#salsa dance
euesworld · 1 year
"When you hold my heart in your softer than thou hands, I can feel the heartbeat of the universe in my soul.. I feel like salsa dancing, like singing hymns.. I feel so alive as if I have just taken my first breath. My heart beats an eloquent symphony of soft thunder, and a fire of desire rages throughout me.. when you hold my heart in your gentle palms, I feel.. I FEEL your energy, and I love every minute of it. I ache, I yearn, I softly burn at a billion degrees Celsius.. and I can do nothing but love you so tenderly that my heart swells on every soft beat."
You are magic, this is true.. you heal me from the heart of you - eUë
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panderp123 · 1 year
🌺 Carmelita Garcia 🌺
Age: 28
Death: 1866
Nationality: Mexican.
Occupation: Flamenco, Belly Dancing, Burlesque & costume designing.
Sexuality: Bisexual (60% Girls 40% Men)
Species: Spanish Dancer Sea Slug
Relations: Rosa (Older Sister)
❤️ Custom OC by KodouKat ❤️
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beautyarchive · 8 months
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Katya's beautiful back, dancing a salsa with Nigel Harman, Strictly 2023.
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puddlepenguin · 2 years
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I may or may not have been having a discussion abt what kind of dance bsd characters would do.
I also may or may not have drawn some of them.
And it would be absolutely insane if my ass decided it wanted to do a fabric and pose study simultaneously. Nono absolutely insane
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princessoflit · 1 year
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✨I dOn’T kNoW cUmBiA✨ GR Salsa Social Halloween ’22. this dance is so fun to watch, i’m still learning 🙂
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supercool-here · 2 years
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polikszena · 1 year
Almost two months ago I was at a salsa party (there were other dances as well, but I was at the salsa room all night long) and had an amazing dance with a guy I hadn't met before. It was fun, and I could do some steps I hadn't even seen before, so I was looking out for him in the next parties I went to, but I didn't see him. I thought that I might have just forgotten what he looked like and I was pretty sure he had forgotten about me, too.
And he was there at tonight's party, and turned out that he did remember me and I also recognised him, and we had a great dance again, and after that he told me that it was still good dancing with me because I let myself be led (he did lead some steps I hadn't known before). This surprised me a lot, because I don't really think I'm a good follower or that I'm easy to lead because my mind is too loud and I often take too big steps. Due to that it's really hard not to respond with a "How much did you drink?" when someone compliments on my following skills. So, I didn't really know what to say, but I was very happy that we could dance again.
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katiajewelbox · 1 year
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Couples dancing Salsa in red and black, a truly iconic look!
I used to dance Salsa, Bachata, and other Latin dances before the pandemic. I miss those days when I still felt comfortable being physically close to other human beings...
Source: Google Image search
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h0lym0ley · 1 year
Será quizás que has hipnotizado
Será que me has dejado medio mal
No se algo me ha pasado, tu me has envenenado
O me has vuelto un maníaco sexual
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mkemals · 2 years
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photography by mkemals 
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danceoftheday · 2 years
Performed by: Mario Acosta Cevallos and Dioney da Silva
Number: “Mambito”
Style: Salsa
From: World Salsa Summit 2016
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panderp123 · 1 year
Rosa Garcia
🌺Name: Rosa Garcia 🌺
🌺Age: 36
🌺Death: 1874
🌺Nationality: Mexican.
🌺Occupation: Socialite/Heiress
🌺Sexuality: Heterosexual
🌺Species: Spanish Dancer Sea Slug
🌺Shipped w/ Dimitri (bizzylizzy63)
Art by Kodoukat
Voiced by Demonica
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infinitysalsaschool · 26 days
Reasons Why Salsa Dance is Great for Fitness
Are you seeking an interesting yet effective alternative to shed weight and get fit? Don’t worry there’s a vibrant and rhythm-infused way that not only boosts your heart rate but also ignites your passion for movement – Salsa Dance.  Embracing the fiery beats and sensual motions of Salsa isn't just about mastering intricate steps; it's a holistic journey toward physical and mental well-being. Let's delve into convincing reasons why Salsa stands as a beacon of fitness prowess.
Cardiovascular conditioning
Let's start with the heart-pumping aspects of salsa. With its vibrant rhythms and continuous movement, salsa provides an excellent cardiovascular workout. When you twirl, spin, and step across the dance floor, your heart rate elevates, promoting improved blood circulation and endurance. This aerobic exercise helps strengthen your heart and lungs, reducing the risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions.
Full Body Engagement
Salsa isn't just about footwork; it engages your whole body. From the controlled hip movements to the intricate arm styling, every muscle group gets a workout. Your core will be constantly engaged as you maintain proper posture and balance, leading to improved stability and strength. Moreover, the weight shifts and turns work your legs, glutes, and lower body, resulting in toned and sculpted muscles.
Calorie Burning Bonanza:
Say goodbye to the monotony of calorie counting because Salsa offers a fun and effective solution. A single Salsa session can burn anywhere from 400 to 600 calories, depending on the intensity of your movements. Whether learning the basics or indulging in advanced choreography, the constant motion keeps your metabolism revved and paves the way for efficient calorie burning.
Improves Posture and Balance:
Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Salsa Dance catalyzes improving posture and balance. The emphasis on maintaining an upright posture and executing precise footwork enhances body awareness and alignment. Over time, regular practice can correct postural imbalances, alleviate back pain, and fortify your core muscles, leading to a more graceful and confident stance both on and off the dance floor.
Stress Relief and Confidence Booster
Beyond the physical benefits, salsa dancing offers a unique form of stress relief. As you immerse yourself in the music and movement, you'll find yourself letting go of daily worries and embracing the present moment. The social aspect of salsa also promotes a sense of community and camaraderie, boosting your mood and confidence.
At Infinity Salsa School, we offer a welcoming and supportive environment for individuals of all levels to experience the joy of salsa dancing. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced dancer, our passionate instructors will guide you through the steps, ensuring you get a fantastic workout while having an absolute blast.
So, what are you waiting for? Shake off those workout blues and let salsa ignite your fitness journey. Join us at Infinity Salsa School and discover the exhilarating world of this captivating dance style. Your body, mind, and soul will thank you!
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arthurmurraybondi · 4 months
Salsa dance lessons providers in double bay Arthurmurray bondi are now on the ailoq
Unleash your inner dancer with Arthur Murray Bondi's dynamic dance classes. From salsa to ballroom, our expert instructors will have you moving with confidence in no time. Step into the world of dance – enroll in a class at Arthur Murray Bondi today!
We are now listed in ailoq
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saramisuu · 4 months
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polikszena · 1 year
And sorry for the shitposting, but before I start my neighbours' worst nightmare, I wanted to share that I danced with my teacher in today's salsa class and she said "well done" once we had to switch partners (she was dancing as a leader because there were more followers in the class), and that made me very happy.
And then 10 minutes later while dancing with a guy I messed up a step so much that it will definitely make it to the "awkward and embarrasing things I did" mental playlist that turns on when I try to sleep.
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