#the seven wonders of a witch playlists
The Wheel of Time character playlists
(pt 1)
Moiraine Damodred:
The Amyrlin Seat/Siuan Sanche:
(Siuanraine) Moiraine x Siuan:
Liandrin Guirale:
Nynaeve al'Meara:
Alanna Mosvani:
Egwene Al'Vere:
The Daughter-Heir/Elayne Trakand:
(Take a look in reblogs for part 2)
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whalyrae · 2 months
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"We don’t get a say on how it ends, we never have. But we can control how we live."
Summary : You are a powerful witch, cursed and hurt through ages. Owner of your esoteric shop, you were resigned to live this lonely life when the powerful magic of soulmates and fate came to you.
Pairing : poly BTS x reader (she/her)
Genre : soulmate au, demons bts au, witch y/n au, fluff, angst, eventual smut, polyamory relationships
Status : In process
Word Count : 5k
Warnings : eventual smut, angst, mention of depression, death, suicide, past trauma, violence, blood, past (sexual) abuse, past torture, PTSD, scars, self harm, and more.
Tag list : @blackrockshooter780 @babyymeme @starrlo0ver @suckerforv @mushroom-main @m1sss1mp @prettydancingdamzel @i-have-no-life-charlie @avadakadabra93 @veronawrites @kawaiikpoplover268 @didi-9310 @ghostlyworld @carolinexkpop @gooooomz @00ihatesnaku
A/N : After months of struggling with life, health, mental health issues... I can FINALLY POST AGAIN !! This chapter was really hard to write (I cried a little at the end ngl :D), I have constant writer block, constant impostor syndrome... I have the perfectionnism trait but in a toxic way really TT.TT Don't hesitate to like and reblog !! Also don't be afraid to leave a little comment or if you have any questions, here or in anon in my inbox !! they are really really welcomed, I love reading all your impressions and thoughts !!
Also thank you so much !! I was inactive for a very long time and I still got daily alerts with people who liked/kudos the chapters and the story :(( I can't express (yeah i'm an author and i can't express through words LOL) how much i'm grateful :(( ♥♥
ps : ah and sorry if there is any mistakes or anything it's almost 2:30am when I post this and I had an really emotionnal day fgkfdhlfk LOVE YALL MUAH ♥
Playlist link : The Old Guard Playlist
Masterlist | ao3 | wattpad
Chapter 3 // Chapter 5
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She was wondering whether it would be better to ask Handong to stay with her. She had assured her that she would handle the situation and that Handong could go home. She knew that Gahyeon would need her at their coffee shop. 
However, now that she was in the living room of the seven boys, her soulmates’, after bringing one of them in an utterly unconscious state for a reason as unknown to them as it was to her, she was starting to regret this decision.
She couldn't understand what had happened with Jin the moment their eyes met. She couldn't say anything, the words were stuck in her throat as they stared at each other without a word. He parted his lips as if he wanted to say something, but just like her, nothing came out. 
He'd known she was his soul mate, of course he could feel it. Just like her. But had he recognized her? Did he know that the two of them were the firsts of their soulmate bond to meet, long before any of the other six were born? She couldn't be sure and didn't have time to find out. 
She had seen his features contort in pain, and without a word, he had collapsed. Luckily, Handong, who had seen them, was able to catch him in time, preventing him from falling to the ground and potentially injuring himself. 
Thanks to a spell that increased her strength tenfold, she could carry him without Handong’s help and any difficulty to the place where he lived with his mates. But she couldn't stop herself from hurrying, worried sick about him.
And that's where she is now. Jungkook helped her carry Jin to the living room, laying him on the sofa. While Yoongi woke up Taehyung and Namjoon. Jimin and Hoseok hurried to get a damp cloth on Jin's forehead. 
Namjoon and Taehyung stormed into the room, not hiding their surprise at seeing her there in total panic. 
However, they didn't ask any questions. Yoongi probably had to explain to them what happened and what was going on. 
She was standing in front of the sofa where Jin was lying, staring at the unconscious demon, his features distorted by pain. The sight of him was enough to make her stomach twist with soreness. 
"Hey, Noona..." Jimin's soft voice startled her. He was standing next to her, a comforting smile on his lips, "Everything’s going to be fine, don't worry..."
She didn't even know what to say. She didn't dare to look him in the eye, or any of the other boys. The guilt she'd been carrying around with her all these centuries was only getting stronger. 
She could hear voices behind her, probably the boys talking amongst themselves, or maybe they were trying to talk to her. She didn't know. Nothing around her was clear and precise. Her vision was blurring, her heart rate had been racing for a while and she was getting worse. 
She gasped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned round abruptly, facing Namjoon. The other boys were behind him, except for Yoongi who was next to Jin. 
"Hey," he greeted her with a gentle smile, "don't worry, everything's going to be fine,” he repeated Jimin’s words, “You're having a panic attack, I'm gonna help you, okay? Look at me."
His voice was soft and reassuring, it had a calming effect on her. His presence and warmth invaded her whole being, despite the anxiety attack she was having. 
She raised her eyes to meet him. Slowly, he tells her to take long, deep breaths. The first time, she breathed in and breathed out. Then a second time. And a third. 
Finally, her breathing returned to normal and her heart rate calmed. Seeing this, Namjoon gave her another smile, his fingers caressing her shoulder to calm her down. 
She had the strange impression that Namjoon probably possessed some kind of power capable of influencing the emotions, feelings, or even bodily reactions of the people he touched. Or maybe it was just the soulmate effect. 
"Feeling better?" 
"Yes... Thank you..." She replied with a small smile, seeing Hoseok approach her with a glass of water. "Thanks… and sorry, I wish we'd met under different circumstances..."
"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm enchanted to meet you." 
Hoseok gave her a big, bright smile, which he succeeded in communicating to her. 
"I guess you guys have questions... and why did I show up with Jin in this state..."
She turned her attention to Jin. A wave of emotion suddenly washed over her as she realized that yes, he was there, in the same room as her. Her soul mate, the first to cross her way, the one she'd lost so suddenly and brutally centuries ago. A mixture of joy, sadness, guilt, and apprehension. 
"Do you know what's going on with him? And why is he in this condition?" Hoseok asked curiously, taking back the glass she'd just drunk in one long sip.
She bit her lower lip nervously. She had to tell them. Jin was their soulmate, just like he was hers.
But where to start?
"Come on, settle down here."
Yoongi straightened up to install her on the sofa, right next to Jin still unconscious. He'd then sat down next to her, while the others had taken seats in front of her, Namjoon and Hoseok on the low table, the maknae on the floor, clinging to each other.
The sight made her smile gently. But quickly the smile disappeared, replaced by apprehension. The words just wouldn't come out of her mouth. She knew that the moment had come, that once she'd told them everything, they'd hate her, reject her, and she’d lose the people she'd waited for all her life. 
"Noona... I can smell your fear all the way up here..." murmured Jimin, her eyes landing on him with surprise, "I'm an empath, by the way..." he explained with a shrug. 
"You don't have to be an empath to sense the fear radiating from her." chuckled Taehyung, teasing his companion who gave him a nudge on the shoulder, "Oops, sorry sweetie." 
"I know that from the moment you will know the whole story, you'll never want to hear from me again and I... argh that's the last thing I want," she admitted with a sad smile. The events of the last few days had paralyzed and overwhelmed her in some ways when it came to making the right decisions, and she was extremely upset with herself about this.  
"But I think I need to stop being scared, and selfish like I have been."
"We could never hate you," Hoseok said firmly, the others all giving signs of approval, "no matter what you've done." 
"Tell us all the horrible things you ever did, and let us love you anyway."
She recognized Namjoon's words. And she wasn’t surprised that he could quote Edgard Allan Poe, considering the circumstances of their first meeting. 
She couldn't deny that his words made her feel a tinge of comfort, because he was sincere, and every one of the other boys thought so. 
But they didn't know the whole story yet, so the chances of them thinking differently once they knew the whole truth were pretty high. 
"Where to start..." she took a long breath, "Jin... I met him before I even knew I was immortal. That was... uh... it seems like an eternity now, at the beginning of the 15th century."
She expected the exclamations of surprise that followed. 
"Wait... you mean you and Jin hyung..." Jungkook fell silent to think. 
"Why didn't he ever tell us about you then? And why have we never met you before ?” asked Yoongi skeptically, "You're our soulmate, his soulmate, how could he..."
"It's more complicated than it sounds..." she sighed, scratching the back of her head nervously. "I always knew I was a witch, my mother was a witch herself. I lived in a village in France during the period when the witch hunts began. It was also during this period that the Malleus Maleficarum was written." 
"I know this book," Hoseok sighed loudly as he shook his head, visibly annoyed, "this pile of garbage written in the late 15th century, which supposedly explains what a witch is, how to recognize one, interrogate them, and kill them."
"A load of bullshit yeah," Namjoon added with a chuckle, "I rarely waste my time reading books, but this one..."
"Tell me more !" Jimin exclaimed, "I read it too, well, not all of it, it's so... misogynistic and sexist!" 
"I... was one of the witches who had to go through all the torture and experimentation to write this... book or whatever it is. And most of the women who suffered all that crap were just ordinary mortals," she admitted with a little restraint. 
Horrified exclamations were heard from the maknaes and Hoseok. Yoongi and Namjoon closed their eyes for a few seconds, repressing the anger rising within them. 
Talking about these events did not leave her indifferent; these memories were among the worst she had ever known, and she still sometimes had nightmares about them. 
She remained silent for a few moments, before finally speaking up.
"That's not the point. Jin is the point. When I met him, he was a merchant passing through the village." A small smile appeared mechanically as she recalled this memory, "It was love at first sight. Of course, it was. He knew I was his soul mate, but I... I didn't even know what a soulmate was. He taught me. He taught me so many things..."
She turned her head towards Jin, still unconscious beside her. Oh, how she'd missed him. He hadn't changed a bit. 
"I immediately sensed that he wasn't human, just as he'd guessed that I was a witch. So much better in a way, it made things easier."
Delicately, she let her fingers stroke his forehead, brushing aside a few strands of hair, a tender smile on her face.
"He stayed in the village after that. I had taken over the bakery from my parents who had passed away from an illness a few months before I met him. We weren't the richest, but we were happy.”
The other boys couldn't contain the grins on their faces. Of course, this story was beautiful and worthy of a fairy tale. But they all knew that fairy tales were only fantasy stories. The reality was not nearly as lovely. 
"We lived... two years like that before everything went to hell."
She felt her hands tremble as she recalled what she was about to say.
Jimin sensed her nervousness, fear, and sadness. He left Taehyung and Jungkook's embrace to kneel before her, gently taking her hands in his for comfort.
Her gaze met his, and he offered her a gentle, reassuring smile. But she couldn't relax.
"The witch-hunt had begun and was becoming increasingly virulent and violent. The villagers had always thought it was strange that I hadn't suffered the same illness as my parents. I knew the rumors about Jin and I. But until now, we'd managed to keep a discreet, almost unnoticed presence. Until she came along."
Jimin squeezed her hands a little tighter as he felt her anger rising. 
"That demoness... came to our village, supposedly a cloth merchant. She fell for Jin. Was it love, or just a physical attraction? I don’t know. She succumbed to his devastating charm, like so many others before her." She chuckled, imitated by Yoongi. 
"As you would expect, Jin did nothing but ignore her and rebuff her advances. She didn't appreciate it at all… I learned later that this half-succubus demoness was renowned for finding prey and not letting go until she got what she wanted."
"A real nasty leech..." muttered Jungkook.
She noticed, however, that Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok expressions had changed. They had exchanged glances, seeming to pass a message to each other that she didn't understand. She decided to ignore it for the moment.
"Things got worse after she arrived, after Jin's rejection." She took a long breath. "She's the one who delivered me to the villagers, who exposed me. When we realized her plan, that she was planning to take Jin with her by force, by any means necessary, we wanted to run away. We'd go to Asia, or America, or wherever, to another continent, away from her, away from all of this. But that demoness had planned everything… We were young, unaware, and inexperienced, unlike her. I was barely 25, and he was 23... we just wanted to..."
She paused to calm herself, her heartbeat quickening again. Fortunately, Jimin was able to calm her, just by being here, his soft hands on hers, and she was grateful for that. She thanked him with a small smile, which he returned by stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. How could a demon be so angelic? 
"She specialized in memory magic..."
"Oh, I'm getting the hang of it..." muttered Namjoon, clenching his jaw.
"That bitch…" added Yoongi, making her huff.
"The villagers arrived in the middle of the night. We didn't see it coming. The demoness took advantage of this moment to attack Jin and cast a spell to erase me from his memory. The last time I saw Jin was before they put a bag over my head when he was unconscious in her arms." 
She lowered her head, and it was only when she felt Jimin's soft hand on her cheek that she noticed a tear had rolled down. 
She knew what the demoness had done, she knew that she'd erased Jin's memory, simply because she'd come to see her a few days later in the cell where she was being held captive. She explained everything, adding that she had offered to give her over to the Catholic order of Dominicans who wrote the Malleus Maleficarum. Which happened, the day after she came.
"When I finally escaped... After several months," she continued anyway, her voice trembling, "I looked for him, I... crossed France from top to bottom, and Europe... I looked for him everywhere, for many years... I never found him... until now..." 
Jimin's hands gripped hers a little tighter. She looked up at him, then at Yoongi, who had moved a little closer to her. Their shoulders were touching, his way of showing her some comfort. 
"So that's what happened..." muttered Namjoon, who had straightened up, his eyebrows furrowed, looking thoughtful.
"I hate humans..." blurted Jungkook as he hugged Taehyung tightly, his companion nodding in agreement. 
"And so, you thought we'd hate you, or I don't know what other nonsense might go through your little head when we know the truth?" Yoongi asked, holding back a laugh. “I don’t see why. I mean. It’s genuine, really.”
She arched her eyebrows in confusion. She thought that it seemed logical. She hadn't been able to protect Jin, she’d left him in the clutches of this demoness who'd probably done a thousand and one things to him that she didn't even want to think about. She hated herself for it.
"Hyung." Hoseok sighed, shaking his head, "stop."
"I failed to protect him, he's my soulmate and... I abandoned him and..."
"You didn't do any of that, Y/N."
Namjoon approached her. He took Jimin’s place and knelt down facing her, placing his hands on hers. 
"You're both the victims. You've met someone stronger, older, more experienced than you and she took advantage of it. You did everything you could. You did your best. You could never be blamed for that. We could never blame you for that. ."
"And Jin hyung won't blame you either, I'm sure," Hoseok added with a small smile. "When he will regain his memory, when we will give him back what that demoness stole from him, he'll be the happiest man in the world to have you back with him, with us. Believe me."
She pressed her lips together, not wanting to cry, not yet. 
Yoongi wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer.
"It's over now," he whispered against her hair, "you're not alone anymore, you won't be. We've found you, you've found us." 
She couldn't hold back the few tears that had started to fall. How could she not break down, after all those centuries spent alone, thinking that her soulmates didn't want her, living with the guilt of having abandoned the only soulmate she’d ever known. 
They said the same things as her friends when she told them everything a few days ago.
None of them thought for a second that what happened to Jin and her was her fault. 
That feeling of being understood, of not being judged, of being accepted despite her past mistakes and scars.
That feeling of being in the presence of her soul-mates. 
She hadn't felt so at peace in what seemed like an eternity. Ever since Jin and her were separated.
"Noona... I have a few questions..."
"Here we go... the kid and his questions. Wait, I'll get you an aspirin and a big glass of water."
Jungkook glared at Yoongi, who had gotten up to go into the kitchen, a sneer on his lips.
Jin still hadn't woken up, but after a simple soothing spell and an herbal ointment she’d carefully placed on his temples, he was calmer, his body more relaxed.
She hadn't wanted to stay, not wanting to risk another attack if Jin woke up again. She learned through Yoongi about the migraine attacks he'd had since the day she met Namjoon. 
But the boys convinced her to stay. Namjoon and Hoseok had disappeared into their library, explaining that they were going to rummage through their books after a potential counter-spell. She wanted to go with them, but they insisted she stay with Jin and rest. 
It didn't take long to realize that Jin's seizures had a direct link with her.
As her soul mate, and despite his forced amnesia, his subconscious knew who she was. But it wasn't strong enough to bring back the memories the demoness had made disappear. Well, they hadn't disappeared, technically; she'd just hidden them very well somewhere in his psyche.
her scent on the clothes of Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook had been the trigger for his subconscious to awaken, for his memories to struggle, to resurface and make Jin realize that yes, he did know her, as his intuition suggested. Yes, the person on the hill was her, yes every memory he thought belonged to someone else was his, and that the blurry person sharing them with him was none other than her.
The migraines, the loss of consciousness... were only signs that his body, mind, and soul were fighting to bring his memories back to where they belonged, to finally give him back what that demoness had stolen from him.
Or at least, that's what she’d come to conclude on hearing Yoongi's explanations.
"Ask me anything Jungkook, don't worry," she replied with a small smile, still sitting next to Jin. 
Yoongi had returned with some drinks (no aspirin, to Junkook's great relief) which he gave to the three maknae, still sitting opposite her, and to her, then sat down on the coffee table. 
"I was wondering, how did you find out that you were... immortal? I mean, what does that actually mean?"
She'd been expecting this question. Even for demons, immortality was still a rather vague concept. Nobody is immortal. Demons and vampires aged slowly, very much more slowly than human beings. But they weren't really immortal. 
"I died for the first time after the Malleus Maleficarum experiments, they sentenced me to be hanged to death, like all the witches at that time." 
She heard the exclamations of surprise from the maknaes. Yoongi remained silent, listening to her attentively. 
"I actually died that day. Except... except a few seconds after I took my last breath, my heart started beating again, and I came back to life."
None of them could believe their ears. Yoongi couldn't hide his surprise either, and she knew that a thousand questions were forming in their heads. 
"The second time was a few days later. At a bonfire." she continued, bowing her head, "The thing is… I feel all the pain, all the way to death. But for some reason, I live again and again. No matter how people try to kill me, no matter how I die, my wounds heal themselves, my organs reform." 
"Is it due to a spell?" finally asked Yoongi with his eyebrows furrowed, "or maybe some kind of witch, a hybrid with a phoenix..."
"I think you're going a bit far, hyung..." Taehyung chuckled slightly. 
"Hey, every proposition can be plausible, gamin."
She couldn't hold back a smile. It was obvious that they'd known each other for several decades now, that they'd been through a lot together. In a way, she was relieved that at least they hadn't had to go through all that alone. 
"I've never known the reason, or why I became like that," she finally continued, scratching the back of her neck, "I just am. Several times I thought I wouldn't get up this time from certain injuries, especially during the wars, but I always got up again. And just like that, more than 600 years have gone by." 
"Maybe it's just that fate didn't want you to die before you met your soul mates, who knows." Yoongi chuckled, shrugging. 
"If you think the universe and destiny are that kind of romantic..." Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"I'm tempted to believe that theory, it's much sweeter and more romantic than a curse put on you..." added Jimin with a little pout. 
"Sometimes things just happen, and they're impossible to explain. Even for creatures like us." she let go with a sigh and an embarrassed smile, "In any case, I've stopped looking and obsessing over it, I've just accepted it."
"Still, it must be painful to die, over and over again..." Jimin cocked his head to the side, feeling a wave of sadness as he thought of all she'd had to go through in her long life. As an empath, his reaction hardly surprised her.
If they knew. She didn't want to dwell on how some humans and even other creatures had taken advantage of her immortality to put her through the many horrors she’d experienced. This wasn't the time to talk about all those things.
“Our pretty soulmate is strong and courageous.” Yoongi finally broke the silence after a few seconds, “She’ll talk about it when she feels ready.” 
She bites her lips. She wanted to tell him to not call her pretty, but she felt that it was destined to fail. Yoongi seemed to be stubborn, maybe a little too much. 
“Do you guys think Joonie and Hobi will find something ?” Asked Jungkook, looking at Jin with worry. 
“For sure they will!” exclaimed Jimin, “Namjoon has books that are centuries old and unique, Hobi and him are the most intelligent demons ever! They’ll find something, surely!”
Jimin was passionate, his trust in his partners was blind and absolute. It was probably the same for all of them, she was sure about it, but Jimin was the one who showed it the most. 
“In the worst case…”
“Taehyung don’t start…” mumbled Jungkook, as the others sighed. 
“Let me finish! In the worst case, if we don’t find anything for Jin hyung, the solution is simple, very simple. We’ll create new memories, so many new happy memories all together!”
“If something was robbed from you without your consent, I think you'd like to have it back. Don't you think so?" Yoongi asked, his voice softened as he ruffled Taehyung’s hair who nodded with a sad pout.
He was just as worried as the others. There were so many unanswered questions, so many theories without explanations, so many problems without solutions yet.
“Namjoon and Hoseok always find a way to resolve problems, you should be used to it now.” 
That voice startled all of them. All five heads turned to the sofa beside Yoongi and her. To everyone's surprise, Jin was staring at them, or rather, at her. 
“Jin you’re awake !”
While the younger hurried towards their eldest, their faces racked with worry and relief, she reflexively stepped back.
She couldn't get very far, as her back bumped into a chest. She turned to face Yoongi, who placed his hands gently on her shoulders. He could read the stress and apprehension on her face. He couldn't imagine what she must be feeling right now, coming face to face with the one she'd lost centuries ago. 
"Where are you going like this?" he asked at first in a slightly teasing tone, before he leaned towards her and whispered, his voice softening, "Relax, everything's fine."
She opened her mouth to reply, but no sound came out. She'd spent her whole life looking for Jin and his other soulmates. Now they were all here. They were all in the same house. Everything still seemed so unreal that she didn’t know how to react or what to do. 
“Y/N ?”
She froze when she heard her name coming from Jin's lips. The others in the room gave him a surprised, confused look.
"Hyung, do you..."
"Remember her? Us? Unfortunately not, I don’t. But I heard you guys talking earlier, I wasn't totally unconscious. Thanks for the herbs, by the way, they really appeased my headache."
Her eyes widened at his words. Had he heard everything? Did he know the whole story, just like his other soulmates? In a way, she didn't know if she could handle a new explanation, which was a bit of a relief. On the other, she was concerned about his reaction, since he was the one who was affected. 
Jin straightened up to sit on the sofa, helped by Jimin. Yoongi was still standing behind her and gave her a gentle nudge, so that she didn't push herself aside. 
Jin's eyes landed on her. For a moment, he said nothing, just looked at her. She could feel the stress twisting her stomach, her legs going limp as cotton. She felt weaker than she had ever felt before. 
"Can you come a little closer, please?" 
Jin's voice was soft; she perceived no anger, no resentment on his side. He had kept his comforting aura, the same one she'd known so long ago, the same one that had reassured her countless times. 
She soon faced him and lowered herself slightly to be at the same height as him. 
How was someone supposed to react to finding their soulmate and youthful amnesiac love, lost in tragic circumstances centuries ago? 
She was torn between tears of joy and relief, but the guilt that consumed her seemed to be the most dominant feeling at the moment. 
"Jin I..."
She pursed her lips. Her voice trembled. For sure her body would betray her right now. 
Jin offered him a tender smile and shook his head. 
"Shht, it's all right." he murmured his words as he gently grasped her hand, "come here."
Without waiting for a response from her, he pulled her against him and wrapped his arms around her. 
At first, her eyes widened in surprise. Quickly, she couldn't hold back any longer. Her arms followed and she hugged his waist as if her life depended on it. 
"I know what you're thinking," he began, his hand running gently through her hair, "I'm not angry or anything, how could I be? It was never your fault, nor mine." He paused before letting out a small sigh, she could hear all the pain, the sadness in his voice, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry you've had to carry this burden all alone all this time…"
Her whole body was shaking. His voice was shaking, as if he were holding back his own tears. She was fighting inside. She was fighting herself not to break down. But her traitorous body still betrayed her, and she couldn't even control her tears, which had started to flow uncontrollably. 
But his words. His words resonated not only in her heart but in her entire soul. She didn't know how much she needed to hear those words from him until now. 
"We'll find a way, and everything will go back to normal, it will be even better, I promise."
After all these years, these centuries of living with the weight of guilt, the weight of regret, the feeling that she'd never be able to meet her soul mates... she felt all this weight recede, making way for a quietude and lightness like she'd never known before. 
An eternity of torment, torture, and pain was finally over. 
It was as if she'd been deprived of oxygen all her life, until now, as if her breathing had been cut off, and now she was finally getting it back. 
And even though she was currently crying her heart out in Jin's arms, she could also feel Taehyung's warm, reassuring hand on her back, Jimin's, Jungkook's, and Yoongi's presence in the room, Namjoon's and Hoseok's, even if they weren't in the same room with them. 
Her cries were no longer cries of sadness. There was only relief, and it was becoming more of an evacuation from all that time of pain and isolation. 
All those smells, all that warmth that invaded her body at that moment, brought her calm and relief she'd never be able to explain, not even in a day, a year, ten years, or even a hundred years.
The reunion with Jin that day, feeling him against her again, as well as having the presence of her soul mates around them, those who were destined for her. After all this time where her heart and soul had been crying out for help, she had finally been heard. 
The darkness was finally disappearing, as the clouds and obscurity finally allowed the sun a chance to shine.
And despite her tears, she couldn't help smiling, because at last, she knew that happiness really was within her grasp.
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waywardrose · 7 months
stranger things
eddie munson x reader
rated e
spotify playlist
for @punk-in-docs​​​
fem/witch/goth!reader, sweetheart!eddie, magic, slow burn (for me), friends to lovers, angst with a happy ending, no y/n only pet names, series-typical horror, period-typical sexism and homophobia, historical inaccuracies and anachronisms, drug dealing and use, smoking, alcohol use, masturbation, mutual masturbation, fantasizing, one-bed trope, making out, fingering, dirty talk, consensual pursuit and capture, oral sex, handjobs, condoms, piv sex, reader’s father is a dirtbag, mild spanking, magical violation, mental torture, body horror, blood, aftercare, nightmares, strict parenting, panic attack, past child abuse and abandonment, semi-public sex, break-ups, running away, guns, fist fighting, everyone survives, tags will be updated as needed
Eddie would have to wait until his lunch break to see this new, hot, weird chick. He wondered which flavor of weird she was. Art weird? Theater weird? Band weird? Weird weird? He shrugged. He liked weird. In other words, you’re the new girl in town, and Eddie is intrigued.
note: Heed the tags! 👆
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Consciousness hit you like a brick. You shook onto your back. An open book dug into your kidney. Your hands clenched into fists. You tried to breathe. Something was wrong. You couldn’t consider the who or why as the feeling of static crawled up the tunnel of your spine.
The long silence stretched before you. It was a pit no one could climb from, a thicket no one could chop through. It was all thorns, no blooms.
That sonorous voice — Vecna — whispered to you as if to lure you. You closed your eyes. Another voice whispered over him. A voice so familiar and comforting — one you knew so well.
Hey, sweetheart, you gotta breathe.
You could follow those gentle directions. Air in brought an ease. Warmth spread across your hands and shoulders. Vecna couldn’t touch you here, you reminded yourself.
You inhaled and exhaled for four counts each until everything was calm. The book still dug into your back. You maneuvered off the book and stared at the ceiling for a minute.
Eddie? you thought.
He didn’t reply.
You blinked heavy eyelids.
Are you there?
You attempted tucking your cold toes in your pajama bottoms with little success. With a sigh, you hauled yourself to the head of the bed and curled under the blanket. Before you managed to switch off the bedside lamp, you fell asleep.
The morning started with repeated thumps on your bedroom door. You bolted upright, heartbeat revved. Only your father knocked like that.
“Yes?” you called.
The door whooshed open.
As if announcing a board-meeting, he said, “Breakfast in five.”
The automatic door closer fizzed the door shut.
You brushed the grit from your eyes and startled when you couldn’t see your left hand. Then you remembered you’d taken part of Vecna’s curse. You slumped before glancing at the clock.
It was half-past seven.
Groaning, you pushed the blanket away and got out of bed. You couldn’t imagine why anyone would choose to be awake this early. Your parents shouldn’t be awake. There was no way your father was going to work today. Not after last night.
And even if he were, he wouldn’t need you in the kitchen.
Unless he did.
Unless he was going to question you about the fight with Jason Carver.
You didn’t want to press charges or sue for damages or whatever else could be trumped up. Explaining anything to your father, and later the police, would have to be corroborated. They’d talk to Heather, who you hadn’t seen at all yesterday and had no idea you’d used her as an alibi. Then came glossing over how you’d met Eddie’s friends. You supposed they were your friends now as well.
You found the pressure patch with the strap in your purse and fastened it around your head.
Nothing could connect you to the Creel house or Jason’s death, either. Except for Jason’s crony who’d run after Erica. He’d been long gone by the time the fissure opened. You doubted he’d come forward, though. He’d be unable to justify going after a middle-schooler while Jason held a gun to your head.
A gun you had in your possession. Well, Mom had, but close enough. If she kept it secret, the bullet casings in the Creel attic would remain a mystery.
You went to the first floor. It smelled like coffee, baking biscuits, and browning sausage. You paused in the kitchen doorway to inhale the perfect scent of breakfast.
Mom greeted you and said she’d already poured you a glass of juice. Your father, wearing jeans and a casual sweater, stood at the island with an open map and a highlighter. He didn’t partake in the Casual Friday trend. If he was going to work, he wore a suit. No exceptions.
You thanked her as you headed for the table. She set it with fresh placemats, knife and spoon on the right, fork and folded napkin on the left.
She was anxious.
You sat at your usual place and took a sip of juice. You took furtive glances at your father’s map, his casual outfit, and Mom’s stiff shoulders. The muted television threw light on the counter. Beyond the sizzle of meat in the skillet, it was quiet.
They wanted to leave Hawkins. Shit. You’d bet they wanted to leave today.
While you didn’t want to abandon your new friends — and had no intention to — yelling about it would get you nowhere. You couldn’t be enthusiastic about leaving, either.
Without looking up, your father asked, “How’s the eye?”
You set your glass on the table.
“It doesn’t hurt.”
He hummed to himself. “We’ll find a specialist in Cincinnati.”
Mom transferred the last batch of sausage patties to a plate. The oven timer buzzed.
She slipped on oven mitts and said, “It’ll be temporary.”
“What about school?”
“The school’s gym’s being used as a shelter,” he said. “There won’t be classes for a while.”
“Why can’t we stay here, though?”
With a condescending sigh, he said, “I can’t do business in a town where half of it’s destroyed, while the other half is without power.” He went to the coffee-maker to refill his mug. “Besides, we need a good lawyer.”
He faced you, eyes sharp.
“For getting that little shit, Jason Carver.”
“I don’t want to press charges.”
“That’s not your decision.”
“So, it doesn’t matter what I want?” you asked. “That I want to stay? That I want to graduate?”
Mom brought a platter of steaming biscuits to the table, saying, “You’ll graduate. Maybe not in May, but I’m sure the high school will have summer classes.” She put a hand on your shoulder. “You haven’t gotten your SAT scores yet, either.”
That was true. You’d taken the SAT at the end of February and prepared a few college applications for when your scores arrived.
You looked between your parents as you said, “What happens when it comes, and we aren’t here?”
“I’m going to have our mail forwarded.”
“Look,” he said, sitting at the table. “This is an excellent opportunity. When we return, you can graduate, and I’ll invest with a real-estate developer, and this family will prosper.”
“Real-estate developer?”
“People will need new houses after this.”
You nodded, watching Mom set the plate of sausage patties next to the butter and jam for the biscuits. Your father was talking about profiting from the suffering of this town. The developers he knew would want to build big houses that made lots of money. Of course, residents would need new homes, but Hawkins wasn’t a wealthy town. You hoped another developer underbid them.
You then thought of one last argument:
“What if Mom and I stay here? Then you’d know how things are going directly.”
“No, I need your mother with me. And you can’t stay here alone.” He stabbed a stack of sausage patties with his fork. “I’m subscribed to The Hawkins Post. They’ll report more than either of you could.”
You looked away with a nod. That went about as well as you thought. Still, you hadn’t agreed too easily, which would lessen any suspicion.
Mom said, “Honey, things will work out, you’ll see.”
You nodded again and offered a reluctant grin. She put a biscuit on your plate to encourage you to eat.
The rest of the conversation centered on planning. Mom didn’t want you driving, but your father didn’t want to leave your car. You assured them you could drive. Your right eye was fine. Mentally, you pointed out you’d driven just fine last night to the hospital. With that decided, your father would finalize the corporate housing arrangement and box up his files after breakfast. Mom would put the house in order while you packed a suitcase or two and loaded them into your car. He wanted to be on the road by lunch.
You finished eating quickly, commenting you wanted to pack. Mom reminded you to strip your bed and throw all your dirty clothes in a garbage bag. She’d do laundry in Cincinnati. You grabbed a black garbage bag from under the sink before heading to your room.
While you planned on staying, you couldn’t act like you were.
Standing at your bed with the spell books spread across it, you remembered your dream of the net and glittering connections. One connection had been snipped, then Eddie had calmed you.
His voice could’ve been your own projection. He’d only repeated an earlier encouragement. A missing connection in the net didn’t have to mean anything, either. It was just a dream. Eddie was recovering in the hospital. Vecna remained in the Upside Down.
But what if…?
Vecna’s voice was real. His intent was very real. Perhaps Eddie’s voice had been real, too.
You didn’t know what it meant when he hadn’t responded.
There was one way to confirm Eddie was healing without calling the hospital. You opened yourself. The same static from last night — and from the first time you’d opened yourself after moving to Hawkins — crept over your bones. It made your teeth itch. You tried to swim through it to find the silver flame of his energy. The static overwhelmed you, nearly drowned you.
Something clunked against the bannister. You blinked away the static, breathing hurried. Mom wrestled with a large suitcase at the top of the stairs. You rushed to her, partially to help and partially to block her view of the spell books.
“Thanks.” She grinned as you hauled the suitcase up the last step. “How’s the packing coming along?”
You smiled with the hopes you didn’t look rattled.
“Much easier now that I have a suitcase.”
She huffed a laugh, turning to descend the stairs. “If you need any help, just call.”
“I will, thanks.”
Once the door closed behind her, you pulled the spell-supplies box from your closet. There was someone you could call for help, or at least guidance: Tom Cunningham, the bookshop owner who’d sold you Israel’s book. You thought you still had his business card.
His card lay at the bottom, smudged with who-knew-what, but still legible.
You knew you’d hear about a long-distance charge when the phone bill came, but there was no one else who would understand. It was almost nine when you dialed the number on the card. You prayed he’d answer.
His mild voice answered on the fourth ring.
“Mr. Cunningham!” you said and introduced yourself to jog his memory.
“Ah, what a pleasant surprise. I didn’t think I’d ever hear your voice again.”
That made you hesitate.
“Why would you think that?”
“Well, my dear, your card disappeared. I thought you’d passed onto the next plane.”
So, you really had died. Vecna had killed you instead of Max.
“I…” You looked to the ceiling, lip between your teeth. “I did die.”
He hummed. “Most curious. I must assume you’re back in your body.”
“I am.”
“But that isn’t what you’ve called me about, is it?”
“No, sir, I—” You sat at your desk. “I don’t know how to explain what’s going on.”
“Give me the Reader’s Digest version, and we’ll go from there.”
With a nod, you gave him the facts: your family had moved to Indiana, you’d met Eddie, and, through him, you’d met a group who battled a psionic wizard from another dimension. You’d helped this group last night and taken a portion of the wizard’s curse. It had killed you, did something to your left eye, broken a girl’s arm, and left her unconscious.
Mr. Cunningham was quiet on the other end.
“I dreamed of a glittering net last night,” you said. “It connected everyone.”
“Indra’s net.”
“It’s real?”
“Well, not everyone believes in the interconnectedness of the universe, but it’s a hypothesis that’s been around for millennia.”
You blinked, eyebrows raising.
“There was a connection I followed that had its jewel missing. I fell into the darkness there.”
“That sounds frightening.”
“It-it was, but what was worse was hearing the wizard’s voice in the darkness.”
“So, the wizard’s alive and calling to you.”
“Why don’t you sound surprised?”
He chuckled. “You’re not the first witch to fight an interdimensional being.”
“What do I do? What did they do?”
“The tales never end well, I’m sorry to say.”
“But what if… What if I can do something? This wizard drained my powers months ago, but I regained them—”
“After dying, yes, that’s a typical reaction.”
“But the wizard was wounded, too. Like, severely.”
“Then it’s a good time to make oneself scarce.”
“What about the others?”
“Take them with you.”
“Their families won’t understand. My family won’t understand.”
“They never do, but they will — in time.”
“But my— Eddie’s in the hospital. I can’t leave him.” You shook your head. “I don’t know if he even survived. I can’t feel him. What if he didn’t?”
“Then he’s at peace, and may his memory always be a blessing.”
Your throat tightened. You couldn’t accept letting Eddie go like that.
“He deserves more than peace.”
Sounding remorseful, Mr. Cunningham said, “Bringing someone back from death comes at a steep price.”
“I understand that.”
He sighed. “I’m sorry there’s no more I can offer.”
“No, I… appreciate your advice.”
“I know you can’t take it, my dear, but I wish you every success.”
“Thank you.”
“I do have a favor to ask before you go.”
“Oh? Okay?”
“Make sure Agnes Jemimah Israel’s book goes to a deserving witch. It’s what I did.”
Tears pricked your eyes as you nodded.
You whispered, “I can do that.”
“Good. I hope to see you when you visit New York in the future.”
“I’ll come by, I promise.”
Mr. Cunningham ended the call with a kind “farewell.”
You placed the phone back in its cradle and sat at your desk for a few minutes. Your parents were hightailing it out of Hawkins. Mr. Cunningham encouraged you to leave. Maybe it was safer, saner, and smarter to leave. However, something inside said it was wrong.
Sunlight blasted through the car’s windshield. A soft breeze fluttered through the partially opened window, bringing with it the scent of a campfire. You waited for Mom to lock the garage door and come out the front. In the rearview mirror, your father sat in his car at the mouth of the driveway. Far in the distance, smoke plumes tunneled to the clouds.
Your packed suitcase lay in the trunk, along with the tied bag of dirty laundry. You’d stowed boxes containing your spell books, supplies, and music collection in the backseat. Your purse sat on the passenger seat. A map of Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky your father had given you folded next to it.
Earlier, Mom had locked every window and door and closed every window covering. All the phones were silenced. The answering machine had been reset to answer on the second ring. You’d helped her empty the perishables from the refrigerator and pack them into coolers.
Now, you didn’t know what you’d eat when you returned. You hoped Bradley’s on Mulberry was still open.
Mom hustled down the front walk to her car. You unfolded the map, making a show of getting it neat on the passenger seat, and signaled to her to back out before you. She’d wanted to bring up the rear in the family’s little caravan, but you couldn’t have her tailing you. She waved and reversed to the street after your father. You followed a second behind.
Cars streamed out of Hawkins; so much so, it was difficult to navigate out of Loch Nora. At the main road, no one would let your caravan stay together. When it was your turn, you waved a few cars past. The fourth car’s driver insisted, and you waved in thanks. Three cars between you and your parents would have to be enough.
Driving passed the empty lot where the mall used to be, you recalled Eddie mentioning it burning down. Erica had said it hadn’t been just a mall fire. You wondered if it had something to do with Vecna. It wouldn’t surprise you, now that you thought about it. A good portion of Hawkins’s fucked-up-ness could be laid at his feet.
A sign stating "Swayzee 20 miles" and "Indianapolis 75 miles" came up on your right. It was now or never. At the first road that appeared to connect to the rest of town, you put on your turn signal and made a quick left.
Trees lined the road, becoming denser as you went. You hoped you’d made the right choice — or at least chosen a through road. It would suck to wind up at a deadend.
A few cars coming in the opposite direction zoomed past. That could be a good sign. Maybe? Your anxiety continued to grow as the minutes ticked by.
Then a small sign for Roane Hill Cemetery stood tall by a post-and-rail fence. You slumped in the seat. The turnoff must be a back entrance, which you hadn’t known existed. Taking a deep breath, you oriented yourself. The cemetery was south-ish of Hawkins High. If you could find the school, you could find the hospital.
With a fissure detour marked by handmade signs, you made it to the hospital in fifteen minutes. Open spots were scarce in the parking lot, but you found one near the back. It was just as well. You didn’t want your car spotted easily.
At the check-in desk, you asked after a John Doe who’d been admitted last night around midnight.
The clerk sucked in air through her teeth.
“We got a lot of John Does last night,” she said, and pulled a binder from under the counter. “You have a description?”
“Young? About twenty? He has brown wavy hair, below the shoulders. He has tattoos.” You closed your eye to remember them all. “He has two on his right arm: one on his outer forearm and another on the back of his upper arm. One on his left inner forearm. Two on his upper chest.”
The clerk paged through the binder. She frowned and hummed to herself. You hunched forward to sneak a glance. While the printed pages were neat, you couldn’t read fast enough.
She shook her head with a sigh.
“No John Does fitting that description, but—um…” She grimaced and crossed her arms over the pages to lean in. “The county coroner had to take our overflow. You might want to check with them. Once the deceased are off the premises, they’re taken out of our register.”
That didn’t mean Eddie was dead. He could’ve been identified — maybe by his uncle. However, you didn’t want to drop Eddie’s name in the middle of a crowded lobby. With how cagey that dog-walker had been last night, you didn’t know how anyone would react.
You nodded.
“How about Max Mayfield?” you asked. “Can I visit her?”
The clerk stowed the binder and turned to the computer at the corner of her desk. After some typing and grumbling at the system, she reported Max was stable and her family was allowing visitors. The clerk gave you Max’s room number on the fifth floor. You repeated it and thanked her.
On the fifth floor, Max’s room wasn’t difficult to find. You knocked on the heavy door before easing it open. A woman with curly red hair — no doubt Max’s mother — rose to her full height. She looked queasy for a second, then cleared her throat.
Max lay on the bed, her arm in an extensive cast.
You introduced yourself in hushed tones just in case she was sleeping. Lucas’s head popped around the corner of the room’s alcove. His concerned frown turned into a grin.
“She’s the one who drove us here last night,” he said to Max’s mother as he loped to you.
His arms spread. In the daylight, his swollen eye and cheekbone looked tender. It made you want to hurt Jason all over again — however impossible that might be. Instead, you hugged Lucas. You’d research a good healing spell to help him.
“Erica, Dustin, and Steve are at the good vending machines,” he said.
You pulled away and asked how he was.
“Eh, I’ve been better.”
You smiled.
“Me too.”
Lucas pivoted towards Max and led you closer. Her mother stood on the other side of the bed, arms crossed over her chest. Max looked asleep, but you feared her condition was something far worse.
“She hasn’t woken, has she?” you asked.
“No.” Her mother shook her head. “She should’ve. The anesthesia wore off hours ago.”
You glanced at Lucas, who watched Max.
Her mother added, “I’m Susan, by the way.” She rounded the bed’s corner and offered her hand. “Thank you for everything.”
Her clammy hand trembled in yours. You placed your other palm on top of your joined hands. She was not only scared, but sick.
“I’m sure Lucas told you already, but Max was very brave last night.”
“Yeah, my baby’s a fighter.” She sniffed. “I don’t know where she gets it.”
“Well, she’s not raising herself.”
She gave you a watery grin. Her eyes fluttered as she then listed. You steadied her forearm. Lucas darted around you to hold her other arm. Together, you guided her towards the couch in the alcove. She touched her forehead while thanking you both.
You offered to get a nurse, but she waved it off. She insisted she was fine. You volunteered to get her a soda. She replied she didn’t want to be a bother, which meant she’d like one. You asked Lucas to stay while you found a vending machine.
You hurried from the room, turning left, and almost ran into Dustin. With a yelp, you hopped around each other. His full hands went to his torso to keep from dropping his snacks. You pinwheeled your arms to keep from tripping. Erica ducked. You smacked Steve’s arm. He groused yet supported your elbow to stabilize you.
“Sorry,” you said and pointed at the pressure-patch covering your left eye. “Didn’t see you guys until it was too late.”
“Shiver me timbers, Captain!” Dustin said with an expectant look.
You laughed before channeling Captain Hook. “Ah, flay your shriveled tongue, Henderson!”
He giggled in delight as Erica called you both nerds.
You shook yourself out of the joke.
“Sorry, Max’s mom doesn’t feel good, and I was going to get her a Coke.”
Dustin thrust a chilled can of soda at you.
“I owe ye one, matey.”
You would’ve winked, but with the pressure-patch it would only look like a deliberate blink.
Back in the room, you cracked open the can and handed it to Susan. She held it with both hands to sip. You and Lucas waited for her reaction as the others entered. She nodded with gratitude and offered a strained grin.
“With all that’s going on, I…” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Things have been hard, you know?”
You nodded — as did everyone else.
“Of course,” you said.
A knock on the door interrupted the conversation. It was a nurse holding a full IV bag.
She said, “The doctor should be here in a few minutes,” and went to switch Max’s IV bag.
Steve looked to Dustin and Lucas, then you.
“We’ll wait in the hall.”
Susan gave you an encouraging nod.
You followed the others to a small waiting area near the nurses’ station. A lone vending machine stood in the corner. You put a couple of quarters in the machine to buy Dustin a replacement soda.
“—she told me things weren’t great,” Lucas said while you handed the soda to Dustin. “But I’ve never seen her mother like this.”
You asked, “It’s just the two of them?”
Lucas nodded.
“They had to move out of their house when Max’s step-father left.”
Dustin offered Lucas one of his sandwich crackers.
The awkward silence that followed had the others eating or drinking. You touched the pressure-patch and adjusted the strap under your ear. You hated to change the subject, but without Susan around, you could talk about Eddie.
“I asked about our John Doe at the check-in desk,” you said. “And there’s no record of anyone fitting his description in the hospital records.”
Steve coughed around a Dorito.
“What the hell?”
Dustin said, “The lady there wouldn’t even look unless I ‘presented’ ID!”
You frowned.
“How would you have ID? You don’t drive.”
“I know, right! Steve tried to sweet-talk her, but nada.”
Drily, Erica said, “So much for the Harrington Charm.”
Steve pointed at the younger members despite blushing.
“Hey, I’ve still got it, okay? The date with Brenda on Friday… went well.”
“Yeah,” said Dustin. “But have you actually talked to her since?”
Steve wilted a little.
With a grin, you said, “C’mon, Dustin, he’s been a little preoccupied.”
Steve gestured as if you’d proven his point.
To Steve, Lucas said, “Maybe that check-in lady remembered you from your Scoops days. Hard to take you seriously after that, Popeye.”
You grinned, though you didn’t know what Scoops was.
“Popeye, huh? Maybe you should be talking like a pirate, too.”
Dustin flung his arms out. Cracker crumbs confettied the floor.
“Sign on, Steve, and sail this ocean of flavor with us!”
“Oh my God, screw you all.”
Steve shoved a Dorito in his mouth and chewed like it offended him.
Dustin snapped his fingers and pointed at you.
“What if John Doe’s uncle identified him? That would take him off the list.”
“That’s what I’m hoping, but…”
“It would’ve been kinda stupid to bring him up with a stranger right now,” Erica said.
“Yeah, the lobby was packed.”
“And he’ll be under protective custody if he’s been identified, so they wouldn’t tell you anyway.”
You sighed.
“Yeah, exactly.”
“Can’t you feel him?” Lucas asked. “Like…” He wiggled his fingers at you.
“I should, but there’s interference. Like TV static.”
Dustin asked, “Because of the mega-gate?”
“It was happening before that.”
He frowned in thought.
“What if there’s another gate we don’t know about?” asked Steve.
Dustin said, “I think we would’ve noticed that.”
“Do you honestly think the Commies wouldn’t have trucked whatever they pulled from Starcourt back home?” Erica asked.
Your eyes widen as you looked between her and the others. There’d been Russians and a gate to the Upside Down in the mall? The mall that burned down? You stopped at Steve, who noticed your stunned expression. He gave a mini-shrug and a look that communicated this sort of discussion was typical.
“That gate wasn’t open enough to get anything,” Dustin said. “More likely, there was a Russian spy at Hawkins Lab—”
Lucas said, “That got shut down two years ago.”
“Which is why they came back.”
“But a gate in Russia wouldn’t affect me,” you said.
“Not directly,” said Dustin. “But it’s an opening for Vecna to come through.”
“Then the static is Vecna?”
If that were true, you’d been feeling Vecna since August. That could mean he’d been feeling you since then as well. Maybe looking through the tumbler into the Upside Down had caught his attention. If you hadn’t looked, maybe none of this would’ve happened. Vecna wouldn’t have drained you and used your power to kill people—
From behind you, a tentative female voice said, “Hey, guys.”
It was Susan with bloodshot eyes and a pink nose.
“Why don’t you kids go on home,” she said. “They don’t know if—” She shut her eyes with a deep inhale. “—or when she’ll wake up, but they doubt it’ll be today.”
Dustin said, “We don’t mind—”
“No, of course,” Lucas said to cut him off. “We’ll come back tomorrow.”
Susan nodded.
“That would be great. Be with your families tonight, okay?”
You joined the mumbled agreements. Considering the bad news from the doctors, Susan probably wanted to be alone. Also, Max didn’t seem the type to appreciate a bunch of people staring at her while she was unconscious.
After Susan left the waiting area, the party threw away their empty cans and wrappers. They headed to the elevator, keeping to Dustin’s limping pace. You trailed behind as you thought of all the things you had to do.
“What’re your plans tonight?”
You blinked with a questioning hum.
Steve asked, “What’re you doing tonight?”
“Oh, I have to go grocery shopping, wash the laundry that’s in my car, research some spells. Why?”
“Do you live alone or something?”
“No, my parents—”
The elevator dinged as it arrived. Everyone crowded in before Erica pressed the button for the main floor.
“My parents left Hawkins today,” you said, elevator doors closing behind you. “Cleared out the house.”
Lucas asked, “They left you?”
“No! No, I was supposed to follow them, but I didn’t.”
Erica gave you an unimpressed look, one eyebrow raising.
“Won’t they notice you’re not with them?”
“I’m sure they have, but I’m hoping my father refuses to turn around.”
“What about your mom?”
“My mother will do as he says.”
Steve snorted. “Sounds like mine.”
Dustin brightened and held up a finger.
“Why don’t you stay with Steve? He’s got the whole house to himself.” To Steve, he asked, “Where are your folks now?”
“Brussels? Brandenburg? Basel? I don’t know. Something with a B. I’ll have to check the itinerary.” His expression remained unconcerned. “Now with all this shit going on, who knows what they’ll do.”
The elevator doors opened to a bustling main floor. People waited in the elevator vestibule, some with bouquets. Steve led the way through the crowd. You and the others followed a step behind until he stopped on the sidewalk near the main entrance.
You squinted under the unrelenting sunlight and pulled sunglasses from your purse. The air still smelled of smoke. Steve handed his keys to Lucas with orders to start the car. Lucas stuck out his tongue at Dustin and shimmied his shoulders. Dustin tried to swipe the keys from his hand, but Lucas was faster. They whirled away in a flurry of feints, dodges, and smack-talk.
With a roll of her eyes, Erica crossed her arms and walked after them.
Steve put his hands on his hips.
“Only start the car, Sinclair! I mean it!”
Lucas gave him a thumbs-up before spinning to keep Dustin from snatching the keys.
You shook your head and turned to Steve, who continued to watch Dustin and Lucas. You understood why Eddie liked them for Hellfire. They were good people — and you were glad they wouldn’t be around for the next thing you had to do.
“I need to check the coroner’s office for Eddie.”
Steve looked at you, a furrow between his brows.
“You want some back-up?”
“No, it’ll be better if I’m alone looking for a John Doe.”
His lips thinned as he sighed.
You said, “I’ll be okay. The worst they can do is turn me away.”
“And what if he’s there?”
“I…” You swallowed. “I guess I’ll identify him.”
“Don’t. If he’s there, I mean. Don’t identify him. Just come home. I mean, go home. Or come to mine — if you want. There’s a guest bedroom and a working washer and dryer. It’s all yours.”
“You don’t mind?”
“Of course not.”
It would be nice not to be alone. Perhaps you weren’t the only one who felt that way. Also, Steve was a sweet guy with good intentions. It wouldn’t be a hardship to have a meal with him and sleep at his place. It would keep you hidden from your parents if they’d returned, too.
“Okay, if you’re sure.”
You found a pen and an old receipt in your purse for him to write his address. After he jotted his address and handed it over, he asked if you knew where Benny’s Burgers used to be. You surprised him when you said you did. He said Cornwallis — his street — was just around the corner from Benny’s.
“Gotcha,” you said with a nod. “One last thing: where is the county coroner?”
He turned to face the road beyond the buffer of the hospital’s manicured lawn. He said the coroner was behind the hospital, but he didn’t think they shared the parking lot. If you went out the main drive, you had to make three right-hand turns to get there.
“Where did you park?” he asked.
“At the back of the building.”
“You know, there might be a path to the coroner’s back there.”
“Okay, I’ll look.”
“If not, just circle around. Or I, uh, I can take you.”
“No, you’re the kids’ ride home. I can manage.”
He didn’t appear to like that, but he nodded.
“Okay, well, speaking of kids…” He thumbed in the direction they’d gone and stepped back. “I better go stop whatever the twerps are up to.”
“Yeah, they might be having too much fun,” you said, grinning. “I’ll meet you at yours.”
“If you get there before me, the key’s in a rock under the little tree by the front door.”
With that, you waved him off. He jogged down the sidewalk, his perfect hair bouncing with each step. You read his address again, then tucked the receipt into your purse. Steve lived with his parents on Cornwallis. That sounded like King Steve, the douche-y jock Heather had told you about on New Year’s. You watched him turn the corner before you started in the opposite direction.
If this Steve was King Steve, everyone was wrong about him. Just like they were wrong about Eddie. Maybe Steve had been a douche in high school. Eddie was an outspoken, self-proclaimed freak. They were more than these labels, though. You were more than a goth and a witch. You were you, faults and all.
You passed your car and continued to the edge of the parking lot. An informal path made of concrete pavers meandered between bushes and young trees. At the other corner, a paved drive with an “Authorized Personnel Only” sign cut into the woods.
Assuming they both led to the county coroner, you took the path. It connected to a downtown street, where the scent of hot stone and smoke increased. In the fashion of most public buildings, the brick building to your right was a generic box. Except this one didn’t have any windows, like a modern fortress.
Around the corner, a green awning undulated in the light breeze. Prismatic gold letters on the glass door declared Roane County Coroner. You took a deep breath and pulled the handle. You jerked forward as the door’s lock rattled. You pushed instead, yet the door wouldn’t budge.
They should be open. The hours posted in the window confirmed that. It was after lunch, too. Even if the coroner was out, a secretary, or someone working the front desk, would be there.
You stepped to the side and faced the street, riffling through your purse to disguise your thinking. You could open the door with magic, but that was trespassing in a government building. There might be security cameras. You wouldn’t know where to go once you were inside, anyway.
You inhaled and bowed your head. Eight energies occupied the building — none of them welcoming. Something was wrong. Yards away, two boxy, gray-green Humvees sat silent. If they weren’t military issue, you’d eat your proverbial hat.
With a look around, you frowned. It was quiet. Too quiet. Too still. The only vehicles on the street were the Humvees. You were the only person on the sidewalk.
Blue police barricades cut across the street a block and a half past the Humvees. For a fissure. The air simmered behind the barricades. That was why the scent of smoke was stronger.
People dragged the ends of the barbed-wire barrier apart. The chasm glowed orange-red, like the angry maw of a volcano. Unlike the witches who came before, you wouldn’t burn at the stake. No, they were casting you into Earth’s raging heart.
You needed to leave. Now. Before whoever was in the coroner’s office detained you. Before Vecna tore through the fissure. Before your increasing dread kept you immobile.
You turned the way you came and concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. When no one called for you to stop, you could breathe again. When you found the path to the hospital’s parking lot, your shoulders loosened. When you stepped foot on the blacktop, you could think beyond the fissures and military presence.
To keep the phone records clear at Steve’s house, you decided to call the Cincinnati number from the hospital. You pulled the detailed note Mom had given you earlier from your wallet and walked to the payphone at the back of the building. Feeding a few of your remaining coins in the payphone slot, you dialed the number, added more coins, and waited for the answering machine to pick up.
It rang and rang before the machine beeped without a prompt. You identified yourself and said that your parents shouldn’t worry. You were okay. You ad libbed your car had overheated, but you’d nursed it to a local garage. The radiator had a leak and, with everything going on, it was going to take a few days to repair. In the meantime, you’d stay with a friend. You told them you loved them and would call again soon.
You hung up, hoping the message would afford you the weekend — maybe until Tuesday — to find Eddie, heal your friends, and kill Vecna.
As you walked to your car, you realized you’d had Eddie for an hour yesterday. Just an hour. Now, you were back at square one. You didn’t know where he was, if he was okay, or if he was even alive. The locals still thought him a murderer. Maybe you were on square negative-one, because they also now believed he was some cult leader who sacrificed teens to Satan.
This was the worst cosmic joke you’d ever experienced. For the first time in your memory, you agreed with your father’s assessment: the residents of Hawkins were country bumpkins. They were scared of the wrong things for the wrong reasons.
You touched the pressure patch with a huff. Maybe you should throw yourself into that fissure to enter the Upside Down. You’d kill Vecna yourself just to be done with the whole situation. Max would wake. Your eye would return to normal. Dustin and the rest of the party would think of a way to clear Eddie’s name. Eddie would go on to be the rock star he deserved to be. You’d find a way back to this dimension somehow. Everyone would live happily ever after.
And monkeys might fly out of your butt.
Dry heat blasted your face when you opened the car door. You rolled down the window before sitting in the driver’s seat and finding Steve’s address.
You started the car, loaded a tape into the stereo, and cranked the volume. Music drowned all your silly fantasies. You focused on what was in front of you. Nothing else mattered.
The drive to Steve’s involved another detour; this time with official signs. After twenty minutes of winding roads, you crossed Randolph, glimpsing Benny’s on the right. The woods looked familiar, of course, but you didn’t know the neighborhood on the other side of it. You slowed the car and turned down the music to read the house numbers.
Each large house sat in the middle of an equally large property. Many of the u-shaped driveways would accommodate at least six vehicles. Nothing was over ten years old, not the houses, plants, or cars. Your father would label the entire neighborhood nouveau riche. Mom would underline his assessment with the term parvenu. As if they could talk. Mom came from a middle-class family who sent her to etiquette school. Your paternal grandfather lost almost everything during the Depression — nouveau pauvre — but he made up the loss in the late ‘40s and ‘50s. You reasoned your parents were nouveau riche as well, which made you sick of leur pretentions.
The house numbers on the mailboxes increased until one matched what Steve wrote. You hit the brakes and stared at the gray box of a house. It looked like the uninteresting back of a house. The double front door was stained an orange-red. The huge slanted roof dwarfed the windows. Evergreen bushes bordered the groomed lawn.
You turned onto the driveway and followed its curve to the apex. From the parcel circled by the driveway, three younger trees shaded your car. An enclosed — and empty — carport stood between the driveway’s apex and the house. You assumed Steve parked there, yet on the other side of the house was a three-car garage.
Well, you thought, either way your car wouldn’t block him from getting in or out.
You parked and locked the car. Unfortunately, a key was not under the tree by the front door. Maybe Steve had buried it. You tapped around the mulch with your shoe just in case, but found nothing except spongy wood chips.
With a curse, you went to the front door to try the knob. It turned with ease, unlocked. Perhaps he made it here before you. While you didn’t think you’d taken that long at the coroner’s and with the call to your parents, you might have.
Then you remembered the Humvees downtown. If the military had put all the pieces together, or had Eddie in custody, they could know Steve was involved. Would they be so sloppy to break in and leave the door unlocked, though?
Hand still on the knob, you felt one person inside the house. They were idle and getting sleepy. You doubted an assassin would nap on the job.
As quietly as you could, you opened the door, slipped inside, and closed it behind you. The rock key-hider sat on the foyer console table. A pair of worn sneakers had been kicked off by the doormat. Unless Steve had a gaggle of close friends, only two people who weren’t at the hospital would know about the key: Nancy and Robin.
The open-concept interior was a touch warmer than outside. Light filtered through the sheer curtains on the double row of windows in the spacious living room. Generic geometric artwork hung on the walls. Your heels thumped on the hardwood floors until landing on a huge Oriental rug. To your left, a coordinating rug lay under the twelve-person dining table. Beyond that was a tile-floored sunroom.
“Hey, dingus, that you?” called a feminine voice from the sunroom.
You snuck around the dining table to the sunroom. Robin lay on the fluffy rug, sock feet swaying behind her, a magazine open at her elbows. The vertical blinds painted stripes of shadow across her.
“Not Steve,” you said.
She startled to her knees.
“Ah, holy shit!” She put a hand to her chest. “You scared me.”
“Sorry, you left the door unlocked.”
“What’re you doing here? Not that it’s a problem you’re here or anything. I’m assuming Steve invited you. I thought you’d be with Eddie. At the hospital. You were at the hospital, right? Is he okay? How’s Max?”
“Max’s still in a coma.”
She sat on her heels.
Her eyes widened.
“No one matching his description is in the John-Doe log.”
And the coroner’s office had been locked. And some branch of the military was there. And you couldn’t get to Eddie — wherever he was. And Vecna was still out there. And Max—
“Oh, shit,” said Robin.
Your eyes stung with oncoming tears.
Your voice quavered as you said, “Yeah.”
You flopped onto the nearest armless upholstered chair, dropping your purse next to it. The pressure patch was stifling and hot and too tight. Making an exasperated sound, you pulled it from your face before letting your head fall to the back of the chair.
You whispered, “Sorry. You don’t need to…”
“No, I— What can I do?”
At her soft tone, you lifted your head to look at her. She gasped. You cringed and covered the cursed eye with your fingers. It didn’t feel crusty, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t gnarly.
How many times had you apologized now?
She shook her head and knee-walked closer.
You lowered your hand.
“Is it gross?”
“No—yes? Kinda? But not really?” Once close enough, she leaned in. “It looks like Vecna’s.”
“And Max’s.”
“Her coma’s not from the physical—” With a click of her tongue, she bent her arm. “—stuff, right?”
“I don’t think so.”
The front door opened and banged shut. Steve called your name. You scrambled for the pressure patch as Robin replied you two were in the sunroom. He didn’t need to see your gross, cursed eye. You secured the patch around your head just as he entered the room.
To Robin, he said, “Hey, finally got away from your parents, huh?”
“Yeah, they’re glued to the TV, so…”
To you, he asked, “Did you find the place okay?”
“Yeah, no problem.”
“Was Eddie at the coroner’s?”
Robin balanced herself with a hand on your chair.
You explained the John-Doe log to her before saying, “Anyway, the coroner’s office wasn’t open.”
“No way were they playing hooky.”
“There were military vehicles parked out front.”
Robin said, “Oh, shit,” as Steve said, “Could be the National Guard.”
“At the coroner’s?” You shook your head and swiveled to face him. “But why?”
He threw out his hands.
“I don’t know. It was an idea.”
Robin asked you, “They didn’t see you, did they?”
“No, everyone was inside, and I didn’t stay long.”
“Well, it’s good you’re here. It would suck if they kidnapped you or whatever. I don’t know how we would’ve broken you out. Especially since I don’t think I could get blueprints of the building at a time like this.”
You snorted. “Yeah, I doubt those are public record.”
“Still,” she said, lifting a shoulder. “I’m glad you weren’t kidnapped.”
“Me too.” You glanced at Steve. “I wasn’t looking forward to going home alone.”
“Hey, uh, we gotta stick together, right? So, yeah, alright…” He clapped his hands, and his face brightened. “You ladies hungry?”
Robin laughed and got to her feet.
“‘You ladies’?”
“Oh, shut up. Why’s everyone giving me shit today?”
“I don’t know, Steve.” She bopped his arm in jest as she passed. “Were you addressing everyone like a circus barker?”
“What? Circus— No! I don’t sound like that!”
“Ladies and gentleman!” she said from the kitchen. “Steven Priscilla Harrington presents the most amazing lunch anyone’s eaten in the history of the world!”
“You are hilarious.” He turned to you, expression somewhere between amused and affronted. “Do you see what I put up with on a daily basis?”
With a playful hum, you agreed before saying, “Personally, I pictured you more of a Steven Eleanor,” and stood.
“Eleanor?” He sputtered, blushing. “Eleanor?!”
You joined Robin in the big kitchen. Two frozen-pizza boxes sat on the island counter. She continued to rummage through the fridge like a raccoon.
“That’s so much worse than Priscilla!” he said from the sunroom.
You flipped over one box to read the temperature setting for the oven. Before you could go to the stacked ovens on the other side of the island, another name popped into your head.
“Steven Danielle?”
Robin pulled her head from the fridge to point at you.
“I like that.”
You shared her grin.
He walked into the kitchen, hands at his waist.
“That’s better, but, c’mon.”
Robin rested her elbow on the open fridge door.
“What do you think Vecna’s middle name is?”
“What was his name before we started calling him Vecna?” you asked, rounding the island.
“Henry,” Steve said as he shooed Robin from the fridge and closed its door.
You harrumphed, “Psycho,” and turned the dial on the upper oven to 400.
Robin pulled a round pan from a lower cabinet and set it next to the boxes.
Steve went to the sink to wash his hands, saying, “Henry Fuckface Creel.”
Robin giggled, repeating the name. A smile spread across your face. Steve snickered, which had you snorting. In under ten seconds, Robin full-out laughed as she said the name again. Steve joined a breath behind. It must’ve been contagious, because a laugh burst from your mouth. You laughed and laughed, tears gathering in your eyes. You braced yourself with a hand on the preheating oven.
In an official voice, Robin said, “I christen you, Henry Fuckface Creel!”
Steve belly-laughed and propped his elbows on the sink ledge, water still running.
You met Robin’s gaze, made the sign of the cross, and wheezed, “In Jesus’s name, we pray.”
Steve’s laugh doubled.
She howled, cheeks reddening, and fell back against the counter. Her reaction spurred you on until tears ran down your cheek and gathered under the pressure patch. Steve’s shoulders shook as he struggled to turn off the tap.
When the laughter tapered off, you wiped at your face and ran a finger under the patch. Robin fanned her rosy face while Steve dried his hands with a paper towel, then blotted his eyes.
“Hey,” he said, facing you and letting out a brief chuckle. “You don’t have tele— Tele-ko—” He frowned. “Tele-whatever?”
“Telekinesis,” said Robin.
He snapped his fingers before pointing at Robin.
“Yeah, telekinesis.”
She said, “Of course, she doesn’t. Fuckface took her power.”
“About that…”
They turned to you as one.
You held up your hands.
“I never had telekinesis, but my powers are back.”
Steve and Robin high-fived. She bounced on her heels as he fist-pumped. She galloped to you and shook your shoulders.
You said, “Don’t get too excited,” though their enthusiasm made you smile.
“Why? What’s up?”
“There’s something I didn’t say at the hospital.”
Robin turned to Steve, who looked at you.
“What is it?”
“I heard Eddie’s voice last night, but I can’t find him. There’s an emptiness where I think he should be.”
“You think Vecna got him?”
“I… I don’t know. It’s like silence. And I know it isn’t Max.” You sighed. “But… but I don’t know. I can’t feel him through whatever the fuck is going on out there.”
“Shit,” said Robin and Steve.
You nodded.
The oven beeped it was up to temperature.
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CONTROL Masterlist
Graves x Reader x Ghost x Soap
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You’ve been with Shadow Company long enough to know working alongside 141 on their search for the stolen American missiles wouldn’t be an ordinary assignment. And most importantly, you knew Graves. Shadow Company keeps its allies close, and its enemies closer. When you’re given a job, it gets done without conflict. Without loose ends.
Your true mission is clear to you -- keep an eye on 141 and keep them comfortable. Anything it takes to alleviate suspicion with Shadow Company’s involvement with the missing missiles. This wasn’t about saving lives, this was a deadly game of control, and you intend to do so flawlessly.
Slow Burn, Love Triangle, Angst, Romance, Drama
Ignore this please! Sorry this is extra as hell, I just wanted to organize my chapters and I figured "hey, why not be a little silly and make it look all fancy and whatever".
This is literally just a self-indulgent table of contents. I've never made a masterlist before so... hope it looks right?
I just like to play around and make random covers and whatever. Thank you for attending my TED Talk. Enjoy. (•‿•)
Full Story in progress on AO3...
1 One ~ Cellophane Graves x Reader
2 Two ~ These Walls Graves x Reader
3 Three ~ Mood into Object Personified Graves x Reader x Ghost, hints of Reader x Soap
4 Four ~ La Moldau Ghost x Reader x Soap, hints of Graves x Reader
5 Five ~ Well I Wonder Ghost x Reader x Graves
6 Six ~ Thinking Like That Graves x Reader
7 Seven ~ I Can Treat You Better Ghost x Reader
8 Eight ~ Bottled Angel Graves x Reader x Ghost
9 Nine ~ God Turn Me Into a Flower Graves x Reader x Ghost
10 Ten ~ Come Down In Time Ghost x Reader
11 Eleven ~ Neu Roses Graves x Reader
12 Twelve ~ Viventes Enim Graves x Reader
13 Thirteen ~ Obedear Graves x Reader
14 Fourteen ~ Hey, Who Really Cares Ghost x Reader x Soap | slight Ghost x Soap
15 Fifteen ~ High and Dry Soap x Reader x Ghost
16 Sixteen ~ Betty et Zorg Soap x Reader x Ghost
17 Seventeen ~ You Kill Me Graves x Reader
18 Eighteen ~ Spoiled Love Graves x Reader
19 Nineteen ~ Your Telepathic Hold On Me Ghost x Reader x Soap
20 Twenty ~ Cold, cold the Night Has Grown Soap x Reader (slight Ghost x Reader)
21 Twenty-One ~ Burn the Witch Soap x Reader x Ghost | Slight Graves x Reader
22 Twenty-Two ~ Decode Ghost x Reader x Soap
23 Twenty-Three ~ (Coming Soon)
Below are the songs I loosely based the chapters off of (or rather just listened to while I typed (' ._.)>
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End of this extra as hell post (。ˇ ⊖ˇ)♡
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dyrewrites · 12 days
Pale Blood -- More Chapters!
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And you get the chart, enjoy the stupid underpants.
Managing to move from the bathroom to the living room, Odea had yet to make the call she intended to—she tried, roughly five times, but kept hanging up when it started to ring. Instead she sat on the arm of her couch, staring at the faux-wood flooring, as her cats watched her from the corner—from a tiered tree covered in more toys than either needed. “This is stupid,” she told her socks, “I’m being stupid. It’s just Fran, I can talk to Fran.” But her panic disagreed, reminding her of when she met the other witch, of the state she was in—a ragged mess of blood and tears—and how kind and calm and wonderful the Child of Night had been to her—how delightful her scent, earthy, floral, Wyld—and Odea groaned, falling back onto the couch, “She’s going to think I’m a failure!” Kiki yawned, the soft ‘merp’ that followed it reflected deeper by KB, and Odea looked at her cats, “She wouldn’t think that, would she?” They snuggled tighter into their beds, uninterested in silly human problems. “No, no she wouldn’t think that, she’s been making it too long,” Odea told the ceiling, “She’ll just smile that little smile of hers, raise one of her perfect white eyebrows ever so slightly and say, ‘why, my dear, why did you not come to me sooner?’” Sighing, Odea tapped her netlink—again—and, before it rang, she added, to the cats, “And I’ll still feel stupid.”
Bosch managed to get the giant to come inside, even got him to accept some tea—though he about took his head when he asked him to sit—but the wolf refused to chat. He grunted his approval of the tea but otherwise glared, which was not proper guest behavior and Bosch was losing patience. But he was a consummate professional with a treaty to consider—and no clue how important the wolf on his couch happened to be—so he searched for more. In some music, tapping his netlink to send the playlist the wolf had interrupted—‘music to dream to’—to his living room speakers. An act that managed a genuine reaction as Savor’s moaning vocals bled in over the poppy synths and the wolf grimaced. “I know it's teenybopper slop,” Bosch apologized as he took a seat across from him, “but it's a bit of a guilty pleasure I don't get to indulge much so you'll have to indulge me—least till Del gets here.” A bushy brow went up and Bosch smiled, “I doubt the why would interest, but Del don't much care for the glittery mer or the mush he peddles, and I can't afford to replace my sound system again, so enjoy it while it's here cuz it goes when he comes.” The wolf groaned but said nothing. For the entire four minutes of the first track.
->Taglist for Pale Blood<-
~lemme know if you want on/off~
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hd-wireless · 11 months
The third week of posting has come to an end! Enjoy catching up with this week's selection of wonderful works. 
There's a work for everyone in this fest (and if you haven't found what you're looking for yet, we're far from done with posting).
As always you can listen to the prompted songs for the works we post on two playlists:  
Click here for Spotify (many thanks to @evaeleanor for helping us out there) ❤️
And here for the YouTube playlist.
Please enjoy this week’s entries below the cut:
🎶 H/D Wireless Art 🎶
📻 Your Heart's a Mess [G, Pencil & Copic markers]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Hearts A Mess' by 'Gotye' 🎵 Summary: Hogwarts eighth year. Malfoy, visibly scarred (from Sectumsempra? from the war? from his treatment by the Ministry?) and visibly heavy-hearted (from regret? from his father's imprisonment? from how the other students torment him?) has driven Harry to distraction. It's 6th year all over again: he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy. How he wishes the feeling was mutual.
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic and Art 🎶
📻 Waking Up Slow [E, 21,886, Digital Art]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'The Christmas Song' by 'The Raveonettes' 🎵 Summary: 'Twas the night before Christmas, although it’s July, Draco’s a shopkeeper, no-one knows why, There’s hiking and witch caves, freak snowfalls and more, Bad Christmas jumpers, nosy neighbours galore, Narcissa’s here too, but… something’s amiss, And what’s in those chocolates that’s making them kiss?
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic 🎶
📻 Burst of Love [E, 3,805]
🎵 Song Prompt: Jealous by Nick Jonas 🎵 Summary: The year after the War is both the worst and best one in Harry and Draco's lives. Draco somehow becomes one of the most requested influencer on Instagram, Harry is finally free and discovers he has quite...a passion inside himself. We all know how this is going to end.
📻 Rich Friend [E, 1,130]
🎵 Song Prompt: Rich Friends by Portugal. The Man 🎵 Summary: As far as Harry can tell, Draco Malfoy is still rich as hell. He’s just not a wizard anymore. Featuring: Draco Malfoy trying to make it as a Muggle pop star, Harry Potter as our confused and horny hero, bad driving, good music, and the mysterious magic of falling for someone.
📻 Seven Days, Seven Memories [E, 25,668]
🎵 Song Prompt: Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want by The Smiths 🎵 Summary: In a universe somewhere, deep down in the Department of Mysteries, behind Door 13, Unspeakable Draco Malfoy, can be usually found. Except Malfoy is nowhere to be found when Harry goes looking for him. What he finds instead is a Pensieve and a box full of memories
📻 so scarlet it was [E, 19,932]
🎵 Song Prompt: Maroon - Taylor Swift 🎵 Summary: Draco’s back for his Eighth Year as part of his parole. He’s doing his best not to annoy any war heroes and avoid Harry Potter as if his life depends on it. Too bad Harry has other ideas. 
📻 A Pureblood's Guide to Driving and Apostasy [E, 9,218]
🎵 Song Prompt: I'm On Fire by Bruce Springsteen 🎵 Summary: Draco Malfoy should be happy - he's engaged to a suitable young lady, chosen by his father, and on the way to restoring the family name. Except he isn't happy at all. That is, until Pansy (or is it fate?) brings him to a magical garage where his whole worldview is set on fire.
📻 Snitches & Sitches [T, 4,565]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Once Upon a December' by 'Liz Callaway' 🎵 Summary: After a Quidditch accident, Harry's life turns upside down when he suffers a case of retrograde amnesia. Surrounded by people and places he should remember, Harry must cope with his slow recovery, all the while feeling like there's something very familiar about the blond with gray eyes who keeps wistfully staring at him.
📻 Can't Get You Out of My Head [E, 26,343]
🎵 Song Prompt: Can't Get You Out of My Head by Kylie Minogue 🎵 Summary: Draco was quite fine with his own company, thank you very much. So, when a potions’ accident left him unable to rid his head of Harry Potter’s infernal internal monologue, Draco was less than thrilled. He was, however, an internationally educated Potioneer; he could find an antidote without having to admit to Potter the access he’d had to his thoughts…actions…personal life…personal time…right?
📻 Sod Off Potter [T, 1,787]
🎵 Song Prompt: Sod Off Potter by Rattlebones 🎵 Summary: So sod off Potter Will you say what you want? Sod off Potter Will you say what you want is me? Potter please ↳ Sod Off Potter - Rattlebones Draco regretted the decision to return to Hogwarts after the war. Why couldn't bloody Potter just leave him alone? It wouldn't be so bad if Draco hadn't been harboring a secret crush on Harry for years.
🎶 H/D Wireless Podfic 🎶
📻 [Podfic] You Are Not Alone [, 1:49:56]
🖋️ Original author: Juh_Nunes 🎵 Song Prompt: Sorry - Halsey 🎵 Summary: Orginal Summary: Draco dreaded going back to Hogwarts after the war. He was sure this would be his worst year yet: the school hated him, the Slytherins have abandoned him, and his dorm was overrun with Gyffindors. There was no way anything good could come out of this mess, right?
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juha-art · 9 months
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@operafloozy one Fox playlist coming right up! vague finale spoilers in the last song so watch out if you haven't listened yet
'Being wiry and thinking loudly / About the things sent to make you move / You can't help it, there's no one in the world / Knows you just, just the way you do'
A theme for the Fox and Ame, the one who's sent to make her move, knows her just the way she knows herself and exactly what she wants to do, even if it's not always the smartest or the most thought out decision-
'Snared up in the traps that they set for you / And it's an evergreen affair / As temptation taunts the fox / Into the hunter's waiting lair'.
'And so I wake in the morning and I step outside / And I take a deep breath and I get real high / And I scream from the top of my lungs / "What's going on?"'
The Fox's first moments as a familiar, his simple life and mind suddenly bombarded with human language and consciousness. poor little guy. no wonder he's always so confused.
'Sweet dreams are made of this / Who am I to disagree? / I travel the world and the seven seas / Everybody's looking for something / (Hold your head up, keep your head up) movin' on'
The Fox's perspective on human society and it's confusing, unnecessary complications. Hold your head up and move on, life's pretty sweet.
'And I've been finding the difference between right and wrong / Bad and good / See me put things together, put them back / Where they belong / When I look at each other / Have I always been singing the same song?'
Another one for Ame and the Fox, his life as a familiar, learning what's it like to care about someone else. The spiritual, daemon-like side of their relationship, always singing the same song..
'Fox in the snow (...) Girl in the snow, where do you go / To find someone who will do? / To tell someone all the truth before it kills you'
Had to start and finish the playlist with songs that have 'The Fox' in the title, to mirror Brennan's incredible Fox playlist. A sadder song, for the sorry state our witch and her familiar currently find themselves in.. Hope they find what they're looking for.
✨ send me a WBN character and I'll make a short annotated playlist for them ✨
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tarot-tea-cafe · 2 years
A witchy playlist
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a playlist personalized to myself, a mix of witchcraft, paganism and maybe a little ...something. 20 in total
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Ghosts - Jacob Tillberg
Heathens - Aurora
Artemis - Aurora
Black Magick - DYLN
Ghost Adventure Spirit Orb - Chloe Moriondo
Cult Of Dionysus - The Orion Experience
Oh Raven (Sing Me A Song) - Unlike Pluto
Take Me To Church - Hozier
Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
Exploration - Coraline OST
Valhalla Calling - Miracle Of Sound
I Put A Spell On You - Annie Lennox
Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
Seven Wonders - Fleetwood Mac
A Potion For Love - Aurora
We Are Magic - Lolirock
You're Magical - Elisa Rosselli
Find The Magic - The Dazzlings
Season Of The Witch - Lana Del Rey
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odinsson2021 · 1 year
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Thank you for Listening!!
Here's the Playlist:
Stormwitch-Rondo ala Turca-Eye of the Storm-1989-(Hot Blood Records)
Casanova-Guns say Fire-One Night Stand-1992-(WEA Music)
China-Medicine Man-Go all the Way-1991-(Phonogram Ltd.)
Eclipse-Viva la Victoria-Paradigm-2019-(Frontiers Records)
Fortune-Silence of the Heart-Level Ground-2022-(Frontiers Records)
Frontline-Any other Way-Right Attitude-2000-(Signo Records)
Hardline-Takin' me Down-Double Eclipse-1992-(MCA Records)
Voodoo X-Voodoo Queen-Vol.1/The Awakening-1989-(CBS Records)
Van Halen-Poundcake-For Unlawful carnal Knowledge-1991-(WEA Music)
Van Zant-I'm a Fighter-Van Zant-1985-(Geffen Records)
Viva-Some Kind of Wonderful-Dealers of the Night-1982-(Metronome Music)
Alice Cooper-Feed my Frankenstein-Hey Stoopid-1991-(Epic Records)
Lynch Mob-Wicked Sensation-Wicked Sensation-1990-(Elektra Records)
Lee Aaron-Whatcha do to my Body-Bodyrock-1989-(Metronome Music)
Edguy-The Piper never dies-Hellfire Club-2004-(Nuclear Blast Records)
Serious Black-Ray of Light-Vengeance is mine-2022-(AFM Records)
Seven Sisters-Blood and Fire-The Cauldron and the Cross-2018-(Dissonance Records)
Burning Witches-The Dark Tower-The Dark Tower-05.05.2023-(Napalm Records)
Hammerfall-Reveries-Hammer of Dawn-2022-(Napalm Records)
Gamma Ray-Avalon-Empire of the Undead-2014-(EAR Music)
Judas Priest-Children of the Sun-Firepower-2018-(Sony Music)
Mob Rules-Secret Signs-Savage Land-1999-(Limb Music)
Shadowbane-Badlands Law-Facing the Fallout-2015-(Pure Steel Records)
Shining Black-Fear and Loathing-Postcards from the End of the World-2022-(Frontiers Records)
Blind Guardian-Mr. Sandman (Single)-1996-(Virgin Records)
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Percy Jackson character playlists:
Percy Jackson:
Annabeth Chase:
Grover Underwood:
Sally Jackson:
Luke Castellan:
Percy x Annabeth:
Demigod playlist:
Sally Jackson x Poseidon:
Percy Jackson and The Olympians (general character playlist):
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therisingphoenixden · 2 years
OTP/OC Song Association
Apologies for the late response to this tag, @mxkelsifer​, but I had one HELL of a time picking who I wanted to focus on! Usual tag game rules apply from me - you see and you like, feel free to do it!
Since it’s been a hot minute since I’ve done anything Dragon Age-y, I figured I’d focus on my wonderful walking disaster rogue, Astrid Hawke and her love interest, First Enchanter Orsino! Lucky for me, I have a full playlist dedicated to this disaster human already with some carefully curated songs to reflect her at each part of her journey. Under the cut lies my selection of songs, the lyrics, links to the songs in question for your listening pleasure, and a brief blurb for each!
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Song 1: Stolen Roses by Karen Elson
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Astrid did not have an easy life growing up constantly on the run from Templars with her mage father and sister. Malcolm had designated her the family protector should anything ever happen to him, although he gave her that duty before she was even 13. She had to grow up too fast and masked her pain and trauma with humor. It took a lot for this young girl to break, but break she did.
Song 2: Hardest of Hearts by Florence + The Machine
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Naturally, being on the run and smothering every negative thought with poorly-timed humor will do things to a person. Astrid began to have feelings for an absolutely unsuspecting First Enchanter Orsino when she would visit Bethany in the Gallows, but the poor rogue has absolutely zero idea how to process those feelings. The feelings get stuck within her, and without knowing exactly how to get them out, she feels alone.
Song 3: Dust to Dust - The Civil Wars
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Little did she know, the First Enchanter was equally lonely. Despite the gulf between them following her mother’s murder at the hands of a past associate, he joined Anders and Bethany in healing Astrid after taking a Qunari broadsword to the gut. The pair grew closer as Astrid convalesced at her estate, and she finally found it within her to forgive Orsino for his past association with Quentin as well as confess her feelings. Life was lonely for the Champion and the First Enchanter, but they didn’t have to be lonely any longer.
Song 4: Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine
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Lines have been crossed and an internal struggle rages within Kirkwall. Meredith had called for the Rite of Annulment of the Gallows even before Anders blew up the Chantry. Astrid has chosen her side. If Meredith wants to kill the two people she cares so deeply for in cold blood, the Knight-Commander will have to go through her.
Song 5: Lazarus - David Bowie
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As she’s falling from the shattered bridge at Adamant Fortress, Astrid’s thoughts linger over those she’s more than likely leaving behind - Orsino, their twins, Bethany, all of the mages under her protection in Freemount, her friends. If this is to be her end, she is remorseful. “I’m sorry,” she whispers to nothing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” But before oblivion takes her, her mind wanders back 10 years, to an old witch in a locket. And time stops. Gravity stops. And she finds herself in the Fade once more.
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playlistjunkie · 8 months
The 99 Best Halloween Songs Your Party Playlist Needs ASAP
Cosmopolitan - 8/3/23
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Bloody Mary - Lady Gaga
I Want Candy - Bow Wow Wow
Superstition - Stevie Wonder
Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon
Halloween - Misfits
Highway to Hell - AC/DC
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) - David Bowie
The Number of the Beast - Iron Maiden
Dracula's Wedding - Outkast
Is It Scary - Michael Jackson
Cemetery Drive - My Chemical Romance
Dracula - Gorillaz
Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones
Heads Will Roll - Yeah Yeah Yeah
Unholy - Sam Smith ft. Kim Petras
Goo Goo Muck - The Cramps
Haunted - Taylor Swift
I Love the Dead - Alice Cooper
There Will Be Blood - Kim Petras
Nightmare - Halsey
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites - Skrillex
Monster - Lady Gaga
Take What You Want - Post Malone
Disturbia - Rihanna
Feed My Frankenstein - Alice Cooper
Everyday Is Halloween - Ministry
She Wolf - Shakira
Bury a Friend - Billie Eilish
Dracula’s Wedding - Outkast feat. Kelis
Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr.
Monster - Kanye West feat. Jay Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj, and Bon Iver
Spellbound - Siouxsie and the Banshees
Season of the Witch - Donovan
All Around Me - Flyleaf
Tombstone, Baby - Peaches
Somebody’s Watching Me - Rockwell
Monsta’ Mack - Sir Mix-a-Lot
Witchy Woman - Eagles
Enter Sandman - Metallica
Love Potion No. 9 - The Clovers
Black Magic Woman - Santana
Suspiria - Goblin
I Was a Teenage Werewolf - The Cramps
Debaser - Pixies
Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
Time Warp - from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Release the Bats - The Birthday Party
X Files - Génération TV
Dead Man’s Party - Oingo Boingo
Howlin’ for You - The Black Keys
Shadows of the Night - Pat Benatar
Cold - The Cure
Ghost Ride It - Mistah F.A.B.
I Put a Spell on You - Screamin’ Jay Hawkins
Hungry Like the Wolf - Duran Duran
Halloween Theme - John Carpenter
Monster Mash - Bobby “Boris” Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers
Bela Lugosi’s Dead - Bauhaus
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby - Cigarettes After Sex
Night - Zola Jesus
The Haunted Man - Bat for Lashes
Red Right Hand - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Never Land - Sisters of Mercy
Tainted Love -Soft Cell
The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Primus
Psycho Killer - Talking Heads
Werewolf Bar Mitzvah - Tracy Morgan and Donald Glover
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper - Blue Öyster Cult
Turn Off the Light - Kim Petras feat. Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
Ghost Town - The Specials
(Ghost) Riders in the Sky - Johnny Cash
Are You Ready for Freddy - The Fat Boys
Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie
Devil in Me - Halsey
Zombie - The Pretty Reckless
Seven Devils - Florence and the Machine
Black Magic - Little Mix
Kill V. Maim - Grimes
Brujas - Princess Nokia
Mothercreep - FKA Twigs
Hang Me - Tancred
Haunted - Beyoncé
Bring Me to Life - Evanescence
Stranger Than Earth - Purity Ring
Bitch - Allie X
Roses - ABRA
Chimera - HANA
Gemini Feed - BANKS
Baby You're a Haunted House - Gerard Way
Zombie - The Cranberries
Spooky Scary Skeletons (Dma Illan Remix) - Andrew Gold
The Monster - Eminem feat. Rihanna
This Is Halloween - from The Nightmare Before Christmas
A Nightmare On My Street - DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince
Antichrist - The 1975
I'd Rather Be Burned As a Witch - Eartha Kitt
I Was All Over Her - Salvia Palth
Baby One More Time - The Marías
Thriller - Michael Jackson
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ace-angel-judas · 1 year
Making a Cleo inspired playlist rn 🥰 of course season of the witch has to be included
You also, have to have Stevie Nicks in there as well. Seven Wonders and Edge of Seventeen.
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goblin-witch · 4 years
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lottiemay · 3 years
— tag drop: #3
— sasquatchers anonymous ⇾ VERSE: MAIN. — what could have killed this mouse? could it be the blair witch? ⇾ VERSE: THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. — there is no heart for me like yours. ⇾ VERSE: SOULMATES. —  a sock hop beneath my bed,a disco ball hanging from a thread. ⇾ AESTHETIC. — not all who wonder are lost. ⇾ STUDY. — today is where your book begins,the rest is still unwritten. ⇾ HEADCANON. — the magical adventures of lottie fuckin’ may. ⇾ PLAYLIST. — i said,certified freak. seven days a week. ⇾ DESIRES.
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awrldalone · 4 years
autumn playlist
witchy woman - eagles
phantom - nightly
has anyone ever written anything for you - stevie nicks
season of the witch - lana del rey
running with the wolves - aurora
graveyard - halsey
knee socks - arctic monkeys
lonely vampire - weathers
seven wonders - fleetwood mac
lavander moon - haroula
just like a movie - wallows
we fell in love in october - girl in red
400 lux - lorde
daybed - fka twigs
carousel - melanie martinez
venus in fleurs - grimes
seven devils - florence + the machine
autumn in new york - billie holiday
ophelia - the lumineers 
september - roy blair
why do you feel so down - declan mckenna
swater weather - the neighbourhood
-c. 29/09/20 
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