#sorry it took me a few days to put this together anon!
theroseredreaper · 6 months
Can I ask for headcanons of Malleus, Leona, and Vil with a reader who likes to steal their clothes to wear? Or maybe not even their full outfit just a piece or two? Whatever you feel comfortable with
Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day
Malleus, Leona & Vil With A Reader Who Likes To Steal Their Clothes
(A/N): I’m more than happy to fulfill your request, Cherry Blossom Anon! Sorry it took so long for me to get to it 😅 I’m not as familiar with Leona as I am Malleus and Vil, so I apologize I’m advance if his section seems a tad OOC. I hope you enjoy!
Reader is implied to be the player character/prefect, and the setting is implied to be NRC.
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Malleus Draconia
The first time he sees you wearing his clothes, he simply assumes that he must’ve accident left it behind the last time he visited you at Ramshackle and doesn’t pay it any mind. He finds it endearingly amusing, to see you in his clothes.
If you’re flustered when he catches you wearing or stealing his clothes to wear, he’ll most definitely tease you about it. He finds your reactions adorable and his teasing will be light hearted, but merciless.
The more he catches sight of you wearing some of his clothes – a uniform tie of his, his uniform blazer, once you even took his vest - the more he suspects that you might actually be stealing his clothes. His suspicions aren’t confirmed until he catches sight of you wearing one of his shirts.
He finds the whole of it endearing, though he can’t comprehend why you’d want to steal his clothes. Was this a human custom of friendship or courtship? He’d be more than happy to give you some of his clothes if you’d simply asked. (He did not find it amusing that Lilia laughed in his face when he asked him about it.)
He finds soon enough that he absolutely loves the sight of you in his clothes.
He tends to become clingier and more physically affectionate when he sees you wearing his clothes.
Leona Kingscholar
Doesn’t notice any of his clothes going missing. When he catches you wearing one of his perpetually unused uniform blazers, he assumes you picked it up from wherever he left it laying in his room. You had a tendency to complain that he hogged the blankets during naps, you taking one of his uniform blazers to wear to keep warm isn’t the biggest stretch of logic, in his opinion. Why would he assume you’d want to steal his clothes?
He notices when Ruggie complains that Leona’s laundry has been oddly missing a bunch of clothes, despite Ruggie keeping a tight maintenance of all of Leona’s things (he gets paid to look after him, after all, and he doesn’t do his job half-assed. There’s service fees he can charge extra.)
Unlike Malleus, he has just enough emotional intelligence to put two and two together that you probably take his clothes because it reminds you of him, and this means that he’s someone important to you. Cubs and pups do this all the time with their loved ones, after all. This knowledge leaves him incredibly smug the first few days after he realizes it, but he won’t say a word of it if you question his sudden good mood.
The sight of you wearing his clothes leaves him feeling fond. Not that he’d ever say that outright; the only way you’ll see him expressing this is through him being clingier and more physically affectionate than usual. He’s not the best at expressing his emotions, especially not verbally, but he’s trying to show his reciprocation of how you feel towards him in his own way.
Uses his naps as an excuse to cuddle with you if he sees you in his clothes.
He tells Ruggie not to mind the clothing thief, as he knows who it is personally. (Ruggie thinks the two of you are disgustingly sappy and cringingly cheesy. He wants no part of that, thanks.)
Vil Schoenheit
He notices as soon as the first article of clothing goes missing.
He has a system for his clothes and every outfit he wears, down to the color scheme and accessories he’ll be wearing for a day. Anyone who messes with his system risks facing his ire.
It doesn’t take him long to figure out that it was you took some of his clothes. He is torn between being greatly annoyed and fondly exasperated. What was he to do with you, honestly?/lh
If you wanted clothing advice, he’d be more than happy to give it to you. If you needed hand me downs because of Crowley’s poor guardianship, he had no qualms about whisking you away on a shopping spree. He’s quick to realize and understand, though, that you simply just enjoy taking and wearing his clothes because it reminds you of him every time you do so. How endearing can you be??
Rather than simply asking you to stop taking his clothes so it stops messing with his system, or offering to buy matching outfits, he comes up with completely logical and not at all convoluted solution to leave specific clothes that he intends for you to take from his wardrobe. If some of these things he sets up for you to steal turn out to be matching outfits that he got tailored for you, it’s merely a fortuitous coincidence.
He finds the sight of you in his clothes utterly adorable and lovable. He may even start getting into the habit of simply just gifting the clothes to you directly, though he’s aware that you’ll likely continue to pilfer clothes from him anyways.
He won’t become clingy or more physically affectionate when he sees you in his clothes, but he’ll most definitely be smug and preen about it. He has excellent taste in clothes and it’s only natural that you would look positively wonderful in whatever clothes of his that you decided to wear.
No one in his dorm had the audacity to try and steal from him before due to his position as dorm head with a fierce grasp on curses, so soon after he realizes you were stealing from him, he spells his wardrobe with anti-theft measures. (You are, of course, an exception.)
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(A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Since it wasn’t specified if you wished for this to be romantic or platonic, I attempted to leave it open ended, so that it could be up to reader interpretation. Thank you for the request!)
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unclewaynemunson · 11 months
I definitely think it takes Eddie a while to accept that Steve changed. He remembers what he was like in high school.
When Steve asks him out, for whatever reason, Eddie says yes. But he’s determined not to fall in love, because deep down Harrington’s still a dick. But he’s cute, and Eddie can smile and play pretend.
But then! Steve goes full happy relationship mode, he tells Robin (obv), introduces Eddie to the other adults as his bf, and is just generally being sweet.
I'm so sorry it took me ages to answer this one! But I really loved the idea of this (the good ol' steddie + misunderstanding about what they mean to each other with a dash of terrible communication skills my beloved) so i wanted to give it my proper attention, which i didn't have enough time for over the past few months. Buuut the words have finally found their way to my keyboard so here is the first part of what probably will turn into a 3-part ficlet, I hope it's something like what you had in mind when you sent this ask to me <3
Eddie has been acting weird all day. Maybe Steve is too much of a romantic, but he can't help it: he wanted to celebrate this day. Exactly a month ago, he asked Eddie out. And it's been good. They've spent a lot of time together. They've been on lots of dates, spent plenty of nights together... But today, things are different, somehow. Eddie is different. He turned Steve down for a dinner date, he didn't stop by Family Video during lunchtime, and when Steve shows up at the trailer to surprise him with flowers, he merely frowns and pulls back from their kiss before it can even properly get started.
'Everything alright?' Steve asks, trying to catch his boyfriend's gaze – which isn't exactly easy with how Eddie is turning away from him to not-so-gently put the flowers down in a corner of the trailer's living room.
'Yeah, sure,' Eddie mumbles, not really looking at him. 'It's just – I didn't really expect to see you today. We didn't have plans.'
Steve chuckles, trying to get the tension out of his chest. 'Didn't know I was expected to schedule an appointment before coming here.' He tries to play it off as a joke, but the tone of his voice doesn't really want to cooperate.
Eddie finally turns back towards him and Steve catches the end of an eye-roll.
'I'm just not feeling too great today, alright?' It sounds a bit stiff and Steve pauses. He wonders if he did something wrong, if he somehow invaded Eddie's space – even though he has showed up at the trailer on countless evenings in the past month.
'What's wrong?'
'Nothing,' Eddie answers, a little bit too fast. 'I told you, I'm not feeling so well.'
And now that he can see his face properly, Steve notices that Eddie is indeed looking paler than usual.
'Hey, don't worry about it,' he says. 'I can stay to take care of you, if you want to. We don't have to do anything. You can go to bed early and I'll keep you company. I can make you some soup, read to you... You could've just told me you're not feeling good, you know. I would've picked up some fruit on my way over here and stopped by the library for you.'
'You don't have to do any of that, Steve.'
Steve tries to ignore the fact that it's been ages since Eddie has last called him by his official first name. He doesn't like the sound of it.
'But I want to,' he says instead. He takes a step towards Eddie, lifts his arms to wrap them around him – but Eddie swats his arms away before he can properly embrace him.
'Don't.' He sounds cold and detached, so different from how he usually sounds. 'Don't act like this is something it isn't.'
'Like this is something –' Steve echoes, completely caught off-guard by this turn of events. 'Like what?'
'Jesus Christ, you really don't know when to stop, do you?'
'What?' He takes a stumbling step backwards, driven away by the force in Eddie's words.
'We're not – like that,' Eddie stutters out. 'We're just fucking around, aren't we? So you don't need to pretend. You don't need to bring me flowers. You don't need to take care of me when I'm sick. You don't owe me anything, alright? You can go home.'
Steve takes another step backwards, until his back collides with the door of the trailer. He blindly grabs the door handle behind him.
'Alright,' he says, trying desperately not to let his voice tremble audibly. 'I hear you, loud and clear. I'll – I'll leave you alone, then.'
Read pt2 here (Edit: it's actually 5 parts now. You can read the whole thing on ao3 here)
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flem17ng · 5 months
Oblivious: Mapi Leon x reader
note: this is for the anon who asked for mapi leon fic! I hope it’s what you had in mind xx
Summary: Reader is absolutely infatuated with mapi and she has no idea. Luckily some friends decide to help out.
content: mild age gap but not really
word count: 1.4k
“do the drill y/n! you can drool over leon later!” Patri sighed as she watched you, yet again, get distracted by the older player. This had been happening more and more frequently: everyday it seemed you were found gazing at Mapi from across the field. today was no different as you watched her sprint forward, tap the ball with her toe into the air and volley it across the field. 
clàudia slapped your arm with a grin. 
“one of these days she’s going to notice how in love with her you are hermana” 
“shut up” you grumbled, turning back to the drill. It was true that you made it pretty obvious. It seemed like the whole team knew about your crush on mapi except mapi. It’s not like you had a chance anyway! she was older than you, more experienced and probably the single most attractive woman you had ever seen. So yeah, you didn’t think you really stood a chance. 
“don’t be silly Pina, we both know Mapi wouldn’t recognise y/n’s crush if it slapped her in the face” Patri laughed with a shake of the head.
“can we change the conversation please” you whined suddenly finding the drill a lot more interesting than before
“change what conversation?” 
You whipped around only to find yourself face to face with the very girl you’d been looking at only seconds before. Mapi smiled at you (a sweet lopsided grin that made your heart speed up). 
“oh nothing! Just y/n and her big, ga-“
“my dead grandma” you almost shouted causing a few people to look at you in confusion. Mapi raised her eyebrows. 
“we where talking about my very dead grandma! that’s all!” you gave Patri a stern stare. 
“oh…” Mapi looked between you and the two other girls. “oh i’m sorry I didn’t know. um… well it’s water break now” Mapi backed away a few steps before turning and walking towards the drink bottles. 
“y/n what the fuck” Clàudia muttered. You looked at her, mortified. you needed to pull yourself together. 
It took you a whole 2 days to embarrass yourself even further. So maybe you weren’t able to pull yourself together like you told yourself you would. 
The game was a stunner. 9-1 to Barcelona. It was no secret that Mapi was the most valuable player on the pitch that day either. She was everywhere she needed to be. The final goal was something you knew you would never forget: Playing attacking mid, you raced into open space managing to lose your marker just as you neared the box, a second later you could see Mapi weave past the opposing striker and boot the ball towards you. Time slowed down as you jumped, letting the ball hit the top of your head, giving it the slight redirection it needed to skid into the top corner of the goal.  
You wasted no time turning at running towards the tattooed defender who’d assisted you. Her smile in the moment was better than the whole crowds cheering put together. When you crashed into her with a hug, you didn’t even think before kissing her cheek. 
“Mapi! I did it! I swear I could kiss yo-“ you cut yourself off when you saw Mapi’s eyes go wide. The awkward silence didn’t last long as the team descended on you both with loud cheers and slaps on the back. 
“you what!!” yelled Patri when you where safely in the car home.
“don’t make me say it again” you groaned, sinking further into your seat, covering your violently pink cheeks with your palms. 
“no i’m going to make you say that again! You said you could kiss her? Jesus y/n!”
Patri shook her head while Clàudia laughed from the backseat. 
“what did she do!” Pina laughed, clearly finding your embarrassment very amusing. 
“she just stared at me! god she’s going to think i’m a freak” you sighed. You could brush it off as heat of the moment, but you know it wasn’t. You could kiss her. Hell you wanted to, everyday you wanted too. 
“you guys are friends! she’s not going to think you’re a freak” Patri laughed
You just sunk further into the leather of the car seat, hoping it would swallow you up. 
Mapi was pacing the change-room the next day after training. The thought had been grating on her mind all day. Ever since you avoided her in the car park that morning. Usually you arrived at similar times, chatted about your morning, music, life, but that morning you had parked as close to the building as possible and practically ran inside at the sight of the older player. 
Mapi had shrugged it off but then during training you seemed to be making a visible effort to avoid her. It made her gut twist to think you were upset with her. hell, it made her feel sick to think you were upset at all but no one needed to know that. 
“god it’s just painful to watch at this point” Patri groaned to Alexia as she entered the change-room, only to stop short when she saw Mapi staring at her. 
“hey Mapi! I thought you would have gone home by now” Alexia smiled, much better at playing a poker face than Patri. 
“oh uh, no. I wanted to check on Y/n” she muttered. 
Patri smirked, “oh and whys that?” Alexia slapped her arm to be quiet. 
“she just seemed weird today. Like she avoiding me or something” Mapi groaned. It was weird seemed her like this, so unlike her usual bubbly self. 
“you really have no idea?” Alexia asked. Not teasing, but a genuine, gentle question 
“no idea about what?”
“she likes you Mapi! she has for a long time. If she’s acting weird around you maybe it’s because she’s losing hope.” Patri explained, watching mapis mouth fall open into a little ‘o’. 
“i didn’t realise” she whispered. Inside she could feel her heart speeding up like a kid. she smiled excitedly, “she really likes me?”
“oh god your oblivious sometimes leon” Alexia laughed. 
Anger couldn’t even begin to describe how you felt when she told you. embarrassment, mortification, rage. You didn’t even have the energy to yell at her when you got the text from Patri telling you that she had told Mapi about your feelings. You simply sent a text to your coach telling him you were sick, locked your phone and cried. 
You knew people would try to get in touch with you, hell some even tried calling your landline but you ignored it all.
How could you show your face at training again?
after a day or so you unlocked your phone. 
4 missed calls from patri, 3 from alexia, a large paragraph from clàudia and-
one text from Mapi Leon. 
You tapped the notification. 
today, 10 mins ago. 
mapi 🦁:  I wanted to kiss you too. 
You almost dropped your phone when you read it. and then you re-read it. and then you really did drop your phone when a loud knock came from the front door. 
“please y/n. It’s me” you heard her voice float through the hallway. Her tone was pleading and you could picture her expression: soft but with a wrinkle in her brow that only appeared when she was worried or upset. 
When the door opened, she stepped inside without hesitation. 
“y/n” she said breathlessly. Her cheeks were pink as if she’d been running and, just as you had imagined, her brow was crinkled with worry. 
“mapi? how did you-“
she cut you off with her lips, cradling your cheek with her hand causing you to gasp. 
she pulled back, looking from your eyes to your lips for permission to kiss you again. 
“i’m sorry i didn’t realise sooner. I’m an idiot i know”
You smiled at her and shook your head, finally giving in and reaching up to smooth her worry lines. 
“just kiss me again león” you laughed. and she did just that. Pulling you closer by your waist and kissing you deeply right there on your doorstep. 
Maybe you were an idiot, maybe she was oblivious, but hell she was a good kisser. 
shit, You needed to thank Patri.
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ladyelissarose · 11 months
Can you do like Hobie smut, your writing is GOOD.
Let it be a jealousy kinda thing I haven't seen much of Hobie being jealous
‘I’ll Show You Jealous’
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Hobie Brown aka Spider-Punk x female spider-woman reader. (he calls her ‘webs’)
Trope; best friends to lovers
Warnings; 18+ Smut! NSFW. Jealous sex, it starts quite rough then ends soft. Hobie being Hobie- but jealous ;) slight fingering.. mostly smut y’all .
Summary: Being best friends shouldn’t have any feelings in between right? Especially jealousy when Hobie thinks your hanging around too close to a certain Spider-Man? What does it take for him to come to terms on how he ‘really’ feels?
Authors note; My favorite anon!! I’m sorry it took me a few days to get this out, but I’m glad to say it’s all yours now! I hope you like it, I’ve never written for Hobie before!! Enjoy love!!🫶���🌻
“You see? That’s why I think you’re one of the funniest! You’re hilarious and you get my humor!”
An effortless chuckle left your lips as your hand slipped off of Ben Riley’s back, where it had been first when you patted it.
You two had just come back from a short mission, which was as per usual… putting an anomaly where it belonged, and making sure canon took place as it should. Hobie stood in the distance watching you both communicate so freely and happily, like if you had been best friends, like you were with Hobie. I mean, that’s all you too should of been.. best friends.
But in the pit of his stomach and behind his tough and sarcastic behavior about not liking commitment, all he wanted to do was commit his life to you, and make you more than his ‘best friend’. The only thing was.. he didn’t know how to tell or show you. So painfully he witnessed you give away your laughter and touch to someone else, if not others that weren’t him. So to avoid staring at this heartbreak, he went back to his universe.
Soon you had let Ben go and looked for the one that made you smile the biggest, warm your heart, and give you a certainty of safety and care no matter what crazy shit you two did. But, he was no where to be seen. A frown made it to your lips after you had checked everywhere, you even went up to Miguel’s lair to check if Hobie wasn’t lurking around and stealing his lunch- and yet, he wasn’t there. You sat for a minute and thought that maybe he went home, but… he always waited for you to come back from a mission, so you could eat together and go on a short ‘joy swinging’ across the universes.
Hoping you’d find him at his universe, you clicked on your gizmo and went to his place, falling in love with the aesthetic of it all as you arrived, and it reminding you of every detail about Hobie too. You swung around his home- he wasn’t there. At his favorite hideout clubhouse- he wasn’t there. Even stopped by the stand where he usually took a sweet bread or two without being seen- he wasn’t in sight. Finally stopping to take a break, you thought for a few seconds before it clicked for you.
“What the hell… where could you- oh! I know.”
What concerned you though about the place where he could possibly be, was the fact that you told each other that you’d go there if something was wrong or ‘a talk’ needed to happen, meaning it was very serious.
Upon arriving to the tallest skyscraper in your universe, you let out a sigh of relief as you found him there, playing a soft tune on his guitar.
You walked slowly towards him, knowing he’d feel your presence, as his spider senses would tell him immediately. You slid off your mask as you called out,
Hobie’s shoulders tensed as he muttered immediately,
“Jus’ leave me be… please?”
Worry but you as you heard him, his slightly broken voice,
He’s never told you to leave him alone, instead the opposite, always subtly begging you to be around his presence, whether it was him lurking around with your favorite snack, or playing your favorite songs on his guitar. Hobie was smart, he found out ways to keep you around that didn’t include him actually telling or asking you to be… and so far it has worked like magic.
It was your smile that had him loosening up, the little squeals you let out when Mayday was being extra adorable, puppy eyes at the sight of kittens or his favorite of all time, your mere presence that gave him motive to fall for you.
With you he felt free and safe, he knew he’d give up an entire universe if that meant he could be with you. But lately as you’ve been given more privileges, you’ve been a little too absent for his liking, and he didn’t appreciate how you were hanging around Miguel and Ben Riley more than him.
Trust was something you too have built quite strongly sense the start of your friendship, and he should’ve confided in that trust and believe that you haven’t ghosted him for someone else… yet here he was… sadly plucking on his guitar strings to your favorite tune- ‘Vigilante Shit’… thinking that maybe you have.. but here you are. Speaking out to him as if you were desperate for him.
“Hobie please, I can help-“
“How’d you know I’d be here?”
With a scoff you recalled your guys’ words,
“We said we’d come here for something important.. and today I couldn’t find you anywhere.. so I thought this would be the place.. and here you are. So, what’s wrong Hobie?”
He then stood up and mumbled to himself,
“It’s nothing, I shouldn’t of come.”
Your spider senses heard him clearly tho, so before he was about to walk off you genuinely said,
“Hobie.. you know I’m here for you. Regardless of what it is.”
Hobie turned to you and walked close, watching how you didn’t walk back but stayed in place as his sassed,
“Are you sure? Didn’t think you’d be after being with everyone else all the time.”
You sensed his words, and could feel the weight of jealousy in them, it only caused you to realize that he felt just as protective of you, as you did for him… but you hid your jealousy better. So you took the chance to tease him,
“Are you jealous Hobie Brown-“
Rolling his eyes and crossing his arms he pouted defensively,
“No. Absolutely not-“
You tried to tease him more as you pushed the guitar on his shoulder,
“Then what’s wrong? Looks like you are jealous-“
He sent a playful snap at you so you wouldn’t touch his treasure as he did his best to reassure,
“Tis’ nothin’ webs… I promise.”
His closed off attitude told you it was more than nothing, and you wouldn’t have it.. not his half or full lies about what’s going on. Hobie was about to walk away past you, but you grabbed his arm and insisted,
“Hobie! If you don’t do or say something about what’s going on with you I will explo- MMPH!!”
His warm hands got a hold of your face, pressing a harsh kiss to your lips. Eyes going wide open at the shock his actions caused you, but you couldn’t pull yourself away.
Not when you could see the way he had his shut with force, and the how his long lashes that you were always jealous of brush over his cheeks… you couldn’t deny how much you loved every detail about him. Your heart fluttered at the feeling of the cool of his nose ring press up against your nose, and his soft breathing hitting you, his lip ring marking a place on your lip as he gave you a bruising kiss.
You didn’t realize how long it took you admiring what you’ve always loved about him before you reciprocated the kiss, brining him closer to you by the collar of his jacket. But he slightly pushed you away, and before you could interpret something wrong, he muttered against your lips,
“you think I’m jealous webs?”
With a short chuckle you replied with sass,
“I think you’re very jealous Hobie.”
He smirked and webbed you your hands in an instant, your eyes found his with matching glares, filled with desire. He then put you to lay on the edge of the building, your head leaning off as he growled,
“I’ll show you jealous.”
With expert hands he was able to find your hidden zipper and slide down your pants along with your panties, enough to free your cunt for him to touch. Your hands as they were webbed up, hung off the edge, dangling down, stretching you a bit. Hobie pulled you close to him by gripping your thighs tightly, then he tore the web off your wrists with the pick for his guitar.
You were just about to reach for him, but he pushed you back once again, and laying his pick between your teeth as he ordered,
“Love, you keep that there safe for me.. and these hands.. hold onto the edge… don’t touch me until I tell you.. understood?”
You nodded once, taking all his commands in, wanting to meet them all, but Hobie hovered his face over yours and asked calmly,
“Words love.. do you feel ok and safe?”
You knew if you had a problem with something he’d adjust the universe to your liking, but right now you felt good and desperation. So you worded with the pick in between,
“I feel goo’.. I just wan’ you… I nee’ you.”
Pressing a hard kiss to your lips, feeling his favorite metal pick touch him, it stirred him on to take you now. His fingers found your cunt and stuck two in, going knuckle deep as your were soaking and taking him smoothly. With pride he watched your face contort in pleasure, the most beautiful moans leaving your lips because of him.
Your chest heaved for air as he pumped harder and faster, wanting you to come apart by his hands. The beauty of the city lights below you couldn’t compare to you, you were far too bright and gorgeous, so many things at once you were and yet, you were the most fit and complete person he had ever seen.
Your walls squeezed around his fingers, informing him you were near as your moans turned into cries as well. He teased you a bit as he slowed the pace, hearing you cry for ‘him’ had him groan and feeling his pants tighten more.
“H-Hobie! Ah please! Please-“
“What do you want love-“
“More! More please..”
Your eyes teared up as you cried for him, wanting to feel more of him as he had spurred on your high then took it away. He sucked on his fingers, letting out a moan,
“Sweet as always love.. never doubted you..”
Hobie then kissed your face, letting you taste yourself on him as he took the pick from your lips and he unbuckled his pants, sliding them down as he worded to you,
“C’mere love.”
Latching onto him as your arms wrapped around him, he pulled you up into his lap, sitting where you were at the edge, while looking up to you as your face was almost right at his. You both were breathing hard as you ran your hands through his hair and rested the other on his neck, Hobie’s hands exploring your back and thighs while kissing your neck. It was an all new sensation you both felt, not wanting to end it and growing addicted by the second. Hobie’s cock rested between your thighs, hitting his stomach and leaking precum, it had you reaching for it and playing with the red tip. He pulled you in for a kiss as you began to take him into your hands. His hips bucked up as your hands slid up and down his large length, spreading his cum and rubbing the tip with your thumb. He was getting to his high not so slowly, your hands bringing him on faster than he thought, so he abruptly stopped you with a pleading voice,
“Please love, need to feel you.. ready?”
You were already lifting your hips over his tip as you responded,
“I’m so ready.”
It wasn’t long before you slid down on him, your soaked walls taking him in right away. Once he bottomed out you both knew deep down, that you wouldn’t last long.
He was so deep, his tip touching your cervix, Hobie picked you up as he gripped your thighs tightly, then he slid you back down, groaning into your lips at the pleasure he instantly felt. Hobie didn’t care and wasn’t afraid of the position he was in, as he sat at the edge of the skyscraper, with you in his lap taking all of him. He confided in his strength to withhold you, and make you feel good more than anything. You than began to bounce on his cock, letting out whimper’s and mewls when you slid back down, feeling the stretch overtake you. Hobie helped you speed up as he took control and moved his hips to meet you at every thrust. Warmth began to seep into your core again, but burning more this time. You pulled Hobie closer to you as you begged,
“I need you more- please!”
“I know my love.. me too.”
Hobie needed the same, and fully take control, so he changed positions and laid you on your back, wrapping your legs around his waist. You held onto his hands as they were above your head, and took a deep breath as you prepared for what came. With locked gazes, Hobie pulled back and thrusted into you right away, loving how you responded to him so well by clenching around him and moaning his name. Little by little he picked up his speed, knowing you both needed your much needed release, warmth engulfing you both as well as a passion for more.
Hobie railed into you now as he asked in between pants,
“Who do you belong to love?”
Breathing out a moan when he hit a particular spot, you cried out,
“Y-You! You Hobie!!”
Letting go of your hand to hold your hips down with extra force, Hobie punctuated each word with a harsh thrust,
“You. Sure. Love?”
Hitting your cervix every time had your toes curling and backs arching to him while you whimpered,
“Yes!! I’m yours Hobie Brown!!”
You could feel him throb inside of your walls, as you clenched around him, nearing your release. Hobie could feel the release nearing too, your warm walls taking him in and milking his precum into you. Now all he desired in that moment was for you to let go for him, and only him. Increasing his speed and piercing his grip into you, Hobie demanded with a sweet but firm tone,
“Beg for me love.. t-tell me who it is that is making you co-come.”
Doing his best to hold on a bit longer, Hobie awaited your answer, pleading from his heart that it’d be soon as he wished to claim you already and paint your walls with him. You clawed his back and pulled him closer, kissing his earlobe you then panted and moaned into his ear,
“Only you can Hobie.. please- ahh! Make me come- please please Hobie!”
His jealousy for you along with a new unlocked sensation… possessiveness, had him wanting to here you beg more.
“Beg me to make you come-“
He then lowered his hand to your clit, and began to rub tight circles around your bud, urging you to cry out in a desperate tone, tears evident that you were desperate.
“-AHH!! Oh Hobie! Please- please baby make me cum! Only y-you can!! So p-please!!”
Letting out a deep breath Hobie moaned into your hair,
“Come my love, come wi’ me.”
Feeling him pulsate along with his sharp thrusts, had you coming undone under his arms, coating his cock with your juices. Hobie brought you in for a deep kiss when he came, swallowing yours and his moans as he then slowly rode out both of your highs, wanting it to last a little longer. He was the opposite from how he started, which was rough… but now he gave gentle strokes, only pulling away when you told him it was too sensitive now. You were both out of breath and pulling away at once to catch some air, your chests touching from how close you were but also how much air you were taking in. Hobie gave your forehead a short but meaningful kiss before pulling away, but instead you pulled him in for a hug, hiding your face in his neck as you reassured him,
“I’ll only and always be yours Hobie Brown.. I promise.”
Hobie squeezed you tight and was grateful for your embrace, and he ran his fingers through your hair, as he returned the promise,
“I’ll be yours too love.. forever.”
Your eyes twinkled, as he confessed,
“I’m sorry I never made it clear webs.. but I do love you… very much so.”
With a soft peck you replied,
“I love you too… I always have Hobie.”
In a silence you too held each other, satisfied with your actions, more in love and thriving for more days like this to come.
Maybe this love making session was unexpected and out of the blue for the both of you, but it felt so right, and so good. A little breeze of wind then brushed by, causing you to shiver a bit in Hobie’s arms, a second didn’t go by when he suggested,
“Let’s get us home yeah? Don’ want ya to get cold lovie…”
Carefully he helped you put back on your suit, being extra touchy but extremely gentle as he zipped you up (but he didn’t do this before taking a look at your- his cunt now dripping from his cum.
Soon you too helped Hobie with his pants, and getting his guitar safely back into his hold. Both slipping on your masks, you were ready to swing home, but your legs were a little to wobbly for your liking. Hobie caught the slight stumble before holding you up and telling you,
“I’ll carry you home.. on my back lovie.”
With you tightly secured around him, he took off and swung towards home, going through the city so you could have the last look of the city night lights… as he knew it was one of your favorite parts of being Spider-Woman. Efficiently he swung by a stand full of flowers, plucking one off and easily giving it to you, a smile made it to your face as the rose was given to you with a brush of his hands touching yours. You blushed hard like if it was the first time he touched you, and hadn’t just made love to you on the tallest building of your city.
You never felt fear as you embraced him with the rose in your hand tightly. You trusted Hobie’s skills as you had seen them be incredibly strong and capable of much, while swinging he’d collect something he’d like and hand it to you.. so far you have 3 different flowers and a lollipop. Hobie had sticky fingers.. but you didn’t mind it, he wasn’t selfish with his findings.
It didn’t take long when you finally arrived at your balcony, he made sure your feet were flat on the ground before letting you go. Walking into your dark home didn’t feel lonely and filled with void like before, now you held Hobie’s hand tight as you led him to your room, wordlessly telling him you really wanted him to stay the night, if not forever. You both jumped into the shower wanting it to be quick, your night having been long and you both were craving to lay down in one another’s arms. Hobie’s hands never left your body as he helped you scrub down, he never looked at you like you’re a piece of meat.. but as if you were such a treasure to behold. It didn’t matter about your battle scars or the shape of you, he was now addicted and more in love. You treated Hobie the same way, wanting to show him that you indeed wanted him and him only, asking him questions about how he does his hair and wanting to memorize his steps to keep his styled hair in tact (as you loved how his hair looked) Drying off in fluffy towels, and sharing the air-blow dryer, you too were soon ready for bed. Hobie lifted you up from the thighs and carried you in, laying you down gently and pecking your lips all so romantically, before plopping himself on top of you. A breathy groan left your lips as he cuddled into your stomach, acting innocent and slightly ignoring how he had dropped onto you. He made sure he was in a good spot, not wanting his hair to be in your face, but close enough where you can rub his head. Soft kisses were given on your tummy as he worded again and again, softly yet possessively,
“You’re mine.. all mine. This body, your heart… you. Right baby?”
You could never say no.
“Yes baby.. all yours.. all of me.”
He smiled to himself as he lastly cooed,
“I love you..”
His chest warmed up as he heard your reply,
“I love you more..”
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slxtmeri · 11 months
Chucklers after you get back from a long trip. Them just welcoming you back and all the things they would get or do for you, sfw and nsfw... just an idea I've had on my mind...
♡ as soon as he sees you when you come home, he's running up to you and giving you the biggest hug oml. hands are around your waist, lifting you up, not wanting to let go. (and he doesn't, for at least a good minute or two).
♡ kisses all over your face and neck until you're blushing and giggling, squealing for him to stop
♡ carries all your luggage and REFUSES to let you help with any
"nope, nope, put that down. i can handle this stuff, baby! let me help you, love."
♡ constantly touching you, hand on your waist, arm around your shoulder, holding your hand. he missed you so much while you were gone
♡ as soon as your stuff is inside, he carries you to the bedroom, your legs wrapped around his waist
♡ he lays you down on the bed, still kissing you. his mouth trails lower, and lower, until his head is settled between your legs
♡ eats you out like it's his last meal, your hands gripping his hair motivate him to keep going
♡ makes you come undone several times, until tears of pleasure are pricking at your eyes and you're too fucked out to form a coherent sentence.
♡ cuddles you until you both fall asleep. expect him to fuck you senseless the next day
♡ picks you up from the airport and twirls you around until you're both dizzy.
♡ can't stop smiling. there's a shit eating grin on his face for the next 24 hours at LEAST
♡ doesn't stop talking about how much he and the cats missed you.
♡ hand on your thigh on the drive home, rubbing comforting circles
♡ stops to get you your favorite food on the way home, he just wants to spoil you
♡ as soon as the two of you arrive home, he's bending you over the nearest surface. whether it be the kitchen island, the couch, it doesn't matter. he's so needy for you
♡ teases you until you're wet enough to take him. then he's fucking you until you can't stand
♡ praises you so so much more than usual.
"fuck, baby. you're so perfect for me, hmm? letting daddy fuck you as soon as you get back. my sweet baby."
♡ takes a bath with you afterwards. cleans you up all nice then carries you to bed <3
♡ gets so excited when he sees you, he hugs you so tight you have to tell him to calm down
"charlie, i missed you too. can barely breathe, baby."
"shit... sorry sweetheart, i just missed you a lot."
♡ as soon as you get home he's giving you presents that he bought for your return. probably orders your favorite takeout, too.
♡ repeats how much he missed you, how he wishes you were there for the things he did whil you were away
♡ asks for any and all photos you took during your trip
♡ he practically drags you to the bedroom after you two finish eating
♡ begs for you, saying how much he needed you
"s'been too long, baby. please let me fuck you, please."
♡ hickeys all over your neck. he's not even thinking about how you two have to meet up with friends the next day
♡ you end up riding him, rolling your eyes at the friction you havent had since before you left
♡ once you get too tired, he's gripping your hips and fucking up into you.
"that's it, baby. so so good, my love, fuck."
♡ stays inside you for a few minutes, hugging you, savoring your time together.
♡ picks you up and carries you to the shower, cleaning you up before bringing you to the couch for a nice long movie
a/n: holy shit i got carried away. the brainrot is real 😭 anyways ily anon, enjoy!!!
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Love and Marriage
Ominis Gaunt x f!Reader
Summary - Anon request for "Hi! Could you do some smut for ominis where him and reader are married (couple years after Hogwarts) and reader has a voice kink and ominis sometimes slips into parseltounge when he gets lost in the moment🫣 and drives reader crazy 😜"
Word Count - 1,460
Warnings -  18+ smut, characters aged up, rough sex
A/N - I wish there was a way to really right parseltongue but theres just not that I know of??
Ominis had opened up a lot since he had been with you and settled down away from the rest of the Gaunts. He had blossomed into a version of himself he wasn't sure was possible for the longest time. However, married life was still a lot of work. It wasn't without arguments and mistakes.
Although you had been together for several years, the idea of being husband and wife was new; with it came new disagreements and new sides to each other. You had noticed a few times in the throes of yelling back and forth, Ominis would slip into raving in parseltounge. At that point, you had to take a step back. Usually you would put some distance between the two of you to calm down and revisit things later, but for you it was because you couldn't focus at all when he did that.
It was so fluid for him that you were certain he didn't even notice he was doing it. It was mesmerizing for him to be speaking something so exclusive that you wouldn't ever know what it meant no matter how beautifully it rolled off of his tongue.
It gave you sensations that you should not be having in the midst of an argument. It gave him such an air of strength as he stood over you gesturing frantically speaking the language that was impossible not to sound sultry.
As you got into it about wanting to go out and see more things as a couple and Ominis was just completely content to spend the rest of his life sitting in his office full of books, you were left with sticky clenched thighs as he hit his breaking point.
He looked incredible for starters. Pieces of his hair had fallen from the slicked back coif on his head, a rosy tony crept from his cheeks to the tips of his ears. He had his shirt haphazardly buttoned and loose fitting slacks with little imagination as to what was - or wasn't - beneath them.
You had first barged in, miffed he had forgotten about some place you had wanted him to escort you to that day. You didn't raise your voice, but you were bitter and saying things that were pure spite.
He had spat the same back at you, neither of you was huge about raising your voices, but when he did that's when it would happen. It would be heated and you would have no idea what he was saying, but you know blushed in shame from the way the parseltongue made you feel.
Something about it just felt dirty and private, especially as you knew you were probably the only person to really hear it from him.
You snapped out of your thoughts as he placed his hands on your shoulders, confused from your silence.
"Y/N?" He said your name softly, running his thumb along your jaw.
"I'm sorry for speaking to you that way, it's just so different living a life as a duo instead of just the safety of solitude."
You looked up into his woeful gaze, "Ominis, I don't even know what you said."
He looked almost angry as the word "what" spluttered from his mouth.
"You - you were talking in parseltongue. You know that don't you? You always..." your voice faltered as his brows creased together.
He had no idea and now he wondered what awful things you must think of him. He always found it such a filthy trait that came from his family, so it must be disrespectful to you.
"This whole time? How long? I -" He turned around and took to pacing, pushing his hair back from his forehead as he rambled, "What must you think of me?"
"Ominis. I find it captivating. I know when we're upset about all these important things it isn't the time, but it - it makes my mind wander to other places."
You felt shy suddenly, knowing he was going to look at you differently and you didn't know if anything good would come from it or not. He stopped his movements, still in thought as he looked over at you.
He took slow strides towards you, tilting your chin up as he bent low to your ear, "Tell me what you're thinking then, saepʃ," he says what you believe to be your name as you had certainly heard it before. His other hand ghosts over bare skin at the low back of your blouse.
"It turns me on, Ominis, I'm just thinking about you using me and your English words escaping you and...and that's just what slips out." You bit your lip as you looked up at him nervously.
"Why don't you get on your knees so we can see what happens? You can be a good girl if I remember, right, Y/N?"
You nearly fell to the floor to obey him and it made him chuckle to for you to show your eagerness towards him, hearing the sound of your knees on the floor. He placed a hand on your head, ruffling your hair as a reward.
"Surely you remember what to do? You were always a good slave for my cock." Ominis had forgotten how much his words did for you, but he had a renewed curiosity wondering how far you would go with something new like parseltongue in play.
You whimpered and lulled your head against his thigh as you reached to tug his trousers to the floor. You always forgot how impressive he was, between his creamy pale thighs the pink tip of his cock stood out at you.
You wanted to take your time to see how worked up he could get, so you started out placing kisses up his thighs. You ran your tongue across his balls suckling gently and he practically hissed at you, more of that beautiful language falling from his lips.
You could feel the slick pooling between your thighs, no doubt making a mess against the floor as you teased your mouth over his full length, your spittle mixing with his pre-cum.
Suddenly, he yanked you up hard by your hair and you yelped. He pinned you to the wall and crushed his lips to yours. It was sloppy, wet, and full of harsh biting. You clutched onto him to hold yourself up, feeling hard and tense muscles beneath his shirt.
He pulled away, leaving drool dripping down your chin as he caught his breath. He didn't extend the same courtesy to you as he wrapped his fingers around your throat. His eyes met yours in a gruff tone, full of arousal.
"Good girls don't tease, my love, but you've always been naughty for me haven't you?"
You felt dizzy from the state of need he had you in as he hauled you forward, bending you over his desk. A harsh slap across your backside made you jump, his fingers roughly pressing against your sodden pants. He circled your clit through the thin material before yanking them down your legs, bloomers and all.
"Now let's see what happens when I have no control, that's what you wanted, right? To hear the filth from my lips?"
He circled your dripping lips with the tip of his cock, making you beg before he slams into you, tugging hard on your hair.
More parseltongue fell from his mouth mingled in with the command to arch your back more. His pace was slow and hard, but no the least bit controlled. He was savoring your whines as your walls contracted around him.
He had never fucked you like this, so raw and aggressive. It had been so long you savored every second of him inside of you, hitting all the right spots that had been neglected for so long.
His pace quickened as he reached a hand forward to rub circles just right on your clit. His moans were strangled as he felt himself so close, but he was determined to get you to finish with him. He brought his lips just below your ear, whispering to you the way he knew you'd been craving and it wasn't long until hot waves of pleasuring came crashing down on you.
He released you to lay face down on the desk while he desperately gripped your hips, telling you he was about to cum. You felt terribly empty as he pulled out to shoot hot ropes all over your back and reddened ass.
You whimpered and whined about how he hadn't left it inside and in response he ran his fingers through it just to stuff them in your mouth. He spoke first in English, repeating the sentiment in parseltongue.
"Next time you'll be good and I want have to punish you."
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morgana-larkin · 2 months
hi, I think I have a crazy and [loooong] prompt baskdjskkaka. From Melissa's line 'no women? nobody else?ever?'
The staff is reminiscing the little bickering a year ago or two about Janine's love life, only then the staff realize what has Mel said, that she's like into women too. Barb knows tho and Mr. J because ofc he knows everything what has happened in those hallways. So Ava, Janine and Jacob being themselves + Greg surprisingly, began to interrogate Mel about it and in some point she got tired of the constant questioning so she just admitted that she had a relationship with a woman before, particularly a teacher too at Abbott few years before the new teaching staff and principal arrived at the said school. She goes to describe the woman with a little smile on her face without realizing it, did not mention what happened saying they should take what she offers about her private life,the truth is, she still feel guilty of what has happened realizing she's wrong and it's too late. At that, she thought the staff will finally leave her alone but no, since she's single again after the failed proposal, they're like encouraging her to date and maybe try again with a woman. Ofc she declines, then one day Ava burst into the break room grinning, saying a new member of the district is around to help the school, but the top of the icing, as she quote, is she had finally found a match for Melissa not knowing who's r really is, then introduces r to the crew. And man, best believe Melissa almost threw herself out of the window when she sees the very woman she had a relationship before and apparently who she had managed to hurt that still haunts her at night, r is no different from the redhead as she is aslo shocked to see the woman, still there and stunning as ever, because last time they saw each other, the woman cursed that she doesn't think she can stay in a place where she knows r had lingered or stepped a foot with. So basically it's the queue for r to left Philly and never go back, but she's God's favorite and he decided to send her back to the very place she avoids the most. [The breakup is ugly, as it is a big misunderstanding, the redhead saw the other woman kissing, or rather being kissed by a man, against her will which she doesn't know since she became real irrational that point and didn't even listen to the plea of the other woman]
And bc of the weird and awkward reactions + interactions from the two women when they're in a room together, the staff slowly put 2 and 2 together that the new district member that has been sent to the school is the very woman who Mel had a past with.
That is so long I'm so sorry, I just need to let it all out or else I'm gonna combust
Anon it’s perfectly alright, let it all out. This took me so much longer to write and it’s just under 5,000 words😅. There’s so much fucking angst and as someone who hates seeing Melissa upset, I was literally glaring at myself for writing that Melissa is going through it. So I hope you enjoy it! As always not edited in the slightest!
As a side note I wanted to thank @janeyseymour for helping me out, I had no idea what former teachers do at all and she let me know a bunch of them!
Want You Back
Warnings: swearing, Melissa crying, smut
Words: 4.95k
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“No women? Nobody else? Ever?” Melissa said 2 years ago.
“Wait, what did Melissa mean by that?” Janine asked Gregory and Jacob one day when they were walking into work and talking about the conversation they had in the library a couple years ago.
“I don’t know, but it is weird that her first instinct was to immediately ask about women first instead of men.” Jacob says, contributing to the conversation.
“Do I even want to know what you nerds are talking about?” Ava asked them.
“It’s about Melissa, from something she said 2 years ago.” Gregory said and Ava looked at them.
“Melissa has said a lot of things 2 years ago.” Ava said.
“It’s when we were in the library and I said that I’ve been dating my boyfriend since 8th grade and you all questioned it and Melissa said ‘no women’.” Janine explained to Ava and this caught her interest.
“Oh ya, I remember that. I say we question her.” Ava said but the trio stopped her.
“No, this is Melissa we’re talking about. She won’t tell us something about her life so easily.” Janine says.
“Good point, we could annoy her until she gives in.” Ava suggested.
“Maybe another plan where we don’t put our lives at risk.” Jacob says.
“Oh come on. Melissa likes us too much now to kill us.” Ava says proudly and they all look at her like she hit her head. “I did say now, 2 years ago she definitely would have killed us.”
“That’s true, but we can’t ask her multiple times in one go, it’ll have to be a couple to a few times a day.” Jacob says.
“Ok let’s start now.” Ava says, excited about this plan and heads towards the break room. Ava enters, drawing attention as usual with the trio in tow behind her. “Melissa, question.” Ava asks as she pours some coffee in a mug. Melissa glances up at her from her phone.
“What do you want Coleman?” Melissa asks and looks back to her phone, typing something.
Ava smiles at her as she pours an unnecessary amount of sugar in her coffee. “Have you ever dated a woman?” Ava asks and Melissa freezes.
She looks up from her phone, “what?” She asks.
“Have you ever dated a woman?” Ava repeats. Melissa looks at her and sees the trio looking at her waiting for a reply.
“It’s none of youse business who I have or haven’t dated.” She says and goes back to her phone.
The trio and Ava look at each other and smile a little. They have a feeling that Melissa actually might have dated a woman due to her freezing.
*At lunch*
“So you have dated a woman haven’t you?” Janine asks her at her table.
“I thought I told you this morning it’s none of your business.” She glares at her. Janine gets the hint and goes to her own table.
*after school*
“Melissa, we just want to know if you’ve dated a woman before.” Jacob tells her as they all leave the building together.
“Why do you want to know so badly?” Melissa asks them, annoyed.
“Because you never tell us anything about you.” Janine says.
“Ya we just want to get to know you better.” Gregory says.
Melissa rolls her eyes. “What brought this up all of a sudden?” She asks them.
“Well remember when Janine made us play that annoying game and write something about ourselves on a card and then we guess who it was.” Ava asks, earning a ‘heeeey’ from Janine for calling her game annoying.
“Vaguely.” Melissa says, very short with them right now.
“Well, after Janine said he’s only ever dated one guy since grade 8, your immediate response was ‘no women?’.” Ava says and Melissa looks at them.
Melissa then proceeds to walk to her car. “Like I said , none of youse business.” She says and reaches her car and turns to look at them. “So stop asking.” She says and gets in her car.
*the next morning*
The trio keep glancing over at Melissa. They want to ask but wondering if it’ll be dangerous to ask her.
“I feel you guys looking at me.” Melissa says looking at her phone, unimpressed by them. And at that Ava comes in.
“We just want to know the answer.” Jacob tells her.
Melissa sighs and turns around and glares at them. “Ok fine. Yes, I’ve dated a woman before, last one was a few years ago before youse started working here.” She told them and they all beam.
“Omg this is so exciting!” Janine squeals.
“I can’t believe you never told us you were bisexual.” Jacob says.
“What was she like?” Gregory says, and they all look at him then back to Melissa.
Melissa immediately starts thinking about you and she smiles. “She was a teacher here, she taught 3rd grade and left 4 years before you guys started.” She says pointing to Janine, Jacob and Ava. “She was beautiful and smart and brave. She was funny and sarcastic as well and able to keep up with my wit.” Melissa continues. And they all listen as Melissa describes you. And unknown to Melissa, she was smiling the entire time. The only thing Melissa refused to say was your name and why you broke up.
“Why don’t you want to say her name or why you broke up?” Ava says.
“How about youse people take what I give about my life and shut it.” Melissa says and turns back around to go on her phone. Barb looks at her concerned. Of course she knows what happened since she was there and knows how guilty Melissa feels about how it ended.
“Have you ever thought about dating again, specifically a woman?” Jacob says.
Melissa turns to look at him. “No, I’m not going through it again.” She says with a slight voice crack.
Of course none of them listen to her and keep on the lookout for a woman that’s Melissa’s type. And then one day, Ava does. She bursts into the break room, full grin on her face and immediately looks at Melissa then back to the full group, she thinks she found a match for Melissa. Melissa gets up to get herself a coffee and pours it into her mug.
“Hey nerds listen up! The school district sent us a vice principal to help out around the school and they’re paying for it.”
“Really?” Janine says.
“Yep, oh here she comes.” Ava says “and her name is y/n y/l/n.” She says as you enter.
Before anyone can say anything, the sound of a mug breaking is heard near the coffee machine. They all turn to see Melissa with her hand out, as she just dropped her favourite coffee mug full of coffee and it broke on the floor. She’s standing there looking at the new woman who entered in complete shock, completely unaware that she just dropped her mug. They all look towards you who’s looking at Melissa with an expression that can mirror Melissa’s.
“Melissa, r u ok?” Jacob says, and Melissa glances at him briefly before looking down at the floor.
“Uh, u-um y-ya ya, I’m fine, I’m just gonna let Mr Johnson know about the mess.” Melissa says and books it out of the room. A minute later Mr. Johnson appears and sees you , then shakes his head, muttering ‘this will be interesting’.
They all introduce themselves to you , except for Barb. Once the trio and Ava leave, you look at Barb then at your feet, not knowing what to say to her.
“It’s nice to see you again dear.” Barb says and you look up at her.
“I had no idea that Melissa was still working here. I also didn’t really have a choice, the district sent me saying this school needs a vice principal and I needed a job.” You tell her.
“It’s alright, I understand.” Is all she says.
“I-I’ll avoid Melissa as much as possible while I’m here, to avoid any drama as I’m sure she’ll do with me. So you don’t have to worry about that.” You tell her then leave.
After that Barb leaves the break room and goes to check on Melissa. And sure enough, just like she thought, Melissa is having a full on crisis in her classroom. Melissa is at her desk writing something harshly, then gets angry at her pen for not working properly then throws it across the room.
“You’re handling it better than I thought.” Barb says after she sees Melissa throw the pen. Melissa whips her head at Barb and looks at her with anger in her eyes that quickly turns to tears. Barb immediately goes and comforts her the best she could.
“I can’t believe after all these years, she’s here again.” Melissa says, crying into Barb’s shoulder during a hug.
“I know dear, I know.” Barb says, patting her back.
“I thought I’d never see her again, after 6 years I still feel guilty about what happened.” Melissa says, still crying.
*6 years ago*
You and Melissa were at a club, drinking. Celebrating the end of another school year.
“Hey Amore, can you go get us some more drinks?” Melissa asks you, as she got the previous ones.
“Of course beautiful.” You tell her and give her a quick kiss on the lips with a smile. You then get up and go to the bar to get some drinks. You order a drink for you and Melissa’s favourite drink, then a man comes up next to you as you're waiting, and starts chatting you up.
“Hey there pretty lady.” He says and you glance at him and sigh, you just ignore him.
After your drinks are done, the guy is still trying to talk to you. Before you can reach for your drinks, he gets up and goes behind you and kisses you, blocking any possible exit. The guy is twice your side, you try pushing him off but he wouldn’t budge.
Melissa is wondering what’s taking you so long as it’s been 5 minutes. She gets up and goes to the bar and sees you with a man’s tongue down your throat, pressed up against the bar and Melissa sees red. As soon as the guy gets away from you, you see Melissa standing there about 10 feet away, looking pissed. Melissa stomps over to you, grabs your wrist and drags you out of the club.
“WHAT THE HELL Y/N!!! WHY WERE YOU KISSING HIM!” She yells at you and you’re taken aback.
“Did you think I wanted him to kiss me?” You ask.
“Well it sure as hell didn’t look like you weren’t enjoying it!!!” She yells at you.
“Melissa I didn’t…” You try to explain what happened but she cuts you off.
“I don’t fucking care what lame ass excuse you’re about to give!!! I want you and your shit out of my house and nowhere near me again!!! In fact!! Why don’t you leave the fucking city! I don’t want to see you and your cheating face ever again!!!” She yells at you and then turns around to go to her car. You run up and grab her arm to try and get her to listen to you. She shoves your hand off of her and you try again. “Let go of my y/n!” She tries to shove your hand off of her again but you hold on.
“Please Melissa! Just listen to me!” You tell her with tears in your eyes. “He kissed me! I didn’t…” she doesn’t want to listen to you anymore and pushes you off of her and you stumble and fall back on the ground. You look at her full of hurt and tears. She just turns back around and walks to her car and drives away.
You end up staying at a friend's house for a few weeks. You end up telling the principal of Abbott Elementary that you quit and won’t be coming back, you get all your stuff from Melissa’s house when she told you she won’t be there so you can come pick it up. And after 2 months, you end up finding a place out of Philly and get a job at the school district. You feel hurt and abandoned by Melissa. Your friend told you to forget about her if she wasn’t willing to listen to what happened and fight for you. You left a note at her place, explaining what happened at the bar as she blocked your number after telling you when she won’t be there for a whole weekend to come get your stuff. You left her place with your things, completely heartbroken, you thought Melissa would be it for you but you guess you were wrong
Melissa on the other end wasn’t any better, when she got back from her weekend trip, she saw your note and read it. Full of tears in her eyes as she realised her mistake. She immediately unblocks your number and a bunch of messages you tried to send her appear. She read them all, she wanted to send you a message, saying she got your note and wanted to talk, and then she saw your last message.
You: I know you won’t get this Melissa but I’m really sorry about what happened. I’ll be changing my number today and moving out of Philly soon so you won’t see or hear from me again. Love, y/n.
She saw that the message was sent yesterday, she was too late. She has no idea where you are and no way of contacting you.
*back to present day*
“Melissa, what if this is your chance to fix that mistake?” Barb says. “You told me that if you got a chance to apologise then you would take it.”
“It’s been 6 years Barb, she’s probably moved on and doesn’t care about me anymore.” She tells her. Barb doesn’t push her anymore, knowing she needs time and space right now.
At lunch time, you finish talking to Janine in the break room and go to leave. At the same time Melissa is coming in and you walk into each other. You both stare at each other for a few seconds, not knowing what to do or say. You then walk around her and leave the break room. Melissa stands there for a few more seconds in shock. She then looks over at everyone and they’re staring at her confused about what just happened. Melissa doesn’t say anything, she just gets her lunch and eats in silence.
The second period after lunch, Melissa has a prep period as her kids are in art class. She’s marking some tests when you knock on her door. Melissa doesn’t look up as she’s finishing up marking a question.
“Just a sec.” She says.
“That’s fine, I can wait.” You say and Melissa freezes and looks up. “I’ll just sit in one of the students' chairs. I’m sure they won’t mind.” You say with a chuckle.
Melissa quickly finishes marking the question and then looks up at you. “Hi y/n” she says and you look at her.
“Hi Melissa, long time no see.” You tell her.
“Ya, 6 years.” She says, embarrassed.
“Barb told me what happened with the vending machine guy, sorry about that.” You tell her and she nods.
“Y/n was there something you wanted?” She says.
“I wanted to make sure that me being the vice principal here won’t cause any…conflicts.” You tell her.
Melissa freezes, she’s caught in between, she wants to say yes so that you’ll leave and she won’t have to feel guilty every time she sees you but a bigger part of her wants to say no, she missed you and it was nice seeing your face and smile again. Melissa knows what she has to do, she can’t be selfish but she can be careful.
“No I don’t see why it would.” And you look at her and Melissa feels the need to get it over with. “I mean I moved on and you moved on, the past is the past right?” She says and if she’s honest, it hurt her to say that to you.
You were in a similar spot. It hurt to hear her say that she’s moved on from you but what would you expect. It’s been 6 years and you guys ended badly and you assumed that more than likely she didn’t read your note, probably threw it out.
“Ya, we’ll keep it professional.”
“Ya professional, exactly.” She agreed and you got up.
“Oh I’m supposed to introduce myself to all the teachers and ask if there’s anything they need.” You tell. “I got to know the principal more and while she’s nicer than the one that was here when I was a teacher, this one also doesn’t do anything.” You say and she chuckles.
“Ya I have a feeling you’ll be doing most of the principal duties as well.” She says.
“Yep, more than likely. So was there anything you need? Paper? Glue sticks? Pens?” You ask her.
“No no, I think I’m good for now but I’ll let you know if that changes.” She says and you nod.
“Alright.” You say and go to leave then turn back around. “Btw love the rugs. Am I correct to assume you had something to do with that?”
Melissa smiles and puts her index finger over her lips “shh” she says and you smile and mime zipping your mouth. After you leave , Melissa looks at the doorway and sighs. “What I need is you.” She says quietly.
Over the next month, the trio and Ava slowly start to figure it out. You and Melissa barely are in the same room together, barely speak to each other, and when you do, it’s very awkward and uncomfortable. Then they see Melissa’s face when she sees you, full of guilt and sadness. And when you see Melissa, your face is full of hurt.
“Melissa, how do you know y/n?” Janine asks Melissa after a month of watching the awkwardness.
“She’s the vice principal, so we all know her.” Melissa says to them, the trio not convinced for a second and she doesn’t even believe it herself.
“Come on Melissa, it’s obvious you knew her before she got here.” Jacob says. “I mean you’re interactions with her are awkward and tense. And when she first got here you dropped your favourite mug. I mean the only reason I would act that way is if…’’ Jacob doesn’t finish it as he put it all together and he gasps. “Omg y/n is the woman you dated!” He squeals out and Melissa whips her head around in shock since he figured it out.
“How the hell did you figure it out!” Melissa says and immediately her eyes go wide and covers her mouth with her hand for accidentally confirming what he said.
“So wait he’s right? She’s the one you told us about?” Janine says and Melissa rubs her temple with her hands.
“Ok fine, yes he’s right. Y/n is the woman I dated 6 years ago. But it ended badly and I don’t want to talk about it any further.” Melissa says and then walks out of the break room.
“What’s the matter with Melissa?” Ava says as she enters. “She seems grumpier than usual, I just said hi to her and she told me to go to hell.”
“Y/n is the woman that Melissa dated 6 years ago.” Jacob says and Ava has a shocked expression.
“Omg really?” She says. “Barb, why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because Ava, it’s not my secret to tell, it’s Melissa and y/n’s.” Barb says to her. “What I will tell you is Melissa feels guilty and is too afraid to apologise and y/n is too busy thinking that Melissa hates her. I’ve been trying to tell each of them to talk to each other but they’re both so stubborn.”
“Maybe we can trap them somewhere together and force them to talk to each other.” Ava suggests and they all agree, including Barb, that it’s not a bad idea.
“Ok but that requires a door that can lock from the outside and you can’t unlock it without a key from the inside.” Gregory says.
“I know just the place.” Mr Johnson says and they all turn to look at him on the other side of the room, not knowing he was there.
“You’re willing to help us with this?” Janine asks him.
“I was rooting for them 6 years ago when y/n was a teacher here.” He says and they look at him. Of course he knew, they honestly are not surprised at this point.
They put their plan into play, the next day during lunch they were gonna lock you two in the janitorial closet and Janine was gonna take Melissa’s kids with hers and go to the gym and then do a big art project in her classroom.
So when Melissa was going to get her kids, Janine asks Melissa if she could help her reach something from the Janitor closet and Mr Johnson went to ask you if you could help him with something in the closet. Melissa was grabbing the item when you walked in and then the door shut. You ran to it and tried to open it but it was locked.
“Did they just lock us in here?” You ask her. Melissa was too stunned to see you that she didn’t even realise what happened until you spoke.
“Ya I think they did.” She said.
“Why would they do that?” You ask her, annoyed.
“Probably for us to talk.” She says and you look at her.
“What is there for us to talk about? There’s absolutely nothing for us to talk about” You say and cross your arms.
“Actually there’s something. ” Melissa says and sits on one of the chairs that’s in there, while you sit on the other.
“What is it then?” You ask her and she takes a deep breath.
“6 years ago.” Is all she says but you understood.
“There’s nothing for us to talk about. You said it yourself, it’s in the past and we’ve both moved on.” You said and you look at her and she looks hurt. “What?”
“Have you really moved on?” She asked and you look at her.
“It doesn't matter, I know you moved on though. ”
“Ya a failed proposal is definitely not moving on.” she says.
“But you were in a serious enough relationship with him for him to propose.” You tell her and she looks down.
“Ya I guess so.” She gets her phone out to text Barb to come let them out and gets a reply back.
Barb: not until you talk to her.
Melissa: no, it’s too painful, please let us out.
Barb: I’m sorry Melissa but I know this was hurting you. Seeing her everyday is hurting you.
“They’re not gonna let us out anytime soon are they?” You ask her.
“I don’t think so.” She says and then looks at you. “I’m sorry.” She says.
“It’s not your fault, you didn’t lock us in here.” You say, totally missing what she was apologising for.
“That’s not what I’m apologising for.” She says and you look at her.
“Then what are you apologising for?”
“For 6 years ago, making a big mistake.”
“I read your note.” She says, cutting you off. “I should have listened to you but I was just so angry that I couldn’t think.” She tells you and looks at you with guilt. “The real reason I said no to Gary is because I didn’t want to be with him because I still have feelings for you. And I felt so guilty about how I reacted and I unblocked your number when I got home after reading your note and read all the texts and I wanted to find you or contact you but I had no way of doing that.” And a few tears slip down her cheeks.
“I haven’t moved on, you know. I’ve forgiven you for that night but I haven’t gotten over you.” You say and Melissa is looking at you with wide puffy eyes. “I tried, I ended up living with a girlfriend for a year. But then she broke up with me when she wanted more and I didn’t. Said I was emotionally unavailable. Which I guess is true, you can’t develop big feelings for someone if your heart belongs to someone else.” You said and the look on Melissa’s face said it all.
“Who does your heart belong too?”
“You.” Melissa sucked in a breath. “When I saw you standing there in the break room after 6 years, I couldn’t believe it, and you still look beautiful and stunning.” She let out an airy laugh.
“You as well, you still look so damn beautiful. My heart belongs to you too.” Melissa then gets up and walks over to you and crouches next to you and holds your hand and you look down at her. “I want to be with you again, if you’ll have me.” She says and you tuck a lock of hair behind her ear and smile at her.
“Of course, I want to be with you again too.” You said and Melissa beams. Then she gets up and leans in and kisses you. After 6 years Melissa finally felt back home again, like her lips are supposed to be on yours and no one else’s. You pull back after needing to breathe and you look at Melissa who’s smiling at you.
“You know I don’t think they’ll let us out until it’s the end of the day. So we still got… 2 and a half hours.” Melissa says, looking at her phone. You then get up and make her walk backwards and get her to sit on her chair and then straddle her lap.
“I think I want to know how to spend that time.” You tell her with a smile then go to kiss her again.
Melissa kisses you back passionately with her hands in your hair and yours are on her hips. Melissa’s hands travel down your body and land on your chest. She then puts her hands under your shirt and cups your boobs and you moan into the kiss. She then moves her lips down to your neck and starts sucking on it and you gasp before placing your mouth on her shoulder to muffle your sounds. Melissa giggles at your actions before unclipping your bra and lifts your shirt so she can put her lips around your nipples. You try to move your body so you can grind her leg but Melissa keeps you where you are and you whine.
“Patience, I don’t want to waste you on my leg.” She tells you and flips you both so you’re the one on the chair and removes your pants and underwear. She then immediately dives down and licks your pussy and you cover your mouth with your arm to muffle your moan. Melissa then puts her tongue in your entrance and begins tongue fucking you and you bite down on your arm as it feels so good.
Melissa tastes you again after years and thinks of how you still taste so good. She moans and it vibrates on your entrance and you gasp. She moves her tongue out of your entrance and goes for your clit and sucks on it. You’re moaning into your arm like crazy right now as Melissa is fucking magical with her tongue.
Melissa looks at you trying your best to muffle your sounds and gets up and kisses you. While kissing you, she slips a finger into your entrance and a thumb to your clit and you clutch her hair. She slips another finger in and pushes them in and out of you quickly while rubbing your clit. It doesn’t take long until you’re shaking and Melissa knows you’re about to come.
“Go on Tesoro, come for me.” Melissa whispers into your ear and then goes right back to kissing you just in time for you to come. “As soon as they let us out of this closet, I’m taking you to my place. I’ll cook us something and then it’s to my bed. How does that sound?” Melissa asks you after removing her fingers out of you.
“I like the sound of that.” You tell her, trying to catch your breath. “I honestly miss your cooking, and your body.” You say and she smiles as she kisses you again. She helps you get dressed after kissing you and then she sits down on the floor with you curled up on her.
And that’s how the Abbott crew finds them after they go to unlock the door after the students leave. They unlock it and see you on Melissa with her hands wrapped protectively around you and they all have their mouths open in shock.
“Oh finally.” Melissa says and you get off of her and help her up. “Come on.” She tells you and grabs your hand and begins sprinting out of there and you’re both giggling.
“Was that a hickey on y/n’s neck?” Janine says and they all look at her then back at you two running out of the building.
And when the two of you get to her place, Melissa keeps her word of making a meal then spending the rest of the evening in her bed.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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softdoctorreid · 1 year
warm hugs | spencer reid
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summary: another agent makes a comment about spencer’s ‘dad-bod’, but how can he want to change that when being a dad is his favorite thing? anon requested platonic dad-bod spence whose kid says he’s comfy like a teddy bear 🥺🧸
• mentions of body image, food
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When your name lit up on his phone, it was a welcome sight in the midst of a day that had Spencer feeling down. “Spence, I’m so sorry,” you said. “I’m gonna be stuck at work a little later today. Could you pick Lily up from school?”
“Of course. Is everything okay?” he asked, leaning back against the wall of the empty office he’d taken refuge in.
“Yeah, just a last-minute meeting, it’s all good. How about I pick up some dinner and dessert on the way home as a treat?” He hesitated, and while he was the profiler in the relationship, you’d gotten good at reading him over the years. “Babe, is everything okay with you? You’ve never thought about turning down something sweet before.”
“No, it’s fine,” he said, trying to backpedal. “I don’t know, it was just a stupid comment another agent made.”
“What did they say?”
“Just pointing out that I don’t look the way I did a few years ago. Something about domesticity and putting on weight.”
Agent Hill had once been an assistant agent around the BAU bullpen until his transfer up to the New York Office. A training seminar had him back in the area for the first time in years, and he’d popped by Quantico to make a round of reunions. While he was chatting with everyone and making quips, he’d locked eyes on Spencer. “SSA Reid,” he’d said. “Haven’t seen you in a while! Looks like there’s a little more of you to see, huh? Domestic life must be treating you well.”
Spencer knew it was meant to be some sort of joke, but it didn’t lessen the way he felt suddenly too much, too conscious of the little extra weight he’d been carrying around his midsection since their daughter Lily had been a baby. It wasn’t something that normally bothered him, but then again it wasn’t something other people normally commented on, outside of you resting your head on his tummy and waxing poetic about how comfortable he was.
Spencer pushed the thought to the back of his mind as he drove to the school. Lily was always a welcome distraction from whatever he was ruminating on, but the way the four-year old was frowning in the backseat demanded particular attention. Her answers about her day were short and vague, unlike her usual cheerful self. It wasn’t until they got home that he finally got her to admit what was on her mind.
“I just wanted to finish my book during nap time, but Teacher got mad at me and she said I wasn’t allowed. The she took it for the rest of the day. It wasn’t fair,” she grumbled. “I just wanted to read my book!”
Spencer would talk to her later about rules, and maybe try to get permission from her teacher to let her read instead, but that could wait. Right now he just needed to get his little girl out of this funk.
“So you had a bad day, huh? And you’ve got some bad feelings now?”
Lily nodded, sticking out her lip in a perfect pout.
“Then I guess it’s up to me to turn that frown…” - he snatched her up in his arms, maneuvering her over his shoulder - “upside down!” Holding tight to her he spun them around until she was giggling, her little feet flailing, hands clutching at his sweater.
The moment he dropped her back onto the couch he began to tickle her, ensuring her laughter had no chance to subside. When she seemed to have tired herself out from laughing he finally let up. “That’s much better, isn’t it?” he asked. “I like seeing your smile. So tell me, what would help make these bad feelings go away?”
Lily thought for a moment, pressing her lips together in a thin line the exact way her father did when he was deep in concentration. “Can we make brownies? And maybe watch the Elsa movie?”
“Of course we can.” Both tasks had once been a challenge for him, but he’d learned to make a box mix without burning the house down over the years, and had long since surrendered to the fact that he could not escape the endless loop of children’s movies. While Frozen was ingrained in his memory after the first watch, he learned to tolerate the repeat watches and soundtrack plays for the joy it brought to his daughter. She in fact treated him to her own rendition of the songs while they stirred the brownie mix, her energetic demeanor returning as he probed her with questions about the movie’s characters and what was happening in her favorite books. Just before he placed them in the oven, she insisted on adding handfuls of brightly colored sprinkles into the mix, saying it was a magic ingredient.
Lily insisted on changing into a pair of pajamas with Anna and Elsa on them while Spencer set up a cozy nest of blankets and pillows on the living room couch. He started the movie while the brownies baked, slipping away to take them out of the oven while Anna sang about the impending coronation. With one brownie on a plate and two cups of hot cocoa, he returned to her side on the couch. “Here you are, princess,” he said with a small bow, placing the plate in front of her.
“Where’s yours?” Lily asked.
“Oh, I’ll have one later,” he lied. “After all, princesses have first dibs.” The truth was he hadn’t stopped thinking about Agent Hill’s comment. Maybe it was time to get back in shape, shed the new-dad weight he’d never quite lost. That would mean cutting back on sugar - his favorite of the food groups - and the time he spent lying on the couch instead of hitting the gym.
Lily inched close to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, her head resting on the top of his tummy. Spencer pulled the blanket up over her and draped an arm around her. It was his job to make her feel better, but cuddling with her on the couch was helping to dispel his own sour mood as well.
 “I think Olaf would like your hugs, Papa,” she told him. “You give the best hugs.”
“Is that right?” he asked.
She nodded, the movement tugging his shirt. “Yeah. I like hugging you. You’re soft.” That kernel of shame swelled up again at the comment only a child could make with such innocent bluntness. “And warm. Good for snuggling. You’re like a teddy bear! I love teddies, but I love you better, Papa.” As if for emphasis, she squeezed him in a tighter hug.
That bit of shame immediately began to melt at her words. Lily continued, her eyes never leaving the screen. “Cuz you can do all the things a teddy can’t, and you make brownies with me and you carry me when I’m tired and you’re the most comfy ever. That’s why your hugs are magic.”
They sat on the couch, Lily enraptured by the movie on the screen, and Spencer ruminating over her words. Warm, soft, good for snuggling. Wasn’t that what you were always saying too?
“Papa, are you going to eat a brownie?” Lily asked. “I put the sprinkles in so they’d be extra good!” The puppy dog-eyed pout was another expression she’d picked up from him, and he just couldn’t resist this time. Maybe he didn’t need to. He ventured back into the kitchen, returning with three brownies on the plate. She watched as he took the first bite.
“You’re right!” he told her. “These are the best brownies I’ve ever had!” And they certainly were when saying so produced such a huge smile on Lily’s face. She returned to her position snuggling up with him and he was content to indulge in the sweet treats before them. So maybe it wouldn’t help with the problem of his tummy, but maybe it wasn’t such a problem after all. How could it be when that softness was something his daughter and partner found endearing? If his hugs could make Lily happier and eating desserts was a moment he could share with her, why would he want to change that?
His body was proof of the thing he was proudest of in his life - being a dad. A dad who was always there, who loved lazy weekends snuggled up with his family and treating Lily to sweets she always offered to share with him. He loved that he was someone his daughter felt safe with, that his arms could offer comfort on the bad days and the good days and all the days in-between. 
When you returned home, you found them like that on the couch watching the end of the movie, Spencer caught red-handed with a brownie in his hand. Lily rushed over to greet you with a hug, happily babbling about her day as Spencer quickly finished the brownie before walking over to join you.
Distracted by the closing credits, Lily wandered back to the couch to sing along while Spencer welcomed you home with a kiss.
“Mm, you taste like chocolate. So you’re not still upset about that comment today?” you asked.
Spencer shrugged. “I don’t want to cut out the things that make life sweeter. Lily says my tummy makes me good to hug. Like a teddy bear. How could I give that up?”
You smiled. “She’s right, of course. I mean, I liked hugging you even when you were practically a bean pole. But you are much more comfortable with a little extra padding.” You gave his belly an encouraging pat. “And it’s nice to have more of you to hold onto.”
So his cardigans were a size larger these days, and he had to buckle his belts a couple notches looser than he had before. But those were signs his life had changed, his world had grown, filled by the presence of so much love and sweetness. Maybe there was a little more of him now, but he didn’t care so long as he had a little more to love in his life.
tell me what you think here!
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aonungyoufuck · 1 year
My first time requesting (sorry if I get something wrong)
how about a fic where Neteyam and the reader are mated in secret because Jake and Neytiri don't approve of the relationship and they already have someone to be the future partner and tsahik, but Neteyam ended up getting the reader pregnant and thinking that now they will have parental support they reveal their relationship but Jake and Neytiri get super mad and start an argument with the reader and Neteyam making the reader feel sick and almost lose their baby, Neteyam then makes a decision and runs away with the reader to the Metakyina Reef, a year later the family Sully goes to the Metakyina Reef looking for shelter and find his son, wife and grandson and now and now trying to win their trust again
For you The world
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warnings: almost losing a baby but thats it
Anon you have no idea how excieted i was to write this! like your brain is so massive for this im so serious. I hope you enjoy it.
It was no secret to anyone with eyes. Neteyam had eyes only for you. Much to his parents' Distaste. He had tried to reason with them that they had chosen each other. Why couldn’t he? 
But it was the will of Eywa they would often say. Guiding them to a future where things were right. It would be Ku’kuri who would be by his side, they would constantly say. And while Neteyam found her nice to talk too. Great at making him laugh. She would stray her love somewhere else. She was just as much roped into it as he was. 
Oftentimes covering for him when he wanted to come see You. You who were by far the most caring Na’vi he knew. 
You had no ‘talent’ as his parents and grandmother put. Not a healer, Not the best warrior. But he got to see you. You were skilled in the art of making bows. Yes, not the greatest of skills. But he got to see how much love and dedication you put into etching and carving the wood into something mighty for those who came to you asking. 
Not many people did ask, But when they did he watched as you got to know them. Talk to them while you were carving out the bow. Etching and putting their words, Their souls, their way of talking into the bow. 
And there you were. Carving a new stroke into your own bow. Hunting wasn’t something you did often. More so for the fact that your mother brought in plenty. 
“oel ngati kameie” He greeted you, as you followed his lead. 
“oel ngati kameie, Neteyam” You smiled, putting down your bow and looking at him. It was no secret to you two that you had been mated for quite some time now. No one else knew. And Neteyam had thanked Eywa for ever being so kind as to allow such a bond. 
He would play his part. He would until he would tell the entire world how you were his and he was yours. He would play it well. 
“I have something to tell you Nete” you gingerly spoke. Avoiding eye contact as your cheeks let out the faintest of hue’s. It was like that day you had chosen each other. Finally ready to be together until your ends. 
“What is it Yawnetu?” he asked, laying his head on yours. Watching as your expression changed. Smiling so brightly down at him. 
Swearing he felt as if every star in the universe was smiling down at him.  
“My dear I know your parents dont approve of me because of my lack of skills. And I may not be the best Tsahik option. But you have made me the happiest these last few months of our mating bond. And happier as you stood by me for so many years” 
It felt like his heart was soaring up in the sky where he would often fly to get away from everyone but only think of you. 
“And i hope to bring you happiness with the news I bear” you said, grabbing his hand. Kissing it before guiding it towards your naval. Your smile shining far brighter with a glow that only seemed to affect Neteyam  as he looked into your eyes for an answer 
“My love?”
“I bear a child my dearest heart” 
Neteyam was always a calm man. Always one to contain his excitement, or his displeasure if something ever so bothered him. It took a little longer for the words to process, Perhaps because he didn’t see it coming. 
 But once he did he gently rubbed your stomach. Making you let out the softest of giggles as you watched his expression brighten. 
“You are with child?”
“ I am” 
He couldn’t contain it. His laugh and his spirit as he picked you up and tossed you around him. Both of your laughs were so loud in the forest that it was no doubt someone ought to hear it. 
Luckily no one had. 
“How far along are you love?” 
“Guessing by the only time we ever been intimate. four months my love” 
Neteyam smiled. Kissing you as he held on so tightly. “I am happy my dear” 
You smiled laughing with him as he went ahead and looked at your naval. “My little warrior” 
“What are you two doing” 
Startled. You two looked to your right. Neteyams family was by no means harsh or rude. But they were intimidating, As was his mother.
Her powerful eyes boring into the two of you, as Jake stood beside her. It all seem to stop. The terror and the excitement. But Neteyam could only smile. 
Perhaps this was the push he wanted. Perhaps this was what was needed for his parents to finally except this relationship. So holding onto your hand and smiling gently at you he nodded. 
“Y/n here is with child” Neteyam announced. Puffing out his chest. He was by no means a prideful man. But announcing you always showing you off always you, it was pride that filled his heart to call you his own. “My child” 
“What?” Both his parents asked. Now frantic as they stood in front of them. Mirroring them. 
Your ears dropped, Scared. Afraid and feeling so cold, A shiver ran up your spine as you stared at both parents glaring daggers. 
“We have mated before Eywa many months ago. I would have told you but you always talk about Ku’kuri and-”
“Neteyam, You have disobeyed the will of Eywa.” His mother yelled  before turning to you. 
“You cannot have decided on someone who offered herself to you” 
“Your mother is right. Son I understand loving someone but we must do things we don’t want sometimes”  Jake spoke rubbing his temples as he always had done when he was highly stressed. 
Your grip on his hand tightened. Tears formed as you could only bow your head in shame. 
“And you! You knew he was promised. You knew we said no. And you disobeyed rules from The Olo’eyktan!” Neytiri shouted at you. 
You began to sob. Neytiri was always someone to look up to. Someone of legends just as Toruk Makto and it hurt so much to have such will and such shame cast on you “I am sorry!” 
“You better be! Neteyam you are to go home and never speak to her again! I’ll ask Sa’nok how on pandora we can break this bond!” 
“You Can not!  That is My child!” 
“We will Take the child if it caused you less trouble, to cause!” Neytiri said. Ever the mother she was was her scorn much worse. 
Jake held onto Neteyam dragging him away as he continued to argue. Beg and pray that they never lay a hand on you. 
You could only choke out the sobs as you watched him be dragged away. 
“You are to never come in contact with him again, Understood?” 
You merely nodded. Feeling the stress and the pain of it all begin to burn you. Your heart aching with a pain you couldnt understand
“Good, stay away from my sons. And maybe i’ll be merciful on you” 
You nodded. Watching as she too left. 
No longer being able to hear. It felt like your whole world has killed you. Walking back home was only second nature. Walking felt like many thorns were being pushed into your legs and thighs. You felt hot and cold at the same time. Your heart was beating so fast and before you could mutter a word out to greet Ku’kuri who was right in front of you. All you could see was the world fade around you. 
And ever the beat of the great mother calmed your every being. 
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“I cannot believe you neteyam!” 
“ Let me see her! That’s my mate!” 
“Neteyam you have done everything we asked for until now! How could you do this?” Jake asked, pushing Neteyam back into their hut. 
“You have always chosen everything for me! Why cant i have this?” 
“Because it was not blessed!” Neytiri spoke now looking down on her son. 
When had he grown? she wondered. 
“ I dont care about anything you say anymore! Just let me be happy. All my life i’ve been stuck doing and saying everything you want me to! And if being the next Olo’eyktan is preventing this happiness fine i dont care! I dont want it anyways Just please let me see her. That’s my Mate that is my child!” 
Before anyone else could speak Tuk barged in. “Kiri! Where’s kiri!” She asked frantically. 
“Tuk? What’s the matter?” 
“I’m here” 
“Grandmother needs help! Ku’kuri brought Y/n To grandmother! She’s in bad Shape come on” 
Now as much as they wanted to ignore it They couldn’t Neytiri followed her children As had Neteyam who could only function on autopilot. Where had it all gone wrong he wonders. 
He stared in horror, frozen in a state of shock as he watched the women in his family help you. 
He was ever so thankful that Ku’kuri had a hand to his shoulder. Keeping him grounded in the moment for he would be lost in thought. 
Watching as your body convulsed and burned. Only coming out of his haze as he heard his Grandmother speak
“Eywa do not let her lose this child” 
His eyes began to water, tears falling onto his hand. Ever so grateful for the friend Ku’kuri was. 
The horrors he watched. He could only pray hard. Pray so hard till his lips bled and till his eyes got tired that Eywa would ever be so kind to not let anything happen to you and the babe. 
It was silent, Far to quiet when you came too. You felt the rag on your forehead and your body was sore. It seemed you had done a lot of strenuous movement. Turning to your left you saw Ku’kuri who was wetting a rag before seeing you. She smiled. 
You didn’t know how kind she was, Neteyam had always told you of how she would always cover for you. But finally being able to witness it first hand made you so grateful to see her face instead of Neteyam’s family. 
“She’s awake” She muttered Moving your used rag and replacing it with a cold one. 
You felt his hand before you saw him. His eyes were full of worry, full of sadness and pain. But you managed to make out something in them you had never seen before. Anger
“Ma Y/n” 
“Neteyam” you mustered out gently. Feeling yourself begin to cry. He laid his forehead to yours. His tears rolled down your temple as you two cried together. His hand squeezing yours and you could feel his heavy sobs. 
Nearly losing you two was the most heartbreak he could take. It was all he would take. He whipped his eyes looking at the other person in the little hut. 
“I’m taking my family away from here. Please in about a couple minutes or so. I want you to head out and in that time. I will be taking y/n away from here” 
“Where will you be going?” 
Neteyams lips pressed together as he looked at you. So tired and so frail. 
“I dont know yet. I’m sorry you were dragged into this” 
“Never be sorry for this. This is not something to be sorry for” 
She nodded. Smiling at you and squeezing your hand  before heading out “i’ll buy you some time. I wish to see you someday Neteyam, As well as you Y/n. i do hope you two are happy and well wherever you go” 
Neteyam watched her go. Quickly helping you stand before offering you a piggyback ride. 
You couldn’t believe what was happening. You couldn't imagine this would have happened. Only wishing you could live a simple life. Happy with him. 
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The horn sounded. And like clockwork the Metkayina gathered to where the Ikrans have landed. Forest people weren’t uncommon. Oftentimes only ever showing up when news had to travel. 
Neteyam bowed his head. Extending his hands to his sides as a form of surrender. Tail wrapped around your waist as he kept you behind him. Your shawl covered you as you looked at the sand. Ever more so upset and afraid. 
“oel ngati kameie” Neteyam greeted the Olo’eyktan as he returned the greeting back. 
You had never felt so small until this moment. 
“oel ngati kameie, To you as well” 
“I am Neteyam. I am Toruk Maktos’ firstborn” He began grabbing your shoulder as he pressed you to his side. 
Your eyes looked up. Meeting the gaze of the Olo’eyktan and the Tsahik. Behind them are two young Metkayina. No doubt their children. 
“I seek Uturu if you so may allow it” 
There was a hushed whisper around them. Murmurs as the two looked at each other before turning to you two again. 
“Has something happened to your clan?” The Tsahik asked 
“No. We are safe, I seek Uturu for my family. I do not wish to say what’s happened. But my mate here Is with a child. And is no longer safe at home. We understand if you don’t allow it.” Neteyam bowed his head. His hand resting on your stomach before looking at them for an answer. 
The tsahik came to you two. Analyzing you, Weak arms and tails. But she saw your pain, your exhaustion and how done you looked. “Your arms are thin. Your tail is weak. You will be weak in the water” 
“We are willing to learn” 
She looked at him. Sorrow follows those doomed to never follow their hearts. 
“You will learn our ways, follow are rules and no longer be Omaticaya. Do you understand?”
“I do. I just wish to keep my mate and child safe”
“ I am Ronal. I accept you If Tonowari accepts as well” 
She was harsh when needed. Cruel when she wanted. But kind to those who needed guidance.  She was kind, a mother would do anything to keep her kids safe. And she was happy to see it happen, though she wished to wipe away that pain from the two of you. 
“Neteyam has sought Uturu. Treat him and his mate as our brother and sister. For they are weak. Let them know our way as if they are babies taking their first breath. Let them not know the shame of being useless” 
You bowed your head. As did Neteyam. 
“Tsireya my daughter will show you where you can stay, Ao’nung and her will teach you our ways” 
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“Tsu’ru” You gently spoke. Handing over your newborn son to Ronal to clean him off. Neteyam just outside the Marui. Two excruciating hours, two hours in labor. No doubt the whole village was waiting for any news of their newest member in their clan. 
You had always imagined your first born would be held by your mother. Your family around you. And in some way that is what was happening. Ronal had taken you in as a mother and you were so grateful for that. 
The first few months were the most unbearable pain you could have gone through. Tsireya and Ronal had been a good support, aside Neteyam. You were grateful for it too. Keeping you going keeping you healthy. 
You were so grateful to for the support Tonowari and Ao’nung provided for Neteyam. You were ever more grateful for the family sticking by you. 
In the time you had lived here. A year exactly you had made the most of life. Having found family in the Olo’eyktan’s family. Have made friends and you would not be more thankful. 
Neteyam half joked that being friends with Rotxo was like preparing for a baby. And now you were kinda thankful he was right. No fear came to your heart. You were no longer afraid of having and raising a child. 
You saw Ronal smile. Seeing your son give her a gummy smile. 
“Come. Let us show our people the fine warrior you have given birth too” 
You nodded. Standing up as you followed her. Holding Neteyam’s hand once you saw him. His eyes full of love and tears as well as he could only see his son being moved to Tonowari’s arms. 
“Eywa has blessed this clan with a fine warrior!” 
Cheers. Laughter and the warm feeling of pride as you saw Tsu’ru be handed to his father. 
He looked so much like him and you were ever so much more in love. 
Supporting his head and his bottom he rose him above to the sun. A tradition kept back home and it made you let out the softest laugh as you watched your babe be bathed by the rays of the sun. 
“Tsu’ru” He claimed proudly. 
And the clan chanted his name. Tonight would be a moment of celebration. 
Rotxo and Ao’nung coming to Neteyam’s side as they congratulated Neteyam for his son. 
Tsireya handing you a cup for you to drink. Stating how proud of you she was too. 
But your happiness would be unfortunately cut short. 
The sounds of horns signaling someone’s arrival. Neteyam holding his son close to his chest and you behind him. 
You followed behind him. Behind all of them as you watched how everyone surrounded the newcomers. 
Familiar to Neteyam. 
“You two stay behind us” Ao’nung suggested as he and Rotxo went ahead of the crowd. 
Neteyam didn't even bother to hide. His gaze was deadly. Angry with something you had never seen in so long. 
“Let us go back to our Marui love. No business being here” 
You rose a brow. Worried at his expression as you just followed orders. 
Whatever it was. It was not good and you knew it. 
You knew that even if he acted as if everything was okay. It wasn’t  and you knew as much. 
Your Pod was filled with something stale. He was on high Alert and you knew it. You saw it in the way that he kept looking at the entrance of the pod. You gently set Tsu’ru down in the basket before finally asking what was wrong. 
“Neteyam! Your family is here!” Rotxo announced as he came into your shared pod. 
Now the same panic you felt so long ago was back. It was as if you were getting scolded again. 
“Ma Neteyam?”
“Dont be scared. I wont let them ever yell at you again” He spoke gently resting his forehead on yours. 
You took in this moment with him. At ease with the world and happy again
“Not like they could do anything. I wont let them” Ao’nung announced. You were glad you had this support system. 
Hearing your babe begin to cry you could only sigh and went ahead to see what was the matter. 
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“Neteyam?” it was all you heard. You had Tsu’ru in your arms. His arms dangling as he tried to reach you. You looked past him and saw his parents. You wondered where his siblings were. 
You quietly hissed, tucking your baby into you and hiding behind him again. The newborn smell and your hormones are still driving you. Neteyams arm extended as he pushed you behind him. His Tattoos were so nice to look at if it weren't for the fact that his family was distracting you. 
“We don’t want anything to do with you. My family and i were passing along” Neteyam stated. 
You had been on your way to have dinner with the olo’eyktan and had only stopped to admire your kid’s happy giggle. 
You could have sworn you heard Neteyam growl. His tail wrapping around you. 
“Neteyam! My son”
You saw Neytiri try to reach you. But  stopped Neteyam take out his hunting knife and keep it out in front of him. Letting out a warning hiss. 
“Do not- Stay there. Stay away from My family” 
“No. You dont get to threaten my mate and risk my child and act as if it is all fine” neteyam spoke. Bringing the attention of Ronal and Tonowari . 
“Son.. We’re sorry. I am sorry for ever pushing you away. I made mistakes and im sorry for not thinking of your happiness too” Neytiri apologized. 
Jake standing beside her. Looking at the two of you before turning to you. 
“ I am sorry too. We got to choose who to be with. And im sorry for not letting you have that too” 
You felt Ronal hold your shoulders as she looked at the other adults. 
“My children. Are Jakesully and his mate bothering you dears?” 
You turned to look at her and then Neteyam. 
He continued to look at his parents. Their eyes full of sorrow and guilt yet. But he couldn’t forget the feeling of almost losing you two. How you convulsed and stopped reacting as he could do nothing but watch. 
He wanted to forgive that sin. Wanted to say it was alright and that he was okay. But your lives were almost lost. He almost lost you two. And that was something that was hard to forgive. 
“ No, Tsahik please take Y/n and Tsu’ru inside i just want to have a few words with.. Toruk Makto and his mate” 
Ronal nodded Leading the way. You watched the way he looked tense. But you had to bite back your tongue 
Neteyam watched you go. Before turning his glare towards his parents. 
“I can be around my siblings and i will allow them to know of my son. But i dont want to know you.You may grovel and beg for forgiveness but i wont forgive you” 
“Neteyam please” 
“ Im not done speaking” 
His gaze soften as he could only think of you two “ I have a wonderful family. I am happy how i am and it is up to her to forgive you. But i wont! Because you nearly caused my babe to die. And Eywa may forgive you and she may too. You may ask her what you have to do to make it up to her and my son! But i dont want you near my family. I dont want to see you. I want you to beg” 
He no longer was the perfect son that they had raised. Now his eyes full of hurt and anger looked at them. The past coming back to haunt them. 
“ I want you to beg, i want you to grovel, i want you to suffer and to always know that i wont forgive you so easily. You are not allowed around my Family alone or at all. Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk may but not you two. For you wont know my scorn until you are near them understood?”
Neytiri nodded as had jake. She could only fight back tears 
“Get out of my face. I don’t want be near you” 
Neteyam watched them go. 
He could never forgive what they had done. What they could have caused. He would let you decide it. You two were his world and if you didnt want anything to do with his parents. He wouldn’t either.
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tranquil-ivy · 2 months
Emo leon likes to record himself because he thinks it makes things hotter, one day he recorded him fucking your thighs and kept it... 👛anon
(I imagined the Redfield Reads AU to take place in 1999 so I'm gonna be referencing some old shit that people might not know wtf it is and I'll be really dating myself here...)
NSFW Under the Cut
CW: Mention of chocking, bruising, and piercings.
I'd imagine Emo Leon taking old polaroids and disposable camera shots of your naked body after you two just fucked. (He has a fascination with photography) Getting your pretty worn out post orgasm face and the mess he made across your stomach in frame as you lay on his couch. He leans over you, giving you a kiss before he grabs a rag to clean you up. Dropping the specially labeled camera and polaroid on the coffee table as he got up.
He'd curl up, wiping your stomach clean, pulling you into his chest as you two look over the polaroid he took. Kissing your shoulder as you tangle your limbs together.
"You always look so sweet after you cum, like the bitchy side of you just evaporates." He chuckles, tilting the picture towards you. You whine, pushing your face into his neck. He rubs his hand up and down your side. His rings making a cold line up your skin.
"You're so mean to me..." He scoffs, biting his bottom lip, making his piercings shift on his mouth.
"I'm mean to you? Wasn't this you just five minutes ago?" His head rolls back over the arm of the couch, a fake an overly exaggerated moan leaving his lips which quickly turned real. You're delicate fingers squeezing one of his pierced nipples with a smirk as he looks back at you. Leaning in, you start kissing down his chest with a soft giggle.
"Sweetheart..." His hand goes down, lifting your chin up to look at him. Thumb with black chipped nail polish runs over your puffy lips as he cheekily grins. His hand slides from your chin to your neck. His thumb brushing over old hickey bruises as he snuggly fits against your neck.
"You're insatiable."
The next morning he's running late for class. Grabbing his bag from the floor and leaves behind his key for you to lock up on your way out to work after he kisses your head goodbye. On his way out he notices the few disposable cameras on the coffee table and grabs all of them without thinking and turns them into the local photo hut on his way.
After class he has work at the bookstore so he stops by the photo hut to grab his pictures and the guy can't even look him while he's paying and getting his pictures back. Leon has no idea what this guy's issue is but whatever. Not his problem. Making his way to his car he notices one of the envelopes is taped.
They never tape these things...
But he shrugs it off, driving to work. He parks his car, killing the engine, grabbing his cellphone from his pocket and presses the circle button to turn it on. Seeing he has 1 new voicemail. He puts the phone to his ear as he listens.
"Hey babe," it's you, must have called to say good morning since you slept through him leaving, "sorry I didn't say goodbye. I was just wiped out. Hope class is going well... But um..."
He hears you shuffle for a second, sounding like you're sitting on the couch.
"I can't find our special camera?" His eyes go immediately to the small yellow photo hut bag in his passenger seat. Not paying attention as you said i love you through voicemail and hung up.
He pulled out the taped pictures, dropping his phone on his lap as he stares at the tape with a little x in red sharpie on it.
The special label...
"She's gonna fucking kill me..."
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vbecker10 · 2 years
Hi I was jw if you could do a Loki x reader where they have a huge fight and then reader leaves for a mission to only come back injured. Loki is given a note from her apologizing to him and when she wakes up he takes care of her apologizing as well? Super duper fluffy ending?
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Hey anon!! I have two asks that have very similar ideas so I'm doing them together. I'm sorry if it took me so long to get to it that you sent it again but I really do love this idea. I changed a little bit of it and kinda combined both asks. Hopefully it was worth the wait 💚
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That's Not What I Meant
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: arguing, angst, injury, lots of fluff
Summary: You and Loki have an argument but before the two of you can resolve it, you are called away on a mission for a few days. You return from the mission injured and still hurt by what Loki said before you left but he is determined to show you how much you truly mean to him.
A/N: I threw in Halloween stuff cause it's October so why not right 🎃 lol... also, as usual this got away from me and is way longer then I intended 🤷‍♀️
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"Its October first!" you say as you flip the calendar on your kitchen wall excitedly. "Do you know what that means?" you turn towards Loki.
He looks up from the coffee maker, "I would say its Saturday but I imagine that's not the answer you are looking for."
"Its Halloween!" you answer with a wide smile. He rolls his eyes but you catch a glimpse of him smiling before he turns back to face the counter. You move to stand behind him and put your arms around his waist, resting your cheek against his back.
He shakes his head and chuckles softly while he pours the fresh coffee into two mugs. "I was under the impression that Halloween was on the last day of the month, not the first," he says.
You groan, letting go of him so you can lean your back against the counter next to him. You look up at him, crossing your arms and say, "Technically yes but... we can do Halloween stuff all month."
He takes a sip of his coffee, "A whole month seems a bit unnecessary. Surely one day is enough."
"It absolutely is necessary!" you tell him, a bit louder than you expected to.
He raises an eyebrow then waves his hand for you to continue. "Very well. What did you have in mind, darling?" he asks.
"Everything... Some of the parks here do hayrides, corn mazes and apple picking. I've always wanted to go apple picking, maybe Wanda could teach me how she makes those mini apple crumbles," you say and Loki smiles, you know how much he loves any type of dessert he can get his hands on. "There are tons of haunted houses we can visit of course," you add.
"Of course," he nods dramatically in agreement which causes you to laugh.
"Oh and I feel like you would like pumpkin carving," you say and he tilts his head curiously. "Because you know..." you make a stabbing motion, "Knives and such."
"That seems acceptable," he laughs then leans forward to kiss you briefly. "Anything else, love?"
"Can't forget watching horror movies with lots of junk food and cuddles or scaring everyone on the team," you tell him.
"How could I say no to either of those?" he smiles as he puts his coffee mug on the counter and moves closer to you. He slips one arm around you and you lean against his chest, looking up at him. "It'll be hard to pick a favorite activity but I don't think you can beat scaring the others," he says with a mischievous grin.
You hit his chest lightly, "Want to try picking a favorite again?"
He kisses the top of your head, "Pumpkin carving?"
"You're the worst," you giggle as you pull free. "The correct answer is horror movies and cuddles, obviously. Just for that, I'm picking out our costumes for Stark's party."
His mood shifts suddenly as the playful smile leaves his lips. He picks up his coffee mug and takes another sip. "There's no need for you to do that," he says in a serious tone, "I won't be attending the party." With that, he turns and walks out of the kitchen.
"You don't want to go?" you ask as you follow him into the living room.
He sits on one end of the couch and sets his mug on the coffee table. "Y/N, you know I don't go to Stark's parties. I never have and I see no reason to start now," he says without looking at you.
"I thought we could go together," you say with a hopeful smile.
He picks up his book from the side table and open its, "Why would you think that?"
"Because it would be fun?" you ask, feeling more unsure of yourself with every passing moment.
He looks up at you briefly and then back to his book. "I doubt very much it would be," he says.
You stand across from him in silence, hurt by the thought that Loki didn't even want to consider going with you. Loki has never been one to socialize with the team voluntarily but you had been excited about the idea of finally having a date to one of Stark's parties.
"I know we've only been dating a few months but... I guess I just assumed you would want to go with me," you say quietly.
"Don't Midgardians have a saying about assuming things?" he asks as he turns the page of his book.
"Well, yea..." you put your mug on the coffee table. "Can you not read while we're talking?"
"You know I'm perfectly capable of holding a conversation and reading at the same time," he says without looking up, you wrap your arms around yourself and don't respond. He finally looks up and slides his bookmark between the pages before setting it on the table. "Better?" he asks in a sarcastic tone.
"Oh, is it rude of me to want you to pay attention to me when I'm talking?" you ask, unable to hide your growing annoyance.
"There is nothing to talk about. I have told you I'm not going," he says. "You're more then welcome to go to that ridiculous event alone." He sits back and opens his book again.
"Its not ridiculous," you argue back but he doesn't acknowledge you as he turns the page.
"And I don't... I don't want to go alone. I want to go with my boyfriend. What's wrong with that?" you ask.
"Are you really going to just ignore me now?" you ask when he continues to read silently.
"I'm not ignoring you, I'm just done with this conversation," he says as he flips the page.
"That's not how conversations work-" you say, rolling your eye sarcastically.
"I don't want to be with you Y/N," Loki says in a harsh tone as he slams the book closed.
You instantly take a step back as his words hit you. He stands up quickly, dropping his book as moves towards you. "Go, I meant I don't want to go with you," he tries to correct himself but your mind has already latched onto those words.
"You... don't..." you whisper as you stand in front of him in disbelief, shaking your head slowly.
"No, no. That's not what I meant," he repeats. "Y/N, I didn't mean that."
He reaches for your arm and you pull away from him. "But you said it," you say, you feel as if you're heart is physically breaking. "Why would you say that?" you ask, close to tears.
"Y/N, I-" Loki starts to explain but is cut off by the sound of your phone ringing from the other room.
You turn from him and walk back to the kitchen to answer it. Loki follows you and tries to take your hand but you turn from him. You purposefully stare at your feet while on the phone to avoid looking at Loki who is growing increasingly upset and nervous.
When you hang up from your call with Agent Hill you ask, "Can you please leave? I have to be ready to take off for a mission in twenty minutes and I-"
"Y/N, I'm not leaving until we talk," he shakes his head. He attempts to close the distance between the two of you again and this time you don't move away. You keep your eyes fixed on the ground as tears begin to surface. He touches your cheek lightly but you still don't look up.
"That's not what I meant," he says again and you nod slowly, your heart believes him but your mind won't let go of this words so easily. "Please look at me," he pleads but you can’t.
"I have to get ready," you tell him again in a hushed voice.
"Can we talk when you get back?" he asks and you mumble ok in response. He kisses the top of your head lightly and says, "Be safe, Y/N."
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(Three days later)
You limp slowly down the long corridor and find yourself standing in front of Loki's door. You can tell he's awake, most likely reading, when you see the light creeping out from under the door even though it's just past one in the morning.
You stand there frozen for a moment. All you want to do is feel his arms wrap around you but every time you picture him, you hear his voice echo. He said he didn't want to be with you and although he quickly took it back you just couldn't shake it. His words had burned themselves into your thoughts and refused to leave.
You try to take a deep breath and feel a searing pain spread through your left side. You look down at the brace on your left knee and rub your left arm, just above where the cast was set. Shaking your head, you turn to drag yourself the rest of the way down the hall to your room to sleep.
You get a few feet away when you hear Loki's door open and you stop but don't turn. "Y/N, welcome back," he says quietly.
You can feel your heartbeat picking up at the sound of his voice and you can't help but smile a bit. "I've missed you, love," he says, you can hear he's stepped out into the hall.
"I missed you too," you tell him as you turn to face him. You watch as his eyes move up and down your body, filling with concern.
"Y/N, are you alright? What happened?" he asks, standing close to you. You shrug and tell him that the mission was ultimately successful but you were thrown during an explosion at the Hydra base. You had broken your arm and sprained your knee, in addition to being covered in bruises. You tell him you're exhausted and just want to lay down.
He reaches out and takes your hand, "I know you're tired darling, but come with me." You look up at him quietly, he gently strokes your cheek. "Let me take care of you," he says in a soothing voice.
You smile sleepily and nod, absolutely nothing could sound better then letting Loki look after you right now. No matter what he said before you left, you were still completely in love with him, although you had never been brave enough to say it. You squeeze his hand lightly and he leads you back to his room.
Once inside, he closes the door quietly and picks you up careful not to hurt your side or leg. You let out a small laugh in surprise as he carries you bridal style into the living room. "I can walk," you tell him but you make no attempt to be put down.
"Not without being in pain it seems," he answers in a caring tone.
You wrap your good arm around his neck a bit tighter and kiss his cheek lightly without thinking. He smiles when he looks down at you but you can see it doesn't quite reach his eyes. His eyes are red and glassy, his normally silky smooth hair appears slightly tangled and you've never seen his clothing wrinkled before.
You look around as he carries you through his apartment. His space is usually meticulously neat but there are books messily piled on the end table and floor. You notice a pillow and blanket from his bed have been moved to the couch and there are several empty mugs on the coffee table. He walks through the living room and into his bedroom where the bed you've shared is made perfectly, expect for the missing pillow. You realize its the pillow from your side of the bed that's been moved to the couch.
As if he is reading your thoughts he says, "I haven't been able to sleep without you."
You close your eyes, hold him tighter and whisper, "I'm sorry, Loki." You knew how hard the last few days had been for you but you are quickly seeing how badly it had affected Loki as well.
He kisses your forehead as he gently opens the bathroom door with his foot. He sets you down on the countertop next to the sink.
"I understand you're tired but... I just need you to know I'm sorry," he says. "I didn't mean what I said before you left, you know that right? I was frustrated about the party and it just came out wrong. I-" he tells you and you pull him closer to you. You put your good arm around his waist and move your legs to be on either side of him as they dangle over the edge.
You had spent the last three days replaying what Loki said and you can tell he had been too. "I know Loki," you interrupt him. "I know you didn't mean it," you tell him and he breaths a sigh of relief. He strokes your cheek lightly then leans down to kiss you.
When he breaks the kiss, you hide your face against his chest. "Y/N...?" he asks, running his hand up and down your back lightly.
"I'm sorry I pushed you about going to the party. I know you don't enjoy going to them and it wasn't fair that I got upset instead of listening to you," you tell him.
He puts his fingers under your chin and tilts your head so you are looking up at him again. "I will go to the party, I just want to make you happy Y/N," he offers but you shake your head no and he looks confused.
"I don't want to go anymore," you tell him.
"You should go. I know how much fun you thought his last party was," he says.
You smile at him and run your fingers through his hair gently, "I would rather spend time with you, doing something we both like."
He cups your cheek and brings your lips to his. You kiss him back as his hand slides down your back, holding you close to his chest. You giggle when you pull away to breath, "I meant something like going to a museum... but that works too."
He laughs at your response than says, "Well we still have all the things on your Halloween list to get through."
You nod happily as you yawn then groan in pain when your stretching aggravates your sore muscles. His smile fades and he looks concerned again.
"Let's get you more comfortable, darling," he says and you agree.
You rest against Loki with your eyes closed as you listen to the tub full with water. After a few minutes, Loki carefully helps you out of your dirty, bloodied uniform and places you into the warm water. You let out a sigh as your muscles begin to relax from the oils Loki had added. Resting your broken arm on the edge of the tub, you let yourself sink completely under the bubbles.
Loki's kneels behind you and begins to gently unbraid your hair. He runs his long fingers through your hair and then down your neck to your shoulders, massaging all the tension from your muscles. When he finishes, he kisses you softly. "Just rest now, I'll be back in a moment," he says as he gets up.
You nod with a smile, struggling to keep your eyes open. Just as you are about to drift off completely, Loki returns to being you to bed. After drying off, Loki conjures you a soft pair of green shorts and a black tank top to sleep in.
You giggle, half asleep when he picks you up again and carries you into the bedroom. He lays you on the bed and then gets in next to you. At soon as he pulls the covers over the two of you, you curl up against his side.
Loki wraps his arms tightly around you and whispers, "I love you, Y/N."
For a moment, you aren't sure if you dreamed hearing this words or if he actually said he loved you for the first time. You look up at him and when you see his smile, you know you weren't dreaming.
"I love you too, Loki," you confess happily, right before you slip into a sound sleep.
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@michelleleewise @ace-of-gay @high-functioning-lokipath @poetic-fiasco @soubi001 @lokisninerealms @lulubelle814 @lovingchoices14 @justasecretwriter @theaudacitytowrite @klaushargreeves420 @coffeeorsomething-irl @lokisgoodgirl @xorpsbane @avoliax @talesofadragon @lokiandbuckysdoll @animnerd @juulle987 @lokiprompts21 @javagirl328 @kats72 @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @mochie85 @princess-asgard @holdmytesseract @lokixryss @peaches1958 @lokidbadguy @highkeysimpingforloki
Let me know if you want to be taken off or added to this list! 💚
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storydays · 6 months
A silly little request from anon.
What if while in Gristles and Bridgets wedding, John Dory’s daughter (y/n) was found by Branch, thinking that she was lost and shocked that his older brother had a kid. (actually JD just lost her in the woods while hunting for food. Branch knew that Y/n is jd’s kid cuz of the looks) JD AND Y/N, FATHER-DAUGHTER REUNION. But also angst, since y/n didn’t know anything about her father
sorry my english is bad
When Will I See You Again?
John Dory X Daughter!Reader
Branch X Niece! Reader
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(15 years ago)
“Yeah, yeah! Baby girl, wait until you try Big Daddy’s gumbo!” a 30 year old John Dory laughed loudly as he mixed some vegetables and yak burger meat in a pan, making faces at his 8 month old daughter who giggled from her playpen.
It’d been the two of them since Kyomi, John’s wife of 15 years, passed during labor. It still hurt but John still had a reason to smile everyday:  you. 
You were a perfect combination of himself and your mother; although you took his smile and hair color, you took your mother’s calming personality and you both had that cute little gap between your front teeth. Your mother was an R&B Troll, one of the subgenres of Pop and Funk Trolls, who lived on a small island between Pop Village and Vibe City.
John Dory came across her during his journey of self discovery and Kyomi helped him break out of the role of oldest brother and the leader role, and helped him to understand why his brothers’ reacted the way they did. Together they then traveled around the world, looking for his siblings. But once John had seen how happy his brothers were, he’d decided to keep his distance, they didn’t need him anymore. 
John snapped out of his thoughts when he smelled something burning. “Ah sugar!” He yelled as he moved you further away from the campfire and hurriedly put the water out. 
Once the fire was out, he turned to check you over, but you were fine, and not even paying attention to him anymore, instead you were facing away from him, playing with the necklace around your neck and babbling to yourself. John sighed softly and walked over to your crib and watched you play for a few minutes.
“Well, that gumbo is going to have to be made another day, darlin’. How about a breakfast dinner?” He asked, before grabbing you up, making you squeal in surprise, and put you in the baby carrier before heading out into the forest for more wood.
You babbled along as John Dory sang softly under his breath, as he gathered wood, when a loud screech startled you both. 
John cursed under his breath before rushing off, trying to get you both to safety when a claw scratched against him, making him trip, and hiss as he pressed a hand to his chest, feeling the deep scratches, before he felt his blood run cold when he realized you were no longer attached to him. 
“Nonononono!” He yelled, chasing after the bird before he tripped over a tree branch and face planted in the dirt, rushing to get up, yelling your name, hoping something could help him.
But the bird was far from his reach and so were you.
John Dory fell to his knees before an harsh sob escaped him as he started to wail in despair, calling for you desperately:
*Fastforward to present day*
“GOOD MORNING, UNCLE BRANCH!” You squealed, as you saw your uncle yawning. He chuckled softly, accepting the cup of coffee you were offering him.. “Hey, firefly. You ready for a royal wedding?” “You mean the one where Aunt Poppy and Aunt Bridget tried to dress me up as an actual flower?” 
Branch snorted in his coffee. “Oh yeah, Poppy showed me the pictures.” “It’s not funny, traitor!” You huffed, pouting and crossed your arms. Branch chuckled again making you smile before turning back to your journal, which was filled with different Troll fashion designs for each tribe. Branch started to make breakfast before peeking over your shoulder.
“Wow, (Y/N)! These are amazing!” You smiled brightly, you always did when people complimented your work. “Thanks! I was so excited for the wedding today, I got so inspired! Can you guess what the theme is?”
“Hmm,” Branch hummed, as he got the ingredients ready for breakfast. He smirked to himself seeing all the hearts and swirls in your designs. “Chesseburgers?” He guessed playfully.
“No!” You giggled, “It’s love. Love comes in all shapes and sizes, Uncle Branch. Sometimes, you just need a little bit of help to find it.” You said softly, fidgeting with the necklace around your neck, and looking over your designs with a thoughtful look. 
Branch studied you carefully, something was bothering you, you wore the same look he distinctly remembers his oldest brother having when he thinking hard. He cleared his throat before asking, “Wanna help me cook?” 
Now dressed in your wedding outfit,( you were the flower girl with Tiny being the flower boy), you stood next to your Uncle, dancing on the balls of your feet excitedly, stars shining in your eyes.
“Now, if there is anyone who objects to this—” “STOP THE WEDDING!” A loud voice screamed, making everyone turn to watch the mysterious Troll parkour their way down to the front of the crowd. Branch pushed you and Poppy behind him, eyeing the new Troll suspiciously. 
“Sorry, sorry, is this a bad time? I’m just looking for a Troll named–” asked the Troll as he pushed his goggles up, before gasping seeing Branch.
“Baby Branch!” The weird man then came up and started rambling about nothing of interest to you, as you could see how much this Troll looked like you and was strangely familiar. But seeing your Uncle uncomfortably trying to get out of the man’s grip.
“Hey! You put my Uncle down right now!” “And tell us who you are!” demanded Poppy, standing tall besides you. Branch groaned as he jumped down. “Oh right, right, sorry. I’m Branch’s brother.” You gasp as Poppy took the lead. 
You studied the new Troll, ignoring the argument between Branch and Poppy, and approached him. “Have we met before?” You asked, ceasing all conversation, not noting Branch bit his lip nervously.
“Now that I think about it……” John trailed off, seeing the necklace around your neck and gasping softly, before pushing your bangs from your face. “(Y/N)?” He asked softly, eyes tearing up. “Um.. yep that’s my name, heh. Says it on my necklace.”
“Oh my God….oh my God! You-you’re alive! “ John Dory laughed in disbelief before hugging you tightly. “I’m alive! I’m alive?” You giggle, hugging him back instinctively before backing away nervously. 
“Of course you wouldn’t remember me…you were just a baby when we got seperated.” John huffed softly, before looking at you with sad fondness. 
“(Y/N).....I’m your dad.”
There's no such thing as silly request :)
PART 2???????
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luvlunajpg · 2 months
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♡ pairing: johnnie x Plus size female reader
♡ summary: You caught johnnie doing something unexpected which ends up in losing your virginity
♡ classification: fluff and smut
♥︎ anon note: hey guys! Luna here ( ^ω^ )
This fanfic was requested by a fellow reader from my previous fanfic. This was a challenge for me as insecurities comes in many forms and i fear that i would trigger any of my beautiful johnnie girlies out there :( . I sincerely apologise if there is any part of the story triggered you or made you feel like its not accurate to what body insecurities actually feels like. Some people go through insecurities differently and i really want you to know that no matter how different we are, everyone is beautiful periodt. I love you guys so much! Thank you for the love and support on my previous fanfic.
XOXO Luna ♥︎
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆.✧˚ ༘˚⋆ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆
You and Johnnie have been dating for awhile and today just happens to be your anniversary with him. Since Johnnie is busy streaming, you suggest that the both of you to stay at home to watch movies and cuddle the whole night. You and johnnie were never the kind of couple to celebrate publicly. Both of you prefer to just spend time with eachother at home where you and johnnie can have more privacy.
You prepare the blankets, pillows and picked up the delivered food at your doorstep. After preparing for the night you giggled at the set up and took a picture to post it on social media. After admiring your efforts, you head over to Johnnie’s office to peek on his progress on the livestream. As you were few steps closer to his office, your heart immediately sank hearing your boyfriends moans and groans through the door. Your brain was flooded with all kinds of scenarios. Was he lying? What is he doing? Is he facetiming another girl? Why is he moaning like that? Why would he do that during a livestream?
You spare no time and immediately slammed the door open. Johnnie gasped and threw his phone across the room and tries his best to hide his boner. You were in tears, your heart broke into a million pieces, you couldn’t stop sobbing and soon enough you fell to your knees in front of him.
“Noo.. baby please.. i’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-“ johnnie got cut off by sharp slap across his face
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WOULD CHEAT ON ME ON OUR ANNIVERSARY JOHNNIE HOW COULD YOU!” You cried to your hands feeling your heart crumble even more hearing him apologise. Johnnie sigh and grab his phone to show you a picture of yourself in a skirt and heart garter suspenders. That picture was posted this morning as you just put that outfit together for an upcoming concert next week.
“I was masturbating ok… Im sorry Y/N you look so hot in that outfit i couldn’t help myself. I know how you feel towards sex and i respect that but i just can’t help myself. I’m- i’m so sorry Y/N..” johnnie sighs in disappointment.
He cups your face before breaking down into tears, leaving you more heartbroken than before. You’ve always told Johnnie how insecure you are with your body which made you never want to lose your virginity anytime soon. You have always been on the plus size side ever since High school, you have never had a boyfriend and Johnnie just so happens to love you just the way you are. But you were not ready because you were afraid of the way Johnnie would see you afterwards. You have zero experience in sex and you’re also insecure on how you would look like during sex. After seeing your boyfriend sob on your thighs, you start to realise how Johnnie is more than perfect to be the one to be your first. He has been accepting your flaws since day one and still continue to accept it until now.
“Johnnie.. i’m ready.” You lift johnnie’s head to meet his teary blue eyes.
“No baby please, i don’t want to force you. I want you to be sincerely ready.” Johnnie shook his head and holds your hand tight.
“I would never want to lose it to anyone else Johnnie Guilbert. I want you to be my first.” You smiled at him to assure him that you really wanted this. Johnnie pecks your forehead and tells you to get yourself ready so that you are more comfortable. You nodded in response before heading out to shave, shower and wear an outfit that was meant for Johnnie only. A black bra and the same miniskirt and garter suspenders that was in the post. After looking at yourself in the mirror for one last time you head to you and Johnnie’s shared bedroom only to see the room being dim and a few rose petals sprinkled on the bed.
“You like it..? I want it to be more romantic for us.” Johnnie asks as he wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you from the back. You turned around and kissed Johnnie on the lips feeling his lip ring brushing against your lips
“Its perfect my love” you stroke Johnnie’s cheeks as he admires your outfit. He bit his lips admiring you from head to toe as he lightly pushes you on the bed. He strips himself leaving him with only his boxers and continue to kiss you passionately. Your tongues are wrestling in eachothers mouth as Johnnie unclasp your bra exposing your nipple piercing
“Holy fuck Y/N…” johnnie groans as that is his first time seeing them. You immediately got embarrassed and covered your boobs, feeling your face heat up every second. “Hey baby.. its okay. They’re so beautiful. Can’t wait to feel them against my tongue” Johnnie assures as he slowly removes your hands pinning them above your head as he licks the tip of your nipples gently before swirling them around in his mouth. You were a moaning mess, it felt so good you threw your head back on the bed. Johnnie moves on from your nipples and leaves a trail of kisses from your chest all the way to your belly. He removes every last bit of your clothing leaving you naked infront of him, johnnie steps back abit to see his beautiful naked girlfriend laying down infront of him. You felt your insecurities rising from the tip of your toes to the roots of your hair, you immediately sit up and covered your body as your face turns red again.
Johnnie smiles in awe as he removes your hands from your body kissing every part he touches.
“Baby you’re so beautiful… don’t cover up. I love you so so much, the wait was so worth it my love” johnnie says as he leaves kisses from your face all the way to your entrance.
He licks his lips before dragging his tongue on your entrance causing you to moan and grip onto his hair. Johnnie smoothly licks your folds as his thumb massages your clit leaving you a moaning mess under his touch. As you grew wetter, johnnie removes his boxers pressing his hard length against your wetness. He gives you a peck on the nose before pushing himself slowly into you causing you to groan as you feel your walls stretch around his dick. Johnnie gives you time to adjust as he never stops giving you kisses on your neck and face, he holds your hand tight to give you more support. You nodded to assure him to continue, johnnie nods back in response thrusting slowly in and out of you leaving him a groaning mess.
“Fuck! Y/n you’re so tight” Johnnie moaned out as his thrusts are getting faster and harder, but not hard enough for you to feel pain. You were moaning against johnnie’s chest as you feel yourself coming close.
“Fuck johnnie! I’m going to-“ your sentence got cut off as you squeal and cum all over Johnnie’s big length. Seconds later Johnnie pulls out and cum all over the bedsheet as he rolls his eyes to the back before plopping himself down onto the empty spot beside you. After the both of you catch your breaths you wrap your arms around johnnie’s chest cuddling into his skin.
“happy anniversary my beautiful queen” johnnie says as he kisses your head before heading to sleep with you.
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆.✧˚ ༘˚⋆ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ ༘˚⋆ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
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malarign · 1 year
ur probs insanely busy but I just had an idea based on a TikTok I saw (typical)… basically I think it would make a really good heeseung angst where he thought it would be fun to play around with his partner and make them a little jealous - either cause they were unintentionally being too friendly with someone else or whatever you feel like coming up with - but it just turns out going bad and his partner gets super upset and there’s a lot of comfort. anyway now that I typed it it kinda sounds cringe but go wild if u want
jealousy, jealousy
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(when you get jealous of his co-worker)
contains: idolbf!Heeseung x gn!reader | genre: angst, fluff | tw! kissing, mentions of food, the reader is insecure about their looks, please remember, everybody is pretty in their own way | wc: 1,1k
reblogs, likes and comments are highly appreciated!
author’s note: thank you anon and sorry for the delay, i was in fact pretty busy 😵‍💫 also! no hate to the anon who sent this request but if you want to make your partner jealous intentionally just don’t get into a relationship! 🤭
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“Have a lovely day, dear! I’ll let you know when I’m done with work today and maybe we’ll grab some dinner together?” Heeseung said in a rush, putting his shoes on.
“Sure, just don’t overwork yourself m’kay?” You fixed the collar of his coat and smiled.
“Anything for you, baby.” He left a last sweet kiss on your lips and bid his last goodbyes for today.
Closing the door behind him you decided to get to work on your assignments. You sighed seeing the workload you had. A sudden rush of motivation took over your body and mind and got to grips with everything. Closing your laptop you took a look at the clock on the wall in front of you. The day just started and you had plenty of time before Heeseung would come back home, so you decided to pay him a visit at work.
It wouldn’t be the first time you visited him at work, yet you always can’t help but feel anxious at the thought of your presence there among other idols. You were intimidated not only because of their popularity and fame but also because of their stunning looks which often made you jealous. His pretty co-workers didn’t have to do anything, in particular, to make you feel insecure, intimidated, and simply ugly. Despite your concerns you never dared to disclose them to your boyfriend, afraid he would laugh at your worries.
You arrived at his company and went straight to their practice room, but you met with silence and darkness. Confused you wanted to call Heeseung, but then a familiar voice caught your attention.
“Y/n?” You saw Jake at the other end of the hallway. “Heeseung didn’t tell me you’ll come over” He smiled after jogging your way.
“I finished my work earlier today so I thought I would surprise him but can’t find him.”
“Oh! He’s eating lunch right now with the rest of the guys. Come on, join us, they’re serving your favorite,” Jake laughed as he nudged your side jokingly.
You felt your stomach grumble at the thought of their cafeteria’s food and walked with him to the elevator. Before you stepped in, he excused himself as he had some other obligations and left you.
Opening the door to the dining area you were met with the smell of fried rice and chicken. Many people gathered to eat so finding Heeseung bordered on the miraculous. When you finally noticed him you saw he was talking to one of his co-workers, smiling widely and telling jokes as they both ate their lunches. You took a few steps back at the sight, a wave of fear rushed down your spine.
Their smile, their hair, their eyes, their figure. Everything about them screamed perfection, making you embarrassed about how you looked. They’re beautiful, talented in many ways, while you were just an ordinary person, who wouldn’t find their place on stage.
Heeseung raised from his seat after he finished his meal and made his way to the elevators, right where you were. You quickly turned around and pushed a button to close the door as fast as possible. Looking at the mirror you noticed a few teardrops on your cheeks and wiped them off your face.
“I’m back!” Heeseung’s voice echoed in your apartment as you quietly fidgeted with the hem of the blanket you were under. “Jake told me you were at Hybe, why didn’t you tell me?” he asked and made his way to the kitchen and took a bottle of apple juice.
“I don’t know,” you mumbled under your nose and continued playing with the fabric.
“I didn’t hear you, can you repeat?”
“I don’t know, Heeseung,” you repeated yourself louder, sounding a little bit too harsh than you intended to.
Your tone and the way you called him by his name and not one of many nicknames you used made him confused.
“Hey, are you mad?” he asked and sat next to you. “Is it because I didn’t call? I’m so sorry, my love, but I got caught up in so much work I didn’t realize it got so late,” he said and tilted his head as he spoke.
“No, it’s not because you didn’t call.” You looked him in the eyes and that’s when he noticed your tear-stained cheeks.
“Are you crying? Love, what’s happening?” Heeseung cupped your face as he scanned your features. “We agreed not to hide our worries from each other,” he reminded you.
His sweet voice and full of love words made you cry, leaving him even more confused than before. Quietly embracing you in a comforting and warm hug he waited for you to calm down. Instead, he heard your voice, full of distress.
“Why would you love me, when there are so many other people who are way better than me?” You spoke incomprehensibly, but still enough for him to understand what you said.
“Why would you say that? Love, where is that coming from?”
You pulled away from his embrace and wiped your tears to look at him.
“Why would you want to be with me, an ordinary person, who will never understand your struggles as a public person? Why would you want to be with me, who has nothing to offer but coarseness? I’m not as beautiful as your co-workers. I’m not as talented, as charismatic, as interesting as them, so why would you want to settle down with me? When will you realize that they’re perfect and I’m not enough for you?”
Heeseung listened to you attentively, keeping eye contact with you throughout your whole monologue. When you were done he thought for a second to gather his wits and took your hands into his, rubbing your skin with his thumbs.
“Love, why didn’t you tell me earlier you felt that way? Gosh, I don’t care that you’re not a public person. Why would I want you to be one? Y/n, nobody knows and understands me more than you do. What you offer is not coarseness but stability and my safe space. Nobody makes me feel so safe and loved as you do. You don’t have to be an idol to be the most beautiful, talented, charismatic, and interesting person in my eyes. I love you as you are and nothing will change that, okay?”
You lowered your head at his words, feeling embarrassed at your own jealousy.
“My dear, please look at me,” Heeseung spoke and brushed your hair off your face. Looking at him smiling reassuringly made you cry again. You fell into his arms and wrapped yours around his neck, as he left soft kisses on your skin. “I love you so much,” he whispered.
“I love you, Hee.”
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thank you for reading! back to the masterlist
permanent taglist: (send an ask to be added) @nicholasluvbot
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farmerstarter · 11 months
eeee i love your work! could you do something with a fem (or gn that’s fine) reader with haley? maybe having a girls night? thank you so much! have a lovely day or night!!! :) 🩷🩷
ʚ📸ɞ ˚ · . A Girl's Night with Haley :
Tags: Haley from SDV x fem!reader
I'm so sorry this took so long anon! I got lazy for the past few days and didn't want to do any requests ^^; but I hope you like this, despite its lateness. If you have any requests then feel free to send me an ask!
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🎀You and Haley didn't start off on the right foot so it's surreal to be in her room for a one-on-one girls night. If you told your past self you were sitting on her vanity, looking at the little red boats of her beach wallpaper and having Haley comb through your hair, she'd laugh in your face. But you were here, doing exactly that. Haley sent you a letter earlier that morning, inviting you to her room to spend the night. It was delicate, carefully crafted than the usual letter you'd get from your parents or Lewis. It smelled like Haley's perfume, a sweet undertone of cocoa. Even had a lipstick kiss mark at the end to seal the deal. You hardly dress up. The fanciest dress you've ever worn was for the Flower Dance, which you spent standing on the sidelines, totally not staring at Haley while she spun around. It's not that you like her (you totally do), but you decided to put on your better pairs of boots for the occasion. You're sure Haley would like the gesture and from her looking you up and down with a smile, it worked. But the boots weren't the reason why she was smiling.
🎀Haley baked cookies for you. They're in the shape of chickens. Well, as close to chickens as they could get. There were white ones, brown ones, blue ones, and one black one for the void chicken that's in your coop. There were as many cookies as chickens that you have. You could tell which cookie was which chicken. It surprised you. You've only shown Haley your coop once and you thought she was too busy making sure she didn't ruin her shoes. The cookies were your favorite flavor.
🎀It was spring, so the only thing that Haley has been thinking about was the Flower Dance. She insisted you help her practice her dance moves. She wanted to be Flower Queen for the sixth time in a row. You and her danced in the middle of her bedroom, your hands intertwined together. The two of you would take turns twirling each other, both of you moving closer after each spin. You and Haley ended up slow dancing in each others arms. She asked you to be her dance partner right then and there. You happily accepted. She later joked that she wouldn't mind as much if you won Flower Queen instead of her.
🎀You had sunflowers for Haley, your go-to gift for her. Literally the only reason why you started growing them on your farm. And as she always does, she fawns over it and says her thanks. You soon found out that she keeps your sunflowers in a vase in her bedroom. And for the sunflowers that were about to wilt, she told you that she turned them into bookmarks with Emily's help. She later told you her plan to make you and her flower crowns for the Flower Dance out of the sunflowers you give her 🥺
🎀It didn't take long for Haley to take out her camera. You two had a makeshift photoshoot, using all the hats, scarves and accessories in Haley's closet as props. Haley set her camera up on a tripod, and she would run to you to pose before the timer would run and snap a photo. The photos are an amalgamation of faces, some overly serious, most were just big smiles and blushing cheeks. Haley's favorite photo is of her kissing your cheek, the two of you dressed up in Haley's winter clothes. You decided it's your favorite as well. Haley keeps that picture framed on her bedside table.
🎀You've watched "The Brave Little Sapling", both of you wearing pajamas, and huddled together on Haley's bed with her head resting on your shoulder and cappuccino mousse cake on both your laps.
🎀The two of you baked pink cake in the kitchen, trying to be quiet because it was 1 in the morning. The two of you got that idea after finding a recipe for it in one of the many magazines that Haley has. It turned out great, a bit lopsided but that didn't stop Haley from taking pictures of your creation. It had little heart candies sprinkled on top of it. Haley broke her spring diet to eat a slice with you.
🎀You left the next morning with leftover cookies, one of Haley's hats ("It's yours now, I don't want my (y/n) getting sunburnt), and a heart shaped locket with a picture of Haley. Haley's got one for her too, one with your picture in it. She gave it to you the moment you were about to leave for home. She was descreet about it, making sure Emily was out of sight. She slipped it in your front pocket, blushing. And of course, she said good bye with a quick peck on the cheek.
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kamig4mes · 1 month
We need friendship headcannons with kisski and hanma it can be seperated or as an trio,you can make one platonic and one as an love interest i dont really care!!!
I'm still excited that you made this request, anon bc this duo has been making eyes at me these days. I thought about kisakixhanmaxfem!reader. I'm so sorry for the wait!! I hope u like it, nd enjoy it!
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#pov: friendship headcanons with Kisaki and Hanma (platonic/love interest)
★ warnings: fem!reader, realistic hc, fluff, funny, friendship, love interest, established relationship, platonic facts, school mention
→ a/n: H&K = Hanma and Kisaki
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—friendship (+ platonic facts)!
The three go and return together wherever they go, both boys coming to pick you up at the entrance of your house and leaving you at the same even when classes are over! This pair makes sure you're in one piece by the end of the day.
The races to determine the unnecessary speed between you are never lacking. A few meters to enter the school, Hanma challenges them to a race to see who gets there first and you accept, and as always you do the countdown.
"Alright! in your marks, read-.. HUH?!
And before you know it Hanma took the dirty lead by shooting out first, taking the lead and leaving you biting the dust
You run in search of him screaming complaints between laughs trying to reach him while Kisaki just keeps walking at his pace like the normal person he is, catching up with them minutes later.
At least three times a month they attend karaoke together. They try to use all the power of friendship possible to convince Kisaki to go together, trying not to upset him with his nonsense the previous days. After two attempts, the blonde accepts, renting the most minimal time rate they have to stop listening to the stormy concerts that you and Hanma give it.
It's natural for Hanma to bother you every day, almost as if that's his mission in this life. Sometimes it makes you very angry, is Kisaki who intervenes asking to stop. But once both stoics made you cry out of pure rage so you stopped talking to them for a whole week. They both spent that time following you around in silence and apologizing by buying your favorite sweets.
Hanma accompanies you to almost any nonsense you can think of, until it puts the three of them in a bad position. The bicolor loves the adrenaline rush, but if he feels that his asses can end up in difficult problems to handle he absolutely aborts the mission.
H&K are your protectors. Whether with intimidating looks/postures or verbal threats, both guys make it clear to everyone that you are their best friend and they can't try any moves on you. Yes, that's the way they are.
That's why Valentine's Days were really sad for you because, for some alien reason, you didn't receive any gifts or letters that day. Much less declarations of love or anonymous confessions. NOTHING. And the reason is that in reality, H&K were furtively responsible for eliminating (not literally) anyone who tried to make any move on you regarding the date, the two allying themselves to scare away and intimidate.
"I'm sorry, brat" explains the bicolor blocking the way to the classroom to the boy one grade below you "this girl is already busy"
"B-but I-"
"And don't try anything behind our backs, or you won't want to regret it later," Kisaki muttered, making the poor trembling boy pass out loud saliva when he clattered his knuckles noisily.
This is how your two best friends were always there to comfort you and fill that void of the day with walks or gifts only from them.
The three of them would run away from classes, but only when they are extremely bored of listening to the teacher.
H&K care a lot about your health, even if it doesn't seem like it. They offer you water or some nutritious drink, buy you breakfast and even make sure that you don't consume a lot of fried foods or sweets.
Their jobs are close to each other, so it's easy for the three of them to meet at a specific place and then stop by for a drink or just walk home.
—(+) platonic facts!
The first time H&K saw you wearing a swimsuit for a beach meet-up that you organized with your friends, they gasped. Kisaki felt that her face would explode because of how good your body looked while Hanma quickly glanced at you every time you passed by him.
H&K are the kind of guy in love who contemplates you at every opportunity he can. Kisaki by his observant and discreet nature manages to spy without being seen by anyone while Hanma does it blatantly without caring if it's very obvious or not. You actually caught him once seeing you, and his reaction was to let out a little giggle and look away when he realized that you caught him. You could notice the soft blush on his cheeks.
They enjoy taking pictures of you doing random things. Especially Hanma (he has a whole album of you and kisaki on his phone), and only occasionally Kisaki warns for a good take.
"Take out your phone, Shuji"
"Huh? And for what the hell-?"
"Look over there, is y/n"
Kisaki points at you covertly, and the two-tone nods, catching his friend's intention as he quickly pulled out his phone. Seconds later the flash does its job. They both smile seeing you captured on the screen.
"Good angle" celebrates the blonde "very cute.."
"Yea' she looks fcking beautiful"
Yes, whether it's taking you or going to pick you up, taking a walk to the park for a while and things like that, at first H&K keep track of which one of the two has to share time with you. That's why it's not uncommon for you to feel that they take turns.
Kisaki would leave you a lot of small gifts throughout the week anonymously because he is embarrassed to deliver them to you in person. At first you thought it could be a stalker with ninja skills because you couldn't catch him in the act, but soon (and in the dumbest way) you found out it was the blond one (I have a little pov for this hc, I'll upload it after this!)
—love interest!
Hanma calls you "baby" most of the time, and would use adorable nicknames like "babydoll" or "fcking princess" just to annoy you. I'm not sure with Kisaki, I think "honey" might work for him. But both of them, without a doubt, call you "darling" a lot of the time.
Hanma, unlike Kisaki, is more concerned about your feminine needs. I feel like he has a sharper sense for that kind of thing. On the other hand, you can safely entrust the financial part to Kisaki because that man will cover all your whims.
Maximum princess treatment with some moments of rough love (the latter courtesy of Shuji Hanma). They like to pamper and pamper you a lot, just allow yourself to enjoy it.
On dates YES OR YES the three of you go together. And the one who is usually planning spontaneous outings is Hanma. For more important events that require more planning (such as special dates) Kisaki takes care of, for the rest of the outings/appointments he just gets carried away by the rhythm of you two.
Their plans for an intimate afternoon is to warm up the three of them together between sheets and sweets while watching eternal marathons of movies or documentaries (hanma falls asleep after two films and you always wake him up before the marathon ends so that Kisaki doesn't notice).
Their first date as official couples was at an amusement park by your decision. It was quite an exhausting day for the three of them but they would be able to repeat it a thousand more times if with that they manage to see the exact definition of happiness in each other's smiles again.
When you and Hanma start a tickle fight, you run away in the direction of Kisaki's private studio hiding behind him because he never allows Hanma to enter that place. And you know it very well. That place is your safe zone. But once you take one foot out of there your immunity ends, and Hanma makes sure to get revenge by cornering you between the sofa and him with no escape option. Kisaki gives a soft smile when he hears them laughing in the distance.
At the same time, you and Hanma are good partners, teaming up as an unconscious act to make fun of anything Kisaki says or does.
Broadly speaking Kisaki in a refined, calculating, thoughtful, more elegant and formal type than any ordinary person. In this way he manages to keep his surroundings (and his inner world) under control and at peace. But unfortunately Kisaki can not go against the hyperstimulated souls of their partners. So when a situation in which his presence is completely protagonist and necessary gets stressed. Specifically because the ideas you and Hanma come up with can become terrifyingly exhausting for him. Going to fairs, concerts, parties, birthdays and similar events these are some examples.
Kisaki harbors a buttery side that melts faster when she's resting in your arms, whether you're stroking her hair or listening to her thoughts out loud. Not with this he says that he loves you more than Hanma, only you transmit to him a greater warmth and security compared to the noisy and annoying immature actions of the languid boy. Hanma, in turn, gets cheesier when she's alone with you. He feels that he can release his more cloying cuteness with you because he knows that you tolerate that kind of treatment more, and that you are not going to reject him or get irritated like it happens when he tries to be the same way with Kisaki. Still, none of you have preferences, all three of you love each other equally.
Hanma shows them how much he loves them and how important they are to him by spending quality time together: walks in the fresh air, outings to eat, watching movies at the cinema or at home, playing with board games/video games, etc. Anything that allows him to share his time with the two of you he will put into practice. Kisaki, on the other hand, applies physical contact: hands on the waist, caressing sessions, linked fingers, kisses on random areas of the body, massages, etc. In these ways Kisaki tries to convey to both of you all the love and appreciation he feels for you two, showing you a side that he doesn't have with anyone else.
Of course, this pair is a dangerous bombshell of jealousy and possession. Oh yeah, anyone who tries to step out of the line or even flirt with you won't have any functional organ or limb left to tell about it.
They also don't like to share you with others, no matter if it's your family or friends. Hanma is the most impatient and impulsive of the three, he won't even spend two hours when he's already holding your hand to take you with him and get you out of wherever you are without letting you properly excuse yourself. Kisaki is more patient and serene, entertaining his mind with other things until he can't stand it anymore and demands that you return by means of a call or he just goes to look for you. You better not ignore this couple when jealousy gets the better of them, or you're not going to have a great time afterwards.
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©2024 / ENJOY ♡ — aaaand I was finally able to finish it, I was too busy with classes 🥲🥲 I'll keep writing more about this trio eventually. Thank u for all your love and patience 🙌🏻 tkm
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