#the colours are making him look more like lotor than ever now I think
muddocs · 3 months
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"And that explains the bloody back pain"
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raziroo · 3 years
Cotton Candy
Pairing: Lotor x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Saying "Shit" twice
Word count: 2,076 (yay) (also, I edited this, I still need to update the word count)
Author’s Note: I'm crap at writing dialogues, and this is my first time writing for a gay couple. I'm so sorry if it seems forced or unnatural or shitty. Don't be afraid to call me out.
Story Moodboard!
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It’s with a grunt of effort that I manage to lift the carton containing the cotton-candy-maker.
‘Here, dad,’ I say as my dad takes the box from my hands. ‘That’s all?’
‘Yep, that’s all of it. We’ll conquer this carnival with our delicious cotton candy,’ I nod, doing jazz hands while saying the last part. Dad chuckles. I grin.
‘Hey, Honey!’ I turn back, squinting to spot where my other dad is in the crowd of bustling people. Where, where…? Yep, there he is – in his embarrassingly brilliant sunshine yellow and bottle green striped shirt and hot pink trousers, a sharp contrast to his natural bright red hair. Don’t say that it can’t look that bright; you’ll never know just how blindingly bright bottle green can really be until you see the shirt my dad’s wearing. And trust me, he usually dresses in simpler tones; such bland tones that you’d be surprised to know he was capable of wearing colourful hues as well. It’s only that he’s very passionate about his job, and so whenever we set up a booth in fetes such as the current one, he never misses to match the shop logo.
‘Hul-lo, father dearest, how seems to go your day?’
‘Oh, quite lovely, if I do say so.’
‘Well, that’s simply charming –’
‘Alright, enough,’ my other, not redhead dad snaps with an exasperated sort of smile on his visage. You see, my not redhead, a.k.a. brown-haired dad happens to be British. And that means that me and dad would rather paint our teeth blue than to not tease him. ‘You both need to shut it and start helping me with the decorations, now. You know I’m trash at all that.’
‘Aw, now don’t get discouraged,’ I say, patting dad on the back. ‘After all, not everyone can be as blessed as me, can they?’
‘Hey, why don’t you go look around for a bit? You’ve been helping out since before I have.’
‘Yeah, he’s right, pet. You should.’
I huff, rubbing my palms on the fabric of my jeans. ‘You guys sure? I’m not tired, if that’s what you’re worried about.’
‘We’re not worried, we’re just saying you should also get a look, you know? There’s a lot of surprising booths this time around. I mean, there are aliens participating too, so…’
‘Hmm,’ I play with my bottom lip a little, then, ‘yeah, okay. I’ll be back in like, an hour? Forty five minutes? Sound okay?’
‘Sounds great.’
‘Bye, then.’ And with that, I turn on the heels of my Converse, wandering about the pretty stalls and eager children and kissy couples and aliens with curious features.
It really feels bizarre, just how astonishingly fast mankind has accepted the existence of aliens. It seems simultaneously ages and just a day before when conspiracy theorists raged all around the world, presenting baseless theories and concepts as to why and how the three-man squad on the Kerberos mission disappeared. Then came the Galra, bringing along with them global terror – because alien life, intelligent alien life existed and humanity remained oblivious all these millennia, and now they were actually attacking us. It could’ve been, perhaps even was, in some other dimension, the end of Earth. But then a defender appeared; Voltron appeared in all its glory, bringing along with it proof that however much these purple aliens claim that humans are scum of the universe, humans were, in the grand scheme of things, the ones that saved the universe too.
It feels even more puzzling to actually be on a first-name basis with the leader of Voltron; that’s right, I’m personally acquainted with Keith Kogane. It was around six months after him leaving the Garrison did I come across him. He’d been loitering around the neighbourhood, had ended up in a fistfight with some other kids, and along with that a split lip and bruised cheek. I’d been watching. When the fight ended, I (somehow) persuaded him to come along so that I could at the very least provide him with a band-aid.
Long story short, we’d bonded over how our moms were no-shows and how dads were the best and we became surprisingly close friends; the only difference was that after the death of his old man, he lived alone. I’d been adopted by my two current fathers. I told him about how when they’d initially adopted me, I was excruciatingly shy. I wouldn’t even come out of my room except meals. It was only when I came to know that they knew how to make candy floss had I timidly approached them if I could have some, because previously I’d always been grossed out at the thought of having to eat that. I’d overheard this group of kids saying that cotton candy was actually just dyed granny hair, so that’s where that came from.
I love cotton candy now. So much so, that even at the age of twenty-six, I will pout if someone takes some of mine without my permission. As if I’d ever allow them to.
Speaking of Keith, I haven’t seen him in years. We lost all contact when he turned eighteen, and then he went off into space, and even when he came back, I didn’t get a chance to meet him. I bear no ill will, though. He must have formed some close relationships. Our past friendship is comparatively much more trivial.
I spot a booth selling grilled corn. I instantly head there.
As I’m about join the crowd of humans and aliens who also want corn, a familiar call of my name leads me to pull a three sixty.
Lo and behold. Keith Kogane.
Despite him having obviously grown a lot, the face was still the same. I’m sure that, if he gets a split lip and bruise on his cheek right now, he won’t look all that different.
There’s a questioning hesitance on his features; he’s probably wondering if he’s got the right person. My pleasantly surprised smile and raised eyebrows assure him. As I step away from the grilled corn stall, I notice a motley crowd behind him; some are purple, some are holding Voltron plushies, and some look way too curious to be in a carnival. The introduction is going to be fun.
‘Keith! You're gonna live a hundred years - I was just thinking about you. But anyways, it’s – it’s great to see you,’ I say with a little giggle. ‘Though I am kind of surprised you actually approached me. The sixteen-year-old you would never.’
He smiles awkwardly in return. ‘Y – yeah… I, just… oh God, this is – I’m sorry,’ he says, his inner turmoil evident.
‘It’s all good. I know you’re shit at small talk, so… like, introduce me? Maybe?’
He nods rapidly, brows furrowed. ‘Yeah, um,’ he turns to the people behind him, telling them my name, how we met, the whole affair. I give them a wave. Most of them greet me back.
‘And, this is Shiro and Curtis,’ he points to the tall, white-haired yet young man, holding hands with a tanner guy, ‘Lance, Pidge and Hunk,’ he points to a lanky, bright-smiled guy, a buffer, kind-seeming person, and a short chestnut-haired woman who, despite wearing baggy jeans and a baggier tee, looks somehow better dressed than me. ‘Then that’s Allura, Coran, and Romelle, they’re Alteans,’ a woman with enchanting beauty and a regal aura surrounding her, a redhead who’s significantly older than the rest with an impressive moustache, and a youthful appearing girl with a big grin, ‘and Lotor, he’s Galran. The Galran Emperor, in fact.’ Lotor is a tall, lilac-skinned man with aristocratic features who shares the same cheek markings as the Alteans. Oh, and he’s unfairly gorgeous, his hair a luscious mane of white which I just know will be soft. It’s hard not to stare. You remember how I said Allura looked like royalty? Yeah, the way this man carries himself, he has the aura and visage of a God. Even in a white tee-shirt and jeans he looks way better than should be legal.
I rip my eyes away.
‘So…are Noah and Oliver here too? I’d love to see them. I mean, I never did get to thank them to permit a possible criminal to sleep in their house.’
I laugh. ‘Never mind that, but we actually sit up a stall here. I could, you know, maybe even get you guys something to eat.’
‘Free? Please don’t.’
‘It’s nothing, really, just… I don’t know, accept it as a small thank you present for not letting the planet go to shit.’
A bit of thinking. Even after a nod from Shiro, it was Lance who said yes. Good ol’ Keith.
When we reach the stall, my British dad is the only one we find there. He looks up, about to say something to me, when he notices Keith.
‘Dad. You remember Keith?’
‘Your possible criminal friend who turned out to be the saviour of the universe Keith?’
‘That Keith. He wanted to see you.’
‘Oh? Well then,’ he dusts his hands, stands up, and greets Keith. Both of them engage in a conversation.
‘You guys wanna try something?’
‘What do you got?’ asks Pidge.
‘What do we got? Um, we got chocolates, candy, marshmallows, jellybeans, tortilla chips, ice cream, popcorn – butter, cheese, caramel, peri peri – Lays, like, a lot of Lays, and the good old cotton candy. What d’you want?’
So, after providing the humans with two Cream n’ Onion Lays, a pack of tortilla chips, a double scoop of butterscotch and chocolate, a small tub of popcorn, and three cotton candy sticks, I turned to the aliens.
‘I’m assuming you guys aren’t familiar with a lot of this stuff, so you could either pick whatever looks to be good, ask your friends, or I could recommend something. What’ll it be?’
Romelle was the one who asked, ‘What’s ice cream like?’
‘It’s sweet. It’s cold. And it’s like… heaven in mouth.’
‘Ooh. I want an ice cream. The… pink one?’
‘That’s strawberry. You can eat it in a cone, or in a cup.
‘What’s the difference?’
‘Well, the cup you can’t eat. The cone is like a crispy biscuit,’ judging by her face, she didn’t know what biscuit was. ‘I’ll just give you a cone. It’s all on the house, so no worries if you don’t like it.’
I watched eagerly as she licked the ice cream. An unreadable look crossed her face. Then – ‘This is almost as good as Hunk’s cookies!’
‘Really?’ Coran asked, twirling his moustache. ‘Well, then…’ he squinted to read the names of the various flavours. ‘I would like “cookies and cream”. Yes.’ A cone of cookies n’ cream was served.
‘Do you have something that isn’t sweet?’ That was a plot twist. I’d have taken her as someone who appreciated sweeter foods.
‘We do. You want spicy?’
‘…Sure.’ Peri Peri popcorn was given and enjoyed.
And last… ‘Lotor. What would you like to have?’
It takes me a lot of will to not laugh at Lotor’s way too analytical expression. ‘What would you recommend?’
‘Out of all this stuff, candy floss is my favourite.’
‘Candy floss… the item that looks simultaneously like a cloud and an old woman’s hair?’
‘I would like a helping of candy floss, then.’
As I hand Lotor a stick of cotton candy, I wait with anticipation for his reaction.
‘How am I supposed to eat this?’
It takes me a moment to process that. ‘Uh, you just… pinch a little of the stuff in between your fingers, then eat it. Or you could just, um, go in directly, which I’m thinking isn’t really your style.’
He narrows his eyes, but follows my instructions nonetheless. Only a second after putting the stuff in his mouth, Lotor purrs.
Everyone around him, being me, Coran and Romelle (Allura’s off telling Lance how great Earth food is), looks with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Lotor appears as if he’s just died inside. The berry-shaded blush on his face is adorable, though.
'I didn't, like, poison you or something, right?'
'No. It's that... I would never in my lifetimes have expected something so tooth-rottingly sweet to be this delicious.'
'So you're okay?'
‘Yes. In fact, I quite like… this cotton candy.’
I grin.
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aprxl-showers · 3 years
sneak peek from my klance frozen fic on ao3
(( after they meet in Coran’s store and Keith begrudgingly agrees to take Lance to the North Mountain ))
“Okay... Lance... hang on, Kosmo likes to go fast.” ‘Keith the ice guy’ adjusted his grip on the reins as Kosmo transported them up the snowy slope. Lance had immediately shut down the whole ‘your highness’ thing, insisting it was weird because it was. It was dark, Keith’s lantern the only source of light apart from the moon.
“That’s cool, I like fast,” Lance laughed, putting his feet up on the front of the sledge. Keith swatted them down immediately muttering something about it taking ages to polish. Lance pouted as he inspected it. Once Keith seemed satisfied that Lance hadn’t ruined his valuable polishing work he turned back to face him.
“So,” he began, “Care to explain what made your sister set all this off?”
“I honestly don’t know how it happened,” Lance began, “It was my fault really.”
“Oh?” Keith seemed to take joy in that fact. Lance scowled at him,
“See, I met this guy and we got engaged and it was honestly so romantic but then she ruined the mood because she wouldn’t bless the marriage. She was lamenting on and on about how it was weird since we’d only met that day-”
“Wait, hold up,” Keith looked from him to the track ahead, “You’re telling me that you got engaged to a man you just met that day?”
“Yeah, anyway, so I got really annoyed because this guy’s really cute and we seem to really go together? So I said that I didn’t get her deal so of course she also got mad. Then, she tried to storm out of the party, a party thrown for her by the way, so I grabbed her glove-”
“Hang on,” Keith interrupted him, again, “You got engaged to someone you just met that day?”
“Yes, pay attention,” Lance rolled his eyes. Was that really the thing he was taking away from this? “Anyway, she wore these gloves all the time so I thought maybe she just had mysophobia or something, y’know, fear of dirt?”
“I know what mysophobia is,” Keith muttered. “But seriously, back to the engagement thing, how do you know you want to spend the rest of your life with this guy? Didn’t anyone ever warn you about strangers?”
Lance paused, looking Keith up and down.
“Uh-huh,” he replied, edging away from Keith who rolled his eyes, “But Lotor is not a stranger!”
“Oh yeah?” Keith’s tone was challenging, “What’s his last name?”
“Of-Northern-Daibazaal,” Lance replied confidently. Honestly, who knew any royalties' real last names nowadays? Keith didn’t look convinced,
“That’s not a last name. How about… his favourite food?”
“Dark Chocolate.”
“Really? I’m guessing half the stuff at that party was chocolatey and he took a liking to it? That doesn’t prove anything.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Lance spat out because that was exactly what happened however that didn’t give Keith the right to make assumptions.
“Sure. What’s his best friend’s name?”
“Probably a wonderfully respectable name, unlike Keith,” he jeered. Keith fixed with an exasperated look.
“Eye colour?”
“Silver. Super dreamy,” Lance chuckled, fake swooning, leaning into Keith’s personal space. Keith continued, undeterred, his eyes on the road.
“How about shoe size?”
“Shoe size doesn’t- Holy crow, Keith! That is inappropriate!” Lance hit him on the forearm.
“You haven’t had a meal with him, right?” Lance nodded. Keith faced him again, “What if you hate the way he eats? What if he’s super picky or is really rude to the servers? What if he has absolutely awful table manners?”
“Keith, buddy, my man, he is a prince,” Lance scoffed, as if that was enough of an explanation.
“Princes can be rude. I happen to know a very annoying one. Maybe you know him?”
“Excuse me. Anyway, I’m sure he eats very gracefully. And besides, does it matter? It’s true love.”
“It doesn’t sound like true love. You’ve known this man for less than twenty four hours and as soon as you get engaged your sister freaks out and freezes everything? Sorry to burst your lovely little love bubble but I think the universe might be trying to tell you something.” Keith shrugged. Lance’s defensiveness flared.
“I don’t see why you think you can butt into my affairs. What are you, some sort of love expert?”
“Well, no,” Keith seemed to deflate a little. Lance took this as a victory. Keith carried on, “But I have friends who are. They’re constantly talking about how ‘love is tough’ and marriage is ‘a whole lot of hard work but is worth it in the end’.”
Lance laughed, loud and unabashed. A confused expression crossed over Keith’s face.
“You? Friends? And what’s more, friends who are ‘love experts’? I don’t believe you.” Lance taunted, not realising they’d stopped until he heard the silence. “Wait, what-”
“Stop talking.”
“No, no, no, listen, I’d like to meet these love ex-urmph,” Lance’s sentence was cut off as he felt a gloved hand slap over his mouth.
“Shut up,” Keith whispered, tone more serious. Lance pushed his hand away from his face, about to complain when Keith shushed him, taking his lantern from the hanger and peering into the woods around them. Kosmo’s ears were up and they twitched every so often.
“What is it?” He whispered. Keith ignored him.
Lance observed as Keith leant further out the sledge. Suddenly, he retracted back with speed, tugging at Kosmo’s reins. Kosmo began to run, even faster than he had been going before.
“Shit! Shit, shit, shit,” Keith repeated over and over like a mantra. Lance tutted at him.
“Language, Keith, you are in the presence of royalty!”
“Lance, please,” Keith was fully serious now. Lance picked up on his genuine expression and quietened his voice. It was then he heard noises from behind the sledge. They were being chased!
“What are they?” He scanned the area behind them. He couldn’t see anything.
“Yuppers.” Keith’s voice was clipped, “C’mon Kosmo.”
And sure enough, Lance could hear the noises more clearly now.
“Yup, yup, yup, yup.”
“Yuppers? What are-”
Out from the shadows, a large beast with glowing yellow eyes and short horns leapt up at the side of the truck. Lance shrieked embarrassingly high (he would deny this later) and kicked it in the chest.
“That was a yupper,” Keith confirmed.
Lance looked over to Keith who was hunched over the back of the seat, sorting through his cargo. Lance started to do the same. Keith glared at him,
“What do you think you’re doing?” He pushed Lance back. Lance sprung up,
“Helping! What does it look like? There are weird glowy-eyed creatures trying to eat us.”
“No!” Keith shoved him back once again, “Don’t fall off. Stay.”
“I’m not a dog, man, and why not?” Keith had managed to make a torch using the fire from the lantern and a piece of old material. He held it out to keep the creatures down.
“I just don’t trust your judgement.” Keith’s words were distracted and hurtful. Lance’s cheeks burned.
“Excuse me?”
“Who gets engaged to someone they just met?”
“I can’t believe you keep bringing that up, it is none of your business!” He grabbed the nearest thing from the pile of objects in the back and raised it in the air. Ice tongs. Of course. “And plus, it’s true love! Duck!”
With that he swung the tongs forward. Keith ducked, luckily, and Lance smacked an attacking yupper square in the face. Keith straightened up.
“What the hell, Lance? You could have knocked me out!” He yelled, taking the tongs from Lance with his free hand, inspecting them for damage. Lance shrugged. However, with Keith’s attention elsewhere and the fire away from the side of the sledge, a yupper took the opportunity and got a hold of Keith’s coat, pulling him from the sledge. Lance reached out to grab the torch in mid air before it fell, watching in horror as Keith was dragged down. He heaved a huge sigh of relief when he saw Keith grab onto a rope trailing behind the sledge. Kosmo kept running, despite it all, but it was clear he was distressed at Keith’s endangerment.
Thinking on his feet, something he was rather good at, Lance reached down to a pile of blankets, setting them alight. He then tossed the extinguished torch into the trees at their sides.
“Help is on the way. Look out!” With relatively accurate aim, the burning bunch of material soared right to where the yuppers were beginning to pull at Keith’s clothing, the man in question crying out in pain at a particularly hard bite. He saw the flaming mass just in time, having the instincts to lower his head and the yuppers immediately broke away from him. Lance let out a whoop of victory, reaching down to help Keith up the rope. His hat had fallen onto his seat during the fall, its absence revealing dark hair and…was that a mullet?
“I can’t believe you almost set me on fire.” Keith let out a puff of air when he was safely back in his seat.
“But I didn’t! You’re not even going to thank me?”
“You just got lucky, I bet that throw was just a fluke.”
“Screw you, mullet!” Lance growled, angry at Keith for not acknowledging the fact he basically saved his life! Bad judgement indeed. His aim was impeccable thank you very much.
“What? My name is Keith and I do not have a mullet or whatever!” Keith fumed, hand instinctively rising to his hair, reaching for his hat. Lance felt a little better for getting a rise out of him.
“That’s debatable but alright,” he smirked, turning back to the road, smile fading immediately. Now, Lance rarely swore but he agreed that this situation called for a very well deserved- “Fuck.”
“What was all that about language earlier?” Keith joked, chuckling until he followed Lance’s line of sight. “Oh. Fuck indeed.”
Ahead of them was a steep drop and a large canyon. They were going too fast to slow and stop without falling off the edge. Lance leant forward.
“Ready to jump Kosmo?”
Keith was next to him.
“You don’t get to tell him what to do,” he shouted.
Before Lance could register what was happening, Keith had thrust a bag into his hand and was wrapping an arm around his waist. Without a word of warning, Keith threw Lance - chucked him as if he were cargo - onto Kosmo’s back with surprising strength.
“Woah!” Lance squawked in shock as he flailed in the air for a moment before landing roughly on Kosmo’s back. The wolf kept running as if it were nothing. Keith called out behind him,
“Jump Kosmo!”
And they were flying.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 207 prt 1
Lotor was still a sack of shit. Keith managed to get him pinned, then the arsehole had pierced his side with his nails, fangs bared and irritation in his eyes as he stared down at Keith. The pain causing him to shift back, Lotor finding it amusing in causing him to yield, but he’d get him back. Dragging himself to the showers, the amount of blood running down the drain was alarming. Keith really wasn’t used to these kinds of wounds not being fatal. It was tiresome to have to spar in cheap shorts because the moment he shifted his clothes were ruined. Lance had taken him op-shopping. Proud that he was getting the hand of letting the shift happen. Keith didn’t think he was getting the hand of it. He only seemed to be able to shift when he was training... and then it’d taken days to be able to do it again after his first wilful shift... that he didn’t remember.
Leaving the shower, still bleeding, Keith nearly had a heart attack at Krolia sitting on the bench in front of his locker. His mother were a concerned look, that took a long moment for Keith to work out. A hot shower on top of blood loss was a silly idea. Instead of feeling clean, he felt faint
Lifting the first aid kit beside her, his mother was creeping him out with her concern
“I thought you could use some help with your wounds”
“Oh... uh, they’ll heal”
Krolia sounded almost disappointed in him as she pointed to the spot next to her. He wasn’t getting out of this
“Humour me”
Be fussed over by his mother was different to being fussed over by Shiro or Lance. Lance kissed his wounds, before he cleaned them up and told him he was proud that Keith was making progress, even if he hated seeing him coming home bleeding. Shiro went to fretting and wondering if he needed stitches. Krolia went to the alcohol wipes that made him yip
“Sit still you big baby”
“Stop poking at them. They’ll heal”
“You’re very lucky you’re a wolf. You’d be dead if you were still human”
Rolling his eyes, he knew that. He knew that a hundred times over. The fact his body healed was so damn weird
“Tell me something I don’t know”
Dropping the wipe she’d been assaulting his right hand side with, his mother pulled him into a hug that left him still. He didn’t move to return the hug, nor did it feel like a nice loving hug... No. This was the kind of hug he’d gotten from Lance after his accident. The “I’m worried about you” hug that made his heart race
“I want you to stop training with Lotor”
She what now? Blinking half a dozen times, Keith wrinkled his brow
“Mum, you know I’m okay...”
“I know, but I can’t stand it. I’ve been watching your training sessions with him... Keith, it scares me. I don’t want that kind of violence for you”
“We’re training...”
“You’re fine the way you are. I know you’re a skilled hunter, but every time I see you covered in blood, it hurts. I know it hurts Lance too. He called me in tears the first time it happened. He’s very proud of you, and he’d never tell you not to train. I’m very proud of you. But I think you need to take a break for a little while. You can go on patrol with Shiro, just... please... I know you heal, but I’m scared you’ll go too far”
Keith was shaking. He’d worked his arse off for this. He had yet to actually beat Lotor, but he was getting to know how his wolf. He was getting to be less scared about what he was now. Now Lance was having secret conversations with Krolia, while telling him to his face he was proud of him... and his mother was telling him not to fight? She’d fought every day of her life in more ways than one...
“I don’t get it”
He simply didn’t. He was strong. He was fast. The wounds healed. And his ego agreed with him. They could do this
“Keith... I overstepped. Just... I want you to be careful. You’re my son. I am so proud of you”
Why did it feel like there was a “but” to that?
“I know I was never a good mother. I guess seeing your father again reminded me of a time when I didn’t have to fight... Let me finish cleaning you up”
“Mum, I’m okay. Training with Lotor is helping. It means I’ll actually know my limits in the field and be able to protect Shiro and Curtis”
“But who’s going to protect you?”
He didn’t have an answer for that. His ego said he didn’t need protecting. That they were better than those humans. The thought upsetting him as soon as it crossed his mind. Shiro was his brother. His pack. He has his back more times than Keith had hot dinners. Maybe... maybe he was getting too cocky? Maybe... he was being mean and didn’t know it? He and Lance hadn’t been very intimate since he’d started training with Lotor... Was Lance thinking he didn’t want to touch him?
“I’ll think about it. You don’t have to worry about dressing the wounds. Lance will take care of it at home”
He wanted to go home to his fiancé and talk this out. He thought Lance had been proud of him. Not running to his mother because he couldn’t face him. Lance said he understood Keith’s fatigue... He’d said he was proud... Honestly, Lance not being honest upset him far more than Krolia telling him to stop
“About that. Yeah, Lance isn’t at home right now. I picked him up earlier and now he’s with Curtis and Shiro”
Had he fucked up? Why wasn’t Lance at home
“What do you mean he’s not at home?!”
“You don’t need to yell. Rieva was a little worried about him, and I wanted to borrow him anyway. He’s fine. Rieva couldn’t very well to his future mother-in-law needing to borrow him, not when I said I’d bring him to Platt”
Rieva was Lance’s babysitter. He’d lapsed back into barely being able to keep his eyes open again. The female werewolf was sure labour would be coming on soon, Lance cut her down by saying he was exhausted from her and her birthing plan. Keith was exhausted from hearing about the birthing plan... and he wasn’t the one doing any of the hard work. Frankly she was slightly scary
“Again with yelling!”
“You can’t go stealing Lance”
“I didn’t steal him. Anyway, he’s safe. I needed to borrow him for the afternoon, actually, I needed to borrow both of you. Preferably for the night according to Matt”
Matt couldn’t go kicking them out their own home. Frankly Keith had enough to deal with. He wanted to hurry up and buy Lance the engagement ring already, but the engagement ring had to be the right ring. It had to match his plans for his replica of Mami’s ring. Lance never mentioned it, but he’d noticed that his fiancé had had a sad look on his face as he looked at Rieva’s new bling. They still hadn’t told anyone... and for Keith, the novelty had started wearing off. He wanted to scream and shout they were engaged... but until he got a ring for Lance, they’d only cop judgment from their friends.
“He can go fuck himself”
Three werewolves were not meant to live together when they were all worried over Lance. Matt had ever started trying to feed Lance, sacrificing his precious food to Lance who only felt worse and worse each time he did
“Don’t be like that. He’s planning Lance’s surprise baby shower. Pidge is in charge of the entertainment and drinks. Hunk and Shay are doing the catering. Rieva is decorating, and Matt is providing the muscles. Allura and Coran are going to drive down in the morning. Thankfully I had a valid reason for needing the both of you, so it all worked out rather nicely”
“Do I get to know what this reason is?”
“I think it’s better I show you rather than simply tell you”
His mother was enjoying this. Keith huffing at her in annoyance. Now his talk with Lance would have to wait, and his stupid ego would be all bent out of shape as it did. He really missed being a human.
Krolia sprung another surprise on him. He’d thought his mother had her own apartment in a seperate part of the city. Not her own apartment a floor below where Shiro’s apartment was. Confused at why they’d gotten off a floor early, the only thing that kept him huffing about it was subtle traces of Lance’s scent in the hallway. Lead down to one of the anonymous doors, Krolia took delight in opening it
“Welcome to my apartment!”
The place was decorated the same as theirs. The same primary colours, accented with black and white. Her sofa was black, instead of red, but for the most part it was disorientatingly similar. Sitting on the sofa, Lance was asleep against next to Curtis who had his arms around the vampire’s shoulder
“Hey, Keith. Come on in. Lance’s been out for about half an hour now, and Shiro’s upstairs”
Curtis’s familiarity with the apartment annoyed Keith. As Krolia’s son, he didn’t understand how he was the last to know she lived right below him. He didn’t want to deal with her shit
“Fuck this. I’m going to get my bike”
As he turned, Krolia sidestepped. Grabbing him by the wrist, he was propelled into her apartment and the door closed behind the pair of them. The look in his mother’s eyes told him he had to stay, no matter how he might feel about it
“Thanks, Curtis. I’ve got it from here”
“No worries. You know, you could have told us you actually lived her”
Kroli shrugged, smug as she did
“I would have, but none of you thought to ask”
Why did he keep letting Krolia do this to? He’d never understand her sense of humour
“Mum, you... why do you do this to me?”
“I’ve got 20 years of mum jokes to make up for. I can, and will, have this. Can I get something you something to drink?”
“Can it be alcoholic?”
Something strong. Something that burned on the way down. Something that’d make him forget his weirdo mother’s excess of weirdness and soothe his annoyance with the situation. Krolia laughed far too hard
“Keith, you my son, are a funny one. Go save Curtis from Lance and I’ll whip up something up to go with our drinks”
Taking Lance from Curtis, Lance barely stirred. Slurring his name, he smiled at Keith as if he hadn’t seen him in years, not a few hours. Snuggling into him, the vampire sighed in content. Lance wouldn’t lie to him, Krolia had to have misunderstood. Stretching, Curtis shot them both a smile. Keith not matching it as his lover smelt too much like everyone else
“He’s had some blood from a bag. He felt a bit warm earlier, so I don’t know if he’s coming down with a fever, or if he’s just super tired. One moment we were discussing our show, and the next he’d fallen asleep”
“He does that. Thanks for watching over him”
“It’s fine. He seems a bit stressed about what’s happening at home. When you’re done here, come on up. I’m going to grab some blood bags before I go home”
“Thanks. That’d be handy. How big is the party going to be?”
“Not that big. Pidge has been warned against loud noises. Hunk was having a nervous breakdown over the cake, but I think he’s got that sorted now”
“As long as he doesn’t go overboard”
“With three werewolves to feed, I don’t think even Hunk can over cater. I’ll give you our gift when you come up”
“Nah, save it until tomorrow. Lance will get suspicious if you’re suddenly giving us gifts”
“Provided he can stay awake long enough. Is he okay to be sleeping?”
“Yeah. From what we can tell it’s a pregnancy thing. I’ll keep an eye on him and call Coran if he does develop a fever”
“Okay, then I’m off. I’ll see you tomorrow, Krolia!”
“See ya, Curtis!”
Left alone with Lance in his mother’s den, Keith stroked his fiancé’s hair. Fresh blood would help perk Lance back up, but his mother seemed uncomfortable when he fed him, plus he’d kind of lost a fair bit thanks to Lotor. He could imagine Coran in there scraping his blood off the training room floor for testing, the werewolf’s nose wrinkling at the thought of it all. Lance could have told him if he’d acted out, or if his ego had been being mean to him. He could have told him if he was scared of who, or what, Keith was becoming. He’d nearly given up, then Lance had encouraged him to keep going... Maybe it was a hormone thing? Like when Lance had cried over the puppy in a TV commercial the other day...
Attempting to be civilised, his mother brought him out of his thoughts by placing down a serving tray with two coffees, a tea, and an unopened packet of biscuits. Squeezing herself onto the sofa, Krolia slung her arm over Keith’s shoulder
“This is nice, isn’t it?”
“That you’ve been hiding you’ve been living here? Or that I’ve got no idea what’s going on?”
He and Shiro might be hopeless decorators, but they’d managed to make the apartment feel like theirs. Krolia’s apartment lacked all the personal touches he’s become used to... plus there was a disturbing lack of fur over everything
“Both. Both is good. Now, I know I’ve ruined your plans, but I’ve got something to show you”
“It better be good. Lance should be sleeping in a proper bed”
“You can put him in mine, if you want”
“Lance is fine right here with his Keith”
Poking Lance in the side, Keith kissed Lance’s hair as he did. Mumbling Lance was a sleepy Lance
“You’re supposed to be sleeping”
“I am... can’t you tell?”
“Oh, yes, babe. 10 out of 10, best sleeper”
“I feel sick... you smell like blood”
Lance must have felt too sick to praise him for his monster dick. Thank god they weren’t having that conversation in his mother’s apartment
“Lotor got me again”
Lance huffed, nosing into Keith’s chest right near where Lotor had got him in the left side with his thumb nail
“He sucks... get it, because he’s a vampire and a wanker”
“I get it. Do you want to wake up for me? Or do you want to sleep some more?”
“Cuddles and awake”
“Okay. You going to sit up?”
“Nope. Sorry for interrupting you”
“You’re fine, babe. Mum was about to cut the crap and tell me what she wanted to show me”
“Oooh... I wanna see. Can I see?”
Krolia tried to crane past him to see Lance, Keith shifting slightly to angle his back more towards her as a barrier between the pair of them
“I thought it best that you were to see it with Keith. Are we ready?”
“Yes, please”
“Hiiiiiiii, Keith. Hey, mummy’s big boy... Hello my love. Joe, he looks just like you. Look at him. He’s got your frown. Aw, Keith. It’s okay. Daddy isn’t very scary. No, he’s not”
“Krolia, I think you’re scaring him with the camera”
“You shouldn’t have let me buy it if you didn’t want me using it”
As his father laughed, baby him let out an unhappy cry. His father rushing to hush him as Krolia’s laugh crackled.
Bundled in his father’s arms on screen, Keith had to keep blinking away the tears in his eyes. His dad. His dad was there... The camera footage was old and grainy. He looked thoroughly unamused at Krolia poking the camera so close, but... it was him. Him and his dad. His dad...
“After Lance had cleaned I managed to find these in Joe’s closet. They were down the bottom in a box without any labels. I didn’t know what was on there until I dropped the tapes in to be put on DVD... You always hated having a camera anywhere near you when you were a baby”
“They could only recover footage from two of the tapes. I kept the lot, in case one day they find some way to pull the videos off... You were such cute baby. You never liked having your nappy changed. The moment the cloth touched your balls, you’d scream and scream as if I was trying to murder you”
“You would too if someone was putting a cold cloth on your balls. I didn’t know you and dad had a camera”
“It was a gift. Nothing fancy and certainly not new... I’d forgotten about it. I didn’t see it at the house, so I’ve got not idea what happened it to. Things weren’t like they are now. We didn’t have video cameras in our palms”
He and Lance agreed to keep photos of the twins off social media. Lance had seen a really messed up case during his last time through university. How the law failed parents who posted photos of their children online where they could be seen by less than desirable people. The thought revolted him
“How old was I?”
“I’d say you’re about a month or two. You got a lot more photogenic as you got older. The other video is when you’re 4”
The first video was only 5 minutes long. A really silly video of his dad trying to settle him while Krolia laughed at all his fussing.
“Keith. Hey, Keith, what are you doing?”
Younger him gave the camera a toothy grin, missing his front two. He was so small. His eyes as purple as ever
“You came off your bike and knocked them out. Joe rushed you to the doctor. You were more concerned with not being able to have homemade lemonade than about losing your teeth”
“Keith, I’m talking to you”
Young Keith was as done with Krolia’s crap as he was. Holding his purple hippo, he was twisting himself back and forth, showing off for the camera as he whined directly at the lens
“Mum, I’m waiting for dad!”
“You’re waiting for daddy? But he’s at work”
“I know he’s at work. I’m not dumb”
Huffing, young him pouted, stomped his foot and crossed his arms.
Lance snorted at him, his hand squeezing Keith’s gently
“You haven’t changed one bit. You’re so adorable”
“Wasn’t he? He loved that hippo so much...”
“Guys, I’m trying to watch the video”
He didn’t want to watch himself, but he did hope his dad would be in it. Having been warned, Lance and Krolia shut up.
“I didn’t say you were. You can do just about anything, and I think you should take me on a tour of our house so I can show daddy later”
Young him huffed again
“That’s dumb. Dad knows where everything is, mum. He’s not like you”
He was a vicious little shit
“You’re really mean to me. Don’t you love, mummy?”
“Not when she’s asking stupid questions...”
Oh god. Keith’s cheeks were flaming with embarrassment. Krolia laughing on the video
“Okay. Okay. Mummy obviously doesn’t know best. Why don’t you do a dance and I’ll film you?”
To his horror, young him shook himself out and danced on the spot. Lance laughing at his “dancing”. Finishing, he stared up at the camera, when Krolia didn’t say anything, he did it again. Parents shouldn’t be allowed cameras
“That’s my boy. Are you sure you don’t want to show me around?”
Pushing his finger to his cheek, he twisted it on the spot as if he was thinking “seriously”
“Are you going to get lost if I don’t?”
“I might”
Sigh dramatically, young him rolled his eyes heavily
“Fine, but you’ve got to remember this stuff, mum. I can’t remember everything for you all of the time. It’s too much”
Young him took them on a tour of their home. Bragging about his dad being a firefighter who rode in a huge truck. His favourite toy being his hippo, but he also loved his toy cars and had kicked a hole in the wall of his room when he’d been put in a time out. He sounded like the spawn of Satan. He definitely had far too much sass for a four year old. Krolia repeatedly scolded for her questions, laughing at him every time he got cranky with her. Seeing the house lived in, he could see the love. His things were everywhere. His “art” pinned to the fridge. Krolia slipping on his discarded skateboard, swearing loudly as she caught herself, young him happy to parrot the bad word then question why it was a bad word if mummy was saying it.
As young Keith concluded his tour, the door to the shack opened. Krolia forgotten
Rushing to his dad, the camera was placed down, the video slipping sideways as his father scooped him up.
Keith’s heart ached. His dad was everything he’d hoped he’d be. Everything he’d said he was as he passed from home to home. Yet he barely remembered him. The sound of his voice filled with so much longing to reach through the screen and hug his dad.
“Hey, kiddo! Did you have fun with mummy today?”
“Mum said “Fuck””
Young him giggled at the word as his father huffed
“I’m not surprised. Hey, hun. I see his fever went down, he’s still a bit a warm”
Krolia entered the video, his father wrapping his arm around her and kissing her on the top of her head
“Yeah. You wouldn’t have known he sick last night”
His father hiked him up on his hip, kissing Keith’s forehead
“He takes after you. Don’t you, kiddo?”
“I wanna be like daddy. Mummy is weird”
His father laughed, Krolia moving away from them
“She might be, but if you keep saying that you’re going to make her cranky”
“She’s scary when she’s mad...”
“I can still hear both of you. I think this means no dessert for either of you tonight”
Krolia moved back to the camera, the last shot was of him throwing up on his dad and bursting into tears.
A long moment passed into two. Lance grunting as he wiggled himself forward on the sofa
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kumeko · 3 years
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A/N: For the Across the Universe Zine! I actually made this as a companion piece to go with another Mahabharata!based Voltron piece, but this one is getting posted first hilariously.
Summary: Rage was easy. Keith had a lot to be angry about: the war looming over his head, Allura’s futile peace talks, Shiro’s inability to blame any of the gods for what happened. Yet, when Shiro took his hand, it was hard to be anything but grateful for this last moment alone together.
“This was the worst plan,” Keith bit out, pacing back and forth on the red stone floor. The cool stone did nothing to reduce his temper, his irritation spiking with every turn he made. As his footsteps echoed in the vast chamber, the domed roof echoing every noise, he barked at his partner, “We shouldn’t have agreed. I shouldn’t have agreed. We all know how this is going to end and we still did it.”
 “Is it really that bad?” Reclining on a pillow on the ground, Shiro watched him with an amused grin. Dressed in cool silk, his expression serene, Shiro looked practically unflappable. With the plates of fruit and fancy dishes around him, he looked like he was at a picnic instead of at a strategy meeting. One would be forgiven for not thinking a war was taking place the next day. That Shiro would be at the forefront of that war. Remaining calm was what a leader was all about, but Keith wished that sometimes Shiro would show his true feelings more. At least to him, if to no one else.
 There was no way he could actually feel that calm. No one could.
 “Of course it is,” Keith snapped, displeased. “They’ve done—” His expression softened as his eyes fell on Shiro’s right arm, on the marks that lined his flesh, and he quietly added. “You of all people should know that.”
Picking up on his emotions, Shiro rubbed his arm for a long moment. “They have done a lot.” He stared at his arm contemplatively before turning back to Keith, a reassuring smile one his face. “Still, it’s worth a shot. It could prevent the war.”
 “Sure. If she wasn’t talking to Lotor of all people,” Keith growled, crossing his arms. Was he the only one who thought this plan was terrible? Well, maybe Lance had agreed with him, but that thought didn’t comfort him at all. Of all the people to be on his side, it had to be the moron. “He’s not going to change his mind. He doesn’t back down from anything. He doesn’t even compromise.”
 “You don’t know that,” Shiro disagreed, pursing his lips. “Allura is pretty persuasive. If anyone can convince Lotor, it’s her.”
 “If anyone could, sure. But no one can. Otherwise, we wouldn’t even be here in the first place. There wouldn’t be a war.” His feet continued its steady pace, treading and retreading the same path. Despite this being a minor palace, the rooms were larger than he was used to. Mirrors and candles were inlayed in niches in the walls and he could make out his distorted reflection as he marched past them. “This could have all been over years ago.”
 “True, but people can grow. Can change. You’ve already seen it with some of our allies.” Shiro pointed out. Picking a mango slice off a nearby silver plate, he bit into it as he mused, “Maybe Lotor just needed time or a change in perspective.”
 “He needs a new perspective, alright.” Mango juice dribbled down Shiro’s lip and down his neck. The orange drop slid to his bare chest, a trail leading lower and lower and—Keith dragged his eyes away from the drop; now wasn’t the time to be thinking about that. Or about wanting to lic—no, he was not going to think about it at all.  They were strategizing for a war. He had a princess to worry about.
 His lover would have to wait till later.
 God, was it hot tonight.
 Keith cleared his throat, forcing himself back to business. “Those other guys aren’t the crown prince of an enemy nation. He did half the things we’re fighting against.” He ground his heel onto the floor as he paced his quarters once more. Even the huge room, he felt trapped, a tiger pacing in a golden cage. “We shouldn’t have let her go alone. He could hurt her. He has hurt her.”
 Shiro winced at the memory. It wasn’t like anyone could forget it any time soon, the time Lotor had snuck into their ranks and then broken them. It had been an almost fatal attack on their rebellion. “Just…trust her. She’s stronger than you think. She’s half-goddess, remember? That makes her pretty sturdy.”
 “She’s also half-Altean,” Keith pointed out contrarily. “And they’re pretty fragile.”
 Setting aside his peel, Shiro finally got up. Clasping Keith’s hand, he pulled him to a stop. “Come on, if you keep pacing like that, you’ll burn a hole in the ground.”
 “Great, then maybe I can make a tunnel to the Galra and end this war myself,” Keith grumbled, but he didn’t pull away. There was something comforting about the strength in Shiro’s hand, in how firmly his fingers grasped his wrist. It was grounding and he could feel his worry ebb away slightly.
 “Sure. But for now, let’s go the balcony. It’s pretty hot tonight.” Shiro gently tugged Keith, heading to the other side of the room toward the balcony. Thin, gauzy curtains covered the exit, a repellent against the mosquitos and other denizens of the night. Small charms clattered gently as they stepped out into the night air, wards to protect them from the demons and angry gods.
 Keith took a deep breath as they approached the balcony railing. It wasn’t any cooler out here than it was inside. His skin was slick with sweat and even as a night breeze ran over his bare chest, he didn’t feel any better. His red lungi clung to his legs and from the corner of his eye, he caught Shiro discretely fanning himself. There was no relief from this heat, just surviving through it. Maybe if they went up north, to the mountains—but no, even that would have to wait till the war was over.
 It was a strange thought. When the war was over. They had been fighting the Galra for so many years, he’d forgotten what that was like. If only Lotor and his father hadn’t usurped the crown from Allura. Or if the gods, in their fits of whimsy and amusement, hadn’t joined sides, throwing fuel to the fire whenever it suited them.
 A blasphemous thought, perhaps. Then again, Keith had never been one for convention.
 Still, tomorrow was the final battle. The exiled princess would be banished no longer. Whether it was through death or victory, it would all be over.
 “So? Feeling better?” Shiro asked, leaning against the railing. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “Smells great.”
 “As long as I don’t smell you,” Keith scoffed, begrudgingly taking a spot to Shiro’s right. Jasmine and Queen of the Night grew plentiful here, in pots and crawling up trellises. In the night, their flowers opened wide, giving the air a sweet, cloying scent. “And it’s still hot.”
 “Well…not much we can do about that,” Shiro admitted sheepishly, scratching his chin. He glanced down. “Seems you’re not the only one restless tonight.”
 Keith followed his gaze to the garden below. Moonlight glinted off the many fountains that dotted the messy garden; Allura liked nature its natural state. Or, as Hunk liked to call it, she didn’t want to waste money on upkeep. Next to one of the many streams, the red tiger quietly prowled, his tail lashing behind him. Nearby, the black tiger kept watch, and Keith snickered. Bonded as they were to these messengers of the gods, it seemed bits of their personalities had rubbed of onto the magical beasts.
 “For something divine, they don’t really feel like it.” Keith commented. Elbow on the rail, he rested his jaw on his hand and observed them. They looked like bigger versions of the pampered palace cats, examining curiously new and foreign scents. There would be plenty now, with all the reinforcements they’d called.
 “Colours aside, they look just like normal tigers.” Shiro leaned forward, gazing at them with pure wonder. Despite all that they’d seen, all that they’d gone through, that aspect of him didn’t change. He was pragmatic but still optimistic, always believing in the best. It was something Keith loved and worried over. “I wonder sometimes, if we act like them or they act like us.”
“If it’s the first, that’d explain why Lance is a little smarter,” he commented snidely, a mocking smile on his face.
 “Keith,” Shiro admonished, but his tone was entirely ruined by the smile he fought down.
 With a careless shrug, Keith muttered, “You think it too.” He raised a brow, daring Shiro to refute him. “Right?”
 Shiro stared at him a long moment. The corner of his lips twitched, a laugh threatening to emerge, and he quickly forced his gaze away. “Lance has his strengths,” he answered, his voice cracking slightly as he tried to control his emotions. “He’s saved you a few times.”
 Keith didn’t say anything, a scowl forming on his face. There were things better left forgotten or, barring that, unsaid.
 “He did, didn’t he?” Shiro teased, leaning closer. There was a light lit to his voice and he rested his head on Keith’s shoulder. “You remember, right?”
 “A few,” Keith reluctantly admitted, spitting the words out like they were poison. “But don’t ever repeat that to him. Can’t let his big head get any bigger.”
 “I won’t.” Shiro promised. It was completely unconvincing considering how much he was laughing. “You two are at it like monkeys.” He took a deep breath, calming down. With a serious expression, he added, “Just don’t let it get in the way on the battlefield.”
 “I won’t.” Keith shrugged nonchalantly.
 “You’ve said that before.” Shiro stared at him doubtfully. His brow furrowed. “Several times, actually.”
 “And I mean it every time,” Keith muttered, moodily leaning forward on the rail and resting his head on his hands. “You didn’t make him promise.”
 Shiro stared at him a long time before giving up with a sigh. “Just make it through tomorrow in one piece, okay? I know you two can work together that long.”
 Keith glanced at him, then away. To be quite honest, he wasn’t sure anymore how much he hated Lance. Part of it felt more like he was going through the motions, clinging to a disgust he no longer fully felt. And then at other times, Lance would do something idiotic and he felt entirely justified. “I will. I promise. You…you be careful too.”
 “Of course.” Shiro stepped closer, until their shoulders touch. His skin was warm, almost uncomfortably so, but Keith didn’t step away. Instead, he leaned into it. “We promised, didn’t we? I’m not leaving you.”
 “Yeah.” Keith swallowed and looked down, keeping his gaze fixed on the gardens below. “Your arm…it feels so real.”
 “It does.” Shiro flexed his right hand, his fingers curling in and out of a fist. The whole appendage looked indiscernible from his left arm—from his dark brown skin to his long fingers to even the muscular tone. The only things that marked it as unnatural were the long trellis of red ink that marked his skin, as though henna patterns were permanently etched onto his skin. “It even acts like the real thing. If a bit stronger. The gods were generous when they gave me this arm, though perhaps that’s because Allura had begged them to do so.”
 “Generous?” Keith snorted, standing straight. Even now he could remember how cold Shiro had been, the blood pouring out of his arm endlessly. The colour fading from Shiro’s skin as Allura pleaded with her father to save him. “There’s nothing generous about this. You lost your arm in a war that they started. Because they’re bored. And now we have to fight it and we have to die in it, and for what?”
 “Sacrificing this arm saved Allura,” Shiro pointed out, his voice soft. “And the Galra would have attacked either way. You know Zarkon was gearing up toward it. If he hadn’t, Lotor would have.”
 If there was one thing Keith couldn’t stand, it was Shiro’s kind, patient expression. His gentle words. As though he didn’t feel anything about the loss of his arm. As though it didn’t matter if the gods had started it all, he’d clean it up.
 And he would. That was Shiro—always fixing problems, always taking care of others but never himself.
 “The gods still made this worse than it had to be! They kept poking and prodding where they shouldn’t have, just throwing fuel into the fire.” Keith snarled, tired of it all. The final battle was tomorrow and they might not survive. He pressed his hand against Shiro��s right arm. “Some gift! Even if you survive, they’re taking this back after. It’s only until Allura’s crowned, right? They’re gods, this wouldn’t even mean anything to them, and they still can’t let you have it.”
 Shiro fell quiet, unable to refute his points.
 Maybe they should have gone to the mountains after all. Just stayed away from this whole business of being Allura’s protectors, of following and guarding her throughout her long exile. There had been a moment, when they’d met the tigers, that Keith had believed it was worth it.
 Now, now all he could feel was that it was a trap and he was just another piece on a giant chessboard. They all were.
 “Keith.” Breaking the silence, Shiro held Keith’s hands in his own, gently tugging him toward him. He brushed a thumb on the back of Keith’s hands in soothing circles. “You’re right.”
 Keith blinked, not expecting this admission. He jerked his head back to Shiro. “What?” He had expected an admonishment, a resigned sigh, anything but an agreement.
 “None of this is right and the gods might have just made it worse.” Shiro reached up, cradling Keith’s cheek with his fake hand. It felt as soft as skin, as warm as his other hand, and despite himself, Keith leaned into his touch. “But I can touch you like this again, even if it’s only for a little bit. I saved Allura’s life. And I don’t regret any of it, despite how and why it happened.” He leaned closer, pulling Keith down until their foreheads touched. “I can’t be angry like you. Only grateful.” His thumb brushed Keith’s cheek tenderly.
 “I know you can’t,” Keith softly whispered. It felt as though if he spoke any louder, the moment would end and the war would start. And he wanted more of Shiro’s touch, more time together. It felt like they never had enough time, running from battle to battle. He reached up, covering Shiro’s hand with his own and closed his eyes. “That’s who you are.”
 “Just like I know you’ll never let this go, it’s who you are,” Shiro answered, his voice gentle.
 They stood there, just breathing in and out. Their scents intertwined with that of the night flowers and if there was one thing that Keith was willing to give the gods credit for, it was for creating all of this. For creating this universe, this world, Shiro.
 For Shiro, always.
 A whistling sound carried through the night air and Keith reluctantly pulled away. Scanning the night sky, he could just barely make out the shape of a glowing, white dot approaching them through the air. The white tiger was returning. And with it, Allura.
 “She’s back,” Shiro said, watching as the dot came closer and closer. “I guess we’ll have our answer soon”
 “Yeah.” Keith sighed. One way or another, this was the end of it all. He clasped Shiro’s hand tightly.
 As the dot came closer and closer, Keith could start making out the white tiger’s shape and the faint form of Allura on top. Her shoulders were slumped slightly, the way she always got when she thought she was alone and everything was just too much.
 Bad news, then.
 Keith hated it when he was right.
 When she was close enough to make out her expression, Allura straightened up. Shoulders rolled back, lips pursed, she gave them a solemn nod as her partner soared through the air past them. “We leave at daybreak,” she said.
 No further details were needed. Shiro and Keith bowed slightly as she soared past to her quarters.
 “I guess this is it,” Shiro stated, his expression heavy. He watched as she landed on her balcony and dismounted quickly. When the princess disappeared hurriedly into her quarters, he added, “It ended badly.”
 “Obviously,” Keith snorted derisively. “It was Lotor. There’s no other way it could have ended.”
 “You never know,” Shiro replied half-heartedly. He stared at her empty balcony once more before turning around. “I should check on her.”
 Keith glanced at him. Shiro’s expression was weary and Keith suddenly realized just how much his lover had been banking on this discussion.
 Shiro didn’t move. “She’s probably not taking it well.”
 It wasn’t like Shiro was taking it any better, but for once Keith silenced his caustic tongue. There was a war tomorrow. One or the other or even both of them could die. It was a last night, few hours really at this point.
 The mango juice was still on Shiro’s chest, a dried sticky mess.
 “I should go,” Shiro repeated tiredly.
 “You should,” Keith agreed, taking Shiro’s hand.
 “Huh?” Shiro looked at him in surprise, not expecting this response at all.
 “She’ll need your advice,” Keith continued, gently leading Shiro back into their quarters.
 “I…” Shiro blinked, not sure how to respond. “Yes.”
 “And you have to look your best.” Ignoring his lover’s questioning stare, Keith headed toward the blankets and pillows that made up their bed. Silently, he yanked Shiro down, pushing him until he lay flat on his back. Without a moment’s pause, he straddled Shiro.
 “Keith.” Shiro stared up at him, bewildered. “What are you doing?”
 “Cleaning you up.” Keith leaned forward, a smirk on his face as he kissed Shiro’s lips. “Can’t let you see the princess all messy like this.” He licked Shiro’s chin, the mango juice sweet on his tongue. “Coran’d throw a fit.”
 If they were going to die tomorrow, Keith was going to savour tonight. The gods owed him this much, at least.
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fyrapartnersearch · 3 years
Get ready to form voltron!
Obligatory warning for a long post ahead: Whilst I know this post may be intimidating to some people. please do not let it put you off from reaching out to me :) “I say vol and you say tron! Vol…..” “Eh.... voltron?” “We’ll work on it.” Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and that you’ve been able to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic (and that the easing of some restrictions depending on where you are has not negatively affected you). After binge watching legendary defender on netflix I’ve had the undying and uncontrollable urge to do a voltron rp. Now I bet you’re all wondering what I want and if you’re going to get to do some shipping.......we’ll I guess you’re just going to have to read on and find out. I’m looking for literate rper’s only. That means people who write in third person past tense, can give me at the very least one well thought out and fleshed paragraph (as well as be willing to write more when the situation calls for it) and has a decent grasp on their spelling, grammar and punctuation. I will not yell at you for the occasional bout of typonese but one liners, one worders, poorly written responses and lazy writing in general will not keep me around. If I can’t read what you’ve written and you’re not willing to put some effort in or correct it then there’s no point in me sticking around. I also require rper’s who’ve actually watched voltron whether it be legendary defender, defender of the universe or voltron force. If you’re someone whose a stickler for canon accuracy then I’m probably not the rper for you. When I rp in a fandom setting I treat it a bit like a base as in there’s rules to follow but I don’t have to follow them as if I’m reading the show script. To put it simply I value creativity and ideas that allow a different take on the characters and what could’ve happened. I only rp male alien or alien hybrid characters and they’re premade but flexible in how they’re written. I do not have pictures nor do I desire to spend endless hours of time to find a face claim of a creature that isn’t the typical different coloured humanoids you see in voltron. I have descriptions and that’s it. I do not care if your character is made up on the spot or if you prefer to rp as a canon character. Shippers......I’m sorry but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side. I do not rp them as mains so if you were looking for some sheith or klance I’m sorry to disappoint you. That being said you are free to play as any canon character you desire or an oc as I’m open to oc x oc pairings or oc x canon pairings (you being the canon character) and I do either MxM or FxM pairings. Romance and non fade to black smut will both occur in the rp but it must be slow burn. I do not do fast paced love at first sight as it’s just not something that holds my interest. No sub dom dynamics, switch dynamics only and please no characters whose entire personality is just one emotion or one trait they have. Guys.....please don’t call my aliens furries or whatever. I don’t rp generic spray painted humans and we’re rping in a world full of wacky and crazy aliens that have fur,scales,tails,multiple arms, etc so I find it Incredibly annoying to have a label forced on my character like it’s a bad thing. Alien means something not from earth, if a human was to be born on altea or daibazzal, it’d be considered an alien despite probably being a hundred percent human. If your view and comfort zone is restricted to aliens that look like an altean and nothing else then you needn’t not message me. I’m not going to make you rp with me if this is a dealbreaker so if you don’t heed this warning then you do not be rude after pulling a shocked pikachu. Be mature about it if you realise it’s a deal breaker rather than just blocking or suddenly deciding you no longer want to talk to me and that you’ll just ignore me till I unfriend you. DO NOT COME TO ME SAYING OR ASKING YOU WANNA DO A SHEITH RP/ DO YOU RP AS THESE CANON CHARACTERS! I cannot stress this enough. I don’t know how I can make it any clearer that I do not do canon character mains nor do I do rp’s solely for the purpose of shipping said rp characters. As I’ve said before, if you wanna play a canon character go ahead but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side. My oc’s are my mains. You and your characters must be 18+. I’m in my twenties and will not rp with a minor, especially since I have mature and adult themes in my rp’s that I do not want to get into trouble for Rping them with someone whose underaged. Underaged characters are just........a big no for the sole fact that my characters are adults and that i do not feel uncomfortable playing against underaged characters. You must be able to give me one or more responses a day. If it’s been two weeks since the last response and you’ve mysteriously disappeared then I’m not going to stick around for the day you decide to answer me. I do not like having my time wasted for any reason. My time zone is the eastern Australian time zone but I’m available and awake at odd hours so time zones aren’t too big of an issue for me. Remember that I’m looking for a long term partner, someone to carry an rp with for more than just a few days or a week and someone to write multiple stories with. I have tonnes of ideas and head cannons for the rp but I’m open to brainstorming and ideas. We can mix and match ideas till we get something we both like. I want this to be a shared job, don’t expect me to be the one to carry everything just cause I’m the one supplying the idea. Down below I’ve decided to list a couple of ideas that I have: New school defenders: the paladins of voltron have been defending the universe for years. Many stories of their countless victories, battles and struggles are something that every parent who was alive during the war told their children. Once the main three were taken out (haggar, lotor and zarkon) the paladins settled down to teaching the garrisons new generation of cadets. The new change in curriculum was welcome for many as well as a new change in ship style. To make sure that peace could be maintained in every quadrant of every galaxy the paladins of voltron has trained the cadets to fly animal styled space ships like the lions. The animal ship a pilot was assigned depended on their personality, strengths, weaknesses, how well they worked in a team and their style of fighting and piloting skills. The importance of team bonding was something the paladins basically preached. When news of the return of an old foe forces the paladins to return to their jobs as voltrons warriors and they suddenly disappear many write them off as dead or perhaps in distress. None of the superiors are interested to find out..... so who will? Lotor’s reign: It was unbelievable. It couldn’t be true. It had to not be true. Voltron taken down by lotor, son of the mighty emperor zarkon himself, and the paladins were now working for him without question as his top generals?! When the news had first hit many people had panicked whilst countless others had been slain for daring to believe and protest that it was all just some lie made up by the half galran prince who was now an emperor like his father before him. Princess Allura herself was locked away in an unknown location after refusing the cruel man’s hand in marriage so she is no help for what is now a lost hope. Lotor’s reign had well and truly begun all those years ago and it was holding steady. People had forgotten long ago that even in complete and utter darkness….one can always find a speck of light that burns bright no anger how small. Mirror mirror: For many years people believed the galra were a race of cruel, vicious, animalistic thinking beings whose only goal was to destroy and conquer words. No one would’ve ever believed that it was the peacekeeping alteans that had been working to plot the galaxy’s downfall. Voltron, belonged to the galrans, they’d been the ones who’d built it after all despite letting alfor pilot voltron’s right arm. When the king had been turned down on his idea to share the mighty robotic war machine he simply built his own. Five dragons that formed dracotron were what the alteans used as their voltron and weapon to conquer the galaxies. Emperor zarkon, under the advice of Haggar the witch, was one of the few world leaders who managed to get his people to safety. Ever since watching the great kingdoms that he’d known for almost ten thousand years fall under the alteans greed and obsession for power over peace, he prayed for miracle in whatever form he could get it in. When two young stragglers end up stranded on the galra’s second home world, the cards of fate are laid according to haggar, much to everyone else’s confusion. What could two lost souls possibly do to bring back what was lost to the alteans? Gamora’s guns: The guns of Gamora was a rebel group with the goal of foiling any plans of the altean empress allura. Led by the brave commander Sven and his somewhat neurotic sidekick Slav, the gun’s were spread far across the galaxy in little pockets of altean dominated space to keep tabs on the empires schemes and try their best to counteract them. The new recruits were aliens and humans from far and wide working together hand in hand to try and prevent a reign of terror from truly taking over. When plans for creating a super weapon fall on the ears of a trusted source, the newest batch of recruits are sent to locate, find and bring back the blueprints. Of course, such things are easier said than done. The chosen: Keith.lance.hunk.shiro (or Sven, depends on whether you want this to follow a legendary defender type story arc or one of the older series). Allura. Pidge. These were names that belonged to the universe's greatest heroes. Legends beyond all compare. They were champions of the universe and paladins of the mightiest robotic warrior to have ever been built: voltron. The great robot and the lions that formed it were well over ten thousand years old…..sadly for the paladins, they knew that they wouldn’t live to or beyond the great age their lions and oldest enemies had. The galaxy garrison had worked extra hard on ensuring that the next generation of pilots would be suitable candidates for the possibility of becoming voltron’s future paladins. Each paladin chose a student whom they felt like would be the most suitable to take their place and trained them with the knowledge that they were not the ones who had the final decision as to who flew who…..or even if they’d fly at all. What happens when one student fails and is rejected by not one but all the lions? What becomes of them and what is their place on team voltron? What happens to the rest of the team? Only time will tell, according to coran, such a thing has never happened before…...but what happens if it does? From all walks of life to the universe's greatest heroes: Shouldn’t have to explain this one too much. Forget the show paladins, bring your oc’s or next gens onto the table and let them take the stage! Before we reach the end of the post, here are some important reminders: 1: NO REACHING OUT TO ME ASKING FOR A CANON CHARACTER SHIPPING RP! I DO NOT DOUBLE SO DO NOT ASK! 2: DONT MESSAGE ME IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH NOT VERY HUMANOID ALIENS! 3: NO GARY STU’S OR MARY SUES! GIVE YOUR CHARACTERS A PERSONALITY THAT ISN’T JUST ONE EMOTION OR TRAIT ONLY! For those who’ve read this thoroughly thank you and congratulations! If you’re at all interested please send me a request via one of the contacts below that says who you wanna be, which lion or paladin you think you’d most likely to be if you were in voltron, which idea you liked (or one of your own) and the numbers 123 to confirm you’ve read everything. My discord: tiberionsunsconqourer#6187 My telegram: Tiberionwars My hangouts: [email protected] Hope to write some awesome stories! Will accept requests as long as this ad is up.
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Fandoms: Voltron, Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Revolution & Kimetsu no Yaiba / Demon Slayer
Characters: Lotor (Voltron), Yoshimoto Imagawa (Ikesen), Jonah Clemence (Ikerev) & Giyu Tomioka (KnY)
Prompt: I have been thinking for a while now that I wanted to write a series in which the reader gets to pick their love interest. Feel free to fill in the accompanying survey as well. 
Inspiration taken from a side-character in a C-drama who intrigued me way more than the actual main, so I went and skipped and then had to write this story because wow was that unsatisfactory. 
– I suppose it is fair to say that this is still an introduction of sorts. I’m still trying to establish the characters and the story before splitting off into separate routes. 
(Has anyone picked up on the fact that reader is a selective mute? Really slightly, but I felt that it is important to point out.)
Part 1 | 
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Dark clouds hung above the palace, signalling nothing good to come both in weather and in fortune. However, that didn’t alert you as much as the air hanging around in the pharmacy as you returned from your rounds. The silence that hung around the courtyard of the plaza, the absence of the brewers and the apothecaries usually running abound, even the lack of patients lining up to see you, or one of the other doctors of the court surprised you.
Dropping your kit on top of your desk you felt a chill on the back of your neck as you kept your back turned to the shelf where the medicines were stored, knowing that there was a presence behind you. Reaching for the knife hidden in your sash you stilled your breath as you counted the seconds.
“Freeze!” you called, spinning around as you held out the sharp item under the chin of your aggressor. “Sneaking up on me, Lotor?” you smiled, holding the knife closer to his throat.
Chuckling, the prince raises his arms in defeat, a charming smile on his lips as he gives you an approving look. “Why still attack me if you knew it was me?” the male questioned, though he was too pleased with himself to act out on any disappointment in surprising you. “Don’t I get a hug? Or maybe a kiss?” the male teased, earning a roll of your eyes.
“None, not for someone who left the court half a year ago without leaving behind a letter,” you responded, your arm finally lowering as you pocketed your knife. “What made you return anyway?”
Guilt flashed by his expression as the prince crossed his arms at the back, an habit for whenever he felt in the wrong. A move you knew well and immediately had you forgive the man.
“At least you’re well. Well enough to sneak up on me,” you decided to say, earning another smile from the prince who closed in on you, an affectionate arm thrown over your shoulder as you started to unpack your medical kit.
“Did you miss me?” Lotor questioned, his fingers immediately running through your hair as he played around with a few loose strands. “I heard a rumour outside of the courts. They say that the imperial doctor is the best there is, but ruthless,” he continued with a tease as he pulled away, turning over to the other side of the table as he sat himself down comfortably amongst your tools.
“Now where did you earn such a reputation from, [Name]?” the prince asked, fingers going over your desk as he examined all of the mixtures you had.
Rolling your eyes once more you gave the man a shrug, not really caring for whatever gossip he had brought as you swatted his hands away from your work. “Don’t mess it up. Don’t listen to gossip. Go focus on topics that actually matter,” you scolded.
To this the male ignored you, as he so often did, picking up your mortar and pestle, pretending to grind the air. “They were talking about you, that is important to me,” the prince quipped back with a wink before turning more serious again.
“I heard that the exiled prince of Imagawa has arrived?” Lotor’s expression suddenly turned serious. The playful young playmate seemingly disappearing. “You should be careful in whom you treat, [Name]. If he tries anything you will be the first to be suspected.”
A fair warning, for you had almost exclusively treated the prince ever since his arrival. Though, one you didn’t need. Pulling the mortar and pestle out of Lotor’s arms you gave him a smack on the arm before you ushered him out of the seat that he was occupying. A sign that you weren’t going to listen to his advice.
“Yoshimoto is a friend. We both are in need of some in this court,” you waved the man’s concern off, ignoring the expression on Lotor’s face.
“Besides, I have you here now, right?” you carefully tried instead.
The way the fifth prince’s face lit up was a sight you treasured the most.
“Just be careful, alright?” the prince couldn’t help himself but express his concern, his eyes crinkling into a warmth that you had come to recognise as care from him. “If you ever find yourself in danger, be sure to call for me, okay?” Lotor pressured on, to which you only responded with another roll of the eye.
The clouds were building up as the day progressed, looming over the imperial palace like a threat. Soon, the first drops of rain fell down, though it was not the water from the heavens that the day feared. It was not the wet from the sky that you should have cared about.
“Rebels!” The alarm sounded through all of the palaces, guards ran for the front, preparing themselves to defend the gate of the imperial city with their lives. Intermingled with them were the servants, some seeking safety, others seeking out their masters and mistresses to bring them to safety.
Finding yourself in the same chaos you wondered if Lotor’s return had anything to do with the attack the palace was facing now, a cold fear settling in your bones as you watched the rain pelt down harder, making a fight with fire impossible within the cold that was seeping through your clothes. Adjusting your medical kit you were determined to head down to the front when you were pulled to the side, into an alley.
“It is me, [Name],” Yoshimoto’s breath was warm against your ear, as were his arms as he calmed you down from your initial shock. “I have come to warn you,” the Imagawa prince was quick to get to his point as he turned you around, his features hidden underneath a hood to protect him from the rain.
Stumped, you weren’t sure what to say, or how to react as you stared over his shoulder, noticing that his loyal guard Giyu was standing closeby, standing watch with his sword ready. Feeling your eyes widen, you knew you had given away your thoughts to the perceptive prince.
Smiling his usual smile, Yoshimoto let go of your arms, regret clear in his eyes as he knew he couldn’t explain the situation to you. “There isn’t much time, but know that I have valued your friendship,” the prince spoke, his eyes flitting over to the mainstreet as he pulled you into the alley deeper. “You have to promise me not to go to the front. Go to the king’s side instead, you will be safe there,” Yoshimoto continued to urge you, his hand lingering over yours only for moments before retreating into his cloak. “And should they ask, don’t tell them of this meeting. Tell them that I attacked you and robbed you of your kit.”
Without waiting for you to actually make your promise, or to regain your voice, even the make turned away, leaving you alone in the alley. Your kit, proven to be indeed gone from your grasp without your notice.
“Wait, Yos--”
When you finally did find yourself you were met with Giyu’s blade at your throat, a frightening glare headed for you as you froze in place.
“My lord may have chosen to trust you, but one sign of betrayal and I will have the rain taste your blood,” was all the guard said before departing as well, following after the ethereal figure of one of your rare friends in court.
With the retreat of your friend you felt the rain colder than before, your feet mindlessly taking you back to your pharmacy where you planned to gather your supplies once more.
Once more the sharp blade of the sword was pointed at you, the figure this time poised in the proud colours of red and white. The green of his hair clung to his handsome face, drenched by the rain just like all who were out were, though Jonah’s eyes were brimming in determination as he glowered you down.
“Why aren’t you at the front?” His voice was harsh, louder than the clash of the rain on the pebbles, harder than the rumble of the heavens sounding off the lightning.
Raising your arms you gave him a look down your empty hands and the missing medical kit, your eyes feeling distant and unfocused as you tried to meet Jonah’s gaze.
“What’s wrong?” the general speaks, a frown on his face as he notices your expression. It was strange, though you had never exchanged a friendly word with the man his concern for you seemed genuine. Genuine enough despite the sword pointed at you.
Feeling a warm hand clasping your arm you let yourself be led out of the rain, into your office as Jonah pulled you along, his eyes set into a deep frown as he brushed the locks out of his eyes. His sword had long since been sheathed back into place, though his body was still wary as he left his men instructions.
“You probably will refuse to answer me, but I will have to keep you here until these pesky rebels are rooted out,” Jonah spoke, his voice taking on his usually haught tone once more as he searched around for something to dry you and himself off with. “Just point out where the towels are and maybe brew a cold medicine for yourself,” the man continued, never ceasing to give instructions.
Reaching for one of the cabinets you pulled out the fresh towels Jonah was looking for, warmth slowly returning to you as you were surrounded once more by what was most familiar to you.
“Thank you, [Name],” the general spoke, rapt steps coming over to you as he picked up one of the towels. Dropping one of them on your head Jonah’s hand quickly started to make circular motions over your head, drying you off as he continued.
“I don’t know why you aren’t at the front like I expected you to be, but you should stay put for now. It will not do if you catch a cold, or get caught up in the collision.”
The man took you by surprise with how gently he was drying you off, his hands making sure to wring your hair as dry as possible. Every now and then you could feel his cool fingertips brush over your scalp, as if he was making sure that it wasn’t too damp.
“I fell,” you broke the silence after a while. Taking in a breath you felt Jonah’s hands still for a moment before he stepped away from you, apparently satisfied and done helping you as he picked up a fresh towel for himself.
“I fell and lost my kit,” you tried again, glad that the general had left the towel on top of your head, for you were sure that your expression would reveal the lie you were telling. “That’s why I’m here.”
“So you do speak,” Jonah scoffed, his voice muffled by the towel on his head as he pulled it off, his hair falling right back into place. Folding up the towel he didn’t say much else before turning towards the door once more, checking outside for the weather.
“Stay here and stay inside, don’t open the door for anyone unless it is me.”
If you had ever been any good at following orders you weren’t exactly known for it. As soon as Jonah left you alone in your office you gathered your lost materials, throwing together whatever you could find and thought to need into a fabric that you knotted to function as a bag. It wasn’t convenient, but it would have to do and you were determined to make it work.
Attacks to the imperial city were of regular occurrence, it came with the position, you figured. The symbol of absolute rule and power, the decision-making organ. You figured that many would want to vouch for the job, thinking that they could do better for some reason or another. However, it was rare for the rebellions to get so close to the gates, often finding themselves squashed at the front lines by sheer numbers alone.
You knew that you should have listened to both Jonah and stayed back, but the knowledge that Yoshimoto was involved within the attack, or using the attack as a guise to escape worried you. It wouldn’t be his first attempt to leave the imperial city and the capital, but it would be a gamble each and every time, a gamble on his own life that everyone was much too eager to see end. Everyone but you, at least, for there was a dear friend within the man.
The rain had cleared up, though the battle hadn’t. Ahead you could hear the battlecries of the soldiers clashing with the rebellion at the maingate, a place you were to avoid for now. Instead you duck into the dark alleyways you had familiarised through your stay within the imperial city and weaved your way through, feet hurrying and meeting mud as you strayed off the path eventually, towards the waterworks of the city.
Just as you had predicted you saw a boat at the waterside, forlorn and hidden within the reed, but readied to be used in an escape. A plan foiled, it seemed as there was no sign of any life other than your own bated breaths.
“You better have a good explanation for this,” a voice suddenly crept up on you, a blade flashing on your throat as you felt your arms pulling back, your makeshift bag falling to the ground, spilling your items.
Behind you was Giyu, his voice a low hiss as he pulled you closer, the blade flashing dangerously close against your skin as you could see his reflection in the weapon.
Not too far away Yoshimoto rose from the grass himself, his expression stern as he fixed his gaze on you. The kit you had lost dangled on his shoulder, though he didn’t seem to care for its weight as he stepped closer to you, his usually charming and welcoming demeanour having sunken into something cold.
“The lord was already afraid that there someone had found out about the plan, but we never would have thought it was you,” Giyu continued in a spiteful voice as he pulled you back onto the road forcefully. “I shouldn’t have doubted you, my lord,” the guard continued, though his voice barely held any warmth at all as he released you, the tip of his sword still pointed at you as he pushed you off.
“What are we to do, now that the plan has been foiled?” The guard’s question rang sharply as you stared at the duo, your mind whirring all the while, blanking out at the chill that you felt seeping in, though it wasn’t because of your drenched figure or the rain that you felt cold.
“I suggest you let [Name] go.”
An even chillier voice came from behind, along with the whizz of an arrow passing by, anchoring itself into a nearby tree with a thud. From the opposing direction stood Lotor, his long hair drenched like the rest of you were, but his figure tall and imposing as he prepared for another shot.
“The rebellion has been squashed, I suggest you come with me to my father if you don’t plan for this to be your grave,” came the cold voice of the prince, a steely gaze fixated upon the exiled prince nearby who had remained silent all this while.
“Alas,” Yoshimoto finally spoke as he cast his eyes down, his arms swaying in defeat before he raised them, soft golden eyes reflecting nothing as he returned his gaze to Lotor. “Let us see the king, Giyu, lower your sword,” came his command and you felt yourself released, a gasp running through your body as you nearly toppled over from the tension.
A tension built up within your throat, thick and stuck as you stared between Lotor and Yoshimoto, switching over to Giyu. You had to say something, you knew that. You had to help, but your mind drew a blank as the words didn’t want to come, too many words rumbling up and yet too few being sounded.
Yoshimoto never spared you a glance as Lotor took you by the arm, a reassuring arm thrown over your shoulder as he led you away.
The rain started again on your way to the king.
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roleplayfinder · 4 years
Let’s voltron!
“I say vol and you say tron! Vol…..”
“Eh…. voltron?”
“We’ll work on it.”
Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and that you’ve been able to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic (and that the easing of some restrictions depending on where you are has not negatively affected you). After binge watching legendary defender on netflix I’ve had the undying and uncontrollable urge to do a voltron rp. Now I bet you’re all wondering what I want and if you’re going to get to do some shipping…….we’ll I guess you’re just going to have to read on and find out.
I’m looking for literate rper’s only. That means people who write in third person past tense, can give me at the very least one well thought out and fleshed paragraph (as well as be willing to write more when the situation calls for it) and has a decent grasp on their spelling, grammar and punctuation. I will not yell at you for the occasional bout of typonese but one liners, one worders, poorly written responses and lazy writing in general will not keep me around. If I can’t read what you’ve written and you’re not willing to put some effort in or correct it then there’s no point in me sticking around. I also require rper’s who’ve actually watched voltron whether it be legendary defender, defender of the universe or voltron force. If you’re someone whose a stickler for canon accuracy then I’m probably not the rper for you. When I rp in a fandom setting I treat it a bit like a base as in there’s rules to follow but I don’t have to follow them as if I’m reading the show script. To put it simply I value creativity and ideas that allow a different take on the characters and what could’ve happened.
I only rp male alien or alien hybrid characters and they’re premade but flexible in how they’re written. I do not have pictures nor do I desire to spend endless hours of time to find a face claim of a creature that isn’t the typical different coloured humanoids you see in voltron. I have descriptions and that’s it. I do not care if your character is made up on the spot or if you prefer to rp as a canon character. Shippers……I’m sorry but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side, I do not rp them as mains so if you were looking for some sheith or klance I’m sorry to disappoint you. That being said you are free to play as any canon character you desire or an oc as I’m open to oc x oc pairings or oc x canon pairings (you being the canon character) and I do either MxM or FxM pairings. Romance and non fade to black smut will both occur in the rp but it must be slow burn. I do not do fast paced love at first sight as it’s just not something that holds my interest. No sub dom dynamics, switch dynamics only and please no characters whose entire personality is just one emotion or one trait they have.
Guys…..please don’t call my aliens furries or whatever. I don’t rp generic spray painted humans and we’re rping in a world full of wacky and crazy aliens that have fur,scales,tails,multiple arms, etc so I find it Incredibly annoying to have a label forced on my character like it’s a bad thing. Alien means something not from earth, if a human was to be born on altea or daibazzal, it’d be considered an alien despite probably being a hundred percent human. If your view and comfort zone is restricted to aliens that look like an altean and nothing else then you needn’t not message me. I’m not going to make you rp with me if this is a dealbreaker so if you don’t heed this warning then you do not be rude after pulling a shocked pikachu. Be mature about it if you realise it’s a deal breaker rather than just blocking or suddenly deciding you no longer want to talk to me and that you’ll just ignore me till I unfriend you.
DO NOT COME TO ME SAYING OR ASKING YOU WANNA DO A SHEITH RP/ DO YOU RP AS THESE CANON CHARACTERS! I cannot stress this enough. I don’t know how I can make it any clearer that I do not do canon character mains nor do I do rp’s solely for the purpose of shipping said rp characters. As I’ve said before, if you wanna play a canon character go ahead but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side. My oc’s are my mains.
You and your characters must be 18+. I’m in my twenties and will not rp with a minor, especially since I have mature and adult themes in my rp’s that I do not want to get into trouble for Rping them with someone whose underaged. Underaged characters are just……..a big no for the sole fact that my characters are adults and that i do not feel uncomfortable playing against underaged characters.
You must be able to give me one or more responses a day. If it’s been two weeks since the last response and you’ve mysteriously disappeared then I’m not going to stick around for the day you decide to answer me. I do not like having my time wasted for any reason. My time zone is the eastern Australian time zone but I’m available and awake at odd hours so time zones aren’t too big of an issue for me. Remember that I’m looking for a long term partner, someone to carry an rp with for more than just a few days or a week and someone to write multiple stories with.
I have tonnes of ideas and head cannons for the rp but I’m open to brainstorming and ideas. We can mix and match ideas till we get something we both like. I want this to be a shared job, don’t expect me to be the one to carry everything just cause I’m the one supplying the idea. Down below I’ve decided to list a couple of ideas that I have:
New school defenders:
the paladins of voltron have been defending the universe for years. Many stories of their countless victories, battles and struggles are something that every parent who was alive during the war told their children. Once the main three were taken out (haggar, lotor and zarkon) the paladins settled down to teaching the garrisons new generation of cadets. The new change in curriculum was welcome for many as well as a new change in ship style. To make sure that peace could be maintained in every quadrant of every galaxy the paladins of voltron has trained the cadets to fly animal styled space ships like the lions. The animal ship a pilot was assigned depended on their personality, strengths, weaknesses, how well they worked in a team and their style of fighting and piloting skills. The importance of team bonding was something the paladins basically preached. When news of the return of an old foe forces the paladins to return to their jobs as voltrons warriors and they suddenly disappear many write them off as dead or perhaps in distress. None of the superiors are interested to find out….. so who will?
Lotor’s reign:
It was unbelievable. It couldn’t be true. It had to not be true. Voltron taken down by lotor, son of the mighty emperor zarkon himself, and the paladins were now working for him without question as his top generals?! When the news had first hit many people had panicked whilst countless others had been slain for daring to believe and protest that it was all just some lie made up by the half galran prince who was now an emperor like his father before him. Princess Allura herself was locked away in an unknown location after refusing the cruel man’s hand in marriage so she is no help for what is now a lost hope. Lotor’s reign had well and truly begun all those years ago and it was holding steady. People had forgotten long ago that even in complete and utter darkness….one can always find a speck of light that burns bright no anger how small.
Mirror mirror:
For many years people believed the galra were a race of cruel, vicious, animalistic thinking beings whose only goal was to destroy and conquer words. No one would’ve ever believed that it was the peacekeeping alteans that had been working to plot the galaxy’s downfall. Voltron, belonged to the galrans, they’d been the ones who’d built it after all despite letting alfor pilot voltron’s right arm. When the king had been turned down on his idea to share the mighty robotic war machine he simply built his own. Five dragons that formed dracotron were what the alteans used as their voltron and weapon to conquer the galaxies. Emperor zarkon, under the advice of Haggar the witch, was one of the few world leaders who managed to get his people to safety. Ever since watching the great kingdoms that he’d known for almost ten thousand years fall under the alteans greed and obsession for power over peace, he prayed for miracle in whatever form he could get it in. When two young stragglers end up stranded on the galra’s second home world, the cards of fate are laid according to haggar, much to everyone else’s confusion. What could two lost souls possibly do to bring back what was lost to the alteans?
Gamora’s guns:
The guns of Gamora was a rebel group with the goal of foiling any plans of the altean empress allura. Led by the brave commander Sven and his somewhat neurotic sidekick Slav, the gun’s were spread far across the galaxy in little pockets of altean dominated space to keep tabs on the empires schemes and try their best to counteract them. The new recruits were aliens and humans from far and wide working together hand in hand to try and prevent a reign of terror from truly taking over. When plans for creating a super weapon fall on the ears of a trusted source, the newest batch of recruits are sent to locate, find and bring back the blueprints. Of course, such things are easier said than done.
The chosen:
Keith.lance.hunk.shiro (or Sven, depends on whether you want this to follow a legendary defender type story arc or one of the older series). Allura. Pidge. These were names that belonged to the universe’s greatest heroes. Legends beyond all compare. They were champions of the universe and paladins of the mightiest robotic warrior to have ever been built: voltron. The great robot and the lions that formed it were well over ten thousand years old…..sadly for the paladins, they knew that they wouldn’t live to or beyond the great age their lions and oldest enemies had. The galaxy garrison had worked extra hard on ensuring that the next generation of pilots would be suitable candidates for the possibility of becoming voltron’s future paladins. Each paladin chose a student whom they felt like would be the most suitable to take their place and trained them with the knowledge that they were not the ones who had the final decision as to who flew who…..or even if they’d fly at all. What happens when one student fails and is rejected by not one but all the lions? What becomes of them and what is their place on team voltron? What happens to the rest of the team? Only time will tell, according to coran, such a thing has never happened before……but what happens if it does?
From all walks of life to the universe’s greatest heroes:
Shouldn’t have to explain this one too much. Forget the show paladins, bring your oc’s or next gens onto the table and let them take the stage!
Before we reach the end of the post, here are some important reminders:
For those who’ve read this thoroughly thank you and congratulations! If you’re at all interested please send me a request via one of my contacts that says who you wanna be, which lion or paladin you think you’d most likely to be if you were in voltron, which idea you liked (or one of your own) and the numbers 123.
My discord: tiberionsunsconqourer#6187 My hangouts and email: lleo [email protected] My telegram: Tiberionwars
Hope to write some awesome stories!
Will accept requests as long as this ad is up.
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fallenqueen2 · 4 years
Homecoming 2-Final [Voltron]
Voltron didn’t lose all those years once they beat Lotor, this changes the way they returned to Earth.
How I wish the Paladin’s return to Earth went, in this AU they didn’t lose all those years when they beat Lotor as I thought that their return was very lacklustre and didn’t display how amazing and badass the Paladin’s truly were by that point.
I found this in my WIP and decided while it is not done and most likely will never be more than these two chapters, I thought I would share it nonetheless
“Are you guys nervous? I’m nervous like we have no idea how long it’s been on Earth and what if our families aren’t there, what if they freak out and don’t accept us being Paladins and defenders of the universe and oh God what if they aren’t space wolf people?” Hunk babbled as he and the others broke Voltron.
They were flanking their new Castle ship (which the Olkari helped them rebuild and with the crystal from the old castle in place and then Shiro accidentally bonded with the castle itself, it was better than ever) in their individual lions as they slowly descended through the atmosphere of Earth, of their home.
“Hunk, breath!” Keith advised as his face popped up in the yellow lion.
“But Lance, Pidge and I went AWOL to help you and Shiro and then we disappeared, what if we get back and they court-martial us and lock us in the brig and never let us see our families?” Hunk’s mind spun with what could happen and suddenly landing in the Garrison itself seemed like a bad idea.
“Then we’ll just break out of the brig, it will be a lot easier than a Galra brig and then we call our lions and leave,” Keith said simply like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Really?” Hunk whispered, feeling himself relaxing.
“Obviously I mean if they want to mess with any of us then they get all of us,” Lance said cheerfully.
“I’ve already hacked into their systems, my dad did a good job upgrading but I’ve got eyes everywhere and with one click we can get out of anywhere in the Garrison with ease,” Pidge said confidently.
“If they dare to lay a hand on any of you I will show them why Altean’s are to be feared,” Allura said firmly and Hunk sniffed.
“Thanks, guys, you’re the best.” Hunk said voice a bit wobbly.
“Oh yeah, you guys are coming to my house for dinner right? Keith my mom will think you’re far too skinny and will try to fatten you up.” Lance said teasingly and Keith sighed dramatically through their com system.
“We are sticking together so we are going to be making the rounds Lance,” Keith said reminding the other Paladin of their plans.
“Just making sure, I can’t wait to see everyone again. It’s going to be so weird but I can’t wait.” Lance said just as cheerfully.
“I am quite excited to see your homeworld, what you all have told Coran and myself about it has me very interested,” Allura said, childish excitement in her voice and eyes glittering as she took in the shades of blues and greens and desert reds as they made their descent.
“Paladins, 5 dobosh’s until landing, is everyone ready?” Shiro appeared on the lion’s view screens.
The Paladins gave murmured words that basically summed up that they were ready and Coran appeared in the image right in front of Shiro who leaned out of the way.
“Paladins! Let’s do a dramatic entrance like in our promotion shows!” Coran said joyfully and everyone minus Keith let out moans and noises of dismay at that idea.
“I did manage to catch a few of those shows, they always made my day.” Keith chuckled as he remembered trying to keep it together whenever he saw them on a holo screen, but he always left before the talking started because after the first time he felt guilty and missed them so much it hurt.
“No you guys, Coran is right. We are the defenders of the universe, we need to make an entrance.” Lance perked up at the idea.
“What do you have in mind?” Allura asked curiously and Lance’s grinning face just popped up and he explained his idea that had them all chuckling and agreeing to it.
“Let me go out first, we have no idea what we are going to be walking into. I want to make sure it’s safe for you all before we let our guard down.” Shiro stated firmly remembering the last time he had landed in the Garrison in an alien ship, he trusted Commander Holt but he wasn’t sure about the Garrison at the moment.
“We’ll wait for your word Shiro.” Keith agreed and the others nodded sharply and things quieted down when the familiar building of the Garrison appeared below him, it’s orange particle barrier fading away.
“Keep the Castle airborne Coran and be ready to put the barrier up just in case,” Shiro ordered as he headed for an airlock.
“You’ve got it number one!” Coran snapped out a salute and faced his console again. Shiro smiled fondly as he put his helmet on and powered up his jetpacks. He jetted over to the Black Lion and stood tall and strong on the lion’s brow as the lions gently landed on the ground, sending sand and debris flying from the powers of the lion’s thrusters.
“Stay in your lions until I give the go-ahead Paladin's,” Shiro said as he leapt up off the head of the Black lion and landed in a crouch in front of the gathering group of Garrison members.
“Superhero landing!” Lance cheered and Shiro fought back a smile as Hunk and Pidge cheered along with Lance while Keith told them to shut up and pay attention, fondness coating his words.
“Shiro?” Sam Holt stepped forward, the guards and Iverson and four cadets in flight suits tensed.
“Commander, it looks like we got here just in time.” Shiro took the helmet off and held it to his hip and smiled fondly at the man.
“That Shiro is an understatement, it’s good to see you all alive and well.” Sam rushed forward and warmly clapped Shiro’s shoulder with a pleased smile on his face as he waved up to the Green lion with his free hand.
“You as well Commander, now what is the situation with the Garrison, do I need to keep my Paladins in their lions?” Shiro lowered his voice as he eyed the other Garrison members.
“You are classified as friendly’s and no harm will befall you here,” Sam said confidently. “We had to put Admiral Sanda in the brig when she fought too much against us defending against the Galra and wanted to put you all in the brig and experiment on the lions.”  
“So everyone else is okay with us here?” Shiro confirmed, slightly relieved that Sanda wasn’t going to interfere with them.
“You could say that Earth is the newest member of the Voltron Coalition,” Sam said cheerfully and Shiro nodded and turned up to look at the lions and gave a sharp nod.
Five armour clad figures rose from the tops of the lions, jetpacks flaring and they all landed on the ground in a similar style as Shiro had moments before. One by one they removed their helmets and squinted at the bright sun, Pidge ran to her father and tackled him into another hug extremely pleased to see him.
“Welcome home Katie, oh your mother is going to be so happy to see you.” Sam sank to the ground, holding his daughter close as the other Paladins gathered around.
Lance, Hunk and Allura had their heads craned back as they took in the sights of Earth. There was a soft pop and Cosmo appeared on the ground next to Keith who smiled in relief and knelt down to pet the alien wolf smirking at the shifting and looks of awe and shock the gathered Garrison members gave at the sight of the teleporting space wolf.
“Welcome back to Earth Cadets, Commander Shirogane.” Iverson stepped forward and his lips twisted up into a smile. “I guess you’ve surpassed Cadets and Commander status by now huh?”
“Something like that,” Shiro let his own lips twist into a smile.
“Commander Iverson, I owe you an apology for how I acted before all of this,” Keith said boldly as he rose to his feet, fingers tangled in Cosmo’s fur like he was stabilizing him.
“The same could be said of me, no hard feelings?” Iverson offered a hand, he had talked with Sam about what his former cadets had been up to when they disappeared from the planet and he knew that they were no longer the teenagers he had yelled at to do better all those years ago.
“No hard feelings.” Keith shook the offered hand and gave Iverson a small smile before laughing when Cosmo moved forward and he watched as Iverson cooed and stroked Cosmo’s fur.
“Careful Commander, he may teleport you to some random place in the universe,” Lance said snickering a bit when Iverson blinked up at him in shock.
“McClain… I was wrong about you, you had so much potential and I went about trying to bring it out in the wrong way… From the colour of your armour and what Commander Holt told me you not only piloted the Blue Lion off of Earth but now you also pilot the Red Lion. This is what I knew you were capable of.” Iverson rose to his feet and offered Lance his hand as he did with Keith.
“…Thank you, Commander, that actually means a lot to me.” Lance swallowed hard and shook the offered hand.
“LANCE!!!!” A female voice shouted as a uniformed figure pushed her way through the gathered guards and launched herself at Lance, tears in her eyes.
“Veronica? Veronica!” Lance gasped in shock and disbelief before tears streamed down his face as he wrapped his arms around his sister and the two sank onto the ground as they sobbed against each other.
“Get out of my way! That’s my baby!” Another voice shouted and a woman with short hair made her way towards the group, Pidge perking up at the voice.
“Mom!” Pidge extracted herself from her father’s arms and leapt up to hug her mom, the two sobbing and sinking to the ground to match Lance and Veronica. Sam engulfed the two with his arms and held them close.
“You are so grounded young lady.” Colleen sniffed as she held her youngest close.
“Y-Yeah, I figured.” Pidge laughed gasping for air as tears streamed down her cheeks.
“Hunk, Lance, the rest of your families are on their way here and Shiro… Someone is waiting for you.” Sam looked up at the other Paladins and winced when he realized Keith had no one waiting, but the Paladin didn’t look bothered as he talked quietly with Allura who seemed to be asking him numerous questions and they also seemed to be speaking with someone else who must still be on the Castle.
“The rest of the reunions will have to wait, we need to debrief you all and make sure you’re not full of alien radiation,” Iverson said once the tears had slowed and everyone was now on their feet.
“Our suits stop any sort of radiation so there is no need for that,” Allura said smoothly, knowing that the Castle and suits were very efficient that way.
“We’re not doing anything until we see our families.” Hunk said stubbornly.
“You need to be debriefed.” Iverson protested.
“Families first,” Hunk shot back, desperate to see and hold his family after all this time.
“Do Paladins not follow a chain of command? You will debrief when Commander Iverson tells you.” One of the cadet pilots stepped forward, anger and disbelief on his face and tone and Keith narrowed his eyes at the sight of Griffin and he took a step forward when Hunk’s shoulders slumped and his eyes turned downwards.
“Keith,” Shiro said in a low warning tone and Keith shot him a look as his shoulders slumped while rolling his eyes, but Shiro’s warning didn’t stop Lance.
Lance was moving in a blur of blue and white as his Bayard appeared in his right hand, glowing and shifting shapes into an Altean Broadsword that was pressing against Griffin’s neck. Griffin’s squad mate’s yelped and jumped back, not having expecting to be attacked.
“Oh Lance,” Shiro face palmed while Pidge cackled and Keith grinned looking very like Krolia.
“Listen here… Cadet.” Lance sneered, as he looked Griffin up and down with disdain.
“You have no idea who we are anymore, what we have been through. We were ripped out of everything we have ever known and thrown into a war that was 10,000 years old and suddenly we became the defenders of the universe. So don’t you dare try and tell us what to do or what not to do. We understand the chain of command perfectly, just the thing is no one here except maybe Commander Holt is apart of that chain, so cadet. Keep your mouth shut until you understand how we work.”
“Lance, stand down,” Shiro called out amused and Lance bared his teeth at Griffin before letting his Bayard disappear into his suit again before he stepped back into place between Hunk and Keith. Hunk and he fist-bumped absently and Veronica looked at her brother in silent awe and a bit of shock at seeing her brother like that.  
“We won’t make you debrief until you have been reunited with your families, it has been a long time for everyone and that is the least we can do for you all,” Sam said firmly, eyeing Iverson who looked a bit impressed by Lance’s words and quick protective actions.
“Of course, follow us. We have rooms set up for when your families arrive and Garrison outfits for you to change into.” Iverson gestured towards the building.
“Let me get Coran down here then,” Allura said cheerfully and put her helmet back on and a few minutes later with the Castle ship still hovering overhead Coran landed on the ground thanks to Cosmo. Coran cheerfully started to talk to Iverson who thankfully took Coran in stride as the group started to move forward.
“With all due respect Commander, we will be staying in our armour,” Shiro said politely.
“Why?” Veronica asked curiously, she and Lance had their arms twisted together while Pidge was all but clinging to her mom’s side.
“These suits have saved our lives more times than we can count, we were in space and on alien planets and they adjusted so our human bodies could handle it,” Lance explained beaming at his sister, as he felt warm and fuzzy at being with his sister again.
“You have so much to tell us and I’ll try not to freak out like I did when I heard you got blown up by that Sendak!” Veronica inhaled deeply to stop herself from panicking again.
“Ah, you heard that?” Lance said under his breath. “I’ll explain later I promise and it really wasn’t as bad as it sounded?”
“It better not have been,” Veronica said firmly and Lance laughed awkwardly, exchanging a look with Keith who winced as he remembered being the one to hold Lance close as they waited for the healing pods to come back online.
Keith stepped closer to Shiro who was lagging at the back of the group, looking unsure.
“I don’t know how I’m going to do this Keith, we didn’t part on the best terms then I was ‘KIA’ and I don’t know what he knows or if he even wants to see me. I know Sam said he does but I don’t know if I can face him.” Shiro admitted to Keith in a low voice and Keith put his hand on Shiro’s shoulder in silent support.
“You have been through so much Shiro and even if you and Adam didn’t part on the best terms, you both deserve this to either be closure or something else. You have been through so much and you deserve something good.” Keith said softly, remembering the night they had camped out on a planet they had found.
How Shiro told them all about Adam and what had happened. Keith remembered watching Adam and Shiro back in the Garrison and wanting that kind of love in his life.
“I do…” Shiro said slowly like he was coming to terms with that he did deserve something good in his life.
“We’ll be right there with you Shiro, you know that,” Keith said and Shiro shot him a grin and glanced over at the others who were silently sending him smiles or thumbs up discreetly and he knew that he wasn’t alone with this.
“Shiro, he’s in that room… Whenever you’re ready.” Sam stepped back to give Shiro a look.
“Okay, thank you, Sam.” Shiro took a shuddering breath and with one final look at the others who beamed at him and helped up his confidence a bit more. He opened the door to the room and felt his heart beat faster in his chest at the sight of Adam looking the exact same if not a bit tired sitting on the couch, head snapping up when the door creaked open.
“Adam.” Shiro breathed out.
“Takashi, is that really you?” Adam rose to his feet, eyes not moving away from Shiro who was still standing in the doorway, not able to move his body as Adam’s voice washed over him.
“It’s really me Adam, I know it’s a bit of a difference…” Shiro felt his knees going weak and he had to fight the urge to just burst out into tears; he never thought he would see Adam again.
“A bit! Takashi, oh my god.” Adam crossed the room and threw his arms around the other, burying his face in Shiro’s neck letting out shaky sobs. Shiro closing following suit, clutching Adam’s back with his hands and the two of them broke down together, finally reunited after so long.
It felt like an hour before the two managed to extract themselves from the other, tear stains obvious on their cheeks. Adam ran a shaky hand through Shiro’s white hair with a nervous laugh.
“It’s a new look huh?” Adam gave a watery smile.
“Something like that,” Shiro gave his own smile before steeling himself for what he had to say next.
“I’m not sorry I went on the mission, I’m not sorry because even with all the pain and suffering it caused the both of us it brought Voltron together, it gave me this family and I wouldn’t change that for the world,” Shiro said firmly.
“I am sorry about the way we ended things, god I replayed our conversation over and over and I wish it had gone differently.”
“Somehow I knew you would say that Takashi,” Adam closed his eyes briefly as he curled his hand around Shiro’s hand tightly, holding onto him like a lifeline.
“Commander Holt told me about what you endured, what you went through up there, well I’m sure more has happened and no doubt it was watered down for me, but… I see that this is larger than either of us. Goddamn defenders of the universe Takashi. I doubt you will be staying on Earth for good with the universe out there waiting for Voltron. We’ll talk about us later but just right now let me savour having you in my arms again.” Adam lurched forward to cling to Shiro’s amour again.
“Okay Adam, later. I can’t wait to introduce you to my family,” Shiro rested his cheek on top of Adam’s head, inhaling the familiar yet foreign scent of his old boyfriend’s shampoo.
Slowly the two separated from the other and rose to their feet, hands brushing together as they left the room and headed towards the room where the rest of Voltron, the family he had made out in the stars was waiting for their leader to return to them.  
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spopz · 5 years
hm. here's some kl
hey folks now that we’ve all said fuck canon and fuck s8 i decided to compile a couple of my fav klance fics for some better vibes! i’m including some classics so that i can Stress how Good they will make you feel, and some which are ones i don’t think i’ve seen recced too often but they’re def good quality! without further ado here we go :) putting most of them under the cut for the sake of length
✫ just come to me once by laallomri
Lance’s smile widens. He leans forward, and the prickling in Keith’s chest gives way to butterflies, fluttering wildly in his stomach, and oh wow has Lance always had this many freckles, has he always had eyelashes that long, has he—
Lance pokes his cheek, right over the Galra mark. Keith blinks.
“I can’t believe you and your mom have matching face tattoos now,” he says, and it’s so fucking dumb, but it’s exactly the kind of dumb thing Keith has longed to hear, and before he knows what he’s doing he’s surging forward, almost knocking Lance back against Red’s paw, and throwing his arms around him.
In which Keith lives on a space whale, goes on a road trip, and (eventually) gets a boyfriend.
[i have no doubt that this is already a classic or at least will be considered one soon enough, but it was finished recently and i can personally vouch for the softness, sweetness, and quality of this fic and the WRITER!! it’s just such a great feel-good piece and wonderfully written. 10/10 made me cry out of pure joy]
✫ speak for the stars by speaks
All Lance has ever wanted is to prove his worth. So, maybe it’s fitting that the Black Lion picked him right when Lotor betrayed them and Shiro’s clone went rogue. Right when the team was at its lowest and closest to failing.
The desire for glory that Lance grew up with—that drove him to join the Garrison and pursue fighter class, that drove him into his one-sided rivalry with Keith, that drove him after Keith in the Sonoran Desert and into Blue’s cockpit and into space and into the war in the first place—it’s a relic of the past for him now. All he wants these days is to keep his friends alive and the Coalition afloat, and he tries his best, despite the pervasive fear that he isn’t the right person for this monumental task. Despite the growing certainty that Black picked the wrong guy.
This fear will be put to the ultimate test when the mess that ensnares the team after the clone disaster turns out to be a labyrinth more winding than any of them were prepared for. Because Lance might just be the only person equipped to lead them through this maze and into the light.
[this fic. THIS FIC. if you were rightfully disappointed by the way characters were treated, especially in the later seasons, then PLEASE read this. everyone is done so much justice and the writing is top notch. had scenes and lines that just... took my breath away. also the writer has some excellent other fics too, which if you haven’t already read then you def should!]
✫ hey, mom, i met a boy by mothpoem
“Sweetheart,” says Lance, his hair longer, his shoulders broader, the slope of his nose uneven now where it didn’t used to be, “you don’t know the half of it.”
[i wish i was kidding but just reading the description alone invokes so much emotion in me?? my throat closed up just typing this ohhh my god every time i reread this— probably three times already bc i don’t want to wear it out— i absolutely lose my shit. teary smiles, the works. i will never shut up about this fic or this author. please read it]
✫ colours and planes, laser guns and champagne by skelebro
Shiro invites Hunk and Lance to his roleplaying campaign, and it's all fun and games except for how Lance is constantly on the verge of fighting the team warrior in real life.
[okay this one is 2016 era and it’s also a lot shorter but i read it and was like woah! you know. felt good. felt organic :) simple and fun and sweet]
✫ eternity (was in our lips and eyes) by thespacenico
Lance feels like he’s on the cusp of a life-changing revelation.
“I told him not to tell you.”
And this time, Keith doesn’t seem to have trouble asking the unavoidable question: “Why?”
Lance looks at Keith, and everything falls into place.
A life-changing, mind-blowing, head-splitting, earth-shattering revelation.
[okay this fic did me in it’s just really God Damn Good. also while i’m on the topic the author is writing an INSANELY cute klancemas series featuring the whole squad and if you want those soft holiday feels i’d highly recommend that too]
✫ you are the moon that breaks the night by talking_bird
"He looks up then and stares the beast right in the eyes—right in Lance’s eyes. Because in all the terror and fleeing, Keith forgot that part, that somewhere, underneath all that fur and teeth is Lance. Lance."
The simple truth is that Keith Kogane is in love with his childhood best friend, Lance McClain. It's a simple truth he plans to keep locked away until the day he dies, but that was before Lance survived a grisly animal attack. Now, a month later, Keith is resolved to confess.
But the full moon has other plans for them...
[admittedly i haven’t read this one yet but i’ve already heard good things and the tags themselves are just... Hell Yeah... i’ll probs update this w/ my personal thoughts but i’m super excited!! EDIT: IT WAS V GOOD!!!]
✫ it’s you that’s haunting me by perfchan
Keith is a loner; his interactions with others tend toward clumsy or strained, but he has a persistent enthusiasm for the paranormal. Lance is a recent college grad; caught up in his day-to-day, he wouldn’t call himself unhappy, but suddenly feels that his life lacks direction. When Lance is introduced to Keith’s ghost hunting videos, his interest is piqued and he can’t help but want to tag along. Initially opposed, Keith soon finds himself warming to the company of the living.
A little tongue-in-cheek, a little cliché, and a little bit of a slow burn. A not-too-serious ghost hunting AU.
[okay i’m so bad w/ anything paranormal but this was SO good and cute pls read]
✫ the expiation expedition by intelligentairhead, obstinaterixatrix
Lance is well aware that miscommunications can result in horrific, preferably avoidable mishaps, which is why he tries to circumvent them whenever possible.
It just figures that the state of an entire planet's fragile political climate rests on him running straight into one.
[okokokok i don’t see this one on many lists but it SHOULD be it’s got fake dating! lesbian aliens! politics! it’s really good i have to reread it soon ALSO check out both the writers!!]
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blue-likethebird · 5 years
Vee El Dee: The Good The Bad and The Ugly
If you’ve ever been on this hellsite, you’ve probably heard of Voltron: Legendary Defender. You’ll find the characters and the ships (and the discourse. Dear God the discourse) in tag after tag and on blog after blog. Now that the show has officially come to an end, I’m reviewing the whole damn thing. Talking about what I think worked, what didn’t, and what exactly the show did to make even the fans look at it so harshly now. (Just a warning “The Ugly” section discusses racism, and homophobia so if any of that triggers you I’d suggest you skip it)
Review under the cut
The Good
The Character Potential:
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   Voltron’s characters had so much potential at the beginning. Their motivations, potential subplots, and clues to their arcs the first crew left us were actually interesting. How did Coran know Allura before they were frozen? What happened that caused Shiro to lose his arm? Is Lance going to reunite with his family? The show didn’t answer all of these questions mind you, but at the time they were introduced, those questions felt like they were worth sticking around to hear the answers.
The First Season:
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   The first season is the only season that genuinely sticks out for me, way back in ye olden days when Voltron was a character driven show as opposed to plot focused. In season one, the plot took a backseat and the characters were what held up the show, and it’s probably not a coincidence that most of the character development and more emotional/memorable scenes occurred in season one, when there was time for the characters to develop. Likewise, the character focus allowed for everyone to get their day in the limelight -not just the characters who were valuable to the plot at the moment-.
The Balmera and The Return to The Balmera:
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     I am never gonna be shy about my opinion that the Balmera arc is one of the strongest arcs that Voltron has had. Allura using the story of her people to inspire others and using Altea’s ancient connection to the Balmera to save an entire damn civilization! The goddamn adorable chemistry between Hunk and Shay! Believable suspense! Unlocking Lion Powers! The Balmera arc had it all and I was fed. Plus, Balmera gave us the introduction of the most blessed couple in Voltron history, hunay.
The Bad:
The Timeskips:
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In theory, there’s nothing wrong with a timeskip. But you’ve gotta be able to show that the characters and show’s universe changed in some way during that timeskip and you can’t use them just to avoid actual story and character development. Take season six (? Or was it five? I don’t remember and I don’t wanna) when Keith and Krolia take a two year camping trip on a space whale while Voltron is off doing God knows what. Presumably during that time they developed some sort of mother-son relationship but we don’t get to see that development happening, or how that new relationship changed them, or really any proof that the timeskip happened at all besides Keith getting Galra marks and a teleporting space wolf. That particular time jump felt more like a cop-out to avoid writing Keith bonding with his mom.
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To put it plainly, the pace is way too fast for anything to stick. The writing cycles from one season's worth of plot twists and WTF? moments to the next at the speed of light, leaving no time to address how the previous events affected the characters involved or not the show’s universe as a whole. So Lotor was actually evil all along and was using Allura to achieve his goals? Well there’s no time to mention how Allura feels about that, we’ve got three more surprise twists and a magic robot to shove into the plot! On the flip side however, the pacing is slower than a geriatric snail during fight scenes. The giant robot fights are usually the most exciting part of anything, but in Voltron, the fights are so formulaic that they just kinda… blur together into a boring fog. Lemme know if you can name this Voltron fight scene: the team’s fighting some random baddie, there’s a lot of yelling, someone gets a power up just big enough to defeat the current baddies when a bigger, eviler baddie appears who’s more powerful than the power up they just got, new baddie whoops Voltron’s ass, the support team watches in horror, someone else gets a power up that’s powerful enough to defeat the new bad guy, Voltron reins triumphant. What fight scene was that?
The Filler Episodes:
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The fast pacing also means that they need to set aside breather episodes just to allow characters to interact besides in battle. That’s all well and good and there’s nothing wrong with filler episodes, if done right they can be some of the most memorable episodes a show can have (The Tales of Ba Sing Se anyone?) that is, if done right. But Voltron filler episodes don’t have that going for them. Filler episodes in vee el dee are an oasis of mud in the desert that is canon, they’re a generally unhelpful standstill point amidst a constantly changing series. I’ll admit that they can be funny at times but for the most part filler episodes are bizarre, unnecessary, and more often than not, poorly timed. If we just heard about a millenniums old empire folding in on itself and we’re just about to see a major character attempt suicide do we really need to see Coran go batshit while planning a space Disney On Ice?
The Ugly:
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I must confess that I am whiter than a polar bear in a snowstorm, but even I know that killing off a black girl (or black coded as the case may be), constantly torturing the Japanese guy, reducing the Samoan guy to food and fat jokes, and having the latino guy flirt with everyone before turning him into a farmer isn’t the best way to handle writing characters of colour. Denying said characters of colour arcs and screen time in favour of giving your white characters the same story in a different hat over and over again is also not the best treatment you can offer your poc characters. That’s not even mentioning other horrible treatment and stereotypes you’ll see the Voltron characters of colour experience. Let us also recall #notallgalra, the “what if the genocide victim was actually the bad guy” au mess in s3, all those “lol lance is stupid” jokes, the black character Kinkade speaking mainly in grunts, Allura dying to redeem the two genocidal dudes responsible for most of her trauma, and Hunk’s (half black half Samoan) family being enslaved at a fucking concentration camp like goddamn what the hell were you thinking Voltron that’s like hetalia levels of fucked up when we remember what kind of genuinely awful shit this show’s done to it’s minority characters.
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If you’re reading my review in the Voltron tag, and you watched the whole series, then there’s no way in hell that you haven’t heard about Adam dying and the backlash against Voltron for it. If you are somehow the .000001% of people who don’t know, Adam (a gay moc) was Shiro’s (another gay moc) fiancé who got a grand total of forty five seconds of screen time before dying when the Galra invaded earth. Meanwhile, L*tor and Allura’s relationship got almost triple that despite being abusive as fuck. But Shiro got married at the end of season 8! In a credits scene, to a guy in the background of a couple of scenes Shiro was also in. When lgbt fans expressed outrage at their rep being hyped up despite having no bearing on the plot or even Shiro as a character outside of one scene, instead of owning up to their mistakes, the crew of Vee El Dee said (or implied) that it was the fault of lgbt fans for hyping ourselves up. Yeah okay. Except after that we got confirmation that Ezor and Zethrid were a couple! Yay! Clearly a win for us El Gee Bee Tees right? Well… not really considering that both of them were depicted as psychotic torturers who also died a couple minutes later. Gotta love those crazy dead lesbians amirite?
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But why is klance in the “ugly” section!? You cry, I thought you were a klanti! I am an anti and I did ship klance but that’s not what I wanna talk about right now. When I put klance under ugly I wanted to discuss two things, the crew and the shippers. First let’s talk the crew; several folks on the Voltron staff have at the very least, not reacted negatively to the omnipresent ship that is Keith and Lance. I’m sure you’ll also remember that Lance’s VA Jeremy Shada was considered a KICK icon before that went south. The crew was also purposefully misleading when they talked about possible romances for Keith and Lance, the language they used was ambiguous enough that shippers interpreted it as proof that klance would become canon. When it inevitably didn’t and shit hit the fan, the staff backpedaled again. Stating that klance was never meant to be interpreted as romantic and we were all fools for thinking otherwise. That’s happened in the past so it’s a reasonable defence, except for the fact that scenes with Keith and Lance tended to contain unnecessary parallels to canonically romantic relationships, (the bonding moment paralleling an allurance scene in season six and their talk at the start of season eight paralleling two scenes, hunay in season one and l*tura in season five). So it’s not unreasonable to be a little suspicious there. Klance was huge on the internet, it’s impossible for the crew to have been completely unaware of what they were doing.
Next I wanna talk shippers. I’m not saying that being disappointed that a ship didn’t become canon is a bad thing. But when you act like that’s the worst thing Voltron did amidst the sea of ableism, racism and homophobia it gets a little tiring. The fact that so many klancers rushed to demonize Allura after season seven and eight and add on that I saw more people complaining about klance not becoming canon king than Allura dying a completely unnecessary death to redeem L*tor of all people was the final straw. I washed my hands of klance and Voltron as a whole.
So that’s my review of V*ltron. I was gonna do a separate review of season eight but I didn’t even finish s8 and to be honest it probably wouldn’t have been any more than the words “Fuck Vee El Dee, Allura Deserved Better” in big pink letters. And I know I probably made someone angry with this review but if you actually managed to stick around my ramblings all the way to the end then I salute you regardless of whether or not you agree with me.
23 notes · View notes
Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 125
A nice big bed. Plenty of soft blankets. A few bags of A+ blood. Lance held plenty of fake hope as he was marched along, well aware that’d he’d gone and got himself kidnapped. There’s been stairs, now things smelt damp, this was definitely a secret lair of some sort and he already hated it. People these days had no respect at all for pregnant people. You accidentally vomit on someone and suddenly your missing half your teeth. He was so stupid as to be intentionally uncooperative. He wasn’t that stupid... well, maybe he was. He’d gotten his arse kidnapped thanks to what was now obviously not a message from Shiro.
Marched along, he kept his mouth shut, playing docile. The fabulous hospitality he’d been shown ending with him literally kicked into some kind of dirty cell, before the grating of clearly metal bars. Fucking idiots. He was a vampire. You know. Stronger than the average human. What were bars supposed to do?! Hissing as his knees scraped on the stone floor, they could have at least taken the stupid bag off his head and untied his hands
“I’m leaving you the worst YELP! review ever! 1 star and a stern warning about your manners!”
The stupid bag was dosed with orange scented... surface spray if he had to hazard a guess. All scents wiped out thanks to “dumb” and “dumber”. Hearing someone moving, he automatically tensed, preparing to lose his head, yet instead, all he lost was the obnoxious bag. Matt, Sam, and Curtis sat together in the corner of the dark room, craning his head up, he tried not to smile at Shiro
“Hey, guys. If you were going to throw a party, you could have invited me the normal way”
Shiro chuckled humourlessly. Lance felt that to his soul. He was going to be in sooooooooo much shit when they got out of here
“We didn’t think we’d be seeing you here. Let me get those restraints off your hands”
“Thanks. They’re really not comfortable, and probably not my colour either”
Crouching down behind him, Shiro started working at the biting restraints. Lance trying not to hiss as the pins and needles sensation in his hands burned
“Does Keith know you’re here?”
“Nope. He went with Coran to pick Rieva up”
“She’s okay?!”
Lance nodded slowly. Matt’s eyes were glowing yellow and he really didn’t want to be turned into Lance paste. He really didn’t appreciate the lingering scent of orange at all. He might just risk scurvy because it’d be along time before he went near an orange again
“Yeah. Everyone’s pretty much like joined up. Pidge is safe, so’s Colleen, and Hunk and Allura”
“Thank fuck for that...”
There was a burning need to question how this had happened, instead that hiss finally escaped as Shiro pulled the restraints of his hands
“Sorry. Matt chewed through ours...”
“Yeah. I feel like Sendak is scraping the barrel with his new hires. No brain cells there at all”
Moving around him, Shiro offered his hand, Lance letting himself be pulled to his feet before half collapsing again Shiro from dizziness and relief. Shiro wrapping his arms around him as if he thought this was an intentional hug
“Did they hurt you?”
“Knocked a few teeth out. Zero respect for the pregnant”
“And they didn’t...”
His face was their punching bag, which he’d be more grateful for if he didn’t have to feel his teeth growing back
“Nope. I’m sorry, but I’m pretty much sure you guys were used to distract everyone so they could kidnap my dumb arse”
Shiro asking
“How did they even get to you?”
“Used your phone. I stupidly went out the front. Douche canoes got me with a tranquilliser or something...”
One moment he’d been up, the next the ground was rushing to say hello
“You should sit, here, take my jacket too...”
Even in a situation like this Shiro was a worrier
“You need it more than I do”
“You’re still in Keith’s sweats. You might not be cold now, but we need to keep your warmth up”
Right. That. This wasn’t exactly a tropical beach... and why were they still in the cell?
“Why haven’t you guys busted out?”
Matt bitterly spat
“Lead and mercy on the bars. Plus they shock you when you touch them”
“Did you try covering your hands?”
“Nah, I thought what’s a little more fucking burn”
Okay. Matt’s ego was dented and his mate hurt. It wasn’t time for Lance’s ego to keep cracking wise arse remarks to hide the fact he was secretly panicking. He could feel he’d let go of it too much. Feel his fear and annoyance feeding its cockiness
“Sorry. Sorry, I’ll just... yeah...”
Shut up is what he needed to do. So he would. He was dumb for thinking they hadn’t already tried to break out.
Shiro sat him a little farther away from the others than he would have liked. Matt’s anger stank so bad that he could taste it instead of smell it. Covering his shoulders with Shiro’s jacket, he pulled his knees up to his chest, burying his face between them. This sucked. This sucked so hard. He’d felt like something was wrong with Shiro’s message but he’d run off instead of calling Keith who hadn’t called him even though he said he would. Lance already knew they wanted him. They’d talked about how he was a valuable sample now the pregnancy was confirmed. Curtis wouldn’t have wanted to talk, but his friend couldn’t help if and it wasn’t fair at all. He wanted to feel angry over it, but they’d definitely said Curtis confirmed he was pregnant. Not told them outright like it was fresh information. He was a goddamn vampire. A sleepy, cranky, ready to blow his lid, vampire... Who didn’t love dark and scary spaces unless he was exploring with his friends.
“Are you okay?”
No. He wasn’t. He was tired and hungry and couldn’t imagine what Keith was going through. Softly he mumbled, trying to deny Shiro sitting next to him made him feel a tiny bit better seeing the man surely had years of experience under his belt and would come up with some amazing plan
“I’m fine... you should go sit with Curtis. I’ll be okay”
“Lance... Keith would...”
Keith would want him to rely on Shiro. To rest and gather as much information on his surrounds, but hearing his boyfriend’s name was too much. He really fucking missed and it’d only been a short time
“Keith was a wreck. He left me at VOLTRON so I’d be safe. Instead I fucked up...”
“Oh, boo hoo. It’s not like he was shot right in front of you”
“Matthew! That’s enough”
Lance whined softly. He deserved that. He only knew what it felt like to be scared shitless in front of someone holding a gun on Keith. Not to see it happen... Sam scolded his son, another whine slipping out as Shiro settled next to him, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him up against him
“We’re obviously going to be here for a while. You should rest”
AKA he should shut up and stop with the pity party. No one wanted to hear it. Not when Matt was worried about Rieva and his father. Mutely he nodded, wondering if the smell of orange was blocking out traces of Keith’s scent on Shiro. Sendak had to have some fucking master plan... Lance kind of wanted to skip punching him in the dick for ripping off his testicles. He was old and he was tired. The bastard ruining his plans... but he also never wanted to set eyes on Sendak again. He’d rather be locked down here with Lotor for the next decade of his life than stand before Sendak and be made to feel all those messaged up things again.
Dozing off without meaning to, Lance kept his eyes closed as he listened to the others. Shiro had moved from beside him. Sam and Matt talking technical stuff while Curtis and Shiro fretted about having Lance in the cold and how it couldn’t be good for his mental health... that and how Lance was going to need blood. He could have kept up the charade if he hadn’t been suddenly made aware of why he was awake, throwing up violently beside himself. Fuck. Pregnant. Right. His twins didn’t care they were making his father throw his guts up at random times.
Hacking and coughing, Shiro came over to him
“Lance, you okay?”
“Morning sickness... sucks”
“It’s alright, buddy. Let’s get you away from the mess”
“Not much point when I’m...”
Yep. There he went, gasping like a fish out of water before throwing up again. The cold had crept in. Holding his ego down was hard. Those bars looking pretty tempting despite their construction.
Shiro sat patiently by him until he was done. Letting himself be moved by Shiro did nothing for his ego. His nails extending as the hunter sat him down closer to the group
“You just had to throw up, didn’t you?”
“Fuck off, Fido”
Growling at him, Matt pushed the wrong buttons. Lance snarling back in his friends face with his fangs extended, Shiro looping his arms around Lance’s waist as if he was trying to hold Lance back
“Enough! Matt. Your ego is out of control. Rieva is with Coran. He’s the best person to help her. Lance... can you try to bring your ego back under control. You’re making your scary face”
“He can’t fucking help it. He won’t settle until he sees his mate. And I can’t stop my fucking morning sickness. Fuck this”
Unexpectedly Sam chuckled
“I never thought I’d ever hear you swear quite as many times as you have. Somehow it’s quite relieving”
Ugh. He had been swearing a lot. And thanks to Keith “Fuck” had slipped more and more into his vocabulary. No one really used it swear any more as it was. It was just a convenient word for summing up all sorts of feelings in different situations
“That’s because my Mami taught me to have manners. I’m not usually this angry”
“Usually he’s pathetic”
Lance nearly snarled at Matt again. He would have if Shiro hadn’t sighed, changing topics
“Okay. Lance, we started discussing exit strategies on the way out. Naturally we assume everything we’re saying can be heard”
Lance nodded because it did make sense
“Sendak would hear it. If not him, he’ll have someone listening out”
Technically he didn’t know if it was Sendak. He was simply the assumption seeing Lotor was at VOLTRON and they were here. Lotor also knew he was pregnant and probably that he hadn’t been well. Maybe if he could have turned into a bat, he could have gotten them all out by now. Half talking to himself he said his inner thoughts out loud
“If we can overload the bars then we should be able to bend them”
Either he had to grab them or Matt did. He obviously couldn’t because of the twins. Matt had been through enough as it was. Maybe...
“If we put something against them will the current shock it? Like... maybe we could start an electrical fire and trigger a fault?”
“Or we could start a fire and die in it”
That was too close to Keith’s nightmare for comfort and way too close to how he’d lost his father. He wouldn’t do that to Keith. Sam pretended it was a good idea
“We’ll keep that in mind. Matt, can you check if you can see any kind of cabling or switches?”
“Why? We’re on the wrong side of the bars to do anything”
Ugh. Even Lance got that they needed as much information about the environment they were being kept in, and he was falling back to sleep
“Your eyesight is better than ours. It’s so dark in here I can barely see a thing”
Matt got up, walking over to the bars, he stood there for a good moment and a half
“I don’t see anything. I’d say we’re in a basement, but other than a few scraps against the wall, there’s no switches”
“Nothing on the roof?”
“How thick is the outer wall?”
Oops he was asking questions again... Matt sighing at him. Matt really wasn’t great at this “captivity thing”. He expected more “Let me out!” And “I’m going to piss on your leg!” from him
“How is that supposed to help us?”
“I don’t know, we’ve got a vampire, a slightly cursed human and a werewolf. If we can’t go through the wall we can always go through the roof”
“And what do you know about construction?”
“I know enough. I renovated my house inside out, plus dust and mould don’t really affect vampires like it does with humans”
“Dude, you’re so weak I doubt you’d make any impact if you tried. Why don’t you just go back to sleep?”
Lance had had enough of Matt’s attitude. He was trying... even if he was failing, he was still trying... Matt might be able keep his hunger under control, but a few days and Lance would either go completely crazy or collapse unconscious and be no help at all
“Matt’s right. You need your rest”
Now Shiro was agreeing with Matt?! Maybe he wasn’t the best “prisoner” but it hurt to be dismissed. Whatever. He was going to keep his temper and hopefully his mouth in check.
Lance had hit cranky. By his estimate it’d been something around 12 hours since he’d been rudely stolen. They were resting in shifts. Shiro urging Sam and Curtis to rest. Lance trying not to feel any kind of jealous over the pair of them at least being kidnapped together. He missed his boyfriend and hunger was setting in. He was cold. Cold. Tired. Hungry. Lonely... and mostly cranky. There should be kind of clause to this morning sickness where you only threw up when there was something there to actually throw up. Rubbing his stomach in soft yet agitated circles, he couldn’t bed himself down like the others, instead getting up to pace.
Shiro sounded sleepy. He’d known the hunter was still awake, but had wondered if maybe Shiro was really simply sleeping with his eyes open
“I’m fine”
“I didn’t say you weren’t... but I would understand if you’re lying to me right now”
“I’m fine, Shiro. You should sleep”
“Nah... I’m good”
Well this was awkward. Why was Shiro trying to talk to him if he didn’t have anything to say? Walking over to the door into the cell, Lance stared down the lock. It was keeping him from his Keith and he didn’t like it
“Don’t touch it”
“I wasn’t going to”
“I know it’s hard but the best thing we can do at the moment is wait it out”
“There’s lots of other things we could be doing”
Whoops. He was letting his crankiness show. Seriously though. He didn’t get how a little bit of electricity was keeping everyone so obedient. Covering your hands would protect you from the lead and mercury. A hard blow against the gate would probably work to knock the damn thing unlocked. His hunger was definitely affecting his thought process.
Climbing up from where he’d been sitting, Shiro walked over to him
“Matt got shocked when he tried touching the bars”
“I figured that much out already”
“I know you’re anxious and you want to see Keith...”
“Sorry, Shiro, but don’t even go there right now. I know he’s your brother, but to me... He’s the love of my life and the father of my twins. Like Matt can’t keep his temper worried about Rieva, I can’t keep my temper right now”
“Then what do you need?”
“Other than out of this ridiculous cage? Oh, I don’t know. My boyfriend. My bed. Blood. A good nights sleep. Honestly, pick one”
“If you need blood...”
“Don’t. I’m a ticking time bomb and you all know it. Starve me and I’ll lose control. Don’t tempt me with your blood”
Shiro sighed at him as he pinched the bridge of his nose
“Lance... You can’t help what you are”
“I’m not about to fucking feed on you. I have some self respect left under everything”
“It’s not about self respect. Look. We don’t know how long we’ll be in here”
“Well maybe if we fucking thought of an actual plan, we could break out”
“And what’s on the other side of the door? How many vampires are between us and getting out?”
“And how long until Matt wolfs out? How long before I lose control. I’ve fucking had it! You’re all here because I’m pregnant. Keith’s going to be fucking blaming himself. We have no clue what’s going to happen. I swear I’ll take my own fucking life before I let them hurt Keith’s children”
“We need to wait. Patience yields focus”
“I’m fucking focused enough. We don’t even have to start a big fire to short the bars out. We could collapse the fucking ceiling between me and Matt. Yet we’re sitting here like good little children. They hurt Keith and I’m not going to hold back when I see them”
“Keith’s fine. He was with Coran”
Physically fine meant nothing when Keith would overthinking absolutely everything
“That’s not what I meant and you know it. You didn’t see the look on his face at the news you guys were missing. I did. He’s going to be tearing himself apart. Blaming himself for everything. He’s been through more than enough”
“And if you get hurt? Then what? He wouldn’t want you hurt”
“At least he’d know I tried my hardest to get back to him”
Shiro wrapped his arms around him
“We’ll get back to him. You’ll see. He’ll be fussing over you and the twins in no time”
“I... just want to see him again”
“I know. We will. For now all we can do is wait”
Lance sniffled, returning Shiro’s hug
“I hate what this is doing to him”
“I know. I also know whatever he’s doing, he’ll have Krolia, and Coran, and Allura. He’s not going to be alone”
“Not until he snaps and pushes them away, or takes off on his own thinking he knows best”
Shiro chuckled
“They’re not going to let that happen. He’ll be cranky, and probably won’t let you out of his sight, but he’s not going to care about anything once he sees you again”
“You too... it was like the worst feeling hearing Rieva was shot and you guys were missing... I felt so useless”
“At least you’ve got hilarious friends to keep you preoccupied”
“I don’t see anyone hilarious in here”
Shiro chuckled again Lance’s weak humour
“Alright, come sit back down, kiddo. When the moments right, we’ll all get out of this together”
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kumeko · 4 years
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Title: Remembrance Day
A/N: For the @alluraliveszine! While I am in the minority that enjoyed most of the final season, there were a few things I wanted to tweak here and there. I took full advantage of this piece to do so.
“Not you,” Haggar stated simply, raising her hand. In the nexus void between one universe and another, the witch looked transparent, paper thin. Her robes shimmered in and out of existence, and for a moment she was both Honerva and Haggar, her past and present colliding.
 “What do you mean, not me?” Allura stared at her, confused. Darkness was slowly closing on them, swallowing the faint lights of each universe as they spoke. Glancing up, she gritted her teeth. “We don’t have time for this! Everyone is going to die!”
 “No, not everyone.” Haggar’s eyes glowed gold as she closed her fit. Black sparks popped out of her hand. “The dead will help. I will atone. You will live.”
“What?” Allura glanced at her, then at her father. He was too far away to hear, still walking toward the white hot center of the parallel universes. Taking a step forward, she tried to push her way past Haggar. “This isn’t the time for—”
 “You will live,” Haggar repeated, snapping her fingers. Her voice was a siren’s call, both Altean and not. “This was never your price to pay.”
 A sharp pain ran up Allura’s spine. Black magic poured out of her like a dam bursting open. She screamed, unable to clutch her head, unable to move, unable to do anything but watch as jagged spikes of lightning escaped her and shot into Haggar.
 You will live. Allura woke up with the words on her lips, her feet still ready to take that final step.
 But it was no longer needed. Her universe was saved. All the universes were saved. Allura sat up, blinking away the sleepiness in her eyes. There was no point in lingering on this recurring dream—she had things to do and none of them involved the dead or the past.
 “So, it’s gone?” Allura asked, slipping off the body scanner. Her feet landed on the floor gently as she stood up straight. If there was one thing that remained the same across planets, cultures, and timelines, it was the sterile white colour of the medical bay.
 “Looks like it.” Pidge squinted at the holographic screen and the text that appeared to be floating. Her fingers tapped a button or two, a soft click as she checked the different reports. “There isn’t a trace of Haggar’s magic in you anymore.”
 “And this machine of yours…” Allura trailed off, glancing at the scanner.
 “Completely accurate,” Pidge answered confidentially. She gestured at the screen proudly. “The best of the best doctors helped build this.”
 “Maybe you’re not reading it right?” Hunk peered over Pidge’s shoulder, skimming the reports. His hands twisted together as he read. “You’re not a doctor. Maybe we should get a doctor?”
 His hands reached up to press a button. With a sharp smack, Pidge swatted away the offending appendage. She scowled up at him. “Hey, you aren’t a doctor either.”
 Hunk rubbed his stinging hand. “Yeah, but two heads are better than one.”
 “Both of our heads won’t really change anything.” Rolling her eyes, Pidge turned to Allura. She scratched the back her neck sheepishly. “But he has a point—maybe you should get a doctor to check this? Or someone who knows anything about magic?”
 “The real kind, not the ‘pick a card’ or ‘cut you in half’ kind,” Hunk added helpfully, a worried smile on his lips. “It’s dark magic. Who knows what it does.”
 “Thank you but…” Allura gripped her wrist, looking at the ground. “I don’t think there are any ‘witches’ anymore.”
 “Oh…right…” Hunk’s shoulders sank and he bit his lip. “Maybe…there’s a doctor in Romelle’s group, right?”
 Allura clenched her fingers. She could still feel power at the tips of her fingers, black sparks ready to fly out at a moment’s notice. It was a like a phantom limb, though she wasn’t sure how much was phantom and how much was real. Nodding, she agreed. “I’ll get him to take a look.”
 A slightly different dream, a different perspective, a different version of reality. Allura floated in the dark abyss, at the border between the void and the universe’s center. The paladins of old were just silhouettes in the distance, waiting for her father to join them.
 Her father who stood in front of her now, stopping her from taking a step forward. His hand tenderly pushed her bangs out of her face. “Allura, you’ll stay here.”
 “This isn’t what happened,” she muttered, already reaching up to touch him. Her hand cupped his jaw, felt the rough texture of his stubble. Her mother had complained about it once, saying how it scratched her face whenever she kissed him. “It’s you, isn’t it?”
 “In a sense.” His eyes crinkled fondly as he took her in. “Have you grown taller?”
 “Not at all.” She stared at her hands, remembering the phantom sparks. Taking a step back, she glanced around for Haggar. “Do I still have her magic?”
 “Yes and no.” Her father glanced behind, at the silhouettes of the paladins. Now that she looked closer, she could see the witch’s figure with them as well. “She took it back—it’s not in you anymore.”
 “Then how?” Allura asked. Whatever powers the white lion gave her, they were not for this.
 “You haven’t let go of them on your end,” her father answered cryptically. Before she could press any further, the universe warped around them. Now they were floating in space, Altea just in front of them. A jewel in the darkness, it glimmered blue and green. “I never thought I’d see it again.”
 “Neither did I,” she admitted, turning to face it. “It looks exactly like I remembered.”
 “But different, right?” Her father turned her.
 Of course, he’d catch on. Even Coran hadn’t noticed. Chuckling, she nodded. “It is. A tree I had carved my name on. A rock I had stolen from the river and placed in our garden. The crater from when one of the paladins went too far while sparring. All of it, gone.”
 “I don’t think you want to keep that crater,” her father said wryly, running a hand through his hair. “But you can make new memories, steal more rocks, even make another crater if you want.”
 “I could.” Her eyes watered as she reached to grasp his hand. He felt so real. “But you wouldn’t be in any of them.”
 “I’m afraid not.” Her father cupped her face, his warm fingers holding her firm as he bent down and kissed the top of her head. “But I’ll always be in your memories, in your stories. As long as they live, so do I.”
 She reached up, covering his hands with her own. Closing her eyes, she inhaled his scent, listened to the sound of his breathing, tried to memorize every detail. This would be the last time, part of her knew. The very last.
 When she woke up, her throat burned.
 “Allura!” Romelle dropped the spade the second she spotted her. Like a flash of lightning, she got up and darted in front of her. “What did the doctor say?”
 Allura stared at the girl in front of her, resisting the urge to rub her eyes. She wasn’t sure if the spade had time to hit the garden bed before Romelle broke the sound barrier. “I’m…fine.”
 “You sure?” Romelle took a step back, scanning Allura. Her hand rubbed her chin thoughtfully as she checked head to toe. “You look okay.”
 “I am fine,” Allura repeated. Sidestepping, she glanced at the garden. Small patches of dark mud stood out on the light brown dirt and a small mound sat where Romelle had been moments ago. “What are you doing?”
 “Oh, that.” Romelle laughed, scratching her cheek with a finger. It left a muddy streak and now that Allura was paying attention, her friend was covered in it. Patches of brown and green stained her pants and her arms were scratched from where her short-sleeved shirt didn’t protect her. “I was gardening.”
 “I could guess that,” Allura sighed, already picturing the muddy footsteps in the Castle of Lions.
 “Pidge’s mom sent some seeds—said this plant grew on Altea before.” Romelle pulled out a small packet from her pockets. “Thought you’d like to see it.”
 Juniberry flowers. Allura stared at the packet, remembering Colleen’s smile as she cultivated flower after flower. A flower that was never native to her planet, a flower that hadn’t been native to the universe in centuries.
 Make it your own, her father had said. This might not have been her planet, but she could make it that way. Pulling her hair back into a messy braid, Allura rolled up her sleeves. “Here, let me help you.”
 “Lotor.” She stared at her once lover, at her once foe. It shouldn’t have surprised her that he’d visit, not after the ghosts she’d already met, but it shocked her nonetheless. “You’re here.”
 “Yes.” He stood on her balcony and unlike the other ghosts, this felt more personal, more private. Her dream was in the Castle of Lions, in her actual room, and not at that border nexus between the universes. Lotor took a deep breath. “So this is what Altea was like.”
 “Is like,” she corrected, watching as he studied the gardens. Slipping out of bed, she reluctantly joined him on the balcony. In the moonlight, the juniberry flowers glowed a soft blue. “You never saw it?”
 “No, my father never let me. Called it a weakness,” he admitted, leaning on the rails. There was child-like wonder on his face and for a moment, Allura saw the boy from the other universe, the child that had been loved by his father. “It’s beautiful.”
 “Very much so,” she agreed, the only thing she would ever agree with him on. Her hands clenched on the railing as she stared determinedly ahead. “And those flowers are planted by the very people you were killing.”
 He didn’t say anything. Crossing his arms on the railing, he rested his head on his wrists. A bird chirped nearby. Allura couldn’t say if it was native or if it was a new species brought back from Romelle’s homeworld. A soft breeze and the sweet scent of the juniberries wafted up. “It smells nice too,” Lotor muttered.
 At this, she snapped. Turning to him, she growled, “Is that all you have to say?”
 “No.” Lotor glanced at her. “Would you have me apologize? Say what I did was wrong?”
 “Yes,” Allura spat out with clenched teeth. “That and more.”
 “It was wrong,” he admitted, standing straight now. He raised a hand and a bird flew to it, delicately turning its head as it chirped. “But I won’t apologize.”
 “Why?” The railing dug into her skin as she stared at him, incredulous. “You were killing people.”
 “And I saved people too.” Lotor turned to her now, and she could almost see what he could have become, what he could have been. The good and the bad. “You know how easy it is, for intentions to corrupt. For people to twist. For good to turn bad.”
 His mother. His father. Himself. Allura wondered just how many people were hurt because of his family, because of a scientist who pushed too far, a leader who desired power to protect, a lost child that wanted to find his place.
 A story that could have been told in a different way. That had been told in a different way, once, in a universe that no longer existed.
 Black magic jumped out of her skin and Lotor half-smiled. “You almost experienced it yourself, didn’t you?”
 She woke up, a denial on her lips.
 The laughter of children filled Allura’s ears as she sat down on the steps to the castle. In a field in front of her, Altean children played a game she half-remembered from her childhood. Romelle had made up the missing pieces, creating a new fusion game.
 A wolf teleported onto the field, disrupting the game, and Allura didn’t have to turn to know just who was approaching her.
 “Allura!” Keith plopped down on the granite steps next to her, his lanky legs sprawled in front of him. A half smirk graced his face as he turned to her, a playful lit to his voice as he teased, “You have time to rest?”
 Tearing her eyes away from the game, she raised a brow and dryly retorted, “I could ask you the same question. I haven’t seen you in months.”
 “Yeah…” Keith rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “It takes a lot of time to help the planets recover. We’re spread kinda thin.”
 “I can imagine.” While she did not go on diplomatic missions anymore, she’d seen enough during her time as a paladin to know just what shape the universe was left in. “It’ll take some time to repair the damage and mend bonds.”
 “Yeah.” Keith gestured at the field in front of him and Allura followed his hand. While she’d been distracted, several Galra children had started playing as well, a new game where the kids all tried to keep a ball away from Wolfy. “But we’re making progress.”
 “Progress,” she echoed, eyes wide. Galra and Altean kids, playing together like they had centuries ago when her father and Lotor’s had been friends. Just a few years ago, they had been attacking on another. Hell, just a few years ago, she had attacked Keith for that very same reason. Yet here they were, enjoying a pleasant afternoon. “We’re really doing it.”
 “I know.” Keith reached out and squeezed her hand, a warm smile on his lips. “Good luck tomorrow.”
 Touched, she turned her hand and squeezed back. “Thanks. I didn’t think everyone could make it.”
 “With Coran reminding us every five minutes, it’d be impossible for us to forget,” he commented dryly. “But I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”
 A woman stood in the middle of a field of flowers. Slowly, she walked forward, gathering the brightest blooms she could find. Allura watched as Haggar’s robes shimmered on and off her. For the most part, this was Honerva.
 For the most part, there was no difference between the two, just stops on the road.
 “He proposed to me here,” Honerva said, breaking the silence. She didn’t look back at Allura, still walking through the flowers. “I had always wanted to bring Lotor here, but…well, I guess that’ll never happen now.”
 “He visited me,” Allura blurted before she could stop herself. “He saw the flowers.”
 This brought her to a stop. Turning around, she raised a brow questioningly at Allura. “Really?”
 “Really.” Allura took in the profile of the woman before her. This looked more like the scientist her father had described, with her hair neatly done up in a bun and her glasses. The flowers nestled in her left arm looked like a bouquet.
 Honerva’s expression relaxed. “That’s good.” She looked up at the moon. “I wish I could have raised him here.”
 “You could have.” Allura fisted her hand. A familiar anger rose up in her, an anger she would always feel when she thought of Haggar and Lotor, when she thought of the Galra and what they’d done. “If you hadn’t—”
 “That was the start of it all,” Honerva agreed, walking toward Allura now. “The domino that knocked everything down.”
 And with that rage came a new yet familiar feeling—sorrow. For what could have been. For what was lost. Allura bit her lip and looked away. It was a feeling she never wanted to associate with her enemy. “I saw it all.”
 “Did you?” Honerva came to a stop in front of her. There was no cape anymore, no sign of the witch. Just an Altean scientist, ready for her next discovery.
 “Your past. Your son’s past. All of it.” It was impossible not to, travelling through the universes as they had. Rage broke into sorrow broke into a quiet despair. “I can’t understand it.”
 “Neither can I.” Honerva brushed the petals of a flower. “It made sense at the time. A strange sense. The worst ideas do. It’s never a sudden thing—you just start to go a little off path and all of a sudden you’re in a wasteland.”
 It wasn’t the answer she was looking for. It wasn’t the answer she was hoping for. Then again, there would never be an answer that could make it all better. Too much was lost for that to ever happen. “It wasn’t right.”
 “No, it wasn’t.” Honerva smiled weakly. Cradling the flowers in her arms, she took a last sniff before pushing them into Allura’s hands. “But you know what to avoid now, right?”
 Allura stared at the flowers in her arms, at the sight she had once thought gone forever. Burying her face in the petals, she mumbled. “I didn’t need your help to know that.”
 “No, you didn’t.” Honerva raised a hand, black lightning escaping her fingertips. “Are you ready to let it go now?”
 “No.” Allura sighed, raising her hand anyways. “But I don’t need this. I never did. I’m not you.”
 “You never were.”
 “Allura!” Coran jogged up to her. Dressed in a purple tuxedo, he smoothened out the wrinkles as he slowed his pace. “Can’t get any wrinkles—it’s just a rental.”
 “Ah, I thought it looked a little conservative for you,” Allura teased, chuckling as he adjusted his dark blue bowtie.
 “I know, I know, not as dazzling as my usual attire,” Coran admitted, adjusting his jacket. “But today’s not about me.”
 “That’s true.” Walking down the paved pathway through the garden, the pair headed toward the far end. A statue of her father and his paladins stood there, a marker to those who had lost their lives fighting tyranny. “What was it Lance called it? Remembrance day?”
 “Yes. A day to remember those who had fallen.” Coran glanced at the statue, then at her. Wrapping an arm around her shoulder, he murmured, “You father would be very proud of what you’ve done here.”
 “I hope so.” Overcome, she leaned on him.
 “I know he is.” Coran stopped when they reached the foot of the statue. On the other side, Alteans sat on blankets and chairs, waiting for her speech. “I am too.”
 She blinked furiously, trying not to cry. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
 Unlike her, he had no reservations about bawling, and tears flowed down his cheeks like a dam bursting open. His arms opened, ready for a hug. “Allura!”
 Quickly, she dodged his embraced and gave him a quick peck on the cheeks. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she headed to the makeshift podium. Rows upon rows of Alteans were seated in front of it and in the distance, she could spot Shiro, Keith and the other paladins. Everyone was here. Allura glanced up at the statue, at her father’s face, and took a deep breath.
 She could do this.
 “Today marks the anniversary of Altea’s destruction and our first Remembrance day. A day in which we honour our lost Alteans. While most of you will not know of them, Coran and I can share their memory with you and with that, we can all remember them. The stories of my wise father, who sacrificed much to protect Altea and the universe. Of my brave mother, who helped gather our forces and ensure we were prepared for what may come. Of hundreds of like-minded Alteans, who all died without cause or reason.” Allura took a deep breath, her hands curling into the podium. “But we do not only remember the best of us, but also the worst. Honerva’s drive for knowledge, which destroyed our home. Lotor, who forgot just what he was fighting for. Through them we are reminded that people don’t always start out as villains, that sometimes we end up like that. That we should sometimes take stock of our actions and remember just what our purpose is.”
 Black energy still crackled under her veins, a power she wasn’t sure was real or not. For once, though, it didn’t scare her.
 She had her friends. She had her family. She had herself. Unlike Honerva or Lotor, Allura wouldn’t lose herself.
 “So join me in remembering Altea for what was and in celebrating what it will be.”
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Let’s voltron!
“I say vol and you say tron! Vol…..”
“Eh…. voltron?”
“We’ll work on it.”
Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and that you’ve been able to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic (and that the easing of some restrictions depending on where you are has not negatively affected you). After binge watching legendary defender on netflix I’ve had the undying and uncontrollable urge to do a voltron rp. Now I bet you’re all wondering what I want and if you’re going to get to do some shipping…….we’ll I guess you’re just going to have to read on and find out.
I’m looking for literate rper’s only. That means people who write in third person past tense, can give me at the very least one well thought out and fleshed paragraph (as well as be willing to write more when the situation calls for it) and has a decent grasp on their spelling, grammar and punctuation. I will not yell at you for the occasional bout of typonese but one liners, one worders, poorly written responses and lazy writing in general will not keep me around. If I can’t read what you’ve written and you’re not willing to put some effort in or correct it then there’s no point in me sticking around. I also require rper’s who’ve actually watched voltron whether it be legendary defender, defender of the universe or voltron force. If you’re someone whose a stickler for canon accuracy then I’m probably not the rper for you. When I rp in a fandom setting I treat it a bit like a base as in there’s rules to follow but I don’t have to follow them as if I’m reading the show script. To put it simply I value creativity and ideas that allow a different take on the characters and what could’ve happened.
I only rp male alien or alien hybrid characters and they’re premade but flexible in how they’re written. I do not have pictures nor do I desire to spend endless hours of time to find a face claim of a creature that isn’t the typical different coloured humanoids you see in voltron. I have descriptions and that’s it. I do not care if your character is made up on the spot or if you prefer to rp as a canon character. Shippers……I’m sorry but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side, I do not rp them as mains so if you were looking for some sheith or klance I’m sorry to disappoint you. That being said you are free to play as any canon character you desire or an oc as I’m open to oc x oc pairings or oc x canon pairings (you being the canon character) and I do either MxM or FxM pairings. Romance and non fade to black smut will both occur in the rp but it must be slow burn. I do not do fast paced love at first sight as it’s just not something that holds my interest. No sub dom dynamics, switch dynamics only and please no characters whose entire personality is just one emotion or one trait they have.
Guys…..please don’t call my aliens furries or whatever. I don’t rp generic spray painted humans and we’re rping in a world full of wacky and crazy aliens that have fur,scales,tails,multiple arms, etc so I find it Incredibly annoying to have a label forced on my character like it’s a bad thing. Alien means something not from earth, if a human was to be born on altea or daibazzal, it’d be considered an alien despite probably being a hundred percent human. If your view and comfort zone is restricted to aliens that look like an altean and nothing else then you needn’t not message me. I’m not going to make you rp with me if this is a dealbreaker so if you don’t heed this warning then you do not be rude after pulling a shocked pikachu. Be mature about it if you realise it’s a deal breaker rather than just blocking or suddenly deciding you no longer want to talk to me and that you’ll just ignore me till I unfriend you.
DO NOT COME TO ME SAYING OR ASKING YOU WANNA DO A SHEITH RP/ DO YOU RP AS THESE CANON CHARACTERS! I cannot stress this enough. I don’t know how I can make it any clearer that I do not do canon character mains nor do I do rp’s solely for the purpose of shipping said rp characters. As I’ve said before, if you wanna play a canon character go ahead but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side. My oc’s are my mains.
You and your characters must be 18+. I’m in my twenties and will not rp with a minor, especially since I have mature and adult themes in my rp’s that I do not want to get into trouble for Rping them with someone whose underaged. Underaged characters are just……..a big no for the sole fact that my characters are adults and that i do not feel uncomfortable playing against underaged characters.
You must be able to give me one or more responses a day. If it’s been two weeks since the last response and you’ve mysteriously disappeared then I’m not going to stick around for the day you decide to answer me. I do not like having my time wasted for any reason. My time zone is the eastern Australian time zone but I’m available and awake at odd hours so time zones aren’t too big of an issue for me. Remember that I’m looking for a long term partner, someone to carry an rp with for more than just a few days or a week and someone to write multiple stories with.
I have tonnes of ideas and head cannons for the rp but I’m open to brainstorming and ideas. We can mix and match ideas till we get something we both like. I want this to be a shared job, don’t expect me to be the one to carry everything just cause I’m the one supplying the idea. Down below I’ve decided to list a couple of ideas that I have:
New school defenders:
the paladins of voltron have been defending the universe for years. Many stories of their countless victories, battles and struggles are something that every parent who was alive during the war told their children. Once the main three were taken out (haggar, lotor and zarkon) the paladins settled down to teaching the garrisons new generation of cadets. The new change in curriculum was welcome for many as well as a new change in ship style. To make sure that peace could be maintained in every quadrant of every galaxy the paladins of voltron has trained the cadets to fly animal styled space ships like the lions. The animal ship a pilot was assigned depended on their personality, strengths, weaknesses, how well they worked in a team and their style of fighting and piloting skills. The importance of team bonding was something the paladins basically preached. When news of the return of an old foe forces the paladins to return to their jobs as voltrons warriors and they suddenly disappear many write them off as dead or perhaps in distress. None of the superiors are interested to find out….. so who will?
Lotor’s reign:
It was unbelievable. It couldn’t be true. It had to not be true. Voltron taken down by lotor, son of the mighty emperor zarkon himself, and the paladins were now working for him without question as his top generals?! When the news had first hit many people had panicked whilst countless others had been slain for daring to believe and protest that it was all just some lie made up by the half galran prince who was now an emperor like his father before him. Princess Allura herself was locked away in an unknown location after refusing the cruel man’s hand in marriage so she is no help for what is now a lost hope. Lotor’s reign had well and truly begun all those years ago and it was holding steady. People had forgotten long ago that even in complete and utter darkness….one can always find a speck of light that burns bright no anger how small.
Mirror mirror:
For many years people believed the galra were a race of cruel, vicious, animalistic thinking beings whose only goal was to destroy and conquer words. No one would’ve ever believed that it was the peacekeeping alteans that had been working to plot the galaxy’s downfall. Voltron, belonged to the galrans, they’d been the ones who’d built it after all despite letting alfor pilot voltron’s right arm. When the king had been turned down on his idea to share the mighty robotic war machine he simply built his own. Five dragons that formed dracotron were what the alteans used as their voltron and weapon to conquer the galaxies. Emperor zarkon, under the advice of Haggar the witch, was one of the few world leaders who managed to get his people to safety. Ever since watching the great kingdoms that he’d known for almost ten thousand years fall under the alteans greed and obsession for power over peace, he prayed for miracle in whatever form he could get it in. When two young stragglers end up stranded on the galra’s second home world, the cards of fate are laid according to haggar, much to everyone else’s confusion. What could two lost souls possibly do to bring back what was lost to the alteans?
Gamora’s guns:
The guns of Gamora was a rebel group with the goal of foiling any plans of the altean empress allura. Led by the brave commander Sven and his somewhat neurotic sidekick Slav, the gun’s were spread far across the galaxy in little pockets of altean dominated space to keep tabs on the empires schemes and try their best to counteract them. The new recruits were aliens and humans from far and wide working together hand in hand to try and prevent a reign of terror from truly taking over. When plans for creating a super weapon fall on the ears of a trusted source, the newest batch of recruits are sent to locate, find and bring back the blueprints. Of course, such things are easier said than done.
The chosen:
Keith.lance.hunk.shiro (or Sven, depends on whether you want this to follow a legendary defender type story arc or one of the older series). Allura. Pidge. These were names that belonged to the universe’s greatest heroes. Legends beyond all compare. They were champions of the universe and paladins of the mightiest robotic warrior to have ever been built: voltron. The great robot and the lions that formed it were well over ten thousand years old…..sadly for the paladins, they knew that they wouldn’t live to or beyond the great age their lions and oldest enemies had. The galaxy garrison had worked extra hard on ensuring that the next generation of pilots would be suitable candidates for the possibility of becoming voltron’s future paladins. Each paladin chose a student whom they felt like would be the most suitable to take their place and trained them with the knowledge that they were not the ones who had the final decision as to who flew who…..or even if they’d fly at all. What happens when one student fails and is rejected by not one but all the lions? What becomes of them and what is their place on team voltron? What happens to the rest of the team? Only time will tell, according to coran, such a thing has never happened before……but what happens if it does?
Before we reach the end of the post, here are some important reminders:
For those who’ve read this thoroughly thank you and congratulations! If you’re at all interested please send me a message and add me on my discord, telegram, email or hangouts (contact info below).
My discord: tiberionsunsconqourer#6187
My telegram: Tiberionwars
My email/hangouts: [email protected]
Hope to write some awesome stories!
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Candy Apples
Holing himself in his room became a force of habit after some time. He stopped needing human interaction in any way, shape or form. He was perfectly comfortable the way he is.
He was the Loner after all.
Keith didn’t realise at first that he re-adapted this mannerism after going back to Earth. His mother tried so hard to break his bad habits, succeeding with some of them, but his anti-socialness was something carved into him from years of experience.
He sat alone silently watching from the window. Lance and Hunk appeared a few times driving the Garrison issued car to and from the city. He knew how much everyone else missed their home planet with its sense of familiarity, but Keith couldn’t bring himself to relate. All he knew was pain and loneliness; I guess they are the same thing sometimes, Keith thought to himself.
The ex-Red Paladin was so deep in thought he didn’t notice another figure standing behind him. Shiro placed his hand on his shoulder, startling the younger male have to death.
His Luxite blade was aim on Shiro’s neck in a matter of seconds. His steady hand faithful to his heart which was beating a million miles an hour.
“Woah! Don’t startle the zoned out Galra… Got it.” Shiro smiled as Keith brought his knife down and sat back down shifting to the side to give Shiro some space.
“Do I even have to ask?”
“I was thinking…”
Keith thought for a few minutes before having the courage to answer. “My dad…”
There must’ve been something in his voice to sober the older male up. He sat straighter and turned to give Keith his undivided attention.
“I just remembered something we used to do together every year.” When Shiro didn’t interrupt, Keith took this as a sign to keep going with his memory. “There was this carnival every year, a few states over… it would take us literal hours to a day to get there, but we still would pack our stuff at the same date every year and get in his truck to go. It a tradition.”
“Was it the Colour Festival they have every year? The one with the big roller-coaster?”
“Yeah, that one.”
“I went there with Adam a few times… The last date we ever went on outside of Garrison was there.” He remembered Adam’s laugh at him when a clown came from behind him to tickle his side and Shiro jumped up so high and shrieked so loud, he scared the crap out of the nearby children. Shiro’s fear of clowns was Adam’s Eternal Entertainment as he used to put it.
“We would go through all the shooting games moving to the roller coasters then ending at the hall of mirrors.” His eyes glazed over, he wasn’t present anymore. He was at the carnival eating candy apples and cotton candy. “Dad would save all year for this one day at the carnival; we would spend money like crazy, without any worries. God... I loved those Candy Apples.
“I really do miss him. I know I don’t… talk about what happened before we met that day for the orientation.”
“I never pushed you because it was none of my business, Keith. Of course I know you miss your father. He’s your father.”
“Yeah… I used to hear the other kids said about me and what they thought my relationship with my father actually was. I heard some of them call him abusive or a drunk. I never understood why… he never drank, he was always so nice and caring and loving. He would tuck me to bed every night after watching the stars. He used to say that looking at the stars reminded him of my mother.” He chuckled at that. “I never knew he meant that so literal.”
“He sounds like a great man.”
“He really was.”
They stayed quiet for a few minutes before Shiro once again disrupted it.
“How long have you been sitting here?”
“I don’t know. I think right after the mission.”
“That was four hours ago…”
“Huh, guess four hours then.”
The fact that Keith didn’t think that four hours was a disturbingly long amount of time to spend alone was concerning. Shiro knew Keith was different but as his closest friend he really wanted to try and get him out of the bubble he always seemed to curl himself into. He knew it was a defence mechanism. He wasn’t blind; he saw what the boy went through.
Lance, Hunk and Pidge were a gift in disguise. They were such a diverse group, bringing out the best and the worst in each other, making sure they all remained grounded and humane; reminding everyone where they came from. The trio adopting Keith into their little group took time but overall it was the best thing that could’ve happened to him in space, besides finding his mother of course.
Shiro dying changed everything. It forced a lot of decisions to be made and a lot of shifting dynamics, shaking the foundation of the team. Lance and Keith got significantly closer each other, Hunk and Pidge to each other and Allura became a Paladin. The clone came and more changes happened though for the worse this time.
Keith pushed himself so far away from the team, he left it entirely. Lance became too quiet and subdued, Hunk and Pidge forgot other people existed in the castle and the Alteans were busy with Lotor. The whole final showdown happened but still things were extremely sensitive between the ex-castle residents.
Shiro tried so hard to pinpoint a reason why everything was so... different, to try and fix it, but nothing became clear for a long time that by then, the damage was done.
After spending a few weeks on Earth now, Lance bounced back – not with the same possible enthusiasm as before – after reuniting with his family. Pidge and Hunk too. But not Keith.
Krolia had to leave for a few months to help the Blade after losing so many members and to get the word out to the allies that Voltron is still alive, leaving Keith again. He stayed quiet after her ship departed not making eye contact with anyone.
Days passed fast and Shiro couldn’t pinpoint a moment Keith had joined the team outside of missions.
Keith ruffled with Kosmo’s hair as he sat on his lap on the bed. Shiro left him a while ago after getting a call, saying it was from Iverson and that it was important.
“Go, He needs you.”
“Come with me…”
“Nah... I’ll be fine; I want to play with Kosmo.”
“…Fine but we’ll talk later, okay? “
“Yeah okay, General Shiro.”
“I hate you.”
“I know!! Goo.”
Keith was contemplating getting up and getting something to eat or to just leave it for the next morning when a knock rapped on his door.
Lance’s maniac voice came booming from outside the door. it had a hint of sing-song to it. Keith can’t remember the last time he has heard Lance this excited about anything.
He gently moved Kosmo and made his way to the door.
“I think you parents in Cuba heard you.”
“Good. They miss me and would love to hear my voice.”
He rolled his eyes at the Cuban and crossed his arms.
“Shiro left a few minutes ago.”
“Actually, Shiro left 2 hours ago and we’ll touch on that later.” Ignoring Keith objections. “And I came for you, by the way. Pidge and Hunk created this insane gladiator bot they want you to try out.”
“Is that what’s making you this happy?”
“I miss training and if you give it the thumbs up then it’s perfect.” Lance said with a shrug.
“Fine, lead the way.”
The walk was comfortable. Lance’s good mood was infectious and Keith couldn’t help but have a small smile on his face as they walked through the halls.
His mind wandered subconsciously on how things have been lately. He missed his mother way more than he would like to admit after spending every waking hour with her for two years. He missed the rush of Adrenaline he would get on missions with the Paladins or the Blade. Threats on Earth were never to the same scale as before, which was actually a good thing but it still left a shred of disappointment in Keith.
Lance stopped as they reached a closed door.
“I don’t have my knife or Bayard with me.” Keith remembered.
“It’s okay there are weapons inside.” Lance shrugged. “Can you open the door; I think I pissed Pidge off and I am afraid she programmed the thing to bite my head of at my mere sight.”
Keith chuckled and stepped forward to open the door.
The minute the door opened, a burst of sound and light erupted from the other side sending him into sensory overload. After the initial shock cleared and calmed down, he took a better look at what’s infront of him.
Hunk stood in the middle of the room with the biggest cake Keith had ever seen. It was so colourful and beautifully designed, he almost felt bad that they might have to eat it. Pidge was next to him to the right holding a cardboard banner that said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEITH” in a way that showed she definitely misjudged the space she was given and had to rush a few letters around each other.
Veronica, James and the rest of MFE pilots stood at the back holding gifts all in different sizes and shapes, wrapped in mismatching gift-wrapping paper. Allura, Romelle and Coran, who had the biggest smiles on their faces, were standing behind a table with plates upon plates filled with all kinds of food and pastries and candies.
And finally Shiro stood the closest to the door, right in front of him. In his hands he held a tray with a candy apple placed upside down in the middle. He was looking at him with a soft fond smile. An arm  snaked its way around his and gently pushed him further inside the room. Lance had unshed tears sparkling in his eyes as they made eye contact.
“We missed you.”
Happy Birthday to my Red Spicy Boi. I love you
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roleplayfinder · 4 years
Let’s voltron!
“I say vol and you say tron! Vol…..”
“Eh…. voltron?”
“We’ll work on it.”
Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and that you’ve been able to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic (and that the easing of some restrictions depending on where you are has not negatively affected you). After binge watching legendary defender on netflix I’ve had the undying and uncontrollable urge to do a voltron rp. Now I bet you’re all wondering what I want and if you’re going to get to do some shipping…….we’ll I guess you’re just going to have to read on and find out.
I’m looking for literate rper’s only. That means people who write in third person past tense, can give me at the very least one well thought out and fleshed paragraph (as well as be willing to write more when the situation calls for it) and has a decent grasp on their spelling, grammar and punctuation. I will not yell at you for the occasional bout of typonese but one liners, one worders, poorly written responses and lazy writing in general will not keep me around. If I can’t read what you’ve written and you’re not willing to put some effort in or correct it then there’s no point in me sticking around. I also require rper’s who’ve actually watched voltron whether it be legendary defender, defender of the universe or voltron force. If you’re someone whose a stickler for canon accuracy then I’m probably not the rper for you. When I rp in a fandom setting I treat it a bit like a base as in there’s rules to follow but I don’t have to follow them as if I’m reading the show script. To put it simply I value creativity and ideas that allow a different take on the characters and what could’ve happened.
I only rp male alien or alien hybrid characters and they’re premade but flexible in how they’re written. I do not have pictures nor do I desire to spend endless hours of time to find a face claim of a creature that isn’t the typical different coloured humanoids you see in voltron. I have descriptions and that’s it. I do not care if your character is made up on the spot or if you prefer to rp as a canon character. Shippers……I’m sorry but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side, I do not rp them as mains so if you were looking for some sheith or klance I’m sorry to disappoint you. That being said you are free to play as any canon character you desire or an oc as I’m open to oc x oc pairings or oc x canon pairings (you being the canon character) and I do either MxM or FxM pairings. Romance and non fade to black smut will both occur in the rp but it must be slow burn. I do not do fast paced love at first sight as it’s just not something that holds my interest. No sub dom dynamics, switch dynamics only and please no characters whose entire personality is just one emotion or one trait they have.
Guys…..please don’t call my aliens furries or whatever. I don’t rp generic spray painted humans and we’re rping in a world full of wacky and crazy aliens that have fur,scales,tails,multiple arms, etc so I find it Incredibly annoying to have a label forced on my character like it’s a bad thing. Alien means something not from earth, if a human was to be born on altea or daibazzal, it’d be considered an alien despite probably being a hundred percent human. If your view and comfort zone is restricted to aliens that look like an altean and nothing else then you needn’t not message me. I’m not going to make you rp with me if this is a dealbreaker so if you don’t heed this warning then you do not be rude after pulling a shocked pikachu. Be mature about it if you realise it’s a deal breaker rather than just blocking or suddenly deciding you no longer want to talk to me and that you’ll just ignore me till I unfriend you.
DO NOT COME TO ME SAYING OR ASKING YOU WANNA DO A SHEITH RP/ DO YOU RP AS THESE CANON CHARACTERS! I cannot stress this enough. I don’t know how I can make it any clearer that I do not do canon character mains nor do I do rp’s solely for the purpose of shipping said rp characters. As I’ve said before, if you wanna play a canon character go ahead but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side. My oc’s are my mains.
You and your characters must be 18+. I’m in my twenties and will not rp with a minor, especially since I have mature and adult themes in my rp’s that I do not want to get into trouble for Rping them with someone whose underaged. Underaged characters are just……..a big no for the sole fact that my characters are adults and that i do not feel uncomfortable playing against underaged characters.
You must be able to give me one or more responses a day. If it’s been two weeks since the last response and you’ve mysteriously disappeared then I’m not going to stick around for the day you decide to answer me. I do not like having my time wasted for any reason. My time zone is the eastern Australian time zone but I’m available and awake at odd hours so time zones aren’t too big of an issue for me. Remember that I’m looking for a long term partner, someone to carry an rp with for more than just a few days or a week and someone to write multiple stories with.
I have tonnes of ideas and head cannons for the rp but I’m open to brainstorming and ideas. We can mix and match ideas till we get something we both like. I want this to be a shared job, don’t expect me to be the one to carry everything just cause I’m the one supplying the idea. Down below I’ve decided to list a couple of ideas that I have:
New school defenders:
the paladins of voltron have been defending the universe for years. Many stories of their countless victories, battles and struggles are something that every parent who was alive during the war told their children. Once the main three were taken out (haggar, lotor and zarkon) the paladins settled down to teaching the garrisons new generation of cadets. The new change in curriculum was welcome for many as well as a new change in ship style. To make sure that peace could be maintained in every quadrant of every galaxy the paladins of voltron has trained the cadets to fly animal styled space ships like the lions. The animal ship a pilot was assigned depended on their personality, strengths, weaknesses, how well they worked in a team and their style of fighting and piloting skills. The importance of team bonding was something the paladins basically preached. When news of the return of an old foe forces the paladins to return to their jobs as voltrons warriors and they suddenly disappear many write them off as dead or perhaps in distress. None of the superiors are interested to find out….. so who will?
Lotor’s reign:
It was unbelievable. It couldn’t be true. It had to not be true. Voltron taken down by lotor, son of the mighty emperor zarkon himself, and the paladins were now working for him without question as his top generals?! When the news had first hit many people had panicked whilst countless others had been slain for daring to believe and protest that it was all just some lie made up by the half galran prince who was now an emperor like his father before him. Princess Allura herself was locked away in an unknown location after refusing the cruel man’s hand in marriage so she is no help for what is now a lost hope. Lotor’s reign had well and truly begun all those years ago and it was holding steady. People had forgotten long ago that even in complete and utter darkness….one can always find a speck of light that burns bright no anger how small.
Mirror mirror:
For many years people believed the galra were a race of cruel, vicious, animalistic thinking beings whose only goal was to destroy and conquer words. No one would’ve ever believed that it was the peacekeeping alteans that had been working to plot the galaxy’s downfall. Voltron, belonged to the galrans, they’d been the ones who’d built it after all despite letting alfor pilot voltron’s right arm. When the king had been turned down on his idea to share the mighty robotic war machine he simply built his own. Five dragons that formed dracotron were what the alteans used as their voltron and weapon to conquer the galaxies. Emperor zarkon, under the advice of Haggar the witch, was one of the few world leaders who managed to get his people to safety. Ever since watching the great kingdoms that he’d known for almost ten thousand years fall under the alteans greed and obsession for power over peace, he prayed for miracle in whatever form he could get it in. When two young stragglers end up stranded on the galra’s second home world, the cards of fate are laid according to haggar, much to everyone else’s confusion. What could two lost souls possibly do to bring back what was lost to the alteans?
Gamora’s guns:
The guns of Gamora was a rebel group with the goal of foiling any plans of the altean empress allura. Led by the brave commander Sven and his somewhat neurotic sidekick Slav, the gun’s were spread far across the galaxy in little pockets of altean dominated space to keep tabs on the empires schemes and try their best to counteract them. The new recruits were aliens and humans from far and wide working together hand in hand to try and prevent a reign of terror from truly taking over. When plans for creating a super weapon fall on the ears of a trusted source, the newest batch of recruits are sent to locate, find and bring back the blueprints. Of course, such things are easier said than done.
The chosen:
Keith.lance.hunk.shiro (or Sven, depends on whether you want this to follow a legendary defender type story arc or one of the older series). Allura. Pidge. These were names that belonged to the universe’s greatest heroes. Legends beyond all compare. They were champions of the universe and paladins of the mightiest robotic warrior to have ever been built: voltron. The great robot and the lions that formed it were well over ten thousand years old…..sadly for the paladins, they knew that they wouldn’t live to or beyond the great age their lions and oldest enemies had. The galaxy garrison had worked extra hard on ensuring that the next generation of pilots would be suitable candidates for the possibility of becoming voltron’s future paladins. Each paladin chose a student whom they felt like would be the most suitable to take their place and trained them with the knowledge that they were not the ones who had the final decision as to who flew who…..or even if they’d fly at all. What happens when one student fails and is rejected by not one but all the lions? What becomes of them and what is their place on team voltron? What happens to the rest of the team? Only time will tell, according to coran, such a thing has never happened before……but what happens if it does?
Before we reach the end of the post, here are some important reminders:
For those who’ve read this thoroughly thank you and congratulations! If you’re at all interested please send me a message and add me on my discord, telegram, email or hangouts (contact info below).
My discord: tiberionsunsconqourer#6187
My telegram: Tiberionwars
My email/hangouts: [email protected]
Hope to write some awesome stories!
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