#rq!time steve
Time Steve: I'm holding back tears... this video is so powerful...
Elemental Steve, before watching it: Boy, shut your sensitive mouth up.
Elemental Steve, after watching it: Nevermind, I just cried.
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reponute · 8 months
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shadow-genesis-yay · 1 month
Some personality headcanons for my Rainbow Saga SMP AU
Aka, certain characters acting like YouTubers I watch who play Minecraft
Sabre, TSS! Rainbow, TSS! Galaxy, and Lucas all act like themselves obviously, but:
The First Curse: Kolanii
TSS! Void: Calvin
Soul: Kian
Corruption: LockDownLife
Positive & Negative & Infinity (i know theyre the same.): KIER and DEV
Origin (both versions): Ashswag
Time (both): Mogswamp
Spirit Guardian: Aust
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bullbobb · 3 days
Do we fw time and elemental being Steven universe kinnies
I love when a super important godlike character who’s left a lot of impact on the world dies and becomes a new being(s) and the new being(s) have to make up for their parent’s mistakes and live in their shadow
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(Click the images to view them in better quality!)
Finally, my first design pass of Time and Elemental from Rainbow Quest! I hope you like them!
Design notes under the cut.
Time Steve:
I had two goals with designing Time Steve: 1) do my best to translate his Minecraft skin into my art style, and 2) do something different from my interpretation of TSS!Time
The biggest creative liberty I took was giving Time a sundial mask instead of a clock mask. I wanted some practice in drawing a prop I’ve never drawn before. I also thought it was a subtle way to give Time a connection to Galaxy. While a clock relies on an internal system, a sundial relies on the sun to keep track of time.
I added tick marks around the mask to help indicate that the mask is a sundial. Because it wasn’t obvious, I gave Time a little crown of hourly tick marks to help.
I added an eye hole for Time’s left eye to pay homage to my design of TSS!Time
IMO, Time looks kinda intimidating with that mask. So I gave him a rounder body to make him look friendlier despite the intimidating mask.
The second creative liberty I took was with the colors. I gave Time’s brown coat a redder hue and his gray colors bluer hues. I wanted him to have red and blue colors to establish his connection with Galaxy Steve. Galaxy was a powerful Indigo Steve who got destroyed, his energy living on through Time and Elemental. Since red and blue make indigo, I think Time being red and blue would indicate his connection and origin to Galaxy Steve.
Elemental Steve:
I also had two goals with designing Elemental: 1) do my best to translate his Minecraft skin into my art style, and 2) really make Elemental looks like a moody and perpetually hungry teenager because I love interpreting him like that. Goal 2 was more important for me than Goal 1.
I added several features to indicate he’s like a teenager who just wants to nap and eat. Patterns on his face to look like pimples or acne. Really tired eyes with bags. A short, low-maintenance haircut so he can always wake up looking nice after a nap. The earliest stages of facial hair.
I wanted Elemental to have visual parallels to his brother. I gave him a hood covering his left eye, which matched Time’s mask that covered the right eye. And I gave him a long brown vest to match with Time’s coat.
To make the hood vine/leaf-themed like the Minecraft skin’s hat, I added bright green leaves on the hood. Full transparency: I have done this style of leaf-themed hoods on a previous Minecraft character design I did for Alpha from Altered Adventure (https://sta.sh/019m2zus6d1p). So maybe later, I’ll tweak Elemental’s hood design to keep Elemental and Alpha unique from each other.
While drawing the hood, I noticed that the leaves kinda looked like green chili peppers. That gave me a cute mental image of Sabre jokingly calling Elemental as wild as a chili pepper. I think Elemental would embrace that comparison and craft a little chili pepper pin for his hood. Steves won’t notice it from afar because it blends in with the leaves, but when they notice, they and Elemental laugh about it. That’s my headcanon.
I also made the leaves on the hood kinda look like devil horns to foreshadow Elemental’s villain arc.
I incorporated the vines/leaves of Elemental’s torso into a fantastical way to attach the hood/cape around his shoulders.
For the vest, I gave it big ol’ pockets for Elemental to put his snacks in. Elemental can also shove his hands into those pockets when he wants to do a moody teenager stance. I made the vest asymmetrical by having the left side be burnt short. Elemental probably doesn’t get a new vest because the vest and the pockets are still functional, and he believed his fire powers would burn the new vest anyway.
I wanted to keep his arms simple, so I made them a solid color with purple hands and patterns. Again, I wanted to enforce the “blue and red” color theme to emphasize his connection with Galaxy.
I struggled the most on figuring out how to color his legs. In his Minecraft skin, he has bright blue legs to represent ice or water. I worried that if I make his legs bright, the bright legs will draw attention away from his face, which had bright colors in the eyes and leaves. I tried to figure out how to make his legs dark-colored without losing the ice/water theme. While brainstorming dark-colored ice subjects, I decided to look up “ice mountains at night” on Google for inspiration. By doing that, I found so many beautiful images of snowy mountains underneath a gorgeous starry sky. I went like “bingo. This is what I want to do.” I made his asymmetrical boots black with light blue patterns to make them look like snowy mountains. Then I made his pants purple and galaxy-patterned to look like a starry night and to further connect Elemental to Galaxy Steve. The legs still ended up bright. I really hope I can dim down the colors and make the “snowy mountain” look more convincing in my second pass, because I really like using this theme for his legs!
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vb-void · 1 month
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Is this anything
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codajaiden · 2 months
@thestormkid " TIME MY BOY (time steve pretty please)!! "
Aight here we go, not much but YEAH !
• Since Time is the cook, he doesn't let Sabre in the kitchen and do anything. Sabre would literally put water on fire all of the sudden and Time would question everything.
• He cooks for Sabre as an apologyfor him, knowing Sabre wasn't really the threat of everything and was trying his best to help even if it means the whole chromatic Steve's would hate him.
• Definitely sews and knits sweaters as a hobby, and gave some to Sabre and Dark.
(I really don't have much but I will try to think more)
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thefanficmonster · 3 months
hiii can i rq a dylan stevens x soft! fem reader??? like he’s with steve, sam and colby and his gf wanted to tag along but she gets scared super easily
Hi dear! Thank you so much for this request! I have such a soft spot (and crush) for Steve and Dylan and I was so upset to see no fanfics for them. So I decided to take things into my own hands 😂 Hope you enjoy the fic, darling 💌
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Not for the faint of heart
Pairing: Dylan Stevens x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Paranormal Investigations, Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, Comfort, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: see request above
Shaky hands cling onto the sleeve of Dylan's hoodie as the group makes their way through the halls of the abandoned and supposedly haunted hospital. The vibe has been eerie the whole night with bangs, cracks and even footsteps echoing off the walls all too frequently for your comfort.
You're not the biggest fan of the paranormal but, on the other hand, you are the biggest fan of your boyfriend who's made one of your biggest fears his job. Therefore, you've been finding yourself in these creepy places all too often as of recent. It doesn't help that Steve, who's decidedly become an older brother to you since you and Dylan started dating, loves messing with you and scaring you.
Tonight is no different.
A tickle to your side causes you to squeal and jump, seeking comfort by nuzzling further into Dylan's side. Looking over your shoulder, you're both relieved and annoyed to see a grinning Steve.
"You jerk!" You lightly smack his shoulder, making him and the guys laugh, "You almost gave a heart attack!"
An arm wraps around your shoulders, halting your rather ineffective offense attempt. "Alright, alright that's enough, you two. Well, mostly you." Dylan gives Steve an annoyed scolding look, "Quit messing with my girlfriend."
Raising his hands in surrender, Steve lightheartedly apologizes but you meet his words with the most distrustful, narrow-eyed glare which, again, elicits a laugh from him.
Dylan can't help but smile widely at the ridiculous scene in front of him. He remembers how nervous you were to meet his best friend, a thousand thoughts and insecurities running through your head, causing you massive anxiety. All such uncertainties were snuffed out the second you actually met Steve. You had only seen pictures of him up until that point and in each he looked so gloomy and serious. Very no-nonsense, very unlike Dylan or yourself. That's where your hesitation had sprouted from.
The second he'd climbed out of his car, a wide smile contradicted the image of him you had conjured in your head. Him and Dylan were the goofiest duo you'd ever seen and you were so easily sucked into their dynamic that now you've become a trio. Though not so much when it comes to the ghost hunting stuff.
The two sometimes manage to convince you to tag along but most of their attempts are ineffective. This time was the case of the former. Though, to be frank, Sam and Colby played a huge role in getting you to agree.
The five of you have now sat down in what the tour guide had informed you was a sort of makeshift ritual room. Not much gave away that fact if one could casually ignore the huge burn mark in the middle of the floor.
You, however, can't.
"It's said that you can still feel heat emanating from that spot right there." Sam explains to the camera, turning it to film the dark stain in question. "We'll have to check on our own though."
The first to step up to the occasion is Colby, crouching down next to the mark, being extra cautious not to step on it. "Sam, doesn't this remind you of something." He asks, looking up at his best friend whose face contorts from confusion into utter horror within a second.
"Oh my God, you're right! The Sallie house!" The blonde exclaims, his jaw hitting the floor, "Not again, dude!"
The name takes a moment to register in your brain but when you connect it to its respective Sam and Colby video - yes, the only reason you agreed to coming is because you're a huge fan - you too go wide-eyed.
"You wanna sit down in the middle of it again?" Dylan's question only worsens your terror. The fact that Sam doesn't say 'no' right away isn't helping either.
"Don't give him ideas!" You whisper-yell at your boyfriend who just sheepishly smiles at you.
"Don't worry, Y/N, I'm not doing that shit again. Well, unless money is involved, that is." He adds the last part as a joke but that still doesn't stop Steve and Dylan from reaching for their wallets. You quickly smack their hands, their laughter provoking your own.
"Yo! Come check this out! It's fucking crazy!" Colby's voice interrupts, causing you all to look over to him hovering his hand over the blackened concrete, "It feels like holding your hand up to an oven door."
Your friends, unlike you, show no sign of hesitation as they approach Colby, each sticking their hand out in search of proof that they're not being messed with. Seeing their faces morph into a look of absolute disbelief and astonishment, you realize that your fear isn't stronger than your need to confirm it for yourself.
Your friends have stepped a few feet away from the spot by now, allowing you to crouch down and see for yourself. And see, you do.
You snatch your hand back as soon as you'd extended it, quickly getting up to your feet. Your face mimics the other four reactions this bizarre phenomenon provoked from the other people in the room.
Suddenly, a gust of warm air tickling the back of your neck reminds you that you are indeed quite terrified. For just a second though, since you're quick to remind yourself of Steve's antics. You turn around to reprimand him for messing with you again just to realize him, along with Dylan, are a good ten feet away from you, helping Sam and Colby unpack their equipment.
Your rationality goes back to fear in an instant. Your blood runs cold and your eyes fill with tears. The only words that escape your lips are choked yet still somehow high-pitched, "Oh my God!"
Four heads snap in your direction. They drop what they're doing, seeing your distressed state. Dylan jogs over to you, his hands resting on your arms, "What's wrong? What happened?"
Instinctively, you reach up to the back of your neck, touching the goosebumps that have formed on your skin, "It felt like someone was breathing down my neck." You explain, moving your hair out of the way to show your boyfriend, "I-I thought it was Steve..."
"Hey!" The accused argues, now having approached you as well, eyes flooded with worry. "I swear it wasn't me."
You quickly shake your head, "I know! I'm fucking shaking." You mutter, biting your lip as you try controlling your racing heartbeat.
"Did you scratch yourself?" Colby asks, shining the camera light on your skin to make sure he's seeing correctly.
"No, why?" Your eyes blow wide open at the question but you try your best to keep your composure.
Colby's just about to reply, telling you about the red spot that's appeared on the back of your neck when Dylan catches his eye. With a sharp shake of the head he delivers his message loud and clear. "It's nothing, my bad. I was casting a shadow and it looked like a bruise." He says instead, the sigh he receives in response from you confirming that telling you would've been a bad idea.
You stay wrapped in Dylan's embrace while the guys set up their equipment for a session. One of his hands is rested on your back while the other has cupped the back of your head, keeping you to his chest as he whispers reassurances in your hair, periodically interrupting himself to kiss the top of your head.
"It's ok, babe. Nothing's gonna hurt you. Not on my watch." He says, making you giggle.
"What, you're gonna fistfight a ghost?" You ask, pulling away to be able to look him in the eyes.
His kind, adorable eyes you love so much. Especially the creases that appear at their corners when he smiles the way he is now, looking down at you.
"For you? Anytime. I'm military personnel, after all." He proclaims, resting his forehead against yours.
You can't help the blush that creeps onto your cheeks which threaten to start hurting from how widely you're smiling - a side effect of having the cutest goofball as a boyfriend.
"Dork." You chuckle, shaking your head before connecting your lips in a quick kiss.
The moment doesn't last long, curtesy of none other than...
"Get a room you two!"
...of course it's Steve.
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lucasfangz · 6 months
That moment when you remember the fact that every time you've ever roleplayed TSS+RQ+SL you've made the Steve's have the ability to purr
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brainrot-stitch · 3 months
ok this headcanon i mostly associate with rainbow quest but its for the steve saga too i just dont think abt it as much
so like
headcanon time !!
the steves and their individual colors mainly represent a certain thing yk but a headcanon i thought up that i rlly like is that theres different shades of steves for each color (for example a cyan blue vs a deep like royal blue or navy blue) and they can be based off or have powers associating with different things that has to do with that color...
like in the steve saga blue steves were VERY water based and i LOVE LOVE the blue steves representing spirit in rq but where did the water fellas go..
so this obviously isnt limited to this but heres a few ideas for dif powers or things they represent different colored steves could have !
red- wisdom/knowledge, redstone/electronics/machinery, fire/lava, explosions, possibly war and or bloodshed
orange- creativity, fire/lava, the sun,
yellow (theres no yellow color option sigh)- power, electricity, the sun, light, desert/arid landscapes, sand
green- health/healing, plants, earth, life, calm/peace
blue- spirit (also i feel like spirit based blues could connect with souls that havent passed on and maybe connection indigos too, and like they could try to help settle their spirit.. :3) , water, ice, air, ocean, sky
indigo- connection, empathy, the end/endermen/teleportation/the end city (idk how to describe it??)
violet- love, empathy, heart
indigo and violet (and orange) i have the least on so far bc i ran out of ideas :( sighhh
again its not limited to these just these are the main ideas i had and also i feel like these could make the steves a lot more diverse, even though its probably more confusing
and also this would make it easier to make steve ocs!! speaking of this... (starts running)
ALSO how this would fit with the rq part of the headcanon but i love that the tss purple steves can teleport so i feel like some of the indigo or violet (mainly indigo) would have a connection to the end or like live in the end city or sum omgg i should go add that to the list one sec
ok added silly rant finally over i think time to add tags
i need to make characters so bad sos sososososos losing my mind
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looks at yall like this
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(Rainbow Quest)
Light Steve: We need to distract the Red Steves.
Time Steve: Leave it to me.
Time Steve: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
The Red Steves surrounding them: *immediately begin arguing*
Light Steve, horrified: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all.
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sunflowerharrington · 2 years
What’s The Matter, Baby Boy?
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hey babes, back again for more i see? 😏 don’t worry. i have the perfect snack for you 😚💋
🧸 @myobmaya this is your fault bbg 😚💋 i sent this to her so if there is any “i” for pronouns in this i am sorry, i’ll take ‘em out and replace ‘em eventually
🧸 mommy kink, roughness, degradation, 18+, some gaslighting, dom!reader, sub!billy, praise and degradation at the same time, you call billy a bitch, mention of love bites and bruises from spanking, i think that’s it
🧸 i’ll get to the requests asap but i just had to put this out. it’s my first fic with billy as a sub (technically my second but we don’t talk about that other one), so please be kind! it costs nothing. this can kind of be read gender neutrally expect for one mention of the women’s bathroom but other than that it’s fine. all inclusive. plus-size and poc friendly 🤍
🧸 @corrodedhawkins @fxllfaiiry @liviawritesthings @quickiesgirl @myobmaya @steveslittlesunflower @friendly-neighborhood-ghoul @hellfirehaley @thisishellfire @taecube @gods-favorite-asthmatic @eddies-bat @wzrlds dm comment or ask to let me know if you wanna be added or taken off my taglist 💋
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okay so imagine this rq:
you knew that he knew you would be doing this. he watches you like a hawk, waiting for the right moment to turn on the vibrating panties. jokes on him you fucked with the system and took a wire out of the remote so it won’t work.
you purposely start talking to steve then about school, watching billy from the corner of your eye, faking surprise when he presses his thumb down on the remote with that smirk pulling at his lips. you hold onto steve’s arm as you laugh, brushing your fingertips down his arm, just to piss billy off. you place a hand on billy’s warm thigh, giving it a squeeze to wake something up inside of him before he shoves my hand away, clearly frustrated about something.
“what’s the matter, baby boy? something bothering you?”
you smile as he ignores you, tuning back into the oh-so “interesting” conversation with robin, who starts making fun of steve and the way he fumbles so bad in front of the ‘babes’ that come into scoops ahoy. as your head is thrown back with laughter, a forced moan bubbles up out of your throat to make it more believable.
you raise your eyebrows slightly, glaring daggers at billy in false disbelief, who’s smirking. he leans closer to you, resting a hand on your thigh which he knows not to do unless you give him permission
“get a hold of yourself, y/n,” he whispers.
“you know that’s not my name, pretty boy.”
he rests his arm on the back of your chair, rubbing small circles with the pad of his thumb on the small of your back. you shove your chair out, standing up, circling to the side of his chair. you grab his chin before he can do anything and pull his face harshly towards yours. “meet me in the bathroom in five and don’t be late. you know how i get when you’re not on time.”
you make sure to click your shoes extra loudly as you walk away towards the bathroom. you close the door and lean over the sink, laughing to yourself. you’ve got him right where you want him.
he comes in not even a minute later. what an eager little boy. you lean against the sink with your fine ass pressed against the counter as he stalks towards you. in reality you don’t care that he’s in the wrong bathroom, but you wanna make him squirm a little.
“baby, you can’t be in here,” i coo, pouting my lip. “this is the wrong bathroom for you. it’s womens only.”
“but you asked me to—“
“to what? i didn’t ask you anything, baby boy. is your head okay?” you ask, standing on your tip toes to press a soft kiss to his forehead. “do you need a—?”
“yeah it’s—“
“don’t you dare talk over me!” you scowl, pushing him away from you. he still looks really angry. “and get that frown off your face, it’ll give you wrinkles.”
he rolls his eyes, placing a hand on both sides of your hips, trapping you in his embrace, but you have other plans. you slip out quickly and walk across to the other side of the bathroom, luckily there’s nobody in here.
and he rolled his eyes. oh so he wants to meet jesus today, huh? he looks pathetic.
“what the fuck are you doing?” he asks before he can stop himself. he knows you hate when he swears around you.
“get on your knees and crawl to me, bitch. and don’t make me ask you again.”
“what did i just say? get on your knees and crawl over to me like a good boy. can you do that for me? or are you too stupid to follow simple instructions.”
it takes him a while to give in, but he does, crawling towards you in those ridiculously tight denim jeans. but to be fair they make his ass look even better. …but his raw red skin after you spanking him looks so much better, especially with a love bite next to it
“faster, william. we don’t have all day.” you say sternly and he speeds up, on his knees opposite you seconds later. “apologize to me for being so fucking slow. hurry up!”
“sorry, y/n…”
you ignore him, waiting for the right answer.
“sorry, mommy.”
“good boy” you smile down at him, leaning down to kiss him on the tip of his nose.
“somebody’s going to walk in.”
“and?” you smirk, running the pad of your thumb over the chain around his neck with your name on it. “if they do… let’s give ‘em a show they’ll never forget.”
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shadow-genesis-yay · 4 months
When ur messing around
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bullbobb · 19 days
Makes me sad that fans don’t remember SSO and how insane it was. Like imo nothing beats the original SSO cast. Rainbow Hypno Prof. Red, all these guys that “debuted” (quotations for rainbow) in origins, they are all my children. Blue and Purple. (PURPLE 💔) Evil elder blue. Ian the Guardian I LOVED IAN DOES ANYONE REMEMBER IAN?!?!
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Since today is ISSQ’s 4-year anniversary, I wanted to write a post about how much it amuses me to frequently make posts about RQ!Time and RQ!Elemental. I first started that blog in 2018, when the current arc of the Steve Saga was with Time and Elemental. Back then, I tried to find as many incorrect quotes for Elemental and Time as I could, and it was fun. As the blog went on, my focus shifted more on Sabre, Rainbow, and Galaxy. So it’s been super fun to be back to focusing on Time and Elemental again. It feels like a full circle.
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
so. You said you wanted writing prompts? Well here’s a list of titles and I want to hear what you can do with them.
“McDoon in the Dunes”
“The Time Bitch”
“Cyber Monday”
“A Gal Who Doesn’t Like K-Pop”
“Steve Silverstein, Prosecutor”
OH MY GOD SOME OF THESE ARE GOLD LMAOOOOO "the time bitch" "cyber monday" 😭😭😭😭 pango these are incredible ily. bear w me about this thought process rq
mcdoon in the dunes could.. hm. an adventure of him and cletus jones in the desert? with like. hm... i could work with that for real
the time bitch could be a ted/jenny swap? thatd be fun
cyber monday could be an attempt to sell wiggly dolls online? omg imagine wiley trying to figure out like. wix.com or something
a gal who doesnt like kpop... tbh i dont know 😭 maybe emma admitting her unbridled hatred for kpop to paul and they bond ? i dunno
am i crazy? i dont actually,,,, recognize the last one??? im trying to search thru characters i know and? i dunno :(
n e way these r amazing. i love them. added to my list <3
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