#queer prompt
0-ink-zinc · 8 months
Writing Prompt #17
They begged you not to hurt them the way everyone else had. They told you of the abandonment, the fear, the rejection. Over a decade has passed and you stayed true, or at least you believed you did.
With no warning they tell you how you've scared them, made them feel unsafe, how you've become the terror you promised to protect them from.
Then, they abandon you.
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Some spins on the "mostly male team with a token woman" trope:
The woman is trans and stayed in her old circle of bros even after transition
The woman is the only one in her circle of "girls" who didn't turn out to be a trans man
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Queer Story Prompt #25
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harry-anne · 11 months
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Hey, I made a Queer Test Card with a transparent centre. Do with it what you will <3 Go nutty.
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 3 months
A guy doing marine research into phytoplankton is far out to sea and waiting for the samples to be ready when he spots a fast-moving ripple in the water up ahead.
Fully aware that this spot is home to a migratory orca pod, he assumes he's stumbled across an orca hunting a seal and settles against the railing to watch, because it's not every day you get to see that.
The ripples get closer, the shadows in the water more defined, the water choppier, and suddenly the orca and its unfortunate prey are zooming directly towards the boat and he's waiting, breath held, for them to duck right underneath--
When the water breaks, the ocean sprays, and he's suddenly smacked fully in the face by a very wet, very confused, and very pretty merman, throwing them both down onto the deck while the boat rocks as a confused and now quite hungry orca dives beneath it.
The merman, it turns out, thought that the boat was an ice float and didn't realise his mistake until it was too late. But he's very thankful for the impromptu rescue, and wow don't you have nice arms, and holy shit you've got legs, can I touch them? Is that weird? Can I touch them anyway? And your hair--
So of course they get to talking because they're both utterly fascinated with the other, and soon the sun has set and the samples are long-since ready and the moonlight is making the ocean look black and they part with the knowledge that they'll never meet again, and a kiss, and a lingering look over the shoulder for all the things that can't be...
And the researcher gets back to land, moors his boat, readies his samples. He packs up his things, shoves them into his bags, and prepares to go home. He steps onto the jetty boards and thinks of the merman and the solid wood beneath his feet seems to sway for more than one reason.
There's a splash. He turns, pulled as if by the tide, and there's a ripple in the water. A face. A pair of eyes made black by the moonlight.
And this is how the researcher acquires a merman boyfriend who helps him find samples and the merman acquires a human boyfriend who rescues him from whales.
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turtleofthehollow · 4 months
We’ve got Lucifer, a bumbling cringe factory of glorious proportions, and we have the ace icon Alastor, who is so ace he doesn’t even know what asexuality is, and all I can think about is how they’d both accidentally say things that sound like flirting
Just imagine Alastor - the cannibal - threatening to eat Lucifer, only to unintentionally make it sound suggestive
And Lucifer being the idiot he is doesn’t pick up on it, and just responds in kind, and everyone else is looking at them with horror and confusion
“Are they gonna kill each other, or are they gonna fuck??”
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thatone-churro · 5 months
hang on. there’s no way we’re revitalizing “are [cishet] aro people queer” discourse. it is almost 20-fucking-24. no. say sike right now. you’re all fucking ridiculous. how are we not only not over this, but bringing it up for active discourse again. and acting like the things being said are common discussion and not. blatant aphobia. which is homophobia. it’s queerphobia. did we never fucking learn from the many “they want us to fight amongst ourselves because if we’re divided it’s easier to ruin us” type talks that everyone was making a while ago. or was that a phase too. what happened to “anything not heteronormative is what queer is. anything with romance/sex/gender that’s othered from what society deems the “norm” is what we are. we are a community of outcasts because the greater community doesn’t want us either way.” what the shit.
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byoldervine · 2 months
Different POVs In Writing
POV - Short for Point Of View, meaning that the audience is experiencing a story from the perspective of a specific person or outside entity; they are part of the story in one way or another
• 1st Person POV - Experiencing a story from the perspective of the main character. Pronouns will be I, me, my, mine, etc
• 2nd Person POV - Experiencing a story from your own perspective as if you were a character within the story. Pronouns will be you, your, yours, etc. Stories are rarely written from this perspective outside of Choose Your Own Adventure style stories
• 3rd Person POV - Experiencing a story from an outside perspective. No personal pronouns will be used for you, but other characters will be referred to as he, she, they, it, etc
• 4th Person POV - Experiencing a story through a collective perspective. Pronouns include we, us, someone, anyone, etc. I’ve never seen a story written from this perspective. Fourth person perspective is mostly used in livestreams, in which the chat forms a non-specific collective presence that are all addressed as one
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rookthebird · 9 months
the most important ingredients for a male character are
-beautiful, flowing hair
-the saddest most pathetic and downtrodden vibes you've ever seen in your life
hope that helps!
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esoterictboy · 2 months
I bet it feels so good for you when you need to pee. It presses against that spot inside you, you ever tried humping a pillow like that ? Did some come out, I bet that embarrassed you. Did it feel good when you went after, next time tell me I wanna watch you let go. You can let go right now if you want, I wanna hear how good it feels in your voice, or you can save it and lemme press against your bladder first with my dick and then with my hand. Would you let me fuck you and press down on it, could you even hold it if you tried ?
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0-ink-zinc · 1 year
Writing Prompt #1
"Family." What a horrid word. If only they knew what it was like to be a part of it, but it's better that they don't.
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nousanti · 3 months
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Demon of [🎉🫧💎]
Hello hello! I'm picking up my emoji demons again >:) Combo was submitted and voted on by my patrons!
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Queer Story Prompt #13
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w1nterk1tty · 1 year
pretty words - writing prompts
starlight - write a scene about your character's nightly routine
elixir - write a scene where your character creates a magical potion
aurora - write a scene where your character sees the sunrise
ethereal - write a scene where your character experiences something otherworldly
lyrical - write a scene where your character has to make a speech or perform poetry
lullaby - write a scene based on a dream you've had
snowfall - write a scene about a winter's day
vanilla - write a scene where your character bakes
retrouvailles - write a reunion scene
hitoritabi - write about a solo journey
raconteur - write a scene about a storyteller
sirimiri - write a scene in the rain
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turtleofthehollow · 4 months
As hilarious as the duet between Alastor and Lucifer was, I think it'd be even funnier if Alastor accidentally broadcasted it to all of Pride Ring, especially since this is coming off him being MIA for 7 years
Can you imagine what this would all sound like from someone out of the loop?
After years of radio silence from the Radio Demon himself, you suddenly get a song that basically sounds like two divorced dads fighting over their daughter
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I can just imagine everyone thinking Alastor disappeared in the first place because he got married to the King of Hell in secret, and is only returning now because they're going through a divorce
Which would explain why he's supporting the hotel. After all, what kind of dad would he be if he didn't help out his daughter with her dreams?
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byoldervine · 13 days
Why You Should ‘Make Yourself’ Write (And How To Do It)
Most people who write for a hobby - especially the neurodivergent crowd - will write whenever they’re inspired, and many will be able to get an insane amount of writing done in one go, but then there’s a good while of writer’s block and low motivation/inspiration in between those bursts of creativity. You can see forcing yourself to write as something irrelevant to you; it’s just a hobby, so why burn yourself out forcing yourself to do it until it’s no longer fun?
The reason people say this, even for hobbyists, is so that you have some level of consistent progress; relying on random spikes in creativity or convenient hyperfocus isn’t a sustainable plan when it can either leave you burnt out after or leave you at a creative dead end for weeks or months between actual writing sessions
If you write consistently, you make progress consistently, so it’s good practice to make a habit out of using writing goals to keep you on track. Maybe you work best writing X amount of words, or maybe you prefer to write for X amount of time. Maybe you want to meet this goal every day, or maybe every few days, or maybe every week, or so on. I’m personally on 1000 words per week, and despite my autistic brain that thought I’d never be able to set and keep a consistent goal, I’ve been able to stick to it for nearly six months now. I also know people who are on 10 minutes per day, 100 words per week, 500 words every three days, 5000 words per month, etc
For me, being able to keep track of this not only means I get to see consistent progress being made, but it’s actually been really encouraging to see that word count go up so often and I’ve found that it motivates me to keep up with it. I’ve really enjoyed getting to work on this and having a minimum amount of progress per week really helps me feel like this is something real and something that’s slowly but surely going to be complete soon enough
Give it a try; say to yourself “if I want to achieve this goal, how long do I reasonably need to give myself to do it?” and have a go. After a few cycles it starts to register in your brain that, hey, you’re actually getting something done and being productive and watching that word count going up every day/week/etc! And don’t be afraid to change up your goal and your deadline if you think you’re not being challenged enough or if you’re starting to get burnt out on it - I’d consider it burning out when it’s consistently feeling less like a fun activity and more like a chore you have to do. It should still be fun!
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