#sorry for the crap fight scene
beif0ngs · 2 years
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Gigante Fleur!
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weedle-testaburger · 9 months
i was gonna continue chainsaw man but i was just sitting there watching one of the fight scenes going 'god i just don't care about any of this'. so i've decided to change gears and try out komi can't communicate
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ride-a-dromedary · 1 year
No thoughts; only Éric Ruf as Christian de Neuvillette
#i don't know....i don't know what it is about his christian#but the amount of heartbreak i feel for him is immeasurable#because he's just so....angry and sad and gets beaten down so *quickly*#but he's also so socially awkward#such a pathetic little meow meow#i have more thoughts but my head is a meat grinder#jibber jabber blabber bluff#but also was *dead serious* ready to fight cyrano in act 2#which honestly i find that scene can go one of two ways for a christian actor 'oh crap what have i done' and no fear#bde try me I will tear you apart with my bare hands to gain the respect of my peers#does not back down in the face of adversity#and tbh that latter one always gets me because what matters the most to me#is that cyrano respects christian - he *does* and the actor must *ensure* that he does#(and actors who play it as he does not miss the point sorry not sorry)#and what better way for christian to gain cyrano's (begrudging) respect so quickly than to not only insult him creatively#(as he spent that entire rant lamenting about)#but also to not at all back down from a confrontation even if he is aware that he is out matched?#and a christian who faces it head on and instigates it? - hello cyrano de bergerac - i mean christian de neuvillette#(also i like how they frame the after cyrano gets insulted by the cadet bit - christian steps back and allows cyrano the first slap but the#*pop* slapped from the other side by christian - the loyalty is palpable)#he also never fails to satisfy my 'christian listens to cyrano's impassioned speech at the balcony and spends the next few minutes#...maybe slowly realizing...oh shit i'm...i'm feeling something here'#dreams what a guy
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idkwhatever580 · 21 days
I’ll cut your f****** balls off!
Pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader
Prompt: y/n gets mad when Bruce “accidentally” ends up with his face in Natasha’s boobs 🤨
Warnings: cursing, Bruce slander, jealousy, boobies, fight scene, y/n is more than a bit angry, soft/sensitive y/n at the end
A/N: I legit wish I was him. But I was a little too nice to him in Are you mad? So I decided to throw out some hate. Not proofread 😬
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Y/n’s pov
I am watching Natasha pour herself a drink from the couch I’m sitting at with a smile on my face. When I see Bruce creep up to the bar to talk to Natasha.
I squint my eyes at his awkward stance and decide that there’s no harm in listening in on their conversation. So I perk up on my super hearing and zone into their words.
“How’d a nice girl like you end up working at a dump like this?”
“Fella done me wrong”
I furrow my eyebrows at Natasha’s words. I know she doesn’t really know how to handle situations like this other than flirting since she was trained to do that, but it still makes me feel uneasy since we’ve been dating for a while now. I also didn’t think I did anything wrong.
“Got a lousy taste in men kid”
“They’re not so bad”
I hope she’s just joking, but what did I do to wrong her if she’s not? Also why is she not correcting him on my pronouns if she’s talking about me?
“Well they have a temper, deep down they’re all fluff. The fact is they’re not like anybody I’ve ever known.”
A look of confusion falls upon my face when I hear this. I can’t tell if she’s talking about me or Bruce. I want to assume it’s me but the way they’re ogling each other makes me doubt myself. I keep looking at the ground.
They talk a bit more and I keep listening.
“They sound amazing”
“They’re also a huge dork.”
I haven’t actually given them many looks during their conversation in fear that they’ll see me. But I look over at this point and I tilt my head. Then she adds.
“Chicks dig that”
And I’m angry.
Is she really talking about him? Maybe she’s trying to be nice and still doesn’t know how to. Maybe she doesn’t realize she’s flirting hardcore.
I snap out of my thoughts and they are still talking
“Did he- were they- what did they do that was so… wrong to you?”
“Not a damn thing… but never say never”
I huff at her words and I watch as she walks over to me and sits down. She looks at me and I fix my face before she can tell I’m mad.
I’m gonna brush it aside and see if she tells me anything.
“What were you and Bruce talking about?”
I say with the most composed voice I can. She smiles and says
“I was talking about you. I don’t think he knows about us”
She smiles and I smile back and say
“Really? We’ve been dating for what? Six months now? And most everybody has found out.”
She shrugs her shoulders and says
“I think he was thinking of Cho when I was talking. I was like “chicks dig dorks” and he is a dork and I’m sure Cho likes him.”
I take a steady breath and nod my head. I grab Natasha’s drink and take a sip of it
“Hey! that’s mine!”
I give it back and say
“Sorry. I wanted to try it.”
It’s getting to the end of the party everyone is gone except the rest of the avengers and a stray drunk man that probably had some of Thor’s asgardian liquor.
The boys are trying to lift Thor’s hammer and Natasha has moved to my side. I look down at my dress and smooth out some of the wrinkles.
When suddenly this beat up robot comes out and starts talking all this crap. Everyone is on edge and suddenly he says he’s on a mission
“Peace in our time”
And then a bunch of Tony’s robots come flying out. Everyone scatters and I run behind the bar to grab the gun from it when Natasha jumps over and lands on her back
I try to go to her but then Bruce ends up on the bar.
Natasha pulls him off of the bar and he lands right on top of her.
His face is in her boobs and the impact makes Nat let out a loud choked groan. I narrow my eyes at him as he apologizes and she says
“Don’t turn green”
He says
“I won’t” and I grab one of the guns and she grabs the other.
She starts shooting and I wait and she looks at me and I nod my head towards the stairs and she tells Bruce to come with her.
I stay at the bar and wait for an opening to hit the robot.
I shoot it a couple times but this fucking gun doesn’t have as many rounds as Nat’s. So I wait a second and yell at cap to throw my his shield.
He throws it and I grab it doing a spin maneuver and throw it right at the robot slicing it clean in half.
This Ultron dude keeps yapping on and on about peace and whatever until Thor throws his hammer.
I don’t care right now. I am seething with how Bruce thinks he can do that to my girl.
Everyone tries to collect themselves making sure nobody is hurt but I march over to Bruce and Natasha and I start yelling
“You fucking cunt!”
Natasha gets in between us before I can hit him and she says
“Woah woah woah hold on babe what’s going on”
But I ignore her
“You think you can have her?! She’s mine you bitch!”
Everyone is worried about how I’m being kinda crazy so they circle around us and make sure I can’t get to Bruce. And he says
“Did you not just see what happened?! And you’re worried about me liking her?”
I huff and say
“I don’t give a fuck what just happened! You know what just happened?! You shoved your face in my girls tits! That’s what happened!”
He is actually scared of me and Tony is behind him saying
“Don’t turn green please”
For once he keeps his composure and says
“I didn’t mean to! She was pulling me down from getting shot!”
I get angrier and say
“So you’re gonna say it’s an accident? Don’t act like I didn’t hear your conversation earlier! I heard how you want her! If you ever touch her again I’ll cut your fucking balls off! You hear me?!”
Natasha ends up picking me up and carrying me to our room. She tells Tony
“I gotta get her away from him. When she’s calm we’ll come back to help. Just worry about ultron and Bruce.”
He nods his head as they all disperse. Natasha carries me to our room and then plops me down on the ground and says
“What the fuck y/n?! What the hell was that?!”
I look at the ground while my breathing is a bit erratic. I don’t say anything as I avoid eye contact with her.
She realizes I’m shutting down and to combat that she brings me over to the bed and makes me sit down. I look at my hands that are now in my lap and she sits down on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck.
As she plays with my hair she says
“Baby, can you please tell me what’s going on? Why are you so worked up over Bruce?”
I huff and say
“I heard what you said! You were totally talking about him and then he went and shoved his face in your boobs. That’s only my thing to do.”
She sighs and keeps asking knowing there’s more to it.
“Baby, what else?”
I stay silent for a bit and she squeezes my shoulder in reassurance and I crack. I immediately start crying and saying
“Please don’t leave me I love you. I don’t want you to leave me. Please don’t go! I love you!”
She pulls me in and rubs my back. Then she maneuvers us so that I am now straddling her lap.
Usually I act all tough when we’re around others but I am a baby around Natasha. She just brings the soft side out in me.
She rubs my back and shushes my crying and says
“Oh baby, I’m not leaving you. I love you too.”
My sons turn into more silent tears and she pulls me away from her neck. I whine a bit but she clicks her tongue and I quiet up. She makes me look into her eyes and says
“Listen to me okay?”
I nod my head and sniffle
“I am not leaving you for Bruce. I am not leaving you for anyone. I love you so so much and I don’t ever want to leave you okay?”
I nod my head and she continues
“Now that I’ve said that, I want to say that I was not talking about Bruce when I was talking to him. He had come up to me and said how he feels like he can’t talk to girls. He likes Cho, and he asked if he could practice being smooth or whatever with me. So I said yes not knowing you were being hurt by that. If I knew you’d be hurt I would have never done it.”
She pauses and I nod my head so she continues
“So yes I was flirting with him but it was fake and he was just trying to be cool for Cho okay?”
I look down and nod my head then she lifts my head back up by my chin and says
“I’m so sorry. I can see how that got mistranslated from across the room. Will you please forgive me?”
I nod my head and say
“I was never mad at you.”
She smiles and kisses my pout into a smile and when she pulls away I whine a bit in protest. I try to get another kiss but she says
“None of that detka. We have a big matter to handle then we can make out at much as you want okay?”
I nod my head and get up to go downstairs but she grabs my wrist and says
“Let’s get changed”
So she changes into a tank top and shorts and I change into a baggy shirt and shorts. Then Natasha says
“When we go downstairs, you’re gonna apologize to Bruce and then we’re gonna figure this ultron stuff out okay?”
I roll my eyes and nod my head but Natasha doesn’t like when I roll my eyes so she smacks my butt a bit and says
“Don’t roll your eyes at me”
I look down and say
“Sorry. I’ll apologize to Bruce”
She smiles and gives me a peck on the cheek.
We head downstairs and I go into the lab.
“Hey, um Bruce?”
He looks up and immediately is scared and he backs away, so u throw my hands up in surrender and say
“I’m not here to cause any trouble. I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I let jealousy overtake me and I got a little scared that Natasha and you liked each other. I didn’t know you like Cho. So I just wanted to apologize and say I’m not gonna cut your balls off”
He chuckles and says
“Uh it’s okay. Thanks for not murdering me”
He scratches the back of his head and I nod and go to leave but I pause and say
“You and Cho would go good together. I also think she likes you back so you should go for her after all this is over.”
He smiles and thanks me and I leave.
I walk into the hallway and Natasha is waiting for me there. I go to her and hug her but instead of a normal hug I shove my face in her boobs.
She laughs at my possessiveness and says
“You good there?”
I nod my head and say
But it is muffled since, of course, my face is literally in her boobs. And she chuckles and pats my head softly before rubbing it and says
“Yes. All yours.”
Once I am satisfied we go into our office and start working to figure out the ultron shit.
I look over at Natasha and say
“I’ll still cut his balls of if he touches you wrong again, or anyone’s for that matter”
She laughs and pats my head before saying
“I’m sure you will baby. I’m sure you will.”
A/N: I didn’t want to make Bruce the real bad guy. Oh no 😥 I’m going soft. A few years ago I would have never been nice about him. I hope you liked it!
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Awkward Situation - Paul Lahote
Paul x reader!Fem!Swan
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,541
Requested: Twilight imagine the part in New Moon where Bella slaps Paul and her little sister is their w/her Paul imprints on the reader and jacob isn’t happy about it and stuff like that. - @cokecola4211
Authors Note: I enjoyed writing this I tried to make it different from what I’ve read before. Thank you for requesting! Sorry it took awhile to post my queue has been FULL lol
Twilight Masterlist
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“Bella, maybe Jake just wants to be alone- or maybe some guy time.” Y/n suggested it to her slightly older sister. Bella and Y/n were hardly even a year apart in age but that didn’t stop Y/n from occasionally getting treated like a baby compared to Bella.
Y/n knew Jake and Bella had been spending a lot of time together recently and it seemed to be good for her sister after the Cullens left. But Jake had become sick or at least that's what he and Billy had been telling Bella. Y/n wanted to just leave it, he’d come back on his own either way. But her sister, no Bella , needed answers now and she wasn't going to wait to get them on Jacobs time.
Bella shook her head with a tight expression on her face. “No, Y/n. Something's up. Somethings wrong I can feel it.”
“Bella, we’ve both known Jake practically our whole lives maybe he’s just-” Y/n shook her head lifting her hand in q wave motion before dropping it down to her lap. “I don’t know, going through puberty?”
“His dad keeps saying he has mono but it’s been almost 2 weeks and he won’t even answer texts. Let alone calls.” Bella explained further as she pulled into the Black’s driveway.
“Maybe he’s still sick.” Y/n tried one last time as Bella put the car in park.
“Well, we're going to find out.” Bella stated before she got out of the car.
Y/n unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car to chase her sister muttering to herself. “This isn’t gonna go well.”
Bella knocked on the door and shortly after Billy opened the door. Bella had told the man in the wheelchair that she needed to see Jake, but all she got was that he wasn’t there. Next thing Y/n knew her sister had welcomed herself into the home practically going right over Billy.
“Bella.” Billy called after her but it was too late and Bella wasn’t listening anyways.
“I’m sorry, Billy.” Y/n said apologizing for her sister's actions.
Billy let out a sigh and sent a tired smile to the younger Swan. “Don’t worry about it, Y/n.”
It wasn’t even a few minutes later that Bella stormed out of the house and Y/n followed yelling after her. “Bella!”
“Hey!” Bella shouted and shoved one of the shirtless males Y/n somewhat recognized. “What did you do to him?!”
That's all Y/n could really hear from so far back. So she shouted out to her sister again, hoping to defuse the situation if she couldn’t just get her to leave. “Bella!” 
“Y/n wha-” Jake spoke out suddenly standing beside the Y/h/c-ed girl.
“She dragged me here with her.” That's all Y/n had to say for Jake to understand what was happening. Charlie got Y/n in the devoirce so Y/n and Jake grew up together their whole lives as siblings in Forks. They could understand what the other was saying with just a look.
Jake nodded before looking back at the scene and then pointed “And that?”
“She slapped that Paul guy.” Y/n told him and that changed his demeanor.
“Crap. Y/n, stay back.” Jake said as he noticed Paul shaking.
Y/n wondered why but then she made eye contact with the Paul guy her sister was taking her anger out on. It was as if time showed for a minute. All the members of the pack put it together, and that's when Jacob flipped and inevitably so did Paul.
Seeing them turn into giant wolves Y/n ran to her sister. “Bella, you okay?” Her attention was drawn back to the wolves fighting not far from everyone. “Woah. Now that's cool.”
“Really, Y/n?” Bella asked, turning her head to face her sister in disbelief at how her sister wasn’t scared.
“What?” Y/n shrugged. In her opinion that was cool. Way cooler than Vampire super speed, the eyes, and sparkling under the sunlight someone dumped a 1,000 pounds of glitter on you. The Paul guy and Jake turned into Wolves! And not just wolves, Giant wolves. That's impressive.
“What just happened?” Bella asked Sam Uley she believed his name was. All the while Y/n was confused as to the looks she was getting from the others, a few she had grown up with just like Jake. 
“Paul imprinted.” Sam stated looking at Bella. Then Jacob came out of the woods still looking pissed off.
“On Y/n.” Jake grumbled, clearly pissed off at the new found fact.
“Take her back to Emily’s. Bella too.” Sam told Jacob which resulted in a very loud scoff from the younger male. “That's an order Jacob. Embry go with them.”
“Hey, Em.” Y/n nodded to Embry. They have been friends for years. It brought comfort to Y/n, knowing someone else. Someone that wasn’t pissed that would be in the car with her, her sister, and Jake.
“Hey, Y/n/n.” Embry smiled. He had missed seeing her around since he phased.
“Why is Jake so pissed?” Y/n asked Embry hoping he could fill her in on what's going on exactly.
Embry sighed before explaining. “Him and Paul don’t get along, and he’s protective of you. As he should be, you're like brother and sister.”
“Why would he be protective over me when it comes to Paul? I’ve never met Paul before.” Y/n squinted with a furrowed expression as she questioned Embry confused.
“Paul should be the one to explain it to you. It’s not my place, or anyone else's in the pack.” Embry felt bad for Y/n. She had no idea what was going on and it very much involved her. But like he said it wasn’t his place to explain any of this to her. 
Y/n nodded in understanding, kind of. But maybe he could explain something else to her. “Can you explain the pack part to me then?”
Embry nodded with a smile stretching across his lips. “Yes, I can do that.”
It wasn’t a long drive but long enough for Embry to explain about the pack to Y/n.
“Who’s place is this again?” Y/n heard Bella ask and she listened for Jake’s answer.
“Emily and Sam’s.” Jake answered as he got out of the truck.
Jake and Embry helped Y/n off of the truck bed. With a quiet thank you from Y/n they all headed inside. The only ones that weren’t there was Sam and Paul. But it didn’t take long for them to join in on the group.
“Can I talk to you? Outside. Alone.” Paul asked nervously looking softly at Y/n, to let her know she could reject his request if she wanted to. Y/n nodded ‘yes’ getting up to follow him.
“Over my dead body.” Jake growled, glaring with his eyes set on burning holes into Paul.
“Jake.” Sam said his name firmly. Making Jake stand down. For now.
“Come on.” Paul nodded his head towards outside Y/n nodded as well and followed him outside the small nice home.
They walked into the woods for awhile, Y/n assumed long enough to be far away enough so the rest of the pack couldn’t hear their conversation. “So, I assume that they explained the whole pack thing to you?”
“Embry did, yeah. But not the imprint part?” Y/n spoke with a unsure tone, hoping she got the word right. Paul nodded with a twitch of his lips. “Not the imprint part. What is that by the way?”
“Guess I should explain that part then.” Paul smiled, hearing her just say the word of what she is to him. That made him feel warm on the inside, which was a new feeling for him. He did like it though.
“Embry said it was only your place to tell me what it is.” Y/n looked to the still shirtless male with curiosity. What did it mean? What did it have to do with her? And why did Paul have to be the one to explain it?
“I have a spot I’d like to take you, and I’ll explain on the way.” Paul suggested there was a place he wanted to show her that only he knew about. Great view that he never that he never showed anyone.
“Ok” Y/n knew she was being way trusting with this stranger. But he felt trustworthy. She didn’t know why but he does.
Paul stopped them for a second in their tracks. He really needed to know something and it was bothering him that he didn’t. “I do have a question before we get too far that I should know that I do not.”
Y/n let out an amused breath before asking. “And what's that?” 
“Your name.” Paul smirked
Y/n nodded with a smile. “Y/n. Y/n Swan.”
“Well, Y/n Swan. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Paul’s smirk fell into a smile. He always teased the others who already had their imprints about how whipped they were, but now he was starting to understand.
@gruffle1 @padawancat97
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Ok but imagine 42! Miles with a s/o who's literally the complete opposite of him in terms of aesthetic but she helps him when he's the prowler. Like nobody would expect the sweet, energetic, girl with the "Mabel pines" energy to be the gal in the chair for the prowler and making his weapons and at the same time being his girlfriend. They're a literal force to be reckon with.
Complete opposites but totally work
(I love this and so sorry it took so long but enjoy!)
Mabel Pines!Reader
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You guys work very, very well together
I can't even describe it very well but it's like yin and yang
He was absolutely gobsmacked on how smart you actually could be
Because not mean, he thought of you as a sort of airhead for a while
But he actually found it quite cute or adorable on you
But he did find out very quickly that y'all have very, very different aesthetics
To be frank you look like a rainbow threw up on you
While Miles is all gloomy and dark over there
So safe to say you throw some glitter in him and force him to be colorful
He finds it hard sometimes to keep up with your energy
But it good for him
His mama absolutely LOVES you
She sees how much Miles loves you just due to the light you bring into his eyes
You can give this man anything and he will pretend to not like it but raise hell if you try and take it back
You guys proudly watch the news of worried women and men on TV talking about jobs you guys pulled and tryna catch you guys
Y'know those sassy guys we see in Tiktoks?
He's that sassy guy with you when you make him mad or annoyed
Knees facing the other way with his whole body while he side eyes you
But he can't resist you for very long
He actually was quite shocked when he found out you had a little dark side
He always saw you looking on the bright side of things
So you partaking in his Prowler activities, much less MAKING the shit for them, absolutely shocked him
He found it quite hot though I can't lie
You're absolutely right when you're completely different but work so well together
Even Uncle Aaron saw it
He uses you sometimes as a little diversion
A fake damsel in distress might I say
He never actually puts you in danger a you can very much so handle yourself but he's always lurking around the corner in these situations
You are an absolute monster at anything Miles needs
New gloves? Done
New mask? Done
Fucking Ray gun? Why didn't he ask sooner? Here, it's in your bag
You absolutely stick little stickers on his crap as well
You can't help yourself
But he absolutely loves it
You sit in the chair looking all pretty but can turn intimidating real quick as he's sitting on the arm chair
Y'know those scenes where the bad guy asks their "dumb/weird" henchman like
"I have no idea…how about we ask (Name)?"
Those type of scenes and you can come up with the best shit he didn't even think of
Absolutely soul mates
Anyway, enjoy this little scene I made:
Miles breathed heavily, leaning against the wall on the rooftop to the door to go back down to his home. He was dressed as the Prowler, breathing labored from a fight.
Miles tried to breathe the best he could, even succeeding for a moment before his eyes snapped open as he heard the shudder of a phone camera and a flash.
Miles' eyes widened, hand in front of him as the flash died and he saw you standing there, blank faces and camera held out in front of you.
Miles and you stared at one another for a moment, nothing to say at all.
"Is that carbon fiber?" You suddenly spoke up.
"...what?-" Miles blinked, barely able to process this before you almost jumped on him.
"Ooh! How did you make this?!" Miles couldn't even breathe and before he knew, his helmet was in your hands as you went on.
"This material is tough enough but you know I could make a much better one if-" you rambles on, an excitement to your voice Miles knew all to well as you flipped over the mask in your hands
"Wait– hold on." Miles held his arms out, effectively causing a pause in your rant as you stared back at him.
"Y'know who I am…right?" Miles asked, slowly and almost trying to be intimidating.
"Um…the Prowler?" You muttered, utterly confused as you tilted your head, holding the helmet to your chest.
"Yeah?!" Miles exclaimed, eyes wide and hands held out like he was trying to get a point across.
"Mhm. Is this like…a trick question, or…?" You asked, completely unbothered by it all as you looked down at the mask, examining it as you merely glanced up at him.
"No! Just- why are you so calm about this?" Miles asked, shocked as well.
"Well, it's not really shocking. You sorta have the backstory of a villain, anyway." You shrugged, staring dead at him.
"Well, kinda. Sorry, is this like a bad time for you?" You asked, still not handing over the mask as you held it over your head, almost trying to put it on.
"No, just, you can't tell anyone about this." Miles said, grabbing the mask to hold it in place and off your head, almost dangerously close to your face.
"I mean, I'm not? But-" you started and Miles almost rolled his eyes at your excited expression.
"I can help you!" You stated, biting your lip in excitement as you almost glowed from the glitter on you.
"Help…me?" Miles raised a brow.
"Yeah! Everyone thinks I'm dumb, but I have dirt on everyone. Everyone. And, not a lotta people notice I'm there so I can get you a lot of info, or like- routes and stuff. I'm also good with my hands."
You went on proudly, Miles looking between you and your hand which held his helmet.
It took a moment, Miles going over it all in his head.
He finally sighed.
Miles opened the door to the stairwell, gesturing inside as your eyes widened in shock before you actually smiled, hurrying inside quickly as you rambled on.
Miles followed after you, a seemingly annoyed expression on his face, but the dust of pink across his cheeks from your smile gave him away.
@mushystrawberries @sweetheartlizzie07 @itstooearly-its3am @Ihavetoexist @kaorussgf @samsketchezz @yas-v @lovelymiaablogss @sussybaka10 @shisuishoe @sairavity @moonlight-rosevine @spectr3inl0ve @najiiix @popeheywardssecretgf @onginlove @sylisan @onginlove
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lazyjellyfish300 · 4 months
A Day Off at Miguel's🥗📺💜
Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader
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A/N: my 300 follower celebration blurb I just typed up impromptu. Sorry if it's a little messy. Just the classic, your boyfriend is an ahole and Miguel is your shoulder to cry on comfort vibes. ;) I got carried away. Word count 2.4k
TW: a little angst, cheating, some violence/threats nothing too graphic, your ex is mean and Miguel handles him for you, other than that just fluff.
You stared down at the sidewalk with your hands on your knees, hyperventilating, a sick feeling pooling in your stomach which you surely thought would spill itself onto the street. You wanted to break something. You wanted to fight somebody. Your no-good, lying, cheating hoe ass boyfriend, or the skank he had in YOUR bed with him when you unfortunately walked into the scene of the crime. Maybe both? Definitely both. You don't even know anymore.
I'm gonna quit my job, leave the state, change my name. I'm so over everything and everyone... nobody's there for me... fuck, let me call Daniela...
*Ring* *Ring* .....
c'mon girl pick up, I know you have no service in your cabin in Switzerland with your sugar daddy but I need you right now....
*Ring*...... You have reached the voicemail box of...
You try so hard not to throw your phone, but then you get an idea. Maybe Miguel? No, no way..he's your co worker...not going to lie, the tension was there, but you kept it short with him because you had a boyfriend. He had been your mission partner for about 6 months now, you came in to fill in for Jess when she went on maternity leave. He was really grumpy at first, but he slowly let his guard down when he saw how kind you were.
Even the times when he snapped at you, you just responded in a calm voice, giving him a smile. On Valentine's when you found out he was going to be alone, you bought him a heart filled with chocolates, some teriyaki flavored beef jerky, and a little teddy bear who had a sticky note in his paw that said, "From your secret admirer." He recognized your handwriting anyway from all the paperwork he did. He didn't have the courage to ask you about it. He became softer, feeling bad for when he was harsh with you.
There was a time when you both got done beating the crap out of another Vulture that was terrorizing folks at the DMV that you turned and looked at him and already caught him staring. But for the first time you didn't look away. Miguel turned a deep red and cleared his throat. "Do you...um..are you hungry? We could get lunch after this?"
Your heart fluttered for a moment but you remembered that you had a boyfriend back home. If he went out on a lunch date you knew you'd feel a little jealous too.
"Oh...um..." Shit shit shit.
"I have to meet my boyfriend after this. I'm sorry..."
Miguel nodded, trying to pretend like he wasn't disappointed but it showed all over his face anyway. "Of course, of course...no worries..." he stayed silent and opened a portal back to Nueva York and walked through.
He never asked to hang out again after that.
Now, knowing your now ex-sack-of-shit boyfriend was doing you dirty anyway, you figured you wouldn't mind risking it all right now.
Miguel headbutts a man who was trying to rob an elderly woman. He sees an incoming call on his watch as the man lays sputtering on the ground, while the old woman fans herself in relief.
Miguel's eyebrow raised but he answered it, putting it on bluetooth. "Hello?" He throws the robber over his shoulder.
Your tear stained voice comes through on the other line. "Miguel...?"
Oh that sweet voice of yours saying his name like that. Stay calm.
"Hey..." He throws the robber in the backseat of the cop car and nods to the chief. "Aren't you still on your day off?"
"Yeah I w-was...but um..." you sniffle, more tears coming down. You just need a hug right now.
Miguel pauses. It's more obvious now you're crying. It makes him feel sadder and more concerned than he has a right to be.
"I was gonna surprise my boyfriend...I walked in and..." You can't maintain your composure.
"And what?" Miguel asks, his voice worried now. "And what? Where are you?"
"Can you just come get me please?" You cry and stutter, lip trembling. "I n-need y-you..."
Miguel's heart melts. Is it bad he's low-key celebrating this moment in his head right now?
"Of course. Send me your location. I'll be there in about 10. Do you need anything?"
"All my s-stuff is still in the apartment but he won't let me in...he kicked me out after cheating on me and told me since I never gave a shit about this relationship, he doesn't give a shit about my stuff and I can go find somewhere else to s-stay..."
Miguel feels his adrenaline rising. "I'll get your stuff for you. Don't worry about it. Let me talk to him."
"That's not necessary..." You suddenly feel nervous but a little flattered at how protective he sounds. "I d-don't want you to hurt him..." You knew he would snap him like a twig if he wanted. "Promise...?"
Miguel pauses. "I won't. I'm approaching your street right now,I think."
You look up and sure enough you see him walking briskly towards you. His heart breaks when he sees you like this, your eyes puffy, heartbreak worn all over your face.
"I'll be right back..." He starts jogging up the stairs to your apartment.
"Miguel! Just get my stuff don't worry about him! Miguel!"
He doesn't hear you. Your ex answers the door with an annoyed look on his face.
"I'm here for your girlfriend's clothes." Miguel says, the storm seething underneath the surface.
"Ah, so she sends the work side piece to get it for her, typical!"
Miguel grits his teeth. "I'm not her "side piece" as you put it. I didn't come here to fight. I'm just here to get her things and then I'll be on my way."
Your ex huffs, "I could give a shit what that bitch wants!"
Miguel clenches his fists. "Don't speak that way about her."
Your ex stands up, chest puffed out despite being overpowered by Miguel's height. "And what are you going to do about it? This is my house, motherfucker. When she gave you her sob story did she leave out the part where she spends all her free time at work and forgets about her boyfriend who put a roof over her head? What was I supposed to do?"
Not cheat, for one...Miguel's face is red with rage, trying so hard to keep his promise.
Your ex wears a shit eating grin. "Wanna hit me, big guy? Go ahead. Tell me you're a goddamn cuck without telling me."
Miguel turns to the side and blows air out of his nostrils. Shortly after there's a crash and the sound of Miguel's fist pummeling the smug look off your ex's face and the screams of his mistress when she saw the commotion.
Miguel reemerges some time later with your small pink duffle bag. "I grabbed you some sweatpants and a couple pairs of underwear. I couldn't find your toothbrush...I'm sorry."
You shake your head. "oh my God...no, it's okay. Thank you so much Miguel..." You take the bag and look through it. "What happened? What'd he say?"
Miguel looked at you with a poker face, the sight of your ex's bloody face shooting across his memory. "He honestly didn't say much."
That would be the one and only promise he ever broke to you.
Miguel took you to the department store and let you pick out any toiletries you needed. He watched you with a gentle look on his face as you tossed a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, some makeup wipes, your skin cleanser, some lotion, pads, tampons, a couple scrunchies, chapstick, and anything else you thought you might need into the cart while he pushed it.
He paused when you got to the shampoo and conditioner, only getting the travel size. "That's all you need?" He asks.
"Yeah, it'll only be for a few days until I can go back and get the rest of my stuff."
Miguel shakes his head and puts the liter size shampoo and conditioner in the cart. "Let's get the bigger size just in case."
You look at him, puzzled.
He gives you a shy smile. "You're... you were planning on staying at my place, right?" His heart pounded on the inside.
You nod your head and try to play it off. "Y-yeah. I mean, I don't want to intrude or anything, you know?"
Miguel grins. "Not at all. I have a spare bedroom you can use." Since he's a gentleman.
You smile and nod, can't help wondering how long this sleeping arrangement will last.
After checking out and he foots the bill at his insistence, you two go back to his place. His apartment is small but sleek. It definitely screams neat freak but he's very welcoming and shows you to your room. It used to be Gabby's old room but he eventually just turned it into an unused guest room. The curtains were still pink because he didn't have the heart to take them down.
You smile and sit on the bed and he walks into the kitchen to order food and give you time to settle in.
Soon, you're sitting on the couch together, shaking your bowls from Cava and you're sipping an extra large iced tea, swirling the drink and hearing the ice cubes clatter against the plastic, humming in satisfaction.
"What should we watch?" Miguel asks, sitting back and looking over at you.
You look at him then look at the clock. "Don't you have to get back to work?"
Miguel shakes his head. "Nah. Today's about making you feel better."
You smile but feel a little guilty, "I don't want to take up too much of your time."
Miguel gives you a soft smile, "You can make it up to me another time. What movie are we watching?"
You give a soft chuckle then look at the menu he's browsing on the TV. "Ummmmm, 13 Going on 30." You answer, taking a sip.
Miguel looks at you. "You sure a chick flick is the right answer right now?"
You nod. "I like watching romantic movies when I'm going through break ups. It's very cathartic."
Miguel raises an eyebrow but puts it on at your request. "Okay... Don't say I didn't warn you..."
He ends up being right and your lip is trembling at the end. Miguel looks over at you and gives you an endearing smile. He scoots closer to you, just a bit but, you close the gap immediately and just throw yourself in his chest, crying into it. Not caring that you're just friends or this is the longest time you two have ever spent alone together, wanting nothing more than to just be held by him.
Miguel freezes, his hands in mid-air, but they gently come to rest on your shoulders. He plays with your hair, letting you cry it out in silence. His body feels warm as he holds you, as though this is where he was supposed to be this whole time.
He's just sorry he couldn't have been there sooner and you had to get your heart trampled on for it to happen eventually. He feels on top of the world, but simultaneously aches at seeing the sadness coming out of you, wishing he could absorb it from you completely.
Your breathing slows down, shuddering a little as the last of your sobs come out, and sit up and wipe your eyes. Miguel looks at you, running a thumb down your chin. He gives you a teasing grin. "Told you you'd cry."
You give a little snort. "Whatever. I just got cheated on dude, cut me some slack here."
Miguel smiles and nods. "You're right, you're right. I'm sorry..." His voice lowers a little bit. "But really, you deserve so much better than that."
You nod slowly, blowing your nose. "Thanks Miguel...I just don't get how he threw two years down the drain for some chick he just met..."
Miguel nods, tucking some hair behind your ear.
"It has nothing to do with you. Usually when people cheat, it's because there's something wrong with the one who cheated. You didn't cause this at all."
"Yeah but, maybe if I didn't work so much..."
"-Work's not an excuse," Miguel says gently, cutting you off. "You don't use anything as an excuse to hurt the ones you love. I mean if I was in his shoes..." Miguel clears his throat, "hypothetically, of course..."
A small smile forms on your face at the mention of you being his.
Miguel fumbles a little bit with his words, the facade shielding his true feelings unable to stand any longer, causing them to be painfully obvious. "....uhem, well, I definitely wouldn't hurt you like that." he said abruptly, looking away.
"If I was yours, huh?" You give him a cheeky smile, your face still puffy from tears, leaning on your elbow.
Miguel shakes his head. "We don't have to focus too much on that part... I was only giving you an example..."
"Or a suggestion....?" You ask, your stomach starting to jitter a little bit.
Miguel huffs and looks down, then looks at you again, the air becomes thick. "I was only..."
"Just admit you like me, Miguel." You say in a soft tone, your hand coming to rest on his leg.
Miguel has been waiting for this moment for months, but somehow now that it's right in front of his face, he's shy and scared as hell.
"I...." he looks at you, his jaw tensing as your eyes go half-lidded, coming to rest so subtly on his lips. "I....," he repeats. He's stuck with nowhere else to go. Your eyes are holding him captive.
He just goes for it, cupping your face with one of his hands and pulling you into a warm kiss. Your cheeks are still a little wet under his touch, but the feel of you causes him to melt away as the kiss slowly gets a little more deep, your tongues beginning to softly mold and explore the other's mouth. His lips plump and soft, his calloused hands normally rough handling your waist with careful touches as they chase your worries and your sadness away.
Miguel breaks the kiss gently for just a moment, his mouth mumbling into yours, "I wanted to do that for so long..."
You smile and hum in agreement, peppering little kisses all over his face, making him chuckle.
And so the rest of the afternoon and night was spent lazily on the couch. Watching movies and even cartoons you both loved as a kid, eventually dozing off until Miguel woke you up about 10 pm, and you both ended the night cuddled in his bed.
The alarm on his phone was set for 6:30 am the next morning so you two could have enough time for a shower and coffee before you headed to work.
You never left his side after that.
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winterarmyy · 10 months
Promise Me | Part II
When he was sent out for war, Bucky made a promise to his lover that might just last through several lifetimes.
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Navigation: Part I | Part II | Part III (end)
Words: 5.2k++
Pairing: 40s!bucky / eventually tfatws!bucky x female!reader
Warnings: little angst, melancholy but fluffy stuff, we have bucky's pov in this one, lovers who missed each other very much, emotional reunion, probably bad writing of fighting scenes (sorry guys), mentions of suicide, mentions of sexy times, death of main character (y/n' s past life), another attempt to follow mcu timeline, otherwise, nothing that's too heavy/sensitive for anyone to read.
P/S: Thanks so much for the feedbacks in previous chapters! Here's the new update, guys! I hope you enjoy your reading!
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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Brooklyn, 2024 – Glimpses of the past
"So, Mr. Barnes, are you still having nightmares?" Dr. Raynor asked as she leaned leisurely on her chair. However long it had been since the first time she met Bucky on their first therapy session, she still couldn't crack the man to talk more than he deem necessary.
Bucky sat silently on the sofa that was certainly big enough to fit three people with its size, as he stared blankly at the door behind Dr. Raynor, wanting to avoid eye contact with the woman.
"James, I asked you a question." She prompted as she crosses her legs together. "Are you still having nightmares?"
If he was being truthful, then his answer would've been yes, however he decided to test if she managed to see through him, "No." He replied with a convincing tone.
Dr. Raynor paused for a moment as she eyed his behaviour,  "We’ve been doing this long enough that I can tell when you’re lying." She quirked her eyebrow as if she was non-verbally asked him to cut the crap.
"Well, you seem a little off today. Did something happen recently?"
Yes. Something did happened recently.
Sure, there was the horrid nightmare that had been haunting him in his sleep most of the nights, but lately there was something else that's been making unannounced appearance in his dreams. Something much older than his memories of the Winter Soldier.
They were glimpses of the past where he was but a man in his mid 20's living his best life with a woman he thought he was going to end up growing old with.
Bucky saw images of his younger, undamaged self tangled up in bed with that woman. His hands raking through her raven hair as he pushed the mess away from her face. And when she whined in her sleep he would let out a soft chuckle as he lovingly stroke his thumb across her cheek.
He remembered feeling the tug in his chest when the morning light touches her brown eyes as she peeled them open. He remembered the sweet smile she graced upon him as she pulled him in for an innocent kiss. He remembered the warmth of her naked skin rubbing against his own when she snuggled back into his body.
Those were always a pleasant dream to have during his sleepless nights. However rare it was to have them; he found himself spared in the gentle grace that she left behind from those loose pieces of memories. He realized that his broken soul yearns for her peace more than his will longs for his freedom.
"No." He lied again.
"You’re a civilian now. With your history, the government needs to know that you’re not gonna…" Dr. Raynor gestured her hands as if there was an invisible knife in her grasp as she motioned a stabbing movement.
Bucky let out a silent sigh, nodding his head with a somewhat forced derpy smile as she continued to explain, "It’s a condition of your pardon. So, tell me about your most recent nightmare."
However, Bucky remained stubborn on keeping the memories of his lover to himself. He simply shook his head as he briefly looked to the side and out the window, before coming back and confessed, "I didn’t have a nightmare."
Dr. Raynor breathed deeply, letting the air out through her nose as she clicked on the mechanical pen. The pointer latched on the surface of the lined papers as she started to write down her observation.
Bucky who was sitting on the opposite side only scoffed in respond to her petty attempt of threat, "Oh, come on. Really?" He taunted, "You’re gonna do the notebook thing?" Rolling his eyes in annoyance as he commented his thoughts outspokenly, "Why? It’s passive aggressive."
"You don’t talk. I write." The therapist replied with a short comeback.
Bucky glared intensely at her before letting out a sigh, "Okay. Okay."
His flesh fingers started to fiddle with his metal ones, a habit which he noticed he recently picked up after getting used to the high-tech vibranium arm.
"It wasn't a nightmare. It's just..."  Bucky didn't know how to put it in words other than, "...a good dream."
It was in the peak of witching hours, when Y/N stood in the middle of the tiny kitchen section of her lover's humble apartment. The quiet of the night sometimes interrupted by the sound of the droplets trickling from the faucet.
There was a luminating light of the full moon that leaks through the open window, granting enough of a vision to see the layout of the kitchen. The stillness of the air made Y/N wonder if this is what she would need to go through soon.
Just an empty atmosphere without the presence of her lover.
And there she goes again, wondering in the seemingly endless darkness, thinking of the worst things that could possibly happen.
She had been staring unblinkingly at the counter top for who knows how long since she was woken up from her slumber.
Y/N couldn't go back sleep even if she needed to. Not when tomorrow is the day that she dreaded the most. The day Bucky was going on his first call, to be sent away to England first thing morning.
"Missed you in bed, yknow?" The huskiness of Bucky's voice broke her from the gloomy thoughts. 
Y/N turned around to first see the bare shape of her lover's body, lean and slightly muscular, then trailed up to his sleepy grin, barely opened eyes and the mess of his bed hair sticking out all over the place.
She had to admit, partially, it was her fault for constantly pulling on them when he went down on her. But it was also important to note that it was entirely his fault for being so damn good at it.
Bucky's humming was hoarse when he walked towards her, "What are you doing up, doll?" While Y/N watched his naked figure moved closer.
Bucky Barnes is a beautiful man.
She knew that even before they started dating but it is a wonder that his beauty still to manage to catch her off guard sometimes.
The moment he engulfed her into his arms, she whispered onto his skin, "Can't sleep." She kept it short and ambiguous but that only became the biggest giveaway to Bucky.
Bucky effortlessly lifted her up on the counter as he settled comfortably in between her legs. His hands trailed along the side of her thighs, casually lifting up the thin material of her night gown before going under it to gently fondle with the flesh of her hips.
He leaned upwards, placing the softest kiss on her lips as he murmured, "Everything's going to be alright, y/n." He kissed her again for a good measure, "I'll be home to you before you know it."
Y/N wrapped arms around his neck, pulling him closer until their forehead touches each other's, "You must write me, always." She spoke quietly; as if it was a secret she wanted to keep from the world.
"You must tell me everything, James. Don't hide anything from me; every blood, sweat and tears. I want to know all of it." Her eyes pleaded desperately, "You must be safe." Their lips hovered over each others; so close, barely even touching, "And come home."
The blue of his eyes were glazed with so much love and adoration as he whispered, "I promise, doll. I'm not going to die before I meet you at the end of the isle."
Somehow, Bucky always knew what to say to make her crack a smile, "I love you, James. Too much for my own good." She pulled him as she kissed his soft lips, "I love you too, y/n. More than anything." He grabbed her by the head, latching his mouth on hers as if it was their last kiss.
Before she knew it, Bucky swiftly pulled her off from the counter and grabbed her onto his shoulder, causing her to yelp in surprise. "Oh my god, Bucky! Put me down right now!" The brunette simply laugh as she shriek his name, "James!"
"James!" Dr. Raynor managed to pull Bucky out of his thoughts. "You're clearly out of it today." She remarked before continuing, "And so, this woman in your dreams... Is she someone you knew back in the 40's?"
Bucky replied, "Most probably." He hesitated as he thought thoroughly, "Or it could just be a made up character that only exists in my dreams."
"Does she perhaps, have a name?" Dr. Raynor asked, in which he simply answered, "She does."
There was brief silence of unbroken eye-contact between them, before Bucky realized that the therapist was silently enquiring her name.
Bucky straightened his position in his seat as blatantly stated, "I'm not telling you her name." That was where he drew the line. Therapist or not; she didn't need to know his lover's identity.
Dr. Raynor hanged her hands up as a sign of defeat, "Okay, okay. That's fair." That was when the timer on her phone went off, "Oh, time's up." She reached for her phone and slide across the screen.
She quickly stood on her feet as soon as Bucky did on his own, "That would be all for this session. Thank you for coming in today, Mr. Barnes."
He had to let out a sarcastic chuckle when he said, "It's not that I want to anyway. It's mandatory." He walked towards the door but before he could turn the knob, Dr. Raynor spoke.
"Outside of this 'mandatory' session, I'd say my advice to you as a friend, is to maybe find her. Or her family." She suggested, "And if you're lucky..." She briefly paused, "...maybe she's still alive somewhere."
Bucky remained static for a moment before he spoke, "Thanks, Doc." He didn't look back to face her at all, before walking out the room feeling much more burdened than he did entering it.
Dr. Raynor's advice soon turned out to be a constant dilemma to him more than he anticipated.
Virginia, 1991 – The man she once loved
Y/N panicked. She didn't think the appearance of that metal-armed man will trigger a deep-rooted memories she was desperately trying to forget; spiralling her back into old chapters of her previous life.
It was the year of 1991 and Y/N was in her 6th life. She was a black widow that went rogue after managed on escaping the Red Room program about a few years prior. She was drunk on hatred and vengeance that she almost recklessly killed half of the people in her facility on the day she escaped.
It's not to say that she came out uncut, it was quite the opposite really. Y/N had left the grounds with multiple holes on her body and a deep wound her face; a cut from the inner edge of her right brow all the way across her left cheek.
And that left her with a very prominent and unforgettable scar. Though she couldn't care less about it, especially when she knew Hydra was out there still thriving under another intellegence organization like some kind of parasite.
After she heard the news that Howard Stark has successfully replicate the super soldier serum, she is now somewhere in Virginia, trying to hijack the products before it falls in the hands of the Pentagon or worst, Hydra.
Unfortunately for her, the worst thing that could happen, happened.
Someone from Hydra managed to get their hands on them before she could, leaving the corpses of Howard Stark and his wife in the broken down car, posing it as a road accident.
The bodies was still warm and she knew the culprit won't be far from the crime scene, so she rode on forward until managed to catch up with him. She never intended to confront him head on. She was planning to follow him to the meeting point where they will transfer the products to another Hydra agent, like they always do.
But he certainly didn't care about her plan when he changed his route to a different location. She didn't even realized that her incognito was useless when he nearly shot her in the head.
Now, with her cover blown, it was just him and her alone at the gate of an abandoned building. "Well, shit." Y/N cursed.
She could feel the heavy tension from the atmosphere. Silence from the wordless man were screaming louder than her pumping heartbeat.
There were only two of those run-down street lamp that helped to brigthen up the battlefield. But even with the dying light, Y/N could see the silver of left arms, a red star on the upper side, black mask covering lower half of his face and a messy black shadow all over his eyes.
She knew who he was; though most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists. The ones that do call him the Winter Soldier. Hydra's most prized asset from the Winter Soldier program that Y/N had been trying to track for months.
Maybe it was a careless greed, or maybe she was just tired of living. But, Y/N dared herself to fight the against super soldier. It was intense but completely one-sided as the soldier managed to counter most her punches and kicks.
There were times that she felt like he was simply playing around with her and that riled Y/N to the core. If it wasn't enough for God to toy with her life, now this weapon of Hydra is joining the fun.
She was sick of it; and it got her to be impatient. That, however, was a mistake that she shouldn't have done especially during a hand-to-hand combat with the Winter Soldier himself. 
Y/N ducked down from his swinging arm as she surged her own towards him but the man could see her moves from a mile away, so he dropped his knife to his other hand and managed to strike the blade right into where her pulsing heart resides.
All the times she had ripped her own life, it seemed that her soul was used to the pain that it took a few moments of time to register the pain.
"Ah, this is truly exhausting." She thought to herself.
She wanted it to end.
She wanted to rest. For good.
In her hazy vision, she looked up at the soldier and noticed that he had been staring blankly into her eyes; like a curious predator watching his dying prey.
She knew it was wrong, but looking closer at the shade of blue in his dead and frozen eyes, she couldn't help to find the resemblance in the man she once loved.
It was cruel to find the semblance of her lover in the eyes of her killer, but that tends to happen when a person's soul longed for someone so much that everything and anything became the reminder of them.
Streams of tears trickled down into her ears as her blood seeped through her clothes, staining the fabric and the ground under her.
Instead of hearing the sound of the soldier's footstep walking away, all she could hear was the vivid memories of Bucky's laughter, "I miss you, James."
She truly did.
She missed him so much that she wished that she can finally die this time around, praying for a chance to meet him once more.
But alas, that's not gonna happen anytime soon. Not when the God hates her now.
"I miss you so much." her voice shivered as she whispered her last breath.
Madripoor, 2024 – Long-lost lover
Easy to say, Y/N was furious that she let the memories of her past, the appearance of the winter soldier, distract her focus for her mission. She was furious that she didn't manage to get into Wilfred's lab before someone else did.
Don't get her wrong, though.
She was somewhat grateful when she found him dead, because that's means there's one less parasite that could potentially revive Hydra from the recreation of super soldier serum. But, she was pissed that she wasn't able to dig for more information about his research and the people he was affiliated with.
She knew he was recruited by the CIA before the blip but seeing that his lab is now basically a cargo, located in Madripoor, she doubt that he has anything to do with CIA now.
He's probably working with someone else in the underground scene.
Y/N sat leg-crossed on stacks of cargo, as she watched the scene from afar. The bounty hunters were ruthlessly attacking a group of criminals that attacked Shelby last night, while they were completely out-numbered.
She heard from the bar that it was considerably a high pay for the rewards especially when the targets were consists of the runaway prisoner, Zemo, Hydra's weapon, the Winter Soldier and the member of Avenger, the Falcon.
It was indeed an odd group of people but she couldn't care less about how that came to be. What caught her attention was the fact that the Falcon, who is a member of the Avenger, was affiliated with the Winter Soldier, who is an asset of Hydra.
And the fact that they were digging their feet in the underground world for the super soldier serum making the trio combination even more concerning.
She knew it was the best bet to approach the Falcon for information rather than going for the other two, so when the group split up during their fight, she quietly followed the Falcon.
He was a bit clumsy when fighting alone; or maybe it was because the hunters kept streaming in non-stop. Nonetheless, one by one, eventually the Falcon managed to take them down.
Y/N lurked at the corner, quietly observing his fighting style as he struggled with the few that was left.
"He's going to run out of ammo." She thought to herself.
And two shots later, he did.
There were two hunters left and he had no choice but to use his fists. Looking at him now, maybe he suited the hand-to-hand combat style more than gun combat. Y/N noticed his moves are more seamless than when he fight with a gun a few seconds ago.
The Falcon breathed heavily as the last hunter was tackled down. She decided that it had to be now or never, at least before the winter soldier came to the scene to regroup. When she stepped out of her camouflage, the Falcon only noticed her presence that he missed the red dot on his chest.
But, Y/N saw it, "Fuck! He can't die. Not before I get what I want." She couldn't let him go without getting information she needed from him.
In mere seconds, she jumped towards him and managed to pulled him away from the target. However, it was not far enough, that was when the bullet grazed on his side. Y/N quickly grabbed her throwing knife and land it right into the hunter's head.
The Falcon staggered backwards, meeting his back on the side of the cargo as he groaned in pain. His eyes scanned the appearance of his potential saviour; hooded figure, mask-covered face, assassin-like dressed – he realized that she matched the description of what Sharon had warned him before.
"So before we move, this might be unrelated, but I gotta warn you guys about someone." Sharon spoke as she equipped herself.
The three men looked over her as they gave their undivided attention, "While last night was hectic with the return of the Winter Soldier." She briefly looked over at Bucky, "But, there was also another person that made an appearance."
"She's known as the Deathstalker." She paused. "What I can say about her is she's a basically mystery; appeared out of thin air a few months into the blip." Sharon explained, earning a couple of nods from Sam and the signature frown from Bucky.
However, Zemo simply smiled and commented, "Ah, the pretty little Deathstalker." The mannerism of his speech was thick with Sokovian accent.
"You know her?" Sharon quirked.
Zemo smiled again, this time a little bit too smug, "We might have once crossed our path." He kept it ambiguous.
"When? You were in the prison years before the blip." Sam frowned as he questioned.
Sipping on the glass of liquor, Zemo answered, "She may or may not have 'visited' me to get some information about Hydra."
The mention of Hydra caught Bucky's attention but he kept it well hidden under his stoic expression. Noticing Sam's confusion with Zemo's insinuating answer, Bucky simply laid it out for him, "It means, she broke into the prison, Sam." he simply sighed.
Sam jutted his lips as he shrugged, "Guess you're not the only one who's insane here, Buck." He teased as he poked fun of Bucky's decision of 'breaking into the prison' to let Zemo out.
"You said, 'pretty little Deathstalker'. So you've seen her face?" Sharon asked curiously as she crossed her arms to her chest. No one had seen the assassin's face before, so she could help but to ask.
Zemo shook his head, "No. But that signature mask of hers cannot hide the beauty within." He smirked as he recalled the look in the Deathstalker's eyes; she had that obsession for vengeance. As he did when he broke the Avengers apart .
"You see, I've always had the eyes for beautiful things." He explained as if it was a natural thing to say.
Sharon knew shouldn't let herself expect too much from Zemo, especially when he had that attitude. She simply rolled her eyes and walked towards the seat next to Sam.
Bucky leaned his back into the sofa, spreading his legs apart as he asked, "Is she gonna be a problem?" An assissin that's been breaking into prison to ask Zemo about Hydra. That doesn't seem like a casual information to overlook.
Sharon shrugged as she continued, "Well, depends on your move. But, I'd advice you to never get on her bad side. People speculated that she's a rogue assassin turned bounty hunter but the thing is... she has never taken any job."
Bounty hunters get their money from jobs that's advertised all over the city. So, the Deathstalker couldn't be called a Bounty Hunter when she never take jobs before. If it were up to Sharon, the Deathstalker was much suited under the same category as Ronin, the masked vigilante who tracks down and slaughters criminals during the blip.
Sharon explained that, "She just stalks around the underground scene, and leave bodies behind for people to find."
Zemo interjected, "Hence, her name." Gaining a glare from Sharon, that translates to "Do you want to tell the story or what?"
"Right." Sam nodded as he takes in the information.
After earning a silent apology from Zemo, Sharon continued, "No one knows who she works for or what her aim is but there's rumours she's been hunting down Hydra, or anyone and anything affiliated to it."
Again, the Deathstalker's obsession with Hydra had caught Bucky's attention. A rogue assassin seemingly made it her mission to hunt down Hydra?
Bucky doesn't know what to make of that. So, he kept his questions to himself. Eitherway, if she gets in their way, he'd still need to fight against her.
"Why are you telling us this again?" Sam asked as he didn't find the connection between their mission and the Deathstalker.
Sharon replied, "It's just worth to note that she might be hunting for Wilfred Nagel too." She paused as her gaze fell into Bucky's, "...since the super soldier serum had been Hydra's obsession for centuries."
The Dealthstalker technically saved his life.
So, does that mean that she was not an enemy?
Sam was struggling between containing his pain and coming up with a plausible conclusion but Y/N's action quickly give him the answer he needed.
Within seconds, she had Sam pinned against the wall as the edge of her sharp blade dug into the skin of his neck, "What is an Avenger doing with the Asset?" Her voice sounded distorted through the voice-changing mask.
"Lady, I don't know what you're talking about!" He grunted in protest.
Sam was not used to Bucky being labeled as an "asset". Sure, he knew the name of Winter Soldier or Soldat. But, Bucky was never addressed as the Asset, at least not by the people around him.
Y/N grabbed him by the collar and harshly slammed him against the metal of the cargo behind him, causing him to curse as the pain struck on the side of his abdomen.
"Are you planning to revive Hydra?" Her menancing eyes searched into his, demanding for a truthful answer.
What kind of bullshit was she talking about?
Reviving Hydra?
Why the hell would he do that?
However, before Sam could retort to her accusation, Y/N was pulled back by an arm, wrapped around her neck from behind. She knew it was the Winter Soldier from the cold metal burning into her skin. The soldier's other hand grabbed onto her wielded hand, forcefully bending her wrist until the knife fell from her grasp.
He easily lifted her up in the air as he backed away, tightening the lock of his left arm around her neck while twisting her right hand to her back with his flesh hand. The smaller let out a robotic groan through her mask as she struggled in his chokehold.
While the two wrestled in between holding one down and freeing oneself, Sharon quickly ran to Sam's side, "Are you alright?" she prompted as she examined his wounds. The male simply nodded his head, "Yeah, it's just a graze." He explained before asking, "Is that the Deathstalker chick that you've been talking about?"
Sharon followed his gaze, and eyed the woman who was still struggling in Bucky's hold before she managed to land a paticularly sharp strike right into Bucky's stomach, "Yeap, that would be her." Sharon answered.
Usually a few strikes by an elbow of a woman doesn't really hurt the super soldier but unfortunately for him, the elbows of the suit Y/N was wearing were armored with thin yet effective pad made of vibranium. Due to its ability is to absorb and dissipate shocks, it managed to push him back and simultaneously loosen his hold on her.
When his guard was down, Y/N took the opportunity to  slightly twist her foot back around his and grab onto his left arm. She pushed her bottom into his hips as she bend over, pulling onto his arm as she flipped him forward.
Y/N stepped backwards, standing on guard as the soldier rolled over on the ground before finding a position to stop the inertia; one knee of the ground while the other leg paused at his foot with his back facing her.
Her hands reached to her back and pulled two knives from the holster on the belt, gripping them by the handle while the blades facing downwards. She bended her knees into stance, much like a panther ready to pounce.
But when the soldier stood on his feet and turned around, suddenly her defensive stance flatter and her breath were cut short. The battled-tensed surroundings did not matter when all she could see was the soldier's face.
He looked a bit aged from the last time she saw him but a lot younger considering it was decades ago.
How could she forget those livid-blue eyes sharpen beneath the deep frown he was wearing?
Or the softness of his pursed lips ghosting over her own?
Even if the smooth skin of his forehead were now decorated with thin lines of wrinkles, and the exhaustion in the discoloration under his eyes had overshadowed the playful glint he used to have; they could never fool her to believe that the man standing in front of her right now was not her long-lost lover.
"James?" Her voice was gentle but the voice changer behind her mask didn't quite conveyed her tone.
Suddenly, the high walls of her defences begin to crumble into mere pieces of fragments like crushed dried leaves on autumn grounds. Time suspended, almost too still, as if it was trying to give her the luxury to cherish the revelation; to revel in the moment of joy and relief.
And there wasn't any thoughts formulated in the fog of her mind besides the need to melt in his arm. Somehow the dark side of her mind managed to trick her into believing that if she didn't touch him now, then she would perish in despair.
Her feet inches forward closer and closer, and her knives were long forgone, leaving clancking sounds on the surface of the ground.
When Bucky heard his name uttered by the woman, somehow it didn't sound foreign to him. It was as if he'd heard it before.
And when he saw the wet glaze in her brown eyes as she hesitantly walk towards him, he knew then that she was not approaching with an intent to kill him; he'd dare to say it was quite the opposite.
There were so much emotions in her gaze; grief, yearning, sorrow, need, joy – that he even his ex-assassin's skill couldn't possibly decipher them all. And that had impeccably managed froze every nerves in his body until he can only stood there, paralyzed on his spot.
With each hesitant step, more tears started to swell in her eyes. Step by step she took, hoping he wasn't another fragments of hallucination that she made up to ease her needs, until she finally stood close enough to him to realize he was real.
Bucky knew he should move. Reprimand her before she could land any sneak attack that he might not expect; but he couldn't. Not when she gaze up at him with that look in her eyes.
He unexpectedly drowned himself in those waves of emotions in her eyes, not realizing her actions until her shivering hands cupped his face.
Her fingers were cold as if they were soaked in ice.
Her voice slightly cracked when she spoke, "Is that really you, James?" Even if she was looking directly into his eyes, somehow the question sounded like it directed towards herself rather than to Bucky.
It's real.
He's real.
Her eyes casted down to where her skin met his warmth. There was a slight tingle when her thumbs rubbed against the stubble of his jaw, prickling her skin perfectly just as she remembered.
"It's you. James. It's really you." She mumbled under her breath, convincing herself over and over as if her brain refused to acknowledge it while her heart does otherwise.
Bucky, on the other hand, didn't know what to do or what to say. But, he hadn't heard anyone called him by that name so affectionately since Y/N. The lover he left behind during WWII, who's grave he had been visiting every Tuesday morning ever since that particular session with Dr. Raynor.
However, something in his guts were screaming at him to reach out to this woman's plea as she cried in his presence, lost in her own world as she muttered his name again and again.
But, why?
Why does he feel the need to cradle her body in his arms, and whisper the sweetest things to calm her down?
Bucky gulped as his eyes loomed over hers, "Who are you?"
<< Part I || Part III >>
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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A/N: Feel free to leave feedbacks! I'd love to hear your thoughts! Until then, see you in the next part 🤍
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anm3mi · 1 year
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contents. fem!reader, hidden injury, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, confession
notes. this is crap, but i wanted to post something for my birthday as a gift to myself, also i didn't mean to do lo'ak so dirty in this, i'm sorry💀
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the scene below rapidly evolved, full of fire, explosions, gun fire and loud war cries. harshly biting the inside of your cheek, you silently wish you could help your people in the fight, but you couldn't. you were ordered to only observe, not engage, and as a warrior, you had no other choice than to obey commands.
as the grip on your ikran tightened, you let out a shallow breath, soon interrupted from your thoughts by the duo on your side. "bro," lo'ak called out, his eyes switching between neteyam and you. the trio that was rarely seen apart. a few years ago, thanks to your own reckless behaviour, you quickly became friends with lo'ak, and soon neteyam came into the picture.
when the two of you were younger, you would often sneak out with lo'ak, messing around and causing trouble. but as you matured, you came to the realization that was not the way a warrior should behave. you realized you had people to protect, and with that, you begun to work on your behaviour, becoming less careless and more thoughtful about your actions. deep down, you were still a free-spirited child, curious to discover everything there was to, but you had people to depend on you and you couldn't disappoint them.
with your new mindset, you got into arguements with lo'ak more and more, as you became more like his brother, neteyam. always obeying the rules, being the perfect little warrior. you would no longer sneak out and mess around every night, instead, you would spend most of your time training.
neteyam took a notice of the obvious change between lo'ak and his friend. after witnessing one of your fights, neteyam carefully approached you, as you were more than glad to have somebody to rant to about the younger sully brother. from that moment, it didn't take long for the two of you to grew closer. it started with simple conversations about lo'ak, because even though he'll forever have a special place in your heart, he knew how to get on both your and neteyam's nerves.
after spending more time together, lo'ak was no longer the main topic of your conversations. you would talk about you interests, ideas, neteyam's duty as an older brother and your goal of becoming a warrior. and even though you were working on acting more mature, sometimes you needed at least a bit of freedom and to feel like a kid again, which lead you to talking neteyam into sneaking out. after reminding you countless times of how that was not a good idea, he gave in. but instead of running around the forest, causing trouble like neteyam expected, the two of you sat down on a patch of grass underneath a big tree and talked about the future.
after that night, you couldn't help but feel bad, as sneaking out to the woods in the middle of the night was your and lo'ak's thing, but you made sure to make it up for him. soon, the trio became less irritable when together. because even with all the heated arguments and disagreements, there were moments where the three of you would forget your differences. you adored those rare memories the most.
"we have to get down there!" lo'ak demanded. "no!" "no way, dad would skin us!" you and neteyam shouted over one another with clear disapprove written on your faces, as lo'ak glanced between the two of you once again, holding back a small smirk. you recognized the expression little too well. "lo'ak--" but before you could even finish your sentence, the younger brother was already descending towards the ground. without wasting a single second, the grip on your ikran tightened and you followed lo'ak, ignoring the now distant calls of your name coming from neteyam. even though you've tried to change - there were still moments where you wouldn't think before acting.
abandoning your ikran, you desperately looked around, clutching your bow close to your chest, after loosing sight of lo'ak. a lump formed inside your throat, but before you could let the uneasy feeling sink in, you gulped down and took a deep breath, letting out a war cry. you managed to catch the attention of a nearby human, who wasted no time, before pointing his weapon at you
but you were quicker.
within seconds, an arrow landed in the middle of the soldier's chest, causing him to drop on the ground with a thud. your chest was filled with pride, as you took out another arrow, scanning your surroundings. the sudden shout of your name caused you to snap your head around towards the source, your face lighting up at the sight of lo'ak, who had a huge grin on his face as he held a rifle and neteyam, who appeared almost relieved at the sight of you. running up to them, you let out a long breath you were holding, quickly throwing your arms around the two boys' head and bringing them closer.
your three heads butted against each other's. "we have to get out of here, before we get in more trouble." neteyam loudly announced over your loud surroundings, glaring at lo'ak. "we are already in trouble." shrugging your shoulders, you begun to back away, taking out one more of your arrows, grinning at the two brothers. the three of you were already disobeying the commands, so why not help your people while you were at it?
neteyam quickly followed, grabbing you by your forearm to stop you, almost sending you crashing into his chest, as you looked up to meet his eyes. before either of you could say anything, an explosion went off. your body harshly colliding with the ground was the last thing you felt, before everything went blank.
it didn't take long before you regained your senses. the first thing you noticed was the intense ringing in your ears, as you placed your hands on the hard earth, grounding yourself. harshly blinking your blurry vision away, you lifted yourself up from the ground way too quickly, causing you to stumble forward a bit, yet you managed to stay on your feet. a sudden way of pain coming from you lower abdomen caused you to let out a groan, but you choose to ignore it.
instead, you glanced around in a search of your weapon. you managed to find neteyam first. unconscious neteyam. with wide eyes, you let out a quick gasp, before stumbling to where his body laid. you fell down to your knees, ignoring your own pain, as you desperately scanned neteyam's entire body for any serious injuries. you let out a long shaky breath, when you didn't find any fatal ones.
gently placing your head on top of his chest in relief, you muttered his name, earning a low groan in response. your head shot up, noticing neteyam's eyes fluttering open. "hey, you're okay. you're okay..." you lifted your hands off his chest, muttering assuring words more to yourself than neteyam. opening your mouth to speak, you placed neteyam's arm over your shoulders as carefully as possible, but was soon interrupted.
"neteyam! y/n!" at the harsh loud call of your names, you looked towards the source of the sound, noticing jake quickly making his way towards the two of you. shit, you mentally cursed to yourself. "what the hell are you two doing here?!" kneeling down, jake eyed neteyam just like you did barely a minute ago, before taking him off you and throwing him over his shoulders. "i'm sorry- i'm sorry..." neteyam begun to mutter under his breath, yet got no response.
you quickly followed, but the burning sting on your stomach caused you to stop dead in your tracks. for the first time since you woke up, you decided to take a look at your injury. a hiss escaped your lips, when you noticed a long gash along your abdomen. placing your hand over the bleeding injury, hiding it, you bit your lower lip, almost drawing blood.
catching up with jake and neteyam, you were hit with a sudden realization. "where's lo'ak?!" you cried out, worry lacing your tone. "he's already on his way back." announcing, jake got on his ikran, still holding neteyam. you were able to swallow the lump forming in your throat, but what you weren't able to simply shake off was the uneasy feeling building up inside your stomach.
the last few minutes felt like a blur. there was fire everywhere, followed by constant war cries and shouting. you gulped down, as the adrenaline slowly, yet surely died down.
you called out for your ikran, one of your hands still on your stomach, while following behind jake and neteyam. you had no idea what to worry about first - lo'ak, neteyam or the fact all three of you were in huge trouble with jake, the toruk makto himself. the person that has been giving you orders for the past years and the person that took you under his wing, helping to raise you, when your parents weren't available, which happened quite often as they were busy with their own duties. to you the sully's were like your family you deeply cared for.
jumping off your ikran with a grunt, you patted the side of your ikran's head, before turning your attention towards the commotion. you awkwardly made your way towards jake, who was already scolding lo'ak and neteyam, with neytiri, kiri and tuk standing near them, ignoring how light-headed you felt. "you're supposed to be spotters!" angrily pointing his finger at neteyam, jake explained as lo'ak joined his brother's side, both of their eyes stuck on the ground.
"jesus, i let you three geniuses join a mission and you disobey direct orders!" you now stood beside lo'ak, your eyes switching between the ground, the brothers beside you and jake. eyes meeting neteyam's, you furrowed your brows - silently asking him if he was alright. in response, he sent a small nod your way, as you did the same to assure him. biting your tongue so hard you could taste metal inside your mouth, you were barely paying attention to what jake was saying, as you tried to stop your heavy eyelids from falling down. the pain started to become unbearable, as your knees were shaking.
"ma jake, your son is really bleeding." neytiri gave her mate a look. "mother, it's nothing--" shaking his head from side to side, neteyam stuttered. as he averted his gaze from his father, you managed to catch his eyes. his brows furrowed in confusion at the notice of your strange state, but before he could question it, jake begun to talk again.
"and you y/n," jake held back a sigh. "i expected this from lo'ak, but you? i'm disappointed." his words echoed inside your mind, as you looked at jake through your eyelashes. "i'm sorry, sir. i--" your words were slurred and before you could even finished your sentence, your head spun and you harshly fell to the ground.
the last thing you heard before blacking out was neteyam's call of your name. as you fell to the ground, your hand fell to the side, exposing the still bleeding injury. at the sight, jake's eyes widened. "get her inside!" he ordered, and neteyam wasted no time before picking you up as gently as possible, carrying you inside the healing hut, where his brother was already being healed.
"what happened?" with a worried expression, lo'ak called out. "she's loosing blood, she needs help. immediately. " jake explained, not taking his eyes off the your unconscious form. you were placed on the floor, as mo'at begun to take care of your wound. "is she going to be okay?" glancing at his grandma, neteyam demanded, but got no answer.
"bro," placing a hand on his shoulder, lo'ak murmured. neteyam glanced over his shoulder at lo'ak's unreadable expression. shaking his head from side to side, neteyam swiftly pushed his brother's hand away, "this is your fault." neteyam pointed his finger at lo'ak's chest, before storming off. "neteyam!" kiri shouted after him, but her calls fell on deaf ears. quickly picking up a few supplies, she hurried after her brother. after all, he was still injured and needed to be taken care of.
"she's going to be alright, i feel it." kiri softly announced, after finding her brother. he wasn't far from the hut, already feeling guilty for leaving your side. "she's strong." kiri added. "she followed him. she followed lo'ak down to the battlefield." trying to swallow the guilt, neteyam looked up at his younger sister. he only felt more guilty after realising she was hiding her injury from them. from him. "you know y/n, she doesn't want us to worry about her. always putting others first." kiri sat down next to her brother, nudging his side, thinking about your bad habit of putting needs of others first. "she's amazing, isn't she?" a smirk made its way onto kiri's face. "yeah," letting out a long breath, neteyam simply agreed. "she is."
"now let me help you." pulling her supplies closer, kiri announced, earning a quick nod from neteyam, as he turned his back to her. a hiss escaped his lips, when kiri harshly pressed on his wound. "sorry." she muttered, but neteyam knew she didn't really mean it. it was his sister's way of calling him stupid for obeying direct orders from their father.
"the first thing she did when we arrived was asking me, if i was okay. me." neteyam sharply inhaled at the burning sensation, as kiri smeared a paste along his injuries. "you should talk to her. i'm pretty sure y/n has something to say as well." shrugging her shoulders, kiri announced. silence fell over the two siblings, as kiri continued to mend his wound and neteyam sat in silence, confusion smeared across his face upon hearing kiri's words.
the day was long gone, as the stars now occupied the night sky. the village was quiet, everyone peacefully asleep in their homes - everyone except for neteyam. after kiri took care of his own wounds, he made a straight beeline towards the healing tent, as he was met with your unconscious body, your injury now stitched up and covered.
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slowly, he sat down next to you, his grandmother's presence going unnoticed by him, until she decided to speak; "she needs to rest for two weeks. the cut was quite deep." mo'at suddenly explained, almost startling neteyam. he looked at her with widened eyes, as she continued to grind herbs together, before glancing back at you. "she won't like hearing that." neteyam admitted, earning a simple hum from his grandmother in response.
mo'at exited the tent in silence, leaving neteyam and you alone. carefully, neteyam took your hand and placed it in his lap, as his thumb caressed over your bruised knuckles. he was rarely seen like this - uneasy, lost deep in his own thoughts and neteyam was aware of the affect you had on him. the way his stomach would flutter with butterflies at your simple touch or the way his heart would beat hard against his ribcage when you were in danger. as much as neteyam preferred to be in denial about it, he knew he was head over heels for you.
and with how deeply he cared for you, he couldn't help, but be a bit angry. not only at lo'ak, but you as well. if you wouldn't have followed his brother into the battlefield, you wouldn't be injured - you wouldn't have to hide your injury, which was another thing that upset him. letting out a long shaky breath, neteyam gently placed his head on your thigh - the only part of your body that was uninjured, and with your hand still in his, he soon fell asleep.
the eclipse was near and his parents grew worried. they knew where their son was, but most importantly, they knew no matter the amount of pursuing, he wouldn't leave your side - not until you woke and the two of you could finally talk.
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his slumber was interrupted by a murmur of his name, as he let out a small groan in response. "neteyam, i can't feel my leg." this time, you spoke more clearly, startling the boy awake. with wide eyes, neteyam looked down at you, before glancing towards your leg, where he managed to fall asleep. "y/n! i'm sorry--" "it's fine, just next time please don't use my legs as your personal pillow." your voice was hoarse, laced with sleepiness. leaning onto your elbows, you attempted to sit up, but neteyam's hands gently pushed you back down at the sound of a painful hiss coming from you. "you're on a bed rest. two weeks." he announced, earning a scoff in response from you. "yeah, no." you muttered, before rubbing your tired eyes. your whole body was sore and in pain, yet all you yearned to do was get up and properly stretch.
"neteyam?" raising a brow, you glanced to your side at the boy, who was staring at you with an unreadable expression. "neteyam, what is--" you opened your mouth to speak, but was interrupted: "you didn't tell me." he suddenly declared. "what?" you attempted to sit up once again, and this time there was no pair of hands stopping you, as neteyam held his hands back. "when we came back yesterday, you didn't tell me. you didn't tell any of us." neteyam continued to explain, while you carefully studied your bandaged injury. his was voice low, yet stern - almost emotionless.
"you could've died, y/n." upon hearing the sudden crack in his voice, you froze. finally, you peeled your eyes away from your body and met his eyes. tears were threatening to spill, yet neteyam used all his remaining strength to not let them. "you need to stop following lo'ak, because then it ends up with one of you being injured and me having to clean up the mess." neteyam blurted out, yet soon regret his words at the sight of your hurt expression.
"is this what this is about?" you insisted, fury lacing your tone. "i am not one of your responsibilities, neteyam." the way you said his name with such venom caused his stomach to tighten. "i didn't ask you to cover for me, i can take care of myself. as you can see - i am alive, so i don't see why you're still here--" ignoring the burning pain across your body, you continued to rant, irritated by your sore body, headache and the guilt you felt.
"because i care about you!" silence fell over the hut, as you could only hear the echo of his words. with glossy eyes, you stared into his, before biting your tongue. "yesterday, when you fell unconscious, for a second i thought you were going to die and-" neteyam begun to explain, his eyes switching between yours and the floor. you slowly realized this was the first time you saw neteyam almost nervous during a conversation, unable to keep eye contact and stammering. that was the affect you had on him - you made him nervous, in a good way, of course. but you also made him scared. scared of loosing you.
"-and i didn't know what to do. i felt so guilty for not trying harder to stop you from following lo'ak and i still do." your expression softened, as you felt your heart tug. "neteyam..." you softly whispered, as you reached to hesitantly cup his face with your hand. "i'm sorry for worrying you, i truly am." your eyes did not once leave his, as honesty laced each of your words. neteyam's eyes stared into yours, before bringing his hands up and placing it above yours that still caressed his face - his skin burning upon your comforting touch. "i care about you, too, you know?" you added, voice barely above a whisper.
without a word, neteyam slowly nodded in response. "never scare me like that again, please." pressing his forehead against yours, he whispered. biting the inside of your cheek, you mentally braced yourself, as your heart beated harshly against your ribcage - threating to escape any second. closing your eyes, you quickly pecked neteyam's lips. "i won't." opening your eyes, you were met with the sight of neteyam's flustered and shocked expression at what you couldn't help, but grin.
"do it again..." he whispered, slightly leaning closer, his hand sneaking towards the back of your neck. "what was that? i couldn't quite hear you, nete." you teased, your thumb caressing his cheek. "kiss me again, please." with determined, yet soft eyes - neteyam repeated his words. you let out a small chuckle, before leaning in once again. this time - it wasn't a simple peck. your shared kiss was filled with comforting warmth, as your stomach went crazy with butterflies, just as neteyam's.
as you pulled away, neteyam unconsciously chased after your lips, causing a heartfelt chuckle to rise from your throat. your geninue moment was interrupted by a sudden painful hiss. with wide eyes, neteyam's hands left your body with the worry of hurting you, before searching your body for any source of pain. using the palm of your hand, you covered your wound carefully, the harsh movement of your body disturbing in.
"i'm okay." eyes shot closed, you let out a shaky breath through gritted teeth, assuring neteyam, yet he didn't seem convinced. "you have to rest." neteyam announced, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. in response, you rolled your eyes and let out a small groan. "i don't know if i can just lay here for two weeks." you admitted, before laying down. neteyam followed, resting on his side next to you. "well, you have no choice." with a small smile, neteyam explained, as you suppressed another eye roll.
"promise you'll visit me?" looking at him through your eyelashes, you asked. "of course i will." neteyam assured, causing you to let out a small, relived breath. silence fell over the hut - but it wasn't uneasy, rather comforting, as you carefully studied neteyam's features up close, before you felt your eyelids become heavy. even with your eyes closed, you could sense neteyam's eyes glued to you and you could feel your face burning underneath his stare.
"i really like you, nete. you know that, right?" you muttered through a yawn. "i know, y/n, i like you too." shyly, neteyam admitted, softly caressing the top of your head. the corners of your lips tugged into small, as neteyam's expression mirrored yours. using one of his arms to support his head, his other one was lightly placed over you - the two of you asleep within minutes. you knew the next couple of weeks are going to be rough, you still had to scold lo'ak and apologize to the sully's for scaring them, but now, you could only savor the moment with neteyam you were in.
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deathofacupid · 27 days
stupid | jake peralta
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a/n: apparently gina's character has haters...
summary: he's an idiot, and you can't help but worry for him.
warnings: cursing, petty y/n (sorry in advance)
pairing: fem!reader x jake peralta (enemies but lovers)
word count: 2.5k+ words
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"no, because you're an idiot!"
"i had him!" jake argues back. look at him, thinking he's all smart and crap.
"you quite literally did not," you throw your hands up, exasperated, "he would've blown off your head!"
"he wouldn't have! i would've talked him down!"
"oh, yeah, because you're just so charming," your voice oozes with sarcasm.
"i'll have you know that i am, in fact, quite charming."
"i don't want to even know what your definition of charming is."
"i said i don't want to know. and that's not even the point. how did we get here?"
"because you claimed-"
"it was rhetorical! the point is that you were being stupid and reckless!"
"what about you? is there, like, no trust in this relationship? fine, i might've been a little... but- but it doesn't matter! i could've got him! he wouldn't have shot me."
"yes, he-"
"look, peralta. for once in your life, think with your head, not your junk."
he paused, squinting an eye, "uh, spontaneousness is... hot?"
"having my partner bleeding out on the ground, and i hate to break it to you, is not hot."
"it's really not."
"that's also subjective."
"what's also subjective?"
"your opinion on the subjectiveness is subjective, 'kay?"
you pinch the bridge of your nose. "jacob-"
"'jacob'?" he whines. "that's never good."
"-it's not even about your stupid, rash decisions. i'm your partner for this case. you can't just- just go off without me. we work together, you know that. storming into an active crime scene - mind you, with armed shooters-"
"well, if they're shooter, aren't they already armed?"
you give him a look (the millionth one that day). "jake, i am not kidding. and honestly, you shouldn't be either. this whole," you vaugely gesture to him, "childish personality was cute at first, but i'm getting real damn sick of it. grow. up. everyone already has. it's your turn," you jab him in the chest with your finger, jaw clenched.
"okay, wait, so it's not hot?" he calls to you as you storm out. he wasn't really expecting an answer, but jake was disappointed anyways.
you do your best to avoid him the rest of the week, and yes, the silent treatment is petty, but he needs to know you're being legit about this. otherwise, he'll never get it.
you don't want him to get over-confident and pull crap like that. up until now, someone's always had his back.
but what if one day, they just don't?
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"mm, i'm thinking there's a little trouble in paradise," gina says, pointing at you, then jake from across the bar.
another case had just been solved, and it was a big one. and who doesn't like to get shit-faced drunk?
not many people, actually.
and, hey, maybe this is what you need. a chance to loosen up, and just for once, not think about that fight.
a chance to loosen up by sulking alone is what you mean, not gina prodding you about your relationship problems.
"okay, well, you go take that big brain of yours and think somewhere else."
"or - and hear me out - you tell me what's going on. i think we should go with the latter."
you sigh, is there any way you're getting out of this? you peer over her shoulder, trying to find amy.
"it's no use, my friend," she says, "we are offically on drink three amy."
"aw, man." from past experience, third drink amy was not helpful amy. you think you like helpful amy better.
much, much better.
especially now.
"now, spilll."
"ugh, fine," you say, as you down another two shots. if you're gonna talk about this, you're gonna need some background help.
"ooh, and she's going down from there," gina whispers.
"jake was being stupid, i got mad at jake for being stupid, jake is mad at me - because, and get this, he thinks i'm the stupid one!" you scoff, "i mean, come on! like, sorry i saved your ass, my bad. won't happen again!"
when you look over at him, he's talking with terry. completely unaffected! it's like, how dare he.
"oh, my god. gina, do you see that? look. at. him." he's laughing with terry and charles, as if nothing ever happened. you did not spend an entire week being petty for nothing.
you grind your teeth and turn back to the bar.
"i'll be honest with you, i have a feeling he doesn't realize you're mad at him."
"i've been avoiding him... all week."
"uh, you might have to step up your game."
"or don't do that," rosa says from beside you, making you jump.
"when did you even get here?" you splutter.
"i'm a good cop."
"or just a really scary ninja," you mutter.
gina tilts her head, "yeah, but if you're over here, who's watching amy?"
rosa blinks, "jake, i guess."
you've never almost snapped your neck that hard. you narrow your eyebrows, "four drink amy."
"is she..." gina pauses, "dirty-talking him?"
"she's drunk," rosa reminds you, to which you nod. "yeah, duh, of course. i can see that. um, very well."
gina cackles, "now, it's how jake responds - that's what matters."
"this is the saddest thing thing i've seen all day."
you shoo her, not looking her direction, "shhh, rosie." she swats your hand away, but you're too busy to notice.
"y/n, he's literally getting her water."
"damn him for being such a gentleman," you mutter.
"jake? gentleman? isn't his sense of humor literally just poop jokes?" you ignore gina's remark too.
you watch charles gently guide amy to a booth in the back, and then your attention is back on jake.
jake and the hot blonde beside him.
gina nods, "and the plot thickens."
"god," you scowl, "look at her with her prada. i hate rich people."
diaz snorts, "think you might be projecting there?"
"definitely," you tell her.
"it looks like small talk, y/n."
"who's side you on, diaz?"
she puts her hands up in mock surrender. "no one's. i'm just doing you a favor by not feeding into your delusions."
"where's sober amy when you need her?" you groan.
"what would you need her for?"
"lip-reading, duh."
"...right," rosa blinks.
you whine, "holdling grudges are so hard."
"they really aren't," diaz shrugs.
"why can't he just be not dumb? do you know how much easier that would make my life. hint: much, much, easier. like, scale out of to ten; 12, easier."
"terry has a wife, right?"
"is that rhetorical? or are you really asking? because he never shuts up about his wife and kids."
"do you think-" you start.
"that he could help you figure out what's happening between the two of you?" a deeper voice says.
"god!" you exclaim, "you guys just come out of nowhere!"
"well, terry would love to help you."
"okay, first, i was gonna say 'help me by talking sense into him', not have a couple's counseling."
"i think you should talk to him," terry says.
"no, no, you should talk to him. he totally started this."
"what happened?"
you frown, "n-"
"nothing is not a valid answer. because, trust me, everyone at the precinct know it's something."
"everyone?" you squeak.
"everyone," he confirms.
"i second that," rosa adds, "you guys are normally on top of each other."
"...yeah," gina winces, recalling the storage room incident.
"you really think i should just talk to him?"
"i do."
you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, debating this. "i just... i feel like if i talk to him... he'll automatically think i'm okay with it. like i'm letting it go or something."
terry gives you one of those looks, "maybe that's why you should talk to him."
you pause for a moment longer, before deciding he's right.
ignoring him has done nothing, which is the opposite of what you're intent was. you want everything to be okay again, so maybe the silent treatment isn't the right thing.
you have to try somthing else.
and, by the looks of it, it's talking to him.
you slid off the barstool, playing with the end of your hair as you approach him.
maybe if you'd gotten up a little earlier, as his girlfriend, that stupid blonde wouldn't think it was okay to shamelessly flirt with him. you raise an eyebrow as she rest a hand on his bicep, and he does nothing to stop her.
does he not realize she's clearly feeling him up?
you turn back to your small group of friend, giving them a look that says "what now?".
before any of them can respond, someone taps your shoulder. "jesus! what's with scaring the shit out of me today?"
you except it to be hitchcock or scully so you can let some hot air out by screaming at them. it is not in fact either of those to.
standing in front of you is the literal definition of tall, dark, and handsome. "i'm a good cop!" you blurt.
"sorry if i startled you," oh god, he's british too.
if you weren't dating jake, you'd be all over this guy. but honestly, he doesn't hold a candle to your boyfriend.
but... does he know that?
you put on a polite smile as you shake your head. "no, i'm all good."
"cool, then," he remarks, leaning against the slab of the bar. okay, okay, slick. "one kamikaze, please." the man turns to look at you, "mind if i get you something?"
"sure," you brush a strand of hair behind your ear. "i'll have..." you scrunch up your nose, "the same thing."
"it's a margarita. just vodka instead."
"pft, i knew that."
he laughs, and it feels so... practiced. like he's done it a thousand times before, nothing but for stage presence. your eyes flit over him, and by his watch, you can tell that just might be the case.
"vincent, by the way." man, rich person name too.
"y/n," you say, shaking his hand. "nice to meet you."
"wow, pretty name for a pretty girl."
you pretend to giggle, squeezing his arm gently. how cliched was that line?
"you're so sweet." you can see jake seething at vincent, and you give him nothing but a petty look.
his attention is clearly not on the girl anymore, and it's just the way you like it.
you decide to indulge in this further, "where you from, pretty boy?" wait, was that too much? too late.
he chuckles, "london, sweets."
"oh, wow. what're you doing all the way over here?"
"ah, just work things."
"really? what's your job?"
"v.p. for a finance company. you?"
"nypd," you say.
you blink, "why?"
"i just- well, you don't see too many female cops. it's more of a... male-dominated thing, you know? and for good reason, i bet," he laughs like it's this insanely funny thing, and you follow along.
"hey, baby," jake comes up beside you, arm around your waist.
"oh, so now i'm 'baby'."
vincent looks from you to him, then back at you.
"you've always been 'baby'!"
"have i? because you looked like you forgot that, over with that blondie."
"are you serious? i wasn't even-"
"great," vincent mutters.
"she's was flirting with you!"
"she really wasn't!"
you give him a look. "okay, so maybe she was, but i swear i didn't know. like, she asked me about that dimond heist! and it's the coolest story to tell!"
"c'mon, you really didn't know? you always know!"
"what's that supposed to mean?"
"it means you can't keep it in your pants and, for some reason, you're proud of it!"
"what about you? you, and i know for a fact, were all giggly with this guy!"
"i think i'll be heading out-"
"don't you dare even move, vinny."
"seriously? vinny?" jake scoffs.
"and i was only over here because i thought you were flirting with her!"
"so it's some stupid, petty, misunderstanding?"
"stupid? oh-ho, you want stupid, jakey? what's stupid is trying to take on an armed criminal while unarmed."
"god, this again? i told you i had it!"
"guys!" you call to rosa and boyle, "enlighten us - him - did jake really 'have it'?"
neither of them respond. in fact, charles finds the rim of his shot glass very interesting.
"that's what i thought," you say, finishing your shot and slamming it down.
you march right out, and it's not until you make it out that you realize you rallied the attention of everyone in there.
a part of you feels really stupid, but another part is just mad. why doesn't he get that his actions have consequences?
you quickly wipe away your tears.
"go away. i'm going home," you rummage through your purse for keys. you may have forgotten that you drove here.
"no, you're not. you're intoxinated."
"fuck off."
"it would've been so much cooler if you said 'fuck you'."
"wh- oh, my god."
"sorry, sorry! look, you're right. i didn't want to admit it before, but you are."
"because of your hero complex?"
"i don't- oh."
"yeah," you sniff.
"hey," he says, pulling you in for a hug. he smells like jake, like home. not your house, your home. resting his chin on the top of your head, you're tucked into his neck. "i didn't even know she was f-"
"jake, it's not about her. you know that."
he sighs, "i just don't get it. i mean, it's my job. and my job is dangerous."
"yeah, and you're right. the hostage thing was dangerous, but it didn't have to be that dangerous. if you would've given me just two minutes, i would've been there. i could've helped. you didn't need to do all that."
"what if in that two minutes, they hurt someone?"
"they were so obviously busy. they wouldn't have done anything. they were... dumb. and you just wanted to make your 'cool enterance'."
"okay, yeah, that was part of the reason. but i needed you to trust me."
"and i needed you to keep me in the loop. you just went, i mean, i didn't even find out until you were there."
"alright, i'm sorry. but i'm okay. i'll always be, right? because i've got you," he pauses, "that was cute, right?"
you pull away, "i might not always be there. you got lucky! jake, you... you could've died." your voice breaks, and you don't do anything to conceal it.
"aww, hey," he coos, bringing you back in. "i'm... i'm sorry. seriously, i really am. i didn't know you were worried about that. i thought you were just mad at me for keeping you... in the dark, a little."
"of course i was worried, jakey. you're my boyfriend, and i love you. i don't- i don't know what i'd do if you died out there. so, maybe in hindsight, dating my co-worker wasn't a good a idea."
"i'll be more careful from now on, i promise. it won't happen again," jake finishes, kissing your forehead. "and i love you too."
"okay," you sigh, content.
"does this mean we can have hot, angsty make-up sex?"
"why would it be angsty?"
"is that a no?"
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ask to be added to the jake peralta tag-list!
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boldlyvoid · 1 year
Bigger than the Whole Sky | Part two: from Neverland to Wonderland
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18+ Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Summary: she went from dreaming about a life where she was a mom and she's loved and appreciated for who she is... to actually being appreciated, being really, truly loved and a mom of not just the baby Aaron has helped her make, but Jack as well.
Warnings: canon typical violence, description of a case including torture, starvation and murder, Aaron gets shot in the arm, hostage situation, knife tw, needle tw. step-mom reader, dad hotch, Day dates with Jack.
(18+) multiple smut scenes, Shower sex, dirty talk, breeding kink, creampies, pregnancy tests, high emotions, anxiety attacks, crying
word count: 10.4k
Fic Masterlist
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Everyone is already waiting on the plane when Aaron and Y/N finally arrive, they quickly hand their bags to the attendant and board the jet while trying to act like they weren’t madly in love with each other. 
“Don’t you look nice,” JJ catches it first, noticing Hotch is in a tux instead of his normal suit and Y/N’s in a stunning light blue dress. 
“Thanks,” she quickly brushes it off and takes the seat across from JJ, closer to the window while Hotch takes the aisle spot right beside Y/N. “We were celebrating my divorce being finalized.” 
“Oh, congrats,” Derek reaches over to give her a high five. “What’s it like to be a free woman again?” 
She just sighs as she relaxes back into her chair, “I wouldn’t know we barely got 3 bites into our dinner when the call came in.” 
“Sorry to ruin your date…” Reid teases from his seat. 
“It’s okay, we’ll have more, “Y/N can’t help but smirk. 
“Wait…” JJ’s eyes gleamed, “you’re not together, are you?” 
Aaron and Y/N stare at each other with similar smirks, “I don’t know, are we?” She asks. She knew they shared a wonderful kiss and they both admitted to loving the other, but they never got that far. 
Aaron just nods, reaching out to hold her hand over the armrest. “We weren’t going to tell you but—
“Leave it to the room of profilers to know everything,” Y/N teases. 
“We can keep it a secret,” Derek announces, knowing the other two would agree.
“Keep what a secret?” Penelope makes herself known on the little jet TV.
Y/N simply lifts her hand up, bringing Aaron's hand up with her own. “us.” 
“Oh, my god?” Penny can’t believe it. “I knew this was going to happen, but holy crap-ola!” 
“At first it was just nice having a friend and pissing Peter off but… but now I can’t imagine a life without being this close to Aaron,” she shares, unable to wipe the smile off her face. 
“How are we going to make this work?” JJ is the one to ask the serious question. “We can’t have our emotions compromised on the job… we worked 1 case with Will and I was a complete mess, how are you going to handle it?”
“Uh… well, I was thinking Y/N could report to Derek and when it comes to making decisions in the field I’ll take orders from him if she’s compromised,” Aaron admits. “If we file our fraternization paperwork, that’s what Cruz would have us do anyway.” 
“I’m fine with that,” Derek doesn’t mind taking on that responsibility. “But you’ve gotta listen, I’m not going to be able to hold you back like I did with scrappy little Jenny from the block, over here.” 
“Hey, I’m scrappy 'cause you taught me how to fight,” JJ reminds him. 
“You’ve always been scrappy,” Spencer teases.
“Excuse me,” the pilot announces from the doorway of the cockpit. “We’ll be taking off shortly, do we have everyone?” 
“We do, thank you,” Aaron confirms, giving them the go-ahead for takeoff. 
“Speaking of, are we ever going to hire someone new? It was nice having Emily back for that one case a few months back, but, we need someone.” Derek asks, “And I’m still fine taking over for Dave now that he’s gone… but we need someone to take my spot and Emily’s.” 
“I know,” Aaron sighs. “I’ve been looking over applications, no one seems right, yet.” 
“I have to agree… I’ve been stalking the applicants,” Penelope admits. “We need to persuade Emily to come home for good.” 
“I’ve been trying,” JJ rolls her eyes. “But she loves Interpol, she’s having the time of her life travelling the world. This week she was in Egypt catching—” 
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we have another abduction,” Penelope announces. “I think we should switch to talking about our case…” 
“Agreed,” Aaron says, letting go of Y/N’s hand and reaching for the files.
The case is an interesting one. 
Small, blonde women between the ages of 19 and 23 are being abducted, and held for 2 to 3 days, only to be dumped at Reaves Park in Norman, Oklahoma when they succumb to their injuries. They’re not sexually assaulted, however, they are brutally beaten, starved and dehydrated before being stuffed into cardboard boxes and left in the park. They’re found in common areas, the footpath, the playground, and even the softball diamond. Clearly on display but still discarded like trash.
It takes them a few days and one more murdered woman to figure out what’s happening, and when they do, they discover it’s a female unsub. It’s rare, but not a surprise when there’s no sexual aspect. She’s seeking revenge for all the time someone “prettier” and “skinnier” than she was picked over her in her life. She’s suffering from severe psychosis, she believes by torturing them like this she’ll feel better but the more she does it, the harder it is to stop.  
Putting them in boxes was the way Reid came to figure it all out. The boxes have serial numbers on the bottom flaps which Penelope traced back to an Amazon shipping warehouse in Stillwater, Oklahoma. The serial numbers on the boxes they have recovered all belong to a set of 20 which were bought and sold to a woman named Sarah Freeman and shipped to a P.O. Box also in her name. 
Sarah Freeman is the name of a woman who went to Oklahoma state university in 1998. Sarah was president of Cappa Delta Chi, one of the many sororities on campus. Not only was she in charge of the existing sorority members, she was also in charge of the pledges. Pledges are like nominees, they’ve applied to join the sorority but they’re only approved after a month of hazing. Hazing is just a term for the physical and psychological abuse each pledge is put through until only the strongest girls are left. Hazing is hard to go through, it’s even harder for the ones labelled as ugly ducklings… the girls who are bigger than a size 2, are typically non-white and anything but blonde. 
They interviewed Sarah, finding out that they not only starved their pledges for weeks because they weren’t a size 2… they made one specific pledge in ‘98 try, time and time again, to fit into a cardboard box without breaking the tape seams or ripping the cardboard to prove she was worthy. They made her do it at parties, in front of the fraternity brothers, and the other pledges, and they even made her sleep on top of a pile of broken boxes that she couldn’t fit into. 
Hence, why she now puts these women in boxes. Their final resting spot is one of complete humility, as well as a symbol of how she felt: sick and tired of trying to fit into society's idea of a perfect woman. 
This woman’s name was Nina Coleman. She’s their unsub. 
The only problem is that Nina Coleman hasn’t been seen by anyone in years. Her parents are dead, she doesn’t have siblings and her credit history seemingly stopped in 2003… then Penelope decided to run the name Sarah Freeman again, finding that there are 2 women with that name in Oklahoma. One who they interviewed, and is currently in police custody for her own safety and another, living in a run-down farmhouse just outside of Cleveland County. 
All 5 of them get suited up in their bulletproof vests and split up into 2 groups, Reid, JJ and Hotch are together in one and Y/N is partnered with Derek. It’s nerve-wracking, as every case is, but this feels even scarier than it should. She trusts her team immensely… it’s just hard watching Aaron enter the creepy farmhouse knowing that she’s taking the barn with Derek. She wants to protect him but she knows it’s smarter this way. 
Over the radio, Hotch announces that they’re inside, the first floor is clear and taking the basement. Derek says they’re still outside the barn, the perimeter is clear so they’re going in. She covers Derek's six, watching behind them in case the unsub is laying in wake and watching their every move. Derek kicks the barn door in, he checks both directions, “clear,” he whispers to Y/N. “I’ll go left, you go right, we’ll meet in the back?” 
“Got it,” she agrees, holding her gun and flashlight, she’s hyper vigilante of everything going on. She tiptoes around hay piles, she sees bloody footprints on the floor and she’s startled by a scarecrow hung on the wall with a metal stake… it’s so fucked up. 
In the distance, outside the barn and near the house, she hears 3 very familiar sounds. 
“Derek?” She calls out to him, “Did you hear that??” 
“Yeah!” He says, racing her to the barn door and back to the farmhouse. “HOtch!” He calls into the radio. “JJ? Reid!?” 
They race to the house, through the kicked-in door and right down to the basement. JJ is on the floor, a bullet has grazed her leg, Hotch is bleeding from his arm and pinned up against the wall of the basement, knife to his throat and 2 guns by his feet… Reid, stands with his gun locked on the unsub, quietly trying to calm her, but it’s not working. 
She’s huge. Taller than Hotch, nothing but muscle and hatred, you can’t even really see him where he’s trapped. She’s so much more than they expected.
Both Y/N and Derek have their sights locked on her, slowly making their way down the last few steps, Y/N steps over JJ while Derek leans down to try and help her. One hand aims his gun, and the other works at getting his belt off so JJ can make a tourniquet and stop the bleeding. 
“Nina, Nina, please, we’re just here to make sure you’re okay!” Reid tries. 
“Sarah!” Y/N steps in, “You’re Sarah Freeman, we know that… Sarah, we just came because your sisters are worried about you. You never RSVP’d to the Cappa Delta Chi reunion newsletter and they thought maybe you were hurt.” 
Nina turns then, still holding the knife to Hotch but her face drops. She is full of concern and bewilderment at the same time, “they want me to come?” 
“Of course they do? You’re a former president, aren’t you, Sarah? You’re a legacy now, of course, they want you to come,” Y/N keeps her voice low and soft, she even lowers her gun and holsters it. “Can you let go of my friend Aaron?”
“But— but they called me Nina?” She says, gripping him tighter. 
“They were just confused, they thought Nina was going to hurt you, Sarah… Nina’s been hurting beautiful women just like you and that’s why everyone was worried, they thought Nina finally got the prettiest girl in all of Oklahoma,” she lies again, hoping to god that complying with ‘Sarah’s’ delusions would help them. 
“Oh,” she understands, dropping the knife she starts to back away from Aaron. “You think I’m pretty?” 
“So beautiful,” Y/N agrees, looking to Reid who agrees, even Aaron does. “See? Everyone here is just here to keep you safe… now, I actually spoiled the surprise, I feel so bad but… would you let us blindfold you and tie your hands behind your back so you can’t take it off, and we can take you to your surprise party at Cappa Delta Chi?” 
She nods like a child, giddy with joy. She puts her own hands behind her back and closes her eyes. Hotch reaches into his pockets for the cuffs and puts them on her pretty tight and then rips a part of his already torn sleeve off, using it to blindfold her. Once they get the cuffs on her, Derek radios for their backup to come down and then radios for an ambulance. 
“These nice friends of ours are going to escort you there, you’re going to have a police escort to the party,” Y/N continues to lie to her. 
They get her up the stairs and they pass her off to the local police just as the ambulance is rolling in. Y/N stops one of the EMTs, letting the other go down to JJ. “You’re going to have to sedate her,” she points to the unsub. “Once she knows she’s not going to a party she’s going to go crazy and she can overpower all of you.” 
“Got it,” the EMT says, heading back to the ambulance they get a vial of something and draw it into a needle. He follows Y/N to the ambulance and waits for the signal to inject her. 
“Sarah? It’s me, Y/N, you did so good getting into the car,” she points at the EMT and he jabs her. 
“What?! What are you— what… are…” and then she slumps forward. 
“There we go,” Y/N smiles, proud of herself. She closes the door and then taps the roof. “you’re good to take her to the station. Make sure they know she’s suffering from delusions and have a doctor present when they read her her rights.” 
The cops all nod, heading off while the other EMT races back into the house and down to JJ and Hotch. She runs then too, almost forgetting that Aaron was bleeding, she was so concerned with getting Nina away from him and now that she’s gone, she can freak out a little. 
Downstairs, Derek and Spencer are checking out the unsubs lair… it’s a lot creepier than they suspected. She took photos of everything, developed them herself and hung them on the walls. During the 3 days she had each woman, she’d make them get into different boxes. Some metal, some extra small… one that even resembles the chokey from Matilda. It’s horrific. But she’s been stopped. That’s all they can ever hope for. 
JJ gets help up the stairs and Hotch is just sitting on the bottom step, holding some bloody gauze to his arm, he’s going to probably need stitches when they get to the hospital. “Hey,” she makes her presence known as she sits beside him. “Are you okay?” 
“I think so?” He shrugs, not having a chance to look at himself… even when he’s covered in blood and his shirt is ripped up, he’s still the most handsome man in the world. 
She carefully lifts his chin to get a look at his neck, he has a couple small cuts from the blade and his arm is still bleeding. “Lift this up for me,” she says, taking his left hand and helping him lift his arm, “I don’t want you to bleed anymore, this will make it coagulate at the wound.” 
“Thanks, nurse,” Aaron teases her. “But really, you did an amazing job.” 
“Thank you… I knew she was delusional and she’s been living in a fantasy where she’s been making these pledges suffer, celebrating her was the only way she’d leave calmly,” Y/N explains with a shrug. “I really just wanted to make sure you were safe.” 
“I’m fine,” Aaron assures her, still holding his arm in the air. “I’m always coming home with you, remember?” 
She nods, “And me with you.” 
They get right on the plane after the case is wrapped, JJ wants to be home and not in a hotel room with her stitched-up leg and Aaron feels the same with his arm. Turns out, he wasn’t cut with the knife, a bullet grazed his arm as he pushed JJ down to the ground. Protecting JJ is what enraged the unsub and cause her to pin him to the wall… he was protecting a skinny, beautiful, blonde woman. Of course, it triggered her. 
She sits on Aaron's right side on the plane, she leans into his personal space and rests her head on his shoulder for most of the flight, she holds his hand too. She just wants to be close to him and never let him go. So when they land in the middle of the night, she makes him come home with her. 
She drives his SUV because he’s tired from the blood loss and the case in general. He’s pretty adorable when he’s this tired too. He cracks little jokes, tells her she’s beautiful and on the walk up to her house, he snuggles into her side only to cover her in kisses once they’re inside. He’s had to hold off on showing her affection for almost a week and he’s done pretending she isn’t the most kissable person in the world. 
“Okay, okay,” she giggles, gently pushing him back. “We have to go to sleep, you haven’t had a real rest in days… tomorrow we can spend the whole day making out, okay?” 
“Just making out?” 
Part of her can’t believe he said that and the other half really hopes he isn’t kidding. She looks up at him curiously, “are you sure you’re ready for that?” 
He nods, “Even if it’s just a few practice rounds… or we could start trying right away, I don’t mind either way.” 
“Is it even safe to get all your blood pumping like that when you have stitches in your arm?” She asks, more concerned about him than anything else. 
He shrugs, “We’ll see in the morning…” 
“Okay,” she smiles, happier than she’s been in a long time. “Come on, let’s get ready for bed.” 
She gets him up the stairs and into her room, she helps him get his shirt off and runs her fingers down his chest to his stomach, taking it all in as she reaches for his belt. “Did you want to have a shower?” 
“Are you offering to help wash me?” Aaron teases. 
She nods, feeling a little shy as the prospect of seeing him naked gets more real. "I can…” 
“Do you want to?” 
“More than you know,” she mumbles, taking in a stuttered breath, she really wants to help. 
“I’ll wash your back if you wash mine?” Aaron teases. 
She takes him into the bathroom, she draws the shower curtain back and starts running the water all while Aaron pushes his dress pants to the floor and steps out of them. He takes a seat on the closed lid of the toilet and starts to pull off his socks while she works on the zipper of her dress to no avail. “Can you help?” She asks, making sure her hair is out of the way and her back is to him. 
“Mhm,” he hums, standing behind her he begins to unzip her dress. His free hand comes around to cup her stomach and once her dress is unzipped, he pushes the fabric to the side and presses a kiss to her back. 
He pulls her in closer and kisses her neck, breathing her in and taking it slow as the room fills with steam. He pushes her straps off her shoulders and lets the dress fall to the floor and the hand that rested on her stomach makes its way up to cup her breast, over her bra. She can feel his excitement as he grinds against her… 
She tilts her head to the side and lets him kiss all the way up to her jaw, taking it all in, she closes her eyes and hums, “You feel so good.” 
“You’re so much softer than I imagined,” he admits. 
“I’ll just get softer after we get clean,” she teases, stepping away from him and turning to face him. “Come on, I can’t waste all this water.” 
She reaches behind her back and unclips her bra, slowly she slips the straps off her shoulders and tosses it to the ground. She watches his eyes drop down to her chest and then widen, “Wow…” 
“Your turn,” she teases, referencing down to the tent in his boxers and trying not to look too excited… 
“I take it you’ve been imagining things too?” He teases as he pushes his boxers down and watches her eyes travel down to his newly exposed skin. 
She just nods, “Uh-huh…” 
“Come on,” he steps closer to her, placing his hands on her hips and toying with the hem of her underwear, “what did you say about wasting water?” 
“I don’t care, Derek is still technically paying for it,” she quickly explains and lunges for his lips again. 
This kiss is messy and wet, his tongue is so warm against her own. He backs her up until her heels hit the lip of the shower and he catches her so that she doesn’t fall backwards, making them both laugh. He breaks the kiss just to keep kissing down her neck and chest until he’s dropping to his knees and kissing her stomach and feels up her legs. He takes ahold of her panties and pulls them down slowly, instead, covering her in more kisses in place of the fabric. 
He’s up close and personal with her most private area and yet she has no fear for once in her life. He helps her step out of her underwear and then his hands trace back up her legs and he cups her hips. He presses another kiss to her lower stomach, the part where she feels the most insecure most of the time… but not today. 
“You’re so beautiful… so, so beautiful,” he mutters against her skin between kisses. “I can’t wait to get you pregnant and kiss your belly a million more times as you grow our babies.”
She runs her fingers through his hair, pushing it back off his face and making him look up at her with his big brown doe eyes. “Then get up here and show me how a real man loves,” she whispers back. 
She gets him to his feet and into the shower, he sighs at the feeling of the warm water cascading over him. He tilts his head back into the stream, giving her the chance to press gentile kisses to the marks on his neck and trace her hands down his big arms. 
He wraps her up in said arms and spins them around so she has a chance to get wet… as if she wasn’t already. “I only have girly shampoos and stuff,” she says. 
“I don’t care,” he replies with one hell of a smile. “Smelling like you might actually make me sleep better.” 
She doesn’t argue with that, for one because she knows that when she can smell him, either on her clothes or when he’s sleeping next to her, she sleeps ten times better. And for 2… she’s pretty sure he uses the most boring “just for men” shampoo and body wash that this will feel like time at the spa for him. 
They lather each other up between stolen kisses and fits of giggles, getting to touch every inch of each other in such a caring manner is so new to her but she never wants it to become old. So many things with Peter lost their spark, and so many aspects of her life dwindled to darkness that she’s absolutely terrified to overdo it with Aaron. She takes her time, she takes it all in and she lets herself live in the happy moment, never knowing when it’s going to come to an inevitable end. 
He spins her around to wash her back he runs his soapy hands all over her, around to her stomach where he pulls her in close and grinds his cock against her ass. “I can’t take it anymore, you smell so fucking good I could eat you.” 
She giggles, “is it really safe to fuck in the shower?”
“Mhm,” he hums in her ear. His hands drop lower and rest over her pussy. “Do you want to?” 
“Please,” she says with a breath. 
She leans forward, bracing herself with her hands on the shower wall, giving Aaron the leverage to line his cock up with her from behind. He slips into her with a little stretch that makes her moan as she pushes back against him, taking him as deep as she could. 
“Holy fuck, Aaron,” she whines. “Split me in 2, why don’t you?” 
“Not my fault you’re so tight,” he teases. 
“It’s mine… it’s been too long,” she shares, straightening back up so her back is to his chest once again, she looks over her shoulder at him and catches him in a kiss. She reaches back to place her hand on his cheek, she moans into the kiss as he begins to thrust. His hand glides up to her breasts, massaging them gently, he keeps his other hand over her stomach and then he drops it lower. His middle finger slips between her pussy lips and starts to circle her clit, enhancing her pleasure tenfold. 
The sound of their wet skin clapping fills the room, she breaks the kiss to lean her head back on his shoulder, still holding his cheek in her hand when he goes back to kissing her neck. “you’re taking me so well, baby.” 
“Aaron,” she moans again, “I’m so close already…” 
“That’s okay to let go, baby,” he encourages her. 
Her nipples harden at the sound of his voice, he doesn’t miss a beat as he pinches and tweaks her pretty peeks. His tongue drags along her neck, up to her ear where he nibbles, he groans, feeling her flutter and tighten around him. “Finish with me.” He says it more as an order than a question. He wants to feel her finish as he pumps her full.
Her legs start to quake as her orgasm builds, he keeps her steady, holding her flush against his body with his large hand on her stomach. She feels the rush of pleasure course through her veins, she can’t help moaning out his name surrounded by obscenities, they echo around the room. Her orgasm washes over her just as he stills inside of her with a moan of his own. 
Lazily kissing her neck, his breathing is heavy but he can’t help himself from saying: “I love you, I love you so much, Y/N.” 
“I love you,” she’s able to reply, equally fucked out and spacey. Her eyes feel heavy, and her limbs feel weak. “Oh, my god…” 
“I know,” he mumbles against her, still covering her exposed skin in kisses. “And there’s more where that came from.” 
When she wakes up the next morning, she’s in her bedroom surrounded by sunlight and the feeling of Aaron beside her. His arm is draped over her stomach and the feeling of his breath on the back of her neck. He’s been tucked in behind her all night now, it’s her favourite way to sleep, feeling so calm and peaceful in his big strong arms. 
All of her, all of him, intertwined. The golden daylight shines down upon them like magic. A fresh page of a brand new fairytale, one that doesn’t know darkness, one that only knows love and happiness and peace. Forever and Always.
She snuggles back into her pillow and shuffles back into him more so that he tightens his grip on her. He presses a sleepy kiss to her shoulder and squeezes her tighter just like she wanted him to. “Morning,” she speaks softly, still groggy with sleep. 
“Morning,” he whispers into her ear before pressing another kiss behind it. “How’d you sleep?” 
“Better than I have in months,” she admits. “That’s a lie, I slept okay all this week in that hotel with you.” 
“Yeah, but in that hotel I couldn’t just slip into you,” he teases.
She shakes her head with a smile, teasingly, she asks, “Why didn’t you tell me before you’re so into doggy—
“I’m not,” he starts to laugh. “I’m just always behind you lately.” 
“Okay, then,” she turns around in his arms so she could face him. She hikes her leg over his hip and he rolls onto his back, bringing her on top of him. 
His hands roam her naked back all the way down to her butt where he grips her tight and smirks up at her, “You wanna try again?” 
She nods, “if it’s always as good as it was last night… I hope it takes a little while to get knocked up,” she laughs. 
“It won’t take that long,” he’s sure of it. “And if you’re this horny now… you’re going to be even more insatiable when you’re pregnant.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
He nods, “oh yeah… not to go all Reid on you but with twice the amount of blood coursing through your body, you’re going to be the most sensitive girl in the world for 9 months.” 
“Mmm, that sounds fun,” she says with a wiggle of her hips. She lifts herself so she can reposition his hardened cock against her core and grind on him. 
He tosses his head back against his pillow with a smile, “god, I love you.” 
“I love you,” she smiles. Leaning in, she kisses his jaw and all the way up to his ear. With his hands on her hips, he helps her find a good rhythm. 
She covers him in kisses, and she sucks on his neck just gently enough to get him going but not hard enough to leave a mark. They only have 1 day off, there isn’t enough time to let any hickies heal before they have to see their friends and co-workers again… when they get a little more time, however, she’s probably going to be the one covered in little marks. Small reminders of how much he loves her and advertisements of who she belongs to. 
It doesn’t take much for them to get all hot and heavy. She lifts her hips just enough for him to position himself at her entrance and she slips down onto him easily. He squeezes her hips harder, little bruises in the shape of his fingerprints will surely show in a day or two, as he helps her ride him. He draws her lips closer, kissing her for real, this time. She moans into the kiss, rolling her hips to keep riding him… but her rhythm is off, she’s too into kissing him to do two things at once. 
He wraps his arms around her back and cradles her body as he rolls them over. He breaks the kiss just to look between them, he grips his cock and the base and taps her clit with his swollen head, “fuck,” she whispers. 
“Yeah?” He teases, rubbing his cock over her clit again, coating himself in her wetness. “You know, it’s easier to get knocked up if you’ve orgasmed already…” 
He kisses her lips one last time, he shuffles down the bed, he grips her tits, pushing them together and kisses her right nipple, then the left and then he lets them go, gravity separates them enough for him to kiss the centre of her chest and down her stomach until he’s laying between her legs. She’s dreamed about this moment, the way he’d look up at her with greedy, lust-blown eyes just as he licks at her cunt. And he does just that, only it’s 10x better than she ever expected. 
She reaches out to brush his hair off his forehead and grips it as best as she can at this length. It’s been far too long since anyone, including her, has focused on her own pleasure. Sure, she came last night in the shower but that was a mutual gratification. He’s currently just doing this for her. For the benefits it’ll bring her body. And fuck, is it ever good. He slips two fingers inside as his tongue toys with her clit, she moans in response, tossing her head back, “Aaron…” 
Her free hand comes up to grip her breast, she needs something to hold, she feels like her soul is going to leap from her body if she doesn’t writhe and grind up against him. She moves with the waves of pleasure that cascade over her, drowning in love, she feels so overwhelmed as her orgasm hits and floods her shores. 
“Aaron,” she whines. “Aaron, please…” 
He kisses up her body again, his lips glistening as he licks them, “yes?” He teases. “What do you need, my love, tell me.” 
“Fuck me, please, put a baby in me, Aaron,” she begs, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his hips. “Please?” 
“Good girl,” he praises, guiding his cock into her, he hisses with how sensitive he is as he pushes inside. “shit… I could live here— quit my fuckin’ job and make love to you all day long.” 
“Okay,” she doesn’t fight it, it actually sounds like a dream getting to stay in this feeling for life. 
He grabs the pillow from his side of the bed, “lift for me, baby?” He asks, shoving the pillow under her hips as soon as there is enough room to do so. 
He gets her at a new angle and situates himself on his knees so he can fuck her with a bit more power. Her arms slip away from his shoulders, and she traces down his arms until they reach the bed where she grips her sheets. He grips her hips, holding her steady as he does so, watching her arch her hips and toss her head back at the new waves of pleasure. She spreads her legs a little wider, feeling him as deep as humanly possible inside of her. He grips the inside of her thigh and squeezes the plush of her delicious thighs. 
“Aaron,” she repeats his name again, “I need… holy fuck, Aaron…” 
“Use your words,” he teases, enjoying how far gone she is from his touch. 
“My clit, I need… I need more, st-stim-stimulation,” she struggles to speak through the pleasure. “Please?” 
He’s quick to bring his forefingers to her clit in a circular motion, “There you go.” 
“Thank—thank you, oh my god,” she whines again. Her grip tightens on her sheets, she wishes she could hold onto him but he’s too far away right now. 
As if he can read her mind, he leans in closer, capturing her mouth in a sloppy kiss and her arms go right around him. She grips onto his back, dragging her nails over his skin, making him groan into the kiss. She can tell he’s close by the way his rhythm changes, he thrusts faster but offbeat. The hand on her thigh goes up to her knee pit, pushing her leg up against her chest he’s basically got her folded in half as he fucks her deeper than ever before. 
Her second orgasm hits her like a truck, out of nowhere she feels it rip through her, all she can do is toss her head back, mouth open in a silent moan as her body quakes. As much as he tries to hold back, wanting it to last forever, he succumbs to the feeling of her fluttering around him once more. He drops his weight onto her, he wraps one arm around her waist and ruts into her until he reaches his finish. His other hand comes up to cup her face in a deep kiss as he reaches his high, he stills deep inside her, filling her up. She feels every drop. And it’s everything she ever wanted. 
She giggles as she comes down, laughing against his lips and making him smile. “What?” 
“You fucked me silly,” she teases him. She wraps her legs around him again, holding him there. 
“Thanks,” he smirks. “you gonna let me go get cleaned up, or?” 
She shakes her head, “Uh-uh, stay here. Keep it all in there.” 
“You’re a freak,” he teases her. “Seriously?” 
She just nods with a smile, “says the man who just put me in a mating press.” 
“Hey…” he can’t even think of a comeback because he did just do that. 
“And last night you said you want to get me pregnant so you can keep kissing my big, round tummy… you have a breeding kink, Hotchner,” she profiles him. “How could you not tell me?” 
He shrugs, “I didn’t realize that’s what it was until now.” 
“So you didn’t fall in love with me just cause you knew you could keep me big and pregnant for the next few years?” 
His eyes roll back with a groan, “okay don’t say that I’m going to get hard again.” 
“Good,” she teases. “Fuck me like that again and I’ll be pregnant in no time.” 
“Okay,” he doesn’t need to be asked twice.
When they’re really done and cleaned up again, Aaron slips out of the room to give Jess a call. 
She hates the thought of him leaving but he does have a son and a place of his own to get back to. They were going to talk it all out before this last case, but that got cut short. So now, she sits in her room all alone, half-dressed, wondering what it’s going to be like when everything changes again. 
At some point, she’s not just going to be Aaron's girlfriend and co-worker. She’s going to be his co-parent. The mother to his new baby and a helping hand with his original child. She knows just how much he loves Jack and she can’t wait to see up close and personal the way he is as a dad, to get a taste of what he’s going to be like with their children, too. 
He gives her a kiss once he comes back in, “you okay?” 
“Yeah, just thinking,” she gives him a small smile. “How’s Jack?” 
“Good… he convinced Jess to take him to the museum today, so he’s been having the time of his life, he didn’t even think to ask if I was home yet,” Aaron shares with a smile. “He’s really getting into Indiana Jones right now, he’s moved from one George Lucas franchise to the next.”
“Oh, I remember when I wanted to be an archeologist, those were the good old days,” she can’t wait to talk to him about it. She too, loved those movies and not just because young Harrison Ford is hot… 
“Do you want to come out to dinner with me and Jack, later?” Aaron asks. “We don’t have to tell him anything, yet.” 
She nods, “Yeah, I’d love that… he’s not going to think it’s weird that you brought someone from work out—
“Dave and Spencer are at my house all the time, Jack's best friend is Henry… he’s very used to having my work friends around,” Aaron shares, calming her nerves. “And the more he gets to know you, the easier it’ll be when we tell him what’s going on.” 
“What is going on?” She asks, her voice so tiny and cautious. “Are we just dating? Did you ever want to get married again? Are you going to be okay if I stop working to just be a mom for a few years?”
“Y/N,” he walks over and cups her face in his hands, he kisses the tip of her nose and stares into her eyes. “I love you, I want you in whatever capacity you want to share yourself with me and I want us to be a family. You, me, Jack and the baby we’re working on.” 
She smiles, “I want to be a family with you, too… I just don’t think I can live through another heartbreak, so—
“I’m never leaving you, I’m like a scar that won’t ever fade. I’m going to stay here, attached to you, for the rest of your life,” Aaron says, he brings her in for another kiss and holds her there, breathing her in and sealing the promise. 
They go at it once more before they have to leave to meet up with Jack and Jess. They agree on a local place, Jess isn’t going to stay for the meal, she has a date of her own to get to so she just drops Jack off with them, she shakes Y/N’s hand and makes her acquaintance and then she's gone. 
“How was your day, buddy?” Aaron asks, hand on his back, he caresses his shirt with his thumb. 
“Really cool, I got to see the new dinosaur exhibit,” Jack says with a big smile plastered to his face… he looks so much like Aaron but more like his mom. Specifically the picture in Aaron's office of her smiling on their wedding day. Their smile is the exact same. 
“I’m so glad you had a good day… have I ever introduced you to my friend Y/N?” Aaron asks, extending an arm to her.
She waves at him, “Hi, Jack.” 
“Hi… are you my dads' new girlfriend?”
“Jack,” Aaron can’t believe he asked that, but then again he’s 10, almost 11. He’s smart too… of course, he would know. 
She nods, “I am. But I work with him too, so we’ve known each other for a while… are you okay with that?” 
He nods, “You can keep him safe from the bad guys.” 
“Yeah, I can,” she stands a little taller and smiles. “I heard this is your favourite place to eat with your aunt, so, can you tell me what’s good?” 
He nods even more enthusiastically this time. “Come on,” he takes her hand and drags her inside the restaurant. 
Inside, they get a booth and Jack sits beside Y/N, across from his dad, who always sits facing the door, watching everyone who comes in and who leaves. She never noticed it before, not until Jack tells her: “Dad says that if there’s ever a bad guy, he’d be the first to see it, so he’d be the first to help.” 
“Your dad is the best at getting bad guys,” she agrees, it’s something she’s always admired about him. 
“You know, Y/N is good at it too, she saved me from an unsub the other day,” Aaron shares. 
“Really?” Jack looks at her all concerned. “What happened.” 
“A crazy lady was keeping girls in boxes and she was like the size of a house… she would’ve snapped your dad like a toothpick but I convinced her she had a surprise party to go to, cause remember, she was crazy, and she willingly went right into police custody,” she shares like its no big deal. 
“Wow,” Jack is blown away. “You’re really cool…” 
“Why, thank you,” Y/N can’t believe he said that. “That means a lot to me.” 
Jack gives her another big smile. “Do you have any kids?” 
She shakes her head, “No… but I want to have some.” 
Jack looks right at his dad, “do you?” 
“Jack, buddy—
“It would be cool if you did,” Jack cuts him off. “We had sex ed last week so I know you need a boy to—
“Jack,” she cuts him off too and reaches out for his hand. “We can talk about it later, but not now, okay?” 
He nods. “okay.” 
Aaron looks at her with eyes that read “I’m sorry” She just smiles and shrugs as if to say it’s fine. Cause it is, she’s not embarrassed or anything. Jack is curious, he’s smart and he’s emotionally mature enough to see that his dad is in love with this new lady… and Henry has been learning about what it’s like to be a big brother. Cause JJ and Will are really trying to expand their family, so much so that she’s started doing IVF. 
Jack and Henry do everything together. They’ve bonded over having 1 workaholic parent and their love of superheroes. They spend their weekends playing and visiting museums and parks… it’s only natural for him to want to be a big brother if Henry is going to be one too. 
After that, they have a seemingly normal and wonderful meal. The food is good, just like Jack promised and their drive home together is pretty quiet. Jack stares out the window, the radio is on low and Aaron holds her hand over the middle console. They stop at a corner store for snacks, Jack has been wanting to rent the latest Marvel movie and so they pick it up too. 
The 3 of them all cuddle up on the couch, Jack sits between them, and Aaron drapes his arm over the back of the seat so he can rub her shoulder every few moments and keep constant contact with her. They blow through their popcorn and candy, Jack stays up for the whole movie because of all the sugar and then he wants to stay there with them. He snuggled into Y/N’s side, tucked under her arm and everything. Aaron’s not surprised… he’s like this with JJ and he was like this with Beth too. He misses his mom and this is the closest thing he gets to having her back, so Aaron lets him stay up. And when he falls asleep, they carry him to bed and tuck him in together. 
She has to wipe a stray tear once they close his bedroom door, overwhelmed with feelings… the biggest one is love. “He’s the sweetest.” 
Aaron pulls her in for a hug, “So are you.” 
“I loved tonight,” she says as she pulls back, she smiles up at him with gleaming eyes. “I loved all day with you, actually.” 
Aaron cups her face in his hands, “I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” 
“Do you want to stay tonight?” He asks, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. 
She nods, “if that’s okay?” 
“It’s perfect… I’ll take the couch, you can have my bed,” he says with a half smile. “It would be weird for him to see us in bed in the morning. He typically tries to crawl in with me when I’m home, I don’t want him to think we’re moving too quickly.” 
“That’s okay,” she doesn’t mind at all. “We can still hang out for a while before bed, though, right?” 
He nods, “Absolutely.”   
She knew in her mind that getting pregnant wasn’t going to happen in an instant. She’s so used to going month after month with negative pregnancy tests and being over 35 and with Aaron in his late 40s… she didn’t think either of them would be able to produce a baby so quickly. But boy, was she wrong. 
During dinner she got a whiff of Jacks mack and Cheese with Dino nuggets and felt sick, the smell of the powdered fake cheese mixed with ketchup made her stomach churn and she had to excuse herself to the bathroom to clutch her chest and wait for the nausea to pass. It was so weird, she didn’t understand what was going on. At first, she suspected that she caught something in their latest case, and then she turned to look in the mirror. 
Her skin was clearer than it ever had been, her hair was shiny, and her boobs were perky as all hell… “Oh my god,” she whispered to herself as her hand traced down her chest to cup her stomach. “Oh, my god?” 
It took everything in her to act normal the rest of the night but Aaron could tell something was up. He offered to let her sleep in his bed once again, he still didn’t want to sleep together around Jack yet. He’s still getting used to the fact his dad has another serious girlfriend. After losing Beth as well, Aaron is not ready to rush things on him. So, she refused his offer, saying she was fine when really she was panicking. The plan was to call Aaron as soon as she got home, instead, she texts him to let him know she made it safely… but she didn’t send that text from home, she sent it from the parking lot of Target.
She needed to go buy and test and cry in her bathroom, alone, no matter the outcome. 
Her period wasn’t late, she didn’t test this month to know her ovulation window and this is nighttime urine. The best time to test would be in the morning, so she grabs 4 tests, a sleeve of red solo cups and a tub of ice cream and she heads home for real this time. 
She kicks off her shoes at the front door, puts the ice cream in her freezer and races to her bathroom upstairs. She tears the package of cups open and a few falls to the floor, she grabs one and immediately pushes her pants down so she could hover over the toilet and pee into said cup… no one ever said finding out if you’re pregnant was pretty.
With a good amount of pee in the cup, she places it on the counter and finishes her business. When she stands again, she reaches for the grocery bag on the counter and takes out the pregnancy test box, reading the back hastily, she tears it open for a test. It’s fairly simple, submerge the test strip in the urine for 30 seconds, wait 3 minutes and then check for two lines. 
So simple… so why is she freaking the fuck out?
She dips the test into the cup, counts 30 Mississippi’s and then sets it on a piece of toilet paper to do its thing. And instead of freaking out the whole time, she goes to her bedroom to strip out of her work clothes and into something comfortable so that the 3 minutes fly by. And they do. 
When she goes back to the bathroom, she does everything but looks at the counter… she’s not ready to be heartbroken again. She crosses her fingers, she takes a deep breath and she looks down at the test. 
At first, she doesn’t see a second line so her heart drops to her stomach, but as she picks it up and turns it towards the light, the second line is there but extremely faded. She can’t believe it. It doesn’t feel real in the slightest and instead of getting her hopes up, she believes it’s a false positive. She thinks maybe she left it in the pee too long or maybe she let it sit too long… maybe something different will happen in the morning? She has no idea but she doesn’t believe she’s pregnant. 
So she goes to bed. She doesn’t sleep. But she lays there, staring up a the ceiling thinking of all the possibilities until tears roll down her cheeks and into her ears. She has never been this close to a positive before. Every single dream she had about her baby was back in her mind, just rewritten with a better man holding their tiny child in his arms. 
Aaron is already such an amazing dad, thinking about him with another little baby is so easy to do. She can imagine lazy Sundays in bed as a family of 4, she can imagine trips to the store for groceries, and dinner somewhere quick like McDonald's, and screaming kids in the playroom trying to get along… she can imagine most of all the way he’d cup her gigantic tummy time and time again as they build a bigger family. She can imagine Jack helping around the house and getting her bottles and diapers from another room. She can imagine him holding the babies in the hospital, introducing his siblings to their new baby brothers or sisters and passing on the torch of older brother. She can imagine all of them in the crowd at Jack's graduation and surrounding him with all the love in the world. Because it’s what he deserves. 
All the dreams that would’ve been, the babies that should’ve been… they’re nothing compared to what she already has with Aaron and Jack. But a new baby wouldn’t hurt. Or a few more after that. 
When she wakes up in the morning, the first thing she does is pee in another cup. She dips the test in it for 30 seconds and leaves it upside down on a piece of toilet paper while she does the rest of her morning routine for the next 3 minutes. She really doesn’t want to stress about it, it’s going to be fine regardless of if she is pregnant or not. At least with Aaron, he’s actually willing to help her try this time and he had all the parts to do so… and boy, did he know how to use them. 
As much as she is excited to possibly be pregnant, she kinda wishes the trying period was longer. Having sex with him was fun. She hasn’t had fun, loving, enjoyable sex in years and the thought of it stopping made her a little sad. 
She heads downstairs to make herself some coffee and toast, her nerves aren’t making her hungry but she knows she has to eat before work. By the time the toast is popping up, her phone alarm is going off to tell her it’s time to check the test. Part of her wants to run up the stairs. The rest of her freezes. She’s really not ready. And she doesn’t want to find out alone. 
So she stops the alarm and she calls Aaron. 
He picks up right away, “are you okay?” 
She wants to start crying right away, her whole body is shot with hormones and feelings, she hasn’t ever felt like this before. “I don’t know,” she manages to say with a quivering voice. “I think I’m pregnant.” 
“Jess just arrived, I can be there in 15 minutes,” he says within seconds. “You’re okay, it’s going to be fine, I promise. I’ll be there as soon as possible— wait, do you have tests? Do you need some? Or anything else?” 
“I already did a test I just can’t look at it without you,” she admits. 
“That’s okay, love, I promise I’ll be there in a minute… do you want me to stay on the phone?” 
“No… no, it’s fine. I’ll see you soon?” 
“Yes, you will. I love you,” he says and she can almost hear the sweet smile in his voice. 
“I love you too,” she says back, hanging up soon thereafter. 
She doesn’t head back upstairs at all, she can’t bring herself to drink her coffee in case she is pregnant and it’s not like she needs it. The nerves alone have woken her up completely and also made her unable to eat anything she’s so anxious she could throw up… or is that from being pregnant? She doesn’t know. 
When he pulls up, she’s standing on the front porch with a cup of coffee for him. “I can’t drink it if I am pregnant.” 
“Actually you can have 1 a day,” he says with a smile, taking it anyway. He wraps one arm around her and pulls her in for a hug. He kisses her head and holds her there for a moment. “It’s going to be okay.” 
“I know, I just needed you,” she says as she pulls away. She reaches for the door and lets them both back inside, locking it behind herself. Even when she’s awake she doesn’t ever leave the door unlocked. She’s been at her job too long to know any difference. 
Aaron follows her up the stairs and into her bedroom, he takes a few sips of coffee and places it on the night table on his side of the bed. He notices she’s not even dressed for work yet, so he sends Penelope a text to let her, and the others, know they’d be late. 
“Are you ready?” He asks, watching her as she stands anxiously in the doorway of her bathroom. 
She nods. “I think so.” 
“Even if it's a negative, we have lots of time,” Aaron reminds her, he places his hand on her back and smiles. “And I’d be more than willing to go to your fertility doctor.” 
He nods, “if we need a little help, there’s no shame in that.” 
“I love you,” she leans into his space and kisses him right on the lips this time. He tastes like coffee and hope… so she’s ready. “Let's go look.” 
“After you,” he says, letting her into the bathroom first. 
She stands at the counter, her hands gripping the linoleum top. She takes a deep breath and flips the test over. 
It’s positive. 
Very clearly and darkly positive. Two lines standing side by side, bright pink and happy to be there. 
“Holy shit,” Aaron is the first to speak. 
She just stares at it with her jaw on the floor… she’s never seen a positive on her own test in her entire life. After almost 80 tests. 8 years. She has a positive. She’s having a baby. 
Aaron’s baby. 
She turns to him with tears welling in her eyes, they slip down her cheeks as she starts to laugh… its absurd. She doesn’t know what else to do as she jumps into his arms and holds him tight. His big hands land on her back, he buries his face in her neck and gives her a few kisses. “We did it.” 
“We did it,” she repeats. “We fucking did it!!” 
They celebrate with a few more kisses and then she turns back to look at the test again. “I need to take a picture of this, I’m going to send it to my mom and maybe even frame it. Holy fuck, I’m pregnant!” 
“You’re so cute,” he reminds her. “God, I love you so much.” 
She can’t stop smiling. She does take a picture of it, she puts it in a plastic bag for safekeeping and slips it into her night side table. She’s so sidetracked, talking a million miles a minute about doctors' appointments and how they should tell their families and the team and so much more, Aaron can’t even keep up. She says everything while walking around the room, looking for something he would help her find but she isn’t talking about it, she’s stuck on the baby. 
“Baby,” he uses her pet name to draw her out of it, he holds her by her shoulders and looks in her eyes. “What are you looking for?” 
“I don't know… I can’t remember? What was I saying?” 
“Something about a baby registry? Honey, we have 9 months. Just get ready, we have to go to work.” 
“Right, sorry,” she’s so out of it. 
“It’s fine,” he doesn’t mind, at all, actually. He thinks it’s cute, he just knows the team will have more questions every minute they’re alone in the office. 
She picks out a pair of dress pants and a white dress shirt with muted blue and pink lines on it… subtle, but it also screams “A baby is coming” and Aaron wonders just how long it’ll take everyone to start placing bets. If they haven’t already. 
He finally gets her already and into his car, he makes sure she didn’t forget anything with everything that’s on her mind already… and then they’re gone. 
“Aaron, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to be normal today,” she admits as they pull up to the building. “I'm so scared to move or jump or do anything in case I miscarry.” 
“I know,” he reaches over and holds her hand. “You can take it easy and we don’t have to tell anyone why and when you start to get uncomfortable being in the field you can switch to desk duty… you can even help me hire your replacement and we need someone to still cover where Derek was before he took over for Dave.” 
“Yeah… yeah that sounds doable,” she agrees, trying to hype herself up. 
This is the furthest she’s ever gotten on the road to becoming a mom and it’s terrifying just how quickly it can be taken from her. She’s older than she thought she’d be when having her first baby but she’ll take it. She’s too excited while also terrified and in love with their baby and him and this whole situation. It’s perfect, no matter how scary it is. It’s perfect. 
“I can’t believe it’s happening,” she admits with tears in her eyes. “We did it.” 
“You’re the one doing it,” he reminds her. “you’re spectacular, you’re going to be a fantastic mom, this is all about you. I’m going to make sure you feel as special as I know you are, the whole time.” 
“Aaron,” she whines, eyes welling with tears. “God, I’m already so emotional I’m not even that pregnant?” 
“It’s been almost a month, hasn’t it?” He asks, “If you don’t mind me asking… when was your last period?” 
“When we were on the Nina Freeman case… I had it when my divorce was final, it didn’t last that long so… oh my god I was in my fertile window when we had sex in the shower?”
“And then 3 more times the following day,” he brags, smug as hell. “And then a few more times these last 3 weeks…” 
Thinking back to it, this is the most fun she’s had in years. This is how it was always meant to be. “I’m probably 4 or 5 weeks pregnant… no wonder I’ve been so tired and horny and why jacks dinner made me want to barf last night.” 
“I knew it,” Aaron teases, pulling into a parking spot at Quantico, he throws the SUV in park and turns to her. “I knew you didn’t want to sleep over for a reason.” 
“I’m so used to taking the tests all alone and doing all the work that I just resorted back to my normal routine and it made me really sad,” she admits. “I never want to do anything without you.” 
“I never want you to do anything alone ever again,” he reaches out to hold her hand, brings it to his lips and kisses her knuckles. “You’re mine forever now, I’m not going to let you feel lonely ever again.”
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General Taglist
@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 @squishyturtle @katsukis1wife @babybisexual @marsmunson86
Bigger than the whole sky Taglist
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totalswag · 14 days
chapter two - all i want
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authors note super sorry chapter two is up so late but it's finally here for you guys! thank you so much for your patients. officially on summer break and i will have more free time on my hands. if you would like to be on my taglist for this series let me know in the comments.
summary Y/N Y/L/N is a regular kook that lives in the Outer Banks. One of the most pleasant person to encounter. Room lights up when you enter a room. Contrary to some kooks, you don't care whether side of the island people come from. Friends with the pogue's. You go through a lot struggles in your life where you shy's away from the world. Rafe Cameron, also known as Kook King. He has a huge reputation on the island; is cold, cocky, jerk face, asshole, and will say whatever he wants to get what he wants. Behind all that tuff-ness, he struggles with a lot of things too. On a random Friday night you meet for the first time and Rafe can’t seem to get you out of his head after your little encounter. He’s never met a girl like you before. Eventually, you learn a lot about the Cameron boy from your eyes.
warnings love, crying, kissing/making out, yelling, partying, cursing, explicit scenes, fighting, mentions of death, possible pregnancy?, addiction, mentions of drinking and other drug substances.
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The next morning rolls around. The sun shines through the curtains, birds chirping, and the neighbors trim their lawns. Ordinary mornings on the Outer Banks.
Your eyes open gradually, blinking a few times before rubbing them. As you extend your body, you let out a little groan. You feel a minor headache coming on now that you've woken up. 
You're not sure how you wound up back at Scarlett's house, but you arrived safely in bed, makeup off and wearing comfortable clothing. Hands try to find your phone, patting on the covers, trying to find it. When you can’t find it, you lift your body up, only to find it on the floor.
"Good morning, sunshine," Scarlett murmurs, turning to face you with her eyes still closed.
"Good morning, sweetheart," you say sarcastically, pushing yourself back under the blankets.
"How did we get back to your house?" You ask casually because all you can think of is how you got home safely without being wounded or waking up with your clothes and makeup still on. 
Scarlett giggles, "my brother picked us up and brought us back after we bribed him with food"
"Okay, that sounds exactly like us when we're drunk," you say, shaking your head.
"So, you wanna tell me what went on between you and Rafe Cameron?" Scarlett dives right into the debrief from last night. "You had that man hooked the entire night, with you two even kissing, Y/N!" she says, her eyes wild.
Oh shit
You can't remember much from yesterday night except getting drunk, playing drinking games, dancing with your friends, and chatting with Rafe. You were shocked to learn that, despite it being your first meeting, Rafe Cameron was with you all night long.
"We got to know one other better. He asked me why we hadn't met before, and I explained that we have the same friends, but we have different priorities." You feel Scarlett's eyes on you the entire time, "We kept eye contact the entire time during our conversation, and whenever I talk to a guy, he can never keep eye contact," you ramble on.
Scarlett dropped her jaw, unable to believe what she was hearing. For a long time, she has wanted you to find someone who makes you happy and makes life worthwhile. She realizes that you stated "my person will come to me when I least expect it," and right now she believes Rafe Cameron is that person. 
“You need to hit him up or ask to hang out soon because holy crap Y/N”
"Stop it, I'm sure he was being his usual self when he talks to girls," you shrug, removing your blankets and getting up to eat breakfast. 
"Don't say that, you know it's true," she gestures at you sharply, "you are right, let's eat breakfast"
During breakfast you continue to talk about the rest of the night with Rafe and how it went all together.
When you made it home, you quickly ran to your shower to get last night off you. Drank water and ibuprofen to get the minor headache to go away.
The feeling of showering after going out feels amazing and you feel completely clean. Usually you take showers the night of but surprisingly this time you didn’t.
By the time you got out of the shower, it was noon. It was just you and your mom at the house while your dad was at work and your younger sister, Jasmine, was at a friend's house next door.
You were putting lotion on your legs in the bathroom when the sound of your moms voice called you from downstairs. "Y/N can you come down here real quick please?" You murmur to yourself before getting your phone and heading downstairs to see what your mom needed.
"Yes, mom?" you inquire, puzzled.
She smiles, "Do you want to go to the store with me to get stuff for dinner tonight? "Dad wants to barbecue steak, and the weather is lovely today," she says as she walks around the kitchen to get her car keys and groceries bags from the pantry.
You lean against the counter and watch your mother stroll about the kitchen. From a young age, you’ve always enjoyed going to places with your mom, it’s been a bonding thing for you two.
"Yeah, sure, let me put my sandals on first," your mother nods, indicating that she will wait in the car.
The drive to the grocery shop took five minutes. The parking lot appeared to be packed, as it usually is. Your mom handed you a list of items she needed as she pushed the cart. There weren't many items, but enough to feed the entire family tonight.
Your headache had gone away which was a relief.
"Should we get your sister ice cream for dessert?" Your mother inquires, pausing in the ice cream aisle and pointing to Jasmine's favorite ice cream.
"She's been asking me to come here for it since Monday, so I don't see why not," you say, already walking past your mom to get the ice cream.
The rest of the time at the grocery store, you helped your mom grab the items she needed to make dinner for the night. Both made sure everything was checked off before checking out.
By the time you arrived home, your dad's truck was parked on the long driveway; it sounded like he had just returned home. When mom switched off the engine, dad walked out of the garage in his regular clothes, looking like he was ready to barbecue. 
"Hi honey, how was work?" Your mother asked gently, her face brightened up, excited about seeing him.
"Not too bad, just a bunch of meetings and figuring out new things to put out next year," your dad says as he grabs bags from the trunk.
Your dad works for a well-known company that has been successful since its inception. He works on the mainland and travels for work when needed. When he visits the mainland, he encounters a large number of individuals and attends numerous meetings.
He has done a lot for the family to get you where you are now. Both parents have wonderful jobs.
Dinner was delicious—steak with potatoes, salad, strawberries, and shrimp on the side. Because the weather was so wonderful, you ate dinner in the backyard under the lights that surrounded the entire area. The pool waterfall was turned on, as were the pool lights, to enhance ambiance.
You sat at the table for thirty minutes after eating, discussing everyone's day, recalling prior memories, and so on. Jasmine and you helped with putting dirty dishes away and bringing items into the house.
When you were done with that, you went upstairs to your room and changed into sweatpants and a tank top for the remainder of the night. Scarlett texted you, asking if you wanted to go for a drive and perhaps stop for some snacks. 
People were posting on social media about a bonfire on the beach; it did not appear to be anything huge, just a relaxing event. You didn't think much of it and preferred to hang out with your best friend instead.
"I'm going on a drive with Scarlett for a bit," you say as you go by your parents in the kitchen, holding a glass of wine. Before hugging your parents, you get some cold cold water from the fridge.
“Be safe please” your mom tells you.
"Long time no see" Scarlett sings, with the passenger window down and music playing in the background, "It's been eight hours since we last saw each other?" You both giggle as Scarlett drives out of your driveway.
You were about to open your mouth till your phone started to buzz. Your face frowns as you pull your phone from your sweatpant pocket.
Topper Thornton - rafe won't stop asking me about you 
Topper Thornton - so what i’m gonna ask is if i can give him your number?
Topper Thornton - or you can come to the bonfire right now by the beach and you two can get to know each other?
Your jaw drops from shock. You glance to Scarlett, who is already smirking and keeping her focus fixed on the road. When she continued urging you to go for a "drive" around figure eight, something itched in your gut.
She was bringing you to the bonfire.
"Did you already know about this?" giving her a suspicious look, leaning over to get a good look at her face, hoping she'll crack.
"Maybe I did, but I still want to go for a drive first," you say without hesitation, giving you the impression that she still wants to drive about first.
The two of you drove about Kildare for fifteen minutes before heading down to the beach where everyone else was. When you arrived at the beach, there were few people because cops had closed it off.
"Wanna grab some blankets? I have them in my trunk," Scarlet says, pointing to her trunk as she parks her car.
When you two arrived, your close friends seemed pleased to see you. You sat on the log with the blanket wrapped around you.
You scanned the area, looking for Rafe. Deep down, you were curious about why he was so interested in you and wanted to get to know you. He has a well-known reputation on the island. Perhaps there is something about him that will capture your attention.
"Hey, Y/N" Rafe's voice came into vision as you gazed off into the distance.
You shake your head, looking up to him with a cheerful grin, "Oh, hey there Rafe"
"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" He asks, pointing to the free space to your left.
"Yes of course."
Everything in your body was becoming agitated with a variety of emotions. You were unsure what these feelings meant, but you hoped they were positive.
Rafe gives a little sigh and rubs his hands down his thighs. You realize that he is about to say something.
"How are you feeling after last night?" He questions out of interest, scanning your expression, hoping you were not feeling uneasy. 
"I awoke with a little headache, but otherwise I felt okay. I'm generally good with my drinking, but sometimes it gets to me the next morning," you say with a chuckle.
"What about you?" You respond by asking.
"Pretty good, not too bad" he explains.
You nod, staring down at your lap, attempting to get the words out.
"I'm glad you came out tonight because I think you're very nice and I enjoy your company," Rafe says, staring at you.
"Also, you are pretty" he quickly adds.
The butterflies begin to gather in your stomach, and you conceal your face between your shoulders, facing the opposite side of Rafe, hoping he won't see your reaction, but the sound of his laugh said it all.
"I had no idea I was coming out here tonight, Scarlett nudged me into it, but I'm also glad I came out here tonight too, Rafe," you smile while softly pushing his shoulder.
"I like your company too and I think your cute too" you add.
For the next thirty minutes, Rafe and you get to know each other and discuss various topics. The way the conversation was going, you got the impression that you two will be hanging out one on one shortly without any friends around.
You two grabbed beers from the cooler further away from the fire pit then walked over where Scarlett and Topper were near the water.
"Glad to see you two finally join us," Topper says sarcastically, making the other guys laugh. 
"Haha, very funny, Top," Rafe says, rolling his eyes.
Scarlett approaches you, asking if the conversation went well; you give her two thumbs up, and she squeals discreetly so no one else notices.
It was getting close to your curfew, and your parents wanted you home by midnight. Scarlett and you were heading together to the trash can to throw out your drinks. Everyone else was collecting everything else.
You said your goodbyes to your friends before heading over to Rafe, who was standing near the hill that led to the cars. He smiles as you approach; he has a good smile, you think to yourself.
"Looks like we're splitting up again, huh?" you reply with a hint of disappointment.
"I don't think so, Y/N," Rafe says.
You look at him perplexed, but you know where the next question is going.
"How about I give you my phone number?" I'd like to get to know you better and hang out with you anytime next week when you're available. He respectfully asks, grinning cutely.
"Yes, you can give me your number and I would like that" you say with a grin.
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all i want taglist
@winterrrnight @lucky7rosie @bejeweledreverie @rachelivey333 @obxdude @upelchkin
➨ i have two separate tag-lists one for my regular fics and this tag-list if for this series. if you would like to be added to my regular tag-list, you can let me know in the comment section.
➨ welcome to my rafe series tag-list readers. if you aren't on my taglist and would like to be notified whenever i upload a chapter feel free to leave a comment in the comment section or hit that follow button with post notifications (works either way).
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toxinoire · 9 months
Feeling inspired so if Heathers the Musical was filmed on a set.
Director: And, action!
Veronica: A future gas station attendant.
Kurt: ....
Kurt: ...You have a zit right there.
Veronica: That wasn't your line.
Kurt: I know, I forgot my line.
Director: WAIT keep that there. That is perfect!
Veronica and Kurt: What-
Heather: If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull, I'd have matching halves. That's very important.
Heather: Pfft-
Heather: Heather!
Heather: Sorry, sorry. I can't help it because now I am imagining you holding a meat cleaver trying to measure Veronica's angles.
Director: This is the 75th take.
Heather: Honey whatcha waiting for-
Heather: *push* SHUT UP HEATHER!
Heather: *falls*
Heather: Ow.
Heather: Oh crap wait-
Everyone: Holyyyy shiiiitttt
Veronica: Crap, wait I forgot my que, sorry.
Both: Pft-
Director: Damn it you two.
Ram: Why do you gotta be so weird all the time-
Martha: Says the guy who wears his underwear for half the musical.
Ram: Martha please stop, we need to get through this scene.
Heather: My d---'s bigger than John Lennon!
Kurt: Veronica, please take this seriously.
Veronica: Kinda hard to when you're singing about balls and well, you two are actually gentleman in real life.
Kurt and Ram: Big sword fight in her mouth~
Martha: How do you even fit two d!cks in one mouth?
Heather: Martha, you're not even in this scene.
JD: We can start and finish war- *drops gun* Oh shit.
Kurt, in a spiderman position on the fence: Hah you dropped your- *falls* AH
Veronica: Shouldn't you three be dead, why are you in this scene?
Heather: The director thought it would be funny for Kurt and Ram to attend their own funerals.
Miss Flemming: *reading the lyrics for Shine A Light* Do...Do I have to say this?
Director: Yeah.
Miss Flemming: "I faked it" Did you forget we casted my real husband for this-
Heather: Are you saying Westerburg is a bad place?!
Heather: No I- *starts laughing*
Heather: Heather, come on.
Heather: Sorry, it's kinda weird to see you be mean when you're the nicest person ever.
Heather: We need to get through this scene.
Heather: Okay, okay. Bully me, give me your best.
Heather: Oh my gosh Heather.
Martha: *practicing* I took that scab and put in a loc- Okay, I don't want to say that.
Director: You have too.
Martha: My character is supposed to be an innocent bean, not a creep.
Director: Because she's not a creep.
Martha: No one fucking puts a scab in a locket!
Veronica: This is it! I won't cry-
JD: But I would.
Veronica: Jason stop interrupting me while I sing this song is very hard to sing.
Veronica: How am I supposed to take this seriously when Heather's in a kimono and Kurt and Ram are in their underwear posing like 🧍🏻‍♀️
Veronica: I'm in the closet-
JD: Veronica, stop.
Veronica: I wish you'd come with me!
JD: I wish I had more TNT!
Both: *starts laughing*
Director: Damn it! Take 67!
JD: Our love is Gooooooddddd
Veronica: Say hi to God.
Heather³, backstage: Kaboom~
Director: CUT!
Everyone: Oh thank goodness.
Heather: That was a hard note to hold.
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moths-are-better · 3 months
one time I stockpiled a whole bunch of incorrect quotes and I think I should finally post them
Eva: Why are you on fire?  Dally: This is just how my day is going.
Eva: We have to plan, we have to figure something out.  Yugo: Eva, when have any of our plans ever actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose.
Eva: How the hell are you still alive?  Ruel: Honestly, I’m just as confused as you are.
Adamai : Don’t weep for the stupid. You’ll be crying all day.
Adamai : What goes up but never comes down?  Eva: The amount of stress you're bringing this family.
Yugo, writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
Yugo: Is that a gun?!  Amalia : It's not what it looks like!  Yugo: It looks like a gun!  Amalia : Okay, maybe it is what it looks like, but in my defense, it doesn't have anymore bullets, so I technically can't shoot it anymore.  Yugo: ...ANYMORE?!
Adamai , singing: He's making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's on thin fucking ice  Amalia , also singing: Santa Claus is calling you out!
Adamai : Can I borrow five dollars?  Yugo: If you’re only borrowing it, does that mean you’ll pay me back?  Adamai : Of course.  Adamai : Not directly, but with my love and affection.  Yugo: So that’s a no.
Adamai : STOP!  *Everyone stops*  Adamai : wAiT a MiNuTe-
Cop: What are your names?  Yugo: Don't tell them, Amalia .  Cop, writing: Amalia ...  Yugo: Crap.  Amalia : Nice going, Yugo.  Cop: Amalia : Uh oh.
Adamai : That's it, I'm cutting off the internet!  Yugo: No, please don't! I have a family to feed!  Adamai : Adamai : What?  Yugo: I need to feed my Neopets!
Ruel: You know, I used to play back in my gory days.  Dally: You mean glory days?  Ruel: Ah, that too.
Yugo: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I’M SORRY] Amaila: What's that? Yugo: Remorse code. Amaila: I'm even angrier now.
Yugo: Amaila and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-  Amaila: Sentences.  Yugo: Don't interrupt me.
Yugo: What’s up guys? I’m back. Amaila: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. I literally saw you die. Yugo: Death is a social construct.
Amalia : You're violent.  Yugo: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
Yugo: Amalia and I are no longer dating.  Amalia : Yugo, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Yugo: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back. Amaila: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
Yugo: How petty can you get? Amaila: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Chibi: You need a hobby.  Yugo: I have a hobby!  Chibi: Hitting Quilby isn't a hobby.
Eva: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… Dally and I are dating.  Dally, Adamai, Amalia , and Yugo: *gasp*  Eva: Dally, why are you surprised?!
Amalia : Dally! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.  Dally: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
Amalia : Dally, this morning, I called you abhorrent and reprehensible, and I’d like to withdraw that statement-  Dally: Aww, thanks-  Amalia : But I can't. Those are the 2 words that best describe you.
*Dally is fighting a monster*  Adamai: Just stay calm! You already have everything you need to beat it!  Dally: The power to believe in myself!?  Adamai: No, a knife! Stab it!
I have more so I’ll post them eventually
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heroinnne · 2 months
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you and miguel ended on really bad terms
it’s not that he was a bad boyfriend or anything — well, he kind of was, he just wasn’t that bad, he was loving, sure, sweet at times, brought you gifts whenever he could, introduced you to some of his friends but, he had a really bad habit of prioritizing work above anything else.
work was always at the top for miguel, it was practically his entire life — he spent most of his hours either at his alchemax or at his office at your shared apartment, writing reports and whatnot.
that, of course, resulted with him spending less time with you.
over the span of the two years you dated him in, no matter how many times you chided and scolded him about it, he never changed his habit and when you finally at your peak, you blew up at him.
and after a really, really bad fight, things ended on really, really bad term.
it took you a while to get over him, but after some time and some wine, you finally did.
so now, why is he at the same bar as you, beating up a guy that was feeling you up?
you’re standing there, stunned with your drink in your hand watching the scene unfold before you, watching as miguel beats the absolute crap out of that perv’s face.
eventually, some people crowd up against them, and manage to separate miguel off of the guy, by that time, you’ve drawn yourself out of the bar.
unfortunately ( fortunately ) miguel manages to catch up to you.
he calls out your name and it stops you and you turn around to focus on him and he catches up to you.
his hand finds its way to your waist, and a concerned frown is etched on his face, “are you okay?”
you clear your throat, a slight blush on your face from the contact, “yeah.”
miguel notices his hand is at a place it shouldn’t be, and he quickly retract it — it’s not like he could’ve helped it though, given the fact that the two of you were ex-lovers, it was a force of habit.
a beat passes and he clears his throat. he asks, “are you sure?”
you try for a smile and nod your head, “i’m sure.”
another beat passes in silence, the both of you staring at each other, taking in each other’s appearance — you in a short red dress, with your hair and make up done, maybe you were he for a date, miguel thinks.
fuck, he’s missed you so much.
sure, it’s been six month since the break up, but miguel never really got over you.
he knew he fucked up big time when that fight happened, that fight that ended everything, miguel knew he was at fault yet he failed to admit that at the time.
maybe now he’s ready.
just when you turn and are about to leave, he grabs your arm, muttering a soft, “i’m sorry.”
your breath hitches, “come again?” you heard what he said, you just weren’t sure if you heard it right.
“i’m sorry.” he says again, his voice cleared this time, “for everything. for everything i’ve done. i’m sorry.”
and he means it, he misses you so bad and he’s matured enough now to suck up and admit his mistakes.
“i’m sorry for not giving you enough of my time, i’m sorry for putting work above you, i shouldn’t have done that and i know that i really fucked up.” he admits.
your heart is beating against your chest at his sincere words and apology, you know he’s being truthful with you right now.
“i miss you.” he admits, his voice soft.
a slight smile stretches at your lips, because against your bitter will, you missed him too.
“i miss you too.” and at your words, a smile finds its way to miguel’s lips.
“and i accept your apology.” you add.
he chuckles, and his heart is beating out of his chest with joy, “so we good?”
“yeah,” you smile at him, “i’ll give you a call sometime?"
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dapper-lil-arts · 3 months
Finaly finished watching MLP friendship is magic, the final season
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Here's a couple of my few spoilery thoughts and reactions:
- when i saw that discord was hogarth my first thought was immediately "oh, thats kinda cute, since he was a redeemed villan, hes trying to teach some of the irredeemable ones about the power of friendship in their own way!" But NOPE! LMAO! hes just a fucking moron that just wanted to give twilight a final boss battle. my god. He keeps fucking up - So glad that they beat the crap out of Cozy glow, that was really funny. fuck them kids - All of the designs of the older mane 6 i very much liked! Exept twilight, i thought it was weird that they copy pasted celestia's lanky body on her (also spike looks WEIRD. but still better than gen 5 spike) - I was watching this all with my gf. When i saw older Applejack and Rainbow dash together with very loosely implied romance i instinctively muttered "i want to kms" It just. instinctively came out of me. Sorry Appledash shippers - I always knew Rarity would be a hot old woman but goddamn im so glad to be proven right. She'd serve cunt all the way to the grave - Brief chaos god pinkie was funny; i thought that was just smth from the comics! I'm already planning on putting that on a fanfic in the future either way heh. - Chrysalis's whole fit was very fun. As always, best villan purely by presentation (ty megamind) - I cant believe starlight glimmer is the one that got like. one of the few actually good fight scenes in the show, against chrysalis. She even did a couple of quips. My god that feels weird. I miss sunset so much. - I cant believe that all we get from Sunset shimmer on FIM is just. a brief, insignificant cameo on that rly awesome cute song in the end, one where she's getting mike-wazowski'd by twilight. Holy shit sunset stans stay losing forever, my god its a sad life for us
no grown up flurryheart 🥺 🥺
For some reason i thought there'd be a war or something? in my head i had heard there was a war on the finale of MLP which i always thought sounds goofy as hell. Glad it wasn't, but otherwise its not like the finale impressed me that much. I mostly cant stop thinking about how sad it is for twilight to rule alone, almost. Like, her friends will age... No alicorn wife................................................
Oh well. either way, cute finale. I'm glad i sat through all the show. It has definitely done some irreperable damage to my psyche at this point, as you can most definitely tell. Haha can't wait for there to be another generation amirite :)
No alicorn wife. Ugh. We Sunset Shimmer stans stay losing....
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