#thank you for the inspo
girlsanimeclub · 5 months
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✨A moment with you could sate me for a lifetime✨
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sarahisslytherin · 1 month
to the benedict anon who sent me those fic requests! i'm cooking! and i've got another benedict series on the way cos it's just too much for one fic and part one is ready to go!!
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grey-sides · 2 years
omg i love pretend relationships and especially when one of them is actually in love with the other </3 like imagine they share a tender moment and billy thinks it could be real but the second they are out of sight steve reverts right back to normal </3
Anon, you're speaking my language. And the torturous part is that "normal" Steve is still physically affectionate!
But you know it's that moment, away from everyone else where Billy expects him to shift back and Steve doesn't and Billy chalks it up to him drinking or something. So Billy pulls away to preserve his sanity and Steve whispers, "Don't. Let me pretend for just a second more."
Billy's aware that Steve still loves Nancy, he just doesn't like her very much anymore (that is something I cop straight from a stucky fanfic ngl). But he's waiting for her to decide she loves Steve again too. He's bracing for impact, can see the ground getting closer.
It has to be enough, this time stolen away with Steve, holding his hand, calling him nicknames that old Billy would have gagged at. He's ripping himself open and exposing the softest parts of himself and he's begging Steve to not destroy him. Even though he knows it will, there's no way this ends well.
Until it's over. The wedding's over, they're heading back to wherever they came in from, California, Chicago, Philadelphia, wherever and Steve sets his hand on Billy's knee and they don't talk about it. But they don't ever really go back to being just friends either.
And Steve says I love you first and they've said it a hundred, maybe a thousand times, for handing over the last hit of a joint or picking up more beer or handing over painkillers after a party. But this time, the words stitch up Billy's open soul, tucking a part of Steve's neatly in there too.
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just-an-ari · 1 year
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wenclair brainrot anyone? dress designs by @tanuki-pyon
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3hks · 4 months
7 Ways to Hook Your Readers
How do you start a story? Why, you start it with a hook! A hook is something that intrigues the reader and has them enthralled. Sometimes, the first sentence is the hardest one to form, so here, I'll give you some examples on how to hook your audience into your story!
>>> A question: This is a pretty well-known tactic: starting off with a question for your reader has them thinking how they'd answer; hence, pulling them further into your work. If you want, your character can answer the question too! However, the question must be relevant to your story.
>>> A idiom/quote/saying: Sayings are commonly used, though one can find them controversial at times. Regardless, the majority of people understand what the meaning behind them are; and because of that factor, along with its popular usage, proverbs quickly attract readers' attention while giving some insight to your character.
>>> One-word starter: This one is pretty simple, and if you really don't have any ideas, maybe give this one a shot! The hook is simply one word (or even a short phrase) that portrays a strong part of your character. Its out-of-context and vagueness trigger interest in your reader.
>>> Starting action: Like the one-word starter, this hook seems contextless, but it's a quick way to captivate your reader and have the suspense emerge! Example: "Blood covered the ground like a thin blanket, staining the once-clean quartz with a shade of scarlet. A pair of depthless eyes seemed to burn a hole into the last person in the room; a messy, pitiful, scrambling figure."
>>> Dialogue: By now, it should be obvious that your hook should be enthralling and evoke interest in your reader. Opening with compelling dialogue can help introduce the plot and characters of your story!
>>> Interesting Introduction: Is there something special about your character? Introductions can be difficult to sneak in, but not when it's a hook! Make a short description consisting of several defining traits of your character, and be sure to add the special thing about your character as a twist to snag your reader's attention! Additionally, you can be creative with this! An introduction doesn't have to come from your main character, it can come from another character describing the protagonist!
>>> Setting: Does the setting have a strong influence on the story? Even if it doesn't, beginning with a descriptive setting can slowly captivate your audience!
Alright! These are seven ways to hook your reader: a question, a saying, one-word, action, dialogue, an introduction, and a setting! Of course, there are many more ways, so explore around!
Happy writing~
3hks :)
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thenoodledart · 4 months
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also have an aspec reigen bc fuck romance honestly
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shopwitchvamp · 2 years
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"Omg, I love these! They go up to size 6X AND they have pockets?! Wow!! But do you have anything longer?" Sure do, no problem!!
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"YES these are great!!! But what about.. longer?" I gotcha!! Comin' right up!
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"Now that's what I'm talkin' about! But... how about if I'm feeling like it's the kinda day where I need my clothing to be bifurcated???" Never fear, joggers are here!
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*wild cheering*
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nickfowlerrr · 9 months
Bucky Barnes and you get stuck in elevator for one hour. What are you two doing? 🖤 honest answers only even if they are filthy 🔥
stuck with you
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pairing: bucky barnes x curvy!reader
words: 2.4k
warnings: 18+ only. smut. angst. all the feelings. unprotected sex. hint of a breeding kink. some spanking. oh some very incorrect description of an anxiety attack and how to help someone through it. i know, i know, but it's for the story lmao. uhm if i'm missing something that should be tagged pls lmk!
notes: i couldn't not write something for this and it was gonna be so smutty and then i started and then i... i dont know what happened lol. but thank you for sending this in, i know it's not a direct answer but i hope you like it <3 thank you in advance for reading and as always, comments and reblogs are always welcome and so appreciated!
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"What exactly do you think slamming all the buttons will do?" he asked as he leaned against the wall of the elevator, nothing short of casual amusement lacing his voice as he watched you.
You ignored him, trying the emergency call button for the fifth time in the minute that had passed since the elevator stopped moving.
You didn't realize the change in your breathing until Bucky's hand came to rest on your arm. You flinched at his touch, having been too lost in your growing panic to notice he'd gotten closer.
"What?" you asked through a heavy, annoyed breath.
"You need to breathe, sweetheart," he instructed gently, tugging you to face him fully, pulling you away from the buttons as he did.
"I'm breathing," you snapped at him, forcing yourself to take a breath as you worked to steel your nerves. It was all in vain, though. You couldn't fight off the paranoid thoughts as they were coming through your mind too fast to even try and rationalize. "I just," you said shakily, "I ca- I can't,"
You suddenly found yourself nearly bowing over as you tried to catch a breath. Bucky helped you to sit while he kept his hold on you, his intent eyes set on you as your own squeezed shut, your hands mindlessly gripping his forearms as you tried to ground yourself.
"Look at me, sweetheart," he ordered firmly, though he waited patiently for you to follow his instructions.
You felt like you couldn't catch your breath, each one you took was too shallow and you couldn't manage to breathe in any deeper.
"Just hold your breath for a second, doll,"
You were still struggling, and the last thought on your mind was to stop breathing altogether, you were sure you'd pass out if you did. Your gasping was only growing worse as Bucky contemplated his options.
He didn't think long before he gently took your face in his hands and forced you to look at him, your eyes glassy and lips parted, desperate for air. had his heart clenching. He didn't want to see you like that, not with that fear in your eyes. He leaned into you and pressed his lips to yours, more fervently than he even meant to.
You were still against him for a moment, not moving as he pulled you closer to him. It took you a second to register what was happening. All at once, though, your mind caught up, your heart pounding in your chest only growing wilder as you let your eyes close, crawling into Bucky's lap as he held you gently, his lips still against yours. You were all together intoxicated by him, his soft but secure touch, the taste of mint and coffee on his lips, the scent of his cologne mixed with his shampoo from your shared shower earlier, it wrapped around you as your previous thoughts of peril faded into the background.
All that you could think of was him, here and now. And you in his solid lap, his thick arms wrapped around you, his hands holding your face so delicately. Your lips began to work with his as you breathed him in and let him taste you in kind.
You soon lost yourself to him completely; and then, after another long minute, you realized you once again couldn't breathe.
You broke the kiss, hungry for air just slightly more than you were for him. You let your face fall as your noses brushed and you finally were able to catch your breath.
"Huh," you huffed, suddenly remembering yourself. You peeked up at him through your lashes meekly before you murmured a soft thank you.
He smirked halfheartedly, but a little bit of sadness he couldn't hide was apparent on his face as you then moved to get off of him, not that you noticed. Your thoughts were once again getting caught in a spiral.
As you tried to move off his lap, you were stopped. Bucky held you down, his large hands gently squeezing into your soft waist, keeping you exactly where you were.
"I get you're still mad at me, sweetheart, but I'm not just gonna sit here and watch you spiral again," he said as he pulled you into him.
You slumped into his chest, letting your heaviness rest on him as you nuzzled your face into his neck.
"I'm not mad at you," you mumbled into his skin.
"Could've fooled me," he breathed a humorless laugh.
You sighed, pulling away from him slightly.
"I'm not mad. I'm just-" you cut yourself off before forcing your tongue to continue, "I'm scared."
Your eyes were glued to his chest as you spoke but the moment the admission slipped past your lips, Bucky was tilting your chin up to look you in the eyes.
"Sweetheart," he began.
"Not of you. Of me. I just... I'm not, I'm not used to this. To being loved, the way you love me. And I don't wanna lose that," you whispered as tears pricked your eyes. "I don't want you to end up feeling stuck with me. Because I'm a lot, Bucky. And I'm not easy to live with. I'm particular and I need alone time a lot of the time... and ... You just have no idea what you're inviting into your life."
"You," he said simply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, his touch grazing your cheek as he wiped a tear from your skin. "I'm inviting you. I love you. I want you. All of it with you. Every last bit, doll."
You could see the sincerity in his eyes as he spoke and it only made you all the more worried.
"I'm not trying to pressure you, sweetheart. If you don't want to move in with me, you don't have to. If you need time, I'll wait. However long I have to," he said as his hands began to run up and down your back soothingly.
"I want to, Bucky. I do. I just don't want you to regret this."
"When are you gonna see it," he breathed as he squeezed you closer, looking up at you as he leaned back against the wall behind him.
"See what?"
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I could never regret you."
"You say that-"
Your eyes softened at his insistence, and deep down, you knew he meant it.
Your avoidance of an answer to his question this morning had been you trying to protect not only yourself, but him from disappointment, though it was becoming clearer and clearer that it was only hurting you both.
You were scared, but you also wanted this just as badly as he did. God, how long you'd dreamed about the day you'd wake up in Bucky's bed and not have to rush to your own apartment to get ready for work. How nice it'd be to get home from a miserable day and have him there to make things better without having to endure the twenty minute commute from his place to yours. To share a place together, your and his...
You were near burrowing yourself in his embrace, his hands still soothing up and down your back as he held you close, when you reached to grab one of his hands in yours.
You pulled away from him enough to look him in the eye.
"If you're sure,"
"I'm sure,"
"And if you ever wanna go back on it, or change your mind, I -"
"I wouldn't,"
"But if you do-"
"I won't."
There was a moment, a silent conversation between you two as you look into each other's eyes. You pressed your forehead to his, kissing him delicately before you pulled back again.
You nodded, "I'd love to move in with you, Bucky," you said with a small smile playing on your lips. Your heart soared as you watched the dopey smile that stretched onto Bucky's face before he crushed you against him. "That's all I needed to hear," he said in between kissing you everywhere he could in the position you were in. You laughed as you wiggled to sit up higher on his lap, looking down at him.
You reached a hand to brush through his hair, and as you did the elevator jolted. You caught yourself with a hand against the wall as Bucky tightened his arms around you instinctively.
You felt his warm breath against the swell of your breasts before you looked down with a raised brow. His face was right against your chest, and his eyes were now locked on your breasts as they hung in front of him, his hands grabbing at your ass while his eyes grew darker, filled with even more excitement.
"Wouldn't mind if that happened again," he said huskily.
"Odds are in your favor, you know this complex is the fucking worst," you huffed.
"All the more reason for you to move in with me," he smirked. "But ya know one good thing about these old buildings?"
"They don't have cameras in the elevators," he said, smacking your ass and causing you to gasp and jolt from the strike.
He was mesmerized by the sight as he repeated his actions over and over again until you were whining and pressing your chest into his face.
"Buck," you mewled pathetically, the tingling between your thighs growing more unbearably with every slap against your ass. Each hit only getting you more wet for him.
You were seconds away from ripping your tank top off yourself but Bucky quickly pulled it off and over your head for you before his lips descended upon your breasts.
You let your head drop back in time with your hips pressing to sit fully in his lap, a moan escaping you when you felt his hard length against you. Your hands were in his hair as his hands squeezed your ample flesh, his lips fervent against your skin still.
You couldn't help yourself as you began tilting your hips over his, back and forth, your movements more urgent the more you felt him twitch beneath you.
Your bra had been tossed to the side minutes ago but you were still in your leggings while Bucky was still fully clothed.
When you tilted your hips just right, you felt his cock rub against your clothed clit and you nearly lost it completely; shoving yourself off of him to finally rid yourself of the clothing that kept you from what you really wanted. Bucky followed your lead without having to be told and got undressed in the blink of an eye. You saw his throbbing length standing erect for you and nearly salivated at the sight, your mouth parted in awe at his beauty. You swear, you'd never get over it. Every little thing about him, from his scars to his own stretch marks, every bit of his was beautiful. And you smiled as you saw him admiring you the very same way, that wonderstruck look in his eyes you'd never get used to. Your patience was wearing down the longer you took, though, and quickly, you climbed back down into his lap before lining his cock up to your slick entrance.
You slowly sank down on him, moans from both of you filling the elevator at the sensation.
"Oh, fuck, doll," he moaned while groping your hips. You started moving up and down his length, slowly as you enjoyed the stretch of him inside of you, wanting to feel each and every inch of his thick cock as it filled you up.
"Mmm," you hummed a mindless moan, throwing your head back in pleasure as Bucky took a pert nipple into his mouth, squeezing and kneading your breast in his big hand. "Feels good, Buck," you breathed, slamming your hips down on his cock, earning a deep throated growl from him.
Suddenly his hands were back on your wide set hips, his fingers digging into the plushy flesh there as he began fucking up into you himself. You were helpless as you keened at the feeling, gripping his shoulders to keep yourself upright. "Oh god, Bucky, please," you whined, pushing your hips back down to meet his thrusts, "please, please, please,"
"You close, sweetheart?" he panted. "I can feel you gripping my cock, baby, fuck," his eyes squeezed tight as he nearly snarled the curse of pleasure.
"Gonna fuckin' fill you up and then you're really gonna be stuck with me,"
"Bucky," you gasped, though it came out with a moan.
"That's it, sweetheart, take my fucking cock, just like that, doll. Just like that," he punctuated each word with another snap of his hips into yours, rolling into you and rubbing your clit deliciously with his every move.
You were both panting, a sheen of sweat on both of you as he fucked you perfectly, the only other sounds to be heard were of your twin moans and the slapping sounds of skin on skin, the salacious squelching of his dick drilling into you over and over.
His thumb found your clit and drew tight circles over the sensitive bud as he felt your walls tightening around him, wanting to keep him inside of you. It was almost blinding, the way you were hit with your orgasm. Your muscles tightened as Bucky continued to fuck you through the high, unintelligible moans and whimpers of his name and cries intermingled as the waves of pleasure crashed over you over and over again.
You found yourself on your back in the blink of an eye as Bucky continued to pummel into your tight heat, deep strokes along your velvety walls as he chased his own high, holding himself above you as he did.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm gonna come, baby, I-" his words turned into a deep groan as his pace faltered, soon morphing into heady moans when you felt his warm spurts filling you up as he came inside of you.
His thrusts slowed as did your breathing until he slowly pulled out of you, laying himself down next to you and pulling you into him. He kissed your forehead as you melted into his embrace.
"I mean it, ya know. You're the one who's gonna be stuck with me, sweetheart. I'm not goin' anywhere," he promised with a simper. "Not without you."
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rodolfoparras · 7 months
mike is Most definitely a man who whimpers
he buries his head into the pillow, soft sobbing because he hasn't felt this good in so long while you softly stroke his cock and/or finger him while whispering praises into his ear
Ok but hear me out…
Brat!mike who loves to rile you up with his mouth and will only ever shut up once you shove your cock down his throat, forcing him to keep you inside his mouth for as long as possible, til his jaw aches, throat burns and there’s a puddle of drool on the floor. Another way to shut him up is to grip his throat while he rides your cock, you’ll watch the stubbornness bled away from his eyes and get replaced with desperation as he furiously taps at your thigh.
Brat!mike who likes it rough, whether it be having little to no prep, blowjobs that will have tears spilling down his cheeks and face turning visibly red or til it feels like he’s being speared onto your dick, will even let you put mascara and lipstick on him just so that he can visibly see how you’ve ruined him
Brat!Mike who’ll prevent any noises from escaping his lips as you’re fucking him. Even with ropes of cum painted all over his stomach and hole all puffy and red he still won’t tell you how good you’re making him feel. You can even have him tied up while holding a vibrator against his dick and he’ll still manage to stay silent as a mouse, which only manages to drive you crazy
Brat! Mike who’ll purposely stop while in the middle of giving you a blow job or while riding you just to tease, only for you to yank at his hair or hips and shove him back down onto your dick
Brat!mike who loves to rile you up just so that you can have heated make up sex, will even go as far as to moan the name of someone else while you got your fingers or cock buried inside him, wont stop with his little act til you’ve fucked him so dumb he can no longer speak or think
Brat!mike who’s alright with being denied orgasms but loses his mind at being denied a kiss, you’ll have him whining and whimpering within seconds to put your lips on his.
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domirine · 2 months
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i'm unwinding!!
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lookninjas · 20 days
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@penroseparticle, this one's for you.
Pick a country (for occasionally loose definitions of "country") song from a bad description! You do not need to recognize the song from the description, although one of them is very very very very very obvious this time. Go by the vibes. Go for what makes you chuckle or sounds intriguing. Follow your heart.
At the end of the week, I will post a playlist with all the songs in order, from the song with the least amount of votes to the song with the most amount of votes. If you would like to hear the playlist but don't want to put a lot of effort into it, leave a comment or put it in the tags on your reblog and I'll tag you. If you really just need to know about a specific song and don't want to wait, shoot me an ask and I'll answer.
And please reblog! It's time to make your mutuals listen to some straight-up (maybe not that straight) country music for a change. Especially that one. You know the one.
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rendevok · 1 year
your narumitsu art made me weep with joy and I heard you want more requests 👀
idk if this is the right place to put them but I think phoenix coming with miles to try on his glasses for the first time would be sweet :,) miles asking how they look and phoenix being just smitten. the good stuff
Dear anon… you sure know how to pick em! Things got very out of hand very quickly while drawing, and well. You inspired me to draft a comic! I didn’t want to make you wait long, so here are the sketches for the pages relevant to your request <3
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Thanks so much, and hope you enjoy~! 💜
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sehtoast · 6 months
Say Please (Homelander x Reader Smut)
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18+ | orgasm denial, sex toys, begging, finger sucking, sublander, gender neutral reader, sex toys under clothing, edging | Fic Directory
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He was on his literal fucking knees for you– all for you.   
You had The Homelander begging.  
It didn’t take much.  Some time, some patience… A little remote controlled toy inside of him alllll day long, set to the lowest possible speed.  He should consider himself lucky that Vought’s costume department thought to make his suit erection-proof.
“Please, please– fuck– please! ”   He mewls against you, hips jerking against his wavering restraint as he fights not to just hump your fucking leg.
   You run your fingers through his hair and his whole body twitches and he whimpers.  
“I– I’ll do anything!”  He pants desperately, walking himself closer on his knees to press against you, face buried against your abdomen.  “A-Anything, just– fucking help me!”   
Throughout the day, he managed to come in his pants twice– forbidden from cleaning up, of course.  After that, his body needed more, much more than that dull little vibration against his sweet spot.  All those times his demeanor broke, all the odd stares at his flushed face, every fucking time he thought of pressing his cock against the edge of a table for a subtle relief…  
He was going fucking insane.
You smile down at him, other hand moving to thumb at his lips.  He swallows your finger in an instant, tongue slicking it with saliva, suckling in the hopes of pleasing you enough to earn his release.  Your taste sends a shiver down his spine that compounds with the vibrations in his ass so deliciously that it makes his eyes roll back.  His hips press forward, cock rubbing against your leg in timid motions.  Like he was afraid you’d jerk away and sentence him to suffer even longer.
You meet his motions with a small push of your own and he sputters, face clenching, drool starting to dribble off his lower lip.  You tug his head back by his hair.
“Tongue out,” you order, smirking at his compliance.  You slide your thumb down the length of it, teasing him ever so slowly.  His face contorts as your thumb creeps further back toward his throat until he gags.  You give a playful chuckle, leaning down to spit against his tongue before engulfing him in a heated kiss, his moans and heavy pants mingle with your collected breaths.  “Good boy…”
His body lurches against you harder.
“Good boys get what they want, right?”
He gives an eager nod.
“I better hear you say it,” you chide deviously.  “All I can hear right now is that toy slowly dying inside of you.  Is my Johnny a good boy?”
“I’m a– I’m a good boy!”  He parrots eagerly, hands palming at your sides.  “I’m good– I s-should get what I want!”  He whines pitifully when you step away from him.
“On the couch,” is all you had to say for him to scramble to his feet. “Take everything off– except your underwear.”
He damn near shreds his suit ripping it free from his body, each piece thrown about the room haphazardly.  Homelander sits eagerly for you, fists clenched at his sides as he watches you strip your lower half bare.  He could’ve come then and there if not for that last scrap of restraint keeping him from losing it.
The front of his red briefs are stained a dark red, evidence that he’s been leaking so much all day that his previous releases never got to dry.  You ghost your finger over the tented fabric, sliding featherlight just over the tip.  His head falls back and his thighs flex as more pleas fall from his lips.  You work the fabric down to his knees, watching with delight as the moisture inside clings to him in strings.  He hisses at the cool air finally wafting over his heat.
You give a playful flick to the base of the toy, which rests right against his perineum.  His cock rests against his hip, tip red and weeping, shaft jumping each time his hole twitches against the toy.
“P-Please…” He keens in a whisper so tight you barely hear it.  “Please,” he says again in a sob.  Tears gather in the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill down his flushed face.  His mouth is agape with desperate, heavy breaths, chest heaving with each one.
You position yourself to hover just over the tip, just enough that no meager thrust upward would quite touch your entrance.  His hands come to your hips but you’re quick to relocate them elsewhere.  You are in control, not him.  You decide when and what he can touch.
He sucks a sharp breath of air when you grasp him to guide him in, and no sooner than his tip breaches your hole is he practically fucking screaming, eyes blazing a bright crimson as he spills into you.  His sounds are weak and endless as he chokes on a breath, cock spurting load after load into you, come spilling out to run down his shaft.  There’s so much and you fucking feel all of it.  He bucks up into you at one point, having floated up off the couch just enough to finally fucking sink inside.
He writhes– practically fucking convulses through his orgasm, all while you get to sit there and watch with a devilish grin.  Your hand dances up into his hair once more to grip and tug, tilting his head back to clear the way for every kiss and bite you decide he’s earned to that delicious neck of his.
As soon as he can catch his breath, he’s apologizing– he’s begging you to forgive him for ruining it.  Little does he know that this is exactly what you wanted all along.  To reduce him to such a base need that the slightest touch of your heat would send him spiraling.  You didn’t edge him since sunrise for nothing– even if he did succumb a couple times between then and now.
You retrieve your phone from where you’d tossed it on the couch and increase the toy’s speed, going from practically zero to one hundred in a second.  He arches and shouts, head shaking back and forth as he grits his teeth.  He knows not to fuck up into you– not yet.  
Not until you give him permission.
You fully intend to fuck him silly for the rest of the night, but not until you’ve had a little more fun with your darling dear Homelander.
Not until the only thing he knows is that he’s your good boy.
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3hks · 5 months
How to Write an IMPACTFUL Backstory
Honestly, writing and reading about backstories is probably one of my favorite parts of a character's story! It's a strong foundation for a character's goals, motives, thoughts, and actions! Its most powerful effect, on the other hand, is its ability to change one's view on a character. So, then, how do we write such an impactful past?
For beginners, the more tragic the backstory, the better. While this does hold some truth, let me re-iterate that it's for beginners. The idea behind it is that a pure, devastatingly pitiful backstory is unique and pulls at your reader's heartstrings. Unfortunately, instead, we're left with an origin story that feels superficial, overly-dramatic, unnecessary, and shallow. However in this post, I will give you some tips on how to avoid creating such 2D backgrounds and actually bring your character's past to life!
First, your character's backstory can be made with whatever components you choose, but the key is that you must balance them out correctly. Additionally, the majority of the time, you do want their story to stick out, so I suggest trying to come up with something original! It's much harder than it sounds, but honestly, every other protagonist has dead parents at this point. Be creative, add details, and don't be afraid to let your character go through things if you feel that it's fitting!
Second, don't extend their past for too long. The point of introducing the backstory is to elaborate on a (few) certain event(s) that affected your character the most and forever changed their lives. Keep it centered around one, or at most, a couple events.
Next, most writers tend to use sadness and/or to fuel the character, but it should not be overbearing and excessive. Alternatively, it should feel GENUINE. Not dramatic, but genuine. Different genres do form different types of backstories, yes, but the core concept behind it should be something natural. It should be something that your readers will be able to understand; something authentic. They should feel some sense of relatability, even if it's just a little. This could be like family issues, broken friendships, betrayals, leaving someone, mental struggles, loneliness, etc. Complexity can surround these concepts, but the basic, fundamental ideas should still be present.
Furthermore, be sure that their backstory makes sense. Even if you're introducing it through quick, brief flashbacks, ultimately, you want the reader to have all the pieces to solve the puzzle.
Last but not least, make your backstory feel personal to your character! Build it in a sense that if it were to go to any other character, it wouldn't have an effect that's as severe. Make it targeted to its owner. While this is something that can be difficult to execute, it really provides insight to your character, and is an easy way to add some intricacy to a simple backstory! A good place to start is thinking about the things personal to your character. For instance, this could be their past before the event, people they care about, their morals, etc. Then, add it in said event so that it pushes and/or challenges your character in a way that makes them re-evaluate that value.
There you go! Here are my personal tips on how to upgrade your character's backstory and have it really impact your reader! Be creative, keep it centered around a couple things, make it genuine, and make it targeted to the character!
Happy writing~
3hks <3
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aweina · 7 months
sliding back into ur ask box with an idea.. mike with a shy reader? they fidget and avoid eye contact when all they're trying to ask for is a kiss and mike can't help teasing them at least a little abt it... smth like that
OH he definitely would tease you (・・;)ゞ …
mike would tell you to go for it, petting your cute face with his warm palm while threading his fingers through your hair — adding an encouraging smile. you shut your eyes tightly, feeling too much out of your comfort zone, actually expecting him to take the lead considering his casual demeanor.
nonetheless, mike watches your soft lips puckered in the air, quivering and slowly leaning in. he laughs in his head, gazing at your sealed shut eyes — the grasp on his shirt so tight like your whole life depended on one little kiss. his whispers is feathery light on your lips, mockingly telling you to “loosen up” while lingering his fingertips towards your lips.
so soft, velvety and balmy. he runs his thumb over them, your nervous quivering and ( still ) tightly shut eyes made him laugh in his head. that’s when he tugs your chin closer, whispering encouragements against your lips — nearly grazing them with his own if it weren’t for the invisible teasing barrier he put in between them.
that’s when you fatally put him in a daze and nearly knock him off his feet, harshly pressing your lips against his while tugging him by the hem of his shirt. mike is shocked by your sudden wave of confidence, but he melts into your nervous lips — guiding you into a softer kiss while tugging you by the waist, his eyelids fallen and his heartbeat faster than before.
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positiveupwardspiral · 2 months
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