#thank you for the consideration
canon-gabriel-quotes · 5 months
Thank you to everyone supporting the “it’s a body suit but it’s the angel equivalent of nude colored” agenda.
You understood the assignment. Best of both worlds.
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chromotps · 4 months
Kinda going crazy here. Stumbled upon fanarts of Yamato with Carrot and I was like. contemplating if they'd go out together or have a father-daughter relationship 😭 I don't want to put a lable for what their ages would be, it's kinda like same with CoraLaw for me. Yamarrot (I made that up) is a rarepair and it's carving a place in the back of my mind. Is this because I like ftm x pansexual something-probably-a-furry trope or do I just like rarepairs. We'll never know. I am clutching the ends of my seat because I don't know what their dynamic would be but I already made headcanons.
(if this makes you uncomfortable or weirded out, just delete this)
"Yamarrot" 😂😂😂 I do think this could be very cute...... Like, their rambunctiousness would lead to a lot of "man this person really gets me" moments, but I feel like Carrot would also just be so sweet and protective after finding out everything Yamato's been through...
tbh I'm still trying to figure out what my thoughts on Yamato are. Like I really enjoy him as a character, but there's also a lot more going on with his story and arc than I can really wrap my head around. Sometimes I think I kind of ship yama/ace (but like, 5% compared to my 300000000% that i ship ace/lu) and then I also saw some kind of gorgeous fanart that was of Hiyori and Yamato as a ship, and mmmmmmmm my brain does like badass, high femme x flustered but earnest and equally badass wifeguy. It would also be kind of juicy to have that all happen between Oden's daughter + Kaido's son--like, they'd have to work through a lot... Yamato might have to learn to let go of the Oden identity a bit and come into his own more, since otherwise things would get weird 😂 (tho. as a disclaimer, i ship ace/lu, i can't say anything about odd family dynamics in ships. haha)
when I can't decide on a ship like this, it's usually bc i'm just not sure what would make the character happiest. or, like, i'm fine to multiship him for now! man, imagining Carrot on one arm and Hiyori on the other... Yamato why does your mom let you have 2 gfs............
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maxsix · 2 months
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
tw: somewhat flippant conversation about death
Steve returns from a long run one Saturday afternoon to a loud kind of pandemonium in the kitchen.
Hazel is crying, which in and of itself isn’t exactly odd, and Moe and Robbie seem to be trying to tandem-argue between themselves and soothe their younger sister.
Steve looks at Eddie for any kind of clarity. Unfortunately, Eddie seems just as baffled as Steve feels.
“What the hell is going on?” he finally asks.
“Well,” Robbie starts, “Hazel realized that she’s gonna be the last one of us to die.”
Sweet Jesus, Steve thought, because why don’t they get upset about normal shit like shoes or whatever?
“And she’s sad because she’ll go to all our funerals and none of us will be at hers,” Robbie finishes.
Yep, Steve hates that. He hates that so much.
“Hey, I had a solution,” Moe argues, “All three of us can just die at the same time. That’s fair, right?”
Hazel manages a nod.
“Nope,” Steve shook his head, “We’re not talking about this. Let’s move on please.”
For a few blissful moments, the kitchen is quiet aside from Hazel’s occasional sniffles.
When the silence stretches a little too long, Robbie opens her mouth.
“So which one of you is gonna die first and skip out on all the funerals?” she asks, because she’s an instigating monster just like Eddie.
“That’s so rude,” Moe comments as she slings an arm over Hazel’s shoulders and swipes at her tears with the pad of her thumb. She waits a beat and then she adds, “Bet it’ll be Dad.”
“Hey!” Ed protested, sounding like he was actually offended, “Why me?”
“Pop’s, like, way healthier than you.”
“Says who?”
“Says Pop goes on runs and you were all winded getting the mail.”
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bobombun · 5 months
So I started playing Lotr Online, the MMO game of Lord of the Rings, and it's been fun so far. Started off as an elf, and was popped into the middle of a dramatic fight I had zero context for. Bad guy stabs me with an evil sword, and screen goes black. I wake up, and my buddies are happy to see me awake. Sorry everyone, didn't mean to scare you. Hey btw, Elrond, how long was I conked out for?
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Years? I was in pained coma for years?? I guess that's elves for you, huh
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Oh damn, the era changed while I was asleep? What a timing, haha
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Year three thousand and- wait. The era changed while I was asleep. And it is now the year three thousand and eighteen of this era.
I was in a coma for at least three thousand and then some years??
Elves, man.
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k-wame · 27 days
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BARRY KEOGHAN ↳ But yeah, he's…Nah. He's just, he's a gorgeous person, honestly. ↳ 'SALTBURN' Press | Digital Spy · Dec. 2023
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bucksdaffy · 2 months
"WHEN they INEVITABLY break up" oh honey bucktommy is endgame, there is no breaking up, they're the IT couple actually, tim told me that himself
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thefrsers · 11 months
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requested by @gotham-ruaidh​: Jamie giving Claire a knife in 1.08 + 7.03
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meidebenne · 1 month
top 3 laurent is 3 seconds away from turning damianos into bottomianos scenes from the books?
HELLO DEAR ANON!!! 💖💖💖 I normally don’t have the poster’s temperament but this is a topic I hold dear to my heart and have decided I am willing to investigate.
What I have discovered is that it all starts with the fact that Laurent has two eyes…
Laurent has escaped a high adrenaline situation and is now seated slouched on the throne, a powerful aphrodisiac in his system, gazing at Damen so intensely that Damen starts wondering if Laurent is checking him out: 
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I do believe Damen’s slut senses were warning him that Laurent wanted to take him right there on the floor. The circumstantial evidence is pretty damning that Damen barely escaped Laurent’s clutches in this scene with his First Night intact. 
Laurent at last has his mortal enemy exactly where he wants him, in a four-poster bed with soft-lit candles romantically arranged around them. He sets up the ideal conditions to ravish Damen asking him to hold still and goes wild: 
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We all know how matters progress. It is fair to say that I believe when a man climbs on top of another man and starts humping him into the sheets his thoughts have taken him in a certain direction… 
By this point in the story Laurent also reveals his true romantic predilections. He wanted to hold Damen’s hands and call it making love. 
It couldn’t be any other moment but their last night together in Mellos. 
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I can't add much to this one because it's self-evident how much they want each other. Laurent thinks he's going to die. He spends their night together trying to have as much as he can with Damen. It really is the ultimate almost moment for them which brings me to…
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Laurent was twenty years old, madly in love and preparing to die for the love of his life. He lasted two seconds after Damen said that to him. RIP.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 months
ARADIA: are y0u in a g00d headspace t0 receive my triple barrage hell nightmare skelet0n attack right n0w?
ARADIA: its 0k if n0ws n0t a g00d time
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canisalbus · 8 months
genuinely CANNOT get over how you draw your boys comfy in bed. holy shit. how do you do that. the vibes...... immaculate........... so floppy and poofy and snuggly..................... teach me, sensei 😔😔😔 cloth is a nightmare lmao
yeah but no keep up the good work!!!!!
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caliphoria17 · 1 year
00:01 KTY joining the Warrior Nun Safe Space on Twitter
00:50 Thanking the fandom
2:06 Her backstory for Beatrice
5:09 What props from set she took home
5:54 Her suggestions on coping
Also, FYI: Her Avatrice Reunion song choice is We Are Never Apart by Nick Mulvey
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Concept, changeling tale as a metaphor for autism, but instead of the autistic person being fae, the neurotypicals are the fae(with their seemingly unending unspoken rules and weird punishments that humans CanNot understand), and the autistic child is a human who was fae-napped.
An excellent concept! I'm always fond of an elegant subversion of expectations <3
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cupophrogs · 4 months
If... if Drew's pants were torn up by the train crash... was he just pantless until he got through the schoolhouse???
Yes. Yes he was.
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“The crash really tore my pants up, I did what I had to, man! At least I know how to sew.”
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kathaynesart · 10 months
After seeing Ron Circilo’s confirmation that F!Leo did have mystic powers, I can safely say that I actually prefer the fan canon that he didn’t, least not when the prologue happened. Makes Leo cooler knowing he still leas the resistance and fought back the Kraang without any magic whatsoever. Just his training, strategic skills, and intelligence to keep him pushing to the next day and so on, and his teammates and family to help support(as long as they could). Just feels cooler. Your thoughts?
Well, first off, I must say that I have nothing but the utmost respect for Ron Circilo and the Rise team in what they were able to accomplish! The fact that he was willing to come online and answer all of our unending questions was such a gift and a true act of kindness on his part. One that is deserving of our respect and gratitude.
It is amazing how much the little bits of knowledge have invigorated so many within the fandom, myself included! With this in mind, it is not my place or intention to disregard anything he has stated in these answers. For the most part I found everything he said to be insightful and very much in line with the impression given by both the show and movie. (My particular favorite being that future Mikey is physically in his 70's due to the use of his powers. I am very happy that Replica is already slated to be going in that direction.)
The answer in regards to Leo's mystic powers, I will admit, is probably one of the few answers I personally interpreted differently from the opening scene of the film. Even so, I think it's more important to take into account that projects such as the Rise Movie involve a lot of people and writers with differing opinions and thoughts (for example I heard many while interning on AtLA). So at points like this I can only shrug and say that whatever isn't stated outright within the final source material, is still open to interpretation. It's just nice to be given some insight on what could have been!
Just know that I will continue with what I had planned for Replica, in which Leo does not have his mystic abilities. For me this will play a key role in his character growth (many of which you mentioned in your question) and also explain a number of issues the opening film would otherwise face.
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klaissance · 5 months
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yes, they’re judging you
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