#reblog 💛
raplinenthusiasts · 5 months
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for @mikrrokosmos 💜
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hona-hona · 21 days
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hi!! i hit 300 followers a couple days ago, and even though i dunno how common this is in tumblr culture i wanted to make a little celebratory post
this is just to say thank you to eveyone who has followed me, but also even if you don’t, to the people who regularly show up in my notes (if this reaches you somehow) — thank you too!! you mean so much!! every interaction, every nice word in the tags, even if it’s just “!!” encourages me to keep making stuff. i am very happy that my art can make your day a little bit better 💛
that is all!! i have so much more to say, but i didn’t wanna drag this on, so just know that there’s a longer and significantly sappier version of this post in my head.
also reminder that i have an ask box, where you can ask me a question, request a drawing or just say something nice. see you soon !!
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devoidaffectu · 1 year
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Trying to reblog all the bmblb art and content I come across
( ya’ll are going HAM and all the art, writings, and videos are so ✨AMAZING✨)
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cleabellanov · 3 months
Jet-Skiing through identity: a deep dive into Mobius M. Mobius (part 2) 🛥️
Even the kindest of hearts have a trigger point, a spot that can catch a bullet without bleeding; making it part of the heart's anatomy.
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I'm only saying that because I associate Loki as Mobius's soft spot("I know you have a soft spot for broken things"), and Loki turning his back to that in s1e2 as the trigger point. Imagine you have that courage, to do something everyone around you thinks is wrong. Then, just as you were going to prove the opposite,our efforts turn to be in vain.
For Mobius's character, this means he has to turn around at 360, to where he came from; with inovative ideas not working, it all comes to accepting defeat.
He manages that excellently in front of Ravonna: caring more about reassuring her everything will work out rather than focusing on himself. Another example of how much Mobius cares about others, even when he should care more about himself.
Episode 4, season 1, is crucial for where Mobius's story is going.
We can see so many interesting things in his conversation with Loki, like the way he handles stress through amusement. Asif this emotion isn't worthy enough, but to be laughed at:
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"You like her! Does she like you?"
After all, let's not forget Mobius was already (and even earlier than this episode) catching feelings for Loki. His own words put this straightforward: "Just kind of an asshole. And a bad friend". Notice how he doesn't use any word similr to "traitor". He still considers him a friend, albeit a bad one, after everything he's done. Mobius might do his best to hide it, but he's still forgiving deep down. And it's not even Loki's departure in time and space that matters the most to the analyst. It's his alliance with Sylvie, hinting once again at the jelaousy of his character I talked about in part 1. "It's ruining my reality right now!" in Mobius's words.
But when he is told by Loki that they're all variants, Mobius doesn't simply dissmiss the idea. He could, and should, given the position he is in. But the brightness of his mind, and that little flicker of hope he still has in his Loki makes the difference. After all, hope is what makes us believe: it's the desire of having something to believe in.
Watch his reaction when he is told all this:
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He is masking it flawlessly in front of Loki and the hunters, but that raising hope makes him search: is the trickster out of tricks for once? What if, all this time, that feeling he had inside himself but hid away is actually a sign, gently whispering to him there is more he should know about? That is a bravery so different from live action, and battling with superheroes: the bravery of discovery. Loki telling the truth means Mobius living a lie - a scary thought of course, but not scary enough to stop him.
This all drives Mobius to finding out what actually happened with hunter C-20. And the rest is history.
There is a certain honour in telling Loki he was right from the beginning. This new approach, this insight Mobius now gains over everything give him not only a rush of adrenaline, but also the confidence he didn't allow himself before. Therefore, he wasn't just working half a measure. The limits that were set were not part of his perimeter, but of the TVA's. Now that he sees that, he can also break those limits.
He is also free to speak his mind. And Loki is so deserving of these words that this scene right here is one of the most precious in the entire series. Their wonderful dinamc certainnly gives extra points to that.
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Now Mobius isn't just an analyst anymore. He is a rebel, betraying the only thing he believes in, the one institution that shaped his entire existence. This rebellion isn't just external, but internal as well. Ultimately, only one part of the internal conflict won, but the other still exist, like two sides of the same coin, spinning and spinning. But he still has the hope that he'll find something better on the other side, and doesn't stop just because it's a hard thing to do.
If it was easy, everyone would do it. (Loki in Thor The Dark World)
I wanted to write more but this is already getting too long (like damn I'm fangirling hard) so see you for part 3!
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izanazqueen · 10 months
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lineffability · 5 months
sappy little end of year post to celebrate my own personal lovingly curated corner of fandom that I've been enjoying immensely this year, full of correct opinions, good takes and little drama 😌😌✨
three special shout-outs to very lovely people:
@crowleyholmes chii you're such a ray of sunshine and your lovely tags and enthusiasm were just too fucking contagious, even before I was following you I kept thinking 'how can someone be THIS nice' but then you started talking to me and you ARE, aren't you 💛😌 glad to know you, you're a delight and, dare I say it, a friend
@chernozemm what can I say - I adore you, zemmie, ever since we started talking it feels we've barely stopped, I love bouncing ideas and headcanons and fics and just anything, really, off you, and you definitely know things, and me <3 just genuinely enjoy your vibe a lot, you gorgeous person
@queerfables you were the first person I started talking to in 2023 GO fandom I think, and we've exchanged auch lovely opinions and GO book memories, I love your fandom-familiarity and metas and you-ness ✨
also just wanted to shout out some people I've simply enjoyed seeing on my dash, following, writing, reading, arting, metaing, talking, commenting, prev-tagging etc etc, you make this fun <3
@opscuritas @plumbum-art @fellshish @foolishlovers @nice-and-accurate-ramblings @fagziraphale @wraithee @ashfae @voluptatiscausa @gaslightgallows @copperplatebeech @sabotage-on-mercury @ineffabildaddy @crawley-fell @crvwly @gingiekittycat @nightingalecottage @azfellandco @goodoldfashionednightingale @wearecrowley @halemerry @books-and-omens @ineffableteeth @luminousslime @lonicera-caprifolium @mrghostrat @grntaire @snek-eyes @fremulon @focusfixated @aduckwithears
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lady-harrowhark · 11 months
putting your fist through a thick sheet of glass (i know you don't want to) on AO3
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Written for The Big Resurrection Event (@tlt-big-resurrection), including artwork from @the-purple-duck
Harrowhark Nonagesimus and Gideon Nav have always been at each other’s throats, and the animosity has only intensified since the death of Harrow’s parents. But when a car accident leaves Gideon without any memories of her past, Harrow sees a chance at the clean slate she’s wanted for years. Becoming involved in Gideon’s recovery assuages some of the guilt, but as she and Gideon become closer and increasingly involved in each other's lives, Harrow worries that some of her secrets may be more than she can atone for.
Read it on AO3 Get the playlist here
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Reblog game!!
Reblog with your f/o (any kind, one max), and i'll assign them a type of bread!!
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1980ssunflower · 1 year
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🏡💙So Good to See You!💛☔
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questing-wulfstan · 1 month
Oh hi hello yes, is Delirium a character that sparks joy for you ? Do you enjoy fics in which Hob rescues Dream from the fishbowl ?? Have you ever wondered what would happen if Delirium lent Hob a hand in one of those fics ??? Well wonder no more, for I have just the fic for you !!!!! AND it has illustrations by the most wonderful @mock-arts ~
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officersnickers · 25 days
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🌹🏵️🌷Happy Mother's Day 🌹🏵️🌷
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dawneternal · 29 days
Commissions Open!
$35 for 1 figure
$40 for 2 figures
$45 for 3+
$30 for pet portrait or pokemon
✦ I can print your piece on art paper and mail it to you for no extra cost I will just need a mailing address. Sizes 8x10 or smaller.
✦ Send me a message or email me at [email protected]
✦ If you'd like to support my work but don't want a commission, my ko-fi is here
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Fine Print (please read):
- Half of payment due upfront
- Turnaround time is 2 weeks (mail may take longer to get to you though)
- You may be asked to sign an agreement stating that you will not resell or use my work for AI programming
- I will not do: horror, demonic, gory, or nsfw
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inkcat1987 · 3 months
*breath in breath out*
That your are loved and cared for and even tho this is a hard part/place in your life you have friends, family and people who care about you and that will love you no matter what! And even though it hurts you are strong and have gotten through so much already and that you have the strength and power to fight through it and yes it may get worse but it will get better! Try your hardest to fight through this bumpy road and see then look and see the most beautiful and amazing person in the mirror! (It's you BTW :3 )
(please reblog this so everyone can here these words because we are all dealing with something even if we don't say it or show it [or if you're doing just fine still please reblog it!])
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cleabellanov · 2 months
Jet-Skiing through Identity: a deep dive into Mobius M. Mobius (part 6) 🚤
So, through the realms of my (personal) analysis, we've come a long way to Mobius's character. From the comedic relief to the deep natural need to care from others, from fear of abandonment to suppresed emotions. But guess what? There's more. There's always more when you really get into it.
I see episode 3 of season 2, "1893" as sort of a calm before the storm : a really sweet time before the rest of the chaos really emerged.
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I love how the clothes they are wearing are probably conjured by Loki for them to fit in the time period. This is more of a headcanon, but beside all that chaos, Mobius probably loved it as well.
Here is another gem from this character: although he possesses an effortless charm most of the time, that doesn't equal the actual confidence. Like he's trying to hide the lacks in self esteem with an abundance of showing off. But around his closest confidante, he naturally gets that out, not needing to overthink it anymore: with both confidence and charm. I'm talking about that line:
"I see everything, I notice everything"
which is right before the famous "You've got some Cracker Jack on your chin, what about that?". They really were on a silly little date.
We also get to catch precious moments of Mobius's pure curiosity and opening to the new. I imagine that he also lost some experiences he had with the memory wipe at the TVA, so everyday can be a new gift now that he really gets to do something *else*. That's noticeable when Victor Timely's presentation of The Loom begins, doing an amazing contrast with Loki's more careful behavior.
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Not to talk about persuasive: the tandem bike? A classic. I'm not saying Loki wasn't a little compromised by the circumstances, but Mobius made himself pretty clear too!!
And at the end of the episode, I love how he stays behind to look at Ravonna for a little while after Loki exits through the time door. It's not that he doesn't miss his old friend, but he knows better than to try and meddle in her business right now.
In episode 4, "The Heart of the TVA", Mobius's natural kindness is once again an important piece of the game. Him and Loki too try to be gentle with Timely, as they see he is scared and understand he's just a variant, different than He Who Remains.
When they finally get Timely to work to their plan and save the Loom, there it is again: that waiting in uncertainty, the fear of things going south really, really fast. So he does what he's used to: try and have some pie.
Sylvie is obviously disturbed by this, as from her perspective, they should be even more agitated, just like everything else around them. And here's just a part from what she said to Mobius:
"Timelines are just lines on a monitor. Doesn't matter if a few disappear. Because you've never bothered to look if one of them is yours"
This time, Mobius doesn't snap like he did with Brad. Because it isn't coming from one of his coworkers, it's from Sylvie, whom he helped in the past. And in the way she says it, he's more prone to believe her. So he doesn't reciprocate her speech with anger. Why? Because he doesn't deny it; feeling guilty about something automatically implies admitting the other is right. And he doesn't have the strength to fight it anymore. Loki does it for him afterwards in the pie room - as he deserves.
At least he got a hot-cocoa to warm him right back up :))
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izanazqueen · 10 months
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sciencestarlo · 2 months
do u know bill nye
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-he frowns slightly
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