#rei x lian
funkii4-blog · 5 months
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so I bought Rei’s new skin (the Lian one) and. there are rainbows on the ability vfx
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jackiequick · 3 months
Jason Underwood being a better dad than Howard Stark for 9 minutes straight | Marvel Fic
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Pairings: Tony x Pepper, JJ x Liz, Liane x Ethan
Summary: What happened when a man frozen in time suddenly is in charge of raising the heroes of tomorrow? In other words, Jason trying to keep everyone in check and doing well.
Characters mentioned: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Howard Stark, Rei Stark, Ava Stark, The Avengers, Young Avengers and etc
Fandoms: Marvel Comics—> Iron Man 1-3, The Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Age Of Ultron
A/N: I blame Glen giving rom-com energy! I hate him (affectionately). His favorite song is Unwritten hehehe
Sequel to this fanfic!
Tony sat down at his lab downtown with his eyes shot, the lights made him more than pale as he lay inside his car and faced the wall. He has been drinking since this afternoon. His tears filled his eyes as he looked to his side to find his uncle walking around to open the side of the car.
He was surprised to see him here, last he checked he was with Coulson on a small assignment.
“Tony..” He muttered, resting his head against his hand, “Come on buddy.”
“I can’t stand..I’m tired, JJ..” He replied, squeezing his eyes shut and leaned forward into his touch for a spilt second.
“It’s okay, I got you.”
Tony was silent as an arm was looped around his side, lifting him up and out of the car, standing over to leave the lab and head upstairs. Jason kept an eye on him asking if he was alright in which his nephew just nodded. He lay him down on the couch with a soft blanket across his body wrapped tightly to keep him warm.
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A moment later, he returned with a small glass of water and some fruit. Orange slices to be consumed by Tony within a matter of minutes. He watched him as he sat, allowing his nephew to rest his head on his shoulder and even saw the crossword puzzle on his neck start to erase with time.
“..I don’t know what’s gotten into me lately…” Tony admitted with a small sigh biting down on another orange slice.
Jason hushed his voice for a moment before humming, “It’s okay..you just got overwhelmed, you need a break, step back and regroup..”
“I’m boyfriend of the year..are Pepper and I even dating?”
“I would like to say you are..you will figure out, just no more running off for a while. Please.”
The brunette only nodded, as his uncle found something on the TV for him to watch. He even wondered if he should provide him a vitamin C infusion, JARVIS recommended it. All that matter was to keep him away for the drinks for a while and not have him stray away from help.
He has a good idea where to start.
Jason carried a 2 year old Rei in his arms, resting the small brunette on his hip walking around the mansion trying to get him to stop crying.
It was early in the evening. His mother was gone for a week, his father was stuck at work with Pepper and JARVIS was no help.
Rei was whimpering, having just returned from the backyard not wanting anyone to know he got hurt. Jason of course figured out the problem and cleaned up the small mess on his knee. Now he rested his head on his godfather’s shoulder as his hand cuffed the fabric of the sweater.
Him and Tony were the same in this aspect, getting hurt by something and wanting to deal with it by themselves. Yes, it showed independence but still, it was alarmingly obvious it wasn’t the best move.
“Aw penguin..” He said softly, gently resting his head against his own, “Rei, it’s gonna be alright..you’re fine now.”
“It hurts..” He mumbled into his shoulder, as soft tears rose to his eyes.
“I know that it hurts, but you took medicine for it and now you’re going to feel much better I promise.”
“I’m dumb, papa..”
Jason was pacing around the room at this point and paused but kept a hand rubbing circles across his small back. He hated hearing his kids talking about themselves that way.
“Hey, hey, you’re not dumb..you’re Rei Stark, you’re one of the smartest boys I know. You fell cause you’re running so hard, that’s all. It can happen to anyone, even me.” Jason explained.
“You fell?” He questioned removing his head the shoulder he was resting on to face him properly.
“Yeah I fell a lot. I still fall and trip over things, if you only knew how much times I almost died tripping over your father’s toys.”
“Yeah, really. It hurt a lot, but I got up again. Just like you did.”
At that Rei softly smiled and nodded, feeling a bit better about not feeling so bad for falling down earlier. He was a strong kid but rather sensitive about things whether he admits it or not.
“Pops, I think I like guys too now.” Rei blunted said entering the living room of Avengers Tower.
Jason was on the couch reading A Streetcar Named Desire when he heard his godson say those words. He took him a long moment to lock in what he said then smiled. JJ remembered Rei checking out some cute reporter two weeks ago but didn’t say anything to not embarrass him.
He already figured out that he might’ve felt that way but waited for him to come to his own conclusions about it.
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Rei waited for a response, he was kinda shitting his pants wondering what the heck he was going to say to him.
A few seconds later Jason spoke, “I know. And I’m happy for you.”
“Wait what?” Rei asked as his eyes silently widened, “Dad freaked out!”
“Your father is just being dramatic, thinking you weren’t going to ever date until your mid twenties. Don’t worry about him. How do you feel?”
“I feel okay, I guess. How are you not freaking out?”
“Kiddo your grandfather and father aren’t straight eariler. I was just wondering to see if you were gonna being home a boy or girl someday, I’ll love you all the same. You know that.”
“B-but..I was ready for some lecture or something.”
“I’m not Cap, kiddo.”
“Wait grandpa wasn’t…that’s impossible he married grandma and dad never said..”
“Your grandfather has always been into blondes. Hence why he liked me, Cap, my sister and your grandmother.”
“Oh shit, grandpa was bi..and so is dad? Just to be clear, you’re cool with all of this, right?”
“Yeah, you’re my kid. As long as you don’t date some ignorant jerk or bitter bitch we’re fine.”
Rei nodded thinking it went better than he thought. Of course he wasn’t going to bring anyone to his house who insulted him or made him feel guilty, he wasn’t stupid.
Tony and Jason were in the middle of the kitchen together sharing some slices of pizza. A small mission went as planned, the heroes were all celebrating at home with them.
It was quiet. A little too quiet for his liking.
“Where’s our son?” Yelled a voice that belonged to his wife.
And there it is.
Despite not being officially confirmed as married to a legal counsel, in their hearts they are.
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Liz came in with her arms crossed stealing a slice of pizza from the box muttering that she was hungry. Tony locked eyes with his uncle then looked at his aunt with a smile.
“Whatever it is, blame the kids!” Tony exclaimed taking another bite.
“You stole my blueprints from the basement without telling me.” Liz said looking between her nephews and husband.
“How is that a bad thing?”
“Because they are mine. Some of them were…made for the military during the war.”
“I was just going to reinforce them into better positions and transport your idea into something useful for the modern day.”
Jason joined into the conversation as he added, “Honey, you did make some explosive points when you created those fine numbers back in the day.”
Liz jokingly glared, “Who’s side are you on?”
“I’m afraid to say which one.”
“Good answer.”
Tony sighed, “In my defense, I was just curious! It’s not like I going to have something blow up in my head…this time at least.”
“I swear you’re more like your father every day..” She muttered softly smiling, as she pinched the bridge of her nose, “Next time, you come to me with an idea. We’re a family for a reason, you have my brain!”
The three of them talked it over coming to a good compromise. But a part of Jason couldn’t wonder how Liz would react if Louis, Tony’s brother who lived in another city within the United States, stole one of her blueprints too. It was always evident that the Stark boys tend to be the most curious boys alive, it resulted in those sets of brother destroying one of his favorite cars.
They always tend to take a small comment and trickle it down to a roar, as one small idea would turn into something great for humanity or an opportunity gone wrong. That’s how Ultron was created…
“Alright. Relax your shoulders a bit, tighten the grip on the handle and have your fingers line up the tip of the arrow.” He instructed with a smile.
“Like this?” She asked, holding up her bow and arrow at an angle.
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She could’ve learned from Clint but he was busy on a date with his wife and her mom was babysitting. She already knew how to use a gun, but extra protection in skills was always a plus.
She picked out a specific arrow she wanted to use and took care of the bow she was handed. She questioned if Jason even knew how to work this kind of equipment.
His response, “I never said I didn’t know how to use a gun. And never said I didn’t know how to shoot an arrow either.”
“Fair point. When did you learn to shoot with a bow and arrow?” She wondered with a smile.
“I was on a mission in Tokyo, to chase down some idiot who stole a type of drug. As I was running through the streets, s arrow came flying from a rooftop to straight into the guys leg. Then I met the guy who shot him.”
“What wad his name?”
“Karl Yune. He was a good archer, he taught me a thing or two about this.”
“Sounds like a nice man.”
“Yeah, his older cousin worked as a geneticist in Korea.”
“…they are not related to Ji-Hoon, they are?”
Jason just winked telling her return to training as she grinned softly to herself. The two of them went onto 2 rounds, as he showed her how to start feeling comfortable with holding such equipment. Rochelle wasn’t that bad at the game, shooting the wall full of targets as best as she could.
“Good. Now you’re ready for take on your real teacher.” He said with a chuckle, lowering his bow.
She raised an eyebrow confused by his wording, “What..”
As if on cue, walked in a tan skinned woman with long brown hair and tattoos. She held a grin greeting Jason with a tight hug before turning around to meet Rochelle.
“Lydia Barton.” She said holding out her hand to shake.
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The redhead smiled shaking her hand and said, “Rochelle, but you probably already know who I am.”
Jason smirked telling them to be careful and have fun, that he’ll be back to check up on them later. Both girls just grinned leading into a casual but intriguing discussion on their favorite things, before training.
Something told him that they would be good friends.
“Give it back! It’s mine you little twerp!”
“It was mine first! I saw the last batch of cookies before your ass ever thought about them.”
“Oh really mature using curse words at me!”
“What do you care? You’re failing grammar anyway!”
“HEY! That’s enough.” In called Jason’s voice as he swung into the room snatching the cookie out of Ava’s hand and placing against it lips instead, “If you were are gonna fight over a damn cookie, then neither of you deserve to eat it.”
Rei crossed his eyes like the 9 year old he was and scoffed, “It was mine!”
“Oh pleaseeee, you said you didn’t want any cookies in the first place anyway!” Ava barked back.
“I could’ve wanted it for later, ever think of that!”
“You’re such a smartass sometimes…no wonder you don’t—”
Jason glared at both kids, “Ava, don’t even finish that sentence. And Rei, if you wanted it so badly why didn’t you tell her? You two could’ve broken the cookie in half instead of making a mess out of it.”
Both young Starks looked away from their godfather, feeling guilty and embarrassed for causing such a scene in the kitchen. Yet there was an instant anger behind their eyes, as Rei and Ava glared at each other. It was normal for siblings to fight over plenty of things but theses two would argue over everything, not making up afterwards either.
Their godfather sighed softly as he watched both of them in silence waiting for an answer that ever came.
Then he spoke, “You know something? There is something I want both of you to understand. Listen good, when I say that you two only have each other. Friends will come and go, they won’t always stay despite your best efforts. But as siblings, that’s a unit that you created for the moment your brought into this family.”
Ava muttered, “But he’s a little smartass, he thinks he’s always right..”
“Cause I am..” Rei added hearing his big sister.
Jason gave them a certain look as he continued, “You two are young, so you don’t get it right now. But there will come a time when you need each other but because you were both so harsh and pigheaded with another, you’re gonna feel alone. You’ll hate each other..despite a little part of you that still loves them..you don’t want to accept that. Then you won’t even want to imagine what happens next to your relationship.”
At those words, the siblings looked at one another then glanced down at the floor, that heavyweight anger started to creep away from their systems. Ava started to feel sorry for her actions as Rei began to feel upset about staring a riot. They knew he was right but didn’t want to admit it. There was another moment of silence in the room, only the small sound of Jason’s biting down on the cookie that didn’t matter to them anymore. The sibling exchange small gestures of apologies toward one another, even apologizing to their godfather as well.
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Ava asked, “Did you ever get into fights with your siblings?”
Rei added, “You and auntie Peg look like you could have fought a lot.”
“Well…” Jason replied with a half smile and shrugged, “..yes, me and aunt Peg fought a lot, but we always tried to make up for our mistakes. But I had another sister before her…her name was Dot, she was smart and cunning, she wasn’t ever around to help me…when she was, she treated me like crap, so we always fought..”
“Did you ever forgive her?” Ava asked out of curiosity, hoping for a good answer.
“Uh..we did forgive each other every once in a while..I tried to forgive her, but she never had the courage to forgive me. She was my big sister, I loved her, but she wasn’t really someone I would call to help me if I was in trouble, she would leave me out to dry..”
Rei nodded, “So that’s why you and auntie Peg are good friends..she was like a sister..so you want me and Ava to be like that too?”
“Exactly. You want both of you to look out for each other, make sure you’re alright and not hurt. Not leave the other in the dust.” Jason responded with a smile.
Cue scenes of Jason playing with his first godchild, Ava Stark, in her bedroom pretending to be Pop Stars. Ava was singing along to Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani and Avril Lavigne with a toy guitar in her hands.
Jason was sitting on the floor waving lights around and dressed in a funny hat, pretending to be her producer for a music video. He loved seeing his goddaughter shine acting out magic video footage in her bedroom as he filmed her. At first he didn’t want to be recorded on any cameras but after some encouragement from Tony and the others, she tried it out.
“I'll spread my wings, and I'll learn how to fly. I'll do what it takes 'til I touch the sky. And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change.” She sung into her microphone as she played the guitar.
“And break away!” Jason sung along to the lyrics.
One of the things of having a little girl in the house, songs get repeated every so often you remember the lyrics yourself. Poor man still has Under The Sea stuck in his head from last weekend.
It’s one of those things that carries over every generation of children he gets to know is the music taste, he may not always appreciate or enjoy the music but it does tend to become an enjoyable ear worm for him. If it’s AC/DC album from Tony to Selena Gomez’s Who Say from Rochelle, they tend to get stuck in his head!
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He tries to not let everyone in on his own playlist of songs but sometimes it will slip out…
Jason just finished a small meeting with the industry and answering questions from SHIELD investors, who just annoyed him the whole time, and decided to make himself a grilled cheese sandwich. He yelled out if anyone else wanted one but received no answer, so he shrugged, then popped in his ear buds cuing in his playlist. He had a bunch of songs.
“Starring at the blank page before you, open up the dirty window. Let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find…” He sang out to the lyrics slapping both sides of bread onto the frying pan.
That was when Ethan stumbled into the kitchen saying, “JJ you saying some..”.
He paused noticing that the blonde wasn’t listening and singing instead as Liane bumped into him, she exclaimed to her boyfriend something important but Ethan told her to hush as he pointed out the scene in front of them.
Liane was confused for a moment then squeaked seeing Jason singing out loud as he danced in place, it wasn’t something she saw coming but was more than surprised to see the man was in his element. She smirked to herself wondering what other songs he knew.
A couple of days later, the pair were coming back from their trip to the movie theater as that very song was playing on the radio. The two walked in singing it loud enough to hear along with a group of Taylor Swift songs. Before they knew some of the young avengers were humming the damn tune.
The tall blonde walked past hearing his serenity song being sung, raising an eyebrow at everyone’s actions wondering who else knew about this. Oh god he wasn’t gonna be able to live that one down anytime soon.
One of the biggest things people always assume is that he was the best parent ever, due to the young avengers always wanting to hang around his chill vibes and warm atmosphere he created.
But the truth is that he wasn’t a freaking super-dad or anything. He grew up with a somewhat rusty alcoholic father and a mother who was always traveling around with her kids, leaving him to pick up the pieces himself when they weren’t at home bricking about something. In response he tried to convince the world he was going to be fine no matter what happened, he even believed it himself.
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Jason even promised to make the best he can when he gets the opportunity to be a father himself, in this case an uncle, someone who was there for his kids. He might not know everything or even be skilled at certain aspects of life, but he tries. So when Tony was born he decided he would stick around, live closer to Howard and Maria, but it also meant he would be away for work and signing papers for different aliases. Still, he did it, even though he might not want to talk about it with many.
He keeps himself, cool, calm and composed in collected fashion. Yes, he has his flaws such as drinking, having a temper and smoking (it was for a short period of time, he quit in the early 70s), Jason was still there for Tony. Same thing goes for his godchildren, which is a privilege and gift to watch them grow and learn now, he still has those moments where he ends up not getting enough rest due to taking care of them.
So to Natasha, Tony, Bruce and the other parents he seems like the only well informed and intelligent one when it comes to parenting, it’s only was all due to respect, patience and watching how the ball rolls. He used to put so much pressure on being the awesome uncle and whatnot, then he realized that all you need to do is be there for your kids.
They don’t ask of much, only for you to spend time with them even if you’re far away and need to do a phone call with that. Same thing goes for any relationship romance or platonic, as long they know you’re there for them, that’s what matters.
Like the saying goes, ‘No one is freaking perfect’. He’s still learning how to raise theses guys!
Nicknames. He doesn’t have nicknames for everyone, only if the person is comfortable with them, of course. But that never stops Jason from making up silly nicknames for the kids, usually they come out naturally without even trying.
Tony has had a few nicknames such as Butterball or Meatball when he was a baby, he was a round cubby little guy. Over the years it was Bambino, Bubba, Tones, Bunny and etc.
Rei was always Bubba, Sonny or Penguin, on occasion he would throw out the Papo (which is what him and his grandmother Maria use to call his father when he was younger)
Liane, he absolutely calls Princess or Your Majesty, when she's being a bit bratty
Rochelle tends to be, Li'l Red
For Cassie, he calls her Goldie cause her hair shines bright like gold in the sun
Melissa gets classic nicknames but he will throw out Peaches or Ladybug
Lydia, due to knowing her skills he will call her Sparrow sometime or just Ly
And the list goes on!
There has been moments where Jason has took a leap of faith to save his kids. Such as in 2013, when Stark Mansion was attacked and the whole place falling apart he remembered Pepper and Liz's screams as Ava was about to fall off the cliff of their home.
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Tony and Rei were busy fighting and trying to get everyone to out of the house safely. But Tony's suit wasn't working correctly either. Jason swooped in, sliding down the rubble and dust coughing as he catches Ava before she can fall.
"Baby look at me! It's okay, I got you.." He said rescuing her, as she clung to him tightly.
The two of them climbed back up the rubble and into the destroyed mansion as Ava went to help the others. The drones just kept on firing and tearing apart the house. Suddenly water took over dunking Jason, Tony, Liz and Rei all down into the ocean as Pepper and the other kids stayed above water.
To say Jason has taken a lot of hits for Tony and the kids was an understatement. For example, that same Christmas in 2013, there a fight on the streets where they landed in after almost drowning, as two crazy bitches was about to attack Rei. Jason choked one of women out as he was stabbed in the side.
The crazy burning women gave Jason some flirty eyes as she did so. He was not pleased. Liz was pissed off having finished fighting some guy to protect Tony.
But she thankfully swoops in wracking the women in a pole as she yelled, "Hands off, bitch!"
He did have good moment as well, that didn't involve a fight (yet), such as 2015 during a Stark party New York City. The Avengers, young and old just finished a battle, as a party was being made to celebrate.
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Jason has been in and out of Stark parties over the years, sometimes he stayed the whole night and or times he went home early. This night felt like a good one, he had his girl with him, his friends were partying and the kids were enjoying themselves.
They all deserve a win.
Hell he even danced a bit, drank a beer with Thor and played pool with Sam. He saw Steve walking away for a moment to text some girl, not declaring on who it is he was messaging, despite Nat and the other teasing him.
Nat even muttered, "Oh I'll find out."
It felt good. He rolled his eyes at Tony's jokes and laughed at others. Soon enough, the party died down as everyone rested around the living room area sharing smiles as they all chatted.
Rick has Rochelle and Luna resting on each of his shoulder, Bruce was chatting with Natasha, Maria Hill was wearing Steve's jacket as she chatted with Liz and Liane was playing with a set of cards with Lydia beating her.
Steve and Thor were sharing another bottle of beer, Tony was grab one for himself and Cole was playing Janga with Rochelle. Everyone was there. Beside it held Thor's precious hammer.
"Come man, it's trick!" Clint exclaimed swirling his drumsticks.
"Dude, I tried lifting it once in New Mexico, it's glued to whatever ground it's on!" Jason added pointing to the hammer.
"Whoever shall be worthy shall have the power! Whatever man, it's a trick."
Thor smirked chuckling allowing Clint to take a swing at it. Everyone looked around amused of the honest challenge as Clint stood up smug looping his hand around the handle trying to pick it up. But failed dryly chuckling as he joked.
"Smell the silent judgement." Tony remark.
"Please, Stark, by all means." Clint said returning back to his seat next to his blonde friend.
"Oh this gonna be good.." Liz muttered hearing Liane snort at her comment.
Some of the young heroes wiggled their eyebrows, cracking a few jokes and engaging in conversations as they all watched.
Tony stood up muttering how it was all physic and how he planned to use rule Asgard as Bruce rolled his eyes, watching his friend trying but failed. He even returned with an Iron Man arm to help and lift it. Poor Rhodey was pulled into it too.
"Are you even pulling?" Tony exclaimed.
"Just represent. Pull!" Rhodey told him.
"Alright let's go."
Still nothing. Soon enough, almost everyone tried. Rochelle and Cassie gave it a try, as their eyes flashes trying to find the strength to do it. Rei scoffed as him and Rick round came, believing putting both their heads together they can do it.
Bruce pretended to turn like the Hulk as he pulled, causing a roar of chuckles and laugher from the gang. Nat smiled finding it cute shaking her head. Ethan and Ji-Hoon picked up the pace, but failed.
Liane and Cole teamed up to pick the hammer from it's place on the table. Hell, some of the teammates tried to use magic but instead moved the table and items surrounding it.
Liz and Lydia joined forces, taking the team up route. Tony joked how he tried it already but failed. It went on and on for a while, passing drinks and snacks watching the show of friends take their turn at Thor's challenge.
Then it was Cap's turn.
Steve took a swing of beer before getting up with a smile. His eyes narrowed rolling up his sleeves taking a deep breathe, looping his hands around the handle and pulled.
The Hammer Nudge.
It made a small squeaking noise, some eyes turned gasping to themselves and other didn't even catch wind of it quick enough to catch the moment. Thor's eyes widen as his stress level turned up a little thinking it was dreaming. Steve pulled again, as the hammer stayed in place.
Steve raised his hands in air declaring defeat with a small smile. Thor was chuckling as he said, "Ha! Nothing."
Luna and Natasha didn't even bothering knowing it won't work, despite Bruce and Rick nudging them on. They were smart in a way to watch and laugh the whole go on. Not everyone went, some decided to try again after getting some food in their system.
But again nothing.
"All difference to the man who wouldn't be king. It's rigged." Tony proclaimed searching for another beer.
"You bet your ass." Clint added in agreement.
Maria smirked, "Steve, he said a bad language work."
Steve sighed and looked at Tony as he said, "You tell everyone about that?"
Tony ignored his comment and joked, "The handles imprinted right? Like a security code? Whoever is carrying Thor's fingerprint is, the literal translation."
"If so, then Thor's son or daughter should be able to lift it right?" Rochelle questioned which sparked a whole other conversations among themselves.
One of them wondered who exactly can lift and what would it take to do so.
Thor stood up from the couch, putting his drink down as everyone looked at him.
"Yes, yes, that's a very interesting theory. But got a simpler one." Thor said bending down then lifting his hammer with such ease, "You're all not worthy."
Everyone chuckle, commenting on his words and either rolled their eyes at his answer. Some of them shook their heads, exchanging looks with one another.
Ahh that's what I got for now!💘 I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little more about Uncle JJ and his group of mishaps he calls children.
Please let me know what you think down below in the comments, any suggests or ideas and etc. ✨ You are more than welcome to write stories involving JJ if you want as well (pls tag me in them!👀)
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @rooster-84 @djs8891 @sofia-falcon @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs and etc
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bellafragolina · 1 year
I just found your blog and Ive been binge reading the whole thing this entire weekend. I love how you write Ingo and Emmet! and if I may humbly request a drabble about Warden Ingo x a motherly reader who fell through the Rift into Hisui. She dotes on all the village kids, always worrying over Lain and Rei, and is always cooing and fussing over her pokemon.
And the moment she’s introduced to Warden Ingo she just-immediately starts fussing over him. Poor man doesn’t even get out a hello before she’s asking if he is alright, what happened to his coat, when was the last time he slept, etc etc. From then on she’s always making a point to check in on him to make sure his taking care of himself and offers to mend his coat if his alright with her trying to fix it. Just smothers him in affection.
thanks for reading this and hope you have a good day!- Sweetea Anon
Aww! Motherly characters are the best! Very very good!! And thank you!! I’m glad you’re enjoying what I got so far
Hisui is a dangerous world, and you’ll be damned if the Galaxy Team sends out children with no support. Hell, you’ll be damned if the clans make children wardens without any time to be simply children. You put your mom jeans on (or perhaps just mom pants as denim has yet to be invented) and storm after the kids, Kamado be damned
All the kiddos love you. Akari and Rei lean heavily on you when things grow to be too much. It’s a lot of pressure to withstand, so you always offer them a place to rest their heads and cry their tears without judgement. You feed them too, bandage their wounds, kissing them so they heal faster. Neither really believe the superstition, but their injuries always seem to ache more without your kisses.
Sabi and Lian similarly rely on you. Your visits to their stations are always met with cheers. As much as Lian tries to act grown up, he’s still a young boy, and he often joins Sabi in barreling your over with hugs. The two love you, love that you listen to their rambles and indulge their wants to play. You wrestle them and play pretend so well, always kissing their heads and saying how proud you are of them. It means more to them than you realize
Ingo sees this, before you properly meet. He lingers on the outskirts of your interactions with the children, warmed by how attached to you and your care they seem. When you’re finally introduced by Rei and Akari, Ingo tips his hat to you. You respond by immediately fluttering over and fussing over the bags that hang below his eyes. Ingo flusters from the care, and the kids only laugh as you guide him to your abode for a warm meal and a good night’s sleep
From there, your relation blossoms. You make it your mission to take care of him, and though Ingo worries about you traveling all the way to the Highlands for him, he has to admit he melts at your softest touch. He’s been very alone at his station, so you coming in with your warmth and gentleness, it soothes the ache that seems to never leave Ingo’s heart. He’s quick to grow attached to you, your cooking especially, since his own skills are a little lacking in that area. In return, he finds you rare materials you need, bringing them to you with doed eyes
Every time you visit, before you leave, Ingo takes your hand in his weathered palms, and presses a firm kiss to the valley of your knuckles. His lips are chapped but warm as well, and never fail to make you shudder as they brush the sensitive skin. It makes you ache, a want to kiss him back buried deep within your heart. When the need grows to be too much, you dive foreword, sealing your lips together as he rises from your hand
Ingo jolts, but eagerly leans into you. Finally, he thinks to himself. Now his daydreams of having a family with you don’t feel so shameful
Ingo is definitely the guy that daydreams about having kids with his crush. Wants to be a dad so bad
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askstevella · 2 months
Things my husband says 🐾
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—Husband!Steve Rogers x Wife!OC
~ god help Stella 😅
Stella: Please tell me you didn’t drag Sam and Bucky into this.
Steve: I didn’t drag Sam and Bucky into this.
*the doorbell rings*
Stella: *cross her arms* Who’s at the door?
Steve: *smirks* I think you know.
Steve: What’s does IDK, WDYM and ILY mean?
Stella: I don’t know, what do you mean, I love you.
Steve: I love you too but you’re not gonna be any help, I’ll just ask Sam.
Stella: I-
Kendall: *tapping on the table*
Steve: *tapping back*
Stella: Stop that please.
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Steve: What would you do if I died today?
Stella: I’d die tomorrow.
Steve: Marry me.
Stella: Already did.
Stella: I hate you with every inch of my body right now.
Steve: That’s not a lot of inches.
Stella: I-
Sam: *at Stark party* Uhh I think we lost him.
Bucky: No we haven’t. Watch this.
Sam: Huh?
Bucky: *shouts* Your wife is useless piece of sh-!
Steve: *pops out of nowhere* SAY THAT AGAIN MOTHER—
Stella: So Steve got drunk last night.
Thor: Oh no.
Stella: And tried to set our marriage certificate on fire.
Steve: Good luck trying to return me without the receipt!
Steve: Did it hurt?
Stella: *rolls eyes* Let me guess, when I fell from heaven
Steve: No.
Stella: What?
Steve: *smiling* Did it hurt when you fell for me?
Liane: Hey what are you getting Steve for his birthday?
Stella: I am married to Steve and gave him 2 kids, that’s enough presents to last him for a lifetime.
Steve: Hey, you married Captain America, you didn’t do so bad yourself.
Stella and Bucky: *kidnapped by Hydra and HIVE*
Strucker: Soon the Captain and his team will arrive, then will see what true power tastes like
Bucky: Let us go asshole.
Strucker: Not a chance—
HIVE Agent: *hears guns blazing through the halls, grunts and screams of stuff being blown up* Uh sir, who was that?
Bucky: Your fucked.
Stella: *grins*
Steve: *bust the door open as he snarls* Say your last prayers, Strucker!
Stella: *looks at him while he’s drawing and mutters* I’d date you.
Steve: *smirks, definitely heard her* What?
Stella: *blinks and half scoffs* I said, I hate you.
Steve: *smiles to himself* I hate you more.
Bucky: *drunk on Asgardian liquor* Sam is the hottest person I ever met.
Steve: He is your fiancé.
Bucky: Bullshit. I can’t stand the guy.
Steve: So why did you just say find him hot then?
Bucky: Cause I got eyes, Steve.
Steve: *under his breath* I don’t wike it.
Natasha: *gasps*
Steve: Nat don’t—
Stella: *at 3am reading* Wow, some few hours earlier some couple just tried to kill each other in their own home. Can you imagine someone ever snapping like that?
Steve: *trying to fall asleep glaring at her* I can.
Steve: If I dislocated John Walker’s arm, would they arrest me despite being the original Captain America?
Stella: Yes. Yes they could.
Steve: I’m dying!
Stella: WHAT?
Steve: -of hunger!
Stella: Oh thank heavens.
We might need a Steve one soon 🤔 what do we think? Which couple is next? Liane & Ethan? Rose & Finn? Peter & Rei?
Please like, comment and share 🫶🏼
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @sherloquestea and etc
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tklpilled · 5 months
& is strictly platonic, / can be platonic or romantic. bolded are my favourites. if there's a rarepair you don't see on here, feel free to ask!! i'm a multishipper and i like exploring different character dynamics :)
fandoms are in the same order as on the fandoms list, with the exception of genshin being last bc there are so many lol
bungou stray dogs:
atsushi/akutagawa/lucy or any combination
chuuya & dazai & atsushi & akutagawa or any combination
sigma/fyodor/nikolai or any combination
ranpo/poe/mushitarou or any combination
kenji & chuuya
kenji & atsushi
kenji & junichirou
atsushi & kyouka
gin & akutagawa
oda & dazai
hunter x hunter:
killua & gon & leorio & kurapika & alluka or any combination
pitou & youpi & pouf & meruem or any combination
fullmetal alchemist:
ling & lan fan
ed & al & roy or any combination
fruits basket:
tohru/yuki/kyo or any combination
kyo & momiji & haru or any combination
tohru & momiji
ayame/shigure/hatori or any combination
tohru/uotani/hanajima or any combination
my hero academia:
bakugou/izuku/todoroki or any combination
izuku/shinsou/kaminari or any combination
p much any class 1-a pairing lol
sk8 the infinity:
reki & langa & miya or any combination
the case study of vanitas:
noe & domi & louis or any combination
vanitas & mikhail
dante/johann/riche or any combination
vash/wolfwood/meryl or any combination
vash & knives
jujutsu kaisen:
yuuji/nobara/megumi or any combination
megumi & gojo & yuuji & nobara or any combination
choso & yuuji
gojo & geto & shoko or any combination
chainsaw man:
denji & aki & power or any combination
buddy daddies:
attack on titan:
eren/mikasa/armin or any combination
jean/connie/sasha or any combination
reiner & annie & bertholdt or any combination
demon slayer:
tanjirou & nezuko
heaven official's blessing:
shi qingxuan/he xuan
hua cheng/xie lian/yin yu or any combination
hua cheng/xie lian/feng xin/mu qing or any combination
yin yu/quan yizhen
qi rong & xie lian
south park:
tweek/craig/kenny or any combination
stan/kyle/kenny or any combination
miles & gwen & hobie & pav or any combination
miles & peter b
six of crows:
kaz/inej/nina/wylan/jesper or any combination
the raven cycle:
ronan/gansey/adam/noah/blue or any combination
henry/gansey/blue or any combination
breath of the wild/tears of the kingdom:
daruk & urbosa & mipha & revali & link & zelda or any combination
link & tulin
honkai star rail:
stelle/march 7th/dan heng
jing yuan & yanqing
aventurine/dr ratio
gallagher & misha
dan heng/jing yuan
dan heng/boothill
blade/dan heng
acheron/black swan
serval & gepard & lynx
arlan & asta
ace attorney:
apollo & trucy
franziska & edgeworth
maya & phoenix
apollo & athena
dead plate:
the magnus archives:
jon/martin/tim/sasha or any combination
jon & georgie
genshin impact:
kaeya & diluc
chongyun/xingqiu/gaming or any combination
ei/yae miko
cyno/tighnari/albedo or any combination
cyno/tighnari/alhaitham/kaveh or any combination
lyney & lynette & freminet or any combination
kaeya/albedo/aether or any combination
fischl/razor/bennett or any combination
barbara & jean
chongyun & xiangling & xingqiu or any combination
hu tao/yanfei
hu tao/xiao
gorou & kokomi
shinobu & itto
kazuha/scaramouche/heizou or any combination
nahida & scaramouche
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trio-of-all-time · 1 year
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ROUND 1A (05/02)
1. Sora, Kairi, and Riku (Kingdom Hearts) VS Carter, Sadie, and Zia (The Kane Chronicles)
2. Hunter, Willow, and Gus (The Owl House) VS Josie, Valerie, and Melody (Riverdale)
3. Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman (DC Comics) VS Mike, Stan, Bill (IT)
4. Axel, Roxas, and Xion (Kingdom Hearts) VS Kotori, Honoka, and Umi (Love Live! School Idol Festival)
5. Professor Layton, Luke, and Emmy (Professor Layton) VS Marc, Steven, and Jake (Moon Knight)
6. Draculaura, Clawdeen, and Frankie (Monster High) VS Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl (Pokemon)
7.  Kazuki, Rei, and Miri (Buddy Daddies) VS  Starscream, Soundwave, and  Megatron (Transformers)
8.  Buffy, Willow, and Xander (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) VS Adagio, Aria, and Sonata (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
ROUND 1B (05/05)
1.  Kirk, Spock, and McCoy (Star Trek) VS Adora, Glimmer, and Bow (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
2.  Yor, Loid, and Anya (Spy x Family) VS  Mio, Yuuko, and Mai (Nichijou)
3. Joker, Crow, and Violet (Persona 5 Royal) VS Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
4. Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi (Jujutsu Kaisen) VS Yu, Chie, and Yosuke (Persona 4)
5. Percy, Annabeth, and Grover (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) VS Huey, Dewey, and Louie (DuckTales) 
6. Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve (Stranger Things) VS Sugimoto, Asirpa, and Shiraishi (Golden Kamuy)
7. Ayaka, Ayato, and Thoma (Genshin Impact) VS Wirt, Greg, and Beatrice (Over The Garden Wall)
8. Daichi, Sugawara, and Asahi (Haikyuu!!) VS Eren, Mikasa, and Armin (Attack on Titan)
ROUND 1C (05/08)
1.  Shadow, Rouge, and Omega (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
2.  Henry, Charles, and Ellie (The Henry Stickmin Collection) VS Minho, Thomas, and Newt (The Maze Runner)
3.  Anne, Sasha, and Marcy (Amphibia) VS  Tighnari, Cyno, and Collei (Genshin Impact) 
4. Terra, Ventus, and Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) VS  Yukimura, Sanada, and Yanagi (Prince of Tennis)
5.  Hiyori, Yato, Yukine (Noragami) VS  Izzy, Noah, and Eva (Total Drama)
6.  Sam, Dean, and Castiel (Supernatural) VS  M.K., Mei, and Red Son (LEGO Monkie Kid)
7. Rey, Poe, and Finn (Star Wars) VS Trailblazer, March 7th, and Dan Heng (Honkai Star Rail)
8.  Xie Lian, Mu Qing, and Feng Xin (Heaven Official’s Blessing) VS  Sweet, Cap'n, and K_K (Deltarune)
ROUND 1D (05/11)
1.  Denji, Aki, and Power (Chainsaw Man) VS Martin, Tim, and Sasha (The Magnus Archives) 
2.  Narancia, Mista, and Fugo (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) VS  Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
3.  Shiver, Frye, and Big Man (Splatoon 3) VS Jolyne, Ermes, and Foo Fighters (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
4. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS  Kaz, Inej, and Jesper (Six of Crows)
5.  Jessie, James, and Meowth (Pokemon) VS Amy, Cream, and Big (Sonic the Hedgehog)
6.  Yukari, Ran, and Chen (Touhou Project) VS  Danny, Sam, and Tucker (Danny Phantom)
7.  Josuke, Yasuho, and Rai (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) VS Cecil, Kain, and Rosa (Final Fantasy IV)
8.  Manny, Sid, and Diego (Ice Age) VS Rindo, Fret, and Nagi (The World Ends With You)
have fun voting! propaganda post submissions and reblogs are welcome and encouraged, and may the best group win >:)
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
the thought of lian and rei from spy x family au having a pseudo-rivalry is so cute lmao. also i find it really fitting that lian, miner kid who likes rocks, would like dinosaurs (digging up fossils and getting pokemon from reviving them! archaeology and paleontology are like mining right?).
Lian is SO ready to go to the museum and see the fossil Pokemon and cool rocks... and then their bus gets hijacked!! What!! Unfair!!!
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[Snippet idea: The Pokédex project had been gaining momentum ever since Mackenzie fell from the rift. However, Laventon couldn’t help worrying about the young girl. She had been pushing herself harder since fulfilling Warden Mai’s request. Rei and Akari were worried too.]
The only way to describe the current situation was pure chaos. Granted it was organized chaos considering the Pokémon were battling within certain areas yet still chaos... Laventon had been too busy studying a “shiny” specimen Mackenzie caught to read her general notice. It was to his later embarrassment that he ran into the pastures worried the Pokémon were rioting.
Luckily, Akari managed to pull him away from an eevee’s impressive Swift attack. “Goodness! What in the world is going on here, my girl?”
“Training,” she replied immediately, “Mackenzie has been going kinda crazy training her team and offered us to join a session. She issued a notice five days ago to the security corps informing them about this. Rei’s behind those mon-made boulders with Pikachu and Staravia practicing their steel-type moves. I’m guessing you were too busy to read it and panicked?”
A sheepish nod was his response. Now that he could look around, Laventon noticed many of the Pokémon were using the same moves. The wielder (or rather trainer as she preferred) was supervising everything on her ponyta Colton.
It still amazed the professor that someone could sit on a fire-type ponyta’s flaming back unburned if it truly trusted them. Geodudes threw rocks at a pair of Stantler that were trying to catch most in psychic power. Sylveon was throwing around Fairy Winds alongside some Beautiflies Silver Wind. Shinxes and Luxio slowly walked forward in the wind attacks shrouded in electrical energy. Buizels pushed against Bidoofs using their powerful Aqua Jet who in turn retaliated with Rollout.
But the star of the training session had to be the Alpha Kricketune. Sokka the recently-evolved Dewott matched its X-Scissors with his own. Professor Laventon noticed the training session centered around taking attacks as well as pushing through to get close to the attacker.
He was unsure why Mackenzie chose to train so many Pokémon all at once, but her unique style helped her win in the Alpha fight. That Swift firing Eevee occasionally showered the various battles in energy stars. Every Pokémon had to continue their battles while also avoiding the little normal type’s attack. Mackenzie clicked her tongue before leading Colton toward the Stantlers, “Star grazed your horn, Nicholas. Switch to practicing charge beam with Picard.”
Nicholas snorted before making his way over to where her Pikachu was using Swift. Picard’s move when compared to Eevee left a lot to be desired. The yellow mouse waved to Laventon.
Finally, Akari led him away from the main area.
Hopefully, Sokka can solo Kleavor whenever the frenzy starts, she thought, I don’t want to fight him on my own for too long.
Pokémon training was much harder than the games made it out to be. Not to mention she wanted to avoid having her Pokemon break down from similar training to Paul. Keeping an eye on so many proved challenging yet fun seeing the actual creatures battle each other. One of the few upsides to holding this training session with most of the Security Corps’ Pokémon was Captain Zisu focused on Kleavor.
Injuries should be kept to a minimum as only the more experienced guards joined her in the investigation. Mackenzie hoped Lian was okay even if his Lord still recognized him. (Hopefully anyway...) Professor Laventon was silly to run into an active battling field like that.
(I noticed I only wrote one thing involving Mackenzie so have a snippet with her in it. She and Caitlin are very different personality-wise which I hope people can figure out from this.)
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d144-catzie · 2 years
Me feelin' conflicted to make Akari/Rei or Lian/Sabi the Anya role in my spy x family AU
Because I literally adopted all of 'em-
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waltzforaidan · 6 months
Top 2023
Kara Jackson - Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love?
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Mitski - The Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We boygenius - boygenius
Noname - Sundial
Wednesday - Rat Saw God
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Amor Muere - A time to love, a time to die
Julie Byrne - The Greater Wings
Corinne Bailey Rae - Black Rainbows
Liturgy - 93696
Kelela - Raven
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slowthai - UGLY
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100 gecs - 10,000 gecs
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cabezadenego - Mimosa
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Polara - Partilha
Ana Frango Elétrico - Me Chama de Gato Que Eu Sou Sua
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gueersh - Tempo Elástico
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Sophia Chablau e Uma Enorme Perda de Tempo - Música do Esquecimento
Crypta - Shades of Sorrow
0 notes
draconiccatgirl · 7 months
Do you think that Rei and Moji could be a couple?
I don’t think they’re compatible in terms of personality. Moji is content with nature but Rei's thirst for knowledge has kinda pushed her beyond just being okay with nature.
And also I just like Rei x Lian a lot more.
0 notes
smallestapplin · 2 years
as someone with hypersomnia, ive scared people.
slept for 3 days once.
imagine the poor mc scaring everyone like that.
they wake up and everyones crying cause they think your dying (granted you havent eaten in 3 days but still)
Your sleep schedule has been a mess. All day almost every day and night you’ve been working, mission this and mission that, you’re exhausted.
Today had been the first day you had gotten home at a reasonable hour and the second your body touched your futon you were out.
The warmth or your blanket and the softness of the mattress made the perfect cozy cocoon, it felt like a cloud with the week you’ve had.
Rei was sent that morning to get you, you hadn’t gotten up yet and the commander was getting agitated the longer you weren’t in his office.
He knocks on your door and calls out “hey hero! You up?” He continues knocking for a bit before waiting.
There was no sound of movement on the other side, man survey work must’ve taken a lot out of you!
“Hey, I’m coming in, if that’s okay!” Ever the sweet boy.
Gentle sliding the door open just enough to peek in. Seeing your still asleep he walks in.
Sitting beside you Rei tries to gently shake you awake.
“Come on wake up, rise and shine! We got the whole day ahead of us!”
His shaking gets more and more aggressive trying to wake you up before he yanks your blanket off of you, and when that didn’t work he took your pillow from under your head and started hitting you with it.
“This isn’t funny, how can you be such a heavy sleeper!?”
The more he continues the more his frustration turns into worry. Why aren’t you waking up? You’re still breathing but no matter what he has done you don’t budge.
“Okay I’ll be back!” Rei tries not to panic, where you hit by some Pokémon attack?
He rushes back to but goes try to Cyllene’s office.
“The hero won’t wake up.” His voice breaks a little.
The stoic woman looks up for her paperwork “what do you mean they won’t wake up?”
Laventon pokes his head in from his office “everything alright? Usually they are up by now.”
“That’s what I thought!” Rei cries “but I shook them as hard as I could, called for them as loud as I could without getting a complaint, and even took their blanket off them, I even hit them with their pillow! Nothing! They didn’t even twitch!”
Laventon and Cyllene share a look.
“I’ll go check on them.” The professor heads out the door with his assistant following close behind.
Cyllene only hopes they come back with a drowsy you.
Laventon does what he can, he made some Galarian curry, the warmth and smell of the homemade dish didn’t wake you, a whistling tea kettle didn’t wake you, both of their yelling didn’t wake you.
Laventon picks you up “we are taking them to the medical ward, in form the others.”
Rei rushes ahead of the professor so Pesselle gets ready, once he does that he in forms the commander, knowing Cyllene’s office door is open and will see Laventon.
Cyllene barely holds back a gasp when she sees Laventon bringing you in.
“Were they attacked last night?” The captain meets Laventon before he can continue and takes you in her arms.
“I’m not sure, they made no moves other than breathing.”
Cyllene cusses under her breathe and moves you to the medical bay.
“I already have the bed set up over there please.”
Setting you on the bed Cyllene is swiftly moves away by Pesselle. The nurse quickly checking you over, moving your limbs to see if there is anything out of place or wounds.
When those don’t work she turns to the captain “they have a Blissey, right? Professor said those are good at sensing when someone is hurt, could you by any chance go get one for me?”
Cyllene didn’t need to be told twice and was at the pastures within seconds.
Your Pokémon there perk up at the sight of her, gently letting out happy sounds from each one.
“Is there a Blissey in the pastures?” The stoic woman asks the worker.
“Oh yes, she usually stays around the smaller Pokémon go tend to them in the back over there.”
The pasture worker screams as Cyllene hops the fence with easy, your Pokémon have noticed her stressed emotions and actively call for the big pink Pokémon.
Who comes rushing towards her.
“Hello, I require you assistance for a moment, please follow me.”
With a joyful cry the Pokémon follows Cyllene through the field, opening the gate herself and allowing the healing Pokémon free.
“I’m sorry but-“
Cyllene doesn’t stop to listen, making her way to where you were.
“I’ve brought the Pokémon.”
The Blissey cheers at seeing your sleeping form and bounces around happily, but makes no move to start healing or tending to you. In fact Blissey sits down and starts rocking and falling asleep.
“Laventon.” Cyllene doesn’t take her eye off you.
“Blissey’s are natural healers.” He starts.
“So that must mean there is nothing wrong with them.” Pesselle finishes.
The room is filled with sighs of relief, but then confusion.
“They why won’t they wake up?”
“Possibly the worlds heaviest sleeper? I’m sure they will come around.” Rei adds.
“Abra.” The Pokémon instantly teleports in “I wish for you to stay here and keep watch over the hero, if they wake you are to report back to me.”
The floating Pokémon makes a confirming sound and makes a spot floating beside you.
“Everyone else, back to your orders.”
And they did, occasionally checking on you to see if you’ve woken up yet. Cyllene gets increasingly more worried when by the end of the day her Abra doesn’t come to her at all.
She peeks in and finds you haven’t moved, neither as your Blissey or her Abra.
She hope in the morning you’ll be up.
But you never did.
The next morning the room is exactly how it was left as were you.
“Where is the hero?” Kamado was at Cyllene’s desk those time.
“They are still asleep sir, Abra has not alerted me to any movements or them waking up, I am concerned by this, it’s been over twenty-four hours.”
Kamado huffs “have you tried pouring water over them?”
“I’m positive if Pesselle doesn’t end you for ruining her sheets, I will.” She stops her work and stares at the man in front of her.
“Then what are we to do? We need them out there.”
“If you are so concerned about filling the pokedex then why don’t you go do it?”
Kamado stops talking and crosses his arms.
“If you don’t wish to talk to the clan leaders about why the hero hasn’t showed up to help them direct them to me.” She returns to reviewing reports.
Kamado leaves for his office just as Rei and Laventon show up.
“Are they awake yet?” Rei asks excitedly.
“I’m afraid not.” The swordswoman sighs a Rei’s dejected face.
Laventon looks towards you in worry.
“And Blissey hasn’t indicted something wrong?”
“Also no.”
The three sigh, worried about your condition.
The silence is broken by a sniffle “a-are they dying?”
“What? No not at all Rei! If they were dying, hurt, or ill, Blissey would’ve let us know.”
Laventon shushes the boy gently, hugging him and rubbing circles on his back.
“I apologize for the interruption-“
“I don’t, where are they!”
The three look towards the door and see Ingo and Lian standing there.
“I’m sorry for his outburst, we haven’t heard from the hero and we are getting worried.” Ingo tilts his hat down.
Lian puts his hands on his hips “they promised to hang out with me today, but it’s almost evening, where are they!…..Rei?”
Both warden’s look concerned while Rei furiously wipes away his tears.
“A-are they?” Lian’s bottom lip quivers.
“Did they?” Ingo asks softly.
“No no! They are fine!”
Laventon speaks “it’s been over twenty-four hours, probably more than forty-eight hours, and they still haven’t woken up.”
“We have tried everything! And I just..I was getting worried.”
“They have been asleep for two days?” Ingo sounds surprised, sure you’re always sleepy and tired, but that long?
“Yes, Abra is set to alert Cyllene if they wake up, and their Blissey has basically told us there is nothing wrong with them.” Laventon hums.
The two warden’s visit you where you slept.
Blissey jumping up happily at the sight of them.
“Is there anything we can do to help?”
The professor shakes his head “I’m afraid not, it’s just a waiting game now.”
“Then we stay here until they wake up.” Lian declares, sitting beside you.
“Lian we have work to do, and you have a noble to tend to.” The older warden says tenderly.
“Lord Kleavor will understand! He likes big sib anyways.”
Ingo sighs “should we tell everyone else?”
“Oh no, if this is just something small it would cause a big fuss over nothing, we don’t want to start chaos.” Cyllene waves him off.
That night Lian laid on the bed next to yours waiting for you to wake up.
Rei laid with him hoping that whatever was listening would wake you. He weeps silently.
Cyllene closed all doors to her office and allowed herself to shed a tear, her worry for you is immense.
Laventon cries into the desk, what if you are dying? What if you’re too far gone and that’s why Blissey isn’t reacting, cause there is nothing she can do.
Ingo stayed in Jubilife that night as well, but he couldn’t sleep, he kept walking around the Village and stop by to spend time with your Pokémon, before going back to the medical bay and checkin on you and the boys.
You blink your eyes lazily, groaning as your stretch, bones popping while you fall limp once more to the bed.
Man last night sleep felt great.
You scream when the door flings open, Cyllene, Laventon, and Ingo stood there wide eyed.
The noise woke up Lian and Rei who awaken with a start.
“You’re awake!” Laventon cries.
“Oh thank the Sinnoh’s.” Cyllene sighs.
“You had us worried.” Ingo laughs in relief.
You’re suddenly tackled and pulled into a snug group hug by Lian and Rei.
“Guys what the hell, I was just asleep.” You speak through a yawn.
“Dear you were asleep for three days, we have a right to be worried!” The other stare in disbelief at you.
“Now that you mention it, I am hungry and a bit thirsty, can-“
You didn’t even get to finish your sentence when Ingo and Laventon ran off to fetch those things for you.
“We thought you were dying!” Rei cries this time.
“Guys please, I was just really tired.”
Cyllene clears her throat “I will be making sure your hours are cut then, I do not want a repeat of this.”
“Cyllene, as much as I love how much you guys care for me you can’t do that, it’s not something that can be stopped.”
Their confused faces tell you you’re going to need to explain what hypersomnia is.
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jackiequick · 9 months
The Avengers Initiative | Early 2010s [Marvel Phase 1 Fanfic]
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Summary: Putting a team together isn’t always easy, but it’s always good to have a few helping hands. But the real question is, will this actually come?
Pairing: Jason UnderWood & Darcy Lewis, Rick Banner x Luna Marsh
Established relationship uncle and nephew: Tony Stark and Jason Underwood
Characters mentioned: Phil Coulson, Pepper Potts, Melissa Wallace, Rei Stark, Rochelle Romanoff and etc.
It was a pair of months back to backs. Fury saw something shift in the air, he felt like time was running and the future needed heroes. Young and old. Ones to learn from one another and grow together as a team.
Nick felt a threat was coming soon.
But he also knew his so called heroes wouldn’t come falling out of the sky or so he thought?
He opened a cabinet and pulled out a stack of signed paperwork. One file said it all.
The Avengers Initiative.
The man held a small smirk behind his eyes. Danvers was already in space, and he knew she had a daughter. Michelle Danvers. She will be coming soon for sure. So that was off the hook, but he needed more players.
Rogers. Stark. Banner. Romanoff. Thor. Barton. His so called main players.
But it didn’t stop there. He needed the younger links there as well.
Any extra players he can get.
He had Agent Coulson and Agent May gather another list of people that SHIELD kept tags on. Theses teens and young adults came from different backgrounds and plenty of fields. But he knew they would be fit to rise up when needed.
Coulson had scouted the fields across the country, finding a pair of unlikely characters. A couple. Instead of distributing them, he slides the file underneath their door and walked out. He waited outside the apartment across the street at a cafe, with agents secretly surrounding the area for the pair to arrive home.
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Rick Davidson. Last name Banner. He opened the door with his shy girlfriend Luna Marsh. They just did their small job downtown, finished getting groceries for the weekend and entered their home.
Luna was playing with her hair, removing her jacket but kept her sweater on due to the weather being a little chilly. She was chatting with her boyfriend. Suddenly her eyes narrowed downwards to the floor, seeing a file and raised an eyebrow.
She gently flipped it open very slowly and being rather confused.
“Uh, Rick?” She asked looking up at him, placing the file on the table.
“Yeah, lovey?” He replied, looking over his shoulder almost done, putting the stuff away.
“What’s this? I feel like I heard of it..”
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Luna looked over the logo, feeling like she heard of it. Remembering her mother, who was Jersey getting her life together for them, telling her that SHIELD was a strong place. A protective order of people, if you were found, it meant luck.
Rick turned around to face Luna in confusion, before looking at the familiar sight of the file. SHIELD headquarters paperwork was in his hands. His father Bruce Banner, who was working across the world, told him about it.
He looked up at his girlfriend, telling her everything he knew about it. She nodded listening to him.
There was a chance for something new..
Fury already sent Romanoff to keep an eye on the older Banner, meanwhile she was also keeping focus on her own daughter. Rochelle Romanoff, who was adopted by The Feltons. Along with her cousin, Liane Felton. She always knew something would go down soon.
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A fallout for The Felton family.
Liane Felton didn’t have a true care in world, however she knew she was different. A mutant. She knew about an organization built for people like her. The women deep down a broken soul who needed a true perspective in life. A purpose.
Same things goes for Rochelle Romanoff, she was the black sheep of the family and she knew, but a part of secretly felt that there was a guardian angel looking after her. Secretly it was her own biological mother.
Knowing one day she will break out and make a stand.
And that day just so happens to be the day her family was destroyed. Sitting in the rumble of the house with shock and tears threatening to show, she found a folder with information beside her.
She opened it gasping, seeing locked information of who she truly was. And she was right, she did a guardian angel. There was hope.
She just needed to wait now…
Up in Stark Tower, days past. It felt like weeks since the party. But luckily they were home.
The view of Stark Tower was shining. The flooring was designed perfectly. But most of all, it was quiet.
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Tony was building shipments for he can start creating new toys with his kid. Pepper was shopping downtown in the glitzy stores a few blocks away.
Jason sat in the living room with his grandnephew, Rei, watching a movie and eating popcorn. However the boy was more paying attention to the toolset in his hands. He was always in his little world.
The young teen was smart for his age, hell he had a freaking suit he started wearing to fly around in practice for gods sake!
Like father, like son. History repeats itself very well in that department. It made him proud honestly, but it also scared the shit out of him, Pepper and Winter. Two Starks flying around. Wow.
Rei snapped him out of his thoughts without looking up from the spot on the couch.
“Pops! Hello?! Your laptop is making noise again. Answer it!” Yelled Rei, rolling his eyes and glances at the movie.
“Huh? Yeah, thanks kiddo!” He replies, rushing over to his laptop that sat across from the couch.
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The second Jason opened up his emails as he he raised an eyebrow. SHIELD. Don’t they know he’s trying to stay retired?! Hell, he was supposed to meet Darcy this weekend.
He stop to read the folder. It said The Avengers Initiative. He heard Tony mention it. Hell, Rei mentioned it plenty of times!
This time Nick Fury wants to push it further into their minds. He didn’t mind it too much, thinking it was actually a good thing. A band of heroes young and old to keep the future alive.
But what made him almost choke on his drink was the list.
It read from Stark to to Felton to Bishop and beyond!
His eyes did a double take reading the line. Steve Rogers—Captain FREAKING America—on the list?! Mother-trucker was alive?!
Hell there were rumors that even his best friend, Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes is alive?!
Oh god, Coulson is going to have a field day about this…
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“What is it?” Rei asked, looking over his shoulder, “No that a care too much but still.”
“Nothing. Just work.” Jason repiled, keeping himself relaxed about.
“I told you not to say that word.”
“But you use it and so does my mom, so I can use it. What’s the plan?”
He knew the could would figure it out eventually, so he flipped the laptop over to him. Rei’s eyes doubled in size and blinked at the words in front of him, you couldn’t tell if he was in shock or kinda excited. He’s wanted by SHIELD.
“So. Does Dad know that he’s being officially recruited?” Said the teen.
“Nope, but he will find out soon I bet.” He replied with a sigh.
“Finally something i know before he does. Oh I’m gonna love seeing this surprise him..”
“Oh brother..”
The Lehnsherr siblings had it clear in their face. Meira was already off in her own world, working for SHIELD with her friends Melissa, Mia and Ji-Hoon. But Ethan and Cole were a whole different story.
Each found out there own way. Cole after a accident happened in front of his face thinking he screwed up huge.
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Meanwhile, Ethan was at a cafe on the upper east coast when he landed in his face.
As if both brother could’ve been more right in that moment. Since the first words that came out of their mouths afterwards were..
They were in for a wildcard of a ride.
But little did this knew this ride would lead to them working side by side, along with a group of future friends…
When the trio found out, it was an unusual idea. Leo was out of his wheelchair taking class to help with his back with Thiego teaching him. Stella was frustrated watching her brothers, which was new to her, handle the whole situation smoother than she was.
It was crazy founding out that there was 3 of them?! But it was a honest joyful sigh of tears and soft smiles. It a magic number!
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Leo was handing the rest and classes a bit better than she was. But can blame her? She felt bad about herself, a little jealous of them.
However Thiego encouraged his big brother and baby sister, even going as far to teach them magic to heal, with Wong’s help.
So it they felt the love all around.
One day after the classes and conversation, a stack of paperwork came in. All 3 siblings looked at one another confused, having a small short discussion about it after finding out what it was.
They were in sight of something bigger than they expected…
It list was long. So many of them found out different ways.
The young group consisted of Rei, Rick, Rochelle, Luna, Cole, Liane and Ethan.
The older group consisted of Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner and Clint Barton. The Strange Siblings included.
Once everything was settled into place. They all came one by one. Most importantly the younger generation of future avengers arrived.
It was a long winded conversation full of shouts, confusion, glances and some laughter. A lot of them knew of or met each other on various occasions.
The organization took the decision to make it a different path. Having rented out a small hotel for all of them with separate rooms, places to shop, food to eat and most importantly to get to know one another.
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The Young Avengers stood outside their rooms looking at the agents that were placed in front of them. All wearing causal outfits, but their IDs in their pockets.
Meira Lehnsherr, Amelia Parker, Melissa Wallace and Cho Ji-Hoon. There were other agents downstairs as well, but they seemed like they were the main four.
Mia cleared her throat awkwardly, “Hello everyone! Uh, um I’m Amelia and we’ll like to welcome you to um..ah shit i thought i had this rehearsed...”
Some of the Young Avengers chuckled and snorted at her fumbling over her words.
Meira chuckled, “What she meant to say, is that welcome to The Sandbox, people! Here you will have everything you need from beds to TV to food.”
“Exactly! We want all of you to be comfortable and get to know one another. I bet it will be rather fun.” Melissa added, going on to explain everything in full.
Ji-Hoon spoke up, “What she said! We will help you with everything you need here and so much more.”
Cole, Rick and Luna shared a small smile. Ethan leaned against the wall with his arms across and raising his hand, “Um, where would you guys be staying? And where the hell are the adults?”
Liane smiled and lightly scoffed, “We are all sorta adults here!”
Rick added, “You know what he meant. But where will you guys be staying?”
Melissa gladly answered, “Some of us are cross the hall from you guys and downstairs are the other half. As for the adults, they’re nearby so don’t worry.”
Ethan nodded and Rick shrugged, both finding it alright. Rei just shrugged as well. Rochelle smiled, walking over to Luna to start off a little conversation. The others either went to their rooms or started talking with one another.
It was hilarious really. Teens and young adults all stuck in a motel together, you can only imagine what happened that night!
Some found themselves sneaking into one another’s rooms to hang out and sleep. Meanwhile others bumped into each other in the hallway, getting lunch or dinner, some climbed to the roof to see the stars and it felt oddly enjoyable.
What happened next? You may wonder, that’s up for them to figure out.
Thanks for reading! What did y’all think?
Please reblog, like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @meiramel @msrochelleromanofffelton @parisparker269 @mandylove1000 @gcthvile @blackheart-beauty @hanlueluver @sherloquestea @rooster-84 @blueboirick and etc
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fandom · 3 years
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POV: You’re looking at a list with a mere 24% of m/f pairings. 
Destiel +9 Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural 
Lumity +5 Luz Noceda & Amity Blight, The Owl House
Sambucky Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Bakudeku +11 Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Boku no Hero Academia
Dreamnotfound Dreamwastaken & GeorgeNotFound, Streamers
Lokius Loki Laufeyson & Mobius M. Mobius, Loki
Supercorp +1 Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl
Buddie +18 Evan Buckley & Edmundo Diaz, 9-1-1
Catradora -7 Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Hannigram +27 Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham, Hannibal
Stucky +7 Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Beauyasha Beauregard Lionett & Yasha Nydoorin, Critical Role
Renga Reki Kyan & Langa Hasegawa, SK8 the Infinity
Wangxian -1 Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian, Mo Dao Zu Shi
Jikook -6 Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Zukka -10 Zuko & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Bumbleby -5 Yang Xiao Long & Blake Belladonna, RWBY
Jonmartin -4 Jonathan Sims & Martin Blackwood, The Magnus Archives
Gallavich -2 Ian Gallagher & Mickey Milkovich, Shameless
Geraskier -16 Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier, The Witcher
Wolfstar +18 Remus Lupin & Sirius Black, the Harry Potter universe
Drarry -6 Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, the Harry Potter universe
Ladynoir +24 Ladybug & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Dinluke Din Djarin & Luke Skywalker, the Star Wars universe
Kiribaku -14 Kirishima Eijirou & Bakugou Katsuki, Boku no Hero Academia
Ineffable Husbands -21 Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
Cockles Misha Collins & Jensen Ackles, Actors
Zutara -9 Zuko & Katara, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Bubbline Princess Bubblegum & Marceline, Adventure Time
Adrienette +16 Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Symbrock Venom (symbiote) & Eddie Brock, the Marvel universe
Korrasami -10 Korra & Asami Sato, The Legend of Korra
Marichat +17 Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Kanej Kaz Brekker & Inej Ghafa, Shadow and Bone
Shadowgast Caleb Widogast & Essek Thelyss, Critical Role
Merthur +6 Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin
Zelink +48 Zelda & Link, The Legend of Zelda
Tarlos +50 TK Strand & Carlos Reyes, 9-1-1: Lone Star
Klance -19 Keith & Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Darklina The Darkling & Alina Starkov, Shadow and Bone
Solangelo +51 Will Solace & Nico di Angelo, the Percy Jackson universe
Narumitsu +21 Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney
Tododeku -16 Todoroki Shouto & Midoriya Izuku, Boku no Hero Academia
Sterek +5 Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale, Teen Wolf
Dramione +23 Draco Malfoy & Hermione Granger, the Harry Potter universe
Levihan Levi Ackerman & Hange Zoë, Attack on Titan
Erasermic -12 Aizawa Shouta & Yamada Hizashi, Boku no Hero Academia
Reylo -47 Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe
Kagehina -16 Kageyama Tobio & Hinata Shouyou, Haikyuu!!
Sasusaku -21 Uchiha Sasuke & Haruno Sakura, Naruto
Johnlock +43 John Watson & Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock
Larry Stylinson -9 Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson, Singers
Wayhaught -23 Waverly Earp & Nicole Haught, Wynonna Earp
Nessian Nesta Archeron & Cassian, the A Court of Thorns and Roses series
Hualian Hua Cheng & Xie Lian, Tian Guan Ci Fu
Dani x Jamie Dani Clayton & Jamie, The Haunting of Bly Manor
Thanzag Thanatos & Zagreus, Hades
Joe x Nicky -24 Joe & Nicky, The Old Guard
Eremika Eren Jaeger & Mikasa Ackerman, Attack on Titan
Percabeth -3 Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, the Percy Jackson universe
Reddie -58 Richie Tozier & Eddie Kaspbrak, It
Phan -21 Daniel Howell & Phil Lester, YouTubers
Preath -42 Christen Press & Tobin Heath, Athletes
Eruri Erwin Smith & Levi Ackerman, Attack on Titan
Sylki Sylvie & Loki Laufeyson, Loki
Komahina Komaeda Nagito & Hinata Hajime, Danganronpa
Fjorester Fjord & Jester Lavorre, Critical Role
Harringrove -36 Steve Harrington & Billy Hargrove, Stranger Things
Harlivy -29 Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy, the DC Universe
Willex Will & Alex Mercer, Julie and the Phantoms
Spirk +2 Spock & James Kirk, Star Trek
Stony -21 Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, the Marvel universe
Matcha Blossom Joe & Cherry Blossom, SK8 the Infinity
Itafushi Itadori Yuuji & Fushiguro Megumi, Jujustu Kaisen
Taekook -17 Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Maribat -40 Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Damien Wayne, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir x The DC Universe
Raeda Raine Whispers & Eda Clawthorne, The Owl House
Sasunaru Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Naruto
Bokuaka -8 Bokuto Kotarou & Akaashi Keiji, Haikyuu!!
Malex -35 Michael Guerin & Alex Manes, Roswell, New Mexico
Ishimondo Ishimaru Kiyotaka & Owada Mondo, Danganronpa
Upstead Hailey Upton & Jay Halstead, Chicago P.D.
Wincest Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Supernatural
Codywan Commander Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Dabihawks -33 Dabi & Hawks, Boku no Hero Academia
Nalu -21 Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia, Fairy Tail
Widojest +3 Caleb Widogast & Jester Lavorre, Critical Role
Jily James Potter & Lily Evans, the Harry Potter universe
Deckerstar -19 Chloe Decker & Lucifer Morningstar, Lucifer
Satosugu Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru, Jujutsu Kaisen
Iwaoi +2 Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru, Haikyuu!!
Sessrin Sesshomaru & Rin, Hanyō no Yashahime
Ladrien Ladybug & Adrien Agreste, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Ironstrange -39 Tony Stark & Dr. Steven Strange, the Marvel universe
Luberto Luca & Alberto, Luca
Wenzhou Wen Kexing & Zhou Zishu, Word of Honor
Vmin -13 Kim Taehyung & Park Jimin, BTS
Whiterose -17 Weiss Schnee & Ruby Rose, RWBY
Chenford Lucy Chen & Tim Bradford, The Rookie
Obikin Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, the Star Wars universe
The number in italics indicates how many spots a ship moved up or down from the previous year. The ones in bold weren’t on the list last year.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Sappy blorbos with their s/o! At the latest one about s/o adopting PLA kids
Volo's hc seems interesting about "make his way to the kids' hearts" so what about...
Volo passed redemption arc, how's his progress with the kids. Everything is smooth, then imagine everyone's faces when the actually became an actual FAMILY.
Dad? Check. Mom? Check. Kids adopted under their wings? Check. A new baby perhaps...? Coming soon
(My heart bounced so fast I need more found family...and possibly becoming real family-)
Finally a family 🥹 I love found family <3
“Papa!” Sabi shouts, hanging off of Volo’s uniform. “Tell Rei to give me some Sticky Globs!”
Rei immediately pops up from the tall grass, scaring off the nearby Krickots. “No! She’s just gonna throw at me! Pops, tell her no!”
“I only did that once, you baby!”
Volo sighs, glancing over to where you’re playing with Akari and Lian. The young warden is attached to your back, mocking a stab to your shoulder while Akari pretends to punch you in the stomach. You yell out in pain and slowly collapse atop the giggling children.
“Mom, knock it off!” Akari squeals from beneath you.
“Ma, you’re squishin' ‘Kari!” Lian shouts between fits of laughter.
“I am dead.” You remind them, eyes closed and tongue hanging out. “Dead monsters don’t talk.”
“Mama!” Sabi breaks towards you, and you cock your head back to look at her. “Can I have a Stick Glob!?”
Rei is immediately on her tail. “Mom! Don’t give it to her!!”
Volo follows the kids, and helps pull you to your feet once all four start an argument over having a Sticky Glob fight. He kisses you, and tugs you close to his side so you can watch your little shits be little shits.
“I didn’t expect to be the father of four children when we became a couple.” Volo tells you, smile warm. “But I’m glad. I feel. . . fulfilled.”
“Do you?” You ask. Volo immediately cocks a brow at your coy tone. “You’re fulfilled? Just with four kids?”
“Who are you adopting next?” Volo demands, trying not to feel exasperated by how easily you manage to pick up kids. “Not one of the ragamuffins from Jubilife?”
You cackle, catching the attention of the kids. They quickly stop out their Mud Ball fight plans, then race over, wanting to know what’s so funny.
“We’re not adopting another child.” You say, loud and clear for everyone. Sabi pouts at you, so you rub her head. “We’re having another child.”
A few beats of silence pass.
“YOU’RE PREGNANT!?” Akari squeals, hands on her cheeks.
“MA!” Lian shouts, hands immediately on your tummy. “YOU’RE HAVIN’ A KID??”
"I'M GONNA BE A BIG SISTER!!" Sabi shouts. She grabs Rei's shirt and shakes the silent, gobsmacked boy. "WE'RE GONNA BE BIG SIBLINGS!!"
Volo ignores their cheers and shouts, grabbing you by your shoulders. "You're serious?"
You nod, smiling. "Yes, Volo. Pesselle confirmed it."
He kisses you. A baby. You're having a baby.
You were right, he thinks, as the kids gag at your affection. Yes, now he'll be satisfied. Or, well, maybe six won't be so bad. Or seven. Or eight.
There's still plenty of time to find out just how many kids will satisfy you both.
I am a sappy, sappy woman. Thank you so much for this request, anon. I looooooooooove found family. I'm watching Spy x Family and I am LIVING.
Have a great night, love! Once requests reopen, I'd like to see more of this theme, yeah?
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tklpilled · 2 years
characters i will write for!!
italics: my favs <3
bungou stray dogs: atsushi, dazai, kenji, junichirou, yosano, ranpo, lucy, poe, akutagawa, chuuya, tachihara, gin, higuchi, fyodor, mushitarou, nikolai, sigma, jouno, tecchou
hunter x hunter: gon, killua, kurapika, leorio, alluka
fullmetal alchemist: ed, al, winry, ling, lan fan, roy, riza
cowboy bebop: spike, jet, faye, ed
saiki k: saiki, kaidou, teruhashi, kuboyasu, hairo
spy x family: loid, yor
ouran host club: haruhi, tamaki, hikaru, kaoru, kyoya, honey, mori
fruits basket: tohru, kyo, yuki, momiji, ayame, hatori, shigure, haru, machi, kakeru, hanajima, uotani
my hero academia: izuku, todoroki, uraraka, mina, asui, iida, kaminari, kirishima, jirou, momo, shinsou, bakugou, mei, monoma, aizawa, mic, hawks, dabi, toga, shigaraki
sk8: reki, langa, joe, cherry
the case study of vanitas: noe, vanitas, domi, jeanne, louis
banana fish: ash, eiji
moriarty the patriot: william, sherlock
trigun: vash, wolfwood, meryl, milly
mob psycho 100: mob, reigen, serizawa, teru, ritsu, shou, tome
death note: l, light, misa
jujutsu kaisen: yuji, megumi, nobara, gojo, geto, nanami, yuuta, maki, mai, toge
chainsaw man: denji, aki, power, angel, kobeni, asa, yoshida
buddy daddies: kazuki, rei
bloom into you: yuu, touko, sayaka
heaven official’s blessing: xie lian, hua cheng, feng xin, mu qing, qi rong, shi qingxuan, he xuan, quan yizhen, yin yu
south park: stan, kyle, tweek, craig, kenny, butters
the umbrella academy: luther, diego, allison, klaus, five, ben (including sparrow!ben), viktor, lila
it: richie, eddie, ben, bev, bill, mike, stan
spiderverse: miles, gwen, pavitr, hobie
six of crows: kaz, inej, jesper, wylan, nina, matthias
the raven cycle: blue, gansey, noah, ronan, adam, henry
percy jackson: percy, annabeth, nico, piper, jason, leo, hazel, frank, will
pokemon: n, cheren, bianca, hugh, ingo
breath of the wild: link, zelda, sidon, revali, tulin, riju, mipha
rune factory 4: lest/frey, arthur, dylas, doug, vishnal, leon, kiel, clorica, forte, xiao pai, amber, dolce, margaret
stardew valley: sebastian, maru, penny, sam, abigail, emily, haley, elliot, shane, alex, leah, harvey
deltarune: kris, susie, ralsei, noelle, lancer
genshin impact: aether/lumine, kaeya, albedo, kaveh, alhaitham, amber, lisa, venti, xiao, zhongli, childe, thoma, ayato, ayaka, diluc, hu tao, kazuha, heizou, itto, scaramouche, cyno, tighnari
ace attorney: phoenix, edgeworth, franziska, gumshoe, maya, apollo, klavier, athena, simon, nahyuta, trucy
the magnus archives: jon, martin, tim, sasha, georgie, melanie, michael, helen
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