#the heroes are so worried
azulhood · 5 months
Amity Park is on lock down, the GIW took over and only a few managed to escape.
Those few being Wes Weston, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Jazz Fenton, Danny Fenton, and Dash Baxter.
The escapees agree that it's better to split up and get funds to make a plan of attack, because body armour and parts to make ecto weapons are costly.
Danny and Wes go to metropolis and get jobs as interns at the daily planet, the guy from smallville looks at Danny like he can't believe he exists but so far that's the only thing that happened.
Sam and Jazz end up in martian manhunters city trying to kick start their cat burglar career while the green space man worries if they're eating enough.
Tucker and Dash go to Gotham city and immediately take up residence in crime alley, with Tucker as the brains and Dash as the muscle they make a reputation very quickly. Red hood would really like a word with them and whoever they're running from.
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escaping-peril12 · 14 days
Here is Horikoshi's comment in this week's Jump:
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And here is an IMPORTANT correction (crying rn):
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goodBYE 😭😭
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Danny never thought he would enjoy the sidekick/mentee lifestyle but Kori was really cool. She was a adult but she still listened to him and made intelligent, competent and compassionate choices that were genuinely in his best interest. Danny hadn't known adults like that existed.
Starfire was kinda wierd for a ghost though. Phantom couldn't seem to pin down what her obsession was but he guessed that was fine so long as "The Princess of Tamaran" didn't hurt anyone. Plus, not only was she a ghost, she was an alien ghost! Like from a whole other planet and everything!
Aka Starfire gets booted from the DC universe and wanders in to Dannys via Vlads ghost portal. Vlad attacks her and Starfire beats him up, destroying a lot of his visibly unethical stuff, ect. Danny has been her fan ever since.
She did clarify that she was an alien but Danny assumes she's an alien ghost due to her coming from the ghost zone and having some ghost like powers.
Misunderstandings ensue
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lunargarden-art · 7 months
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"you'll slay the ladies with your smile!" *proceeds to smile
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yendts · 3 months
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Nico di Angelo, Son of Hades
Percy, Jason, Thalia
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moodyseal · 10 months
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Saw this post and was suddenly overcome by the urge to draw them <3 they make me so unbelievably sad
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ironinkpen · 1 year
The interpretation of Rise Raph as a 'perfect responsible soft boy uwu' is so BORING I'm sorry, Raph is a rowdy adrenaline junkie with anxiety and I won't take this slander any longer
Raph secretly kept an enemy soldier in their actual literal house as a sparring partner. Raph glued his brothers together and dragged them out to fight crime. Raph once asked Leo to punch him in the face to prove he 'takes damage like a boss.' Raph tried to lift a school bus, twice. Raph offered to help his favorite wrestler beat his little brother up. When Leo suggests evacuating Bullhop, Raph says no bc the best defense is a good offense babey. Raph's idea of a 'friendly chat' with April's upstairs neighbor is to put on a black ski mask and go stand menacingly at their door. It takes Raph 10 episodes to conclude that they should MAYBE start training. Raph's plan to get a potentially priceless (and potentially FRAGILE) museum artifact is to punch a car in the middle of a busy street and also cut it in half with his brother still inside.
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Raph's never met a problem he wouldn't try to punch in the face and does not know the meaning of the words 'excessive force.' He roughhouses with his bros and drags them out to fight villains and thinks any plan that doesn't involve an all-out brawl is boring and lame. He'll do anything to protect his family from harm and be a hero, but also he eats wet salami off the floor and once single-handedly destroyed a library.
I just adore how, at his core, Rise Raph is such a classic Raph—impulsive and stubborn and caring and passionate. He is a very sweet, strong, honorable guy who has a very powerful sense of personal responsibility... and he is also the exact kind of jock who throws you in the pool at a party without checking if you have your phone in your pocket first.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 9 months
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Heroes of Millennium (HoM) AU
Act 1: What was left behind. - Part 1 (page 1-5) -here- -> Part 2
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lilislegacy · 3 months
an analysis: piper calling percy unimpressive
(warning: i wrote this at 1 am)
so basically
remember how we all despised piper mclean when she had the audacity to call our beloved percy “unimpressive” and we all lost our shit on the inside a little bit?
i truly don’t think she meant it in the way we think she did. i think we’re all just defensive of our boy.
piper clearly states that she is comparing percy to jason. first of all, jason is her boyfriend, so of course she’s biased. second of all, hera was manipulating piper to be obsessed with jason. so other guys and girls are automatically unimpressive to her.
and here’s the big thing: piper does not call him unattractive. she does not call him ugly. she simply says he’s not her type. piper is clearly attracted to the “good boy” look. jason is literally your all-american boy. he’s tall with light skin, a sturdy build, neat blonde hair, and blue eyes. part of why annabeth doesn’t trust him is because she is unsettled by his “perfect” appearance. jason is also obedient and well-mannered. he’s your standard good boy.
and the fact of the matter is: percy looks like a “bad boy”. and often, he acts like one too. him and jason are contrasts of each other. a symbolic representation of this: their features. percy has a darker complexion, messy black hair, unique green eyes, and a “sarcastic troublemaker smile.” he’s muscular, but in a leaner and more trim way. he’s tall, but he’s not a towering muscleman by any means. not that jason is either, but don’t forget, percy is a whole one. inch. (GASP) shorter than jason (which to me isn’t even noticeable, so her pointing it out as a flaw just proves that she’s so incredibly biased towards jason.) their other big contrasting feature: their personalities. jason is respectful and well-mannered. very obedient and under control. percy, however, makes jokes during inappropriate moments, talks back to people of power and authority, gets angry quickly, and loses control easily. i mean, literally right after she says this, percy starts insulting the roman god Bacchus and rapidly escalates a situation because of his natural instinct to be disobedient. piper is horrified by him doing this, especially because jason would never. does it make US all love percy very much? yes. but piper isn’t us.
THAT SAID, even she can’t actually call him unattractive. she even went as far to state that she can see why annabeth likes him, which means even her magically-obsessed-with-jason brain can still recognize his attractiveness and see why girls find him appealing. she calls him “cute in a scruffy way,” meaning she thinks that he’s got a disheveled attractiveness to him. she also once said that his pleading eyes are like a cute baby seal’s - even she can’t deny that his eyes are wonderful. so even though piper calls him unimpressive, i think rick put in a lot of clues here showing us that she acknowledges him as a conventionally attractive person, even if she’s not personally attracted to him.
let’s sum it up, shall we?
what does it say about percy? absolutely nothing. piper calling percy unimpressive is an inaccurate and unreliable source when it comes to analyzing percy’s physical appearance, especially if you don’t consider the context. this was rick’s way of showing piper’s clear preference towards jason, just like annabeth has a clear preference towards percy. and even though she said this, rick also made her give us several hints that percy is handsome, just not in a way she’s inclined towards. rick wanted love triangles to be completely out of the question with these 4. he wanted to make it very clear that annabeth had no interest in jason, and that piper had no interest in percy. so since piper is so drawn towards jason, percy had to be very different from him in her eyes.
jason is your a superman, percy is your batman
jason is your captain america, percy is your iron man. some even say spider man.
so put yourself in piper’s shoes: after hearing percy jackson’s name non-stop for 6 months, hearing him compared to jason, hearing of all his accomplishments and how heroic he is - i mean, the guy was literally honored on olympus and offered godhood - she was expecting a stereotypical good-boy hero. a hercules. a superman. your standard muscular blinding-white-teeth-smile hunk. the conventional, well-mannered good boy. and instead she got a wild and untamed, trouble-making bad boy. percy has an edge to him. he’s intimidating and unpredictable. he’s sarcastic and witty. he just looks like he’s up to no good. she wasn’t expecting any of that. that’s not what we’re taught a hero is supposed to be like or look like.
jason is appealing in a “he’d be a respectable and sturdy husband” way.
percy is appealing in a “he’s gonna fuck up my life but i so badly want him to” kind of way. (even though once you get to know him, you see he’s literally the world’s best boyfriend. piper even gets jealous of how loving he is towards annabeth.)
she had this exact idea of what he would be, and he wasn’t that. hence her calling him “unimpressive.” but it says nothing about his attractiveness.
i rest my case, your honor.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
disclaimer: i am not saying percy is actually a bad boy or a bad guy. he is a sweetheart. he has the biggest heart ever. he’s a cute little cinnamon roll. i am simply talking of first impressions from outsiders, and how he appears if you don’t know him.
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aitchhdee · 10 months
You and your two year old baby going to visit your home country, while your husband Bakugo stays back in Japan since he has a city to protect. Being a number two pro hero isn't easy. As it you guys checked in and headed to the line to go through the passport and security check you see your kid starting to cry and cling onto Bakugou, wanting him to come along and not leave him. Because dada is going to be all alone now?
Bakugou kisses his kid's head muttering he shouldn't cry and that they were going to do lot's of video-calls so that they could talk. Obviously it was hurting him seeing his baby crying, not wanting to say goodbye to dad. As the line was continuing to move forward he gave his kid another kiss before standing up and pulling you into a hug and kissing you temple, muttering to be safe and text him when you guys landed.
He watches you nod and smile softly, taking your kid's hand before starting to move. His baby looking back at him and waiving at him as he continued to cry. He only leaves the airpot when you guys couldn't be seen anymore and disappeared through the security check. He scratches the corner of his eye as he pulls out his phone to be sure he could watch your guys flight when your guys plane departed.
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defenestratin · 1 year
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you only get what you grieve
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leovaldezdefender · 5 months
can you imagine the guilt frank felt after leo's ""death""? like not only did he just let it happen because of his own ideals about justice and sacrifice but he also had to live with the fact that he never really tried to understand leo even though leo turned out to be nothing like what frank thought of him.
anyway even without all that leo still DIED so when he comes back frank is super protective over him obviously. but i also think he wouldn't be the type to coddle him either? it's more in a "yeah i'm his guard dog now" way. he wants to make sure leo won't ever feel alone enough to be backed into self-sacrifice and suicide ever again. wants to make sure leo knows frank's always in his corner, even if he hadn't been before.
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runeiio · 1 year
Can you draw Mari in a suit and Hero in a wedding dress
look at them,,,
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super-paper · 11 months
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"When I was shouting from the top of that building, thoughts of Himiko Toga filled my head. I shouted at her about what I thought was right, but it twisted her face into the saddest expression I'd ever seen."
This one is mostly directed at the "Himiko *was* saved and dying is a fantastic way to end her arc because she's dying happy, fulfilled, and on her own terms" and "Hawks is too injured to help, there's no one else capable of helping, she's dead, get over it" crowd.
Himiko has the same laments as Touya-- "If only someone had loved me sooner, then maybe I would have been happy just being myself..." "If someone had reached out and given me love sooner, then maybe I could have finally given something back to the world....." It's an utterly dismal, depressing note to go out on.
Himiko isn't smiling happily in her dying dream-- she's wearing the same miserable, resigned smile she had when she let go of that last bit of hope that Ochako and Izuku would ever understand her. This time, she's smiling resignedly because she’s letting go of the life she thinks she’ll never have-- because she thinks it's too late and that the world will never be any easier for her to live in. In both scenes, Himiko is letting go of her hopes-- and in a series that's all about inspiring hope, this is something that needs to be challenged.
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Ochako's goal started from wanting to alleviate her parent's burdens because they always wore tired, unhappy expressions-- that goal eventually grew into wanting a future where they can all smile together. And Himiko is explicitly tied to that goal.
I'm getting more and more convinced that Ochako's role as a "normal girl" who is able to inspire the civilians to see the heroes as human is what's also going to play a big part in getting them to see the villains as human. Ochako's heroism touched Himiko and made her heart lighter-- but it also touched the civilians, the media, and Keigo.
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The phrase "the feelings of a single girl can change the world" has been repeated several times now throughout Ochako and Himiko's arcs during the final act. Ochako reaching out to Himiko and saving her, and Himiko attempting to sacrifice herself to save Ochako... both scenes are being broadcast to the world right now. Multiple civilians who got stranded within the vicinity of Gunga are currently watching the battles via livestream... while in possession of multiple high-speed transport vehicles. Basically, what I'm saying is: There are more people who are capable of reaching out and helping than this chapter leads us to believe, and that's relevant to Ochako's arc as someone who has connected the spirit of OFA to the people.
If "the feelings of one girl can change the world," now would be a good time for "the world" to respond to those feelings.
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yendts · 4 days
from my tiktok
on this episode of everyone has a crush on percy…
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decarbry · 2 years
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Kurogiri and Yabureme are Shigaraki’s caretakers with their own separate purposes but at the same time they end up like siblings that Shigaraki needs to mediate. “tomura he’s TOUCHING ME” “Kurogiri, there’s literally two inches between you and his finger. stop it.” “no he was just touching me and stopped when you were looking he’s doing this on purpose”
......this was supposed to be a funny comic but instead it’s just sad
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