#the riddler x joker
iloveyouphillipmorris · 5 months
; jokes are just riddles for stupid people.
after a torturous exile from gotham, the joker has been missing for somewhere around a year. upon returning he is a husk of a man, with no strength but an excess of will. having nowhere else to go, he seeks shelter with edward nygma, the only man stupid enough to be kind to him.
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p0ssym1lker · 4 months
Riddler: Riddle me this-
Danny: knock knock
Riddler: Excuse you-
Danny: The joker played along, are you telling me you have less class then the joker?
Riddler: ... Who's there
Danny: out
Riddler: out who
Danny, punching the Riddler: knock out
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strawberrybyers · 6 months
being a slut and mentally ill means i’d do really well as a patient in arkham asylum
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obsessedwithstarwars · 9 months
FIGHT SCENE (that came to me while sick and slightly out of it so bear with me if it sounds CRAZYYYY)
Jazz is fighting some villain. Villain tries to use her dead brother as emotional collateral. She ignores it, seemingly unaffected, and continues to fight.
At some point the villain will be almost defeated, awaiting the final blow. They try one final plea to the red haired woman defeating them, “What would your brother say?”
At that moment, a boy falls through the ceiling, landing on the ground in front of the woman with a smug smile on his face. “I’D SAY -Actually wait hold on a sec.”
The boy gently tugs on the woman’s foot. “Jazz c’mere!” He loudly whispers.
She lets out an irritated sigh, says “Fine.”and hops over until her foot is lightly resting on his stomach. It’s almost picturesque. Her standing triumphantly on the boy who has now dramatically put his hand to his head.
He cries out (with a shit eating grin on his face), “OVER MY DEAD BODY!”
Villain: …
Danny: …
Villain: …
Danny: GET IT? Because I’m DEAD???
Jazz: “Ugh, you’re SO dramatic.”
Danny: Eh, it was funnier in my head.
Villain: …But he’s not dead?!
Danny: Would a LIVE person be able to do THIS? *does something completely normal and human*
Villain: …
Danny: …
Villain: yes.
Danny: Dammit. How about THIS? *does another completely normal human thing*
Villain: …
Danny: …
Villain: …also yes.
Danny: You’ve gotta be shitting me.
Jazz: Just soup them already!
Danny: No no! I will figure this out! How about THIS?
Villain: Yes but WHY would you WANT TO?!
Danny: Ugh Fine. What about this one??
Villain: …I personally don’t know how to do that, but yes that is something a person could do.
Danny: Really? It’s easy! Here, let me show you!
Jazz: …
Jazz: I’m going home.
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Who fell first and who fell harder
Joker: You fell first and harder
Harley Quinn: She fell first and harder
Catwoman: She fell first and harder
Riddler: He fell first but you fell harder
Penguin: He fell first and harder
Scarecrow: You fell first but he fell harder
Deathstroke: You fell first and harder
Bane: He fell first but you fell harder
Mr Freeze: He fell first and harder
Two-Face: He fell first but you fell harder
Poison Ivy: You fell first but she fell harder
Killer Croc: You fell first and harder
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mylifeingotham · 5 months
Imagine Bruce interrogating a dangerous criminal and you just hear 12 year old Dick in the background saying 'GoLly GeE WiLiKeRs BaTmAn'
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greenglowinspooks · 8 months
Riddler family Danny for this earlier post. His Rogue name is Paradox. :)
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He’s got on the mask(s) to keep the GiW and his parents from recognizing him. He probably starts dying his hair red, too, to further sell the whole “Riddler’s son” thing.
Also, the suit is cropped at the waist. He’ll never wear a proper formal suit for as long as he half-lives (it’s Vlad’s fault).
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le-sluagh · 1 month
Batman: Vigilante (My AU) as Vines
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mydarlingbat · 2 months
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Let's get down to business. I mean yes! I can talk about how long it took me to hunt down comics, but I rather skip all of that. It's not really irrelevant, although can I just say I adore this relationship. I might sound a little insane right now, but their relationship is just full of so many things at once. i can't even break it down right now, especially now. however this is going to focus on Batman and his other rogues unfortunately. I just want to announce and of course elaborate that I don't dislike any ships I'm about to mention. It's just to demonstrate the difference, in addition to that i do believe that mostly all of Batman villains has a level of like for the dark Knight. Maybe not romantically I suppose, but even perhaps so. Now sadly i can't post every villain on one freaking post, but I only can do one at a time. * Cries * nah, I'm just joking, but we are going to get a lovely display of both of their relationships. I will of course start off with theses panels.
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He leaves Riddler to die more than once?
Riddler desires a sort of relationship with the Batman, but he yearns it to align with Batman and Joker relationship, and that will never ever happen. I honestly can't ship Riddler and Batman. Batman treats riddler horribly and he's very hostile towards him the majority of the time, which makes the ship unlikable for me, however I don't have any issue with anyone who ships Batman with the Riddler. They're not terrible. In the meantime let's chat about theses panels. Batman leaves the Riddler tied up in a warehouse in a chair? Now don't get me wrong, he does leave a knife near him, but he shows absolute no remorse or any kind of concern for him. He even goes on to say 'partner' sarcastically. Batman has repeatedly demanded The riddler to not call him partner or friend, while the Joker has repeatedly called Batman friend and partner. This is just one example.
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Batman has never said don't call me partner to the Joker. He said don't call me bats, but partner? I haven't seen it yet, and let's not jump over the fact when you scroll up a little, Batman helps a tied up Joker. He helps a helplessly Joker. He goes down to see if a bloody half dead Joker is alive, and there's concern present. Not the ' are you okay ' Not the simple Riddler ' where's the sadness at Bruce? By the way this isn't Edward. He just thought it was at first.
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Batman doesn't enjoy The Ridder like the Joker? You know someone ask me this before, and I honestly didn't even really desire to give them an answer. I didn't want to ruin their ship, but no he does not in fact enjoy his time with The riddler like he does with The Joker. How i can prove that? It's easy.
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Batman is really over here saying. You missed me Joker? Bruce how gayer can you get. Haha! Now Riddler is practically begging for the dark Knight attention over here. I mean Batman doesn't even want to look at him, or acknowledge him. He just wishes this to be over with as soon as possible in this panel. Here's another example.
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Anything except him. God the way Bruce constantly yearns to disappear away from the Riddler, while he's here with the Joker smiling.
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Batman doesn't deny his dance with the Joker. He acknowledges it all the times, and even goes as far as to say I'm not in the mood. He doesn't tell the Joker to hire someone else to dance with, but he always dances with the Joker. Even if you say that Batman thought Riddler was going to die that night, but even Bruce wasn't an hundred percent sure if he would survive the bullet to his heart. The Riddler did wound up making it after all, so Batman was wrong about his calculations in the issue Batman #25 Jokes and riddles. When the Joker was dying on the Batman who laughs what did Batman do? He bought him back to life. He claimed he did it so the Joker could help him defect the Batman who laughs, but his own words demonstrated that that was not the reason. He told the Joker in these exact words 'you'll be safe here' This is why he bought him back because he didn't want him to live without his greatest foe. The Batman has let three people meet their demise to get to the Joker. It's not me trying make Batman into this heartless person, but this isn't the only incident that Batman has done this. What you all don't understand is that Batman doesn't have excuse for the Joker. He make a excuses. He like the Joker being alive. He goes out of his way to save him, and let's be honest the Joker was stabbed in the heart there was a huge chance the Joker wasn't going to make it in Batman cacophony #3, but he still let the killer go, and go saves the Joker. The point of this is to prove that Batman goes out his way to save the Joker, and go out his way to dance with him. Here's a reminder of that relationship.
This isn't finish yet. We need more proof right? I'm going to be talking about Batman confidential #27 and #28 which riddler makes appearance in.
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alexblack1306 · 2 months
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I'm back again with my friends at pony town. We had a tea party and more)
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multifanatics · 1 year
Waiting Out a Storm
A/N: I put nearly everyone in this so I could get a taste of their characters. I nearly fell asleep writing this so hopefully its not horrible.
Warnings: Sexual content, General fluffiness, Anxiety due to storms, There could be more that I didn't think of.
Edward Nygma // Riddler
It’s raining and he’s unable to hear himself think against the loud noise of the wind.
He’s annoyed nonetheless, he can’t get work done in these conditions. 
Makes himself hot chocolate and steals all the blankets in the house. 
If you're nice to him he’ll maybe share one blanket but don’t count on it. 
If the power goes out and there’s nothing to do. 
He’s offering you to warm him up. 
He gets cold and hates being cold. 
He’s miserable and makes it your problem more than it is his.
If you seem nervous or scared because of the storm he may be more accommodating to letting you have blankets. MAYBE. 
One way or another definitely leads to sex.
Victor Fries // Freeze
It’s snowing in Gotham? It’s Christmas for Victor. 
The wind and heavy snow he’ll be outside the entire time.
That is of course if you aren’t at all nervous due to the blizzard. 
If you are that’s alright, He’ll stay inside for you. 
Making sure you are warm enough. 
You both are going to sit on the couch and watch your favorite movie. 
Power goes out? May not be what you want but he’s willing to play chess or any other type of board game with you. 
If you ask him, he may be willing to try and keep you warmer. Even if his body temperature is lower then the current storm. 
Keeps you wrapped up in blankets no matter what. 
His body temperature can handle the negatives but yours can’t or at least shouldn’t. 
Harvey Dent // Two Face
Harvey hates storms, while Harv doesn’t mind them. 
Harvey will cuddle you under piles of blankets clinging to you for warmth. 
While Harv will more than likely be found outside if the coin allows him to be. 
Otherwise Harv is indoors and clung to you in a much different way than Harvey. 
Harv typically has his hands on your hips, chin on your shoulder everywhere you go. 
While Harvey is much more a pile of blankets and cuddles.
Human furnace and knows it. 
Harv would be much more open to fucking for warmth, even offers. 
Harvey strikes me as the kind of man who would build a pillow fort during a storm if you’re both anxious or the power is out. 
While Harv would be fine just falling asleep.  
Jonathan Crane // Scarecrow 
One of the first things you told him was your fear of storms. 
And now he gets to watch how you react.
He does not leave your side during the storm for personal reasons that can range from your warmth to your fear.
Horror movies, blankets, and hot chocolate. 
If the power goes out? Horror stories with a flashlight like they do at camps in October. 
Cuddle him and tell him about your fear he was a psychiatrist after all maybe he can help… or make it much worse by accident, possibly. 
I’m in the middle of him waiting for you to offer sex or he doesn’t enjoy it during a storm. 
I see him as a “No power, no problem.” kind of guy and somehow getting everything he needed done. 
He gets cold and sort of carries around a blanket like a cape. Over his shoulders and occasionally encasing him if he stands still. 
Paranoia is his specialty, don't try to hide it from him, he’ll find out anyway. 
Jervis Tetch // Mad Hatter
Tea party in the dark even if the power is working.
Definitely at least a little bit anxious himself. 
Is against any kind of “more heat” ideas you can think of. 
He has a routine, hiding in blankets and drinking tea in the dark and silence.
Though since you’re there maybe it doesn’t have to be silent. 
Sharing blankets is a must with him, maybe not all cuddly but definitely share your blankets. 
Can be clinging if he’s extra anxious. 
He keeps the power off even if it’s working. He can’t hypnotize the lights to stay on so he rather not have the surprise. 
Super sweet if you are anxious as well. 
Recites his favorite poetry, books, or lines from a movie.  
His current hideout has a backup generator so don’t worry about the lights going out
What? If there’s no lights how is he supposed to know if people actually enjoy his jokes? 
He’s nowhere to be seen except you know he’s in the same place as you. 
He takes this time to get more work done. 
If you need him for warmth you can sit on his lap while he works. 
If he doesn’t have anything to get done? He’ll drive you mad with a bunch of different jokes. 
He doesn’t cuddle and he won’t screw around during a storm. 
Gives you blankets then sits next to you.
He doesn’t get cold, maybe a little bit but it’s not something he can’t handle.
If you’re anxious he can always offer a kiss and some jokes. 
Oswald Cobblepot // Penguin
It’s storming? Since when? 
He has to look outside to know it’s storming. 
He’s not at all phased by any type of storm unless he’s caught wind of someone plotting against him. 
You need to voice to him you’re nervous and want him to stay around otherwise he’ll be off working. 
If you voice to him you are anxious he’ll offer to watch a movie or something. 
He’s burying you in the warmest blankets if you say you’re cold and you have goosebumps. 
He’s actually very understanding and not very bothered by you at all. 
It was about time he took a break anyway. 
He has backup generators for backup generators he has power in all ways that matter. 
If you want to screw around he’ll cockwarm but he’s only going to mess around if the mood takes him.  
Harleen Quinzel // Harley Quinn 
She complains. 
She hates the cold but surprisingly doesn't mind storms. 
Harley will cuddle or at least fall asleep on your chest or shoulder.
Will steal your blankets. 
Clingy in a non clingy way. She’ll go up to you and stare at you until you get a clue, if you don’t then she minds her own business. 
Definitely down for messing around, much more teasing. 
She will do whatever the hell you want too.
She’ll talk about the days before she became Harley Quinn, and how much colder the cells are at Arkham. 
If you manage to snuggle up to her she’ll share her blankets. 
She clears all anxiety with her degree. 
Pamley Isley // Poison Ivy
Claims its nature letting go.
LOVES storms and doesn’t mind the cold. 
Checks on her plants during the storm. 
Disregards you unless you pay attention to her.
Say you're cold and she will make the best herbal tea. 
She’s calming your anxiety with talk of which plants grow better in the cold and why they need the cold. 
She understands nature and wants nothing more than to ensure everything she likes is alright. 
She shares her blankets with you. 
Would watch whatever. 
You fall asleep and she’ll leave you a few blankets and go outside to enjoy the storm.
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terrible-eel · 3 months
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My idea of the Joker is taking over my brain but I love it.
I'll be posting a fic connected to him soon! The premise is basically what would happen if the Joker was pushed by Batman into falling into their sick games because Bruce's trauma needed a way to compartmentalize his issues. Its basically about how all of the DC "villains" have to deal with the Batman.
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helpfandom · 6 months
Yandere! Batman Rouges Gallery x Platonic OCD! Reader PT.1
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TAS Version! I have OCD and this is off of MY version and experiences with OCD. I would be most grateful if anyone had other ideas or plots (like the episode Lock-Up but with the reader.)
Reader's kind of... angry? I don't know how else to explain it.
TW//CW: Suicide (Mentions of, not anyone doing) Canon-typical violence, cursing.
Been sitting in my drafts for like months so might as well post it.
God, you couldn't believe it came to this. Honestly, why were you here anyway, it's not like you belong with the criminals. This was just so that they could try and teach the insane to be nicer, to not be criminals.
Honestly, they shouldn't have chosen you, you kind of belonged in here. The way that people would look at you when you twitched, a singular mis-fire in your brain made people think there was something wrong with you. Like you belonged with the freaks of Arkham. Well, one too many jokes about suicide and jokes of your trauma and BOOM! You've been chosen for our unpaid internship at Arkham, too bad you have to stay here you freak! God. It pisses you off to feel their stares of judgement on the streets.
To feel their pity. Batman saves you from a bridge too many times and you're involuntarily put in here.
You walked, two guards right beside you. Their shoes clacking against the tile. One of them was touching you and it made your body feel off. A misfire, and your head jerks to the right.
"Please stop touching me." They give you a stern look. Panic filters your brain. "I can walk myself. I'm a big kid." You crack a smile at the last part, makes it easier to tell when it's a joke.
They keep staring at you, you misfire, and then the second guard takes their hand off of your shoulder. Great. Now more people think you belong in here. Misfire. Misfire, this time nodding your head. Misfire. Jeezy creezy. "Sorry." You continue walking with them, but you can tell that they're staring at you. Or is iy the phenomena of Spotlight, where you delude yourself into thinking that everyone is staring at you? Nevertheless, you can feel them looking at you.
Not just the guards, but the inmates too, the other ones. The ones you belong with. Not the fucking insane criminals. They watch you, a teen, get walked- misfire -to the criminal side of the asylum. It's quiet, but there are whispers. Of course, part of you says that they're talking about you, but is it just because you're being moved to the criminals, or is it because you -misfire- look like you belong here? The other part says it's narcissistic to think they're talking about you. You reach the doors, steel, heavy steel to make sure that they don't cross over to the section you belong in, misfire, to the people that can be helped.
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clytemokiwie · 26 days
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Unfinished art that I refuse to finish because I didn’t like the way they turned out :(
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Your relationship trope
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Enemies/Lovers on sight.
God X Follower
Gremlin X Sunshine.
Rowdy delinquent X Sweet dork.
Harley Quinn: 
Chaotic badass X Sweet badass.
Quiet listener X Lord always talking.
Aggressively supportive.
Ultimate mom friend X Feral gremlin.
Each other's impulse control.
Loves talking X Loves listening
Crazy moron X Intelligent moronsexual.
Parents without kids.
Tall angry bastard X Short actual sunshine.
Partner in crimes that are polar opposites.
Dumbass X That's my dumbass.
Dense X Dense.
Angry and protective X Soft and concerned.
Asshole X Tired of it
Please stop X Too much energy.
Chaotic with a soft spot X Normal but Chaos enabler.
Sweet baby X Litteral demon.
Overthinker X Touchy drama queen.
Grumpy X Sunshine.
They probably hate me X In love just terrible at showing it.
Stoic and serious X Chill.
Feral dumbass X Voice of reason.
Ray of sunshine X Touch them and die.
Evil X Reason they haven't destroyed the world yet.
Low maintenance X High energy.
Big evil bastard X Smitten idiot.
Tall X Small.
Pessimist X Optimist.
Mr. Freeze: 
Morticia and Gomez.
Pure-heated bean X Cynical goblin.
Super hyper and loud X Loves them anyway.
Has a crush X Doesn't notice.
Edgy baby X Soft bastard.
Idiot X Loves their Idiots.
Flirty X Flustered.
Quiet X Bubbly.
Poison Ivy: 
Mutual pining idiots.
Confident flirt X Expert at not taking the hint.
Sun X Moon.
Cinnabun X Hot-head.
Killer Croc: 
Monster X Monster fucker
Cinnamon roll X Guard dog.
Hand warm X Hand cold.
Cluess as fuck X Bad at expressing emotions.
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bratpfannen-art · 5 months
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I still think it’s hilarious that one of Joker‘s fears in Arkham Knight is that Harley ends up with Eddie and they have a Child together
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