#robot prey
cowardlysimon · 9 months
Superma,n evil robot clones eating each ther time ‼️
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sorry for getting obsessed with new characters like.. Every day but idk they are all just so silly I love all of them.
anyways look at this video I made
I ❤️ Eradic,ator and Cybo,rg Superm,an 💕 (they want to kill each other all the time)
alright that should be all see ya
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nom-central · 3 months
XURK1TREE 👀 it's on nof my faves aughh
The Ultra Beasts were curious, yet dangerous visitors to the world unlike anything anyone's ever seen. Humanity sought to understand these alien creatures, but found that their native dimensions were dangerous for normal people to traverse.
That's where they came in. They were designated Ulysses.
A research android built to explore Ultra Space and collect data on the worlds within and the beasts that lived there. Equipped with their own team of pokemon in case they tried to attack, Ulysses was sent out on their maiden voyage into the unknown. They were instructed to return if things proved too dangerous, but they were built for this job and they would see it through. Chalk it up to the emotions they were programmed with, just in case they met any other people in Ultra Space.
Traveling was just as unpredictable as the studies showed. Ulysses wasn't sure where they ended up- their arrival in this Ultra World was rough, and only after running a diagnostics check to confirm nothing was damaged could they examine their surroundings. It was dark here, but strangely well-lit. The sky was a deep, dark blue near constantly lit by flashes of lightning, with thunder booming to announce each strike. Odd buildings dotted the landscape, monolithic and glowing a gentle blue. They didn't see anything around yet, but...the air was practically buzzing with electricity. It was uncomfortable to their sensors, and they didn't quite come prepared to deal with overcharging... The best solution was to move through quickly, find the beasts, gather data, and leave. Easy 20-minute expedition!
The buzzing in the air grew louder, almost painfully so, and the robot had little time to react to lightning striking VERY close to their position. Warning symbols flashed in their vision, the electricity was getting too much for them to handle and they had JUST arrived! Ulysses ambled away towards a rocky outcrop that provided some cover...but the storm likely wouldn't let up, and too much exposure would damage them and potentially deactivate them for good. It would seem they weren't nearly as prepared as their creators would've hoped...outside of the overflow of electricity, shame filled their circuits at the thought of their first mission being a failure.
Outside of the warnings flashing over their vision, Ulysses could pick up on movement. A sign of life in this barren place could only mean one thing- an Ultra Beast! What approached was easily twice Ulysses' size. It appeared to be humanoid in shape, but closer inspection revealed that its body was made of countless cables and wires, bound in some spots by glowing white bands. Its hands were purely metallic and sharp at the ends, looking like claws. Its head resembled a starburst, or maybe some kind of spark- visual analysis was a bit difficult due to their current state, but Ulysses recognized it as UB-03. A thick cordlike tail wagged behind it, and it was drawing ever closer to them...
Ulysses could note that its head was flashing at them. It was too rhythmic to be just random- could this be how it communicated? It wasn't like they understood, but they were in no position to do anything...they could feel some of their limbs shorting, causing them to jerk erratically. The beast flinched back, before drawing closer. A curious hand reached out, watching electricity jump between its finger and their body. After a moment of what seemed to be deliberation, it got closer. It didn't seem hostile at the very least-
Suddenly, Ulysses found themselves being hoisted up by the back of their suit. While it still didn't seem hostile, it was still well over twelve feet tall. It lifted the robot up a bit above its head, which tilted around a bit as if it was studying them. Then its other hand came up, moving towards its torso which was strangely "unbound" compared to the rest of its cablelike body. It opened itself up, wires parting and opening into a space that it was now lowering them into. Were they being...consumed? Ulysses was helpless to stop it from doing whatever it wished. At this point, it was preferable to being out in the harsh elements.
They were lowered into a loosely bag-shaped space, and the cables that parted to accept them inside moved to trap them. The inside of the beast was just as strange as the outside- the space shifted and pushed against them, with the internal cabling being covered in a light layer of some sort of slime. Blue lights traveled along the cables that surrounded them, particularly where their body touched the rubbery surface of the cables. Ulysses could feel electricity draining from their body...could it be leeching power from them? The warning symbols faded away as the excess electricity was leeched from them. As observed, this beast seemed to feed on electricity...the lightning strikes outside would likely keep it well fed. It wasn't likely it could digest them...but when was it going to let them out? Pressing at the cables did nothing for the research android. It wasn't drawing any more power from them, so this position allowed for some extensive data collection for the time being.
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teal-fiend · 2 years
Robot prey
I don’t know how this coherent this will be 
content: digestion, reformation, ambivalent prey
The robot think they’re safe from the pred because they’re not organic, they’re not made of meat, there would be no nutrients available, there is no reason why they would be eaten. 
Which is why they’re completely caught off guard when they get eaten. They genuinely did not believe the pred considered them prey.
Maybe the robot would be strong enough to brute force their way out of this situation, but they decide not to because they don’t want to damage the pred.
They think it’s weird that the pred’s stomach is trying to digest them But if something’s been put inside it, the stomach will assume that it’s food. 
As far as digestion goes, it might not be possible; the pred might have to give up after a while.
But maybe it does work. The pred’s stomach can completely dissolve metal. It absorbs any minerals it can. 
There’s an easy explanation for reformation, because the robot’s ai could be stored somewhere else besides the robotic body they use to interact with the world. So they can come back and ask the pred why they even bothered to eat them. The pred responds by eating them a second time
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fellisllupus · 5 months
beauty and the beast dca au where WE are the beast because we are human and therefore imperfect. there are not many humans left because of environmental problems and robots' population dominates humans, most people escaping to what's left of forests and nature in general, fearing the peace between two will be broken. we live in a mansion left from our granfather, who worked to build animatronics so we know the stuff. all our efforts to forget what's going on the world outside of our forest is in vain when a night themed animatronic shows up on our door, looking worn out and holding a barely functioning sun themed animatronic.
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mskenway97 · 5 months
Could I request some mouthplay/vore stuff with Animated Bumblebee maybe? If it’s okay 👉👈
Well anon, you made me think about this one but something came to me that might help. I'll increase Bumblebee's size a bit this fic. I choose a human reader
Tfa Bumblebee x gn!human!reader
Side Effects
Summary: One of the meltdown tests affected one of the autobots, and he faced the side effect.
Words: 1,131
Warning: soft vore, safe vore, mouthplay, predatory/prey, unwilling prey.
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It seemed to be an easy mission, catching Detroit's bad guys was something routine that the Prime team was used to.
Meltdown was waiting as if he had something on his mind. They had him at the ready until Bumblebee once again heeded his instinct instead of Prime's orders, he launched himself straight at the enemy only to be pinned down and feel a jab in his neck from Meltdown himself.
Bumblebee felt funny, until the enemy threw him away.
- What have you done to me? Bumblebee asked in annoyance but only Meltdown's laughter was heard.
-You'll find out soon enough.... - Meltdown said as the rest of the team approached making Meltdown leave.
Bumblebee still felt strange about the jab, he wasn't listening to Optimus' scolding, Bulkhead's words. Ratchet and Prowl noticed right away that the little autobot wasn't acting weird.
They went back to the base and examined Bumblebee, Ratchet had to examine him some more, he discovered there was something different....
Another emergency alarm went off, Bumblebee wanted to go but Optimus told him to stay at the base until further notice, leaving little Bumblebee a little upset. He was an action bot, a little prick wasn't going to bother him.
He watched the others leave and he sat playing the video game console getting dizzier and dizzier, it felt weird as if his limbs were enlarging a little. He fainted soon after, he felt something different... something deep.
Y/N had been able to leave work earlier. He hoped the autobots were.Y/N hadn't seen them in a while, plus had brought a new set for Bumblebee. I knew them from Sari as she was their babysitter, the chics were eager to show Bumblebee. Lively, childish but cute. He was surprised by their knowledge of video games, they were like rivals with joysticks. Y/N always ends up beating him making the situation more fun.
Y/N arrived at the base, which was quiet and there were no lights either. It was strange, Y/N prepared a flashlight... Despite being the base of the autobots, it was in an area quite far from the city as if it were a scary movie.
When he got to the main room, he saw that the TV was on with a video game, that gave him relief. Seeing that Bumblebee was lying on the floor causing Y/N to approach in concern.
- Bee! Bee! What happened? Bee," she said shaking him a little.
Bumblebee reacted to the touch and stood up in front of Y/N with a different expression. Y/N thought to himself, "How big are you? I remembered him shorter."
-Bee, are you okay? I saw you were on the floor and I feared the worst.... Look, I brought a new game. Bee? - asked Y/N. He was starting to feel the chills, something was wrong he was sure. She saw him approach her, as he licked his lips.
- I'm hungry
'Oh was that' thought Y/N
- I'm sure there's something in store....
- No, something different...
Y/N felt something weird going on. Something wrong... It felt like he was looking at her, following her with his eyes.
- Bee?
-I'm sure there's a more appetizing morsel...
All of Y/N's instincts kicked in and he started to run away from it, he tried to catch call someone but saw that Bumblebee was following him. So he ran faster that he dropped his cell phone on the way breaking it. Y/N felt his heart in his chest and hid behind the machinery, having a bit of an advantage being so small.
-Come on Y/N, I'll see you.... I'm sure we both like this game...
Y/N on the other hand was terrified, she hoped the autobots would arrive soon, she was trembling. She hoped it was a nightmare, she heard Bumblebee's footsteps approaching the hiding place. She tried to hold her breath, she could only hear her heart beating. He saw that he was walking away until seconds later silence returned, he thought Y/N would be safe. She relied to feel Bumblebee's servo capture her, Y/N tried to resist as best she could but she could barely move but had fallen into his servos.
-Bee, please... Listen to me," Y/N said nervously.
Bumblebee on the other hand licked her cheek and then her neck.
- I love the taste of you... I prefer to enjoy it more inside my mouth.
Y/N was horrified begging and crying but Bumblebee didn't care, despite the resistance he managed to put it in his mouth.
A big glossa starts to lick every part of your body... Giving you some warmth in spite of the fear you were feeling.
- You taste better when you twist it's very sweet of you...
Y/N was feeling small bites on her shoulder from Bumblebee's teeth, she felt her glossa turn this one over, licking more, you could hear it purring as it crushed you a little against the teeth, leaving you a little smothered.
You didn't know if you were living a nightmare or if you were being pleasured.
- You're delicious, sweetie - says Bumblebee moving from one side of his faceplate to the other crushing you a little giving you a gasp at the feel of it.
-Bee, please get me out of here... please," Y/N tried to move but her glossa had her completely immobilized.
-Relax, I'm sure it's a ride you're going to love.
Y/N felt a shiver as she shivered a little making part of the glossa lick the little one more.
-Nervous, candy... relax, we don't consume humans.... So you'll be comfortable in my tanks
Y/N tried to struggle to get out of there but was simply trapped as the glossa pushed it into her esophagus, Bumblebee gulped as Y/N was screaming Bumblebee's name was slowly going down trapped, surrounded and choking a little.
Bumblebee was feeling happy, he was rubbing his chassis as he felt Y/N in his tanks.
Then he passed out again seeing what had happened.
The autobots came back later, to see where Bumblebee was and what had happened to him they also noticed he was more.
Bumblebee had no recollection of what had happened. Then Prowl found Y/N's broken cell phone and everyone was worried about what had happened until Bumblebee remembered certain flashes of what had happened.
Y/N were scared, feeling every part of you in his glossa and finally felt something in his tanks.
Y/N were still there.
Bumblebee was terrified, that was Meltdown's surprise... And/N had paid the price.
He felt a little movement as remorse, it was all over him.
Bumblebee would have to give a long explanation of that night.
A strange one and one that Y/N was not going to forget in his nightmares.
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trannydykepuppybot · 8 months
Me flirting with organics on Discord: Damn, girl, you sure are full of blood and viscera.
Cishet guy looking over my shoulder in the lecture hall: 😟
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4tactsart · 1 month
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Woe, Shadow in a Transtar space suit from Prey (2017) be upon ye
G.U.N. space colony Ark raid but Walther Dahl Talos I raid. Discuss.
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void-draws · 7 months
Robot preds looming over prey
(I imagine the pred to be pretty huge, but the size is up to you)
The prey stands on a bridge/ a rooftop/ a cliff/ a mountain/ any high place works, suddenly a shadow is cast over the prey. When the person looks up, they see the pred's face, staring at them.
Or, the prey stands on the ground or smth, when the prey turns around to see what causes the gigantic shadow that is cast over them, they only see the pred's feet/legs. The prey has to look up at the pred to see the pred's face.
If the prey is standing on an elevated surface, the Robot might reach their hand out to grab the person.
The prey could try to run away, but because they're on a higher surface, they are easier to capture.
The pred could even just use their mouth to pick 'em up, if the prey is on high enough ground.
The prey would only see these giant robotic jaws decend on them.
Or if the prey is on the ground infront of the pred robot, the pred might need to chase them, like a human trying to catch a mouse.
If the prey doesn't run they probably just get scooped up and gulped down.
Maybe the robot tosses them into the air and catches them in their mouth, before gulping them down.
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doubledealer93 · 1 year
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Some photos from winter. Probably my favorite beast box because it's my favorite bird.
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hauntingblue · 1 month
Gear 5 luffy's laugh is so contagious I just hear the drums and go insane how does this work. What did he do to me
#i still cant believe how much this new opening theme goes off.... DREAM SAVE ALL OF US 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH 💥💥💥💥💥💥#wait a second. the robot attacked 200 years ago. the void century was 800 years ago no????? what#oh see it was made 900 years ago.... but why did it attack 200 years ago then.... what happened#it is still so funny how they made evegapunk einstein but with some cunty long legs#200 years ago they gave rights to the gyojin!!! i see i see ✍️✍️also i still wonder why law and kuma have similar hat and pants designs#like there is NO WAY that much similarity isnt done on purpose. NO FUCKING WAY!!! I NEED ANSWERS!!!#are they annihliating cp ships akdhakskd yeah vegapunk letsgo#also the opening song is about dreams and the end one is about luffy reaching shanks...... havent got a clue why but there it is#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1098#also is lucci named lucci bc it kinda sounds like luffy. SERAPHIM KUMA HAS HIS DEVIL FRUIT???? vegapunk could only make zoan fruits????#also wdym when cp0 acts it means its some historic event. lucci is like 25. where are the experienced people here#sentomaru works for vegapunk??? maybe i forgor about this tbh also do theu have a doffy seraphim??? the fact they have animal names....#stussy letting kaku get hurt akdhsjsn oh atlas has lamb ears..... and lucci said she is is prey... no..... the foresahdowing :(#lucci you fucked up she just gave luffy food... that a death sentence look what happened to kaido#episode 1099#<- oh my god btw. god. jesus.#why is akainu telling the cp0 what to do or thinks he can do that... thats the world gov... also thinkng about how garp should fight him#and not luffy.... because of ace you know... i still wonder how did sengoku know who ace's father was... there is only one man who knew....#everyone trying to stop them from fighting ajdhsksjks two rabid dogs fr#LUFFY TAKING OFF HIS JACKET WHEN LUCCI ASKS FOR HIS WANTED SIGN!!!! GO OFF KING!!!! SLAY!!! THE CREW SAW HIM!!! FINALLY!!!#i have been smiling since he started the transformation this is so sick...... i have got a case of the luffy brain#zoan fruits steal the personality of the user when they awaken ✍️✍️ luffy???? nami being the only one who saw gear 5 <3 twins manifesto#robin being so shook about luffy being a god ajdbjansk wdym devil fruits exist because people wish for them. fairy magic real????#WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE FROM ALTERNATE REALITIES WHERE SOMEONE DREAMT ABOUT THEM??? DOES HE TRAVEL THRU REALITIES FOR THEM???#jinbe has been making this face 😧 every episode three times it is amazing ajdhaksnsk poor man... now he sees a kid angel version of himself#after seeing hia captain turn into a god... he is gonna get a stroke OMG SENTOMARU WE JUST GOT YOU BACK#episode 1100#<- CRAZY. INSANE. OH GOD. ONLY 12 LEFT. THATS A WEEKEND!!! I CANT DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cowardlysimon · 1 year
hey garten, of ban ban nation
happy pride month
here's some art I made at 2 am yesterday 💀
I'll put more effort into the next thing (maybe idk I'm sleepy)
Btw. These guys are my OCS Rick and Gigabit. Idk I was young when I named them lmao.
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uh also. I watched Clone, High, season 2
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5paceacer · 1 year
Couldn't help but draw a Prey au on Robots, the idea's been stuck in my head for so long it's not even funny
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Still not sure how Rodney would get Typhon abilities, but now I kinda wanna see him running around Talos-I and interacting with others, might develop this more
(also might make Bigweld as Alex and Cappy as Mikhaila, but that's if I'm going to go further into this lol)
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infriga · 7 months
My friend and I started watching Bodies cause we were curious about it and had just finished House of Usher so we were the mood for something else to watch, and we clocked the 1890's detective as gay so fast it's kinda hilarious. Sir you did not need to eye fuck the journalist like that.
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dzamie-oc · 7 months
Voretober 19 - Replica
Length: 2100 words Vore type: M/M oral vore, willing prey Fandom: None Other info: furry robot pred, human prey Summary: There are certain benefits to befriending a mad* scientist Synth. And certain risks, but I'm sure it's fine. *Teq would surely argue that sanity is a meaningless concept to a robot, and therefore it cannot be lost (Synths are an open species created by Vader-San)
Sam blinked his eyes open; he was laying in some sort of cushioned tube, like the ones in Teq's lab. He tapped the glowing "exit" button and sat up, groggy. Around the tube was, well… Teq's lab. The practically second home of his Synth friend, the place was littered with tools, notes, and half-finished contraptions that it swore it had put in "the most efficient places possible." Today, the focus seemed to be around the biggest 3D printer Sam had ever seen, covered in papers with diagrams and measurements all over them.
Teq itself stood over its desk, presumably with even more complicated papers. [Oh, hello again Sam. Did you wake up well?] it asked, turning its head so its visor could "look" at him. Really, with its tail plugged into the wire hanging from the ceiling, Teq had seen Sam through every wall-mounted camera pointed near him, but he appreciated the familiar body language.
"Er, yeah, thanks for the makeshift bed, but I don't remember climbing in."
[Perfectly normal,] it replied, its electronic wink pulsing a mischievous yellow and blue, [seeing as you didn't.]
"Right, yeah, I remember some new scan you wanted to…" a yawn interrupted Sam, and he reached up in a big stretch, one that drew his attention to his outfit.
Or rather, his lack thereof.
"Teq, do you know why I'm naked?"
Sam sighed. "Care to tell me?"
[Oh, absolutely!]
A few more seconds passed, and another sigh. "This stopped being funny the second time you did it."
The corners of the Synth's mouth pulled back in a grin, filled with its flat, blunt set of metal "teeth." [I wholeheartedly disagree! Buuuut it does wear thin quickly. Your clothes are folded over there,] it pointed towards a bench where, indeed, Sam's clothes sat, [but if everything goes well, you won't need them.]
"Uh-huh." Sam swung his legs out of the tube, grimaced when they touched the frigid floor, and reluctantly sat back down. "But I'll hear you out. What are you up to?"
[I've discovered a method to fork humans!] Teq said, its lights flashing like glittering gold. [Sinera contributed the magic part, since I am incapable of thaumic conductivity. Perhaps another day I will attempt to optimize away the safeguards she applied, but that requires many more tests.]
Sam rolled his eyes, smiling. "Is this leading up to a "I can't fork you if you're not naked" joke?"
Teq simply stuck out its metal, segmented tongue; Sam noticed that it was wetter than the Synth usually kept it. It crossed its arms and huffed, [well, not if you're going to take it away from me. I would like one more trial, however, before introducing a variable in participant.]
"Okay, so… forking is your "I'm being a funny computer" way of saying cloning, right? How many Sams are there running around right now?"
[One, if you count yourself.]
"Oh, so you failed, but you want to try again?"
Teq shook its head. [Every single trial has passed! It just… turns out having more than one active at a time causes problems. I won't elaborate.]
A sense of dread grew in Sam's chest. "So… so what happened to the others?"
[I ate them,] the Synth said simply, [accidentally scanning your browser history gave me a great idea, really, that reduces the net energy cost per test!]
"Am I-" Sam's breath caught in his throat, "- am I next?" He rose into a crouch, as though thinking he could run in a facility where the robot dragon controlled every machine and the doors.
[Ideally, yes, but you know how I am about consent forms for research participation.] Teq grabbed a few sheets of paper and flipped through them, likely more for dramatic effect than actually recalling information. [I was hoping for a nice, round 16, but if you would rather not, I can simply attempt to court a new subject. I'll keep you in the loop, of course.]
Sam shook his head and climbed out, gritting his teeth at the cold against his feet, and the distinct lack of anything keeping his body heat in. "Well, I'm glad to hear I can avoid you killing me by just telling you not to." He shivered. "Fuck, it's chilly in here."
[I have been keeping my internal spatial storage at 30 degrees Celsius,] the Synth offered, pointing one finger helpfully into its mouth, [and the path from intake to storage is of a similar temperature.]
Trying to keep his teeth from chattering, Sam stepped towards his clothes. "Is that supposed to convince me to let you eat me?"
[It was a convincing argument three times, though putting your clothes in your line of sight seems to have disrupted this trend.]
The man stopped and turned. "Three times? Wouldn't I remember?"
Teq stepped closer, but remained at a short distance. [Moreso than I anticipated, which is an annoyingly convincing argument towards the existence of souls - I might be out a few hundred bucks. But still, scarcely more than the character in that game you played last night remembered if you asked hir to use hir tail, penis, or mouth to eat your character.]
Sam nearly jumped with shock, but his blush meant his face, at least, didn't feel cold. "H-how did you-"
[Fifth trial, you used it as an analogy to your situation while sitting inside me.] It winked at him, the dotted oval briefly changing into a lit-up caret. [However, I only possess a mouth. Perhaps for later experiments or leisure…]
Sam crossed his arms, and walked up to it. "Fifteen times?" Teq nodded. "You're not telling me a lower number to trick me into agreeing to more?"
[Nor am I lying with a higher number to imply a greater confidence of success,] it agreed. [I chose this method of… duplicate prevention to increase the odds of your cooperation and to avoid a mess. I supect I will use its appeal to attract a new test subject after one final successful run.]
An uneasy look crossed the man's face. "I… hadn't thought of the "higher number" thing until you brought it up." He sighed, and looked at Teq's draconic face. "Please be honest again: did I enjoy being swallowed and, uh… whatever you did to me?"
[Yes, unless you lied to me about it. I did not see utility in attempting to discern that.] It looked away with its hand on its chin, as though thinking. [With the exception of an unfortunately uncomfortable entrance. If you decide to go one more time, I will eat you feet-first to prevent this.]
"…alright. Load up that consent doc, Teq."
[Thank you~!] it replied, with a small jingle. Its facial display showed a text document, and its upturned eyes soon faded from view. [You know the deal, read carefully, button at the bottom. Basically the same thing you've done for other experiments, just with a different procedure name.]
"Yeah, yeah…" Sam muttered, flicking his finger along the display. Text scrolled by far too fast to read, but at least it didn't take long to reach the indicated button. One tap later, and the document vanished, soon replaced by Teq's familiar eyes. "Okay, so now do I- gah!"
There was a clicking noise as Teq extended its tail, curled it behind Sam's legs and back, and then gently pushed the man back onto it. Sam immediately stiffened, anticipating a similar chill, but whatever Teq had done to keep its insides heated had somewhat extended to its tail - while definitely not warm by any measure, it was… better than room temperature. He was jolted out of his thoughts by a much greater heat around his feet and ankles. Looking down, Sam was greeted by the view of his synthetic friend's head by his knees, and the inside of its mouth visible in small gaps.
[Are you okay?] Teq asked. It took Sam a second to remember that, although the Synth usually moved its mouth while talking, it technically just used speakers. He nodded, and Teq's tail smoothly drifted closer, feeding more of his legs into the warm faux-throat. Once most of his thighs were gone, a quiet whirring accompanied a new sensation: like a massage chair, rolling pressure constantly pushed at his legs from all sides, coaxing him down.
When the heat of Teq's mouth and throat washed over his upper thighs and exposed balls, Sam flushed red and quickly covered himself with his hands. The Synth's eyes - and even its display background - tinted pink, and, teasing him, it remarked, [I guess I should ignore that rather than… encouraging you. Good to see you continue to enjoy this.] Its tail pushed him forward, and its throat changed from a gentle pull to more of a controlled slide.
With everything below his chest fully inside Teq's gullet or deeper, Sam realized he could kick around a little, and that it felt like paddling through a thick liquid. Teq offered no time to think about what that meant - not that Sam needed much - and the man soon found his world dark as the Synth shut its mouth past his head, while the bottom of its "stomach" soon forced his legs to curl up. Moments later, all of him was sitting in the strange, dark hot tub, with luckily enough room to keep his head above the liquid.
[How was it?]
"Very… relaxing," Sam decided, "although, I think I expected more of a swallowing motion than the constant slide."
[Interesting… I will keep that in mind when we do this in the future, assuming further successful tests.]
"When, not if?" He laughed, and tried to pat Teq's insides, but found that the liquid seemed thicker, and harder to move through. "Getting ahead of yourself, aren't you?"
[I have a measured 100% success rate at talking you down my throat,] it pointed out, [and with a similar frequency of arousal, I expect you to ask it of me, especially once the process is further refined. Plus, you may want better footage than security camera video.]
"…fair enough. I definitely want a copy of those."
[And you'll have it. Goodbye now, Sam. I'll see an earlier you in a few minutes.]
The man didn't get the chance to think about what that meant.
Sam blinked his eyes open; he was laying in some sort of cushioned tube, like the ones in Teq's lab. He tapped the glowing "exit" button and sat up, groggy. Around the tube was, well… Teq's lab. The practically second home of his Synth friend, the place was littered with tools, notes, and half-finished contraptions that it swore it had put in "the most efficient places possible." Today, the focus seemed to be around the biggest 3D printer Sam had ever seen, covered in papers with diagrams and measurements all over them.
Teq itself stood over its desk, presumably with even more complicated papers. [Oh, hello again Sam. Did you wake up well?] it asked, turning its head so its visor could "look" at him. Really, with its tail plugged into the wire hanging from the ceiling, Teq had seen Sam through every wall-mounted camera pointed near him, but he appreciated the familiar body language.
"Er, yeah, thanks for the makeshift bed, but I don't remember climbing in."
[Perfectly normal,] it replied, its electronic wink pulsing a mischievous yellow and blue, [seeing as you didn't.]
"Right, yeah, I remember some new scan you wanted to…" a yawn interrupted Sam, and he reached up in a big stretch, one that drew his attention to his outfit.
Or rather, his lack thereof.
"Teq, do you know why I'm naked?"
[Synthesizing clothes around a body would have posed an unnecessary challenge and risk.] It turned, walked over, and offered a hand out of the tube. [Say, do you know anyone else who would want to be eaten by a Synth? For once, some external bias in selection would be welcome.]
Sam took the hand and cringed at the chill of the floor; helpfully, Teq pointed him to a pile of his clothes on a nearby bench. "I… maybe? Wait, what do you mean anyone ELSE?" he asked while putting on some protection from the lab's temperature.
The yellow and blue smiling eyes returned as Teq handed him a USB stick. "I could tell you directly, but I think it will be much more fun for you to find out looking through these files."
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squirmifyoulike · 10 months
(Inspired by this post)
Everyone knows that technology is complex. When everything is working smoothly, great! That's good! But sometimes, things go awry... And the price to pay for faulty technology is a hefty one.
Imagine a robot that's been constructed for one reason: Serve and protect. It's a simple idea. Nothing groundbreaking... But very quickly, this robot has developed a mind of its own.
It works in secret, building itself, switching parts, constructing itself the PERFECT body. Finally, it's done... And the next morning, the group of engineers are met with a frightening scene.
At first, nobody is aware of what's going on. People trickle in slowly, and they realize that the room, the building, is empty. At first, it doesn't seem too weird that nobody else is around...
The robot is smart and sneaky. It waits until its prey is alone... And then, it strikes.
A lone engineer finds themselves as the robot's next unfortunate victim. With horror, they see that the robot has changed itself. It's tall, surprisingly agile, and it seems to have some organic components now, too, because it's opening it's mouth wide... And inside, the engineer can see strings of saliva, a thick, wet tongue, and a pulsing throat. The most notable feature is the robot's bloated, squirming middle; when touched, it feels leathery.
The engineer has no time to react; within seconds, the robot lunges down, clamping down on the engineer. A series of fast, powerful swallows easily pulls the engineer in... And within seconds, they're forced into the tight confines of the robot's stomach. With a mixture of shock and horror, they realize that this is where their missing colleagues have gone. Some have already succumbed to the robot's powerful stomach, being turned into slush, while others are still squirming and fighting for survival.
Outside, the robot licks its chops and takes a seat. Every few seconds, a gurgle sounds from its stomach, like a lullaby. The robot isn't able to feel sleepy or tired... But it still decides to take a break from its feast and relax.
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trannydykepuppybot · 2 months
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