#princesa luna
doble-d-2 · 6 months
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demarnocatgand0b · 8 months
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✯ 𝑴𝑳𝑷»𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑳𝒖𝒏𝒂✯
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tsukisanitysblog · 1 year
Beauty that not even the day can overshadow ~ Princess Luna [mlp] (human version) [Fanart]
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groriatrevi10xx · 4 days
Hace mucho tiempo, cuando la Princesa Teagan era pequeña, la Reina Umbra le había enseñado a la niña a peinarse de diferentes maneras, para que nunca necesitara que alguien lo hiciera por ella.../Way back, long ago, when Princess Teagan was little, Queen Umbra had taught the little girl to do her hair in different ways, so that she would never need someone to do it for her...
Fueron tiempos alegres y más brillantes.../They were joyful and brighter times...
Aun así, la Princesa nunca había querido peinarse ella misma, poniendo excusas desde muy pequeña de que no podía peinarse, cuando sabía perfectamente cómo empezar... Umbra le había enseñado perfectamente.../Even so, the Princess had never wanted to do her hair herself, making excuses from a very young age that she couldn't do her hair, when she knew perfectly well how to start... Umbra had taught her perfectly...
Armando un escándalo, tirando del vestido de la Reina con sus pequeñas manos, exigiendo ser peinada por su Madre... En ese momento era una escena tierna, una niña pequeña exigiendo atención y cuidado de su Madre... Ella estaba como cualquier otro niño inflando sus mejillas cuando tenían una pequeña rabieta.../Making a fuss about it, pulling the Queen's dress with her small hands, demanding to be combed by her Mother... At that moment it was a tender scene, a little girl demanding attention and care from her Mother... She was like any other little girl puffing out her cheeks when she had a little tantrum...
Normalmente, aunque se tomaban medidas, la Princesa nunca hacía caso.../Normally, although measures were taken, the Princess never paid attention...
Y todo dejó de ser tan inocente, cuando Teagan exigió que las sirvientas le peinaran, gritando que era su deber obedecerla o las despediría… Esto continúa hasta la edad adulta…/And everything stopped being so innocent, when Teagan demanded that the maids do her hair, shouting that it was their duty to obey her or she would fire them... This continues until adulthood...
Hoy le había tocado a Mary peinar el cabello de la Princesa, la pobre Sirvienta solo tembló al escuchar los gritos de la Princesa… “Lo estás haciendo mal”, “Me estás jalando del cabello”, “Realmente eres una inútil”.../Today it had been Mary's turn to comb the Princess's hair, the poor maid only trembled as she heard the Princess's screams... "You're doing it wrong", "You're pulling my hair", "You really are useless"...
Kaison, un Sirviente igual a ella, la miraba desde la puerta, sosteniendo en sus manos una bandeja con adornos para el cabello que obviamente no iba a ser utilizada... La Princesa siempre prefirió sus cintas... El Hombre la miró con profunda tristeza en sus ojos, sus ojos cansados.../Kaison, a Servant just like her, looked at her from the door, holding in his hands a tray with hair ornaments that was obviously not going to be used... The Princess always preferred her ribbons... The Man looked at her with deep sorrow in his eyes, his tired eyes...
--¡Hazlo bien!... ¡¿No sabes hacer nada bien?!.../Do it well!... Don't you know how to do anything well?!...--
Teagan estaba furiosa, ¿era tan difícil hacer coletas?... Hoy iban a posar para un cuadro, hoy iban a pintar un cuadro de ella y su Madre para un evento extraño.../Teagan was furious, was it so difficult to make pigtails?... Today they were going to pose for a painting, today they were going to paint a painting of her and her Mother for a strange event...
--¡Lo s-siento!.../I'm s-sorry!...--
Mary lo siente mucho, pero grita cuando la Princesa se levanta y le quita el peine de las manos, lo lanza con fuerza hacia Kaison, el Hombre lo esquiva, dejando que el peine golpee la puerta haciendo un ruido sordo.../Mary is really sorry, but she screams when the Princess gets up and takes the comb out of her hands, she throws it hard towards Kaison, the Man dodges it, letting the comb hit the door making a thud...
El Sirviente ahora mira enojado a la Princesa, Kaison quiere decir algo... Pero no lo hace, Mary solo llora.../The Servant now looks angrily at the Princess, Kaison wants to say something... But he won't, Mary just cries...
"Había silencio".../"There was silence"...
Por unos segundos.../For a few seconds...
Hasta que se abrió la puerta de la habitación, Teagan solo se enojó más... Cuando vio entrar a su Madre, con cara de preocupación... Miró el peine desechado y a sus dos buenos trabajadoras, Mary estaba llorando y Kaison parecía perdido en sus pensamiento.../Until the door to the room was opened, Teagan only got angrier... When she saw her Mother enter, with a worried face... She looked at the discarded comb and at her two good workers, Mary was crying and Kaison seemed lost in thought...
Umbra solo suspira, la pintora las espera en la Sala de abajo... No quiere hacerla esperar más, así que solo mira a sus fieles y atentos trabajadores.../Umbra just sighs, the painter is waiting for them in the Room below... She doesn't want to make her wait any longer, so she just looks at her faithful and attentive workers...
--Kaison y Mary.../Kaison and Mary...--
Y los Sirvientes dejan de estar en sus mundos, para mirar a su Reina… Su Majestad se acerca a ellos mientras acaricia la cabeza de Kaison con una de sus manos libres, alborotando su cabello, con la otra mano seca las lágrimas de Mary... Les regala una amable sonrisa.../And the Servants stop being in their worlds, to look at their Queen... His Majesty approaches them while caressing Kaison's head with one of his free hands, ruffling her hair, with his other hand he wipes Mary's tears... He gives them a kind smile...
--Perdón por el mal momento que acaban de pasar, yo me encargo... Pero mientras tanto, ¿podrías ir a ayudar a Olivia en la cocina?... Creo que ella iba a hacer algo para preparar galletas de mantequilla para nuestra invitada.../Sorry for the bad time you just had, I'll take care of it... But in the meantime, could you go help Olivia in the kitchen?... I think she was going to do something about preparing butter cookies for our guest...--
Kaison y Mary se miran... Luego le sonríen cálidamente a su Majestad.../Kaison and Mary look at each other... Then they smile warmly at His Majesty...
--Mary y yo iremos a ayudar, no se preocupe su Majestad.../Me and Mary will go help, don't worry your Majesty...--
Con paso lento y algo cansado, las Sirvientes salen de la habitación… Kaison sale con la bandeja de accesorios para el cabello, sabiendo que no será utilizada… Mary lo ayuda con la bandeja y salen tranquilamente de allí, para desaparecer detrás de la puerta.../With a slow and somewhat tired step, the Servants leave the room... Kaison leaves with the tray of hair accessories, knowing that it will not be used... Mary helps him with the tray and they leave calmly from there, to disappear behind the door...
Ahora solo quedan Madre e Hija, se miran... Umbra solo suspira, esto era repetitivo... Ya había regañado y puesto límites a Teagan, ella siempre le prestaba cero atención a todo... Estaba cansada de repetir lo mismo, ella amaba a su Hija... Pero ya estaba cansada.../Now there is only Mother and Daughter left, they look at each other... Umbra just sighs, this was repetitive... She had already scolded and set limits on Teagan, she always paid zero attention to everything... She was tired of repeating the same thing, she loved her Daughter... But was already tired...
La Reina simplemente camina hacia el peine desechado y lo recoge, luego camina hacia su hija... Teagan se da vuelta y mira el espejo con disgusto.../The Queen simply walks over to the discarded comb and picks it up, then walks over to her Daughter… Teagan turns around and looks at the mirror in disgust…
Umbra se detiene y se para detrás de la espalda de su Hija... Toma el cabello rubio cenizo y comienza a peinarlo mientras tararea.../Umbra stops and stands behind her Daughter's back... She takes the ash blonde hair and begins to comb it while humming...
Como cuando Teagan era una niña pequeña.../Like way back when Teagan was a little girl...
--¿Quién es exactamente la pintora que pidió permiso para pintarnos en un cuadro?.../Who exactly is the painter who asked permission to paint us in a painting?...--
Teagan comienza a hablar mientras mira intensamente al espejo, mientras Umbra piensa… Tratando de recordar su conversación anterior con la pintora…/Teagan begins to speak while looking at the mirror intensely, while Umbra thinks... Trying to remember her previous conversation with the painter...
--Por lo que me conto viene de la Escuela de Talentos de Zullet, una excelente pintora... Quiere un cuadro brillante para su exposición final que le dé una buena nota en su Escuela.../From what she told me, she comes from the Zullet Talent School, an excellent painter... She wants a brilliant painting for her final exhibition that will give her a good grade at her School...--
Umbra hace una pausa en su relato, mientras pone la primera cinta en el cabello de su Hija que estaba en su mismo tocador lleno de perfumes.../Umbra pauses in her story, while she puts the first ribbon in the hair of her Daughter who was on her same dresser full of perfumes...
--Bueno... Ella me rogó que fueramos sus dos modelos para su cuadro... No pude decirle que no... Es una buena chica, y es un placer ayudarla con sus calificaciones... Por cierto, casi Lo olvidé... Su nombre es Amy.../Well... She begged me to be her two models for her painting... I couldn't say no... She's a good girl, and it's a pleasure to help with her grading... By the way, I almost forgot... Her name is Amy...--
Teagan solo suspira, mientras mira la coleta que le ha hecho su Madre, tiene buena pinta… Aún falta la otra…/Teagan just sighs, while looking at the ponytail that her Mother has made for her, it looks good... The other one is still missing...
Mientras su Madre vuelve a tararear, la Princesa mira a su Madre... Desde el espejo la ve, su Madre es hermosa, belleza natural... Un regalo bendito... Ella envidia eso, mientras se ve en el espejo, la Princesa se mira con horror... ¿Por qué no es bonita como su Madre?.../While her Mother hums again, the Princess looks at her Mother... From the mirror she sees her, her Mother is beautiful, natural beauty... A blessed gift... She envies that, while she sees herself in the mirror, she Princess looks at herself with horror... Why isn't she pretty like her Mother?...
--Me veo fea.../I look ugly...--
Umbra termina de hacer la segunda coleta y deja el peine sobre la cómoda, para volver a ver a su Hija.../Umbra finishes making the second ponytail and leaves the hair comb on the dresser, to see her Daughter again...
--Cariño, no te ves fea... Eres hermosa, incluso más hermosa que nadie.../Honey, you don't look ugly... You are beautiful, even more beautiful than anyone...--
Teagan sabe que eso no es cierto, todas las Madres piensan que sus Hijos son hermosos... Es simplemente una cosa típica de las Madres.../Teagan knows that's not true, all Mothers think their Children are beautiful... It's just a typical Mother thing...
--Eres una hermosa rosa, vamos cariño... No digas que eres fea, porque no lo eres.../You are a beautiful rose, come on honey... Don't say you're ugly, because you're not...--
La más bella, si su Madre no fuera la Mujer más bella... Ella sería la Mujer más bella, si su Madre no existiera.../The most beautiful, if her Mother were not the most beautiful Woman... She would be the most beautiful Woman, if her Mother did not exist...
Teagan la ignora, mientras se levanta y se dirige hacia la puerta.../Teagan ignores, as she gets up and heads towards the door...
--Llegamos tarde.../We arrived late...--
Es lo único que Teagan dice, para salir de la habitación y desaparecer detrás de la puerta... Dejando a su Madre sola en la habitación, Umbra solo suspira tristemente... Y mira el espejo en el tocador de su Hija.../It's the only thing Teagan says, for eave the room and disappear behind the door... Leaving her Mother alone in the room, Umbra just sighs sadly... And looks at the mirror on her Daughter's dressing table...
--¿Es importante la belleza?.../Is beauty important?...--
Se vuelve a preguntar, como hace mucho tiempo... Simplemente se da vuelta y camina hacia la puerta, para dejar la habitación en paz... En completa soledad.../She asks herself again, like a long time ago... She just turns around and walks towards the door, to leave the room alone... In complete solitude...
En completa soledad.../In complete solitude...
En completo silencio.../In complete silence...
Mientras ramas llenas de oscuras espinas comienzan a crecer en la habitación, la habitación se llena de oscuridad... Y el espejo sobre el tocador transmite un aura oscura... Una risa se escapa del Espejo, mientras no muestra un reflejo, sólo niebla.../While branches full of dark thorns begin to grow in the room, the room is filled with darkness... And the mirror on the dressing table transmits a dark aura... A laugh escapes from the Mirror, while it does not show a reflection, only fog...
Una creación para la oscura ambición de una Princesa.../A creation for the dark ambition of a Princess...
Creada por Su Alteza Teagan, sólo por su envidia, por su avaricia.../Created by Her Highness Teagan, only for her envy, for her greed...
"Dime Espejito, Espejito, ¿quién es la más bella del Reino?..." El Espejo recuerda la pregunta que siempre le hace la Princesa, la cual solo tiene una respuesta.../"Tell me Mirror, Mirror, who is the most beautiful in the Kingdom?..." The Mirror remembers the question that the Princess always asks him, which only has one answer...
Una respuesta que se repite... El espejo lo disfruta, como hace un tiempo cuando fue convocado por la Reina anterior con un hechizo negro.../A response that repeats itself... The mirror enjoys it, like some time ago when it was summoned by the previous Queen with a black spell...
~Su Belleza es muy admirable, Alteza, pero hay alguien en particular que es más hermosa, brilla como una estrella, es como la nieve... Un paraíso.../Your Beauty is very admirable, Your Highness, but there is someone in particular who is more beautiful, she shines like a star, she is like snow... A paradise...~
El espejo repite, conteniendo la risa... Incluso recordando la mirada de la Princesa, "¡¿Quién es?!...".../The mirror repeats, holding back the laughter... Even remembering the Princess's look, "Who is it?!..."...
~Su Alteza Madre, Reina Umbra... Umbra Benaroch.../Your Mother Highness, Queen Umbra... Umbra Benaroch...~
La mirada que le dio la Princesa Teagan en esa ocasión es la misma que la Reina de Corazones en el pasado... La Mujer se volvió loca al saber que su Hija era más hermosa que ella... Jaja... Fue gracioso.../The look Princess Teagan gave her that time is the same as the Queen of Hearts in the past... The Woman went crazy knowing that her Daughter was more beautiful than her... Haha... It was funny...
Recuerda el espejo, mientras ríe y la habitación termina en completa oscuridad.../Remember the mirror, as it laughs and the room ends in complete darkness...
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G: No tengo idea de lo que hice pero tenía que escribirlo... 😦/I have no idea what I did but I had to write it... 😦
Dato curioso, si lees esto al final, Arma tiene un espejo igual al creado por Teagan... 👀/Fun fact, if you read this at the end, Arma has a Mirror just like the one created by Teagan... 👀
Umbra: Es mía... {It's mine...}
Olivia, Amy, Kaison, Mary y Teagan {Brittany} son de {Olivia, Amy, Kaison, Mary and Teagan {Brittany} are from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
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cclumbina · 1 year
♡       PRIVADO       ——  con  @bl0odmccn​  
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‘   así que la princesa logró salir del castillo.   ’   dice lo suficientemente alto para que la escuchara, esperaba que su voz y referencia haya sido suficiente para que entendiese a que se le estaba hablando a ella. tenía que admitirlo, después de su encuentro en los túneles una partecita de sí estaba preocupada por el bienestar de luna luego de haberla notado tan resignada a que la abandonara. no lo había hecho porque de una forma u otra, creía que la necesitaba a su lado. al separarse, no quedó de otra que quedar con la duda puesto a que no mantenía ningún contacto con ella luego de que la aplicación desapareciera. por eso, encontrársela en aquel café había sido una grata sorpresa. una que para ser verdad le venía bien.  ‘  ¿qué haces visitando mi morada?  ’  era mentira, ni sabía quién era dueñe de aquel local.  
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codstreams · 2 years
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CAELI le ha dedicado a QUUL:
All for One   —  High School Musical.
“  Let's celebrate today 'Cause there'll never be another We're stronger this time Been there for each other Everything's just right (Hey!)        ”
@luxvnna @princcsa @vit4lass @bl0odmccn @sh33wolf @usr69​
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loysworld · 1 year
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sexybombom · 1 month
tw: idol!jaemin, light angst(?), eles brigaram, overworked jaemin, fluff, participação especial da luna, lucy e do luke
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Jaemin ouviu você reclamando de como ele estava trabalhando de mais pelo menos umas sete vezes só ontem.
Não era por mal, estava preocupada. Todos os dias ele chegava em casa exausto, com dores, estressado, sem falar nas vezes que ele tinha tonturas pelo treino excessivo.
Você estava endoidando também, sabia que ia ter sua menstruação em alguns dias e o seu humor mudava bastante com isso também.
Então uma junção dos dois estressados e preocupados resultou em uma briga — não muito leve — entre vocês.
Foi difícil pensar e decidir dormir longe do seu Nana, mas pensou ser a melhor opção. Por isso você pegou seu travesseiro e uma coberta quente para ir passar a noite no sofá.
Não conseguiu pegar no sono na hora, nunca havia dormido longe dele. Óbvio, já brigaram antes mas sempre se resolviam. Jaemin foi embora sem te dar o beijinho de despedida habitual, sem te passar aquele amor e carinho pelo olhar dele, ele apenas saiu. E poxa, isso quebrou seu coração.
Se lembrando de tudo que ocorreu, você sentiu os olhos molhados, mas logo os fechou e finalmente sentiu o sono chegando em você.
Jaemin chegou no apartamento.
Hoje o dia foi menos estressante, cansativo mas nada como os dias anteriores. Mesmo assim, ele estava sentindo um peso enorme dentro de si, e sabia que não tinha nada a ver com o trabalho.
Ele foi até o quarto de vocês. Viu a porta fechada então ele a abriu silenciosamente com esperança de te achar embrulhada nas cobertas quentinhas para ele mergulhar no quentinho junto de você e te acordar com um enorme pedido de desculpas.
Porém, a cama deixada como estava de manhã quando ele saiu o deixou confuso.
Foi até o banheiro, onde não teve sinal seu novamente. Começou a se desesperar, sabia que você não estava na cozinha, então onde você estava?
Ele saiu rapidamente do quarto, e no corredor, ele viu Luna sentadinha olhando para ele, como se o chamasse.
"Oi bebê... O que foi?" A gatinha miou respondendo, saindo em direção a sala.
Jaemin a seguiu, chegando na sala ele viu um alto relevo no sofá, de perto ele pôde te ver. E novamente, um coração havia sido partido nesse mesmo dia.
Ele te observou com um semblante triste. Te ver alí encolhida, agarrando uma almofada, com Lucy e Luke deitados sobre você fizeram Jaemin perceber como foi babaca pela manhã.
Tirou Luke e Lucy de cima de você com cautela para não assustar os gatinhos, que o olharam sonolentos.
Ele não perdeu tempo em passar os braços por baixo do seu corpo, te carregando com extremo cuidado até o quarto. Com o sono pesado que tinha não sentiu um único músculo sendo movido.
Ele pousou sua cabeça no travesseiro, arrumou sua posição para uma confortável — para que não acordasse com dores. Te cobriu com carinho, ternura.
Depois de deixar um leve selar em sua testa, ele foi finalmente tomar um banho.
Nesses minutos, você acabou por acordar. Olhou em volta, sabia que foi seu namorado que te levou para o quarto.
Queria voltar a dormir, não queria falar com Jaemin. Talvez seja bobagem, sabia que tinha que falar logo com ele para resolver tudo, mas por algum motivo não se sentia corajosa o suficiente para isso.
Perdida nos seus pensamentos não ouviu Jaemin saindo do banheiro, quando ele deitou do seu lado você se assustou levemente.
Olhou para ele sem pensar, pelo susto tinha esquecido que estavam chateados. Pelos breves segundos em que manteram contato visual, você sentiu seu coração errando uma batida e se não tivesse desviado logo o olhar você sabe que teria começado a chorar.
"Oi princesa..." Você se manteve calada, sua garganta ardia.
"Me desculpa amor. Eu ando tão estressado esses dias com o trabalho que eu acabei esquecendo que você não tinha nada a ver com tudo isso. E sei que isso não é justificativa para nenhum do meu comportamento, mas eu só quero que você saiba que não vai se repetir."
Você odiava estar assim com ele, sentiu seus olhos marejando.
"'Tá tudo bem, Jaemin. Eu também estou errada, eu sabia que você estava estressado e continuei te irritando."
"Ei, ei! Você não tem culpa nenhuma, princesa. Você só estava preocupada comigo e eu agi feito idiota sem razão. Me perdoa."
Você olhou finalmente para ele sorrindo pequeno. Se aproximou dele lentamente e deixou um beijo doce e lento sobre os lábios do moreno.
Ele pousou os braços nas suas costas, te abraçou apertado.
"Eu aceito as suas desculpas Nana. Aceita as minhas também?" Ele ia reclamar sobre não ter o que você se desculpar, mas você o cortou. "Você não brigou sozinho, teimoso. Aceita minhas desculpas."
Ele sorriu. Te deu mais um beijinho.
"Não dormimos separados, hm? Vamos sempre resolver nossos problemas juntos, ok?" Você concordou. "Eu te amo princesa, e sempre será assim." "Também te amo Nana. Muito."
Permaneceram alguns minutos assim, apenas trocando carícias e palavras doces um para o outro.
Os três gatinhos logo se juntaram ao chamego do casal. E o resto da noite foi baseada em você deitada no peito do Jaemin, sendo agarrada pelos braços aconchegantes dele. E claro, as três bolinhas de pelo fazendo companhia para ambos.
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kokorose · 6 months
Mother of more than Dragons.- a Fernando Alonso smau
Fernando Alonso x Actress!Reader
Summary: Fans are worried becuase you haven’t been spotted at the track for a couple months. You and Fernando proceed to break the internet.
Faceclaim: Emilia Clarke
Takes place over 2022/2023 seasons
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F1 posted
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Liked by 2,940,726
F1: Breaking news!! Alpines Fernando Alonso to miss Azerbaijan Grand Prix due to personal reasons. He will be replaced by Alpine reserve driver and F2 champion Oscar Piastri!!
Username: Omg!! Not Oscar coming in for one of the hardest races of the season!
Username: I hope everything’s okay with Alonso
Username: Do you think it has something to do with Y/n
Username: maybe!
Ynusername posted
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Liked by LewisHamilton, JasonMamoa, SophieTurner, MarkWebber, SebastianVettel and 2,303,789 others
Yusername: Welcome to the world Miá Sofiá Alonso 06.04.22. Momma and Papá are so happy to meet you. We love you to the moon and back princess.
Tagged: FernandoAlonso
Ybffusername: Omg!!!!!! She’s here!! Congratulations!
MinttuRaikkonen: Congratulations my friends!!
HannaVettel: Welcome to parenthood guys!
SebastianVettel: Congratulations from the family and I!
JasonMamoa: Congratulations Y/nnnnnnn!!! Baby dragons!!
SophieTurner: omg!!! Welcome to the world little Mia!
Beyoncé: Congratulations Y/n and Fernando! Welcome to motherhood.
F1: Welcome to the world baby Alonso!
SamCalflin: Congratulations Y/n!! She’s beautiful.
FernandoAlonsoOfical: Thank you for creating our treasure Mi Reina( My queen) Te Amo.
Comments are limited
FernandoAlonso posted
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Liked by CarlosSainz55, Ynusername, JensonButton, MarkWebber, AstonMartinoffical, 4,392,900 others
FernandoAlonsoOficial: Bienvenida al mundo mi princesa (welcome to the world my princess). 06.04.22 Miá Sofiá Alonso.
Ynusername is doing amazing and we should be home in a couple days.
JensonButton: Congratulations Nando!! She’s beautiful!
SebastianVettel: Congratulations Fernando! Welcome to the world little Miá!
CarlosSainz55: Feliciades Fernando!!!
F1: Congratulations to your new family Fernando!
AlpineOffical: félictations Fernando!
LeoMessi: Feliciades Fernando!
MarkWebber: Congratulations Nando!! Let me know if you guys need anything!
Ynusername: Te quiero mucho querido! 🥰❤️(I love you so much my love)
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Ynusername posted
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Liked by FernandoAlonsoOfical, SebastianVettel, LewisHamilton, SophieTurner, and 3,728,161 others
Ynusername: 6 years ago I met the love of my life. Three years later we got married. This year we welcomed Miá into our lives. Thank you for being my best friend and the best father to our princess! Happy 3rd Anniversary my beloved, I love you forever. 🥰
Tagged: FernandoAlonsoOfical
EstebanOcon: Happy Anniversary you guys!
SebastianVettel: Happy Anniversary you two.
FernandoAlonsoOfical: Happy Anniversary mi vida!
SophieTurner: Happy Anniversary to the mother of dragons and her dragon!
Username: HAPPY anniversary!!
Username: can’t believe it’s been 6 since they started seeing each other.
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Liked by Ynusername, JensonButton, MarkWebber, EstebanOcon, SebastianVettel, AstonMartin, and 3,792,191 others
FernandoAlonsoOficial: Mi Vida(my life), Mi Reina(my queen)
How you’ve changed my life over the last 6 years. Thank you for standing by me through every decision over the years. That day 6 years ago when you stepped into the garage stopped my world and you became my world. Thank you for giving me a beautiful daughter who lights up my life. Thank you for giving me something to come home to.
Te amo hasta la luna y las estrellas( I love you to the moon and stars). Te amo hoy y te amaré todos los días por el resto de mi vida.(I love you today and will love you for the rest of my life.)
ynusername: Te Amo Mi Amor 🥰
JensonButton: Happy Anniversary you guys!!!
MarkWebber: Aren’t you happy I told you to go for it? 😁
FernandoAlonsoOficial: 🖕🏻
EstebanOcon: Happy Anniversary
F1: Happy Anniversary Fernando and Y/N
AstonMartin: Can’t wait to see this beautiful family in our garage come March!!
OscarPiastri: Happy Anniversary!
June 4th 2023
ynusername and Fernando Alonso posted
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Liked by LanceStroll, OscarPiastri, AstonMartin, SophieTurner, FernanoAlonsoOficial, 2,478,353 others
ynusername: My little Miá,
I can’t believe you are already a year old! You’ve brought such joy and laughter into mine and papa’s life and we couldn’t love you more! I can’t wait to see the type of person you’ll grow up into but at the same time I don’t want you to grow up!
Tagged: FernandoAlonsoOficial
FernandoAlonsoOficial: mi hermosa princesa( my beautiful princess)
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sunriize · 8 months
[14:30] - NJM
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espero que gostem, meu primeiro post por aqui <3
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nana: vem aqui em casa, mô
nana: morrendo de sdds de ficar agarradinho com vc
nana: aí vc aproveita e conhece meus nenenzinhos 🥹😍💓
Era a primeira vez que iria visitar Jaemin depois do mesmo ter adotado três gatinhos e os chamados carinhosamente de Luna, Lucy e Luke.
Jaemin frequentemente mandava fotos para você dos gatinhos e, sinceramente, você não sabia como ele conseguia diferenciar cada um deles, mas como ele dizia: "quando você vier aqui, eu te ensino e já já você aprende quem é quem."
E lá estava você, em frente a porta da casa de Jaemin, pronta para tocar a campanha quando escuta, de longe, a voz do mesmo através da porta.
"Luna, quietinha amor, deixa o papai colocar o lacinho pra você ficar bonitinha pra sua mamãe."
Riu da frase e esperou mais um pouco, dando a chance do menino conseguir talvez colocar o laço na gatinha. Após alguns minutos, você tocou a campainha e aguardou, vendo logo após um Jaemin ofegante abrir a porta.
"Oi meu amor, desculpa não ter ido te buscar, ainda não me sinto confortável deixando os bebês sozinhos." Jaemin disse te puxando para um abraço, deixando selares na sua bochecha. "Tá tão linda, princesa. Entra, a casa é sua." disse sorrindo, dando espaço para você entrar na casa.
Logo de cara, torres de gatos se fizeram presentes em sua visão, mas ainda nada dos gatos, o que estranhou de primeira.
"Nana, cadê eles?"
"Lá no quarto, vamos subir."
Subiram até o segundo andar da casa e seguiram até a última porta do corredor, abriram a mesma e você deu de cara com a cena mais fofa que poderia ter.
Luna, Lucy e Luke estavam deitados todos juntos, cada um com um lacinho na cabeça e pouco se importaram com vocês naquele cômodo.
"Meu Deus, que amor, Nana" falou sussurrando para seu namorado, enquanto o mesmo abraçava sua cintura por trás.
"Esses são Luna, Lucy e Luke, nossos filhos" te levou para mais perto da cama, fazendo assim os três gatinhos finalmente perceberem sua presença.
O primeiro gatinho se assustou, desceu da cama e foi correndo até a casinha em formato de banana que Jaemin havia comprado há algumas semanas. O segundo gatinho só ficou olhando para você, ainda deitado, como se fosse uma criatura completamente diferente, o que você de fato era. O terceiro gatinho desceu da cama e se aproximou de seus pés, se esfregando nos mesmos, caindo de barriga pra cima logo após.
"Aquela ali é a Luna..." Jaemin apontou para a gatinha que olhava através do buraquinho da casinha de banana. "...ela é meio bicho do mato, mas daqui a pouquinho ela vai estar pedindo colo pra você. Essa que está te olhando é a Lucy, ela vive no mundinho dela, então uma hora ela pede carinho e na outra ela nem quer saber de você, tudo no tempo dela." Você riu com a fala de Jaemin. "E esse safado aqui..." pegou o gatinho que estava brincando com a barra de sua calça, deixando um beijo sobre o pelo branquinho. "...é o Luke, dá muita confiança não, se não ele não larga de você."
"Pra ser sincera, nana, eu ainda vou demorar um pouquinho pra saber quem é quem. Você e essa sua ideia de adotar todo mundo da mesma cor"
"Ah vidinha, eu sei né, mas me fala se não são as coisas mais preciosas que você já viu nesse mundo todinho?" Jaemin disse beijando ainda mais o gatinho em seu colo, mas logo afastando o rosto e cuspindo alguns pelos que ficaram em sua boca. "Eu esqueci de pentear vocês hoje, né? Que bom que a mamãe tá aí e ela ajuda. Né mamãe?"
Você concordou com um sorriso no rosto.
"Aí eu cheguei nele e falei: "Não cara, eu tenho namorada", mostrei minha aliança e pá...mas você acredita que ele ainda insistiu? Inacreditável!"
"Mas você sendo lindo desse jeito também não ajuda, né?"
"Verdade, é um fardo que eu carrego, sabe?" Jaemin disse sério, mas logo fazendo vocês dois rirem
Jaemin contava mais uma de suas histórias de pessoas dando em cima dele, agora, vocês estavam deitados, um de frente para o outro, apenas conversando, quando sentiram uma movimentação na cama.
"Amor, quem é..."
"É a Luna, só finge costume." E fingiu, viu a gatinha chegar de mansinho e procurar conforto em seu braço, onde deitou com a cabeça e enrolou o corpinho logo após.
"Você tá vendo, Jae?"
"Tô, essa safada tá querendo roubar minha namorada." Jaemin disse com um biquinho no rosto, logo sendo substituído por um sorriso. Pegou o celular da mesinha de cabeceira e tirou uma foto de vocês duas. "Minha nova tela de bloqueio, minhas princesas juntas." Sorriu com a fala de Jaemin e olhou para Luna, ela era tão linda. Porém, segundos depois, outra movimentação se fez presente na cama, era outro gatinho de Jaemin. "Ah não, Luke, você não."
Luke fez o mesmo que Luna, mas ao invés de deitar em seu braço, deitou rente a sua barriga, onde fez o famoso "amassar pãozinho" por toda a região, procurando deixar o lugar ainda mais confortável.
"É isso, eu vou ter que tirar outra foto mesmo?" Jaemin pegou novamente o celular e posicionou em um ângulo perfeito para uma tela de bloqueio. Sorrindo, seu namorado ficou olhando para a foto e logo disse. "Eu não preciso de mais nada agora, minha garota, meus bebês, todo mundo junto...isso sim que é vida."
"Só faltou a Lucy, não?"
"Quem disse?" Jaemin virou o celular para você e te mostrou a foto. Luna e Luke deitados ao seu lado e atrás de você, apenas com as orelhinhas e olhinhos brilhantes aparecendo, estava Lucy.
Era isso, se sentia em casa.
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damiansgoodgirll · 9 months
can you make the reader be Damian Priest Wife and brings either their son or daughter to watch him wrestle for the first time either at Money in the Bank or at Backlash in Puerto Rico?
this was so cute 🥹 plus i named the daughter luna but you can change it i don’t mind!
damian priest x reader
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money in the bank
you and damian both agreed to keep your daughter luna away from the spotlight. she was only two years old and she didn’t need the constant harassment from the paparazzi everytime you and damian brought her somewhere.
so that’s why everytime you and lune went to see damian in a match you would make sure to stay either in his changing room or in the vip section, away from curious eyes.
you felt a little sad knowing that you couldn’t stay with normal people in normal seats. that’s how you and damian met. you were just a regular fan and one day while he was still at nxt he spotted you in the crowd. before you could leave the arena he sent a guard asking for you and from that day you became inseparable.
but with damian qualifying for money in the bank you wanted to be in the crowd to show him support, to show him that you were there. at first you thought about leaving luna with your mom for just a few days but you knew how she wanted to be there too so you couldn’t say no.
you were both in the crowd, thankful for the seating area you and luna were currently waiting for the show to start. you weren’t too far away from the ring but at the same time you weren’t even too close, you knew how it would get with wrestling fans and you didn’t want to scare luna who was used to no people and silence.
you both couldn’t contain your happiness when you saw damian lifting the briefcase. you knew he saw you because he blew a kiss to the two of you.
with luna in your arms you kept laughing and smiling at how proud you were for him and a few moments later a guard escorted you backstage where damian was waiting for you.
“daddyyyy!” she screamed hopping from your arms to his bigger ones “you did it!”
you smiled at watching that sweet interaction, it made your heart fuller.
“i did it” he said smiling.
“we’re so proud of you amor” you joined the hug. he kept you both close to him and gently he first kissed your daughter’s cheek and then he kissed your lips.
“thank you for being here…and for bringing her here…i know how scared you were to being in the stand with all those people…” he said honestly while luna went to see the briefcase.
“i wanted to…plus everyone was so kind and gentle…i wanted to be here for you baby” you said kissing him again.
but before you could speak again luna started saying how shining the briefcase was and how she wanted one too.
you couldn’t contain your laugh.
“well princesa if you want one too you have to fight” damian knelt at her height.
“i will!” she said smiling, her eyes never leaving the green briefcase.
in that moment you felt like you had everything in your life. love, a man, a daughter, a family. all you ever dreamed of since you were a kid came true.
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One Love (3)
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Hi guys!
So another Luna one as some of you asked. You can find the request here, here (You have now your jealous Ona!), here, here too and some part of here.
TW : Jealousy, mention of Vilda the asshole, harassment.
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5
Throwback June 2023
When they started dating, Lucy didn’t know about what was happening in the Spanish Federation of football. At least with the women’s teams. Ona didn’t say anything to her at first, scared about the repercussions Lucy would have if some of the big bosses knew that she knew. Lucy was playing in Spain and it’s scared Ona to imagine that they could do something to her too.
Lucy knew that some things weren’t perfect, Alexia told her more or less that her ACL’s injury was caused because of the way they push them in training. But because of Ona’s silence, she thought that things were better now. That those people realize how bad they were when Alexia got hurt. She didn’t know how much she was wrong.
In June 2023, when Ona goes back to the national team, they were dating for five months. It was a long-distance relationship, but it went great and both of them were already kind of whipped with each other. They managed to keep her story away from the public for now, only their close friends knew about them. That of course include a lot of their teammates. Lucy playing in Spain with a lot of Ona’s teammates in her national team and Ona playing in England with a lot of Lucy’s national teammate’s, it was obvious that they will know about them.
But outside of that, they weren’t a lot of people. Sarina Wingman knew, Lucy had to face her when she came back in Manchester to watch Ona play the Manchester’s derby. But Ona made swear to everybody not to say anything to someone close to the RFEF.
So, when Alexia wrote to Lucy this night asking her if she talked to Ona, the English woman was a little lost. And worried. Not the one liking messaging, Alexia called her soon after Lucy answer her that they called this morning and that she’s waiting for her call right now.
“All good Capi?” Lucy asks, lying down on her bed.
“Yes. I mean… Look I don’t know what you know about what’s happening in here?”
“What do you mean?”
Lucy frowns, sensing a strange feeling in her stomach. Ona told her that she was opposed to play for the team as long as their managing was shit, but when she told her she will go back, Lucy thought that it suits her like this. She’s not the one to force the other to talk to her.
“About the… management?”
Alexia is whispering and Lucy sits on her bed, knowing the blonde is trying not to be heard. She explains what Ona explained to her and frown even more when Alexia sighs softly. She’s not sure now that something was wrong with her girlfriend, and she hates it.
“Look, just call her. She seemed off all day, but she won’t say us anything.”
So Lucy just say goodbye to Alexia before hurrying to call Ona. It took a long time for Ona to respond. She asked for a video call but when Ona answered, she’s facing a black screen.
“Hi Princesa” Lucy says, frowning.
“Hola” Ona answers.
Right after that, Lucy knows that something is up. Ona’s voice is muffled and not like her usual.
“Why can’t I see your pretty face?”
There are some seconds of silence before Ona’s answer, the brunette searching for a logical explanation. When she realizes that she can’t find one, she just improvised.
“I just got out of the shower.”
“You literally answered without a bra last time?”
Lucy raises her brow and she knows that Ona can see her. There is some more silence and Lucy just can’t take it anymore.
“Ona what’s happening? Are you hurt or something?”
“No! No, it’s nothing like that.”
Ona’s denials are virulent enough for Lucy to understand that the Spaniard is telling her the truth. But it does mean that there is something else.
“So turn the camera please”
Ona sighs a little and there is some noise when she takes her phone to turn it on her face. Lucy scan her immediately, looking first for a black eye and after any visible injury. But there is nothing. She spots however Ona’s red and swollen eyes.
“Babe what’s happening?”
The worry is very well audible in Lucy’s voice and Ona just shrug. The English woman can’t explain how much she wanted to be with to be able to hug her.
“Nothing. I just had a bad day” Ona mumbles.
She sniffs and lie on her bed, under the cover, taking her phone with her. Lucy doesn’t lose a second of that, not questioning for now why Ona is in her bed before diner. She has other concerns for now.
“Want to talk about it?” Lucy gently asks.
But Ona just answers in silence, shaking her head. It was bad, Lucy thoughts. Ona usually don’t have any problem to talk about her feelings to Lucy.
“Just watching and talking to you make me feel better.”
“You know that between you and I, people probably think I’m the sweet talker?”
Ona snorts and roll on her side to have a better look of her girlfriend. She doesn’t say anything else, so Lucy doesn’t too. She just look at Ona’s tired and anxious face. She looked at that face for long minutes the mornings when she wakes up before Ona. Which is almost every one morning to be fair.
“You want to take a nap?” Lucy finally asks.
“No. Can we just… stay like this?”
Ona seems so small asking this question that Lucy want to cry. And jump in the first plane to protect her girlfriend against God knows what.
“Of course, Princesa. Do you want to know a secret?”
It raises Ona’s curiosity and a sparkle of something is soon shining in her eyes.
“I made a reservation for a small vacation after the World Cup.”
“Where?” Ona asks softly.
“Menorca. Would you want to come with me?”
“I would love it” Ona answers. “After the World Cup?”
“After the World Cup” Lucy confirms.
But suddenly there is some more tears in Ona’s eyes and before she knows it, they are drowning her cheeks. Her breath became hard to take and Lucy panic, almost calling Alexia to help her.
Lucy’s voice sounds far away for Ona, but she still can concentrate on it.
“Ona, baby breath please. Breath for me.”
Lucy repeats herself as a litany, but it seems to take effect gradually since even if she continues to cry, Ona seems to find a more or less normal breathing. She manages to talk, her words interrupted with her sobs.
“It’s just awful Luce. They keep pushing us to be better, but it seems like they don’t want us to be. They swear things would change when they ask me to come back so I did, but it’s worse than ever and people now think that I’m a traitor because I came back. I just have to do what they say because otherwise they punish everyone in the team. We didn’t have lunch today because Eva wasn’t able to finish her twenty laps of the football field in the time they gave her.”
Lucy is stunned, not knowing what to answer to that. And I must be the first time ever that the woman is speechless. But now that she has begun, Ona seems like she can’t stop talking.
“They chose what we can eat or not and change it almost everyday and they have not fucking sense. They made me eat pancake yesterday for breakfast and today I just had fruit because I’m apparently to fat! And then –“
“They told you you’re fat?”
Lucy seems shocked by what she just heard, but Ona only laughs with no joy.
“That is nothing. You should hear what they tell us every day.”
Lucy keeps silence a little bit, still under the shock. But then she remembers Ona’s eyes when she called and decide to try her luck. Ona is wiping her tears quite aggressively when Lucy asks her a new question.
“What happened today?”
Ona takes time to wipe her cheeks before taking a shaky breath. She seems exhausted and Lucy wondered how she could keep all that for herself.
“They keep telling I suck at everything I did. When I went back to my room to change for training, Vilda came in my room to shoot at me for about everything. He said that if we take one more goal because of me, he would make sur that I won’t be able to play for Barcelona.”
Lucy feels her stomach fell. She knows that Ona didn’t come back to Barcelona for her and that it was her dream to be back home. But Lucy being there was the big cherry on the cake. And she won’t lie, being able to be with her girlfriend everyday after being in a long-distance relationship feels like heaven.
“He can do that. Does he think he’s God or something?”
“I don’t know. He has a lot of friend everywhere”
Ona seems defeat and take a tissue to blow herself.
“You should talk about it to Alexia or Irene.”
“He told me not to talk about it to anyone, otherwise my friend would have trouble playing too.”
Ona insists on the “My friend” and Lucy frowns.
“Was he talking about me?”
“I don’t know. But I didn’t say anything about us Lucy, I swear”
More silenced tears are falling from Ona’s eyes and Lucy feels her heart break a little.
“I believe you Princesa. But how the hell could he knows?”
“I don’t know. I asked Ale if she thought it was possible they tapped our phones, but she said no.”
“Good thing we never tried phone sex”
Ona laughs in the middle of her cry and she’s smiling when she wipes more tears on her cheeks.
“You’re way to old for that, Lucia”
“Oi don’t be mean now?”
Ona laughs softly one more time, before taking a deep breath to try to calm herself. Her head is spinning from all the crying and her eyes are a little sensitive. Even if it’s at her depends, Lucy is happy to her the younger woman laughs.
“Nobody’s going to stop you to play at home next season, Ona. Your contract is already signed. And, for the record, they have no power over my license. And you play amazingly those days, he won’t be able to do anything. It’s going to be ok, I promise."
It’s the only answer from Ona, but she looks at little happier than before. In another hand, Lucy’s mind is always processing with all she just learns about the different abuses happening is the Spanish camp.
“How the hell did he entered in your room anyway?”
The question surprise Ona at first, but then she imagines herself at Lucy’s place and she understand. Ona bites her lip before shrugging.
“They have a spare key for all the rooms.”
“I’m sorry?”
It was getting worse at everything Ona says, Lucy thought.
“They say it’s for keeping an eye in our environment and make sure it’s healthy. Before Covid we were two in our rooms, so it was better but now… It’s really scary to be honest. That’s partially why I can’t sleep very well.”
“I need to talk about it to Sarina”
“No! Lucy, please, don’t. And don’t talk about what I told you to Alexia, please.”
For the first time tonight, Lucy lies to Ona. Because she definitely talk to Alexia about it, sincerely scared for her girlfriend’s sanity. Of course, Alexia was angry about all the things Ona heard this day, the other wasn’t really surprising for her. Lucy talked about it to Sarina too, but only because she seemed so horrified the morning after that the Dutch Woman was concerned about her defender.
“I need to know something more, Ona. And I need you to swear to tell me truth.”
Ona is looking at her reluctantly, knowing that the question would be asked about what she just said to Lucy.
“Did someone… I don’t know how to ask that” Lucy sighs before trying again, but Ona cuts her soon after.
“No one touch me the way you’re thinking.”
Lucy raises her eyes back on Ona, not saying anything. Ona sighs once again, whipping at her eyes for what it looks like the thousand time.
“When I told about it to my brother, that’s the first thing he asks. They pushed me before, but nothing like that.”
Lucy still thinks about that night, sometimes. When they play against each other at the Final, she knows that Spain must win for another reason that the achievement. They need the eyes of the world on them, to the big authorities to look after them. It didn’t happen the way they hopped though, all of them being called even after they all said that they won’t come back until things changes for good.
They were forced to come even after Vilda’s termination, but this time Lucy was with Ona when she received the call. She was able to hold her against her, to rub her back when her girlfriend was in a multiple conversation with some of her teammates at the same time.
She was able to run her a bath, make her diner and stroke her hair to help her falling asleep that night. She was here for her and that’s all she ever wanted.
It’s easier now for Lucy to let Ona go to international break, things are getting better. And they still win everything, making her be in her WAG era. Which she loves a lot to be fair. Even if sometimes she faces some other girl interested in Ona, like that night after the Finale of the UEFA National League.
“I like this one, what do you think?”
Lucy’s mind was way too far away from present, and she focused again on her girlfriend, scrolling on her computer. They were looking for a new house, wanting to leave that apartment to be able to have a garden for their dogs. They are clean and sweets, but sometimes it could be easier. And having more rooms when Lucy’s family come to Barcelona would be great too.
She was looking at Ona sitting on her sofa while she searched for their maybe future house, and she doesn’t know why she thought about this memory. They had way more happier moments or Peggy 18 memories on it.
Lucy leans on Ona, taking advantage of their proximity to brush her lips against Ona’s neck. She feels the goosebump on her girlfriend’s skin and smirks when Ona shot her a look of advertisement.
“She seems great” Lucy answers after reading it. “Do we really need a swimming pool though?”
Ona only smiles and shrug, taking her computer back to check the location of the house. It was between their training ground, her parent’s house and isn’t far away from the downtown. They would be far away from the airport though.
“Just imagine how much fun Alfred and Alzira would have?”
Lucy’s eyes start shinning and Ona knew that she picked the right argument. She kisses her cheek, getting closer to her. They were looking for a house for some weeks now, visiting some without having a spark for any of it. Ona has real hopes for this one.
“I’m calling this office now” Ona decides, standing up from the sofa.
Ona frowns at Lucy’s exclamation, looking at her when she stands up too. Then Lucy takes her by her hips and kiss her hard, taking her by surprise. Ona let a whimper escape her lips before kissing her back. But soon, Lucy suddenly lets her go.
“Now you can make that call” Lucy smirks before leaving her to go to the kitchen.
“That woman” Ona mumbles, after the ten seconds more than necessary to cool her down.
The house was amazing and all they could hope for. They saw it two times, asks Ona’s father and Abuelo to come to see it with them too, just to be sur. But they confirm that it’s amazing. Ona’s a little sad that her brother is currently in Austria with his girlfriend, he was always here when she moves out usually. He even took some days off when she left for Manchester to help her in her new flat.
Ona was actually showing pictures to Alexia on her phone, even if they were in a night with other people. She is way to excited with their new project to be able to shut up. And Lucy is watching her with a tender smile. She’s almost as excited as Ona to be honest. She already had drawn plenty possibilities about how they could put their furniture in the different rooms in the house.
“I’m happy for you. You deserve all this happiness.”
Lucy turns when a hand pats her shoulder, smiling at Irene. Ona and Alexia were now talking in a too fast and too excited Catalan for her to understand, Mapi joining them soon after.
“Thanks. Who knew the woman I was looking for just left Barcelona when I was coming in here?”
Irene smiles and shrugs. She saw Lucy going down after her breakup with Keira, even if it was a mutual decision. Her love story with Ona was a little bit unexpected, but now she can’t imagine them with someone else.
“Life made things good for you. You were meant to be, but maybe you had some things to live separately before being together.”
“That’s exactly what Ona said” Lucy smirks.
“What a wise woman she is.”
Lucy laughs slightly with Irene before finishing her drink. The end of the season is coming so they are a little less strict about their alcohol consumption. It’s still only a beer, though.
Even if they made a point of not sticking to each other all night, they definitely can’t help but gravitate unconsciously around each other. Ona soon realizes that a woman is looking at Lucy with way too much interest for her proper liking, but she just bites her lip in silence for now. But it only lasts two minutes before she goes to Lucy once again, being able to listen to the conversation. They are talking in Spanish, Lucy’s progress coinciding with Ona’s arrival in her life.
As if nothing had happened, Ona leans on the table as she approaches Lucy, her gaze briefly resting on the table. It is beautifully laid out, offering various drinks or snack.
“It’s a great project. If you need help with your house, I can give you my number” was saying this way to pretty blonde.
“We already have all we need, thank you. Right Princesa?”
Ona just nods and send a forced smile to their interlocutor. The blonde let her gaze going down and up on Ona, but not in a really good way. Ona arches her eyebrow at her, not really into the mood to be belittled by a random stranger.
“Yes. We are more than perfect.”
The blonde’s jaw tight slightly, understanding the double meaning easily. Lucy does seem to understand the tension between Ona and the other woman, she understands too really quickly the blonde’s flirting attempts. That is why she called Ona “Princesa”, something she usually doesn’t in public. In particular since Ona called her accidentally “Cutie” in front of everyone and they needed months for them to forget this.
“Oh really? Can’t see why, but anyway…”
Ona almost chokes in her glass, but Ona starts to feel her cool go away. None of the three women realize that Mapi is right them, listening to the conversation with conflictual feelings. If someone were hitting on Ingrid the way this stranger is hitting on Lucy, she will probably be dead. But the Spaniard is also curious to see how Ona will handle the situation.
“What do you mean?”
The question is asked with harsh, but Lucy can’t blame Ona for it. She opens her mouth to say something but the blonde talks before she can. Ona isn’t looking at her, anyway.
“What I mean and maybe it’s good for you to hear, is that it’s very sad and almost disappointing to see a woman like this being with someone like you.”
Lucy is stunned by what she just heard, Mapi makes a move to interrupt what she heard, but Ona is faster. Grabbing a glass full of gazpacho, she throws the red liquid perfectly onto the woman’s face.
“I hope there is chili in it, otherwise that will be disappointing. Stay the fuck away from my girlfriend and find yourself someone at your height. Maybe a roach or something. “
“Vamos Amiga” laughs Mapi, before shutting her mouth when she crosses her girlfriend’s eyes.
Ona, for her part, turns her heels and takes the direction of the exit door, moving away from the stage. One second late, Lucy follows the movement but easily catches her at the door.
“Ona” Lucy calls her, the door closing behind them.
But the brunette is still walking, so Lucy has to take her arm in her hand to stop her.
“Ona!” Lucy tries again.
Turning on her heels again, Ona faces her girlfriend, her pretty face full of anger. Lucy does not know if she already saw her as angry as she is right now.
“Don’t tell me I shouldn’t have do that, you know perfectly what she was doing, way before she starts insult me or insinuate that you deserve more than me!”
“I wasn’t going to say that” Lucy answers calmly.
Her ton surprise Ona enough to stop her boiling anger and jealousy immediately. She looks at Lucy like she wants to be sure that she’s not lying to her. But she’s not, even if her eyes are shinning with some things Ona isn’t able to name.
“She was a bitch to you, you wanted to say something but you got ahead of me.”
Ona silently looks at her for more seconds before Lucy takes advantage to her arm always in her hand and draw Ona against her. The Spaniard let her do it, enjoying Lucy arms encircling loosely her waist.
“You’re hot when your jealous” Lucy whispers, her lips in Ona’s hair.
Ona rolls her eyes, cuddling closer to her girlfriend. She knew that Lucy would talk about it, and she cannot reproach it to her.
“She was drooling looking at you” Ona grumbles.
“I know. And I’m sorry you have to see that, but you know I would never be interested in anyone other than you, right?”
Lucy seems genuinely anxious about Ona's answer, but the Catalan knows that Lucy isn't that kind of girl.
“Course I know” Ona answers with an evil smile “Otherwise you would have been the one covered in gazpacho.”
I gave up proofreading, I’m sorry for the mistakes ♥
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flan-tasma · 7 months
Hello, I hope you are well
Could you do the reader's first kiss with Freminet ?
I love your writing ❤️❤️
💖~ oh! I hope you are well too!
I love this request so much! I'm on it!
Warning: Nope now💖, Adult Freminet, In spanish it's implied that Reader is a girl, but in english it isn't | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
A mi celular le pareció una buena idea cerrar Tumblr y no guardé el borrador, entonces perdí la mitad y me quise pegar un tiro. Pero ahí vamos mi gente latina
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Freminet está tan enamorado de ti y todos podían notarlo. Lyney y Lynette sonreían al ver cómo su pequeño hermano se preocupaba por conseguir flores bonitas y frescas para ti.
Entre bromas surgió la pregunta de Lyney si ya se habían besado, provocando la vergüenza de Freminet y que Lynette consolara a su pobre hermano menor e hiciera que Lyney se disculpara, pero la idea no salió de la mente del buzo.
Freminet y tu se conocían desde hace mucho tiempo pero se habían vuelto novios desde hace relativamente poco. Él no sabía si querías besarlo y él tampoco quería tomarte por sorpresa o forzarte, por lo que buscó pistas.
Cuando leían juntos veía tus reacciones ante los cuentos de príncipes y princesas que rompían maldiciones con un beso de amor verdadero, se involucraba en tus conversaciones con Lynette acerca de esta nueva novela romántica que estabas leyendo y cuando se abrazaban te veía con más esmero, queriendo leer tu lenguaje corporal.
Ambos estaban en una cita nocturna cerca del mar cuando le preguntaste si había algún problema o cuál era el motivo de que no te quitara los ojos encima, él se avergonzó y suspiró mientras miraba a otro lado.
"No sé si te gustaría besarme."
Miraste sorprendida a Freminet y te tomaste tu tiempo para pensar en sus palabras y acciones. El ruido del mar y el viento los acunaba mientras seguían abrazados uno contra el otro, Freminet seguía esperando alguna señal hasta que hablaste.
"¿Qué pasaría si te digo que me muero por besarte?" Freminet podría haber muerto ahí mismo cuando se escondió en su casco de buceo mientras balbuceaba un millón de cosas inentendibles, hasta que se calmó y escuchaste algo muy claramente.
"Quisiera que fuera especial..."
"Si eres tú quien me besa, siempre será especial" Nuevamente Freminet se quedó callado mientras tú te reías de su estado oculto pero podrías apostar que su cara tenía un nuevo tono de rosa espolvoreado en sus mejillas, mantuvieron el silencio mientras aún eras abrazada por uno de sus brazos, sin molestar el flujo de ideas que estaba formando su cabeza en ese momento hasta que se levantó rápidamente y te dejó la manta que los cubría. Te pidió que te quedes en tu lugar con los ojos cerrados y que volvería pronto.
Hiciste lo que te pidió, recostada sobre la manta de picnic, tranquila y cálida por la manta mullida con bordados de pingüinos. Casi pudiste quedarte dormida siendo acunada suavemente por el calor y el viento, dejando que el ruido de la marea tranquila, los pies caminando sobre la arena y los chapoteos te lleven al reino de los sueños hasta que unos minutos después llegó Freminet y te pidió que te mantengas ciega unos minutos más.
"¿Qué estás haciendo, Fremmy?"
"... Un escenario."
Sonreíste y soltaste una pequeña risa con una idea de lo que ocurría, pero nada podría acercarse a lo que viste cuando te dejó abrir los ojos y sentarte: Las velas que habían traído estaban encendidas a cada lado de ustedes iluminándolos junto a la luna, rosarcoíris estaban repartidas alrededor de la manta de picnic y tu príncipe azul marino estaba frente a ti sobre una rodilla. Un ramo de flores rociomarinas recién recogidas te eran entregadas por él mientras se quitaba el casco. Tomaste las flores y Freminet pidió permiso para tomar tu mano.
"Por favor, déjame besarte."
Con una sonrisa lo aceptaste, él sostuvo tu mejilla y la acarició pronunciando gracias en un susurro. Acercó sus rostros y por fin besó con ternura tus labios, sus mejillas estaban calientes, pero su expresión se relajaba cada vez más hasta que se separó.
"... ¿Puedo besarte otra vez?... ¿Otra vez?... ¿Otro más?... Solo uno más, por favor."
No dejaron de besarse en un buen rato.
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Freminet is so in love with you and everyone could tell. Lyney and Lynette were smiling as they watched his little brother worrying about getting pretty, fresh flowers for you.
Between jokes, Lyney asked if they had already kissed, causing Freminet to be embarrassed and Lynette to console her poor younger brother and make Lyney apologize, but the idea did not leave the diver's mind.
Freminet and you had known each other for a long time but had become lovers relatively recently. He didn't know if you wanted to kiss him and he didn't want to take you by surprise or force you, so he looked for clues.
When you read together, he saw your reactions to the stories of princes and princesses who broke curses with a kiss of true love, he got involved in your conversations with Lynette about that new romantic novel you were reading, and when you hugged, he looked at you more carefully, wanting to read your body language.
You were both on a date night near the sea when you asked him if there was a problem or what was the reason he couldn't take his eyes off you, he got embarrassed and sighed as he looked away.
"I don't know if you'd like to kiss me."
You looked at Freminet in surprise and took your time to think about his words and actions. The noise of the sea and the wind cradled them as they continued hugging each other, Freminet still waiting for some sign until you spoke.
"What if I told you that I'm dying to kiss you?" Freminet could have died right there when he hid in his diving helmet while babbling a million unintelligible things, until he calmed down and you heard something very clearly.
"I wish it were special..."
"If you're the one who kisses me, it'll always be special" Again Freminet stayed quiet as you laughed at his hidden state but you could bet his face had a new shade of pink dusted on his cheeks, you twoo kept silent while you were still being hugged by one of his arms, without disturbing the flow of ideas that was forming in his head at that moment until he quickly got up and left the blanket that covered them with you. He asked you to stay in your place with your eyes closed and that he would be back soon.
You did as he asked, lying on the picnic blanket, calm and warm from the fluffy penguin-embroidered blanket. You could almost fall asleep being rocked gently by the warmth and wind, letting the sound of the calm tide, feet walking on the sand and splashing water take you to the realm of dreams until a few minutes later Freminet arrived and asked you to stay blind for a few more minutes.
"What are you doing, Fremmy?"
"... A scenario."
You smiled and let out a small laugh with an idea of what was happening, but nothing could come close to what you saw when he let you open your eyes and sit up: The candles you had brought were lit on either side of you illuminating you along with the moon, rose rainbow were spread around the picnic blanket and your navy blue prince was in front of you on one knee. A bouquet of freshly picked romaritime flowers were handed to you by him while he took off his helmet. You took the flowers and Freminet asked permission to take your hand.
"Please let me kiss you."
With a smile you accepted it, he held your cheek and caressed it saying thank you in a whisper. He brought your faces closer and finally kissed your lips tenderly, his cheeks were hot, but his expression relaxed more and more until he separated you from he.
"...Can I kiss you again?... Again?... Another one?... Just one more, please."
You didn't stop kissing for a long time.
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yelek-galleries · 7 months
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Mi contribución al fandom de hora de aventura
Muy básico la verdad jsjdjfbdkj pero no tenía tanto tiempo para dibujarla en tradicional
finn tiene problemas de sueño,así que jake decide contarle una historia que leyó en los libros de la dulce princesa
- la luz y la oscuridad existen desde hace mucho tiempo,desde el comienzo de la humanidad.. ellos dieron vida a todo lo que se conoce hoy en día
Hace mucho ellos dos coexistian en armonia pero era demaciado trabajo para ellos cuidar de todos,así que crearon dos seres uno de luz y otro de oscuridad
La oscuridad fue echa del polvo de las los muertos y lágrimas de la luna,los humanos la nombraron "la dama de las sombras"
Ella cuidaría de la noche, daría tranquilidad a los humanos y protección a todos los seres de la noche de todo más que asechara en sus sueños y casas
Pero un día...
@soutenir-les-artistes 🫂✨
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groriatrevi10xx · 26 days
Todos se sorprenden, el silencio interviene... Nadie se mueve, aunque la Princesa Teagan se queja de la caída que la Reina Arma había provocado con muchas intenciones.../Everyone is surprised, silence takes part... Nobody moves, even if Princess Teagan complains about her fall that Queen Arma had caused with many intentions...
¿Qué ha pasado?, ¿Qué había causado esto?.../What had happened? What had caused this?...
Podemos volver atrás y recordarlo, hoy exactamente... Se ha celebrado una reunión, las Brujas y los Hechiceros no se llevan bien, pero todavía tienen un mercado unido... A pesar de la enemistad, algunas cosas tienen beneficios en las alianzas, uno por uno... Hoy eso se estaba discutiendo... El mercado no se mueve solo, por eso la reunión está al rojo vivo.../We can go back and remember it, today exactly... A meeting has been held, Witches and Sorcerers don't get along, but they still have a united market... Despite the enmity, there are benefits to some things in alliances, one by one... Today that was being discussed... The market does not move alone, so the meeting is on fire...
La reunión dura más de una hora, ya que la Reina Arma y la Reina Umbra… No pueden ponerse de acuerdo en algo, pueden ser versiones de ellas mismas, pero eso no significa que se lleven bien… Hay gritos y peleas... Lo normal viniendo de ellas.../The meeting takes more than an hour, since Queen Arma and Queen Umbra... They can't agree on something, they may be versions of themselves, but that doesn't mean they get along... There is shouting and fighting...The normal thing coming from them...
Mientras fuera de la Habitación, está la Princesa... Girando de un lado a otro, sin entender porque ella no está también dentro... Es importante, ella es importante... Ella también debe elegir lo que el Reino necesita... Aún así, su madre no la dejó entrar.../While outside the Room, there is the Princess... Turning from one side to the other, without understanding why she is not inside too... It is important, she is important... She should also choose what the Kingdom needs... Still, her mother didn't let her in...
No se da cuenta en sus arrebatos que por error choca con una Sirvienta que llevaba Bebidas para los de la Sala, los vasos caen al suelo rompiéndose... El líquido se derrama en el suelo, sobre la ropa de la Sirvienta y de la Princesa también..../He does not realize in his outbursts that by mistake he collides with a Servant who was carrying Drinks for those in the Living Room, the glasses fall to the floor, breaking... The liquid spills on the floor, on the Servant and Princess's clothes as well...
La Criada asustada intenta disculparse, las demás criadas que pasaban por allí se quedan quietas… Y se asustan al ver como la Princesa levanta la mano y abofetea a su compañera de trabajo… Quien se tambalea por el impacto…/The frightened Servant tries to apologize, the other servants who were passing by remain still... And they are scared when they see how the Princess raises her hand and slaps her co-worker... Who staggers from the impact...
--¡Tú!... ¡Puta asquerosa!.../You!... Disgusting bitch!...--
Y la Princesa vuelve a levantar la mano para dar otro golpe, la Criada se cubre con las manos.../And the Princess raises her hand again to give another blow, the Servant covers herself with her hands...
Nadie escucha cuando se abren las puertas, ni los pasos... La Sirviente sólo espera un golpe dirigido a su rostro, pero no llega nada... Eso la hace abrir los ojos, queda impresionada al ver como una mano toma el brazo de la princesa.../No one listens when the doors open, nor do the footsteps... The Servant only waits for a blow aimed at her face, but nothing comes... That makes her open her eyes, she is impressed to see how a hand takes the arm of the Princess...
--Oye... ¿Adónde iba esa mano?.../Hey... Where was that hand going?...--
Hay un aura oscura y a la vez brillante en esa Mujer que se parece a su Madre, solo que ella es muy diferente, la sonrisa de la Reina de las Brujas es fría y burlona, sin vida... Sus ojos parecen no tener emoción, una Bruja que cree que puede tener todo en el Mundo... Pero a Teagan no le importa quién sea, está loca.../There is a dark and at the same time bright aura in that Woman who looks like her Mother, only she is very different, the smile of the Queen of the Witches is cold and mocking, lifeless... Her eyes do not seem to have emotion, a Witch who believes she can have everything in the World... But Teagan doesn't care who she is, she's crazy...
Grave error.../Serious mistake...
--¡Que te importa!, ¡Ahora déjame ir, loca de mierda!.../What do you care! Now let me go, you crazy shit!...--
Todo queda en silencio, cuando ven a la Princesa ser arrojada contra la pared y caer cerca de un jarrón... Todos se congelan, especialmente cuando la Reina Umbra sale de la sala de reuniones debido al ruido, esperando que la Bruja se haya ido... Ahora ve la escena con horror.../Everything remains silent, when they see the Princess being thrown against the wall and falling near a vase... Everyone freezes, especially when Queen Umbra leaves the meeting room due to the noise, hoping that the Witch has left. ...Now he sees the scene with horror...
Umbra quiere correr para ayudar a su Hija, pero es detenida por la propia Bruja... Con una larga sonrisa.../Umbra wants to run to help her Daughter, but is stopped by the Witch herself... With a long smile...
--Vaya, vaya Umbra... Realmente eres mala criando niños, tu perra tiene muy malos modales... Tenía que darle una pequeña lección, espero que no te importe... No creo que esté bien pegar a los sirvientes por unas pequeñas manchas... ¿O me equivoco?.../Wow, wow Umbra... You really are bad at raising children, your bitch has very bad manners... I had to teach her a little lesson, I hope you don't mind... I don't think it's right to hit servants for a few small stains... Or am I wrong?...--
La Reina de los Hechiceros se congela y mira a su alrededor, uniendo cada punto... Y no sabe cómo actuar... Y eso hace reír a Arma, que levanta el guante de su Hija, desgarrado... Probablemente cuando la tiro.../The Queen of Sorcerers freezes and looks around, joining each dot... And she doesn't know how to act... And that makes Arma laugh, who raises her Daughter's glove, torn... Probably when I throw her...
--Una cosa más... ¿No dijiste que los brujos no hacen magia negra?... O algo así... Entonces, ¿por qué tu hija?.../One more thing... Didn't you say that Sorcerers don't do black magic?... Or something like that... So, why does your daughter?...--
Hay tanta burla en su voz, Umbra sólo vuelve a ver a su Hija que se levanta con dificultad, mira el brazo sin guante... Verlo oscuro y negro, cada vena.../There is so much mockery in her voice, Umbra only sees her Daughter again who gets up with difficulty, looks at the arm without the glove... To see it dark and black, every vein...
Vuelve a ver a Arma, que ahora se ha quitado ella misma los guantes amarillos, para mostrar sus brazos oscuros y soltar unas cuantas risas.../He sees Arma again, who has now taken off her yellow gloves herself, to show her dark arms and let out a few laughs...
--Vaya, que descubrimiento... ¿No lo sabías? Bueno... Tu cara lo dice todo.../Wow, what a discovery... Didn't you know? Well... Your face says it all...--
Nadie se mueve, sólo hay silencio, la Reina de las Brujas vuelve a ponerse los guantes…/Nobody moves, there is only silence, the Queen of the Witches puts her gloves back on...
Arma mira a la Princesa sonriendo.../Arma looks at the Princess smiling...
--Eres tan detestable como la versión que conozco.../You are as detestable as the version I know...--
Y se da vuelta, para continuar su camino por los pasillos mientras chasquea los dedos y los vasos vuelven a estar en manos del Sirviente, el líquido desaparece… Dejando a todos sin poder decir nada, solo ven desaparecer a la Mujer.../And he turns around, to continue his way through the corridors while he snaps his fingers and the glasses are again in the hands of the Servant, the liquid disappears... Leaving everyone unable to say anything, they only see the Woman disappear...
No hay emoción en la voz de la Reina Umbra, nuevamente todos están prestando atención.../There is no emotion in Queen Umbra's voice, again everyone is paying attention...
--Mi nombre es Brittany, ¡¿cuántas veces tengo que decírtelo?!.../My name is Brittany, how many times do I have to tell you?!...--
Todas prestan atención.../Everyone pays attention...
--Todos regresen a sus deberes, tengo que hablar con mi hija.../Everyone go back to your duties, I have to talk to my daughter...--
Eso último hace que todos se vayan rápidamente, Umbra vuelve a mirar a su Hija…/That last thing makes everyone leave quickly, Umbra looks at her Daughter again...
--¡Ese no es mi nombre!.../That's not my name!...--
Umbra no se siente bien gritándole a su hija, pero lo que ha hecho... Y por una vez, no puede quedarse callada.../Umbra doesn't feel right yelling at her Daughter, but what she's done... And for once, she can't keep quiet...
--¡¡¡Teagan, te he dejado hacer tantas cosas... Pero golpear a los sirvientes, humillarlos, no voy a dejar eso de lado... No eres nadie para hacer eso, tu posición no te hace superior a otros!!!.../Teagan, I've let you do so many things... But beating the servants, humiliating them, I'm not going to leave that aside... You're nobody to do that, your position doesn't make you superior to others!!!...--
No le importa el tema de la magia negra, hay uno que otro Hechicero que la practica, aunque es como un tabú para ellos, Sombra ha demostrado que a veces puede usarse para el bien.../He doesn't care about the topic of black magic, there are one or another Sorcerer who practices it, although it is like a taboo for them, Sombra has shown that it can be used for good sometimes...
Y no negará que ella misma también ha usado magia negra, lo único que le molesta es que su Hija no le haya contado sobre esto…/And she will not deny that she herself has also used black magic, the only thing that bothers her is that her Daughter has not told her about this...
--¿Por qué no?... ¡Es absurdo! ¡Trabajan para nosotros!... ¡No son superiores!.../Why not?... It's absurd! They work for us!... They are not superior!...--
Teagan objeta, dejando a su madre sorprendida... Ahora su mirada es más dura.../Teagan objects, leaving her Mother surprised... Now her gaze is harder...
--¡¡¡Soy su Reina!... ¡¡¡Deberían respetarme!!!.../I am his Queen!... Should respect me!!!...--
Teagan responde, sin callarse... Proclamándose Reina de todos, Umbra guarda silencio.../Teagan responds, without shutting up... Proclaiming herself the Queen of all, Umbra is silent...
Y la Princesa se sorprende cuando su Madre alza la voz.../And the Princess is surprised when her Mother raises her voice...
--¡¡¡TU NO ERES LA REINA!!!, ¡YO SOY LA REINA AQUÍ!... ¡SOY LA MÁXIMA AUTORIDAD AQUÍ!... ¡Y aunque fueras la Reina, no te da derecho a tratar así a nadie!!!.../YOU ARE NOT THE QUEEN!!!, I AM THE QUEEN HERE!... I AM THE HIGHEST AUTHORITY HERE!... And even if you were the Queen, it doesn't give you the right to treat anyone like that!!!...--
Umbra se ve tan enojada.../Umbra looks so angry...
--Fuera de mi vista Teagan... Vete, ve a tu habitación... No quiero verte.../Get out of my sight Teagan... Go away, go to your room... I don't want to see you...--
Teagan solo gruñe y se va sin decir nada más.../Teagan just growls and leaves without saying anything else...
Dejando sola a Umbra, quien lentamente se acerca a las ventanas, mirando afuera la bandera de su Mundo.../Leaving Umbra alone, who slowly approaches the windows, looking outside at the flag of her World...
--E-Esto es m-mi culpa.../T-This is m-my fault...--
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****La Bandera que representa el Amor de la Bestia por el Hada de las Lágrimas del Sol/The Flag that represents the Love of the Beast for the Fairy of Sol's Tears****
Arma y/and Umbra: Son mías... {They are mine...}
Brittany {Teagan} es de {Brittany {Teagan} is from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
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mediumsizetex · 11 months
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dibujo de la princesa luna? by Julieeee4e
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