#the issues are stored in the stan
wingedog · 7 months
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Angsty Stan comic about self worth coming up
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When his father was a neglectful parent and an alcoholic and the two men that he's dated (that we know of) are a walking bottle of rum with a mustache and a neglectful father.
When his father was a violent white man who hurt the people he cared about and drove him to violence through abuse and then he, of his own volition hires, keeps around, and develops a toxic failing marriage esque relationship with a violent white man who hurts the people he cares about and drives him to violence through abuse.
Ed baby I love you but we've gotta work on those daddy issues because you just invented a new type of oedipus complex.
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taylortruther · 5 months
What are your thoughts on fans being anti-Travis due to his problematic associations? He’s affiliated with the NFL that is known for domestic abuse, and while I know you will say it’s not his responsibility to address, doesn’t being associated with such an organization say something about him? It seems like Taylor is okay with it. But when you tell those people that all people are imperfect they act as if he is irredeemable. Is he?
i dislike most sports because they are part of a culture that i just can't support, so i understand people having the ick about the nfl or players in general. but "irredeemable"? people cannot seriously think this fjdkasl
football is massively popular in the us, and assuming that everyone who plays it, enjoys the game, or associates with the players is "pro domestic abuse" is unreasonable. no rational people think that. because if you behave by that logic, can we not say the same for taylor? many problematic people work in the music industry and hollywood - if she chooses to keep her job, should she be tarred and feathered for willingly taking part in a problematic industry?
also, if taylor is so problematic because she associates with problematic people, then why continue to stan her? if association is all it takes, doesn't that mean our association as fans of hers makes us problematic too? if you run a blog about her, you must not really care at all about these things, which makes you a bad person. yeah, even if you discuss these things. because overlooking these things enough to stan her and enjoy her music means being complicit in the crime or moral issue itself. and if any of your friends like football or taylor, your association with them is even worse! and if you hear a taylor song playing at a grocery store, or see an nfl game playing at a bar, isn't it your responsibility to tell the management to turn it off? because if you don't, aren't you complicit in supporting problematic industries?
or... can we just admit that the nfl sucks, but travis can still be a decent person (as can taylor), and you don't have to like him or want to bone him, and you do not have to justify any of your opinions by saying they are irredeemably problematic people.
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lady-raziel · 26 days
Cna i... Can I ask what the beef is with M Night Shyamalan?
fair warning, this is a self-indulgently long post. but if you endure the page break, you may find the story entertaining.
a long time ago...in a small indie comic book shop in downtown Philadelphia...
picture this. it's circa 2016. my hyperfixation at the time is DC Comics-- the Flash specifically. I like the Flash, but I really like his nemesis, the Reverse Flash. This guy's gimmick is that he has the same powers as the Flash, but he's also evil because he used to be a Flash stan and his idol didn't validate their parasocial relationship when they actually met in person, and now he just wants to kill the Flash instead. It's a long story. Reverse Flash has died many times. He's also from the future, but that's not the important bit right now.
Anyway, despite being one of the Flash's main enemies, there are not that many comic book issues that feature the Reverse Flash for some reason. My main hobby at the time of this whole ordeal is to go to the local comic book shops and search through the bins of back issues to find anything with the Reverse Flash in it (bonus points if he's on the cover, but at a certain point you can't be picky). I'd been fairly successful at this, and had even been able to avoid buying too much off Ebay as I really didn't care too much about the condition or grade of the comics. The comic book shop in downtown Philly I was in on the day of the Incident was one I'd been to before, but not in a while as I went to school out in the suburbs and didn't leave that general area too much.
So. I enter this shop, and it's not too busy. That's a good thing as it's not a large space and if there were too many people it would have been very difficult to navigate around the displays of Funko Pops and tables of back issues. However, as I was soon about to find out, it doesn't matter if there's only one other person shopping at the same time as you if that person is the wrong person.
I make my way to the back where all the big boxes of old comics are, and scan the rows alphabetically to find the 'Fs.' I see 'Firestorm,' and 'Fantastic Four,' and all the others...but there, right there, where the Flash comics should be...there's a guy. Standing there. In the way.
Now, that's alright. He just seemed to be perusing randomly and wasn't actually looking at the Flash comics specifically (my Flash comics), and I can just go look at the action figures or something until he moves to another section of the shop. No problem. I mean, it's one box of comics, Harold. How long does it take to look through it? 5 minutes? No, all I have to do is wait a little bit and then I can examine those 1980s Flash comics with my own grubby little paws.
So I do a loop of the store. I examine the Funko Pops (they all look the same), the t-shirts (only Hot Topic quality), the new comics (Superman #1? How many times are they going to reboot this thing?), and even the super expensive vintage comics up on the wall (no Reverse Flash here, and it would still be beyond my price point anyway). But when I finally make my way back to the back issues, the guy...is still there. He hasn't moved. And now he's not even pretending to look at the comics anymore.
Now, to my horror, he seems to be having a full-on conversation with one of the store employees right on top of my box of comics, and neither of them seem like they plan to end this discussion anytime soon. You may be asking at this point, "well Raz, if you wanted to look at the comics where they were standing, why didn't you just ask them to move out of the way?" You're right. I could have done that.
But problem. I have social anxiety. And sometimes it gets very bad about very small things. So while it would have been entirely reasonable to ask these two men to move their conversation elsewhere, the crippling social anxiety made it so that asking for that very small and reasonable thing would have been akin to asking these guys if they would set me on fire right here right now, please and thank you. It wasn't gonna happen. My only option was to hover uncomfortably 6 feet away, pretending to go through the back issues systematically and hope they picked up on what I was doing and moved out of the way when I got back to the 'Fs,' or give up and suffer an hour and a half on the SEPTA train back home with nothing to show for it.
now, i've never had a conversation with famous filmmaker and director M Night Shyamalan. I didn't even know what he looked like at the time, so when all this happened I thought he was just Some Guy who in his unawareness was keeping me from completing my mission. Maybe he's a really engaging conversationalist and talking with him causes you to not notice anything going on around you. That may even be the case-- as neither the Twistmaster himself or the besotted store employee seemed to notice I was there. But I WAS there. And my frantic silent social cues were being "returned to sender," unread.
Meanwhile I was enduring a level of internal turmoil on the level of a character in a Greek tragedy. This was my crucible. Surrender, or do something I was honor-bound not to do. Was this the meaning of an impossible choice?
It was only after almost 15 long, agonizing minutes and two more laps of the store on my part that finally, finally there was a breakthrough. Unaware Man (for this would be Shyamalan's superhero code name) and Employee-Bro had moved to the cash register, as the former had found something he wanted to buy. With speed rivaling the Flash himself, I descended on the fated box of comics like a plague. It seemed that the day had not been lost after all.
However, like any film from the man himself, there was to be a final twist to this tale. One last turn of the knife. You might be thinking-- "And it turned out that there weren't any comics in the box you wanted to buy after all, rendering this whole ordeal meaningless, right? Like any tragic hero you endured the terrible trials only to discover that the treasure you sought was a hollow fantasy of your own creation, and this all could have been avoided if you had not fallen prey to the follies of man?"
No. The problem was-- I did find several comics in that box that I wanted to buy. I even found one with the Reverse Flash on the cover. But now that I had found my prize, I faced a new, even greater challenge, which was somewhat an extension of the old challenge, but to the extreme.
I now had to get Employee-Bro to ring me up so I could leave this cursed place, but here's the kicker: I had to do this while he was still utterly engaged in discussion with Unaware Man and thus blind to the outside world. I had come out of the frying pan and into the fire, because now it wasn't like I could just go home and take only a feeling of defeat with me. My precious comic book finds were on the line, and what was I going to do? Just put them back in the box and leave?
Unfortunately, I was committed. I would have to stand reasonably out of the way of Unaware Man's personal space yet close enough to indicate that I was, yes, in line to check out my purchases. And goddamnit, I was going to do this until all of us died of old age or the world ended.
I kind of lost all sense of time at that point. It could have been only a few minutes. It could have been five hours. All I know is that it was long enough that I wished for the sweet release of death, because then at least I'd be able to lie down. How it eventually went down was that Employee-Bro rung up Unaware Man (because really, processing a credit card transaction and signing the receipt only can take so long), and the two continued to talk as Employee-Bro gradually gained awareness that I Was There Too, and multitasked to check out my items while remaining totally focused on his other conversation and not speaking a word to me.
And that was it. I was free, from the physical prison of the comic book store at least. But again, like a Shyamalan film, this was in reality only the end of the second act. Because as I walked through the streets of Center City Philadelphia and rested my head against the smudged window of the SEPTA train on the way home, I started to descend into the mental turmoil of the question, "wait, who was that guy? Was he like...famous, or something?"
If you've ever been to a comic con or spent enough time in a hobby shop, you know that sometimes Nerd Bros can get really deep into conversation about these sorts of things. Many of them even have lots of opinions on films, and will be happy to share them in detail unprompted. So it wasn't entirely unreasonable for me not to realize in the moment that what was happening wasn't just "Nerd Bros Being Dudes."
But the more I thought about it, the one-sided adoring dynamic between Employee Bro and Unaware Man did seem unusual. And in the bits of their conversation that I had been forced to endure, hadn't one of them mentioned something about...filming locations? What was that about? Nobody in their right mind films stuff in Philly unless they're making the 86th Rocky film or the like.
It was a Google search of "movies filming in Philadelphia" that returned several results of articles talking about how location scouting was going on in the area as part of the production of a long-awaited sequel to the 2000 film Unbreakable, a undercover superhero sleeper hit. Unbreakable, a film set in Philadelphia, written and directed by famous filmmaker M Night Shyamalan.
Shyamalan. SHYAMALAN. the man responsible for 2010's The Last Airbender. it was HIM. he was not only the man who originated the (still unbroken!) curse on the Avatar franchise, but also the man who had ruined my day. Thoughtlessly. Carelessly. Not by massacring a beloved children's television franchise, but by being unaware. Inconceivable.
This was horrific. It wasn't even like I was the Reverse Flash or any other famous superhero nemesis, who had a compelling backstory causing their undying hatred of the hero. Instead, I now had a narrative foil who barely even fit that description, because chances are he hadn't even taken notice of my existence the whole time! This was my supervillain origin story, and it was his normal day!
It was at this moment I swore an oath. I would not forget this terrible day of inconvenience that was partially caused by my own social failings. I would dedicate my life from this point forward to slightly narrowing my eyes and shaking my head disapprovingly when I saw mentions of Shyamalan or his works online. I would color any opinions I had of his films with the thought, "but remember that one time he was kind of a dick to you without even meaning it? what was up with that?"
and that is the tale of my tragic encounter with M Night Shyamalan. To this day, my only solace is that my epic origin story turned out more narratively coherent and with deeper substance than any other film made in the Unbreakable saga, including the one he was location scouting for at the time this happened. Shyamalan can write twists all he wants, but no one is better at that game than karma itself.
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kanmom51 · 3 months
I have always wondered why JM Stans hates JK. I have seen posts about how JK is being the Company's favorite and that Scooter is trying to use JK to out sell JM. I don't believe it but I do want your opinions on this. I know you will probably say that's a very stupid thing to ask for but I see it a lot and I wonder why they keep saying that JK and V are the companies favorites. And also do you think the company didn't actively promote JM? This Fandom has finally twisted things around. I just need to know your thoughts on this matter. Thanks
Hey love.
Ok, where do we start?
Maybe from the end.
It being that it does feel at times that JM gets the raw deal from the company. If it's intentional or just because he's too nice and doesn't speak up enough I don't know. But this has been going on for years. The way the promotions for Face were handled, the way his name or photo somehow seem to disappear at times from official sites. For example the official BTS US store had all the members apart from JM in the index.
The issue has been since fixed, but it took angry JM stans posting and sending messages and emails to the company to notice it and make it happen.
Or, another example is JM's Like crazy Korean and English version streams being counted separately by Spotify.
Little things that make you ask "why him?" or more so "why is it always happening with him?"
Now, it's not that Jin has been forgotten at times as well (being cropped out of group photos at times). Somehow it's always those two, but with JM it's way more frequent and feels off.
Saying that, I do feel that some JM solos tend to make JM out as a constant victim (perhaps part of allowing them to be his saviors). While doing that they are constantly making comparisons with the others and while doing so also try to tear the others down.
I think this is part of the issue with solos. Forgetting that these 7 men are part of one band. A band they ALL want to be part of. Something they have said multiple times in the past and recently as well. 7 men that love each other (not to mention the elephant - cough couple cough - in the room).
It's more than ok to have a preference. A member you feel you like more or feel more connected to. It's a different matter to call yourself a fan of a single member elevating him by tearing down the others and constantly calling for said member to ditch the others and go solo. Spewing hate at the other members in that person's name, supposedly for him. Obviously you are not a fan of BTS when you do that, but more so you are not a true fan of said member who loves the others you constantly attack and wants to stay with them as a group, as he constantly and repeatedly tells us all.
Like the whole comparison made between JM's promotions and JK's (two totally different stories, different artists' objectives, different markets). And let me be clear here. I am not saying it felt like JM's success, which was, I feel, unexpected, was downplayed or not properly formally and publicly recognized. At the time it certainly felt that way. What we don't know is what JM's feelings were on the matter. Did he want it that way or was it a company decision? I know how it looks, but at times we need to understand that there are so many undercurrents and we don't get to see most of what's under the water. We only see what's shared or not shared with us, by the powers at be's decision. For example: Later on, in his documentary we saw that JM did get a cake for the #1 billboard achievement. So was it his choice not to post a pic? At the same time we saw his success, again, kind of being downplayed in articles, in BPD's interview, so this is one of those things I am leaving with a big question mark. Was he given the well deserved acknowledgement (even if not publicly)? Was it downplayed from the start, even towards him? And if so, why?
That being said, attacking JK, writing hateful posts about him, his looks, his artistry, his character not only would not make a damn difference as to how JM is being treated by the company but goes against everything that JM is and everything that JM feels towards JK.
Same issue, btw, with all solos. JK solos and the hate towards JM, the person JK loves the most in this world.
Do you see what I mean?
That was a little long winded, lol.
So, I do take issue with the need to cut down at another members success only to lift JM's up (he don't need no lifting, he's bloody amazing). I can assure you that is something he personally would not want, being the beautiful soul that he is, he wants the others to succeed and is not in competition with them.
I also hated this need to cut down JK even before his music came out, during JK's promotions, when he was choosing to mirror JM, a clear friggin calculated choice with a clear friggin purpose, by calling him lazy and a copy cat.
First of all you could see, if only you had eyes and kept them open, how throughout ALL of his promotions JK was mirroring JM. It was with similar outfits (even using the same exact black leather pants). It was with wearing the top part of an outfit to which JM wore the bottom part in his promotions. It was with his hair style and colour choices and references to JM's album. Anyway, point being once again that attacking another member does nothing to help lift JM up.
I always find it funny that JM solos hate JK so much.
The person that JM loves more than anyone else, and who loves JM more than they could ever.
The person who knows JM more than they could ever.
The person that JM chose to spend the 18 months of his army service with together, 24/7!! This was not forced on either of them. This was their choice.
Could it be jealousy perhaps? You know, JK gets to get JM and they don't.
Or perhaps this need to be the savior - poor JM needs them to save him from the big bad JK and the big bad company.
p.s. - maybe, just maybe, if indeed JM is being targeted by someone in the company, that's the issue that someone has with him. The fact that he will always come first for JK. The fact that because of him they can't control JK. Well, JK is not someone easy to control, but a. with JM in the picture some of his priorities are different (like wanting to spend time with him, like wanting to go public with their relationship) or perhaps the effect JM has had on JK, being his catalyst (JK's words) and all; and b. Outright homophobia. JK is the golden goose and he is in a long term relationship with a man, a bandmate. It makes life much harder for those that would rather milk the badboy hetero fuckboy image to the limit when said person wants to be accepted for his true self...
Well, that was definitely me digressing from your questions. Oopsy.
Bottom line:
Something kind of feels off with how things seem to go with JM and official content at times over the years (that includes photos, sites, spotify etc.) including his solo promotions.
That said, the comparison with other members, in my opinion, is unjustifiable. Because first and utmost they wouldn't want their fans to be comparing them. They all put themselves out there for their fans and all heartedly supported each other on that journey. Every single one of them had a different kind of solo debut. This is about different music genres, collabs or not, writing their own music or not, promoting out side of Korea or not, even down to the language of the songs. And with this also comes the different kind of promotions. Music shows or live/recorded performances for army, in bigger or smaller venues or even a tour, like Yoongi did.
The comparison with JK is just unfair to both of them. Especially given the very special relationship those two have. Both being the other's biggest fan and supporter.
That aside, the two went on two very different journeys. JM went on a personal journey releasing his first album taking part fully in it's creation, it being a very personal story he was telling us. JK, on the other hand, for whatever reasons (some of which he told us some of which he most likely didn't) decided to go with songs written by others, choosing to challenge himself with singing in English, and new genres and vocals. The choice for an album in English could very much have been pushed by the powers of be, and I do not want to go into the discussion of just how much influence SB has or not, other than say that Bang PD, a very smart and savvy man, knows his way around the music industry and business worlds and has much more influence on JK than anyone else, and that JK is a grown ass man and has told us on more than one occasion that he tends to make decisions for himself, even if at times they might not be the right ones, he goes with his gut. JK also told us he wants to be a huge superstar and singing in English, what can you do, opens up the US and other markets for him in a way that singing in Korean wouldn't.
But even putting that aside people seem to forget that from the get go JK was always the Golden maknae, the one that not only the company saw as their golden goose, but also all other members put on a pedestal. Not saying that's right. Not saying that's fair. But it is what it is. The company is a money making business. And now that BH are under Hybe, although they have autonomy (mostly) on the music, the costs and promotions, they don't have free reign over. And if it's about money making and profits, at times these will be the guidelines as to into what and where the money goes as far as promoting an artist. Let me be clear here. I'm talking here about costs and profits as in how much hard cash was put into a member's promotion over another's. This here isn't about other shit that's happened, such as no public acknowledgement or counting streams of different versions of the same song together or separately. That is another issue. What I'm trying to say here is that the starting point was and never will be the same also due to financial decision making.
Ok, so I think that maybe I've made more of a mess here than anything else, lol.
My bottom line is that even if I feel that JM is being wronged by the company in one way or another (and this goes for any member that might be wronged as well), I would never turn on another member and blame them for it nor would I compare between them. You can like or dislike the music each and every one of them released. That's fair enough and makes sense too. But belittling a member just to try and lift up the other one, that is just wrong in my books.
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teddyseong · 1 month
•°. *࿐ cherries jubiles - profiles
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pretty girls inc. ⪩⪨ smau masterlist
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⪩⪨ cherries jubiles - the bakery you inherited from your grandmother! thanks to your baking skills, it has become famous and highly praised, even by kpop idols!
⪩⪨ y/n - you! the hidden owner of cherries jubiles and a huge jungkook and jay stan. you insist that you're normal about them but only people who know how deranged you are and your true identity are your friends (for now).
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⪩⪨ haerin - your sister cousin! member of the group newjeans. haerin is essentially your little sister and she views you as a parental figure of sorts (though she would never admit it). she likes to help out around the bakery when she can even if it means wearing a mask and cap on all the time. absolutely loves your baking and has got the whole hybe building (especially a certain enhypen member) hooked on your desserts!
⪩⪨ hanni - your self proclaimed best friend! member of the group newjeans. haerin introduced you to hanni (and the other newjeans girls) prior to their debut. you and hanni became fast friends, and she's one of the few non-employees who know that you're the owner of cherries jubiles. she's very supportive of you (and your delusions).
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⪩⪨ beomgyu - the only man that isn't jungkook or jay that you can tolerate! an employee at your bakery thanks to being childhood friends with you and haerin. even more deranged than you (which is saying a lot), but he brings in a lot of customers due to his looks so you make sure to always put him in the front of the store. he's also the best with dealing with crazy customers (by being more crazy).
⪩⪨ ningning - the best woman lover (self-proclaimed)! she's one of the employees that your grandmother decided to keep on when she shifted over ownership to you. you guys were already good friends prior to taking over, but managing the bakery together has made you guys become best friends. beefs with hanni over who is your "real" best friend. only issue you have with her is that she flirts with girls by giving them free desserts.
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⪩⪨ chaewon - the brains behind cherries jubiles! the other employee your grandmother made sure to keep on staff when you took over. chaewon isn't the best baker, but she helps you manage your finances and deals with pr for you. likes to keep in the back due to the amount of guys that try to flirt with her. only reason people don't assume she's the owner of cherries jubiles is that she can barely turn on a stove without burning herself.
⪩⪨ wonyoung - your symbiotic bestie! member of the group ive. you two know each other thanks to your grandmother and her grandmother being friends. you kept you being the owner of cherries jubiles hidden from her until recently. you like to say you did out of your own choice, but really wonyoung just connected the dots after seeing you show up to hang outs with flour everywhere one too many times. in exchange for unlimited desserts, she uses her connection to sunghoon to get you all the enhypen merch you want.
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ended up getting this done a lil later than expected 😭 sorry
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spectralarchers · 1 year
Help the world's oldest comic book store survive ❤️
Fantask, the oldest still active comic book shop in the heart of Copenhagen, is on the verge of closure here on the first of March.
They've been selling comic books since 1971.
Here's some historical pictures, including a visit by Will Eisner and Stan Lee, to the shop, which is still the same location as in 1971 when it opened:
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You can help them survive by ordering comic books (in English!) here:
From January 1st and until February 28th, they are also having a 50% sale on all comic books pre-2022 in loose issues (all costing around 30-40-50 DKK), which means I just managed to get 48 missing Hawkeye comics home for half what I was expecting it to cost - and I helped preserve comic book history ❤️
Explore the shop through Google Maps:
They ship worldwide, but they don't have an actual shipping cost available outside of Denmark when checking out. You can contact them at their socials listed at the bottom of the page for inquiry.
If you want to support, even if you don't want to buy anything, you can buy a gift card as a 'donation' here*:
50 DKK (7.2 USD) gift card
100 DKK (14.4 USD) gift card
150 DKK (21.6 USD) gift card
200 DKK (28.8 USD) gift card
300 DKK (43.2 USD) gift card
400 DKK (57.6 USD) gift card
500 DKK (72 USD) gift card
600 DKK (86.4 USD) gift card
700 DKK (100.8 USD) gift card
800 DKK (115.2 USD) gift card
900 DKK (129.6 USD) gift card
1000 DKK (144 USD) gift card
Please help them survive.
(*Danish tax authorities won't accept a regular crowd funding campaign on GoFundMe or other due to regulations on white washing in Denmark, so a gift card is the best way to support the business).
Fantask skal reddes - og samler du på tegneserier, så kan du være med!
De har nemlig 50% på alle tegneserier (blade, ikke hæfter) her i januar & februar, så står du og mangler nogle til samlingen, så er det nu, du skal slå til.
Jeg har lige fået bestilt 48 Hawkeye blade jeg manglede til samlingen, som ellers bare stod på en liste til 'når jeg var forbi en tegneseriebutik'.
Hjælp den ældste tegneseriebutik i verden med at overleve ❤️
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
The odds we faced, with FACE
Just as a reminder for the record:
Antis and cult members began systematically targeting Jimin-focused accounts two weeks before his Set Me Free Pt. 2 prerelease, resulting in some key, experienced ARMY getting suspended right when their wisdom and fanbase alerts were needed most.
Ramadan meant that practicing Muslim ARMY could not listen to music during the release time.
The stores ran out of pre-orders multiple times.
Most physicals shipped on time, but some did not. It was a challenge for Target to keep physicals in stock.
We got less than 0.1% radio play, practically nothing in the US at all, it wasn't even a request option for any station that feeds Hot 100.
True OT7s also had On the Street, Smoke Sprite, and People Pt. 2 to support.
Jimin had only 10 uninterrupted days to promote his first solo album. No blame, no shade, I am just saying it's been a challenge for our artists that their timelines are condensed and overlapping like this due to military service.
Fake ARMY boycotted Jimin altogether and came up with bullshit reasons to attack Jimin funders.
Antis dragged Jimin to hell and back online because of a technical in-ears issue that resulted in 10 seconds of a less-than-perfect live encore performance.
Spotify froze streams.
YouTube froze and deleted MILLIONS of streams, not just for Jimin but for all of BTS and ONLY BTS, with no explanation whatsoever.
Other Kpop stans and Jimin-akgaes joined forces to mass vote against him in MCountdown out of pure spite for him topping Hot 100.
His own media began commenting in articles on his inevitable free fall.
The haters also started up again mass-reporting his Insta account to continue his shadow-ban and try to get him suspended.
All that, and Jimin has beat such odds that his success is untouchable.
So I just need to say this...
It has been an exhausting three weeks, filled with extreme highs and lows.
Whatever happens in the charts now, true ARMY worked hard to show Jimin we love him and his work. Nothing will take away the fact that he made history with Hot 100 #1, and won 3 MCountdowns, and raised stocks for Hybe, the Kpop music industry, and South Korea with his solo debut.
All that, and Jimin still made history.
Jimin says he didn't do this for charts or awards, but he got them anyway, and they will forever be proof that true ARMY adore him. So thank you for your hard work.
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Whatever happens now for the second and subsequent weeks, everyone reading this can feel peace in their hearts, knowing they will always give their all.
Well done, puppykittes!
Please rest up because we need to ensure FACE has longevity in our playlists going forward and begin doing our due diligence for D-Day, too. And since YouTube is being a word my mother wouldn't want me to say out loud, we need to focus heavily on Pandora in the US and Apple and Spotify everywhere.
Let's get it for chimchim and lil meow meow, y'all!
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What future headcanons do you have for gravity falls characters from the Cipher wheel?
(Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Ford, Soos, Wendy, Pacifica, Mcgucket)
Huh, didn’t expect this kind of thing (thought I’d get TOH post-series headcanons before GF ones, lol) but here’s a few quick ones I guess.
Dipper: Following in his Grunkle Ford’s footsteps he became a researcher in the paranormal and supernatural. Getting a degree in several fields such as zoology, mythology, literature, religion, archaeology and occultism just to name a few. He wrote several boos on his findings along with having a semi-popular YouTube ghost hunting/debunking channel. He and Mabel still have adventures with each other and she helped Dipper graduate early and get accepted into the dream college that Ford wanted to go to but couldn’t. He would often write books under the pseudonym of “Dr P”
Mabel: Getting a degree in art she is more of a freelancer and does odd jobs wherever she can. Before going to college she did a trip around the country to figure out what she wants to do in the future. Her unique and interesting sweater designs got the attention of fans when she’d appear on Dipper’s ghost hunting webshow and she opened an online store selling her sweaters and personalized patterns. She came out as pansexual to the surprise of no one. She eventually grew to be the taller twin after Dipper had a growth spurt, he suspected she used the crystal lights but she swears she didn’t.
Grunkle Stan: Traveling with Ford and helping him catch up on things that he missed while gone (well, Stan’s view on things. Ford would look it up himself later and knows that Stan left out a few details). He comes back to the Mystery Shack in the summer and helps Soos run it, take care of his (Soos) kid and hang out with Dipper & Mabel whenever they visit. He also brings souvenirs from his adventures with Ford to make as new displays in the Shack.
Grunkle Ford: Traveling with Stan and uncovering more mysteries around the globe about various weirdness spikes. He often helps Dipper with his research and comes on as an expert on Dipper’s web show. He brings back some interesting things from his adventures back to the shack and treats the store more of a museum of weirdness than a tourist trap. He spends more time with Mabel who has knitted him several turtle neck sweaters and she would often be along for the ride when Ford and Stan go somewhere new (Dipper can’t always go due to school but he is okay with Mabel going)
Soos: Becoming the new Mr Mystery he ran the Mystery Shack better than ever and he not only kept the fake stuff but also expanded into a museum of weirdness where both Ford and the magical creatures can submit things to display. He and Melody eventually got married and had one or two kids whom he swore to be the best father in the world for them (he was). He also likes to go around town and help with random handyman jobs during the off-season for the shack and continues the legend of the ronin handyman
Wendy: Wendy worked for her dad at his lumberjack job in order to pay for college out-of-state. While there she discovered and came out as bisexual, having better luck in the dating/romantic game with women then she did with men. She and Dipper remained the best of friends and she even helps him with his relationship issues. She takes some freelance writing jobs to help pay the bills but also helps with Dipper’s web show and has gained a number of fans when she’d appear (mostly woods based videos where she acts as security for Dipper and his crew).
Pacifica: Learning the value of a dollar and taking several jobs to help afford her own place, education and other expenses humbled this former rich kid to the point that she cringes whenever she thinks of how she used to act. She started several web-businesses and has found a bunch of success, one of which is in helping Mabel sell her sweaters online. She and Dipper tried dating briefly but they found that they were better friends, especially since Dipper is usually engrossed in para/supernatural things, however Paz has an on again-off again relationship with Mabel which she (Paz) wants to solidify but respects Mabel’s free spirit and is willing to wait for them both to be on the same page. She doesn’t talk to her parents much and has pretty much cut them out of her life, especially after she caught them pretty much stealing from her and use the “we’re your parents, your money is our money” excuse.
McGucket: With both a newfound wealth and a somewhat restored sanity, Fiddleford started up a robotics company and is on the cutting edge of advanced robotics and AI. There’s still a few “evil” program glitches but it’s easily dealt with in the development phase. He and his son rekindled their relationship and became closer, he’s easily the “crazy grandpa” to his grandkids.
That was just a few off the top of my head since it’s been a while since I’ve rewatched gravity falls
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Imagine if dolls were a sort of special interest/hobby for darling, so their house is filled with dolls big and small. Yan doll treats the lifeless ones sort of like friends, and even playing pretend making some like a rival. Doll enthusiast darling even orders a custom doll of themselves, because they just love dolls so much.
"Hey, Y/n. Y/n! Watch this!"
The little dolls on the table in front of you begin to twitch; pulled by an invisible string from their small bellies as they stan to their plush feet. They nod their heads in your direction before facing each other, holding up the pens taped to their hands.
Using the writing tools as pretend swords, the two being to battle. Blades clashing against one another; both dolls dodging the other's attempt at a surprise attack. The tape behind to lose its stick from the surprising strength they pour into each swing. As one turns, you can see the stitches holding their backs closed.
The porcelain doll manages to knock her opponents pen from their hands, kicking them on their back in a following move. She steps on their chest as she points her pen at their face, the little rabbit squirming for a few seconds, before falling limp.
The doll takes another bow as you clap to congratulate the winner; wiping a tear from your eye.
"How delightful. How did you do that, Pin?"
The life-sized doll beside you brings its finger to its thread lips, making a hushing sound as it's long sleeve roll down it's arm.
"Seeecret. Can't tell you. "
You laugh. "Alright, sorry about that."
Dolls were your pride and joy. You bought one just to have a little roommate while moving in to a new place, and they never stopped coming home with you since. You bought them from all over. Websites, thrift stores, and wherever else you could find them. Your love of dolls was noticed by the friends you had made, one gifting you a human sized doll right before they moved away.
Pin was their name according to the note left on your door. An older styled plush doll with big button eyes and curly orange hair. You sat them in a chair in the living room when you first got them; finding them in your bed the next morning. It goes without saying you were scared out of your mind when they moved again, but Pin quickly calmed you down with a not-so calming hug.
After the initial bumps, you became fast friends. They did anything to make you happy and you took good care of them. They even made friends when your other dolls, having conversations late into the night when you were away. They were a bit jealous of the ones that got to sleep with you, but never made that known- while you were home.
Today Pin asked if you'd like to see some of them move. With needle and thread, they could make Bonnie and Clarie perform for you, and they sure did perform. You were curious as to how they did it, but didn't press the issue.
A knock on the door catches the attention of you both. With a smile you stand up.
"Oh, that should be my package. I'll be right back, Pin... and Clarie."
Clarie waves. As you walk away, she points her pen sword at Pin, ready for battle.
"I'll eat you..."
She collapses on the table, enjoying her sentience too much to give it up yet.
Once you sign for the package, you bring the large box to the living room and place it down. Pin and the others join you as you grab a box cutter from the table.
"What's that, Y/n?"
"You'll see soon."
You slice open the box, excitement taking over. Shifting through the packaging peanuts you pull out the storage unit of your new toy, a white box with a red ribbon. Removing the bow, you finally pull out its contents. A doll version of you that was a splitting image down to the clothes you wore specially for the occasion. It was about the length of your upper body and had a small smile. Pin gasps.
"A tiny Y/n."
"Yup. Saw a service for it, and I wanted one, plus now you won't miss me as much when I'm gone. Wanna hold it?."
You thought of as a win situation for you both. Pin got so lonely when you were gone, calling your job all the time asking when you'd come home. Teaching them to use the house phone was a big mistake. They even ventured outside to look for you when you had a late shift. It was a lucky thing that you were just getting off the bus as they walked down the neighborhood street.
You hand Pin the doll. They look at it with an unchanged expression, likely due to it being the only one they could make. They look up at you.
"I'm going to get a drink real quick. Get acquainted you two."
You head to the kitchen. Pin drops their gaze to the doll again; their tone shifting.
"I don't like you. You're not warm like Y/n is, and you're small. Plus if I gave you life you'd just be another me"
They hug it to their chest.
"But you look just like them, so I love you too."
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theparliamentofrooks · 8 months
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LIIIIIIIIIIIIIITERALLY THE CHARACTER EVER i will gladly drop everything i think about him (or like half of it at least) here. Absolutely. He taught me how it feels to have an obscure fave HAHA
One big thing is that I age up the Yokai Watch characters with me cause they're my No. 1 comfort characters, so Buck (and everyone else) are young adults (like 18). Also Buck is Mexican/Honduran because he has too much swag not to be
Out of the YW3 trio (Nate, Buck, Hailey) it's BUCK that's the smartest. He gets pretty good grades with minimal studying and only puts in effort for big exams. The first time Nate saw he got 100% on a test he was so mad because they blew the past week doing nothing but Yokai stuff
Also he's just really good leader material for the trio. Nate of course is the best leader for Yokai and everyone in general (when times are tough) but Buck thinks ahead well
Is extremely popular in town. Literally 65% of people know him by name. He's charismatic and makes friends easily when he wants to
Has a bad habit of laughing at jokes for a little too long. Nate has dry humor and when it catches Buck off guard he'll be snickering like half an hour after it dropped. "You're still laughing?" "It was funny!"
He initially gets envious of Nate and Hailey having Yokai watches but when they bring him to get one he's like damn wait these kinda look like ass. He strolls out of the Yopple store whistling and appreciating his necklace tenfold and the others are astonished.
(Whisper, diehard Yopple stan, wants to bite him for a week)
Five Assigned Yokai Partner: Shadow Venoct. Reasoning? Shadow Venoct is my favorite. Buck is my favorite. Plus it's cool like why not. I honestly think Shadow Venoct would meet Buck and they'd just click well because Buck wouldn't shy away from him. Shadow Venoct hangs out with him and Buck doesn't need a medal to summon him (just has to say his name with intent)
Buck has trust issues but they only flare up when new people are entering his circle. When Nate was becoming friends with his friends, Buck instantly got defensive and tried shaking him off. Same thing for Hailey suddenly befriending Nate, which makes Buck initially very standoffish with her. It felt like they were invading his space and he needed to know if they would click well before he started being friendly
Buck also eventually realizes that his family can naturally see Yokai, but he couldn't for some reason. (Or at least his sister Dorothy can). It saddens him deeply but he tries not to dwell on it too much. He's got his lucky UFO stone and that's what matters now
Okay back to fun stuff. HE'S THE MOST INSANE ONE ON ADVENTURES BECAUSE HE WON'T FUCKING SIT DOWN he's constantly on his feet poking around SOMEWHERE. Buck absolutely REFUSES to rest when there is something interesting and exciting he could be doing Nate has to cover him so often
Wishes he had the Yokai Watch Certified Pistol
I am a Nate/Buck yaoi truther (I want what they have so bad) but the comedic appeal of Nate being into his sister is also huge. Buck finds out Nate and Hailey are both vying for Dorothy's attention and proceeds to be a MENACE. Nate gets tossed into the ocean and Hailey has to cope with an anime figure release being pushed back
(Buck asked his parents to pull a few strings and refused to elaborate on when he became "interested in anime stock marketing")
Nate and Buck are absolutely gay for each other though. I don't do ships but it's undeniable it's just a fact. The one of like four ships I DO accept as my own
He constantly switches between calling Yokai 'Yokai' and aliens. It's a hard habit to break okay cut him some slack a burger with hands and legs is NOT a ghost LMFAO
Whisper and Buck sometimes butt heads. Buck will call Whisper out for Googling (YO-GOOGLING?) and Whisper reprimands Buck for doing risky things. Buck has also pulled on Whisper's tuft a few times but come on everyone else absolutely has understand his situation
Buck is effectively Nate's right hand man and vice versa. When Nate can't rely on Jibanyan or Whisper for something, his next stop is Buck
I HOPE THESE WERE FUN HEADCANONS TO READ!!!!!!! It has been a LONG time since I've thought hard on him but GOD I LOVE HIM HE'S THE BEST. THE CHARACTER EVER. Buck Hazeltine is a staple for my favorite characters he's THE face of "green characters that are witty, smile a lot, and five will inevitably love". Ugh he's awesome
And thank YOU for sending me this ask!!!! (I LOVE OPPORTUNITIES TO TALK IT'S MY FAVORITE ACTIVITY)
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ughtreyparker · 17 hours
My SP hyperfix is back so here's a masterpost for my general headcanons!
I'm sure you can guess which characters are my fav based on how some of them are very detailed. Sorry about any typos or unclear sentences LMAO
Has a 5+ year old phone with a cracked screen which barely works. He only uses it to call or text people. At times playing games on it too
He loves chicken nuggets and fries but most of the time can't afford it
He never shows his face and hates it when people tell him to take off his hood
Butters, Stan, Kyle and Cartman are the only people who has seen him without the hood on. Idc about canon, let me have this
He drinks alcohol and smokes cigarettes from but hides it from other people
He loves hugs and cuddles, maybe because he never gets that affection very often from his family
He has a bad immune system
His favorite sodas are Pepsi and Sprite because I say so
He often skips classes or sleeps through them
Fingerless gloves.
He's actually a VERY good drummer and is self taught. He also lowkey enjoys sketching
He hates talking about personal things and will often brush them off as nothing
Biromantic and on the asexual spectrum
Plays the electric guitar and likes to doodle in his notebook more than doing actual school/home work
He likes ramen noodles
He dislikes weed because of Randy's farm, but he does smoke normal cigarettes and uses other drugs sometimes (as a teen)
Big soccer and baseball enjoyer
Listens to music too much and too often. He likes MCR because I do too
Loves holding hands, hugging, etc (any kind of physical affection) unless he's in a bad mood
He's very messy and rarely cleans his room. He is in no way organized about anything.
Hoodies. He wears many hoodies and sweaters. He loves comfy clothing and has come to dislike wearing suits and fancy clothes
Very very very closeted bisexual. No, I won't elaborate.
Owns and knows how to play the electric guitar and is actually kind of good at it
Everyone knows he loves food, but less people know he actually really likes cooking. (He has a secret Pinterest account with only recipes)
He has heterochromia; one blue eye and one brown
He speaks a lot of different languages besides from English. Like German, Vietnamese and some Spanish
Loves Lady Gaga and Britney Spears
Cartman has been arrested a lot of times, and does have quite the collection of mugshots
Even when being a teenager, he has a love for his stuffed animals and always enjoys looking at toys while at the store
Secretly a history/war nerd
He's the type of guy to send random and unrelated memes in groupchats and text conversations
Anger issues about most stuff. Especially when losing in any kind of video game
Likes photography a lot
Autistic because I am autistic and I say so
Tells people he loves Minecraft and Roblox but actually enjoys violent games the most
Comfort food is pizza and his favorite drink is chocolate milk or coca cola. He also loves any type of cookies/chocolate
Loves his weighted blanket and one of comfort items is a stuffed dinosaur
Stuffed animals, drawing and music helps him calm down after nightmares/memories of Miss Stevenson
Only accepts physical affection from Kyle and their parents. His experience with Miss Stevenson changed his reaction to touch
Plays ice hockey and baseball
Hates being kicked/teased. But loves teasing Kyle back and wearing his hat
Big Pewdiepie, Jacksepticeye and DanTDM enjoyer
Loves cartoons, especially Scooby Doo and Chinpokomon (Pokémon)
Swears a lot despite certain adults not liking that he does it
Very protective and caring for Kyle and even if he's younger, he tries to show it the way he can
He hates being sick and despises taking any kind of medicine. He can be very stubborn about this sometimes
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kenny-the-ken · 1 year
PS: Please Remember Me
ALL AGED UP CHARACTERS!!! Warnings!!!: Mentions of suicide, mental health issues, drugs, alcohol, character death. My very first Stenny fic!! I love those little assholes so much, and I think their personalities really work together. Next chapter will focus on Stan. I hope you guys enjoy, it's gonna be extremely angsty
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College was a strange place for Kenny, the friends he once spent his life with were no longer in contact with each other. Kyle was off to the city, studying in a prestigious university, everyday reaching closer to his dream of success. Eric deliberately followed Kyle, his entire life's goal was to be better than Kyle, and as far as Kenny was aware, it seemed to be working. And then there was Stan.
Stan and Kenny stayed in South Park, going to the local college together, the only real friend that he had left. Everyone else had made lives for themselves, careers, relationships, jobs. But not Kenny.
Sure, he worked in a shitty convenience store for just about minimum wage, sure he was in college and the top in his class but, he couldn't help but feel... lonely. He knew he wasn't alone, Stan was his roommate, they shared an apartment together, but even Stan had his life more in order than Ken did.
Stan had a solid relationship with Wendy, he was top of his own class and he was working a pretty well paying job, what more could a guy want, really?
Stan was out tonight, he and Wendy had date night every Friday evening, he knew soon his roommate would be home, gushing about his evening, how great it was, how much he loved Wendy, it made Kenny feel sick evening thinking about it.
The embers at the end of the half smoked joint glowed in the dark living room, lighting up Kenny's soft features, his pale freckles adorning his awfully pale face. People had told him before that his completion made him look sickly, I guess that's what happens when you've died more times than you can count. This was pretty much a routine now, Kenny would spend most evenings alone, or with Karen, the only other person aside from Stan that made this miserable existence somewhat bearable.
He knew that things weren't good, his mind really was a war behind his eyes, but recently it was getting worse. Ken was glad that he and Stan didn't share a dorm and had rented an apartment instead, because neither of them would get much sleep if they did, and for once, Kenny didn't mean that in a flirty way. No, in fact he could barely sleep, the thought of being alone in a dark room with his thoughts swirling like a tornado through his mind, it was more than he could cope with. And on the odd occurrence that he did get asleep without much issues, he was always woken up by his own mind, and the tricks it played were beyond cruel. He would wake up, his scraggly fringe matted, and soaked with sweat, stuck to his forehead, his heart thumping in his chest, and desperately gasping for air.
What made him awaken in such a state you may ask? Kenny had been killed and murdered in so many unimaginable, and unexplainable ways, the easiest way to die was to be shot, it was rather instantaneous, and Kenny preferred it that way, he'd rather not prolong the pain he would feel, he wanted it to be quick, painless.
The worst way was probably to be torn apart, feeling each limb being pulled, veins, muscle, bone, tissue, skin all being plucked apart like a loose thread was holding them together. It was gut wrenching, so much so that often after a nightmare, Kenny would throw up, not that he ate much anyway.
So most of his evenings were spent alone, in the dark with a dumb ass movie or television series, as Kenny smoked his way through as much cannabis he needed to completely numb his mind, he just wanted it to shut up, if even for a little while.
He had self medicated for a while, or at least that's how he saw it. He wasn't a drug addict, just a drug enthusiast, they always switched his brain off, which is exactly what Kenny needed.
But no matter how numb his brain may be, no matter how many drugs he'd taken, how much alcohol he'd chugged, there was always one thing that was consistently on his mind.
The thought of his name alone was enough to have Kenny's mind in a spin, the butterflies in his stomach swirling. He knew that his wish would never come true, why would it ever? Kenny had tried his whole life to be a good person, hoping that karma would finally catch up with others less deserving than himself, but that never seemed to happen. He swore he was just destined to a life of nothing but pain, misery, drug problems and never ending deaths.
Kenny sighed, placing the joint between his chapped lips, taking a long drag and watching the pale smoke dance gracefully through the air. He felt the familiar warmth fill his lungs, holding it there for a few seconds before sighing the smoke out, his body relaxing into the worn out couch.
His mind was full, enough negative thoughts to suffocate anything above his shoulders. PTSD, wasn't an easy thing to deal with, not to mention when it wasn't just from dying all the time. No one close to him aside from Karen and Kevin truly knew what their lives were like.
The two people in this world that were supposed to teach him how to live, breathe, grow as a person, they were supposed to protect and care for you, and instead they were the ones harming him, just mercilessly beating him, berating him, forcing him out of his own home, getting them put into care. No amount of anti psychotics or therapy would ever allow him to forget, when that's all he desperately wanted to do. Forget.
Kenny took another long drag of the joint, before stubbing the butt into the ashtray at his side, exhaling slowly, and chasing it with a long swig of his neat vodka, jaw clenching, his body shuddering as it burn its way down his oesophagus.
He knew this night wouldn't end well. He had finals tomorrow, and work, yet somehow, Kenny couldn't have gave less of a fuck, nothing mattered anymore, no matter what he did, things would never change. He was destined to a lonely life, drowning his sorrows and running from his deeply internalised trauma. At least other people that were riddled with sadness could end it all. In fact, Kenny had ended it all, multiple times, he strangled himself, albeit by accident, shot himself in the head, twice, threw himself off a cliff, right onto trees that embedded themselves through his chest, causing him to bleed horrifically to death.
But it never stuck. It was as if death feared him. It would come and ruthlessly rip him away, often in the most inconvenient of times, and then he'd awaken, in his bed, in the same shitty place, wearing the same old fuckin' clothes, with the same thoughts spiralling his brain. And the worst part, no one remembered. Their memories either matching that of someone with Alzheimer's, or they were having their minds wiped. The latter seemed the more believable to Kenny.
The last thing he can remember is laying down on the sofa, he'd finished his vodka, an entire litre of it at that, and swallowed enough anti-psychotics to knock him dead. At this point, it was the only way he could get a decent nights sleep.
Dying was always a strange experience for Kenny, it was always painful, and each death was different, no matter wether he'd felt it before or not. But the pain was worth what came next. Silence.
His brain no longer functioning, it was the only peace he ever had in his life. It allowed his true thoughts to come to the forefront, allowed him to forget, it helped him cope in a weird sense.
And with a final breath, one last rise and fall of his slender chest, his eyes glazed over, his lips parting and changing colour, his skin paler than ever, veins almost visible. Finally! A decent fucking rest with peace and quiet, and thankfully, not having to hear the love of his life tell him about his date night with someone who wasn't him.
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kasonkodd · 1 year
STOP and read my robin jason hc’s. NNNNEEOOOWWW!!!
this first one aint even a hc, it’s canon but i HART IT SMM. he loved school. LOVED with a capital L. he loved learning, loved figuring and finding things out. and GOD was he a bookworm. i think baby jay has read a llloooottt of books already. nerdiest robin fr.
i like to think he was a huge cuddler too? because he didn’t really… yk, get much love when he was a wee lad. so i think that after awhile, if hes feeling lonely or just wants a snuggle, he’ll crawl up in bruces bed. bruce caught onto what the baby wanted and absolutely smothered him in papa lovins. head smooches, bear hugs, back rubs. he also does this to dick when they become besties (soz i stan baby jay n teen dick being bffls) he’ll crawl up in bed with dickie and ask him to tell him old robin stories and dick does. they’re usually silly and lighthearted and jason STILL hangs onto them even in his adult years.
ik its canon that little jay was probably the sweetest robin BUT i think he had a small attitude. nothing that derails from his sweet personality bc i love the contrast between baby jay and adult jay’s character BUTTTTTT i think that if he gets mad or upset, hes kinda nasty with his words and has the wwwoorssst attitude. i also think hes super annoying. like he IS THE annoying little brother to dick and that carries on 💀
ive said this before and ill say it again. alfred taught jason how to cook. he knows how to cook, bake and even make some yummy drinks like smoothies and milkshakes. he’ll forever thank alfred for this because he wouldn’t have these skill’s without him
jay walked everywhere as kid. he didnt care to be dropped off places even though.. he kinda did like car rides. since he was allowed too, he took a lot of walks. walks downtown, to the park, to the convenience store.
trigger warning with slight ed on this next one me thinks but i think he had such an issue eating when he first got to bruces? because food was scarce with his parents so when he started getting fed regularly and in huge amounts, he over fed himself. hed eat until his stomach literally hurt. he would ACTUALLY throw up and when bruce asked why he did this jay told him that he didn’t want to waste food. bruce then had to kinda feed jay small amounts and build up from there. older jason eats a lot but because he can handle it, he doesn’t eat until he’s physically ill.
hehe anyway baby jason liked to listen to music to sleep. it was usually 80’s.. 90’s music because thats what dick listened too but eventually he branched out to rock, rap, r&b. he listens to literally everything and i mean everything. you can play anything around older jay and he’ll know it. musicals? opera? jazz? dare i even say country?? he hates country but knows a good handful of songs. but yeah, he likes music a lot.
thats all i have…… for now muahahaha
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pineapplebunnies · 1 year
Alright TLOU x American Girl stans… someone tell me how the American Girl Store in The Last of Us had Rebecca Rubin when her character wasn’t created until 2009 and the world ended in 2003? 🤨 this is truly the most pressing issue of our time.
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lonelywhalien22 · 1 year
pretty lies - part eight
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pairing: vernon x reader
rating/genre: enemies to lovers, slow burn, ANGSTY fluff, band au
summary: supporting your friend mingyu becomes way more than you ever could have bargained for when you become involved with one of his bandmates
warnings: cussing, vernon has issues in this story but please remember this is a work of fiction, mingyu stans don’t hate me but mingyu and reader are just friends
word count: 3.8k
prev. chapt. | series masterlist | next chapt.
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You let yourself stay in bed all day Saturday, keeping your phone turned off as you curled yourself deeper into your sheets, taking whatever sleep you could find so you didn’t have to think about last night. By the time Sunday morning rolled around you still felt like shit, mind becoming overwhelmed whenever you thought about what had happened with Mingyu and Vernon. You still didn’t even know the results of the Battle of the Bands competition - you just couldn’t bear to think about any of it. You got up only to eat some leftovers from your fridge and use the bathroom before you retreated straight back into your bed, closing your eyes again and willing yourself back to sleep. This was your last day to hide from the world in self pity before you had to show your face at your job tomorrow. Maybe you would call in sick instead.
Later on Sunday afternoon you were awoken by what sounded like a knock on your door. You ignored it, assuming it was the delivery person or your neighbor or someone who was lost. Whoever it was, you really didn’t care because you weren’t going to answer it. But a few moments later you heard your front door open, and your eyes shot open in alarm. You started thinking about where the closest weapon-like object was, survival instinct kicking in before you heard a voice call out.
“Y/n? Are you here?” It was Mingyu.
You closed your eyes again, hiding under the covers. You forgot you’d given him your spare key in the event that you lost yours. 
Shit. Maybe he’ll assume I’m not here, you thought to yourself, trying to stay quiet.
“Should we check her job? Or that book store you mentioned?” That sounded like Jay.
“Hold on,” Mingyu said to Jay. You heard footsteps begin approaching your bedroom door, followed by a light knock, but you kept quiet.
“I’m coming in,” he announced, and you heard the door creak open shortly after. You willed your body and face to stay still as you felt him walk right over to your side of the bed.
“I know you’re awake right now,” Mingyu deadpanned.
“Go away,” you said, not even trying to pretend. “Please. Just leave me alone.”
“I wouldn’t have had to come here if you’d answered any one of my many texts and calls. You had me worried.”
“Why? According to you we’re not really friends.” You meant to say it with a hard tone, but your voice wavered at the end, much to your annoyance.
Mingyu sighed then, sitting on the edge of your bed.
“I’m sorry y/n. That was a really stupid thing for me to say,” Mingyu began. “I was overwhelmed by everything that happened that night so when you told me you were dating Vernon…instead of being a supportive friend or checking to make sure you were ok I used the news as a replacement for my frustration about the competition…It wasn’t fair and I said a lot of things I didn’t mean - to you and Jay,” Mingyu looked back over at the other man, who gave him an appreciative nod in the doorway. “Things that were incredibly hurtful. It was wrong. I was wrong. I’m sorry.”
You stayed silent, taking in his words.
“Are you still upset with me?” he asked like a scolded child, poking at the blankets wrapped around you. You only curled yourself into your covers more in response, not ready to give him the satisfaction of your forgiveness just yet.
“I brought chicken,” Mingyu said as a last resort.
Your face peeked out of the covers at his words, eyes narrowing.
“Stop lying.”
“When have I ever lied to you about food?”
“Hey, sorry to interrupt but…are we gonna eat soon? I’m hungry and this chicken smells goooooood man,” Jay’s voice butted in. You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing out loud as Mingyu’s face became annoyed.
“Can’’t you see I’m trying to apologize like a good friend right now???”
“Sorry Jay,” you said, face settling into a tiny smile. “Just give me 20 minutes.”
After you’d made yourself look relatively presentable, the three of you let yourselves eat in silence for awhile before you asked about the one thing that had been bothering you ever since they got there.
“So. What happened with Battle of the Bands?” you asked hesitantly. “Did they decide on a winner?” Jay and Mingyu looked at each other for a moment before Mingyu broke the silence.
“We lost.”
You looked at the two of them, sorrow flooding your face. You still couldn’t help but feel guilty.
“Mingyu, Jay - I’m so sorry. I swear I -”
“Stop. It’s not your fault so don’t even go there,” Mingyu said. “That crowd was out of control. And while I wish Vernon had handled it better, I’m glad that you’re ok first and foremost.”
“Even if it means you lost the competition? Your chance at pursuing music?” you asked regrettably. Mingyu sighed in response, nodding his head softly.
“Opportunities will come and go,” he said as he looked back at you calmly, “but nothing is worth risking your life or ruining our friendship over.”
You looked down silently, trying to take in Mingyu’s words. It was still hard to think about it, but you were growing to accept the fact that there was nothing you could have done in hindsight. While you wished you could have known all that being with Vernon would entail, that simply wasn’t possible. Nor could you hold yourself accountable for his actions. At this point you were just glad to have your friend back.
“Thanks Mingyu,” you said, sniffling a little as you gave him a tiny smile.
“Plus, not all is lost - check the BoB hashtag on your socials,” Jay offered.
You finally turned your phone back on, swiping through dozens of unread messages and notifications before you opened up the internet, typing in the hashtag and beginning to read. First you saw videos of the crowd surge and subsequent fight, watching Vernon jump down from the stage and push towards you before the punching began, which made you grimace. You paused the video before that part came on, reading some of the attached comments instead:
letsrave143: been complaining about this for years with #BoB. crowds getting crazier every year. do better please!!!
d0ntwannacry: was there and saw it happen just feet away. hey here’s an idea #BoB - can we turn this into a seated event please? and how about stop offering the 5 free drink tickets per person? people who can’t control themselves shouldn’t ruin the event for everyone else
bubbly_woozi: thank god artist saw and stopped performance. i don’t condone the punching tho.
You continued to scroll, finding comments attached to other videos of the guys performing:
iStantal3nt: the real winners. #RRD
livin4Drama: ok imma just say the quiet part out loud - no shade to @Kenzy but @RRD definitely should’ve won. too bad they were punished for that crzy incident. :(
RRDstanaccount: how many times is #BoB gonna invite @RRD for views but deny them their hard-earned win?
iDreaminCoolors: why tf is no one on the timeline talking about Visions by @RRD??? 1st time hearing and i sobbed
There were even videos going viral of judge reactions. One clip of Woozi in particular was gaining serious traction:
bubbly_woozi: get u someone who looks at u the way @_woozi does at @RRD
musicIslyfe: i need someone to get @RRD a meeting with @_woozi STAT. #BoB make it happen. the least you can do after robbing them -_-
junnyProd: @_woozi who’s got you smiling like that? give me a call and let’s chat. we still have to do a collab
“Holy shit - you guys are trending,” you said with wide eyes.
“That’s what I said!” Jay exclaimed, “But Mingyu keeps saying we shouldn’t put too much meaning in social media comments.”
“And I still stand by those words,” Mingyu said stubbornly. “But forget about all that, there’s another reason we came over,” he started, voice becoming a bit gentler. “Have you seen or heard from Vernon at all?” 
Your body tensed slightly at hearing his name. 
“You know I don’t mind that you two are dating right? You don’t need my permission or anything,” Mingyu followed up quickly, not wanting you to get the wrong idea as you nodded in understanding. “It’s just that we haven’t been able to get in contact with him since he left the competition. I don’t even think he’s sleeping at the apartment right now.”
Your brows creased with concern at hearing that. He wasn’t even coming home at night?
“I don’t know where he is,” you replied honestly. “He came by my place Friday night after the competition to make sure I was ok…but I was upset so I said some stuff and…things didn’t end so well. That was the last time I saw him,” you left it at that, a regretful look on your face.
“Shit. Y/n, I’m sorry,” Mingyu said, noticing the tinge of emotion in your voice.
“We’re just worried,” Jay said as Mingyu nodded along.
“I think we all know by now Vernon’s not the easiest guy to deal with,” Mingyu added. “And I know he’s been through some shit but he’s got some real talent so I’m trying to look out for him. I still wanna give him a chance, but if he keeps running away my hands are kind of tied,” he said regrettably.
“I get it,” you said. “And I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do. I hope he turns up soon.” You left the conversation at that, wanting to move on from the topic as quickly as possible. Mingyu took note, deciding not to push the subject.
The three of you finished up your food before beginning to clean up when Mingyu’s phone buzzed on your kitchen counter. You watched as he picked it up, face going from nonchalant to shocked in a matter of seconds as you watched his eyes flit back and forth, clearly reading something.
“Jay, come here for a second,” he motioned over to him. “Please tell me this isn’t a scam.”
Jay came over and looked at Mingyu’s phone, a grin spreading across his face after a few moments at what he saw.
“Nah man, that is indeed the real deal. I follow their account.”
“What is it?” you asked curiously.
Mingyu and Jay looked at each other, a mischievous glint in both their eyes before they just broke out into laughter.
“Ok, someone please tell me what’s going on right now,” you whined a little as you placed your hands on your hips, feeling left out.
“We just got a message from Woozi’s team,” Mingyu started. Your eyes widened. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Shut up - you’re fucking kidding right?” you asked incredulously.
Mingyu shook his head no, another laugh escaping his lips. 
“Well? What does it say?” You walked over quickly and looked down at his phone, not even waiting for a response.
“Dear members of Red Rock Day,” you began reading out loud. “We are representatives of Woozi’s team, reaching out on behalf of the artist to inquire about a potential collaboration. As you may know, Woozi was a guest judge during your performance at Battle of the Bands and has expressed an interest in working together on a new project as well as helping to make an official recording of your song Visions. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are interested. We look forward to your response.”
You practically jumped up and down after finishing the message. “Oh my god, this is amazing! I’m so happy for you guys,” you said ecstatically, pulling Mingyu and Jay into a big group hug.
“I told you things would work out,” Jay said serenely.
“We still have a problem though,” Mingyu said worriedly. You took a deep breath, having a feeling you knew where this was going. You released your hold on the guys, backing away slowly.
“Visions is Vernon’s song,” he continued. “We can’t do this without him - hell, we wouldn’t even be here without him. He has to hear about this.”
“I know…so what are you guys gonna do?” you asked.
Mingyu and Jay glanced at each other again before looking right back at you, a tentative question in their eyes.
“No way,” you said, shaking your head. “I’m not talking to Vernon.”
“But you know him better than any of us,” Mingyu tried.
“What makes you think that?” you pushed back. Mingyu only gave you a look of disbelief, and you couldn’t blame him. You didn’t even believe the words yourself as they came out of your mouth.
“He would never want to see me again after last night,” you tried to make a different case against the idea. “Not after I pushed him away.”
“I know I don’t really deserve to ask this of you after everything but…would you at least be willing to try?” Mingyu asked gently. “He won’t answer my or Jay’s calls or texts. We don’t have any other options and we can’t just wait around for him to show up now.”
You stood in silent frustration with your arms crossed, feeling like you were being trapped in a corner with nowhere to run.
“Y/n,” Jay started gently, “I think what we’re trying to say is that, you and Vernon clearly connected over the last few months. He felt safe enough with you to share the meaning of a song that he refused to talk about with Mingyu and I, even after we rehearsed it dozens of times together. I truly believe you would be the best person to convince him to come back - to record this. We owe it to him to let him know about this opportunity - to let him have a choice.”
In your heart you knew that they were right. Despite your falling out you still cared about Vernon. You knew he had dreams of songwriting, of making music just like Mingyu and Jay did, and you knew how much meaning the song Visions held. You would hate it if such an amazing opportunity was to slip through his fingers - through any of their fingers. Of course it would be up to Vernon at the end of the day, but he had to know in order to make a decision.
“Fine,” you said hesitantly. “I’ll do it.”
Cellphone buzzing in your hand, you looked down to see a text from Mingyu:
Mingyu: i know this isn’t easy, and i appreciate what you’re doing right now. call me anytime if you need me.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes and trying to keep yourself calm as you continued to wait.
It was the following Monday after work, and you were sitting on a bench outside, just a few blocks from your office. You’d made yourself go in today rather than calling in sick, hoping that it would help to distract you a little, but you hadn’t been able to focus on even the simplest of tasks, too busy thinking about what you’d say when you saw Vernon - if you saw him. You had tried calling him several times after Mingyu and Jay left, but each time your phone would ring and ring until it reached his voicemail. For a moment you worried that maybe something had happened to him, but when you left a text explaining the opportunity and asking if the two of you could talk, you saw that the message was immediately marked as read, though he didn’t send anything back. You sent one more message, asking if he could meet you today after work where you were now. 
The spot was one you two would frequently pass by when you would go on your walks together. You still remembered how you and Vernon would stop at this same bench sometimes and sit, your head leaning against his shoulder, hands linked as you would look across at the adjacent river and watch as others passed by. Now spring was almost here, and with the extra hours of sunlight you watched as the sun slowly began it’s descent a tad later than usual, light hitting the ripples of water serenely as birds chirped and newly grown petals wafted by, carried by the light breeze. You weren’t sure if Vernon would come, but you’d found yourself hoping he would. The more you’d had time to think the more you realized you didn’t like the way you’d left things the last time you spoke. 
You felt him before you saw him - that smoky smell and the sound of heavy footsteps that seemed to walk a path and a pace that was in defiance of the rest of the crowd. He sat unceremoniously next to you on the bench, the two of you focusing on the river rather than looking at each other.
“How are you?” you started after a couple beats of silence, realizing he wasn’t going to speak first.
You looked down before finally glancing over at him. He was clad in a worn denim jacket and jeans, hands shoved deep in his pockets. You could still see bruising all around his eye as he continued staring out at the water, his nose scrunching a little as the breeze drifted through the hair on his forehead.
“Mingyu told me you didn’t come home the last few nights. I was worried.”
“I just needed to get away for a bit. Wasn’t a big deal.”
“Ok,” you said softly. “Well, did you see my text about the collaboration opportunity?”
Vernon stayed silent for a moment, looking down as if he was upset.
“Why’d you really ask me to come here?” he asked another question instead of answering, turning to look directly at you. You nervously looked away. It was a fair point - you already knew he’d read your texts. That could have been the end of it, though it hadn’t felt right to leave it at that - not when you thought about the last time you’d talked. If you were being honest, you regretted some of the things you’d said - or at least, the way you’d said them.
“I just - I thought it would be a good idea to meet in person again so we could…could -”
“Could what?” he prodded you on, and you could hear a tinge of sadness in his voice.
You let out another deep breath.
“Vernon…I’m sorry for how things went the last time we spoke. The guilt I had about hiding our relationship, the argument I had with Mingyu…I took it out on you and a lot of it wasn’t fair. If I could go back and say things differently I would, but still…” you started softly, thinking back to your fight and everything else that had happened, finally turning to face him again, voice becoming dry as you swallowed nervously. As amazing as some moments with Vernon had been, it all became tainted when you thought about the anger he still held inside of his heart - the parts of him that he hadn’t let heal, refused to even.
“I don’t think this is working.” Your heart fell as you watched him register your words in full, eyes going from hope to despair in a matter of seconds.
“You don’t mean that,” he insisted, shaking his head in denial at those last few words. But as he saw the pity in your eyes, your lips formed into a tight line, he began to panic, his entire body turning towards yours to face you fully.
“Look, I’m sorry for leaving last night - for getting upset, ok?” Vernon said apologetically, a hand rubbing the back of his head. “And I know I haven’t done shit perfectly but I promise I can be better. I’ll be on my best behavior when I’m with you - I promise. Just please don’t leave,” he began to plead.
You shook your head, eyes becoming watery as you looked at him miserably.
“Don’t you see that’s part of the problem? You have to be better for yourself Vernon. Not for me or for anyone else - for you.”
You began to get up from the bench, collecting yourself as Vernon stood up with you. The sun had almost set at this point, the sky becoming a deep amber color mixed with shades of purple.
“Please, don’t -” he stumbled over his words as he tried to calm himself. “You promised you wouldn’t leave me. Fuck - I don’t wanna be alone again,” he begged, voice cracking.
“I’m sorry,” you said, a tear falling from your eye. You gently wiped it away with the back of your hand. “I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“Well you’re hurting me right now - this fucking hurts.” Vernon’s eye was throbbing in pain at this point but he couldn’t care less about it - not when you were breaking his heart. Nothing could be more painful.
“I’m sorry.”
He looked at you for a few more moments with furrowed brows, waiting for the moment you would change your mind. Say you didn’t mean it, tell him you loved him, that you would never leave him. But you stood your ground, having clearly made up your mind. There was nothing else he could do. He began to turn away from you, unable to face you anymore as tears began to blur up his sight.
“Wait. Vernon.” He stopped, back still facing you.
“I know I shouldn’t ask but - just promise me you’ll record Visions,” you said tearfully. “There are people out there that need to hear it. I don’t want you to hide in silence anymore.”
He looked down for a moment before focusing back on the path, beginning to briskly walk away from you.
You drove back home, not regretful of your decision but still incredibly sad. Just because you’d ended things with Vernon didn’t mean it had been easy. You weren’t sure you were ever going to forget the way he’d looked at you when you’d said sorry, face contorted in a pain that came from somewhere far deeper than the bruises on his face.
Once you’d made it home all you wanted to do was shower and get in your bed, but within minutes of taking off your coat your phone started ringing - it was Mingyu. “Shit,” you muttered, mind going back to the other reason you’d reached out to Vernon. Mingyu and Jay had been depending on you to convince him to agree to record. You knew it would be an amazing opportunity for all of them, including Vernon, and a part of you wondered if your breaking up would jeopardize that, but you tried to remind yourself that now that he knew about it, it was out of your control. You had to do what was best for you, and you just hoped that Vernon would do the same. You waited a few rings before finally answering the call, another apology on your lips as you readied your explanation, prepared for the worst.
“I don’t know what you said y/n, but he agreed. We’re really gonna work with Woozi,” Mingyu immediately said without leaving you in suspense. You could hear just how shocked he was, still unable to believe it was all real.
“I’m…I’m glad,” you said, also in a bit of shock, voice barely audible. As one realization was hitting Mingyu in full force, a different one had begun to sink itself into your bones now that you could no longer fixate on the collaboration. Somehow Vernon agreeing to record despite your relationship ending made you feel even worse. It really was over between the two of you.
“Y/n? Are you ok? Tell me what’s wrong,” Mingyu asked, noticing the tone of your voice. All you could do was give a deep sigh in response.
“Did he do anything to you?” he asked with concern. “‘Cause if he did I swear I’ll -”
“No, it’s nothing like that,” you interrupted with a shake of your head even though Mingyu couldn’t see you, tears beginning to fall from your eyes.
“I - I told him I couldn’t be with him anymore and I just -” you began sobbing, unable to hold it in anymore. Your heart felt like it had shattered into a million pieces.
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taglist: @twogyuu @yourfavoritefreakyhan
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