#seri just thinks hes good with kids (green flag for him)
almondpiglet · 3 months
For the requests! Reigen and Tome goofing around (ft other spirits and such members if you want) Your art is super cool, I love the texture!!!!! :3
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reigen and tome having a lil office kiki 💅
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katsu28 · 2 months
lucky charm
pairing: lando norris x reader
summary: lando finds comfort in your presence as doubt starts to creep in before a race (2k)
warnings: minimal swearing
a/n: hi i know i'm still super new here and i'm not even sure if i'm actually going to start writing rpf but i think about this motherfucker 24/7 now and this came to me in a dream <3 let's ignore the actual way he got his ring necklace okay? okay!
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“No one saw you come in, right?” 
Lando let the door close behind him gently, a total opposite to the quickest few steps you’d ever seen him take across the small driver’s room, and he leaned over to kiss you, hard. 
You let out a squeak of surprise at the force of it, but had no hesitation in kissing him back as soon as your body caught up with your brain, arms looping around his neck to bring him down and closer to you.
Lando’s knees hit the cushions on either side of you, hands doing the same on the leather backrest, clumsy as all hell but twice as determined not to let his mouth leave yours. 
Your fingers knocked the McLaren cap right off his head as they moved into his hair, clutching at his chocolate curls on instinct like you’d done so many times before. But never here, never before one of Lando’s races, and certainly never at the risk of being caught by anyone in the facility at any given moment. 
It didn’t seem to matter to Lando, though, with the way he was kissing you like he was parched and you were the only thing that could quench his thirst. 
But given the rather frantic series of texts you’d received from him that got you here in the first place, you weren’t at all too surprised. You knew how nervous Lando got before races, and if there was something you could do, you’d never hesitate to be there for him. Especially since you were able to make it to this one. 
“Yeah,” He mumbled between kisses, panting against your lips. Somehow he’d managed to switch positions so he was the one on the sofa now and you were sitting on his lap, straddling his hips as you continued your rather sloppy makeout session. “Yeah, yeah, we’re good. ‘M sneaky like that.” 
“Had a lot of practice at this, have you?” 
“No!” It was almost comical how fast he pulled away from you to blurt out his answer. “No, not at all. I don’t know why I said that, I—” 
“I was just kidding, bub.” You chuckled, smoothing the pad of your thumb across his kiss-swollen bottom lip fondly. Lando grinned sheepishly, giving your waist a playful little pinch. You’d never get over the way he looked at you, like you were the only other person to exist in the world—especially when he was under you like this, and especially with those eyes. His baby cow eyes, you always called them. 
Even so, Lando was extremely tense, you could tell. He tended to get very in his head before races, probably why he asked you to come meet him so close to the green flag, to help him quell his nerves a little. He always said you helped him more than anything else ever could. 
“I have something for you.” You said softly. 
“Oh yeah? And what’s that?” He leaned back against the cushion, happily accepting the chaste kiss you pressed to his lips before you bounced off his lap and over to where your bag was sitting. 
You rummaged around in it for a few moments until you found what you were looking for, a triumphant grin on your face as you made your way back over to an intrigued Lando. This time you settled next to him, throwing your legs across his lap. His hand came to rest on your knee immediately. 
“Open it.” You urged, pressing the small black bag into his waiting palm. He undid the drawstring carefully, beaming even before he got a look at what was inside. That smile only grew bigger as he poured the contents of the bag into his hand. 
A thin silver chain, joined together at the ends with two interlocking rings, sleek and silver just like the rest of the necklace. Upon closer inspection, he saw numbers etched into the inside of each one. One of them, Lando recognized instantly as the date of your anniversary. The other looked like a set of coordinates, but he wasn’t too great at geography, so he looked to you for an explanation. 
“The place we first met.” 
“You looked up the coordinates of that tiny little restaurant? Nerd.” He chuckled, artfully dodging the swat you aimed his way at his teasing remark.
“It could be, like, your new lucky charm or something.” You shrugged, watching him turn the rings around carefully between his fingers. 
Lando glanced up, bumping your shoulder with his gently. “I’ve already got one.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. It’s you.” 
“I like knowing you’re watching me. Even though I can’t see you, or even if you’re not here, knowing I’ve got you cheering me on from wherever you are helps. I think it makes me a better driver.” 
“Lan, you’re already a great driver.. You don’t need me for you to know that.” 
“I know. I just—it keeps me focused. To know you’re there.” He said softly, giving your hand a tight squeeze. “And now with this, I can have a piece of you with me whenever. Here, help me put it on.” 
“You can’t wear it under your suit, Lando, even I know that.”
“Alright, well, I’ll figure it out later. C’mon, put it on me.” Lando leaned forward, giving you space to bring the chain up over his head and around his neck. He even managed to sneak in another kiss whilst you followed the silver down to where the rings rested just below his collarbones. Your fingers stroked at the warm skin there, the cold of the metal contrasting.
“It looks good on you.” 
Lando melted like a popsicle on a hot summer day under your touch, smiling so big at you that you could hardly believe this was the same boy who had other drivers trembling in their fireproofs. He hoisted you back into his lap effortlessly, nosing at your pulse point a bit before smacking a kiss to your cheek when you wrapped your arm around his shoulders. “You look good on me.” 
“That was so bad. Like, really bad. I get why they call you Lando Norizz now.” 
“What?! Bad? That was so fucking smooth!” He huffed, going from looking completely smitten to entirely offended. “And I happen to have lots of rizz, thank you very much. I practically ooze rizz, love.” 
“I take it back.” You replied solemnly, patting Lando’s cheek. “That was worse.” 
“You’re so mean to me. I don’t know why I even put up with this harassment!” 
“Always so dramatic, you.” 
“I’ve got to be! How else would I be able to withstand this abuse?” 
You scoffed playfully and moved to climb off him, opting to keep a safe enough distance away so you wouldn’t be tempted to kiss him stupid. Then he’d really be late. “Don’t you have a race to prepare for, driver boy?” 
“I am,” He said earnestly, tucking his hands behind his head. You arched a skeptical brow, hands propped on your hips. 
“By hiding out in here with me?” 
“You know what they say—calm the mind, and the body will follow.” 
“I’ve literally never heard anyone say that.” 
“Well maybe people should start!” 
You huffed out an amused chuckle, crossing your arms. “Are you ready?” 
A sudden silence  blanketed the tiny room, Lando’s non response giving you all you needed to know. 
He reached out for you with a pout that you’d never been quite able to resist, fingers beckoning you back over longingly, like you were too far away for his liking. You gave in almost immediately despite previously wanting to give him space, trudging over with an overexaggerated roll of your eyes and letting yourself be pulled back onto his lap yet again. 
“I’ll be alright.” He answered finally, taking your hand in his. He fiddled with your fingers, tracing along each digit languidly and then circling his thumb over your palm—once, twice, a third time. 
This, something you’d learned quite early on in your relationship with Lando, was one of his many versions of self-soothing. The repetition of his actions proved rather calming to him, and it certainly helped that he got to feel your skin against his. 
His brows drew together in thought, furrowed and tense until you pushed your thumb into the wrinkle between them, smoothing out the scrunch. He wrapped his fingers around your wrist loosely. 
“You’re gonna do great, you know.” You insisted. 
He offered you as good of a smile as he could muster. “Yeah. I know.”  
“You’re gonna do your best, and whatever happens, you’ve got so many people who’ll be proud of you no matter what.”
“I don’t know if it’s enough.” Lando blurted, scratching at a patch on his suit. “I’ve been racing for years, and I still have no wins to show for it. It’s not fair to my team, it’s not fair to the fans. It’s not fair to you. You shouldn’t have to have a boyfriend who can’t fucking drive for shit.” 
“Lando, I’m not with you because of your job.” You said shortly, pressing your lips into a thin, unamused line. “And quite frankly, I feel hurt that you could even think I was.” 
Lando was quick to soothe, shaking his head frantically. He took both your hands in his, squeezing. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry, it’s just—I get in my head a lot. And I start to overthink, and shit comes out of my mouth that I don’t mean. I know you’re not like that, I do. I’m sorry.” 
You softened, sighing. “You could never win a race, ever, and I'd still love you all the same.”
He snorted. “Well, I’d like to win one at some point.” 
“What I meant was, I can’t speak for everyone else, but my pride for you has nothing to do with how well you do on the track, my love.” 
“Yeah. I’m proud of you because you’re you. You’re kind and you work hard, and you try your best at everything you do. Even if the outcome isn’t what you expected, you keep at it. You keep going. That’s one of the reasons why I love you, that’s why I’m so proud of you.” 
“I’m stupid.” He groaned, tipping his head back against the couch cushions. You simply made a noise of agreement. “You’re too good to me. I love you.”
“I love you too. Now, you really need to go back to the garage. I’m sure Oscar’s sent out a search party for you at this point.” You said firmly, giving his chest a sharp poke. Lando groaned again but made to get up, shifting your legs off him so he could climb to his feet. 
“Fine. Just kick me out of my own room, why don’t you?” He huffed dramatically, swiping his hat off the floor and jamming it back over his hair. You aimed a fake kick towards him, stifling a giggle when he caught your foot and pretended to undo your laces. “Kiss?” 
“You need to leave, Lando,” You whined, batting him away gently. “I refuse to be the reason you’re late.” 
“One more. Just one more for good luck and I promise I’ll leave.” He insisted, expression pleading. You grumbled something unintelligible, reaching up begrudgingly to bring him down for one last kiss. 
Lando smiled against your lips, snaking a hand around the back of your neck to keep you in place a few beats longer than you intended. You practically had to unstick yourself from him, giving him a little shove towards the door so he’d actually leave. 
Immediately, he whirled around. “Wait, wait—”
“Lando! Go!” 
“No, no, hold on, it’s important.” He slipped his newfound chain over his head, rubbing his thumb over both rings before holding it out towards you. “Keep this safe for me?” He asked earnestly, pressing the necklace into your hands. “Can’t have my lucky charm getting lost already, can I?” 
“Give ‘em hell, number four.” You smiled, donning the necklace yourself. He beamed, blowing you a kiss as he backpedaled down the hall. "Number four on the track, number one in my heart!"
You could hear his infectious laughter echoing even as he retreated around the corner.
Lando would be fine. And if he wasn’t, he’d bounce back, like he always did. And you’d be there to support him every step of the way, like you always were. 
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post new fics :)
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kamiko1234 · 7 days
Alright just got to chapter ten of The Lightning Thief and I have more thoughts.
So, first off : I stay firmly rooted in my opinion that Luke is great. I love him, I bet his hugs are great. He and Percy have a cool brotherly sort of friendship going on. Ngl ? Percy and Luke found family sounds GREAT to me. God knows that poor boy (Percy) could use someone like him (Luke) to look after him. (Sadly with Percy going off with Annabeth and Grover now it seems we'll see less of him, which is a crime imo. Give me my wholesome older bro character. Hope dies last tho, so I'll just hope I can get more of him over the course of the book and the rest of the series !) But also, the hint with his quest ? Naw that backstory is going to be SAD, my poor baby. I will cry over him. I may have only known him for a few chapters but damn, he's my favorite. Offical favorite. Like he deserves for radiating the biggest Teedy bear, Big Bro, Green Flag vibes in the entier series besides our beloved MC Percy. Second off, uh- the gods are sort of dicks ? Like, you are telling me that Poseidon was just A-okay with abandoning Percy for all his life and ONLY claimed him bc he needed him ???? Not cool ! But also, the implications of this ???? And the fact that apparently Percy is being send out on a quest at- what ? 12 ? 13 ? That is NOT safe, and the gods are apparently fine with it too ?????? Not to MENTION what happened with that Thalia girl !? Honestly, the fact that Zeus broke that sacred oath first did not surprise me, but also Hades wtf ?????? That's an innocent kid ! She isn't at fault here you idiot. That entier sittuation is some A+ child neglect and endangerment aswell as what I gotta assume attempted murder, someone call CPS on those guys or I will do it myself. What a bunch of a-holes. On a third note, so the prophecy said that Percy would be betrayed by a friend. Which means I gotta scrap my previous suspicions of Clarisse or any Ares kid, they and Percy are NOT friends. My next best guess would be Annabeth. She's the next best friend of Percy, and she's on the quest with him which would give us good opportunities. She DID seem weirdly enthusiastic to go on a live threatening quest.
Not to mention that Annabeth is a child of Athena, and it was stated that she (Athena) has a rivalry with Poseidon going on. Maybe Athena's in on the plot to steal the Master Bolt and frame Poseidon due to a grudge from that, and Annabeth as her kid acts on her behalf.
But also, she's like- the only one I can reasonably imagine doing it. Besides here Percy has like, two other friends. Grover and Luke. Grover is the ultimate dork, but also has more than enough motives to specifically STAY loyal. Besides the obvious thing of getting his license, he's been Percy's oldest friend at that point. he cares for him. As for Luke, I just don't think he's the type to do that, yk ? As far as I've seen the guy is nothing but caring, he teached Percy and welcomed him ! Even going out of his way to train him when the other campers were avoiding him after he'd been claimed. Why would Luke do that if he'd just betray him at the end ? He's seemingly being written out of the book for now too, when should he get the chance to betray Percy ? (He did have that one weird line about looking evil that one time which confused me a bit ???? Ngl imma just assume he has a cool badass side, like the cool badass dude he is. Did I say that I really like Luke already ?) My fourth point : the line in the prophecy saying Percy'll fail to save what's most important will be him failing to save his Mom from the underworld. Hades' is built up to be the big bad, and he rules the underworld where Percy's mom is currently in. He cares a whole lot about her and Percy did think about saving her already. And last but not least, I think Annabeth betraying Percy will lead to him not being able to save his Mom. I'd imagine it'd go like this : Percy, Annabeth and Grover go to the underworld to get the Master Bolt from Hades (which I assume is the big bad) and to save Percy's mom. They manage to get the Master Bolt, and are about to save Percy's mom when Annabeth reveals herself and betrays them. Causing Percy and Grover to be unable to get Sally. And that was all ! PS: OMG OK I JUST STARTED WITH CHAPTER 10 AND I NEEDED TO GET THIS OUT WITHOUT WAITING FOR THE NEXT POST. I FUCKING LOVE LUKE, buddy sprinted up there so say goodbey AND he handed Percy those sneakers ?
Naw I'm convinced of my theory now. No WAY Luke could ever be a bad guy ! Why go through all that trouble just to betray Percy in the end ? But also, found family sense are going strong in me rn. Greenest Flag if I have ever seen one. BUT ALSO HE GIVES HEADPATS ? AKJFHQILUWEZBDIL I do still think he has some issues going on tho, poor lad. I hope he get's therapy and a good hug. he deserves it.
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 6 months
Currently Watching - December
aka The Masterlist
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 24.12.2023
A little link to my favorite bl-tropes-collection 💙
I am happy about gif-requests 🌼
Here you can find all of my gifs.
And if you want to show me something you think I might like, just let me know with #josistag
At the end you can have a look at what we can expect in September with MDL link and a link for a trailer (if avaible).
This is guaranteed to contain spoilers!
1. 7 Days before Valentine (1/12 WeTV)
Hm... This was not what I expected. The acting was a little bit over the top. I don't know if I can stand Sunshine. The feeling this first episode gave me was kinda off. I don't know. Right now I don't know if I want to keep watching it.
2. BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank Up Hen (1/3 on Gaga)
This series gives me so much joy! I wasn't expecting this being so funny! It is hilarious, a little bit cringy, but for the right amount and not over the top. It is really a blast. The characters are lovable and the managers are the best 😂 I am really enjoying myself with this one.
3. Cherry Magic (3/12 on Youtube)
I love the japanese version and I try to not compare those two with each other. So far I am doing quite well. I liked the first epiosde. I like Tay as this absolutely whipped character. And for now I am hating GMMTV for a lousing contract and the Japan's network for copyright strinking the series so we international fans aren't able to watch the series anymore on legal sites...
4. Cityboy_Log (11/? on Youtube)
Soon-to-be Idols, actors and models vlog their days of photo shoots and meetups and how they fall in love with each other. It is surprisingly good and the acting is excellent. It really feels like a "real" vlog and that is what we are all here for. I really enjoy those four men on my screen.
5. Cooking Crush (2/12 on Youtube)
I have to admit beside Not Me, I am not the biggest fan of OffGun. Their slapstick humour is just not mine. I can't get the right feeling for this series right now. I will wait and see how it turns out with more episodes... Guess I'll drop this one soon if I am not watching the next episode and catch up on the already aired ones...
6. Dead Friend Forever (1/12 on iQiyi)
Do I like horror? Nope, not at all. But so far I had fun with the first episode. Everytime there was some suypence I just looked away and as long as there are no creepy sounds I am good. The plot gives such a typical highschool/college horror vibe and I kind of like it.
7. For Him (1/12 on iQiyi)
I don't know if I will keep up with this one. Actingwise it is not that bad. We have to wait a bit for a deeper story. Right now it is just friends with benefits and I really hope there is something more to come. But a safe-sex-policy! I like that. And I forgot about this one... Guess it was a little bit much these past weeks. I don't know if I'll drop this at the end of the month or not...
8. Last Twilight (8/12 on Youtube)
I got fucking emotional when Mhok read from The Little Prince and they had this whole big conversation through the book and I am in tears just thinking about it. The Little Prince is very special to me. The series is so soft and so good! The friendship that they build up, the trust between them, the looks, the tension! I love it! And Mhok is the biggest green flag, disguised as a red flag ever! He is the warmest person ever!
9. Pit Babe (7/13 on Youtube)
Ladies and Gentlemen! We have an Omegaverse! I am still in shock! I usually don't dive into the omegaverse, but I did read some webtoons. I am curious how they'll play it out. What the hell was this conversation about wanting kids? Is there mpreg? Why do I have to think about such stuff... It would be something different indeed. But perhaps they wanted to have some fun with us...
10. Playboyy (6/14 on Gaga)
I am intrigued! I needed to call my best friend and tell her about what I have seen. Not just the amount of sex and masturbation and wet dreams, but the way it is filmed. I am intruígued! It looks like a romantic dream combined with porn. It is so artsy and it feels like watching a ballet. In it the dance explains the plot and here the sex, the camera, the lightning and everything around the plot describe the plot. It is so good!
11. Sahara Sensei to Toki-kun (3/8 on Gaga)
Toki is a little bit over the top for me, a little bit too goofy, but the obverall first impression was not that bad. And to be honest who didn't have a crush on a teacher during their school time? Mine was my german teacher in 10th grade. He was young and he wore leather pants. He was cool and really good at his job. I loved learning at that time.
12. The Sign (6/12 on Youtube)
I am already in love with this series! Mystical elements, a good chemistry between the actors, some fighting, naked men... What else could I wish for... Oh yeah, and an accidental kiss 😂 But I still enjoyed it so much!
13. Twins (9/12 on Gaga)
I don't know what it is. The story is... nothing special. The acting is okayish. Sprite's/Zee's facial expression need some time to get used to. And yet, I like this show! It is one of my most anticipated watches of the week. I like First and I LOVE enemies to lovers 😅 It is one of my weak spots!
Finished in December
1. Boys Like Boys (10/10 on Gaga)
This taiwanese dating show accompaniese eight men on their six days journey to find love. All the contestants were so lovable and nice and unique. I enjoyed this show very much! My romance-heart had been fed over the past weeks with this show and with the last episode it got a suger overdose 😅 Because this is a dating show and not a regular series, my rating is a little bit simpe. I liked it so it gets 10 out of 10 points.
2. Bake me please (6/6 on Gaga)
This series is so good! It gave me a good feeling over the weeks. Even though the drama in episode five was a little bit too manufactured and a bit too much, I enjoyed the show. It made my sundays something special and gave me a real warm feeling. I can just recommend it to watch (perhaps binge it while eating delicious cake and drink some hot chocolate). I will miss it! And I liked Ohm and Guide together! Peach was such a sweetheart and his smiles made me smile. Guy... I loved you, than I hated you and in the end I just liked you... You lost me in episode 5... Because it made me feel so good, I give it a 10 out of 10.
Short Film
Dropped/On-Hold in December
Looking forward to in December
I Feel You Linger in the Air Special: Scent of Memory - Trailer (Dec 17th)
Cherry Magic - Trailer (Dec 9th)
It's complicated - Trailer (Dec 14th)
Colorful Melody - Trailer (Dec 16th)
Dead Friend Forever - DFF - Teaser (Dec 23rd)
BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank Up Hen (Dec 24th)
1626 (Dec 24th)
Wuju Bakery - Teaser (Dec)
Night Dream - Teaser (Dec)
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good-beans · 6 months
You talked a little while ago about why you don't think Shidou would make a good father to Amane (agreed) and proposed the idea of Mahiru adopting Amane. That's cute but I want to tell you about my post-MILGRAM headcanon:
Amane joins the Kajiyamas
Not Fuuta specifically adopting her, but like him taking her back to his family's house. I'm sure they'd have a spare room
I think people don't think about Fuuta's homelife much, or if they do they take Fuuta's one interrogation question where he calls his dad an old fogey and assume its like, abusive
And don't get me wrong, I don't think the Kajiyama household are perfect. Fuuta' beautician sister surely hasn't helped when it comes to Fuuta's body image issues and I'm betting they're all a bunch of tsunderes too embarrassed to say they love each other
But in a series where most of the abused characters are still convinced their abuser loved them/acted out of love. Seeing a guy not be afraid to call his dad a loser is almost a green flag
I think it'd be good for Amane to not necessarily be adopted as the lone child to a single parent but get to be introduced to a very different style of family unit from her own One where its normal to express different opinions or disagreements or even have arguments and not have it be the end of the world
Amane already has a snarky side to her, I bet it'd flourish in a brash household like the Kajiyama's (or at least how I imagine them to be)
OOHHH wait I love that so much! >:O
I agree -- I never interpreted Fuuta's family as abusive or harmful, just not super close and struggling a bit after his mother left. (And yeah, all as openly emotional as him😭) They seem stable and very capable to taking in a extra, very well-behaved child. Assuming Fuuta is the way he is because of them, that atmosphere of being very honest and forward would work well for her. They say things as they are, little by little pointing out the harmful parts of her worldview. Like you said, none of them make excuses about harmful behavior stemming from love, so she'd get a really healthy dose of truth in that area. She never feels coddled or treated like a baby. They care for her while treating her very maturely.
I absolutely love how well she and Fuuta get along, with that snarky side to her that you mentioned. It would allow her to fit in well in the new household, getting the sense of belonging she'll lose after leaving the cult. Also, seeing how Fuuta and his sister let things slip and aren't perfect sons/daughters, she'll be able to relax about earning a parent's love through perfect behavior. She'll probably stay exactly the same, but her stress about it will fade <3
I doubt Fuuta's father can ever replace the hole she'll have from her own father, but the addition of an older sister will be huge. Amane will never get the feeling her mother is being replaced, but the woman will still fill the gap of the older, same-gender role model she needs. Her beautician job may throw Amane at first (being an indulgence in vanity), but it isn't as in-your-face as other careers. I think she could definitely ease Amane into accepting it, and over time, accepting her own personal "indulgence."
Plus, her moving in would also be really good for Fuuta! I think he'd recognize there's a ton of fun things she missed out on, and that heroic side of him outweighs the part that cringes: he gripes and groans about going to "kid places," but he's always the one to announce "I can't believe you've never been to __, we're going right now!!" This allows him to touch grass leave the house and experience his own life to the fullest. He's able to channel his desire to help society into a healthier outlet. Also, seeing her studying habits and plans for the future might even inspire him to do the same. (might.) He becomes the stereotypical good big brother, though of course he denies it viciously...
I have recently been going insane over their friendship so I'm completely taken with this idea OUGH thank you for telling me ;-----;
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Hey :)
You are absolutly right about King being a walking green flag!
Can I ask you if you remember any other green flag - guys in bl? I tried to think about it but I almost only came up with Tinn and maaaybe Pat
Thank youu! :)
Anon, as I was compiling this list, I realized that most Green Flags are Blue Boys. Lesson to be learned here is get you a Blue Boy. I also noticed that BLs are doing a much better job of presenting non-toxic personalities when it comes to our queer boys, so there are A LOT of Green Flags roaming these global BL streets.
Since you already mentioned two of Greenest Flags, King and Tinn, I excluded them. I'm also not including the heteros like Takara-kun to Amagi-kun's best wingman Katori, To My Star's best CEO Kim Pil Hyun, To Sir With Love's best brother Yang, or Light on Me's bestest best friend Namgoong.
Honestly, I think this list is less about Green Flags and more about me appreciating my Best Boys:
Confident Green Flags
Chopper - Never Let Me Go
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My Lamb Chop could do no wrong. For the first half of the series, I didn't even believe he could be so good, but he proved until the VERY END by not killing his dad that he was a good guy through and through.
Wat - The Eclipse
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His friend group was doing the MOST every damn day, yet he stood by them and their boyfriends. He pushed them to examine their true feelings, was the easiest going of the cult prefects, and even gave his friends an alibi at the end when all hell broke loose. *He's with Namo in the upcoming book
Jin Xun An - My Tooth Your Love
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He knows a good therapist. He knows boundaries. He knows what he likes. He knows he ain't got time for this bullshit. He knows things.
Korn - Cupid's Last Wish
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This man deserves a damn medal for putting up with Win's bullshit. Oh, and then Win's MOTHER was the reason for their separation, yet Korn didn't want to divide Win's family, so he kept it a secret. People forget just how effed up Win's mom was. Korn not only had to deal with all of that, but when Win got his period, Korn did not hesitate to buy every single pad and tampon in the store, secured chocolate, and used a warm water bottle to help with Win's cramps WHILE HE HELD HIM IN BED. He is the best BL dad yet has no kids.
Cake - My Only 12%
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This man was NOT a green flag until he figured out how he truly felt about Eiw, then he was a green flags parade. He told Eiw that if Eiw was gay, then he was gayer. He wanted to be out in the open to everyone immediately. He supported Eiw through his loss and constantly assured Eiw he wasn't going anywhere.
King - Hit Bite Love
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Much like his fellow green flag, Wat, King's friend group had no chill. They even tried to murder someone, but our babyboy was giving nothing but hugs and love. He supported his friend when he came out, his mom taught him to practice safe sex, and he was willing to cover up for the murder. Oh, and he has a resume for love like another Best Boy, but not a confident Green Flag, Cherry Magic's Kurosawa.
Togawa - Old Fashion Cupcake
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I was on the fence about him because he kissed Nozue on the cheek while he was asleep, but my hamster was just bursting with love for his longtime crush. Even when he was pouting with his bitter chocolate ass self, he was still trying to help Nozue, and that's what makes him a green flag. Even in his pain, he tried to help instead of harm.
Pluem - Ghost Host, Ghost House
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Copy and repeat - Even in his pain, he tried to help instead of harm. He had reasons for being upset at Kevin's family and the way his life had turned out, but he took that anger, sat in it, then released it. He made his man food often. He also knows how to have sex of the homosexual variety, and was quick to let Kevin know. He is what Eat, Pray, Love wished it had been.
Mork - My Ride
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He loves his gay uncles. He loves his gay boyfriend. He loves his nephew. He loves the food his uncles and boyfriend make him. He loves his life. Even when Mork had every right to be angry at life, he was never pressed. Instead, he took his guy to a local fair and was willing to take a bullet for him. What a guy!
Tangmo - Great Men Academy
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I'm not getting into the mud about Great Men Academy's plot and if it's a BL therefore if Tangmo is a BL green flag because HE IS. Period. Baby was a prankster from the start, but once he saw how it affected Love, he gladly volunteered to be his mentor, was a good friend to Vier, took the competition seriously, but not to a toxic level like some..VIER...and told Love that he liked Love regardless of Love's gender. Period.
Thun - He's Coming to Me
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If Korn is the best BL dad, then Thun is the best BL baby. He spent his entire life making friends with ghosts and helped solve one's death. He gave this ghost the life he didn't have a chance to live, and when his entire life was turned upside down, he still did the right thing. He also brought his (ghost) boyfriend to meet his mom, which 80% of the alive boyfriends don't even get in these BLs. Damn! He got his man in life AND the afterlife.
Mico - Hello Stranger
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Mico isn't a green flag; he's a walking pride flag.
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Homie was simply trying to pass his class in a pandemic and ended up getting stuck with the rude lazy jock. He was doing the Lord's work with Xavier all while trying to get both of them to pass the final presentation. Yet he was never mean to Xavier. He spoke to everyone with kindness, openly cried, and kept the heart light and plushie in the background of every Zoom call with NO SHAME!
Kim Jong Chan x Woo Seung Hyun - The New Employee
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LOOK AT THEM! No words. Just feels. Lots of gay feels.
Amber x Pu Le Chien - DNA Says Love You
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Like most Taiwanese pairs involving younger folks, they go well together with minimal toxic traits (see also About Youth), but what makes these two green flags was the understanding that went into their relationship. They both accepted not only who each other had become, but who they had always been, mostly to each other.
Ai & Nhai - Ai Long Nhai
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Before you say "WTF?!" let me state that they are green flags FOR EACH OTHER and literally no one else. Nhai is a brat, but Ai needed that. Ai's mom is ridiculous, and we've seen many BL boyfriends run away after meeting such an opponent, but Nhai truly said "I'm not dumping your son, but I am gonna bully you, bitch!" and they lived happily ever after. I need more brats being green flags for the men who love them because someone has to tell the waiter the food ain't right and the parents to fuck off!
Bas - I Told Sunset About You
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He deserved better!
I'm gonna leave it at that.
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I just finished watching Skam (Norway) today and let’s just say I’m not kidding when I say this is one of the BEST shows I’ve ever watched. I did take a lot of time to watch all the seasons (spanning over one year) but I enjoyed each and every moment of it. Well, some a little less than others. Hence, I have some thoughts and please forgive my yapping.
Okay so Season 1. I actually liked it quite a lot. The acting was good, and it gave a nice start to the whole story.
The getting together of the girls was the highlight obviously, but I really liked the portrayal of Eva in this, as a kind of lost teenager who doesn’t have a lot of direction in her life and is mostly dependent on her boyfriend.
I did think the Isak plot line in this was a little badly done, but I guess it was necessary for the big reveal in the end.
I think the fact that Eva was able to resolve things with Ingrid was very unrealistic, considering they had literally been besties and she basically stole her man. But really idk.
Talking about Jonas, he was majorly gaslighting Eva during the season so I think their relationship was a little immature. Classic right person wrong time.
Penetrator Chris is SO HOT. Especially in that mf smoky eye makeup istg. But he’s a giant asshole and we do not support him.
Season 2. Okay. First let’s start with the showstealer. Eskild my man. I don’t think Eskild is appreciated enough in the whole series but I absolutely love him!! He is so mature, and is such a good friend. I love the dynamic between him and Noora and even him and Linn.
Now let’s address the elephant in the room because why not? I did not like Noorhelm all that much. William never had much of a character development and we never get to see him expressing a lot of emotions. I forever stand by the opinion that Noora was too good for him. Many people talk about William’s support of Noora’s decision to not have sex, but really, that’s like settling for the bare minimum that can be expected from a decent person.
I think the dickhead of a brother had more personality than William. So in conclusion, season 2 did not really impress me but I’d watch it again for Eskild.
Eva hooking up with Chris?? The guy she cheated on her ex with? Can’t say I like this.
Season 3 is SO well done. There’s no question about it. I love Isak’s slow acceptance of his sexuality. From being a closeted gay guy who made homophobic comments to fit in, to a happy and out gay guy in a relationship.
Absolutely adore the boys. Jonas, Mahdi, Magnus. I especially loved Magnus and his take on the whole situation.
Eskild coming in and stealing the show yet again?!!
Emma and Sonja are VICTIMS. As much as I love Evak, they fucked their girlfriends over pretty bad and I hate them for it. Also, Emma is soooooooooo pretty.
The story of Even. His whole character portrayal. The picturisation of his mental issues. Chef’s kiss.
Minute by minute??? Are you trying to kill me here??? It is SO wholesome and they both have matured so much, especially Isak, dealing with his sexuality plus his boyfriend’s mental issues so delicately.
Their chemistry. Their chemistry. Their chemistry.
Sonja should NOT have apologised.
Overall, this season is tied with the fourth as my favourite.
Season 4. Sana is my favourite character hands down. She is portrayed so well, we see all her insecurities, beliefs so beautifully.
Yousana is my favourite couple. Evak is a close second.
The understanding between them, the intellectual conversations, the level of maturity. Just wondrous.
I did think the whole situation with the russ bus was overdone. I never really understood why Sana was so involved with it in the first place. This could easily have been summed up in one episode leaving time for more Yousana development.
Yousef is such a green flag omg. He’s literally the cutest out of all skam boys( my opinion). I just wish he had more screen time.
Elias and Sana??? Whatever bits and pieces we got to see of their relationship were GOLD.
I. Love. My. Girls. So. Much. I just wish Sana was shown interacting more with all of them, not just Noora. Also Yousef and Noora working together to thaw Sana??
I canNOT stress this enough. Yousef and Sana are the best couple ( besides Evak obviously). The chemistry, the flirting, everything was done so right that it got me blushing furiously through the screen. And they managed to do all this without showing any kind of physical contact. Just lovely. The way they counter each other’s opinions with such delicacy and respect makes me believe that they are definitely going to last.
The situation with Even and Mikael and all the balloon squad boys should have been given more screen time.
The way Sana’s faith and her relationship with her family were handled are commendable. We see the dilemma, the cogs of her brain working, and how she accepts her fate and doesn’t sway from her beliefs. I strongly believe that her and Yousef will handle their differences maturely and still come out to be a strong couple.
I SWEAR SHE AND I ARE SOULMATES?????? Cutest shit I’ve ever seen.
Sana and Isak’s friendship means so much to me. In Season 3, we see her rising above her opinions and respecting homosexuality. Here we see Isak figuring Sana out and helping her see beyond her strong opinions. And wdym Sana??? You are best buds.
Okay. The last episode. I absolutely loved it. It’s one of the best season finales I’ve ever watched. We go into the lives of all the girls and some of the guys too. I literally teared up at the Eskild and Linn part!!( idk why they still address Chris as penetrator Chris when his face is literally on the screen like people we know it’s not our girl?? Idk I find it extremely funny). I wish they had shown more of Vilde and Chris’ friendship in the past and not just the final episode. The Even part was absolutely incredible. His insecurities, his fears, and we see him pacifying Isak and not the other way around. Yousef texting Sana from Turkey?? And saying he’ll take her there?? My heart melted.
I literally don’t think Noorhelm is going to last long even though they have reconciled. Something just seems off. Joneva is back??? Didn’t really like the buildup but I guess they could be a good couple as they are more mature than the last time.
Okay. So that sums it up more or less. My favourite was season 4, closely followed by season 3. My favourite characters were Sana and Eskild, they were just so amazing. I related to Sana fiercely all through the show.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk. Feel free to give your own opinions please!!!!
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daze4all · 8 months
Genshin Characters as a Librarian 
What would they recommend/read  & how/what would they read to kids during story time? Zhongli, Ayato, Scaramouche, Itto, Al Haithem
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Zhongli as a Librarian
He would look good in reading glasses and I think might need them
Probably know where any book you want and would know obscure and antique novels 
He would probably take care of delicate antique books like a curator or book binder 
Cpudl see him working in one of the big national libraries 
Recommends: The Sound & The Fury 
Recommends history books or historical fiction probably very difficult or long books 
-He’s probably be good at serious book readings such great exceptions history reading its his deep serious voice. 
However, I find it funny to imagine him being in the kiddie corner reading to kids with his deep voice kind of like a kinda like dad or grandpa that is not sure whether to be serious or funny with it. 
Probably more serious or classic kids books like Peter Pan 
Scaramouche as a Librarian
Recommends: Tokyo Ghoul 
As a librarian is rude but when pressed about books to recommend  jerks a thumb at the manga section where he had written scathing descriptions about manga series. 
Such as for Tokyo Ghoul: “Dumb guy asks red flag girl on dinner date that clearly goes wrong when he is the dinner” 
In a modern AU the type to work at at a local bookstore or barnes & nobles for part time work cuz he has too for an allowance or soothing 
Reading to Kid’s :  
If he was forced to read to kids he would be annoyed at first but get really into it 
He definitely be the type to enunciate “BAM” & “POW” sound effects to startle the kids to his amusement.
Also would kill it on creepy Halloween stories. 
Ayato as a Librarian 
Would recommend:  Great expectations 
Fine literature like great exceptions as he is cultured like that but also thrillers due to the surprise aspect and twists
Reading To kids:
Reading to Kid’s: I think he’d add in his own surprise lines to make the stories fun and see if any kids would catch him in his lie.  Or reading he more fantastical whimsical unexpected children books like Roald Dahl Matilda or James & the giant peach, 
He would also be good at is as he had Ayaka as a sister and could see him getting her into books and vice versa. 
“And then the very hungry caterpillar ate a Moose “ 
Umm mrs kamisato that’s not possible 
Books to Recommend: One Piece 
Definitely also a manga reader and might get excited recommending should mana but maybe just the fight scenes 
He’d recommend One piece like “ Then this green hair dude goes SLASH with his sword and stretchy boy that STREECH his body to shoot a cannonball back at a rival ship” 
Volunteers for fun at local library 
Itto reading to Kids during Storytime. 
Would be so into reading to kids & has big kid energy himself and will get excited while reading and find himself commenting on the story 
Also voices out eh sound effect or act them out like the cannon went “BAM” and slamming his fist on bookcase causing the books to topple out of the bookcase “oops, I’ll clean that u hehe”
Be reading simple kids books maybe Clifford the big red Dog 
Al Haitham 
Recommends: Sherlock Holme Book’s
He would recommend and  read academic papers philosophy, Plato or Socrates for fun I feel like. 
Or mystery’s where you have to guess the killer using logic like Sherlock Holmes 
Also be the type to know the dewey decimal system and know where everything is and be annoyed when people cannot find books.
the type of librarian who’d work best in a college library not a public one 
Reading to Kids for Storytime: 
I get the feeling he would rather not read to kids as he is not a kid person but if he is doing it he will do it right and so that they learn something 
He would maybe correct the kid’s pronunciations of words if they get it wrong
He would choose an educational book that has a logic puzzle or to learn a new language like Spanish lol since he came from haravatat the school about languages 
Inspired by:
I had random nostalgia for the library and how we would do story time as kids when I heard they still do it at some libraries had to write this plus love books
I really like the voice acting of Genshin characters and have err simped more below 
Sometimes after writing yandere stuff I just need some fluff about sweet soft bois.
Side Note on Voice Actors: 
I bet as voice actors any of these characters can probably pull off story time with a variety of voices.
I find it funny I can recognize certain voice actors such as Zhongli or Aether as their voices are so iconic and pervasive in other works. 
I think Voice actors are either really good for their unique voice or the variety in how they can change their voice. 
Honestly, the voice actors in Genshin are so talented and really put work into their characters. 
I find it great that we are developing a community of good English voice actors 
(Also not my UID someone elses screenshot )
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karimac · 1 year
...in the details, Part 11
A/N: Warning for this series: 18+ audience (minors DNI), some cinematic level violence, some fluff and angst. Doubt that smut will be involved, but it may be implied. I’ll make sure that is noted clearly if it pops up.
All relationships, at this point in the story, are platonic, but there is romance in the cards for Kari and Bucky.
Please do not repost or translate my work. Likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
Taglist is open! Please send an ask, and I will gladly add you to the list. If I have added you and you do not wish to be on the list, please let me know, and I’ll take you off the list.
Word count: 3.1k, give or take a word. Not beta read. All mistakes are my own.
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That last Flag Smasher lived up to her to name as she sent you flying through the air and crashing into a pizzeria’s brick wall near that bus. You’d been to this Ray’s location, and you felt bad because the guy had just gotten his windows replaced after some idiot tried to rob a nearby bank and used a sonic weapon to make his point. Now that Tony was gone, these tech geniuses started crawling out of the woodwork because they suspected no one could stop them. It was a good thing Wong liked that Ray’s too, and, how did Sam put it? Oh yeah. Wong whammied the jackass to Riker’s Island?
You looked over toward where the kids had been teleported, and you thanked the pantheon those students and their teacher had been safely removed from danger. They’d have quite the tale to tell their pals at Dr. Daniel Bright Elementary School, the Home of the Bears! At least that’s what their shirts said.
You would never have expected John Walker to be the one to come give you an assist, but there he was, remnants of his homemade shield in hand, fighting off another jacked-up assailant who was trying to keep this horror show going.
Before you could feel the back of your head, everything went white, and you suddenly were not trying to get back to your feet on that New York street. You were Goddess knows where, and your sister Dana was trying to get you moving.
“Kari, please. Pete needs healing, and I am not up to it,” your sister said as her hands shook. They were covered in the blood of one Pete Wisdom, cranky Brit spy and current MI 13 agent. A mutant with the power of hot knives coming from his fingertips. But how did you suddenly know all that?
Back home, Dana was never one to rely on the use of magic for very much. Tall and thin with short dark hair and piercing blue-green eyes, Dana would have reminded many of the actress Keira Knightley. She was a lawyer by trade and a badass by nature.
And to top that all off, Dana was long dead. At least back home she was. She’d been killed during a standoff at a court house. Her client was a mystic, and some maniac hit Dana with a poisoned dart that was meant for said client.
She was, in this place anyway, terrified about losing her true love. You could feel the pain radiating off her in waves.
“I’ve got him,” you said as you placed your hands over Wisdom as you noticed many other members of the X-Men in the middle of some bloody brawl against an as yet unseen foe. But if you were seeing this, was their Kari suddenly at the mercy of the Flag Smashers now?
As you concentrated, you felt the pull of your own world and the tug of at least a dozen more. This was all going to pot fast, and you had no idea why all these pieces of you were making you into the human equivalent of taffy.
{{What the hell is Bucky going to think?}} you mused, keeping your thoughts to yourself as much as you could in case a family psionic link was being used. These people might have never met a Bucky Barnes, and you did not need to sit here explaining everything.
He would have gotten quite the laugh out of the spandex uniform you were wearing. Blue and yellow with a red X in a circle on each shoulder. What had possessed you to wear this outfit in this world was beyond you, but you hoped you’d find a more suitable one soon. It drew too much attention for your liking.
“I think most of these wounds are clean and healing,” you said as you looked up at Dana, the small smile of relief on her face worth every bit of energy you put into healing her lover. “But have him checked out when this is over. Pete can be too damned stubborn, so wheel him into med bay if you need to.”
You started to get up, but you turned your head to see if you could figure out which world this was before you got to your feet. Was this the one with Nathan Summers? Or maybe this was the world with Logan Howlett? Steve Rogers? Thor? It always got too confusing when those little shards Merlin sent into the multiverse actually started to make themselves a bit too vocal. It gave you headaches, and sometimes you wondered if it was making you crazy. You would have spoken to Bruce about it, but he likely wouldn’t have had many answers about it. And telling Sam or Bucky anything was out of the question, at least for now.
The ground around you started to shake as a Sentinel, a large robotic killing machine, made its way onto the battlefield, and the world went white again.
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“Barnes! Wilson! I think your girl needs a medic!” Walker shouted as he stood over you. It didn’t take long for Bucky and Sam to make it to your side. You knew that much, even if you appeared to be dead to rights to everyone else. The screwy link to Bucky, courtesy of Wanda, still seemed to be quite active in your head. But you were not too certain it was in Bucky’s anymore. Pity that.
“Kari! Kari! Wake up!” he shouted as he knelt at your side while Sam checked for a pulse. You felt his hand on your wrist, and you tried to open your eyes. You just couldn’t at the moment.
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When the white haze vanished this time, you realized you were still no closer to home than you were a few moments ago. You hissed under your breath as you looked up at the night sky, the battle dress of your last location now replaced by some Celtic-inspired gown of green velvet. You smiled as you looked over to see both Steve and Bucky, but they didn’t seem to be as pleased by whatever was going on. They were dressed in some sort of modified armor and looked more like men from your early life at the Tara Mount or Camelot than two men from 1940s Brooklyn. Only thing missing at the moment were their horses.
“Are you back?” were the only words Steve uttered before a volley of flaming arrows came over the parapet of the castle where the three of you apparently lived in this world. “Your Majesty?”
Oh, this world you did not like thinking about at all, and that was because you were queen of this place, and you were always more happy being a field general than you were as a member of the ruling class. Living in a tower, be it ivory or stone, sucked.
“No, I am not your queen, but I take it she has explained it all to you?” you asked just as both men pushed you back to the ground as more arrows came toward you. You tried to put up a shield but could not. No powers. This was new and most unwelcome.
“I will try to get her back to you as fast as I can,” you said to Steve and Bucky before the castle shook as a flaming boulder slammed the wall just behind you. “I am so sorry you had to go through this.”
“Ssh, we understand,” Bucky whispered in your ear just as he grabbed your left hand and Steve your right. They both looked concerned as hell, and not just because you were their queen. This one felt different. Polyamory? That was your closest guess as you smiled and squeezed both men’s hands.
{{Why is this happening?}} you thought as you felt both men move off you, and as they did, your reality was flipped once more, the white haze returning again.
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“Should we call Strange? He might be better than a regular hospital run,” Sam suggested as Walker sent the last of the combatants to dream land with a couple of upper cuts now that his shield was kaput. “Are you still connected to her? That stuff Wanda did?”
“Sam, I wish I were, but I can’t feel a thing,” Bucky replied as he continued to kneel next to you. “I am not crazy about that damned link thing, but right now I’d take it.”
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As your eyes blinked this time, your last location gave way to a crazed looking steampunk version of London with banners bearing your father Ronan’s face flying from every building in sight. You usually did not hate seeing the man who many said resembled Liam Neeson, but this was insane.
In this world your father was the worst despot known in history, and you had fled his court to marry Ryu, a demon warlord of the House Harada. Your sister Hayley, known as Camellia in this realty, had done much the same, but her life was tied to the son of Vlad Tepes. You really could not stay here long. Death was not something you wanted to face, and in this dimension, it was more likely than not to happen. Ronan did not like the “gutter trash” of the world mixing with the pure mystic blood of his family, even if he had fathered a bastard or two along the way himself. If your father had ever met his doppelganger, well, it would not have been pretty. Your father was fair, loving and tolerant beyond measure. This version was a sadistic imitation at best.
{{Need to get back to Bucky and Sam now, before I end up dead}}
Two sets of hands grabbed your upper arms and pulled you backward, and thank heaven that action seemed to send you home to your own world where Bucky was hovering over you. The lights of an ambulance were visible just down the block, and you could smell the aroma of garlic someone had burned wafting out of the pizzeria window. But you could also hear the whispers from that last world as you regained your senses. Two men seemed to be very happy you were not dead, but they were also shocked that you weren’t.
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“Hey, you back with us?” Bucky asked as he, Sam and Walker all stood looking at you. You wanted to throw up, but you would not do it in front of these gentlemen.
“Sorry. That eejit packed quite a wallop,” you said as you grabbed Bucky’s arm to get back to your feet. “I’ll be fine. But I do feel sorry for the guy who owns this place.”
“Her version of fine and mine are very different,” Walker said as he looked down at his now broken shield. “You may want to have those medics check her out to be on the safe side. I thought I heard her speaking Japanese a few minutes ago, and I have no idea who she was talking to, Barnes.”
“I am here, Walker, and I can speak for myself. Tourists. I interacted with them earlier,” you said, lying through your blood-covered teeth as you tried to keep the trio off the scent of what was really happening. “The bump on the wall made me get hazy for a few minutes, so the most recent language set started playing in my head. Telepathy can be a bitch. I’ll be fine. I’m pretty damned hard to kill.”
“I don’t care what you say, we are having someone check you out,” Bucky said as Sam nodded in agreement. “You missed Sam’s speech. It was pretty amazing.”
“I heard some of it,” you said as you tapped your temple. “I’d have helped with the truck, but those kids needed me here.”
As you looked toward the ambulance and dreaded having to go see the medics at all, you heard what could only be called a “squee” from a group of teens near one of the police barricades. You recognized the girl with the high pitched joyful tone from a local vlog about The Avengers. She lived in Jersey City and had a thing for sloths. She also shared a name with a famous politician, albeit it was pronounced differently.
“Guys, hold up a minute. You too, Walker,” you said as you waved to the girl and her male companion. “Nice Captain Marvel shirt, my dear. She’d get a kick out of seeing it.”
“Oh my Gawd! Bruno!” the girl shouted before the police tried to keep them behind the barricade. “They saw it!”
You hobbled over to them, much to Sam and Bucky’s chagrin. “You two should be headed home before you’re missed. I know what a pain curfews can be. Many a time I’ve avoided them myself. But that was in the Sixth Century, so maybe that doesn’t count too much?”
“The subways are all shut down, and we can’t get a bus right now,” Bruno said as his friend pulled out her phone. “Kamala, that may not be a good idea…”
“Kamala Khan. Sloth Baby, right?” you asked before another “squee” escaped the girl’s lips. “Trust me, guys. Cap, you may want to talk to these two over here,” you said as you motioned for Sam to walk over. “I mean, this is Captain America after all, and he just gave the speech of his life. I need to go get my head examined, and I mean that quite literally,” you said as you pointed to the back of your head. “Good luck, Kamala and Bruno. Oh, and if you are ever in Manhattan at a more reasonable hour, come pay me a visit,” you said as you made two business cards appear out of thin air. “Lunch is on me. Sam, be nice to these two,” you said as you waved to Walker to join you and Bucky. “These two can keep me in line with the medics.”
“And why do I not believe that for one second?” Walker asked as you laughed.
“John. May I call you that?” you asked as you leaned more into Bucky’s arm as you kept walking. “None of this, from Baltimore to Madripoor and now Manhattan, has worked out as any of us had hoped. Especially for you. I can see things that are coming in small ways, and I know our paths will all cross again. People enter our lives for a lot of reasons. All I can hope is that, when we do meet again, we are all on the same side and without as much angst. Buck, I can go to the medics myself. Maybe you and John should finish that talk you started before,” you said as you pointed at your head. “Before I made the dent in the wall of Ray’s.”
“You really going to do it?” Bucky asked as you pointed toward the ambulance and walked slowly toward it. As you sat down on the step near the rear door, you looked first at Bucky and John, and then back toward where Sam was actually talking to Kamala and Bruno.
“You didn’t tell them, did you?” a tall woman said as she came up to check your wounds. “That you knew I’d be here?”
“Enya, I haven’t told them about you or Dev or Mina yet, and I am certainly not about to tell them I alerted you before this all started tonight,” you said as your sister-in-law Enya Sun slowly healed you of your wounds. A daughter of Avalon and one of their best warrior priestesses of the Holy Isle, Enya made short work of your issues, but she made it seem a lot longer so that those who needed to talk could do so. It was a long practiced ritual you had both done on battlefields for centuries. Your tiny bit for peace. That’s what Dev always called it.
“What did you see? You went walking again, didn’t you?” Enya asked as she tried to “balance” your body, mind and spirit after that attack. “Walking” was what Enya called your contact with the parts of you in other worlds.
“I saw enough to know trouble is coming, but I can’t tell what the hell it is yet,” you replied as you flexed your shoulders before smiling up at Enya. “Three places this time. One was Londinium. You know how much I hate that place. But two men were able to touch me. I have no idea who they are, but they seemed surprised to see me. One reminded me of my father. My actual father. Not that crazy copy.”
“That stupid spell you did made it worse. You know that, right?”
You rolled your eyes as you turned your gaze back to Bucky. “He does not need me making a mess of his life again. I’m hoping he hits it off with Sam’s sister. She’s…”
“Normal? Not a mystic? What?”
“Not me. I’ll leave it at that. He deserves so much more than…”
“More than someone who loves him like you do? Than someone who nearly burned Hydra to the ground in his name?”
“He deserves peace,” you said quietly as you got back to your feet. “They all do. And you and I know it will never happen.”
“Too damned cynical for our own good,” Enya added with a laughed. “I’m going to get you home now. You need sleep. And tomorrow we can talk about Silver Hand over there.”
“Don’t call him that. He’s the White Wolf. Winter Soldier if you must. But he is not some Celtic hero reborn.”
“Call him tomorrow, OK?” Enya asked as she slung your gear over her back and opened a portal to Brooklyn. She whistled at Bucky so he could see you exit the area with her. The last thing you heard was Bucky groaning and throwing his hands in the air.
Next: Part 11, or Is this the moment of truth?
Taglist: @arrthurpendragon, @historygeekfics, @starryeyes2000, @chickensarentcheap
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topknotstrunk · 1 year
Review Everything 30 - Sweet Tooth, Season 1
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It has been a good, long while since there was a post-Apocalyptic thing I really liked has been airing.
Which is unfortunate because that’s the genre that originally got me seriously into worldbuilding, which is now one of the things that’s most important to me and I spend a lot of time doing.
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Gus is an interesting protagonist for this genre. We’ve had Kids to The Apocalypse Before [one of my all time faves is The Girl Who Owned a City, Green Angel by Alice Hoffman stuck with me when I first read it as a pre-teen, The Hunger Games is a series I have mixed feelings about but was wildly popular, and I’d argue that The Last Of Us falls into this category too, and it’s pretty widely loved] but I don’t know if we’ve had boundless optimist kid being the protagonist like this. At least, not in anything I’ve seen/read.
Gus sort of feels like an anime protagonist in a weird way, like the main boy in a Shonen anime. Sure, he has his moments of fear, and doubt, but ultimately he’s going to have his mind set on the most hopeful outcome and push to get there no matter what.
I find an element of this slightly grating, though. Gus never seems to learn anything from these situations he throws himself into. He picked up some farm steadying skills with his Pubba and can feed himself [we never have seen food be an issue for him so far, though he always eats like it’s the first food he’s seen in weeks he also never complains of hunger or has flagging energy due to lack of food]. No matter how many times charging head first into a situation put him in danger, head first he continues to charge. Same thing for trusting people. Despite the world outside his little homestead showing itself, and plainly, to be dangerous to Gus he continues to act as if he’s a little boy alone in the woods with only people who love him to concern himself with.
The reason I find this odd is that I jumped into this show without really knowing what it was. I have been lamenting not having “a show” because all my favorite cartoons got canceled or cut short basically all at the same time recently. A reviewer I like offhandedly mentioned, “And hey, season 2 of Sweet Tooth is airing, so go watch that.” Then an ASL interpreter I follow shared a scene from season 2 that’s ASL heavy and I went, “Oh yeah, I should watch this.” From those two tiny exposures to the show I had no idea there were other characters that the movie would follow, or that most of them would be adults. I thought it was gonna be a kid’s show. It’s not!  A character being static in something aimed at children is, for me, more forgivable then something aimed at older audiences. Which this show clearly is. Though Gus is ten and the show shies away from almost all sexual content and the fights are almost entirely bloodless, the subject matter and heavy focus on adult characters might bore kids Gus’ age. So I hope season 2 shows some growth for the kid beyond, “Wow, so everything isn’t on fire. Now let’s explore!”
I talk a lot in these reviews, I feel like, about my ability, or not, to guess at where a story is going. It’s just a thing my brain does when I consume media. To the point where, when I was a kid, I had guessed right one to many times and my Family forbade me from saying my guesses out loud. My gasp of realization less than halfway through a movie would draw glares from my family at family movie nights. I was even given a notebook to keep my thoughts to myself in for movie watching. They’re fun people. *eyeroll* All this to say, I didn’t find myself doing that much with this show. The reveal of Gus being patient zero, as it were, made sense, in a “Huh, I feel like I should have seen this coming” kind of way. I had been thinking, and only for that episode, that Birdie was gonna be patient zero, and give birth to Gus as the first hybrid kid. The only “called it” moment I had was like, 30 seconds before it’s revealed who Wendy was to Bear, when we see the back of her head as a little kid. That usually means the show is written well and doing its job, being too interesting for me to analyze in real time. Having too good a time with the show and being to distracted by how annoying Gus can be to make many guesses. XD
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Something I find super interesting the the choices in how the hybrids look. I feel like characters that are important and that we’re supposed to empathize with the most are the “most cute” and most Human. Like, Gus has the tapetum lucidum thing going on, sure, but otherwise he’s a cute kid with deer horns and ears. There are about a billion OCs you could find on DeviantArt that look pretty much the same. He’s the deer version of a Cat Girl. Same thing for Wendy. But then we have, for example, the first character we see the new Doctor operate on and he’s got these big, ugly lizard eyes bugging out of his face, with the top part of his face being totally un-Human, with lizard tongue movements and animal like behavior. All the hybrid kids seem to have /some/ animalistic tendencies, but like, I feel like “we’re gonna cut you up now” might hit a bit harder if the lizard kid just had a little patch of scales and a normal kid face like Gus and Wendy have. IDK though, maybe that’s the point? They seem less Human so those scenes won’t be as upsetting.
Anyway, I’m really interested to know if there’s a reason some kids are cute animal gijinkas and some lean way more to the Cronenberg side of the “humans combined with animals” spectrum. Even if it’s just, “Genetics, some kids get more animal half, some get more Human half.” I’m SUPER not interested in quantifying the reasons and details of “weird deer shit”. I don’t want to know if lizard kids are exothermic if more than 30% of their bodies are covered in scales, I don’t wanna know if wolf kids need to eat an all carnivore diet if their teeth are sharp instead of flat, that shit. The show has some neat fantastical elements, I am happy to chalk up “their physiology is the way that it is” to “because”.
My only real critiques of the show so far are that the effects can be a little hokey, mostly the deer and other normal animals that show up, and that the kid acting can be well... Bad kid acting. Gus does okay most of the time but I have a real hard time feeling upset for him when he’s upset. He’s not great at fake big fear or fake crying, which are two things important to the story that he has to emote fairly regularly. Stefania LaVie Owen is doing an amazing job though, and so is Naledi Murray.
Looking forward to season 2. I like Birdie a lot and want to know more about her. I’d also like to hear about how Pubba felt taking Gus out into the wild, thinking she’d come, only she never showed up. I wanna see Wendy and Bear reunited. I also wanna know why almost every character in this show has a nickname or chosen name. Sweet Tooth, Big Man, Pubba, Bear, Pig Tail, Birdie, is this a thing the creator/s like or is there some meaning to it? I also really wanna know if our narrator is Gus all grown up.
In Summary: Cool world building, fresh take on the apocalypse [bold move making a plague movie while we’re still having a plague], a fun mix of science inspired story ideas and fantasy ones, I love me a good found family, animal kids are goofy but neat, and I wanna see more.
Overall: 6/10
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jemmo · 2 years
bad buddy rewatch: ep 1 - the substitute smile
so i’ve decided for this momentous anniversary and for this rewatch period, bc i can’t emotionally put myself through watching the show again without it taking over my entire existence, to return back to my roots and get back on my analysis/meta/glorified ranting shit, bc i still have way too many feelings about this show to keep them all inside, even after a year. so i’m gonna fondly call these posts ‘jemmo’s best bits’, where for every episode i’m just gonna pick a scene or detail or piece of dialogue or underlying theme and just ramble about it.
for episode 1, i call this literally 15 second part of the opening montage the substitute smile. it’s an introduction to one of the literally thousands of threads and details that span this series in such a masterful way, that being pran’s love of these emoji faces, particularly smiley faces and that signature reversible face. we later see these in every nook and cranny of his dorm room, his fairy lights, his bedside lamp, his sticky notes, his doorhanger, and even see them in his childhood bedroom, which shows us that this isn’t a recent fad. and why is that? well, its a bit of a consensus that pran likes to fill his spaces with these faces as a kind of substitute for pat, this ever smiling face that for so long couldn’t be there. he saw these big grinning faces radiating light and they reminded him of this loveable kid he was supposed to hate so he surrounded himself with them.
that underlying theme could have its own whole post dedicated to it, but what is great about this scene in particular is that it not only establishes the theme, not only shows where its rooted from, but also masterfully conveys how pat and pran in these earlier years had this almost miscommunication that reinforced the narrative being fed to them by their parents. now you might think, miscommunication? in my bad buddy?? no way, pat is a walking green flag, he’d never allow it. but i really think that there was a period in their lives, early high school, even after saving pa and returning the watch and the lapse in the narrative that was, where they still didn’t quite manage to see each other for what they were. where they still viewed every action of the other through the lens of rival, even when said actions were never done in hostility. it shows perfectly how the feud and their parents have conditioned them both to always read the other negatively, and its done in such a quick, throw away scene that’s so easy to see on a surface level but can be dissected to death upon rewatches with all this new context and understanding and thats why its genius!!!
so lets get into it. the scene opens up like this.
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pat is blasting his tunes (on his headphones) and banging his drumsticks on any available surface, basically causing a ruckus. pran is sat at his desk doing something, homework i’d guess. before we move on, lets just appreciate this first introduction to the geography of their childhood rooms, how they were always this close for their entire childhood, growing up inches apart with an invisible wall between them. so much goes on in a childhood bedroom, you lie in bed sick with a cold, you explore your hobbies there, you strum a guitar or whack drumsticks around or do some doodles, you stay up late finishing homework, you get sent there when you misbehave, you decorate it to ft your evolving tastes and likes. the fact that pat and pran always had this insight into this private space, were close enough to see a lamp on until late or see the pictures on each others walls or hear glimpses of conversations or the sound of sniffling or the quiet hum of music, i just think thats so good. bc its like here they are, two feuding families, and let you let these two kids have this insight into the other’s life by literally situating their place of privacy and sanctuary next to each other. its that thing of how could i continue to hate him, continue to not empathise with him when i see every little mundane thing he does, when i am forced every second of the day to see him at his most normal and human. so much of this you could mistake for gimmick, think it has no substance, this framing is just to show ‘oh they live next door’, but then think about how different the show wouldve played out if their rooms were at opposite ends of their houses, if they weren’t there in each others faces whenever they looked out the window, if they couldnt climb across balconies and invisible walls and bridge that insurmountably tiny gap.
anyway, tangent over (apologies), in the next shot we get confirmation of what pran is actually up to.
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which is probably still homework (come on, he’s pran), but he’s sidetracked, distracted by something, more specifically a ping pong ball, and even more specifically drawing a smiley face on it. when you see this action on your first viewing of the show, you think nothing of it. the montage is fast paced and you don’t know that these smiley faces are gonna be associated with pran’s character so you dont pay attention to it above just thinking this is something pran just does, no reason. its only upon a rewatch when you know how pran is connected to these smiley faces that you even give it some thought, and then you get this look and your mind starts ticking 
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he looks across at pat with this look on his face. what do you read this as on a first watch? idk, bored? quizzical? maybe a bit annoyed? more likely you dont read into it at all. but upon rewatch, when you realise he’s looking at pat while drawing a smiley face and what that could mean, this look becomes more thoughtful, pondering. maybe its pran just thinking about pat, maybe its the start of his crush, maybe he’s had the crush for a while and he’s thinking about how, even though pat is a couple of meters away, he cant have him for so many reasons, and so he replaces him with a smiley face on a ping pong ball. no matter what it is exactly, its the fact that this connects pat with these smiley faces, which makes seeing his room later so much more meaningful, and its the fact that this once mundane action now hints at so much more that was always bubbling under the surface, its just that we, much like pat, weren't yet privy to the thoughts inside pran’s head.
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pat looks over at pran and pran gives him this look in response. on first watch, this is nothing more than a look of anger and annoyance, which make sense, because they hate each other. even if pat wasn’t getting on pran’s nerves by being noisy, even just the presence of your enemy is enough to earn this kind of look. its all so damn unassuming, so easily read the way you’ve been told to read it. but when you rewatch, again, the look could be something completely different. it might still be annoyance, but now it more like ‘”god why am i in love with this loud, annoying dude? he’s just banging some drumsticks, why do i think that is so cute?” yknow?? but jokes aside, it just speaks to how well the show sold us that falsity in the early episodes, put us in the shoes of one of these families, always reading every look or action as hostile bc you aren’t being asked to see anything else there. you see a look like this, that could just be pran thinking, could be pran getting annoyed at himself for his feelings, could be getting mad at their situation, and just read it as anger directed at pat, bc thats what the story tells you to do, and so you dont question it, not until you take the initiative to look beyond.
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what happens next perfectly encapsulates how their miscommunication works. bc pat sees pran give him that look, and being the good guy he is, probably thinks “oh im being noisy and annoying pran. let me shut my window so he doesn’t have to hear me” and he does it and thinks nothing of it, doesnt think about how his actions could be misinterpreted by pran just as he misinterpreted pran’s expression. again, you only see the kindness of this action upon rewatch, after the character pat is expected to be is fully subverted and shown to be good and caring, so far from this big macho man’s man he’s expected to be, both by the people in the story and by us. on first watch, this is shutting pran out, ignoring him, blocking out a presence that is constantly shoved in his face. its only when we learn more that we realise this wasn’t shutting pran out for his sake, but for pran’s sake. its the exact opposite of hostility, he’s just trying to do something nice. but as is always the case with pat, these acts of kindness are always read negatively, always framed with bad intent, or even when they’re not, the constant message is that no matter what pat tries to do, things never end well when touched by his hands. he has fundamental badness. but when you realise that this output only ever came from his fundamental goodness, your heart breaks a little, for a kid thats only ever tried to things right, but the world always tells him he’s wrong.
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and finally we see pran misread pat’s actions, misunderstand him. he sees hostility, not kindness, and in retaliation closes his curtains. but again, the nature of this retaliation differs upon rewatch. first time around, this is just a tit for tat exchange, you shut your window i shut mine, we can both be equally annoyed with each other for no reason other than we hate each other. but the second time around? well now we know not only has pran been taught to misinterpret pat by his parents, but he’s also made himself do that too in a romantic sense. he’s never let him see anything pat does as either kind or romantic, never let himself see a side to him that is good not bc he doesn’t know its there, but bc he cant let himself, bc once he sees goodness and kindness and god forbid sincerity, that might get his hopes up. that might be enough to let him believe that something could happen, that pat’s actions and words could mean more. but no, instead he sees pat look at him and close his window, ignore him, shut him out. and that hurts him. he was just thinking about pat fondly only to be reminded of the reality, that pat doesnt care, that pat is exactly who hes been told he is, and in frustration he closes his curtains too bc he cant face seeing that closed window every time he looks up, cant face being reminded of the valley between them, that divides them, cant face the reality that pat is not the person he hopes him to be, that he gleams from actions that could betray some better intent, he’s in fact just that same old rival he’s always been. 
the layers upon layers of this scene really never cease to astound me. you’ve got hints to future themes without knowing their importance, you’ve got pat and pran misreading each others actions, you’ve got us the audience misreading their actions, all bc the story is set up to be one way, but the entire time there’s the real narrative underneath, hidden by an imposed feud and our own misjudgement and the fact we don’t initially seek out anything else. we’ve been told what were supposed to see and what we actually see matches with that story enough that we dont question. and it would’ve been so easily for pat and pran to do the same, not question what they were told, have the facts match the fiction enough to make them become one and the same. but they dont. and thats exactly what sets them on this path, their willingness to see past it all, to look for whats actually there. bc when you do, when you rewatch and see past the surface, its so fucking rewarding. i remember my first rewatch and latching onto this scene for dear life for this exact reason, bc its an encapsulation of what makes bad buddy great, both narratively and thematically and structurally. its 15 seconds that doesn’t ask to be paid attention to, doesn’t sell itself as anything more than set up, its done and gone and you get your surface level message from it. it does its job perfectly. but it also hides in plain sight a story that you are on the edge of diving into before you even know what you’re getting yourself in for, and in that sense, it also does its job perfectly. its masterful. its genius. its bad buddy. 
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shinahbee · 1 year
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BL Semes Tier list
Okay this is inspired by my last post on un popular opinions on BL characters and some one decided to make a tier list for ranking the “Semes/ Tops” lol. I decided to rank mine with only ones that I have read, there are ones that I know the character through osmosis but I haven’t read it at all so I won’t be including those.
there is also a Uke tier list so I might rank those too!
again if you are offended by people talking crap about your favorite character maybe not read any of my posts cause that can’t be avoided here.
but let’s be real for a sec...the actual challenge is me remembering all these people’s names LMAO.
so how I ranked my list was red flag to green....lol not really but it turned out that way. the highest tier is the spicy-nice tier and if you have followed me for a long time I have named my favorites “ spicy- nice “ because they are neither bad boys or good boys entirely and they have that extra something that makes you go...huh? 
Spicy-nice tier:
dooshik -Pearl boy
hyunwook- Secondo piatto
taekyeom- Omega complex
wolfgang- kings maker
Giovanni - Hold me tight
hyorung- don’t get me wrong boss
yoonseul - the third ending
Like I said they all have that extra something that separates them from the next ranking of just being the “nice guy” they have parts of them that are imperfect but does not let that affect the relationship with their partners.
Good personality but need more development:
woowon- the pizza delivery man and the gold palace
sunyul - Love tractor
jinseng - path to you
seheon- No moral
woon - between the stars
yohan - liveta
jekwon- butler
sunghyun- the origin of species
Dahyeok- killer crush
Hoin- Lucky paradise
Taejun- Unintentional love story
inhyun - insatiable man
reok- willow love story
seowoo- seeing double
holy crap I forgot some of these characters names and even the title, lol its been so long since then. but hopefully these are all right. But these character are great in personality but I feel as though they don’t have a lot of character development yet or was not expanded, which is what disconnects me from them and if that is explored later on they might moved up in rank since I would know them a lot better.
Don’t feel one way or another:
Howon - runway hit
byeol’s brother...lol. I dont know his name I think its hesung..- Between the stars
Jaeyoung - semantic error
jiwoon - my suha
seongho- painter of the night
Jaeshin- the ghosts nocturne
tsukiyama... lol. I’m kidding but I forgot his name for real - Dine with a vampire 
cain- your to claim
taekung..I think lol- Love or hate
Jaewoo -seeing double
so as you can see I don’t feel one way or another, this is due to the fact that I either prefer one character over the other in the same series or in most cases I dropped the entire series and I don’t care about any of the characters. If I don’t know thier names I usually give them nicknames lol. 
looks better than their personality:
wooyeon - Love history of willful negligence
Ilay - passion
Nakwon - beware of the full moon in march
Jaehyuk - limited run
sehan- shadow realm
ajusshi - dangerous convenient store
like I said 10/10 for looks 4/10 for personality. some of these protags are really shitty and I’ll talk about some of them in my monthly favorites but they just have that personality that I hate (ajusshi is an exception, I just don’t prefer his personality, he isn’t bad ) even though they are good looking fellas.
juwon- Love or hate
yoojin - Turn off the camera
Yawhi- Yours to claim
sungyeon - even if I don’t love you...forgot the title
Jaekyung- jinx
ilmo - blind play
jiwon- BJ alex
seoreok - Chess piece ( not that he is bad, I just don’t find him attractive lol)
I don’t think I need to explain really but no means no and sometimes these characters would not take no for an answer and sometimes do despicable things, physical and mentally assault either their partner or people in general...yeah not the most ideal type, but some people love them like their lives depend on it and I worry for them.lol.
the thing that separates the not so good personalities from the nope tier is that there is something about those characters that motivate them to do the things they do..even if it makes them despicable eg. wooyeon is a good example of a sociopath that does not understand peoples actions and feelings towards him which makes him able to get away with punching someone in the face with a smile on and just walking away like nothing just happened. some of the people they do that to are worse than scum...so who is bad person here? 
anyways, that was fun, I need to do an updated BL tier list soon cause I have read more since that time and let me tell you...rankings have changed.
hope you enjoyed and if you feel the same let me know. 
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abri-chan · 2 years
What makes you think Worick as toxic and what are his red flags? Other than the hero complex you talked about.
So most everyone carries at least one red flag in gangsta, as most everyone kills people. So even characters like Delico or Yang, who are some of the least "problematic" characters in the series, are red flags in that they're Mafia. So we'll put the murdering as part of a gang or Mafia aside as a red flag we won't count specifically for Worick, bc that's the kind of world Gangsta is--you gotta do what you can to survive.
Other red flags:
- yandere alert: he kills Miles; in other words, he will kill those he loves in the name of the greater good (and that's scary bc how do you even define what greater good is). Now I personally suspect Miles asked Worick to kill him, or it was at least a mutual decision, say Miles asked Worick what the counter-attack plan should be, and Worick saying Miles has to die for that, and so on. But I wouldn't put it past Worick to also just kill Miles if Miles wouldn't suggest first that he was okay with dying. After all, we see him being okay with sacrificing Nic, or the whole city. (being okay doesn't mean he has no remorse; imo Worick has made up his mind he will die by the end of this story, so he's a captain dying with the ship he caused to sink).
- scum manifesto feminist, or the closest we see to a male mysandrist (now this can be a green flag to some). I know some fans have pointed out he hates women, bc of how rude he was in his head to some of the clients ("nic is not a gigolo, you dumb woman"), but to me that's just Worick's reaction to abuse coming up on the surface: these women that buy his services are buying paid rape in a way--he needs to eat so he cannot consent, plus they definitely treat him like an object and someone that needs to perform in front of them or otherwise he won't get paid or won't be booked another time. Sex work is harsh; clients, even those that aren't physically violent, are emotionally abusive, so that outburst (in his head) is Worick retaliating for the way his clients use him. More so, we see him hate men specifically, and see women as damsels to be saved: men are trash and women can do no wrong, but this way he is also being sexist to both men and women in some way. The fact that he humiliated Striker not bc Striker had stabbed Worick and dropped him from the second floor, but rather bc of Striker killing Connie. Godlike status for women isn't good either, but Worick, possibly bc of mommy issues, and being a specifically straight sex worker, has created some fucked up wiring between intimacy and his ideals of what the world should be like: these women have co-opted him and he has co-opted his own views in return to cope with his sex worker job.
(A while back I said I had a suspicion that Worick's words implied the prostitute he threatened over Nic a while back was a transwoman, so idk what that makes of how Worick sees transwomen--like I said, it's a very biologically driven take on male and female with no nuances in his take. Perhaps he will have some pity for pretty boys like Delico who edge on the side of what Worick considers feminine. And we're not even going to talk about how abusive he was to little Nic, but that could be forgiven with Worick being a shit kid and mellowing out over the years. It does however betray some hate towards what he doesn't understand: twilights, violent men (possibly bc his father used to beat him up); and feeling closer to women bc of not having met his mother--hence she can't be concrete enough for Worick to hate, and bc of his job as a gigolo and having to see things from a woman's POV, either to be popular, or bc these clients probably did complain about their lives to him.)
- I don't want to say being a sex worker is a red flag, bc I blame the people that buy him, and Worick himself did nothing wrong. (in fact, sex workers in general are abused by clients, and judged by everyone else, and arrested, and discriminated and so on). But I do think that kind of work had fucked up his intimacy in how close he can get to people. Similar to Beretta, I think Worick only knows to give sex as a way to show love for someone, and possibly cannot be emotionally intimate outside of physically, and that would cause trouble if he ever ended up in a relationship with someone. It will be hard for him to de-objectify himself, and be miserable and confused when his one and only "love language" aka sex doesn't work. This is something a lot of porn stars and sex workers talk about: how everything they are viewed for and the only way they are viewed becomes sexual--they are conceptualized to be this sexual creature 24/7 and thus open to encounters and objectification and thriving on it (the stories of people thinking they're chum bc they saw them at the strip pole or online and feeling like this woman at the supermarket is there not living a normal life but ready to be sexualized). It's very dehumanizing, and people cannot separate that stripping or sex is just a job, and not their whole character or life, and people cannot seem to understand that these are people just like you and me. Male sex workers may have this to a lesser extent, but it does open the door for abuse on the side of Worick's partner bc people don't see sex workers as human. And in the best scenario, Worick has set himself up to a life of not being able to be emotionally and intimately close with someone bc he'd rather make it sexual and scare them away before things get too deep. (I had an old post on this specifically->
- lastly bc Worick's a person good at keeping it in, i.e. has worked in customer service for the past 20+ years, there is a lot of pent up anger about to boil over once he's free of inhibitions. And being fine with dying really removes the largest inhibition there is, so it should be interesting to see Worick in the coming chapters.
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hoardingpuffin · 2 years
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Is this gonna reach a lot of people? Probably not, but I need to get this written down and out there so whoop, Tumblr has become my vent space yet again.
So – Children of the Red King. Brilliant series, one of the best book series about magic and stuff out there, not to mention with an author who, as far as is known, is not what The Youth TM would call problematic. So that is that.
I cannot stop thinking about how good of a TV series it would be. Two books would be turned into one season, meaning there would be 4 seasons total, and it could be glorious (not to mention, how many headcanons one could add, seen as it would be an adaption which comes with certain creative liberties). They could even flesh out the other kids more, instead of just focussing on Charlie. Have on episode just dedicated to Tancred and his insecurity issues (and his autism, which I am convinced he has, like, look at him, that boy is autistic). Have an episode focussing on Gabriel, one on Emma, one on Lysander. Make more of the characters PoC. Make more characters queer (nonbinary trans-masc Tancred dating Lysander by the end of the series, anyone?). Flesh out the amazing world Jenny Nimmo already gave us, to create an even bigger, modern and inclusive piece of media that people can fall in love with.
I even already have a concept for how the first episode could open in mind. Fair warning, headcanons are included here.
So, we’d see a lot of glimpses of all the main characters as they get ready to catch the bus. We’d see Lysander’s hands and he packs up his drawing supplies and neatly straightens out his tie and jumper before putting on a green cape.
We’d see Gabriel’s gerbils, see him in a blurred background, putting some stuff away before leaving the gerbil farm, a blue shape blowing behind him.
We’d see Tancred putting a pin with the nonbinary flag and a pin with the autism symbol on, then a shot of his parents sitting in the kitchen as their stormy son walks past the doorframe – and then back the other way because he forgot his cape.
We’d see the wonderful chaos of the Gunn household and Fidelio flits out the door, auburn curls bouncing in tact with the blue cape’s swoosh.
We’d see Emilia Moon straighten out her white comforter on her white bed in her white room, a glimpse of a pale girl with tight blonde braids and a green cape in a mirror as she walks downstairs.
We’d see Olivia Vertigo slipping into some atrocious purple shoes and putting on wild make up.
We’d see Asa Pike trying to brush his wild red hair, we’d see Zelda Dobinski put on her purple cloak, we’d see Manfred Bloor pulling his hair into a ponytail, we’d see Billy Raven stare into the mirror in the small dorm bathroom, a shock of white hair and huge glasses.
We’d see feet on the road as many-a-student runs to catch their bus. We’d see a blue bus, a green bus, a purple bus, rolling down the road, past a window. Then, the camera would pan in through the window, and only then we would see Charlie Bone for the first time.
…uh, yeah. Um… thoughts, anyone?
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day-dreamer-2018 · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
Yea sure I don't mind. This got me thinking haha. This list includes characters from other genres. Don't expect for deep reasons why I love them hehe. I just love them just because. ❤️
10. Gojo Satoru - Jujutsu Kaisen
I love his confidence because he knows he is the strongest. I like how complex he is. Sometimes overfriendly, sometimes savage as fvck. I guess I do like him the most when he is fighting. I know how overpowered it may look like but I'm still at awe how strong he is
9. L - Death Note
His intelligence. I think that's a given 😆. I just love how his mind works.
8. Sesshoumaru - Inuyasha
He is my childhood crush haha. I love how tsundere he is and his ethereal look.
7. Ivan Mariani - The Devil's Temptation
Another one from the BL world. Guess I have a thing for tall, dark and handsome haha 😝. I also love how hilarious he is. He is a riot with Hen (Hyun Lee). I suppose I really love those funny characters who loves deeply. hehe I love him because of how whipped he is for Hyun. You see, they started as enemies, always teasing each other but when they began dating, he treats Hyun as the most precious baby he is.
6. Sentaro Kawabuchi - Kids on the Slope
If you have not heard of this anime, better give it a go. The thing that got me to like him is his drumming skills. The animation really did justice to his parts of killing those drums.
5. Levi Ackerman
Because he is a badass when it comes to fighting 👌🏻💪🏻. And he's so charming when he shows how he cares for Eren and the gang. Though not so obvious at times, hehe.
4. Hua Cheng - Heaven Official's Blessing
Waiting for your beloved for 800 years. Protecting him even he doesn't know it. How could I not like this man? I just recently finished the novel and damn, it hit me like a storm. Surge of emotions. Aside from he's good-looking, I just really love his devotion for Xie Lian. Loyalty award goes to him.
3. Cain - Dear Door
He is a damn walking green flag!!!! If we're only talking about the manhua and/or BL world, he is easily my Top 1. Just thinking of him makes me tear up a bit. Because why such a man is only fictional. waaahh! 😫🥺 But for real, I love how goofy he is. How he fool's around with Kyungjoon but also knows how to be serious at certain situations. Him being protective of Kyungjoon is really a good example of how you don't want to lose the one you love over someone/something. It doesn't feel he is overbearing and being toxic. And one more thing, I like his built and package haha. Well, who doesn't right? 😏
2. Gintoki Sakata - GinTama
Ohhhhhh of course I'm not only for romcom hahaha. I actually felt bad that he's my number 2 hehe. But overall, I like him for being one of the baddest samurai out there. I love how funny and hilarious he is. And mostly, I love how he is so caring with Kagura and Shinpachi.
1. Kazehaya Shouta - Kimi ni Todoke
Out of all the shoujo I've read and watched, he's the closest to reality of how a man should be (at least for me hehehe). Whenever I'm asked about my top 1, Kazehaya will be the first one on my mind. He really made an impression on me. I really like his character, he's not like other's who is super tsundere or will walk away at the first sign of jealousy. I love that part in the anime wherein he saw Sawako and Ryu talking with each other and there's Kurumi, getting him riled up and get mad at Swako and Ryu. Instead of being violent or being overly jealous, he run towards Sawako and took her away. Such a man! 😊
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saiyan98 · 1 year
Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 8)
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Chapter 8: Sam has the power of God AND Anime?
Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
“Come on, Percy! Let me join!” I yelled at Percy as he kept denying my request to join the event.
“Why not? It looks really fun!”
“Estelle, they’re gonna be using actual weapons and battle tactics in this game. This event is to train the kids for real-life situations against monsters or battles.”
“Oh come on, I learned a lot from yesterday AND learned some skills from Annabeth my whole life.”
“Estelle,” Annabeth intervenes, “I understand your frustration but this is something that only half-bloods like us can do.” 
“Oh, so because I’m not special like you guys, I can’t join?!” 
“That’s not what we meant,” Percy replied. “It’s just too dangerous for you. We have medical and healing materials that work only on Demigods. It won’t work on mortals like you. So because of that, you’ll risk heavy injuries in the process.”
I guess that makes sense, but I hate the idea of being pushed to the side because I’m some weak teenage girl. So what if I don’t have special powers or have demigod blood in me. Batman and Black Widow didn’t have powers yet they manage to fight alien invasions, super humans and powerful magical sorcerers. Though it’s true that they have training, money and resources. But there’s also other characters like Daredevil; Kate Bishop; The Punisher; Green Arrow; Nightwing; et cetera. I mean… they also had money and experience but…
Huh… No wonder Spider-Man is more relatable. He’s broke like all of us. 
“I’m sorry, Estelle,” Annabeth said. “I promise to make it up to you. Okay?” 
I shrugged but responded, “Fine, whatever.” 
“Go meet up with the Demeter kids and help out with watching Luke and Silena, Okay? I’ll meet up with you in a bit.” 
I sighed and nodded as I walked off. 
Today is the day Capture the Flag begins. And like Percy said, I am forbidden to attend. 
I hate it but there is nothing I can do about it. I don’t have the equipment used for CTF and Percy will not allow me to get any. I love my brother but he can be too much sometimes. 
Yes, a demigod’s life is too much sometimes. But I saw regular folks like Sam and Dean Winchester fight against the impossible. I saw regular people stand up against alien invasions. I saw an ex-thief stand up against a multiversal conqueror and win. Were they fictional? Sure. But wasn’t Mythology as well? Couple of days ago, I didn’t believe it to be real. At this point, who knows what tomorrow would bring? 
Ugh, I’m just so frustrated is all. 
“Come on, Jessie!” Said a voice, I saw two girls heading out of the barracks, carrying gear for the games. 
“Hang on, Penny. I need to find my sword.”
I hid behind a tree as the two went inside again to find her sword. They left their gear by the entrance and I noticed it has the same color as Sam’s gear, meaning they are in the same team as her. 
Now I know what you all are thinking, stealing is wrong. Do the right thing and you will be rewarded. Well the last time I did the right thing, property got damaged; Percy and Sam got hurt and her dad died. 
Sometimes you have to break the rule to do good things. Like Star Wars, if Luke stayed at the homestead, he’d never have saved the galaxy. If Anakin stayed in that Naboo Starfighter, he’d never save all of Naboo. If Rey stayed on Jakku, The Emperor would never have truly been defeated. Heck even life too! If Percy didn’t run off to the Sea of Monster, Camp would never heal. If Percy didn’t run off to find Annabeth, Artemis would still be captured. I’m probably going to get in trouble for this, but I won’t miss an opportunity like this. Still, I’ll be sure to leave a note as a way to apologize for my mischief. 
After I grab a set of the gear, I put it on and strapped on the helmet so I don’t get recognized. I headed toward the area where the event is taking place and found the group Sam is grouped up with. 
From what I recall, The game will include most of the campers of the camp, excluding Demeter; Aphrodite; Iris and Hypnos kids. The Demeter kids were tasked to watch over Percy and Annabeth’s kids until Annabeth comes back. Hypnos kids tend to be asleep this early in the mornings and Aphrodite and Iris kids were tasked to do chores for the day. If they're missing out on the game, they actually have something planned out for them later on in Summer. Knowing Aphrodite, they’ll probably do a fashion show or a silly love-match game. Iris kids will most likely practice magic involving communication since Percy told me that demigods struggle to communicate due to magic and monsters. As I reached and sneaked into the group, I noticed the Hephaestus and Apollo kids on the sidelines, ready to give medical support and replacement for broken equipment. 
I know that there’s no children of the Big three (As far as I know) joining. So the rest of the camp is attending this game. As Chiron announces the game and explains the rule, I was looking for Sam. 
“Welcome Campers, to the annual Capture The Flag event!” Chiron announced. “Now for all of you new campers this summer, let me explain the rules.” 
Chiron explains how the game is to give us experience on tactics and combat so that when the kids are off to do quests, they will be prepared to face many challenges. Apparently they will also be using real weapons as well. Who’s idea was it to give kids deadly weapons during a camp activity? Why not give them foam swords or nerf blasters or just good old fashioned Paintball warfare?! 
I need to ask Percy if anyone ever dies in these games. 
Anyways, I found Sam who was also wearing armor and whispered to her. 
“Psst, Sam!” I whispered.
“Stella?!” She responded. “What are you doing here?! You know Percy and Annabeth will get mad if you get involved with this?!” 
“I’m not missing out on camp because I’m just a mortal girl. I’m gonna show everyone I can be strong too.” 
“But Stella, you heard what Percy said. This is a dangerous life.” 
“And yet you’re okay with that?!” I asked. “I’m not letting you go through this alone, Sammy. Just like the Winchester brothers, we’re in this together, no matter what.”
Sam usually likes to stay close with me since she tends to get bullied back in the day. But ever since the Vulture attacked us, she wanted me to stay safe and get stronger on her own. I kind of understand though, she lost her dad and right now, I’m all she has left.
After Chiron explained the rules, the campers split up and headed toward their flags. Our team, the red team, are strategizing on how to retrieve the other team’s flag. Several of the leaders talked about how to win and then decided on a plan. 
The majority of the group will go on the offensive while a handful will stay behind and guard the flag. A classic tactic. 
And guess where Sam and I are stationed?
Guard duty.
“I risked getting into trouble just to guard a flag?!” I yelled.
Sam and I are stationed close to the flag while the rest are stationed a bit further but close enough to the flag. 
“I mean, it’s better this way,” Sam replied.
“No it’s not! We should be out there, fighting other warriors and getting riled up! Not just simple guard duty!” 
“Think about it, logically, Stella. We’re still new to this world, we’re not really ready to face what’s beyond this camp.” 
“Well Percy did!” I said. I sighed and sat near a log. 
“Stella, what’s really going on?” 
Sam looked at me with concerned looks and sat next to me.
“Nothing, just… I hate that my whole life, my family kept this from me. Percy; Annabeth; The Zhang’s; The Valdez’s and even the fact that they KNEW Piper McClean! I told them how much she’s our most favorite actress and how badly I want to meet her!” 
“They did it to protect you. Like dad did.” 
“Yeah, but I don’t like that my whole family lied to me. They knew how much I enjoy mythology. I could’ve helped them out in the past! I could’ve given important info or something. But instead, I was left behind to attend high school while they go off saving the world!”
I ranted for a while as Sam listened. 
“Stella, they just want to protect you because they love you. You know how Percy can be. Remember when we were kids, you heard him say ‘ow’ and you quickly grabbed a bandaid so that he could get better?”
I blushed at the memory.
“You have a big heart, Stella. Percy knew that; he figured you’d go far and wide for him and his friends.”
I shrugged. “That’s what family does, we’re there for each other through thick and thin. And that includes you, Sammy.”
I brought a fist out for a fist bump and Sam returned the gesture. Sure, we’re not out having an epic battle like Odyssey. But being here with my best friend is better than any epic moment.
Rustling noise came behind us and it was one of the campers we were paired with.
“We have a problem,” He said, panting. “Several of our members just spotted a small group heading this way. Looks like a small regiment managed to sneak off and are heading this way!” 
A few more of our team members joined up and formed a barrier around the flag.
“You did say you wanted some action,” Sam responded.
“That I did, Sam. That I did.”
I had my shield and spear up and ready. The enemy's horn sounded nearby and we heard a loud cry of multiple warriors in the distance. Before I knew it, the enemies were charging at us. Several of our team members were already in combat against the enemy. Sam yelled out to me to watch out as one of them charged at me. She jumped and blocked their attack. Looks like all that training yesterday really paid off. Just as I was getting back up, I felt a strong tingle, like a sixth sense was reacting and next thing I knew, I rolled to the side just in time before an enemy fell right where I was. 
I got back up quickly and headed toward Sam’s location. She was being overpowered by two warriors. I charged forward and slammed my shield at one of them, making them fly off at the distance. I was surprised at the distance he flew; since when did I gain such strength?
“Stella!” Sam yelled as she cut the warrior at the leg and slams her shield at their face. “Are you okay?!” 
“I’m fine! Protect the flag!” 
Sam nodded. 
Several more troops arrived and our teams are still holding them off. But we were heavily outnumbered. Maybe sending most of our most valuable troops towards the enemy wasn’t such a good idea after all. We kept holding them off, but they were quite resilient. The weird thing is that you think I’d be hesitating or getting weak knees, except I wasn’t. I kept getting this strong adrenaline pumping in my blood, feeling that tingle whenever an enemy attacks and such immense strength when fighting back. I took down three more already and I’m still feeling great. What the heck is going on?
Anyways, Sam is actually doing really well. The training from yesterday really paid off, but she is still Sam so she’s been hesitating most of her attacks and flinches at every enemy's attack. 
“Stay close to me, Sam!” I yelled. 
The battle was fast and fierce, but we’re standing strong. Several of our members are down but a majority of the enemies are as well. Only one remained and he was doing well against both me and Sam. As we continued to push him back, Sam told me to go for his legs. So I ducked down, dropped my spear and shield and took out my knife. I sliced his legs as Sam grabbed his arms and judo flipped him to the ground. 
I cheered. 
“And that’s how we roll! Up top, Sammy!” 
I had my hand out for a high five and Sam replied happily. I looked around and noticed that several of our team members are down and wounded but only two remain, excluding me and Sam. 
“You guys okay?” One of them replied. 
“I’m good, Tristan. You?” The other replied with a feminine voice. 
“I’m good Becky. Thanks. What about you two?” Tristan asked us. I nodded and Sam replied.
“A bit beat but still standing.”
“Good,” Tristan sat down to take a breather. “That was too close.”
Becky nodded and smiled, “You two did great out there for your first time.”
“How did you know it’s our first?” I asked. 
“Your gear is still shiny and new,” Becky replied. 
I snickered and replied, “Oh? So we’re shinies then?” 
As someone who watched the Clone Wars series, being called that will hit harder than Dio dropping a road roller on you. 
Tristan scoffed at my comment, “For now, but in time, you might make it to Arc Trooper with those skills.”
We all laughed at that. I think I’m gonna have a great time here at Camp. 
“Whatever you say, Captain Rex,” I replied jokingly. 
Suddenly, footsteps were in the distance and the four of us stood instantly. All of a sudden, a shield fly by us and Sam and I dodged quickly by rolling out of the way. 
One warrior jumped out of hiding and charged straight at me and Sam. Another jumped behind Tristan and Becky and attacked. The shield-less warrior relentlessly attacked me and Sam. We tried to counter attack but he was too fast and reacted quickly to our combos. He tripped Sam and then launched his spear toward my shield, forcing me to drop it. I still had the dagger I got from the barracks so I took that out and charged at him. Just as I was charging, that strong sense tingled again and I quickly duck and rolled before the warrior was able to slice his sword.
I sliced near his legs and grunted in pain. He was just about to punch me with his open arm but I quickly grabbed him and judo flipped him myself. I really gotta thank Annabeth for those lessons. 
The warrior got up quickly but his helmet fell off, revealing his face.
“Mitch?!” I said. The warrior was Mitch, that jerk from yesterday. 
He scoffed, “Estelle Blofis? I thought your big brother didn’t want his baby sister involved with the big boys.” 
“Says the guy who’s getting his ass kick!” I replied. 
Sam rushes in with her shield, hoping to knock Mitch out, but he was too fast and quickly disarmed her.
“Too slow!” He yelled.
He kicked Sam at the stomach and knocked her down. 
“Sam!” I yelled before she fell down on the ground. 
I look back and see Tristan and Becky still struggling with the other soldier, who turns out to be Daniel since he too dropped his helmet. 
Looks like I’m on my own for now. 
“Crapbasket,” I said. 
“Just give up,” Mitch said. “This just isn’t for you. You’re not cut out for this life. Go back to high school.”
Every word Mitch says just makes my blood boil.
Mitch continued attacking me, but I was quickly reactive to all of his attacks. That sense that continues to tingle keeps me from getting hurt. I’m starting to wonder why this is happening; it never happened during the time The Vulture and The Minotaur attacked us or even when Percy and Annabeth were training us. 
What the hell is happening to me?
“Hold still, you brat!” Mitch yelled. 
“I don’t even know how I’m doing this!” I yelled. “I’m just dodging by instinct!” 
Mitch swoops down and tries to trip me, but I jumped and somehow, I flew a couple feet back. 
Panting, Mitch replied. “Gotta admit, kid. You got moves.”
Suddenly, I heard Tristan groan and saw both him and Becky on the ground. Daniel was still standing but barely; he’s a bit bruised up and tired out, but he’s still standing. 
“It’s over, Estelle,” Daniel said. “Just give up. I promise that Mitch won’t go too far. I promise.” 
I scoffed, “Fat chance, Daniel! I can take on both of you! I haven’t even gotten a scratch!”
“You heard him, Danny,” Mitch replied. “Time to teach the twerp about the real world.”
“Wow, a big tough guy is gonna teach a defenseless little girl like me about how cruel reality is,” I said sarcastically. 
He rushed towards me, but I dodged quickly. Daniel was about to join in on the attack but Mitch ordered him to stay out of it. 
“But Mitch-”
“I don’t care if she’s Percy Jackson's sister! She needs to understand what it means to survive this world!” 
“And what’s that? Push-ups, sit-ups and plenty of juice? The ol’ Vegeta training?”
Again, Sam showed me anime and… let’s be honest, who HASN’T seen Dragon Ball? That’s definitely a must watch and that’s coming from me!
Mitch continues attacking, forcing me to back up since I only have my dagger. My spear and shield are around but too far to reach. All I can do is keep dodging, which is easy to do thanks to this sixth sense that keeps tingling. 
I really need to get that check after this. 
Suddenly, I tripped and fell from a small branch that came from a tree nearby. 
“Crapbasket!” I yelled. 
Before I could get up, Mitch already pointed his sword near my neck. 
“It’s over. You lost, Estelle Blofis.” 
I hated to admit it, but he was right. He was just more skilled and experienced than I am. 
“Fine… I-”
A strong gust of wind flew past us and was heading toward Sam’s location. It was spiraling around as she was slowly getting up. 
“Sam?” I said. 
The gust of wind kept getting more wild until a loud boom noise hit and burst the air outward. The crazy part was not just that, it was the fact that the wind went from a cooling breeze to a hot burst of heat. 
We all covered our eyes due to the wind and when it stopped, we all faced toward Sam and something astonishing was happening. 
On top of Sam was a sigil of an Owl. 
As a huge fan of Mythology, I know what that means. 
“Well then, congrats on being claimed, Samantha Stacy, Daughter of Athena,” Mitch said.
But I was still wondering about what’s happening to her. She got knocked down hard and fell to the ground, but she got back up like it was nothing. Her eyes were closed and her helmet fell off. 
“Sam? Are you okay?” I asked. 
Mitch walked toward her and waved his hand around her face. She did not react and Mitch shrugged it off as if she’s just sleepwalking. 
“Probably out of pure instinct.”
Daniel replied, “I don’t know, Mitch. I’m feeling a strong presence on her.”
Mitch scoffed, “It’s nothing. Just a little tap and she’ll-”
Mitch was sent flying away from Sam. 
Daniel and I were shocked at the sudden action because Sam literally did nothing. It was just only a strong gust of wind that hit him. She then opened her eyes and…
To this day… I can’t forget those eyes. 
Her dull gray eyes were brightened into sharp silver ones. Then a small light surrounded her, like an immense yet calming heat. 
I can tell it was hot because I can feel it even from this distance. 
“What the…” Daniel was speechless at the sudden change.
As for me…
“Sam… What on earth happened to you?”
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