#then i had no idea for a third color and just went white but with green as an under color
sqlmn · 8 months
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Sebastian (pink hair) and Cornella (blue hair) meet as children and realize "ah, that's the kid my parents told me to avoid because of business reasons" and immediately decide "hey, we're going to be best friends and not fight". Which... in the long run helps a lot in regards to their parents companies because now the parents have to play nice around their kids.
long history below lol
So they're just bffs throughout their youth and a couple years before their high school graduation, Sebastian spots a kid with messy hair who looks really nervous. Since it's early in the year, maybe the kid needs help finding somewhere? So he goes over to offer to help him to class buuuuut the guy flinches and runs away. So Sebastian is ready to report to Cornella at lunch but she slams her hands down on the table saying "I JUST SAW THE CUTEST GUY EVER". And Sebastian puts his concerns on hold until he realizes they're about to talk about the same guy.
The duo then decide "operation befriend shy guy" and spend like an entire school year getting Matis to warm up to them. Good! Except now they're seniors and STILL both pining for the underclassman (only a grade below) and they have an agreement to not pressure Matis into any weird situations about picking between them.
Matis and Sebastian like to draw though and so one day as Sebastian is vibing and sketching Cornella while stealing glances at Matis, he decides to put little hearts around her head. It's fine, it's not weird, it's totally cool. And Matis sees and comments he must really like her and while he DOES really like her it's .... not quite like that. So he laughs it off.
The two graduate and then start to train at their parents companies while attending college and the years go on. They still sometimes think about Matis and go "wonder how he's doing" "wonder if he's more outspoken now" "wonder if he'd remember us" because they're both very normal about the lingering crush they have. Cornella walks into the building she works at one day and is going directly to her office in hopes no one sees her since she's supposed to be off when she hears her name.
"I'm not here, you didn't see me and you REALLY didn't see me if my dad's asking" is her immediate response but the guy's like 'oh, sure, understood. i am interviewing someone who said he went to school with you' and so she looks over and is just. Floored. Yup, still nervous looking, definitely remembers them, he's doing fine, and he's apparently now working at her company. Fabulous.
She does say hello and then nervously excuses herself to go to her office before anyone else sees her but hey see you around good to see you bye haha... and calls Sebastian with "He's hot now" with no context. So he asks who and she's like "oh only the cutest boy to ever plague our brains for years" and Sebastian is just "wait wait, Matis ? ? YOU SAW HIM? WHERE? HELLO? Why was I not invited to see him? Why did you not video call so I can see him? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S HOT" and then they scheme how to actually meet up and involve Matis. And they agree while he's definitely handsome dealing with other people, the fact he still blushes and looks nervous around them and looks to them for approval is the absolute cutest thing on the planet.
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piratekane · 1 year
Beatrice sighs as her pen runs out of ink. This is the second pen today and she’s starting to feel like there is something working against her. But, that seems illogical. The more logical conclusion is that Ava has used her pens. She has a tendency to use them until they’re nearly dry and put them back in Beatrice’s backpack, thinking she’s doing a good job returning them to where she found them.
Not maliciously. There’s nothing Ava does that is malicious. Beatrice knows she’s probably thinking: I borrowed this. I need to put it back. And then she does and Beatrice opens her backpack at the student center the next day, intent on getting some work done while she waits for Ava, and finds her pens dry.
She looks through her pencil case but there isn’t another pen, just a precisely sharpened standard pencil, two black mechanical pencils, a yellow highlighter, a soft white eraser, and her red pen - used to make corrections only. She debates using it.
No. It would ruin her notes.
Instead, she pulls out her laptop. She’ll just continue her notes there and transfer them to her notebook later. The extra repetition will be good for her. Her professor asked her a question she wasn’t quite prepared for and she knows she’s going to be thinking about it all week until she has a chance to redeem herself in the next class.
Her screen comes to life and she sighs. This one isn’t born from frustration like her last one; this one is an acceptance, an admitting to herself that, despite what she’s looking at, she can’t help but feel a rush of affection for it.
Ava has changed her desktop background again. This time, it’s a picture Camila took last weekend. Ava is in a white shirt and white shorts, a white sweatband around her forehead. All of it is stained in neon paint. She’s holding a fake plastic trophy high above her head with one hand, the other looped around Beatrice’s neck, the two of them squished into the frame. Her own clothes are soaked with the same bright colors.
How she agreed to something called a Color Run... The idea of running through cannons of color had not sounded appealing, but Ava had come home with a flyer she found on the bulletin board outside the cafeteria and presented it to Beatrice alongside a bulleted list of reasons why Beatrice should say yes.
She let Ava go through the list: one, you love to exercise. Two, it’s advertised to make the world ‘healthier’ and you’re always telling me I need to start making better choices. Three, imagine if we got Lilith to agree to come and someone blasted her with a color cannon?
The third one hadn’t been convincing. Lilith would never agree to something like that.
Beatrice didn’t tell her that the list didn’t matter; she was going to say yes the moment Ava handed her the flyer and looked at her with those eyes, the ones that always made Beatrice feel like she could free fall and not care what waits for her at the other end of it.
And she had to admit, it was rather fun. The white clothes they bought were completely ruined, but it had been worth it to see the way Ava beamed the whole run, sprinting ahead to circle back around her. She had thrown her arms wide when the color cannons went off, soaking in the powder. Beatrice soaked in her happiness in return.
It hasn’t been long. Spring is fading into summer quickly and Ava has been living with her for two months and every single moment has been filled with the kind of happiness that Beatrice could have only dreamed about when she was younger. The kind of happiness that made each day feel like it was worth waking up for.
She hadn’t gone looking for this, hadn’t expected something like this to just fall into her lap - or literally crash into her table. It’s illogical to think fate sent Ava into her orbit, but if she was pressed, she could admit that each of them must have been in the right place at the right time. Serendipity, Ava said with a rakish smile. We were destined to meet.
If there was such a thing as serendipity, it must be working in her favor.
She opens a word document, the cursor blinking at the top of the page. She titles it Anthropological Theories of Religion and flips through her textbook until she finds the correct page. She likes this class, likes how as she continues through her degree program the class gets smaller, more intimate. She typically likes the professor, though she feels thrown off by her now.
Halfway through a word, her world goes dark. Warm hands slide over her eyes, fingertips pressing against her skin. 
She smiles nearly instantly. “Ava.”
“Not Ava,” says a low voice. But it’s clunky, a poor imitation at something deeper.
Beatrice plays along for just a moment, indulging Ava and a part of herself that likes to make Ava happy. “Oh? Well then. I suppose a stranger has found it appropriate to put their hands on me.” She curls her fingers around a thin wrist, one her hand already knows the shape of, and tightens slightly. “I do know how to disarm you.”
“You could try.”
Beatrice tightens her grip in response and hears a slight exhale that glances against the shell of her ear. A fingertip skates across her brow briefly and then Ava is letting go, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before she sits down heavily in the chair next to Beatrice.
“How did you know it was me? What if I was… Mary?”
Beatrice spares Ava a glance. “Mary knows better. You, on the other hand…”
“I’ve never known better.” Ava says it with pride. “Especially not when it comes to you.”
Beatrice feels her chest tighten. She wonders if Ava knows, if Ava understands how something so simple unspools the tight loop Beatrice keeps around her heart. A part of her thinks Ava must. Ava is able to read her so thoroughly. From the moment they met, Ava has seen through her so effortlessly. It’s thrilling, to be seen like that. 
And it’s devastatingly terrifying.
“Yes, well,” she says quietly.
“One day, you’ll use that to your advantage.” Ava spins Beatrice’s textbook towards her, reading a few of the section titles before she turns it back towards Beatrice. “But you’re also too nice for that, so who knows.”
Beatrice straightens out her textbook out of habit more than anything else. “You’re late.”
Ava smiles sheepishly. “I got caught up.” She doesn’t give an answer past that.
Beatrice nearly frowns. Ava doesn’t owe her any more of an explanation. She just usually gives one.
“But I’m here now!” Ava takes off her backpack, resting it on the floor before she opens it and takes out her own laptop. “I thought you didn’t like typing your notes? Muscle memory or something, right?” 
“My pens are out of ink.” 
Ava’s cheeks flush. “That’s my fault, isn’t it.”
“It’s certainly not mine.” She says it without any malice. “I just need to start carrying more pens.”
Ava still looks guilty. She fishes into the pocket of her jean shorts and unearths a stick of gum, three paper clips, and an uncapped pen. She spreads them out on the table and nudges the pen towards Beatrice. It’s not the tip she likes, thicker than she usually uses, and it’s blue. If red would ruin her notes, this would change the physical shape of them.
She takes the offered pen and closes her laptop. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you.” Ava smiles and scoops the paper clips up, putting them back in her pocket. 
Beatrice will find them later when she does the laundry and she’ll add them to the jar of pocket-trinkets she keeps of all the things Ava leaves behind in her clothes. It’s made up of coins and paper clips and pen caps - all things that Ava swears she’s going to put in proper places but never remembers until Beatrice is pulling them out of the washing machine.
Ava takes the gum and breaks it in half, offering it to Beatrice. She has coffee and this gum is spearmint. The combination will taste horrible. But she puts the gum in her mouth and smiles when Ava does.
“So, listen to what MacKay did today.” Ava tells the story animatedly, face shifting as she plays each character. Beatrice doesn’t catch every word, too focused on the rise and fall of her voice and the way her hands move as she goes on. Beatrice finds herself smiling along, not at all caring about some girl named Carina or Professor MacKay and whatever argument they’ve gotten into this week.
Ava is halfway through her story, body gearing up to drop the punch line, when her face shifts and her eyes cut over Beatrice’s shoulder. Beatrice frowns, turning to look. A boy is approaching their table, hands locked around the straps of his backpack as he strides towards them.
“Hey, Ava!” he calls.
Beatrice looks back at Ava. She knows this boy, at the very least. But her face is unreadable - a feat Ava doesn’t manage to accomplish very often. He comes closer and Beatrice’s frown deepens.
“Ah,” Ava says quietly.
The boy slows as he reaches their table, a smile on his face that someone might find charming. She studies Ava’s face. Does she find it charming?
“Hey, Ava,” he repeats. His voice is smooth, slightly accented. A traitorous part of her thinks of the time that Ava said she liked accents. “I was hoping to catch you after class.”
Ava smiles. “Sorry, JC. I was in a hurry. Had a lunch date.” She hooks a thumb in Beatrice’s direction. “JC, meet Beatrice, my best friend. Beatrice, this is JC. He’s my biology lab partner.”
JC. She’s never heard of him before. Ava talks about everyone and everything. Some nights, she talks until she falls asleep on the couch, her Hobbes stuffed animal clutched in her arms. It’s almost as if she collects stories all day just to tell them to Beatrice later. She knows about every one of Ava’s classmates, is - secretly - invested in her Literary Theory classmates, Robert and Nayara, and their on-again, off-again relationship. She knows about the librarian Ava likes, who doesn’t mind her iced coffee, as long as she uses a paper towel and keeps it away from the books.
But she’s never heard of a JC, or anyone who might use the initials JC.
And it’s not that Ava isn’t allowed to have friends. She is. She has plenty of them. She always says hello to at least fifteen people when they go out, either here to their favorite table in the student center or in the library or walking to the cafeteria if they’re getting lunch between classes. Ava loves people, loves knowing things about them. Beatrice loves that about her.
She just thought she knew all of them. Or has heard of them before. She certainly thinks she would have remembered hearing about Ava’s lab partner. It's odd, now, that she hasn't.
JC smiles at her, his eyes taking a moment longer to shift away from Ava. “It’s nice to meet you. Ava has talked a lot about you.”
Beatrice hides her smile at that. “Nice to meet you,” she says politely.
He completely turns from her, his job of mirroring her politeness gone, his job done. Beatrice finds herself studying him. He’s attractive in a conventional sense. A strong jaw, a good smile. Camila would have many things to say about him and Beatrice works to keep her voice out of her mind. She focuses on Lilith instead. 
Boys, she would probably sneer. Beatrice agrees.
JC runs a hand through his hair, pushing it back a little. Beatrice watches Ava’s eyes follow the motion and fights a visible frown. JC notices, though, and seems to preen a little in a way only university-age boys can when they find themselves to be attractive. She takes a centering breath. She doesn’t know JC. She’s sure he’s a nice person. She’s also sure he’d be a nicer one if he wasn’t standing at their table right now.
“I just wanted to know if you gave any thought to my question.”
“Ah,” Ava says again.
JC doesn’t seem bothered. “I know your rule on dating your lab partner. It’s a very specific rule but I think you should give me a chance.”
Dating echoes in Beatrice’s head like a slow siren, like the slow spin of a lantern in a lighthouse. It illuminates JC, floating in the ocean in her mind, with his charming smile and his hopeful eyes. Ava appears next, face unreadable. They rotate around and around until they’re in the same frame.
She blinks and Ava is staring at her, a slight wrinkle in her forehead.
Beatrice keeps her face neutral, unsure of what else to do with it. She certainly can’t shout no. She absolutely will not encourage it. She’s stuck in a sort of limbo where she isn’t sure what comes next and so she waits, poised and ready to do whatever is needed of her.
Ava’s frown deepens.
JC takes the silence and runs with it. “If it’s because you’re worried about things being awkward if it doesn’t go well - and that’s a big if - then you don’t need to worry.” His smile widens and he leans one hand down on the table, his whole body angled towards Ava now. “What do you say?”
Say no, she thinks. Tell him to go away.
Ava has been living with her for two months and Beatrice has been in love with her for at least half of that.
It took some getting used to, this feeling. It took many nights laying in bed staring at the ceiling and pretending like the feelings she had for Ava were just a friendship. An intense one, born of their proximity and Ava’s natural affinity for people in general. 
But love is friendship caught on fire, she’s read before. And her friendship with Ava is a living, burning thing. She knows their love would be incendiary, scorching everything she thought love looked like before.
If - and it’s a big if - Ava ever wanted to love her back.
Why would she? Why would she give up a world of possibility for Beatrice? She’s certainly nothing special. She’s disciplined, polite, considerate to the needs of others - all the things her parents wanted her to be. Ava wants someone free, a little brash, selfish in the right ways. Beatrice is none of those things, can’t even begin to think of how she could be. But Ava deserves to get what she wants after all those years of being denied even the simplest of things.
Beatrice just doesn’t have the qualities Ava could want. Friendship is one thing. Being in love with someone is another. Beatrice is hyper aware of the difference.
It doesn’t stop her from dreaming about it, though. It doesn’t stop her from wishing for it.
“What’s the worst that could happen? We spend the rest of the semester ignoring each other?” he asks, smile charming.
Yes, she thinks. What’s the worst that could happen between them? They could spend the rest of the lease ignoring each other. Ava would never look at her the same.
She’d have to go back to living her life the way it was before Ava - not the worst, but not as great as this.
“I don’t know,” Ava finally hedges.
Yes, Beatrice exhales in her mind.
JC leans forward a little more. “It doesn’t need to be anything big. We could go for one of those iced coffees you like. At the cafe near Venable?”
“She likes the one near the English department.”
Beatrice frowns. Surely that wasn’t her voice. But Ava and JC are both looking at her. So it must have been her. There’s a slight smile on Ava’s face, a slight frown on JC’s. Beatrice clears her throat.
“I’m sorry. I just…”
JC recovers. “The one near Eldridge Hall, sure. I know someone who works there. She can sneak us a pastry.”
Ava hasn’t looked away from Beatrice. “I don’t know,” she repeats.
Beatrice swallows. It’s fine. Ava is - well, not quite a grown up, but certainly not a child. Despite her propensity for Saturday morning cartoons on Beatrice’s Hulu account - which is ruining the algorithm of her suggested shows - and sleeping on the couch upside down like a toddler and eating, God help her, shredded cheese out of the bag after finishing half a gallon of milk without even pouring herself a glass, she is not a child. 
She can make her own decisions. And if that decision is- If it’s- Well. Beatrice swallows past a knot forming in her throat. Well. She can do what she pleases. Including this probably-very-nice-boy in front of them. She’s allowed to do that.
So she smiles tightly, her lips pressing together thinly, and tells herself to get it together. She keeps her focus on Ava and loosens her mouth and it feels a little more natural. She inhales through her nose. She can tell Ava that she’s free to do whatever she wants with whoever she wants.
“You do like a free pastry,” is what she ends up saying.
Ava’s forehead pinches, the corners of her mouth crinkling. “I do,” she says slowly, confused.
“An iced coffee and a pastry.” Beatrice says it just as slowly. “Both things that you enjoy.”
“I do,” Ava repeats.
Beatrice nods encouragingly. Her head feels like it’s on a spring, up and down and up and down. She’s worried it’s going to roll off. 
JC looks between the two of them, confusion on his face. Beatrice sees him out of the corner of her eye and her smile tightens again.
Ava is still staring at her, still frowning slightly. Beatrice forces herself into her most diplomatic smile. 
Don’t you get it? she wants to ask. Don’t you understand what I’m trying to say?
But Ava misses it. Because she breaks Beatrice’s gaze and focuses on JC instead. Beatrice thinks her smile is slightly dimmer. Or she’s just hoping it is. But it still doesn’t ease the pain of knowing there is a smile and it’s aimed at JC. 
She opens her mouth, but he beats her to it. “Listen, you have my number. I’m done with classes this evening. And then you’ll meet me for coffee, okay? And you won’t regret it.” 
Ava says nothing. JC pushes back from their table and smiles, hooking his hands back around the straps of his bag. His eyes wander to Beatrice and he nods politely before turning in a lazy circle and heading back through the crowd as the student center starts to fill up as afternoon classes.
Beatrice looks away instantly, busying herself with adjusting her notebook. It doesn’t need to be straightened out. In fact, she pushes it out of place and the pen Ava loaned her starts to roll across the table towards the edge. She reaches for it at the same time as Ava does.
Their fingers tangle and the pen is trapped under Beatrice’s palm. She pauses, every nerve exposed, and looks up to find Ava already looking back at her.
She smiles, mouth still wound too tight. “I’ve got it.”
“Do you?” Ava asks curiously.
Beatrice frowns, looking down. Their fingers are still slotted together, still laced over the pen. Of course she has it. It’s right there, scratching blue ink against her palm. 
“Because it seems like you’ve lost everything else,” Ava continues. “Like your cool, for instance.”
She pulls back minutely. “My-” Her eyes narrow. “What do you mean by that?”
Ava shrugs a shoulder. She only does that when she has a secret, when there’s something that Beatrice missed, a cue she didn’t read. “You do like a free pastry,” she mocks, her voice pitched low in a terrible approximation of Beatrice’s accent. “What gotten into you?”
“Oh.” Beatrice bristles. “Well, you do.”
“I know that. You know that.” Ava pauses. “Why does JC need to know that?”
Beatrice doesn’t have a good answer for that. So she makes one up. “Your potential suitors will need to know things about you. That is less a trivia fact and more of a necessity.”
Ava snorts loudly. Beatrice looks around, but no one seems bothered by the sudden noise. “My potential suitors?” She shakes her head. “Bea, honestly. No one talks like you do.”
She doesn’t make it sound like an insult. She never does, never has. She seems more entertained than anything, but not in a way that makes Beatrice uncomfortable or self-conscious. It makes her feel seen. And she loves to be seen by Ava. It uncoils some of the tension in her shoulder that she knows is radiating into her hand, tense under Ava’s touch.
Ava doesn’t move her hand. “Well, thanks to you, I think I’m going on a date tonight.”
Thanks to me. Thanks to the way she said Ava would enjoy herself. Thanks to her, Ava is meeting someone who isn’t her for a coffee at Ava’s favorite cafe where she only brings Beatrice. One of our places, Ava always tells her with a smile. 
“You can say no,” she reminds Ava, her whole body locking up again.
Say no, say no. She feels each word burn in her throat. But why would she? Why would she pick someone like JC over me?
Ava is still looking at her curiously, head tipped slightly as she studies her face. Beatrice holds still, face perfectly impassive from years of practice. She doesn’t move, doesn’t blink, doesn’t open her mouth and tell Ava that JC seemed nice but she deserves something better than nice; something spectacular.
Then again, she’s not sure that Ava would feel that way about her.
So she forces her face to relax. Works through each muscle until she’s smiling slightly and nods encouragingly. “But if you like him and can see yourself enjoying your time, you should say yes.”
“Do you want me to?”
The question cuts through her with the intensity of a perfect lightning strike. She pulls back slightly, the only indication Ava’s hand tightening over hers when it starts to slide away. Ava’s face has gone from curious to a level of seriousness usually reserved for her more difficult homework assignments, or when she’s trying to figure out something Beatrice said. 
“I don’t… I don’t think that’s my decision.”
“Well, you’re my best friend.”
Beatrice has never hated a description more in her life. She fights the visceral reaction she feels come alive in her chest. She is Ava’s best friend. She’s admitted that more times than her parents have told her they love her. The first time had been a surprise to both of them, almost too soon after Ava moved in. But it felt natural. Ava slotted into the unknown hole in her life like she had always been there.
But she’d set their whole foundation on fire if it meant one day she could be Ava’s best friend and, and, and.
She widens her smile, feeling like she’s playing a part. “Of course. But I suppose… Well, there’s no harm in trying, is there?”
Ava’s hand slides away now and the feeling that she said the wrong thing rushes in on her. 
“A very diplomatic answer, Beatrice.” She pats the top of Beatrice’s hand before she pulls it into her lap. “Remind me again why you’re not running for student government?”
Beatrice doesn’t smile. She simply touches her notebook, arranging it’s already perfect line. She looks down at the chunky-tipped blue pen sitting on the page, so out of place against the neat, thin, black lines of her notes. Suddenly the idea of writing with it feels overwhelming. 
“I think we better get to lunch.” She puts the pen in front of Ava. “Camila said she was going to meet us there.” 
She needs the buffer, needs to put space between them. Camila is the perfect distraction. Mary and Shannon would know instantly that something was wrong - and they’d corner her until she said what. But perhaps they might not; Shannon seems supernaturally in tune with her and there’s rarely a thing she needs to tell her. Lilith would read Beatrice’s hesitation and be annoyed. Or think it’s Ava’s fault and be cagey when she doesn’t need to be. Camila would be too polite to acknowledge the tension Beatrice knows is radiating off her.
Ava, mercifully, doesn’t argue with her or point out that Camila isn’t meeting them for another 15 minutes and the walk only takes 5. She pockets the pen again and packs her things away, waiting for Beatrice to zip her bag closed.
They walk inches apart, shoulders to themselves. It’s the longest 5 minutes of Beatrice’s life.
The door opens slowly. Beatrice looks up from her book, the one she’s been reading since Ava left; the one she hasn’t been reading at all. Ava slips through it, back turned to close the door quietly behind her. When she turns to the living room, she gasps.
Beatrice blinks. “Why are you sneaking back in?”
Ava is still taking deep breaths, hand pressed to her chest. “I thought you’d be sleeping.”
“At…” Beatrice checks her phone, frowning. “Eight o’clock in the evening?”
The tips of Ava’s ears go red just enough for Beatrice to notice. “Well. I didn’t look at the time.”
Beatrice looks out the window at the golden sunset. “It’s still light out.”
“You’re an early sleeper.” Ava sounds like she’s grasping at straws, the pitch of her voice rising.
“Not that early,” Beatrice says flatly. She slips her bookmark into her book, grateful to be closing it. “8 hours a night are important, but if I went to sleep at this hour, I’d be up at four in the morning. That’s too early, even for me.”
Ava toes off her shoes, kicking them towards the shoe rack at the door. One of them lands on the rack but the other bounces off it and away. Ava sighs, fixes it, and runs a hand through her hair when she straightens up.
“How-” Beatrice stops. She suddenly needs to be busy, needs to have her hands moving. She could open her book again, thumb through the pages. But tea sounds better. She stands, crossing to the kitchen and filling the electric kettle.
“I got you a coffee.” Ava pulls out a stool tucked at the breakfast bar, leaning forward with her chin in her hands. “But some kid on a skateboard crashed into me when he cut a corner and took the coffee down with him.”
Beatrice pulls two mugs out the cabinet, dropping a tea bag in each. “Are you okay?” 
“Just my pride.” Ava shrugs when Beatrice looks back. “But I’m disappointed. I got you a mocha chip frappuchino. Lucy put in extra chocolate chips.”
Something flutters in Beatrice’s chest, a sudden thought that overwhelms her: maybe Ava does these things because she feels it too. She pushes it down and smiles. “I do like when Lucy makes my drinks. But, maybe next time.”
Ava is quiet long enough that Beatrice wonders if she left. The kettle starts to whistle and she fills the mugs, balancing them carefully as she carries them to the counter Ava hasn’t moved from. She’s just uncharacteristically quiet. She hums a thank you and curls her hands around the mug, hissing when she finds it’s too hot.
Beatrice can’t help the fond smile; Ava is always rushing into things.
It’s why Beatrice knows Ava doesn’t feel the same way. She’s not rushing into this, not caught up in a whirlwind like she is with everything else. 
“Aren’t you going to ask me how my date was?” Ava finally asks.
I don’t want to know.
“How was your date?” she asks politely.
Tell me it was the worst date you’ve ever been on. Worse than the one you told me about where the boy slurped his pasta and sauce got everywhere; worse than the one where the girl tried to cast a love spell on you.
Ava shrugs. “It was… nice.” She blows on her tea. “JC is a good guy. I knew that already. But it wasn’t… groundbreaking.”
Beatrice is patient, letting her tea cool on its own. “Does a date need to be groundbreaking?”
“World-breaking.” Ava says it so quickly and fiercely, Beatrice has to blink. “It should be life-altering.”
“That seems like a lot to expect for a first date.” Beatrice points out. “At a coffee shop. With your lab partner.”
Ava shrugs. “Maybe I just have high expectations.”
Ones Beatrice can never live up to, it seems.
She smiles, hoping it looks warm and friendly. “You’ll have a hard time finding someone with an outlook like that.”
“I don’t know.” Ava takes a sip of her tea, hisses again. “I mean, a lot of things in my life have been like that. Getting out of the orphanage. Getting into school. Meeting you.” She’s staring at Beatrice now, a smile on her face.
She curls her hands around her mug and fights the way it burns her skin. She’s hardly earth-shattering, hardly worth that much. There’s no way she could be. But Ava is so earnest all the time, means things so completely. And if she’s saying that, Beatrice has to acknowledge that Ava considers her something great. A great friendship that Beatrice could never, ever risk.
But she feels herself flush all the same. “I’d hardly call it that.” She hedges around her next question. “So, no second date?”
She wonders if Ava hears the way her voice trembles; she can certainly feel it in her chest. 
But Ava doesn’t seem to, too focused on taking another, slower, sip of her tea. This one apparently doesn’t scald her tongue. She grins up at Beatrice, hunched over the steaming mug. She’s brought her legs up on the rungs of the stool and her knees are around her ears. Ava clutches the mug tightly to her chest.
She’s in love with a menace. 
“I don’t think so,” Ava says after a minute. “I mean, I don’t really have a reason not to, but…”
Beatrice breathes in deeply, steadying herself. She’s not a reason for Ava to say no. She knows that. “That’s not very encouraging,” she says instead.
Ava shrugs. “I don’t know. I’m not looking for anything to change right now. I want things to stay exactly as they are. Things are perfect. And if I went out with him again, I’d just be, I don’t know. Pretending.”
She takes another measured sip of her tea. She feels like she’s walking in the empty space between the points of knives. “You wouldn’t be happy.”
Ava shakes her head softly. “No, I wouldn’t be. How could I be happy if I was pretending all the time?”
Beatrice knows. Because she is. She’s pretending from the moment she wakes up to the moment she falls asleep alone and all the seconds in between. She’s pretending that everything she’s feeling isn’t consuming her from the inside out.
All the books she read as a child, all the romances novels she devoured in her bed with a flashlight illuminating the pages - none of it described the way it feels now. Love is friendship on fire had seemed like such a childish thing to say. Something arbitrary and insignificant. But now she understands what it’s supposed to mean, what she could never understand before with anyone else.
“You couldn’t,” she admits. She’s not lying.
Ava’s eyes are still piercing, still searching her face. She wonders what Ava is trying to find and she keeps the truth as far away from her as she can. Either she finds something else or she gives up, because her face breaks into two and she’s grinning.
Ava slurps her tea, smiling wider when Beatrice looks mildly disgusted. “Alright. The way I see it, we have two options: we have a sleepover night where you let me braid your hair and I let you paint my toenails.” She laughs when the mild disgust turns into outright horror. “Or, I get you back into that really nice sweater you were wearing earlier and we got off in search of a replacement mocha chip frappuchino?”
Beatrice abandons her tea almost immediately. “Do you know what time Lucy’s shift is over?”
Ava jumps off her stool, landing lightly on her feet. She doesn’t bother with sneakers, socked feet sliding into sandals. Beatrice thinks about telling her how ridiculous it looks: her mid-calf socks usually hidden by her high-top sneakers, and a pair of black slides; her jean shorts where the pocket hangs just a little too long past the hem; her crop top with How you lichen me now? hand-stenciled on the front, from the one botany club meeting she attended; her hair half-pulled back in a high top-knot; a crooked grin on her face.
She’s the most beautiful woman Beatrice has ever seen in her life.
And one day, someone else is going to get to call her theirs. Beatrice will be left with the empty space where Ava used to be, her own space in Ava’s life filled up with someone else. Someone better. Someone she wants to rush headlong into the future with. Someone she sees a world of possibilities with.
Beatrice will be happy for her. Or, she’ll exhaust herself pretending.
“Milady,” Ava says, mouth tripping over the sounds. She holds out her arm. “Will you accompany me on this chip?”
Beatrice rolls her eyes. “You hardly made an effort that time.”
Ava’s smile doesn’t falter. “One of these days, I’ll impress you, Beatrice. You’ll see.” She wags her finger at Beatrice. “And then you’ll realize how special I am. You’ll never want to lose me.”
“No,” she says quietly. Ava slips away to grab her phone, abandoned on the breakfast bar. Beatrice waits by the door, holding it open. “I don’t suppose I ever will.”
It’s inevitable. She’ll lose Ava to someone who loves her out loud, someone good enough for her. But she’s going to bury greedy hands into the moments in between and hold on for as long as Ava lets her.
“I think I’m going to tell JC it was nice, but we won’t go out again,” Ava says conversationally as they exit their apartment building, headed towards campus. “He was nice, but… I’m looking for better.”
“You’ll find it,” she says, believing it wholeheartedly. She unthinkingly maneuvers Ava around a crack in the sidewalk. “You just need to be patient.”
“Patience isn’t my strong suit.” Her hand slides to Beatrice’s, their fingers slotting together for a fleeting moment. “I don’t know how much longer I can wait. But I'll try.”
Just keep waiting. Wait forever, her mind screams. Don’t find anyone before I can be who you need me to be.
Ava takes in her silence and laughs. Beatrice frowns, not in on the joke, but doesn’t protest when Ava laces an arm through hers, pulling until their pressed together from the shoulder to their elbows, digging into each other. There’s no space between them, not for a slip of paper or a secret.
Ava hums softly, some tune Beatrice doesn’t know, but would guess is some new song on the radio that she’s never heard. Beatrice lets it bubble in her chest, sinks into it’s familiar warmth, and hopes that whatever God is watching over her lets her keep this moment for as long as she can.
And if he isn’t, she hopes he’s just not paying enough attention to realize she’s living on borrowed time and that she’s running out of it.
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doppel-doodles · 2 months
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Since everyone is making their own little version of the characters I thought I would join the fun for my Fallen crown Au! These were supposed to be quick little sketches just to get some ideas down but they still took me the whole day:'D will probably change as I draw them but I wanted at least something down on for the time being and I do like how most turned out!
Single versions plus some info and ramblings about each under cut for those interested:
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My lamb was mainly based on both, yes the actual player character but also the vibes of my own plathrough which were very "oh god who let this child be in charge?-" while I'll still mostly just call them Lamb I figured they should still have a proper name so I went with my friends @/tamaruaart suggestion as it suits them rather nicely! And most note worthy detail is honestly just the fact that they carry something from each bishops realm on their person now, I like to think they treat those items like little trophies:>
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Narinder is probably my weakest I feel like, he definitely needs something to give him some extra "ompf!". I basically made his undertaker fit a sorta reverse or at least loosely inspired by his white robes in game. I imagine he is very boney or a straight up skeleton underneath so he covers it all up beneath heavy fabrics, but because I lack subtly I still covered him in bones regardless-
And yea I kept the veil cause 1. It's a look and 2. It coviently covers up his now sewn shut third eye.
There wasn't much reason behind making him an undertaker, I simply thought it suited him, when your the former god of death you aren't exactly squeamish around corpses. Lastly the dark blues are there to contrast the other followers warm tones, as they kinda seen him as an outcast which is just fine for narinder he isnt exactly thrilled to be here.
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I'll put Leshy and Heket together as they were sorta designed as a set.Since they are both youngest among the bishops I sorta latched onto the headcanon that they get along pretty well and just stick together after getting into the cult so they just share a lot of their duties. So I gave them some matching elements like the puffy shorts but also stuff that contrasts like Leshy having looser clothing and Hekets being more tight. Or Heket getting working gloves with a little belt to hold tools plus a hat for the sun, meanwhile Leshy will happily dig through the dirt bare clawed in the sun for hours-
I debated on giving Heket an apron but honestly I think she would only wear one while cooking or tending the farm plots there is no reason for her to wear it casually, the gloves though stay for I reason I utterly love because its PETTY-
Literally the only reason she keeps them on almost constantly is because when the lamb asks she can be like "ew, I'm not touching you with my bare hands." Yes, my humour is broken moving on-
I also gave Leshy a cane just so he actually has something to feel around with when he is areas he isn't too familiar with so he isn't running into crap- on that note, Heket can speak a bit but not exactly loud or for a very long time without seriously hurting her throat, once I properly learn it I definitely wanna draw her using sign language.
Lastly bodies, Leshy was based off a previous drawing I made of him in bishop form, I simply made it less monsterous but he is in charge of chaos so he had to remain a creature- Heket is more straight forward, she is a frog and she is large and in charge.
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There was one reason why I made Shamura a tailor and that was the mental image of them sewing the bishops clothes when they were younger and dressing them up all cute.
I went for more pink colors mainly because I thought it better suited the purple and would make their red eyes pop! Honestly I really love their colors they remind me of a Berry! I've drawn shamura before but honestly the only things that stuck were the colors,face and then also the hand markings I did tweak their eyes a bit I wanted something more stern feeling.
For clothing I kept everything nice and loose, while they are the tailor I also love the idea that in their spare time they either teach the youths in the cult or are like the champion of the fighting pit because war is also their domain and they can be- so I wanted them dressed pretty comfy to deal with whatever may come! But still keep everything pretty mature and mildly fancy maybe in the future I'll do some fancy gold and silver embroidery to the pants because of that.
As for body type I wanted them to be pretty thin but unlike Narinder who is twink material under his cloak they have a bit more bulk on top to show that they can choose violence if they so wish-
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I adore me some pathetic but still serving men, honestly except for the cross on his belt I completely ignored the fact I made him a medic- If he needs to treat something gross he can throw something over to protect his clothes but just like Heket there is no reason for him to wear that while not working.
Otherwise my main goal was simply to make Kalamar look pretty and fancy. I debated on either short or long bottoms until I realized I'd have to figure out his tentacle situation, then realized I don't hate myself THAT MUCH so bro got put into a floor length gown, work smarter not harder kids.
If I have an excuse to give a character a shawl I will take it so fast.
His body type I mainly wanted to flesh out the roster so I tried making him very squishy and huggable looking, I debated on thinner so he looked more dangly and stretchy but that made him kinda to similar to Narinders build for my liking.
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justsomekpopstuff · 4 months
seventeen as a baseball team - part 2
A/N: I have had so many thoughts recently, I just had to share!
part 1 | current masterlist | fic recs
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team colors are white and serenity blue, and every now and again they get ones with rose quartz accents (its my au i'll do what I want)
their team mascot is something whimsical that has a cloud and diamond theme along with it
the whole team goes absolutely nuts the first time that center fielder!Dino gets voted into the All-Star Game
When they find out, they throw an absolute rager of a party in the locker room complete with champagne showers. When the All-Star game actually happens, instead of taking vacations, the entire team shows up to the game. All of them are wearing Dino's jersey, have their faces painted, and come equipped with horns and signs all cheering for him. It is the worlds most perfect Embarrassing Dad Cheering Section™️. Dino is bright red for the entire game because he can hear them from all the way across the stadium every time he takes the field.
third baseman!Wonwoo, on the other hand, despite being incredibly good, BEGS the fans to not vote him into the All-Star Game and Home Run Derby
He just really enjoys his time off...but alas, one year the fans absolutely do not listen, and he gets voted in with flying colors. He is, unfortunately, forced to go by catcher!Seungcheol. Despite not wanting to be there at all and tired all the time, Wonwoo ends up completely blowing the competition out of the water. In his final interview after winning the All-Star Game and receiving the MVP award, he begs the fans to never do it again.
the whole team holds a fun exhibition game every year during spring training where they all scrimmage against each other
The whole game gives major Savannah Bananas vibes, as well as that one kickball episode of GoSe. They have ridiculous rules like when the other team scores a point, the team on the field has to endure a "punishment" chosen by the fans. Inflatable costumes ARE used. Synchronized rehearsed dances are a must-have and they put their whole CHESTS into it. The fans love it and look forward to it every season.
right fielder!Joshua can always be seen playing catch in the outfield with some of the younger kid fans in the stands during warm-ups
He is very sweet with all of the younger fans, and has a reputation for always taking time to sign autographs and take silly selfies. He is, also, a chaos creator. He has absolutely stolen Red Vines from a child after making a catch that almost went into the stands.
starting pitcher!Woozi will deny it until his dying day, but he absolutely did cry the first time he threw a no-hitter
The whole team went absolutely nuts for him and stormed the field. Hoshi 1000% took pictures of Woozi crying. Woozi found out and threatened to absolutely kick Hoshi's ass if he ever showed those photos to another living soul. Hoshi listened.
first baseman!Mingyu has tripped running around second base more than anyone on the team...probably more than anyone in the league
There are multiple compilations each season of him tripping over second. He swears its an accident every time and that he does not trip over the base intentionally. The team places bets at the start of the official season for how many times he does it during the regular season. Winner gets all the cash pool and first pick of dugout snacks next season.
closing pitcher!Jeonghan has always been secretive about the reason why he wanted to become a closing pitcher
He will always say he wanted to be a closing pitcher because he loves the idea of being able to hold down the lead for the team, or give them opportunities to win. Jeonghan will swear that he likes being relied on and is good under pressure (which, to his credit, is technically true). However, the actual real reason he wanted to be a closing pitcher is so he wouldn’t have to run as much.
despite being injured, catcher!Seungcheol still attends every home game
He is usually sitting in the same place in the dugout, close to where the manager usually stands. Seungcheol, despite not being the manager, is absolutely yelling directions from his crutches in the dugout. The team will often listen to him better than their actual manager. The whole team is taking bets on whether or not Seungcheol will become a coach when he retires.
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mrsundays · 6 months
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I finally finished the redesigns. It took me a long time, but they are done, and that's all that matters. Now I'll proceed to talk about each of them because if I don't, I'll implode.
I approached the designs with the idea of not straying too far from the original designs, although I can't deny that I went a bit overboard with Pomni's design.
AND NO, THEY HAVE NOTHING UNDER THOSE CLOTHES, ZERO, ABSOLUTE VOID, LITERALLY LIKE A BARBIE OR KEN. But who knows, maybe one day I'll wake up feeling crazy, ahem.
She has undergone the most changes compared to her original design, the most noticeable being the hat. The reason is simple; I find it funny that the hat itself is larger than Pomni, making her look even smaller than she already is, which brings me to the other change.
This Pomni is much smaller than the original, reaching only to Ragatha's shoulders compared to the redesign, which barely reaches her waist.
The third change is the suit. The only things I kept were the pattern and colors, along with the bells on her torso. I liked the idea of giving her a design that constantly makes her appear smaller than she is, with only her head and forearms visible. Now she wears a "tunic" that also serves as a small skirt. In addition, her sleeves and pants are now loose, not to mention a more prominent "collar."
Finally, the pupils - one is red, and the other is blue, both accompanied by black. I don't have many reasons for this; I just liked how the black looked in her pupils when I sketched it, so I decided to keep it in the final design.
Now, a few details or ideas I have:
The bells on her suit make little sounds when she moves. They're not very loud, but somewhat annoying.
Pomni remains just as nervous and anxious, but now a bit more aggressive and impulsive. Why? Who knows.
During the first few weeks at the circus, she develops an intense fear of physical contact. Not only because of the strange sensation her own skin gives her but also due to other events that I can't talk about yet.
She's quite elusive, like a cartoon mouse. This is the only reason she can land punches on Jax without him expecting them.
SHE'S THE SAME, SHE'S THE SAME—There are only a few changes. To be honest, I really like the original design, and I didn't feel the need to change much. So, I decided to add a few more things because I enjoy adding silly details that end up saturating things, haha.
The most noticeable change is the white apron. Now it has certain seams all around her body, from her arms to her face, including her neck. Lastly, a small bag hangs behind her with all the tools a seamstress needs, out of necessity, like herself.
Other than that, there are no other significant changes to her design.
Now, with the little details/ideas:
Originally, she was slimmer, but after a small adventure in the circus, she discovered that firstly, she had polyester fiber filling, and secondly, if she added a bit more filling to her arms, she gained more strength.
Yes, she has the kitchen knife/machete, not just to scare a certain rabbit but also to cook meals sometimes with Bubble, the meals they eat after their adventures, with all the affection a ragdoll can give.
She once tried, along with Gangle, to make clothes for Zooble. It didn't turn out well...
Currently, she is the second-longest-serving person in the circus, only surpassed by Kinger. That's why Jax sometimes calls her grandma.
Same as with Ragatha, her red ribbons and mask are intact, with the only additions being the French beret befitting an artist of her caliber and a small cape that covers the top part of her ribbons. I don't have much else to say; I didn't have many issues designing her—it was just something I thought fit perfectly with her personality.
Little Ideas :D :
As the entire fandom agrees, she's an artist and probably watched a lot of anime before ending up in the circus. Yes, she has one of those pillows with a character printed on it in her room.
Every now and then, she draws the circus members, including Jax, and gives them as gifts. Although she has currently put this practice aside due to recent abstractions...
She has been in the circus for less time than Jax, and despite everything that has happened, she has been enjoying her time in the circus more than she expected.
She can take any form with her ribbons as long as they remain connected to her mask.
Pomni asked her to teach her how to draw. The reason wasn't given, but Gangle gladly accepted.
The purple rabbit, yes, he was a bit more complicated. Originally, I had the idea of giving him a shirt with a vest—a contrast between formal wear and his asshole attitude. However, I ended up discarding that idea and decided to go for a 60s fashion style.
The beret was something I seriously considered almost at the end of his design, and at least in my opinion, I think it works well with the rest of his clothing. I had to keep the jumpsuit; it was too characteristic, so I had to work around that piece, leading to the integration of the turtleneck sweater.
And finally, I made him furrier, and yes, he has a tail—a fluffy tail that he doesn't let anyone touch.
Now, you know what's coming:
See that pocket on his jumpsuit? It serves as a hammer space, so if he wanted to, he could store something comically huge there.
He's the best at carnival shooting games. No one has managed to beat him even once. The only one who used to give him competition was Kaufmo.
Don't tell anyone, but he has Gangle's drawing saved. He thinks it's a cute detail, but no one can find out, okay?
Before Kinger's wife's abstraction, he used to play chess with him or accompany him on bug-hunting missions, mainly with the goal of finding one to bother Ragatha.
Once, Zooble called him a furry. Jax locked himself in his room for three days because of that comment.
Zooble… was the main reason I took so long with this. I spent days trying to think of any changes, anything—giving them clothes, didn't like the idea; maybe changing their form, nope; a total redesign… no. And so, I was stuck for days until I decided to change absolutely nothing. They're perfect as they are.
But, but, but in the end, I made a few small changes. I decided to play with the idea that Zooble is a toy with removable parts, and none of the parts are from the same toy brand; some aren't even made of the same material, with their right arm being the prime example, a ragdoll arm with filling, something similar to Ragatha.
Also, now they have a built-in voice box in their torso. You just have to pull that light blue thing on their chest, and you'll hear a phrase that varies between "I love you," "You're the best," and "Friends forever."
I won't repeat myself with this, huh:
They were the one who had been in the circus for the shortest time before Pomni's arrival.
The limbs they have now are not the original ones; it took some time for them to find a combination that was comfortable to move with.
They strangle Jax at least twice a week; it has become a habit.
They dislike the lake, mainly because they don't have aquatic parts, making swimming very difficult for them. Plus, they have lost some parts at the bottom of the lake. Caine returned them, but something tells them that the ringmaster gave them duplicates.
He's perfect, simply that. His original design, despite being simple, I think is one of the best in the series. But I had to do something, so I decided to add two very small things.
First, a ring. No need to explain; I think it's quite obvious what it refers to.
And second, a belt to highlight the excellent figure he has, even if that belt isn't his…
Don't bug me, you already know what's coming:
Sometimes, he hums a song when lost in his thoughts, but it seems like some parts of the melody are missing.
He has managed to create a small encyclopedia with data on all the bugs he has captured, even with drawings made by Gangle at Kinger's request.
He knows what you are.
He takes long walks around the lake on his days off, perhaps in an attempt to revive memories of a better time, although he says he does it in search of an aquatic specimen to add to his collection.
Sometimes, Caine challenges him to an arm wrestling competition. Oddly enough, he effortlessly manages to beat the AI.
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excineribusbooks · 1 year
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we waste the same day like nobody dies by @magpieandwhale, illustrated by @cloudy-recesses
I've lovingly referred to this project as "We Waste the Same Day Like Nobody Dies: The Illustrated Edition" ever since its inception [mumblemumble] months ago (since, if you haven't seen it yet, @teleportbooks also made a beautiful binding of the same series!). magpieandwhale is another friend I've known for TWENTY FREAKIN YEARS somehow; I knew I was going to make her a copy of this as soon as she finished it, and I had the great joy of giving it to her in person last week while in her city for a family wedding ❤️
This was another design that got slammed sideways at the last minute by finding the perfect cover paper. Last month, Renegade Publishing had its first-ever retreat, which included plenty of paper for swap and sale -- and what should I find on the swap table but that incredible gold-and-black Art Deco-ish stuff? It fit so well with the titling I'd already done that I immediately switched it up from a full cloth binding to a quarter-binding, with an inset carved out of the board for the title to sit in. For contrast (and a little intentional clashing), I went with silver-and-black on the endpapers, to play with the idea of Xue Yang and Wang Haoxuan as two not-quite-separate entities with much more in common than either wanted to believe.
The spheres in the cover design reference a scene partway through the third story, "shatter what you will not carry":
Xiao Zhan twirls his pen and digs up a fresh piece of scratch paper. “Okay. Think of a ball of some sort.” “Make it a football,” Yibo says, bone-dry. Involuntarily, Haoxuan laughs. His real legacy, right there. Xiao Zhan scoffs. “Too complicated, I’m not drawing that.” He sketches out a sphere. “A ping-pong ball. One half is black, one half is white.” He draws a vertical line down the middle, giving it dimension, shading it into a half-moon. “Do you get it? Two colors, one ball. If you rotate it so one color is facing you, the other is still there. Sound familiar?” Haoxuan glances at Yibo; his gaze is fixed on Haoxuan, stolid. It bores into him. Haoxuan swallows. He dabs his face with a napkin. Xiao Zhan keeps narrating. His pen dashes across the image. “Okay, now spin the ball on its axis. It’s still the same ball, it’s still got both colors on each side. But now that it’s in motion, the colors blend. The ball is.” He wrinkles his nose. “Gray. Should have chosen better colors. But now it’s a whole new thing, still with its component parts. Are you following?”
And the art! THE ART. cloudy-recesses, thank you so so much for letting me include so many of your incredible pieces -- whether they were made especially for the fic or just so fitting that magpieandwhale yelled "THAT ONE! I LOVE THAT ONE!" as we were hashing out what to include.
You can read the whole series at the link above, and see a whole lot more of cloudy-recesses's art on their Tumblr!
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sataniquepanique · 2 years
New York, I Love You.
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Summary: Eddie plans a trip to NYC for your anniversary, but becomes distant once you land in the city that never sleeps. You know he's hiding something, but you're not sure what.
Genre: fluff, angst, older!Eddie
Warnings: mention of depression/intrusive thoughts
A/N: I'm getting married in 2 weeks (fucking yikes), so I wrote something based on my fiancé's actual proposal to take my mind off of planning shit for two fucking seconds.
“Have you heard about the theory that Van Gogh didn’t actually kill himself?” You chime, looking over the museum map, eagerly tracing an invisible tour path through the winding galleries.
“You’ve only told me about it a million times over the past seven years,” Eddie chuckles as he stares down the entranceway of the Museum of Modern Art. The two of you look incredibly out of place; stark white walls, juxtaposed with tattoos and leather. The soft squeak of your Docs reverberate through the winding hallway, adding to the anxiety that’s been building since stepping foot in New York City two days ago. Something was off with Eddie, but you couldn’t put a finger on it. It started at the airport, he had stopped talking after getting to the gate; chalking it up to nerves about flying, you ignored it. The first day in the city was the same, barely any conversation unless you initiated it, and even less physical affection on his part. Maybe he was still tired from the trip, or maybe he just hated the city? A third reason rears its ugly head and starts to burrow deep inside your conscious; maybe he was getting tired of you. After seven years of being together, of cohabitating in a small apartment outside of Hawkins, of two cats and a dog later, maybe the love of your life was pushing away. 
A hand on the small of your back snaps your attention back to the map. The 1880-1940’s collection is on the 5th floor, allowing you to traverse through the rest of the museum before seeing the one piece this entire trip was centered around.
New York City was actually Eddie’s idea, though it doesn’t seem so from his current disconnected behavior. A few months prior he had bounded into the living room, smiling like he had just won the lottery.
“Baby,” he sang in his best, most innocent voice, “how would you feel about going to New York City in July?” 
Your head slowly rose from the book you were buried in. His particular tone was usually only reserved for when he was already in trouble, or plotting something mischievous. 
“What’s your angle, Munson?” Shifting forward on the couch, your eyes narrow in suspicion.
Hand over heart, he looks at you with faux offense, “How dare you think so little of me. I just think we should do something cool for our anniversary this year.”
All your wariness fades to glowing endearment.
“Oh Eds, that’d be amazing! Of course I’d love to go to New York!” 
His face relaxes as he huffs out a relieved breath, “Oh thank god, ‘cause I already bought plane tickets—“
You smile at him, impressed that he had actually planned something ahead of time instead of waiting until the last minute like usual. You’ve been together almost 7 years, and as time went on celebrating your anniversary became less and less theatrical, now consisting of take-out from your favorite Chinese place and a movie of unanimous choosing. Low-key, comfortable, but still full of love, just like you and Eddie.
“—and I also reserved two tickets for the Museum of Modern Art.”
Your eyes almost pop out of your head, “That’s where—“
“—Starry Night is. I know, that’s why I’m taking you there.” He flops down onto the couch, throwing a casual arm around your shoulders as you melt into him.
For your entire life, or at least as long as you can remember, Van Gogh has been your favorite artist. Doing master-copies of his paintings in high school, trying to hard to get his technique just right, obsessing over his use of color to convey emotion. In college you majored in Art History, specializing in Post-Impressionism, spending long nights pouring over books about Vincent’s life and background. As much as you love his work, his story made him that much more intriguing. How a man struggled with such a tragic life and still managed to see the beauty in the world was nothing less than astounding. 
You’ve seen a few of Van Gogh’s pieces in person at museums in the tri-state area, but you haven’t traveled much further. Money’s been tight ever since you and Eddie moved in together a few years ago, but you’ve always had the bug, itching to go far away and see the world with all it has to offer. Eddie shares the same desire, always talking about dream trips and planning fake vacations, waiting for the day you can make them a reality. 
“Eddie, where did you get the money for this?” The thought of possibly spending rent money on plane tickets makes you panic, but he’s is quick to shrug it away.
“I picked up some extra shifts at the shop, we’re fine don’t worry.”
Eddie is usually very physically affectionate, constantly having a hold somewhere on your body; but through 4 floors of galleries he hasn’t so much as touched your hand. The lack of contact is all you can think about, barely able to take in any of the artwork you’ve traveled all this way to see. As you make your way to the 5th floor, Eddie trudges behind silently. The awkward tension is killing you, and you’re not sure how much more you can take.
Turning into the 1880s gallery, a small crowd of people gather around the far corner. A glimpse of familiar cerulean and marigold swirls, the same brushstrokes you’ve studied for years, peaks over the top of their heads. You swiftly push to the front, and all of the air is crushed from your lungs. 
It’s other-worldly. 
Every photo you’ve ever seen of The Starry Night doesn’t do it justice, not even remotely. The peaks of paint that dot the surface of the canvas, the brightness of each color, none of it can be properly depicted on the pages of a textbook. After so many years of studying this painting, seeing it in the flesh is almost like seeing an old friend. There’s a calmness in it, admiration mixed with giddiness.
You’re close to tears as you feel Eddie’s presence beside you.
“It’s amazing…” his voice is low, partly because of the subdued setting, but also in awe.
All you can muster is a nod as your eyes drag over every inch of the painting, committing it to memory. 
You have to practically rip yourself away, buzzing from the entire experience. 
Eddie waits by the entranceway with his hands in his front pockets, “Do you wanna go get dinner? I’m starving.”
“Sure,” still unnerved by his demeanor, your tone is stoic and emotionless, “Where do you wanna go?”
He scratches the back of his neck, something only done when he’s uncomfortable, “Uh, there’s this pub across 52nd if that’s cool?”
An audible stomach growl answers for you.
Eddie keeps a few feet of distance between your bodies, weaving through groups of people on the crowded sidewalk. You’ve never seen this many people in your life, even at college in Indianapolis. Growing up in Indiana, your hometown was so small that everyone knew each other, same with Eddie’s upbringing in Hawkins. City life always intrigued you, and up until this moment you had thought of Indianapolis as a “big city”; but it was nothing compared to New York. After high school you moved away to college to study art, choosing Indiana University for its busier atmosphere. 
A month after graduating with your BFA, you met Eddie by accident. Moving back home to live with your parents was the last thing you wanted, but finding a good paying job was proving to be more difficult than anticipated. 
Depression started to sink it’s disgusting claws into your psyche; you felt like a failure. 
One night, in a valiant attempt to bring some joy back into your life, your best friend dragged you to a bar in the next town over; the promise of live music and alcohol extremely enticing. Hawkins wasn’t known for much, except for the weird rumors about mysterious disappearances over the years, so you weren’t expecting much from this hole-in-the-wall bar. The Hideout was kind of gross, but in an almost endearing way. The floors were sticky and the air almost unbreathable, but the staff was kind, despite their rough appearances. The bartender chatted the two of you up for while, making jokes and letting you sample whatever beer you wanted to try, all while some metal band played on the rickety stage in the back. 
A little before midnight, the band had packed up and the crowd inside thinned out to just regulars and a few drunk stragglers. As you sat at the bar and waited for your friend to get back from the bathroom, a stranger sat next to you and ordered a beer, greeting the bartender like an old friend. After exchanging a few light-hearted jabs, the stranger smiled and looked over at you. 
“Cheers—“ he holds out the neck of the bottle towards you.
Taken aback by his boldness, you return a small grin, “Cheers to what?” 
He shrugs, sucking his teeth in thought for a second, “To metal? To surviving another gig? I dunno.”
The guitar pick around his neck catches your eye, “Was that your band playing earlier?”
He gives a shy nod, smile stretching wider and accentuating a dimple on his left cheek.
“You guys sounded really good,” You hold out your own bottle towards him.
“I’ll cheers to that,” he taps against yours, a small clink echoing in the almost empty bar. 
“I’m Eddie, by the way.”
“Y/n. It’s nice to meet you, Eddie.” Normally, you would rather die than talk to a random person at a bar, but there was something about this boy that drew you in. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was how ethereal he looked under the neon bar signs, either way you were captivated.
You stayed at the Hideout longer than intended, long after your friend had decided to go home. Eddie made you laugh with stupid jokes and weird stories, sharing your mutual love of horror movies and fantasy books. You were so enthralled that you hadn’t even noticed it was closing time. Apologizing to the bartender, you asked to use their phone to call a cab. Eddie immediately offered to drive you home, promising he wasn’t a serial killer when you profusely questioned him. 
The drive was filled with loud music and scream-singing on both of your parts, Eddie drumming on the steering wheel to the beat as you headbanged beside him. When he pulled up at your parents house, you quickly pulled a pen out of your bag, scribbling your phone number onto his forearm. He winked before driving away, having stayed a few extra minutes to make sure you got inside safely. Every thought for the rest of the night was consumed by Eddie; something was tying you to him, and you wanted to follow that invisible tether all the way to the end.
The 52nd Street pub was empty, something that was shocking upon entry, but you were nonetheless a little grateful for it. The quiet was a welcome change from the overwhelming sounds of New York, a small corner of solitude in the center of the city that never sleeps. Welcome almost as much, are the beers that you and Eddie down immediately. 
Though he normally cannot stop talking, Eddie is being uncharacteristically mute. You have to practically drag out any bit of conversation, forcing small talk until the food arrives and you can focus on that instead. 
After a silent meal, the portly older waiter drops off your check and strikes up a conversation with Eddie about your trip and why you were visiting. Eddie put on his polite voice, smiling and laughing along with man’s questions. This stranger was receiving more from him than you had in days. 
The nagging voice in your head struck up again: he’s tired of you.
You stopped paying attention to Eddie’s side-conversation as annoyance consumed you. There was an emerging throb in your head, the physical pain matching the emotional hurt of Eddie’s complete disdain towards you. At this point, all you wanted was to go home.
The sun was setting as you walk out onto the corner of 52nd, and you squint down the street searching for a cab. 
“Hey—“ Eddie smiled at you for what seems like the first time all day, “—wanna go to Central Park?” He points down the street, and you can make out the tops of the trees seven blocks away. 
You shake your head, “I’m really tired, and my head is killing me. I’d rather just go back to the hotel honestly.” 
Eddie’s face falls a little, and you feel slightly guilty, but then remember how uninterested he was all day. 
Again, he glances towards the park, “Are you sure? It’s just a few blocks away—“
“No, Eddie. I just want to go back to the room.” Your voice was stern, annoyed that he only now wanted to spend time with you. A yellow cab crested over the next block, and you raise a hand to get the drivers attention.
“I would rather share one lifetime with you—“ Eddie mumbles behind you. Only half listening, you swear he’s grumbling about not being able to go to the park, and it sets off a rage flare.
“—What?” You snap your head around to face him, eyes narrow and angry, bracing yourself for an argument.
He’s standing a few feet away, one hand in his pocket, the other holding up a diamond ring. Your lungs constrict, an audible gasp escaping as you stare at him wide-eyed. He grins sheepishly as you freeze in place.
“I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone,” He repeats, returning your stare with his soft brown eyes. 
“…are you seriously quoting Lord of the Rings to me right now?” You laugh, all tension leaving your body. 
“Did you expect anything less from me?” His deep eyes search yours, silencing the menacing voice in your head, “Marry me, Y/n. I love you more than anything—“
“—more than Gollum loves his precious?”
Eddie rolls his eyes and snorts, “Obviously, you fucking nerd.” 
Scoffing dramatically, you smile and take the ring from his outstretched hand, sliding it onto your finger. 
“Of course I’ll marry you, Eddie Munson. I thought you’d never ask.” 
Finally, after days of anxiety and frustration, he kisses you, smiling the entire time. You can almost physically feel the stress leave his body as you hold onto him.
Pulling back you grab his hand, interlocking your fingers, “Is this why you’ve been acting weird?”
He chuckles, “Yeah, I was super nervous. I honestly planned on doing it in front of The Starry Night, but I freaked out when I saw how many people were around.”
Your heart soars at the sentiment, and you look down at your hand in his, the little diamond sparkling in the fading sunlight. 
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the-spaced-out-ace · 6 months
Lautski Week - Day 1 (Blue)
You know the au where you see in black and white until you meet your soulmate? Yeah.
Teddy had said that school wouldn't be so bad go raise some hell. Whatever that meant. And even if there were any capability of that, Pete probably didn’t have it. The idea of actually going to school with people was already scary, and the principal deciding he was smart enough to go straight into the first grade with the big kids made it worse. Everyone was going to be taller and probably meaner. He’d never deal.
The drab hall lying ahead of him went on forever and ever, or so it would seem if he didn’t at least have shadows and the room numbers to rely on. So he watched carefully for room 12. That’s where the first grade class was.
He wondered how many of the adults or even way older kids saw things way more clearly. After all, they’d be old enough to date, right? And that would mean finding a soulmate. And when people meet their soulmate for the first time, they’re able to see colors. Teddy was able to see color for a few years, before Jenny disappeared. He didn’t speak on it much. But once when Pete asked what colors actually were, Teddy had said they made things so much brighter.
Pete found room 12 eventually, though. He opened the big creaky door and walked around, scanning for the desk with his name on it. All the desks were grouped in clusters of four. Three girls were already sitting at his. One of them said “hi” to him as he approached. As soon as he sat though, something in his vision shifted. The best way he could describe it was a splash, as if the change literally rolled down like the way small waves rippled in the lake if you threw a rock into it. And then everything was different. More diverse in a way he could have never imagined before. Maybe brighter.
Oh. Oh my gosh, he thought. Are these colors?
Pete briefly glanced at the girl who’d said hi before he sensed a strange spark and looked down again. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the light, cool hue on her dress. He looked up and out the window. The sky was the same shade.
Pete quickly decided that this color was his favorite.
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“What color is the sky?” Pete asked on the drive back to his parents’ house.
Teddy had picked him up. Pete noticed his car was the same color as the sky and his classmate’s dress.
“Blue,” Teddy said. “...why?”
“I think I see colors now.”
Pete knew of course, just how young he was compared to other people when it happens to them, but he didn’t fully grasp the weight until Ted pulled over at the nearest public parking lot to ask him about it, and if he was sure, and did he know who it was, and what does he think of color anyway?
Pete was fairly sure, and he didn’t fully know really because three people were at his desk group, and colors were so beautiful. He never would have imagined it was to this extent.
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Pete shut his locker, already so ready to just get to lunch. If he did, that would be the day’s halfway point, and after enough taunts from Jagerman, he was more than ready to go to Beanie’s like every other day.
Sitting comfortably in his place in the woodshop, Pete went over the sketch of the third stupid bird house he’d be making this year. Hey, Mr. Houston never told him to stop making them, and it was a bit more complex than two separate cutting boards, and since he was here to learn different techniques (even if Mr. Houson almost always gave an A anyway), then he was making progress.
Steph Lauter sat next to him. She’d been speaking to him more and more this year. And every time, it seemed less and less like a prank.
Until today, anyway.
“So,” she said nonchalantly, “Can you see the colors?”
His mind suddenly reeled. No one had ever asked him that. It really wouldn’t matter to anyone else anyway. He knew his soulmate had to be someone in his grade, of course, but who would want to be stuck with him? He truly felt bad for his soulmate, knowing they’d likely be cooler in every capacity. 
Especially Steph. 
So why was she asking him?
But Pete nodded. “Y–Yeah. I can. Since I was a kid.”
“So you’ve met your soulmate, then?”
“Logically, yes.” Pete looked down, trying to concentrate on his work. “Didn’t ever figure out who it is, though. Someone in our grade, that’s all I know.”
Sometimes part of him hoped it was her given how fluttery his mind could get when she spoke to him. Then he’d always remember, he was a loser, and she was Stephanie Lauter. What kind of match made in heaven would that be? Maybe yet another prank pulled on him, this one by the universe itself.
He eventually spoke up again “...can you?”
“See color?”
He nodded. She did too.
“Cool,” he said quietly. “...do you know who yours is?”
“Nah,” she said. She looked at him, smiling. “But I’ve got a good guess.”
Pete could feel himself going warm. He wrote and rewrote his measurements for his draft even more furiously. But he couldn’t ignore her forever. He sighed. 
“Y’know something?” he said. “One of the first things I saw after it happened was this dress you were wearing, because we were in the same class. It was blue. Then when I saw the sky I thought to myself, ‘if anything can be the same color as where outer space is, it must be good.’ Blue’s been my favorite color ever since.”
She stared at him, still grinning fondly. “Pretty clever for a kid, huh?”
He shrugged. “I still think it’s the prettiest anyway.”
The conversation started to fade there. The implications did not take much a further hold in Pete’s mind. It wouldn’t matter forever. Soon enough the universe would give him another chance to make it click for Pete, just how much that day in school when she wore the blue dress mattered to Steph, too.
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redisaid · 6 months
Learning by Doing
Uh, hi there. You guys voted for me to do bonus smut months ago and I forgot about it. Then I remembered and now we're here. Bon appetite. Have some very late pre-Third War elf love hotel sex magic fluff smut.
4709 Words
Read it on Ao3!
“This is a sex hotel,” Jaina observed, her hand still lingering on the ornate doorknob of the bedchamber of what was to be their private villa for the week.
“It’s a sex resort,” Sylvanas corrected, the buckles of their bags still slung over her shoulder jingling as she stepped behind Jaina to be greeted by the same view she was taking in. “There’s a hot spring, massage parlor, restaurant. You know, all of those sort of things.”
The view in question was of a massive bed, bigger than any Jaina had seen before, which dominated the otherwise warm and tidy room on the second floor of their own little spire. Unlike the sitting room across the way, which was completely lined with these, this room had only one large window facing a sea view, conveniently far from the bed. There was a doorway opposite it, no doubt leading to a bathroom. None of these things, however, gave away the purpose of the room.
No, that would be the arched alcove above the bed, inset with glass shelves, underlit by tiny magelights. From left to right, an assortment of bedroom accessories unlike Jaina had ever seen were on display, from more aggressively obvious ones such as a selection of dildos and restraints and paddles, to things she had to guess at the purpose of, like that rack of colorful potions in intricate little glass bottles.
And while Jaina would say that she didn’t necessarily dislike surprises, she was quite certain that this was not the destination she’d have guessed, or had any way of guessing, when her girlfriend had posed the idea of taking her on a surprise vacation. In fact, she had assumed and planned for much the opposite.
“You ass,” she said to the girlfriend in question, turning to find the Ranger General of Quel’thalas herself grinning and holding one hand up in some sort of apology.
“If you don’t want to be in a sex resort, then we can go,” Sylvanas offered. “Or we can just enjoy the spa activities and take this time to relax.”
“I packed for the outdoors. Hiking, hunting, fishing,” Jaina explained her offense. “Things one assumes their ranger paramour will take them to when they’re thinking of surprise vacation destinations.”
“You had talked about wanting to spend more quality time together,” Sylvanas retorted, her free hand still in the air, but shoulders shrugging regardless. The buckles on their bags jingled again. “And since you did so while you were about to pass out on my chest last time we--”
“I meant in general. And yes I talked about it in bed, and yes I enjoyed myself very much that night, but this was just not what I expected. I packed trousers and a sturdy jacket, not robes and negligees,” Jaina went on.
“Luckily, for this type of vacation, you don’t really need clothes,” Sylvanas noted, grin widening to the point of growing lopsided, the white of her fangs on full display.
How could Jaina stay annoyed at a face like that? The stern mask of the Ranger General had been gone before they’d even landed on the beach of this island resort, replaced by the goofy grins and cocky smirks of the woman few knew Sylvanas Windrunner to be. But Jaina got to see her, in bits and pieces like this, and regardless of the venue, would have enjoyed having a week of her to herself. She had to admit that doing so in a luxurious beachside private villa sounded much more pleasant than doing so in the mud of the forest floor.
“I can hear the gears grinding in your head,” Sylvanas noted. “So, out with those thoughts. Are we staying?”
Jaina leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. “Put the bags down, you unbelievable ass.”
A quick tour of the room told Jaina several things. One was that the large bed was both soft and firm at the same time, and the coverings that adorned it were a fine, soft linen. The connected bathroom was bigger than she expected, with a large soaking tub that faced a window overlooking the sea that would definitely see use later. It housed a collection of towels unlike any Jaina had seen before, but one she already found herself being grateful for. And as one might expect from a resort in the north sea, so near the Isle of Quel’danas itself, the entire place was buzzing with magic, absolutely alight with arcane energy. From the magelights that gave the rooms a soft and inviting glow, and could be brightened or dimmed with a mere word, to that rack of potions that still captivated Jaina, some aglow with that very magical energy.
Even her elven girlfriend seemed extra charged with arcane here, as Jaina exited the bathroom to find her sinking into the bed, eyes closed and limbs akimbo, seemingly testing the comfort of it.
Jaina took that opportunity to kick off her much too outdoorsy boots and climb atop her to explain herself. “I’m not mad,” she noted with a brief kiss on the bridge of Sylvanas’ nose. “Just surprised.”
“That’s the point of it being a surprise,” Sylvanas laughed beneath her, opening her glowing grey eyes to reveal that yes, the blue arcane sheen of them was a somewhat brighter shade here, somehow. “But I take it from the fact that you’re on top of me that it isn’t a bad one?”
“No. I think I can make the best of it,” Jaina told her with another kiss, this time aimed at the corner of her mouth. “Thank you for booking it.”
“You’re most welcome,” Sylvanas said with another laugh. “And if you’d like to take a moment before we start the festivities, there’s snacks and champagne in the kitchen.”
“We’re in a sex resort, Sylvanas,” Jaina noted, this time kissing the other corner of that devious little mouth, which had curled upward into a smirk. “You didn’t bring me here to eat snacks.”
“I suppose I didn’t,” Sylvanas answered, pulling her into a proper kiss.
Teasing the sharp tip of fang with her tongue, Jaina wondered at how they’d ended up here, or together at all. A chance meeting in Dalaran had seen her befriending Sylvanas not long ago, introduced to her in a hurry at a restaurant by her younger sister and Jaina’s friend Vereesa. The defender of the high home of the elves herself then was suddenly full of excuses to come back to Dalaran after that, excuses that eventually led her to the bedchamber of the Kirin Tor’s newest agent not long after that. And now to celebrate the first year of their relationship, they were sinking into the bed of what was apparently a sex resort.
And Jaina didn’t mind it at all. This, she decided firmly, was much better than camping in the woods.
“What do the potions do?” was Jaina’s immediate question upon breaking that lingering kiss.
Sylvanas laughed beneath her, wrapping an arm around her waist to hold Jaina in place through her laughter. “I saw you eyeing them. That’s the first place you want to go?”
“I can sense the magic in them,” Jaina told her. “And frankly have never encountered magic geared toward sex before. Call it an academic interest.”
“Always academic with you,” Sylvanas teased, plainly ignoring the request to fiddle with the buttons of Jaina’s sensible cotton button up she’d worn expecting a day filled with a different kind of physical activity.
The labels on the bottles were no help. Though Jaina could read the Thalassian script with ease, the names on them meant nothing to her. Serpent’s Kiss? Leviathan’s Hunger? Cloud Nine? Even in a place as nice as this, the names might as well have been the same as some cheap love potion sold on the docks in Boralus to lonely and ignorant sailors. Jaina could only hope these weren’t just tinctures of low quality rum and lavender, not that she had any idea what was in those dockside love potions, not at all.
“You’re avoiding my question. And here I got the impression that you once frequented this place. At least you seemed to be very familiar with the way to this villa of ours,” Jaina noted.
“I’m just good with directions,” Sylvanas misdirected, freeing the first and second buttons from their hold on Jaina’s blouse.
“The receptionist said, ‘Welcome back General Windrunner’,” Jaina pointed out, taking her gaze from the potions to grab Sylvanas’ hand and stop her quest to rid her of that sensible cotton shirt.
“I may have frequented this place with other guests in different times,” Sylvanas acquiesced. “But I especially thought you might enjoy it, and must confess I’ve wanted to take you here for some time now.”
“So what do the potions do?” Jaina pressed, and slid Sylvanas’ hand into her partially open shirt in appreciation for that honesty.
“There are a lot of them,” Sylvanas noted, the warmth of her fingers tracing upon Jaina’s clavicle as she leaned back to look up at the rack of glowing colors. “Where to start?”
“Surely you have a favorite?” Jaina asked.
The wicked smile that lit up Sylvanas’ face told her she did. “I didn’t think we’d talk about the potions right away. I was planning on saving that for a little later in the trip, but you did ask.”
“In the interest of furthering my arcane studies, I think that I must insist, Ranger General,” Jaina demanded, propping herself up into a sitting position to cross her arms while still straddling the elf beneath her.
“Then let us not leave you uneducated any longer, my lovely Kirin Tor Agent,” Sylvanas said as she sat up with Jaina, balancing her in her lap, but also turning to pluck a potion off the rack in a flair of dexterous grace.
Sometimes, it was worth it to have a lover who was a devious little ranger at heart.
Said potion was Serpent’s Kiss itself, a glowing teal mixture in a vial shaped like a snake curled around a tree branch. A display of glass artistry that was worthy of something far more grand than a sex potion, but Jaina had to remind herself that this was Quel’thalas she was in. Everything was beautifully crafted and ornate, and if anyone would make pretty vials for their magic sex potions, it would be the elves.
Jaina decided then that she rather liked dating an elf. Well, she’d decided that many times before in this relationship--once for the access to new artisanal cheeses alone that came along with her visits to Quel’thalas--but decided again.
Sylvanas swirled the vial for her, still grinning like a cat that caught the canary as the contents glowed brighter for her efforts, and whirled in a storm of arcane sparkle.
“Let me preface this by saying that we do not have to make use of this, though I think you’ll enjoy it too. I shall tell you that for one, I drink it, and the effects last for four hours, or until I drink another potion that will reverse any of these, that clear one over there by the towels. As for the effect itself, that is best left to be learned by observation, if you’d like,” she offered.
“Then drink it,” Jaina challenged, finding an eager grin making its way to her own face. “And let me not linger waiting on another surprise.”
“Clothes off first,” Sylvanas said, and reached for those buttons again with the hand not holding the vial.
The bottle of glowing blue-green liquid was nearly lost three times in the process of their undressing. Jaina caught it the first time it slipped from Sylvanas’ hands as she pulled her sleeveless shirt over her head. Sylvanas took it from Jaina the second time and nearly dropped it in helping her shimmy out of her leggings. Her solution to this was to hold it in her mouth, but her fangs proved unwieldy to the point where she had to catch it again in the process of removing Jaina’s bra.
All in all, Jaina was almost laughing too much to be as turned on as she was by the time they were naked.
It was always like this with Sylvanas. The other lovers of her youth had been so serious in the bedroom. Sylvanas rarely was. She was serious everywhere else, a stern and hard woman who was difficult to please in the training grounds and apparently impossible to defeat on the battlefield. But in the bedroom, alone with Jaina, she laughed. She grinned. She smirked and whispered wicked things and terrible jokes in the same breath to the point where Jaina didn’t know whether to sigh in pleasure or in disgust at her lover’s abysmal sense of humor.
But she sighed all the same, and loved her more for it.
Sylvanas gave the vial one more shake, exciting another surge of arcane glow from it before she popped the cork and downed the contents. “Again, there’s no pressure to do anything you don’t want to,” she stated as she took a deep breath after swallowing. “But I think you’ll have fun with this.”
This didn’t seem to be anything. Jaina wasn’t really sure why she had to watch a demonstration of this potion, though she hardly complained about looking at her lover’s body. Sylvanas with lithe and fit, with an archer’s broad shoulders, and muscles that formed a V shape from her abdomen pointing downward to…something new. A glowing teal appendage that was most certainly not there a moment ago, erect and ready.
“You have a dick,” Jaina noted most astutely.
“Excellent observation,” Sylvanas said with another laugh.
“Then what are all the dildos for?” Jaina asked, puzzling for herself as she scooted toward Sylvanas.
“Their own kind of fun,” Sylvanas answered. “Different from this.”
“Different how?” Jaina asked.
An answer came to mind in the set of Sylvanas’ lips and the way her tongue ran across them. An answer, like many, that was best found in observation. The construct between Sylvanas’ legs was warm to Jaina’s touch, as she wrapped an exploratory hand around it, and found that it had a pleasant texture in addition to the temperature. Not exactly like skin, but still soft, and hard where it needed to be. Buzzing with arcane in a way that was pleasant to her magically inclined senses, almost as if alight with a faint electric hum.
And the fact that Sylvanas let out a little grunt as she circled her thumb around the head of it told her what she needed to know. “You can feel it?” Jaina asked anyway.
“I can feel that that feels very nice,” Sylvanas told her.
A thousand questions sprang to mind. How did this work? What combinations of enchantments did that potion contain? How were they balanced so perfectly? And who in all of Azeroth had the time to figure that out?
Whoever it was, Jaina was most grateful for their work. Another stroke wrung a low moan from Sylvanas’ throat, and she decided that she was extremely grateful.
But she had one question lingering on her mind, far more pressing than the others. “Can you come with this?” Jaina asked.
“If you keep doing that, I just might,” Sylvanas warned, gently reaching for Jaina’s hand to still it where it gripped the arcane cock. “And to prevent you from asking the question I know will follow this one, yes, there is a result of sorts from that. I’m told it’s quite pleasant for a magic user, as it is arcane in nature. For that reason too, it leaves little in the way of mess to clean up. Very convenient.”
“One more question, I promise,” Jaina ventured, letting go to bring Sylvanas’ face to hers and draw her in for a kiss. “Me on top, or you?” she asked against her lips.
Sylvanas’ answer came in the form of further observation, and she sank into that offered kiss, and used it to distract Jaina from the tight hold she took of her waist, flipping her down onto the mattress in the process.
While the circumstances and venues in which that had happened before were different, Jaina enjoyed them all, but perhaps was most excited for this one. She was just as happy to be on top, of course, but being underneath Sylvanas was always a good time. Even better now if she could enjoy it at the same time.
They’d used their share of toys in the past, and those were fun. Not as fun as this, or the sigh Sylvanas let out as the construct rubbed against Jaina’s thigh.
She kept one arm around Jaina, holding her close, and braced herself up on her elbow. And for a moment, she just looked at her, smiling.
“What?” Jaina asked.
“I think this is going to be a wonderful vacation, that’s all,” Sylvanas told her before kissing her again.
And despite the stiff insistence poking at Jaina’s leg, she kept kissing her. Along her neck and jaw, dragging the points of her fangs over the rounded shell of Jaina’s ear. Peppering her collar bones with little red marks.
Jaina, for her part, was more than ready to experiment with this new magic and learn by doing, but she allowed this teasing. She encouraged it, actually, running her nails across the broad plane of Sylvanas’ upper back, kissing along her long, pointed ears. She enjoyed the softness of her too, not just her hard elven angles, but the plush skin of her thighs, her breasts, the tender spot just below her jaw that always made her hiss when Jaina sucked on it a little.
There was a reason she put up with this haughty, off elf of hers after all. Not only did Jaina love her, but she loved loving her. She was, in fact, very glad to be in a place dedicated to that act, and with a week to continue exploring exactly what all these potions did.
Though this one, she thought, would probably be a favorite of hers as well.
Jaina knew for certain it would when she reached down between them and ran a hand over the stiff length again, feeling Sylvanas go tense at her touch.
“Inside,” was Jaina’s breathless command, and one that she guided Sylvanas to follow.
The sensation was both familiar and strange. The sense of fullness and warmth and the familiar aching stretch were there, of course. But with them was a jolt of arcane energy that at first made Jaina want to jump, but then settled into a pleasant hum that flowed through her body. She felt like a harp string plucked, made to play a pretty note, only hers came out as a shuddering breath.
Sylvanas too, seemed lost in the sensation, entering her slowly and fully, then stilling for a moment. She gave one tentative roll of her hips, then another, before letting out a moan that transformed into a sentence, “Gods Jaina. You feel amazing. I should have taken you here earlier.”
“Please tell me that we can get more of this potion to go,” Jaina mumbled as Sylvanas moved inside of her again, slow and deliberate.
“I’ll buy us a case,” she promised as she hilted herself.
Sex of this sort was good. Jaina liked any form of penetration, really, but seeing her lover so clearly enjoying her for it was something else. Even the men she’d been with before weren’t so reverent in fucking her as Sylvanas was. Each cant of her hips drew a new sound from her Jaina had never heard before. A new whispered praise. A new prayer to gods both foreign and familiar. And for her part, Jaina couldn’t get enough of it. The cock, the compliments, the building of a too quick crescendo, roiling her abdomen as Sylvanas fucked her.
She managed to open eyes that had long since screwed shut to look down between them, both amused and aroused by watching the arcane glow sink in and out of her.
“This is incredible. You’re incredible,” Jaina told Sylvanas.
Sylvanas seemed determined to keep this slow rhythm, hardly changing her pace even as she hefted Jaina up a bit with the arm beneath her, changing the angle just a bit. But gods what a welcome change it was, as each slow grind of her hips gave Jaina some extra friction against her clit now. Sylvanas seemed to realize this, and thrust deeper in, hardly pulling herself out at all, in order to keep the pressure up.
“That’s…” Jaina didn’t have to say it. They both knew. They could both feel it now. Her in the way she tightened around the construct, and in the way Sylvanas’ rhythm began to falter.
But that brought another incessant question out from Jaina’s lips, one that needed immediate answering, because she wasn’t ready for this to be over. “Does it stay hard if you come?”
“Mmm, yes. But just for asking that, I will make sure you come first,” Sylvanas warned through panting breaths.
It was a threat Jaina was fine being on the receiving end of. One she didn’t really have much hope of countering either. Her body was on a determined course, and there was little that could change it at this point. Even as Sylvanas slipped down from her elbow, her full weight resting now on Jaina, it only made it better. Her hot breath in Jaina’s ear, Jaina’s lips and teeth on her neck.
Jaina felt her body seize and clench and gods was it good. Back arched, mouth open, and Sylvanas buried as deep as she could go inside of her, she came hard. Hard enough that she was sure the hand not fisted in the sheets left a trail of angry red against Sylvanas’ back, doubly so as the elf’s hips lost their rhythm and thrust fast and wild into her.
That was soon followed by a rush of warmth that filled her, both literally and figuratively. A liquid of sorts imparted a wave of energy across Jaina, tingling her from her toes to the crown of her head. She felt as though the ends of her golden hair might spark alight with arcane. And that she might just come again for the sensation of having made Sylvanas spend herself within her, magical as it was otherwise.
“Fuck,” was all she could say to express any of that as Sylvanas went limp atop her, save for the smile that curved in the lips against Jaina’s cheek.
They caught their breath together until Jaina had recovered enough to seek Sylvanas’ lips for a kiss. “You should have brought me here earlier,” she told her as she pulled away.
“I knew you’d like it here,” Sylvanas hummed back at her, cocky even as she enjoyed the afterglow, eyes closed, head nestling atop Jaina’s chest.
But Jaina was invigorated, nerves set newly alight by that surge of arcane. And the delight of discovery, of course. Sex magic, who would have known? The elves. Of course the elves.
A tentative roll of her hips told Jaina that yes, Sylvanas was still indeed hard, still inside her, and still quite sensitive from the little moan she let out.
But Jaina wasn’t quite done with her experimenting, or with her questions. And she also very much wanted Sylvanas to come inside her again, if it felt like that every time. How was this place not crawling with eager mages? Well, maybe she didn’t see many on their way in because they were busy in their own rooms. No wonder.
It was her turn to flip them over, cautiously. And while Sylvanas did slip out in the process, Jaina sat right back down on the construct as soon as she was atop her lover, eliciting yet another almost pained groan.
“So what do the others do?” Jaina asked as she began to roll her own hips.
“Insatiable,” Sylvanas scolded, even as her hands went to Jaina’s thighs to guide the movement.
“I like this one, but I want to know all of my options,” Jaina told her.
“I meant the fact that you’re already going for round two, but you’re insatiable in both regards,” Sylvanas scolded.
“You make an adorable face when we’re doing this, do you know that?” Jaina asked.
Said adorable face was highlighted by a pair of wide grey-blue eyes, pupil dilated enough that Jaina could see it beneath the arcane overglow even. Long brows furrowed against the sensation that must have been amazing, even if Sylvanas had experienced it before. Jaina noted that she’d have to ask her later if these elixirs would work on a human, because they would definitely be trying the reverse if so. But most tempting was a fan of silvery blonde hair that spread beneath her, one that Jaina couldn’t help but tuck behind a long ear as she rode her.
“Tell me what the other potions do. Let’s see how many we can get through before you come again,” Jaina challenged.
“You’re going to be the death of me before this week is through,” Sylvanas grunted, but began to meet her thrusts with her own all the same.
“Don’t make it zero now, that’s no fun,” Jaina teased, running her hand down from Sylvanas’ face to her breast, and eliciting another gasp from her for it.
“The red and blue are temperature play. Red makes you a little hotter, blue a little colder. They’re topical, not for drinking,” Sylvanas explained.
This was addicting. The rhythm of their meeting hips, the way Sylvanas’ face betrayed her pleasure every time Jaina took her fully inside. And the way she felt in there, hard and soft and buzzing arcane. Jaina could see now why the elves would be addicted to magic. Anyone would be if it came like this.
“The cold one sounds interesting,” Jaina noted.
“It’s awful. The warm one though, I do quite enjoy,” Sylvanas told her.
Jaina wanted to make a quip about elves and their love of all things hot, but Sylvanas thrust up in a way that brushed a spot inside her that made her buck unbidden, and she lost the words she was looking for.
“Purple…makes you float,” Sylvanas informed her, though her glowing eyes had shut once again, and could hardly see the color she was identifying.
Her hands gripped Jaina’s thighs, holding on for dear life. Holding her in place too, so that she kept hitting that spot. Holding her so that Jaina could barely get out a chiding, “That’s only three, love.”
“Orange gives,” a moan, a breath, a pant, a mumbled curse. “Mirror image spell.”
Jaina had to give in then, falling atop her lover to kiss the beads of sweat forming on her brow. Gods this feeling, this closeness, this symphony of magic and pleasure. She was going to have a hard time wanting to do anything else but this for the rest of the week.
“One more,” Jaina pleaded. “One more before you come inside me again.”
“Green,” was the only word Sylvanas got out before she did, in fact, come again.
The arcane rush and frantic thrusts that followed sent Jaina to her own soaring heights again too. One intense orgasm so quickly after the other was enough to leave her dizzy and limp, draped over Sylvanas for her efforts, sated but not, awakened to a new world which required much more exploring, but perhaps in need of a few moments rest before she could continue. A few moments she intended to enjoy being held and feeling full and loved.
“Green,” Sylvanas started again, but couldn’t catch her breath to finish.
“I don’t care about green. Green can wait,” Jaina mumbled into Sylvanas’ hair. “I love you and I love this. I want to do this until I’m too sore.”
“There’s a potion for that too,” Sylvanas informed her.
“I think I love it here,” Jaina observed, though it was up to her girlfriend to determine if that comment was about the sex resort, or riding out their arcane-tinged afterglow in her arms.
It was both, truthfully.
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babeeangel · 11 months
sitting on itzy's lap out of habit.
Yuna - fluff - 844 words
Other versions: Yeji - Lia - Ryujin - Chaer - Yuna
Yuna: would be the least surprised. Her eyes would definitely widen at first, but she'd quickly smile it off, wrapping her hand around you.
Finally i'm done with these !!! Idk what took me so long, i was dreading to moment i had to write them, but they were so easy ?? Anyways i'll concentrate on blue lock now~
You guys had planned this night since over a week. Everyone wanted to gather up for a good old movie night. The 6 of you each got to pick a movie, hoping that you’d manage to stay awake for them all. That’s why you got prepared: had a good night's sleep the day before, lots of sugary drinks and sour gummies. But you knew that pulling an all-nighter was going to be hard. So obviously the first movie would be the one you'd all pay attention to the most, and the sixth one… Might be the one you'd all sleep through. That's how Yeji got the best idea ever, as a leader does, even off-duty. You would play rock paper scissors, the winner playing their movie first, and the loser last. Lia whined: “I never have luck when it comes to these!”
“Actually that’s a great idea, unnie”, competitive Chaeryeong answered. My film is so good, I'd be sad if you guys missed it. “I chose LaLaLand, it’s a romantic classic, so you guys must know it if you want to know me”. Everyone gathered up in a circle, pausing the activities they had started. “Okay let’s do this, Yeji called. The odd one out is the winner. One, Two, Three !”
Everyone stuck their hand out, choosing one of the three signs. And the first winner was… Chaeryeong. RyuJin side-eyed her: “Tch, it should’ve been me. Flipped is a complicated movie, so we should all be concentrated. I guess it’s okay if it’s the second one in line”. “It’s okay unnie, you’ll get it”, Chaer sarcastically answered, matching with her competitive aura too. “Next round then !” Yeji brought order again. “1, 2, 3 !”
Ryujin won. She said she would after all. As she celebrated in her dongsaeng’s arms, the rest of you laughed, while Lia continued whinging, knowing where this would lead to. One, two, three !
But this time, both Yuna and Lia had the rock, while you and Yeji had paper and scissors. “Well I guess here goes a mini-rematch !” Yuna happily said. “I can't believe this'', perplexedly replied Lia. “1, 2, 3 !” Ryujin set the tempo for them. Lia shouted. “OMO, this is HAPPENING !” She won. Barbie the princess and the pauper would then play third. Yuna sighed and you guys continued on the game. Yeji would play her film, twilight, the fourth, then Yuna second to last with miracle in cell no. 7, and you would close the night.
“You know what you guys think, it’s okay actually, if we don't pay that much attention to me. I was planning on playing "How to train A Dragon.” As you said that, you slowly turned to Yeji, and everyone burst out laughing. She had a pouty look on thought. 
Everyone went back to their activities, a smile on their lips because the game was fun. Chaeryeong prepared the covers and pillows, while Ryujin was on tech duty, connecting the computer to the projector and opening illegal streaming sites for each movie. 6 pretty tabs, waiting for you, announcing the color of the night that was about to come - white, or black, it’s the same anyways. Yeji and Lia were preparing the snacks in the kitchen, opening up chips and putting them into bowls, and glazing strawberries with chocolate. In the meanwhile, you went upstairs to the room, to take everyone’s plushies and bring them back to the living room, now transformed into a home-cinema. Since everyone was handling everything, Yuna was kind of… jobless. So the only thing she thought of doing was turning the LEDs on, for a deepened ambiance. She took out her phone and connected it via bluetooth to the lights. She was just sitting on the couch, trying out different modes. 
You barged into the room, throwing the 6 plushies on the blanket-lined floor. Now you were the jobless one, your easy task already being completed. You saw that Yuna wasn't doing anything important either, and decided to go with her while waiting for the girls. As you walked over the soft floor, you made your way to the couch. Chaeryeong was finished setting the cushions, and decided to turn off the lights, to see what it would look like. Since the LEDs were on, you still saw everything. And out of all the empty spots in the living room, you decided to sit on Yuna’s lap. Chaer and Ryu didn't even pay attention to it, since it was so likely for you to do something like that. On the other hand though, Yuna got flustered. She let out a small “ooh”, but as you placed your hands behind her neck, hugging her, she softened. 
Her face was overtaken by a smile, and she crossed an arm on your waist, the other being busy using her phone. She rested her chin on your shoulder and chuckled, hoping you’d spend the night like this.
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hugsandchaos · 5 months
Please don’t freak out, @g1ggl3-c4t, but I made another one. I just love your idea so much!
I’ve decided to experiment with an idea I’ve had for a while and add in Uzi as a disassembly drone! We’ll call her Z for now, because U is a bit too confusing and I wanted to stay true to the whole “Serial Designation (insert letter)” thing. I’m a little proud of this!
The wind outside the window by the bed wailed and howled as it flew past the manor’s walls. The black curtains blocked out light and heat from coming in, but didn’t get rid of sound or cold as well. With the curtains closed, the stale, dark grey sky outside went unnoticed. Through the wind, one could also hear the snow falling towards the earth and being caught in the wind before hitting whatever surface they were thrown to, which sounded kind of like very light or faint white noise. The bed next to the closed window had red comforters and gold vine-like patterns on them, light and breathable, and the three pillows were of a similar design. Two of the pillows were arranged as a sort of soft shield against the headboard while the third was placed in front of them where they touched. Plenty of the old bedrooms were like this, many varying in color and design, and tended to only have a bed, nightstand, maybe a window, maybe a recliner, a carpet, and usually only had one bed. This one had those things, except the carpet. The recliner was placed to the left of the door in the corner while the window and the bed were on the right side of the room, and the nightstand actually stood by the recliner instead of the bed.
J sat in the recliner with her sketchbook in her lap and her pencil in her left hand. In the middle of the room, Z, N’s best friend who he thought was dead and some kind of member of a group from what J heard the two say, laid on her belly in an attempt to sleep with her tail wrapped around one of her own arms despite it containing acid. Z rolled off her belly and onto her back, her eyes closed but showing clear discomfort in them. After a few minutes, she stood up and walked to the nearest wall and laid down on the floor with her back pressed against the wall. She curled up to herself and wrapped her tail around her arm again. J looked up from her random doodles of reptiles when Z moved again. She took a look (for lack of a better phrase) at her internal clock and felt a little bad for the odd drone in the room.
She was built similarly to N, having the same tail, five semispheres, white hair, yellow eyes, but there were clear differences. For one, her legs weren’t built the same as his or a worker drones’. From her “feet” to her knees, there were diagonal caution lines. They kind of looked like boots, similarly to how the black metal with caution lines halfway down her thighs looked like shorts. She wore a dark grey jacket with a white dead battery with crossbones and icicles and dark faux fur lining the bottom. Unlike N’s coat, Z’s jacket was held closed with a zipper instead of a belt. She also had an old winter hat with a puff of faux fur. The two were best friends, so James trusted him to prevent her from causing as much trouble as she would like and allowed her into the manor since she had no stable place to stay. Obviously, they had separate rooms.
Z has been trying to fall sleep for over an hour now, but something seemed to be bothering her. The room was very cold, J believed she heard it was 10 degrees F while getting her jacket to be more exact, so it’s definitely not that. J sat on the recliner in the room while doodling in her sketchbook, so it’s not like she was taking over the bed and preventing her from sleeping in it or anything. Z actually tried the bed for a bit, but then got up again to move 37 minutes later. Z looked up at the chandelier and stared at it. After a few seconds, she yawned again and all of her sharp teeth were on full display for a moment.”Aren’t you nocturnal?” J asked, just to confirm.
Z turned to her.”Yes, but I can’t sleep!” She said. She sounded as frustrated as she had been acting. Her tail swung around in anger for a second and nearly scratched at the wall. J nearly sighed, also feeling a little frustrated, but not as much as Z. J was assigned the first shift to make sure Z didn’t overheat and start rampaging through the manor in search of oil, but the issue she was facing clearly wasn’t that. If J had to take a guess, she’d say that the issue was that Z was worked up about something and it was preventing her from falling asleep, just like N when he first arrived. That was a bit of a problem since one of the few things J believes she’s not good at is comforting people, let alone helping them sleep. She thought of asking Cyn or V for help, since they were better at this than her, but then she remembered something V said about N the other day. Something about one of the features both him and Z had, unlike regular worker drones. An idea popped into her head. She had to prevent a smirk from forming on her face as she began to put her new plan into action.
“I’ve got an idea. It’s helped a ton of drones fall asleep.” J piped up. Z looked at her from the floor and gave her a slight glare with a raised eyebrow. J closed her notebook and placed it and the pen neatly on the small table next to her. She stood up and walked over to the bed, taking a seat with her legs over the edge. Z watched her use an arm to gesture her over to her.”Come here. Lay on my lap.” She said. Z now looked even more confused than before. She stood up, not even looking very mad or distrusting anymore, just a little baffled.“Excuse me??” She asked.
“Just lay down, it’ll help.” J repeated. Z rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, but did as she was told. She walked over to the bed and sat down, then turned her body and slowly leaned back until her back was covering J’s lap completely. Her legs were on the bed and she had to lift her head up or she’d just let her head tilt downwards and rest on the bed uncomfortably. J grabbed a pillow and pulled it over to set it underneath Z’s head to support her head. Without much of a word, she then reached and grabbed one of Z’s arms. At first, Z was going to pull away, but J was quick to speak up.”I don’t know the exact details, but something about the sensation helps promote relaxation.” She “explained”. Z gave her a slightly suspicious look, but allowed J to keep moving her arm. J lifted her legs up enough to move her arm underneath and did the same to the other. Z looked at her very confused, but didn’t try to pull away.“This is going to feel weird at first, but if you try to relax, it’ll get you smiling pretty soon.” J said. She lifted Z’s jacket enough to expose her belly and placed her hands on the clear, smooth material keeping the nanite acid or whatever liquid it was inside. She noticed how Z’s arms tensed up for a second under her legs, but they soon relaxed again when she started to gently rub her belly. J used a bit of pressure as she moved her hands slightly up and down, just like the way her parents did to lull her into a false sense of security when she was younger. To tell the truth, she wasn’t lying when she said it helped her and other drones relax, but she wasn’t really sure if it’d work on Z. Since she hadn’t really argued much yet, J decided she’d wait a few minutes or so to see if she could get her to relax and think it was safe.
About five minutes later, Z looked pretty calm and relaxed. The tension had left her shoulders a while ago and she had closed her eyes as well to slowly drift off. Her tail, dangling over the edge of the bed, was wagging ever so slightly. It was pretty hard to hear, but if J listened close enough, she’d hear the faintest purr. Surprisingly, J thought it was nice to see her so calm and relaxed compared to how she usually is. Although this was mostly because she could finally strike. A mischievous grin made its way onto her face. J paused the belly rub to start scratching her belly. Z’s eyes shot open and she began laughing.”Pfft— Hehehehey!!”
She tried to close her mouth and suppress her laughter, but it was already hard to do that with how bad it tickled. J nearly let out an amused, mischievous giggle. It seemed that V was right, the lava lamp bellies were definitely sensitive. She could feel Z tug on her arms, but she couldn’t pull out. She must either be really tired or the arm trap thing worked better than J thought.”Snrk- knohohock ihit off!! Ahahahahahaha— mhmhmhmhm!!” Z snapped through her laughter. She bit the inside of her lip to try to prevent herself from laughing and turned her head to the right. J smirked. It was pretty fun to finally get back at her. She didn’t like how Z was trying to resist laughing, though.“What’s wrong? Does it tickle?” She asked. Z shook her head.”Mhmhmhmhmhm!! Nohohoho!! Mhmhmhmhmhm— Pftt-hehehehehehahahaha!! Mhmhmhmhm!!” Z struggled a lot to not laugh and tried closing her eyes and pretending it wasn’t happening. Her body shook with barely muffled laughter, making the liquid in her belly move around a little. The scratching was bad enough to make Z almost crack open and laugh, but she was determined to resist. Even though she was doing a terrible job. J raised and eyebrow.”Oh, really? Then you wouldn’t mind this?” She asked. She gave Z’s belly a squeeze.
Z pulled her legs up a little and finally let herself laugh.“AAhahahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha!! Dohohohon’t dohohoho thahahat!! Hahahahahahahaha!!” Z said. The squeeze made her laughter go up an octave for a second, and J was happy to have found this out.”That’s what I said when you held me in the air by my arms so Tessa could tickle me, and what did you do?” She asked. Both of them already knew the answer. The worker drone squeezed her belly again, then again.”Wahahait!! Hahahahahahaha!! Ahahahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha!! Hahahahahahahaha!!” Z pulled her legs up in attempts to protect herself, but it didn’t work.“What’s this? The big, bad drone can be reduced to a puddle of laughter with just a few squeezes?” J teased. A small yellow blush appeared on Z’s screen, clearly embarrassed. She turned her head to the left and scrunched up her shoulders in a poor attempt to hide her embarrassment. Recalling all the times N’s best friend had fought with her, J was pretty happy to finally find a weakness to “exploit”.
She continued tickling her for a good four or five minutes before she stopped the tickling, but didn’t lift her hands off Z’s belly or let her go.
Z’s laughter slowly died down and she turned her head to glare at her.“Ahare you dohone?” She asked angrily, giggling a little from the phantom tickling feeling. J raised an eyebrow and gave her an “are you sure you want to be talking like that to me?” type of look.”No, there’s still something I need to try.” She said. Z’s glaring expression suddenly changed to one of slight fear and she tried to suck her belly down, away from J.”Wait, what?! What do you mean you’re not done?!” She asked. J smirked and lowered her head. Z looked horrified when she realized what she was doing.”J, don’t you dare!!! Don’t— AAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEHEHEHEHEHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Z could barely talk through how hard she was laughing. She threw her head back and started kicking her legs, and J would be lying if she said she wasn’t worried about getting kicked. She wasn’t going to chicken out just yet, though. As she prepared another raspberry, she used one of her arms to wrap around Z’s upper abdomen to hold her still and lightly scratched her with that hand, just to add a little bit of extra torture. She took in another breath and blew.”AAAAAIIIEEEEHEHEHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
J looked at her and waited for her to calm down from hysterical laughter to tense giggling, still lightly scratching with one of her hands. She lifted her head and smirked at her.”One more, then we’ll be done.” She said. Z looked at her and watched as she used both hands to very lightly scratch at her belly. J shifted between moving her free arm around in circles and up and down. She was going to make her anticipate and wait for the final blow. It was one of her favorite things to do. To make it even worse, she lowered her head as if to get ready to blow one, but she didn’t.
After a few minutes, she glanced over at Z, who was trying to glare at her.”Hahaha! Ahahare yohohou gohohoing to dohoho it or nohohohot? Hahahahahahaha!” She asked. J raised an eyebrow.”Are you asking for it?” She asked. She gave her belly a small squeeze with her free hand. Z’s laughter went up an octave and she briefly pulled her legs back up. The small blush on her screen grew a bit bigger.”Ahahaha!! Ihihihihi juhuhuhuhust wahahant tohoho sleep! Hahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha!” Z said through her laughter. J lifted her head and faked a snarky, thoughtful expression with a small hum. She waited only another ten seconds to smile mischievously at Z.”As you wish!” She said. She lowered her head again and took in a deep breath. Then she blew.“AAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEHEHEHEHEHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Z howled with laughter and threw her head back. She kicked her legs wildly, somehow not hitting J, who was pleased with herself for getting Z to practically ask for it. She took another moment to calm down enough to stop moving so much, but once she did, she was left panting to catch her breath with the occasional giggle. J lifted her legs enough for Z to pull her arms out and scooted to the side so Z had enough room to curl up and protect her belly.
Z yawned again and looked at J.”Alright, now let me sleep.” She said, looking more tired than before. The worker drone did as she was asked and got off the bed so Z could try one more time to fall sleep on the bed. She walked over to the recliner while Z lifted the covers and crawled under them. Her tail wrapped around her arm again and closed her eyes while J picked up her sketchbook and pencil again to continue drawing. She would look up and check on Z thirty minutes later and find her finally getting some sleep.
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Jimin is dating Lee Saeon. They took a trip to Jeju together. Saeon was with Jimin in that leaked photo on the White Day, he actually gave off more "boyfriend" vibes than Jungkook, who was in the picture with them. Also, Gurumi (that one person who exposed Taennie) leaked more pictures of the two… Maybe he/she was trying to tell us something.
(I won't post the gurumi or white day photos but goggle has them)
You are the same anon who wrote me about Ong. I can hear the same color in your words. Hmmm.
It would be cool if you actually had real doubts and questions but I know that you are here just to be "chaotic". Say whatever you want, I don't have "traditional" views on Jikook anyway so I merely blink with your statements.
Either way, I will entertain you. But next time, bring an original idea and not bits of different asks that you've gotten from other blogs. I've read them all, anon lol
Lee Saeon did go on trip with Jimin to Jeju... but Sungwoon was there too. Why do people forget Sungwoon? Do you all think he is invisible? He needs to be a third wheel for Jimin and all his rumored "boyfriends"? They are all friends and friends hang out, it doesn't mean they are dating.
I actually have the White Day photo without the brown scribble thing in the middle. Saeon is not hugging Jimin or whatever people thought. If you think that they are giving more boyfriend vibes than Jikook, ok? I don't get that vibe. I don't think Jikook is giving boyfriend vibes either. No one is. They are all just kinda...there, to be honest. And there were more people there too...so?
But you can't tell a whole story from a still picture, video is better...oh, Jungkook said the same thing and he made gcfTokyo to prove that.
Has Saeon done something like that for Jimin?
Edit to add this sent by another jikooker:
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Still think Saeon and Jimin were giving boyfriend vibes?
Let's keep going...
But you know what is funny? The cap that Jk is wearing in the White Day photo, is one that Jimin has worn and is wearing in the gurumi photo.
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What is that saying? Couples that shop together stay together? Or sharing is caring, right?
Also, sweet Jimin had no idea that the White Day photo would be leaked after he left this nice little crumb for us on White Day in his insta:
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Jimin would be a crappy boyfriend and person if he posted a big hint of Jk instead of his "rumored" boyfriend. And I don't believe Jimin is that.
Also, this was the year that Jimin pulled the numbers during the Seoul concert:
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2315 days since November 8th, 2015. An important date for Jikook. So that's that.
I don't think that the guy in the gurumi photos is Lee Saeon. Has anyone confirmed it's him?
The eyebrows are different. The guy in the picture has thin eyebrows that are more apart and Saeong doesn't have eyebrows like that. And the shape of the face is off, and the side of the eyes is different too. The built of Seaon and the person in the photo are not the same. That's all we can go by, though.
There is too little evidence to even make an assumption on who it is. Jimin can hang out with people. It's called having friends and friends hang out, it doesn't mean that they are dating.
So no. The things you are mentioning are not evidence that Jimin is dating Lee Saeon (also Lee Saeon is not LGBTQ+).
And Gurumi started with the Taennie pictures because she wanted to expose Jennie and Tae then went on a power trip and started leaking random photos she and others had accumulated. Have you seen the other pictures she leaked? They are not incriminating either.
But yeah, anon. I still haven't seen enough evidence to convince me that Jimin is dating anyone other than Jungkook.
So unless you have some good evidence to show me...good bye!
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27dragons · 6 months
New Year Countdown: Dec 20
What's better than a pirate AU? A Stuckony pirate AU!
Dec 20 - Stuckony - Pirates AU - Bells
The Iron Monger was two days out from London, her belly full of fine cotton cloth and precious gems and other luxuries that had been paid for with swords and guns made with Stark steel. Tony was in his cabin going over the inventory for the third time, his thoughts growing more troubled by the hour.
A brisk knock heralded Obie’s arrival. “How’re we looking?” he asked, sitting on the side of Tony’s bunk.
“How did you do this?” Tony wondered. “These good are worth two, maybe even three times what we gave them.”
Obie scoffed. “And you thought my bartering skills were rusty.”
“I admit it, Obie, I’m impressed.” Obie’s blithe confidence only made Tony more nervous. The jewel trader had looked familiar.
“A good haul,” Obie mused, self-congratulatory, “and we’ll be back home in time for Christmas.”
“I suppose so,” Tony agreed. “What have you—“
The door opened again to reveal the captain’s mate. “Sirs. The cap’n thought you should know there’s a ship just come over the horizon, following us.”
“On intercept?” Tony asked.
“Too soon to say, sir.”
Obie hummed thoughtfully. “What colors?”
“American,” the mate said.
“Well, then they’ll likely be trailing us most of the way back home,” Obie said easily. “It’s good. If one ship runs into trouble, the other can help.”
“Mayhap,” the mate agreed.
“Keep us informed,” Tony said, and the mate bobbed his head before ducking back out.
“You don’t find that troubling?” Tony asked.
“It’s a big ocean, but there are a lot of ships,” Obie said. “We’ll watch. What else can we do?”
“I suppose you’re right.”
Tony found himself lingering on the deck, though, watching the slowly-approaching ship. She was fast for a five-master.
On the fourth day, with not a speck of land in sight, the trailing ship seemed to put on even more speed, and Tony woke the fifth morning to the frantic ringing of the ship’s bells. He stumbled up to the deck to find the crew scurrying around like ants around a disturbed nest. “What’s happened?”
“She changed colors in the night,” the quartermaster said as he came up behind them. “See for yourself.” He slapped his spyglass into Tony’s hand and strode off, bellowing orders at the crew.
Tony lifted the glass to his eye. The ship had come much closer during the night and its colors had indeed changed. It was now flying a flag to strike fear into the hearts of even the most stalwart sailor: a red star encircled with white, the rest of the field black as pitch. It was the flag of the pirate ship Avenger.
“Damn.” He had recognized that agent, then — the Avenger’s second mate, a woman as heartless and cruel as she was beautiful.
That did not, however, mean that all Tony’s fears were true. He folded the spyglass and went in search of the captain, to discover what he could do to help.
Their efforts at speed had been futile; it had taken the Avenger only another day to come close enough to demand that the Iron Monger stand and be boarded.
“Give them whatever they want,” Tony told the captain. “Nothing in that hold is worth your men’s lives.”
The captain nodded grimly, his gaze fixed on the pirates, particularly their captain and first mate. Tony had a difficult time looking away from them, himself.
Obie, however, had other ideas.
When the pirates had boarded, surrounding them, and the hulking first mate stood before them, Obie stepped forward. “Leave us the goods,” he said, “and you can have this one.” He waved at Tony.
“What?” Tony stared. “Obie—“
“The Stark scion,” Obie coaxed. “They’ll pay a fortune in ransom to get him back.”
“Stark policy is to pay no ransom,” Tony hissed. “You know that, Obie. Howard wouldn’t offer so much as a half-bit for me!”
Obie didn’t even glance at him. 
The pirate stroked his face, considering Tony thoughtfully. “He’s a pretty enough prize,” he said, “but difficult to split amongst the crew if Stark doesn’t pay up.”
Obie growled, and the pirate laughed. “Oh, we’ll take him, all right,” he promised. “And since he’s worth so much, only a tithe of what’s in your stores below.” He gestured to his men, who gave bloodthirsty grins. Two took hold of Tony’s arms, and the rest headed for the holds.
“Obie, you bastard!” Tony yelled, struggling in the pirates’ grips.
“I’m sure your father will ensure you’re returned to us soon,” Obie said soothingly. “It’s the best way.”
Tony swore and yelled until the pirates had wrestled him back across rails and onto their own ship. His hands were bound, but they let him stand at the deck rail as he watched the Iron Monger retreat into the distance.
He’d known things were peculiar, he’d known Obie was venal and selfish. But he hadn’t thought the man capable of such a betrayal.
He noted when the Avenger’s captain and first mate came to stand at his sides, but didn’t say anything, or even look at them.
The captain carefully untied the ropes binding Tony’s wrists, and the first mate took Tony’s hands to massage blood back into them.
“I hate to say I told you so,” the first mate said, “but…”
“Bucky,” the captain chided.
“Th’ bastard didn’t even blink when Natasha suggested it, Stevie,” Bucky growled. “I’m sorry, Tony, I am. But we told you Stane was no good. I wish we’d been wrong.”
“I know,” Tony sighed, and when Steve put an arm around Tony’s shoulders, he didn’t shake it off.
He hadn’t known who the pirates were when he’d met them almost two years ago, nor when they’d fallen into bed only a few months later.  The fallout had been spectacular when he did find out. They’d begged him to run away with them, to join their pirate crew. They’d sworn that Obie was too power-hungry to let Tony succeed his father as the head of Stark Steel. Tony had denied it, furious, and sworn never to speak to them again. But the seeds of doubt had been planted.
And now they’d borne bitter fruit.
Tony watched until the last of the Iron Monger’s masts had slipped below the horizon. “He’s going to kill my father,” he murmured.
“Most like,” Bucky agreed soberly. “What will you do now?”
“Do I have any choice?”
“You have every choice, Tony,” Steve assured him. “If you want to go, we can engineer an ‘escape.’”
“What if I want you to help me hunt him down?” Tony asked.
Steve and Bucky exchanged a look over Tony’s head, and then Bucky’s arm curled around Tony’s waist. “You goin’ to run away with us after all, darlin’? Be a pirate?”
“If we can catch the Iron Monger before she gets back to port,” Tony said, “then I’ll be anything you want.”
“Anything?” Steve asked.
Tony turned to look up at them, their expressions hopeful and worried and tender by turns. “Anything,” he agreed, and then amended, “Everything.”
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Hi! It's time for another fanfiction... And if you love crimes/solving crimes and a little hard detective Work this is the perfect one.🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️
Also, to see how Helen Hope B and mister detective Void meet for the first time click on this fanfiction as well:
This is set 6 months before detective Void got his mask, so he is an ordinary detective here.
Warning:If you hate/dislike snakes you better not read this!
This is actually the third part, the second i didn't wrote it yet 😅
I plan to make at least 10 fanfictions, they are not conan to the real detective Void lore, but for me they are because itis set in the same Universe...
The fourth part name is: The other side of the mirror
This fiction is set a month and 4 days later after the actually lore.
P. S:This fanfiction took the life out of me, lmao 🤣🤣🤣😅 Thank you for your support, you are the best sweet slice of cake!
Hope you like it!
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Title number: A box full of snakes-619
Fanfiction class:Euclid
Summary: 🐍🐍🐍👀Helen Hope B finds herself in a very strange case with none other than our favorite detective Void... 👀🐍🐍🐍
Disclaimer:I don't own detective Void, he is not my original character!! Find this cute original character on Youtube!!
The event was better than he hoped it It was the 15th anniversary of the company, a world-famous company, every guest had a good time, he was an old man at 62 years old with lots of responsibilities, one if his important guest madame Rossiya with her fiance mr Berliini, she was a lovely lady of about 47 years and he was the new director of a major Austrian bank just invited him at their table, they wanted to make a generous donation for the greenhouse where the exotic plants were keept, she was impressed by their colors and beauty, something worth conserve for the future.
Mr Greenmark also had been looking for him for sometime by now, the new reporters arrived and they wanted an exclusive report,it Was the moment everybody celebrate with a bath of confetti but in the moment the ceiling opened a male body not older than 49 years dropped, the wires nearly behead it...lt was a scene noone was gonna forget about too soon.
Three days later after the incident Mr Williard decided to open the tourist resort, 514 guests were invited all over the world, they have just received an operating permit from the emergency authorities, so all he had left to do Was to check the food, the lights if they were in the right position and of course the great speech which he wrote and rewritte all over again.
"Why so nervous old friend?"
Mr Greenmark was the second after Mr Williard in the great business, they have known each other since they were in their 30th.
Later that day the guests arrived, everyone were so excited, the good music, the lights, the atmosphere, some of them decided they will return again, the other already made up their mind to spend their honeymoon there, everything went well then it was time for the great speach however Mr Williard couldn't find his business partner Mr Greenmark anywhere and he made a gesture toward some staff to make a little search while he made his way to the microphone.
"Welcome to the Hazel willow tourist resort and also one of the largest laboratory where the anti-venom is prepared, we have a large range of anti-venom from at least 1471 species... The laboratory name is Lady-in-white such a beauty, and i am your host Mr Williard W. Monarch, my grandfather was a butterfly specialist, did his research on them all his life, clearly i choose something more dangerous. Enjoy your stay! I am ready to answer all your questions!"
"Sir, mister Greenmark is dead, sir in the west wing of the greenhouse...It's too horrible!"
Everybody turned their heads at the maiden that just come in while some of them gasped or returned a shocked gaze upon mr Williard, some of them even started to gossh, it was something neither of them would forget too soon.
"Poor fellow, being buried in a pile of venomous snakes... Now that is what we call a venomous karma death... All the bad blood between in and out you see...Well, till the police arrives we better check out our rooms for snakes and lock ourselves in them..."
"I agree, who knows who will become the next victim, poor mr Greenmark, rest in peace!"
People talked and gave opinions, that was everything you could heard in the next three hours, it was getting late and the luxury event waan't luxurious anymore after the macabre incident, yes, that is how they put it...Mr Williard was affected the most, two murders in the same place in such a short time, the police still investigated the other one, what a bad luck.
"Is everybody ready, well i would like to say a few words, now i know some of you are concern about all those snakes bites but we guarantee we are trying our best to control the situation, no snake can enter the resort, please don't panic. Now lot's of you asked me why this is happening well my opinion is that because of the hot sunny weather, the climate change, the rainy and dryness, snakes are active pradatory if they find food much easier they build their muscular mass, they shade more often and that creates a need for reproduction, with optimal conditions.The female snake can lay 20 to 60 eggs, in the wild the eggs don't usually survive so that is one of the reason of such many eggs, some of the eggs are infertile those are named slugs... Now it's time to identify some types of snakes like the coral snake, we have the picture in the left corner as you can see, the king Cobra on the right, you can see the beautiful head, magrove snake in the middle. "
"Mr Williard, may we have a moment... Your snake presentation was fascinating but i would like to know more about those snake accident..."
"Such a shame indeed, me and my good friends put a lot of efforts in this company, to be attacked by those creatures... What on Earth is going on?Imagine being bitten by a snake and then ended up hung, who would do such a thing and why?"
"Do you have a greenhouse, sir?"
"Oh yes, is where we keep some of the most rare flower species, my mother loved them, we are trying to protect them by giving them what they need, i am afraid that the ground quality had dropped in the past years. We need to be prepared for anything as humans. "
Helen was in her light blue dress, she looked for any sign of a potential anomaly on the guests that were coming, the heels was killing her, even if it was an elegant event she wish to have brought a pair of sneakers. It was some few moments later that she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning around Hope had found an interesting familiar face, this time he Was wearing a dark light mask which made her was sad a little, Hope considered the color of detective eyes very beautiful and unique, she couldn't understand why would detective Void choose to hide it.
"And what are you doing here? With another SCPs bussiness? This place is the last place i would expected to see SCP foundation members. "
Hope was taken back a little, the detective voice was a little cold and dark, that was strange for her, it was like he was there with her but still he was not.
She didn't wanted to make a scene, yes Hope was a little hurt, but it's not like she would actually admit it, It had to be diplomatic, the diplomacy was always the key to success.
"Look, i don't know why you are acting like a jerk, but not really...Well, yes, sort off... We intercepted some strange calls from this center being attacked by snakes..."
"Is that all? Is there something more about it and you won't tell me just because it is a foundation thing to do, who is the jerk now?"
"Why are you acting like this? You know very well if some objects are involve in this, how dangerous it can get... Clearly, you mister detective can't keep away from these anomalies..."
"It's nice to see how much you care!"
"I don't like it when people are getting hurt, i am trying to change something for the better..."
"You don't make such a good job..."
"Look forward mister detective, what do you see, those people are afraid, to think this all started two months ago when first Mr Williard found a strange gift box on his desk and when he opened it, it had sheded snake skin along with an actual dead venomous snake in it. Of course you don't have to believe me you can ask him in person. "
"Well, it's the moment we all have been looking for, before we end this i want to thank you all for all of your support even in those hard dark moments, on your seat you will find a box that is a gift from our company to you, dear guests, together we made a better year. I felt honored to be here with you today."
As everybody was preparing to open their gifts, looking at the box detective Void had a feeling about that, something told him to stay away from ot and his reflections kicked in.
"Wait a second, do not open the box! Hope the boxes now! "
Hope throw her gift box as well, the others were confused and some people started to scream, they could hear some kind of hiss coming and the first thing they thought was it might be a bomb.
"Those are taipan snakes, they are native from Australia."
"You know those snakes well, maybe we can work together, can i see the Laboratory where they recolt the venom from the snakes?"
The next day even When everybody took their breakfast the tension remain thick, the police told the Witnesses to remain in the building as if one or more of them could be the culprit behind all of those acts, they woldn't have been surprised even if they found a snake in their pot of tea.
"Chef inspector Daniel Sunrise and this is my young sergeant Jaxon, we are here to investigate the strange case of the snakes, we need your statement as well as your fingerprints, in this case everybody is a suspect, we are just doing our duty if you may follow us."
"Great, just great, please mister detective Void tell me you had worked with the police in the past... Now we have them on our tail too, great so freaky great. I am so tempted to use amnestics on them after all this is over, they could put us in the jail for something we didn't do...Oh, fuckk my life double it! "
"Hope don't be so drastic the police is not the problem here, we just need to be careful not to arouse suspicions, as far as they know we are cousins and that is all."
Detective Void and Hope could see that it was more to this story so they put aside the whatever Was going on and tried to work as a team, they both were mature enough, plus Hope felt much better with a familiar face, since she wasn't used to work alone, that and too many strangers.
"If you may take a seat, this should be quick, we still have 303 suspects to check them so first question is where were you at 8:21 pm this Tuesday?"
"I was with mister Gorenje talking about the big event that night unfortunately that was postponed because of the discovery and my cousin was waiting his turn for the karaoke number, you can ask our host, Mr Williard."
"Seems fine till now, let us see some ID cards, huh interesting seems like we have a private detective here, I swear that all detectives have this nature that anywhere they go, they will find a mysterious case."
"I would like to offer my assistance in this delicate situation."
"Fine by me, just don't mess up the scene, let us handle it and if you find anything let us know after all this is an official police department business not some detective work.Come on, send the next ones on the list, you two are free to go for now!"
"Ok, i am gonna put myself together! We have to work together to end this nightmare, like i said before those people are afraid, mr Williard is one of the nice people i have meet, always making sure others get their anti-venom if their life are in danger even if they can not afford it."
"Seems like I will take this case, with 4 murders in such a short time and 3 more victims, the police sure are not enough."
"Ahem, you won't be alone mister detective Void, i will help too, i always wanted to work with a detective in secret that is... I sincerely would love to."
"Fine by me, but no SCP foundation business...Also are you saying this only to make yourself feel a little better and find courage? "
"Is not like i can call them, if it's not an anomaly they don't care speaking between you and me and to answer your second question, it is an yes, snakes scares me."
"Great... Now lets find mr Williard office, somethong tells me that he is there, did he mentioned anything about the office?"
"Mr Williard i will take the case, along side with Ms Bright here, we will try to make everything in our power to find the culprit and help the police catch them."
"First thing first this has security cameras, right? I will go and see what the cameras caught and you Hope, i have a list of question s you may address of guests and stuff around here, maybe they saw something."
Thry have been searching and asking question for about an hour and 45 minutes till they finally meet again.
"Well, what did you find out, mister detective Void? Had any luck?"
"Well, not so much, it made me think that whoever is behind this knows well this place, but i found something interesting in mr Greenmark death. You see, mr Greenmark was all alone at the moment when it happened, noone was around but somehow he stumble upon a wire, i suppose it was a bit dark maybe he did not see it and the venomous snakes falls upon him."
"That is crazy indeed, maybe we did not find anything else because the police took the rest already, anyway i also found something interesting."
"I doubt chef inspector Sunrise would leave such an important evidence behind, so what have you found?"
"First Mr Williard and Mr Grinschmoire, the man who was the second death, had an argument two days before, a maid named Sylvia heard them and told the receptionist about it. Unfortunately, Sylvia has been missing for some time, everybody thinks she is sick or that she has left after the second murder..."
"That is strange, maybe Mr Williard hides something from us, he told us there was no trouble at all... And for this maid i wonder why nobody thought she could be dead as well till now?"
"Maybe we should call off today, mister detective Void, i'm tired from all this detective work...Hope you don't mind it but with so many snakes around here i'm feeling much safer with you."
"You can stay, it's not like i can make you leave in the first place, i will read all the answers and organize notes about everything we know so far."
"Goodnight and thank you!"
Even so, the truth was that Helen forgot to take a room, she though that she didn't need it in the first place, nearly almost 3 days without sleep, she just tried to be busy as a bee just to forget about something, anyway if she knows something about men Was that they have big egos.
"Good morning, ready for a new day? I woke up with this feeling which tells me that we are gonna find the last piece of clue to end it today, can not wait. "
"I just spoke with mr Williard, we have a new clue where we can search, i added to my agenda, are you ready for a trip Hope?"
while they were going detective Void saw a white-yellow substancs powder on a top of a rock, it was the same one found in the laboratory were some snakes were held captive, it was indeed odd to find it there since those snakes were caught in the opposite direction away from the place they were.
The door to the cottage was unlocked, but it was more like someone forcing entry, Scratch marks were present on the wooden door. So entering the cottage the two of them begone to search for anything usefull that may had lead them closer to the truth.
While searching detective Void tripped over a ditch almost would have fallen too if he didn't grab the first thing he could get his hands on, slowly revealing a nice nest full of eggs.
"Those eggs are tall, big and heavy, wonder which bird lays them?"
But he did not have time to find the answer When Hope started to speak, by the sound of her voice the detective notice she Was afraid of something.
"Mister detective, there is an anaconda... A 15 feet long life anaconda...Ahh!"
Her heart skip a beat, Hope was paralyzed by fear, the sharp snake tongue hissing at her and the huge opening mouth revealing its sharp fangs was a nightmare before her, she felt like a mouse.
Mister detective Void could see only the half of the body of the giant anaconda, the anaconda was in the position to strike probably it compare Hope with a heavy meal.
Before she knew it, Hope felt on a pile of something, the anaconda head look at her from above but the window Was too small for such a large body shape.
Helen couldn't open her eyes she still Was afraid, of course dealing with anomalies Was much easier for Hope, they have the technology and there were people she could count on, plus an anaconda that long could eat you in a second and you should know better than to provoke such a large snake.
"Am i dead? Am i in a belly of an anaconda?"
She did not dared to open her eyes yet till she felt a hand on her check, the detective wanted to make sure Hope was still alive and to assure her that there were no snakes near her, he sigh as for someone who was kissing the danger almost everyday Hope sure Was more pale than usual.
"No silly, you just passed out, come on, that anaconda won't bother anyone ever again!"
Hope slowly opened her eyes, finally he thought, they could move on, still she wanted to know What was hiding behind the pile on which she had landed.
A mountain of boxes beautifully arranged they were in front of them, and the detective knew, the only question remain Who brought them there?
"Well, at least we know what happened to the gifts that were suppose to be given, are you alright?"
Hope yawned, Who would have known that the cases were so energy-consuming, she looked at detective Void, clearly something was with him but she couldn't figure it out and it's not like they spoke about it. The poor detective must have been shocked too, that snake had been something she was sure they won't forget soon.
"Just a little dizzy, probably from that snake..."
"Put your hand around my shoulder mister detective, let me carry you, we come together, we leave together...ok?Just try to relax, you are too tense."
They reached the resort, mr Williard was waiting together with Karina also there was another police car near, they have been waiting for them.
"Do you need anything, water, are you hungry? I will speak with Mr Williard myself, promise me you will stay here."
"Incredible, an anaconda this tall takes some years and if they have enough food, what happened to the eggs? We can not let such a gene pass, having more anaconda like this it will destroy the eco-sistem."
"Yes, i know, we also found the gift boxes discarded and covered with an old blanket, we didn't found much i'm afraid.
Helen was in one of the dead point, if the detective was right this was the moment they finally catch the one responsable for the unfortunately incidents. It wasn't long before a shadow appear, it was fast, Hope had begun the chase...for her it Was now or never.
She had both of her guns with her, the suspect would have no escape from her, she was determined When she heard a bottle break, and initially thought it was detective Void.
"Well, what do we have here, i will take that... Do you recognize this remainder of broken shard, miss? I will only ask you once, judging by your face, I know you do so let's hear it! "
"I recognize it because i was in the kitchen before, but only because my detective cousin haven't a proper meal and i was worried for him! I told the Head chef if he could make some dumplings for detective Void, it was there when i saw the package with sealed champagne bottles to be given to Mr Williard guests in that evening. "
"How convenient that you just see these bottles, the same bottle with which my sergeant was hit in the head. What i am saying is that you both are liars, do you even know your so called detective cousin name, miss?"
"My name is Simon Angelo Smith, and my cousin Helen Hope Bright doesn't use my name when i do the whole detective work, please stop with this, you are on the wrong track here if you think she has anything to do with this attack!"
"That would make a cute story for children but i'm afraid the facts prove otherwise, hands behind your back miss, you are arrested!"
"Let her go, you have more important things like your sergeant laying bleeding on the floor."
"Hands up you, in the corner right now!I am the one who gives the order here, back in the corner."
"This situation is geting out of control, mister detective..."
They watched for more few seconds, there was when Hope used the B class amnestics on the inspector and his Sergeant, after they left the sergeant on the Infirmary, they put the inspector on a chair somewhere else for when he was going to wake up and left him there.
"There is nothing amnestics can't resolve, now the 24 hours are gone. So glad i have them with me."
Hope and detective Void decided to tell everything they know to Mr Williard, the poor old man was waiting for news like hot bread, the mam understood them and give them the keys.
As they split up again later that night Helen saw something moving, it was big and looked heavy, plus some pleople in uniform but trying to get closer another trap net full of snakes falls on her, lucky Hope knew exactly about it but the sound it made caught unwanted attention which forced her to flee from there.
"Mister detective Void, i saw something... Ah...Ugh, also i think one of the snakes bite me, i can not feel my leg anymore..."
The detective caught her, leaving Hope gently to the ground, then he took the out station he had at hand while trying to make sure the venom wouldn't spread any faster, mister Williard and a team of medics soon arrived after, Hope attempted to make some jokes, she didn't wanted to put more salt on the wound.
"Obviously for someone who got bitten by a venomous snake you are pretty chilling and vibing... Glad to see you are not the type who would scream their lungs out!" One of the paramedics said as a joke, it was nice to see someone agreeing with her, slowly turning her head in detective Void direction.
"See mister detective Void, i told you i am a tough cookie, not made of sugar...And why should i scream when i know everything will be fine, after all i have the best detective i could ever ask for right next to me and a dedicated rescue team!"
After a while only detective Void and mr Williard remain, the detective carefully planned the next move, he was very focus looking straight at the door, maybe it was time to put an end to this whole saga.
Mister Williard looked at the detective, him and the girl risked so much for the sake of his business and for the lives of the others, he had to encourage the young man somehow but didn't know how.
"It's lovely to see how much faith she has in you, as a young couple I assume...Don't worry we will keep an eye close to her, Hope is in good hand, now you can go and finish what you want to do."
Those words took him back, he slowly took two steps back, couldn't believe what he was hearing... Sure, he and Hope Were a little closer after all they have been through but a couple, the answer was simple: no.
"Am I that obvious?"
"It's just an old man thought, i used to be very protective of my sweetheart as well when i was young.When we, men, find the right person for us we don't know where is left and where is right anymore!"
"Alright, i am going to work on some paper, you know hospital related, don't move around too much, let the anti-venom do it's job and drink lots of liquid..." The nurse slowly put her hand on Hope left shoulder, encouraging Hope, while she left, Helen moved her head to the window, knowing the detective she couldn't stop being worried at what he might do all alone with the" vipers".
"Please be careful mister detective Void, don't get hurt!"
Detective Void enters the room, somehow he knows exactly what to expect, he didn't know how, he just did, the room colors gave him a headache and the smell of perfume, it wasn't like an ordinary criminal case where the walls were old and smelly with some visible mold.
"l must say i have found our marriage boring at one point, he was always looking at young women, do you know how boring that was? Even when it was our anniversary he couldn't take off his eyes of some maid ass or chest, made me sick...Tell me detective what would have been the point if we got divorced? why shouldn't i have all his money and even have more money from those sales? Elegance lies in snakeskin, shoes, coats, hats, purses, Wallets, i could have rule the world, me a woman, a fresh widow which doesn't give a penny for that weak pig cheater!"
"You bribe your husband and Mr Williard economic agent to do your dirty work just so you could eliminate him later. After you got what you wanted you left those papers in one of Mr Williard books as a clue for the police to find it later, so that they would thought he is the one responsable. Two birds with one stones!"
"Exactly detective and if you were smart enough, you would have left things just the way they are."
"Well, it turns out there's nothing more to say then..."
"Exactly. Goodbye detective!"
"What a wonderful terrifying experience we had, right mister detective? Also thank you for saving me again, i just can't keep my little tail out of trouble, don't I? So, um...would you like to meet more? It's not like you keep yourself out of the whole anomaly situations anyway..."
It's been a week since the police arrested Mrs Grinschmoire and the whole operation shut down, Hope felt better and she just finished her entire report of course without mention the detective, she knows Matei and Vivienne would not let her go that easy especially after she was bitten but Helen could live with that.
Chef inspector Sunrise and some other police fellow found the suspect in the middle of the room, her gun was five meters thrown away from Mrs Grinschmoire as she was on her knee looking like a crazy old lady, nobody could find an explanation, they also found a confesion voice recording type along side with money and a large snakeskin clothing range, soon after they found the rest of accomplices, unfortunately Sylvia was found dead.
"Speak for yourself, Hope i am busy..."
"Well, i tried, what can i say more? Just, try not to get yourself killed, alright? Hope we meet again, i can't wait for it, so much fun when you are around..."
"Before we take a different path again I feel like there is something else you want to say to me, your expression gives you away, so what is it?"
"I...Mister detective would you like to go and see... The next time we meet each other maybe we could go together and...Damn, it's much harder to say what i want to say... Look ok, since you like so much to... All those SCPs thing, maybe one day we could make a visit to this lovely place which is a SCP, it has an incredible view..."
"I have one question first:why me?"
"Because just don't ask, i don't have an aswer, i just want to show you the good part of the scps not only the bad one..."
"I will think about it and don't worry if i accept i will let you know after all i am a detective and i always have my ways."
"I would never thought the other way anyway, mister detective Void, till then take care, hope i will see you soon!"
They shook hands and then the door closed behind the detective, he had done well for now, sure never doubt himself ever again maybe after all this detective Void will find the right path to find what he has lost.
The end!
The simple drawing without text:
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1986harrington · 2 years
If you’re still doing prompts can I request #20?
Steve Harrington x fem!reader Prompt: #20: 'You won't be fun if you're dead.' Summary: You get a little too drunk at a party, Steve comes to your rescue Word Count: 1.8k
You weren’t sure who had called him. Your working theory was that Vicki - who'd you seen earlier over by the punch bowl, eyeing you a little judgementally as you filled up your cup for fifth time that night - had called Robin, who in turn had called Steve. 
Either way, there he was - standing on the lawn below, looking up at you with an expression coloring his too-handsome features that you couldn’t quite distinguish between blind panic and simmering rage.
Maybe it was a bit of both.
He’d arrived just in time to watch you clamber out of the third-story window and onto the roof of the Hennesey’s conservatory, which overlooked the pool. Before he’d even had a chance to call up to you and tell you to bring your drunk ass back down to ground level, you had pulled off your shirt and tossed it off the side of the roof, triggering a chorus of cheers and wolf whistles that made Steve's blood simmer. He’d shouldered his way through the crowd to the front, snatching the material of your shirt from the hands of a boy who had scrambled to catch it like a bouquet at a wedding. Steve stared the other boy down until he let go, jerking his head to the side as an indication for him to move out of his way, which he did silently. 
He was front and centre now to the show you were putting on, placing one unsteady foot in front of the other until you were teetering at the edge - the bright, white floodlights surrounding the yard blinding you slightly and making your already blurry vision worse. 
He’d called up to you then, shouting over the sound of the music still blaring from the party inside and the incessant cheering going on around the pool, asking you just what in the hell you were doing. 
You didn’t answer his question, instead squealing his name excitedly and yelling back down that you couldn’t hear him but “look at this!” as you lifted one foot from the beam you were balancing on, your leg extended out to the side as you balanced on one foot.
Steve cursed, hand running through his hair as his eyes darted around looking for the quickest way to get up there next to you, but then someone to his left tugged on his jacket sleeve and told him that it was a forfeit. That you’d been playing a game of truth or dare and Sean Hennesey had dared you to kiss him. You’d been pretty wasted by this point, but insisted you couldn’t - that there was only one boy you wanted to kiss and he wasn’t here.
Steve made a mental note to circle back to that once he had you safely back on the ground and his chest cavity wasn’t filled with a sickly sense of panic.
Instead, you’d opted for the forfeit, which was to jump from the roof into the pool. You'd seemed a little apprehensive at the idea, so various members of the basketball team went first, cannonballing in to assure you it was safe enough.
Once Steve had sent someone else inside to turn down the music and you could finally hear him, he called back up to you, asking you to please not make him come up there after you.
“Ohhh c’mon, Stevie! I remember the days when you used to be fun!” You hollered back, losing your footing slightly and throwing your arms out for balance.
“Jesus Christ," He muttered, taking a half-step forward on instinct, one hand still knotted in his hair anxiously. "Yeah? Well you won’t be much fun if you’re dead. Come on, get down from there already.”
You were giggling, taking one final step forward to the very edge of the roof and Steve swore his whole heart was in his mouth.
"No, no - shit - I didn't mean jump-" He was rambling, eyes darting between your position on the roof and the tiled edge of the pool below you, weighing up your chances of actually hitting the water and not the ground.
But when you looked down, suddenly it looked a whole lot higher than you'd previously given it credit for. Out of nowhere, you felt blood rushing in your ears, knocking off your sense of balance and sobering you up as the realisation kicked in of just how high you were. Your knees began to wobble, your arms that were previously by yours sides now lifted slightly to keep you upright.
"Fuck," You whispered. Then, a little louder - eyes darting down to meet his, watering slightly at the corners and some of the flush leaving your cheeks as the panic set in - "Steve, I don't wanna do this anymore."
Your lip was trembling, hands shaking and you were silently pleading with your eyes for him to help you.
"Goddammit," He groaned. "Just- wait there, alright? Don't move, I'm coming. Just wait for me."
Steve took off through the crowd, darting inside the house and heading for the staircase that would take him to the correct floor of whatever window you'd climbed out of. It felt like an eternity but it was probably only a few minutes at most when he finally flung open the door to the right room, curtains fluttering the breeze through the open window.
Steve made his way over, sticking his head and the top half of his body out the window.
He was so much closer to you now that even with your back to him and the music still playing, he could hear your little panicked breaths.
"Hey, it's me," He called out to you and your instinct was to turn and face him, but your foot slipped and you yelped, a sob leaving your throat as you steadied yourself and he lurched forward.
"Shit, no, no. Be careful, alright. Just, take your time. You're okay."
"I'm scared, Steve. Please, I don't like this."
"I know, baby. I know, but you've got to be careful, alright? Just listen to my voice and you'll be okay. I promise."
He watched as his words washed over you, the trembling in your limbs slightly subsiding at his promise, shoulders relaxing a little knowing that he meant it when he said he wouldn't let anything happen to you.
"Okay, I need you to take a big breath, as many as you need until your knees don't feel shakey anymore."
"Steve, I can't, please-"
"Yeah you can. I promise you, you can. I'm right here."
You took a few steadying breaths, closing your eyes and letting the sound of his voice ground you.
"Okay," You breathed. "What do I do now?"
Steve coaxed you through it gently - how to turn your body, how to bend your knees just enough that you could hold onto the narrow beam as you turned yourself around, standing back up slowing and placing one foot in front of the other until you were close enough to him that he could reach out to grab you. His strong, warm arms wrapped around you, held you tight as you closed the last of the distance and then you both tumbled back through the window together, landing on the plush, expensive carpet with a thud.
You were underneath him, the length of his body pressed to yours, his forearms bracing him on either side of your head and both of you were breathing so heavy it felt like your chests might burst.
"You know you could have really fucking hurt yourself?" Steve said after a few jagged breaths, eyes trained on yours. But there was no harshness or malice or reprimad in his tone - just dread, as if it was truly the worst possible thing he could imagine.
"I'm sorry," You mumbled eventually, breaking the silence that fallen over your laboured breathing.
"I know," Steve replied on an exhale, the back of his knuckles brushing the soft baby hairs at your temple.
"It was dumb." You continued, although you weren't sure why.
"Sure was." Steve agreed, a hint of a relieved smile tugging at his lips.
"Are you mad at me?" You spoke a little softer this time.
"Right now?" He asked, dipping his head down to push at your cheek with his before leaning back to look down at you again. "No. But when Robin called and said you were playing truth or dare with a bunch of basketball players? Yeah, I was pretty pissed." He laughed, and you laughed, and a little more of the tension was gone.
"But when she said you were on your way upstairs to jump off the roof? Then I wasn't mad anymore. Just scared."
You nodded wordlessly, your body feeling numb and tingly all at once and you didn't know what to say to that.
"I do have one question though. Then I can take you home and we don't need to bring it up again. Deal?"
"Deal," You agreed, curious as to what the question could be.
"Why take the forfeit? I thought you had like the biggest crush on Sean Hennesey." Steve asked, a knowing, teasing grin on his face.
You spluttered out a nervous laugh, eyes suddenly darting up to the ceiling behind Steve's head from your position still on the floor, desperate to avoid his gaze.
"I- Okay, first of all, that crush was so long ago-"
"You literally asked me if it was lame to put a note in his locker on Valentine's Day," Steve countered, laughing at how flushed you'd gotten.
"So? That was only like three months ago."
"Yeah, well..." You trailed off, one hand reaching up to push his hair out of his eyes.
"Yeah well what?" When you didn't answer after a few seconds, he pushed his cheek to yours again. "Huh?"
You weren't sure if it was the alcohol or the adrenaline or just the proximity of him lying on top of you with literally just your bra and shorts on, but you couldn't seem to stop the words tumbling out of your mouth.
"That had more to do with you than Sean Hennesey."
"And what's that suppose to mean?"
"It means-" You began, both your hands coming up cover your face as you felt your cheeks heat up before you let them fall onto your chest to look at him. "It means I wanted to see how you'd react to me potentially asking out another boy."
"Hm," Was all Steve said, replacing the knuckles that had been stroking at your temple with a thumb grazing along your cheekbone.
"So when you told Sean earlier that you couldn't kiss him because there was another guy you wanted to-"
You cut him off with your lips against his. Chaste and sweet and innocent, a simple push of your mouth against had his whole body melting into yours. His forearms were still bracing him above you, stopping his whole weight from crushing you, but his lower half was pressed to yours, and your arms snaked their way around his waist until your palms were flat against his back, pulling him down further.
You only lay like that for a few minutes, lips moving against each others until you were pushing your tongue into his mouth with a groan, hips pushing up into his. Steve sat up, cursing into your mouth with laboured breaths as he pulled you up with him until you were settled on his lap and his back was against the wall beneath the window.
You eventually pulled back for a breath, forehead resting against his as his warm palms stroked at the bare skin of your back and sides, sending a scattering of goosebumps along your arms and spine.
"That is why I didn't kiss Sean Hennesey."
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pearlypairings · 5 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEARLY!!! 🎉🎊🎂 the world is a better place because you’re in it.
Birthday prompt:
For the pairing - Jonathan and Chrissy 😜
Scene - baking a surprise birthday cake… but the two of them together, baking it for Joyce (instead of one surprising the other)
Dialogue - "put the icing DOWN."
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jonathan x chrissy || fluff, comfort, group hugs || 704 words
A/N: losty! you're always so creative, thinking out of the box and it gave me one of my favorite photocheer hcs now🥰 hope you like this one! JOYCE BYERS, our beloved<3
yesterday's prompt
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Chrissy’s face had three different colors of icing smeared from her cheeks up to her ears like a clown who couldn’t decide on a blush color and went with all of them. She’d been crouched at eye-level with the cake, three piping bags, and four icing spatulas for far too long. A bead of sweat threatened to blend the white, blue and purple icings together. Enough was enough, she was becoming obsessed. “Babe, babe.” Jonathan patted her shoulder gently. “Put the icing DOWN.” “One more minute, one-more-minute. I’m almost done with these peaks on the edge—they have to be perfect.” She pushed aside her frizzy bangs with her forearm, lowering the piping tip back to the top of the cake to finish the third decorative row. He helped her get those pesky hairs out of her vision, making sure to tuck the longer pieces behind her ears and smiling at how cute her forehead looked when she was focusing. Ever since she’d come up with the idea of surprising his mom with homemade birthday cake, Chrissy hadn’t stopped planning. Besides listing out ingredients and supplies to gather, there were at least half a dozen sketches she designed for the decorative top of the round cake. “She’s gonna love it no matter what, because we made it. No need to get stressed out over icing, that’s all. She wouldn’t want you losing your mind over something we’re all gonna be chewing up tonight.” Chrissy set down her tools finally and whirled around to look at him, exasperated. Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip while she stretched, straightening her spine from the hunched position she worked under.  “No, I know your mom is so good. Good to you, good to Will…” she trailed off to look at the sink full of bowls and utensils stacked high. “And she’s been so good to me, even though I’m not even family.” Jonathan sighed quietly, bringing her hand to his lips to kiss the sugar-coated, tired knuckles with a certain tenderness. “So that’s what this is about? You think you need to give her something perfect to deserve her affection?” “Well, I don’t know, no—maybe, ugh. I don’t know. I just want her to know I appreciate her and love her too.” Chrissy moved toward him, shaking her head and chewing the inside of her cheek like gum. “I’m being silly, aren’t I?” “Maybe,” he said, taking her hand to pull her in close and wrap his arms over her shoulders and down her back. “Or, maybe, part of you still worries that you have to earn things in our family. But the best thing about the Byers is that once you’re in, you’re in. There’s no escaping us once we care about you, we’re like.... a bottomless pit of endless concern and questions and surprise gifts of your favorite gum from the checkout counter. No strings—or perfectly detailed icing—attached.” “God, how did I get so lucky?” Her chin pressed hard against his chest as she embraced him. He didn’t even care that her flour-ey, sugary apron would wreak havoc all over his Smiths' shirt. He could stay like this forever if she wanted. “How did we get so lucky?” His mom walked into the kitchen from her shift, hearing Chrissy’s last question and answering the same exact way Jonathan would have responded. She shrugged off her dark maroon coat, dropping the bag she brought back and forth to work, and hurried over to squeeze them both, planting loud kisses on the tops of their heads. A sudden grasp nearly pinched his shoulder right off when his mom peeked at the counter from around their group hug. “Don’t even tell me that beautiful cake is for me!” Her voice poured out fast and soaked in joy. “You guys are too cute, baking together and making something so sweet for this grateful, old mom.” “Oh, we have candles for when Will gets home later,” Chrissy gushed, slipping her fingers between Jonathan’s. “And extra sprinkles if you wanted more of those and—” And Jonathan couldn’t hear the rest. He just kept thinking about how amazing the two women in his life were. He was the only lucky one here.
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