jasontoddssuper · 6 months
Underrated ship dynamic:Strawberry-coded x Chocolate-coded
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
By my little brother and one of my bestie's @theautisticcentre !!!
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All your faves love black women(and black blackboygirls):The art piece.Also fellow black Hobie stans don't worry,this is very much Hobie being poc4poc as he should be since the Spidersona is wasian and white passing
(@cottoncandyspikes @leo-thecactus @honeypotsworld @thisismisogynoir )
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rikebe · 1 year
omg ur grubs ur grubbbsssss
homestuck grubs be like little babys they are so cute and make little cheep cheepy noises and wiggle and snuggle but Hey Also We Eat Them Sometimes
It’s such a triple whammy of Suddenly baby fever + cuteness aggression + macabre and it hits me right in the feels every time
would love to see more grubs from u if you’re interested (getting taken care of, being cute, getting eaten, all of the above, anything goes tbh)
Huge fan of ur art!
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THANK YOU SM!!! these asks are soo nice and rly made me smile hehe thank you!!!!!!!!
im glad you like my silly little bugs as much as i do 💕 you hit it straight on the head w their appeal lmaoo that's exactly how i feel about them!!!! heres some more grub/wriggler drawings and hcs! and a little panel redraw wip teehee
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theautisticcentre · 5 months
A4 for Rosemani?
- @mayameanderings
Can I get images for ref?
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optikes · 4 days
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Rosemany Laing (1959-2024) Australian
1 The Flowering of the Strange Orchid (2017)  archival pigment print 103 x 203cm
2 brumby mound #5 (2003) C type photo 109.9 x 225cm
3 Aristide (2010)  C type photo  110 x 223cm
4 weather#9 (2006)  C Type photograph  129 x 205 cm
5 welcome to Australia (2004)  C Type photograph 110 x 224cm
6 flight research #5 (1999)   C Type photograph 107 x 240cm
A     tolarnogalleries.com
Rosemary Laing is a photo-based artist. Her projects are most often created in relation to cultural and/or historically resonant locations throughout Australia. With interventions undertaken in situ or through the use of choreographed performance work, she engages with the politics of place and contemporary culture.
B     Victoria Lynn
Laing has spent time researching the history of land and the notion of landscapes at length, and through multiple angles. This has included film, literature, and painting, and the belief systems of Indigenous people. “Laing asks us to think through our own relationship to these bodies of knowledge and our sense of belonging and displacement in these landscapes.
C     Rachel Kent
Eschewing digital means, Laing worked in situ to construct her dramatic tableaux, with performers from athletes to stuntwomen, and other collaborators.
D    artgallery.nsw.gov.au
In the 'flight research' series Laing photographed a woman wearing a bridal dress suspended in the air. In some works she hovers over an extensive mountainous landscape seeming to defy the laws of gravity. In others such as this image there is a poignant sense of impending disaster as the bride tips forward hands outstretched, seeming to anticipate her eventual contact with the earth. The bright cerulean blue of the sky and the white of the bride’s dress make a dramatic contrast and seem symbolic, the blue suggesting infinite space and traditionally the heavens and the white dress carrying the weight of virginity, innocence and purity.
Laing has created several series around flight and movement including 'brownwork' photographed at Sydney airport in which figures interact with planes and tarmac in unexpected ways. However the 'flight research' and 'Bulletproofglass' series are the most enigmatic with their subject matter of hovering brides. These surreal images echo the role the bride has had in popular culture - in films such as 'Muriels wedding' (1994) - and in high culture in such paintings as Arthur Boyd’s Brides series. The symbolism of the bride remains powerful in modern and contemporary culture and Laing participates with her own images which suggest both freedom and transcendence but also impending tragedy and disaster.
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ragzpizzle · 5 years
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Comission for:
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briandthemoon · 4 years
uuuuh davekat and rosemary, Homestuck?
Who said “I love you” first
Davekat: probably Karkat, Dave realised they liked each other first but decided he wanted Karkat to say it. It took like, 10 months. Rosemary: Probably Rose like in the comic, if I’m remembering right.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
Davekat: Dave, 100% ironically. 
Rosemary: I’d say Rose again, but perhaps just because Kanaya doesn’t strike me as the type to do it.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
Davekat: both of them. Dick Ouija Round 2: Peen Boogaloo. 
Rosemary: I don’t think either would do it but if I had to pick, I can see Kanaya using it to remind Rose of stuff she has to do.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
Davekat: Karkat for sure. He also keeps date souvenirs. 
Rosemary; I’d say Kanaya, Rose makes the cheesey gifts herself.
Who initiated the first kiss
Davekat: My money’s on Dave suggesting the idea but being wary to start it, so Karkat initiates the actual kiss. Rosemany: I’m going with Rose, once again, like in the comic. 
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
Davekat; Karkat. Dave joked about doing it once and Karkat took it seriously. Rosemary: You can pry sappy cuddly Kanaya from my cold dead hands.
Who starts tickle fights
Davekat: Absolutely Dave. He likes watching Karkat puff up. Rosemary: Eeeh, neither strike me as the type. Maybe Rose?
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
Davekat: they don’t ask, they just do when they feel like annoying each other. Rosemary: Most likely Rose from time to time.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
Davekat: Karkat is pretty much THE Mum Friend, it’s absolutely him. Rosemary: They both do it, but Kanaya does it most often.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
Davekat: I like to think Dave would be. Like it’s not noticable as much as you’d think, but he’s just doing his best, bless him. Rosemary: I think Rose, I like the idea that she’d be too worried about it being perfect while Kanaya is just so happy to be with Rose she doesn’t mind where or what the date is.
Who kills/takes out the spiders
Davekat: They both scream and throw stuff at it til it leaves in disgust. Rosemary: Kanaya. Like in canon.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk
Davekat: Karkat is the type to yell about Dave being stupidly cute when sober, Dave is the one who does it when he’s drunk.  Rosemary: ROSE. 
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coffeebooksorme · 4 years
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The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna ⭐⭐⭐
Love, Creekwood by Becky Albertali ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Lara Dean Keeps Break up with Me by Maniko Tamaki & Rosemany Valero-O’Connell ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London ⭐⭐
Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Deck of Omens by Christine Lynn Herman ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Odessa by Johnathan Hill ⭐⭐⭐⭐
You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Not Like the Movies by Kerry Winfrey ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Considering how busy I’ve been with packing and scheduling things for the new house I read quite a lot of books this month! Granted I was supposed to reread ALL THE THINGS and...didn’t. TO BE FAIR, I had most of my bookshelves packed before the middle of the month even hit. I do plan on rereading more soon but I’m not sure how that’s going to go because while I’d love to unpack my shelves the weekend we move, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get to it then.
August is probably going to be a bit of a slow month for me unless work approves the vacation request I put in. Right now I’m in the middle of working my weekend and that means 3 days on, 1 day off, 3 days on, 1 day off, 3 days on, and then back on my regular rotation of 3 off, 4 on. HOWEVER, as soon as I get home next Friday, WE BE MOVING! It’s going to be a long week so pray for me. And my husband. lol
This wrap up really hasn’t been much of a wrap up, I’m sorry. My mind is so laser focused on the new house that I’ve sort of just focused on that. I did read quite a few good books this month, one I really disliked, and a few that were good but not amazing and not horrible. I FINALLY read Spinning Silver, though, which is great because that chunky boi was intimidating as all get out!
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heisnameless · 4 years
Read part three of Metamerism, here.
Bucky Barnes x OFC
Warnings: None. It’s a happy one. 
Summary: Bucky and Rosemary have a pre-existing relationship that formed during his time in Romania. After he goes missing, she searches for him. 
Word Count: 779
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Thirty-nine days. That was how long Rosemany had been in Wakanda, and she wasn't entirely sure how everything was still working out at this point. She still helped in the villages, and in return, earned herself coins and sometimes foods for trade. She was getting the hang of everything fairly quickly and King T'Challa tended to help her with learning their language. The two had agreed to meet once a week in order for her to properly learn. It had truthfully began helpful on her working days when she would encounter someone that didn't speak English, which she began to realize was quite often.
Today was one of the days for her meeting with the King, and for once, she left the lowest floor of the building to go to what she liked to refer to as Workshop. James had been moved to a better place, where no one could find him. Except for those that the King wanted to. Thankfully, she was among those that he would allow to visit since Steve was off dealing with personal business. Rosemary didn't ask, and she assumed neither did T'Challa. Steve seemed to come and go as he pleased. At least, that was what she assumed.
"Rosemary." A voice called to her and she barely had to turn to see the King following behind, hands clasped together in front of his robed body. He gave her a warm, greeting smile before he spoke up a second time. "How are you today?"
Rosemary returned the smile politely, even though it didn't quite meet her eyes like she was hoping it would. The girl hadn't been getting much sleep, she liked the idea of working with villages instead of getting to rest in the home of the King. Somehow, it didn't settle with her. However, she didn't hide it. "I'm good, I guess. I was just coming to visit with you. Today is one of our days, isn't it?"
Silently, she was hoping that she hadn't messed up and picked the wrong day to grace him with her rare presence. When he nodded his head, hands coming unclasped as he gave that laugh of his, she felt better. "Today is the day. However, today is a different lesson. In fact, it isn't a lesson at all."
"What?" The words left Rosemary before she could stop herself, her eyebrows pinching together into a look of pure confusion at his words altogether. Her head had tilted unconsciously as she looked up at the King. "What are we doing today?"
"Nothing." The King grinned, shoulders lifting in a soft shrug before he spoke. "Gerald mentioned you like to paint. Go check your room, Rosemary. Take the day to yourself. Check up with Shuri when you wish to see James, she will take you."
She was clearly taken aback by that, but nonetheless, she nodded her head before she turned once thanking the man. Though she tried her best to be discrete, Rosemary scurried off to her room through the halls of the Palace. Upon entering her room, she was greeted with a rather large box on her bed. She was slow to open it, revealing an electronic notepad half the size of the box itself. As she turned it on, she noticed it wasn't just any notepad. This was for drawing purposes and came with a stylus. As she swiped through, she was met with directions before she noticed beads inside of the box. She lifted them, rubbing a thumb along the cold metal of what looked to be a bracelet. Rosemary jumped when a hologram seemed to pop up from the bead itself.
"Ah, yes, colonizer. How may I help you?" T'Challa's sister, Shuri, spoke and Rosemary's eyes grew wide.
"What the hell are these?" She questioned prior to turning the beads just slightly to get a better look at the object in her hand. "Do-- do you guys use these? Are you spies?"
"Are you a spy?" Shuri's eyebrows rose as she watched the blonde as she searched for a response. Finally, the Princess cracked a widening grin. "Exactly. Now, did you get your gift? It contains a 3D mechanism for painting and holograms like this one. You may sketch on it and then make it real with a single swipe."
"It can be real? If I paint a bird, will it become real?" Rosemary questioned in pure awe.
"Well, yes, but not for long. Maybe an hour or two. I am still working on that." She informed cheerfully, clearly delighted with the work she had completed. "Now, if you're done with questions, it's time to see your lover."
"He's not—"
"He is now."
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jasontoddssuper · 8 months
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Rhato!Jason on the Earth where DC can write(although it would be 'and these guns i tricked out' instead)
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“Would it be difficult for WWE to hire Team DemonBunny (Allie and Rosemany) and fire Mandy Rose?“
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thejadeazalea · 6 years
Ok so, about 50 years ago, @uhohspagittios and @loverosier tagged me to post the first ten songs that showed up on shuffle. Thank you so much for tagging me! And I am very sorry I’m terrible at responding to these things.
You & I - Big Payno Remix
Entitled - Leighton Meester
Walking in the Wind - One Direction
I’m Here - Rosemany & Garlic
Rewrite The Stars - Zac Efron
Diana - One Direction
American Idiot - 5 Seconds of Summer
Right Now - One Direction
The Moon Song (Live) - Karen O
Let You Down - NF
I tag: everyone that sees this and wants to do it, bc I don’t want to harass the people I usually tag :)
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pghlesbian · 2 years
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Our #SantaClawsPgh momentum has slowed. Here is a fun photo of my family at this weekend's Ya Jagoff! fake parade with thought bubbles to show their real thoughts. They still turned out with me for the kitties! We are collecting gift cards for the cat colony caretakers involved in our #CatFoodDrivePgh on a year round basis - we want to thank them for all of their efforts to help our neighborhoods by doing this important work. Along with everything else, #catfood and supplies and #veterinary care has increased. And there are more cats than ever before - a sign that a colony is a success in many ways, but also easily overwhelming. We are asking for gift cards to distribute to the 25+ caretakers. We'd like to give each at least $25 worth. Several ways to participate: 1. Send a gift card in care of my home address (DM me) or an e-card to [email protected] 2. Chip in and we'll buy the cards - Venmo @pghlesbian. - CashApp $pghlesbian - Paypal.me/pghlesbian We suggest general gift cards b/c our caretakers vary in terms of where they live, if they drive, their access to online shopping, and their personal preferences. Al and Karen (72), West Mifflin, 5 cats Barbara (79), Oakland, 25 cats Cindy, Hill District, 18 cats Denise, (61), Carnegie, 20+ cats Erica, (30), Regent Square, 10+ cats Holly, Northside, 10+ cats July, (78), Moon Township, 15 cats Ken, (48), McKeesport, 10 cats Kevin, (68), Monangahela, 40 cats Lana (42), Midland Beaver County, 8 cats Lenny & Mary Ann, 70), Northside, 12 cats* Marie, (64), Northside, 100+ cats acros 9 colonies Marjorie, (45), Imperial, 20 cats Mike (72), Robinson, 30 cats across 6 colonies* Mike M (74), Northside, 8 cats Rich (77), Munhall, 30 cats* Rosemany (72), Northside, 15 cats* Roy, (96), Northside, 3 cats Staci & Sean, (57), Bridgeville, 10 cats Stephanie (33), New Derry Westmoreland County, 10 cats Z (53), Northside, 6 cats Walt (78), Northside, 26 cats Private Private Private *Veterans #cats #catsofinsta #catsofinstagram #catstagram #giftcarddrive #catladies #linkinbio https://www.instagram.com/p/CXcoJKuNYHe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blogthoitrangtreem · 4 years
Choáng với gia tài đồ hiệu của cô bé 5 tháng tuổi
Bé gái 5 tháng tuổi sở hữu tủ đồ hiệu khủng; Coco Rocha mang bầu bé gái; Ra mắt mẫu nước hoa thiên thần của Victoria's Secret... là những tin đang được chú ý.
Bé gái 5 tháng tuổi sở hữu tủ đồ hiệu khủng
Cô bé Romany Rose Rowland mới chỉ 5 tháng tuổi nhưng đã có một gia tài lớn gồm vô số váy áo, trang sức hàng hiệu. 
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Mới 5 tháng tuổi nhưng cô bé Rosemany đã có tủ đồ hiệu khổng lồ
Toàn bộ quần áo, váy vóc trong tủ đồ của cô bé Romany đều đến từ các thương hiệu lớn. Cô bé có tới 4 chiếc khăn lông cashmere, mỗi chiếc có giá gần 200 bảng Anh (tương đương với hơn 7 triệu đồng), áo lông cáo, túi Gucci giá hàng trăm bảng Anh, mỗi đôi giày của cô bé cũng có giả khoảng 70 bảng Anh (khoảng gần 3 triệu đồng).
Romary có hàng trăm chiếc váy, chiếc rẻ nhất cũng tầm 90 bảng (hơn 3 triệu đồng. Mẹ cô bé chi hàng chục ngàn bảng để sắm sửa trang phục cho con. 
Ấn tượng hơn nữa là dù chưa biết xem thời gian nhưng cô bé đã được mẹ mua cho đồng hồ Rolex 2800 bảng Anh (gần 100 triệu đồng). Cô bé còn có bộ sưu tập trang sức đắt tiền, trong đó có một đôi khuyên tai đính kim cương. 
Romary có 9 chiếc xe nôi cao cấp khác màu nhau. Mỗi chiếc xe nôi của Romary có giá 1,5 ngàn bảng (hơn 50 triệu đồng). Sở dĩ cô bé có nhiều xe nôi đến vậy để phối với quần áo cô bé mặc trên người. 
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Cô bé có áo lông cáo gần 200 bảng Anh (hơn 7 triệu đồng), đồng hồ Rolex trăm triệu
Mẹ của cô bé, cô Witney Rowland (20 tuổi) là một bà mẹ đơn thân. Cô cho biết mình dành tất cả mọi thứ cho con gái mình. Cô mong muốn con gái mình sẽ giống như "Honey Boo Boo" (Honey Boo Boo là một thí sinh hoa hâu nhí trong loạt chương trình truyền hình thực tế rất nổi tiếng ở Mỹ. Chương trình có Honey Boo Boo từng bị dư luận chỉ trích lạm dụng trẻ em).
"Tất cả mọi điều tôi làm là vì Rosemany, tôi muốn có đủ tiền để thực hiện mọi điều con bé thích. Khi Rosemany mặc những bộ váy lộng lẫy, bé đều cười sung sướng vì được mọi người chú ý. Nếu lớn hơn chút nữa và bé không thích đồ tôi đã mua cho bé, tôi sẽ vứt tất cả chúng và mua đồ khác để vừa ý con" - Mẹ cô bé chia sẻ. 
Khi hình ảnh về tủ đồ hàng hiệu của cô bé 5 tháng tuổi xuất hiện trên báo chí ở Anh quốc, cô bé và mẹ đã nhận rất nhiều lời bình phẩm. 
"Một chiếc Rolex cho đứa bé 5 tháng tuổi, ôi Chúa ơi', "Tiền cũng chẳng mua được sự sang trọng đâu mà!"; 'Thật lố bịch".... là một vài bình luận trên một trang tin điện tử của Anh. 
Cô Witnet Rowland cho biết có rất nhiều những lời bình luận ác ý trên mạng về cô và thiên thần nhỏ. Cô cho biết mình chẳng mảy may bận tâm tới điều đó vì cho rằng dư luận chỉ đang ghen tị.
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Cô bé có 9 chiếc xe nôi đắt tiền để thay đổi màu theo quần áo
 Coco Rocha mang bầu bé gái
Siêu mẫu Coco Rocha vừa vui mừng tiết lộ với People rằng cô đang đón chờ một bé gái xinh xắn. 
"Chúng tôi (Coco Rocha và chồng vừa biết điều này hôm thứ Sáu. Thoạt nhiên tôi nghĩ mình sẽ mang bầu bé trai, chúng tôi nghĩ nhiều về một cái tên của con trai. Tuy nhiên bây giờ tôi nghĩ mình cần phải tìm ra một cái tên con gái thật hay!" - Coco Rocha cho biết. 
Sau bốn năm lấy chồng giờ Coco Rocha mới có tin vui. Con gái cô sẽ chào đời vào mùa xuân năm 2015. 
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Coco Rocha và chồng
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Coco Rocha đang mang bầu bé gái
Ra mắt mẫu nước hoa thiên thần của Victoria's Secret
Phiên bản nước hoa giới hạn của Victoria's Secret có giá 250 đô la (khoảng hơn 5 triệu đồng). Loại nước hoa này có thiết kế tuyệt đẹp, có điểm nhấn là đôi cánh thiên thần được đính pha lê Áo Swarovski.
Phiên bản nước hoa này được sản xuất để chào mừng sự kiện show diễn nội y đình đám nhất trong năm tổ chức vào tháng 12/2014.  
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Phiên bản nước hoa giới hạn của Victoria's Secret 
from Thoi trang tre em - Xu hướng thời trang trẻ em https://ift.tt/3nfWrVD
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Does your tooth brush fall apart?
You can fight off virus infection of the mouth with 4-X and your tooth brush. Here’s how. Whitens teeth and breath. Yes, white breath. Organic Essentia oils Cinnamon, Clove, Lemon, Rosemany oils. Help ya get healthy. Source: Credit goes to respacted author. Essentia Health is an integrated healthcare system with facilities in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North …
The post Does your tooth brush fall apart? appeared first on International Public Health.
from International Public Health https://ift.tt/35elMaa
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Secrets to making people laugh
Secrets to making people laugh
Darren LaCroix sits down and interview his comedy and humor mentors, in this program: Learn how the pros make 'em laugh. He interviews Dick Doherty, Rosemany Verri, Judy Buch, Kevin Knox, Izzy Gesel and more!
What if you are just getting started as a professional speaker? What did you do right at the beginning for your speaking career? Hear first hand as Darren LaCroix answers this question.
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