#sorry got off track a LOT uhm
tinycatstars · 8 months
i know you dont takerqs rn but your homestuck agere fics genuinely give me so much comfort and joy i just wanna say that... <:) i esp love your junedave/pepsicola ones,,
WAHHH YOU ARE SO KIND!!!! thank you so much this means the world omg :D :D i think it’s wild that the silly stuff i make can make others so happy but i’m so seriously glad it does <3 <3 ty so much for the nice words !!!!!
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captaincapsicle83 · 3 months
The Stark Internship
The Avenger Series - Part One
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"Yes he should be-" The nice blonde lady said, possibly the same one you spoke to on the phone. Her voice sounded familiar. She had told you when to arrive, 10:30 am.
Arrive where? The Stark Tower, house of Stark Enterprises. A prestigious company ran by the man who had become the youngest CEO to take hold of a company, after his father's death when he was around 20 years old.
The nice blonde lady was taking you up the glass elevator, and through it, you got a view of the city. In all its trashy reality, you found it quite beautiful. Of course, thats coming from someone raised in a farmhouse on the outskirts of a small Canadian town.
Well, not really raised. That wasn't the right word the way you spent your childhood. No, it was the house you lived in when you weren't in a boarding school, when you weren't at an awards ceremony, and when you weren't being interviewed for being a "Child Prodigy."
The elevator opened up to a pristinely kept floor, the tunes of ACDC blasting through your eardrums. You thought the traffic on the street was loud, yet this was like thunder clapping in your head.
"Hold on, Sweetie," The blonde woman touched your arm, her voice kind. It's turns shrill and seems to be full of anger as she screams, "TONY!"
Your hands go up to your ears at the blindsiding change of energy. You drop them just as quickly, shaking them as you follow the woman, and her clicking heals.
"So, you go to MIT?" She asks you, voice kind again. You had been so distracted when she told you her name, all you could come up with were states. It was definitely a state, but which one...
"Uhm...yeah. I- I got a letter, and a scholarship to go there. And uh... My guidance counselor wanted to set me up for an internship at a tech company," You were explaining, and she seemed genuinely interested as the two of you walked through what seemed to be the towers lab-area floor. "I...I got a lot of offers, but uh...I picked this one. It seemed..."
You voice trailed off ad you walked through automatic doors, that opened up to a room filled with things you'd dreamed of, and seen in magazines and on TV. It was a tech geeks wet dream, and you were guilty of the stereotype.
"Different," you finished your sentence, barely audible.
You were mostly focused on mechanical engineering. You planned to double major in something after those four years were up (you were two years in). You hadn't picked what yet.
You had started at MIT at 16 (technically 15, you had a late birthday). Although, you had graduated from secondary school officially at 13.
You had wanted to go to a real college, in person, not just online like your mother wanted. You wanted the experience.
You wanted to be in the world.
Also, you ran track for MITs team. Just for fun. And for the record, you were good.
The music on this floor seemed to originate, and be the loudest, in this room.
"TONY!" You regrettably flinch again at the unexpected snap of noise.
The man working at a silver table seemed unbothered, although you got the notion he heard her.
Half of Manhattan heard her.
You could now see the clutter of the lab. The tools scattered hazardously over all the surfaces. Projects, both finished and seemingly discarded ones, lay everywhere, in their own heaps.
The woman clicks a button on the wall, and the music dies away. Not looking up from the panel he was working on, the brown haired man says, "Don't turn down my music. We've been over this."
"Well, Tony, your intern is here, and I'm not just gonna leave her on your doorstep like a lost puppy," The blonde lady's eyes roll, and her tone makes you understand that, whoever she is, she's probably the most reasonable, sensible person around here.
Tony abandons his project to spin around in his stool to face you.
"J.A.R.V.I.S, why didn't you alert me that my intern was here?" He looks up at the ceiling, as if expecting Jesus to answer.
And he does.
"Sorry sir, but, you've threatened me many times that you don't like me speaking over your music."
Oh no. Oh God. Jesus is here, in the ceiling, and he's British. You always knew stealing candy from that blind priest would catch up to you.
"Then turn the music off."
"The music is off, sir."
"Are you serio-!?"
"Sir, your intern is here."
Tony gives the ceiling a nasty look, scoffing, before clapping his hands and turning his attention towards you.
"Jesus is British?" You ask, getting all your priorities straight out of the gate.
"J.A.R.V.I.S. It's Just A Rather Very Intelligent System," Tony smirks, looking pleased with himself.
You blink. You wonder why you have to think about blinking so often. "It's an acronym."
"Oh goodie. Thank you Captain Obvious."
"You're welcome."
Tony sighs for a good ten seconds, pinching the bridge of his nose, before gathering himself. "Take a seat, Mr. Starks class is starting."
You looked around the lab. Among the clutter, and among the hazards, you came to the conclusion that the only seat was the one Stark was sitting at, a poor excuse of a stool.
"There aren't any," You say, in an even tone. Tony was perplexed, how you had done basically nothing, yet stepped on every nerve he had.
"Then...lesson one! Build a chair," He said gleefully.
"I didn't sign up for a woodworking class," you cross your arms, and the smug smile drops from his face. The first emotion you expressed besides indifference, and it just had to be snarky.
You just had to be like him.
You earned a seat at the table. Minor correction- on the table. You pushed aside a very expensive looking piece of equipment, and it clattered to the floor.
You hopped up onto the surface, and smiled at his blank face.
"What the hell?" You shrug, and he waves it off, turning back to his work. "How old are you."
"Eighteen...next month," you say, picking at your fingertips, but also watching his project closely. He seemed to work on autopilot, like he didn't have to think at all.
"Hmm," He says, nodding, with a smile on his face. You got the notion he liked you. You annoyed him, you confused him, yet he liked you. "Go to any cool parties recently?"
He was getting you something to work on. He had a basic blueprint, a holographic sketch, that you were admiring as he gathered your tools.
"I've never been to a party," you say. You take the titanium alloy, and lay it out in front of you as you grab a tape measure. You spread it over Tony's chest, and he spreads his arms out for you as you do so.
You could've been a tailor, you thought. Move to Romania, or Sokovia, live in a quaint little shop. Nonetheless, measurements were elementary to you, as were most things. Like astrophysics or quantum science.
"Well, what do you and your geek burger friends do then," He pops a cherry twizzler in his mouth and you turn back to your titanium. He watches you hesitate. Watches you fumble on where to set the tape measure, before you speak again.
"You should make it red and gold, can we do that? Like Captain America was red, white, and blue. It's about the marketing process of things. The capitalism in it," you say, clearly interested in the propaganda of things. You pull up old Captain America adds from the forties on your clear pop up screen.
Tony analyzed you for a bit, long enough for you to turn your head since you were clearly expecting an answer. "Yeah," He nodded. "Red and gold works. Whatever floats your boat Miss America."
You smiled warmly, it lighting up your whole face. You had moved onto the repulser technology Tony had planned.
People weren't easy. They weren't predictable like other things in the world. You couldn't use stoichiometry to figure out what would happen when you started a conversation with someone.
And Tony Stark may not have been predictable either, in fact he was the opposite. He was impulsive, if nothing else. But you liked talking to him. It felt...
It felt like what having a friend felt like. What you remember it feeling like.
And Tony seemed to like you too, and although you couldn't fathom as to why, you accepted it.
Embraced it, actually. His dialect and diction rubbed off on you.
☆ ☆ ☆
"I don't think it's the best idea," you were saying. Tony stood in front of you, dressed in the titanium alloy suit you had helped create. One of many, someday hoped to be millions.
"I do, you trust me, don't you?" His little metal helmet tilted to the side. The tone of voice he was using was the one you recognized as how he got Pepper to do things he wanted. Pepper being the blonde woman who had first greeted you.
"Do you trust me?" You asked back. In your left hand was a repulsor, ready to beam a bright light.
"A suit of armor around the world," Tony had said. "That's what I want. To just...make everything..."
"Protected, y/n. When horrible things come, not only would we be able to stop it, but they'd be protected in the end."
"Yes, we. I trust you. With my life. More than anyone. You're the smartest person I know, and you know better than anyone how to work these kinds of things."
"You're the hero. I'm just...I'm not sure I'd be so good at that."
"You don't need to be so scared."
"Im not scared. But I'm also not a hero."
" You can be."
So here you stood, armed for target practice. And for whatever bright idea he seemed to always have, Tony's newest was making himself the target.
"Of course. With my life," He makes a motion of crossing his heart, making you laugh a little. "Okay Wonder Kid. Ready, set-"
You shoot from your hand before the go comes, knocking Tony to the side, and a hole in the back wall of his mansion.
"Oops," you say sheepishly. Tony is laughing inside his suit, you can tell, and Pepper suddenly comes out onto the lawn.
"What is going-! Tony, what is this?" She looks at him, as he steps out of the suit, and towards you.
"Target practice," you shrugged, as Tony was adjusting the repulsor loosely strapped to your hand.
"Isn't she doing great?" Tony cooed at you, as if you were a small dog learning tricks.
"NO!" Pepper gasped.
"I told I didn't think it was a good idea using one of these outside of a suit," you say. The two of you were barely holding it together over Pepper's distraught state.
"Then why'd you do it?" He says in a mocking tone, obviously knowing why.
"'Cause I trust you...Clearly a horrible decision."
"Yeah, my wall thinks so."
You had a room in the tower. It was empty, mostly, but not as bare as when you had gotten here. You took a lot of pictures, that Tony allowed (did not have the knowledge of) you to print on the tenth floor. You hung them up on your walls, and on your bedframe. It made the place less lonely.
It was dark out, and you were sitting on your bed, one leg hanging off. The overhead light was off, but your small bedside lamp illuminated your writing space.
It was an idea you had when you were young. To keep notes on the people you met. Things you wanted to remember about them, their personalities, who they were. It helped your brain, to organize things better.
You were sure most people kept lists like these on a subconscious level. And maybe one day you wouldn't feel the need to write that Tony Stark was genuis or a billionaire. Or that he was your friend.
But you liked the safety net. You liked knowing that it was something you could turn to. Something you could reread, something that ensured you would never forget.
Next part
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hearts4youz · 5 months
The Captains Daughter: Chapter 16
A/N: finally, a chapter worth posting. This one is so much better than the last two or three i've posted. Sorry guys, I've totally lost track of time, its been two weeks since the last chapter ive posted... this is a longer one so hopefully it will suffice. Thank yall so much for reading, feedback is much appreciated :)
Taglist: @abbiesxox @n30n-j3lly @weird-katthing @kayoyamamegame @kroowonderemporium @astro-ghoul99
word count: 1.3k
Reader pov:
You and your father have silently agreed to just let go of what happened during the commute to the grocery store. The two of you have not talked about the topic since, and you were grateful for it. You headed for the doors to get outside the base, as you had decided earlier that a morning run should do the trick for your sluggish start to the day. It seems you had woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Barely making conversation at breakfast, feeling irritated and put off by everything. Even the sound of Gaz breathing when you sat next to him in the mess hall made you want to choke him out.
You breathed in deeply, savoring the crispy winter air as it's freezing tendrils circled your lungs. You sighed and were about to get moving when you heard a gruff noise behind you.
It was Ghost, clearing his throat.
You turned towards him, a quizzical look crossing your features.
"I've tracked you across the whole bloody base," he said, in a gravely, morning voice.
"And?" You said, annoyed. You didn't feel like talking to anyone not even your mysterious crush.
"And, a good soldier should know to watch their damn six."
"Yeah, in the field," you roll your eyes.
"Someone's pissy this morning, I thought we were on good terms now?" He chuckled
"I just... sorry- you didn't do anything wrong-" he cut you off.
"I know," he smirked.
"... just bad nights sleep I guess," you glared, finishing your sentence.
"Where are you headed?" his voice softened slightly, but his gaze still remained rigid and judgy.
"Out for a run."
"You don't mind if I join do you?"
You raised and eyebrow at his suggestion
"What? i'm not supposed to be friendly with my teammates ever?"
"I-I...no...I don't mind," you said skeptically.
The two of you took off at a quick pace, you were surprised that the lieutenant could keep up despite the skull balaclava covering his nose and mouth, as well as his large, toned build.
"You run often?" you ask.
"Mmm... when I was a kid I got in trouble a lot. I had to make a quick getaway sometimes."
"Who was chasing you... the law?"
"Eh, sometimes," he said, nonchalantly.
"Well, what kind of trouble?" you asked, not knowing whether to be concerned or intrigued.
"Dumb, teenage shit. You know, smashing windows... drinking... smoking, anything to get me out of the house really. I matured eventually."
"And now your in the military, the irony," you paused. "You know, I really wouldn't have guessed that you were so... unruly as a kid, Mister 'im so strict and tough," you laughed.
He gave a chuckle in response.
"Mhm, my teenage years were pretty lawless... probably can't say the same for you, Price's kid," he smirked.
"Ah you got me there... I did get into a little trouble though."
"I dabbled with boys mostly..."
This made Simon's heart rate quicken, the thought of you with other guys, but then he reminded himself that you were a teenager at the time.
"Boys? I'm sure the captain wasn't very fond of that"
"Oh hell no... he always chased 'em away. I never could keep a boyfriend for very long. No matter how secretive I was he always found out."
Noted Ghost thought to himself.
Ghost laughs, "Yup, sounds like ol' cap."
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence for a few minutes as Ghost thinks about your love life.
"You...you don't happen to have any of those men in your life now... do you?" he asks quietly.
"I uhm....uh...well... no," You respond, a bit flustered.
"Good, otherwise i'd have to tell cap" He added, voice stronger and more confident while trying to play the question off as a joke.
You two were almost back to the base now, as you finished at the doors Ghost spoke up again as he swung the door open for you.
"It's about time for our daily training now, good timing."
You nodded as you stepped through the door into the pleasantly warm building. You walked down to the training facilities with him.
"Lets do some lifting," Ghost suggested.
You groaned in protest, dragging your feet as your lieutenant led you into the gym. You went through a few sets, bench press, curls, a few ab exercises, and finally some squats. By the time you were ready to start squatting, your body was exhausted, especially your legs considering you ran beforehand. Ghost looked at you with a slight bit of sympathy.
"Lets just do two sets of eight for this one alright Y/N?"
"Thank you, G-Ghost," you sputtered as you struggled to keep the bar level as you got into your first squat.
You wobbled, your legs quivered as you raised yourself back up into a standing postion.
You shook even more on the way down the second time, Ghost noticed this and left the wall he was leaning up against. He stood behind you with his hands open, ready to steady the bar if needed.
down, up
By the third rep, the bar was so far away from being level on your shoulders your whole body tipped to the right. Luckily, Ghost caught you and lifted the bar off your shoulders before you could fall. He put the bar back on the rack and took a few pounds off of it while you sat down for a moment.
"If you're not okay enough to finish we can be done here," Ghost told you. His words were sympathetic but his voice was void of emotion, it was hard to gauge weather he was disappointed in your failure to finish the set or if he was concerned for you.
Ghost pov:
Goddamnit, she totally felt that.
I stood in front of Y/N while she sat down for a moment to catch her breath. I had to get the bar off of her before she hurt herself, but in the process I had pressed myself against her by accident. Which in return gave me a little problem... down there. Forever grateful to my mask for saving my ass once again, I tried to exert calmness towards Y/N while she rested. I desperately hoped that she would be done now that she was almost crushed by the weight.
"No, I'd like to finish out the set at least," she responded to my question.
"You sure? no shame in calling it quits to avoid injury," I responded in a warmer tone than before.
"Yeah, I've got it," she reassured me, more strength in her voice now.
Again, I positioned myself behind her to spot her. Only this time, a half step further back, not forgetting about my hard on. I'm not going to lie, It was tough to just stand there silently while she got her reps in. All I wanted to do was praise her, to tell her what a good job she was doing. I wanted to see her smile when I told her she did something right, I just wanted to make her happy.
"Good work," I managed to say when she got all eight reps in.
She told me goodbye and turned to leave. I watched her walk away, she took a few steps before I couldn't help myself.
She turned around.
"I enjoyed running with you this morning... really- it was nice. Thank you for letting me go with you."
Her face broke into a genuine smile.
"Thank you for coming with me, it was nice to see you more informal... you know, outside of all the work stuff."
When she walked off again, I couldn't help but get all giddy and boyish. I felt like a teenager swooning over his crush at school.
fucking hell, Y/N enjoyed my company.
Reader pov:
When you left the gym and were sure that no one could see you, you damn near squealed for joy.
He liked running with me!
My lieutenant
The guy I like
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the-sprog · 1 month
I think a Batman/DetCo crossover would be perfect especially in the context of how fucking insane Shinichi's parents are.
I was thinking and I realized they're a mix of the Drakes (neglectful in the "never being home" kinda way, rich but it doesn't seem like their child sees a lot of that money) and Bruce ("how'd you learn how to shoot a gun" "my father spent a summer with me in Hawaii to teach me" what an insane scene that was. Not to mention the "yeah. It's a good idea to traumatize our child via fake kidnapping to teach him a lesson about stranger danger :)" and "Shinichi, dear, I know you're 6yo but come investigate this suicide with me sweetie") but they're also above worse (willing to falsify police and government documents for son).
Would Bruce love the Kudos or hate them? On one hand, Yusako definitely has them figured out. He's kinda like Alfred that way.
The Kudos get invited to an event, something like an award ceremony or some kind of cinema festival. They decide to bring Conan as a decoy for Shinichi related questions (usually they'd just use school as an examination why he wasn't there but they've been saying Shinichi is traveling for a case nowadays and it wouldn't do well to contradict that).
Bruce is the one that organized whatever event this is. I wanted the Drakes alive but I also want Damien to meet Conan. So. Sorry Janet and Jack. I'm going full Batfam for this.
Clark Kent is there, though he's technically a plus one. Cat is doing a piece for the event, specifically she wants to interview the Kudos, which is a feat as of late, and needed a last minute plus one (the Kudos are volatile and no one knew if they'd actually show up. When they did, Cat had to rush to get to Gotham before they decide they got bored and fucked off).
Of course, Cat immediately latches onto Conan's existence and assumes that he is why the Kudos have been out of the public eye. But not in the actual real way. She starts by asking general questions about them, their careers, and the event they're at at the moment.
And then she hits them with: "so. I see you've expanded the family. How does Shinichi feel about having a little brother?"
Which breaks just about everyone involved in the conversation.
Immediately Yukiko goes into actress gear. "Oh no he's- this is Conan, Conan Edogawa. He's our nephew. He's been staying with a friend of ours in Japan, but we thought he'd like coming back to the States for a bit!" All while smiling. Meanwhile Conan goes through all the stages of grief and is already building up the script for when he's gonna have to kiss ass to Ai for ending up in the Daily Planet.
Yusako senses this and tries to mitigate the situation a bit. "I'd appreciate if you didn't put him in your article. He's just a kid. And the focus is supposed to be on the event and our achievements, not a gossip piece about our private life"
But then Clark speaks up. Unfortunately he's been listening to the conversation and keeping track of everyone's reactions to everything. And he has a good memory. He has also listened to enough rants from Batman about the KID Thief to know more details than the average person.
"Aren't you the KID killer?" Everyone blanches. "I mean, that child from the KID Thief heists?"
"Uhm..." Conan is stumped. He's really bad at this. Of all the things his parents did, they never left him to deal with the vultures alone. But that also means that in his entire High School Detective career he had more of a "avoid at all costs" kinda mentality when it came to talking to the press directly. Sure they've made articles about him, but he's never met anyone interview him directly.
But again, Yukiko to the rescue. "I think that's enough. I hope you can respect our wishes." She puts her hands on Conan's shoulders as she redirects him away from them.
Clark is a little worried, a little suspicious. But he stops Cat from following them by reiterating that he's a kid and the Planet is not a tabloid newspaper.
Of course pt2, things go as things go when Conan is around a respectable amount of people and someone dies. Immediately Conan is on high alert, but so is Bruce who's worried about how someone could've managed to successfully commit a murder under his nose.
So, the investigation begins. On technically 4 sides. Yusako is doing his own detective work, but he's staying on the sidelines and letting the others be at the center of it all. Conan's special interest has been activated so he's in full inspection mode and putting himself in everyone's business. Bruce immediately contacts Commissioner Gordon, and starts distracting the people at the event while sussing out anyone who might have had a motive and/or opportunity. Clark has engaged his investigative journalism side and is already gathering evidence.
Meanwhile Damien is trying to convince Bruce to let him threaten people with unimaginable violence to make them comply and confess. But then he gets distracted by Conan and starts trying to babysit him but in a "I'm better than you tsk you're so immature" kinda way. Keeping him out of the way by yelling at him and dragging him away physically. Conan is not deterred.
All in all, it's a regular day for Conan, a particularly interesting day for the Kudos, a surprisingly weird day for Bruce, and a very annoying day for Damien.
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ayoharuko · 3 months
Valentines with Him! Part 2: Xavier
Hello! Welcome to part 2 of Valentines with Him! This time make way for our not so innocent boi. Xavier!
If you haven't read part 1: Click this - Valentines with Zayne!
Reader here is Female! (She/Her)
I hope you guys enjoy your time with Xavier~!
Reminder: The character belongs to INFOLD/ its respective creators; this is all just fictional work so please try to not take these too seriously :)
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“Are you sure you wanna make a min cake for Y/n?” A girl with brown hair asked as she nervously stares at the boy standing in front of her.
“Mhm…I wanna make something special for Y/n this once..” He said and Tara sighed….guess he was very much lovesick for her bestie; And so, the baking lesson had began..and ended in tragedy- ahem ahem I mean…it ended in an ambivalenttype of way.
It was 2 days before Valentines day, you and Xavier had taken a day off on that day and had made plans for it, but you've noticed a few things about Xavier these past few days.
“Tara and I were assigned to an assignment together…is that alright with you? He asked a few days prior and you had agreed it was fine since Tara was your friend and you actually just didn't mind…
However, when it started happening in the later days you couldn't help but grow suspicious of their relationship. I mean you trust your boyfriend and best friend but you couldn't help but grow a little jealous that he was spending more time with her than you. But when the day Valentines finally came you believed that you were finally going to get him all to yourself.
.Oh how wrong you were.
It has almost been an hour since you came to the arcade you both were supposed to meet up at, you were early yet when the actual time for the meet up strike you knew that Xavier is officially late to your date.
You pulled out your phone to text him and you sent a text asking where was he, which he replied with a 'I'm sorry…something came up, I'll be there in a few minutes.' He text back….
I bit my lip and I went to a nearby cafe to wait there instead so I can sit on a chair.
“Xavier! Tha-Thats not how the cakes supposed to look like!” Tara screamed through the phone as Xavier packed the min questionable yummy looking cake inside a small box.
“This will have to do, it might not look appetizing but I'm positive it tastes amazing.” He said quickly ending the call with Tara who was yelling at him to NOT give it to you…
He quickly put on the clothes he prepared beforehand and he ran to your location (using your shared location to find you) and when he got there he was surprised to see that you weren't at the front of the entrance of the arcade.
He pulled out his phone from his pocket and text you; asking where you were, to which you responded that you were already walking towards the entrance of the arcade. He looked up from his phone and saw you walking towards him dressed in beautiful clothing.
“Oh…were you waiting for a long time Y/n?” Xavier said putting his back in his pocket as he gripped the box tightly; “Why were you late…?” I asked in a low tone, looking down at my shoes.
He muttered for quite awhile but finally spoke and I didn't quite expect the words that came out of his mouth that made me look up at him in shock.
“I…baked a cake for you, but something went wrong so I called Tara to help me and she gave me a lot of instructions so it took awhile and I eventually lost track of time — I'm sorry….” He said bowing his head in shame; my heart fluttered and filled with guilt.
My heart fluttered because he went on his way to bake me a cake — even asking Tara for help; my heart filled with guilt because I suspected that he had some type of relationship or feelings for Tara. As a full minute passed filled with silence, I let out a chuckle and slowly intertwined my hand with his; slowly rubbing my thumb along his; I could have swore I saw bunny ears appear on his head as light (figuratively) radiated from him.
I smiled and took the box from him, “Uhm..should we go to a nearby park to sit on a bench and eat this first?” I asked smiling at him and he seemed more then pleased to do what I suggested.
After we got to the park and found a bench to sit on, he took out the cake from the box as well as two forks; when I took a gazed at the cake I mentally died instead.
“Ahh…it looks…” I tried to smile brightly at him as he looked at me with expectation; “It looks delicious! Thanks so much for working hard on this Xavier…although you really didn't have do” I said as he took a LARGE chunk of cake with the fork and slowly moved it to my mouth…
“its alright, I really wanted to surprise you; I'm confident in my baking skills” He said proudly smiling; right… 'baking skills'
I gulped and prayed to whatever God was up there to wish me luck. I took the bite with my eyes closed.
The taste of strawberry, vanilla, and cream was present and the sweetness filled my entire mouth; “Its..it's delicious Xavier!” I yelled out in surprise and he just chuckled softly at my reaction. I can't believe it, he actually made something delicious — I might have to thank Tara later. We both sat in silence and ate the cake while talking about our past missions together.
Instead of continuing our date at the arcade we both decided to just watch the sunset and stargaze. As the sunset and the stars started to appear me and I was admiring the beautiful sky which later the bright moon had appeared as well.
“The moon is beautiful, ain't it?” I asked setting my eyes on Xavier whom was already staring at me with warmth in his diamond eyes….
“Xa-Xavier…?” I said his name aloud as he seem to be in a daze which he snapped out of quickly; “The moon is beautiful…yet you're more beautiful.” He suddenly said and my face immediately bursted up in shades of red as I processed what he had just said.
“Your so cheesy Xavier….” I said pouting a little as I heard him chuckle; “But it's true?” He said making me look at him once more, we both gazed at each other. Silently admiring each others features, as I felt his hands intertwine against mines.
Slowly and slowly our faces had inched towards each other, I could feel his breathe against mines; soon I felt his lips intertwine with mines giving me a soft and tender kiss.
I soon felt his lips leave mines and I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me, bringing his other hand to slowly stroke my cheek; to which I leaned against letting out a small sigh.
“I love you..your the best boyfriend I could ever ask for, thanks for baking the cake for me” I said giving him peck on the nose. I saw a little red on his cheeks as he inched his face close to mines again, however this time; he kissed my forehead and I heard him tenderly whisper….
“I love you more. I'll never leave you again.”
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The awaited second part has come! I had some trouble writing this for Xavier, expect his lore I kinda know nothing about him-
I'm working on it...aka spending but I'll write him better next time~
I hope you guys enjoyed reading and thanks for reading this far! See you in part 3~!
Reblogs are appreciated and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
(Note: please don't copy and paste my works anywhere, and if you do see them on other platform please inform me.)
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rahhhrahhrahhh · 9 months
Okay, I don't know if it will spark or not your creativity but if not don't worry, I got PLENTY of inspiration, first of all I'm an idia stan so you can expect a lot of idia and platonic ortho with me x)
So could I please ask for idia with a gn or fem s/o, whatever you wish, and his s/o never understood why blot is considered dangerous as they/she was raised by a blot entity that took a liking to them/her (and of course the blot had some brain left) and plot twist being so exposed to blot made them/her a chimeria half human half blot ! (Ortho is shown to be able to sense blot so maybe ortho was curious why they/she had such an high level of constant blot without overblotting) bonus point if /!\ chapter 6 and 7 spoiler /!\ idia bring her to styx and somehow get found out by his parents and have to explain why does he date a chimeria half blot, and how they/she are so polite
Maybe I ranted a bit too much or went too specific so feel free to cut off some parts x)
im going to name you blue blorbo or idia anon from now on
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[ Went completely off chart so I'm so sorry if this isn't what you wanted!]
Tw: none that I can think of, just fluff!
Blot-chimera!reader x Idia shroud
You met Idia when you were fairly young, outside of his family's estate. You were playing in the forest nearby and he heard your cheerful laughter. Leaving his stuffed toys on the front lawn and out the gates, he ventured through the trees. Ortho was inside taking a nap so he was on his own, with only the sunlight guiding him.
But then
He saw you.
you looked so sweet, dancing around a small clearing in the woods. He didn't notice the blot monster lurking nearby, focusing only on you and how your laughter rung in his ears.
You heard a twig snap and gasped, finally noticing the blue haired boy. You looked at him curiously, not very spooked as to see he was a child, like you! You smiled and waved, walking over to him.
He took a step back, and you a step forward. Back, forward, back, forward, back until you had his back against a tree. You leaned in closely to admire him, his breath hitched.
"hi! My name's (name)! What's yours?"
You said, taking his hand in yours and shaking it. It took him a moment to process what was going on.
"uhm.. idia.." he replied quietly. You giggled and led him back to the small clearing "nice too meet you Idia! Would you like to play with me?"
And thats were your friendship started
He'd often come over for play dates and the like, back before Ortho had the incident. His parents often wondering where he was going but didn't stop him. knowing the forest was safe and it was nearby, plus they had the tracking chip and his cellphone Incase he needed them.
But he did eventually Introduce you to his family, and boy were his parents surprised. They were wary of you at first but slowly warmed up, seeing you had no Ill intent but you did seem different from most kids.. you seemed sweet although, where were your parents?
Ortho loved you right away! He'd follow you and Idia everywhere! Playing, laughing, and laying on the grass admiring the stars.
You were there for him through everything, comforting him, giving him advice and listened to his woes.
You were his saviour, his safe space, never questioning why your blood was darker than most, unnaturally so. Your skin seeming sickly in a way. Or that strange feeling of dread he'd get when you came too close.
Eventually, he had to leave for nrc. You were upset ofcourse but you wanted him to be successful, promising him you'd be here when he came back.
And through those 4 years, you'd wait for him. The first to greet him when he'd come back from Winter break or summer vacation. The first to take him into your arms and tell him how much you missed him. The first person he'd rant to about the year.
But now he knew why he always felt strange when you'd get too close. Why you seemed different.. no, are different... He'd seen it in his fellow schoolmates.
You weren't fully human.. were you, sweetheart?
When he confronted you, you didn't know how to respond. Knowing you couldn't hide it forever but at the same time afraid of losing the one you held close. blurting it all out through tears, he finally pieced everything together. Getting the closure he needed after all these years
he held you close, shaky hands hesitantly petting your head. Now you were the one needing to be comforted. Telling him about how your parents dissapeared one night and were left all alone in your cabin in the woods, until a blot monster found you. Taking you in and raising you as its own, having been exposed to it for so many years it wasn't a surprise that it tainted your human genetics.
You cried about how you never went to a school, or a doctor, never having been let far from the forest. He nodded and squeezes you softly, calming down a bit as the only noises leaving your lips now we're hiccups and sniffling.
You were something completely different from him. A new interspecies that should be examined, something incredibly rare. But he didn't have the heart to do that to you. You were far too special, you needed to be protected.
"I promise.. to keep you s-safe and warm.. for the rest of our lives.. I've loved you for so long, (name)-chan.. I want to be with you.. s-so please accept my love..?"
His voice surprised you, looking up at him with wife curious eyes.
He said it so unsurely, you couldn't help but smile and nod your head. Burying your face into his chest, while he finally noticed the blot creature watching you both. It nodded it's head in approval and dissapeared into the dark. The dread was gone, Being replaced with happiness and relief. He picked you up and hurriedly took you into his family's mansion. Laughing loudly.
He was glad he was brave the day he met you, wandering away from his comfort zone. Otherwise, he doubted he'd have someone so perfect in his arms
Tags: @twistedtavern
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scuderiamh · 2 years
IMPULSE CONTROL || c.leclerc x reader
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pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
word count: 1k
warnings: none
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loneliness caused stupid decisions. y/n had learned that much.
being away from her boyfriend never got easier, she'd learned that, too. throughout their entire dating history, she knew she'd have to get accustom to nights in a half-cold bed and eating dinner together through facetime. watching shows alone when she'd much rather watch them with him. watching the couples outside kiss, hold hands, do all the things she and charles had much less time together to do. she was okay with it. it took its toll, certainly. but she had to be okay with it for him. she'd love nothing more than to follow  him to every race, every country he visited, but flying was expensive as ever and she wouldn't let him pay for her. even when he insisted it was no trouble.
he wasn't her entire impulse control, but he sure did make up a lot of it. he was the voice of reason to poke holes in every bad idea she had, as was she with all his thoughts that weren't as bright as he felt in the moment. it worked. it worked well. they kept eachother from doing anything stupid unless they were in on it together. but, she hadn't consulted him on this beforehand, and now --
a puppy. 
a tiny shepherd-type breed staring back at her with watery eyes and the guiltiest look she's ever seen. oh, what a mess. the pillow cover, once whole and beautiful, now torn nearly in half. ripped open, the perpetrator a small, lanky, ever-growing dog. she wanted to be mad, but how could she? sure, it was charles' pillow and all, he wouldn't be too happy... but the way the yet-to-be-named puppy groveled made it excusable. besides, it was nothing a needle and thread couldn't fix, and suddenly youtube tutorials became her best friend. 
and only fifteen minutes later did she realize how much harder sewing was than she'd initially thought. the messy, jagged threads of her attempts to fix his pillowcase were shameful, and she'd nearly considered just buying a whole new pillowcase. but that would be admitting defeat, and there were a million things she'd rather do before doing that. besides, charles was scheduled to come sometime today and she was uncertain on whether or not she could have the replacement by his arrival. stuck with fixing it she was.
as she was knitting -- or, trying to -- unnamed puppy made every effort to be as irritating as possible. nipping at her socks, licking her face, just about everything to be as distracting as she could. if she weren't so cute, she might've been mad. she'd grown to ignore her, concentrating all too hard on the job in front of her. she'd lost track of time, forgetting how soon her boyfriend would come as the task at hand fully absorbed her energy and attention. but the puppy running to the door gave the indication, even before he came inside. he was here. the sound of the keys unlocking the door was only confirmation, and she let out a soft gasp and let the pillow fall to the ground, quick to stand up and plaster as innocent a grin as she could muster.
now for the explaining.
“chérie, i'm h-” charles started, but his words were cut short by the yapping of an overexcited puppy. he put down his suitcase, closing the door slowly, not quite processing the situation. “uhm, who are we puppy-babysitting for?”
“hi, darling.” y/n said, a sweet smile all but tattooed on her face as she made her way to him. she ignored the jumping puppy as she wrapped her arms around her boyfried, who was slow to reciprocate. 
“as happy as i am to see you...” he trailed off, pulling away. he crouched down, only to sit down on the ground to interact with the puppy face to face. he chuckled, but it seemed more so nervously than anything. “you did not answer my question?”
he glanced up, and y/n only gave a sheepish smile, then threw her hands up as if to declare her guilt. “i'm sorry! i'm sorry. i got lonely, and i saw the ad online, and...”
“oh, god.” he let out an exhale, head dipping. “it's ours?”
“she's ours. she's our daughter, now, leclerc. you always said you wanted a family, didn't you?”
“well... yes, bu-”
“see, it's perfect!” she exclaimed with a grin, clapping her hands together once.
“i meant eventually, amour. a puppy, now?”
he rose back to his feet, prompting the puppy to yap again. he took y/n's hand, lightly squeezing it once, eyes on her. she'd almost decided to not say anything, but it was clear enough that he wanted an answer. 
“i just... you know, when you're off racing, it gets quiet, and-”
a ramble was coming on, he could tell. he interrupted her before that could happen, a soft smile present on his features. “i get it.”
not really. he didn't get it the same we she did and he likely never could. to an extent, he understood, but he'd never be the one sitting at home waiting for a loved one to come back from their work adventures. he was always the one on the work adventures. that was a different kind of struggle and he'd never wholly get how she felt when he was gone. 
“but... a puppy?”
a wide smile lit up her face and she knelt down, picking up the puppy. “our daughter.”
the pair of them erupted in giggles when the puppy licked charles' face, and his doubts on the situation seemed to wash away right then and there.
“i really hope she's trained, at the least.” he said, sighing in contented exhaustion as he made his way past the hallway, y/n and the now-grounded puppy following.
“oh, yeah, yeah, of course! completely!” a lie. 
“good, because, little puppies can be destructive, and we really don't want tha-”
she didn't have time to catch up with him completely before he spotted it. the pillow.
“what is this?”
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Could you do one where y/n is walking to home alone at night and is scared of someone and calls tae or somethingg ? :)) I love the Forever and a Day series!
Hello angel! sorry for the delay in post, been busy offline but im gonna get through my requests now, thank you for reading and loving the series! <3
No warnings, enjoy!!
"why are we getting dessert at 1am?"....."why not?" KTH DRABBLE
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"Hi sweetheart, are you just getting out?" Taehyung sat up in bed, phone up to his ear as he picked up your call.
"Hi baby, yeah.." you exhale, walking out of your building and walking to go catch the train home to your apartment.
The past few weeks youve been working as an assistant dance instructor at a fine arts school. You loved teaching and dancing everyday, but some nights were long, and you couldnt let the students leave unless their choreography was perfect.
"How was work then?" he asked, feeling more awake
"well...we finished the main choreo which is actually really good considering we just started teaching it last saturday. I think they are catching onto it now....but we still had to stay late and do costumes and what not..."
"busy, busy girl" he chuckled softly, fidgeting with his shirt as he heard the tiredness in your voice.
"yeah you got that right" you sigh and walk over to cross the street, eyeing the boarding platform for the train. "I'll be home soon, okay?"
"ok my love..."
"do you want me to pick up anything? Im at the train but I can stop quickly at the 24 hour market and bu-"
You stopped talking to your boyfriend as you heard a voice appear behind you. You turned to meet eyes with a much taller man wearing a grey hoodie and baggy navy blue sweatpants. He could have been anywhere between 30-40 years old.
"Uhm-..hi?" you smiled quickly, confused. You hadnt seen anyone around when you first arrived.
"whos there with you?" taehyung listens in to the unfamiliar voice
"hang on, tae" you mumble, putting the phone down as the man steps a bit closer.
"you look very pretty!" the older man spoke calmly, making you cringe. He smelled of cigarettes and booze.
"oh...thanks, im not interested in anything...im sorry. Just waiting to catch the train" you nod and point at the empty tracks in front of you, putting the phone back up to your ear as you turn
"baby whos that?" taehyung frowned, turning down the tv so he could listen more closely.
"I dont know...im at the train and some guy is just trying to talk to me" you whisper through gritted teeth.
"what??" he panics
"how old are you?" the guy asks, now closer to you than before.
"sir...im a little uncomfy with you being so close, I am just trying to get home to my boyfriend, its very late." you try to speak without your voice shaking.
"ah come on...dont be like that, im sure he wont mind if your home a little later. why dont we go have a little fun?" he mumbled
you felt your heart sink to your stomach as you immediately backed up. you wish you hadn't left your stupid pepper spray at home.
"Y/N?" tae called out, but your phone was by your side as you looked back at him. "please.....just go away" you try again
He simply laughed and continued to step closer before a cop that mustve been nearby came up behind him, grabbing his attention.
"hello sir, mind if I ask why you are out here this late?"
He scoffed, shrugging dramatically.
The cop continued to press questions as you quickly made a gesture of appreciation and fled without him noticing you.
You ran off the platform and back into the parking lot of some random store, picking up the phone to see tae was still on the line.
"Y/N, what happened? whats going on??" his voice was fast, concerned.
"I- I dont know, i ran away but some guy was near me asking me questions and I just- the cop came by but im afraid to go to the train again...im just-"
"where are you right now?" he stopped you
you turn around to see the 7/11 type market before you, "Im by the convenient store on 11th street..."
"okay stay there, go inside if you can...im coming to get you okay?"
"okay..." you breathe out and sit on the curb right next to the front door, still shaking a bit as your eyes nervously peered around the street, cars passing every now and then.
Taehyung grabbed his keys and was gone within the next 5 minutes, his own nervousness getting to him. He drove to you, keeping you on the line to speak.
"what did he look like?"
"tae i dont know, he was just older...creepy. smelled awful."
"im so sorry that this happened, are you okay?"
"im fine...im just scared now" you laugh breathily.
"im almost there, ok?"
your feet swung against the concrete parking lot before you saw the familiar headlights of your boyfriend pulling in. you waved to grab his attention, him parking the car close to you.
He got out and hugged you, swaying lightly. "its okay"
you give him a squeeze, "im sorry you had to come all the way over here so late.."
"shh dont apologize, you should always keep this with you though" he grabbed the pepper spray you left at home, shoving it into your backpack as you laughed.
"but its pinkkkk" you whined
"what guy is gonna be afraid of some pink pepper spray?"
"hey, pepper spray is pepper spray, you just have the bedazzled version. You spray and slay" he shrugged, making you cringe audibly.
"never fucking say that again" you laugh, pointing in his face as he holds your hand in his, beginning his walk to the markets front door.
"why are we going in here?" you ask
"mine as well" he smiled and opened the door, walking in and eyeing the people- free isles.
You followed him as he darted to the back of the building, lifting up the glass case and picking up 2 vanilla ice creams, then going to grab 2 iced coffees.
"whats all this?"
"dessert" he looked back and winked jokingly as he made his way to ring up the items.
You scoffed and stood behind him as he paid, "And why are we getting dessert at 1am?"
"why not" he chuckled and handed you the ice cream and coffee
"valid point" you giggle, "thank you"
He kissed your forehead and led you back out to the car, getting in and enjoying your late night snack.
"so you said the cop stopped him?"
you nodded, licking your cone and looking out the window. "He reeked of alcohol so I doubt it was because he was stalking some young girl....wonder if he was even arrested" you scoff
He hummed, pondering in thought.
The car went quiet for a moment
"do you think hes in the back seat?" tae suddenly spoke, side eyeing you.
"Tae!!!" you shout, playfully smacking his arm as he defensively raised his hands
"sorry, sorry!"
"one more word and im pepper spraying you"
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satorugojooo · 2 years
hi so i've recently done the sumeru archon quest and the entire time for which i was with alhaitham i couldn't help but keep seeing him as a peacock so i was wondering if you could write something with alhaitham where the reader keeps calling him a peacock because i just think his reactions would be funny
A/n: sorry for the late reply but I've been busy with a lot of things since I'll start my final school year in some days! I honestly agree so much like Alhaitham gives off peacock vibes he's literally just like one.
Pairings: Alhaitham x gn!reader
Warnings: just spoilers from the sumeru archon quest
You were a secretary in the Akademiya, you owned a dendro vision and you were pretty smart in everyone's eyes. You didn't know what was going on in Port Ormos but many scholars said that they got scammed by some Emerites, so for the sake of the scholars you were sent by the sages to get rid of these so called scammers.
As you walked around you noticed some Emerites talking to a boy from a foreign land, and another tall men that you barely knew about. His name was Alhaitham if you recalled correctly and he was working under the Akademiya. As you approached them you saw the Emerites throw some mora at the boy.
"This isn't over Alhaitham, mark my words." one of them said as you walked to them.
"Hm? Y/n, I don't think we had the pleasure to properly make acquaintance." Alhaitham said when he saw you stop in front of him.
"Yes we didn't, but I know of you. Tell me, we're those the Emerites that scam a lot of people and scholars?" you said and he nodded.
"Yes that's indeed true, do you have some business with them perhaps?" he told you and you just nodded.
"Yes, I was sent here on the behalf of the Akademiya because many scholars got scammed." you said and he nodded.
"What about we both track them down Hm?" he asked and you looked surprised. For alhaitham to help someone well, he had a very rational way of thinking and didn't let emotions affect him, so he surely wanted something out of this situation.
"Mmm alright, but how are we going to track them?" you asked and he just gave you a sly smile.
"With the help of this traveler of course." he said and he told you everything he knew abt this traveler. After planning everything the traveler left to see a merchant called dori.
As you and Alhaitham strolled trough the busy streets from Port Ormos you looked at him.
"So how does it come that I never got to talk to you even tho your working under the Akademiya like me?" you asked and he just shrugged.
"The sages always keep you busy, I couldn't even see you in the Akademiya, so approaching you was impossible." he said and you nodded.
"The sages can be... A bit weird I gotta admit but I have no choice but to obey them" you told him and he looked at you annoyed.
"Those sages are the shame of the nation, who would thought such people would represent the land of wisdom." he said and you couldn't help but chuckle.
"What's so funny?" he asked all of a sudden and you smiled at him.
"Ah nothing really you just reminded me of a peacock." you said and he looked at you shocked. It was the first time Alhaitham was left speachless by someone.
"À what now ??" he asked and you started laughing while going ahead.
"What you heard Mr Peacock~"you said and he walked up to you to hold your wrist. Exactly when you turned to him to look in his beautiful eyes as he looked at you, the both of you were interrupted.
"So uhm... Are we interrupting something?" Paimon said and you quickly snatched your hand from his grip looking in the ground.
"Ah traveler your back, well then did you manage to get dori on your side?" Alhaitham asked acting as if nothing happened.
"She said she will have some new products in some days, so that's when we will visit her again." Paimon said and Alhaitham nodded.
"Okay then, well see each other in 2 days." he said and with that the traveler left.
"Come" Alhaitham said and you looked at him quizzically.
"Where are we going?" you asked and he just shook his head.
"We will stay in the building owned by the Akademiya for now, we can't leave the Emerites without seeing what are they up too." he said and you nodded.
"Fine by me Peacock." you said and he gave you a sharp look.
"What do I have to do for you to stop calling me like that?" he said and you chuckled.
"I'm not so sure sir but it's a fitting name" you said and exactly when he wanted to approach you someone frowned.
"Seriously? Even here I bump into your annoying head?" the voice said and you looked only to see Kaveh. You knew that he was living with Alhaitham because he had huge debt but you didn't know more about that matter.
"What are you doing here Kaveh..." Alhaitham said with a straight face and Kaveh came to you. You encountered him a few times while he planned the library in the Akademiya and he was a very easy going guy.
"The question is why are you with y/n hm you really want to annoy them as well?" he said putting an arm over you and you just gave him a sharp look.
"Nice to see you too Kaveh." you said and he just smiled down at you.
"long time no see y/n!" he said and you nodded.
"Kaveh didn't you learn about private space? And you can continue your business here I bet you did not come here to meet y/n right." Alhaitham said pushing Kaveh lightly.
"Are you jealous or what now?" Kaveh said and you didn't want them to argue.
"Oh what about we calm down Hm? Kaveh, me and Alhaitham had business with the Akademiya so we should go to the residence owned by the Akademiya." you said and he frowned.
"Fineee, but be careful with this peacock y/n, hes à weird one." he said and Alhaitham gave him an annoyed look trying to go after him. You quickly placed your hand on his chest stopping him.
"No need to go after him, your smarter aren't you?" you said and for a brief second you saw him soften his look.
"Yes your right... I apologize that you had to see that side of me too." he told you and you smiled.
"It's okay, I won't judge you for that because I can't really agree with Kaveh, I think that your quite misunderstood by him." you said and he gave you a puzzled look.
"Oh? Does that mean I value something in your eyes?" he asked getting closer and you just shrugged.
"Maybee~" you said and started walking ahead him.
The next day you both were looking at the sunset together after you got to see how it is to work outside the Akademiya.
"Thank you for these days Alhaitham, I don't think I would had the chance to witness so much without you." you said and he just smiled.
"It's nothing really, I'm glad you enjoyed your time." he said and you nodded.
"I hope to see you even after this mess ends." you said and he looked at the sky.
"Of you want to see me then we will meet again no matter what." he said and you looked at him.
"Thank you Mr Peacock~" you said giggling and he gave you a surprised look.
"Oh come on I thought you quit with that nickname." he said while getting closer to you.
"Nope that's my way of saying that I care for you so I won't quit." you said and he looked at you.
"You... Care for me?" he asked and then you realized what you said.
"Uhh, I mean, I care for every friend... Yes that right!" you tried to mumble but seeing that he gave you a smile you lowered your head defeated.
"Oh come now no need to hide, after all..." he said taking your chin and making you look in his eyes.
"I care for you as well." he said as he closed the distance between you two.
The traveler and paimon approached Port Ormos in hopes to find Alhaitham and Y/n but when they did... They were quite stunned.
"Are those two... Alhaitham and Y/n??" Paimon said and Aether just chuckled as he shook his head.
"Let's go paimon, we don't wanna interrupt anything." he said walking away.
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celientjeee · 1 year
Hi my darling Celine!! 🤍🤍
I would love a drabble for the forced proximity prompts with ‘Your eyes are really pretty up close’ for lestappen (I mean are you surprised? 😌)
My beloved Charlie, thank you for this prompt! 🧡
I somehow was able to keep this one short -gasp!- but it was a lot of fun (and I kinda wanted to keep writing)
Lestappen prompt (540 words)
Charles always got a rush from the drivers parade. 
He loved being there for the fans, seeing all their happy faces in the stands, the Ferrari flags and banners with his names on it. He liked chatting with his fellow drivers as they waved to their fans. And he even didn’t mind the little interviews they had to give.
But what he loved most of all was that no matter what, Max would always come find him. He would talk to him about the upcoming race, his eyes bright and his smile blinding. He would wave his hands around as he did his famous Maxplaining, and it really was Charles’ favorite part of the whole event really. 
He had always liked Max, no matter what the media said. Sure they were ‘rivals’ growing up in their karting days, but he respected the dutchman, he learned from him and always looked forward to racing against him.
Today was no different.
As soon as Charles got on the truck, waving at the people around him and finding a spot to stand, Max elbowed his way through Carlos, Lando and Alex to get to him.
‘Charles!’ He greeted him happily, a big grin already on his face.
‘Hey, Mate,’ Charles smiled, already enjoying the enthusiastic vibes that rolled off of him in waves. He swore he would get drunk someday, just by being near Max.
‘Ready for the race?’ Max asked, lifting his arm to wave at the stand that was filled with people in orange who cheered loudly for him.
‘I always am, but I’m glad we have a weekend off after this one though,’ Charles admitted.
He loved racing, but the schedule this year was crazy busy.
Max nodded and lowered his arm. 
‘I know what you mean, it’s insane how many races they fit into this season.
Charles was about to respond when the truck came to a sudden halt, making everyone fall either forward or backwards and struggle for balance.
Charles fell forward, straight into the strong arms of Max who somehow didn’t struggle with the extra weight and kept his balance easily. 
Everyone around them cursed and Charles vaguely heard someone yell something about a cat on the track, but all Charles could focus on now was how close Max’s face was to his. How he could feel warm breath on his lips that smelled like Red Bull and something minty. 
Their chests were almost touching and Charles was very aware of two warm big hands on his hips, keeping him upright. Blue eyes met his green one and Charles swore Max his pupils widened and the color darkened a little.
‘Uhm, sorry,’ Charles mumbled awkwardly as he pried his fingers away from where he had grabbed Max’ biceps.
‘You eyes are really pretty up close, did you know that?’ Max blurted out, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink as he slowly let go of Charles’ hips. 
Someone coughed beside them and Charles looked down at his feet, not knowing what to say back. He thought Max’s eyes were very pretty as well and he would very much like to stare at them some more, maybe even feel his hands on his hips again too. 
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straightyuri · 29 days
what relevance does gladstone have in the comics? like. in terms of relations, plots, character in generalll because i dont know much in generals
Uhmmmmmm Well he's Donald's super lucky cousin that's his main thing. His 3 main consistent traits are 1. SUPER LUCKY probably most important one 2. Lazy cuz of said luck. this is both just because of the nature of living his whole life lucky but also in a lot of comics his luck will punish him for working so like. #sucks 3. Egotistical as fuck.
the intricacies of his personality kind of depends on who's writing him my favorite kind is when he's an asshole to donald but mostly just kind of clueless and unaware. his ass does not pay attention. esp when you can't really tell if he's purposely pushing Donald's buttons or was just made in a lab to specifically piss him off. I think it's both tbh.
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^ one of my favorite examples. He's really funny. I mostly see this in Barks comics and stuff obviously inspired by him.
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like it's just a really good phenomenon. He's mostly a character who is a hindrance to Donald but in which way depends on the plot. I've noticed a sort of cycle where it's like. Donald doesn't like Gladstone cuz Gladstone is an ass to him (understandable), but even if Gladstone is not actively trying to piss him off and just existing Donald will usually be mean to him (both cuz Gladstone is an ass but also his luck pisses him off soooo much), which causes Gladstone to be annoyed back and purposely piss him off. What if both of you stopped. freaks. this is just kind of Donald's nature tbh but this isn't about him.
^ that's just like. my favorite interpretation. there are so many versions of these characters cuz of all the different writers and I usually just take my favorite parts of the different version, but barks is def my fave just purely 1 version of gladstone wise. Rosa Gladstone is usually just an asshole for no reason and a really big one. It's kind of funny. I don't have it on me but there's one comic where he specifically walks ontop of Donald and uses his hat to clean his feet for no reason. what a freak.
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you can tell it's Rosa Gladstone by that he looks kind of gay. sorry I didn't say that. Rosa's artstyle is really distinct tho lol, sometimes he has blonde hair it depends on who colored it (inking and coloring are done seperately. this is also why some comics have different versions of the same story with different colors)
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not my fav personality wise but he draws him rather cute
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not really related but talking abt Rosa he drew probably the most well known family tree. let's look at the family tree. waow.
uhm the 3rd most well known version of gladstone is topolino gladstone I don't really have much to say abt him. he's much nicer than other version usually. there's versions within topolino cuz topolino is like. a bigger thing. rather than just a single writer. I kind of got off track. there's also dt17 gladstone but. again I got off track.
uhmm.. the three main kind of stories gladstone appears in are. 1. Gladstone centric. 2. hinderance to Donald 3. just kind of there because the whole Duck family is there. then there's categories within those. also dd comics loveee reusing plots btw this is why they're so easily to put into catergorie
gladstone centric comics usually center around either him 1. getting sad about his luck cuz people exploit him or don't like him cuz of it 2. he either loses his luck or THINKS he loses his luck and freaks out because of it. these get kind of repetitive but I like how they explore his relationship to his luck 3. who up exploiting the golden goose. other characters love taking advantage of his luck and it always blows up in their face cuz his luck serves him and only him. lol. lmao.
hinderance to donald comics are uhm. big category and includes most of his apperances. stuff includes like 1. donald is in a competition and it turns out gladstone is also in it. 2. kind of the same as b4 but there's a lot of stories where it's specifically a raffle??? 3. donald and gladstone fight over daisy. I hate these comics. a lot. they're often just really misogynistic... if I can get away with it I try and read them as if Gladstone is just kind of odd and one of his only friends happen to be his cousin's girlfriend. usually makes the stories much better LOL. I don't really like. I hate the concept of them fighting over her and the way she's written where she's two timing them basically. but also sometimes they have good parts in them... like the one where it turns out gladstone has written really sappy love letters to daisy. I like when he's sappy it' something that comes up sometimes #SAPPYFUCK. 4. scrooge makes them compete in something usually a business cuz they're his inheritors but he doesn't want either of them to have his money cuz he thinks they'll waste it. often they both technically lose or gladstone wins but either he doesn't want to do whatever scrooge wants him to do afterwards or scrooge gets scared cuz gladstone's luck can outpass him in riches lol. gladstone publishing is named after one of these stories where scrooge gets scared and so gives him a comic publishing comic cuz "who can get rich through comics?" it's a little 4th wall break that I find funny.
IM NOT TALKING ANYMORE I HAVE TO CUT MYSELF OFF. I GOT OFF TRACK I THINK? SORRY. I will love if you ask me to elaborate on anything tho smiels. when I say he's my favorite character ever I means it. why couldn't i have a special interest in math or something WHAT IS GLADSTONE GANDER.
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shkika · 1 year
I think its worth considering that how ancients behaved was from universal
I recall one of the broadcasts describing how the ancients of one iterator had formed a sort of cult around one ancient, while another iterator said that their citizens citizens made festivals constantly
Also I don't think moon is the best source of info since she is a collapsed iterator that forgets things regularly. (Best example being how she said that none of them really missed their creators while pebbles clearly holds a lot od value in what their creators made)
My point is that its entirely possible that in some iterators that it was a group mass ascension, but it is also possible for the citizens of some iterators to have slowly ascended one by one
They did behave differently! I even recall the broadcast you are referring to, it's the one between WO and SI where they reminisce about the ancients after they've left.
PS: Ramble about Moon's memories and Pebs incoming below I went a little off-track at some point I'm sorry aegh!!
The thing is it is implied they ALL left at roughly the same time? I presume? If we were expected to believe otherwise, it's weird we've never heard of one iterator having citizens still left over while another's were already ascended. Sure it's possible we don't know, because we have so few examples, but it's an important one to give I think..
MOON IS ABSOLUTELY not in the best of conditions, but she forgets things. I'm not sure if she's said anything super faulty(?) Mostly she just lacks info. Like how she has no idea what vulture masks are. Not to mention all of her knowledge on fauna and flora (which it's implied she's interested in) is super vague. She uses language like "some" "some sort of" "some kind" and "I don't know" haha.
Hey, she does remember what drugs are! Both the karma and the normal kind that's funny.
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Other than that, she'd absolutely have memories of key things, just because she's proven she does! Or at least she gets reminded of them from the pearls you give to her.
I think uhm.. her lack of knowledge/understanding of Five Pebbles' opinion on the ancients speaks for their uh.. less than perfect relationship (and her bias!) more than anything. Not that having a faulty memory.. helps, but Pebbles considered Suns his friend more than he does Moon, so conversations about their creators were probably shared with them more often than with Moon.
I mean even when she's the one who got blasted (fell), Pebbles speaks with more pain about losing Suns as a companion. I do think that uh.. probably has to do with him feeling frustrated that part of the reason why he failed was like- well Moon. She interrupted him and caused the rot to start it's shenanigans
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It's not like he didn't feel remorseful towards her as much as he was upset. He never meant to hurt her.
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But look at how he talks about Suns..
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Makes me think of what Suns meant by using the information in that pearl responsibly while Pebbles feels like they fully understood. I love reading these pearls I love how upset and frustrated Pebbles is at how he keeps hurting the people trying to help/ reach out to him. Of course he wants to be left alone he's scared and guilty.
You guys have issues like all of you.
Anyway ohhh man jumped TERRIBLY off track I'm SO sorry- UHH ANCIENTS ASCENDING YESYES.
I don't think it's impossible for a few on some colonies to have remained for longer, I just think it's implied they all roughly went at the same period of time. I don't know how long that period was!
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seareefer · 2 years
The Sweetest Tart Around
I’m gonna be honest as soon as classes started I was putting this stuff off. But I want my internet mother to be happy so I had the discord tell me to write as motivation....
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Riddle wrung his hands nervously under the tablecloth. With each minute that got closer to the chosen time he could feel his heart ready to beat out of his chest. Today marked 3 months after his overblot incident, 3 months of working on himself for the better, and 3 moths of bonding with you more than he’s ever had the chance to before with anyone.
He took a deep breath in, telling himself if you were late that was ok, you were a busy person. That was the main reason this...meeting, not a date he reminded himself, had taken so long to occur. With the tournament, Leona’s incident, and then Azul’s coming up rather quickly after he began interacting with you more it was hard to find a time you weren’t running around with Ace and Deuce trying to save the school.
As he thought more about it, his mind began wondering to the relationship you had with your fellow freshman...you spent nearly all your time with them, classes, time in the Dining Hall, even in your free time you hung out with them more than anyone else...even him.
Though he had asked you here under just a ‘hang out’... he hoped maybe it would turn into something at least a little more...With a sigh he looked at his watch to distract himself from thinking about the trio anymore. If you truly felt something for one of those two... he’d be happy he supposed, if you were.
It was 15 minutes past your slotted time. Looking out at the table of sweets he’d had Trey prepare his heart felt heavy at the realization he’d have to eat them alone most likely... He would at least share what he couldn’t eat with the dorm, all this food wasted would just be a slap in Trey’s face.
As he stood up to prepare packing the area up, speeding footsteps caught his attention. “Riddle! I’m so sorry I’m late... Crewel had me stay back till I got this potion perfectly and I lost track of time, I’m so sorry!” Riddle’s eyes were wide at the site of you leaning on the chair across from him gasping for air after sprinting here and hurriedly explaining what happened.
“...I...Oh! Th-There’s no need to apologize MC! Everything is still set so we can still...hang out...If you’d like?” With a relieved smile spreading on your lips you took a seat with him. “I’m glad I was able to make it, I didn’t wanna miss our da-I mean hang out!” Your words brought a rosey hue to Riddle’s face as he watched you start stuffing treats into your mouth to prevent anything else coming out.
Bringing his teacup to his lips he mumbled, “I personally... wouldn’t mind it being a date, as long as it’s with you,” the chokes across from him let him know you had indeed heard him. With his face getting hotter and hotter he waited for your verbal reaction.
“I’d actually really like that Riddle...Gosh! I was so nervous when you asked me in the hall! I didn’t wanna pressure you into anything so I didn’t ask if it was actually a date but, I uhm...really like you Riddle...” Reaching across the table he gently took your hand, “I... like you too MC, “.
Feeling giddy you continued rambling to him about whatever came to your mind, he listened intently and shared in your enthusiasm for topics he knew of. “Oh! Trey hit it out the park with these tarts! They’re so sweet, even without his unique magic on me haha!” Riddle smiled softly as he bit into a tart, you were right Trey made them perfectly sweet. But none of the treats on the table, even his favorite tarts, were as sweet as you.
I think I’m gonna make a masterlist before the next fic so look out for that lol. Thank you all for liking and reblogging my stuff it means a lot <3. And please don’t be shy if you guys would like me to write something, have a nice day!!
Taglist: @vanrougemoons @xoxowritingclub @idiasdiscordkittensposts @c3lestialstars @kaiyoschaos @a-mossball-with-a-pen
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quinnonimp · 1 year
two things. one, your art is absolutely wonderful. i love the warm tones and style. two. got any like. weird art tips. like just weird things you do that work really well. or just art tips in general lol. there's something bout your style that makes me go ':D' lmao
aaaaaa tysm !!!! very glad u like my style <33 means a lot
and yeah id say i have quite a few with the way im very experimental n passionate abt art !
>> i think my weirdest one is rly just the main way i render tbh ? like, as u can pretty easily see with my main art style is that its all very crunchy n pixelated, n thats all cause i have anti-aliasing off for my brush . i render in a pretty unorthodox way but it makes things so so so much easier and more fun for me, even if its more time consuming for several reasons
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heres a little bit of an infographic ive whipped up that hopefully u can get smth out of lmao . its 6am ive been up all night drawing as usual so im having a lot of trouble doing things properly sorry sorry
and the funny thing is this is aaaaaaaaall just cause i hate blending and am scared of committing to things (esp colors) so i just decided "okay whatever im gonna be goofy and just make it all pixelated idc anymore" and it worked !! (thanks homestuck) art is sm more enjoyable since i started doing this as it fits perfectly with the way my brain works and its helped me sm with getting better at colors bc of the way i have to do every single color manually (for several reasons like how i have to keep track of every color ((which makes me recycle them a lot more making things look more united)), gradients r the most fun to do but i have to make sure all the colors "blend" together nicely, i get to change them super easily, etc etc)
however these days i HAVE been trying to get back into working with anti-aliased brushes just to get out of my comfort zone n such, but tbh the only thing its helped me with is remind me how much more fun drawing aliased is and how absolutely dogshit i am at blending FDJHJKDF
also it makes me better at minecraft skins since im so used to working with pixels !
>> another little weird thing i have that honestly just goes against basic art rules is experiment by having ur values be as close together as possible without losing contrast . this is horrible as a tip, but fun as an experiment, and for me its just fun since i already know pretty well how values work and have enough experience to break the "rules" - because lot of times good shading colors r actually lighter than the original when put under b&w
so if ur like me i would recommend trying it out ! if u dont even know what values are then this ISNT good for u, do values properly as they really help
>> if u struggle a lot with side profiles, just learn from the gorillaz demon days album art . like literally im not joking that is THE thing that made me learn to draw side profiles and id say im pretty good at them now (however the effectiveness of this probably depends on the style)
and by learn from it i mean u can just trace it with any other characters, or study it, or reference it, yadaydayada . just do wahtever with it, damon albarn dgaf
obviously this isnt gonna magically make u great at side profiles but if u want a fun art challenge or ur a big gorillaz fan like me, it could get u kickstarted !!!! especially if ur doing it with ocs or characters u like that are in a band or something
ok thats all the tips ill be giving out tonight im a little sickly victorian child rn
hope it helped . uhm . bye
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inkwell-and-dagger · 10 months
[Refuge: Part 2]
A/N: @paranoia-exe requested part two for my most recent post, and I shall deliver!! vesker again belongs to eros lmao- I love evelyn so much she does not deserve to be this girlipop
CW: surprisingly, no content warnings!! woohoo!!
Rayan Hyacinth (he/it) — Whumpee
Evelyn Larkins (she/her) — Previous Caretaker
Vesker Faithern (he/him), (mentioned) Madison Maguire (she/her) — Current Caretakers (in canon)
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Thankfully, the next evening, Rayan did explain the reasoning behind his sudden show up at Evelyn's house in the early hours of the morning. He spoke timidly, as if embarrassed to talk about it, staring down at a coffee mug clasped securely in his grasp. "Uhm... I'm- first off I'm so sorry for—"
"There's no reason to apologize, kiddo," Evelyn interrupted gently with a soft pat on his shoulder, earning a small smile in response to the nickname "kiddo".
Rayan nodded. "Okay, okay, if you say so. So uhm- there are these.. times, where I get angry, like- really angry, to the point I just- I can't control it. Right?"
"...And- And I've never told you this but I have a fiance. He's called Vesker- I'm gay, so. Y'know."
Evelyn cracked a smile. "Oh, congrats. When's the wedding—? Oh, I apologize, I'm getting off track already—" She chuckled, Rayan following along with a shaky snigger— "Go on?"
"So.. we- we get into arguments a lot, and during the times when I'm angry, I.. get violent. It's.. not the first time that's happened, too."
"...Well, have you considered going to—?"
"Anger management classes, I know the spiel, Vesker and my own sister go on and on about it. I just- I dunno. I don't see the point in it." Rayan mumbled bitterly, eyebrows furrowing.
"Alright, I'm sorry for bringing that up, then. Did.. did you become violent towards Vesker last night?"
"Yeah.. yeah, I did. He drove to my sister's place, 'cause that's where he usually goes if I get too angry at him. I'm- I'm completely fine with all that, by the way. So, I uhm.. since the house was empty except for me and our dog because our son is also at my sister's, I uhm... I decided to come here."
Evelyn nodded along, a little taken aback by the sudden insight to Rayan's personal life. He had a fiance, a son, and a dog... Well, good for him!
"I see."
The two remained silent after that, simply enjoying their mugs of coffee and listening to the soft hum of the television. Evelyn had given Rayan a couple hand-baked biscuits for him, as he said he only really needed something to satisfy the hunger that was gnawing at his stomach.
She broke the silence with a gentle sigh. "If.. If it's not any trouble, I could drive you back to your house?"
Rayan immediately nodded, a thankful smile breaking across his split lips. Evelyn hadn't seen that beforehand...
"That would- that would be amazing, thank you. Thank you, Evelyn."
She aww'd softly at him, which made a tiny hint of pink bloom in his pale cheeks. "You're welcome. You wanna finish the coffee and biscuits and then head out?"
"...Yes. Yes, please."
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Rayan leaned back in the passenger seat of Evelyn's car with a content sigh, the sound of the wheels gliding across the motorway being a distant hum in his ears, a background noise to the music playing in the car to break the silence.
"Your car smells like cinnamon..." He mumbled almost absentmindedly, coaxing a chuckle from Evelyn.
"I've got a scented.. what's-it-called, in here, kiddo."
"A scented car freshener thing?"
"Mhm, exactly that. My cousin gave it to me."
"Oh, really?" Rayan grinned at her, and she momentarily turned away from the road to exchange the expression.
"Indeed. I've got a few extras back at home, y'know. If you visit again, I could let you have one to give it to that fiance o' yours?"
Rayan chuckled. "If that's not too much of a problem."
"It never is, Rayan."
The music continued to quietly play as they made it off of the motorway, trees flashing past them.
→ → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → →
Vesker had no clue where Rayan was. He'd tried calling him, only to find out he'd left his phone at home. That was totally reassuring.
He could only feed and pet Buddy, Rayan's fluffy Newfoundland whom he absolutely adored, whilst he clung onto the hope that Rayan was okay. His fears were extinguished at a knock on the door just as when Vesker had gotten home from walking Buddy. He opened it to reveal Rayan, alongside a blonde haired and grey eyed woman.
"Sorry to disturb you," the woman began, but Vesker held up a hand to interrupt.
"Don't worry about it." He said tiredly, the voice muffled behind his mask. The woman instead gently nudged Rayan forward, who gladly wrapped his frail arms around Vesker's waist.
"...So uhm- I'd best be off." The woman chuckled nervously, waving at Rayan — who waved back, smiling — before walking back to her car. Vesker waited till she drove off to close the front door.
Rayan paused, hesitating. "...I'm- I'm so sorry, Vesk, I shouldn't have left the do—"
Vesker slid his mask off to kiss Rayan's forehead, eminence purple hair mixing with coffee brown. "It's okay, bunny. Let's talk about it over dinner, okay?"
Rayan couldn't help but smile, nestling his face in the taller man's hair. "Okay."
—> —> —> —> —> —>
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kirihotto · 1 year
Jealousy with a Bow {Suga X Reader 18+}
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 Christmas. A special time that comes around once a year, filled with magic stories and warmth.  
For the christmas season The seven guys would host a party for themselves as old tradition. But when Yoongi and the band mates got big they hosted larger parties in the holiday spirit. Hundreds of idol groups and musicians were invited, sure they wouldn’t all come but it was still a lot of people. Which was the plan for the evening. Yoongi and I had the honor of setting up the rest of the venue. The other guys had been busy already so it was our turn. Even so, Yoongi had made the mix tracks for the Christmas songs for ARMY. It was currently Christmas morning. Yoongi. Well he was curled up next to me breathing calmly.
“Yoongi…?” I called out softly, my hand resting on his tense shoulder. Wavy black curls are the only thing I could see past the sheets. A small sigh left my lips. I tried again. “Yoongi?” 
He turned to face me, yawning. Squinting up to me, blinking slowly as he woke up. His deep voice beckoned me. “What time is it?”
Ignoring the butterflies that had been summoned by Yoongi’s deep voice. He sat up next to me stretching his arms in the air. Realizing he had been shirtless under all those blankets I averted my gaze from staring. Earning a glance from Yoongi and chuckling to follow. Sliding on my fluffy slippers waiting for Yoongi to sulk out of bed. Meeting me at the door I dragged his slender wrist toward the living room. He was now dressed in gray sweats, White T, black framed glasses and slippers. A decent stack of gifts beside us on the black leather couch. Tearing through gifts and cards we enjoyed our surprising morning. Gift wrapping lay all across the floor but it mattered little to us. 
“Merry Christmas.”  Yoongi finally spoke in his normal voice. Smiling over to me half awake, coffee in hand. Such a simple gesture and my heart was beating faster than I controlled. After a flicker of Yoongi's dark gaze up and down my body he leaned closer to me. Brushing my crazy hair out of my face before he hovered above my lips with his own. His hand resting on the side of my face he kissed me. Lingering there for a moment. Until he retreated his gaze staring deep in mine. “I love you. F/N.”
“I-i love you too.” I replied, shocked by his sudden warmth and affection toward me. Not that he isn't affectionate but considering I just woke him up he was quite friendly. I placed my hand on his, resting on my cheek. “W-we should go get ready.” 
“Alright. You wanna head in first? I should call Jin and Joon.” Yoongi inquired. letting go of me. He stood now in front of me on the couch. Holding out a slender hand. Gladly meeting him, he pulled me off the couch. He kissed me on the forehead and let me go. Feeling his eyes on me as I walked to the bathroom. Stripping off my clothes hopping under the warm sprinkle. Thoughts of our Christmas day filled my head. Due to the excitement filling me, I made my way quickly out of the shower. Drying my hair and slipping on my fresh attire for the evening, meeting Yoongi in the kitchen. His head in the fridge. 
“You wanna go shower?” I called from behind the island. His head shot up from the fridge in shock. Meeting my awakened gaze. 
“Y-yeah. I’ll be done in a bit.” he replied, yawning and fumbling with his dark tangled locks. Patting me on the shoulder as he swung by, a swift smell of his remaining cologne. A swift glance toward the ground and my face was steaming red. With the squeak of the knob, the water was on again in the bathroom. I wandered back to finish the full extent of my look for the day. It didn't take long for Yoongi to get out of the shower, while I was still perched in front of the mirror covered in steam. He promptly grabbed a towel around his waist before I met his gaze. “What are you doing?”
“Oh! Sorry I forgot my.. Uhm..” My thoughts trailed off as a nearly naked Yoongi stood in front of me. His wet form wrapped with a towel around his waist. One brow cocked toward me with a hint of sas. I made my way toward the door as my hands and face both rapidly got warm. “My bracelet. Sorry!” 
Slamming  the door leaving Yoongi alone again like he SHOULD have remained the whole time. Nonetheless I had attempted to forget what I had just seen and finish getting ready. Yoongi Meeting me in the living room tidying up wrapping paper. He already had his black trench coat slid over his outfit. A white T shirt and black blazer peeked out from beneath the large warm coat. He had tucked away his glasses and had on a set of four silver hoop earrings. With his dark hair styled and slightly curled. Pointing his head toward the door beckoning me I followed. 
It was around twelve by the time we made it to the venue. The huge building is decorated with unlit lights and greenery. The gates remained closed until we pulled through when the person's gaze met Yoongi’s. Seriously a single glance and they knew who it was. This fame was insane. Even though it’s been two years I've been in this fame game with him. Today wasn't about fame, it was about free spirits. We walked in the two huge sets of doors for the building, people running left and right with miscellaneous objects. It made me even panic. While Yoongi next to me let out a yawn and strutted ahead into the nearly empty ballroom other than the stage. Greeting two other members with a silent wave and smirk. The two were easily recognized after that. 
“Yoongi!” Tae called out, dropping the arm full of lights. Watching as the person on the ladder wobbled about before recovering their balance. Tae without a care in the world raced toward us waving. Jimin followed after checking on the latter. The younger one met up with us with a sweet huge grin. “Here to help out?” 
“Yup. Namjoon said to supervise…” Yoongi’s gaze fell to me after addressing the two younger on the details. “Now then. What needs setting up still? We have roughly four hours left. Less than that when the cooks show up. They need their space done first. Tae you head to the kitchen. Jimin. You good to stay here and help decorate the last few things?” 
“Sure! Call if you need help Taehyung! Those trees too.” Jimin reminded him. Another warm smile soon came across his face. Tae headed toward what I assumed to be the kitchen. The other two continued chatter about planning and placements of stage setups, extra rooms and things I wasn't listening to. Before Jimin’s soft worried voice pulled me out of my thoughts. “Can we do it in time?”
“I’ll help!” I burst into the conversation abruptly. The surprised expression on Yoongi's face told wonders. He smiled, patting me on the shoulder. Before he could shut me down I offered. “I could do the decorations! Since I don't know much about stage set ups.” 
“Alright. If you need help, call any of us. I’ll be upstairs with the extra rooms and the chiefs when they arrive. Jimin. You're on stage duty.” 
“Right!” Jimin and I called out. Receiving orders like soldiers and deputy. We went our separate ways. I finished helping pass the lights to the poor guy Tae had left earlier. As well as sorting Greenery. Jimin was working away with the stage crew. Yoongi trailing all around checking up on everyone. Tae was placing out the sweets on the decorated tables along the left side of the huge hall. Everyone was hard at work until around two. I finished up, Upon seeing the filled kitchen I went to Jimin instead. 
“Hey! Need any help? We finished up the main decor.” I questioned him on the stage. My hands rested on the edge of the tall stage. Nearly my height. Jimin plopped down next to me, sitting on the edge of the stage. His outfit was sparkling under the stage lights. A white and gold blazer set. Topped with white dress shoes. Sandy hair now styled and ready for the party. The next words were thought but not planned to be spoken. “You look great. What's that on your neck? Are you ok?”
“WHAT! OH yeah i'm ok! Haha.. ahh.. Thank you. I could use some help but uhh..” Jimins awkward focus flung to something behind me. As Jimin hurriedly swept his jacket collar over his neck. Turning to see what caught his gaze, it was a cat eyed Yoongi. He was now wearing something similar to Jimin’s outfit. Guessing it was their performance looks. He glared down to his cuff playing with it in the opposing hand. My face instantly shot aflame. 
“All I get is a wow huh?” Yoongi teased a grin sliding across his face. 
“U-uh! You look.. G-great.. OK! I’ll get to work then.” Turning to face Jimin again, he pulled me up on the stage with him. As I tried to retain my flustering. 
“You know I won't steal them. Get to work!” Jimin huffed. Leading me over to the side of the stage. 
“Uh huh. I know that. You may wanna get more makeup.” Yoongi quickly snapped, shooting another grin directed at Jimin. before he walked away. Now us on stage were flustered. But same as me he tried to shake off the feeling. While I was still kind of in the dark. 
“Here. You don't have to of course. But if you wanna. The ornaments are there. The lights are already on. Do what you feel looks best.” Jimin gestured to the clumps of trees surrounding the stage on either side. Nodding, I dove into work. Decorating the last hour away. Soon enough the members started flooding in the doors. Hoseok came first with cookies helping with the last few things. Then Namjoon gave the final call on the attendee list and decorations. Jin and a guest. While we chatted away inside the dance hall waiting for Jungkook. The rest of the guys getting their matching outfits on one by one. It was about four fifty by the time Jungkook and his date had arrived. Yoongi, who had been by my side again since Namjoon arrived, went to greet jungkook. The rest of the members followed While me and Jin's date chatted away, letting BTS do their intro. Assuming JK’s date was a little nervous and new to this since I hadn't seen them before. They stood with him at the entrance. 
“Happy Holidays from BTS!” They all shouted in sync, bowing slightly. The crowd entered slowly gawking at the amazing place. Now that the night has fallen all the gold, white and green decor shone so much brighter. I couldn't wait to see the lights outside. 
“F/N.” Yoongi called to me as the crowd flooded in. Meeting Yoongi by the entrance, people greeted us left and right. After our final greeting he dragged me toward where the empty tables had been. Now of course flooding with guests. We were the first to sit at our reserved table. Hoseok soon followed suit. Once we all accounted for the feast began. Once it began it was over in a heartbeat. Making our way to the dance floor. We didn't really dance much, more like swaying to the music. Since we both had drinks in our hands. Until I made the mistake of leaving. Going to grab another set of drinks for me and Yoongi since I had offered. Bumping (literally) into Yeonjun. Who was easy to recognize since I had seen them around Hybe studios. 
“Oh my goodness are you ok?!” nearly shouting over the music. Knowing I should have stayed with Yoongi. 
“Oh! Yes, are you?” He smiled back, bowing slightly. I returned the offer quickly at almost a ninety degree angle. Causing him to jump back slightly. “Woah, no need for that.. As long as you're alright. May I ask. What group are you in?”
“Oh! Me no no! I’m here as a plus one. You are.. Yeonjun, yes? TXT? ” I asked before yet another familiar face bumped into him. He released a ‘tch’ at contact. 
“Yeonjunnnn Dance with meeeee. Kai wonnttt.” The ‘someone’ appeared to be Beomgyu from the same group. Just behind this whining boy was another taller boy. Who I had assumed to be this ‘Kai’ in question. 
“Hiyaa… go dance with Soobin or whatever.” Yeonjun groaned, wiping off his jacket where Beomgyu once held on. The taller boy pointed a finger at the smaller as he laughed. Yeonjun let out a sigh, clearly directed at the members. His intense gaze drifted back to me. “Sorry about them.. On another note.You really are quite beautiful.”
“O-oh! Thank you.” My face was red. A famous Idol known for looks called me pretty? My head was spinning. Until someone's hand brought me back to reality. 
“Yeonjun…” I knew it was Yoongi who hissed this out bitterly. His hand on my shoulder tensed. Yeonjun bowed once he had realized who it was calling him in such a sour tone. Before the younger could say anymore Yoongi tugged at my wrist. “C’mon.”
Eventually we ended up upstairs. In one of the rooms I had assumed Yoongi was working on earlier. White couches sat around a white table with a few drinks. Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyun from TXT were in the room as well. Probably enjoying the time to relax. Yoongi dragged me to one of said couches. Sitting between Hoseok and Yoongi, I faced Taehyun and Jungkook. Yoongi’s hand refused to let mine go. The light chatter was refreshing between these groups. We stayed silent almost the entire time.  Not long after JK and his partner left, Yeonjun steals Jungkook’s seat. Until the topic of looks came about. You can thank Taehyun for that one. He may have slipped in something about JK being attractive. Yet again Yeonjun complimented me. It was so odd. Other artists had been saying this to me all night when we greeted them. Why? Was I really that good looking compared to other actual artists? Did they not know I was dating Yoongi? Or maybe that I was his sibling? With a swipe of Yoongi's dark curly hair he was over the edge. 
“Right. We will be taking our leave. See you on stage Hobi.” Yoongi barked coldly. At first he shot a confused glance. But smiled and waved us off. Bowing slightly before I left. That sweetness would be the last thing I saw before Yoongi’s dark gaze. Another room hidden away my hands were pinned against the opened then shut door. My back is cold due to the bareness against the door. Yoongi’s breath covered the crook of my neck. He hasn't faced me since we got in the spare room. His knee between mine. The sudden contact flew out my mouth. My hands struggled under his grip. Until he snaked his hands down to my waist. My hands flew to his chest. 
“Y-yoongi. What’s wrong?” I asked desperately. He had not acted like this before. 
“Ah~ dont be afraid. I won't hurt you. You know I treasure you too much.” He whispered nipping at my ear. The deep voice had always been in control of every situation. His warm hands firmly placed at my hips. He finally looked to face me. His dark eyes filled with something of lust and annoyance. One of his hands leaves my waist to my lips, his thumb tugging at my bottom lip. “I just want to show them my gift for the year.”
“What?-!” Before I could decipher the words he kissed along my neck. His hands at my hips again. Making them move at his will. As hot as it was I realized what he had meant. He was jealous of the people who had flirted with me and I was the ‘gift’ he was talking about. “Wait Yoongi!” 
But by the time I moaned out his name there was a solid mark on my neck. At loss for words only hopeless moans, more marks were soon to blossom. Our moans hidden beneath the booming music from downstairs. He finally pulled away from my tortured neck. Not that it was bad. But all of the famous people in his company and others were here. He held my hips still.
“Fuck.” Yoongi growled before looking up and smashing his lips against mine. In a battle of fiery passion I was losing he grabbed my waist. As I tugged the back of his styled hair. Before I realized. 
“YOONGI!” All motions stopped. He stared dumbfounded at my sudden outburst. “Your performing soon!”
“R-right..” He agreed, his worried and flustered gaze drifting downward. Realizing what exactly the problem had been. He began to pull away. “Ive gotta.. G-get to set.”
“Wait!” I called out. Not knowing what possessed me to do so. He did as I requested. Pulling him in by his sparkly white collar. I left a mark on him as well. “It’s only fair..”
His gaze darkened by lust again as mine was bright red. Putting tomatoes to shame. Letting me go, untangling us from the abused door. 
“Well, if it weren't for my ‘gift’ being something everyone wanted. But. who could resist? Not me. When my name is written all over you.”
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