#shes very childish and doesnt really have a full understanding of things
junebugdunes · 1 month
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hadescabin · 6 months
TW// GROOMING, MANIPULATION breaking down tigerheartstar and dovewing and why i think its awful ik I said that I dont really like warrior cats anymore but recently i've been thinking about some stuff regarding the series and its fandom and there's one thing that's been particularly bothering me. dovewing and tigerheart. it's just crazy to see the shift of support for tigerdove considering early 2010s warriors fandom seemed mixed on them. now there seems to be this equivocal support for them, probably because most of the fandom's exposure to the couple has been the recent books which frames them as man who loves his wife x burnt out prophecy kid who will do anything for her malewife. which theres nothing wrong with that dynamic, i think it's cute, but people really seem to forget about how tigerheart straight up groomed and treated dovewing awfully throughout oots and even in tigerheart's shadow. it seems to be a forgotten fact that tigerheart was a full grown warrior by the time he was pursuing dovepaw, who was a newly made apprentice. for perspective, this was a 6-7 moon teenager with someone almost the age of her mentor (a little younger). people try to use the excuse "oh but they're cats" and "the age gap isnt that bad" but even the recent books acknowledge with frostpaw and splashtail, that a warrior and apprentice dating is WEIRD. tbf oots was released in the early 2000s, but the fact that canonically speaking the age gap is seen as a teenager and adult relationship gives me the ick. it really puzzles me to see people get on ships like dustfern and bramblesquirrel (both of which i hate btw) for their age gaps but come up with every excuse in the books to defend tigerdove. its not even just the age gap too, again, their relationship has consisted of tigerheart manipulating and grooming dovepaw to do what he wants. in the first two books (esp the second book of oots) dovepaw is presented as someone who got attached to the cats from the journey and doesnt necessarily understand why they must act like they shouldnt exist anymore due to the borders. this is something that tigerheart LEARNS and actively takes advantage of when dovepaw questions why hes at their borders (tldr its dark forest stuff). he shifts the topic and then goes on about the journey and how he felt that they almost became friends, and that if they were in the same clan things would be easier. this may not seem like a big deal, but this goes on for the rest of their interactions whenever tiger needs to pressure her to do something she doesnt want (meeting up, trusting him, etc.) He realizes that the subject of different borders resonates with her and uses it to his advantage whenever he wants something out of her. This can especially be seen in the next book, “Night Whispers”, which kickstarted their relationship. Dovepaw accidentally ran into ShadowClan territory while hunting, and Tigerheart happens to find her there. Once again, he gives her a speech about borders being meaningless, before asking her to meet up with him before the ShadowClan patrol catches them. There’s also other examples in later books where he coerces her into meeting up or trusting him since “that’s what friends are for” or even later in that book, where he manipulates her into using Ivypaw as a captive for herbs. 
When you take this into account, plus him as a full grown warrior, starting a romantic relationship with a barely apprenticed Dovepaw who is shown as having a childish/ immature perception on romance/mates (such as her argument with Ivypaw and claiming that she should “find her own mate”), Tigerdove feels very much like grooming to me. According to the dictionary definition grooming is, “the action of attempting to form a relationship with a child or young person, with the intention of sexually assaulting them”. Of course, in this case, since it’s a young adult book, it’s to form a romantic relationship, which could also be another goal of grooming. Groomers tend to display manipulative behaviors towards the victims in order to coerce them into trusting them more. Whether that be through compliments, gifts, trying to resonate with them or make them feel special. They tend to try to get them to keep and “share” secrets, which is another tactic they utilize both to isolate the victim and to get them to feel more comfortable. 
A lot of behaviors that Tigerheart displays towards Dovepaw falls under this, including the examples I mentioned. There are a couple of other comments that he makes which come off as creepy such as Dovepaw “being his favorite sister”, which as I established, is something a groomer would say in order to make the victim feel as though they’re special and garner their trust. Which is especially the case when you note that he makes that comment in reference to Dovepaw asking about his ties to Ivypaw, which he actively lies about, and quickly reassures her that there’s nothing going on. 
This tactic of manipulation, where he either makes her feel special, or even love bombs and dissuade her from standing up for herself, doesn’t stop when she’s an apprentice. It continues when she’s a warrior, and is constantly used throughout OOTS and “Tigerheart’s Shadow”. At one point in the series, Dovewing and Tigerheart get into an argument about Dawnpelt wrongfully accusing Jayfeather of murder. When Tigerheart defends his sister, Dovewing stands up for Jayfeather, which prompts Tigerheart to try and manipulate her out of the conversation. He jumps straight to talking about how much he loved and missed her, and guilts her by asking why they had to argue like this, and why they couldn’t just “meet like before”. As for Tigerheart's Shadow, he actively goes against what she wants (to raise her kits outside the clan) and actively pressures and guilts her into coming back, before she finally relents. He doesn't care about what SHE wants, it's always about him. Whether it be secretly meeting up, or in The Last Hope, he tries to pressure her to date him again (which she FINALLY refuses and scolds him for thinking about his own needs when they're right before a final battle. as she should). It's especially upsetting in the newest book that tigerheart seems to be the only think at the center of her character. when she argues with ivypool, it's less about the two sister's interpersonal conflicts and more about her and tigerheart's relationship. which...feels like a lot of missed potential to me? i want them to argue, i want dovewing to stand up to herself against ivypool, but why does the entire conflict have to revolve around him? why can't dovewing have her own thoughts and feelings without it tying back to her awful husband?
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jounosparticles · 7 months
So i was scrolling through the character profiles and it's interesting that ranpo's feels so different to others'.His likes and dislikes feels so,,,,vague?like you have to actually look into his character to try to understand it,not saying others' r all very clear,but they all at least have some things or foods or even ppl in the list,you see it n you think oh cool that character likes cookies.
But his doesnt have things so specific?Not even his glasses,snacks,any hobbies,solving mysteries or praises?ig you can count fantastic tales as an interest?still feel a bit vague to me though...
No sure what i trying to get here,but ranpo doesnt have any specific things makes me wonder if he sometimes exaggerate his feelings?not like it's fake we all know he is very blunt
>>>really hesitate about this statement cause not listing in it doesnt mean he cant have specifit likes or dislikes,and he's passionate about ada.maybe im just saying things atp im losing my mind beacuse of the lack of ranpo content
I'm curious what was Asagiri thinking when he made these profiles.I just want to know what his favourite food, place, animal,hobby ect is.Why am i having different thoughts everytime i think about his profile.this is driving me crazy.
Like tf do you mean you don't like common sense and useless knowledge?
Him not liking common sense makes the whole not understanding social cues thing seems more possible ig?Also curious about what kind of knowledge he seem as useless.Maybe he just doesn't like his brain overloaded with informations.
irrelevant but one of tachihara's dislikes is Teruko's craziness,i wonder why did she even do to him lol consider his only other dislike is his past
oooooo i love your thoughts here.
i assume based off the fact that ranpo has claimed to solve thousands upon thousands of cases that it can become a sort of fixation probably? so that when it comes to his likes/dislikes he immediately thinks of what he likes and doesn’t like in cases? since it’s the biggest factor of his life.
i do agree though, i wish we got more information about him! if i recall correctly his page in the bsd art book(?) stated that in his free time he goes to poe’s house, eats candy, then leaves. just some trivia for you :)
the feelings exaggeration could be from a variety of things. i kind of perceived it as a social cues thing, i thought maybe he was acting this way to make his intentions clear (so people don’t read into everything too much), or maybe it’s just who he is. i also could see what you’re saying with the exaggeration though!!
i can somewhat get what he means by common sense though. since a lot of common sense from my own experiences have most definitely not made full sense to me. things like people saying one thing but meaning another, or acting like something is super obvious when it’s not; much of it is just silly social rules that contradict or don’t make sense all based off calling it common sense.
i’d assume his distaste for common sense would stem from the fact that so many people use common sense to just bend the truth. take the time in untold origins where the theatre director said she would look into getting him a job but ranpo knew she wouldn’t do it. common sense would be to tell the kid she will do it to spare his feelings; but he didn’t catch onto that. things like that. at least that’s how i seen it, i’m completely open to other interpretations as well!
the useless knowledge id assume is just because he doesn’t need to hear it all to understand what’s going on. regular people would need a full explanation to the things he can figure out in seconds, and hearing other people state the facts he knows is probably just boring to him lol.
but yeah, i hope we get more ranpo content soon! he’s in my top 5 bsd characters, i love him a ton!
i assume tachihara’s dislike for teruko’s behaviour is just because she can be super loud and childish in the way she acts. remember the scene where fukuchi talked to tachi and teruko hopped on his shoulders angrily asking why he got the attention instead of her? or the other time he was really surprised she got gillette to confess? probably things like that annoy him lol
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Katrina is a pretty bad friend, i guess theres a reason for so many including the girls from the traphouse friend group cut her off. I dont like Stas but its pretty obvious theyre transactional friends who just use each other . She recently followed Shea again, she unfollowed her before and now what? Will she be buddy buddy with her too? No one talks about it but just because she’s dating Sam doesnt mean she too isnt riding their coattails and social climbing. No one would know her if it wasn’t for them. And about Colby, i dont get why he keeps these girls in rotation but the more he does the more indifferent i feel about him because they’re not nice girls. Neither Shea or Stas are actually nice, they’re in it for the fame and attention of it all. For example, Colby gets arrested and the first thing Shea does is tweet “please be okay”, who was that really for if not his fans? He gets blacked out drunk and the first thing Stas does is post it and make sure everyone knows because she needs to deliver, does he call them out though? No, he continues his will they wont they narrative.
I don't necessarily think she's a bad friend, i only think this transactional friendship is a real thing.
If i were kat, who's been dating sam for 7 years or whatever timeline they have, i would be very picky with my friends too. Especially since her and colby started spending more time together, i saw a lot of girls approach her, especially stas who, from what another anon told me, didn't get along with kat and vice versa. I would say Kat's selective more than she is a fake or a bad friend. As i said before, she does have her own "to blame" thing since Sam helped her platform grow. And about the unfollowing/following thing, it's just something childish that i would probably do. If i don't interact with certain people, i don't have a reason to keep them "close"
As for the other girls, Colby's at fault for feeding them. He posts, he makes a big fuss out of stuff and then the girls have nothing else to do other than blindly accepting the attention they receive for free. Afterwards, it's obvious they will act and do stuff for the hell of it, because it's not necessarily them who started this. I don't understand why he doesn't stop certain behaviour and certain things from coming out on the Internet, but if they find it entertaining, mostly they will think that we find it entertaining. Which is not the case for most people, me included.
I love that they have fun together and don't waste their youth, but there are things that should be kept private. This way there's no need for "LA is full of fake people who use us for fame", bro, u deliver the fame to them, u can't just expect them to give it back to u since u drew attention on them
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mikarchive2 · 1 year
what i read in february 2023 📚
1. teatro grottesco by thomas ligotti - ★★★★ - picked this up because i randomly read one of his short stories on a train once and was so enamoured ... a short story collection centered around a subtle existential sort of horror that is less about gore and violence and more about something unknown but dreadful lurking in your peripheral vision . some of these, especially the ones from the deformations section, felt very welcome to night vale . delicious . makes you feel like a kid listening to scary campfire stories . i enjoy hanging out in the world created by this narrative voice so much
favourites: purity, the town manager, the clown puppet, my case for retributive action + in a foreign town, in a foreign land
2. the raven and the reindeer by t. kingfisher - ★★ - i think what im doing here is trying to read a fairytale retelling every month 👍 ... this really did not work for me though . the writing style felt so childish ( this could have been a book for twelve year olds ) + the story did not go anywhere and stayed extremely surface-level throughout the whole book . yeah sure there were lesbians but no actual substance whatsoever . the reading process was somewhat enjoyable because the humor was alright, but thats pretty much the only redeeming quality
3. the world keeps ending, and the world goes on by franny choi - ★★★ - i believe this is a case of ‘its not you its me’ because even though the way the author plays with language is straight up fascinating something about her poetry never clicks with me . i had the exact same issue with soft science as well - there is a certain detachment and coldness to her style that doesnt allow me to properly process the poems on an emotional level . still, i really liked the fourth section, it was so imaginative and full of the kind of resilience that is only born out of utter hopelessness
4. the passion by jeanette winterson - ★★★ - unfortunately i have the same issue here as with franny choi - something in me just always refuses to click with jeanette winterson . the author is trying to lead me somewhere by the hand but she is always slightly out of reach . this is my third book by her and while i can see and appreciate her craft it just never leaves a lasting impression on me its so strange ... i enjoyed the imagery + the philosophical ideas about love and passion but the story itself ... i dont know
5. the sandman: world’s end ( vol. 8 ) by neil gaiman - reread - i am not rating these god bless and putting them in the review post is probably not a good idea either since i ramble about them enough as is . what can i even say about a series that pretty much formed the way i understand the world and the human condition . stories within stories within stories . the foreshadowing here is insane and probably unnoticeable unless you are rereading . its hard to say what the writing process here was actually like perhaps it was way more spontaneous than i imagine but it all seems so meticulously and purposefully planned its just stunning
( + two books i left unfinished last year because of my broken ebook reader and decided to finish this month: )
6. wyrd sisters by terry pratchett - ★★★ - ( looks above ) my reading order here is very ‘frequently bought together’ ‘do not separate them’ huh ... this was very shakespearean which was fun but not ideal for me personally because it means some things definitely flew right over my head . i think i enjoyed equal rites a little more ? however at the end of the day its just your typical discworld novel i laughed i witnessed some well-written women and losermen i laughed some more . what else could i ask for
7. when i grow up i want to be a list of further possibilities by chen chen - ★★★★ - wonderfully heart-warming and radiant and witty and has the power to restore your belief in love and tenderness at least for a moment . this kind of literal and confessional american poetry usually isnt for me but miraculously chen chen made it work ! basically the hype is well deserved
up next: im actually not sure im trying to slow down since i need to get through some college textbooks 💔 ... + im sure want to finish the sandman which is really enough for the next one thousand years . considering mrs. dalloway by virginia woolf too someone called it a spring read once and ive wanted to read it during this season ever since
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fairycosmos · 1 year
hi baby i am losing my mind at home. and mybe im in the wrong. my mom got a new bf since maybe two months and the same day she told me about him, i met him, and that weekend he was there the whole time. and now, that was a month ago, he basically is here constantly. am i being a cunt for being annoyed by this? i love that shes happy, but her last husband was very toxic and made me feel very uncomfortable and unsafe so i am not at ease at all with a pretty much complete stranger in my house. i told her how i felt about it, and she blew up at me calling me egocentric and selfish and made me feel in general very very the odd one out, and like i was not allowed to feel that way. i asked her, after having a full blown panic attack in front of her, to try and keep in mind that when im at home (which is not much considering im in college and only here every few weeks for two days) to at least let me know if he’ll be here, and preferably just not. which she didnt, again, this weekend. i really dont know what to do. bc i really dont feel at home and like im wanted here and ignored and in general very anxious. the guy isnt bad or whatever, but its the same pattern from with her ex where her relationship became more important than me and this whole thing is so incredibly triggering. ig the answer is just a very simple ‘dont go home’ but i am so desperate for recognition and i just want to feel seen by her. i just dont know how to be fine with having a mom that doesnt want me. im really sorry this is so long. i hope youre doing okay <3
hi lovely - im sorry to hear this. it sounds so fucking frustrating and honestly i don't think your reaction is unreasonable at all! there is an appropriate way to introduce your kids to your boyfriend and this is definitely not it, especially if you've had a bad experience with her partners in the past. it is incredibly unfair and childish of her to blow up at you and to have him spend the whole weekend at your place the first weekend you guys met. like, no wonder you feel upset and overwhelmed by it all. it's not a great way to get to know each other, and her disregard for your feelings is awful.
it sounds like you've tried everything you can to set the right boundaries and to communicate clearly and respectfully what you're feeling with her, and of course if you want to you should keep trying to get through to her, but i think it's important to know when it's time to protect your own peace and focus on what is actually in your control. it's totally natural to crave feeling seen and recognised by her, like as much of a human need as eating or sleeping is, but if she's not able to give that you you don't need to internalise it as something that is your fault or something you deserve. it is entirely a reflection of her and her fucked up priorities if she refuses to listen and to amend her own behaviour. like it's obviously ok for her to date, and she doesn't need your permission, but she is not being respectful of your space at all, and that is the problem. i know accepting that is incredibly difficult, and it may take a long time to be able to say “hey, i deserve better than this and i will not beg for her validation, or for her to grow up and act like an adult about things,” but that really is the bottom line. if you still want to go home often, which is obviously completely understandable, maybe you could work on just setting your own boundaries within the house - staying in your room, only engaging with the dude/your mother to the extent that you feel comfortable with, even just straight up communicating to the guy that you're not really used to having him around and you're trying to take things at your own pace. if either of them get offended by that, honestly it's on them. they clearly haven't been considering your feelings so it's ok to just do what's right for yourself at this point. i'm really sorry you're in this position and i hope it gets better with time, that they begin to hear you out and give you room to breathe and process etc etc. i guess i just wanted to offer some genuine understanding, because you're not being ridiculous at all - i think your mam kind of is. also, if there's anyone you can talk to at school about this - like a mate or a college counsellor, i'd really recommend it. i know it might feel really weird and vulnerable to be open about it, but it's an issue you're dealing with and you deserve to feel supported. just processing it out loud and getting someone's outside perspective might be really cathartic and validating. i don't know, no pressure obviously - just smth to consider. sending a hug your way. x
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frappe-art · 2 years
whoever your fav one piece character is :3 introduce us properly (dw about spoilers my memory is conveniently shitty)
cute of you to think i can choose ONE character. i cant. so lets go with luffy!
- favorite thing about them mmh this is already hard. i think i love the most how much he impacts his own world as well as the reader experience. op is a series that, with a different mc, could be so so much darker, with themes such as slavery, racism, abuse of power and so on, but luffy is such an enthusiastic, lovable character that inspires in you childish awe for the world and love for adventure, without turning his head to the problems of his society. he isnt afraid to address these issues in a very simple way but always head on, declaring war on the world if necessary (yes, literally) op is so long because oda takes all the time he needs to build his mc in a character that feels like he could really accomplish everything, with a willpower, an emotional intellingence and an honesty so indeniable sometimes he feels like a force of nature he isnt infallible nor perfect nor a heroic figure, hes just a rubber boy who wants to see the world and be free, in a world where freedom is the least granted gift, but you know he will be king not because he is the mc but because he is luffy.
- least favorite thing about them not really about him as about the series in itself, but his fights more often than not are. so. fucking. long. i understand that oda needs to make you feel how hard every obstacle is to overcome, but ive been following op weekly since 2017, and some of my friends since even before, and the moment in any arc when the Luffy Fight (tm) starts is the moment when you put the story down for, like, 6 months or so because its so long that following it weekly would just spoil what could be much more bearable and even enjoyable if read all in one sitting
- favorite line this one require a little context: luffys most notorious catchphrase is "im gonna be king of pirates", he says it so often he even answer the phone with that, even if there are marines on the other side of the line. sometimes its a gag, sometimes he uses to feel braver. at some point tho, one of his crew members needs to leave the crew for Noble Reasons (long story), and doesnt want to tell them anything because he doesnt want to create problems, but luffy has none of that shit, and even after a big fight between the two of them, as the crew members walks away, he yells "without you i cant be king of the pirates" and. man. i bawled my eyes out at that. luffys quotes arent long or complex, but theyre so full of honesty and wholesomeness they hit you right in the feels
- brOTP luffy n zoro, sorry im so basic. captain n right hand man, two halves of the same idiot but twice as intense. picture this: youve been hunting pirates for years, made a name for yourself as bounty hunter, and now youre starving and about to be executed for stupid reasons, when a kid in the most unassuming attire and manners comes to you and ask you to be part of his pirate crew because he wants to be king of the pirates. he has no other crewmembers, a little fishing boat, no money and between the two of you not a single braincell. give it few weeks and youre ready to drop everything and kill and die for him and his dreams
- OTP none, luffy is the most aroace character you can find. i really like tho the idea that everyone at some point or another cant help but falling in love a little with him. honestly it isnt even really a headcanon, everyone adores luffy (but not everyone wants to admit it, for future reference see trafalgar law)
- nOTP mmmh still, i dont ship him with anyone but having to choose i think nami? its the one a lot of people thinks about because, yknow, she was the only girl at the start. i love her but in a ship with luffy? :/
- random headcanon hes an adhd hyperactive child your honor. hes not actually stupid, but his brain is just a monkey juggling with bananas on a tricycle at 120mph in a highway. he cant focus for the love of whoever is above, but he doesnt lack intelligence, he just actively decides to be an idiot because he doesnt want zoro to be left out
- unpopular opinion i read that some people, after A CERTAIN POINT OF THE STORY, believe that luffy lacks character development n emotional growth (id love to go into the details but too long). imo this isnt necessarly the case, mainly because op isnt the story of how the world changed its mc (as in, maybe, yuuji, with all the hardships he had to overcome). op is the story of how luffy has changed and is going to change the world, how hes going to shape it to his own will, so i think itd be more correct to measure the growth in the worldbuilding changes more than in its mcs
- song i associate with them how far we've come by matchbox 20, mainly because of this amv
- favorite picture gif of them
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chess 03 american concert really had their cake and ate it too plot wise instead of just choosing Broadway or West End. They went with a West End plot but with a Broadway plot touch up, (which pretty cool its so west end since it happened in America). Like it is a Disservice to it to just say the plot is Broadway based
cause like the first act is normal West End stuff until the end where Freddie actually loses his title. He didnt quit and abdicate, Anatoly won fair and square and Anatoly was crowned champion and defects. Then Second act is in Bangkok for another championship, pretty West end yea?, but Freddie is the challenger not the Chekov’s gun of Viigand. Now the rest of the second act is super West end plot, like they even have the Interview and an almost full version of The Deal song, but also include the Freddie Goes Metal song from Broadway. Obviously first they change who sings the interview and has Freddie’s parts given to the ensemble/chorus and interestingly enough the Deal gives half of Freddie’s part to Walter. Walter talks to Anatoly and tells him about The Deal and to throw the Game. He gets told he’s total shit, then Freddie talks to Florence and is rebuked. And for the Freddie goes Metal/A Whole New Board game, it happens right after The Interview but after Freddie gloats, Florence shows up, having heard it all, and says that part she already said in Florence Quits and is later reused in The Deal, “Who'd ever think it?/Such a squalid little ending/Watching you descending/Just as far as you can go/I'm learning things I didn't want to know”. Now this is how they transition to Pity the Child.
Now for the ending! Endgame is Weird. It has bits of both versions. The bit between Walter and Molokov is actually the West End version. Molokov talks about “having trust in one’s player” and “working for one who believes in loyalty, heritage, true to his kind come what may”. With Walter following up with “your late unlamented employee knows winning than the only thing won is the chess”. Then we have Florence say her bit, then Anatoly his. But then we switch gears and do the broadway endgame. Freddie says his lines about thoughts straying and Florence being Anatoly’s messes with him. Then its Anatoly’s part but its sung by a mix of Florence and Svetlana
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Anatoly jumps back in with his part about her and her father and about “living his life alone then feel like I had harmed her”. Then Anatoly throws the Fucking Game. Freddie wins, the Dethroned King is Back with shouting Check and gloating to Florence about her backing the wrong side like the Broadway version.
now as the second act was mostly West End based there was no Fake Father and his lullaby. And when Walter and Florence talk after the You and I reprise its a mix of plots with the “IF he’s still alive” and “we dont know For Sure” from the West End but with the “we got recovered some key agents” from the Broadway plot.
Also as this fits in nowhere before, but they do remove The Soviet’s Machine which is understandable. But a bit disappointing as its giving Molokov less to do and I like that song, but Understandable. Also they fully cut out Commie Newspapers/Press Conference so its Merano, Freddie’s Entrance, Merano reprise, Anatoly and Molokov, Where I want to be then Us vs Ussr. And the show’s first real song is Merano. Before it is just the overture and plot details from The Narrator Arbiter. The Story of Chess is sandwiched between Anatoly and Florence talking after the Endgame and the You and I reprise. So Pretty Weird.
Now this whole version is pretty interesting as Freddie actually loses and comes back but gets no redemption arc. He says he has changed in The Deal but he hasn’t, he showed that earlier by basically blaming Florence for his loss in the first act during Freddie Goes Metal. (I like that that song parallels the Florence Quitting in the First act with Florence reusing song lyrics) Another interesting thing is during the Deal where after Molokov says that Florence might not believe Walter and his bluff of her father being alive he says “There are others to call in to assist us”. Which is kinda weird as its Walter going to Anatoly to tell him to throw the game. I guess this could also pertain to Freddie since when he is groveling to Florence he directly says “in return I’ll show you all that they know in Moscow” and “he won’t help you, he won’t throw the match”. Which makes me question why Freddie is so happy when Anatoly makes a “mistake” in the Endgame as he directly knew about The Deal and the possibility of Anatoly throwing the match. But since he was so confident he wouldn’t throw the match I shall say that Freddie believes that Anatoly actually messed up and didn't throw the game, but just happened to lose.
Side note: Odd that 2 songs earlier Freddie spoke to the Press so confidently blaming Florence for his loss and saying how better he was without her, when she could have still read that in the papers later instead of hearing it from his own mouth if she wasn’t there. So she still would have heard Freddie Bad Mouth her. And then during The Deal he just grovels, says he’s changed and asks for her back and says “they will bring back the Golden Era”.
Also really weird for during the Endgame Walter still says “Though it gives me no satisfaction” before talking about how if Anatoly wins he only wins the game. He and Molokov are on the same side, get Anatoly to lose, then Profit. But from that line, it seems he believes that Anatoly will not want to win the game. And with Molokov’s saying that how easy the game is when you trust your player. In the West End plot Molokov’s lines are about Viigand and him just gloating to Walter while Walter says that he hates to admit it, its better for Anatoly to lose the match. Now Molokov’s lines are about Anatoly, who doesnt have loyalty to his people as he just defected, so odd that Molokov is suddenly saying he trusts him and odd that Walter would hate to admit to Molokov that its best for Anatoly to lose the match. Now you could argue that Molokov was saying it sarcastically or hypothetically or he was talking about Walter’s perspective as I guess Anatoly is now Walter’s man. So it would make sense for Walter to basically say “No actually, you’re wrong I don’t trust him, I think he will lose”. But that seems very odd to me as before it is shown that Walter and Molokov are both on board with Anatoly losing, especially more so when you find out he recovered some key agents since Anatoly threw the match.
Also interesting is how Florence and Svetlana are apart of the Endgame and sing Anatoly’s lines. Now with Svetlana’s lines it there seems to be two interpretations, first that if Anatoly went back to her she would not take him. “Is this [being married to Anatoly] the life I need?” She says he is selfish and childish but ends it with saying me, “Those around me bleed to death”. So I see that as the people bleeding to death is her children, so she is harming her children by choosing life with Anatoly. The other option is that Svetlana was always talking about herself, just like originally Anatoly was talking about himself when he said those lines. She’s blaming herself and chess itself for Anatoly’s actions. Personally I do not like this so, I’m going with the first option.
Overall, I kinda like this version of Chess. Nice that they didn’t just pick a plot, but changed things up and mixed things together. Didn’t add anything really new to Chess, like the Kennedy Center Production. Also interesting they mostly used the West End plot instead of Broadway when it happened in America. Personally I didn’t like Freddie not changing and no redemption arc for him, but I just have a soft spot for him.
There are some techinical problems with the production, mics not being on at the right time, some fumbling with words, the orchestra coming in too early and drowning out Freddie when during his small dialogue before the second chess game of the first act, Adam Pascal’s mic going off for a few lines during One Night in Bangkok. Also I think Walter flubbed a line during the Deal cause he says “we all stand to lose, you, me, the lady also” so 
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makahimetenshi · 3 years
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Old Dipper
Ok so this is a AU where Dipper is a pantologist of 40 years old, he lives in the Mystery Shack after the Standford dissaparence.
When Dipper and Mabel was 16/21 they fall in love to each other, having a sucesfull secret relation ship, the twins left highschool with very good grades but they dont really wanna study anything, Mabel try it studying art but she gets bored easy and she started to sell her things online, believe or not she makes good money.
Dipper doesnt know what to study, he is good at maths but because he hates them and he wanna finish the most quickly possible, maths are not his thing. He actually wanna study something related to paranormal things, but nothing really exist or the title is important so is time to be a writer! Things doesnt work for a very long time, he was getting frustated but Mabel was here to cherish him enought. When Dipper published his first novel he become a famous writer, not because of the first, the second one was a book about paranormal things, third one an enciclopedy about paranormal creatures and more novels, he was really happy at that time.
Mabel convice him to open a blog and he become a very famous blogger of paranormal, with the years the Mistery Twins gets more experience finding paranormal things, even in their own city Mabel found a lot of creatures. For some reason, nobody in Internet believes the creatures was real, so they call it “The Mistery Shack Effect”, the girl think they dont believe the creatures she put in front the camera are real because they are like super real, and Mabel is a crafter so everyone thinks she makes them, and cosplayers really make good jobs at this time so everything is fake, everything, even Mabel big boobs.
Dipper writes articles and ocassionaly he appears in front of the camera, and Mabel was a full-time video-blogger.
When they broke up their relationship everything was sad and horrible but they ended it fine, because before lovers they are siblings and best friends, nothing cant broke up with their friendship. They mover together (it was strange for both but they have enought money to move on off their parents house) to Gravity Falls, near to their uncles. So they fuck everyone in there, Mabel has a lot of boyfriends and Dipper, only ocassional mettings, he dont wanna start a relationship because he was bussy writing and working in paranormal shit with Standford
Until he fall in love with Bill when he magically apears in front of two of them talking about be a good dorito, Bill move on with Dipper and becomes Mabels best friend, really gay shit around her so Dipper doesnt matter about it, after all they become boyfriends and he fucks him everynight.
In a travel Mabel meets a really sweet guy named Georgie, Dipper loves him because he was a geologist so Mabel was going to be fine, and thay guy was the choosen one, she was really happy around him and even Bill notice he is cool, Mabel married him when she was 27 (she has a long record of boyfriends), the party was awsome because Bill magic, the best part of it it was no secret, Georgie was okay with the magic and paranormal shit, and with the demon boyfriend of the sibbling of his wife, he trust Mabel a lot and Dipper was one of his best friends.
At 30 Mabel gets pregnat, Dipper and Georgie were like, the most happy mans on earth and they become Mabel servants by their own will, by that way she and his husband move on to New York but Dipper travel all the weekends to spend with his pregnat big sister, Georgie doesnt really have problems with that, Dipper was cool. Standford and Stanley scream his souls out of their body when Bill found out she was going to get siblings, all in the room were screaming and crying, exept Bill who doesnt give a shit about it, to him it was just mutant semen.
The siblings born, it was a really happy family moment, Mabel doesnt have any problems so everything was perfect.
When they started to grow up Mabel started to take the siblings to her travels on Gravity Falls and they love Dipper and the place, The new Mistery Twins were really exited about fairys and gnomes, because Dipper doesnt let them go to dangerous places. At 33 Bill and Dipper broke up, their relationship doesnt simple work, Bill was too childish and jelous, and also evil and manipulative, so Dipper cant take it anymore. Fights, curses, problems with enchanted people atacking his magic protected house, but after a while these things stop, Dipper know it, just because of that he doesnt do anything, he knows Bill enought, such a waste because it was a 8 years relation shit but Dipper grows up and Bill not, he cant take the jelous teenager rages anymore. They where absolutlly bullshit.
Dipper didnt fall in a depression because he started to study paleontology, he graduates with honors and everyone were proud of him, that party with Mabel and Georgie was crazy. He felt really happy that there are so much people around him in that important moment.  At 37 Standley dies by a heart attack, something that the family was really especting because he was smoking a lot and having really bad habits, but it was a hard hit for the family in general, especially to Standford, who after the funeral dissapear in a portal, leaving the Mistery Shack to Dipper with all his things, everybody was super confused and pretty mad but Dipper and Mabel behind all their worrys understand him a lot, they cant even think how the life would be without his sibbling.
Mabel ask Dipper to find Standford but he refuses, he know it, Standford doesnt dissapear to seach Stanley or anything, he just wanna be alone and he is gonna respect that. And the secret job Standford left it behind is gonna help Dipper in his own research about Anomalys in Earth,  the mark boy move on to Mistery Shack and start living in there.
At 38 Mabel gets really upset because she wanna travel around the word finding exiting things, but she is a mother now, she cant just leave his kids with her husband. Dipper ofers himself to care the kids in summer and gave them the life that Mabel and he has when they were kids so she can go with Georgie. With the insistence of Dipper, she accept the offer but for no more than a week or two, or in the summers. Georgie doesnt know it but she and Dip still has the spark between them and their contact are a little incest.
So at 40 Dipper is studyng the misterys in Gravity Falls taking care of their nephews sometimes, that childs are a light in his life.
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zeynepbal · 3 years
Started cleaning home like 3.30 in the morning, after I woke up to a continuing talk with a friend on whatsapp at 3 am.
While tidying and cleaning the house I was thinking may be I was a bit harsh on him because after all he did not say anything bad and all he thinks is my good will - yet now after thinking an hour while tidying the house I am pretty sure it is not good for me
Society is a strange concept. You can never stay all free unless you go and start a life by yourself in the jungle. Otherwise you always have to be a part of it - even when you dont think so. My dad my mom always and still making me erase some posts which I think they are mostly right about their criticism because they are the only people may be who truely knows my way of thinking yet there is one more thing they know : how others may think and can understand my thoughts in a different way.I can clearly and confidently say that being a parent of mine should be really tiring. Dealing with a “child” for 37 years who mostly has a different point of view than the society.
Same is valid for my friends. I do think that it should be really haed to deal with me. When you make a dirty joke to your friend and when she does not get it constantly should be annoying. And think that when she gets it she just scolds you for being childish.
I dont understand how people connect certain images with certain situations. Kissing a cat video might be found “sexy” by people or wearing a short skirt can be thought as trying to be alluring. Throwing a birthday party for a friend could be understood as trying to steal him from his wife for example. Or I dont know how but being good friends with a male friend and telling here and there that you missed him can be seen as you two have something special. Or hugging a person can be misread as having something between.
I find these thoughts always so “not understandable”. I do like implies and I use them a lot only when I am broken or only when I have to tell some one to do sth or only when I need to reject someone. Because I dont like to hurt anyone yet I dont understand how people can think you imply something when you say you miss some one or love some one or like someone. These words are good words. These are full of emotion words. However howcome in the end all are connected to romantic relations I don get - even while writing here as “romantic relations” I struggled because a person can love a tree and it may be romantic in a way yet it is not the way generally people understands. I remember one certain memory: my mom telling my ex fiancée that I might write a poem for a freaking chair as if it is a person which does not mean that I am in love with anyone.
And now yeah we are there.. Lets return the beginning of this page. Yeah I was harsh on a friend and thought a lot during cleaning the home. Why I was harsh was because he thinks that I need someone in my life - which I surely dont think so , decided this morning. As I wrote him “ I do make talks about relationships, I do behave as if I am interested but I am not. I do have these “fake” standing because of my age. Because when I behave as if true myself people find it fake because up to society a 37 year old woman should be interested in the stuff like this. So they do not accept I dont give a damn heck about these talks.” And this is why I always act as if. Today I just though how unhappy I was when I was about to get married at the age of 26-27, was waking up in the middle of the night and thinking how I truely did not wanna get married : and it was the society in the first place making me say “yes” to a person that I did not wanna get married because up to society a woman should do this do that etc etc etc.
And now it is an another phase: the phase that in order not to be misunderstood or labelled I have to act as if I am interested in some men otherwise people or their girlfriends see you as a threat as if their husbands or boy friends are made up of gold and you are hitting on them. Hello! I am not interested. So first in order to stop these gossips about you you should behave as if you are interested in someone otherwise people dont get you may not be interested in anyone. I dont understand why it should be black and white in every situation and dont get why people are so blind to gray. Another point is in order people not to misunderstand your gender you have to show your interest to men. I dont care if they think I am not straight or so but they talk. They talk a lot. And in year 2021 people still think being a gay is something funny and not normal. I pity these people yet I am straight and it is the same rudeness calling a gay as straight when you call a straight person as a gay. So in order not to be misunderstood I do have to make “men” talk on social media or in my life because people dont get “how come you dont?! At a 37 person howcome you cant have any specific point on men you find sexy?! How come you cant have a type?! Oh come on you are lying!!” I actually dont lie yet in order to deal with these situations I learnt to lie. As I told my friend this morning “I seriously do some talks because otherwise is impossible for people and I just dont wanna deal with them”
And this is actually how society puts a pressure on you without knowing. Lots of friends trying to make me up with some one: and my honest opinion this is so “waste of time” meeting with someone for a date. I mean isnt it? You both know that you meet on a specific purpose to understand if you are compatible or not and to me being compatible doesnt mean “love”. They find me rude when I say “no” to these date offers or imply that I am not interested because to them we would be very good or they are wanting my goodness which I reject. And what they dont understand within all these years is, ME. How I see the things. I like things being in their natural way. If I ll have a relationship it should happen in a natural way. I should fall in love for example. But no! For the society as a 37 year old (up to them beautiful) woman should not be alone or if she is alone there should be something wrong with her. And may be something wrong with me because I do care about emotions rather than “shoulds”
So as a result today I decided that I wont be making the same mistake as I did years ago : letting the society shape me and letting myself go with the flow and I was about to get married with a man I did not love just because it was expected by my friends or the people around me. Today I remembered how down I was feeling on those days and I dont wanna feel like that again. I do want a child yes. And there are other ways to “get” one like stealing some other people’ child (lol jk ofc).
Oh just an another point. I am never the kind of person who is able to show her feelings to the guy she likes (became a big problem in one of my relationships because he was always questioning that I am very physical and touchy to everyone yet not to him. And yeah! If I am hugging you or touching you this means my flirting probabilty with you is 0%) yet I found something I find irritating is “although I like the man doing the first second third…10th move until I understand he is interested, I seriously turn off when he gets harsh on me and openly shows his interest” this is the thing I can say “weird” about myself,for example because this is “weird”.
But the other stuff, I dont think that the way of thinking I have is weird. I dont think having no interest in speaking about relationships, not wanting to listen your “bed time sexual problems or stories” with your husbands/wives or lovers is weird. Because it is not my business but when I say this you call me either rude or weird. So I tried to act in a way you wanted and faked a lot which made me exhausted and today I just bursted as “E NOUGH!”. Because the more I try to fake in a way society wants me to, the more weird my behaviors become.
So I wont be doing any more. This is me. I wont act as the society wants me to act. Do think I have issues because I am not interested in the “make up” dates you arranged? Then I have issues, your opinion. Do you think I am in love with someone just because I told I love him? Then I am in love, your opinion. Do you think I am hitting on you because I asked to meet for a drink? Then I am hitting on you, your opinion. None are the thoughts or feelings of mine. I remember a talk with marcos. He asked me “you use the word love for everything. It is open to misunderstandings” and I told him “for you. You k ow me now and you know I dont use that word as many people may understand”. Same here. When I say I miss a friend and wish him or her here with me etc doesnt mean that I love/loved him or her in a way you think.
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shippinglover · 3 years
Favorite Supernatural Characters
Just my fav supernatural characters because I felt like it
10. Ruby
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Her ‘I am awesome’ speech is amazing (Honestly one of the best villian speeches) but I liked her character and her little relationships built with the boys. I wish she stayed good as it would have been amazing development and proved that not all monsters are bad to Dean-Which is why shes so low. Still really liked her though.
9.  Bela
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I dont know how popular she is in the show-But I really, really enjoyed her. It might be my bias towords Loren Cohan but I thought she was an interesting mix for the boys. She was sexually dominate, clever, and a strong fighter. I think its a shame she never came back after her first few episodes-But it was understandable that her actress found a new gig.
8.  Lucifer
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Lucifer was somehow all equal parts funny, terrifying, and heartbreaking. He has this kinda cold air around him-That even when he’s smiling or joking it seems as if hes ready to just jump at your throat. But he also has nuance-He feels as if hes right and that hes not a monster-And he actually loves his fellow angels. Especially Micheal and Gabrial as well as his father. And his arc with Jack was also just very sad for my soul. I feel bad for him-But I also love to see him kick butt so. Bad guy Lucifer is just as good as Dad Lucifer.
7. Claire
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Ahh, Claire. My Dean coded little bby. Shes fragile, strong, and childish all in one. Shes a kid who never got to be a full kid-Angels having taken that away from her. Her abandonment issues are very prevalent and I can relate to them. Also have the rebel character be a girl is something new to me-It usually is a guy. Shes rude, sarcastic and doesnt hold back-Also her little storyline with Kaia is just. so cute and tragic.
6. Sam
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Sam is a really cool character because hes either a chaotic mess or a lawful booknerd. Theres literally no in between and I love it. His arc revolving around his rage issues in the first couple of seasons and that devloping into a blood addiction-It was really cool. As well as how his relationship with Dean gets tested time and time again-And right when you think he’ll let go of Dean or that he doesnt love him as much he proves you wrong. I really enjoy him. 
5. Meg
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People just really dislike Meg in the fandom-But I really liked her a lot. I thought her enterance was badass, I liked that we had a tough female villian who wasnt afraid to have a real fight and I also liked that she was shown to get softer towords the end of her run. Her and Cas were adorable and I wish they expanded on her relationships with not only him but Sam. I think Meg deserved better honestly. I also enjoyed the way she spoke-Not just her tone, which is all kinds of hot for my gay heart-But her words. I think she was really funny.
4. Rowena
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Rowena is just really great. A powerful witch who is the mother of the King of Hell-Then eventually becomes the queen of hell? What an icon. Shes adorable too with her accent. And I love her flair for the dramatics-Honestly shes just so great. Her relationship with Sam was wonderful as well-I absolutely adored it. I also liked the little soft spot she seemed to have developed for Jack-I just really liked her as a whole.
3. Dean
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Dean is one of the most talked about characters so I probably dont have to go off on him. Hes complex with all kinds of trauma in him from survivals guilt to internalized homophobia to himself, to childhood abuse and so much more-Hes riddled with it all. But looking past his issues hes a parental (And Maternal) family man who just wants to goof off and help people. He’d do anything for the people he loves-To a unhealthy degree. I just really love him.
2. Jack
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L o o k  a t  m y  s o n. Hes so adorable I CANT. He just wants to help people and have his dads love him okay? He’s a pure bean who has way to much on his toddler shoulders. And who else do you know that just casually becomes god after stealing his powers therefore rendering him a helpless mortal? Not a soul thats who. What a absolute king. We love to see it.
1. Cas
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Listen, I’m a unashamed cas girl. I just love this dorky but badass angel. He’s loyal and can kill you with a snap of his fingers but he doesnt understand pop culture referenced much. I just really love him okay? And his struggled with faith and choosing between being a human or a ‘real’ angel and doing the most human thing by loving his found family and just. I could go on and on with him because dont even get me STARTED on this boys devlopment-
Honerable Mentions-
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la5t-res0rt · 4 years
Okay but it literally, LEGALLY, isn't classified as sim cp. You don't have to look at it if you want. And none of those things on that list are okay: antis shouldn't be sending death threats, babes shouldn't be either. Name calling is also out of the window because its childish and stupid. And making fun of people or invalidating their identities is wrong too. But I dlnt think you understand that /both/ sides do all that. You cant sit here and have a double standard like that.
oh i understand perfectly well
i just dont think you do
yeah the behavior in both sides can be pretty crummy but if you literally think that people shouldnt be called out for tolerating this sort of behavior that is literally harmful to so many people myself fucking included like oh fuck would i have loved to have never had to look at the content but its all the fuck over the place and so many of the shippers are so fucking entitled and so conceited that they are actively ASKING for it that one chicks ask box is a fucking taunt she lives for the attention good or bad
at this point I have a side that i favor because the other side sent my friend death threats sent me threats of violence belittled my mental health stole my friends art and maliciously reposted and edited their artwork that same side made incredibly upsetting artwork about causing harm to an actor i
the same side that bullied a fourteen year old after they had the nerve to speak up about the shit going on the same side that came for me for not knowing every single detail of said fourteen year olds very complex and not at all my business mental illness
the side that took something that gave me so much comfort and happiness and made me remember the abuse i endured when I was thirteen i hate that the internet is still such a ducking shitty place to be a lonely kid who just wants to be liked
the same side that writes romanticized rape and writes a black lgbt+ character being a subject of abuse the same side who thinks stories of characters of color need to struggle and endure pain for it to be a valid piece of writing or the side that talks down to young people and minors and then turning around and writing graphic content involving a teenage girl
a side that includes a transmed guy who is so vile that i honest to god use the word hate to describe me feelings for him
but yeah the side that pointed out that maybe saying that you basically only view women as sex objects in that you would perform sex acts for compensation with them but not actually pursue relationships with is a problematic statement or maybe the jewish teenager who asked someone to stop throwing the term nazi around THOSE are the real villains of the story theyre the ones that need to be taught a damn lesson jesus h christ
if you are still talking about the rae biphobia fiasco literally none of us ever said she wasnt bi that I know of i know i didnt we simply pointed out that what she said was an inherantly biphobic statement being lgbt+ doesnt mean you cant belittle other identities look at nasti and how he feels about the trans experience as if he owns the damn thing ugh fucking hell you made me mention these people by name thats how cranky i am
basically on top of all the shitty things done to me and my friends I dont want people using their shit triggering content to hurt people like i was hurt
also in the United States simulated cp is only okay if it passes this thing called the miller test and buddy pal chumbo nearly all the work ive had the great misfortune fails at least one of the three prongs of the miller test the whole area is very murky and not well defined but our neighbor nation of Canada (if youre in the us) is full stop no cp of any kind no ifs ands or butts
why dont you go tell nasti to shut his yap about solar or tell rae to gather her cronies and fucking chill and stop bugging me because im getting very sick of having to tell people how i feel and why i do what i do if you really think both sides are that bad why do t you go try and talk to them because im not budging that shit is wrong and i wont sit by in silence as if it isnt
if youre a beetlebabe shipper trying to get my to badmouth antis fine yeah we can be a bit intense and yeah there have been antis who’ve done shitty things in the past but if anyone is caught being shitty its over dude you are ejected from the good graces
and if youre a neutral youre doing a great job at being neutral but it is making me very angry and neutrality is comparable to complacency so im not in your camp at all
thanks again for writing in im not really sorry for being harsh but i really am sick of this shit so maybe go try talking to someone else for a little bit like literally any beetlebabe and see what they say back to you id love to see it
editors note because i couldnt fit this anywhere but if an anti does something wrong in the same vein as the beetlebabes and i hear about it im done with them full stop they dont get my support or anything and i wont state publicly who they are but there are several people that have been cut off because of their behavior
the thing is i dont seem to see the bad stuff they do or maybe i just dont see what they do as bad because in my book telling someone pedophilia is wrong isnt harassment its just a statement of fact anyway if you have receipts of antis being as hateful as babe shippers* im all eyes pal but dont give me the same stuff ive covered because ive made my stance on those things quite clear
*threats of violence belittling mental illnesses harassing a mentally ill 14 year old making fun of eating disorders and many other bad things
(Note: pointing out the inherant biphobia of a phrase is also not harassment)
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vasiliassuns · 4 years
༄ except it IS salt time about yang's character
♥ god damnit , i should be doing homework , so i’ll just write a more condescend version on the feelings i have vehemently expressed to you before:”) ♥ ( note ; do not read this post if you absolutely love yang with all of your heart as well as b/umbleby , to each their own , these are just my own personal opinions and im not trying to offend anybody ) 
♥ yang’s character is honestly beyond flawed , and not in the “ everybody has negative traits about them “ way , as in the “okay what the hell this doesnt make sense , why are you so [ insert trait here ] “ way
♥ as a person who has dealt with abandonment issues due to a job one of my parents had , i understand where her anger issues and some emotional ones from volumes 1 - 4 and partially 5 came from . it makes sense as to why she can easily get ticked off because of said issues, but thats . the only real thing about her character i understand / like .
♥ one of the biggest things i absolutely despise about her is how hypocritical she is . in volume 5 she said that they shouldn’t lie to each other anymore , and that they should share the full truth . but then at the end of this very same volume , she learns her mother , raven , is the spring maiden , but chooses not to say a word about it . the only words she does say about raven when asked about her is “ gone . “ she doesnt say that she needed to tell qrow something when it was just them , or anything like that . and raven being the maiden has yet to be brought up again , two volumes later . this really just pisses me off because she verbally attacked ozpin for hiding his past , his traumas , and yet barely talks about her own , keeps one of the biggest secrets that can literally change how they fight this war against salem . she demands answers , but never gives any of her own . its very hypocritical and blatantly childish , if you ask me . 
♥ she also has almost never said a single thing to stand up for faunus or attempted to help them . the only time she said anything about being faunus is when we saw cardin pulling on velvet’s ears and tormenting her , only saying “ it must be hard to be a faunus “ she makes no move to help velvet , no move to pummel cardin into the ground for his racist and abusive actions , and we never see her talk with velvet after and asking her if she was alright . 
♥ now ! about b/umbleby . a lot of my salt for yang stems / weaves in with this ship . not only is yang hypocritical about stuff in show , but her behavior towards blake is toxic at a lot of points from how i see it . in volume 2 , when blake was stressing herself out and not properly caring for herself , yang exploited blakes genetics as a feline faunus to get blake to do what she wanted her to . yang used a laser pointer to get her attention and to essentially drag her away from what she was doing . in my eyes , thats blatantly racist and no better than r*byn h*ll calling marrow ‘ wags ‘ in volume 7 . going back to the abandonment issues , when blake leaves , yang is upset , which sort of but not really makes sense . theyre partners , supposedly best friends . what i dont like is how yang went from being entirely angry at blake even existing , having one talk with weiss , and then suddenly being so happy that she was back ? really, as i mentioned , as somebody who has dealt with abandonment issues , it does n o t work like that . i wish the show addressed yangs anger for her leaving with blake , so they could both learn from the experience , even if i dont blame blake for leaving what so ever .  
♥ something else ive noticed is that yang will go one second where she says nothing to a woman who is being blatantly and openly racist towards blake’s heritage , looking mildly ticked off at best , to the next when the group is trying to steal an atlesian airship , abandoning her post to help blake fight adam and throwing her motorcycle at him j u s t for a dramatic entrance . a motorcycle that yang has been seen to be protective over and is one of her main accessories in certain parts of the show , specifically early rwby . it just does not make sense to me . yes , yang was trying ( and honestly , failing ) to not be as angry at stuff as she used to , but somebody was verbally attacking her teammate , partner and friend and she said not a single word . but she threw a precious item , which also likely could have been a gift from her father at some point , into the water nearby just to hit a man , never seeing the motorcycle again . 
♥ EDIT : i didn’t even mention how at some points it seems like yang is trying to make blake dependent on her , and im n o t getting into that right now . 
♥ all in all ? the best way to describe my feelings on yang : i hate her . i really do . she could be written so much better and i really hate that a character who had potential in volumes 1 - 3 got thrown away post - fall of beacon . 
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urkpoppsychic · 4 years
Twice readings - Personality + How they feeling currently and relationship status
[ This is just a reading for fun and for my practice purposes. so it doesnt mean that everything I said is 100% true. This is something that I truly feel and see through visions and feelings. My purpose is for the purest intentions. Sometimes I give messages about signs or warnings to look out for (like mental or health issues). So I thank you and enjoy the readings!  Love sincerely from Fien Psychic.] 
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This person is very understanding and supportive about others and is a good leader role. Her communication is on a high level, Her words came off really well spoken. A friendly personality and someone who really seeks for true love and peace in her life. She will put effort in her love. She is clever and full of ideas a powerful lady. 
How is she feeling currently: Motivated and feeling that she got the right focus on a new idea. A new (challanges) beginning. She is standing up not letting people get in her way. She is thinking wisely how to standing her ground for her position. Because this woman is a leader. 
She is still happy with Daniel.
This person is kind and can act childish when she wants things, but dont get it or didnt come to her expectations. She wont feel pleased by it and she find it difficult to suppress her frustrations. Someone who is also very hard working on her goals and dreams, focus on it very much. It made her  ignore the feelings of others.  She is ambitious and career-oriented. 
How is she feeling currently: I feel/see that she is at the end of a difficult situation as if  she is trying to move on from her ex. She is trying to let it go and she takes her time to heal and relfect. It will give her more understandings and strength of the end of this period of loss. she will be balanced herself (emotionally).  She will feel more secure later on her future. 
Single currently i feel she will date someone from seventeen or an korea. actor.
Someone who supportive others but not herself, she is losing herself in illusions and enjoy escaping the reality and by unrealistic expectations to others and her plans. Her personality is changing as if her own personality isn´t fully formed. She is very calm on the surface but she is hiding something disturbing underneath. She seemed to be confident and hide it incredibly behind her fake smile. This person has never got the opportunity to heal her wounds. She keeps her problems very privately. 
How is she feeling currently: she is carrying a heavy burden on her back that will give her a lot of stress, she is kinda feeling unhappy. I get also signs that she have health issues cus of a lot of things happend to her. She felt really conflicted. 
even though she had a crush on suga before she will not end up with him i feel she will date someone from seventeen.
She is someone who is very clever and will stand up for herself she is not afraid to speak her honest oppinion. She is person who standing to her ground. Her no is a big no. This person is very kind to others and generous. She is loyal and supportive to her loved ones. She is hard worker and she can handle stress better then her other members. 
How is she feeling currently: I feel/see that she is feeling emotionally unbalanced she is kinda afraid of getting responsibillty by something that she isn´t able to fullfill it on the longterm goals. It makes her feel unmotivated or uninterested not ready to settle down by something. 
Dating heechul  
This person is strong-minded and confident in her abilities, she knows what she wants. She is courageous and charming. She is someone who takes good care of herself physical and mental. She knows how to make others feel special, she deeply care for people and is loyal to her loved ones. She is a great support and a helping hand. She tries hard to make you laugh if you feel down. 
How is she feeling currently: I feel/see that she is in a transformation within her, something she is moving in to her next phase in her life. Big chance for a new succesful opportunity on her way. She really feels emotionally fullfilled and happy  with the person she had building trust with. (romantically). 
Dating JK 
She is someone who is very wise, smart and self-reliant. She enjoy spending time alone. This person has fears to open up how she truly feels, she thinks she feels defeated and hopeless because lack of self-realisation. She kinda wants be independent her issues is the cause that she isn´t able to handle herself  alone. She is someone who reflect alot and wants to learn new things to be better. creative and pratical. 
How is she feeling currently: I feel/see that she is thinking to a person from the past. Secrets that had been revealed to the surface that made her feeling hurt but she managed to forgive this person and move on. She is gonna compromise and work together. 
Dating Jimin
This person is warm and kind-hearted, someone who listen to her true feelings. She is not afraid to act on her true feelings inside. But she is someone that get overwhelmed when she get stressed. She will overreact and feel exhausted. She is fighting her insecurities. she is fun to be around with, but she is not easy to keep up with. Patience is not her strongest point. 
How is she feeling currently: I feel/see that she is dreaming about something that she really want in the long-term goal. She is moving to a new beginning, in the pratical surface. Stability and security. It is gonna be unexpected for her. happiness and the little things in life are the most important for her right now.
Dating D.O 
This person is really cool and very calm. She is not afraid to speak up and is not afraid to be herself in public. She is someone who is nice to work with creative and full of ideas. family and friends means a lot to her. She believes in true love and wants to find the love of her life. She is not afraid for taking new opportunities and she enjoys life at the fullest. Courageous and cool is the vibe she giving me. 
How is she feeling currently: I feel/see that she is feeling as if a wish is fulfilled by the person she is with right now. I see some personality traits a guy who is logically, honest and impulsive. She knows how to cool him off his by his hot tempered attitude. She feels that this person is her other half. She is really happy and in love with him. 
Dating JB 
Security and physical happiness are vital to this person, she is someone who look after herself both physically and emotionally. She is a helping hand and will avoid toxic people. She can be stubborn but I feel  THAT makes her really cute. She want to be stable, (security and comfort is her priority). She follows her dreams and strive for her long-term goals and she knows how to get it. 
How is she feeling currently: I feel/see that she is feeling passionated and enthousiastic about something, relfectin on something that happend in the past. Some good news is coming her way.  As if Tzuyu  and her lover had solved a problem together. She feels comfortable and secure. It made her and him bond grew to be stable and positive in her situation. 
Dating Taehyung 
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byjove-cannibalcove · 5 years
Hannibal AU for @pragnificent​
will is called in to find the person responsible for the murder of roughly 15 people over the course of a single weekend up in new jersey The killings were really brutal, and disproportionately targeted a home where a party had been taking place, as well as a single police officer who had arrived to check in on them preliminary assumption is that it was a large group of people, possibly an occult ritual slaying of some kind, especially because it happened on friday the thirteenth and the teenagers had been having a scary movie watching party for some reason so anyways they get up there and are looking at the carnage and trying to figure out how the hell most of these murders were even pulled off, since it includes things like 'cut a head from someones shoulders' and 'a 6'4" football player was thrown onto a spike' and shit like that naturally they look into it and find out that there has been large scale killings in this general area every ten years or so for 30 years or so that the first one was the only one where the killer was caught (a little old woman, motivations unknown) and that while there is usually at least 1 survivor of each attack the survivor is in all cases driven too insane by the events to accurately describe anything that had happened (though for what its worth they, for the most part, do not tell cohesive stories, so you cant listen to them anyways) so anyways will is out here trying to get a vibe, get a feel for the person that did this, trying to understand why he targeted these people hes fifuring out shit like 'yeah this cop was a serial abuser' and 'a lot of these teenagers show evidence of having been having a lot of sex and underage drinking and drug use beforehand, all of which appears consentual' that the kids with records of wrong doing and bad reputations were killed most violently, that those that seem like good kids were mostly killed quickly and pretty painlessly and wills preliminary feelings are 'this killer was... driven... but not calculated... almost childish.. ' this leads team science to be like 'okay so like a fellow teenager?' and then argue like 'only if they are a GIANT teenager, we are talkign 6'5" based on some of these swings" and wills like no no not a teenager, like, an actual child, think Home Alone, a child with no concept of torture but who just wants to make the bad people go away, who feels like hes defending his home which leads the group to be like 'okay potentially a giant disabled person, cant be too many of those secreted away in the area' wills going out to sit by the lake days later and thinking how beautiful it is, how peaceful, serene, like you could just float out into the water here and stare at the moon and never look away he finds a used condom in the reeds by the dick, curls his nose in disgust, imagining them fucking in the water, or on the dock, how vulgar it would be there are homes along this lake, not here exactly but visible in the distance at the far other end. this is a big long lake with many nice little divots like this one, so many people live along it and have never been hurt, many families, lots of vacation homes. the only families that were ever killed on this lake usually lived there for a decade, more, before it happened, kids that were raised in those homes only killed during a party when they were vulgar when they disrespected the lake disrespected nature ruined it with their noise and their wild parties, drug use just the sort of thing a little old lady in 1979 might find worthy of death, might be driven mad by it takes a while but eventually they will dig up the information of the little old lady having had a disabled  son, jason, who drowned in the lake a few years before Mrs vorhees went on her rampage, the information that he had drowned while attending a summer camp, while the teenagers on duty werent watching him hes long dead btu will latches onto it, that it fits perfectly, they tell him hes losing it will starts channeling mrs vorhees, wandering around the lake, whispering to her boy, cleaning up trash he finds on the lake shore mrs vorhees was by all accounts an incredibly kind woman, a bit of a radical even, very environmental, a bit of a hippie, kind to strangers, lover of children, cherished and adored her disabled son, wouldve loved this lake and the clean air, the beautiful nights would have wanted the lake to be clean, to stay quiet will spends all night cleaning the lake for no reason at all other than an odd compulsion to see at least one small section of it be as nice as it would have looked to Mrs vorhees eyes how she would have taught it to her son, to cherish that will is sort of losing his mind, snapping at everyone, he hates loud noise and drinking right now, doesnt like how careless it makes everyone, is avoiding drinking himself for now at least but the clarity hurts, he is staying up at night in dirty hotel rooms and wishing he was outside under the clear sky, he buys a tent and puts it up down by the lake, in the area he cleaned he knows he shouldnt, there is a killer on the loose in the area, but will knows he isnt what the killer is looking for in the night he sees a shadow go over his tent, thinks he hears the crunch of a boot in the leaves, he holds his breath, cant move he sees a knife cutting through the fabric and tenses but when he looks again the tent is fine he realizes hes sleep paralyzed and sits up suddenly in burst of motion, throws open the tent flap, stumbles into the clearing its empty the lake reflects the white face of the moon at him. their eyes meet and it is beautiful he returns to the hotel room with the sunrise and as he climbs the stairs the phone in his pocket rings, the door to his room is wide open, jack stands inside with the phone to his ear he sees the tent under wills bag he thinks will is losing it, it is insane to camp by the lake when there is a killer on the loose there will doesnt have an excuse jack tells him that they found the cemetary that jason was buried in (very difficult because records from the time are so fucking spotty and it was a tiny family cemetary for a family that no longer exists) and that he was clearly marked as a drowning victem, dead at age 10, so no, its not mrs vorhees son, and there are no relatives, so scrap that, they are back to square one jack orders will to go home and talk to hannibal because being here is not very helpful right now if hes gonna do crazy shit like camp next to the murder lake will talks to hannibal about it, with as much honesty as possible, and how certain he is that its jason hannibal convinces jack to exume jason. there is no living family to protest and it will settle will enough to get will back on track and stop focusing on it. jack agrees in a very irritated way they go to do it (jack team science will and hannibal as well, as support for will) and... yeah there is no casket in that spot. empty grave. a marker and nothing else. holy shit somethign something something eventually they manage to link shit up like 'okay maybe it was jason that killed the second camp full of counselors in training-- the person was described as a  teenager, small in stature with a bag to hide their face. the killer in the 3rd instance was a grown man who slaughtered a fuckton of people over the course of a FEW days, and then was killed by a small child who fucked his head up so much that there was nothign identifiable left, not even teeth, so no one ever knew their identity, it literally might have been jason, it totally could have been a huge disabled man living in the woods  and no one ever knew about it ((we are gonna pretend 'jason lives' didnt happen)) anyways its basically decided that 'yeah it literally might have been jason vorhees, growing up alone in the woods, who committed most of those murders... but hes dead now so this is a new killer' and its a very frustrating thing because jack is like 'cool we just answered some cold case files btu we still dont know wtd happened last weekend' and will is like NO I SWEAR IT STILL FEELS LIKE THE SAME GUY And is trying to claim that 'maybe the person that was killed by the kid was someone else'   'an accomplice?'    'no no this person-- jason-- he is entirely alone. only the memory of his mother. only her touch guiding his hands, only her words in his ears, he cant listen to anyone else, he cant... he cant collaborate' and hannibal sits with him out on the lake, lets will row out in a boat with him Will imagines Mrs Vorhees, feels the way she must have felt, looking out at this beautiful lake, the one that nearly her son from her, beautiful and calm and tranquil, while the teenagers behind her loudly partied, drank, didnt have a care in the world, and his teeth bare at the idea, and he hates them too, hates the way they would look at her son if they knew he was alive Hannibal, sitting across and watching him, tells will thatthe lake is beautiful ((of course hes looking at will rather than the water haha)) will tells him its deep and cold will looks deep into the water and sees the drowning boy. blinks to wash the image away. blinks again. again. "Hannibal??" hannibal asks what will sees will jumps in the water reaches for child jason snags the hand of an adult dragging him down its beautiful here one blue eyes looks into his, startlingly clear hannibals arms snag will around the middle and pull him back to the boat jason lets go without fuss ((he just wanted to touch wills hand, will who for a few moments had looked, to jason, like his mother)) back at shore will tells hannibal this, and he is shakign and shivering and frightened of the lake and of himself, because he must really be fucknig losing it asks for comfirmation that hannibal didnt see anyone in the lake hannibal does not give will that confirmation he asks if will is seeing ghosts will says its more like spirits "a lake spirit, then?" its such a silly thought but somehow will ends up out at the lake the next night, hannibal at his side. hannibal has dressed down, a warm cream sweater over his dress shirt for the late october chill, will in flannel, and they set up wills tent and clean the area around their campsite meticulously. hannibal warms food he brought from home over the fire and will fishes, cleans and guts his catch, the knife catching the white face of the moon as it flicks over the scales in the dark night will stands, jus tinside the circle of light by the fire, and channels mrs vorhees "Jason... jaaaasonnn" nothing he thinks hannibal will laugh at him, but he doesnt he concentrates more on the image in his mind, the kindly smile she wore in the photos he saw of her, the fierce protective instinct that lay behind those eyes, the fact that jason is out here, alone, confused, scared, and he feels protective of him too "Jason.. come here" a tiny intake of breathe behind him, and wills blinks his eyes open and Jason stands before him. not a child. a man. Tall. huge. a giant he is wet, the only sound he makes the slow dripping of lake water from his clothes onto the ground below. his clothes are ragged and encrusted with leaves and dirt. his face is covered by a battered hockey mask. the skin beneath it is grey the image is a terrifying one, the stuff of nightmares but he isnt a monster he is wills son will holds out his arms "Jason, come here" jason is still for a time, tilting his head only slightly as he tries to work out what will is, who he is but he comes slowly he is so much larger that will, but he kneels, down on one knee, looking up at will one blue eye shining, searching wills face for something will wraps his arms around him "My special boy" jason shudders and melts into the hug, mask pressed to wills stomach the machete drops to the ground, huge hands press to wills back, so gently, like will is made of glass, something too precious to jason to risk hurting will tells him that he knows he was scared, was confused, was lost and alone for so so long that he thought he had to be that way but he doesnt that he can come home with will he doesnt have to stay here anymore, he doesnt have to wait Jason makes a sound, the first sound he has made so far, a small, a tiny little sob, and his shoulder loosen, like a great weight has left his shoulders he seems to shrink in wills arms, and for a moment will is holding a child and then his arms are empty but not cold there is a warmth in him, something between his lungs, love, peace, hope, life in a way he has never before experienced it will wants to cry but it feels more like happy tears he holds them at bay, sniffles once, wipes his eyes with sleeves filthy with lake water arms wrap around him from behind, and it is hannibal again, pulling at him, and will turns, melts into hannibals hug, lets himself cry they dont stay the night at the lake, they pack up their campsite, put out the flames, walk through the darkness to the car, will being led behind hannibal by the hand like a child, too shaky and full to do it himself later, in therapy, they talk about it, briefly, and agree that jason is somewhere better now, that the killings will stop, that they dont need to tell jack about this, that jason was a special boy, a good boy who loved his mother very much, that maybe they are together now, somewhere and when will looks out at the moon from his porch that night, he feels a presence just behind him, a warm, protective presence, who is looking up at the moon with him, and he knows its true
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templehill · 5 years
To paraphrase – the duchess has jumped the footman, where did it all go so wrong for the third series of Victoria?
Spoliers.... It’s easy to blame it being up against Line of Duty but with +1 and catch up, if people really had wanted to watch series 3 of Victoria they would have, but they haven’t. With a few exceptions, social media is awash with complaints from viewers who have turned off or are about to, how has it gone so spectacularly wrong from the first series which unexpectedly beat Poldark in the ratings?
1.       The endless Victoria and Albert rows – Victoria and Albert are meant to be the big love story a love so strong and pure that when Albert died, Victoria mourned for the rest of her life. The writers played up to that in series 1 and 2 but in this series, it’s been fight after petulant fight. Do married couples fight? Of course they do but the mistake here has been to make them so damn repetitive. They fight, they make up, another baby happens, on and so very boringly on! The worse thing as has been pointed out extensively on social media has been the transformation of Albert from Victoria’s serious and grounded but deeply loving protector and confidant to gaslighter in chief (Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where people are manipulated into doubting their own feelings, memories and perceptions). It’s been pretty horrible to watch and the transformation of Victoria into a childish tantrum throwing hurler of vases and slapper of husbands has not been fun either. No one, NO ONE wants to watch this for 8 episodes.
2.       Jophie falls flat – Sophie and joseph are meant to be the ship of the series, theirs is the romantic sub plot like Drumfred last year, Hernest in series 1 and 2 and skerretelli in series 1 and 2, that we’re meant to fall in love with and root for - except viewers have for the most part given it a resounding MEH. The actors who play the parts are certainly attractive enough (Lily Travers in particular is stunning) but it simply hasn’t caught on. Their lack of chemistry doesnt help (putting two pretty people together does not chemistry make) but even more is the impatient way the whole plot has been done. Whereas skerretelli didn’t kiss until episode 8 of series 2 and drumfred until episode 7 of series 2, by episode 5 sophie and joseph have already kissed and its as if the writers are standing over our shoulders looking impatiently at their watches saying “come on, come on, get on and ship them”. We know nothing about them other than she has the most Disney villain of mean husbands and joseph is a rubbish footman and likes to swim. We have no reason to really care about them as a couple at all and so we don’t. Plus of course the Victoria writers have serious form with relationships on this show; not a single one has ever survived happily. Why would we care about them when we know in all likelihood it will go wrong? we cant be bothered to make the emotional investment again - fool me once and all that. Incidentally, the abusive husband storyline could have run perfectly well without throwing in the romance with a footman even though the duke is hilariously two dimensional, he only needs a swirling black cloak so he can run out the door cackling for full dramatic effect.
3.       Feodora. Oh dear. Leaving aside the complete historical inaccuracy of her relationship with Victoria and when she visited England, there is simply no way that someone supposedly as intelligent as Albert is meant to be, wouldn’t see through her. Instead not only does he not see through her, but the two of them together gaslight Victoria and really its hard to know what to say other than arghhhhhh. Some attempts are made to explain Feo’s jealousy of Victoria – Victoria has the perfect life and doesn’t appreciate it, Feo could have been Queen of England but no attempt is made to explain why Victoria is putting up with this nonsense. It’s just irritating to watch people being so ridiculously stupid.
4.       The whitewashing of Victoria as a mother. The problem with writing a historical drama is that people have an internet. No one expects Victoria to be a documentary but one of the most well known things about Victoria was that she hated being pregnant and hated being a mother. She resented her children for taking Albert’s time from her and she found them boring and annoying. It would actually have been a brave thing to do, to show this reality a woman who doesn’t like being a mother but obviously that’s too much and so we have Victoria the uber mother. Always stepping in to protect her children, clutching her pearls in horror at Bertie’s tutor hitting him when in reality she and albert beat their children frequently. It’s all part of the general Victoria saves the day trope the Victoria writers are so fond of – Victoria sorts the Irish famine, Victoria supports emancipation, Victoria defeats cholorea. Writers are entitled to interpret the facts as they like but they’re not actually entitled to their own facts.
5.       The vanishing or where the hell did everyone go? One of the reasons Downton Abbey was so successful was that it had a group of main characters who stayed at the heart of the show as others came and went. 13 main characters in Downton stayed the entire 6 series. By contrast after only 3 series, Victoria has only 2 main characters who have made it through, Victoria and Albert. Ernest, Harriet, the Duchess of Kent, Wilhemina Coke, the Duchess of Buccleuch, Miss Cleery, have all just vanished; Mrs Skerrett has died and Francatelli has disappeared as a consequence. Lord Alfred who as one half of Drumfred had a prominent and beautiful storyarc in series 2 which viewers adored has been relegated to the background and no mention has been made of his apparent marriage or fatherhood. The ignoring of a neon lit storyline that would have been interesting – the continuation of Alfred and Wilhelmina as a married couple trying to manage their different expectations and sexualities in favour of a Disney villain sister and a tired upstairs downstairs storyline sums up this series. Any writer worth their salt should have been all over that plotline and yet here we are.
So if there is a series 4 and Im sure there will be can Victoria redeem itself? Maybe
1.       Keep Lord Palmerston. The only well rounded character this year has been Laurence Fox’s Lord Pam who has gleefully chewed up the scenery with his performance. He’s cynical, populist, arrogant but can also be kind and sympathetic, showing an insight into other people’s lives and difficulties almost wholly lacking in other characters. Historically he was PM twice in the 1850s and we assume series 4 will end with Albert’s death, so just keep him
2.       Do the alfred and Wilhelmina storyline – just do it, seriously, get someone else to write it if you cant, just DO IT
3.       Stop with the Vicbert rows
4.       Stop the Victoria saves the day whitewashing
5.       If you are dumping characters from series 3, explain what happened to them even if its only one line, it makes a big difference.
Read the social media responses, understand why people are so fed up, take that on board. No one is saying you have to write a fan service series, that way madness lies (looking at you sherlock) but think about why people are saying what they are saying because those are the people bothering to say it. For every one of them, there are a 1000 people who switched off already. Think about it.
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