#thank you goose!
jackiesarch · 1 year
What is their ideal vacation spot?
Favorite time of day?
The perfect gift to give them?
What is an item that they take everywhere with them?
Sweet or savory food?
for Olly and Mari
26. What is their ideal vacation spot?
OLIVER: The Holiday Inn about a half hour out of town, if his honeymoon with @corvosattano’s Lily is any indication. Jokes aside — he’s kind of a homebody, especially after he’s done with the military. He’s had enough sand in his boots and his mouth and his eyes for a lifetime, so beaches are a no-go, and he’s much more suited to a road trip across the country than anything else.
MARISOL: She’s packing a bag and heading to one of the quieter, less frequented beaches just outside of Las Almas. Mari loves sun and sand and she’s no stranger to sprawling out on a beach towel when she’s got nowhere else to be.
27. Favorite time of day?
OLIVER: Despite literally everything about him suggesting otherwise, he’s kind of a morning person. He spent so much of his adolescence and young adulthood working on his grandparents’ farm, which meant getting up well before sunrise, and then he enlists…which means the same thing. Early mornings just became a habit, and Olly finds there’s actually a lot more clarity in those quiet moments before the world comes alive.
MARISOL: My little night owl. Mari has a lot of trouble sleeping, so she’s often awake late into the night. It ends up being that she gets most of her work done when the rest of the world is asleep, and it’s also the time of day that she’s afforded the most opportunity for peace and quiet.
28. The perfect gift to give them?
OLIVER: Your attention. He’s a sponge for it, and he’d much rather someone focus their attentions on him than get any kind of physical present. It has the capacity to be one of his worst faults, but hey — at least he’s not materialistic. I guess.
MARISOL: A good bottle of tequila. If you’re lucky, she’ll share.
29. What is an item that they take everywhere with them?
OLIVER: His wedding ring. He still wears it, even after he and Lily divorce — on his finger, most of the time, but on the same chain as his dog tags for a while, too. Keeping it with him makes him feel like she’s still with him, even when she emphatically is not. Don’t tell anyone, but Olly credits it as the thing that keeps him alive when he very much should be dead after basically getting blown up.
MARISOL: This is actually the same for Mari — her wedding ring. My poor, divorced morons. Mari wears her on a chain around her neck that she keeps well hidden because the last thing she needs is for Alejandro to know that she’s still carrying a torch for him and that she regrets every awful thing that ever happened between them. She doesn’t have feelings. She swears.
30. Sweet or savory food?
OLIVER: Savory — although he is a sucker for gummy bears.
MARISOL: Sweet. She wants sopapillas. Give her the sopapillas.
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lowpolyanimals · 5 months
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Chinese Goose by @mrironbrain
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troutpaws · 7 months
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cherished wildlife reqs #1
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If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! ♡
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lilybug-02 · 5 months
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You’re making a lot of promises there Chara…
Part 24 || First || Previous || Next
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I enjoyed doing this little Flashback scene. We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled freakout session soon. Having monochrome color is very nice.
Here is a gif of Chara spilling their water because YES. And I spent way too long on it :)
Wow technology is so cool.
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diadotcom · 2 months
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the boys are very sleepy after a long day of flying <3
listened to @ultimatedirk’s AMAZING goosemav playlist the WHOLE TIME!!!!! ITS SO GOOD!!!! listen listen!!!!⬇️
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originalartblog · 1 year
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they're experiencing issues over at the Armed Detective Agency
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children-of-epiales · 2 years
What is the main color associated with them? What connections with that color do they share?
Drawing from the language of flowers, what flower would symbolize them?
What real life animal would they be represented by?
What mythical creature would they be represented by?
For Reaper
1) What is the main color associated with them? What connections with that color do they share?
- I suppose black; it's basically Reaper's comfort color (sounds silly ik), and it's the color (if I may) most associated with the Grim Reaper
2) Drawing from the language of flowers, what flower would symbolize them?
- The Blackthorn
3) What real life animal would they be represented by?
- Scorpion
4) What mythical creature would they be represented by?
- The Dullahan
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daily-grian · 10 months
HELLO for your aussie backyard birds: bin chicken <3
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Someone tell pearl her weirdo pet escaped again >:(!
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huntmavs · 7 months
top gun 🤝 top gun maverick
iconic beach scenes
insp by this post
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jackiesarch · 1 year
For a single, fractured moment, Oliver thinks he may be dead.
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lowpolyanimals · 8 months
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Rocky from Chulip
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falling-skyzz · 8 months
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polarsirens · 1 year
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someone said in the tags for this that gerard, ylfa and pinocchio are basically peter b parker, gwen and miles from spiderverse and this was all i could think about
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ghouljams · 11 months
Could we get Cowboy!Ghost getting drunk off his ass making a fool of himself and being overly affectionate, confessing his love to Goose, all in all just being a mess of a drunk pretty please?
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Of course Maelstrom anything for you 💜 I have a cowboy!König in the works for you and more cowboy!Soap "corruption kink" Mactavish cooking.
Simon is absolutely smashed. It's his own fault really, you told him you'd drink him under the table and he hadn't believed you. He isn't used to moonshine, you really should've stopped him before he got to this point, but it was so fun watching him go shot for shot with you. You're pretty sloshed yourself, but he is just... it's cute, it's really really cute.
You're crouched in the grass between his knees, rubbing his thighs, trying to ground him just enough that he won't vomit all over the place. Although that might be a good thing, get some of the liquor out of his system. No, the way he was boasting about being able to hold his liquor makes you think he'd be upset if you let him throw up.
"God, you've gotta get off your knees princess, give a man ideas." He slurs and if you weren't already so smitten with this man you might fall a little harder.
"Alright, shut yer eyes though, don't want you trackin' me with the spins," you wait for him to finish his grumbling and follow your order before you stand. You make the executive(drunken) decision to straddle his lap and he thumps his head onto your chest as soon as you settle on his lap.
His arms circle your waist and you let him hug you close to cuddle. You try not to coo at him as you thread your fingers through his hair, but he's so sweet like this you can't help one little affection. He grumbles more in response.
"Nobody told me you were gonna be a cuddly drunk," you grin, fingers dipping under his mask to scratch the back of his neck lightly. You press your thumb behind his ear, easy pressure points to keep the nausea at bay.
"'M not," you mumbles against your chest, you bite your lip and try not to laugh, "'m jus' in love with you." You are very much not laughing at that. Your fingers still and you feel Simon nuzzle against you, searching for more attention.
"You love me?" You whisper, because you don't want the rest of the group to hear. Their fun dims in the background, your world narrowing to just you and the man in your arms.
Simon hums an affirmative, "Want you to marry me, have my stupid fat babies."
"Babies? Plural?" Your brain latches on to the only thing it can, there's a non-zero chance Simon has blacked out and this is not how youre going to get engaged, "What happened to not fit to parent?"
He tips his head back, resting his chin against your sternum, the stars reflected in those gorgeous brown eyes you love so much. "I could do it with you," he tells you, and your heart could burst at how soft and honest he sounds, "I'm better with you."
God actually maybe this is how you want to get engaged. You want to bottle this moment, this look in Simon's eye, and save it for the rest of your life. His head moves with the steady rise and fall of your breaths, he looks at you like he never wants anything else than what he has right now. Just you and him sitting under the stars, breathing together.
You kiss him and he tastes like the best moonshine you've ever had, like canned peaches and stale tobacco, like the rest of your life, like Simon. His lips move against yours slow and gentle, he can never believe that a girl like you is kissing a guy like him. He savors everything you give him and then some.
The way you look when you wake up, the way you stretch your arms over your head and groan when you think no one's watching, the way you make every allowance for him and never ask him for anything but him in return. Why wouldn't he love you? Why wouldn't he tell you, show you, every chance he got.
"I love you too," you tell him softly, and his chest clenches so tight he thinks he might be having a heart attack out of shear joy.
"I'll get you a ring," he promises, and you really hope he hasn't blacked out because he's going to be real embarrassed in the morning if he remembers this.
"If we're being proper about this you gotta ask Daddy for my hand," you tell him just to watch him pout and shove his face back into your chest.
"Maybe we elope."
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originalartblog · 9 months
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by popular demand...
is this romance?
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