#roy x wally x dick
hozierisgod · 9 months
Kinktober Prompts 2023
1. Gagging (Merthur) here
2. Fisting (Birdflash) here
3. Car sex (Wesper) here
4. Public/Semi-Public Sex (Dorlily)
5. Make up sex (Dick/Roy)
6. Phone sex (Peter/Rose (The Night Agent))
7. Body Worship (Drarry)
8. Pegging (Pandalily)
9. Marking (Peter/Harley (MCU))
10. Praising (NottPott )
11. Period sex (Sterek)
12. Pregnant Sex (Jon/Daenerys)
13. Strip Game (Jercy)
14. Edging (Sabriel)
15. Riding (Percico)
16 . Threesome/Polyamorous (redbirdflash)
17. Partner Swap (Dick/Wally, Roy/Artemis)
18. Toys (Nobleflower)
19. Cunnilingus (Percabeth)
20. Face sitting (Kanej)
21. Table sex (Jon/Daenerys)
22. Bondage (Perpollo)
23. Choking (Dorlene)
24. Begging (Stiles/Scott)
25. Overstimulation (Jegulus)
26. Sex pollen (Birdflash)
27. Blindfold (Peter/Harley)
28. Gender swap (Destiel)
29. Shower/Bath (Jily)
30. Hate sex (Pansy/Hermione)
31. Double Penetration (Perjasico)
Again I will try to do as many as I can manage but who knows what’ll happen 🤷
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missglaskin · 1 month
“You’re such a perv!” 
Aka DC Superheroes as pervs; Dick, Jason, Tim, Roy, Wally
Please don't put a community label on this (it will only shadow ban it)
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Surely your friend and confidant is not some peeping tom right?!
Warnings/tags; SMUT, female reader, vigilante!reader, Perv shenanigans, panty stealing, masturbation, dirty thoughts, corruption kink, invasion of privacy
Dick Grayson has always been your closest friend; he's the leader, the guy that everyone either wants to be like or wants him for themselves. But the boy wonder had his eyes on you, his oblivious friend. He has always been there, aiding you in missions; always saving the day, or praising you for a job well done. So how could you ever possibly know of his intense desire just for you. Dick knows his actions are downright disgusting, that small voice inside his head filling him with guilt, but his desire is just stronger. 
Missions with you are the worst. Watching you be so confident and just kick ass has him feeling all sorts of ways. Trying to turn away from your line of sight so you won't see his hard-on, his cock rubbing uncomfortably against his suit. Dick will use any excuse to get away, jerking off on the side of a rooftop, a hand against a wall and another stroking his cock, while he imagines it was your hand instead, and that alone pushes him over the edge. 
He'll find a way to make you want him too, Dick knows you're not immune to his charms. Will it be too obvious that when he goes for a hug, it's a little too tight. Is it when he places a hand on your waist pretending to keep you in place, daring his fingers to go further down. Will you push away the hands that place themselves on your thighs to pretend he's comforting you. You won't. Just as you refuse to shove away the fingers that inch closer and closer between your legs. Is it really so bad if you want him too.
Jason Todd knows he's a sick fuck. What kind of friend is he to even think of such things. But they are just thoughts, right? As long as he doesn't do anything creepy that is. Surely anyone dreams of fucking their best friend-that is, imagining your lips wrapped around his dick while he fists your hair, forcing you to take all of him. The guilt returns when your voice reaches him, asking him if he heard you, interrupting his brief moment of fantasy. He's relieved that the mask doesn't allow you to see how intensely he's staring at you.
It becomes a line he knows he crossed. When Jason found himself staring at your apartment window - he didn't intend to, he was just patrolling and happened to come across your apartment. Knowing you were safe and well should have been his reason to leave, until you started undressing. Seeing your tits exposed made the blood rush to his cock and when you bent slightly to remove your panties, Jason was sure he could have come right on the spot. 
You went to take a shower as Jason entered your apartment. Surely you must know to keep your window locked. Finding himself creeping toward the bathroom as if you were beckoning him in, instead, he stopped and stood over the disregarded clothes; reaching for the panties. Jason would have beaten anyone to a bloody pulp if they had done that, but it was his own reflection staring at him. He is a sick fuck, he thinks as his finger brushes over the damp spot and how he shoves it into his pockets. He's not sure if he should return your panties later, given that he eagerly rubbed his cock with it, leaving it cum stained.
Tim Drake is a wolf in sheep's clothing; he is the one person you never suspect of thinking such perverted thoughts. Tim is aware he can never justify the things he's doing. He just tells himself that he merely lacks the courage to approach you, not that it's a good reason, but it's enough for him to maintain that tiny sliver of morality. There are moments when he wishes he could just concentrate on his patrolling to keep you off his mind, but you are always there, at the back of his mind. 
Tim realizes he just can't get off without thinking about you. Tim tries watching some porn, but he keeps imagining your face instead of the actress, and he hates how it helped him reach his orgasm. Or in the mornings, when his boner is becoming too much of an issue and he's in the shower trying to rid of it. His thoughts wander to picturing you in front of him, bare and wet, with your back against the glass walls and you moaning his name. 
If there was ever a time that Tim was made known that he was really sick was that day. Him laying in bed stroking his cock and seeing the phone ringing in the corner. It's you. He ought to have just let it ring or decline, but Tim didn't know what possessed him to answer the call. Your voice is heard as he bites his lip to not let his whimpers be heard, tasting copper on his tongue. Tim moves the phone further away when he reaches his high, cum covering his hands and stomach as he continues the conversation, hoping you don't hear his ragged breath.
Roy Harper was the one person you could always confide in. He had a way of cheering you up, your tears dried as your laugh echoed throughout the room. How you consider him to be your closest friend and best partner in crime as you speak to him, while Roy thinks of how the low cut of your shirt gives him a good view of your tits from an angle. When you call his name to get his attention, Roy gives you that smile of his as he uses an excuse to use the restroom. 
Roy loves taking pictures of you. You knew Roy had them, just never imagined he would have them in his sights while he jerked off. Pictures of you with a skirt had Roy fantasize about wearing em while he's railing you from behind. Your face pressed against the pillow while you bubble nonsense, too drunk on his cock. Pictures of you looking up, had him fantasizing of you staring at him with those eyes of yours as you use your mouth, bobbing up and down on his dick.
Unaware too Roy had 'private' photos, all thanks to a few hacking tricks. Roy was occasionally tempted to send you a nude photo of himself, see how you react, and cover it up by saying it was a 'mistake'. Would you perhaps return one or get jealous wondering who it was intended for. Roy gets up, cleaning himself as he’s planning to you meet you later that day. He eyes the slightly crooked tile above his ceiling, storing all the belongings he's taken from his visits to your place. Roy thinks when the two of you are official, he should hide it in a better place.
Wally West had plenty of opportunities to hint at his feelings toward you. He liked making flirtatious comments, complaining when he wasn't paired with you during missions, and placing an arm over your shoulders. But you just assume it's Wally's typical self, not noticing his hurt look when you claimed to be "just friends". Then again you never noticed his hurried departure and quick return, where he avoided making eye contact at all costs.
Wally feels the guilt the most. He could have just confessed to you like a normal person. Guilt consumes him when he sees your gullible smile, unaware of the horrible things he did behind your back. It's not his fault really; he was invited to your place and was simply looking around until he found a certain drawer. Wally reassures himself it's not that bad if he only takes one. But it gets to a point where you're complaining to Wally about how your clothes disappear (not telling him which kind).
A point comes where Wally reaches his breaking point. The sneaky pictures, lying on your bed when you weren't around, face in the pillows to inhale your scent could do so little. As he stares at you speaking, Wally makes a move expecting to be rejected, but you kiss him back. He was in heaven, the dreams he had in every waking point coming true. He was where he wanted you to be, on top with you full of his cock, your eyes nearly blacked out as he slams his hips repeatedly into yours. Can you blame him for moving too fast when he has been holding back for so long. 
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
Something happens and now the batkids'partner needs to babysit Damian Wayne - idk maybe Ras is in town, or the babybat is injured, whatever the motive - how Wally, Roy and Kon/Bernard take care of the situation? (This can be made separately or all of them together, this will be your choice)
(I said Kon or Bernard because this can be your choice too, but also both if you want, Tim Drake has two hands anyway)
Also I love your blog 💖💖💖💖💖
Roy: Soup's up! Where's Damian?
Wally: Um... about that.
Roy: What's it this time, assassins?
Wally: Not exactly. Long story short, he wanted to see dinosaurs so I took him to the Jurassic period but I sorta dropped him on our way back.
Roy: You WHAT?!?
Kon: Hey guys, what's going on?
Roy: Wally lost Damian in the timestream.
Bernard: That's a new one.
Kon: Do you remember where you dropped him?
Wally: Somewhere between the Cretaceous Period and Mesopotamia.
Izzy: You do realize that's a long time, right?
Roy: Who are you and when did you get here?
Izzy: Isabela Ortiz. I've been here the past ten minutes.
Everyone: ...
Izzy: I'm Duke's girlfriend, and unlike most of you I'm canon.
Roy: Whatever, can you help us?
Izzy: Nope, I just left my charger. See ya!
Kon: We're dead.
Bernard, sighing: I'll get the kiddie pool and Lazarus hose.
Damian, petting a wooly mammoth: I shall name you Father for your size. Except you're not as hairy.
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thinkingofausername · 9 months
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fairygothmotherisgay · 2 months
DC Social Media AU Part 8
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kazuko-stuff · 2 months
Warning: just a crack idea based on the mommy meme
Wally: How do you feel of boys calling girls mommy
Dick: so if girls can us daddy
Roy: so why can’t we call each other daddy
Dick: No, mommy! You know what I meant
Wally: you can call me mommy anytime
Roy: I as well
Dick: Wally, you being mommy, in your dreams
Roy: and you think you can be daddy
Dick: I am the most handsome
*All three continuing chatting*
Y/n: hey guys, ready for smash bros
Dick: oh hey mommy
Y/n,Roy, Wally: ……
Y/N: WHAT!!!!
Dick: 😏
Y/N: Hey baby
Dick: 😳
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bibibusinessman · 1 month
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nelkcats · 1 year
Food Fight
Dick, Wally, Jason and Roy were looking for ways to have fun and get distracted from the hero/anti-hero life, so they end up participating in eating contests around the country. What they didn't expect is that they couldn't beat a single person from Illinois.
If it was a spicy food contest, a blue eyed boy would appear who would eat as if he did not feel anything on his tongue; if it were a contest for quantity of food, what they were sure would appear was a hacker with nothing in his stomach, because they didn't know how it was possible for him to eat more than a member of the Flash Family.
Damn, they couldn't even beat the goth girl in the pumpkin growing contest! This had gotten personal and they weren't going to ignore it, they would bring the Outlaws and Titans into this for sure.
Sam, Tucker and Danny for their part were extremely amused with these outsiders, at some point they tried to test if they were metas and it was all a trap (immediately dismissed by Sam and Tucker), they wondered if they would come back next year, well Illinois was their territory so they wished them luck.
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taxi-cab-to-slowtown · 2 months
I saw a version of this that was antiship so I thought I'd make a proship one. All ships welcome <3.
Edit: I'm sorry I forgot Sladedick 🤦
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prompt list 
requests or open!
1: “i think i might be in love with you”
2: Saying something flirty mid-fight which catches them off guard, giving you the perfect oppurtunity to strike
3: "I won't go easy on you" and "I don't want you to"
4: "Didn't know you liked being pinned to the ground this much"
5: “Do you want me to slow down for you?” 
6: “I can keep going.” 
7: “I fucking hate you.”
8: “Oh, fuck. say that again.” 
9: "hold my hand" and "absolutely not"
10: "Oh, come on! Don't act like you care!"
11: Never do that again. Please"
12: "Say it, you love me."
13: "Because I want to hear it from that pretty mouth of yours."
14: "Please don't push me away, I love you."
15: "What if someone sees us?"
16: "But I don't care about what anyone else thinks”
17: "You're not my dirty little secret. And I never want you to think that."
18: "We should kiss, Right now."
19: "I have a key, it's not breaking an entering,"
20: "who's apartment are we in?"
21: "Shh! They’ll hear us!"
22: "Get behind me"
23: “Come over here and make me.”
24: “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
25: “Your mouth says you don’t like me but the way you stare at me tells me everything I need to know.” 
you can also make up something an request it if you’d like<3
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kriffin-ink · 11 months
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“I knew you’d catch them all to protect Grayson” because they’re gay your honor
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c-nstantine · 1 year
hey I was wondering if I could request a Wally x batsis!reader x Roy where the two are fighting over batsis and the batboys are taking sides and getting a little too invested in her love life, thanks luv!!❤️
Warnings: references to sex, cursing,
word count: 0.6k
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Y/N Wayne was the crush of hundreds of thousands of people and it was obvious why. Her gorgeous brown skin managed to shimmer under the Gotham clouds, her smile that could replace the sun, and she had a heart that was pure. Her track record was not as clear. Having dated a few professional basketball players, a few cheerleaders, and even a few actors, no one really stuck around. Not like Wally and Roy, at least.
Wally had a crush on Y/N from the first time that Dick invited him over. Of course, Y/N was a year or two older than him but that did not stop him from flirting with her. Dick always hit him in the back of the head after he did but Wally thought it was well worth it. Especially, because Y/N was his first kiss, not that he told Dick that. He figured that he would grow out of his childhood crush but he never did. Sure he dated other girls but something about Y/N kept drawing him back.
Roy had a crush on Y/N since Jason broke into her apartment while they needed a place to lay low. He remembers the night like it was yesterday. Jason had slipped the both of them into a rather nice safe house, which ended up being a condo. Y/N was supposed to be at fashion week in Paris but she ended up not going. When she heard footsteps in her apartment, she threw two batarangs at Roy's head and he'd been infatuated ever since. Not to mention, she babysits Lian from time to time and he nearly melts every time he sees them together.
"I'm telling you, she's gonna end up with Roy," Jason spoke as he and Dick were playing Super Smash Bros. It had been a big debate between the two.
"Nah, Wally doesn't have as much baggage. Love the guy but not for my sister," Dick was honest. Wally seemed to be the option with the least difficulties. However, they were Waynes and if their love wasn't difficult, it wouldn't be them.
"Oh, so you'd rather our sister be with someone who regularly disappears into the speed force," Jason countered as he unlocked his special move in the game. He regularly kicked Dick's ass in this game but for some reason, Dick insisted on playing it.
"What are you guys talking about?" Y/N asked as she walked into the home theater. She couldn't find her other siblings so she was stuck with these two for now.
"You need to pick between Roy and Wally," Jason stated as he put the game on pause. Y/N raised her eyebrows at the sudden statement. No one in her family had ever demanded something of her before.
"First of all, I don't have to do shit but stay black and die. Second of all, I am trying," She whined a little.
"I mean it can't be that hard," Dick said hoping to lighten the mood.
"How's Kori? Or are you with Babs?" Y/N asked looking him in his eyes. Dick was taken aback as he put his hand on his chest.
"Damn," Jason mumbled, he was suddenly grateful that his love life was not being broadcasted.
"Low blow, man," Dick sniffled.
"I like them both," Y/N admitted. She wasn't sure which one she liked more. They both were great in their own ways. She also didn't want to be a heartbreaker.
"Which one do you like better?" Jason asked, wishing for a little clarity. He was really hoping she was leaning more toward Roy.
"Well, Wally can vibrate his entire body but Roy does this thing with his tong-," Y/N started. She knew saying this would allow her brothers to leave her alone.
"No! No! I do not need to know," Dick started screaming while covering his ears. He quickly left the theater room and did not bother to look back.
"So, what'd we learn?" Y/N asked while looking at her remaining brother.
"Not to ask about your love life." Jason made a face of disgust while Y/N just smiled.
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missglaskin · 1 month
if the pervy!dc boys go well, could do something with perv!dick, perv!wally and perv!roy wanting to corrupt the new vigilante aka you
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rapz-rites · 1 year
Demon Spawns
Damian Wayne x Powered!Fem!Reader
When your’s and Damians future kids come to the present
A/N: Inspired by @cipheress-to-k-pop version of this. Please give me some feedback, it’s always appreciated :3
Word Count: 2500+
Warnings: mentions of a miscarriage, was lightly proofread and revised
-Honestly, it’s not Mar’i’s fault
-You needed someone to watch the twins as you and damian had to go away on a business trip for a few dayside hours hours and I
-Mar’i eagerly accepted
-Yes, she knew she wasn’t supposed to bring the twins to the cave but she didn’t think this would happen
-The worst she expected was that they broke on of Tim’s gadgets
-She didn’t expect them to accidentally send themselves to the future
-You were going to kill her
-Mar’i did the only thing she could think of at the moment, call her best friend, White Rabbit, aka Lian Harper, to help her get them back
- You and Damian had been dating for a year already
-You really loved him
-After 3 years of knowing him and 2 months of dating, it was only a matter of time until you both found out about each other
-Damian being Robin didn’t entirely surprise you, it just made a lot of sense
-The constant disappearing, the odd phone calls, the weird excuses
-At least he wasn’t cheating (Damian would NEVER cheat)
-Growing up adopted you never knew your birth parents, just that they had to have been metas because you have powers
-You had powers like Kori and more, you even kind of looked like her
-People joked that you could have been her daughter before she came to Earth
-Those jokes make her uncomfortable
-You thought everything about her was interesting: she’s heir to the thrown on Tamaran, her sister sold her, she’s been married 4 other times, and even the fact that she 9 stomachs
-Today was a normal day at the Manor
-Everyone was just chilling in the BatCave
-Bruce and Tim were working on a case on the BatComputer
-To you, everything in the BatCave started with a ‘Bat’
-Your secret name for Alfred was Batler (Bat + Butler )
-Dick and Kori we flirting talking by the weapons
-And you were watching Damian train with Jason
-Watching Damian train was one of your favorite pastimes whenever you were in the cave
-Suddenly a bright light purple light flashed in the middle of the cave, right between Damian and Jason as they were jumping to attack each other,
-The light startled them, causing then the jump back
-All the heroes prepared themselves in a fighting stance
-Next thing everyone knew, two small babies, a girl and boy, were in the middle of the cave
-They looked like they could be twins, but you couldn’t say for certain from where you were standing
- Everyone was surprised, two random babies just appeared out of nowhere
-“Aye, Big Bat. Bet you don’t have a protocol for this, do ya?” Jason says trying to break the silence
-The two babies looked around confused
-They couldn’t be older than a 9 months
-Last they checked they were with Mar’i in the BatCave, now they were in the BatCave with strangers they didn’t recognize
-BOOM, waterworks
-“I’ll go and get Alfred” Tim said dashing up the stairs
-Everyone knew he was probably the least qualified to deal with children, mainly because he’s always sleep deprived
-Naturally the two most recent parents went and scooped one up
-“How did they get here?” Dick asked rocking the girl in his arms
-They both calmed down a bit looking at the person holding them and back at each other and back at the adult
-They stopped crying, but were still fussing
-“While they’re like this let’s get saliva for a DNA test to find out who their parents are”
-Bruce took two swabs and collected saliva from each of the babies
-After, Dick and Kori passed the babies around to see if anyone could calm them down
-It wasn’t until Bruce handed you the little boy that he stopped crying, cooing in your arms and little hands reaching for your face
-Jason stopped, looked at Damian, and questioned if it would be the best idea to hand a baby to him
-“Is handing Damian a crying baby the best idea?”
-“Probably not, but it’s the only idea we have” Dick responded
-Handing the baby girl to Damian, she looked at him and stopped fussing, smiling at the face in front of her
-“Never thought I’d see the day” Jason chuckled
-“What do you think their names are?” Kori asked gaining everyone’s attention
-“How about we get in a circle, go in a circle calling out random names and see who they go to” you spoke
-Everyone nodded and hummed in agreement
-You and Damian placed the babies on the floor jointing everyone else in the circle
-Before you could call the first name, a voice interrupted you
-“After this game, I believe you will be needed these”
-The voice belonging to none other than Alfred said
-Tim decided to join the circle at that point
-“Thank you” you called out
-Alfred gave you a small smile and nod before heading up the stairs
-You all started with your little game ‘Name the Babe’
-After 5 minutes of calling names and receiving no reaction from the babies, a ding
-It was from the BatComputer, signaling the results from the DNA test
-Dick and Kori
-Bruce opened the test and everyone had a face mixed with shock and confusion
-Under ‘FATHER’ was a picture of Damian
-”The Demon spawn had a spawn.”
-Under ‘MOTHER’ was a question mark and underneath it was ‘match not found’
-You turned to Damian with a look a shock, confusion, and… betrayal and one that said ‘please don’t tell me you cheated on me’
-Damian took a step towards you, and you took a step back
-You rushed up the stairs heading into the manor
-Damian rushed after you
-“This makes no sense. Damian has only ever been with anyone other than YN and Raven”
-“And he’s not the type for random hookups”
-Bruce checked the database and noticed he didn’t have yours or Ravens DNA in the system
-“Kori contact Raven and have her come to the BatCave”
-“Bart!” Tim shouted
-“What? Haven’t you been paying attention, Damian is the father not Bart” Jason retorted
-“I know that! But Bart’s from the future. Who says the babies can’t be too?”
-Back in the manor, Damian was looking all over for you
-Your car was still parked in front, so you were somewhere in the manor
-Fifteen minutes later Damian found you on his bed, facing the window, looking at the garden
-You’ve always loved how Damian’s room faced the garden
-He slowly walks towards you until he’s also on the bed
-“I was pregnant”
-“What? When?”
-“Four months ago. I lost the baby early on, I didn’t even know until I went to the ER. I thought it was food poisoning from that Thai place I went to with Steph and Cass, but they told me I had a miscarriage. I was 3 weeks”
-“Why didn’t you tell me?”
-“I didn’t know how and I was somewhat relieved. I always told myself I’d wait until I was married to have kids. Also we can’t raise a kid now Dami. We’re only 21 and you work in a dangerous field.”
-You put your foreheads together, caressing his cheek with your hand
-Damian just wrapped his arms around you, pulling you down, forcing you to lay with him and you accepted his embrace
-“Todd messaged me”
-“What did he say”
-“Tim come to the conclusion that the babies most likely came from the future and father doesn’t have yours or Raven’s DNA is the system, Raven is on her way so they can run the test again”
-“And if they’re not mine”
-“Let’s not worry about that right now”
-After an hour of silence and Damian just holding you, you both make your way back to the BatCave hand in hand
-Raven, and even some League members, are now there too
-“Can I see the little ones” Diana asked with a smile on her face
-She has always had a soft spot for children
-“Careful. She just ate” Kori informed her, handing Baby Girl over
-While you and Damian were gone, Tim made the executive decision to call them Baby Girl and Baby Boy until the mother was determined
-“Awww, so precious”
-The Themyscrian rocking the small baby in her arms
-Baby Girl soon became fussy, most likely from Diana’s cuffs
-Diana handed the baby off to Raven
-It made sense
-We were here to see if you or Raven would be their mother (yk that motherly connection)
-Once Baby Girl was in Ravens arms she quickly calmed down, almost as quickly as she did with Damian
-You didn’t show it, but you felt a pang in your heart
-Damian just squeezed your hand lightly but you couldn’t take your eyes off Raven and Baby Girl
-Bruce spoke up, breaking you out of your trance
-“I need both of you to get a good saliva swab”
-You and Raven both did as told
-“Here. My arms are getting numb” Dick says handing Baby Boy to you
-You smile at the tiny human in your arms
-After 10 of waiting, a BatComputer dinged
-Bruce went to open the results
-Damian standing right behind him, and you and Raven on each side of him
-On the screen where a picture of the babies
-When did they take that picture?
-The babies were at the bottom middle and above them was the same picture of Damian as earlier and under ‘MOTHER’ was a picture of…
-WAIT! How did they get that picture?
-You were too happy to question that
-“Happy to say that Baby Girl and Baby Boy are Y/N’s and Damian’s ”
-“Thank Azarath”
-You laughed at Raven, she pulls you into a hug
-“These babies are so adorable but I don’t think I’m cut out to be a mother. I’ll gladly babysit though”
-“Wait. You guys have been calling them Baby Girl and Baby Boy?”
-No one other than Wally West would ask that question
-“Come one. You can think of something better to call them”
-Before you could say something, Damian stepped in
-“Actually we already know their names”
-You smiled
-You handed Baby Boy to Damian
-“This is Soren Jackson Wayne”
-“Jackson after Drake”
-You walked over to Raven, who was holding a sleeping Baby Girl, and picked her up
-“And my gorgeous daughter. You are Jaylena Mariah Wayne. Jaylena inspired after Jason but means blue crested bird aka Nightwing. For that time you both saved me”
-You and Damian make eye contact not breaking it even when the others spoke
-Dick and Jason both smiled
-Jason punched Roy’s side
-”See that. Demon spawn named his spawn after me”
-“Don’t worry father we plan on naming the next ones after your mother and father”
-You looked away quickly,
-Bruce had a shocked look on his face
-“There’s going to be more?!”
-Jason could already see it: A demon army
-Suddenly another bright light flashed in the middle of the BatCave
-Everyone but you and Damian had a fight stance ready
-Bruce and Dick stood in front of you and Damian
-Two people now stood in the middle of the BatCave, they looked like vigilantes
-One was dressed in all white, with a matching white masked with bunny ears falling along her wavy ginger hair
-The other, well anyone could tell who she was
-Mar’i Grayson
-“Hi mom. Hi daddy”
-The girl in all white removed her mask as she walked towards Roy giving him a big hug
-“Hi dad”
-It was obvious to say that Dick, Kori, and Roy were baffled
-It wasn’t even a few hours ago they saw their daughters in the care of Barry and Iris, playing along with the other superhero kids
-Now they were teenagers, vigilantes at that too
-Mar’I was walking towards you with a pleading look
-Mar’I never called you sis
-She always called you this funny tamaranean name she heard from Kori, it’s supposed to be a pretty flower but dangerous or something
-“I am so so so so so sorryyyyy. I know you told me not to bring them to the BatCave by myself but it was only for a minute to get something. I didn’t think they would get sent to the past. I put Sor and Lena down for a second then boom they’re gone. Please don’t kill me”
-She turns to Kori and Dick
-“Please don’t ground me”
-You step towards her
-“I can tell you didn’t want this to happen and I know my future self will probably get on you for this. So just please, please get my babies home safely”
-Mar’i nodded eagerly as you handed her Jaylena
-“I promise. I really don't want to be on the LoA’s bad side” she chuckles
-Damian looked slightly confused at the remark
-He gave Soren to Lian, staring her down with a look that says ‘drop or hurt my son, I’ll hurt you’
-“Stop scaring my daughter Damian”
-“Anyways… Congrats on your…nevermind” Mar’i stops when she noticed your promise ring that Damian gave you
-Soren looks at Mar’i, reaching for her but found it no use when Lian wouldn’t let him
-He looked upset
-As he started fussing a blue power orb slowly started to form about a foot above him
-Thinking of only your kids safety, you quickly absorbed the energy
-“Our kids have powers?” Damian asked in shock
-Naturally you were in shock too
-You barely knew the full extent of your powers compared to other metas your age, and now at least one of your kids will have them too
-“At the moment only Soren does. He uhm… does that sometimes. So far it only happens when he’s mad or extremely fussy.”
-Lian’s watch starts beeping
-Before she can even open her mouth Mar’i talks
-“We really have to go now”
-Damian walks up next to you, placing a hand on your waist
-“Bye Uncle D. Bye bye sis”
-Again with the sis?
-You and Damian give a small wave goodbye
-Just like that, with a flash, they’re gone
-Everyone goes their respective ways
-Tears start to well in your eyes when it’s just you and Damian in the BatCave
-“Let’s go to bed, Beloved. It’s been a long day”
-You follow him to his room and you both go to sleep
-That night you dream about your future with Damian, Jaylena, and Soren
Back to the Future(hehehe see what i did there)
-“Great! They’re still sleeping. We can get them to bed before Y/N and Damian get home”
-Mar’i was ready for this day to be over
-She knew she would get hell from you and Damian for what happened
-“Oh. We’re home. What happened?”
-Hearing your voice, Lian took that as her que to hand Soren over to Damian and hop out
-Mar’i turns around to see you and Damian dropped head to toe in LoA attire
-“Uncle D. Sis. Back already?”
-Damian walks over to Mar’i also taking Jaylena in his arms
-He walks over to you, with both twins in his arms, placing a kiss on your temple
-“I’ll put them to bed while you deal with Mar’i”
-With that Damián walks up the stairs into the manor
-“Before you blow a fuse, I know I shouldn’t have brought the twins to the Cave but I had no choice. I couldn’t leave them upstairs by themselves. As soon as they flashed to the past I immediately got help to go get them. And I almost ruined your proposal surprise but i didn’t so that’s something. I promise this will never ever EVER happen again”
-“Go home”
-“Go home. It’s late and we’re all tired. We’ll talk tomorrow”
-“Oh ok”
-You retire to yours and Damian’s shared bedroom as Mar’i leaves
-“What did you tell her”
-“To go home and we’ll talk tomorrow. You know she almost ruined your proposal”
-“Not surprised”
-You slip into bed, cuddling up next to Damian, head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around your waist
-You bring your left hand up admiring your engagement and wedding rings
-“It was a great proposal”
-“Damn right it was”
-You chuckled
-You look up at a sleeping Damian, admiring the man he grew to be
-Physically he’s always been attractive, but he grew mentally and emotionally
-He wasn’t the same boy who entered the manor when he was 10, emotionally and mentally detached from everyone, doors and windows shut to everyone, stubborn as a mule
- Actually, Damian will always be stubborn
- You both grew to care deeply for each other
… after writing for about 15-20 minutes I decided I wanted to make a part 2 but of the proposal…😚
I kinda want to make another version, the kid is like a teen. Should I???
Should I write why Mar’i called the reader ‘sis’?? Wouldnt y’all like to know? Do you have any ideas?
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Superhero fans for years have been saying that Dick Grayson 'has a thing for redheads' because his two main canon love interests are redhead women and his most popular mlm ship is from one of the worst DC adaptions ever with a guy who also happens to be ginger but Princess Koriand'r is a black woman,Babara Gordon has multiple black adaptions and his other gfs have been Bea Bennett who is black too and Helena Bertinelli specifically when she got rebooted to be black/white mixed and Tim Drake is said to canonically have a type in blondes because he's canon bi now thanks to Bernard Dowd but in his second solo he was dating a black girl named Tam Fox and way back in his first run his first crush Ariana Dzerchenko dyed her hair blonde because she thought that's why he liked Stephanie Brown and Tim straight up made a very strained fake smile while thinking 'I hate it' and the fandom made a whole meme fanart trend of Kon-El Kent being upset and wishing he was blonde so Tim would've chosen him instead since he was previously considered Tim's canon boyfriend by fans.But when black people headcanon Hobie Brown as stritcly black4black or perfers to date black women over anyone else and make jokes about how he'd never date a white person because of how black punkish he is and there's nothing to disprove either since his only love interest is his Prowler variant's Mindy Mcpherson who's a black woman and him and Gwen Stacy were left ambigious in the finale version of Atsv,we're being 'uninclusive' and 'too mean'.Lol.Lmao even.What's y'all's opinion on the Percy Jackson show deciding to let Leah Jeffries keep her natural hair instead of the blonde afro wig they considered which was a good call in a meta sense since book!Annabeth Chase hates being blonde because she wants to be seen as more than her hair color btw
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celaenaeiln · 11 months
Teen Titans Academy is amazing!!! (Spoilers!)
I listed my favorites but there were a lot of favorites so this is a long post 😅
First you have Nightwing opening the class by introducing the lesson “Defense against the Dark Arts”
Kori and Dick are back together ❤️:
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So, so many Titans shenanigans:
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I always thought Tempest was a quiet one but what a lie!
Dick finds out about the son he never knew:
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And then the all-star entrance….
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The heck is that pose?! 🤣🤣🤣 Imagine trying to have a hard conversation with your not son-son and then this doofus shows up. Honest to God Deathstroke has nothing on Red X when it comes to annoying Dick:
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He wishes he could have Dick’s attention like this. But Dick still becomes a real dad to the kid he never actually had anyway. Heart of gold. It’s at times like this that you’re grateful Dick doesn’t kill:
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When the Titans are discussing it later Roy says wth I thought Red X was dead Dick basically goes hah. Like I’d ever forget that headache:
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And here’s the surprising part: Dick greens flags the operation to conquer another planet but guess who the Titans work with?
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The suicide squad.
Finally and most importantly: Dick’s butt is clearly still in great shape
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