#so far this whole season has been yikes from start to fucking finish
tuxedo iii, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader, mentions of previous jungkook x reader
summary: It’s the next morning. Your cat is still a man. Fuck. He still thinks he owns the place, including you. Sigh. Well, you still have to do your job, because, yikes, your cat-man has spent a small fortune on new clothes (spending like he’s got a black card, what’s up with that?). Ah, but... maybe both of you are starting to finally acknowledge that he might be a more man than cat – at least for the time being...?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, mentions of the coronavirus pandemic; possibly full-on crack; mentions of and a tiny bit of smut (fem reader, spanking, doggy, unintentional??? voyeurism, dry humping / thigh riding); domestic and soft moments with your cat-man; non-idol!AU - cat!Yoongi x human!reader; ft slightly cocky Jeon Jungkook (+drama!!!) and bestfriend!Kim Seokjin; breaking of the fourth wall; are YOU a furry? yeah, I kinda think you are
*deep breath* I reference a certain boat that was stuck in the Suez Canal, Yoongi's livestream where he poked himself in the nose with the coffee straw, his love for tangerines, too many Twitch chat memes, that time his mom called him a boiled dumpling, 'BST' pink pajama Yoongi, DTS, TXT's 'Cat & Dog', etc...
part i | part ii
You woke up slowly. 
A perfect, peaceful morning. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Neck cradled by your memory foam pillow? Check. Back well supported by your soft mattress? Check. Not sleeping on your sofa and destroying your spine? Check. Hey, you’re moving up in life! Ah, what a normal day already. You opened your eyes a crack; vision blurred from the morning sunlight filtering through your curtains. Bundled in your minty-green duvet? Check. Wearing your extra soft black-and-white striped pajamas? Check. 
Large pale human hand firmly gripping your right titty? Check. 
Your eyes snapped open and flew to your left. 
Min Yoongi's face was centimeters from yours, buried into your pillow, messy bedhead sticking out everywhere. Black choker with the tiny silver bell around his neck. Still had those black velvety pointed cat ears and glowing pale skin, pretty pink lips ever-so-slightly upturned, warm exhale against your ear. 
Your cat still a disturbingly handsome man?
Ah, yup, check. 
His hand was on your right breast, fingers molded to the soft curve. A quick glance and, whew, he was still fully dressed in his black t-shirt and sweatpants from yesterday. Yes, fully, completely dressed. Shit, what if he caught you staring? You quickly flickered your eyes up at the ceiling, hastily wiping the drool away from your mouth. Whoa there. That would be embarrassing if he caught that.
Also, kind of gross. Don’t be gross. Keep it together.
Well, yup, this was still awkward, the whole hand-on-the-titty thing, hahaha, but not as awkward as it would be if, hahaha, you accidentally, oh, don't know, hahaha, got really, really, really disgustingly drunk and, hahaha, had somehow lost all impulse control and, hahaha, fucked your cat?
Hahaha, that would never happen. You’d make sure of that.
No, no, no, stop, he's your cat, your cat, he's literally been a (cat) man for one fucking day, albeit a incredibly hot, deliciously built (cat) man who put your facial massager on your nipple and let you touch his human dick in the shower and he was hard for a hot second, so... no, no, no, stop, you are not a desperate thot, get a fucking grip – well, you kind of are – but not him, for fuck’s sake, you still don't understand what the fuck is going on or if he even remotely likes you and, let's face it, he probably doesn’t because you almost paid a guy to chop off his nuts–
"Are you dying?"
You choked on air and lurched sharply at the sudden deep, raspy voice. The grip on your right breast tightened, preventing you from moving away. You did what any sensible human being would do in this situation and wheezed like you were on the verge of passing out. 
"Do you have high blood pressure?" Yoongi yawned calmly, turning his face to the side to avoid breathing in your face, thereby pressing his body even closer to you. Your neck and ears heated to five billion degrees. "Your heart's beating abnormally fast. Maybe you should see a doctor."
You definitely needed to see a doctor for something as well as several gallons of holy water and a priest to get an exorcism for that horny demon inside you. 
"Y-Your hand!"
Yoongi grunted. "What about it?"
What about it???
"It's on my tits!" you squeaked.
Yoongi lifted his head, squinting. "It is." Then his head dropped and he closed his eyes again. 
HELLO, Min Yoongi? That's ALL you have to say???
"Is there a problem?"
"I've always slept like this," he mumbled.
That's... true though. Your tuxedo cat, previously named Shooky until you realized he had his own name, did used to always sleep next to you, when he wasn’t trying to murder you by sitting on your chest, that is (he was adamant on letting you know when he needed breakfast). Usually, your cat was splayed out by your left side, his long body extended and pressed against you, his white, sock-like paws encircling your arm. Shooky had basically been a small furry heater that kicked you sometimes in his sleep. 
Keyword: small.
"Y-You w-were a cat!" you sputtered.
"I'm still a cat."
"No, you're a man! With arms!"
"The reach is a little farther. Who cares?"
WHO CARES???????
Before you could very loudly inform Yoongi who exactly cared – that’s you, by the way, yes, you – he wrapped his arms around you and yanked your body to his, turning you into a red-hot chili pepper with the amount of heat your face was now emitting. Then his free hand grabbed your other titty. Without asking! Without even so much as buying you dinner or, hell, giving you a goddamn cracker! You didn't need to be wined and dined, but at least a single fucking snack before using your tits like his own personal stress ball!
Yoongi pressed your back into his chest.
You froze. 
He pressed his crotch into your ass, shivering slightly.
Your soul left your body. 
"Ugh, this human body is terrible," Yoongi muttered. "Always so cold. I need this extra body heat or I'll die."
You'll die? YOU’LL DIE?
You were pretty sure that you were already dead. Rest in peace.
Hang on. 
Something was stuck in a very specific place, quite similar to a far-too-large boat in a narrow canal.
"What?" your cat-man grunted.
"Your..." You gulped. "Dick."
"What about it?"
"You, uh... have morning wood."
"Is that a human euphemism?" he grumbled impatiently, clear annoyance in his tone. "I don't understand your species. Wouldn't it be easier to be straightforward and explain yourself clearly?"
A muscle in your eye twitched, reaching breaking point.
"Your dick is rock-hard and you're shoving it between my ass cheeks!"
"Yeah, so? It's cold too."
Your irritation fizzled out at Yoongi’s self-assured, completely calm response. In fact, he sounded borderline bored and exasperated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. His hard dick was cold, so he put it in the warmest place he could find, your ass, duh. Nothing weird about it, of course. Your mind reeled, unable to compute what the fuck was going on. Thus, your body did what it did best in these moments where you did not want to give a response that would most certainly expose you and your dire need to get dicked.
Not deal with it, of course.
You fainted.
You shot out of bed at the harsh yell, tangled in the covers, barely registering that Yoongi no longer had a death grip on your tits – in fact, he was no longer in bed at all – and stumbled towards the source of the sound, highly disoriented, your earlier fainting spell turning you into a bumbling mess.
Admittedly, not that different from your usual self.
(Ouch, roasted.)
"What, what, what?" you croaked, running into the doorframe of the bedroom and nearly taking yourself out. 
Might as well, maybe it would have been a blessing in disguise, considering the way your life was going. 
You finally tumbled your way to the kitchen, where your cat-man was hissing at the pan on the stove. 
"I was trying to make eggs," Yoongi spat, pointing accusingly at the frying pan. His ears were flat and his tail was sticking straight up. "And then it attacked me."
If you had three functioning brain cells, you would have remembered Yoongi putting his morning wood between your ass cheeks this morning, but alas, you only had two at the moment – you did run into the doorframe, might have lost one there – so instead you nudged him aside and rolled up your sleeves, taking the pan and shaking it so the eggs wouldn't burn. 
"Was it the oil? Sometimes it pops," you asked as Yoongi continued death glaring at the pan.
"I saw you doing this yesterday. You didn't seem bothered," he mumbled, finishing with a low, angry hiss as if the pan was sentient and mocking him. The oil popped and seared your forearm, but at this point you maybe had five hair follicles total on your arms with how many times hot oil had splattered in you. It used to bother you when you were a kid, but years of cooking had desensitized the feeling, turning it to nothing more than a mere annoyance. Yoongi stayed behind you, intermittently letting out hisses of rage as you cooked.
"I told you, my dad's a chef. You get used to it," you said, tipping the pan and flipping the thin egg pancake with ease. 
"That's bizarre," Yoongi muttered. "No normal animal gets used to pain."
Normality was starting to become a bit of a foreign concept to you.  As for being an animal, well…
You took the pan off the heat and rolled the egg onto a plate with a spare set of chopsticks, turning it into a log shape. A literal egg roll, ready to be sliced into bite-sized pieces. You took a sniff. It seemed to be seasoned already. Had Yoongi simply copied what you did yesterday? His observation skills were insane.
"Then again, you seem to enjoy–"
"Yoongi," you blurted, not wanting to know what he thought you seemed to enjoy, but very sure it was going to be one-hundred-percent embarrassing and only for you. "There's some leftover beef and vegetables in the fridge you can have with the egg and rice."
He raised his eyebrows. "Beef? Why didn't you say so earlier?"
Because I was asleep and maybe half-dead? "Did you brush your teeth?' you asked suddenly. 
Yoongi scowled. "Unfortunately."
"Right, so should I, goodbye now."
You marched away hurriedly, trying not to think about how your cat had surely witnessed you getting spanked while being fucked from behind by none other than, surprise, surprise, his not-so-favorite human being, Jeon Jungkook. Tattoo guy strikes again. The worst part was, you couldn't lock the door on your cat either, because then he would meow incessantly while you were getting deep-dicked and that was even worse. 
"Your cat really likes you, huh?" Jungkook mused as you yanked open the bedroom door to the black-and-white tuxedo furball. 
"Like is a strong word," you muttered at your cat, who yawned and sauntered past you to his cat tree, acting like he owned the damn place. 
"I like you."
"Hah... wait, what?"
Jungkook grinned as your eyes found his. Took a while. You were a little distracted by his nakedness. His tattoos up his right arm. His tan skin. His muscles. His white teeth biting on his lower lip, tiny mole underneath flashing. His long black hair, framing dark chocolate eyes and teasing, cocked eyebrow. 
"I like you," he repeated, voice deep and sexy.
You turned red and made the most coherent noise you could. 
“... Urk?”
Why did he look so fucking hot and disrespectful at the same time when saying an honorific?
Jungkook came up to you, hand cupping your head and tangling his fingers in your hair. He brought his face close to yours, lips brushing against your swollen ones, taking your breath away.
"Wanna go back to me spanking you while you get off on my dick?"
Respectfully, of course. 
"How much rice do you want?"
You started, poking yourself in the nose with your toothpaste-covered toothbrush and smearing mint up your nostril – almost as bad as poking a coffee straw up your nose during a livestream in front of millions of people, yikes – as Yoongi appeared behind you, breaking you out of the memory. Your cat-man watched you with mild disgust and displeasure as you coughed and dunked your head into the sink, hurriedly rinsing off your burning nose.
"Whatever, I'll just fill it halfway."
And he left you sputtering, pajamas and hair soaking wet in your haste.
“I’m ordering some groceries,” you announced in between bites of rice and egg. You tapped lightly at the phone screen as you spoke. Green onions, tofu, cucumbers… “Do you want anything?”
You swiped rapidly and added packages of chicken, pork, and beef into your cart. Why the fuck not? You like meat. All kinds of–
“Yes, Yoongi, I’m getting meat. Anything else?”
“What else is there?”
You made a face and handed him your phone. “All sorts of things. Household products too, in case you don’t want to smell like my soap.”
“Your soap is preferable,” he said absentmindedly, scrolling through the online grocery app. You continued eating, shoving things in your mouth and none of it dick. Sad. At least it tasted good. Your cat-man had seasoned the egg well. You jumped as Yoongi spoke again. “I want these.” He turned the phone around.
You squinted at the screen, staring at a picture of orange balls. “Tangerines? Why?”
He turned the phone back to him. “They’re small, round, and look tasty.”
You blinked at him, then shrugged. “Sure, why not? I guess your palette might have changed. Try whatever you want.”
He pursed his lips and pressed a few buttons as you ate. You realized you needed to order more groceries now that your cat was a man eating your human food and no longer a cat eating his rather expensive cat food. Sigh. You had put Shooky’s cat bowls in a cabinet earlier this morning before sitting down to eat. It seemed weird leaving them out on the floor like that. Kind of offensive, maybe, now that your cat was a man and all…
“Okay, I ordered it.”
“Ah, okay, that’s good. They’ll probably come later this week.”
After breakfast, you spent nearly half an hour with Yoongi trying to pick out something for him to watch from your various streaming services, only for him to select a historical drama series. Like what? You cat (man) wanted to watch historical drama out of all things? Instead of learning about the modern world, he wanted to watch a depiction of the past?
Whatever, it had seventy-seven episodes, so at least he would be occupied for a while.
You let him be and went to your computer, intending on getting some editing done. Sure, the universe decided your cat was a man now, but you still needed to pay for said cat-man’s existence. You still didn’t know what you were going do to with all that cat food, cat toys, cat tree… ugh, this was all a problem for future you, not present you.
Present you needed to splice five-hundred images of PepeHands together and overlay it over a League of Legends one-shot compilation.
Uh, so, it was this meme of a green frog named Pepe holding up his anthropomorphic hands in despair, therefore coining the term PepeHands for a particular Twitch chat emote… never mind, it just meant you were spending some time video editing for a gaming YouTuber and it required concentration, shitty memes, and well-timed captions. And you were getting paid good money to do this.
Yeah, it’s a weird world.
You sat at your desktop and got to work, doing the rough cuts of the video first. Thankfully, the YouTuber had already sent you the timestamps of the noteworthy moments, therefore making your job a lot easier. You spent several hours compiling the clips before adding your extra flair and effects. You had a library of images and sound bites that you commonly used (including Goofy singing Evanescence's ‘Bring Me to Life’) and was in the middle of grayscaling a video clip and adding the familiar audio of all around me are familiar faces before being scared shitless.
You swore someone was singing ‘Mad World’ as they were narrating your life right now.
You jerked in your seat to see Yoongi leaning over behind you, eyebrow raised as you gawked at him.
“Don’t sneak up on me like that!” you exclaimed, pulling back an earcup of your headset.
He frowned. “How can I sneak up on you?” He flicked the silver bell on the black choker around his neck, making it jingle cheerfully. “You put stupid thing on me, remember?”
You winced. “Well, I’d take it off, but there’s some kind of voodoo magic on that shit – and hey, don’t change the subject! You have that weird cat thing where you’re silent no matter what.”
Yoongi looked unbothered. “Weird cat thing? Thought you said I was a man?”
“Thought you said you were a cat?” you shot back.
You glared at him and he gave you a blank expression. Then he cocked his head to your desk.
“Your phone is flashing.”
You jerked your head to see your phone screen flicker. You grabbed it off you desk and unlocked it, checking your messages. Five messages from – ah, but of course – your best friend. Kim Seokjin.
You pursed your lips. With the pandemic and all, you hadn’t visited Seokjin in forever, but every week he would text you, asking for a photo of your cat and he would send you a picture of his sugar glider. With every week being the same and nothing interesting of note happening, it was hard to think of conversation topics. Therefore, Seokjin and you came up with this weekly event so your friendship wouldn’t deteriorate. Also, both of you were serious introverts, so he spent most of this pandemic playing MapleStory while you spent most of it on your couch watching Netflix with your cat. It was a miracle you two hadn’t morphed into actual potatoes yet.
You glanced at Yoongi, who was inspecting his nails and picking at them. You frowned and batted at his hand. He frowned back and smacked yours, harder. You glared at him. He gave you a vacant stare, as if he had done nothing.
“Why are you picking at your cuticles?” you muttered, going back to your phone and sending Seokjin an old picture of Shooky. You couldn’t exactly send him a picture of current Shooky. He was… well, currently not a cat. You stared at the picture of the fluffy tuxedo cat curled into a ball, asleep in your lap on the couch.
That moment wasn’t even that long ago.
Somehow, it felt like ages since you had last petted that furry butt.
“Hm, dunno. Occupies my hands, I guess,” Yoongi replied distractedly.
“Well, you shouldn’t. It’s not good for you.” You noticed you had another message from the local delivery service, saying a package had arrived at your doorstep. You stood, placing your phone on the desk and looked at Yoongi, who was staring at his old cat tree, the one by the window. When he was a cat, he used to poke his head between the curtains and look outside, watching the birds. It was his favorite haunt.
“Why’d you say woof?” you asked abruptly, giving him a quizzical look. “I thought you were a cat.”
Yoongi shrugged, tearing his eyes away from the cat tree to give you an uninterested stare. “Thought it would surprise you more. You’ve heard meow for long enough.”
You furrowed your brow. “Why would you want to surprise me?”
He shrugged again. “I was bored.”
“… You were bored so you decided to sneak up and scare the shit out of me?”
He paused, black tail swishing back and forth, pointed ears perked. Then he nodded.
You lugged in the huge cardboard box, Yoongi standing out of sight of the front door as you huffed and puffed with your weak arms. Okay, it wasn’t even that big, but it was quite heavy and you weren’t exactly John Cena. Your arms were about as strong as a bowl of overcooked ramyeon noodles and that was putting it kindly. You weren’t the working out type. People who worked out diligently were dog people. People who preferred sleeping as their primary workout regimen had cats. What were the kinds of people who had cat-men then? The kind of people who like sleeping, but also needed a…
(You already know the answer.)
Yoongi snapped the door closed the second you managed to pull it on far enough to do so.
“You look like a boiled dumpling,” he commented.
“At least I’m delicious food,” you wheezed, inspecting the box. You recognized the clothing brand. “Is this the stuff your ordered? How did it come so fast?”
“I selected next-day delivery.”
You paled.
“I need clothes as soon as possible, don’t I? Or should I go back to being naked, since you’re a pervert?”
You choked, ears burning. “I’m not a pervert!”
You tried not to think about the hit on your wallet as you grabbed your keys from the side table and opened the box, seeing all the plastic packages inside. Monotone, in white or black. Figures. You tipped the box to the side and the clothes spilled out, tumbling all over the floor. It took a firm shake to dump it all on the ground. You got on your hands and knees to spread them out, tossing the cardboard aside carelessly to shift through the items. Hopefully, Yoongi had read the listings and selected the correct sizes. From your brief glance, you noticed the tops were quite oversized. Maybe he liked that fit? He had been quite a fluffy cat.
You spotted the packing slip with all the prices listed. You fished it out and then heard a thunk-thunk-thunk, the sound of cardboard on hardwood. Huh?
You looked up to see Yoongi swatting the box around.
“What… are you doing?”
He shrugged. “Investigating.”
You blinked. “Investigating what?”
“Don’t know. I simply feel the need to investigate, thus I am doing so.”
You stared at Yoongi for several minutes as he continued to… uh, investigate (???) the cardboard box, holding it this way and that, smacking it around, watching the flaps bounce in the air as it rolled. His velvety ears perked upwards, sleek black tail swishing with interest.
His expression was completely neutral.
For the first time since becoming a human, you thought Yoongi was more cat than man.
“Uh… okay…”
You glimpsed down to the paper in your hands, seeing the total cost.
You felt the color drain out of your face.
My… wallet…
F in the chat.
You fainted.
You felt someone poking you in the head.
“Are you dead?”
You gasped and jerked up like a drown victim coming up for air, still in mild shock of the sudden financial hit of your cat becoming a man. It was okay. You weren’t poor. You just didn’t expect Yoongi to be a shopping like he owned a fucking black card.
“Did I spend too much?”
You snapped out of your stunned state at his soft tone. Yoongi wasn’t looking at you. He was kneeling on top of the pile of clothes, dark eyes on the paper in your shaking hands. With a start, you realized his words were heavy with guilt, his ears pointing downwards and tail tucked against the ground.
“No,” you said quickly, putting the receipt down. “No, Yoongi. I asked you to buy clothes, remember? And besides, it’s better for you to buy things you like and are interested in, rather than me wasting money on things you’ll never wear.”
He raised his head a little, eyes darting from your face to your hands.
You smiled at him, reaching up to pat his head and stroke the fur on his ears. “Hey, don’t worry. It’s only money. Money will never be more important to me than you, okay?”
For a second, you saw something flicker in Yoongi’s eyes. It was so fast that you barely caught it. Relief? Gratitude? Fondness? Then he ticked his head out of your hand, fair cheeks flushing pink.
“You… you don’t have to do that,” he muttered.
“O… oh.” For some reason, you felt a pang in your chest at his words. “R-right.”
Yoongi made eye contact with you, dark brown orbs guarded. He spoke quietly, without emotion.
“Do you wish this never happened?”
“What?” You furrowed your brows. “What do you mean?”
He gestured to himself, waving a hand up and down carelessly. “This. Human me.”
Human me.
You answered instantly.
Yoongi gave you the disbelieving side-eye.
You let out a sheepish puff of air. “I always kind of wished you were human.” You scratched the back of your head aimlessly. “No one listened to me like you did. Even if I was having the shittest day of all time, you always made it better. You were the best cat ever.” You chuckled, smiling up at him. “Sure, your species changed, but you’re still the same, right?”
His eyes shifted, his cheeks still a light pink. “I’m still a cat,” he mumbled awkwardly.
You raised your brows. “Mhm, is that why you were playing with the box?”
“I wasn’t playing with the box,” Yoongi huffed, sounding insulted.
“Then I’ll break it down and recycle it.”
“No,” he snapped firmly. “It’s useful. We’re keeping it.”
“We don’t need a box, Yoongi.”
He tutted. “Hmph, humans. So wasteful. A perfectly good box should be reused.”
You tried to hide your laugh as Yoongi refused to look you in the eye.
You left Yoongi to examine his new wardrobe on the floor. You tried to pick them up but he stubbornly remained on the pile of clothes, not letting you move them. When you stood up to leave, you asked him when he was going to move – he replied with, "When it feels right", just cat things, you supposed – and hurried off to export the edited video you were working on earlier. The due date was today and you had to review it for quality.
A certain quality. 
A certain quality of... of... 
Needing the money.
Because your cat (man) had spent fat chunk of it on clothes, only to be more interested in the box they came in and sitting on said clothes rather than the actual items themselves. 
"I ordered the wrong color."
"Oh?" you muttered distractedly, clocking on the export button. You'd been going cross-eyed for the past two or three hours – had it really been that long? shit – and checked your phone to see Gukmul, Seokjin's white sugar glider, peering up at the camera on a white fluffy blanket. You smiled, typing a response to praise his cuteness, completely ignoring the fact that Seokjin had also stuck his handsome face in the photo, smiling with a thumbs-up next to his pet. 
The reply was instant. 
hello, acknowledge my BEAUTIFUL FACE
You deliberately didn't answer right away to piss Seokjin off even more. 
"What's wrong with it?" you asked, looking up. 
Your jaw dropped. 
You dropped your phone. 
Yoongi, your cat-man with excellent reflexes, made absolutely no move to catch it. 
It smacked you in the calf and hit your toes – fucking ow, holy shit – before clattering to the floor. You had a protective phone case on it with a cute tuxedo cat graphic. The screen wouldn't crack with the protector on it. In this moment, however, you didn't give a shit about your smartphone, Kim Seokjin, or even the blinding pain in your foot. Nope. 
You were ogling at Min Yoongi in pink silk pajamas.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to–
No, don't you dare scroll past! You think you're clever or something?! Hm? Advertisements always happen at the most crucial parts, you say? 
This is just an ad? 
Look here, Lemona Vitamin C Powder can provide a lot of benefits, including providing natural energy and boosting your immune system in, say, a worldwide pandemic–
Jeon Jungkook stared at his phone. 
At a very specific number. 
He put it down, sighing a little, looking out the window instead. It was a nice day, but he couldn't enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed. Pandemic and all that. He frowned, looking at the urban jungle surrounding him. Had he made a mistake moving here to the big city? Sometimes he wondered. Back then, he had moved to finish school and pursue his ambitions. Back then, his choice had seemed full of opportunities, but now.
What did he have, really?
A tiny apartment with a kind and understanding landlord. The world at his fingertips from his computer. Still a decent amount of savings left. Online courses that he needed to finish to get his film degree. 
He delved into his memories, smiling at the recollection of confused looks, awkward smiles, indignant huffs. So very unlike him to tease so much, but it was too fun and he hadn't felt the usual nervousness and shyness he had around others. There was something comforting about that smile, that apartment, and that fluffy tuxedo cat that loved to interrupt everything. 
He shouldn't have played it off.
He shouldn't have distracted.
Not after he admitted it.
"I like you."
Jungkook said it to the air, to the memory. So vivid that he reached out to touch those lips, but then it all disappeared, just like that. 
He looked at the back of his phone, wondering. But now he was too nervous and shy to pick it up again. Why was that? When he was there, being seen by those surprised eyes, he could do and say shameless things. But far away, when he was alone, Jungkook was hesitating, suddenly afraid.
You sneezed. 
Very loudly and jerking your head away from your cat-man in luxurious pink silk, jamming your nose into your elbow.
Yoongi raised an eyebrow. 
You sniffed, rubbing your nose. 
"Someone must be thinking about me..." you muttered. 
Yoongi looked down, plucking the collar of the pajamas. "The cotton shirts are the same size, but for some reason this one fits tighter. Why is that? Is there no regulated sizing in human fashion?"
Dude, be glad you're not a girl, you thought dryly. "Might be the fabric," you coughed distractedly. Distractedly because you were staring at quite possibly the most gorgeous man in the history of men and you stared at a lot of men in your short lifetime, so you had experienced eyeballs.
Man or cat-man?
Well, Yoongi was definitely the most gorgeous cat-man considering you were pretty sure there was only one in current existence.
His pointed ears stood straight up in interest, black hair messy from taking clothes on and off, fair cheeks and nose flushed pink, perhaps from physical exertion. Dark brown eyes sheepish, not quite looking at you. The black leather choker stood out on his neck, silver bell gleaming against his collarbones. The material was a mauve-pink silk, clinging to his lean body, showing off his shoulders and long limbs. The button-up shirt created a rather deep v-neckline, a sliver of pale chest visible. And his legs! His slim legs reminded you of a nimble dancer, ending in fuzzy black slippers. 
There was a weird lump in one of the pant legs, going down his thigh. 
"W-Why did you pick them?" you tried to ask in the least awkward way possible, attempting – and failing – to not to stare at his delectable thighs. 
Yoongi shrugged. "They looked like the ones you have. I meant to get black, but I suppose I didn't read the listing closely enough. They're comfortable though," he mused before making a face. Your eyes bulged as there was a sudden jerk in his pants, creating a large tent in the crotch. 
Alarms sounded off in your head, arousal shooting up like a rocket. 
"My tail is stuck," Yoongi grunted, lowering the back of the pink silk pants. The sleek black cat tail slid out, swishing in the air, tent in his pants gone. 
Right. The tail.
Because he's a cat... man.
Your inner thot was sad. Your dignity smacked you upside the head, highly disappointed in you for falling for that, then calmly shot down your arousal rocket with your shame. Oof.
"Can you show me how to sew so I can fix my own clothes from now on?" Yoongi asked as he readjusted the front of the silk shirt. 
You bent down to pick up your phone, trying to do something with your face and hands to disguise your embarrassment and burning ears. "Yeah, of course." You placed it on your desk and turned back to face him. 
Yoongi was right next to you. 
Literally so close that you could feel his body heat. 
"... Urk!"
You jumped in your seat, banging your knee against your desk and howling in pain, computer chair rolling and making you lose your balance, ass about to slip before Yoongi grabbed your chair and shoved it into the table, making you trip and fall back into the seat, head hitting the headrest a little too hard, seeing stars and rubber duckies for a second. 
Wait, were they rubber duckies? They were white and glittery, almost as if they were made from snow…
Yoongi slapped you in the face.
You rubbed your cheek, blinking rapidly to clear your vision before glaring at him.
“Checking if you were alive,” was his placid response.
Alright, it wasn’t that hard, but the unexpectedness of it still hurt. You frowned, only for the pain to slowly melt away, quickly being replaced by something else as you realized Yoongi was still half-leaning over you, a knee on your computer gaming chair to prevent it from rolling. The sting in your knee was temporarily forgotten. Yoongi spoke again, his voice low and deep, almost a sensual purr.
“You hit yourself pretty hard.”
He doesn’t know what’s he’s doing. It’s just a coincidence. A kitty-incidence, Seokjin would say.
Your eyes widened as Yoongi closed in, peering at your unfocused gaze. Now you could see down his shirt. Holy shit. Were you so deprived that you were getting mad horny from seeing Yoongi’s fucking clavicle and sternum?
Is that even a question?
Yes, you were.
“You look like you did last night.”
“What?” you breathed, still unabashedly looking down his shirt.
“Your pupils are dilated.”
You froze. His cool fingertips were on your neck.
“Heartrate increased.”
You wanted to pull back, say, no, wait, don’t do that, but Yoongi was too close and his exhale was too feathery, brushing against your lips, and you couldn’t move, trapped in your chair, between him wrapped in pink silk and your mind reeling, him still playing fucking doctor while you were trying not to jump his half-covered ass.
“And that smell.”
You finally tore your gaze away, eyes drifting up to his.
You swallowed.
“S… smell?”
Oh no.
Oh no, no, no.
Yoongi’s eyes narrowed, surveying you closely. He was so close you couldn’t see his lips, only his dark brown orbs. He didn’t say anything. He smelled like your soap, reminding you of his naked body pressed against you in the shower. Your heartbeat was leaping to your throat, threatening to choke you with your own horniness. Honestly, at this point, would you even be surprised?
You chuckled nervously, clinging onto your last shreds of self-preservation, which, admittedly, were rapidly yeeting out of your hands.
“Hahaha… but you’re… a cat… yeah?”
Seconds passed.
Minutes passed.
Yoongi’s lashes lowered, not quite looking at your eyes. Staring at your lips.
“I’m a man too,” he whispered softly.
Your eyes widened.
Yoongi kissed you.
You were so shocked that you swore your eyes nearly left your head.
It was a soft kiss, his eyes closed, tilting his head slightly to fit better against yours, pressing you back into your chair. Your head hit the headrest and you gasped, your tongue lightly flicking his lips and they parted, his own tongue sliding against yours, gentle licks, your brain malfunctioning, but body remembering, hands coming up to grab his shirt and yank him closer, pressing back against him. He backed up a little at your suddenness, exhaling hard. Your eyes snapped open, suddenly aware of how forceful you were.
Yoongi looked away, pointed black ears flicking back and forth uneasily.
You kissed your cat. Man. Cat-man.
He’s been a man for not even two days and you just tried to make out with him like a demented beast!
“A-ah, Yoongi, no, I’m so sorry, I-I… please, I didn’t mean to…” you stuttered, letting go of him quickly, but also not wanting to let go, but you should, your hands getting confused by your mental signals, repeatedly clasping and unclasping the pink silk, not realizing that he wasn’t even trying to move away.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” Yoongi said slowly.
You clutched his shirt, staring at your white knuckles, unable to look at him directly.
“I’m sorry, it’s just… you’re so handsome, but I’m your owner… and I cracked…”
“What you are is a desperate, sexually deprived human.”
You jerked your head up, seeing his unreadable expression. “I-It’s been over a year–”
All of a sudden, Yoongi lowered his knee and grabbed you by the ass, scooting you down on the rolling chair. You yelped at the swift movement, gasping as your crotch collided with his thigh, wincing as you heard the squelch of your panties jamming into your soaked core.
Welp, you can’t hide that shit now.
“You like things like this, don’t you?” Yoongi murmured.
Your cheeks heated. “T…Things like w-what…?”
Oh, you knew what. You knew very well what, but you also couldn’t form coherent sentences.
His fingers sank into your ass and he pressed you into his thigh, rolling it into your heat. The whines tore out of your throat involuntarily, grabbing his arm and staring up at him with shaking eyes, seeing his curious gaze looking down at you.
“B-But, Yoongi… I’m your o-owner,” you panted, resolve slipping with every second, your hips already rocking into his thigh, the slippery thin fabric doing nothing to hide his lean muscle, your own thighs clamping around his leg. “I’m supposed to t-take care of y-you…”
And last more than two days, fucking shit, get it together!
But you couldn’t get it together, especially not as Yoongi’s voice dropped to a lower octave, one side of his lips curving upwards.
“It’s a little different now, isn’t it?” he drawled softly, lashes lowering, eyebrows raising, his black hair darkening his gaze. “Since I am now capable to take care of you too.”
You whimpered, losing it.
Just started freely humping his leg, self-preservation completely gone. Did he even know what he was capable of, really? Did he have any idea what he could do? Surely not.
Surely, he had no idea how good he could make you feel.
Yoongi bit the side of his lip, frowning. “How will can I make it feel better? I’m only cop…” He trailed off, furry ears anxiously flicking.
You tugged on his arm, getting his attention. “Angle your leg a little more downwards… Y-Yeah, like that…” He did as you instructed, his thigh now pressing down on your clit and your rocking hips moving faster, clinging to his arm and setting your jaw, moaning at the added pleasure. “A-ah… yeah, fuck… yes, I c-can… like this…”
“You can what?” Yoongi breathed, watching your face closely, firmly holding the armrests of the chair so it wouldn’t slide.  
Your head tipped back a little, bucking harder into his thigh, so wet your juices were soaking through your leggings and drenching the pink silk, turning it darker, the strong scent of your sweet arousal clearly evident. Your eyes drifted to Yoongi’s dark orbs covered by black hair, vision hazy, noticing the slight inquisitive upturn of his upper lip. There was no point in hiding it anymore.
“Can cum, Yoongi, fuck, I’m going to cum…” you moaned, inhaling his scent, his presence, saying his name and looking up at him, the stimulation and touch of another enough to get you there, eyelids fluttering as your orgasm swept down, taking you away and filling you with serene satisfaction, crashing waves soaring through you, washing away the sand of your dry spell, a different kind of euphoria than when you were on your own, pulling Yoongi close, kissing him deeply, breathing hard.
“Y… Yoongi…”
“Was it nice?” he murmured. “Was I what you needed?”
“Yeah…” You kissed his soft lips again, semi-breathless. “I–” The wave of guilt came now, your words dropping, brows furrowing, a sharp pang in your chest. Rising, rising. Panic. Yoongi lowered his head, black hair and soft pointed ear rubbing against your eyebrow, nuzzling your cheek. Once. Twice. Again, headbutting you lightly, smoothing the worry away from your forehead, a small laugh bubbling from your throat.
“What are you doing?” you chuckled, patting his arm, smoothing out the wrinkles you had made while furiously humping him. Your eye caught the dark mark now on one of his thighs. Welp. You lasted less than ten minutes.
Pink pajama Yoongi was dangerous.
“You liked this,” he mumbled. “When you were upset.”
You chuckled, instinctively reaching up and caressing his velvety ear. “You were a little smaller then.”
“Only a little.”
He slowed until he came to a full stop, dark eye staring into yours, cheek to cheek.
“I have to look after you, my clumsy human.”
part iv
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desparikon · 4 years
Murdoc/Mac fanfic misfire #3
Murdoc is the last person standing between Mac and his plan to save the world.
Mac shook the tiny bottle, his stomach acid sloshing in unison.
It's not a date rape drug, he firmly reassured himself. OTC sleep aids. Murdoc would have a nice, long night’s sleep, and Mac would ditch his final tail. A small, but necessary, evil to temporarily get Murdoc out of the way. Nothing untoward was going to happen.
He slipped the bottle back into his jacket pocket, and took another sip of his drink, hoping the sweet stickiness would coat his stomach and settle the butterflies.
What kind of message was he about to send to Murdoc, drugging his drink like that? It's sleazy, the lowest of the low. Everything Murdoc had ever done to him, and even he’d never attempted to trick Mac into ingesting something. Despite his intense, nearly overwhelming, feelings, and the opportunities, and the fact that drugging Mac would be the easy way to end his years-long craving.
No, Murdoc was bringing this onto himself. He was always too eager to make Mac’s business his own, so this time, he’d suffer the consequences. Murdoc was forcing him to make it personal.
They all were.
What part of Leave Me Alone, did people not understand? What part of I Have A Plan So Let Me Do This, jolted his friends into pursuing him around the world, in a chase that wasted time and resources, and threatened to exhaust them all to their breaking point?
Keeping loved ones safe sometimes required high risk and drastic sacrifices, and if he had to leave a trail of destroyed friendships behind him, then so be it.
Only Murdoc stood between him and finally being alone, and he had to get Murdoc to a safe distance. He couldn’t falter now. If everything went wrong, the fallout would be swift and brutal. His own survival was irrelevant, but Murdoc would absolutely not be collateral damage.
Whatever measures necessary.
Mac jumped, a hand grazing along his shoulder.
“Hello, MacGyver.” Murdoc sat back in the chair across the table, his ever present, smug smile on his face.
“Murdoc. I’m...happy to see you. Wasn’t sure you’d come.”
“Refuse an invitation from you? Never.” He eyed Mac’s nearly empty drink. “Though, it looks like you started without me.”
“It looked pretty.”
Murdoc leaned across the table and swiped the glass, finishing the drink for him.
“You do remember that I’ve been drinking out of that?”
“That is. Sweet. Really sweet. They need to double the alcohol in that, at least.”
As much as Mac wanted to throw back a few drinks to kill the stress, being on the run required him to be on at all times. Alcohol wasn’t an option. For now.
“I’ve been drinking out of that,” Mac repeated, stunned that Murdoc had drank out of his glass without hesitation. Flirting, or just being creepy?
“Yeah, I heard you.” “And you don’t care,” Mac smiled in spite of a sigh, “Of course you don’t. Alright. OK. Murdoc, can I get you a drink?”
“Surprise me.”
Mac appreciated the bar’s modernity in its ordering system. Using a tablet offered just enough anonymity for him to order the stereotypical girly drinks. The mermaid drink had been tasty. He had to take this opportunity to order the unicorn one. It even had little marshmallow ears; how adorable was that??
And Murdoc wouldn’t comment because he was getting the same thing.
As he pulled out his room key to scan and finish ordering, he also removed the drug bottle. Hopefully, having his back to their table made the motions of passing it to his free hand casual and undetected.
The relative emptiness of a hotel bar in the off-season, on a weekday, had the benefit of making the wait for their drinks less than five minutes. Unfortunately, that same lack of people left Murdoc with no one to watch but Mac. And watch he did, a mix of study and...admiration.
Mac rolled his shoulders and rubbed the back of his neck.
He wouldn’t have that respect after this.
A glance toward the bartender warned him that their drinks were nearly ready, the finishing touches being placed. The time was coming.
His heart pounded in his chest. No room for error. No leniency for cowardice.
He turned to retrieve their drinks from the counter, popping the bottle’s cap, careful to obscure Murdoc’s view.
To Murdoc, and a future with him in it.
In the cruelest turn of fate, a passing patron bumped Mac while he poured the drug. He jerked his hand back, and spilled the remainder of the bottle’s contents onto the counter. That split second of broken concentration was all his anxiety needed to turn the situation into a high-stakes gamble. He was only about 60% sure which drink he’d drugged.
”Ta da!” Mac gracefully presented a drink to Murdoc before sitting down with his own in hand. “Surprised?”
“Only in the sense that I’m always learning something new about you. Keeps things interesting, no?”
Like cotton candy. Exactly as the pink-blue gradient advertised.
“Not bad. Better than your last drink, but this one would also benefit from being harder.”
“I ordered them without alcohol.” Mac disassembled his drink, devouring the marshmallow ears and cherry horn before licking at the icing and sprinkles around the glass’s rim.
“Oh?” Murdoc offered Mac his uneaten marshmallow, using the opportunity to rub his knuckles against Mac’s hand.
“I don’t want to end up like Amber.”
“I’m not? Seeing the connection?”
“First date, couple of drinks...I don’t want to wake up tomorrow, married to you.”
Murdoc rolled his eyes. “OK, that is not how it happened, but…” He poked at his drink with its decorative stirrer, the impaled cherries muddling the layers, "I guess that whole thing is proof that waking up married to me would be a bad thing."
“I don’t want to be one of Phoenix’s most wanted.”
Murdoc hummed; Mac had tricked himself into mentioning the elephant in the room.
“You’ve been doing a fantastic job of that by yourself.”
“I think you’re really starting to embrace the darkness. Never thought I’d see the day where you’re the one throwing traps into your friends’ path.”
“Nonlethal, and always designed to do minimal harm.” Mac glared, and laid his hands on the table, pushing his glass out of the way before he broke it. “Unlike you, I don’t enjoy hurting people. I’m not out to maim or kill.”
“Mmm, but accidents happen, don’t they? You’re running, and you’re tired, so tired...and sometimes, the hunter sneaks up, corners their prey--”
“Why, the force could’ve snapped her leg off!”
“Shut up!” Mac growled, his arm shooting across the table with intent to grab Murdoc by his coat’s lapel, but Murdoc calmly sat back, just out of reach, unfazed by the outburst.
“Yikes, what kind of attention do you want to attract?”
Mac’s eyes darted around the room, relieved that there didn’t appear to be unwanted witnesses. Yet. Their corner table only offered so much privacy.
How long did those sleeping pills take?
“And the standoff with the whole gang the other day. I was on the edge of my seat! That ‘You want to stop me?! Kill me!’ was a nice touch. Really nice.”
“I needed them to understand how serious I was about being left alone.”
“Oh, I think you got your point across. Did you see Matilda considering it?” Mac’s flinch as he hung his head didn’t go unnoticed. “No? Well, I can tell you the first shot was going into your arm, but the second...Lucky for you, she decided the hospital wasn’t close enough.”
“Maybe that would’ve been the best for everyone,” Mac mumbled.
The heavy silence amplified the sounds of Murdoc’s glass, the clinking ice, the quiet plink of the stirrer being dropped onto the table--
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? Nothing better than my suffering, right?”
“Not enjoying, merely proving a point that you seem to have forgotten.”
“That I’m capable of turning to the dark side.”
“Exactly the opposite. You can’t be completely corrupted. All the chaos you’ve caused, and you’re still the same MacGyver underneath it all.”
“Have you not been paying attention? I’ve changed. This is the new me.”
“New you? No, your methods might’ve changed, but your motivation hasn’t. Everything you do is for others. This dramatic show of recklessness, of pretending to go all the way, is all to cover up the fact that you care, relentlessly. So much so that you stupidly reject everyone’s help. Even if it costs you everything.”
“Because it’s a worthy trade off to save the world! I accept the risks. I know the possible outcomes. Why can’t you, or anyone else, respect my decisions?!”
“Do you hear yourself? You’re not gonna save the world on some haphazard solo mission!”
“At least I can say I tried.”
“I’ll admit I tagged along for the entertainment—and your performance has been stunning—but I didn’t come this far to watch you turn the third act into a tragedy.”
“Then go. I sure as Hell didn’t invite you,” Mac snarled.
He stormed out of the bar, but instead of going through the lobby and up to his room, he rounded a corner into an isolated service hallway, and slammed his back into the wall, struggling to keep himself upright.
“Fuck,” Mac huffed under his breath, his entire body shaking as he forced his fists to unclench. “Fuck.”
He’d let Murdoc get under his skin, and now, his problem had gone from leaving a drugged Murdoc in his hotel room, to finding Murdoc before he dozed off in a dangerous situation. Great. He’d taken a step backwards.
Before Mac could make it back into the main hallway, Murdoc appeared, and shoved him, death gripping his upper arms, and grinding his shoulders into the wall.
Of course. Why’d he ever doubt that Murdoc would find him?
“Let. Go.”
“First, you’re going to listen. You want to put me through the paces like your friends? Fine. I’ll play. But bring it all, bring your best shot, and don’t you dare hold back, because I certainly won’t. It’s time to keep my promise to end you, wouldn’t you say?”
Mac wasn’t sure Murdoc was bluffing. He was glaring with a fury that Mac hadn’t seen since Amber had betrayed him in Colombia.
“You’re going to kill me in this random hotel hallway?”
Murdoc squeezed harder, unamused by Mac’s sarcastic tone. “We both know the fun’s in the hunt. So when I say go, you better start running, my dear. Run, and never look back. I will hunt you to the ends of the Earth. Run you down to the point of collapse. But unlike the Phoenix, I will not be called off. You won’t have peace until one of us is dead.”
“Or,” Murdoc shrugged and released his hold on Mac, “you can take me up on the second option, which I offer only because you’re my best friend, and I like you a lot.”
Even after all his experience with Murdoc, the instantaneous mood-flip was still unsettling.
“Just tell me what you’ve gotten yourself into, Angus.”
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nachohypno · 4 years
Pine’s College Jocks Ch. 6 - Joining Sigma Nu
A month passed as everything returned to normal. As normal as having a whole football team as your slaves can be, of course.
“Nick, long pass to Lucas!” And the ginger jock turned around almost immediately and sent the ball flying to his teammate. “Great shot!”
The guy didn’t even look at me; he was too focused in the game. And that was great, just like I programmed him to be.
Being the football team’s coach was great. Not only because I programmed these guys to play like professionals and respect me, but also because I got to feel in control, and that alone was awesome!
When training was over, they marched straight to the locker room with a happy smile in their face. They knew what was coming.
Sometimes, when my jocks performed really well, I would let them have a team bonding activity like the one I had when I assumed my position as coach.
I did tell them to act normal in public, but when alone with the other teammates or with me, I was the jock master. And by extent, I was their master.
Mike approached me. He wasn’t my slave. Although he was connected to me like the other players were, but I told him to act like himself on the first day, so he wasn’t calling me “Master Pine!” or “Coach Pine!” Every time we spoke.
“How were we, mighty coach Pine?” But yeah, acting like himself didn’t stop him for acting like a dork. “Did we play well?”
“It was good, yes. But, I think you all can do better with a bit more of practice” I said, mocking him.
He chuckled and patted my back. “Hey, we did our best, and you know it bro!”
“Coach Pine” Monty corrected him, as he walked towards the showers.
“Coach Pine” repeated Mike, faking a blank stare then laughing. “Man, you’re amazing, know that?” ‘And would love for you to call a sex party to have an excuse to kiss you’ He thought. This mind link was actually useful, after all.
Let’s be serious. I know Mike has, for some reason that I still don’t understand, kind of a crush on me. And I will always move out of my way to make him comfortable and happy, for some reason that I also don’t understand.
I shrugged off the thought this time, and we went together to take a shower with the rest of the team.
And you know what? That excuse I made up to help with team bonding? It actually worked. I noticed some of these guys started hanging out together more often after they fucked in the showers. And it was amazing.
Gary visited a few more times but there’s nothing important to tell about that. Just drinking coffee and remembering the old days. He didn’t stay for the practices, because he was from a rival team!
Mike and I returned to the room while we chatted about non important stuff. Classes and training. The normal stuff.
He jumped to his bed and gave me a warm smile “Maaaaan, so comfortable” then looked over at me.
I rolled my eyes and walked to his bed and sat on the border. He tried to grab me by my tee and pull me in for a good make out session.
“Let’s talk a bit before we keep going. I want some answers. Specially about what is this and… how do you feel?” I honestly cared about him. And I wanted him to be more open before continuing with whatever we were having.
“Shit… I knew it would get to this. Listen Piney, I think you’re a great bro. One of the best guys I’ve ever met, if I’m not saying the best one and…” He stood there silently, looking around nervously
“And…?” I think I knew where this was going, and I don’t know if I’m mentally prepared for it.
“And… I think I kinda… you know…?” He started to move his hands, probably trying to find the words. My face went red. I knew what he meant, I saw it in his mind. And it wasn’t any of my doing with my powers.
He stopped talking and waited for my reaction. I spoke up, after a bit. “I’ll… think about it, okay? I-it’s not a no, by any means! But I would like to think a bit more about it before saying something. Meanwhile, we could still talk like nothing happened?”
He seemed hurt, but he nodded. “Y-yeah, totally bro. Nothing can beat our friendship!” He said, trying to compose himself once again.
I tried to change the subject. “Great. Really great. Let’s talk about something else.” I started “You know, since I’ve finished with the football team, I’ve felt like I need something else to do. I mean, I’m already one of the best students in my classes, a good coach-“
“The whole team can confirm that” He said, getting up from the bed to change into more warm clothes. Autumn was a nice season, but it was windy as heck.
“And now I would like to get another objective. Any ideas?” I asked him, ignoring his last comment. He seemed thoughtful, but I decided to let him think without intruding.
“Have you been at the Sigma Nu frat? Maybe you could try something there? Or you could try joining by normal means, just to distract yourself and have some funny college experience?”
I remember that frat, we went there at our first week for a party. Then I almost got beaten up by one of Mike’s teammates because I was caught talking to his sister (She’s a good friend of mine, actually! After that happened, we’ve been hanging out a lot and I’ve made his brother less overprotective of her. She’s enjoying her time around here a lot more now!)
Trying to join a frat seemed a good idea. Never been interested in partying and stuff, but they probably did other things too, right?
“Sounds neat to me, will you try pledging too?” I asked, it would be probably less nerve inducing with a friend around.
“Ha! I’m already a member bro” What? When did that happen? He probably noticed my confused expression and went on explaining “Like, the first party we’ve been here? There was this guy, I think from the rugby team, that invited me in. All those parties I went since we arrived? Yeah, those counted as my pledge challenges or something.”
That was really unexpected.
“Alright, let’s see if I can join too, then” We grabbed our jackets and went outside.
The frat house was a bit far from the dorms, but we still arrived kind of quickly.
When Mike entered, a few guys greeted him with chest bumps and bro hugs. Yikes, seems like the frat is full of jocks… and that gave me an idea. But that would be for later.
As I was Mike’s guest, I couldn’t leave the entrance hall without him, and he had to leave to talk with the other guys about me pledging.
After he left into the depths of the house, I sat in a chair near the door and looked around. I didn’t really look around a lot when I came in for the party, but the place was looking great. It was cozy like a normal house, but much, much bigger. Like it went through a lot of expansions through the years.
I wondered how the other rooms looked. The dorms and stuff like that. The little I explored during the party was kind of ruined because of the drunk people running around, but this was nicer, pretty chill.
I still had to think about what to do with Mike’s… confession. I didn’t want to break the big guy’s heart, he’s my best friend!
…Maybe more than my best friend? I mean, it’s not normal for best friends to make out and cuddle together in the same bed.
As I kept questioning if I liked Mikey too, or not, the guy returned with a few others. One of them was a guy with wide shoulders and a big chest that got pressed under his fitted t-shirt with the frat logo in one side, dark brown hair and brown eyes. The others were good looking too, one with a swimmer body (Does our college have a swimming team?) and hair dyed white and the other like the first one, with a rugby player body and black hair.
This frat got more interesting the more I stood in this hall.
“So…” The guy at the front, the one with wide shoulders, started speaking “I’m Max. We’ve been told you want to pledge to the Sigma Nu fraternity” He seemed much more serious than a moment ago when he was talking with Mike.
I wasn’t going to be intimidated, I could own this guy’s ass if I wanted to! “Uh… yeah?”
“Get up” And I did. He started examining me. Starting by my arms, then following to my torso, then my legs, you know where I’m going. “Hmm… you don’t play any sports, do you?”
“I work out a bit, and I’m the football team’s… coach assistant”
He mumbled an “I see” as he kept examining me. Why was he so weird? “Pine. You’re Pine, right?” I nodded “You do know you have to participate in at least one physical sport as a requisite for joining? It’s one of the rules” I guess he brought that up after seeing how thin I am. I mean, I’ve been working out, but the changes weren’t that great. Just enough to not look ridiculous on my jock master outfit.
One of the other guys, the white haired one, whispered something to his other friend “Did you hear that Pi Delta Rho also adopted that rule? I think they’re copying us”. Max clenched his teeth at the mention of what I assumed was another frat, and looked at his friends.
“Do not mention Pi Delta Rho in this house” I gulped, better not mention Pi Delta Rho, whatever that was.
I tried to change the subject once again. Seems like that was my role today. “Yeah, technically I participate in a physical sport, just without the physical part” I said, it was true though. I was the football team’s coach, was that not enough? Though they didn’t know that of course.
Max looked at me again and nodded “Well, maybe we can make an exception for now. Congrats, you’re a pledge bro, or whatever” Hey, this guy was being rude out of nowhere. “You can ask an active brother to be a kind of, big brother to help you with your pledge challenges. Or you can face them yourself, that’s your choice”
“I can be his big bro” Mike spoke up, out of nowhere. For a moment I had forgotten he was here with us. Now, I was relieved. “I mean, we’re best friends, I’m not leaving you alone bro!”
That was a good move. I was a bit more calm now that I had some support. Max nodded “Sure, it’s your choice bro. You’ll have to take full responsibility for his actions though, are you sure?” Mikey nodded without a second thought.
Then Max looked at me “We’ll contact you for your first challenge in a while, but for now you have access to some parts of the house, as a pledge. If you want to access the parts for active brothers, you’ll have to ask your big bro to be with you for that. Fuck, I’m really late for rugby practice, see you soon bros!”
Then he ran off. The other two guys went to the next room, which seemed to be a living room.
“Want to see my room, little bro?” Mike asked, laughing a bit after the last words. I nodded, a bit speechless after he stood up for me and took responsibility. Why did I felt so weird now?
Looks like I’m a pledge now. And Mike decided to step up as my big bro. That was quite interesting.
He walked me to one of the rooms of the big house. As I said on my first week, this place was like a mansion. And I suppose we we’re going to what should be Mike’s room, if he didn’t decide to live with me in the college dorms.
“So… here we are, do you like it bro?” He broke the silence as he opened the door. The place wasn’t really huuuuge, but it was better than the college dorm. Like a hotel room.
There was a big double bed against the wall. A TV above the drawer in front of the bed. I wasn’t surprised to see no bathroom in sight. It wasn’t a fucking palace, luckily. Because that would have scared me. But the room was still nice looking.
“It’s… really cool, why don’t you live here instead of our dorm room? You would have been more comfortable than in there” I asked him, a bit curious.
“I won’t lie saying I didn’t think about it. But I wouldn’t leave you alone in there, what if the college assigned you another roommate? I know you get nervous around unknown people” ‘Besides, I wouldn’t be able to see you every day bro’ He thought, what was with him lately and those cheesy phrases?
Okay, that’s it. It’s time to set things right. I walked to the bed and laid back at one side. I knew he would follow me, and he did. Pine intuition or something. “I’ve been thinking about our conversation from before” I said, Mike’s face lightened up suddenly, with curiosity.
“We can… not talk about it, if you want bro. Really, it’s okay” He interrupted me.
I continued anyways “-And, I would like to give it a try”
He took a few seconds to process what I just said, then he reacted. The big guy was tearing up a bit as he grabbed me for a good make out session. This time, I didn’t resist and kissed him back.
He pulled back after a bit to take off his shirt and I did the same. Then he grabbed me by one of the coach’s chain necklaces (I got used to wear them all the time, since I played the jock master so often lately) and started kissing me once again.
We laid down on the bed. I pulled down my pants and underwear as we made out, and he took advantage of that, playing a bit with my ass before pulling down his own pants.
We broke the kiss once again and he spat in his hand, then proceeded to lube my ass with his saliva. His cock was already hard enough, and leaking precum. He lubed his cock too, then positioned it in front of my ass, with my legs on his shoulders.
“Would you like this… bro?” He asked, his face was red too, and he looked pretty nervous. He wasn’t that nervous when he normally banged girls, I could tell. This was new territory for him.
“Yeah, do your best Mikey” I said.
He nodded and started pushing it in carefully. It felt good, I got used to the pain in my ass before, so it didn’t feel as bad. He started going in and out slowly, then faster but with careful rhythm to avoid hurting me.
I really appreciated that. And it felt like heaven! I moaned as he hit the right spot, and he loved it too, it seemed.
We continued like that for a bit, until he came inside of me. Then he took his cock out of me and started sucking me off, to finish the job. It worked wonderfully, a few minutes later I came in his mouth. He swallowed it and laid back on the bed, next to me.
After a while of silence, once again. He spoke up “So… Are we dating now? I don’t really know how this works bro”
I chuckled. Mikey, a ladies’ man, didn’t know how dating worked. I guess that’s fair, I knew he had a girlfriend at high school for some time but she didn’t last long, and then just some one-time bangs and that was it. “I don’t know; do you want us to be boyfriends?” I asked him.
He gave me another nervous smile. “Hell yeah, would love that bro”
“Dating your coach, huh? Well that can be arranged” I said, moving closer to him, as he put his arm around me.
“Huh, didn’t thought about that before. I guess you’re my coach boyfriend now, bro”
“I like the sound of that, can you repeat it again?” I said, mocking him once again.
He laughed “I love you, coach boyfriend”
And with that, we cuddled in his bed and after a while, we fell asleep.
Next morning, he woke up first. I knew it because when I finally opened my eyes, he was looking at me without moving.
“Morning, didn’t wanna wake up you. Huh, I think I’m gettin’ the hang of this ‘being a good boyfriend’ thing”
I got up from the bed, pretty happy as I remembered everything that happened last night. From accepting the pledge challenge, to Mike standing up as my big bro, to Mike telling me he loved me… Yeah, it was a pretty good day.
If I’m being honest, if you ever told me I was going to date my childhood best friend when we reached college, I would call you a liar. Then walk away to buy an ice cream to get back the innocence you took away from me with your filthy lies.
But seeing it now, and living it, it was actually really cool. I cared about the guy, and he seemed to care about me, without me using my powers to make that happen, so it was a good combo.
He grabbed me by my shoulders as I was going to reach my pants and nibbled on my ear. “There’s still like two hours before your first class. Would you like to have some fun in the meantime?”
I looked at my phone’s clock and sighed “Alright, what do you want to do?” But he seemed prepared for my answer, as he grabbed me and left me at the bed just like before. Then he climbed by the other side and laid down, facing me.
“There we go” God, I never knew he would be so cheesy. But it was really sweet, and cute. And… Oh god, who am I to judge? I love this guy.
“So… about my powers” I started, I was pretty curious how this would affect the whole dynamic we’ve been doing with the football team, and the new plan with the frat.
“I’ve thought about that too. If you’d like we could have an open relationship or somethin’ like that bro, so you can enjoy your powers. I mean, if I were you I would use them all the time to get your attention, but I admit I would also use them to get in the minds of other people too”
“Getting in the minds of people? Kind of like this?” I said, sending a quick command to his mind
His eyes glazed over and a dumb smile appeared in his face, as he started. “I love you, master Pine” I quickly erased the trance command, so it wouldn’t affect his personality, and he would remember saying that.
He shook his head a bit and smiled. “Yeah, like that. Joke’s on you, it actually felt good” He pulled me closer and we cuddled together. “Comfortable, bro?” “Yep, so romantic” You might have guessed, I’m not a really romantic guy, but this stuff was nice, to be honest.
“Glad to hear that” He kissed my forehead. “Love you, bro”
I had a bit of trouble to believe I was dating my best friend. I thought it was some kind of dream, probably induced by spending so much time with him. But it was real, and it was awesome.
After our little cuddle session, I finally got up. Mike still had a bit of time before his first class so he tried to convince me to stay a while longer. But it wasn’t going to work. The nerd in me was stronger!
After my first class, I’ve got a message from Max. [Available?]
I sent a simple ‘Yup’ and waited for his answer
[Meet me at the library, we’ll discuss a few things]
Alright, time to hear what my first pledge challenge was, I guess.
I arrived at the library, it was this big building with three floors. Max was waiting for me in one of the study rooms, at the second floor. I went directly after greeting the librarian, she was a nice lady who helped a lot during my first days.
I entered the second study room and found the guy sitting there, with some math books. “Yo” He said, after noticing me.
“Hey… do you need help with that?” I liked math, I didn’t find them funny but I’m good at them.
“Yeah, but not what you came for” He closed his book and left them at one side of the table, I sat in a chair in front of him and he continued. “I’m going to be honest with you... Wait, you have a- “He pointed to his neck, I passed my hand through my neck and didn’t feel anything.
“Never mind, anyway. You seem like a good guy, Pine. And I’m not saying you shouldn’t try to pledge, but the challenges may be tough for… someone like you, especially because I’ve seen the other pledges, and they’ll crush you without mercy. No offense. My fellow bros were up to accepting you, as long as you pass the challenges to become a full Sigma Nu brother”
Oh, I wasn’t offended, I’ve been told worse things before. “I still want to try, I guess. I’m not going to pass if I give up before starting” He nodded, but still didn’t seem convinced.
“I would normally insist, but given that you’ve made up your mind…” He grabbed his books again and opened one. “You’ll get your first pledge challenge in some days, bro. So, yeah. prepare for that”
It did bother me a bit that he didn’t believe I was going to be good enough to pass these stupid challenges. Then I remembered, I have mind control powers! “Well…” I started, putting some power in my words “You shouldn’t insist about anything, since you think I’m the best pledge you’ve seen”
The rugby player’s eyes glazed over, as he smiled. “Yeah, best pledge I’ve seen, bro”
Glad to see I still had the touch with my normal power. I’ve used the new one so much lately that I almost forgot about this one. Almost.
I grabbed a bottle from my bag, I carried one everywhere just in case. And you can guess what kind of bottle it was. I was really tempted to make this guy into my rugby jock slave, and since he was the frat’s president or something, it would be ten times better.
Maybe I could make him a kind of mini-slave? Like at least for now, not totally under my control, but like Gary. “You will look forward to seeing me tackle on those challenges, and will expect me to ace them, understood?” He nodded, with the smile getting larger.
“Yeah bro, you will get in the frat, no doubt”
“And… for doubting me” I’m going forward with this, guess there’s no turning back from now on “You want to make up to me by doing exactly as I tell you, and you consider me your master”
“Yeah, you’re my master. I’ll never doubt you again, br- master” He corrected himself. My job here was done.
I grabbed my stuff and prepared to leave, but before leaving I told him. “Oh, and if you need help with that, don’t think twice in giving me a call. I love math” He nodded once again, his eyes going back to normal after a bit, and then I left.
‘The frat president already under? That’s a record Piney!’ I thought to myself.
Chapter 7 is already available in my Patreon!  And by pledging you also get access to other stories before they go public!
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honeybee-babe · 5 years
How can you excuse all of the abusive things Luther has done to his siblings (especially Klaus) throughout the series? And don't pull the "he was drunk" card. And without implying that Luther locking up Vanya isn't intentionally cruel or intended to hurt her? He has the ability to think logically, unlike Vanya he isn't experiencing a literal psychotic break down.... Please, explain this to me logically. Thanks.
~ wowowowowowow i clenched my jaw all night thinking about this ask~~
Yikes. You’re not asking me why I “excuse his actions” (I don’t), you’re asking why I see him as a human being with flaws and trauma which need to be addressed rather than the literal devil. And why I don’t think he is irredeemable based on a few terrible choices (when he has also made some great ones and showed affection for his siblings in the past). I honestly think people hate Luther because it’s easier to have clearly good characters and clearly bad characters, even in a show that actively and artfully avoids that dichotomy.
Why do you care that I like Luther? I’m not bashing your faves or causing any harm to you? I am not trying to tell you to like him or convince you he is a great character. I know he has flaws. 
But if you really want to know how I “excuse all his actions” (which…. I don’t?), I’ll humor you, but I’m answering the question you’re really asking:
Why Do You Not Despise Luther?:
This response is really longwinded but THIS QUESTION IS REALLY OVER-SIMPLIFYING(!!!) so I feel it’s warranted.
First, I’m gonna address the “abusive things Luther has done to his siblings throughout the series:”
I am not excusing any of the things Luther “does to his siblings,” I’m just saying we should extend the same amount of courtesy to him in sympathizing with him and understanding the motive behind his actions (just like we all do with Vanya). And also consider the fact that he is deeply traumatized and has literally been gaslit his entire life into thinking he has to follow a specific model that was set out for him as “leader.” Literally he has been taught that he is nothing without the UA and being a leader, and I don’t think people release how damaging that is to a person?
But also hot take: I don’t think Luther is abusive towards his siblings at all? Not until the last two episodes for sure. I think he is insensitive towards others’ emotions at times, but he is never cruel just for the sake of being cruel. I honestly think Luther is incapable of picking up on emotional cues to some extent.
I’m re-watching right now, I just finished episode 7 and I have yet to see any signs of him being abusive towards the others, and not Klaus specifically? The choking scene was vile and physically violent but I don’t think it’s abusive because it was a one time thing and abuse is a cycle. Luther isn’t particularly awful to Klaus, he is just dismissive? The only person he ever is really verbally mean to is Diego when they get into fights and Diego is just as bad if not worse, and also intentionally tries to get an emotional rise out of Luther (which is…. just as awful and cruel?).
But yeah I finished episode 7 and no abuse so far… maybe my dumb ass who was abused for my whole life just doesn’t understand what abuse looks like? Okay that’s kind of a joke but I’m actually being serious, my abuse is pretty similar to Luther’s and my body dysmorphia/eating issues are similar to his too which is a lot of why I resonate with him, so I could be missing signs because I’ve probably acted the same way. So please point out to me where specifically he committed an act of abuse, and not a one time act of violence or simply being dismissive of/not picking up on someone’s emotional needs.
Also I honestly think Luther is just in denial of others’ emotional needs because he is in denial of his own emotional needs. He has been taught to push everything down, including the needs of others, with the only goal being completing the mission, and protecting everyone/leading everyone to safety. Also I mean, he hasn’t been around human beings for 4 years (so of course he struggles to relate to them/communicate healthily), and he was always taught not to engage with his siblings but just to lead them because that was his role.
Also Klaus and Diego (especially Diego) are just as dismissive of Luther’s trauma? And like yeah Luther covers it up but it’s pretty freaking obvious…pointing out how big he is specifically.
Diego literally sees Luther shirtless after the chandelier falls on him, sees how self-conscious he clearly is, and then never asks about it or checks on him (yet continues to joke about it – also Klaus makes fun of his muscles when he first sees him which is just insensitive). And in the first episode the way Klaus jokes around during the family meeting about cucumber sandwiches when Luther is trying to plan a memorial service; it’s obvious that Luther is grieving and paranoid (and also that he has been manipulated enough to love Reginald!!!) and Klaus is just making jokes and not addressing this? And then they both just ignore his obvious paranoia over Reginald’s death and just call him crazy and walk away? And don’t use the “he was high” excuse for Klaus being a prick (just like I can’t use the ‘he was drunk’ excuse for Luther, which I never did once btw, y’all just want more justification 2 hate on him).
Also: Yes, Luther tells Diego to stop talking shit about Reginald at the memorial service but like, from his perspective, that is someone bashing the person he was closest to AT HIS FUNERAL!!! He starts the fight with Diego but only after Diego provoked him, clearly intentionally, and Diego continues to fight him and throws a fucking knife at his arm (but physical violence is only not okay when Luther uses it right?).
Also HUGE THING Y'ALL ARE IGNORING: Klaus finds out Luther had nonconsensual sex while drugged out of his mind and congratulates him………. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk about you but I think Klaus has been around the block when it comes to drugs and sex (and consent) and should realize that someone on drugs for the first time losing their virginity is nonconsensual, or even if considered consensual still pretty icky? Like Luther is clearly ashamed and upset and doesn’t want to talk about it and Klaus just laughs abt it. That is so not cool.
And another thing:
Luther is very, very protective of Five which is so so sweet, yet people just completely overlook it because they only want to see the bad things he’s done. When he and Allison run into him in the hallway at the end of Run Boy Run and see him looking distressed Luther asks him in a soft voice, “Are you okay? Can we help?” and reaches out to touch Five’s face. Five grabs his hand to stop him but this was very sweet? Like it’s clear Luther has a soft spot for him because he’s small.
But Diego? After he finds out about Patch he bursts into his apartment and goes to attack Five; Luther has to pick him up to restrain him from beating up their brother who has the body of a 13 year old. All because he blames him for the death of the love of his life (just like Luther is afraid of Vanya after she killed Allison). But in Diego’s case, Patch is already dead; Diego only wants to hurt Five out of vengeance, not because he’s trying to protect Patch. And he doesn’t apologize or anything after????? It’s just never brought up again!
SO IN TERMS OF LUTHER BEING AWFUL TO KLAUS THE WHOLE SEASON: is he? is he really? is he really abusive? and is he really that much worse than his other siblings?
And now I’ll address this nonsense:
“And without implying that Luther locking up Vanya isn’t intentionally cruel or intended to hurt her? He has the ability to think logically, unlike Vanya he isn’t experiencing a literal psychotic break down…. Please, explain this to me logically. Thanks.“
Luther is absolutely not being intentionally cruel or doing this to “punish” Vanya, he’s doing this because he’s freaking the fuck out and doesn’t have any idea what she might do. Yes it’s a bad idea but we need to keep in mind that he’s not thinking logically, he is emotionally distressed. Yes he could talk to her but Allison had just tried to do that…. and look where the fuck that got her?
Do you seriously believe Luther was mentally stable and thinking logically in this moment? Do you not realize he was literally going through a breakdown and identity crisis of his own?
He just found out maybe two days ago that his entire life was a lie and the person whose approval he sought the most didn’t give a shit about him, found out he was isolated from humanity for no reason (which….. as if being isolated in itself wasn’t traumatic enough), after he was mutilated against his will, and now he has just witnessed the person he loves most almost die and he couldn’t do anything about it. Luther is experiencing a breakdown and I think a big part of it is control: he realizes he’s had no agency his whole life/has never had control, he just lost control/agency over his body on drugs even more and had nonconsensual sex while intoxicated, and then after this he sees Allison dying and he can’t do anything to help her (he can’t even give his blood)!!!! His superstrength and locking up Vanya is the only thing he has control over, he feels it’s all he can do to prevent the apocalypse/protect everyone. 
Not only that but the idea of control as contol over powers: Luther has super strength, he has to be super careful and controlled all the time so he doesn’t accidentally hurt the people he loves… the thought of someone’s powers being out of control is probably the scariest thing in the world to him. And yes, he gets in fights with Diego but he doesnt use his full strength (just like Diego doesn’t either) because if they did then they would actually hurt each other, they have a lot of control over their powers. But Diego can control his powers by just… not throwing things and having temper tantrums. Luther doesn’t need to be angry to fuck up with his powers, we see that in the very first episode when he punches the model airplane. Luther can never escape his powers and has to constantly control them, and the idea of uncontrolled powers is his worst fucking nightmare.
So Vanya tells him, “we got in an argument and things got out of control” … like just imagine what must be racing through Luther’s mind when he hears that!
Yes what he does in this scene is awful but you can’t convince me he is doing it with the intention of hurting her. Literally you can see in his eyes as he is choking her how pained he is by this. And he apologizes to her: why would he apologize to her if he was trying to hurt her? And if that was intention… why wouldn’t he just fucking kill her?
I absolutely don’t agree with his decision here but like…. he absolutely is going through a mental breakdown and it doesn’t just stop during The Day that Was/Wasn’t and to act like he is completely stable and in his right mind when he locks Vanya up is just grossly oversimplifying everything! 
Y’all demonizes him over this but completely overlook some of the awful things his siblings have done (Diego going to beat up Five because he blames him for Patch’s death, Vanya killing a ton of random people because she was locked up)…. Like yes: Luther is insensitive, dismissive, and cruel in this scene but it is not his intention to be cruel, it’s obviously his intention to control Vanya’s out-of-control powers, protect his siblings (esp. Allison), and prevent her from causing the apocalypse. It is awful and yes it is cruel but to act like he just doesn’t give a shit about Vanya and/or is doing it just to hurt her is just….. so beyond what the show is portraying.
And I get that you guys really despise him for this, and if you’re going to hate him, fine: but you completely overlook the terrible things all the other siblings do throughout the whole series and write Luther off as evil, which is not cool. Seriously, y’all portray Luther as the literal devil just so that your faves seem like infallible angels and your headcanons and fanfictions seem nicer and more simple………. and honestly I just can’t reason with you. I think some people just hate on Luther and love everyone else because his abuse situation is more complex and they’re just… literally too lazy to do the mental math, so they stick with stanning everyone else whose trauma is more obvious? Even though Luther covering up his trauma (literally) and refusing to talk about/deal with it is a huge plot point in the show, y’all perceive this as him just not having any trauma, or just overook how his trauma affects his actions.
This show isn’t supposed to be “everyone in the family are wonderful, perfect victims and deals with their trauma like angels EXCEPT LUTHER HE IS STOOPID AND EVIL AND ALSO HIS TRAUMA ISN’T DEEP ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!”…… and if you think this then I think you need to do some soul searching? Or actually do some research into abuse and learn that it comes in many different forms and has many different effects?
Again: I don’t dislike any of the siblings. I used them as examples but I love Diego, Klaus and Vanya!!! I respect and understand them all and view them all as troubled souls who are trying.
This show is complex and it’s designed to be uncomfy, and if you simply write it off as having clear victims and villains (except Reginald, he a dick) then you are not respecting the writing or giving the show justice. 
Gerard Way says he wrote Luther based on his own experience of body dysmorphia, isolation….. the show designers say he has self-harmed before, and Tom Hopper has said Luther has been suicidal in the past…. but you know what, go on portraying his trauma as “having it easy” and using violence/cruelty just for fun, even though the show clearly portrays him as a broken man.
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angelhummel · 5 years
It's not a rank 5, but could you rank every Rachel through the 6 seasons? I mean, what Rachel do you think is better and wich one is the worst and why. I don't know if i explained it well, i am learning to speak english so im sorry for all the mistakes hahah
Ohhh that’s a good ask. And I love ranking stuff so. Also you explained it perfectly and your spelling and grammar is probably better than mine tbh so yay! Alright, now, let’s get to Rachel…
To preface: It’s probably well known that Rachel is not my fave but I’ll try my best to be gentle Never mind i just finished it and it’s pretty rough. But it gets better near the end kind of??
Season 5b - Right off the bat I’m already cheating, but what can you do? I’m separating this season into two parts because the first and second half are like night and day as far as Rachel goes. Once Frenemies hits, she just gets completely insufferable for me. Like I can’t even try and tolerate her. The way she treats her supposed best friends, and the whole stuff with trying to make Elliott her new “best gay”. Yikes. And then we go back to Lima and she has to make someone (this time Mercedes) feel sorry for her and throw her a pity party. But that happens at least once a season so whatever. Anyway, late season five Rachel has got to be my least favorite over all 
Season 3 - So the show has been completely Rachel-centric from the start but this season was just a joke because they were like “it’s Rachel’s senior year!! Everything has to be about her!!” because fuck Kurt, Santana, Mercedes, et al. This whole season was like a pity party for Rachel from start to finish. She pouts and cries about literally everything and makes it all about her, and then gets what she wants anyway. Cries about even having competition for NYADA, gets in anyway. Cries about Mercedes being better than her, gets the part of Maria anyway. Cries about completely blowing her audition, gets like ten more chances to prove herself. And gets in anyway. Plus she tries to have sex with Finn to improve her portrayal of Maria. And she wins prom queen when she didn’t earn it or deserve it. Just tiring over all. 
Season 1 - Okay so Rachel is basically the worst right off the bat. But at least early on, it’s funny and amusing. She’s obnoxious, but she’s supposed to be. It’s okay if she acts like a spoiled child because she obviously is. She hasn’t had any development yet or ever but at this point it’s okay because everything is new and she’s like 16 and it’s fine. She has some good funny moments but shit like “Why do you have to hurt me to make her feel good” still drive me up the wall so I gotta put this one kind of low
Season 6 - I’m just putting this here bc I don’t remember much of season 6. I remember there were only 13 episodes and they spent like huge chunks here and there of nothing but Rachel. In thirteen episodes she gets four solos and seven duets and it’s just too much. I’m done. I don’t care.
Season 4 - Obviously I still have my problems with her in this season buuut I’m gonna flip it and try to focus on the positive now! Ummm I think it’s nice seeing Rachel in a new setting. I like all her stuff with Brody and some of her stuff with Cassandra. I like her struggles with growing up and trying to make grown up decisions. How should she handle her relationship with Brody? Should she do a topless scene? Idk man but we’re gonna find out. Oh and her whole “I don’t need you to give me my freedom! I am a grown woman!” like that gives me chills, man. Great scene. Good growth 
Season 5a - Okay so to be fair, Rachel doesn’t have much to do in these precious 8 episodes. And I love it! Great choice, Glee. Kurt spent the majority of season 4 propping her up, so now she does a little of it in return. Getting him out of his funk after Finn died, agreeing to be in his band, and whatever else. Also there’s so much good Pezberry. You know what that does to me. Oh, and she’s adorable af as Fanny, so that helps. She also tries to help them all by getting them two jobs at the mall, and she’s actually supportive of Santana at the start of the season. Let’s just pretend that’s how the whole season went!
Season 2 - Alright so this is my favorite Rachel. I’ve kind of talked about this before and I said that I like when characters (especially Rachel) are being good friends and actually caring about others, and I think this is her most caring season over all. I went more into detail about it here. I said she had more selfless moments in season 2 than she had for the rest of the show lol. And I know I’m such a hypocrite because I always complain that they ignore everyone else’s friendships to give Rachel all the good stuff to do but… at least Rachel is doing good stuff, right? 
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janehopperra · 5 years
So in order to take back some of the order on my blog, I’m gonna keep the tally for today’s stuff on one post, then when I’m done watching tomorrow, I’ll put that tally on here as well.
This is also to save the dashes of whoever likes to keep them clean. I apologize for the mass ooc. I just finally felt like I could safely let my saltiness over s3 run rampant.
Bad: The makeout scene Good: Will taking care of everyone in the party making sure everyone has snacks for the theatre Bad 2: Mike being a whiny brat right off the bat Good 2: Steve immediately flicking the switch on and off to spite Robin Good 3: Jane playing pranks with the party with her telekinesis. Bad 3: The Karen and Billy Thing Good 4: IT IS CONSTANT… CONSTANT. Bad 4: ‘Curfew at 4:00pm’ Bad 5: The apparent focus of Will’s character only being that he’s jealous of Mike and Jane and also that he can sense the mindflayer. literally nothing else. Bad 6: Karen and Billy Again Bad 7: Joyce eating tv dinner alone while thinking about bob :( Bad 8: Makeout scene 2.0 Good 5: Hopper yeeting himself to another plane of existence in the next room Bad 9: Mike whispering to Jane right in front of Hop ( As if I didn’t find this creepy enough ) Bad 10: I gotta admit Hop lying about Mike’s grandma is bad Good 6: Hop being an actual dad and placing boundaries between Mike and El makes up for that though. Like that needed to happen. Bad 11: Dustin being left alone at the radio tower. Bad 12: Karen??? what the fuck are you doing??? Good 7: Karen coming to her senses. Bad 13: Billy.. jfc
First episode - 7-13
Good 8: Boundary establishing actually working. Bad 14: Mike lying through his teeth, keeping the lie up even after Karen caught him in it. Bad 15: “You lie?” “What? No! Friends don’t lie!” Good 9: Hop scream singing his song in the Blazer. Bad 16: Nancy’s boss being an absolute??? Jerkwad??? They were that way in the 80′s to women yeah but yikes. Good 10: Dustin and Steve’s handshake Good 11: ‘Mike’s a piece of shit!’ Snaps fingers hell yeah he is Bad 17: ‘You don’t understand lucas! He’s lost his mind!’ How about stop??? Blaming other people??? For how you acted Mike??? You had a choice not to lie dumbass. Bad 18: The boys acting like this is some sort of battlefield where you need combat strategies when in reality you need to speak the truth. Bad 19: Them constantly leaving Will hanging, poor boy just wants to play dnd :( Bad 20: More Karen and Billy like tf Thank god Billy told her to stay away Good 12: The girls going out and having fun!!! To hell with the boys!!!! Bad 21: Joyce forgetting about Hop to solve the magnet issue ( wasn’t her fault but yeah ) Good 13: The Material Girl skit!!! The photographer session! High heels! Jane pranking the binch that rejected Dustin at the snow ball. There’s more to life than stupid boys! Bad 22: “Can we play DND now???” “NO!!!!” Bad 23: Mike trying to change the subject and recoiling when he’s caught at the mall, like he thought he would get away with the lie??? Good 14: I dump your ass. Bad 24: The face Mike makes when Jane walks away, like you’d think if he’s so??? in love he’d be at least a little more devastated??? He looks like a brat. ( No offense to the actor he’s great, the character’s a brat ) Good 15: IT’S CUTTING EDGE STUFF MAN!!! Bad 25: Hop being left at Enzo’s :((( He was so excited man Good 16: The scoops troop solving stuff. Bad 26: Hop taking the whole bottle of alcohol and leaving, kind of shit faced, DRIVES HOME SHITFACED. You’re a cop, Hop! For fuck’s sake.
Episode 2 mark - 16-26
Good 17: Jane and Max acting like best friends Bad 27: “I don’t understand what I did to deserve this why is she treating me this way I’m the victim” I honestly can’t. Bad 28: ‘We’re trying to solve the great mystery of the female species’ oh yikes. Bad 29: Hop arriving home drunk and barging into Jane’s room thinking Mike was with El and the door was closed. Bad 30: Hop.. acting like a bit of a creep and then cracking open the bottle of wine for more drinking!!! In the presence of El. After what he just did. Good 18: Honestly I think it’s kind of cool that Max and Jane have made a game utilizing Jane’s powers instead of shoving them away. Bad 31: The boys mocking Will for taking the chance to play DND. Will honey its okay Bad 32: Hopper being a weird disgusting bear, and also being kind of spiteful towards Joyce. I get she hung you up but like come on man, you know she wouldn’t do that without good reason. Bad 33: “You stand me up, no phone call no apology because you had to go to Scott Clark’s house” NOW IT’S TIME FOR HOP TO GET BASHED. Bad 34: Hop pretending to understand how Joyce thinks the magnetism loss thing was the lab then going back to being spiteful and a smartass. Bad 35: Max in denial about the Billy situation Good 19: Scoops troop being funny little shits. They’re the only pure group in this nonsense of a season. Bad 36: The boys still mocking Will during DND. Guys just humor him for fucks sake, he’s been dealing with yalls shit all summer. Bad 37: Mike recoiling when Will finally has enough of their shit and leaves. Bad 38: “You guys are never in the mood anymore! You’re destroying everything and for what, so you can swap spit with some stupid girl” “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls!” Honestly, low blow on both ends. Yikes. Good 20: Honestly the horror in this season is good so it gets it’s own good point for that. Good 21: Hop actually going to the lab with Joyce to soothe her worries about the magnetism loss. ( Also poor joyce remembering Bob’s death ) Good 22: The scoops troop again being on the case, only to then find out the guy they’re chasing is a yoga instructor. Good 23: Hop trying to make sure everyone feels safe and at home. Good 24: Hop opening up just a tiny bit about what he did after Sarah died, trying to relate to Joyce. Bad 39: The fact that Will felt so alone and outcasted to the point that he felt the need to tear the castle down after looking around at all the memories in it and bursting into tears. My poor lad. I’ve been in the same boat, fuck the boys honestly. Good 25: The scoops troop at it again, actually being productive in their side of the story. Bad 40: Something I just don’t get at all is the fact that Jane just.. introduces herself as El, giving herself away almost immediately. Hun, you have another name, you’re not still a number. Idk that thing just irks me. Bad 41: And again, Will just being used for the ‘woe is me/enemy locator’ trope.
Episode 3 mark - 25-41
Good 26: Max introducing the wonder woman comics to Jane after listening to her. Bad 42: Max still being in denial about Billy and Heather. Good 27: Joyce taking care of Hop, SOMEHOW dragging his ass back to the cabin. Bad 43: ThIs iS a CoDe ReD ( I don’t blame Max for turning the radio off I’d throw it across the room after all that’s happened ) Bad 44: Again. Will’s only purpose being that he senses the mindflayer– like what the fuck he could be used for so much more. Bad 45: This is just a thing– I honestly hate that we only get one scene with the hoppers and also the byers acting like a family. All that build up in season 2??? wasted. All that potential wasted. Bad 46: The mayor taking a jab at Hopper and his ‘dead daughter sob story’. Damn right you deserved that fucking punch. Good 28: Joyce pulling the phone line when the receptionist tried to call the police. Good 29: The scoops troop and their hilarity. Bad 47: Max continuing to be in complete denial over Billy’s role with the mindflayer. Good 30: “Don’t you love your country” “You can’t spell America without Erica” I love Erica so much Good 31: “I want you to forget about sales and come work for me at hawkins pd.” “And have to look at your face every day? I don’t think so.” I have to admit that was cute Good 32: Karen actually being a mom for a change and listening to and supporting Nancy. Good 33: “He made me lie, I mean–” “What if he’s right?” “No no no he’s just a crazy old man” “No, if I only see you and I’m a different species, maybe I should be with my own species more.” Bad 47: “Wait you spied on me? That’s totally against the rules!!!” Mike she’s a telekinetic who can locate people and also implode your brain. There are no rules. Good 34: “I make my own rules.” Except hers. Good 35: “If you die, I die” “Okay” Dustin’s such a ride or die bitch I love it. Bad 48: How many times has Will been used for mindflayer location? 4-5 times? Bad 49: Jane relenting when protecting herself and her friends. I’m sorry but if someone’s had a hand to her throat or face or anything she’s thrown whoever did that through a wall, caught off guard and not. Good 36: She eventually did throw Billy through a wall but still the point remains
Episode 4 mark - 36-49
Bad 50: Joyce’s bad throwing skills. Hun you’re throwing a gun not a baseball. ( jk ilu mom ) Bad 51: This terminator guy gets a bad point. I don’t think they explained him at all? Even if they did.. eh. Good 37: “Why wouldn’t he be safe? Nancy?” For once someone’s worried about the welfare of these kids. Good 38: Hop’s big butt sprawled over the Blazer gets a point. Bad 52: Hop calling Alexei Smirnoff gets an… eh point for me. Idk why it turns me off a bit. It’s a funny name and all but eh. Bad 53: The beloved Blazer exploding gets a bad point. Shame on you for killing it, st writers. Good 39: “Ill-annoy” cute. Bad 54: “ThEy’Re CoNsPiRiNg AgAiNsT mE” Not everything’s about you, Mike. Good 40: “She was making bad screams” “What’s a good scream” Max: “Doesn’t matter–” Bad 55: Hop making the joke that every man Joyce talks to must be another version of Clark. Yikes man, she burned you that bad? Good 41: “He’s a dangerous child murderer” As Alexei smiles whilst sipping his cherry icee.
0 notes
hzcleski · 5 years
hello friends! you probs know who i am already but if not hello! i’m sam aaand this is my newish muse! i played hal here for a minute one time but i’ve decided to give him a huuuuge revamp so character info is under the cut! lmk if you wanna plot! messaging me @ellvie​ is probably easiest!
╰☆╮ DYLAN O'BRIEN ─ HAL ZALESKI identifies as CIS MALE and uses HE/HIM pronouns. they’re a FORMER OLYMPIAN/NHL PLAYER, and they’re only TWENTY THREE ! they’re said to be CAPABLE, but also TURBULENT. i guess that’s why they’re known as THE LEGACY in the tabloids.
quick disclaimer that this is a sideblog so i might post to the wrong account sometimes
other disclaimer a lot of my hockey information is from google ok
nathan harold zaleski jr was practically born with a pair of skates on, which makes sense considering his family is hockey royalty. his father is nathan harold zaleski sr, aka a legend and one of the biggest names in sports to this very day. olympic gold medalist several times over, beloved longtime defenseman for the toronto maple leafs, at the very peak of his career and married to a beautiful wealthy socialite when his only child was born.
listen...this is an au where the maple leafs are good or like, had one genuinely good star player in nathan sr. okay thanks for coming to my ted talk!
he’s got dual citizenship because he was born in canada even though he hasn’t lived there since he was ten, but his parents were us citizens, which doesn’t seem important but WAIT FOR IT
nathan jr, who would begin going by the nickname of hal early on in life, probably learned how to skate before he even learned how to walk because of course he did. his father’s intention was always to have another him. i mean for fuck’s sake they have the exact same name. hal’s purpose in life has never been in question, not by him or anyone who’s ever seen him play.
his natural talent for hockey became apparent from a very young age, which didn’t surprise anyone ofc. his father saw it as a sign and began pushing him even harder, hiring the very best trainers and coaches to help perfect his game while nathan sr focused on his own career.
except that he was running out of steam and fast. nothing happened like there was no huge scandal or career ending injury. nathan sr was just...getting old. fans were simply losing interest in him as newer and younger players joined the league and there was nothing he could really do about it except make sure his legacy lived on.
hal was ten years old when everything seemed to finally fall apart. his dad was hanging on to the very last threads of his career, let go from the maple leafs and almost certainly picked up by the new york rangers purely out of pity. meanwhile, hal’s parents finally divorced which he took almost alarmingly well for a ten year old, but it’s not like his parents were ever a shining example of a deep, loving marriage. they spent years settling the divorce, fighting back and forth while suing the shit out of each other across whole fuckin countries. lowkey they almost wound up being more famous for the legal drama than they were for hockey.
hal’s dad finally retired when he was twelve, won sole custody of him when he was fourteen, and pulled enough strings to get him a spot on the canadian hockey team dual citizenship! going to the 2010 vancouver winter olympics when he was just a teenager, making him one of the youngest players to ever compete in the games.
and canada won gold that year so hal was making history again in no time, being one of the youngest players to ever become a gold medalist in the winter olympics. now he didn’t actually see a lot of playing time that year. his skill was undeniable, but no one seemed to think that he was ready for the big time rush. tbh they probably weren’t wrong, but nevertheless his name and his win made an impression on everyone.
up until that point hal was homeschooled bc ofc education came second to hockey, but he always wanted to attend an actual school and he did! after his first olympics his dad finally sent him to the same private school in the city as all the other rich kids and it was...weird! he started in the middle of the year and was instantly an outsider among his classmates. everyone else had known each other all their lives so hal immediately at a disadvantage. it didn’t help that he’d never really...had a single friend before. tbh his peers were probably intimidated by him. he was just a high schooler and already an olympic gold medalist like...ofc no one wanted to be the person to go approach him and say hi.
played for canada again dual citizenship! at the 2014 winter olympics in sochi when he was eighteen and this time HE WAS THE STAR. absolutely at the top of his game. anyone who still thought that he was a joke before the games started shut up real quick when he won his second gold medal.
he got home and was eventually drafted into the nhl, so he sorta ditched school oops. technically he finished but like...barely since he went back to being tutored for the last few months.
several teams wanted him and tried to throw a shit ton of money at him, but hal settled on the new york rangers with a huge multi million dollar deal
he quickly stole hearts on and off the ice. whether fans admired his skill or followed him during the olympics or remembered his father, for one reason or another he was winning people over left and right. unsurprisingly he’d go on to win the 2014-2015 rookie of the year award, presented to him by the president of the nhl and everything.
he did not attend the 2018 winter olympics in pyeongchang as the nhl famously refused to release their players. hal himself was a major part of the uproar. the whole country of canada dual citizenship! practically threw a fucking fit bc the nhl was disqualifying their star player from winning them their third gold medal in a row and hey big surprise...canada didn’t win gold in 2018 :)
hal’s in the middle of his fifth i think? year of pro hockey rn and so far his career has been solid. his dad is really pushing him to sign with a “better team” and he has gotten offers, but he isn’t really interested. he likes playing for new york & he likes living in new york. maybe someday....maybeeee....but for right now he’s happy with where he is.
okay now for some fast facts!
literally always looks like he just got into a fight, probably bc he just did during his last game. is usually sporting some injury like a black eye or split lip or cut cheek. fortunately hasn’t completely given in to the hockey player stereotype by getting all of his fuckin teeth knocked out...yet
notice that i hardly mentioned his mom? that about sums up their relationship tbh. hal was practically raised by nannies and trainers. his mom always had some brunch or gala or public appearance she was far more invested in. literally she didn’t even really...want custody of him when she divorced his dad, but she claimed to just to be petty and give nathan sr an even more difficult time. yeah they kinda hate each other now and since hal has always been closer to his dad, his mom isn’t even really that interested in seeing him lmao. she’ll call like once a month and invites him to brunch if she happens to be in the city, but ngl hal probably hasn’t seen her in like...a couple years at the least. he’s not really broken up about it either.
right so...walking talking endless pit of daddy issues? you bet! just because hal prefers his dad doesn’t mean that they get along or that his dad is a good person. he still has his perfect public image and he isn’t complete garbage but...yeah their relationship is extremely toxic. he’s always been very harsh with hal, pushing him and pushing him to be the best bc nothing he accomplishes is ever good enough.
so what if he's won two olympic gold medals? so what if he was rookie of the year? so what if he’s considered one of the best and most beloved players in the nhl? he can do more, he can be even better. his dad is a constant voice in his head even though he’s always around anyway. he never misses a game or an opportunity to point out hal’s every flaw.
ofc as a result hal’s always been very hard on himself. every single day of his entire life has been spent basing his self worth off what his father thinks of him. it was awful for his self esteem bc no fucking duh.
HOWEVER. it isn’t public knowledge at this time, but as of right now? hal’s relationship with his father is falling apart faster and faster by the moment. they’re a ticking time bomb & it’s literally only a matter of time before they explode yikes!
fortunately hal could sorta sense the direction things were heading and did something about it. he finally moved out when the hockey season started back in october and he’s been feeling better ever since. like he has more control over his life even though his dad is still WAY too involved.
personality: a douchebag who means no harm, mostly because he's never really trying to be a jerk. tends to come across as a typical meathead jock for good reason bc that’s exactly who he is. in conversation he's usually very blunt and a little awkward bc he’s still learning how to socialize with others. hockey is basically his whole life so it’s all he knows how to talk about, which can either be endearing or annoying. a genius hockey player, but a ditz in every other area. very short - tempered and impulsive. always means well and wants the best for those he cares about, but might go about expressing those feelings in a weird way bc he was never taught how to properly deal with his emotions.
step sibling he grew up with - sabrina miller
paternal cousins - warren daily and wren daily
cousin by marriage - rosalind cox
maternal cousin - open. his mom is polish for reference!
girlfriend - genesis iver
ex fiancée - ginny baker
ex on good terms - margo massey
ex who cheated on him - isla thompson
former fwb - amethyst armenta, open to more.
former toxic on / off relationship - reese monroe
exes, open to more.
hal has a ton of other exes and i don’t feel like listing them tbh all so i’m just gonna assume that y’all know who you are ok
best friend 5ever - marialena goldstein
confidant - open.
family friends - sullivan ramsey, open to more.
childhood friends - open to more.
close friends - open to more.
friends - mia kauri, chance kauri, theo cannon, angel almeida, open to more.
bickering friends - open to more.
workout buddy - open.
on bad terms - kennedy drakos, jay weston, open to more.
these are just a few plot ideas! i’m most definitely open to other stuff so if you have any ideas please free to share! i think that’s enough from me soooo yeah! mssg me if you wanna plot & as always i’m super excited to write with everyone!
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lapis-lazuliie · 5 years
Mordeson - 2 / 5 / 6 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 19/ & 20~! ♥♥♥
2. what song fits your pairing the most? easily ‘talk about it’ by the mowglis ^ ^
5. favourite canon moment of them? a few come to mind haha - benson complimenting mordecai’s art skills + the painting he did of him in ‘bad portrait’, mordecai telling benson he thought of him as a good friend in 'eggscellent’ *, and benson blushing when mordecai called him out on him trying to spend time w/ them in 'gamers never say die’……..just to name a few lmao
*( i’ve written an entire post on this episode if you want to check it out )
OH i also reeeeally Really adored that scene of mordecai going to ask benson if he could borrow the cart in 'picking up margaret’. the entire thing was just set up so well and mordecai was so clearly nervous and awkward about the whole thing. and he was just - so /floored/ when benson flippantly says he can use his car instead 👌🏼 plus lmao it’s honestly one of only a few scenes they have together where they say more than two sentences to each-other….ugh, yikes jg
6. least favorite canon moment of them? hm. it’s so weirdly petty, but that really brief scene in 'muscle mentor’ when benson just….snaps at mordo ? i remember watching that for the first time amd just feeling….uncomfortable for some reason haha. also….ah man…..i guess probably in a strange way but also not….when benson finishes giving mordecai that little pep talk in 'yes dude yes’ and skips just boils it down to a single sentence, and mordecai thanks /him/ instead………again it’s real petty and i know it was played for laughs but Come On…….
9. favourite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? something i really really love that i never saw many people talk about, and i didn’t realise until far too late, is that as the seasons went on and they began to go from 'boss/employee’ to 'friends’, mordecai started to take on a few of bensons personality traits in a way -
* he argues against him in 'blind trust’ & 'the button’* he gets angry w/ the woman on the phone in 'maellards package’* when benson fucks up in 'guitar of rock’, he /immediately/ takes charge of the situation and instead of being all “are you okay ? sympathy card”, he firmly tells him that him and rigby know what they’re doing and he has to trust them
10. least favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? maybe it’s because i’ve just spent hours typing out an analysis of why i adore the episode 'eggscellent’ so much, but my mind is drawing a serious blank w/ this question right now. sorry haha
11. if they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together? i’ve thought about this a lot and have never been able to come up w/ a proper answer. honestly, jess basically laid it all out perfectly in an ask; i’d link it but mobile is horseshit and you can easily find it on her blog somewhere if you search 'mordeson’
19. on an estimate, how many posts have you made about them? oh, countless. when the show was on the air, i was a complete die hard fan of these two as anyone in the fandom will tell you lol. they ranged from my stupid head-canons to 1am ramblings to walls of text showcasing a short drabble i’d churned out in the span of a few minutes
20. what made you decide to ship them? initially it was the fanart. it generally is w/ a pairing, but it was also the fics i’d tracked down of them, more specifically jess’ heartwarming and complicated “watching snow fall”. from there i’d fallen down a damn rabbit hole and basically indulged myself in her stuff, as well as so many incredible pieces of fanart i’d been able to find on tumblr. oh and their canon interactions in the show helped too
god sorry this is so long winded. i just have a lot to say about them haha
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thecartoonarchivist · 6 years
Weekly Spotlight #5
Welcome, welcome, one and all, to the Weekly Spotlight!
This week’s spotlight is~
*panting... and a weak drumroll*
Batman Beyond!
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Some of my earliest memories of this show was watching reruns of it on Toonami at oddball times back just before Toonami got moved to a daytime time slot. During this time period, I found it to be a little mature for me, a little dark, and a little hard to follow since around this time I was about 4 years old. Still, I remember thinking it was cool, simply because Batman was cool, but otherwise, I wasn’t all that interested.
Back a couple years ago however, something in my mind trigger my memory of this show, and it became pretty apparent to me that I had never actually sat down and watched this show all the way through. So, I did some searching, found out Netflix had it on demand and I sat down and watched it whenever I was free to do so. I’d watch it a couple episodes at a time as I didn’t want to binge the entire thing in one sitting and leave me wondering how I was going to fill the void after finishing such a good series. It became a nice treat to watch on evenings and weekends and became a nice ritual for me. I enjoyed it. 
However life became a little bit busy not too long later and I put the series to the side for a later date when things got a little less hectic. Besides, I was on the last episode and I really didn’t want to end the series just yet, so stepping away from the series didn’t seem like such a terrible thing to do. 
I didn’t get back to it. Netflix took it off streaming. I pretty much admitted I was never going to finish the series and that was the end of that. I knew that it also had a movie afterwards to wrap up the series, since it was suddenly cancelled and since THAT wasn’t on Netflix either, it was pretty easy to just walk away from the show altogether.
However, a couple months ago, I saw a clip on Youtube that went into the origins of Terry McGinnis, the star and Batman of this series. It was in a completely different animation style, so I assumed that it was the direct-to-video movie. I was intrigued. And seeing as there was no hope that I was going to see this movie any time soon, I thought, “What the hell? Spoilers never hurt anyone.” The info, that I’ll get to later, left me so disgusted and outraged that I vowed never to watch the movie.
All of these things swirled in the back of my mind the next couple months and here we are! It’s getting it’s own Weekly Spotlight! So let’s get into it’s background, shall we?
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Batman Beyond is an animated TV series that was premiered on Cartoon Network’s Toonami and even showed over on Kids’ WB’s Toonami on January 10, 1999. Yeah, you heard me right: Kids’ WB also had Toonami. So, let me throw down a little bit of history for ya’ll.
Cartoon Network is owned by the Turner Broadcasting Company, which is a subsidiary of AT&T’s Warner Media. Yeah--- that Warner Media. The Warner Media that makes DC comics, and DC TV shows, and just about anything DC under the sun. That means that they not only own the rights to Batman Beyond, they own the rights to Toonami, and Cartoon Network, and Kids’ WB. So as an attempt to diversify Kids’ WB’s afternoon line-up, Kids’ WB “borrowed” Toonami from Cartoon Network and began showing their own individual line-up, separate from Cartoon Network’s line-up. There was a little bit of an overlap, as I recall, since many popular shows were underneath the Toonami name, but overall, they’re line-up was fairly different. In 2002, Toonami was dropped from Kids’ WB and was replaced with syndicate programming and infomercials. (Kids’ WB wasn’t doing the greatest in the “kids” department and eventually, was absorbed by Warner Bros.’s other channel The CW in 2008.)
So, Batman Beyond was interesting in that it was showing on two stations at the same time. My research indicates that it premiered first on Cartoon Network, and then would show over on Kids’ WB not too long later, but there’s a lot of conflicting sources in that regard. Pretty much the only thing I’m certain of is that it premiered new episodes on Toonami, but as far as whose Toonami, I have no idea.
Batman Beyond was an intended continuation of the “Batman legacy,” or more importantly, a follow-up to the legendary Batman: The Animated Series. At the helm of this ship was a man named, Bruce Timm, who was a co-creator of Batman: The Animated Series. He would go on to co-create and produce Static Shock, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, and produce for Green Lantern: The Animated Series. This guy’s a legend. Although extremely popular amongst fans and critics alike, the short-lived series only had 3 seasons before it was placed on hiatus and eventually cancelled. The simple reason? Time. Having signed aboard with the creation and production of Justice League, Bruce Timm simply didn’t have the time to be working on both series, despite attempting for a little while. All plans for a 4th season were discarded, and as to whether there were any episodes produced or if there were simply ideas on a sheet of paper, only the production team themselves know the answer to that question.
So! Let’s get to the premise!
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So, the beginning of this series actually opens up with Bruce Wayne still as Batman. While his company of Wayne Enterprises is dealing with competition by the Powers Corporation, Bruce is on the look-out for a girl who has been kidnapped in association with the Powers Corporation. (At least, that’s how I interpreted it.) He finds her, fights the baddies to save her, but in the midst of the tussle, Bruce starts to suffer a mild heart-attack. He tries his best to continue the fight but is quickly overpowered. Having had the living snot beat out of him, Bruce Wayne does the only thing he can do in this situation (still suffering a heart-attack mind you) and pick up a gun and aims it at his assailant. Freaked out by the fact that Batman is threatening to use a gun for the first time ever, he runs away to meet the cops outside. The girl is freed and Batman hobbles away completely disappointed in himself. He places the suit inside the Batcave, seals it all away and vows never again to have the caped crusader to see another night.
Fast forward 20 years. Gotham is practically a brand new city. There are flying cars everywhere. Tech is crazy and out the wazoo--- think something along the lines of a Cyberpunk aesthetic--- and Wayne Enterprises is now dealing with a hostile take-over by the Powers Corporation with Bruce Wayne surprisingly absent from the whole affair. Gotham, as always, is dealing with rampant crime; one of the most vocal and trouble-making groups being the Jokerz--- a gang with its members dressed up in outfits very similar in style to the original Joker gang. Enter in Terry McGinnis: he’s just your typical teenager dealing with girl problems, bullies, and a real bad habit of placing his foot inside his mouth whenever he gets angry. 
Having been grounded by his Dad for punching a kid at school for spitting on him, Terry sneaks out to meet his girlfriend at a local club. While there, the Jokerz show up and Terry quickly comes to the aid of his girlfriend and tries to teach these pranksters a lesson. Quickly overwhelmed by their sheer numbers, Terry steals a motorcycle and thus a good ol’ motorcycle chase begins. Finding himself outside of Wayne Manor, Terry runs into Bruce Wayne, almost hitting him with the motorcycle. Bruce Wayne tells him to get off his property, but with the Jokerz showing up mere seconds later, they team up to fight them off (Bruce doing most of the ass-kicking despite his crazy old age.) Terry turns to thank him but finds that Bruce is near collapse and needs help getting to his manor where his medicine is. Having gotten his medicine, Bruce falls asleep and Terry takes this opportunity to explore a little bit. Finding a bat trapped in an old grandfather clock, Terry stumbles upon the Batcave and all its contents. Bruce finds him in the Batcave and subsequently throws Terry out of both the Batcave and his property.
Terry, miffed about the whole experience, returns home to find the police swarming his Dad’s apartment. Questioning his Mom what happened, apparently, the Jokerz surprised him while he was at home and murdered him. Having fought with his Dad only hours before he was killed, Terry is distraught, wracked with grief, and determined to figure out who it was who killed his father. Looking amongst his Dad’s old possessions, Terry finds a disk with some suspicious looking info on it and goes back to Wayne Manor to solicit Bruce’s help. After a series of events, Bruce agrees to take him on formally as his personal assistant who chauffeurs him around and picks up items that he is unable to get himself, but secretly, he’s training him to become his successor and to become the new Batman! 
Whew... I think that’s my longest premise to date! (I basically had to summarize the first 2 episodes because it sets up basic situation for the entire series. It’s a lot to take in...)
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So...let’s start off with the animation.
As you can see from the previous gifs thus far, for how old this series is the animation is is really fluid. The fight scenes are clean. The attention to detail is so fantastic. Even the character expression are so subtle and beautiful that it’s just so hard not to feel for the characters whenever tragedy strikes. But... it’s also dated. Since many of the backgrounds are hand-painted, a lot of fights on city rooftops, or bridges, or even sinister laboratories are pretty generic and even recycled from time to time. The color palette, although unique enough to give it its own funky style, is... yikes... And the intro? God, it just screams the 90s.
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Since I can’t get any other gifs of the intro to work, if you want to see it in all its 90s glory, here’s a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMXjtvMAFlI It’s so cheesy and awful and terrible. I fucking love it.
The soundtrack is this weird... 90s punk with a twinge of metal, with its shredding electric guitar and electronically distorted bass as well as some... electronic additions? Honestly, if the intro didn’t sell you on how old this series is, the soundtrack does. For the most part, the soundtrack sounds like an regular action cartoon series, but went that electronic guitar kicks in.... *whistles* It’s bad.
As for the rest of the show? It’s... it’s fucking fantastic. You’d think that writing for a teenage protagonist, especially a Batman teenage protagonist, they’d really hype up the melodrama and the angst to the point that it’s just flat-out cringe-worthy. I mean, all you have to do is google the recent dystopia craze that’s been plaguing teen action movies to see how... cringey the protagonists are. And I mean, how was a 19-year-old action animation not only touch on the stress of being a teenager, but also one whose Dad is murdered in the first episode of the series? It sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. 
Turns out... they actually did a really great job of writing Terry. He really does seem like any other male teen you’d meet in high school. A lot of people try to talk about how teenage angst is just so terrible and awful to watch and that it’s flat-out cringey. The problem is that teenage angst is a real thing and if it’s written-correctly, it actually seems believable. The interesting part about Terry’s case that makes him an actually interesting character instead of a walk-talking edgelord is that a lot of his “angst” comes from a place that he believes is injustice. He believes that a lot of people are being unfair (and in some cases, they really are) and so he goes out to fix these “injustices.” Problem is that in his attempt to “fix” things, he actually makes things worse. He doesn’t see that other people’s decisions are actually made to protect him, or made for other reasons that he can’t see. So instead, he rushes in headlong and unprepared, running his mouth because he feels he’s doing the right thing, and ends up getting himself in deeper trouble. I felt a connection with Terry because although he was a punk kid getting into trouble, causing fights and mouthing off to his parents, he’s just somebody trying to make the world a better place and ultimately, failing really bad at it. He makes stupid decisions because he doesn’t think things through. He thinks that he knows best, when in all reality, he isn’t even playing with a full deck of cards. And it’s because of these character flaws that I love Terry and it’s what makes him so interesting to watch. And the best part is? When Terry realizes he fucks up, he admits it. He apologizes. He even cries because he’s made a mistake that he can’t ever undo. He’s not some idiot who thinks he’s better than everyone else--- he’s just an idiot who’s trying to make the world a better place. And that’s really cool. They wrote him with real emotions and a realistic responses to stressful situations that never came across as melodramatic. Instead of writing him as a teen who has emotions, they wrote him as a person with emotions who just happens to be a teen. And that’s just fucking awesome.
I loved Bruce’s and Terry’s dynamic. You had grouchy, old Bruce who’s just way too tired for this shit, helping out sassy, back-talking teenager Terry that made for fantastic snark sessions. Like... the sarcasm was palpable between these two and I loved every second of it. The fact that this series won numerous awards when it debuted isn’t surprising because it’s just a treat to watch the misadventures of these two sass-masters is fucking great. 
As far as Terry’s home life, it seems pretty realistic. Terry’s got a little brother named, Matt, and as an individual who has a little brother myself, the interactions are pretty realistic. The little arguments, the nit-picking, the pranks--- all of them felt pretty true to life. Now, the interesting thing about this series is that the martial status of the McGinnis’s are unknown. Although Terry’s Dad gets murdered in the first episode, Terry makes a comment about wishing to live with his mom instead of his dad, which leaves the impression that the two are divorced. However, later on, as the origins of Terry are revealed in further detail, it’s pretty heavily implied that Terry’s parents were together before Terry’s dad’s death so... I don’t know. However, Terry still seems to deal with normal teenage problems: fights with his mom, annoyances from his little brother, stresses of schoolwork, a girlfriend that wishes he was more around, problems with kids at school and his friends. When you layer that on with the grace in which they write Terry’s character, it produces a very believable character that you can build a connection with and feels hella realistic. I completely approve.
Honestly, although all of it is so... dated, the aesthetic is pretty pleasing. It’s weird enough that makes you think, Ew, what the fuck? but also the fact that it’s set in an unnamed (yes, unnamed--- I’ll get to this later) future, makes you go, Oh. Okay. Weird, but interesting. If you want a famous example to compare it to, think Samurai Jack. Otherwise, see Cyber-six for a similar cyberpunk, futuristic tech vibe. Speaking of future timelines, the show’s idea of teenage lingo in the future is just so... laughable. You constantly hear teens say that things are so, “Schway” or let slip a fake curse word, “Frag.” It’s terrible. I legitimately thought it was something that kids used to say back then but after doing some research, I realized how ridiculous it actually was. Just as a tip: if you’re going to change the way people speak in your writing, you’re going to have to change a pretty much all of common speech in order to make something like this natural. Otherwise, it just looks more and more stupid as it ages.
Each episode is a villain of the week with a couple of two-parters here and there. Although there isn’t much in terms of an overarching story, there are references to previous episodes and encounters, so watching these in some sort of relative order is pretty recommended. There were also a number of interesting cross-over/reference episodes, which I found myself pretty surprised by. But I guess it also made sense, seeing as it was a very popular series that ended way before its time. In the beginning, the writing’s a little clunky, and the animation is a bit fuzzy, however, it’s a series that ages better overtime; the pilot is pretty fucking good one-two punch. But as I was watching it, I couldn’t help but laugh at the melodramatic close-ups and the pauses between some dramatic lines of dialogue. I never felt that the drama itself was melodramatic. Just the way they presented it.
In a lot of ways, this series is very dark and mature (especially the movie like holy shit it’s fucked up) which is really ironic considering it was intended for kids. However, they never really showed any gruesome deaths, showed pretty much negligible amounts of blood, and honestly, the majority of the “dark” stuff would pretty much go over kids heads. I say this as someone who has watched this show once or twice as a teeny child. I always knew bad stuff was happening, but I don’t think it ever really hit me as to the gravity of the situation. Yet, I also remember labeling this as a “big kids’ show” growing up so... who really knows. But for the best amount of enjoyment, I’d recommend this more to teens or young adults than for kids. It seems more up their alley. 
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Now... let me touch a little bit about the movie and subsequent crossover episodes that were released after the series ended.
The direct-to-video movie that “wrapped up” the series so to speak wasn’t what I thought it was. It was a fantastic, dark, macabre, sinister ending to a great series. I think I’ll save my thoughts on that for a different post. But to give you a little taste: it involves brainwashing, a child murdering a fucking adult, a whole lot of guilt and regret, and even a bit of a hostage situation so... Yeah. It’s great. I highly recommend. Don’t be afraid of what I said before.
However. There is an episode in the Justice League Unlimited which is supposed to reveal the secret origins of Terry McGinnis. What supposedly happened is that Amanda Waller (or the lady that ran the Suicide Squad) saw that Bruce Wayne was getting older and would eventually have to retire as Batman. Knowing that Gotham wouldn’t survive without some sort of Batman out there, Waller concocted a plan in which she would make sure that Batman would live on forever. What she did was without Bruce’s knowledge, she took a bit of his DNA and made it into a serum that would overwrite the host’s reproductive code to that of Bruce Wayne’s. She found a neo-Gotham couple that had a psychologically identical match to that of Bruce’s parents, Terry’s mom and dad, and injected it into Terry’s dad in the guise of a flu shot. This means that Bruce Wayne is Terry McGinnis’s father. Waller, then, concocted a scheme to get Terry’s parents murder but after the assassin called Waller out on her shady tactic, the project was dropped. It was just sheer coincidence that Bruce and Terry met and that Terry’s father got murdered in an unrelated incident. Here’s the thing: the great and fantastic aspect of Terry’s McGinnis’s character is that we finally saw a Batman, a successful Batman at that, that was neither Bruce’s child nor a Robin or a Batwoman/girl that he basically housed and raised. He was a completely unrelated kid who took up the mantle of being the next Batman. The Batman was no longer a person, but a symbol, and that’s one of the things that made Terry’s Batman so fantastic! But this episode completely ruins Terry. It’s awful. Especially when you consider the fact that they didn’t even have the guts to make their own movie about it with the original crew, they simply slapped it on as in after thought in series that fans may or may not follow to. It’s terrible! A complete afterthought! 
It also comes with some interesting implications. As I said before, when the series begins, we get the implication that Terry’s parents are divorced and he resents the fact that he’s living with his dad against his wishes. If Terry’s parents are a psychologically identical match to Bruce Wayne’s parents (which, what the fuck does that even mean???) does that mean that Bruce Wayne’s parents were eventually bound for divorce? Something to think about.
For those Batman fans out there, I’m not entirely sure where this series fits into the whole Batman continuity. First off, there’s no reference at all to Jason Todd--- especially not in the movie, which seems kind of odd considering that Tim Drake plays a big role in the movie itself. Part of me says that it has to do with the fact that Jason Todd fucking died yo and you can’t really put that in a children’s TV show/movie. But at the same time, with the shit they wrote in the movie and the other dark and fucked up things they put in the movie, it seems odd they wouldn’t at least mention it... An interesting thing to note as well is the fact that this was before the movie Under The Red Hood was made, so the Jason Todd resurrection canonically hasn’t happened yet. So the fact that there’s no reference to The Red Hood makes sense. This is also before the rather... problematic origin of Damian Wayne has been created, so again, no references to Damian Wayne despite the fact that Talia al Ghul makes an appearance in the series. However, the TV show was resurrected into a comic book series that continues to this day. Having not read them myself, I have no idea what the current status as far as Terry’s origins/relevance within the continuity. But I am eager to find out.
Overall, this series was a wild ride! I loved every minute of it, and sitting down and watching not only the episode and movie that I hadn’t before but a couple of my favorites made me fall in love with the series all over again. I’m so upset that it ended.
Rating this series out of 10, this easily earns an 8.5 on my scale.
It’s aged pretty poorly. I can’t deny that. And for that reason, although I want to give it a 9, it really is deserving only deserving of an 8.5. Despite that though, this series is easily one of my favorites. I love sitting down and rewatching it and the intro always gets me hyped despite the fact that I’ve seen it a thousand times already. If you haven’t seen this series already, go fucking watch it. Seriously. It’s sssooooooo gooooooddddd. I’ll always have fond memories of this show. And the moment that they discuss bringing it back, given that they have a good writer/producer/animator and all that, I will be the first person on board for that reboot. It was such a good show for how short-lived it was. It’s simply tragic...
If there are any corrections you’d like to make in regards to this post, please feel free to send me a message with your corrections and I’ll get back to it as soon as I can!
Do you remember a cartoon your friends have never heard of? Got a scene from an animated film that you’re dying to know the name to? Send your questions to The Cartoon Archivist and I’ll see what I’ve got in the vault!
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stargleeksil-blog · 6 years
Criminal Minds S07E04 “Painless” review
Episode 04 – Painless
Heyo! So so far this is shaping up to be one of the most awesome seasons (excluding 2-5 XD) and this episode’s name is seriously freaking me out.
Really frightened of what’s going to happen.
Aww, Hotch is reading to Jack and he’s the best in the class, of course he is. Jackie boy.
“We just finished Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night.”
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“So he’s reading at a fourth-grade level.”
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He’s holding back?
“Why do you think that is?”
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“Paul Cain?”
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“Yes, he’s been over. He’s a friend of Jack’s.”
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Wait. So Jack’s bully is a friend of his and he invited him over? Something’s not right here.
“How long hast this been going on?”
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“Well, Jack says that things are going very well at school, so the steps you’re taking must be working.”
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“Let me know if anything changes.”
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“Can I keep this?”
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“Thank you so much.”
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“Does anyone remember this picture?”
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“Hotch and I were there.”
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“That’s principal Doug Evans. We had to drag him to safety.”
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“High school bombing in Boise, right?”
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“School shooter and school bomber.”
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“A kid named Randy Slade shot three students and set off an IED in the cafeteria via cell phone, killing himself and thirteen kids total, but not before posting all of his plans online.”
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“Last night, Principal Givens was killed by a bomb modeled exactly like the old one.”
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“It feels like the unsub wants to attack the man who kept the school together after the bombing.”
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“It’s a pretty symbolic target.”
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“And this week is the tenth anniversary of the massacre.”
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“And today is the first day of a four-day event to commemorate the bombing at the school.”
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“Except commemorating it isn’t enough for this unsub.”
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“No. He wants to relieve it.”
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Andy Partridge: “You may leave school, but it never leaves you.”
“Perpetrators of school violence are often sophisticated with their weapons. Randy Slade carried his bomb in his backpack.”
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“This guy hid his in Givens’ clock radio.”
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“Yeah, and progressive. Each one tries to top the body count of the one previous.”
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“And they’re loners by default, not by choice. They try to join various social groups, but they get shut out.”
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“Randy Slade wasn’t a loner at all. The family cooperated fully with us.”
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“He was a high-functioning psychopath, straight-A student, varsity wrestler, lots of girlfriends.”
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“With an above-average intelligence that made him incredibly resourceful. His explosive of choice was Semtex. It’s found at demolition sites, but it’s held under lock and key.”
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“Which made us consider the possibility of a partner. Never found one.”
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“Slade was too much of a narcissist to share credit.”
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“But he was also an impulsive teen, which is what bothers me about this unsub.”
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“His sense of control?”
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“And the end game that he’s working toward. Slade’s pathology revolved around the big kill. This unsub could have done the same if he’d waited for the candlelight vigil.”
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“Which means there’s no blaze of glory fantasy here.”
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“This unsub has more bombs made, and he’s savoring the anticipation of his next attack.”
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“Did you get the student files to our technical analyst?”
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“Good. We’ll start with criminal records.”
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“What’d you find, Garcia?”
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“A blast from the past, I believe. Does the name Brandon Slade ring a bell?”
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“Yeah, the bomber’s younger brother. Sweet kid. He couldn’t give us much back then.”
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“Most seven-year-olds don’t. They do, however, grow up to become seniors who attend the same high school.”
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“I thought the Slades were gonna leave Boise.”
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They separated and the mom and kid stayed ... yikes.
“Did you question Brandon about last night?”
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“We’ll need to talk to him.”
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“So this unsub has to be tied to the school somehow, right?”
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“Current student, alumni, family member who lost someone?”
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“It could be Slade groupie celebrating his hero.”
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“He taped nails to the exterior of the bomb, specifically to rip open flesh. That’s a sadistic detail of Slade’s the unsub copied.”
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“Except he tricked Givens into blowing himself up.” 
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“A groupie probably wouldn’t show that much self-control.”
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“But someone with an ax to grind against the principal would.”
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“Maybe he’s a surrogate for the tormentors in high school he can’t punish.”
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“Who were yours?”
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“I don’t even remember.”
“You don’t even remember?”
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“Wait, were you one of the mean girls?”
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“Valedictorian, soccer scholarship, corn-fed, but still a size zero. I think that you might have been a mean girl.”
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“I was actually one of the nice girls, even to guys like you.”
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“Guys like me? I’ll have you know that my social standing increased once I started winning at basketball.”
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“Oh, yeah, you played basketball?”
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“I didn’t play. I coached basketball. I broke down the opposite team’s shooting strategy.”
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“Is that why Morgan kicked you out of the pool last week?”
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“Yeah. It took him three rounds to realize I was hustling him.”
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Okay, it’s official, Reid is my favorite. Who the fuck scams Morgan and gets away with it for so long? DAMN.
“Well, it looks like we’re not the only ones interested in Brandon.”
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“It’s gonna make it a lot harder for us to talk our way in.”
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“Unless we use it to our advantage.”
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“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.”
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“My name is SSA David Rossi of the FBI. That’s R-O-S-S-I.”
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“So if anyone has any questions, you’re free to ask them now.”
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Well that was certainly a distraction of the press.
“Mrs. Slade? I’m Special Agent Emily Prentiss with the FBI. This is …”
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“Martha, we can do that. We’ll just have to come back later.”
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I, too, don’t believe that her son did it. But ...
“Let us prove that for you.”
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“Once we rule him out, we can get these people off your lawn.”
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“Martha, you can observe. You can stop us and call your lawyer whenever you want.”
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“Agent Rossi was always very nice to Brandon. Let him do it.”
Of course Rossi is the cutest thing ever and leaves a good impression.
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“All right, feel free to call me if you have any other background questions. My phone number is …”
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“It’s Dr. Spencer Reid. R-E-I-D.”
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What the ... oh my god, it’s Morgan payback. I am starting to like this episode. Oh boy.
“You know, there’s a sniper right be … oh!”
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“Never mind.”
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I love that Rossi is into video games.
“Oh, a while back. After this kid told me how much he loved playing with his big brother.”
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“First edition. I’m touched.”
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I’m impressed. And apparently, the kid is also a good writer. Damn.
“So are you.”
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“I read one of your AP English essays. The Futility of Jay Gatsby and the Green Light.”
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“Well, I was curious as to, uh, what kind of kid you grew up to be.”
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“But that didn’t stop you from getting beaten up on a regular basis.”
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Hee hee, that kid is seriously my fave here. ‘You bang your fans, mine beat me up.’ He’s sharp as fuck.
“And uh, Principal Givens, he couldn’t stop that, could he?”
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“That must have really ticked you off.”
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“Well, just because you downloaded them doesn’t mean you sat here and watched them.”
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Ooh, someone’s been taking lessons from Garcia.
Rossi was much cooler ten years ago?
“So were you.”
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Oh snap.
“When did Harry leave?”
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“Is that why Brandon ended up in North Valley?”
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“Just want to see if you took after your big brother.”
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“Actually, dude, I don’t think you’re mean enough to have done it.”
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“But tell me the truth. You’re happy that Principal Givens is dead, aren’t you?”
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“Well, Randy wanted the whole school dead.”
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“Whoa. Am I missing something here, Brandon?”
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“Well, did Randy have some sort of agenda? Did he target specific people inside of the school?”
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“We didn’t. We couldn’t find any logic to his actions.”
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“So how do you know, huh? Did he tell you?
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“Did a seventeen-year-old confide in a seven-year-old?”
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“Did you find something?’
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“He had a list, didn’t he?”
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“If he still has the list, it’s somewhere in that room.”
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“Martha, do you know anything about this?”
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“I can have a search warrant in an hour.”
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“Tear it apart.”
“Yeah, bookshelf is clean.”
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“I love dating readers, hate profiling them.”
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“Catcher in the Rye, Atlas Shrugged.”
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“These are all titles that a teenage kid would obsess over, but Randy made that list when Brandon was just a kid.”
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“You’re right. So, however Brandon got his hands on that list, he would have hid it in something a seven-year-old would read.”
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“Hotch! We found it.”
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“Principal Givens is on this list.”
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“You’re on speaker, JJ.”
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“So we might have another one.”
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“One of the North Valley alumni was killed in her motel room. No bomb or gun this time. Looks like he used his bared hands.”
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“You got a name?”
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“Chelsea Grant.”
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“She’s on the list.”
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“The unsub crushed Chelsea’s throat so she couldn’t scream, then he pulverized her ribs, sending fragments of bone into her heart.”
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“Principal Givens was high-profile. Chelsea wasn’t.”
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“Right now the only thing connecting them is they’re both on the kill list.”
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“A kill list Brandon kept secret for ten years.”
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“But he was in custody when this happened.”
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“The question is, how did the unsub get the exact same list?”
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“We ruled out a partner, but not exclusively. Slade made every part of his plan public.”
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“It doesn’t make sense that he would hide a partner. He didn’t want to share the credit.”
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Well, I really don’t like where this is headed.
“And this weekend is the partner’s best chance to claim it.”
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“Partners of dominant psychopaths are usually submissive, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be intelligent or that they’re physically weak.”
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“The unsub laid low after the bombing and successfully evaded police and FBI. That took cunning and patience, which he’s exhibiting now with his current murders.”
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“We think he fits the loner profile Slade debunked. He grew up in an abusive home, which kept him from forming the normal social bonds in high school.”
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“Even outcasts eventually form friendships. But this unsub was the outcast the outcasts rejected.”
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“He won’t stand out in any capacity, and as a matter of fact, most of his fellow students probably won’t even remember graduating with him.”
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“And that invisibility is what made him attractive to Slade.”
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“This partner wouldn’t steal the spotlight.”
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“Slade turned to the cafeteria because of the names on his list ate there together during fifth period.”
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I love the way he points with his pinky.
“So his hatred festered when the names on the list emerged from the cafeteria as media heroes.”
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“And now he wants to finish the job that Randy started.”
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“Emotionally, this weekend is more a high school reunion to him than a memorial.”
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“We go to reunions to show who we grew up to be. Often that means changing everything about who we are.”
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“Consciously or not, Randy Slade revealed clues as to his partner’s identity when he detonated his bomb.”
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“Agent Prentiss will be conducting cognitive interviews to see what the survivors might remember.”
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I’m with those skeptics. I mean, they survived a traumatic experience, and now they want them to relive it? No dice.
“Yes, but there may be some details that you didn’t think were important at the time that could help us now, things that could help us learn about the partner.”
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“The interviews we’re going to conduct won’t focus on what you saw, but what you felt.”
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“The Boise police have offered everyone on this list a protective detail.”
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“So as you can see from your board there, this kill list is weirdly similar to high school. Group one is like the popular kids – prom court, football team, Dean’s list .the Heathers, if you will.”
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“Kid’s in Slade’s social circle.”
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“What about number two?”
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“That would be the kids from the other side of the tracks, 180-degree difference, kids this close to getting kicked out – stoners, burnouts, mental cases.”
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“Chelsea Grant is on this list.”
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“Maybe Slade targeted them because they disgusted him?”
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“But they didn’t threaten Slade’s sense of superiority. He wouldn’t have even cared about them.”
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“All right, well, maybe the partner put them on the list. They’d be closer to his social status than Slade’s.”
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“Why would the …”
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“I’m so sorry.”
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Oh my God, it’s working.
“Why would the unsub list kids that he fit in with?”
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“Apparently that’s how this clique worked.”
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“The kids in it were meaner to each other than kids on the outside.”
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“Garcia, separate out all the kids who got into trouble regularly. Then eliminate the names that the partner put on the list. Now, who’s left that came to the memorial?’
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“Right. Whoever made the list wouldn’t put their name on it.”
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“Uh … Sir, I think … I think I’ve got him.”
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“Lewis Ramsey. FBI.”
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“Put the drink down. You’re coming with us.”
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“Did you hear the conversation?”
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“What did you notice?”
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“That was when he ordered you to lock the doors, right?”
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“What did he say?”
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“Why did he detonate so early?”
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“Now, let’s go back for a second.”
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“Randy was pointing the gun at you. Did you see the cell phone in his hand?”
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“What was on it?”
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“The black cell phone?”
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“Are you sure? The grey cell phone was the detonator.”
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“The black cell was the one he’d talked to his mother on.”
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“Then how do you explain your fingerprints in her room?”
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“You’re very convincing, Lewis. But you were convincing ten years ago, too.”
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“Oh, yeah. You were blowing up in the back parking lot, right?”
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Oh dear, sarcastic, judgy Morgan is seriously the hottest fucking thing.
“Yeah, of course it was.”
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“It also allowed you to pose as a loser. The very type you wanted to kill.”
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“You know how we know? You wrote it down.”
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“‘All the losers in this godforsaken school’.”
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“But you did type up the rest of the list.”
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“Lewis, we know how guys like Randy make friends.”
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“They build up rapport through secrecy.”
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“Only the two of you are smart enough to see through the BS of high school, right?”
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“And it felt so good doing whatever Randy said and not have to tell anybody about it.”
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“Make me a list of kids we should kill.”
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“Sure, Randy.”
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“Get me a pound of Semtex from your dad’s construction site.”
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“Whatever you say, Randy.”
Oh what, he thought he wouldn’t use him? God, this dude is stupid as fuck.
“He would use you?”
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“You were mad that he actually did it.”
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“But you were also mad that he left you behind.”
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“Then why come back?”
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“What does a loser like you have to gain by seeing all the kids that he hated so much?”
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Oh shit. Morgan talking down on potential unsubs shouldn’t be getting me all hot and bothered like this.
“You buy it?”
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“He fits the profile, and the evidence points to him, but he seems sincere. He’s not the unsub.”
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“He was the partner, but look at how Slade added ‘all the LoSeRs in this Godforsaken school’.”
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“This capitalization isn’t an accident. Look.”
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“L-S-R … Lewis Stuart Ramsey.”
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“So Slade named his own partner.”
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“Ironically, Lewis’s marijuana conviction saved his life.”
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Thank you for using ‘ironically’ correctly.
“Well, that puts us back to our original problem.”
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“If the unsub isn’t the partner, how did he get his hands on a list that Slade and Lewis kept to themselves?”
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“The only answer is that part of the profile is wrong. The unsub’s vendetta has nothing to do with the list.”
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“Did you get anything from Jerry Holtz?”
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“Only that he mixed up the cell phones that Slade used. It felt like he was making the story up, but I only had a hunch.”
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Important lesson: Always trust your gut instinct, Emily.
“We need to find him now.”
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“There’s a connection to the victimology that we’re missing.”
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“Whatever he’s holding back might be the key.”
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Oh shit, the guy Emily interviewed just got stabby-stab-stabbed like shit. Fuck.
“Jerry Holtz?”
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“How long?”
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“Less than an hour.”
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“The only people who knew we were doing cognitive interviews were the other survivors.’
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“The unsub must be a part of that group,”
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“Well, we don’t know that for a fact. He could have been lying in wait. Look, Hotch wants me to go through the victims’ lives and find the overlap. We can compare their histories with the unsub’s.”
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“Well, what else do we have to go on?”
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“Spence said the unsub would have broken his hand beating Chelsea to death. Did you notice anyone with a cast on their hand, someone who seemed hurt?”
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“I might know why. This unsub doesn’t feel pain.”
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Of course he does.
“There’s a medical condition called pain asymbolia, where patients register harmful stimuli without being bothered by it.”
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“They’ve been documented holding their hand over an open flame because their brain doesn’t send pain signals to the central nervous system.”
Oh shit, so this fucker can’t even register pain? Damn, that is fucked up.
“Sounds pretty rare.”
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“You sure the unsub has it?”
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“The crime scenes prove it.”
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“This unsub displayed an unusual level of savagery towards his victims.”
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“And consider this – he smashed through a glass display case, but there were no cuts on Jerry. That means he most likely punched through it as a show of force.”
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“Now, the only way the human body could withstand that level of pain is if he couldn’t feel it at all.”
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When Reid realizes something is up ...
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“It must have taken a major toll on someone’s emotional development.”
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“A significant contributor to our sense of empathy is the way we personally experience pain.”
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“And the unsub didn’t develop his sense of empathy because it was cut off.”
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“Does every person with asymbolia have this?”
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“Actually, most feel empathy just fine, which makes me think the rest of our profile is still accurate.”
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“Loner, invisible, outcast, boiling rage ….”
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“Son of a bitch!”
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“Hi! This is Dr. Spencer Reid. I actually can come to the phone right now with a very special message that your mother is …”
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“Sorry. I’m really sorry.”
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“I don’t know where that came from.”
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“Where were we?”
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“I’m going to have Garcia check medical records. What causes asymbolia?”
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When Reid suddenly realized that Morgan got him back ... 
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“Severe trauma produces lesions in the insular cortex, usually after a stroke.”
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“But this unsub’s young, it’s most likely caused by an external factor.”
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“Like a bomb going off next to him?”
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“Yeah, a bomb going off next to him.”
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“I will crush you.”
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Ooh, my puppy is gonna get it this time.
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I just ....
Hands down one of hte best scenes in the entire seven seasons so far.
“It’s so weird seeing yearbooks again.”
She’s so cute! I love JJ so much.
“A friend of mine who teaches said that Facebook is making them obsolete.”
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I’m in total agreement. Facebook is making life obsolete, but ... different discussion for a different time.
“I’m having serious flashbacks going through these senior bios.”
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“Four years of accomplishments boiled down to one paragraph.”
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“Hey, did your school have anything called Top 10?”
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“No. Is it an academic thing?”
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“No, I don’t think so.”
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“Only ten of the survivors listed it, including Jerry and Chelsea, and neither of them were valedictorian material.’
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“Okay, so … what are we looking at here?”
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“Well, maybe it’s a clique inside a clique.”
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“Yeah, but it’s jocks, nerds, theater geeks. Nothing that would bring these kids together.”
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“Except …”
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“I know what the Top 10 is.”
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“Recognize the Top 10?”
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“They were the students that went in front of the cameras after the bombing.”
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“I thought all the surviving students were interviewed.”
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“After the initial aftermath, yes, but these are the kids that went on talk shows, traveled to other schools.”
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Wait. So the list comprises of those ‘elite’ that have gone on talk shows and talked to schools about the tragedy? Oh boy ... I have a bad feeling about this.
“My guess is that they didn’t self-select who made the cut.”
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“Principal Givens did.”
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“That’s why the unsub killed him first.”
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“He was an outcast who wanted to fit in.”
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“Being a survivor should have been his golden ticket. But he was excluded again, and that’s why he’s killing them.”
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“Yeah. The rules of high school never changed, not even after a tragedy.”
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“Go ahead, Garcia.”
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“Hey, listen up. I cross-referenced students files with medical records.”
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“Now, there were six kids that were knocked unconscious in that blast, but only one fits the outcast profile.”
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“His name is Robert Adams, and he just used his credit card at a local restaurant, the address of which …”
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“I just sent you right now.”
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“I’m on my way.”
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Oh shit. That fucktard who can’t feel anything just took the top eight hostage in a fucking restaurant ... oh damn.
“He’s nowhere near the window, so there’s no line of sight.”
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“We profiled this would be like a reunion to him.”
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“He wants people to recognize who he is.”
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“I think I know what he wants to be recognized for.”
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“Robert Adams, we’re with the FBI. We just want to talk to you.”
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“We know why you’re doing this, Bob.”
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“Bob, you’ll be in the news for a couple of days. But no one will know the real story.”
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“Tiffany … what did Randy say to the kid who looked him in the eye?”
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“But he didn’t say it to Jerry, did he, Bob?”
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Wait, so this whole thing started because they stole his thunder and told his story? Oh boy. This is fucked up in the head.
“Did he, Bob?”
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“We can give you back your story, but you have to drop the gun.”
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“Drop the gun.”
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“Morgan, he’s heading to the south entrance.”
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“Copy. I got the back covered.”
“FBI. Drop the weapon, Bob.”
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“Prentiss, in here!”
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“We need medical in the boiler room.”
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“Hold your fire.”
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Damn. Hotch is one badass motherfucker.
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Khalil Gibran: “Pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.”
My gorgeous honey enjoying his music
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Until ...
“We interrupt your regularly scheduled musical selection with an important announcement.”
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“Never wage a practical joke war against an MIT graduate, because we have a history of going nuclear.”
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Who hacked into his playlist?
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“Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the dulcet sounds of me screaming in your ear.”
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“Okay, kid, that was cute.”
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“But that’s all you got?”
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“Hey, baby gi…”
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I am so in love with this show.
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Oh my God, Rossi giving him the white towel of surrender. AWESOME!
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“All right, Reid, it’s on.”
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“Just know that paybacks are a bitch.”
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Oh my fucking god, just when I thought this show couldn’t get any better. This is seirously the best episode ever.
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“How’s Jack?”
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“There’s a kid that’s being mean to him at school, and Jack’s solution is to invite him over and make friends with him.”
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“That is the sweetest and saddest thing I’ve heard.”
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“How did you find out?”
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“His teacher told me.”
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“He wants to solve it himself.”
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I love Jack Hotchner so much. He is possibly the best human being ever ... on television.
“There’s probably a part of you that wishes you could step in.”
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“Well, there’s a part of me that wants to protect him from everything that could hurt him, but I know I can’t.”
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“No. But you can show him that he doesn’t have to face it alone.”
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“How did you get by in Paris?”
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“Um, I, um … I played a lot of online scrabble.”
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“With some girl named Cheeto Breath.”
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I am so in love with this kid.
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“We haven’t talked to mom in a while, so I thought it would be a good idea if we did it again.”
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“Buddy, you’re not making me sad.”
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“It makes me happy, because it reminds me what a great job mom did with you.”
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“So maybe if we got in the habit of doing this again, you know, mom could help us.”
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“You know, if you have a bad day.”
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“Mrs. McKee said Paul’s been mean to you.”
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“Well, mom, look out for Jack anyway.”
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“Oh, dad, too. Of course.”
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“Good job.”
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“Okay. Time to settle down.”
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“Good night, buddy.”
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“I love you, too.”
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Best daddy award to Hotchner.
And best son award to Jack, because that kid is the fucking best!
So despite the horrific part of this episode - oh my fucking god how the fuck are those people managing to make me giggle during a serious show???? 
The Morgan/Reid prank war.
The knowledge that JJ is addicted to Cheetos and plays scrabble.
And Jack Hotchner always brings a huge smile to this face.
Again, thank you so much for keeping up with me and my crazy notions.
See y’all next time!
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4aminutethere-blog · 7 years
The Handmaid’s Tale Season 1 Review
Hi so I don’t usually do this but I just finished season 1 of the Handmaid’s tale and let us just say that I am pretty shook. I would like to apologise about how messily my thoughts have been written. Right off the bat, let me just say that this is hands down the best show I have watched in 2017. It was literally so good. So the premise follows our lead character, Offred. She is a handmaid assigned to the Waterfords. A handmaid is basically a person that society has decided has only one sole purpose: breeding children. Yes, in this book set only slightly in the future (yikes), fertility rates are so low that society feels the only way to get the human race to continue existing would be to fuck up society as a whole. I wish I was doing a better job explaining this but just trust me when I say that it is fucking brilliant.
I would firstly like to seriously appreciate the acting brilliance of the entire cast. Amazing performances throughout. Elizabeth Moss fucking killed it. She was a protagonist people could feel sorry for and root for. She was strong and she did what she had to, to survive. Her portrayal of a girl suddenly thrust into a world so backwards and lets be real: wrong was somehow very believable and relatable. The rest of the cast put on stunning performances as well. Yvonne Strahovski, who played Serena Joy aka Mrs Waterford deserves a special shoutout. She so brilliantly played a fucked up bitch that you actually felt sorry for at times. Whenever you started hating her you saw that she was only human and just desperate. This made her a very convincing and dynamic antagonist. Samira Wiley, Alexis Bladel and Madeline Brewer played fellow handmaids as well. They were all so different and I loved that about this show. Every single character had a personality and you couldn't confuse one for the other because of the presence they had and the energy they fed into one another. As for the male leads, O. T. Fagbenle who played Offred’s husband from her previous life was very likeable. His character was very down to earth and he was basically the perfect lovable family guy. However, we didn't get to see much of him this season so I am hoping for more next season. I felt similarly for most of the male characters. Nick, played by Max Minghella, played the loyal (or not so loyal???) soldier but I want to know more about him. Who is he really? Also, I am not convinced by the Offred/Nick romance aspect of things. Honestly most of the time they just seemed like friends with benefits of sorts. A lot to explore in a possible second season but this was a great start. What probably captivated me the most about this show was how even though society was so fucked up in this portrayal, was it so far from reality??? Research has shown that fertility has been going down over the years and we all know women are losing control of their bodies in a sense when abortions are harder to have now??? The parallels to real life were too real. I especially liked the scene in one of the earlier episodes when they showed how in the past, they fired all women and froze all their bank accounts and Moira was trying to say how misogynistic men are the cause of this bullshit situation and then Luke was like it’s cool like now I get to take care of my wife and then she said “maybe you really are part of the fucking problem”. That hit me as some people don't understand sometimes that even if your intentions are good, you should never make someone, anyone really feel like they can't take care of themselves like they are below them. If even the “good ones” like luke have such thoughts then the fucked up ones like Commander Waterford and all the other leaders in this messed up society will feel like they have some base to their beliefs and accusations and we should never allow that.
Another thing that really moved me was the support the handmaids had for each other. They were all extremely terrified of being fucked but sometimes, they took a leap of faith and with such remarkable courage, did things for their fellow sisters. Because all in all, they knew they were here in this situation together. Nobody could truly relate to them, except for each other. They had that at least. This was exemplified when Offred and Moira tried to escape from the red centre and only Moira got out, she was whipped and beaten for trying to escape. She felt weak, spirit destroyed and totally hopeless. But alas, the handmaids come in one by one leaving a small offering for her on her bed. Their way of saying “Fuck yeah!!! you lil badass...We wish we had your guts but for now we got your back”. That was really beautiful because at the core of this show, in a society where women go back to being treated as scum, women supporting other women is so so so bloody important. This was especially showcased in the finale where the girls were told to stone their ex fellow handmaid, Janine to death. What got to me the most was when Offglen: a girl so against breaking the rules because she was counting her blessings and grateful that she even had a home, risked all of that just to speak up for what is right. And then of course, the handmaids together, as a united force, refused to stone their “sister” to death. Of course punishment was to follow thought it was not made clear as of yet what it was but it was nice. All these girls knew the risk of disobeying. All of them had put their heads down and obeyed orders for fear of their own lives. But when they saw Janine there, they saw someone they couldn't do such a cruel thing to. Given, she was probably going to end up being dead anyway, it was not going to be at their hands and they would not have a part in it.  As Offred said in the finale I believe, “If they didn't want an army, they shouldn't have given us uniforms”. The sisterhood is strong amongst these girls, praise be.
To end off this very messy but important discussion I would like to put in some thoughts about the finale itself. I think what I take away is, although society may be filled with fucked up males, it is us women who need to stick together and have each others backs cause if not us then who. The reason why aunt lydia and serena joy are so terrifying and captivating at the same time is because they chose to support these inhumane acts on their fellow women. This is what makes it so hard and what makes the sisterhood that the handmaids share, so fucking important. Fuck the rape and the murder and all the other political messes in this show (be it important. I am not saying it is not), the real villians in the show were infact the women as well. If such a situation ever happens where society becomes so fucked up, I hope that us women will at least have each others backs through the tough times.  I hope we won't let our brilliant educated women become whores because they feel like this is the best they can get. NO, I hope we can support each other and have each others backs when such ideas persist. So much could be prevented if the women in the show were all united. And this is why, what happened at the end showed strength. These women really did stick up for each other, consequences and all. We end with Offred getting into a black van. Who knows what awaits her, but in a sense we know she isn't that afraid because she knew what she had done, was worth it. Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum bitches!
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spnreactionblogging · 5 years
last call
I couldn't watch thursday, I couldn't watch friday, so I am watching on saturday after a very long saturday, and then ultimately I finished on sunday, yikes
I'm still really sad about this "do you ever feel like you're the punchline to a cosmic joke" quote
I feel bad for everyone in this scene, I got nervous as soon as I didn't see sally lock the car door
thinking vampires but who knows
has anyone besides me seen upstream color? this reminds me of that movie also, a bit
there's something deeply disturbing about the simplicity of her blood running into that cage like the monster's a hamster waiting for water to drip
DEAN: Come on, internet!
that's a mood
sobbbbb i love sam and eileen cooking together
the writer is jeremy adams, who cowrote scoobynatural and his profile picture on imdb is him with cookie monster so that makes me feel like I should trust him https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4287835/mediaviewer/rm4016410369
the happy chatter as they were cooking breaks my heart because I know nothing ever lasts but at least they have this for now
I have always wanted to learn sign language and this makes me really want to give it a shot finally, I looked up some beginner resources after the previous episode
I like sheriff dillon's earlier attempts to make it in hollywood
AU where dean just bails in the middle of this episode to start filming a completely different TV show
he's allowed to keep the gun but has to surrender the cell phone, welp
"house rules" seems thematically relevant i guess
I feel like my eyes were on the bartender/owner/? when I should've been paying attention to something in the background maybe idk
okay i'm rewatching the scene and her name is lorna
oh i guess this guy is the owner
i immediately am onboard for dean/lee and i love that we cut from the two of them, back to a similar two shot of eileen and sam
i'm onboard for eileen/sam as well but simultaneously amused that cas shows up before they can get very far
"dead? I got better" I love this sideways "she turned me into a newt / I got better" monty python reference thank you, I will choose to believe that's what this is invoking
legit glad that cas chose a moment dean was not there to return to the bunker
angel radio has been silent for months, that's interesting
john winchester liked lee, and it sounds like he liked him more than he liked dean :( yikes
this conversation is good and also sad
how's it feel to be dean and hear one of your old friends say he doesn't regret walking away from this miserable life of suffering, and to know that you could've stayed with lisa and ben and done the same thing
i like sam's grey undershirt, it looks soft
y'know cas at least admits straight up that this is probably dangerous
and he asks if he's okay midway through this!
cas asks like five times if sam's okay and/or is disclosing exactly what to expect, that it might not work, that it is probably dangerous, that it's going to sting, checking if he's sure, checking if he's okay once it starts obviously hurting, I appreciate the FUCK out of that
and eileen's obviously concerned too and I fully believe this would all stop if sam called it off
ah there he goes
boy I can't wait for dean to turn this around on cas like "see this is how it feels when you don't pick up"
okay so lee and dean have already kind of had group sex and this is just a thing dean does because he did this with crowley in s10
wow cas isn't fucking around
I don't really remember sergei
GOD the ghost sickness
mmmmmm seems like lee "didn't recognize" her
"it's been a rough decade" that's relatable, biggest mood
I do like seeing dean happy, i like seeing all these characters when they're happy
jensen has a nice voice, I listened to his album when it was released and it's solid
definitely getting a 10x01 vibe from this whole thing
I like that sergei is impressed by the bunker, you get so used to seeing it that you forget how incredible even just the real-life set is, nevermind the in-universe place
"You can't rapture a car." "It was a good car." aw :(
sam's soul is doing some bizarre spaghettification shit
sia's "elastic heart" begins playing
the scrapyard music is very metal gear
yeah lee's been fishy as fuck this whole time
my money's on he tried to take on a vampire nest and got turned and "gave up the life" then and there
y'know cas doesn't say exactly what it is bobby (it's weird AU bobby is around) will do to this woman if sergei doesn't help, he just lets him assume the worst
a marid, huh
a marid is just capitalism
:( this sucks
lee was doing some heinous shit but I am still disturbed that dean defines himself first and foremost by "I kill monsters"
sure is convenient when "monster" extends to "people" so fucking often and so constantly all the way back to early seasons
I love that half-laugh that sam does
I feel like I already knew that sam and chuck were seeing each other's shit? but i'm glad it's officially confirmed
0 notes
survivormarmoreal · 5 years
Episode #6: "My brain does not math at this hour. Stay tuned." - Sharky
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I'm so sad. Everything worked out just like we thought it would but it's still not what I wanted. Charlie went home and he was actually a really good ally. I feel like I maybe could have done more to try and save him but then I would have lost other allies.
OKAY. LET'S. DISH. This swap also worked out really freakin well for me. My #1 Brian is still with me by my side. I was reunited with Dennis who is part of Four of a Kind, plus he is a challenge BEAST. Nick actually thinks I voted to save him which is not the case but made me looks like such a good ally to him, so I had to do 0 damage control. And I'm finally on a tribe with Matt who I've been wanting to work with. This is actually the best case scenario.
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Welp. I knew something was happening but a swap wasnt it. Lucky i talked to Bryce earlier so he has my back. We also have Keaton and Marie but we have to see where their heads at. Nate is talking to me and right now i really like his vibe. Annebelle i havent had a chance to but wasnt able to make it so idk if they’ll be here. Hopefully we can win immunity tonight.
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So we swapped. Again. AND I AM THE ONLY FUCKING OG MADIGAN ON MY TRIBE. THIS IS SOME BS. James the lil'bitch had to fucking quit over a fucking flash game so we could have MERGED but NO! I see how it is. At least I have Dennis and Brian (who i would literally DIE for) and nicole as well! Sharky is an FB ORG legend so im looking forward to getting to know him. Nick already seems dry asf so yay? Like I think I can blend in quickly with this tribe, but I am still nervous about what would happen if we merge. IDK if the FBers (its weird to me how im considered one now LOL) will team up or whether we will wither and die and I have to pull out my idol (yah i still have some sanity!) WOO TIME TO CRY AT ENDURANCE
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ok well we swapped and im kind of loving it but not. like i love that maynor and nathan are here. but so is kirby! so! i miss dennis and brian seems like a legend so i wanted to play with him but oh well maybe merge if i survive! its awk this live challenge bc marie prob wont be doing it like even during the good times for her timezone KJHFADKSJDF. but! ugh dennis is gonna slay this so sad i have a good sleep schedule yikes. its fun that nicole is on the other tribe hopefully that evens it out for us having marie. annabelle hasnt spoken to me yet either so. hmmm.... maynor wants to work with me so thats GREAT love him wooh!!!
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Okay we are actually working really well as a tribe on this challenge. No shade to my previous tribes but I haven't seen this much teamwork in a challenge yet this season. Feels good.
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This swap was really good for me i think. And I had 2 swaps today and I was going crazy. I have now Bryce and Keaton both wanting to work with me which is good because now we atleast can make it a tie if the others dont want to work with us. I really like Nate so Im going to try and see where he’s heads at. Marie doesnt talk much and is offline. And starting to talk to Anna. I dont think we are going to win this immunity.
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Matt is great. End of story.
3:51 am. Dennis, Matt, and I have really stayed up to pull this challenge together. And we are so close. This would give Brian and I a much needed break from tribal council and considering I can see myself working with all of these players I'd rather us win so I can have as many options as possible when we merge. I just need to stay up for another hour or so to get this done. Matt and Dennis have already stayed up all night to get it done. Also though in the back of my mind I'm clocking how Dennis works REALLY hard at these challenges...maybe too hard. And now I'm rambling...because it is now 3:54 am.
4:21 am. We think we have won. Unsure. My brain does not math at this hour. Stay tuned.
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SO WE WON IMMUNITY WOOOO! Thank god, live tribals for some reason would make me really nervous so i am happy to be safe! hopefully the merge is soon as well, would love to get there and know i made jury (something which doesn't happen too me that often ngl) Sharky and I really hit it off last night, and i know this cause we established that Betty white is very dom but also caring about her subs. so thats a sentence you just read. If feel like even if I went to tribal, im likeable enough to make into into the majority alliance that could spring up, so I am happy with how I am playing tbh. Will it make me a threat further down the line? probs but i'll deal with that later
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Can I just say that the laptop Discord is way better than mobile Discord. But catch me still using mobile discord all the time. Anyways.... It looks like the target might be Marie for tribal. TBH I really hope this tribal goes smoothly and everyone just votes for Marie. She was one and didn't help out in the challenge, as far as I could tell. Haven't seen the ones after I deadass fell asleep on my phone. Bryce and Keaton have my back so that's all that matter. Nate I have to keep an eye on because he threw my name with Marie because he didn't talk to me. (He was telling Keaton this.) I was like bruh why you lying. We literally talked for a couple of hrs after the swap before you went to bed. I'll update if there is any more spicyness. but It sucks though. Now only 2 people to have not gone to tribal is Dennis and Nicole.
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only audio this time. Like switching it up hehe
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everything is so quiet i think im going home which is super sad bc the game is pretty fun and i really wanted to work with maynor dennis and nathan somemore but oh well!!! am i a meninist? also i stan annabelle again she like kind of doesnt talk to me but when she does shes a legend league goddess. marie is so inactive that im going to vote her but i wish keaton left instead!
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Hello! I am still safe and probably will remain so until merge, so.....this is fun! Lots of fun! Every time I try to contribute to a challenge I wake up and we've already won or finished it. I...is this the work ethic of Discord games? If so, I love being carried like this. Anyways, hoping that anyone who was cordial to me on my last tribe doesn't get the boot. I'm figuring Maria might go just because she has been so inactive (except that one time Keaton called her inact in the chat and she came on like AND WHAT ABOUT IT???). So anyways that's my thoughts on that. See ya at merge (?) or maybe we are gonna have another round before that.
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Today is the day i go to my first tribal. Its kinda nerve wracking but also not because everyone seems to be unified to vote out Marie tonight. Its barely 11:22 am so anything can happy until 5 pm. Im just hoping nothing crazy is happening.
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Okay so this day off has been really great for me. Especially since we are still expecting a merge. And we all know once merge hits the party don't stop. However, I'm really interested to see what happens with this vote. Maynor is all alone but I need him to make the merge. Aside from Brian he is my best ally. Not to mention Nathan and Annabelle want to work with me. If they go I won't be heartbroken but I could use the allies. Then there is Bryce and Marie. I have no relationship with them but in a merge situation I think Brian could pull them into something. So I guess best case scenario Keaton goes. But also as long as it's not Maynor I would have to readjust my strategy.
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OK, so it's been a couple of days!  I said I'd do confessionals daily but it just doesn't work with how little is going on in the game on the winning tribe!  I know that Nicole approached Sharky for some alliance with her and Dennis, but I just... 2 people doesn't make the numbers on the tribe and Sharky will be more loyal to me as opposed to them!
I guess I didn't really talk much about the swap either because it did just happen.  Basically I got majority of my OG tribe (Nicole, Dennis, Sharky, and myself), but I also got Matt and Nick.  I ADORE Matt and so I plan on working with him in the long run of this game if possible, and I'd love to make Nick the first boot from this tribe hehe... he needs to go before he gets his hands on any more items.  He thinks Sharky was the vote against Charlie and not me, so maybe Sharky snapped, but I genuinely don't care at the moment because Nick wouldn't feed me any information like he would feed Sharky since I know Sharky's playing a good social game.  I like Nicole and Dennis but I just don't care about longterm plans with either of them.  Ideally, I'd love my endgame to be me, Sharky, Marie, Bryce, Matt, and Nathan so that I sit perfectly in the middle of people I want to work with, but I don't know if that's their ideal plans with me, soooo!! I love dis game, and I'm really glad I got this day break after my team carried my ass because I just needed some quiet time…
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I like this tribe because we won the challenge.. nothing has really happened besides me talking to some people and making some stronger connections... we all see a merge being what comes next and i cant wait for it to happen.
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Idk I think this tribal will go ok but people haven’t really been talking to me a whole lot on this swap so hopefully no ones lying to me and I’m getting fucked over tonight we’ll see I guess fingers crossed!!
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We swapped and lost immunity and I have no idea what's happening once again. I'm gonna vote Keaton again because of his behavior and hopefully I'm not the one being voted out ugh
Marie is voted out 5-1.
0 notes
canaryatlaw · 7 years
So today was all around pretty good. I have to start with last night though, because falling asleep pretty much turned into a trainwreck. I had slept in till noon so it wasn't too odd for me not to be super tired, but when it's going on 2:30 and I'm feeling very distinctly awake and I remember taking my melatonin, I'm wondering what the fuck is going on, and then it hits me- when I was setting up my pill box for the week I neglected to put the 1 Xanax I've been taking a day in the box, and we all know the apparent sedative powers Xanax can have on me. I realized this at exactly 2:30 am, so of course at that point I got up and took a Xanax. Unfortunately it did not take effect as soon as I hoped, and I wound up staying up some time after 4 o clock, meaning with my 7 o clock wake up time I got somewhere less than 3 hours of sleep, probably closer to 2 1/2. Yikes. But I swore I would get out of bed because I fucking have to, I can't afford to be a slacker for another day when it's only a four day week anyway, so when my alarm rang at 7 I dragged myself out of bed and thankfully for the most part I didn't feel too exhausted during the day, though I felt slightly sleepy during the afternoon, but that was probably due to my relatively boring task, but more on that later. So I get ready and get to work, my direct boss is out for the morning on a visit or something like it, and somewhere around 9:30 I remembered I had the phone interview scheduled for 10 am, but I had a sinking feeling they wouldn't be calling me. Nevertheless, I went through the interview packet and came up with a list of questions adapted to his situation being that he was being released from juvenile detention. As predicted, they didn't call, I gave them until 10:30 before calling them, and they claimed they never got our paperwork, even though I have the confirmation that the fax went through, they said it must've gotten lost somewhere along the way and I'd have to resend it, and they need 48 hours to schedule any phone interview. I asked if they could make it work for Thursday and they said to fax the request and they'd see if they could fit it in the schedule. *sigh* so I type up a new request and used my recently acquired faxing skills to send it to them, asking that they call me to actually schedule the time. The fax went through, but I didn't hear from them today. If I get to tomorrow afternoon without hearing from them I'll call again and bug them. Ugh, I was not pleased with this situation. So after that I run a few things around and call some caseworkers to get some info on cases and got to run through permanency hearing questions for the other one I'm doing on Thursday, so that was good. At that point I was out of work, so I announced this to all the attorneys on my calendar, and the one that sits across from me said she had some prison phone calls I could listen to. Oh goody! At least they're interesting sometimes. So she gives me the basic breakdown of the situation, basically they're calls between mom and her supposed boyfriend through mom's incarceration from October to January waiting to get bailed out. Boyfriend had testified in January that he dumped mom in August and she's just been following him around, but then of course we have a record of 100 calls between the two of them, so we just had to find the content to disprove his testimony. Well, as expected, they were very much together and very frequently exchanged I love yous and such. 90% of it was mom bitching that nobody has bailed her out yet (she had a $1500 bond) and just hounding this guy about it meanwhile literally nobody around her has a job or any money and get all their money from public assistance. But then she'd say shit like "(daughter) says there's no groceries at the house" and the guy would start listing food he spent money on, but then mom turned around and was like "that was money you could've been sending me." Like, wtf? And of course she was just constantly hounding him to send her money for any and everything. Then there was the half hour call between her and her daughter where they laughed and reminisced about the shoplifting incident that got mom arrested, and she's now facing 5 years in prison because this is her 8th fucking time getting arrested for it. And I kid you not, they were joking about it and having a great old time. Other highlights include when she told her boyfriend he couldn't come pick her up from jail "in case DCFS finds out" well, we ain't DCFS exactly, but believe me, we're gonna find out (and as far as court is concerned, you should be more scared of us than them). Then there was when she was like "my grandpa sells his pills on Mondays, he gets $400 for them and offered me $100 but I said I'd only take $50" and I'm just like ohhh boy. But yeah, it was full of little gems like that, and I was only like my 18th page green sheeting it, so there's definitely plenty there. I just don't fucking understand people when literally the entire time the call is like "this is being recorded and monitored" and then people still say the dumbest fucking things. Amazing. So that actually took up most of the rest of my afternoon, and time passed pretty quickly because of it. Sometime after 4 one of the other attorneys came in and asked if I could do some emergency motions for her and argue two on Friday, so I put the calls aside and started working on those, cuz we'd have to serve them on everybody by the end of the day tomorrow (of course it won't take me nearly that long to complete them). So I worked on those until about 4:50. I was planning on taking the 5:13 bus and not rushing for the 5:03 because I had no particular reason to, but then I checked my app and the 5:13 bus said it was "delayed" and of course I'm like aw hell no I ain't doing this shit again so I ran out of the office and just made it to the bus in time. Got home by 6:20 and had a little bit of time to relax and eat before going to PT at 7, which was nice. PT was good, we ended up doing more of the dry needling because some of my muscles are still super tight and my PT guy was like we should be making more progress at this point, so hopefully that will help. I got home around 8:24 and of course turned on the prison break finale, I hadn't realized they moved it back an hour so I was happy to find out I wasn't as far behind as I thought I'd be, and the episode did not disappoint. I know they said they could potentially do more seasons, but I almost want them to just leave it here because FINALLY everyone is just happy and any other problems are just gonna screw that up and I just want my bbys to be happy forever after everything they've been through. It was honestly such a great episode though, classic prison break, kept you in suspense until the very end and full of so many twists and turns you never knew what was gonna end up being part of the plan and what wasn't. I was sad that we lost Whip, but I knew they were gonna kill off someone we liked, and in all honestly he was probably the least painful one to go (I do not count T-Bag among those we liked) so as sad as it is better him than one of the others. And of course I'm just so happy for my Scofields to finally have happiness and to be able to live happy lives together and I really don't want anything to interrupt my (fictional) babes in their happily ever after and I don't care if that means not getting any more episodes, I'm honestly fine leaving it here for their sakes (I know, they're fictional, but still). So overall I was really quite pleased with it, probably the best season/series finale I've seen in quite a while. I'm so used to the rug being pulled out from under us at the last moment it was FINALLY so nice to just see them go happily ever after with no last minute devastating twist. So when I finished with that I switched over to the keepers, and watched the 7th, and what I did not realize was the final until I was done with it, episode. I kept meaning to look up how many episodes there were but I just figured it's a Netflix show so there's 13, so when the credits rolled and there was no next episode to start I was definitely surprised. I have to say though, episode 7 was a bombshell episode, probably the best in the series IMO. To me it was just so disturbing to hear just how much the Catholic Church shielded pedophile priests and enabled them to abuse more and more victims, and to this day their actions continue to be those that are simply to cover their own asses. I know of course not the entire church is bad, I'm quite the fan of the current pope actually, but I was really disgusted to see the church sending lawyers to argue against extending the statute of limitations for civil suits on child sex abuse, and for their arguments to consist of "well we have to pressure the victims to come forward before more people get victimized" which is such an incredibly awful statement I can't even understand how anyone would think that's an okay thing to say, to put the blame on the victim like that is appalling, and any idea that a shorter statute of limitations will result in victims coming forward sooner is pure fantasy. This was about nothing other than getting the church out of liability, and that's disgusting to me. Their continued denial of knowing about Father Maskell's abuse when there's clear evidence they did is just baffling to me, I can't possibly see what they have to gain by making these claims other than a sorry attempt to cover their asses that in all reality royally backfired on them. As for the whole murder situation, after seeing all of it, I definitely found Jean (Jane Doe) to be credible and I believe her account of being taken to see the body where it was later found and being told sister Cathy died because she was going to confront the priests about the abuse. As far as the players involved that actually could've carried it out, the Edgar guy seemed odd to me but I'm not sure he was definitely involved, the Bill guy however, especially given the recorded interview of his (unfortunately now deceased) nephew who describes being there while they buried the body was pretty dang convincing to me, especially given he has literally no motive whatsoever to make something like that up. I think it's very possible both men were involved, but we sadly don't really have enough evidence (at this point, anyway) to piece together what actually happened that night, and sadly many of the key players who would potentially be at fault are dead, so justice will never be served as far as they are concerned, which is very frustrating. I'm glad at least father Maskell had to watch numerous claims of abuse by him come to light before he died. And yeah, that was pretty much my night. I have a slight headache and I am very tired now, so I think I'm gonna take that as a sign that now is a good time to call it quits here and go to sleep. I've clearly ranted about my day enough. So goodnight dollfaces. Stay beautiful.
0 notes
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Me, before the cast reveal: I'm going to win, know that
Me now, seeing Sam is here: She's going to kill me again
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This One World twist is fairly interesting at the start. I know Nehe, and Coffey was in my first Tumblr game, so there are people I am familiar with here. Those small bonds can help a lot in this game.
But holy hell is this snake annoying. I have a decently high reaction time. The game does not react fast enough for what I want to do with it. I only ever hit the wall despite knowing I pressed up way before it hit the wall. That's my luck though, isn't it? You also only get +1 when the wheel stops which is just a pain in everyone's asses.
I'm making a mental note to make a lot of confessionals, going for that 5 visibility baby!
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Walking out onto this beach I am ready to experience a game i expect to be amazing. The last time I played a org I think I was a little too open. I shared more than I needed and I made people feel like it was my way or the high way. This time around it's new people. I have to play the social game but laying low at the same time. This first challenge points out the comp beasts from those who will most likely lack in challenges. When it comes to flash games I suck but I don't need a bad first impression off the bat. Tonight I'll talk to everyone before tribes are established and just try to be a good sport and make people like Nehemiah and want to work with him.
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First confessional of the season!
So, we're placed in a One World chat. Now i've never played a One World survivor org before so I'm not sure if we're going to stay in here the whole game or until we officially get split into tribes. I hope it's not One World the whole game, I have enough trouble keeping up with one tribe let alone the whole game.
After reading through all the bios of the other contestants it dawned on me that I'm the oldest player in the game. Yes, at 22 years of age I am the oldest person in the game (maybe, three of us are 22 but still). Only four people in the whole game are above 20 years of age. Oldies alliance maybe? We shall see. There's even someone who's only 13 years old! Yikes, almost 10 years younger than me! (Also STEVEN, you took my Mari avatar, darn you.)
DAISY and DARIAN are so far the only two people I've had actual conversations with. They're both pretty nice.
And then we get to NEHE. I know NEHE from a previous ORG and while we did work together there, I don't know if I want to work with him here. He has a penchant for making things unpredictable and crazy and I just don't know if I want to deal with that again. Ideally, he would be placed on the other tribe. And ideally he would be voted out before the merge or a swap. It would just be easier on me that way.
Going into this game, I want to play a flashier more strategic heavy game than I did in my first org, Myanmar. I want to make big moves and if I can, play the role of the villain. To quote the infamous Abi-Maria Gomes "Villains have more fun"
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HIYA XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Its josh and here i am for my first confessional im gonna try to do a lot better with confessionals then i did my first game LOL anyways i haven't talked a whole lot this season cause im lowkey waiting til we get on tribes but thats tht also i like cats KK BYE XXXXXXXXXX
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Hello! I don't remember if I have made a confessional for this game yet. I am happy about this game because I know quite a few members of the cast! I just hope that I can make it to the same tribe as some of them lol. Also I am not a fan of snake...
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1 Word to describe this tribe: Ugly
Number of people you actually like on this tribe: 1
Number of people who still haven't added you back: 2
Number of people you like on the other tribe: literally all of them
On a scale of 1-10, how much would you rather be on the other tribe? 12
I hate this tribe and now I hate this game and we better just win a bunch of immunities so I don't have to actually socialize.
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Last night I did what I could with bonding (or more so having communications with people). Coming into the game I knew Keegan, Steven and Alex already prior. Those 3 were the obvious instant connections I needed to reach out to. Others I talked to happen to be Josh, Sara, Logan, Darrian and John. Oh how I love John and Logan. I get vibes and good ones from them that I want to build off of. Possibly an alliance who knows. One thing I learned from my first Org is to not play so hard. I got into huge trouble with my tribe mates that I wasn't aware of because I was egotistical and controlling. This game I want to be used and useful. I am now Nicobar tribe and I want to show them that I'm useful. I'm still gonna talk to my entire tribe and make them like me. If we loose a challenge I don't want them feeling like we got to get rid of Nehe. I want to be useful. Not gonna help so much in this upcoming reward challenge just for the fact that trying to control what our flag looks like will put a bad target on me. I gave my ideas and we'll see what happens.
My Tribe Opinions:
Alex: I played a Skype game with Alex before and tbqh I don't remember shit from it. Just that I went farther than him. I think it was the Challenge. I like him but I can feel he's a player and I want to get on the good side of that player before lines become drawn.
Daisy: I didn't get the chance to speak with Ms. Daisy on night one but day 2 we hit it off. Maybe not the most beneficial conversation but I gotta find something to commute with her on. I like her and she doesn't give me the gamer vibe but the social vibe. So socializing with her may be good for me.
John- UGH I love John. Like literally anyone else to be an ally with can go through a test of some sort cause I want John and I want John now. Something about him just screams yes to me. So I'm gonna work for an alliance with that guy.
Josh- The convo with Josh didn't pick up much last night but we can chat and further that up. I don't know how I feel about Josh. Maybe alliance maybe not. I can myself voting out Josh.
Logan- Love Logan too. Logan seems to be a player but one I can align with. I just have to watch how I act to people like that. Thats where I get myself in trouble. Im a player at heart and when I meet another player I like let my ideas spew out and they hold it against me. Cue my blindside in my first org.
Sara- Our convo as of now is Hi, Hi......Yeah not seeing myself building anything with her. But not gonna stop. Why give someone a reason to vote me off.
Stevie- Just started like JUST started talking to Stevie and I am in love. We have the same interests and like our conversations is heating up with how much we are alike. I think this conversations speaks for itself in which we will align.
Steven- I knew Steven from many Skype games. Like many Skype games. We have this joke where when we see each other we scream each others names. I don't want o necessarily work with him cause I know he's a player but like it;s nice to know I have someone who i could possibly manipulate.
All in All I like my tribe and we'll see how we fit in challenges. Till then I will talk to my baes. Josh, Logan and Stevie.
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I did the challenge late last night and sent in a random time. I didn't know that these people would have been that bad at snake for me to come in second place after only playing it maybe ten times. Wowzers.
But I got this cute little statue that's being referred to as Sentinelese Blood Oath, or I'll just call it my ticket back into this game, which is what it does. I know the other person from the opposing tribe has this too, so this is just a bit of information that is pretty fun to have. I can rejoin the game if I beat someone in a challenge and judging by how snake went I'm feeling pretty confident. My hope is to not have to use it. While it's great to get back in the game, my game gets severely tarnished by having to return after being voted out. So my hope is not have to use it, but it's nice to have this sort of back up, where if things go wrong I can go right back into the game and try to screw someone over.
This challenge is a ton of fun too. I love graphic designing, and I've made a pretty bomb ass flag for my team. I've gotten on their good side, which is fantastic. If we win it's even better. In my life I either want to be a music teacher, an ESL, or a graphic designer. (YouTube is on the backburner until I can get some video editing program). That being said, it's nice to know that things I do for fun can help out in this game.
For alliances, I'm becoming fond of Nehe and Coffey. Josh is a fun addition too. Those three are probably the ones I'm most comfortable with, but it's too early to start things in my opinion. It'll form eventually, just not right away.
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We're officially split into tribes! No more One World! I'm so happy for that, I can finally keep up with who's all around me. As far as first impressions go, I haven't really talked a whole lot with everyone but:
SAM: She's pretty awesome. We're similar in age, she's a graduate student and I just finished undergrad. Plus she seems pretty into the game which is a good thing. I'd definitely consider an alliance with her
DARIAN: He's okay. We've talked a bit but it hasn't gone anywhere. I don't dislike him. He's also been pretty helpful with the first challenge.
BRANDON: No thanks. Awkward "conversations" and I feel like we have nothing in common.
CARSON: tbh i don't see myself ever working with him. Unless it's a necessity.
ELENA: She hasn't even accepted my friend request so...
NED: Seems pretty cool, I'll have to talk to him more to get a better impression
ELIJAH: He likes togepi.
MATT: I gotta get talking to him more, I think we'll get along really well.
I think that's everyone. Not a whole lot to say actually. I guess it's only been a day since the game began and a few hours since we were divided into tribes. I'm interested to see how these people play when it comes down to tribal time.
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I'm iconic so stfu
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Ashley told me not to put my last name. So I won't.
I really like this tribe. I've got some people I LOVE and some that I can build new connections with! And our tribe flag is awesome!!! I hope this goes well!
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Alright let me set something straight. I do graphic designing as a hobby. It's my favorite freaking thing to do in this world next to playing survivor ORGs like it's my life.
Benjamin, I'm surprised you and your horrid opinions got 5th place in this series. Who are you to give the flag I made a four in Effort, where you give the other tribe a seven? What the actual fuck? I put a texture. I put different handwriting. I overlaid those fucking candles AND added a border around them so they'd be layered and look pretty as FUCK.
Those Elephants were the cutest thing in existence. I made that cute design of the lines by myself. Let's be real, aside from picking the fonts I made the entire flag. And for you to give it an effort of four, a creativity of five, and a six for visual appeal is absurd. You my friend are now on my shit list for the remainder of this game.
Also, "Sorry guys but it’s a little sad." Who the fuck are you? "However, it looks just like the buff with little to no change" shall I direct you to:
http://wwwimage.cbsstatic.com/base/files/styles/596xh/public/101917_d01507.jpg and http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/survivor/images/4/4b/Gota_Buff.PNG/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/150?cb=20130201071144
OR http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/survivor/images/6/6d/Luzon-flag.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140227215029 and http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/survivor/images/9/97/Luzongreenbrain.png/revision/latest?cb=20140123212853
The tribe flags are SUPPOSED to match the buffs in a way ya twat. The Indian elements from the design are BECAUSE the location is in freaking India! What else am I supposed to do? I know that what I made was the cutest shit since the Power Puff Girls. Your opinions are bad, and you should feel bad.
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well well well! im here!
and i have this cute lil vote canceller with me!
im sitting pretty, but i gotta get to talking bc im not going home first
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Ok. Well. That just happened. The hosts posted in the chat about searching in the woods for advantages and what not. So i was like, ok... I'm down. I have the luck of a dead animal but maybe ill get close lol. Well, I got close, and than i got closer, and closer. AND THAN I FOUND THE IDOL. FIRST TRY BITCHES. hahahah This is sooooooo awesome. Just what i needed to keep my footing in this game for a while. I can't wait to share all this good news with elena! She's going to freak the fuck out. Like!!!! She has her advantage and now I have mine <3<3
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:::Quick Catch Up:::
So as of now this is Day 4 on the island and I think everything is going alright. On Day 3 I kinda didn't speak to anyone as I was not in a good space mental wise. Day 4 was the day I needed to build up on the conversations I had from days 1-2. Basically every conversation I have with someone is a conversation that shows I'm a least trying to get to know you and form a bond with you. That't the impression I want to leave on people. "Nehe seems cool and interesting to work with". Today Alex approached me about possible forming an alliance and obviously the gamer of me is like "fuck yes I'm golden". But i can't think that. My first org I was so confident that I was playing a good game and I got cocky. I told Alex I would love to align with him and he asked me who gravitated to me social wise. I told him John and Logan and he told me John and Josh before mentioning that having at least 5 people so if we loose immunity. So that 5 is possibly gonna be the alliance though I actually favor Stevie more over Josh. Today is the immunity challenge in which I fucking hate flash games. One thing about me is that I suck horribly at flash games so the fact this is the first immunity challenge sorta pisses me off. I tolerated Snake game but now i gotta do 1/3 of these comps which I settle for the stackers cause it's the easiest.
:::If We Loose:::
This goes safe to say that the first person gone from the Nicobar tribe is gonna be Steven. Or at least that legit is gonna be my vote. Steven makes no effort to talk to anyone or seem like he gives a shit about this game. So easy vote. All anyone has to do really is say his name and I don't see anyone campaigning to keep him. Because I was adventurous I decided to explore the forest and I got a punishment for doing so. I received an auto self-vote against myself at my first tribal which I hope happens soon tbh so I don't gotta worry about it getting used against me. I was instructed that I can tell someone or keep it to myself and one thing Nehe learned from his first org is if it's not important keep it to yourself. So this is gonna be a little secret :). I spent a hour and 30 minutes on call with Mr. John Coffey confirming an alliance with him. We agreed kinda to duo it out but not let anyone pick up on it. He voiced his concern about Stevie and Logan playing the game before together as well as not knowing where he stood with Alex who he had played with before. I don't wanna be cocky but for now I think I'm in a good spot with Logan, Stevie, Alex, and John and I will be soon making a proposition to align with both Logan and Stevie in the upcoming days.
:::Reward Results:::
I kinda am disappointed that the judges had no taste what so ever. One said we didn't have effort yet I know they bitch asses saw that texture and complexity of the flag. See the other tribe decided to do an art work while we decided to do what was tasked and build a fucking FLAG. I don't necessarily we lost what the prize for the reward was but I'm pretty sure there was an idol in that feast even tho they said there was no Tyler Perry idol. I don't know what that means by the way lol. I just personally feel our flag was an amazing and deserved better judging. But you can't win them all.
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I talked to John for roughly twenty minutes about a game plan. It was going swimmingly. Right after we finish Daisy messages me saying "hey, want an alliance with me and Logan?" I'm not going to deny an alliance so of course I say yes. But she wants to bring with Josh or Sara. Neither of those people were anyone I planned on working with. Nehe and John are the ones I'm rooting for but it's also crazy as hell. I'm telling John as soon as he calls me on Skype, but the fact of the matter is that I am now caught in the middle. Since they're forming it really quick. Daisy even said she didn't know Sara that well but wanted her in. So it's looking to be a fairly destructive alliance that I'm not a fan of.
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I'm so glad we won immunity whew!! I like this tribe so far and I'm getting really good vibes from john Coffey and Logan and those r probably the two people I want to work with most tbh
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I feel like a held my part in challenge quite well being that I scored 4000 points more than Nicobars TOTAL score, I just don't even know who half these people are on my tribe so anyone of them can go tbqh except for Ned and Darian bc they're kings but I would have no problem backstabbing anyone honestly bc I love being messy.Why am I like this?
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This is my first confessional!!
Forst impressions: the game has barely started and I have very few thoughts on what's happened so far. I'm mostly trying to socialize as much as I can.
I spoke with Logan, and they were interested in creating an alliance. I asked who else we should include, I had been thinking Alex. Logan agreed and suggested Josh, but I don't think he's even responded to being asked to be in the alliance. He should want to be in it though, we da best.
When we were on one world I spoke with Keegan and made a little connection there. Hopefully they survive to a swap or merge. We talked about how we both used to play Tumblr/Forum RPGs, it was a beautiful bonding moment.
On a more negative note, I really really hate being mean, but I feel like John is probably going to be voted out early, or at least should be. He did like really bad in the first challenge that determined which tribes we got put on, and he mentioned being the first voted out in another season so I'm worried he might not be a strong player?? idk John please don't hate me when you see this <3
Also the challenges have been fun so far!!
***(four minutes later)***
I was just told that John Coffey is very famous in tumblr survivor. I'm sorry please don't hate me
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We lost immunity! That fucking sucks! Carson and Matt could not figure out level 27 of super stacker and that makes me so mad. I finished the whole game in like 2 hours maybe and I had to go back and redo multiple levels to show them and was watching a movie fhslafksf if they had asked for more help or something or tried harder maybe we could have won so like that fucking sucks!
I REALLY like Keegan! He's my favorite on this tribe and then there's Ned who I feel like I haven't talked to at all but I also think we haven't talked because we're just automatically like 'yup we're working together.' I'm just hoping we can get the numbers because I haven't actually talked to too many people so hopefully I won't be first boot.
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this frog tied me up and im SO HAPPY
like i was so scared about tribal bc ive talked to literally ZERO people, and now im SAFE!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh this is so lit im so happy.
with my vote canceller, im like.... im just AHH
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What an eventful time we've had! First, we win the reward challenge and got some food. Presumably there was an idol clue or something hidden in one of the food items but alas it wasn't in my Kit Kat wrapper.
SAM and I have been talking a fair bit and we've decided to work together. Which is fantastic. I trust her enough and we both seem to be on the same page about where the tribe needs to go. We want active, invested players in the game.
Which leads into the immunity challenge, which we lost by only a small margin. It's a little frustrating, especially since it was so close. I've never won a first immunity challenge, RIP me.
SAM and I discussed the vote a little bit, deciding we needed to talk to NED, ELIJAH and BRANDON. They're all decently active and we both get good vibes from all three.
I hadn't told anyone but my vote was leaning towards CARSON. He hasn't really been around much and hasn't done great in the challenges. He also hasn't spoken a single word to me so I'd have no issue writing his name down, except...
CARSON got lost in the forest and is going to be absent from tribal. DUN DUN DUN. He's safe but also won't be present for any strategy around camp. That's good and bad for him. Good because he might have been the first voted off. Bad because he's losing valuable time to make bonds with people.
Speaking of the forest, I found a VOTE DOUBLER in the forest! I get two votes instead of one at any point up to the final 5! Hallelujah! Hopefully I can save it until after the merge but we'll see how things go up until then. My only hope is I can play it properly.
Going forward, I'm going to try to rally SAM, NED, BRANDON and ELIJAH into voting together. It doesn't matter which of the other three we target, as long as the five of us work together we're golden. If I can bring MATT into the fold that gives us six votes against either ELENA or DARIAN.
Here's to hoping this planning pans out and I'm not the surprise first boot.
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So, we lost this immunity challenge. At this point, my main ally is Sam, primarily because I know her from Bangladesh. I would love to work with her and be a duo, and I hope she's on the same page. I have NO idea what the tribe is thinking as to whom they'll vote out, but people are telling me that nobody's talking. Either they're being honest, or I'm being left out of something big. In a perfect world, I'd like to see Matt or Elena go home, just because we haven't talked, but who knows what'll happen. This could be the first time I'm first boot.
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If everything goes as planned:
SAM, NED, DARIAN and myself are a close group of four. 4 for $4. We've talked with ELIJAH and BRANDON and the six of us are voting MATT. As far as I know, MATT hasn't really talked with anyone about the vote so hopefully he's gone and i'm safe.
ELENA is a bit of a mystery to me. She hasn't responded to my messages so I don't know what's going on with her. Unless her and MATT are working together and voting me. The worst that can happen in that situation is a tie.
I'm hoping this vote goes smoothly and MATT is voted off in a 6-2 or maybe even a 7-1 vote.
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Hey! I'm excited to be in another game and I'm gonna try my best not to get medevaced or sleep through any challenges this season. No promises though cus unexpected naps have been my thing lately.
I'm glad that I don't know very many people in this game.
I've met Sam and Stevie and played multiple games with them. Idk how Stevie feels about playing with me but I love Sam and would be down to work with her. It's always a pleasure.
Darian and I had a messy experience in fans vs first boots together. He made about 3 different alliances within the first 30 minutes of our tribe swap. It ended in me voting him out after Danny Gluck went off on him in the tribe chat and declaring immediate tribal. Darian disliked me for a long time but we have been talking a bit and he seems cool with me so we'll see what happens
I played with Alex in Malaysia and immediately we have seemed to pair up this season. He says he's my final 2 and he's mine as well. I just hope playing with him doesn't turn out as messy as it did the first time.
As it's been one world I've been talking with Elijah, and though he wasn't on my tribe I really like him.
So onto our tribe so far. We just won the first challenge! I spent so long playing that dumb shape game and I never want to see a fucking smiling polygon in my life.
I have been talking a lot with Nehe. We had a call and basically decided that the two of us and Alex would be a pretty good trio and we could just ride it out. 5 will make majority when we eventually do vote.
Daisy and I have talked a bit and bonded over queen Marina and the Diamonds
I like Logan
Steven has not answered my two attempts at talking to him I fear being rejected a third time
Stevie and I hvent talked much game yet but I think I'm open to working with him
Josh and I haven't talked all that much but I like him
I really like talking to Sara, she's probably one of my favorites other than Alex and Nehe
I went on call with Alex and we talked about solidifying our alliance with Nehe, and apparently right after that call, Daisy added Alex to an alliance with Logan and Josh. Thanks for the invite girl! Idk what's going on with that but stay tuned folks
So yea that's all for now :p bai
0 notes