#tem writes a thing
temothylol · 1 year
this has an audience of 5 people and a rock but here. HLVRV freelatta because the reunion scene gives me diseases of the mind. yes im two years late hush
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vigilskeep · 8 months
oh huh...
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temeow · 1 year
theres a little ceasers x reader fanfic
theres a what now.
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i love writing star wars au bealil because they both have love languages that above all else do NOT involve speaking to each other, but instead demonstrating affection in the most bitchy and aggressively unhelpful way possible 
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pantoranqira · 2 years
Pssst Tem! Mr. Morrison, sir! I uh, think that when you re-do Boba Fett and make it good you should also maybe adapt the og Blood Ties comic. Daniel Logan could even ve there and play the other protag! Would very much appreciate that actually. Ok thank you 🥺 <3
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findmeinforks · 5 months
Stay - Paul Lahote X Fem!Reader
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Happy 2024! I honestly didn't know what to call this, but I just kept writing and now I'll probably need a part 2 🙃 enjoy 💕 2.8K words
"You have no idea how excited I am. I mean just how long have I been begging you to come live with me?" Emily grinned into the phone that was tucked between her shoulder and ear. She paced the kitchen while whisking a bowl of brownie mix, mindlessly chatting away.
"I must warn you though that the house does get chaotic. But the boys are pretty good about keeping up after themselves," she said while swatting away Embry's hand that almost made a dip in the bowl. He put his hands up in self defense as she rolled her eyes.
"Sounds great. Sam will pick you up at the airport tomorrow at noon. Let me know if you need anything else, and have a safe flight. I love you!" She she set the bowl on the counter, hanging up the phone.
"Was that Y/N? She's moving in tomorrow?" Quil questioned from the table with a mouth full of chips.
"Yes, and I trust that you boys will be on your best behavior in welcoming her..." Emily raised her eyebrow as she pointed a dripping whisk of batter at all the men now surrounding the kitchen.
"Depends, is she hot?" Embry snickered as he sat down.
"Oh....she is." Quil emphasized with wide eyes.
"Get it Embry!" Paul snorted as he clapped him on the back, reaching over into Quil's bag of chips.
"They WILL be on their best behavior. And no one will be 'getting' shit." The booming voice of Sam emerged behind Emily, wrapping his arms around her torso.
He reached his head over her shoulder as she let him lick what was left on the whisk, earning a disgusted "Seriously?" from Quil.
"Hey, but what if she's my imprint??" Embry held his up his finger to argue.
"You know that would be a different story...but we know already she isn't Quil's" Sam smirked at the youngest pack members now disappointed face.
"You guys are kidding right? I've seen pictures. Shes insanely out of all your leagues." Jacob quipped as he strolled to the living room.
"Anything is better than my crushes newborn infant..." Embry muttered under his breath, making all the boys cower in laughter.
"Oh yeah? You wanna say that again?" Jacob challenged.
Sam walked around in between them, looking from side to side at them both.
"THIS is what Emily is talking about. Keep the fights outside boys. I mean it. Just because Y/N knows about the pack doesn't mean she won't get scared if you clowns nearly phase in the kitchen. Are we clear?"
The two reluctantly nodded, Jacob sulking away to the living room.
"But come on, that was kinda funny.." Embry whispered, making the other boys giggle.
Paul shook his head with a smile at his little brother, leaving the room to shower before dinner.
There was something about the conversation that stuck with Paul throughout the night. Since Sam had met Emily, all of his brothers wanted imprints. They all saw what it was like to have one up close, and craved it desperately. He grimaced at the thought. The idea of a "soulmate" sounded ridiculous to Paul.
The problem wasn't that he didn't believe in it. Anybody could see the intense love that imprints had for one another, their bond growing with them until old age.
But Paul was not familiar with the term love. He never did get to see the love between his father and mother. She had been his imprint, but passed long before Paul could remember much about her. He watched his father struggle emotionally, never being able to get through the grief of her loss. Sure, he raised Paul as best he could, but deep down it was his mother that would have filled the void in their quiet house.
Things did get a little brighter when Paul joined the pack. For the first time he truly felt like he was part of a real family. He came home to hot meals, genuine laughter, and lively conversation. Not only had he gained a group of brothers, but ones with unwavering loyalty. None of them ever strayed away when Paul lost control of his temper, and were the first ones to help him learn to control it.
Maybe that was the reason he never looked for anything serious when it came to women. What was the point? One little outburst and they were out the door quicker than they had come in. He didn't allow himself to feel anything for them, because they'd end up leaving, and he was saving himself the heart break anyways.
Paul lay awake that night certain about one thing, he didn't need an imprint.
You inhaled the crisp fall air. Smiling wide as you looked up the steps to the new home awaiting you, the patio adorned in different flowers and cutesy outdoor decor.
"Oh Em it's just how I remember. You always make it look so cozy," you said as you squeezed the arm of your cousin beside you.
She returned your same smile.
"You're too sweet. I just can't believe you're really here. Come on, I'll introduce you to the boys."
You followed her up the steps, walking through the door to the warm smell of baked goods, no doubt that Emily had been up all night. You chuckled to yourself as you remember how she would go overboard on food whenever she was excited about something and couldn't sleep.
What you weren't used to, however, was being greeted by the several shirtless men. All incredibly in shape with tattoos on their arms, you might have been intimidated if it weren't for their cheesy smiles.
Emily gestured to each of them,
"You remember Quil, and that's Embry, Jacob, Seth, andddd well," she looked around puzzled for a moment. "I guess I'll introduce you to Paul whenever he comes around."
You waved at Quil and shook the other's hands.
There must have been some sort of inside joke, because as you finished with introductions you saw Sam laugh while they collectively let out a small sigh.
You don't think you were meant to hear it, but you caught Sam whisper at Embry,
"Better luck next time kid."
Emily didn't make a big deal of whatever it was, guiding you to your room.
After you got settled in, you found yourself strolling the hallway, looking over all the framed pictures on the wall. You had been over the moon when Emily had found Sam. You've never seen her so happy before, and you could tell he looked at her in the exact same way.
Not paying attention when the bathroom door opened, you collided with a large bare chest that stepped into the hall.
You gasped as two strong arms to match caught you before you fell, luckily, and you embarrassingly faced the one man you of course had no former introduction with.
"I am so, so sorry. I-"
"No no it's fine, are you-"
Both of you started and stopped mid sentence. Your attention had been captured when you two locked eyes. It was like you had been anchored to the floor by them. This warm, fuzzy energy had your entire body buzzing. It was so silent that you could hear your own blood flow in your ears. You furrowed your eyebrows in the haze. What the hell...
A loud voice cut through the trance and you flinched at the abrupt sound. The man held you slightly tighter for a moment, as if he was about to protect you from whatever had interrupted you both in this hypnotic state.
Turning around so you both could see that the voice had been Embry, the man looked back and quickly dropped his arms, as if he just realized he had been holding you that whole time.
An unfamiliar emptiness lingered when he let go. He quickly averted his gaze, mumbling another apology before brushing past you, into a room, shutting the door.
His imprint. Right there. In the hallway of his own home.
Paul couldn't breathe.
He sat on the edge of his bed, nervously running his hands through his hair in a panic.
You were beautiful.
Your smell was intoxicating and your skin was so, so very soft. Your voice sounded like an angel. Your hair-
No, he couldn't let himself think like this. He didn't need an imprint. Didn't even want one in the first place.
Was this some kind of sick joke the universe was playing on him? This girl could have anyone she wants. Why him?
Emily's call for dinner had him taking deep breaths. He could do this. They could live amongst eachother and not have to talk. There's ton of people in this house, it would be rare that the two of them would ever be alone. Right? Right. He could do this.
He walked into the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face. Wake up. It's just some girl. No different than the many that he had been with. Hell, if he could have sex with someone and never think of them again, he could do it. They had barely exchanged a sentence. Barely touched. He would be fine.
You sat down at the table, trying to behave as normal as possible. What happened in the hall was nothing. Whiplash. Yes, it was probably the whiplash from running into him. The poor guy seemed shy, and he was most likely just as shook up as you. It was a small accident and nothing more. He certainly didn't seem angry or upset, just caught off guard.
But wow....was he handsome. Certainly more attractive than any lousy guy you'd ever been with. He had this aroma of sandalwood and forest that was enchanting.
Okay, slow down Y/N. Let's not walk in on the first day and jump on some guy. After all, you two are going to be living together. Maybe don't make him uncomfortable in his own home. You shook your head to yourself. Just forget about the whole thing and it will be fine.
Luckily, Emily had started conversations around the table, easily able to take your mind elsewhere.
That was, until he came in the room. There was a beat of silence when he entered, the other boys seeming to look at him like they were anticipating something. When he didn't make a sound or even look up to anyone, slumping at the table and taking a plate, the conversations arose again.
Dinner was excellent as usual for Emily's cooking, and besides your beating heart constantly begging you to look at the man near the end of the table, it was almost normal.
It was when Emily put delicious brownies on the table, that it took a turn for the worse.
"I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU AGAIN. SHUT THE FUCK ALONE ABOUT IT" Everyone's head turned to the angry voice. It was him. He was so visibly upset that he was shaking, staring daggers at Embry beside him. Slamming his fists on the table as he stood up, you let an audible gasp slip.
That's when he looked at you for the second time that night. It was a far reach, but somehow you saw his eyes soften. The crinkles of anger in his eyebrows vanished, and he swallowed, before bolting out the door. Sam immediately followed, and Emily sighed, reaching out to touch your arm.
"I'm sorry about Paul. He's very.....expressive sometimes."
"Leave me alone Sam."
Paul sighed through the mind link, his large wolf racing through the trees.
He didn't mean it. He never means it. But Embry would simply not stop talking. First it was meaningless. He asked what imprinting felt like. Paul had shrugged it off as nothing crazy, hoping he'd drop it there. Then, he had asked him if he planned on pursuing the imprint. Of course he told him he wasn't. He didn't need a soulmate. No matter what his instincts told him. But then, Embry had smiled and thanked him, telling him that you were now "fair game".
That had been when he lost it.
He stopped on the edge of a cliff, breathing in the fresh water air. Sam slowly approached his side.
"Embry only said that to get a rise out of you, you know."
Paul scoffed.
"He can do whatever he wants. I don't care about her."
"Oh you don't?" Sam didn't sound so convinced.
"Even if I did, she wouldn't want me. Did you....did you see the look on her face when I yelled?" Paul replayed it over and over. You had looked absolutely frightened.
"There is a reason she was chosen to be your imprint Paul. You don't know Y/N. She is patient, and most of all understanding. If you talked to her-"
"I don't need to talk to her. I am perfectly fine alone. I don't need a woman, and I definitely don't need an imprint."
Sam sighed.
"Paul. You can do what you want. I'm not the type of alpha to force you to love someone. But believe me when I say that I had a dark past. I was also comfortable with being alone. Emily is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Having a conversation with her doesn't mean there will be wedding bells tomorrow. All I'm saying is you don't know unless you try."
Paul nodded, and Sam left him with his thoughts.
You stared at the numbers on your phone screen. 2:00am. You huffed in frustration. Your mind had been a constant replay of the events today, your mind spiraling. You had settled on the fact things around here were weird, when you had visited Emily and accidentally caught sight of Sam in wolf form. But this energy couldn't have anything to do with that. Could it?
You decided to make yourself some tea to try and relax. Knowing Emily you knew there had to be some in the kitchen. You tip toed in the dark, your body stiffening as you recognized a familiar muscular back that sat at the kitchen table in a dim light.
You were ready to retreat back to your room when he turned his head around to look at you.
Damn, wolves must have good hearing.
"I was just....going to make some tea.." you pointed to the cabinet awkwardly.
He nodded, looking back down at what appeared to be a cup of coffee.
He couldn't sleep either?
You mindlessly tapped your fingers against the counter as you awaited the kettle, praying that if you stared at it long enough, it would speed up the process.
Fuck, was this torture. You were like a goddess, standing there in your pajamas, hair astray and up in a haphazard bun. He imagined walking up behind you, wrapping his arms around you, soaking in your warmth while he pressed gentle kisses on your neck. He wondered what it sounded like to hear you laugh...
STOP STARING. Say something. Anything. Just. Try.
He cleared his throat. It must have startled you because you quickly turned to face him.
"I'm...sorry. About what you saw earlier. That's not like me. I-Embry, he can get under my skin sometimes," he rubbed the back of his head.
"But that's no excuse. I'm-um, Im Paul, by the way."
He lifted his hand up in an almost wave. Why was he so awkward? He was never this way with women.
You giggled, and suddenly, he felt like he was in heaven.
"Y/N. And no worries at all, Emily said you can be....'expressive' sometimes."
He chuckled.
"That's one word for it. But I just don't want to scare you off..."
"Well. I think if knowing that you can all turn into a large creatures who can rip me apart and that doesn't scare me away, I think you were okay." You smiled. He could look at that smile forever.
He was actually talking to you. Man, was his laugh so perfect. You could talk with him forever.
The kettle screeched, and you reluctantly made your tea.
"Well....I guess I'll see you around, Paul." You took your mug and headed for your room.
His name on her tongue. He wanted her to say it again.
"You can stay. If-if you want. I, uh, I don't...know much about you."
You smiled.
"I'd like that."
To be continued......
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Stuck in Planning Stage of Writing
Anonymous asked: Do you have any advice on how to get out of the planning stage and more into the doing stage of writing? I’m up to my ears in notes for scenes and fragments of dialogue between characters. I know where I want to go with the story, I’ve even written a handful of scenes when the ideas come to me, but now that I have this lump of thoughts I need to start organizing and placing them all in their rightful spaces. The one thing I truly know is how much I’d love to see this through. Do you have any advice for a girl who’s unwittingly made herself stuck with a puzzle?
[Ask edited for length]
Planning a novel can sometimes be like digging a really deep hole for a specific purpose, then suddenly realizing you've stranded yourself at the bottom of the hole without a ladder. You've spent so much time digging the hole, you'd like nothing more than to get out of the hole and move forward with whatever project required you to dig the hole in the first place. There's just one problem: you can't teleport yourself out of the hole. You have to climb... or, ideally, build yourself a ladder to climb out with whatever materials are available to you.
That's probably where you are right now with your story. The hole you've dug was necessary, and it's good that you dug it, but as much as you'd like to just magically leap out and write your story, you can't do that. You have to build yourself a ladder to climb out of the hole first. So...
My go-to emergency "get out of the planning hole I've dug myself into" ladders are timelines, scene lists, and outlines.
Timelines: Your story may take place over a single day or several centuries, but either way, time flows in your story. All of those notes and fragments of dialogue and partial scenes are moments or events that happen within the time frame of your story. So, plotting those moments and scenes out on a timeline--according to when they need to happen--is about the easiest way to break your story down into its existing pieces and to see what's missing/where.
There are lots of ways you can format a timeline, such as a table, a list, a horizontal timeline, calendar, or a roadmap timeline. My go-to is a basic two-column document where the left column is date/time and the right column is the moment/event. There are also apps and online tools that will help you build a timeline in various formats.
Horizontal Timeline:
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Calendar Timeline:
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Table Timeline:
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More info: Making a Timeline for Your Story Scene Lists: Stories are made up of scenes, so a list of those scenes is another great way to organize the events of your story. You may even find that creating a scene list is easier after making a timeline, because a timeline may help you see where certain moments or events need to be their own scenes and which can be combined together into a single scene. Just like timelines, scene lists can be as simple or complex as you want to make them. Once again, my go-to is a simple two-column document with the left column for the scene number and the right column for the scene summary, preferably just a sentence or two. Ultimately, once I have my rough timeline and scene list done, I usually combine them into one multi-column document along with my story structure beats.
Table Scene List with Beats:
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Complex Scene List/Timeline/Beat Sheet:
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More info: Scene Lists
Outlines: Outlines can be really any format you want them to be, and some people count timelines and scene lists as their outlines. My go-to outline is just an exhaustive beginning to end summary of everything that needs to happen. Sometimes, just working through your story from beginning to end can be the best way to make sense of all those disparate pieces you've been piling up.
More info: Guide: How to Outline a Plot Story Structure: Finally, I want to talk a bit about story structure templates like Save the Cat Writes a Novel!, Larry Brooks story structure, seven point story structure, etc. Story structure templates can be a really great way to make sure you're hitting all the right story beats--almost like a road map through your story. It's just important to know you do not by any means have to stick to any particular story structure exactly. Use it as a guide, take what works, leave what doesn't, and don't panic if your beats don't fall exactly where it says they should. As long as your story is working, that's what matters. Some writers even like to frankenplan their stories using a variety of different structure templates.
More info: Creating a Detailed Story Outline (story structure)
Once you finally have a roadmap for moving forward, whether that's a timeline, scene list, outline, or all of the above, you know you're ready to start writing!
Final note: I just want to add that planning isn't for everyone. Some people are discovery writers who let their stories work themselves out as they go. The above is just meant for people who are planners, who have done a lot of planning, but need to pull that planning together into a cohesive, organized document. And... if you have all of the above and still find yourself unable to start, you might find help in the links below. Happy writing! More help:
Beginning a New Story Figuring Out Where to Start a Story Deciding How to Open Your Book How to Move a Story Forward Trouble Getting Started Have Plot, Can’t Write
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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karttaylir-darasuum · 3 months
a resource page for all your clone related needs
some tips on how to unwhitewash the clones in your content: 1 2 3
a folder of literally, like, 100s of photos of tem for all your reference needs
avoid racist, ableist, & otherwise negative stereotypes when writing about wrecker: 1 2
types of clone troopers
trooper weapons
technical sw terms
every canon named clone up until 2020 (images and names only)
ever canon named clone up until 2021 (images, names, battalions, & jedi officers)
every canon named clone up until 2023 (names and battalions only, no images)
assorted clone lore: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
reader inclusivity (has fic resources + poc moodboard images)
some links + videos about māori culture you might find useful if it's relevant to your works: 1 2
disability inclusivity
māori, mando'a, and huttese dictionaries
star wars and clone specific fic dividers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
some things to keep in mind as we're celebrating characters played by and modeled after a māori man:
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you can find the full pdf these are sourced from + more information on the subject here
if you're like me and you want to see some māori films that have māori cast members from the star wars universe, here's a list with free watch links where available:
tem's māori-focused films: once were warriors, what becomes of the broken hearted?, river queen, rain of the children, mahana/the patriarch (i'm also fond of a tv show he did called adventurer)
whale rider (keisha castle-hughes, aka queen apailana & emerie karr)
hunt for the wilderpeople (julian dennison, aka clone cadets deke & stak in tbb s3)
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chimaerakitten · 7 months
Literally the whole time I was reading the Temeraire series I was constantly thinking about how history is going to view some of the events, most of which must look absolutely wild from the outside.
And anyway I’ve lately come to the conclusion that despite Laurence’s many, many frustrations with the inaccuracies in the way his contemporaries view events that happen around him, he’s going to have the last word in the end because nobody else is writing shit down.
Like, Laurence is a very good corespondent who writes letters constantly and reports diligently, which is not true of most aviators. And considering how much of the series is just Tem&Co traveling all over the place there’s huge swathes of the story for which Laurence’s reports would be the only English-language primary source. Sipho will almost certainly be the one who writes the interesting, descriptive, polished versions, (the ones people actually want to read 200 years later) but he’ll be writing them years after the fact so Laurence’s reports will be the thing to check everything else against.
Which is going to mean there’s a lot of things that will eventually go down in history accurately despite several major colonial powers wishing it otherwise, but it will also make it hilariously difficult puzzle out anything about Laurence’s temperament etc. because the image of his personality that emerges from his oft-cited extremely dry reports and the image that emerges from every outside source is going to just be wildly different. Which will only increase the likelihood that he’s going to be one of those “ask six historians from six countries about him and you’ll get seven answers” historical figures despite the fact that in the English-speaking world at least he’s one of the people with the greatest control over the historical narrative.
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voltronisanobsession · 5 months
Hi! It's me again, I was wondering if I could ask a Derek hale x sister! Reader where since the hale fire the reader stop talking to anyone but only her siblings (like laura, Derek and cora) and one day the pack come in to derek's loft and saw reader whispering to Derek a d they ate shocked because even at school she never speak but as soon as she saw them she stop speaking/whispering to him. So the pack always try to make her speak by speaking to her or asking her things but reader either sigh or growl but never speak to them even though they're her pack because she's afraid that they'll die once she will start being friendly with tem, sos some people of the pack start getting frustrated and stiles or someone else make a comment about her being mut or thinking that she was mute and Derek her big brother stand up for her. Please and sorry it's so so long.
Derek defending Reader b/c of their Quietness
UGH YES LOVE THIS🦅🦅🦅 it’s not long bro, don’t even worry about it, I love writing for teen wolf teehee
Idk if I did you justice but I hope you enjoy this!!
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Derek is SUPER protective of you, like it’s not even funny😭
Since you’re with your older brother most of the time, the pack has gotten used to your presence and silence, yet were always so curious to know more about you!
But whenever they’ve come across you, whether it be at school, walking down a street, or even when fighting, you never say a peep to any of them
They obviously know that you somewhat care for them with all the times you’ve saved their asses from trouble, but you’re just so quiet that it’s hard to form a connection with you
I don’t think they’ve actually heard your voice besides from the occasion sigh or chuckle you would let out whenever someone said something funny
At one point they all just assumed you were mute until they one day unexpectedly dropped by Derek’s studio when they hear faint talking from outside his door
Of course they hear Derek’s deep voice, but they also hear a new voice as well
This once is much softer, yet filled with life as they heard the joyful laughing of this unknown person
Stiles being Stiles, homeboy just barges in to see who this new person only to see the surprised faces of you and your brother
“You can talk?!” Is definitely the first thing this dude would say
Your mouth is glued shut at the question and before the group can begin interrogating you, Derek steps in to separate you all
Since then, the group (mostly stiles tho) would try and make you talk
Whether it be about the most random things, they are always in some way waiting for your response
I think Allison would be the one in the pack to understand your hesitance of forming a connection with them because of your terrible pst
She understands your boundaries and only converses with you when it’s only the two of you
Allison doesn’t let her surprise how on her face you you laugh at a joke she offhandedly said to make you feel comfortable
She’s the only one you would actually talk to in private, allowing her to take a place in your heart with how many times she’s saved you, and made you laugh
Scott doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by any means, but sometimes the silence between you both makes him feel awkward
He definitely bugs Derek about it though. Because of how much he asks about it, Derek does fold at one point and reveals why you never speak around them
Scott sees you in a different light at the knowledge of you scared of forming relationships with them, but he doesn’t treat you any differently
He’s learned to embrace the silence and calmness you bring, throwing smiles towards you every now and then when you guys make eye contact
Lydia and Stiles are more of the pushy types, always bothering you about why you don’t talk
Lydia learns to just let I go though after the first few times she tries talking to you
She doesn’t wanna waste her breath when you won’t even respond to a yes or no question😭 you usually communicate with her with your eyes or by nodding your head
Stiles on the other hand won’t let go of it
He’s always asking you questions, waiting for a response before babbling about something else
There are times that he asks sensitive questions which he knows is wrong and insensitive of him but he just wants to hear you speak again
I think we all know how stiles is, pushing someone’s else’s limits until they actually do so emerging to him to him shut up💀
I think Scott might reveal a little about you to Stiles because of how annoying he’s gotten about the subject
Stiles actually gets fed up one random day tho after the group almost gets killed because of your reluctance to communicate with them, making an off handed, and lowkey insulting, comment towards you
“What, are you finally gonna speak at our funerals when one of us dies? There won’t really be a point in doing so though.”
Might not seem like much, but for you, your heart breaks at that
He will admit it’s not his proudest moment
The second the comment leaves his mouth tho, Derek is slamming the younger boy against a way and giving him the death stare
Everyone gasps at the sound of Stiles hitting the wall
Scott tries to make Derek let go, but Stiles was talking shit to his younger sibling and he’s not gonna take that
You quickly walk over though, resting a hand on his arm
Everyone is supposed, even Derek, when you speak
“It’s ok Derek, let him go.”
After a moment of hesitation, Derek lets Stiles go, not before threatening to rip his head off if her ever speaks to you like that
Once he’s backed off, you look to Stiles, eyes filled with hurt and anger
“Are you happy now Stiles?”
And boom, you angrily walk away leaving everyone tense, Allison chasing after you
I think this’ll have a more emotional affect on you because this dude basically forced you to kinda relive a trauma you’ve grown to have
He destroyed the coping mechanism you had, which was keeping to yourself in silence
But maybe this was the push you needed. Maybe you needed someone to break you out of this shell you were in.
It was a difficult and scary process for you, but with the support of Derek and Allison, you slowly began speaking more
Starting with small comments, everyone gave you time and space to go at your own pace when talking with you
I think you would have a stutter because of your limited amount of contact you’ve had with other people throughout the years
So the pack patiently as you get out the words and sentences you stumble on occasionally
They don’t make fun of it, but instead encourage you to continue, especially if you get frustrated when you can’t get out a specific word
They are also there to remind you that they’re always going to be there for you, and that they won’t ever leave you💔
You appreciate so much because that’s been your number one fear ever since the fire that happened all those years ago
While at first things were still awkward with you and Stiles, he apologized the second you guys were alone
He’s super sincere and remorse full of the way he treated you. You accept his apology, but not without giving him the classic Hale threat if he ever does it again🤭
Derek is still super protective of you and always reminds you to not push yourself
You honestly love and appreciate him for that, and often remind him how much you appreciate him
Cora, if she’s visiting, would be surprised to hear you talking freely now. While she gives Stiles the stink eye at hearing how it all happened, she’s lowkey happy that you’ve finally broken from your chains of doubt
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temothylol · 8 days
i was struggling with shadows quills the other day, so i was scrolling through reference images, trying to figure out how his silhouette works.
and then i realized that its a star.
and i had to sit down with that realization
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an-idyllic-novelist · 6 months
Queen Bee-zlebub with gender neutral!reader platonic headcanons
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warnings: alcohol and drug usage, non-consensual behavior, explicit language.
This is a fictional story, therefore the behavior portrayed here is not acceptable in real life. If you do not feel comfortable venturing further, please push the 'back' button on your mobile device or computer and find something else much more pleasant to read.
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Hey guys, and welcome to my first Helluva boss fanfic! I'd like to thank @thatstonedwriter for not only reading the draft of this piece, but also giving me feedback on the parts I initially struggled with writing out. Definitely check out their Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss content guys, it is amazing!
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and let's get this party started! :)
Being Beezle-bub’s friend definitely makes life in Hell interesting for you. Not only is she the Deadly Sin of Gluttony, but her parties are legendary; you never leave on an empty stomach, or feel dissatisfied.
 Her power comes from her guest’s good vibes, so she knows if they are enjoying themselves or things are getting out of control, leaving her no choice but to step in and remedy the situation before the party’s mood goes sideways in the worst way possible. Case in point with Blitzø at Bee’s last party. He drank in the name of the sin of pride, instead of indulgence. 
You met Queen Bee in her mansion during one of her weekend parties; nothing special, really. You were having a good time and challenged her to a friendly drinking contest. Loser would buy drinks next time they met. You didn’t win, but you came pretty damn close and thanked the Deadly Sin for indulging your whims, promising to buy her a drink when you met each other next time. 
Polite, easygoing, and cheerful without a stick up your ass? You definitely won some brownie points with Queen Bee. More kudos would be earned if you’re honest with her. 
Before the night was over, she invited you to a more exclusive party she’d be hosting in the following weeks. She will immediately follow you online if you have any social media accounts. Sinstagram is her main one to advertise her Beezle-juice and other products. Party invitations? Nope. Sorry, but those are her rules. You gotta know someone to come to her events, or know her to get permission to set a single foot on her property. She can’t keep stealing large quantities of drugs from Belphegor or else that asshole will keep changing the locks on her. 
When you weren’t getting drunk or high as a kite with the Deadly Sin, you’d meet up somewhere in the Gluttony Ring and grab a drink. That’s actually what happened first, since you did promise to buy her shots after losing the drinking contest with her. From there, you’d either trade gossip at the local coffee shop that’s known for their killer frappuccinos, or just go window shopping.
If you see something you like, clothes, booze, or anything else? She’ll buy it as long as you come to her next party like you said you would. If you can’t make it because of work? She gets it, but just let her know as soon as you do, okay? She is a busy lady after all. 
She’s all for fucking and getting fucked at her parties, but she shares Ozzie’s philosophy that consent makes it an art form. Non-con shit like drugging drinks or pushing someone into something they aren't down to doing? And someone pulls that kind of stunt on you, her bestie? Yeah, that son of a bitch is yeeted out of the goddamned window faster before anyone can blink and the party's over. 
Vortex would definitely be happy to see you around the dance floor. Other than himself, you’re probably the only person that can calm down Bee if she’s super upset or angry. If you have time before you go home, you help him out with cleaning up the place or getting some hangover remedies prepped up in the kitchen for the the guests that were too fucked up to go home. 
 She’s definitely trying to reign in her temper, but it can be hard for her. When she gets in one of those dark moods, you’re only a phone call away, like you always tell her. And when she does call? You’re there in a heartbeat, or talk to her until she can finally relax and fall asleep. 
Yeah…she’s really glad she met you. 
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cupids-flyer · 11 months
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Vira note: pls spare me. This my first work on here ♡︎ ill get better as i keep writing🧚🏾‍♀️
Armin falling for you the pretty and smart architecture princess | fluff |
you knew walking into a architecture class in all pink with you’re dark brown complexion would cause a lot of staring but you didn’t care. as you put your bamboo earrings in, your playlist changed the song to The Key by Tems but you paused it till you got into your car and drove to school.
architecturestudent!armin who sat in the back struggling to keep his eyes open in class couldn’t help but notice you the girl in all pink walking into architecture class.
“Princess! I think you’re in the wrong class!” someone yells out to you. “This room 208. Architecture. Is it not?” You say looking at the teacher for confirmation. “Yes you are correct. Y/n right? The only open seat we have is in the back.” “Thanks.” you say smiling walking to your seat.
architecturestudent!armin who is entranced at the way your hips sway as you walk to the only open seat beside him in the back and take out your books
“Hi!” you say smiling “i’m y/n and you’re..” “I’m Armin but call me Min everyone does.” He says responding frantically “thats cutee, well Min i hope we become good friends this semester!” You say cheesin
architecturestudent!armin who was in shock at how forward you were. from you saying “stop being a stranger, move your chair closer” to Give me your number.” which had him shocked “if i didn’t ask i had a feeling i would’ve never got it!” you say chuckling
architecturestudent!armin who couldn’t get you out of his head the way you always where attentive in class, always knew the topics, and always writing notes and sharing them with him. he knew you were a dime and he couldn’t let you slide from up under him. he couldn’t let you go.
architecturestudent!armin who loves drawing so he draws you little doodles in the middle of class. but one day he scribbles fast on the paper and taps your hand urging you to read it. you glance and the paper and do a double take as your eyes get wide. he’s asking to take you out soon. you look over to smile at him while writing a fast “yes” he was so happy he could’ve jumped out of his chair
architecturestudent!armin who calls you because he didn’t understand some of the lesson and as he looks at the picture you sent of your notes. while his face is in the camera you see that he wrinkles his forehead and sticks his tongue out when he focuses. you think it’s a adorable habit but he has no idea at all.
architecturestudent!armin who takes you to a little cafe just to talk and get closer to eachother. you learn that he was the shy type when he was younger and still slightly is but learned how to stand up for himself with his friends help. you also learn that he loves minecraft and use to have one of those creeper jackets and a diamond sword.
“It’s not that funny.” He says with a straight face as you laugh your ass off “I-“ You say trying to catch your breath “im trynna to imagine you with the jacket on zipped up with the diamond sword IN HAND!” you say busting out in laughter. he can’t help but notice how pretty you look to him when your laughing.
architecturestudent!armin who loves seeing and making you laugh. some people may call your laugh obnoxious, loud, ugly, weird. but he found it weirdly adorable.
architecturestudent!armin who calls you almost everyday just to hear your voice. he keeps a note on his phone of all your favorite things and facts about you so he never forgets.
architecturestudent!armin has the patience of a saint. like when you and him where challenged with making and building a modern miniature house structure with 2 tiers and the blueprint just didn’t work together it kept falling and while you got frustrated armin calmed you down.
“BRUH this just isn’t working. Why is the structure not structuring!” you say slamming your hand’s against the desk “y/n its okay.” he says rubbing your leg and his hand on your back “maybe we need more stability on the pillars.” he says getting more stabilizers and the building began to stand up. “armin! you were right! “ you say hugging him. you didn’t know it but armin was feeling more accomplished and comfortable than he ever did before.
architecturestudent!armin who’s parents got him a luxury apartment to stay in invites you over to his apartment to see a project he had been assigned.
“Welcome to my place y/n!” he says while ushering you in with his hand on the small of your back before closing the door. “Min…” you say looking at his beautiful apartment. “this place is amazing” you say with your jaw dropping “it’s nothing really!” he says anxiously with his hand up and scratching his neck “my parents didn’t want me to stay in a dorm. so they got me this place.” he says walking around “you want something to drink?” he says leaning in the fridge and putting out 2 of your fav drinks. “definitely!” you say sitting at the island “so what’s with this project?” you say taking a sip “it’s nothing really i’m just making a victorian style-“ you couldn’t barely comprehend the words coming out of his mouth and you kept looking at his lips. slowly but surely armin started to notice and he felt the same whenever you answered.
architecturestudent!armin who’s so soft for you so when you start dozing off during the project he lets you stay over and sleep in his house saying “it’s to late for you to be driving.” all you can get out is a “mhm” while your heavy lidded eyes couldn’t take the weight and finally closed. what you didn’t know was armin kissed your forehead while you were sleeping wishin you good dreams.
architecturestudent!armin who wakes up earlier than you and makes you a breakfast for a queen.
“Min?” you call out into the house from the room you were in. you smell the aroma of french toast and pancakes. like a spell you let your feet take you to the smell. as you walk into the kitchen you see armin over the stove putting his all into making breakfast. “morning y/n.” he says with a smile looking over his shoulder “minn you shouldn’t have!” you say walking over and hugging him from behind hands around his waist. all he can think is anything for my angel.
architecturestudent!armin who’s been planning how to ask you to be his girlfriend for a while now. asking your favorite flowers getting you a necklace with your name and renting out a restaurant.
“Okay. Open your eyes in…
the gasp that left your mouth was indescribable. there armin stood infront of you with the necklace on display and flowers in hand. the restaurant was empty aside from the musicians playing romantic music. “i want you to feel loved and respected always so…. will you go out with me.” he asks nervously “you made this seem like a proposal min!” you say taking the items out of his hands and setting them on a nearby table then going back to give him a bear hug. “but yes i will go out with you Armin Arlet!”
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muichirolover12 · 15 days
Guys you know that I am very active on here and nearly post everyday.
If I don't post I might be in a depressed mood, worried, or just away to some event. I'm posting this because some people who I need and cherish here on Tumblr haven't been active much and since I have anxiety I worry that they might have died or something. I also been having these thoughts about me getting R@ped and me plus my family dying. So I'm really scared and anxious including depressed.
I'm also sad because I have been writing this story for 2 weeks and nobody was really like " Good Job Zaria! " "I'm glad you finished the story. " and " I can't wait to read this! " And that made me feel like I just did that for nothing. I really fear failure and disapproval. I try to get somewhere on here! My friends sometimes use me for things for their own needs and I have been losing sleep. I just really need to relax. This really got deep. What is happening to me? Is this an result of Trauma?! I do feel like a hopeless romantic also.
Plus here are the people I need on here:
@demonslayerdoodles @ackie-slays @amb3r-dono @tokito-dulya20 @misty-sees-you
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Goodnight, Good morning, or Good evening to those who cared to see this and hoped that I get some rest.
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ladylucksrogue · 3 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Thank you for the tag @somethingsteff and @yourfavoritefridge
1. Are you named after anyone?
No. My parents just picked the most popular name the year I was born. 🤷🏼‍♀️
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don't really cry that often. Honestly though, my uncle's funeral last month hit me way harder emotionally than I expected.
3. Do you have kids?
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Just one. It's all the universe can handle…
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
I did greco roman wrestling in high school. A bit of martial arts, iaido. Lots of CrossFit once upon a time.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I would never…
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Mood for the most part. Non verbal body language. Eyes.
7. What's your eye colour?
Blue green
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. Scary movies play with my anxiety and not in a good way.
9. Any talents?
Not really. I can do a lot of things mediocre but I don't really have any big talents.
10. Where were you born?
Frankfurt am Main
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, cooking and baking,cosplay, travel
13. How tall are you?
5’7” and a half. The half inch is important. Tem’s got my back on that 😆
14. Favourite subject in school?
History. I loved learning anything I could about history.
12. Do you have any pets?
2 dogs, a shepsky named Loki and a chihuahua named Gizmo.
15. Dream job?
Clinical psychology. I'm already in the field, I just need to get my PhD to actually practice.
No pressure tags @countessofbiscuit @miserableandmagical94 @sendpseuds @heretolurkandnothingmore @ahsokathegray and whoever else wants to join the party
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imagineanime2022 · 1 month
Toji With A Daughter
Toji Fushiguro X Daughter!Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Heyyy idk if you write for toji from jjk since I didn't see him in your masterlist but if you're open to it… could you write toji x daughter reader?? Like he has a teen daughter and how he would raise/treat her?? Tyy
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💴 Alright honestly on brand like in the series we know he’s a confused Dad… By forgetting his own son's name. 💴 However he does care about his kids, in a way, he’s not very good at showing it but he does care. 💴 So you will have had to be the first child that he had, you would have to be older than Megumi. 💴 Since we don’t actually have an official age for Toji, let's for the sake of this fic say that he had Megumi at 30 years old and had you when he was 18, which would make you the same age as Gojo in the grand scheme of things. 💴 During his lashing out phase when he was still with the Zenin, he slept with a lot of people in my opinion and you were the result of one of the hook ups. 💴 Luckily your mother never went looking for your father, so the Zenin clan never found out that you existed and it stayed that way for about 5 years. 💴 He eventually found your mother after being encouraged by his new wife with the news that he had a daughter. You would have been 5 at the time and that was where the relationship started to rebuild. 💴 This is where everything starts and your relationship is… Interesting. 💴 I honestly believe that the relationship is based on your age and has nothing to do with gender. 💴 Since he’s with Mama - Fushiguro he’s in a much better head space and that meant that when you started showing signs of cursed energy, Mama Fushiguro would probably talk him into teaching you some self defence even if it was just that. 💴 He likely wouldn’t teach you much more he doesn’t want you anywhere near the Zenin clan and he wanted no reason for tem to be looking for you. 💴 He definitely spent a lot more time messing around and teasing you, he prepared you for the most annoying humans in the world, you’d either hit him to shut him up or develop the patients of a saint. 💴 He’s not anymore gentle with you when playing, he’s favourite thing is to press his hand to your head holding you at arms length while you tried to get to him. 💴 He never has any money so the presents that you do get from him are like treasured items. You once gave him a small bracelet that you had made and while you never saw him wear it, he did tie it around the hilt of his favourite weapon, a reason to win. 💴 He’s also not the type to tell that he loves you all that much but you can find the love in his actions, like making sure that you're walking next to the wall instead of the road or just straight picking you up and putting you on his shoulders when it gets too crowded. 💴 Unless you break a bone or are haemorrhaging he’s going to tell you to shake off. 💴 Problems start up again when Mama Fushiguro dies, you gained a little brother but you barely got to meet him before him and your father disappeared. 💴 It took a further 3 years to find them again and during that time a lot had changed, you had met them on separate occasions because 💴 Tsumiki was quick to accept you even if you weren’t her biological sister, Megumi was harder to get to know. 💴 Toji on the other hand seemed to have all but forgotten that he would have a 15 year old daughter, now honestly at this point it hurts but it’s so on brand that you're not even surprised. 💴 You would have to be persistent as hell to get him to acknowledge you and the extent of that acknowledgement is asking you how much money you can make for him and testing whether you were able to carry out some of his jobs for him.
SEASON TWO SPOILERS 💴 After Gojo sent this man to his next life he asked for two favours from Gojo, the first for Megumi and the second for you, he asked 💴 💴 Gojo to make sure that you knew that you had a brother and a family. 💴 Gojo noticed the small black hand made bracelet on the hilt and while Gojo disposed of the dagger himself, he did take the bracelet back to you.
This next part is just something that I thought would be nice to add at the end. 💴 Alright Gojo was able to track down Megumi and by extension you, you had been making sure that they were looked after now that you had accepted that your father was basically a child. 💴 So Gojo essentially tries to poach your brother but you were waiting for him that day, Megumi never needed your help with him and told him to get lost but then Gojo set eyes on you. 💴 You remember when I said that Toji was preparing you to deal with annoying people, this was the insufferable idiot that Toji was preparing you for. 💴 Gojo handed you back the bracelet while offering you the chance to train with him. 💴 Whether you say yes or not, you will be a major part of Megumi’s life so you're gonna see Gojo a lot after Megumi starts attending Jujutsu High. 💴 So in the end Toji wouldn’t have been a traditional father in fact he taught you every lesson through absence, the importance of things by taking them away and the permanence of mistakes by the consequences he pushed on you. 💴 Like I said, Toji in’r a good Dad and I wish that I could say that he tried his best but there were definitely things that he could have done better. 💴 Maybe in another life he’ll be given the chance to make it up to you.
Request Here!!
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