#so. so. i first watched s1 when it came out in 2015
searidings · 2 years
What season was current when you started watching SG?
i was waaaaay late to this clown convention bro 5a was airing as i was catching up on five years of lesbians!!!
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kimberleyjean · 1 month
Why are there Infinity Loops or Möbius Strips in Good Omens?
The infinity loop, it's the idea of something that is unlimited and endless, you know...
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In this post, I'm going to explore some of the symbols in the show that I think relate to this concept of eternity. For example, have you noticed that the infinity loop shows up amongst the symbols at the start of Season 1? While God's narrates about her "ineffable game" of her own devising, here it is on screen:
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Why do we see so many infinity symbols here? Where else can we see this same symbol?
Read on for the places I've spotted it in both S1, S2 and the book. I’m hoping you’ll let me know if I missed any, and what you think it all means!
Eternity in Good Omens
In the book, when Crowley is explaining the concept of eternity to Aziraphale, he uses the idea of a bird which flies every thousand years to the same mountain to sharpen it's beak. Here's the conversation, with Aziraphale's interruptions edited out (pg. 55 - 56 in my hardcopy):
“Just you think about it," said Crowley relentlessly. "You know what eternity is? You know what eternity is? I mean, d'you know what eternity is? There's this big mountain, see, a mile high, at the end of the universe, and once every thousand years there's this little bird—” “Okay. And every thousand years this bird flies—" "flies all the way to this mountain and sharpens its beak—” “Sharpen its beak on the mountain," said Crowley. "And then it flies back—” “And after a thousand years it goes and does it all again," said Crowley quickly.”
This story originally came from a folk tale called the Shepherd Boy. It's very short and you can read the Brother's Grimm version here. (Update: The Annotated Pratchett also thinks this may be a reference to James Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man).
If we take Crowley at his word, then eternity in Good Omens is represented by repeating the same thing over again, whether that's flying forever to the same mountain, or having to watch the Sound of Music "over and over and over and over and over and over and over" into infinity.
The Infinity Loop
The common symbol for infinity, ∞, was invented by the English mathematician John Wallis in 1655. Being an extremely popular symbol, it shows up in a lot of places, including the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. Several other uses are detailed on the wikipedia page.
So, where does it appear in Good Omens? In addition to God's monologue, we also see it during the S1 baby swap sequence as part of the Satanic nun's costumes. Here it is on the upside-down watches they wear:
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Here it is again on Newt's belt buckle in S1:
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Here's another possible infinity symbol on Newt's computer screen, when he's working at United Holdings:
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Outside of the show, it also appears on the merch released post-S2 (though a little bit disguised in the form of the snake wrapped around them). Included is the tagline of "The end was just the start".
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There are also two references to infinity in the book. Here's the first very near the start (pg. 14 of my 2015 hardback edition):
“He [God] plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, [ie., everybody.] to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time.”
And here's the other, closer to the end, at the airfield (pg. 363 of my edition):
“Adam glanced up. In one sense there was just clear air overhead. In another, stretching off to infinity, were the hosts of Heaven and Hell, wingtip to wingtip. If you looked really closely, and had been specially trained, you could tell the difference.”
So, Good Omens makes a few references to infinity, which I find interesting in itself. But wait, there's more!
The Ouroboros
There is another symbol which also appears in Good Omens and also suggests a form of repetition - the ouroboros. The ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail and depicts an eternal cycle of renewal - an end which comes back to the start again. I recommend taking a look at the whole wikipedia page, which is quite fascinating:
Now, this would be a rather abstract representation, but I think this appears on the wall of Nina's cafe. Unfortunately, in my image Terry's name has been cut off, but it does say Terry and Neil within those segments of the loop:
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So we have the infinity symbol, the ouroboros... anything else? Well, yes, there is a third symbol for us to ponder over.
The Mobius Strip
Closely related to the idea of the infinity symbol is that of the mobius strip. To oversimplify things, the mobius strip is a object which is a continuous surface in a loop. At first glance, it appears to have two sides, but these are indeed all part of the same side (maybe we should call this "our side"?). As shown in the below gif, an object traversing the surface of the strip can repeat in a continuous loop.
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Where does the mobius strip appear in Good Omens? Well, it appears in the book. Here it is being used to refer to Anathema's broken bike wheel (pg. 92 in my 2015 hardback edition):
“Behind the Bentley a bicycle lay in the road, its front wheel bent into a creditable Mobius shape, its back wheel clicking ominously to a standstill.”
And again, describing the discussions of the Them, while Adam is coming into his powers (pg. 229 in my hardback):
“Serve everyone right if all the nucular bombs went off and it all started again, only prop'ly organized," said Adam. "Sometimes I think that's what I'd like to happen. An' then we could sort everythin' out." The thunder growled again. Pepper shivered. This wasn't the normal Them mobius bickering, which passed many a slow hour. There was a look in Adam's eye that his friend couldn't quite fathom—not devilment, because that was more or less there all the time, but a sort of blank grayness that was far worse.”
Not only does the word "mobius" appear twice in the book, but Neil has continued to be interested in such ideas, releasing the song Mobius Strip in April 2023 (as brought to my attention by @embracing-the-ineffable). The song is a meditation on the nature of time, magic and how things tend to repeat. In the song, the grandfather shows the boy a trick to creating a mobius strip using paper, tape and some scissors. Here's how the song concludes:
"I'm... Somewhere on the strip We all are, walking the sign of infinity into the darkness And I'm looking for signs of a life, in a memory Reflected in the mirror I'm a mobius strip We all are We only ever see one face It's the twist that brings you back where you started"
If you're unfamiliar with the idea of creating a paper-based mobius strip, here's a video on how it works:
Is the loop Aziraphale and Crowley?
To form a mobius strip, you need to cut the paper first, flip it, and then join the ends back together.
To me, this reminds me a lot of the S2 opening sequence, when we see the bridge disconnect, separating Aziraphale and Crowley on either side, only to then reconnect at another place.
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Does this mean the bridge, and perhaps the loop, represents our ineffable duo? This merch sure seems to suggest so...
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That could be one interpretation of this sequence, though I'm sure there are others. What do you think? Does the loop say anything about Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship to one another?
Put it all together and...
In summary, we have at least three different symbols signifying some sort of repetition in Good Omens - the infinity loop, ouroboros and mobius strip. So, what might they mean? Why do you think it's been included, and so often? Even more importantly, have I missed any? There's endless details to be mined from this show, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are more.
I have a few theories, but nothing concrete yet, so I'm really interested in hearing everyone's ideas!
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lostcauses-noregrets · 9 months
If I remember correctly you said you joined the fandom or started the reading the manga around, what, chapter 74? Or something like that, right? So you weren't around for the first arc, when you were watching or reading the first arc, did you manage to avoid spoilers because I wonder what you though of Levi and Erwin lol I was around for the first arc and I remember so many people found Erwin and Levi sus and thought one of them or both would turn out to be the villain lol I don't remember why people found Levi sus but a lof of people were convinced that Erwin was hiding something. Now looking back, lol Erwin and Levi together would be too OP against Paradis hahahaha
Yep, that's right, I came to the fandom at the end of 2015, round about chapter 74 (I think). I watched season 1, then ACWNR, then read the manga, then watched the anime again. I wasn't particularly invested in Erwin or Levi the first time I watched S1, it was only after I watched ACWNR and more specifically read the manga that I fell hard for Eruri. I mean it's pretty much unavoidable! I made no attempt to avoid spoilers, quite the opposite, I sought out every bit of information I could find about Erwin and Levi. I really loved the anticipation of spoilers dropping every month, it's one of the things I miss most since the manga ended.
I do remember people finding Erwin a bit sus in the early days, particularly fans who only watched the anime, and tbh, I don't blame them. S1 Erwin is too smart or his own good and a bit of blank character-wise. Even in the manga his character doesn't really start to develop until the Uprising Arc. Also tbf to those fans, Erwin was hiding something. It's just that the thing he was hiding was the terrible burden of his dream, and not some nefarious plot to betray humanity or whatever. Though he did overthrow the government, I'll give him that lol.
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whenthegoldrays · 4 months
hiii elly <3
kinda bored lately and wanted to watch something so came here for recs :) could be of any kind btw like movies, tv shows (any language)
also maybe not something from your top ten kdramas post lol i've already watched most of the shows on there
also how're you doing?
hope you're doing well <33
Hey girl hey! Thank you for asking, I'm doing well! Terribly busy, but on the whole things are good. How about you?
Oooh okay this is quite a thing to ask me, I'm going to get decision paralysis dhdvdvdg but let me think of some less-common things I can recommend!
Available on Prime Video.
The Surprise (2015). Also available on Tubi. After inking their own death warrants, an eccentric millionaire and distraught woman fall in love and find voiding their contracts isn't an option. Romance! Dark humor! The k-drama truck of doom, except it's a Dutch movie! (Disclaimer: I do not recommend watching this film if one is suicidal)
From Prada to Nada (2011). A modern Mexican-American adaptation of Sense and Sensibility that surprisingly really works?? The title is woeful but the movie is pretty darn good.
The Lady Vanishes (2013). Iris Carr is traveling across Europe by train when she befriends Miss Froy, an elderly English woman. But when she wakes up from a few hours' sleep, Miss Froy has vanished. As fellow passengers claim the lady never existed, Iris fights to discover the fate of Miss Froy - and prove that she's not going mad.
Love and Friendship (2016). Adaptation of Jane Austen's Lady Susan, starring Kate Beckinsdale. The main character is the definition of gaslight gatekeep girlboss, and the supporting characters are all just. so funny.
To Tell The Truth (1961). If you just want something to distract you that doesn't take a lot of thinking, old game shows are ideal. In this one, a celebrity panel tries to guess which of three strangers is the person they claim to be.
Masterpiece/PBS Passport Shows.
All Creatures Great and Small (since 2020). Season 4 currently airing. A feel-good (but unafraid to get real and sad) show about the misadventures of a country vet practice in Yorkshire.
Miss Scarlet and the Duke (since 2020). Season 4 currently airing. In 1880s London, the daughter of a private investigator decides to take over his detective business after his untimely death. Mystery series that also has just about the BEST opening titles ever.
Available on Tubi (which is free!)
Forever Young (1992). The movie where I realized that Mel Gibson was cute, actually. In 1939, a heartbroken Army pilot volunteers for a cryogenics experiment and wakes up in 1992, where he gets a second shot at love.
The Space Between Us (2017). On his first visit to Earth, a man born and raised on Mars bonds with a street-smart young woman while unraveling the mysteries of how he came to be. To quote my mutual Chris: "wanna cry? 🥰"
The Dick Van Dyke Show (1960s). Some of the stuff hasn't aged well, but this is still one my top favorite old sitcoms. All the characters are so fun and endearing. You probably won't want to sift through all five seasons, so my top episode recommendations are "The Curious Thing About Women" (s1 e16), "The Two Faces of Rob" (s2 e2), "That's My Boy??" (s3 e1), "Big Max Calvada" (s3 e9), "October Eve" (s3 e28), "My Mother Can Beat Up My Father" (s4 e1), "4 1/2" (s4 e7), "The Impractical Joke" (s4 e16), and "Coast to Coast Big Mouth" (s5 e1).
(I got a little too excited with those episode recs, oopsie 🤭)
The Surprise, like I mentioned.
I just found out that they have some episodes of The Flintstones and Tom and Jerry on Tubi, if you want some good nostalgic laughs.
Available on Netflix.
Love At First Sight (2023). Cute romance about taking a chance on a good feeling.
The Adam Project (2022). You've probably seen it, but I will mention it anyway! Time travel. Annoying and precocious 12-year-old child. Ryan Reynolds and Zoe Saldaña. Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo! FIVE STARS.
Trevor Noah: I Wish You Would (2022). The best Trevor Noah special, in my opinion. The curry story??? Iconic forever and ever.
The Full-Time Wife Escapist (2018). A woman takes a job as a housekeeper, but in order to stay in it, she and her boss agree to a contract marriage. If you've ever seen the k-drama Because This Is My First Life... This is the better version of that show, imo. The ML is suchhh a sweetheart.
Indian Matchmaking (since 2020). I never watch reality TV, so I don't know how I started seeing this show, but it's SO good and super bingeable.
Omg the Jurassic Park movies are on Netflix right now
Available on Hulu.
Wild Mountain Thyme (2020). It's a love story, and it's so silly and enjoyable. The resolution is just shdhfhshshsg
The Giver (2014). Jonas learns the secrets of the past, and the utopia he's grown up in begins to look more and more dystopian. Also, Taylor Swift is there for some reason.
Flamin' Hot (2023). It wasn't until I watched this that I realized how much I need movies about Mexican success stories in my life. File this under ✨inspirational✨
If you haven't yet watched The Artful Dodger (2023), you absolutely should. Come for the romance, stay for the absolutely bonkers, insane hijinks.
I barely started watching Timeless (2016), but it looks really fun and good. It's about time travel, unsurprisingly for me 🤭
Available on Disney+
Baby's Day Out (1994). A childhood CLASSIC of mine. The cuteness is just. so much. The humor is standard slapstick, but really fun, and the mom has some of the most gorgeous 90s outfits omggg
Hidden Figures (2016). I love this movie endlesslyyy. Awesome intelligent Black women overcoming the odds, space race setting, and even a side of cute romance.
The Art of Racing in the Rain (2019). Dare I say, best dog movie I've seen?
The Call of the Wild (2020). Another dog movie, with Harrison Ford. I don't remember much of it but I remember really enjoying it.
Milo Murphy's Law (2017–2018). Have you seen this follow-up to Phineas and Ferb? If you haven't, you need to. The comedy is so gold tier and the music slaps.
Delicacies Destiny (2022). I kind of stopped watching this c-drama about 1/3 of the way through, but I totally should pick it up again, and it's worth watching even if just for all the gorgeous food scenes.
And of course, anything from my top ten k-dramas that you haven't seen yet is an automatic recommendation 😌
This got. so long. I hope you find something here that you like and thank you for asking @milkteawithrusk!! This was so fun to put together! 🫶🏼
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sillsif · 1 year
↳ 8 Shows To Get To Know Me
thank you @jyuubin for tagging me! sorry it took me a while to type this up.
i have decided to pick shows that i rewatch for comfort or keep me awake at night thinking about every little detail and emotion inside. here we go!
Bones (2005 - 2017) i grew up with this show and i just love temperance brennan with my entire life. i love the smithsonians i love booth and brennan i love i love i love and i rewatched s1-s3 sooooooo many times because iykyk it just kills me in the best way everytime.
Because This is My First Life (2017) my comfort feel good kdrama. i love how this drama focused on telling the stories of three women fighting for their dreams, and how every one of them had their own definition of happiness. oh i feel so much for the three of them and i love love love their love interests too. such a well-written show.
The Good Place (2016 - 2020) another comfort and feel good show. the good place is fun, intelligent, and most importantly, kind. it came out during a time when we all needed that reassurance: that things can be changed. things can be better. things SHOULD be better. WE should be better, and we CAN be. i'd even say it's another version of everything everywhere all at once's philosophy. it also has chidi anagonye, the love of my goddamn life.
First Kill (2022) if i were a zombie ♪ i'd never eat your brains ♪ a lesbian vampire x hunter show that got fucking cancelled by netflix bc netflix hates lesbians. i miss them sorely. this show was fun and intriguing, it has the right tone for teenage romance — dramatic and heart-wrenching. the cast is incredibly charming — gorgeous women from mothers to daughters and beautiful men too. talia burns you are everything.
Racket Boys (2021) coming-of-age sports kdrama. i had a visceral reaction to insol when he [redacted] and then i had a mini phase where i had intense brainrots over haesol ( haekang x insol ) which in retrospect is sorta like me with palmchopper. you get what i mean? i still love insol very much and i still have brainrots about them in fact i'm looking at my gifsets right now.
The Get Down (2016 - 2017) I WILL NEVER FORGIVE NETFLIX FOR CANCELLING THIS SHOW. the get down was about the bronx and the beginning of hip hop. ezekiel figuero and shaolin fantastic. mylene. dizzee kipling. i love them so much. so many iconic scenes and lines. justice smith has remained one of my fave actors since then.
Better Call Saul (2015 - 2022) i watched this show during the airing of its final season bc it was all on netflix and i did not expect how easily i grew attached. i watched breaking bad a long time ago and never thought too much of saul goodman the funny lawyer, so i didn't rush to watch bcs when it first aired. but damn how glad i am to have binged it when it delivered its finale too. incredibly tight-knit and immaculate in writing and filming. the details are so intricate it's almost impossible to pull off but they managed. it's quite heavy from time to time, and such a tragedy too. but that's the story. and it does get the ending it deserved. i can say it's the best written tv show i've seen with such a long run.
Scissor Seven (2018 - ) happy, feel good, comfort show. it's a chinese animated series with a lot of canto humour, which just hits home for a canto like me. it follows the regular shounen anime formula but with less self-importance. it's just about a guy who wants to live a good life with people he cares about on this island he calls home. well, with the past coming back for his life.
tagging anyone interested!
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gayspock · 4 years
i will now ramble about shows <3
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nikadoesanart · 3 years
Why I think Bones animated the light novels in the order they have so far
Before I start, I will preface this by directly quoting Asagiri as he did say himself:
“...each of the plots in [novel] Volumes 1 through 4 are independent with their own timelines that follow different protagonists, meaning you can start them in any order.” (55 Minutes, Afterword, Yen Press translation)
This was of course written at the time of 55 Minutes being written (which was first released in October of 2016), but this has so far held true for all of the following light novels except for Storm Bringer. So officially speaking, you don’t necessarily have to read the bsd light novels in numerical/release order or chronological to the story order either, though you’d probably want to have read or watched 15 Years Old before Storm Bringer. Also, considering that 55 Minutes and Dead Apple are the only ones that take place during the main story, you may want to have at least finished season 2 or read up to the end of ch 37 in the manga so that you’re familiar with the characters (because these two take place shortly after where s2 left off).
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to why I personally think that Bones has decided to adapt the light novels that have been animated so far in the order that they have. Seeing as Dead Apple was pretty much requested by Bones for Asagiri to write (according to his afterword in the novel), I won’t really be going over it.
Anyway, my theory is that they chose to adapt Entrance Exam>Dark Era>15 YO because in that order the light novels are most relevant to which part of Dazai’s past and mental state are tied to the current main story arc being animated. This doesn’t make Dazai the protagonist in the main story, in fact he never has been as of yet, but this is how the audience is able to slowly uncover Dazai’s past and try to learn about how his mind works. Keep in mind that even the novels with Dazai’s name in the title and even what few scenes there are focused on Dazai and his POV in them, they are not actually from his POV and we are given the absolute minimal clues as to what he may be thinking.
In s1 we don’t know much about his past yet but Entrance Exam/Azure Messenger helps to highlight his eccentricities while also showing his cunning, but also addresses the question of how Dazai and Kunikida are able to work together. Atsushi himself starts the arc off by questioning how two people with seemingly such incompatible work ethics and personalities are able to work together and even became work partners in the first place.
This was cut out from the anime but the novel also shows how Dazai can act sketchy at times and acts on his own behind people’s backs. There were also a lot of overall changes from the Entrance Exam novel to the point that I find it more fitting to refer to the novel as Entrance Exam and the animated arc as the Azure Messenger arc due to how much was cut and changed, but that’s not the point here.
Next, Dark Era shows not only that Dazai used to work in the Port Mafia, but also some of his closest connections within it and why he left, which becomes relevant during the Guild arc. It also introduces us to the Lupin bar, which Dazai is later shown holding a match box from there as a relic of Oda, who he always thinks about/remembers in difficult situations. Dark Era is also where we’re introduced to Ango and what led to Dazai pretty much despising and refusing to forgive Ango.
15 Years Old mainly shows us the relationship between Dazai and Chuuya. This includes how they first met, the earliest instance we know of when Dazai can act his age, but also touches on the topic of Mori’s leadership. It takes place shortly after when Mori became leader, so the choices Mori makes during this time are crucial to both him and the PM. The importance of Mori’s leadership is later mentioned again during the Cannibalism arc, and we see Chuuya respecting Mori as a fellow leader at the end of 15 YO. We also see in 15 some of Dazai’s mentality as a strategist and leader when directly under Mori’s influence, and it is Mori’s teaching that got Dazai to a point that the only reason Fyodor was able to be found in s3 was because Dazai claimed that it’s how he would act in that situation. This is shown in some of Dazai’s unnecessary cruelty and use of excessive force during the arc (ie. continuing to shoot a dead body). 15 also shows not only how Dazai and Chuuya first met but also how they are both able to act their age around each other. Their constant bickering shows that they can both act like the teens or young adults that they are (depending on when we’re looking at) but also that they already have at least some respect and trust for each of them being their own person and each having their own strengths. They’re both being used as very important and powerful tools by their respective groups during 15, but they still realize that the other can each make their own decisions. Dazai is the one that tells the Sheep that Chuuya is his own person and Chuuya assures Shirase and Yuan of the captured members safety and he later realizes the extent of Dazai’s foresight after asking him to spare the kids, which Dazai mentions was part of his original plan anyway.
What’s interesting to me is how during the Rimbaud fight, Dazai claims that he’s started to become interested in living again yet only 1 year later in Storm Bringer, he is at his absolute worst in terms of what we’ve seen so far of his mental health. In regards to everything that went into Dazai’s mental health plummeting between 15 and SB and then improving again between SB and the Dragon Head Conflict, for now we can only hope to one day learn more about the DHC, how Dazai and Oda first met and what happened to Dazai during Chuuya’s first year in the PM. Also do keep in mind that 15 Years Old was originally written at Bones’ request (you can read the full afterword here).
In my opinion, when you think of these as some of the reasons for the order of the light novel adaptations so far, it makes sense to me. I do still question why we got Dead Apple instead of getting 55 Minutes animated, as they take place at around the same time on the timeline. However, if Dead Apple and even the Walking Alone OVA have proved anything, it’s that Chuuya’s mere presence alone brings in the money. Entrance Exam and Dark Era are respectively light novels 1 & 2 but #3 is Untold Origins of the Agency, which has a short story about Atsushi’s entrance exam being planned (A Day at the Agency) followed by the story of how Ranpo and Fukuzawa met and how this led to the need for the ADA to be founded. Personally, I don’t think Untold Origins is too necessary to the main story until Bones gets to animating chapter 71 onwards. In fact, if you want to look at the order of the Japanese release dates for the novels, Gaiden (January 2016) came out between Untold Origins (May 2015) and 55 Minutes (October 2016), yet with the official translations for the novels it’s been skipped over. But at the end of the day, the order Bones has chosen so far is by no means wrong or right. I’m not sure if the information regarding who chose which novel to adapt when is available to the public (if it’s in an interview or one of the guidebooks, hopefully there are translations available so please lmk if you know anything!), but hopefully Asagiri was involved in that part of the decision making as bsd is originally his story.
If you want to see my more in depth predictions for when the remaining light novel anime adaptations would take place (as in which order they’d be animated) and my estimated screen time for each, you can check it out here.
Also last minute thought/realization but they probably could’ve animated A Day at the Agency instead of Entrance Exam and achieved almost the same goal? I think I’ll revisit this idea later after rereading the novels eventually.
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Jared’s appearance on Justin Wren’s podcast. September 20th, 2021. 
For those that don’t know Jared appeared on Justin Wren’s podcast, this was filmed a couple of weeks ago but it aired today. It’s pretty long, close to two hours of content. I’m going to tell y’all right now this is not going to be a recap post, it's too much content, and Justin is chatty and I just don’t have it in me even with notes taken to do a recap. But I will be linking to the podcast at the bottom of this post. I watched/listened to it through Youtube which is what I will be linking to  but it is also available on Spotify if you prefer to listen to it in a more traditional podcast format. 
Just so you know this not a promotional podcast appearance meaning if you’re hoping to get info on Walker s2 or any of Jared’s projects you’re not going to find it here, he does mention Walker and shares there was a covid related incident during s1 but that’s the extend there’s no details given on the new season because that is not the purpose of this podcast; the purpose of it is to talk about mental health. Jared opened up and shared some thing about his mental health and what he has gone through and deal with it- some of it is stuff we have heard before but there’s also things he hasn’t shared before like he told a story about when he was a child riding his bike and he came across a school bully who held a pellet gun to his head and pulled the trigger that is so fucked up. So, yeah he shared some stuff he hadn’t before so if you got the time or you can also divide and conquer listen to one hour now, another hour later go ahead give it a listen or a watch like I said it’s gonna be linked at the bottom. 
Like I said this is not a recap post, what it is is a quick opinion post about some of my thoughts on some of the things that were said, and fair warning this will probably be a bit over the place. 
Gonna say this first, Justin seems like a very lovely guy, I don’t like his podcasting style one bit. But I wish him luck with it! 
At the start of the podcast he talks a bit about having covid. He says he and the kids tested positive on the 13th, G had tested positive on the 7th/8th. If you know me you know what I think. If you don’t understand what I mean you don’t need to worry about it. And if you want to play lawyer read the tags on this post. Back to it, he talked about some of his symptoms like he would get winded very easily even going up the stairs would leave him out of breath, he lost a some muscle mass, he was suffering from brain fog and he still had some of these symptoms when he filmed this even though he was pass his two week quarantine period he was still dealing with some brain fog and in my opinion you can tell he was being careful with his words and how he articulates himself. This was filmed a couple weeks ago so hopefully he’s now feeling much better and those lingering side effects/symptoms have passed. 
He was asked about meeting G on set so naturally he segwayed away to talk about how when he was little him and his siblings wanted to be able to live in Austin, and how siblings went to UT and his first job on Gilmore Girls and the pay was good- don’t ask me what this has to do with G because even he didn’t know why he entered into this story. Eventually after the detour he circled back around to meeting G on set and then it’s the same we’ve heard before. 
Moving unto some of the more personal stuff he talks about AKF and what it means to him, he mentions for the first time outside of a Meet and Greet setting that he went to an inpatient clinic in 2015, he gave a brief rundown of what happened in Geneva which we will come back to, he also talked about growing up in an environment that was very much straighten up little soldier where it was encouraged to just run some dirt on it and suck it up if something happened and he says that's something he got really good at doing.
I'm not going to go into details about this because I'm not even sure how to word it but the environment that one grows up in leaves an impact that affects how you think about things, how you process things, the relationships one has, and even which parts of oneself are hidden away such as sexuality, gender identity, self expression. It took Jared years to just unlearn that mentality of toughening up.
He also opened up about how he was bullied in school, he still even remembers some of his bullies names; and he mentions how he's worried cause he thinks his sons have a bully, poor kiddos! 
I wasn't surprised to hear it but I still hate to get confirmation that he does sometimes see the hate that's thrown his way, as an example he brought up something that happened recently which is he'll post a link to a crowdfunding to help someone out and encourage others to donate, and he sees comments about how he should pay for it, and he mentions that he does internalize those comments sometimes like he'll see them and wonder why he doesn't pay for the whole thing. I hate that, I hate that on so many levels, I hate that he sees those kinds of comments, I hate that they get to him, that he may even for a second believe the vile people spew at him, that sometimes those taking the shots and making snarky comments are people he considers friends and the thought he might internalize them and believe them! It breaks my heart 💔
The good new is he does also see the good stuff, the love and support we have for him. I am as always left hoping that he sees more of the love we have for him, the support, how much he means to us and inspires us instead of the hate. 
I was asked about this so I am killing two birds with one stone, let's talk about Geneva. When giving his rundown of what happened in 2015, Jared mentions G and credits her with saving his life, claiming that she encouraged him to return to Austin to deal with things. I don't know the actual extent of G's involvement in his recovery, maybe he's telling the truth and she saved his life if she did that's lovely and I'm thankful because he's still here with us. That being said, personally, I don't know if I believe him, his body language seemed off in that moment, and he said Gen so did he mean it with a G or with a J. In my opinion, he is giving an edited version of the truth this doesn't mean he's using his breakdown to prop her up or that he's not being honest. At a difference, I think this is him being as open and honest as he can be and feels comfortable with about an incredibly dark point in his life not out of obligation for we are not entitled details about this but because he wants others to know they're not alone. 
Gonna wrap this up, link is below, if you get the chance give it a watch, give it a listen, you don't have to do it in one sitting feel free to spread it through your day. 
Jared on Justin Wren's podcast
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alyblacklist · 3 years
What made you start this blog? And how did you get into the Blacklist in the first place?
I got into the show because my husband started watching S1 on Netflix at some point during the later winter/spring when S2 was airing. I saw a little bit of Wujing while passing through the room, stayed, and then made him re-start from the Pilot so we could watch it together. We binge watched the rest of S1 over the next few weeks and then bought a season pass on iTunes for S2 so we could continue right away without waiting for Netflix. I discovered the online fandom somewhere near the S2 finale because we had caught up to the Longevity Initiative and I was trying to spoil myself on whether Keenler had kissed yet. (If only I had known then how many years that would take, silly me). Ironically, he no longer watches the show and hasn’t for a while. 
As far as my blog, I made a Tumblr account some time during that summer of 2015 in between S2 & S3 because at the time, that’s where all the behind the scenes and gifs that I was interested in were being posted. I followed a bunch of people but never really intended to get involved myself with posting. I didn’t know how to make anything. If I had known then that I was actually going to turn my page into something, I probably would have given more thought to my blog name and I probably wouldn’t have used my name in it! They started filming S3 that July and one day in November, I came across some BTS photos on a local news site that no one had posted so I finally posted them myself as my first post, gained some followers, and then a week or two later, learned that Spader was filming near my office in NYC, walked over, took some pics and posted those and I was officially involved in the fandom. I was quickly bitten by the behind the scenes bug and discovered with my local knowledge and some reasonable search skills it was possible to figure out locations on a fairly regular basis. I started visiting the locations whenever I could to see what was going on, hunting down other behind the scenes, and it all grew from there. I eventually taught myself to gif a couple of seasons later with the help of some fandom friends, dabbled in fanfic etc. I’m certainly WAY more active now than I ever imagined I would be. 
Thanks for the ask!
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lighdramons · 3 years
Hi I'm back. I promised awhile ago I’d tell the story of the fucked up digi.mon cult, so I figured that’s a great start for getting back onto this hellsite.
If the read more works, everything will be below the cut and it is a mess. Just a few things before the cut though:
General TW as I will be bringing up some of the bad experiences I had as well as talking about mental illness.
I will not be using names of sites, usernames, etc. I will not answer on specific users either. I’m sure these sites are still operating somewhere privately and back in the day, some of these people were big in the Digi.mon community outside of the sites as well.
If any of the people involved see this, no ill wishes towards you guys, just my take on things.
I quit these sites back in early 2015. I do not know what happened after I quit. I am only still in contact with a few individuals who either quit around the same time as me or long before.
As a general courtesy, some of these sites still exist. Please do not go harass them. A lot of the public sites are just teens trying to figure out themselves.
If you have questions or comments after reading this whole thing, I’m happy to answer any either publicly or privately. And yes, you can reblog this post.
We need to jump back to 2007 to begin with. I was a middle schooler getting back into Digi.mon because I walked into Gamestop and Digi.mon was sitting in the new releases. And I had access to the internet. I did binge S1-5 with subs and watching reruns of the dub on Toon Disney. I spent some time on the big fansite. Great site, just bad experience at the time because I was a teen and probably lied about my age. I didn’t feel like that was the community for me. I do check it every day now for news, just never made a new account cause I don’t even remember what I used back in the day.
By end of 2008/beginning of 2009 I began looking for other sites, stumbled across the digiclipse stuff on the bad encyclopedia site, looked into it, thought it was neat, moved on. Stuck with the big site for now because the only other sites I found were RP sites and not my thing at the time. Got hit hard with depression at the start of 10th grade (late 2010) and found my way back onto the digiclipse stuff. Didn’t really believe most of it, but thought the idea of creating AI Digi.mon was neat. Joined the smaller of the two sites because it felt friendlier and most users seemed my age.
For people who do not know, digiclipse is the act of going outside and holding the toys up hoping to get teleported. Most people by the time I joined thought the people who did this were crazy. Some people liked to do it for the lolz though.
Anyways, most of what happened on the sites was just talking and hanging out in chat rooms about life and other things. It was pretty chill. I can’t speak for everyone on the sites, but for me it was an escapism kind of thing. I was depressed and hated life so pretending that a magical adventure was a possibility gave me some hope. But honestly, got a group of people who were cool to talk with for the most part. There was one older female in her mid 20s that would come in the chat drunk and sexually harass the other female users and tell all the male they should die and are worthless. Nothing was ever done about her. And honestly it was weird having her there when most of the other people on the site were under 18. That was initially my only bad experience on the sites.
At some point during 2011, there were three individuals who claimed to see and speak with their digi.mon partners. And that they could read your aura and tell you exactly your digi.mon partner. And everyone believed this shit, mostly because two of them were prominent members and how could they lie. The process was simple, you would DM them either a creative piece you’ve done (art, writing, etc) or send a photo of yourself and they’d come back in a few days and tell you who your partner was. There was only ever one individual this method of tracking did not work on and that is yours truly. Oh and at the time it hit hard because I had started falling down the rabbit hole. This is the beginning of the cult-ish stuff.
Then the Ouija board happened. I have no issues with what happened during the fucking around with said Ouija board, I have issues with everything that spiraled out of control after. They fucked around with it confirming people’s partners that the others had “found”. And eventually they asked about mine. And then it was basically said, “oh we can’t tell you the results”. I was eventually added to this secret site of “The Chosen”. And basically told, “oh your partner is the offspring/creation of THE BIG BAD” and there were all sorts of debates on what to do about it. I literally thought I was getting punked at first and these people are clearly taking this whole thing too far. No, these people all believed this. Oh and the best part, most of the people involved in this “chosen” group were in their mid 20s. Me being a depressed as fuck 16yo that just wanted something exciting in life ended up eating all this up. I felt special and chosen. I look back on it now and I’m like what a fucking idiot.
We were all taught from the three who could do the stuff I explained earlier how we can also learn to bond and communicate and see our partner. I had absolutely no progress. Eventually this stuff led to everyone in this “chosen” group getting a “special guardian spirit”. Again, I made no progress on this. And to the point where they made me feel special again, I was the only person who had the wrong “guardian spirit” and they eventually found my “real one”, more on this later.
These discussions moved from a forum site to a private skype chat room, and then further smaller private chat rooms. The movement to skype is where I started having some bad experiences. I gave a few of my “close” friends on the site my phone number, soon everyone had my number. And this happened to multiple people over the years. My own stupidity at the time.
This stuff continued as I finished high school. At the time, I still managed to maintain my social life with school friends, keep up my grades, etc. Got into college with a good scholarship in my dream field. And then I started to go downhill once I got to school. The longer this stuff went on, the more you were expected to be involved. Including being on skype calls all night. It slowly began consuming my life. I ended up not only with depression, but ending up with an ED that was tied to anxiety so I’d go days without eating. I was seeing things and hearing voices, which was highly encouraged because it meant things were working. I literally could not tell the difference of when I was asleep or awake. I honestly do not remember the majority of my freshman year of college. I had no real friends and was just barely scraping by grade-wise. And well, the academic year almost ended with me hanging from a pipe in my dorm.
I ended up running the site I started on as an admin after the original admin team left. And it was expected you do not mention any of the “secret” stuff on the main site. Over the years I know it became clear to the users not included that there were secrets in the background. And those who knew stuff would actively fuck with these users. And if I haven’t made it clear yet, there was a hierarchy to this whole secret group. And it was the original three who were mentioned at the beginning that were on top. And what they said was gospel. Whatever they claimed is what happened and whatever rules they had were the rules. But of course certain people could break the rules and get away with it.
This next part happened at some point during my freshman year and will be relevant again later on. This is the biggest TW section so skip if you have to. I had a user dox me. He had my home address and threatened to post it. He had sent it privately to a few other users as well that alerted me of this. His reasoning? I would not date him or say I loved him. He told me that he would come to my house, murder me, r*pe my dead body, because he is the only one who gets to have me. Another user got involved and called the cops. I do not know if anything ever came of this because I never spoke to anyone about it. I at the time had admin privileges on one of the sites so I banned him and blocked his IP and I blocked him on anything I could. And I continued doing this over the years. I was told I was a bad person for doing this because I did not understand him. This lead to a lot of the things in the above paragraph getting worse.
As this all continued, there were battles and casualties and everyone ended up with like 20 partners. And if you haven’t noticed I’ve stopped using the term digi.mon entirely in the past few paragraphs. That’s because oh they weren’t digi.mon. They were spirits/dimensional beings that took on a form we were comfortable with and we formed a bond with. And I kept going along with all of this because I was in too deep at this point. And obviously yes, this all made sense. So at some point during this time, my “spirit” went to sleep and a new one “awakened”. And I of course still went along with all this. The BIG BAD kept mutating into stronger forms and blah blah blah.
During my fall semester sophomore year, I joined theatre at my college and did tech. Honestly, one of the reasons I was able to begin breaking away from this. I started to get an actual friend group and have less time for these sites. But there was always a pull of “you have to be here”. You were expected to be on skype calls and/or active in chat.
Well, that all changed at the start of 2015. They wanted a deletion of all the other sites and they would have one site united under one belief system. I was not a huge fan of this and made this known, but also offered to help in the coding as that was a skill I had that no one else really had. It got out around that I was a cunt and a power hungry bitch and blah blah blah. If it was just that, I would probably not have left. No no no, I was accused of lying about the shit that that user said and did to me. Because he is such a nice guy that could never do that type of stuff. And unless I provided the receipts I was clearly an attention seeking liar that wanted to ruin his life. That was the straw. I fucking blacked out in a rage and attempted to delete some of the different websites, I blasted some of these people on their real facebooks, and then I deleted all of my accounts and blocked everyone and blocked their numbers.
After that, I started talking with other people that quit. I started enjoying my college life. And I tried to act like none of that stuff had happened. I distanced myself from those individuals that were active in the Digi.mon community. I stopped hearing the voices and seeing things. I started going to therapy. My road hasn’t been perfect, but I’ve come a long way since I got out of this stuff. Honestly going to meet up with one old member after covid is all clear cause we’ve known each other for over a decade now and its about time we finally meet in person.
So yeah, that’s my story. I know I jumped around a bit and thoughts might not be too clear, but I wanted to share the fucked up things that happen in the background of the digi.mon community. Did I have good times? Hell yeah. The Olive Garden incident still to this day is iconic. We played d&d oneshots sometimes. We had memes. We all watched xros and hunters together live. And I still have some good friends out of this. The most fascinating thing out of all of this is everyone from the community that I still am either in contact with or see them via social media had admitted over the years to suffer from some kind of mental illness and has come out as part of the LGBTQA+ community. My own conclusion is a lot of us got sucked in due to depression/escapism and just a feeling of not belonging. And being around people of similar age with similar interests just made things more bearable at times. It also made a lot of us very vulnerable to the manipulation that took place, whether it was intentional or just one big group delusion created by multiple mentally ill people. I call it a cult, but I'm sure people will disagree with me. Whatever you want to call it, it wasn't good for my mental health in the long run.
If this shit is still going on, I hope people aren’t letting it consume their lives. And I just wish the best for everyone even if some of the shit hurt me.
As I said up top, if you want me to elaborate on anything or have questions, I’m good with talking about stuff. If you know me IRL and are reading this and are like "RACHEL WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" I owe you a drink and explanation. And of course it Is okay to reblog. This is one hell of a comeback post on this site, am I right?
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scrabbleknight · 3 years
35, honestly with 16 chapters for your Satf A.U. You deserve the chance to ramble(if you want to) and I, for one, would be glad to listen.
Haha, nice!
So, I'm not sure if people know about this but most of my fics start out on pure whim as a dumb thing I wanted to write because "wow, that would be cool!". You know, like a little kid. Seriously, you can take any of my fics and basically dumb it down into less than 10 words, starting with 'What if'.
What if Sasha and Anne switched places?
What if Miko was a Glitch?
What if Adora was raised by Hordak?
What if Luz was Belos's daughter?
There are also other ideas I never did or wanted to do but just decided not to. It happens and I have a document full of small summaries like this.
Sasha and the Frogs began its lifetime at the end of S1 on a whim. I never expected the fic to blow up the way it did and honestly, there have been times I felt like I just wanted to stop it there. I just imagined Sasha and Anne fighting like the S1 finale but switching sides. That's it. There's not really much planning out on that.
There's also my Glitch!Miko fic which I was super proud of. This is the one I put so much work into just because I love the premise. Meico (the OC) came on a whim like every other idea but it made perfect sense in context. Unlike SatF, GM had a lot of holes that I made and later had to fill. I accidentally made it far too complicated for my own liking, but I couldn't back down.
Like, here's a list: Shadowy organisation? What does it do? Why does it oppose Hinobi? Why did it create Miko and Meico? What about backstory? Economy? Characters? Etc? So much stuff that I've yet to answer, all by creating an enemy group. Thankfully, I do have a few answers and slowly but surely, I'm trying to implement them.
Here's a thing; I'm actually afraid of my own writing sometimes. Not because it's great (as if I have that kind of pride), but because of plot holes. If I write a dumb fact, I have to commit to it. I can't just ignore it or else someone will notice it and know that I also notice it. That's like, a bad move.
So GM has a lot of planning which is why even though it's shorter than SatF, it takes up way more work. Like, I just finished the dialogue for the next chapter and my first thought was "Yes, I finally solved that one problem by creating a completely different one!". Oh, the pain :v
But in the end, I'm usually proud of my work. Meico, which I started on a whim then planned on being a recurring antagonist only to shift gears and is now planned on being a slowly recovering protagonist OC, is oddly enough my favourite character. She has anger issues and zero parental guidance but deep down, she's just a young girl who was deeply hurt by the people she cared about, including Miko. Over time, she'll care for her and open up. That sisterly bond stuff :)
Finally, there's my greatest failure — a RWBY fic I started 6 years ago and only made like 2-3 chapters. I was young and stupid and it was technically the second fic I ever wrote but the first fic I actually care about. The idea was simple; what if Blake was adopted by the Schnees?
Keep in mind that when I wrote this, it was before any other Schnee appeared; before Monty passed away. There was a lot of hope and stuff in it but the workload crushed my motivation. School is hard and fanfiction is a lot of work. But like I said, it was one of my greatest failures.
Blake would've been part of the protest against the SDC's treatment of the Faunus alongside Adam. But then she'd get separated from him and got herself hurt, losing her memories. Due to Weiss's sympathy, Blake was "adopted" into the Schnee family but trained as a combat butler. Over time, the Schnee would employ more Faunus to work in thee family estate and slowly turn warm. Blake, without her memories, is completely indebted to Weiss for saving her life and Weiss, who sees Blake as a friend, grows up as a friendly and somewhat normal young woman. The two would have the best friend relationship despite the obvious power distance.
When Weiss goes to Beacon, Blake is tasked to follow her and report back to the SDC. She has a cold relationship with Yang due to her protectiveness and trust issues and would occasionally sneak out to do missions given by the company. At this point, the SDC has a SpecOps task force called the "Black Cats" who are made entirely of Faunus. The White Fang despises this group and calls them traitors for working for the SDC. On one particular mission, Blake would meet Adam and they have a fight (which she loses).
Now, these were the details I planned for back then in 2015. Even though I dropped the story, I never actually forgot about it. While watching RWBY, I'd unconsciously add more details like Blake meeting her parents and not recognizing them, or Blake denouncing herself from the SDC to help Weiss. Also, Weiss's dad had a different personality as well, being more of a businessman who doesn't understand his children and woes but still cares for them in his cold-hearted way. The story would've end with Weiss and her father no longer estranged.
So yeah, there was depth and love and other mushy stuff. But I decided to focus on schoolwork and over time, I cared less about RWBY fanfics as a whole.
It's a shame. A real shame.
Btw, I don't write shipping fics. Romance has never been my thing. My story might have shipping but they are never about shipping :O
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alwaysupatnight · 3 years
From Dusk Till Dawn
Top 5 favorite characters: Kate, Seth, Scott, Eddie, Vanessa
Other characters you like: Rafa, Ximena, Burt
Least favorite characters: Kisa, Sonja, Carlos, Sex Machine
Otps: sethkate only
Notps: kate/richie, seth/kisa
Favorite friendships: Richie & Scott lmfao
Favorite family: Kate & Scott
Favorite episodes: 1.04, 2.01, 2.02, 3.04, 3.07, 3.09, & 3.10
Favorite season/book/movie: overall I think s1 is probably the best but I like s3 the most
Favorite quotes: “You… be cool” and Kate threatening to bible-thump Richie’s ass back to Kansas XD
Best musical moment: maybe the old west theme that plays after Seth’s flying reload? lmfao
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: WHEN SETH RUNS TO CHURCH 🙌
When it really disappointed you: when they brought carlos back in s3… 😤
Saddest moment: when they killed kate. also when they killed Eddie
Most well done character death: SONJA. IT WAS WHAT SHE DESERVED
Favorite guest star: Tom Savini as Burt!!
Favorite cast member: MADIE
Character you wish was still alive: Uncle Eddie
One thing you hope really happens: an onscreen sethkate kiss lmfao
Most shocking twist: it’s been so long I can’t remember actually shocked me… lol Maybe Dakota shooting Richie?
When did you start watching/reading?: I first watched s1 in 2015 just a few months before s2 aired.
Best animal/creature: I guess the Xibalbans??
Favorite location: the RV lol & the Dew Drop Inn
Trope you wish they would stop using: killing off all the best characters for man pain
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: giving the “innocent” female character so much depth instead of her just being a one-note goody two shoes character. Kate does bad things too!! And she gets angry sometimes and lashes out!! I love that about her!!
Funniest moments: Seth and Richie’s bet in s3 XD any time Seth says “shut up, Richard”. Kate yelling at Richie. lmfao when Richie was so excited to get a one-way ticket to Xibalba 🤣
Couple you would like to see: sethkate obviously. But also I’d love to see Richie and Scott hanging out too. Also Richie/Dakota!!
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Salma Hayek!! That’d be amazing!!!
Favorite outfit: SETH’S JEANS AND HENLEY AND GLOVES!! also Kate’s Amaru outfit. THE RED BOOTS. I WANT THEM.
Favorite item: Kate’s cross, Seth’s jacket
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I wanna rob banks with Kate and the geckos!! XD
Most boring plotline: anything involving Kisa and Carlos or Richie tbh. I DON’T CAAAARE
Most laughably bad moment: Natalie as Amaru 🤣 I’M SORRY I CAN’T
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: KATE ROBBING BANKS AT THE END OF S3!!
Most layered character: KATE FUCKING FULLER. Seth too lol
Most one dimensional character: CARLOS
Scariest moment: ngl I was actually afraid for Seth’s life in that fight against Brasa in 3.09. Also when Kate gets kidnapped by the chanan in the temple
Grossest moment: any scene involving Tanner 🤮
Best looking male: SETH 🥵
Best looking female: KATE. IDC SHE’S FUCKING GORGEOUS. Also Monica and Vanessa were really pretty too
Who you’re crushing on (if any): SETH AND KATE. I LOVE THEM BOTH TO DEATH
Favorite cast moment: All of Madie’s on-set photos of DJ lmfao Also any time DJ fangirled over Madie at the panels and interviews XD
Favorite transportation: the camaro seth and Kate ride off into the sunset in at the end of s1. IT’S SETH’S DREAM CAR XD
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): I think the motel scenes in s2 were really visually appealing to me with all the bright colors
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. TOO MANY TO LIST HERE.
Best promo: All of the cast posts on instagram and twitter and the live tweets during the shows. I also really enjoyed seeing the clips they’d release on twitter and youtube… I liked the one of Seth’s s3 line “reptile, regular jackass, I don’t really give a shit” with the fancy text XD Also Madie’s song “Monsters”!!
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I think it was the Mexican Honeymoon episodes. I don’t think I really shipped sethkate before that but they really made the whole show for me
The Mandalorian
Top 5 favorite characters: BABY, MANDO, Peli, Kuiil, & Greef Karga
Other characters you like: IG-11, Fennec Shand, Cobb Vanth
Least favorite characters: Qin & Xi’an
Otps: None
Notps: Mando/Cara. Just. No.
Favorite friendships: Din & Cobb Vanth
Favorite family: Din-Grogu-Kuiil!! Alternatively Din-Grogu-Peli lmfao
Favorite episodes: 1.02, 1.03, 2.01, 2.07 and maybe a couple others idk
Favorite season/book/movie: hmm maybe s1?
Favorite quotes: “I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold” & “I have spoken”
Best musical moment: the theme song!!
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: when mando rescued his son in ep3!!
Saddest moment: when Din’s ship got blown up right after the baby was kidnapped
Most well done character death: IG-11’s sacrifice
Favorite guest star: umm maybe Matt Lanter in s1? I didn’t actually watch Clone Wars tho :P
Favorite cast member: PEDRO
Character you wish was still alive: KUIIL
One thing you hope really happens: I guess it already happened? baby got to see Din’s face finally
Most shocking twist: how many times Din removed his helmet in s2 lmfao was not expecting that
When did you start watching/reading?: I started watching I think either the same day or the day after ep 1.03 came out lol
Best animal/creature: the blurrgs XD
Favorite location: Tatooine
Trope you wish they would stop using: the baby eating random shit. WATCH YOUR CHILD, MANDO FFS
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: I feel like this series is the most accessible to casual and non star wars fans? I’ve never really been into star wars anything that much ngl but this one I really enjoy. maybe because the creators actually really care about the content and it shows
Funniest moments: the stuff involving the Jawas in ep2 XD
Couple you would like to see: uhh I don’t ship anyone
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: I heard Sophie Thatcher might be joining in s3? IF NOT THAT’S WHAT I WANT OKAY. A PEDRO AND SOPHIE REUNION.
Favorite outfit: Mando’s suit? I mean c’mon!!
Favorite item: the beskar spear in s2
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: a baby!! my tiny green son!! The bigger one with the plastic head lol not the ugly plush
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: haha idk I never thought about it. being a bounty hunter would be cool though
Most boring plotline: that bounty hunter noob betraying mando, as if no one saw that coming
Most laughably bad moment: Gina’s acting lmfao
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: so it’s not really a flashback, but Grogu’s memories before meeting Mando
Most layered character: Din!! Just his whole journey through fatherhood and his struggles in s2 with figuring out how he can reconcile practicing his religion with his obligations to the things he cares about
Most one dimensional character: those bounty hunters in 1.06
Scariest moment: so maybe it’s not scary exactly, but when the baby was getting beat up by that asshole storm trooper. I was afraid he’d get hurt
Grossest moment: the scene with the space spiders
Best looking male: Cobb Vanth!!
Best looking female: Fennec!!
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Din of course
Favorite cast moment: anything involving Pedro. Maybe that one clip of him doing voice overs while holding a pillow and pretending it’s the baby XD
Favorite transportation: rip razor crest 😥
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): haha idk I guess whichever planet it is that mando takes the baby to contact more jedi
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: nothing I can think of…
Best promo: all the baby merch!! Also any interview with Pedro XD
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: ep3!!
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pinkyshy101 · 3 years
Hi tumblr, Maria here
I'm busy right now, but when I get the chance I want to watch a show. What show? That's why I'm writing this post that will probably get very few, if any, notes. So, my options are:
- rewatch a show
- watch a new show
(Tl;dr: I'm thinking of rewatching Gravity Falls, She-Ra, or possibly The Owl House, Kipo, Infinity Train, or maybe Steven Universe, leaning towards one of the first two. I'm also maybe thinking of starting a new show, which could be the Legend of Korra, Adventure Time, Clone High (I say half jokingly), the Tangled show whose name idk cause I think at one point it changed?, Glitch Techs, or maybe Carmilla. Any ideas? Lemme know!)
Lets start out with that first option, rewatching a show. Now with shows I want to rewatch, there's a few categories. There's 1) shows that I've watched for years and have seen numerous times, but I want to rewatch them because it's been a while and I like them and they make me :) and 2) I've only watched them once, probably binge watched it so maybe I don't remember all the details, but I liked it and I want to rewatch it just cause.
What are some of these shows I want to rewatch, you probably aren't asking? Well, there's
- Gravity Falls - I first started watching this show around Thanksgiving/late November 2014, and I've loved it since. I've tried to rewatch it every year since it ended around the date of the last episode airing (February 15, 2016), but last year for whatever reason I didn't. And now that somehow it's about 2 weeks since the 5 year anniversary of it ending somehow, I'm thinking I may want to rewatch it at some point
- She-Ra - this is fairly different from my experience with Gravity Falls - I had heard about it and wanted to watch it for a long while, but for whatever reason put off watching it until.. About a week or so after it ended, so probably May 20something? 2020 of course. I binge watched all 5 seasons in about 6 days, and I haven't fully rewatched it since (I've rewatched a handful of early s1 episodes with a group I'm in at school, but we don't get to do whatever things super often). Also, when I watched it the first time I was dming my friends who had already watched it the whole time, so I'm sure I didn't soak everything in. I've just really been wanting to rewatch it lately, and I don't have the time at the moment to really binge anything, but regardless, it's up there on things I want to rewatch.
There's possibly a few other things I might want to rewatch, like The Owl House, Kipo, possibly Steven Universe, maybe Infinity Train but I feel like its been recent enough since I watched them that they're still in my memory, and a few I watched more than once (Steven universe doesn't really fit in the same categories as those other 3 lol those all I started watching I suppose fall 2020 and SU I've been watching since 2015, its just... Wow I haven't rewatched it since future ended, and I binge watched the whole show up to that point, finishing within a few hours or less of the finale airing... Wow. I haven't watched it since then though, but that's also longer than the other shows I listed, so that's probably not as much a priority at the moment. Plus, I've rewatched it a ton.
Ok, now onto shows that for some reason or another, I still haven't watched. Maybe it's something that I've been meaning to watch for years and years, maybe it's something that would have made sense to watch when I was younger, but I didn't grow up with cable so I never had the chance to watch it, maybe it's a newer show that's been on my radar but I still haven't gotten around to watching it. Regardless, here's my list,
- The Legend of Korra - this and ATLA were on my list to watch for SO LONG, and finally, through a few irl friends convincing, I watched ATLA last october/november. I haven't really binge watched anything since then, except Hilda when season 2 came to netflix, so Korra is definitely pretty high on my list of things I want to watch; I know waaay less about it going in than I did about ATLA, but I'm still excited to watch it eventually!
- Adventure Time - I know I know, how have I not seen this show? Well, there's where the "I didn't have cable growing up" category comes in. I know it's pretty long, cause it aired for what almost 10 years? And I know theres that newer thing on hbo max too; idk exactly how long adventure time is, I just know it's probably gonna take me a very long time to watch. At one point a few years ago I tried to start watching it on hulu, but I got maybe a dozen or so episodes in before whatever reason I stopped. I do still wanna watch it though! I think the episodes are like steven universe where they're only 11 minutes long? I could be wrong. Who knows. But since they were both on cartoon network... I'm willing to bet that probably the majority of the episodes are around 11 minutes. Can't say for sure though. Either way it'll take a long time to watch... Which I think I already said but it's late 😂
- Clone High, I say, mostly as a joke - some of my more chaotic memey friends have wanted me to watch this, especially when memes from it were going around, so I suppose it's on my list, as far as I know it's short but eh. Not insanely high up on my priorities at the moment, but it's there
- and now, a few others that I don't feel like writing in depth because it's 4am and I've been typing this way too long and just want to hit post 😂
- Glitch Techs (watched the first episode, liked it, got busy and so far haven't continued)
- Carmilla - not a cartoon, but same people from group I watched some she-ra with (it's a wlw/nblw group at my college, thus the gay lol) have been wanting me to watch - I've seen some of it with that group similar to how we watched she-ra, but it's easier for me to watch new things on my own at my own speed, so I'd have to rewatch it
- whatever the Tangled series is called - I've seen a handful of the first episodes, but I keep getting too busy to continue it
- oh yeah, one other one that I'm eh about watching idk, some volleyball anime two of my friends are trying to get everyone else in the friend group to watch? Haikyu or something like that is what it's called, idk. I've only seen one anime, ouran high school host club, and recently while doing some art assignments for school I had it on half watching it for the first time in years. I didn't make it all the way through, but eh. I'll finish it eventually, I've seen it all the way through at least 2 or 3 times since I first watched it in like 7th grade lol)
I'm sure there's more, but like I said, it's 4:05 am as I'm typing this, so I'm very no thoughts head empty right now. Any suggestions on what to watch/rewatch when I have time? Lemme know!
Watch I bet this is gonna get no notes/interaction at all, then I'll just look silly
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
High key concerned by how many people think it might be Ava's season next. I don't think druck has the sauce, i don't think any of the remakes have the sauce, to turn this fandom into a fair and balanced one when they are met with people that look like Ava and can be quite assertive . An Ava season at this junction would be strongly rejected by the masses and seems like an express lane to cancellation. Who do u think will be the next main? Sorry if you've already shared your thoughts on this.
Hi anon! 🌸 I think the next main will be Fatou. 
As for Ava, I don’t think her storyline with _huelk has played as big a role in the episodes as Fatou/Kieu My. I’m also a bit unsure about whether _huelk will actually show up on Thursday tbh. I’d feel a bit more sure he’ll show, if Ava told the girls about him and she asked Nora to come along with her. 
This fandom will inevitably be a shitstorm when Ava is the main, but I mean, wbk. Let’s just look at the reactions to any Sana season, not just from fandom, but casual viewers and even people who don’t know anything about these shows, but have a lot to say about a show choosing to feature characters like the Sanas.
But I also don’t think that should be reason not to do it. Like, we can’t just keep these characters as sidekicks until a time in the future where people won’t complain about them being main, or we’ll be waiting forever lol. 
I know this is the dumbest example ever, but ever since SPN ended, I’ve been thinking about how different the TV landscape was 5/10/15 years ago. 
(Some rambling about 00s TV shows no one cares about)
When SPN premiered in 2005, the idea that any of the male leads would say ILU to another dude was absolutely unthinkable. A fan gave Dean’s actor an essay about his character being bi at a con (sidenote: cons should probably be abolished) and he wrote “?? No” on it and gave it back. In 2020 Castiel told Dean he loved him, and Dean’s actor was, like, swapping reaction videos to that moment with Castiel’s actor. 
Likewise, when Glee premiered in 2009, the show immediately sidelined Mercedes for Rachel, and constantly made jokes about how Mercedes would never be lead because she was lazy, unprincipled, didn’t want it enough, etc. In the finale episode, which aired in 2015, the show acknowledged that Schue (and by extension the show/network) never saw Mercedes as the lead because of the way she looked (both misogynoir and fatphobia). 
And I could give sooo many examples of Kurt storylines that were obviously rewritten to pacify homophobic viewers. For instance, in one s1 episode Kurt comes a little too strongly on Finn (but I should note everyone on that show came a little too strongly on their crushes, it was pretty much your usual teen show with toxic examples of human interaction). This angered a man to such a point that he approached the showrunners at Comic Con and demanded that Kurt apologize for being a creep. So in s2, even Kurt’s own dad calls him out on being a creep towards Finn, and he’s made to back off from a duet with a straight dude character because everyone makes him feel he was a creep for even thinking about it. 
Later on, Kurt switches schools for a while because he’s being targeted by a bully and he and Blaine talk about how no one does anything about homophobic bullying because people seem to feel that if you’re gay, then you’re just going to suffer. This line reminds me so much of how showrunners have approached Sana seasons. All the characters sort of act like, well, the Sanas have dared to be hijabi and racialized, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ there ain’t much the other characters can do about that suffering ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
The point I’m trying to make is that, yes, Castiel dying right after confessing he loves Dean and Dean’s feelings being up for interpretation is total bullshit when you can watch 73589 Netflix shows and a handful of Isak seasons with canonical representation, same gender affection, sex scenes, etc. but it is also something no show would’ve done when SPN first premiered in 2005. (When queer rep was a female character showing up in town during sweeps week to share a kiss with one of the female leads and then disappear to never be talked about again.) It was only possible because SPN lasted into 2020 when that scene is tame compared to what audiences are used to seeing in other (some more niche) shows. It was bullshit that Glee painted Mercedes as lazy to justify Rachel getting all the solos, but at least they lasted long enough that they could say, “yeah that happened for racist reasons.” It was bullshit that Kurt could only get face time if he was being tortured or crying, because homophobic audiences couldn’t take a, to use your word, “assertive” gay character who behaved like all the other Glee characters with crushes. But if it hadn’t been for Kurt and other similarly weeping gays, who’s to say we’d have had Isak (who was created in response to Norwegians teens watching American teen shows, remember!), Cris, Matteo, etc. etc. 
Are audiences going to be racist and fatphobic and misogynistic in response to Ava’s season? Yep! But an Ava season would do something Glee never allowed Mercedes to do, and it’s to be the star of the show. (And ngl, “it’s yo girl Mercedes” was such a recurring phrase on Glee that I’ve wondered whether Ava’s ig name is a lowkey inspired by it.) Without Kurt there wouldn’t be an Isak, and without Mercedes there wouldn’t be an Ava. So an Ava season needs to happen regardless of fandom being ready for it. 
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mwagneto · 3 years
tagged by @rka-hu9 to post my top 10 favourite male characters from any fandom, thank you!! I will NOT be numbering these according to how much i like them because i cannot rank my children so this is in order of when i started liking them, from oldest to newest
my first ever favourite and reigning champion magneto from xmen obviously
tony stark because I watched iron man 1 when i was like 6 and I've on and off been here ever since
watson from the rdj movies specifically which i first watched in february 2017 but honestly i like a lot of holmes-s and watsons so im just gonna group them in here
NO idea when i read warrior cats and most of my favourites from that are girls buuut😳 Tallstar
will graham from hannibal which I watched late 2017, im a BIG fan of the mental illness king love that<3
flint from black sails (autumn 2018) talented brilliant incredible amazing showstopping specta
i can't choose between finn and poe but i love them both so much it's unreal unfortunately i had to repress all of that because star wars is awful and i never want to think about it ever which also means i have no idea when i first watched it. 2015 probably
2019 was rocketman year so i really don't think i had space in my brain for any other media and elton john isn't exactly a character so im Not counting that, uh i technically watched ghosts in 2019 when s1 came out but I really only started stanning it in 2020 so idk where to count that ANYWAY the captain from ghosts
the boys is still amazing but all my faves from that are....girls so uh. either gerry or michael from the magnus archives i cant pick😳
counting this to 2020 even tho I've been watching this show since i was like 8 but i only started stanning him this September so llewellyn watts from murdoch mysteries 🙈
tagging the harem so @dragelton @sivispacem @1812ad @budgiepaws @selflesslovingdean and for some reason i cant tag the rest of yall except for kieren who i cant tag bc i cant keep up with your url changes im sorry king but consider yourselves tagged <33 and anyone else who'd like to do it
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@mysteriousdbzgt: Hi oh-lali-lali-lali-lalipop! Thank you for your ask. First of all, thanks for asking this question here on my personal (and also for the follow over on t&bftw, welcome aboard! :D) I think you can probably tell from here, that I’m a huge supporter of them becoming romantically involved lol I don’t shy about that here, but I like to present a more neutral stance over on my news dedicated blog, to not influence others of my personal opinions. With regards to the new season, as much as I would be supportive of it, I unfortunately highly doubt that they would become “official” in S2 or anything in the future, but will remain extremely dedicated and attentive to one another, regardless of their constant bickering. The creators of the show are more than aware of the popularity of the “couple”, being constantly popular at doujinshi events and the continuous amounts of merchandise that they bring out, which regularly focuses on the main duo rather than all of the Heroes all the time. The fandom is primarily dominated by women, when originally the show was supposed to target men and “salarymen”, but attracted a completely different demographic that they hadn’t anticipated. I can only think that’s mainly because of the appeal of K&B. Also not helped by some of the staff’s, let’s just say, “unfiltered” thoughts when they discuss about K & B in older interviews, centering around “love” and other similar notions. I think they still want to keep this series aimed towards a male demographic, even if the results don’t line up as they expect. But highly ironically, it’s what makes the show successful, so I doubt they would want to change how they portray Kotetsu and Barnaby’s relationship. Personally I would be absolutely over the moon if they did become “official”, because they’re just perfect for one another (hehe) and it could just break so many standard conventions/boundaries on how media portrays same-sex relationships, if done appropriately, and not be labelled with any genre tags like “BL”, “yaoi” or anything similar, and still simply just be a “drama”, “superhero” tale, with the two main males eventually getting together but not make a big song and dance about it. If we want to normalise LGBT relationships within our media and what we consume, then we need to drop these tags and portray them in a healthy manner, which I think the show does well between them both. I believe that the staff have the talent to pull it off, they just need to be cautious on how they do it. Like you said, how FE is presented in the show which such great self confidence about themselves and who they are, really shows that they can write this. Also T&B’s spiritual successor show, Double Decker (who had a lot of the same staff) tackles some LGBT themes pretty well, so they could absolutely do it. But yeah, I don’t think they’ll become “official” unfortunately. But if anything, I anticipate that KxB will most likely be working even closer together in S2, so they’ll be more in tune with one another, and possibly open up even more to each other than they did before. Hopefully they’ll be over the huge feuds and split apart phase, which The Rising focused on (they’ll still bicker all the time, but that’s just how they are), so we can see just how far their relationship has come and changed for the better. Anyway this is probably way too long (sorry), but always interested to hear your thoughts too! :)  
Heya! Before I start I just wanna say thank you so much for taking the time to give me such a thorough reply, it is incredibly well thought out and written! I also want to say I am so freaking sorry you had to type out my monstrosity of a name (seriously didn’t think about that when making the joke lol). Oh, and I’m equally sorry for the formatting of the reply... really had no clue how to go about it, so I just defaulted to going about it the roleplayer way haha. Anyways, for starters, I think I should say that I actually agree with you a lot. You see, logically I think it feels highly unlikely they’d make them “official” in the new season. I’m not sure if I feel like it’s unlikely because I, someone who’s in the LGBTQ community, am a pessimist (aka, I’m negative regardless of proof) who is use to companies not delivering on it/assume companies won’t deliver on it.... or if I’m genuinely, but unconsciously, picking up on Sunrise’s stance of “not gonna happen”. Despite all that I still feel stupidly hopeful about it (y’know, heart louder than the mind and all that jazz)... and I guess for the sake of the discussion I’ll break down why! lol So, I got into the fandom.... around the time of The Rising, I think, so anywhere from 2014 to 2015. I instantly fell in love with it all, but I did end up falling out of the loop for awhile (being a teenager and all that). Recently (recently being that I finished S1 on Friday, watched The Rising on Sunday, and now I’m here lol) I got back into it and.... wow, a lot of it is the same, and.... at the same time it felt like I had so much more to process. It’s still as amazing as ever, if not even more so, and just like with everything else I love with my entire being I started to analyze it and read into it (maybe a little bit too much so lol).  In all honesty, KxB seriously stood out even more so than it did last time for me (I don’t know if it’s because I’m now accepting of my sexuality or what) and while it’s not actually the best part of the series to me (God, Barnaby’s arc means so much to me what with me struggling with cPTSD, but that story is best left on my RP blog) I do have to admit that the pairing is... incredibly meaningful, and beautiful. Moving for me, really.  I guess the following observations, and hopeful thinking that came after it, could be deduced to me just wearing shipper goggles, but considering my habit of over analyzing and breaking things down... I do try to make predictions and opinions logically, and with that in mind it’s why I’m so stuck on the “hopeful thinking”, since a tiny bit of logical thinking is fueling it. Tiger & Bunny is about human relationships, really. For a show focusing on NEXTs... it’s really about humanity, corruption, society, relationships... and KxB all along the first season is written as an undertone, like a slow burn (which is entirely fitting, and seriously makes any relationship better), which fits because the first season is, in actuality, not focused on that (the plot being bigger than we can see and all that). In the end, having rewatched it, I also noticed how, really, the undertone is written in such a way that.... it feels like Barnaby is the one with the “crush” (or is the first one to realize it) which... kinda fits with the old statements from the crew. Kotetsu the forever oblivious one who hasn’t had an epiphany yet (although if I’m being honest, The Rising seems to have this “side-plot” feeling of Kotetsu having the epiphany when he realizes what he’s lost, which is what I meant by the flow of the series somewhat feels like it’s building towards it)...  .... There’s also the whole “leaving it to interpretation thing” they said back then. Which, I have to agree with some other people that it feels like it’s just a way of saying “it’s romantic but we don’t want to take that risk”.... and that was back around 2011. It’ll have been decade since then when S2 is released, and, while a decade is just a decade, a lot has changed on a societal basis since then. Even during this decade long gap Sunrise has become more bold with their representation, whether it be Double Decker! or The Rising.... almost like they’re testing the waters...  and what better way to champion representation than to make two main characters the representation? This franchise is... so human in it’s story, and the meaning doing such a thing would have for so many people... in a way, I think out ways some of the risks. I feel like the build up is there, the want is there (tbh seeing posts on tumblr of people talking about how they hope they’ll get a kiss in S2 or something “official” like that also fueled this)... it just depends on whether they’ll feel afraid or not. Which is, really, why I asked for your opinion. You do such good work at trying to bridge the gap between the Japanese fandom/Sunrise and the English speaking community (which, btw, you are amazing at, I can’t thank you enough for the work you do), and I knew you’d be more informed on Sunrise’s attitude and statements, as well as the general opinions and depositions of the Japanese fans. In the end, I can “read into” things all I want, but it won’t matter if you can’t understand the one who pulls the strings... and because of that I wanted to know your opinion.  I’m so so sorry this got so long!! I’m really horrible at summarizing myself, so this turned into a major ramble.... I’m gonna wrap it up now before this turns into a novel haha. Again, thank you so much for responding to my question and for being open to discussing it, it means so much! I truly respect your opinion, since it helps me clear my own thoughts, as well as gives me a dose of reality so I don’t get my hopes up too much... I guess in the end though, a part of me is going to continue to think that they just might have the heart to do it, irregardless lol. I look forwards to seeing what you have to say about what I’ve written here!
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