#speculative biology stuff is fun
zarvasace · 19 days
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All of those plus a Hyrule :) pleased with this little style experimentation! I’ve come quite far since last year’s mermay, I think. I see those Shatterproof suggestions and am currently debating how on earth to draw some of that, ha.
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abscondminded · 2 months
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Silly little comic, close-ups of panels below the cut
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silverpsychedelic · 7 months
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I wrestled with these for a week BUT, a bunch of lore for Arctic Zora. Can you tell I've been super into speculative biology lately
Arctic Zora (or 'Titans' as they're more commonly known) are a clan of Zora which separated from their mainland ancestors a very long time ago, heading north towards the polar caps. They exist beyond the Hyrule continent and are divided from their inland cousins via a huge sea, but you can find them on travels around the region. They earned the term 'Titan' due to their much larger and far more robust size in comparison to the Zora of Hyrule, and often stick to the colder climates where they are more comfortable and less likely to suffer heatstroke.
These are just a small portion of notes I have on them, and I'd like to do more lore pages in this style!
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extrajigs · 9 months
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The Atlantic's immune system yay!! BIG info dump below!
Basically when the blood ocean was created it was of course a conversion of all water within the Atlantic to living human blood. The blood of the caster to be exact. This came with the full mix of blood, not just the blood cells themselves. Plasma, immune cells, and even a small percentage of stem cells. For a short time after its revision, a vial of blood from the Atlantic would be indistinguishable from blood drawn from an average person. However while most of it DID decay and rot away it was eventually replaced! For the sanguine sea has a will to live all on its own and it will do what it has to to keep itself alive. Let's just say that magic radiation gave it a boost to adapt before it all would have just turned to sludge!
Also think of this as like a part one as it is not ALL of the bits and bobs.
The Main Gist
The immune system of the Atlantic has undergone slight changes from what goes on within the human body. While in the early days of the ocean, the cells within gorged and swarmed the masses of dead sea life, nowadays all that old death has long since sunk to the anoxic depths. Only the few top meters of blood hold onto the oxygen that can be grabbed directly from the air. This topmost layer is the bastion that these fellas defend and replenish, large colonies working in sync to make sure fresh blood is always around. Thus they are responsible for the bounty of the blood sea, as much as they try to eliminate it. Anything that has different DNA than the blood sea gets a not so warm welcome from it.
1. Shards
These are the scouts of the system, using two fins they meander through the blood at pretty reasonable speeds. The only senses the colonies have reacquired are those of scent and touch, the former for searching out anything strange in the blood column and the latter for when they bump into it. These guys are ill prepared to fight aside from a few acidic tendrils, but once detecting a foreign body they’ll turn tail and rush back to their main colonial swarm. If the poor animal they found out is lucky, it will have time to turn and flee before the cavalry arrives.
2. Marrow Worms
These are not the cavalry, in fact if you were to even poke these guys they are more likely to disintegrate into a plume of sadness. But do not think them worthless for their pitiful offense, for these are SUPPORTIVE WORMS! Being that the colony's individuals are derived from former immune cells, they never regained the ability to self replicate. If they were injured or simply degraded due to age, they could never repair or regenerate the cells they lost within their bodies. Luckily the marrow worm is here to save the day!
Let's say a shard is wounded, its fin torn from its body, whilst it is in no danger of bleeding out, it is in danger of becoming useless to the sea. The solution is that when the immune bodies of the sea take damage, they release a powerful chemical signal to call for aid. This draws in the marrow worms who will swarm the individual and spread their bodies over them like a hot slice of butter. The marrow worms function as mobile stem cells, sacrificing their own bodies to grow into the parts needed for the other members of the colony. Most will have every part of their body replaced throughout their lifetime. And there is a philosophical idea in there somewhere but it's time to get onto the stabby members of this band!
3. Tacks
These guys tend to stay by the main hubs of the colony, defending them from any threats that manage to get by. However they are quite eager to zip off through the blood once called upon by a scouting Shard. Their main weapon is a stabbing keratinized spike through which they inject a powerful mix of digestive enzymes. These same enzymes are used within the trailing tendrils they use to ensnare smaller intruders. With sheer force of numbers they attempt to use this acid to kill any animals they find, though luckily they are lacking in stamina so can be outrun if spotted early enough.
4. Hubs
These function as the housing for the most precious members of the colony, the marrowcores. They provide coverage for these most delicate structures as well as pumping fresh oxygen filled blood from the surface over the tendrils of marrow. Slowly swimming through the ocean they are eternally accompanied by huge swarms of supplementary organisms that feed and defend them at all costs. And with good reason! The hubs allow for the birth of new marrow worms and they are shepherded around as needed through the sea.
5. The Marrowcores
These are the true center of the ocean. Long spindled frames of bone from which long strands of marrow grow and waft. These feathered segments can break off and become new marrow worms, but the main job of these cores is to mass produce blood on a nigh unimaginable scale. So proficient are they, that that topmost layer of the ocean can be completely replaced every two months. Pretty important piece, but these individuals are the strangest of the whole lot, continuously losing and replacing parts yet holding onto some vague memory amongst themselves. Weird.
And that’s the first go of it! I hope ya like these fun lil guys!
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beeb-oob · 1 month
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i like to imagine that when i'm not using oc's as much i'm sending on a lil vacation so they can forget the horrors i chase them through
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tertain-the-original · 3 months
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Some of the fauna and flora of the Xarian’s planet.
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wazzappp · 5 months
Retroviruses got me fucked up
@moosemonstrous are u ready for a dissertation? I hope so.
people who followed me for art I'm so sorry
ALRIGHT so we're gonna cover a couple areas.
General information about retroviruses.
Details about The Corruption and theories about how it works inside the body.
SPECIFICALLY ROBBIES viral weird shit. Cause what he has going on is even more fucked up than normal fucked up. Fucked up squared.
Me ranting about skin necrosis and why I shouldn't have just. Thown it in there because I thought it would look fucky wucky.
As most people know, a virus is a cell that enters the body of a host and alters its DNA to turn that hosts cells into virus making factories. This is what allows viruses to duplicate and spread through the body so quickly. But whats that? 'What makes retroviruses different from other viruses?' I hear you asking? WELL EXCELLENT QUESTION THATS A PERFECT PLACE TO START. A retrovirus is different because its method of self duplication involves an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. This makes retroviral infection PERMANENT. Even if the virus is defeated by the immune system, those changes stick around. The phrasing used was 'ipso facto mutagenic' meaning 'by the fact itself/inevitable'.
...Which is kinda metal honestly I want it on a tee shirt (definetly not thinking of Amadeus saying that to Robbie as he tries his best to explain theres no way to undo whats going on with him. nahhhh angst don't got a hold on me like that [<- vibrating])
'Ohhh but if those genetic changes never go away, doesn't that mean that those viruses will get passed on through peoples children?' ASKING SUCH GOOD QUESTIONS TODAY MY MUTUAL BECAUSE THE ANSWER IS YES. Once a retrovirus codes itself into a hosts gnome, its called a provirus (pro gamer move right there) Fun (not fun) fact around 8% of the human gnome is made of proviruses. These are called endogenous viruses, and for the most part they just kinda sit there and stay dormant. TERRIFYINGLY, other viral infections can trigger these endogenous viruses out of dormancy. As for what actually causes a provirus to go dormant uhhhhhhhh I dunno. Couldn't find an answer in my research someone make me look stupid with an answer please because I wanna know.
Ok now lets talk about the immune system a little bit. There are a few different kind of cells at work (hehehehehe) that help to fight viruses and other infections in the body. The first are Cytotoxic T cells or Killer T Cells. These are the cells that directly destroy cells displaying genetic patterns they recognize as bad. Next we have CD+4 Cells (Helper T Cells) which act as a library that stores information about how to identify an infected cell, and shares that information with other Killer T cells once one figures it out. Then there are the Regulatory T cells which suppress your immune responses to maintain homeostasis. They're what (USUALLY) stops your immune system from killing you while trying to clear a virus. Last there are Macrophage. CELLS AT WORK MAID MILFS- I mean cells that clear the debris that remain after the Killer T Cells are done destroying them.
Retroviruses have two primary ways of either side-stepping the immune system or just. Overwhelming it completely. Acutely transforming retroviruses do just that. They reproduce too quickly for Killer T cells to destroy them all and exhaust the system. The second type are called Non Acute Retroviruses. They camouflage viral particles as immune cells to suppress the immune system. For example, HLTV-1 is a retrovirus that disguises itself as a Regulatory T cell to artificially suppress the immune response thats trying to kill it.
HTLV-1 is really interesting because most of the time patients are asymptomatic, but 5% can graduate to HTLV-1 associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis, which affects the spinal cord and white matter of the central nervous system. This usually results in the weakening of lower extremities and sometimes total bowl/bladder control loss. It suckkssssss (but is also a retrovirus that affects the central nervous system so were circling back to it later 👀).
I've said previously that The Corruption has potential for a retrovirus that affects the central nervous system by degrading the brains ability to regulate muscular contraction, while also pumping out a ton of cortisol and adrenaline to encourage 'hysterical strength'.
Now I did a little more research about Hypoglycemia and combined with the nerve damage people would likely die from cardiac arrhythmia, which is a life threatening kind of ventricular fibrillation. Long and short, it means their hearts don't have the proper energy and stimulation to keep beating properly, so they stop beating in sync. This results in insufficient blood flow to vital areas like the brain, and combined with the inadequate blood sugar, this would result in very fast brain death.
Let's talk about the immune systems response to this Corruption retrovirus. We would most likely see lots of inflammation, and with the main focus being on nerve cell this would probably result in meningitis, which is inflammation of the tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord. If left untreated this could result in a coma and then death. So we're seeing a SHIT ton of pressure on the brain and central nervous system. Which is like. VERY BAD for a person. We're talking brain death very very fast.
As for how the virus would target the nervous system directly we could look to real world examples like rabies (ahhhh rabies. can never get away from you). The virus would attach to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, which are what turns chemical signals into electrical signals in your nerves. It would then spread through the axons of the central nervous system and eventually reach the brain. We could also pull a rabies with 'once you see symptoms it's too late' which I, personally, find fucking terrifying.
In terms of the virus losing its effectiveness once outside the body of a Demon/Kaiju we would likely need to look at the anatomy of a retrovirus itself. The outermost area is composed of envelope spikes, which tell the cell to let it in. After that is an envelope protein which plays an important role in complete virus particle (virion) assembly. Theres then a protein shell that contains reverse transcriptase and the RNA gnome that it will use to recode a host cell. If this virus evolved to survive in an environment that is always warm (hell. lol. lmao.) it might not be prepared to deal with these colder temperatures in our world. This could result in damage to the protective protein barriers and cause damage to the real important parts, the RNA and reverse transcriptase. This would mean that the virus would not be near as effective as a fully intact retrovirus cell.
The Corruption could be an endogenous virus thats embedded into the Demon/Kaiju gnome that wouldn't affect them, but would absolutely affect us because we haven't seen them before.
alright guys this is where we put the FI into SCIFI cause your about to read a whole lot of nonsense sentences.
Robbie. Robbie is fucking WEIRD in EVERY universe and this shit is absolutely not different. Him being exposed to that previously mentioned damaged version of the virus from a young age might not give him true immunity but it would give him SOMETHING to work with. His immune system is at least slightly familiar with it and at this point whatever damaged version he came into contact with has already established itself as a provirus in him.
The Corruption thats established itself in The Charger is different.
Like I mentioned in my first diagram, I think there was a chemical reaction that stabilized the corrosive aspect of The Corruption, but this reaction would also have had an effect on the retroviral properties of the Demon/Kaiju material. ESPECIALLY when we add Eli into the mix.
Now, I think generally the amount of radiation that these viruses would be exposed to would kill them (if you believe viruses are alive. there is some MEGA debate going on about that). But if the corruption was just stabilized/hardened on the outside and left squishy and organic on the inside, that would successfully protect everything. And whats that organic squishyness on the inside? EXCELLENT QUESTION AGAIN. If Eli died while inside The Charger then it's not a stretch to think his DNA would have been incorporated and stored via through the natural processes of the retrovirus as a provirus. And so you end up with the genetic mixture of a horrifying creature capable of heinous acts, and a Demon/Kaiju. WITH retroviral properties. Dear god.
Robbie would get exposed to this the very first time he enters the Charger. Because of his semi-immunity + genetic relation to Eli he would likely be able to overcome the more meatsuit damaging aspects of this mixture and just get right through the genome editing without much fuss from his immune system. We would still have a certain degree of damage to his nervous system which allows for that change in strength that would occur in usual examples of the virus (maybe some added aggression from mild influence in his amygdala), but not to a deadly degree. Honestly this shit would barely classify as a virus its just. A nightmare mutagen at this point. So while some of his gnome would remain fairly the same, a good 30% to 50% is megafucked.
Changing Robbies genotype to this degree will naturally result in a change to his phenotype! For the sake of fun were gonna ignore stem cells and their weirdness (for now. I just need to stew on it a little longer and I can make up some bullshit I'm sure). The damage his muscles would experience from less regulated signals would mean they experience muscle tears and subsequent muscle growth. For usual muscle damage from exercise this takes a few days, so if we wanted to keep with that timeline it could be interesting to introduce some minorly sped up healing. That would also be fun for reactivating the growth plates in his bones to allow him to become bigger and taller overall (boring body horror my beloved @cicada-candy that term is never leaving).
THEN you can get into some of the fucky wuckier traits like tapetum lucidum and TEEF. TEEEEEEFFFF. The teeth in particular could go a few different ways. You could just have growth and development of the canines resume until they become elongated and more prominant. OR. You could replace the teeth with bony protrusions from the skull that would push out the original canines and grow in their place. Because of the time it takes for bones to heal your looking at this happening around 20 weeks out. Literally any fun trait you want to take from Demon/Kaiju could apply here.
The most important part would be the nerve bundles on his spine that would be used to bluetooth to The Charger (<- this is a nonsense sentence. I am aware of this). These would provide faster communication with the charger and (theoretically) more intuitive movement, while also allowing him to eventually controlling the charger from the outside. Please note that this would cause EXTREME STRESS to his nervous system. It would be like a person trying to flex a muscle the size of another person for the first time. LEARNING PROCESS. TAKE IT SLOW OR HAVE AN ANEURYSM.
Which leads me to the youtuber apology part of this.
Skin necrosis is a result of the mass death of skin cells that is furthered by the damage to blood cells. This usually results in a blackened, leathery texture to the necrosed skin. I SHOULD HAVE NEVER EVEN MENTIONED THIS.
What I SHOULD have done is said 'hmm ah yes it would make more sense for some protective covering over these nerve concentrations to either come from materials in Robbies body or to mutate into the skin of the Demon/Kaiju'. This is why we do sufficient research before getting back on our bullshit, wazz (mental note mental note mental note mental note).
I am quite partial to the idea of that stronger/thicker Demon skin/armor growing under Robbies skin and it just itches and burns until he cant ignore it anymore. And then he can pull off. Whatever skin is on the top of it. HEHHEHEHOHOHOHO DELICOUS MENTAL IMAGE of him panicking because he just wanted to scratch his back but now theres blood on his hands and skin sloughing off and dear fucking lord how did he get to this point in his life (<- I daydream about normal things guys don't worry. very average things).
ANYWAY uhhhh if you made it this far I love you. Legit. Have a cookie. Take a nap. Have a happy holidaze <3.
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squibblefall · 1 year
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A polehorse kneels down to the lakebed to begin digging for plants and small animals. Unaware it is, of the eyes watching it from the nearby brush
Plantlife on this planet is kinda rare I'm thinking? most of it resides around lakebeds like this with the occasional large trees 'walking' their way onto land
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orcelito · 1 year
OK so I have an inkling of an idea for a trigun ficlet. A one-shot, really. Not really any plot, but I just have the urge to write my own interpretation of Weird Plant Shit. Like for how much ppl tag this stuff as xeno, most of it's honestly pretty tame. Which kinda makes sense, considering a lot of this is being based off of the plants in stampede, which While uncanny are not NEARLY the amount of inherent horror of the plants in the manga. There's some FREAKY shit going on there. So like. You know. What if I took more inspiration from That for Vash's freaky shit?
#speculation nation#YES this is for a smut idea. dont judge me#ive never posted smut b4 bc ive exclusively been writing akeshu & theyre teenagers#im not interested in writing smut of teenagers#but i have my interests 😭 and i am an undeniable monster fucker. we been knew.#just. vague idea. ppl have run with the plant idea. & id wanna too. but in a different sort of way.#thinking more. venus fly trap kind of situation. NOT easily translatable to human biology#the kinds of shit that may trip even the most adventurous man up. but we all know he would take it in stride in the end.#idfk so much of the allure of this pairing to me is the inherent inhuman nature of vash's physical form. and how that manifests everywhere#the human and the angel. for all that entails.#i dont have an idea for an actual story for these characters yet. my brain is spinning them but it hasnt come up with that yet#but a lil smth self indulgent to just play around with Fun Ideas? i reaaally wanna go for it.#we'll see if i end up writing this. & if i end up posting it.#im both somehow Very solidly kinky and VERY solidly shy about it. aka why i barely post about that kind of stuff.#face in my hands just talking about this here. who knows how i'd fare with posting it.#but if i go thru the trouble of writing it you BET id go thru the trouble of posting it#and you B E T itd be angsty. the inherent longing and unsaid words. what am i if not an unrepentant angst writer lol#thoughts & ideas r spinning. i will have a merry little time.#uhm. do i need to tag this as anything. is this too tmi? i dont even know#WELL if u read the word 'xeno' and keep reading that's on U. sorry#here just in case if ppl r worried i will tag this as#tmi/#sorry lol
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jaffre · 2 years
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head biology notes for the tsini
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lilybug-02 · 2 years
Do u think animals have like, souls? Like, an actual cat existing in the UT/DR universe. Would it have a soul??
Okay actually 👀 surprisingly I have huge Biological/Evolutionary theory that would make a lot of sense in context 👀 (I really like this type of science too)
The theory is in this world, all matter has magic. Monsters and humans both evolved from animals, but store magic in a different way from most organisms, through concentrating much of their magic through a central vessel called a “soul”. With a theory like this, animals (and possibly plants), despite not having the technical definition of a “soul”, can still retain magic elements. They can be sentient and emotive despite this lack of a soul, which they do not need in order to survive, unlike Humans and Monsters.
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mayhaps-a-blog · 2 years
I am loving the ysalamir content I see, but I find it curious that so many people seem to default to giving them cat behavior. Cats are adorable, and I love them, but as someone who also adores reptiles, I’d love to see more ysalamir that are just big, fat lizards!
So what does lizard behavior look like?
I admit, I’ve spent more time with snakes than with lizards. But I’ve dealt with some, so here’s what I’ve got:
(This got... so long. Enjoy!)
Reptiles are stupid. Let’s be honest, folks, there is not much going on up in that little head of theirs. They are primarily driven by food, but many lizards may fail to recognize food if it doesn’t look and behave like what they expect.
However, reptiles are also creatures of routine: lights at night, unfamiliar handlers, unfamiliar surroundings can all be highly stressful!
Reptiles can also be curious, and may dig or escape enclosures, then run and hide.
Reptiles generally do not play the same way mammals do. They may enjoy exploring new objects in their enclosure, new scents, and new structures, but likely won’t chase after toys the way cats do.
Reptiles are cold-blooded, which means they cannot regulate their own temperature – instead, they must move to warmer places to warm up, or colder places to cool down. They’ll often find a nice, warm rock or other sunlit surface to just sit and bask.
Reptiles grow sluggish when too cold (or too hot). They move less, they eat less, they shed less often. Lizards that are too hot may take positions (standing up) to maximize airflow, find a cool place to sit, or look for water (and sit in it).
Reptiles don’t tend to see people as friends. People are either 1) large potential predators; run! Hide! Fight! 2) A Big Moving Thing that may hold food! Or might be food? Yay! Food! 3) A Big Warm Rock that moves sometimes. 
Reptiles don’t generally like to be pet, but if habituated to people, likely don’t mind being pet either. Some individuals may enjoy the warmth or interaction; others may prefer not to be touched.
When lizards are stressed or spooked, they may: hiss, puff up and look big, head-bob or display dewlaps, bite at nearby targets, piss or defecate (on the offender, if possible), freeze and/or attempt to run (very fast and will jump off tall objects), attempt to hide (in small cracks they can squeeze into), etc.
Most lizard species can drop their tail if threatened or stressed. These do grow back eventually!
Lizards shed in patches, which they may rub or tear off over a period of a week or two. Don’t pull on the shed - it can tear the skin, and some animals may not wish to be handled at all. Humidity is important as it helps loosen the shed; if patches remain (a bad shed) they may need to be removed manually.
Before shedding the head, lizards shed their eye scales, which leaves them vulnerable with limited eyesight for a few days. They tend to be very skittish.
Males may be more aggressive during mating season, a few months out of the year. Females may be more passive. Some species don’t eat during this time and change their behavior to find or attract mates.
Sick reptiles generally appear lethargic. They may not eat or respond to stimuli.
Like most animals, lizard behavior is highly individual. One paper describes an iguana that sat by the cage door and raised its head for scratches, while another sat above the door and slapped researchers with its tail!
Notably, most lizards are carnivores, but ysalamir are commonly depicted like iguanas, which are herbivores, and have different behaviors. Since they don’t need to chase prey, they tend to be sluggish and spend a lot of time just sitting around.
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duskgryphon · 1 year
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i completely forgot i was meaning to talk about my ocs and stuff so um. take a compilation of a bunch of art of my bug dragons 
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extrajigs · 7 months
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The Lichen Mazes of the Abattoir wastes! And two fun critters who live there. In depth info dumping below the cut!
First off the Lichen Maze is a complex ecosystem which also happens to be one of the few places on land not usually covered in snow! This has to do with the weird way it functions. Suspend that disbelief. Basically the maze has 5 layers. 1. The blades of lichen that produce the spores and form the actual maze. These sharp growths discourage larger animals from walking through the maze, as the heavier you are, the higher odds of falling through the brittle path. 2. The Stone Path is not actually stone, but it is path. This is the hardened shell of the Maze, protecting the true body and retaining heat whilst keeping hot enough to melt fallen snow. 3. The Boiling Pit lies just below the path and is a churning froth of water, heated at first by scalding rain above and now by the feeding of the maze below. This is the source of the steam continuously blanketing the maze. 4. The main body of the maze is a mass of pulsing acid spewing tendrils. It eats the rocks beneath the maze, carving out a larger and larger cavern as it does! 5. This is the rock to be eaten! Boring. Two fun beasties of the maze are the Side Snapper and Creeping Salamander! Who have a fun relationship with each other. The Snapper is human derived whilst the Salamander, like all Salamanders in this setting, is annelid in nature. The Snapper acts almost like a deer, prancing around through the maze whilst nibbling on the hanging spore sacks it passes by. They are flighty as the maze has many hidden corners and unseen dangers. The biggest threat to them is an ambush by a Creeping Salamander, who don't give chase to catch them. Rather they find a corridor to stalk and when prey passes by they extend their neck and slurp them up in a violent inhale before shredding their prey with their newly evolved teeth. Fun! Also am deciding that there ARE people living outside the Abbies. At least in the modern setting, more so there will be one broken down Abattoir whose dome is gone. The Gods are MIA in the current storyline.
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jayrockin · 2 months
Found your blog recently, and I have to say, the world you’ve created is some of the best speculative biology/alien stuff I’ve seen on this site. I absolutely adore your attention to detail with each species and how you give them their own unique idiosyncrasies. I was curious, I’ve been taking a few self-defense classes, which made me wonder about how other aliens with physiological structures separate from ours might go about fighting. Do you have any ideas about the martial art styles or fighting styles your alien species might have developed over time? Do some of them not have any sort of fighting ability or style, and would instead try to flee? (I can’t imagine the scuds would do well in most physical altercations)
I continue to be disinterested in martial worldbuilding for the most part but I would like to confirm that scuds fight like chickens. They're not particularly powerful attackers but I doubt it would be fun to get kicked or bitten by one.
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shirecorn · 1 year
I still don't know what you are posting about and at this point I am almost too afraid to ask. What is an alicorn what series, media, movie, fandom, whatever are you talking about?
colorful horse show for little children.
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The worldbuilding of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is overall very simple, especially as the show progresses. There's a lot of locations and functions of magic, but it's all just there to move the horses around and be pretty to look at, rather than all tying together in a way that satisfies me: an older teen at the time and adult now.
Because it is so simple, there is so much unsaid, so many Whys and Hows about the way the world operates, and a lot of room to explore everything unanswered.
And then if you're like me, you take the new stuff you made up, and then throw out the actual canon, so you're left with a world that is just an homage to the show it's supposed to represent.
Take rainbow dash. This is a horse in a style that is SO simplified, it doesn't even have hooves. With a simplified style, you assume the character does have hooves, but that they aren't important to animate. You accept that hooves exist without needing to see them.
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You also accept that the horses are covered in hair, even though every line on their bodies is smooth, there is no fluff indicators to speak of.
Now, as a creature design artist who loves speculative biology, I get to ask "what kind of hooves would a pegasus have, if it was in a style that showed hooves?" my answer is deer-like cloven hooves with prehensile dewclaws for gripping tree branches. I can also answer the hair question by saying "she is covered in feathers, not fur" I can then ask "what sort of markings would a pegasus have in a more detailed style?"
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eventually you move beyond "What is a more detailed interpretation of this" to "what is a more fun version of this" and leave canon behind.
That's how you can make something almost unrecognizable but is still theoretically connected to an existing media
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My stuff can (I think) be enjoyed with zero knowledge of my little pony. It's just a fun bonus for people in the know to point and shout "I understood that reference!"
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