#the transition is weird i know shh
gael-garcia · 5 months
Gael García Bernal in The Kindergarten Teacher (2018, Sara Colangelo) + Amárrame - Mon Laferte, Juanes
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Okay okay I saw that ur requests are open soo
Mtmte(?) Buddy that’s like blurr tall, slim but also spiky here and there, a former Decepticon. Now in rodimus gang, still getting use to things. Usually found with Magnus . Rodimus still very interested in buddy (cybertronian) they come off as quiet, introverted but rather talkative with other former decepticons, also likes to climb weird places blending in everywhere.
(Add any character u want in it I’m happy w whatever)
Buddy is the perfect combination of cat behavior and hedgehog/Porcupine.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Ex-con who comes off as quiet but is chatty with other Ex-con's with Ultra Magnus, Rodimus Prime, and Nautica
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronian reader
Buddy had chosen to quit the Cons a little halfway through the war. They changed their mind after seeing the realities of the Decepticon was doing to other planets such as Earth.
Of course, it had been a tough period of transition full of questioning, but soon enough they had integrated themselves as an Autobot.
Then the war ended.
When Buddy heard about the Lost Light, they jumped at the chance to get off world.
But there was still a lot of Con prejudice against any ex-con.
Buddy opted to stay quiet.
It didn’t help that their frame had some… spikier areas than most Bots as well as their habit of climbing up and perching in weird places.
Their friends thought they knew Buddy as this quiet bot who didn’t like to talk too much.
Until they truly saw them in their most comfortable state.
Talking with other ex-cons.
Ultra Magnus
Magnus is a bit confused that Buddy went from silently standing by his side to chatting up a storm with Cyclonus at Swerve’s.
It was as if a switch flipped with Buddy.
“Hey Cyclonus! How’s everything been?”--Buddy
“Really? Cause I heard from a little birdy that you might need some help.”--Buddy
“It concerns a certain minibot and what to give him a gift.”--Buddy
“…It was Whirl wasn’t?”--Cyclonus
“I can not reveal how may or may not have said such things?”--Buddy
“What are you—”--Cyclonus
“I’m glad you ask! I have a whole list of things we can do for Tailgate!”--Buddy
“That won’t be necessary—”--Cyclonus
“I got paid for this, all services are going to be spent. Now number one…”--Buddy
“Cyclonus giving Magnus a look of ‘What happened to your quiet friend?’
Magnus looking at him with ‘I don’t know, and Whirl is the main suspect.’
Magnus didn’t understand it at first.
Maybe the two of them had history before they became a Autobot. But that didn’t make any sense giving that Buddy joined the Autobots before Cyclonus came.
Magnus just stood by and waited while Cyclonus just stood by listening to Buddy.
When Tailgate showed up, Buddy excused themselves and moved back to Magnus.
“Sorry for that Magnus.”--Buddy
“It is all right… but I have to ask, did you know Cyclonus before?”--Magnus
“No, but I heard around that he was an Ex-Con or something and I wanted to get to know him a bit more from the last time.”--Buddy
“Last time?”--Magnus
“Yeah, I accidentally scared him from the vents and nearly got sliced in half. Ratchet was not happy about that.”--Buddy
“Lucky for my spikes it didn’t cause too much damage.”—Buddy
“Why where you in the vents?”—Magnus
“… I like feeling tall…”--Buddy
Rodimus Prime
The two of them met up with Drift on the way to the med bay.
First it was a conversation between Rodimus and Drift; that turned into Buddy, Drift, and Rodimus; that turned into Buddy and Drift.
“So, what happen next?”--Buddy
“Well, it was the three of us against these nasty guys—”--Drift
“Shh! Continue.”--Buddy
“With my sword I cut down the enemies that were getting too close. Too close you get you infected.”--Drift
“Then what happened? You said Pipes got spewed right?”--Buddy
“He did get infected.”--Drift
“Poor Pipes.”--Buddy
Rodimus is a little surprised seeing how well his two friends clicked in such little time.
Usually, Buddy warmed up to any bot he introduced after a couple of hours.
Drift had beaten them in less than 5 minutes.
When they drop Drift by the med bay, Rodimus does ask Buddy if they knew Drift back when they were a Con.
“No, I didn’t know him while I was with the Decepticons.”--Buddy
“Really? Could have fooled me.”--Rodimus
“Well, being ex-cons does help find some common ground.”--Buddy
“I guess—”--Rodimus
Buddy jumping high in freight and getting stuck in a nearby high panel from their spikes.
“… Can someone help me please?”--Buddy
Whirl getting out a data pad and quickly snapping a picture.
“Can you send that to me?”--Rodimus
Nautica doesn’t think too much about Buddy chatting with Megatron while they where waiting for Rodimus to show up for the meeting.
She was trying to start up a conversation with ravage when they both noticed how much chattier Buddy was.
Nautica was surprised to see her quiet friend be so chatty all of a sudden. It took her weeks for them to even hold a normal conversation!
“You see that?”--Nautica
“Yes? Its just Buddy and Megatron.”--Ravage
“Yes, but Buddy is the one doing most of the talking.”--Nautica
“And? Its nothing new.”--Ravage
“Yes. They tend to be a bit more of a motor mouth when they are around Con’s they used to know and ex-cons.”--Ravage
They have history with Megatron?”--Nautica
Rodimus running into the room with an airhorn.
Buddy jumping on top of Megatron and into the vents.
“Sorry Buddy! You can come down now!”--Rodimus
“I can’t!”--Buddy
“Don’t be like that. I am sure Rodimus is sorry for the scare, there is no need to be childish.”--Megatron
“No, I mean I can’t!”--Buddy
Ravage jumping on Megatron and into the vents.
Buddy curled up in a ball with their spikes impaling the vents.
“…Yeah, their stuck. Nautica call Ratchet or Skids here.”--ravage
“Don’t worry Buddy! Help is on the way!”—Nautica
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doverstar · 3 months
Okay, two whole people asked me to share my thoughts on River Song as a character and my thoughts on Doctor/River after I wrote a whole Clara Oswald essay, and it took me 4 days to write that I ship River with the Doctor and I love her, but there are so many problems. The biggest is named Steven Moffat. And because you asked, I will tell you why, turn up your screen brightness here we go-
*huge inhale* In a nutshell, River Song is ridiculous. Stop wait let me explain- *hands you the nutshell and pats your hand* Shh. River Song as a character first appeared in Silence in the Library, right? We were with the Doctor’s tenth incarnation and Donna Noble, statistically the most popular era in the show’s long history. And this episode was Moffat’s fourth-ever story for the show. Blink and the The Doctor Dances two-parter were all so good. He was on a roll. River comes in and she’s so much fun. And she knows the Doctor. Already. And the crowd goes oooooh collectively. She knows him intimately, it seems. And he has no clue who she is, so oooh again, she’s from his future! It is heavily implied that they'll be married—it’s just the first place anyone’s brain goes.  And then she dies. And we loved her, end scene. Then Moffat took over the show and got the opportunity to explain himself, and he explained himself really poorly.
River went from being a very interesting flash-in-the-pan to being an overdecorated ideal. She is Moffat’s ideal woman. She’s crazy, she seems independent and powerful and unattainable, but she’s actually totally obsessed with the protagonist and consistently making innuendos at him. Her sun rises and sets on the Doctor. Why? Because that’s Moffat’s idea of an attractive woman. I kid you not. I think the problem with writing something that is pure self-indulgence is that you’re so excited about what you’re writing, you don’t stop and think, hey, is this working? You don’t measure the quality. You’re not thinking clearly, it’s just wish-fulfillment. River is everything Moffat thinks a woman should be. Mysterious, strong, insane, violent, but only because of the man she’s drooling over. Her whole story is an excuse to write a woman like the one I just described, because it’s hot to Moffat. (I know. Gross.) Here comes a Moffat rant. The man is insanely talented, and I am not silly enough to believe that all of his writing regarding women is fetish-fueled – I just don’t think that way typically when I’m watching something, but it’s really hard to miss with Moffat. Haven’t you noticed every one of his female characters is full of lust for the protagonist? That’s weird. It was weird when Amy kissed the Doctor against his will, engaged to Rory and not interested in “anything quite so permanent”. It was weird when Nanny Clara kissed him after having just met him, in the middle of a dangerous situation, and then not keeping her eyes front up the magic ladder. (It was weird that Oswin was dressed like that and lounging in all of those poses the first time we saw her, as a dead woman in a Dalek shell, go back and watch it. Laugh like I did. You’re [hallucinating that you’re] stranded on an alien planet in a ship that crashed—and that’s what you’re wearing to work? The last survivor?) It's weird that rando Tasha Lem divulges intense, universe-altering danger to the Doctor in a breathless voice with space wine as they creep closer together over a bed. Ew. What? Why is that even happening? And finally, it’s weird that a girl brought up to murder her parents’ much-older alien best friend, who she was brainwashed to believe is the universe’s biggest problem, should want to eat his face off. Especially when their timelines are out of order and she hasn’t gotten to know him for real at all yet.
Is the Doctor attractive? Yup. Was any of that necessary? Nope. Now we’ll transition for a bit into what I think is wrong with the ship, even though I do ship it. (More on the pros of it later.) The more we learned about her, the less River and the Doctor made sense. The only truly wonderful thing about their dynamic (my favorite part!) is that the Doctor and River act like they’re already married, even though they’re meeting out of order. They have that assurance in one another. They each know the other person will become someone they’re willing to marry someday—they each get a sneak peek of that future together. (River in Let’s Kill Hitler, the DoctorinSilence in the Library.) So when they do meet, even when she’s in Instant Kill Mode and he’s in You Scare Me mode, it’s with an expectation that, hold on, eventually I’m going to really really care about you. Everything they do with one another from that point forward is influenced by that expectation, which makes them comfortable around one another. So that’s sweet and I love it. The problem is—River isn’t the Doctor’s ideal woman. She might be Moffat’s, but on paper she should not work with the Doctor romantically. Moffat engineered this woman—who is supposed to eventually be the Doctor’s wife—to be violent, self-centered, insane, very sexual, and willing to shatter any laws of time (or morality) she sees fit. That’s the opposite of what the Doctor admires, chooses, and is attracted to from everything we’ve ever seen of him. (Does the Doctor like smart, capable women who are good in a crisis? Yes! Obviously! That’s not what I’m talking about.) But suddenly after meeting River, being told one day she’ll be his wife, (instead of organically learning why he would marry her and organically learning who she truly is and then growing to love her naturally), very quickly and without explanation he’s all “And unlike me, she really doesn’t mind shooting people. I shouldn’t like that, kinda do a bit!” What? Since when? Since Moffat. Because Moffat is behind the wheel and Moffat finds that hot. Sir, just because you told me to ship it doesn’t mean I’m convinced. Now, is it her fault that she’s a murder weapon? Is it River’s fault that she was brought up to believe it’s okay to choose violence, wear poison lipstick, and be the girlboss of murder? Absolutely not. Melody Pond was kidnapped, tortured, brainwashed, and used as a human/Time Lady weapon just because she was there. She had absolutely no choice in the matter. And when she did eventually, finally get to choose, she chose to rescue the Doctor and start over. She sacrificed every remaining regeneration she might have had to reverse her actions. That last part? That’s awesome. I love that. But that nice moment doesn't fix the rest. The story goes that River was stolen, raised to kill the Doctor, and then fell in love with him along the way—and the special sauce is, she’s meeting him out of order; every time she sees him he knows her less because she’s moving backward along his timeline. (Unnecessarily complicated, but very fun, Moffat! Can’t forget fun in Doctor Who.) The story goes, too, that the Doctor meets his wife from the future in the biggest universal Library one day, watches her die, and waits for her to appear again so he can start a love story he knows the ending to—and the special sauce is, he’s meeting her out of order; every time he sees her he’s getting to know her more and she knows him less, because she’s moving backward while he moves forward. That does make for an interesting love story. You’re excited to see it play out because you and the Doctor expect it to be a doozy based on River’s “not those times, don’t you dare, you watch us run” speech in Forest of the Dead. But the problem is, they were both told they’d marry one day and therefore they treat it as a foregone conclusion, so there’s no organic attempt at really, truly falling in love. They behave as though they didn’t fall anywhere, they were pushedinside and someone locked the door. (I just pictured Moffat outside with the key. “Now KISS!”)
The point is that nobody worked for this relationship. If you’re going to explain how they fell in love, because the audience already knows they apparently will, then actually show them falling in love! When did the Doctor decide he loved River? When he found out she was Amy’s literal daughter? When he found out she was a psychopath? Or did it all begin in the Library when she died for him, because he already knew that for some reason one day he would marry her, and it’s all just placebo from then on? Or did Ten just regenerate into the sort of man who inexplicably “love(s) a bad girl, me”, and really gets off on those moments when River threatens to shoot and kill other life forms? Yeah, that makes sense. When did River decide she loved the Doctor? When Kovarian told her he’s the scourge of universes? Or was it when River heard he's ultimately the reason she was kidnapped and made to be raised by the Silence and forced into a space suit as a child, because one day she has to rid the universe of this man? Oh! Maybe she fell in love with him when her literal parents went to primary school with her as peers and Amy told her about the Raggedy Doctor as little girls and Mels decided she’d marry him for some reason one day even though she was trained to kill him! (*big pause to catch my breath*) Do you see what I’m saying? We didn’t see it happen. We were told, not shown, that they were in love, or that they would be in love enough to marry one day, and then we watched it not actually happen. And so did the Doctor and River. They are both living in a constant state of resignation to their relationship. Moffat didn’t tell a love story, he told an epilogue, and neither of the lovers got to experience the beginning! For all the cutesy times they quipped “spoilers” at each other, they never once just let things take their course naturally. They lived in the spoilers. The spoilers are the only reason they’re together in the first place! 
And one more thing. A side thing. The Doctor did not want to marry River. That’s disappointing, isn’t it? The wedding was not a happy one. They did it because according to River, their history (their relationship’s “archeology”) differed - she’s either the woman who murders or marries the Doctor, and given those choices, the Doctor wanted to choose murderer instead of wife as River’s role because it was the only way to save reality, but she wouldn't listen to him until he called her wife. Their wedding, just like everything else about their romantic history, is something they’re forced into. It’s contrived. It’s confusing. It’s very difficult to believe in. Moffat gave us all the relational-dynamic payoff prematurely and never actually showed us the part where they fell in love.
That’s my problem(s) with their relationship. Now let me talk about (as requested) River as a character again and what I actually do find most interesting and endearing about her and about her relationship with the Doctor. Like I said, I actually do love her, I actually do ship it, and now I’m gonna vomit out why.
The most endearing thing about River to me is that she is insecure, and that humanizes the silly ideal. Now, in spinoff material River led a very long and varied life, and the Doctor was not the only man she was intimate with. But he’s the only one she loves. That love is what makes her so insecure. And it is love—after a while of repeatedly running into him after Lake Silencio, River is consistently choosing to put the Doctor and his needs before herself and her own. She always had it in her; she’s Amy and Rory’s daughter and the child of the Tardis, after all. But it’s the influence that the Doctor has on her that makes her go from psychopath to heroine. She genuinely believes he’s the best man ever, which is saying something when your father is Rory Williams.
And she, River, murdered him or tried to. She was stolen from his friends and made to attack him, made to put them in danger. She had to lie to him nearly every time they met, or at the very least withhold important information from him. Every time she met him, he trusted her less and less and less. 
And the Doctor is not perfect, but think about how River must see him. He must seem perfect, right? He’s so, so kind, he’s so, so good. He’s so brave. He’s so selfless. He’s so smart. He’s amazing, and he uses his time and his talents for other people, saving lives and helping out all across the stars. He even helped her. He even forgave her. That’s why she fell in love with him, not because he’s hot when he’s clever, not because she’s a psychopath and really, Madam Kovarian, who else was she going to fall in love with, what a basic mistake – NO. If you want to look at it from its most compelling angle, no matter how confusing it gets, how contrived, the most compelling angle is that River loves the Doctor because the Doctor forgave her. In spite of everything. And we see how she really thinks of him, how insecure she truly is, what she really thinks he must feel about her, in The Husbands of River Song. That episode is my favorite River episode.
She got to marry him, but it was under force. She got to be with him, but not forever. She got to help him, but not always. They kissed, but he treated it like it was the first time. He forgave her, but he had to bail them all out in the end, because when she tried she made a mess of it. “Trust you? Seriously?” “I don’t wanna marry you.” “You embarrass me.” “Why do you have to be this? Melody Pond—your daughter, I hope you’re both proud!” River is in love with him, but she genuinely does not think he is in love with her. On paper, it doesn’t seem like she’d be someone he chooses to love. Maybe someone he chooses to pity. Maybe someone he chooses to look after, because her parents are dead now and he loved them and he failed to save Melody the first time, guilty to the last. Whichever way she looks at it, he can’t possibly love her. Sure, he flirts with her, but he flirts with everyone. Yes, she’s smart, but he only takes the best. He’s surrounded by smart. She saved him and it was her honor, but she’s not the first to do that anyway. And like I said, neither of them got to see when the other person first started loving them, because it’s all back-to-front and they exist in a state of resignation. I can think of no better way to feel insecure about where you stand with the man you love than literally never ever knowing when it will begin.
But River’s cool. She’s brave and clever and she can do just about anything she wants with whoever she wants. She can live like the Doctor—adventures in time and space, and maybe sometimes he’ll run into her. In fact, she keeps calling on him when she needs help, and doesn’t he always come? Doesn’t that mean something? One day they’ll be married, just keep waiting, okay, now they are married, he’ll get used to it, he still flirts with her, stay cool, stay funny, stay smart, at least he’s still around, just keep waiting— And then after a while she stops waiting. She’s not like her mother. She gets on with life. The Husbands of River Song is genius because their timelines are synced perfectly, at last, for them to be at the peak of their affection for one another. River doesn’t know him, but not because he’s wearing a new face, because he’s actually really, really obvious about the fact that it’s him. He’s constantly trying to get her to see it without outright saying it, but she has this mental block that will not even consider that he’s there, especially the deeper they go into danger together. Why is that? Well, she says it. The enemy says she’s the perfect bait, refers to her as the woman who loves the Doctor, and what does River say? It's right here. And it’s made very clear by her actions throughout the episode before this speech that River really does believe it. Because he’s standing right behind her listening to all of that and she hasn’t seen that it’s him, because of course he’s not here. She suffers from the same mentality her sweet dad Rory did—that the person she loves will never love her the way she loves them. River doesn’t think she’s nothing, but she thinks she’s nothing to the Doctor.
I think it’s beautiful that she was wrong. I think the Doctor loves River, and I think it’s a very different love than what he had for Rose Tyler (or, now that I think of it, Sarah Jane). It’s still love, it’s just not the same. It’s nice that you can ship both, actually.
(If you ask me which I think is the better love story between the two ships, that’s a different essay for a different time, and one that I think will have people drop-kicking me throughout every facet of the internet. Right now we’re focusing on River and on her ship with the Doctor, which I do enjoy.) I may not think that it was brilliantly executed, but the fact remains that at some point, the Doctor did grow to love and care about River Song. And there’s one part of their wedding that I also liked a lot— When he marries her and her parents give consent, the Doctor’s first request of his wife is “help me”. That’s what wives do! That’s what husbands need from wives! That’s marriage. The sticking together no matter what, being the person you both turn to in life’s darkest moments. River understood that concept, because when Amy asks in The Angels Take Manhattan if allowing the Angel to touch her will send her to Rory, who has just died in front of them, the Doctor says he doesn’t know, and Amy asks “But it’s my best shot, yeah?” The Doctor shouts no, but River tells him to shut up. “Yes, yes, it is!” And she’s crying, but she’s smiling too. She knows what she would do if she were Amy. She knows why Amy is going to let the Angel touch her. Because that’s marriage. And that’s what she feels for the Doctor. I do ship it! I love the idea that love helped shape River instead of hate, contrary to Kovarian’s plans for Melody. I love the idea that the Doctor started out untrusting of River and in the end, trusted her implicitly. I love that he had her when he needed help. And let’s face it, they really are so much fun.
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guacamoleroll · 5 months
— 𝖒𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖊 𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖘 + 𝖆𝖙𝖘𝖚𝖘𝖍𝖎 ₊˚⊹
pairing: atsushi nakajima (bungou stray dogs) x gender-neutral!reader
content warning(s): crying, christmas movies, mentions of atsushi's childhood, the weretiger needs a hug
author's note: welcome to the start of what will hopefully become a series of short stories and (maybe) longer ones for the holiday season. i literally completed this super last minute, BUT the next one should come out right on schedule tomorrow. enjoy!
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"Is this the movie you wanted to watch, honey?"
You perked up at Atsushi as he held up an old, dusty DVD case. The familiar red and green font shined within the dim fluorescent light of a lamp, the graphic lying underneath a layer of grime that smudged to reveal a cheerful holiday classic - A Christmas Carol.
"That's the one!"
He twisted the case around in his hand, his brows furrowed as he scanned the illustration. You snickered behind your hand, knowing the western style was different from the animation they had in Japan. He was even more clueless considering he had never watched a full movie in his youth. The poor were-tiger often missed jokes whenever his co-workers would bring up old or even current pop-culture, so you had made it a goal to introduce him to all sorts of things. It made your insides twist in sorrow at the thought, knowing he was never able to enjoy the holiday season, but that sadness only pushed you to bombard him with the love he deserved.
"It looks…weird?"
You laughed. "Don't worry, I know you'll love it."
And love it he did.
There you sat, snuggled up within blankets upon blankets on your old sofa, with the weretiger's head buried into your shoulder, sobbing following the scene focused on Tiny Tim. The movie remained paused in the background as you focused on stroking him back, a simulatiounsly amused and sad smile on your face as you comforted him.
"W-Why did he have to-"
"Shh, honey. I'll be okay. You just have to keep watching."
"I-I can't." The crack of his voice made your heart hurt. "It's so sad."
You trailed kisses along the edges of his hairline, brushing through his grayed locks with a gentle hand. He could pretend to be tough while at work, but the poor boy was such a softie when it came to stereotypical sad stories. It sometimes made you sad, but it was so cute.
You hesitantly pressed play, allowing the scene to fully play out. He was slowly drawn out of his sobs as his sensitive hearing picked up on the background, his trembling face turning to look at the screen. His eyes sparkled as he watched the story get resolved, rubbing away the tears from his eyes before they blinked sleepily. His breaths slowly transitioned to shallow, tuckered out after his bout of tears.
"That was a good movie."
You merely smiled, covering you both up in another blanket before placing a kiss onto the half-conscious man's forehead.
"I told you so."
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ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @imhandicapableofmath @seisitive @hauntedsol @ruru-kiss @ishqani @zyilas @lovesick-fairy @fedyascoffin @aquigglewigglewoo @kelperspelt
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catchyhuh · 6 months
i bet you were insufferable as a child
and since we know this about lupin and jigen for a fact we’re actually just gonna focus on the other three for now! yippee!! the "tms forgot i exist" special lineup!
i know she was a weird girl. i KNOW this bitch had a gigantic bookshelf filled with all the standard cute, girly beginner chapter books, but also those big fucking scholastic book fair pretend spy kits and shit. i don’t think she was ever the “play in the dirt and come home covered in grass stains and mud” type of kid, mostly because it just felt gross to her, but i DO think she was completely unhinged in an indoors sense. the kind of child who just starts talking your ear off acting like they know everything there is to know about frogs because they read one book so OBVIOUSLY they know ALL about FROGS!! 
absolutely adored those cheap horrible nail polish sets where the brush is the size of a q-tip swab. she also chewed on her nails though, so imagine the standard tiny hand with thin, watery, glittery purple polish on just the roundest, bluntest nails possible. that same hand is also thinking really hard about how to best pocket your coin purse though so like,
i think she had siblings. she was in the perfect spot where she wasn’t in the league with the older, more achieved kids, but wasn’t young enough to be babied and spoiled like the little ones. which takes quite a strange toll on you growing up. it’s why her demeanor now tends to go between taking advantage of the fact a lot of people don’t expect anything from her, to “why are you ignoring me?! what’s that about!!”
fujiko def developed her evil selfgaining tendencies before she even left the fifth grade. if you think she’s difficult to bargain with NOW, imagine what she was like in middle school when [pogs/pokemon cards/silly bandz/insert era appropriate cafeteria currency here] was big. she went through the school system curating personal black markets. it would be impressive if she wasn’t so terrifyingly cutthroat about it
in the nicest way possible, if the stars had aligned, and by some miracle all five of them were the same exact age and met in kindergarten, she… would not have been friends with any of them. well, partially. there’s a very sharp gender divide when you’re first starting school, so i think she kind of “made friends” with nice enough girls, but she absolutely thought lupin was obnoxious, she thought goemon didn’t like her because he rarely spoke to her, jigen thought it was hilarious to antagonize her, and zenigata was just kind of whatever, like he wasn’t a jerk, but he wasn’t exceedingly nice. like he gave her a colored pencil to borrow and that was the extent of that. at best, if goemon was forced to really socialize, she and goemon would get along well enough, but that’s also because she’s bossy as HELL and goemon just goes along with whatever, even now, so ESPECIALLY back when he was an impressionable child!
god. you know the kid that sits on the edge of the playground that the teachers all go “aw, bless his heart. just a little old soul.” poor baby goemon
i don’t really think there was as much pressure on goemon to live up to his legacy the way there was for lupin. i’ve mentioned it before, but goemon’s relationship with the original goemon is very different from lup’s relationship with his grandpa, or even dad, and it’s not just because of the time gap. goemon CHOSE to emulate his nakesake’s abilities and talents, where lupin kind of had no choice. and because of this, goemon’s transition into his current lifestyle was much more gradual. i’d say he probably only started making an effort to BE “goemonlike” when he reached his mid-to-late teens. i know hes like 17 in the og manga so if any of this contradicts that Shh no it doesn’t
his quietness wasn’t entirely the result of being shy either. he just didn’t really know what to say at most points? he was (and still is) pretty blunt, and realized pretty quickly and very naturally that people outside of his immediate family didn’t know what to make of him when he answered rhetorical questions completely honestly and sincerely. so he kinda just. retreated inward a bit. he started to get a bit more talkative as he grew, but then he committed to his training and learned the importance of “meaning every word you say” so then he started getting quiet AGAIN
you would think he would be the easiest kid to look after. uh no. even in a pre-slashy slashy era he’s very naturally destructive, which is insane given how tenderly he treats certain stuff within the house. you go “ok goemon this is my dog’s favorite food bowl. it belonged to HER mom so that’s very old for dogs.” and he gives you this exceedingly serious nod and uses both hands to slowly set it down on the ground for the dog to eat out of. but then you go “goemon is that your great great great grandfather’s handmade teapot?” and he goes “is it?” and just in the process of him setting it on the counter it has shattered in two. little man is devastated but hey nobody was drinking out of that thing anyway so just krazy glue that fucker and the tears will subside
is there anything at all funnier than an angry 6yo. yeah. an angry 2yo. and even funnier than that, an angry infant. he didn’t even have anything to actually be pissed about, that’s just naturally how his eyebrows sit and HAVE been his entire life. i would give up my pinky just to see even a glimpse of the absolute comedy jackpot known as his baby pictures
not a revolutionary take by any means but he was definitely the “YOU CAN’T DO THAT WE’RE GONNA GET IN TROUBLE!!” kid. however he was absolutely not even REMOTELY the “didn’t we have homework?” kid because you know damn well he never remembered to do that shit. unless he knew a kid he didn’t like ALSO didn’t do the homework, then yeah, he’d absolutely go down with the ship just to get back at the little bastard. 
in that same vein he would absolutely be the easiest to babysit. “but his demeanor--” shh you are thinking too far ahead. this guy has no obligations. this guy has personal beef with like two random kids in his neighborhood. he has yet to grow a taste for calling superiors idiots who don’t know what they’re talking about. so as long as you actually tell him in plain terms “please do x” or “don’t do y because z” he’ll be fine. you tell this kid to set the table and he’s tripping over his feet putting the spoons and forks in the wrong places. also you’re just having chicken nuggets so i don’t even know why he did that. he didn’t grab plates.
do not mistake the above for him being a “good” kid because this just means he was unfortunately one of those horrible kids who are very polite in front of certain people and absolute monsters in front of those he doesn’t like. does that sound contradictory to the above bullet points? that’s just how children are. he was not a bully at any point in his life but he was so extreme with his ANTI bullying shit that he ended up in the principal’s office just as much, covered in bruises and star wars bandaids. all throughout his school years. he was still doing this shit in high school he’d overhear somebody being a douchebag and just push them off the bleachers. let ‘em fall 10 feet it builds character.
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celestialjupe · 1 year
Girlblogging: 1/11/23 20:46
Today was weird but chill? i woke up violently hungover, which was surprising. I went to the bar with my dad last night, i had a lemon drop martini and a shot of fireball, from the bar we went to kroger and i got a six pack of these twisted tea things. When i got home i realized they were only 4% so naturally, i drank four as quickly as possible....that was my mistake. It was overall a pretty chill hangover though, i threw up twice and slept my day away. also got my period..slay.
After i woke up i joined a livestream with some of my friends and after a bit decided to take a shower. I have a friend I'm not talking to currently, and today is her birthday and i wrote a message out to send but decided that might be a bad idea. I mean, it's kind of selfish to send a message to someone on their birthday when yall arent talking, right? idk the night is young and i don't want to throw her off by sending a message, i do feel shitty though, about the whole situation, mainly because im so confused lmao. Overall, i figured if she wanted me to say something then we would probably still be talking right? Plus, all i could think of was everytime a friend of mine gets a message from someone they aren't talking to on their birthday, and they never feel good about the message, regardless if the gesture was genuine. So overall it seems like something you do when you just want to make yourself feel good, but there's a lack of self awareness in taking that sort of action i think. It does suck though, but I'm okay with that, i just hope she enjoys her birthday and idk i hope it's the best one yet because she deserves the best.
Anyways, i think the playlist i put together for january is actually so good. I always like my monthly playlists obviously, but this one is really matching my mood so far. I've listened to it all the way through a few times already, which i usually never really do, at least not in one day. I'm going to catch up tonight and do my laundry and clean my bathroom. my room is still clean, but i could organize it a bit more. I'm a lot happier since i've stopped transiting my 8-12 houses, right now im transiting through my first house so thats been nice and i feel like i am finding a lot out about myself. I'm also so so happy that the holidays are finally over. It's nice to have alone time again, i always feel completely strung out by thanksgiving, and then comes christmas. It's torture! i dont get it! I did have a good christmas this year though, i think im starting to understand my extended family on a new level and thats so cool. Regardless, i think I'd rather chill alone, but i feel guilty about that obviously , because i do love and care for my family, especially as i get older. Memories soften, ya know? Thanksgiving was hard though, november in general was hard. And seeing everyone just really highlighted this rejection wound which kind of sucks because you sit there and you wonder why you're so different from all of your family, and you wonder why that difference makes it hard for them to talk to you, and then you wonder how they knew about that difference before you did. THEN you have to realize that no one is talking to you because you're the one being quiet, sitting there overanalyzing everything, when its supposed to be easy. Talking to your family is supposed to happen naturally and smoothly, and you're the one with the problem because for you it doesn't come naturally. Tough, girthy pill to swallow but i think i finally got it down this thanksgiving, because christmas came with ease. So, I'm thankful for that.
I also think the amount that i think is rotting my brain. Like shhhhh...shh...shh stop talking to yourself and start doing actual things. Actual things are fun, sitting in the same spot for hours and reminiscing on every negative experience you've ever had is not fun. I also heard something the other day thats maybe kind of silly, but it put a lot into perspective for me. Someone said that the way you spend your day to day is the way you live your life. first of all, duh. second of all thats literally the most profound discovery and i can't believe i haven't thought of that! what the fuck? So, I've really been putting in an effort to be more mindful and present instead of living in my head because im getting nothing done with that. I'm thinking of sobering up too, at least with alcohol. The hangovers are not worth it, and i just feel like it's not as fun as it used to be, plus i think i have a bad handle on my limitations. I don't get extremely white girl wasted or anything, but theres been a few times where i start to pass out and i worry that i might have given myself alcohol poisoning and my dad is gonna find me dead and drunk and that would be terrible i would be dead but i would still feel so bad if my dad had to find me, like fucking idiot!!! anyways yeah, plus being drunk is like, the opposite of being mindful and present. So it seems i have more reasons to sober up than to not sober up, drinking doesn't really serve me. Just like psychedelics always drag me down a bit, at least acid does really really drag me down. Acid is confusing because the entire time you're on it you're just like, jesus christ why did i do this? SIX MORE HOURS? oh god what if it never ends, what if this is just my life now? and then you still take it again, i don't get what that's all about. I haven't done acid since july, and that trip was cool but it also kind of sucked. It made me really self-concious and reclusive afterwards. Then i did shrooms a few times and stopped in august. My shroom trips are usually pretty cool, shroom trips are just like: YOU HAVe A LIFE!!! YOU FUCK!!! A LIIIIFEEE!!!!!!! The last time i did them, it hit me in the shower, and i knew i had done too much, but the good thing about shrooms is you can just watch fantasia and then its pretty much over, so thats what i did. I sat in my bed and just focused on fantasia, which is one of my favorite movies now, it's impossible to have a bad trip to fantasia. After fantasia i had this realization that i spend a lot of my time being miserable, so i just decided to not be miserable anymore. It's not quite that easy, especially when you're insane, but it did help! I think i might watch fantasia tonight actually, im overdue for a rewatch.
That's all i have for today. Thank you if you took the time to read! please eat well, stay hydrated, and focus on what you love!!
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peachy-rambles · 3 years
Here, have some self indulgent trans!Phil thoughts:
Phil never medically transitioned simply because he did not want to. He didn't have the option when he was young because surgeries weren't really a thing back then, even if his species were advanced in some other areas. But Phil never really suffered from dysphoria and was always comfortable with his body the way it was (his body naturally producing more testosterone than an average afab person might've had something to do with that but shh). Once he was older (aka thousands of years later), and the technology was available to medically transition, he was like "Mm that's not for me, but cool."
And while he still doesn't suffer from dysphoria, and has no desire to transition further than he already has, sometimes he still can't help but feel...self conscious about his body.
He has prominent curves, breasts, and stretch marks (from giving birth at least once in his lifetime), and he knows these things are not exactly...the most desirable to other people. Especially men interested in other men. They don't want curves and breasts, they want hard muscle and flat chests. Which is fine, Phil understands, but it certainly hasn't helped him feel like he's desirable in any way.
For the most part, Phil covers up and wears clothes one or two sizes larger than he actually is. He presents as masculine and makes sure his body is hidden well, and that he passes as male completely.
But he...doesn't really enjoy it.
Sure sometimes he likes to present as more masculine, but he'd love to be able to dress femininely more often, to show off his curves and for him to be appreciated.
But unfortunately he'll often just get weird looks or unwanted comments if he does, so he covers up because it's just easier.
Then he meets Techno.
They become friends -best friends- and while Techno knows Phil is trans, Phil has only ever dressed in his usual bigger clothing around him.
One day when they're going to visit the nearby town for a few errands, Phil decides to forgo his usual clothes and trade it for a simple summer dress. It fits him perfectly and he knows he looks good, but he still can't help but feel nervous when he steps outside to join Techno.
Techno stares at him for a few seconds, blinks a few times in surprise before giving Phil a smile small and says, "You look nice."
"Thanks," Phil manages to get out in a quiet voice.
"But," Techno says and Phil tenses up, expecting the worst. He knew this was a bad idea, he shouldn't have put the dress on, he should've stuck with his usual clothes and remained hidden-
"-I think it's missing something," Techno continues and tilts his head to the side, "You remember that shawl I got you a while back? I think it'd complete the outfit."
"Oh," Phil says and he can feel the tears welling up in his eyes, is unable to stop them from spilling out.
Techno doesn't say anything or question it, just pulls Phil close and hugs him.
"Thank you," is all Phil can say, a smile on his face as he holds tightly onto Techno.
Phil starts to wear less of his bulkier clothes around Techno, often switching for more feminine and more revealing clothing. Techno will always give him some sort of compliment or make a suggestion for his outfit, and Phil loves him for it. Eventually, Phil gets enough confidence back to wear more of his feminine outfits outside, whether he's with Techno or by himself.
He doesn't know exactly when he notices or when things changed, but there's comes a point where the way Techno starts to look at Phil...becomes different. Techno will still compliment him and such, but he'll avoid Phil's gaze and...was he blushing? Techno, an ancient god who bowed to no one and infamous feared warrior, was...blushing.
Well then.
Phil once thought his body was undesirable to other people, that no one would find him attractive, and had accepted that.
Perhaps he was wrong, and there is someone who desires him.
Phil confronts Techno one night about it in their shared cabin, Phil once again wearing that summer dress (even if it is not at all suited for the weather outside) and sliding into Techno's lap, not at all surprised when Techno immediately goes red.
"Do you love me, Techno?" he asks.
"Yes," comes the simple answer.
"Do you think I'm pretty?" he asks, leaning more into Techno's space and pressing himself up further against Techno.
"You're beautiful."
"Do you want to kiss me?" Phil finally asks, placing his hand on top of Techno's much larger one and guiding it to his waist, Techno taking the hint, holding him there firmly.
"Yes," Techno says and gazes at Phil, their eyes meeting, "May I?"
"You may-" Phil barely gets to finish his sentence before Techno is leaning down and pulls Phil into a fierce kiss.
It's merely the first of many shared kisses that night.
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femboysai · 3 years
✶ [bakugou katsuki] final part ✶
❀ katsuki gets hit with a quirk that ages him back into a child, and he takes a strange liking to you.
❀ no warnings, sfw, fluff    >part [1]        >part [2]
you’re only in the bathroom for minutes when you hear pops that sound like miniature explosions followed by cries that most definitely come from the child-katsuki. you dry your hands quickly and rush into the living room— praying to every god that katsuki hasn’t finally snapped and decided to murder kirishima—
it’s mina and kaminari, kaminari being the one chased up and down the living room by an exceptionally pissed-off katsuki. his little hands are clawed, his quirk like mini bursts from his palms. mina is in stitches and kirishima is nervously watching katsuki’s quirk come dangerously close to everything remotely flammable in his apartment. 
“what’s going on?” 
mina exclaims your name and near tackles you into a hug. there are tears in her eyes where she has been crying with laughter. “blasty’s tryna kill denki for calling him chibi, i-i’m gonna die!” she’s explaining to you through her hiccups, holding her stomach, and in her hand is her phone where she captured half of the transition. no doubt for potential blackmail material.
“katsuki,” you say. the kid— he halts almost instantly to look at you and then jogs across the room to clutch at your pants. you crouch, inspecting his palms in concern that his quirk might’ve burnt him, but he’s fine. 
so you pick him up, hoisting him onto your hip. “denki, don’t antagonise him. he’s a kid right now.”
kaminari is ear-to-ear with a shit-eating grin, absolutely amused and unphased by the death glare he’s receiving from katsuki. “what are you— his mother now?”
it’s katsuki that scoffs. “shut up. katsuki’ll blow your face up.” 
“that’s not very nice to say, katsuki,” you scold. he shuts up instantly and turns his head away as if he didn’t do anything wrong. if you think you can coax an apology out of him, you’re wrong. he instead clings to your neck, ignoring the new company.
mina and kaminari are going ballistic at kirishima’s explanation to them. had the roles been reversed, you might have been cackling along with them. the situation is ridiculous, you’re not even sure how katsuki himself will react once he’s back to normal. 
“you’re not my mother,” the kid ends up saying as you carry him over to the couch. you sit, and he’s still stuck to you like a koala. 
“i know,” you say.
he’s quiet while you converse with your friends, trying your best not to take notice of the hysterical glances they make at katsuki’s back. he’s been pondering this whole time and then leans back to look at you. you stop short in your sentence, gaze flickering back to his round chubby face. 
he takes your face in his two little nitroglycerin smelling hands, “my bride.” you burst into giggles, unable to hold them back. 
“sure, katsuki.” 
and the laughter roars once again. kirishima has given mina and kaminari the run-down on it all, it was unavoidable— and there’s no telling how much longer this might last. the quirk effects are the last thing they care about, they’re howling at katsuki’s unbelievable crush on you. 
“it’s like when kids have crushes on their babysitter,” mina laughs. 
“he’ll kill us when he goes back to normal,” kaminari adds, keeled over in tears. 
katsuki takes no notice of what they’re saying, going back to resting his cheek on your shoulder. much like his adult self, he pays no mind to his spitfire friends. and you don’t want to hurt his feelings, even if there’s a possibility he won’t remember anything of this when the quirk undoes itself, but you bite your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. 
“oh, he’s going to kill you when he gets back to normal.” 
you’re laughing too, they all say with their eyes.
your day-off flies by so quick that it surprises you when you check the time and it’s the evening already. you cook up your last meal for dinner and put on another movie to lull katsuki into somewhat of a sleepy state. 
this time, he nods off quicker than the day before— halfway through the movie. kirishima is a lot less depressed after having his friends visit, and you carefully lift katsuki to carry him to bed in the spare room. 
“if he’s still like this tomorrow, i’ll stop in after work,” you whisper to kirishima.
the red-head nods and stifles a yawn. “you can stay over again if you like. it’s getting late, i don’t want you to walk home in the dark.” 
it’s with these words that katsuki stirs— his face crinkling, squirming in your arms as he regains consciousness. “you’re leaving?” his arms tighten around your neck, “don’t go. stay.” 
“i’ll stay until you fall asleep again,” you promise. 
“…wanna live with you.” his sleepy words in such a cute voice almost make you want to stay, however you know you can’t. 
you carry him the room he’s staying in, and he’s reluctant to release his grip on you. you sit on the floor beside his bed and lay the side of your face on the mattress. if you put off going home for much longer, you might pass out right then and there. 
his little hand clutches your index finger in death grip, as if you might just disappear should he let go. 
“night, katsuki. get big soon,” you yawn.
“sleep next to katsuki,” he murmurs, half asleep. 
kirishima calls you the next day in the afternoon to let you know that the quirk has worn off. katsuki apparently doesn’t remember anything while he was under the quirk’s influence and he’s in mint condition with no side-effects. you’re relieved to hear that and silently bid your farewells to the cute kid katsuki in your mind.
the rest of your week passes without any further incident from katsuki’s end, and you catch him on the news a few times. it isn’t until mina invites you to a little drinks event she’s so kindly hosting that you see katsuki again— remnants of the adorable child version of himself hinting at the corners of his slanted eyes and in the grimace he aims at kaminari. his little rewind quirk incident doesn’t get brought up, and you choose to let it go, greeting everyone normally.
kirishima no longer harbours tormented feelings towards katsuki’s child counterpart, and the latter barely acknowledges you when you say hello. he merely tips his head at you but doesn’t once glance at you, lip curled in a scowl. there’s the katsuki you know.
as the night progresses, his silence laments your suspicions of him acting strange. he doesn’t attempt to bite your head off at things you say or give in to your teasing comments— only grunting responses, swallowing small mouthfuls of beer until his ears are flushed and red from the alcohol.
“careful, hero.” the quip remark comes out when he nearly stumbles from his seat and his vermillion eyes snap to you. “ah, so now you finally look at me. are you drunk?”
“m’not drunk,” he grumbles. that’s probably the longest sentence you’ve heard him say all night.
“now that’s no way to speak to your bride,” you joke. it slips out before you can stop yourself and you press your lips together quickly, hoping he hadn’t heard. of course— you feel silly, he won’t remember what you’re talking about. it’ll sound so weird out of context.
you sneak a glance at him for his reaction, and you’re surprised to see the embarrassed tilt of his expression— eyes downturned like he can’t even bare to look at you, face pink, lips wobbling. “shut up,” he mumbles.
your eyes widen in realisation as you whisper-yell— “wait. you remember? oh my god, you do remember!”
one hand envelopes his face as he heaves a sigh, completely crippled with humiliation. “please be quiet,” he groans. 
but you won’t. be quiet, that is. “widdle katsuki had a crush on—!” his palm covers your mouth, sentencing falling short. the familiar nitroglycerin smell overwhelms your senses as you stare back at him with round eyes.
his expression this time is torn between emotions, eyes quickly blinking as he refuses to meet your gaze. he sighs, slowly bringing his hand away from your face as he admits, “the last way i wanted you to find out that i like you was like that.”
you blink at him. then it dawns on you. “...wait, what?”
>part [1]        >part [2]
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amintyworld · 3 years
Wilbur's Crows - A Dream SMP Drabble
A/N: Have a little fluff for the soul, featuring Phil's Chat! - Minty
TW: Crying? (Lmk if I need to tag anything else!)
Sunrise bled through the white curtains, slowly melting away the peaceful starry night into a new day. Creatures stirred out of their slumber, and monsters retreating back to the darkness from whence they came, a few slowly turning to ash and bust. The smell of burning flesh ran potent through the forest, a smell that meant safety to those living within, a smell they were more than used to, blind to. The ground began to warm under the sun's gaze, the cool breeze of night turning to warmth. A warm hug mother nature gave to her children, easing them away from dreamland.
Beside a window, a crib rocked slightly back and forth as a breeze blew through the room. A messy brown-haired tyke held a teddy bear protectively to his chest, sleeping soundly. The light growing brighter behind his eyes, he shifted uncomfortably. Finding no relief, a noise of annoyance rose from his throat as he buried his face into the stuffed animal.
Swiftly, hearing the distress, a few black crows landed on the windowsill overlooking the three-year-old. Some brandished shiny necklaces they wore as a badge of honor. Some were simply bare. A crow to the left of the other two put down a shiny glimmering rock from its beak down by its feet, putting the gift aside for now. Looking to the side, the left crow could see the one on the far right putting down a large chunk of a diamond before the one in the middle met its gaze. Together, all three stared down at the toddler in concern for a moment as the small human squirmed, his chest heaving in breath like he was about to cry.
The two crows looked to the right one with the badge, wondering what they should do. The right one hopped over toward the headboard of the crib, taking in the child. Then, they let out a loud call. "Caw!" The loud noises made the small human's eyes snap open to see a black crow staring down at him, cawing. "Caw! Caw!"
The other two chimed in occasionally, adding to the caw-rus. That was, until the toddler in both annoyance and a little fear clutched his teddy closer and began to cry. The two on the windowsill looked at each other in panic - something was wrong with the small human, it was crying! - and began to caw louder to draw the attention of their owner.
As the door creaked open, all crows silenced, watching their owner as he entered. Watching for any sign of what he wanted them to do. The blonde locks fell a little past his shoulders, with kind blue eyes. He approached the child, reaching his hand down and gently brushing any hair out of his son's face. "Shh, it's okay mate, everything's okay..." When the child's eyes met his father's he silenced, simply looking up at him. Phil smiled as he moved to pick him up, holding the toddler against his hip. Wilbur's grip failed on the teddy during the transition, dropping on the ground as the left-sided crow flew down to try and grab it, flapping its wings wildly to get the surprisingly heavy stuffed animal in the air. Phil let out a warm chuckle as he kneeled down to take it, the crow backing off. After the small child got settled in his arms, he raised a finger to his lips and kissed it, pressing it to his son's nose as he giggled. "There's the Wilbur I know." Phil cooed.
Turning toward the window, his crows looked on silently, wanting to help but unsure as of how. "He's okay, Chat. Wilbur's okay." The caws returned in relief at the statement, breaking the somewhat silence. The crow with the necklace flew over toward Wilbur, trying to land on Phil's shoulder before the tyke waved his arms in protest and annoyance.
"Caw!" Wilbur mimicked. "Caw!"
Phil chuckled at his son's outburst, trying his best to sound stern. "Now Wil, we don't wanna try to hurt Chat, do we?"
As Wilbur turned to face his father as he talked, the crow in question changed course, landing on top of Wilbur's head with a "caw". Phil tried to hold back his laughter at it all as the door creaked once more, someone else entering the room. Their voice was warm like Phil's but soft, comforting. "So I'm guessing Wilbur's okay?"
"Yeah, just a little grumpy this morning," Phil answered.
"Mumza!" A crow chanted.
She walked further into the room, behind her husband, giving him a small peck on the cheek. "Hm, I wonder where he gets it from..." She teased. Phil turned to face his wife with a smirk, leaning over to give her a proper kiss on the lips. As Wilbur moved closer, he could see a silver glint around her neck.
"Uhm, Wilbur..." Ranboo began as he looked up from the crafting table and out the window of their van. "Wilbur they're here again."
Wilbur sighed from his spot on the hammock, arm over his eyes. "You've gotta be joking. I told him to stop sending them!"
"Honestly? I don't think he has any control over them, they just kinda... do what they want." Ranboo shrugged.
Grumbling, frustrated, Wilbur marched out of the door of his burger van and toward the thousands of black crows lining the trees of the surrounding forest. A few brandishing those unmistakable necklaces, he knew exactly whose crows these were. He told Phil multiple times he was fine. He told Phil multiple times he didn't need a babysitter and that he wanted to change. Phil told him multiple times that he trusted him.
Ha, 'Trusted him'. He was sending in his fucking bird surveillance!
If scaring them didn't work, talking to them didn't work...
He pulled out a water bucket from his inventory, the murder of crows staring down at him as he stared up at them. "This is your final fucking warning, go away!"
Spinning he launched the water into the air as it came splashing down on top of the tree. Caws rang out amongst the forest as a few gave up and flew away, but the rest simply flapped their wings and flew a little higher, soaking wet... and mad.
"Oh Shit."
Wilbur's eyes widened as a murder of crows flew toward him as full speed, knocking him over onto the grass. Their talons caught on his skin and clothes, scratching and leaving him sore. Blinded by a sea of feathers and black, Wilbur struggled to his feet, coughing out a few feathers that landed in his mouth before finally getting his bearings, the murder traveling to settling on top of the van. After shaking himself free of feathers, guilt weighed on his heart - they were only following their owner, after all.
"Look, I'm sorry Chat. I... I didn't mean to hurt you, I... uhm..." Wilbur sighed. "I just don't like being watched, okay?" As Wilbur turned to leave, he heard the fluttering of wings and saw the crows surround his feet, one perched on his head and one on each shoulder. He mustered a bit of an awkward smile - it was strange that he was literally talking to birds. His father's birds, but still. "Thanks, Chat."
Walking off deeper into the forest, Wilbur could hear the flapping of wings behind him, and found himself smiling. Maybe it had some weird psychological effect from trying to run them off his property for almost a week straight... but his father's crows were growing on him.
They settled wherever he went as he worked collecting wood and finding some cows to bring back, the flapping always a telltale sign. One always liked settling on top of his head, and after a few hours, Wilbur allowed it. Chat was a silent presence, but not an unwelcome one to Wilbur, who didn't have many friends besides Ranboo to hang around.
As the day came to a close, he walked back toward the van. "I'm guessing I'll see you all tomorrow, then?" He got a few caws in response as the murder took off into the sky and over the horizon, back towards his father's home in the artic. One crow remained - the one perched in his brown curls. "Go on then, you'll see me tomorrow after all." Wilbur gestured toward the others. "And please learn to listen to Phil, okay? You guys could've gotten yourselves lost trying to find me."
The crow landed on Wilbur's outstretched arm, and for the first time, Wilbur could see the crow had something in its beak. A grand silver necklace with a black stone pendant, that shimmer silver in the sunset's glow. Wilbur's eyes narrowed, scanning it. "Is... Is this...?" He looked up toward the crow, who let out a caw and flew away.
Wilbur ran his finger over the pendant that he'd never seen before, and yet he felt like he'd known it his whole life.
General Writing Tagging List (Let me know if you'd like to be added/removed!):
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
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Warnings: arranged marriage au, cheating, unprotected sex, lingerie, possession kink, marking kink, hate sex, nipple play, degradation, light bimbofication, oral (f. receiving), fingering, tying up, panty gag, kinda bratty reader, hyunjin cameo, implied threesome.
Wc: 2.2k
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Seungmin knows you hate him. How could he not? The excessive eye rolling, the light scoffs- it was extremely obvious, almost painfully so.
His eyes ran over your glowing face, staring out of the window. Your eyes seemed to sparkle more than usual today, and he found himself putting down his fork momentarily to follow your gaze. The clatter of steel forced you back into the present though, and the light in your eyes was gone almost immediately as you looked back at him.
You scoffed for the millionth time today, resuming your meal as Seungmin chanced a glance out of the window, wanting to see what had captivated your attention so intensely.
A tall man, standing on the deck with a tray in hand as he served the sunbathers lounging on their chairs. His hair was long and blond- his lips possibly the plumpest Seungmin's ever seen on a guy.
There it was again, that familiar rush of jealousy. How could you? Why were you so focused on a mere waiter when you had him? Someone who was willing to take care of you, give you everything you could ever want?
You stabbed a piece of meat, trying your best to avoid Seungmin's eyes as your heart thuds. He'd noticed. The question's going to come any second now...
"Do you know him?"
You snorted. "So what if I do?"
"You do realize you're my wife, right?"
"Oh, let it go. This marriage wasn't our choice, and you know that. I can do what I want."
"That doesn't change the fact that-"
Oh, fuck it. This was the final straw. Why did he have to keep doing this? Couldn't he just keep his mouth shut for a second, and let you live your life? It was bad enough that you had to spend it with him.
You stood up, gritting your teeth. "I'm going to my room."
"Our room-" He called out as you stormed out of the ship's restaurant, sighing. He looked back at the half eaten steak on his plate, ignoring the weird stares and curious whispers of the tables around him.
He could feel his anger boil up. It wasn't his fault, was it? So why the fuck were you acting like it was?
Seungmin still remembers your childhood together. Your families had known each other since the two of you were 5, up until he moved away in middle school.
The Y/n he's married to is nothing like the Y/n he'd known and loved. But...you were still under there somewhere. He just had to try his best to bring that out.
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Three knocks.
Seungmin waited, the stretched silence making him raise his fist again. Before he could, he heard rustling sounds inside. He straightened as you opened the door, smiling widely.
"Oh you're finally here, Hy-"
Seungmin's glare wiped the smile right off your face.
"Shut it." Seungmin couldn't believe his eyes. There you were, clad in dark lingerie, your hair tousled beautifully. You looked breathtaking. The cruel reality that this wasn't for him seeped in soon enough, though.
He felt his anger grow, unable to take it any longer. Enough was enough.
Pushing past you, he made his way into your room, scrutinizing eyes running over the bottle of wine and condoms laid out on the bed, along with the rose petals.
"You've gotten bold, huh? Planning to fuck another man in our hotel room? How stupid can you be?"
"I thought- I thought you'd be at the bar-"
"You thought? I don't think you even know how to do that, darling. Empty little brain. All it wants is cock, yeah?"
"N-no..." You swallowed, backing up against the bed as you wondered why you weren't feeling any frustration at your plans being ruined. No...his anger was turning you on, somehow.
Seungmin shook his head, walking closer to you. He leaned in, making sure his eyes were level to yours.
"I'm your husband, Y/n. We haven't kissed yet though, let alone fucked. Why is that?"
"B-because you're vile. And I hate you." You snapped, not wanting him to know the truth. To be honest, you were afraid having sex with Seungmin would make it impossible to deny how much you wanted him...yes, you still hadn't forgiven him for leaving you, but that didn't mean his presence didn't make you feel fuzzy to this day.
"I know you hate me, love. That doesn't explain why you're pressing your thighs together right now." He smirked.
You opened your mouth to protest, nothing coming out. Ugh, he'd caught you. Yet again.
"I hate you." You blubbered out, unable to think properly as Seungmin moved forward, body pressing against yours as the backs of your knees hit the bed.
"Getting a little repetitive there, baby."
You stayed quiet, letting him push you onto the bed, your back colliding with the mattress as he hovered over you.
"You really made an effort, hm?" He mumbled to himself, his fingers tracing over your sides as you squirmed.
"Yeah, not for you though." You said abruptly, accidentally letting out a groan as he snapped the waistband of your panties against your skin, the delicious sting spreading throughout your body like vines.
"Of course. For the blond, right?"
"Yeah." You said, smirking as he traced his fingers lower, over the lace of your panties and dangerously close to your clit.
"How long have you been fucking the bastard?"
"Since we got on this ship? Thrice." You shrugged nonchalantly, enjoying the anger flaring up in Seungmin's eyes.
He shook his head, index finger circling your clit teasingly, not giving you the stimulation you craved. A few more seconds of this torture, and you started growing even more impatient, bucking your hips lightly and letting out a frustrated groan.
"Ugh if you're going to fuck me, do it already! Hyunjin would be well on his way to making me cum by now."
Seungmin grinned, leaning in extremely close to your ear. "I'm not Hyunjin, sweetheart." The whisper was filled with malice, and dread rose up in your stomach as you tilted your head to the side. His voice sent tingles of pleasure down you, the raspy quality of it soaking your panties.
“I’ll let you cum when I want to.” He murmured, moving down to press a kiss to your clit. You whimpered, a hand coming down to grip his hair as he placed his hands on your thighs, spreading them apart. 
Seungmin slid your panties to the side, humming at the sight of your drenched folds. “Fuck, you want this so bad, don’t you?” He ran his finger up and down your slit, collecting your arousal and holding it up for you to see.
“Tell me, who’d you get this wet for?”
You were planning to lie. Yet, as Seungmin leaned back to pull his shirt off, all you could think of was how he’d feel inside you. 
“You.” You grumbled, the truth tumbling out, much to Seungmin’s delight. 
“That was quick.” He smirked, breath ghosting your pussy and making you needier. “I thought it would take a little more work to get you to admit it.”
He left a kiss on your folds, the contact making you squirm. “Fine, since you’re so good, I’ll give you what you want.” A second later, his tongue was nuzzling your slit, poking it in, causing you to arch your back in white-hot pleasure.
Seungmin moaned against you, reaching up to tweak your nipple, ripping a whine out of you. Ah, he was so, so good at this. But you couldn’t let him know that, now could you? For the sake of your pride, at least.
“Is that all you’ve got? Tsk, it’ll be midnight before I get to cum, I guess.”
A wry chuckle against your pussy lips, as he pressed his fingers to your entrance, sliding his digits into your tight heat. “Shh, I won’t hesitate to gag you with your panties, love.”
You grumbled, the sound transitioning into a choked moan as Seungmin started thrusting his fingers into you, lips wrapped around your clit. 
“You like that?” He asked, nibbling your clit lightly. You groaned loudly, tugging at his hair as harshly as you could to try and get a rise out of him.
Seungmin pulled away, glaring up at you. “You’ve got some nerve.” He pulled out his fingers, the wet squelch igniting something within him as he sat up, sliding off the bed to go over to his wardrobe. You whined at the loss of contact, watching him as he found a tie, coming back to you.
“I’d love to be able to tie you up completely, but I don’t have the patience right now.” He growled lowly, grabbing your hands and holding your wrists together before tying them. He made sure the knot was tight.
Another whine, this one longer and needier, purposefully designed to infuriate him. He rolled his eyes, sliding your panties off your legs quickly and bringing them to your mouth.
“Fucktoys don’t deserve to be able to use their voice.” He whispered, frowning when you shook your head firmly, sticking your tongue out at him.
“What are you, five?” He asked, scoffing as he pinched your nose out of nowhere, causing you to open your mouth to be able to breathe. As soon as he did, he stuffed the material into your mouth, making you let out a defeated groan.
You whimpered around your gag as Seungmin kicked his pants off along with his underwear, discarding them onto the floor. 
The sight of his cock, long and pink with a gentle curve, was mouth-watering. You tried not to let your eagerness show as he spread your legs again, fitting himself between them.
He slid the tip of his cock up and down your folds, smirking down at you as he slowly plunged his cock into you, the stretch inducing a low, muffled moan to bubble out of you.
Soon, he was thrusting into you, beginning to set a consistent pace. He groaned, the sight of your pleasure-stricken face provoking him to go faster. You mewled softly, clenching around him as he rammed into you, his heavy cock hammering your sweet spot right away. 
"Yeah? How does my cock feel, baby? Better than...fuck, better than his?" He asked, his hips driving into yours repeatedly.
You couldn’t help but nod, wishing you could throw your arms around his neck and pull him closer. Seungmin’s lips parted in a moan, and you found yourself wishing you could feel them pressed against yours. Ugh, you were a mess of emotions. For now, you were ripped back to reality as Seungmin slipped the straps of your bra off your shoulders, pulling your breasts out of the cups. His fingers ran over your nipples, making them harden in front of his eyes as he continued to pound into you.
You were close. So, so close. You clenched around him, trying to let him know that you were about to cum. Seungmin arched his neck, one hand coming down to grip at your waist, moving you to meet his thrusts.
“You gonna cum, baby?”
You nodded, eyes closed tightly as Seungmin leaned down to suck on your neck. “Fuck. You’re mine, you know that?” He snarled, biting at the smooth skin as he left another mark, lower than the first one. “Gonna mark you up so well. Make sure everyone knows you belong to me, and only me.”
His words drove you closer to the edge, the pleasure building as Seungmin licked at the shell of your ear, his voice low. “My slut, to use as I please.”
That was the final push you needed, as you came hopelessly, unable to scream like you wanted to. Your legs shook as Seungmin continued slamming his cock into your pussy, mumbling about how tight and perfect you felt.
Suddenly, a heavy knock sounded throughout the room, causing you to snap out of your post-orgasm daze.
Seungmin's hips stilled as the knocking on the door resumed after a few seconds of silence. You looked up, exhausted senses trying to register the sound.
"Y/n?? It's me, open up!" 
The sound of Hyunjin’s voice brought you back to the present, your eyes widening. Seungmin turned back to you, a breathless chuckle falling off his tongue as he sat up, still inside you. "Oh baby, looks like your little booty call's finally arrived."
Exhausted, you couldn't find it in yourself to reply, your head falling back onto the fluffy pillow. At this point, you didn’t really care if he was mad at you. Your pussy was still throbbing, wrapped tightly around his cock. Besides, you loved his anger.
"Y/n, we haven't got much time, my break ends soon."
Seungmin sighed, pulling out of you slowly and standing up to go over to the door. Confused, you sat up. Before you could fully process what he was about to do, he'd already opened the door.
"Oh, hey. Hyunjin, is it? I'm Y/n's husband. You wanna join me and play with her a bit? Don't worry, I don’t mind sharing my toys once in a while."
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novantinuum · 3 years
Hi, I was just wondering if you had ever thought about what would have happened in your story "Hollowed Moon" if you had continued it. I always thought it was such an interesting setup that could have gone in so many different directions. And there really aren't other stories focusing on Stevonnie and Spinel, so it was unique!
So, I do have some half-written, half-plotted out material to share. I gave this story some consideration the other day, and came to the decision that I don't have the desire to finish it out, alas- I have far too many other active WIPs to add it to the list. There's a few good reasons why I discontinued it, anyways... intimidation over the huge surge of attention it was getting back in 2019, some rude comments from overzealous Spinel fans, (I know everyone isn't like this, but a certain segment of the Spinel side of the SU fandom kinda burned me over time, hhh), and a future chapter containing a sensitive topic that I wasn't in a good headspace to write about at the time.
But! Anyways! Below the cut is all the existing material I have for Hollowed Moon past chapter 14, consisting of a mixture of descriptions, sketchy dialogue, and prose. It honestly feels nice to finally be able to put this story to an official rest.
Chapter 15
“I... I saw her.”
“I saw Pink Diamond. I saw you, in this exact garden, in a dream. I- it was like I was experiencing everything through her. She explained your game, tapped your nose and told you to smile, then warped away—“
“That’s it, that’s what happened, almost exactly! But how could you even know that, I never—“
“I don’t know,” they blurt out. “I have empathic abilities, and sometimes that makes dreaming a little weird, but I have no idea how or why I saw any of this.”
[Pause for Stevonnie to think]
“Spinel, I’m so, so sorry,” they whisper brokenly. “But I think... she left you here.”
“She said she’d return, but before she warped away she whispered goodbye, like she didn’t actually intend to make good on that promise. She was lying to you,” they choke out, voice thick.
“No. No,” she says in clear denial, “no she’s not. She can’t be! She told me she’d come back! I can wait! I just have to wait—“
“But she’s not! She... she can’t, because Pink Diamond is gone. She- she was shattered, Spinel. Five thousand years ago, on the Earth. I- I should’ve told you this from the beginning, and I didn’t, and I- I’m so, so sorry—! But she left you behind, and now she’s never coming back.”
[Silence. Tears brim in Spinel’s eyes. Her eyes grow dark, pained, and then she glares at Stevonnie with such venom it almost knocks them backwards in alarm. ]
“NO!” she screams, tears streaming down her faded pink cheeks.
[She tears her feet up from the roots and runs away, using her arms like an orangutan to vault herself forward super fast so Stevonnie can’t catch her.]
Chapter 16
AN: Content warning for self-shattering attempt. Part of the reason why I had to stop writing this story at the time. I considered pushing the plot another way, but it didn't feel authentic to how I believed this scenario would play out for Spinel when she didn't have a direct target for her anger. Without someone to actively be jealous and upset AT, I could only imagine her breaking inwards instead of outwards, feeling that she's utterly failed in her life's purpose. Nothing more than a description for this chapter... and it'd be a short one.
[When Stevonnie finds her, she’s smashing her fists against her gem in her sheer anguish. She’s already cracked it. She’s glitching. It looks terribly painful. She’s about to strike her gem again when Stevonnie intervenes.]
Chapter 17
[Post timely intervention. Spinel is still cracked at this moment, though... her form glitching as she cries.]
“I was... her best friend,” she cries, fat, glistening tears streaming down her cheeks. “I was supposed to make her happy! Why wasn’t she happy? Why didn’t she come back?“
[Spinel reasoning that maybe if Pink came back for her, she wouldn’t have been shattered in the first place]
“What did I do wrong?” she whispers hoarsely, gazing pleadingly into Stevonnie’s eyes. “Wha- what am I doing? Why do I wanna hurt myself so badly?”
“Shh, now,” they reply, tears of their own brimming at the crease of their eyes, and pull Spinel’s head to their chest. “I’ve got you...”
Chapter 18
They know their throat is tight, and their voice scratchy. They know they’ve never sung this song in front of another living being, since it’s something personal they composed alone on one of their late nights back on Earth, thinking about all the difficult days Steven and Connie have had to face over the months. Pair this with their active crying, and there’s no way their singing will be anything pretty.
But pretty doesn’t matter right now.
Stevonnie opens their lips, and— clutching the broken hearted Gem close, rhythmically rocking with her back and forth— lets the wandering melody emerge from within.
“I guess I have to face That in this awful place I shouldn’t show a trace Of doubt...”
“But pulled against the grain I feel a little pain That I would rather do Without...”
“I’d rather be Free, free Free...”
[Hoarse, Spinel starts singing with them.]
“I’d rather be Free, free Free...”
“Free, free Free...”
“From here...”
[Stevonnie holds her tight while crying, their tears healing it back up.]
Chapter 19
AN: Don't have anything but a single bit of dialogue in this chapter note- I'm assuming I intended it as being a good few hours after the events of chapters 16-18... when Spinel has calmed down a little and has a moment to reflect on the upsetting news she's just received.
“I think... I always knew,” she says, voice hoarse. “In a way. It was so obvious how she felt about me.
Chapter ?
AN: From here on out, the plot hasn't been split into individual chapters.
[At some point shortly after chapter 19, Lars and his crew locate Stevonnie in the garden, and pick them and Spinel up. The next few bits of dialogue and description takes place on the ship.]
Rutile twins: “I haven’t heard of Spinels being produced in over five millennia.” “Me neither!”
Rhodonite: “Yeah, I heard they stopped making them entirely after the rebellion on Pink’s colony.”
[A bit of overwhelming conversation later, no one really noticing Spinel's conflicted emotional response to so many Gems hovering around her at once.]
Padparadscha: “I predict that you’re both going to make Spinel feel very uncomfortable aboard this ship.”
Rhodonite: “I’m sorry, we don’t exactly meet new Gems every century.”
Rutile twins: “Yes!” “It’s just been us until we met our captain!”
Fluorite: “Our new huuuuman friend helped us escape the tunnels on Homeworld. Now... we’re slooowly making our way back... to Earth.”
Spinel: “Earth?? You’re going to Pink’s world? But why? I heard she... was shattered.”
[Spinel feeling a sense of kinship with the idea that there’s other Gems who didn’t serve their rightful purpose and are now escaping their life on Homeworld to be free of that. Because now, without her Diamond, since she was unable to keep her happy, she’s an Off Color too. She failed her given purpose same as them.]
[Discussion of Earth, and the rebellion, and how there’s Gems living free there. And how Pink’s colony was siphoning life away, and that’s what these Gems were fighting to protect. Stevonnie points out all the plants and wildlife that used to live in the garden, and asks her if she felt happier when it was around. Spinel says yes. Stevonnie says that this is what the Diamonds are destroying, with each lifeless colony they forge. Everywhere they go, dead wildlife lies in their wake.]
Spinel: “I... guess I never thought of it that way.”
[(Stevonnie adds...) And while they’re very sorry for the personal connection there, and can’t imagine how painful that must be, that’s why Pink Diamond was shattered.]
[Spinel is given an open choice... Lars gives the invitation to stay with him and the Off Colors, and Stevonnie offers for her to come with them back to Earth. It's not a hard decision for her in the end, though. She's always dreamed of seeing what was once Pink’s planet, ever since she heard the Diamonds bequeath it to her.]
Stevonnie: “Okay, so… before we go, I need to be honest with you about something." [deep breath] "I’m actually a fusion of two separate people who are close friends. You... know what fusion is, right?”
Spinel: “Duh, o’course! What, d’ya think I was made yesterday?”
Stevonnie: “But even with that, I can’t be together as me all the time. Steven and Connie, the two who come together to form me... they love hanging out with each other so much, but they also have their own lives! Other friends, other hobbies, their own families. They still talk when they’re apart, but they know it’s okay to do things alone, too. Do you know why I’m telling you this?”
Spinel: [shakes head no] “No...?”
Stevonnie: [sighs] “I understand you’ve been left behind. Believe me, I know how bad that feels. So the last thing I wanna do is make you think I’m doing that too.”
Spinel: “Y-you— you’re going away?” Stevonnie: “Unfusing, yes.” Spinel: “But Stevonnie, you—“ Stevonnie: “Spinel. No matter what, you are my friend. Steven and Connie consider you a friend, too. And my hope is that you’ll keep making a whole bunch more on Earth, so you’ll always have people around who know and love you. But that can’t always be me, okay?“
[At home... on Earth. There's a bit of a close call for Pearl when Spinel arrives, and recognizes her as Pink's second pearl. This is news for Garnet and Amethyst and Steven, the first of which had somewhat suspected that Pearl used to be in the diamonds' service, but never knew for sure. Pearl, of course... can't say much on this due to her gag order... not that anyone else knows about that yet... but does manage a very concise and PD=RQ free explanation about her past in Pink's court, and her transition towards being a Crystal Gem:]
Pearl: “Rose Quartz set me free, and I’ve been a part of the rebellion ever since.”
[At some point between the last scene and the next, mention how Spinel had a bit of a relapse... she ended up poofing herself, and reformed differently. A little bit closer to the smudged mascara and frayed pigtails look of canon, but no rotated heart. Unlike in canon, she has a solid support system amongst the Crystal Gems, and she's working hard to recover from the heartbreak of Pink's abandonment.]
[Final scene is set post A Single Pale Rose. Steven and Connie fuse, and Stevonnie goes to find Spinel to check in on how she's taking the news. The final line of the fic is as follows:]
Spinel: “I know you’re not her, not really. And I know you’ll always be a better person than she ever was. But in some silly cyclical way... back in that garden... it’s almost like Pink came back for me after all.”
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fanfic-requests · 3 years
The Angel Next Door - Chapter 2
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8:15 am…
“Good morning. Sleep well?” My mom is way too chipper in the morning.
“Yeah. I guess.”
“Wow. Very detailed answer.”
“What? Do you want me to tell you how I drooled on my pillow and rolled off the bed twice?”
“Actually, kinda.”
“You’re weird.”
“What’s up slugger?” Dave walks in.
“Wow babe, you’re kid’s quite the wordsmith.” I’m about to respond in a not-so-nice way, but I hold it back.
“When’s the pool gonna be ready?”
“It’ll be a few weeks.” My mom hands me a glass of orange juice.
“Thanks.” I start walking away.
“Hey! No food or drinks upstairs.” I turn to face Dave, really tempted to throw the OJ in his face.
“So no water? What about vitamins? Technically they’re food.”
“Haha, smart aleck.” He turns away from me and I flip him off.
My mom gives me a look that says “stop it!” and I just turn away, leaving my OJ on the nearest table.
When I get to my room I am very tempted to slam the door, but somehow manage to not do so. I open my window and just step out onto the deck to get some fresh air for the moment. And yet again there’s Asher. He seems to be playing some video games. So I reach into my room, grab a sock, ball it up, and throw it at his window. And he doesn’t notice. Son of a bitch. So I grab a pen and throw it. This time he notices and walks over to his window.
“What you doing?”
“Just playing some Madden.”
“Sounds fun.” I stand up, run across the roof, and jump across the gap between our roofs, landing directly in front of him.
“Shit! Dude!” He looks freaked out and I just start laughing.
“It’s all good. Now, are you gonna let me in and get destroyed in Madden? Or are we gonna just stand here like some weirdos from a 90s rom-com?”
“You’re crazy.” He steps back to let me in.
“I take that as a compliment.”
“You shouldn’t.”
I sit on his bed while he grabs another controller.
“I can’t believe you’re even awake right now. Did you even sleep?”
“I don’t sleep much.”
“So you’re super athletic and don’t sleep. Are you sure you’re not Spiderman?”
“Nope. Just a retired gymnast.”
“What? You didn’t get gymnast off me?”
“Not at all.”
“How are you already retired?”
“Well I guess retired isn’t the right word. Just the one my mom uses.” I spot a photo on Asher’s desk and walk over. “It’s more that I got sick of it and left.” The photo is of him and what I’m assuming are his mom, dad, and younger brother and sister. “This your fam?”
“Yeah. From our trip to the Bahamas last summer.”
“Looks fun.”
“You’re parents seem nice. Saw them unpacking yesterday.”
“Dave’s not my dad.” I make sure to emphasize that.
“Oh. Sorry.”
“No problem. Most people assume that.” I sit back down next to him. “My dad’s out of the picture now. Dave’s the evil stepfather.”
“He’s just the stereotypical evil step-parent. It’s actually his fault that we moved here. Some business opportunity or whatever.”
“That sucks. I’m sorry about that.”
“You say sorry a lot.”
“Sor… Oops.” We both laugh.
“Now can we just play or are you scared of losing?”
“What? You’re the one that started talking about Dave.”
“Oh shut up!” I shove him and he shoves me back as we laugh.
“That was just dumb luck.” I stand up, throwing the controller on the bed.
“Dumb luck? 12 times in a row?”
“Oh fuck you.” Asher laughs. “Let’s do something else. Go out or something.”
“I don’t know. Out.”
“You sound like my mom.”
“I haven’t met her, but I’m assuming she’s amazing.”
“Let’s go.”
“Wait. Let me at least tell my parents.”
“Fine. Come on.” I open his bedroom door and standing right there is his mom.
She smiles at me, looking very confused.
“Hi. I’m Spencer.”
“Hey.” She looks very confused, but luckily Asher comes walking up.
“He’s the new neighbor.”
“Oh! Really good to meet you. I was planning on dropping by to say hi to your parents later.”
“Oh, they’d love that.”
“I didn’t even hear you come in earlier.”
“Oh… yeah… I’m very quiet.” Asher and I share a funny look.
“Well, Spencer and I were just about to go out. Can I borrow the car?”
“Sure. Where are you guys going?”
“Oh… um…” Asher is nervous and part of me doesn’t want to save him.
“He’s going to show me around town.”
“That’s nice. You guys have fun.”
Asher and I run out to the car.
“Do you need to go and get shoes? Maybe tell your mom and Dave that you’re going out?”
I look to the house for a second.
“Nah.” I jump into the car and I just see Asher smirk at that.
“Is he really that bad?” He asks as he drives out of the driveway.
“Worse. But everyone loves him. He’s only awful to me, and never in public.”
“Like… is he…”
“No. He’s not physical. He wouldn’t even dare. I would knock him out with one hit and he knows it.”
“Let’s move on to something else.”
“Like what?”
“Tell me a summary of your life… in 60 seconds.”
“Shit! My name is Asher Angel…”
“Shh. Since I was a kid I’ve been very into acting and singing. Got my first big gig at the age of six. From there on I’ve done a lot of plays and then a few small gigs before getting a major role on Disney Channel’s Andi Mack. I’ve released multiple albums. Then I got the role as Billy Batson in Shazam.”
“Five seconds.”
“Oh, and I love Top Golf, basketball, and my sibling’s names are Avi and London.” I just look over at him, unable to speak. “You good?”
“Um… describe good.” We both laugh. “Well, now I feel ridiculous. How did I not recognize you? I’ve seen Shazam!”
“Yeah. I liked it a lot too.” Asher can’t help but laugh. “Well, now I’m embarrassed.”
“Don’t be.”
“And now my life story feels pathetic.”
“I doubt it. No way your life could be boring. The first time I saw you you were sneaking off your roof.”
“ It’s fine. Let’s move on.”
“Come on. I won’t judge.”
“Wait! Stop here!” I point to our left.
“What? The playground?”
“What? It’s empty.” He pulls over and I quickly get out of the car.
I rush over to the bars. I jump on them and just start swinging around.
“You’re crazy.”
“Come on. Who says a playground is just for kids?”
“Well, kids can’t do this.”
I know this isn’t the safest, but at this point, I don’t care. So I push with all my force and spin around the pole. I spin a few more times before letting go and doing a simple under swing dismount.
“Shit!” Asher starts clapping.
“Thank you. Thank you.” I bow to him.
“I think it’s so cool that you can do that.”
“It is pretty cool, isn’t it? Bars aren’t really my thing though. I’m more of a floor guy.”
“Floor guy? That sounds a bit gross.” We both laugh.
“Eww.” I step back and quick front handspring.
“Shit. Can you do the splits?”
“Of course. But not in these pants.”
“So why’d you quit? You’re so good.”
“Swings!” I run to the swings.
“You’re really good at avoiding things. You know that, right?” Asher sits on the swing next to me.
“I know. You got a girlfriend?”
“Wow. What a transition there!”
“No. I don’t have a girlfriend. Well, I did, but we broke up a few months ago.”
“And you? You leave a girl behind?”
“Oh god no. But I’ve had a few boyfriends. Not a recent one though.”
“Oh... “ I love seeing people’s faces when they realize I’m gay. “Sorry I assumed.”
“It’s fine. Most people do.”
“So you’re out?”
“Yeah. For two years now.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, are your parents fine with it?”
I sit there for a second and just stare forward. Part of me just wants to run, but I’m honestly just too tired to keep running.
“Well, my mom was fine with it. She told me she knew for a long time.” I feel my heart racing, thinking about all of this. “As for my dad…” I literally begin feeling my chest moving at a dangerous speed.
“You okay?”
“Not really.” I find my eyes tearing up, but then I just laugh.
“You sure.”
“Not really.” I laugh again. “When I was six my parents divorced. And I was given the choice of who I wanted to live with. I choose my dad.”
“Oh…” I can tell he’s intrigued like it’s a telenovela… and it is.
“So I lived with him. But I still saw my mom every weekend. We were close. But I was much closer with my dad.”
“That’s nice.” I can’t help but laugh at that and he just looks at me confused.
“Two years ago I came out to my parents. My dad couldn’t handle it. He kicked me out. I didn’t even get to pack. My mom picked me up and she had to pack all my stuff.”
“Damn. I’m sorry.” It is a struggle to not let my tears out right now.
“It’s all good.”
“Have you talked to him at all?”
“Nope. Haven’t heard a single word from him for two years now.”
“I can’t imagine that.”
“It’s fine. I’ve moved on.”
“There’s no moving on from that.” And then I snap, tears slowly falling down my face.
“God I wish I had my flask right now.” Asher and I both laugh a little. “Ugh, I hate this.” I wipe my tears.
“It’s not a bad thing to cry.”
“I know…”
“Really. Emotions aren’t a bad thing. If you ever need to talk about anything just jump on over.”
“Thanks…” I look at him. “Are you sure you’re straight?” I laugh, but I notice he doesn’t.
“Wanna go get some ice cream?”
“Look who’s avoiding things now?” We both laugh. “Come on. Ice cream sounds perfect.”
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sfb123 · 3 years
Sapere Aude - Part 5
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Catch Up Here
Series Description: I developed a theory of what I think will happen in TRH Book 4, and I was encouraged by some very lovely people to turn my theory into a fic, so here it is. Basically, Riley is recruited to join the Via Imperii, this series will follow her as she joins them to try and bring them down from the inside, and all of the drama and bombshells she learns along the way. Sapere Aude is Latin for “dare to know” it seemed like an appropriate title.
Rating: PG-13 Adult language, allusions to smut (but nothing graphic), discussions of death, conspiracy, blackmail, and other adult themes.
Warning: The Royal Heir Book 3 Spoilers all over the place.
Word Count: 3,189
Notes: This is kind of a transitional chapter, no major plot movement (but there is some major Uncle Drake time, if that helps). If I had combined it with the next chapter, it would have been way too long. I promise I’m going to make up for it in the next chapter. 
As always, one love to my pre-readers @texaskitten30​ & @txemrn​, I’m surprising you both with some extra content that was not in the preread (chapter 6 got way too long, so I took the opening fluff and added it to the end of this chapter). And thank you @twinkleallnight​ for my moodboard!
Tags: Everyone is tagged below, whether or not you get notified of said tag, I guess that’s in the hands of the Tumblr gods 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Riley’s eyes slowly fluttered open as she took in her surroundings, she was in an ornate bedroom that she didn’t recognize. “Oh good, you’re awake.” Mara walked toward the bed from the corner of the room where she had been sitting. 
“Mara, what happened?” Riley asked.
“You passed out, you had me worried for a moment there.” Mara poured her a glass of water from the pitcher on the nightstand. 
Memories started coming back to Riley, she remembered being at the event and taking mental note of the members in attendance. Then she remembered the speaker approaching the podium, it was Liam’s mother. Nope, that can’t be right. I had already passed out at that point. That was a dream, some weird Wizard of Oz shit. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Riley watched as Mara rushed over to the door, opening it slightly and saying something to the person on the other side. Riley tried, but she was unable to hear what was being said.
“Who was that?” Riley asked as Mara closed the door and headed back to her bedside. 
“Just someone checking on you. Tell me what you remember about what happened?” 
“Nothing really, I remember being in the room and looking around, then everything went black. I had the weirdest dream while I was out though. Liam’s mother, she was up at the podium, giving a speech.” She took in Mara’s serious expression, and started feeling uneasy again. “Mara, that was a dream...right? Liam’s mother died a long time ago.”
Mara took a deep breath, “Actually, that was not a dream, Eleanor is the leader of the Via Imperii’s Cordonian chapter.”
“But why? How? She’s been alive this whole time?” Just when I thought this couldn’t get weirder. Maybe I’m still dreaming, I haven’t woken up yet. Yeah, that’s it. She pinched her arm and quickly flinched in pain. Nope, definitely real life. Liam’s mother is alive, she has been this whole time. Liam has spent most of his life mourning a woman that not only betrayed his family, but that wasn’t even dead. How is it possible that things are still getting worse? 
“I believe that is something she is more qualified to answer herself. She is outside waiting to speak with you. Should I let her in?”
“I don’t know. What do I say? How am I supposed to act? What does one say to their dead mother-in-law that isn’t actually dead?” There was a slight tremble in her voice. “Mara, I’m freaking the fuck out here. What am I supposed to do?”
Mara sat on the side of the bed and put a comforting hand on Riley’s shoulder. “It is entirely your decision, but I promise you, things will become much more clear once you speak with her. I know this is a shock, but just listen to her.”
Riley closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths, trying to center herself. “Ok, let her in.” 
Aside from a few creases along her mouth and eyes, you would have sworn that the woman entering the room had stepped right out of the many photographs Liam had shown Riley over the years. Damn, I guess faking your death is a pretty good anti-aging cure. As Eleanor approached, Riley sat up further on the bed and leaned her back against the headboard. 
“Riley, I can’t tell you how happy I am to finally be sitting down with you. We have so much to discuss.” Eleanor took the chair from the vanity and placed it next to the bed.
Understatement of the century. “I have so many questions, I don’t even know where to start.”
“I’m sure you do dear, and I will answer all of them, but you have already been through so much tonight. You need your rest.” She patted RIley’s hand soothingly. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I would like to come by Valtoria tomorrow for brunch, we can talk then.”
“Valtoria...my Valtoria? But you’re supposed to be dead, everyone will see you. Drake will see you, he’ll know who you are.” Riley started to panic. “Eleanor is there...I mean, my Eleanor...Eleanor the second?” 
“Shh, it’s alright Riley. As much as I would love to meet my granddaughter, you are absolutely right, she and Drake can’t know that I am there. Just tell them you have a meeting, and ask Drake to take her out for a bit. Knowing him, I’m sure he’d be more than happy to take her on a little nature walk. As far as being seen, I’ve managed this long without my secret getting out. Don’t worry, I have my ways of running under the radar.”
Riley could only nod, her head still swimming with all of these thoughts and questions. Eleanor stood, giving Riley a kind goodbye and leaving the room. 
After a little more rest, and time to process the conversation she just had, Mara escorted Riley out of the estate and brought her back to Valtoria. Riley was looking forward to the comfort of being in her own home, and seeing her daughter. Eleanor was no doubt asleep already, but even just checking in on her and seeing that little face, was the most calm Riley could hope for at the moment. 
As she entered her daughter’s bedroom, she smiled to herself. Eleanor was asleep on her Uncle’s lap, while he also snored soundly, the book they were reading long forgotten on the floor in front of them. Riley gently lifted her daughter out of Drake’s arms, causing him to stir. 
“Hey Brooks. Sorry, she must have really worn me out.” He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he stood out of the oversized armchair. 
Riley gently laid her still sleeping daughter in the bed, and kissed her forehead as she tucked her in. “Trust me, if anyone understands it’s me.” She turned to her friend and gave him a hug. “Thank you so much for staying with her, Drake. I always feel better leaving her with a friend when Liam and I can’t be there.” 
The exhaustion and stress were evident in Riley’s voice. A concerned Drake nodded toward the door, signaling that they should leave Eleanor to sleep. “Are you alright? You’ve been acting weird, different, all day.” He asked as he gently shut the door behind them.
“Yea, I’m good, I promise.” Riley lied. “This event tonight, it was just one of those things that would have been so much easier with Liam. I mean, they all are, but you know what I mean.” Drake nodded as he put his arm around her shoulder and they walked toward her room. “Hey, do you mind taking Eleanor out for a bit tomorrow, like late morning-ish? I had someone tonight request a meeting, and it’s kind of time sensitive.”
“Of course, that’s what I came for. Maybe I’ll take her fishing. Would that be ok? I’d love to teach her.” 
Riley smiled at his enthusiasm, but the smile didn’t quite meet her eyes. Drake noticed. “I think that would be a great idea. I believe the gear you got her for her birthday is in the sporting shed.” 
“You know I’m not going to let this go, right? Something’s going on with you and Liam. You’re my best friends, I’m not going to just sit here and pretend something isn’t bothering you guys.”
Riley checked either side of the hallway before leading Drake into her room. As she shut the door with one hand, she raised the other to her face, signaling for Drake to be quiet. She grabbed her phone and opened the notepad app, typing a message to Drake.
Do you know how to check for bugs?
Drake furrowed his brows and nodded his head. 
Do it. 
Drake did a full sweep of the room and the balcony, and returned to Riley, who was now sitting on the bench at the end of her bed. “Alright, we’re good. Now what the hell is going on?”
She explained about the Via Imperii to Drake. She didn’t tell him everything, and she definitely didn’t tell him that Liam’s mother is alive, or that that was the meeting she was taking tomorrow. Drake listened intently to everything, his only interruption was a ‘fucking Neville’ when she was telling him about the other members. She told him that one of the higher ups from the organization wanted to meet with her tomorrow, not a lie, and that’s why she wanted him to take Eleanor out of the estate for a while. 
Everything that had happened since she and Liam stepped out of the palace doors that morning suddenly made sense to Drake. And it now made sense why Liam had asked him to go with them instead of Maxwell. He wanted protection for his family, not just someone to keep them company. 
“Ok, so who else knows? What can I do?”
“Liam wanted to wait until we had some more information to tell anyone else. I know I probably should have waited to talk to him first, but tonight was awful Drake, just so damn awful. And I can’t call Liam and tell him, because I don’t know if they’re listening to our calls, and I can’t keep it all to myself for another 48 hours.” She sighed deeply and ran a hand through her hair. “He just didn’t want us accidentally telling someone that was part of it. I’m so sorry we didn’t tell you. It’s not that we didn’t think we could trust you. It’s just, finding out his mother was involved, it hit him hard, Drake. I think he just feels so betrayed by her, it’s making him extra cautious of our inner circle.”
Drake pulled her into a hug and held her close. “Hey, it’s alright, I totally get it. If I found out something like that, I mean, I can’t even imagine.”
As they separated, Riley let out a yawn. “I should probably at least try to get some sleep. Thanks Drake, for everything.”
“Yea, of course. You guys are my family, I’ll always be here. You sure you’ll be alright?”
Riley nodded and walked him to the door. They said their good nights, and Drake headed down the hall to his room, while Riley shut the door and changed into her pajamas. She laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. She spent most of the night wondering what Eleanor would say to her tomorrow, and listing out all of the questions she was going to ask. She was grateful that she was given a chance to gather her thoughts before having to go too deep with her. She would finally be able to walk into a Via Imperii interaction prepared. Or so she hoped. 
Riley never got a good night's sleep when she and Liam were apart. She had grown accustomed to falling asleep in his arms, and no weighted blanket on the planet could replicate that feeling. The emptiness of her bed, combined with the events of the night before, and Riley wasn’t sure anything that happened over the last couple of hours could even be considered sleep. She nodded off a couple of times, but every time the REM cycle started to kick in, she would see Liam’s mother and be jolted awake. Finally, she couldn’t take the tossing and turning any longer, so she got out of bed and decided to work with Gladys to make preparations for their meeting. 
Before she did that, she wanted to go get Eleanor and make sure she was up and ready for her fishing date with Uncle Drake. As she entered her daughter’s bedroom, she saw Eleanor sitting at her table, with her back to the door, having a tea party with her stuffed animals. “Good morning, Princess.”
Eleanor turned and smiled, immediately running up to her and wrapping her arms around Riley. “Hi Mommy, come have tea with us!” She grabbed her mother’s hand and walked her to the small table. She moved one of the stuffed animals out of it’s chair, kissing it on the nose and placing it on the bed. “Sorry Woogie. Mommy, sit.” She pointed at the now empty chair. 
“Eleanor, remember our manners?” Riley raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Mommy sit...please?” She looked up with a questioning expression. 
“That’s my girl.”
They sat and ‘drank tea’, Eleanor explaining every moment of her evening with her uncle the night before with so much enthusiasm. Riley watched Eleanor’s arms gesture wildly as she talked about the game of hide and seek that they played. 
Eleanor stopped her story at the sound of Riley’s phone ringing, and squealed with excitement at the sight of her father’s face on the screen. “It’s Daddy, it’s Daddy!”
“Here, you answer it, he’ll be happy to see your face.” Riley swiped accept on the video call request, and handed the phone to Eleanor. 
Riley sat back and watched the two most important people in her life talking and laughing like there wasn’t a care in the world, when Riley knew that that world was actually in the process of crumbling. She made sure that Eleanor got the phone first so that she could take that time to compose herself before she talked to Liam. They would talk, but she couldn’t tell him anything about last night. Even if she could, a FaceTime call was not the way to deliver that news. She snapped out of her thought when she heard Liam from the other side of the phone.
“I love you too, princess. Can you please give the phone to Mommy?”
As Riley took the phone, she stood from her seat, giving Eleanor a kiss on the head. “I’m going to go talk to Daddy, Finish up your tea party, Uncle Drake is going to be taking you fishing soon.”
“YAY! Fishies!”
Riley exited the room and leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath before holding the phone up to her face. “Good morning, handsome.” She smiled softly at the sight of her husband on the other end.
“Hello, beautiful. How did you sleep?” 
“Do you really need to ask? You know you’ve spoiled me all these years, I can’t fall asleep without you.” She was determined to keep the conversation light. If it veered away from that at all, she wasn’t sure she would be able to hold back. Especially with the lack of sleep she was experiencing. 
“Trust me love, I understand. I’m already on my third cup of coffee, just one more night, and we will be together again.” His eyes said everything he wasn’t able to say in that call. They were having a silent conversation about how awful the previous night had been for Riley, and how sorry he was , how badly he wanted to be there to hold her and make it all go away. 
“It’s going to be the longest night of my life, just so you know.” She sighed, checking her watch briefly. “Liam, I have to go. I had a last minute meeting come up, and I have to go get everything ready.”
Liam nodded, knowing exactly what the meeting was in reference to, or so he thought. “Of course, I have to get ready for my day as well. I will call you later on to check in. I love you Riley, I will see you tomorrow.”
“I love you too, Liam.” She ended the call, and a single tear trailed down her cheek. She wiped it away and stood up straight. She didn’t have time to break down, she had a brunch to host. 
Riley worked with Gladys to prepare the solarium for her brunch meeting. Liam had told her how much his mother loved the gardens at the palace, so she thought that this would be an appropriate setting for their meeting. Sure, the circumstances were anything but pleasant, but this was still Eleanor Rys. This woman brought Liam, her Liam, into the world. No matter what happened in this meeting, or what became of this relationship, she would be eternally grateful to this woman for giving her the love of her life. 
She impressed on Gladys the importance of privacy for this meeting, all food and beverages were to be set out ahead of their guest’s arrival, chafing dishes and coffee carafes sat on one of the tables to ensure no servers needed to enter the room. Once the door was shut, nobody was to enter until the Queen said so. Eleanor had gone this long living under the radar, Riley certainly wasn’t going to be the one to ruin her life as a dead woman. 
Once the instructions had been laid out for the staff, Riley moved to the entryway of the estate to see Drake and Eleanor off on their fishing adventure. She walked in just as Drake was handing Eleanor her mini, hot pink, fishing rod. “Here you go, kiddo. Make sure you hold it up like this, so that you don’t poke anyone while you’re walking.”
She got a mischievous gleam in her eye. One that Drake instantly recognized from the countless times it flashed across Riley’s face, right before she’d do something that drove him crazy. Eleanor turned the rod, holding it horizontally, and jabbing it into Drake’s shins. “Poke poke poke!” 
Riley burst out laughing causing Drake to snap his head in her direction, and giving Eleanor the encouragement she needed to continue her assault on her Uncle. “To be fair, you kind of asked for it. You gave her step by step instructions.”
“Of what not to do! I guess I forgot who's kid I was talking to.” He gently took the rod out of Eleanor’s hand. “Here, I’ll carry it out to the car for you princess.”
“Thank you Uncle Drake!” She ran into her mother’s arms. “Bye Mommy!”
“Bye baby girl. Be a good princess, and make sure you do everything Uncle Drake says.” She gave Eleanor one more squeeze and let her go before approaching Drake. “Thanks for doing this, I know you didn’t expect to spend the whole weekend on babysitting duty.”
“Hey, it’s nothing. I wanted to get some fishing in while I was here anyway, always nice to have a little company.” He ruffled Eleanor’s hair as his face turned more serious. “You going to be ok?”
“The image of my daughter ramming a fishing rod into your shins should be enough to get me through it.” 
“She hangs out with you too much. She needs to spend more time with Liam so she can learn that stoicism shit.” They both laughed as he pulled her into a quick hug. “We’ll be back in a few hours.”
Riley waved as they exited the estate. Yup, that’s my daughter. Taught her everything she knows. She smiled to herself at the thought. She saw Mara approach out of the corner of her eye, and turned to face her. 
“Your appointment is here ma’am, she’s waiting for you in the solarium.”
Continue Reading
Tags: @txemrn @texaskitten30 @kingliam2019 @anjanettexcordonia @twinkleallnight @mile9213 @kittypryde-bipride @motorcitymademadame @kat-tia801 @bebepac @gkittylove99 @khoicesbyk @jessiembruno @queenrileyrose @athena-penrose @pixie88 @eadanga @choicesficwriterscreations @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie @annarenee355 @burnsoslow @shewillreadyou @imturaxamara
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emiliaheartfeel · 3 years
Chapter 11: Can we keep her
AN: Hey so a lot of this volume will be written too. I am hoping to update every Friday and Sunday, but Sunday is for sure maybe not Friday though.
I am also so so sorry for not updating for a while I got super sick and was in and out of the hospital for a while.
You hadn’t been feeling like yourself ever since you got back to Tokyo a few days ago. Being by yourself in you apartment didn’t help. The gym was still closed when you got back and there was only so much running you could do in a day to distract yourself. What you were doing isn’t healthy but you don’t care. It’s better then crying in a room all alone. Every once in a while you call Suna to talk and calm down. He did in fact FaceTime you everytime he watched Toliet-Bound Hanako and sometimes you would see his sister that was two years younger then you because she was a huge fan of some of the programs you support. It was always weird for you when people talked about you as if your this strong indestructible woman especially right now. Sighing as you walk up to your apartment lost in though your phone rings.
Tsum-Tsum 🥺
You ignore it. But quickly shoot him a text that you’re studying for your exams. According to some law athletes under the age of 17 have to still take school exams and pass with a B. You home schooled yourself mostly sometimes your adoptive unit would help when the subject was particularly difficult. Sometimes, a lot of the time, you just FaceTimed Osamu to help you cause he did the same stuff last year. He would probably be calling you here soon too. The twins knew something was up you were hardly responding to them and kept giving excuses as to why you couldn’t talk whenever they called. You felt a little bad for ignoring them, but you didn’t want to deal with your emotions yet. Because if you don’t confront it you guys are still the best of friends, right? You knew it was because you were a coward and couldn’t handle whatever they would say to defend their actions. Honestly you just wanted to pretend you don’t even know. Just go back to shooting Atsumu texts about the dumbest things you see or sending Osamu recipes you find. You miss saying good night to them over the phone. Even being so far from them physically they had been part of your everyday life even when you were in Tokyo. Not wanting to dwell on it anymore you finish up some homework and take melatonin and start your night routine. You go to bed declining Atsumu’s phone call ones again hoping that with the gym opening tomorrow life will get easier.
“L/N-San you are going to train with Komori-San for a awhile, I think she can rank in Nationals this year if she is pushed right,” your coach called pushing the brunette towards you. You give him a firm nod and glance at Komori-San whom you have never been introduced to even though you both had been at this gym for the last 4 years.
“Call me Y/N I hate formalities,”
“Then call me Akari!”
If you remembered right she was around your age and had decent enough routines, but her lack consistency made her seem mediocre. She only seemed slightly nervous over the fact you two were training together. Many people would question why the world’s best was training with someone who has yet to be nationally rank, simple most nationally ranked girls were in Kyoto. You nod and get started. Through out the day you begin to relax and enjoy Akari’s company and explaining how to do certain flips or transitions helped you better understand it. Akari didn’t seem to have much fear she just lacks focus. You realized you liked her a lot and believed honestly maybe if she worked hard enough she might rank high enough to be invited to international events.
Days turn into weeks and you continue dodging the teams explaining your just too busy working with Akari, but you were only training with Akari with about six hours a day you spent another three with individual training. Anyone could see you have been over working yourself for weeks. Akari and you had grown much closer since then and she has improved astronomical since then even exceeding the coaches expectation. She was so sweet and treated you like a normal girl which you loved. When she did manage to drag you away from the gym you two were spending time together shopping are doing homework at your apartment. It helped a little with the growing dread in you every time you saw a missed call from one of the twins.
“Komori-San come here for a moment” your coaches yelled. Akari nodded at you and smiled before running over to the coach you start stretching yourself to cool down from a day of training. It doesn’t take long for Akari to come racing back over and lunging at you.
“Y/N-Chan coach says I am on for the meet with Kyoto!!”
She is so excited she is bouncing. You can’t help but be excited too. After helping her, you have grown quite attached to the girl. With a broad smile she giggles
“Y/N-Chan you have to come to family dinner! I get this chance because of you!!”
“No Akachan it’s cause of your hard work”
“Pretty please Y/N-Chan come over and eat with us!”
“Fine but we should probably shower first,”
“Omg yes! My cousin is a germaphobe so we should be so gross”
You girls did just that as soon as practice ended. It was the first time you left with Akari instead of work yourself to the bone again. Akari and you walk out with your arms linked and she leads to two boys in track suits. One had the same chestnut brown hair and oval eyebrows Akari did so you assumed that was her brother. The other was a boy with wavy hair and dark eyes wearing a mask. He had to beauty marks above his right eyebrow.
“Guess who is going to part of the Kyoto meet with most of the National girls!”
“Gold medalist Y/N L/N”
“No, Moyota-nii it’s me!”
“Would have never guessed”
“Well I mean he’s still right, last I checked Akachan I am going”
“You’re Y/N L/N?”
“The one and only,”
“Your performance two years ago was simply breathtaking,”
“Oh thank you!
“Omg Nii-San are you seeing this! Omi-nii is being nice to someone else!”
“Who are you and what have done with our cousin?”
“I am merely stating fact,”
“Can we keep her? Like you are actually being nice,”
“She’s not a pet”
“But she’s cute like one”
“I don’t know how I feel about being compared to a pet.”
“Shh we have adopted you”
As you hang out with them your phone goes off and you don’t have the heart to check and see if it is one of the twins. Akari smiles back at you as her and grabs your hand to pull you along with them.
@kaleidoscopekai @je-suis-argent-miel @liferuinedby5idiotsand1genius @poppi144 @idontevenknow129 @ssuna @im-the-music-whore @kac-chowsballs
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seanfalco · 4 years
Playing with Fire | 04. Man on the Moon
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Klaus Hargreeves x f!Reader
Word Count: 5.5k Rating: M  Warnings: Swearing, Drug use, Minor character death, Blood, Brief torture mention
[ masterlist ]
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 “Hey, you okay?”
 You looked up at Diego’s words, finding him standing in the doorway of your room.
 “Yeah.  Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” you asked, frowning slightly, your fingers pausing on the strings of your old guitar.  It had taken the better part of a half hour to tune the damn thing, though it’s not like you’d touched it in years.  You could still remember when Klaus had scraped together enough money to buy it for you from the pawn shop.   When you’d left the academy, you’d upgraded, buying a better one, but couldn’t find it in your heart to get rid of this one.
 Diego gave you a long suffering look.  He’d been the only one other than Klaus that you had kept in contact with since leaving this place and he’d been there for you through every off-again period with Klaus.  “Because I know you, that’s why.  You and Klaus are fighting again.  What’d he do this time?”
 Scoffing quietly you sat up in bed, moving your legs so Diego could come sit down with you.  The bed creaked dangerously under your combined weight, but it held.
 “He said some shit the other day that kinda stung, but y’know it’s whatever,” you said, trying your best to sound nonchalant and brush it off.
 “Uh huh,” Diego snorted, looking completely unconvinced.  “I think it more than stung if you’re going out of your way to avoid him that much.”
 Giving him a half shrug in response you drew your legs up under you, crossing them.  “Yeah, well, I’m tired,” you sighed, plucking at the guitar strings idly.
 You had a lot to thank Diego for.  While Klaus had always actively ran away from his powers, Diego had put his to good use since leaving the academy, and when you’d come to him after your big fight with Klaus he’d introduced you to the life of a vigilante.  That night you’d single-handedly saved a family from a burning building and it finally felt like you were using your power for something good.
 “Y’know, if you wanna talk about it…” Diego offered and you grimaced, strumming the guitar louder.  “Okay, okay,” he laughed, “l’ll take that as a no.”
 You sat in companionable silence for a moment as your senseless strumming smoothly transitioned into the riff of a song.  “Hey,” you said suddenly, grabbing Diego’s attention.  “Do you remember when you tried to help me cut my hair?”  The memory surfaced out of nowhere and you felt the need to share it -- to laugh about something.
 “Oh my God, how could I forget?” Diego exclaimed, leaning back chuckling softly to himself.  “And it was so bad, no offense --”
 “No offense?” you gasped, smacking his arm playfully, “It was your fault!”
 “Maybe you shouldn’t have asked me in the first place!” he fired back with a grin.  “Luckily Mom was able to fix it…”
 The mention of Grace was like a mood breaker, Diego’s grin slowly melting away.  “Hey, speaking of Mom,” he murmured, watching his hands, fiddling with one of his knifes.  “What do you think about that security footage?”
 You bit your lip.  You did have some thoughts, but they were crazy.  Right?  But if anyone were to believe you it might be Diego.
 “Well…” you mused hesitantly, “I thought it was kinda weird.   Like there’s something that keeps nagging at me and it’s gunna sound crazy.”
 Diego cocked his head, listening.
 “I don’t think Grace’s programming is simply malfunctioning.  I think… I think the old man did something,  changed something…”
 “What are you saying, [Y/N]?”
 “I don’t know,” you sighed.  “Maybe he wanted her to kill him.”
 Diego frowned.  “As much as I would like to believe that… why?  Why would the old bastard want that?”
 “Like I said, I don’t know,” you shrugged, deflating.  “It doesn’t make sense, but it’s the only thing I can think of--”
 “Shh,” Diego exclaimed, cutting you off as he sat forward, suddenly alert.  
 “Did you hear that?” he whispered, leaning toward the open door, listening intently.
 “No, wait, Diego,” you hissed as he pushed himself off the bed and stepped out into the hall.  
 “Shit,” he whispered as he looked to his right.  The sound of two shotguns cocking echoed through the hall, pulling you to your feet.
 Two of Diego’s knives flew past your face as you rushed to the door, spinning end over end before ricocheting off of what appeared to be two large cartoon mascot heads covering the faces of the pair holding guns and striding down the hall towards you.
 “[Y/N], c’mon!” Diego exclaimed, pulling you out into the hall and around the corner while your attackers were momentarily distracted. Guitar still in your hand you ran after Diego, pressing your back against the wall and catching your breath.
 You heard their footsteps before they were right outside the room you’d ducked into.  Diego caught your eye before nodding and you tightened your grip on the neck of your guitar.  Without warning you stepped out of the shadows, swinging the instrument at the large man in the suit and bear-like mask.  It made contact with his gut and he groaned loudly, the neck breaking and his gun clattering to the ground as Diego leaped at him, blades slashing.  
 “Shoot them!” the man cried to his partner as he raised his arms in defense, engaging Diego in hand to hand combat.
 “Get out of the way, dumbass!” the woman called back, her voice muffled by the pink dog mask obscuring her face.  
 Diego kicked the man back into the wall and took off running, with you hot on his heels, dropping your ruined guitar to the ground with a pang of regret as the two regrouped.  Leading them out into the living room Diego catapulted over the balcony, landing on the leather couch below as the pair open-fired.
 Instead of following him you circled around as the two made their way down to the first floor.  Your attackers had effectively cut off his escape route, trapping him behind cover as they continued to fire at him.  Thinking quickly, with a snap of your fingers you called forth your flames, and sprinting past loosed two small fireballs at the intruders, catching the woman’s sleeve on fire, while the man’s pant leg flared.  You didn’t want to burn down the house, just give Diego a chance to get away while they were distracted trying to extinguish their clothes.
 That was when Luther stepped out of the shadows, taking the woman by surprise and throwing her to the ground while Allison kicked the man’s gun out of his hands.  Undeterred he grabbed her by the throat, but Diego was quicker, rushing in and throwing several quick jabs at his ribcage til he dropped her.  Luther reappeared with a guttural yell, lifting Allison’s attacker easily and sending him flying out into the foyer to land next to his partner.
 “Who the hell are these guys?” Allison cried looking around wildly at the rest of you.
 “Who the hell are these people?” the woman asked her partner from the black and white checkered tile.
 “You’re welcome,” Luther interjected, eyeing Diego.
 “I was doing fine!”
 “We don’t have time for this!” you cried, glaring at them both, but they continued to argue until several bullets zipped past you, you forcing you all to duck.  
 In the confusion you ended up splitting up -- you, Allison, and Diego all heading toward the kitchen while Luther took off in the other direction.  
 “You wanna rumor this psycho?” Diego asked as Allison took a billiard stick to the face, grappling with the masked woman.  Glancing up at him she wiped the blood from her lip.  “I don’t need to, this bitch just pissed me off,” she muttered, turning quickly to intercept another strike.
 “We just want the boy!” the woman in the mask called.
 Five! Worry suddenly gripped you, constricting your stomach.  Why would they want Five?  
 As Allison fell Diego jumped in.  You hurried around the table to help her to her feet before returning to the fray.  Seeing she was outnumbered the intruder turned and ran toward the stairs.  Plucking a knife from the table you handed it to Diego.
 “Get her.”
 He threw the knife and you saw the woman trip up the stairs, crying out as the blade buried itself in the back of her leg.
 By the time you returned to the foyer neither of the intruders were in sight, but Luther lay sprawled on the floor, struggling to get to his feet.
 “Luther!”  Allison cried, rushing to him; all of you putting your arms around him to help lift him.  
 Before you knew what was happening Luther was pushing you all out of the way, sending you flying as the large wrought iron chandelier overhead came crashing down, landing directly on top of him.  
 Glass shifted, clinking as it fell to the ground as Luther struggled once more to his feet, pushing the chandelier off him, his coat ripping in the process.  For a long moment you all stared in shock at him as he stood, his ruined coat and shirt falling away to reveal what looked like the dark hairy torso of an ape.  Luther watched all of your faces silently, breathing heavily, his eyes especially seeking out Allison before he turned and hurried up the stairs.
 “Did you know?”  Turning, you saw Vanya standing there, looking just as rattled as the rest of you.
When had she gotten here?  She had blood running down her face from a gash across her forehead.
 “No,” Allison answered, glancing back toward the staircase where Luther had disappeared, her gaze troubled.  “No,” she repeated, as if she couldn’t believe it herself.
 You looked around at the ruination around you, the senseless destruction of your former home, and a thought suddenly occurred to you.  
 Fear clutching you, you took off as Diego began to accuse Vanya of being a liability, not having the time to listen to another argument.  Vaguely aware of Vanya storming toward the door you hurried back down the steps toward Klaus’s room.
 “Klaus!” you called as you peered into all the rooms along the way.
 “Klaus?” you asked as you skidded into his room, his door still open.  Your stomach sank.  He wasn’t there, but the signs of a struggle were obvious.
 Klaus was floating.  Peaceful.  Blissfully submerged in the dark bathwater he could finally escape.  No worries to bother him, no voices hounding him, no guilt gripping him.  For a moment, he felt free.
 It was barely a whisper.  A breath tickling the edge of his consciousness.  He floated on.
 Klaus KlausKlausKlaus.  
More voices, overlapping, growing louder, but he tried to shut them out.  Ignore them.
Startled, his eyes flew open underwater and the faces swam into his vision, distorted, their voices screaming, too loud.  Covering his ears was useless, the dead screamed on.  
With a deep gasp of breath Klaus broke the surface, jolting up, sudsy water spilling over the edge of the tub.  Shaking as he struggled to catch his breath and forget the voices clamouring in his ears, he struck the water, frustration filling him.  He couldn’t even get a moment to himself.
 Sighing deeply he slicked his hair back and scrubbed at his face til he could breathe again, remembering the joint he’d left on the window sill.  Drying off his face on the fluffy towel hung nearby he reached for his headphones on the ledge above, covering his ears and turning up the music, blessedly drowning the voices out somewhat.   Placing the rolled joint between his lips, he lit it, taking several puffs til the end flared and smoldered, the cherry flickering brighter with each draw.  
 As the soothing feel of the joint rolled over him Klaus finally smiled, moving his hands slowly in time to the music, rolling his wrists and swaying his head; the voices diminishing.
Now he could relax.  Leaning back against the edge of the tub he let his eyes slip shut once more, losing himself in the music and the pungent smoke lazily twisting around his head.
 When the bathwater began to chill he finally got out, his fingers nice and pruny by then, and wrapped a towel around his head and another around his waist.  Lost in a world of his own Klaus danced his way back to his room, his eyes shut as he focused on the music, his head swimming pleasantly with his high.
 The next thing he knew was darkness and he struggled, finding his arms and legs bound, and his mouth taped shut.  A sudden light overhead made him wince, blinking rapidly, and then he was staring up into a pair of terrifying cartoon faces.  The screams ringing in his ears were his own this time.
 “Ahhh, there’s nothing like a little stranglin’ to get the blood flowing, am I right?” Klaus gasped, chuckling as the woman loosened the garrote around his neck, watching him disgustedly as she went to collapse wearily on the edge of the bed.  
 “What is so funny, you asshole?” her partner demanded, clearly irritated, standing to slap Klaus across the forehead.
 “Ow!” he exclaimed before giggling darkly, “Well, for one… you just spent the last ten hours beating me senseless... and you learned absolutely nothing.”  Klaus descended into a fit of breathless laughter.  “I mean, nobody tells me shit.  The truth is, I’m the one person in that house nobody will even notice is gone.”
Well, except for one.  Hopefully, he thought.  That is, if she wasn’t too angry to still care.  No, he quickly assured himself, no matter how mad [Y/N] was with him, she would still notice and she wouldn’t stop until she found him.  
 “You assholes kidnapped the wrong guy!”  Klaus’s laughter was cut short again with another swift slap to the head.  
 “Please make him stop.  Please make him stop talking!” the large kidnapper cried, pacing.
 “Let’s waterboard him,” his partner suggested, stretching a small towel over his face while the other grabbed a pitcher of water.
 Of course, that didn’t work either, Klaus merely laughing them off as soon as it was over, gargling the water before swallowing loudly, smacking his lips.
 “Ohhh I needed that.  I was so… parched,” he exclaimed dramatically as the two groaned and walked away again, seemingly out of ideas.
 As they moved away, arguing amongst themselves Klaus swallowed. A faint voice tickled the back of his mind and he shook his head.  The voice didn’t go away.  At least it wasn’t screaming.  No, for the moment it was only a constant mutter.  Sounded like… Russian?
 “The withdrawal.  It’s starting now, isn’t it?  Must be,” Ben mused, crossing his arms as he leaned against the dresser in front of Klaus.  “Otherwise, who’s the dead babushka?” he asked, glancing over toward the window, where the voice was coming from.
 Klaus sighed, hanging his head; weariness creeping into his bones.  He was sore, achy, exhausted, and had one massive headache that just wouldn’t abate -- the telltale signs of withdrawal, although being beaten by those thugs in masks for hours didn’t help matters either.
 “I don’t know,” Klaus muttered, clenching his jaw, “but it’s driving me crazy.  The bitch won’t shut up!”
 “Hey!  Watch your mouth!” the large kidnapper called from across the room where he was conferring quietly with his partner.  
 “Stay calm, Klaus,” Ben said calmly, obviously trying to soothe his brother, who was steadily looking more agitated as the seconds went by, his legs and arms jittery despite being taped to the chair.  
 Footsteps announced his kidnappers’ return and Klaus felt a flutter of worry as the woman picked up his coat from the dresser.   “Wait wait wait wait wait,” he muttered, “what are you doing?  That’s mine.  That’s my personal stuff.”
 Suddenly the woman stopped rifling through his pockets, pulling out a small baggie of pills.  “Ohhh?  What do we have here?” she asked smugly, passing the drugs to her partner.  
 “Hey!  Be careful with that!” Klaus continued, fidgeting against his bonds.  “It’s-it’s my… asthma medication,” he lied, lamely.
 “Now we’re gettin somewhere,” the man in the bear mask exclaimed, throwing the pills on the disgusting green carpet and crushing them with the heel of his shoe, drawing a strangled cry to Klaus’s lips.  
 He watched with horror as the large man threw several more of the pills to the ground to stomp on.  Filled with frustration he managed to jump his chair off the floor, bouncing several times as he screamed for them to stop.  He needed those!  
 “Listen!  I can… I can get you cash, amputee hookers, whatever!” he begged, trying to bargain.  His protests turned to whimpers as the masked man pulled out the marijuana laced chocolate bar, breaking off a piece and slipping it under his mask to eat, passing some to his partner.
 “Are you gunna tell them that it’s special chocolate?” Ben asked, watching, unimpressed.
 “Not until they’re high as kites,” Klaus muttered back.
 The Russian mumbling was growing louder, a buzz in his ears and he could feel the first stages of panic starting to set in.
 “Klaus, be strong,” Ben insisted.
 “This could all be yours for the low, low price of telling us everything,” the masked woman coaxed, waving the chocolate bar above Klaus’s head, catching his attention.  
 “Okay… fine,” Klaus sobbed, blinking.  Ben was gone.  
 He took a deep breath, but his voice still shook slightly.   “Look, I don’t know where Five is.  I wasn’t lying about that.  But I can tell you that he-he hasn’t been making much sense since he came back.”
 “He’s-- he’s been sitting in this van in front of a--a lab or something, made me help him get some information, and he’s looking for the owner of this eyeball. ��Like one of those fake ones.”
 “That makes no sense,” the large man exclaimed, shaking his head.  
 “Hold on, just hold on a second,” the woman mused, “tell us more about this eye and why it’s so important.”
 “He said it had something to do with the apocalypse, or-or something.”
 The two turned, sharing an unreadable look.
  Klaus.  Klaussss.  
 The voices were growing louder and Ben was nowhere to be found.
 Klaus whimpered in the dark.  He didn’t want to be alone.
 Those two psychopaths that had kidnapped him had stuffed him in the closet before they left, assumedly to head to the lab Five had been staking out with [Y/N] the other day… that he had told them about.  Klaus had no idea what they wanted with Five, but he hoped that wherever [Y/N] was, that she, at least, wasn’t with him.  What if he had sent those two masked murderers straight to her?  If she got hurt because of him...
  Klaus!  KLAUS!  
 Slipping in and out of consciousness the voices overlapped, each scream startling him and he flinched, his own pathetic moans echoing in his ears.  Suddenly he was sixteen again and back in the mausoleum.
 “Stop, please!  Dad, let me out!”  
 He’d been thrown in the family crypt for years now, since he was thirteen, locked in until he could control his powers.  He’d managed to avoid them much more now that he’d discovered getting high helped, however, when he ran out of drugs the voices always came back and he was sober for the moment, unable to get to his stash.  
The ghosts were always screaming, reaching out to him, their faces ghastly and distorted in the darkness and he shrank away from them, sobbing.  
“Klaus?  Psst, Klaus!”  
Sniffling he looked up, his eyes swimming with unshed tears, but there she was.  [Y/N] crouched by the bars of the mausoleum door, her face the most welcome sight in the world.  
“[Y/N]?” Klaus asked, his voice cracking, “What are you doing here?”  
“I came to keep you company, duh,” she whispered loudly, sitting down on the ground and snapping her fingers, calling a ball of flame to her raised palm.  “Come here, hold my hand,” she said, thrusting her other arm through the bars and reaching for him.  
Klaus swallowed thickly and quickly scrubbed at his eyes before crawling over and taking her hand, leaning his shoulder against the wall.  His emerald eyes sparkled in the firelight and he watched, ever fascinated by the flames and the way they moved, dancing over her skin without hurting her.  
“Are you okay?” she asked, ducking her head to get a better look at his face.  
“Yeah, I’m… fine… now,” he insisted, the voices of the ghosts still there, but muted, almost like when he was high, but not quite.  
[Y/N] smiled softly, squeezing his hand in hers.  “I wish I knew how to pick locks, or else I’d bust you out of there and we could run away for the night.”  
“That would be nice,” Klaus murmured.    
“Or if I had Five’s power I could just jump right in there to be closer to you.”  
“That would be even nicer,” Klaus mused, a hesitant grin tugging at the corner of his lips.  “There is one thing I think I’d like to do, if you were in here.”  
“Oh?  What’s that?” she asked, cocking her head, an interested smile playing on her lips.  
“Kiss you.”  
 “Klaus.  Klaus.”  
 Ben’s voice pulled him from his memories and his eyes shot open.
 “Breathe.  You’re in the worst of it now.”
 Blinking the sweat out of his eyes Klaus looked around the cramped closet, the faint light from the room on the other side filtering through the slats in the door.  He forced himself to breathe through his nose, willing his heart to calm.  
 Suddenly the sound of a vacuum running filled the room, and though his mouth was taped shut Klaus screamed as loud as he could, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes, desperation clutching him.
 “She can’t hear you,” Ben exclaimed, but that didn’t stop him, his muffled groans getting him nowhere.
 “You know the worst thing about being dead?”  Ben asked suddenly, raising his voice to be heard.  “You’re stuck.  You can’t change, you can’t grow.  That’s the real torture.  Watching your brother take for granted everything you lost and pissing it all away.  Do you even realize how lucky you are?   To have someone like [Y/N] care for you like she does?  And how do you repay her?”
 Klaus knew he was right.  
 “You guys are scarier without the masks,” Klaus muttered as soon as they ripped the tape from his mouth, pulling his chair from the closet back out into the middle of the room.
 That earned him, surprise surprise, another slap.
 “That’s no way to say hello to your old friends, is it?” the man asked, unimpressed.
 “Can’t we just call it a night?  I already gave you what you wanted,” Klaus groaned, slumping forward, held upright by his bound arms.  “Just, please… please let me go.”
 “Technically we want your brother.  Is he here now?” the woman asked dryly and though Klaus knew she meant Five he glanced over toward Ben, reclining on one of the beds.  
 “Uhh… you’re gunna have to be a little more specific than that,” he chuckled tiredly.
 Another slap.
 “Ow!  I told you already.  He’s not coming.”
 “Well, Number Five knows now.  We left him a message,” the woman said, and for a moment hope leaped inside him.  If Five knew, then that meant [Y/N] knew.  She would come for him.  She would.
 “And when he comes for you, we’ll be ready for him.”
 His stomach dropped.  If [Y/N] came here, she was in danger.  It was a trap.  Fuck.  The last thing he wanted was for [Y/N] to get hurt, or worse yet, killed, because of him.
 Turning off the lights and drawing the curtains they left him in the dark, and this time as he closed his eyes [Y/N] wasn’t waiting at the mausoleum to comfort him.  
 He’d give anything to see her face again.  Maybe, just maybe he could lose himself in another memory, for a little while at least, if he thought hard enough.
[Y/N] giggled as she pushed him to the mattress, crawling over him and pressing her lips to his; already half undressed, the feel of her skin against his maddening.  
“Mmmm,” he moaned, his hands wandering, pulling her closer as his mouth worked against hers, his tongue sliding over her bottom lip, begging entrance.  
“Klaus!” she gasped, playfully feigning indignation as she pulled back, squirming in his grasp.  He merely smirked up at her shamelessly, wriggling under her teasingly, his hands still planted firmly on the pleasant curve of her ass.  
“What are you gunna do about it?” he asked, raising his thick eyebrows in a challenge.  
“What aren’t I gunna do, is the real question,” she purred, leaning close to nip at his earlobe, bringing a gasped groan to his lips before her lips trailed wet kisses along his jaw, her lips brushing his stubble before finding his lips once more.  
“Stay with me tonight,” he murmured against her mouth which promptly twitched into a smile.  
“Say please,” she said, pulling back to look him in the eye, want heavy in her gaze, along with something else… hesitance?  For a moment she looked lost, as if she needed to be reassured that he wanted this -- wanted    her       as much as she wanted him.  
“Please,” he replied, holding her gaze and her smile returned.    
 The Russian woman was back.
 She stood in front of the female kidnapper, her flow of words not stopping, looking down at the masked woman with contempt in her eyes.  Turning toward Klaus he noticed the blood pouring from the side of her head and the gaping bullet wound and he groaned, turning away.   He just wanted to go back to the memory he’d just been reliving, not stuck here.  
 “Look at her,” Ben insisted, his voice urgent.  “Look at how she’s looking at them.”
 Sighing, Klaus looked.
 “She’s one of their victims.  Maybe we can use this.  Go on, talk to her.  You haven’t been this sober since you were a teenager.   You can do this, Klaus,” he urged.  “If you learn their secrets, you can control them.”
 Chewing his lip Klaus nodded slowly.  “Uh, hi,” he whispered, pausing to clear his throat softly.  “What’s your name?” he asked the Russian woman.
 She turned to him, her eyes focusing on him.  “Zoya Popova.”
 “Oh!” he exclaimed, "What a lovely name.  Can you… tell me what happened to you?”  
 The kidnappers slowly turned to look at him, confused as to who he was talking to.  Or maybe they just thought he was going crazy, but he persisted.
 “Hey, if you don’t shut up, I’m gunna cut your tongue out with a grapefruit spoon!” the female kidnapper snapped and Klaus flinched slightly at her threat before straightening and staring her down.
 “Zoya Popova,” he uttered.
 That certainly caught their attention.  
 “What did he say?” the man asked incredulously, gaping at his partner.
 “Oh, she is really pissed at you guys,” Klaus continued, laughing as the kidnappers watched him wide-eyed.
 Soon the ghosts of all their victims were gathered around Klaus, clamouring to tell him their stories.
 “Shut up, shut up, shut up, please, for a second,” he muttered, trying to process all the information they were throwing at him.   “Jesus, you guys are worse than the drugs.”
 Suddenly his chair was pulled around and he looked up at them.  “Which one are you, Cha-Cha or Hazel?” he asked the man.
 “Jan Mueller.  Remember him?  Swiss Alps.”
 “I remember,” the woman said, her eyes glazing over with memory.  “Forward.  Reverse.”
 “Yeah, that’s it!” Klaus exclaimed, “And his wife… escaped down an alleyway,” turning back to Hazel Klaus smiled smugly, “He says to say thank you.  He’s so grateful to you, Hazel, for having spared his wife.”
 The two looked at each other, Cha-Cha frowning as Hazel began to look distinctly uncomfortable.
 “You know, there may be hope for him yet.  Don’t you think?” Klaus asked Cha-Cha.
 His little show had the exact outcome he’d hoped for.  As Cha-Cha shoved Hazel toward the bathroom, the seeds of dissent had been planted and Klaus deflated as soon as they were out of sight.
 “Nicely done,” Ben insisted.
 “Thank you,” Klaus replied, glad for once that his powers were actually of some use, and thankful for his brother’s help.
 Deciding to push his luck he relayed a few more messages from Jan Mueller, calling them across the room, just to needle them some more.  Soon though, Cha-Cha was striding across the room to tape his mouth shut once more, which was… not ideal.
 However, as soon as she left, slamming the bathroom door shut behind her, Klaus jumped into action, as it were, scooting his chair closer to the outside door.  When a shadow passed by the window he took his chance, screaming as loud as he could despite the tape, desperately banging his head against the table to catch whoever had walked by’s attention.
 His head was throbbing, but it did the trick.  Tears of joy rolled down as his face as the door slowly opened.
 “Are you Diego’s brother?” the woman with the detective’s shield around her neck asked and he nodded desperately, hope filling him.   “I’m Detective Patch, you’re safe now.”
 Quickly he motioned behind him with his head, trying as best he could to warn her.  As soon as she cut his bonds the bathroom door opened and Hazel pointed his gun out the door.  Patch pulled her own gun, pushing Klaus out of the way and he dove to the floor behind the bed.  
 “Police!” she called, “Drop the gun or you’re going down!”
 “I’m coming out.  Don’t shoot.���
 As Hazel complied, dropping his gun and stepping out of the bathroom with his hands up, Klaus crawled toward the large vent in the wall, pulling the grate off, desperate to escape however he could.  A large black briefcase sat in the vent and without another thought he pushed it in front of him as he struggling into the vent, worming his way through to the other side.
 He heard the gunshot, but didn’t stop.
 “[Y/N], pick up!” Diego’s words rang in your ear as you answered your phone.  
 “Diego, what is it?” you asked, your voice heavy with exhaustion.  You’d been out all night and all day frantically searching for Klaus everywhere.  You knew it was nearly pointless to go off without even the slightest clue, but you had no idea what else to do, and you couldn’t just sit around.
 “Where are you?” Diego demanded, ignoring your question.
 “I’m… I’m driving.  I’m looking for Klaus.  I’ve been looking everywh--”
 “Listen, [Y/N], I know where he is!  Meet me at this location!”
 Familiar with the street you turned the car around, barely pausing to slow down first; the tires squealing on the wet pavement.   Fear clutched at your stomach, you’d held it at bay all day, but now you wondered, what if by the time you got there it was too late?  
 By the time you and Diego ran up the stairs and down the hall, you found the door open.
 “Klaus!” you called as Diego echoed you, glancing around the hall quickly before stepping through the door and freezing.
 “Diego?” you asked faintly, your voice faltering as your eyes followed his gaze to the floor.  
 Blood pooled around a body and for a moment your heart stopped, until you realized it wasn’t Klaus, it was Detective Patch... Eudora.
 Diego rushed to her side, shucking off his gloves as he knelt next to her.  “No, no, no, Eudora!” he sobbed, his voice cracking.
 Covering your mouth with your hand, you gasped, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as Diego flipped her body over, his wounded cries washing over you.
 You knew her.  Known her.  She’d been kind to you.  And she’d been good for Diego.   It had broken your heart when they’d split.  And now she was dead… because she’d tried to help Klaus.  You tried to swallow; feeling sick to your stomach.  
Klaus!  Tearing your eyes from Eudora’s body your gaze swept the small room.  Klaus was nowhere to be seen.  A chair by the door caught your eye and you noticed the bands of cut duct tape and blood.  Had he escaped?  Where were the two that had attacked the academy the night before?  Had they taken him when they left, after shooting Eudora?
 Your head swam with questions, piling up one on top of the other.
 The sound of approaching sirens pulled you from your thoughts and you rushed to Diego.
 “Diego, we have to go,” you urged, sobbing, pulling at his shoulder.
 He turned to look at you, his eyes lost.
 “Diego!” you cried, shaking him.  “I’m so sorry!  We have to go!”
 He turned back to Eudora, tenderly cupping her face, tears rolling down his cheeks.  “I’ve got to go, okay?  I can’t be here when they arrive,” he murmured, his voice shaking.  Reluctantly he got to his feet, grabbing his gloves before he let you pull him out the door.
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darks-ink · 4 years
Darkness - Ectoberweek 2020
Yes I wrote this one because I just really wanted to write Vlad and Danny meeting in Antonym-verse, shh. Don’t say anything.
[first part]
Rating: Gen Warnings: - Genre: Supernatural Words: 2,147 Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Sequel
[AO3] [FFN]
“Well,” Danny said, humming thoughtfully.
“Well,” the other person agreed, his bright red eyes absurdly visible in the dark room they were in.
Since the man didn’t seem inclined to talk, Danny didn’t bother to, either. Instead he started peering around, blinking his own vivid green eyes. Even though his retained night vision usually did him little good, he was glad to have it, now. He highly doubted ordinary humans would’ve been able to see in the pitch black they were in.
Unfortunately, the room did not include any hints as to where he was, nor why he was here.
“You’re Danny, aren’t you?” the man suddenly asked, his red eyes narrowed. “The Fenton’s adopted son?”
Danny hummed. He wasn’t sure if he was legally adopted, the human world had so much complicated paperwork, but they certainly seemed intent on counting him as their son. “Yeah,” he finally agreed, figuring he should vocalize. “But I don’t think I know you. Do I?”
The man visibly considered that, weighing options against each other. Finally he offered a hand to Danny. “Vlad.”
“Well, you already know my name, obviously.” Danny shot him a grin as he took the hand and shook it. “But I’m Danny.”
“And you’re half-ghost,” Vlad said, a strange emphasis on the ‘half-ghost’. “Aren’t you?”
“Yeah, well, so are you,” Danny pointed out with a shrug. “I think that the more pressing questions are “where are we?” and “how did we get here?”, don’t you?”
Vlad hummed at that, expression somewhere between pleased and aggravated. Someone was digging for information, huh? “Yes, I suppose you’re right. You don’t know either, then?”
“Nope,” he agreed easily, taking his eyes off of Vlad to look around again. The room was empty and featureless, absolutely non-distinct in how bland it was. “But! I don’t think we’re in the Ghost Zone.”
“How can you tell?”
“Not nearly enough ectoplasm in the atmosphere.” Danny leaned over to knock on the wall. “And these are solid. Humans can go through walls in the Ghost Zone.”
“You seem to know a lot about the Ghost Zone.” Vlad’s eyes narrowed once more.
“Yeah, well.” Danny paused, reconsidered. Vlad didn’t seem like a ghost, not like him. Vlad seemed like a human. If Danny could become part human as a ghost, why couldn’t a human become part ghost? “I guess I spent a good bit of time there.”
“And your parents?” Vlad pressed, cold disinterest in his voice.
Danny snorted, dismissive. “You mean my biological parents? Dunno. Can’t remember them. That’s why the Fentons took me in, y’know? Now can we please focus on getting out of wherever this is before we continue the interrogation?”
“Yes, of course,” Vlad said, graciously. Like this was anything to be gracious about. Danny bet that if he’d been in full control of his powers he could’ve beaten the other half-ghost easy. But, alas. He was still fighting to control his core, never mind use his powers properly. He would have to settle for civilized human behavior.
“Good.” Danny turned away from Vlad, walking along the wall, one hand trailing over it. The whole thing felt solid in a uniquely human way. Definitely no ghosts involved here.
The door, when Danny reached it, was no less solid. He grabbed onto the rounded doorknob and jangled it, but there was no give. Definitely locked. “Yeah, we’re not getting out this way.”
Vlad, who still hadn’t moved, the ass, hummed thoughtfully. “I suppose we will have to use our powers to leave, then. I see no cameras of any sort, do you?”
“No,” Danny admitted, releasing the door and looking around just to be sure. “I suppose you’re right. Some intangibility and invisibility should get us out.”
“Yes, indeed.” Vlad crossed his arms, waiting for a moment before arching his brow at Danny. “Well, go on then.”
“Me?” He scoffed. “It was your idea. You go first.”
The man stared at him for a moment longer, his red eyes boring straight into Danny’s, before he sighed. “Fine, then. But only because I suspect I cannot hope to out-stubborn a teenager, let alone one raised by Jack Fenton.”
Danny quirked an eyebrow at that unexpected hostility. Sure, he’d only known Jack for a month or two, but still. He seemed like a good man.
Vlad’s transformation was similar to Danny’s own. A spark of light from the chest, from the core, forming into rings which passed over the body, and shifted it from one state to the other. Admittedly Vlad’s were bizarrely black, while still giving off light, but it didn’t really matter. Not now, at least.
No, Danny was far more interested in Vlad’s ghost form. He looked rather like a typical ghost, up to and including a thematic appearance. And what an appearance. Vlad had gone full vampire on his looks, with pale blue skin, empty red eyes, pointed ears and sharp fangs. His hair, black in ghost form, was swept up into gravity-defying points, and his clothing did not match the suit he’d been wearing at all.
Hell, the guy even wore a cape. What kinda person did that?
But… Vlad had gone and shifted to his ghost form, so Danny supposed he’d better follow suit. Mentally crossing his fingers that his powers would hold—his core was still settling back into proper stability after his accident—he called his core to the forefront of his existence. Light flashed as he, too, transformed into a ghost.
Vlad quirked an eyebrow at him, judgment heavy in the air. “A jumpsuit, boy, really? You are certainly a Fenton, aren’t you?”
“It’s Phantom, actually,” Danny correctly idly. “The jumpsuit is just a coincidence.” He lifted up from the floor, trying to judge how well his core was doing that day. “Now come on, I don’t have all day.”
“And you think I do?” Vlad scoffed, but started floating as well. “I will go first. I expect I will be more likely to recognize where we are than you.”
Well, he wasn’t wrong, but he didn’t have to be so haughty about it. “Sure, knock yourself out.” Danny swept out an arm in a wide arc to underline the statement, throwing in a sarcastic bow as well.
The gesture clearly wasn’t lost on Vlad, but he apparently made the choice to ignore it, flying towards one of the walls and flickering invisible before he hit it. With a roll of his eyes, Danny followed, focusing his senses on the feel of Vlad’s core so he could track the man while invisible.
Outside it was… also dark, admittedly, but not as hopelessly pitch-black as inside. A glance upwards confirmed that it was a regular dark—stars barely visible due to a nearby city, and the new moon that was supposed to come that night.
Vlad was still nearby, although invisible, so Danny let himself drift over. “Well,” he said when he was close enough, keeping his voice low since they were still invisible. “I don’t think we missed much time. The moon phase is correct.”
“Hm. And what do you know of where we are?” Vlad asked, a tone of curiosity layered under the smarminess of his voice. “Or have you spent all your time looking up?”
“I thought you were going to focus on our location?” Danny shook his head, realized Vlad couldn’t see, then decided to look around anyway.
And, huh.
“Well, at least we’re not far from home,” he said, feebly.
They were on the outskirts of Amity Park.
“You aren’t, no.” Vlad huffed, a sound of displeasure. “Unlike you, however, I live in Wisconsin.”
Cool. That meant very little to Danny. He was pretty sure that it was a state in the country he was living in, but where, or how far away it was? Absolutely meaningless.
“Okay, well… If you know the Fentons you can probably stay over?” He let his invisibility drop, since the strain on his core was rather unnecessary. The people of Amity Park didn’t look up enough to care about ghosts in the sky. “And if you didn’t… Well, they probably would let you stay over anyway. They’d love to talk more about your half-ghost-ness.”
“Joy,” Vlad muttered, and he could not possibly have put more distaste in the word. “And you do not care to stay invisible, then?”
“I can’t keep it up forever, dude.” Danny shrugged, letting his legs blend away into a tail as he drifted in the direction towards home. “Besides, I know Amity Park. It’s a safe place to fly without invisibility, trust me.”
Vlad scoffed, but dropped his invisibility as well. “Very well, then. Lead on.”
Danny nodded back, then shifted into proper flight, making sure to keep his speed fairly low. As annoying as it was to have to hold back, he knew he couldn’t make full use of his powers, not while his core was still recovering from the transition. One day, hopefully, he’d get back to his prior strength.
Still, that did make him wonder. It definitely seemed like Vlad was a human who’d become half-ghost. How did that work, compared to Danny himself? How strong was Vlad? Did he need to wait for his core to mature the usual way? That almost seemed easier to Danny than what he was going through. A slow progressive growth, rather than having all these powers and not having the power to use them.
And Vlad had conveniently skipped around explaining how he knew the Fentons, too. Honestly, he was kind of giving Danny the creeps. Something about his behavior was just… off. Weird.
Or maybe that was just how slimy he was, how haughty, how superior. Yugh.
Vlad didn’t try talking to him while they were flying to FentonWorks, although he did raise a questioning eyebrow at the neon sign when they landed behind it.
“The glow of the sign will hide our light,” Danny explained with a shrug. He’d been told by Jazz that the sign was an oddity among humans, but he didn’t think it was that weird. “We can enter the house through the door up here.”
“Why not phase inside?” Vlad asked, crossing his arms. “That way no one will see us.”
“True. But it’s also rude to go inside without announcing yourself.” Danny grinned at Vlad, displaying his own sharp teeth, before releasing his core to shift back to human form. The flashing light was barely visible beyond the glow of the sign. “Coming, Vlad?”
The other half-ghost sighed, making a motion like rolling his eyes—despite the fact that they were empty in his ghost form—but transformed back into human form as well. “I would’ve thought that using ghost powers meant we were no longer following human sensibilities, but it’s your house.”
Human sensibilities? What, has no one ever told this guy the rules of lairs in the Ghost Zone? Yikes. “You do realize that it’s a thing in the Ghost Zone too, right? Not randomly wandering into people’s lairs?”
“And how would you know?” Vlad sneered back, his eyes dark for the first time since Danny had met him. “You’re what, fourteen? And clearly new to being half-ghost, too.”
“Yeah!” Danny snapped, feeling his core kick up a notch. He was so tired of this asshole. “Yeah, I’m new to being half-ghost! Because I was a full ghost before this!”
He leaned in closer to Vlad, seeing the reflection of his glowing eyes in Vlad’s. “Just because you think you’re a big deal doesn’t mean you are. You don’t know shit, Vlad.”
Satisfied that he’d gotten his point across, Danny whirled around, pulling open the door and climbing down the stairs. After a moment, he heard Vlad follow.
“You are… a ghost turned half-human?” Vlad asked, quietly. “Not the reverse?”
“Not like you, no,” Danny confirmed, opening the door to the upper floor hallway. “But the Fentons will still want to talk to you.”
“No.” Vlad stopped before crossing the door. Danny, too, stopped, turning around to face Vlad again. “No, I don’t think that that’s going to happen.”
“I thought I had found someone like me. For that, I was willing to put up with Jack Fenton, at least for the moment. But now?” Vlad scoffed, a derisive sound. “For a poor ghostly imitation? No, certainly not. Goodbye, Phantom.”
With that, Vlad whirled around, vanishing from sight. Danny could still track his core—apparently Vlad had shifted forms almost immediately—but he was, in fact, leaving.
“Well. That just happened,” Danny muttered to himself as Vlad left the premises entirely. “Wonder what the chances are that the Fentons know more than one guy named Vlad.”
He shrugged to himself, continuing down to the living room, where his family waited. Guess he had some more mysteries to solve now.
Like that room. What the fuck was up with that?
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