#sleepy castiel
casdeans-pie · 9 months
Dean flirts with a diner waitress one day while him and Sam are working a case (Cas is busy). She gives him a pleasant-customer-service smile until her eyes lock onto his shoulder. She goes pale and backs away and Dean looks at his shoulder like ?????
She tries to make an excuse to leave and bolts out the back door but Dean is Suspicious(TM) and follows her before she can get very far.
She says she's not looking for trouble, she just wants to be left alone, she's made a life for herself here etc etc.
"What are you talking about?" Dean demands, about to reach for his gun.
"You... You’re Dean Winchester." She gestures to his shoulder. "Only Dean Winchester has Castiel's mark and claim on him."
Dean gently touches his shoulder, where the handprint used to be, and he's like, "You're an angel." .......... then he gets his phone out and he's finding Cas's number and slamming the phone to his ear all frowny faced and says to her, "What do you mean, claim? And the mark isn't even there anymore- I- Hey Cas? Cas, there's an angel here who- no I don't know her name- does it matter? Look she says- no don't come here we're fine- she says you left a claim on me with that- y’know that handprint thing and- what do you mean you were going to tell me??? Tell me now-"
And the whole time Dean is getting progressively frownier and his nose is getting redder and he's gripping his shoulder tighter and the angel is watching like, This is the Michael Sword?? This is the Righteous Man??? This is the human Castiel left his mark on?????
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witchy-worm · 19 days
They deserved all of the sleepy snuggles 💚💙
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sjonni33 · 9 months
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[👉available as a print here👈]
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xlllleda · 2 months
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Before you fall asleep
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licieoic · 1 year
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"So Sleepy" - Digital Oil Painting
Sleepy boys.
Please see the pinned post at the top of my Tumblr for my links if you'd like to help support me in saving for a safe place to live!
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Sleepy Angel Kisses
Rated: G
Relationship: Castiel/Dean Winchester (destiel)
Characters: casual, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
A/N : Inspired by @destielshipper4cas ‘s Sleepy Angel Kisses. You’ve got check out their work. It’s wonderful and many are just funny and cute! ❤️❤️❤️ Yes, I did name this the same title on purpose. Enjoy!
“I am beaaaaaahhhht”, yawned Dean. Walking down the stairs, heavily.
Sam hummed in agreement behind him.
Castiel followed along silently.
Thankfully, the bunker had been put ready for bed, sort of, before they left so it was perfect for them to go to bed. Dean paused in the kitchen and stretched his arms above his head revealing his little bit of pudge he isn’t fond of but never says it. Castiel’s eyes lingered on Dean’s revealed skin, slowing half a step as he continued.
“Night”, Sam yawned walking out of the kitchen into the hallway.
“Good night, Sam”, called Castiel. He turned looking at his sleepy, drooping-eyed hunter. “Let’s get you to bed, Dean.”
He hummed in agreement and followed the angel to his room.
Castiel walked into Dean’s room and took off his trench coat and suit jacket. He hadn’t officially moved into Dean’s room with the relationship being so new; Castiel maintained his room in the bunker until Dean was ready for that step and he was happy to wait.
Dean walked in and toed off his boots, putting them next to his desk. He took off his flannel, throwing it in the hamper. He unbuckled his belt and stopped. Boy, he was tired and did not want to do this.
Castiel slowly came up behind his tired hunter and wrapped his hands around the man’s waist, slowly pulling his belt out before unbuttoning his jeans followed by the zipper.
Dean turned his head, giving Cas a sleepy smile. “Thanks, man.”
Castiel smiled back. “Of course, Dean.”
Dean wiggled his hips and Castiel gently lowered the jeans allowing them to fall to the floor. The human yawned into his elbow as the angel gently pushed and guided him to sit on the bed with the comforter drawn back.
“You don’t have to do that, Angel.”
Castiel knelt, keeping his eyes on Dean’s sock-clad feet, explaining, “I want to. Up”
Dean lifted one foot for Cas to remove the sock and then the other. He stood up and threw them in Dean’s hamper.
When Castiel turned back around, he found Dean in bed with the comforter pulled up to his chest. He smiled adoringly at the man. As the angel reached to turn off the light, he heard Dean ask, “Stay?”
Castiel looked at the Righteous Man in this vulnerable state with a small smile that only Dean would see. His green eyes were barely seen looking at his love. “Stay, Cas.”
“Of course, Dean.” Cas turned off the light and walked around to the other side of the bed to sit. He slipped off his shoes, took off his socks, and stood to unbutton his slacks. He could hear Dean begin to lightly snore. He continued to undress by unzipping them next and allowed the slacks to fall to the floor, revealing black boxer briefs that Dean had bought him wanting him saying they made his “junk look sexy”. He unbuttoned his shirt and laid it on the corner of the bed before standing back up, pulling the comforter aside, and sliding in, keeping a few inches away from Dean. He was unsure how Dean wished him to be until he felt Dean shift and reach out for his arm, pulling him toward his beloved.
Dean sleepily whined, eyes remaining closed in the dark, until their legs were entangled and Dean had his head resting on Cas’ shoulder with an arm wrapped around the angel’s undershirt-clad chest. Castiel placed an arm around Dean’s abdomen and another behind Dean’s head, holding his shoulder. Dean nuzzled into the blue-eyed man’s shoulder like a cat and bodily relaxed. A few minutes later, Dean was lightly snoring again.
Castiel, overwhelmed with love and adoration for his human, planted a gentle kiss into Dean’s hair. Dean quietly hummed in approval. The Angel planted another kiss into Dean’s hair.
Dean shifted and faced up towards his love, eyes remained closed. Castiel placed a chaste kiss on Dean’s soft, plush lips. He heard Dean sigh happily behind closed lips and a small smile. Castiel enjoyed this reaction and decided to do it again, leading to the same results from Dean.
Cas grinned, loving how affectionate Dean was right now. He wished his human would be like this when he was funny awake and comfortable being vulnerable like this. He heard Dean whine with a frown and he chuckled at this, gladly placing another chaste kiss on Dean’s lips. This was followed by another happy sigh from his sleepy hunter.
“Sleep, Dean”, Cas whispered.
Dean grunted disapprovingly. “Ano’d’r”, he mumbled.
“Another kiss?” Castiel asked to clarify.
Dean quietly hummed in agreement.
Castiel placed another gentle kiss on Dean’s pink, plush lips. The Angel kept his lips against Dean’s, turning his head slightly and pulling back only to open his lips suckling in Dean’s bottom lip gingerly. Dean quietly moaned behind closed lips and held tighter to his Angel.
Cas smiled against his lips and continued to quietly, slowly kiss the human who had his heart. Dean responded slowly and gently but with each one Castiel could feel Dean’s love for him. The man would hum his enjoyment and periodically rub his hand up and down Cas’ side.
This was very different and new for the angel. Dean had never wanted to make out like this- slow, gentle, pure affection that didn’t lead to sexual relations. Castiel enjoyed this a great deal and made a note to tell Dean in the morning.
Dean shifted and rubbed his nose against Cas’ and planted a chaste kiss on his angel’s lips. He hummed approvingly and moved back to Cas’ shoulder only to start snoring again seconds later.
Castiel gave a sleeping Dean a wide, gummy smile and planted another kiss into his hunter’s dirty blonde hair before relaxing as he held his love.
Did you enjoy this? Please leave a comment or reblog and let me know. I would love to hear from you!💙💚❤️
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doggobrie · 2 months
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Sketching and thinking about season 6. Castiel bringing Sam back from hell but realizing too late that she brought Sam back without a soul. Specifically after sleeping with soulless sam kind of too late.
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Saw @salaarfanindia's recent post, I couldn't help but notice some parallels between Destiel and Varadeva. This may be quite the stretch but please excuse me.
Varadharaja Mannar, the elder brother , quite like Dean Winchester.
Both have a younger brother(Baachi/Sam Winchester) who they've sworn to protect.
Both of them have absent fathers. Rajamannar in Varadha's case and John Winchester for Dean. Their mothers died when they were quite young leaving them to fend for themselves while looking after their brothers at the same time.
Both have a father figure in their lives who consider them as their own son, essentially being more of a father to them than their biological father.
Both of them have a best friend who's hot, brooding and doesn't talk much.Said best friend would go to hell and back for them. Castiel went to the fiery pit of Hell to rescue Dean . As he himself says, Castiel gripped Dean tight and raised him from Perdition.Similarly, Deva reaches rescues Varadha from the metaphorical Hell that Rudra and his cronies inflict up on him(Cue : Mukku pogu incident where Deva touches a live wire to return Varadha's nose ring from the bullies).And later when the ceasefire is imposed,Deva comes to stay by his side as his "army" (tbh I didn't think Varadha called him as an army... He just wanted Deva by his side after all these year
Castiel, being an Angel,defied Heaven itself ,always choosing Dean (at one point an angel tells Cas not to lose it all for one Man) in the process being cast out and losing his grace, eventually becoming human himself .Deva wouldn't make a promise to his Amma when she asks him never to set foot in Khansaar again. But Deva makes a promise to Varadha to always return whenever he calls, going as far as to say that he'd be a bait or a shark for Varadha's sake, thereby choosing Varadha. In the end, he makes the choice to choose Varadha again and again when he performs the sword ritual to honour his commitment to Varadha.He chooses to be Varadha's Salaar, leaving behind all his ambitions(if any) and the throne itself which would've made him the Shouryanga King.He gives it all up for Varadha.
Castiel, on the verge of an impending Apocalypse, tells a broken Dean that he is the one who's fated to stop the Apocalypse and Lucifer .Deva, in a prison cell, right before a crucial juncture, where the fate of Khansaar rests in Varadha's vote, tells him that it doesn't matter what others think(or vote )and that he can exercise his power to do what he thinks is right, thereby guiding Varadha .
Cas puts himself on the line for Dean over and over again (I'll hold them off, i'll hold them all off...) even when he knows there's no coming back for him.Deva puts himself on the line for Varadha at Velamgadi , pleading with Naarang to spare Varadha and take him instead.
Cas smites demons for Dean. He even went against Lucifer for Dean. Deva beheaded Naarang for Varadha.
Cas watches Dean sleep (i'll watch over you).. Deva watches Varadha sleepand calms his nightmares(I'm not even making this up).
Cas and Dean hug each other , tight hugs where either refuses to let the other go.It's their love language. Deva and Varadha also have the same love language, long tight hugs where Varadha just melts into Deva's arms, arms which cradle Varadha like they're holding a long lost treasure(which of course Varadha is).
Dean and Cas flirt a lot .
Dean to Cas (after Cas has been staring at him intensely) : Cas,not for nothing, last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid.
Cas: *is dumbfounded*
Deva and Varadha... Well
Deva to Varadha : I have many friends more good looking than you.
Varadha : *cant tell if he is offended or horny*.
Sam is tired of his brother's eyefucking with the gay angel...One of these days he'll pluck his eyeballs out if he sees them pining over each other. Baachi and Rinda are always sulky as they have to witness the woobie eyes Deva and Varadha make at each other.I mean hey...anyone would be.
Cas tells Dean "I love you"/ Deva tells Varadha " No one should touch you".
I could go on but I won't. . I know some of this is a stretch but I couldn't help but remember an old beloved tv series and a new but beloved movie together... Apologies if this sucks..
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carebeardean · 8 months
THE cas pov fic of all time. everybody else go home
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vegancas · 2 years
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casdeans-pie · 6 months
There's a time where Dean has such terrible nightmares that Cas can actually sense his fear and guilt during the night. He hates to think of Dean suffering, so one day Cas sneaks into Dean's room and slips one of his feathers under the mattress.
Dean has no idea that's why the nightmares suddenly stop and he starts sleeping peacefully
or why he feels so especially warm and safe in his bed (he thinks it's just some really damn good memory foam)
or why all his new good dreams involve Cas
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fictional-god-poll · 7 months
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darylssunshine · 1 year
I wish I knew you wanted me
Basically just some destiel pining
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Cas' footsteps echoed throughout the bunker as he made his way to the living room. He was about to excitedly tell Dean about a case that he and Sam had discovered in Houston about the Loch Ness Monster, but stopped in his tracks when he saw Dean sleeping peacefully on their tattered leather couch, recliner out, arms crossed. Cas felt his lips tug upwards, a little more after he heard a slight snore emit from Dean. He then grabbed a thin blanket hanging on the edge of the couch to cover the sleeping brunette. He got down close to fully drape the blanket over Dean and- 
'Has he always had that many freckles?' He thought abruptly. No, really, he was perplexed. You would think that carefully and painstakingly putting someone back together would make you notice every little detail about said person but, no. This was completely new to him. Cas continued to stare at Dean's sleeping face, hovering over him, wondering how this detail slipped through the cracks. 
He was so engrossed with, now counting exactly how many freckles Dean's face had, that he didn't notice Dean start to slowly blink awake and turn his head. He jumped at the sight of the unknown figure. Out of reflex, he reached for his knife on the outside of his jean pocket. As soon as his sleep addled brain realized that it was Cas standing before him and not a rouge vampire, he immediately groaned. "Damnit, Cas!" He exclaimed, a phrase that felt way too easy to say. He dragged a hand over his face while taking a deep breath. "What did I say about watching me while I sleep?" He asked calmly, but with an annoyed expression. Cas normally couldn't explain his actions, but this time he had an excuse. "Dean, I'm sorry, I just… never realized you had so many freckles." This caused Dean to pause, then let out a small chuckle. He couldn't stay mad at Cas even if he tried. 
"Really, dude? That's what's got your angelic panties in a twist?" He sat up from his slouched position, wincing a bit at his twinged spine. "One, I do not wear panties and two, yes. I am very fascinated by them. Who knew the human face could contain galaxies within them?" Cas said softly, tilting his head like he was trying to study each one of Dean's freckles one by one. Dean, on the other hand, was stunned. Is that what Cas really thought about his face? Dean, on various occasions and various benders, had looked into his mirror and hated what stared back at him, so hearing this comment from Cas made his face heat up with joy. And maybe with love too, but Cas doesn't need to know that. Dean shook off the feeling in fear of the situation being weird and simply said, "Thanks, man." 
"You're welcome." Cas replied. "Oh, and 79." Dean rolled his eyes, knowing what he was referring to. "Am I really that interesting to stare at, Cas?" Dean asked sarcastically, but with a hint of genuine curiosity. 
"Dean, your face and body contain complexities and wonders that I have never seen from any other human. Your subtle mannerisms fascinate me and your slight face twitches are like an artist dancing his paintbrush across a canvas. Everything you do fills me with such an overwhelming sense of warmth. Yes, Dean. You are 'interesting' to look at. Oh, I actually came out here to talk to you about a case that Sam and I found. May I please explain it to you?" 
Dean was in absolute awe. There were so many things he wanted to say and ask. What could possibly be the reason that Cas has all of these nice things to say about me? Why do I of all people deserve this? What warmth? But all he said was, "Sure man. Lay it on me."
Dean had wanted to confront Cas about their relationship for a long time now. A big part of his hesitant nature was that he didn't want to ruin their friendship and have Cas hate him. But this gave him a little bit of hope.
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soullessjack · 10 months
maybe I’m being mean but at this point whenever I see sam dean cas girls post about their guys’ mischaracterizations all I can think is “you’ll live” and Oprah shrug gif because I have had to endure six years worth of seeing my guy exist as a baby shaped stage prop for the others or a teenage shaped baby who listens to fucking conehead gray and hides under blankets when he hears thunder. like not to make it a competition but I really truly believe I objectively have it the worst here im sorry
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castielafflicted · 11 months
i want to. hold him in my mouth. just like for an hour. just like shrink him so he fits and keep him safe there. he can crawl around in there if he wants and i promise not to bite him. he can take a nap in my mouth or something idk. i promise not to poke him with my tongue too much unless he gets annoying.
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Sastiel blood drinking to get rid of the demon blood, but Castiel drinks the blood, pulling out the demonic blood with the help of grace. Doing so the demonic properties go to Castiel who is able to neutralize the effects of it.
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