#rambling over
livthebookgeek · 2 months
Just read about what it means for Mingyu to have a Venus in Aries
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kyeterna · 1 year
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I had rewatched durarara a couple of months ago after like never finishing the second season when it first came out (I have always had a really hard time keeping up with ongoing shows) and assigned memes to some characters, here's the result.
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saiwola · 2 months
Forgive me as I rant incoherently about magic and the Blessings.
Okay, so first thing's first, is the concept of familiars. Summoned companions that are believed to be either constructs or spirits that bound themselves to a person.
And due to correlations observed throughout the ages, it became more believed that your familiar is a manifestation of your soul. That by looking at your familiar, people can tell, not only the sort of magic you use but also what kind of person you are. And while this isn't too much of an issue in regular life, because manifesting your familiar takes a constant drain on your magic, they aren't just kept out. And the everyday person has no need to manifest one at all in their day to day.
No The prejudices revolving familiars and magic are more prevalent in those upper circles where magic is more of a part of their lives. Especially in academic circles. Studies have seen that evil people create evil familiars and evil magic. (Similar thinking is what gets people to generally dislike the shon and yeu-li due to their associations with darkness and manipulation respectively.)
However, there is no concrete evidence of what causes what. All that can be inferred is that who you are, your familiar, and your magic are all connected.
And what's even less explored is the influence of other factors like environment, experience and even mental illness on your familiar and magic. I mean, if these things shape who you are, it makes sense that they'd affect the other two as well, right?
And this is probably most obvious when it comes to the Blessings and how their magic manifests. Each has a "gift" a "core" (life, death, knowledge, etc) to their magic. And their familiars do represents the original Evlogia, even in their dormant states. (Deemo is still a bird. Gwydion is still a serpent. Etc.) But how how their magic manifests is also heavily influenced by who they are and who they became.
For some, it shows in their presentation.
Theo, despite being the Blessing of Knowledge, is still a child, yet to tap into his full potential. His magic is still so simple and reflective of his child mind. Empathy because he prioritizes people's feelings rather than their secrets. His light magic (a nod to him being ghraic, a "child of light"), is used mainly to draw in the air, taking the shape of his baby doodles rather than more serious forms. His blessings are a telepathic link, because everything can be solved if you talk it out, right? Even his visions are so indistinguishable from his normal daydreams that no one can tell which is real and which is just his child babbling.
Fenryr, Avatar of Death, is so in love with life, and art, and the beauty of the world, that his death magic manifests as flowers. Even when causing rot, that rot is displayed as small flowers. Stealing someone's life force shows as a flower that feeds off the victim. His necromantic summons take on the appearance of angelic statues rather than zombies. Even his blood magic, that causes pure Destruction, manifests as the target bursting into petals. His magic is as gentle as he is.
Then there's Alys who for the longest time could not even manifest her magic. Because she was (still is) so depressed and so adamant on tamping down her emotions. How could she tap into the power of Life if she had lost all love and passion for it? How could she Create if all she wants to do is disappear? Even now, he main magic is fire. A nod to her yeu-li blood, yes, but also because magic comes easiest to her when she's mad. Because rage is a form of passion, and for now, it's all she can depend on while she's still learning how to live again. Also, her created beings are often monstrous constructs and weapons because that's what she likes, what she's passionate about.
But for them, the core of their Blessing is still there. Still obvious. For the others. their magic has to do with their interpretation of what those blessings mean to them.
Taylor's is probably the most straightforward. To him, Peace means time. The time to rest to heal. Peace is that moment when all is right. So he controls time. He cleanses poisons, He takes away pain. Even his curses are just him stealing that peace away. And his blood negates magic. Calming the air, the storm, in a way.
As for Jibril, Dominion was originally seen as control over oneself and one's actions. And while he also had the ability to calm minds and enforce that self discipline, his main magic is gravity. Chains. The power to hold people down. To control them through force if necessary. Because his upbringing in the church taught him that's whay dominion was.
On the other end of that, we have Zandros. Holding the blessing of Choice and Change, he had a few paths he could go down. It was possible he leaned more into change and used more alchemy or shapeshifting. Maybe choice could mean the ability to travel through time like Taylor and choose other options to change the future. But Zandros grew up as a slave in fighting rings. So to him, this choice meant freedom. Freedom of movement. The ability to choose where he could go. To choose whether to fight or flee. So his magic manifests as wind (flight), teleportation. And of course, the ability to resist any and all attempts to command him to do something.
And finally, we have Adonai, my little baby boy. The gift of Community and yet never having one. Shunned and isolated due to his shon blood and losing his family at a young age at that. Forced to fend for himself, sell himself, with no one to rely on. So his first magic is a buff to himself when he's trying to protect others. Because he may not be able to depend on anyone but they can depend on him. And as he met the other Blessings. Grew closer to them, his magic expanded to include buffs and domain control. The desire to uplift his "community" and protect them. Even his blood, which forms powerful wards, came about due to finally having people he wished to protect, even at his own expense.
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alfonzone · 5 months
I saw a post about motherhood earlier today or last night, and since then I've been thinking about parenting:
And this is me just thinking out loud so please don't feel obligated to respond or get insulted because I'm not trying to do that. If anything, perhaps just use it as something to think about?
For all you tumblr parents out there, what's your role in your child's life when it comes to motherhood or fatherhood? Do you see your child as a nuisance or burden? Do you feel blessed and stressed out about having a little you to care for and raise? Is your partner or father equally involved and invested with the child? Does it bother you if not? How is the marriage life or the parenting life? Are there things to improve with both yourself and your partner in terms of parenting?
Is there such thing as a single parent playing the role of both the father and mother? Is it okay to be a soft and gentle parent? Obviously having boundaries and being responsible, firm, and accountable parent is a must, but can I also be a "softy" parent?
I know that everything I asked is subjective and is difficult to answer cause everyone's life, and parenting varies. SIGH.
I guess I'm asking because as a future single parent, I need to know or would like to be one of those dad's that is always trying to be involved in my child's life. I want to become their best friend and always put them above everything.
I — I've seen how one of my brother in law just comes home from work and just sits in the sofa and plays video games and ignores his kids as they do their own thing. BUT, is that normal parenting or neglect? Maybe it is a normality?
Either way, I don't want to be like that. I don't care how tired I am coming home from work, I want to be that dad that is excited to talk to my child, ask them about their day, cook for them, play with them recreational activities, board games, etc. HOWEVER, I also understand that they need their own personal space, alone time, etc.
I jus— My dad died when I was 2 years old so I never got to experience "fatherhood", but then again, in a way that's a good thing because I most likely would not have been who I am now as well as not hold the values of fatherhood/parenting.
I get it, every parent is different and I'm not trying to disparage anymore.
Parenting seems like an overwhelming responsibility, but at the same time, I hope it's a rewarding one as well?
If I do go forward with single parent surrogate, i will obviously allow parental visit to the mom if she wishes to stay involved or emotional invested with our child. I would actually welcome it.
As someone who hopes to be a father, biologically or the step father route, I just hope I'm a good good dad or friend to the kiddos.
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vykko · 9 months
I finished a body study I was doing
did a body study of my lovely character terra
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she wouldn’t nessarily wear this but I spent too long on the body to cover it up and also I wanted to draw her scars
also the water melon boardshorts are based off my board shorts
they are just cool and also too big T-T
up close details as that are hard to see without zooming in
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Like adding stretch marks and body hair is fun
it adds ✨flavour✨ I spent way too long on the togs pattern
I need to do more body studies maybe finally make a ref for Cyrus
here’s like screenshots of it still in wip I guess
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I decided against the exposed teeth as it look not good that far away
oh yeah procreate tracked over 10hrs
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glimmerofsanity · 2 years
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So it was this guys birthday the other day when I wasn't on here and it got me thinking, my favourite thing about him is his journey. It's not uncommon, nuances aside: being an angry self entitled 20 year old prick, getting messed up on drugs, crashing and burning, heartbreak and suffering, getting clean, becoming stable, telling us all about it and generally being philosophical. But who would've thought that these two guys could ever be the same person. I know heaps of people aren't sold on his more recent output, it's different to his older stuff, but that's the point. He's a different person now, and bless him, he deserves goodness and stability. And I love nothing more that seeing this new person still perform the angsty, chaotic songs from his youth not Birthday Party stuff obviously. That edge is still there, but it's under control, he's knows how to harness it without letting it consume him. He's lived to tell the tale and all that. So proud 💗 but like if he can get through shit and come out the other end still a cool person, then so can I, and I deserve that too 🙏
... anyway, ramblings over, happy birthday Mr Cave. You are truly mesmerising and I am forever grateful for you and all that you create
"Cause people often talk about being scared of change / But for me I'm more afraid of things staying the same / 'Cause the game is never won by standing in any one place for too long" - Jesus Of The Moon
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trinitycove · 6 months
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Painting my nails always makes me feel put together. Been creating some new habits like maintaining a morning and night routine, drinking only green/herbal tea after 4pm, and doing gua sha every day. Feeling healthy.
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lini-art · 10 months
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heh its been a while
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jacky-rubou · 1 year
i told you guys right when I got home but I went to an eye exam on Wednesday and while my prescription didn't change a whole lot (lot less than the last time lol, was on the edge of being illegal to drive with before I updated last year, oops) I still went for new glasses, to mix things up I guess.
I may or may not have gotten a pair purely because they were rounder and almost like Ford's. I say 'almost' because they don't have the top plastic parts he has over his lenses, but the vibe is there. just the roundness I suppose... oh and maybe the thin metal like my current glasses helps too. if I were to cosplay him, I could probably pull it off better than with my current ones y'know. cosplaying a character with glasses is easier for me than any other character since I already have them haha.
idk, I'm just rambling..
I'm just excited to see how they pan out. I tried them on and they seem comfortable so that's a plus. just need to wait for them to get it all ready for me.
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classical-vanity · 1 year
I always tried doing what I was supposed to be doing and I feel like it did not lead me where it should’ve
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chuuguins · 1 year
genuinely just sitting here after finishing my book thinking about how, even when things are overwhelming or dark, there are still so many wonderful things. the people you love still exist, small moments make the bigger pain dim for a little. there is never complete black, the happy moments are the stars.
friendship especially. i think of the people who i love and who love me back with their full hearts as stars. i am never certain how i am going to feel any given day, week, month (mood disorders can fuck right off) but they take whatever version of myself i have to give. and they love her. even when she doesn't love herself.
i don't even know what i'm talking about. there's nothing abnormal about a sappy luna moment, i suppose. but thank you, to every single star. those who will read this and those who won't (most won't, not just because i am likely to delete this in the morning). i'm grateful. really, truly and wholeheartedly.
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ambssssssssss · 2 years
kinda random but does anyone want to beta read a harry potter fic i’ve been working on? 
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jinkoh · 2 years
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bonesandthebees · 2 months
one of the most infuriating things about becoming an adult is when you realize that it actually is 10x easier to solve problems by making a phone call vs literally any other communication method
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chronicowboy · 7 months
baby snoopy this, baby clifford that, baby gromit blah blah blah. what about baby kermit???????
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puppetmaster13u · 22 days
Y'know sometimes I wonder what Ras reaction was to the Justice League. Like he practically offered Bruce the chance to be one of his generals, straight up offered for him to be his heir, and was turned down.
Do you think he's offended. Because oh, so his organization isn't good enough, but that merry band of idiots is?!
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