#sure your upbringing affects your personality in some ways!
morphodae · 24 hours
Herman Greenhill | Headcanons
Including: general & relationship (x reader)
cw: none (but... they are a bit short since I accidentally deleted the original post and was unable to recover my original draft. Apologies <3)
Read more P4 headcanons here: 🪻x ,🦉 x , 🌹x
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Passionate, loud, and sometimes impetuous, Herman is a young man who holds himself and others to very high standards. Much of this was formed in his childhood and upbringing. 
When he attends Weston College for the first time he’s shocked at the variation of personalities in his classes and on campus. Particularly: the eccentrics of Violet Wolf House sure do give him the utter shock of his life.
In time, he learns to be a bit more accepting of different personalities and beliefs; he only hopes that everyone is able to be the best that they can possibly be.
From the English nobility, Herman was raised to be proper, do daily lessons, and learn about etiquette, language, history, and arithmetic – much like any other well-off boy in England. Still, as a boy, he was known to prefer being outside in short-sleeves even in colder weather. Despite so many reprimands, Herman continued to pursue a favorite pastime that quickly turned into a passionate hobby and thus, his parents ceased to scold him for his rambunctious ways as a child.
Herman has a special connection with his mother since the two are rather alike in personality. Whereas his father is strict and helped Herman with his interest in sports and physical activities, his mother is headstrong and hot-tempered; never allowing her son to stray from his ideals or those he sets for others.
After his time at Weston, he finds himself drawn to a side hobby of cultivating small plants. He starts off small — as he’s no green thumb by any means — and finds subtle enjoyment in nurturing something from his own hands. He nearly sheds a tear when his very first tomato plant (despite it being tiny and only producing one) grows to its fullness.
He's quite fond of dogs; particularly, any of the hunting dog breeds. But, his favorite is easily the Golden Retriever for its loyalty, kindness, but of course... because it's cute, sweet, and fluffy lol. In a more modern au, Herman's favorite dog variates between the Golden and the Bernese Mountain Dog (since the latter wasn't introduced to America and the UK until about 1936).
Out of the Four Prefects, Herman is the easiest to get to know and court. Much like the other three of his friend group, he’s quite transparent in how he clearly pines after you. He might try to put on a façade, a stoic persona, and brush off his strong crush, but it’s painfully obvious to those around him.
It doesn’t take long for this gentleman to properly ask if you’d like to court him and, to his surprise, you agree and reciprocate his feelings.
He’s calm, proper, and collected on the outside, but on the inside he’s clicking his shoes and celebrating lol.
Even with his confidence in motivating others around him and himself, he’s (to no surprise) lost in the realm of romance. For all he knows, he has a very, very proper view of Victorian courtship and will do just that when you and he begin dating.
Herman is not a fan of public displays of affection. He prefers displays of affection with just you and him, but even during those rare times, he’s awkward and formal. If he ever feels like he’s made you uncomfortable in any way, he’s apologizing profusely. He will even do this if it’s a minor accident such as accidentally brushing your hand. He views you highly and it might take some patience to assuage him into relaxing a bit. 
Herman cherishes all those close to him in his life, and you’re no different in that regard. However, you are different in the fact that he is noticeably softer and quieter around you. He’s had maybe 1-3 crushes in his entire life but never has he dated. He is the type that dates to marry, so be prepared for a very dedicated man.
Not one to shy away from fairness, Herman does his hardest to be diplomatic and thoughtful towards you. He will listen to what you have to say and remember seemingly benign details about you. He will hand you a gift that he specially picked with slightly shaking hands, blossoming vermillion cheeks, and eye contact that seems drawn to that oh-so-interesting wallpaper across the room. He’s too nervous to meet your face in those moments but, god above, he’s trying. It goes back to dissuading his fears about his lack of experience and awkwardness, but, for the most part, his efforts to make you happy are always from a heartfelt place.
Overall, Herman is a massive green flag who wants nothing more than to make you happy. Confident and more open-minded as a young man due to his experiences with Weston College and eventually Sphere Music Hall, he sees you nearly as his equal — despite the rough patches (of awkwardness and sometimes miscommunication). 
He sees a bright future with you and will fight for that future even harder than his physical challenges he has put himself through. His heart is yours and if he has to repent, has to do ridiculous things to see you as a permanent fixture in his life, he’d walk through hell and back over and over; if only to see something as benign as your beaming smile.
Herman Greenhill may not feel he deserves it with all that happened at Weston, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t make the most of his salvation with you by his side.
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lurking-latinist · 1 year
#I'm just so tired of posts mocking people without siblings#I know in the grand scheme of things it doesn't mean very much#and I know many of these posts are probably made by teenagers to whom sibling status seems much more important than it will in 10 years#but what if we didn't make negative generalizations about people based on circumstances outside their control at *all*?#sure your upbringing affects your personality in some ways!#but maturing is a process of adjustment and of learning to be more considerate of others for EVERYONE#having siblings does not magically speedrun this process for you#just. next time you see a post about how only children entirely miss some essential aspect of human development#stop and think about people with no siblings that you know#which - if you know me - includes me#stop and think about how you would feel if someone made a post like that about a group to which you belong#stop and think about whether you really think people develop fundamental personality flaws based on whether their parents have other kids#stop and think about how much some of us WANTED to have siblings and didn't#how thrilled we were when we got to spend time with a big family or sleep over at a friend's#how much it means when we're able to say to a friend 'you're like the sister/brother I never had'#(one of the 'sisters I never had' is my college roommate btw)#(so I can't have been THAT bad of a roommate)#stop and think and then decide if that's the attitude toward other people that you want your blog to embody#and if this tag rant has made you think 'wow! only children can't take a joke!'#I promise you that's just me. there are plenty of others that can#I also want to add that this is not directed at anyone in particular.#there are many such posts I've seen and I don't think I know the OPs of any of them#this is just a general reflection on how that whole genre of post makes me feell#*feel#eta: and to be clear there's good-natured joking and there's mean-spirited mockery and I'm not always great at telling the difference
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pathetic-sapphic · 7 months
arcane characters and their toxic traits in a relationship?
Arcane characters and their toxic traits
a/n: it is almost 5 am so i haven't proofread it yet ;; hope you'll enjoy it regardless
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Tries to take on all the burden and suffering on her shoulders. She never wants you to get hurt or to bother you so she'd rather suffer in silence. This greatly affects your communication as she may get distant whenever she's dealing with some problems, which in turn may make you think that you did something wrong and that she's ignoring you. This simply comes from a traumatic past where Vi always had to take accountability and sacrifice herself for others. She will work on it once she sees the way it affects your relationship though. She just doesn't want to be a burden.
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Very insecure when it comes to your love and loyalty towards her. Jinx is so used to thinking that everyone will eventually abandon her and you're the one person she really cannot lose. Because of this, she will often come off as overprotective and possessive. You will need to make your boundaries clear and reassure her often. Because she's so scared of losing you, sometimes she will go to drastic ends in order to make sure you're still happy with her and don't want to break up. Can also be very impulsive and has trouble sticking to the plans you two made.
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Can come off as insensitive when it comes to finances. Of course, she understands that many people aren't quite as well-off and Caitlyn genuinely cares for everyone but sometimes she doesn't quite understand how affluent she is. She might overwhelm you with expensive gifts, luxurious trips or over the top galas. She won't understand if you're ever hesitant when buying something or why you always make sure to see what's on sale at the market. It will take some time getting used to and you'll have to explain to Caitlyn the differences between your upbringings. Caitlyn isn't a judgemental partner, she just likes to spoil you, though she will tone it down if she notices you getting uncomfortable.
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Very stubborn when it comes to asking for or receiving help. He will push you away and hide his wounds or problems from you. Ekko is just so used to handling things on his own that he hates the idea of letting you bear his burden. He needs a long talk with you where you'll show him your support and help him realize the importance of confiding in one another. Ekko doesn't realize that it isn't a one-sided thing, meaning that if he helps you out when you need it, you'd do the same for him. Sure, he has the Firelights, many of them who are his friends but he rarely felt comfortable enough to confide in anyone. It's easy to forget that he is just a boy, trying to shoulder the weight of the world, and that he doesn't have to do it all alone.
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Surprisingly inexperienced when it comes to romantic relationships. Sevika rarely gets attached to someone, beyond the sexual sense. For her, lovers are people she sleeps with to release the tension and frustration that builds up during her shift. She never truly had a partner, someone to whom she can show her soft side, someone who will cherish her beyond her body and money. Because of this, she often struggles with showing love towards her partner in a non-sexual way or a way that doesn't include physical touch. Words. That is the biggest problem for Sevika; expressing her appreciation and adoration through kind declarations is something that will take a while for her to learn.
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Silco is often too focused on his cause towards Zaun and forgets his other priorities besides that one. This causes him to overwork and come off as cold towards anyone he deems a threat to his goal. Because of this, he may ignore his partner whenever he's stressed out and deep into work. He's also rarely home, and since he isn't a fan of PDA, it can be hard to deal with the feeling of missing him so much. He tries to make it up to you with gifts but you'll need to explain to him that such luxurious things cannot replace his touch and company.
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Similar to Vi (where do you think she got that trait from?), Vander is so used to shouldering everything on his own. He wants to assure for you to live a comfortable and fulfilled life, even at the cost of his own happiness. He works tirelessly to keep the Last Drop and the Lanes afloat and seldom shares the workload with you. You can see how the stress wears him down but he will deny it until he completely bursts under pressure. Vander doesn't understand how much it hurts to see him like this, but some kind words and gentle touches can help when coaxing him into leaning on you too.
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Workaholic who never takes care of himself. So burdened down with the little time that he has left, Viktor doesn't plan to waste any of it by doing trivial stuff such as eating or resting. As loving as he is, Viktor can be an insanely stubborn partner. You'll probably have to hoist him over your shoulder and lock the door to his office in order to take him away from work for a couple of hours. He doesn't realize just how detrimental the negligence when it comes to taking care of himself is to his health. You need to explain to him that he won't get anywhere by working himself to the grave and you'll probably have to beg him to let you take care of him.
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As smart as he is when it comes to his field of work, Jayce can be quite dense and heedless of other people's feelings. If you're the type of person who doesn't know how to talk about their problems or struggles with communication, there will be some issues in your relationship with Jayce. He's the type of person who asks you what's wrong and, once you give him a half-assed 'Nothing, I'm fine.', he goes all 'okay :D', pats your back and wanders off. You need to be direct and blunt with him because hints and exaggerated sighs simply won't do the trick.
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Mel is an incredibly intelligent woman who knows how to get what she wants. This means that she can be quite manipulative at times, I mean you have to be if you want to succeed in politics. She'd never act that way with you on purpose, of course not, but it may happen unintentionally. She is also another workaholic who may appear too cold with her feelings but this is simply because she's hesitant to bring her walls and defenses down. It'll take a lot of time and patience to see her vulnerable side.
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Grayson is sort of a combination between Viktor and Vander; works too much and is too selfless for her own good. Grayson takes her job very seriously, safety of the citizens is of the utmost importance to her. This leads to her neglecting her own well-being and health. Lots of caffeine and many long nights in the office are spent by Piltover's Sheriff and, the older she gets, the more it wears down on her. It's hard to ignore the bags under her eyes or the tiredness in her voice as she drags herself into your shared home late at night.
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Quite cold and guarded, someone who doesn't appreciate or understand feelings like mercy or kindness. She believes that every single person is inherently selfish and wants something from her. This is why she doubts your good nature so much in the beginning. It has been a long time since Ambessa let herself get involved romantically with someone so she has a lot of re-learning to do. This may come with a cost of your feelings being hurt from time to time, especially if you're a sensitive and kind-hearted person. As much as Ambessa loves you and tries to show that, it isn't easy to sweep years of experience under the rug. You'll need to be strong while she gets used to upholding a romantic relationship.
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Cold and regal, oftentimes comes off as strict. Cassandra only wants the best for you but sometimes she just doesn't know how to say it. So instead she might go behind your back in order to ensure your safety and happiness. This often backfires, especially because of your opposing opinions. You feel as if she's treating you like a child while Cassandra simply thinks that she's looking out for you. Is also insanely stubborn, it'll take time for her to learn to look at things from your perspective.
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kikyo-bnha-imagines · 9 months
Kissing headcanons for the BNHA boys (Pt.1)
Kisses with Izuku are gentle, soft, and timid  
He’s a bit hesitant when he initiates, and he does it while sporting a massive blush nearly every single time  
He likes to squeeze your hand while he kisses you. It grounds him and makes the whole act feel that much more intimate  
As much as he adores kissing you on the lips, he really likes cheek kisses and little pecks on the forehead too  
He does get a bit embarrassed when it comes to PDA, but he loves you, and it makes him happy knowing that someone will openly express their affection for him. Still, try not to push him too hard in public, because there's a good chance he will faint
The first kiss you ever shared was quite soft and tentative, but that was mostly because your relationship was in its early stages, and you were both testing the waters 
Once you and Katsuki are going strong, he won’t hold back when it comes to kissing you, and you can expect to have him pull you into his arms and slam his lips against yours seemingly without warning 
Unlike Izuku, he could care less about PDA. In fact, he loves having the chance to show you off in front of everyone. He’ll smother you with kisses no matter who’s watching, and if he’s feeling particularly cocky, he’ll make sure to grin smugly after the fact 
Katsuki isn’t very good with using his words to show that he cares, so physical intimacy is how he makes up for it 
He prefers to kiss you on the lips, passionately, but when he’s in an especially intimate mood, he’ll hold you close and kiss the back of your hand, while blushing and telling you how much he loves you (in a quiet voice, because he’s embarrassed)  
Kisses with Shouto are almost never quick. Kissing you is a thoughtful, deliberate act, and he likes to take his time and let his lips linger against yours 
He’ll cradle your cheek with his hand, make a big show of staring warmly into your eyes, then bring his lips to yours and meet you in a deep, slow kiss 
Because of his upbringing, he worries that he doesn’t possess the capacity to express how much he loves his significant other, but at his core, Shouto is a kind, compassionate person. He cherishes you, and you know that the way he kisses you is yet another way for him to show it 
He doesn’t mind PDA at all. It takes a lot to be able to embarrass him, mostly since he can be a bit innocent and naïve at times. He will gladly kiss you in front of other people, but that being said, he still has some self-awareness and won’t just start a full-blown make-out session and risk making other people uncomfortable (unlike Katsuki, who definitely will) 
Shouto likes kissing you on the lips the most, but he finds that squeezing you and gently kissing your eyelids when they’re shut is a rather intimate act. He also enjoys having the same done to him, while he’s resting his head on your shoulder or your lap  
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twst-drabbles · 4 months
Malleus 13
Summary: You don't love this royal heir. However, you do like bullying him. It's fun, so at least Malleus has that going for him.
(Gonna try to get through the asks as quickly as I can. They've been sitting there for too long and I cannot have them sitting there any longer.)
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There's always a wide berth between Malleus and the normal everyday population of Night Raven College. Nobody dares to approach him, either controlled by fear, respect, or even a combination of the two.
Even his closest companions Lilia, Sebek and Silver, do this. Not a physical distance, but a social one. They all take on roles that are meant to serve Malleus. If he were to give an order, be it imperial or a personal one, they will obey without question.
Maybe that's why this man is so infatuated with you as he is? Why he appears in a burst of green firefly sparks when you're within his sight? Why he doesn't care for the whispers that appear around you when they witness you two conversing?
Well, none of that really mattered to you. What matters is that Malleus has been… weird. Odd. Not quite on the realm of obsessive but is slowly getting there. It's difficult to pin down on the account that he's been raised as royalty. He has a number of eccentric traits to him that comes with the upbringing, alongside the fact that his composure was near impossible to break.
You think you found an emotional weakness to him? Thought you caught him off-guard? No you didn't. See, Malleus has no shame watching you walk around in the dark of your dorm. He'll even greet you with a chuckle if you stare directly at him.
Well, if he's going to be acting like this, may as well treat him the same way back.
"Hey, come here a moment," you motioned for Malleus, like he was some dog that wandered too far from your side as you sat on the fountain's ledge.
Malleus walked slowly to you, as though enjoying the time he's wasting with you. "Hmm? Is there something you need, Child of Man?" He leaned in over your shoulder, his smile widening further and further.
You reached back, cupped your hand, and splashed Malleus from head to shoulder. His limp hair made even more limp, jacket and white soaked while droplets fell from his fingertips and onto the concrete.
His eyes were wide, mouth agape and you couldn't help but sputter a laugh. The gasps around you only had you laughing harder behind your hand. People started running away, but a choice few stayed behind to watch what will probably be a bloodbath.
You reached up and flicked Malleus's horns with no shame. When he tried to back up to his full height, you grabbed his horn at the base and pulled him down.
His eyes thinned to a glare but you weren't scared. Not in the least.
"That's what you get for watching me while I bath," you hissed with a sharp grin.
Malleus breathed in, held it, then breathed out. Soon, light laughter bubbled out of him, face relaxing from it's tight expression.
"So, even this kind of attention is enjoyable," Malleus mused, "You certainly are bold, aren't you?"
"Isn't that what you love about me?" You let go but shot a hand right to his neck. You didn't squeeze down, more grasped just to feel his fluttering heartbeat, "Even this side of me, you love. I have to admit, this is fun!"
Blood rushed up to Malleus's cheeks, looking almost drunk as his face turned almost gentle, save for the absolute fervent affection in his eyes. "…certainly. But is this the best you can do? Surely you can do worse."
Oh of course he'd challenge you. He's been doing this since the start, challenging your patience.
Alright, alright, let's do worse then, if he's begging you for it.
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buffaloborgine · 6 months
Before reading, I want to emphasize, I don't hate Sephiroth as a character, I hate how some people dismiss all of his heinous acts and cling to "He is a victim" and shove the tragedy he caused onto other characters. About that one post about Sephiroth and someone replying to it, let me be clear: I don't deny Sephiroth was a victim. Like many, he was the victim of Shinra and Hojo, that's undeniable. But to write like he is a good person and all the bad things he did were influenced by his upbringing? NO. Sephiroth is selfish, and no matter what you try to bend the narrative to fit your imagination, it is a fact. When the theme of FFVII is about "imagination/illusion", if we use the structure of protagonist vs antagonist, Cloud is the one that was affected by the illusion but he accepted help from others and got over it. Sephiroth would simply be the reversed version of that, he wasn't even illusioned, he knew for sure what he is but deciding that it was better for him if everyone else, and even himself stayed in that illusion forever. Sephiroth wasn't the only character to be affected by Shinra's evilness, but then let's take a look at those who also were affected: - Zack once learned and accepted that Shinra is evil had started running away with Cloud. - Angeal and Genesis don't share the same reaction but eventually once accepted the truth, they both rebelled against Shinra (also Lazard). - The Turks and Rufus are easy to see, I don't need to explain. - The massacred 1st SOLDIER unit mentioned in Dirge of Cerberus, fighting against the creation of inhuman Deepground facility. - Deepground themselves, they know what they are and they fought against Shinra, knowing they would even die if they do. So many would say, but Sephiroth does disobey Shinra and that he wanted to leave Shinra. Vetoing orders onto co-workers' heads doesn't seem to be a good way to protest, rather that's just push the responsibility onto others. And about "wanting to leave Shinra", as far as I remember, Sephiroth just said he would consider the idea, not that he would ever leave, and even till the event of Nibelheim, he didn't leave Shinra, not at all. So let's put this together, should we just see Sephiroth as a victim and say he isn't accounted for other tragedy happened in FFVII? Personally? Of course not. There are other victims and they fought back their abuser in different ways, maybe causing mayhem on the route but they still fought for their freedom. Sephiroth has never once given a single thought for others, and he was comfortable staying in Shinra, after all, he got the privilege for 1st Class, can veto orders and get admired by other SOLDIERs. To debunk people who claim that Sephiroth was thoughtful about Genesis' injury: Who was the one causing that mess in the first place? And even when you look at the cutscene, it was less of caring thought but more of "Why I am inadequate for this?" If he was sincere, he would have gone to check on Genesis later, but nope, he assumed Genesis was fine, like really, what kind of friend is that? No fucking friend would just assume friend is fine knowing they are hurt, no fucking friend would just condemn friends as traitor while not knowing the reason why they leave, and no fucking friend would keep their friends in the dark while knowing they are being tricked, abused. In conclusion, please stop saying Sephiroth is a good friend to anyone. If he cannot earn Zack's forgiveness, he is a prick, but if even Weiss stood against him (in DFFOO), consider he surely won't get any redemption.
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miss-hyoko · 1 year
arrange marriage with Floyd leech?
"Excuse me, dear customer. I believe this is your order, [The Eel's Fiancé(e)] gado-gado. I hope the taste is to your liking."
The Eel's Fiancé(e)
Character(s): Floyd
Summary: You were betrothed to Floyd since childhood
Tag(s) and warning(s): GN!Reader, fluff, romantic, reader is NOT Yuu, arranged marriage, slightly Yandere!Floyd if you squint, and Floyd Leech is his own warning
Note: Floyd is really an interesting character to write, I hope I can write about him more often (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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Almost all merfolk know the Leech family, one of the most influential families in the Coral Sea. Countless people want to curry favor with them, including yours. Using some mysterious methods that you don't really want to know, they somehow managed to set you up with the younger twin of the Leech family, Floyd Leech.
The first time he heard about his engagement to you, Floyd wasn't too pleased. He's a free eel, he would rather not be bound to anyone; especially to a stranger he had never met before. Therefore, on the first day you guys finally met each other, Floyd tried his best to look intimidating to scare you off so that he can get out of this arranged marriage thingy. But as soon as he lands his eyes on you, the sinister aura that surrounds him suddenly disappears when he sees how small you're compared to him. You clearly seem to be wary of him, but you still force yourself to befriend with him, even though your expression is full of objection about this whole stupid situation. It's such a funny sight, even Floyd couldn't stop himself from grinning widely. Now, his original intention to scare you away has completely disappeared; replaced by a strong desire to bully you.
Since that first meeting, Floyd has come to see you almost every day. If the two of you accidentally bump into each other, Floyd will immediately swim up to you and start shouting your name while waving his two hands enthusiastically, regardless of the surroundings. No matter how hard you try to avoid him, Floyd always manages to find you before dragging you along to play with him and his brother.
Physical touch is Floyd's love language. He likes being touchy-feely with you, but he'll be even happier if you do the same for him. Especially if you try to surprise him with your affection, such as suddenly hugging him from behind, holding his hand when walking together, or giving him a peck here and there. It may look simple and plain, but those small actions never failed to improve Floyd's mood. Believe it or not, every time you give him your affections, he will immediately show it off to the next (unfortunate) person he meets.
Floyd's mood swings are very unpredictable. If he was in a bad mood, everyone should immediately keep a distance from him. Floyd is quite violent when he's in a bad mood; anyone breathing near him would immediately get beaten black and blue, even if it's Jade or Azul. But you're the only exception. No matter how bad Floyd's mood is, he can still recognize you and will never hurt you. With a hoarse voice, he will tell you to stay away from him for a while because he's not in the mood to see other people. But if you insist on staying with him, then prepare yourself to be squeezed tightly by him until his mood improves.
There have been countless times that Floyd has almost 'pounced' on you, but luckily, he always managed to control himself at the last moment. He can't help it, all right? It's just his instinct to dominate his partner and own them completely, both body and heart. If it weren't for his mother's strict upbringing when he was a child about how he should respect his partner, Floyd would have surely gotten his way with you the moment you both were past the legal age.
Floyd never bothered to hide his relationship with you, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that the whole NRC knows about the engagement between the two of you. But every so often, there are some stupid people who don't know their position and want to test their luck by trying to approach you. Fortunately, before they could do anything funny, Floyd would appear right behind you and tell them to leave you alone (aka fuck off) with a scary grin. Days later, that same student disappeared without any apparent reason, never to appear at school again.
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lynn-writes-things · 2 years
Ok you touched upon it in your GOD TIER relationship writing but could you do headcanons for the jjk men that focus on how possessive and/or jealous they are with their partner? ☺️ Thanks
oh ASBOLUTELY I can!! thank you for the request!! :) I'm lovin' these haha
jealousy, jealousy - jjk men
starring: Yuji Itadori; Megumi Fushiguro; Yuta Okkotsu; Toge Inumaki; Noritoshi Kamo; Satoru Gojo; Suguru Geto; Toji Fushiguro; Naoya Zenin; Choso Kamo; Ryomen Sukuna
cw: some of these get pretty suggestive!! ; very very very brief mention of a knife k!nk in Toji's, but I promise I did not elaborate at all I promise <3
Yuji Itadori:
he only really gets jealous if you're laughing at some guy's jokes if he doesn't already know him, cause he likes being the person to make you laugh the most :(
ngl he gets a teensy bit pouty even if one of his friends make you laugh harder than he does :((
he's not overbearing tho, he gets that you're your own person and can talk to/laugh with whoever you want, but he might get a bit irked every now and then
he'll probably come up and throw his arms around you, or kiss your cheek, and tbh he's such a social dude that he'd probably start talking to the guy
(tbh they'd probably become friends, it's Yuji, man just goes around being his sweet himbo self and ends up collecting a new buddy everywhere he goes)
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Megumi Fushiguro:
7/10? mayyybe 8/10?
he's super insecure in himself, having such a rollercoaster of an upbringing will do that to ya'
idk he just doesn't see himself as being as he really is, he's got a lot of childhood trauma that keeps his self-confidence stunted
(because evidently Fushiguro men cannot grasp the concept of therapy)
he'll either come up and grab your hand/pull you into a side hug or somethin' along those lines
nothing too extreme, he's not big on pda ya know?
OR he gets really pouty and reserved
you'll have to get him alone and ask him what's wrong, pls help him figure out how to talk through his problems dude, he needs the helping hand
reassurance and affection will fix him right up, don't you worry!!
the key to fixing a pouty Megumi is just lots of love <3
ngl if you're gonna throw in some minimal spice here, he'd totally be the type to mark you up that night (probably not anywhere too visible, he's still Megumi, still a very easily flustered baby boy <3)
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Yuta Okkotsu:
he's got a bit of insecurity in himself, but ever since making friends with his classmates he's really gotten better with his confidence!
sure, dating you kinda shook his nerves back up, but he trusts you completely, he doesn't think you'd ever cheat on him, so he doesn't really get too worried about it ya know?
that's MOST of the time
sometimes someone will just rub him the wrong way and he'll step in, usually just kinda hugging you from behind or kissing your cheek/forehead or somethin' like that
he'll definitely make a point of calling you by a cute petname while doing it too
like a lil' "Hey baby!" or "Hi, love!!" :) <3
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Toge Inumaki:
7/10, bordering an 8/10
he's just.. insecure :(
between the seals on his mouth and his limited speech, he just doesn't really feel like he can give you the kind of love that you deserve
cause he's too worried about uncovering his mouth to kiss you in public, and he can't fucking talk to you
it just makes him feel bad, like you deserve better
that being said, he doesn't wanna lose you, so he will absolutely fight for you if someone tries to flirt with you
he's got no issue with other forms of pda, so he'll come over and wrap his arms around you, put his head on your shoulder, or he'll just straight up grab your arm and pull you away (not hard, baby boy would never ever hurt you)
he might get pretty pouty tho, probably get pretty in his own head about it
so you'll have to kiss him and hold his hand and reassure him that you love him, that he's more than enough for you, and that you'd never want anyone else - just him <3
now.... I have touched on this......
if Toge can TELL that you're playing it up and TRYING to make him jealous?
ngl it kinda turns him on if you're doing it on purpose lmoa
this mf is NOT afraid to leave visible hickeys <3
let's just say he's gonna make damn sure that you know you are his <3
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Noritoshi Kamo:
hmmmmmmmmmm, 5/10? maybe?
idk it's hard to gauge with him cause he refuses to act on his feelings for the sake of saving face publicly
like he absolutely gets jealous, but he'll never really show how jealous he is
he'll just kinda come up and say that he needs you for something
or generally come up with an excuse for you needing to leave
if he's REALLY jealous then he'll lead you away with his hand on your wrist or arm
he's definitely the type to talk to you about it once you're alone together
you won't have to force it out of him (like a certain somebody) cause he wants to clear things up right away
he's got enough stress goin' on, he doesn't want your relationship to be stressful too, so he's big on communication <3
he's a verrry affectionate guy in private, so if you reassure him of your love and give him lots of cuddles and kisses then he'll relax and be happy <3 :)
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Satoru Gojo:
9/10 if you add in the possessive factor
if we take away the possessiveness, mayyyybe closer to like a 4/10
Gojo is one cocky son of a bitch, but he is also a fucking ball of bottled up trauma, ya know?
he trusts you as much as he can, but again, trauma comes into play here
man has deep rooted trust issues and until he properly addresses and works through them with you, he can't allow himself to fully trust that you won't leave him out of nowhere too
he's good at fronting ya know? so if someone's making him jealous, he's apt to just cling to you like a child and flash the dude the cockiest fuckin' grin after he kisses your cheek super obnoxiously (we're talking full blown "shmack!" noises)
"Made a new friend, my lil' mochi? Whatcha talkin' about? Hm?"
nowwwww if you TRY making him jealous, he will not take the bait
he will simply wait until you are alone (even if that means dragging you into a closet somewhere) and uh... he'll make sure everyone in a nearby radius hears you say exaactly who you belong to <3
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Suguru Geto:
ahhhhh, the cunning, conniving, cocky bastard himself <3
0/10 tbh
like I said in the other post, he's too confident in himself and in his trust for you to really get jealous
he is possessive tho, but in a really cocky way??
if he sees someone getting a lil too friendly with you, he'll come right up and sling his arm around you, kiss your temple, and just join right into the conversation
if the guy stops talking (cause Suguru is fucking intimidating with how calm and collected he carries himself) then he's very quick to fill the silence
"Oh, don't stop on my account. You were saying? Something about how nice my baby looks, right? Go on, continue, aren't they stunning?"
all the while he's got this mf look in his eyes, his smug ass grin, he doesn't even have to say anything to get the message across
"Bet you wish you were me, huh?"
ngl there's also a quiet implied threat, like he's daring the guy to actually speak up
alternatively he will give you a look
I'm thinkin one eyebrow slightly raised, unamused expression
this mostly happens if you're the one trying to make him jealous
all in all this look of his towards you has a very clear message of "Get over here now or you will regret it"
yes sir 🛐
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Kento Nanami:
another 0/10
not the jealous type, he trusts you completely and he's pretty confident in himself
he's very good at communication, and he's willing to do anything to make things work, so he's not worried about anyone stealing you away from him
the only time I can really see him stepping in is if someone's flirting with you and you're clearly uncomfortable and the guy isn't letting up
it's then that your big strong prince charming will swoop in and put his arm around you, or just kinda step in front of you and firmly tell the guy that you are taken
Nanami can be a pretty intimidating guy when he wants to be, so it's very likely that the guy will back off
if not? well, Nanami knows how to fight, and he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty if it means saving you from some creep <3
oh-ho, but if you try to make him jealous? giggling, maybe throwing in some light touches to the guy's bicep or somethin?
he knows what you're doing. ha.. haha.... oh honey, you ain't walkin' tomorrow :)
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Toji Fushiguro:
10/10, possibly an 11/10
like I said, my man's a double whammy, he's jealous AND possessive
he trusts you to the best of his abilities, but it's very very hard for him, ya know?
everyone who was supposed to love him growing up only ever hurt him, then the one person who he loved, who taught him how to love and to be loved, fucking died
so, he's scared, trusting somebody scares the hell out of him, but he does trust you as much as he can let himself (it'll get better as time goes on, but ya know, it's just gonna take a bit)
basically what I'm getting at here, he's still not totally certain that you're gonna stick around (and quite honestly, he doesn't know why you do in the first place)
he is also MAD possessive tho, you are his and he does not intend on sharing <3
if he sees another man so much as look at you twice then he's pulling you closer, wrapping his arm around you, kissing you, throwin' out lil "Hey there, doll" and stuff like that
if you happen to be away from him (say he went to the bathroom or something) and comes back to see some guy with you, if you look even mildly uncomfortable, or if he can see you trying to get the dude to leave you alone, and he won't.......
hehe, that dude is gonna be napping for a bit! ......on the ground! ...........in the middle of the bar! ......he might wanna invest in some concealer for the black eye tho :')
he's scared you're gonna leave, but make no mistake, nobody is fuckin' takin' you from him without a mf fight
no matter the circumstance, a jealous Toji is a very good assurance that you uh.. yeah.. yeah I think you get where I'm goin' with this
he is not afraid to leave visible marks on that pretty neck of yours <3
ngl my knife k!nk is gonna scare people away here so I'm just gonna keep that on inside! use your imagination!! :)
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Naoya Zenin:
he's honestly a pretty insecure guy who tries to act overly confident to mask it cause his clan taught him that any signs of weakness will make him unworthy
his family is just so damn strict with him, always has been, always making him feel like if he makes one slight wrong move then he's just a total fuck up
that translates to his relationship with you, he's terrified of making a mistake, he's constantly overthinking things and feels like he's screwing things up with you all the time
he just never feels like he's "good enough"
that being said, if someone's gonna try and steal you from him, they're in for a fuckin' fight
much like Toji, he may be insecure, but he loves you too much to let anybody take you away from him <3
if someone's flirting with you - hell, if some guy so much as looks at you wrong - he's grabbing you and kissing you
not a peck, no, he'll kiss you like it's the last thing he's ever gonna do
he's gonna leave you breathless and EVERYONE is gonna know that you're his <3
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Choso Kamo:
I was gonna give him a 0/10, but I started thinking more about this
he's not quite a cocky man, but he is very sure of himself and confident
and for him to love you means that he trusts you completely
but he knows that he's kinda.. not really up to date on a lot of things
he wonders a lot why you'd rather be with him than someone who can relate more to you and understand your little references
(help, now I'm just picturing Choso as fucking Steve Rodgers, after you start introducing him to more media he'll just start fucking going "I understood that reference!!" and be so proud of himself)
like I said tho, he isn't much a jealous guy, but he is cautious, so he'll step in if he sees you talking to a guy he doesn't know
either just stands by you lookin' all intimidating, or he'll wrap his arms around you
he won't say anything to the guy, I think he'd just kinda stand there (menacingly), givin' the guy a look
if he does recognize the guy then he's a lot more chill about it, unless the guy happens to be a known slut like Gojo or Geto
even then, he knows they won't try anything if he's by you, so he'll just be a lil extra clingy <3
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Ryomen Sukuna:
0/10 for jealousy, 1000/10 for possessiveness
ain't NOBODY touching you <3
some guy dares to flirt with you? haha, hey buddy, how's hell treatin' ya?
if he's in a good mood then murder can be avoided, but the guy will prooobably be scared shitless when faced with a big scary Sukuna giving him a death-glare
big scary guard dog <3
he also doesn't ever leave your side because of his possessiveness, like he is always right there, always holding onto you in some way or another
you are his and he will not fucking share <3
no one shall even have the slightest chance <3
oh, but I mean, obviously if he gets even mildly riled up, he's obviously gonna have to "remind you" that you're his, and his alone :) <3
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obxsummer · 1 year
Lean on Me // JJ Maybank
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pairing: jj maybank x neutral!reader
summary: as much as you love being the go-to person for your friends, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. all it takes is a shitty week and an argument with your boyfriend for your strong exterior to break.
warnings: angst, arguments, brief wound description
a/n: i lowkey hate this bc it didn’t turn out how i intended but whatever. enjoy!
The Outer Banks was lucky to have you. That’s what JJ would say within a heartbeat. He knew there were a lot of deserving people amongst his friends, but man, you were way too good for the Pogue life. He owed you so much in the year and a half that the two of you had been dating. You were his rock against all odds, between his shitty dad and the raising anxiety in his chest after almost losing John B, you kept him grounded.
JJ loved watching you interact with your friends at the current kegger on the beach. You were so gentle and weaved your way along them them like it was second nature. The smile on your face was addicting, you seemed so carefree under the glow of the bonfire. The summer air, warm on your bare skin.
“Hey there, handsome.” You plopped on the log next to JJ, elbow nudging him gently as you made yourself comfortable. “You okay?”
JJ could really only force a nod and pushed a smile onto his face. He leaned close to press a kiss on your temple and let his arm fall around you shoulders. “Just love you, a lot.”
You were a little shocked at his outward affection but smiled nonetheless. “Love you too. A lot.”
You fell into a caregiver role naturally. Growing up, you had to learn how to take care of yourself first and foremost and when you did enough of that, you went for those around you. The broken bits of your upbringing reinforced your selflessness but increased a lot of anxiety and stress at a young age. You tried to never let it get to you, and if it ever did, you handled it in private.
Your friends adored you in every way possible. You were always there when they needed you - a reassuring rock to lean on at any moment. You were the best listener and always gave such great advice and the best hugs. Your overall presence could comfort a room without any words. They were internally grateful for everything you did.
It was very rare the Pogues saw you lose your cool, but in all honesty, this week was creeping up on you. Tensions were on the rise with the investigation of the Cross of Santo Domingo, and as much as you loved your friends, you were growing exhausted. You missed the way life was before the gold, when you would all just mess around without any worry while doing stupid teenager things. Your anxiety was growing and it felt like you would break at any sudden noise. You knew you needed some space, maybe a good cry if it came to it, but there was a lot going on right now.
“Y/N, hey!” John B came barrelling through the door with a burst of energy. You winced at the loud noise but forced a smile regardless.  “Are you able to make a quick grocery run really quick? You can take the Twinkie. We just need some basics.”
You had just settled down on the couch and wanted nothing more than to lay there in silence. “Yeah, yeah sure!” Pushing yourself off the couch, you grabbed your own keys from the table, opting to just drive yourself in hopes that it would lessen your stress. “Just text me a list!”
The day didn’t seem to ease up as the grocery store was packed, not to mention one of the bags ripped and spilled chips and yogurt across the parking lot. You managed to keep it cool until you were back in the safety of your car, letting a few tears slip before taking a deep breath and moving on.
After loading everything into John B’s kitchen, you set to work prepping dinner knowing everyone could use a home cooked meal and some quality time together. Shoving a pack of beers and a few wine coolers into the fridge for later, you decided spaghetti and meatballs sounded entertaining enough. Putting a pot of water on for the noodles, you managed to find some garlic bread in the freezer to heat up too.
The chaotic noise of your friends soon filled the room, lots of laughing and conversation filling the suffocating silence. “There you are!” JJ’s voice overtook the others as he came sliding towards you. You smiled at the motion, letting him wrap his arms around you as you stirred the noodles ahead of you.
“Hi,” You murmured, leaning back against him in comfort for a second to press a kiss on his lips before he disappeared right after. The beer was soon discovered, Sarah grabbing a seltzer and kissing your cheek in thanks before joining the rest of the crew on the patio. 
Normally, you didn’t mind them having fun while you busied yourself with something for them. It just felt like the pressure in your chest was building and you didn’t know how to slow it down.
Opting for a cup of water in hopes that it would help, you started grabbing dishes from the cabinets. One of the glass cups slipped past your fingers, a sharp gasp escaping your lips as it shattered against the worn hardwood floor. You stepped back in shock and managed to land right on a shard of broken glass, slicing through the skin of your foot in a second.
“Shit!” Being a bit more cautious, you avoided as much glass as possible and grabbed a wet paper towel to handle your foot. Admitting defeat, you sat on the ground and tried to slow the bleeding.
“Hey, babe? Food ready?” JJ slammed the screen shut behind him as he entered the room. Eyes scanned the room for a moment before he realized you weren’t in the kitchen. “Babe?”
You winced at the harsh cut in your skin and put pressure on it. “Down here.” JJ’s face came into view seconds later, taking in the scene of you on the floor.
“Hi, hey.” He carefully avoided the glass, although his boots could withstand some damage, and made his way over to you. “Let me grab something.” He returned shortly after with a hodgepodge of supplies from John B’s cabinet in hopes that some of it would work.
You took some peroxide and gauze from him before cleaning the scrape. “Thanks, J.”
JJ busied himself with cleaning up the broken glass while you did your best to stop the bleeding. He watched you for a moment, concerned about your lack of reaction. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, refusing to look at him because you knew you were holding on by a thread. It wasn’t really anyone’s fault and you felt bad for making them think that - if they even did. Grabbing some gauze, you laid it across the scrape before wrapping your foot and taping it off as a temporary fix. “Dinner’s almost ready if you want to get everyone.”
Everything seemed to move smoothly. Dinner was great, all of you laughing and joking around with some delicious food. The summer air was warm and the sound of crickets chirping was calming. You had hopes that this was just a momentary flicker of weakness and you’d be fine before bed tonight.
Sarah joined you in the kitchen to tackle cleaning dishes. “So, Y/N… are you joining Kie and I for our vacation weekend whenever life blows over?”
A question you’d heard many times before. Kie and Sarah had been joking for a while now about a getaway weekend since all the three of you did was spend time with your significant others. Of course, it was always pushed back for the chaos of your lives and would probably never happen, but it was a comforting question nonetheless.
You laughed in response, nudging her gently as soap splashed from the sink. “You know I’d be there in a heartbeat, Miss Cameron.”
“What trip?”
You turned to glance at JJ, the smile not leaving your face as you stacked the plate in the strainer. “Nothing. We’re just joking.”
JJ obviously had lost his fun mood and stared at you with an incredulous face. “You’re going on a trip out of OBX? When?”
Tossing the towel on the counter, you moved to fully face JJ. “J, I’m serious, we’re just-” You didn’t get a chance to explain before someone interrupted you.
“You’re leaving?” John B’s voice came in next, looking at his girlfriend with a goofy smile. “Do I finally get a weekend to myself?”
You shook your head aggressively, not suspecting the sudden third degree. “No, we’re not leaving and no, you don’t get a weekend to yourself. JJ, what’s going on?”
You didn’t know what had been set off in him, but this was not the same JJ that pulled you into his side five minutes ago and held you like no other. JJ aggressively ran his hands through his hair. “I just don’t understand why you’re hiding things from me.”
“Excuse me?” Your shoulders tensed at the tone of his voice, knowing this wasn’t going to end well. “I’m not hiding anything!”
JJ tossed his hand out. “First, you won’t tell me what’s wrong and now you’re jumping on vacation when we have some serious shit going on here? What the hell, Y/N.”
“JJ, nothing’s wrong! And we aren’t going right now, John B and Sarah literally just got back and we have the cross to look for.” You put your hands on your hips. “Why are you starting an argument with me over a joke? That’s so unlike you.”
“Yeah, well maybe you don’t know me!” His voice rattled around you. Your friends were quick to seclude to the pullout and create their own conversation to give you space. “You’re so busy fucking taking care of everyone else that I barely see you anymore, and when I do, you barely talk to me!”
Shaking your head you didn’t break eye contact with him. You had no idea where this change of heart was coming from, but you were already on a thin sheet of ice today and knew you couldn’t argue with him all night. “JJ, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m here literally-”
“I’m talking about the fact that you’re not here for me. If you’re going to leave me, Y/N, just fucking do it. Rip the bandaid off. I don’t need you to linger and make it hurt worse.”
“You know what JJ… you’re right.” You folded your arms across your chest as tears burned in your eyes. You weren’t fighting over this, not with him. “You’re right. Don’t know why I even bothered. Sorry for trying.”
You left the words in the air and brushed past him, trying your best to walk on your injury. A heavy sob broke rattled through you as soon as you made it out of the Chateau. Your chest burned with pressure, unable to let enough emotions out at one time. You needed to stop doing this.
Climbing in the car, you slammed the door shut and immediately curled into yourself. You tried so hard to keep everyone happy. You did everything you could to keep your friends, your family together as much as possible. Always putting everyone first, never saying no if you could help it. Everything you did was for everyone else and it still wasn’t enough. You wouldn’t ever be enough.
Back in the Chateau, JJ knew he fucked up. When the screen door slammed shut behind you, he let out a loud groan and slammed his head against the counter. “Okay,” Kie was up in a second and pulled him away from the possibility of sharp objects. “Let’s not give yourself a concussion now.”
“I fucked up,” JJ whispered as he dropped to the floor and covered his face with his hands. “I fucked up so bad.”
Pope let out a scoff. “Really? I didn’t think so,” He answered sarcastically. “Seemed like such a loving conversation.”
JJ didn’t have the energy to glare at his friend. “I just… Dad got in my head earlier and I totally just reacted instead of talking it out.” He knew he shouldn’t have stopped at the house, but he knew even more to never listen to what his dad had to say about him.
“You don’t need to tell us,” Sarah tried to guide him as best as possible. “I’ve never seen Y/N that close to tears, in all honesty.”
JJ pulled himself off the ground and peeked out the window to see your headlights still shining across the grass. He surprisingly avoided eating shit on the rug and took off outside, scrambling to talk to you.
Your vision was blurry as you tried to blink tears from your eyes. You couldn’t even bring yourself to drive home, knowing it would be too difficult with everything going on right now. The whole argument was more dramatic than you intended for it to be, and maybe if you weren’t already upset, you would’ve just walked away instead of yelling back.
Your car door was suddenly ripped open as you flinched away in shock. JJ’s form appeared a second later, his heart dropping at the sight of you so upset. He took a moment, observing the rapid movement of your chest and your tear-stained cheeks. He could curse himself a million times over for doing this to you.
“Babe, you gotta breathe,” JJ’s voice was gentle as he moved your seat back so he could get closer. He knew the telltale signs of a panic attack a little too well.
You let your head relax against the headrest and forced yourself to take a deep breath. It was shaky, but it was enough to start calming your racing head down. When you were young, you were taught to never show weakness in front of anyone, no matter how bad it got. You hated that JJ was seeing you like this…vulnerable, weak.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Tears of his own were building in his eyes. He hated to see you in any pain, but knowing he was the cause of it was even worse. He rarely ever saw you cry. “I saw my dad earlier a-and I took it out on you what he said… Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Your voice cracked as you looked away from him in an attempt to break eye-contact.
JJ’s fingers were gentle as they turned your gaze back on him. “No, it’s not. What I said in there, it’s not true. You do so much. For me, for our friends. We don’t deserve you, not one bit. You never expect a thank you, never ask for anything. I am so grateful, I’m so so lucky, to have you in my life. Don’t ever think differently, please. Even if it comes out of my own mouth. We all know I can be pretty dumb every now and then.”
“Don’t say that,” You whispered. You hated when he talked down on himself like that.
“See, proving my point. I hurt your feelings and you’re still being nice to me even if I don’t deserve it,” He countered. JJ reached over to turn your car off and took your hand to guide you out. “Come on, let’s get some ice cream and I’ll make it up to you.”
Sniffling, you climbed out with his help and let him close the door behind you before wrapping you into a hug. Another shaky breath escaped your lips as you clung to him, letting him hold you tightly until you could catch your breath and calm down fully. You were so grateful for JJ and his bubbly energy. Sometimes, it was hard to keep up with their busy lifestyle but you wouldn’t change it for the world. As long as you had your chaotic boyfriend with you at the end of the day, everything would be fine.
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sagethegaywitch · 2 months
Yandere Scarabia Headcanons
GN reader
TW: yandere behavior, hypnotizing mentioned, stalking, poisoning mentioned
Genre: yandere
Kalim Al-Asim:
A sweet guy who genuinely wants your affection.  He’s a family-oriented fellow so he doesn’t realize that stalking someone and writing love letters to them was considered inappropriate since he’s so used to openly sharing his love around friends and family.
He’s probably one of the most clingy yanderes at Night Raven College, and he throws small fits when you have to leave his company to go to classes or back to your dorm.
If he’s not busy, he’ll follow you around to ensure that you don’t get hurt while you’re out of his protective arms.  He’s aware that many people want to assassinate him for his power and position, so he’s afraid you might be targeted because you’re the object of his interest.
Will get Jamil to watch over you when he has time, but he’s usually a very busy man.  Jamil, at most, will just quickly walk by where you are, ensure you’re safe and return to his duties.
You practically live at his dorm because he always insists that you stay over for a celebration of some kind.  Even if you try to decline with a good excuse, he’ll just drag you along anyways and sit you right next to him at the banquet table.
Enjoys it when you sit in his lap with his arms around your waist and uses the position to feed you meals when you visit his dorm.
Jamil always taste tests Kalim’s food, and Kalim will make Jamil taste test your food as well.  Kalim is concerned about your health and safety when you eat food that Jamil doesn’t make because he doesn’t know who could’ve sneaked poison into your meals.
You have a spare bed in his room because of how often you sleep over.  If you insist on another room, Kalim will counter back and force you to stay in his room so you can spend the night talking.
Gives you very expensive gifts, all shipped from the Scalding Sands, and they will often involve a lot of gold and shiny gems.  He may not be aware why he loves to give you jewelry, but deep down it’s because it’s his special way of marking you as his property.
Most of the items you receive from him stay in your room because of how delicate they look and you’d feel bad if you damaged something so pretty and lavish.
He will often wonder where all his gifts went and tells you that he’d prefer you to use them cause he can just buy more if they broke.  In the end, he’s touched that you value them and plan to take good care of them.
Overall, Kalim is a very clingy boy, and he has the power and wealth to ensure that you stay in his presence.  He has a Danger Level of 1/10 only because he’d have Jamil hypnotize any rivals to stay away from you.  He loves to spoil you and will shower you with his riches if you accept his love.  Probably the safest yandere to have, although his whines for attention might become annoying.
Jamil Viper:
Similar to Leona, Jamil has spent most of his life in someone else’s shadow. When he realizes his feelings for, he knows he does not want to share you with Kalim or anyone else.
You’d probably befriend him after his overblot only because he’s been so focused on helping Kalim through the school year to really take notice of you before the event.
While he remains polite and well-mannered in public and in front of Kalim because of his upbringing, when he knows for sure that you two are alone, he’ll let loose and release all his tension.
You two have private talk/therapy sessions that allow him to vent his problems with his dorm and with Kalim.  If you offer him a shoulder to cry on, you’ve made a friend for life.
What started as a friend trying to help a friend, will soon develop into something much more unhealthy.
Because you’re one of the few people to acknowledge him as his own person rather than an extension of Kalim, he’s always craving your attention.  He feels special when you talk to him because he knows the relationship you two have will be something that Kalim never has with you.
He definitely stalks you around school when he has time.  Since he’s so busy with his school work, taking care of Kalim, and running the dorm, sometimes the most he can do is just spare a passing glance.  Other times, when he escapes his duties, he’ll be able to follow you around a bit and make sure that you’re not meeting up with a secret lover.
Mostly only jealous of Kalim because of how he’s had to serve the heir his entire life, but also won’t tolerate other people trying to ask you to be their partner.
He’s fine with you hanging out with your first year gang and classmates, but when people try to get romantic with you, that’s where he draws the line.
He will absolutely not tolerate Kalim trying to get your attention.  He will not have his one pride and joy get ruined by the carefree heir.
He’s a really tolerant man, so only if someone tried to ask you out would he lash out.  He’d probably only hypnotize them using his unique magic and force them to make a fool out of themselves to defuse any feels you may have had for them.
He’s always working behind the scenes when he gets rid of rivals because he wants you to see him in the best light.
Would never use his unique magic on you unless you tried to leave him.  The worst he’d probably do is erase your memory of an argument you two had so that you’d forget why you tried to leave.
Since he cooks for Kalim, he’d probably pack you meals as well because food giving is his love language.  He’ll say that it’s because the cafeteria food is not good enough for you and how could you refuse a free homemade meal?
Will cook you your favorites and will eat them with you even if he doesn’t like them that much.  He would change his preferences to match yours so you guys seem more alike.
Overall, he’s very desperate for attention because he’s never gotten it before.  He's finally got something that Kalim can’t have, and he’d do anything to protect that obsession.  He has a Danger Level of 5/10 because he’d only hypnotize people to do his bidding without using violence.  He might make them do something stupid in front of a large crowd or might make them admit to some kind of rumor, but he’d never kill anyone.  As long as you offer him your love, you’d never be lacking a friend and protector.
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maplemind · 6 months
Ok I’m having thoughts about the Uther / Arthur dynamic…
I think that Arthur was entirely raised by wet nurses / nannies / etc because Uther’s negative feelings were too strong.
I think for most of Arthur’s youth, Uther resented, regretted, and somehow blamed Arthur for the loss of Ygraine. And I think Uther essentially avoided his own son as much as he could get away with.
I think he got so desperate for an heir (and of course the problem couldn’t be with him, it had to be Ygraine’s reproductive system that was faulty), that he didn’t do his research, or didn’t listen to warnings, or somehow believed himself above the potential consequences.
I bet he knew that a life would be taken, but he assumed it would be some peasant of Camelot, maybe a knight, maybe one of his lords, but thought he and his family would be immune and would obviously be spared. Because, y’know, he’s the king of Camelot.
And I think he blamed Arthur for some messed up reason (I mean, ok, grief does weird things to people).
And I think every time he realised Arthur isn’t a carbon copy of him, isn’t the perfect heir (impossibly strong, talented, and stoic) he resents him and regrets that he traded the love of his life for “this disappointment”. Surely magic should have given him the absolute perfect heir? And person so amazing they’re beyond all human comprehension, right? Like Hercules, or Achilles.
Also, the way Uther loses his godamn mind when Morgana is dying in S3, the way he waxes lyrical about how important she is to him, how he can’t live without her… yet Arthur has been dying twice by this point and Uther gets no where near as upset. In fact, he sits with his dying son once, admits that his death is inevitable, then goes about his day without a second glance…
And because of the way his father couldn’t even spare him a glance, let alone a hug, or comfort, or an “I love you, I’m proud of you”, I don’t think Arthur knows what affection really is. I don’t think he truly understands how love feels.
I think that’s why he was so off-balance when he went to save Ealdor with Merlin and saw the way he and his mother interacted. It threw everything he’d ever known into doubt.
Maybe he thought that kind of love, affection, and physical comfort is for poor people, because that’s what his experience told him.
And maybe it made Arthur think - “what if my mother had survived? What if my father’s life had been taken instead?”
And what if Ygraine had lived and Uther had died? I mean, the spell gave Uther an heir to take over when he died, and he got what he wanted, right? So if Uther dies right away… well, you’ve got your heir you wanted, he’ll take your place like he’s supposed to!
Arthur has lived his whole life feeling like he wasn’t wanted - that’s what all the evidence told him. Then he finds out he’s “the reason” his mother is dead and his father is a heartless, emotionless, bitter man?
Holy shinsplints Arthur. No wonder he couldn’t accept the affection Merlin and Guinevere clearly had for him. Maybe that’s why he kept freaking out and throwing it back in their faces, getting angry, pushing them away.
He was scared because he had absolutely no idea how to react to it - no blueprint, no examples, no evidence that his own upbringing and his father’s mentality isn’t normal.
But my god did he try and give out all the love he had stored in his heart, all the love that was wasted on his father and was never reciprocated. My god did he try.
Bless you, Arthur. My heart aches so damn hard for you.
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
Hi! I have a request for Matt Murdock
Matt is dating a Black Widow but she occasionally suffers from nightmares about her past, and doesn’t sleep for a long period of time and he sometimes stays up with her and talks to her about the Red Room.
hi nonnie! thank you so much for the request! i'm not sure if you're the same person that requested a few other matt x black widow reader prompts, but if you are, you literally live rent free in my head because it's an idea i've thought about for awhile now, so thank you & I hope this is what you were looking for!
warning: some cursing, and very brief mentions of abuse in relation to the red room. I gave this a kinda fluffy ending because everyone deserves some comfort after a nightmare. ❤️ word count: 1.5k
the red room.
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Raindrops cascaded lazily down the glass after pelting the window pane, like they were a part of some fervent race none of them cared to win. Thunder cracked loudly across the sky, the sound ricocheting through the clouds like a dead tree being snapped in half in a quiet forest. If it wasn’t for the calamitous thunder accompanying the cadent storm outside, Matt wouldn’t have noticed that you weren’t in bed. 
Another round of thunder dragged him out of a deep sleep, and it was only as he turned over to seek out your body that he noticed your side of the bed had gone somewhat cold. Matt suddenly shot up, focusing his senses on trying to find you and decipher what state you were in. The living room was still and quiet as you sat perched on the window sill, but inside of you another storm was brewing. 
Your breaths were somewhat ragged as you attempted to keep them under control, eyes following the trails of raindrops to give your mind something else to focus on. Your heart thundered in your rib cage at an anxious irregular pace, and Matt could smell the cortisol raging in your bloodstream. He kept his footsteps quiet as he approached you slowly, not wanting to add to the fear and uncertainty that was radiating off of you. He kept his voice barely above a whisper as he stood a few feet away, preparing to give you space if you needed it.
“What was it tonight?”
You jumped so slightly at the intrusion of his voice, even he almost missed it. Matt’s fingers twitched at his sides as he studied you, waiting for some kind of signal that he could approach. A shaky inhale through your nose had his chest constricting along with the detachment in your voice.
“The Red Room.”
Matt closed his eyes for a moment as his fists balled up tightly at his sides. You hadn’t gone into too much detail about what you’d endured during your time in the Red Room, but based off of the snippets you were vulnerable enough to share and the way your body reacted as you divulged them, he didn’t have to use his imagination. He’d heard plenty of horror stories from other former black widows that had escaped, and if your story was anything like theirs, he understood fully why you never wanted to speak of it. 
Although he knew his own childhood and upbringing hadn’t been exactly easy, he couldn’t even fathom the degrees of abuse and manipulation you had experienced. The first night that you spent together when you’d had a nightmare, Matt was more terrified than he had ever been in his entire life. He had a brief idea of your past, but he didn’t know just how much it affected you until that night. It had taken him several hours to calm you down, and he had never felt so helpless. 
The hardest part was never knowing when the nightmares were going to hit, or what they would do to you. Some nights you woke up sobbing uncontrollably, gripping onto his body like he would vanish into thin air if you even slightly loosened your hold. Other nights you awoke with a start, silently slipping into the living room, refusing to speak to him or let him touch you. The worst nights were when you woke up screaming. Matt would have to pin you down to the mattress until you awoke fully, repeating over and over that you were safe; that you were home. He hated those nights. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Sometimes it doesn’t feel real.”
You were talking to him. This was a good sign. He approached you slowly and carefully like you were a wounded animal trapped in a corner. He placed his hand next to yours on the window sill so that you could feel his warmth and presence, leaving the option to take it completely up to you. 
“How so?”
“The memories. Sometimes they feel like…like they belong to someone else, and I just have them in my head.”
Matt stayed quiet as he waited for you to continue. He felt a slight sense of relief noting that your breathing had finally started to even out.
“I know they’re mine. I can feel the reason behind every scar. I know exactly what memory they’re tied to. Sometimes…if I close my eyes…it’s like I’m still there. Like this has all been some…twisted dream I made up, and I’m finally awake.”
“It’s not a dream.”
Matt spoke more firmly this time so you couldn’t mistake the sincerity in his voice. His chest ached when he felt the lump forming in your throat, his entire face falling as he tasted the salt from your silent tears. He gently turned your body to face him, slotting himself between your thighs, and delicately brought your hand up to place your palm against his chest over his heart.
“This is real. You being here, with me, is real. Feel my heart. I want you to try and match your rhythm with mine, like we practiced. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?”
Your shaky fingers gripped tightly onto Matt’s bicep as you dug your blunt nails into his chest, closing your eyes to try to focus on the strong rhythm thumping against your palm. You leaned forward to rest your head on Matt’s sternum, melting further into his touch as he cradled the back of your head and held your wrist.
“There you go. That’s perfect. You’re doing so well, my love. I’m so proud of you.”
“I can still see their faces…”
Matt could feel tears building up behind his own eyelids at how small and broken your voice sounded. He let out a shaky exhale, hugging you even tighter to his chest. 
“Listen to me. That wasn’t your fault. That was not you. That is not who you are. I know that. I trust that. You can’t blame yourself for things that were out of your control.”
Guilt was an emotion Matthew Murdock knew all too well. He knew how heavy it could weigh on someone’s chest to the point where it made it difficult to breathe. He knew the agony of making a remorseful decision or an inadequate effort. He felt hypocritical telling you something that even he had a hard time believing and practicing himself. But he had always had the luxury that you never did; a choice. 
Questions of morality and faith guided his feelings of guilt, not an absence of autonomy.
“If you truly were the darkness they tried to create, you wouldn’t feel an ounce of remorse. You wouldn’t have dedicated your life to helping people the second you were able to make a decision for yourself. You are a light, my love, and you bring that light to everyone you meet and help. You put the goddamn sun to shame.”
“So…if people stare at me too long, they go blind?”
“What do you think happened to me?”
A breathless laugh cut through your tears and Matt found himself letting out a deep sigh of relief, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you tipped your head back to look up at him.
“Uh…you said you had an accident as a kid?”
“I’m full of shit. I saw you smile for the first time and next thing I knew, I was blind. I just, you know, made up that story so you wouldn’t feel guilty.”
You were trying your hardest to contain your giggles as you shook your head, and Matt couldn’t help but grin victoriously. 
“Oh, okay. So you decided to make me feel guilty when I’m already feeling guilty?”
“Guilt cancels out guilt. Isn’t that how math works?”
“It’s a good thing you’re such a pretty lawyer.”
“In my defense, I only took about 2 semesters of math.”
“Mm, it shows.”
As the storm calmed into a light rain outside, Matt could feel the sky opening up in your chest. There wasn’t a lingering trace of fear in your veins, and your heart had steadied to a relaxed rhythm that matched his. Matt sent a silent prayer up to his God that he was able to bring you back easily tonight. 
He wrapped his arm around your waist as he held you protectively against his chest, cradling your face gently in one of his hands.
“Hey, everything is okay. You’re home. You’re safe. I would never let anything happen to you, you know that right?”
“I know, Matty.”
You gave his bicep a gentle squeeze, something you did to reassure him you were back in a good headspace, as you leaned into his touch for comfort. Matt lightly traced the pad of his thumb along your cheekbone, leaning in to press your foreheads together.
“No one is ever going to hurt you again.”
A tiny proud smile tugged at the corner of your mouth as you chased Matt’s lips for a soft kiss, whispering against his mouth.
“Not unless they wanna meet the Devil.”
A crooked smirk lifted at the corner of Matt’s lips as he bumped his nose against yours. 
“Not even God could help them if they did.”
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Hello there :) please could I request something for Vikings with a female reader if possible. Where the reader (a shieldmaiden) meets the ragnarssons for the first time after being taken in by Ragnar when her parents are killed, and they start developing feelings for her later on? 💙
Hey! Thought that making this into headcanons/preferences would be the best format, message me if you want a full work where I elaborate!🌺
Vikings preference: Falling for a shieldmaiden taken in by Ragnar
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Bjorn A little rough around the edges, at first - you're a complete stranger, after all. Maybe he criticizes your posture one day and you're more than willing to make him prove his 'superiority'. Whether you win or lose is not as important as the sole fact that you were a challenge for him, although he might not outright admit that. Despite being a shieldmaiden and Bjorn having witnessed your abilities first-hand, he still perceives you as a woman first - the burden of upbringing, one might say. Because of that, he often tries to fight your battles for you, both on the battlefield and outside of it. Most of the time it's small things: bringing you this, giving you that. He definitely might come off as overbearing at times but there's no malice in his heart - Bjorn genuinely believes he's doing the right thing. The downside is that even your stern words might not knock off his habits (the two of you fought numerous times about his overprotective attitude). That protective side of him comes out especially strong during cold winter months when he needs to be extra sure that you're well-fed and warm. In his hot and cold attitude, you find irrefutable proof of his affection. After all, what else if not love could bring warmth and care out of a man known for his dauntlessness and reserved attitude? Bjorn puts his fondness into words in a very peculiar manner: suggesting your possible gains. In other terms, he hints at all the goods you'd have and the shortages you wouldn't suffer if he could have your hand. See that pile of wood that's going to last you for at least a month? Or the furs on your bed that are just enough to stay warm on a freezing winter night? Without half-truths and subtext, Bjorn assures you that he could provide you so much more. Although 'could' should be read as 'wants to' - a desire he's determined to fulfil only if you agree to be his.
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Ubbe The one who actually talks to you first, with no expectations or prejudice. Even if he did have those, he's capable of looking past them and making a fair judgement only after getting to know you. At first he's a little uncomfortable with the situation and your person because you're kind of like a sister but not really? That apprehension doesn't last long, however: he's a little too smitten with you. To his own surprise, your presence makes the long absence of his father a little easier to bear - Ragnar didn't leave on a whim, he had a reason to do so and it was a good reason. If the other Ragnarsons treat you with malice, thinking of you as the sole reason they had to grow up fatherless, Ubbe is always ready to step in and de-escalate the situation. In some way, he's similar to Bjorn in expressing his affection in the sense of being protective. Ubbe perceives you as a woman, a woman he loves to be exact, and only then a warrior, despite getting a taste of your skills on his own. Just like his half-brother, he'd try to do things for you, deal with the mundane burdens of everyday life; he only cares about you. The thing that sets them apart is Ubbe's willingness to stand back - once he knows you can stand your ground, he lets go a little, although reluctantly. Another thing is that he already acts like your husband despite being yet to earn that title: always being in your vicinity, fighting any men who try to woo you, thinking ahead and gifting you anything you might need in the near future. Whenever his training alongside his brothers, Ubbe tends to tease them saying that you're better than them. Whether that is true or just brotherly spitefulness is yet to be determined. When the moment comes and Ubbe confesses his affections, he's very straight-forward, telling you how much you mean to him.
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Hvitserk Curious and fascinated - you're pretty and courageous. Even if you end up rejecting him (a possibility he doesn't think is realistic), you seem like a great person to be around. He's friendly from day one. Keeps hinting at his romantic interest in you through smooth, sublime and yet unambiguous remarks, so there is no doubt about his intentions. In an attempt to spend more time with you, Hvitserk offered to join you in training. Clashing swords and breadth-of-hair ducks were not enough to stop his flirting (you had this growing suspicion that he's also unnecessarily touchy - not that you were one to complain). The only difference from his daily sweet talk was that with a sword in his hand, Hvitserk's words became vividly more explicit. Some of them caught you off guard but once the surprise washed away, you realized you had nothing against those generous offers becoming true. Even if his brothers are also interested in you, he doesn't see them as a competition or a threat of any sort. His approach wouldn't be a surprise to anyone who had even once seen you two together - there was no chance any other Ragnarson could sweep you off your feet. Truth be told, you knew Hvitserk's feelings before he told you, although it should be clarified that he didn't explicitly confess his affections: during a quite intimate moment, in bed and under furs, he suddenly asked you to marry him. Relationship-wise, out of all the Ragnarsons Hvitserk is the one to treat you the most equally to him.
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Sigurd Begins to be interested in you simply because his brothers were. Then he noticed your ambivalence towards Ivar and how much it was pissing the youngest brother off and Sigurd was instantly on board - he might yet find an ally in you. Out of the Ragnarssons, he is the most invisible brother and so he didn't quite expect to pique your interest. To his surprise, you're the one to accost him, asking about living in Kattegat and the family reputation he has to hold up. Not to mention all the prince's responsibilities he has to suffer. From your own words, Sigurd learned that, just like him, you're not one for big crowds and front rows, preferring to stray from the eye of the storm that so often seemed to emerge around Ragnar and his sons. He finally found someone who understood his perspective and not only that - they shared it. The two of you are often disappearing somewhere together and the general population of Kattegat quite quickly catches on but you and Sigurd care little about those rumours. Definitely spent hours upon hours coming up with a wax poetic ballad about you. He put himself in one of the verses describing his growing fondness for you. Luckily for him, he won't have to change the verse about the shieldmaiden loving some guy named Sigurd back.
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Ivar Acts like he doesn't care and tries to make himself believe that mainly because deep inside he had immediately dismissed the possibility of you being interested in him. You've heard stories of course but a certain degree of scepticism is a trait of a good warrior - it keeps you level-headed. Once when you were sitting on the pier, enjoying a moment of solitude, Ivar approached you only to ask about his father. After all, you'd spent more time with Ragnar than he did, even if he wasn't your actual parent. While sharing stories about the famous Ragnar Lothbrok, Ivar noticed that you're neither apprehensive nor fearful of him. In a way, it upsets him - he found himself in a situation where he doesn't have the upper hand. But this surprising and wholly unwelcome vulnerability didn't backfire. Truthfully, the longer you talked about the legend of Ragnar Lothbrok, the more Ivar wished you would stop talking about his father and simply talk about yourself. Except for his parents, you were the only person whose presence he didn't completely detest and Ivar was yet to make an opinion on how that made him feel. He definitely hates seeing you interact with his brothers as he naively thought that he was the only recipient of your sympathies and it's exactly that lack of exclusivity that makes him go out on a limb and make less-than-ambiguous remarks that you happily reciprocate. Sometimes, when he can't sleep at night, Ivar climbs onto his father's throne and dwells on various fantasies of glory and bloodshed. In those dreams, there's always a place for you - a brave and beautiful shieldmaiden that rides into battle by his side and gives birth to his children, who go on to become kings, emperors and conquerors.
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fluxweeed · 19 days
Hii, I just discovered your fics and am reading my way through them. Love, love, love the ones I’ve read so far.😊 I was just wondering what your favourite Draco is you’ve written, and what your fave Draco is in fics written by others? ☺️
ACK thank you!! what a question!! i've considered this v carefully and it turns out i have………a lot of thoughts. i will keep them under a cut so nobody is accosted with a full 700 words of my Draco Opinions 😂 so my quick answer is:
my fave draco i've written: the taste of țuică my fave draco ever: rookie moves by peu_a_peu
draco is an interesting one for me bc i don't really LIKE him? but i have sooo many feelings about him. really not sure i could summon the same fervour for harry, for example, who is my number one boy forever and always.
(i saw a thing once that said a pairing becomes ur otp when u relate to one of the characters and want to fuck the other one, and 🙈 i mean, i think you're supposed to relate to the gryffindor, aren't you. whoops.)
listen. i love and respect people who are Refined Draco enjoyers. connoisseurs of redemption arcs. appreciators of majestic malfoy bone structure and ethereal grey eyes and soft windswept hair. fans of dracos who insult harry (with hidden affection) and who are a bit snobbish (in a rich, sexy way) but ultimately have realised the error of their teenage years and have become a better person. perhaps this draco has built a potions business and helps the aurors. perhaps he IS an auror. either way, he has a biting sense of humour, maybe, but he's a good guy.
unfortunately, the draco of my heart is a horrid mean little rat man.
i've never actually managed to write him the way i love him. i tried to aim for immoral bastardy in what's mine is yours but i got so caught up in trying to nail the feelsforbreakfast-style humour in the narrative that i ended up focusing much more on that and much less on writing genuine bastardhood.
i've written him as reserved and clever (in the four doors – this draco was written entirely for @jovialobservationanchor, who had a weak spot for closed-off academics with soft centres) and as a traumatised self-loathing mess (in two to lie and to some extent for lack of wanting and say no to this) and hopelessly sexually/emotionally horny for one harry james potter (in, um, most things) but i've never managed to capture the genuine cruel streak and flawed personality that is sooo so important to me.
WHICH IS WHY i picked țuică!draco for my favourite of the ones i've written. he's still a bit too emotionally intelligent to be Just Right, imo, but i think he's maybe the closest? he's unrepentantly rude to people. he's not attractive. and he has a streak of self-destructive fucked-upedness that is some form of wartime guilt, but certainly not a pretty one.
HOWEVER. rookie moves?? NAILED it. i adooored how genuinely fuckin MEAN he is, even tho he's an auror. i love love LOVED that he's kind of bad at his job in a way that's in complete opposition to how drarry!draco is often written these days:
The look on Malfoy’s face was not only troubling, Harry realized, but familiar. At once activated and dead behind the eyes, like an invasive species in an ecosystem that could not check it. It was the look of the meanest fucking teenager Harry had ever known, giving in to his urge to bully.
What Malfoy wasn’t good with was people. Despite his repeated insistences that his upbringing had equipped him with impeccable manners and a facility with society intrigue, the truth was that he rubbed almost everyone the wrong way. He was, undeniably, annoying. Witnesses were put off by his snide, dismissive tone, and he didn’t know how to coax out information with curiosity, warmth, or strategic silence.
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that's not to say unrepentant cunt draco is the only one for me!! i DO enjoy the classic redeemed drarry draco!! i love a quirky draco, à la wwpwcs or maya's drop dead gorgeous. gallaplacidia's draco is sooo painful for me to read (complimentary) that even though i adore her fics, i still haven't read them all bc i have to space them out, for my health. and i'm sure there are dozens more dracos that i'm forgetting how much i like – basically, as long as he isn't super suave, absolutely gorgeous and/or obviously tom felton, i'm on board.
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rayndis · 6 months
Some new information about my bunnidoll funkid.
I changed his clothes a little. In principle, he didn’t look bad in shorts, but I thought that as he grew older, he changed them to pants.
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Wildyx and Wildix...I don’t know exactly how to convey his name to English people, because I’m not sure that it sounds right to them, because I’m Russian. But I think there is no big problem in this.
Let me remind you that he is an NPC specially created by Kane for Ragata and Jax. It has artificial intelligence, which is developing and can apply independent decisions and have its own characteristics.
Wildich is really afraid of knives and anything sharp, since there was one unpleasant situation that was forever imprinted in his memory (that’s why he had a stitch in his ear. )
Who is he most like? To your dad. He is really cheerful and cheerful, but his jokes do not go too far, although sometimes he can go too far,But this will make him feel terribly guilty and will not calm down until he is forgiven. Otherwise, his character is quite friendly and sociable. Like his mother, he is ready to help all newcomers to Kane’s Digital Circus.
Wildix He loves his centipede Minky very much, which Kinger gave him. It took Ragatha a long time to accept the fact that her son kept a pet centipede as a pet.
He loves his parents. And he loves to remind them of this because he believes that they really deserve the same love as they give him theirs. Ragata's good upbringing definitely affected her.
He has a favorite aunt. This Pomni . How Jax is a favorite uncle to Dveri (My next fankid Pomni/Kane) By the way! Their kids love spending time together, although sometimes they do really stupid things.
That's basically all I can say about Ragata and Jax's fankid. I personally like his implementation as a child, he came out quite pleasant in terms of color palette and I like it.
Thank you for reading to the end. I hope you liked Wildix too. Very soon I will show you a new fankid😳
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novlr · 5 days
Hello! Do you have any advice for indecisiveness when creating characters? I don't have much trouble with creating conflict, but figuring out my characters is difficult. I'm working on a character-driven story, and I have an internal conflict, I'm just not sure how the story will manifest. The worst part is I can't even find advice online because all character advice is about character development, making your characters complex, etc.... My problem is I don't know what my character is doing. I'm talking about their occupation. Student? Corporate job? Architect? Artist? My conflict is good to go but now I'm stuck here...
As a writer, creating characters who are believable and relatable is one of the most crucial aspects of storytelling. However, many writers struggle with indecisiveness when it comes to creating their characters, especially when it comes to their occupations and how their stories will manifest.
You get to mould your characters into whatever form you like, but it’s easy to suffer from choice paralysis when you’re confronted with the entirety of human experience, both real and imagined. The good news is, if you already know your story conflict, then you can actually narrow down and be a bit more targeted in how you go about creating characters.
Start with the basics
When creating a character, it’s essential to start with the basics. This includes their name, age, gender, physical appearance, and personality traits. These fundamental elements will serve as the foundation for your character and help you build upon them as you develop their story. Come up with these by asking yourself a series of questions with your story conflict and theme firmly in your mind.
Name: Choose a name that fits your character’s personality and background. Consider their age, culture, and the time period in which your story takes place. And don’t be afraid to use a random name generator or even a placeholder—there’s always a chance to change your mind in the editing phases.
Age: Determine your character’s age by how it influences their behaviour, beliefs, and experiences. Would an older or a younger characters respond to their conflict differently? And which better suites the story you want to tell?
Gender: Decide on your character’s gender and how it shapes their identity and interactions with others. Will your story’s conflict play out differently if your character’s gender expression were reversed, or if they were non-binary?
Physical appearance: Describe your character’s physical features, such as their height, weight, hair colour, and any distinguishing characteristics. Unfortunately there’s no easy way to do that. You just have to use your imagination and commit.
Personality traits: Identify your character’s key personality traits, such as their strengths, weaknesses, fears, and desires. These should relate to your character’s goal and conflict in some way.
Explore their background
Once you have a basic understanding of your character, it’s time to delve into their background. This includes their family history, upbringing, education, and any significant life events that have shaped who they are. Their background can feed directly into the conflict, as it can be a great source of pressure for how your plot develops.
Family history: Explore your character’s relationships with their family members, or how not having a family unit around them affects them as a person. Consider how their family dynamics have influenced their beliefs, values, and behaviours and how this can feed into their internal and external conflicts.
Upbringing: Determine where your character grew up and how their environment has shaped their worldview. Did they have a happy childhood, or did they face challenges and adversity? Did this affect their career choices?
Education: Decide on your character’s level of education and how it has impacted their career opportunities and whether it feeds into their internal conflict.
Significant life events: Identify any pivotal moments in your character’s life that have had a lasting impact on their personality and behaviour. Do they have any direct or indirect relationship with your story’s conflict and theme?
Determine their occupation
One of the most challenging aspects of creating characters is deciding on their occupation. This is especially true for writers who are working on character-driven stories and have a clear internal conflict but are unsure how the story will take shape. So how can we make that easier?
Consider their skills and interests: What is your character naturally good at? What do they enjoy doing? Their occupation should align with their skills and interests.
Think about their personality: How does your character’s personality influence their career choices? Are they ambitious and driven, or are they more laid-back and content with a simple life?
Explore their background: How has your character’s upbringing and education influenced their career path? Did they follow in their family’s footsteps, or did they forge their own path? Did they overcome adversity to reach where they are now, or were they barred from certain opportunities because of an educational, physical, or social handicap?
Consider the story’s themes: How does your character’s occupation tie into the overall themes and message of your story? Can their job serve as a metaphor or symbol for something deeper?
Connect the dots
Once you have a clear understanding of your character’s basics, background, and occupation, it’s time to connect the dots and see how these elements influence their internal conflict and the conflict and theme of the overall story.
Identify the internal conflict: What is your character struggling with internally? Is it a moral dilemma, a personal struggle, or a conflict between their desires and responsibilities?
Explore how their background influences the conflict: How has your character’s upbringing, family history, and significant life events contributed to their internal conflict?
Consider how their occupation ties into the conflict: Does your character’s job create additional challenges or pressures that exacerbate their internal conflict?
Think about how the conflict will manifest in the story: How will your character’s internal struggle play out in the plot? Will they face external challenges that force them to confront their internal conflict?
In summary
Creating compelling characters is a crucial aspect of storytelling, but it can be challenging for writers who struggle with indecisiveness. By starting with the basics, exploring your character’s background, determining their occupation, and connecting the dots between these elements and both their internal and the story conflict, you’ll be well on your way to creating characters that will bring your stories to life.
Remember, character creation is a process, and it’s okay to take your time and explore different options until you find what works best for your story. Don’t be afraid to experiment and make changes as you go along. With practice and persistence, you’ll become more confident in your ability to create compelling characters that resonate with readers
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