#god of chocolate thunder
taw-k · 4 hours
How much do Asgardians need to eat? Because it has to be A LOT of food considering their strength, stamina, durability, etc.
Now I'm imagining a family dinner with the Avengers, everyone's got a generous plate of food, while throat hoofing down a whole pig and is still hungry.
How many calories would Asgardian animals have to have so that they could sustain the Asgardians because they love their meat and Asgard isn't very big.
I know theyr definitely import and export but still.
Imagine Thor and Loki working for the Avengers and getting lunch breaks that are too short to sustain them so they're constantly snacking and extremely unwell because they aren't eating enough 😭😭
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reiderwriter · 10 months
can i request a fic of pining spencer reid and bau!reader who are brushing up on some hand to hand combat and reader is really invested on winning finally pins spencer down and reader is straddling spencer and they are both like 😳😳
the rest of the bau and other fbi agents are on the side making varies bets about who wins maybe too? (eg that miss congeniality scene)
A/N: Thank you for the request and omg thank you so much for this one specifically - I loved this idea. I had to make Spencer competitive too, because 😊 I wanted to.
Word count: 1.8k words
Warnings: none! Just fluff, however if anyone wanted to send a follow up request wanting a part two where there is some smut I'd be 100% okay with that... Just if you wanted to.
Part two
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When Morgan told you that, after an unfortunate shoulder injury you received on the job, you’d have to take another training course to prove that you were up to being back in the field, you almost resigned on the spot. Passing the first time hadn’t been the easiest feat for you, and while you were confident in your skills in the field, you knew that you were, to put it kindly, athletically challenged. 
“There’s no way to get out of it? No exceptions they can make to allow me into the field?” You asked, desperate to avoid Morgan putting you through the ringer. 
“I’m sorry, sweet cheeks, but they’re worried about your ability to perform under pressure, so I gotta push you today, okay? You’re not alone, at least.” 
“I’m not?” you gave the man a questioning look as you followed him to the changing rooms reluctantly. 
“Nah, they pulled up Reid and Garcia as well, you’ll all be doing the work together today.” 
“What that’s ridiculous! Penelope isn’t even in the field and Reid has never passed one of these things.” You throw your bag down on a bench, and look ahead of you into the equipment room, and sure enough, there they are, looks of equal dissatisfaction spread across their faces. 
“You’re preaching to the choir here, sweet cheeks. You’re in good hands though, I’m not going to push you too hard today.” Somehow you didn’t believe that. 
An hour later you were flat on your back, panting harder than you had in months, dripping with sweat and feeling an ache in your bones that you hadn’t felt ever. Next to you on the ground, you could hear your fellow torturee’s moaning in pain, presumably doing their best to stay conscious. 
“You know, chocolate thunder, I love you, I really do, but you make it very, very hard sometimes,” Penelope squeaked out as the other man chuckled from above you. “God I’m not even asthmatic but I think I need an inhaler.” 
You chuckled at that and pushed yourself up to a seated position. 
“I think I am asthmatic.” Reid said form his position on your other side. You stole a glance at him quickly before blushing and looking away. You didn’t have a crush on him, or at least that was what you were telling yourself, but you did have a keen appreciation for how he looked in his button down shirts and FBI vests. His hair was shorter now than when you first met, and the longer parts stuck to his face with sweat. You were lucky that the strength had been all but zapped from your body because given the chance, you’d be pushing his hair out of his face for him and get lost in his eyes. 
“Come on, guys. You finished cardio, you finished weights, all you got left is some simple self defense drills. Think you can handle that?” Morgan laughed from above you. 
“No! I haven’t been able to handle any of this, what makes you think I can do more?” Reid moaned out on the floor next to you. You stood up, reluctantly, holding out a hand out to the man and helping to pull him to his feet. 
You underestimate the help he needed to get up, though and he has to catch you in his arms as soon as he’s up, as you stumble into him, legs too weak. You blush as the two of you stay uncomfortably close for a few seconds, only pulling apart when Morgan lets out a sharp cough. You jump back from each other then, and pray to god that no one else in the room saw the puppy dog eyes you were unintentionally shooting up at him. 
“Okay, so there’s three of you, so I’ll join in for these sparring drills. Any volunteers?” 
“To tangle my limbs with yours all hot and sweaty on the floor? Sweetie, I thought you’d never ask.” You hadn’t seen Penelope move so fast all day, though you knew she was only half joking. 
“Okay, so Y/L/N, Reid, you head over to that mat over there. You’re going to start a hand-to-hand combat simulation, whoever pins the other down first wins. We’ll do best of three, okay?” 
Reluctantly, you made your way to the mat he indicated to, knowing that you weren’t going to have as much fun as Penelope any time soon. 
“You’re going to start in a common self-defense scenario. Reid, you’re going to be the assailant, you’re going to come up on Y/L/N from behind, okay?” You nodded at Morgan’s words and turned yourself away from Reid, feeling his presence at your back already. 
“Is this really necessary?” He questioned from behind you, and you could practically feel Morgan’s answering look on your back. Finally, he rested a light hand on your shoulder, and your session started. 
You grabbed the hand on your shoulder and twisted it, and yourself, behind his back, gaining the upper hand quickly. 
“Y/N, come on. Take it easy, I’m exhausted. Just let me pin you and we can call it a day.” Reid said from in front of you and your ears burnt at his suggestion. 
“Wait, why would I let you pin me? I have the upper hand right now.” He huffed out a breath and twisted his body underneath your arm, catching you off-guard as he swept your legs from underneath you. Before you could fall all the way down, though, he grabbed you around your waist and held you in what you assumed looked like a ballroom dancing dip. 
“You were saying?” You desperately wanted to wipe that arrogant smirk off of his lips. “Actually, I have a few years more experience in the field than you, and I was probably beaten up a lot more in high school, so I wouldn’t be too upset about losing to me, okay?” 
You returned his smile sarcastically for a second, before lifting and swinging the heel of your foot into his knee, forcing him to hit the mat as you scrambled out of his grip and repositioned yourself behind him, pulling him arm behind his back a second time in an attempt to subdue him. 
“If you have so much experience getting your ass kicked, Spence, why don’t you just let me do it?” You enjoyed feeding his words back to him as he moaned out a little. 
“Because something tells me you’d enjoy it a little too much.” He somehow slips from your grip again, swiping your legs out from underneath you and climbing over you. The two of you struggle for a few seconds on the floor, but he has your legs pinned with his own, and he forces your hands above your head. Your heads are even with one another, and you’re both breathing heavily now. 
You decide to take another approach to get out of his hold this time. Rolling your hips up into his slightly, you let your eyes rake over his body above you. 
“You sure you’re not enjoying this just as much, Reid?” you shoot him an innocent enough smile, but you can see the flush staining his skin, and he loosens his hold on you just enough to allow you to wrap your legs around his waist and use your bosy weight as leverage to flip your positions. 
Now he’s on his back below you and you sit up in triumph, straddling his lap. His arms fight to get yours pinned to your side but you give back just as much as he is, and you can feel the crowd forming around you. He decides to fight dirty as well. 
“Thought you’d enjoy being under me more than you’d like being on top. I was being a gentleman,” he huffs out and manages to flip you over once more, pushing up and wrapping his legs up over your knees and forcing you onto your back. Your legs are now spread wide for him, his crotch pushed against yours, his arms gripping yours and pushing them firmly into the mat. You struggle a few more times but you know this is it. He’s got you. 
“What? Not even going to let my hands go to let me tap out?” you huff out, blowing a stray piece of hair out of your eyes. He pins both of your hands with one of his and gently tucks the hair behind your ear for you as you burn up under his touch, suddenly at a loss for words. 
“What, and let you try to tackle me again? Maybe if you ask nicely, I’ll let you go.” 
“Y/L/N, Reid, if you’re finished over there, you can grab a drink and start over. I did say this was going to be best of three.” Both of you suddenly snap your eyes up to Morgan, who has one raised eyebrow pointed at you. You realise that you’ve also drawn the attention of the other gym-goers and scramble away from each other to the sound of chuckles and wolf whistles. 
“Shit,” you run a hand through your hair and get in position to go again, this time swapping with Reid so you take the position of the unsub. 
From a distance, you don’t realise that Penelope and Morgan have completely given up on their own drills. 
“Twenty bucks says Reid gives in and kisses her first,” she whispers to her companion. 
“The kid? No way, he’s being too cocky for that. I reckon Y/N will do it to try and distract him first.” 
“I’ll take that bet,” Garcia says, and they settle back into watching the two of you, completely oblivious to the fact that you’re both enjoying sparring a little bit more than you normally would be. 
“When do you think I should tell them that they never needed to do this training session in the first place?” 
“Derek Morgan, if you are admitting right now that you made me walk through hell and back just so you could force these two beautiful idiots whom I love to recognise their feelings for each other then I am going to murder you and then bring you back to life so I can kiss you for being so smart.” 
“So I shouldn’t tell them?” 
“Take it to the grave, baby.” 
They turned their attention back to you, suddenly way more invested in how this was going to turn out.
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edenesth · 21 days
TWTHH Spinoff: Written in the Stars [Teaser]
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Pairing: military strategist!Mingi x royal physician!reader
AU: historical au (Joseon era)
Summary: Mingi had spent countless years searching for the angel who saved his life when he was on the verge of death. He believed god was on his side when she finally reappeared before him, but she was now so near yet so far, so unobtainable. No longer just a young medical trainee, she had become an esteemed royal physician—a woman working within the palace walls. And what did that mean? It meant she now belonged to His Majesty.
A/N: Credits to @sundaybossanova for contributing the main idea of Mingi's spinoff. I might have changed most of the proposed plot, but the MC's identity as a physician and how the two first meet remains Sunny's idea.
Main Story | Spinoff Masterlist | Part 1
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"Ooh, guess who's here again," your colleague remarked, nodding toward the entrance of the royal medical hall where a certain tall, handsome military strategist strode in for what felt like the thousandth time this week. You sighed, refusing to look up from your book. "Please tell me it's not him."
She gulped, watching him approach. "Hate to break it to you, but it is your not-so-secret admirer, General Officer Song."
"Good afternoon, ladies. I, uh… I'm here today because—" his familiar deep voice rang out as he paused at a respectful distance.
Clearing your throat, you finally closed your book and turned to face him with a courteous smile, finishing his sentence for him, "Good afternoon to you too, Officer Song. Let me guess, you're here because you got hurt during training again?"
Instead of the usual sheepish nod, he shook his head and nervously fiddled with his fingers. "No, actually… I came to ask if… i-if you would like to accompany me to the royal banquet celebrating Joseon's unity with Ruhon tonight, Royal Physician Ahn?"
You froze at his question, and your colleague mirrored your reaction. The two of you exchanged bewildered glances, trying to process the fact that this fool was openly pursuing you, a woman working in the palace, someone who belonged to the King.
Does he realise what he's doing?
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You're probably wondering why I'm posting this on a Wednesday (depending on where you are) but it's a public holiday here today in Malaysia, so surprise!! It's finally Princess Mingi's turn! The way y'all thought his spinoff would be the first and here he is HAHA
In case you're confused and are not sure what I mean by MC belonging to the King, please read ✨this✨
As always, I'll do my best to get the first part out as soon as I can! Let me know your thoughts on the concept! <3
Tag list (1/9):
@itstheghostofmypast @huachengsbestie01 @minghaoslatina @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr |
@cheolliehugs @the-kpop-simp @writingwieny @stayatinykatsy @skzline |
@green-agent @stayinhellevator @vampzity @tinyteezer @evidive |
@vantediary @superbbananananana @kimyeolchan @chocolate-scoups @decadentstrangernacho |
@vic0921 @marievllr-abg @sunnyhokyu @seungmin-in-thebuilding @heyitsmetonid |
@sansaurora9904 @darkestacademiamindsx12-blog @myblovedjyh @professormingisglasses @newworldwritings |
@chicken-fifi @thunderous-wolf @shythinggiver @madnpan @yandere-stories |
@anxiousskylar @frobin4ever @starssongs98 @dollce-exe @jan-l |
@lovelyred2 @haven-cove @watermelon2319 @dreamingofyeo @akimkim |
@scuzmunkie @satsuri3su @mismatchfluffysocks @borntoshineateez @st4rhwa |
@ddaeing @tropicalsstuff @bts-army380 @skteezcursed @beauty143 |
@naps-over-degree @brown88 @sis-101 @lemon-sage17 @jcalicocatj
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prettyfastcars · 6 months
thunderstorms | Lewis x Reader
Summary: Your mom and his dad have been in a serious relationship for a little while, but you do everything to avoid interacting with Lewis. He’s everything you’ll never be. How could you compete with that amount of fame, glory, power and multiple world championships. So you kept your distance in order to avoid hearing your mom praise him endlessly, but that was until a mandatory family vacation. Living in the same house, under the same roof, you couldn’t avoid him anymore. Neither could either of you avoid the tension in between you. 
Themes: smut, stepbrother!lewis, age gap (reader is in her early twenties), forbidden/taboo romance
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The thunder sounded like it shook the entire cabin. 
You froze on the wooden stairs, holding on to the handrail for dear life. You liked to think that you were a brave human. But thunderstorms scared the hell out of you. Especially right now given you and your ‘family’ were in some cabin in the middle of nowhere. 
You could’ve been on a nice beach, soaking the warmth of the sun, swimming in the ocean, drinking all day, going on boat rides. But no, the golden son – your soon to be step brother – decided to take the family to a cabin, in the mountains where it is cold, humid and dark all the time. Where it rains incessantly. 
He wanted to hike. And naturally his dad and your mom agreed. And naturally your opinion didn’t matter. Sometimes you thought, all of you didn’t matter whenever he was concerned. After all, you were nowhere near as accomplished as he was. 
He had it all. He was loved by millions, admired, worshipped. People loved him, everyone wanted to be his friend, everyone wanted to be seen with him. 
All you had was a boutique in Paris, that too it was gifted to you by one of your mom’s many ex husbands. It was your entire life now. But no matter how luxurious, elegant, sleek and modern a Parisian boutique is, it cannot compare to multiple motorsport world championships. 
Hence, your suggestion of going on vacation somewhere warm was immediately ignored. As expected. And here you were now, still holding on to the handrail.
You finally let go of it, and wrapped your blanket tighter around you. You were on your way downstairs in search of something warm to drink. This whole cabin was freezing despite the multiple heaters. 
“Damn him,” You whispered under your breath as you walked into the open kitchen, turning just one light on and leaving the rest of the kitchen in darkness. “Could be on a beach partying right now,” You muttered bitterly like an old woman as you gathered your things to make your hot chocolate. “But no,” You hissed as you put the kettle on. “His Majesty wanted to be in this damn forest,” You grabbed your mug and put your cocoa powder in, “We could be killed in here,” You kept muttering as you waited for the water to boil. “God knows what’s in these woods, wild life, serial killers,” You scoffed. “As if he doesn’t get enough adrenaline–,” 
A smooth voice spoke up from one of the dark corners of the kitchen, “Still cursing my name I see?” 
You gasped, turning around to face the dark corner immediately. There he was, the light from his phone allowing you to look at his ridiculously handsome face, and his ridiculously handsome smirk. His braids were out of his usual ponytail. It angered you almost that he looked even better this way. 
You opened your mouth to say something, but ended up squealing instead as the loudest thunder ever shook the entire cabin once again. 
You crouched in place, holding onto the kitchen counter. Meanwhile Lewis broke into chuckles, laughing at you right in your face. 
“You are seriously scared of thunderstorms?” He laughed some more. 
You frowned at him, your bravery coming out of hiding now the thunder had passed. “Oh shut up. Of all places you had to bring us here?” You shook your head and turned around to carry on making your hot chocolate. 
You heard the chair screech as Lewis stood up from the small table, you heard him walk over to where you stood. Your body became hyper aware of each one of his moves. 
The way he placed both of his hands on the counter, on either side of you, caging you in. 
The way his torso pressed gently against your back. 
The way he subtly nuzzled your neck from behind. 
You froze. Lewis’ lips brushed against the back of your neck as he spoke. “Is that why you’re down here so late at night? Hmm?” He teased, “You needed your big brother to keep you safe from the thunderstorm?” 
“You’re not my fucking brother.” You gasped in surprise when you felt him purposely drag his lips up your neck. “Lewis…” You whispered, “What are you doing?” Your voice ended up sounding a lot more like a quiet moan. 
You’d be lying if you said this was the first time the two of you were crossing lines which you knew you shouldn’t. The man was drop dead gorgeous, it was hard to resist him. 
“What?” He acted oblivious even as he left soft, open mouth kisses all over your neck and slightly exposed shoulder. “I’m just helping you make hot chocolate before the water gets cold.” He said as one of his tattooed hands wrapped around your waist while the other grabbed the kettle and poured hot water into your mug. 
The warm drink was the last thing on your mind as Lewis kept kissing up and down your neck. “Lewis…” You murmured again, “We shouldn’t.” 
He didn’t stop. You didn’t want him to stop. He knew that. 
He let go of you momentarily and gave you enough space to turn around and face him. Fuck, that was a mistake. In the dim, partially lit kitchen he looked too tempting. Big brown eyes, how could you resist those? 
The blanket you had around yourself fell to the ground. Now you were left in tiny shorts and an almost see-through pj top. Lewis’ eyes roamed your body shamelessly. Your face burned when you admitted to yourself that you liked it. 
“Look at you,” He murmured, as he placed his hand on your waist again. His other hand came up to grab your chin. He leaned in slightly, his scent acting like an aphrodisiac. “What am I supposed to do when you’re walking around half naked, little sis?” He accused in that dreamy voice. “Am I supposed to keep my hands to myself while you walk around looking like this?” 
You couldn’t look away from his rich, dark brown eyes. Bottomless, warm, inviting. His eyes had an intensity that was hard to ignore. 
You were aware of how his thumb drew lazy circles on your hip. You felt weak in your knees. Lewis just smirked. “You better stop looking at me with those fuck-me eyes if you don’t want me to bend you over this counter right here right now.” He whispered, leaning in even closer to kiss the corner of your mouth. 
You were dragged back to reality once you broke eye contact. So you cleared your throat and pulled away from his embrace. The air felt immediately colder as you pulled away from him. 
Lewis picked up your blanket and wrapped it around you again. You muttered a quick ‘thanks’ as you clutched the blanket under your chin, securely as if it would keep you safe from him. Then he handed you your mug and said, “Wanna watch a movie?” 
You should’ve just gone to bed. You should’ve said no. 
Seeing you were contemplating, Lewis added, “Unless of course you want to go upstairs and be all by yourself.” 
Right then, another loud thunder echoed throughout the entire place. And your decision was made. 
So you found yourself in the living area, on the same couch as Lewis while some horror movie played on TV. And with each loud boom from the sky, you scooted closer and closer to him. He chuckled each time you jumped due to the thunder, but he made no further comments. 
After a while, and some more scooting he said, “Just come here, will you?” He patted the spot next to him and opened his arms. 
Maybe it was the thunder. Or the fact that he looked so nice, warm and comfy in his sweatpants and sweater. Or maybe it was that you were subconsciously dying to be in his arms. Whatever the case, you slid right up to him and let him wrap his arms around you as you laid your head on his shoulder. 
“There, see,” He said, “Isn’t it nice to let big brother take care of you?” He teased. 
You scoffed, but remained in his arms. “You’re not my brother. I hate you and your big ass forehead.” 
Lewis laughed. You smiled too, but hid it quickly. 
“Can I have some of your hot chocolate?” He asked after a few silent seconds. 
“I drank it all.” You said. 
“Shame,” He murmured, “I really wanted a taste of it.” He sounded almost seductive as he said it. 
You could feel the shift in the air just then. That line, you were gonna cross it again. 
You pulled away and looked right into his soft brown eyes. “Lewis…” You whispered. 
“Come here, baby,” He whispered, cupping your face and leaning in for a kiss. 
You melted instantly, kissing his warm and soft lips back immediately. You didn’t even hesitate before making your way to his lap, straddling him without breaking the kiss. You felt him smirk into the kiss, you did too. 
Too late to turn back now, that’s what the smirks meant. 
You only pulled away to take a breath, looking into his eyes to find him just as breathless as you. Neither one of you said anything. Not even when you whimpered as you felt his erection through the layers of clothing separating your bodies. 
“Tell me you want this,” He whispered. His hands touching you wherever he could. Sliding across your now exposed thighs, up and down your sides and fingers caressing your skin, dangerously close to where you ached for him. 
You didn’t say anything, but Lewis looked down and found your eager fingers toying with the waistband of his sweatpants. He smirked when he saw that, and looked up at you with a cocky look in his eyes. 
“Is that what you want?” He asked, sounding just as cocky as he looked. 
You nodded, heart racing at the thought of what you were about to do. But it was too late to turn back now. You held his heated stare as you lowered his sweatpants and wrapped your hand around him, slowly stroking his cock, making him throw his head back and groan under his breath. 
You leaned in close to him again, “I want you,” you whispered against his lips and then pressed your mouth to his. He kissed you back immediately. “I want you inside of me.” You said, urgently and breathlessly. 
You slipped your tongue past his lips and slowly stroked the top of his mouth. He groaned into your mouth, and you immediately bucked your hips against his, your clothed core rubbing against his cock and he grunted. 
His hands rubbed up and down your sides, fingers sliding under your thin top until he could toy with your nipples. 
“Take me,” He whispered against your mouth. 
You pulled away from the kiss briefly, quickly removing your shorts before you lowered yourself down on his cock, earning quiet moans and groans out of both of you as you sank down on him. 
Your body resisted just a little to fit him inside. Your face felt hot at the thought of him being too big to fit inside your wet cunt. Lewis felt it too, and an arrogant smirk formed on his gorgeous face. 
His voice was cocky and laced with lust as he spoke, “I bet you’re regretting wasting all that time on your little French boys now, huh?” 
You scoffed, deciding to mess with him. “Oh, trust me. They’re not little.” 
His brain short circuited. For a moment he loathed every man who ever touched you like this. 
Lewis glared at you for a moment, before he grabbed you by the hips thrust up into you. You gasped in surprise as you felt him fill you up. He was nice and snug inside you as he whispered, his voice filled with promises, “I’m gonna ruin every single man for you.” 
Your lust-drunk brain was barely able to process his words. All you knew was that you wanted more. His cock throbbed against your pulsating walls, causing the tiniest bit of friction which drove you both insane. It felt like he was splitting you in half.
“Ah,” You whimpered, “Lewis, please…” 
He grabbed you by the hips and guided you up and then back down on his cock. You whimpered as he groaned when the tip of his cock reached sensitive places you never knew existed. 
“Does big brother’s cock feel good? Huh?” He taunted before leaning forward to wrap his lips around one of your clothed nipples. He gave it a hard enough suck to make you moan, then moved on to the other one. 
Fuck. This was so wrong. 
The forbidden nature of it gave you a warm rush. You just whimpered and nodded as you moved faster, impaling yourself down on his cock each time. 
You felt him filling you up completely each time, feeling him reach deeper into you with each thrust. His hand slipped between the two of you and found your clit, he rubbed it lazily. 
When he noticed that you were comfortable with the pace, he let go of your hip and wrapped his hand around your throat instead. “You look so good like this, little sis.” He teased. “Taking my cock like you’re made for it.” 
You couldn’t help but lean down to kiss him, biting down and tugging at his plump, soft bottom lip while you sped up, and his cock stretched you out each time. Lewis pulled your warm body closer to his as you bounced on his cock moaning and whining, feeling him stretch you out as you stared into his dark eyes. 
Lewis rhythmically thrust his hips up each time to match your movements. Brows furrowing and panting while you rode his cock, throwing his head back and moaning. 
“Shh,” You whispered as you kissed along his bearded cheek, barely able to keep from moaning yourself. 
He panted against your cheek, kissing the side of your face and gripping your jaw with his hand. “You feel so good,” He whispered.
“Damn you…” You didn’t slow down as you felt your orgasm wash over you, and he kept thrusting his hips up into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out loud as you came, hard, feeling your walls squeezing and clenching around him as you came undone. 
You panted and leaned forward, pushing your face into his neck to catch your breath. 
Lewis came right after you, his warm load spilling inside of you, as he wrapped his arms around you and pressed your trembling body closer to him. “Fuck…” He swore before saying, “I think I like thunderstorms even more now.”
You still sounded breathless as you said, "I still hate you."
here's part two if you want
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ncis-nerd · 2 months
Power Outage
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grey november au
☆ of course there had to be a power outage on the night of a thunderstorm.
☆ you were still fairly new to this job and adjusting to living in the compound.
☆ you had a deathly fear of the dark and thunderstorms. so it was just your luck, when the lights began to flicker as you were wrapped up in your blanket, reading a book.
☆ you let out a yell in fear, coincidently, a roar of thunder occurred. you cried out, burying your head under your covers.
☆ that was thing about you, even when you were younger you had this fear. your brother had to bring you to his bed to comfort you. as you refused to sleep alone, petrified of the loud noises.
☆ your thoughts would run wild, imagining the worse cases. what if the thunder hit you? what if your brother got hurt and you were fine?
☆ your brother would stay up with you until it was over. those nights consisted of late night scrabble games in his room, him making you hot chocolate, him "letting" you win..God you missed that .
☆ you were shaking under your covers when suddenly, the door opened. "Hun, are you okay? I heard screams-" Nat paused, seeing a shaking figure under your blanket. Of course Natasha heard you, her room is right next to yours.
☆ no response. Nat came over to you and pulled you into her arms. "Shh..it's okay detka, m' here." She mumbled, holding you.
☆ she didn't pull thr covers off of your head. Letting you determine the pace of bow you wanted this to go.
☆ after a moment of her shushing and comforting you, you finally let the covers off. "Now there's that pretty face I love to see." She smiled, wiping your tears.
☆ "N-natty" you whimpered. Her heart nearly melted at the nickname. You never called her that, but your voice sounded so shaky it brought a frown.
☆ "what's wrong, honey?" She frowned, tracing circles on the back of your palm.
☆ you pouted "m' scared", tightening your grip on the older woman. her eyes soften, "i'm right here dear, i'll protect you. do you want to stay in my room with me? it's nice and warm in there. you can bring your blanket if you want" she smiled at you.
☆ you nodded in response, clutching your blanket in your arms. the spy lifted you up, you squealed in response. most definitely not expecting that.
☆ "n-natty what are you doing??" you giggled. she smiled, seeing you laugh "just protecting you, dear! there might be monsters on the floor! don't want them to snatch your feet!!" she exclaimed, carrying you to her room.
taglist: @ssa-shaylam @madamevirgo @radcherryblossompainter @midastouch013 @dumbasslesbi @krystallevine @ellieromanov @midastouch013
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Make Me Happy
Huh Yunjin x Reader
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GENRE: fluff
TYPE: One Shot, Long Fic
INSPIRED BY: Make Me Happy-WheeIn
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"And Zeus, with his mighty thunder in hand, ruled the sky and Olympus," you read, flipping to the next page of the storybook and showcasing the colorful pictures of Zeus.
It was a Saturday morning, and you were immersed in reading stories for the children at the hospital. As a child psychology major, you relished the opportunity to connect with different children each Saturday. Your love for children made spending time with them while earning extra credit a win-win situation.
"Zeus has a wife named Hera, the Queen of Gods," you continued, pointing to the illustrated photo of Hera on her throne.
"Sometimes Zeus made mistakes, like having other friends. Hera didn't like that, but they still ruled together on Mount Olympus."
“Ms. Y/N?” a cute voice squeaked from the circle of kids in front of you. It was a small girl with short blonde hair and thick glasses.
“Yes, Kayla?” you smiled at her.
“What is M-I-S-T-R-E-S-S-E-S?” Kayla squinted, trying to read from the book you were showing. The rest of the kids leaned forward, curious about the illustrations.
“M-I-S-T-R…” The word clicked in your head, and you looked at the little girl in shock. “Where did you learn that word?”
“There,” Kayla pointed at the bottom corner of the book with her small finger.
You quickly turned the book around to check the illustration. There, at the bottom, was a scribble of words written in black marker.
Friends? More like mistresses. LOL
“What the fuck?” you muttered under your breath.
This was one of the children’s books you brought from your department’s lounge, where they keep all materials used in class.
A chorus of oohs broke out around you at the sound of your mild exclamation.
“I mean, what the fuzz?” you hastily changed your choice of words, hoping the hospital staff didn’t hear what you just said. “What the fuzzballs.”
Luckily, the children giggled at that, immediately distracted when a boy named Jake decided to share the story about how he swallowed his cat’s fuzzballs and ended up in the hospital.
The storybook took you longer to finish reading as you made sure to check every page before showing the kids the illustrations. Thankfully, there wasn’t any more writing in the rest of the book. You covered the words with a Post-It before returning it to the lounge.
It happened again after a few weeks. You were reading a Dora the Explorer book to the children, and there it was, in the smack middle of the book, a sentence scribbled in the same scrawly, obnoxiously bolded handwriting.
“Can you find the chocolate tree?” you read before staring at the page in horror.
This chick is blind, FR.
The kids whispered, trying to understand what the handwriting meant.
“C-H-I-C-K…chick!” Carter, a red-haired boy, exclaimed loudly, proud of himself for being able to read it.
“There aren’t any chickens in Dora,” Kayla chastised him, shaking her head as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“There is too,” he huffed, pressing a smudgy finger onto the page. “It says here! C-H-I-C-K. Chick.”
“Well, there’s only the big red hen. No chicks,” Kayla insisted, standing up to grab the book from your hands. The situation was about to get worse in a few seconds as you saw Carter’s face redden in frustration.
“Okay! That’s enough story time for today,” you quickly stood up, snapping the book shut. “Who wants to play Monopoly?”
“ME! ME! ME!” The kids screamed in excitement, forgetting the book altogether. It was a relief that kids forget about things so easily.
You, on the other hand, did not forget about this.
“Someone keeps leaving nasty comments in the children's books,” you huffed, dropping the Dora book in front of your best friend, Chaeryeong.
You had found her sitting in front of one of the long tables, peacefully eating her lunch in your department’s lounge. The room was slightly crowded, filled with students doing their projects or chatting with each other before classes.
Narrowing her eyes at your rude entrance, Chaeryeong slowly took off her headphones and dropped her chopsticks.
“No hello beautiful?” she asked, rolling her eyes playfully. “Why are you reading children's books anyway? Are you seven years old or something?”
“I’m reading them for the kids at the hospital,” you said impatiently, flipping open to the page where the messy handwriting was located.
“See? This person keeps writing in these books! The kids keep reading them out!”
“This chick blind, for real?” Chaeryeong snickered after reading it aloud. “Well, this person has a good point. Dora IS blind as fuck.”
You huffed, annoyed at how unserious the raven-haired girl was. But before you could open your mouth, a soft chuckle came from the table next to yours. You turned your head to come face to face with the queen bee and the captain of the volleyball team, Huh Yunjin. She grinned at you as she casually leaned on her elbows, not hiding the fact that she was eavesdropping on your conversation as the rest of her friends were engrossed in another conversation.
“See? Even Yunjin unnie agrees,” Chaeryeong said, slyly bringing Yunjin into the conversation.
She knew about your little crush on the captain ever since freshman year. You were just too chicken to strike up a conversation with her, and she was flirty by default, breaking hearts left and right. You just didn’t want to go through the heartbreak, after seeing so many girls crying in the bathroom over her.
Your eyes met Yunjin’s chocolate ones, her bright gaze felt like it was penetrating your soul. People weren’t kidding about her beauty; she really was a sight to look at. You felt your face flush as her gaze never left yours.
“Yeah, she definitely needs to get herself some glasses,” Yunjin pushed her headband a bit higher to keep her orange hair out of her face. “But I support an unbothered queen.”
Yunjin let out a little laugh, her nose scrunching adorably. You couldn’t help but stare, mesmerized by the way her full lips pulled back to show her glistening white teeth.
“Stop being gay,” Chaeryeong whispered, nudging you with her legs to wake you out of the trance.
Huffing in embarrassment and annoyance, you grabbed the Dora book and the rest of your stuff and started to put them into your bag.
“Where are you going?” Chaeryeong asked.
You could see the volleyball captain staring at you from the corner of your eye, and your ears flushed a deeper red.
“I’m going to find someone who understands how serious this situation is,” you ignored the soft snickers coming from both of the girls and turned around to walk out of the lounge.
“Let me know if you found someone who managed to get that chick a pair of glasses,” Chaeryeong called from behind you, laughter in her voice.
Cute. That was the first thing Yunjin thought when she saw you during the freshman orientation.
She was there to recruit people into the volleyball team when she noticed you, sitting in the second row, eyes barely open, mouth slightly agape as a few wisps of hair fell into your face when you started to doze off.
Ignoring the knowing looks of her teammates, she intentionally tried to get close to you, all but failing drastically. She ended up recruiting all of your close friends into the volleyball team, all but you. You were definitely not a land animal; that was all that Yunjin could say after watching you fall face-first onto the ground at any given chance.
But at least her efforts weren’t all gone to waste. Having recruited Chaeryeong and your roommate Yeji onto the team meant that she could see you in the bleachers in every game and often see you swing by during practice. Her delusional self convinced her that you were there to see her, but deep down she knew that you never even spared her a second glance.
Like today, you had once again rushed away from her as if she was the most menacing thing in the room, and you wanted nothing but to end the conversation with her. Was she really this scary? Or had you found out about her obsession with you?
“You should try to talk to her more, you know?” Chaeryeong said, raising her eyebrows as she watched her captain gaze after you leaving the room.
“Huh?” Yunjin quickly composed herself, leaning back in her chair. “With who?”
“Y/N. I know you like her.” The raven-haired girl said with a grin. “And I approve.”
“Pfft, I don’t even know her that well.” Yunjin whispered, lowering her voice to make sure her friends didn’t hear this conversation.
“I’m not Dora. I see how you look at her,” Chaeryeong pushed.
“I—I don’t look at her differently.”
Yunjin stood her ground, staring at Chaeryeong, ready to deny everything that came out of the younger girl’s mouth. But Chaeryeong wasn’t intimidated, shrugging nonchalantly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“She finds your jokes in the books funny. Don’t let her reaction fool you.”
Laughing at Yunjin’s expression, Chaeryeon added, “I know your ugly handwriting.”
With that, the slender girl slipped her bag onto her shoulder and stood up, smiling mischievously at the blushing captain in front of her.
“Can’t believe it took you two years to make a move.”
Unconvincingly as it sounded, it really started with boredom.
Yunjin was alone in the student lounge last semester, skipping her least favorite class from Professor “Dead-Eye” Yoo and taking the liberty of finally having some alone time. Yunjin knew she was quite popular, being the captain and all, but sometimes she just wanted to go back to being that shy gamer girl she once was.
The lounge was deserted, and Yunjin flopped onto the sofa she sometimes saw you sitting on in the far-right corner. A couple of bookshelves were situated next to the sofa, completely filled with children’s books.
Scrunching her eyes in confusion about why there were so many books for kids when it was a university department lounge, Yunjin decided not to question it and got to read to kill time. But being attentive was not her strongest trait, so she soon relented to her immaturity and boredom.
Grabbing a sharpie from her bag, she started to leave dumb comments here and there in different books, as if she was the biggest book reviewer in the world. It was an immature and stupid thing to do, she knows. But at least it somehow managed to catch your attention, albeit months later.
God must’ve taken pity on her, watching her suffer through countless blind dates that her friends had arranged her to through her first two years of college, finally giving her the chance to know you better.
It was a few days after her encounter with you at the lounge with Chaeryeong, and she found you scribbling down in a brown notebook on the sofa next to the bookshelves again, this time alone. Deciding to brave herself just once, she took her breath and mustered all of her confidence before making her way towards you and flopped down onto the empty space next to you. She was going to take a chance and take Chaeyeong’s words as advice.
“Hey Y/N.” Yunjin gave you a boyish charming grin, her orange hair tousled perfectly across her leather jacket. She was effortlessly cool, and her sudden close proximity made your face heat up.
“Uh, hi, Yunjin-ssi.” You quickly bowed in respect.
“Please drop the honorifics.” The captain waved her hand, giving you a wink. “Just Yunjin is fine.”
You nodded, eyes flittering from Yunjin’s mesmerizing large ones to the record book in your hand. Unsure of what to do, you decided to awkwardly continue writing.
“What are you doing?” Yunjin slightly leaned towards you, her vanilla perfume invading your senses.
“Um... I-” You shook your head to gather your thoughts, “I’m keeping track of the books that were written on. We would have to replace them.”
“Ahh… the Dora book?”
“Yeah. I also found a new one this week, in the Ice Age books.”
“Really? What did it say?” Yunjin asked, trying to keep her face casual.
“It simply just wrote LIA next to Sid’s face.” You said, biting your lip to hold in your smile.
Yunjin, on the other hand, let out a booming laugh, enjoying the joke way too much.
“I’ll let Lia know she’s famous.” Yunjin said, after taking a few minutes to finally come down from her laughter.
Even though she was the one who wrote it, she still found it funny that her roommate, Lia, looked exactly like Sid the sloth when she was sleeping.
Trying to hide your grin, you said, “It’s not funny. The kids keep reading out the comments.”
The sight of your smiling made Yunjin’s heart soar. She was proud of herself for succeeding in making you smile, despite you not knowing it was her who left the comments. With this affirmation, Yunjin continued to make jokes with you as you talked for a bit. She would do anything to charm you, and she already had a plan hatched in her brain, something to do with your notebook.
“I’ll talk to you later, Y/N.” The captain squeezed your hand as she saw her friends calling for her.
You were disappointed to see her go, but you knew that she had better things to do than talk to you. She was, after all, one of the most popular and busiest students in your major.
“See you.” You muttered, ears red at the feeling of her hand on yours.
The captain walked towards the door, before turning back and raising her hand as a goodbye in a goofy boyish way that made your heart flutter.
It happened again, but this time, it was in your record book. Again, in obnoxiously bolded and capitalized letters, the mystery person managed to annoy the hell out of you, but you couldn’t help but find a bit of amusement in them.
HI :)
They had written this in the smack middle of a new page in your notebook, wasting the entire page. Deciding to write back for the first time, you took out your pen and wrote a small line under their loud greeting.
Don’t write in my notebook :)
Thinking this was able to stop the culprit from writing anything else, you shut the book satisfied. Oh, how wrong you were.
The next day, you found a light pink post-it stuck on top of the original page.
Annoyed at the culprit, but also at yourself for finding them cute for using a post-it instead of just writing on your book.
You wrote back, slightly hesitating before slamming shut the notebook altogether. Although intrigued and wanting to know who was behind the writing, it was probably best that you don’t encourage them.
“Getting ready to dive deep into another children’s book of yours?” A familiar voice broke you out of your thoughts.
Your heart couldn't help but lurch at the sight of the orange-haired captain smiling at you, her nose scrunched adorably.
“Yeah, any recommendations? I know you love these books.” You teased back, already comfortable with her presence.
Despite not really getting the chance to talk to her that much, she had this aura that made you feel calm and relaxed, as if you could trust her with anything.
“I’ll recommend one only if you read it to me.” Yunjin flirted easily, giving you a charming grin and wink.
Caught off guard at her response, your face turned a slight shade of pink. “I-”
“I’m just kidding, Y/N.” The taller girl laughed at your flustered state. “I used to read ‘The Jungle Book’ to my sister when she was a kid, and she loved it. Maybe the kids at the hospital would love it too.”
"You have a younger sister?” You asked. This was new information to you, but then again, you and Yunjin never really talked before this semester.
“Yeah, we have a really big age difference though. She’s 10 years younger than me.” Yunjin’s eyes glinted at the mention of her sister.
“She must be really happy to have you as a sister.”
“I hope so." Yunjin said with a sad smile, “I haven’t seen her in a couple of years. She’s still in the US with the rest of my family.”
“It must’ve been hard for you to move here all alone.” You hesitantly reached out your hand to squeeze the Captain’s forearm in comfort.
She gave you a grin at your touch, and your heart fluttered at how her eyes seem to twinkle whenever she met yours.
“I’m fine now.” She said, putting her other hand on top of yours. “I made a lot of friends, and also, I got the chance to meet you.”
The flirty queen-bee you knew was back. You cleared your throat to shake off the nerves she managed to give you and pulled back from the trance she pulled you into.
Quickly checking your watch as an excuse to avoid looking into her eyes again, you noticed it was almost five p.m., the time Chaeryeon left for practice.
“Don’t you have practice?” You asked.
“Nope.” Yunjin made a pop sound at the P, which you found adorable. “We have a game next week, so I gave the girls a two-day break.”
“You’ll be watching us, right?” She asked, her eyes hopeful.
You nodded, “I never missed a game. I’m Chaeryeon’s and Yeji’s number one fan.” You grinned, proud of yourself.
Yunjin merely pouted at this, “You should cheer for me sometime. I’m playing too, you know.” She nudged you.
You laughed, trying to shake off your nervousness at her blatant flirting. “You already have a lot of fangirls.”
Yunjin whined, begging, “I don’t know them, but I know you. None of my friends wear my number because they’re on the court with me.“
“I’ll think about it.“ you laughed at her antics. Although she was a year older than you, she managed to act like a little kid sometimes.
After talking (more like flirting on Yunjin’s side) for another while, Yunjin left to go to her part-time job at the diner, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
The feeling she gave you messed up your thoughts, and you were worried that your old crush on her will be reignited.
She was just friendly. She thought of you as a friend. You convinced yourself. You needed to see her as a friend too, before you get your heart broken.
“Maybe I need other friends than Yunjin.“ you muttered to yourself before opening the notebook once more.
You crossed out the word and wrote.
Fine. What’s your name?
Turns out, the person behind the obnoxious block letters was worth talking to. You’ve been texting the mysterious person for the past few weeks, and they managed to entertain you and connect on a deeper level. Never getting a reply to their name, only with a doodle of a snake, you exchanged numbers without knowing each other's names, and it was better like that. To talk about your day anonymously.
You were, however, curious about the person behind the texts and writing. They were considerate, easy to talk to, and extremely funny. You honestly felt that you could be really good friends with them. From books to life goals, you could talk to them about anything and everything.
It was a bit unnerving how someone in your major knew all this about you, but at the same time, you felt that they were someone you could trust, and they felt the same way about you after sharing some of their family problems with you.
You noticed you were developing a sort of attachment to this person, as if they were your soulmate. You found yourself instantly texting back whenever the snake contact popped up on your phone, and when you were texting, you were re-reading your past conversations. They were a great way for you to get Yunjin off your mind, which you found to get harder every time she stopped by to say hello.
“You’re late, Shin.” Chaewon, the co-captain of the volleyball team, chastised a wind-swept Yuna as she slammed open the door to the locker room and hurried to change into her team uniform.
Yuna was the newest addition to the team and was also the cousin of Y/N. (As soon as Yunjin heard of this, she immediately treated Yuna with patience and additional care, not that she liked you or anything, just her showing affection to her juniors).
The volleyball team was getting ready for the final match before the semi-finals. They had an away game with a nearby school, and Yuna, being Yuna, had overslept and missed the bus to the game. Yuna quickly bowed her head in apology, and Chaewon simply patted her head in assurance and ushered everyone to warm up.
“What took you so long?” Yeji asked, “I thought Y/N said she would drive you instead.”
"She did. But it took her half an hour to get ready because she was busy giggling at her phone like a love-sick schoolgirl.” Yuna said, exasperation in her voice.
At that, Chaeryeon, who was standing near the two girls tying her hair, let out a laugh. “Yeah, she’s been doing that pretty often. She must have a crush or something.”
“You think so?” Eunchae, one of the tallest yet youngest players, chimed in, exposing the fact that she was eavesdropping.
“That’s new; I thought she would just end up being a single woman and adopt all of the kids in the hospital.” Yeji mused, happy that her roommate is finally interested in someone. Throughout the two years she lived with you, you seemed to show zero interest in love.
“Must be nice to be liked by unnie.” Eunchae said dreamily, causing the rest of the girls around her to fake gag and give a round of protest.
“Wish it was me instead.”
“Who are you dreaming about dating?” Yunjin suddenly appeared, wrapping her hands around the tall girl. “My baby manchae is off limits until she’s 40.”
The captain had returned from a quick discussion with their coach and had gone into the locker room to usher the girls out for warm-up.
“40? Do you want me to die single?” Eunchae furrowed her brows and pouted, “And besides, we were talking about Y/N unnie’s love life, not mine.“
“Y/N? What about Y/N?” Yunjin tried to ask nonchalantly, leading the girls out of the locker room.
“She has a crush on someone.” Chaeryeon said slyly, paying close attention to Yunjin’s reaction.
The orange-haired girl kept her face composed, but in reality, her heart was beating at the thought of you liking someone, that wasn’t her. A sense of hollowness and jealousy crept into her skin.
“That’s nice. Do you know who?”
The girls shrugged, and Yunjin decided not to push anymore. The way Chaeryeon looked at her was obvious enough to blow off her cover and reveal her affection towards you, and she was not keen on letting others know.
Putting on a smile so bright that could make any of the people in the crowd swoon, Yunjin tried to push back her thoughts and jealousy, waving to the people in the stand as the team entered the court.
Cheers came from all around her, cheering her name every time she sent the ball flying at deadly speed toward her rivals. She wasn’t called the Ace of SNU for nothing. Yet, as she scanned the crowds after every point earned, she hoped you would also be there yelling her name.
“Good game.” Chaeryeon whispered in Yunjin’s ear as they gathered together in a group hug to celebrate another victory.
The crowds were wild around them, chanting their names as they celebrated their ticket to the semi-finals.
“But you better step up your other game before it’s too late, captain.” The raven-haired girl gave Yunjin a grin before sauntering off to the stands, where you were hugging Yeji in celebration.
You were wearing Chaeryeon’s spare uniform, proudly displaying the Lee on your back, while waving a self-made Yeji and Yuna flag. You looked so cute with your hair in a ponytail, with two lines of blue drawn horizontally across your cheeks to represent SNU.
At that moment, Yunjin wished nothing more than to see you wearing her uniform instead.
She better step up her game.
So…have you ever been in love before?
You were late at night studying in the school library a few days after the game when your phone buzzed, indicating a text message. It was from your mystery friend. 
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion at their sudden question, before typing out a quick response. 
No, I don’t think so. Have you?
As their text bubble indicated typing, a full minute passed before their response came through.
Followed by another long pause. 
But I wish I did. 
Biting your lip in thought, you were unsure of what to make of this sudden confession from your friend. You were developing an attachment to them, which seemed foolish when you didn't even know what they looked like, let alone their name.
It was truly pathetic; the two people in college for whom you had feelings were the queen bee of the school, with a long line of admirers, and the other was some random faceless stranger about whom you knew everything and nothing.
What got you thinking about this? You typed back. 
A girl. But she has feelings for someone else. 
So your little mystery friend does have someone on their mind. You tried to push down your disappointment and the slight burn of rejection as you replied. 
Have you tried telling her how you feel about her?
No, I would probably scare her off or something. 
I’m sure you won’t. 
It took them another five minutes before they finally responded back. 
What about you? Is there anyone on your mind?
Yunjin, the fiery-haired girl, instantly came to mind. Recent interactions with her had given the impression of growing closeness. She took the time to chat with you in the student lounge, held your bag, walked you back to your dorm after study sessions, and even brought treats from the diner when her shift ended. Though it felt like more to you, the realization struck that she viewed you simply as a friend.
Yeah, this girl. But she sees me as a friend.
Yunjin's heart skipped a beat upon reading your reply. It confirmed Chaeryeon's statement – you had your eyes set on someone else. She pondered the possibilities, considering potential candidates. Was it the charming Shin Ryujin from the softball team? Perhaps someone from the hospital where you volunteered? Or could it be one of your close friends, like Chaeryeon or Yeji? The uncertainty left Yunjin feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
Did you tell them how you feel?
No, I would probably scare them off or something. 
Despite her heartbreak, your text made her smile a bit. There you were again, teasing her by copying her sentence. 
I’m sure you won’t, pretty girl. 
How do you know if I’m pretty or not?
I just do. 
You couldn’t help but blush at their compliment. They always managed to say something earnestly that made your heart flutter, similar to the way Yunjin always seemed to have an effect on you. 
You should take this confidence and confess to the girl you like before it’s too late. What’s there to lose?
You have a valid point…
I’ll work on confessing to them before the end of the year, but only if you be my wingwoman. 
Your wingwoman? How? I don’t know anything about them. 
Just share with me the little things you like as advice. 
So…better start listing. 
Hmm, I’d say start with flowers. 
Oh, and little notes are pretty cute, too. 
"The Ultimate Checklist to How to Get That Girl? Seriously?" Chaewon read over Yunjin's shoulder incredulously.
Flushing a deep red, the captain quickly slammed shut her notebook and pushed the short-haired girl away.
"Stop snooping!"
"You know you can just ask her out, right? Y/N." The shorter girl reached over to snatch the book from Yunjin, quickly scanning over the checklists.
Yunjin had managed to devise a checklist incorporating all the things you mentioned in your previous text conversations with her about your preference as her 'wingwoman’. She had compiled recommendations on what someone should do to win over someone's heart, hoping to win over yours. 
"I can't. She likes someone else." Yunjin said defeatedly, her shoulders sagging.
"Who can resist the Huh Yunjin charms? I'm pretty sure everyone would love to date you." Chaewon snorted, amused by how her seemingly always confident friend was so hung up on you. This was a first.
"Not Y/N."
Although teasing her friends was in her DNA, Chaewon couldn't help but feel bad for her friend. Yunjin looked lost (kind of like a kicked puppy, but she wasn't going to say that to her face), and as co-captain of the team, it was a rule that she would need to support their captain whenever they needed help.
"Find, I'll help you." Chaewon sighed, looking at the long list and preparing herself mentally. It was going to be a long few months.
"Let me call the girls for backup."
“Another gift from your secret admirer?” Yeji teased when she saw you enter the shared dorm with a tray of hot coffee.
You had just returned from the library, preparing for your final exams, and found yet another gift waiting in front of your door.
You shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant, but your ears betrayed you by reddening. “There’s one for you.”
Yeji jumped up in excitement and went straight for the coffee, sighing contentedly as she sipped on it. “I’d just date them already.”
You had been receiving these little gifts for the past few weeks, and it was driving you crazy. Initially sweet, the mystery person never revealed themselves, making you suspicious of everyone. Additionally, you were concerned about how much they were spending on you. Although seemingly insignificant, the little gifts added up.
The first gift was a single rose and a typed note in front of your dorm room, a bit like a ransom note. The note included a cheesy pick-up line that you found endearing, despite yourself. Soon after came cute accessories, a new hair tie, and even a cute hippo plushie. Your admirer seemed to know a lot about you, even the things you lost. 
They gifted you things you had listed out to your mystery friend. Could your admirer and your friend possibly be the same person?
“Oh, by the way, Yunjin and the team are coming over to discuss our strategies for the championship game, is that okay?” Yeji mentioned casually, trying to hide her grin.
Chaewon had called her earlier, letting her in on Yunjin’s huge crush on you and the plan to sweep you off your feet.
Panic filled your eyes as you looked up from your phone. You were still dressed in your "bum outfit," as Yeji would call it, consisting of old sweatpants and an oversized Nike hoodie – definitely not presentable.
“What? When?” You quickly surveyed the room, noticing a small pile of clothes and rushing to stuff them in the laundry basket.
“In about…”
Knock, knock, knock.
At that moment, you pulled your hair out of its messy bun and ran your fingers through it in a rush. Leave it to Yeji to embarrass you in front of Yunjin.
Before Yeji could open the door, it was slammed open, revealing a snow-covered Chaeryeon with her cheshire grin, followed by Chaewon, Lia, Yuna, and Yunjin. Your eyes met hers, and you got lost once again in her warm brown hues.
She looked particularly good today, with her fiery orange hair tucked into a gray woolen hat and dressed in a red leather jacket. She gave you a toothy smile before closing the door behind her.
“Hey, stranger, it’s been a while,” Yunjin said, pulling you into a hug, engulfing you in her sweet lavender perfume. “I missed you.”
You immediately blushed at this, still not used to her flirty nature.
“We had lunch together last Saturday.”
“Yeah, three days is way too long,” she sighed dramatically, her arms still wrapped around your shoulders. Her eyes scanned your features, as if she was trying to memorize every freckle and blemish.
“If you two are done flirting, we would like to start discussing tactics,” Chaewon said, her lips curled into a teasing smile as she saw Yunjin immediately pull her arm off of yours and turn beet red in embarrassment.
“I…” Yunjin muttered, before giving up coming up with an explanation and plopped down onto the sofa.
You busied yourself with schoolwork as the girls squeezed into the makeshift living room and focused on their strategy plan for the upcoming games. You watched them with adoration; it wasn’t often that you saw them together except for their games, and you loved how sweet their dynamic was. Chaewon was the one who kept everyone focused, Lia and Yeji were the encouraging ones, and Yunjin was the planner. She led the gameplays and tactics, ensuring everything was on track. The older girls also babied Yuna and Chaeryeon, making sure they understood everything.
You didn’t know Chaewon and Lia that well; they were Yunjin’s friends. Still, you could tell that they were just as sweet and caring as the captain was. However, you couldn’t help but think of the comment your mystery friend left in the Ice Age book whenever you looked at Lia. She did look a bit like a sloth, but the cutest one ever.
Hence, you decided to text your mystery friend.
Lia does kind of look like a sloth. But cuter. 
As you sent out the text, a small buzz came from the living room. 
Cuter as in your type?
No. But you did her dirty by writing her name next to Sid. 
Another buzz. You furrowed your brows and looked toward the direction of the living room. 
Who IS your type then?
Someone funny, I guess. Goofy but smart. 
Buzz. It felt too coincidental. Your palms started sweating at the thought that you might finally discover who was behind those texts that accompanied you through long nights and motivated you.
Hmm…is there someone like that in our school?
Yeah, there is. 
As soon as you sent out a text, another buzz came from the living room. At that moment, you were convinced that your friend was one of the girls in the room.
Is it the person you mentioned you liked?
You silently leaned forward on your bed to peek at the girls obscured by the sofa, lying on their stomachs in front of a strategy board. You froze at the sight of Yunjin biting her full lip and looking at her phone, engrossed in whatever she was reading. The rest of the girls were talking with each other, none of them looking at their phones. 
Could it possibly be the orange-haired girl all along? The girl you've been texting about was the one receiving your texts. If they were Yunjin, then she would possibly be the one sending you your gifts.
The pounding in your heart was so loud, engulfing you in erratic thumps. You couldn’t even hear the girls talking; all you could focus on was the possibility that Yunjin was the person behind the texts. 
Deciding to leap in faith just this once, you texted back.
Yes. The captain of the volleyball team, do you know her?
Another buzz followed by the screen of Yunjin’s phone was enough to prove that she was indeed the person all along. Eyes scanning through the sentence you sent to her, Yunjin’s brown eyes widened, and she immediately threw her phone to the side, covering her face with her arms. She let out a muffled scream and kicked her legs in excitement, startling the rest of the girls.
You couldn't help but laugh at her adorableness. Putting on your headphones, you pretended to be studying while trying to calm your erratic heart. Muffled shouts and laughter could be heard from the girls, probably picking on their captain.
For the first time in her life, it seemed that fate had taken favor in Yunjin. Having dedicated all of her time to school and volleyball, she never had the privilege of starting a relationship with someone. Volleyball itself took up most of her time, with her parents and her personal coach insisting on her becoming the best player in the league and eventually joining the national team of South Korea. She wasn’t unhappy with her life, but she wouldn’t call herself happy.
Sure, her friends set her up on several blind dates, but she never liked them enough to want something more. She was only interested in being the best at volleyball and being the best captain for the girls, nothing more.
That was, until, she met you.
She was enamored by you right from the start, with your shy smile and soft features. She wanted nothing more than to get to know you. After finally getting the chance to talk to you after two years, she had fallen for you, deep. All those late-night talks through text made her understand that you were more than a mere crush, more than any of the girls on those blind dates. The way you viewed the world made her want to become something more to you. She wanted to be included in your world.
Life started to mean more than just volleyball, and she noticed that you made her happy, actually happy. 
She hoped that you would give her the chance to do the same for you. Now, with the revelation that the person she worried so much about you liking was her, she was beyond the moon. She just hoped you wouldn’t be disappointed that she was the one behind the texts.
It was the Saturday after the eventful day, and Yunjin was nervous. She blamed it on the finals game they had tomorrow, but in reality, it was the first time she was alone with you after knowing that you liked her.
After running to you during her lunch break from her shift at the diner two months ago, she had established a weekly routine of getting lunch with you every Saturday. The diner she worked at was near the hospital she volunteered at, so grabbing lunch together before visiting the kids was another highlight of your week.
"Did something happen?" You asked as you sat across the captain.
You had arrived at the booth a while ago, and the captain hadn’t said much but to order. She was fidgeting with the straw of her iced coffee, bending it over repeatedly as she looked at anywhere but you.
"What? No!" Yunjin’s eyes flitted to yours, before quickly looking away again.
"Nothing’s wrong."
"Then how come you’re avoiding me?" You asked, slightly pouting.
Yunjin nearly kissed you on the spot at the sight of you pouting cutely.
She had been refusing to meet your eyes because she knew that the second she did, all defenses would fall, and she would just confess her love to you. It has been like that for the last few days, ever since she knew that you liked her back; she wanted nothing more than to have you in her arms. But she hadn’t thought of a plan on how to ask you out yet; she also had to confess to you that she was the one behind the texts. This scared her, worried that you would hate her for lying to you about not knowing who you were.
"I-I’m not." Yunjin stuttered, still refusing to look at you in the eye.
Before you could reply, the waitress brought over your food. You always got the same thing, blueberry pancakes with scrambled eggs on the side, while Yunjin always had her protein lunch filled with eggs, chicken, and tofu. It didn’t really look good, but Yunjin made sure her body was in the best shape for volleyball.
Today’s meal was slightly different. The waitress had also brought in a plate with two gingerbread cookies, both with cute red buttons and frosty smiles.
"We give out gingerbread cookies to our customers every year around Christmas time," the waitress explained, her eyes twinkling mischievously, "Enjoy!"
Yunjin watched you from the corner of her eyes as you excitedly took a few photos of the cookies.
"Look Yunjinnie, they’re holding hands!"
Yunjin wished she could hold hands with you.
"This one looks more like you." You giggled, moving the plate forward to show her.
The restaurant workers seemingly did not put their heart into decoration because the one you insisted that looked like Yunjin had lopsided eyes and a way out of proportion mouth, so wide that it went higher than the eyes.
"Are you saying I look ugly?" She said, pretending to be offended.
"What? No!" You interjected, blushing a deep red and pulling back the plate to inspect the cookies. "I meant that you always have a big smile like this, meeting your eyes."
That’s because I only smile like this when I’m with you, Yunjin thought.
"Here, try one." You broke the cookies apart and raised one of the cookies towards Yunjin’s face.
"I can’t. I have to stay in shape for tomorrow's game." Yunjin was taken aback at your forwardness. She was normally the one flirting, and you were the shy one. It seems that the roles have reversed today.
"C’mon. Just one bite wouldn’t hurt." You wheedled. "Please?"
Yunjin’s eyes finally met yours. Big mistake.
Your eyes, every so bright, were staring at her pleadingly, with a hint of something that Yunjin couldn't quite put a finger on. Was it affection? Adoration?
Nevertheless, the captain immediately gave in and took a bite of the cookie in your hands. She would always do anything for you.
"It’s…It’s good." Yunjin managed to say, her gaze still locked with yours.
You let out a satisfied grin and brought the same cookie to your lips, pausing slightly before taking a bite.
Yunjin’s brain went into a full system shutdown. YOU JUST ATE THE COOKIE SHE HAD. IT WAS AN INDIRECT KISS. I REPEAT. INDIRECT KISS.
“Mhmmm… It’s so good. Tastes like Christmas.” You said, finally breaking eye contact and looking at the rest of the cookies in front of you.
“It’s almost the end of the year.” You said softly, before looking up again at the flustered girl.
End of the year.
Yunjin’s heart went into rapid speed, and her blood went cold. Could you have possibly known that she was the one texting you? How else would you know the importance of the end of the year to her? She had promised you that she would confess to her crush before the end of the year if only you would become her wingwoman.
Shaking her head slightly to push out the possibility, she tried to forget about her ‘delusions’. You didn’t know. There was no way.
Thankfully, you changed the topic to her games tomorrow, saving her from embarrassing herself.
“Will you be at the game tomorrow?” Yunjin asked as she walked you to the hospital after lunch.
“Of course.” You said, gently holding onto her arm to keep yourself from slipping on the icy roads. (Yunjin’s heart still stuttered whenever you did that).
“I never miss a game, remember?”
“Will you-Will you be cheering for me?” Yunjin asked hesitantly.
“Hmm? I always cheer for you girls, pabo.” You laughed, nudging the taller girl.
“No, I mean,” Yunjin looked at your hands clutching tightly on her arm. Deciding to brave herself for the first time today, she asked, “Will you wear my number?”
She watched as your cheeks turn pink at her words.
“I don’t know…you have quite a lot of fangirls already.” You answered, hitting both of you with déjà vu.
“But none of them are you.” The orange-haired girl stopped walking, gently pulling you around to look at her.
To say you were in deep was an understatement. You had fallen hard for the captain, in love even. Her beauty and confidence were what had drawn you to her at first, but after getting to really know her through those texts, you had started to fall in love with her. Her mind, the way she thought, and her endless patience… she was something that was too good to be true.
“What are you trying to say?” You asked, searching her eyes for any hint of hesitation. You found none, only determination and softness in those honey-brown hues.
“I’m saying…” Yunjin paused, composing herself before she stared back into your eyes, “I like you, Y/N, a lot.”
“And it would be nice if I can take you out on a date.” She continued, her eyes gleaming hopefully.
“But only if you want to.” She hastily added.
You laughed at the last sentence. She was always so considerate, worried that she would be doing something without your consent. And that was what you loved about her.
“I would love to.” You said, before standing on your tiptoes to kiss the tip of her frozen nose. Yunjin froze at the feeling of your soft lips on her skin.
“But only if you win the game tomorrow.”
Yunjin let out a sigh of relief before gently wrapping her arms around your waist, pulling you closer. All those sleepless nights dreaming of you were worth it.
As the captain got ready for bed, a familiar buzz came from her phone. It was from you.
I better see your jersey in front of my door tomorrow, Huh Yunjin.
Yunjin let out a scream, scaring Lia, who was already passed out, and causing her to fall off her own bed.
"What the hell?" Lia groaned from the floor, looking up at her roommate.
"She knows it’s me. And she’s okay with it!" Yunjin said, giggling like a schoolgirl and dancing around. "She likes me back!"
Sighing, Lia slowly dragged herself up from the floor and laid horizontally back on her bed, too tired to crawl back under the covers.
"Go to bed, Yunjin."
Giggling to herself, the captain quickly texted you goodnight, receiving another sweet message from you.
As she went to turn off the lights, she looked at her roommate, sleeping with her mouth open and dressed in her greenish-grey fuzzy pajamas.
Lia did indeed look like a sloth. A cute one.
“Why does Yunjin-unnie have a sunburn?” Eunchae whispered, not so quietly.
“That’s not a sunburn, that’s the glow of love, manchae.” Yeji laughed, patting the taller girl’s head affectionately.
“Love? What?” Eunchae furrowed her brows, clearly out of the loop.
"Someone in the stands is rocking her jersey," Chaeryeon added, grinning mischievously, despite Yunjin shooting her a disapproving look as they continued warming up for the game.
“One-third of the crowd is wearing her number,” Eunchae whined, scanning the crowd again for Yunjin’s possible lover.
You waved shyly to the girls (mostly to Yunjin) as you moved to sit on the bleachers with your friends. You had found a box containing Yunjin’s jersey and a light blue bandana, along with a single rose in front of your dorm room when you woke up in the morning.
You had put on the jersey and decided to tie your hair with the silky bandana, and adding a dash of sparkling highlighter. You wanted to look your best for the captain.
Unable to resist herself, Yunjin made her way towards the railings near the bleachers, ignoring the teasing hoots coming from her members. You walked down a few levels to meet her at the other side of the railing.
“Hi,” she said cutely, her eyes sparkling in happiness as she checked you out. You looked so good in her jersey.
“Hi, Yunjinnie.”
“You look good.” She bit her lip and reached over to hold your hands in hers.
“You better win this game, Yunjin. I’m looking forward to our date.”
“Of course. I play better when I’m in a good mood.” Yunjin leaned over and pressed her lips on your forehead.
“And you make me happy.”
“Aw man...” Eunchae said sadly, watching her captain and you cuddling up together. “I wanted to date Y/N-unnie.”
“You’re too young for dating, Hong Eunchae.” The rest of the girls said in unison, before grabbing the maknae away from the scene.
It's a long one!
A bit of fluff for Christmas :)
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x GN!Reader
Summary: Eddie is not scared of thunderstorms after what happened in the Upside Down. Not at all.
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It had started raining several hours before and the drizzle quickly turned into a thunderstorm. The wind was blowing hard and slapping the twigs of the tree in front of your house on your bedroom window.
Rain poured down on the roof and from time to time the sound of thunder rumbled throughout the whole house.
The night sky outside was dark, with no moon or stars.
You were on your bed, Eddie was sitting with his back against the headboard, his arm was around your waist, your head was resting on his chest and your face was pressed into his Black Sabbath shirt.
About half an hour earlier you had started watching a movie but then you were distracted by cuddling and because of the noise of the rain and thunder drowning out the voices coming from the small tv in your room.
You had turned off the TV a few minutes before, deciding you'd rather focus on Eddie and his hand slowly stroking your side.
A crashing thunder rumbled in your ears and you thought the lightning didn't have to have fallen very far from you to cause such a din.
Suddenly, you felt Eddie's hand on yours, it wouldn't be the first time he'd start playing with your fingers or your rings in a moment of calm and intimacy like that.
Instead, that time his hand found yours to hold it and intertwine his fingers with yours.
You smiled sinking your face into his chest, just enjoying that gesture.
A few minutes later, as you were about to fall asleep, another thunder almost made you jump and you felt Eddie's hand suddenly squeeze yours. Not to the point of hurting you, but he certainly added pressure.
You lifted your head and before you could speak, his grip already loosened but his hand was still on yours.
"You okay?" You asked.
He nodded. "Of course."
You tried to read his expression, something was definitely wrong, you knew him well enough to know.
"You squeezed my hand."
"No I-"
He didn't have time to finish the sentence when you both heard the rumble of another thunder, so loud it felt like the house was shaking.
Eddie's hand squeezed yours again, this time even harder than the previous one and he closed his eyes tightly for a few seconds, while the sound echoed until it disappeared, and then opened them again, looking at you.
He let go of your hand and stared at you with his big chocolate brown eyes that you could see shining even in the dark.
"Oh my god." You whispered, that was the moment you realized.
Thunders. Lightnings. The noise.
The Upside Down.
Eddie was scared because of what happened in the Upside Down.
You opened your arms and he lunged into them, burying his face in the crook of your neck and closing his eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me before?" You asked without sounding accusing, none of that was his fault.
"'Cause it's stupid." He murmured, his lips tickling your skin as he spoke.
It wasn't stupid if it was scaring the shit out of him, you could tell by the desperate way he was holding onto you.
As another roar of thunder broke through, Eddie hold you even tighter, squeezing the fabric of your shirt in his fists and pushing his face into your neck.
You run your hand up and down his back, tracing imaginary drawings and left a few kisses on the side of his head that you could reach.
"I'm sorry." He muttered, the tone of his voice sounded like that of a child scared of sleeping alone who in the middle of the night, got into his parents' bed.
"Hey, It's okay, I'm here. I got you." You whispered as you left a kiss on his temple. "You're not there anymore. They can't hurt you, I promise."
At your simple words, Eddie actually seemed to calm down a bit and his tense muscles relaxed under your touch.
You held him all night, all through the storm and even after.
Whenever there was thunder Eddie would hold you tight and you would alternate between phrases like "it's okay, breathe. It'll all be over soon" and "focus on my voice, it's okay. No one's going to hurt you. I'm right here. I love you."
Around three in the morning, the storm started to calm down and the thunders finally stopped.
Eddie didn't budge from you and you kept caressing his back and leaving a few kisses in his hair until you heard a buzz.
He had fallen asleep. He was asleep, he was snoring and you had never been so happy to hear that noise.
You finally closed your eyes.
"Goodnight Ed."
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Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat
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abilouwrites · 6 months
Percy Jackson
(Me bcz I’ve been in love with him sense the book came out and UGH) (forgive me if my lore is wrong I read them in like seventh grade)
(I haven’t written anything in like ages so forgive me)
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When you’re supposed to be dead, you don’t tend to think of the reason why. The snapping of strings and lanky legs rushing through thick forest brush. Shoulders banging against tree trunks, my tip getting ripped and snagged.
“What are we running from again?” I shout out as we near a tree, “it’s up there isn’t it?” I ask Silva.
“Yes, you can’t run any faster?” She inquires as I remain scrambling for breath and footing as thunder claps above.
“No! I can’t Silvs” I’m stumbling against the shredded grass and something is grumbling behind me. Something reaches behind me and something arises in me. A rush of adrenaline to push me over the hill and tumbling over the other side.
“SILVA!” I shout as she too comes barreling down away from the tree upon the hill, “oh my god. Holy what the hell was that” I ask as we lay against the soggy earth. We’re grasping for breath and my face is settled amongst the dirt.
“It’s all real, everything you told me. Everything you said was a joke. Was real?” I shout out as she stands back on her haunches brushing that mousy brown curly hair out of her eyes.
She nods and helps me rise to my feet and we slowly march towards a house, porch wrapped around the front, the adrenaline fades and I want to sleep for the next century.
She tucks my arm over her shoulders as we stagger to the house, legs weary and too tired to keep going, “just a few more steps” she pleads
It’s a blur, of questions and shotty answers. Even my skin hurts and aches, my head hits a pillow and I’ve ceased to exist to the world.
By the time I awake; I feel better. Still the dull pang in my joints and the dryness of my mouth. I cough against my elbow and rub the itch of my eyes.
My knees scabbed over, even the cuts and bruises on my torso and arms and legs began healing.
“Here” a voice started me from my thoughts a glass that looks like it contained apple juice, “it’ll help with the dry mouth and the joint pain” He looks at me as I nervously take the drink from him.
A nervous sip welcomes the taste of fresh banana bread, chocolate chips and southern iced tea, “that’s.. wow good. Can a drink feel like home?” I ask him
“Yeah, mine tastes like chocolate cookies.. the one my mom makes” he replies, “um there’s clothes on the chair, Silva will meet you outside. I’ll try and see you around” he nods slowly. Brown hair pushed out of his eyes. A strong shade of green.
“Thank you.. um.. I don’t know your name”
“Thank you percy”
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I’ll Always Be Your Boy
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Summary: Tommy reminisced back to his lost love, his first and only love. It had been years since he’s seen you, and one night when he pulls into your driveway, it all becomes too much for far too long. He needed to be reunited with you, even if the cost was his life.
Warnings: Suicide, drug addiction (opium), trauma, flashbacks, mentions of death, mention of tommy’s mom, mention of miscarriage
Partially inspired by the song below, be prepared with tissues y’all🥹
The brisk midnight air rolled in through the foggy car window as he pulled into the rocky driveway, still trying to figure out what the fuck he was doing here. Tommy hadn’t seen you in years but yet you still crossed his mind, he still worried about you even though he had taken the most vulnerable part of you and shattered it into a million tiny pieces. Now here he was staring at the damaged, once white house that he once promised to fix up before the argument. The wooden fencing now fading, the deteriorating paint now detailing the uncut grass, green vines covering the width.
Pulling out his cigarettes, he brushed the unflamed end over his plush, chilled lips.
The trees bristled, whistling and bellowing through the atmosphere, scattering leaves around the yard.
Tommy thought back to a a particular afternoon, reminiscing the way you laughed when he tripped and fell into a mud puddle, the way you smiled brightly whenever he would partake in hobbies you enjoyed such as creating masterful works of art out of chalk on the stoned sidewalk. 
You were graceful, mesmerizing everything Tommy could’ve asked for in a woman, most of all you cared for him. Making him soup when he was feeling ill, running a warm bath to a temperature of his liking, knowing how to calm him from an angry fit or a stressful day. 
God did he miss you, he’d do anything for the chance to take it all back, to treat you kindly and cherish you, give you anything your little ecstatic heart desired, but he fucked it up and he blamed himself every second of every passing day.
He wished and prayed that you knew there was no moving on, you held his heart and he was still that boy you fell in love with all that time ago.
A day hadn’t passed where he didn’t think of you but times were becoming tough. The business was failing, any woman that approached him, he simply ignored, only wanting you back.
Stepping out of the car, he approached the house ignoring the silhouettes of storm clouds rolling in accompanied by a deep, rumbling thunder. 
Scanning the rooms, he stopped near the kitchen doorway, glancing at the stove where he had partaken in baking sweets with you. He didn’t like desserts himself but what you made you happy made him happy, and he’d always at least taste whatever you made. He would try to help, to assist in rolling dough, gathering ingredients and putting trays in the oven but you always shoved him playfully away after burning a batch of baked goods, putting him instead on the job of decorating. 
Smiling softly, he carried on, stopping every now and then as he walked down the crooked, abandoned hallway, glancing at the dusty photos that still stay portrayed on the walls.
A photo of your first date in a milkshake shack, splitting a chocolate shake while giggling with one another, this was just moments before you had convinced him to go rollerblading and he can still say to this day, that was the most fun he’s ever had, for some reason it made him feel alive.
As he carried on scanning the house, he’d heard objects moving while the abandoned floor boards creaked. He could see the shapes of shadows in the distance but he didn’t feel scared or endangered. Perhaps it was you.
“It’s just me love, nothing to be afraid of.” He wished he could see you, he had missed you tremendously but still blamed himself for your death. He should’ve been there, he could’ve stopped it, and now he was reaping the consequences with a broken heart.
When he approached his final destination, he was greeted with a hole in the rickety old door, flashing back to the time where you’d had your first and last fight over what now seemed to be a pointless event, an event he regretted. If he had knew that would be the last time he saw you, the final thing he’d said to you, the frigid, cold words would’ve never escaped his lips, and he knew very well that the argument was a misunderstanding.
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Dragging his feet over to the bed, he removed a bottle of opium from his jacket. That was the only thing getting him through this. He had tried to off himself multiple times, just wanting to see you once more, they even had to confine him in the draft which was nearly unheard of.
Pulling out a needle, he punctured his arm after increasing the dose. Almost instantly he could feel his thoughts slowing, a euphoric rush running through his veins causing him to feel tired and lay down on the abandoned bed. The awful fight replaying in his mind.
Bursting through the door, you jumped in the sitting position of your bed, the book in your lap tumbling down onto the floor from being startled. 
Tommy stood in the doorway, bottle of whiskey in hand with drenched, disheveled hair from the pouring rain.
“Where have you been? I needed you, and you weren’t there!” Tears brimmed at your eye lids seeing him in this state, knowing that you should’ve been there but you couldn’t. 
Standing up while the tears streamed like a river down your heated cheeks, you closed the door and turned to Tommy.
His angelic blue eyes had a clear perception of pain, himself also crying. Tommy never asked you for anything, not once.
“Y’know not everything is about you, maybe if you stopped and looked around every once in awhile you’d realize that but I guess it was stupid on my part to believe you ever truly loved me. You are just a selfish girl, and I can’t believe that for a moment I thought you gave a shit about me.” You tugged at his arm, begging and pleading for him to hear your side of the story as to why you weren’t present at his mother’s funeral but he wouldn’t listen. Hearing your excuses only fueled the anger and extreme upset inside of him but he didn’t know you were dealing with a loss of your own.
“Listen to me, please! I love you Tommy I do, you just don’t understand I-“
“No, no don’t do that. You don’t get to do that I have a crystal clear understanding that I can’t be with someone who doesn’t and never has given a shit about me. Enjoy your life Y/N, because I’m not sure if I want to be in it anymore if all it’s going to be is excuses. I really thought you were different, but you’re just like any other useless whore.” Slamming his fist through the door in aggravation and immense upset, the sound echoed through the house. His words stung like a bee, a sharp and direct hit to your heart.
The following morning Tommy woke from a deep slumber, arm reaching for you only to realize you weren’t there, half of the bed was empty.
He had regretted those things he said, he should have heard you out but all of his withheld emotions came crashing down on him like a hurricane. 
Getting up and dressed, he decided the best way to apologize was to go and retrieve your favorite flowers and take you out on the town. He could be such an ass sometimes but he was still learning. 
Heading to the kitchen Pol was shocked to see him out of bed, bright eyes and bushie tailed, dressed to the tens.
“I’m surprised you’re up so early given the events of last night. If you need anything don’t be frightened to reach out Thomas, we all need a little help sometimes. Sweet girl she was.” 
“Who are you talking about? If it was that Lee girl I’m not surprised, bat shit crazy she was.” Tommy poured himself a cup of tea, adding only cream before reaching for the paper and sitting at the kitchen table.
“No one told you?” Tommy looked at his aunt confused while taking a sip of his tea. Pol relaxed her tone knowing full well this would break her nephew’s heart. With sympathetic eyes, she settled her hand atop of his.
“There was a fire last night. Y/N didn’t make it.” Tommy froze, this couldn’t possibly be true. Pol could see the panic and disbelief in Tommy’s baby blue eyes. When she tried to walk over and console him, he bolted for the door needing to see for himself.
In a fiery fit of anger and sadness he sped over to your house, seeing the damage that has been done. In that moment his heart shattered into a million pieces and he punched the steering wheel repeatedly.
“Fuck!” The thick walls of his mind were closing. If he had controlled his temper, he would’ve been there, he would’ve been able to pull you out of the fire and save the most important piece of his heart. Why you? Why not him? He had nothing to live for without you. He never even got the chance to apologize.
The only thing that seemed to be intact was your car parked in the grass near the mailbox. Stumbling out of his car, he needed to know, know what it was you weren’t telling him that day. What it was he didn’t even give you a chance to say.
Rummaging through clothes, and misplaced papers and pens, he opened the glove box only to find something that changed everything the day of his mother’s funeral.
Pulling out the small piece of paper, his hands trembled as he stared down at the ultrasound of what would have been your bundle of joy. 
All of your emotions from that day seemed to seep into his mind. You must’ve been so scared, felt so alone. Why didn’t you tell him?
Flipping the paper over he noticed writing.
TIME OF DEATH: 11:25 am.
10 weeks old.
You had miscarried just two hours before the funeral and he was too busy shouting out you to know. The tears sprang freely, his heart aching as he wept in the passenger seat feeling the world crashing down him, accompanied by the profound loss of someone he loved.
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As the opium kicked in, he lay his dreary, spinning head onto the singed pillow, clenching his fists in what was left of your crisp sheets.
His eyes became heavy, limbs weak while his head span in a euphoric frenzy. Your face flashed through his mind, memories and moments shared together. 
The sun was rising through the window peering in through the burnt curtains as Tommy’s vision became blurry and he could see sparkling orbs forming aside him a figure kneeling on the floor with what looked to be a child.
“Come daddy, mommy’s waiting.” The young girl’s voice was subtle, calming. She lay her delicate small hand on her father’s.
Through his clouded perception he could see she had his bright blue eyes and your facial features. She was beautiful just like her mother.
Beads of sweat formed upon his temple, the rush taking over his body bringing a sense of tranquility. Just before he stopped breathing, your voice spoke melodically through his head, bringing a sense of comfort.
“I’m here now. You can let go. We’ve been waiting for you.” He had never felt more at ease then he did now, drifting off into unconsciousness, awaiting his sweet descent into his lover’s arms being reunited as a family, forever content.
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
hello, I don't want to be annoying but could you please write a Azriel angst + comfort fic? Maybe something where his mate, the reader, was in a bad mood and is very mean to Azriel, so when he leaves she thinks that he's mad and never coming back and just spirals.
Hopefully Azriel shows up later with the reader's favorite things because I can't live without a little fluff after my heart breaks into a million pieces~
Pointless Fights
Azriel x reader
A/n: hi anon! You’re not annoying at all I love hurt/comfort Az
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, and some anxiety
You had been avoiding Azriel all morning since you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Some days you were irrationally angry. It was nothing in particular, your hard days built up and you felt like you deserved to be mad sometimes.
You didn’t want to take it out on Azriel, he didn’t deserve to be the victim of your bad mood. Sitting in your little library reading was the best thing to do today. Especially since it was the perfect weather for it. A rough storm had made landfall in Velaris early this morning the thunder and lightning was so loud you jolted awake.
A knock sounded from the grand wooden door. You didn’t bother with a reply Azriel entered anyway. He came to sit next to you on the couch gently running his pointer finger along your shoulder. “Hey, I just wanted to check on you. You ok?”
You only gave him an unenthusiastic hum without looking up from your book. If you had looked up you would have seen Azriel’s concerned frown. His finger stopped and rested on your shoulder before you tilted away from his touch. Azriel wasn’t hurt by you shrugging away from his touch. He was too busy wracking his brain as to why you were in a bad mood.
Nothing happened last night at dinner. Unless he completely misinterpreted the conversation you and Nesta had as friendly. Cauldron save them if you and Nesta were fighting.
“Is it ok if I sit with you?” You nod still staring down at your book. Your eyes scanning the words but not fully comprehending them. Azriel leaned back into the couch propping his feet up on the coffee table to read over reports.
You were fine with him sitting with you for a while. Until his breathing and constant sighs were starting to grate on your brain. You kept giving him glares through your lashes that he didn’t notice. Azriel clears his throat and you hit your limit with noises.
Gripping your book tight you whip your head up making Azriel look at you. “Oh my gods! You are so loud! Can you please leave me alone, I want to be by myself please.” Azriel looked taken aback, blinking a few times. Azriel rises from the couch whispering a small ‘ok’ before leaving.
After a few minutes you hear the front door of the house shut. You jump up from the couch, rushing to see if Azriel really left the house. Looking out the window next to the front door you see Azriel’s wings flapping in the distance, carrying him toward the city.
“Fuck,” your fist lightly thumps against the glass. You didn’t mean to snap at him. There was definitely a nicer way to say you wanted to be alone. You slightly started to panic as your anxious thoughts took over. What if he never came back? What if you pushed him away this time and he stops talking to you?
You started pacing around the house biting at your nails. You needed a distraction. During your mindless wandering you found yourself in the kitchen. That’s what you’ll do! Bake his favorite cookies. That fixes everything.
In the middle of your baking frenzy you shivered. Deciding you miss the feel of Azriel you head to the bedroom and slip on your favorite hoodie of his.
Over an hour later Azriel entered the house. The scent of his favorite chocolate chip cookies penetrating his nose. Walking into the kitchen he finds you sitting at the table with the cookie plated in front of you. Your leg was bouncing rapidly under the table.
You look up at him with sad, apologetic eyes pushing the plate toward him. Azriel places the shopping bags he’s holding on the table as he sits next to you. He wraps his arm around you pulling your head to rest on his shoulder, playing with your hair. Leaving a soft kiss on your head he murmurs, “What’s wrong baby? I can tell it’s been a bad day.”
You let out a long sigh relaxing into his warmth. “I’m just in a bad mood. I just feel like being mad today. I’m sorry I yelled at you Az, I didn’t mean to.” Azriel wrapped his other arm around you to pull you into a loving embrace. “It’s ok y/n, I understand I have those days too.”
You climb into Azriel’s lap and tuck your face into the side of his neck. “I made you apology cookies.” Your voice comes out muffled. His chest shakes from laughter. “I got you some stuff to cheer you up.” You pick your head up to meet his loving gaze. “Really?”
Azriel drags the bags closer and turns you so your facing the table. As he munches on a cookie you pull out the first gift, it was the newest romance book you’d been meaning to get. You look at Azriel with a surprised face and he gestures for you to keep going. New pens, sticky tabs for taking notes, and a few bookmarks. Opening the next bag you find a new oversized pink hoodie.
“I thought you’d be comfy in that while reading. And I noticed all your pens were out of ink so I thought I’d get you the fun ones.” He smiles down at you. You stand pulling him with you and tightly wrap your arms around his middle. “Thank you Azzy. I love it.”
tags: @rigelus @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane @aroseinvelaris @twsssmlmaa
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reidreaders · 10 months
An Invasion of Privacy
Poorly Kept Secrets: Part 2
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Summary: Part 2 to a fic I published a couple days ago where all the BAU members find out about you and Spencer :)
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: established relationship, sort of secret relationship, use of y/n, some strong language, not proof read, I think that's it lmk if I missed anything!
A/N: I had a couple anon requests for this, so thank you guys SO MUCH for giving me an excuse to write this lol lmk if you want more!!
Part 1!
Spencer had made sure to get to work early the next morning. He wanted to get to Hotch before he had the chance to tell the rest of the team about what had happened the night before. It’s not that he didn’t want anyone to know about you, it’s just that it was new and he wasn’t sure how things would play out between the two of you. More than that though, he really didn’t want to be made fun of for the rest of his life because he answered the door for Hotch half naked and with a seemingly random girl in his apartment. 
Once Hotch had agreed to keep his secret, Spencer made his way back to his desk and started on the mountain of paperwork he had to complete. The BAU had been tackling case after case, leaving practically no time for the team to do the other work that their jobs required. Thankfully, they had no cases on the docket, leaving Spencer plenty of time to play catch up.
Although Spencer was grateful to have time to catch up on paperwork, he was starting to get extremely antsy sitting at his desk for hours. Since they had been in the field for several weeks straight, he wasn’t used to sitting at his desk for hours at a time. By the time lunch rolled around, Spencer just had to get out of that office. Thankfully for him, your lunch breaks fell around the same time, so about an hour before lunch, he stepped outside the glass doors to call and see if you wanted to meet him on your break. 
The rest of the team didn’t seem to notice when Spencer stepped out to make that mysterious phone call, but Derek Morgan sure did. Now, Derek was no stranger to the ladies, and he knew Spencer well enough to know that the secret he was keeping was a woman. He could tell by the way Spencer grinned when you picked up the phone, and by the way that he blushed as he talked to you. He knew the kid was a goner by the way he beamed when you agreed to spend your lunch break with him. To be honest, Derek was a little offended that Spencer hadn’t told him about his little love affair, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him from finding out who the girl who had won Spencer Reid’s heart was. 
As soon as Spencer left to meet up with you, Derek raced to find Penelope. If he was going to find out who you were, he was going to need the help of the best stalker in the business. 
“Babygirl! How’d you like to spend your break solving the most interesting case this place has ever seen?” Derek said as he busted into Penelope’s lair.
“Oh my statuesque god of chocolate thunder, there is nothing else I’d rather be doing.” Penelope cooed back. “Now whatcha need for me?”
“Well, I need you to track a phone call Reid made earlier…” Morgan said it slowly, like he was guilty and he knew Penelope wouldn’t be on board, at first at least.
“Woah, you know I would do anything for you Derek Morgan, but if you want me to go full creep on our boy wonder you’re going to have to at least tell me why.” She spat out. 
“I think our pretty boy might have met a pretty girl-” Derek didn’t even get to finish his sentence before Penelope started talking again.
“On it!” She said excitedly, “Did he make the call from his work phone or his personal cell?” 
“This is why I love you, Babygirl! He made the call from his cell.” Derek was practically giggling with excitement now.
He watched as Penelope typed furiously, and within seconds she had pulled the phone number, followed by your name and your drivers license photo. 
“Ohhhh, the pretty girl is reallyyyy pretty!” Penelope squealed.
“Yeah she is. Like almost too pretty to be with Reid.” Derek chuckled. He didn’t get to laugh very much though, because he was interrupted by Penelope smacking him on the shoulder. 
“Derek Morgan, I swear to God if you make fun of him I will make your life a living hell and I mean it! You know I love you, but I will tank your credit score if you make that poor boy sad.” She spoke quickly, so quickly that it took Derek a couple of seconds to catch up.
“Alright,” He defended, “I won’t make fun of him! But I am going to let him know that we’re pissed he didn’t tell us.”
“Fair enough.” Penelope shrugged.
The two spent the rest of their break stalking your instagram. They looked at photos of you on vacation, some pictures of you at various concerts, they even went as far back to the ones you had posted in college. By the time they had to return to work, they knew practically everything about you, thanks to Penelope’s expert ability in digging up dirt. 
When Spencer returned to the office, he barely got to his desk before Penelope was skipping up to him and beckoning him into her lair. 
“What do you need, Garcia?” Spencer asked sweetly, totally unsuspecting of the bombshell that was about to be dropped on him. 
“I just-um-I was working on this crossword and I’m almost done. I just can’t figure out the last clue and I could really use your help.” She stuttered out.
“Oh okay yeah I can help you.” Spencer agreed as he followed her back to her office. 
When Spencer entered Penelope’s lair, he was immediately intimidated by the sight of Derek perched up on her desk. He knew something was coming, he just wasn’t sure what. 
“You have some explaining to do, pretty boy.” Derek wore a shit eating grin as he said it.
“Uh-uh I don’t- I don’t know what you mean.” Spencer sputtered out, completely unconvincingly. 
“About Y/N!” Penelope giggled as she turned the computer monitor on to reveal your photo.
“How-how did you guys even-” Spencer was cut off by Derek’s explanation. 
“I saw you take that call earlier. It’s pretty obvious that you’ve got a pretty big crush on Y/N here.” Derek chuckled. 
“That still doesn’t explain how you found out who she is!” Spencer shot back, getting upset that his secret had been blown, yet again.
“I may have traced your calls,” Penelope said shyly, “But just a little bit!” 
“You traced my calls?!” Spencer didn’t even know what to say. Sure, he was upset that his friends had invaded his privacy, but he also knew that they meant no harm. 
“If it’s any consolation, we’re really sorry and we may have gotten a little overexcited about the prospect of you having a girlfriend, and getting married, and having lots of little BAU babies.” Penelope rambled.
Spencer chuckled, “Well, I don’t know if any of that will be happening anytime soon.”
“But she is your girlfriend?” Derek questioned.
“Uh yeah, yeah I guess she is.” Spencer blushed.
Derek opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it when he caught a warning look from Penelope. 
“We are very happy for you, boy wonder!” Penelope clapped and giggled, as she pulled Spencer into a hug.
“Yeah I’m happy for you man!” Derek said as he pulled Spencer into another hug, “When do we get to meet her?”
“Not for a little while,” Spencer answered honestly, “We haven’t been dating for that long and I’m not sure I’m ready to share her with the world quite yet.” 
“So you’re just going to keep her all to yourself?” Penelope looked devastated. 
“Yeah,” Spencer blushed, “I think I am.”
I hope you guys liked it! Lmk if you want another part!
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hugz4hoon · 3 days
thunderstorms - p.s.h.
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summary — sunghoon is not a huge fan of thunder...
pairing — bf!sunghoon x fem!reader
genre — fluff and extremely slight angst maybe?
wc — 984
a/n — omg first post so exciting!!! i literally wrote this for my writer's craft class when i was 17 and came across it again yesterday, so i figured i might as well post it here :D idek if anyone is gonna see this but might as well just drop it lolz if u see this, i hope you like it! :-)
It was a regular day, just another Friday night spent binging stupid movies. It happened to be raining today, with the thunder outside being so loud that the coffee table in front of you shook every time it struck. You and your boyfriend were both sprawled across the couch, with Sunghoon laying in your lap while the movie flashing across the screen drowned out the noise coming from outside. As the thunder struck again, you felt Sunghoon nuzzle into you a bit more as his dark hair tickled your chin. 
Weird, he’s not usually this affectionate. 
Although it caught you off guard, you let him come closer. 
“It’s a bit cold, don’t you think?” Sunghoon asked, his voice coming out muffled as his face was pressed against your chest. “I guess it is kind of chilly, why don’t we make some hot chocolate to warm up?” You asked with a cheeky grin. He looked up at you, his pink lips stretched into a tender smile. “Sounds good.” He then got up to start making the hot cocoa for the both of you.
While he was in the kitchen, thunder struck again. A loud shatter suddenly came from his direction, which caused you to whip your head towards him. You saw Sunghoon standing over a broken mug, glass scattered all over the floor. You quickly jumped off the couch and ran to him, cautiously avoiding the glass.
“Oh my god, Sunghoon! Are you okay? What happened?” You questioned, worry plastered all over your face. You searched his face for any emotion. Fear, shock, anger, anything that could explain what was going on, but you were met with a blank expression. Sunghoon’s deep brown orbs were unreadable as he kept staring at the broken mug until he looked up, and suddenly his eyes went back to normal. 
“Oh. The mug just slipped out of my hand, nothing else.” 
Not convinced, you questioned him again. 
“It just slipped?” You pressed, raising your brow.
“Yes, it just slipped,” he said sternly, avoiding your eyes. He faced you with a pointed expression on his face. “Whatever Y/N, can you just help me clean this up?” 
Weird, he seemed different from his usual calm self. Must be an off day, you thought, so you decided to shut your mouth and just help him clean the mess. Your hands brushed together as you carefully picked up the larger pieces of glass. Sunghoon’s hand felt cold and sweaty, and when you looked at it, you saw that it was shaking. Remembering that he felt cold earlier, you let it slide, as that was probably the cause. 
Stop overreacting, you thought to yourself as you continued to pick up the shards. After cleaning the glass, you finished up the hot chocolate together and went to sit back on the couch with your freshly made hot cocoa. While making the hot chocolate, Sunghoon seemed to calm down a bit, and whatever was bothering him seemed to disappear. Pleased that he was back to his normal self, you looked at him in relief. 
Then thunder struck again. 
You flinched as you heard him curse loudly. His black hoodie was soaked in hot chocolate. Sunghoon placed his now half-filled mug on the table, then stood up and threw his hoodie off. With a concerned look on your face, you looked up at him, who was now clad in just a T-shirt. “It’s okay Hoon, we’ll wash it—” “No, it’s not okay!” He interrupted. 
Now you’re starting to get pissed. Why is his temper so short today? Did you do something? “What is going on with you today, Sunghoon? You can tell me if you're upset with me about something, but I can’t keep tiptoeing around you—” Before you could finish your sentence, the loudest strike of thunder hit the ground, and you saw his whole body visibly flinch as his eyes widened for a second.
He’s afraid of thunder.
You promptly engulfed his larger body in an embrace as best as you could. After minutes of just holding him, you brought him back down to the couch to lay on you. “It’s okay, I’m right here.” You watched his stature start to shrink as he cuddled into you, moving further into your hold.
“Why didn’t you just tell me that you’re scared of thunder?” you asked him gently, while combing your fingers through his soft hair to calm him down. Sunghoon looked up at you with glossy eyes, then looked at the ground with a sigh. 
“Because it’s stupid and I didn’t want to bother you with it. I’m an adult, I’m not supposed to be afraid of a bit of thunder.” 
Your mind went blank after hearing the first sentence. It felt like someone dropped an anvil on your heart. He didn’t want to bother you? What? You held his chin to turn his face towards you and looked him in the eyes. “Listen to me. Nothing you say will ever bother me. I always want you to talk to me, and I always want to help you. But I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me. Okay?” Your serious eyes didn’t leave his teary ones the entire time you spoke to him. He slowly nodded his head. “Okay,” he answered in a broken whisper, “you’re right. I’m sorry.” “Don’t be sorry, baby. Just don’t hide it from me next time,” You pouted while poking him playfully. “I won’t, I promise,” he giggled shyly as you kept prodding at him. His soft, deep voice was like music to your ears. You scanned his features as he laughed—the way his eyes turned to crescents, his wide smile that exposes his teeth, his little dimples. He was perfection personified.
For the rest of the night, you stayed on the couch with cheesy rom-coms playing in the background, as you eventually fell asleep like that.
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river13245 · 7 months
Can you write a oneshot were Penelope(criminal minds) has a bf who owns a successful bakery and Penelope tells the team about him and go to said bakery to meet him?
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Warnings: None just a bunch of fluff and niceness. I rather like this one. Thanks for the Request I Loved it.
Running a bakery was not as easy as most people thought it was. especially when you need everything to be perfect and to run smoothly. You only ever had a few people working at a time and they were all teenagers just needing a job. They did their job well, it wasn't their fault that you were always making sure everything was perfect.
Today had been a busier day than normal, you had got up early because your girlfriend had woken up at a god awful time and the warmth that left the bed was enough to wake you. She of course had apologized but you reassured her it was perfectly okay while placing kisses to her lips and cheek.
As she got herself ready you did the same. However not before packing her a lunch and sneaking her some pastries into her bag that you had made.
Once it was time for the both of you to leave and go your separate ways she placed both hands on your cheeks and kissed you. It was a kiss that took your breath away because of how sweet it was. She was always affectionate, she was perfect in every single way. "Goodbye my love" she says softly as she grabs her bag that has her food. "Goodbye beautiful, be safe at work"
She nods and blows you a kiss before walking out of the house leaving you to go to your own job.
When you got there you walked into the kitchen area where you bake everything. Its a very big kitchen since you need to bake loads of pastries and make coffee, tea and a bunch of other drinks. You begin to make sure you have all the pastries you think you will need and once you are happy with the number you begin to grab at least one of each pastry to set up on the display so people can see some of your newer baked goods.
You were there fairly early so you had time to send Penelope a short text before reading until you opened.
Some of the workers had came at the right time and they said good morning to you and asked if there were any pastries that needed to get done first and when you tell them the plans for the day they nod. As they get started you begin to play some music on the speakers keeping it at a comfortable volume. Especially as people started to file in.
While someone runs the register you find your way around the tables and clean up as people come and go. Sometimes you would go into the kitchen to help them bake and monitor everything.
The place was busy for most of the day, you barely had time to text Penelope but when you would feel the vibration of your phone you always tried to check it and respond. However when you had your hands in dough you hadn't seen the text that she had sent telling you that the team and her were going to be dropping by.
You hadn't met the team yet but its something you have been wanting to do. Just that all of them rarely had time to be together outside of work. So while you had just put everything in the fridge and the oven to make your last batch of the day so you can start fresh tomorrow you heard the door open.
Everyone had already left and went home. You always stayed after so you could bake at least one batch of everything so tomorrow you didn't have to come in so early and be behind.
When you heard the door you turn around with dough still on your hands that you need to wash off you see your girlfriend with her team. "oh Hi guys sorry I will be right with you" you held up your hands slightly before going to the sink and washing it all off and drying your hands with a towel.
Finally you walk up to Penelope and kiss her cheek before looking at everyone. The man you assume is Morgan (aka Chocolate thunder) speaks first "who is this baby girl?" She laughs and if it were anyone else you would have not been happy with the nickname but since its Morgan you arent worried about it at all especially when she grabs your hand and smiles. "this is my boyfriend y/n"
All their eyes turn to look at you and one by one they hold their hand out for you to shake as they introduce themselves. First you shake Aarons hand, his grip was firm and gives you a small nod. Next was Rossi, his handshake was. Different it wasn't firm but it wasn't gentle either. Somewhere in between. As you shook their hands Spencer didn't hold out his hand.
You didn't make it a big deal because depending on the day you don't like to be touched a lot either. Instead you give him a nod and a small smile. "Its nice to meet you Spencer" he gives you a small nod "its nice to meet you too"
Emily is quick to look around and look at you "I know you're closed but could we get a pastry?" Everyone else seems to be hungry too as they begin to look around. "yeah of course what would you all like"
They all order tell you your order while you go and get Penelope's favorite and hand it to her. JJ is quick to say "awe that's the cutest" Penelope shoos her and laughs. While you go get everyone's order and hand it to them. "here you guys go. Lets sit down"
You all get two tables and push them together before sitting down. They tell you all about Penelope which causes Penelope to blush or laugh but the topic turns to about everyone's family and their own lives. Conversation was easy even with all of you there and eating. This felt like one of the most normal things that could happen, just a family spending time together.
Penelope was resting close to you with her head on your chest lightly, Spencer was sitting in between JJ and Derek, Aaron was beside Rossi, and Emily was beside JJ.
It seemed as if Jennifer and Emily were together but you didn't want to pry for information even if they were holding hands under the table. Spencer and Derek were wearing the same socks. Okay well not the exact same socks but Derek was wearing socks with the Tenth doctor on it while spencer was wearing the Tardis. It was fairly cute.
Eventually the dreadful time of night where they all needed to get home came. You all said your goodbyes while Penelope stayed by your side. Once they all left she turns to look at you and kisses your cheek. "tonight was really nice. Thank you for letting us keep you busy for a little longer. They all needed to get out and have a bit of normal after this case"
Leaning down to place a kiss to her forehead you nod "its no problem. They were all very lovely, also the two couples who aren't so subtle as they think they are looked like they needed to get out"
She laughs and walks with you to the car "we all know they are together. They just haven't said anything.
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— flufftober (day 13) —
Warnings: fluff, pregnancy, talks of pregnancy complications
Prompt: Hot Chocolate (alt2)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
@flufftober || flufftober masterlist
Can be read with Day One
Halloween had barely begun and you had already picked out the perfect tree and bought new sets of ornaments to match your new house decoration for the Holidays. Candles burned and flickered on the walls as you went around the tree, humming to yourself.
It was not time to start decorating. It was too early for you to even put up red stockings, but you did anyway. You were way too early, but you needed something to do. The bedrest that had been prescribed to you was annoying and it let Bucky nag you to sit down without having to make up an excuse.
Being fairly enough energetic at seven months pregnant, you were more likely than not to be found roaming the halls of your home and finding everything and anything to keep yourself preoccupied.
Before it was an issue, it had given Bucky time to hole up in his study to finish up his brief meetings with Sam about the Young Avengers Initiative without having to entertain your boredness. He would come out later to the light citrus smell of cleaning spray and the newly released scent of baked goods.
Though, now, he was scared to death about seeing you up on your feet after a long discussion with Dr. Cho and Dr. Banner about your pregnancy. With the super-soldier serum baby growing in your average human body, it was hard for them to dictate the next steps. They had instantly told you to take lots of rest and eating more than usual would be considered normal.
That was all they knew.
It was all Bucky needed to hear to start becoming more and more protective as the bump grew with the baby. You started glowing with your pregnancy and he found another reason to love you everyday.
He could, however, do without you standing on a ladder to try and secure the star on the tip of the tree. Much less when he had gone out for groceries and a quick drink with Sam on the outskirts of the little town you two had picked to settle in. He froze for just a moment when you went on your goddamn tiptoes to reach further and higher. His heart was pounding and he forced his feet to move.
“Sweets, Y/N, sweetheart.” He exhaled deeply when your heels were back on the step. His hands grasped the metal bars of the short ladder and he looked up at you, willing his heart to slow down from its thundering state. “You can’t—sweets, I love you, I really do. But, couldn’t you wait?”
You grinned down at him, sickeningly sweetly which meant he had fucked up somehow.
“I would have waited,” you started, lowering yourself gently to sit on the step with your feet grazing his thigh now. “But you kept saying you were busy.”
He racked his brain and remembered the few times you had asked him to put up the Christmas tree and all the other decoration that you ordered while seated on his lap in his study.
“In a few days, sweets.”
“Once Halloween is over.”
“I’ll do it soon, sweets.”
He had good reasons, but those promises had led up to you on a ladder while he was gone out. If you had missed a step, if the ladder had slipped, if you had been climbing down and something happened, he wouldn’t have known. He would have found you on the ground and never would he have forgiven himself for any of it.
“Sweets, get down,” Bucky all but ordered. His voice, as harsh as it was, was somehow just as gentle. Soft and low toned. He had never raised his voice at you and never would. He was better than that. But, god, his biggest nightmare could have been reality today.
Your face lost its smile and your hands went to your bump. Something in his face must have told you exactly what he was thinking about because then you were holding his shoulders and squeezing them lightly as you climbed down slowly and carefully. Once your feet were on the ground, solid hardwood ground, you cupped his face.
“I’m okay,” you whispered, scratching his cheekbone lightly. “We’re okay, James.” The use of his first name released a sigh from his lips. It was your way of saying that what you said was true and real. His shoulders sagged and his eyes fluttered close with your warmth. He felt your forehead press onto his and a light kiss was dropped on his lips.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled against your lips.
You smiled.
“Me, too. I should have waited. I know you would have done it. I’m sorry for the scare.”
His eyes opened and watched another grin appear on your face.
“So, want some hot chocolate?”
He laughed and nodded. For now, he would let you get away with it. Later, when you were taking another nap or a long bath, he would finish the tree and put up the rest of the decorations.
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derekmorgansgirl · 3 months
Derek Morgan x Chubby BAU!Reader
I absolutely hate that there is not enough out there about my literal comfort and joy, Derek Morgan, so I'm here to write what I wish I could read about him.
This is a oneshot following Y/n and Derek's angsty relationship over time. He has always flirted with her, but she was insecure and assumed he was joking around, so she always brushed him off. One day, she had enough and snapped at him, resulting in a very heated, very public argument.
Y/n's stomach dropped to her butt when she stepped through the elevator doors to the wide open bullpen of the BAU. It was her first day working as their new media liaison after their old one had switched positions. She honestly had little clue what she was supposed to be doing that day except for meeting her new boss, Aaron Hotchner.
She picked her jaw up off the floor and blinked her wide-eyed look away as she began to scan the room for Hotchner's office. Although, apparently, her confused figure drew some attention because two people approached her, startling her out of her concentration.
Upon first impression, she noticed the difference between the two people. One brown skinned man, tall, muscular, intimidating. And the other, a much shorter white woman, blonde, colorful, and friendly. The man, Y/n could see as an agent of the FBI. The woman, however, looked like an elementary teacher.
"Hey, there," the man said, "what's a pretty little lady like you doin' round here?" he said with a flirtatious grin.
Before I could even think of a reply, the woman playfully rolled her eyes before turning to me and speaking, "Don't mind him. He's well aware of his good looks and likes to use them for nefarious intentions," she glared at him. "I'm Penelope Garcia, the most beautiful, most genius technical analysist. And he's-"
"Really forward," Y/n says with an awkward laugh.
"Oh, it's Derek Morgan, actually. But you," he punctuates with a glance up and down her body, "can call me Chocolate Thunder."
"Yeah, that most definitely will not be happening, Derek Morgan."
Derek feigns a disappointed sigh before asking, "No, really, though. What are you doin' here? Can we help you with anything?"
They both look at her expectantly, eyebrows raised and fully attentive. "Oh, um, I'm supposed to be finding Aaron Hotchner's office," Y/n replies, but it sounds more like a question. "We had a meeting for," her eyes widen with a glance at her watch "7 minutes ago! Oh, God!"
"Oh, dear! Come with me, sweetheart, I'll take you there! And don't you even worry I will take full accountability of the delay and explain what happened," gushed Penelope while dragging you through the bullpen, Y/n's hand in hers.
Still shocked from the previous interaction, Y/n makes no effort to reply to her. It doesnt go unnoticed, however, because Penelope turns around to look at her for a second before continuing the walk.
"I'm, once again, sorry for Morgan. He goes a little overboard with his flirtations sometimes. I would certainly know," she giggles out. "You just have to learn not to take him seriously, everything he says is out of kindness. He really is a good man, you know-"
"Garcia?" a deep voice cuts her off.
"Hotch! Sir, I am so, so sorry. She looked so lost and confused, so Morgan and I were greeting her, and then she told us she was late for a meeting with you, so I rushed her over, and I'm so terribly sorry, this is on me! But she's here now, this is- Oh, I didn't catch your name," Penelope manages to spit out in one breath while the tall man stands there, hands in his pockets, a slightly amused look on his face.
"It's okay, Garcia. This is Y/n Y/l/n, our new media liaison. Now please excuse us, as you said, we have a meeting," he says calmly.
"Ok!" And with that, she's already turning around and scurrying away.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Aaron Hotcher, unit chief of the BAU. Come on in."
/// One month later ///
After that first meeting, especially what Garcia had said about him, Y/n had just assumed that Derek was joking around with her. She had seen him cozying up to plenty of other women. Prettier women.
But that didn't stop him from calling you such ridiculous, clearly mocking nicknames.
"Hey, baby doll. Maybe after you finish up those files, I can give you a ride home," Derek tells her with a wink.
"Um, no. I have a lot to finish and to be honest, I dont- I dont really think thats a good idea," Y/n says before clearing her throat.
"Aww, why not? You not that into me, pumpkin?" Derek leaned against her desk. And that's when it hit her. Of course. He was only doing this to make fun of her. She'd known that from the start. But she didn't know why until he had said it. It was because of her appearance, she told herself, short and round. Like a pumpkin.
The logical side of her knew it was likely not true, but her insecurities got the best of her. She had always been self conscious about her size, and it was easier to tell herself that he was just like everybody else. I mean, a handsome, fit man like him? No wonder he was messing with her.
"No, not really," Y/n said with a fake smile. "You can go now, Morgan."
Y/n had been growing closer to the team, especially Reid. They had a lot of similar interests. They both liked reading, nerdy TV shows, and most importantly they got along really well.
The other team members had taken notice of this, of course. But Derek, most especially. Y/n couldn't figure out why, but it seemed that he couldn't pry his eyes away whenever he saw Y/n and Spencer together.
Y/n and Spencer had been making their coffee side by side while chuckling and conversing about last night's episode of Doctor Who. It was something that Spencer admitted he got mocked for by multiple people, but she didn't understand why. So it became their thing. A couple nights a week, Y/n would go to Spencer's apartment and watch a few episodes with him.
Derek approached the two and grabbed a packet of sugar to pour into his own steaming mug. "What're you two nerds talking about, huh?" He said with a false smirk.
"Oh, um, we were just talking about last night," Spencer stuttered out as Derek had startled him when he snuck up behind him.
"Oh," Derek quirked an eyebrow, "last night, huh? You making a play on sweet pumpkin here?"
Spencer shook his head, embarrassed, "No! We were watching Doctor Who together."
"Huh," Derek rubbed his tongue along the inside of his cheek, "well, maybe I can take you home then tonight, Y/n, it only seems fair," he says as his smirk reappears.
"Spence and I actually had plans tonight, and he's better company than you, but thank you," Y/n replies rather harshly, causing both Derek and Spencer's faces to break into a startled reaction.
"Oh, you call watching your geeky little show in your pajamas while stuffing your face with snacks plans?" He jokingly said, but you took it as a joke that you were the butt of.
"Really? I mean, I already suspected that was why you're always mocking me, but I didn't expect you to outright and say it," Y/n crossed her arms as an attempt to shield her body.
"Whoa, what?" Derek said, suddenly conscious of everyone's eyes watching the scene. "What are you talking abou-"
"Seriously?! Are you gonna pretend to be stupid, too. You've been messing with me since the day we met, and don't act like you weren't aware of it," she slans her mug down onto the counter, causing Spencer to flinch as he awkwardly shuffles away from the two of you.
"Okay, what in the actual hell are you talking about? I have not been messing with you!" He raises his hand to smooth it across his hair.
"Oh, yes you have! Flirting with me, feigning an interest in me when you know that someone like me will never have for real!"
"Thats not why I- What do you mean someone like you?"
"Someone whos always sitting around in their pajamas stuffing their face with snacks, as you might recall saying. Short and fat, like a pumpkin, right?" Y/n said, suddenly feeling more self-conscious and insecure than she had anytime that stupid nickname slipped from his beautiful lips.
"Oh, my God. No, thats not at all what I meant by that. I- I thought you would have realized by now that-" Derek said, his eyes swelling with tears that she knew he would never let fall in front of the team.
"That what?" Y/n had asked flatly, though her face was still wet from tears.
"Baby doll, I really like you. I have from the start. Thats why I flirted with you! Not to mock you or make you feel bad about yourself. I would never do that. Especially not to someone like you. You're so incredible and I have never met a woman like you. Please let me make this up to you."
"No," she replied with a sob, causing him to momentarily panic. "You didnt do anything wrong. I'm just an idiot," they both laughed as she said that.
"Then, tell me. Do you maybe feel the same? Even after you thought I was ridiculing you for months?"
"Yeah," she whispered before grabbing his tie and pulling him down to crash her lips into his.
His hand immediately found her waist and hers on his face. They laughed while their lips pressed together in an explosive way she could have never imagined. His hand traveled around to her lower back, causing her to let out a gasp, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. Y/n let him know that she appreciated it by letting out a quiet moan, when suddenly they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
"Okay, cute moment, guys," JJ said with a mocking pout, "There are kids being kidnapped and murdered but sure, sure, take your sweet time making out in the kitchen. Get your asses over here!"
The pumpkin thing was definitely inspired off of a similar situation in the movie Dumplin' but shhh
PLEASE like and comment and reblog if you enjoyed it takes such little time and shows so much support
In the same respect I am open to constructive criticism always so dont he afraid to comment your ideas
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itsmoonpeaches · 5 months
Title: Eye of the Hurricane
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial
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[NOTE: I had to create this gif as no existing gif that I wanted of this scene previously existed in the gifs search. This gif belongs to me.]
Word count: 1,004
Rating: G
Summary: Poseidon cannot change fate, but he can be there for Percy when he is needed the most. In the only way a god can.
“Do you want to talk to him?” Sally asked, her voice tremulous as the storm Poseidon had conjured outside upon his arrival. “I know you shouldn’t but maybe just to hear his voice.”
It was easy for a god to covet things, to wish for wants, and demand them to appear. It was easy too for a god to change perceptions of reality, if only to bend the rules for a moment. Poseidon tasted that potential for a sliver of time when he glanced back at the patterned pane that separated him from the young boy. He could see glimpses of Percy through that inch of glass. A boy with eyes like the sea, with blond windswept hair, and a mustard yellow sweater.
Thunder shuddered the walls of the diner, rumbling in those few seconds that brought the truth back into focus and reminded Poseidon who he was…a god who could do nothing. 
It was difficult for a god to be powerless.
Poseidon forced himself now to never glance in Sally Jackson’s direction—to never tempt himself with forming something permanent with the mortal he loved. 
“One day,” he said so only she could hear. “One day, when he’s ready. When he knows who he is and where he belongs. And fate has revealed to him his true path. On that day…I’ll be right by his side.”
The scent of smoke and burning chocolate syrup mixed with sundae ascended from the tall glass cup that divided them. He could still feel the tingle of desperation in his ichor, the call of a human to his domain.
He allowed himself one look. One last look at her before he left. Her eyes were closed, the single tear that had escaped her eye finished its journey down her cheek, and he imagined what it would have been like if he could hold their son between them instead of holding their distance.
When he left, he knew the rain had continued its deluge upon that little town in Upstate New York. He permitted it to happen. What else could he offer?
That autumn day, he stood on the beach at Montauk. Alone because the humans who went there thought the waters too cold apart from the summer season. The ocean lapped at his feet, the breeze a welcome comfort.
Montauk was not his most awe-inspiring work. The waves were turbulent, the climate too unforgiving to warrant many seasonal visitors. Not like plenty of his other haunts where the sands were powder and the ocean a clear sapphire when much of the world froze. But Montauk was an aspect of him. Of rocks, surf, and pebbles hidden in shores. Of sharp sea glass, short cliffs, and gray waters.
Montauk was Sally. Montauk was Percy.
Poseidon stepped into the tides. He descended as easily as he always had. A current roared overhead, so strong that it could drag any careless swimmer under in a matter of seconds.
“Lord Poseidon?” chirped a hammerhead shark in his mind. “Lord Delphin wishes to meet with you about the upcoming dolphin migration from the Carolinas. The riptides might deter them from moving any faster.”
His eyes snapped to the shark. The creature stiffened with fear.
“Riptide,” Poseidon said. He looked above him once more at the same current that had pushed him below.
“Ye–yes,” stammered the shark. “That is indeed part of the problem.”
“Or it is part of the solution.”
The water bubbled and Poseidon disappeared. He called upon a force of old, a force he had not called upon for thousands of years since the time of Heracles. That familiar thing tugged at his core and in the palm of his hand, burning and thriving.
And so, when he reappeared, he was on the shore of Long Island Sound. Night engulfed him. Apollo completed his duty. There was silence on the beach.
He walked through the forest and past curious wood nymphs who melted out of trees. He felt their eyes. He felt their words. He let them pass.
Upon the hill, he saw the Big House, its glass shimmering with starlight. A shadow shifted on the porch.
“Chiron,” he remarked as he approached.
The centaur looked startled. Chiron unfolded himself from his resting position on the deck, a mortal book about architecture in his hand.  “Lord Poseidon!” he exclaimed. “It is a surprise to see you here.”
Poseidon hummed. He lifted his hand, the object he had willed into existence thrummed on his skin. "I have a task for you."
“You have laid a shroud of Mist over it, I see," Chiron observed. 
Poseidon nodded. “The world outside is dangerous. Humans do not understand our world. I do not expect them to.”
"It is a curious choice to disguise a weapon as a pen."
“A gift,” Poseidon corrected. “One day, there is sure to be someone who needs it more than I.
“The story of this blade is a tragic one, but it does not have to be. You must keep it in your possession. Do not let anyone who is not worthy take it. Do not let anyone know you have it.”
“How will I know who is to own it?” Chiron asked.
“You will know.”
Chiron studied him, and Poseidon felt like a demigod would if they were one of the centaur's pupils.
“The blade is called Anaklusmos," explained Poseidon. "Riptide.”
The name rolled off his tongue, and like a whirlpool forming in the deep, clashed against the currents that had prevented him from remembering it. A reminder that even the powerful were not invincible.
“The master of that blade will drown their enemies in the depths of the raging sea. It will protect them.” He glanced away. “I will protect them.”
Chrion took Anaklusmos from his hand.
Poseidon knew this desire of his was a fool’s quest for the impossible. But though a god could not change fate or ancient laws, he could try.
Poseidon was the sea. His son was born from defiance.
Also available on ao3.
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