#summer snapshots
delicrieux · 2 years
Hi lovely was wondering if you could maybe write a stranger things one with Steve. The reader is dustins older sister and is a bit bitchy with Everyone and one night when Steve’s over she upset and he sees what she’s really like and that she is actually human haha ❤️
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THE STRANGEST THING | endless drabble series (summer edition)
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summary: steve has a thing for dustin’s sister pairing: steve harrington x henderson!reader a/n: i love stranger things. there’s nothing i love more than stranger things. i want 100000 season’s of this series even if it turns into supernatural. i do not care. give me more. also, used prompt 5. warm, breezy nights, with this req mwah ty sm for sending it in <33
masterlist. ☕. reqs are open for the summer prompt list!
part 2.
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It’s a miracle. It has to be. Or...or, a tragedy. Something between the two extremes. Because Steve has seen many outlandish things happen at Hawkin’s, but this one takes the fucking cake.
He’s seen you angry. Seen you happy (a few times, maybe, he’s not to sure about that to be honest, he might’ve been hallucinating). Seen you cracking a joke or two at his expense (he wasn’t angry, they were funny, but then again, everything you say is funny and only to him). But he’s never, ever ever in the history of all evers, seen you upset. 
It takes him aback. You Henderson’s are tough to crack, and to see you so visibly defeated is just uncanny. 
You’re not the easiest to get along with. You’re a bit rude to their rag-tag team of heroes that save the world every other month without a thank you. A bit cold, a bit distant. A bit pretty, too, but Dustin would probably bury him alive if he was to ever speak it out loud.
From your bed, you notice him. Shit. You weren’t meant to notice him. He was supposed to be watching movies with Dustin in the living room, then going to the bathroom and not halting by your door. To be fair, you could’ve kept it closed. Then again, you probably didn’t think he’d be lurking around like some villain ready to spy on unsuspecting high school seniors. 
That sounds horrible. He must explain himself immediately, “Just--” He waves his hand around, all smile and charm and perfect hair, “on my way to the bathroom.”
“Does this look like the fucking bathroom to you?” You snap back.
“Right.” He chokes out. Clears his throat. You make him stupidly nervous, “I just, uh,” He just what? The question is written all over your face and he’s already preparing for a lashing, “I was just on my way and...noticed that you seem a bit upset.” He smiles again, anxiously, trying to lessen the blow he’ll surely have to take after such a confession, “I thought it was strange, cuz, you know,” He motions to you, “you’re you.”
There’s a pause. He thinks he’s off the hook when, “The strangest thing is that nobody fucking asked, Harrington.”
Yeah, this isn’t going that well. At least he doesn’t have a thing for you, because that would make all of this worse. 
You jump up and make your way to the door ready to shut it in his face but he’s quick to stop you, “Woah! Woah woah woah!” He raises his hands in a pacifying gesture, one that, surprise surprise, seems to work, “I don’t mean any harm, I swear.” Okay, you seem to be listening, so that’s a start, “You’re Dustin’s sister. You know I love that kid.” He admits this a bit quieter, partly because he doesn’t want the said kid to hear and partly because what he says is really fucking true, “And... so...” He shrugs. It should all be already obvious.
That angry spark seems to fizzle from your eyes. Your features soften and your shoulders droop and you look at him unguarded and okay--okay, right, he might have a thing for you after all. 
“You can tell me.” He says, gently, afraid to scare you away, “If you want to, that is. I’m not forcing you or anything. Just...just, you know, you can always. Talk to me.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?” 
“I dunno, maybe because I’m a nice person?” That got a smile out of you. Jackpot. A smile suits you better than a frown, but then again, everything looks good on you. He grins, “Okay, well, if you change your mind, I’ll be down the hall. Once I’m done in the bathroom. You should come join us, by the way.”
“I’m not into that nerd stuff.”
“(Name).” He says, wounded, hand covering his heart, “Don’t let poor Dusty hear that.”
“He’s well aware of that already, trust me.” You say with a small smile. There’s a pause of pleasant silence, then, “You should go before you pee your pants.”
“Yeah, I really should.”
And it’s not completely unexpected when you, despite not being into that ‘nerd stuff’, join the two of them on the couch and steal Dustin’s popcorn. You’re quite vocal about not understanding what’s going on. To be fair, Steve doesn’t understand either, but Dustin explains it pretty clearly. The movie is just the three of you talking. Laughing. Exchanging glances that don’t quite have a meaning yet. 
Steve thinks that if all summer nights were like this, he wouldn’t mind. Maybe the three of you could go to a drive-in theatre on a balmy night like this. Or the two of you. He’s not about to say it, but if Dustin was to, let’s say, not tag along, it would be better. A whole lot better.
“Dude!” One, singular pop-corn hits his cheek. He blinks. Dustin is glaring at him, “Stop staring at my sister, it’s fucking creepy!”
"I wasn’t staring!”
“Like fuck you weren’t!”
“It’s fine, Dustin,” You say, “maybe he just had an aneurysm.”
“What the hell, (Name)?” He hisses. Dustin laughs.
Yeah, he’s not taking Dustin to the movies. Fat-fucking-chance.
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hope you liked it! xx
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ano07 · 10 months
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state-of-calamity · 10 months
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Antibes, France
30-Sep-2018 | R. Clark-Martin
#0003 Postcard
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krakrava · 4 months
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Summer 23
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fading-pictures · 1 month
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linnheidi · 10 months
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Thank you summer, I am grateful for these last months
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libraryofva · 1 year
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Recent Acquisition - Photograph Collection
Johnson Family Photograph Collection. Richmond, Virginia
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pocketdays · 9 months
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Sunset, Agosto 2023
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keiwakasugi · 8 months
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2023 Aichi
This summer has gone.
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roseyjustice · 4 months
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Saw a few peeps doing @rexscanonwife artist vs self insert idea so I thought Id do my own ! ^^
Sorry for the bad selfie, I didn't have one on hand and I'm waiting to start work aldnsksn
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delicrieux · 2 years
Can we have a part two to this??
It was really good
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THE STRANGEST THING 2: IT GET’S STRANGER | endless drabble series (summer edition)
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summary: steve has it bad for dustin’s sister, like, he’s loosing it pairing: steve harrington x henderson!reader   a/n: ty babe ur wish is my command. prompt used: 19. sunglasses and sunburns 
masterlist. ☕. reqs are open for the summer prompt list! make sure to check out the summer features as well <3 part 1.
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No beaches are anywhere near Indiana - this isn’t, sadly, California’s sunny skies - but there’s Lake Michigan some-fucking-forever hours away and that’s good enough. The resident travelers piled into Steve’s car are as follows: the man himself, donning an appropriately summery Hawaiian shirt, Robin in a pair of shorts and a tank-top with her nose covered in a generous amount of sunscreen, Dustin matching the driver’s apparel but with a twist - no one had expected the sandals and pure white socks, and you. You, in the backseat with Robin, with sunglasses and a pukka shell necklace. Your arms are crossed over your chest and you listen to your little brother tuning the radio and Robin talking anxiously about something with mild interest.
The best Steve can see of you is a frown when he glances at the rearview mirror. This trip wasn’t supposed to end up like this. You were supposed to be sitting shotgun. Dustin was not supposed to be invited. How did Robin show up is a mystery in itself.
He’s grown exhausted by the time you reach that damned lake. Sure, there were closer destinations, but when he offhandedly invited you, he had expected a long car ride where the two of you were alone, which would, of course, allow him to get to know you better. You’d laugh the way there and chat and then he’d respectfully ogle you in your swimsuit and maybe, just maybe, when evening hit, you would say, y’know what, Steve, you’re not so bad after all. 
Cue hooking up in his car or something stupid along those lines, but hey, a guy can dream, right? You’re like, the coolest person he knows. Prettiest, too. This plan was doomed to fail, it was literally too good to be true.
Of course you extended the invitation to Dustin, maybe even by accident, after all, why would your brother’s friend just invite you without your brother? And it just so happened that you and Robin are on friendly enough terms for her to invite herself into the trip when you said, “Yeah, Dustin, Steve, and I are heading to Lake Michigan this Saturday.”
But here it is, Lake Michigan in all it’s glory. The heat had been cranked up and everyone is mingling in bikinis and tiny skirts and jumping into the water right after yelling a cool catchphrase. Gotta love America. 
“Don’t you dare.” Dustin voices, pointing an accusatory finger in your direction. You’re halfway through undressing and your hands halt their mission. Steve can’t see your eyes, but by the downturn of your lips he knows you’re annoyed already.
“What?” You question. Robin’s already lounging in her swimsuit and nursing a cold Coca-Cola, but no one seems to pay her exposed skin any attention, “It’s not like I’m gonna be naked.”
“Ewwww.” Dustin grimaces. Steve would, respectfully, of course, disagree, “Don’t make it weird. I’m just saying that you’re my sister. You can’t just prance around with a swimsuit when there are so many guys around.”
You make a surprised face, “Heaven forbid that, lil’ Dusty. I guess I’ll just overcook in my clothes.”
“That’s more like i-” He doesn’t get to finish his sentence. You throw your clothes in his face and rush to the lake. Steve’s eyes follow after your retreating figure before Dustin smacks him on the shoulder.
“Dude!” He whines, “Gross. Cover your fucking eyes, man.”
“Yeah, Steve,” Robin chimes, “cover your eyes. So not cool.” 
No one gives a shit at Robin staring as well. How come he’s the villain again?
“I wasn’t staring!” He’s quick to defend himself. Caught in this terrible conundrum he quickly thinks of an escape plan. Aha! The lake! Can’t catch him there.
He’s taking off his clothes on the way there and having full on yelling match with your little brother. He’s not even sure what excuses he manages to blurt out, but they must be good enough because Dustin doesn’t follow after him to drown him. Maybe he’s just thinking of a revenge plan. His warning, “I got my fucking eyes on you, Harrington!” doesn’t bode too well. At least Robin seems to be enjoying herself.
The water’s heavenly and highly populated. Lot’s of pretty girls and jacked guys but none are of any interest to Steve. He’s searching for you, but he’s already neck deep and still can’t see you anywhere.
Someone pinches his side and he flinches and spins around. You emerge from the water with a laugh and smile and it’s almost like that dream he once had-
No. No no, you’re just a friend. He has this friendly thing for you, an innocent little crush all boys have on pretty girls. It’s nothing serious, nothing to warrant any attention or Dustin’s scrutiny. 
He’s at a loss of words, though. So he just grins and splashes you a little and you yelp and skitter away, “Where'd your sunglasses go?” 
“Dunno.” You say, “lost them somewhere.” You dive down and he can’t see you anymore. Someone, presumably you, brushes his side and his arm reaches to grab you but you grab him first. For a moment he sees the skyline and the next he’s submerged. In the green-blue water he sees your smile before surfacing for air.
“You’re gonna drown me, Henderson.” He warns when you break the surface of the water.
“Only unintentionally.” You say with a wink and disappear again.
No need to panic. You totally weren’t just flirting with him. He’s about to have cardiac arrest in water but it’s fine. You’re just teasing. Making a joke at his expense. You’ve always done that. 
Wait, if you had always done that, then does that mean--
No, okay, stop. This is getting too much. His brain is frying. He has a thing for you. It’s not just a stupid crush, it’s getting bad, like, really bad. If you don’t accidentally murder him, then Dustin sure as fuck will. And with intention, too.
The afternoon slowly passes. He’s sunburnt laying on a towel and donning your sunglasses he managed to fish out of the water. Robin’s on her third cone of ice-cream chatting away about her upcoming band rehearsal. You’re listening to her sitting beside Steve. He both likes it and hates it having you so close.
Dustin was sent to bring back more ice-cream. It’s a mission he accepted gracefully. Without your little brother’s watchful eye, Steve feels a bit bolder. It’s nothing serious, just to test the waters, you know? Totally innocent, like, not his style at all.
His hand oh so casually inches to rest next to yours. He feels your hot skin against him and he fights back a smile when you don’t pull away. 
“I don’t fucking like this, guys.” Dustin sounds, and Steve freezes.
“Don’t like what?” You ask, bored.
Dustin vaguely motions between you and Steve, “You two sitting so close. There’s not enough space.”
“For who?”
This is both the best and worst day of Steve’s life.
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hope you liked it! <3
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paintedstarz · 4 days
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》 ...
He stares, as if he were savoring in the sight of Shinichi, sprawled out on the floor of his bedroom. Tucked away from harm in his futon.
Shinichi rolls over onto his stomach, slipping out from underneath the covers.
His shirt is hiked upwards, revealing his back.
Heiji blinks, watching Shinichi's moonlight painted spine poke through his skin like a string of beads.
The silhouette of his bones slowly reappearing and disappearing, as his body rose and fell, seemingly fast asleep.
He's too thin, Heiji thinks, chewing his lip nervously.
"I can feel you staring," Shinichi's murmurs, there's a smile to his voice. It's playful.
"Ya were makin' a funny noise when ya were dozing. Just watchin' to see if ya were okay," Heiji flushes, flipping over to face the wall.
"Goodnight," Shinichi whispers, pulling the blankets back over his body.
There's a weight in the air, as if something unsaid stays lingering between them.
The crickets outside eat away at the unsettling silence, and their eyelids weigh heavier every passing minute.
"G'night," Heiji slurs.
They've spoken, yet words remain untold.
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state-of-calamity · 9 months
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Somewhere along the Coquihalla Highway - British Columbia
27-Jul-2018 | R. Clark-Martin
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eightbitpanda · 1 year
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𝙎𝙪𝙣𝙣𝙮 𝙙𝙖𝙮? 𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝘼𝙫𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙨! 😎☀️
( Mod Lifeguard Chun Li by @brutalace1)
📸- @YamamotoElios
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Long time no see, my friends, but Midwest Zukka is back with a couple chapter arc under "Summer Snapshots!" It's bridal shower time, and you just know humor and drama is gonna go down with our disaster bisexual couple and their families. I hope you enjoy!
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*Sokka in the backseat wishing he was up front with Zuko singing bad car karaoke and eating terrible snacks*
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c-kiddo · 3 months
how old are una and ava?
something like early 20s when they know eachother. ava was like 16/17 when she was found , and 18/19ish when she knows johannes
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