genshinresource · 1 year
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Genshin Impact Prince & The Cat's Tail Tavern Cats Artwork from Version 3.7 "Duel! The Summoners' Summit!" Preview Page
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I present to you,,,,, Sneku
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khepiari · 1 year
The scary trio of odd-balls
Ryusui will set the whole world on fire because he wants to see how pretty the fire looks!
Senku will provide him with the match stick because he wants to see how the fire spreads and engulfs everything!
And Francois will fan the fire because she is an enabler pro max!
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the-clockwork-three · 2 years
The incredible responsibility of naming a new stuffed animal
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collisiondiscourse · 1 year
Hello I just saw your art of the different Kacchans and now I desperately need a list of bkdk fanfic recs from you
IVE BEEN PSYCHICALLY BEGGING FOR SOMEONE TO ASK ME THIS THANK FUCK!!!!! ok SO. i have my own particular lists of fic recs. theyre all organized in diff ways depending on how im feeling, but for the sake of aligning with the fics i rec'd in that post, im gonna suggest long and plotty fics!
warning that some of these fics have triggering topics and/or are nsfw! so be sure to read the tags n protect yourself as needed ^^ all fics have a wordcount of 5+ digits
FIRST you got the fandom classics. the way you used to do, incinerate, zero: birth of the worlds best hero duo, and fire lily -- these are all EXTREMELY plot heavy n angsty, meaning you'd kinda need a break right?
SO then you have your fluff monsters. surprise reunions and childhood rekindling and you left a sour aftertaste by my wife, @lady-of-snails, sugar stardust, and dance with me
then you move on to the canon divergents! not too much of an AU to leave heroes, but enough to alter the plot. before midnight, second chance, landscape after cruelty, and while you were sleeping,
and then then THEN you get to the REAL AUs. the shit thats out of scope. fluff monsters were kind of these, but i had to separate it cause these next ones are ANGST BEASTS.... someone borrowed, mechanical bull, and beyond sea and storm
but at the end of the day, we all gotta return to the basics at some point right? so here i end it with the naturally fluffy (relatively shorter) canon compliants and future aus. grief counseling, play it cool, do not disturb, and sneku
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last-flight-of-fancy · 11 months
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whew, a bunch of kh doodles i don't think i ever uploaded! feat. @orionredde in the drawpile comp in the center of the third line, and @nikutsuneart with the sneku near the bottom (i just did the colours lol)
I'd still like to continue the lineup of non-human nobodies eventually.... someday.
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cinnabea · 7 months
one of the things that continually stalls me out on so many things I've been writing is this big fear of how things would be received, since I constantly feel like nothing I write ever comes close to my golden era (sink to swim, and it was just right, sneku). and I don't think I'm wrong; I might be a more technically skilled writer now but whatever magic spark of inspiration I had back then isn't coming back. But it's okay! cuz now that I've largely disconnected myself from fandom I can just have fun writing again. like I'm genuinely having fun doing all this worldbuilding and writing for sink to sleep even though sequels are ALWAYS a bad idea. but again it's okay cuz I never even have to publish it (and at this rate bnha will be finished before I am anyway), I can just write it for me and me alone and that removes the fear entirely. well, not entirely, I am always my worst critic lmao but it's different!! anyway I still love being mean to bkdk
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
Transformation Quirk Accident BakuDeku Fics
archive of our own recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Some contain mature content … read tags.
Art not mine - credit to noctoyuki.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Sneku by cinnabee
Summary: Izuku gets turned into a snake. Katsuki finds him. That's it, that's the whole story.
Complete | 10 Chapters | SFW
Dog Days at UA by EriCheri
Summary: Bakugo Katsuki wanted to spend a nice weekend relaxing, but his plans were interrupted when his childhood friend was struck with an...interesting quirk: In all ways but physical, Midoriya Izuku becomes a dog. With a quirk as powerful as One for All, this creates all sorts of problems. Luckily, the only one he listens to is Katsuki himself, making his weekend anything BUT relaxing.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Kingdom Animalia by red_emerald
Summary: “Good evening, this is MHA News, channel six. Breaking news! A villain terrorized downtown this afternoon, turning our community into a real zoo. Hundreds of pedestrians downtown were struck by her quirk, which transforms a human being into an animal. Thanks to our local Heroes, the villain has been apprehended, and only minor injuries have been reported. Victims are clear to return home until the effects wear off.
And now, for the weather.”
In which Izuku is transformed into a rabbit, and in the process gets to know his classmates a little better.
One Shot | Slightly BakuDeku
Rated - General Audiences
Hop Hop, Bunny by Sol_Morales707
Summary: Izuku Midoriya was reported missing during survival training in the woods. The news brews an uneasy feeling in Katsuki Bakugou, who harbors atypical feelings for him despite his attitude towards him, and he goes out of his way to search for him. Instead, he finds a little bunny and decides to take him under his wing.
“You remind me of someone. He’s an idiot just like you and you’re gonna help me find him.”
One Shot | UA Students
Rated - General Audiences
Lucky Lecher Time! by PTchan
Summary: In which Midoriya Izuku is hit with two of the most troublesome quirks, is traumatized several times over, and a whole lot of trouble ensues.
Or: 1 Genderflip Quirk + 1 Pervert Quirk = A whole world of disaster for the Students at Yuuei Class A
One Shot | DekuBowl
Rated - Teen & Up
Rabbits are not just cute and fluffy by serafinapekkala
Summary: A quirk accident gives Izuku some rabbit's traits... the thing is, nobody told class 1-A that rabbits can be quite possessive, temperamental and territorial. Izuku's only way to hide his feelings for Kacchan is simply, hide from Kacchan.
Complete | 3 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
red, green (all that lies between) by insane_falcon
Summary: --BREAKING NEWS--
Pro Hero Deku has been missing for over a week now. Inside sources have said that no leads have turned up yet. Is this the tragic end of a young man's promising career? Why has Pro Hero Ground Zero been uncharacteristically quiet on this matter, in the midst of other Pro Heros' public declarations of support? Tune in for more, tonight at 9 pm!
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Rated - Teen & Up
Katsuki Is Hot Regardless of Gender and It's Not Fair by simplybkg
Summary: Bakugou saves a pregnant woman and has to deal with the after-effects. Deku sees an opportunity.
Complete | 2 Chapters
Rated - Mature
The wolf and his mate by silverynight
Summary: "Yeah, I got hit by a quirk... So SHUT UP!" Katsuki huffs, grumpily stomping all the way towards his desk.
Even though Katsuki is more friendly towards Izuku now, he's not going to risk getting hit on the face with an explosion by making a comment on Katsuki's appearance, no matter how cute Izuku thinks he looks.
Instead he decides to greet him like usual, like nothing has happened.
"Good morning, Kacchan!"
Katsuki stops next to Izuku's desk before approaching his, for a moment the green haired boy thinks he's going to grunt a reluctant "morning" like he usually does, but then he notices that Katsuki's tail is wagging like crazy.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
In Which Kacchan Has a Ruff Time by OneshotPrincess
Summary: Fuck it, Katsuki reasons. He’s had the world’s shittiest day; a fight with a villain, getting quirked into a dog by yet another villain, escaping, blacking out, getting picked up by his biggest childhood regret who’s now making him overthink everything.
He deserves a break.
— — —
Or, Bakugou Katsuki gets quirked into a dog, gets adopted by an unknowing Izuku and generally has a very rough few days full of realizations
Complete | 2 Chapters
Pro Hero Baku x Quirkless Deku
Rated - Teen & Up
wolf katsuki? nah, more like puppy katsuki. by castlecoffins
Summary: bakugou gets hit by a quirk that turns him into a wolf hybrid. midoriya finds it adorable. um they have sex somehow i dunno how it escalated to that LMAO.
The first thing he notices is his ears. That are NOT human. They’re fucking wolf ears. He has a fluffy tail too. And long nails. And fangs. Bakugou is fucking seething and angry but it’s weirdly cute.
“Pfffft—“ Midoriya starts chuckling.
“SHUT UP! I got hit by a quirk and it’s not going to go away for days!” Bakugou growls. Midoriya still cannot contain his amusement.
{One Shot}
Rated - Mature
Dogs Days by keyhimura
Summary: A day in the amusement park ends with Katsuki being hit by a quirk that turns his life upside down, starting a slow transformation process that grants him wolf characteristics and a soft heart.
{One Shot}
Rated - Mature
Another word for desperation
Summary: This is something he still hasn’t grown out of, even now that they’re on tentative speaking, friendship-adjacent terms again: he wants Katsuki’s attention, all of the time.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
Midoriya Izuku: The Problem Child by justateenyproblem
Summary: “This has got to be the dumbest thing to happen,” Katsuki groaned, face contorting into a mixture of amusement and frustration. This is what the shitty nerd gets for being too damn friendly all the time.
“It is rather unfortunate for Midoriya to be going through this but in comparison to many other quirks, this could be a lot worse,” Recovery Girl tutted as she led them to the classroom next door. Aizawa sensei groaned as they all came to the wooden door. Though the bags under his eyes hadn’t gotten worse, he was covered in a mass amount of fur. Abnormally so. Katsuki was fairly certain that his teacher had a cat or two but this was just ridiculous. Not to mention that the hair was fucking green.
One Shot | UA Students
Rated - Teen & Up
unstoppable forces by darkwingsandmages
Summary: There's a fine line between genius and insanity. And right now, All Might is using that line as a goddamn jump rope.
or, Izuku needs to rest while on the run from All for One, and Search only works on humans...
Operation: Catzuku
Complete | 6 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
I Will Never Leave You A Stray by Banana_noir
Summary: blurb: Katsuki had thought that he was already in shock, but what came right after really fucked him up.
Izuku casually flipped him over on his back and...checked his genitals.
Katsuki let out a shriek of horror as he tried to flip himself over, waving his paws around in distress. Today was proving to be one of the most horrifying days in Katsuki's life and he could just feel his mental health deteriorating by the second. Deku had just checked to see if he had a dick. Oh, god why the fuck did it have to be Katsuki who suffered?
— — —
Katsuki Bakugo finds himself struck with a quirk, which turns him into a kitten. Who can he reach out to for help? Why, it's no other than the green-eyed neighbor who lives two floors down from Katsuki of course.
Meow away to reveal your identity, Bakugo!
Complete | 19 Chapters | Pro Hero au
Rated - Explicit
Got Milk? by Sol_Morales707
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki had returned one lengthy day of tiring hero work dripping in sweat and completely red. He seemed ill. To Izuku Midoriya's eyes, that is. The truth was unlikely and Bakugou pays him a visit because he knew the nerd would figure it out.
He got a lot more than what he asked.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
Bunny Izuku by GenesisPhoenixDragon
Summary: Izuku was hit with a quirk at the end of the war. He has hard time accepting the outcome but his best Rival is there to help.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
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nie-ko · 2 months
zinai, kaip sakoma "gerose rankose ir virve stovi". bet cia ne apie virves sneku ;---))
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hopeheartfilia · 18 days
i need dr stone crack where they just. sing the dumbest songs under their bretah while they work
like sneku specifically? He played monster hunter and while science is his kne true love he is not Unfamiliar with the internet
idk just headcannon that sometimes he suprises the crew eith absolutely batshit insane things to hum while working
especially the ones that speak english maybe
just. headcannon that he listened to a lot of english music ehile learning the language and its one of those things that give his friends mental health crisises
gen just hearibg cotton eyed joe like what. then bethoven. then nikki minaj because why not. maneskin because byakyua watched eurovision with senku that year. random nighcore music. russian electrobass. taiju sings barbie movie soundtracks. yuzuriha liking musicals
idk im headcanoning the music they listen to. senku listening to metal. he is also well enough versed in kpop. anime op and eds.
i think his music taste should be eclectic and i think gen should be caught completly off guard about it
like there are studies that show that multitasking may feel more productive but listening to kusic while working is more likely to hinder you so he didnt expect senku to know all that much music. maybe some classical music, which to begine ith he got a bit of a conformarion on when senku hummed some symphonies, but that is jsut the beggining
Idk i feel like while bringing science there would very much also be a lot sharing of the culture and arts and obv the lillian record is a thing but also its the living people that are the culture and all that, they know their song and it isnt about singing talent but about community and sharing and also jsut vibin'
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genshinresource · 1 year
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Genshin Impact Prince & The Cat’s Tail Tavern Cats Avatars
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writersmorgue · 1 year
it's not exactly lacking in love but I am kind of obsessed with "sneku" by cinnabee
i LOVE this fic. this and the one where kacchan turns into a cat are *chef's kiss*
also cinnabee is a fuckin top tier author
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dkbkcanon · 2 years
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nagacchan and the love of his life sneku
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senkuplushie · 1 year
hello gays!!! monthly post time :heart_hands:
for those who miss watching me be autistic over senku, here's another reminder that you can always find me in the senku cult discord server :) or follow my twitter @senkuplushie, of course :p
if you haven't been able to tell already, i'm on an indefinite hiatus from writing and somewhat also drawing, so don't let this one rare post get your hopes up lol
and again, I FUKCING LVOE SNEKU ISHGAIMI DR STOENL! !! ! ! 1!!!!!!
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Desiree slithered up to Krys in her sneku form. She hissed at her softly, to let her know she was there, before quietly snaking her way into the other's long, flowing sleeve, her head popping out of the shoulder of Krys's shirt. 'Whatcha doin'?' She sent to the elder woman, giving her some nuzzles and tongue flicks to her cheek.
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Krys knew the hissing sound instantly and she moved accordingly, giving Desi a scritch under the chin forthwith. "Hello there, Desiree-"
Jenicek looked around, making sure no one was hovering about her front yard and could judge her for talking to a reptile.
"Well, I was just popping out to grab some tea and coffee and then it's back home with me... I'm about to prepare a presentation of my idea for a high concept restaurant... Now, it's a bit out there, but I really think it could go over. BIG."
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the-end-is-heree · 2 years
this sneku is vv good boi
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i am adopting that snake at this very moment
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