under my ass and there’s a whoosh of air as he yanks me up into his arms, so fast my heart lurches and I’m locking my legs around his waist and holding onto his t-shirt so tightly I’m surprised it didn’t tear.
“You’re far too coherent right now,” Ithan grumbles and fuck if the sound of it doesn’t go straight between my legs. I hold onto him tighter as he begins to carry me over to bed, looking as if my weight is less than nothing to him right now. “I’m going to need to fix that.”
“Please do,” I whisper, tossing my hair from my face and bringing my lips back against his, slower, deeper, the hardness and ridges of his body brushing against my breasts feeling so good and the long, thick length rubbing against my thigh feels even better.
Ithan smirks against my lips as we thump against the bed and true to his word, Ithan drops me on the bed, so hard and fast I grunt at the impact, my body and tits bouncing as I land on my ass. The sight makes him smile, and the way he towers over me, looking like some kind of God has every nerve in my burning.
“You’re fucking incredible,” He mutters, and the honey in his eyes is gone, melted into the darkest chocolate, the kind that told me every filthy, heady, dirty thing he wanted to do to me. I leaned back on my palms as he rested a knee on the mattress, lowering his pleased face down to mine. “But I bet you’d look even better without all the clothes.”
His hand snakes around to the zip at the back of my top and fuck, fuck, fuck- I freeze.
“Or not?” He mutters, a crease forming between his brows at the way my body physically locks up and his hand immediately stops, resting flat against my back, his thumb rubbing softly to soothe me. “We don’t have to do that if you don’t want-“
“No, no-“ I shake my head, clearing my throat as I bring a hand to cup his jaw, loving the way he melts into the touch, “It was just a habit, a muscle memory reaction- No, trust me, I want to, I want you, Ithan.”
“Good, because I want you too, Y/N,” He mutters, smiling as he brings his mouth down, but he doesn’t pull at the zipper, instead he kisses me, tastes me, and enjoys me, and my hands curl into the root of his hair, glad for that moment of reprieve.
I can tell he’s being sweet because he is sweet, and now that he knows I’m hesitating, he won’t make the next move until he’s sure I’m ready- and I am, I am so fucking ready.
I pull back from him, my eyes locking with his and the room is so silent, deadly silent, as I draw my hand back and ever so slowly tug down the zipper to my top. The sound is almost sensual, making Ithan’s face darken, in anticipation, in feral lust.
I gnaw on my lip as the zipper pulls free and still keeping my eyes on his, I draw the top forward, down my arms, every movement deliberate until the fabric is discarded on the floor beside us. Ithan says nothing as he stares down at me, as he stares down at my bare chest, my breasts heavy and aching and I’ve never been gladder that I chose not to wear a bra.
His Adam’s apple bobs and the breath seizes in my lungs as his cold hand traces across my back, around to my chest and he groans, low and deep, the second his hand cups around my breast. I gasp as he kneads the flesh, his fingers slowly and deliberately tugging on my pebbled nipple.
“Ithan,” I growl, I can’t help it, he’s staring at me, looking like he wants to devour me, but he hasn’t bloody moved. “Do something, for Cthona’s sake.”
“So needy,” He croons, and I nearly sigh when he leans forward again and pushes me back to lay flat against the mattress. My body shivered as he climbed onto the bed, his large figure moving to hover over me, and I felt almost small in comparison to him, a feeling that was unfamiliar to me.
He kissed lower down my neck, his mouth inching closer as his hand kneaded my breast, rolling the sensitive bud between his fingers and tugging gently igniting so many sparks that I couldn't even speak, merely moaning breathlessly with each sure touch.
I gasped when his head ducked, his eyes shielded by the strands of hair that fell forward as he plucked one nipple into his mouth. My back arched and my fingers dug into his shoulders hard enough to hurt as the raw feeling of his tongue and teeth teased me.
“Ithan,” I moaned when he began biting against my nipple, not too hard, but firm enough that I felt the shock go through every nerve ending, sparking, burning, and throbbing, so hard I felt it in my core.
My head spins as Ithan begins shifting lower, and I cringe when he begins trailing his hands down my stomach, instantly thinking over every roll and stretch mark and flesh that was there- not that he seemed to mind. No, he kissed against the skin, trailing his tongue languidly down, just as infatuated as he had been before.
The tension in the air is thick as Ithan runs his calloused hands down the side of my thick thighs, kneading the flesh and teasing the material of my skirt, his intentions obvious. And with the ache beginning to become unbearable between my legs, I don’t hesitate to lift my hips, glad when he immediately hooks his fingers into the top of my skirt- pulling it and my underwear down in one go.
It’s almost amusing how quickly he discards the excess material over his shoulder, so transfixed on the sight of my naked body before him, sprawled out and burning from the intensity of his gaze.
“Fuck, you’re perfect,” He groans, his voice hoarse and the tightness coiling in my chest eases as he runs his hand up my thighs, feeling the cellulite and stretch marks and grins as he spread my legs apart for him to come between.
My heart races in anticipation as he sinks down below my parted thighs, his eyes burning with satisfaction as he comes level to my core, and the urge to clamp my legs shut fills me- which he seems to sense, if his strong grip on either side of my thigh, keeping spread wide apart is any indication.
I feel his hot breath against my most sensitive part and just when I feel like the seconds are dragging into minutes, making me fidgety and restless, I gasp at the feeling of his tongue flicking against my clit, soft and probing, coaxing out quiet moans from me.
“That’s it,” Ithan purrs and the sound vibrates against my core, making me clench my fingers into the duvet under me for purchase. Ithan seems encouraged by my moans, his tongue lapping against my clit in long languish strokes that draw pleasure from me in waves. “Taste so fucking good.”
He grins against me, cocky, sure, and under any other circumstances I’d hate it, but right now, I can’t find it in me. Instead, I reach down, lacing my fingers through his soft hair, tugging, yanking, and scratching, coaxing Ithan to give me more- which he happily does.
“Fuck, oh my-“ Two fingers prod my wet entrance, and the sound is so lewd as he quickly stuffs the two digits inside me, stretching me in the most perfect yet painful way, especially when he curls those two digits, hitting a spot that has me seeing stars.
“There we go,” Ithan coaxes softly, feeling my body start to vibrate and writhe, that pool of pleasure building and building within me, plummeting fast and harder as he fucks his fingers in and out steadily, in tandem with the smooth agile movement of his tongue against my clit. “There we go, such a good girl.”
I cry out, trembling and moaning as a white-hot blaze burns through me, starting at my core and running into my thighs and stomach, all the way down to my toes. I pant, my head fogging with the overwhelming blanket of pleasure that Ithan’s smothered me with.
Ithan groans, his teeth tugging at my sore clit before he eventually lets go, his fingers slipping out of me with ease. I exhale harshly at the loss of contact, sagging back as the euphoria dies down and my body settles into calm again.
Ithan ascends my body, a shit-eating grin on his wet lips and I don’t have time to even speak before he captures my mouth in his, pushing his tongue deep into me, letting me taste myself.
“How’s that for a puppy, sweetheart?” He mutters, biting my bottom lip and I roll my eyes at the sheer masculine satisfaction in his voice, in those bright eyes as he stares at me.
“Don’t be an arrogant prick,” I snipe back, ignoring Ithan’s laughter as I place either hand on his shoulder and the surprise that lights his face as I yank him down onto the bed beside me, flipping us so that I’m straddling him, makes me grin. “I’m still in charge, Ithan.”
“If this is you being in charge, I’m not fucking complaining,” He smirks lazily, his voice heavy with lust as he leans back, his eyes oh so slowly trailing across my body atop his, looking like the cat that got the cream as he enjoys every inch of me.
I smile, soft, as I run my hands against the seam of his t-shirt, my thumbs hooking under the material and slowly dragging it up- revealing inch after inch of tan, smooth skin, so much corded muscle it makes me hot. Ithan easily helps, and it’s not long before the material is over his head and thrown to the ever-growing pile of clothes on his floor.
I drag my core against the front seam of Ithan’s jeans, and our groans mix in the air at the feeling of his hard length brushing against me. I don’t waste any time, Ithan’s eyes never leaving me as I move my hands to the front of his jeans, my fingers fumbling against the button and zipper, almost desperate as I open them, tugging the materials down just a little.
“Shit,” I mutter, my eyes widening as Ithan’s hard cock slips out, breaking free and slapping back against his stomach. Ithan snorts at my reaction, at the sheer surprise on my face at the size of him, and my cheeks heat in embarrassment as he smiles at me. “Shut up.”
“Fuck, Y/N,” His eyes flutter as I grip my hand around his hard length, my fingers struggling to find purchase as I palm up and down, every moan and gasp that escapes him egging me on. “You’re fucking killing me here, sweetheart.”
“Poor puppy,” I tease, smirking and Ithan’s canines expose in warning, his hands coming to either side of my hips, and when he slowly lifts me up, dragging me closer to him, I prepare myself for the feeling of him inside me.
“Shit, shit,” I moan as Ithan’s cock brushes my entrance and I ever so slowly sink down, down, down, until he’s stretching me like he’s going to break me in two, until his tip brushes something far and deep inside me.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” Ithan swears, his fingers digging into the flesh of my hips and thighs so tightly, I can feel the cut of his nails.
I flutter my eyes as the burn soon seeps into pleasure and we both suck in a gasp of air when I drag up, so deliberate and slow, all the way to the tip, before slamming back down, hard and fast. Ithan swears, his chest rising and falling so fast as I do it again and again, his cock slipping against my wet core like it was made for me.
“Ithan, oh-“ I whimper as I ride up and down his cock, alternating between fast, hard strokes and long, slow ones, Ithan’s hands at my hips guiding me along, helping me chase after the relief, and I know I won’t last long, not with the cord within me tightening so perfectly.
“Look at you riding my cock so well,” Ithan praises roughly, his teeth gritted as he pants and moans every time he sinks into me, and when my eyes lock with his, I’ve never felt more seen, more desired in my life. “Look at those tits bouncing, fuck, taking me so good Y/N.”
He ruts his hips up to meet me, the sound of him fucking in and out of me, so wild and demanding, is like music in the room, mixing with our moans, our low curses, and the way our hands wander over each other, unable to get enough.
My fingers scratch against Ithan’s chest and abs, my body starting to shake and weaken at how good it feels, how he’s hitting against a spot that makes my insides turn to mush, again and again. Ithan must sense my fatigue, sense my head spinning, because he grabs me, and within seconds, we’ve flipped over and he’s on top of me now.
His hand guides my thighs around his hips and my eyes roll, my back arches, as he sinks in even deeper and I whimper into his lips, into his mouth at the brutal pace he sets, slamming into me again and again, unrelenting, and merciless, so fucking good I can’t catch my breath.
My eyes flutter open as Ithan’s hand wraps around my throat, pressing firmly on either side of my neck and when my eyes meet his when I see the burning, commanding, domineering power behind them, it’s like something in me rips in two.
He hits a spot, some magic, fathomless spot inside me and it all shatters to pieces like glass.
“Ithan, I’m-“ I cry out, black dots blurring my vision and my body bucking and writhing against his hard muscles as release ripples over me like a tidal wave. Ithan grunts as I clench around him, suffocating his cock inside me, the orgasm hitting me and lasting longer than I’ve ever had.
“That’s it, that’s fucking it,” Ithan whispers, panting against my lips, and I feel his movements become sloppier, more erratic, more careless, driven to the edge by me coming around him. “Everyone in the whole fucking Dens gonna know whose making you feel this good.”
I whimper at the filthy words he grunts into my ear, my body trembling with the aftermath of my orgasm, edged on by the way Ithan still fucked in and out of me, chasing his own high and when his forehead rests against mine and he groans, guttural and heady and low, I know he’s found it.
The sound he makes, the growl that escapes him, reverberates through the whole damn room and my body is aching as he comes to a gradual stop inside me, our sweaty, panting bodies, melting into each other as we climb down from our peaks.
Ithan groans as he slowly slips out of me, the feeling of his warm cum leaking from me and dripping down my skin making me blush, and the small smirk that lines his lips as he inches back to look at me tells me he finds it both amusing and adorable.
“I can feel your cum leaking down my thigh,” I breathe and Ithan's eyes flutter, rolling as he laughs, burying his face into my neck dramatically, as if I were completely ruining him.
“Keep saying shit like that, Y/N and I might just have to chain you to this bed,” Ithan mutters against my skin, kissing and nibbling across my neck and jaw before he meets my lips again, kissing me sweetly as if memorising the taste and feel of me.
“After that, I’m tempted to let you, Ithan,” I grin, sighing as he rests his weight on top of me, his arms on either side making sure not to crush me, but the warmth and touch is welcome.
“Are you still thinking about Ruhn Danaan?” He muses, cocking his head, and the honey has returned back to his eyes, that smile turning boyish and soft again as he stares down at me.
“No,” I say simply, honestly, dragging my hand up his chest and neck, before settling against his jaw, my thumb drawing lines across the hard ridge there. “Are you still thinking about Bryce Quinlan?”
“Definitely not,” He smiles, earnest and firm and the sight makes my entire body heat again.
“Good,” I let my eyes darken, letting him see just what I was thinking as I wrap a leg around his hip, drawing his hardening cock back down against me- and he grins with feral delight at the action. “Because I haven’t quite gotten you out of my system yet, Puppy.”
@mis-lil-red @hyemishii @assaultsofthought @starswholistenanddreamsanswered
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argreion · 3 months
Can i request some more girl dad Leon, or some hcs regarding this? I just love domestic fluff with Leon ughhh i love him :((((
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Thank you for sending a ask wonderful anon! (Didn’t expect an anon to ask THIS fast!)
So, I know that what I wrote was subpar, considering it was one of the first times I ever wrote in general. Should expand on what we've seen, y'know?
Apologies if the drabble is a bit iffy with pacing. I feel a little out of place amongst writers due to like... How I write. That feels weird to say- 😭
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Girl Dad Leon! headcanons and a drabble!
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I'll start with the first thing I can see. The dressing up.
❀ He will occasionally dress up for his daughter. Leon curses himself out in his head, as he'd forced you to help him. Tighten the built-in corset, help him with his hair, and please... Don't make him wear heels!
❀ First, it would be a Disney princess, then once he has to deal with Barbie? Or a superhero? Superman? Batman? Spider-Man? Man, he's finally out. He draws the line at a princess, unless the puppy eyes and crying are used against him.
❀ Fine! He finally caved in, with an annoyed, defeated sigh. The outfit is bought on Amazon, amidst your bickering for him to not buy something off eBay. (Look, he's sorry, ok? He may get a decent sum of money each paycheck. Leon is relatively cheap, or looking for a bargain. Blame the kid in him for wanting to save money!)
❀ The only reason he does it is that he loves his daughter, ok!? Maybe you compliment or tease him on being saved by a 'hero', but that doesn't matter! At the end of the day, he doesn't mind as he's forced to save your daughter from one of her stuffies.
Saving another civilian (or being a princess for your child) is a good deed to him. Something else he looks forward to every day, even with the aches in his bones, bruises on his body, and constant doctor visits.
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Next are a few other things I have to add on this subject because I do see Leon as a dad who has a daughter AND a son. This is just purely if he has a daughter, so don't mind that. Fluffy stupidity up ahead!
❀ Make-up. Make-up. Make-up. Let's be honest, who hasn't played with make-up a bit when they were a little girl? His daughter has certainly got into a few places she shouldn't! Dabble a little sparkly blue eyeshadow on her dad's eyelids. Smudge some highly pigmented red on Daddy's lips. Isn't he beautiful, mama? Looks like he came out of the circus? Yep, that's the make-up for ya!
❀ Stickers on his motorcycle... Stickers on his helmet. Wears them with pride on his helmet. Even if the laughs of his co-workers, Hunnigan at some points, and Chris! He'd punch Chris if he could, but he can't let his daughter see daddy 'roughhousing' with his friend. Sends his daughter after Chris as revenge for laughing at him. Still the favorite thing of his daughter in general. He'd purposefully buy stickers and let her stick them on anything of his. No guns, though, no guns.
❀ Will sneak a little treat for his daughter before dinner. Shhh, don't tell your mom, ok? He'll probably get hounded for it, and we both know he's a sucker for the two girls in his life. It's a Daddy-Daughter secret, m'kay?
❀ BEDTIME STORIES? Any day that Leon is there and not on a mission, Leon will take his time to read a bedtime story. His favorite is his daughter's favorite because it brings her the most joy! Anything that makes his daughter happy he'll note in the back of his mind. Has fallen asleep with his daughter. (Take a picture and keep it, but also send it to Leon. He'll want it for memories.)
Now for the small thought in my head...
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How many years had it been since you and Leon went on vacation? Going down to the Bahamas like every rich American did. Or every stressed, overworked dad suggested with a maniacal look on their face. This time, it wouldn't be the two of you. A plus one which was your daughter joined the pair of you. Joined you on the plane to Italy, and in the very Gelateria you stood in with Leon.
It was nice to get away from the smog filled city and the screams of fighting couples. Being able to appreciate the view of the nearby bridge and the welcoming ambience of another country. Asides from avoiding the scams and having to chase down a toddler once or twice... It was nice!
Your daughter was pointing out the window with babbles of joy. Leon was using his mother language as he paid for the gelato for the trio of you. Keeping your daughter beside you was fairly easy, as she waited for a sweet treat. How you wish minutes ago she wasn't screaming, and the only way a kid calms down is with something sweet.
So, why not let your child taste your home country?
“Grazie ancora una volta.” Leon thanked, followed with a small nod as he made his way through the small line towards the pair of you. A smile on his face as a scheme was brought into play. Well, not exactly a scheme—more so just being an ass.
While you pay attention outside the window, an unknown presence crept up behind you. The use of military training in his favor as you spoke with your daughter,
“What do you think of Italy so far?” You questioned, looking down at her. Gently squeezing her hand as she hummed.
The little girl replied, not turning her head from the window. Pointer's finger pressed to the cold glass, leaving a faint smudge as you gently tugged her away. “Daddy said this place was cool when he lived here. Right now, it's just really hot.” She looked up at you, her brows furrowed. “Are you sure daddy was right that this place is cool?”
A response fell dead right on your lips as the feeling of frigidness gently touched your cheek. Your reaction time was slow as a small chuckle came from Leon's lips.
“It'll be cooler with these, bambola.”
Why'd you groan? At the cheesiness or the joke that only managed to make your daughter squeal. Already moving away to go after her father. Like the cookie monster but instead for the sister of ice cream.
You brushed the small bit of gelato off your cheek. A hint of annoyance now bubbling in your system as you brought it to your lips. Trying the flavor that seemed to please you. Silky
“What's this?” You asked, meeting Leon's gaze as he heard the question. The dad is already in the process of handing the small gelato cone off to his daughter.
“It's gelato?” Leon confusingly answered. “I tho-”
“No, no, what's the flavor?”
Was he that forgetful? He lets himself choose the flavors and doesn't even think to tell you? It made you slightly regret even getting with him at this point. Maybe you should've sat down with him to talk about his memory. Not that he'd remember that, anyway.
“It's uh, Cream Caramel. Reminds me of when I was young.”
Leon smiled, with the slight tilt of his hand, as he responded with a more detailed answer. One of the traits you grew to hate and love as he answered. The gelato slowly slid off until...
Jumping at the loud cuss of your daughter, eyes wide as you snapped your neck to stare at her. Her eyes meeting her father's gelato on the cold, lonely floor. Why were you almost cackling? Leon was staring at the gelato, and you were barely holding in your laugh?
“Where'd you learn that, sweetie?” Leon asked, forcing a smile on his face as a small part of him died on the inside. Brain wanting to cry as he accepted the fact his childhood fell down onto the floor.
Your daughter paused, frozen. Mimicking the statues from earlier as you toured Florence.
“D-dad.” Was the only thing she squeaked out.
When she said that, regret was the only thing that could describe the two of you meeting eyes. One for the fact they let Leon cuss near their child. The other for even saying it.
He knew he should've stuck to overtime as he realized the fuck-up he did.
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Writer Gods from above, please don't end my soul for not writing for a month. 🙏
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muffinrecord · 11 days
Current Plans + Musings
I don't plan on playing Exedra to the degree I did for Magia Record, or playing it at all. Because of that, I won't be taking an active role in the community and archiving anything for it. Of course, if Exedra has like amazing gameplay and stories then this is all subject to change, but for now I think I'm done with phone games.
The two youtube channels will stay up and I'll check em periodically to make sure there aren't copyright strikes against the content. I've saved all my raw files, especially for the battle animations, so I can remake them in the future if the music ever becomes a problem for some reason.
Google Drive will stay up until Google rots away. I haven't recorded footage in a long time (as in stories, I do for the character doppels and such), but I'll upload things if they're sent to me.
Magia Union Translations still plans on translating things and making videos, especially leading up to the end, but also for after the game is over for whatever wasn't made in time. I'm not sure what form this will take in the future-- if it'll be manual captions added to the videos or not, but I know it WILL happen.
As for this blog, I'm not going to delete it or anything. However I'm going to be taking a step back. I'd like to say that I'll do liveblogs but I mean... *gestures at blog* I've been saying that for years and the only one I really did successfully was the Oriko one lmao. Ahhh oh well.
I'll have more words later, but it was really fun to be part of a fandom experience like this. I'm excited to work on my own original story projects though and quiet down a bit.
When I started this blog, I never expected it to have people actually read it. Or look at it. I just wanted a place to gush about how much fun I was having. I didn't even want to tag the posts with "Magia Record" at first because I was terrified people would be mean at me, haha.
But I'm glad I did. I made so many good friends through this game. I'm glad it existed. And it made me happy to have a place where people cared about what I had to say. Some folks actually got their news from here, can you imagine that? They had notifications turned on for this blog. My god.
Anyways, I'm going to be here for the next two months, and tomorrow I'll start reblogging fan projects and initiatives, plus general news. Maybe this blog will turn into a dumping site for art and fanfic reblogs, who knows. I might watch the remaining stuff and add various thoughts here and there.
Otherwise, you can find me on my main blog @malignmuffin, which only reblogs stuff (I don't talk much if at all there). I have another tumblr blog for my comic, but I think I'll reshare the name once I actually have content you can look at on it. It's pretty bare bones for the moment.
Actually it'll be funny if the end of this game is what makes me finally work on it again. I was in the process of working on it when NA came out, and it totally derailed me. Stopped writing, drawing, just focused on this silly little phone game. Now it's like those five years have gone by and I'm going back to where I started, except I think my lil comic is going to be a bit better than it was before. If I actually make it, that is.
If I ever do actually make my comic and start posting it, I'll be sure to update y'all here. hah
Anyways, thanks for being on this wild ride with me. The memories have been great, and I'm glad I had this experience, even if it had to end.
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h-haunted · 8 days
magic kisses
my hero academia
neito monoma x reader
gender neutral
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haven’t touched mha in like three years but my best friend shared this with me so obviously i had to do it!
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You were no stranger to the nurse’s office at UA. Being in class 1A was no walk in the park. You were stuck with the best young heroes of your generation- plus that one green-haired kid who won’t stop attracting villains' attention- and it was certainly a challenge.
Cradling your freshly broken arm and dragging your feet, you slowly made your way to Recovery Girl’s office. A heavy sigh slipped past your lips, illustrating your exhaustion. You had been paired up with Katsuki for training. Long story short, he didn’t even pretend to go easy on you. No surprise there, he was far too competitive for that.
You practically stumbled into the room, your legs feeling like jello underneath your weight. You couldn’t even mumble a greeting before you collapsed down into a chair.
“My my, what happened to you?”
You knew that voice.
Despite your fatigue, your eyes snapped open.
Neito Monoma, asshole of class 1B. You two had been at each other’s throats ever since you met.
Sensing your annoyance before you even opened your mouth, Neito laughed and poked your forehead. “Don’t look so happy to see me.”
“Where’s recovery girl?” You manage to ask, raising your eyebrow.
“She had to step out for a while, I’m here to take her place while she’s gone. Just had to copy her quirk,” the blonde shrugs, leaning back against the wall, “Not the most ideal situation, but whatever. I’m the right guy for the job and I figured I’d do something nice for once. C’mon, let me see your arm.”
You immediately turn away from him, pulling your arm back. You wince as you do so, the pain practically shooting up your spine. Neito covers his mouth and tries his hardest not to laugh, earning himself a sharp glare from you. “If you just let me do it, it’ll stop hurting.”
“No thanks, I’d rather die.”
“Hey, if you insist. I won’t complain.”
“What? You said it first, not me. That’ll take forever to heal, and Recovery Girl won’t be very happy that you refused help.”
After a moment of hesitation, you hold out your mangled forearm. “Yikes, you got your ass kicked, huh? Thought you 1A idiots were supposed to be strong.” Neito quips. You shoot him a glare, and he laughs. “Alright, alright. Calm down, feisty.” He gently places his hand on your wrist and leans down, pressing a tender kiss to your skin. The butterflies that flutter through your stomach startle you, your cheeks heating up at the contact. You can feel your bone beginning to fuse back together as he backs away, watching your reaction. After a few seconds, you flex your arm and move it around. Good as new. Huh.
“Hm? You seem a little red. Coming down with a fever, are we?” He teases, savoring the way you avert your gaze and mumble ‘shut up’. He runs the tips of his fingers down your freshly healed forearm and it feels like lightning.
You rip your arm away, shooting him yet another glare. He flicks your forehead, rolling his eyes. “Your face will be stuck like that if you don’t stop.”
“And if you don’t stop rolling your eyes, they might get stuck in the back of your head.” You retort through a small yawn, covering your mouth with your hand. Neito looked at you, his eyebrow raised.
“Hm. Someone’s tired.”
“Shut up.”
“What? I just pointed it out. Side effect of the quirk.” Neito laughed, his voice as smooth as honey. “I can’t send you back to class like that. Just relax, you can take a nap here if you need to.”
“That’s oddly nice of you-”
“No promises I won’t draw on your face while you’re out though.”
“There it is.” You roll your eyes, leaning back against the wall. Neito grabs a pillow and offers it to you. “I’m not going to take a nap.”
“You don’t have to. Just get comfortable.” Neito rolled his eyes in return, sitting down next to you. You hesitantly grabbed the pillow, placing it behind your head. It wasn’t any more comfortable than just leaning against the wall, but you were too exhausted to complain.
“Seriously though. I’ll stay here with you if you want to take a nap.” He hums. You open your mouth to protest, but it’s cut off by yet another yawn. Okay, maybe that nap wasn’t a bad idea.
When you wake up, the first thing you notice is that your head is resting on something- or rather, someone. It’s Neito’s shoulder. You shoot up, startling him.
“Woah, hey, what’s the matter???” He asks in pure confusion, looking at you now. You wince, very quickly realizing that there must’ve been a cut or something on your face because holy fuck it stings after resting on it. He notices your momentary discomfort, and it causes him to frown. It’s a burn, from Katsuki’s quirk.
“I can… heal that too.” Neito mumbles. It’s not anything terrible, it would heal on its own with no scarring. Your breath catches in your throat at the thought, but it doesn’t take you very long to nod. He leans forward and plants his lips on your cheek, letting them linger for a moment. The familiar tingly sensation bubbles up beneath your skin, the subtle ache from the injury fading away.
“What… time is it?” You ask, trying to quickly change the subject.
“Three. You were only out for like an hour.”
“Oh…” You look away. You suddenly remember his earlier threat and pull out your phone, using the selfie camera to examine your skin. He didn’t draw on your face after all.
“Oh come on.” Neito can’t help but laugh at how worried you were about it. “I told you I wasn’t going to do it.”
“Give me one good reason why I should trust you.”
“...Because I wouldn’t ruin such a pretty face with marker.” He winks, and you feel your face heating up again. “What? I just fixed your face.” He reaches out to brush his fingertips across your cheek. “Any other injuries I should take care of?” He jokes with a teasing smirk.
“Oh. Well...I think I… uh… split my lip.” You mumble before you can stop yourself. He looks momentarily flustered and his eyes meet yours for a moment before they flicker down to your soft lips. You open your mouth to speak. Apologize, take back what you said because oh my god that was cringe.
Then his mouth is on yours, kissing you with a gentle passion as his hands find your cheeks.
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bonefall · 4 months
bones im doing the math and a stellers jay cooked properly can feed like four cats. no wonder clan cats have so many rules about prey distribution birds are so full of nutrition you can just coast on it. bones i did the math and if they take down an eagle they could feed like a hundred cats oh god boar meat is so worth it isnt it
EDIT: Boar math update
The average male boar is 440 pounds, which is 200 kilograms, 200,000 g x 5 = 1 million calories.
That will feed an entire Clan for months. All through the three months of winter. Boar meat is sososososo worth it, it's INSANE. ThunderClan should actually be The Fat Clan, these guys are partaking of the sweet fat of the hog and absolutely rolling in extra calories.
(This is actually why I draw a lot of my ThunderClan cats with bellies, like Lionblaze. This man finds himself in the path of food because his Clan has lots to offer lmao)
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^ Lionblaze the first day Willowpelt took him on as a secondary apprentice
Ducks are a REALLY good target for Clans, also. Average mallard drake is 3.5 pounds, 1.5 kilos, 9,000 calories. One duck feeds the entire Clan for a day.
I will say though, EXTRA knowledge; remember that calories don't necessarily satiate hunger! A lot of factors do, but you can summarize them with weight in the context of cats. My cat's usually full around 85 grams, but I know some cats who can hoover a big can of food in a single sitting.
(long answer: protein, fiber, thickness, if you had a drink beforehand, eating slowly, etc. But we're talking about prey meat here)
So your stellar's jay example is usually about 100 to 120 grams (though since my guys are in England, they wouldn't encounter those), which would basically be a meal two cats share. If that's breakfast they'll have hit all their calories for the day, but they'll still feel hungry for lunch and dinner.
This is why soups are so cool btw. This was a soup post all along. It's soupaganda time
Not only do you get that boost from cooking the meat here, but the value is more evenly distributed through the whole dish, the weight of the broth languishes in the stomach to make you feel full, AND ALSO IT'S A CLEAN SOURCE OF HYDRATION. You BOILED the water and didn't even think about it. That 120g prey item is now nutrition for 3 cats, a whole meal for 6, plus an easy way to get more water into sick warriors who may not feel like eating.
Get yourself some mushrooms, a couple pieces of prey, whatever leftovers that would otherwise go to waste, and BAM you've got your whole Clan stuffed and happy, even if they didn't manage to hit the caloric minimum of the day.
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isagid · 1 year
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Suguru “Too big to talk shit” Geto. SFW.
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You aren’t one to get shit-faced. Sure, you get tipsy, and sure, sometimes you trip over your feet and slur on your words at a party, but you don’t blackout. But here you are, drunk out of your mind, dizzy and legless as you lean against Suguru.
“And then— oh my god, Ru, you wouldn’t believe this shit.” You turn in your ‘seat’, hand slapping against his face lightly as it moves to circle around his neck. Your body is contorted, eyes murky as they catch the sneer he dawns at the previous encounter you’d made with his face, or maybe at the horrific nickname you never would’ve called him if you were sober.
“What shit wouldn’t I believe?” He’s unenthusiastic, ample fingers tracing butterflies onto the small of your back— a habit he’d told you about months before when he loudly informed you that butterflies are easier to draw than any other insect. His voice is bland, heated with the liquor on his breath, but you know with the way his toe taps against the ground he’s interested.
“She fucked him two doors fuckin’ down!” And there it is. There it is. His eye crinkles up, his brows furrow, his lip quirks, he exhales. It’s all subtle, none of it is emphasized or dramatic, but you like to think you’ve mastered the art of observing Suguru, even drunk and hazy and slung all over him.
“Hm,” That’s all he gives you. It’s not much, because Suguru swears and survives that he’s above gossip. It’s not much, but it’s everything you need to push forward, into his lap and with the story.
“Then, come next day, that one bitch from work, yknow the red head— or, god, fuck does she call it? Strawberry blonde? Whatever, anyway, so she sees her buying plan b and a goddamn zena. What a whore!” He stirs under you and you’re sure you’ve got him. You know he eats this shit up, you know with a best friend like Satoru Gojo there’s no way he isn’t judgmental and critical and prey to shit talking.
“Didn’t she post all that shit about her and her boyfriend going to Sakura-Zaka that day?” You know you’ve got him.
“That’s what i’m saying!” Your hand hits at his shoulder, big and broad, and your body stumbles into him a little bit.
“Plus, isn’t he dating her uncles daughter?”
“Ohhh my god, Sugu!” Another awful nickname to add to the list. “You do listen!”
“What a dog.” You giggle— a crass little noise— and you’re sure only Suguru Geto makes you like this. You’re sure you’d only feel so comfortable drunk to the point of discomfort, all squirmy in his lap, laughing and mean and adoring of him.
“Never say that again, are you fifty?” He grumbles, so low you can feel it in your spine, and you shiver against his skin.
There’s a lot to Geto that you can feel in your bones. You think, maybe, he was meant to be there— locked in somewhere between your femur and your pelvis, or stuck in your ribs. And right now, drunk and bubbly, you’re sure you can feel him inside all of your organs and blood vessels and veins. Right now, you are sure Suguru is part of you.
“I’m glad you’re not a dog, Suguru.” He squints at you, wide face all beautiful and a little sweaty. And then he smiles— just a hint of one, smug above his jaw— and lifts one of his big, big hands up to the back of your head.
“Yeah, who would you be able to bitch to about that?” But he knows what you meant, and you may be fucked up but you think he means it back. You think if he were someone else (maybe Gojo), he’d tell you he was glad you weren’t a slut. You think if he were someone else, he’d tell you he wants to kiss you.
But he’s Suguru, so he doesn’t do the first thing and he doesn’t do the second. Still, he holds you in a way that makes you feel so small and so warm you can’t breathe.
It’s quiet, peaceful and whole. It feels like home. After a beat, Suguru lifts his other hand to your cheek, gives it a swipe he hopes you’ll forget in the morning, and finally gives you a world shattering grin. You think now that that was his declaration of love.
“So what’s gonna happen if that hyena finds out?” So, filled with so much love you don’t know how to handle it, you start up again.
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corrodedcoffincumslut · 8 months
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Pairing - Eddie Munson X Gareth Emerson X Plus size Fem-reader 18+ content
Blurb- Friday nights are yours, Eddie & Gareth's smoke sessions, but after enduring the sexual tension of being the third-wheel to yours & Eddie's heavy petting something changes for virgin Gareth.
Warnings- SMUT - Over 18’s ONLY, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!! M-F-M (P in V). Cream pie. Drug use Eddie, Gareth & Reader (Weed). Smoking. MMF threesome. Assplay. Squirting. Oral (M) Fingering. Loss of virginity (M). Daddy-kink. Consensual sharing of a partner (established relationship & best friend). Dom/Sub. Pet names. Choking. Possessiveness. Voyeurism. Pervy (if you squint). Reader has nipple piercings. Eddie has a PA piercing. No use of Y/N. Please let me know if I’ve missed any others.
Word count- 6.3k
Reader is referred to as "Bunnie" and is described as a plus-sized beauty (thick thighs, tummy & large breasts are all adored and worshiped here) and is referenced to have blue eyes. No description of hair colour.
*Please don't copy my work or repost on any other platforms without my permission. *Although I do appreciate likes, reblogs and comments if you've enjoyed my work!*
Authors note- This was a labour of love, its the first fic I started to write in the Bunnie-verse, but I couldn't seem to get it right and I'm somewhat of a perfectionist & terrible self critic so this fic has been in my drafts for well over 18 months. Finally I feel I did my idea justice. I hope anyway. Please enjoy and let me know, if you enjoy my ramblings again! Big thanks to my girl @bexreadstoomuch for proofreading (many many many times)!
Your heavy eyes blinked through the smoke haze which filled the inside of Eddie’s bedroom.  At the foot of the bed, Gareth sat crossed legged, rolling another joint, before licking a wet stripe across the paper’s edge, sealing the green inside, twisting the end and lighting the tip, in what felt like one smooth swift move. You both giggled at the dumb jokes Eddie was chackling behind, you sat nestled in your boyfriend's lap, passing the joint between the three of you. Nearing the roach, you could feel Eddie’s hands start to wander, as they always did after several joints. Not wanting to make Gareth feel like the third wheel for what felt like the billionth time when you hung out, you pushed Eddie’s hands back towards your waist into the familiar hug from before. 
Eddie, unhappy with your wriggling, squeezes you tight into his chest, almost too tight causing you to whine. “Eddieeeee, I can’t breathe…” you sign out, your face turning to the side. Which in hindsight only opened your neck up to be attacked in sloppy wet kisses by the floppy haired boy. “Sweetheart, you just make me so, so, well I think you can feel how you make me feel” he whined back into your neck as the kisses trailed down from behind your ear to the top of your collar bones. He was right, you could feel exactly how you made him feel, the firm reminder grinding into your lower back. Turning to face him you smiled, biting your lower lip between your teeth, muttering a small “hmmm” in agreement. “Such a tease” Eddie whispered only loud enough for you to hear. 
Gareth fiddled and bit the skin of his fingertips, anything but to draw his attention back to the two of you, close, Eddie’s hands caressing the curves of your hips up to your breasts. Where he ghosted over the fullness of your tits, in an attempt to see your nipples peak at the touch, which successfully they did.  Glancing over you to the bottom of the bed, you see the awkward boy fumbling with his hands, jealousy painted over his soft face. “Aaargghh come on guys, please don’t make me witness your stoned, horny foreplay again” he muttered, pulling himself off the bed and stumbling out of the room. 
Feeling guilty you turned to face the wolfish grin painted on Eddie’s face, “Come on Eddie '' you sighed “Gareth’s right, he’s seen the outline of your boner waaay too many times already. It’s not fair on him, and I don’t wanna make him regret coming over to hang out again. I just don't see why the girls don’t flood to him though, he deserves someone he can blossom with. He’s cute, caring, smart and I remember from the pool last summer, those shorts didn’t leave much to the imagination” you smirked “I mean if we ever break up, hey I’ll give him a ride anytime”. Eddie started howling just as Gareth’s stunned face came into view, as he walked back in the room after grabbing a beer, hearing the majority of your confession. 
“You know these trailers aren’t soundproof Bunnie, I thought you learnt that last time Wayne caught us, you know after the incident with the cuffs and the vibrator, the one whereee….” Eddie playfully teased. “EDDDDIIIEEE!” you whined cutting Eddie off before he could confess all your sins, “stop talking!” sealing it with a kiss, smiling. Gareth stood blindsided in the doorway, too stunned to speak, before butting in “You’d fuck me?! You? Bunnie, Eddie’s girl. The hottest chick I know would fuck me? I know I’m not swimming in pussy Bunnie, but don’t mock me. I can’t take it, and not with you guys banging like rabbits. You know I’m still a virgin, there’s me just beating off, into my hand off every day, that shit’s just cruel!” Gesturing to the growing lump between his legs. 
Eddie turned to smile at you, whispering in your ear “you know we could always try that fantasy we spoke about?” taking your earlobe between his teeth nibbling at the soft skin between his teeth, before kissing down your neck, causing shivers to run down your spine. “Go on baby, tell Gareth again, how much you’d like to ride on his virgin cock. How you want us to take it in turns fucking your pretty pussy, until you’re scream both our names for the whole trailer park to hear”.
Red eyed and brain still hazed from the weed, you half lidded smiled at the thoughts swimming in your head. The dirty thoughts of Gareth’s shy face pressed deep between your legs as Eddie guided him on how to please you, until your vision got blurry and tears streamed from your eyes in blinding white hot pleasure. 
Releasing you from his grasp Eddie watched from his place on the bed as you rose from his lap, feet gliding across the carpet over to Gareth. Grasping his shirt in your hands, your hands pressed into his chest. You leaned your forehead on his, your warm breath causing goosebumps to prick onto his skin and the baby hairs on the nape of his neck to erect. “Kiss me Gareth” you whispered into his mouth, before crashing your plump soft lips on his boyish chapped ones. A smile grew across your lips as you pulled back to stare into his glazed over eyes. 
Eddie groaned from the bed behind you. Looking over your shoulder you saw him, rubbing his hard, thick cock over the rising tent of his sweats. Biting your lip and sliding your dewy tongue across, slipping your silver tongue bar between your teeth you giggled back at Gareth. Still shocked Gareth stared blankly into your eyes, almost forgetting to blink entirely. 
“Cat got your tongue Gare-bear” you giggled, “Or was it Bunnie” Eddie interjected. The wolfish grin, ever present on his angular face. “Kiss her again Gare, she likes it when you’re rough. Go on, and slip her some tongue this time. I wanna see her squirm like she does for me”. 
Snapping out of his state of shocked hypnosis, growing in confidence at Eddie's encouragement, he placed his hands on your waist as he pulled you in. Placing a hand on your cheek, “Are you okay with this Bunnie?”, enticing a nod from you he smashed his lips back on yours once more. You feel his silken tongue skim across your plump bottom lip, probing for entry into your warm mouth. Inviting him in you suck on the tip of his tongue, eyes falling closed with delight as you feel him tangle it back with yours. Gareth’s kiss was tender and encasing, making the world outside of your field of vision drift away to nothing. 
Only the groans of Eddie bring you back to reality, as he approaches you from behind, smacking his big firm hand on your ass, rubbing the fat rounded curves. ”Sweetheart, you’re making me jealous all alone over there. Sprinkle some of that sugar on me, would you?” Feeling his curls tickle your shoulders you broke away from Gareth’s lips, to turn back to kiss Eddie’s inviting puffy lips instead. Eddie’s hands slid over your round hips, following your curves down your thick thighs. “God Bunnie, you’re so fucking sexy, you ass looks sinful in those jeans” pulling the tough fabric against your legs, feeling the denim snapping back to your skin causing you to jump. “Undo the front button Gare, let us see you in all your beautiful glory baby” Eddie said. 
Reaching for the front button of your jeans with shaky hands Gareth undid the offending jeans as Eddie pulled them down your legs, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses down the backs of your legs, until they pooled at your ankles on the floor. Standing between the two men in your black lace panties, one of Eddie’s old tattered Black Sabbath shirts now barely covered your voluptuous cheeks. “So, so fucking sexy, don’t you agree Gare” Eddie’s gruff voice growlled for you both to hear. Gareth hummed in agreement, still in disbelief of the situation he found himself in on a usual Friday evening hangout, with the unusual added twist of his best friend allowing him to share his girlfriend for the night. 
Turning back, leaning back into Eddie’s touch you found yourself rubbing your hands over Gareth’s chest following the lean lines of his little podge tummy, luring the familiar squirming Eddie had commented on before to his friend. “Lose the shirt too Bunnie, you know I can’t resist those perfect big tits you’re keeping from us, and I know Gareth’s had many a night thinking about them too. I’ve caught him staring enough times, drool practically dripping from his chin” Eddie teased, pulling the hem of the shirt up over your head lifting your arms to allow him to remove it. You complied with his actions. “You’re being so good for us Bunnie” Eddie cooed.   
Succumbing to Eddie’s words, you felt exposed and vulnerable between the fully clothed men boxing you in. Eddie pulled at the hem of your shirt, tugged the tatted item up and over your shoulders, allow him to fully remove the offending clothing. Your soft breasts falling out, jiggling with the movement, pert pierced nipples hard from the cool air you’d been exposed to. Silver bars catching Gareth’s eyes, his focus now solely on your tits, a vision he thought he’d never see outside his own head, silver bars through each, causing Gareth’s cock to grow ever harder. Eddie pulled you back onto the bed, placing himself at the headboard, inviting you to sit between his legs once more. Gareth followed, stumbling forward, kneeling at your feet. Eddie thrust your milky thighs apart, fully exposing your wet, ruined panties to Gareth. 
“Awww sweetheart you’re soaking, what’s got you this worked up already. Was it thoughts of  your little Gare-bear taking care of you?” Eddie patronised in your ear, hot breath dancing over the skin. Open mouthed kisses landed on your neck, as Eddie’s nibble fingers wound into the hem of your panties. Running his nimble fingers through your folds, his fingers now covered in your slick. “Gonna take these off now Bunnie, s’that okay with you?” Eddie checked in for your welcomed consent. You nodded again. “Gonna need some words baby, if you want this to go further '' Eddie encouraged, chin tucked in, looking over his brows. “Yes”, you huffed out “please, please I want this”. 
Hooking his thumbs over the top of the lace, he slowly pulled your panties down over your plush round hips. The slick, soaked centre sticking to the centre as he pulled them down your smooth inked legs, before throwing them in Gareth’s face. “You alright there Gare” Eddie ridiculed, “You’re staring bud, what’s wrong never seen a pussy this pretty before, is that it? Better than any of porn mags is this, ain’t that right Bunnie? Bestest pussy I’ve ever tasted” he groaned “so sweet, so warm, so tight, so inviting”. 
Eddie ran his fingers through your glistening folds again, through the lines of your sweet cream. Fingertips grazing over your entrance, causing a light shudder to fall down your spine and a yielding moan to fall from your lips. Your head fell back again into Eddie’s shoulder as his fingers pushed back up to your swollen bud. Tracing small figures of eight over the hardened nub, tingles and deeper moans falling from your mouth once more. The echoing pressure building in your stomach, the coil tightening with every relentless pass. Swift fingers dipped into your entrance fucking you onto his thick appendages, whilst his thumb took over the tight circles on your clit. A long groan spilling from your lips. Eyes slammed shut you breathed through your gritted teeth, coaching you through the satisfaction of what you were craving. “Don’t stop baby, I’m close” you whined into Eddie’s neck. 
Eddie reached forward grabbing Gareth’s hands, bringing them to your throbbing core. “Touch her Gare, she’s so close, go on, feel her.” Gareth’s fingers almost trembled at the lightest touch on your slick folds. Eddie guided his fingers up to the swollen bud again, rolling the nib between both their fingertips. “That’s it Gare, just press right there” Eddis softly spoke. Gareth’s face shone with amazement as you writhed under their shared touch, breathy moans singing from your throat. All of a sudden you shuddered, shaking, climbing rapidly towards your high. A silent moan echoed as you hit the peak. Your face contorting, eyes squeezed tightly shut and pressed to O shape. 
“That’s it sweetheart” Eddie cooed in your ear “Gonna give us another?” You nodded, head still swimming under the water. Continuing the punishment on your clit, and pussy, another strangling moan reverberated out your pink lips. Eddie plunged his fingers in and out, the pace intoxicating you further down the rabbit hole into pure sinful pleasure, overstimulation is starting to set in. “Eyes open Bunnie, I want Gareth to see those baby blues when you come for us again”. Peeling your eyes open to meet Gareth wanting ones, staring back into your tearful ones. Tear drops threatening to overspill your lashes as you came with another cry. Intaking heavy breaths to try and keep yourself grounded.  
“Good girl, you’re doing so well for us baby” Eddie muttered into your ears through his own heavy breaths. The constant bulge in your lower back twitching pressed into your damp skin. Glancing down you could the same reaction from Gareth, a growing damp patch of pre-cum seeping through the fly of his jeans. Eddie smiled a merciless grin again and your eyes widened at the sight, your strong tongue gliding across your lip taking it between your teeth as you looked back up to his boyish face.
“I wanna taste you” you said in awe to Gareth. “You heard the lady, Gare. You don’t wanna leave our little Bunnie waiting any longer, do you? Eddie enlivened. Gareth began stripping himself of his clothes quicker than you thought humanly possible. Ripping the hem of his Judas Priest shirt over his fluffy curls, shaking his hair down like an excited puppy through the neckhole. Fiddling with the button and fly of jeans with sticky fingers, ripping them down his strong muscular thighs, sprinkled with sparse brunette hairs. Kicking them off to the side, throwing his trainers with them. Leaving him in his red checked cotton boxers, large protruding tent front and centre. 
You reached forward the palm over the clothed bulge, wiggling your fingertips tickling his balls, causing the boy to groan and gasp. “Always wanted to taste you Gare, you have such a pretty face. I’m glad I’m the one who's going to ruin you for every other girl after. I’m gonna blow your mind Gare, an’ your cock. Do you want that Gare? Your big fat cock stuffed in my pretty mouth” you purred, your fingers creeping over the elastic reaching down to grasp your fingers around his length. Gareth’s firm cock, didn’t feel as thick or long as Eddie’s but it definitely wasn’t small. You ran your fingers up and around his shift, feeling around 6 and halfish inches, with thick pulsing veins running up the sides. 
Gareth gasped as you held a firm hold on his cock, slowly moving your hand up and down the shaft to get him used to the sensation. Your nails brushed against the curls at the base, running your fingertips through the hairs before going down to cup his aching balls. The soft skin was warm in your palm. 
“Fuck” Gareth whispered out, head falling back to the ceiling,“your hands feel so soft Bunnie”. You giggled, looking up at the blissful blush painted across Gareth’s cheeks. 
“Take these off for me please, Gare-bear. Wanna see you in all your glory now”, you parroted Eddie’s words. Gareth slowly pulled down his well-worn cotton boxers, his cock springing out and to attention. Your eyes fixated to his leaking cock, drool gathering in your mouth at the taboo thoughts of two best friends fucking you. 
“Aww Bunnie, you're teasing him” Eddie cooed from the headboard, hand now palming himself over his jeans. “Why don’t you show him what a good girl you are, like when you suck Daddy’s cock”. 
Your pleading eyes met Gareth’s blown out pupils. “Can I use my mouth on you Gareth?” you sweetly asked. “Sure Bunnie, I erm, sure yeah, I’d love that” he mumbled, still unbelieving this was happening. “Just sit back, if there’s anything you don’t like, let me know, yeah” you softly spoke. Placing a tender kiss on his lips.Gareth nodded in agreement. 
Leaning down you kissed the tip of Gareth’s leaking cock, licking the pearls of pre-cum and swallowing them with a “hmmm”. 
“Does he taste good, Bunnie?” Eddie called from behind, now folded over your back, placing a line of kisses down your spine. Shivers rickersahed through your body. Eddie’s fingers danced over your hips and waist and you pushed Gareth cock into your warm, wet, wanting mouth. Tongue licking the underside from base to tip, flicking Gareth’s frenulum. A hiss through his teeth at the sensitivity. Grinning you swallowed him, taking his whole length in your mouth, head beginning to bob up and down. His mouth curls tickling your nose on every bob of your head. You could hear encouraging hisses and groans from above.
Eddie now face buried in your ass, lips left wet open mouthed kisses across your peachy fullness, firm hands pulling your cheeks apart to see your tight hole. “Fuck Bunnie, you gonna let me play your ass, while you play with Gareth. Daddy loves watching you squirm, Princess.”
“Mmmm yeah Daddy, please” you moaned in replied lips leaving Gareth’s cock moment, as a big glob of spit travelled down your ass welling in your tight hole, lighting your super sensitive hole on fire with desire. Eddie’s fingers circled your puckered asshole, teasing the pressure as his finger slipped into the first knuckle, A loud moan ripped through your throat “Fuccckk” you cursed, your body shuddering as your mouth wrapped again round Gareth’s dripping cock, head bobbing back into a steady rhythm. Eddie continued to massage your tight hole, slowly pushing his fingertip in and out, spitting down between your cheeks again occasionally, to keep it slick. Teasing nibbles landing on your ass cheeks, as Eddie’s firm hands massaged your voluptuous peachy behind and slipping below to tease your clit some more.   
Gareth was rapidly falling apart, soon to be losing control. His hands grasped your head, fingers tangled in your hair. “Fuck Bunnie, its to good. I don’t wanna cum just yet” he blurted out, worry slung across his face. 
Releasing his cock from your flushed lips, you smiled, pulling yourself back and sitting on your heels. “Good boy” you praised, “so sweet for me” your sweetly smiled. “Do you want me to give me Teddy some attention whilst you calm down a little, then you can fuck my pussy when you feel ready, hmmm? I just wanna take care of you, don’t feel pressured though. We can stop anytime”. Honey dripped from your words. 
How could you be this sweet to him, after all the times he’d heard you and Eddie fucking, it seemed slower, more sensual, all soft edges for him. You cared for him, you really cared he felt comfortable and safe. The decisions were his, but guided by you and Eddie. His best friend and his best friend’s insanely hot, sinfully curvaceous, loving girlfriend. 
Gareth nodded in agreement, your sweet smile reassuring his anxiety. Turning your head to Eddie, your sweetness illuminating his face, sacrilegious smile fixated on his gleaming back at you. “Show me the goods, Big boy” you purred, crawling up the bed towards Eddie’s lap. “Someone’s awakened the minx in you today, Bun” he teased, as your hands hastily pulled his blue plaid boxer shorts down his thigh, unleashing Eddie’s rock hard cock. Hitting his stomach with the wet slap, precum beading at the tip. “Offft” Eddie gasped “easy Princess, don’t damage the goods!” Eddie joked. Eddie’s big hands encasping your face pulling you in, chapped, bitten lips meeting your plump, fleshy ones. Eddie’s tongue lazily swept over your bottom lip, before pushing forward into your soft, wet mouth. Releasing you with a smack of his lips again, a saccharine smile stretched across his face. Dreamy pools of chocolate stared back into yours, losing yourself in the black irises. 
Gareth’s chokes shook you back to reality, “Fuck Ed’s, I didn’t know you’d got a piercing down there?” Gareth’s shocked questioning made you giggle. “Yeah, got it a few months back, when I was last up in Indy at the tattoo shop” Eddie laughed, “Thought fuck it, heard it good for the ladies and I know Bunnie here agrees” Eddie’s eyes flicked to your blushed face, “...and I mean why not adorn the trouser snake, it’s pretty metal right?” Eddie gestured to the circular ring through the end of his hard cock, the silver twinkling like a beacon in the dim light. Gareth was definitely straight that he knew, but he had to agree it did look great. 
Your small hands gripped Eddie’s shaft, fingers running up the length and back down, teasing touches before you kissed the tip, featherlight. Kitten licking his slit, tongue wrapping the ring before softly sucking on the bulbous head. Eddie groaned in pleasure, head thrown back into the headboard, if he wasn’t so high and distracted he would definitely be in pain from the impact. “Fuck that’s hot” is all you hear above Eddie’s moans. Gareth’s awestruck face watching the scene before him. Stroking his own cock, whilst he switched between gazing at your puffy wet pussy, slick covered plush thighs and head bobbing up and down the length of Eddie’s cock. 
Hollowing your cheeks you sucked harder on Eddie’s dick. Gathering your hair in a makeshift ponytail in his hands, lightly guiding you up and down on his length. “Shiiittt, Bunnie, your mouth feels so good princess” Eddie praised above you. “Always such a good slut for Daddy, that’s it, always take my dick so well.” Humming vibrations swelled in your throat as you took Eddie deeper in your throat. Your free hand drifting lower to cradle Eddie’s full balls in your hands, rolling them between your nimble fingers, gently squeezing the skin in your palm. 
Usually you could spend all night with Eddie’s firm cock weighing on your tongue, but right now you were so turned on, the thoughts of two sets of hands caressing your skin, two mouths lapping over on your erect nipples and two piercing cocks splitting you open, watching you crumble and come undone. You needed more. Releasing Eddie’s cock from your lips, you satback on your knees, pushing your hair over your shoulder as Eddie let go and replaced your mouth with his own guitar calloused, motor oil stained hands.
Glancing over your shoulder at Gareth with wide eyes you softly spoke, “Want you Gare-bear, want you inside me” seduction dripping from every word. “Want you to fuck me, want your cum”, your hands playing with your budding nipples, lightly squeezing the bars through each, pulled and pressing into your heavy breasts, teasing yourself. Turning yourself round you crawled back over Gareth, sitting firm in his lap. Leaning in hot breath on his neck, placing wet kisses up the column of his throat. “You want me to ride you pretty boy?” you questioned, wide doe eyes looking at him. 
Nodding Gareth placed his trembling hands over the podgy skin of your waist and hips, finger tips pushing into the squishy flesh, massaging the fat there adoringly. “Yeah Bunnie, please, please ride me, it’s all I’ve thought about every time we’ve smoked. Always wanted this, wanted you, but I thought I’d never get this, Eddie knows that. Always been jealous of you two” Gareth hushed out, glancing over to Eddie behind now behind you kissing your upper back and neck, his rough hands running up and down your spine. “It’s true Bun, should have seen his face after I told him we made it official, felt like I’d kicked a puppy”. 
Rolling your head back to meet Eddie’s shoulder, Gareth’s hands wandered up to grasp your breasts, replacing yours mirroring your previous movements. “You want me to fuck you raw or I can get you a condom, we have some, Eddie can you grab one, I mean its your first time so it’s not like your not clean, I’m on the pill so ya know that’s not a issue…” you began to ramble, serious undertones checking consent before taking the plunge. “Yes, god yes” Gareth abruptly interrupted, “Jesus yes, I wanna fuck you so bad, please I wanna know what it really feels like, no barriers Bunnie please!”  
Gareth’s impatience filled you confidence, adjusting your legs, your doughy thighs straddled Gareth’s hairy muscular ones, tense from years of drumming. Hovering your awaiting sopping pussy over his pearling cock, you rubbed his pink mushroom head through your soaked folds, rutting against your overly over-stimulated, sensitive clit.  Causing all the air in the lungs to escape you, a deep breath you didn’t realise you were holding. “You ready, handsome?”  you whispered in his ear, lips tickling the shell of his ear, before looking into his eyes to check consent. Gareth’s hands held your hips as he nodded, his own breath stuck in his throat, stuttering a simple “yes, please”.  
Lowering yourself down until Gareth’s mushroom tip pushed past your slick folds, you moaned at the intrusion. “Congrats Gare, you’re no longer a virgin” you giggled, sinking further down to hilt. “How’s it feel, buddy? Like warm apple pie? Like kisses from ya momma?” Eddie joked from behind you, cock in hand lazily stroking himself. “Fuck off Eddie” Gareth breathed out laughing. Reaching back you playfully shoved Eddie, shaking your head  and rolling your eyes. After giving Gareth a minute to adjust to the wet warmth of your cunt, you began to move. Grinding down against his slender hips, building that sweet friction you desired to climb the hill of pleasure. “Fuck” Gareth sighed out, lolling his head back. “Jesus, this feels good”. “Mmm yeah, you feel good Gare, stretching my tight pussy out” you moaned out, placing your lips on Gareth grounding yourself as you rocked back and forth chasing your high.
Eddie’s deft hands found their way up your waist, rub and up over your tits, rolling your pert nipples between his fingers, you squeaked in pain and pleasure. Pulling and massaging the supple fullness of your supple breasts. Feeling the knot in your stomach begin to tighten again you started slowly bouncing on Gareth cock, letting him almost slip out before smashing your hips back down, the drag of his cock rubbing against your spongy spot, erupting gasps and moans falling from you lips as Gareth kissed your neck. Sinking deeper in the drowning pleasure of two mens attention entirely on you. “Good girlll…such a fucking good girl for us Bunnie” Eddie growled, extending the sound of the first L. Feeling needy you whined tilting your head back onto Eddie’s shoulder again, chasing his kiss. 
Locking lips with Eddie, his cock now nudging your lower back and he helped guide you bouncing on his best friend cock. Gareth’s face was scrunched in concentration. Endless moans and gasps harmonising with yours, hands glued to the fat of soft your hips, grabbing the flesh and holding it tight. You knew you’d probably have bruises from his fingertips, but it was worth every purple mark he’d leave you as a reminder. 
The knot in your stomach felt impossibly tight now. “Need to cum Ed’s, please” you whined. “Oooohh Sweetheart, so soon, you’re such a good girl letting us know. Go on, cum for us princess. Reward Gareth for making you feel so good with your cum, cream on over his big, thick cock for me” Eddie cooed. More harmonic whimpers and moans fell from your open lips, “I’m gonna cum… oh mmm… I’m cumming” you sweetly moaned. Eddie rewarded your permission by kissing your cheek as you fell forward, your body quaking in Eddie’s hands gripping firmly over Gareth’s shoulders to keep you upright. 
Your nails leaving crescent moon imprints in his skin, as your orgasm washed over you. Your pussy cramped, milking Gareth’s cock as you chanted his name as you came. “Good fucking girl, look at you. All messy for us'”, Eddie praised as he kissed your shoulder, one, two, three times on a descending trail. Gareth immediately came after you, white spurts white washing your quivering, gummy walls. “Fuckkkkk Bunnie.” Gareth panted, trying to catch his breath gathering his thoughts, as he came back to earth. “That was amazing, God you’re so hot, I can’t believe we did this. Woah, shit, uh huh, yeah? Gareth John Emmerson, virgin no more. Certified sexually active male!” Thanks Bunnie, that's the hardest I’ve ever came. Does it always feel that good? Like, shit, wow” Gareth grinned, rubbing the back of his neck. You replied “You’re welcome Gare '' giggling, “Lost ya V-card now, finally. You stud! It was good yeah, you made me cum, so you’ve better than the guy I lost my virginity too. But you'll have to excuse me, I gotta take care of my Teddy now", a saccharine smile painted on your face and you turned your head to face your floppy haired sex demon of a boyfriend.    
Feeling your combined spends dripping from your stuffed, spasming hole, you lifted yourself up off Gareth’s softening cock, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose before turning your attention towards Eddie. “Ooh Bunnie, are you still feeling lovey-dovey and fuzzy, or do you need your Daddy to show you who you really belong too?” Eddie’s hushed tones made chills run down your spine. Placing a messy kiss on your lips, all teeth and tongue. His hands grasp at the soft meat of your thighs, “Get over here now” pulling you into his lap. 
Harsh kisses engulf your mouth as his hands come to hold the side of your head, fingers slayed to temples, thumbs tucked under your jaw. “My sweet girl” Eddie growls, pushing you back onto the worn threadbare sheets, under his weight. The instant your skin touched the butterscotch cream cotton, Eddie was on you, wet kisses and stripes of spit now adorning your neck and chest. Leaning back on his heel, head forward, his hair curtaining the devilish smirk prancing across his brow. 
He plunged himself in you, leaving you no time to adjust, fucking into your sopping, creaming heat. Hands pinning you by the throat, to the mattress, your eyes spun back into your eye. Wrapping your legs around his slim waist, you pushed against his perfectly tight ass, driving him even further inside your spasming, saturated cunt. 
The possessiveness of Eddie shook you, but you’ve never felt so exposed and turned on. Gareth’s eyes wide, softening cock now rapidly refilling with blood, blush creeping deep pink, up his neck and cheeks.  Eddie fucked his best friend’s spend further inside you, the wet squelching sounds echoing throughout the room, as Eddie’s heavy balls slapped against your dribbling ass cheeks and sticky thighs. “Fuck Bunnie, you feel fucking amazing sweetheart. You like it when Daddy fucks Garebear’s cum inside you? Yeah, yeah I bet you do, I’m good to my princess, letting her play with her fuck toys. But don’t forget you’re mine!” Eddie growled through gritted teeth whilst pounding into your aching pussy. “My little sweet fuck toy. Daddy’s…little…cum…slut”, Punctuating each word with a harsh thrust. 
Eddie fucked you at a relentless pace, he’d never been this rough before, it almost scared you, but definitely thrilled you most. Your pussy was throbbing at an alarming rate, the usual pattern of your orgasm being overtaken by an unignorable pressure in your pelvis. Every stroke of Eddie’s cock against your gummy walls, ascending you higher to your rapture, until it became too much to handle. “Eeeedddddiiiieeee, Mmm, Eddiie” you whimpered between harsh deep breaths. “Can’t hold it any more, I need to cum. Need to cum for you baby, please I need to cum” you pleaded. “Yeah cum for me princess, cum all over Daddy’s cock, my sweet girl.” 
Releasing a silent scream, your eyes clamped shut. You suddenly felt a flooding wetness pouring between your thighs. Your own spend expelling from your creamy cunt, and dripping down your tighter hole below. “Ffffffuuuuuccccckkkkk Bunnie” Eddie gasped. “You’re fucking perfect, squirting all over Daddy’s cock. Sweetheart, I fucking love you Princess. I fucking love these perfect, big tits, I fucking love this fat ass and I fucking love this tight pussy” Eddie grappled and grabbed the fat of your waist as he sat back on his heels, watching his throbbing soaked cock, pumping in and out of you your wetness. Your spend still gushing down his cum gutter hips while each thrust forward. Your creamy spend matting the tight brunette curls at the base of his aching cock. Tilting his head back in pure bliss himself as your pussy massaged his cock. “That's it princess, keep squeezing my cock. Milk my cock. You want my cum, Sweetheart? You want Daddy’s cum too? Where do you want me to cum, my sweet girl?” Eddie questioned. “Inside Daddy, fill me full of your cum too, please. Please I want your cum Daddy, please, please, please. Need it please” you babbled, between soft whimpers and moans of ecstacy. 
Eddie pounded into you a few more harsh thrusts, snatching all the breath from your lungs, until a throaty growl ripped from his own chest. One fuck into your pulsating soaked sex, he erupted inside you, coating your aching centre with his scent. Followed by three shallow jolts, fucking his spend deeper inside, a shiver rolling down his spine at the force he came with. 
“Christ, Bunnie” Eddie huffed, head hanging down, catching his breath as his heart rate began to steady. “Fuck you trying to kill me here, since when could you squirt!? I’m a mess baby, you’ve made such a mess, my dirty, sweet girl” Eddie leant down over your heaving boneless form, placing a soft kiss to your lips, you giggled breaking the spell of haziness. 
“Fuckkkk.”  Another voice spoke.
Remembering the last hour of your life, both you and Eddie suddenly remembered the third in the room. The man you’d just taken the virginity of. In front and with the permission of your boyfriend. The man who’s now softening dick was slipping out of you. The crash back to reality dawning on your slightly stoned, post-orgasmic, purple hazed brains. The complications which could occur following this impulsive, drug-fueled decision. 
“That… That, was hottest shit I’ve ever seen. How’d you do that man? How’d you make her do that? Bunnie, Bunnie how?” You could see Gareth’s mind untangling, the bewilderment evident on his face. The complete confusion baked into Gareth's face, made you and Eddie break into cackling laughter. Eddie rolling over and falling off the bed in a fit of convulsing giggling, kicking his legs at his friends expense, His sweaty mane, stuck to his pretty features. 
After regaining his composure Eddie replied, “Just the prize of being a pure, unadulterated sex god, like me I guess Gare. You'll get there buddy, it just takes some practice, right Bunnie?” He chortled. 
“Sure thing Eds, if you say so” you grinned back, hiding your face in your hands. Gareth's face is still frozen in a picture of awestruck shock. Standing off the bed, you addressed your lovers, “Look boys, I’m gonna grab a shower. How about you put your dicks away and roll me another blunt, I deserve to be doted on hand and foot after that performance, I also require a dr pepper and candy, please” your pleading eyes looking at Eddie & Gareth, before heading off to the bathroom of the clammy trailer. 
“Welcome to the world of women Gare, this is the price we pay. You’re gonna be a slave to the pussy now, buddy.” Eddie joked, slapping Gareth on the back and he jumped up and followed you to the bathroom. “Gareth’s got it honey, I’ll help scrub your back sweetness”, Eddie threw a wink at Gareth before shutting the bathroom door and sliding the lock. 
Gareth groaned looking down at his softening cock, realising he’d come a second time over his stomach, too frozen by the scene in front of him to register his own excitement spill again. Ropes of dripping white down his abs and in his treasure trail of curls. “Slave to the pussy? Shit, he’s got that right!” Gareth muttered to himself, cleaning his pearled stomach with an abandoned shirt. Reaching for the papers, grinder, Eddie’s weed and tobacco. “Slave to the god, damn, pussy! And it's not even mine! Whipped for another man’s girlfriend. I’m so fucked.” 
“Edddddiiiiieeee, stop! Stooooop! No more! You’re insatiable!” Gareth could hear your giggles from inside the shower, Eddie’s wet kisses and lips circling, sucking and licking over your peaked nipples under the water stream. Groaning, he fell back onto the bed, closing his eyes to dull the ache that shot straight to his stiffening dick again.   
“I’m so very FUCKED” he thought to himself. 
Thanks for reading, feel free to please like, reblog & comment if you enjoyed my work! I seek peer validation. Notice me Sempai. Notice me!
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waxingrunes · 9 months
I’m seeing too much of this across all channels and I need to write a little something on my humble blog with my humble amount of followers, because how else am I going to get this off my chest.
Some of you need to remember that this whole world we created is pure, fiction. It’s based off fiction and we are building off fiction, forking off in different directions with characters we love.
The canon vs fanon debate is ongoing and quite honestly, mind numbingly pointless and you all consistently contradict and overlap one another with whatever discourse you’re riding that week. You lot wanna argue a point by saying, “these are my hc’s and I can do what I like with them stop taking everything so seriously teeheehehehe” then uno reverse that the next minute by screaming, “that would never happen *insert name* is this or is that” but fuck canon right? Fuck JKR? Or is it more, fuck the parts of canon I don’t like and I’ll take the parts I do so I can shove them down the throats of creators who represent these characters in an opposing light. The amount of posts I’ve seen floating around these sites that are people preaching to their audiences about how dumb they are (unless it’s meant to be satire, I’m not a brainless sensitive lump with no humour bone) for liking certain things, or enjoying certain things, or preferring certain aspects in a character is astounding. Take pause before jumping on your high horse over a fictional character and shaming people for moulding them into what they enjoy. Is this not the beauty of fiction, imagination; the ability to twist and turn over different traits and appearances within our palms and make them into our own little dress up dolls?
Here’s my two cents as a WOLFSTAR artist, not a Marauders— if I want to make Sirius into a teacup and Remus into a sea slug and have him curl up to sleep every night in his bowl, then I’ll do that with fine china detail. If I want to make Sirius someone who refuses to wear nothing but a specific shade of tangerine and Velcro strapped trainers, I will. One day I might throw Moony into a boxing ring and have him be a middleweight champion, stained by the blood of his opponent whilst his wolf is chomping at the bit to come out just before the full moon threatens to take centre stage. If I want to make Sirius 6ft tall and Remus 5ft1, I will. Why not draw an AU of them as the rocks from Everything, Everywhere All At Once? Maybe, they can be something as simple as a boy and a boy who look the way you want them to look, fuck the way you want them to fuck and fall in love and fight, and scream, and cry, and make up a million different ways.
Let’s get more specific as the seal’s broken. Why not make Remus plus sized and give him a beard or a dad’s bod at age 23. Or maybe because he’s lighter haired he doesn’t have dark hair like that and only has a smattering of it across the ugliest of his scars. Consider this— moony with softer hips but fuller sturdy shoulders. Or long, slender limbs with a deceptively hidden strength owing to his wolf, stronger than James though he doesn’t look it. Onto Sirius, try to tell me I’m not going to put him in thigh highs and fem the shit out of him whilst he holds a bat in one hand covered in the blood of someone who tried to disrespect his Moons. Alert the press when someone erases every single one of his tattoos only to replace them with hyperpigmentation. What about giving him a beater’s build and a long thick trail of naval hair that he likes to call his ‘seeker’s delight’. What about a hairless Sirius who has a soft life and likes to make herself pretty for her 6ft 4 boyfriend every weekend when he gets on the train to visit.
How about, I stick with my personal holy take on the boys and present you with a harmless middle ground where Moony is whatever the fuck I want him to be physically, emotionally, or characteristically but always a wet fucking cloth for Sirius. A grape, under a thumb, you could say. And a Sirius, who is too whatever I want him to be physically, emotionally, or characteristically but will always be Moony’s biggest cheerleader.
Stay with me whilst I offer you the brain stretching, risky, taboo thought for you to ponder on: stop trying to please people. Stop absorbing all these takes that pressure you into thinking you’ve got to include every fucking thing that shaves you down and boxes you into their squeaky clean little creator! Indulge in what you like. Make it public, make it known and make it as loud as you want. Feels good on this side of freedom.
Lastly, quick (none of this has been quick) circle back to myself being a Wolfstar artist, not a Marauders one. I will not be shamed into drawing the women in this fandom, I will not try to even out my art with equal parts women and men, in fear of being called misogynistic. I came here for Wolfstar and I stay for them; I get 95% of my muse from them and enjoy drawing these idiots nearly every single day when I can. I’ve a busy life, a job, the luxury of a family that love me and a couple friends I’d like to keep too. If and when I draw, it’s going to be what I want to draw and want to indulge in, not to check off your boxes of inclusion. I am not going to defend my choice of indulgence to you. I am not going to refute women or wlw ships and in fact, eat up stories or art where they’re prominent. Will I have muse or will to do a piece on them? Probably not. If I do, I will and if it’s not done to a standard deemed appropriate enough by the council, well shit I hope I get an honourable mention in one of your hate threads on Twitter.
Grow up. I am the type of person who has a more or less rigid taste on these boys and what I, enjoy representing them like and you runts will run your throats hoarse before I turn an ear. I am not the type of person to see someone who doesn’t like what I prefer and start slamming my keyboard and slap them with a red card. I’ll move on but appreciate the take in silence. Some of you really, come across like you’re stomping your feet in a tantrum, some of you sound like you’ve never been told to shut the fuck up a day in your life and some of you, some of you, really think you’re a messiah.
Fuck your canons, fanons and righteous attitudes towards people who are quite literally, not real. You are not a deity of the Marauders, you are a fucking loser offline just like the rest of us.
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tinkerbelle05 · 10 months
Snuggle Bug
Characters: 1610!Miles Morales x Black!Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Miles is such a snuggle bug.
Warnings: none :)
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“How long has it been since you've seen the sun?” You jokingly asked Miles. Rather than his desk being filled with pens and sketchbooks, textbooks and pencils replaced them.
You watched in amusement as he lets out a scream, clearly not expecting you. “How did you get in here?”
“Well when two people love each other very much-” You were interrupted with a pillow thrown at you. “Okay, okay, no need to be so aggressive.” You looked over at his desk, “What test?”
“Uh Trig,” he responded.
You give out a wince to it. You never liked Trig or math in general. Plus the teacher was a hag with a terrible wig.
“Maybe you should take a break. Take a nap with me,” you suggest to him slyly.
“As much as I would love that, I have to study for this test next week,” he tells you. “But afterwards, I promise.”
You fix him a look and rolled your eyes, “Okay fine. In the meanwhile, can I look at my pictures?”
“Fine,” he huffed out and went back to studying.
Smiling with joy, you went to Miles’ sketchbook collection and looked for the one with your name on it. He had a whole book dedicated to you in multiple styles and mediums.
Some were realism while other cartoonish. Sometimes he used nothing but graphite pencils and the white of the page while other times he used markers, colored pencils and pens all in one drawing.
You could get lost in the pages, feel giddy every time you saw a new drawing of you. It made you feel loved.
“Okay, I’m done.” Miles announces and stretches his body causing bones to crack and pop.
“Wow, who knew you were such an old man,” you muttered under your breath, eyes still in the book.
Suddenly you felt a large weight on your back, trapping you in the bed. It could only be one person.
Miles snuggled into the nook of your neck and you hear a muffled no. Then soft snores reach your ear and you let out a sigh as you subsumed to your fate as a human bed.
You light jabbed Miles with your elbow because if he's going to use you like this, the absolute least he could do is help you get your bonnet. This hair wasn't cheap.
“Okay, okay I’m gonna get it,” he said groggily and wiped the sleep from his eyes. He extended his arm and you grabbed it immediately.
“Don’t you dare use your web shooters to get my bonnet,” you warned him. The last time he did that, you literally had to throw the whole bonnet away. It was your favorite too.
He grumbled but got up to get it anyway. He gave you a warm smile before fitting the bonnet around your head gently and kissed you on the cheek.
He laid on his bed with a deep sigh but he looked at you with bedroom eyes, half-lid and a lazy smile. And you just sit there, on the bed admiring him. It was amazing how he could do so little and still look so beautiful.
“You gonna join me down here or…?” He questioned but didn't wait for an answer. He pulled you into his arms and returned his face into the nook of your neck. Eventually, your legs tangled and twisted together into one, and with your combined body heat you quickly went to sleep.
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Tags: @butterfi, @justbeethings, @jam-skullz, @dreamxcollide, @shibble, @sleepdeprivationis4coolkids, @somber-starz, @maypersonne, @hoeboat101, @rosebunny, @midnight-the-shadow-wolf, @mur-docs, @eight-cats-in-a-box, @sawi-06, @707xn, @nagi3seastorm, @ghostsimp000, @cloudstrifefantatic, @vixqn, @yourtsahik, @spider-bren, @im-jisoo-im-okay, @andhdi68a, @avatarl0v3r, @randomhoex, @ellatienesuscosas, @m4rihrts, @jell0buss-37, @baddiebehaviourxx, @laylasbunbunny, @minimari415, @all444miles, @sheluvv-jen
Anonlist & Taglist & Masterlist & Reqs Info & 500 Follower Celebration!!
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stuckinapril · 7 months
Hi Cianna, just wanted to say I really admire your study ethic and general vibe on this blog (you inspire me to do better!)
Do you have any advice/tips for good study habits and staying focused? I find that I get some work done, but after a break I can't get back on track
Sorry for the long ask/ studyblr type of question;; what is your favourite hairstyle that you do with your hair! (I also have curly brown hair :)
Have a lovely day also <3
hi! i touch on a lot of points in this other ask, but a few specific learning techniques i abide by are:
parkinson's law. parkinson's law states that work expands to fill the time. basically if you have an essay that's due in a week, it will magically take you one week to get it done, even if the task itself could've been done in one day. to counter this i just set artifical deadlines for myself--even if an essay is due in a week, my personal deadline has it due in two days.
prime your brain prior to learning. if you need to study a biology chapter, pre-skim it the night before. this is not the time to go into detail--it's the time to familiarize yourself with the overview of the topic, so you should only be making a quick scan of the chapter. another priming method is to make a concept map of topics before diving into a chapter. as you skim write down key terms haphazardly, google those you don't recognize, and draw a concept map linking them together. this is effective bc it requires you to actually put effort into connecting the topics, takes no longer than 15 minutes, and speeds up the learning process that follows. it doesn't matter if you find out you're wrong once you dive in; what's important is you're actively thinking of how these topics coexist, as opposed to mindlessly taking notes or highlighting only to forget what you learned a couple hours later. i'm also a fan of concept maps bc i get to go back and highlight stuff i'm weak in, which is always a plus.
if you like to take notes, use it as another means of active recall. don't just passively take notes as you go along. what i like to do is i read a paragraph, close the book, then try to take down notes based off memory alone. this helps me both phrase the topic in my own words and realize what my learning gaps are, rather than just passively summarize without putting effort into truly understanding/memorizing something. anything i get wrong i hammer into my brain until i can't get it wrong anymore.
take notes effectively. our brain does not learn in sentences and paragraphs. it learns in bullet points, diagrams, and figures--and that's how i like to frame my notes. first i ask myself if i actually need to take notes to begin with, or if there are online notes out there i can use to save time (which, as a stem student, there typically are). if i do decide to take notes, i never mindlessly summarize. i always condense the material into bullet points, diagrams, concept maps, or visual representations. i also like to phrase my notes as questions rather than just passive summaries, so that when i review them i'm already testing myself in a way. most people would not understand my notes bc they're either very low-yield stuff, stuff i'm weak in, or bare-bones fragments of information.
always prioritize weaknesses. if you're weaker at chapter 18 of your textbook vs chapter 1, maybe start with chapter 18. don't spend 6 hours taking notes on chapter 1 if you're already strong in chapter 1. always attack your weaknesses first.
practice practice practice!! so so important. i owe all my As to mock exams, quizzes i make myself, end-of-chapter questions etc etc. imo practice matters a lot more than passive content review.
interleaving concepts helps with retention. an example of this is i like to do biology and chemistry one day, biochemistry and organic chemistry the next day, physics and psychology the day after... i'm not just doing biology all day, every day. another thing i like to do if i'm in a massive rut is i hop between tons of different subjects on the same day, which keeps me from getting bored/helps me understand the subjects better through distinguishing their differences.
retrospective timetable. an example of this is if i find i'm pretty weak in a particular physics topic, the next few days will disproportionately focus on physics over other subjects. inversely, if i just breezed through a biology chapter, the next few days will have less biology than initially planned. i'm constantly going back and revising my study timetable based on my performance of the day, rather than relying on a rigid prospective timetable that doesn't take into account my progress.
less passive learning, more active. spaced repetition is a big one. i love anki for this bc there's an algorithm that dictates how often topics come up again based on how well you answer them. other methods include active recall, having friends quiz you, and trying to teach the topic to others (or the plushie in your bedroom haha). if you find you're struggling to simplify topics and explain them, that's a sign you don't understand them very well yourself.
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desultory-novice · 2 months
Noir's Field Trip - "Starting Out"
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"...Thanks, you two."
Ahem! Following in the footsteps of several other Kirby OC contest peeps, you may send in asks for [Noir]!!
(...But I'm SUPER busy so it may take until May to respond! ^^;;)
[Notes/Rules About Asks:]
-I'm iffy on back-and-forth style dialogue-based RP, due to the complex interplay of pseudo-linearity in an amorphous situation plus my autistic-self often being unable to figure out what my RP partner is actually trying to say tone-wise or what they are thinking and then-I-answer-them-wrong-and-embarrass-myself...!!
That and long post-chains make me a little nervous. ^^; Asks in the form of questions Noir can answer in-character are preferred.
(You may also ask me generic "What does your OC think/do when...?" style questions, such as those from THIS detailed OC ask meme!)
-You can also send an ask for Noir from your OC, if you'd like to find out how the troubled teenage boy would react to meeting them! (These may or may NOT(!!) come with art, depending on mood, time, and a variety of circumstances. Tourney OCs will generally get preference. If I AM inspired to draw said meeting, I may request additional information/clarification before going through with it.)
Again, I'm pretty autistic, so if you are going to go this route, it'll help if I have something more than "Hiya, Noir!" to work off of - else he'll just react to you the same way he does to Marx.
(Not that you can't go places from there! XD)
-You can also prod Noir about his traumas if you like! XD Note that asking for details about certain things (the "murders" on Shiver Star or his hatred of physical contact) may result in responses with TRIGGER WARNINGS, if I decide to answer them.
-Tournament!Noir is currently in his own similar but separate timeline from Mainline Apologies Noir. However, events during this contest MAY influence his fate and the fates of those he holds dearest!
-Noir's latent cross-dimension sight means that you can ask him about his various other timelines or Kirby games he was not alive for and probably get some pretty unique/funny/strange answers.
-I almost assuredly won't be able to get to every ask/comment. Some I may avoid answering due to complexity, uncomfortableness, them not fitting tournament!Noir's narrative, or me just not having any good ideas. Please don't take this personally.
-Lastly, please leave space between sending multiple asks. ^^
omg I'm so nervous about this. I want to draw lots, for me and for others (!) too if I can but I want to follow the flow of the tournament and not JUST go off on my own crazy thing, except that I'm not even completely familiar with what the rounds will be like?!
[Non-Ask Notes:]
-The flowers in the BG are the forget-me-nots that Adeleine drew for him on his birthday and that he received in this post. That post was also the inspiration for Tournament!Noir. (Although he retains the corruption + the collar here.)
PS: In addition the song that post is, you know, named for, Noir + the forget-me-nots also makes me think of the lyrics: "Since the day I met you, there's never ceased to be music in this hell of mine" from the opening to Sousei no Aquarion.
-This, and the tag name, was inspired by @Graycoin's comment "Noir gets to go on a field trip. I hope he has a good time : D " (then I saw Starflung had the same idea to send her OC off with a backpack! Haha! XD)
-The fish bone is a gift from Gooey. He's doing his best. Adeleine is also doing HER best. ("...A comb? Really?" "It's unbreakable!")
-As to the bento box, I'm not sure if I mentioned this before (?) but the Fontaine children are French-Japanese...on their mother's side.
-Why yes, that IS a cellphone in his backpack! I wonder who might call him...?
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blorbologist · 1 year
Yawns, g'morning.
I'm thinking about Vaxleth and episode 51, as. Most of us are, really. Holy shit.
And I think Vax's divine nature played a role in how Ludinus was able to set and bait this trap. I don't think we'd have gotten this outcome if Vax was still a mortal Champion, like his sister. Furthermore, Keyleth’s position as Voice of the Tempest was also critical here.
Let me explain: let's say some other half of a ship could have fulfilled this orb critera. If we pretend that any Champion could do (I think they needed the divine aspect of Vax's unlife but play along here), why not bait the trap for Vex, or Pike, or Scanlan, or Yasha?
Beyond the 'Vax is practically an angel now and has orb properties' angle, I think part of it is the sheer... everything that is mortal. If Percy was captured Vex would have any number of solutions - send Trinket in, attack at range, Rogue it up, or do the sensible thing and bring in friends. The living are variable, you can't count on them to behave as you need.
Ludinus loathes gods and their servants: of course he'd expect them to be predictable - and he'd be right! Vax is not all Vax anymore (see Dalen's Closet and Tal’Dorei Reborn), he's a deathless shepherd and servant of the Raven Queen. Why would he think this through? He has no life to lose, only Keyleth’s to save. You don’t need to consider how to use a shield, you just do. People shape their plans around the steady expectations of gods, their almost immutable domains, and Vax is divine enough for that to apply to him. They'd know he would behave exactly as he did. It could be argued living!Vax would as well, and there are several songs and historical records about him, so worst came to worst Ludinus could hope that this is maintained. But that's an uncertainty, and not fitting for a centuries-long plan.
And now the second part: it had to be Keyleth. They couldn't have used Vex to draw him out, I don’t think, as much as it pains me. Either the story of Dalen's Closet was limited to the guests and any lil kids who heard the Ballad of Derrig or it proves the Champion cannot willingly approach his sister. It took a Wish for that.
Vex has had five kids, spent thirty years protecting Whitestone, and has her fingers in the financial goings on of all Tal’Dorei. By no means does she have a small impact on the world: her smallest taxation decisions could mean poverty or wealth for thousands! But many of her biggest impacts on the future, on destiny, have already come to pass. Her adventures in Vox Machina, the children she bore, the decades of decisions she's already made (I doubt she'd be on the council for even a few years without changing much of her sphere to her liking.)
Keyleth is the Voice of the Tempest. She will, hopefully, live almost two thousand years. Imagine all the lives she will impact in that time! Directly! The Matron must be so familiar with her strand of fate because it touches so many, many others!
Even if Vax, somehow, did not remember her. Even if he was a shell of himself. This is someone the Matron cannot let die before her time (hopefully a thousand plus years from now). This is one person she would have to bend the rules for and see saved, and there's just the man for the job. She would not allow intervention for Vex, or Percy, or those nieces and nephews Vax surely watches. Not Velora, not Scanlan, not Gilmore. Keyleth, with centuries of work to do in this world, with generations to guide, is too valuable.
What I'm saying is... literally no other ship could have pulled this off. None. This was built for Vaxleth, from its very bones. You could have, say, an AU where Vex is the Champion of Ravens (wink), and this would not be certain enough for Ludinus to bank on it. Very likely, but not assured (the Matron could refuse to intervene, or they could intervene in a less 'take me instead you lil red-storm shit' way, etc.).
Evil plans bank on the inevitable. Gravity, greed, time. Their love is inevitable, a law of nature.
It could not have been anyone else
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