#surveillance duty au
lowkeyclueless5137 · 4 days
Surveillance duty au :D
Y'all voted for it and here it is✨
The first twst horror au I ever did~
And it's Florid flavour too! :D
Naturally, this is the starter of a funny headcanon I had around, who made a cameo in a few works of mine too. So keep in mind that this is a very old au. Maybe you'll find sum Easter eggs to one of my latest ones. :3
Anyhow! A few trigger warnings right off the batch and then we can properly start this bandwagon. :v
We have trigger warnings for: Blood, gore and body horror!
This is a horror au after all... So ya know... Gotta keep the flair✨
Now onto the explanation!
In here, our lovely Riddle is a logics and psychology teacher at Night Raven Highschool (NRH for short). The reason he's a teacher is because of his love of learning and helping others learn. His mother was against the idea, which ended up with her disowning him. Therefore Riddle changed his name from Weinachts to Rosehearts, a way to cut ties completely with his mom.
And that would've been it, if that woman didn't insist to keep reminding him how much of a failure he became: a poor paying job, living alone and with little to no respect from other people. Well... 2 out of the 3 were wrong at least. Riddle did have a decent salary and he was very respected amongst other people.
But, at the start of a new school year, Riddle finally is a homeroom teacher. He has a class to be in charge of! He was looking forward to it... Until the actual class proved to be menaces.
One day, pretty early into the year, the Nightshift guard of the school called in for some family business. Therefore that night he couldn't cover. And Crowley assigns Riddle to take the said place instead. Trey, a volunteer teacher, also offers to go along Riddle and help him out.
It's also important to describe the security room layout for now: a small room, with a desk on which a monitor and a weird keyboard with very specific buttons are. On the side there is a couch and at one of it's ends, a mini-refrigerator is put. It's small, with tile floor and plain walls.
And the whole shift starts. Trey is the one who goes first on the surveillance duty. The old man instructed them how to use the set-up: see an anomaly and report it using the buttons for place and type. He also gave them a warning: when the screen flashes a message, avoid the camera on the said place and use the report button for 'special case'. Also do NOT ever get out during the shift. That door has to stay locked at all costs during the night. :v
Naturally, Riddle thought all of those was bullshit. He did find Trey's small paranoia to be a response caused by the lack of sleep, so he offers at one point to switch, so he could grade the tests at the desk and Trey could get some rest. The latter does admit that he's a bit shaken up, but he also blames it on a lack of sleep.
The problem is that Riddle was only focusing on the grading tests. Sometimes he switches in between cameras, in case he catches some vandal trying to sneak in or something like that.
That's why, when the special warning arrives for the gym camera, Riddle didn't even pay attention and accidentally switched to it, which resulted in a long static.
And an inhumane, scaly hand, with long claws, sticking out of it and grabbing Riddle's arm. Naturally, out of the spook, the redhead jerked his hand, thus getting it scratched and all bloody. In all of that panic, Riddle falls off the chair, waking up Trey and starting a chain reaction of panicking :'3
So Trey first barricades the door with the couch, before he tries to tend to Riddle's bleeding arm and figure out what the hell was going on. Something was coming and banging on the door, trying to force their way inside.
And they do manage, much to the horror of the 2 men. Riddle already was too sleep deprived and in pain to process things. All he knows is that Trey was knocked down on the floor and that the thing grabbed him before he passed out.
When they do wake up, it's morning and everything was just like new. The only signs that something did happen was the bruises Riddle and Trey had from falling on the hard floor. No more arm wound and the security room was impeccably clean too.
So the 2 tried to reason that maybe all this lack of sleep and relying only on coffee did mess a bit with their head last night.
But the first night the guard returned, in the morning the poor man was found horrified and quit from the job, while on a hall wall, a message was smudged in red paint, saying 'see you next lesson :)'. Of course, the whole student body was rustling with rumors and scary stories about 'the prom ghost', a legend among the school about a, presumably, dead kid attending a prom of the school, despite never being a student or having any records whatsoever. They started to go nuts about it and swarm the library to ask for the yearbook albums from previous years.
Riddle was trying to have a quiet and nice homeroom when his students asked him if he used to be a student here. Naturally, the latter was seeing this as innocent curiosity and maybe he thought he could set a nice example for them, by sharing some of his own high-school experience, but nope... These lil shits wanted to know if Riddle's prom was the one where the school myth came to be.
Unfortunately it was right, but Riddle tried to reassure that it was just some vandal that sneaked in for a party and nothing more.
Riddle was more than tired about this. Give him a break, man. U-Ub
So, seeing that the redhead was once offered for the Nightshift duty, Crowley assigns Riddle again! Yay! :D
And being done with that 'creepy message', Riddle was more than determined to stay up all night and catch the vandal.
How? The forbidden brew, ofc: 7 different energy drinks, pure coffee and that ice-ice baby. How he's not dead is a mystery to many. :'3
So Riddle does the job his own way. He finds a very simple explanation for anything and anything one would consider 'unnatural'. Weird noises? Some windows are shabby and outside is raining. Objects in weird spots? Students didn't place them back. Things falling off? Either someone put them wrong or Crowley needs to invest in better shelves. He walks across the halls with literally no bother just to go get his papers or something, then returns to the security room and minds his business peacefully.
And this ignorant bliss is what has Riddle face to face with the actual creature in front of him, pretty annoyed that Riddle brushed him off so easily.
Riddle's absolutely not having it. He tells the guy that he should 'drop the weird costume and get a real job' other than terrorise the night guards, before he calls the cops for breaking and entering. Like... He's fully convinced that this was just some random bored guy who decided to dress up as a monster and scare the living shit out of people at unholy hours.
And while half of it was true, the latter is not having it. He does inquire if Riddle remembers him. Of course the redhead remembered him. He was his partner to prom, after Riddle's highschool crush humiliated him in there. Of course he would remember that traumatising night. He wished he didn't, but that's how it is. The next year it would be that sweet 10 year reunion after all. Riddle was dreading it a bit, but alas, he finally addresses to the creature by its name: Floyd.
And Floyd is happy his 'goldfishie' remembers him, but is disappointed that the latter doesn't believe in magic and supranatural forces.
He does tell Riddle that he's special. He has magic of his own lingering inside, but it's all shoved in tight and hard to reach. Riddle does call it bullshit, but Floyd insists that last night, he saw it in his blood.
This, naturally has Riddle ghosting his arm where the scratch was supposed to be. He still refused to believe that happened. Not when the real evidence say otherwise, but Floyd does tell that he didn't intend on harming him so when Riddle yanked his hand in fear, he couldn't release his claws in time and thus the nasty wound.
Now a bit curious about where this whole bandwagon is going, Riddle does inquire to ask what's so special about his blood. The answer was simple: it reacts to magic. Normal blood doesn't react to magic, but Riddle's changed color and even evaporated when Floyd tried to heal his wound back up.
So the nasty bruise on the arm is actually stains from the said blood and Floyd doesn't know if it washes off or not.
Riddle does have a field trip that night, as Floyd is demonstrating spells he could do and casually talking about his kind and all that. The latter was welcomed in the security room, with 1 condition: don't tamper with anything. Naturally, the said creature didn't want to have no gain out of it, so for as long as Crowley has Riddle on Nightshift, the latter will have to welcome him in here and hang around. Floyd only seized the couch and there he sat all night, bothering Riddle and eventually getting the redhead to sleep.
One thing that Floyd mentioned off-hand was that, since Riddle had contact with magic now, most likely his own magic will start to creak out. That thing stuck with the redhead even the next day. And it was the perfect explanation for all the little odd things that happened that day: lights flickering when he got really annoyed, pens or papers slightly moving towards his hand when he wanted to grab one and even doors closing behind him without Riddle necessarily moving them.
At the Nightshift duty, Floyd seems very eager to see the latter's magic in action. Riddle does ask if he didn't pay attention during the day, but Floyd admits that, during the day, he sleeps.
Still, Riddle was fascinated by the said magic. By how it was so logic-breaking yet felt so natural. Of course, since Floyd was the reason behind the anomalies, the cameras were checked once in a while to see if vandals would try to sneak in the school. Other than that, Riddle went to sleep pretty early and left the rest to Floyd for handling.
And with a bit of time, the redhead was getting used to this new routine. He even brought in a blanket and a few pillows from home to make the couch more comfy, or some snacks to put in the refrigerator for both him and Floyd to eat. Riddle also learned how to control that little bit of magic that he had, so sometime he would use it to skip over some mundane things.
Riddle also couldn't help but ask Floyd what he's going to do when a new guard does get appointed. Floyd tho, happily responds that he already took care of it and that Riddle shouldn't 'beat his pretty head' with it too much. Just focus on your job and things will go smoothly.
In a few days, Crowley calls up Riddle to discuss about the Nightshift and how he managed to hire a new guard. So he asks Riddle to show him how the gist works at first.
Guess who the guard is?
That's right, Floyd is our Nightshift guard. Riddle is baffled at this, asking how the hell did Floyd even get hired, not to mention how he didn't get reported for bearing no actual legal identity!
The answer is simple: 1. Floyd does have legal documents (forged, ofc) about his existence. 2. Crowley accepted him, because on his 'CV' it was written: willing to work for any price.
Crowley's paying him 10 bucks an hour :'3
Riddle is very concerned about the payment, but Floyd reassures that he already lives in here. And his 'living expenses' are also paid by Crow man. :v
Besides, unlike normal humans, creatures of the night such as Floyd, have a whole other system of living. Once he gets himself free, he's simply going to return to his kind and live there.
Surprisingly, Riddle seems a bit bummed out by the news that, eventually, Floyd would break the seal and leave. The latter tho, offers for Riddle to come with him. He had magic and his blood indicated that there was something more inside him. There's no reason not to run away together. They could go and find a little safe colony far away to live peacefully together. Riddle shuts down the idea, saying that, unfortunately, he can't leave. He loves his job, his quiet life and he doesn't want to abandon his life long friends. Floyd may be bound to not leave this place because of a magic seal, but Riddle's bound to not leave this place because of his bonds and responsibilities.
Still, the 2 share a small kiss that night. Kind of a small milestone in their pretty odd relationship.
And things start to go well! Floyd puts a little effort to stay awake in the morning, to exchange a few sweet eyes with Riddle, while the latter would sometimes stay a bit over the program or leave for Floyd small treats to have on his job. Little things that make them both very happy and fuzzy inside.
Naturally, the students saw that and started to rumor in between them that the ice-cold heart of the tyrant teacher was melted by the intimidating guard.
But, all things nice must end at one point. U-U9
The staff did receive a notice of a maintenance visit from an authorised service upon the school systems. And Floyd was absolutely horrified about it. Riddle was sure he never saw the latter so panicked about something. So he does decide to stay over with him a bit, to calm down his nerves.
Floyd tho, hesitantly gets down from his neck a pendant. Riddle knew about the pendant being important for the latter, but he never got an answer as to why. And neither now is he getting one, since Floyd put it over the redhead's neck and told him to return it only after the inspection is clear. And if Riddle hears any suspicious voice, to please ignore it since the pendant might try to play with him.
Riddle was absolutely ready to call the latter nuts, but he knew better than to question magic things. So he promised the latter that he will keep the pendant safe before Floyd tucked him to sleep.
The next day, naturally Riddle was a bit on edge, but things went surprisingly quiet. At home tho, is when the latter started to feel like something was watching him. He tried to brush it off, but it kept pestering him.
Until he looked in his mirror, where his reflection was replaced with a silhouette made out of shadows. The said being was happy they finally got noticed, claiming that they were a manifestation of Riddle's powers, the last one of them.
Riddle was trying to ignore it, just as Floyd told him to, but the said little silhouette was a tease cranked up to 100. They did tell Riddle that first he manifested a bit of power and now, that he had the crown of the abyss, he could get out to light the rest. Naturally, the latter brushed it off, saying that it's saying blasphemy, but to prove the point, the shadow shows to Riddle how the pendant could turn into a pretty crown, then back into that small stone. They do tease that Floyd certainly hid that one from him, that he didn't tell Riddle, hoping to keep all that power to himself.
Of course, the latter denies it again. If Floyd had that much power at his disposal, he would've been free from the seal by now. The shadow goes to say that things aren't that easy with seals and that the second Floyd does get free, he'll dispose of Riddle in an instant. The pendant would be Riddle's only line of defense if he refuses to give it away as he promised.
The shadow did hit some pretty low points. Points which made Riddle to try and ignore it alongside Floyd. Both were 2 different sides and Riddle didn't know which one to pick. He was an adult, goddamnit! Yet here he was, feeling like a clueless child. He hated it, so he found out the best way was to tune it all out.
This doesn't fly by Floyd. With the inspection over, he knew Riddle had to keep his promise to him and return the pendant. So he insists for the latter to stay over the program and give it back. By that point, Riddle himself realised that if he gives the pendant back to Floyd, then that annoying shadow would stop bothering him, so he was more than eager to get rid of it from his neck.
But before he passes back the pendant, Riddle does have to ask one thing: why didn't Floyd tell him that it was a crown all along? That question makes Floyd to immediately switch his mood, now demanding that he gets back the pendant. It's not some silly game anymore and he is very much not playing anything. Riddle will get his answers after the pendant is back at Floyd.
That's when our lil shitty shadow comes into action, taking the pendant before Floyd could. The latter is genuinely scared of seeing the said silhouette and at this point Riddle knows that he shouldn't have even given the shadow a benefit of the doubt. But it was too late as the said 3rd thing declared. As Riddle's 2nd magic manifestations, it is its right to want the redhead more powerful than ever. And Floyd was their obstacle, denying Riddle of his right at power.
And that's when the shadow tries to shove the pendant gem down Riddle's throat. Seeing that, Floyd tries to also fight the silhouette, but it was too strong. It had enough time to draw from Riddle's magic by instigating doubt in the redhead and thus prolonging the time the pendant was with him.
In the end, Riddle does swallow the gem and the shadow happily disappears.
Both adults are scared, but Floyd was downright horrified, saying that he doesn't know when it will kick in or if Riddle would even survive it. This also scares Riddle since 'wdym IF I survive it?!'. He just swallowed a fucking stone that used to be a crown?! And Floyd isn't making things any better by also telling him that 'hey, you might blow up from the inside around now!'.
Unfortunately, that 'kick in' Happens right that moment, when Riddle is overcome by pain. His whole body felt like it was on glass and nails and he could only cry out in pain. Floyd couldn't do much, only hug him as best as he could and whisper sweet nothings and apologies to the latter. Thankfully, Riddle passes out before he could hit the half mark of the said transformation. And Floyd just stays like that with him, too afraid to even move an inch in any direction.
When Riddle wakes up, he realises 2 things.
1. His vision was much more clearer now
2. He had a weird craving to eat something
Floyd is insanely happy that the latter was alive. One cannot express how relieved he was when se saw the latter opening his eyes. It finally explained why Riddle had magic in the first place to begin with! Riddle tho, bursts that little happy bubble of the latter, by asking what in the world happend. So Floyd summons a mirror and helps the latter up.
And Riddle sees for the first time, just what kind of creature he became.
He had his body stained in ink at the end of the limbs and over his upper face, in a gradient, long claws, 2 pairs of wings, long pointy ears, sharp teeth and eyes with no iris or pupils. The crown he saw initially was now made out of thick horns on his head, while the big gem it initially had was coming out of his chest, even glowing slightly in a beating heart rhythm. His clothes were replaced by a skintight suit, having an opening at the chest area to show the said gem, with big and sleek heels and a very intricate armour-like corset as a sort of belt.
Naturally, Riddle's absolutely horrified. But he felt powerful. He felt invincible, like he could make the world bow down to him by a mere snap of a finger. And his body felt light, comfortable, but his mind was screaming at him that it was wrong. He just became a much worse creature than he could've ever imagined.
And Floyd finally clears it out for him: He wasn't sealed by just random chance. There is an organisation tasked with hunting and eradicating creatures of his kind. Initially, Floyd fled from the sea along his brother and other mers, under Azul's guidance. The latter said that their abyss crown found a new vessel for its godly dark power, so they should follow it and serve their new leader, in exchange for protection. Azul made a decoy crown that he holds onto, while Floyd received the real deal, turned into a pendant. Unfortunately, the said organisation made traps for magic creatures, out of surveillance systems. And when Floyd was trying to follow a lead of the pendant, he got trapped inside. He didn't think Riddle would be chosen. Nor did he think that he would swallow it instead of just putting it on his head like every ruler previously did.
Riddle, worried, asks what happens now that he swallowed it. Like... It's apart of him. The gem is literally his heart now. Floyd is just as clueless as him, but all he knows is that he and all the other magical creatures surely felt the awakening. So he has to serve Riddle in exchange for protection. That was how things were supposed to go.
Riddle tho, insists that he doesn't want Floyd to serve him. In fact, he didn't want any of this. He wants to be a normal human, living a quiet life. But now, he's stuck as this darkness elderich diety! Like there has to be some way to hide it at least.
Thankfully, it was. Floyd did show Riddle that night how he hid his monster nature from Crowley and the public when he works as a guard. And Riddle learns how to appear fully human for the night.
The next day, Riddle realises just what that craving to eat was all about.
He had to give a few tests today and every time, he seemed to feed off students's fear and dread. Or any emotion for the matter. Those made him feel full and even skip lunch for the matter. But nothing satisfied more the craving than Floyd. And it wasn't any negative emotion from him, rather the effort and love he put in helping his beloved goldfishie adapt, was what satisfied Riddle beyond words. Floyd did know that previous rulers did feed on their subjects's emotional energy, but he really didn't expect Riddle to like his emotions as a superior meal than the others.
Still, things couldn't be peaceful for once.
Because on one night, someone actually tries to sneak into the school, while Riddle was trying to get used to his new body, mostly by walking across the halls with Floyd by his side.
That someone were the first years form Riddle's class. And when they both make the corner and come face to face, it's a screaming match. :'3
The first years, naturally go 'Oh shit! A monster!', while Riddle goes 'Oh Shit! Those are my students!'. Floyd just finds this thing hilarious. Still, out of the group, Deuce is the one who bows down immediately, apologising for not stopping these 'poor mind humans' from disturbing 'you majesty'.
It's revealed 2 things:
1. Deuce is a winged night creature who did figure out that Riddle was his ruler now.
2. The boring ass logics teacher is now a darkness deity. :'3
Riddle was feeling so screwed, so he made these mfs swear they won't say a thing about this to anyone. And the group agreed out of natural fear of getting a much worse fate if they don't comply. :'3
It was also only fair for Jack and Sebek to come forth and admit that they were also apart of the supranatural side. Sebek was a half Fae, whole Jack was a were-wolf.
Only Ace and Epel are dumb hoomans. :'3
But! The first years come in handy as extra hands to help break the seal. So Floyd was free! Yay! :D
Because he had nowhere else to go, Riddle takes Floyd at his house to live for now while he had no job to tend to. This also made them hang out in weekends now. :3
Now that he was free, Floyd's new objective was to find his initial colony. And ofc, he insisted that Riddle has to come with him. If it wasn't for the recent changes, Riddle would've still refused him, but now he will certainly be on the watchlist of this organisation that hunts the supranatural. And he is expected to be some all powerful wise leader.
He felt like a clueless kid again, Which is one thing Riddle hates.
So, much to Floyd's surprise, the redhead tries to hit the books. He's training and meditating a lot, all in hopes of understanding the powers he just acquired. It's not easy, but so it's Riddle's pettiness. He did accidentally kill some of his plants in pretty brutal ways, but alas, he learned to heal them back somewhat. :'3
Once Floyd does get ahold of Azul and by extension the rest of the people under his lead, the 2 have to set out to go after him. Riddle is very hesitant about it, since he never had to leave out of town until now. Yes, he went to college, but that was it.
And his planned leave doesn't fly unnoticed.
Trey is pretty worried when he hears that Riddle plans a leave for a few good days(since the place Azul was at wasn't actually far). So he does ask the redhead if something happened. Indeed, something did happen, but Riddle didn't really know if he should tell his friend or not, so he opted to simply avoid Trey, lest he won't have a confrontation.
Crowley is not very happy that these 2 got to leave at the same time, still, he reassigns Trey back on the Nightshift duty, since he was there at least once. That's the perfect excuse for Riddle to 'show Trey around' since 'a few things changed since last time'.
Trey almost has a heart attack upon the news being told to him... That's for sure. :'3
This time around, Riddle does explain to the latter that the first years might get in from time to time, mostly to help around. Just be nice to them and it's all good. For now Floyd was at home, resting a bit, so Riddle could take his place as the Nightshift guide.
As for Trey... Sure he was horrified at first, but once the initial shock went away, he was simply just worried. Worried for his buddy's safety. He doesn't doubt that Riddle is a smart individual, but this is a situation in which anyone could crack under pressure. He's worried about what would happen if Riddle did break under the pressure too, especially since he's both a powerful creature and on the watchlist of an organisation tasked to kill his kind.
Still Trey has no other option than to say goodbye to his friend and tend to the Nightshift duty in a somewhat peace. Or whatever you call it when 5 teens with mischievous tendencies are breaking into the school to bother you. :'3
So Riddle and Floyd go on with their little road. It was oddly quiet and that only helped make the redhead's nerves stretch more.
But they do find a small restaurant, run by none other than Azul!
Upon seeing Floyd, Azul's hugging the latter, glad that he's alive and well. But after the whole situation gets explained to him, he's absolutely livid. Of course, he firstly pays his respects to Riddle, who assures him that there's no need for honorifics, then he shows the 2 what he's been up as of late.
See, Azul worked to establish his restaurant and have the others of their kind work here or at another branch he has. He met Idia and Malleus, both who are helping the unemployed creatures by taking them under their own organisations: Idia with STIX and Malleus to work in his Kingdom away from the human reach.
Unfortunately Jade, Floyd's brother, was caught by the organisation when they tried to flee to another place one time. Azul felt horrible delivering the news to Floyd, but there was still a tiny bit of hope there. Jade could still be alive for all they knew.
Floyd was done and over with this organisation bullshit. Now that they had their 'leader', they could finally strike back against those mfs that shooed them from their homes for so long. By now Riddle made peace with the fact that he'll have to get rid of that organisation if he ever wanted a chance to return to a somewhat peaceful life. And he did make his wish clear to Azul: he wants that organisation gone so that, after it, Riddle could live a peaceful life as a teacher. He never wanted any of this, but that doesn't mean he won't get involved in attempting to fix this injustice.
so the night creatures start to gather up. Only a few stood behind with the children, while the others were getting ready for war. They heard their 'leader''s wish and they were more than happy with it. In fact they were ecstatic about getting back at the thing that terrorised them for generations.
This is also when we meet Malleus and Idia. Malleus was kind enough to lend some of his Fae troupes, since this organisation also targeted his kind, while Idia provided inside information and revealed the fact that hostages are indeed taken, so there was a fair chance Jade was there too.
So the big battle does commence at the main headquarters of the organisation. There was absolute bloodshed there. Yet Riddle simply followed after Floyd, using his own learned spells from time to time to protect those on their side or push out of their way the enemies.
Fortunately, Jade was alive.
Unfortunately that was also a trap.
The second Floyd tried to reach his brother, he got blocked in the tank with Jade, both unable to leave. Riddle wanted to release both of them, but he gets stopped midway by someone.
And that someone was his own mother.
See... She was a doctor... Giving credit where's due... But Mrs Weinachts (since Riddle changed his name after getting disowned) also worked for the organisation, by analysing the biology of the said creatures. Jade was supposed to be dissected, but when he showed a weird behaviour (when Riddle swallowed the gem), it was figured that he has to be kept alive and be studied upon patterns. And sure enough, it predicted this attack.
Now she can't recognise Riddle at all, due to him being in his creature form, but the latter sure knows who she is and the shock is too much for him. He realises that, most certainly, if he didn't follow his own desires, he would've ended up here. Now everyone was fighting for their life and freedom here. His dear Floyd was captured and his own mother, who disowned him and haunts him with his 'failures' threatened to kill the 2 eel mers if Riddle doesn't throw in the towel.
Trey's fears were good founded, because they did happen. Riddle did crack under all the pressure, which ended up with the whole place crumbling down under his unattended power. And naturally, this ends with the supranatural beings winning. They cheer together and celebrate.
But Floyd finds Riddle in a sort of trance, looking at his hands smeared with some blood as he was processing the events that just happened. When he does realise it, he breaks down crying that he killed his own mother. Sure, she abandoned him once adulthood came, but still she was his mother. And he killed her!
And the worst part about it was that it felt good. It felt good to feed on her desperation for survival. Riddle was ashamed of it, of the monster he became. He just wants back home, back to his peaceful and quiet life.
And his wish gets fulfilled.
The rest of the creatures already established proper lives in hiding. Sure, some returned to solitarity in far to reach lands, while others integrated better amongst the humans. Riddle did make it clear that, unless it's a situation similar to how the organisation they just defeated, he won't step up to lead them. They don't need a leader to follow mindlessly around, when they could have their own lives how they want.
So, in the end, we do return to the same old routine Riddle used to have. But now he lives together with Floyd and still comes in terms with every new discovery about his powers.
And that would be for the main plot :D
I was thinking that after this big one, if it were to follow, it would be some small adventures where we meet the rest of the twst Bois and see what they are up to.
For example: Kalim is a museum owner and Jamil is a Naga sorcerer that was trapped in stone for many years, thus he wasn't aware of the changes in society and everything. That was to be discovered on a field trip to the said museum and all that. :v
So for now... I guess I'll leave the rest to y'all to theorise and ask what do you think about the rest of the Bois. For some I really have 0 idea what they could be, so suggestions are welcomed :3
Until next time! Buh bye! :D
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starreo · 5 months
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multi-character drabble.
includes yandere behaviour, voyeurism, masturbation, and adult themes so, mdni.
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when asked by his coworkers as to why he's still following you home every evening after your shift, despite the case being closed, he simply shrugs, wearing a facade of indifference as he tells them how it is very unsafe for an informant like you to be left without any surveillance. he tells them how it's his duty to make sure his informant is not harmed, and how he'll continue to keep his eye on you for a while, till the buzz from the case cools down.
but he doesn't tell them about how he broke into your apartment the other day, and looked through absolutely everything from your drawers to your dustbins. he doesn't tell them about the little listening device he's planted in your room, behind your headboard, and he definitely doesn't tell them about how, he listens to it daily, leaning back in his chair as his hands slowly unbuckle his belt, eyes shutting slowly when he focuses on your whimpers and the squelch of your tight cunt as you hurriedly pump your fingers in and out.
he doesn't tell them how his hips rise in the air, thrusting into his fist desperately, biting his bottom lip, and trying to reach his release when he hears your moans get louder, signaling that you're really close. and he doesn't tell them how he throws his head back on his chair, sighing satisfactorily as he feels his cock splatter hot cum across his desk and drip down his hand and onto his thighs.
yuri briar bro bye i am obsessed, loid and i wanna say, 90s cop/spy! au? with satoru, eren, sunarin, nanami
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© starreo 2023. do not copy, translate or repost .
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empress-simps · 1 month
Close To Me
Pairing: Bodyguard! Marauders x Fem! Reader, Bodyguard! Sirius x Fem! Reader AU: Bodyguard AU / Muggle AU CW: Reader getting kidnapped. Sirius getting injured. Note: This might be the longest one shot I have written so far, this is also my first time writing an action-ish fic? So please do keep it in mind, some parts may be inaccurate.. I also published this at 12 midnight lol. Enjoy!(2.5k words)
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You always thought it was a tad bit excessive.
Being the sole heir to a vast family fortune meant that you had the finest thing you could ever want in your life; it also meant that you had the finest protection. Your father handpicked every staff member that was assigned to protect and care for you- going as far as doing not just a background check on them, but also their entire family. Doing a bunch of psychology and loyalty tests were also a must so it was rest assured that they would do their job.
Having one bodyguard? Understandable. Two? Oh, alright just some precautions. Three? That sounds... very safe. Four? Now, that's where you draw the line.
Sure, being born with a golden spoon is great- wonderful, even; but you felt like you were trapped.
You wanted to live life like any other normal human being, away from assassination or kidnapping attempts that were made in your life. So, mustering up every courage you have, you stormed into your father’s study to try and persuade him to just at least assign one to watch over you.
It was expected, you failed.
Now you were stuck with four goofballs bodyguards who would protect you with their life.
James Potter- the strategist. He could sense danger from miles away and best believe that a safe escape plan for you was already formulated if ever things went south.
Remus Lupin- the mediator. He has the ability to appear calm and composed even in the face of danger. Remus saved you more than once just from his voice and words.
Peter Pettigrew- the tech wizard. He’s the one responsible for surveillance, turning any kind of technology into a means of protecting you.
And then there was Sirius Black, the jack of all trades. When your father chose the top candidate, it was him. He was an exceptionally skilled fighter, good with weapons, fast and light reflexes, can speak multiple languages (mainly French), and over all just a well-rounded protector.
Being born into a family with a long tradition and a reputation for producing some of the best security experts in the muggle world, Sirius stood out like a sore thumb. He was the black sheep who defied family expectations. His family's company, BlackGuard Security, was known for its merciless efficiency and rigid standards.
His abilities were evident. Succeeded in every training program he participated in, frequently outperforming his peers with fast thinking and adaptability. Your father noticed Sirius's unconventional approach to security and saw potential in his abilities. When he was assigned to be your bodyguard, he took it as an opportunity to show himself beyond the shadow of his family's legacy.
Sirius is your shadow. He’s never more than a few paces behind. But it wasn’t just duty that kept him so close; it’s the quiet and unspoken bond that had formed between you two throughout the years. A bond that went beyond the call of duty, beyond the formalities. Which he desperately tries to deny.
“Good morning, Remmy!”
You beamed, smiling as you opened the door of your bedroom to see the tall man standing outside, on watch.
It’s still a mystery to you how he looks so put together with his neat hair, suit, and the signature earpiece in his ear even though it’s still 7:00 in the morning.
“Good morning, Miss.” He smiles, closing the door behind you as you headed towards the grand staircase, Remus following a step behind.
“I rarely see you during mornings,” You comment, going down the stairs to grab breakfast.
“James had some matters to attend to, Miss.” He answered, offering a small and polite smile. You hummed, “It’s alright. I like your company, Remmy. Jamie can get a tad bit enthusiastic in mornings.” You laugh, as Remus looks at you.
“Don’t let him hear that or he might just throw a fit.” He chuckled.
“He’s James, it’s normal.” You grinned, seeing the familiar long black-haired guy talking quietly in his earpiece.
“Morning, Sirius!” You waved at him; his piercing grey eyes looked in your direction. “Good morning, Y/n.” he smiled, then went back to talking in his earpiece.
You would be lying if you said you weren’t a bit bummed that you don’t have his undivided attention, Remus noticed this and raised his eyebrow, smiling to himself.
Taking a seat at the rather large dining table, you couldn't help but sigh. Remus decided to tease you a bit, "Were you expecting more from Padfoot?" He smiles, chuckling at the way you desperately try to hide the blush on your cheeks.
"What?! No! I was just pre-occupied with other things!"
Remus doesn't believe it when your eyes wandered in the direction of Sirius who was still talking into the earpiece. "No prongs, she has an event she needs to attend in the evening." You heard him talking to what you can assume is James from the other line.
The scent of breakfast wafted through the air, making your stomach growl as the staff placed the dishes and arranged the silverware for you.
"Would you like some, Remmy?"
"No thank you, miss. I already ate."
As you ate a piece of your breakfast, you looked up to Remus. "Anything interesting stuff for today?"
"I'm afraid today will be quite normal, miss. Just a charity ball your family would attend hosted by the Malfoy family."
You frowned. It's not like you hate the Malfoys, you just don't like how they're trying to set you up with their son, Lucius Malfoy, when it was clear that he is infatuated with his mother's bodyguard- Narcissa Black.
"Do I really have to go?" You complained,
"Prongs already picked up your dress for later, Y/n." Sirius suddenly spoke up, and standing beside Remus. You huffed, already feeling tired.
“Maybe I’ll just sneak out again-“
“No can do, Y/n!” James appeared out of nowhere, his famous grin plastered on his face, Peter trailing behind him, tinkering with what seems to be a mini remote of some sort.
You crossed your arms, eyebrows raised. “And why would that be, Mr. Potter?”
“Because your escort would be Malfoy.” he grumbles, clearly not liking the idea and the dude.
“I beg your pardon?”
You tried not to roll your eyes, keyword, tried. Remus clears his throat, trying to mask his surprise. Sirius felt his eye twitch.
What if something happens at the ball? Sirius is the most capable one of protecting you from danger, sorrynotsorry.
“But!” James blurts, “We’d still attend the ball, not just that close to you.”
“Like that’s any better.”
James frowns, “Sorry. The Malfoys actually don’t even want us to attend and guard you. Your father insisted, telling them you won’t attend the ball without us.” He says, taking a seat beside you despite Remus’ warning glances directed at him.
“Just what do they want…?” Sirius mumbles to himself, already getting highly suspicious of Lucius and his family. (Not because of the fact that you’re about to get arranged to the Malfoy heir, no not at all.)
“They’re probably just annoyed, Lucius really can’t make a move on Y/n with us around.” James said, grabbing a handful of grapes and popping them onto his mouth, making you chuckle as you pushed the bowl closer to him.
“Alright, looking good Y/n!” James grinned, seeing you come down the grand staircase dressed in a red lavish gown with a gold accent.
Sirius felt his heart stop.
There was just something about you that makes his heart beat a little faster, time freezing, and the unusual flips his stomach did when he sees you.
Fuck— you were absolutely breathtaking.
You twirled, making your boys smile and compliment you, but Sirius just stood there, not reacting.
“Do I look presentable, Siri?”
You asked, trying to pass it off as a joke but they know damn well you were serious as you fiddled with a random lace in your dress. Not like Sirius noticed it, no, he was transfixed to your beauty.
That was all you needed to hear.
“Mr. Malfoy, good evening.”
Lucius smiled slightly, taking your hand, and kissing it. “The night could not compare to your beauty, Y/n.”
It took every single fiber of Sirius’ being to not punch Lucius square in the face. How dare he flirt with you when he’s secretly dating his cousin?
You smiled politely, even though all you wanted to do is to stay a good couple of feet away from him. “You flatter me, Mr. Malfoy.”
“I am just stating facts, Y/n.” He offered his arm to you, “Shall we?”
Right. Might as well get over it.
Linking your arm with his, you nodded. “We shall.”
The boys instantly knew there was something off as soon as they stepped inside the venue.
James kept twisting the ring on his pinky finger, already thinking of numerous escape plans for different situations. Peter was on his phone, eyebrows furrowing as he checked and tries to figure out why he can't access some surveillance cameras in the venue. Sirius was on high alert, nothing could go unnoticed, he knows who approached you, how long you've spoken to them, the food that you consumed, and how that stupid Lucius kissed your hand, and interacted with you.
Remus also was alert, but one thing that made the alarms go off inside his head was the four suspicious men dressed in tuxedos quietly slipped inside the venue without getting noticed.
"Marauders, two o'clock. Four men, nearing darling's area quick." He told in the comms, eyes never leaving the four figures.
"Copy, Moony. Wormtail, any news?" Remus' earpiece was filled with James' voice. "Negative. Still trying to access." Out of the corner of his eye, Remus can see Sirius slowly inching to your direction. "Padfoot, do not engage. Wait it out." Remus heard James order Sirius, "I won't." he grunts.
That was when hell broke loose.
With lightning reflexes, one of the men pulled out a pistol and shot the large crystal chandelier causing it to fall and crash to the ground, breaking into thousands of tiny pieces. It was pure chaos, people were trying to rush out of the exits, chairs and tables were turned as they pushed through.
Sirius felt his blood run cold.
He was in autopilot, he dodged a panicked guest and leaped over fallen chairs, all while keeping his eyes on you. He cannot afford for the men to reach you before he does.
Luck was not on his side today.
He quickly closed the distance between both of you. He was your protector; he swore on his life he would protect you. Sirius would even sacrifice his life if it meant that you would be safe. He would do anything for you.
It was proven it wasn't enough when one of the men grabbed your arm, dragging you towards a hidden exit while Lucius Malfoy was escorted by the others.
"Fuck!" He yelled, as one of Malfoy's henchmen shot him in the shoulder to prevent him from going after you.
"Prongs! They have her!" They could all hear his anguished voice through the comms. Remus runs over to Sirius from where he was stationed, "Padfoot, you're injured-"
"I don't care!" He yells at his friend, "We need to fucking find her!"
"Wormtail, you better have the damn access already or I'll skin you alive!" Sirius barks angrily, talking to his comms as he fought the rest of the men with Remus helping him. "I'm in, but it's too late. They jammed the signals earlier and destroyed footages. Go to the exit, you'll see a motorbike on your left-" Sirius doesn't need to be told twice, he did what Peter told him and mounted the motorcycle, Remus quickly joining him.
"Can you see the black car ahead of you? That's them." Peter told him. Sirius was focusing on chasing the damn vehicle, so Remus answered on his behalf.
"Yeah, we're closing in. Prongs, what's your status?"
"Backsup are on their way, they'll be right behind you in 2 minutes."
Sirius felt the distant throb in his shoulder, the warm blood seeping through made his dress shirt clung onto him, but he paid it no mind.
"Keep your eyes on the road, Padfoot!" Remus reminds him as they narrowly missed an incoming truck. Sirius only nodded in reply as he grips the motorcycle tightly, weaving through the traffic and desperately trying to reach the speedy vehicle you're in.
"We're gaining on them!" Remus updates, seeing the familiar back up vehicles approaching, "Back up's near."
"Do not engage until the back ups arrive." James told them in a calm and commanding tone.
Of course.
Sirius will always be Sirius. When had he ever listened to Prongs' orders?
He is driven by his instinct, which is currently screaming at him to attack right then and there. As they neared an intersection, an opportunity was presented to him. He would be a fucking idiot to ignore it. With a calculated risk, he accelerated, effectively pulling alongside the car.
Remus sighs, already knowing his friend's thoughts and getting ready.
"Now, Moony!" Remus, who's on cue, leaned out and desperately tried to reach the car's door handle, and with a few tries, he managed to open it succesfully making him grapple with a man inside.
The car swerves, tires screeching but Sirius kept his pace. He can see you struggling with your captors, and he can hear the backup seconds away. He couldn't wait, every second counts, anything could happen.
"Hang on!" Sirius shouts, with a burst of speed, the backup cars sandwiched the car with you inside, forcing it to halt. Sirius and Remus dismounted the motorbike, guns drawn.
"It's either you release her, or I'll kill all of you and blondie." He growls, referring to Lucius Malfoy who is also inside the car.
The situation was tense, but the arrival of their team shifted the balance. The henchmen, overwhelmed and outgunned, let you go, their plan thwarted. Keeping the Malfoy Heir safe is their top priority.
Dust settled down, and the other staff handled the situation, wrapping it up. Sirius stormy grey eyes met yours in the midst of chaos. His shoulder stung, a reminder of the events that had happened tonight, although it paled in comparison to the concern etched in his face as he rushes to you.
"You're not hurt, are you?" His voice was barely above a whisper as he scanned your form. Your eyes found its way on his injury, "No, I'm alright. But Sirius, you're hurt."
Sirius exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, and the world seems to slow down. "I'll live, darling. The important thing is that you're safe."
The sirens, flashing lights, and the buzz all seemed to fade out into the background as you stared into his eyes. Taking your hand in his, he placed it to his lips, pressing a kiss, his gaze never leaving yours.
"I was so afraid I'd lose you," he admitted, the vulnerability in his voice unlike anything you'd heard before. Sirius hugged you tightly, feeling him press a kiss against your hair as you leaned to his chest, listening to the steady thump of his heart.
"You'll never lose me. Never in a million years, how could you when you're always close to me?"
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ugotnojamzzz · 26 days
Rulers of Ruin
Chapter 5
Genre: Mafia!au , Slowburn, Angst, Hurt, eventual smut, TW (it is a mafia!AU, after all)
Pairing: Mafia!Jungkook x reader
Synopsis: There will come a day when I will sit down and write an alluring synopsis for this series. But that day hasn't come just yet lol. Stay tuned for more chapters to come.
Disclaimer: English isn’t my native language. Also, don’t come for me over the theme, people. It’s an Alternate Universe, which means the bangtan boys are essentially what I like to call meat puppets to serve the storyline. This is obviously not a projection of their actual real-life personas.
Wordcount: 2.9k
Chapter 4
As her initial days at the Kim estate unfolded, Y/N found herself not so much in captivity as in an odd limbo. Though technically a "guest," her freedom was limited by the subtle yet unmistakable presence of guards who followed her every move—to the visible annoyance of Taehyung, who seemed to bear the brunt of this duty.
Namjoon, the orchestrator of her current predicament, was conspicuously absent, his presence dwindling to nothing more than brief sightings at long corridors or fleeting shadows behind closed doors.
This absence gnawed at her, feeding a growing unease about what might be going on—was there some new development involving her brother? Was the standoff between their clans escalating in ways she couldn't see from her gilded cage?
The estate was too quiet. Here and there, people would appear—agents, staff, and other unidentified figures who seemed to have urgent purposes and places to be. Their steps were brisk, their conversations clipped and hushed, hinting at a larger narrative playing out just beyond Y/N's reach.
No one ever seemed to so much as glance in her direction. She was part of the scenery, a fixture within the ornate walls of the mansion, which allowed her a certain degree of observation she wouldn't have possessed otherwise.
Y/N quickly found herself attuned to the rhythms of the house. She began to memorize the patterns of the guards’ patrols, the shifts changes, and the locations of the surveillance cameras—each detail a potential piece in the puzzle of her eventual escape, should the opportunity arise.
Her days developed a routine that brought a semblance of stability. Mornings were spent in the vast, sunlit atrium where breakfast was served promptly at seven. The meals were quiet, the food exquisite yet eaten with the mechanical motions of someone whose thoughts were elsewhere. Afternoons allowed for time in the extensive library, where Y/N pored over books with titles ranging from political treatises to ancient warfare.
Walks in the garden were permitted in the late afternoons. These were her least confined moments, though still shadowed by Taehyung. It was during these walks that she carefully counted steps, noted blind spots, and committed the timing of guard shifts to memory, all under the pretense of leisurely strolls.
One quiet afternoon, Y/N was absorbed in a book, sipping tea in the plush setting of the drawing room, with Taehyung lounging beside her.
The picture of absolute boredom, he sprawled in his bergère chair, idly swiveling his head back and forth to the ticking of the clock when suddenly, the calm was shattered by the doors bursting open.
Two young men marched in with confident strides.
"Taehyung-ah, there you are! We’ve been looking for you," one of them called out, his voice echoing slightly in the spacious room.
"Come on, let's go," urged the other, his tone impatient.
"Can't," Taehyung sighed heavily, nodding in Y/N's direction as she sat immersed in her book.
"Aish, still on babysitting duty, I see," grumbled the first, and with that comment, Y/N's patience snapped. She closed her book with a definitive clap, her eyes lifting slowly to assess the source of her interruption. Her jaw clenched as her gaze fell on two faces that weren’t linked to particularly fond memories.
"YN, this is Jimin," Taehyung introduced, gesturing towards the platinum blonde who had escorted her from the depths of the basement upon her arrival. He sat down next to Taehyung.
"And that’s Yoongi," he continued, nodding towards the man with piercing eyes who had struck the hell out of her a few days prior.
"We’ve met," Y/N responded icily, her gaze fixed on Yoongi. She subtly ran her tongue over the small cut on her lip—a lingering souvenir from their last encounter.
"Yeah, sorry about that, by the way," Yoongi said with a nonchalant shrug as he picked up a tangerine from the table and began peeling it, "you know the drill, orders are orders."
Uninterested, YN turned her attention back to her book.
"So, they really have you following her around all day?" Jimin's question, laced with curiosity, sliced through the room's previous tension. Y/N couldn't help but feel a flicker of offence at their casual disregard for her presence.
Taehyung nodded, a hint of resignation in his voice. "And nights too," he added, rolling his tired eyes slightly. "Guess that's my punishment for the whole capture thing."
"Yeah,” Yoongi chuckled, “I heard that was quite a scene."
"Shut up," Taehyung shot back, not quite able to mask his irritation. Though the physical mark of his black eye had faded, the embarrassment of the botched operation lingered like a stubborn stain.
It had all been planned meticulously, expecting her to be passed out in the SUV almost the second she stepped off the plane. Everything was supposed to go smoothly. What could some frail boarding-school girl possibly do, anyway, right?
But she clearly hadn’t gone down without a fight.
"To be fair, everyone has their strengths," Y/N suddenly commented, her voice even and calm, eyes still fixed on the page of her book, not even granting them the courtesy of her gaze. She turned a page deliberately, then added, "It’s just a shame yours isn’t your job."
At her words, a stifled giggle escaped Jimin, who couldn't help but appreciate the sharp jab. His laughter, however, was short-lived. Without missing a beat, Yoongi delivered a swift slap to the back of his blonde head, a clear reprimand for his lack of decorum.
"Punk," Yoongi muttered under his breath, shooting a glare at the younger boy, who rubbed the back of his head, still smirking slightly despite the admonishment.
Jimin shifted his focus. "Hey, by the way, did you end up finding a proper room for her?" he asked, turning towards Y/N with a curious gaze.
Yoongi leaned forward slightly. "Right, where did they stash GI Jane?"
Taehyung raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Oh shit, you haven’t heard?" he said with a smirk, "Namjoon had her moved to the attic."
The boys exchanged a knowing look.
Yoongi whistled softly, "You’re joking."
“I wish,” Tae replied.
Then, with a sly grin, Jimin added, "Well, someone’s going to be happy about that."
The three of them chuckled together, sharing a moment of amusement that. Y/N didn’t quite understand what they could possibly mean, yet she felt little inclination to probe further.
“Alright,” Yoongi suddenly said, rising to his feet with a glance at his phone. “I’d love to stay and have tea with you ladies, but I’m afraid I got some business to attend to,” he added, a slight smirk playing on his lips. “You know the drill, ord—”
“Orders are orders?” Y/N interjected, her eyebrow arched in defiance.
Yoongi paused to look at her, a hint of respect flickering in his eyes. “I like her,” he stated to his friends, before heading towards the door.
« Wait, are you going to the vault ?” Taehyung asked, suddenly up on his feet like a puppy eager for a walk.
“I am,” Yoongi confirmed. “You’re not.”
“But Hyung—” Taehyung started to protest.
“You’ve got a job here; can’t leave the girl alone, can you?” Yoongi cut him off, nodding towards Y/N.
Taehyung paused for a moment, before quickly turning his attention to Jimin, who already knew what was coming. “Jimin-ssi,” he began tenderly.
"No.” Jimin cut him off,
“-Please, » Taehyung insisted, "I’ll be super quick.”
But Jimin didn’t look convinced. “It’s gonna take more than that,” he said, leaning back in his chair with a content smirk.
Exhaling in frustration, Taehyung negotiated, “I’ll take your training shifts for a month.”
“Four,” Jimin countered without missing a beat.
“Three?” Taehyung bargained.
“Deal,” Jimin agreed finally.
Grinning triumphantly, Taehyung leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on Jimin’s head before hurrying out the door. Y/N watched the scene from the corner of her eye, slightly taken aback by the easy camaraderie among the boys, a stark contrast to the rigid hierarchy and stern discipline that characterized her own clan.
The room settled into an uneasy silence after Taehyung’s departure, the echo of the door shutting marking a palpable shift in the atmosphere.
Y/N returned her attention to her book, the quiet only disrupted by the occasional rustle of pages turning. Jimin watched her for a moment before finally breaking the stillness.
“It’s a little on the nose, don’t you think?” he commented, a slight smirk playing on his lips as he nodded towards the cover of the book in her hands.
The Count of Monte Cristo.
“Subtlety isn’t my forte,” Y/N responded without looking up, her voice even and composed.
Jimin chuckled softly, the sound lightening the mood. "What a refined way to make a point," he mused, settling more comfortably into his chair.
“Everyone loves a good escape story,” she remarked, “Vengeance and all.”
“Is that what you’re doing?” Jimin frowned in amusement, “Picking up some tips?”
Y/N finally looked up to meet his gaze steadily, "Ravens don't need tips when it comes to revenge," she countered, her tone lightly mocking. "Besides, had it been the case, I would've opted for something a little- bloodier,” she added thoughtfully. “Some Greek tragedy, perhaps."
Jimin's eyes narrowed slightly as he considered her words, a flicker of intrigue passing over his features. The idea seemed to both alarm and amuse him.
"Now, if you don’t mind," Y/N concluded, turning her attention back to her book with a definitive air.
However, words from their previous encounter lingered in her mind, unresolved. Distracted, it seemed the words she was reading might as well have been in French. After a moment, she gave in, her eyes drifting from the page to meet Jimin's once again. Her gaze was intense, laden with unspoken questions.
"What is it?" Jimin asked, noticing the change in her demeanor.
She wondered whether she should bring it up. "You said something," she began slowly, recalling the unsettling moment before she’d been dragged to meet Namjoon. "Back in the basement."
"I remember," he acknowledged, his voice steady.
The memory was sharp in her mind: his grip firm on her, fingers pressing into her jaw uncomfortably. "You may not remember my face," he had said, "but I certainly haven't forgotten yours, little bird."
She drew a deep breath, maintaining her composure. "I might have been playing a part down there, but my answer was honest," she stated clearly. "I don’t remember ever meeting you before."
“I’m not surprised,” he replied, a slight smirk appearing as he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.
Y/N's eyes, sharp and ever observant, caught a glimpse of something on his forearm. The fabric of his slightly rolled-up sleeve had shifted just enough to reveal it—a mark all too familiar to her.
It was the raven scar, the very same that marked the completion of the rigorous initiation within the Park clan. It was unmistakable, a sign of trials endured and loyalties bound.
He noticed her stare and followed her gaze to his arm.
"Y-you—" Y/N began, her voice faltering.
"I’m not a spy," Jimin quickly interjected, reading the suspicion in her eyes. "If that’s what you’re thinking."
"But- that’s—" she managed to say.
"I know what it is. » Jimin paused casually, “I did have to do it myself, after all." He nodded towards her own arm, acknowledging the similar mark that she bore. "Just as you had to do yours," he added, locking eyes with her.
Y/N unconsciously ran her finger along her own scar, tracing the line that symbolized so much more than just membership. She stared at him, clearly confused.
“Listen," he continued, “if you need to know anything, it’s that, far as I’m concerned, this ,” he casually pulled aside his collar to reveal the tattoo of the Kim clan emblazoned on his skin “is the only true mark of allegiance I bear.”
"But you..." Y/N began cautiously, glancing around as though fearful of being overheard.
"You can say it out loud” Jimin said casually, “it’s common knowledge around here.”
"You used to be a raven, then?" she asked directly.
Jimin smirked, mischief coloring his expression. "Well, kind of,” he confessed. “I guess I never technically completed the induction."
YN's brow furrowed in confusion. It was unheard of for Raven pledges to back out. In fact, it- never happened. You either got in, or you died trying. Suddenly, a memory clicked into place.
"The farmer boy," she murmured aloud, her voice tinged with realization.
His eyes met hers, and he flashed a knowing smirk. "In the flesh."
She remembered now. She must have been twelve at the time. A pledge, no older than 15, had vanished on the night of his induction. The clan had sent a whole militia to search for him, but the boy had disappeared without leaving a single trace. They assumed he’d somehow gotten himself killed.
"You didn’t have blonde hair back then," she observed.
"Yeah, well, a fugitive does what he must to survive," Jimin replied, running a hand through his platinum locks. "But I reckon it suits me, don't you agree?"
YN, still contemplating, ignored his remark. “They never did figure out what happened to you," she noted.
"It’s simple, really. I just made a break for it—headed south- well, as far south as my busted shoes would take me,” Jimin explained, “Ended up in Seoul.”
His voice took on a reflective tone as he thought back to those early days. It had been a daily struggle, filled with petty thefts and back-alley skirmishes. Things were rough, but nothing compared to the grim fate that awaited him up North.
That was until a significant encounter had changed everything. He vividly recalled the moment a black-haired boy with a distinctive tattoo on his neck had noticed him during a street fight, knife in hand, moving as if it were merely an extension of his body. The boy, though slightly younger than Jimin, had watched him defend himself with a calculated interest, a smirk slowly forming on his lips.
Impressed, he had approached Jimin immediately after the scuffle, casually extending an unexpected offer for food and shelter against some- off the books labor.
“And just like that," Jimin snapped his fingers, his eyes lighting up with the recollection, "my new chapter began."
“So, you’re telling me the Kims just— took you in?” she scoffed in disbelief. “Do they even know you’re a northern traitor?”
“Are you kidding? It’s my edge," Jimin countered with a hint of amusement. "They don’t get trained fighters like me on every street corner, not to mention my knowledge of the Park clan can always come in handy, especially in times like these.”
YN's expression hardened slightly at his words.
“So, you're a snitch” she shot back sharply, her disdain clear. “Surprised you didn’t join the rats. »
 “Oh, come on, give me a break,” Jimin rolled his eyes at the insult. “Like you’re one to talk about loyalty? Didn’t you take off right after your fa—”
“I didn’t take off,” she snapped back, cutting him off sharply. Clearly, he had touched a sensitive nerve.
“What would you call it then?” Jimin pressed.
“I—” Y/N began, her voice faltering as she caught herself, the raw edge of her emotions nearly breaking through. She quickly regained her composure, straightening her posture as she held his gaze. “I don’t owe you any explanation,” she stated firmly, though Jimin noticed the white-knuckled grip she had on her book.
Jimin nonchalantly picked up his cup of tea, the steam curling lightly above it as he spoke. "Rumor has it you didn’t even make it to the funeral," he remarked, taking a casual sip. The observation was pointed, and he watched closely as Y/N's jaw clenched.
He had caught wind of it. After all, the news had echoed through the underworld back then, a tantalizing piece of gossip for those in the know. Park Sanghoon, the formidable leader of the Park clan and Y/N's father, had taken his last breath. Of course, his only son Jaebeom had been there to take over the operations; still, his daughter’s abrupt disappearance at such a critical juncture had been nothing short of an oddity.
The room fell into a heavy silence, the air thick with unspoken words. After a moment, Jimin set down his cup and met her eyes with a level gaze. "I would say I’m sorry,” he started, pausing deliberately, “about his passing, I mean."
YN's throat moved visibly as she swallowed, her face a mask of controlled emotions.
"But I’m really not," Jimin continued, his voice dropping slightly. "And I have a feeling you’re not that sorry either."
At his words, Y/N shot to her feet, her movements sharp and sudden, fists clenched at her sides. Her body radiated animosity, but a trace of something else flickered in her eyes.
"You don’t know shit," she spat before storming towards the door.
Jimin let out a heavy sigh. “You can’t just walk off on your own,” he called after her.
“Call the cops,” she snapped back, her voice echoing as she strode through the hall, her back stiff with defiance, "see what they have to say about it."
Hope you liked it. If some of you are intrigued or interested in finding out more, don't hesitate to interact and I'll start posting some more chapters! Also questions and remarks and feedback are welcome xxx
Some of you may be wondering when our second lead will appear... Well, fear not, for the smell of fresh kookies is coming from the kitchen I'm cooking in today.
Chapter 6
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itsohh · 1 year
The Contract
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A/N: G/N reader, this is the sort of introduction to the vampire AU which will branch out into different one-shots with different characters. This is just a fun little AU which @lululandd​ and I have been playing around with. (So credit for some of the ideas goes to them)
Summary: When given an opportunity to branch out for a promotion, you couldn't help but jump at the opportunity. Yet with a large amount of paperwork to be signed, you find yourself in a new world that you never knew existed.
Word count: 2793
Warnings: None
AO3 Masterlist
In your lifetime you had seen a lot of paperwork. If there was one thing you were used to, was bureaucracy. The stack of papers in front of you, however, brought things to a different level. The stack Laswell had placed in front of you was about the size of a child and you were, frankly, a bit surprised she could even carry it all. Her hand slipped down the side about a fifth of the way down and picked up part of the stack and placed it on the desk. “This is your contract.” Her eyes met yours for a moment then she placed her hand on the free stack. “This is your NDA.”
“Pardon?” You had signed a lot of things and seen a lot of NDAs in your lifetime. Never like this before.
“The contract highlights all the duties you will be required to perform. I can not allow you to look at it before you have agreed to the NDA. It goes into the specifics of what will happen if you attempt to disclose everything including the risk to your life if you agree.” She informed you. “This NDA and contract relies heavily upon you knowing and understanding what every single word means. The pair of us will be going over it together. If you wish for a lawyer to be present I must insist that they be one of our approved list.”
“Is that even legal?”
“This is…something outside the limits of the law. Your usual laws do not come into play with this agreement. It is part of an international agreement signed by the secretary of state. I can tell you this, the moment you sign this NDA, your life will never be the same.” Your eyes focused on her and your lips opened slightly. “You will not be reprimanded for refusal, everything will return to how it was and nothing will change for you.”
“Are we living in the matrix or something?” You leaned forward and you saw the small corner of his lip curl up and you swallowed. “Ma’am.”
“Sign and find out.”
Laswell had given you a week to fully process everything and come back with your answer. The deep breath she had taken when you signed that NDA. There was a certain fear in her eyes. Almost like a weight had been lifted off her back but immediately replaced with a new one. You blinked a few times at the woman as a fury of emotions cross your face. “Is this a joke? A test?” Your eyes searched her body and she shook her head.
“This is no joking matter.”
“Vampires? Like real life? Ma’am, you can’t be serious. Is this a metaphor? Or a codename?”
“No. I understand this can take a while to process.”
“This is some grade-A conspiracy theory stuff. Vampires? I can understand aliens like the universe is a big space but what is secretly lizard people too? Pigeons that all secretly all cameras.”
“Aliens aren't our concern. Thats an FBI matter-”
“Lizard people are just a stupid thing that people made up decades ago and pigeon theory is illogical at best. We already have the technology for surveillance, cameras are almost everywhere in cities. People's phones, social media. Birds? That would be a pointless waste of resources.” She blinked a couple of times. “Regardless, vampires are indeed all around you. They blend in perfectly with humans.”
“Is that what all the murders are around us in the world?”
“No, those most of the time are just humans. But I can understand why would ask that with media. Vampires haven’t particularly needed to feed from veins since at least the early 19th century.”
“Because of blood donations?”
“No, those are all used in human medical treatment. Powered plasma became extremely widespread as it involves zero risk for everyone involved. It doesn’t provide as many nutrients as straight from the vein but unless you were actively dying... There is no need.”
“Dying? Vampires can die? Aren’t they all like undead or something.”
“Undead isn’t a term I like to use. In all ways, vampires are alive. They are different humans yes and can survive most terms of attack. They can still die.”
“How do you kill one then?” She paused at your question but decided to answer it.
“Complete unrepairable damage to the heart or removal of the head.”
“So the whole stake thing?”
“Works but only if you aim correctly. A stake would have to be made from pure silver and thick enough to destroy the majority of the heart. Removal of the head is fair easier or in the modern age a grenade if hit centre enough would work fairly well.”
“Okay wait, Ma’am, hold on. Does this mean they are affected by warfare?”
“Very much so. The vampire population may be far smaller, minuscule compared to the human population but like I said. They are very much all around you at all times.”
“People I know?” You tapped the centre of your chest with your finger and wet-pressed her lips together.
“Will you tell me who?”
“It will be important for you to know part of your job so if you choose to accept this contract then I will.”
“I haven’t automatically taken the job by signing the NDA?”
“Of course not, this NDA is about vampiric race. One I had to sign a long time ago. You are part of this world now yes but that doesn’t mean you are forced into this job. You could very well go back to your previous position. Your life would be heavily monitored, but it already is. You wouldn’t notice a thing. No one would believe you regardless. I wouldn’t want to imagine what knowing such a secret without anyone to speak to would do for your mentality but regardless. This job is a taxing one which will see the use of all your skills. I will not force you into it.” Her eyes went to the stack of papers that had been on the desk for two weeks, the bindings untouched. “Now, shall we?”
Minutes ticked by as you looked at the signed paper. “So… I’m your assistant now?”
“To a degree, the role's name is a handler.” She pulled out a small book from inside her jacket and handed it to you. It was old, really old. It had to be at least fifty years old, probably older.
“What's this?”
“Something I started when I became a handler. It’s all the information on vampires that you could possibly need to know. Common mutations, limitations and how to deal with our charges.”
“Ma’am- this is like a hundred years old.” You looked down at the old book and open the pages to see the cursive writing on it with a couple of diagrams.
“Eighty-one years to be exact.”
“And you said you wrote this?” The gears turned in your head and you looked up at her to her waiting eyes. The pair of you stared at each other for a moment. “Are you…?” Your voice carried off while her lips turned into a smile with a slight chuckle. Laswell looked away for a moment and nodded her head. “I was turned after the end of the war.”
“Which war?”
“World War 2. I’m the only handler that's been changed. It was quite the fuss about it but the matter was settled with the creation of the CIA.”
“Why did you change?”
“I was good at my job. Tensions have always been high between humans and vampires and I helped settle that.”
“Then why bring me aboard?” Laswell looked down at the paper you had just signed.
“Vampires can be affected by stress too. Not to the extreme states that humans are but I recognised I was neglecting my role as a handler. With my current position at the CIA, I am unable to perform all my duties to the quality that they require. People will suffer because of that.” You couldn’t help but stare at her as she spoke, your eyes dead set on her mouth. Laswell picked up on the matter almost immediately
Her head tilted slightly and she gave you a knowing look. A look that had your eyes snap up to hers. “For the future, some vampires may take offence to staring at the teeth. I don’t mind, this is, after all, a lot to get used to. I am the exact same person that I was to you yesterday. You will have a lot of questions, all should be answered in that book but a book isn’t the same as real life now is it?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“While it's the two of us, Laswell is fine.” You nodded at her correction and your eyes flashed down to her lips again.
“If you have any questions Agent, you have my permission to ask. If you have questions ever at all I highly advise you to come to me about them. Not all vampires are as patient as you will soon learn.”
“Do you have fangs?”
“I do. Mine are retractable but not everyone is as lucky.”
“What do you mean?”
“Vampires aren’t all the same, we have variation, mutations like humans would. Who our creator is or 'master' if you're more old fashioned, can affect the traits and change to your body. Some vampires are left with a set that won't retract. Normally when that happens the vampire will purposely file them down. There's no need for them to be that sharp.” You looked away at the thought as you debated whether to ask her or if it would be rude. “Would you like to see?” Your eyes snapped to Laswells and you nodded right away. Her teeth flashed as she laughed and nodded. It was a little strange when Kate leaned forward and opened her mouth wide. In all ways, she looked completely human. There wasn’t a thing off about her. Then with a flex of her muscles, her teeth slid out at an insane speed. Despite being prepared for it, you jumped back in your seat with wide eyes.
There was no denying the truth now. Her upper canines had shot down while her lower ones shot up but not as long as her upper ones. You stared at them for what had to be about five minutes before Kate leaned back on her chair and they retracted back into her mouth. As if nothing had happened.
“Does it hurt?”
“No. At least not for me, every vampire is different. She smiled and placed her hands on her lap. “Any other burning questions at the moment?”
“No ma’am.” Laswell gave you a nod and leaned over to her bag. A group of folders were pulled from the bag and she placed them on the desk. “These are our charges. Specifically the top case.” You grabbed the top folder and opened it. “That there is Captain John Price. True age unknown. All you need to know is that he's been alive for a very long time.” You glanced at the picture of him and started to skim his official military record. You flicked through the page and found the ink had changed from the usual black to navy blue. “Everything in blue is class x.” There you started to read the true documented history of his military past. It was extensive.
“Price was one of the vampires who created the vampire-human treaty alliance after the fall of the vampire council.”
“When was that?”
“About three hundred years ago. Vampires were to be treated the same as humans for their crimes and punished as so. He was one of the first enforces of this. It wasn’t until the creation of powered plasma that tensions really died down, that most of the vampiric population adhered to the treaty. There still is the odd vampire who refuses to use powder but so long as they obey the human laws of the country they are in, there's nothing we do.”
“Why wouldn’t you use the powder? Is it hard to eat?”
“Well, you don’t leave it in its powdered form. You heat water and add it. Think of instant coffee. From what I’ve heard from Price, the taste isn’t comparable to human blood. I’ve tried real blood.” You looked down the file, it was obvious a lot was missing or blacked out. “Offspring?” You read out, everything under it was blacked out.
“The registry records who your creator is. We have certified offspring and uncertified offspring. Certified offspring is when both the newborn and the creator testify the same. Uncertified is when only one party agrees. In my case, I am a certified offspring of Price’s.”
“Your charge changed you?” You raised your brows.
“Yes. Now, the next is Lieutenant Simon Riley.” She directed you to the next folder, changing the subject. You didn’t push the matter. You thought that Price’s folder was rather empty, Rileys was on a different level. There was almost nothing inside. You did see one redacted name under his offspring count.
“He goes by Ghost.”
“Laswell, this is an empty folder.” Laswell let out a laugh and nodded.
“Ghost’s identity is a very classified matter. These files of theirs won’t tell you too much. He wears a mask at all times. He may seem intimidating at first but you will get used to him.” You pulled out the next folder.
“Soap?” Your eyes immediately drew to his nickname.
“Sergent Johnny McTavish. Goes by Soap or John. Don’t call him Johnny, he doesn’t like it.” Your eyes looked over to his military history.
“He fought in World War 2 when he was human?”
“Yes, he was changed a few years before I was. Your final charge is Gaz. Or Kyle Garrick. You frowned as you looked at the file, it had relatives listed in it, his birthdate. His file seemed completely normal as if you were looking at a human file. You gave Laswell a slightly confused look and she looked away for a second and then looked back at you.
“Garrick is still considered a newborn. His creator is unknown but Price has taken the role up. Garrick must be always paired up with either Price or Ghost. Preferably Price.”
“Vampires are apex killers by nature. We, of course, are more than that nature, but it takes time to control one's self. These men all belong to battlefields, they are constantly surrounded by blood and learned to control themselves far quicker than most have to. There's still always the risk with someone as young as Garrick, it's best to be safe.”
“I’ll be assigning them missions?” You looked a little taken back.
“No, in the odd case that I am unable and someone else is in charge of their mission it's important your my voice in my stead. You will be responsible mainly for making sure they receive the proper food in the field and at times may be sent out with them.” You swallowed, you recall reading that in the contract and nodded.
“I’ve never been into an active warzone before.”
“You have been to bases and have combat experience. You can handle it. They will listen to you, they may not like it, but they will. In three days time we will meet with Price. Perhaps some of the team, it's important that you develop a level of trust, familiarity and respect. It’s been a long time since the Captain has had a different handler. Don’t worry about him, spend tomorrow going through that book I gave you. It has more information than any file that I can give to you. I suggest writing out a copy of it, writing notes may help you. Whatever notes you make you must guard with your life, make the book highly flammable and keep a lighter on you at all moments if you don’t already. None of this can get into the enemy's hands.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“I’ll pick you up from your apartment in two days. Be packed and ready to go.”
“The contract said I would be stationed in England right?”
“That's correct, having you close to them will make things far easier. Your current accommodation, do you have plans for it?”
“I was unsure if I would be staying here. I’ve talked a bit with a real estate agent but not much further than that.”
“Sell it if you have no plans on coming back here, you won’t be positioned here long term in the future. If you are needed here I will arrange accommodation, a hotel. All expenses will be paid.”
“What time should I expect you?”
“0500 hours, we have a flight to catch.”
“Yes ma’am.”
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Awkward hugs compilation
M. Dusaulx: It isn’t envy that rises to this tribune, it is gratitude. I am very attached to M. Petion: he is my fellow patriot. Without ever having spoken to him, I believe I am his interpreter on this tribune. No premature praise: love is the reward of living men, statues and crowns the price of the dead. I regard M. Petion as my son; it is very bold, no doubt! He steps down from the tribune, and M. Petion throws himself into his arms. This triumph of sentiment made all hearts feel the sweetest sensation. Session at the Jacobins November 19 1791
M. Dusaulx: All the patriots of this club have long been suspended in the course of a discussion which seemed to compromise two good patriots who must love and esteem each other; something would be missing after what M. Brissot said before leaving this assembly, it is the duty of these two generous men to embrace each other. No sooner had he finished than MM. Robespierre and Brissot were in each other's arms, amid the unanimous applause of the Society, moved by this touching spectacle. M. Robespierre: By yielding to M. Dusaulx's invitation, I only gave myself up to the impulse of my heart, I gave what I owed to the confession and to the fraternity and to the feeling depth that I have of a man who enjoys the greatest consideration and who must render the greatest services to the fatherland; I will prove to M. Brissot how much I am attached to him. This should in no way change the opinion that every man should have of the public good; it is to do all that will be in me, and what I believe necessary for the public safety, that I will ask to answer in another session to the speech of M. Brissot. Brissot and Robespierre at the Jacobins, January 20 1792
M. Dumouriez rushes into M. Robespierre's arms. The Society and the tribunes, regarding these embraces as a presage of the agreement of the ministry with the love of the people, accompany this spectacle with the liveliest applause. The Jacobin Club, March 19 1792
A few days later Danton came to find me. He showed me a letter that Marat wrote to him; this letter was very insolent; reproaches were mixed with insults; he threatened Danton. Danton seemed angry to me; Marat was on the surveillance committee, we went down there together. The debate was very lively; Danton treated Marat harshly; Marat maintained what he had put forward, ended up saying that it was necessary to forget everything, tore up the letter, embraced Danton, and Danton embraced him back. I attest to these facts which played out before me. Discours de Jérôme Pétion sur l’accusation intentée contre Maximilien Robespierre (November 5 1792)
Dumouriez enters the hall together with Santerre; the general embraces Robespierre, everyone applauds. The Jacobin Club, October 14 1792
Rousillon: I was accused of partiality, because I did not want to call into question whether Legendre would be expelled; Momero was said to be an aristocrat; I was forced to embrace Jacques Roux, but never did a kiss seem so bitter to me. The Jacobin Club, June 28 1793
The reconciliation, however, appeared to be complete; the two embraced: Danton put frankness in it; he was touched; we were all moved: well! How could you not? We only think, we only see the patrie, liberty, the republic; Only Robespierre remained cold like marble!.... Principaux évènemens, pour et contre la Révolution, dont les détails ont été ignorés jusqu’à présent: et prédiction de Danton au Tribunal révolutionnaire, accomplie (1794) by Jean-Lambert Tallien and Jean-Louis-Marie Villain d’Aubigny, page 49-50.
Goupilleau de Fontenay: I challenge David to declare if, at the moment when Robespierre descended from the tribune of the Jacobins, after having delivered his speech, or rather his indictment, he, David, did not go and embrace him saying: "If you drink hemlock, I shall drink it with you."  David: It was not to come and greet Robespierre that I went down to his side; it was to go up to the tribune and ask that the feast of the 10th should take place. I didn't embrace Robespierre, I didn't even touch him, because he repelled everyone.  The Jacobin Club, July 31 1794
On exiting the hall, Tallien doubled his pace, grabbed hold of Fréron, pressed him into his arms and embraced him. This unexpected scene caused great disorder within the club. On one side, people applauded, saying: ”Look! Look! They don’t care!” On the other, one cried: ”This is how the conspirators get along!” Jacobin Club, September 3 1794, just after both Tallien and Fréron had been struck from the club’s list of members.
Chatillon-Sur-Marne, which I am only mentioning here because Joly, its priest, a former college comrade of Robespierre, got it into his head to come and say hello to him at the time of the terror. Robespierre drew back when he tried to embrace him; and whenever, while talking, the priest of Chatillon-sur-Marne approached the tyrant, the latter huddled in a corner, still afraid of being assassinated. Dictionnaire néologique des hommes et des choses… (1799) by Beffroy de Reigny, volume 3, page 223
The next day Saint-Just came to my room: I was occupied with my mail and I begged him to let me finish a letter. While I was writing he saw my rifle, seized it and amused himself by examining the battery: it was unfortunately loaded, the shot went off, the bullet passed close to me and went to pierce my coat rack which was on a chair, five or six steps away. I got up immediately, the gun had fallen from the hands of Saint-Just, he turned pale, staggered and threw himself into my arms. He then said to me in a deepened tone: “Ah! Levasseur, if I had killed you? - You would have played me a nasty trick; if I must die from a gunshot, let it at least come from an enemy’s hand. Hearing the report, several officers who were near my door rushed into my room and found Saint-Just, pale as death, in my arms. Mémoires de R. Levasseur (de la Sarthe) ex-conventionnel, ornés du portrait de l’auteur (1829), volume 2, page 242
The session became so stormy that Collot used acts of violence against Robespierre. He threw himself at him and seized him by the flanks. He was about to throw Robespierre through the window when the latter's friends rescued him. Robespierre then declared that he was leaving the committee, that he could not honorably sit with executioners, that he would report this to the Convention. One saw the danger of publicizing this scene, blamed Collot's patriotic anger, and begged Robespierre, after having torn up the disastrous list, not to give the enemies of the Republic new means of attacking it. Robespierre seemed to calm down, but when Collot approached him to embrace him he refused and despite being urged not to he left. Mémoires de Barras, membre du Directoire, page 349-350
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 month
Really weird AU idea i have.
I've been consuming a bunch of HFY + humans are space content on Reddit lately, specifically the humans bonding with their robot/AI creations to the point they became sentient. Also noticing the scrap ton of similarities Cybertron have with Earth's culture in TFA...and my mind just pop into a new AU idea, where humans already achieve FTL travel and now they're just going crazy with creating new things. And created cybertronians. (They weren't suppose to be sentient at first, but by the power of pack bonding they broke the codes and gain consciousness)...i ran out of ideas from here- but it call the 'Organic Creators' or 'Human Heritage' AU. Basically humans are cybertronians' creators.
Is this stupid? Yes.
Do i hate myself? Double yes
Am i gonna regret this later on? Triple yes.
Will i stop myself from sending this ask? No.
You know, I had a similar idea but in reverse.
Once upon a time I imagined an AU where humans were created to serve cybertronians in an alternate timeline where the Golden Age never ended and Cybertron flourished.
I imagined that humans were developed by Shockwave to be helpers and workers, and put to work on Cybertron doing most of the typical things that all humans can do. Mainly labor, transportation, and working 24/7 by utilizing shifts and such. Most of the dangerous work was still handled by Cybertronians. Though, humanity lacks autonomy. They can't speak/write/read, think critically, dream, and their wills are suppressed into a serving role to the Cybertronians. They usually follow orders directly from their overseers with no conscious. However...one human begins to get smart (either by universal consistences or by the will of nature itself) and starts to learn from the cybertronians, but pretends to be just as mindless as their dutiful humans. They blend in, but things start to happen around the place they serve in that Cybertronians can't necessarily explain and the smart human manages to evade suspicion for a long while, even while under the surveillance of Shockwave. I cleverly decided to call this idea the "Genuine Intelligence" AU. It was mostly inspired from how in one continuity, a younger Shockwave decided to impregnate some asteroids with experimental ores he made. One of these ores was dubbed "Ore 13" and was planted on an asteroid that eventually evolved into Earth. In fact, the ore was so catastrophic that whatever evolved there could've been LETHAL TO TRANSFORMERS. I quote the wiki:
"Ten thousand years ago, Shockwave arrived on the thirteenth world, prehistoric Earth, where the "Ore-13" brought by his rocket had successfully reacted with the local geology to the extent that the planet threatened to become so rich in Energon that its environment could become lethal to Transformers. Shockwave created global dampers that he then injected into the planetary crust to regulate the reaction, allowing the ore to safely develop into Ultra-Energon in the present day." Who's to say that Shockwave's experiments could've accidentally created humanity...or even created the unintentional progenitor of Cybertronians? I always had a hunch that humans and Cybertronians were mirrors of one another and that in some possible continuities, humans and cybertronians are SO similar...that they may even be related to one another. In essence to your AU, I like think that your idea isn't even that far-fetched in the Transformers lore nor in the realm of possibilities that could potentially happen in the transformer universe. It is odd that two species that evolved apart from one another with extremely different backgrounds would be so similar to each other. I would say there is a connection there...wouldn't you agree?
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As the River Flows - Acotar Gift Exchange (3/8)
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Summary: As Feyre lamented quietly over the misfortune of her life, there, in the marketplace, she heard a merchant instruct to its patron: Place a butterfly wing under your tongue before you sleep, and you will dream of your true love.
Or a Feysand magical regency AU. This is part three of my @acotargiftexchange for the lovely @sideralwriting. This chapter was also supposed to loosely be for the @unofficialfeysandmonth2022 wedding prompt, but the plot's moving a bit slower than anticipated.
Read on AO3・Feysand Month Masterlist・Series Masterlist
“What’s happened to your fingers?”
Feyre jolted up from where she’d been half falling asleep in her chair. Across the table, Nesta was scowling over her copy of Letters to Young Ladies on Their Entrance Into the World. Their Father and governess had insisted they each read the marriage manual cover to cover before they made their societal debut.
The sentiment of love will be found to take its colourings from the imagination of the person by whom it is cherished. Virtuous and amiable young women do not often fix their affections on base and unworthy objects; but they may, and most frequently do, fancy perfections and fine qualities in their lovers which no one else perceives, and which too frequently they do not possess.
From the way Nesta had narrowed her eyes at the bandages littered along Feyre’s fingers, it seemed that Feyre wasn’t the only one having difficulty staying engaged with the reading material.
Feyre set down the book so she could duck her hands into her lap, away from Nesta’s scrutiny. “I was sewing.”
“Oh?” Nesta thrummed her fingers against the table, assessing her coolly. “I’ve never seen you sew a thing in your freetime. I was under the impression you weren’t capable.”
Swallowing her outrage, Feyre lifted a hand from her skirt and waggled her fingers with more belligerence than was owed. “Evidently, I’m still honing the skill.”
“What were you sewing?” Nesta pressed.
“Buttons,” she said smoothly. “One of the buttons on my cloak had fallen off.”
“Odd, that you attempted to mend it yourself.”
“I mended it perfectly fine,” Feyre said, crossing her arms. “The only thing odd is your surveillance.”
Nesta shut her book. Feyre stiffened at the flame she saw burning, cold as a winter frost, in Nesta’s eyes. “You know what else is odd?” Her eldest sister raised an assessing brow. “That you’d be wearing a cloak at all, when you’ve never seen a winter chill in your life.”
Her heartbeat amplified, until Feyre could feel each pulse lodge in her throat. Nesta knew. Perhaps not the specifics, but from the way Nesta’s lips thinned into a grimace, she surely guessed that Feyre had been up to something impermissible. The three of them were all allies with each other before they were allies with their father—and if Feyre had done something she feared admitting even to Nesta and Elain, it could only truly relate to one thing.
“Girls.” They both fell quiet at the sharp reprimand of their governess, from where she sat in the corner of the library, stiff-backed as always. Even in her leisure. “I hope your conversation isn’t distracting from your preparations for entering society.”
It was perhaps the first time Feyre had ever been relieved to be scolded by her governess. She quickly diverted her attention back to the marriage manual, ignoring the way Nesta glowered in her periphery. She could stare all she liked—it was a secret that would only ever exist between Feyre and her true love.
While the love-sick maiden avoids a clandestine engagement, and continues to employ the greater part of her time in elegant and useful occupations, there is but little danger of her sacrificing either her happiness or her duty to a hopeless passion or an impudent attachment.
Love—in the abstract, imaginative, and romantic sense of the word—is a chimerical passion of which but few young women can form any corresponding or adequate idea, and of which still fewer are in the least danger of ever experiencing…
Feyre suffered through 20 more pages which outlined precisely what a sensible woman should take into consideration when seeking matrimonial engagement. Love, apparently, took minimal precedence. It stuck with Feyre through the remainder of the day, until the sun touched the ground and she couldn't help writing out her thoughts in a letter.
My newly acquainted rake,
As the Winter Solstice draws near, my Father’s marriage preparations become more and more extreme. I’ve been made to read a host of manuals to help me achieve a successful married life with my father’s hand picked suitor. Did you know that Elizabeth Lanfear discourages seeking a love match? She asserts that ‘Love Matches, at least those which are generally so called, do not always prove the happiest’. Tell me, for I trust as my true love you will speak plainly, why in a world where finding your true love is as simple as catching a butterfly, we are discouraged from pursuing them as our match? I can understand why my father would discourage such a thing, when he has his own motives for securing me a husband. But Elizabeth’s interests claim to align with the women she advises, and she certainly doesn’t know my Father. Why would she advise against something that is so easily within reach?
It has occurred to me that your interests ought to be considered. As we may potentially be entering a courtship, your insights about my future matches are likely far from objective, regardless of my asking you to remain so. Perhaps I’m seeking your counsel, knowing you will assure me that I’m wise in sneaking behind my father’s back, breaking his strictest rule, and risking severe punishment. All to speak to someone I have been discouraged from pursuing by an alleged expert in marriage. I do not understand why everything I’ve ever been told directs me opposite to you. Why is love such a deplorable thing to desire?
I have always been one for taking risks, you see. I am not daunted by the idea of betraying my upbringing. I only wish to know if you also believe that love is, as Elizabeth puts it, “chimerical”.
Yours, despite the judgment of my Father and Elizabeth,
Feyre Archeron
Feyre. My darling, Feyre.
I admit, my opinion on the matter is swayed in knowing that you are the woman I wish to one day call my wife. Yet, I like to believe that I am a man whose heart and mind frequently agree. I can say with sincerity that in advising a woman who was not my true love nor future wife, I would be inclined to disagree with Elizabeth.
Love is not chimerical. I believe Elizabeth errs too heavily on the side of caution. You would be surprised by how easily love is given beyond the confines of your father’s manor. The greater challenge is finding love that agrees with high society’s rigid rules and harsher judgements. I’m certain Elizabeth fears that if she advises young women to pursue love above compatible means, she’ll be held responsible for all the esteemed ladies that suddenly run off with their farmboys. Love is easy to find, yes, but the circumstances for which it is encountered are not always convenient.
Regardless, I believe that when love is found—even outside of the “appropriate” societal bounds—it is worth pursuing at any cost. I hope when we eventually meet, you will find our match worth pursuing. As your husband, it would be my utmost endeavor to prove to Elizabeth that a love match can prove indisputably happy.
With my deepest affections,
Your rake
Just as I expected, your quill is as honeyed as your tongue. Still, I agree with your observations, and I’ve always found myself exhausted by the endless restrictions of High Society. Though Elizabeth, my Father, and my eldest sister would all deem me a fool in love, I would gladly run away with you, if it came to it.
On a less romantic note, I fear I cannot continue sending these letters. Nesta suspects my bandaged fingers are the product of more than sewing and I fear that if my fingers continue to remain in this state, her investigation will transcend idle curiosity. It’s the fault of a foolish lie, since I claimed I was attempting to sew a button to my cloak. We live in perpetual spring, and to my governess’s behest, I have never taken much to sewing as a hobby.
This will be our last written correspondence before the Solstice Ball. Please, if there is anything I might use to identify you, tell me now so that I can ensure you are chosen as a potential suitor.
Foolishly yours,
When we we meet, I will look into your eyes, and I will tell you that they are the most beautiful color I have ever seen.
That is how you will know it’s me.
Feyre’s true love did not visit in her dreams.
In some ways, she was relieved. The marriage manuals emphasized the importance of modesty, and Feyre didn’t trust that if her rake requested another kiss, or something more, she wouldn’t indulge him.
Still, as the days passed to weeks, she found herself thinking about him often. Imagining what he might look like. Trying to recall the sound of his voice, since it was the only thing she could use to identify him.
The longer the silence lingered between them, the feinter the memory became. Feyre became increasingly nervous that she wouldn’t be able to identify her true love at all by the time the Solstice Ball arrived. If he even came at all.
On the eve of the ball, she caved and caught another butterfly.
“Couldn’t wait to see me?” Teased a voice out of the darkness.
Feyre try to savor the sound, a sommelier searching for every hidden note.
Deep. Sensual. Decadent. Like velvet, or a rich chocolate cake.
Or a warm evening beneath a starry sky.
“Will you be there?” Feyre asked, knowing she was betraying her anxiety. She hoped he would find it flattering. And if he didn’t, well… he wasn’t the one about to be married off for the remainder of his life.
A gentle hand wrapped around the fingers she’d rested in her lap. She couldn’t fathom how he was able to find them so seamlessly in the dark. He lifted her hand into the air, laying a gentleman’s kiss against the back of her hand.
“I will be there, Feyre. I wouldn’t miss your birthday for the world.”
“What will you—”
“Go to sleep,” he chided with a soft laugh. “I’m sure your body will need the rest.”
“I am asleep,” she argued.
He lowered her hand, and she nearly jumped when his lips found her forehead next. “Happy birthday, Feyre darling. I will see you in the evening.”
“Remember Feyre—”
“Yes, yes,” she snapped, pushing away her governess’s fussing hands. “Don’t take my gloves off, I heard you the last dozen times.”
“Feyre!” She rolled her eyes at Elain’s feigned outrage. They all shared a mutual contempt for their governess, but Elain, at least, encouraged civility. Their governess bristled, brushing her hands roughly on her skirts, before she turned to fuss over the pins in Elain’s hair instead.
Fine. At least Elain enjoyed being fussed over. Feyre pulled at the hem of her gloves again. Her palms were so sweaty that the fabric was slipping more so than usual. If it were Nesta or Elain, it wouldn’t have been an issue. But Feyre’s tattoo crawled all the way to her elbow, black as spilled ink on a fresh winter’s snow.
“I told Father you needed a long sleeved dress,” Nesta complained, irritation so sharp in her voice that Feyre straightened her back.
They were perhaps all a little high strung that evening.
“The glove covers it fine, Nesta.”
Outside Nesta’s open window, they could hear the guests assembling in the garden. It was the perfect evening for a ball. A warm, cloudless night, bathed in silver moonlight that shone nearly as bright as day. The servants had strung up lanterns alone the stone path that circled their great marble fountain. It made for a pleasant area to take a breath of fresh air between the dancing that was set to take place in the ballroom.
Already, Feyre could hear the drifting sound of violins.
With a long, shaky breath, Feyre pulled the elastic of her delicate mask over her head. Next was the dance card, which Feyre had to hold out her wrist for Nesta to tie. Once Nesta was finished, she held out her wrist wordlessly for Feyre to return the favor. Except wrapping the ribbon around her sister’s wrist felt like slipping a noose around her neck. They stared at one another through masks of swirling gold and silver, words just out of reach to express the emotions they were never quite capable of sharing with one another. She squeezed Nesta’s fingers once the dance card was secure, and that said enough.
If they could depend on no one else tonight, they could depend on each other. Elain managed to escape their governess to loop her arm through Feyre’s and then Nesta’s.
“Shall we?” She asked, with none of the excitement that had been in her voice when she’d talked about this evening as a little girl. Then, their mother had been alive, and talks of suitors and romance had been exciting.
Had their father truly warped this occasion, or had the veil just been lifted from their eyes? Suddenly, Feyre felt guilty for not having encouraged her sisters to try their own hand at magic, to ensure their true loves would be here, too. She had been nervous of the repercussions, and that it was a step of defiance too far even for Nesta, but now Feyre wondered if she had doomed them by withholding this secret.
Not that there was anything she could say or do now, as the three of them descended the steps and the ballroom doors opened, enveloping them in layers of sound—the softly playing orchestra, the idle chatter of the attendees, the sound of glass flutes filled with sparkling liquid. It all quieted the moment they entered the room.
That was when their Father stepped forward from the heart of the crowd. “Ladies and gentleman, may I introduce to you all my three beautiful daughters.” They dropped arms, forcing pleasant smiles toward the curious, near predatory crowd.
“My eldest daughter, Nesta Archeron.”
Chin held high, eyes as cool and unyielding as a winter storm, Nesta curtsied to the room.
“My dearest, Elain Archeron.”
Elain smiled so brilliantly, no one would ever have believed she was standing at the front of the ballroom unwillingly. Feyre could already see the way some of the men’s eyes glazed as they watched her gracefully bow her body. All she could see was a pack of wolves eying a fawn.
Her eyes scanned the crowd. Searching for him. Surely, he would not look like a wolf.
“And my youngest. Here to celebrate her debut into society and her 21st birthday. Feyre Archeron.”
For a moment, Feyre considered standing her ground. It would be delicious to stare her father in the eyes as she refused to bow. But knowingly it would reflect poorly on her sisters, Feyre lowered her body towards the ground and spread her arms just as her governess had made them practice. Again and again and again.
“They’re all staring,” she said under her breath, trying her best not to fidget as they walked with each other through the parted crowd. Their governess said that tonight she needed to emulate perfect, poised Elain.
Feyre noted, with some measure of satisfaction, that perfect, poised Elain was looking fairly pale herself.
“Let them stare,” Nesta said. “They’re to come to us.”
Indeed, they hadn’t made it to the refreshments table before the first bachelor stepped into their path, eager eyes fixed on Elain as he bowed. “Lord Graysen,” he said. A lovely voice, but it wasn’t deep enough. Not at all like being caressed by moonlight.
Soon Elain was sequestered to the dance floor, followed by a brave, darked haired man who dared weather Nesta’s icy demeanor. Handsome, even through his mask, but there was something about the way his eyes wavered over Nesta’s body that made Feyre’s stomach drop into her chest. Lord Tomas. Not her true love.
If he was here, as he had promised Feyre he would be, she liked to believe that he would be the first to approach her. If only to ensure that he could secure a place on her dance card.
“Lady Feyre,” someone said at her back.
She turned, and was met with an exquisite golden mask embedded with emeralds and shaped like whorls of leaves. Jade green eyes shone beneath the twisted metal and his lips were curled into a friendly smile.
She hadn’t imagined the shoulder length blonde hair. But he was certainly handsome.
“Pardon me, Lord…”
“Tamlin,” he supplied with a small, charming laugh. “Duke of Carterhaugh. Please excuse my terrible manners. I was momentarily blindsided.”
His voice was… different. Deep. A bit rougher, less like velvet and more like corduroy. “Blindsided by what, your grace?”
“Your eyes,” he answered. “They’re the most beautiful color I’ve ever seen.”
For a moment, the room swam and all the sound fizzled into a muted buzz. She searched Tamlin’s face, assessing his intention. He was smiling. Smiling knowingly. And truly, what were the chances that any other suitor would be so forward. So shameless?
“That’s an awfully rakish thing to say,” she said, studying every muscle on his face.
Tamlin grinned. “Maybe so, lady.” It was him. It had to be. “But I am only speaking the truth.” Feyre might as well have been floating as he held out his hand and asked, “May I have the first dance?”
He was here. And he was a duke. Surely, her father would be ecstatic at such a match.
“Tell me more about yourself, your grace.”
“Please,” he said, his touch light as he guided her towards the dance floor. “Call me Tamlin.”
Feyre withheld a giggle. Over a month now, she’d agonized over what his name might be. Tamlin. They moved among the other couples, searching for a space in the waltz. His hand was on her forearm, so warm. This close, she could smell him, and it wasn’t quite the same as she remembered. It reminded her of opening the window after a fresh rain. What had he smelled of before? Magic is fickle, and perhaps her dream of him hadn’t been a perfect mirror to reality.
“Tell me Tamlin,” Feyre said as he drew her into his arms. “What do you think of the stars?”
He placed a hand on her shoulder blade, the other clasped hers firmly. “The stars?” He asked as he led them into the flow of dancing couples, graceful as any debutante could have hoped to find in a dance partner. “I think the stars are beautiful. Though I—”
Feyre watched those jade eyes widen. His attention snapped over her shoulder and Feyre whirled in time to watch the doors blow open on a gust of night-kissed wind. The candles nearest the entrance guttered, bathing half of the room in shadow before they flared back to life.
The crowd gasped,some even screamed, as they all scrambled to part way for a figure that strolled in on long, even steps, straightening the lapels of his black jacket as though there wasn’t a single soul watching.
Shadow leaked from him like ink in water. Magic. Magic unlike she had ever seen it. Raw. Powerful. Even across the room, she could taste it in the air.
The masked stranger angled his head, blue-black hair shifting with the movement. Candlelight glowed against his face adoringly, illuminating a pair of bright violet eyes that swept over the room and landed directly on her Father.
“Lord Archeron,” he greeted. “What a charming soiree. A shame my invitation was misplaced.”
Tamlin’s hand moved up until he was gripping her shoulder, pushing her towards the back of the crowed. “What’s going on?” She whispered to him. “Do you know who that is?”
“Prince Rhysand,” he said darkly. “From the Northern Kingdom.”
She’d heard very little of the cold, merciless North. But she’d heard enough to go stiff, watching with horror as the dark prince approached her father, walking almost past him, before he placed a hand on his shoulder and said something into his ear.
Something that made Feyre’s father stumble backward. His face had drained of all color, but she could see him fighting to maintain composure as he said, “My family is honored to have you in attendance, your highness.”
Coward. But she could forgive him for it, on this occasion.
Rhysand was picking a fleck of dust off his shoulder as he said. “I wish to dance with your loveliest daughter.”
There was a moment of silence where Feyre could feel her father panicking. Something gnarled and twisted inside of her couldn’t help revel in it. For once, he understood how it felt to have control taken from him. Her gratification faltered the minute he began stuttering, “E-Elain, darling, come dance with the Prince.”
Sweet, gentle Elain. It was no secret that she was the loveliest of the sisters. Not just in beauty, but in nature. Her heart was good, kind in a way their Father had always declared was rare.
“No that one,” Rhysand said, not even glancing in the direction from where Elain had hesitantly stepped out of the crowd.
“Nesta, then,” her Father said.
Feyre tried not to feel insulted at being declared the least lovely—it was such a vain thing to focus on. At least Nesta, with her steel heart and iron will, would be most likely to weather the conditions of the North. Should it come to that.
“No.” The Prince’s tone was almost mocking. “Not that one, either.”
“Feyre,” her father called, sweeping his eyes over the crowd in search of her.
Tamlin’s hand tightened on her shoulder, but it fell away as she stepped forward. The ballroom was so quiet, the click of her shoes resounded through the room with each step. The world’s most resentful death knell.
The prince turned, violet eyes assessing her approvingly. “Feyre Archeron,” he purred. Her cheeks burned in humiliation at the knowledge that every single person was watching, holding their breaths so they could hear each word in perfect clarity. “The rumors are true, then, that you have eyes like stars.” He leaned in close, so that the next words were but a private secret between the two of them: “They are the most beautiful color I have ever seen.”
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 6 days
I'm in a horror mood as of lately -3-
And I was thinking of my surveillance duty au, bcs it has that Florid flavour, a bit of crack treated seriously and actually pretty fun lore to play with. Even if at that time most of the secondary cast was left hanging :v
Did you also know that before I even started the miraculous series on ao3, I had my first twst horror au be it's prime contestant?
Since it's THE FIRST, I realised I actually discussed it on a server 2 years ago???? Like zamn... My cringy unaware child phase hitting me back in the face.
And I was thinking... To actually present it! Of course, a bit revamped, but just a few tweaks here and there, I promise! :D
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majimemegoro · 2 years
i listened to too much synthwave while doing my horrible tasks today so it got me thinking about my yakuza cyberpunk au concept which i dont think ive ever posted about
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(yes the jacket is full-length/down to the ankles, i just had to cut off the picture bc this drawing is from 2019 and the proportions are WACK)
so basically majima has cybernetic implants shimano wanted him to get for both his eye and also all the areas where his tattoo covers. i havent fully fleshed out the ideas but obviously the eye thing can enable him to zoom in and see infrared or whatever. also I think that the back piece maybe has like 2 “snakes”/metal tentacle things that can come OUT of it as though the snakes from his tattoo were coming alive. (but theyre robot parts. idk if im im explaining any sense im so tired)
so the implants are really heavy duty impressive ones, maybe even experimental, so his body is always rejecting them which is why the places where its attached to his human flesh look hideously irritated and infected. maybe you can see that better in this pic a little idk.
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also he has a cybernetic Bat which is just a regular Bat but it has some blinking lights on it for the AestheticTM. (just kidding it probably doubles as a tazer or something idk)
goda ryuji is obviously just how he is in dead souls haha.
and the new ideas i had today were that kadokura is a cybernetics developed/manufacturer (Rachi Future Solutions or something lollll), and when he recruits sato into becoming a Cyber Hitman (what is a hitman called in a cyberpunk world.. idk) sato doesnt get a gun arm or anything but he does get some modifications done to improve his already-supernatural bodily steadiness, probably at least one cybernetic eye etc., and he DOES get a chip put in his brain that can relay him information and stuff but also (unbenoknwst to sato) allows kadokura to monitor him at all times, see through his eyes etc., and even to manipulate and shut down certain emotions ! *FROZEN ROAR SPOILERS* so in this au sato is more of a victim, he ilterally couldnt feel remorse for his crimes, remorse was turned off !!!!!
but then when he goes to abashiri the chip is Out Of Range or Not Getting Reception or something! so when sato  meets ok*dera (who is Of Course does a bit of a mechanic on the side and can do really rough and ready cybernetics stuff—nothing like the sleek Rachi Future Solutions tech, its clunky and made up of old parts and so on but it gets the job done) suddenly satos brain starts to heal a little and oh no why doesnt he want to complete his mission ????
and probably at the end of the story okduera like gives sato a chip he had in HIS brain so even the Japan Central Computer or whatever the inevitably fascist surveillance state government has would read sato as ok*dera. (though how this helps given that ok*dera is wanted dead by the mob is an open question, as it is in canon..)
also i think that instead of having the mountain village vs city be like “this village people DONT have cybernetics, theyre ACTUALLY human” its more about tech sovereignty! like the mountain village is better because the cybernetics they use are homegrown and repairable and powered by their own code, not run by giant evil corporations who control them from afar and block out every good memory youve ever had or whatever
also yama-oroshi is obviously a giant mecha bear
anyway if you read this reblog and add ideas for other characters that people actually care about like kiryu and nishiki
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howtotrainyournana · 2 months
Hewwo I am very curious about "PETER NUREYEV AND THE SECOND CHANCE"
Thanks for the curiosity!!!
It's based of the Juno Steel storyline of The Penumbra Podcast (which is an awesomely fully-acted fiction podcast with loads of queer diversity and killer storylines). I'm woefully behind on the Juno Steel story and this fic is from 2019, so it is Most Definitely more AU/Canon divergent than it was even when I wrote it XD
But the premise is:
"Peter Nureyev gets a second chance at getting to know Juno Steel – but not in the way he expects and certainly not in the way that he wants. It’s AU time, baby. (diverges from immediately after Peter and Juno reconcile on the Carte Blanche)"
And a snippet (the opening scene) is:
"Peter wakes up on a shuttle landing on Mars.
This isn’t terribly disturbing, as he’s been all around the solar system and has more times than he would care to admit been on a shuttle landing on Mars. No, the problem with this fun little fact is that when he went to sleep last night it had been in his bed on the Carte Blanche with Juno Steel wrapped around him like a particularly sassy blanket. Peter had rather expected to wake up in that company and was more than mildly angry to find that was no longer the case.
Still, years of running through the stars and waking up in places different than the ones he had gone to sleep in kept him keen and aware. He took stock of his surroundings and person – no handcuffs or restraints, several other passengers on what appeared to be a commercial shuttle, the dome of Hyperion City approaching fast beneath them, the red sands of Mars stretching to an endless horizon – and waited. There was nothing much he could do on a planet-bound shuttle that wouldn’t risk either his identity or his life.
Done inspecting his fellow passengers, he assessed his clothing and belongings. A sharp suit, dark, and darker sunglasses. His pockets were filled with his usual eclectic mess of items – knives, a sandwich, loose change, batteries, glass syringes, a heavy-duty plasma cutter, fake IDs, tape, etc. Something about the whole situation made his memory itch, like there was something he wasn’t noticing (like an extra surveillance camera placed by a reckless socialite with no inhibitors). He frowned to himself as the shuttle landed, taking the time to think as he charmed his way through customs and out onto the streets of Hyperion.
The answer hit him like a train from out of nowhere when he saw the billboard advertising the date and time.
It was the day he had landed on Mars nearly two years previously, the day he had broken into the Kanagawas' mansion and accidentally enabled the death of Croesus Kanagawa, the day before he met Juno Steel and his life changed forever."
If you've got more questions about this fic or about a different one, hit me up! This was fun XD
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oathofpromises · 11 months
❝ by your side is where i'm meant to be. ❞ - T'sori to Mako
In the secret embrace of moonlit nights, T'sori and Mako found solace in their stolen moments together. Oh, how their hearts yearned for each other's company, their souls entwined in a dance of forbidden love. With every stolen glance and every whispered word, their passion grew, defying the watchful eyes that sought to keep them apart.
Countless were the nights they shared, their love a flame that burned brighter with each stolen moment. In the depths of her heart, the paladin struggled between heart and duty, as the sound of her footsteps reverberated through the grand marble hallway. With each passing day, the weight of the world seemed to grow heavier on her delicate shoulders. It was as if the universe conspired against her, orchestrating a grand scheme to keep her apart from T'sori. All the while, she couldn't help but suspect that the King himself, driven by jealousy and fear, was the mastermind behind this cruel plot.
Alas, Mako was aware that he lingered in the shadows, orchestrating the presence of the guards who now surveilled her every move. To compound the heartache, T'sori found himself obligated to partake in an excursion alongside a princess hailing from a distant realm. It was but a fleeting desire to witness the delicate dance of their souls intertwining. The Au Ra couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow, for how could she possibly find solace in such a heart-wrenching situation? To witness the sight of the man she adored venturing into the embrace of another. It wasn’t alright…none of this was, yet she couldn’t complain.
After all, Mako’s role was merely to be the prince’s shield. That was where Au Ra obligations ended yet with every fiber of her being the woman couldn’t resist the other. T'sori belonged to Mako just as she was his, her heart whispered out for the prince, as the woman reveled in the intoxicating familiarity of his touch. The tantalizing sensation of his velvety lips caressing her delicate skin ignited a fire within her. Every gentle touch sent electric currents coursing through her veins, causing her heart to dance in a wild rhythm at the mere sight of him. It had always been that way hadn’t it, even when they were kids. He always just knew how to cause her heart to flutter.
This wasn't fair. He could ask anything of her, and she would do it, caught between her affection for him and her own duties. Which honestly terrified the Paladin, causing a tumultuous storm of emotions within her mind. They were only kids many years ago, caught up in innocent joy, but now it felt like they were entangled in a web of secrets. Sneaking behind close doors to exchange affections that only they would know. Their relationship could potentially shatter the tranquility T'sori had painstakingly fought to reach, and that thought caused Mako’s heart to ache.
While maintaining composure, the Paladin discreetly withdrew as the princess made a tender attempt to grasp T'sori's hand. He leaned away from it, but that didn’t matter. It still caused her heart to shatter. Luckily, it wasn’t difficult for her to devise a justification for excluding herself from further accompanying the Prince for the date. From this point, she could envision the King's cunning smirk, had he been present to witness the unfolding interaction. It seemed the man’s mission to make her suffer. Not that he had valid reason too, as she had always protected the prince without hesitation.
Mako paused momentarily, then proceeded to turn the corner with the intention of entering her chambers. However, her movement was interrupted as a hand delicately grasped her wrist. As she turned, she found herself face-to-face with the captivating gaze of those enchanting ruby-red eyes that she held in such high regard. Without any delay, T'sori promptly ushered her into the room.
“Your eminence, I beseech you to rejoin the princess. We’ve known that our union is unattainable, regardless of the devoted affections we harbor for one another..this is merely a distraction.”
Wow, did that hurt to say that..
Mako, who had been on the verge of shedding tears since earlier, but it was only upon hearing T’sori’s soothing voice beckon to her that she ceased repressing them. How could one expect a person to withstand such a significant amount of hardship? To feign emotional composure while observing someone you love being pushed to seek intimacy elsewhere. The Au Ra had been aware of her standing for some time, but being forced to observe it was a different experience altogether. It made her feel helpless unable to step in and stop it.
T'sori tenderly caressed Mako's face, drawing closer until their lips were mere inches apart. The soft blush of pink gazed deeply into the fiery depths of Red, souls entwined in a dance of longing since way before they met. A yearning between the two of them to bridge the distance keeping them apart yet feeling afraid to cross that line. Resisting the prince was forevermore a difficult task. Even as kids, he lavished her with such tender affection. It caused the Paladin’s heart to shake, so many emotions flowing through her body and soul.
But oh gods did she want to be with him..to allow him to know her intimately.
‘I don’t care about their plans for me. By your side is where I’m meant to be.’
Her face remained stained with tears as the two drew closer, their lips slowly meeting in a tender kiss. A soft whimper escaped her lips, as she felt her back gently touch the nearby wall. Oh, the irresistible charm he possessed, with his soft-spoken phrases that melted her heart. It made Mako truly believe they could be together despite the obstacles. He was everything to her, and the very idea that she could love one person so much sometimes scared her. It shook everything she had been taught growing up. To give one self to another, with the risk of getting hurt. She had seen what love could do to a person, her parents a prime example.
“T’sori…” whispered Mako, as she felt his lips touch her neck. It was gentle, as he held her close. It didn’t take her long to see that he had been crying too. Forced to endure so much, when the one person he wanted was by his side for years. The absolute tease it was to be so close yet feel so far away at times. The urge to want to reach out and hold her hand in public. To lavish her with kisses and affections held deep within his heart.
‘I want you..nothing else matters to me…’
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sugarwbread · 2 years
Before I start it’s my noble duty to remind everyone to take care of themselves and drink water. Anyways could you make a MK x Yandere!Reader? It doesn’t matter if it’s head canons or a oneshot, it’s just weird because I never see the reader as a yandere often.
Thanks for the reminder to drink water! Always forget to do it.. I hope you enjoy it ^^
[MONKIE KID] MK x fem!yandere!READER.
Warnings: AU, OOC, yandere, mention of surveillance, errors in the text.
MK has been feeling out of place lately. He had an uneasy feeling that he was being watched. And every time this feeling appeared, you also appeared. Smiling broadly, asking about the MK's well-being, you grabbed him by the arm and led him wherever you looked.
MK, of course, rejoiced at your unexpected appearances, a smile blossomed on his face. He was genuinely glad.
But inwardly, the guy was all tense: thoughts of spying on him did not leave him. But he just waved it off. Who needs to keep an eye on him at all? Especially you? Isn't that right..? -Mk? Is something bothering you? – you frowned a little, seeing how MK is slowly following you. You can't see him suffering. -Nothing like that.. It's just,- he stopped and looked around, - every day I feel someone else's eyes on me, - the guy giggled nervously, - I'm paranoid, right, Y.n? -Maybe, - you smiled sweetly at him and ruffled his hair. -Hey!
Laughing merrily, you ran away from him. But despite the happy smile, a ball of gloomy thoughts flashed through your head.
So he noticed. It was necessary to be more careful and more inconspicuous to follow your favorite guy! Have to stop this for a while. But never mind, you managed to take a picture of the MK during this time! (God, how beautiful he is) - And here you got caught, - the MK grabbed you, which made you stagger a little and almost fell, but the guy's hands held you back, - Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to.
The laugh flew out against your will: MK looked so cute, and his eyes sparkled with regret. - It's okay. - MK? I didn't expect to see you here! – an unexpected female voice made you both turn around.
You raised an eyebrow, seeing how MK apologized and approached the girl who came up. Who the hell is she?!
You looked at her: short blonde hair, green eyes, completely black clothes. An unremarkable person, but you sensed danger emanating from her. No, not the kind of danger that would cause something to happen to you. Did you feel that she could take the MK away from you…
Snorting, you came closer, not really paying attention to what the stranger was saying. - MK, it's going to rain soon, - you gently took his hand, - Especially since you promised me..
You looked into his beautiful eyes, pulling a gentle smile on face. -Oh, yes, - he scratched the back of his head, then said goodbye to the girl and obediently followed you, - Y.n, wait, you're in such a hurry.. -Sorry, - you bit your lip, stopping, - just that.. girl.. seemed strange to me. That's all. -Strange? - yes. You said there was a sense of surveillance, right? Don't you think it's her? – you looked anxiously at the back of the departing "rival", then turned your gaze to the MK. - What?! She? She's a good person, - he frowned, shook his head, smiled, - Well, don't talk about it. Let's go. - Okay.
You knew that to some extent he believed you. He will try to avoid her.
His trust in you warmed your soul. So you are special to him as much as he is to you.
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clarafyer · 7 months
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So yeah this is cyberpunk!Vesperaaaaa, she's in one of my earliest posts on one of my art dumps of stuff I did before I started my blog, and I made this in English class today :D
(why do class doodles always end up 10 times better than when you're actually trying like what the hell)
Cp!Vespera's lore: Her brother Sullivan (Tenebris) had to turn to a permanent life of crime when she was 9 because he got into some trouble with the mafia and had to pay off massive debts. She was from then on raised with Sullivan and his friend Divian, Muroko was also a good friend of the group's before actually joining the mafia to try and usurp it (still a process to this day).
After a few years, Vespera was starting to be let into assassinations and infiltration jobs. When she was 14, though, Sullivan left without a trace. No note, no talk, nothing. He left because his fucked up head chose his urges to begin cruel experiments instead of staying with the people who were restraining him from going there.
Fast forward to almost 3 years, neither Ves nor Divian has seen him, but they know he's alive by now because of some recent missing persons incidents and their descriptions, along with Muroko's help (he's now the right-hand man, so he gets a lot of insider knowledge, but can't force Sullivan to come back because of the contract they organized and Muroko valuing business just a little more than personal deeds)
By now: She turns 17 in just a few months, and doesn't realize that she's turning just like her brother, who she's grown to despise, but- still misses the old days. She experiences hallucinations mainly involving her brother, which has been making her lash out more and more as the days go by. One fateful day, Divian and Vespera are going back to the base after a mission, and they meet a near-dead humanoid creature, who has a broken shackle on their wrist. Turns out, this is the first escaped victim of her brother's :)
My friend and I haven't done much with our characters recently, but in the early summer months this year we were roleplaying this stuff, and it was a BLAST. Seriously, this is only the rambling of my side of the lore. I did mention Divian, her character, but I don't wanna go into too much about their lore because like- permission and stuff idk
Fun facts:
- She used to force her brother to let her paint his nails, and because of that, nowadays he still wears nail polish
- The 'escaped victim' is the cyberpunk version of Evelyn (mothman oc)
- My 3 AUs (og, modern and cyberpunk) all represent different kinds of familial trauma (og: manipulation and emotional/mental abuse, modern: physical abuse, cyberpunk: abandonment)
- She's the biggest Oozes fan to exist
- She uses grenades and a nailed bat as her weapons (which is why she usually is just put on surveillance duty on missions lol)
- She has a lung disease that's common in the cyberpunk au, where her lungs are affected by the pollution in the air so much that she needs a gas mask anytime she's outside (it's such a common thing that masks are provided in a lot of places)
- She actually has a custom mask that doubles as a gas mask and a cool high-tech mask with an AR screen on it, made by Muroko for her 13th birthday!
- Her jacket is a re-painted letter jacket from her old school
- She marks her grenades with stickers of varying colors to indicate the average radius before using them (some are just smoke bombs too)
- Technically her first mission was her being a stowaway in Divian's car and she got in big trouble for like 3 months because of it (she also made Div mess up the kill)
ANYWAYS, THAT FELT GREAT TO RANT ABOUT, BUHBYEEEE (questions are ABSOLUTELY allowed I love answering questions abt oc lore, who doesn't)
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daybreakrising · 5 months
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the beauty of taking a very minor character from a story quest is that i get to decide all these little things & no one can stop me unless h//oyo ever feeds me more vautrin which is unlikely
now, i could just leave it there, but i wanna talk a little bit about why. and yes, it involves star signs. it's just a nice easy guideline to slot someone in where it suits them most & c.apricorn "typical traits" fit well with his character:
ambitious: he's the captain of the special security & surveillance patrol and from what we see of him, appears to be quite dedicated to his job (aka: workaholic).
persistent: this man does not give up. on anything. (see also: stubborn)
realistic: we see this in his conversations with carole. he doesn't share her optimism with regards to melusines & humans co-existing peacefully.
sensitive: both a good thing and a bad thing, as we see from his reaction to carole's death. and whilst his attitude at the trial was an act, the fact it was believed so readily implies it's not entirely out of character for him.
practical: again, we see this in his behaviours towards his work with carole. even if he doesn't fully believe it'll happen, he takes a practical view on the subject and does what he can to try and better things. i also think being a practical person would benefit his position as the captain, too.
motivated by duty: absolutely applies. whether that's his duty to his work, his duty to those he holds dear (carole, n.euvillette), his family (his sister while she lived, then to her memory), his motivation lies solely in duty.
disciplined, responsible: this sorta goes without saying, really.
unforgiving: ............ also goes without saying.
there were a couple of other places i could put him, other signs that made some sense, but this one ticked the most boxes for him, so... there we have it. and i decided on early january instead of late december because it's like... start of the year, a new start vibe - given my au for him, it ties in nicely.
why the 14th? random number generator. that's why.
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darsynia · 1 year
I Know No Other Way Than This | Ch 1
(Bruce Banner/OFC, Tony Stark & Bruce Banner Friendship, post-Avengers 1 Soulmate AU multichapter)
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MCU Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | Next
Summary: Bruce tried to forget he had soulmate words entirely, but on the day of the Chitauri attack, he returned from his stint as the Hulk to find that his black words had turned silver. His soulmate must have watched him shift from the Other Guy into himself and said them while he was unconscious.
Tony made it his mission not only to find her, but to present Bruce with compilations of surveillance footage. They showed her working as a nurse, searching his name at public libraries, and generally being a lovely person who didn't deserve to have her life ruined by his affliction. The more Bruce watched, though, the more he was captivated. Was there a chance he could have a future with her? Did he have the right to find out?
Length: 1,536
Tags: @starryeyes2000 @arrthurpendragon @ronearoundblindly @themaradaniels
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Chapter One: First Impression
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so, I love you because I know no other way
than this: where 'I' does not exist, nor 'you,'
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep. 
Sonnet XVII, Pablo Neruda
just after the Battle of New York
Bruce regained consciousness in the middle of a city street. He vaguely remembered making it back to the tower with Tony and Steve as the Other Guy, but that brief flash of memory faded as soon as he was forced to take the stairs down from the penthouse. He guessed it was a good thing so much was wrecked around him anyway, because there was zero chance that his alter ego didn’t take out his frustration on the smashed cars.
He hoped Hulk hadn’t broken anything in the stairwell of the tower.
He stood up, dusted himself off, watching the concrete powder and glass particles hit the pavement in a distinguishable arc around him. Bruce reached for his waistband, squeezing the communicator Tony had sewn into his special expandable shorts.
“Awake, on my way in.”
“Glad to hear it, Brucey Bear,” Tony said. Bruce rolled his eyes, leaning over to dust more crap from his hair. “We’ll get you patched up and then it’s off to the Shawarma place.”
“You sure you didn’t hit your head on the way down?” he asked, his fingers squeezing the transmission button.
“If I did, it’s on you, Banner. You’re the one who caught me.”
Bruce stopped at the corner across from the tower on hearing that. He remembered seeing Tony falling, but only in a flash, as usual for his time as the Other Guy. The next flash was Tony on the ground, along with a sense of relief. Did neither of them remember the moments that took Stark from unconscious freefall to safe landing?
Once inside the tower, Bruce headed straight for the medical floor in the basement. He was grateful it was there, though he hadn’t expected to be showing up so soon after learning of its existence. The doctor on duty documented the places on his body which signaled a healed injury, since a little smeared blood was often the only indication anything had even happened.
“Hey, Bruce,” Tony said, poking his head in the door to the exam room.
Somewhere in their consent forms there had to be one that allowed Tony permission to nose around like that. Bruce wondered if he ought to check, for HIPAA compliance sake, at the very least.
“Are you that hungry?” Bruce asked mildly. “You could always go without me.”
“Star of the hour? No way. Just checking in,” Tony said. “Need me to grab your clothes?”
“Would you?”
When the door shut, Bruce smiled to himself. A stressed-out Stark seemed to soothe sooner with a task. He made a mental note to watch the video of Tony’s fall. It would either come up in conversation some random time while they were working together, or it wouldn’t, and Bruce would need to bring it up. Their friendship was new, but he valued it.
The door opened again as the doctor whose name Bruce had already forgotten was examining his lower back and torso.
“I may have added some flair,” Tony told him. Bruce doubted it, but he’d check, to be sure.
“Dr. Banner, are you aware that your Soulmark has changed?”
Both Bruce and Tony spoke.
“Saving my life and getting the girl? You’re a regular hero, Banner,” Stark said.
Bruce looked down, smoothing his hand out along the words on his left flank. Sure enough, the words were silver instead of black. “There was no ‘getting.’ There will be no ‘getting.’ He shook his head at Tony.
“There’s a mirror--” the attending physician suggested, gesturing to the full-length mirror along the wall in the corner of the room.
He almost didn’t want to check. Actually finding his soulmate was the last thing Bruce wanted to happen. He’d had the words for thirteen years at that point, a number that he ordinarily wouldn’t care much about, but which felt symbolic.
“Hulk doesn’t have any, does he?” Tony asked.
“No,” Bruce murmured.
They were silver, all right. The words, ‘ Something tells me you almost certainly have a vitamin deficiency!’ were a little less obvious than they had been that morning, the color lightened as if touched by a real-life photographic filter.
“Can you confirm that you have no memory of them being spoken?” the doctor asked him.
“Yes.” He only ever spent a few minutes unconscious after transforming back anymore. The woman must have been there to see the actual shift. His soulmate-- a person he’d never really pictured meeting as much as running away from, at least for the last few years --had probably watched him shrink, his body adjusting to the size differential, and commented on one of the many logical medical consequences.
“I’ll find her for you, don’t worry,” Tony said, standing beside Bruce, his hand coming down in a solid, collegial clap on Bruce’s opposite shoulder.
“Please don’t,” Bruce said immediately. He crossed the room and started pulling on his change of clothes. Ordinarily he would have taken off the shorts and changed to new ones, but today? After what he’d just learned, it would be safer if he just left them on. Tony’s reaction to his rejection showed that Bruce might have a fight on his hands.
“Oh no no no no,” Tony said. “Soulmates are good. Don’t do the manfully alone thing about this. Whoever this woman is, her existence is meant to make life better for you. You could use some of that. A lot of that.”
“Even if that’s true, there’s nothing about my situation that would improve that woman’s life. Nothing,” Bruce reiterated.
“You can’t possibly know that,” Tony argued.
“Tony. Find another post-alien-attack hobby, okay?” Bruce finished buttoning up his shirt and, just in case Tony decided to expose his new condition against his will, tucked it in.
“Even if I promised you not to, you wouldn’t believe me, so I’ll spare us both the lie,” Tony said. “Besides, it’s Shawarma time.”
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Tony surprised him by saying nothing else about it for the rest of the day. Bruce made the mistake of assuming this meant his friend had decided to meddle without involving him. There was no chance Tony had decided not to meddle at all.
That night in his Tower apartment, there was a StarkPad waiting for him with a sticky note telling him the temporary password. Bruce sat down and tapped in the code, and immediately, a video began to play.
It showed a scene from the streets of New York. On the sidewalk a group of people were crouched next to an older man whose head was cradled in an older woman’s lap. Kneeling beside the man was a young woman with her hand on his wrist, clearly taking his pulse. She stood, speaking to the older woman for a few seconds before an ambulance pulled up. A group of around four bystanders helped the older man onto the gurney while the young woman comforted the older woman.
The young woman walked up to the ambulance, spoke to the EMT for a second, and then the camera followed her walking about a block, the view changing in quality and angle. It was obviously a stitched-together series of surveillance videos.
The woman herself seemed to be wearing scrubs, which didn’t surprise Bruce, given what he’d observed so far. Her hair was black, held back in a ponytail. He couldn’t clearly see her face in any of the videos so far shown. She turned a corner, and the video quality improved a great deal, probably because she was walking past a parking lot. Suddenly, she stopped, backed up a little, and then stopped again.
Despite himself, Bruce was curious. He wouldn’t put it past Tony to have the camera pan over to a fully-integrated scene of Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up at some point-- but what he saw instead was himself, or rather the Other Guy, stumbling to the ground and rolling on one side, only feet away from the black-haired healthcare worker.
Bruce hit pause, meaning to put the device down, but it didn’t pause. The woman walked closer, covering her mouth with a hand as the Hulk started shrinking down into Bruce. Again, he tried to pause the video, turn it off, something, but it continued playing.
There was no sound, but her head bobbed as if speaking. As she crouched down and reached for his wrist, he saw her draw back in shock. The woman leaned over, looking closely at his left side. Then, to Bruce’s complete shock, she reached out and touched his hair almost tenderly before standing up and running back the way she came.
“Yeah, I bet,” he said, when the video finished. The black-haired woman was his soulmate, and the second she’d realized that fact, she had run in the other direction.
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Next chapter, Tony finds surveillance footage of Bruce's soulmate as she visits a public library and googles who Bruce is.
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