#posting this at 3 am Hm yes this seems like a good idea
booksandpaperss · 6 months
god catradora is so good it’s SO GOOD and I fall in love with it every time I rewatch spop. i will Never understand their haters it’s genuinely one of my favorite ships to ever ship, they have everything that makes a romance good idc. people will write aus of their faves with a fanon dynamic that catradora already has in the show (I’ve seen this. childhood best friends to enemies to lovers is where it’s at fr) bc it’s just that good. catradora haters I feel sad for you. cant enjoy an amazing sapphic ship bc catra is “too toxic” for u to handle (this is a magical princess show). it’s so good I almost can’t believe we have it. oh what a great day it is to be a lesbian 🙏
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ohbo-ohno · 8 months
Kinktober Day 12 - Somnophilia
Soap x Reader - 5.5k (on ao3)
summary: Your doctor offers to help you get home after your lasik eye surgery. (Reader POV & Johnny POV)
cw: noncon sex, drugging, kidnapping, briefly mentioned lasik eye surgery (no description past one mention of a scalpel)
note: tysm to ceil for giving me this idea <3 i did a few google searches on lasik eye surgery and tried to mention the actual feelings as little as possible, and also the drug johnny uses is probably literally impossible but its fic so who cares lol
“And… how long did you say I have to wear these?” You ask, tentatively touching the glasses resting over your eyes.
“Och, not long at all. Just until tonight, then you come in for a check-up tomorrow afternoon and I’ll let you know what other care you’ll need.” Dr. MacTavish replies, big hands adjusting the frames and pushing them up your nose.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are they usually painted like this?” You’d hardly been able to see post lasik-surgery - mostly just big swaths of color - but you feel far more vulnerable with the sunglasses on, their blacked out lenses leaving you entirely in the dark except for the blurry light around the rims. 
Your doctor’s laugh is low and comforting, his hand patting you on the shoulder before you hear him moving away. “Of course. Not all optometrists use them, but I’ve found for patients like you they have the best results.”
“Like me?”
“Yes,” another chuckle, and the sounds of what you assume are tools being put away. “Patients who struggle to be good and sit still during their surgery.”
“Ah.” You feel your cheeks go hot in embarrassment. “I really am sorry about that…”
“No need,” he reassures, his hand coming to rest on the back of your neck. You can’t help but jerk a little, the glasses slipping down your nose. “Oops, don’t be losin’ those, bonnie.”
Your cheeks go hot and you have to fight the urge not to reach up and fix them yourself since his hand gets their first. He rights them quickly, then taps the tip of your nose with a finger. “There you go. Let’s keep those where they should be, hm?” He gives the nape of your neck a squeeze, his palm warm and rough, and you do your best to nod without awkwardly dislodging him.
“Now, do you have a ride home?”
You suck your teeth a little at that. You hadn’t known you’d be wearing the dark glasses after - the care plan you and Dr. MacTavish had discussed beforehand had made it seem like you’d be able to ride the bus home, but you’re not comfortable doing that in your blinded state.
“Ah, not right now,” you start, tangling your fingers together in your lap to avoid rubbing at your itchy eyes. “But I can probably call a friend-”
“Nonsense,” Dr. MacTavish dismisses, moving away from you and back to whatever he’d been moving before. “You’re my last patient of the day, how about I give you a ride home?”
“Oh,” you start, startled at his offer. “Oh, that’s… no, that’s alright, Doctor. I’m sure one of my friends could-”
He interrupts you with a tsk, and suddenly there’s a hand at your elbows guiding you up, then just one as he walks you out of the office. “No, that won’t do. We need to get you home and in bed as soon as possible - it’s not good for you to be keeping your eyes open so much after surgery, you know.”
“Oh, really?” You gasp a little, letting him guide you. “Should I be keeping them closed? I don’t want to make anything worse…”
“You’re doing just fine, bonnie, no worries.” The hand on your elbow squeezes as you come to a stop, and you hear the sound of something being written on. “I’ll take good care of you now. C’mon.” What must be a pen is dropped onto what you can only assume is the front counter, and you’re guided forward again. “We’ll have you safe at home in no time.”
Dr. MacTavish’s car is nice - the seats aren’t cracking at all, the air conditioning works to cool the interior quickly, there’s a faint minty smell - but it disconcerts you more than you might’ve expected to be left completely blind in an unfamiliar environment, and with someone you don’t know past a professional relationship.
You give him your address after he buckles you in (you swear his hand brushes your chest, but it doesn’t linger and you don’t want to accuse him of something unfounded just because of a slight touch) and he doesn’t bother to input it into the GPS, tells you he already knows where the neighborhood is.
You haven’t felt so vulnerable in a long time. Even around the edge of the glasses, all you can see are blurs of color, and you feel oddly exposed without the ability to see. Your eyes itch and sting, and it takes conscious effort not to rub the feeling away. 
You lift a hand to rub them without even thinking but before it’s even halfway to your face Dr. MacTavish grabs it, pinning it to your thigh and making a low noise of dissent. “No rubbing now, lass, you know the rules.”
The heat creeping up your neck is entirely involuntary, and you tuck your free hand beneath your leg to resist the urge to squirm. “Right, of course, I’m sorry Dr. MacTavish.”
“Johnny, lass, no need for titles off the clock.”
You try to make a vague noise of understanding but end up sounding a bit like a bird, your hand clammy beneath his. He gives you a squeeze, but doesn’t let go. You’d ask him to move but… well, you don’t want to make things awkward when he’s your only way home at the moment and you figure he’s just helping. So you try to relax your fingers, and zone out to the sound of him humming along to the radio.
“Here we are,” he announces eventually, the car slowing to a stop before he turns into your driveway. “Nice neighborhood, hen. Very safe.”
You try to laugh casually and cringe when it just comes off as awkward - you’re unsure how to naviagte small-talk when all you really want to do is curl up in bed and sleep. “I just moved here recently, but it seems to be a pleasant area. I certainly don’t have any complaints.”
Dr. MacTavish - Johnny - hums in response, turning the car off and getting out to come to your side. He unbuckles you quickly and again there’s a little voice in the back of your head that says his hand lingered by your waist for just a few beats too long. But his fingers don’t venture anywhere appropriate, and you tell yourself that you’re seeing something that isn’t really there.
He keeps a hold of your elbow as he guides you up the stairs and into your building. He pauses and then a moment later you hear a ding, and the clear familiar sound of an elevator opening.
“Oh,” you say, shocked as he tugs you forward. “I had no idea the elevator was fixed - it’s been out of order since I moved in.”
“Really?” You hear press a button.
You stand there in silence for a moment, eyebrows furrowed, before you feel the elevator start to move.
“Um, Dr Ma- Johnny, what floor did you pick?”
There’s a pause before he answers, and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
“Och, silly me,” Johnny laughs, the sound echoing in the metal walls. “Force of habit, bonnie, I picked my floor in my building. What’s yours?”
You try to laugh it off, but the way his fingers tighten almost imperceptiably against the crook of your elbow has you sounding a bit too stiff. “Four, please.”
“Four,” he hums, and you hear him press another button.
The ride up is a bit awkward, at least from your perspective. Johnny makes no attempt at conversation past the occasional hum along to the music, and you’re a little too on edge to worry about small-talk right now.
Calm down, you insist to yourself. He’s just being polite. Making sure you get home safe. You’ve got to stop seeing the worst in people.
You take a deep breath and force yourself to relax.
There’s a slightly uncomfortable silence when the door opens for the first time, both you and Johnny just waiting for it to close and take you to the proper floor. 
The doors are much quicker to open the third time, and you figure Johnny must live on the third or fifth floor in his own building for you to have gotten to your floor so quickly.
“What’s your apartment number, lass?”
You tell him, and his hold loosens slightly against your arm. There’s a part of you - the part still a little cautious for reasons you can’t quite name - that relaxes when the path he takes is familiar. Only a few steps, apartment on the right side of the hall.
“Let me get my keys,” you mumble, tugging your arm away from his and pulling your keychain out of your pocket. You’d opted not to bring a purse to your surgery, thinking you’d be riding the bus home mostly blind, so you’ve got virtually nothing to dig through before offering your keyring up. 
They’re taken, you hear the familiar jungling soun, and then you’re being guided into your apartment by a firm hand placed at the small of your back. You can’t help but sigh deeply in relief, the familiarity of your home a comfort when you still feel so unachored without your sight.
“Very cute place you’ve got,” Johnny compliments, a smile audible in his voice.
“Thank you.” You hesitate just a moment before going on, unsure of how to phrase your next sentence. “And thank you for all the help getting home, Doctor, I really do appreciate it.”
A.k.a., I’m safe, you can leave.
“Aye, of course!” Johnny says, sounding almost offended like you were implying he wouldn’t usually take his patients home. Another part of you relaxes - he probably does this for every patient he sees at the end of a workday, you’re certainly nothing special. “Now, let’s get you settled nice and snug in bed, and then I’ll be on my merry way.”
“Oh, you really don’t have to-”
“Nonsense!” You’re cut off as he drops a heavy hand onto the nape of your neck, ignoring your slightly dramatic flinch and guiding you forward. “I’ve gotten you this far, would be a shame if I left you now and you took a tumble, hm?”
“I think I can get around my own apartment well enough, “ you try to protest, a little huff of offense escaping without your permission.
“Well, now we won’t have to test that theory.”
He moves quickly and just seconds later you’re sort of shoved onto your bed - almost oddly high off the ground, but you chalk it up to the way you stumble onto it. 
Johnny scoops your feet up, laughs a little at your yelp and lays you out on the bed. You blink up into the dark glasses, a little gobsmacked at the sudden shift and odd amount of manhandling from the doctor.
“Do you have any pain meds, love? We wouldn’t want you wakin’ up in the middle of the night, all uncomfortable and hurt. Something light, like Advil or Tylenol?”
“Um, yes,” you stutter a bit, pushing yourself up onto your elbows and glancing up at where you hear his voice. “In my bathroom, on the counter. But Dr. MacTav-”
A hand presses into the center of your chest, forcing you back to the bed with a little oof before your hear him walk away. “Johnny, lass! What’ll I have to do to get you to call me the proper name, hm?”
His voice is almost jovial, and you hear him muttering to himself a bit through the open door of your bathroom before he returns. You hear water running for a moment, and then his shoes on the carpet of your bedroom as he comes back.
“Here,” he says as he grasps your hand, holding it palm open and dropping two pills into it. “And you had a spare cup in the bathroom, so you won’t have to swallow dry.”
“Thank… thank you, Doc- Johnny, truly, I appreciate it.” 
You swallow dryly, suddenly thankful for the glass of water. The pills are small in your palm, familiar but there’s something in the back of your head screaming at you. You run your fingers over them absentmindidly, the stinging itch in your eyes growing.
Johnny scoops an arm around your shoulders, helping you sit up a bit and guiding the glass to your lips. “Here you are, lass, quick sip.”
You listen, then pop the pills into your mouth and swallow them with the water.
“Good girl,” Johnny hums, his voice vibrating through your side. His hand squeezes the shoulder in his grasp, and you shudder out a breath at the odd… intimacy? That doesn’t quite feel like the right word, but affection feels too distant for how close he holds himself.
You’re guided back down, head resting on a somewhat-flat pillow, and Johnny moves down to the end of the bed to take off your shoes.
Now that you’re resting in bed, it hits you how exhausted you are. The past few days of worrying over your procedure, the actual stress of the surgery itself, and the odd tension you’ve carried since all leave you feeling drained entirely once your head hits the pillow.
“We’ll get these shoes off so you’re nice and comfortable,” you hear Johnny say, his voice a little muffled now that you’re nearly half-asleep already. “Tired, lass?”
You only hum a bit, curling onto your side once both of your shoes are off, the sound of them thudding on the carpet almost silent. Your nose scrunches a bit as you get your first scent of the pillow. It doesn’t quite smell right, the lingering air of shampoo is definitely not one you’re familiar with.
There’s a shift of weight against your back, then a hand stroking over your head.
“Just sleep, bonnie. I’ll watch out for you.”
There’s a part of you, still awake enough, that thinks that isn’t right. But the more major part of you is already asleep. 
Johnny can’t help but smile as he watches you sleep. The little trail of drool dripping from your lips onto his pillow, the soft sounds of your breathing, the twitches to your expression as you dream.
You’re truly adorable. He’d known it as soon as you came for a consultation about the surgery, and every moment spent after has only cemented that in his head. Even the way you tensed and squirmed in his chair while he was working was cute, your desperation to be good and listen overpowering your fear of what he was doing.
He reflects on the day as he gets undressed, folding his clothes on your dresser. You’d been very nervous, and even his most soothing tone and friendly conversation topics hadn’t done much to help. It’s natural - nobody’s ever at ease with a scalpel held over their eye - but he’d still felt a little dissapointed that his presense wasn’t of much help calming you down.
But it’s alright. You’ll learn very soon that you can trust him.
It was easier than he’d expected to get you back to his home. You’re far too trusting, apparently - another reason it’s for the best if he keeps an eye on you - and past some clear tension in your stance, you hadn’t fought him once or even tried to make sure he had taken you to the right place.
Johnny’s certainly not going to complain, though. His plan had been half-baked at best. Honestly if you’d even put up a slight bit of resistance, he probably would have taken you back home - your home - and gone back to the drawing board.
He can’t help but smile a bit. The fact that you hadn’t fought at all is just more proof that this was meant to be.
He climbs over your body, his naked skin brushing against your clothes. You don’t shift at all as he rolls you to your back, your face still relaxed in sleep. His smile grows.
“Pretty girl,” he coos, brushing a hand over your face. “Can you hear me?”
Nothing. Not even a twitch.
It’s easy to push your shirt up your stomach. He doesn’t take it off, not quite willing to risk that much movement while the drugs could still be settling in.
God, the way you’d just taken his pills with no hesitation, with just complete and total trust in him to do right by you. It makes his cock stifen against your stomach, the way you’d just listened and trusted him.
He moans as he finally pushes your shirt up to your collarbones, the sight of your tits bringing him to full hardness almost immediately. You’d dressed up for him, soft white lace wrapped around your beautiful chest. 
He ducks down to suck a peak into his mouth, tonguing at a nipple through the fabric. He groans a bit at the taste of your skin, muted as it is, and quickly tugs down the cup of the bra to get a real bite of you.
He could lay there at your tits for hours, he just knows it. He kisses his way across your chest, gives your other nipple some love and thumbing at the first with a free hand. He forces his movements to stay soft and slow, resists the urge to bite and leave a ring of teeth marks around your areola.
“Taste so good, baby,” he whispers as he pushes himself up, admiring the shiny spit across your skin. He rubs it in a little, spreading himself across any place his lips hadn’t touched. “Gonna let me get a taste of your pussy too?”
Obviously you don’t respond. Still, Johnny smiles down at you and moves to pet your stomach.
“Yeah, I know you will. Just wanna be a good girl for me, hm?”
Of course you do, he already knows you’ll be good to him - be good for him. 
It’s easy to wrap his hands around your waist and flip you gently to your stomach. He guides your head to the side and pulls your hair away to make sure he can get a good view of your pretty face, leans down to give you a soft kiss on the cheek and breathes in the scent of your bodywash and shampoo. 
Your pants are easy enough to get off, and he forces himself to tug them all the way off both legs before even looking at your sweet little ass. He’d been staring at any chance he could all day, had kept his eyes glued to your backside for the entire elevator ride up to his apartment when he was sure you couldn’t see his leering. 
Now he can’t help but groan aloud when he kneels over your thighs, the sight of you vulnerable and limp beneath him almost too much to handle.
“C’mon, spread your knees for me, lass,” he mutters, slowly moving your legs to the side and moving between them. He’s careful as he props you up onto your knees, folding them beneath you and making sure to balance you with one hand on your hip so you don’t fall to the side.
He’s nearly drooling as he gets his first sight of your core - lips just slightly spread, pretty pink pussy peeking out at him. It’s almost too much, he has to give himself a few quick jerks just to lessen the ache building in his cock.
“Look at you,” he says on a sigh, dipping his head low enough to breathe in your scent. He hikes your hips up a little higher to keep you at the right angle, quickly shushes your little noise of discontent at the shift.
“It’s alright, you’re ok,” he reassures, petting over your hip a few times to calm your unconscious mind. “Just wanna make you feel good, pretty thing. You got nothin’ to worry about.”
He licks you, from clit to ass, to help you calm down a bit more. It works - your body goes a little more limp in his hold, your back arching more easily into the position he wants. He licks you several more times, groaning as he tries to cover every inch of your cunt, tasting every piece of skin he can. He lays his tongue flat at first, then uses the tip to make sure he doesn’t miss a spot.
“So good,” he moans, burying his face into your center and just breathing there for a moment. There’s a little bit of slick beginning to drip from your hole, but not much. He licks it up anyway, savoring the taste and promising to feast later. 
He stays glued to your clit for a bit, taking the little bud between his lips and running the tip of his tongue over it again and again until he finds the exact spot that makes your thighs twitch, the pattern that has you whining every other breath.
Johnny moves back up, laps at the sweet nectar dripping steadily from you now. Every little flick of his tongue arouses you more, and no matter how long he keeps his mouth on you he knows he’d never run out of your taste.
It’s with only a bit of reluctance that he pulls away. He spreads both of your cheeks with his palms, admiring your two tight little holes and the sheen covering your most sensitive spots. He’d like to give your ass a few smacks, paint it red and watch you squirm, but he’s not sure how much sensation he can give you without pulling you from the drugs’ hold.
Which is also why he tucks a few fingers into your cunt, just to stretch you out. He’d like to fuck into you without any prep at all, watch your pretty face scrunch up as you’re spread on the thickest cock you’d ever taken (and he knows he’s the biggest you’ve had). Maybe you would even cry a little, blink teary eyes up at him and ask him to slow down.
He groans at the image, scissoring his fingers inside of you to prepare you as quickly as he can. 
It’s easy to ease himself forward and line his cockhead up with your little hole. He knows another finger would’ve been a kindness, but with how his cock throbs between his legs he’s not sure he’ll make it very long once he’s finally inside of you. 
So he taps the tip against your leaking hole, snorts quietly when the thought pops into his head that he’s almost knocking on a door, then slowly lets himself sink inside of your heat. He’s stares transfixed at the way your body opens for him so easily, a smooth coming together that he wishes he never had to look away from.
He keeps a secure grip on your hips, letting gravity do most of the work as his hips push forward steadily. His head rolls back on his neck, mouth hanging open and grunts spilling from his lips as your tight heat envelops him further and further.
He pauses halfway in to take a breather, just so he doesn’t come before his balls even meet your clit. Your body’s grip on him is unlike anything he’s ever felt, and he knos he made the right choice in bringing you home with him.
It’s hard, but Johnny manages to control himself and keep from fucking you too roughly. His thrusts are long and slow if a little extra harsh, and he stares down at your scrunched up little face and imagines all the filthy ways he’ll have you in the coming weeks.
You shift on your knees when he hits a particularly nice spot, little whines pouring from your throat on exhales. His thrusts nearly punch the air from your body, and he finds himself breathing in sync with you as he loses himself more and more to the pleasure.
He slips a hand from your waist to your clit as he gets closer. It would be awfully selfish of him to leave you needy after getting himself off, and he’s not about to deny himself the tight clench of your body as he brings you to climax.
It takes a little bit of trial and error to figure out what feels good for you - he can’t quite discern the difference between a nose scrunch of frustration and one of pleasure - but the steady pumps of his hips and the constant motions against your clit quickly bring you to the edge.
Your cunt tightens deliciously around him as you finally come, but the true beauty is in the way you go absolutely boneless beneath him. He has to firm up his grip on your waist just to keep you from sinking flat on the bed, huffing a laugh as he thrusts just a bit faster, just enough to get himself there too.
He lets his head fall beside yours as the two of you ride out your climaxes together, staring wide-eyed at the way your face relaxes into the pleasure. He leans forward enough to mesh your lips together, messily forcing your mouth open and licking at your tongue.
It’s not the best kiss - he has to do all the work, and he ends up soaking both of your chins in spit - but he relishes in it anyway. Your first kiss together is something he knows he’ll want to remember for years to come.
He hardly notices as he slips from your body, tingles shooting through every nerve leaving him mostly unaware of his body’s functions. He hardly has the energy to make sure he doesn’t crush you beneath him, instead laying beside you and tucking you into his chest.
“Thank you, bonnie,” he whispers into your hair, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. “That was fantastic. Can’t wait to do it again, maybe you’ll do a bit more next time, yeah?” He laughs a little at his own joke, snuggling you close to him and letting his eyes shut slowly.
You’re not sure how long it’s been when you wake up next, but you can tell immediately that something isn’t right. 
First of all, you’re half naked. And you can tell you’re half naked because your legs are being cradled by someone else’s naked legs. And you know for a fact that you didn’t bring anyone home with you.
Except… it occurs to you slowly as you finally blink stinging eyes open, except you did. Dr. MacTavish brought you home.
And you let him into your apartment. You just handed your keys over to a man you hardly knew, let him guide you right to bed without any sort of fight.
Your head pounds with a vengeance, right behind your already hurting eyes.
You let him give you pills, too. You remember that, though it’s the last thing you remember. He asked where your pain meds were and you didn’t even bother to check that he’d given you what you expected. You just swallowed them with water, like this was a man you could trust.
The slight soreness between your thighs tells you that you couldn’t.
The tears that begin to gather in your eyes hurt, which makes you want to cry even more. You can’t hold back a sniffle, then a hiccup, then what sounds more like sobs than anything else.
You bring your hands up to cover your mouth, briefly recoil and the weight over your torso.
You can’t bring yourself to look, but you know who’s in bed with you.
Johnny wakes up just minutes later, shifting and making a soft sound of confusion. It must not take him long to put the pieces together because it only takes him a few seconds to start cooing, his rough palm cupping your face over your own hands.
“Lass?” He hums, and from your peripheral you see his brows furrow. It’s only a slight comfort that you even can see. “What’s wrong?”
That almost gets a laugh out of you. You nearly choke on the sound, spit catching in your throat. “What’s- what’s wrong?”
He sighs, like he already knows. Of course he knows. He has to know.
“Don’t be upset.” He leans a little closer, and to your horror you feel him press his lips against your forehead. “You can be awake next time, yeah? Then you won’t feel so left out.”
“Left out,” you echo, a strain of horror making its way into your voice.
“But only if you can be good,” he clarifies. “No fighting me now. Just keep being good for me and you can stay awake, alright?”
“Good…” You feel like a robot, but the combination of your headache and the absurdity of your situation leaves you unable to process what’s happening.
It processes much faster when you feel one of his hands slide up the shirt you’re - by some miracle - still wearing. It’s instinctual to jerk up the bed and away when he goes straight for one of your breasts.
“Get- get off me!” Your voice is nearly a shriek, the pitch sending a shock of pain up your skull.
You don’t make it very far in your tiny escape attempt, Johnny quickly hefting himself above you and pinning you down with his weight.
“Now, lass,” he scolds, face set in a frown that you can’t tell is sarcastic or serious. “What did I just say?”
You can’t make yourself speak, fingers trembling beside your head as you stare up at him with wide eyes.
“C’mon,” he goads, dropping his weight a little lower. “Just gotta do one thing for me to stay awake, tell me what it was.”
“I’m not-” you gasp a big breath, blinking up at the man above you. “I’m not fucking calming down! Get off of me, you freak, how dare you-”
“Alright!” He nearly shouts, drowning you out. “That’s enough of that. Back to sleep with you, I think. We’ll see if you can handle participating next time.”
He’s leaned to the side before you can really register what he’s said, scooping two little white pills into his palm and coming back over you.
“Open wide,” he taunts, lips curled into a small smirk as he holds his closed fist above your mouth.
Every instinct in you says to scream and shout, to fight back. But he’s got you pinned with your arms stuck between the two of you, unable to lift your hands and cover your mouth, so you clamp your lips as tightly shut as you can to keep him out.
Johnny only sighs, like you’re making his drugging terribly inconvenient. You squeeze your eyes shut to block out his face, praying that you’ll open them and this will all just be a terrible nightmare.
“Really, lass?” He complains, his free hand reaching up to pinch your nose. Without anything to hold him up, you’re nearly crushed beneath his body weight. “Very mature. I can pinch far longer than you can hold your breath, y’know. You’re making this difficult for no good reason.”
Your eyes fly open at that, glaring up at him with what you hope is a scathing look.
He only laughs.
“Very cute,” he hums, rubbing his nose against your cheek. Your chest burns from the lack of air. “I think you’ll be just perfect to keep around the house. You’ll brighten this place in all the right ways, won’t you?”
Your eyes well with tears as black stars begin to dance across your vision. Completely against your own will, your lips part and you suck in a deep breath.
Johnny doesn’t waste any time - you nearly choke on the pills as they fly down your throat with the air you desperately inhale. You nearly choke, hacking with tears streaming from your eyes, but Johnny just holds a hand over your mouth and brings you both up enough to harshly pat your back.
“There you go, you’re ok,” he mumbles in your ear, rubbing the place he’d slapped as your chest heaves with desperate breaths. The pills leave an uncomfortable lump in your throat, and you reach up to rub at it as if that will make it any better.
He stays like that, holding you close, for several long heartbeats.
“Good girl,” he hums, lips pressing to your temple and the sound rumbling through the contact. “I hope you won’t make me do that next time, I’d much rather you be awake for this next part.”
He lays you back slowly, and you distantly wonder what on Earth he’s given you to knock you out so quickly. Already your eyes feel heavier and you’ve hardly swallowed. You try to keep your eyes open as long as possible, which leaves you staring up at Johnny as he hovers above you.
“It’s not the worst thing, though,” he whispers, hand cupping your cheek and thumb passing your undereye. “I don’t mind having you like this, soft and sweet for me.”
Your eyes finally flutter shut just as you feel your legs being nudged apart.
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arvensimp · 1 year
Hey, would you please be willing to write something where arven calls the reader a good girl/boy and maybe is just super big on praising us? (Nsfw preferred but if you want to write sfw that’s totally fine too!! I’ll be happy with anything) ❤️
Hello! So... pt. 2 to different kinda jelly ended up having these kindsa vibes? I hope you don't mind if I post it here? truth be told this was actually going to be longer, but then it got too long, so I split it up hehe. i'll have pt 3 out some other time if folks are interested.
Different Kinda Jelly Pt. 2
Jealous!Arven x fem!reader, you get sent back to Galar for a publicity stunt with Leon, and Arven isn't overly pleased with the matter.
"No. No, absolutely not."
La Primera sighs, folding her hands across the desk in front of you. "We'll make it well worth your while, of course."
"That doesn't matter! The last time I went to Galar, it nearly destroyed my relationship with Arven."
She raises a single perfect eyebrow. "I'm sure your...relationship...has only become stronger since then, wouldn't you agree?"
You splutter a bit, not quite sure how to respond to that. "S-still. It doesn't seem right."
"You have to understand," Geeta insists, maintaining her infamous cool head. "We're trying to put Paldea on the map right now, and Galar's league is one of our best shots. You already have rapport with their former champion."
Your face heats up a bit. You're not quite sure you like having rapport with Leon. You open your mouth to argue, but La Primera doesn't give you the opportunity.
"I know you're not overly pleased with press and paparazzi, but we could use the buzz. Just a little goodwill trip of friendship, hm? Maybe to show off that invasive charizard you caught during that bizarre event a few weeks back. The league was thinking we could use you two as a symbol of...friendship between our regions. Two champions, two charizards. It's perfect, don't you think?"
You really don't think this is a good idea at all. "So, what? You just want me to go over with Charizard, maybe have a few exhibition matches, take some pictures with Leon and be done with it?"
Geeta nods. "More or less. We just really want to drive home the idea that you and Leon are of the same caliber; that Galar and Paldea are of the same caliber."
"But I proved that months ago at the tournament."
"And we need to maintain the image."
You sigh. "I'm not getting out of this, am I?"
"I'm afraid not."
"There's no chance you could just send Larry in my place?"
She laughs. "Maybe some other time."
"Fine. I have one condition."
"Arven is coming with me."
"Done, but he cannot be seen with you in public."
"This is a business trip, and I won't have you turning it into some kind of honeymoon. Besides, you know we don't want the press to get the wrong idea about you...pursuing multiple men or some other nonsense."
"You're kidding me."
"Absolutely not. He does this or he doesn't go."
Geeta smiles, and as usual, the warmth doesn't seem to reach her eyes. "Perfect. We'll have everything booked and sorted for you as quickly as possible."
You're on a plane to Galar with your boyfriend just a few weeks later. Convincing him to come wasn't easy in the slightest, but you feel a lot better about the whole ordeal knowing he's close by. You think he feels similarly, too. Even if he's grumpily refusing to talk for the time being, he's still holding your hand, occasionally brushing his thumb over yours in reassuring circles.
After landing, the two of you are quickly whisked from the terminal to your hotel in Motostoke. Arven whistles as he examines your suite.
"It's nice... La Primera didn't really spare any expense, did she?" He wanders over to the window to part the curtains.
"She really wants to make this work," You reply. "The Paldean League is like her baby, and she really wants it to thrive..." You meet your boyfriend by the window to check the view...to see that there is none. Your window looks directly out at a brick wall, and you can't make out the street below or the roof above.
"Wow, she was serious about trying to keep 'us' hidden."
Arven gives you a confused look.
"The Galarian paparazzi are beyond nuts. If they wanted to find me or get pictures of me in the room, they'd do it. Looks like she made sure they couldn't."
Just then you hear a knock on the door.
"Am...Am I supposed to hide or something?" Arven asks you softly. You shrug. "I dunno. Let me check who it is first?"
Arven conceals himself, just to be safe while you answer the door.
"My Paldean Champion! Welcome back to Galar!" Leon greets you with his 10,000 gigawatt smile, sweeping into the room with a flourish. It seems for the time being he isn't wearing a cape, but his signature cap is still perched on his head like a crown.
"Leon..." You return his grin nervously. "How...nice to see you." You smile through your teeth, shutting the door firmly behind you.
"I hope it wasn't too forward of me to show up so soon after your arrival! I was just so excited to see you again!" He says in thickly accented Paldean that he's clearly been practicing since last you saw him.
"It's fine... Listen--"
Leon grabs your hands and swings you in a wide circle, making you cry out in surprise. "Oh, we've got some great stuff planned for this trip! Just you wait! I'll be taking you to Ballonlea, we'll have a battle together in Hammerlocke, Charizard vs Charizard, of course," He laughs, "And then--"
Arven clears his throat loudly from behind Leon. The latter stops and turns, still holding onto your hands which you gently pry yourself from, as you make your way to Arven. He slips an arm around your waist and pulls you in a bit tighter than he probably would in anyone else's company.
"Leon, you've...uh, met Arven. Remember?"
Leon's eyes narrow almost imperceptibly, then he cracks his fist against his hand. "Yes! Yes! The boyfriend! How are ya, mate? Sorry about all that mess last time. Good to make your acquaintance." He reaches out a hand.
Arven takes it, and the two shake hands gruffly. "Yeah. Same to you, buddy."
"So, Leon." You interrupt before things get even more tense. "I understand this trip is to do some publicity for Paldea and stuff... But, just so we're clear..." You take Arven's free hand. "Arven is my partner, okay? I, or, uh... We don't want...any scandal or anything like that. Y'know?"
Leon smiles brightly at the two of you. "I completely understand! The plan is to just...create an image, yeah? Nothing for the cameras will be real. We can just have fun with it. Sound good?"
You look to Arven, and the worry must be clear on your features. He squeezes you just a bit tighter against him. You sigh. "Yeah."
"Great! Shall I take you to dinner then?" He asks.
"Actually... Do the paps know I'm here yet?"
Leon shakes his head. "If they do, they don't know you're at this hotel."
"Perfect." You look to Arven. "How about we have dinner in then? Just get takeaway or room service?" Arven nods and opens his mouth to reply.
"Oh, that sounds grand!" Leon says. "I can get something and bring it back for us. Here, what are you in the mood for?" He takes out his phone and starts searching for local restaurants.
Arven blanches, looking to you to un-invite the Galarian.
"Leon, maybe... Uh..." You start to say, and the man in question turns his head to you, looking as excited as a little greavard. Your heart melts, and you can't bring yourself to fix his faux-pas. "...Do you know any good curry places or chippies? I really want Arven to get a proper taste while we're here."
"I know just the place!" He tells you both, standing. "I know just what to get us, too. I'll be back in a jiff!"
Arven full on balks at you once you're alone again. "Are you serious right now?"
"I know!" You cry, throwing your head into your hands as you fall back onto the bed. "He just... He seems so excited, ya know? I don't wanna hurt his feelings."
"That's fine. I will, then!" Arven tells you. "Seriously, if you keep trying to spare his feelings like this it's just gonna hurt him more."
"That's the thing." You reply. "I... I do think he gets that I'm not into him. I think he's just kinda...forward. Lively. Ya know?"
Arven scoffs. "I thought Galarians were supposed to be stuffy and uptight."
You laugh, teasing him. "Yeah, and Paldeans are romantic and take naps every afternoon."
"I'm romantic!"
"Hm..." You tap a finger to your lip, thinking. The mirth in your tone is obvious. "Are you? Maybe, sometimes."
"Oh, come on!" Arven pulls you into his arms, nosing up against your collar bone. "Don't be like this, sweetness." He whines. You laugh, as he unintentionally tickles you with his soft hair.
"Fine, fine! I give, you're a romantic! You're a sweetheart and the love of my life!"
Arven joins in on your laughter and lovingly kisses at the spot he was just pressing up against. "I thought as much..."
The two of you lay there on the bed, enjoying the silence and one another's company for a long moment.
"How long do you think it'll take him to get back?" Arven eventually asks. You shrug. "Your guess is as good as mine. If he's anything like how he was last time, he's probably gotten lost on the way to the chippy, so we might have to wait a minute."
He's quiet for a moment. "So..." One of his hands creeps up your thigh suggestively. "Wanna risk it?"
You smile, widening your legs for him without thinking. "Why not?"
Arven grins boyishly as he moves to straddle you, stripping his shirt as he does. He leans down to kiss you, and you eagerly meet him in contact, humming happily against him. One of your legs hooks behind his knee, bringing him just a bit closer to you, letting him lean a bit more of his weight on top of you in a deliciously smothering way. You kiss him with a bit more urgency, gasping softly between each one. One of your hands travels up the nape of his neck, twisting fingers into his wavy hair and scratching lightly at the sensitive skin. Arven responds with a pleased, grumbling hum from the lowest part of his register. He pulls away from your mouth to pepper kisses down your jaw and neck instead.
"How about I leave you with some nasty little bruises here, huh? Make sure that guy knows who you belong to?"
You gasp out Arven's name with a hitched cry as he finds a particularly sensitive spot beneath your ear.
"You like that? You want everyone to know you're mine, right?"
You nod and moan out a pathetic sounding "U-uh-huh..." As Arven continues his work on you. You roll your hips up to meet his without thinking, eager for some kind of friction. He chuckles lowly at your shameless display.
"I love getting you all worked up like this, ya know? You're so easy to tease..." He goes back to ravaging your neck, placing a lot of attention on that singular spot he found a moment ago that had you turning gooey on him. When he's done there, he moves to nibble at your earlobe, breathing warmly into the sensitive skin, making you shudder and grind up against him all the more needily.
"Please, Arven..." You whine as you make futile attempts to get any kind of satisfying friction.
"Use your words, Sweetness..." He hums against you while one of his hands slides up under your shirt and bra to palm one of your breasts. You arch your back at the contact, groaning.
"Please touch me!"
He goes to start kissing the other side of your neck, likely thinking to make symmetrical marks on you, the bastard. "Mmm... Pretty sure I'm already doing that..." He says as he rolls his hips slowly against yours. Truth be told you don't feel much between your clothes and his, but you can still tell you're wet and he's hard from all of this, and it's driving you wild.
"C-C'mon..." Your hand leaves his hair, and you go to unbutton your pants, but Arven stops you. He presses your hand into the pillow by your head.
"Absolutely not." He warns, and you whimper, clamping your thighs around his hips without thinking. "I'm taking care of you, but you need to use your words."
"Pl-...Please...let me cum for you...?" You ask with an unsteady voice.
"There's my good girl..." Arven smiles against your skin. The hand that was massaging your tit moves down to flick open the button on your pants. You wiggle out of them quickly, and Arven barely needs to move for how fast you kick them off. He laughs low and sweet. "So needy, aren't you, Sweetness..." His fingers go to part your folds and you whine, rolling your hips against him. "And so wet for me already? Oh, that'll do just fine, won't it..."
He starts to circle his fingers around your clit, occasionally pressing against the bud or dipping a finger down to drag just outside your entrance. You cry in frustration when he refuses to just fuck into you like you want.
"P-Please, Arven... Inside?" You finally bring yourself to ask as he kisses and sucks at the base of your throat in a way that has you feeling breathless.
"There you go..." He finally acquiesces and lets one of his long, slender fingers breach your entrance, pushing into you with a wet sound that should have you more embarrassed if you weren't so worked up. One finger soon becomes two, and they both pump into you at a gloriously aching pace that has you choking on moans of Arven's name.
"That's a good girl, sweet girl..." He praises as he brings his thumb into the mix to press against your clit.
"C-Close..." You manage to stutter out between pitchy whines.
"You cum for me whenever you like, sweetness. I'm here..." Arven tells you, kissing at one of the rapidly darkening bruises he left on your throat.
And it doesn't take much from there before you're tumbling over the edge into sweet bliss, your cunt squeezing tight and rapid against Arven's fingers. Once you're well and truly mush beneath him, Arven drags his digits from you, pulling gently and agonizingly all at once, such that you shudder when he finally leaves you.
"Good?" He asks, and you can only nod. "You ready?" He asks, and you nod as you hear him fumble with his fly.
He lines up with your entrance, his boxer briefs and pants slung low on his hips when you hear a knock at the door.
"...If we pretend we're not here, maybe..?"
Another knock sounds, louder this time, then you hear Leon's voice calling your name. "You in there?"
Arven collapses on top of you with a frustrated groan.
"One second!" You call out, breathless and very much annoyed. Arven rolls over.
219 notes · View notes
nobodysdaydreams · 8 months
Also Blessie is now one of my favorite characters 🌱💕
(or my reaction to WOLF359 Episodes 21-22, mini episode 2, and Episodes 23-24, and mini episode 3).
Gonna keep my intro for this one short and just dive right into it.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that. And for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs
Episode 21: Minkowski Commanding
Okay. Have I done enough to earn a break? No. Have I done a lot and am complete burnt out? Yeah. So let's do this. I have had a LOT of mutual hype around this episode, so I'm ready to be dazzled.
I'm also eating and work while I listen, so sorry if my notes get short (I say knowing full well I'm gonna get distracted and type insane amounts of notes).
MINKOWSKI? I think this is the first episode she'd done the "welcome to Wolf359" thing. Or maybe I'm just unobservant (I also will often accidently skip the welcome phrase because I press the 30sec ahead button to skip commercials).
Enemy? Being watched? Oh... is this about Blessie isn't it 😂
I love this. We still don't know where Blessie came from and what he wants. Why not take him back to Cutter? Since he apparently loves aliens so much, maybe you can feed him to Blessie. In the meantime I supposed Hilbert will do as a mid-flight snack.
"It took a screwdriver" / "how do we know that's all it wants?"
Hm. Interesting. Marks in the vents. I wonder if they are Blessie's.
Oh my this is intense. PFFT- "Slimy thief" 😂
Also maybe it's just me, but unless you have a clear shot and the situation calls for it, it seems to be a pretty stupid idea to be firing a gun off in space.
EXACTLY. Come on Minkowski, you're the smart one most of the time. But I suppose we all have our days.
A net?😂😂😂 This is fantastic.
Maybe they can stop Cutter with some home alone style traps.
"I need to make more acid" oh my goodness-
"The acid may have been a mistake. Turns out it developed an immunity to it. And possibly, an affinity." I'm sorry, WHAT. Hilbert. How. How did you do this.
And yes, plants need light. But Minkowski, please don't. Please please please don't.
"We admire and support you and we want you to catch the plant monster- this is an intervention" 😂
PLEASE. Doug's imitation of Hilbert's voice and knowing they are the same actor...absolute talent. "You sound nothing like him" (winks at the audience).
Yeah I agree Doug. It is strange for you to be the sensible one in the situation. And again, this feels like you're trying to solve the problem you can rather than the problem that's the most immediate issue. Like getting back to Earth as fast as you can and putting a bullet in Cutter's head.
Wow. That was um harsh. Poor Hera. Oh no.
"Just remember that we're here okay." Aw.
Hour three in the black? This is a dangerous game. I don't like that sound. Florescent moss? Territory marker? Don't like where this is going.
Hilbert: "Ah. Specimen 34. Fascinating hybrid" "I don't care how you made it."
Please tell me it's not a hybrid of plants and a person on the ship.
Please tell me you would not be that stupid.
Can it bred? Is it predatory? "Based on history of parent species" WHO ARE THE PARENTS HILBERT.
Both are possible? Don't like that.
And Hilbert. Why would you make this plant, and why would you make the spiders? Why did you want them to grow this big? What is the goal of this?
Well looks like we'll find out.
Oh dear.
The tentacle is dead?
Minkowski. What about the rest of the plant?
Final day? Eliminated tentacles, spikes, and leaves? This needs to end.
You might be closer to going home if you just...went home. Is Cutter gonna blow you out of the sky? There has to be a way to shut off the ship's tracker or fake your own death.
Found it? Lair? Minkowski almost sounds impressed.
Oh. It built itself a little lamp. A nightlight.🥺 Percival B. Eternal just wants to feel the sun. He must be pretty light deprived up in deep space.🥺
Minkowski please hesitate. Eiffel is stuck in another trap? Ominous ticking sound? Thank goodness, go save Eiffel.
Oh the plant DOES understand. Huh. Seems like they have an understanding.
But. What was the plant made from?
Sedatives in the tea 😂
Reached an understanding? That's true. It DID have opportunities to kill you. But it no longer wants you dead. Which is interesting, because it did before. And that makes me think that it might want Hilbert dead. Because it took over Hilbert's mind and said to Eiffel "you are no better than the oppressor" so perhaps it blames Hilbert for it's creation.
"It wants what we want. To survive. To make it somewhere. To not be in the dark."
That's beautiful and yeah, Blessie can't thrive in space, plants need light.
Spacecraft? Hopefully rescue. But given that it's season 2, I have doubt. One lifeform.
(I say as if I didn't see her name pop up 50x before I blocked the tags...still an interesting way for her to return).
Hilbert you lying liar. Tsk-tsk. Looks like she didn't incinerate. But...she couldn't survive in a pod for a year and a half. So...how?
Is this really Isabel Lovelace?
Is she from the past? The future? Is she a clone or science experiment made by Cutter and Hilbert to trick everyone? Is she the real empty man?
Oh and for the record, I've gotten messages from people asking why I keep talking about the empty man. I assumed that that was a real invisible creature that snuck aboard based on what Hera and Hilbert were saying about it in the alone episode (Hera mentions an invisible unseen presence she won't tell them about, and Hilbert hears a knock on his door and asks "why are you here? You weren't here on the other missions?"), but apparently I've been played like a fiddle. Would for sure fail that psych eval, but it's not even an ethical or standardized evaluation in the first place, so I don't feel bad at all about that.
Also, side note, you know what gets me the most about so many fictional (and unfortunately some irl) "men of great science" who do super bad and unethical things all in the name of their great work? Well, besides all the unethical stuff? It's that most of the time, their "genius experiments" aren't even good science. They're just doing random stuff in the hopes that something will work itself out, usually without any attempt at a control group, sometimes they don't even take their own safety into account, other times they don't even know enough about what they're doing to come to any sensible conclusion or account for unintended consequences. "Oh sacrifices must be made for the greater good, oh genius men like me don't need to abide by ethics" okay well can you at least abide by common sense or is that too genius for you? The point is I don't really care how smart you are, pride cancels out intellect, and at this rate Hilbert and Cutter are gonna get themselves and everyone else killed. I don't think Cutter is even a scientist. He calls himself "Mr. Cutter" (not doctor) and talks about money like he's a business man villain trusting Hilbert to do the science, which, bad move buddy. Bad move.
Episode 22: Mutually Assured Destruction
Don't like the sound of the title.
Oh boy. Two commanders lead to conflict. We're gonna need to establish some ground rules.
Blue ship and red ship collided? Oh Minkowski knows the codes.
"What is the point of an empty gun?" To threaten Eiffel.
Wait..."How did you bring me back here?"
They...they didn't Lovelace.
So who did?
Right, play her the messages from herself.
Vessel to return to earth? Yeah, it does seem impossible. Oh...interesting. An astrophysics figures out how to get back to earth. Then said astrophysicist disappears. What a crazy coincidence.
Oh. THAT'S why they don't have an astrophysicist this time. They want to make sure they don't get that close to getting back this time.
"12 hours later she vanished" ...did she open some kind of gateway, or did command vaporize her?
Ah yes, Dr. Selburg. Yeah he does get sloppy. It seems one of his assignments was to not let them return to earth. But there's a grey door that he opens which apparently allows him to come back each time. Interesting.
Incapacitated him? How? And...how did Hilbert survive?
So...Lovelace was in cryo-sleep and went back to the Hephaestus?
Well...I have a theory: Command sent you back and compromised you so that you would take Hilbert's place as their inside man. Or woman. But it sounds like she's a bit more in the dark about what happened than he is.
Rhea.🥺Aw. A moment of silence for the fallen AI.
Oh yeah. Show her Hilbert.
Yes: "What happened to Captain Lovelace?" Get him commander. Get him!
Oh Hilbert. I hope for your sake this isn't a boy who cried wolf situation.
Oh wow the voice acting of Hilbert choking...true talent.
"They said..." hm. Now that's interested.
"They would never" Hilbert man you are drinking the Kool-Aid, command is using you. You are not indispensable.
Lovelace seems pretty eager for violence.
Interesting...Hilbert terrified of something. We didn't see that with anyone or anything else. Clone or robot replica? Good idea Doug.
I also wonder: was Hilbert always afraid of Lovelace? Or is he only afraid of her now that she's back?
"Is everything a joke to you" at this point, I think it has to be. How else do you survive this?
No long on Lovelace's ship? The computer not turned on before this morning? Then...where has it come from? It's highly unlikely that she would survive in space for three years. But Doug has a point. If these are lies, she should have a better one.
Hera...why are you unsure of whether you can help with the ship? It's hard to tell when she's hesitating due to code interference, having hesitation because the plan is bad, and hesitating because she doubts herself.
Oh yeah...this is awkward. It's like if you discovered another family living in your house and you started touching their stuff (because it's yours).
Oh the music! 📻🎶🎶🎶
Yeah...is there a pattern to the music? Why DO they send that?
Um. Yeah. You might want to drop the plant monster bomb slowly...
Interesting. Hera seems to REALLY not like this new ship. But...why? Again, it's hard to tell when she's nervous, leading them astray, or has a legit concern.
She...she wouldn't be able to go with them. 🥺 Oh. Yeah. They do have families, at least Minkowski does. So...I guess they'd need to go home. But then poor Hera would be all alone. But if they make it back, they could send a rescue party back for her! And she could turn herself off until then or use autopilot.
Ah yes. The empty man. Who apparently isn't real, unless the messages were a code for something.
Uh. Minkowski. What are you doing?
"Nobody's getting left behind" but what about Hilbert? I think he can stay in space for a while. He's been on a lot of missions, so he seems to like it here.
Lovelace. Why were you eavesdropping? Oh wow, interesting gun trap! And "I invented being paranoid" is a very unhinged thing to say.
And explosive device? Lovelace what is going on?
Doug. Doug stop them please. Stop them. What. BOMB. YOU'LL ALL DIE. DON'T DO COMMANDS WORK FOR THEM.
BLOW UP THE STATION! BUT WHAT ABOUT HERA! LOVELACE NO! WHAT ABOUT HERA? WE LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND (well except for Hilbert, he can get blown to bits I don't care)!
Yikes what a thrilling conclusion. And now a mini episode? Seems like a odd time for one. Last time Doug read letters to some third graders, is he just gonna...pause in the middle of this epic standoff to give his thoughts on his favorite movies? I guess we'll find out.
Mini Episode 2: Day One
Interesting this says from "Goddard Futuristics Archives". So they are saving all their messages. Incredibly creepy. Oh this is Doug's first log. Yeah...that's why the logs go to command. Sure.
Yep. It is spooky. Wonder what is making those creaking noises?
Oh poor Doug. Hephaestus is a difficult word, but I would have hoped you'd have heard it enough times by now.
Huh. "Weirdly big for just three people"
...yeah. Almost as if it was made for more people but they decided they didn't want an astrophysicist this time.
"The crew seems nice". 😐
Yeah you DO want to get along with Minkowski. Trust me.
"Dr. Hilbert. Seems friendly enough. Hard to understand what he's saying, but he seems nice enough. I haven't really seen him since we docked here. We've got plenty of time to get to know each other."
Hilarious considering it's the same voice actor, not to mention the irony.
"Creeped out by Hera" and now they are best friends. And Doug, Doug she can hear you. She hears everything.
Poor Hera.
Oh that's it? Huh. Interesting. I wonder if we'll get to hear any other cool logs...
Episode 23: No Pressure
Doug. I've enjoyed listening to you work together for the past episode (which I listened to while folding clothes, sorry for the lack of live reaction).
But Lovelace tried to help you! A fake emergency sounds like a scary idea. She's already on edge. And something tells me that this might lead to a REAL emergency.
Hera. Hera. What is this? This sounds like a very very very bad idea.
Plan B? Hopefully just talk to Lovelace nicely? I don't like this. They were getting along so well! The moth joke was nice!
I do not think this is gonna go well.
"Shut up" good for you Hera.
"This is gonna end well."
I don't think it will.
Episode 24: Tactical Brain Damage
I love the title. But I'm nervous.
Oh boy. Hera. "Communications officer who shall remain nameless" 😂😂😂
"We want her distracted not murderously enraged".
Then maybe this is a bad idea. Wait what? Hera what are your sensors picking up?
This isn't gonna end well is it?
I wonder if Lovelace is treating Hera like that because she reminds her of Rhea. Or however it's spelled.
Big red cable? What does that do?
Yeah. Maybe this isn't the best idea.
Oh. Eiffel is the alternative. Well then.
"Permission to speak freely sir" maybe it's just me, but it's odd that Eiffel calls them sir instead of ma'am. Is that a thing in the military or does Doug just not know the feminine version of the word and no one has bothered to correct him.
"What does Hera know" A lot. Yeah Lovelace. You need to show Hera some respect. She's really nice.
"Well educated guess". I do not like this. I do not like this at all.
Uh oh. Oh no. Don't like that alarm. That's a pretty bad alert.
Um..."I just went some where didn't I?" ...WHERE DID SHE GO? Oh dear? Corrupted code?
"Do you think she'll notice" 😂
I love that despite nearly dying every single episode, they keep their humor. I hope they survive this, but I doubt it.
I hope they at least get a half decent ending and drag Hilbert and Cutter down with them.
"What are the other two doing?"
Oh no. Lovelace is gonna snap.
"You're wrong" "I'm not. But that's okay. Because you still have time. Because my way is the only way."
...Lovelace. Lovelace please be reasonable. Don't forget who the real enemy is. And Doug. You might want to work on your trickery skills.
"Ow" "...is this hurting you?" Oh dear. Poor Hera.
"Would it hurt you?" "Is there a risk of permanent damage?" "Yes."
It's not worth it. It's not worth it. Poor Hera. Good job Minkowski, take care of the crew.
"I know you won't let anything happen to me". Oh okay. It's okay. I didn't need my heart.
And Hera is okay!
haha...yeah Eiffel's plan didn't exactly work out. Please don't antagonize Lovelace.
Mini Episode 3: Variations on a Theme
"The more things change, the more they stay the same".
This would be very scary. They are all gonna need intensive psychotherapy after this.
"Rhea checked in with me, that was then this is now. Hera's polite, her programming forces her to be, but I hear what she's really saying..."
😂The impressions. It's also sad that she misses Rhea.
Breaking bones, tossing her out an airlock, and leaving her to die??? Lovelace, Hera might be cold to you, but the feeling seems mutual, and she doesn't want you to die. The only person she's tried to kill is Hilbert, and if they stopped her from doing that, what makes you think that she'd try to kill you? That sounds wayyyy more like something Cutter would suggest. Where has he been anyway?
"More or less angry if she knew the truth?"
IF HERA KNEW THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT? Does something terrible happen to the AI units? Is she a copy of someone's brain or personality from a previous mission that Lovelace hates?
Normalize explaining things instead of all this ominous foreshadowing. And I know, okay, I know, when I write my own stuff, that's all I ever do. Call me a hypocrite if you want.
This is very creepy. She's lived through this so much and in space there's not much sense of time.
Oh right. Lambert was the communications officer right? Hilbert must have given him the virus too.
But um...didn't he die a horrible painful death?
"But does he know how it ends, what happens when he gets-"
Any more ominous hints you'd like to drop Lovelace? I get the feeling you have quite a few.
Hera, Rhea. Yeah they are anagrams. I got the spelling right! It's also an anagram for "hear" which makes the "I always hear you" line more powerful.
"Everything...except him. He never goes away. He never changes."
...Hilbert or Cutter?
Oh Dr. Hilbert. Yeah. I wonder why he never goes away. And I don't think either of them feel much of anything at all.
"Stay way from the ghosts."
Easier said than done.
"You can never go home. You were home. And now you're back. And you can never go back."
...DID she get back? Did they wipe her memory and send her back?
"No friends no trust no safety"
In fact, I think they should all spill all their secrets. Out in the open. That way command has nothing on them.
But for some reason, I think it might be a while before that happens.
I think that's it for today guys, but I hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for reading!
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the--highlanders · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
super late but tagged by @penny-anna, thank you!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
203 apparently! which is like, a lot but also doesn't feel like that many for how long I've been posting now
what’s your total ao3 word count?
1,060,055, and I'm still SUPER proud of hitting a million words. don't think I'm ever gonna write as much again as I did in 2022 (how did I write almost 400k in a year????) but apparently I'm over 100k for this year so. happy with that even though I haven't written nearly as much as I'd like due to like, general life stuff
What fandoms do you write for?
just second doctor era dr who! I definitely get like, story ideas for other fandoms I enjoy, and occasionally I'll idly imagine writing some of them, but never really seriously. I've kinda made an active choice for this to be my niche and I don't seem to have run out of ideas yet so
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
ok I'm gonna cut out like, 'fics' that are actually compilations of prompt fics etc bc I feel like that's cheating but. let's see
in the night i lie and look up at you (when the morning comes i watch you rise)
tell me how you'll kiss me when i touch down
weird list tbh! big fan of the first and last one being there but like... sacrificial in particular I was NOT happy with ahgjklfdjgf. I do like vigil tho
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes absolutely!!! they fill me with so much joy & serotonin so I like to reply, & also I love love love discussing stuff w/ people in the comments (hi @galacticlamps ahjkgfd). I'm very very behind on it right now but I will get around to them all I promise!!!
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
oughfkdjg this is tough. I do think if only we could have been brave on time was pretty angsty, I don't usually write fics that toy so much with major character death.
there's a few others but the first one that jumped out at me while scrolling through my fics was i'm trying to reach you (before all the ghosts do). minor character/oc death this time but like. the whole fic was very much born out of the image of its angsty ending, so.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hm I mean I do write a lot of angstless fluff!! so like, any of those. but I'm gonna go with litany for a reunion, because so much of it is angsty that I think the ending seems happier because of it.
Do you get hate on fics?
not yet! but this fandom is pretty chill so.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I am very very sex-repulsed ace it would not be a good time for anybody <3
Do you write crossovers?
not in the sense of like, bringing characters from one fandom into another. if I had the stamina/confidence to do proper longfics I'd absolutely do more aus, some of which are inspired by other media (if you guys could see the fairytale aus that live in my head.), and I /do/ have a daemon au.
the only crossover I've really done is Lifeboat, which is like. still a concept I enjoy. ark/its lore is something so close to my heart, so it was a lot of fun to fuse it with dr who. plus I just like imagining that victoria's dad was surrounded by so so so many unhinged mad scientists. & I also find it very very very funny that the ark character in question is now voiced by david tennant
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I'm aware of! again like. small and chill fandom. who's going to be doing that.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, and I don't think I'd want to - I'm a little bit too precious/sensitive about my writing to even have like, a beta reader or anything. I don't think I'd do well trying to co-write with someone. the closest I've come is kind of co-plotting out fics with other people (the plot of the selkie au is as much @ettelwenailinon's brainchild as mine <333)
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I have been so deeply invested in two/jamie for so long that I can no longer untangle it from myself.
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
the fic I want to write most is a super comprehensive multichapter spanning about two years between jamie getting dropped off at culloden after the war games and two coming to pick him up again for 6b. I have a general sweep of the arc, some summary notes, and pages and pages of historical notes for it. unfortunately I don't think I'm ever going to feel like I've done enough historical research to justify writing it, even if I do somehow magically get myself to buck up into writing proper longfic.
What are your writing strengths?
hm idk! I'm quite pleased with some of my prose/descriptions sometimes. & I've had a few comments over the years saying I'm good at characterisation, which is always nice to hear.
I never really know what's good about my writing tho. not out of any sense of inferiority or false modesty or anything, I just. don't think that deeply about writing in general. the words come out & if I like them I like them
What are your writing weaknesses?
^^^ as I am always saying I wish I could break down the mental block that's stopping me from writing longfic
kinda related but like. I'm definitely a perfectionist and that can paralyse me sometimes when I'm trying to write a first draft.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I need to do it more often!!
my absolute dream would be to be able to translate all my fics into gàidhlig tbh. but I love love love giving jamie gàidhlig dialogue, or even just dropping little turns of phrase into his english dialogue, stuff like that. I definitely feel like there's some space between how I write/characterise jamie and how he is on screen, but to some degree that's a conscious decision. I'm always trying to strike a balance between like, writing him in character and writing him in a way that feels authentic to his time and cultural background. but dropping in bits of gàidhlig is a fun way of doing that (and also of getting myself to write in the language which is definitely good practice)
First fandom you wrote for?
hm I mean technically ig it was the saddle club. I was like 3 years old and I wrote a 'book' about the horses.
in terms of like, actively writing fic with the conscious knowledge of what fic was, probably fic about warrior cats ocs when I was about 11/12.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
old ghost's waltz, always. I loved how it came together, it was my first real dip into doing super historical jamie fic & a sort of replacement for the post-war games longfic I may never write, and it was a response to the phantom piper, which drives me absolutely insane in both good and bad ways. like it gave me so many ideas but god I could fix her.
unsorted is a very solid second though. it had all the historical fic joy of old ghost's waltz (even more so in some parts - the scene with jamie and connie might be my favourite scene I've ever written), and it was just. so cathartic to write as an expression of a headcanon I'd kind of hidden for so many years bc I was worried it wouldn't be well-received. it's my favourite fic to get comments on just because it always feels like a relief to see people enjoying it.
tagging @galacticlamps, @p0stscripter, @ettelwenailinon and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Eight-Part 1)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 11.5k (part 1)
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (!!!), mentions of sex, oc struggles with her future, mentions of vibrator, mentions of cum eating, dirty talk, vaginal fingering, oral (female receiving), masturbation, swallowing
Notes: I am having to post this chapter in two parts, I am so sorry about that! But here it is!! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter:) feel free to send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist or just want to chat about the story:) I LOVE talking with ya’ll!
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredscarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @aclowe13 @bishuthot @271101 @seagulljk @hass-mich-los @peachy-skz0325 @wonusbitch @not-your-lion @flowersgirl02 @justinetingball @fiantomartell @fairysunooo @taebae19
© taestefully-in-luv
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“What about this one?” You hold up another birthday banner, showing Vanessa yet another option.
“Ugly.” She says.
This is the fourth fucking birthday banner you’ve shown her and she doesn’t approve of any of them. But you have to admit this one is a little ugly.
“Vanessa…” you groan out, getting very obviously frustrated.
“I like this one.” She points to a banner. The very first one you showed her.
“Seriously?” you grab the banner and place it in your cart. “Okay, we still have to pick up the cake at 3. And we need to make sure we have enough plates for everyone…oh! We also still have to pick up the bottles at the liquor store.”
“I can get the cake.” She replies smoothly.
“We can just go together?”
Today is Jungkook’s birthday and you and Vanessa have been (Kind of) texting throughout the last week trying to find a good day to meet up. The day happened to be today of all days, so you’re feeling quite rushed.
“Fine.” Vanessa picks at her cuticles, just standing here looking gorgeous.
You on the other hand…were not expecting this to be a fashion show! You’re in shorts and a t shirt while she wears a flowy green dress and sandals.
“I want to be the one to present his cake to him though,” Vanessa begins, her eyes never leaving her fingers, “I am his girlfriend after all.”
You hate that your chest tightens at her words, you hate how her words affect you like this, how she affects you like this. Just being in her presence alone makes your heart twist.
“Got it.” You place some birthday plates in the cart, “So…what did you get him for his birthday?” you try to make conversation.
“A cologne.”
“You know he’s sensitive to smells—”
“He likes this one.”
“I know him better than you think y/n.” her smooth voice cuts you like a butcher knife.
You nod your head, not knowing what to say. Maybe she does. But like, you still know him better right? You got to, right?
“What about you?” Vanessa lifts her eyes to meet yours, her eyes are small and dark and inviting.
“Uh, to be honest…I’m meeting with Jimin after this so we can go shopping for his gifts. So, I don’t know yet but I have an idea.”
“And what’s your idea?” her eyes go back down to her nails that she keeps picking at.
“Friendship bracelets.” You state.
“Hm.” Vanessa pushes the cart forward and walks towards the isle with candles. “We still need nice candles for the cake.”
“It couldn’t have been that bad, babe.” Jimin holds up a plain black hoodie and nods approvingly. “Another one for his collection, what do you think?”
“Looks like something I’d steal, so yes.” You give him a quick thumbs up, “And it was bad dude. She’s so hard to talk to!”
“Yeah, I could see that.” Jimin stands in front of a full body length mirror and checks himself out, pushing his hair out of his face. “Forehead or no forehead, tonight?”
“Hmm, no forehead.”
“Forehead it is.”
“Wow, you never listen to me!”
Jimin chuckles wholeheartedly, shrugging his shoulders like he agrees with you.
“So, where are these bracelets you keep going on about?”
“That one weird shop buy the smoothie place has these cute bracelets with letters for names on them! I was thinking I could get him a black one with my initial on it and I would get myself one with his initial.”
“You guys are so…that’s cute I guess.” Jimin giggles, he holds up his wrist as if imagining himself with the bracelet. “I want one too!” he whines.
“Maybe for your birthday.” You wink. “Anyway, do you think Vanessa knows Jungkook better than me?”
Jimin stops walking to get a look at you, an expressions that reads: Are you serious? Plastered on his face.
“It’s a valid question.” You say.
“No one knows Jungkook like you honey.”
“Okay…Also, you’ll be meeting my friend Yoongi tonight!”
“The not date, date guy?” Jimin pouts, “I thought you weren’t going to lead him on…”
You scrunch up your face in confusion,
“I can have friends Jimin, I’m not leading him on!” you try to defend.
“If you say so. Just like, try to focus on one boy at a time, you know?” Jimin teases.
You two walk to the shop that sells the bracelets and go inside. You find the bracelets you’re looking for rather quickly, feeling nice and lucky. You grab them and go to pay, when you finish up at the register you notice a Jack Skellington key chain and add it on to Jungkook’s gifts. You always have trouble finding good gifts for people, okay? You take what you can get.
“Shit, it’s already 6. I still need to go home and get ready!”
Nick lets you and Vanessa use their place as the spot to celebrate, it’s bigger than your place and Vanessa agrees saying it’s bigger than hers as well. Nick and his bro that believes in aliens (You really got to learn his name but at this point you are too afraid to ask) are the only ones here as you and Vanessa set up.
“Bro AI is out to get us man—” Aaanndd you are tuning him out, you watch as Nick listens closely, nodding his head every few minutes and whispering ‘Bro’. You and Vanessa hang up decorations in silence, the sound of Nick and his bro chatting away filling the room.
“People should start arriving soon…” you try to make small talk with Vanessa, she only hums in response not even sparing you a glance.
“You look nice.” You try giving her a compliment, she turns her head to the side to look at you and a sly smile grows on her face.
“Do you have feelings for Jungkook?”
You immediately choke on your fucking spit, what the actual fuck? You try to compose yourself when you hear the front door opening. Thank God.
“It is I!” You know that voice. “Where is my Jungkookie?” You hear Jin entering the living room along with Namjoon and Hobi.
“Jimin should be bringing him in the next 30 or so minutes!” you yell out. Once Jin and the other two boys spot you they light up.
“y/n!!!” Jin hurries to your side and bring you in for a quick hug. “How are you?!”
“Good, good.” You laugh, hugging him back.
“Good to see you y/n” Namjoon says with a soft smile and then you hear your named being shouted even though Hobi is a foot away from you.
“Long time no see!!!” He hugs you, shaking you around in his embrace. You can’t help but chuckle at your friend.
“Hi guys, I’m so glad you could make it.”
“Would we miss our Jungkookie’s birthday? No way.” Jin says.
“Oh,” you turn around to see Vanessa just standing behind you, not saying anything just staring. “This is Vanessa. Jungkook’s—”
“We know!” Hobi says, “Jungkook has brought her to Jin’s. Nice to see you again Vanessa!”
Vanessa tilts her head and nods, her lips not even attempting to curve into a smile.
“You too.” She finally says.
This girl either has no manners or just does not know how to properly socialize? Maybe she gets anxiety being around too many people?
You feel your phone buzz.
Yoongs 7:14pm
Im outside
“Be right back guys, a friend of mine just got here.” You try talking over your group of friends. You head towards the front door, swinging it open to a Min Yoongi waiting patiently.
He smiles at you when he sees you, he holds up a bottle of wine and shakes it around a bit.
“For the party.” He says.
“Perfect, let’s pour us a glass right now!” you gesture him to enter the apartment.
You two walk into the kitchen, and you start searching for a wine bottle opener but can’t seem to find it.
“Hey Nick!” You yell out, hoping to get his attention, “Where’s the wine opener?”
Nick shuffles into the kitchen and gives you an expression that screams he has no idea.
“I know where it’s at.” Vanessa’s silky voice fills your ears as she enters the kitchen.
“Oh.” Of course she does. Why wouldn’t Vanessa know? She probably comes here more than you do…
“Thanks.” You finally say when she hands you the wine opener.
“Well, let’s open this baby up!” you turn to face Yoongi and he smiles at you.
“Hi Vanessa.” Yoongi waves at the girl and she hums in response, walking out of the kitchen.
“Sorry, she’s…” but you don’t know what to say. Also, why are you trying to excuse her?
You pour you and Yoongi a glass and gulp it down quickly, you finish your first glass in just seconds.
“I need another one.”
“What’s got you so stressed in a time of celebration?” Yoongi casually sips on his wine, one baby sip after the other.
“Nothing, nothing.”
“y/n…” his soft tone makes you feel comforted already and he hasn’t even said anything yet.
“I don’t know how to say it without sounding psychotic.” You admit, pouring yourself your second glass of wine.
“Try me.”
“I feel like I am competing…with…”
“With Vanessa?” He gladly finishes for you.
“Yeah, like…I don’t know, I feel like she’s trying to take my place. But my place isn’t ‘girlfriend’ so I don’t know what I’m freaking out about.”
Yoongi sets his glass down and studies you for a moment, you begin to feel antsy under his gaze.
“I’m obviously on your side,” Yoongi begins in a hushed voice, “But maybe she’s worried too?”
“I wish I knew if she felt worried, or felt like, anything. This girl is hard to crack!” you quietly say.
“Just try to enjoy the night, okay?” Yoongi smiles and you don’t even feel like smiling back but you do. Suddenly, you feel your phone going off.
Jungkook 7:32pm
Why is Jimin making me dress up? I thought it was just a couple of us? Why do I need to look nice, I’m tired from work
Jungkook 7:33pm
Seriously y/n…it’s just a couple of us, right?
y/n 7:35pm
omg yes Jungkook it’s nothing big I swear, he just wants you to look nice for pictures
Jungkook 7:36pm
I always look nice for pics lol
y/n 7:38pm
No comment
Jungkook 7:40pm
Don’t be fukin rude
` y/n 7:40pm
Can you guys hurry up?
Jungkook 7:44pm
Jimin is in the mirror deciding if he’s showing his forehead or not
y/n 7:45pm
classic Jimin
Jungkook 7:45pm
Classic Jimin
You stuff your phone in your back pocket and grab your glass of wine and begin sipping on it again. Yoongi eyes you up and smirks.
“That the birthday boy?”
“Hm? Oh, sorry…yes. He and Jimin should be here soon.” You watch as Yoongi nods his head and then you realize…”Oh my god, let me introduce you to the guys!” you set your glass down on the counter and reach for Yoongi’s hand and pull him towards the living room. Unfortunately for you, you miss the way Yoongi blushes at the contact.
“Guys, guys.” You interrupt the boys from their conversations, “This is my friend Yoongi…” you gesture towards the boy, “Yoongi, this is Jin…Namjoon, Hobi, and Nick and his pal, uh…” you blink at Alien Dude and he just grins at you, not realizing you don’t know his fucking name. “Yeah, anyway.” You decide to move on, “Jungkook and Jimin should be here soon—” Suddenly, there is soft knocking on the door. You raise a brow because who else could it be?
You walk towards the front door and look through the peep hole and much to your surprise you see Holly and Trina waiting outside the door. You’re quick to open it with a wide smile on your face.
“I thought you didn’t want to come?” You ask, your question directed towards Trina.
“I…” her eyes slide to Holly, “…Had a change of heart.” She huffs out quietly.
“You’re going to be civil?” you smirk at your friend and she rolls her eyes at you.
“She’s going to be more than civil.” Holly pipes up, “She’s going to be nice.”
“Hey we never agreed to that!” Trina crosses her arms over her chest, “But whatever.”
“Thanks for coming T.” your smirk transitions into a soft smile. This means a lot to you, that Trina is trying to accept Jungkook.
“Well? Are you going to let us in or what?”
“Right, right.” You move to the side and let the girls through. They step inside and make their way towards the boys.
“Oh? You must be Mister Oatmeal Raisin!” Trina grins towards Yoongi, who stands here chatting with Hobi.
“You’re…let me guess, Trina? And you must be Holly?” he nods at both girls, “I’ve heard a lot about you two.”
“I hope good things?” Trina teases.
“Only the best.” Yoongi raises his glass to her and she turns her head to smirk at you.
You watch as everyone gets along, talking, laughing and having a good time—all except Vanessa. She is sitting on the sofa on her phone, tapping away. She doesn’t even try to converse with any of Jungkook’s friends? Strange. You hate her, technically. But you can’t help but feel bad? Like, why does she isolate herself so much? Does she really just have some social anxiety or something? There’s got to be a reason for her odd behavior.
“Hey.” You say, sitting on the sofa next to her. “You okay?”
“Hm?” Vanessa doesn’t look up from her phone as she barely acknowledges you.
“Why don’t you come hang out with the rest of us?”
Vanessa tilts her head to get a look at you and she blinks at you repeatedly.
“Why?” she finally asks. “I’m only here for Jungkook.”
Okay, ouch.
“You never answered my question from earlier,” Vanessas coy smile begins growing on her face. “How you feel about Jungkook.”
You feel your palms get sweaty when you process her words. How the hell do you respond to that?
“I—I…” Then the front door is opening and you hear Jimin obnoxiously announce their arrival, that he has the birthday boy.
You immediately jump to your feet and rush towards the entrance of the apartment to greet your friends.
“Too bad you can’t admit it, “ Vanessa whispers, her eyes going back to her phone, “I could help you too.”
“JUNGKOOKIE!!!” Jin opens his arms wide, “Come and embrace me! It’s your birthday gift.” Jungkook stumbles in the apartment with wide eyes as he searches the living room. His eyes find yours and he smiles. He shows you his bunny grin and you can’t help but smile back. He looks breathtaking, Jimin didn’t play around picking Jungkook’s outfit. Ripped black jeans, chunky boots, a plaid shirt with a leather jacket—he looks hot as hell. Vanessa is a lucky girl, you think bitterly to yourself.
Jungkook greets his friends one by one until he sees Yoongi walk from the kitchen into the living room. Yoongi has refilled his wine glass and stops just in front of Jungkook and bows his head in greeting. You rush to the two boys, joining them in this awkward encounter.
“Oh, I invited Yoongi.” You begin to explain, “You remember Yoongi, right?” you ask Jungkook.
“Of course…” Jungkook tries smiling but it’s tense and strained. At this, Yoongi smirks.
Yoongi steps closer to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder and he smiles at Jungkook.
“I’m y/n’s plus one tonight—or I guess her…date?”
“D-Date?” You and Jungkook both stutter out.
Yoongi brings you in closer, nice and snug against his shoulder as he chuckles.
“Something like that.”
Jungkook tries releasing a breath but finds it to be troublesome. He looks at you with an expression you cannot really decipher, but he doesn’t look all too pleased.
“That’s nice.” He finally says, scratching the back of his neck.
“What’s nice?” It’s a smooth and silky voice. Vanessa. “Happy birthday babe.” She joins your circle next to Jungkook and places a kiss on his cheek.
“Right…” you butt in, “Happy birthday Jungkook.” You smile, still in Yoongi’s arms.
“What do you want to do first?” Vanessa links arms with Jungkook and you feel your body go tense. You don’t want her to touch him.
“Eat.” Jungkook laughs, “I’m so hungry.”
“Well, we have pizza for everyone.” You say loudly, getting the rest of everyone’s attention.
“You say pizza? Hell yeah.” Trina walks towards you four with Holly following behind her.
“Oh hey Trina…” Jungkook says, not entirely too sure how to talk to the girl that hates him.
“Hey Jungkook,” she says quickly with a smile, “So where’s the pizza?”
Jungkook and you share a look of pleasant surprise. Trina? Being nice?
The rest of the boys follow and you all head inside the kitchen to snag a few slices of pizza from the pizzeria that Jungkook is fond of. Vanessa stays close to Jungkook’s side, not that you are surprised. But what is surprising you is that Yoongi has suddenly become slightly more affectionate with you?
Yoongi takes any chance he can get to touch you in some way, whether it be picking a piece of thread off your shirt, or placing a wild strand of hair behind your ear. He doesn’t really strike you as the type to be so openly affectionate…at least not the one to initiate it.
But can picking a piece of thread off your shirt really be counted as affectionate? Maybe he’s just trying to help. What you don’t know though…Jungkook has picked up on too. He has watched as Yoongi smiles at you and you smile back, he has watched as Yoongi subtlety touches your arm when he talks to you and how your hand finds his shoulder when you laugh.
Jungkook sits on his couch, chowing down on a slice of pizza as he glares at you and Yoongi. He doesn’t mean to glare but why is he here? This is a small get together between close friends. How close have you and Yoongi gotten?
“And then bro, I was like no fucking way bro.” Alien bro talks animatedly, his hands motioning all around the place.
Nick stuffs another slice of pizza in his mouth, nodding along to Alien bro’s story.
“That is fucking wild.” You hear Trina pitch in, “Like, did that really happen to you?”
“It may have been a dream, but let me tell you…” Alien bro closes his eyes, “I think it was real, like a memory.”
You internally laugh, because this dude has got some wild fucking stories and you don’t know how to take him seriously. But everyone seems to be enjoying it.
“Let’s do cake!” You hear Jimin yell out, “I have such a sweet tooth right now.”
At this you see Vanessa actually light up, like she has been waiting all night for someone to mention the cake. You two agreed she could present it to Jungkook, maybe that’s why she’s so visibly excited.
“I’ll go get it…” She speaks up, “I’ll be right back.” She says, facing Jungkook. Vanessa stands from her spot next to Jungkook on the couch and heads towards the kitchen.
A few minutes pass by when you hear your name being called. You get up and walk to the kitchen when you see Vanessa with the cake in her hands, the candles already lit up.
“Can you turn off the lights?” she asks, “And you can start the Birthday song.”
You nod your head, walking back into the living room to switch the lights off.
“Okay, ready Jungkook?” you smile at him and he rolls his eyes with a smirk.
“I guess.” He says, amusement laced in his voice.
“Happy birthday to you!” you begin singing, the rest of the gang joins in and the living room is soon being filled with the sound of everyone’s voices singing Jungkook a happy birthday. You pull out your phone and begin recording, Vanessa walks in with the cake and she keeps her face neutral. She doesn’t even sing, wow. You can’t help but kind of laugh, that’s so in character for her.
“Happy birthday dear Juuuungkoook, Happy birthday to you!” You all finish up and start whooping and hollering.
“Make a wish.” Vanessa sets the cake down in front of him and Jungkook nods his head. He takes a deep breath before his eyes find yours. You guys share a brief moment before he’s blowing out his candles.
“What did you wish for?!” Hobi asks, excitement filling the room as everyone agrees that they want to know.
“Secret.” He says, still looking at you.
“Here,” Vanessa nudges a perfectly wrapped box in Jungkook’s hands, “Present.”
“You didn’t have to Vanessa.” Jungkook grins at her but he’s already unwrapping his gift, he throws the wrapping paper to the floor and takes a look at the cologne box.
“This is so expensive!” he whines, “But thank you!” He looks at you for a moment when he awkwardly pecks Vanessas lips in front of everyone.
“My turn!” Jimin shouts, “My turn, my turn!” he stands up and walks by the front door where he left the gift. He picks up the bag and walks back into the living room, standing in front of Jungkook, handing him the bag.
“You’ll love it.” Jimin wiggles his brows at the boy.
Jungkook wiggles his brows back as he opens up the bag and pulls out a black hoodie.
“Fuck yeah.” Jungkook stands up to hug Jimin, “This one is so soft.”
The rest of the gang gives Jungkook a gift one by one until all eyes are on you. Suddenly, you feel super fucking shy and lame that you got matching bracelets.
“Uh, I haven’t gotten anything for you yet…” you lie. “But I will soon, promise.”
Jungkook’s bunny smile begins to fade as he processes your words,
“No worries, y/n.” he smiles again, “You don’t have to get me anything.”
“It’s just a little late, is all.” You shift awkwardly from one foot to another. You wish you weren’t such an idiot. You notice Jimin staring at you from across the room, he looks disappointed.
“What about the bracelets y/n?” Vanessa’s voice can be heard by everyone. She looks at you with a blank expression and you never wanted to strangle someone more.
“What bracelets?” Jungkook’s curiosity showing.
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing. They’re friendship bracelets. Such a sweet idea.” Vanessa smiles at you.
“You got me and you friendship bracelets?” Jungkook stands up and walks to you, he extends his right hand out and waits expectantly.
“Thanks Vanessa.” You deadpan.
“No problem.”
“It’s really nothing Jungkook…”
“I want the damn bracelet y/n.”
You stare at him for a moment, his big doe eyes making you feel like you must give in.
“okay, they’re in my bag…” you turn around and search for your purse. You notice Yoongi trying to hand it you and you smile at him gratefully.
“Here.” You hand him his bracelet and he inspects it, rolling it through his fingers.
“Your initial?” Jungkook clenches the bracelet in his fist and looks up at you.
“I fucking love it.” He brings the bracelet to his heart, “I will wear it every day.”
“I have one too…” you pull it from your bag and dangle in around.
“It has a J?” Jungkook bunny smile grows ten times as wide. He takes the bracelet from your fingers and chuckles at the two bracelets.
“I love it.”
“I’m glad you like it—”
“No, love it. I love…” Then he’s clearing his throat, remembering he is in a room full of people.
“Thank you.”
“Oh! There’s one more thing…” you pull out the key chain and you watch as Jungkook’s face lights up. Of course he is more excited about the key chain, you laugh.
“Fucking awesome!” Jungkook takes it from you, “I’ll put it on my keys!”
“That’s the idea,” you chuckle. “Anyway, let’s play games now.”
You and Jungkook stand at the front of the living room, in front of the T.V in battle mode.
“You’re going down Jeon.” You snicker at him, he only rolls his eyes at you as he readies himself.
“I’m just glad I’m not going against Jimin.” Jungkook shoots Jimin a look and Jimin winks.
You two have to chug an entire beer can, trying to beat the other.
“Honestly, same.” You admit, if anyone can down a drink in seconds—it’s Jimin.
Trina stands up and joins your side,
“Okay, are we ready everyone?”
Everyone begins cheering, the sound motivating you and making you feel excited.
“Okay. When I yell…BAM…you start drinking and don’t stop until that can is empty…got it?”
“Yes, we know how to chug a drink, Trina.”
“Damn girl, I was just sayin’.” Trina throws a hand on her hip, “Okay, 3…2…1…BAM!”
You and Jungkook scramble to start drinking, the chilly liquid making its way down your throats. The drink is cold and carbonated and you’re trying to ignore the way it sizzles, instead pretending it’s as smooth as water and you down it back.
“Jungkook is going to win!” Namjoon yells out, he has risen to his feet, the excitement too much.
“No, y/n is! Look how much her head it tilting back!” You hear Jin chime in.
Truth is, you aren’t really sure how much you’ve drank, or how much is left! You’re just wanting it to be over!
“Holy shit, they’re both so close!”
And right as you’re about to finish your drink you hear the sound of a can being crushed right next to you. He won.
“WHAT’S UP…LOSER!” Jungkook shakes his empty, crushed can in your face as you finally finish your own drink.
“Okay, okay. Literally only let you win because it’s your birthday.” You snide playfully.
“Sure y/n, sure.” Jungkook grins down at you, his laughter bounces off the walls and you feel so whole when you hear the sound. He leans forward until his arms are wrapped around you in a quick yet loving hug.
“Whatever you got to say to yourself…loser.” He chuckles out, letting go of you.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Your pout is so cute, Jungkook thinks.
Yoongi stands up, his gummy smile lighting up the room as he approaches you two. He stands next to you and asks if you’re alright.
“You’ve already had so much to drink, I’m just making sure you can make it back to the sofa.” Yoongi’s shoulders shake as he laughs.
“She can handle herself.” You hear Jungkook say in a somewhat serious tone, “She knows how to drink.” He tries to say a little more lightly.
“But she doesn’t really have to do the penalty, right?” Yoongi asks.
“No, I definitely do.” You laugh out, “Where’s the shot, huh?”
Jungkook gives you a silly looking smirk as he heads towards the kitchen to fetch you that shot. He’s only gone for a moment when you realize he has returned with the liquid of fire.
“For you, princess.”
You roll your eyes at his little nick name he’s given you but you cannot help the blush that creeps on your cheeks…
“Please…please.” You pant, rolling your hips into his as you meet his desperate thrusts.
“Please what, princess?” he breathes out heavily, “Told you that when you’re with—” He begins fucking into you faster, “When you’re with me…to use your words.” His pace is bruising, causing you to choke on the air around you.
The little nick name causing you to remember something you have tied burying.
“I think you should take one too, since it is your birthday after all.” You tease.
“But I’m the winner…” Jungkook pouts, his bottom lip jutting out so far.
“Come on, I bet you won’t.” Jimin pipes in.
“Yeah dude.” You hear Nick say.
“FINE!” Jungkook throws his hands up in defeat, “But you have to go pour it for me.” He says, looking at you.
“Done deal, baby.”
“Pour me one too.” Vanessa walks up to you, her strap on her shoulder sliding down.
“Oh?” you ask, but you nod your head in approval and head towards the kitchen to pour two more shots.
You return with the shots, but feel your stomach drop when you see Jungkook and Vanessa laughing together, her hand laying on his chest, his arm wrapped around her waist.
“Oh!” Jungkook looks at you and smiles, “The shots!”
And then Min Yoongi is at your side with his own shot, he looks at you and gives you a sweet smile and eyes full of understanding.
“Let’s take them.” He says. His hand going to yours, he squeezes it tight and you feel yourself trying to breathe.
“Here you go.” You hand the two shots to Jungkook and Vanessa, they take them and you four look at one another before raising your glasses.
“Happy birthday, Jungkook.” You whisper, taking the shot.
Hours pass, and things are starting to wind down, you think. Jin, Namjoon and Hobi are at the front door saying their goodbyes and you feel your time is coming soon too.
“Us too.” Trina says, “Our uber is almost here.” Her and Holly gather their things and make their way out the door.
“Jimin, you coming with us?” Trina asks.
“Um, what about you y/n?” Jimin makes it to your side, his hand going to rub your shoulder.
“You guys go without me, I’m going to help clean up. Hostess duties!” You salute towards your friends and they giggle.
“Okay babe, I’ll see you soon?” Jimin goes in for a tight hug and you hug him back even tighter.
“I’ll help you clean up.” Yoongi offers, but you shake your head.
“No, I couldn’t ask that. Me and Vanessa got it. You go home too, it’s so late. I will come by to see you soon though.”
“Are you sure?” Yoongi asks as he catches Jungkook watching you two. “Well, if you insist y/n.” he inches towards you and to your surprise, you feel his lips leave a small kiss on your cheek. Yoongi smirks when he sees Jungkook react. Jungkook glares at the boy and Yoongi feels like hopefully he helped enough tonight.
“What was that for?” you feel yourself turn red.
“Nothing.” He whispers before he’s turning around and walking out of the door.
You are left here shocked and confused but you cannot help but smile at Yoongi’s small gesture. He really is too sweet.
“Well,” you turn around to face Jungkook and Vanessa, “Let’s clean up,” you say to Vanessa, “And then I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Actually,” Vanessa curls her lips upwards, “I am feeling quite tired.” Her eyes find yours, “So maybe Jungkook can help you clean up.”
“You’re going home already?” Jungkook looks confused. He was probably expecting birthday sex or some shit.
“Mhm.” She breathes out easily, “See you later babe.” She leans over and pecks his cheek, you immediately twist your head to look away. Vanessa notices and she fucking smiles that sly ass smile. “See you later, y/n.”
And with that she is out of the apartment, leaving just you and Jungkook and Nick and Alien Bro.
“We will be out on the balcony smoking, if you guys want to join.” Nick offers to you, but you’re shaking your head no.
“Nah, you guys enjoy.” Jungkook says. Nick and Alien bro (You really got to learn this dudes name) are opening the back door and leaving you guys for the balcony.
“And then there was two.” Jungkook jokes, he chews on his lips as he watches you begin the cleaning up process. You get a large black trash bag and start throwing away the empty beer bottles and other trash around the living room and kitchen.
“Help me clean, birthday boy.”
Jungkook grins at you and starts helping, he’s gathering the shot glasses and setting them in the kitchen sink. You two work like this for around 10-15 minutes when the place is finally looking like his apartment again.
“Well, I guess that’s it.” You set the last trash bag in the kitchen, “You and Nick can take these out later, right?” “Yes, y/n. You did enough, I swear.” Jungkook smiles at you. “Hey, where’s your bracelet?” he dangles his wrist around, showing you his.
“Oh…” You dig around in your pockets until you finally find the piece of jewelry.
“Let me.” Jungkook stands closer to you, reaching his hand out, expecting you to hand over the bracelet. You place it in his hand and he grabs your wrist and clips the bracelet on.
“There.” He breathes out, “Never take it off.” He half jokes.
“You really like it?”
“I really love it.” Jungkook pulls you in for a hug, but he’s letting go much faster than you would like.
“Wanna chill for a bit?” He asks you, his hands still on your arms from your hug that you just shared.
“For a bit, sure.”
You two walk to the living room sofa and plop down, the long day finally catching up to you. It’s around 1 am now, you’ve been running around all day.
“So…” Jungkook looks at you with an unreadable expression, “What’s going on with you and this Yoongi guy?”
“What do you mean?”
“Was tonight like, a date for you two?”
“What? No?”
“Really? Could of fooled me and like, everyone else.”
“He was just joking…I think.” You groan into your hands, and laugh. “Why?”
“I was just wondering.” He turns to face forward, his face hardening as he thinks. “Is he going to be like, your boyfriend?”
“What?!” you choke on your spit, “Yoongi is my friend.”
“Does he know that?” Jungkook continues to look forward, “He was all over you.”
“He definitely was not all over me. Oh my god. What are you getting so crazy for?”
Crazy. That’s the word you use, but he knows you mean jealous. Jungkook sits here, biting on his bottom lip. He has to admit, he doesn’t like this ‘crazy’ feeling. He feels like he’s suffocating just remembering you with Yoongi tonight. He has no right to feel crazy or jealous. He has a girlfriend for fucks sake!
“I just hope he’s treating you right.”
“He’s just a friend Jungkook. But you know what? And if he was trying to date me?”
Jungkook feels his chest tighten, not liking the idea already.
“Then like I said, I hope he’s treating you right.” He says more softly, turning to look at you again.
“Did you enjoy your birthday?”
“It was nice, thank you.”
“What’s your favorite birthday in your life so far?”
Jungkook tilts his head as he thinks, rocking it side to side. He folds his arms behind his head and lets out a long breath.
“There’s two I can think of.” He says, “When I was 10 all I wanted to do was see one of those drive thru zoo things. But I wasn’t expecting much because I guess birthdays and holidays were stressful for my parents…” he takes a deep breath, “they always fought so much and so I didn’t think we would be doing anything for my birthday at all. But they for once, they got along this day. They took me to the zoo and I just remember being so on edge like something may go wrong…but it never did, it was a perfect day.”
“I bet 10 year old Jungkook was so cute.”
“I was the cutest!”
“And what’s the second?”
“Sophomore year of college.” He states quickly making you choke on air. Really? That birthday of all birthdays?
“Jungkook, there has to be a better one than that…” you begin, “We literally didn’t even do anything.”
It seemed everyone happened to become busy the day of Jungkook’s birthday, everyone except you. You and Jungkook spent the day just the two of you in his dorm room watching movies and playing video games. You didn’t even buy him a present, much too broke!
“That day meant a lot to me.” Jungkook explains, “You didn’t leave my side, no matter what.”
“Well, you were my best friend.”
“And now?” Jungkook turns his head to face you, “Am I your best friend now?”
“Jungkook…” you caress his thigh, “Of course.”
Jungkook throws his head back as he smiles that bunny smile and you can’t help but giggle.
“Were you worried?”
“So worried.” He continues to laugh, “You’re my best friend too.”
“I don’t know guys!” you whine, bringing the cup of coffee in for a sip. “Marketing…can someone even be passionate about that?”
“What did I say y/n? You’re so concerned if you’re passionate or not, why don’t you start off small—finding something you just like.” Yoongi offers his piece of advice but you groan.
“What do you think Tae?” you point your head in his direction, “Wait, I am asking one of the most passionate people I know.” You complain.
“I agree with Yoongi, y/n.” Taehyung says, he drinks his water in gulps.
“Of course, who wouldn’t agree with Yoongi?” You hit your head on the table a few times.
You three are seated in Yoongi’s record shop in the cozy corner of the store, discussing the burden of dreams.
“I mean, guys.” You begin, “I don’t want to be making cookies forever.”
“But I really like them.” Yoongi whispers.
“Me too,” Taehyung says as he shoves a sugar cookie down his throat. “So good.”
“Guys, you aren’t helping.”
“Honestly y/n…” Yoongi stands from his seat to get some more coffee, “Stop trying to force a dream to happen. It will come to you naturally, just trust in that.”
“You make it sound so easy.” You hand Taehyung another cookie and he takes it with a grin.
“So y/n…” Taehyung swallows down the last bits of the cookie before he’s turning to face you in his chair, “How was Jungkook’s birthday, I forgot to ask.”
“It went really well actually.”
“Why do you say ‘actually’?” Taehyung laughs, “Were you expecting it to go bad?”
“It’s not that…I don’t know. Maybe.”
“Is it because of Vanessa?” Yoongi comes back with two fresh coffees.
“That’s his girlfriend, right? I just don’t get it. Should we come up with an evil plan to break them up?” Taehyung snickers.
“Tae, chill.” You giggle.
“I’m joking but I am also totally serious.” He comments. “Anyway guys, I gotta head back to the museum. But same time next week?”
“You know it.” You blow on your hot coffee, waving him goodbye.
The last few weeks the three of you meet up for coffee (Tae usually brings his own drink of choice, says coffee is too bitter for him) and chit chat just like now. It’s an interesting group but you feel comfortable. After time has passed, forgiving and moving on from Taehyung’s crushing you has gotten easier and now you even find his friendship to be quite valuable. You guess they weren’t kidding when they say time heals all wounds.
“Are you two ever going to tell me what happened between you? You were so tense when he first started hanging out.” Yoongi says, observant as usual.
“I will. But another day,” you smile.
“No rush.” Yoongi drinks his coffee slowly, “Whenever you’re ready.”
“By the way, did it work?” Yoongi asks between sips.
You can’t help but raise your brows in question,
“Did what work?”
“Did Jungkook say anything? About being jealous?” He gives you a smirk.
“What are you talk—wait, were you purposely trying to be affectionate with me to see if Jungkook would get a rise out of it?” You ask, completely shocked. That seems almost out of character for Yoongi!
“I tried. I’m a little awkward being the first to show affection, “ he admits, “But for you, my friend, I was willing to try.” He gives you a shy smile and you feel your heart race.
“You really don’t even have to answer because I know the truth. I could see it on his face, but I was curious if he said anything to you.”
You think back to Jungkook’s birthday and well…he technically did say something to you. He was being a little crazy (jealous) but you cannot understand why. Jungkook is your friend and not to mention he has a girlfriend.
“Sorry to disappoint Yoongs, but he did not.” You decide to say.
“Did you know you avoid all eye contact when you want to lie.” Yoongi takes another sip of his coffee, his sly smile telling you he knows the truth.
“Jeez, why do you pick up on things so quickly?!” you groan, “I can’t even tell one little nothing lie in front of you.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t try to lie to me then.” He laughs. “So what did he say?”
“He just—I don’t know. He just…wanted to know what was up with you basically.”
Yoongi opens his mouth to say ‘Ah’ and then continues to drink his coffee.
“He’s not going to be rude to you or anything!” you quickly say, “he’s just a little protective over me, is all.”
“Oh? That’s all?” Yoongi teases.
“Hey…” you set your cup down and fold your hands in your lap, “What makes you think Jungkook feels the same way?”
Yoongi breathes out slowly, his fingers tapping against his mug when he looks up at you and smiles.
“There’s an obvious tension between you two, “ he starts, “The way he looks at you. That honestly gave everything away. His eyes always find you, no matter what.” Yoongi quietly chuckles, “The way he’s threatened by me. He doesn’t even try to hide it.” Yoongi thinks for a moment, “And…you two, the way you are together…god, it’s like watching two people who are in a relationship but don’t know they’re in a relationship.”
“What—what do you mean by that?” you pry further. Curious about your own dynamic with Jungkook that maybe even you can’t see.
“I don’t know like, you guys act like boyfriend and girlfriend already!” he laughs, “That’s when I knew I didn’t stand a chance.”
“It’s okay,” his gummy smile lights up his whole face, “being your friend has been so much more rewarding.”
You feel yourself smile at his words…although, you do feel bad. But keeping a friend like Yoongi around has been amazing. And maybe if you weren’t already in love with someone else…no, you shouldn’t even think that, that’s not fair.
“Thanks Yoongs.”
“We need to talk.”
Jimin is shoving his way through Jungkook’s front door, his hair pushed back in frustration like his fingers have been running through it for hours.
“Jesus man, it’s like 8 in the fucking morning.” Jungkook’s low, groggy voice booms from his chest.
“This couldn’t wait. I have to be at work at 9 and I’ve been up all night with the same one thing on my mind.” Jimin takes off his shoes and makes his way to the couch.
“And what’s that?” Jungkook asks, clearly annoyed.
“You need to tell y/n how you feel.” Jimin decides to go with the straight forward approach, he does not have the time to beat around the bush today.
Jungkook closes the door and swings around to face Jimin,
“Listen man, I’ve been racking my brain about it all fucking night. It’s got to be you. You have to do it, she won’t.”
“Why the fuck would I do that?”
“Grow the fucking balls, man!” Jimin sits back on the sofa, his head falling into the cushion.
“Look dude, I don’t know what you—”
“You’re in love with her, you have been since freshmen year. You guys fucked, I know. She didn’t talk to you for however long, I know that too. But come on man, it’s so clear how you both feel.”
Jungkook continues to stand here, not knowing what to say. Where is all this coming from?
“I have a girlfriend, Jimin.”
“Oh please, give me a fucking break.” Jimin stands up, walking towards Jungkook. “There is almost zero chemistry between you two. Like emotional chemistry…I don’t know what your sex life is like…” Jimin holds up a hand, “And I don’t want to know.”
“Wasn’t going to tell you anyway,” Jungkook pouts. “Listen, how can you be so sure y/n would even feel the same way?”
“Can’t you just fucking trust me?” Jimin yells out, exasperated.
“Did she say the words Jimin?” Jungkook becomes very serious, making Jimin shudder. “Did she tell you she has feelings for me?” his dark eyes pierce into Jimin’s.
Jimin looks down at the ground, feeling defeated.
“You know I can’t tell you that.” Jimin finally says, “You just have to have the courage man. Are you really going to go your whole life not telling her? Why torture yourself like that?”
Jungkook stands here feeling so lost, and fucking emotional. Like, he could god damn cry about it.
“Because,” Jungkook sniffles into his sleeve. “It’s guaranteed she would be in my life. I can’t risk losing her. I couldn’t handle that man…” Jungkook begins to choke up.
Jimin walks closer to Jungkook and pulls him in for a tight hug, Jungkook keeps his arms to his side.
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Jimin whispers.
“I think though…that there will be a moment where you finally have the courage…”
“I don’t know.”
“You will, Jungkook. When the timing is right…but I don’t know when that is for you two.”
“I really do love her…” Jungkook allows a few tears to slip from his closed eyes into Jimin’s shoulder. “I’m so frustrated like, all the time.” He admits, “Seeing her, talking to her, I just want to tell her how I feel. I hate how hard I have to try just to stay in the zone of friendship. But you don’t understand the risk…” Jungkook leans back, pulling away from Jimin. “If she doesn’t feel the same, I could lose her.” His puffy eyes avoid Jimin. “Can I handle a loss like that again?”
“But she…” Jimin has to bite his tongue…seeing his two best friends like this hurts his heart beyond belief.
“Yeah, I understand.” Jimin decides to say, “But I think you might be surprised.”
Jungkook pulls his brows together, his face scrunching up and he scoffs.
“Maybe, but maybe not.”
“I’m sorry to bring this all on you so early in the morning…I’ve just been so worried about you two…” Jimin starts to put his shoes back on.
“Maybe you could stay until you really need to leave for work? You still go like 45 minutes, right?” Jungkook practically begs with sad, soft eyes.
“Sure.” Jimin takes his shoes back off and grabs a hold of Jungkook’s shoulder, “Let’s sit down for a while.”
The two boys head to the couch and take a seat, leaving little space between them. Jungkook needs the presence of another human being right now, he needs to feel real live warmth. Jimin wishes he could mend Jungkook’s cracked heart but he knows only you can do that. But Jimin can try his best. The two sit in comfortable silence, the only sound that can be heard is Jungkook’s light sniffling and Jimin humming a soft tune.
“It’s almost 9.” Jimin mentions regretfully.
“I know. Thanks for staying for a bit.”
“Of course.” Jimin rises from the couch, “You guys are my best friends but you two sure are fucking idiots.” He smiles and makes his way to leave.
Bored. So fucking bored. Trina and Holly went out for dinner tonight and you were not invited! You kind of wonder what’s going on between them…but that’s a thought for another day, right now you are so fucking bored.
It’s Friday night and you don’t know what to do with yourself. Jimin has some party he’s going to tonight but you didn’t really feel like going so you rejected his invitation, Jin and the guy’s invited you over for a cookout but you said no because you didn’t feel like driving all the way to Jin’s place—you know, lazy.
And you haven’t heard from Jungkook all day so he’s probably tired from work or worse—with Vanessa. But would it hurt to try? To see what he’s up to?
y/n 9:04pm
Jungkook 9:10pm
y/n 9:12pm
Whatcha up to tonight?
Jungkook 9:13pm
Nothing really, you?
y/n 9:13pm
nothing either…
y/n 9:13pm
Wanna have a movie night with some wine?
Jungkook 9:20pm
Jungkook 9:23pm
Lemme guess, I have to bring the wine
y/n 9:23pm
Jungkook 9:50pm
I’m almost there
Not even 5 minutes later you hear your door being knocked on, and you yell a ‘come in’. Jungkook pushes the door open and finds you sitting on the couch wrapped up in your favorite blanket. He shuts the door behind him, and walks to the kitchen for some wine glasses. You two only nod at one another in greeting, getting comfortable in each others presence.
“I brought 2 bottles,” Jungkook says, “One for you, one for me.”
“Wow, you’re so smart.” You smile up at him and his heart clenches in his chest. Your smile is so special, it’s so soft and so fucking pretty he almost cannot handle it.
“Y-Yeah.” He sets the glasses down on the table that sits in front of the sofa. “What movie do you have in mind?”
“You can choose.”
“Iron Man?” “No, not that.”
“Fine.” He pouts, “Let’s find something new on Netflix.”
An hour into some random drama, you find yourself getting sleepy.
“Wakey wakey.” You feel Jungkook’s breath on your ear, you open your eyes a little wider to prove your consciousness.
“I am awake…hey,” you suddenly get an idea, “Remember a little while ago you said you felt like our friendship kind of started over?”
“Hm? Yeah?”
“Would if we do?”
“I don’t get it?” Jungkook asks clearly confused.
“Let’s play a game! Of getting to know each other better. Everything out on the table.” You say with a pleased smile, obviously loving your own idea.
“hmmmmm…” Jungkook wraps his blanket closer around his body, “Sure.”
“Yay! I’ll pull out a list of questions from the internet.” You get your phone and google a list of questions. “You ready?” you say with a wink.
“I guess so.” He playfully shrugs his shoulders and shows you a small smile.
“Okay one…What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?”
“hmm…sleeping in, working out, playing video games, making videos, sleeping some more, hanging out with you.”
“Wow, honored.” You tease. “For me, it’s sleeping all day.”
“That’s it? That’s your whole answer?” Jungkook giggles.
“What type of music are into to?”
“y/n…” Jungkook whines, “You already know these answers…”
“We’re pretending we don’t!”
“Fine, I like almost all genres but I really prefer ballads.”
“I like music with meaningful lyrics,” you say.
“I agree.” Jungkook grins at you.
“Next…Do you have a favorite holiday. Why or why not?”
Jungkook nibbles on his lips as he thinks…is he honest?
“I use to hate holidays.” He admits softly, slightly slurring thanks to the wine, “But now it’s Christmas and New Year’s. And why? Both reasons are because of you.”
You feel your cheeks become warmer and probably pinker.
“Mine too.” You say quickly, “Next,” you are in a rush to change the subject. “Do you want a family of your own?”
“One day, yes. With the right person…”
“I’m the same.” You scroll through the questions, “If you had only one sense…hearing, touch, sight, etc, which would you want?”
“Touch. Imagine not being able to feel things?” Jungkook asks, he thinks about not being able to feel the soft touch of sheets on a bed, the feel of your hair between his fingers, your skin, your lips—wait, he needs to chill. “Yeah, touch.”
“Really? I would choose sight.” You say, “Who do you admire most in this world?”
“Mom.” Jungkook whispers, “She was so strong, she went through so much yet still found the strength to love me.”
“You.” Your hand finds Jungkook’s, you hold on to him softly, “My answer is you.”
“y/n…” Jungkook leans into your side, “Thank you.”
You clear you throat and continue scrolling through your phone, looking for the next question.
“If you found out today is your last day on Earth, what would you do?”
“Exactly what I’m doing right now.”
“Honestly? Me too.” You whisper, you feel your heart beginning to race as you and Jungkook admit that if it were your last day, you would spend it together. Somehow the thought almost seems romantic to you…that’s obviously your imagination but you can dream.
“What’s the last thing you do at night?”
Jungkook wiggles his brows at you and you hit his arm, laughing.
“Gross.” You giggle. “Something besides that.”
“What? You think it’s gross to mast—”
“Don’t!” you yell out laughing. “Don’t be gross.”
“Everyone does it y/n…I bet even you.” Jungkook voice goes low. “in fact, I have a question for you.” Jungkook scoots closer to you, “When was the last time you got yourself off?” your eyes go wide, “It’s not like you’re seeing anyone…unless you and Yoon—”
“No!” You begin to panic, “I’m not seeing anyone, you’re right.”
Jungkook releases a long breath and he smiles, “Thought so.” Then he’s scooting even closer to you.
“How do you touch yourself y/n?” He slurs out, “With your fingers only? Perhaps you use a vibrator?”
You push your head back in shock, there’s no way in hell Jungkook just asked you that? Is he drunk? Barely.
“Why do you want to know that?” you scoot a little closer to him too.
“Best friends know this type of stuff about each other all the time, don’t they?”
“Not really…but I’ll play. I use both.”
Jungkook raises a brow in amusement, he bites on his bottom lip as his smirks at you.
“You own a vibrator?” Jungkook chuckles darkly, “How come I didn’t know?”
“Why would I tell you that?”
“I bet Jimin knows.”
“Fine, he does.”
Jungkook narrows his eyes at you as he tries to hold in his slight laughter, his hand comes to his mouth and he chuckles into it.
“Thought so…when’s the last time you used it?”
“Last night before bed.”
“So, it’s the last thing you did at night?” Jungkook points his finger at you knowingly and you can’t help but laugh.
“Okay, I see where this is going. Fine, I get. We all masturbate. It’s completely normal and not gross and a totally valid answer for something you do before bed.” You throw your hands up as you giggle.
“Thank you.” Jungkook knees touch yours as he scoots just an inch closer, “But I wasn’t trying to make a point, I was genuinely curious about you.” He admits in a deep voice and you squeeze your thighs together, an action that does not go unnoticed by him. His eyes land to your lap and he chuckles. His voice is so low and inviting as he speaks, “Are you curious about me too?”
“What do you mean?”
“About when’s the last time I—”
“Fine, when’s the last time?” you ask lightly.
“Right before I came here.” He admits easily.
You and Jungkook stare at one another for what feels like at least an hour but in reality probably seconds. But his dark gaze is so raw and powerful, you find yourself leaning into his space.
“The last time I used my vibrator was yes, last night. But the last time I touched myself was tonight. Before you arrived.”
Jungkook nods his head in understanding, or maybe it’s approval? Either way he nods his head as a sly smile creeps on his lips.
“Can I ask you what you thought about?” Even Jungkook widens his eyes in surprise as he asks that. Where did that confidence come from? “Sorry that’s TMI.” He quickly rushes to say, not wanting to really hear your answer because he shouldn’t know what you fantasize about especially if he’s not in said fantasies.
You lean your head back and snicker. You wish you had the fucking courage to tell him the truth. Him. You thought about him.
In your fantasy his head was between your legs, licking you up and making you squirm. He would moan into your greedy cunt, basking in your juices. God, you can just picture it now. His mouth and nose covered in you, the shine on his face evidence of how well he’s eaten you. His fingers still buried inside you as he lifts his head up to smirk down at you, his hair a fucking mess from how much you have tugged on it.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t thinking about it right now and getting so heavily turned on. Your chest heaves just a little more than usual, and there’s an ache between your legs that you wish Jungkook would soothe. Your fantasy of him going down on you? You took that straight from your memories.
“Not going to say anything?” Jungkook leans in a little closer.
“Sorry, just thinking.”
Jungkook’s eyes expand as he processes what you just say until—
“Wait, wait. That came out wrong.” Your hands scramble to hold on to his shoulders. “I mean, I was thinking about you. But not like that.” You lie. Because you have to lie.
“Oh…right, that makes sense.” Jungkook visibly deflates at your confession.
“Anyway, yeah. That’s a TMI for sure.” You laugh awkwardly and Jungkook leans back away from you.
“For sure.” Jungkook leans back on the sofa, “So, what’s the next question?”
“Ever had a threesome?” you ask from your own brain.
“You already know I have.”
“With two girls or with another guy…?”
“Two girls.”
“Would you ever with another guy?”
“Maybe if it’s with a girl that doesn’t mean something to me…but if it’s with someone I care about, probably not. I think I may be too possessive. Don’t wanna share.”
“Ah, I see.”
“What about you?”
“I would do both.” You admit. “Sounds like fun…”
“It is fun,” Jungkook laughs, “But there’s something special about just being with one person, if it’s special…”
“Have you ever had sex with someone special?”
Oh. Jungkook’s never been in a serious relationship since you’ve known him so you weren’t expecting him to answer that with a yes…but he is with Vanessa now. So obviously…
“I see.”
“What’s the next question?”
“I’m looking up a new list. It’s kind of sexy, is that okay?”
“A list of dirty questions? I’m down.” Jungkook smirks and you feel the heat between your legs grow.
“Okay the first one is asking if you’re a virgin and I think the whole town knows the answer to that…”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?!”
You laugh out, “Nothing, nothing.” Then continue scrolling, “Okay, opinion on shower sex?”
“Hmm, I’ve done, and I will do it again.”
“For me, it’s a little uncomfortable but I’ll do it,” you say, “boob or butt guy?”
“Fuck. Both of them, can I say both?” Jungkook pleads and you giggle.
“Sure, both.” Your eyes light up when you find the next question. “Oooh. What is your most embarrassing sex story?”
“Oh god…okay. When I was in high school I was getting head from this girl…”
“Uh huh…and then?”
“We got caught by our teacher and that’s a total mood killer right?”
“Well, when the teacher was scolding me I popped another boner. And I was wearing sweats so it was super obvious and she was trying so hard not to make it obvious. But I don’t know, my body betrayed me.”
“You got hard from getting scolded?”
You burst out into giggles, the story absolutely killing you. Who does that? Who pops a boner from getting scolded…by their fucking teacher?
“Your turn, your turn.”
“Okay…one time I was giving head…”
“Uh huh…and then?” he copies you.
“And I guess I swallowed his cum too fast because it shot out of my nose like milk.”
“What the fuck y/n.” Jungkook laughs out hysterically. “That’s so awesome.”
“It wasn’t awesome Jungkook, it was embarrassing.”
“In what world is someone’s perspective on this awesome?” “Mine.”
“Well, you’re fucking weird.
“Maybe so.” Jungkook continues to laugh, “What’s next?”
“Do you prefer to give or receive?”
“Who doesn’t love to receive? That’s obvious. But me? I am a giver, 100%”
And he’s right. Hence why you’re able to use the memory of him going down on you as good masturbation material.
“I see.”
“I think I am a giver too.” You look down at your phone, “But who doesn’t love to receive?”
“You do give nicely.” Jungkook whispers, “Anyway what’s the next one?”
“Do you like sexting?”
“Fucking love it. I love the dirty words and pictures.” He admits.
“Yeah, me too.”
What would it be like to be texting Jungkook throughout the work day, sending one another your dirtiest fantasies and pictures to go along with it.
“I’ll read the next one now…If I came home from work stressed, how you do you relax me?” your eyes go wide when you realize, “Wait, pretends it’s asking about someone else. So a girl you’re with comes home from work stressed, how do you relax her?”
Jungkook is quiet for a few moments, he chews on his bottom lip and breathes out heavily.
“How would I relax you? I mean, some girl?”
“First, I would kiss you breathless.”
“You mean her.”
“Right. I would kiss her lips over and over, taking off one article of clothing at a time, sit her down on the couch while I make my way into the kitchen…pour her a glass of her favorite wine and hand it to her. Then I would kiss down her body, telling her sweet words. How much I love her, how much I missed her today, how much she means to me. I will kiss down until I am taking off her pants along with her underwear…” “And then?” you breathe out.
“Kiss her sweet, soft skin…taste her. Taste how fucking good she tastes. Eat her out while she sips on her wine…”
“Oh nice.” You laugh a little.
“Make her come all over my tongue, getting her drunk on her orgasm.”
“And her wine.” You point out.
“Yes, both. After she comes, I will kiss back up her body and hold her.” Jungkook releases short breath after the other. “Make her feel wanted.”
“That does sound relaxing…”
“You like?”
“Then maybe—”
“Next question is ‘What turns you on almost instantly?”
“Dirty talk.”
“I see.”
“You have to answer too, remember?”
“My stomach being touched.” You admit. “How do you feel about toys?”
“Not against them, could be fun to try out.”
“I agree…how do you feel about blindfolds?”
“You answer first.” Jungkook says shyly.
“I’m into it.”
“Being blinded? Or blinding someone?”
“Both? Yes, both.”
“Fuck, me too.” He folds his arms behind him as he leans back further into the sofa.
“Both for you too?”
“Yes. It would be boring if I was only into one thing right?”
You laugh, “Yes, I think we think similarly.”
“Very.” You smile at him and he smirks, “Would you like to watch me touch myself?”
“—Wait, like your partner, not me.” You both say at the same time.
“Oh, well yes.” Jungkook says again. “Watching your fingers travel down to your pussy, rubbing your clit…well, not you but you get my point.” He says, his breathing becoming heavy again.
“Oh. I would also like to watch you.”
“But not me.”
“Spit or swallow?”
“I like a girl who swallows.”
“I like to swallow most times and if I don’t swallow it’s because I’m letting the guy come on my face or my tits or—”
“God damn it, y/n.” Jungkook breathes out erratically. His hand goes to his crotch as he tries to hide his growing member.
“Rough or sensual?”
“Fuck. Both, definitely both.”
“I agree. Why not both all the time?” you squeeze your thighs together again as you watch Jungkook shift uncomfortably in his seat on the couch.
“Would you let me pleasure you as you drive? I mean, your partner. Sorry it’s just the way the questions read…”
“Yes. I would.”
“Seems a bit unsafe…but I would give it a try.” You say, “Do you like your hair to be pulled?” you ask with a smirk, already knowing the answer.
“Fucking love it.” He admits between heavy breaths, “But I like to pull hair too.” He winks.
“I do too, but I prefer being the one pulling.” You wink back. “Are you quiet during sex?”
“I—I don’t know…Am I?” Jungkook looks into your eyes, and you blank. Is he actually referring to the time you two had sex? Without him getting weird? “You aren’t the quietest.” You admit, “But it’s so fucking hot.”
“Well, you definitely aren’t quiet.” He says, “Can barely touch you and you’re already whimpering out.”
“Depends who the guy is.”
“Well, when it’s with me…sorry, I shouldn’t bring that up.”
“Right…” your fingers find their way into Jungkook’s hair, “But why not?”
“y/n…” he warns and you chuckle.
“What?” you decide to play innocent. “It was so long ago, Jungkook. We should be able to talk about it by now.”
But Jungkook can’t. Because although it’s almost been 4 years, it’s still so fresh for him. Not just the feeling of being inside you but the emotional shit he was feeling too.
“I’ll tell you one thing and one thing only about that night,” Jungkook decides to say, his hand goes to yours and gently places it back in your lap. “It felt so fucking good.” He whispers out and you feel all the heat in your body rush to your aching pussy.
“Oh.” You breathe out erratically. “I guess, I would have to agree.”
“Should we sleep soon?” Jungkook leans back as he asks you this.
“Don’t you want me to share one thing about that night?”
“You…felt so…good…inside me…” you say between deep breaths.
“You felt even better, y/n.”
It’s Saturday morning, and you find yourself waking up on the couch, a big blanket draped around your body and you can’t help but snuggle into it, not wanting to get up quite yet.
On the other side of the couch is a still sleeping Jungkook, his light snores filling your ears. You two didn’t even finish your wine last night, so you are waking up hang over free. The sun is shining today, it’s rays peeking through your window blinds and you want to throw the blanket over your head to hide yourself from the brightness but you decide to actually wake up and get up instead.
You throw the blanket off your body and on to Jungkook, who gratefully takes it and cuddles deeper into the covers. You stand up and head towards the bathroom to wash up, turning on a hot shower.
You wonder what you’ll be up to today, will you stay in? Go out? Hang with the girls? By the way, did they ever come home last night? You stop by Holly’s room to find it empty. Interesting, you guess they went to Trina’s.
The shower is ready for you so you slip in and let the warm water cascade over your tired body. You shampoo, condition and wash your body, when you hear insistent knowing on the bathroom door.
“y/n!!! I gotta pee!!” Jungkook’s worried voice is heard over the running water, “That’s it, I’m coming in okay?!”
And before you can respond, you hear the door being swung open and Jungkook lifting the toilet seat lid up and releasing himself. You fucking laugh. He literally says ‘Aaahhh’ for the same amount of time he is peeing.
“Fucking finally, I thought I was going to piss myself.” He says when he’s finishing up.
“Sorry.” You reply lamely. “Shower felt too good to leave.”
“Well, hurry up so we can go get something to eat. I’m so hungry!”
“Okay, okay.” And with that, Jungkook is leaving the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
You finish washing up, stepping out of the shower and drying off. You quickly leave the bathroom in just your towel to head to your bedroom. Thankfully, Jungkook is on the couch watching some show on Netflix—too busy to notice your half naked state.
You get dressed in a rush, not wanting Jungkook to wait much longer for you. You settle for some jeans and a cute yellow shirt.
“I like yellow on you.” Jungkook says when he sees you. “Pretty.”
You are sure your cheeks are turning a nice shade of red at his compliment but you cover them with your hands to hide yourself.
“Thanks JK.”
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lavishedinjimin · 4 years
Crybaby - 3 (m)
— synopsis: he calls you crybaby, crybaby. but you don’t fucking care.
alt: Jungkook doesn’t want to leave you.
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↳ pairing: jungkook x reader
↳ genre: smut, fluff
↳ rating: r-18/18+
↳ word count: 12k
↳ warnings: the usual dom!jk x sub! reader, ddlg themes, reader is small in height, degrading terms, he’s aggressive this chapter YIKES, jungkook gets turned on seeing you cry, manhandling, uses of rope and a vibrator, kinky sex, size kink, multiple orgasms, rough intercourse, jk’s a sadist, throat fucking, dirty talk, teasing, very possessive jk, and aftercare!!! there’s also some tooth melting fluff to (hopefully) balance everything out ;)
A/n: Before anything else, I want to repeat saying that everything written here is purely fictional, consensual, and doesn’t mirror the mentioned artists’ personality in real life.
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Jungkook thinks you’re the most adorable person in the entire world.
“How did you even fall in love with me?” you ask innocently, resting your head on his lap as you both let Edward Scissorhands play in the background. You didn’t even want to watch it in the first place but of course, a little bit of his desperate ‘please’ and puppy eyes always wins your meek heart.
He wraps his hand around your jaw, leaning down to kiss your lips tenderly. Giggling from the sudden impromptu kiss, you feel his soft, supple lips fondle with your own so gingerly. His grip on you tightens before he pulls away with a smirk, noticing the blush on your cheeks.
“So suddenly, baby?” Jungkook mutters as he feeds you a spoonful of Reese’s ice cream he holds in one hand. Looking down at your endearing face, he replies, “Don’t you remember our arcade date? That’s when I confessed my love to you.”
“Yeah, but…” you ponder, “Did you plan it all along?”
Jungkook shuts his eyes before giggling, his dimples peeking through his cheeks. Watching black strands of hair fall down right in front of his eyes as you gaze at him in confusion. Jungkook just sits there. “Well, there’s this exact moment when I knew that I just had to make you mine.”
With your eyes slowly expanding, you try to hide the smile that was slowly creeping up your face. He places the spoon inside the tub, letting his hand stroke your delicate cheek. “Wanna know what it was, baby girl?”
The way how fast you nodded your head was a little bit embarrassing. He grins nonetheless, “So…”
“Y/n,” Jungkook’s arm snakes around your waist before he tugs you closer to him. He gazes down at you with a smile before he points to the shelf full of toys and stuffed animals. “Which one do you like?”
Gulping, you stare at him with furrowed eyebrows, “Why?”
He doesn’t hesitate to answer, “Because I’m gonna win as many tickets as I possibly can to get it for you.”
You didn’t know how to respond for your shyness takes over you once again. On the other hand, Jungkook finds this so charming about you.
“The pink penguin…perhaps?” you mumble.
Jungkook immediately walks closer to approach the male employee behind the counter and inquires, “Excuse me, but how many tickets to get that penguin over there?”
You giggle as you watch how serious he looked as if talking about a huge business deal with his arms crossed together.
The man replies with a bright smile, “1500 tickets, that is!”
“That’s a lot—” you exhale.
“Let’s go, Y/n!” he abruptly pulls you by the arm and tugs you along with him, “I’m gonna get that lil’ penguin for you, baby.”
Your heart swells at the petname. It wasn’t his first time saying it, you just can’t get used to it.
Even though this was the fifth date, the post-nervousness was still there. Before he picked you up from work, your hands were sweating bizarrely. It wasn’t like you weren’t comfortable with him, no, you were always at ease when you’re with him. The reason for the nervousness was you haven’t been in a relationship with someone for so long, and Jungkook has his bars set up high. 
Plus, it was overwhelming in a good way; Jungkook was the confident type and he likes to display how much he adores you – either in private or public places, he didn’t care. As long as he can properly show how much he likes you.  
The arcade has a very 80s feel to it, with a color scheme of mostly red, yellow, and blue. It was lively and has a fun atmosphere going around. Children were running around with their parents, eager to search for another machine to take over, teenage boys were competing against each other in a game of Tekken, and a lot of girls were having a blast inside the Karaoke rooms. 
While time goes on in the arcade, you never realized that he was super competitive. “Y/n, I’m gonna beat this record, watch me.” He says in a deep tone as though wanting to sound serious, stretching his arms to prepare for the punching machine.
“Are you sure?” you chuckle as you hold all of you two’s well-earned tickets from the past hours, “The record is 877. Are you even strong enough?”
You could’ve sworn to yourself that it was an innocent, genuine question. But Jungkook, on the other hand, turns behind to look at you with those dark yet sensual eyes. He precipitously cracks his knuckles, succeeding to intimidate you.
“What a weird question, Y/n,” he says sarcastically with a smirk daubed on his face, “I don’t think you know how powerful I am, babe.”
As soon as those words left his lips, he turns back around in a flash, swinging his right arm with all his might until his fist crashes against the punching bag. You let out a loud gasp, mouth forming into a beaming wide grin as the machine slightly thuds from the harsh impact.
Still, he doesn’t look at the score and he looks at you with a cocky grin, boldly spreading his arms out.
“Kook—” you snort.
“What did I tell you, Y/n? I’m the strongest man you know.”
“Sure but,” you cover your mouth to prevent yourself from laughing too loud, “You s-scored 878!”
Jungkook whips around instantly. Surely, surely he didn’t win by only 1 single point! He groans and stomps his foot like a little child. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
You couldn’t control your laughter anymore as you reach out to him, hugging his body from behind. Jungkook throws his head back in despair while he places his hands on top of yours. Your hug felt warm and soft, feeling your cheek pressed up against him. Jungkook turns you around until he was face to face with you.
“You’re so small,” he practically whispers underneath his breath. He places his long, slender index finger below your chin and tilts your head up. Then with his other hand, he uses it to remove the lost strands of hair away from your face. “So fucking cute.”
You can’t help but look away as your body freezes in place. And once again, you feel yourself wanting to crawl into a little ball and hide from everyone from how tough he was staring at you. There was a fuzzy, fiery feeling going on inside your system that you can’t seem to handle.
“Nuh-uh, keep those pretty eyes on me.” He applies just the right amount of force on your chin and angles your head to look up.
Your breathing almost stops at that single sentence.
Jungkook looked like as if numerous of thoughts were running through his brain. His eyes were not only fixated on yours but were darting all over. He memorizes the pattern on your face; the distance between your nose to your mouth, the little creases near your eyes, your moles, and even the little pimples you had on your temples, he thinks you’re so beautiful. Too beautiful to handle.
‘How can a person look so perfect?’ He asks himself.
Oh, how soft your voice is. His mouth curves into a gentle smile for he can’t help himself but pull you closer.
“People are staring.”
Jungkook scoffs quietly, “Let them stare, Y/n. This is our world and they’re just living in it.”
You had a tough, long day at work and this date really made your day better. You were laughing and having fun with Jungkook the whole time, experiencing one of the most enjoyable days you’ve ever had. It was as if all of your problems went away whenever you’re with him. You and he played almost every game in the arcade, except for the Dance Dance machine which was sadly under maintenance. You were really looking forward to beating him in Dance Revolution because he insists that he’s a good dancer. He has yet to prove that to you! 
“Yes! I won!” You yelled, turning your hands into a fist after successfully beating Jungkook at the Hockey table. He chuckles when you stuck your tongue out at him like a child.
“I obviously allowed you to win that one, babe,” he playfully rolls his eyes. “I mean, you have to win at least something, right?”
“Hey!” you pout, treading heavily to his side. Jungkook gawks down at you with his brows raised. “I won because I’m good at it, okay?”
“Aww,” he teases, “Alright then little one. Say whatever you want.”
“You’re so,” you gulp, “so m-mean.”
Jungkook looks around the arcade, zooming his eyes all over the place until he spots an ice-cream seller just outside the building.
An idea pops up inside his mind.
“I’ll treat you some ice cream, how’s that?”
He notices how your eyes glimmer as if little shining stars replaced your pupils. You nod frantically.
“Yeah? Alright, wait for me here, okay? And in the meantime, how about you turn in all of our tickets, and let’s see if we can get the penguin stuffie.”
“Okay,” you jitter excitedly, holding the stack of tickets tighter. You watch him walk out of the area, catching the way he pulls out his black leather wallet from the back pocket of his jeans.
Making your way down the hallway to the main entrance where the ticket eaters are, you smile at a couple of strangers who had their eyes on you. When you arrived, you can’t take your eyes off of the shelves full of plushies. Especially the pink penguin that you were after. You had an instinct to squint your eyes at the toy as if having a little staring contest with it while the machine consumes and counts all of the tickets.
After a little while, you hear Jungkook’s voice calling your name.
“Y/n!” he shouts, holding up two cookies and cream ice cream cones, “come, come!”
You sprinted. You didn’t know why you were so excited to get the ice cream, leaving the tickets counting all alone behind you.
“Yaaay! Ice cr—oomph!” 
There was a step slightly higher towards the exit and your feet immediately collides against it. Like a quick wisp of air, your body smashes upon the hard, cold cemented floor. A loud, painful cry escapes your lips as you close your eyes, trying to endure the building pain on your forearms and knees.
‘This is so embarrassing!’ you say in your mind, struggling to regain your composure. 
People around you looked, some tried to hide their obvious laughter by covering their mouths, but none helped.
Jungkook saw everything. Quickly handing the ice cream back to the vendor, saying that ‘he’ll come back for it’, he dashes to where you are and handles your fallen body with utmost care.
“Hey, hey baby,” he whispers, placing his hands on your underarms to lift you up with ease, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
His heart drops to his stomach right when you looked up at him with your big, teary eyes.
“Oh god,” Jungkook’s voice weakens, “No, no, don’t cry baby girl, don’t cry…”
You were so humiliated. You shouldn’t have run so fast like that, you should’ve watched your step! Now everyone will look at you weirdly!
Whimpering when Jungkook makes you walk, you shake your head to show that it hurts as you try to hold back your tears. “Ohh, Y/n,” he sighs before he lifts you up, and carries you to a nearby brown bench just outside the arcade. He crouches before you, “Does your knees hurt, hmm?” his hands caress your exposed legs up and down, trying his best to soothe you.
Biting your lip, you nod slowly.
“Aw, goodness,” he leans closer to you and kisses your forehead, “What did you do, huh? You should’ve been more careful and watched your step.” He clicks his tongue, making a ‘tsk’ sound, “Good thing there’s no scratches.”
The stern, strict tone of his voice caused you to look away and hang your head low. “S-Sorry…” you sniffed.
A single tear flows out of your right eye and it slowly treads down your cheek. Jungkook was quick to notice, wiping your tear away with his thumb. “Hey, it’s okay baby.” He reaches your hand and gives it a little kiss, “Don’t cry now, hmm? Look at me,” he tilts your head up with a single finger underneath your chin, “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You’re okay, you’re with me.”
You only stared at him with glossy eyes, not giving a reply. However, Jungkook’s mind comes up with a plan. “Wait here Y/n, okay? I’ll be right back.”
“No!” you whine, shaking your head. Your hands grab onto his muscular biceps as you try to pull him closer.
He chuckles quietly and holds your face in his big, warm hands, his eyes staring deep into yours. “I won’t be going far, baby girl, I’m not leaving you alone, yeah? Stay here for me, I’ll be back in a quick second.” With a final kiss on top of your head, he shuffles back inside the arcade, leaving you alone on the bench while the soft, supple air kisses your skin. The wind whooshes your hair to one side, causing a few strands to get caught in your mouth. You hiked your knees up to your stomach, hugging yourself in search of comfort.
You never want to go inside that arcade ever again.
A few moments have passed and you see Jungkook walking back to you with a huge grin on his face, hands behind his back as if hiding something.
Your mood instantly picks up again when he surprises you with the soft, pink penguin stuffie, handing it over to you with a big smile. You eagerly reached your arms out to grab for the toy, but he doesn’t give it to you just yet. 
“Uh-uh, promise me you won’t be sad anymore?”
“I promise!” you giggle, eyes laid still on the penguin. “Gimme!”
“Right,” he sighs amusingly, “Here you go, babe.” Jungkook laughs from how fast you snatched the stuffie away from him. He looks at you with love as you cuddled the toy in your arms, pressing your cheeks against it.
In the meantime, he leaves you to get the ice creams that the vendor was still keeping an eye on the entire time. Jungkook pays him and apologizes for the wait, before coming back to you with two cones in each hand.
“Ice cream,” he gives you your cone, “for my crybaby.”
Jungkook, somehow – as crazy as it may sound – feels his chest warming up from the sight of you. How come he likes seeing you this way? Something about taking care of you drives his heart pounding. Was it because you look so cute, yet so vulnerable? Or was it his caretaking, nurturing personality that was beginning to emerge? Whatever it was, Jungkook was fond of it.
Jungkook walks you back home, his hand intertwined with yours, while you carry your penguin toy that you named Perry. 
“Perry?” Jungkook chuckles amusingly, “Like Perry the Platypus?” 
“Nope!” you shake your head with a serious glint in your face, “Perry the Pink Penguin!” 
“Well that’s just horrific.” 
The air around the two of you was great – it wasn’t hot nor cold either. You two had little sweet talks and short conversations here and there as your shoes brush along the paved sidewalks.
When you both end up in your doorstep, you bid Jungkook goodbye. “Thank you for today, Kook,” you speak shyly, “And um, for this—” you refer to the penguin stuffie. He chuckles but not a word has been spoken. So you continue, “I-I also want to say sorry… for uh… because you had to see me cry…”
“No, no, it’s alright with me,” Jungkook quickly reassures you, enveloping your small figure into a hug, leaning down so that his chin rests on top of your head. “It doesn’t bother me. In fact, uh, Y/n?”
You raise your brows, pulling out of the hug to stare at him, “Yeah?”
Jungkook gulps the ball that has been formed in his throat, looking away from your beautiful face for a moment before recollecting his thoughts, “I’ve…I’ve thought about this for a while now. Like a really long time.”
You listen with your mouth slightly agape, watching him get a little flustered.
“I really really fucking like you, Y/n. I know you know that already.”
Your heart beats a little faster.
“And I want to spend more time with you. There’s not a day where I don’t think about you. Almost every second of my mind is filled with you and your pretty smile. I w-want to treat you and take care of you everyday without having to think twice. So, uh, if you want can you…can you be my girl—”
Jungkook was taken aback from your quick reply. His eyes slightly expand as the corner of his lips curve up, “Yes?”
“Yes! I-I’ll be your girlfriend.”
Jungkook’s heart was filled with joy and ecstasy for he was so glad that you felt the same way. He lifts your body up and spins you around, causing you to squeal and hold onto his shoulders.
“You’re mine now, Y/n. Fucking finally.”
*end of flashback*
“What do you mean?! So the entire time we were playing games at that arcade… the moment you fell in love with me was when I cried because I tripped?!” You bellowed, sitting up straight on the couch as Jungkook laughs his ass off from your reaction.
“Well, obviously it’s not only that! That moment just sticks to my mind a lot. You’re too adorable when you cry.” Jungkook smirks on the last sentence, having two meanings behind it. 
You huff, standing up to head to the bedroom. “Hey, where are you going baby?” With him still giggling, he tries to catch your arm.
“Bedroom! I’m scared of Edward Scissorhands. You’re weird, Jungkook.”
“I’ll be with you after I finish my ice cream!”
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Being a graphic designer can be challenging yet enjoyable at the same time. You get to do what you love which was drawing and editing digital photos, yet the only downfall was that you had to work in an office building. Being an introvert, having a lot of people around your workplace was a lot to get used to.
But thankfully, you have Jimin.
Not only is he one of your best friends, but he was also a senior designer who is assigned to you – his inferior.
Sometimes you two can’t even get a single thing done because all you both did was fool around your office, instead of him guiding you and teaching you the ropes.
“Hey, Y/n!” Jimin gleams as he walks inside the office room, hands in his pockets. He was wearing black fitted pants and a white long-sleeved shirt tucked inside. “Have you ate yet?”
You stretch your arms out, twisting your body side to side to crack your bones. “Uh, yeah! I ate two cups of ramen before you got here.”
He smiles at you, “That’s good. Anyway, are we still working on the designs for our Christmas calendar?” Jimin sits across from you, eyeing all of the scattered papers filled with colorful drawings.
“Mhm! This is my fourth edit. Director didn’t like my designs,” you pout.
“That’s why you need my help, Y/n.” He speaks slowly with his eyes squinting, enunciating his words, “Me and no one else.”
“Sure.” You roll your eyes.
“That’s no way to talk to your superior!”
Meanwhile, Jungkook tilts his head to the side in dismay when he gets stuck in the long traffic. He was on the way to your office building to pick you up from work, but of course, it just had to be a busy Monday today. No cars were moving even a single inch, the whole highway motionless that causes Jungkook to zone out a little bit.
Zoning out isn’t a good move for Jungkook for he tends to think about the most ridiculous, absurd things ever.
But suddenly, as if his thoughts were infatuated by a demon, the image of your sobbing, fucked-out face flashes in his mind. He unconsciously bites on his lower lip, remembering how much your little body shuddered, and how you keep withering around the bed from even the slightest of touch.
“Shit,” Jungkook breathes out, feeling uncomfortable in his seat. He shuffles around until he finds a good position, sensing a tightness in his pants. He recalls how he got so turned on just from your sensitivity, the way you were whimpering and trying your best to hold back your tears.
Knowing that he’s the only person that can make you cry from having sex really strokes his ego. Before he had you, he didn’t know that he had a kink for making his significant other cry during intercourse. 
It may be just the sadistic side of him getting fueled up whenever he sees your tears, he can’t explain how much it drives him wild.
Jungkook smirks while he rests his elbow on the car door as his fingers play with his lip. He’s cocky about the fact that he can make you sob and quiver like that. Make you turn so fucking submissive and obedient for him, letting him take over and control your frail, poor body.
He remembers the first time he discovers your filthy kinks and fantasies, how baffled he was to know that an innocent, shy girl like you can be so wild. It was always the ones you don’t expect to have a freaky side.
Jungkook grunts as his hand grip the steering wheel a little tighter, knuckles turning white. He chuckles to himself as the raging boner hardens beneath his black ripped jeans, almost being a little too painful to bear. He hears your cries of pleasure ringing in his ears, the way you whimpered so cutely every time, your sobs growing louder and louder, he loves those noises. Thankfully, the traffic eases up and cars finally move.
“Oh, Y/n,” Jungkook mutters whilst shaking his head, “What an angel you are.”
If it weren’t for the traffic lights that always reminded him to slow down, Jungkook would’ve driven in light-speed just to see you again. His dirty thoughts that won’t go away was making him impatient and hornier. 
When he successfully arrives at the building, he speed-walks to the elevator, heading to the second floor. Jungkook taps his foot impatiently, crossing his arms together. “Fucking hell,” he grunts as his mind keeps repeating images of your cute body trying to take his dick, how your legs shake, or the way your eyes couldn’t keep themselves open from the pleasure he was giving you. He sighs with a little grin on his face, “Why am I like this?”
The door opens and he makes his way to your area, knowing which hallways and turns he has to make thanks from his previous visits. He makes long, quick strides until he finally reaches your office.
But the excited smile that was once planted in his face fades away when he spots you from outside the window, with Jimin behind you. Jungkook feels his body tense when Jimin leans his body from behind, his arms trapping your upper body with his cheek pressed against your face.
“What the fuck?”
Jungkook’s blood boils and he feels himself getting enraged. Why were you letting him touch you like that? He knows that Jimin’s only a friend, but he was not supposed to act all touchy like that with a girl who’s already taken. It made Jungkook furious to see some other man holding his girl like that – for he was supposed to be the only one. The only arms that are supposed to wrap around your body are his.
He tries to calm down. Jungkook really does attempt to calm down but his nerves don’t stop heating up. With a shaky exhale, he grabs his phone from his back pocket and calls your number to test if you’ll pick up.
“Oh, wait, is that your phone?” Jimin asks, “Someone’s calling you.”
You giggle while you make your way to the desk while dragging Jimin behind you. Your phone displayed Jungkook’s name – although it made your heart skip a beat – you declined the call.
“Huh,” Jungkook scoffs, smirking wrathfully. He doesn’t even try to wonder why you didn’t pick up. He feels irritated and all the flirty, playful mood he once had was gone in a single moment.
You jump in surprise when the door swings open, revealing a very angry Jungkook making his way to your desk. Jimin instantly distances himself away from you.
“B-Babe!” you laugh nervously, palms getting sweaty. You quickly glance at Jimin, sending him a worried look before turning your attention back to Jungkook. Your boyfriend stands tall across the desk with his arms crossed, glaring at you with a lifted eyebrow. “You’re here e-early!”
He doesn’t reply.
Unwillingly, you clasp your hands behind your back and your head hangs low from Jungkook’s intimidating, hard glare, falling right into submission. You gulp from the immense tension that builds up in the room.
“Uh…I’ll be heading off—” Jimin says, making his way to the exit but Jungkook doesn’t speak a single word to him, nor to you. 
You take this chance to gather all of your belongings, packing your laptop, tablet, and shoving all of your papers inside your tote bag in a rush. 
“So we’re allowed to let other people touch us, hmm, Y/n?” He runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. His head was tilted up although his gaze looks down on you. 
“I-It doesn’t mean anything!” you feel your knees getting wobbly, wanting to just disappear from the harsh look he was giving you. 
He rolls his eyes, “Of fucking course it doesn’t. But tell me, Y/n, if it were the other way around. If you saw some other girl’s face pressed against fucking mine while she had her arms around me, would you like it?” With your feet shuffling against the floor in fear, you look away from him. “Huh? Would you like seeing some other girl in your place?” 
“No. That’s correct. So I have the right to be fucking angry.” 
Jungkook rushes forward, “Why didn’t you answer your phone, hmm?” he slams his hand on the desk, causing you to gasp. “Y/n?”
While your eyes look down on the ground, you can hear the heel of his boots clicking against the floor, walking closer to you. The air that surrounds the two of you immediately thickens, and you weren’t a fan of the tense atmosphere at all.
“I was w-working—”
“Bullshit.” He grips your jaw tightly in one hand, forcing you to angle your head up and look at him. “Don’t fucking lie to me.”
Your heart clenches and drops down to the floor from the stringent attitude of his voice. You mewl when he tightens his grip and feverishly rattles your head side to side. “Use your fucking words.”
“I…w-was…” you stammer, “talking with Jimin.” Instant regret fills your mind and body for even being so close with Jimin when you should’ve answered his call. “I’m sorry—!”
“Save your sorry’s for later. I won’t be accepting your apologies soon enough, brat.”
He releases his grip on you and walks away without sparing you another glance. “We’ve been together for so long, Y/n. Haven’t you learned that I don’t like it when other men oggle you up?” Jungkook turns back around, lifting the hems of his long-sleeves so that it exposes his forearms. “If I wasn’t here, you would’ve allowed him to keep touching you like that, right? Yes or no?” 
You immediately shake your head, “N-No!” 
“No? Really...” he laughs darkly, “Please, Y/n, I wasn’t born yesterday. Since he’s ‘just a friend’ I still think you would’ve let him touch you. I know you, I see right past your fucking lies.” 
He wasn’t wrong, and you feel so guilty. So guilty that all you wanted to do was to hug him and apologize, but you know that it isn’t easy. 
“Head down to the car. Don’t make me wait for you because if not, I’m gonna fucking leave you here.” He brushes his long hair back and with that, he was gone.
A chill came running down your spine and you immediately follow right behind his footsteps.
The car ride back home was quiet and you didn’t like the silence at all. You were trying to force yourself to talk, say sorry so that everything will hopefully go back to normal. But there was as if a thick wall separating the two of you.
“Babe?” you whisper meekly, your hand nervously playing with the hem of your thigh-high stockings. Jungkook clenches his jaw yet he doesn’t respond.
A pout creeps up your lips instinctively, “I’m really really sorry…”
No response.
You feel a heavy burden in your heart, upsetting you even more because he was giving you the silent treatment. Jungkook has never ignored you like this before, not even in your most heated argument. Looking at his face in hopes that he’ll at least give you a single glance, you depict how his eyebrows were furrowed and eyes straight ahead on the road. “Kook, please talk to me—”
Your words got cut off when the engine suddenly roars loudly and the car accelerates, your body going in a state of shock as Jungkook shifts the gear. He steps on the pedal and the car goes from a steady 60 to 80 miles per hour.
“Jungkook! S-Slow down!” your left hand reaches out to grab a hold of his own hand, but he was quick to shove it away, leaving you sad and whining in your seat.
Jungkook clicks his tongue, “The faster we get back home, the quicker I can punish you.” He says without looking at you.
Your core jumps and twists at his demeaning words, feeling confused yet excited at the same time. Unintentionally, you clench your thighs together as his hot, sultry voice resonates throughout the car.
“You can smile all you want right now baby,” he mutters, “Gonna wipe that cheeky little grin on your face later when I force your orgasms out of you.”
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“Put your hands against the wall,” Jungkook immediately commands after he drags you to his bedroom. He stands tall behind you, watching your poor figure slowly obeying his words. His lips curve up when he studies your body, already trembling in fear. This feeds unto his primal, dominant desires to take over you and ruin you. Your little hands touch the cold walls with your back slightly arched, already knowing what’s about to come.
Jungkook’s dick throbs in just the sight of the combination of your skirt and thigh-highs. He doesn’t hesitate to firmly grasp your ass cheek below the flimsy material with his big hand, causing a whimper to fall off your lips. “Look at this fucking outfit you have,” he muses, “If it weren’t for that sweater you have on, I would’ve said that you look so much like a fucking slut.”
He suddenly blows a hard slap, “That’s not my name. Huh, you really wanna disobey daddy?”
You whimper, “N-No.”
He hikes your skirt up to expose more of your plump ass, landing another harsh spank that caused your body to jolt, eyes fluttering shut from the sting. “No? Isn’t it disrespectful to ignore daddy’s phone-calls?” he hits your ass again, harder, his muscles flexing. “Tell me, what was Jimin doing that he just need to fucking put his hands all over you with his head so fucking close to yours, huh?”
Your eyes instantly start to become glossy from the solid, rough slaps on your tender ass cheeks. Chewing on your bottom lip, you try your best to cover your little sniffs.
Within a quick second, Jungkook flips you around until your back was pressed firmly against the wall, his hand wrapped around your throat. You hitch your breath up from the aggressive behavior, how his eyes were quick to scan your body up and down like a predator. “You’re not gonna answer me?” he scoffs, “Fucking god – you love to make daddy mad, don’t you? Acting like such a bitch.”
Furiously shaking your head side to side, you disagree with his statement. Jungkook is scary when he’s angry – even though it can be seen as hot sometimes – you never want to make him mad on purpose!
“T-That’s not true, daddy!” your bottom lip faintly quivers as your eyes can’t seem to focus on him.
Jungkook’s eyebrows raise up, giving you a mocking expression, “Ohh really, baby?” the grip on your throat tightens, making you gasp for air, “You don’t like making me angry? When in fact that I know you like being punished like this. You like daddy manhandling your frail, little body, and letting him ruin it in every possible way. Are you gonna lie and tell me that that isn’t true, hm? ”
You didn’t know what to answer. Your chest heaves up and down in panic while you release a quiet, little mewl in desperation. Jungkook – somehow – finds that adorable; how your big, teary eyes look up at him in utter fear of what’s about to come.
He smirks as he leans down to your height, your faces so close to each other as his lips barely graze against yours. You can feel his hot breath upon you, the warmness of his body resonating. 
With a low, almost gravelly voice, he asks you; “Do you not talk?”
Those words seem awfully familiar…
Gulping nervously, you tremble, “I-I can…”
“You can? Sorry darling, I just needed to make sure because you seem to be silent every time I ask a goddamn question. Now, get on the fucking bed.”
Jungkook watches you scramble and obey his command, the cold mattress rubs against your skin from the air conditioning. He stands at the edge of the bed, watching you with primal eyes. “Undress.”
“I said what I said. Strip,” he crosses his arms, revealing his toned biceps, “Leave your skirt and stockings on. Remove everything except those.”
You can’t seem to look at his eyes because you were afraid that you were going to melt when you do so. You tug your sweater up, your skin exposing to the air that surrounds the two of you, followed by your bra. Your boyfriend sees your cute hardened nipples, making him smirk a little bit.
“Now your panties, go on.”
Before you can even yank your undergarment down, Jungkook speaks, “Look at me while you do so. You’ve been avoiding my eyes all this time.”
Jungkook barely hears the quiet whimper that emits your mouth while your eyes finally lock onto his. Wanting to tease you furthermore, he sends you a cocky smirk with a quick raise of his brow as you pulled your panties down.
His breath almost hitches up from the sight of you, all naked except those kinky pairs of stockings and skirt. He wonders if you specifically wore them just to tease him, heck, was it even appropriate for your work? Even so, he’s glad that he’s the only person to see you like this, so beautiful and ready to be ruined.
You wonder if he’s going to crawl on the bed with you and touch you, waiting for him to make a move but nothing happens. You look up at him expectantly with wide eyes as your hands timidly fumble with your skirt.
“Touch yourself.”
Your heart sinks to your stomach. Did you hear him correctly? Like... does he really want you to play with yourself right in front of him? You can feel your tummy do backflips from his words while you instantly turn shy once again.
“Fucking hell, is one instruction not enough for that brain of yours to comprehend? I said—,” he leans down to grab your thighs, forcing your legs apart with vigor, exposing your cunt all to his eyes. “—touch yourself.”
You whine when he suddenly crawls on top of you, arms on either side of your figure to support himself up, his face hovering above yours. He leans down and whispers in your ear, “Bring your hand down, little girl, and play with your pussy the way daddy does.”
Without angering him further, you obey and brought your hand down to touch your clit. Jungkook never removes his eye-contact as he watches your face slowly contort in pleasure. With two fingers, you gently circled your clit, making your mouth part open from the meek pleasure. “O-Ohh,” you can feel your wet lips when you dragged your fingers along them.
You feel so embarrassed masturbating in front of him like this. Jungkook chuckles and kneels in front of you, placing his knees in between your spread legs to watch how you play with your cunt. You moan when he finally grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it up, revealing his toned body for your eyes to see. This encouraged you to rub your clit faster, but it just wasn’t enough.
“Daddy…” you whine, “please...”
Jungkook notices the frown that was beginning to form your lips, but instead of feeling bad, he takes the opportunity to degrade you. “What is it, baby? Hm? Do you even know how to touch your pussy?” he teases, “Do you still fuckin’ need daddy’s help?”
You don’t even care if you look pitiful, shaking your head up and down. “Y-Yes, please touch m-me…” you say with a quiet voice. As you continue to masturbate, Jungkook sees how your body trembles, knowing that it wants more.
But sadly, you look too good in this position that you’re in. Your skirt hiked up to your abdomen while your toes curl in desperation. Jungkook lightly scoffs as he doesn’t hesitate to palm his rock-hard cock through his jeans. “Mmm, I would if you had been a good girl. But daddy wants you to cum with your own fingers, prove to me that you’re a big girl who can fucking cum without my help.”
You release an exasperated groan, arching your back in utter need. Jungkook was cruel to do this to you, as he definitely knows how much you prefer his own fingers on your juicy little pussy.
The sight was boosting his ego, whether he likes it or not. He observes how your cute, middle finger tries to insert itself inside your tight little hole, earning a loud moan from you. Jungkook sees your arousal dripping down from your entrance, the glistering liquid running down to your ass. You were so wet, and he was dying to taste you. Jungkook feels his dominance taking over as his patience was wearing thin, wanting to shove your hands away and just take over. It frustrates him how desperate you make him feel without even trying.
You finger yourself with one hand, as the other continues to rub your clit. You try to remember how Jungkook does it, your mind trying to reminisce his techniques, making you distracted from your own pleasure. It doesn’t even feel half as good as his! You let out a loud, frustrated whine, feeling your eyes well up with tears once again.
“I-I can’t,” you sniff, a tear rolling down your cheek as you try your best to make yourself feel good, “Please, daddy I need y-you!”
Jungkook leans forward as he wipes your tears with his thumb, licking his lips slowly while he watches you with a sensual look. “What do you need from daddy, hm?”
You groan, hating how much he can torture you like this. Your breathing was already unstable and your mind was thinking of ways on how you can make him touch you. “I need your fingers, daddy – please? I can’t cum like this,” you shake your head desperately, “I can’t.”
“Holy fucking shit, I think I need to get a new baby girl. One who knows how to pleasure herself without my help.”
“No!” you yell, closing your eyes as more tears wells up, “N-No! I-I’m sorry I just can’t…”
Jungkook almost feels bad. Almost.
“That’s sad, baby girl. If you can’t cum then don’t try anymore.” He abruptly spanks your inner thigh, leaving you crying for more, “You’ve been a bad girl today and you’ve got to endure your punishment.”
Jungkook tugs your hands away and your pussy clenches from the sour loss. “Keep crying, slut, this is what you deserve.” He stands up from the bed and makes his way to the closet to get something. You obediently lay there with a frown as you wiped your eyes, ogling his broad, muscular back in the meantime.
When he was taking up more time than you wanted, you kicked your legs impatiently while whining.
He smirks, rolling his eyes, “Impatient, I see?” After that, he swiftly turns around to reveal a red-colored rope, dangling it side to side for a little tease.
“What are you g-gonna do with that?” you ask with wide, glossy eyes.
Jungkook walks back to you with that signature sultry yet teasing look, making you anticipate what’s about to come even more.
“Daddy’s gonna tie your hands behind your back until your wrists bruise, little one.”
Your core throbs from the image he paints in your mind, how the rope would probably scratch against your skin, and how turned on he would be from the sight of you struggling. Jungkook motions you to turn around with a little spin of his finger. You kneel, looking away from him while he grabs your wrists together in one hand. The arrogant smirk doesn’t wipe off of his face as he ties the rope around your hands, whimpering when he pulls it tight. 
“Is that too tight baby girl?” he asks, stopping himself from laughing, “Does it hurt?”
You sniff, “A l-little bit.”
“Good. I was actually planning to bind your legs together as well, but I don’t think you can handle that anymore.” He says behind you, “I don’t think your precious body can handle being daddy’s little ropebunny.”
With his words, you turn your head to look at him with a confused expression, “Rope…ropebunny?”
Jungkook chuckles and nods his head once.
“What does that mean, daddy?”
Jungkook’s heart swell, “Means that you’re letting me tie you up, restraint your body with rope – and letting daddy do whatever he fucking wants to you. Bruise your skin until it hurts too much. If maybe you weren’t such a crybaby and a sensitive little bitch then I would’ve done that to you by now.”
He doesn’t let you reply as he gives your ass a loud, stinging spank using the palm of his right hand. You whimper in pain, closing your eyes for a mere second as your mouth parts.
“Head down, ass up. Now.”
You do as you’re told, and not going to lie, your heart was doing backflips from the nervousness and intimidation of the position that you’re in. Your ass and cunt were so exposed, allowing him to see how wet you are. Your cheeks pressed against the sheets, tilted to the side so that you can at least see a portion of his figure behind you. Although you release a loud cry when he suddenly lands a slap directly on your throbbing clit. Your hands instinctively moved to grab onto something, but the rope was preventing them from doing so.
“Daddy—!” He slaps your pussy again, this time harder. He slides his index finger down your wet slick, teasingly prodding against your entrance that causes your arousal to gush.
“God, you’re so fucking noisy. I’d put a gag in that loud mouth of yours to shut you up, but daddy loves your cute whimpers too much.”
You dig your nails onto your palm when Jungkook finally plays with your pussy, using two fingers to gently – barely rub your clit. The tip of his index and middle finger brushes against your throbbing clit, using the slightest bit of pressure. He bites his lip from the way you wiggle your ass, desperate for more. “You can’t even masturbate without my assistance, fucking hell,” he muses, “did it embarrass you, huh?”
“Mhmm,” you hum meekly, grinding your teeth together because you needed more friction, and you were too afraid to tell him.
“Yeah?” Jungkook smirks, “You had to cry like a pathetic little bitch, too.” Without a warning, he easily shoves his middle finger in, making you arch your back painfully, drawing a loud squeal. He starts pumping it in and out at a fast pace. The wet squelching noise that your cunt makes, paired with your moans was music to his ears. “I guess it feels better when daddy plays with your pussy, right slut?”
When you don’t answer immediately, too focused on the pleasure, he inserts two more fingers in – stretching your pussy. You gasp loudly, his long, slender fingers reaching the most intimate places inside of you. Jungkook bites his lip harshly, getting so turned on from your sweet moans and whines. 
“Y-Yeah… yes daddy – oww fuck – it feels much better,” even though your mind was filled in lust and can’t think of anything else but the way he was furiously pumping three fingers in and out of you, you answer him in fear that his punishment will turn way worse. His three fingers were almost too much for your hole to handle, making your hips tremble as it tries to accommodate the girth. 
“Who owns your pussy, hm?” he uses his other unoccupied hand to rub and pinch your clit, providing you with overstimulation of pleasure. His fingers reach deeper until it hits your g-spot, making your toes curl while you once again tear up. He growls, “Who fucking owns you?”
“You!” you moan, vision getting blurry, “You own me d-daddy…” you can already feel yourself coming close to an orgasm – one thing you can’t do with your own fingers. Your stomach tightens and tightens, waiting for your oh-so needed release. You sob onto the sheets, eyes closed in desperation.
“Good thing you know—” but he suddenly pulls his hands away, leaving you shaking and breathless. “This is my cunt and I get to do whatever I want with it.”
“No!” you groan in frustration from the denied orgasm, eyebrows furrowing as your legs shake, “Fuck y-you.”
Jungkook’s ears pick up the words you muttered.
“What was that?” He roughly wraps his hand around your neck and forces your upper body to lift up. You start to panic as Jungkook chokes you, “What the fuck did you say, hm? Getting fucking bold today, aren’t we?”
“S-Sorry,” you stutter, not having the courage to speak. You didn’t mean to say that at all! You were just frustrated and the words slipped out without realizing it! He sees a droplet of tear dripping down your cheek and he rolls his eyes.
“What a bratty, disobedient little fucktoy.” Jungkook quickly stands up to unbutton his jeans and pulls it down, leaving himself in his underwear. “You’re not the good girl that I know.” He hops back on the bed with you and moves so that he kneels in front of you. He holds your face up with one hand on your jaw as the other pulls his boxers down. Your mouth waters from the sight of his cock springing out, the angry red tip hitting your cheek.
“If I stuff my cock down your throat then maybe you’d shut the fuck up, learn your lesson, and think before you speak. Huh, slut?” He strokes his length a few times, letting his precum lube his cock.
He nudges the tip against your lips, signaling you to open your mouth. He releases a long, guttural moan when you wrap your lips around him as he pushes his length further and further, your mouth feeling so warm and wet. Jungkook initiates the pace as he starts to rock his hips steadily. A sudden gush of tears escapes your eyes when he shoves past your gag reflex, whining as your throat struggles to take in his big cock. 
Jungkook doesn’t wipe the tears off of your face like he used to, this time letting them flow and drip down your jaw. Your pussy clenches every time he thrusts forwards, feeling yourself get wetter and more aroused from the noises he makes. He twitches whenever your throat contracts, feeling it tighten and squeezes his cock so good.
“Do you like this, baby girl?” he smiles sadistically, “You like being throat fucked?” Jungkook knows you can’t answer so he continues to torment you, “I like you better when your mouth is stuffed with daddy’s cock. Much more useful than being an undisciplined, rude slut.”
You shut your eyes while you slack your jaw, trying to take all of him the best that you can. He grabs a bunch of your hair, pulling at your scalp, the pain making you kick your legs repeatedly. While he snaps his hips, thrusting in and out, Jungkook watches how your saliva drips down from to your chin that makes a whole mess of your face.
Jungkook finally gains some sort of empathy, pulling his dick out to let you breathe. You emit a harsh, rugged exhale. He lowers himself until his face was directly parallel to yours, “Why was he touching you like that?” His eyes scans your poor, messy self, eyes puffy with your hair all over the place. 
You sniff, “He’s just a f-friend!”
He wipes the saliva on the corner of your mouth using his thumb, “Don’t you have a boyfriend? Hm? Doesn’t he know that you’re mine? Even if he’s your goddamn friend, he doesn’t need to touch you like that.” His voice somehow turned soft, a bit more like his natural talking voice. He shakes his head whilst staring directly at your weary eyes, “And what if I wasn’t there, huh? What if he did something to you that I wouldn’t like?”
“Are…” you tilt your head, trying to lighten up the situation in hopes that he’ll go easy on you. You start to giggle, “Are you jealous, daddy?”
You didn’t know that it was a bad move until his face immediately hardens, raising an eyebrow up. He scoffs, “You think I would be punishing you like this if your actions took a toll on me, Y/n?” he stands up from the bed and walks over to the bedside table, opening the drawer, “Lay on your tummy. I won’t say it again.”
Jungkook grabs the remote control vibrator from the box of toys the two of you had been collecting. You certainly love your toys, he knows that, but it’s a completely different situation if he uses them to torture you. It’s better for him that you can’t see what he’s doing, bringing your anticipations up for what’s about to come. He turns the toy on, your breath immediately hitching when you hear the buzzing sound. The hot pink, egg-like looking toy with a slender tail vibrates against his palm.
“Daddy? Wha…what are you gonna do with tha—” Your words painfully got cut off when he plunges the toy inside your pussy, the vibrations instantly resonating throughout your core and lower abdomen. You sobbed loudly, the rope tightening around your wrists whenever you tried to struggle away. “Oh my god!” your back arches, feeling your eyes rolling to the back of your head, “Daddy!”
He walks to the other side of the room to go sit on the plush loveseat, twiddling with the remote on his right hand. He doesn’t hesitate to crank the setting up, noticing how your ass trembles and wiggles. Your mouth drops open while you feel an immense tingling sensation down there, moaning and shuddering on the bed. 
Jungkook wraps his hand around his cock and starts to pump slowly, observing how your cute little figure trembles and makes a mess of the sheets. He notices the way your pussy clenches around the toy so tightly, and how your cunt never stopped dripping in arousal. 
He teases his swollen tip with his thumb as he turns the toy’s setting up another notch. The smirk grows on his face from the noises you make. He was addicted to the sight of you right now; your hips shuddering as you try to escape all of the vast ecstasy, the stockings you wear making you look as adorable as ever – if he had a camera he would definitely take a picture of you.
“Daddy, p-please – I’m gonna cum!” you sob, chewing on your swollen bottom lip. That was his cue to put the setting to the highest level. Within a flash, your spill your cum down your pussy and onto the bed, ruining the sheets as your body contorts, hands balling into tight fists. Your orgasm feels like you gushed a whole waterfall, cumming so hard while your hips involuntarily lifts up off of the bed. 
He continues to fuck his hand, staring at your sweaty, hot body with hooded eyes while he groans darkly. His cock was rock solid and was also begging for a release, but he knows to control himself. Jungkook hears your sobs get louder and louder, knowing that the overstimulation was too much for you to handle.
He stands up and crawls back with you on the bed, his warm hands starting to caress your inner thighs.
“Da—” you cry, “daddy… t-too much…”
“Yeah?” he smirks before lifting your ass up until he was directly in front of your cunt. he smells your arousal and it caused shivers to run down his back. Without holding back, he wraps his mouth around your throbbing clit and starts to suck harshly on it. 
Jungkook was absolutely nasty to do this to you. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel his tongue swirl around your bud, flicking and sucking at the same time. You can’t even comprehend the pain and pleasure that as going through your body right now, for it was all too much. “A-Aawwh shit,” you breathe, “D-Daddy, I can’t... oh m-my god!” 
The combination of the powerful buzzing vibrator inside you, plus his mouth on your clit caused another strong climax to wash throughout your system. You flail your arms behind your back as your body can’t seem to keep still. Jungkook holds your hips in place as he licks your pussy clean of your cum. He grunts from the way your legs were quivering after forcing another orgasm out of you. 
“Taste so fuckin’ delicious,” he says after wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, “What a good little pussy.” 
Finally, he pulls on the tail and the toy plops out with a wet sound. Though your chest doesn’t stop heaving up and down, your system is still riled up from the strong orgasms you just had.
“What will you say, baby girl, hm?”
You perk your head up from the sudden question. Your mind quickly wanders for an answer but was quickly distracted when you feel him squeeze your tender ass cheeks. 
Leaning down to your ear, he whispers with an awful smirk, “Say ‘thank you daddy’.” His monotone voice sent shivers all throughout your body, “Say thank you for letting you cum. I would’ve stopped the toy and edged you when you were about to orgasm to further your punishment, but glad I didn’t, right baby?”
“Thank…” your cheeks start to heat up, “Thank you for l-letting me cum, daddy.”
“Mm, good girl. I just had to get a taste of your sweet cunt after seeing you shake and tremble like that. Such a good, pretty little girl.” 
He was actually supposed to reward you after this. That was just his initial plan, until he is distracted by your phone suddenly ringing from the other side of the room. He quirks a brow up and starts heading to where your bag was placed, rummaging through it to get the device that interrupted the moment.
He reads the caller ID.  
Jungkook is dead quiet as he reaches back to you until he takes a seat on your thighs. His silence further builds up your anxiousness, your gut twisting and turning after you hear him groan underneath his breath. “Daddy?” whispering, you tilt your head to the side to figure out what he was doing.
“Y/n! I’m so glad you picked up the phone,” Jimin speaks in a rush, “I was so worried about what happened. Are you and Jungkook okay?” He rolls his eyes and doesn’t hesitate to put the phone on loudspeaker, placing the device in front of you so that you can see who was calling.
Jimin’s voice unsettled you, leaving your body in a state of shock, humiliation, and awkwardness. You furiously shake your head, lips pursed in a straight, pungent line – making it known to Jungkook that you didn’t want to talk to him. Why can’t he just hang up?!
“Hello? Y/n?” As Jimin worries from the other side of the line, you quietly mewl when you feel him poking the tip of his dick right up against your dripping wet entrance, sliding the head up and down your soaked slit slowly to torture you. “Answer him,” Jungkook growls from behind, “Talk to him as I fuck your tight little pussy.”
“Y/n, do you hear me?” Jimin asks once again, and this time you pick up the courage to reply.
“Y-Yeah,” your voice strains, closing your eyes as you try your best not to moan out loud as Jungkook pushes the head in, feeling your walls flutter around his thick girth. “I hear – oohh – I hear you.”
While inching his cock further and further, he grasps your bounded wrists in one hand, as the other firmly holds onto your waist. He struggles to keep quiet, only releasing quick little grunts here and there as he slowly thrusts his hips. Your body squirms from the humiliating situation he has put you through, yet he holds you down.
“Hey, I’m really sorry about what happened earlier,” You notice the sad tone in Jimin’s voice, “I really didn’t mean to touch you like that, and I should’ve known better. You’re taken.”
“M-Mhmm—!” Jungkook shoves his length deeper and deeper, hit tip hitting your g-spot again and again, rougher and harder with each sharp thrust. Your eyes generate more tears, definitely making your nose a little bit stuffy while you struggle to breathe properly. Jungkook groans underneath his breath from how tight your pussy is after being teased and tortured.
Jimin continues with his apology, saying that he wants to personally apologize to Jungkook – but you weren’t listening anymore. You can’t! His words were going in one ear and out of the other because your mind only focuses on how his big, thick cock was tearing your cunt apart. With each outward stroke, your pussy keeps sucking him back in. He smirks from the way your pussy was gushing your arousal endlessly, soaking the sheets and making a mess of yourself.
As if everything can’t be humiliating enough, Jungkook blows a hard, loud spank on your ass, definitely not caring if it can be heard from the other end of the call. Gasping, you mewl from the stinging sensation but also worried if Jimin heard. Jungkook laughs menacingly, spanking your ass again.
“Y-Y/n?” Jimin says slowly, “What’s happening over there?”
“Nothing! I’m o-okay – mmngg shit,” your jaw drops when he fucks you faster and rougher all of the sudden, his balls starting to clap against your poor, throbbing clit. Jungkook feels impatient so he takes the phone back, puts it against his ear, and speaks for you. “Jimin!” he greets happily as if he’s not pounding your pussy until you break, “Don’t worry about Y/n, she’s doing just great.”
How can he talk so steadily like that? Your teeth sink down on your bruised bottom lip again to stop you from moaning too loud. “But I’m trusting you, Jimin, not to touch my girl like that again, okay? I know you two are friends, sure – but there’s a limit. She has a boyfriend now.”
The possessiveness in his voice turns you on so much, not even expecting such a dark tone as he talks to him like that. Your arms start to hurt after being tied for too long, wrists getting sensitive as it keeps scratching against the rope.
“Yeah, okay, goodbye.” He finally hangs up, throws your phone somewhere on the floor. After that, he firmly grips your waist and changes your position with ease. He sits down on the bed, flips you around to make you straddle his cock.
His breath almost gets stuck in his throat from the way you looked. His hands immediately flies to cup your head, thumbs wiping your tears away from your cheeks as you look down at his with lustful eyes. “Baby girl,” he whispers, eyes raking your body up and down while you don’t stop bouncing on his cock, “Keep crying. I wanna see you get ruined on my big cock.”
He pulls you closer by wrapping his right hand around your neck, squeezing tightly, as his other hand guides your hips up and down. Your hard nipples slightly graze against his chest, adding more pleasure than you already can take.
“I’m g-gonna cum,” you grit, eyes drooping, “I’m gonna fucking cum again, daddy.”
He chuckles and nods his head. He can’t stay angry at you for too long. He can’t wait to provide you the aftercare that you deserve after this. He helps you to your orgasm by meeting your thrusts, fucking his cock into you while he brings a hand down to rub your clit with vigor. Your moans were getting louder, higher in pitch, as you can feel the oh-so-familiar tightness in your stomach again. You throw your head back, hands trying to pry themselves out of the rope. Thankfully, he gives you the benefit of the doubt and finally starts undoing the knot, unwrapping your wrists so that they can finally be set free. “Here you go princess,” he groans, “Ah ah, keep your arms still.”
Within a second of your hands being free, you quickly hug his sweaty body so tightly, pressing your cheeks against his shoulder, not only to have something to hold onto but to feel his comfort after a long time of being suppressed and denied from it. Jungkook laughs and kisses your shoulder, “I love you, Y/n.”
“Love y-you— awh god, thatfeelssogood!”
“Yeah?” he bites his lip, feeling the urge to tease you with his words for the hundredth time, “How good?” He attaches his mouth on your damp neck, sucking and biting on all of the sweet and tender spots that he knows you love. Trailing kisses all over, you were certain that he’ll leave marks all over your skin. Your body shivers when he uses his teeth to bite down on you, adding more to the buildup of your climax. “So g-good, daddy,” you whine, bouncing up and down harder, “Your big cock f-feels…feels so good inside my tight fucking pussy, daddy.”
Jungkook’s cock throbs from your unexpected words, gasping a little with a cocky smirk, “Mmm, when did you learn how to talk like that, huh?” a spank lands on your right, tender ass cheek, “Such lewd words coming out of that pretty mouth.”
Your mind starts to feel dizzy, almost to the edge of blacking out as your orgasm overpowers your body. He grunts from the way your walls were clenching around him so firmly, using his dick to your own good. Wrapping his arms around you tighter, he forces you to stay still on his cock while letting you ride out your high. “There we go, baby, there we go. Cum for me,” he insinuates, “Fucking hell, such a good, pretty girl for daddy.” He lifts your chin up with one hand, trying your best to make eye-contact with him but your tearful eyes feel too heavy. “Cumming so hard, oh my fucking god darling.”
Almost seeing black and white spots, your mind goes into a frenzy for you have no thoughts but the overwhelming sensation of your climax taking over your body. Jungkook moans as he lays you back down on the bed, bringing himself to his high. With your body shivering from the high sensitivity, Jungkook doesn’t stop.
His thrusts were sloppy and his pace becomes unsteady, moans getting louder. His body tenses and goes still inside of you, trapping your small body in his as he blows his load. He fills your cunt up with his cum, painting your walls in his seed. You can feel him twitch while you claw your hands on his back, trembling.
Jungkook mutters a series of curse words as your pussy squeezes his cock so hard, milking him properly until the very last drop of cum. After a little while, he pulls his dick out and he sees his cum leaking out of your pulsating little hole and dripping onto the bed. Licking his lips from the hot sight, he caresses your inner thighs as he tries to calm you down.
“Deep breaths, sweetheart. Deep, slow breaths for me.” He hovers back on top of you as he places his right arm underneath your head for support, his other hand gently stroking your side. All the anger, all the controlling and dominating aura that he previously had ten seconds ago immediately fades as he takes the role to comfort you the best that he can. He wipes your cheeks clean with the back of his hand, almost looking down at you with a slight pout. “Baby girl, look at me, hm?” Jungkook whispers gently, “Look at me.”
Once you do so, he feels himself almost collapsing from the poor, worn-out look that was embedded on your little face. “Oh, sweetie,” he sighs, “I’m so sorry.”
“N-No,” you slowly shake your head, still breathless, “Don’t say…”
“I should’ve, fuck—” Jungkook tilts his head to the side in dismay, feeling almost frustrated in himself, “I should’ve fucking stopped, look at you baby.” He holds your hand, gives your bruised wrist a wet, long kiss.
“Kook, I’m okay,” you giggle, a hint of tiredness in your voice, “I l-loved it.”
“Are you sure? Baby girl do you remember what I told you? If you ever feel too uncomfortable, or pain that you couldn’t bear anymore, or if you just want me to stop completely, what will you say?”
Perhaps this was one of the best things you love about Jungkook. His duality. One minute he’s rough and would dominate the fuck out of you, and the next minute he’s treating you like his princess.
“I’ll say my safe word.”
“Good,” he kisses your lips once, smiling down at you, “always remember that.”
You were awfully thankful that he’s the type to always shower you in kisses after a whole round of sex. Always caring about your well-being, that’s what he loves to do. Jungkook has cleaned himself in the bathroom first before he can handle and take care of you. He comes out of the bathroom dressed only with a pair of gray sweatpants with a damp towel and one of his t-shirt in his hand.
Kneeling before you on the bed, he starts to gently wipe your inner thighs and genitalia with the cloth. It was ticklish on the spot of your inner thighs, releasing a giggle as you try to move away from him. He smirks, grasping your leg down. “Tickles?” he grins at you.
“Turn around, little one. Let me massage your back.”
Your heart beats happily at that. But once you followed his command, his eyes immediately fly down to your ass. He hikes up the skirt that you still had on a bit higher, and he sees his handprints imprinted on your precious, delicate skin. “Holy shit,” he breathes out. Your body twitches when he carefully lays a hand down. “Sorry for this, little one. Guess you aren’t sitting for a couple of days, huh?”
Hiding your face in your arms, you quietly squeal, his words having an effect on you. “I g-guess so.”
Jungkook proceeds with his mission to massage your back, using his big hands to his advantage to knead your skin with just the right amount of pressure, massaging your arms and shoulders, pressing down on your lower back. Little groans emit from your mouth, enjoying the warmth of his hands. Your eyes eventually close, feeling that you were eventually going to fall asleep from how relaxing it is.
“Want some tea, darling?” he asks.
“Mm, no thank you. I’m a little sleepy…”
Your mouth curves up into a grin when he starts peppering kisses all over your back as well, moving your hair to one side. Jungkook, too, was smiling. He can’t even figure out how he got so lucky with you.
“You wanna nap, Y/n?”
“Mhm,” you nod.
“Okay, let’s get you in this shirt first. C’mon sweetie, flip back around for me.”
He holds onto the hem of your skirt and tugs it down, throwing it somewhere on the floor. His shirt reaches almost on your knee after slipping it on. Soon, he lays down beside you and starts spooning your body. It was easy for him to enclose yourself in his warmth, for his limbs were obviously bigger than yours. “Let’s take a rest and clean everything up later, okay?”
Although you didn’t reply.
“Baby?” he tilts your head to make you look at him. “What’s wrong?”
“Kook, I-uh…I wanna say sorry for what happened earlier—”
“Shh, shh, settle down now, sweetheart. I’m not angry about that anymore,” he gives you a beaming smile, his dimples peeking through. Oh, to swim in someone’s dimples…
“Don’t worry about it. I love you, Y/n. More than this fucking world.”
“Impossible!” giggling, you eventually squirm around him because you know for a fact that he’ll hug you tighter.
He did.
“Nothing’s impossible when you’re mine – my girl.”
God, you can never take a break with him and his impeccable word choices. You feel your cheeks heat up, shying away from him that caused him to laugh in amusement a little.
“I love you too, Kook,” your heart says genuinely. Jungkook pulls you closer and makes you rest your head on his arm. “Cozy? Let’s take a rest, baby. You’ve had a long day today, you did well. You might be sore afterwards but I’ll be right here when you wake up.”  The only thing you can remember after that was the gentle kiss he placed on your cheek, and the feeling of love and comfort in the air that encloses both of you. 
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“You know, Jungkook,” Taehyung speaks while munching on his Cap’n Crunch cereal, watching Jungkook come back to their apartment after driving you back to your own building. “You’re fucking lucky I was out partying. If not I would’ve…” Jungkook rolls his eyes when Taehyung fakes a gagging sound, “I w-would’ve thrown up hearing the two of you.”
“Funny,” he says blandly while heading towards the cupboards to make himself his own bowl of cereal.
Taehyung walks to his side, “Aren’t you and Y/n together for almost a year now? I don’t know much about relationships, but don’t you think it’s time for you guys to have a place of your own?”
Jungkook chuckles, heading towards the living room as he sits on the old green couch with his cereal on one hand. “So you’re kicking me out, Tae?”
“Well yeah, maybe I am, asshole.”
The youngest abruptly turns his head to him with a look of confusion, “Wait, really?”
Taehyung smirks, “Yup! I’m sick of you bringing Y/n here just to fuck, and not even let her hang out with me!”
Hang out with him? Since when was Taehyung interested in her? After a little moment of silence, Jungkook finally thinks of a reply, “What do you even wanna do with her? Also most of the time you’re either out getting drunk or locking yourself up in your room playing video games.”
Jungkook almost spits out the mouthful of milk and cereal.
“What the fuck—”
“Let’s have a threesome together.”
“No fucking way, bro.” Jungkook scoffs, pointing a finger at him, “We are not doing that.”
Taehyung was having the time of his life teasing Jungkook. He stands up in front of him, blocking his view of the TV. “I’m not having a threesome just to see you naked, cunt,” slowly, his mouth forms a smirk, “I wanna see Y/n nak—”
“Don’t even think about finishing that, Taehyung. I’m not fucking joking around.”
“Okay, shit, chill man,” he laughs, watching how Jungkook rolls his eyes. “And here I am thinking that you’re kinky and open-minded.”
Taehyung just loves to get into his nerves.
“I am,” Jungkook says in all seriousness, looking directly at his eyes. “But you know how I am with her. How selfish I can be. Other people will be fine with this, sure, but her body is for my eyes only, Tae. You can fuck anyone you like but not my girl.”
Taehyung sighs, walking away as he throws his hand in the air, “Fine, fine, whatever.”
Jungkook crosses his legs together, leaning back into the couch as he closes his eyes. The fact that he just had to put that image into his mind – someone else fucking his girl – he just can’t do it. He can be too possessive of your body and he wants it only for him.
“But if your girl ever wants two cocks to play with one day, hit me up.”
“If she wants two cocks then we’ll use a fucking dildo. Shut your ass up or else I’m gonna beat the fuck outta you,” Jungkook warns with a menacing chuckle.
Although Taehyung isn’t bothered by it, he fakes being frightened, “Oooohh, scary! Don’t hit me daddy!”
“Yep, that’s it.” Jungkook places the bowl down on the couch before abruptly standing up. Taehyung runs away while laughing like a madman with Jungkook following behind him. His roommate ends up locking himself inside his room where Jungkook can’t come in. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He says in the middle of laughter.
“You’re fucking hideous, you know that?” Jungkook crosses his arms.
“Tell me something I don’t know, Jeon.”
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When Jungkook turned nineteen, he remembered asking his mother when a man should introduce his girlfriend to his parents.
His mother, heart filled with genuine compassion, replied with; “When you are fully committed, and when you know for a fact that you will be spending the rest of your life with her – that’s when you let her eat at our table. So be very mindful of your feelings, Jungkookie. Remember this when you grow up, alright? I know you didn’t believe in long-lasting love when you were younger, but trust me when I say that it truly depends on the person.”
It was clear that Jungkook’s romantic side definitely came from his parents.
And fast-forward to the present, here you are sitting at their dining table, meeting his parents for the very first time. 
“So, Y/n,” Jungkook’s mother beams from the other side of the table while passing her husband more rice for his bibimbap, “How did you and Jungkook meet?”
“Mom,” Jungkook chuckles, “Haven’t I told you that a hundred times already?”
You blush from his words, trying your best not to look down in shyness. Though you feel your boyfriend’s right hand rests on your knee to ease you up.
“I know! But I just want to hear it from Y/n’s point of view! Who knows, you might be hiding some details!”
Before you can speak, his dad talks before you, “I was actually there at the time,” he smiles at you, “I think you should thank me for making Jungkook talk to you!”
“Hun, please let Y/n talk—”
Jungkook grins, “I think I would’ve talked to Y/n whether or not you told me so, dad.”
“Let the girl talk!” his mom balls her hand into a fist and pounds on the table.       
You busted out a laugh, quickly covering your mouth as you shook your head in disbelief. You’ve never encountered such a fun, happy family like this. This was your first time being introduced to someone’s parents, and truthfully, you wanted them to be your last.
“So, um,” you take a glance at Jungkook before continuing as if asking for permission first. He smiles down at you and nods his head, feeling his hand squeeze your knee. “Jeon’s Kitchen was actually a favorite place of mine! And of course, it’s still is—” you beam at his father, “It was raining very hard so I decided to stop by to eat some food before work.”
“Brown coffee and banana bread, yep, I remember that!” His dad proudly says.
“That’s correct, Mr. Jeon,” you giggle, “I sat alone and waited for the order until Jungkook here suddenly bursts into the café, all drenched from the rain!” You turn your gaze at him with creased eyes from the way you were smiling as you talk, “If I remember correctly, his car broke down and he had nothing to do, so he decided to help Mr. Jeon with work, is that right?”
Jungkook responds with a hum, staring amusingly into your glimmering eyes that were full of love.
“Until Mr. Jeon told Jungkook to keep me company! So yeah, that’s where we started talking.”
Of course, you had to leave out the fact that you had such an intimidating first impression of their son. You recall how hard his stare was as he talked to you, and how he literally made you blush so easily just by his handsome smirk (that until now you couldn’t get used to!). He carried such a strong aura, even up to this day.
“After that, well, we exchanged numbers and everything went from there!”
Before Jungkook drove you to his parent’s house so that they can finally meet you, you were an absolute nervous wreck. Overthinking that what if you say something embarrassing? What if you humiliate yourself in front of them? You were driven to have a good impression on them, which Jungkook founded adorable. Of course, he reassured you, saying, “They already love you from all of the stories I’ve told, baby.”  
And he was right. His parents never would’ve thought that a girl like you would walk into his life. You’re a blessing for their son.
Jungkook doesn’t sway his eyes off of you as you continue to chat with his parents, telling them your goals and dreams for the future. He watches the way your mouth tilts into the prettiest smile he’s ever seen, lips tinted with lipstick that was just begging to be kissed. He also catches the way your head slightly tilts as you talk, oh – he can’t forget how your knees were nervously jumping! With his hand slowly caressing your knee up to your thigh, he reminds you to calm down.
His breath hitches up a slight bit when you unexpectedly hold his hand under the table. He feels how cold your hand was so it was good for you to take his own warmth. Using his thumb, he strokes your skin delicately, and you instantly feel much better.
When the time is right and when he garners enough money, he will buy a house for the two of you. It doesn’t have to be fancy or anything elegant, but enough to keep you happy and contented – he knows you’ll understand that. Needless to say, he’s excited about the future he’s going to have with you. His mind wanders to the point of your first anniversary, the second anniversary, even up until marriage and having kids. It’s a huge stretch, yes, but he’d rather spend his life alone than without you. 
If his past self can read his mind right now, he’d definitely laugh.
He can’t wait to live his whole life with you by his side. You already have all the qualities he’s been looking in a person, and there’s no way in hell he’s going to leave you anytime soon. 
His mother’s voice cracks him from his thoughts, “Y/n’s such a pretty girl. So amusing to look at, too!” She gawks at you with excited, wide eyes. Her eyes reminded you of Jungkook, the same big and round ones, “Next time when you come to visit us, let me teach you my signature shrimp fried rice recipe, okay? Are you allergic to shrimp, Y/n?”
“Nope! I love shrimp!”
“That’s great!” his mom claps, “Jungkook, thanks for bringing Y/n here with us. She’s so wonderful.”
Shaking your head, you try to take her compliments as much as you can but of course, your bashfulness takes over.
Your boyfriend removes his hand from yours, only lifts it up so that his arm can rest at the backrest of the chair while he starts to stroke your head lovingly. The corners of his lips tilts up to form a smile, he feels as if fireworks were going off of his whole body, for he was so in love with you. How can a person love someone this much? 
He mutters the next sentence underneath his breath, thus only he and his pounding heart can hear; “That’s my girl.”
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The End.
Thank you so much for all of the amazing support for Crybaby! I never expected so much love and anticipation in the first place. I wrote Crybaby without any serious plot with a ‘tragedy/problem’ in mind, for it was only supposed to be a oneshot haha! Crybaby was mainly about the fact that Jungkook has dacryphilia and that’s it. But thanks to the support I’ve gotten, I made a part two and three! It’s sorta sad to end this series because I know a lot of people (including me) love this couple soo much! But they’ll make an appearance in short drabbles or even kinky hours. I’m sorry for the sudden ending, but this will not be the end for them!
Please tell me what you think by commenting or sending an ask, I really love to read your reactions!
Please stay safe, especially in these times. Remember that you are loved, and please be happy. I love you!
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[Translation] Aka no Hanayome Vol 1 | Ichi no Kouho: Hanabusa Mizuho
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I was supposed to post this originally on Valentines day but I missed the deadline I set for myself =u=' Welp, better late than never. I knew I had to translate this when I saw no translations. At least I hope not 👀 Did not regret it. Hanae Natsuki's voice and voice acting are divine~ And Mizuho does give off the tsundere vibes if he isn't already one.
Before you read the translation though, I'd also like to give credit to this amazing blogger and their blog post on this which you should check out. It's mostly Chinese though so you'd probably have to auto-translate the whole page like I did. Yes, I do rely on Google Translate for everything but hey, it helped me decipher what was going on and they had great commentary ehe
Okay! Here's your mandatory warning that this translation is R18. I mean.. most of my translations probably will be.
Synopsis: https://wakannaiyo.tumblr.com/post/107889984948/brother-lover-aka-no-hanayome-completely
紅ノ華嫁 壱ノ候補:華房瑞穂 CV: ペロペロチーノ
Track 1: The Master's Prospective Bride (主人の花嫁候補)
[0:11] Enter. Exactly on time, huh? So I guess the last guy didn't try to keep you 'till last minute. What are you doing? Close the door already. Well then, how long do you intend to keep standing over there? It's hard to talk with you that far away. Hah..! How about coming closer without me having to tell you? There's fine. Sit down. [1:06] If you've already sat down, strip. What's there to be confused about? I am of course referring to your clothes. Or is there something there that you can't show to your master? ..H-Hey! What type of person suddenly starts taking all their clothes off?! Who told you to get full on naked? I didn't mean it like that..! The mark. It's fine as long as I can see where the mark is. I want to know the current status of the other candidates. [1:50] Mm? Ohh.. I heard one was on the right shoulder, but it's also on the back. Show me a bit more of this part. It's hard to see the mark well. So it's.. a sunflower? That means the branch house is... Hmph, this situation, isn't it pretty much the same as before? He seems to be your classmate, or something like that? Well, whatever. Show me the next one. It's on a place where you have to take off your socks? A peach blossom... on the instep of the left foot? (T/N: Even though he said right foot, technically, the position is left so I'm not rlly sure) Hm~! As an illegitimate son, the placement suits Hidemasa quite well. However, to think that the scope of the candidates chosen was this extensive? Hmph, even the mistress's son was included as a candidate. I have no idea how you even spent a month with that guy. And... My older brother's mark? [3:08] Hey. Where is Kouki's mark? W-Wait! Is there no way to see it, without raising your skirt? Uh..! ..It's on your inner thigh? On such a troublesome place.. With you sitting like that, it would be hard to show. Stick out your left leg more. Ah, that's fine. Now his flower is, a chrysanthemum. What's more; it's more related to the government than the other ones. (T/N: Chrysanthemum is recognized as the national flower of Japan alongside cherry blossoms because it is the Imperial Emblem of Japan) ..That too I can understand. [3:52] You.. like my older brother right? Don't you realize that denying it in a hurry like that makes you look even more suspicious? Hm. Though whether you deny it or not, it doesn't change the fact that the mark has blossomed to this extent. There's no point in trying to hide it. Aren't you glad? After having to constantly long for my brother, why aren't you honestly expressing yourself? Why are you denying it so fervently? Do you think I'm unaware of things? Back when you just started working for the Hanabusa house as a maid, you might have been able to work for him if you kept up a good job. I have ascertained that it was your dream. Why are you so surprised? The way your thoughts easily appear on your face hasn't changed at all since then. It's not just me. Weren't you aware that you've always been like that? As I'll tell you; you've served me for a long time. You could even say you're part of the minor exception from all the countless other servants I've fired throughout the years. Ah, no– maybe that's only about half of the reason but.. Even so, you still weren't able to become my brother's exclusive maid. That guy originally didn't want any servants to be placed near him. I'm sure you knew as well? If the ceremony for selecting the head of the family wasn't held and my brother succeeded the family as it is, all the servants under the Hanabusa house would have been expelled. That person.. loathes the status inequality after all. [5:45] But now with the current circumstances, even the eldest son is just another mere candidate. The conditions of this curse.. I don't exactly understand the custom itself, but it's certainly convenient for me. With this, it's finally possible for me to beat my older brother on the same playing field. That's enough. You can put your leg back. [6:12] Hey. Who told you to start buttoning up? We still haven't
finished yet. Show me mine. The flower's on the left side of your chest.. That's good~ Right over the heart. Hm.. It still isn't as vivid yet ..huh? Looking at it properly, the outline's the same as the one on my left hand. Can I really do this? Hm~! Well, it's fine. We still have a lot of time left starting from today after all. As long as I know more about the other candidates, it's going to be easy. [7:06] You being the one I have to get close to is rather relieving, you know. (?) The fact that the marks appeared on you just means that there wasn't any other woman more preferable for the position. Besides, on the off chance that the selection ceremony for the family's head were to be held, you would have been educated by your parents from an early age in order to serve me, as well as aid me in becoming the head of the family, is that right? Right now is the time for that chance. Play your role well, to the best of your ability. Hmph~ Even if you've already proven your obedience, there's still four hanayome candidates. We won't know precisely what anybody's true motives are. [7:57] Ahh.. You basically have that maid outfit as a uniform. But I'll inform you just in case. I would prefer if you wore clothes that covered the marks by all means for the time being. Stop messing around with the other candidates. Make sure that the other guys can't see the marks. Even if you have to resort to hiding them, I won't mind whichever method. [8:25] By the way, how are you feeling today? Being selected as the hanayome bride means that the curse is currently in effect, isn't it? Your complexion.. doesn't look too bad however.. I see. In that case, prepare chamomile tea. The other guys don't normally drink tea I assume. During the full three months that you were with the other candidates, did you think I was making tea for myself? That's the job expected of the servant who serves their master isn't it? In any case, it was always useful to have you around. Ahh, make chamomile tea for two. That's not it. You were going to drink too, right? Even before this meeting, what was I to do if I wanted to drink tea for two people? *sigh* You want to drink tea as well right? Give it a rest for today. One month from now.. Even I don't know what will happen.
Track 2: Sweet Water, Bitter Punishment (甘い水 苦い罰)
[0:04] Oh, it's you. Good morning. No, the time's just fine. I got it. You can bring my meal here. Father's on a business trip today. I'll be eating in my room. What is it? If you have something to say, then say it clearly. So what? My brother may still be here, however I have no regards for eating together with him. Is that clear? Bring the meal over here. [1:02] Ahh.. You can eat together with me in my room. It's been my turn since last week. You have no obligation to trouble yourself with anybody else's orders. Understood? Hm, if you do then start doing as I said. Ah, and make sure to finish early today! We have something to do after school. Don't forget. [1:50] *sigh* You finally came. Being in a different grade level makes it inconvenient at times like these. Ah, you don't have to. I can carry it myself. Since we won't be using a car today. I told you that we had something to do afterwards right? I didn't call for one for that reason. I'll contact them about our location later while we're on the way. Come on, let's go. Hurry up and guide the way. [2:26] Didn't you say that there was a cafe you liked recently? One that's pretty close to the academy, but isn't well-known by most students. It's not like.. there has to be a particular reason. This is also needed to advance the selection ceremony. Even if you're conscious about it, this is only to progress the blooming of your mark. If you really get it, then hurry up and bring us to it. Huh–? Weren't you listening? “This is for the selection ceremony.” Not because of you. So.. stop with that. [3:20] It's like you said. The atmosphere is quiet and cozy, looks good. I guess it wouldn't be bad to come here sometimes. I'm fine, just order what you'd like for the two of us. Ah, a coffee special would be fine. You're worrying about it too seriously. Your brows are wrinkling. Are you that concerned about it? If you can't narrow it down to two, you'll just have to narrow it down to three. I'll still eat either way. Uuh.. What is it this time? You're staring with that predatory look in your eyes. That's why I told you; this isn't for you. This too, it's for the sole purpose of advancing the selection ceremony to become the next family head and so I– Y-You.. Are you even listening? Forget it. Hurry up and order. [4:44] Hmph~ Women really do get excited when eating dessert... Why the apology? It's not like you could help it. It's just, I don't fully understand why is all. Hah.. How many years has it been now that you've been with me? Was there ever a time you've heard me say I don't like sweets? Besides, if you hated it, you wouldn't go through the trouble of coming here to ask for a glass of water. What makes you think I would force myself to eat something I dislike for you? Indeed, I don't like sweets as much as you do, but I don't hate them either, and the food here.. it doesn't taste half bad. Really... this happy over something like this. Nothing, never mind. [5:49] That reminds me. About the selection ceremony, how much do you know? So that's how it is.. There's not much difference from what I already know. (T/N: Lore dump! If I make it through this, it's gonna' be because of the description they gave on their website because otherwise, I'm screwed) Held once every few decades, a flower-shaped mark representing a house candidate appears on the hanayome bride's body. The one who first blooms their flower mark will be chosen to become the new head. There should have been one hanayome bride per candidate originally, but this year, all candidates are connected to only one hanayome. You're rather pitiful as well. You've got four men vying for you somewhat. Hmph, well, it is our purpose as candidates since you're the bride. Being selected as the hanayome bride would be.. tiresome simply put. However, dealing with not one, but four candidates pretty much screams chaos. So this time as a special case, it's been decided that each candidate will get one month to bloom their respective flower marks. Whoever manages to fully bloom their
mark in the shortest amount of time, they'll let the candidates compete and narrow it down to that. [7:07] Speaking of which, I tried looking up whether there was any similar case in the past, though it seems this selection ceremony is the only incident of it ever occurring. There wasn't anything else related to it recorded. It's hard to believe there were no problems. Many of the higher-ups.. could have possibly hidden it well. Unfortunately, there's no way for me to access that information. That kind of thing, it's something my brother would have a better shot at. [7:40] Hmh... Regarding the selection ceremony itself.. I still don't understand much of it. Other than that, how are you faring with your position as the bride? I've divulged most of the information I know so far as it is. Do you know anything more than what I've told you? Is that so.. To elaborate, about the marks on your body. Do they hurt? Personally, my left hand starts to hurt a little occasionally. Right now it's completely fine. However, yours compared to mine, isn't it completely different? You just said that you experience seizures. How does it— *perfect timing seizures occur* [8:29] H-Hey!? What just happened-? ..W...Water? Here! After drinking that much, your heaving hasn't changed.. Is your throat still dry..? ..You– ..Are these the seizures? A.. Ah! You have medicine? Your bag, which pocket is it in? Is this it? Hey, I got it! This medicine.. Isn't this just apple-flavored candy!? Would this even work? Hold on, I'll give you some. Here! Open your mouth. Is your breathing alright? You're still sweating.. Are you listening to me at all? This.. Do you still feel thirsty? But you're– until now, you've never had a seizure. Ah.! Did you really... Were you just putting up with it in front of me this whole time? You dumbass.! Just be patient. I'll call for a car! [9:46] This is Mizuho, immediately send a car to the storefront. Do it now!
Track 3: Flowers for the Sake of the House (庭の花は家の為)
[0:11] We'll stay in my room for now. No one will come here. Also, what am I supposed to do? How do you.. suppress these seizures? At a time like this, you're still worried about being formal? Do you still feel thirsty? Your lips became this dry.. [0:40] Uah?? Uh.. I was just touching your lips, wasn't I? Why are you– *gets hit with the sex macguffin realization* Ah..! Could it be... that ridiculous legend's actually true? “Only the 'love' given by the successor.. has the power to unravel the curse.” You, have you constantly had these.. attacks until now? Before my turn came... When they happen, it really.. so that guy did...!? Damn it! Now's not the time for that. Hey.. Look at me. Your seizures, I'll make them disappear. [1:33] Your lips.. don't purse them like that. Do you really hate being kissed by me that much? Then open your mouth. I've only heard that one way to suppress it; is with a kiss and.. whether your seizures will really subside... we won't know if it works without trying. ..Don't reject me. That's it. Just like that. [2:32] Has.. something changed? I feel like your complexion's gotten a little better but.. your breathing's still labored. Maybe just kissing.. isn't enough to calm it completely? Your throat, does it still feel dry? Don't force yourself to laugh with that pained expression. Why? You make it look as if you're okay.. If it feels painful, then say it is. Even since then, you've always had this strange habit of pushing yourself too hard in difficult situations. *sigh* Listen. The possibility of me being the successor.. to make me the head of the family, you've been with me all this time to fulfill that purpose haven't you? If you work to make me the head, there might be a way to break your hanayome curse. In short, it's just duty. So.. accept me. [3:56] Good. You should just lie down. From the looks of it, a kiss isn't enough is it? Your clothes too. I'll take them off, so stay still. [4:17] Oh... Your.. Uh, never mind. Lift your back a little. Your skin is.. fairly pale. And it's soft.. It trembles a little with just the touch of my fingertips though.. Maybe it's because of the attack? Or... are you scared of me? Am I.. doing something terrible to you..? You don't have to apologize. It can't be helped in this situation, right? It's just that.. the thought that there were other guys that might have touched this skin.. it makes me feel this weird feeling that I don't really understand. You.. You've been with me all this time and yet... What a quick reaction~ Hey.. don't cover your mouth. If you hold back your voice, I won't be able to tell whether it feels good or not. Even the way your body reacts, I want to know more about it. Let out your voice. If it's difficult, that's okay too. Are you.. feeling good? You're letting out your voice.. really nicely but... We're only doing this for work. If you think about it like that, it wouldn't be as embarrassing right? So.. you don't have to look away so much. I'll touch you down here too. Even through the underwear, you can tell how wet it is. I'll take this off too. I wonder if I should. (?) Haa... what are you doing worrying about my uniform? Forget it. It'll be taken off eventually, I might as well get rid of it now. ..Your leg's in the wrong place. Bend your knee from the right. That's it. Your body's.. surprisingly soft. There, it's finally off. [8:58] Ah.. How fascinating... It's so wet that you can easily slide a finger in.. It feels good, does it? That's good. It's hot, your insides.. Don't squirm around so much-! It'll only hurt if I don't do this, you know. Or have your seizures already stopped completely? It hasn't yet, has it? Like I said; whatever's happening between us, we're just doing this for the sake of the house. Come on, don't close your legs. And stop flailing your arms. Mm, that's fine. ..I'll put a finger in. Does it hurt..? I see. Then, just a bit more.. It's gotten really wet with just this.. are you okay? Wait a bit. Ah–? Don't look..! I don't have to tell you, do I?
What else do you think I'm doing? There's a rule about that? Even without it, I wouldn't go that far. Now, stay still. I'm putting it in. Tell me if it hurts. ...! What did you apologize for? There's nothing for you to apologize for at all. And.. don't say it at this timing. We're not doing anything forbidden. I, being the successor, and doing this with you... I don't think it's something bad. You're.. going to be my bride after all. Naturally! You've been with me all this time.. You're not opposed to it... are you? Haa.. Then, it's fine now right? Relax your body. [12:21] H-Hey.. Are you okay? ..It doesn't hurt, right? Relax your body a bit more. That's– all of it.. Are you fine? Hey, close your eyes. It's really hot.. inside of you. I'll start moving. Is this good..? Oh-! What is it.? ..Are your ears sensitive? When I kiss your ears, it tightens up.. inside of you. Does this... really.. feel good? Amazing... It's twisting around so much. You too, are you also.. feeling it? Does it.. feel better.. when I do this? Heh~ You really like it in your ears, huh..? Anymore... I can't– much longer..! Uh.. Guh-! [17:06] Hey... How's your condition-? It looks like the seizures have died down now, huh? Hah~ So doing that type of thing actually managed to help.. You having been able to endure it until now must mean.. if there's some type of contact or closeness to some extent, you won't experience an attack? .."Probably," huh? Well, I understand now. I'll keep that in mind. You too. If you feel like you're about to experience anything, tell me right away. Something like just the apple candy you have wouldn't provide much relief, right? Since I'm here now, you don't have to endure it on your own alright? [18:08] Oh yeah, the mark on your body. There's supposed to be a change after giving you 'love', I think. Did anything change? Ah, let me see. [18:24] Oh... heh! You should see it in the mirror later too. The bellflower.. it's blooming even more clearly than before, it's beautiful. Should we bloom it this way..? With this, and the mark on the back of my hand, I finally understand how it works. Look, it's almost the same as mine. This acts as proof. It's a good thing. Any mark other than mine.. I wish they would all just disappear. Ah.? It's nothing. Sleep already. You're tired aren't you? I'm also... worn out.
Track 4: Thinning Out for a Desire to Monopolize (間引きは独占欲)
[0:12] Tongue.. Properly make the mark... This should be fine for today. Even if it easily subsides with a kiss, you should've told me sooner. [0:43] So, how's your mark? Let me see. Ohh... "No change," huh? I guess a kiss alone wouldn't fit the requirements for giving 'love', but if it was like that, then it wouldn't be able to suppress the seizures either.. And we only have about two weeks' time left.. In two weeks, I have to make this flower more vivid than anyone else's, or I won't qualify to be the final candidate. My brother's is still far more clear. If it comes down to this, he'll be.. Just to make sure, his mark that's on your inner thigh, it isn't developing anymore right? What else can we do? Is there no other way than to progress it steadily..? With only two weeks left, is it even possible to darken the mark any more than it already is? [1:57] Mm.. Why is that? The chrysanthemum is the most visible out of all the others' flowers. What's the difference between me and him? In the same way, haven't we both released our 'love' to you? Or is it... like I thought, you still like my brother even 'till now? You.. You like that person better than me, and that's the real reason why my mark hasn't been changing anymore? This mark will only bloom when the love of the successor and the bride's does. I've thoroughly given you my 'love'. So if there's a problem, it's your feelings towards me..! *it's about to get real cuz he body slams kabedons you* Could it be.. you don't want me, but my brother to become the head? Really? You really haven't thought of wanting to be his bride? Heh, you want me to believe you..? When your body has the mark of others imprinted deeply onto you... To expect me to believe in you.. is difficult. Sure enough... I have no other choice but to kill him. [3:31] Uh- Guh–! Don't cling to me! Ha..! As long as my dear older brother's involved, you get so desperate. ..Let go-! Is he that important to you? In that case, there's more reason for me to have him forcibly retire. (T/N: from life) As long as that person remains, I can't take my place as the head of the family. Shut up! There's nothing more for us to talk about. Get out. Did you not hear me? I said leave. Damn it.! No matter what i do, it's always him... [4:39] Why are you here? This is my brother's room, you know. Hmph~! In order to protect him, you decided to plan an ambush here against me? It's the middle of the night but you still work hard I guess. *you tell him to reconsider what he's about to do* I have nothing to "reconsider". You.. do you think you've got me all figured out? How conceited. Get out of the way. I have nothing to say to you. Doesn't it just completely irk you? Knowing full well that as someone who's no more than a bride, you don't have the power to do any real harm? Hmph! I'm warning you; this is pointless. *you pull out a knife and point it towards him* I see, so you... want to kill me? All for that person.. However, if the bride tries to kill a hanayome candidate, the marks will fade, and you will lose the qualifications of a bride. Surely you haven't forgotten that? *you say he's got it all wrong* What's "wrong"!? You have a blade pointed towards me. Aren't you planning to..?! [6:02] *you turn the knife against yourself* ..Why-? You... do you have a death wish? Do you understand the consequences of what you're doing? If you do this, the marks would fade away and disappear. If the bride loses the flowers on her body, she will also lose her eligibility. No one will be able to inherit the title of head any longer. And even you... What would be the point of you working for the Hanabusa family so far, don't you care for any of that?! Well sure, if you were no longer the hanayome bride, you wouldn't have to belong to anyone.. But to die in the process, how does that make it worth it? Even if you don't die, as someone who's lost their qualifications to be a bride, you'd.. be banished from the Hanabusa house. Taking it this far, what are you trying to prove to me by doing all
this? [7:01] You... really are an idiot. You weren't doing this for the sake of protecting my brother, but to prove you were on my side.. laying down your life so easily... This level of idiotic, I've never seen it before. [7:22] That's enough. Give me the knife. No, I won't try to kill Kouki anymore. It's not worth it with you on the line. That's why, you won't need the knife anymore right? Listen well. If you ever disappear on me, as your master, I will never forgive you. So, you better remember that.. I'm going to sleep for today. Come. We're returning to my room.
Track 5: Eternal Love Blossoms in Even a Moment (一時でも永遠の愛は咲く)
[0:05] You too, lie down over here. It could fit us both if we stay close together. It's.. not like I'm planning to do anything weird. Is it alright? Just this once. This is.. somewhat nostalgic. We often used to do this when we were kids, didn't we? Just us, lying down and telling each other dumb stories. Then we'd end up actually falling asleep in the midst of it. That's wrong–! I didn't cry! Didn't you cry a lot back then too? You would always come running to me every time you made a mistake at work.. Heh~ That's true. We'd even cry ourselves to sleep at times. Some things seemed to have changed since those times. As I got a bit older, I've grown up a lot from compared to when I was a kid.. And with the selection ceremony, I never actually thought it would happen with me. But.. it's not like I hated it. Better yet, I thought it was my chance. I wouldn't have been given this opportunity to be a candidate if the selection ceremony didn't happen. My goal is... to surpass that person. This is my one and only chance to do it. In your situation, you were also brought up with the possibility of becoming a bride. It's better to become a real bride rather than just ending it as a maid, isn't it? *chuckle* You're making such a dumbfounded expression. If there's something that hasn't changed at all, it's probably the way you're so open with that sort of thing huh~? I've.. definitely changed. After all, it's not possible to stay a kid forever. [2:37] H-Hey..? What's wrong? ..! The seizures– Are you experiencing them again!? Dumbass! I told you that you didn't have to put up with it anymore, didn't I?! You don't have to keep using something like candy! Whether it's tolerable or it isn't, you're still experiencing the same pain! I'm right here so.. stop trying to endure it by yourself! Here, look this way. [3:30] ...How was that? Ah.. It's better than before? But.. it looks like you're still having trouble breathing normally. Ah- You don't have to. No need to force yourself to talk if it's hard. We'll take it slow. I'll help you through it, until you get better. Starting with... kissing.. Even with this, your throat's still dry right? So.. Step by step, I'll make it feel better so– You're starting to freeze up.. When the attack subsides, I'll stop. Your buttons, I'm going to undo them. [4:48] Ah... R-Right.. You wouldn't wear anything inside before going to bed, I guess that's obvious... Ah- Ah, no.. It just felt too soft all of a sudden. I was a bit surprised, I guess..? Like this.. If I start just by touching you, does it at least have some little effect? Here though. It already.. looks kind of stiff. Oh... Thinking back to it, you.. seemed to like it in your ears. Don't try to hide. The seizures will stop if I make you feel good, right? I'll touch your chest too. Your ears really are weak, huh~ You're already shivering.. Just a little more. I said I'd help make you feel better didn't I? Your breathing's.. still pretty erratic. Even if you're hiding it, I can tell. Raise your hips. It's a bit of a hindrance so.. I'll take off your underwear. A-About that. Removing your clothes one by one's.. wouldn't it be embarrassing? If anything–! U-Um, never mind. Just do it already! Your skin's so fair; I can still clearly see it despite how dim the room is. That's why-! Don't press your legs together. Even if you feel embarrassed, don't move around so much. [8:17] This... The fact that my brother's mark remains on your inner thigh. It's infuriating. Heh~! If I leave a hickey on top of it this way, you won't even be able to tell that his mark's there. Ehehe..! That's right. I really should have done this from the beginning. My older brother's mark... I should have gone over it with my own marks. I won't... Hah.. let anyone else come before me.! Because you're.. [9:33] Oh..? You're- Why are you trembling so much? Ahh... Did you feel it when I was kissing your inner thigh? Because, look. It's completely drenched. The attack looks like it's already been suppressed. It might probably go away on
its own. But.. in this condition, it would still be unbearable for you in a different sense. I'm going to make it easier for you, so you can just lie down like that. [10:22] Ah... Amazing.. It's this wet. Heh~ Oh ..I get it. You like it here, is that right? Then, spread your legs more. I won't be able to lick it otherwise. Why did you close them? You can make such a voice just by me touching it with my fingers. Wouldn't it feel better if I lick it? If it's embarrassing, you can blame it on the seizures. Remarkable... It keeps flowing out... Your hips are shaking.. It's.. done. (?) [11:58] ..Did you come? Are you alright? Your skin still hasn't stopped trembling though.. Woah–?! Be careful..! You're seriously going to make one of us fall off. Don't stick so closely to me like that.. I-I'm fine. I said it earlier didn't I? We can take it slow, step by step. I... wanted to do it, even with or without the seizures.. H-Hey, what're you-!? Ngh.! I already said I was– ..Ugh! I-I'm fine..! ..Are you even listening? Nn-! Hey..! Ah... Don't tell me, you're... that alone just now wasn't enough for you.? Oh? You don't have to stare me with that face, you know? I... I'm sorry alright..? But, it's not something you need to worry about. This is because... when we did that.. it just naturally reacted on its own. Oh? Pfft– *laughs* "It's not fair," huh..? You're really saying something like that right now? Besides, we were originally doing this to get rid of the seizures. ..Or wasn't that true for you? H-Hey, don't move too far to the side. You'll fall. I wasn't really saying all that just to tease you. Come on..! I can't see your face at all with you grasping the quilt so tightly. [14:14] Hey, about... doing this with me... don't you hate it? I don't mean for the sake of suppressing the seizures. Don't you have.. someone else that you like? There isn't?! Ah, but my brother..? It was a really long time ago... Now, you don't anymore? Ah, I see... Heh~! What the heck.. So that's how it was.. I don't know why but.. now, I feel like I can completely trust you. I also.. don't feel bad about... touching you.. either... What's with that weird grin!? *sigh* The way you easily reveal your emotions through your expressions; it truly hasn't changed since you were a kid. No reason.. There doesn't have to be one for me to kiss you just now right..? It's just that I wanted to kiss you, so I did. [16:13] Your breasts... are so soft.. Even just touching you feels nice.. Here too. It's getting more stiff... I want to.. lick it. Hey... Regardless of something like the seizures, you... still want to right..? You do? Heh..! Got it. Ah, no. I... also feel the same. Here.. is it enough? ..It's still really wet~ Just wait for a bit. [18:38] ...Uh—? A-Again.. Like I asked before, why do you keep staring whenever I put it on? During times like this, you're normally supposed to pretend you don't see it. I'm obviously taking off my clothes..! ...Earlier ..I didn't get a chance to.. Uh-? Ugh.. You only care about the strangest things, huh? I want to enter you right now.. Is it okay? If it hurts... just tell me. [19:38] It's so warm..! And it's starting to- really wrap around me... I'm finally in.. Right now though, are you sure it doesn't hurt? A-Ah–! D-Don't just suddenly tighten up..! Mgh~! Guh.. I won't be able to... hold myself back if you do... Nnn.. I did say that, but.. that was about the seizures–!? [20:20] I get it.. I won't hold back either. That's what you want right? I'm going to move. If it gets too much, tell me immediately. Incredible... what you're feeling- guh.. whenever you tense up... from your insides– I can tell. It's hot.. Also my tongue... feels like it's burning..! Is it fine if I go a little more rough..? I want.. more of you... Your voice, I want to hear it.. Hah..! More... let more of your voice out.. ..Me? You already know right..? It feels.. really good.. You look gorgeous.. Why-? ..didn't I notice it 'till now? If y-you– tighten up that much..! Geez... You're...
wicked when you get let like this.! I'm.. already... If you're going to- let's do it... together.. Agh~ C-Coming...! [23:40] Heh.. What's with this feeling? You really are weird~ Suddenly laughing like that out of nowhere. Hey.. Are you okay? I just feel a little dazed... Did I.. make you overdo it? *chuckle* Though I guess you would've told me by now if you felt that way. But.. I'm really glad. You too..? Ah, I see~! ..Lift your head up for a bit. The space left is too narrow if I don't do this...! Hah... It's so warm~ Your body temperature's normally like this, huh.? yawn ...I'm getting sleepy. Hey..? You really are... on my side.. after all.. It's not that I don't believe you after all that happened! After threatening me to put your own life on the line.. I'd have no choice but to trust you. Speaking of which, don't do that kind of thing ever again. ..I believe in you. I'm glad.. that you might be my bride, no, I'll definitely... make you my bride. Without a doubt.
Track 6: Red Bellflower (紅い桔梗)
[0:06] Mmngh... Morning..? Mm~ Just a little more.. O... Oh.. Ugh, this is bad.. Ngh.! Can't feel my arm.. Ugh...! You don't have to apologize so much. It was an exaggeration. It's just a little numb- It'll get better on its own. That's why, you should also sleep in a little mo... Ah?! Your-! That mark..! [0:54] The bellflower, it's.. visibly clearer than before..? Even more than the others.. *laughs* Seriously.. With this, is it finally done..? Hah... You don't have to worry about wearing clothes that hide your mark anymore. In fact, why don't you show it off to the other candidates! Ah- never mind. On second thought, just dress as you normally do. There's no need for you to go through the trouble of wearing clothes that expose your chest to that extent.. Hah~ This way, I can be sure that I am qualified to be a successor as the head of the house. You get it right? I'm one step ahead of every other candidate, including my older brother. Even those half-wits should be able to take a hint if you show it to them. No one will try to think of laying a hand on you from now on. One more thing; when the time comes that I can make this mark on my hand bloom as vibrant as yours, you'll.... become my bride. [2:12] Ah–! That is what I said but..! I will be chosen to succeed the next head was all I meant to say. You were originally meant to serve by my side so... I wouldn't mind if this is the way in which you do.. Guh.. Do you have any complaints? I'm going to guess not..! [2:30] ..Isn't it? When these flowers fully bloom, you can finally break free from the curse. You don't have to suffer through that pain again. Isn't that great? It's not that. It isn't because of the seizures, it's because.. you're my bride... Ah. Ah, no.. It's nothing. I'll tell you after I become the head, so... until that day comes, just you wait. Okay?
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Well everyone, welcome back! So while I’m still working on requests and the asks from the event, today I wanted to do a little something different. Especially since…well…
[…it’s okay. You can say it.]
…right. As you guys may have noticed, the ‘Phantom Muse’ ghost writer struck again and—understandably��a lot of the deities are a little spooked…especially Jamil. We thought it had been another person—another mortal like me—that had hacked my account to post these things, but the fact that they knew Jamil’s story? Something that only the other deities knew about…?
[That means someone in or out of the pantheons did it. That’s why Rook and Ortho hadn’t sniffed out the perp: they were looking for mortal hackers, not deity ones.]
“Funyaa…that’s pretty creepy, yanno?” Sniffle… “I can’t stop thinking about that story though…”
Same…that curse sounds awful…
[It is. Also…who does this troll think they are?! Claiming my disciple’s inspiration for the blog? Calling her a lorekeeper? Are you SRS right now?!]
“Eep! He’s scary when he’s mad…”
Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay! It’ll be okay, Cater. Let’s just…keep working on the blog. Okay?
Sigh… [Fine. Okay…so, whatcha got planned for today’s post?]
Well, since everyone has a tendency to drop in unannounced, I thought it would be fun to show the readers here a little glimpse into what life looks like with powerful deities visiting at all hours of the day!
[Oooh, that sounds totes fun! How should I tag it?]
-but fun!
[Gotcha!] Click! [Okay: #disciplelife #noisyannoyingchimera #chaoticbutfundeities #smh. And…posted! So, when’re you gonna start this?]
From 3:00 yesterday.
[Really? Isn’t 3:00 pm a bit late in the day?]
No. 3:00 am.
[Eh?! Why so early?]
Because some of you seem to forget that we mortals need to sleep and don’t appreciate bright lights or loud noises.
You’ll see…anyway, hope ya’ll enjoy!
(Under a read more because long! No warnings other than Lilia's cooking.)
3:00 am—Accidental Sunrise
Faun: *peacefully sleeping under soft blankets before stirring when light starts filling the room* “Mmf…mornin’ alre’dy?” *looks up* “…hm? GAH!!?”
Leona: “Ugh…do you have to scream in my ear, mortal?”
Faun: “Wha-? How did-? Why are you in my bed?! How did you even get in here?”
Leona: “Magic. And you always have those really soft blankets we can’t get in our realm.”
Faun: “Seriously?...wait, what time is it?” *checks clock* “…it’s not even past three o’clock yet, why is it so brigh-? Oh, right. Your sun disk…”
Leona: “You figured it out. Good job—now let me sleep.”
Faun: “…are you avoiding your brother or your nephew.”
Leona: “Take a wild guess.”
Faun: “Both. Got it. Could you at least dim the brightness so I can sleep too?”
Leona: “Fine…”
Grim: “Hey! I’m gone for two minutes and he stole my spot! Wher’m I s’pposed to sleep?!”
7:00—Alarm Clocks are Overrated
All three are sleeping peacefully…
Sebek: *slams door open* “MORTAL!! Lilia-sama has summoned you for breakfast. Awaken!”
Faun: *on the ground clutching chest* “…I think my heart just stopped…”
Sebek: “Hmph—nonsense! You are alive and talking, are you not?”
Leona: *tangled in the comforter* “You need to get a refund on that alarm clock…”
Faun: “…I know you just said something snarky, Leona, but my ears are ringing from the talking thunder cloud.”
Grim: *fainting goat pose* “Funyaa…too loud…”
7:30—Breakfast is Served, Part One
 Lilia: “Good morning, my child~!”
Faun: “Good mor—ning? What ah…what is all this?”
Lilia: “Why, breakfast of course. I made all your favorites~! Eggs and bacon, waffles, toast, and freshly squeezed juice!”
The table has several dishes filled with purple, green, and black “food”.
Grim: “Fygah! Did that pile of sludge just move?!”
Lilia: “Ah yes, those would be the waffles. Here, why not start off with a bowl of cereal?”
Faun: “…why is the cereal on fire?”
Lilia: “I have no idea. The cereal simply caught fire the moment I poured the milk. Perhaps a new brand?”
Faun: “I’m starting to wonder if someone put a curse on you…”
8:30—Breakfast is Served, Part Two
 Trey: “Would you like another cinnamon bun?”
Faun: “Yes, please!”
Grim: “Me too!”
Faun: “Thanks for inviting us to breakfast and tea, Riddle, Trey.”
Riddle: “You’re very welcome any time.”
Grim: “I’ll take tea and sweets over a bowl of fire cereal and sludge!”
Riddle: “I beg your pardon?”
Faun: “Lilia tried to cook us breakfast and set a bowl of cereal on fire just pouring the milk in.”
Trey: “……how??”
9:30—It’ll be a breeze~!
 Faun: “Wow, it’s pretty windy today. You having a good day, Ace?”
Ace: “Sure am! Just gained a new follower and they left an offering to get my blessing.”
Deuce: “Oh, so that’s where you got the cherry pie from? I thought you swiped it from Trey when he wasn’t looking again.”
Ace: “Hey! That was an accident. How was I supposed to know that it was for the Unbirthday Party that day?”
Grim: “Accident or not, food grudges are no jo-oke!” *gets blown backwards into Faun’s legs*
Faun: “I gotcha-oop!”
Deuce: “Careful!” *uses shield and wing to block wind current* “Ace, you need to turn down the wind.”
Ace: “What’s the matter, Juice? Afraid they’ll get blown away?”
Deuce: “Oi! It’s not Juice, it’s Deuce! You’ve had eons to remember that! And of course I’m worried—you remember what happened the last time, don’t you? Faun got hurt rolling down the hill!”
Faun: “I mean…it was kinda fun, minus the broken arm.”
Ace: “Oh calm down, will ya? That was an accident, and she’s fine! Besides, mortals have the durability predictability of a phone: they’ve survived worst things than a little wind.”
Deuce: “Your idea of a ‘little wind’ involves whirlwinds and tornados.”
Ace: “Oh yeah? Well then, how’s this for a little wind?”
Deuce: “Gah!”
Faun & Grim: “Whaaaa-!!!”
Ace: “…oops…”
Deuce: “I got’em!”
11:30—Catch a Cold (Wolf) in the Rain
 Ruggie: “Whoa! What happened to you?”
Faun: *completely soaked to the bone and shivering* “F-Floyd thought t-that it’d be…f-funny to make it r-rain on J-J-Jack.”
Ruggie: “Oof…so you got hit with winter and rain magic at the same time, huh?”
Grim: *teeth chattering and looking like a wet cat* “W-w-whadda…jerk! Eh…a-a…achoo!!”
Ruggie: “Ah man, can’t have you two getting’ sick on me. Here, take a seat by the hearth. It’ll warm ya while I fix up some lunch, m’kay?”
Nana Bucchi: “Oh you poor dears. Here, a nice, warm quilt to warm you both.”
Faun & Grim: “Thank you, Nana Bucchi!”
Nana Bucchi: “You are most welcome, dears. Now, who would like a donut while we wait for the stew to finish?”
Faun, Grim, & Ruggie: “Me~!”
1:00—Eye of the Beholder
 Rook: “Bonjour~!”
Faun: “Oh, hi, Rook! What’re you doing here?”
Rook: “I heard from the Rose Chevalier how you and Monsieur Fuzzball were experiencing a chaos-filled morning, and so I wished to check on you both.”
Grim: “That’s puttin’ it lightly.”
Rook: “Oh?”
Faun: “Well, let’s see…I got woken up twice before my alarm clock was supposed to go off and nearly had a heart attack both times. Then Lilia tried to cook us breakfast. Ace sent us flying in a cyclone…again. Then we fell into Jade’s river, got saved by Jack, and then Floyd nearly caused Grim and I to get flash frozen by making it rain while we were standing next to Jack, so we were dropped off at Ruggie’s cottage to warm up and get some medicine—”
Grim: “And lunch!”
Faun: “And of course, lunch. Overall, an average Tuesday.”
Rook: “Oh my. Sounds like quite the adventure!”
Faun: “Yeah. Right now I just want to rela—”
Vil: “Ah, there you are, Rook. I need you to—” *stares* “…Faun. Have you been neglecting your skin care routine again?”
Faun: “……uhhhhh……”
Vil: “Unacceptable! It would seem I need to teach you proper care once more. Mortals must take care of their body and mind, and I will not accept laziness or lack of time as an excuse for not performing self-care. Now come—you as well, Grim. Your fur is in an appalling state.”
Faun: *groans* “Is it too much to ask for a little break?”
Vil: “Faun…”
Faun: “Eep! Moving!”
4:00—Party Over Here~!
 Grim: *groaning* “That took three. Whole. Hours! Is the day over yet?”
Faun: “Nope. Not even close…”
Grim: “Ugh…I just wanna take a nap…”
Faun: “Same.” *flops onto couch and lets Grim climb on before starting to set an alarm on phone* “An hour should do the trick.”
The two doze off, sleeping peacefully…
Kalim: *comes flying in on carpet* “Hey, there you guys are! I’ve been looking all over for you.”
Grim: *clinging to Faun’s face with fur puffed out* “Don’t any of you know how to knock?!”
Kalim: “Oops! Sorry…”
Faun: “…was…was that an elephant just now?”
Kalim: “Oh, yeah! There’s going to be festival tonight and there’s a parade happening, so I thought I’d bring my favorite elephant along to stretch her legs. Say hi!”
Faun: “Kalim…ugh, as much as I love your elephants, this is definitely going to be hard to explain. Do you guys even realize how difficult it’s getting to explain all the weird things and strange people appearing around my house to my neighbors? How am I supposed to explain what an elephant is doing in my yard?”
Kalim: “Hmm…well, you could tell them that the circus is in town?”
Faun: “…I-? Maybe??”
Grim: “Doesn’t that excuse only work on little kids though?”
Kalim: “Oh, right. You got a point there…well, I can take her somewhere else! I just wanted to know if you guys could come to the festival with me? There’s lots of food and games to play!”
Faun: *sighs* “You know what? Sure. Just promise to let us take a nap for an hour and we can go. Okay?”
Kalim: “Okay~!”
End Day
 So…yeah, we ended up spending the rest of the evening at a festival and Kalim let us stay in his realm for the night.
[Wow. So that’s why you were so tired this morning!]
“Well duh! You guys are so exhausting to deal with…”
[And this is what you go through every day?]
Well, some days are calmer than others, but generally speaking? Yeah. Though…to be honest, I’d be more worried if a day is too quiet. I’ve gotten so used to having you all stop by and visit me every day that…well, I just can’t imagine not having at least one of you visiting.
Yeah! It’s nice just knowing I have someone checking in on me either in person or via messaging…even if they’re not human, it’s nice knowing you guys care. So…thank you. For being here for me.
Sniffle… [Aww…you’re gonna make me cry. Of course! Even if you don’t always see us, it doesn’t mean we’re not there. In fact…come here!] Click! [Tagging: #heartfeltsincerity #wholesomevibesftw #lovemydisciples5evah aaand…posted and pinned~!]
Huh?! Pinned? You never pin anything to your Magicam.
[Well, I thought I’d make an exception. It’s the least I can do to show my disciples how much I love and care about them, even if I can’t always say it to them.]
“Bleh, when did it get so sappy?”
[Awww, does Grimmy want some hugs too~?]
“Ack! No, stay away! Only my disciples get to hold the Great Grim!! Nooooo-!!!”
Oop, there they go. Well folks, hope you guys enjoyed reading this! Until next ti…huh? Wait…where did this feather come from?
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sleepysnk · 3 years
HELLO I'M HERE TO POST SOME SMUT FOR EREN BECAUSE I'M FILTHY LIKE THAT. this was inspired by this post, so i'm here to feed y'all. i hope you guys enjoy! <3
Zip it Up
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW
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Eren's body lay still as he slept in his bed comfortably, the boy had been sleep deprived the past three days due to exams and finals in school. He'd stay up past 2 A.M. working on different assignments to boost his grades and it was taking a lot from him, he'd sleep at odd hours and stay up the whole night.
His body shifted around as the sudden ringing from his phone broke him out of his slumber.
Groaning, he grabbed his phone off the nightstand, he stared at the screen noticing it was his girlfriend (Y/N). His eyes squinted as the bright light burned his vision slightly.
He sighed, clicking the accept option. "Hey baby.. what's up?" Eren asked, voice still groggy and deep.
(Y/N) was in her car, driving back from her day at school. "Eren? Were you sleeping? I'm sorry if I woke you babe, I just wanted to call and check in on you," she said.
Eren smiled a bit. "Yeah you woke me up but don't worry, I don't mind." he said, sitting up against the bed frame. "Are you in the car?" he asked, hearing the soft noises in the background.
She giggled a bit. "Yeah I am. I actually wanted to come and see you, unless you're busy." she said, smiling a bit.
Eren checked the time on his phone, seeing it was 12:30 in the afternoon. "Yeah you can come over (Y/N), I just gotta look a little less scary." he said, running his fingers through his chocolate brown locks.
(Y/N) sighed. "Alright babe, that's fine. I'll text you when I get to your place okay?" she said.
He sat up. "Sounds like a plan," he replied, looking around his room.
Eren heard the click of the phone call ending, he tossed his phone onto his bed and stood up. He didn't really have anything nice to wear, but he was in his own house and it was just his girlfriend, so he decided to dress in a casual outfit.
A black zip up hoodie and some grey cotton shorts.
Eren walked into the bathroom, he stared at his dark circles. He was still tired, even after sleeping in almost half the day.
After a quick shower, he got dressed and tied his hair into a low messy bun. The zip up hoodie he had was zipped open, exposing his abs and his chest. His girlfriend had seen him like that before, Eren was always dressing bummy. He just wanted to be comfortable, who could blame him?
He exited the bathroom and reached for his phone, reading the messages he got from (Y/N).
(Y/N)🖤: i'm outside
Eren sat up, exiting his room and heading towards the door. He opened it and saw his girlfriend standing there, she eyed him and a smile grew onto her lips.
"You seem comfy," she said, stepping into his apartment.
Eren chuckled, putting his arms around her waist. "Mm.. why not?" he replied, pulling her closer to his body. He rested his chin on her head "It's good to see you," he added, smiling a bit.
(Y/N) smiled, taking in the scent of his body wash. "I missed you a ton," she said, looking up at him.
He kissed her cheek. "I missed you more princess," he replied, smiling down at her.
The two talked for awhile, Eren talked about his shitty sleep schedule and how he's been juggling assignments for the past few nights. Of course (Y/N) didn't necessarily think that was a good idea, she was always that type of girl who would want her boyfriend to make good choices for himself. Reminding him to sleep or drink water, but sometimes Eren didn't listen. Finding it funny when she would slap his arm about not sleeping properly.
"I'm still tired," Eren groaned, rubbing his eyes which were droopy.
(Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest. "That's what you get Mr.Nightowl," she said, playfully tugging at his hair.
Eren chuckled, walking towards his living room. He lied down on the couch, his hoodie falling away from his abdomen, exposing his abs and his chest. The sight made heat rush onto (Y/N)'s cheeks, Eren had the nicest muscles.
"Baby!" Eren called from the couch. "Come here! Let me hold you," he yelled, reaching his arms towards her.
(Y/N) laughed, taking off her shoes and approaching him. She stood in front of him as he grabbed her arm, forcing her down on top of him. She yelped a bit as she straddled him.
"Lay down.. I wanna cuddle," he said, with a slight pout of his lips.
She giggled, leaning down onto his muscular chest. "Okay fine! I'm here babe," she replied, smiling hearing his heartbeat by her ear.
Eren's arms wrapped around her torso tightly, he squeezed her a few times. "Ugh.. I've missed cuddling with you all damn day. You never fail to make cuddles great," he said, kissing the top of her head.
A few minutes went by, no words were spoken between them as they just sat in each other's embrace.
(Y/N) sat up, staring down at her boyfriend under her. "You need some sleep," she said, brushing the few strands of hair out of his face.
He laughed, taking her wrist into his hand. "Nah I don't need sleep baby. I just need you," he replied, running his fingers up her thighs.
(Y/N) smirked as she moved her body further back towards his hips. His abs were now in sight, she decided since she was on top of him, to take advantage of the situation.
Her fingers ghosted over his abs as she began to poke and tickle at his stomach. Eren started laughing, trying to push her hands away.
"Babe! What the fuck!" Eren yelled, while trying to push her hands away. His breath was uneven as he felt her fingers in his sides.
He took her wrists into his hands. "Your face was priceless!" she said, laughing.
Eren smirked as he grabbed her waist. "You're gonna regret that," he said lowly.
She felt a shiver go down her spine as Eren lifted her up, placing her down on the couch as he hovered over her. He took in her beauty, smirking as he leaned down to press a kiss onto her lips.
(Y/N) wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. Eren got in between her legs, grabbing her thighs as he brought them around her waist, a print was starting to show in his shorts.
"Eren.." (Y/N) said quietly, staring up at her boyfriend who was staring down at her. Her eyes widened a bit seeing the print formed in his pants, bubbles of anticipation formed in her stomach.
Eren fixed his bun, leaning down to put both of his hands by her head. "Lay down for me," he said, eyes filled with desire.
She nodded, laying her head down against the couch cushions. Eren nipped softly at the flesh of her neck, his hand running down to meet the hem of her leggings. He slipped his hand underneath to feel her clothed clit, which was already soaked with arousal.
"You're so wet for me already.." he groaned, taking his fingers out of her pants.
He hooked his fingers around her leggings, taking them off along with her panties. The cooler air hit her skin causing shivers to go down her spine.
(Y/N) opened her legs a little wider for him. "Eren please.." she pleaded.
Eren chuckled, leaning up to kiss her again. "Don't worry beautiful I got you, I'd hate to leave my princess needy." he said, smirking.
He moved down in between her legs, savoring the view of how wet her pussy was. The sight alone made his mouth water. He ran his finger down her folds, sending a few shivers throughout her body.
(Y/N) gripped the sheets as she felt his tongue against her pussy. A loud moan came from her mouth as the contact was made, Eren wrapped his arms around her thighs spreading her apart even more so his tongue could explore deeper into her.
"Eren! Yes! Like that.." she moaned, putting her hands into his hair.
She suddenly felt two digits enter into her, the pleasure making her feel dizzy.
"You take everything so well.. you're such a good girl for me," he said, rubbing circles in her inner thigh. "I'm gonna fuck you so good," he added, looking up at her with lust filled eyes.
(Y/N) whined as she felt his fingers disappear from her pussy. "Babe! I was close.." she said, watching as Eren stood up.
He smirked, licking her arousal off his fingers. "I didn't want you to cum yet. You only cum on my cock," he replied, tossing his shorts off leaving him in just his hoodie.
He sat down beside her. "Come sit.." he said, patting his lap.
(Y/N) nodded, standing up and maneuvering herself onto his lap. Eren took his cock and began to rub his tip along her folds, the area was slick with arousal, she felt pleasure coming from her core causing her to moan a bit.
"Eren... don't tease me.." she moaned and put her hands onto his shoulders.
He smirked. "I saw you eyeing my abs earlier... I thought I'd give you a nice view," he said, leaning into her ear. "Beg me." he ordered.
She felt the tip of his cock slowly rubbing along her dripping core. "E-Eren.. please! Please baby... please put it in," she cried, gripping his shoulders.
"Beg me to do what princess?" he asked, nibbling on the shell of her ear.
"Fuck me please.. I want your cock inside of me," she replied her breathing deep and heavy.
Eren positioned his cock at her entrance and eased her down slowly onto his cock. He groaned feeling her tight walls surrounding him, her core was hot and wet. (Y/N) cried out in pleasure feeling his cock thrusting deep inside of her. The position giving access deep into her core.
"Fuckkk.. your pussy is so tight," Eren groaned, putting his hands on her hips. "You like my cock deep in your pussy? Hm baby?" he asked, smirking at her.
She barely could get words out as her head was clouded. "Yes! Yes! I fucking love your cock baby..." she cried, digging her nails into his shoulder.
Her words only encouraged Eren to go faster, he wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her chest towards his. He began to thrust into her quickly, his balls slapping against her pussy filled the room.
"Fuck! Eren.. just like that! Right there!" (Y/N) moaned, rolling her hips a bit to feel his cock.
Eren put his hands onto her waist and bounced her on his cock. "Like that baby.. bounce on my fucking dick. I wanna see your pretty face," he said, putting his hand around her throat giving a small squeeze.
She looked down at Eren who had a slight pink to his cheeks. "Eren.. fuck!" she cried out, feeling his cock thrust into her.
She felt the band in her stomach beginning to loosen as his thrusts continued, Eren felt her walls beginning to slowly tighten around his cock.
"You gonna cum baby? I wanna feel your little pussy cum all over my fucking cock," Eren said, a slight growl coming out of his mouth.
He used his thumb to rub circles in her clit, she leaned down kiss him as she felt her orgasm take over her body. Her legs shook as her pussy creamed around his cock, her walls squeezing his cock.
"Good fucking girl princess," Eren said, a sly smirk on his face as he continued to thrust into her.
His cock twitched inside of her as his own orgasm was approaching.
"Cum inside me please.." she cried, kissing at his neck. "Fill my pussy up baby.." she moaned.
Eren's thrusts grew quicker, suddenly he reached his orgasm. Thick hot ropes shot into her pussy, a loud groan erupted from his throat as he came inside of her pussy.
"Oh fuck (Y/N)!" Eren yelled, throwing his head back as his nails dug into her hips.
The two sat there for a second catching their breaths, a layer of sweat was on Eren's head. He pulled his cock out of her pussy, watching as the mix of his and her cum leaked out of her pussy onto her thighs.
"I love to see that.." Eren said, smirking as he looked up at (Y/N).
She stood up on wobbly legs. "I enjoyed the view," she said, eyeing Eren's abs that had a view scratch marks from her nails.
Eren looked down, rolling his eyes playfully. "Should I zip it up next time?" he asked raising a brow.
"Uh absolutely not! I like the view," she replied, crossing her arms over her chest. "I think I wanna see more though," she added, smiling at him.
His brow quirked up at her words. "Say.. I need another shower.. you can see more there," he said, standing up and hovering over her.
"Oh? Really? I'd love to see it," (Y/N) said, running her fingers down his abs towards his v-line.
Suddenly, Eren picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder. "You're gonna see a lot more then baby," he said, going towards the bathroom.
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emmyhem · 3 years
good stupid (l.r.h)
a/n: hi again! this is a short and sweet luke x student fem!reader imagine, and my first time posting smut,, i’m planning on posting some angsty stuff pretty soon sooo i wanted to have something pretty fluffy up but as i wrote it became clear to me that smut would fit well. so with all that being said, i hope you enjoy - emmy <33 (p.s, requests are still open but i am working on quite a few already and they take me slightly longer to write than my own pieces because i want to be sure i’m doing them justice. but all requests are extremely appreciated as well as any feedback on my writing. and i’m always up to chat, if you ever have something on your mind, no matter how random :)) 
pairing: luke hemmings x student fem!reader 
summary: an innocent but important secret sparks a competitiveness between you and your boyfriend, but it may end in both of your favor. 
warnings: smut, oral sex (female receiving), cursing, but mainly just fluffy romantic sex 
word count: 2.2k
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Luke’s head was in your lap as you read from your textbook intently. Your eyebrows were tugged together and your lips pouted in concentration. 
“You’re pretty.” he hummed, a sweet grin on his face. 
You glanced down, scrunching your nose in fondness. 
“You too.” you responded, poking his cheek.
“Stop, I’m blushing.” he joked, hiding his face behind his hands.
You laughed before turning your attention back to your studies, but Luke’s eyes remained glued to you only breaking contact occasionally to blink. You could feel his eyes on you, making it extremely hard to focus.
“Luke.” you scolded. 
“What?” he whined. 
“You gotta stop staring. I'm trying to study bub.”
“No can do, lovie. M’studying too.” he protested. 
“And what are you studying?” you questioned. 
“You.” he said matter of factly. “Happens to be my favorite subject.” 
You pressed your lips together tightly to avoid smiling like an idiot. The two months you’d spent with Luke had been the best of your life, for the first time you felt like things were just right. It was as if you had been made for him and you kept finding yourself having to actively avoid blurting out the big L word. It was like it was always at the tip of your tongue threatening release, any time he would compliment you, or hug you tighter than normal, and it was especially hard when he kept looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky. 
So caught up in your lovestruck haze, you hadn’t noticed that you had sat your book down next to you on the couch and were staring off into space.
Luke sat up and pulled you to his chest.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” he poked, pressing a swift kiss to the top of your hairline. 
“Just thinking.” you mumbled into his shoulder. 
“Bout what? You gotta tell me I’m trying for an A in y/n studies.” 
You laughed while shaking your head. 
“I’m thinking about saying something stupid.” you said timidly, pulling out of Luke’s embrace to look him in the eyes. 
“Good stupid or bad stupid?” 
“M’not quite sure.” you answered, moving back into Luke’s arms. 
His eyes flashed with mischief as he leaned away from you.
“I’ll give you a kiss if ya tell me.” 
“I can get one of those whenever I want.” you replied, chasing his lips with your own. 
“Nah, I think I’ll hold out for a while, can’t have you keeping secrets.” 
You laughed, knowing how needy your boyfriend could get, “We’ll see how long that lasts.” 
“Heyyy,” he drawled out. “No laughing, baby I’m serious. You won’t be getting any action till you spill.” 
You just pretended to zip your lips shut and throw away the key in response before continuing your work.  He would give in within the hour, you were sure of it. 
This has been the longest 3 days of your life. You had no idea when kissing Luke had become such a big part of your everyday routine but it was becoming abundantly clear to you that it was. 
Like this morning, when your alarm woke you up for class and you rolled over to kiss him without even thinking about it. You were centimeters away from making contact before a smile broke on Luke’s face and he rolled over to mumble, 
“No kisses for you.” before closing his eyes once again. 
Or when you dropped off lunch for the guys at the studio, you had been expecting at least a peck to express his gratitude for your favor, but all you got was a quick kiss on the back of your hand and a sly, 
“Thank you, baby.” 
Tonight you were determined, and  there was no way in hell you would be the one to give in. You were cooking when he got home, freshly showered and wearing only one of  his favorite shirts. Luke heard you before he saw you, humming to ABBA from the kitchen, he chuckled to himself  before turning the corner. 
“Hi baby.” you greeted, spinning on your heel while you sucked a bit of pasta sauce off your finger. 
Luke groaned at the sight of you before sauntering over and wrapping his arms around your waist as you stirred your cooking pasta. 
“You are making this extremely hard for me.” he hissed in your ear. Emphasis on the hard as he pressed himself against your back. 
You squeezed your thighs together at the feeling but held your composure as you spun to face him. 
“I dunno what you're talking about, Lu.” 
“Tell me your secret and we can go upstairs.” he whined, tugging you away from the stove.
“And let my dinner get cold?” you teased, waving a disapproving  finger. 
As you finished cooking Luke sat at the table, his eyes following your every move. 
“Food’s ready.” you announced as you pulled two plates from the cabinet. 
When no response came you looked in his direction. He nodded and beckoned you forward with the curl of two fingers. You took a seat on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“What’s a matter, baby? Aren’t you hungry?” you cooed in his ear. 
Luke clenched his jaw and ran a finger along your thigh, “I’m begging you to fess up. You’re looking way too pretty not to kiss and I don’t like to give in.” 
“Me neither” you countered, your forehead pressed against his. 
“Baby,” he whined. 
“You really wanna know?” you said, your feet carrying you back to the counter as you got an unexpected surge of confidence. 
“You have no idea.” he sighed from behind you. “Please put us both out of our misery, hm?” 
“I love you.” you admitted, holding your breath as you stared at the marble countertop in front of you. 
You could hear Luke stand up and felt his breath on the back of your neck within a second. 
“That’s my secret.” you continued.
His hands ran down your sides before settling firmly on your hips, which he used as leverage to spin you in his direction. You kept your eyes to the floor once facing him but he was quick to change that, using his thumb and pointer to tilt your chin up. You looked up through your lashes to meet his eyes. 
“And I love you more.” he returned. And there he went again with that look, as if you were his favorite thing in the entire universe. 
You let out a sigh of relief, one that was cut short by Luke’s lips moving urgently against your own. You both seemed to melt into each other as his tongue worked its way into your mouth. He was quick to pick you up and set you on the counter, this way he wouldn’t strain his neck to kiss you. The kiss was breathy, needy, and exactly what your body had been craving for the past three torturous days. 
“We are never ever doing that again.” he spoke into your mouth between kisses. 
“Mhm.” you agreed as his hands groped at your thighs, pushing his shirt that you had on up in the process. 
“Wrap your legs around me.” he instructed as you pulled away to breath. 
“Lu, dinner.” you protested. 
“I know, lovie. Later, I promise but right now m’hungry for something else and I can’t wait any longer.” 
“Okay,” you agreed breathlessly, wrapping your legs around him tightly as he carried you into the bedroom. 
Once in the bedroom he laid you out on the bed muttering out broken praises as he kissed down your neck. 
“Hardest three days of my life.” he admitted as his hands slid under your shirt. 
His palms were warm and rough on your skin and the only response you could muster was a soft whimper.  
Once he found his way to your nipples you were a moaning mess beneath him. 
“Off” you sighed, sitting up a bit so he could remove the shirt, leaving you completely bare. 
He ran a finger down your stomach as he spoke, “So pretty for me, angel.” 
You shuddered at his words feeling more needy by the second. 
“Lu, please.” 
“Feeling eager, baby? Me too. But I just wanna enjoy the girl I love for a bit.” he continued, as he settled between your legs. 
Your heart skipped a beat at the word love, and you couldn’t help the dopey smile that appeared on your face. 
He began peppering light kisses on your thighs each one slightly closer to where you needed him most. You started to squirm impatiently causing him to pull away and hover over your face, 
“I love you.” he declared. 
“I love you too.” you affirmed, straining your neck leaning to kiss him. Once you pulled away he grinned before returning to his previous position. 
He wasted no more time before attaching his lips to your clit, working it furiously under his tongue. 
Your head immediately threw back in pleasure, and if it weren’t for Luke’s hands holding you down you were sure your hips would’ve bucked up. 
You were whimpering relentlessly as he hummed in content against you. 
“Taste’s so good, baby. Missed this so much.” 
You only mewled in response, feeling your first orgasm begin to creep up on you already. 
“Lu,” you moaned, your hands finding his hair and tugging lightly causing him to grunt. “M’close.” 
“Yea? Doing so good, wanna come for me, love?” he questioned, adding a finger as he continued the assault on your clit. 
“Y-yes” you stuttered out, your breath catching in your throat as you reached your climax. You shook under Luke’s hold as he worked you through your orgasm. 
As you recovered he nipped at your neck and left a trail of kisses up your jaw before finally reaching your lips. You kissed him sloppily still feeling hazy from the pleasure. 
“Gonna let me take you?” he cooed, continuing to pepper kisses all over your face. 
“Please.” you nodded. 
“Okay, baby. Lemme grab something.” he said before carrying himself over to his nightstand to retrieve a condom. 
Once he rolled the condom on and made his way back to you he rubbed his thumb on your hip as he lined himself up with your entrance. 
“Yea, Lu. Need you” you mewled. 
He began to press into you slowly, letting your body adjust to the stretch as he inched in. Once he was completely in, you clenched in pleasure at the sensation of being so completely full. This caused Luke to grunt loudly, 
“Fuck, so good for me, angel” he praised. “Lemme know when I can move. Okay, baby?”
You nodded quickly as you took your bottom lip in between your teeth. 
“Move, please.” you begged, desperate for friction. 
He started with slow thrusts, they were passionate and so filling you felt like you might actually burst. His thumb found your clit and began rubbing slow circles as he continued. 
“F-faster,” you stumbled over your words, the pleasure overwhelming you. “I need faster.” 
Luke was happy to comply, picking up the pace with each thrust. As he pounded into you harder he pressed further, his head nudging at your g-spot causing you to squeal, your fingers gripping at the sheets. 
“Is that the spot?” he questioned hitting it repeatedly, causing your brain to essentially go numb. The only active thought being, Luke. 
You physically couldn’t gather the strength or power to speak so instead you just nodded, your entire body falling slack as your second orgasm approached. 
“Gonna come for me again, baby? Show me how good I’m making you feel?” 
As if you weren’t already feeling enough, Luke chose this moment to attach his lips to your neck again sucking harshly at the spot he knew made you weak. 
“Fuck, baby.” he groaned, breaking away. “Can feel you clenching around me. Cum for me y/n, I know you can do it. C’mon gimme one more, wanna come with you.” 
You came undone around him as he hit your most sensitive spot over and over again. He followed immediately after, your name falling from his lips repeatedly during his release. 
So completely fucked out, you didn’t even notice when he pulled out, and tied off the condom before throwing it away and flopping down next to you on the bed. 
“How are you doing, my love.” he asked sweetly while pulling you to his chest.
You nodded into him and mumbled, “m’good, really good.” 
“I love you so much.” he spoke into your forehead before pressing a wet kiss on it. “How ‘bout I get ya all cleaned up and then warm us up some dinner to eat in bed?” he questioned, eyes studying your face. 
“Will you shower with me?” you asked timidly. 
“Well, I wasn’t planning on doing it alone.” he teased, lifting you up. 
As he sat on the edge of the tub, you on his lap, letting the shower run over his hand to ensure the water temperature was just right for you, you buried your face into his neck. 
“M’so glad I told you my secret.” 
“Me too.” he laughed. “Though, that whole no kissing thing was stupid.” 
“Good stupid.” you countered.
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banterpodcast · 3 years
emo truthing the dream smp
'oh some of these songs aren't TECHNICALLY emo they're pop pun-" ok. dont care.
also yes i am aware some of these bands are shitty people please do not try and make this seem like im supporting these bands actions i am simply just a music nerd
if u think i am wrong about any of these lmk i love discussing this stuff
theres no fall out boy here bc i know i can write a whole other post about fall out boy
first of all the obvious - vegas lights and las nevadas. i dont think i need to go further into that.
royal - waterparks - george
- "im proof of consequences" sir literally is the embodiment of this line. slept through an election and well. we saw how that turned out
- 'im two faced from your double exposure' in reference to his relationship to both dream and dreamXD
- "i wish i was royal but im not" man got dethroned
- "im doing alright, but is alright enough?" idk man i just think this line kinda got that george energy
- "i fall in love with everything that wants nothing to do with me" is the main line where im like hm idk if this fits george but also does dreamXD really love george? or does he just see a humanity in george he cant find in himself?
- "i know that theres no dealing with the way im feeling, im so out of touch with everyone and everythings a blur to me" lol!
i think check yes juliet by we the kings can apply to multiple ships but im gonna apply it to awesamponk purely for the line 'they'll tear us apart' because thats incredibly funny to me.
theres a good reason these tables are numbered honey, you just havent thought of it yet - panic! - early lmanberg wilbur (tbh some of it can also definitely apply to pogtopia wilbur)
- 'from that moment you'll be out of place and underdressed' the no armour rule
- 'i'm wrecking this evening already and loving every minute of it, ruining this banquet for the mildly inspiring' CMON TELL ME THIS LINE ISNT EARLY LMANBERG WILBUR
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do i even need to put analysis this shit is writing itself. wouldnt be surprised if wilbur listened to this at some point while writing the lmanberg arc
- "oh and the smokes in that cigarette box ... laced with nitroglycerine" is definitely more a pogtopia wilbur line but. wilbur is wilbur <3
king for a day - pierce the veil - exile arc tommy
im so passionate about this one.
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the s/ic/de attempts in the nether and in logstedshire. tommy being a red coded character.
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clearly about his relationship with dream. also the whole line about being a martyr and the idea that tommy still worshipped prime in exile ?????
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he was put into exile to 'think about what he did' in reference to burning george's house down. he had to beg for dream not to burn his things.
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haha anyone remember when he hallucinated tubbo coming to visit him?
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ghost in the walls... haha.... ghostbur....
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anyways king for a day is the tommy exile arc song.
other connections i have made but do not have the energy or passion to justify:
ignorance - paramore - quackity (actually i might make another post and talk about this bc god)
jack manifold and gives you hell by all american rejects
tubbo and the anthem by good charlotte
missing you by all time low i can see for both crimeboys and clingyduo
shut up and kiss me by marianas trench and early karlity (ie the one lil bit before karlnapity became a trio)
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kirschteinsj · 3 years
Pinky Promises
Nanami x fem! reader
Warnings: nothing too much! maybe language but overall just a bunch of fluff and lovey dovey stuff 
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: Domestic Nanami and reader, just thinking about how much they love each other. sappy and cute stuff.
A/N: Hi! ^_^ Second time posting, I’ve had this one shot saved for a bit now! finally posting it lolz. I've noticed a lot of people have written domestic Nanami pics or drawn art, very glad society as a whole has this perception of him. it truly heals the soul I think. anyway, I hope u like this and sorry if there’s any grammar errors I wasnt able to catch U_U im thinking of doing a hc post next.... unsure hm, we’ll see ^_^!!
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“I’m hooooome.” He says loudly as he steps through the apartment door, setting his briefcase down and taking off his beige coat. Putting down the grand kitchen knife she was using to chop up spinach, she rushed to the door with a smile and engulfed the tall blonde into a tight hug, saying hello. She took a deep breath, inhaling the soft scent of his cologne, the smell of something sour and musty soon taking over. Her face scrunched up and she let out a giggle.
“Oh god, Nanami, you stink, what did you go against today?”
“Nothing too bad. Just a grade 3,” He sighed “A smelly grade 3.” He sounded disappointed, probably because he knew he stunk too. Though the smell was horrendous, she still remained in his arms and he still held on just as tight.
“Are you tired? I was thinking of making dinner with you tonight but if you’re too tired I can-”
“No no. I’m fine. Just let me wash up and I’ll help out.”
“You sure?” She asked looking up towards him, questioning once more to reassure. He looked down and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.
“I’m sure, dear.”
While he showers upstairs, she gets back to readying the ingredients so they could begin cooking their masterpiece as soon as possible. Tonight she had chosen chicken alfredo with a tossed salad; One could say it was her favourite, but saying that would imply that she would eat it when cooked and served by whomever. But to her, she would only eat it when it was him who had made it for her.
Y/n adored him. He adored her. To her, he was her light. She could simply not imagine life without him, not after he had come in and changed her in such a way. She never in a million years would have thought to be so in love with someone. To have known someone who cared enough to hear all about her day or listen to all her tangents, whether they made sense or not. Who listened to her talk forever about anything just so he could see the faint glow of passion in her eyes. Someone who remembered the small details in regards to the things she loved and the things she despised; Like how she hated the feeling of peanut butter on her fingers and how she absolutely admired the scent of fresh pages in a new book. Sometimes, she felt undeserving of him.
He admired her like no other. Never did he believe he’d be capable of opening up to anyone in such a way, at least not until she walked into his life. He could write a million lists, all full of everything he loved about her. The way she smiled cheekily at him after a witty remark, how she'd give every hug as if it was the last, the way she was oh so patient with him. It took him time to become vulnerable in the slightest, he just didn’t know how to do so without burdening her. She knew his job was hard, he’d told her. But rather than running away like he expected, she stayed with him right by his side. She refused to leave him over that. If anything, it made her want to stay more since she felt the need to be there for him. It felt like a punch to the gut but a good one. “So, is this love?” He had asked himself then. Nanami had someone who brought out the much more joyful side to him. At the end of the day, he knew he’d walk through the front door only to see her, arms wide open and with a big smile offering a cozy hug. She was his home. Sometimes, he felt undeserving of her.
Putting the final piece of broccoli into the container, she tidies any clutter and went back to their shared bedroom. Sinking into the bed and falling on it with a plush thump, she lets out a deep sigh mixed with some sort of a groan. She herself was exhausted from work too to say the least. She didn’t deal with curses or anything like that, but she did teach a class of 9 year olds which one could consider just as frustrating. Yawning, she checks her phone to read the time: 6:15 PM. Nanami hadn’t been in the shower for too long, a small nap wouldn’t hurt. Quickly, she settled for a little 30 minute nap. That way, she could get up soon enough to help him out in the kitchen and not abandon him to do everything on his own. She turns her phone off and slowly, her eyes shut.
Y/n slowly opens her eyes and notices a grey throw blanket placed on her, something that she doesn’t recall going to bed with earlier. “Must’ve been Nanami.” Grabbing her phone, she turns the screen on, wincing at the incredible blue light piercing into her skull. “Fuck.” she mumbles. Once her eyes adjust, she glances back at the screen for the time: 7:30.
“FUCK,” she says, voice croaking “I overslept.” With the speed of light, she leaves bed and runs down the hall to the bathroom to freshen up. She soon makes her way over to the kitchen silently, slightly ashamed and guilty. Y/n mumbles a whine with a frown, “He’s probably done making things now. I could have helped.”
The kitchen is filled with the delicate scents of sauces, cheese and herbs. She watches him from the door frame, admiring her boyfriend. He stood in front of the stove mixing at the sauce for the alfredo, which scent alone made her mouth water. Nanami seems to be in his own world, as he stands humming to himself softly, stirring the pot of sauce and adding in the broccoli and spinach, not seeming to notice y/n. With a final stir, he carefully sets the lid and turns to rinse his hands. Her gaze sits upon his figure, how his grey oversized shirt slightly clings to his shoulders and loosens as it goes down his body. Looking down, she noticed the bright red christmas pyjamas he had on, the ones with adorable little reindeers all over them. Grinning, she remembers how she had bought those for him. She purchased a matching set for the two of them and insisted on wearing them all day on Christmas last year. Nanami had responded to the idea with a stern “No” which left y/n in shambles. She didn’t expect him to agree, but hey, a girl can dream. However, on Christmas day, lo and behold, she had woken up to find Nanami sitting on the couch, watching the news with his reindeer PJs on. Immediately, she had attacked him with hugs and kisses and all Nanami did was sit there and accept them, secretly loving it the whole time.
A deep voice throws her out of her thoughts. “You know, it’s rude to stare, right?”
Y/n chuckles quietly and makes her way over, wrapping her arms around him from behind, snuggling into his back.
“I like to stare at you, you’re cute,” she breathes in his scent once again, “ah, you smell so much better now. Like the nami I know.”
“I am not cute. I am a grown man.”
“C’mon, you can’t possibly be saying that right now. Not while you’re wearing these pants.” She coos, gently patting his butt. He goes silent, refusing to rebuttal knowing that he’s lost. He leans against the counter, his front facing her. Though he didn’t say anything, y/n sees this as an open invite to his arms. The rope of his arms finds her waist this time, her arms in an embrace around his neck.
“Whatever, tell me, how was your day, hm?” He posed, changing the subject.
“Same old, yenno. The kids and I had a discussion today about drugs and safety. It was cute, hearing them rat out their neighbours for smoking cigs and talk about how yucky they thought alcohol is. It was… sweet. How was work for you, hon?”
“Shit.” He retorts, closing his eyes, “Work is shit.”
“Oh come ON, I’m sure it’s not always that bad, right? Say, how’s your friend doing, you know, the one who kinda looks like one of my makeup brushes! Isn’t he good company?”
“Yeah, if good company means having to deal with a nuisance to society on a daily basis then by all means, yes, Gojo is wonderful company.” He joked, loosening his grip on her and making his way over to the stove to check on his sauce. She follows, opening the first drawer and pulling out a silver spoon, “You’re so mean sometimes. I think he’s a great guy to be around! I met him once, such a flirt.”
He teases calmly, “If you love him so much, why don’t you get with him?”
Taking her spoon, she lowers it into the pot and brings it back up to her face, blowing on it carefully before she puts it to her lips to taste. “Hmm, I would. But I don’t think he’s as big as you. I’ll have to pass.” She smirked, putting the spoon into her mouth as he watched and sighed in disappointment.
He glares,“God, you’re something else.”
“I’m just kidding, babe.” Bringing her spoon down for another taste. He swats at her hand and she retreats it with a whine. “Don’t do that. You’ve tried it already, and will again when we get to eat.” He scolded tenderly, “Plus, you shouldn’t be given these privileges anyway. It’s not like you helped out or anything.” He smiled, teasing her.
“Nanamiiii, I’m sorry,” she whines, half laughing, “I promise, I was going to help! I just got a little bit sleepy and sort of lost track of time…” He turned over to her and lifted her face with a finger under her chin. Laughing, he delicately caresses her cheek, tapping it admirably with a curled finger. The blonde chuckles and looks her in the eyes, “I’m just joking with you, love. I know you’ve been tired lately, I can tell. Why haven’t you been resting?”
Her smile falls and she sighs. Y/n wrapped her arms around his waist and brought him into her, hiding her face into his chest. It was true, she was exhausted but she didn’t deem it to be anything so serious. Work was just heavy this past week from having to grade her students’ work in time for report cards. All she wanted was the best for her kids and was finding ways to get the kids out of their comfort zones enough to do well in class. That reminded her, Nanami also mentioned having a student of his own.
She takes her face out of his chest and glances upwards. “It’s just this week of work, I promise I’ll be back to normal soon. I’ve just been busy with lesson plans and activities, yenno. Anyway, speaking of students, how’s the one you’ve been assigned to?” She posed in a soft tone. Half smiling, he turned around to add the strained pasta to the sauce, scattering it into the pot.
“He’s special. Quite lively. And cheerful. He reminds me of you sometimes,” his voice strains as he stretches to grab the bowl of cooked chicken to finally add into the pot, finishing the meal, “He’s got potential.” Y/n beamed with happiness. Nanami really seemed to like this kid and if he thought you had potential, then it sure as hell meant you had it.
She lets out a squeal, “EEEEEEK!!! That sounds amazing! I’m so happy for you!” Nanami suppressed a laugh and rolled his eyes, “It’s not that-”
“This calls for a drink, don’t you think?” She babbled with excitement, “We should have some wine! Right?”
Grabbing her wrist as she skipped her way over to the bottle, he reminded her, “You have school tomorrow. You always end up having more than needed and struggle to wake up in the morning.” Y/n frowned at his words, to which he noticed and tried to fix, “Tomorrow’s Friday, you can drink plenty tomorrow, hm? I’ll drink with you.”
“Ugh, fine. You’re right. But you have to promise.”
“I promise you ca-”
“No! You have to pinky-promise.” She demanded, pouting as he stuck out her pinky finger.
His heart skips a beat. Was she always this cute? Her angelic eyes stare into his tired ones. Bottom lip poking out, awaiting Nanami’s pinky to interlock with her own. He knew she took pinky-promises very seriously despite her grown age. It was among one of the many petty details that he cherished. Something about this pinky-promise was enough for her to ensure trust onto someone, it made him laugh. Her naivety is what made her so kind hearted, what allowed her to see the best in people. He felt that this naivety is why they’re together to begin with. He didn’t ever think she’d give him a chance. He reminisced of their first few encounters. The way she did her hair back then, the way she dressed, her shy smile and how she’d look at the floor whenever she’d blush. Maybe it was her timid nature that made him fall head over heels for her. Or maybe it was her generosity. Perhaps her beauty. He was unable to simply confine the reasoning for his infatuation with just a few traits. She grew overtime, more comfortable and less shy, she was more confident around him but he knew he could still make her blush so badly that she’d have to hide her face from him. He enjoyed their banter, her company. He felt it was luck. Or maybe it was fate. Who knows. He didn’t want to think so much about it. He wanted to live in the moment, adore her in this present time. In that instance, he felt the strong urge to kiss her. And so he did.
The kiss was short and sweet, yet full of an unfathomable amount of love. It took her aback, she didn’t quite see it coming. She too stood in the present moment, then and there, cherishing the man she loved.
His lips leave hers and he extends the smallest finger on his hand, declaring, “I pinky-promise.” And a ginormous grin washes over her face. In a whisper, she squeals and scoops her arms around his torso, resting her head onto his chest. They stay like this for a while, not too long really, but to them it felt like an eternity being in each other’s affectionate embrace. He goes to speak and she feels the vibrating boom of his voice make his way up from his chest.
“I love you.”
She sighs, “I love you too.”
Turning her head, y/n smoothly gets on her tip toes and clasps her arms around his neck, giving it a tender kiss and attempting to make a trail leading up to his sharp jaw. Catching onto her tactics he laughs, putting his big hand against her face and pushing her back.
“Seriously?” He chuckles, “You couldn’t wait till after dinner? Come on, take out the plates.”
“Wait for what? I was just kissing you! You’re so dramatic, Nami.” She lies, playing innocent. She knew damn well what she was trying to do. She wasn’t going to admit to it though. Taking out the plates and utensils, she readied the table.
After dinner and meaningless conversation, the two lovers tidied and headed towards their room. “Do yo wana wah a mohee tomowwow nie?” Y/n proposed from the bathroom as she brushed her teeth. He perks his head up, confused, “Do I want to what?” She spat into the sink and rinsed her mouth, repeating her question.
“I said, do you wanna watch a movie tomorrow night? Like at home? There’s this documentary I saw on Netflix, it looks really good! It’s crime related.”
“That sounds fine with me. Though, that’s only possible if you don’t end up drinking too much. I always have to get you to sleep early when you drink.” He states nonchalantly, nose poked into a thick book. She rolls her eyes and smiles, “I promise I won’t drink all that much.” Shifting his book to the opposing hand, Nanami silently takes his pinky finger and holds it out to y/n. She snickers and reciprocates.
“You’ve now pinky-promised. Don’t break it, y/n.”
“I never do.”
The nightstand lamp illuminates the room with a soft yellow glow. Shadows of objects on the nightstand hang on the walls. Laying in bed on her phone, y/n turns over to Nanami, who was still reading his book. “Nami, come lay next to me, I wanna cuddle. Please?” Her voice faint. He looks down at her and puts his book away immediately. He could use a cuddle too. Bringing himself down, he lays on his back, y/n closing the gap between the two. Their legs intertwine, her arm and head resting on his chest while one of his hands rested on her bum, the other dotingly playing with her hair. Neither of them spoke a word for a while. Until y/n broke the silence.
“So, were there no other pairs of pants you had left to wear or-”
“Please, be quiet.”
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
*gasp* whispers of nature + ateez?? i’m not sure if you plan on a full fledged series like with skz or just kinda a long post like tbz, but if it’s the former maybe a sneak peak of seonghwa? and if it’s the latter…well all of them? or if you just have a few in mind 😅
anon. ANON. I adore you for requesting this. I'm so in love with the whispers of nature au and just.... oh my god. OH MY GOD. the whole thing will probably be something more like the tbz long post since the full fledged skz series is taking me out LMAO but since you specified seonghwa I thought I'd give you a short scenario of his story first <3 I hope you like it!
4 year anniversary drabble game: send me a Stray Kids/The Boyz/Golden Child/Ateez member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
Check out the Stray Kids Whispers of Nature series here, as well the The Boyz spinoff “A Desert Story” here!
Title: Wherever I Go
Pairing: Seonghwa x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 619
Triggers: none
When Seonghwa’s fingers stop fiddling around with the loose collar of your clothes, you know something has happened. A thought has occurred to him, or maybe he sees something is amiss. Either way, it can’t be good, so you look up from your position, head resting against his chest. “Seonghwa?”
“Hm?” He’s quick to smile, lips curving just so that the sparkle seems to reach his eyes once more, but you’ve known him long enough to know he’s hiding something. Without replying, you pick up one of the hands lying still around your shoulders and hold it up. 
He laughs, curling his fingers around yours. Warmth bleeds into your skin, gentler and softer than even the sun’s setting rays. “You know me too well.”
“Which is why I don’t understand the reason you still try to hide things from me.” You return the laugh and sit up, blinking the afternoon drowsiness from your eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He sighs a little. “Nothing is wrong.” His eyes follow the river as it churns its way down the mountain. “I just...”
You stay silent, watching the sun continue its descent as you wait for him to continue. 
His voice comes out low, barely a whisper. Soft. Wistful. “I wish I could live in this moment forever.”
Your heart seems to burst with warmth at the same time it drops to the ground, weighing your body down. “Oh, Seonghwa.”
“I know.” He looks at you and in his eyes, in the little smile playing on his lips, you see that he does truly know, truly understands why you must go, why you must follow the rest of your brethren, the winds, across the world. “I don’t mean to stop you, and I never will. But times like these...” He tapers off. 
You don’t try to explain yourself. The few times you did, you only worked yourself into a bigger and bigger mess, trying to put into words an urge, an instinct, something only you and the other untethered spirits have ever felt since the creation of the earth. The closest you came was comparing it to the way he must stay here, with his river. Seonghwa has been on his mountain for centuries, almost millennia, sometimes following the flow but ultimately still settling in the headwaters on his peak. The same way he stays, his river rooted into earth and stone, the same way you must travel the shifting air, breezing past the world. 
“I know it’s hard.” You pull yourself further up, enough to rest your head on his shoulder. One of his arms settles automatically around your waist. “I often miss you too. But Seonghwa...”
He looks at you with all the tenderness in the world in his eyes. In moments like these, you could swear that the Mother Earth created nothing more beautiful than the man sitting by your side. “Yes?”
“No matter where I go, no matter what I see, just know that in the end, I will always return to see you once more.” You put a hand on his chest, feel the slow beat of the heart that pulses with the flow of the river down the mountain. “My feet may take me to the ends of the earth, but no matter where I am, my heart beats with yours.”
The setting sun frames Seonghwa in a halo, making the smile on his face almost glow with a soft, pinkish-orange hue. The smile stays even as he leans forward and presses a sweet kiss on your lips. “I love you.”
“I know.” You smile, squeezing his hand. “Remember, Seonghwa. I am yours.”
His eyes sparkle into yours. 
“You have me, love.” You kiss him softly. “Forever.”
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tarithenurse · 3 years
Spark - 25
Fandom: Enn Enn no Shōbōtai / Fire Force. Pairing: Shinmon Benimaru x fem!reader. Content: Angst, feels, danger, stubbornness. The usual. A/N: Manage to get myself pretty confused because it said I’d already posted 25 chapters on AO3 but here on Tumblr it only claimed 24...aaaand then I remembered posting the what-if directly in the story there but not here...so yeah! Feel free to ASK (or reblog) for tag – in fact: always reblog. Thanks to those who have already <3
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25. Forged by fire
...   Reader   ...
Your brain is protesting as you wake up. No, scratch that. Your entire body is throbbing as you’re being jostled by each step of the one carrying. Benimaru. The scent and heat can only be his but it’s comforting to open the eyes and see the shock of dark hair flopping about, occasionally blocking the view of his right cheek bone. Somehow, probably with the help of Joker, you’ve been tied together, allowing your arms to hang limply over his shoulders while he supports your by wrapping his arms around your thighs. It’s not comfortable but it’s efficient.
“Wait,” Joker hisses from up ahead.
There’s very little light – barely enough to illuminate the obstacles littering the crumbled hallway – and you can’t see what has alerted the gangly man, but you feel the uncrowned king of Asakusa tense beneath you, his lungs slowly expanding as he takes in the surroundings.
“Hm. I smell it.”
Smell? Sniffing the air, you don’t pick up on anything much at first apart from Benimaru, dust; and your own need for a bath.
“Don’t worry, [Y/N], just stay calm.” He must have felt you stirring.
Nothing snappy comes to mind and it doesn’t matter because that’s when you realize that a curl of sulphurous stench is mingling with the air.
“Let me down.”
“You can’t stand on that leg,” he argues as Joker steps closer.
Already fumbling with the sash holding the two of you together, the idea of supporting the weight seems like a horrible idea. “It wasn’t an invitation to a discussion, Beni,” you growl, “I’ll hold you back if you carry me.”
“I’m not leaving you behind!” Stubbornly digging the fingers into your thighs, he’s probably stubborn enough to stick to the word.
Finally free of the restraints, you tug at his hair. “I’m only telling you to put me down for now.”
There are whispers now, low murmuring groans coming from both directions as if carried on the fumes. The lightest dust and ashes are starting to dance on the ground in spiralling patterns that clash and divide in mesmerizing patterns. They could have been fascinating to watch if it wasn’t for the temperature slowly rising.
“Do as she says, Shinmon,” Joker drawls, his eye fixed at a warm glow that has appeared in the distance.
Begrudgingly, the man sets you on the ground, careful to let you gain the balance on your good leg before letting go. It’s obvious on his face: one wrong move and he’ll sweep you off your feet. I’m so gonna use this to my benefit once we’re home. You decide to ignore the nagging sense of doubt and instead focus on the growing lights in either direction of the tunnel.
What at first was nothing more than a glow has now, beyond a doubt, taken shape of several flickering fires moving towards the same cluster of targets. Misshapen bodies cast their stretching shadows beneath the flames, obscuring dozens of shuffling feet as the pace begins to pick up. They know you’re there. They are hungry.
Glancing at the men, the darkness before them is illuminated in red and purple and the air around them is shimmering with heat.
“Let them get close.”
“Guess you’re too exhausted to think clearly, dear,” Joker chuckles but then hesitates as he sees your face, “...okay. Call it.”
...  Joker  ...
Smiling behind the collar, Joker recognizes the worry flashing across the other man’s face. It’s a bold plan and he isn’t sure it’s strictly necessary...but they can’t be sure what else they’ll be facing on their way out, so [Y/N]’s idea of preserving the would-be rescuers’ power for later makes sense.
“Lighten up...or not, actually,” he smiles wickedly at Shinmon, “let’s see what our girl can do, eh?”
The glare he receives from the captain is a logical response.
“[Y/N]...there’s no reason to push yourse-”
“I didn’t survive this shit just to be rescued like some fairy tale maiden.” The threatening purr combined with the half-dried blood makes her seem tantalizingly dangerous. “There’s no one to take out my revenge on, but at least I can clean up the mess I’ve made when I let the lab blow up too.”
Oh? That must be an interesting story...for later. Finding an adequate slab of broken concrete, he brushes it off and sits down. In one of the inner pockets of the coat is a pack wrapped in cellophane and he picks a cigarette from it, lighting it with a flick of his fingers. Aaah. The acrid taste fills him for a handful of seconds before it’s blown out through his nostrils together with the last hours’ worth of stress – he could almost chill for a moment if it wasn’t for Benimaru joining him by the boulder, sitting as relaxed as a statue about to crack.
“Has anyone ever told you t-”
“Shut up, Joker.”
The men relapse into silence. It’s not that the man with the hat doesn’t understand Benimaru’s sentiment: the girl’s in horrible condition and is using almost all her strength to stand, it seems. The white-clad ran from her. The image of a dying man clutching a bundle of hastily written notes is still clear in Joker’s mind. Abandoned a comrade together with a demon infernal...he didn’t think they could end it. It’s clear, though, that something did put it to rest, most likely causing the explosion at the same time. Show us what you’ve got, [Y/N).
...  Benimaru ...
Like lit matches, only their heads are burning as they rush forward. At first surging for whomever is nearest until a clear shout orders them to ignore the men.
“I am what you want!”
The way the infernals all zero in on [Y/N] it really looks like she’s right and as they swarm around, pushing closer but never able to touch her, he can barely see her until he stand up on the slab of concrete.
Eye glowing bright yellow even against the infernals’ blaze, she doesn’t flinch as charred fingers scrape against the air, trying to reach her. She stands, immovable, talking calmly as if they could understand her. Maybe they can. Yes, they absolutely can and some must be accepting what she says because they stop and wait without a sound. Wait for what? A few infernals continue their struggle only to be wrapped in the arms of those standing by until finally, none of them are moving more than their dead faces.
There’s a shift in the air as [Y/N] spreads her arms, smoke and heat pushed outwards by an unseen pressure and stilling the flames of the damned.
“I’m sorry,” the woman whispers a second before tugging her fists tightly to the chest and plunging the Nether in darkness once more.
Benimaru can hear the muted sounds of clothing landing in heaps on the ground, the impact softened by dust and ashes, but the room is obscured by dark flakes filling the air to the extend that the glow from Joker’s cigarette nor the captain’s excellent vision can guarantee a view of the woman they came here for.
“Impressive,” the smoking man comments, snapping a fiery playing card out of nowhere to illuminate the space.
No one is listening to the compliment. The captain of Special Fire Force Company Seven is reaching out for the swaying figure of the woman he loves, barely making it over the heap of sooty jumpsuits in time to catch her as she collapses one more time.
“[Y/N]!” he croaks, frantically feeling for a pulse.
Eyelashes flutter for a brief second before she scrunches her face to look up at him. “Yeah yeah...I’ll let you carry me this time too.”
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interact-if · 3 years
Umm hi 👉👈 I realized that most of the asks you guys get are about games and rec lists. You guys deserve so much recognition for the work you put in this blog, so I wanted to ask if I can do a little get-to-know-the-mods thing? If that's okay!
1. Besides writing, what are your hobbies?
2. Do you have a niche interest right now?
3. Any fave songs/artists/bands?
4. Any fave movies/tv shows?
5. On a scale of 1-10, how likely would you survive in your wip's world?
You can totally ignore this if you guys want, no pressure. Anyway, much love to all the interact-if mods! You guys are incredible! ❤
We saw this ask and we went 👀 👀 👀 so we’re happy to answer! Thank you so much for the fun ask!
 We also rated our survivability in all of our collective games, since Mars isn't an author! Fun stuff! Spoilers, though: it’s really not looking so great for me (Dani) but that’s fine!!!  😌
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1. I’m a photographer as well as a graphic artist (but not like. A painter/drawer kind of artist!) and, on a general level, a maker and a tinkerer!
2. Fountain pens! I only write with ink, and only with fountain pens, and I use bottled inks/converters!
3. I’m pretty eclectic with music, but my top genres are alt rock, indie, indie pop, etc, as well as top 40s and some rap.
4. I feel like this is the hardest one for me to answer? Favorite movies/shows? Avatar: the Last Airbender has been a favorite show of mine since I was a little kid, but I have a harder time thinking of shows I would call a favorite in recent years. There are shows I’ve liked, and a lot of shows I’ve watched. But I’m picky! And demanding! It takes a lot to earn a place in Dani’s Trophy Case of Favorites. 😌 I would say I quite liked A Quite Place (movie), and I liked Us (movie). When it comes to TV shows, I have a hard time being pleased with them if they don’t end well. As a result, I have a penchant for a good limited series/miniseries (because they’re stories that have an end in mind and the plot reflects that, dagnabbit).
5. Heh. Okay.
In The Goodfellows? I think I stand I chance. I can exercise my sparkling wit and lovable personality to the best effect. I’m gonna give myself an 8/10 survivability rating. Even if I don’t have the right skills, I can go crying to the person who does and they’ll save me. Maybe.
In Creatures’ Cradle? I’m super $**!%d. 😌 1/10 survivability rating. And that 1 is me being nice to myself. The day the apocalypse breaks out I would probably be patient 0. I am self-aware. I would not do well in an apocalypse. Zombies care not for aforementioned sparkling wit and lovable personality, and I have all the muscle of a boiled spaghetti noodle. So it’s a no go.
Greater Than Gods (Cruz): Well. I’m going to be optimistic. And say that I have the wisdom not to do things I shouldn’t do and not to rock boats I shouldn’t rock. I’m going to give myself a 7/10 based on insider information, but also based on reckless optimism!
Vardir (Cruz): Cruz says this is a lighthearted game, so 10/10 LOL.
When it Hungers (Roast): I’m giving myself a nice, mediocre 5/10. I think I could put my mind to work here; I joke that I’m the village idiot, but I’m actually pretty smart! Unfortunately, I’m also curious, and maybe a little bad with authorities who won’t answer my questions. So I knocked off a lot of points due to the fact that I’d probably poke the metaphorical bear. So it’s a real coin flip as to whether I’d really make it or not.
Orthall Bay (Nines): Considering the genre is “horror” and the game intro includes the words “monster” and “maim,” I’m giving myself a whooping, enthusiastic 3/10. Yes, folks, I am that confident in myself! Once again, I can’t charm the socks off a monster (or can I?), so one of my greatest weapons is snatched from beneath my feet. Alas!
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1. Beloved I’m a college student in the middle of a pandemic... i can hardly even write LOL i do draw at times which u can see in my personal blog (nothing too good really) and i used to do karate before things went to shit <3
2. Nothing niche I believe? All I do is leave Netflix as bg noise every day n play popular videgames (genshin)
3. Porter Robinson <3 I love Bea Miller a lot as well but lately I’ve been feeling Porter a lot
4. The Good Place <3
5. My WIPs:
Greater than Gods: Highly situational, the world GtG is set in is as broad as the real world LOL so I don’t have an universal answer. But keeping it vague, and knowing my own personality, I feel like 5/10. depends on my luck.
Vardir: 10/10 no one dies in Vikgade, unless you’re a hunter but I wouldn’t be a hunter <3
Others’ WIPs
I'm gonna give myself a solid 5/10 in all other WIPs because y'all aren't writing lighthearted stories either. I feel like as long as I avoid the role of the MC I will be mostly fine. I hope. But as Dani said I'm also prone to fight the wrong person and dig my own grave so 😌
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1. Well, writing is a very, very, very, distant hobby since Words Hard, but I like to crochet and sculpt a little! Anything to do with fiddling with my hands and I’m good to go. And like, debatable but graphic design is my passion [insert clown emoji here since Tumblr said No]
2. Oh yeah a bunch! DnD yelling at people, thinking of arson, crocheting, rock climbing and simply vibing. I got into podcasts a few years ago and I’m always looking for more recs, so if you have some, hmu 😤
3. Pls,,,,my music taste is,,,so weird do not let me expose myself with lack of consistency but uhh. Current songs that are stuck in my head include; Cult of Dionysus , Achilles Come Down and The Last Shanty  
4. If you’ve ever spoken to me before, I probably yelled about Pacific Rim to you or at you. Plus I love all The Mummy films and really enjoyed Castlevania (s3 excluded, we do not perceive that) as well! 
5. Ah, mod survival simulator pt. 3
Alright, let’s go!  I don’t have a WIP because again, words hard, but like, considering how feral I am when not tryna seem professional hm... 
The Goodfellows: I wanna say a solid 7/10 because I’d hardcore vibe with the Traveler and probably instigate so much nonsense. I can also bribe with blueberry cake so maybe. 
Creature’s Cradle: maybe a 4/10 and only because of pure spite keeping me alive long enough to smack someone. I’ve prepared for hypothetical  zombie apolcapyses and I won’t hesitate to bap, but will be bapped back because I’m weak as hell. 
Greater Than Gods: a toss up between 2/10 and 7/10! I can vibe and be chill but I also have terrible impulse control so... 
Vardir: hm....I think pretty good survival rates all around? If you ask me to fight then like, okay sure, your knees are mine. So maybe a 8/10? 
When it Hungers: .......8/10 just because I’d refuse to die if I can be a cool creature. Living for the aesthetic can and will drag me outta hell. But I’m also clumsy as hell so I’d probably crash as a porcelain or hold a rooster and perish (aka, real rating is a good 3/10) 
Orthall Bay: 2/10, nope. Nope I’d be taken out in a heartbeat. Monsters can go pspsps and I’d head straight into the dark creepy forest like a fool if someone comes @ me. Half the time I’ll just assume it’s sfx makeup and vibe until it’s too late. 
god, never put me in a universe where I cannot squawk like a bird and throw pebbles from a window. Oof
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Anon, you're so sweet! I give you a forehead smoomch <333 As for your questions...
1. If I'm not writing, I'm usually watching video essays on Youtube. My go-to channels as of right now is Disrupt and Aperture! I just really like their videos. Aside from that, I recently got into podcasts. Currently going through Hello From The Hallowoods and Shelter and Warning, which are made by queer creators!
2. Oh oof, there's quite a bit so I'm just gonna put down one thing. For some reason, I really got into collecting tiny astronaut things? I recently bought this astronaut desk light, and I've got a package coming in for the miniatures I ordered. No purpose for them other than I think they're neat <3
3. I'm a bit private with my music taste (even tho I have Spotify connected on Discord lmao), but there's 5 songs that I'm currently obsessed with. I keep replaying them over and over again. Just squeezing all the serotonin I could get outta them.
4. I can't really say I have a fave TV show or movie because I can't really just pick one, but my current fave is 9-1-1 and Resident Alien. 9-1-1 because I just really love the found-family dynamics and how the show tackles sensitive topics, and Resident Alien because it's lighthearted comedy. My all-time fave movie is Flipped! I have the book too and I like rereading from time to time <3
5. You're in for a doozy, anon, because we're rating each other's games <333
The Goodfellows: 7/10
Listen. Shenanigans with the Traveler. I would get up to so many of them and that is what'll get me possibly bodied, not the actual environment itself <3
Greater than Gods: 7/10
I like to think I have enough common sense to uhhh not recklessly flip stones that should not be flipped <3 I'm a cautious and skeptic person irl so I think I'll hold up well? Then again, it's a vast environment change and while I can adapt pretty quick, I wouldn't like the lack of control in the unknown.
Vardir: 10/10
Going off what Cruz said, Vardir is lighthearted and focused on personal growth so I think I'll be okay! Self-growth here I come, babey!
Creatures' Cradle: 8/10
Maybe I'm overestimating myself, but I think I'll be able to survive in a supernatural post-apocalyptic world! Ah, but it depends on the motivation though. I like the idea of rebuilding communities and eventually societies, but the survival turmoil would be a constant battle I'd have to overcome. If we're talking survival itself though, I think I'll do well.
When it Hungers: 8/10
That's probably my wishful thinking but I think I'll be fine. Maybe. Possibly. Don't like the idea of being regulated by an organization so if I was a non-human creature that could pose a problem but I can roll with it <3
Orthall Bay: 6/10
Assuming I'm not playing as MC, my chances of survival uhhh changes quite drastically. Not enough to guarantee an untimely demise, but certainly enough that it would constantly keep me on my toes. I think that's the safest answer I can get without spoiling anything lmao
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Thank you so much for asking! It's super sweet of you <3
1. Too many :'D I knit, I sew, I do carpentry (well, learning), I bake, I'm hammering away at HTML and CSS, my job kind of encourages learning new things and I take that to picking up new hobbies!
2. My time is kind of consumed with school work and work work and WIP work so not a lot of time to pursue niche interests right now. I've been watching a lot of horror game playthroughs, true crime youtubers, and an adorable show on Netflix called the Repair Shop <3
3. My taste in music is "what am I vibing with atm?" I've been listening to a lot of 80's music atm (don't @ me), but also Lo Fang and Kaleo, and whatever spotify recommends me on my discover weekly which is usually complete chaos.
4. I love the Mummy even though it hasn't aged 100% well (I'm a librarian, of course it's one of my gotos LOL), Legally Blonde, Leverage, Jumanji (the original), I'm....very bad at having recent tastes... and very bad at remembering my favorites when asked.
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The Goodfellows: I'm a creature of comfort, 5/10 if I can just luxuriate in town and not actually interact with the story sfjkdbsdkf
Creature’s Cradle: I'd like to think I have a 50/50 shot XD 5/10, I want to think I'd be decent at a zombie apocalypse but ultimately would suffer an early fate.
Greater Than Gods: 10/10 if I'm just vibing, less so if I'm involved in the actual story XD
Vardir: I'd still suffer without technology but I can also knit for a living in this world so I'm down 8/10
When it Hungers: I feel like I could vibe here, there's tech if dated, hot showers, telephones are around by now... might still get bored. 7/10 though it'd be cool to be another creature....I should make a 'what creature of snv are you' quiz!
Orthall Bay: 7/10 idk I feel like after the first monster of the week I'd just skip town XDDDD I'm the worst protagonist, I see danger I just leave.
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