#so perhaps we are not money eaters…
aiizaph · 2 years
tfw you single-handedly revived the entire family’s Skylanders hyperfixation bc of a few YouTube videos you saw launching the nostalgia back 😎
also tfw your mom mentions how many we gave away during the move and how much of an investment it was and now you feel like you’re wasting your parents money more by rebuying the same plastic toys.
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forestdeath1 · 3 months
Regulus wasn't forced by his parents to join the Death Eaters
What do we know about the Black family? I'll write a post about this because there's quite a bit we know if we read the canon in depth.
But the main point for this post is that for the Blacks, the survival and prosperity of their lineage were critically important.
The survival of their surname was in a precarious state at that time because women did not keep their surname nor pass it on to their children. Only two people could continue the line – Sirius and Regulus.
Preserving their lineage was so crucial for the Blacks that they didn't officially disown Sirius after his escape, or they reinstated him after Regulus's death. Because Sirius was the last Black. The last one who could carry on their line. Even if he was a rebellious Gryffindor who liked "mudbloods," he was still a Black.
When Sirius died, even the portrait was upset, although it's not alive. It's simply a reflection of the Blacks' attitude towards the survival of their lineage.
Am I to understand,’ said Phineas Nigellus slowly from Harry’s left, ‘that my great-great-grandson – the last of the Blacks – is dead?’
‘Yes, Phineas,’ said Dumbledore.
‘I don’t believe it,’ said Phineas brusquely.
Harry turned his head in time to see Phineas marching out of his portrait and knew that he had gone to visit his other painting in Grimmauld Place. He would walk, perhaps, from portrait to portrait, calling for Sirius through the house ...
By the time Regulus was 16, Sirius had already run away from home.
Now, explain to me, all you fans of the "Regulus was forced" idea, what would be going through Orion and Walburga's heads to make them push their last hope for the continuation of their lineage into joining a combat organization where people are constantly being killed?
Considering they didn't join themselves because they disliked the methods and probably understood Tom's real goals.
Walburga was in school with Tom Riddle and was two years older than him. Orion Black was also in school with Tom, but he was two years younger. By that time, Tom Riddle aka Voldemort, hadn't yet changed his appearance to the point of being unrecognizable. They all knew who Voldemort was. Tom Riddle. An orphan boy. Likely, they knew he was the heir of Slytherin, which was important for the Blacks because, for them, it wasn't about money but about blood. True nobility and dignity are in the blood, not wealth. The Blacks aren't the Malfoys. And as Sirius said, at some point, they were inspired by Tom's ambition to change the situation in their country, although Sirius obviously knew very little about Voldemort, as he was hardly discussed in front of the children. But initially, the Blacks were inspired because he was worthy, the heir of Slytherin, right?
Probably Orion, Arcturus/Pollux realized that Tom didn't care about blood purity. He cared about his own power. By the time they understood this, Tom's power was already too strong, and he had won much support among the pure-blood society, who believed he genuinely cared about pure-blood wizards.
Why did Sirius say he was sure their parents were proud of Regulus?
Because most likely, not both parents were proud, as Sirius doesn't mention the father at all, and Walburga had an irrational desire to see her son as a hero. Sirius – the lineage's continuer, and Regulus – a brave and courageous warrior for blood purity. Because being a Death Eater was seen as brave and cool. They were revolutionaries. Chosen warriors.
Moreover, Bella was already in the organization and could influence Walburga's opinion against Orion and Arcturus's wishes. Playing on Walburga's emotional irrationality wasn't very hard, especially for Bella and Rodolphus.
Bella was in love with Voldemort. Rodolphus was devoted to Voldemort from the start, as Lestrange Sr. had been a supporter of Tom since their school days. The Rosiers fall into the same group. Surprise, surprise, Bella's mother – Druella Rosier, was likely the sister of that very Rosier who was with Tom from the start and who was Evan Rosier's father. Cygnus Black is open for interpretation, but my headcanon is that from a young age, he was a bit more aggressive than the others and didn't quite fit into the family dynamics and control (and Bella took after him in part).
Who convinced Regulus to join the organization, even knowing Orion and the Blacks were against it?
From the little we know about Regulus, it's clear he was a maximalist inclined to broad "heroic" actions, with his own understanding of honor. He had been committed to the idea of blood purity from childhood, believing it to be truly noble and important. He wanted to be a hero and admired Voldemort. Also, always being second to Sirius, he wanted to prove his worth. That he too was strong and brave and capable of significant, but correct actions. And, our beloved Bella was there. She helped him join the organization at 16.
If you want tragedy in Regulus Black's story, here it is:
Regulus Black went to his death knowing he was the last of the Blacks. He destroyed his family. His lineage. Put an end to it. Even for Sirius, running away was easier because Regulus was still there. When Regulus went to his death, Sirius had already run away from home.
There's much more interesting stuff here than "Regulus was forced." But who cares, right? Fuck canon, live fanon.
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seriousbrat · 4 months
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this says a lot about Snape's character development for me. There are many parallels drawn throughout the series between Harry and Snape; obviously, they're very different characters but there are similarities too.
I think here Snape is talking about himself. The teenaged Snape we see in the Pensieve is very much like this- emotional, heart on his sleeve, easily provoked, a definite wallower in sad memories... weak. Adult Snape, though he retains some of these characteristics that do emerge in stressful moments (in PoA we see how angrily he reacts to Sirius's escape, for instance) on the whole is a great deal more thoughtful, reserved, calculating, measured.
I think that Snape at some point had to force himself to become this. I think he actually relates to Harry here, and is giving him advice based on personal experience. In my fic he begins to learn to control his emotions partially out of a desire to protect Lily; he's fully aware that she's his weakness (or really, his strength, viewed a different way) and that openly displaying any sort of emotion towards her at all makes her vulnerable to the likes of Avery and Mulciber, who will have the perfect weapon to get to him if they want to.
Severus doesn't have the advantages of his peers, he's not pureblood, he wasn't born into money. If he wants to join the Death Eaters and rise in their ranks, he needs to be subtle, cunning, careful. he can't afford to be careless and entitled like mulciber or bellatrix or even sirius. what he's got to offer isn't his name or his money, it's his sheer talent and cleverness. moving on:
When Voldemort decides to go after Lily this becomes even more important. Imo the reason why Voldemort believes that Snape only "desired" Lily is because that's what Snape told him. He lied to Voldemort's face and told him something probably disgusting tbh because that's the only way Voldemort would accept it and agree, if it was a selfish, callous request that Voldemort could understand. We can see evidence of this here:
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Asking Voldemort to spare a mudblood because he was in love with her would likely not have gone over well- and as we know, Voldemort actually bore his request in mind, though obv didn't give enough of a fuck about Snape to follow through. Because although asking voldemort to spare her must have taken serious balls, Snape's mistake here was trusting someone inherently selfish to do something selfless for him.
Clearly he immediately realises this and goes to Dumbledore, which is when controlling his emotions becomes of paramount importance, because now he's working against perhaps the most highly accomplished legilimens of all time.
It's also interesting to me that Snape in this conversation is probably the character who is most forthright and informative with Harry in the whole of OotP until Dumbledore at the end; Harry actually learns a lot in this conversation. And Snape also kind of gives him credit which is interesting too:
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like for Snape that's high praise lmao. A shame because if he wasn't so bitter (i.e. didn't wear his heart on his sleeve so much around harry) then he might have actually been pretty helpful to Harry and a decent teacher. Again, during the Occlumency lessons his unrestrained emotion brought up by memories of James is a hindrance. He defies Dumbledore's orders to teach Harry Occlumency because of his emotional response to SWM, as well as honestly doing kind of a shit job before that (by not being empathetic and teaching Harry in a way that would've been actually productive.)
At this point Dumbledore believes that Harry learning Occlumency and controlling his emotions is of vital importance; he turns out to be wrong about this. In Harry's case, it turns out to be his emotional nature that saves him- unlike Snape, who is the opposite. Snape's journey is about learning that some things are more important than his selfish need to give into his own emotions.
By DH Snape's learned this lesson fully; his old hatred for James doesn't stop him from doing what has to be done, from giving Harry the tools he needs. Even in the final moments of his life, he can look past James and see Lily in Harry- and, by giving Harry the information that leads to his self-sacrifice, he can let her go.
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tinydefector · 2 months
G/N human reader headcanons with Ratchet, Knockout, and Starscream. Reader has autism. Their special interests include roller coasters and horror/slasher content. Bonus points if The Racer (Kings Island) or Space Mountain (Disney World) is mentioned. As for horror, extra points for the any Freddy Krueger mentions. Ehehe, reader definitely will try to pull them into watching a slasher movie, or maybe persuade them to go to an amusement park (in their holoform maybe?). Sorry if this is too specific 😅
Warnings: slight mention of gore
Word count: 2k
Request and ask open, read pinned post
So where I am in Australia, we don't really have a lot of Rollacosters, so I hope I did this alright. I tried to add a mix into this, so I do hope you enjoy it.
- this is a mech who doesn't like horror movies after the experience with the zombie Venicons/ spark eaters
-he does make exceptions for certain movies mainly ones which don't involve undead monsters
- he tends to let you ramble about different slashers but doesn't have much input into it. 
- He isn't fond of human's but he does make an exception for you, he enjoy watching you get excited. 
- he does take quite an interest in your liking for Rollacosters because of the adrenaline aspect of it. 
-he ends up taking you on joy flights quite often. 
"Starscream... I know you have been rather busy but would you be up for watching some horror movies with me?" Their voice calls out as the Decepticon continues walking around his quarters. It wasn't often that they got to ask him.
"Horror movies, you say? Well, this is an unexpected invitation," Starscream replies thoughtfully. "While I do enjoy watching organics squirm in fear on screen, I have several tasks that demand my attention this cycle. It would not do for me to neglect my duties as Air Commander, not with Megatron in one of his moods. Perhaps another time, when our schedules align?" 
He pauses, considering. Entertainment has its and perhaps he could continue his duties while watching. "Very well then, a short viewing session. But only if you have procured films with impressive gore and suspense. None of that formulaic slash and spatter."
With that, Starscream returns his attention to his datapads, he slowly types away on the data pad, optics flicking between watching them and working.  
It wasn't often he actually took the time to spend quality time with you. Over the time you had been under his watch he had slowly grown to enjoy the company. "I can always put on one of the final destination films, I happen to rather enjoy the way the 'deaths' occur in the film. Plus my favourite is the Rollacoster one" they explain while setting everything up to be able to enjoy the movies. 
"Ah yes, Final Destination - I've heard Knockout speak of that series before, after one of his ‘outings’ " Starscream replies thoughtfully. "Let's see if it lives up to its grisly reputation." As the human begins cueing up the selected film, Starscream settles himself in for the viewing, optics gleaming with anticipation. 
"Do press play then, and we shall see if Earth's deathly spectre can outdo the Pit-spawned horrors of Cybertron's gladiatorial arenas," Starscream says with a sly grin. 
They snuggle in against his side despite the fact the bot wasn't overly warm. "Honestly Rollacoster aren't that bad, we do have a few incidents with them every once in a while but a lot of the rides have gotten alot better over the years with safety. I have quite a few I really enjoy going on when I have the money" the begin info dumping while the movie begins playing.
"While Earth's primitive contraptions cannot compare to the aerial mysteries of Cybertron, I appreciate your insight into this...rollercoaster," he rumbles thoughtfully. typing away as he looks up every now and then. "Indeed, your species performs admirably under duress." 
"Stars you go on them for fun, the adrenaline of the ride. The wind against your skin and the loops that make you feel nauseous" they state teasingly "Maybe one day I could take you too one, once your war is over" they hum optimistically.
Starscream chuckles softly. "I understand the appeal of testing one's frame to its limits. In the skies above Cybertron, there was nothing like breaking the sound barrier in a tailspin or outfoxing three Autobot Seekers at once. The rush of battle-joy before the sweet relief of victory...ah, those were cycles to savour indeed." 
His optics take on a distant glow, recalling aerobatic glories past. Turning to gaze upon his companion, Starscream's manner softens. "Your offer is...kind. Misplaced, but kind. “
-he's a bot who has seen to many horrors, and would rather not watch horror movies at all
-he's more than happy reading horror stories and a few times he has actually ready you to sleep. 
-he does take the time to take you back to bed and turn off movies
-Rollacosters are another thing he isn't fond off but he does let you take him on Roller Coaster ride.
- expect him to tell you all about the dangers of Rollacosters 
"Come on Ratchet I promise it's gonna be fun!" The human laughs while dragging the medics' holoform with them towards the Rollacoster. The theme park had been packed full of people. Ratchet's holoform sighed in exasperation, reluctantly following along as the human dragged him towards the roller coaster. The theme park was bustling with people, the sound of laughter and excitement filling the air. Ratchet's optics narrowed, his concern for the safety of the humans growing.
"Look, I understand that amusement parks are meant to be enjoyable, but you should also prioritise your safety," Ratchet grumbled, trying to reason with the human. "Roller coasters can be dangerous if not properly maintained."
He glanced around, assessing the crowd and observing the roller coaster's structure. His holoform crossed his arms, a stern expression on his face. "I'm not going on that thing."
"Ratchet, they aren't dangerous, they have to do that much maintenance and safety check on them. I promise you it will be safe!" They state while lining up for the ride with him. Ratchet's holoform raised an optic ridge, sceptical of the human's assurance. He knew the importance of safety checks and maintenance, but he couldn't help but worry about the unpredictable nature of amusement park rides. Nevertheless, he found himself standing in line with the human, observing the roller coaster as it roared by.
"Fine, we'll give it a shot," Ratchet reluctantly agreed, his tone still cautious. "But if anything feels off or if I detect any potential danger, we're getting off immediately. Understand!" As they waited in line, Ratchet kept a watchful optic on the ride's operations and the safety measures in place. He couldn't help his concern for the human's well-being, even if he tried to hide it behind his gruff exterior.
"Ratch you worry so much you old bucket of bolts!" They press their head against the holoforms shoulder. "You'll enjoy it I promise you, now stop worrying. Come on!" they state while dragging him further up the line. Ratchet stiffened slightly, He couldn't help but feel a flicker of annoyance at their dismissive remark, but he also understood their intention. To lighten the atmosphere and make him let go of his worries, even if just for a moment.
He sighed and allowed himself to be dragged further up the line, reluctantly letting go of his concerns for the time being. "Alright, alright," he grumbled, his voice carrying a hint of resignation. "But remember, I'll be holding you to your promise."
It isn't until after the ride that they are sitting down. Ratchet's hologram looks rather pale after the ride. Their laughter is soft as they watch him come down for his first Rollercoaster ride. Ratchet tries to maintain a composed demeanour, despite feeling a bit disoriented and pale. They noticed the human's amusement at his expense and couldn't help but let out a grumpy sigh.
"I hope you enjoyed that spectacle," Ratchet muttered, attempting to regain their composure. "Though I must admit, that was an... interesting experience."
A small smirk tugged at the corner of their lips, teasing and lightheart remarks passed between them both in that moment. Deep down, he knew that the experience wasn't as dreadful as he initially feared, even if his hologram didn't quite hide their pale color.
"Just don't expect me to become a roller coaster enthusiast anytime soon," Ratchet added, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Now, let's find something a little less... intense to enjoy, shall we?"
Ratchet's holoform listened as the human chartered away, discussing their favourite roller coasters and transitioning into conversations about their other interests and hyperfixations. Ratchet found himself intrigued by the human's passion and enthusiasm.
"Interesting," Ratchet commented, a hint of curiosity in their voice. "I can understand the appeal of the ride but I'd rather not go on another."
- Knockout has always enjoyed human horror movies and he adores getting to watch them with you. 
-he will curl up watching them with you even if they startle him often with jump scares. 
-he loves theorising things about different slashers and horror movies. 
-Rollercoasters on the other hand he doesn't like, he'd rather keep his feet on flat ground. 
- he does find it rather amusing listening to you talk about your hyperfixation. 
- he will actively take you to amusement parks just so he can enjoy watching you have fun. 
They laugh lightly as Knockout's optics widened as the unexpected jumpscare appeared on the screen, causing him to involuntarily jump in his seat. His engine revved in surprise, a faint whirring sound emanating from his frame. "Omg did you get jump scared by Freddy Krueger!" They giggle while eating popcorn. 
His attention shifted from the movie to the fleshy sitting beside him, their laughter contagious and infectious.
He playfully narrowed his optics, a mischievous smirk forming on his faceplate. "Oh, you think that's funny, do you?" Knockout retorted, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. He reached over and playfully nudged them with his servo. "Just you wait. I'll make sure to get you back with an even better scare."
As the movie continued, Knockout couldn't help but enjoy the bonding experience. They lean their head against Knockout while they continue watching their movie, "watch those claws Krueger!" They shoot at him.Knockout chuckled softly at their playful comment and leaned closer to them, his frame emitting a low purr of amusement. He draped his servo over their shoulder, the metal plating of his fingers acting as a gentle caress against their flesh.
"Krueger doesn't stand a chance against me, my dear," Knockout replied, his voice laced with a hint of smugness. "I've got claws of my own, and trust me, they're much more impressive than his."
"Hahaha Knockout he's a Dream demon you don't stand a chance mister!, remember the zombie Venocons, you squealed like a little girl!" They almost shout at him.
Knockout's optics widened in mock offence at their words, his audio receptors registering their playful shout. He couldn't help but let out a laugh, his voice filled with amusement and a touch of embarrassment.
"Hey now, let's not bring up ancient history!" Knockout responded, feigning indignation. "Those Vehicons caught me by surprise, that's all. It was a momentary lapse of composure, I assure you." He playfully nudged them with his elbow, his smirk returning. "But trust me, when it comes to dream demons or any other menacing creatures, I'll make sure to show them who's the real master of scare around here."
With a twinkle in his optics, Knockout grabs them. He chuckled mischievously as they squealed and tried to escape his grasp. His grip tightened ever so slightly, his servos strong and secure, preventing them from slipping away. He relished in their playful resistance, enjoying the thrill of the chase.
"Oh, no you don't," Knockout teased, his voice laced with amusement. "You're not getting away that easily, my dear."  Knockout leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a flirtatious whisper. "You know, you're quite adorable when you squirm like that. But don't worry, I won't keep you captive for too long. Just long enough to enjoy this little game we're playing."
As the movie continued to play, Knockout held them in his grasp, their laughter blending with the sounds of the film. It was a playful and content moment he had in such a long time. a reminder that even amidst the chaos, there was room for laughter and enjoyment. “I hope you know that I'll get you back my dear, just you wait sweetspark, this little game is on “ he hums lightly against their ear. 
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etheries1015 · 5 months
You're on the stan Lilia path I see? You are a person of culture as well. I was reading about myths and realized that the non-human immortals in Yuu's world is totally different from the faes aka the only non-human immortals in TWST because most of them either love or lust for humans. For example, I have heard that nine-tailed foxes seduce humans to drain their life force, youkais falling for humans, and in my country there are tons of stories where genies fell in love with humans. On the other hand, twst faes are like EWWW humans. Total opposites despite both having magic powers lmao.
Imagine the anti-human faes like general era Lilia, Sebek, and Baul with you, their close friend who's a powerful non-human immortal thing. You have great powers but what pisses them off IS THAT YOU ARE A HUMANSEXUAL 🤯👹😠🤬 Out of all fine faes you decided to flirt with HUMANS
Remember the distracted boyfriend meme years ago? The one where the guy is distracted and admiring the girl in red clothing while his gf is angry right next to him? That sums up your friendship dynamic with the anti-human fae.
I'M BAACKK yesss I am slowly turning into..like..A Lilia stan blog...BUAHAHA. I'm about ready to drop an ungodly amount of money for Lilia merch to fill my hyper fixation. Someone needs to shoot me and drag my corpse outside to touch some grass, or before I make some seriously problematic financial decisions.
I LIKE THAT HAHAHA Reader being a Yokai or succubus of somesort (because i'm hrny 24/7) and so infatuated with humans, being friends with Faes that have no interest in them is very interesting to you. Like. They are so cute when they wriggle around on their two legs with very little going on in their brains...it's less of love for humans, but more of...infatuation? Interest? Kind of like someone who enjoys reading mythology and going down a rabbit hole of mythical creatures they find fascinating.
Lilia- y/n. For a being incredibly talented in many aspects of martial arts and magical properties, I must say I am incredibly disappointed in your choice of whom you bring home at night.
Y/n - I have told you this time and time again, they are useful for replenishing my energy, Lilia! I don't understand what is with the fae of your world that hate humans so much. Aren't they cute? how they crawl around kind of like ants?
Lilia- That's...hmm. I do not agree with your stance, however...your analogy is kind of funny...
Baul, annoyed- I feel that this war should make it fairly obvious why we have such distaste for humans. Why don't you try another species? Beastmen, perhaps? Or even Fae? They have ample amount of magical energy you can also obtain from.
Y/n- that's like telling a meat eater to substitute chicken for chicken-flavored soy products. It just isn't the same! You two will never understand.
Baul, folding his arms- you're lucky you are aiding us in the war. Albiet at the price the shitty humans you like to mingle with despite your martial prowess.
Lilia- and that time you stopped mid battle simply to ask a human if they'd like to sleep with you.
Y/n, shrugging- don't knock it til' you try it
Lilia- ...i'll pass. Go shower, you smell like human stench.
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Right to left;
Lilia, immortal/magic being Yuu, humans
HAHAHA thank you for this, it made me cackle
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communist-ojou-sama · 3 months
Otherside Picnic (manga) vol. 12, bonus chapter
Bonus Chapter: Flashback to That Night
“...Hey, Sorawo.”
Nishina Toriko had been quiet for a while, as I was thinking she was making an odd expression as she opened her mouth, her next words were “What should we do about the wrap-up party?” for a moment, Kozakura lost the thread of the conversation.
Kamikoshi Sorawo, like Kozakura, was looking at Toriko quizzically. Seeing those looks, Toriko added, as if making an excuse,
“Look, we went into the Otherside this time too, right? Then we’ve gotta have a wrap party.”
If you didn’t know anything about these two’s usual routine, this addition wouldn’t serve as much of a justification, but with that Kozakura was able to reorient herself within the conversation. Toriko and Sorawo have a habit of going out for food and drinks after coming back from exploration of the Otherworld, and calling it a ‘wrap party’. To Kozakura, who’s so afraid of the Otherside that she can’t help herself, the exploration that serves as a precondition to this celebrating is already so abnormal that she couldn’t imagine wanting to celebrate it, but on the other hand, she could undertstand it a bit. As a sort of ritual of return to daily life from a dangerous environment full of fear, the idea of a wrap party didn’t seem like such a bad idea.
Perhaps the reason why she felt that way was because she herself was in need of such a ritual.
As she lifted her gaze, her eyes met with Migawa, who was standing with butler-like good posture. As if reading her thoughts, he nodded once. After finishing the rest of her tea, she set the cup down on the table with a clack.
“All right! Got it! Let’s go eat some meat!”
The two girls on the sofa looked up at her in surprise.
“Eh? But I don’t have that kind of money.”
Hearing Sorawo say something so timid brought an involuntary laugh to Kozakura’s lips. She trapises into the Otherside without a thought, but she’s afraid of an expensive meal.
“This time, I’ll treat you-- You did save me after all.”
We settled on the meat bar in front of the Shakujii Park station for our celebration. Ordinarily, Kozakura was not much of a meat-eater, but right now she felt like her body was craving some animal protein.
It had only been three days since she and Sorawo were abducted off of the street. Just three days! In that short span, entirely too many things have transpired.
Getting kidnapped is a big enough deal on its own, but then they were brought to a ruin in the middle of the mountains of Hannou. The person waiting for them there was a 4th-kind contactee, and had the ability to brainwash anyone with the sound of her voice.
Urumi Runa-- the teenage wannabe streamer.
Just remembering it sent a shiver down her spine. It was a terrifying voice. Far beyond the domain of ASMR, this voice from the Otherside rendered anyone who heard it a literal prisoner.
Urumi Runa brainwashed untold dozens of people with it, and made a cult centering around worshiping her. Kozakura was interrogated by Runa’s voice, and made to spit out everything she knew.
That said…
As she watched Sorawo and Torako across the table choosing from the wine menu, Kozaku was spurred into a bittersweet train of thought.
While she might have told her everything she knew, Runa’s questions were mostly about Uruma Satsuki, or well… the version of “Satsuki-sama” that existed exclusively in her mind. And in being asked, Kozakura realized that her knowledge of Satsuki didn’t really amount to much at all.
Ultimately, just what sort of person was she?
As she succumbed to Runa’s voice, that’s all Kozakura could think of.
She never did find an answer to that question, and she may never have a chance to get an answer, going forward.
“What drink do you want, Kozakura-san?”
Sorawo’s question brought her back to the present.
“What are you two drinking?”
“We’ve never had rosé before, so we were thinking of trying it.”
“Ah, is that so. I’ll just go with that.”
After she answered, Sorawo wrinkled her brow.
“Are you alright?”
“What do you mean?”
“You seemed a little bit out of it.”
Kozakura was internally surprised that this girl had developed the capacity to worry about others.
“I’m fine. Well, I am tired, so I might be a bit out of it.”
The two of them nodded.
“I’m sure you are tired…”
“Thanks for everything, really.”
“You two, too.”
The information Runa wanted to hear about “Satsuki-sama” was, from Kozakura’s perspective, all inconsequential trivialities. Where she lives, what food she likes, whether or not she ever mentioned Runa, whether there were any pet-peeves of hers that she should avoid… While her ability was terrifying, Kozakura understood straightaway that the girl herself was nothing more than a mentally immature fangirl. This realization depressed her more than anything.
After a litany of mostly unanswerable questions and questions to which Kozakura didn’t know the answer, Runa clearly became a bit irritated at the slow going, but when she learned of the existence of Satsuki’s office at DS Research, and that notebooks written by Satsuki herself were stored there, she got excited, and ordered her underlings to to prepare for a raid.
Runa’s impulsive armed forces, driven on enetirely by her voice…While their organizational principles and doctrine were all childish and immature, If you have no way to deal with her voice, they’re quite formidable.
As she was worrying about the safety of the people at DS research, Runa ordered her followers to detain her and handed her over to them.
It was then that Sorawo saved her.
While her consciousness was still hazy from the effects of the questioning, Runa’s followers seemed to have a falling-out, and before she had any idea what was going on Sorawo had saved her and woken her up. While she was a bit disconcerted by how different Sorawo’s aura was from usual, they attempted to escape from the ruins, but…
The wine and ham arrived.
“Wha!? Sorawo, this isn’t sweet!”
“You’re right. This isn’t what I was expecting.”
“But this also tastes good in its own way.”
“It’s nice and refreshing.”
Sorawo and Toriko are surprised at their first time drinking rosé. When they’re relaxing and chatting like this, you could never take them for a woman who mercilessly destroys others’ minds, or a woman who’d raid a cult’s base of operations, assault rifle in hand. Not unlike Urumi Runa, Kozakura felt unease about the mismatch between these girls’ capacity for destruction and the childishness of their mentalities.
However, it’s also true that that immaturity likely saved her. Had they not been so foolhardy, she may not have made it out of that situation.
Their escape attempt came to a dead end, and Kozakura and Sorawo were once again caught in the basement of the ruin. Kozakura, now Runa’s hostage, passed through the gate and was brought into DS Research. Perhaps because she was rendered unable to resist by the voice, her consciousness became vague, as if in a dream.
And then, when she came to, Satsuki was there.
But what stood there was… that, was not Satsuki.
It was some completely different thing, imitating Satsuki’s form. Kozakura understood the the first instant she saw it. Within the empty husk of the woman she’d once loved, some unknown creature was was wearing it and moving it around.
And Toriko was moving toward that monster. While calling Satsuki’s name.
Stop it, Toriko.
Can’t you see? That’s not Satsuki.
From the depths of terror that kept her body frozen, Kozakura desperately clawed her consciousness back together. Summoning up all her irritation at Toriko for not recognizing this Satsuki as a fake, and her fury at Satsuki for trying to involve herself with such a young and immature girl, desperately, she moved her body.
Get yourself together, Sorawo-chan.
Hurry! Grab her! Toriko’ll get taken away!
She squeezed out that shout, and had no memory of what happened after that. When she came to, she was back at DS research.
There was no sign of Satsuki, and Runa was unconscious with her mouth gruesomely torn open.
Kozakura, with her mental and physical energy entirely spent, fell asleep on the spot without being able to take so much as a step-- in fact, she felt like she fell unconscious.
The main thought in her head as her consciousness faded was surprise that Sorawo and Toriko brought her back with them and didn’t abandon her. It was that extreme of a situation.
They might be hopelessly impulsive brats, who’ve matured in bodily terms alone, but they’re good kids. That was Kozakura’s appraisal of the two of them now.
So, well, there’s no harm in treating them to some overpriced steak, just for today.
As she gazed in a generous frame of mind at the two of them eating their meat, suddenly, a scene that she’d forgotten about flashed back across her mind.
Kozakura and Sorawo, having escaped from the cultists, hiding in a narrow locker.
Sorawo’s hand resting on Kozakura’s head as she trembled.
Her head being petted, as if to pacify her.
Over, and over.
Back then… why the hell did this maniac pet her!?
Kozakura couldn’t take her eyes off of Sorawo, who was cutting meat with her knife.
...No, really, why the hell did she do something like that???????
Perhaps sensing her gaze, Sorawo looked up.
The instant before their eyes met, the smartphone on the table began to shake. On the screen was a message from Migawa.
Sorawo looked curiously at her, and Kozakura looked back.
“...It seems like they finished cleaning.”
Kozakura replied, unnecessarily evasively.
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theresthesnitch · 9 months
Remus should have fought harder for Sirius and Harry!
No, but... how do you know he didn't? Canon is absoluely silent on it. What we know is that Remus didn't see Harry again until he taught at Hogwarts. Canon tells us nothing about what he was doing during this time.
We also know that Dumbledore had Hagrid pick Harry up from Godric's Hollow on October 31 and fly him straight to the Dursley's house. Hagrid tells us that he went straight there on the bike he borrowed from Sirius Black. Harry was placed with his aunt and uncle, by Dumbledore's order, and kept so completely unaware of magic that he didn't have a clue that magic--magic that he could do, by the way--was real until a giant burly man knocked on a shack in the middle of the lake on his birthday.
Harry was hidden by the most powerful, well respected wizard of the time. Sirius was blamed and put in Azkaban without a trial. This is already a terrible starting pace to *finding* and *rescuing* them, even if Remus had the capability to do so.
Remus is not Harry's godfather, he's got no means to care for Harry, and he's got once a month that he knows without a doubt that Harry is in more danger with him than without. Perhaps he knew that Harry was with his aunt and uncle, but no one suspected that the Durselys would abuse Harry as they did. Even if they hated magic, no one expected them to turn him into the boy in the cupboard under the stairs. That's perposterous. It's unthinkable.
Remus has no power. He's a kid with a wand and very little else. He doesn't have a name, he doesn't have money, he doesn't even have a clean bill of health. If he's going to try to get Sirius out and Harry back, he's going to go to the most powerful wizard he knows. Which, after the War, is Dumbledore.
Dumbledore received numerous awards for whatever it was he did during and at the end of the war. He received honors. He was the only one that Voldemort ever feared. he was given designations and authority, and no one really questioned him.
So Remus goes to him and pleads for his help. Let Sirius out, he demands. You know Sirius would never do this to James. He would never do this to Peter. They were his friends. Dumbledore says I didn't think he would either, and yet their dead. Remus says give him a trial, because there must be an explanation. Dumbledore tells him that Sirius laughed hysterically on the way to Azkaban. Sirius confessed, he says. "It's my fault their dead," Sirius says, because he believed it to be true, and they accepted his confession.
Remus begs, but Dumbledore tells him it's settled. Who is Remus to fight Dumbledore? Perhaps he tires, perhaps it's hopless. Or, perhaps, he asks to have contact with Harry. Even if he can't care for him, because no one would trust the boy who lived with a werewolf, let him at least have contact with Harry. Harry deserves to know his parents. Dumbledore tells him no. It will be too confusing for the boy. It will be dangerous if you bring death eaters with you. It's better for him if he grows up believing he is a member of that family. it is better for him if he doesn't have contact with you.
Remus has los everything, and the only person that he thought might help him has turned him away.
Remus has nothing left. He has no one left. No one will listen to him if Dumbledore is against him, and everyone is celebrating while Remus can only think of what he's lost.
What did he do for the next fourteen years? Personally, I think he left the country. Traveld the world as a magical creature exterminator for hire. He had nothing left in England. Why would he stay? Perhaps he didn't even keep track of the years--what do they matter anyway--until he gets a letter from Dumbledore asking him to come back.
He has nothing else. Why not return? Perhaps it's safe for Harry to know who he is, now. He just has to get on the train the morning after the full moon, but it's fine. he can sleep all the way there.
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If Alphard Black was alive during canon, would that change/affect anything? Besides giving Draco a competent grandparent figure to maybe, perhaps slightly negate some of the influence of incompetent father figure.
Alphard Black, a great character @therealvinelle and I have completely made up for our own purposes.
Honestly, the way Harry sees it, no or else so minimally it's going to be no.
Where Does Alphard Fit In?
Alphard in this universe lives far past his original due date in the early 1980's/late 1970's. Potentially, this means no money willed to Sirius as he's not dead, but we'll go with @therealvinelle and my convenient interpretation of "gifted money to Sirius" in which case Alphard's not quite regretting giving that money but very :/ about it when a few years later Sirius is found to be Death Eater Number 2 who blew up an entire Muggle street in cold blood and sold his best friend, wife, and child out to You-Know-Who directly.
Alphard doesn't suspect this is false given the sheer emotional gut punch he receives around this time that is Bellatrix being a confirmed die-hard Death Eater who has tortured a fucking baby/murdered many/and tortured people into insanity, Regulus's disappearance and presumed death, and Narcissa being married to what clearly is a Death Eater who is now in dire straits and is bribing everyone he can to stay out of Azkaban. At this rate, why shouldn't Sirius have done this? Everyone else in Alphard's life has. Just par for the course.
(As an aside, I doubt Sirius would have gone to live with Alphard when he ran away because a) he didn't canonically b) he had support through the Potters c) the entire point was to run away from the family and that would just be running to family. So, they didn't have a period where they were very close and we remain in the canon world where Sirius was pretty surprised to have gotten money from his uncle like that and then doesn't really think about it.)
Alphard spends the 1980's onwards in a daze of extreme sadness as Regulus has presumably killed himself for no reason the family can discern, Sirius turned out to be a lunatic Death Eater no one suspected (which means he ran off from the family for no reason??? Sirius???), Bellatrix is in Azkaban deservedly for crimes so heinous Alphard really doesn't want to think about it, Narcissa is still fucking married to Lucius who is so clearly a Death Eater it's practically a running joke and sees 0 problem with this (and it's worse because Lucius is doing so well! This is great! He's filling the power vacuum!), Alphard's sister dies at some point during this period as does his second cousin/brother-in-law, and we're basically looking at a guy who's going to be hanging out with Andromeda (and fuck what the family thinks at this point, Alphard's so tired) who looks like the only remaining sane one and telling Narcissa to "PLEASE LEAVE LUCIUS" and being Draco's sad sad grandfather/granduncle figure who's very :/ about Lucius and Narcissa privately talking about how great Voldemort and the Death Eaters are.
I imagine Alphard's very dubious about the Boy Who Lived thing but mostly he just doesn't care. It's just so stupid and his life's misery and people are acting like he's supposed to be happy because at least Voldemort's gone. He doesn't expect to ever interact with Harry Potter because, well, why would he?
Alphard's role comes in more when Sirius escapes Azkaban and I imagine the Aurors aren't sure whether to guard him or not. However, Sirius doesn't give a fuck about his uncle and so he never comes around. Alphard has no reason not to assume that Sirius is on the run somewhere and is guilty as hell given Sirius canonically did not get a chance to prove his innocence.
More to the point, Harry has no reason to hear more about Alphard Black than he already did in canon.
Grimmauld Place was willed to Harry directly from Sirius and so Alphard wouldn't come into the picture there anymore than any of the other Blacks did when Sirius died.
Harry has no reason to interact with Alphard later as there's no suspicion that Alphard would have a Horcrux and he learns about RAB from Kreacher without having to interrogate Alphard about anything.
Draco still becomes a Death Eater because he really has no choice when it comes to saving his family/he wouldn't listen to his boring old grandfather/granduncle anymore than he did his mother/Snape of why this is a bad idea and he should be very careful.
Basically, Alphard would be one of the many witnesses to the tumultuous years that are canon and would have no real affect on it.
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ihavemanyhusbands · 1 year
Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham x Fem!Reader
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Also on AO3
Summary: You, an aspiring food critic, are introduced to Doctor Hannibal Lecter by one of your professors. The two of you bond over good food and perhaps... a mutual attraction. Then, Will Graham -- Hannibal's closest friend and confidant -- is added into the equation and things get a lot more complicated... but let's be honest, a whole lot more interesting as well.
Word Count: 4,464 words.
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ only, minors dni), p in v, light knife play, oral sex (f & m), threesome, lmk if there's anything I missed!
A/N: Yep, not much plot, we are going straight to it. We all know what we came here for right? HEAVY ON THE SELF-INDULGENCE
The night air was crisp and cool, seeping all the way to your bones despite the layers you wore. Fall was coming to a close and winter was quickly approaching, icy claws bared. You stared up at the house – his house – admiring the impeccable but austere architecture. It reminded you of a more modern sort of palace and, my word, was it fitting of the man you came to see.
As you locked your car and began slowly walking up the driveway, you shivered, but it had nothing to do with the temperature.
This wouldn’t be the first time you’d dine with Doctor Hannibal Lecter, the most refined palate in all of Baltimore. In fact, the first time you met him – a favor from your creative writing professor, who knew of your dream of becoming a food critic – he’d taken you out to dinner. He was always happy to meet people who loved food as much as he did.
It’d been at a fancy restaurant, glittering diamonds and expensive perfume and the cold sneers of the wealthy surrounding you. It was way out of your budget, to say the least. But you hadn’t been surprised at his choice; he was a little eccentric, after all.
You’d felt bad, but he’d insisted on taking care of the bill, so long as you gave your honest opinion on the dishes he ordered for you to try. You were definitely not a picky eater, but you’d been a bit hesitant to relent all of your control. In the end, your own promise to give everything a chance at least once convinced you.
And boy, did Hannibal know how to eat. Not that you thought all word about him was a rumor, but you simply had not known the depths of their truth.
In just that first meeting, he expanded your palate considerably, presenting you with things you’d never even thought of. Perhaps not to the level he was on, but it still felt like a whole new world was yawning open for you to explore.
Sometimes you still dreamed of the lingering umami of caviar, the richness of a good Malbec wine, the sweet and creamy croquembouche he’d fed you spoonfuls of for dessert.
But you had felt a little embarrassed afterward, like you’d been a mere imposter before that night. What the hell had you even known about food?
You had a couple of exotic meals under your belt, but you were only truly starting your career journey, and money wasn’t always permitting.
On the other hand, you’d also felt slightly reassured by the way he watched you, appraising and unrelenting, with a certain curiosity that made you feel completely exposed. He had delighted in your deep hums of approval, the soft glaze of bliss in your eyes. He hung onto your every word as you described flavors, textures, scents. He’d smirked slightly throughout the entire ordeal, hazel eyes shining with amusement, and you found yourself squirming slightly in your seat.
He hadn’t failed to notice that either. In fact, unbeknownst to you, he had a very keen sense of smell, and he seemed to get hooked on yours.
So yes, you had bonded over food, and every subsequent meeting had brought something new and positively groundbreaking. The way he could make you experience such wonders seemed to entice him to continue seeing you, and you certainly were happy to oblige.
But tonight was different in more than one way. He’d bestowed upon you the great honor of inviting you to one of his famous dinner parties, to finally get a taste of his cooking. The idea of eating something put together by his hands – so elegant, with such long fingers, like a pianist’s – felt incredibly intimate, but also monumental. It was anticipation that had you quivering, your whole body tight and seemingly buzzing with electricity.
Especially as you heard a car door shut behind you. Ah, there was the other reason you were so anxious. You whirled around to face him and his steps slowed as he found himself pinned under your gaze.
Not necessarily a rival, but someone who definitely seemed to want to compete with you for Doctor Lecter’s attention. In his own subtle way, of course.
You had heard the name Will Graham a couple of times in your meetings with Hannibal and it was very apparent that they were close. Very close.
When you two had finally been introduced, you did not know what to make of one another. Will was tense and awkward for the most part, avoiding eye contact as much as he could. He was definitely more reserved, letting you and Hannibal do most of the talking, but chiming in with dry remarks whenever he thought it was necessary.
But he also seemed intrigued by you, often looking at you at least from the corner of his eye, like he wanted to see for himself what your appeal to Hannibal was. Not many got close to the Doctor, it seemed, even as popular as he was.
Will studied you in return and smiled almost imperceptibly. It felt like a truce, which you readily accepted.
“What a coincidence,” he said. “We’re both so punctual.”
“Anything else would be rude.” You said, your tone light, even if you firmly believed it to be true. Especially when it came to Hannibal.
He stepped toward you, offering you his arm. “Shall we?”
You linked your arm with his, immediately getting a whiff of his strong aftershave. You understood why Hannibal hated it, but you didn’t voice your opinions. You wished you could smell his more natural scent – pine needles and petrichor and musk – as it fit him much better. It made you want to bury your face in the crook of his neck, fingers intertwined with the curls at his nape.
Perhaps he also did not know what to do with the fact you seemed to be drawn to him as well. It was that quiet, mysterious air about him, always assessing, poised to strike. In a way, he sort of reminded you of Hannibal, though not quite as eased into that darker, more primal nature.
You waited as Will rang the doorbell, arm still holding yours. You weren’t sure if he was leading you, or if he had captured you, not letting you escape. The idea of either was titillating, though it wasn’t like you wanted to leave.
Then, the door opened and there he was, that familiar smirk already on his handsome face.
“Well, well,” Hannibal said. “It’s a pleasure to see you both. Please, come in.”
As you stepped over the threshold, Will took the bottle of wine you brought – a Shiraz, which you remembered Hannibal mentioned liking – as Dr. Lecter stepped behind you.
“May I?” He asked, referring to your coat.
You nodded and his hands slid over your shoulders lightly as you shrugged your coat off. His fingers were warm, almost teasing, and you momentarily wondered how they’d feel on your exposed flesh.
Hannibal inhaled deeply, scenting your perfume – Amber, smoky cedar, bergamot – and that chemical change in your sweat at his nearness.
“Your home is so lovely.” You breathed, taking in your surroundings-- The pastoral art on the walls, the dark glaze of the hardwood floors, the almost surgical cleanliness. It was all just so him. “Thank you for inviting me.”
Hannibal nodded in appreciation, leading you both to the dining room. Will, who was at your side, leaned in close to your ear. “Be careful not to let your jaw fully unhinge, it’s bad for the muscle.”
You scoffed, half amused and half offended. Was he accusing you of being a brown-noser, or did he dislike simply dislike you currying Hannibal’s favor?
“We don’t have to do this, you know,” You said, your voice a husky whisper. “We were playing nice just now. Though I have to say, I do like that little fire of yours. It tells me you can still burn, if you so want.”
Will said nothing, and you knew that in some way, you got to him. Yes, you’d had just a little bit of liquid courage before you got here, but just enough to warm the blood; If only so they might not confuse you for a trembling fawn, surrendering to its fate. It had certainly loosened your tongue a little, letting your desires slip through.
As Hannibal pulled your chair out for you, his smirk grew a little as he sensed the sudden tension between you and his coveted Will Graham. Oh, things were already getting so interesting.
Hannibal poured three glasses of the wine you brought, reaching over to squeeze your hand upon reading the label. You felt a swell of pride in your chest, hid it behind a demure smile. He eyed the column of your throat as you swallowed your wine.
“Forgive my forwardness,” Hannibal said, setting his glass down. “But I must say, you look quite… delectable tonight. Did you go through all that trouble just for me?”
“Doctor Lecter–” You breathed a small, shy laugh, cheeks flushed.
“Careful, Hannibal.” Will cut in, looking right at you. “She might put your dinner to shame.”
“No, I don’t believe she would.” Hannibal leaned forward slightly. “In fact, I have some slightly regretful news. I apologize for waiting until now to bring this up, but I thought we could have a different approach to tonight’s dinner.”
You tilted your head to one side, just now realizing that there were no enticing scents of a cooked meal. You’d been so occupied with his presence to notice. Disappointment curled in your stomach, but his tone made you straighten your spine.
“Oh?” You prompted, suddenly very curious.
“In the continued pursuit of new experiences for you, I was wondering… How would you like to be tasted?”
There was a moment of silence in which you didn’t even move, unsure if you were dreaming or he’d actually just said those words. Oh, what cruel torture it would be, if it turned out to be the former.
But then he went on. “Will and I spoke of it. He was the one to suggest the idea, actually.”
Your eyes immediately drifted to Will Graham, who was looking intently at Hannibal’s profile. That was a time he decided to stay quiet, but you didn’t fail to notice how his Adam’s appled bobbed with a hard swallow.
“Did he now?” Your voice dropped to a near whisper, sultry, coaxing. “And did Mister Graham go into the specifics of how this would go about?”
“Well if I did or not, wouldn’t it be better for you to find out?” Will said, terse, as if he could still not admit his desires to himself. Like he was ashamed of wanting something to keenly. “Or did you want me to tell you?”
You held his gaze for a moment, shaking your head almost imperceptibly.
But then, looking at both men, a sort of awareness made your skin tingle. A field mouse between two mighty serpents, not fully concealed in the tall grass. You wondered how their fangs might feel as they sunk into you, how their venom must sting.
Well, you did say you would try anything at least once, didn’t you?
You cleared your throat, crossing your legs. “Will anyone else be joining us for dinner?”
Hannibal arched a light brow, just as Will finally looked at you, a little taken aback. To Hannibal, this wasn’t so much of a revelation, but more of a confirmation. You secretly loved the theatricality, the rapturous looks of spectators. Most of all, you loved when the spotlight was on you, baring everything – your soul included – for examination. It was what drew him most to you.
Perhaps eventually, but that night…
“No, just us.” Hannibal said finally. “Only with your consent, of course. I do not want to make assumptions. It was just a thought, a mere… unbecoming desire.”
“Perhaps it is mutual.” You admitted, breathless. “We are only made of flesh and fault, after all.”
“Yes, and how tender seems the flesh.” He trailed a finger lightly down your arm, and goosebumps followed in its wake.
Hannibal’s easy smirk returned as you squirmed, thighs rubbing against each other, heat pooling in your stomach and even lower. Will adjusted in his seat, clearing his throat, swallowing hard once again.
You wondered what it would be like to see him break; to see him without restraints, free, surrendered to his basest instincts. You wondered if Hannibal had seen him that way, and if he was just about to share that with you. Or do the same to you.
You weren’t sure which you wanted more, but you were sure you would lose your head if you got neither. Were you beneath begging? It was yet to be seen…
You worried your bottom lip with your teeth, unsure of how to proceed. “What do you need me to do?”
“Nothing, dearest. Leave it to me – to us. You’ll be in very good hands.”
That sultry promise in his words – purred to you in a way only he seemed to know how – melted you completely. You had never believed in anything more.
The first slow lick of your open mouth had your breath catching, but you couldn’t do much more than close your eyes. Hannibal held your face with one hand, and you were sure it was the only thing grounding you to the Earth; tethering you to your own body.
But then his tongue dragged over yours a second time, and a soft mewl escaped you, your head spinning.
“I’m not sure which I like more,” Hannibal said, voice husky. “Those sounds you make, or the taste of good wine on your tongue.”
The three of you had moved to the kitchen, with you sitting on the dark granite island. The kitchen was opulent and in pristine condition, though there were small details that showed it was well lived in. Out of all the rooms in the house, you knew this was where Hannibal spent most of his time.
Not that you were really paying much attention to your surroundings at that very moment.
“I think you’ve rendered her speechless.” Will commented, an edge of amusement in his voice.
Your eyes fluttered open just barely as Hannibal chuckled. “And we’re barely getting started.”
He slowly trailed the back of his hand down the sleeve of your blouse. “I don’t think we’re going to be needing this, do you?’’
Hannibal took a step back, fingers pensively dancing over the handles of the knives that were stored in a polished wooden block. You immediately moved to start unbuttoning your silk blouse, hands shaking.
But Will, in a sudden act of confidence, stepped forward, between your legs.
“Allow me.” He murmured, eyes downcast.
You watched him closely, how his patient hands slowly finished undoing all the buttons. Your chest heaved as he gently pushed it off your shoulders, pooling at your back. He gazed intently at the lacy bralette you wore, barely concealing anything. Your nipples were two hard peaks that pressed against the thin fabric, demanding attention.
But he did not give it to you. At least, not yet.
Then, Will and Hannibal switched places, your eyes closely trailing the glint of the chef knife’s edge. Your pulse began racing, both in exhilaration and a slight tinge of fear.
Hannibal took a moment to look at you, his hand coming to rest on the flat expanse on your stomach. His hand inches upwards, fingers just barely grazing the soft underwire of your bralette.
“Let’s see what we’re working with here, shall we?” He purred, holding your gaze. “Lean back for me, sweetness.”
You oblige without a doubt. In the next moment, his finger curls, pulling the underwire forward, the knife following close behind. You gasped and in a quick, expert slash, the measly excuse for a cover falls apart, baring your breasts. Your back arched instinctively, attempting to get closer to him.
Hannibal hummed in approval, his smirk positively devious. “Take a gander, Will.”
He trailed the flat part of the knife — featherlight, barely a whisper – down your sternum, through the valley between your breasts. You dared not move this time, not wanting to distract him from this deliciously slow torture. You kept expecting even the slightest nick of the blade, and that fearful anticipation made you even more aroused.
“I must say, I’m not quite sure where to start. Such softness… Such supple skin.” Hannibal mused. The tip of the knife stopped at the hem of your skirt, and he tilted his head to the side with the curiosity of a predator sizing up its’ meal. “We should free you of this too, hm?”
“Yes.” You breathed.
Will tsked in disapproval. “Don’t forget your manners, now.”
Your eyes were drawn to him, your pupils blown wide with desire, the darkness swallowing your iris. You briefly wondered if they could hear the jackhammer pace of your heart; Like a war drum against your ribcage.
“Please.” You added, just as low, your voice somewhere out of reach.
The knife retracted and Hannibal offered you a hand so you could stand up. As soon as you did, he pressed you against him, your bare chest against his woefully clothed one. Will came up behind you, intent on unzipping your skirt, but you stopped him with the arch of your back, pressing your ass against his crotch.
He sucked an audible breath through his teeth, a groan threatening to escape his throat. Hannibal chuckled as Will gripped your hands behind your back with one hand and finally undid your skirt. Roughly, he pulled it off of you, stepping back as Hannibal quickly spun you around to face him.
You gripped Will’s arms tightly as his lips captured yours in a ferocious kiss. He held you up as Hannibal ripped your stockings apart – both with the knife and his hands – jostling you a little against Will. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as your panties fell to the same fate.
When you broke the kiss – an obscene string of saliva still connecting your lips – you looked into his eyes, breath catching at the intensity of them; Like a pure and holy – or perhaps unholy? – blue flame. He was getting more and more beautiful by the minute, unraveling before your eyes.
You felt Hannibal’s finger trail up your inner thigh, capturing your wetness. “What a delightful mess you’ve made.”
You squirmed in Will’s embrace, slightly embarrassed at his discovery. How were you so wet already?
Actually, you knew the answer to that question.
Hannibal’s fingers trailed further up, precariously close to that aching spot you really wanted him to touch. But he stopped, almost expectant.
“What do we say?” Will said, voice dangerously low.
“T-thank you.” You gasped as Hannibal grazed his teeth against your inner thigh, chasing away the sharp sting with his tongue.
Involuntarily, you pushed your hips back, closer to his face. You heard Will’s belt clink slightly as he undid it, along with his trousers. You reached down, wanting to touch him, to savor him too, but he only smirked devilishly.
“Greedy thing, isn’t she?” Will purred, taking a hold of your hand to stop you.
“So it seems.” Hannibal said, standing up. “But with such delectable honey, how can we deny her?”
From behind you, he stretched his hand out towards Will, offering his fingers slick with your arousal. Without a second thought, Will leaned forward and captured his fingers in his mouth, tongue wrapping around his digits.
And that taste of you, saccharine on his tongue, sticking to his palate in all its glory, snapped something in him. He let out a low growl and pushed your hand away, his trousers and boxers soon falling to the floor in a heap.
Hannibal crouched once more behind you as Will pulled you forward, your eyes widening and mouth watering. At the same time that Hannibal buried his face in your cunt, you grasped Will’s erection, a glistening bead of precum on the tip.
Will leaned back against the kitchen island and you bent lower, sticking your tongue out and lapping up the precum. The taste of him was a bit sharp, but not unpleasant; salty and slightly musky. You hummed in approval, giving the underside of the head a teasing lick. His hand buried in your hair, guiding your head gently.
As you took him in your mouth, you moaned around his length. Hannibal was licking you in long, languid strokes, hands spreading you further open. Your legs twitched, but you were too wrapped up in the feel of Will’s cock sliding over your tongue. He shuttled it in and out slowly, reaching a little further every time. You hummed your pleasure continuously, the vibration of it adding to his own pleasure.
Will’s hips bucked and he grunted, eyes screwed shut and head thrown back in ecstasy. Then behind you, Hannibal picked up the pace, his tongue circling your clit as he inserted a finger into your cunt. Your whole body tensed, the movements of your head momentarily halting, and Will snapped to attention.
“Don’t make her come yet.” He snarled, a startling possessive edge to his tone.
Much to your chagrin, Hannibal acquiesced, pulling back, though his finger was still pumping in and out of you at a much slower pace. With a loud pop, you released his cock, drool sloppily dripping down your chin.
“Apologies, I got too carried away.” Hannibal panted, sounding quite smug at how he got you dripping for him. “I’ve seldom tasted something quite so divine. Sweet ambrosia, a feast worthy of the Gods.”
He withdrew completely, pulling you up with him. One hand came up to grip your neck just tight enough to keep you pinned; The other came up to palm your breast, thumb teasing your nipple. You growled in frustration, wiggling your hips.
“What’s that now?” Will taunted, stroking his length slowly – flicking his wrist just so… oh sweet torture! – his breath ragged. “Didn’t we agree to play nice earlier?”
“Oh, she’s being nice. Aren’t you, sweetness?” Hannibal purred, tilting your head to the side to meet his gaze. He looked much like you, lower half of his face glistening with an artful mess of your own creation. “Perhaps she deserves a taste.”
And he kissed you, tongue immediately parting your lips and tangling with your own. You tasted yourself on his lips, mixed in with his saliva, and it had an almost narcotic effect on you. Warmth spread throughout you, oblivion just at your fingertips. You were simply, utterly hooked.
He pulled away to toss his jacket to the side and then bound your hands behind your back with his tie. You heard him undo his trousers and you suppressed a shiver of anticipation. You kept your eyes on Will, the steady rhythm of his hand stroking himself hypnotizing you.
Then, you felt Hannibal’s cock line up with your entrance, the head of it barely slipping in. His low groan was in your ear and he dipped his head to nip your shoulder. You held your breath, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he plunged further into you, making sure you felt every inch.
When he was fully sheathed in you – your head swimming and barely able to tell where he ended and you began – your mouth slackened in pure, unadultered ecstasy.
“How angelic,” Will breahted, awed. “Look at the rapture in her eyes, gazing directly into Heaven.”
“How lucky… she had us to show her.” Hannibal panted.
Hannibal fucked you with a near surgical precision, his thrusts deep and unrelenting, knowing exactly what spots to hit to make you cry out. In fact, he guided himself by the sounds you made, adjusting quickly to whatever seemed to make you respond the most. His hand snaked down to your clit, stroking in time with his thrusts.
And he had to admit, you really did look like an angel in that moment, rosy cheeked, eyelashes thick with tears of overstimulation. Those undignified moans of yours were like a melody he would remember for days to come.
By the tight clench of your cunt, he knew you were right there, but as much as he wanted you to come all over his cock – anointing him with your cream, forever marking him – he knew he’d already been quite greedy with you. He wanted Will to have it; A gift to him.
The swap was almost seamless; one moment you were achingly empty, ready to claw the walls if you didn’t get your release soon. But then you were bent over the kitchen island, legs kicked apart, and Will filled you up in a single thrust.
The way he fucked you was wholly different. Will was more frantic, almost feral, all bared teeth and low growling. His hips slapped against yours loudly, his thrusts quick and almost punishing.
Your body was pure fire, a pillar of all consuming flame. You worried you would slip through their fingers if you weren’t held together tight enough.
Hannibal watched through the whole ordeal, stroking himself, though a part of you wished you could be doing it for him.
And suddenly, with a slight tilt of his hips, Will hit a certain spot inside of you that finally unraveled that tight coil in your stomach. With a keening wail, you stumbled into oblivion, shooting stars streaking in the darkness your eyelids.
Will was right there with you, the tight clench your cunt milking out his pleasure. He painted his design inside you, a messy, unabashed masterpiece.
After a couple more heartbeats, in which you listened to his grunts and ragged breathing, he pulled out of you, sticky warmth trickling down your inner thigh.
Hannibal undid the tie holding your hands, massaging your arms gently and kissing down your spine. He’d already cleaned himself of his own release, now intent on taking care of you. He turned you around and embraced you, wiping your damp hair away from your forehead.
You sagged against him, smiling beatifically, breathing heavily still. Your body still responded to his touch, but you were exhausted.
Will soon returned, already clean himself, with a soft towel in hand. He kneeled in front of you and cleaned you with the utmost care. Both of them looked at you reverently, like someone to worship.
“Well, out of all our times dining together, I have to say… this has been my favorite.” You sighed dreamily, voice still tremulous.
Hannibal chuckled. “Trust me, sweet angel, this won’t be the only time.”
And you were more than okay with that promise.
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ankhmutes · 1 year
A Charming Journey Home part 2
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Amanda is up to something, and you're not sure just what will happen...
It was a few weeks until you saw the Sons again. They had walked into your bar, it was not a typical haunt of theirs but there they were, in their cuts. You recognized the wild-haired sergeant at arms. But the other one you had taken notice of was not there. You kept making drinks and smiling, looking pretty to get the tip money. You watched them chat with some other men, and after a while, they left. You didn’t really seem to think they were here for the drinks, but at least they did get your attention; perhaps there were more to the Sons than just parties and drinks.
Mandy was whispering in your ear, leaning across the bar and giving you a quick cash grab. Something out at caracas, guaranteed good money. You glared at her and let out a slight huff.. Three kids could be a handful, but the twins helped keep your little spicy fireball out of too much trouble, but the bills could rack up sometimes… 
“I guess that could get the kids new uniforms, I suppose. I could actually get my nails done.” Mandy always managed to find your weak spot, the kids. You’d do anything for them. Connor had wrecked you, but at least three good things came out of that wreck. Getting your nails done would be something nice, and could get in some good tips too. 
“Will there be protection?” you asked, turning to make drinks for a regular, seeing him come into the bar. Mandy nodded and rattled off some names of people from the Sons. You didn’t know all of their names, but you recognized Jax and Opie’s names, so they were the big fish there. Apparently it was a Sons thing, and you know Mandy would do anything to land herself a Son, especially one of the big kahunas; You weren’t sure if you were up for it, but it was something to supplement your income, and someone had to keep Mandy out of too much trouble.  
“All right, fine. If I get the cash on the spot, I’ll do it.” you found yourself saying as you slid the drink over to the regular and Mandy squealed with delight, bouncing up and down just enough to attract attention.  “Jesus, stop. It’s just a thing. I’m just doing it for the money. That’s it. You can have all the men you want. I’m not doing this to get a man. Not anymore, at least.”
“You’re boring. You gotta get out more often.” Mandy giggled and walked out of the bar, and you had an odd feeling that nothing would be the same again. A slight shudder shot through you, and you turned back to the bar, your eyes flicking up to the mirror and spotting two men in leather cuts leaving the bar. You hoped this wouldn’t be a mistake.. You definitely had learned from Connie. Being an old lady was not for the weak, and you weren’t on the prowl for anything more challenging than your battery-operated boyfriend that laid in your nightstand drawer and got some action.
You picked up Mandy in your battered red Jeep, that thing had taken you through four states, and all kinds of crazy shit. She put the directions in your phone and you drove all the way to caracas to the place where they would film. It was an interesting place, run by Luann, someone you vaguely remembered from your younger days in Charming.  Mandy strutted around the place, smirking and talking with all of the girls. You didn’t like the vibes of some, but Cherry wasn’t too bad. Cherry was kind of nice, and had those big doe eyes that made you just want to take care of her. You said hello to the girls and Luann, working out the details of the shoot. While you were getting ready and set up, some of the Sons had arrived. Your gray-haired man and his wild friend were there with Jax and Opie. You were familiar with Jax and Opie, as was any girl in Charming. You felt slightly more confident, and less bored with the set now that you kind of knew someone there other than Cherry, Mandy, and Luann. 
You wandered over to where Mandy was holding court with some other crow eater girls, talking and giggling. They were talking about their goals, and one of them was talking about getting Jax to be their fluffer. You giggled, and didn’t think a Son would actually do that. The crow eater girl- they all looked the same to you and you couldn’t be bothered to learn their names- and Mandy started trying to one-up each other, telling outlandish crap, that the other girls were just eating up but you suspected it was just bullshit. You just enjoyed watching the Sons mill around and set up equipment and make sure the prospects weren’t being idiots. 
“.... now Tigger can’t get it up. He’s actually pretty small. It’s probably why he can’t get it up for a real woman and just fucks around screaming for pussy.” Mandy said with a giggle as you stared at her slightly agape, eyes moving quickly to the three bikers that you most certainly knew heard what Mandy said to the crow eater girls. One was Opie, but you weren’t sure who the other two were. One was a prospect, one was your gray-haired man and the last one was one of the Oregon boys. Your gray-haired man’s brows rose and Opie shook his head, throwing back his shoulders and glaring at Mandy behind her back with narrowed eyes. 
“What’s her deal?” your gray-haired man asked, in his strong Scots accent- you were instantly transported back to years ago when you would call T&M and hope he would answer the phone. You blinked dumbly for a moment and shrugged, half-sliding back into the slight Irish accent you had picked up after living for nine years in Ireland. You’d begun using the accent to get more tips, and it worked on buttering up the men. It couldn’t hurt to try it on the Scot. After all, he probably HAD been there.
“She’s just hammered, you know how it goes….”  you kept your voice to a low whisper, not to attract Amanada’s attention when she was on a roll, Opie eyeing her with slight disdain and putting his hands on his belt. The gray-haired Scot tilted his head, not looking like he was buying your excuse. He raised a finger, cocking it in the direction of a side room. You obliged happily, not minding a few minutes alone with Scotty. 
“She with ye?” he asked, as you both entered the side office. You nodded, watching the man’s eyes dart from you to Amanda and the croweaters. His mouth twisted slightly, and you were not too sure if it was a good thing or not, but you couldn’t take your eyes away from his soulful face, and that voice…. You could feel a slight tingle in your panties. It wasn’t like when it was with Connor.  Connor was Irish, but the Scot, he was…. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but you were addicted to that voice. 
“She’s my friend. We’ve been friends since we were little. I mean, I took a break from Charming and just came back and she’s… helping me out with this gig, I guess. Kids get expensive.” you tried to remain aloof and not spill your life story to him. His energy was like velvet wrapped in steel. You kept your arms neutral, trying not to cross your arms or give off any weird vibes, but you just ended up awkwardly putting your hands in the back pockets of your Daisy Dukes, mildly embarrassed that you almost ended up being a fangirl. It was almost as bad as acting like one of the crow eaters in your opinion. 
“I’m her ride here too, so … I’ll try to keep her from running her mouth too much.” you began to offer, but he cut you off with a dry smirk, shaking his head just enough for his long hair to fall into his eyes. 
“We all know Amanda, she’s a special case.” he said dryly as he nodded, looking you over with a spark of something in his eye. “I don’t remember ya.”
“I ran away to Ireland with Connor McGregor.” you found yourself blurting out with a half-laugh, shaking your head at your youthful stupidity. 
“Connie? That little shite.” he said with a curl of his mouth, and you knew he had heard of Connor, and was familiar with him. “Belfast.” he muttered with a slight noise of disapproval.
“I - I’m not with him anymore. I ran away from Ireland. You can probably guess why.” you said boldly and directly. You wouldn’t be scared of Connor anymore. That was letting him win, and you promised yourself you wouldn’t let him win. “Were you with the Irish too?”
“A life or two ago.” he said with a nod as he moved to the doorway. 
“Chibs, they want her.” the prospect said, coming up to the doorway. Chibs nodded and leaned back to look at you, his dark eyes flicking down to your shorts. “You’re up, Daisy.”
“If the shorts fit.” you say as you change your posture, taking a moment. You smiled at Chibs and nodded to show your understanding, that Amanda would be your responsibility. You half-saluted, and walked out of the office, turning on all of the sex appeal you could, sliding into your Irish accent as you spoke for the camera.  You could see Amanda with the croweaters, her blue eyes shooting daggers of envy at you for being in an office with a Son. Even worse, he was not even a prospect! He was a full-fledged member. 
You licked your lips as you kept your eyes on Chibs and his friend, their presence keeping you nice and relaxed. You pretended they were there for you, for the show, and it helped keep you going. You found yourself smirking saucily at the ice-blue eyes of Chibs’s friend, and putting on your best orgsmic performance for him. It got tiring having to repeat it for the camera, to re-do some scenes because of the lighting, but you didn’t think it was half-bad, especially if it could get Chibs and his friend all hot and bothered. The sons didn’t usually stay around, but you felt a slight smug glee at the fact that the two specific Sons had decided to stay behind just for your Daisy Duke performance. 
It was finally done, and you were able to leave the set. You moved out of the way before Amanda could intercept you, hurrying to get cleaned up the best you could. You felt sticky and gross, but you did like that sense of accomplishment you got when you walked by and saw Chibs’s eyes were a full-blown brown, full of heat. His friend was right behind him, a sly smile on his face and a bounce in his step.
“Where do they find these girls, Tiggy?” you could hear Chibs grumble to his friend. Tiggy, you murmured to yourself. Of course. The one that Amanda had been shitting on. You smiled and hurried up with your cleaning, sliding on clean underwear and clothes, wishing you had decided to wear something cute and sexy instead of your well worn jeans, and Jack Daniels T-shirt. At least the T-shirt was very low cut and showed off your boobs decently. You at least had that to flaunt. 
“They offered me free candy from their windowless van.” you yelled out to the boys, a wild grin of amusement on your face as you slid past them, turning just enough to try to show more boob as a saucy wink and wave was sent their way and continued on to find Luann to be paid. Ten minutes later, the money was secured and you could relax for a little while. You giggled at yourself at the look that Tiggy and Chibs had sent your way, the two men appearing amused at your commentary.
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“What the hell?” Amanda exploded, wrapped in her robe as she ran up to you, her eyes and hair wild from her performance. Still covered in gel and slick, her skin glinted in the hot lights. “I saw those Sons, Do you have an in?” You were not sure if she was happy, or angry- or just high on something. You tried to opt for the safest answer. 
“Uh.. .no. I mean, I was just having words, that’s all. They noticed I was new and wanted to make sure everything was okay, on the up and up.” you found yourself saying, kind of trying to cover for Amanda, you still felt bad for your friend sometimes and didn’t want her to feel too butt-hurt at the Sons looking down on her. It was her dream, and you didn’t want to crush her dream. 
“Oh. well.. Opie usually does that bullshit. He’s like a cute little lap dog for Jax. He’d jump off a bridge if Jax told him to.”  Amanda giggled and stuck the tip of her tongue out as if she was talking to an audience. “It’s so much fun to play them like that.”
Your eyes went wide, and your mouth snapped shut. Clearly, Amanda hadn’t thought things through well. You hoped no one had overheard that, but you knew Amanda’s luck would run out the way she kept running her mouth and trying to lord it over all of the crow eaters. You vaguely wondered where she had gotten all this attitude from. She wasn’t who you remembered from those days of sneaking beer and hanging out in front of the T & M shop trying to get noticed with your shitty jeep and sabotaging it constantly. 
“I think you’d better get dressed, so we can get out of here. I mean, there’s not much left here.” Amanda was the last one called up and everyone had kind of started drifting. Amanda rolled her eyes and turned back to the dressing rooms while you let out a small huff of relief and continued on to sit near the front doors, anxious to leave. 
“She really said that?” Chibs asked in his Scots accent, sidling up to you and scaring the shit out of you. You jumped, yelping slightly as he chuckled lightly at your reaction. You could tell by his demeanor that he was investigating something, but you were not the attention of his ire. 
“Fuck! You scared the shite outta me.” You shoved him slightly, and scowled slightly. You didn’t want to say a word. It was obvious enough with the look on his face that he had heard every word Amanda had said. 
“Eyes are on you both.” Chibs said as his brows rose slowly, a gloved finger sliding up his sunglasses on his nose. You nodded, knowing you wouldn’t be in too much trouble, since you hadn’t been saying anything but by proximity… you could get shit on.  “Yes, sir.” you said simply, choosing to smile a slight smile of respect, laying it thick with your Irish. Chibs nodded and walked off, pulling out a flip phone and making calls. You hoped it hadn’t put you on anyone’s shit list, just being friends with Amanda. Especially his shit list.
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abybweisse · 1 year
I'm here to throw questions at you. 1. Does Sebastian still intend to eat Our Ciel's soul? I'm getting the feeling that Sebastian is having so much fun in living amongst the humans that devouring a small teen boy's soul is not highly important to him anymore, So there may be a chance for Our Ciel to reach old age. 2. Would Yana reveal Our Ciel's original name in the manga? 3. Is Undertaker still the background mastermind calling the shots behind the scenes, or has Real Ciel taken the power over and bosses UT around? 4. Is Real Ciel still "playing a game of chess" with his twin brother?
And I'm here to answer!
End game
1. Yes, I think Sebastian still has every intention of eating his soul. Yana-san has previously tweeted that this is the demon's very serious goal. That he'd truly eat the kid's soul sooner, too, if given the chance... like if our earl had given up on his wish after gaining the title of earl... or during the green witch arc. It doesn't matter to Sebastian how old or anything else his master is. Honestly, I think that both William and Sebastian underestimate our earl's soul. Or at least the impact it can have! Yana-san (I believe) confirmed there's nothing particularly special about his soul, in terms of human souls. It's just that it might turn out to be quite different than ones this demon has devoured before. Or perhaps, if our earl thanks the demon for its services, it's the "thanks" itself that makes the meal so much different. Harkening back to Hannah and Luka.
2. @midnight-in-town is quite right to say that Yana-san might choose to never actually reveal his name, at least not in the manga. I hope it's revealed, but I wouldn't bet money on it.
3. Undertaker might still be calling a few shots, but once he gets real Ciel to the level he's at now, real Ciel has probably been calling most of them. There's an odd dynamic going on here. Yes, I think Undertaker is his grandfather, but I don't think real Ciel knows this... yet. Real Ciel acts the part of the young noble who sees undertakers as low-class citizens, which they were considered at the time. Though real Ciel puts servants "in their place" and finds any disobedience to be offensive, he's extremely tolerant of Undertaker's laidback and visually lazy behavior. I figure that's because he knows he owes Undertaker some form of gratitude. I'd think if he knew his true relationship to Undertaker, then he'd never have asked if he'd serve as butler. Sometimes, he just has to let Undertaker do whatever is needed, particularly when it's about the physical upkeep of his body and the bodies of his fellow bizarre dolls. All the same, real Ciel likely bosses Undertaker around when he can. And Undertaker indulges him, probably because he wants to encourage real Ciel to be "himself" as much as possible. Which leads into #4.
4. Our Ciel and real Ciel are the kings in this game of chess, and neither one has given up just yet.
Notes on #3 and #4: I'd like to add that there are some Mother3 parallels very specific to these questions.
In regards to #3, Undertaker has a few character parallels with Mother3 and earlier games in the series, like:
Nippolyte, eccentric gravedigger with a special shovel... and keeper of a "treasured" family heirloom. He's only in Mother3. He has a secret garden where he raises particularly odd "crops", and though he doesn't raise the dead, he does have to fight zombies that randomly pop up. He's openly hostile towards the self-proclaimed king and is repeatedly punished for it; his house keeps getting burned down on the king's orders.
Dr. Andonuts, inventor of Fascinating Chimera and avid eater of red bean paste donuts. He's in all three games... because he's a time-traveler. Though, in Mother, he's only there if we are to assume Lloyd was him as a child; Lloyd looks like a younger version of him, and they both hide in trash cans. He's very quirky and likes to offer "an donuts" to protags, or at least to Lucas. He has a son named Jeff, and they have a rather strained relationship, though Jeff does leave his boarding school and finds himself at his father's lab.
Fassad, Magypsy who deserted their people and changed their name. They are only in Mother3.
George, ancestor of the mirror twins who started the whole thing by stealing technology from an alien race and giving it to humanity... including passing down certain abilities through generations. He's only shown in Mother/EarthBound2: Beginnings. However, he's alluded to later.
Here, there's another tie-in to the parallel with Dr. Andonuts, because the inventor of Fascinating Chimeras eventually creates what he calls the Ultimate Chimera. This UC quickly becomes completely uncontrollable, thanks to how it was designed. I see a couple possible parallels to the UC in the Kuroverse, and one of those takes form as these most-highly-advanced Bizarre Dolls. Though he hasn't said it yet, Undertaker might have a slightly different name for these upgraded BD's. If he ever transplants our earl's soul into the body of real Ciel, that result could end up getting the designation as Ultimate Doll (or something similar).
And regarding #4, the fighting in Mother3 doesn't end between the mirror twin brothers until the older, dead and reanimated twin, Claus, finally gives up and accepts death (and final rest) as his fate. We might see something similar happen between our earl and real Ciel, even if it has to happen between our earl's soul stuck with real Ciel's brain and body. If the final confrontation sticks closer to the game, it would take place with our earl's soul still in his original body.
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kimiwonderhoy · 7 months
After several months, I finally wrote this. Again, I'm not a native English speaker so don't judge.
HiMERU x FEM!Dream Eater!Readers
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Cold night. HiMERU lies in bed and just looks at the ceiling. Once again he had a nightmare, the day when Kaname went to the hospital. The room seemed so dark and cold. HiMERU just looked around and tried to fall asleep again, but failed every time. In his thoughts he was already begging for someone to at least help him sleep. The poor guy still can't come to terms with these nightmares being an idol.
Apparently the dream eater heard him. Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared near HiMERU’s bed. He shuddered and couldn't believe his eyes. Suddenly this shadow began to giggle, suddenly the shadow dissolved and took on the image of a man. This was a young girl dressed in a beautiful shirt and skirt, and had a hat on her head. In her hands she held a notepad with a pen. HiMERU looked at you in horror.
Noticing his fear, you giggled again. HiMERU wanted to object, but he just managed to open his mouth to say something when suddenly you covered his mouth and began to speak in a whisper.
-Shh, everything is fine. You shouldn't make a fuss about me, right?
HiMERU just frowned at you and removed your hand. As soon as his mouth became free, he immediately began to speak:
-Who are you? How did you get here?
You just smiled at him and sat down on the invisible chair next to HiMERU's bed.
-It’s stupid to ask the question: Where did I come from? And who does I'm look like? No one will tell you, for you I’m just a dream eater.
You raised your head proudly and looked at him with a grin.
-It doesn't change the meaning...
Before he could finish his sentence, you covered his mouth again.
-Shh, I didn’t come here to argue with you, I came here to help you with your nightmares. You’ve been suffering with them for 3 nights already, haven’t you?
You said, grinning and removing your hand from his mouth.
- Even so, then yes. But what are you going to do about it?
He asked in bewilderment. He didn’t know that you could do magic.
-I'll take your nightmares, but in return I have to get something~
You looked at him with a sly look. He frowned and rolled his eyes.
-Are you going to take money from me? Or do you want me to obey you, right?
You looked at him in surprise and then laughed at him.
-What? Haha, no. You're funny, I want something better from you~
You pointed a finger at your lips. He looked at you and blushed slightly, and he looked away. Noticing this, you took his chin and pointed it at yourself.
-Come on HiMERU, look at me. Answer me, do you want to lose your nightmares or not?
You said, he hesitated. He sighed heavily and removed your hand.
-Okay, I agree.
You looked at him with a smile and, giggling, took his face in your hands and pulled him towards you. He didn’t expect you to start kissing him greedily. He may have been disgusted for some time, but looking closer at you, he noticed that you were quite pretty and sweet. So he pushed away his disgust and started kissing you too. When the air began to run out, you pulled away from each other, breathing heavily. You grinned and snapped your finger, when suddenly, to HiMERU, his room seemed calmer and rather less scary.
-Since you did your part of the deal, I also immediately did my part. Now you can sleep soundly.
You said and winked at him and opened your notebook and wrote down his name.
-I hope we will meet again because your dreams are delicious, just like your lips.
You said and grinned smugly.
HiMERU blushed and lay down on the bed, getting comfortable.
-Sweet dreams, and see you soon~
You kissed his cheek and immediately disappeared. Before he even had time to blink, you were already gone.
He thought about you all night and dreamed that you would come to him again, perhaps he will never admit to you that he liked you, but in his heart he want more meetings with you.
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You know I had this lengthy conversation with one of my online friends and we came to this conclusion...
If Tony Stark and Severus Snape were actually dark characters or rather I should say the villains then God fucking forbid the other sides would have never stood a chance.
Nick Fury and Albus Dumbledore knew of this fact so had to pull them to their side by any means necessary and then keep them there. That's why both got away with a lot and others were forced to put up with their scathing sarcasm on a regular basis.
Imagine facing against an enemy who is a literal knowledge powerhouse and know how to manipulate human emotions like a fucking elastic band around a finger and furthermore having intrinsic knowledge of the key players of the other side. Not only their physical weaknesses but also their emotional complexities.
And their defection would take away the greatest motivation that had ultimately made all the difference in the fighting. That all sacrificing nature and desperation to succeed for misplaced or even actual guilt had in reality been the good side's conviction. That drive of redemption and the insane protective urge both had in almost unhealthy doses was the strength the other side needed to turn the tide.
Imagine lacking that.
Imagine lacking all the uber cool super sophisticated monster killing gadgets Tony Stark provided as gear for the Avengers. Their living space, their headquarters, their connections (being a billionaire doesnt hurt ig) plus a free consulting maverick genius who could give Einstein a run for his money and have media sharks eating out of his hand. And last but not the least, the major and probably only source of firepower amidst the avengers. Imagine lacking the only man mad enough to try death defying stunts to save the world uncaring of his own life.
Imagine lacking the only source of information from the enemy camp, a dark arts master who co habits the light just as well, potions prodigy and the only person close enough to Voldemort to perhaps influence his decisions. Their master spy who knew the inner workings of both sides, was well aware of human emotions controlling everyone on both sides, knew the weaknesses and strengths of more than half of the key players on the Order's side and perhaps all of them on the Dark side. Had personal connections with most of the order members and a hold on most of the Death Eaters due to his position in their ranks and having a close relationship with one of their strongest members; Malfoy. Most of all imagine lacking the only man who perhaps had the least intention of survival or any motivation for personal gain, someone who did sacrifice everything for the light.
The other side were immensely lucky that they were stupid enough to join their side.
Tony, Sev.. my idiotic darlings you both could have ruled the fucking world but you gave away your lives for a bunch of ungrateful insipid hypocritical entitled fools.
Sometimes tragedy becomes so unbearable that it resembles comedy. :(
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
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“My father wasn’t around -- (My father wasn’t around) I swear that I’ll be around for you. I’ll do whatever it takes; I’ll make a million mistakes; I’ll make the world safe and sound for you... We’ll come of age with our young nation -- We’ll bleed and fight for you... We’ll make it right for you! If we lay a strong enough foundation, We’ll pass it on to you -- we'll give the world to you, And you'll blow us all away... Someday, someday...”
~“Dear Theodosia (cover)” by Regina Spektor and Ben Folds
partially inspired by a conversation with @dat-silvers-girl​​ // featuring a quick reference to Katriona Cassiopeia @kc-and-co​​ 💜
The summer of 1998 had felt warmer than it had in years. The warmth seemed to ripple from the outside in, given the immense relief that came with the death of Voldemort and with it the end of the Second Wizarding War. And even though yes, there was a lot of work still to do to restore balance to the world, right the wrongs committed during the War, and move forward toward a brighter future, everything still seemed to shine that touch brighter. 
Hope, it seems, can make even the most unremarkable rocks shine like diamonds.
It was in the summer, and right as Carewyn began what would be a long crusade to try and convict every ex-Death Eater for their crimes, that Carewyn received a letter from her old school friend and associate Orion Amari. He and his nearly two-year-old daughter Eos had recently returned to Montrose, Scotland, after being in hiding from the Death Eaters for several months. With the financial reimbursement he’d received from both the Ministry and the League as post-War damages, Orion had just managed to scrape together enough money to purchase a run-down old cottage in the woods outside of Montrose, which he was now working to fix up and obscure with the proper enchantments for himself and Eos to live in.
As much as I have never lamented living in a small one-room flat by myself, Orion’s letter explained, I realize that for a young child, such a place would lack stimulation and even less chance for freedom and exploration. Perhaps a home in such a quiet and green place, as opposed to the suburbs or in the country, could provide a sanctuary for Eos: one where she can experience many wonderful new things and experiment with her own magic away from prying eyes. And perhaps, on a more selfish note, being more physically removed from town could give me some cover from more overzealous members of the press, who I’ve only been able to keep at bay in the past by living alongside Muggles. 
Carewyn was touched by how much her old friend thought of his daughter’s happiness. She wished she’d had the freedom with her own job and income to consider moving into a larger space herself -- she loved her tiny flat in London, but recently she had had to make some layout changes, so as to give her new ward -- twelve-year-old Erik Apollo -- some space of his own. 
Mum came over to give me a hand with turning the hall closet into a second bedroom last week, Carewyn confided to Orion in a letter of her own at one point. She had to do the same thing for me when I was young, so she has plenty of experience with such magic -- but I was only a bit older than Eos, back then. Erik is set to start his first year at Hogwarts next month: he deserves some space of his own, and privacy at that, and he can’t have that in such a small room. Erik’s been referring to the new room as his “shoebox” as a joke -- even if he’s said multiple times that its size isn’t a problem and I know he means it, I still hope I can find a safe way to expand his room a bit more before he comes home for the holidays. 
In September, Carewyn brought Erik to Platform Nine and Three Quarters to start his first year at school. Despite the sticky, unpleasant heat clinging to the air, the curly blond-haired boy was dressed in a black turtleneck and jeans -- Erik didn’t like the looks he got from passerby for the magical burn scars around his neck, which had been inflicted on him by Death Eater Thorfinn Rowle. 
“Do you have everything you need?” Carewyn asked him. “Your trunk? Your wallet?”
“Everything and everyone,” said Erik with a wry smile, indicating the black-and-white tuxedo cat yowling in his carrier at his side.
Carewyn offered her ward’s new familiar a pitying smile as she brought a hand up to the bars of his cage, petting the top of his head with a single finger.
“Aww...it’s all right,” she said gently. “Erik can take you out on the train.”
“Only if he agrees not to claw anybody,” Erik said dryly. When the cat yowled unhappily again, he added, “Sorry, Han Solo, I don’t have enough to pay off the train conductor if you cause any permanent damage.”
Carewyn laughed softly behind her hand, which made Erik’s light blue eyes sparkle with that bit more satisfaction. 
“I’d best be off,” said Erik stridently. “Train’s leaving in ten.”
Carewyn nodded in agreement. She brought a hand onto his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. 
“Send me an owl if you need anything,” she said seriously. “There’ll be plenty of owls in the owlery you can use to send me a letter...and even if you end up in Hufflepuff or Slytherin, there are collection trays where post can be delivered down to you, outside of mealtimes.”
Erik nodded. “Thanks, Ms. Cromwell.”
Carewyn gave him a brave smile. Then, opening her arms, she encircled the small boy in a full, warm hug -- Erik, even despite the straightness of his posture, accepted her hold and even gave her a light squeeze before releasing her and dashing up to the open train door, hoisting his trunk up after him. Then, with one last wave, he retreated into the train car to get settled for the trip to school. 
It was a strange, bereft kind of feeling, watching the train with Erik on board pull out of the station and out of sight. Even if the boy truly was only twelve years younger than her and was of an age more like a younger sibling than a child, Carewyn couldn’t help but wonder if her own mother felt like this, watching Jacob and her leave for school all those years ago.
Later that September, Carewyn received another letter from Orion. This one’s contents, however, surprised Carewyn more than any of the others they’d exchanged.
I realize that for someone as enamored with plans and order as you, this request will be very abrupt -- but would you be able to visit Eos and me here in Scotland at all tomorrow evening? Any time around sunset would be suitable.
Please do not hesitate in your response. Even if it must be no, I will simply be happy to receive a letter from you so quickly.
Carewyn read the letter several times in slight confusion. The request was definitely a bit out of left field. Orion had come to see her several times, both as she helped him secure legal custody of Eos and when he came to the Ministry as a representative for the Quidditch League. Carewyn had even let Orion sleep on her couch overnight without planning ahead, simply because he had to report back to the Ministry right away the next morning. But Orion hadn’t ever asked her to come to his place before -- if nothing else, it was still very newly “his place,�� as it was. Him suddenly inviting her over without explaining why...it signaled that his reason had to be important...
Carewyn’s eyes lingered on the last line as she took out some parchment and wrote out a quick response of her own.
I should be able to finish up with my casework by 8:00. I could Floo from my office right over to you, if you’d like.
Let me know,
The Ministry lawyer folded the short note into thirds, closed it with a seal, and held it out to the owl so it could snatch it up in its beak and fly off, back out of her office and out of sight down the hall.
Orion’s response came mere hours later. It was even shorter, and its flowing, yet messy penmanship -- typical to Orion -- was a bit more slanted, as if it had been written very quickly.
8:00 is a lovely time to look forward to. While making your trip, simply ask to be brought to “Dawn’s Haven.”
Until tomorrow,
The following night Carewyn didn’t even bother changing out of the dress robes she was wearing into her spare Muggle clothes, as she did whenever she walked home from work. She instead headed straight for the closest Ministry fireplace, tossing some of the spare powder into the grate at her feet before clearly declaring Orion’s directions:
“Dawn’s Haven!”
The emerald green flames flared up around her, encompassing her vision as she was hurtled through space. About twenty seconds later, she found herself reaching another much less polished grate, out of which she exited. When she did, she had to brush aside a strange curtain of hanging green and violet beads just to climb up and out of the grate.
When Carewyn looked up and around, she found herself in a very small, but quaint little cottage. The walls were all made of stained oak and it was decorated eclectically, with a stylized sunflower-printed rug, several mandala floor pillows, a footstool shaped like a turtle, a tiered indoor water fountain, and hanging plants and Arabian-style glass lanterns attached to the beams overhead. There was even a star chart, enchanted with glowing stars and constellations, carved into the ceiling. The lighting was very dim, and yet as warm and colorful as sunlight through a stained glass window. The whole place also smelled of soothing incense -- lavender and sandalwood.
And standing right in front of Carewyn to meet her was Orion himself. He immediately took her hands and helped her straighten up, since she’d bent down to brush the soot from her robes.
“Carewyn,” he said. “How good it is to see you.”
The size and brightness of his smile startled Carewyn. She didn’t think she’d seen him look so happy since she’d agreed to rejoin his Quidditch team back in her sixth year.
“...It’s good to see you too,” she said, still slightly stunned.
She glanced around for Eos. She found the newly-two-year-old girl sitting on her knees at the window across the room, biting her lower lip as she smiled broadly at Carewyn too.
“Your shoulders appear very tense,” said Orion.
Carewyn glanced back awkwardly toward the small stone fireplace she’d just walked through. “Well, from your letter, I’d thought maybe something was wrong, but...”
She brought a hand through her ginger bangs, feeling a bit chagrined.
Orion’s expression softened.
“I see,” he said, his face becoming a bit sheepish despite himself. “Forgive me, Carewyn. It seems in my eagerness, I neglected to reassure you that this was merely a social visit, rather than a fire you had to put out...”
“I didn’t think that,” Carewyn said very quickly, “I just -- well, I just assumed that you had something serious on your mind -- that you needed my input on something...like about your custody of Eos, or the Quidditch League, or...”
Carewyn paused when Orion gave the hand of hers he was still holding a light squeeze. She looked up, just as Orion quickly released her hand, bringing his hand up through his own unevenly cut hair to brush it out of his face.
“I realize you’re trying to reassure me,” he said, sounding rather self-effacing, “but...it’s not comforting, to know I have left you thinking that I would only ever summon you here to ask for your help. And for that, I am sorry.”
Guilt flooded through Carewyn. “No! I don’t think that! It’s just...well, everyone’s needed more help, these days. I’ve had to help a lot of people lately...”
“Me included,” said Orion with a small, sad smile.
“It’s nothing I’ve done unwillingly,” Carewyn said fiercely. “I like helping people, Orion -- it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do, to help those people I care about...those people who need my help.”
She couldn’t look him in the eye, so she settled for his shoulder instead.
“...I’ve liked helping you,” she murmured. “You and Eos. Seeing you with her...hearing about what you want for her future...I want to help you achieve that happiness, for her.”
Orion’s black eyes seemed to gleam with a strange, almost deeper glint. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could conjure up any response --
Both Orion and Carewyn straightened up abruptly, and then immediately looked down. Eos had uneasily climbed down from the window ledge and toddled over across the room over to them -- and in that moment, the tiny girl flung out her arms and grabbed onto Carewyn’s right leg through her robes.
Carewyn stared, open-mouthed, from Eos to Orion, who looked just as surprised as she was.
“Did...did she just say my...?”
Eos’s black eyes, identical in color to her father’s, were shining like gems as she pointed urgently up at the window behind her with her pudgy little finger.
“Caywhen!” the little girl said again.
She gave a tug to Carewyn’s leg.
Still faintly stunned, Carewyn let the little girl lead her over to the window. Eos tried to hoist herself up onto the windowsill -- Carewyn helped her climb up, and Eos tapped the glass meaningfully.
Carewyn looked out, to see nothing but darkness. Through the glass, however, she could barely make out a strange sound -- an ethereal sound, echoing through the night...
Almost like music...
Moving the beaded curtain aside to reach the window latch, Carewyn undid it and opened the window so as to better hear.
Sure enough, it was music -- a beautiful, melodic, haunting song, played by instruments she almost thought she recognized: something like a harp, as well as something like a lute...
Carewyn was left mesmerized, just leaning over the window ledge with Eos and listening. The little girl was entranced, her mouth slightly open and her wide black eyes drifting around the window and over the dark woods. She’d clearly never heard anything like it before and could do nothing but just drink it in.
Orion was so quiet that Carewyn didn’t even realize he’d come up alongside her to stand over Eos until his muscular arm brushed up beside hers. When Carewyn looked up, his black eyes were locked on her face and his lips were spread in a gentle smile.
“It’s a turning of the seasons,” he said softly. “From what the previous tenant told me when I bought this house, the selkies that live near the shore like to mark the equinoxes. And now that autumn has officially begun in the eyes of the stars...so have the selkies returned to shore, to play music through the night in celebration.”
Carewyn’s eyes widened.
“Then...then this is why you invited me,” she said in understanding. “So I could hear the selkies’ music?”
Orion’s eyes trailed over Carewyn’s face with something fonder. “Of course. I knew if there was anyone on this Earth who would appreciate it, it would be you, Carewyn Cromwell.”
Carewyn felt her cheeks warm with a happy blush, unable to hold in how very touched she was by this.
Carewyn looked down at Eos. The little girl had taken hold of her sleeve and given it a light tug as she looked back out the window. Carewyn could sense both awe and curiosity coming off Orion’s daughter through the eye contact they’d made, and it made her bright red lips spread into a smile.
“Those are selkies, Eos,” she said gently. “They’re playing music.”
Eos was listening to Carewyn with rapt attention, even as the two looked back out the open window.
“They sound pretty, don’t they?” said Carewyn.
Eos smiled and nodded, settling herself down on the sill on her stomach and resting her face in both hands so she could lean a bit out the window and listen.
Carewyn smiled fondly down at the little girl, looking back over her shoulder at Orion. Waves of undiluted pride and warmth rippled off of the Montrose Magpie as he gazed down at his daughter. When his eyes flitted up to Carewyn, that warmth seemed to settle slightly as he tried to compose himself, but it still seemed to flood out of Orion’s eyes, accompanied by flickers of memory -- cradling a newborn until she stopped crying -- covering her eyes to tell her to be quiet as they hid together in the shadows --
“Eos listens far more than she speaks,” Orion said very softly.
Carewyn smiled slightly. “Like her father?”
Orion smiled too, but only briefly. “Yes...but not for the same reason. She learned how to be silent at such a young age that, now, I fear she may be more comfortable being silent than in expressing herself openly. She does not mimic sounds others make. She does not experiment with forming words, as other children I’ve seen do. She doesn’t speak much at all, aside from very specific words. ‘Here.’ ‘No.’ ‘Help.’ ‘Dad.’”
Something strange flickered over Orion’s face -- was that shyness?
“...Even...other people’s names are quite rare. Just the ones she’s heard me say before, with some frequency. ‘Skye’ -- ‘Nully’ -- ‘KC’ -- ‘Wath’ -- ”
“And ‘Caywhen,’” Carewyn finished, unable to keep herself from smiling. She even felt her cheeks warming with a charmed blush.
Orion’s face seemed to flush a bit too despite himself. “Apparently so.”
Carewyn tilted her head at him in confusion.
“I was just as surprised to hear your name emerge from Eos’s mouth as you were,” Orion admitted, smiling through the flush in his cheeks. “...I suppose I didn’t realize just how often I’ve spoken of you, as of late...”
Carewyn smiled a bit more kindly. “Hmm...well, we have spent a lot of time together, these last few months.”
She reached out and gently took his hand.
“I’m glad I’ve been able to see you again,” she said, “instead of just writing letters. Even if the circumstances haven’t been exactly ideal.”
Orion’s gaze drifted down at their hands. His thumb lightly slid along the back of her hand as he secured his hold.
“It’s...been a blessing, to reconnect with you after so long, Carewyn,” he said softly. “To...spend time with you like this...without any threat looming over us...nor any mantle of heroism thrust upon you.”
His eyes gained something a bit more solemn as he met her gaze. She could sense something soothing coming off of him -- something akin to a hand over hers, lowering her wand for her...
“As much as you have helped Eos and me...and as grateful as I shall always be for that,” Orion said softly, “I want you to know...that my wish to see you can be just about want, and not always about need. And that even when it is the second...you can always say no, with no regrets.”
Carewyn stared at Orion for a moment, a bit taken aback. She could practically see him as a young man again, asking her multiple times to rejoin his Quidditch team, only for Carewyn to have to regretfully decline the invitation, in the face of her pursuing the Cursed Vaults and saving Jacob.
The memory made Carewyn’s lips curl up in a bittersweet smile as she glanced away.
“...Thank you. But honestly...I’m just glad that I’m in the position now that I don’t have to say no.”
At Eos shifting slightly, Carewyn looked down, to see the little girl adjusting underneath her and Orion so that she was more comfortably nestled between them. His black eyes softening fondly, Orion extended his hand not holding Carewyn’s and rested it beside his daughter, creating an almost canopy over her as he rested his chin lightly on top of her head and looked out the window. Carewyn watched the father and daughter with fondness before she too looked back out the window, listening to the sounds of the selkies’ mystical, celebratory melodies echoing through the trees.
The three sat there by the window for a long while. As the night wore on, the music evolved and changed. Soon it’d gotten late enough that Eos was getting restless, so the three shifted over to the living space. Orion brewed himself and Carewyn some lavender tea and Eos some hot water and lemon, while Eos sat in the papasan chair with Carewyn and she told Eos about the different musical instruments she could pick out in the selkies’ music.
“You hear that high, clear, echoing sound? Ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh. That’s something glass -- like a glass armonica.”
Eos smiled whenever Carewyn sang along with the selkies’ playing. The sight made Orion’s eyes sparkle with warmth as he came back over with two mugs of tea and one of hot water and lemon.
“Come get your narwhal, Eos,” he said amusedly.
This statement made more sense when he held up Eos’s mug, which was shaped like a ceramic blue narwhal.
Eos bounced right out of her spot next to Carewyn so she could take her mug from her father. She then toddled over to the pile of pillows on the floor, where she plopped herself down on her stomach, pointedly blew on the hot water three times, and took a long sip from her mug.
Orion walked over to Carewyn and held out two mugs of tea with a wry smile -- one white with a black octopus printed on it and the other black printed with the white words “I’d Rather Be Playing Quidditch” on it. With a laugh, Carewyn reached out and took the one decorated with the octopus.
“Was that other one a present?” she asked.
Orion grinned. “They both were. From McNully and Skye, respectively."
“And the narwhal?” asked Carewyn.
“Adopted by Eos -- paid for by KC,” Orion said with a grin.
Carewyn covered her mouth as she laughed. “I was thinking of ‘adopting’ a mug for Erik too, at some point.”
“Does he also enjoy tea?”
“Not so much -- but I thought some hot chocolate or butterbeer would be appropriate around Christmas.”
“A reasonable thought. Hot apple cider could also be a nice alternative.”
Taking a sip of the lavender tea from the black mug, the Chaser settled himself down next to his daughter on the pillows. Eos snuggled up beside her father, and Carewyn smiled seeing how gently Orion’s black eyes shined as he lightly ruffled her bangs with one hand.
“Thank you for this,” Carewyn said softly. “All of this...the tea, the company, but also...well, the music. It’s just...”
She shifted herself in the chair, her hands holding the mug of tea in her lap as she looked back over toward the window wistfully.
“...It’s so beautiful,” she murmured.
After such a long War, full of fear and fighting and work and worrying -- after focusing solely on helping as many people as she could, with what little power she had to try to make things right...sitting in a comfortable, lavender-and-sandlewood-scented cottage, listening to selkies celebrate the season through song, was medicinal to Carewyn’s spirit in a way she couldn’t put into words.
Orion was quiet for a very, very long moment as he watched Carewyn. At one point, he even caught his little daughter biting her lip as she grinned up at him and Carewyn, and he quickly averted his gaze, trying to bite back a self-conscious smile of his own.
“...You’re welcome.”
Always, he never said aloud, but he hoped dearly would still come across. You will always be welcome, here. ...Always...
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ferrocyan · 1 year
With a great start to their partnership, Lue-Reeq takes an opportunity to get to know his new friend better. As in... ask for her name. Hey, better late than never!
(a slight rewrite of the level 72 DPS role quest, "Vengeance in Defeat". ~900 words)
There was no better way to end a good day than with good food, Lue-Reeq believed. So after a successful day of hunting sin eaters, he invited his new partner to a meal at the Wandering Stairs.
To his surprise, the woman agreed. Though now that they'd shared drinks Reeq supposed he shouldn't have been. She was tall for a mystel, with a serious look matched with dark hair and knee-length black coat, and few words to give. But add two glasses of wine and a roast chicken to the equation, and Reeq found his new partner to be much more approachable. Very pleasant, even! He was grateful for that.
It was good if she were easy to deal with, because otherwise the matter of her odd power might be troublesome. Seeing into the past of sin eaters... what horror! It worked to present them with information on Andreia this time, but what of the next? If she saw something that would affect her performance or willingness to hunt the cardinal virtue, that would be terrible. Not when she and Reeq were on track to claim the virtue's bounty.
They were close. Reeq could almost taste it, the sweet nectar of victory. Everyone would see how great he is, especially Father, and the name of the bounty hunter Lue-Reeq would be known all over the land!
--And his partner along with him, as well, of course! Yes, they would be known as the daring duo, Lue-Reeq and
Uh oh.
Reeq hired many people, alright? The endeavor of tracking down one of the most dangerous sin eaters in the world took a lot of manpower. Most of them were incidental services, he didn't have time to ask each and every person he hired for their names! So it... might have slipped his mind this time! He hadn't expected this woman to have exceptional strength when they'd met, so Reeq wasn't aware that they would become partners. It was an honest mistake!
Reeq glanced at her. The partner in question was busy gnawing on a chicken leg bone. He thought of an amount of money that might serve to smooth over hard feelings, then thought better of mentioning it. He cleared his throat. "Had your fill, friend? We could have more food served, or perhaps another bottle? No?"
He cringed at her refusal. Gods, why hadn't he thought of this at the beginning of dinner? Ah well, no time like the present.
Reeq put on his most charming smile and asked. "It occurs to me, my good woman, that I have yet to ask you your name." He laughed and leaned closer, "So quickly did we forge our friendship that I hardly noticed until now!"
The woman opened her mouth, but no answer came. Reeq realized with relief that she was as dumbfounded as him in this realization. He thanked the shade's blessing.
"C'astarhte Kasvert," she told him. Reeq nodded.
What... what kind of name was that? Reeq had only travelled out of Kholusia this year, but he was quite sure that he'd never heard a mystel name like that.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Castarte."
"...C'astarhte, right." You know what, Reeq thought, there was already no coming back from this. He couldn't possibly do worse. No harm in satisfying his curiosity. "I've never heard of such a name before! From which fair land do you hail, friend?"
"Coer--" C'astarhte said something and promptly bit her tongue. She covered her mouth, then quickly added, "Pardon. Meant to say... I come from the Exarch's homeland."
Reeq nodded. "Right. I'm sorry to say I am not familiar with the Crystal Exarch. Where is his homeland?"
C'astarhte blinked. "Uh. It's, 'the Exarch's homeland'. You know," she said slowly.
"Oh, then I suppose I'll ask him directly when we meet for tea today." Reeq rolled his eyes. "Or I would, were we such close friends as you and he seem to be. But not all of us are so lucky, I suppose!"
C'astarhte looked distressed. She glanced around at the rest of the bar, then at Reeq, and whispered intently, "But this worked before... Crystarium people don't ask about the Exarch."
Reeq was taken aback. Crystarium people... "I was asking after you, though, not the Exarch," he argued, but then... Crystarium people was a good thing to be called, wasn't it? Not like Eulmore brat or lordling. Reeq liked it, he decided. "Never mind. That's some kind of code for discretion, am I right? Understood! Not to worry, my friend, your secret is safe with me."
Reeq gave her a wink, which made C'astarhte chuckle. Oh. He liked that, too.
He savored the day's events. They'd succeeded at their first hunt, shared a nice meal together, and gotten to know each other better! Reeq was sure the two of them were meant to be partners.
He thought of their certain upcoming fame again. "Reeq and C'astarhte... yes, I rather like the sound of that. Reeq and C'astarhte, the daring bounty hunter duo, the scourge of sin eaters! Soon all of Norvrandt will know our names!"
He laughed, and for once it came with relief. It would all be over soon enough.
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clit-licker420 · 1 year
rewatched the yj pilot yesterday and me and my gf decided to count the pit girl eaters and we got eight (nine ?)
antler queen
three either side of her (six total)
one bringing the tray of food
pit girl
we know that so far seven characters are Confirmed to have been rescued:
shauna, taissa, natalie, misty, lottie, van, and travis.
i assume we will see at least part of pit girls death again when the 96 timeline catches up, but it means that for pit girls death there is one extra survivor.
so either this extra was killed after pit girl, died sometime between rescue and the adult timeline, or we have another adult yellowjacket left to reveal ?
ofc i assume that antler queen is one of the girls, my gf thinks it might be far more literal and perhaps a physical or imagined entity. there’s a chance none of the girls are antler queen and there’s only the seven survivors
but if there’s eight, begs the question, who is it ???
(my moneys on akilah if they don’t kill her over nugget)
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