#smite thoth
theclumsyxeno · 2 years
SMITE headcanons
When children with terminal illness are on the verge of passing, Thoth will appear to them, and soothe them as they pass, often reading them story books. Once they pass, he hands them to Anubis to guide the little ones
Thoth is a very good singer, but hides it. Feeling his talent is a waste of time
Thoth has a whole list of roasts that he has at the ready to use against foes
Ishtar and Artemis often have archery contests, with plenty of trash talking included
Thor and Loki after battles will do this: https://youtube.com/shorts/qMoA1o3lDyA?feature=share
If Jormungandr sees Thor and Loki doing their Middle finger battle he will straight up cancel Ragnarok and try again another day, not wanting to deal with the brothers’ pettiness.
Discordia is a big fan of Death Note, she has a huge collection of merchandise. Also, if anyone pisses her off, she threatens to write their name on the death note (even tho she doesn’t tell them it isn’t real, it’s about the F E A R)
Artemis often practices her archery, ensures he never misses a shot in battle (Although one time she missed and almost hit Achilles, that mans almost had Iliad flashbacks.)
Moth Man tourtures those who he considers deserve it, although he doesn’t discriminate what the crimes are exactly, or the age or gender. But he draws the line at children, feeling there’s no fun in harming them, no satisfaction.
Moth Man is weak to lamps, he just… S T A R E S. One time a victim escaped him by turning on a lamp and shoving it toward him. Needless to say, Moth Man was embarrassed and pissed at the same time
Anubis is gentle with children, protecting them when in danger, feeling they are too innocent to face death’s embrace. He understands what it is like to lose your innocence too early, as he went through that when Set killed his father figure, Osiris.
Anubis actually likes being scratched behind his ears, but never admits it (he feels he has an image to keep up)
Bellona often decorates her weapons during her downtime, etching Intricate designs.
Pele is a huge fan of Moana, often singing “how far I’ll go”, while dancing on lava pits
Kukulkan is deadly, but has a soft spot for children, but he holds distain toward cruel adults, not hesitating to spill their blood. He however, does recognize children who grew up into adults.
Kukulkan is able to perfectly guess the future, and this often makes it hard for anyone to surprise him, as he catches them lacking before they can do anything.
Bastet actually likes to knit, and makes her father and many other heroic gods scarves and the like, although she struggles with not trying to play with the yarn as she does
Isis is a very good cook, and always makes sure Horus eats well before he goes to do battle
Tiamat is very motherly, and surprisingly gentle to small children, especially orphan ones, some of them reminding her of her children she lost.
Cerberus loves it when Persephone gives him pets and scratches, he even rolls on his back so she can give him belly rubs. Although if any mortal catches him in this weak state, he can and will make their death 20xs worse than it would’ve been had they just stumbled to the shore.
I will add more as time goes on
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kemetickowboy · 23 days
Nice try missionary but I have already portrayed my Gods as cool, badass deities and your god as a snotfaced, screaming toddler.
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rootandrock · 18 days
I've been using a deck of "Spanish suited playing cards" that I'd picked up for... maybe 50c as a fidget toy. Shuffling over and over and over, dealing out for solitaire, playing a game, loading them back together, shuffling over and over.
It took me about a week of this to realize this was me getting to know a divination tool.
Thoth deck: "Riffle shuffle me and I will SMITE you." This deck: "If you don't riffle shuffle me constantly I will develop separation anxiety like an idle Huskey and eat your couch."
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memurfevur-archive · 6 months
tempting to redownload smite and play it again its been a while
trolls of mine who would play that game or games similar (like league of legends):
Expyno... seems like a him thing. Would probably forget to eat and stuff and spend hours playing... but against bots only. No PvP. Would probably play as Mages in Smite. I can see him playing Thoth, but would also adore Loki.
Julian would try it out but probably wouldn't like the genre. Might be like me though and like Arena in Smite more than the other modes. If he got into it he'd probably main Hunters or main the support role.
Adrian would be a casual player that forgets about the game for 8 months before picking it back up again and forgetting the controls. Would also play as Mages or Guardians.
Dez because she's lonely and also would feed the enemy team out of spite if someone from hers pisses her off. She would also be the type who would try to carry the team for the sole satisfaction of it rather than share the team work. Would probably play Assassins best, but would also be a Cerberus main.
Athens would have learned of the game through his students, try it out ONCE, get absolutely destroyed and then never touch it again LOL
Chansi would be the best one out of anyone on this list and it would have been literally no effort for her. She's a skin collector and has all the cool or rare stuff. Doesn't have a class she leans towards to but does well in both the roles of jungler and ADC. Bastet is her favorite, because of her connection with cats.
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echoes-of-kemet · 1 year
This is probably random but can u tell us more abt Medjed
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Not to worry; random questions are some of my favorites! For the sake of not missing something- and because I like having an excuse for longer replies- I'll answer in two parts; the real world, historic information on Medjed, and their incarnation in EoK.
As far as egyptologic knowledge goes, not much is understood about Medjed. We're not entirely sure what specific purpose or role they were meant to play, their connection to the greater pantheon, even definitively whether they were male or female, both or neither. All that is documented is their appearance and mention in the Book of the Dead and the Greenfield Papyrus (specifically appearing visually on sheets 12 and 76.) In Spell 17, they're described as such; "I know the name of that Smiter [Medjed translates to "the smiter"] among them, who belongs to the House of Osiris, who shoots with his eye, yet is unseen." Researchers have been able to discern that Medjed plays some role in the dead's journey through the Duat, but the specifics remain obscured and yet to be recovered. (I'm stubborn and refuse to say "discovered" with ancient cultures.)
In significantly more recent times- specifically 2012- Medjed was among those figures featured in an exhibit at the Mori Arts Center Gallery in Tokyo. The deity's appearance, curiously reminiscent of the cliche Halloween sheet ghost as well as the character Obake no Q-Taro, captivated many that attended the exhibit, and by 2013 Medjed was enjoying a second life as a meme. They've been the subject of plenty fan art, appearing in videogames and manga/anime, and the mysteries surrounding them have been given "answers" of sorts in the way internet memes gradually develop their own lore regardless of source material (if any.)
(As a side note, I'm not 100% confident in this, but the way I've taken to pronouncing their name is like "medge-ed." The d and j noises are separate but still in the same syllable.)
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For Echoes of Kemet, I've embraced much of the pop culture evolution of Medjed as there's so little on them to employ in my characterization.
Similar to the enigmatic Kherty, they're an example of the Duat's apparent mysterious quality of producing new entities and warping preexisting ones. Which of these Medjed is an instance of is unclear- whether they're a demon, Netjer, or something else- but they've made clear their willing allegiance with those in the Hall of Two Truths (despite being mute save for the odd noise.) They seem to be particularly fond of King Osiris and Prince Anubis, often competing with Ammit for their attentions- though they're also capable of getting along with the Devourer, sometimes sharing a feast of hearts with her.
Another role they've accepted is a watchman of sorts; possessing the ability to travel through walls and shadows- suggesting they may have some relation to the Khaibit (shadow) portion of the soul- they suddenly appear in front of anyone or thing not expressly invited or permitted entrance to Osiris' kingdom. They've gradually learned to adopt a different policy after a few unfortunate smitings, but they used to be inclined to incinerate trespassers with their other ability to shoot streams of fire from their eyes.
Many of the gods besides Anubis and Osiris- including Heqet, Wepwawet, Thoth, even the mighty Shezmu- find Medjed offputting. Many will vehemently deny being afraid of or creeped out by the deity, but they certainly possess a disquieting aura (despite their small stature and simple appearance) few are immune to.
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riku-izanami · 1 year
Smite au
OK, here web go
También RWBY
Ruby: Mercury becouse of her semblance and becouse in game Mercury have speed abilities.
Weiss: Merlín becouse the mage could teach her how to use and control her glyphs.
Blake: Bastet becouse she and the godess are cats and can bond over cats things.
Yang: Bellona becouse she is the godess of war and I picture her and Yang having the same desair of a good fight.
Jaune: King Arthur becouse both of them are héroes of their history.
Nora: Thor, lightning semblance and lightning god.
Pyrra:I Know you chose Athena for her but I think Achiles is better pick (Pyrra represent Achiles in RWBY).
Ren: Ganesha, I picture them meditating and helping others Witherspoon their powers (Ganesha isnthe god of success).
If you are going to add the others teams an villains i am going to send you a part 2.
I like it so far. However i will say for merlin, arthur, & Achilles aren't technically deities, but mortal chanpions held in high regards. Essentially, they'd be resurrected to help train, teacher, & motivate the beacon crew.
Oddly enough, for ruby i was gonna do neith cause they both seem liked they be very hyperactive together. But mercury works better
Weiss i haven't though of one yet. But looking at the mage Roster, its gonna be between
Eset , goddess of magic (still a high chance)
Persephone, queen of the underworld
Blake & yang are fine. Already had those two goddess set for them.
Jaune....i choose hades, no idea why. But he might get horus, or i may keep hades as his guardian. If i do keep hades for jaune, i have a fun scene which he & cardin get into. That and his family having wholesome moments with cerberus
Nora was gonna be possessed by, freya queen of valkyries, and thor goes to taiyang.
Pyrrha was the interesting one. Cause in the AU, athena & bellona wanted to possess Pyrrha, but we beaten to it by amaterasu due to her kinda and some what pure nature. Leading her to be the mother figure of there troop.
Ganesha works for ren. I was gonna choose hou yi.
As for the other teams and villians here's the pitch.
Sun= sun wukong (for obvious reasons)
Sage= sobek maybe
Scarlet= work in progress
Neptune= poseidon. Namely cause poseidon forces Neptune in water alot, constantly reminds of his namesake
Coco = serqet. They both have a tendency to love fashion.
Fox: maybe tsukuyomi. Still open to change
Yatsuhashi = guan yy
Velvet = Chang'e obvious reasons
Cardin = zeus, namely because zeus loikes looking powerful, and cardin offers that (note cardin won't be a complete douche, but still kinda a douche)
Russel = maybe loki or not in this
Dove = wip or not gonna be featured
Sky = wip or not gonna be featured
Cinder = originally gonna be hel, but will change to sol or izanami
Emerald = maybe awilix or da ji, for her illusions
Mercury = chernobog
Neo= was gonna be izanami, but probably change to hel
Adam= susano, obvious reasons
Ilia = wip
Qrow = thanatos
Taiyand = thor previously mentioned
Goodwitch = possibly anthena since she's a teacher. Or Nox or hera. Still subject to change
Port= odin for his love of the hunt
Oobleck=thoth obvious reasons
Ironwood = vulcan or tyr
Ozpin= Kronos, obvious reasons
Hazel= maybe atlas, cabrakan, or ravana. Subject to change
Watts = wip
Tyrian =bakasura. For reasons to be explained
Salem = the morrigan
Other characters are available from the rwby verse, but haven't put much thought into them honestly. So and suggestions work adrian is getting the powers of cupid. I will not argue this, for now
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bandit-prince · 1 year
“Look, I know this sounds beyond stupid, but. Just hear me out. Hive don’t worship like we humans do, they don’t leave offerings of food and wine to their gods, they offer blood and life and hate and fear.” Thoth pauses, keen eyes noting the lack of interest or comprehension on the young Titan’a face.
“What I’m saying is simple: if we go to the Temple of the Wrathful and make our own offering, there’s power that comes from that. Now, I’m not saying that we have to kill anyone, no, no, quite the contrary! But we will have to..sacrifice something.”
The Warlock reaches behind him, selecting a bottle of Queensfoil from the table, and the tome sitting beneath it. “We’ll need this, I believe, to be able to access that power. To..see what lies beneath it all, if you follow me.”
Horus did not. But, he didn’t bother saying that, because it would just encourage Thoth to keep going. “Okay, so we go make an offering, fight off some Scorn, and then what? Get away scot free and just hope Xivu Arath doesn’t smite us down?”
Thoth sighs, picking up his mask from the coat rack beside the door. “So, you don’t get it.” The ancient Warlock pushes the tome into Horus’ hands, forcing a smile. “If you had payed more attention to what I’d been saying, you would know how this is all going to end. But, in the meantime, we have plenty of time before your Mother arrives to join us, so read up, dear Horus, I need you to be on the up and up for this.”
Big, golden-brown eyes stare distrustfully up at the taller man, but he takes the big book, sitting down in one of the chintz arm chairs, begrudgingly opening it, and skimming the first page. It was hard to decipher not only the manic handwriting, but also the painstakingly detailed ritual equations. A yawn escapes the Titan, and he leans back in the arm chair, and he blinked.
And he was asleep.
Looking up at the sky, Horus could see the mountainous spires above him, and the Watchtower in the distances catches his gaze, it’s beautiful, white walls and stained glass windows reflecting in the light of a Sun he could not see.
His feet walked without him asking them to, leading him up the path to the Tower, though he forces them to stop at the top of the ridge. He looked down at the Dreaming City below him, golden eyes gleaming with the light of a thousand Guardian’s below him. His eyes look upwards, and his heart drops to see something blocking the Sun. A deep, darkness, choking out the light.
A voice was clear in his head, soft, cooing, familiar.
“Come back to [me], Horus. Come back, and we can do so many [wonderful] things.
You could have their [Devotion],
their [Love],
their [Appreciation],
if only you return to [me].”
A gasp escapes Horus as he shoots up right, the tome of Hive Runes scattering in a heap to the floor.
Aset frowns at her son, picking up the book gently, and handing it back to Thoth. “Are you alright, my son? What happened?”
Horus’ face was flushed, eyes watering with tears, though he did not wipe them away. “I-I don’t know. I dozed off..I-“ He sighs, hands reaching up to brush his locks from his eyes. “I had a dream.”
Aset cups her light’s face, brushing his tears away with her thumbs. “You can tell me on the way, I’d like to hear it.”
“…Okay. I will.”
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thegreatwudong · 2 years
God introduction Headcanons
With more people discovering Smite I got a new resurgence to make headcanons again. These are detached from the actual story of smite (which I have my own version of in my head) and is more about the battleground itself.
Joining the battleground isn’t as easy as it seems. Most applicants go through a series of checks before being brought on. The process goes as following:
Story Briefing
Skills Briefing
Battleground Briefing
Tour of everything else
The Story Briefing
This applicants story, deeds and sins are viewed by a small group of Deities
This is usually for non gods (Heroes, Mythical creatures, Demons etc.) as most deities are already invited to join or are well known, so they would skip this process all together
The process is quite linient and rejection is rare (Zeus is in the battleground so you literally have to be the worst to get rejected)
If the applicant is deemed acceptable then they will be moved forward.
Deities in charge of this process: Neith, Ra, Thoth, Olorun, Ganesha, Nox, Chronos, Nike, Tyr, Morrigan (yes Morrigan) Kukulkan (yes surprisingly him too), and Shiva. They don't show themselves to the non gods in the begginning though.
Skill Briefing
After being accepted in, the applicant shows their abilities to said group. After which they will decide which Class is best suited for them (Gaurdian, Mage, Hunter, Assassin Warrior).
Nike takes over this process and introduces herself to the applicant and explains the Class system
She challenges them to a match to see their skill set
Depending on how the applicant performs they can be allowed multiple classes to choose the class they desire
For instance, someone like King Arthur who’s best skills are in swordplay, will only be able to join the Warrior or Assassin class, but Pele, a creation godess, is capable of doing many things, allowing her to play different roles, so she has more options.
Once the applicant chooses a class they will be told more about the guidelines for the class their powers will be limited to a small set of abilites (e.i their kit)
This set will be tweacked as they continue in the process and after the process is done
The assessment group comes by once and a while and see how everyone feels about their ability set. If they are disatisfied they can request a rework and discuss a new set
The person is allowed the possiblility to reclass when they’ve been on the battleground for more than 5 years 
Nike gets pestered all the time by her class to spill the beans about the new person but always has her lips sealed. “ Now you know I can’t tell you that information :)”
Battleground Briefing
This is where Neith steps in and fully introduces herself to the applicant and shows them the ropes. She’s always so excited to finally step out the shadows and meet the newcomer
The applicant is shown the battlegrounds secluded from all the other gods. This process takes a while as there’s alot to teach
She makes it seems like it’s not much to learn when it could’nt be more opposite
“Alright we’re gonna go through the items, modes, the buffs in the modes, the relics, nothing too bloated. You’ll do great!”
She takes her job very seriously and has unlimited patience when asked to dumbest questions
“No honey you can’t switch lanes with the mid.” “No, killing someone doesn’t get you their buff.”  “No you can’t fight the towers in Arena. :D”
After going through essentially the damn barr, the newcomer will show their skills to the masses and other gods
This takes place in the arena
All the other gods are called to the Arena and seated with their pantheons, away from the common spectators view
This is when the newconer and Neith come on to the battle ground and battle out a wave of beasts together to show off their skills
One they are done, they are taken from where the spectators are and introduced to the rest of the roster
Usually, the new person is met with applause, but this can vary depending on the person (we’ll get into that another time)
  Tour of everything else
After everything is done, Neith shows them to their living quaters:
The Pantheon Dorm, where the Pantheon gathers for meetings and such
Class dorm, where the class members train and hangout.
From there, Neith passes the newcomer off to a chosen member of their class to introduce them to the other memebers and show them around the whole facility
Good lord I hope this wasn’t too much to read. I’ll probably make more later and y’all want have any ideas for headcanons let me know!
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zoethehead · 2 years
undertale x smite crossover concept
I think I found the smite/undertale casting thingy.
-Frisk as cupid
-Chara as scylla
-Flowey as Sylvanus
-Toriel as Isis(or Morgan Lefaye)
-Sans as Baron Samedi(or Ra)
-Papyrus as Gilgamesh
-Undyne as Cu Chulainn
-Muffet as Arachne
-Alphys as Thoth
-Mettaton as Apollo(or Freya)
-Asgore as King Arthur(or poseidon)
-Asriel as Merlin(or Cthulhu)
-W.D Gaster as Cthulhu(or Loki, or Merlin)
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thewul · 6 months
The postmaster's note
As I made my way into my airplane seat in an Egyptair 747 and buckled up, having become accustomed to writing down my travel impressions while other passengers braced themselves for take off, a sheet of paper slid almost all by itself as I opened my notebook, plain copy paper a bit yellowed already, someone had left it there probably for safekeeping and forgot to retrieve it
Pylon, the Grand Temple Entrance – The highlight of the Grand Entrance is the two stone sentinels of the falcon-headed god Horus. Don’t miss the relief of Neos Dionysos (Ptolemy XII) holding his enemies by the hair, ready to smite them in front of Horus. This was intended to awe the Egyptian subjects as they entered. Forecourt, the Colossal Courtyard – Surrounded on three sides by 32 towering columns, the huge Forecourt is impressive. The columns are richly decorated with floral and palm capitals, and the walls are covered in reliefs of the gods Horus and Hathor. The Vestibule before entering the Inner Temple -The Vestibule lies after the Forecourt. Decorated with 12 columns topped with floral capitals, the Vestibule has two small rooms. The western room, Hall of Consecration has a beautiful relief depicting gods Horus and Thoth pouring sacred water over the pharaoh. The eastern room used to the temple’s Library and has a list of books it once contained inscribed on the wall. Hypostyle Hall, the Place of Ancient Ritual Preparation – This is one of the most beautiful places in the temple. The Hypostyle Hall’s roof is supported by 12 columns and book-ended by two small chambers, which access the inner passage around the temple. First and Second Antechambers, the Inner Altars of the Priests – The First Antechamber lies beyond the Hypostyle Hall and it has a staircase that leads to the roof, which is closed to the visitors. The reliefs are one of the lovelies there. They depict the procession of priests, headed by the pharaoh. The ceiling has a mural depicting the sky goddess Nut, with the various figures of the sun in boats beneath her. Sanctuary, the Room of the Gods – Lit by three small skylights in the roof, the sanctuary has the most interesting reliefs in the temple. In the olden days, the golden statue of Horus stood upon a granite shrine. Inner Passageway, Passage of Victory – The Inner Passageway runs around the back half of the temple. It can be entered from the Hypostyle Hall and is decorated with reliefs and inscriptions. Nilometer – The temple’s Nilometer can be found by taking a subterranean staircase leading from the eastern side of the Inner Passageway. Things to do around the Temple of Horus Mammisi, the Birth House – To the west of the Temple of Horus’ entrance lies the Mammisi. In the main chamber, on the right-hand wall, there are many reliefs of Hathor.
I failed to recognize him, at the footsteps of the pyramids at a distance, on a plateau overlooking the scenery, fittingly, precisely at dusk hour when everything became an in between day and night, reality and imagination, could he be the bird now that I had turned into his shadow, like him pursuing as many lives as I could entertain, unlike him that did so to seep through the cracks of reality I did so to tell a story, that became many stories, perhaps they were all his stories
Typed notes... I remembered the sound of the postmaster's portable typewriter well into the night, they were surely his, with a handwritten note below that seemed more personal and that I didn't know what to make of, I had their address in Bristol together with a cordial invitation to visit, post them as soon as possible
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kemetickowboy · 16 days
No, mormons, your prophet did not find ancient papyrus texts written by Abraham.
Joe found funerary texts and decided to hop on the Egyptomania bandwagon that was the craze at the time.
So the next missionary to mormsplain that their sacred texts came from Egypt, I'm gonna smite them with the power of Thoth (facts and logic)
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blogdemocratesjr · 10 months
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1. Ramses II at British Museum, London 2. OG Ramses Thug, Portorro marble by Léo Caillard  (2020) 3. Horus by Revelations Museum 4. A limestone relief depicts Ramses II smiting his enemies 5. Shabti of Ramses II at the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum
I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
by Percy Bysshe Shelley, featured in Cracks by Jordan Scott (2009)
Osiris is represented in the legend as the benefactor of humanity under whose wise guidance Hermes or Thoth gave the Egyptians their ancient culture. Osiris had an enemy, for whom the Greek name was Typhon. Typhon pursued Osiris, killed him, dismembered the body, hid it in a coffin and threw it into the sea. Issus, the sister and spouse of Osiris, sought unceasingly for him who had been torn from her by Typhon or Seth, and when at length she found the fragments of his dismembered body, she buried them in different places in the land where Temples were then erected. Then, after the death of Osiris, Issus gave birth to Horus. A spiritual ray descended upon Issus from Osiris, who had meanwhile passed into another world. The mission of Horus was to conquer Typhon and, in a certain sense, to re-establish the dominion of a life, which, proceeding from Osiris himself, was again to stream into mankind. … Let us try to conceive what the names of Osiris and Issus conveyed to the ancient Egyptian. He said to himself: “Behind man there is a higher spiritual essence, which does not proceed from his material existence. This spiritual essence has ‘condensed' into material, human existence. The real evolution of man has proceeded from a more spiritual existence. When I look into my own soul I realize that I have a longing for the Spiritual, a yearning towards the spiritual wellsprings of being from which I myself have descended. The forces from which I came forth are still living within me. My highest powers are inwardly related to these primordial Osiris- powers within me, bearing witness that I was once a super-sensible being dwelling in other worlds, in worlds of Spirit. And although this being of Spirit has but a dim and instinctive life, although it had perforce to be clothed with the physical body and its organs in order to perceive the physical world, yet in days gone by this being lived a purely spiritual existence.” … According to the ancient Egyptian conception, human evolution must be regarded as a duality, consisting of the Osiris-forces and the Isis-forces. “Osiris-Isis” — this was the duality. . . They said: “The super-sensible power of Osiris may be envisaged as the active power of light proceeding from the Sun, living and moving through space. Isis may be seen in the sunlight reflected by the dark Moon — just as the soul is dark when the active principle of thought does not enter. The Moon awaits the light of the Sun in order to reflect it, even as the soul awaits the Osiris-Power to reflect it back as Isis-Power.” … The Osiris-power living in man is fettered by Typhon — fettered within a form that is the “coffin” of the spiritual nature of man. Into this coffin the Osiris-nature in man disappears and is invisible to the outer world. The mysterious Isis-nature remains, in order that in future ages, after it has been permeated by the power of the intellect, it may again reach the well-springs of man's being. … And according to every true thinker, this higher Ego is there, deeply concealed in all the powers of man. This being — who is not the outer physical man but the man who has an unceasing urge to rise to the light of spirit, who is ever impelled by the hidden Isis-forces — appears as the earthly son of One who did not arise in the earthly world. He is the earthly son of Osiris who remained in the spiritual worlds. This invisible being — the being who strives to reach the Higher Self, was known by the name of Horus, the posthumous son of Osiris.
—Rudolf Steiner, Hermes and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt
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once-was-muses · 1 year
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"I am Thoth, originally Djehuty before my kingdom was Helenized. I was born from no woman nor man. I crafted myself from a portion of primordial Nu that I tricked the waters into giving up. I am beholden to nothing but the needs of the Great Balance. You may strike me down and attempt to smite me, but I have survived terrors far older than the very weapons you wield. Cast your will how you may; know that you will not be spared the retribution for your actions."
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senatushq · 1 year
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NAME. Uriel (Iskander) AGE & BIRTH DATE. Prehistoric & Unknown GENDER & PRONOUNS. Vessel is Male & He/Him SPECIES. Seraphim (Blessed)  OCCUPATION. Hunter in The Eye FACE CLAIM. Alp Navruz
After the Generals of their armies came the promise of victory, and its name meant fire and cleansing. Born within the breath of a star, blessed with a vision of divine triumph, Uriel (non-binary or masculine), or Auriel (feminine), was the pride of the Gods made incarnate into a body of Ulthar’s celestial power and energy. In the wars of Gods and Seraphim, they wielded a weapon of holy fire and struck down the enemies of the divine without hesitation and without remorse. To conquer those who would seek to destroy the the glory of their father was their everlasting purpose. Conquest was their passion and their very reason for existing. There was not a place in the universe that they would not go, not a being that they would not smite. But it was not all Uriel was meant for at his creation. Not just a warrior, but a purveyor of knowledge and strategy for victory and conquest. The Minerva as opposed to Mars, the Thoth as opposed to Seth.
They were imparted with wisdom to conquer at their birth, ordered to look upon the world when the dust of war settled to observe for the renewed threat of darkness. They remained silent as their sibling scribes annotated the same observations, waiting, watching to know when rule and order had to be reset by the divine. Uriel could never allow for the conquest of the Old Gods to be stolen, for the universe and its worlds belonged only to them. Any other creatures were unworthy. And if their father would ever judge that what they had seen was something that must be cleansed, then there was nothing born in the universe or beyond that would stop Uriel from truly descending upon the people or empire, not as a herald of wisdom, but as divine conquest. And they would no longer be alone in such an endeavor. First they would come, Uriel, the rider on white. But they would always to be closely followed by their younger siblings: War, Pestilence and Pallor. Uriel was not the end, but they were certainly the beginning of it.
When the Eladrin Princes had brought to life a Drow, Uriel decided to cast an even sharper eye on Rome and the darkness that was brewing. A coven disappeared, druids without an Archdruid, discontent fey leaders with an imprisoned queen, halfbloods fighting for a voice, terrors lurking and political unrest rising. They could sense what was coming. As the Queen Titania finally came and pleaded before the Old Gods many months following Uriel’s observations, the Seraphim came beside her with the voice of her witness to the chaos and terror that had descended upon the city and the community of the supernaturals. The Queen and her fey people had failed, as had the druids and the witches in keeping peace and prosperity within their communities and the communities close to them. The Senate was broken, the city corrupted with civil discontent that would only grow as pestilence did. They had seen this before and knew where it would lead. In four strikes of thunder, the four would arrive, swift and merciless with the banner of the Old Gods behind them.
Iskander Binici, once a father, husband and a man of the mosque. He had seen his entire family destroyed by the supernatural pandemic and discovered that there was a way to pay them back when The Eye had found him. He prayed every night for the strength and the wisdom to avenge his loved ones so that every day he would wake up and there would be more and more creatures fallen by his skilled hand. When Uriel descended upon the mortal realm, they came in a blinding light and promised the vengeful man that the darkest of his city’s creatures would be destroyed at their hands, if only they were given a vessel to walk the world. Iskander knew only that his prayers were being answered and so he willingly gave himself, body and soul, to the angel. Uriel now made himself into a man, bound within mortal flesh and free to walk among the rest of them. Iskander had been a flawed and violent creature, but Uriel knew the desire for conquering one’s enemies and he would embody his vessel fully for this reason. There was wisdom and strategy in keeping his family close but his enemies closer. Wisdom and strategy is what would lead him to conquest.
+ loyal, vigilant, strategic – relentless, judgmental, domineering 
played by dany. est. she/her.
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smiteconfessions · 2 years
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