#raya fanfic
sorry if i'm bothering you, i loved so muchhh your raya x reader one shot, sooo i was wondering if have some time, can you do another one? (something fluff because she's so adorable).No pressure of course.
Thank you so much and keep going because you are fantastic.
Have a nice day/afternoon/night
Hi Anon! Sorry, I'm getting to this so late. I would love to do this for you. Raya x reader coming up!
When I Looked Into Your Eyes, I Saw Stars For The First Time | Raya x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Raya was helpless with her crush on you. What she didn't know was how much you liked her back. In other words, four times Raya daydreamed about you and the one time she thought you might be daydreaming too.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Hopeless Lesbian, Fluff, Long Oneshot, No Use of Y/n, Second Person, Not Proofread.
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twenty-one. raya was twenty-one freaking years old and she still had a crush on you. it's been six years. six, and raya still had no clue how to get you out of her head. how could she want to?
when she thought of you, she thought of how your eyes sparkled during firework shows at night festivals. she thought of how your cheeks puffed up when you stuffed your face full of food and then how depleted you felt after.
to her, you were so cute it was sickening. downright nauseating and her knees were weak.
"wow, raya! are you sick or something? you're looking at that human like how noi looks at golden and shiny objects." the dragon lady commented. raya hummed in a measle response. she pushed a lazy shoulder towards the dragon and let her hat loosely hang from her fingers.
at the day market, you were negotiating with an elder merchant. as you walked by her table, you noticed some sparkly crystal-beaded jewelry. upon further inspection, the beads were fake. nonetheless, you still wanted the jewelry, but not at the ridiculous price she was advertising.
"all's good, sisu," raya slurred her words. she shifted her weight to her back foot, letting the other stretch out. in a love-stricken daze, she put a hand in her pocket.
"yeah, right," namaari commented. she took the hat from raya's fingers. with light movement, she placed the hat on raya's head. namaari continued to smack the top of the hat with a bonk!
"hey!" raya huffed. she tilted the brim of the hat upwards. "what gives?"
"what gives is your longing. stop being a baby and ask them out already." namaari rolled her eyes. she crossed her arms over her chest while a merchant went around advertising homemade bao.
raya scoffed. "i have no clue what you're talking about."
"oo, raya has a crush! who is it? who is it?" sisu bounced around hon her heels, grabbing a bao as she looked up and down the street for raya's crush.
on cue, you walked over to the group holding five bracelets. "i finally got her to mark the price down some. that lady had a tight grasp around her 60 jade per bracelet."
"per bracelet?!" sisu exclaimed. she snapped her attention to the shiny objects wrapped around your fingers. you nodded. you took a blue and purple bracelet from your collection and wrapped it around sisu's wrist.
"yup. 60. she's crazy but im crazier. i made her change the price to 15 for one or 20 for 5."
"whoa," namaari added. "that's a crazy price drop. how'd you do it?"
"a magician never reveals their secret." you gave namaari a dazzling grin as you slid a firey red bracelet around her wrist. raya tilted her head to the side and hummed again. the polishing of the crystals had nothing against the shine in your eye.
"okay, so, i gathered information from tail to fang and no one has anything on fermented bean sprout powder," you announced as your walked into the designated meeting room of raya's home. raya and namaari were sat at the table.
raya and namaari, up to no good as usual, were making some sort of potion or maybe a dish that required outlandish ingredients like dusted jasmine flower and fermented bean sprout powder. you weren't even sure if those things existed.
raya groaned, leaning her elbows on the table. she held her head in her hands. "are you sure? no one has any information on anything?"
"mm, nope." you placed the collection of papers you had in your hand on the table. beside the paper was a stack of books. "hey," you ran your hand across the thick leather cover of the first book. it was as thick as box of juice, its cover dusty and scratched up. the title of the book was intelligible. "can i scan through this to see if i can find anything?"
namaari, who's been quiet this whole time and enjoying the daze looked in raya's eye, turned her head towards the Heart princess. "yeah uh," raya sat up in her chair. she cleared her throat and scooted the chair closer in. "of course." with a thank you and a sweet smile, you sat at the table. you took the thick book off the top of the stack. it landed on the table with a thick thud. a puff of dust erupted of underneath. you simply swatted the dust away before reading.
raya tilted her head, resting a cheek in the palm of her hand. she was at the end of the table while you were on the opposite end and on the side. the same side namaari was sitting on. namaari was in the chair closest to raya.
raya let out a quiet, dreamy sigh. switching her head to her other hand as you flipped to another page. namaari groaned. she sat back in her chair and pinched the bridge of her nose. "seriously, you're still hung up over this? i thought you were done."
snapped out of her thoughts, raya glared at namaari. "may i remind you why we're here in the first place? no, I'm not done. stick a cork in it."
"stick a cork in it? stick a cork--" namaari stood from her chair. the chair scruffed against the flooring. the sound rang through the echoey room, but you paid no mind. raya grabbed her wrist and shoved her back down.
"stick a cork in it."
"i don't know, there's just, something about them," raya spoke to the stars. she sat at her bedroom window. she had the doors opened, curtains pulled back, and rested an arm on the seal. she sat on the cush cushions of the bench her father made her when she was young.
at first, it was so she could look at the stars without going on her tiptoes, but now it was a place for her to collect her thoughts and talk to the sky.
"i feel different around them. it was the same way i felt with namaari when we were little, but stronger somehow," she spoke out to the sky. "like, when i first met namaari, i was bursting with excitement. i was making a new friend, she was nice, and also a dragon lover. obviously, that feeling turned into hate for a little while, and I'm not saying i hate them or namaari--" she interrupted her ramble by groaning. she dramatically let her forehead fall to her arm.
she took a deep breath. "saying these feelings are so much harder than thinking them," she mumbled into her hand. she lifted her head up, placing her chin on her arm instead. "what i have with them is different than what i have with namaari. it's the excitement, the giggling, and the dizziness i get when I'm around them that's so addicting. i didn't get that with namaari. what i had with her was simply platonic." raya looked up into the sky. a cluster of stars gathered by some leaves of a tree. a soft breeze brushed her skin, forcing raya to take another deep breath. she closed her eyes. she let her shoulders come up to her ears and then deflate. she slouched, feeling a pull towards the ground. slow, she opened her eyes again. she was refreshed, renewed. she knew what her feelings meant now.
when she looked back into the sky again, a star that led the cluster twinkled. raya smiled, the breeze brushing past her ears. "yeah, i get it now. thank you."
finally, the last time raya daydreamed about you co-sided with the time she realized you daydream about her.
there was a party at Heart. it was summer and Heart used every excuse they could to throw a party. Heart's Annual Summer Bash was something all the regions participated in. before the whole, saving the world thing with sisu, a sprinkle of people from each region would come, but since then, everyone came!
raya stood by the food table, resting on the half wall behind. with a fond look in her eye, she scanned the party. there was a couple dancing with their kid in the middle of the dance floor, kids running around with food all over their faces, and then there was you, happily talking to sisu. whatever you were talking about, it excited you.
your eyes lit up, their color even more vibrant than before. the apples of your cheeks puffed up because of how much you were smiling and laughing. raya felt like her chest was going to explode. she wanted to cup your face and kiss it, make you smile more. she wanted to hold your hands and feel how soft they were. raya wanted to do so many things with you, but she couldn't. she didn't want to creep you out.
"raya," her father said as he walked over with a smile. he was dressed up in his party wear, his hair in his usual man bun. snapping out of her trance, raya matched her dad's smile. she pulled him into a hug.
"hi, dad!"
"raya," her dad resumed. he pulled away from the hug. "this party is amazing. you and namaari outdid yourselves." raya waved him off with a sheepish chuckle.
"oh, it was nothing."
"nonsense. this party is better than any one i orchestrated." chief benja laughed, shaking his head. with a happy sigh, he leaned against the wall. "are you okay, dewdrop? i saw you spacing out earlier."
raya's smile softened. she turned around to lean her forearms on the wall's edge. she looked out the opening. she could see the bridge and sparkling water. even from far away, she could see the leaves moving in the wind. "yeah, I'm okay."
chief benja's smile matched hers. he rubbed the small of her back. "you saw them, didn't you? why don't you confess and tell them how you feel? it's been seven years--"
"-- six actually." raya stood upright. she held onto the wall as she rocked herself back and forth. "it's been six years since i had a crush on them. won't be seven until two months."
chief benja laughed. he put his hands up in defense. "oh, excuse me. six years." he opened his mouth to speak again, but from the corner of his eye, he saw a certain young adult walking up to them while fidgeting with a beaded bracelet. "oh, i think someone is calling my name," he told raya. "I'll catch you later."
"okay, dad--"
"hi, raya."
FIVE (technically one)
she just had to stand like that. with her thumbs in her pockets and her back against the wall.
you were proud to say your crush on raya has been a successful secret. no one, absolutely no one, knew you liked her. not even namaari, the girl who swears she knows everyone's secret. she was too wrapped up in her own life to notice yours. not that you were complaining though.
you had a crush on raya for years now; you didn't know the exact number.
there were many opportunities where you hinted your crush on her. like earlier this week, you bought her a bracelet. then, you volunteered to find that ingredient she needed, and now, you were at her party having the time of your life.
okay, so, maybe you weren't the best at hinting at your crush on her but today you had a plan. you bought an extra bracelet for her. you spent your free time during the week creating a personalized charm. it was a heart with your initials engraved into it along with a plus sign. it was the perfect gift to confess. or maybe it was creepy. you hoped she didn't see it as creepy.
"hi, raya," you spoke. your voice was soft and quiet. if you two weren't so close, you were afraid raya wouldn't hear you.
"oh," raya turned around. she stood up straighter, a smile spreading across her face. "hey, you. you enjoying the party?"
your heart was racing. her beautiful brown eyes were staring directly into yours. you could only dream of this moment. her, smelling of fruit and forest, and the strands of her hair neatly pulled back and braided. she even had a half bun to match her dad's.
swallowing hard and wondering where the heck the moisture in your mouth went, you nodded. "yeah! um, I'm having a good time. i actually came over here to talk to you about something."
"uh oh, that doesn't sound good." raya chuckled. she waved you over to join looking at the view with her. you obliged. you stood next to her and instead of looking at the view, you looked at her. "what's up?"
you took a deep breath. there was no time but now to confess. "i made, well, bought this bracelet for you and added the charm." you handed the bracelet off to her. as she grabbed it, her fingertips lingered on yours.
you felt fizz burst up and through you. it was like she knew the effect her touch had on you. your ears were ringing and goosebumps spread to your arms. raya chuckled softly, her own cheeks changing in color.
she inspected the bracelet. she dragged her fingers against the small and cool beads. "this is really cool, thank you."
anxious, you watched as her eyes scanned the item. she finally took notice of the charm. she brought the bracelet closer to her eyes, squinting to read the text. the new color on her cheeks got worse. her dazzling eyes met yours and then looked back at the charm.
"this... this is..."
"raya," you let out a breath. "i like you. i've liked you for some time now and keeping my feelings a secret, while wildly successful, it's also wildly stressful. i lay awake at night hoping and wishing i get to see you and hang out with you." you glanced up at her. she was staring at you now. her face was hard to read. you couldn't tell if she was intrigued or grossed out. either way, you continued. "and if the gift isn't your style or maybe I'm not your style, but i thought you deserved to know how i feel about you so," you trailed off. how else were you supposed to end that? she still hasn't said anything.
raya didn't have anything to say. she realized a few nights back that actions mean a lot more than words. after you confessed, she thought of all the times you were there for her or gifted her something. how couldn't she notice? you were right there. all the time
she held up her wrist to show off the purple bracelet you bought her earlier that week. with a teasing smile, she took it off. she slipped the new one on. after putting the old bracelet in her pocket, she held your hand up to hers. your bracelet on the wrist she held up. she intertwined your fingers, her teasing smile now a grin. "i like you too, jewels."
you laughed. the ringing in your ears calmed down, but that didn't stop the fuzzy feeling in your stomach and the roaring warmth on your cheeks. "jewels?"
she nodded. "you have a knack for buying me jewelry," she cooed. "it's cute, but you don't have to keep buying stuff for me anymore. so, no more hassling old ladies to make sure you got a great gift for your super cool and attractive crush." she poked your nose.
you swatted her hand. "hey, no teasing!"
"ahh," she let go of your hand to wrap her arm around your shoulders. "no can do, jewels. you have a crush on me, it's only fair to tease you."
"oh, so i can tease you back?" you held the hand that was around your shoulders.
"not necessarily, but, i can give you something in return."
confused, you scrunched your eyebrows together and tilted your head. she pulled away from you with a laugh. after digging in her pockets, she pulled out a necklace that had a mini glass bottle hanging from it.
"it's uh, it's forever powder. mari and i found out about it while searching through old books. legend has it that whomever you give this concoction to, you swear your friendship and loyalty to them." she gestured to the necklace, silently asking if she could put it on you. you nodded. raya carefully took the necklace and wrapped it around your neck. she fixed your clothes to make sure the necklace was showing off.
"it looks like we both have a thing for gifting jewelry," you teased her. a grin spread across your lips. raya gave you a dry laugh. she wrapped her arm around your shoulders again.
"seems like."
WC: 2,811
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animalgirl225 · 2 months
The next chapter is up! Grab your tissues
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indianaclems · 2 years
Part 1
Nur had returned to the palace after a month of training with her class to provide practical fieldwork. Unfortunately for her, she came back again with bad results and appreciations, to the point where one of her instructors told her that he was an instructor and not a babysitter and that if it was up to him he would fire her. Long or Raya were there to welcome her back this time, to tell the truth there was no one there. Namaari were busy presiding over councils. If she missed the warmth of her family when she returned, she was happy to have some respite to prepare for being argued with by her mother. Hours passed as the hourglass ticked away, Nur pondering different plans while staring at the ceiling. Long had left with her hemaraj so she couldn't give Chao her report card so she wouldn't show it to her mother. She can always say that she had lost it... Finding no tangible solutions she decided to go for a walk in the soothing gardens, who knows by going to the temple she could pray for Virana to help her.
 Once at the temple she is reminded of the times when she and her mother came to meditate. Since her grandmother's death nothing had been the same, but at least for a while those moments at the temples were one of the few things she shared with her mother. One of the rare moments when they could still communicate. Today, as for years, Nur was alone to pray, silently wishing to find a solution so that she would finally be recognized by her family, her comrades, her instructors and especially her mother, so that the violence would cease. That she can find a little of her life before with the joy that accompanied it, just a little. But only silence was her answer and it was therefore with a heavy heart that she greeted the portrait of the deceased leader followed by a long sigh before leaving to decide what she would do with her ballot.
Going up the corridors to return to her room, she saw Ratiya enter her mother's office. Unable to listen at the door without being taken to order by a guard, she hurried into the next room to walk along the outside ledge and get closer to the windows of her mother's office. The attempt was prayerful, but she was too curious to stop herself. Besides, it's not as if the "wild child" had trained her and was none other than her fearless mother. If the captain of the elite commando spoke with her mother, it was necessarily important. She could learn juicy details about the mission. She adored this elite division of the Fang army. The prayer missions, the adventure the risk to help and fight, this regiment had always made her dream. They inspired respect wherever they went. Or maybe she was hoping that her mother would be on the trip and that at lunch she would tell her she had to leave, and that way she would forget about her school results and escape being told off. She discreetly leaned over to listen to the conversation.
- Namaari: The last elements that you brought me in your last report Ratiya oblige me to reconsider my plans are the reason for which I summoned you. Should I know things that I don't, Captain?
- Ratiya: Chief Namaari, except that this group plans to harm Fang who we can consider as terrorists call themselves Horn. It is difficult to say whether they are outcasts, rebels, criminals or traitors. We don't really know their motivations, how far they want to go but we have seen some riding Oras.
- Namaari: Oras, you say? The only ones who rode Oras were…
- Ratiya: Yes indeed, those who attacked the royal family 9 years ago.
- Namaari: But how can they still exist, I made sure myself to fight them to the last.
- Ratiya: I thought so too… .
- Namaari: Do you have any proof of affiliation with Tail's renegades in any way?
- Ratiya: Apart from some ambiguous remarks, and the use of their dialect as well as some mores, no, it is more a matter of intuition, it is simply possible that these people learned to ride Oras, but on our lands at such a latitude I must admit that it surprises me. In the event that Horn has a connection with the renegades, security should be reinforced around the royal family.
- Namaari: It's not solid enough, but I trust your professionalism and therefore your intuitions, anyway I had enough elements to order your next mission.
You will have to neutralize alive the group of criminals. You must be discreet, because according to your reports they are heading more south and have control of the mountainous regions to the northwest. Their expansionist maneuver gives us no choice but to respond as soon as possible and with the greatest firmness, however I insist all the more on the living so that we can question them. Especially if your hypothesis of a filiation with the renegades of Tail turns out to be true. Gather your soldiers, the elite commando will leave tonight at nightfall, however suddenly it will be the best way to take them by surprise. I have already requested that your supplies be prepared. A boat will be waiting for you at 4am. Here is the information we have from our outpost colony garrisons, as well as our scouts on their recent positions. She said giving her a parchment.
- Ratiya: Thank you, Chief Namaari!
- Namaari: Good luck Captain Ratiya!
The captain greeted her with the sign of the gem before leaving. Nur, watched her mother put down the file she had in her hands before leaving and locking the office. The princess smiled ready to put her plan into action.
Namaari was finishing her work day, huffing with exhaustion and relief at not having any more interviews. Nevertheless, she was carrying a stack of files that she would install in her room on her small private office to continue the rest of the missions that fell to her. It was with a pang of pain that she looked at the portrait of her family that decorated her sober bedroom. Her wife and their child were at Heart and he missed their presence. Everything always seemed more complicated when they weren't there to cheer her up with the joy they aroused in her. She puckered her lips as she lingered on the 7-year-old girl she carried in her arms when she still could. Her daughter would have double that next year. Time passed far too quickly for her taste, her daughter was growing up and unfortunately she didn't have time to be there for her.
It was nearly dinner time, and she hadn't had time to greet her properly yet due to her busy meeting schedule. She had not been able to see her own daughter when she had been 1 month out of the capital, although she often asked for additional reports to find out how she was doing, she only had negative remarks about her behavior, which saddened her even more. We would have to talk to her about it but she didn't have the heart for it at the moment, which is why she left her room, walking with a determined step, wishing only to spend a little time with her, to leave her title of chef behind this door and take a moment between mother and daughter.
When someone knocked on the door, Nur went to lie down in bed, before speaking.
- Nur: Yes?
- Namaari: It's me, can I come in?
- Nur: Okay.
- Namaari: How are you, Starlight?
Nur shrugged.
- Nur: Tired I guess.
Namaari came to sit on the edge of the bed.
- Namaari: Did the return go well?
- Nur: Like a return trip.
- Namaari: Alright.
She thought about what she could say to continue the conversation, seeing that her daughter didn't seem to be willing to converse.
- Namaari: So what did you do during this month?
- Nur: Please don't pretend, you know that very well!
- Namaari: Really? and what then?
- Nur: No need to be the one who does not know, my instructors report to you I know it, if you came to question me simply say so.
- Namaari: You are wrong, I just want to know how it happened, to hear it from your mouth not what is written in these boring papers.
The last words caused the teenager to sneer.
- Nur: It was boring no more terrible than the other times and less catastrophic
- Namaari: Ho-
She was interrupted by a guard who called her from behind the door.
- Namaari: WHAT?
- Guard: Chief Namaari, the Aryan advisor expressly asks you
- Namaari: Tell him I'm not ready and tell him to drop dead !
- Guard: He said it was urgent! He insists on talking to you and is sorry to bother you.
- Namaari: He better have a good reason otherwise he will want to leave our lands urgently if he does not want to serve meals to our serlots.
- Nur: Not the serlots! You will poison them.
- Namaari: You're right, I'll just send him to Tail to be eaten by the monitor lizards. We're back at the dinner, I won't be long my kitten.
- Nur: I'm not very hungry Ma, I'm sorry but I prefer to rest.
- Namaari: Are you sure you're okay? You're sick, should I call the healers?
- Nur: No, don't worry, it must be the fatigue of the trip.
- Namaari: Ok, rest, I'll ask for the meal to be brought to you, you have to regain your strength, and if there's anything, don't hesitate to ask-
- Nur: Yes I know Ma, see you later, good night
- Namaari: Huu, good night..
She placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead before leaving.
 Namaari went up the stairs of the upper Fang quietly after dinner, in order to return to her apartments. She stopped in front of the guard.
 - Namaari: Are you okay?
- Guard: Yes thank you Chief Namaari!
- Namaari, inhaled before exhaling: Glad to know but I was asking for the floor more particularly in relation to my daughter.
- Guard: My apologies your Highness, yes Princess Nur is fine. He replied embarrassed.
- Namaari: Were you able to see if her meal was eaten entirely?
- Guard: I would say yes, but it would be better to go to the kitchen, but when I looked at it tray was empty.
- Namaari: Well thank you, good evening
- Guard: Thank you Chief Namaari, you too.
- Namaari sneered: I would like to, but the night will be long.
 Namaari settled down in her bedroom, washing up before changing into her nightwear to turn on her desk lamp and get to work rather than going to her cold bed that was far too big and too empty. The hours went by, and Namaari massaged her eyes, feeling fatigue gaining her, she looked out the bay, to see the dawn breaking... "How could she have worked so late?" she wondered. Namaari decided to go to bed trying to recover a little before this new day.
Despite her few hours sleep Namaari took her usual routine. However, her daughter had not shown up for breakfast, intrigued, she sent a servant to fetch her but the latter came back to tell her that she was not in her room. Namaari asked to be looked for before going upstairs to interrogate the guards. They say they haven't seen her.
In the hope of finding clues she entered the room. She saw that the bed was well made... That her bag had disappeared and especially that her closet was badly closed. She opened it, if everything seemed in order she noted that some clothes were missing... Including her training protections then turning around she noted that her weapons had disappeared. Relieved Namaari sighed. The chef will go to the kitchens to get her some food, she knew how bad it was to train without eating. As she left she felt a rustle under her feet... Leaning over she noticed that it was a document, putting it on her daughter's desk she was struck by the nature of it.
 - Namaari: But what...
 Namaari immediately had a bad feeling, and went to her office which was closed... Hasten to open it, she looked for her file which had disappeared. Namaari rushed to the guards and asked where those of that night were and after some indications, Namaari pounded on the doors of a dormitory... she rushed to the poor guard who was trying to be presentable
 - Namaari: You were on duty yesterday! What can you tell me about my daughter? You told me she was fine
- Guard: she was fine when I saw her, I assure you!
- Namaari: Where? When ? How ?
- Guard: Yesterday, huuu shortly after supper before you came back, she left... She had her share
- Guard: You didn't ask me, I thought she was free to move, I didn't receive an order telling me to watch her -Namaari: I was trying to save money, it's fantastic I will do them on your wages!
  As Namaari walked away another guard joked with the one who had just taken the wrath of the woman.
  - Guard 2: You can give me your pay, it will pay off my jade purse that was stolen from me yesterday!
- Namaari: WHAT ?!
- Guard 2: Nothing Chief!
- Namaari: Where were you yesterday?
- Guard 2: When?
- Namaari: Where were you posted yesterday?
- Guard 2: I was in the great hall, east corridor
- Namaari: Which leads to the kitchens… When were you robbed
- Guard 2: I didn't notice it late. Are you going to help me?
- Namaari: I'm not here to monitor your business, your goal is to prevent theft here ... Especially if it's by a teenager ... You can only blame yourself. How many were there?
- Guard 2: 600jades
- Namaari: By the way, the sales have not yet been distributed.
- Guard 2: I won them by betting.
 Namaari left. But no sooner had she crossed the corridor than she was informed that the serlot of Nur was no longer there, two guards at the city gate had seen him leave yesterday, before nightfall and no one had seen him return. The headmistress rebelled, and went back up to her room as soon as possible, preparing her things, she looked for the responsible guards in a list and took some notes. Then wrote a letter, before leaving.
Atitāya was brushing her serlot when she heard a person enter the room turning around she saw Namaari walking towards her, she sighed expecting the worst, then widened her eyes at her outfit
She greeted her with the gesture of the gem, before realizing that the chief was dressed in her military uniform.
 - Atitāya: Namaari Chief? What's going on ? We are under attack?!
- Namaari: Not for the moment I think, but I have to leave urgently, I assign you here until my return during my absence ensure that the council of elders is assembled to replace me until the return of Raya, speaking of her, tell a runner to leave immediately give her this
- Atitāya: Yes of course but can I know what is happening? Can I help you... Namaari, it's not the general who asks you, but the friend
- Namaari: I'm afraid that Nur will do the biggest mistake of his life... She said preparing her mount
- Atitāya: How so?
- Namaari: I found this in his room and the guards saw him leave yesterday... I'm thinking about it, I have a note in my room, you can take care of it please... And suspend them until I return? She handed the document from the confidential file
- Atitāya: It's the elite commando! But what-
- Namaari: Exactly, I sent them on a mission last night, and the cell they have to dismantle and can be much more dangerous than we imagine, so apart from making the mission fail, which would be a disaster because I could lose loyal soldiers and our best to boot...which would have terrible consequences. Nur is in danger.
- Atitāya: Do you want me to go in your place?
- Namaari: Ati, I am touched by your request, and you are certainly one of the most competent soldiers that Fang has, but you are my friend, and I trust you Fang needs you...
- Atitāya: Fang needs their leader.
- Namaari: And Nur needs her mother, I'm going to get my daughter!
- Atitāya: I understand. Count on me Namaari climbed onto her serlot, ready to go.
- Atitaya: Namaari!
- Namaari: Yes Ati?
- Atitāya: Good luck, please take care of yourself!
 Namaari nodded then left.
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odysseusdraws · 1 year
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Rennala got the dog in the divorce.
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astrae03 · 2 months
Captain��s log: It’s been almost 2 hours since AO3 went down I’m not coping well to the point my introverted ass has finally decided to actually post something on tumblr for the first time; but in these dark times desperate measures must be taken. Stay strong everyone we will get through this. 🥲😭
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miabellaholtz · 26 days
Day 23 - Anniversary
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onceiblinked · 8 months
 Decisions, decisions…
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blessedpictures · 3 months
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Control (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ahti/Raya Underhill, Past Underhill/Darling mentioned Characters: Ahti (Control), Raya Underhill, Jesse Faden, Emily Pope, Casper Darling Additional Tags: Sex Pollen, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Penis In Vagina Sex, Squirting, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, singing during sex, Multiple Orgasms, Biting, Mild Blood, Slight blood drinking (suggested), Sexual Fantasy, Unprotected Sex, Mating Press Summary: Raya Underhill investigates a possible new type of Mold, and requires the janitor's help in cleanup. Very slight Alan Wake 2 spoilers.
Notes: We do not, under any circumstance, want our fanworks shared with Remedy devs, workers, actors, or other affiliated parties on purpose.
This was a prompt that became more specifically tailored to Autumn's tastes, so I'm calling it a gift. Apologies to any scientists: I'm not one and I feel like that's obvious. I hope the sex makes up for it.
Thanks to Van for once again Finnish-checking for me.
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nightmare-grass · 4 months
I have another Disney movie idea that’ll just never happen;
Y’know Rise of the Brave Tangled Frozen Dragons? I have something similar, but it’s exclusively Disney properties. Basically, take the ending premise of Wish, where Asha becomes like the Fairy Godmother, but use that as a jumping off point to make a crossover story where Asha must gather “Heroes of the Realm” like she’s Nick Fury and it’s 2012 Avengers time. Bring together the heroes from Raya and the Last Dragon, Moana, Tangled (and Tangled the Series), and Frozen (maybe also Brave if Disney wants to add a Pixar property to this lineup like they did with the princess room in Wreck it Ralph 2). Have them all come together for a musical action adventure comedy to fight some cosmic evil or something I dunno, I just really desperately want to hear Ariana DeBose singing with Idina Menzel, Mandy Moore with Kristen Bell, I want to see an expansion on the romantic tension between Raya and Namaari, I want to have Moana show Rapunzel the Sun drop flower that’s on her island (seen in a blink and you’ll miss it Easter egg but that’s still canon). And I want to give the premise of Wish another chance, because we were robbed. We’ve all seen the concept art and original ideas for the movie, the stuff Disney didn’t end up going with. It could’ve been great, and now that it’s a flop Disney won’t wanna touch it because in terms of money making it’s a dud, and that’s all Disney seems to care about nowadays.
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empresskadia · 2 months
Roland is a busybody that ultimately just wanted the amusement of watching Spartan Muse get into a relationship and now is in disbelief that something is happening between two people that are complete opposites.
Roland and Raya have some history before she gets transferred to the Infinity, they’re close for a reason that will be revealed more in her book.
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longeyelashedtragedy · 3 months
raya gives arteta a head(ache)
oh anon, this is totally not what you wanted 😂 i think the discussion a few days ago of mikel liking a "project," plus my refusal to let xhakarteta go, kind of got to me. i present to you evil!Mikel.
>500 words, i'd rate this M (for Mikel)
Mikel was not above dishonesty.
Granit had kept him honest.  Granit abhorred a lie.  To lie to him or in his presence would have been an act of disrespect, and he could never do such a thing to Granit.
Granit made him a better person.  Now Granit is in Germany, and he does not sit around sadly paying attention to Mikel’s every word in Mikel’s absence, so Mikel lies at the press conference, a smooth lie, a calm lie, knowing that he’d be accused of this, found out, and knowing that it wouldn’t matter, he wouldn’t care.
He takes a risk and lies about his goalkeepers. It does not feel wrong, even though the lie benefits no one but him. It will frustrate the fans and the Board might mumble. It will hurt Aaron. It will hurt David too, of course, in its way.  His aim is to protect his beloved players, but hurt is also a part of life. 
It was Raya who he wanted, with the sad, lost look that seemed permanent on his face, who might take a while to fit in with the squad.  Raya who could be a project. 
Not in the way Granit turned out to be.  Granit was never a project. Granit was the piece that made him whole. Granit made him understand what a project felt like. The club in itself was one, but maybe that isn't enough now that he feels what it is like to no longer be whole. 
“David, I’ll make them love you.  I promise.”
The keeper scratches his poor reshaped nose and rocks back on his heels.  He is uncertain.  “I don’t think that’s possible.”
Mikel sees a red flash of anger cross his vision.  He is not used to this, and it threatens to overtake him.  In the past when he was angry Granit would choke it and slap it out of him.  In the past when he was angry Granit could take what Granit gave out.
He grips Raya by the chin too hard and watches the keeper’s unease.  “You doubt I can work miracles?  Do you even want to play for this club?”
“I do.  And I want to work with you.”
“Then trust me.  It’ll take time, but I’ll make them all love you.”
“I know I can play well.  I know I can do good for the club, but I’m not like him.”
Mikel sighs, and his hands are now gentle with David’s face.  “I don’t want you to be.”
There is a slight relief in David’s brown eyes, and he leans forward again as Mikel undoes his pants.  The last time he spoke his native language with someone’s mouth wrapped around him was with Pep.  The last time this happened here, in his office, was with –
He will write new history going forward, with David Raya as the first chapter. 
Does he like men?  Does it matter?  His breath is heavy and warm on Mikel’s skin.
“You want me to make you love me first?” he mumbles.  “That’s what this is?”
Mikel grins and cups the back of David’s head.  “I love all my players.  I don’t want you to worry about that.”
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rayalitysaga · 1 year
Currently writing a Laughing Jack fic that takes place in the Victorian era and I DESPERATELY need to know if his dialogue here is in-character 😭😭
((Le Blanc is a creepypasta OC of mine btw, please don’t mind her—))
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animalgirl225 · 5 months
New piece! I've decided to make the Motherhood storyline part of my "official" post-canon storyline. So this Raya and Namaari are the same universe as my River Rescue and Old Enemies fics. I'll make the adjustment on Ao3 at some point lol.
Summary: Namaari deals with some insecurities and doubts over not being their daughter's birth mother.
Rating: T
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typethcat · 1 year
Uhm hey guys i didn't die and am actually working on a new fic which i've almost finished the first chapter of, but the fic doesn't have a name yet. It's obviously a Raya and the last dragon fic so please give me some name suggestions
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rayatii · 3 months
A few days ago, I found this Lucia di Lammermoor fic that’s an AU in which Edgardo arrives before Lucia signs the wedding contract, and they eventually end up together and she doesn’t go mad and whatever, and it’s somewhat saccharine happily-ever-after stuff, but the one thing that stood out for me was that there is a bit where Lucia BITCH-SLAPS Edgardo in front of all the wedding guests.
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imrayasassitant · 8 months
you guys are really going to enjoy this one ;).
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